Standard coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 -1- Filotex® ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Content Guideline of coaxial cables Page 3 Coaxial families: Standard coaxial cables PE/PTFE Page 11 Other standard cables Page 35 FLAMEX Halogen free coaxial cables Page 37 Telecom coaxial cables Page 40 Low noise coaxial cables Page 57 Miniature coaxial cables Page 61 Hand formable coaxial cables Page 64 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 -2- Standard coaxial cables PE/PTFE References according to Dielectric PE NF. C 93-550 PE KX 15 PE PE KX 4 PE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PTFE PVC 2.54 ± 0.13 RG 174 A/U 373171 7 x 0.16 CCS 0.48 1.52 ± 0.08 1 TPC PVC 2.79 ± 0.13 RG 58 C/U 373117 19 x 0.18 TPC 0.90 2.95 ± 0.10 1 TPC PVC 4.95 ± 0.15 RG 223 U 373184 1 x 0.89 SPC 0.89 2.95 ± 0.10 2 SPC PVC 5.38 ± 0.10 RG 213 U 373099 7 x 0.75 B.C. 2.25 7.25 ± 0.15 1 B.C. PVC 10.30 ± 0.20 RG 214 U 373181 7 x 0.75 SPC 2.25 7.25 ± 0.18 2 SPC PVC 10.80 ± 0.18 087126 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 0.87 ± 0.07 1 SPC FEP 1.80 ± 0.10 M17/169-00001 087069 (RG 178) M17/93-00001 087247 (RG 196) 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 0.84 ± 0.05 1 SPC FEP 1.80 ± 0.10 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 0.84 ± 0.05 1 SPC PFA 1.80 ± 0.10 087017 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.50 ± 0.10 1 SPC FEP 2.50 ± 0.10 M17/172-00001 085790 (RG 316U) M17/138-00001 087245 (RG 188) 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 ± 0.08 1 SPC FEP 2.49 ± 0.10 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 ± 0.08 1 SPC PFA 2.49 ± 0.10 087009 1 x 0.94 SPCCS 0.94 2.95 ± 0.13 2 SPC Glass fiber 5.10 ± 0.15 M17/158-00001 087066 (RG 142BU) M17/175-00001 087125 (RG 400U) 1 x 0.94 SPCCS 0.94 2.95 ± 0.13 2 SPC FEP 4.95 ± 0.13 19 x 0.20 SPC 0.98 2.95 ± 0.13 2 SPC FEP 4.95 ± 0.13 087063 7 x 0.34 SPC 1.02 2.95 ± 0.15 2 SPC Glass fiber 5.10 ± 0.20 M17/174-00001 085398 (RG 393) 7 x 0.80 SPC 2.40 7.24 ± 0.13 2 SPC FEP 9.91 ± 0.25 087029 7 x 0.80 SPC 2.40 7.25 ± 0.12 2 SPC Glass fiber 10.90 ± 0.25 373757 1 x 0.57 CCS 0.57 3.71 ± 0.10 1 B.C. PVC 6.15 ± 0.10 374587 7 x 0.20 B.C. 0.60 3.7 ± 0.12 1 B.C. PVC 6.10 ± 0.15 KX 6A PE RG 11 A/U 373135 7 x 0.40 TPC 1.20 7.24 ± 0.18 1 B.C. PVC 10.30 ± 0.18 PE RG 216/U 373182 7 x 0.40 TPC 1.20 7.24 ± 0.18 2 B.C. PVC 10.80 ± 0.18 373113 7 x 0.40 B.C. 1.20 7.25 ± 0.15 1 B.C. PVC 10.30 ± 0.20 PTFE M17/94-RG 179 081997 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 ± 0.08 1 SPC FEP 2.54 ± 0.13 PTFE M17/136-00001 087244 (RG 187) 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 ± 0.08 1 SPC PFA 2.54 ± 0.13 0.64 3.71 ± 0.13 1 B.C. PVC 6.15 ± 0.18 PE 95 Ω TPC RG 59 B/U PE 93 Ω 1 KX 24 PE 75 Ω 1.50 ± 0.10 KX 23 PTFE JACKET Overall diameter mm 0.48 RG 142 AU PTFE Nb Braid braids nature Nature CCS KX 22 A PTFE Dielectric Ø mm 7 x 0.16 KX 21 A PTFE CONDUCTOR CompoØ sition Nature mm n x Ø mm 373095 KX 3B PE 50 Ω MIL C17 FILOTEX PART # KX 8 PE RG 62 A/U 373148 1 x 0.64 CCS PTFE M17/95-RG 180 087241 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 2.59 ± 0.08 1 SPC FEP 3.58 ± 0.10 PTFE M17/137-00001 087246 (RG 195) 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 2.59 ± 0.08 1 SPC PFA 3.58 ± 0.10 SPC : Silver plated copper, SPCCS: silver plated copper clad steel, TPC: tin plated copper, BC: bare copper, CCS: copper clad steel 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 -3- Standard coaxial cables PE/PTFE Average FILOTEX weight PART # kg/km Nominal capacitance 10 pF/m MHz Attenuation (db/100 m) 200 MHz 400 MHz 3000 MHz Powers at 40°C (kw) 1000 10 0 MHz MHz 200 MHz 400 MHz Velocity of 3000 10000 propaMHz MHz gation Continuous Operating Page working temp. voltage 373095 10 100.0 11 42 60 220 0.24 0.057 0.042 0.013 65.9 1100 -40 .. 85 12 373171 12 106.0 11 42 60 220 0.24 0.057 0.042 0.013 65.9 1100 -40 .. 85 13 373117 36 100.0 4.5 24 36 140 0.6 0.125 0.09 0.031 65.9 1400 -40 .. 85 14 373184 55 106.0 5.5 20 30 100 0.64 0.125 0.09 0.031 0.017 65.9 1400 -40 .. 85 15 373099 158 100.0 2 9.5 14.5 55 2.2 0.42 0.3 0.095 0.05 65.9 3700 -40 .. 85 16 373181 196 106.0 2 9 13 45 2.2 0.42 0.3 0.095 0.05 65.9 3700 -40 .. 85 17 087126 9.6 95.0 16.5 65 95 300 0.48 0.085 0.057 0.018 69.5 750 -90 .. 200 18 087069 9.6 105.0 16.5 65 95 300 0.48 0.085 0.057 0.018 69.5 750 -90 .. 200 19 087247 9.6 105.0 16.5 65 95 300 0.48 0.085 0.057 0.018 69.5 750 -90 .. 230 19 087017 17 95.0 10 40 55 160 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.032 69.5 900 -90 .. 200 20 085790 17 105.0 10 40 55 160 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.032 69.5 900 -90 .. 200 21 087245 17 105.0 10 40 55 160 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.032 69.5 900 -90 .. 230 21 087009 66 95.0 4.3 19 28 95 210 3.3 0.66 0.45 0.15 0.08 69.5 1400 -90 .. 250 22 087066 68 105.0 4.3 19 28 95 210 3.3 0.66 0.45 0.15 0.08 69.5 1400 -90 .. 200 23 087125 66 105.0 4.3 19 28 95 210 3.3 0.66 0.45 0.15 0.08 69.5 1400 -90 .. 200 23 087063 70 95.0 4.3 19 28 95 210 3.3 0.66 0.45 0.15 0.08 69.5 1400 -90 .. 250 24 085398 241 105.0 2.4 9.5 14 50 120 12 2 1.3 0.43 0.22 69.5 3700 -90 .. 200 25 087029 216 95.0 2.4 9.5 14 50 120 12 2 1.3 0.43 0.22 69.5 3700 -90 .. 250 26 373757 50 72.2 4 18 27 95 0.8 0.17 0.12 0.042 65.9 1700 -40 .. 85 27 374587 53 67.0 4 18 27 95 0.8 0.17 0.12 0.042 65.9 1700 -40 .. 85 28 373135 136 72.2 2 9.5 13 45 2.2 0.42 0.3 0.095 65.9 3700 -40 .. 85 29 373182 177 72.2 2 9.5 13 45 2.2 0.42 0.3 0.095 65.9 3700 -40 .. 85 30 373113 135 67.0 2 9.5 13 45 2.2 0.42 0.3 0.095 65.9 3700 -40 .. 85 31 081997 16.9 75.5 11 40 56 160 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.032 69.5 900 -90 .. 200 32 087244 16.9 72.2 11 40 56 160 0.95 0.17 0.11 0.032 69.5 900 -90 .. 230 32 373148 46 47.6 3.2 14 22 100 83.0 750 -40 .. 85 33 087241 27 50.5 7 30 43 150 1.8 0.35 0.25 0.08 69.5 900 -90 .. 200 34 087246 27 50.5 7 30 43 150 1.8 0.35 0.25 0.08 69.5 900 -90 .. 230 34 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 240 100 Issue 2 – January 2004 -4- Other standard cables References according to Dielectric NF. C 93-550 MIL C17 FILOTEX PART # CONDUCTOR CompoØ sition Nature mm n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Nb Braid braids nature Nature JACKET Overall diameter mm DATA BUS CABLES 77 Ω PTFE M17/176-00002 090612 19 x 0.13 SPC (alloy) 1.07 1 SPC (alloy) PFA 3.28 CABLES with two CONDUCTORS 78 Ω PE RG 108 AU 087061 7 x 0.32 TPC 0.96 2.0 1 TPC PVC 6.0 ± 0.25 95 Ω PE RG 22 BU 087043 7 x 0.38 TPC 1.14 2.3 2 TPC PVC 10.7 ± 0.25 FLAMEX halogen free coaxial cables References according to Dielectric 50 Ω 75 Ω CONDUCTOR Composition Nature Ø mm n x Ø mm MIL C17 PE FLAMEX RG 174 299956 7x0.16 CCS 0.48 1.52 ± 0.08 1 TPC FLAMEX 2.79 ± 0.13 PE FLAMEX RG 58 299954 19x0.18 TPC 0.90 2.95 ± 0.10 1 TPC FLAMEX 4.95 ± 0.10 PE FLAMEX RG 213 299957 7x0.75 BC 2.25 7.24 ± 0.18 1 BC FLAMEX 10.3 ± 0.18 PE FLAMEX RG 214 299958 7x0.75 SPC 2.25 7.24 ± 0.18 2 SPC FLAMEX 10.8 ± 0.18 PE FLAMEX RG 59 299955 1x0.57 CCS 0.57 3.71 ± 0.10 1 BC FLAMEX 6.15 ± 0.10 NF. C 93550 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Dielectric Ø mm Nb braids JACKET Braid nature NF. C 93- MIL C17 550 FILOTEX PART # Issue 2 – January 2004 -5- Other standard cables FILOTEX PART # Attenuation (db/100 m) Average Nominal Operating weight capacitance 10 200 400 3000 10000 temperature kg/km pF/m MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz Page DATA BUS CABLES 090612 -90 .. 200 35 CABLES with two CONDUCTORS 087061 52 64.8 10 60 95 -40 .. 85 36 087043 195 53.2 5 20 29 -40 .. 85 Consult us FLAMEX halogen free coaxial cables Average FILOTEX weight PART # kg/km Nominal capacitance 10 pF/m MHz Attenuation (db/100 m) 200 MHz 400 MHz Velocity of 1000 propa3000 0 gation MHz MHz Continuous Operating Page working temp. voltage 299956 12.5 <106 11 42 60 220 65.9 1100 -30 .. 80 38 299954 41 <106 4.5 24 36 140 65.9 1400 -30 .. 80 38 299957 165 <106 2 9.5 14.5 55 65.9 3700 -30 .. 80 38 299958 198 <106 2 9 13 45 65.9 3700 -30 .. 80 38 299955 58 <72.2 4 18 27 95 65.9 1700 -30 .. 80 38 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 100 Issue 2 – January 2004 -6- Telecom coaxial cables 50 Ω CONDUCTOR CompoØ sition Nature mm n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Nb Braid braids nature Nature JACKET Overall diameter mm Dielec-tric Designation FILOTEX PART # PTFE RG 178 111336 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 0.84 1 SPC FEP 1.80 ± 0.10 PTFE RG 316 ST 124467 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.5 1.50 1 SPC FEP 2.50 ± 0.10 FEP RG 316 ST FEP 296891 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.5 1.50 1 SPC FEP 2.50 ± 0.10 PTFE RG 316 DT 124376 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.5 1.50 2 SPC FEP 2.90 ± 0.10 FEP RG 316 DT FEP 296892 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.5 1.50 2 SPC FEP 2.90 ± 0.10 Polyolefine RG 316 ST LSZH 2PB272 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 1 SPC LSZH 2.50 ± 0.10 Polyolefine RG 316 DT LSZH 2PB273 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 2 SPC LSZH 2.94 ± 0.15 PTFE RG 142 DT 124380 1 x 0.95 SPCCS 0.95 2.95 2 SPC FEP 4.95 ± 0.13 Polyolefine RG 142 LSZH 2PB274 1 x 0.95 SPCCS 0.95 2.95 2 SPC LSZH 4.95 ± 0.13 PTFE RG 179 ST 125480 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 1 SPC FEP 2.54 ± 0.13 FEP RG 179 ST FEP 296469 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 1 SPC FEP 2.54 ± 0.13 PTFE RG 179 DT 124431 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 2 SPC FEP 3.07 ± 0.10 FEP 75 Ω Polyolefine RG 179 DT FEP 2PA030 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 2 SPC FEP 3.07 ± 0.10 RG 179 ST LSZH 2PB270 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 1 SPC LSZH 2.54 ± 0.13 Polyolefine RG 179 DT LSZH 2PB271 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 2 SPC LSZH 3.00 ± 0.15 PE RG 179 ST PE/PVC 288108 1 x 0.25 CCS 0.25 1.50 ± 0.10 1 B.C. PVC 2.80 ± 0.12 PE RG 179 DT PE/PVC 2PB389 1 x 0.25 CCS 0.25 1.50 ± 0.10 2 B.C. PVC 3.20 ± 0.15 Low noise coaxial cables CONDUCTOR CompoØ sition Nature mm n x Ø mm Designation FILOTEX PART # PE CAS 85-22P 87067 1 x 0.30 SPCCS 0.30 1.10 ± 0.05 1 B.C. PVC 2.15 ± 0.05 PTFE CAS 250-20 P 87028 1 x 0.30 SPCCS 0.30 1.05 ± 0.05 1 SPC PTFE 1.90 ± 0.10 PTFE CAS 250-20 SP 87029 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.05 ± 0.05 1 SPC PTFE 1.90 ± 0.10 PTFE CAS 250-22 87068 1 x 0.30 SPCCS 0.30 0.98 ± 0.05 1 SPC PTFE 2.15 ± 0.05 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Dielectric Ø mm Nb Braid braids nature Nature JACKET Overall diameter mm Dielectric Issue 2 – January 2004 -7- Telecom coaxial cables Nominal FILOTEX capacitan 10 PART # ce pF/m MHz Attenuation (db/100 m) 100 MHz 1000 900 MHz MHz Velocity Operating of Page 1800 3000 propa- temperature MHz MHz gation 111336 95 150 240 69.5 -90 .. 200 41 124467 95 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 200 43 296891 95 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 180 43 124376 95 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 200 43 296892 95 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 180 43 2PB272 95 86 120 160 70 -25 .. 80 45 2PB273 95 86 120 160 70 -25 .. 80 45 124380 95 40 60 69.5 -90 .. 200 47 2PB274 95 43 62 70 -25 .. 80 49 125480 64 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 200 51 296469 64 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 180 51 124431 64 80 120 69.5 -90 .. 200 51 2PA030 64 90 140 69.5 -90 .. 180 51 2PB270 64 100 140 185 70 -25 .. 80 53 2PB271 64 100 140 185 70 -25 .. 80 53 288108 67 8.5 28 89 66 -20 .. 80 55 2PB389 67 8.5 28 89 66 -20 .. 80 55 82 Low noise coaxial cables FILOTEX PART # Velocity Average Nominal Continuous of Operating weight capacitance working Page propatemperature kg/km pF/m voltage gation 87067 6.7 95 70 600 -40 .. 85 58 87028 8.8 90 76 600 -90 .. 200 59 87029 8.8 90 76 600 -90 .. 200 59 90 76 250 -90 .. 200 60 87068 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 -8- Miniature coaxial cables CONDUCTOR CompoØ sition Nature mm n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Nb Braid braids nature Nature JACKET Overall diameter mm Dielectric Designation FILOTEX PART # PTFE 50 VMTX 87059 1 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.17 0.52 ± 0.03 1 SPC FEP 1.17 ± 0.05 PTFE 75 VMTX 87060 1 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.10 0.57 ± 0.05 1 SPC FEP 1.22 ± 0.05 Hand formable coaxial cables 50 Ω CONDUCTOR FILOTEX CompoØ PART # sition Nature mm n x Ø mm Designation PTFE QF86 Cw PTFE 296380 1 x 0.51 SPCCS 0.51 1.60 Tin soaked braid 2.11 PTFE QF141 Cw PTFE 296379 1 x 0.92 SPCCS 0.92 2.98 Tin soaked braid 3.50 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Dielectric Ø mm OUTER CONDUCTOR Overall Nature diameter mm Dielectric Issue 2 – January 2004 -9- Miniature coaxial cables FILOTEX PART # Average Nominal weight capacitance kg/km pF/m 10 MHz Attenuation Velocity Continuous Operating (db/100 m) of working Page temperature 100 400 1000 2000 3000 propavoltage MHz MHz MHz MHz MHz gation 87059 3 85 22 54 87060 3 60 36 70 115 220 320 450 69.5 250 -90 .. 200 62 220 320 390 69.5 250 -90 .. 200 63 Hand formable coaxial cables FILOTEX PART # Capa. (pF/m) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Operating temperature 296380 97 70 296379 97 70 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Nominal attenuation (dB/m) at 0.1 0.3 GHz GHz 1 2 GHz GHz 3 GHz 5 10 GHz GHz 15 20 GHz GHz 26 GHz Page -65 .. 150 0.22 0.39 0.74 1.08 1.37 1.83 2.71 3.43 4.10 4.80 65 65 .. 150 0.12 0.21 0.42 0.64 0.82 1.12 1.70 2.22 2.61 3.13 65 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 10 - Standard coaxial cables PE/PTFE 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 11 - ELECTRONIC KX 3B COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 3B (ET 373095) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1100 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: 100 ± 6 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 3.5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 11 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 42 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 60 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 220 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 10 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.16 Copper clad steel ∅ = 0.48 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 1.50 mm ± 0.10 3- SCREEN: Single braid Tin plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 2.54 mm ± 0.13 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 12 - ELECTRONIC M17/173-00001 (RG 174 A/U) COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 174 A/U (ET 373171) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1100 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 1 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <106 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 11 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 42 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 60 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 220 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 4.5 kV r Nominal weight: 12 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.16 Copper clad steel ∅ = 0.48 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 1.52 mm ± 0.08 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Tin plated copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 2.79 mm ± 0.13 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 13 - ELECTRONIC KX 15 / RG 58 C/U COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550, MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 15 / RG 58 C/U (ET 373117) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: 100 ± 5 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4.5 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 24 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 36 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 140 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 36 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 19x0.18 Tin plated copper ∅ = 0.90 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 2.95 mm ± 0.10 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Tin plated copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 4.95 mm ± 0.15 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 14 - ELECTRONIC M17/167-00001 (RG 223 U) COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 223 U (ET 373184) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 12.4 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <106 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 5.5 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 20 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 30 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 100 dB/100m at 10000 MHz: 240 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 55 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Solid 1x0.89 Silver plated copper ∅ = 0.89 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 2.95 mm ± 0.10 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 5.38 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 15 - ELECTRONIC KX 4 / RG 213 U COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550, MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 4 / RG 213 U (ET 373099) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: 100 ± 5 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 14.5 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 55 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 158 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.75 Bare copper ∅ = 2.25 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 7.25 mm ± 0.15 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 10.30 mm ± 0.20 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 16 - ELECTRONIC RG 214 U COAXIAL 50 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 214 U (ET 373181) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 11 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <106 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 13 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 45 dB/100 m at 10000 MHz: 100 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 10 kV r Nominal weight: 196 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.75 Silver plated copper ∅ = 2.25 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 7.25 mm ± 0.18 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 10.80 mm ± 0.18 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 17 - ELECTRONIC KX 21 A COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 21 A (ET 087126) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.10 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.30 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C r Continuous working voltage: 750 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: 95 ± 10 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 16.5 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 65 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 95 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 300 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 1 kV r Nominal weight: 9.6 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 0.87 mm ± 0.07 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: FEP ∅ = 1.80 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 18 - ELECTRONIC M17/169-00001 (RG 178 B/U) M17/93-00001 (RG 196) COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C/230°C PTFE Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 178 B/U (ET 087069) RG 196 (ET 087247) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.10 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.30 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C (FEP JACKET) - 90 to + 230°C (PFA JACKET) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 750 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: < 105 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 16.5 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 65 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 95 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 300 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 9.6 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 0.84 mm ± 0.05 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: T° = 200°C FEP (RG178BU) T° = 230°C PFA (RG196) ∅ = 1.80 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 19 - ELECTRONIC KX 22 A COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 22 A (ET 087017) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.17 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.51 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: 95 ± 10 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 10 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 40 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 55 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 160 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 17 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 1.50 mm ± 0.10 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: FEP ∅ = 2.50 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 20 - ELECTRONIC M17/172-00001 (RG 316 U) M17/138-00001 (RG 188 A/U) COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C/230°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 316 U (ET 085790) RG 188 A/U (ET 087245) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.17 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.51 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C (FEP JACKET) - 90 to + 230°C (PFA JACKET) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: < 105 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 10 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 40 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 55 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 160 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 17 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 1.52 mm ± 0.08 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: T° = 200°C FEP (RG316U) T° = 230°C PFA (RG188AU) ∅ = 2.49 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 21 - ELECTRONIC RG 142 A/U COAXIAL 50 Ω 250°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 142 A/U (ET 087009) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +250°C r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Capacitance: < 105 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4.3 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 19 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 28 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 95 dB/100 m at 10000 MHz: 210 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 66 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature, or on equipement excepted to work under severe conditions without failure. 1- CONDUCTOR: Solid 1x0.94 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.94 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 2.95 mm ± 0.13 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Glass fiber ∅ = 5.10 mm ± 0.15 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 22 - ELECTRONIC M17/158-00001 (RG 142 B/U) M17/175-00001 (RG 400 U) COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 142 B/U (ET 087066) RG 400 U (ET 087125) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: M17/158-00001 Solid 1x0.94 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.94 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C (FEP JACKET) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: < 105 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4.3 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 19 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 28 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 95 dB/100 m at 10000 MHz: 210 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 68 kg/km (M17/158-00001), 66 kg/km (M17/175-00001) Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature, or on equipement excepted to work under severe conditions without failure. M17/158-00001 M17/175-00001 Multibrin 19x0.20 Silver plated copper ∅ = 0.98 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 2.95 mm ± 0.13 M17/175-00001 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: FEP ∅ = 4.95 mm ± 0.13 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 23 - ELECTRONIC KX 23 COAXIAL 50 Ω 250°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 23 (ET 087063) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +250°C r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: 95 ± 10 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2.5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4.3 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 19 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 28 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 95 dB/100 m at 10000 MHz: 210 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 5 kV r Nominal weight: 70 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature, or on equipement excepted to work under severe conditions without failure. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.34 Silver plated copper ∅ = 1.02 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 2.95 mm ± 0.15 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Glass fiber ∅ = 5.10 mm ± 0.20 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 24 - ELECTRONIC M17/174-00001 (RG 393) COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 393 (ET 085398) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 11 GHz r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: 105 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2.4 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 14 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 50 dB/100m r Nominal weight: 241 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature, or on equipement excepted to work under severe conditions without failure. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.80 Silver plated copper ∅ = 2.40 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 7.24 mm ± 0.13 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: FEP ∅ = 9.91 mm ± 0.25 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 25 - ELECTRONIC KX 24 COAXIAL 50 Ω 250°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 24 (ET 087029) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +250°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: 95 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 50 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2.4 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz:14 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 50 dB/100 m at 10000 MHz: 120 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 10 kV r Nominal weight: 216 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature, or on equipement excepted to work under severe conditions without failure. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.80 Silver plated copper ∅ = 2.40 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 7.25 mm ± 0.12 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: Glass fiber ∅ = 10.90 mm ± 0.25 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 26 - ELECTRONIC M17/29-RG059 (RG 59 B/U) COAXIAL 75 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 59 B/U (ET 373757) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 1 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <72.2 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 3 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 18 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 27 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 95 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 7 kV r Nominal weight: 50 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Solid 1x0.57 Copper clad steel ∅ = 0.57 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 3.71 mm ± 0.10 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 6.15 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 27 - ELECTRONIC KX 6A COAXIAL 75 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 6A (ET 374587) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 1700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: 67 ± 3 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 2 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 4 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 18 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 27 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 95 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 4.2 kV r Nominal weight: 53 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.20 Bare copper ∅ = 0.60 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 3.70 mm ± 0.12 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 6.10 mm ± 0.15 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 28 - ELECTRONIC M17/6-RG011 (RG 11 A/U) COAXIAL 75 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 11 A/U (ET 373135) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 1 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <72.2 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 3 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 13 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 45 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 10 kV r Nominal weight: 136 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.40 Tin plated copper ∅ = 1.20 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 7.24 mm ± 0.18 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 10.30 mm ± 0.18 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 29 - ELECTRONIC M17/77-RG216 (RG 216 U) COAXIAL 75 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 216 U (ET 373182) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: <72.2 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 3 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 13 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 45 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 10 kV r Nominal weight: 177 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.40 Tin plated copper ∅ = 1.20 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 7.24 mm ± 0.18 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Double braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 10.80 mm ± 0.18 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 30 - ELECTRONIC KX 8 COAXIAL 75 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NF C93550 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: KX 8 (ET 373113) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 3700 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 -1&2 r Capacitance: 67 ± 3 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 3 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 9.5 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 13 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 45 dB/100 m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 8 kV r Nominal weight: 135 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.40 Bare copper ∅ = 1.20 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Solid Polyethylene ∅ = 7.25 mm ± 0.15 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 10.30 mm ± 0.20 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 31 - ELECTRONIC M17/94-RG179 (RG179BU) M17/136-00001 (RG187AU) COAXIAL 75 Ω 200°C/230°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 179 B/U (ET 081997) RG 187 A/U (ET 087244) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.10 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.30 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C (FEP JACKET) - 90 to + 230°C (PFA JACKET) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: < 75.5 pF/m (FEP JACKET) / <72.2 pF/m (PFA JACKET) r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 75 ± 3 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 11 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 40 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 56 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 160 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 16.9 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 1.60 mm ± 0.08 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: T° = 200°C FEP (RG179BU) T° = 230°C PFA (RG187AU) ∅ = 2.54 mm ± 0.13 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 32 - ELECTRONIC M17/30-RG062 (RG 62 A/U) COAXIAL 93 Ω 85°C Polyethylene Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 62 A/U (ET 373148) CONSTRUCTION Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 750 volts r Maximal operating frequency: 1 GHz r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 –1&2 r Capacitance: <47.6 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 83 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 93 ± 5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 3.2 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 14 dB/100 m at 400 MHz: 22 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 100 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 3 kV r Nominal weight: 46 kg/km Application High frequency connections. 1- CONDUCTOR: Solid 1x0.64 Copper clad steel ∅ = 0.64 mm 2- DIELECTRIC: Semi-air-spaced polyethylene ∅ = 3.71 mm ± 0.13 • ‚ ƒ „ 3- SCREEN: Single braid Bare copper 4- JACKET: PVC ∅ = 6.15 mm ± 0.18 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 33 - ELECTRONIC M17/95-RG180 (RG 180 B/U) M17/137-00001 (RG 195 A/U) COAXIAL 95 Ω 200°C/230°C PTFE Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 180 B/U (ET 087241) RG 195 A/U (ET 087246) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Stranded 7x0.10 Silver plated copper clad steel ∅ = 0.30 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90 to +200°C (FEP JACKET) - 90 to + 230°C (PFA JACKET) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Good resistance to aircraft fluids. r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C1 & C2 (CEI 332 –1) r Capacitance: < 50.5 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Characteristic impedance at200 MHz: 95 ± 5 Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 7 dB/100 m at 200 MHz: 30 dB/100 m at 400 MHz:43 dB/100 m at 3000 MHz: 150 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 27 kg/km Application High frequency connections operating at high temperature. By their small dimensions, they are mainly designed for miniaturized connections, operating at high or low temperature. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE ∅ = 2.59 mm ± 0.08 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: T° = 200°C FEP (RG180BU) T° = 230°C PFA (RG195AU) ∅ = 3.58 mm ± 0.10 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 34 - ELECTRONIC Filotex M17/176-00002 ® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Symmetrical bus cable, for multiplexed transmissions Application Bus lines for multiplexed transmissions. Electrical characteristics r Voltage rating : 750 Volts (RMS) r Operating frequency : up to 10 MHz r Impedance : 77 ± 7 Ω @ 1MHz r Nominal capacitance : 65 pF/m r Max capacitance : 78 pF/m r Max attenuation 4.6 dB/m @ 1MHz q PRODUCT REFERENCES FILOTEX Ref : ET 90612 CONSTRUCTION CORES • CONDUCTOR ‚ 19 x 0.127 mm High Strength Silver plated Copper alloy INSULATION Extruded PTFE Diameter = 1.07 ± 0.05 mm Physical characteristics r Max weight : 26 g/m r Temperature rating : -65 to 200°C r Min Bend radius : 21 mm Applicable Specification : M17/176-00002 FILLERS ƒ Extruded PTFE • ASSEMBLY 2 cores + 2 fillers, twisted Identification : one Blue core and one White core ‚ SHIELD „ 16 carriers x 6 ends ƒ Strand diam 0.100 mm, Optical coverage = 93% nom. 90% min Picks / inch = 11.2 ±10% High Strength Silver plated Copper alloy „ … OUTER JACKET „ PFA Colour : Translucent blue Diameter = 3.27 ± 0.127 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 35 - ELECTRONIC TWINAXIAL 78 Ω M17/45-RG108 (RG 108 A/U) 85°C Polyethylene Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® To: MIL C17 PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG 108 A/U (ET 087061) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: 7 x 0.32 mm Tin plated copper ∅ = 0.96 mm Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 750 volts r Good resistance to flame NFC 32070/C2 & CEI 332 –1&2 r Maximum capacitance between two cores: 80 pF/m r Maximal operating frequency: 10 MHz r Relative velocity of propagation: 65.9 % r Characteristic impedance at1 MHz: 78 ± 7Ω r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 10 dB/100m at 200 MHz: 60 dB/100m at 400 MHz: 95 dB/100m r Dielectric withstanding at 50 Hz: 2 kV r Nominal weight: 52 kg/km Application High frequency connections. This twinaxial cable is mainly designed for digital data transmissions in electronic systems. 2 – DIELECTRIC: Polyethylene ∅ = 2.0 mm 3 – ASSEMBLY: 2 cores 4 - SCREEN: Tin plated copper braid 5 - Polyester tape 6 - JACKET: PVC ∅ = 6.0 mm ± 0.25 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 36 - FLAMEX Halogen free coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 37 - ELECTRONIC Filotex® Coaxial Cables : FLAMEX RG Applications : p High Frequency Data transmission (communication equipment, radar, instrumentation equipment), p Video signal transmission. Fire Performance : p Flame and Fire retardant (IEC 332 – 3 Cat C), PRODUCT RANGE FLAMEX RG p Halogen free cable (IEC 754 – 1), p Non corrosive and non toxic cable (IEC 754 – 2), p Low smoke emission and opacity (IEC 1034). Main data : p Electrical and mechanical data in accordance with the MIL C17 standard, p High electromagnetic protection : single or double braids, p Operating temperature : -30°C to +80°C, p High chemical resistance (acids, alkalis, oil, …). CONSTRUCTION • CONDUCTOR • ‚ ƒ „ … † Stranded bare, tinned or silvered copper ‚ DIELECTRIC plain PE ƒ TAPE (option) fire barrier „ SCREEN single or double braid bare, tinned or silvered copper … TAPE (option) fire barrier † JACKET black or green halogen free Standards : p Approved Bureau Veritas, p MIL C 17, p IEC332 – 3 Cat C, p IEC 754 - 1 & - 2, p IEC 1034. Marking : p FILOTEX P FLAMEX “cable type” Connectors : p Compatible with standard connectors : SMA, SMB, TNC, BNC, N, C, SC, HN, LC 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 38 - ELECTRONIC Filotex® Coaxial Cables : FLAMEX RG Coaxial Cable 50 Ω (MIL C 17) Conductor Designation Filotex Stranding ref. ∅ (mm) Dielectric Braid Cable ∅ 1 2 (mm) (mm) Operating Ext ∅ Weigh t voltage (mm) (mm) (kg/km) (V ac) FLAMEX RG 174 ET 299956 7x0.16 CCS 0.48 1.52 ± 0.08 0.10 TPC - 2.79 ± 0.13 12.5 1100 FLAMEX RG 58 ET 299954 19x0.1 TPC 0.90 2.95 ± 0.10 0.13 TPC - 4.95 ± 0.10 41 1400 FLAMEX RG 213 ET 299957 7x0.75 BC 2.25 7.24 ± 0.18 - 10.3 ± 0.18 165 3700 FLAMEX RG 214 ET 299958 7x0.75 SPC 2.25 7.24 ± 0.18 0.16 SPC 0.16 SPC 10.8 ± 0.18 198 3700 Capacity : < 106 pF / m 0.18 BC Propagation velocity : 65.9% Coaxial Cable 75 Ω (MIL C 17) Conductor Designation Filotex Stranding ref. FLAMEX RG 59 ET 299955 1x0.57 CCS Dielectric Braid Cable Operating ∅ ∅ 1 2 Ext ∅ Weigh t voltage (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km) (V ac) 0.57 3.71 ± 0.10 0.16 BC - 6.15 ± 0.10 58 1700 Capacity : < 72.2 pF / m Propagation velocity : 65.9 % SPC : Silver plated copper, SPCCS: silver plated copper clad steel, TPC: tin plated copper, BC: bare copper, CCS: copper clad steel r White marking : ‘FILOTEX P FLAMEX RG XXX’ r Jacket Colour : black 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 39 - Telecom coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 40 - ELECTRONIC RG 178 TELECOM COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG178 ST (ET 111336) CONSTRUCTION To: NEXANS Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -90°C to +200°C (PTFE) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 750 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE 3- SCREEN: Single braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Brown FEP 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 41 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 178 ST (111336) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm 7 x 0.10 SPCCS Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature 0.30 0.84 PTFE Screen Nb of Nature braids 1 SPC JACKET Ø mm Nature 1.80 ± 0.10 FEP ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) RG 178 ST (111336) 95 50 ± 2 69.5 1.5 2.4 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 42 - ELECTRONIC RG 316 TELECOM COAXIAL50 Ω 200°C PTFE /180°C FEP Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG316ST PTFE/FEP (ET124467) RG316ST FEP/FEP (ET296891) RG316DT PTFE/FEP (ET124376) To: NEXANS Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -90°C to +200°C (PTFE/FEP) -90°C to +180°C (FEP/FEP) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations RG316DT FEP/FEP (ET296892) CONSTRUCTION Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE or FEP 3- SCREEN: Single or Double braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Brown FEP 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 43 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 316 ST (124467) RG 316 ST (296891) RG 316 DT (124376) RG 316 DT (296892) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature Screen Nb of Nature braids JACKET Ø mm Nature 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.50 1.50 PTFE 1 SPC 2.50 ± 0.10 FEP 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.50 1.50 FEP 1 SPC 2.50 ± 0.10 FEP 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.50 1.50 PTFE 2 SPC 2.90 ± 0.10 FEP 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.50 1.50 FEP 2 SPC 2.90 ± 0.10 FEP ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # RG 316 ST (124467) RG 316 ST (296891) RG 316 DT (124376) RG 316 DT (296892) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) 95 50 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 95 50 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 95 50 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 95 50 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 44 - ELECTRONIC Type RG 316 Halogen free TELECOM COAXIAL 50 Ω 80°C Polyolefin Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NEXANS PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG316 ST LSZH (ET 2PB272) RG316 DT LSZH (ET 2PB273) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 25°C to +80°C r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Minimum static bend radius : 5 x outer diam. r Minimum dynamic bend radius : 15 x outer diam. r Flammability resistance according to IEC 332-1 for Double Braided only r pH > 4 and conductivity < 100µS/cm according to IEC 754-1 r VW-1 and FT-1 according to UL and CSA r Low smoke emission according to IEC 1034-2 r Suitable with all the standard connectors intended for RG cables r Very good resistance to soldering operations Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded foam polyolefin 3- SCREEN: Single or Double braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Halogen free 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 45 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 316 ST LSZH (2PB272) RG 316 DT LSZH (2PB273) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature Screen Nb of Nature braids JACKET Ø mm Nature 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 Polyolefin 1 SPC 2.50 ± 0.10 LSZH 7 x 0.17 SPCCS 0.51 1.52 Polyolefin 2 SPC 2.94 ± 0.15 LSZH ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # RG 316 ST LSZH (2PB272) RG 316 DT LSZH (2PB273) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 3000 MHz (dB/m) 95 50 ± 2 70 0.86 1.20 1.60 95 50 ± 2 70 0.86 1.20 1.60 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 46 - ELECTRONIC RG 142 TELECOM COAXIAL 50 Ω 200°C PTFE Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG142 DT (ET 124380) To: NEXANS CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -90°C to +200°C (PTFE) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 1400 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: Brown FEP 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 • ‚ ƒ „ Issue 2 – January 2004 - 47 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 142 DT (124380) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm 1 x 0.95 SPCCS Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature 0.95 2.95 PTFE Screen Nb of Nature braids 2 SPC JACKET Ø mm Nature 4.95 ± 0.13 FEP ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) RG 142 DT (124380) 95 50 ± 2 69.5 0.4 0.6 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 48 - ELECTRONIC Type RG 142 Halogen free TELECOM COAXIAL 50 Ω 80°C Polyolefin Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG142 DT LSZH (ET 2PB274) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded foam polyolefin 3- SCREEN: Double braid Silver plated copper To: NEXANS Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 25°C to +80°C r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 1500 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Minimum static bend radius : 5 x outer diam. r Flammability resistance according to IEC 332-1 r pH>4 et conductivité < 100µS/cm selon norme IEC 754-1 r VW-1 and FT-1 according to UL and CSA r Low smoke emission according to IEC 1034-2 r Suitable with all the standard connectors intended for RG cables r Very good resistance to soldering operations Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. 4- JACKET: Halogen free • 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 ‚ ƒ „ Issue 2 – January 2004 - 49 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 142 DT LSZH (2PB274) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm 1 x 0.95 SPCCS Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature 0.95 2.95 Polyolefin Screen Nb of Nature braids 2 SPC JACKET Ø mm Nature 4.95 ± 0.13 LSZH ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 3000 MHz (dB/m) RG 142 DT LSZH (2PB274) 95 50 ± 2 70 0.43 0.62 0.82 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 50 - ELECTRONIC RG 179 TELECOM COAXIAL 75 Ω 200°C PTFE /180°C FEP Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG179ST PTFE/FEP (ET125480) RG179ST FEP/FEP (ET296469) RG179DT PTFE/FEP (ET124431) To: NEXANS Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -90°C to +200°C (PTFE/FEP) -90°C to +180°C (FEP/FEP) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations RG179DT FEP/FEP(ET2PA030) CONSTRUCTION Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded PTFE or FEP 3- SCREEN: Single or Double braid Silver plated copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: Brown FEP 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 51 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST (125480) RG 179 ST (296469) RG 179 DT (124431) RG 179 DT (2PA030) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature Screen Nb of Nature braids JACKET Ø mm Nature 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 PTFE 1 SPC 2.54 ± 0.13 FEP 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 FEP 1 SPC 2.54 ± 0.13 FEP 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 PTFE 2 SPC 3.07 ± 0.10 FEP 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 FEP 2 SPC 3.07 ± 0.10 FEP ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST (125480) RG 179 ST (296469) RG 179 DT (124431) RG 179 DT (2PA030) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) 64 75 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 64 75 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 64 75 ± 2 69.5 0.80 1.2 64 75 ± 2 69.5 0.90 1.4 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 52 - ELECTRONIC Type RG 179 Halogen free TELECOM COAXIAL 75 Ω 80°C Polyolefin Filotex® Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. To: NEXANS PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG179 ST LSZH (ET 2PB270) RG179 DT LSZH (ET 2PB271) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 25°C to +80°C r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Continuous working voltage: 900 volts r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 r Minimum static bend radius : 5 x outer diam. r Minimum dynamic bend radius : 15 x outer diam. r Flammability resistance according to IEC 332-1 for Double Braided only r pH>4 et conductivité < 100µS/cm selon norme IEC 754-1 r VW-1 and FT-1 according to UL and CSA r Low smoke emission according to IEC 1034-2 r Suitable with all the standard connectors intended for RG cables r Very good resistance to soldering operations Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. 2- DIELECTRIC: Extruded foam polyolefin 3- SCREEN: Single or Double braid Silver plated copper 4- JACKET: Halogen free 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 • ‚ ƒ „ Issue 2 – January 2004 - 53 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST LSZH (2PB270) RG 179 DT LSZH (2PB271) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature Screen Nb of Nature braids JACKET Ø mm Nature 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 Polyolefin 1 SPC 2.54 ± 0.13 LSZH 7 x 0.10 SPCCS 0.30 1.60 Polyolefin 2 SPC 3.00 ± 0.15 LSZH ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST LSZH (2PB270) RG 179 DT LSZH (2PB271) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 900 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1800 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 3000 MHz (dB/m) 64 75 ± 2 70 1.00 1.40 1.85 64 75 ± 2 70 1.00 1.40 1.85 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 54 - ELECTRONIC Type RG 179 PE/PVC TELECOM COAXIAL 75 Ω 80°C PE Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: RG179 ST PE/PVC (ET 288108) RG179 DT PE/PVC (ET 2PB389) To: NEXANS Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -20°C to +80°C (PE/PVC) r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 Application High frequency interconnections between PCB in Telecommunication equipments If a high shielding effectiveness is required, use the double braided cables. CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Copper-clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: PE 3- SCREEN: Single or Double braid Bare copper • ‚ ƒ „ 4- JACKET: PVC 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 55 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST PE/PVC (288108) RG 179 DT PE/PVC (2PB389) CONDUCTOR Composition Nature n x Ø mm Dielectric Ø mm Ø mm Nature Screen Nb of Nature braids JACKET Ø mm Nature 1 x 0.25 CCS 0.25 1.50 PE 1 B.C. 2.80 ± 0.12 PVC 1 x 0.25 CCS 0.25 1.50 PE 2 B.C. 3.20 ± 0.15 PVC ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # RG 179 ST PE/PVC (288108) RG 179 DT PE/PVC (2PB389) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Attenuation at 10 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 100 MHz (dB/m) Attenuation at 1000 MHz (dB/m) 67 75 ± 3 66 0.085 0.28 0.89 67 75 ± 3 66 0.085 0.28 0.89 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 56 - Low noise coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 57 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: CAS 85-22P (ET 87067) Low noise coaxial cable CAS 85-22 P Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 40 to +85°C r Continuous working voltage: 600 volts (RMS) r Nominal capacitance: 95 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 70 % r Triboelectric low noise level < 200 µvolts r Nominal weight: 6.7 kg/km Application Low frequency connections submitted to deplacements and vibrations during their operation. CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR 1 x 0.30 mm Silver plated copper clad steel 2- ISOLATION Polyethylene ∅ = 1.10 ± 0.05 mm 3- ANTIMICROPHONIC NOISE COATING ∅ = 1.13 ± 0.05 mm 4- SCREEN Bare copper 7/100 5- JACKET PVC ∅ = 2.15 ± 0.05 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 58 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: CAS 250-20 P (ET 87028) CAS 250-20 SP (ET 87209) Low noise coaxial cable CAS 250-20 P CAS 250-20 SP Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90°C to + 200°C r Continuous working voltage: 600 volts (RMS) r Nominal capacitance: 90 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 76 % r Triboelectric low noise level < 200 µvolts r Nominal weight: 8.8 kg/km Application Low frequency connections submitted to deplacements and vibrations during their operation. CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR P: 1x0.30 mm SPCCS SP: 7x0.10 mm SPCCS 2- ISOLATION Extruded PTFE ∅ = 1.05 ± 0.05 mm 3- ANTIMICROPHONIC NOISE COATING 4- SCREEN SPC 0.07 mm Kr ≥ 75 % 5- JACKET PTFE tape(s) ∅ = 1.90 ± 0.10 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 59 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: CAS 250-22 (ET 87068) Low noise coaxial cable CAS 250-22 Main characteristics r Operating temperature: 200°C r Continuous working voltage: 250 volts (RMS) r Nominal capacitance: 90 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 76 % r Triboelectric low noise level < 200 µvolts Application Low frequency connections submitted to deplacements and vibrations during their operation. CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR 1 x 0.30 mm Silver plated copper clad steel 2- ISOLATION Extruded PTFE ∅ = 0.98 ± 0.05 mm 3- SEMI-CONDUCTOR TAPE 4- SCREEN SPC 0.10 mm Kr ≥ 80% 5- JACKET PTFE tape(s) ∅ = 2.15 ± 0.05 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 60 - Miniature coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 61 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: 50 VMTX (ET 87059) 50 VMTX Miniature coaxial cable Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90°C to + 200°C r Continuous working voltage: 250 volts (RMS) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Impedance: 50 ± 5 Ω r Nominal capacitance: 85 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Attenuation at 10 MHz: 0.22 dB/m 100 MHz: 0.54 dB/m 400 MHz: 1.15 dB/m 1000 MHz: 2.20 dB/m 2000 MHz: 3.20 dB/m 3000 MHz: 4.50 dB/m r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations r Nominal weight: 3 kg/km CONSTRUCTION Miniature coaxial cable 1- CONDUCTOR 1x0.17 mm SPCCS 2- ISOLATION Extruded PTFE ∅ = 0.52 ± 0.03 mm 4- SCREEN Single braid SPC 0.05 mm 5- JACKET FEP ∅ = 1.17 ± 0.05 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 62 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref: 75 VMTX (ET 87060) 75 VMTX Miniature coaxial cable Main characteristics r Operating temperature: - 90°C to + 200°C r Continuous working voltage: 250 volts (RMS) r Maximal operating frequency: 3 GHz r Impedance: 80 ± 8 Ω r Nominal capacitance: 60 pF/m r Relative velocity of propagation: 69.5 % r Attenuation at 5 MHz: 0.32 dB/m 10 MHz: 0.36 dB/m 100 MHz: 0.70 dB/m 1000 MHz: 2.20 dB/m 2000 MHz: 3.20 dB/m 3000 MHz: 3.90 dB/m r Very good resistance to solvents r Very good resistance to soldering operations r Nominal weight: 3 kg/km CONSTRUCTION Miniature coaxial cable 1- CONDUCTOR 1x0.10 mm SPCCS 2- ISOLATION Extruded PTFE ∅ = 0.57 ± 0.05 mm 4- SCREEN Single braid SPC 0.05 mm 5- JACKET FEP ∅ = 1.22 ± 0.05 mm 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 63 - Hand formable coaxial cables 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 64 - ELECTRONIC Passing on or copying of the document, use or communicate of its content is not permitted without prior written authorization. Information subject to change without notice. Filotex® Quickform Hand formable coaxial 50 Ω 150°C PTFE To: CEI 61196-1, CEI 61196-2 specifications PRODUCT REFERENCE FILOTEX Ref : QF86 Cw PTFE (ET 296380) QF141 Cw PTFE (ET 296379) CONSTRUCTION 1- CONDUCTOR: Silver plated copper clad steel 2- DIELECTRIC: PTFE 3- OUTER CONDUCTOR: Tin soaked braid 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 Main characteristics r Operating temperature: -65°C to+150°C (PTFE) r Maximum operating frequency: 26 GHz r Minimum static bending radius: 7 mm (QF86), 11 mm (QF141) r Dimensions and high frequency characteristics: see page 2 Advantages QUICKFORM® coaxial cables have electrical performances close to those of semi-rigid cables (very low attenuation very high screening effectiveness) but with easy and economical processing : - no need for drawing of the assembly, - manual shaping with or without pattern, - no previous stabilisation - fast connection with all types of connectors intended for standard semi-rigid cables and RG 402 in particular. The special outer conductor allows to change the shape of the assembly ; nevertheless, they are intended for static use. They are specially recommended for high frequency connections (mobile phone equipment, radio beams, radar…). Quickform® could be listed Style UL1354 if requested. This cable is intended to be used as a substitute to M17/130-RG 402. Other cables are available on request. Issue 2 – January 2004 - 65 - PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Conductor Compos FILOTEX PART # ition Nature nxØ mm QF86 Cw PTFE (ET 296380) QF141 Cw PTFE (ET 296379) Dielectric Outer conductor Ø mm Ø mm Nature Ø mm 1 x 0.51 SPCCS 0.51 1.60 PTFE 2.11 1 x 0.92 SPCCS 0.92 2.98 PTFE 3.50 Nature Tin soaked braid Tin soaked braid ELECTRICAL VALUES FILOTEX PART # QF86 Cw PTFE (ET 296380) QF141 Cw PTFE (ET 296379) FILOTEX PART # QF86 Cw PTFE (ET 296380) QF141 Cw PTFE (ET 296379) Capacitance (pF/m) Impedance (Ω ) Relative velocity of propagation (%) Screening efficiency 97 50 ± 2 70 > 90 dB 97 50 ± 2 70 > 95 dB Nominal attenuation (dB/m) at 2 3 5 10 GHz GHz GHz GHz 0.1 GHz 0.3 GHz 1 GHz 0.22 0.39 0.74 1.08 1.37 1.83 0.12 0.21 0.42 0.64 0.82 1.12 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 15 GHz 20 GHz 26 GHz 2.71 3.43 4.10 4.80 1.70 2.22 2.61 3.13 Issue 2 – January 2004 - 66 - About Nexans Nexans, with its Filotex® products, has a high technology knowledge and an international experience, which has been developed in different industrial areas: r Aerospace, r Railways and Shipboard, r Automotive, r Military and Navy, r Industrial Instrumentation, r Geophysics, r Micro-Computing, r Medical. A global presence In order to offer the best service, to be close to its customers and respond quickly to their requirements, Nexans is present worldwide. The production centres are located over 3 continents with sales representatives in 20 countries. Our strengths r High technology capabilities: • Insulation knowledge : different materials & processes, • Screen knowledge : braid and / or tape, spiral, • Miniaturization : exclusive technology process. r Worldwide experience (different markets) r Development & production capacity: • Standard or customized products, • Small or long series, Several R&D and production centres. 140 – 146 rue E. Delacroix / BP 1 F – 91211 Draveil cedex – FRANCE Tel: + 33 1 69 83 78 00 Fax: + 33 1 69 42 05 70 A wide range of products r Single / Multicore cables (hook-up wires), r Coaxial cables (RG, ..), r Bus cables (multipairs), r Special cables (cables for sensors…), r Twinaxial cables, r Microcables and microcoaxial cables. Also available: • Optical cables and ‘hybrid’ which perform under very harsh ambient conditions for aeronautics, railways & shipboard, geophysics and industry. • Special cable assemblies for applications in aerospace, railways, defence, microcomputing, medical devices… About Nexans Nexans is the worldwide leader in the cable industry. The Group brings an extensive range of advanced copper and optical fiber cable solutions to the infrastructure, industry and building markets. Nexans cables and cable systems can be found in every area of people’s lives, from telecommunications and energy networks to aeronautics, aerospace, building, automobile, petrochemicals, medical applications, etc. Operating in 28 countries, Nexans employs 17 150 people and had sales of euros 4.3 billion in 2002. Nexans is listed on the Paris stock exchange. More information at Issue 2 – January 2004 - 67 - Global expert in cables and cabling systems 140, rue Eugène Delacroix BP1 – 91211 Draveil Cedex France Tel : + 33 (0)1 69 83 78 00 Fax : +33 (0)1 69 42 05 70 600 South Parker Street PO Box 909 Elm City, NC 27822 – 0909 - USA Tel : 1 252 236 4311 – Fax : 1 252 236 3613