Travel Time and Delay Study Jonesboro, Arkansas Prepared by November 2007 For Jonesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 STUDY METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 1 DATA COLLECTION............................................................................................................................ 2 DATA SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS................................................................................................... 4 Point Speed…………………………………………………………………………...…………...…4 Average Speed………………………………………………………………………...…………......4 Delay………………………………………………………………..………………...…………......4 Traffic Volumes……………………………………………………..………………...………….....10 Travel Time Contours………………………………………………………………...………….....10 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................................ 28 APPENDICES Appendix A Delay Summary LIST OF TABLES Table 1 List of Roadways Selected for Travel Time and Delay Study………………….….1 Table 2 Summary of Total Delay and Delay Rate ………………….……………………….8 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Dash-Mounted GPS Unit for Speed and Travel Time Study ………….….……..2 Exhibit 2 Typical Data Sheet Downloaded From GPS Unit ………………………………..3 Exhibit 3 Average Travel Speeds ……………………………………………………………..5 Exhibit 4 Typical Speed-Delay Curve ………………………………………………………..7 Exhibit 5 Summary of Total Delay…………………………………………………………....9 Exhibit 6 Delay Locations …………………………………………...…………………….....11 Exhibit 7 Traffic Volumes …………………………………………...…………..….…….....15 Exhibit 8-19 Travel Time Contours ………………………………...………………..….16-27 Travel Time and Delay Study Jonesboro, Arkansas Wilbur Smith Associates was retained by Jonesboro Metropolitan planning Organization (MPO) to study and analyze travel time and delay on major area roadways in Jonesboro. The analysis of travel times and congestion is intended to form a baseline for evaluation of congestion on Jonesboro roadways as the region grows, and to allow strategic planning for mitigation of congestion. The study will also help assess current congestion mitigation needs of the region. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY/ STUDY METHODOLOGY WSA collaborated with the MPO to review peak hour operational characteristics on area roadways to help in selection of candidate roadways for collection of travel time data. Table 1 gives a list of roadways selected for travel time and delay study including the study limits, roadway classification and length of study corridor. Table 1 List of Roadways Selected for Travel Time and Delay Study Facility From To Classification Length, mi US 63 - Joe Martin Expwy US 63 Business US 63 - Joe Martin Expwy US 63 - Joe Martin Expwy US 63 - Joe Martin Expwy US 63 B north of Bono US 63 north of Bono US 63 B south of Bono Urban Boundary Urban Boundary US 63 B south of Bono US 63 south of Bono Urban Boundary Urban Boundary Lawson Rd - AR 158 Principal Art'l Minor Arterial Principal Art'l Frwy/Expwy Principal Art'l TOTAL 2.8 2.9 2.2 15.5 1.0 24.4 Highland Dr, Hwy 18 Highland Dr, Hwy 18 Southwest Dr Nettleton Nettleton Rogers Chapel Principal Art'l Principal Art'l TOTAL 3.1 3.2 6.3 Caraway Rd Caraway Rd Caraway Rd Caraway Rd Caraway Rd Johnson Ave Hwy 63 Matthews Ave Race St US 63, J Martin Exwy Harrisburg Rd BUMatthews Ave Race St US 63, J Martin Exwy Harrisburg Rd Stadium Blvd. Collector Collector Collector Collector Collector TOTAL 1.0 1.5 0.6 2.1 0.4 5.6 Dan Ave, Hwy 63 B Johnson Ave, Hwy 49 Johnson Ave, Hwy 49 Johnson Ave, Hwy 49 US 49 Business US 63, J Martin Exwy Main St Stadium Bvd S. of Brookland S. of Brookland Main St Stadium Bvd S of Brookland US 49 Business US 49 Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Collector 3.5 TOTAL 1.0 1.5 3.1 2.1 7.7 Stadium Bvd, US 49 Stadium Bvd, US 49 Stadium Bvd, US 49 Stadium Bvd, US 49 Stadium Bvd, AR1 Johnson Rd, Hwy 49 Matthews Ave Highland Dr US 63 Harrisburg Rd Matthews Ave Highland Dr US 63 Harrisburg Rd Lawson Rd Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l TOTAL 1.5 1.0 1.0 5.4 2.0 8.0 Church St Church St, AR141 E. Highland Johnson US 63 B Cate Ave. CR 306 Local Minor Art'l TOTAL 1.4 4.5 5.9 Washington Ave. US 63, Joe Martin Caraway Rd Minor Art'l TOTAL 4.5 4.5 Wilbur Smith Associates Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Table 1(Contd.) List of Roadways Selected for Travel Time and Delay Study Southwest Dr, Hwy 49 Southwest Dr, Hwy 49 Southwest Dr, Hwy 49 Southwest Dr, Hwy 49 Main St Main St. (One-way) Main/Union (One-way) CR 452, Allen Hester AR 349 Lawson Rd US 63, Joe Martin Highland Oak Ave. Johnson Ave. AR 349 Lawson Rd US 63 Highland Oak Ave Johnson Ave. Oak Ave. Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l Principal Art'l TOTAL 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.9 14.0 Nettleton Ave. Nettleton Ave Nettleton Ave Nettleton Ave Nettleton Ave Nettleton Ave US 63, Joe Martin Nettleton Circle Main St Stadium Blvd Highland Dr US 63, Joe Martin Nettleton Circle Main St Stadium Blvd Highland Dr US 63, Joe Martin Lawson Rd Collector Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Minor Art'l Minor Art'l TOAL 5.2 0.7 2.1 1.0 1.4 5.8 15.9 Lawson Rd Lawson Rd Lawson Rd Lawson Rd Southwest Rd Stadium Blvd Harrisburg, AR 163 US 63, Joe Martin Stadium Dr Harrisburg, AR 163 US 63, Joe Martin Hwy 463 Collector Collector Minor Art'l Minor Art'l TOTAL 4.0 1.8 5.0 0.6 11.4 DATA COLLECTION A data collection plan was prepared to identify the optimum sampling technique. The floating car method of data collection using GPS-equipped vehicles (see Exhibit 1) was used. In this method, the driver of the test car is instructed to pass about the same number of vehicles that pass him or her. This would help the test car maintain an average position enabling measurement of average speeds and travel time. Exhibit 1 Dash-Mounted GPS Unit for Speed and Travel Time Study The time of day and segmentation scheme was selected such that they are responsive to the adjacent land uses and general character of the corridor. The data was collected between April 17, 2007 and May 02, 2007 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and when public schools are in session. Wilbur Smith Associates 2 Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Multiple drivers were used to take the travel time runs to achieve average speeds and travel times on all corridors in approximately 15-minute increments. Typical peak periods selected for data collections were 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM for AM and PM Peak respectively. Mid-day travel time runs were also conducted on Caraway Road and Highland Drive between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. To collect the speed and travel time data, a vehicle equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) was driven at average speed in the traffic stream between predetermined origins and destinations. The GPS units were set to record the x and y coordinates and time of the test vehicle at every 0.03 mile (158 feet). The GPS unit also automatically calculates a travel speed representing an average travel speed across the previous 158 feet. The data collected is then downloaded to a computer for further detailed analysis. Exhibit 2 shows a typical data log in the GPS Utility software. Data Downloaded from GPS “Tracks” shows all the data points, while the “Map” gives a graphical display of the data. The labeled points on the map are intersections that were loaded before the runs. Exhibit 2 Typical Data Sheet Downloaded From GPS Unit Wilbur Smith Associates 3 Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Other information collected includes location of interchanges and controlled intersections, and special land use attributes of the corridor such as major industries or hospitals with shift work and schools and associated school zones. Daily traffic volume counts at numerous locations along the studied network in 2006 were provided by Arkansas Highways and Transportation Department. Traffic signal timings should be documented by the MPO to retain the signal control conditions at the time of the study. The information collected would subsequently be used to correlate the delay to prevailing volumes and other specific roadway characteristic. DATA SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS Point Speed The data downloaded from the GPS units were organized by route, travel direction, and time of day. Tabular and graphic representation of the point speeds along the corridors is included on the data CD that accompanies this report. This detailed information on the travel times at each 15-minute increment will allow for subsequent traffic engineering analysis. Based on the data collected, AM peak hour is determined to be from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM, Mid-day Peak hour from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM and PM Peak hour from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM. These peak one hour periods were selected to report the data results. Average Speed To compute a peak hour average speed, the speeds of each 15-minute travel time observation during the peak hour were averaged. The average speed (in miles per hour) is plotted against distance (in miles) to help identify the roadway segments or intersections where delay was experienced. The graphs showing average speed and posted speed are presented in the Appendix. Average speeds are also calculated on each route between major cross streets. A graphic display of the average travel speeds along the selected roadways between significant intersections is presented in Exhibit 3a and 3b for the AM and PM peak periods respectively. Delay Delay is experienced when the measured speed falls below the expected travel speed. For the purpose of analysis, expected travel speed is assumed to be same as the posted speed limit. As shown in the example in Exhibit 4, the area between the measured speed curve and the posted speed curve gives an estimate of observed delay (shaded in red) when measured speed is below the posted speed. Wilbur Smith Associates 4 Jonesboro MPO US 49 B 63 Bono US 49 B US Exhibit 3A Brookland oh ns on Av e 63 Nettleton Ave US 49 / Southwest Drive Va lle y Vie w EJ 30-40 mph Stadium Blvd US 63 Dr t Allas St y 40-50 mph 20-30 mph 10-20 mph SH 1 Ex pw 50-60 mph SH 18 E Highland Drive Caraway M ar tin Culberhouse Jo e 60+ mph Ka thl ee nS Washington Ave US 49 B Average Speed in the AM peak hour 49 Airport Rd / SH 351 63 US Church US B Main / Union US 63 Culberhouse Jonesboro Gee St US Speed and Delay Study US Ne 63 ttl et on Av e ive La ws on Ro ad SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\AMSpeedsMap_071607.mxd B 63 Speed and Delay Study US 49 B US US 49 Jonesboro MPO SH 230 SH 230 Bono Exhibit 3B oh ns on Av e 63 Jo e Nettleton Ave M ar tin y EJ t 50-60 mph Ka thl ee nS Allas St E Highland Drive Ex pw 60+ mph Airport Rd / SH 351 Washington Ave Average Speed in the PM peak hour 49 40-50 mph 30-40 mph SH 18 Stadium Blvd 63 US 49 B US Church US B Main / Union US 63 Culberhouse Jonesboro Gee St 20-30 mph 10-20 mph US 63 Culberhouse Vie w Dr SH 1 63 Av e ive La ws on Ro ad SH 351 US 49 / Southwest Drive Ne ttl et on SH 163 Va lle y US Caraway US Brookland SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\PMSpeedsMap_072307.mxd Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Exhibit 4 Typical Speed-Delay Curve Table 2 presents a summary of delay experienced during the peak hour for an average of the four peak hour runs on each route, including the delay rate in seconds per vehicle per mile. The delay is also represented graphically in Exhibits 5a and 5b for comparison between routes. Subsequent analysis can be conducted to analyze the 15-minute peaks with in the peak hours. Wilbur Smith Associates 7 Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Table 2 Summary of Total Delay and Delay Rate Route #1 US63 Joe Martin Expy. #1 US63 B (Bono) Directi on NB SB NB SB Time of day AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM From Lunsford Ave. US63 B BU63 South BU63 North AM EB Mid-day PM #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 AM WB Mid-day PM AM NB #3 Caraway Rd. SB #4 US63 B & US49 B #4 US49 B (Brookland) #5 Stadium Dr. #6 Main/ Southwest Dr., US49 #7 Church St. #8 Washington Ave. US49 B EB WB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB EB WB Mid-day Rogers Chapel Rd. Stadium Ave. Joe Martin Expy. PM Stadium Ave. AM University Loop W Mid-day Matthews Ave. PM University Loop W AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Wilbur Smith Associates US63 US49 B North US49 South To US63 B Lunsford Ave. BU63 North BU63 South Distance (Miles) 20.94 20.94 2.7 2.7 Main St. Cate Ave. Cate Ave. Main St. US63 Stadium Blvd. Stadium Blvd. US63 0.04 3 0.26 16 0.70 42 0.26 16 0.70 42 0.26 16 120 0.32 19 3.30 198 0.52 31 1.50 90 0.24 14 1.80 108 0.29 17 3.00 180 0.48 29 5.52 2.00 120 0.36 22 2.19 2.70 162 1.23 74 5.52 3.40 204 0.62 37 5.52 2.40 144 0.43 26 2.19 1.90 114 0.87 52 5.52 3.30 198 0.60 36 1.80 108 0.11 7 2.40 144 0.15 9 2.10 126 0.13 8 2.00 120 0.13 8 0.64 38 0.18 11 15.91 15.91 3.51 7.17 CR204 56 42 2.00 US49 Johnson Ave. 0.93 0.70 11 Lawson Rd. CR204 3 20 3.51 Johnson Ave. 3 0.05 0.19 US49 South Lawson Rd. 0.04 69 0.33 US49 North US49 56 1.15 30 6.31 US49 North 35 0.93 126 US49 B US63 (sec.) 0.58 0.50 6.31 US49 B North (Min.) Delay Rate (Min./ (Sec./ mile) mile) 0.03 2 2.10 Rogers Chapel Rd. University Loop W Matthews Ave. University Loop W Stadium Ave. Joe Martin Expy. Stadium Ave. Total Delay 7.17 10.51 10.51 1.5 1.5 4.77 4.77 0.34 20 0.10 6 0.69 41 0.20 12 0.58 1.80 35 108 0.17 0.25 10 15 2.60 156 0.36 22 1.50 90 0.21 13 3.30 198 0.46 28 1.90 114 0.18 11 2.40 144 0.23 14 2.90 174 0.28 17 3.10 186 0.29 18 1.70 102 1.13 68 2.00 120 1.33 80 2.00 120 1.33 80 3.00 180 2.00 120 2.20 132 0.46 28 2.00 120 0.42 25 1.70 102 0.36 21 1.90 114 0.40 24 8 Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas Table 2 (contd.) Summary of Total Delay and Delay Rate Directi on Route Time of day AM EB #9 Nettleton Ave. PM AM WB PM AM EB #10 Lawson Rd./SR158 From AM WB Strawfloor Dr. Lunsford Ave. Lunsford Ave. Strawfloor Dr. US49 PM (sec.) 4.30 258 0.35 3.70 222 0.30 18 3.60 216 0.30 18 12.19 10.84 US49 Delay Rate (Min./ (Sec./ mile) mile) (Min.) 12.19 SR463 E SR463 E PM Total Delay Distance (Miles) To 10.84 21 2.90 174 0.24 14 1.70 102 0.16 9 1.40 84 0.13 8 1.70 102 0.16 9 1.80 108 0.17 10 258 300 0 222 216 84 102 102 108 174 180 41 35 38 20 132 120 102 114 114 102 120 120 144 156 90 108 144 126 120 108 114 174 186 198 198 204 144 162 90 56 69 56 42 42 42 30 35 100 50 120 108 126 120 150 180 198 200 AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Total Delay (Sec./veh) 250 NB SB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB EB WB EB WB #9 #8 #1 US63 #1 US63 B #2 Highland Dr. #3 Caraw ay Rd. #4 US63 B #4 US49 B #5 Stadium #6 Main/ #7 Church St. Washington Nettleton (Bono) /SH18 & US49 B (Brookland) Dr. Southw est Joe Martin Ave. Ave. Dr., US49 Expy. EB WB #10 Law son Rd./SR158 Routes Exhibit 5a Summary of Total Delay in seconds per vehicle 120 120 68 74 80 80 80 100 0 9 8 9 10 7 9 8 8 11 6 12 10 15 22 13 28 11 14 17 18 28 25 21 24 21 18 18 14 36 26 29 22 2 3 3 3 20 14 17 16 16 16 11 20 19 31 40 37 52 60 AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM MidPM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Delay Rate (Sec./veh/Mile) 140 NB SB NB SB EB WB #1 US63 #1 US63 B #2 Highland Dr. Joe Martin (Bono) /SH18 Expy. NB SB EB WB NB SB NB SB NB SB NB SB EB WB EB WB #3 Caraw ay Rd. #4 US63 B #4 US49 B #5 Stadium #6 Main/ #7 Church #8 #9 & US49 B (Brookland) Dr. Southw est St. Washington Nettleton Dr., US49 Ave. Ave. EB WB #10 Law son Rd./SR158 Routes Exhibit 5b Summary of Delay Rate in seconds per vehicle per mile Wilbur Smith Associates 9 Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas The data presented in Exhibits 5a and 5b represent an average of four runs taken in the peak hour by different drivers. The total delay in the PM peak hour is higher than the AM peak hour in about two thirds of directional runs shown above. Maximum delay rate of 2 minutes per vehicle per mile was observed on Church Street (study route 7) due to its downtown location with 5 major signalized intersections in the short 1.5 mile study corridor. US 63 (study route 1) operates with minimal delay during the AM and PM peak hours. A detailed analysis of delay was also conducted for each route to calculate delay at major intersections. For isolated intersections, the delay is calculated in the vicinity of the intersection from the point where deceleration begins before the intersection, to the point where normal travel speed is regained after crossing the intersection, capturing delay during deceleration, stopped delay as well as start up delay. At locations where, the intersections are located close together, the delay was calculated for the entire group of intersections due to queue interactions between the closely spaced intersections. Exhibits 6a and 6b identify segments of study routes where delay is observed in the AM and PM peak hour, respectively, and shows the magnitude of delay in seconds per vehicle per mile. The delay experienced at these segments is a result of lower measured average speeds during the peak hour as compared to the posted speeds. The amount of speed reductions at the delay locations is shown in Exhibits 6c and 6d for AM and PM peak hour, respectively. A detailed analysis of delay for each route is given in the Appendix. Traffic Volumes The traffic volumes on the roadways under evaluation were compiled for subsequent analysis of the contributing factors of delay and potential mitigative measures. These 2006 traffic volumes were provided by the Arkansas Highways and Transportation Department from its annual traffic counts done for the region. The traffic volumes for the roadways in this study are presented graphically in Exhibit 7. These volumes and those of other area roadways are contained on the CD that accompanied this report. Travel Time Contours Travel time to key destinations in the region is an indicator of roadway network system performance. Travel time estimates were developed, using only the information on the studied roadways, to create a set of travel time contours to access the following key destinations: • • • • • • City Hall/Government Complex on Washington St. west of Main St. /Union St. St. Bernards: on Jackson Ave., enclosed by Church St., Carson St., Matthews Ave. Arkansas State University: Aggie Rd. and Stadium Blvd.. Industrial Area: Highland Dr. at Nestle Way Hilltop: US 49 and AR 351 North Turtle Creek Mall: 3200 E Highland Drive at Stadium Blvd. /Brazos St. The methodology uses TransCAD software and considers the lower average travel speed of the two directions of travel to and away from the site. Travel time contours, in one-minute increments, were created for both the AM and PM peak hour and represent the travel time to or from the location. These are presented in Exhibits 8 through 19. Wilbur Smith Associates 10 B 63 US 49 B US US 49 Jonesboro MPO SH 230 Speed and Delay Study SH 230 Bono U Brookland oh ns on Av e S6 3 Exhibit 6A EJ Delay Locations y US 63 Dr t Ka thl ee nS 41-60 Sec/Veh/Mi SH 18 21-40 Sec/Veh/Mi Caraway US Ne ttl et on ive La ws on Ro ad 63 Av e SH 351 Vie w 60 + Sec/Veh/Mi 7-20 Sec/Veh/Mi Culberhouse US 49 / Southwest Drive Va lle y Stadium Blvd Ex pw Airport Rd / SH 351 Allas St E Highland Drive SH 163 M ar tin 49 AM Peak Hour By Direction SH 1 Nettleton Ave Jo e Church Washington Ave US US 49 B Main / Union B 63 Gee St US 63 US Culberhouse Jonesboro SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Delaymap\080307.mxd US 49 B US US 49 Jonesboro MPO B 63 SH 230 Speed and Delay Study SH 230 Bono U Brookland oh ns on Av e S6 3 Exhibit 6B EJ Delay Locations Nettleton Ave Culberhouse Dr t 7-20 Sec/Veh/Mi Ne ttl et on ive La ws on Ro ad 63 Av e SH 351 Vie w 21-40 Sec/Veh/Mi US Caraway Va lle y Ka thl ee nS Allas St y US 63 US 49 / Southwest Drive 41-60 Sec/Veh/Mi Stadium Blvd Ex pw 60 + Sec/Veh/Mi SH 18 E Highland Drive SH 1 M ar tin SH 163 Jo e US 49 B 49 PM Peak Hour By Direction Airport Rd / SH 351 Washington Ave US Church 63 Main / Union B Gee St US 63 US Culberhouse Jonesboro SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Delaymap_PM\080307.mxd B 63 US 49 B US US 49 Jonesboro MPO SH 230 Speed and Delay Study SH 230 Bono U Brookland S6 3 Nettleton Ave Jo e M ar tin Ex pw y US 63 oh ns on Av e EJ (Average Speed Less Than Posted Speed) t AM Peak Hour By Direction Ka thl ee nS Allas St E Highland Drive Airport Rd / SH 351 Washington Ave US 49 B Speed Reductions at Delay Locations 49 By 1-5 MPH By 5-10 MPH SH 18 Stadium Blvd 63 US Church B Main / Union US Gee St US 63 Culberhouse Jonesboro Exhibit 6C By 10-15 MPH Vie w Dr SH 1 63 Ne ttl et on Av e ive La ws on Ro ad SH 351 US 49 / Southwest Drive US SH 163 Va lle y Caraway Culberhouse By > 15 MPH SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Exhibit6C\090607.mxd US 49 B US US 49 Jonesboro MPO B 63 SH 230 Speed and Delay Study SH 230 Bono U Brookland S6 3 Exhibit 6D EJ oh ns on Av e Speed Reductions at Delay Locations Nettleton Ave Culberhouse Dr t By 10-15 MPH By > 15 MPH Ne ttl et on ive La ws on Ro ad 63 Av e SH 351 Vie w By 5-10 MPH US Caraway Va lle y Ka thl ee nS Allas St y US 63 US 49 / Southwest Drive By 1-5 MPH Stadium Blvd Ex pw PM Peak Hour By Direction SH 18 E Highland Drive SH 1 M ar tin SH 163 Jo e 49 (Average Speed Less Than Posted Speed) Airport Rd / SH 351 Washington Ave Church 63 US US 49 B Main / Union B Gee St US 63 US Culberhouse Jonesboro SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Exhibit6D\092107.mxd Jonesboro MPO US US 49 B 63 Bono Exhibit 7 Brookland 2006 Traffic Volumes US 63 US 30,000 - 37,500 EJ Jonesboro oh ns on Av e 63 20,000 - 29,999 49 B 15,000 - 19,999 US 49 B Washington Ave Jo e Nettleton Ave M ar tin 8,000 - 14,999 E Highland Drive Ex pw y Stadium Blvd 63 Church US Main / Union 3,000 - 7,999 SH 18 0 - 2,999 US 63 Va lle y US 49 / Southwest Drive Vie w Dr SH 1 US Caraway US US 49 B Speed and Delay Study Ne ttl et on ive La ws on 63 Av e Ro ad SH 158 Bay H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\TrafficVolumes_071707.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 6 US US 49 Exhibit 8 Travel Time Contours 3B S U 63 on Av e AM Peak Hour E Jo hn s 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US US 6 3 US 6 49 5-10 minutes City Hall 10-15 minutes B US 49 B 3 15-20 minutes M ar tin Ex 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive Stadium Blvd Jo e 20-25 minutes pw y 9 US 4 US Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 tl et N Caraway US 63 on et SH 1 Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave e Av Dr iv e La ws on IH 63 Vi ew 1 Va lle y Ro ad SH US 49 / Southwest Drive SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_CityHall_AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 3B US 49 6 US Exhibit 9 Travel Time Contours S U 63 Jo hn s on Av e PM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 49 US US 6 3 US 6 5-10 minutes City Hall B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 15-20 minutes Jo e M ar tin Ex 20-25 minutes pw y US 63 63 SH 1 Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. on et La ws on IH 63 e 1 Dr iv Ro ad SH Vi ew e Av Va lle y Caraway US 4 9 US tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_CityHall_PmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study Exhibit 10 6 US S U US 49 3B Travel Time Contours 63 Jo hn s on Av e AM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US 6 3 US 6 4 US St. Bernards 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes 3 US 49 B 15-20 minutes tin Ex pw y US 63 SH 1 US 4 La ws on 1 e SH Dr iv e Av Vi ew Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 on et Va lle y US tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive IH 63 ar 9 M Caraway Jo e 20-25 minutes Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave Ro ad SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_StBernards _AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 6 US Exhibit 11 Travel Time Contours US 49 3B S U on Av e 63 PM Peak Hour E Jo hn s 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US 6 3 US 6 4 US St. Bernards 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 15-20 minutes Jo e M ar tin Ex 20-25 minutes pw y US 63 SH 1 IH 63 La ws on 1 e SH Dr iv e Av Vi ew Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 on et Va lle y Caraway US 4 9 US tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave Ro ad SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_StBernards _PmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 3B US 49 6 US Exhibit 12 S U Travel Time Contours 63 Jo hn s on Av e AM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 49 US US 6 3 US 6 5-10 minutes B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 Washington Ave ar tin Ex Stadium Blvd M 20-25 minutes Church Main / Union Nettleton Ave Jo e 15-20 minutes ASU E Highland Drive pw y 25+ minutes SH 18 US SH 1 US 4 9 Caraway US 63 Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 tl et N on et e La ws on IH 63 Dr iv 1 Vi ew SH Va lle y e Av US 49 / Southwest Drive Ro ad SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_ASU_AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 3B US 49 6 US Exhibit 13 Travel Time Contours S U 63 Jo hn s on Av e PM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 49 US US 6 5-10 minutes B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 Washington Ave ar tin Ex pw y 9 US 4 SH 1 e Av La ws on 1 e Ro ad SH Dr iv on et Vi ew Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 tl et N Va lle y US Caraway US 63 US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive Stadium Blvd M 20-25 minutes Church Main / Union Nettleton Ave Jo e 15-20 minutes ASU IH 63 US 6 3 SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_ASU_PmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study Exhibit 14 3B US 49 6 US S U Travel Time Contours 63 Jo hn s on Av e AM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 Main / Union Nettleton Ave tin Ex pw y US 4 9 Caraway US 63 Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 on et e La ws on 1 Dr iv SH Vi ew e Av Va lle y US tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive ar IH 63 M 20-25 minutes Stadium Blvd Jo e 15-20 minutes Industrial Area Washington Ave Church US 6 4 US SH 1 US 6 3 Ro ad SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_ IndustrialArea_AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 3B US 49 6 US Exhibit 15 Travel Time Contours S U 63 Jo hn s on Av e PM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes US 49 B 3 Washington Ave Nettleton Ave Jo e 20-25 minutes ar tin Ex pw y US 1 La ws on IH 63 e Ro ad SH Dr iv e Av Vi ew on et Va lle y Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 tl et N SH 1 US 4 9 Caraway US 63 US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive M 15-20 minutes Industrial Area Church Main / Union US 6 4 US Stadium Blvd US 6 3 SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_ IndustrialArea_PmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 3B US 49 6 US Exhibit 16 Travel Time Contours S U 63 on Av e AM Peak Hour Jo hn s Hilltop E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US 6 3 US 6 4 US 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes 3 US 49 B 15-20 minutes Jo e M ar tin Ex 20-25 minutes pw y US 63 SH 1 Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. e Av La ws on IH 63 e 1 Dr iv Ro ad SH Vi ew 63 on et Va lle y Caraway US 4 9 US tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_Hilltop_AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study Exhibit 17 3B US 49 6 US S U Travel Time Contours 63 on Av e PM Peak Hour Jo hn s Hilltop E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes 3 Main / Union US 49 B Washington Ave Nettleton Ave tin Ex pw y US 63 US 4 Caraway 9 US e 1 La ws on SH Dr iv e Av Vi ew on et Va lle y Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. 63 tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive ar IH 63 M 20-25 minutes Stadium Blvd Jo e 15-20 minutes Church US 6 4 US SH 1 US 6 3 Ro ad SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_Hilltop_PmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study Exhibit 18 6 US S U US 49 3B Travel Time Contours 63 Jo hn s on Av e AM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US 6 3 US 6 4 US 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15minutes US 49 B 3 15-20 minutes M ar tin Ex pw y SH 1 US 4 9 Caraway US e Av e 1 La ws on Ro ad SH Dr iv Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. on et Vi ew 63 tl et N Va lle y 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive US 63 US 49 / Southwest Drive 20-25 minutes IH 63 Jo e Turtle Creek Mall Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_TurtleCreekMall _AmPk_082007.mxd Jonesboro MPO US 49 B Speed and Delay Study 6 US Exhibit 19 Travel Time Contours US 49 3B S U 63 Jo hn s on Av e PM Peak Hour E 0-2 minutes 2-5 minutes US 6 3 US 6 4 US 5-10 minutes 9 B 10-15 minutes 3 US 49 B 15-20 minutes ar tin Ex pw y 20-25 minutes 25+ minutes SH 18 E Highland Drive US 63 US Caraway M 63 Note: Travel times based on lowest bi-directional speed. SH 1 US 4 9 Jo e Turtle Creek Mall Stadium Blvd Nettleton Ave Church Main / Union Washington Ave e Av La ws on IH 63 e 1 Dr iv Ro ad SH Vi ew on et Va lle y tl et N US 49 / Southwest Drive SH 158 H:\TETP\101341 Jonesboro Speed & Delay \GIS\Contour Map_TurtleCreekMall _PmPk_082007.mxd Travel Time and Delay Study - Jonesboro, Arkansas SUMMARY The information assembled as part of this travel time and delay study forms a baseline for future assessment of the impacts of mobility due to increases in development and population. Additionally, it provides information to identify any current travel time and delay issues. Some current traffic delay issues that should be further examined for potential reduction in travel time delay include: 1. Along Main Street there are numerous traffic signals that cause significant delay and resulting slow travel speeds. A detailed study of the traffic signal control system and timing should be conducted. 2. Traffic queues were observed at several signalized intersections along Stadium Road, particularly during the evening peak period. Traffic signal controller capabilities and timing should be examined. Wilbur Smith Associates 28 Appendix A Delay Summary Route #1 US63 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 20.94 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 35 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63-US63B South Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 5 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #1 US63 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 20.94 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 56 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63-US63B South Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 5 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #1 US63 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 20.94 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 69 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63-US63B South Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 29 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #1 US63 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 20.94 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 56 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63-US63B South Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 6 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #1 US63 B (Bono) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 2.7 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 42 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63 B-College Street Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 13 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #1 US63 B (Bono) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 2.7 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 42 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63 B-College Street Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 5 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #1 US63 B (Bono) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 2.7 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 42 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63 B-College Street Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 14 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #1 US63 B (Bono) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 2.7 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 30 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US63 B-College Street Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 4 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 126 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18 from Caraway Rd. to Stadium Blvd.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Caraway Rd., Bittle St./Fair park Blvd., and Stadium Blvd. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.1 mile long segment is 51 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in eastbound direction. SH18 from Nettleton Ave. to Industrial Dr.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Nettleton Ave., and Industrial Dr. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.2 mile long segment is 30 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in eastbound direction. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : Mid-day (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18 from Caraway Rd. to Stadium Blvd.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Caraway Rd., Bittle St./Fair park Blvd., and Stadium Blvd. Average delay experienced in approx.1.1 mile long segment is 54 sec per vehicle in the mid-day Peak in eastbound direction. SH18 from Nettleton Ave. to Industrial Dr.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Nettleton Ave., and Industrial Dr. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.2 mile long segment is 22 sec per vehicle in the mid-day Peak in eastbound direction. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 198 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18-Browns Ln. Intersection: This T-intersection is located approx. 0.5 mile west of Caraway Rd. Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 10 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. SH18 from Caraway Rd. to Stadium Blvd.: Average delay experienced in this segment is 37 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. SH18 from Nettleton Ave. to Industrial Dr.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Nettleton Ave., and Industrial Dr. with an average delay of 34 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak in eastbound direction. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 90 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18 from Industrial Dr. to Nettleton Ave.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Industrial Dr. and Nettleton Ave. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.4 mile long segment is 20 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in westbound direction. SH18 from Stadium Blvd. to Caraway Rd.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Stadium Blvd., Bittle St./Fair park Blvd., and. Caraway Rd with an average delay of 34 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in westbound direction. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : Mid-day (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM) Total Delay : 108 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18 from Industrial Dr. to Nettleton Ave.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Industrial Dr. and Nettleton Ave. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.4 mile long segment is 20 sec per vehicle in the Mid-day Peak in westbound direction. SH18 from Stadium Blvd. to Caraway Rd.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Stadium Blvd., Bittle St./Fair park Blvd., and. Caraway Rd with an average delay of 42 sec per vehicle in the Mid-day Peak in westbound direction. Route #2 Highland Dr. /SH18 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 6.31 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 180 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) SH18 from Industrial Dr. to Nettleton Ave.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Industrial Dr. and Nettleton Ave. Average delay experienced in this approx.1.4 mile long segment is 20 sec per vehicle in the Mid-day Peak in westbound direction. SH18 from Stadium Blvd. to Browns Ln.: This segment of SH18 includes intersections with Stadium Blvd., Bittle St./Fair park Blvd., Caraway Rd. and Browns Ln. with an average delay of 79 sec per vehicle in the Mid-day Peak in westbound direction. Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 5.52 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Caraway Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 13 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Caraway Rd. from US63 to Matthews Ave.: Average delay experienced in this approx. 2 mile long segment is 52 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in northbound direction. Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 2.19 Miles Time of Run : Mid-day (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM) Total Delay : 162 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 5.52 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 204 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Caraway Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is 13 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Caraway Rd. from US63 to University Loop: Average delay experienced in this approx. 2.15 mile long segment is 142 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak in northbound direction. Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 5.52 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 144 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Caraway Rd. from University Loop to US63: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx.142 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak in southbound direction. Caraway Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.10 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 2.19 Miles Time of Run : Mid-day (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM) Total Delay : 114 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Route #3 Caraway Rd. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 5.52 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 198 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Caraway Rd. from University Loop to US63: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx.126 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Caraway Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.13 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #4 US63 B & US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 15.91 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 108 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) BU63/SH49 from Floyd St. (near RRX) to Airport Rd.: Average delay experienced in this 5.2 mile segment is approx.66 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #4 US63 B & US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 15.91 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 144 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) BU63/SH49 from Floyd St. (near RRX) to Airport Rd.: Average delay experienced in this 5.2 mile segment is approx.112 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #4 US63 B & US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 15.91 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 126 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) BU63/SH49 from Airport Rd. to Floyd St. (near RRX): Average delay experienced in this 5.2 mile segment is approx.100 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #4 US63 B & US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 15.91 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) BU63/SH49 from Airport Rd. to Floyd St. (near RRX): Average delay experienced in this 5.2 mile segment is approx.92 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #4 US49 B (Brookland) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 3.51 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 38 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 38 sec. in the AM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for most of the segment. Route #4 US49 B (Brookland) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 3.51 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 20 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 20 sec. in the PM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for most of the segment. Route #4 US49 B (Brookland) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 3.51 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 41 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 41 sec. in the AM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for most of the segment. Delay experienced in the vicinity of School St. is 16 sec. Route #4 US49 B (Brookland) Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 3.51 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 35 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 35 sec. in the PM Peak. Delay experienced in the vicinity of School St. is 10 sec. Route #5 Stadium Dr. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 7.17 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 108 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Stadium Dr.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.19 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Stadium Dr. from US63 to Matthews Ave.: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx.65 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #5 Stadium Dr. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 7.17 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 156 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Stadium Dr.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.11 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Stadium Dr. from US63 to Matthews Ave.: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx.102 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Stadium Dr.-Aggie Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.8 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #5 Stadium Dr. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 7.17 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 90 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Stadium Dr.-Aggie Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.8 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Stadium Dr. from Matthews Ave. to US63: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx. 53 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #5 Stadium Dr. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 7.17 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 198 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Stadium Dr.-Aggie Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.16 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Stadium Dr. from Matthews Ave. to US63: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx. 125 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Stadium Dr.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 21 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #6 Main/Southwest Dr., US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 10.51 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 114 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US49/Southwest Dr.-US63 Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx.12 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. US49 from Culberhouse St. to Johnson Ave.: Average delay experienced in this 2.4 mile segment is approx. 80 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #6 Main/Southwest Dr., US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 10.51 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 144 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US49/Southwest Dr.-US63 Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 9 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. US49 from Culberhouse St. to Johnson Ave.: Average delay experienced in this 2.4 mile segment is approx. 107 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #6 Main/Southwest Dr., US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 10.51 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 174 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US49 from Johnson Ave. to US63: Average delay experienced in this 3.3 mile segment is approx. 148 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #6 Main/Southwest Dr., US49 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 10.51 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 186 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) US49 from Johnson Ave. to US63: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx. 156 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #7 Church St. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 1.5 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 102 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 102 sec. in the AM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for the entire segment. Route #7 Church St. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Northbound Total Distance : 1.5 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 120 sec. in the PM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for the entire segment. Route #7 Church St. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 1.5 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 120 sec. in the AM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for the entire segment. Route #7 Church St. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Southbound Total Distance : 1.5 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 180 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) The total delay experienced in this roadway segment is 180 sec. in the PM Peak. The measured speed is below the posted speed limit for the entire segment. Route #8 Washington Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 4.77 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 132 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Washington Ave. from Gee St. to Patrick St.: Average delay experienced in this 1.9 mile segment is approx. 106 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Washington Ave.-Caraway Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 14 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #8 Washington Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 4.77 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 120 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Washington Ave. from Gee St. to Patrick St.: Average delay experienced in this 1.9 mile segment is approx. 65 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Washington Ave.-Caraway Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 21 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #8 Washington Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 4.77 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 102 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Washington Ave.-Caraway Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 6 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Washington Ave. from Patrick St to Gee St. : Average delay experienced in this 1.9 mile segment is approx. 86 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #8 Washington Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 4.77 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 114 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Washington Ave.-Caraway Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 15 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Washington Ave. from Patrick St to Gee St. : Average delay experienced in this 1.9 mile segment is approx. 93 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #9 Nettleton Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 12.19 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 258 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Nettleton Ave. from Strawfloor Dr. to Airport Road. : Average delay experienced in this 4.7 mile segment is approx. 160 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Nettleton Ave. from Highland Dr. to Ingels Rd. : Average delay experienced in this 2.8 mile segment is approx. 91 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #9 Nettleton Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 12.19 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 222 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Nettleton Ave. from Strawfloor Dr. to Airport Road. : Average delay experienced in this 4.7 mile segment is approx. 139 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Nettleton Ave. from Highland Dr. to Ingels Rd. : Average delay experienced in this approx. 3 mile segment is approx. 81 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #9 Nettleton Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 12.19 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 216 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Nettleton Ave. from Ingels Rd. to Highland Dr. : Average delay experienced in this approx. 3 mile segment is approx. 95 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Nettleton Ave. from Airport Road to Strawfloor Dr. : Average delay experienced in this 4.7 mile segment is approx. 118 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #9 Nettleton Ave. Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 12.19 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 174 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Nettleton Ave. from Ingels Rd. to Highland Dr. : Average delay experienced in this approx. 3 mile segment is approx. 72 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Nettleton Ave. from Airport Road to Strawfloor Dr. : Average delay experienced in this 4.7 mile segment is approx. 102 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #10 Lawson Rd. /SR158 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 10.84 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 102 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Lawson Rd.-Stadium Ave. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 21 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Lawson Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 11 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Lawson Rd. from C607 to SR463E : Average delay experienced in this approx. 4.2 mile segment is approx. 34 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #10 Lawson Rd. /SR158 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Eastbound Total Distance : 10.84 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 84 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Lawson Rd. from Stadium Ave. to C126: Average delay experienced in this segment is approx. 22 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Lawson Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 10 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Lawson Rd. from C607 to SR463E : Average delay experienced in this approx. 4.2 mile segment is approx. 20 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Route #10 Lawson Rd. /SR158 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 10.84 Miles Time of Run : AM Peak (7 AM to 8 AM) Total Delay : 102 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Lawson Rd. from SR463E to C607 : Average delay experienced in this approx. 4.2 mile segment is approx. 14 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Lawson Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 20 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Lawson Rd.-Stadium Ave. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 20 sec per vehicle in the AM Peak. Route #10 Lawson Rd. /SR158 Delay Analysis Summary Travel Direction : Westbound Total Distance : 10.84 Miles Time of Run : PM Peak (4:15 PM to 5:15 PM) Total Delay : 108 Sec. (Average of 4 runs) Lawson Rd. from SR463E to C607 : Average delay experienced in this approx. 4.2 mile segment is approx. 26 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Lawson Rd.-Harrisburg Rd. Intersection: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 17 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak. Lawson Rd. from C126 to Stadium Ave.: Average delay experienced in the vicinity of this intersection is approx. 24 sec per vehicle in the PM Peak.