Tutorial 3 Create Custom Layouts In tutorial 2, we did the circuit

Tutorial 3
Create Custom Layouts
In tutorial 2, we did the circuit layout layer by layer manually. In this tutorial, we will
learn how to use program Layout XL to create transistors layout automatically. This
program will make the circuit layout not so tedious☺ !
1. We want to create the layout for the circuit NAND2. The schematic needs to be created
Create New Layout View
Next, select the NAND2 cell from the Library Manager and select File->New->Cell
View.... We will create a layout view of the NAND2 cell. Simply NAND2 should be
filled in for cell-name and change the view to "layout" under view. Click OK or hit
"Enter". Note that the "Application" is automatically set to "Layout XL", the layout
This will open two windows. The first is the schematic window you just closed, and the
second is the layout window. The layout window will be empty. NOTE unlike the
schematic window, the layout window does have and use coordinates for physical
positions. You want to build your layout at the origin to simplify the use of the cell by
place and route tools later.
In addition, the LSW window (Layer Selection Window), which shows various mask
layers, will automatically pop up.
Configure Physical Hierarchy
The transistors in the layout and schematic should be mapped. To do this, go to the layout
window and click: Launch->Configure Physical Hierarchy
Now you must set the physical library and physical cell name for each transistor. Double
Left Click on the pink area under the words "Physical Library" This will bring up a scroll
menu for you to select NCSU_TechLib_hp06 then double left click under Physical Cell
to select nmos (or pmos) for each transistor.
Once you have done that correctly, the line for that device will turn blue.
Save and close this window.
Create the Layout
You now have two choices. You can create (drag and drop) instances of transistor "PCells" into your schematic "by hand", or you can let Virtuoso XL find the cells in the
schematic and put them in the layout for you. In either case you must first perform the
mapping of logical to physical cells. The primary difference between Virtuoso L and XL
is that XL attempts to maintain the "layout vs schematic" (LVS) information from the
beginning of the process. That means it can directly generate the basic components into
the layout for you, and it maintains connectivity information between the two views. This
is not essential since we always verify that the layout is correct using the LVS
verification path as well.
Creating the Layout "by Generation"
Select Connectivity->Generate->All from Source The following popup appears. The
defaults should be set for you, as below:
Click OK. The layout should now look like this with all the correct transistors/sizes and
pins already put down for you:
Now you need to move the cells into position and wire them up. Note that when you
move the cells orange "flylines" will appear telling you what should be connected to
what, based on the connectivity in the schematic. Also the pins for vdd, gnd, A and B
have already been created. Other than that, the process of wiring up the cell is pretty
much the same as below.
You may want to zoom in before placing the instance. To do that, right-click and drag a
box around the origin. When you release the button, you should see that the instance is
much larger.
Place the two NMOS and two PMOS transistors so that your layout looks like the
window below.
Now, you will notice that you don't immediately see what is inside the nmos symbol.
You can fix this by hitting Shift-F to display all levels of hierarchy. (You can also do this
by going to the Virtuoso Options menu, choosing Display and setting Display Levels
from 0 to 32) To switch back, hit CTRL-F, or set the Display Levels back to 0 from the
Options menu.
You may want to adjust your view so that it looks nicer. To zoom in, right-click and drag
a box around the area you want to zoom in. Alternatively, you can hit "f" to "fit" the
entire design in the window, or SHIFT-Z and CTRL-Z to zoom in and out by factors of 2.
Use the commands above to show the layout as below.
Now, look now at the LSW (Layer selection window). This window shows you the
names of the layers that are "valid" (meaning that you can manipulate them). You can
figure out which layers are part of the NMOS cell by making them visible and in-visible.
To toggle a layer’s visibility, middle-click on the name of the layer in the LSW. You can
make all layers visible with the "AV" button, and no layers visible with the "NV" button.
F6 to "redraw" the Virtuoso window after you’ve changed the visible layers.
Note that even if you make all layers invisible, you may still see some shapes. This is
because not all layers are "valid". Shapes in invalid layers cannot be altered and are
always visible. To make all layers valid, you can choose Edit->Set Valid Layers… in
the LSW. In general, it is recommended that you not set all layers as valid, because this
clutters up the LSW with many unused layers.
Using this approach, you should be able to figure out that the NMOS uses the following
layers: nactive, nselect, poly, metal1, and cc (contact cut). The PMOS is like it, except
that it uses layers pselect and nwell instead of pwell and nimplant. Note that there is
nothing magical about the p-cells. You could paint these shapes manually in the current
cell-view, and it would make no difference whatsoever to the tool. However, it’s much
less effort to use the p-cells, so that’s what we’ll do.
Note also the letters "drw", "net", and "pin" next to each entry in the LSW. These are the
purposes of a shape. The purpose is used to indicate special functionality of a shape. We
will discuss these more in later tutorials. For now, remember that "drawing" is the
purpose that indicates that a shape will appear in the mask layout. You will sometimes
see "drawing" abbreviated as "drw", and sometimes "dg".
DRC Check
After running DRC the layout window shows the DRC errors as white polygons:
You can learn about the errors by clicking on the Verify->Markers->Explain This
shows the text explaining the error in a pop-up window
Choose Verify ->Markers->Find ..., select "Zoom to Markers and click "Apply" and
then Next. The screen should zoom to the error and the explain error box should show
you the corresponding error. NOTE: The DRC errors are keyed to the "official" DRC
design rules for the process. In our case, these match with the explanations in our text
book, and on the MOSIS pages for this process.
You can delete all markers with Verify ->Markers->Delete All
In this particular case, the transistor wells are too close together. Fix this error by moving
up the pmos. It’s good practice to space the NMOS and PMOS transistors by the smallest
amount allowed in order to make the layout as dense as possible. Later on you will see
that we do not always want to put them as close as possible. You can draw temporary
rulers by hitting "k" and dragging a ruler. You can clear the rulers by hitting "Shift-K".
These rulers can help you to draw dense layout much faster than you would by constantly
running DRC.
Move the PMOS and re-verify until there are no DRC errors
Using some of the XL features
Open the schematic window. Now with both windows open, click on the transistors in the
schematic window. Similarly, if you click on the transistors in the layout window the
transistors in the schematic will be highlighted. As we add nets and net names, more
correspondences will be tracked.
Now move the PMOS and NMOS transistors so that they share common contacts as
shown electrically in the schematic. We have put the upper nmos transistor to the right of
the lower one. This is because we will be taking the output of the gate from the right side
of the layout.
Painting, Wiring, Segments, and Paths
We are now going to "paint" a piece of poly to connect the pmos and nmos devices
together. We do this by creating a rectangle.
• Select the poly layer in the LSW by left-clicking on it.
• Use Create ->Shape->Rectangle Or hit “r” to draw a rectangle and draw the poly
• Hit “Escape” to stop drawing rectangles.
You can do the same thing with the PATH command. The path command is a little
different in that it knows what the minimum size for each layer is, and gives you a way to
draw in that minimum size. Also you can add bends with the tool. Finally, paths can be
stretched more ways than rectangles.
Use Create ->Shape->Path Or hit “p” to draw a path and draw the poly area.
Double click the mouse without moving it to stop that path
Hit “Escape” to stop drawing paths.
Now select metal 1 on the LSW pallet and then create a path for the output of the circuit.
Note the contacts for each transistor already have metal1 as part of the contact structure.
Next, create strips of metal1 for VDD and GND. We typically make these shapes as
horizontal bars across the top and bottom, and therefore call them “supply rails”. We then
need to connect the rails to the source nodes of the transistors. Create these rails now, and
make your design look like the one below. Again, try to make the layout as compact as
possible but make the supply rails double the minimum width for metal1, running DRC
as often as needed to learn the design rules.
If you get confused about which transistor is which, use the XL schematics window to
see what should be connected to what.
Add Vias
Next, we need to add contacts to wells, which serve as the bulk node of the transistors.
NOTE "Via" is a general term for connections vertically between layers. Typically
people use the words Via and Contact Cut interchangeably. But really, the contact cut is
just the "black hole" between layers and the Vias are the composite structure of the
contact cut, and the two rings (one in each connecting layer) around the contact cut.
Transistors do not have well-contacts by default, because they take up so much room.
Several transistors can often share the same well-contact. In this class, we will require
that every gate (that is, NOT, AND, OR, XOR, etc.) has at least one contact to each
well or the substrate.
Create an NTAP via by choosing Create->Via... You should see the Create Contact
pop-up appears, as shown below. Set the "Via Definition" to "NTAP". The other options
should be set correctly by default. Place it as close as possible to the PMOS transistor. I
like to add multiple Vias, they take up no more space, in this case and they give lower
resistance to the well.
For this process, we do no have a PWELL we only have P-Substrate. None the less. We
need to bias the nmos transistor body to ground. Unfortunately we do not have a PTAP
cell so we just use a contact to P-Active (M1-P) (Create->Via...) and place it as close as
possible to the NMOS transistor. Again, try to make the layout as dense as possible. We
will need to connect these NTAP and PTAP cells to the power rails. Create metal1
rectangles to connect these contacts to the rails. When you are done, your layout should
look approximately like the one below.
Next, add a two gate-connection in metal1, with a metal1-to-poly via. Do this by
choosing Create->Via... again and set the contact type to M1_POLY. Position
the vias over the poly lines as shown below
NOTE in order to fit both poly contacts we had to move the output line to the right, and
we had to move both the PMOS transistors and all the wiring up. The stretch command is
very useful for these operations. It is important that there be a way to wire the inputs and
outputs to other cells in metal.
Create Pins
Lastly, we need to create pins in the layout.
In this layout, since the pin metal blocks have been created already, we just need to move
them to the right location and add labels.
To add the labels, use create-->Label, then put names. After the label is put on the pin
block, select it and click button Q to change the property. Change its layer to text dg.
In other layout, if pins are not created automatically before, then the following
procedures can be used.
Create these pins by selecting Create->Pin…. You should see a dialog box appear, like
the one below. Type the names vdd, gnd in, and out in the “Terminal Names” text-box as
shown below. Select “Display Pin Name”. Leave all other options as they are.
Next, click the “Display Pin Name Option…” button. You will see another dialog box
appear. Set the height to 0.090 um and the layer to metal1-dg (drawing). Click OK.
Next, click on the layout where you want each pin to be placed. You will need to click
three times: twice to create a rectangle for the pin, and a third time to place the label.
The shape of your rectangle doesn’t really matter, as long as it only covers area that is
already covered by metal1-dg. When you are done, your layout should look like the one
Note now, with layout XL you should be able to click on NETS as well as the transistors
and verify the connectivity in the layout.
Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial. Save your design and select File>Export image and use a white background, to print out a copy of your layout
Now use Verify->Extract to extract the cell. Set swich to Extract_parasitic_caps. This
will create a new view in the cell library called the "extracted view" This will be a netlist
(like a spice netlist) but generated by virtuoso examining the layout and identifying all
the components and nodes it finds.
You can open the extracted view from the library manager. But remember to close it
before you can perform the next step LVS checking!
Layout vs. Schematic (LVS)
Use Verify->LVS to bring up the LVS pop-up. Make sure you "use data from form" and
set the form to use the schematic and extracted views these might not be the default.
Click Run in the LVS window. It might ask you about saving cell views - say yes.
LVS takes some time, watch its progress in the log window.
If things are set up correctly you will get a popup like this:
NOTE the LVS job succeeding DOES NOT mean that the layout and schematic
match. It just means the job ran (like a SPICE run). You need to look at the output
to see if it really matched. If they do, then the output will show that the netlists
match. If not use the "info" button to bring up a menu of files to look at to help
figure out what went wrong.
Simulating the Extracted Layout
Now, go to the TEST BENCH that you (should have) made for your original schematic.
The advantage of having a separate test bench cell (nand_tb) is that we can re-use this test
bench for all our two input gates.
We can also use the same test bench to compare our schematic simulation with a
simulation of our extracted layout.
Start Analog Design Environment from the test bench schematic.
Then use Setup->Environment to bring up the pop-up below. Add the word "extracted"
to the switch view list. This list is the order of cell-views that are searched when ADE is
looking for the sub-circuit NAND2 for generating the netlist for simulation. By putting
"extracted" before "schematic" in the list, you are saying you want to use that view (if it
1. Some hotkeys
• i : Add instances
q: Edit properties
r: Add rectangles
p: Add path
P: Add Polygon
ctrl+p: Add a pin
l: Label a wire
z: Zoom in
Z: Zoom out by 2X
ctrl+z: Zoom in by 2X
f: fit the layout in your layout window
right mouse button: repeat last command
2. One error you may see:
When I run LVS, it fails and I get the following error in the output log: *Error* Could
not determine the node name for terminal 'progn(bn)'.... What's going on?
You usually see this in a schematic which contains three-terminal MOS symbols
([np]mos from NCSU_Analog_Parts) but has neither any digital gates (from
NCSU_Digital_Parts) nor vdd!/gnd! nets. By default, the three terminal MOS devices
have their bulk nodes connected to "vdd!" (pmos) or "gnd!" (nmos), so if the netlister
can't find a net by that name it's going to complain. The digital gates already include
vdd!/gnd! nets, which is why you don't see this error in a schematic which has any gate
The simplest solution is to instantiate vdd and gnd symbols (from the Supply_Nets
category of NCSU_Analog_Parts) in your schematic. You don't have to connect them to
anything; the point is just to make nets with the required names.
3. A good webpage that may have answers to your questions.
Implement the following logic: S = A + BC
Including Schematic and Layout
LVS output file
The transistor sizes are the same as those in the inverter in the 1st lab.
Complete the project report.