CURRICULUM LINKS FOR ACTIVITY PACK – ENGLAND AND WALES Astronomy is an exciting area to explore with students and can be used as an inspiration for many areas of the curriculum. Astronomy can act as a stimulus for art, music and creative writing and poetry. So much geography on Earth is found from satellite imaging. Here, the focus is on the science curriculum and the links covered by the activities within the Pack. Astronomy provides opportunities to teach students about forces, momentum, the Solar System, the beginning of the Universe, light, the electromagnetic spectrum and scientific enquiry including the history of Science. Chemical signatures from different planets allow us to consider the possibilities of life on other planets and how we could define and recognise life if we were to find it elsewhere! MINI-PLANETARIUM Key Stage 1: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others. 2h) make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations Key Stage 2: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks. 2h) use a wide range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, tables, bar charts, line graphs and ICT, to communicate data in an appropriate and systematic manner Key Stage 3: Science Sc4 Physical processes 4. The Earth and Beyond 4a) how the movement of the Earth causes the apparent daily and annual movement of the Sun and other stars CURRICULUM LINKS FOR ACTIVITY PACK – ENGLAND AND WALES SOLAR ECLIPSE VIEWER Key Stage 1: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others. Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and dark 3a) to identify different light sources, including the Sun 3b) that darkness is the absence of light Key Stage 2: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks. Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and Sound 3a) that light travels from a source 3d) that we see things only when light from them enters our eyes Key Stage 3: Science Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and sound 3a) that light travels in a straight line at a finite speed in a uniform medium 3b) that non-luminous objects are seen because light scattered from them enters the eye CURRICULUM LINKS FOR ACTIVITY PACK – ENGLAND AND WALES MAKE AN ORRERY Key Stage 1: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others. Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and dark 3a) to identify different light sources, including the Sun 3b) that darkness is the absence of light Key Stage 2: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks. 2h) use a wide range of methods, including diagrams, drawings, tables, bar charts, line graphs and ICT, to communicate data in an appropriate and systematic manner Sc4 Physical processes 4. The Earth and beyond 4a) that the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately spherical 4b) how the position of the Sun appears to change during the day, and how shadows change as this happens 4c) how day and night are related to the spin of the Earth on its own axis 4d) that the Earth orbits the Sun once each year, and that the Moon takes approximately 28 days to orbit the Earth. Key Stage 3: Science Sc4 Physical processes 4. The Earth and Beyond 4a) how the movement of the Earth causes the apparent daily and annual movement of the Sun and other stars 4d) that the Sun and other stars are light sources and that the planets and other bodies are seen by reflected light CURRICULUM LINKS FOR ACTIVITY PACK – ENGLAND AND WALES ROCKET JUICE Key Stage 1: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others. Sc4 Physical processes 2. Forces and motion 2a) to find out about, and describe the movement of, familiar things [for example, cars going faster, slowing down, changing direction] 2b) that both pushes and pulls are examples of forces 2c) to recognise that when things speed up, slow down or change direction, there is a cause [for example, a push or a pull]. Key Stage 2: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks. Sc4 Physical processes 2. Forces and motion 2b) that objects are pulled downwards because of the gravitational attraction between them and the Earth 2c) about friction, including air resistance, as a force that slows moving objects and may prevent objects from starting to move 2d) that when objects [for example, a spring, a table] are pushed or pulled, an opposing pull or push can be felt Key Stage 3: Science Sc4 Physical processes 2. Forces and motion 2c) that unbalanced forces change the speed or direction of movement of objects and that balanced forces produce no change in the movement of an object 2d) ways in which frictional forces, including air resistance, affect motion [for example, streamlining cars, friction between tyre and road] CURRICULUM LINKS FOR ACTIVITY PACK – ENGLAND AND WALES ‘CAN’STELLATIONS Key Stage 1: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) follow simple instructions to control the risks to themselves and to others. 2h) make simple comparisons and identify simple patterns or associations Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and dark 3a) to identify different light sources, including the Sun 3b) that darkness is the absence of light Key Stage 2: Science Sc1 Scientific enquiry 2. Investigative skills 2e) use simple equipment and materials appropriately and take action to control risks. Sc4 Physical processes 3 Light and Sound 3a) that light travels from a source 3b) that light cannot pass through some materials, and how this leads to the formation of shadows 3d) that we see things only when light from them enters our eyes Key Stage 3: Science Sc4 Physical processes 3. Light and sound 3a) that light travels in a straight line at a finite speed in a uniform medium 3b) that non-luminous objects are seen because light scattered from them enters the eye