ation Metho d An Example of Heatin g and g Load Calcul er for Air-Co ndition ing of Buildi ng by Digita l Comput 1 Shoioh i Kuramo chi Taieei Constr uction Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan that the actual. load for air Today, many air condit ioning engine ers recogn ize tional heatin g and g conven the by ed achiev be hardly can condit ioning system a J.oad calcul ation system , out worked author the 1966, In load ca1oul ation method .· solve the problem on heat to d adopte was in which the numeri cal calcul ation method ation system for actual. use transm ission, and has finally perfec ted- this calcul ation method oan be summa rized quite reoentJ .y. The charac teristi cs of this calcul in majori ty operat ed interm itis Japan in system ioning condit as folJ.ow s: The air during the early hours after appear ena phenom ular tently in a day and quite partic ation of operat ion. These termin the after the commencement of operat ion and right d by the buildin g and air retaine heat of tion transi the by caused are ena phenom ation method worked out has condit ioning system as heat capaci ty. The calcul ina mentio ned. To be more phenam the enting repres in others advant ages over the need to be condit ioned ularly partic 't doesn system specif ic, while any physic al storag e heat load can the ission, transm linear or invari able for calcul ating heat method . Moreov er, this calcube accura tely calcul ated by use of this oalcul. ation g an accura cy within the allation system is marked by its reliab ility in securin easy unders tanding for the s permit also It ation. calcul load for lowabl e· degree widely useful for the profes sional practi ce engine ers in genera l, hence it will be calcul ation system can be also this to cation engine ers. Improv ement and modifi system is mainly compos ed of two made withou t much diffic ulties . This calcul ation parts, namely , the heat source equipm ent 1. the calcul ation for obtain ing the output s of er rate of thermal . medium transf heat the and , of air condit ioning system atures, and transp ortatio n system and the change s of room temper load change s in the air2. the calcul ation for the heatin g and coolin g condit ioned rooms. d for this calcul ation are In the text of this report , the equatio ns adopte ation system is explain ed in cal.cul the of firstly Ulltstr ated 1 then the format ion made for the model buildin g in exation calcul the of s result the lastly and detail the actual measur ements and by comistenc e are checke d and assure d by carryin g out ed by the calcul ation system . obtain values the with values paring the measur ed load, coolin g load, Key Words: Compu ter, air condit ioning , heatin g ature, simula tion, numeri cal method , room temper ature, medium temper evalua tion. radiat ion, measur ement, interm ittent operat ion, 1. Introd uction is a heat that change s temper ature and humidi ty The heatin g and coolin g load of air condit ioning the ed by an air-co nditio ning s,yetem . It occurs in in the room being air-co nditio ned, other than produc in the room.. The heat from the ed produc heat al intern an or room the g ty form of an extern al heat invadin load, thereb y mainta ining the temper ature and humidi air-co nditio ner absorb s this heatin g and coolin g of the air in the room at a require d level. in this paper is compos ed of the follow ing two The calcul ation system that will be referre d to princi pal parts: 1 Mecha nical Engine er 715 to heat sourc e equip chang e in room air temp eratu re relat ive (1) Calc ulati on of heat trans fer and syste m. tion ment outp ut and heat medium trans porta air-c ondi tione d. ng and cooli ng load in the room being (2) Calc ulati on of chang e in the heati n syste m. Then, start ing will the deta ils of the calcu latio be compared with will This pape r will deal with the subj ect, ing build n upon appl icati on to an exist ing the resu lt obtai ned from the calcu latio the exac tness of the calcu latio n. First of all, the featu res of rm confi to data ent urem meas al the actu ined: the calcu latio n syste m will be expla outpu t of air-c ondi tioneen cooli ng and heati ng load Qlt) and (1) The syste m gives a relat ion betw re 9i(t) unde r an eseratu temp air room the of n latio ling calcu ing ~eat sourc 7 ~(t)' there with enab tabl~shed cond~t~on. in many cases in Japan , syste ms are opera ted inter mitte ntly been much regar ded. By Desp ite the fact that air-c ondi tioni ng not have ation oper ation and after the oper therm al chang es at the early stage of es can be clari fied . the said calcu latio n syste m, such chang a prede termi ned ired for room air temp eratu re ~. to reach (2) A relat ion betw een the time t 4 requs oper ation and the capa city of~the air-c ondi tioni ng heat m start leve l after the air-c ondi tioni ng syste medium trans porta tion syste ms. perm itting reaso nable desig n of heat sourc e ~ can be obtai ned, there by 1 This elim itrans fer by a nume rical metho d. { 1,2) latio n indeheat with deals m syste n latio calcu (3) The perm its calcu inva riabi lity of the therm al syste m and nates the need for any linea rity or and temp eratu re. Also , the calcu latio n syste m is easy for prac tical flow heat , thus offer ing wide use by pend ent of such chang es in appli ed and improved witho ut diffi culty desig ners to unde rstan d, and can be profe ssion al desig ners. ept have been intro m, appro xima tion methods of new conc (4) In making up the calcu latio n syste porta tion syste m in the air-c ondi tioni ng syste m, (b) simu m trans duced ; (a) simu latio n of the heat mediuin the room, and (c) simu latio n of heat excha nging in the airlatio n of radia nt heat trans porta tion cond ition ing syste m. as a heat in a give- androom being air-c ondi tione d is defin ed re to incre ase is expr esThe heati ng and cooli ng load in the eratu temp air the heat causi ng the room r defin ition s nece ssary in take relat ion with the room air, where e for the decre ase as "neg ative ". Othe nsibl respo that and " itive "pos as sed ired. the calcu latio n will be given as requ 2. on System Prin cipa l Equa tions Adopted in Calc ulati 2.1 Exci tatio ns can be obtai ned by means r to achie ve the calcu latio n, which formu lae are prepa red as Exci tatio ns are used as an inpu t facto from the desig n cond ition data. These of nece ssary relat ive form ulae avail ableinvo lves solar radia tion, sky radia tion, other effec tive radia the exci tatio ns direc tly subr utine . While the desig n cond ition ligh ts and heat ers, their relat ion with tions , atmo spher e, humanbody, anim als, relat ed there to has been well known. 2.2 Num erica l method of heat trans fer (1) heat trans fer (2-di mens ional ) Fund amen tal equa tion of stead y state ~j = Kij (If~ - l)i) )\ ,d -."A ••• (1) ••• ( 1) ' d ed dime nsion s (see poin t j to adjac ent poin t i, d: Divid wher e, Q.j: Rate of heat flow from Assuming &-1 , (} , ••• ity. uctiv cond al poin ts i and j, )\: Therm poin t 1, we ~ave, to flow figur e 1), fi! ~1 : Temp eratu res at heat a 2, ••• and Q1 to be the rate of to be the temper~tures at poin ts 1, 1 r. atur e refer ence at the end of this pape Figu res in brack ets indic ate the liter 716 ••• (2) For the steady-state heat transfer, the left member of the eq (2) is zero. (2) Fundamental equation of unsteady state heat transfer (2-dimensional) ••• (3) ••• (4) 4t.~ = C(~1.dt- 19-1) 19 1.dt p(~2 + 19-3 + ~4 + li-5 + (~- 4 l&;) ••• (5) ••• (6) d. c( N=-- ••• (?) A where 1 ~ At1 Temperature at point 1 after time interval of At, capacity of element volume, c: Specific heat, Specific weight, (: a: Thermal diffusivity, .1t: Time interval, 0(: 0: Heat Heat conductivity. The various equations of heat transfer to be produced by the above fundamental equation and the traditional equations will be illustrated in appendix. (3) Temperature variation in thermal medium transportation system ( 5) With a tube as shown in a figure 2 (1) considered to be a model of the thermal medium transportation tube, it is assumed that the surface of the tube is insulated, and the temperatures of the tube and thermal medium are equal at any contacting point and time. Next, changes in temperature with time at respective points as shown in figure 2 (2) where the medium temperature is changed in step order as much as 1:.. &- in the transportation system maintained at a constant temperature are replaced by linear changes 1 as shown in figure 2 (3), and it is assumed that & changes at a uniform rate during the period of 2m1.t:1t to re~ch a final level, ~ corresponding to ~ th~t freely changes can be obtained by the following equatJ.on. 2 1 2m1 2m1-m+1 t9:1(n • .1t-2m1.~t) + :E - - - i! IJ; ((n-2m1+1ll-1 Mtl 2m1 ••• (8) m=1 f m1 c.r.v.llt ••• (q) t): fluid at inlet of system at time n.At, ~2 ( where, & 1 ( at): Temperature of medium Temperature of fluid at outlet of system at time n • .1.t, LlE;1 { At): Temperature dirlerence at inlet during.t..t at time n.llt, n, m: Number showing time by multtitte 6f4t, f: Total heat capacity of transportation system, p, v: Flow rate of medium fluid, c: Specific heat of medium fluid, {: Specific weight of medium liquid. When m1 is under a relation of 0.5~m1 f-1, it is regarded as 1, and if under a relation of m1 ~1, an integer closet to the actual value is employed. Especially when m1 < 0.5 1 G-1 is always considered equal to ~?~ This means that the effect of the heat capacity of the system is to be taken into account when it is~arge, and such effect may be ignored when small. 3. Change in Room Air Temperature and Heat Medium Transportation System The calculation system dealt with in this Section takes the heating and cooling-load Q as the input data, thereby computing the output of heat source equipment Qas and the change of room air temperature 9-i• Calculation system concerning Q will be explained in Section 4. Between_ the two calculation systems for ~i and Q, input and output must be exchanged to carry out the calculation. The heat produced 717 tion system 1 and the air-co nditio ning room by the trans porta by the heat sourc e equipm ent is carrie d into the same system a These heat by ent equipm e sourc heat the into d tion system the heatin g or coolin g load is carrie nce of: (1) Heat capac ity of the trans porta trans porta tion phenomena are under the influe trans porta tion equipm ent power , and (3) Heat from outsid e by system will be plus heat medium, (2) Therm al load cause d therm al chara cteris tics of the trans porta tion of the trans porta tion system , whereby the system is provi ded with autom atic contr ol unite With these formeda In addit ion, the air-co nditio ning desig n requi rewill be made up under restri ction s by the facto rs, an air-co nditio ning proce ss system ments . will be model as shown in figure 3 furth er expla nation In this Secti on, assum ing a simpl e basic made. Cond itions for desig n calcu lation 3o1 (b) chilning system includ e (a) room tempe rature ~imt Princ ipal contr ol value s for the air-co nditio ictiv e condi tions, restr As m• ~f rature tempe air g 1 tionin condi led or hot water tempe rature ~w1mand (c) (c) flow rate of (b) flow rate of chilli ed or hot water p, there are (a) capac ity of heat sourc e GRBm, or air induc ed v , (e) time requi red for room air tempe ra0 air-co nditio ning air v 1 , (d) volume of outdo sourc e outpu t to of opera tion t4, (f) time requi red for heat stage early at level e stabl a reach to ture elimi natio n of ete compl till red requi tion t 1 and (g) time reach a stabl e level at early stage of opera • heat sourc e outpu t after opera tion stop t 5 indic ates at early stage of opera tion, and figure 5 Figur e 4 shows the chang es in QL:rn, Q and t}i ol value s and restr ictiv e condi tions contr The over. is tion opera after es their trend of subsq uent chang with outdo or and indoo r condi tions. are appl.i ed as desig n requir emen ts toget her are given as tion and after the opera tion is over which The chang es in Qm.[ at early stage of opera can be regard ed as linea r chang es in the case of ment, the chara cteris tic of the heat sourc e equip r. Assuming are treate d as a certa in restr ictiv e facto ordin ary refrig erato rs and boile rs, and thus at early stage of ant const = n Qzmui = Ll~ have we t, outpu 1 n 1 = t1/4t , and Qru3m = maximum heat sourc e equat ion can be rewri tten as opera tion. If n is betwe en 0 and n 1 , this ••• ( 10) QRB(n .llt) tion is t = 0, and n 5 Also, assum ing that the time to stop opera n and 0 be obtain ed if n is betwe en 5 n.<lruJ(o) "rm<n.<lt) = ts(~t, the fol.low ing relati on can ... (11) n5 ity of suppl y calcu lation , such as; W1 : Total heat capac heatin g In addition-~ varia bles neces sary for the g or coolin of system return of ity capac heat system of coolin g or heatin g water , W2: Total duct system , V: Volume of room, c.r. V(l+~): Total efair water , £ 1: Total heat capac ity of suppl y room air must be asAddit ional coeff icien t of heat capac ity of fectiv e heat capac ity of room air, sumed for calcu lation o the time of al state of the air-co nditio ning system at locat ion of Initi al condi tions are relate d to the therm by d guide ents judgem eering engin h throug assumed commencement of the calcu lation , and may be data. l stica stati and , system of build ing and build ing, data, time, therm al chara cteris tics the of rature , ~"i is return air tempe rature at Now, assum ing that !9-0 is outdo or air tempe on the side of the heat excha nger, t;. fZ can be obtain ed rature heat excha nger, and ~f 2 is mixed air tempe from the follow ing equat ion. e: ••• ( 12) JoAq as, are negligible~equent input data tion condi al initi the for s value ed start calcu lation Sligh t error s in assum itsel f has conve rgenc e and if the time to are corre ct, becau se the calcu lation system is advan ce. 3.2 Varia tion in room tempe rature by the follow ing equat ion. Varia tion in room tempe rature is obtain able 718 ••• (13) where, QRB(n.At): Rate of heat transported from air conditioning system to room at time n.~t, Q(n.dt): Heating or cooling load in room at time n.dt,4~i(n.dt): Difference in room temperature between 4t at time n.At. And if the supply air temperature at diffuser at time n.~t is &"rl(n.At), ••• (14) 'lru!(n.<lt) According to the equation (14), it is noted that the room temperature at time (n.dt +dt) is obtainable from respective values at time n.At. This fact is of great significance for the subsequent calculation. Apparent variation in retained heat of room air ~ relative to changes in room temperature at the earlY period operation from 0 to t4 is given as, ••• ( 15) where n4 = t4jdt. The decipive factor for the change in room temperature where the absolute value of ~ is smaller than that of JlflQ}mdt is a balancing relation between Q and Q"'RB• With relative increase in ~~ however, ita ef?ect on t4 can no longer be ignored, and must be given due consideration in selecting the value of QRBm• At the early stage of usual intermittent air-conditioning operation, the maximum output of the heat source equipment is required, and ~ is often determined by setting t4 at a required value. The relationship between t4 and ~ can be obtained. Today, there is no better way than a trial and error method to find the relationship between t4 and ~· 3.3 Heat exchanger Air must be used as final thermal medium when heat produced by the air-conditioning system is transmitted into the room. Heat exchangers of the air-conditioning system in general use today employ water as primary thermal medium and air as secondary thermal medium, excepting heat exchanger for heat source equipment. The capacity and service condition of the heat exchanger are subject to the related design specifications. In order to quantitatively find the characteristics of the heat exchanger under other service conditions, it is necessary to intorporate complicated characteristic relationship as it is into the calculation system. This, however, is so intricate to deal with that a practical simple method will be employed here. General usage and performance of the heat exchanger most used recently are as follows, with the flow rate of air v 1 passing through the heat exchanger considered invariable, chilled or hot water at an almost constant inlet temperature ~'w 1 m is supplied by controlling its flow rate p by means of a two-w~y or three-way valve. Assuming the return water temperature to be 9'w2 ' the rate of exchanged heat is expressed as P (&'w 1 - ~'w2 ). This formula is equal, whether two-way or three-way valve is involved. If the air temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger are ~£ 2 and ~L1 ' respectively, the corresponding enthalpies are i 2 and i 11 and the latent heat load to be eliminated is~L' the rate of exchanged heat is had as follows, ... ( 16) While the values of &1 2 and &f are establiShed spontaneously during the air-conditioning operaserve ~s contra! valuesa Design values p and v 1 , therefore, must be adjusted so and tion, ~· w1mcentro 1m values may not be exceeded even under the maximum air-conditioning load. that these &f Taking for example a cooling operation to simulate the action of this heat exchanger, the mutual relation with temperatures is shown in figure 6. In figure 6 (1), a relationship under maximum load is given, where the value of c/a is assumed to be invariable under medium load Shown in figure 6 (2). Under this relation, a = &f 2 - 6l-'w 1 , b = &•w2 - &'w 1 , b' = ( G-'w2) - G-'w 1 and c = 8-f2 - 61-f1. The difference between ~·w 2 and (~'w~ is to correspond to the latent heat load Qt• The relation between c and b is at given by the equation (16). The value of a becomes maximum when the load comes to the maximum, at which point, it is necessary not to overestimate the value of~ 1 • The values of ~·w 1 and ~·w 2 obtained from this simulation are not equal tO those actually measured. But what is actually needed is the difference in temperature (&'w2 - 9'w1 ), and thus if near actual values are desired, they can be obtained by comparing the value of ~·w 1 with ~·w 1 m and adjusting~w 2 as 719 much as the resultan t differen ce. of operatio n is achieved as folSimulati on of the automati c control performa nce at the early stage d till ()).i m, B-f of value mined predeter the toward ed 1 andQR5 is increase lows: The val.ue 9-f 1 iS'chang the room After tamed. main is state this RBmt g~ reachin reaches its predeter mined value. With QRM correspo nding to the load variatio n is tempera ture reaches the pre-dete rmined level, the differen ce in~i and ~·w29 thereby controll ing the outfeed back to the heat source side with the medium tempera ture &f 1 put «Jm• hed merely by reversin g the The thermal relation s in the heating operatio n can also be establis above. given heat and tures tempera for symbols 3.4 Calculat ion of thermal relation in air conditio ning system based on a simulati on model shown Figure 7 shows a thermal relation in the air conditio ning system To simplify and smoothly accompl ish values. various obtain to e procedur ion calculat the and 3, in figure follows: as set are ons assumpti the calculation~ some (a) Time required to transpor t heat medium is ignored. ' system is proporti onal to the heat(b) Externa l heat load invading the heat medium transpo rtation ). required as ion calculat by le obtainab is (this ing or cooling load for relative humidit ies. Thus, (c) This calculat ion system includes no exact calculat ion method maintain ed at 50%. the relative humidity of the air in the room is consider ed always referred to later) at same time are (d) Room air temperat ures within one calculat ion unit (will be all equal. The calculat ion at t = n • .dt (e) Calculat ion is carried out at each step of time interval t& t. t = n.dt is started with room time desired at ion calculat of cycle the of on completi the subseque nt to air tempera ture 9i(n.At + at)• of room tempera ture, return air (f) As shown in figure 7, calculat ion is carried out in the order and supply air duct system, followed by duct system, return water pipe system, supply water pipe system calculat ion of room air temperat ure with time advanced as much as~t. reversib le, the flow of heat trans(g) Although the heat flow of the cooling or heating load is ible~ inrevers ported by the heat medium transpor tation system is system are calculat ed by the use of (h) The tempera tures at various points of the air-cond itioning general rule. a as , adyanced most is time when known related tempera tures obtained overall calculat ion accuracy . Today, these assumpti ons are within the permiss ible range of the ning system step by step. The followin g will outline the transfer of heat in the air conditio (1) Return air system ture. Assuming change in return The return air temperat ure changes with changing room air tempera be expresse d as f~llows: can it (n.L]t), A.9' be to 4t + n.tlt and n.dt times 1 air tempera ture between changed to 9 11i(n.llt + 4 t) at the Suppose that the return air inlet temperat ure 9-'i(n.l] t +At) is heat qft invading the system and the external by outlet. This temperat ure change can be caused to occur 1 and &"i can be obtained by the followin g heat ca:pacity of the return air system. A relation between & i account. into token qf~ with (9), and (8) s equation , using the equation n.ll ~ i(n.4t~t) = 2m1 2m1-m+1 (;' i(n.4t+4 t-2m1.A t) + m'f1 2m1 t Lli!l i{(n-2m1 -tm)tltj + qf2 <-~-)4t Ceu•V 2 ••• (18) ... (tq} the equation (12). from le obtainab is air outdoor and air return this of The tempera ture of a mixture ml = (2) f,j(c.a. Vz·At) Return water system ion now comes to the return Accordin g to the given order of calculat ion in this paper, the calculat 720 water system at time (n.6t +~t). As shown in figure 3 1 the system contains a water1 pump, where the flow rate of water is p, water temperature at the outlet of the beat exchanger is &w2 , and water temperature at the inlet of beat source equipment is &w 2 • It is also assumed that all the thermal changes caused by the air at the inlet of the beat exchanger will be taken over by the return water system, which will join the effects dependent on the rate of invading heat qwt• power load of the pump %WP and heat capacity of the system in the return water system. The effects of the mixed air will be taken over by the equation (16), and by applying equations (8) and (9) to the above changes, the water temperature at the inlet of the heat source equipment &w2(n.dt + ~t) can be obtained as follows: 2m2 2m2-m+1 1 + m~ 2m2 , lf&-w2{(n-2m2-!m)~t} + ( m2=~ P•tlt '\.2+ K~ p -t ... (20) ••• (21) where &-f 2 and ~·w 2 , and t9w 1 and &f 1 used in equation (16) are values expressed at times (n.Llt + 4t) and n.4t, respectively. (3) Supply water system Thermal changes in the return waters system are carried over into the supply water system. The heat source equipment is located between the two systems and is subjected to the change in temperature depending on the output Qas• Assuming that the water temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the heat source equipment are 9 2 and()- 1 , the relation ofQRBwith them isQRB = p(&: 1 - 8-' 2 ). With O.Wt assumed to be the water !emperat~e at the inlet of heat exchanger anu-temper~ture c~ange caused by heat invading the system qw 1 taken into consideration, ~·w 1 can be expressed by the following equation in the same manner as above. + m3 2m3 "" 2113-m-1 & 2m3 ~ w1(n-2m3-~mldt + ~1 w1 =p.l\t ••• (22) ••• (23) (4) Supply air system Thermal changes in the supply air system are taken Over by the supply air system via heat exchanger. Values ~or ~f2 ! ~·w 1 and~~ 2 are all as measured at time (n.dt +dt), as well as ~f 1 • In the supply air system ~s prov~ded a fan. l§suming that the air temperature at the outlet of the heat exchanger is ~£ 1 , average tempQ.ratur·e of the diffused air is 19'11f 1 , power load from the fan isQKWP' and heat invading tlie system is ~l , we can obtain &"f 1 by the following equation in the same manner as above. &" 4 2m4 ,_. 2m -m+1 l\& & f1[(n-2m4-~m)llt) + 2m4 m;' + ~t) f1(n.At+dt-2m4, f1(n,4t+At)= 1 ••• (24) ... (25) The four systems mentioned above are connected by (a) air-conditionin g room, (b) the heat e~changer for air-conditionin g and (c) heat source equipment. The performance of these connected systems and heat medium transportation system will serve as various basic components of an air-conditionin g system. Also, the air-conditionin g system is available in other types using boost heater, dual duct system, three or , and Q four piping system, etc. These cases can be handled in the theoretically same manner as Q where subrutine is prepared for the calculation. By the combination of various basic mode~ and au~ routine as required, various types of air-conditionin g systems and associated heat medium transportation systems can_ be made up. 4. Heating and Cooling Load in Room When the material of wall surrounding the room, dimensions, position and service condition of the room, atmospheric condition and initial condition are given, and room temperature and humidity are designated, the heating and cooling load tends to be determined. In this Section, the calculation 721 system whereby the transmitting course and thermal rate of the heating and cooling load can be obtained will. be explained. 4.1 (1) Preparation for calcUlation s,yatem Calculation unit and area element Unline the conventional method to calculate the load per each room, the calculation system being referred to in this Section is such that a plurality of rooms that little differ in temperature and are considered equal in temperature variation during the calculation are dealt with in one cal.culation unit. In case one room has two or more typical temperatures, as many calculation units ae the number of typical temperatures are provided in the building. Thus, while the calculation unit has something related to the concept of zoning, it still depends on the typical room temperatures. Practicall.y, rooms where the temperature difference is always within ± 1o5°C may be regarded as one calculation unit. Heating or cooling load in the room is obtained by the calculation of trans:la:l.t heat transfer phenomena, except convection heat transfer, draft and latent heat that are directly obtainable. When the room air absorbs the heating or cooling load, its temperature changes at a rate dependent on ita heat capacity. Ae the heat capacity of this room air, an apparent heat capacity c.r.V(1+p) is used. Walls, floor and ceiling forming a room play a leading role in the transfer of heat, radiant heat that has invaded the room cannot become a load without having been absorbed by the solid objects in the room. The transmission course of the heating or cooling lead is formed as a thermal system chiefly by the surrounding structural objects, and its thermal characteristics depend largely upon the construction and composition of the structual surroundings, the load phenomenon occurs in largely different manner depending on whether the glass window is wide or narrow, or whether a curtain wall or concrete wall. is used. A calculation of heat transfer does not necessarily require simulation exactly to the thermal com.. position of the room, in this calculation system, the areas of structural objects equal. in heat transfer phenoemonea are totall.ed for calculation and the results are proportionally divided per area.. These area are called area elements for calculation. (2) Thick wall and thin wall Disturbances with large changes are caused by the external atmospheric condition, and response depends on the properies of the outer wall. To estimate the rate of heat transfer from the wall body, thermal transmittance or thermal conductivity is used. The rate of temperature changes inside the solid can be determined according to the thermal diffusivity. The wall bodies are available in many types, such as concrete wall having a heat capacity with property of heat insulation, metal panels having a low heat capacity with poor heat insulating power, a combination of metal panels with heat retaining material that is low in heat capacity yet has proper heat insulation, and glass plates that let radiant heat penetrate through. These wall bodies are classified by heat capacity per unit area, according to which those high in heat capacity are call.ed a thick wall and those low in heat capacity are called a thin wall. The relation expressed by equation (6) is referred to for practical classification, whereby the divided measurement 11d11 relative to divided time .4 t is determinedo Accordingly, the wall whose thickness is divided into two or leas portions is called a thin wall, and that with three or more divisions of its thickness is called a thick wall. For the calculation on the thin wall, equation (1) or (48) is applied combined with such an expedient as including part of the heat capacity of the wall body in that of room air .. ~.2 Course of heating or cooling load The calculation of heating or cooling load in the room is aimed at clarification of the quantity of heat transfer through the analysis of the transfer course of the heating or cooling load. The flow rate and direction of heat always involves the temperature gradient on the course according to Fourier's low. With a temperature change of the heat medium on the course, the rate of its retained heat increases or decreases, and this behavior of the heat has an important bearing on the load. Kink of disturbance and intensity of the heat flow are given as the design considerations, and various equations shown in the a.}l}len.diX are applied for the calculation of heat transfer inside the building. The application of these equations is very simple, and will be outl.ined below in connection with the pointe particularly considered in this calculation method. (1) Heat transfer on interior structural bodies The room bas many pillars and beams in addition to the walls,. While these structural bodies do not serve very much as the course of the external heat, they release or absorb the retained heat with changes in room temperatureo Also the surrounding wall has a rugged surface, which has a similar thermal action .. To compensate for these thermal actions, subrutines by the application of equations (5) and (36) through 722 (38) are prepared. (2) Radiant heat transfer in the room Let us assume a film at the boundary dividing the exterior and interior structural bodies. This assumed film represents a surface condition of the interior structual body, and its surface temperature (MRT) is &'Im = ji Am X f;-r.nJ ~ Ain• The effective radiant heat transfer between the external surface and the film can be obtained by equation (42). If there is no marked temperature difference over the entire exterior structure, its average temperature (MRT) is B'om = Y: AonX G-or/fAon• The radiant heat transferred to the assumed film from the exterior can safely be considered to be received evenly by the whole surface of the interior structure. (3) Radiation from interior heating bodies Interior heating bodies are available locally and in the objects evenly scattered on the floor, such as human bodies and lighting equipment. In the latter case, radiant heat is emitted evenly to the ceiling and floor. 4.3 How to set up load variation calculation system Tb achieve calculation by computer, the design conditions and area element per room are applied as input data. Of the results from the calculation, necessary data are taken as output, and expressed with a proper time intenal. The calculation system must be ready to take all kinds of possible input date conditions. If any special conditions occur, and the system is not prepared to permit their application thereto, an approximation method is emplyed in a form close to the existing method. If the effect of the approximation is not permissible, then the calculation system itself must be improved for higher accuracy. Such instances often occur in respect to multi-layer wall, or when the air-conditioning room is adjacent to a room under special condition. 5. Example of Calculation The calculation system being dealt with in this paper is based on the simulation of a air-conditioning system, and is a computer program intended to obtain design data. The details of the setup, however, are the questions directly related to the prograrmning, and thus are omitted in this paper. Already, this calculation method has provide to be able to provide permissible calculation data upon application to several existing buildings and comparison with actual. values. The .following is an example of the practical application. 5.1 (1) Application of calculation method Preparation for calculation Prior to calculation, ·the air-conditioning system is determined. Then, input data are prepared from the related materials. Since the Capacities of the associated equipment are unknown prior to the designing, they are estimated from the actual statistic values. The capacity of heat source equipment .for intermittent air conditioning ~ is obtainable from ita relation with the time required to stabilize the room air temperature t4, and accordingly values for p and v 1 can also be determined. For the operation of the calculation system, engineering decisions, such as initial conditions, are required. Various values estimated at first are ·corrected to proper values upon investigation of the calculation results, and are recalculated if' necessary. For example, the temperature change in room air temperature in the adjacent part that will not be calculated is assumed and if this assumption is found far different from the calculation result obtained later, the calculation is repeated from the beginning. (2) Application to building ( 6) Location: Tokyo. Name: 0 Building. Purpose of use: to provide office spaces. Construction: SRC (curtain used as outer walls at the south and east sides). Scale: Nine storied, 3 basement floors and 3 penthouses. Total area: 7,260m2. Air-conditioning area: 3,400m2. Operation: Intermittent (8:30 to 17:30). The application of this calculation method to the air conditioning of this building was attempted. In this application, actual values were emplyed, instead of exterior and interior design conditions. For the air-conditioning system, the model shown in figure 3 could be applied as it is, and the calculation was carried out in one calculation unit. 723 (3) Results of calculat ion building and at the respecti ve By this calculat ion method, the tempera tures and heat flows in the over the given calculat ion detail in ed calculat be could system itioning 9 air-cond components of the heat flow is tremendo us and practica lperior. However, recordin g of all the data on the tempera ture and was selected from among these data design the for y necessar ed ly meaning less. Thus 9 what was consider up and diagrammed as given in figure as the output, from which values for ~ 9 &i and only were pickedmedium tempera tures &f , &-r , &"r , heat the of changes The 1 2 line. 1 bracken and lines full with 8 (2) calculat ion results, the followin g &'w1 and &•w2 were as shown in figure 9 with full lines.. From these were found out. n to a predeter mined level, (a) To bring the room air tempera ture at the early stage of operatio Accordin g to the convent ional time., a for output full with operated be to is nt equipme the heat source short. Thus, the output becomes system air supply the in air of rate design method, however, the flow a result of a trial. calAs level. ture tempera air room mined declines prior to arrival. at the predeter full output operatio n that found was it , shortage culation with increase d supply air rate to avoid the level, as shown in figure mined predeter the reaches ture tempera air room the till d continue has to be 10. of operatio n represen ts what is (b) The part indicate d with A in figure 8 (2) at the initial stage in the cooling operation)~ heat e (negativ nt spent for the increase in the retained heat of the equipme from the discharg e of this results finished is n operatio the after g appearin B part the t, In contras heat. Both rates of heat are not always equal, however . ning design, adequate value (c) By the applicat ion of this calculat ion method to the air conditio medium transpo rtation system l heat for Qrum, can be discover ed. There are other advantag es that rationa can be set up. plan suited to ~ can be designed and that a proper air-cond itioning for QRBm, p and v 1 of the system set up In this example, calculat ion was made using known values those for rationa l equipme nt. than results other by the convent ional design method, thus given 5·2 Comparison with measured values and evaluati on ent in this building are Changes of ~ and &-i obtained from the actual. air conditio ning measurem 8 (1). Changes of figure as ns conditio exterior given in figure 8-12) with dotted lines together with correspo nding calculat ion results The lines~ dotted with 9 figure in shown are tures tempera heat medium A comparis on between both results are as given in figure 8 (2) and 9 with full lines and bracken line. and trends.. Although the heat values similar shows time with &i snows that the change of Qru3, Q and differen ce in control method, the necesmedium tempera tures themselv es are a little differen t because of sary tempera ture differen ce are in near agreement,. air-cond itioning system is the What calls for specific attentio n here is the fact that the existing Also, when it comes to the method. l rationa a of not and method product of the convent ional design and cooling load, such as that from actual construc tion, there were unexpec tedly many causes of heating these points taken into conside ration, the heat medium transpo rtation system exposed on the roof. With for ~ is upavoid able .. a differen ce by 10% or so between the calculat ed and actual values are such that IBM ,360 comFor referenc e, the time and labor required for this calculat ion method day, and a little more ion calculat one per seconds 60 to puter took 20 to 130 seconds with6t at 300 tion. labor than for convent ional method was required for input data prepara ion method by degital comJudging from the above, we believe the practica l value of this calculat puter is very high. 6. Conclus ions have to depend on compute rs by all In the future, calculat ions of the type mentione d above will function method, response are weight means. As the calculat ion methods for solid heat transfer , there employed in our system.. All these method al numeric the to addition in method, factor method and analog and cooling load, and as to heating the of 3096 than less on problem methods , however , pertain to the heating and cooling load calcuthe of gist The differ. to remainin g part of the load, they have little calculat ion, but in the systema tilation should lie, not in the methodology of the solid heat transfer zation of the calculat ion method altogeth er .. since several years ago, -inOur calculat ion method introduc ed in this paper has been systema tized too it is possible to reduce method, al numeric the 9 With depende ntly of the progress in other methods . is given, and satisfac tory results the calculat ion time and memory capacity if proper conside ration 724 coul.d be !l'btained in respect to accuracy~ Improvement of this calculation method itself and interchange with other methods are the problems remaining to be solved,_ This paper limited clarification to the design problems ahead of the heat source equipment outputi and has not dealt with the air conditioning energy. It, however, can be easily obtained using, the handling of the heat medium transportation system as a guide, provided the performance of the system components is already known. WhUe it is still pre,ature to draw a conclusion because of insufficient data, the physical value for the wall body, a ( = ~ ) is considered different between cooling and heating period. For such phenomenon, this calculation method is more advantageously applicable than other methods as in the case of intermittent air conditioning operation. To conclude this report, the author expresses his profound appreciation to Dr. Kenichi Hiraga under whom he works for the opportunity of compiling this paper and very helpful advicea and guidance. 7• 7.1 Appendix Various equations related to unsteady state heat transfer Temperature in one dimensional object, see figure 11 (1) ... (26) One dimensional, surface temperature of object in contact with fluid with temperature of, see figure 11 (2) &1.6t = 2P(&2 + N.~f + N.\9-f+2G; N + 2 <zi. - N - 1) &;) ... (27) see figure 11 (3) ••• (28) One dimensional, surface temperature of object subjected to heat flux q, see figure 11 (4) ... (29) Heat produced at uniform rate inside object Q, see figure 11 (5) .... (30) One dimensional, surface temperature of object with heat produced at uniform rate inside Q, see figure 11 (6) .... (31) One dimensional, heat conduction between two objectst aes figure 11 (7) - 1) 725 e;) ••• (32) where, t\I: without point 1. Thermal conductivity of object with point 1, Au: Thermal conductivity of object Two dimensional, irregular shape surface temperature of object In case of figure 11 (8): ••• (33) In case of figure 11 (9): ••• (34) In ease of figure 11 (10): &1.Jt = 4P ( $-2 + ~ 2 + + 1 (lfP- N- ') 1)$-~ ••• (35) Value for 0( used in equations (33) to (35) is a corrected heat transfer coefficient inversely proportionate to increase or decrease in area of the object surface. 7o2 Values of P and N Because of the condition where multiplying coeffecient for ~1 in the right member of the equations for G-1•(lt will not become minus, 4t has a permissible maximwn limit. For example, from equations (26) and (27) given in the latter paragraphs, we have p ~ 1/2 1 p 52( 1-INJ inside object ••• (36) on object surface ••• (37) Also, the permissible range of P relative to any value of N is as follows: P ~1/3 ••• (38) 7o3 Surface heat transfer ( 3) Q = .w. - ••• (39) 11'1) where, Q: Rate of heat transfer at surface, D<: Total heat transfer coefficient, CX 0 : heat transfer coefficient, ~r: Radiation heat transfer coefficient. 7.4 Radiation (solar) temperature Convection &8 .... (41) where, I: intensity of radiation, a: absorption rate. 7o5 Radiation ( 3) ••• (42) 726 ••• (43) ••• (44) ••• (45) ••• (46) where, Q12: Net rate of radiation from surface A1 to A2 , A1 , A2 : Areas of surfaces exchanging heat by radiation opposite to each other, ~12 : Total shape factor between A1 and A2 , T1 , T2 : Surface temperatures of A1 _end A2 , dA , ~: Small element areas in surfaces A and Az, ¢ , ¢> : Angles be1 1 2 tween normals on dA1 and dA2 and li.iie connecting dA 1 and f,, ~: Emissitivities of X1 and A2 • 7o6 &8 Equivalent out door temperature 110 = 11.,. tll1o = &.,. + + ~' ·a 1 , a 2 : lbaorptJ.on factors of A1 and A2 , and equivalent temperature difference t(l18 ('(") -Item) r( Irs( 't) ( 4) ••• (47) ••• (48) i9'sm) - 1)-1 - ~~e 1 23 &sm = 21+ where, & 1 : Room air temperature, much as before time being calculated. f: 1: t=o Decrement factor, \ : B. ( 5) Value of 9'8 s. Kuramochi 1 An Calculation Method of Heating and Cooling Load, SHASHJ, Vol.43, No.12, Vo1.44 9 No.1 ~Conditioning P.394~416. ( 6) ( 3) K. Watanabe, others, Kenchiku Time lag, &-a(L): References ( 1) H. s. Carslow and J. J. Jarger, Conduction of heat in Solid, P.467-478. ( 2) Y. Kudo, Dennetsu Gairon, lf's(t) Ke~ s. Kuramochi, Investigation and Measurements of Air-Conditioning on Buildings (1) Genron, P.29, 60. ( 4) H. Uchida, Kuuki Chyosei no Kihon Keikaku, P.90, 91 727 (3), AHASEJ, Vol.44, No.2, No.3. as d I_ J T~r----r-i ' l L __ I I I ---f--4 i I L_ __ 1------I i y I I I I IL 3 L_ _ _ I __j _ __ 1 I I lL __ ~-- 5 I ____ I ! _ I I -r I _j ___ -, i I f---~ 2 ! I 1 r I --1 I i _ _j '---X Fig-1 Heat Cond uction in Solid , Two-Dimension 728 ~--------------~--------------~ (}I (t>O) B' 0 l .... Q:) t (h (0) ~x 81 (t () I 10 11 L',tl 12/ltl Fig-2(1)-(3) Llt llt 1 2 ilt Simulation of Thermal Medium Transportation System 729 v 0 -wv--j 8i flwz p vl flwl H.X. v4 v3 Ref Bwz val ve for hea ting fan p pump pl con tro l Pan el. Pz pump T1 the rm ost at F Fig- 3 ewl " II II If for coo ling " thr ee way Va lve A Model of 730 Air- cond ition ing Syste m opera tion start Bi' B I Fig-4 Change of Thermal Medium Temp. just after Operation Start Qn.v.__ _ opera tion stop QRs"' Q Ql l B (see Fi -t Fig-5 Change of Value of QRB, Q"RB and Q just after Operation Stop 731 CD I ~( -. ..... ..... 1 )case atQm~ c::: .... ::::1 0 Fig-6(1),(2) -.... ~ ( 2) case at Q c::: Simulation of Heat-exchanger Performance 732 ..... ~ ..... ::::1 0 out door air rl® r/ ® return air system : return water system J l ~ "'"' leD air conditionin g room Y I l (]) heat exchange r @ supply air system Fig-7 }-®-- Y ® I l G) heat supply water system Calculation Procedure Diagram souce equipment 1 J N I oc s. D.B. tot al sk y .rc'J W.B. It 19 67 - 8 -1 0 . ~~ c4c'Jt. loiJ . 1 bu lb temP· ~ 5 ~ :r 3 wind ve loc ity --. .._ __ __ _:. . W.V. \ 2 1 10 -h Fig- 8 (1) Con ditio ns of Wea ther -+-' ~ 9 -+-" -+-" cd ~ X tn operation stqp QO ,~ ' 6 -~- ~ • •• 0. . . 0... .. 0...... calculatio n 5 w '-" .. • A ,....,. -------- ---[----- -------- 4 I r---t.. 3 / I I / , / .i.Q fresh airload . ......... . 29 -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 28 27 calculatio n Bi 2 ..........................7···· ....... . 26 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 25 measurem ent 1 / B .... 8 OC Bi ------- 9 10 Fig-8 Cont. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 h (2) Values of QRB' Q and ei obtained by Calculation and Measurement 1 oc 30~peration start - , - 25t ---- ,_ operati on fJr2 stop~ ~~ ------~- B l r 20 15r 11 fJ{l __ ... ______ ........ - - - - · - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 I ~ 11 w ~ lOr I ---- . f) ------ I\1 -- _____ ; ...- --- - - -- I 51- W2 - -- -- ----- f) w1 ---- ------- symbol --calc ulatio n ---meas uremen t 08 9 Fig-9 10 11 12 13 J I 14 15 I_ 16 Thermal Medium Temp. obtained by Calculation and Measurement L 17 -h 18 operation start f- 6 f- Q RB oc 5f4 - .- - 3 - ei 2 - "'An. - 1 8 Fig-10 - I I 9 10 29 28 1 27 26 25 24 I 11-time Results of Calculation in case of enough Air supply 737 e I I I I I 2 1 3 Ld I I I I I d----i d (1) f 2 1 I lJ (2) Fig-11 (1 and 2) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted 738 I I I /; I / ;:; :;; ;:; f s~ ---1 11 1 I ~ V> ~ ~· / 3 I I I ·~d I I I I I I 4 r1 1 2 //A/#/@ I I d--1 I I I I d~- One dimensionlal Two dimensional (3) Fig-11 Cont. (3) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted Q -..... 2 I --~-<--d__,J (4 ) Q I I I 3 1 I 2 I I I I I I I I I I I Ld I' I d d_J (5) Fig-11 Cont. (4 and 5) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted 740 Q 1 f 2 I I I I d-l----d~ 2 (6) I I I I I l 3T I I I .L 1T II I I I I .l. I 2TI I I I I I -d d I I d~ (7) Fig-11 Cont. (6 and 7) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted 741 r~d-l I I I -~-1 I _L __ -I 2 I ----~ ~ "'"' f f (8) 5 (9) Fig-11 Cont. (8 and 9) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted I I --r-1 I f I 1 __ j__ 1 I 'i:l ' I --~- _j I I I (10) Fig-11 Cont. {10) Variation of Heat Transfer to be adopted 743