Kisii University Brochure 2015

Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
To train high level human resource that meets the development needs of the country and
international labour market, sustain production of quality research and consultancy;
disseminate knowledge, skills and competencies for the advancement of Humanity
A World class University in the advancement of academic
excellence, research and social Welfare
Application forms are obtained from the Admissions Office upon payment of a non-refundable application
fee of Kshs. 2,000.00 for Degree & Enhancement programmes, Kshs. 1,000.00 for Diploma, Kshs. 500.00
for certificate and Kshs. 1,000.00 for all bridging programmes. The forms are also obtained through our
website which will be filled and sent together with an original bank pay-in-slip
application fees in favour of Kisii University at any branch of the following Banks: National Bank of Kenya,
a/c number: 01230035009000 , Co-operative Bank of Kenya a/c number: 01129297079400 and KCB a/c
The duly completed forms should be returned to: the Registrar Academic Affairs, Kisii University P.O. Box
408-40200 Kisii. Apply now and attach copies of relevant certificates, passports size photograph and the
original application fee receipt.
Kisii University
P.O. Box 408 Kisii
Phone: 0720-127094 / 0727238343/0724554469/ 0720 094 039/0718 125 360/0725-917 005
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Ph. D in Curriculum and Instruction, Ph. D in Guidance and Counseling, Ph. D in Education (Technology
& Media), Ph. D in E.C.D.E, Ph. D in Special Needs Education, Ph. D in Education Management
(Administration, Planning and Economics), Ph. D in Education Foundations (Sociology, Philosophy,
Comparative Education, History of Education)
Requirements: Holders of Masters degree in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized
Duration and mode: 3 yrs 150,000/= per year PartTime/Fulltime
Masters of Education (Guidance & Councelling), Masters of Education (Curriculum & Instruction)
Masters of Education (Education Management - Administration, Planning and Economics)
Masters of Education (Education Foundations - Sociology, Philosophy, Comparative Education, History
of Education), Masters of Education (Early Childhood Development), Masters of Education (Special
Needs Education)
Requirements: B.ED degree with at least upper second-class honours in relevant field OR B.Sc/B.A degree
plus post graduate diploma in education or its equivalent.
Duration and mode: 2 Academic yrs 100,000/= per year
Post Graduate Diploma in Education
Requirements: First Degree from a recognized university with two teaching subjects
Duration and mode: 1 yr . 70,000/= per year
Bachelor of Education (Science) (Options: Mathematics & Phyc, Math & Chem, Bio & Chem, e.t.c)
Requirements: Mean grade C+ and above with a C+ in subjects of Specialization OR 2 Principals &
Subsidiary pass in KACE OR S1 Diploma in the relevant area
Duration and mode: 4 Academic yrs 96,000/= per year
Bachelor of Education (Special Education), Bachelor of Education (Guidance & Counseling)
Bachelor of Education (Arts) (Options: Eng, Litt, Hist, Religious Studies, Geog, Swahili)
Requirements Mean grade C+ and above with a C+ in subjects of Specialization OR 2 Principals &
Subsidiary pass in KACE OR S1 Diploma in the relevant area.
Duration and mode: 4 Academic yrs 88,000/= per year
Bachelor of Education (Primary Option) (Options: Science & Agric, Languages, Mathematics)
Requirements: Mean grade C with P1 certificate & Atleast a C in areas of specialization and C in either
English or Kiswahili OR Diploma in Education holders
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Development)
Requirements: Mean grade C+ (plus) in K.C.S.E, With atleast C (plain) in English/Kiswahili, Mathematics or
Physics, Chemistry or Biology, History & Government or Geography, Religious or social studies OR with P1
certificate with a Mean grade of C plain in KCSE or Diploma in ECDE from a recognized examining body or
KACE with atleast 2 principal passes & one subsidiary pass.
Duration and mode: 4 Academic yrs 88,500/= per year
Diploma in Education (Primary Option) (Options: Science & Agric, Languages, Mathematics)
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of D+ and a P1 certificate with 2 years teaching experience
OR KCSE mean grade of C plain and P1 certificate
Diploma in Education (Early Childhood Development), Diploma in Education (Guidance &
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of C (Plain), P1 Certificate OR Certificate in ECD from
recognized institution
Duration and mode: 2 Academic yrs. Ksh.54,000/= per year School Based
Diploma in Education - Arts (Secondary Option)
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of C + plus with C+ (plus) and above in the teaching subjects
Duration and mode: 3 Academic yrs 54,000/= per year
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management (PHD), PhD Business Administration,
Ph.D in Logistics & Supplies Chain Management
Requirements: Must be a holder of Masters Degree from recognized by Institution in areas of Business and
Economics or related disciplines.
Duration: 3 Academic yrs 150,000/= per year.
Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM), Master of Business Administration (MBA),
Master of Entrepreneurship Management (MENTRM), Master of Tourism Management (MTOUR),
Master of Purchasing & Supplies Management (MPSM), Master of Accounts & Taxation, Master
Arts in Economics (MAEC), Msc. Monitoring & Evaluation.
Requirements: Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and above OR Second Class Honours (Lower
Division) in related field with at least two years experience from the date of graduation
Duration: 2 Academic years 100,000 /= Per Year.
Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Business & Management, Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and
Small Business Management, Bachelor of Co-operative Management, Bachelor of Catering and Hotel
Management, Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management, Bachelor of Eco-tourism &
Hospitality Management, Bachelor of Secretarial Management & Administration, Bachelor of Human
Resource Management.
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ (plus) in KCSE with a C (Plain) in Mathematics & English or Kiswahili
OR Diploma in Related Field OR CPAK holders to begin from 3rd yr.
Duration:4 Academic years 88,000/= Per Year
Bachelor of Science In Economics & Statistics
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ (plus) in KCSE with C (Plain) in Mathematics or C+ in Economics/
Commerce/Accounting/ Business Studies or 2 principal passes in Economics or Statistics.
Duration:4 Academic years 96,000/= Per Year.
Diploma in Business Administration, Diploma in Sales and Marketing, Diploma in Human Resource
Management, Diploma in Stores and Supplies Management, Diploma in Project Management, Diploma
in Marketing Management, Diploma in Co-operative Management, Diploma in Eco-tourism &
Hospitality Management, Diploma in Catering and Hotel Management Diploma in Accounting &
Finance, Diploma in Secretarial Management & Administration, Diploma in Credit Management,
Diploma in Risk Management, Diploma in Financial Analysis, Diploma in Taxation and Consultancy.
Requirements Mean Grade C- (Minus) in K.C.S.E OR its Equivalence OR a Certificate in a related area.
Duration: 2 Academic years 54,000/= per year
Certificate in Sales and Marketing, Certificate in Human Resource Management, Certificate in stores
and supplies, Certificate in Business Administration, Certificate in Project Management, Certificate
in Marketing Management, Certificate in Co-operative Management, Certificate in Eco-tourism &
Hospitality Management, Certificate in Catering and Hotel Management, Certificate in Accounting &
Finance, Certificate in Information Technology, Certificate in Secretarial Management &
Administration, Certificate in Risk Management, Certificate in Credit Management, Certificate in
Financial Analysis, Certificate in Taxation & Consultancy.
Requirements: Mean Grade of D+ (plus) or its equivalent
Duration: 4 Months 20,500/=
Certificate in Micro-Computers & Applications.
Requirements :
8 weeks 8,500/=
6 months per level 10,700/= each level
C.P.A/C.P.S/ I.C.T I Cost
6 months per section 13,100/= per section
C.P.A/C.P.S/ I.C.T II Cost
6 months per section 16,900/= per section
C.P.A/C.P.S/ I.C.T III Cost
6 months per section 16,700/= per section
KASNEB Requirements
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B)
Requirements: KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) with B (plain) in English/Kiswahili or 2 principals in KACE or
Bachelor degree holder from recognized Institution
Duration: 4 Academic years, 160,000/= per year
Diploma in Laws
Requirements: KCSE mean grade C (plain) with C+ (plus) in English with 3 years Post O- Level/ Secondary
2 Academic years, 63,400/= per year
Msc. Haematology & Blood Transfusion, Msc. Immunology, Msc. Medical Parasitology, Msc.
Microbiology, Msc. Nutrition (Human Nutrition), Msc. Public Health
Requirements: Bachelor of Science in related field from a recognized institution.
Duration: 2 Academic yrs 120,000/= per Year
BSC in Clinical Medicine and Surgery (Upgrading)
Requirements: K.C.S.E Mean Grade C (plain) & must be practicing Clinical Officer registered with Clinical
Officers Council of Kenya or other institution recognized by the COC: Intake Sept yearly.
BSC in Nursing (Upgrading)
Requirements: K.C.S.E Mean Grade C (plain) & must be practicing nurses registered with Nursing Council
of Kenya or other institution recognized by the Nursing council. Should be holders of the following; Diploma
in Nursing: KRN/KRM or KRCHN or Equivalent qualification assessed by School and approved by Senate.
Intake May & September yearly.
Duration: and mode: 3 Academic yrs, 180,000/= per year
Bsc. Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Bsc. Biomedical Science and Technology, Bsc. Public Health,
Bsc. Community Health & Development, Bsc. Public Health, Bsc. Nursing
Requirements: K.C.S.E Mean Grade C+ (plus) with C+ in the following Subjects: Biology or Biological
Sciences, Chemistry or Physical Sciences and a C+ in Mathematics or Physics OR Diploma in related area
from a recognized institution with at least credit pass
Duration and mode: Full-Time 4 Years 96,000/=per Year
Diploma in Clinical Medicine & Surgery
Requirements : K.C.S.E Mean Grade of C (plain) with C(plain) in English or Kiswahili, Mathematics or
Physics, Chemistry or physical sciences, and Biology or Biological Sciences
Duration & mode: 3 Academic years, 31,700/=per Term, Intake Sept yearly.
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences
Requirements: K.S.C.E Mean Grade of C (plain) with minimum of C (plain) in Chemistry OR
Biology/Biological Sciences, English/Kiswahili, C- in Mathematics / physics.
Duration: 3 Academic years, 31,700/=per Term
Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology
Requirements: K.S.C.E Mean Grade of C (plain) with C(plain) in English, Chemistry or Physical Sciences,
Biology and Mathematics/Physics. A grade of C plain in Kiswahili will be an added advantage.
Duration: 3 Academic years, 31,700/=per Term
Diploma in Community Health and HIV/AIDS Management
Requirements: KCSE mean grade of C (plain) or equivalent examination with a C (plain) in Mathematics/
Physics, Chemistry/Biology and English/Kiswahili. A pass in Certificate in Community Health or Certificate in
HIV care and Management. Be holder of any other qualification Recognized by the University Senate.
Diploma in Community Nutrition and Dietetics
Requirements: KCSE Mean grade of C (plain) with mandatory subjects; C in English or Kiswahili, C in
Biology or Biological Sciences. Additional Subjects C- (minus) in any of the following: Physical Sciences,
Physics, Chemistry Mathematics, Home Science, Agriculture or a certificate in related area from a
recognized institutions and two years experience of work.
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Diploma in Health Records and Information Management
Requirements: KCSE mean grade of C- (Minus)
Duration: 6 Trimesters of 15 weeks. Ksh. 81,000.00 per year
Certificate in Medical Laboratory Sciences (C.MLS)
Requirements: KCSE mean grade of C-(Minus) with C- (minus) in the following subjects
Chemistry/Biology/Biological Sciences, English/Kiswahili. They should also have a minimum grade of D+ in
Mathematics / Physics.
Duration: 6 Terms of 15 weeks each Ksh. 20,500.00 per Term
Certificate in Community Health and Development, Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences
Certificate in Health Records and Information Management, Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management
Certificate in Tropical Infectious Diseases
Requirements: KCSE D+ (plus) or its equivalent. Candidates with special entry into the programme shall
meet set criteria by the Senate.
Duration:1 semester of 15 weeks Ksh. 20,500.00
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics
Requirements :KCSE mean grade of C- (minus) with C- (minus) in English or Kiswahili, C- (plus) in
Biology/Biological Sciences English/Kiswahili. Additional Subjects:- D+ in Physical Sciences/
Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematics /Home Science/ Agriculture
Duration: 3 Tri-semesters Ksh. 20,500.00
Certificate in Patient Intensive Care
Requirements: KCSE Mean grade of C- (Minus) and must be practicing medical worker with a valid
practicing license.
Duration: Sandwich Four Months (1 semester) Ksh. 20,500.00
Certificate in Alternative Medicine
Requirements :KCSE Mean grade of D+, applicants should also be a registered herbalist with the ministry
of Social services or be a be holder of KCSE with a mean a grade of CDuration and mode Sandwich/full time Four months (1 semester) Ksh. 20,500.00
The following courses are offered at the Kisii University Faculty of Health Sciences in collaboration
with the Kenya Red Cross Society:I.
Basic First Aid at Kshs.3,000.00
II. Basic Fire Safety at Kshs.3,000.00
III. Introduction to Disaster Management at Kshs.3,500.00
IV. Occupational First Aid at Kshs.5,500.00
V. Fire Marshal/Wardens training at Kshs.5,700.00
Note: Registration is ongoing throughout the year, the courses will be offered in modules for 1 week .
Ph.D in Media, Communication & Information Studies, Ph.D in Information Science, Ph.D in
Information Systems
Requirements: Must be a holder of Masters Degree from recognized Institution recognized by the
University senate in related disciplines
Duration and mode: 3 Academic yrs 150,000/= per year
Master of Information Science, Master of Information Systems, Master of Knowledge Management,
Master of Journalism and Mass Communication
Requirements: Bachelors degree in the related field with Second Class Honours (upper Division) and
above OR 2nd class honours (lower Division) with 2 yrs experience from the date of Graduation
Duration: 2 Academic years 120,000 (per year)
Bachelor of Software Engineering (SOEN), Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Computer Science)
Requirements: Mean Grade C+ Others: C+ (plus) in Mathematics and Physics OR Diploma in Computer Science
Duration: 4 Academic years 96,000/=(per Year)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication & Media), Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLINS)
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Requirements: Mean Grade C+ Others: C+ (plus) in English or Kiswahili or Diploma in relevant area
Duration: 4 Academic years 88,000/=(per Year)
Bachelor of Business Information Management (BBIM)
Requirements: K.C.S.E Mean Grade of C+(plus) with a C(Plain) in Mathematics & English/Kiswahili OR
Diploma in related field.
Duration: 4 Academic years 88,000/= Per Year
Diploma in Library and Information Science
Duration: 3 Academic years 40,000/= (per sem)
Diploma in Business Information Technology (DBIT), Diploma in Computer Science, Diploma In
Information Technology (DIT), Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication
Duration: 2 Academic years 40,000/= (per Semester)
Requirements: Mean Grade C- (Minus) in KCSE or its Equivalence Or A certificate in related Field from a
recognized institution.
Certificate in Modern Library, Records Management & Information Studies (CMRIS)
Requirements: KCSE Mean Grade D+ (Plus) or its equivalence or a Certificate recognized institution
Duration: 4 Months 20,500/=
PhD Environmental Science, PhD Natural Resources, PhD Agricultural Education, PhD Agricultural
Extension, PhD Environmental Science, PhD Natural Resources, PhD Agricultural Education, PhD
Agricultural Extension, PhD Agricultural Economics, PhD Agribusiness Management, PhD Animal
Science, PhD Sustainable Agriculture, PhD in Fisheries & Aquaculture.
Requirements: Holders of Masters degree in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized Institution/University
Duration and mode: 3 Academic yrs, 150,000/= per year
Msc. Environmental Science, Msc. Natural Resources, Msc. Agricultural Education, Msc. Agricultural
Extension, Msc. Agricultural Economics, Msc. Agribusiness Management, Msc. Livestock
Production Systems (MSc. LIPS), Msc. Animal Health Management, MSC. Agronomy, Msc. Limnology,
Msc. Fisheries & Aquaculture.
Requirements: Bachelors degree with at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) and above OR
Second Class Honours (Lower Division) with two years experience from the date of graduation or
equivalent from a recognized Institution
Duration: 2 Academic yrs 120,000/= per year.
Bsc. Applied Aquatic Science
Requirements: Mean grade of C+ in KCSE with C+ in biology or biological sciences, geography, chemistry
or physical sciences and mathematics Or Diplomas in Biological Science from recognized institutions.
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management, Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ in KCSE with C+ in English, Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry,
Physical Sciences OR Diploma holders with a minimum of a credit pass.
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education & Extension
Requirements: Mean grade C+ in KCSE, with C+ in Agriculture & Biology and C (Plain) in Mathematics/
physics / Geography or Diploma in related field from a recognized institution.
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Requirements Mean Grade C+ in KCSE, With C+ in Mathematics, English/Kiswahili, Biology/ Biological
Sciences, C+ in Chemistry/Physical Sciences or Diploma in related field
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ with C+ in Biology/ Biological Sciences, Geography, Chemistry /Physical
Sciences and Mathematics OR Diploma holders with at least a credit pass in related field.
Bachelor of Science in Animal Production, Bachelor of Science in Animal Science & Technology,
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ in K.C.S.E with C+ in Mathematics/Physics (where physical science was
not offered), Geography and English or equivalence OR Diploma in related field from recognized Institutions.
Duration: 4 Academic yrs 96,000/= per Year
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Course Informatio
Diploma in Animal Science and Technology, Diploma in Animal Health and Production
Diploma in Agricultural Extension
Requirements :KCSE Grade C- with at least C- in English/Kiswahili, Mathematics, Biology or Biological
Sciences, Physics, Chemistry or Physical Sciences, OR holders of a certificate relevant area.
Diploma in Fisheries and Aquaculture Entrepreneurship
Requirements: KCSE Mean grade of a C- 0R has certificate with credit in a related field from an institution
recognised by university senate Or other qualifications recognized by the Senate.
Duration: 2 Academic yrs
Diploma in Agricultural Education and Extension
Requirements: KCSE Grade C+ (Plus) with at least C+ (Plus) in the teaching subjects i.e. Agriculture &
Biology with atleast C (Plain) in English/Kiswahili & Mathematics/ Physics
Duration: 3 Academic yrs 63,400/= per Year.
Certificate In Project Monitoring And Evaluation, Certificate In Fisheries and Aqua Culture,
Certificate In Waste Management, Certificate in fish hatchery management and maintenance,
Certificate in pond construction and management, Certificate in fisheries and aquaculture,
Certificate in Artificial Insemination, Certificate in Animal Health and Production, Certificate in
Sustainable Agriculture, Certificate in limnology and wetlands, Certificate in water issues
Requirements: KCSE Mean grade D+ (Plus)
Duration and mode: 4 Months Kshs. 20,500
Certificate In Environmental Impact Assessment
Requirements: Bachelors Degree in Related Field.
Duration and mode: NEMA Approved Curriculum. 2 Weeks Intensive. Ksh. 37,000.00
PhD in Pure Mathematics, PhD in Applied Mathematics, PhD in Industrial Mathematics, PhD in
Statistics, PhD in Parasitology, PhD in Organic/ Synthetic Chemistry, PhD in Plant Pathology, PhD in
Environmental Physics, PhD in analytical chemistry, PhD in inorganic chemistry, PhD in Physical/
Theoretical Chemistry
Requirements: Holders of Masters degree in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
Duration and mode: 3 Academic yrs 150,000/=
Msc. Animal Physiology, Msc. Plant Pathology, Msc. Parasitology, Msc. Analytical Chemistry, Msc.
Organic Chemistry, Msc. Theoretical Chemistry, Msc. Inorganic Chemistry, Msc. applied
mathematics, Msc. In statistics, Msc. Pure Mathematics, Msc. Physics ( Options: Renewable Energy,
Requirements: Holder of Bachelor of Science in related Field or its equivalent from a recognised institution
with a second class upper Division or lower Division with 2 years working experience in relevant field from
the date of Graduation
Duration: 2 Academic yrs 120,000/= per Year
Pre- Msc. In Animal physiology, Pre- Msc. Applied Parasitology
Requirements: Passed higher national in medical laboratory technology /applied biology/HND in animal
health or lower Bsc. /BED science qualification than then stipulated minimum of upper second class honours
Duration: 2 Academic yrs 80,000/= per Year
Bachelor of General Science, Bsc. Chemistry, Bsc. Physics, Bsc. Biological Science, Bsc. Applied
Statistics, BSC. In Mathematics with Computing, Bsc. Mathematics (Pure Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics and Statistics)
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ in KCSE with C+ in Chemistry, Physics/ Mathematics and Biology and C
in English/ Kiswahili and Mathematics OR Diploma from a recognized institution.
Bsc. Biology ( Botany or zoology option), Bsc. Biochemistry, Bsc. Microbiology, Bsc. Biotechnology,
Bsc. Cellular and Molecular Biology
Requirements: Mean grade of C+ with C+ in Biology, Chemistry, Physics/Mathematics and C plain in
English or Kiswahili
Bsc. Biometry and informatics
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Requirements: Mean grade of C+ with C+ in Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, physics and C plain in
English or Kiswahili
Bsc. Petroleum Chemistry, Bsc. Renewable Energy,Bsc. Industrial Chemistry, Bsc. Conservation
Biology, Bsc. Forensic Biology, Bsc. Applied Biology, Bsc. Natural products, BSc. Laboratory
Sciences, Bsc. Waste Management, Bsc. Plant production and pathology, Bsc. Analytical chemistry,
Bsc. Environmental Chemistry
Requirements: Mean grade of C+ with C+ in chemistry, biology or physics, mathematics and C plain in
English or Kiswahili
Bsc. Geophysical and mineralogy
Requirements: Mean grade of C+ with C+ in chemistry, physics, mathematics and C plain in English/
Bachelor of Actuarial Science (BACS)
Requirements: Mean Grade of C+ (plus) in KCSE with a B- in Mathematics & English or Kiswahili OR
Diploma from a related field of study from a recognized institution
Duration and mode: 4 Academic years 96,000/= per Year
Enhancement of course content in Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Agriculture & mathematics
Requirements: Bachelors Degree in Related field of study from a recognized institution
Diploma in e- waste management
Requirements: KCSE of grade C-. Certificate holder in electrical or electronics or e- waste management
from a recognized Institution
Diploma in forensic biology
Requirements: KCSE Mean Grade of C- OR Passed a relevant certificate / craft course from a recognized
institution with a two years relevant experience.
Diploma in Forensic Chemistry.
KCSE Mean grade of a C- OR Passed a relevant certificate / craft course from a recognized institution with a
two years relevant experience.
Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology
KCSE Mean grade of a C- OR Passed a relevant certificate / craft course Or other qualifications recognized
by the University Senate
Bridging Courses in Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics & Biology
Duration: 2 Months Kshs. 20,500/=
Ph.D in Gender & Development Studies, Ph.D in Gender & Public Administration.
Requirements: Holders of Masters degree in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
Duration: 3 Academic yrs 150,000/= per Year
Master of Arts in Gender & Development Studies, Master of Arts in Gender & Public Administration.
Requirements: B.ED degree with at least upper second-class honours in relevant field OR B.Sc/B.A degree
plus post graduate diploma in education or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.
Duration: 2 Academic years 100,000/= per Year
Bachelor of Arts in Gender & Development Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Gender & Public Administration
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of C+ (plus) with C+ (plus) in English/Kiswahili or Diploma in related field.
Duration: 4 Academic years 88,000/= per Year
Diploma of Arts in Gender & Development Studies, Diploma of Arts in Gender & Public Administration
Requirements: KCSE mean grade C- (Minus) or its Equivalence with C (plain) in English/Kiswahili or
certificate in Related Field.
Duration: 2 Academic years 54,000/= per Year
Ph.D in Development Studies, Ph.D in Gender and Development, Ph.D in Political Science, Ph.D in
Leadership and Governance, Ph.D in Disaster Management, Ph.D in – Peace & Conflict Management,
Ph.D in -Philosophy, Ph.D in -Religion Studies, Ph.D in -Literature, Ph.D in -Linguistics, Ph.D in Kiswahili, Ph.D in History, Ph.D -Criminology and Security Studies, Ph.D - Counseling Psychology.
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Course Information Brochure
Requirements: Holders of Masters degree in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized Institution
Duration and mode: 3 Academic yrs 150,000/= per Year.
M.A History, M.A Geography, MA-Religion Studies, M.A Literature, M.A Linguistics, M.A Kiswahili,
M.A Philosophy, M.A Peace and Conflict Management, MA- Sociology, M.A Public Administration &
Public Policy, MA- Development Studies, M.A Project Planning & Management, M.A Political Science,
M.A International Relations, MA-Criminology and Security Studies, MA- Counseling Psychology.
Requirements: B.ED degree with at least upper second-class honours in relevant field OR B.Sc/B.A degree
plus post graduate diploma in education or its equivalent.
Duration and mode: 2 Academic years 100,000/= per Year.
BA-Economic and Sociology
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of C + plus with C+ plus in English with at least C (plain) in
Bsc. Community Development, B.A Linguistics, B.A Kiswahili, B.A General History, B.A General
Religion, B.A Sociology, B.A Social Anthropology, B.A Community and Social Development, B.A
Public Administration & Political Science, B.A Social Work, B.A Developmental Studies, B.A
Criminology and Security Studies, B.A Peace and Conflict Management, B.A Psychology, B.A
Psychological Counseling, B.A Industrial psychology, B.A. in County Governance, B.A. in
International Relations, Conflict Resolution &Peace Building, B.A. in Ethics & Anti-Corruption
Studies, B.A. in Disaster Management .
Requirements: KCSE with a minimum grade of C+ (plus) with C+ (plus) in subject area and
English/Kiswahili or Diploma in related field.
Duration: 4 Academic years 88,000/= Per Year.
Diploma in Public Administration & Political Science, Diploma in Community and Social
Development, Diploma in Social Work, Diploma in Public Relations, Diploma in Music, Diploma in
Criminology and Security Studies, Diploma in County Governance, Diploma in International
Relations, Conflict Resolution &Peace Building, Diploma in Ethics & Anti-Corruption Studies,
Diploma in Disaster Management .
Requirements: KCSE mean grade C- (Minus) or its Equivalence or a certificate in Related Field.
Duration: 2 Academic years 54,000/= per Year
Certificate in Electoral Law, Administration & Management, Certificate in County Management &
Governance, Certificate in Criminology & Administration of Justice, Certificate in Public Relations,
Certificate in Music, Certificate in Social Work, Certificate in Community & Social Development,
Certificate in International Relations, Conflict Resolution &Peace Building, Certificate in Disaster
Management .
Requirements: Mean Grade of D+ (plus) or its equivalent or a certificate related field
4 months 20,500/=