International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) Enhancement of Voltage Stability in Grid Connected Wind Farms Using SVC K. Sree Latha1, Dr. M.Vijaya Kumar2 1 Assoc. Prof (EEE), GNITC, HYDERABAD 2 Professor, JNTU, ANANTAPUR In the past, the total installed wind power capacity was a small fraction of the power system and continuous connection of the wind farm to the grid was not a big concern. With increasing share from the wind power sources, it has become important for continuous connection of the wind farm to the system to enable uninterrupted power supply to the load even in the case of some minor disturbances. The capacity of wind farms are being increased by installing more and bigger wind turbines connected online which implies that more impedance is being added to the system, thus making the connected system as a weak grid [2]. Voltage stability and an efficient fault ride through capability are the basic requirements of higher penetration. The wind turbines have to be able to continue uninterrupted operation under transient voltage conditions to be in accordance with the grid codes. Grid codes are certain standards set by regulating agencies and the wind power systems should meet these requirements for their interconnection to the grid. There are different grid code standards established by different regulating bodies and the Nordic grid codes are becoming increasingly popular. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) based power electronic converters like SVC, Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) are being used extensively in power systems because of their ability to provide flexible power flow control [3]. The main motivation for choosing SVC in wind farms is its ability to provide bus bar system voltage support either by supplying and/or absorbing reactive power into the system. One of the major issues concerning a wind farm interconnection to a power grid is its dynamic stability considerations on the power system [4]. Stand alone systems are easy to simulate, analyze and control when compared to large power systems. A wind farm is usually spread over a wide area having many wind generators each producing different power as they are exposed to different wind patterns. Abstract -- The wind energy stands out to be one of the most promising new sources of electrical power in the near term. The latest technological advancements in wind energy conversion and an increased support from governmental and private institutions have led to increased wind power generation in recent years. Wind power is the fastest growing renewable source of electrical energy hence it has become necessary to address problems associated with maintaining a stable electric power system. Unlike conventional sources, wind does not provide reactive power, which is necessary to maintain acceptable voltage conditions on the network. The use of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) in distribution network to compensate for vagaries such as production related to wind energies and to control the voltage is an optimal solution. In this paper the effect of real power supplied, reactive power consumed due to variation and fluctuation of load and wind speed studied, the effect on grid voltage due to variation is extensively considered. The variation in voltage of grid is controlled by SVC which is shunt connected Thyristor control Reactor and Thyristor switched capacitor TCR-TSC. Results are produced in MATLAB/SIMULINK and considerable improvement in grid voltage received by compensating the reactive power. Keywords-- SVC: Static Var Compensator; TCR: Thyristor Controlled Reactor. I. INTRODUCTION The increase in electric power demand and the depleting natural resources has led to the increased need for production of energy from renewable sources such as wind energy. The latest technological advancements in wind energy conversion and the increased support from government and private institutions have led to increased wind power generation in recent years. wind power is the fastest growing renewable source of electrical energy. Total wind power installation in the US is 11,603 MW in 2006 and is expected to increase by 26% in the year 2007 [1]. Wind power penetration has increased multifold in the past few years; hence it has become necessary to address the problems associated with maintaining a stable electric power system which has different sources of energy including hydro, thermal, coal, nuclear, wind, solar and many others. II. VOLTAGE S TABILITY Voltage Stability is defined as the ability of power system to maintain steady voltages at all buses in the system after being subjected to a disturbance from a given initial operating condition [5]. 593 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) Voltage stability is a problem in power networks, which are heavily load, faulted, or with insufficient reactive power supply. Although voltage instability is essentially a local phenomenon, the problem of voltage stability concerns whole power system, and is essential for its operation and control. The main reason for voltage instability is the increased of load, for that reason, voltage stability is also called load stability problem. Voltage collapse is the process by which the sequence of events accompanying voltage instability leads to a blackout or abnormally low voltages in a significant part of the power system. Most of problem found in power system realizes voltage collapse as a static phenomenon. Static study is appropriate for the bulk power system study, which involves enormous number of buses and generators. Static voltage instability is mainly associated with reactive power imbalance. Slowly developing changes in the power system occur that eventually lead to a shortage of reactive power and declining voltage. This phenomenon can be seen from the plot of the voltage at receiving end versus the power transferred. The plots are popularly referred to as P-V curve or “Nose” curve. As the power transfer increases, the voltage at the receiving end decreases. Eventually, the critical (nose) point, the point at which the system reactive power is out of use, is reached where any further increase in active power transfer will lead to very rapid decrease in voltage magnitude. Before reaching the critical point, the large voltage drop due to heavy reactive power losses can be observed. The only way to save the system from voltage collapse is to reduce the reactive power load or add addition reactive power prior to reaching the point of voltage collapse. The power coefficient (Cp) describes the efficiency of a turbine that converts the energy in the wind to rotational power. Therefore power output of the turbine is given by Pο = 0.5ρAV3Cp ------------ (3.1) The tip speed ratio of the wind turbine is defined as λ =ωR/V ------------ (3.2) Where R = radius of the swept area in meters ω= angular speed in radians per second. Cp varies with change in λ. Cp-λ characteristics of a turbine is essential to develop the turbine model. Most wind turbines in the world use three-phase asynchronous (squirrel cage or wound rotor) generator to connect to the grid. One reason for choosing this type of generator is that it is very reliable, and comparatively inexpensive. The power from the wind turbine rotor is transferred to the generator through a power train (i.e. through the low speed turbine shaft, the gearbox and the high-speed generator shaft). Power curve of a WEG is a graph that indicates the electrical power output at different wind speeds. Power curves are available along with commercial models of WEGs. IV. STATIC V AR C OMPENSATOR The SVC is a widely used FACTS controller, it is a shunt connected absorber or generator which exchange capacitive or inductive current to maintain/control specific parameter of power system. Figure 1 shows SVC having controllable variable inductor with switchable capacitance. III. W IND E LECTRIC GENERATOR The kinetic energy of moving air molecules are converted into rotational energy by the rotor of wind turbine. This rotational energy in turn is converted into electrical energy by wind electric generator. The amount of power, which the wind transfers to the rotor, depends on the density of air, the rotor area, and the wind speed. The power contained by wind is given by [7], P =0.5*(air mass flow rate)*(wind velocity)2 = 0.5* (ρ*A*V) * (V)2 =0.5ρAV3 where, P = power contained in the wind (W) ρ = air density (kg/m3) A = rotor area (m2) V=wind velocity before rotor interference (m/s) Fig.1 SVC having variable inductor with switchable capacitance 594 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) SVC may have: (a) Thyristor control Reactor (TCR) (b) Thyristor Switched Capacitor (c) Combination of (a) and (b) (d) Fixed capacitor-TCR and (e) TCR-Mechanically switched Capacitor(TCR-MCR) The high voltage at system bus is measured, filtered and compared with reference voltage and the error voltage is processed through gain time constant controller to provide a desired susceptance for SVC. This susceptance is now implemented by logic control to select number of TSCs or to determine firing angle for the TCR. The modeling and simulation of TSC based SVC and TCR based SVC are investigated using MATLAB. Effect of both Thyristor switched Capacitor and Thyristor Controlled Reactor VAR compensator on load voltage in a single machine infinite bus system are analyzed. The three modeling of SVC generator fixed susceptance model, total susceptance model and firing model are compared . The dimension under which voltage comparisons done at regulated bus are equivalent susceptance of SVC at the fundamental frequency and load flow convergence rate when SVC is operating both within and on the limit. Two modified models are also proposed to improve SVC regulated voltage under static condition and better convergence rate has been achieved. The current is essentially reactive, lagging behind the voltage by nearly 90º. It contains a small in phase component due to power loss in the reactor, which may be of the order of 0.5-2% of the reactive power. Full conduction is obtained with a gating angle of 90º. Partial conduction is obtained with gating angle between 90º and 180º. The effect of increasing the gating angle is to reduce the fundamental harmonic component of the current. This is equivalent to an increase in the inductance of the reactor, reducing its reactive power as well as its current. So far as the fundamental component of current is concerned, the thyristor-controlled reactor has a control label susceptance and can therefore be applied as a static compensator. The instantaneous current is given by i= for α ≤ wt ≤(α+σ) i = 0 for (α + σ) < wt < (α +π) Where, V is the rms voltage; XL = wL is the fundamental frequency reactance of the reactor; w = 2πf; and α is the gating delay angle. The time origin is chosen to coincide with a positivegoing zero crossing of the voltage. The fundamental component is found by Fourier analysis and is given by: 4.1 Thyristor Controlledreactor Figure 2 shows the TCR having a shunt connected inductor whose effective reactance is varied continuously with partial conduction control of thyristor. I1= BL(σ).V, Where,BL(σ) is an adjustable fundamental frequency susceptance controlled by the conduction angle. The maximum value of BL is 1/XL , obtained with ó = 0 or180°, that is, full conduction in the thyristor controller. The minimum value of BL is zero obtained with σ = 0° (σ =180°). This control principle is called phase control. V. S IMULATION RESULTS The system under study is as shown in figure2 Fig 2: Thyristor controlled reactor TCR is also a subset of SVC in which conduction time and hence the current in a shunt reactance is controlled by a thyristor based AC switch using firing angle control. For three phase networks three inductors can be connected in star with each anti parallel thyristor. There are two thyristors connected in anti-parallel which conduct during alternate half cycles of the supply voltage, if the thyristors are gated into conduction. Precisely at the peak of the supply voltage, a full conduction results in the reactor and the current is the same as though the thyristor controller were short circuited. 595 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) In this study Matlab/Simulink is used to create the experimental setup. The set up consists of SIX 0.5MW wind turbine capacity is connected to a 16 kV distribution system. The distribution system is connected to a 735 kV grid located 30 km from the wind farm . In this model Wind turbines using a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) consist of a wound rotor induction generator and an AC/DC/AC IGBT-based PWM converter modeled by voltage sources. The stator winding is connected directly to the 50 Hz grid while the rotor is fed at variable frequency through the AC/DC/AC converter. The DFIG technology allows extracting maximum energy from the wind for low wind speeds by optimizing the turbine speed, while minimizing mechanical stresses on the turbine during gusts of wind. The simulation model is as shown in figure using SVC(TCR-TSC) model The next graph shows the voltage at bus_735. Fig.4 shows the variations in wind speed and upto its maximum limit of 11m/s In this demo the wind speed is maintained constant at 15 m/s. The control system uses a torque controller in order to maintain the speed at 1.2 pu. The reactive power produced by the wind turbine is regulated at 0 Mvar. The sample time used to discretize the model (Ts= 50 microseconds). In this demo you will observe the steady-state operation of the DFIG and its dynamic response to voltage sag resulting from a sudden change in load. Initially the DFIG wind farm produces 3 MW. The corresponding turbine speed is 1.2 pu of generator synchronous speed. The DC voltage is regulated at 1150 V and reactive power is kept at 0 Mvar. At time t=0.1s a load of 35Mw is switched by means of the breaker arrangement near the turbine because of this sudden change the voltage drops to 0.8pu when the SVC is switched at 0.2 sec after some transition time of t=0.24sec, the voltage recovers in approximately 4 cycles. Fig3 shows the voltage waveform at bus_575 Fig5.shows the wind turbine characteristics for various pitch angles VI. CONCLUSIONS The steady state behaviour of an interconnected DFIG based wind farm with SVC is studied. A case was developed in which when the load is connected at the point of common coupling there is a voltage dip which if not timely corrected then it will eventually leads to voltage stability and voltage collapse of the interconnected power system. 596 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013) REFERENCES The response of the system is analyzed and is found that SVC have made the system to be stable. [1] [2] VII. APPENDIX Rated power Stator Voltage Rs (stator resistance) Rr (rotor resistance) Ls (stator inductace) Lr (rotor inductance) Lm(magnetizing inductance) Number of pole pairs Inertia constant 3 MW 575 V 0.0071 pu 0.005 pu (ref to stator) 0.171 pu 0.156 (ref to stator) 2.9 pu [3] [4] [5] 3 5.04 [6] [7] [8] 597 012307.html, November 2007. M. Molinas, S. Vazquez, T. Takaku, J.M. Carrasco, R. 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