Contents Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 1 Problem-Solving Agents 2 Formulating Problems 3 Problem Types 4 Example Problems 5 Search Strategies 3. Solving Problems by Searching Problem-Solving Agents, Formulating Problems, Search Strategies Wolfram Burgard, Bernhard Nebel, and Martin Riedmiller Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg April 27, 2012 3 (University of Freiburg) Problem-Solving Agents Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 2 / 47 A Simple Problem-Solving Agent → Goal-based agents Formulation: problem as a state-space and goal as a particular condition on states Given: initial state Goal: To reach the specified goal (a state) through the execution of appropriate actions → Search for a suitable action sequence and execute the actions (University of Freiburg) SOLVING PROBLEMS BY SEARCHING Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 3 / 47 function S IMPLE -P ROBLEM -S OLVING -AGENT( percept ) returns an action persistent: seq, an action sequence, initially empty state, some description of the current world state goal , a goal, initially null problem, a problem formulation state ← U PDATE -S TATE(state , percept ) if seq is empty then goal ← F ORMULATE -G OAL(state ) problem ← F ORMULATE -P ROBLEM(state, goal ) seq ← S EARCH( problem) if seq = failure then return a null action action ← F IRST(seq ) seq ← R EST(seq) return action Figure 3.1 A simple problem-solving agent. It first formulates a goal and a problem, sea sequence of actions that would solve the problem, and then executes the actions one at a ti (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 4 / 47 this is complete, it formulates another goal and starts over. Properties of this Agent Problem Formulation Goal formulation World states with certain properties Stationary environment Definition of the state space (important: only the relevant aspects → abstraction) Observable environment Definition of the actions that can change the world state Discrete states Definition of the problem type, which depends on the knowledge of the world states and actions → states in the search space Deterministic environment Specification of the search costs (search costs, offline costs) and the execution costs (path costs, online costs) Note: The type of problem formulation can have a serious influence on the difficulty of finding a solution. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 5 / 47 Example Problem Formulation (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 6 / 47 Alternative Problem Formulation Given an n × n board from which two diagonally opposite corners have been removed (here 8 × 8): Question: Goal: Cover the board completely with dominoes, each of which covers two neighboring squares. Can a chess board consisting of n2 /2 black and n2 /2 − 2 white squares be completely covered with dominoes such that each domino covers one black and one white square? → Goal, state space, actions, search, . . . . . . clearly not. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 7 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 8 / 47 Problem Formulation for the Vacuum Cleaner World Problem Types: Knowledge of States and Actions State is completely observable Complete world state knowledge Complete action knowledge → The agent always knows its world state World state space: 2 positions, dirt or no dirt → 8 world states 1 Actions: Lef t (L), Right (R), or Suck (S) 2 3 4 Goal: no dirt in the rooms 5 6 Path costs: one unit per action 7 State is partially observable Incomplete world state knowledge Incomplete action knowledge → The agent only knows which group of world states it is in Contingency problem It is impossible to define a complete sequence of actions that constitute a solution in advance because information about the intermediary states is unknown. 8 Exploration problem State space and effects of actions unknown. Difficult! (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 9 / 47 The Vacuum Cleaner Problem R L R L S S L R L L S S S If the vacuum cleaner has no sensors, it doesn’t know where it or the dirt is. April 27, 2012 10 / 47 L R L In spite of this, it can still solve the problem. Here, states are knowledge states. R R R Foundations of AI The Vacuum Cleaner World as a Partially Observable State Problem If the environment is completely observable, the vacuum cleaner always knows where it is and where the dirt is. The solution then is reduced to searching for a path from the initial state to the goal state. L (University of Freiburg) S S S S L R L S R L States for the search: The power set of the world states 1-8. R L S R S S R R L L S L R S R States for the search: The world states 1-8. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 11 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 12 / 47 Concepts (1) L R L R Initial State: The state from which the agent infers that it is at the beginning S State Space: Set of all possible states S Actions: Description of possible actions. Available actions might be a function of the state. S L R Transition Model: Description of the outcome of an action (successor function) L S S R R L L S L Goal Test: Tests whether the state description matches a goal state R S R (University of Freiburg) Concepts (2) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 14 / 47 Example: The 8-Puzzle 7 2 5 4 1 2 6 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 Path: A sequence of actions leading from one state to another 8 Path Costs: Cost function g over paths. Usually the sum of the costs of the actions along the path Search Costs: Time and storage requirements to find a solution Total Costs: Search costs + path costs Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 Goal State Start State States: Description of the location of each of the eight tiles and (for efficiency) the blank square. Initial State: Initial configuration of the puzzle. Actions (transition model defined accordingly): Moving the blank left, right, up, or down. Goal Test: Does the state match the configuration on the right (or any other configuration)? Path Costs: Each step costs 1 unit (path costs corresponds to its length). Solution: Path from an initial to a goal state (University of Freiburg) 3 15 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 16 / 47 Example: 8-Queens Problem Example: 8-Queens Problem Almost a solution: A solution: States: Any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on the board. Initial state: No queen on the board. Successor function: Add a queen to an empty field on the board. Goal test: 8 queens on the board such that no queen attacks another. Path costs: 0 (we are only interested in the solution). States: Any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on the board. Initial state: No queen on the board. Successor function: Add a queen to an empty field on the board. Goal test: 8 queens on the board such that no queen attacks another. Path costs: 0 (we are only interested in the solution). (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 17 / 47 Alternative Formulations Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 18 / 47 Example: Missionaries and Cannibals Informal problem description: Naı̈ve formulation States: any arrangement of 0–8 queens Problem: 64 × 63 × · · · × 57 ≈ 1014 possible states Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river that they wish to cross. Better formulation States: any arrangement of n queens (0 ≤ n ≤ 8) one per column in the leftmost n columns such that no queen attacks another. Successor function: add a queen to any square in the leftmost empty column such that it is not attacked by any other queen. Problem: 2, 057 states Sometimes no admissible states can be found. (University of Freiburg) (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 19 / 47 A boat is available that can hold at most two people. You must never leave a group of missionaries outnumbered by cannibals on the same bank. → Find an action sequence that brings everyone safely to the opposite bank. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 20 / 47 Formalization of the M&C Problem Examples of Real-World Problems States: triple (x, y, z) with 0 ≤ x, y, z ≤ 3, where x, y and z represent the number of missionaries, cannibals and boats currently on the original bank. Route Planning, Shortest Path Problem Simple in principle (polynomial problem). Complications arise when path costs are unknown or vary dynamically (e.g., route planning in Canada) Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) A common prototype for NP-complete problems Initial State: (3, 3, 1) Successor function: from each state, either bring one missionary, one cannibal, two missionaries, two cannibals, or one of each type to the other bank. VLSI Layout Another NP-complete problem Goal State: (0, 0, 0) Robot Navigation (with high degrees of freedom) Difficulty increases quickly with the number of degrees of freedom. Further possible complications: errors of perception, unknown environments Path Costs: 1 unit per crossing Assembly Sequencing Planning of the assembly of complex objects (by robots) Note: not all states are attainable (e.g., (0, 0, 1)) and some are illegal. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 21 / 47 General Search Search General (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 22 / 47 Some notations From From the initial all successive states step states by step step → search the state, initialproduce state, produce all successive tree. by step search tree. (a) initial state (b) after expansion of (3,3,1) (2,3,0) (3,2,0) (3,3,1) node expansion generating all successor nodes considering the available actions (3,3,1) frontier set of all nodes available for expansion (2,2,0) search strategy defines which node is expanded next (1,3,0) (3,1,0) tree-based search it might happen, that within a search tree a state is entered repeatedly, leading even to infinite loops. To avoid this, (3,3,1) (c) after expansion of (3,2,0) (2,3,0) (3,2,0) (2,2,0) graph-based search keeps a set of already visited states, the so-called explored set. (1,3,0) (3,1,0) (3,3,1) 03/23 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 23 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 24 / 47 Implementing the Search Tree Nodes in the Search Tree Data structure for each node n in the search tree: n.State: the state in the state space to which the node corresponds n.Parent: the node in the search tree that generated this node PARENT-NODE n.Action: the action that was applied to the parent to generate the node n.Path-Cost: the cost, traditionally denoted by g(n), of the path from the initial state to the node, as indicated by the parent pointers Operations on a queue: Empty?(queue): returns true only if there are no more elements in the queue Node 5 4 6 1 88 7 3 22 ACTION = right DEPTH = 6 PATH-COST = 6 STATE Pop(queue): removes the first element of the queue and returns it Insert(element, queue): inserts an element (various possibilities) and returns the resulting queue (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 25 / 47 Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 26 / 47 function T REE -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem General Procedure loopGraph-Search do 5 if the frontier is empty then return failure choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution expand the chosen node, adding the resulting nodes to the frontier General Tree-Search Procedure function G RAPH -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem initialize the explored set to be empty loop do if the frontier is empty then return failure choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution add the node to the explored set expand the chosen node, adding the resulting nodes to the frontier only if not in the frontier or explored set function T REE -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem loop do if the frontier is empty then return failure choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution expand the chosen node, adding the resulting nodes to the frontier function G RAPH -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem initialize the explored set to be empty loop do if the frontier is empty then return failure choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 add the node to the explored set (University of Freiburg) Figure 3.7 An informal description of the general tree-search and graph-search algorithm parts of G RAPH -S EARCH marked in bold italic are the additions needed to handle repeated sta 27 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 28 / 47 Criteria for Search Strategies Search Strategies function T REE -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem loop do if theor frontier then return failure Uninformed blindis empty searches choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier No information oncontains the length or cost a path to the solution. if the node a goal state then of return the corresponding solution expand the chosen node, adding the resulting nodes to the frontier Completeness: Is the strategy guaranteed to find a solution when there is one? Time Complexity: How long does it take to find a solution? Space Complexity: How much memory does the search require? breadth-first search, uniform cost search, depth-first search, depth-limited search, iterative searchor and function G RAPH -S EARCH ( problem)deepening returns a solution, failure Optimality: Does the strategy find the best solution (with the lowest path cost)? initialize the frontier using the initial state of problem bi-directional search. initialize the explored set to be empty loop do if the frontier is empty then return failure In contrast: informed or heuristic approaches problem describing quantities b: branching factor d: depth of shallowest goal node m: maximum length of any path in the state space (University of Freiburg) choose a leaf node and remove it from the frontier if the node contains a goal state then return the corresponding solution add the node to the explored set expand the chosen node, adding the resulting nodes to the frontier only if not in the frontier or explored set Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 29 / 47 Breadth-First Search (1) A B D C E F G D C E function B READTH -F IRST-S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure A B F informal description of oftheAI general tree-search andApril graph-search algorithms. Th Foundations 27, 2012 30 / 47 parts of G RAPH -S EARCH marked in bold italic are the additions needed to handle repeated states. Breadth-First Search (2) Nodes are expanded in the order they were produced (f rontier ← a FIFO queue). A Figure 3.7 An (University of Freiburg) A B G D C E F B G D C E F G Always finds the shallowest goal state first. Completeness is obvious. The solution is optimal, provided every action has identical, non-negative costs. node ← a node with S TATE = problem.I NITIAL -S TATE, PATH -C OST = 0 if problem.G OAL -T EST(node.S TATE) then return S OLUTION(node) frontier ← a FIFO queue with node as the only element explored ← an empty set loop do if E MPTY ?( frontier ) then return failure node ← P OP( frontier ) /* chooses the shallowest node in frontier */ add node.S TATE to explored for each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.S TATE) do child ← C HILD -N ODE( problem, node, action) if child .S TATE is not in explored or frontier then if problem.G OAL -T EST(child .S TATE) then return S OLUTION(child) frontier ← I NSERT(child, frontier ) Figure 3.11 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 31 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Breadth-first search on a graph. Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 32 / 47 Breadth-First Search (3) Breadth-First Search (4) Time Complexity: Let b be the maximal branching factor and d the depth of a solution path. Then the maximal number of nodes expanded is Example: b = 10; 10, 000 nodes/second; 1, 000 bytes/node: 2 3 d d b + b + b + · · · + b ∈ O(b ) (Note: If the algorithm were to apply the goal test to nodes when selected for expansion rather than when generated, the whole layer of nodes at depth d would be expanded before the goal was detected and the time complexity would be O(bd+1 )) Space Complexity: Every node generated is kept in memory. Therefore space needed for the frontier is O(bd ) and for the explored set O(bd−1 ). (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 33 / 47 Uniform-Cost Search Depth Nodes Time 2 1,100 .11 seconds 1 4 111,100 11 seconds 106 megabytes 6 107 19 minutes 10 gigabytes 8 9 31 hours 1 terabyte 10 11 129 days 101 12 10 13 35 years 10 14 1015 3,523 years 1 10 10 (University of Freiburg) megabyte terabytes petabytes exabyte Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 34 / 47 Depth-First Search (1) if step costs for doing an action are equal, then breadth-first search finds path with the optimal costs. if step costs are different (e.g., map: driving from one place to another might differ in distance), then uniform-cost search is a mean to find the optimal solution. uniform-cost search expands the node with the lowest path costs g(n). Realization: priority queue. Always expands an unexpanded node at the greatest depth (f rontier ← a LIFO queue). It is common to realize depth-first search as a recursive function Example (Nodes at depth 3 are assumed to have no successors): A A B C D H E I J F K L N C D G M O H E I J H C E I J F K L G N M J O H I J L G N M Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 35 / 47 H (University of Freiburg) J N M O H E I J L G O H E I L G J M N O H F K J N M G N M O H E I J F L K O G N M B F K L O A E I O C D C D G N M B F K L A B F K K C D G C D C E I J A B Always finds the cheapest solution, given that g(successor(n)) ≥ g(n) for all n. L K A D I B F B F K H F A E C E I O E A B H N M C D C D A D L G B F K B A B D A B A (University of Freiburg) Memory L G M N Foundations of AI C D O H E I J F K L G M N O April 27, 2012 36 / 47 Depth-First Search (2) 6 in general, solution found is not optimal Completeness can be guaranteed only for graph-based search and finite state spaces Algorithm: see later (depth-limited search) Depth-First Search (3) Chapter 3. Solving Problems by Searching Time Complexity: in graph-based search bounded by the size of the state space (might be infinite!) function U NIFORM -C OST-S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, m in tree-based search, algorithm might generate O(b or )failure nodes in the node ← a node with S TATE = problem.I NITIAL -S TATE, PATH -C OST = 0 search tree which might be much larger than the size of the state space. frontier ← a priority queue ordered by PATH -C OST, with node as the only element (m isexplored the maximum of a path in the state space) ← an empty length set loop do if E MPTY ?( frontier ) then return failure Space Complexity: node ← P OP( frontier ) /* chooses the lowest-cost node in frontier */ if problem.G -T EST(node.S TATE ) thenthe return S OLUTION (node) tree-based search:OAL needs to store only nodes along the path from add node.S TATE to explored the rootfor toeach theaction leaf innode. Once a node has been expanded, it can be problem.ACTIONS(node.S TATE) do removed from memory soon as all itsaction) descendants have been fully child ← C HILD -Nas ODE ( problem, node, if child .S TATEmemory is not in explored or frontieristhen explored. Therefore, requirement only O(b m). This is the frontier ← I NSERT(child, frontier ) reason, why it is practically so relevant despite all the other else if child.S TATE is in frontier with higher PATH -C OST then shortcomings!replace that frontier node with child graph-based search: in worst case, all states need to be stored in the Figure a graph. The algorithm is identical to the general graph search explored set3.13 (no Uniform-cost advantagesearch overonbreadth-first) (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 37 / 47 Depth-Limited Search (1) algorithm in Figure ??, except for the use of a priority queue and the addition of an extra check in case Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 38 / 47 a shorter path to a frontier state is discovered. The data structure for frontier needs to support efficient membership testing, so it should combine the capabilities of a priority queue and a hash table. (University of Freiburg) Depth-Limited Search (2) Depth-first search with an imposed cutoff on the maximum depth of a path. e.g., route planning: with n cities, the maximum depth is n − 1. Oradea function D EPTH -L IMITED -S EARCH( problem, limit) returns a solution, or failure/cutoff return R ECURSIVE -DLS(M AKE -N ODE(problem.I NITIAL -S TATE), problem, limit) Neamt Zerind function R ECURSIVE -DLS(node, problem, limit) returns a solution, or failure/cutoff if problem.G OAL -T EST(node.S TATE) then return S OLUTION(node) else if limit = 0 then return cutoff else cutoff occurred ? ← false for each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.S TATE) do child ← C HILD -N ODE( problem, node, action) result ← R ECURSIVE -DLS(child, problem, limit − 1) if result = cutoff then cutoff occurred ? ← true else if result 6= failure then return result if cutoff occurred ? then return cutoff else return failure Iasi Arad Sibiu Fagaras Vaslui Rimnicu Vilcea Timisoara Pitesti Lugoj Hirsova Mehadia Urziceni Bucharest Dobreta Craiova Giurgiu Eforie Figure 3.16 A recursive implementation of depth-limited tree search. Sometimes, the search depth can be refined. E.g., here, a depth of 9 is sufficient (you can reach every city in at most 9 steps). (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 39 / 47 (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 40 / 47 Iterative Deepening Search (1) Example idea: use depth-limited search and in every iteration increase search depth by one A Limit = 0 A Limit = 1 looks a bit like a waste of resources (since the first steps are always repeated), but complexity-wise it is not so bad as it might seem Combines depth- and breadth-first searches A B 7 C C C E G C D E C E G E E I J G M L D O N H J Iterative Deepening Search (2) J O N H J J G M L L G J M N O (University of Freiburg) H E I J F H O N C D G M L H E I J F K J B F K L G G M L M N O H H E I J F K J B F K G M L O N A E I O N C D O N C D G M L A E I G B F K B F K E C D O N C D C D A B F K E I G A B F K G A E I C E I H A B D O N C D G M L F B F C D G M L B F K A H Figure 3.17 The iterative deepening search algorithm, which repeatedly applies depth-limited search withofincreasing limits. It terminates whenof aAIsolution is found or if April the depth-limited returns (University Freiburg) Foundations 27, 2012 41 /search 47 failure, meaning that no solution exists. C E I E A B D H E A B F K C D A E I G C D C A function I TERATIVE -D EEPENING -S EARCH( problem) returns a solution, or failure for depth = 0 to ∞ do result ← D EPTH -L IMITED -S EARCH( problem, depth ) if result 6= cutoff then return result G B F K B F A C D E B F A B H C D C D C A B F Limit = 3 G A B B A B F A D C A B F A B A B D A B A Limit = 2 Optimal and complete like breadth-first search, but requires much less memory: O(b d) Time complexity only little worse than breadth-first (see later) A L G M N C D O H E I Foundations of AI J F K L G M N O April 27, 2012 42 / 47 Bidirectional Searches Number of expansions Iterative Deepening Search (d)b + (d − 1)b2 + · · · + 3bd−2 + 2bd−1 + 1bd Breadth-First-Search b + b2 + · · · + bd−1 + bd Example: b = 10, d = 5 Breadth-First-Search 10EARCH + 100 + 1, 000 + 10,a000 + 100, 000 function R ECURSIVE -B EST-F IRST-S ( problem) returns solution, or failure return RBFS(problem, M AKE -N (problem.I =ODE 111, 110 NITIAL -S TATE), ∞) IterativeRBFS(problem, Deepening Search 50 +returns 400 +a3,solution, 000 + or 20, 000 and + 100, 000 failure a new f -cost limit function node, f limit) if problem.G OAL -T EST(node.S TATE ) then return S OLUTION(node) = 123, 450 successors ← [ ] action in problem.A CTIONS(node.S TATE) do For b =for 10,each IDS expands only 11% more than the number of nodes add C HILD -N ODE( problem, node, action) into successors expanded by (optimized) breadth-first-search. if successors is empty then return failure, ∞ for each s in successors do /* update f with value from previous search, if any */ → Iteratives.fdeepening general is))the preferred uninformed search ← max(s.g in + s.h, node.f do there is a large search space and the depth of the solution is methodloop when ← the lowest f -value node in successors not if best .f > f limit then return failure, best .f f -value (Universityalternative of Freiburg) ← the second-lowest Foundations of AIamong successors April 27, 2012 43 / 47 result , best .f ← RBFS(problem, best , min( f limit, alternative)) Goal Start As long as forwards and backwards searches are symmetric, search times of O(2 · bd/2 ) = O(bd/2 ) can be obtained. E.g., for b = 10, d = 6, instead of 1, 111, 110 only 2, 220 nodes! (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 44 / 47 Problems with Bidirectional Search Comparison of Search Strategies Time complexity, space complexity, optimality, completeness The operators are not always reversible, which makes calculation the predecessors very difficult. Criterion In some cases there are many possible goal states, which may not be easily describable. Example: the predecessors of the checkmate in chess. Complete? Time There must be an efficient way to check if a new node already appears in the search tree of the other half of the search. Space What kind of search should be chosen for each direction (the previous figure shows a breadth-first search, which is not always optimal)? b d m l C∗ (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 45 / 47 Summary Before an agent can start searching for solutions, it must formulate a goal and then use that goal to formulate a problem. A problem consists of five parts: The state space, initial situation, actions, goal test and path costs. A path from an initial state to a goal state is a solution. A general search algorithm can be used to solve any problem. Specific variants of the algorithm can use different search strategies. Search algorithms are judged on the basis of completeness, optimality, time complexity and space complexity. (University of Freiburg) Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 47 / 47 Breadth- Uniform- Depth- Depth- Iterative Bidirectional First Cost First Limited Deepening (if applicable) Yesa Yesa,b No No Yesa Yesa,d O(bd ) ∗ O(b1+bC /c ) O(bm ) O(bl ) O(bd ) O(bd/2 ) O(bm) O(bl) O(bd) O(bd/2 ) No Yesc Yesc,d O(bd ) Optimal? Yesc O(b1+bC ∗ /c ) Yes No branching factor depth of solution maximum depth of the search tree depth limit cost of the optimal solution minimal cost of an action (University of Freiburg) Superscripts: a b is finite b if step costs not less than c if step costs are all identical d if both directions use breadth-first search Foundations of AI April 27, 2012 46 / 47