Addendum No. 4 - Eastern Municipal Water District

September 11, 2015
TVRWRF 23 MGD Expansion
This addendum to the specifications is for the purpose of adding, clarifying, or deleting certain
information to the construction drawings and project specifications as follows:
NIB-9. State Revolving Fund Program
ADD the following statement:
Awarded Contractor is required to include ALL subcontractors including contracted soils/survey/
inspection firms performing work during construction and their respective contracts verifying the
prime contractor has required its subcontracts to include the applicable wage determinations.
REMOVE the following bid item 5 issued in Addendum No. 2:
LS Insurance
EARTHQUAKE insurance to indemnify the
District for any damage to the work caused by
an Act of God (Public Contract Code 7105).
$ Lump Sum $
ADD the following bid item:
LS Furnish, install, operate, and remove
groundwater treatments system as required in
Section 02222
$ Lump Sum
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The District has received numerous requests from vendors and contractors to name additional
products within the technical specifications. The District has reviewed the requests and replies
with accepted additional named products in the table below. The named manufactures provided
in the table below by specification section are hereby added to the respective technical
specification as an “Or Equal”. The table below amends each of the specifications listed to allow
these manufacturers to be a supplier. However, the contractor and supplier must meet all
specification requirements. Being listed an “Or Equal” does not exempt the Contractor and
supplier from meeting all specification requirements. Only those “Or Equal” requests that have
been reviewed and accepted are provided below.
07 54 23
Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing
26 22 00
Low-Voltage Transformers
26 24 16
26 41 00
40 27 02, 2.05
Facility Lightning Protection
Robbins Lightning
Fabricated Slide Gates – Aluminum and
Stainless Steel
Process Valve and Operators
44 42 25.03
Formed Aluminum Panel Flat Cover
44 42 56.03
Vertical Turbine Pumps – Tertiary Effluent
RPS Engineering
Flowserve, Xylem
Goulds, Peerless, ITT
44 46 22
Screw Conveyor System
Custom Conveyor
35 20 16.25
REPLACE Section E, Inspection & Tests in its entirety.
SC-43 .
Pre-negotiated Membrane Equipment System.
REPLACE SC-43. Pre-negotiated Membrane Equipment System with the following:
The District pre-negotiated the price for the supply, testing and commissioning of the
Membrane System Equipment with GE Water and Process Technologies (GE). Contractor
shall issue a purchase order (PO) to GE and submit written acceptance of the PO by GE to
District for the full pre-negotiated scope within 30-days of Notice of Proceed and complete
Payment Milestone No. 1 as outlined below within 30 days of issuing the PO. If the
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Contractor fails to issue the PO and complete the Payment Milestone No. 1, in a timely
manner, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for costs incurred resulting from price
escalation of the pre-negotiated equipment package (see Appendix C for more details on
the pre-negotiated price for GE equipment and price escalation).
The payment schedule for the pre-negotiated membrane equipment is as below:
Description of Payment Milestone
Contractor pays 15% of the pre-negotiated price plus applicable sales taxes at
issuance of purchase order.
Progress payments by contractor to GE shall total 35% of the pre-negotiated
price plus applicable sales taxes for receipt of equipment less
membranes. Contractor and GE shall determine schedule of delivery of
equipment and progress payment schedule. However, GE shall not be paid
more than 35% in addition to the Milestone 1 payment upon completing
equipment delivery less membranes.
Contractor pays 15% of the pre-negotiated price upon delivery of the
Membrane equipment to GE plus applicable sales taxes.
Upon mobilization for the start of commissioning services, Contractor shall pay
to GE 10% of the pre-negotiated price plus applicable sales taxes
Upon completion of commissioning the contractor shall pay to GE 15% of the
pre-negotiated price plus applicable sales taxes.
Upon completion of performance testing the contractor shall pay to GE 5% of
the pre-negotiated price plus applicable sales taxes.
Additional requirements:
1. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all sales tax at no additional cost to the
District. The District shall not provide Contractor compensation for sales taxes that are not
included within their bid.
2. Total sales taxes associated with the pre-negotiated price are approximately 8%. GE’s
pre-negotiated price was based on 7.5% sales tax. Bid Item No.3 corrects this deficiency.
3. The pre-negotiated price for equipment does not include sales tax, receiving, unloading,
storage, installation, testing. The Contractor shall include the cost of all handling, receiving,
storage, installation, and testing that is not included within the pre-negotiated equipment
package within their bid.
Bid No. 2 on the bid sheet includes a pre-set dollar amount reflecting only the pre-negotiated price of
the GE equipment package. It does not include the cost of other items mentioned in Special
Conditions 42 and 43 that are the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor is to include these
additional costs within their bid.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Bid Item No. 3 provides a preset allowance to adjust sales taxes applied to the pre-negotiated
equipment from 7.5% to 8%. GE’s original proposal included sales taxes in the amount of
$410,775.00 (see Appendix K, original GE proposal, Schedule A, line A.9). The preset allowance
under Bid Item No. 3 assumes an 8% sales tax on the preset amount under Bid Item No. 2 less the
$410,775. Total sales taxes on GE’s pre-negotiated scope of supply are estimated to be
The Contractor shall incorporate the above-listed payment schedule within the Schedule of Values.
The Contractor will not withhold 5% of the above-listed items when making progress payments to
the Membrane Equipment Supplier. Any cost or charges incurred as a failure to comply with the
payment schedule shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor.
Butterfly Valve Testing For Valves Larger Than 12-Inches.
Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph with the following:
This test shall be performed in the presence of the District. Refer to Section E-01.D of the
General Conditions if the testing location is located more than 100 miles from the District’s
main office.
SC-74. Encroachment Permit Conditions
ADD SC-74. Encroachment Permit Conditions as follows:
For work performed within public right-of-way, the Contractor shall meet following encroachment
permit conditions required by the City of Temecula:
1. Work Hours and Traffic Control for work in the travelled way shall be restricted as
indicated on a City-approved Traffic Control Plan. No work shall be allowed on weekends
or on City-recognized holidays. Work hours shall be 7:00 AM to 4:30 PM for work in dirt
shoulder. Work hours for street crossing shall be night time, 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM.
2. Sidewalks and walkways shall not be impacted and safe pedestrian access shall be
maintained at all times. All cross-street and driveway access shall be maintained at all
3. Disturbed landscaping shall be restored in kind to the satisfaction of the private property
owner and the City of Temecula.
4. Full access shall be maintained at all times for emergency vehicles along all streets.
Provide access to all existing fire hydrants, streets, and driveways.
5. Access shall be maintained at all times for buses, trash trucks, mail delivery and to
6. The Public Works Director reserves the right to order the cessation of Permittee’s
construction operations where necessary to protect the public health and safety. City also
reserves the right to defer for a reasonable period any work by Permittee that may conflict
with City projects during the course of Permittee’s project.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
7. Concrete curbs, walks, gutters, cross gutters and driveway approaches that are damaged
or cut during construction must be removed from joint to joint and reconstructed in
conformance with the requirements of Subsections 201-1 and 303-5 of the Standard
Specifications for Public Works Construction, and in accordance with City’s Public Works
standard drawings.
8. All A.C. removal shall be done by saw cutting a neat, straight and vertical line one (1) foot
minimum beyond any undermining or pavement cracking.
9. Trench and pavement repair shall be per City Standard Drawing 407.
10. Trenches within the travelled way shall be backfilled and hot-mix patched at the end of
each day or as an alternative the trench may be secured each day with recessed steel
plating to the satisfaction of the City Public Works Inspector. Trenches within the dirt
shoulder shall be backfilled and compacted by the end of each day.
11. Trench repair shall include submittal by the Permittee of final compaction reports by a
geotechnical engineer. The Permittee shall provide the Public Works Director passing
compaction test results taken by the licensed engineer or testing laboratory.
12. Permittee is responsible for the preservation or replacement of any permanent survey
markers, monuments, or street ties that are disturbed, damaged, or lost as a result of
Permittee’s construction activities.
13. Permittee must adequately safeguard all excavations and obstructions with barricades,
lights, or other suitable devices in conformance with the current Caltrans Manual. During
non-working hours excavations shall be secured from access by the Public.
14. No equipment staging, storage or parking shall be allowed within City public right-of-way
including dirt shoulders.
15. No storage of soils or materials shall be allowed within the Public right-of-way.
16. Permittee shall clean and sweep the project work area and adjacent areas at regular
intervals as may be necessary to maintain the project work area in a clean and orderly
condition at all times.
17. Applicant shall comply with State Water Quality Control Board NPDES sediment control
requirements using Best Management Practices.
18. Permittee shall provide a copy of the construction schedule to the City prior to start of
Parkson HiOx Messner Panels. Two Fine Bubble Diffuser Systems are included in
the Specifications for the Bioreactors. The design is based on the Aero-Strip fine bubble diffuser
system specified in Section 44 45 16.02-A, which contains the system sizing and performance
information based on the results of clean water test performed in accordance with the requirements
of the most recent ASCE standards (Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in Clean Water). The
performance and sizing information in Section 44 45 16.02-A has been independently verified using
the clean water test results by the Owner’s technical expert, Dr. Michael Stenstrom.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The system specified in Section 44 45 16.03-A (Parkson/Messner fine bubble diffuser system)
requires higher capacity process blowers at higher pressure at the dropleg. The blowers required
for the Parkson/Messner system shall be similar to the ones specified in Section 44 42 19.05,
Variable-Speed Turbo Blowers, as manufactured by APG Neuros, but these blowers shall be Model
NX700-C080 (350 hp per core), which shall be supplied by the Contractor at no additional cost to the
Owner. All changes necessary to accommodate the installation of these blowers shall be provided
by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. In addition, the system specified in Section 44
45 16.03-A does not currently have clean water test data meeting the requirements of ASCE
standards. If the Contractor selects this system, the Contractor shall provide the performance and
sizing information required in Specification Section 44 45 16.03-A with the bid. In addition, within
sixty days from Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall provide the clean water test results in a
report to the Owner. The Contractor shall submit the clean water test set up layout drawings and/or
photos, test plan and schedule to Owner for review at least three weeks before the start of test. The
clean water test schedule shall be coordinated with Dr. Michael Stenstrom. The test setup, test plan
and schedule shall be submitted to owner for review a minimum of three weeks before the start of
the test. Dr. Michael Stenstrom shall inspect the test setup and equipment calibration and witness
the clean water test.
In addition, Dr. Michael Stenstrom will review and compare the clean water test results with the
performance and sizing of the fine bubble diffuser system submitted with the bid. If the performance
information provided cannot be supported by the results of the clean water test or the system is
deemed to have failed if the conditions defined in ASCE Standards for Measurement of Oxygen
Transfer in Clean Water are not met, the Contractor shall propose a revised diffuser sizing and
configuration that meets all the requirements specified in Section 44 45 16.03-A, provides access for
aeration system maintenance and repair, and does not exceed the specified maximum floor
coverage ratio in each of the three zone. If the system cannot meet all the requirements of the
specifications, the Contractor shall supply the Fine Bubble Diffuser System specified in Section 44
45 416.02-A and the process blowers as specified in Section 44 42 19,05, Variable-Speed Turbo Air
Blowers (Model NX600-C070), at no additional cost to the Owner.
Failure of the diffuser system shall be based on comparison of field data measured and calculated
according to the procedures defined in the ASCE Standards for Measurement of Oxygen Transfer in
Clean Water and the bid values provided by Parkson and included in Section 44 45 16.03-A.
Accordingly, required oxygen transfer performance shall be stated as a required standard oxygen
transfer rate (SOTR) for specified conditions of tank volume, placement geometry, power, and gas
flow rate. System performance under the specified conditions shall be evaluated by a minimum of
three replicate tests. Power and gas flow rate for each replicate test shall be within ±5% of the
specified value. The measured SOTR for performance evaluation shall be determined as the
average SOTR based on all valid replicate tests under the specified conditions, and this average
shall equal or exceed the required value. Furthermore, the individual SOTR values determined from
at least two-thirds of the valid replicate tests shall exceed the required (guarantied) value. These
performance evaluations shall be made for tests deemed “valid” after a review of the number of
probes in operation at the start and end of the tests, any deviations among the KLa20 values, etc. as
defined in the most recent ASCE standards.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The contractor shall include at the time of bidding, the Contractor’s selected fine bubble diffuser
system supplier. If Parkson/Messner system is selected by the Contractor, the Contractor shall
include in the bid US$10,000 to cover the labor and travel expenses for Owner’s technical expert Dr.
Michael Stenstrom to witness the clean water test.
ADD the following new drawings:
REPLACE the following drawings (revisions are shown as clouded areas):
Drawing 01G06
Drawing 01C10
Drawing 01Y07
Drawing 13S04
Drawing 21A02
Drawing 21M04
Drawing 30M04
Drawing 01E09
Drawing 01E21
Drawing 21E01
Drawing 50N01
Standard Detail 2605-011c
Standard Detail 2605-017a
Standard Detail 2605-017b
Drawing 01C01
Drawing 01Y06
Drawing 01Y10
Drawing 21A01
Drawing 21S01
Drawing 30M02
Drawing 30M05
Drawing 01E18
Drawing 01E26
Drawing 13N03
MODIFY the following drawings as described (modifications by comments):
Drawing 01C05
1. Revise Note 109 to read as follows: “CONSTRUCT 4” CONCRETE SIDEWALK”.
2. Revise Note 110 to read as follows: “SEE DWG 13S03 FOR SLAB DETAILS.
3. Revise "109" callout for Site Grading Construction Notes shown by the monitoring well (south
of the Plant 3 Primary Clarifiers) to read as "110".
Drawing 01Y03
Drawing 11D01
1. Add the following note: “2. TEMPORARY BYPASS FOR EXISTING 8” FA AND 6” SPD
Drawing 11M01
1. Add the following at the end of Note 1: “NEW PIPE FOR SPD SERVICE SHALL BE PVC
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 13S01
1. Revise gridline B to align with the outside wall (not the footing).
2. Revise dimensions between gridlines A & B from “20’-10”” to “21’-4””, gridlines B & C from
“28’-9”” to “28’-3””and the “2’-0”” (to the right of section H callout) to “1’-6””.
Drawing 13S02
1. Revise the following dimensions: gridlines A & B from “20’-10”” to “21’-4””, between gridlines
B & C from “28’-9”” to “28’-3””, and between gridlines D & E from “10’-0”” to “11’-6””.
Drawing 13M01
1. Revise the “8”FA” callouts to “12” FA” (on east and west sides of primary influent channel,
north points to Alvarado St).
2. Revise each of the two “FLOOR SUMP” callouts to read “FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE,
JOSAM, 37820 SERIES, TYPE NO.37286”.
Drawing 13M02
1. Add the following note to the vertical 3” WW pipe connected to the 4x4x3 inch tee: “EXTEND
Drawing 13M03
1. Revise the “8”FA” callouts to “12” FA” on Section B (adjacent to gate 13-SG-901)
2. Add standard detail callout 4027-607 to the 6”D pipe penetrating the sump (near the 30” FA
next to “2” PSL”.
Drawing 13M04
1. Revise the “8”FA” callouts to “12” FA” on Section F
2. Revise callout “8” CA” to “8” CHA” on ‘Plan at El 1027’.
Drawing 13M06
1. Detail 1, add the following note:
Drawing 13M07
1. Add the following note:
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 20S01
1. Revise dimension between gridlines 5 & 6 from “44’-0”” to “45’-6””
2. Revise dimension next to Section A callout from “8’-0”” to “7’-5”” and dimension below Section
A callout from “8’-0”” to “7’-6””.
Drawing 20S03
1. Revise gridline A to align with outside wall of the future fine screen channel and change the
dimension between gridlines A & B from “33’-2”” to “21’-4””.
2. Revise dimension between gridlines B & C from “28’-9”” to “28’-3””
3. Add elevation to top of wall by the stairs and between gridlines 4 & 5 to read: “1029.25”.
Drawing 20S05
1. Section B, near gridline E, change EL callout from “1030.25” to “1029.25”.
Drawing 20M01
1. Revise the two “8” ALP” callout to “10” ALP” (located towards the matchline on the right side of
the page).
Drawing 20M02
1. Revise the two “8” ALP” callout to “10” ALP” (located below and to the left of the callouts for
the analyzers).
Drawing 20M07
1. Section D, revise the “8” ALP” callout to “10” ALP” (towards the left of the page).
Drawing 21S03
1. Detail 1, FIXED SUPPORT, revise note “ANVIL FIGURE 439 “H” SECTION ONLY OR
2. Detail 1, SLIDING SUPPORT, revise note “ANVIL FIGURE 439 TYPE 3 OR EQUAL” to read
Drawing 21M01
1. Revise “24” ALP” callout to “30” ALP”
Drawing 21M02
1. Add a “12”X8” reducer upstream and another downstream of valve 21-FCV-1011.
2. Revise “24” ALP” callout to “30” ALP”
Drawing 21M03
1. Add a “12”X8” reducer upstream and another downstream of valve 21-FCV-1011.
2. Revise “24” ALP” callout to “30” ALP.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 22S02
1. Section A, add callout “W8x18” and point to beam just below note: “SEE DWG 22S04 FOR
Drawing 22S06
1. Section D, add callout “W8x18” and point to beam just below the callout for Detail 5.
2. Section F, add callout “W8x18” and point to beam just below the callout for Detail 5.
3. Section G, add callout “W8x18” and point to beam shown by “MIDHEIGHT COLUMN”.
Drawing 30S01
1. Add note 2 to read as follows: “2. COAT ALL THE CONCRETE SURFACES INSIDE EACH
SECTION 09 96 35).”
Drawing 30S02
1. By gridline E, add top of wall elevation on the outside wall of the RAS CHANNEL to read
“1030.25” (to the left of the Bridge Crane support column). To the right of the bridge crane
support column add the callout “WALL STEP” and point to the vertical line on the RAS
CHANNEL outside wall near the stairs.
2. Between Section B and Section C callouts, add top of wall elevation “1027.33” to the south
wall of the RAS CHANNEL.
3. Add top of wall elevation “1028.75” to the south wall (along gridline E) of the MEMBRANE
4. Revise dimension “4’-6”” by gridline B to “4’-0””.
5. Add callout “NOTE 5” and point to the Citric Acid System concrete slab and add the following
Drawing 30S03
1. Section C, Add the following callout: “EQUIPMENT PIT WALL BEYOND” and point to the wall
at elevation 1028.75 near gridline E.
Drawing 30S07
Drawing 33M01
1. Revise the note that points to the Citric Acid Tote to read as follows: “CONTRACTOR SHALL
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 33M02
1. Add the following note to the PLAN: “FOR HUB DRAIN AND CRD PIPE, SEE DWG 30M02”
Drawing 40S07
1. Revise standard detail callout from 0330-048 to 0551-001 W/ RAILINGS PER 0552-001XC
OR O552-001XD.
Drawing 40S08
1. Add standard detail callout 0514-056 next to “AL I 6 X 4.30 GRATING SUPPORT BEAMS @
2. Revise standard detail callout from 0330-048 to 0551-001 W/ RAILINGS PER 0552-001XC
OR O552-001XD.
Drawing 40M04
1. Delete the callout “VALVE NUT OPERATOR AND VALVE BOX” and corresponding lines on
the concrete. Both are shown in Section C.
Drawing 50M02
1. Add note 2 under PARTIAL PLAN 1 to read as follows: “2. FOR BOLLARDS (GUARD
Drawing 80A01
1. Add callout “80-AC-001” to the air conditioning unit on the north end of the east wall and
callout “80-AC-003” to the air conditioning unit on the south end of the east wall of the TEPS
Electrical building.”
Drawing 13N02
1. Revise all the “ALP” callouts to “CHA”.
Drawing 21N01
2. Delete the valve on the ALP pipe to Plants 1 and 2.
Drawing 30N01
1. Delete the line labeled OOC in its entirety, including the arrow and the words “TO OUT OF
COMPLIANCE PONDS”. (Bid drawing set Volume 4 – Attachment A)
Drawing 60E06
1. Revise the words “FUTURE CHILLER” to “FUTURE EQUIPMENT” in four places on this
Drawing. (Bid drawing set Volume 4 – Attachment B)
Drawing 02G01
1. Add note 11 to read as follows:
ATS 1C: ZENITH MFR, S/N 1626426-1
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 02E07
1. Revise note 7 to read as follows: “SEE DWG 71E01 IN APPENDIX H FOR LOCATION OF
LCP-1P”. (Addendum 2 New drawing)
Drawing 71P01
1. Revise the pipe callout from “24” OOC” to “24” RW”.
2. Add the following note: “3. 24” RW DOWNSTREAM OF VALVE 71-PCV-100 SHALL BE
Standard Detail 2605-443b
1. Delete the words “SEE SCHEDULE” in 2 places on this standard detail
Standard Detail 2605-444
1. Delete the words “SEE SCHEDULE” in 2 places on this standard detail
ADD the following new specification sections or supplements:
Section 33 47 13.01B, Pond and Reservoir Liners -HDPE
REPLACE the following specification sections or supplements:
Section 02222, DEWATERING
Section 31 23 23, FILL AND BACKFILL
DELETE the following specification section in its entirety:
Section 02598 POND LINING
MODIFY the following specification sections as described (modification by comment):
1. Delete paragraph 1.05 in its entirety and replace it with the following:
Payment for chain link fencing shall be as a lump sum and include all chain link fabric,
barbed wire, line posts, corner posts, braces, rails, post caps, truss rods, tension wire,
hardware, cloth fabric and miscellaneous material necessary for the complete installation of
the fence.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
1. Paragraph 1.05.A, revise to read as follows: “CRC No. 2”.
2. Paragraph 2.01.A, add “4. Approved Equal.”
3. Paragraph 2.01.B, delete in its entirety.
4. Paragraph 2.01.C, revise to read as follows:
“C. Polyurethane Elastomer:
1. International; Polibrid 705.
2. Carboline; Reactamine 760.
3. Approved Equal.”
5. Paragraph 2.03.G, revise to read as follows:
“G. Polyurethane Elastomer, Spray Applied (System CRC-5):
1. One coat filler as recommended by the manufacturer, application rate as required
to fill and level 100 percent of the concrete surface in preparation for coating,
1/16-inch nominal thickness.
2. One coat primer as recommended by the manufacturer.
3. One coat of polyurethane elastomer, 80 mils MDFT.”
6. Paragraph 3.08.D, revise to read as follows:
“D. Coating System CRC-5: Use in the following areas:
1. Concrete basins containing membranes, as shown on the drawings. Apply coating
to all submerged concrete surfaces below the top of structure.
2. Exposure: Immersion service in wastewater with intermittent exposure to cleaning
solutions that will result in the following chemical concentrations:
a. Chlorine solution: 1,000 mg/L
b. Citric Acid: 4,000 mg/L
c. Traffic: FT
d. Location: Outdoors, ambient temperature conditions.”
1. Add paragraph 2.01.C, to read as follows: “All air conditioning units (21-AC-001, 21-AC-002,
80-AC-001, 80-AC-003) shall have a cooling capacity of 68,600 Btu/hr at 105 degrees F
outside temperature and 85 degrees F dry bulb/72 degrees F wet bulb return temperatures.
Each unit shall be rated for 460-Volt, 3-phase, 60-Hz.”
1. Add paragraph 2.06.G.1.j to read as follows: “The trip unit shall utilize Arc Flash Reduction
Maintenance System. The Arc Flash Reduction Maintenance System Technology shall be
provided in a system that shall reduce the trip unit Instantaneous pickup value when
activated. The Arch Flash Reduction Maintenance System shall not compromise breaker
phase protection when enabled. Once the unit is disabled, the recalibration of trip unit phase
protection shall not be required. Activation and deactivation of the Arch Flash Reduction
Maintenance trip setting shall be accomplished without opening the circuit breaker door and
exposing operators to energized parts. The device shall provide a clearing time of 0.04
seconds, adjustable with a minimum of five settings ranging from 2.5X to 10X of the sensor
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
1. Paragraph 2.04A, revise the working “passive particulate filter,” with the working “active
particulate filter with oxidation catalyst”
2. Paragraph 2.04.C, revise to read as follows: “C. The manufacturer of the packaged
generator systems shall be responsible for designing, engineering, manufacturing,
assembling, testing, and starting up each supplied standby generation system including
individual engine-generator units. Provide assistance in the field for start-up, generator
switchgear integration and synchronizing with the distribution switchgear closed transition
scheme implementation with software and hardware; integration and communication with
plant SCADA.”
Section 31 23 16, EXCAVATION
1. Paragraph 3.01.A, add the following sentence at the end of the paragraph: “Furnish, place,
and maintain supports and shoring that may be required for the sides of the excavations. It is
the Contractor’s responsibility to design and select the appropriate type of shoring for the
1. Revise “36” to read “40” in column “Gate Height (inches)” for the rows corresponding to gates
11-SG-701 and 11-SG-702.
1. Add under the “REMARKS” column for row “DRAIN” the following: “DRAIN PIPE FROM
1. Valve 71-PCV-100, revise the size from “36” to “24” under the column “Size (inches)”.
1. Revise the Model # for Endress & Hauser Submersible Level Transmitter (component L42)
to “Waterpilot FMX167” on pages 5-15 and 5-17.”
1. Delete the information for the cells in row for PLC I/O “HL_0154_13”
2. Delete the information for the cells in row for PLC I/O “HC_0134_13”
3. Delete the information for the cells in row for PLC I/O “HL_0155_13”
4. Delete the information for the cells in row for PLC I/O “HC_0155_13”
5. Revise the Totals within the group of the modified rows described above to read: “6” in
column DI and “2” in column DO.
6. Add 2 rows below the row for “FIT-150”; under column Instrument, “ZS 140” and “ZS 140”;
under column PLC I/O, “ZSO_0140_50” and “ZSC_0140_50”; under column Descriptions,
“Mixing Valve OPEN Status” and “Mixing Valve CLOSED Status”; under column DI, “1” and
“1”; under column PLC, “RIO-5” and “RIO-5”; under column P&ID, “50N01” and “50N01”.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
7. Revise the Totals within the group described under item 6 above to read: “3” under column
1. Under PRMARY SLUDGE PUMP, Overview, add the following at the end of the first
paragraph: “The duty PSL pump and grinder are called to run whenever either of the
pneumatic sludge withdrawal valves indicated full open and stopped when both of the valves
indicated full closed. The pump run signal will be routed through the MCC to the associated
PSL grinder. The PSL grinder will in turn call the PSL pump to run. Removal of a run
permissive to the PSL pump will in turn remove the run command to the PSL grinder.”
2. Under PRIMARY SLUDGE PUMP, PLC Functions, revise the first sentence to read: “In
REMOTE, shutdown any PSL pump and grinder that is ON, if any of the following alarms are
3. Under GRINDER Overview, 2nd sentence, revise “PLS” to “PSL
4. Under GRINDER, Local Functions, 1st paragraph, revise “ON-OFF” to “LOCAL-“
5. Under GRINDER, HMI Functions, delete the first two lines.
6. Under GRINDER, HMI Functions, delete “Grinder Selected REMOTE”
Section 41 22 13 13, OVERHEAD CRANES
1. Paragraph 1.04.A, revise to read “Temperature: Maximum 104 degrees F; minimum 35
degrees F.”
2. 2. Delete paragraph 2.08.B in its entirety.
1. In Supplement-1 (Equipment Data Sheet for Process Blower Units), next to
1. Paragraph 2.04.A, delete “Doors and Hatches”.
2. Paragraph 2.04.B, revise it to read:
“B. Doors and Hatches:
1. Provide hinged hatches and sliding doors on top mounted tracks of dimension and in
locations shown on Drawings. Materials shall be same as for covers. Doors shall be
easily moved by one person and similar to existing on Plant 2 Primary Clarifiers.
2. .Provide flush mounted slip resistant hatches and top mounted hatches of dimensions
and in locations shown on Drawings and as specified in Section 05 50 00, Metal
Fabrications. Hatches shall have air-tight seals and hold-down latches.”
3. Delete paragraph 2.04.C in its entirety.
4. Paragraph 2.05.A, revise “Type 304 stainless steel” to “Type 316 stainless steel”.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Section 44 46 13.02, SCREW CONVEYOR SYSTEM
1. Under paragraph 1.07.B, add the following: “.7. Separate certification from the spiral
manufacturer certifying that the spiral meets the minimum specified hardness and yield
strength requirements and is crack-free as determined by a dye-penetration examination.”
2. Paragraph 2.04.A.3, revise to read as follows: ”Spiral Flights (certified by manufacturer):
Cold-formed chrome alloy steel, Brinell 225 hardness (minimum), 80,000 psi yield strength
(minimum), with inner and outer spirals.”
1. Paragraph 1.04.B, revise the last sentence to read as follows: “Details such as air manifold
sizes, air header sizes and spacing, air manifold and header supports and spacing, diffuser
spacing, etc., shall be defined by and be the responsibility of Manufacturer and Contractor
and shall be consistent with requirement in this section.”
1. Paragraph 2.07.A, revise the last sentence to read as follows: “Field piping connection
points shall be provided: Digester gas in, digester gas out, seal water in, seal water out,
refrigerant supply, refrigerant return. MCC23 shall comply with the requirements in Section
26 24 19, Low Voltage Motor Control. The AFD’s shall comply with the requirements in
Section 26 29 23, Low Voltage Adjustable Frequency Drives.”
ADD Figures A-8 and A-9 to Appendix A in the Geotechnical Report 2011 prepared by Inland
Foundation Engineering, Inc.
REPLACE the following drawings (revisions are shown as clouded areas):
Sheet 4 of 9
Sheet 5 of 9
Sheet 6 of 9
0572550 C
0572550 C
0572550 C
REPLACE the following drawings (revisions are shown as clouded areas):
D-46093 00E01
D-46096 10E01
Electrical Site Plan
Electrical Control Room Plan
DELETE the following drawing from Section P drawing list:
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Plant 2 Primary Clarifier Foul Air Plan and Details
Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
MODIFY the following specification sections as described (modification by comment):
Section 01 01 0, SUMMARY OF WORK
2. Paragraph 1.02 c, replace the quantity of Tie-off points from (4) with the quantity (2) as the
“Install two (2) new Safety Tie-Off points and two (2) new Davit Crane bases per contract
drawings. Approximate locations are shown on the drawings.”
3. SC-10, add the following sentence at the end of paragraph.
“Location and type of devices used to isolate sections of the Plant 2 primary clarifier inlet
channel will be coordinated with the District Inspector and Operations and Maintenance
personnel prior to shutdown.”
Incorporate amendment to MOU extending application of escalation to pre-negotiated price to April
1, 2016, and schedule of payment.
REPLACE Appendix O Davis-Bacon in its entirety.
ADD Appendix Q TVRWRF Electrical Coordination Studies
ADD Appendix R Headworks Bypass Pumping Plans
Inlet Configuration for the NX600 (Process Air Blowers). The bid plans (21M02, 21M03)
show a square transition piece to the louvered wall of the building. Our blowers have a
circular ANSI inlet flange. We recommend a 30” inlet for each NX600 process air blowers.
Based on drawings, the metal duct transition from wall to blower connection is to be
supplied by the Contractor. To simplify the connection from wall to blower, we recommend
having this revised to a circular inlet on the wall. The new configuration would be: wall
(circular cut-out) -> metal duct (circular) -> inlet flexible joint (circular) -> blower inlet flange.
I’ve attached the drawing for the NX600 that was sent to CH2M Hill during design phase for
Discharge Pipe Size for the NX600 (Process Air Blowers). The bid plans (21M02, 21M03)
shows two 16” discharge line for the NX600 process air blowers. For the alignment of the
discharge cone, we require two 14” discharge line. There will be insufficient room to
accommodate 2 x 16” discharge cone/valves.
The design includes a transition from rectangular to round. The velocity through the louver
needs to be maintained low for louver performance (water intrusion and pressure drop).
The discharge size will remain per original information.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The dual core header shown is 24”. We recommend a 30” dual core header to maintain
proper discharge air flow rate.
Drawings 21M01, 21M02 and 21M03 have been changed and the revisions included in this
Archer Western
The plan detail 31-FCV-001 to be provided by with the Membrane Equipment Systems
(MES). The PI&D (AP-07), for the GE equipment does not show that valve as being
provided. Please clarify
Drawing 30M02 has been changed and the revision included in this addendum.
Drawing 71SM01 calls out valve 71-PCV-100 V-716 on the 24” OOC pipe line. However,
Addendum 2 Self-regulated valve schedule calls this valve out as a 36”. In addition, the
V-716 valve is not in the specification. Please clarify size and description of valve.
Valve V-716 is included in Addendum 2 (under Technical Specifications). The 71-PCV-100
valve size is changed and the revision included in this addendum.
Drawing 71SM01 shows the 24” OOC line as a steel line. However the pipe schedule
states the 24” OCC line is to be ductile iron. Please clarify type of pipe.
Drawing 71P01 has been changed and the revision included in this addendum.
Balfour Beatty
The 36"MF and 16"MF are shown as welded steel or stainless steel in the Membrane
System Equipment area. The pipe schedule on 40 27 00 shows it to be Ductile iron. Which
is correct?
See revised pipe schedule in Addendum No. 2.
The 18"MF is assumed as stainless steel because it's above the water on Membrane
Tanks. The pipe schedule on 40 27 00 shows it to be ductile iron. Is it Stainless steel? There
is a 18" Blind flange on the same line that a 1" drain is connected. The GE P&ID shows an
Air supply assembly and Ejector assembly is in that location. Is this correct?
See the revised pipe schedule in Addendum No. 2 for the correct pipe materials. The GE
P&ID show a flanged connection to the left of the tap connection to the ejector assembly.
Drawing Legend refers to Manhole and Hand hole per typical details 2605-443B &
2605-444 for their construction. Please provide the schedule for the manholes and hand
holes referenced in these details.
There are not schedules for these items; they are to be sized by the Contractor. See
modifications to Standard Details 2605-443b and 2605-444 under Contract Drawings in this
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Please clarify if only the general contractor and not their subcontractors need to complete
the "C-16 and C-17" forms with their bid submission.
Forms C-16 and C-17 are included in the Bid Proposal for the General Contractor to submit
with their bid.
Please clarify where the vertical 3" WW line goes to on drawing 13M02. At the 4"x 3" Tee,
the horizontal line goes around the corner however, the vertical line going down is not
shown in the P&ID or drawings.
See modifications to 13M02 under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
NIB 6, Please clarify if only the general contractor and not their subcontractors need to
complete the "C-16 and C-17" forms with their bid submission.
Forms C-16 and C-17 are included in the Bid Proposal for the General Contractor to submit
with their bid.
Specification section 40 27 00, drawing 13M01; B/13M03, The 12" PSL shown on B/13M03
is detailed as a weld pipe. Is it welded steel, stainless steel or ductile iron pipe?
See modifications to 13M01 and 13M06 under Contract Drawings in Addendum No. 2.
13S04 & 40S08, Please provide clarification on what the bold line in the below drawing from
13S04 is representing. Please provide a detail for the personnel entry Davit with Fail
Protection shown on Drawing 40S08
The response to the question on Drawing 40S08 and corresponding revisions are in
Addendum No. 2. For question on Drawing 13S04, see revision to 13S04 included under
Contract Drawings in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Specification section 05 50 00 - 2.08, Drawing 13S04 & 40S08, Please clarify if the above
referenced specification “SIDEWALK DOORS" is the specifications for the hatch
referenced on the drawings indicated above. Also please provide a detail for these
referenced hatches.
See changes to Specification Section 44 42 25.03 and Drawing 13S04, under Technical
Specifications and Contract Drawings, respectively, in this addendum.
Q10. Please provide specifications on the Air Channel Diffusers as shown in detail/1 on drawing
13M06 and highlighted below.
A10. Information added to Drawing 13M06 and revision included under Contract Drawings in this
Q11. Can a copy of the City of Temecula's Construction Encroachment Permit for the SCE work
in Appendix F be made available for review to the contractor?
A11. The encroachment permit will be provided when available. The conditions of the
encroachment permit are provided under Special Conditions, SC-74 in this addendum.
Q12. Drawing 33-M-01, there is a Caustic Soda Tote shown on the above sheet. Where is it
specs and is this supplied by the contractor?
A12. It is a citric acid tote. See revision to Drawing 33-M-01 under Contract Drawings in this
Q13. Drawing 80-P-001, there is a call out of GCO on above Drawing is there a detail for it?
A13. Question is withdrawn.
Q14. Addendum No. 2, please provide a complete revised bidding sheet since addendum No.2
changed the bid item number however now there are two bid item numbers 5 one on the
revised BS-2 and a different bid item No. 5 on the original Bid Sheet 3.
A14. A revised Proposal Package is provided with this addendum.
Q15. Addendum No. 2, please clarify how the contractor will be compensated for any future sales
tax increases over the duration of the project?
A15. The Contractor is responsible for sales taxes for the duration of the project.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q16. Please clarify if there are any restrictions and/or limitation on the type of excavation shoring
that can used during the excavation of the structures.
A16. The Contractor is responsible for the excavation supports, as described on the Drawing
01G10 and Specifications. The shoring system shall provide a safe work environment for
the new structure while protecting existing underground utilities and structures in place.
Berg Electric Corporation
Switchgear and frequency drive- Is GE considered as an acceptable “Or Equal’ for the
switchgear and frequency drive for this project?
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Sheet 60E06 Conduit ID 60P006 & 60P007 – Where is the future chiller located?
See revision to Drawing 60E06 under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
conduits are only routed to a hand hole.
Sheet 02E07 Note #7- Refer to Sheet 71E01 for LCP-Ip location. This does not appear on
that sheet, please clarify.
See revision to 02E07 included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
In Specification Section 16990 Conduit Schedule 1.01 Summary, Part B. Cable
requirements and definitions: Item 4 DH+ Data Highway Plus cable. Can you please
provide a specification or explanation of that cable?
Please refer to Specification Section 16123 (2.01A.2.) for a list of manufacturer’s for
instrument cables. Here is a link to one of the manufacturer’s website that describes the
Data Highway cable and lists the specifications:
In the Conduit Schedule in list a 24/FO fiber loop. What is this loop and where does it
originate from and terminate at?
“Fiber Loop” in reference to the 24/FO is the 24 strand fiber being installed for the SCADA
system throughout the plant. Refer to the Network routing diagram on Drawing 00N01 for
diagrammatic routing of all the fiber.
On the Plans page OON01 under the General Note section Item 3 states to provide (1)
12-strand single mode fiber cable between the following locations:
Control Building to AWT
Control Building to 23MGD Electrical Building
Control Building to New Maintenance Building
ls this above and beyond the Conduit Schedule as the conduit schedule has a 24/FO &
12F/O or should the Conduit Schedule read 12/FO & 12/FO? Please confirm what fiber
strand count we should use.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The conduit schedule incorporates all the fiber. The number before the cable type is the
quantity. So if it reads 2 12/FO that mean two separate 12/FO cables. Also, refer to
conductor # column for quantities.
On the Plans page OON01 under the General Note section Item 3: Where are the
following buildings located on OON01 Plan?
Control Building (Listed are Control Room, AWT Control Building & Digester
Control Building)
23MGD Electrical Building (Listed are Digester Electrical Building, TEPS Electrical
Building, Headworks Electrical Building, Electrical Building 1 & Blower Electrical
Building) AWT (Listed are AWT Control Building)
Chemical Storage (Listed are Partial Chemical Storage)
Control Building = Control Room; 23MGD Electrical Building = TEPS Electrical Building;
AWT = AWT Control Building; Chemical Storage = Tertiary Clarifiers Chemical Addition.
Sheet 13E03 LE/LIT 214, 224, 234- One of the conduits from each device goes
back to LP-21 C4. This conduit nm is over 400' in length and being fed with [P2]
3-#12. Is this the correct size for this length?
Yes, it is, no changes required.
Addendum #2 Questions & Answers Page 41 –A9 states to see 01E04 for answer. Is this
No, the Drawing should be 01E09, which is included under Contract Drawings in this
Q10. Addendum #2 Questions & Answers Page 41-A10 states that the solar project, assuming
Appendix-I, is not a part of this project. Is this correct?
A10. Correct. However, the Contractor has been informed regarding the scope and extent of the
project and should consider the impacts on the Contractor’s work.
Charles P Crowley Co.
The Charles P. Crowley Company (CPC Co.) is the local sales representative for ITT
GOULDS PUMPS. Product and technical information for ITT GOULDS PUMPS is
CPC Co. request Eastern MWD’s consideration for ITT GOULDS PUMPS name to be
added as a named manufacturer for the following equipment sections for the referenced
Section 44 2 56.03
Tertiary Effluent Vertical Turbine Pumps
Please add to 44 42 56.03 Supplement -1;
Manufacturers and product- (3) ITT Goulds Pumps, 24CLC and change No. of Stages, min:
to 4
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Please find attached, preliminary data sheets, curves and drawings.
This pump exceeds all required performance (efficiency) specifications and can be
fabricated in conformance with all specification requirements.
Page BS-6, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS of Section 00020 - Bidding Sheets allows for
products of manufacturers listed as equals to those specified to be submitted for review
and approval by the District no less than ten (days) prior to bid day. CPC Co. is submitting
this manufacturers’ name addition request forty (40) days before bid day.
Please contact our office with any questions regarding this request for name addition.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
The Charles P. Crowley Company is the local sales representative for RPS Engineering.
Product and technical information is attached.
CPC Co. requests EMWD’s consideration for RPS Engineering’s name to be added as a
named manufacturer for the following section for the above subject bid:
Section 44 42 25.03
Formed Aluminum Flat Panel Cover
Please add RPS Engineering as an alternate construction to an extruded non-skid cover
Page BS-6, Equipment and Materials, Section 00020, Bidding Sheet allows for products of
manufacturers listed as equals to those specified to be submitted for review and approval
by the District no less than ten (10) days prior to bid day.
Please contact our office with any questions regarding this name addition.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Cortech Engineering
Please find the attached Flowserve data that meets or exceeds ALL design points. We
have provided the same information to CH2Mhill as well.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Custom Conveyor Corporation
Spec 44 46 13.02_2.04_A- Spiral Flights: Type 304 stainless steel
Spirals are typically high tensile carbon steel 8620 or similar with a much higher tensile
strength than stainless. We can supply 304ss. This is a lightly loaded app and 304 will work.
This specification section has been revised and the changes include under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Spec section 44 42 56 Submersible pumps section 1.03 A4 ; Section 2.01 A; & 2.01F refer
to guide rail type installation for all pumps in 44 42 56. Pumps 60-P-101/102 are in a deep
pit and this type of installation would apply. All other pumps in section refer to drawing
2213-170. The sump pumps wells appear to be 3’ 8” and this type of sump is typically hard
piped with pump on a stand (this is what is represented in drawing 2213-170) rather than a
guide rail with discharge elbow. Please advise.
The Specification Section 44 42 56 has the necessary requirements for the equipment.
Peerless Pump is looking at providing the Vertical Turbine Pumps for the above subject
project. Section 44 42 56.03. Can Peerless get added to the list of manufacturers? Peerless
is an acceptable manufacturer in EMWD standard specs. Let me know if you need me to
provide further information or if needed to go thru a different channel.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
HUBER Technology
With respect to the specification section 44 46 26 – Rotary Thickener.
It is clear from the specification that the type of thickener specified is a screw thickener, with
a screw performing the thickening action. Please add to section 2.05 C.8 “Thickening
devices without a screw shaft and auger screw will not be considered”
The specification section will not be modified.
This is a follow up to one of our previous questions for the fine screens in Section 44 46 30:
The maximum water level in the effluent channel is specified as 1029.23 in 1.03 System
Description. This is in conflict with the hydraulic profile in the drawings package. Please
confirm that 1029.23 is the correct water level in the effluent channel (directly downstream
of the screen)
EMWD responded that the water levels should be governed by the hydraulic profile (1G015
attached) in Addendum 2.
This is correct, for water levels see the hydraulic profile Drawings (01G15 and 01G16)
In reviewing the Hydraulic profile and the structural plans 13S005 and 11S007, I am
wondering if the weir level is what is driving the downstream water levels so high, and if the
correct setting elevation is indicated in the hydraulic profile.
The channel invert is listed in the specification section and 13S005, but not on 13M008 or
The weir height is listed on 1G015 and 13M008, but not on 13S005 or the specification
The drawing of the channel in 13M008 and 13S005 do not appear to sync up, showing a
different geometry
If you look on the markup for 13S005 that I have done, I get by scaling that 0.5 inches = 2
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
feet. This would indicate that the bottom “lip” of the weir housing is roughly between 0.75 ft
-0.8 ft from the invert (or rough elevation 1028.5) and that the top “lip” is roughly 2.25 ft from
invert (or rough elevation of 1030).
The Hydraulic profile 1G015 and 13M008 indicate a weir elevation of 1030.75, whereas my
scaling of the S005 would seem to indicate a discrepancy in this dimension. My questions
Is this elevation indicated on 1G015 and 13M008 accurate?
Which channel geometry (13M008 or 13S005) is the accurate one?
If it is weir elevation is accurate, could this weir height be lowered?
The structural drawings have the elevations for the concrete surfaces, the hydraulic profile
has the elevations for the water levels and weir elevations. Please note that the weir at the
end of the fine screen channel is adjustable (weir gate).
JBI Water Wastewater Equipment
Specification: 26 20 00 Sub Section: 2.01 A.
A. Materials, equipment, and accessories specified in this section shall be products of:
1. WEG Electric Motors Corp.
2. Toshiba International Corp., Industrial Division.
3. General Electric
Duperon Corporation Comment: Duperon's standard Marathon Black Max motor will be
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Specification: 40 99 90 Sub Section: 2.04 M.
Panel Manufacturers:
1. Hoffman.
2. Rittal.
Duperon Corporation Comment: Propose SCE.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
J.F. Shea Construction
SC-08 – Just want to confirm that SC-08 supersedes F-04 especially regarding the
Builder’s Risk insurance coverage.
SC-08 supersedes F-04.
Section F-04 subsection E of the General Conditions reads “Not be canceled, reduced in
coverage or limits until 30 days after receipt by the District of a written notice . . .” Our
policies do have endorsements which provide 30 days’ notice prior to cancellation but the
endorsements do not include notification on reduction in coverage or limits. Please advise
if the 30 days notice of cancellation is sufficient.
30 days’ notice of cancellation is sufficient.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Section SC-08 - Per Project General Aggregate –– Our general liability and excess liability
coverage do not have a per project general aggregate endorsement. However, our limits
are up to $50,000,000 for primary and excess combined. We were wondering if the District
will consider waiving the per project aggregate endorsement if we evidence the
$50,000,000 liability limits.
No. The Policy is to be endorsed for the Aggregate Limit to apply to “This Project”.
Section SC-08 - Equipment Floater Deductible – this states “The Equipment Floater shall
not contain a deductible higher than $1,000 per claim unless first approved by the District.”
Our equipment floater deductible is $5,000, please advise if this will be approved by the
The District reviews Equipment Floater deductibles on a case to case basis. If approved,
Contractor will be responsible for all deductibles.
Reference is made to Drawing 30N01, which shows an out of compliance piping system
leaving the membrane area and routed to the out of compliance ponds. We can find no
such piping depicted in the plan view Drawings 30M01 through 30M06 for the
membrane system. Please clarify where this piping originates from and it's intended
routing in the membrane system area, and routing to the out of compliance ponds.
Drawing 30N01 will be modified and the revision included under the Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Reference is made to Drawing 20M09, Note 2, which indicates that the spray nozzles
are to be installed 4' -0" minimum and 7' -0" maximum O.C. on ring headers ( typ-4 ).
We do not understand this note since Note 3 on the same page implies that we are not
to use the depiction on the page to identify the quantity of spray nozzle branches, we
need clarification. Please clarify if you want one 1" outlet on the Ring Header every 4'
feet, or does this note imply you want 4' feet of spacing between each individual spray
nozzle. Please provide a center to center dimension between each individual spray
nozzles depicted on Detail B, Drawing 20M09. If your intention is to have spray nozzles
at 4' foot center to center with a 7' foot O.C. branch at the ring header, this would result
in an overlap of the JS"spray nozzle headers by 5 feet, this will not work. Also we do not
understand the meaning of ( Typ-4 ) at the conclusion of note 2. Are you implying that
this notation (2) only applies where there are clusters of 4 spray nozzles? Please clarify.
Nozzle spacing shall be 4’ to 7’, depending on the wall length the spray nozzles to cover.
The number of spray nozzles per group is either 3 nozzles or 4 nozzles, as shown on
20M09. For example, the width of each basin is 26 ft and it has 1 group of 3 nozzles, so the
spray nozzle spacing would be 6.5 ft center to center and 3.25 ft center to wall at both ends.
The design intent is to cover the entire length of each wall with sprays. So the spray nozzle
spacing shall be equally spaced and could very between 4’ to 7’. The number of nozzle
groups at each wall are shown on this drawing as approximate, and some minor adjustment
may be required based on the distance between the nozzle and the water surface.
Reference is made to Section 35 20 16.25 Fabricated Slide Gates. Please consider
adding Waterman to the list of approved manufacturers for Slide Gates under
Specification Section 35 20 16.25 paragraph 2.04.G.1&2.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing 20M01 indicates a submersible pump 22-P-172. No specification or pump data
sheet has been provided. Could it be 44 42 56.05? Please provided a pump data sheet with
acceptable manufacturer.
See information provided in Addendum No. 2.
Contact drawing 33M01 (sht153) indicates a citric acid tote w/ elevated frame. Are these
owner furnished?
The Contractor needs to furnish these components.
Contract drawings only indicate 2 locations for the required channel diffusers, see drawing
13M06, (the channels west of column line 2 and east of column line 3) which are upstream
and downstream of the primary clarifiers. Please confirm these are indeed the only required
The 'fine bubble air diffusion system' specification 44 45 16.02-A describes the system
aeration requirements in the 3 zones of the bioreactors which do not indicate drop legs nor
channel diffusers in the bioreactor area. Please confirm there are no channel diffusers in
the bioreactors.
The fine bubble air diffuser system specified in Section 44 45 16.02-A is for the bioreactors.
This section has been modified and the revisions included under Technical Specifications
in this addendum.
Please provide specification for membrane tank drain pumps, including motor data sheet,
for pump shown in drawing 30M04, section C. We interpret pumps 30-P-410 and 30-P-400
are not included in GE’s package.
See Addendum No. 2.
Please provide specification, approved manufacturer and motor data sheet for Primary
Clarifier sludge pumps 13-P-154 and 13-P-155 shown in drawing 30M02.
See Addendum No. 2.
Please provide specification, approved manufacturer and motor data sheet for Primary
Clarifier drain pump 13-P-156 shown in drawing 30M02.
See Addendum No. 2.
Please provide specification, approved manufacturer and motor data sheet for sludge
grinders 13-GRD-154 and 13-GRD-155 shown in drawing 13M02
See Addendum No. 2.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Please provide specification, approved manufacturer and motor data sheet for washwater
booster pump 13-P-250 shown in drawing 13M07.
See Addendum No. 2.
Q10. Contract drawing 13M08, section A, refers to standard detail 3520-280 which designates
these gates to require a wall thimble. Are these to be sluice gates and not slide gates as
A10. These are slide gates with flush bottom installation. Drawing 13M08 is changed and
revision included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q11. Specification section44 45 16.03, section 2.07, paragraph A states that the panel supports
shall be fabricated from 2-inch rod type 316 stainless steel threaded rod. Is this correct?
A11. This specification section has been revised and the revisions included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
Q12. The P&ID Drawing 33N01 indicates several lines being routed to a chemical resistant drain,
CRD. In reviewing 33M01, 30M02, 01Y05 no drain line is shown. Please clarify.
A12. See revisions to 30M02 and 33M01provided under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q13. Contract drawing 40N02 calls out a composite sampler but no specification could be found.
Is a composite sampler to be provided by the contractor? If so, provide a specification along
with approved manufacturer
A13. See Attachment B in Addendum No. 2.
Q14. Contract Drawing 40M04, section C, indicates a valve nut operator w/ valve box. In looking
at the plan drawing referenced (40M02) no quantity nor location has been identified. Are
they required?
A14. See revisions to 40M04 provided under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q15. What amounts shall contractors use to calculate sales taxes of pre-negotiated items such
as membrane system and control systems programming. SC 43.1 states that the
contractor is responsible for sales taxes; however, GE pre-negotiated amounts seems to
include sales taxes at 7.5% and BI 3 adjust the sales taxes from 7.5% to 8%. What other
taxes are there to pay?
A15. Sales tax has only been estimated for GE’s pre-negotiated equipment package. The
Contractor is responsible for all other applicable sales taxes.
Q16. Are the Preset values of BI's 2,3 and 4 different than the pre-negotiated amounts to be
contracted for with GE and the System integrator? If the amounts are different, what are
the amounts to be contracted for with GE and System’s Intergrator? Reference:
A16. The bid items reflect the pre-negotiated amount for the pre-negotiated scope of supply.
The Contractor is responsible for all other material and work needed to complete the
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q17. Please confirm that the Builders’ Risk policy provided by the District will be written on an
‘all-risks’ basis including flood, earthquake and LEG 3 coverage providing for damage arising
from faulty design, workmanship or materials (except for the cost of any improvements of
such faulty items). Please provide all sublimits applicable to the policy so that we may
evaluate the adequacy of insurance for such exposures as property stored temporarily
off-site, property in transit, flood, earthquake, windstorm, storm surge, debris removal, and
other relevant standard sub-limits.
A17. The Builders’ Risk policy provided by the District will be written on an ‘all-risk’ basis
including flood, earthquake and LEG 2/96 Consequences Defects. $50K ded AOP/ $50K
ded Flood/ 5% ded of values at risk at the time of loss ($100,000 min). The Contractor will
be responsible for all deductibles. Tentative sublimits are as follows: Flood and EQ $20MIL,
$250K for transit / $250K of-site storage.
Q18. Is locator wire required for the 8" WW lines branches shown on contract drawing 01Y02 (sht
A18. Yes, see the Special Conditions.
Q19. The Membrane Filtrate (MF) line on 30M03 is identified as CLDI per the piping schedule
(Spec 40 27 00); however GE's P&IDs (500559-AP-05) identify the line as Sch 10 SS.
Please clarify.
A19. See Addendum No. 2.
Q20. Contract drawing 13M04 shows an 18" tee (just left of 30-PIT-300 on 13M04 detail B) with
no further description as to what is required after the tee. It appears to have an airline
connected to it as well. Please provide a section view.
A20. Drawings 30M02 and 30M04 have been changed and the revisions included in this
Q21. Will GE provide the membrane tank stainless steel baffle plates? See GE drawing no.
500559A-PG-01 REV E sht 2 of 5 which states supply by others.
A21. If items are not identified as being provided by GE in GE’s drawings then the Contractor
needs to supply these items.
Q22. Is the intent of specification section 26 32 13, 2.04-C that the supplier of the Generator
equipment provide support during start up to the systems integrator? The design and
engineering of entire the stand by Generator system has already been provided in the
contract documents.
A22. Information in this specification section has been changed and the revision included under
Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Q23. Specification 26 32 13 2.04-D. States the plant operates under Title V. Will EMWD request
for Revision to their Title V Permit to include the two new 2000kW Generators and not be
required to install Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) or will the supplier have to provide the
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A23. The engine generators must comply with all the South Coast Air Quality Management
District requirements.
Q24. Caterpillar cannot provide electro coating paint process per specification section 26 32 13,
2.13-A.8-a. Will standard enclosure manufacturer’s painting be acceptable?
A24. Need to comply with the requirements in the specifications, which allows or equal.
Q25. Please provide the manufacturer, models and serial nos. for ATS-2A, ATS-2B, ATS-2C,
ATS-2D so we can check with the local rep the possibility of retrofitting the existing ATS.
A25. Information added to Drawing 02G01 and revisions included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q26. For drawing 02E04, please confirm that the Fiber Optic converters is the responsibility of
system integrator.
A26. Fiber Optic converters are the responsibility of the Contractor.
Q27. The new generator supplier cannot retrofit requirements for voltage regulator and electronic
isochronous Governor for Plant 3A, Gen-3 connection and TEPS, Gen-4 connection. This
has to be done by the generator manufacturer’s local representative. Please provide the
manufacturer, models and serial nos. of generator for Plant 3A, Gen-3 and TEPS, Gen-4 so
we can check the possibility of retrofitting these generators.
A27. GEN-3 and GEN-4 are new units that need to be provided as required in the Specifications.
Q28. The new generator supplier of the new sets cannot retrofit Gen-1A (ATS-1A) and Gen-1A
(ATS-1B). This has to be done by their respective manufacturer’s local representatives.
Please provide the manufacturer, models and serial nos. for Gen-1A (ATS-1A) and
Gen-1A (ATS-1B).
A28. Information added to Drawing 02G01 and revisions included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q29. Please confirm that programming and configuration of RTAC in MS-1 should not be part of
engine generator’s scope (Specification 26 32 13)
A29. Confirmed. The programming is part of the Contractor’s scope of supply.
Q30. Can any process systems be commissioned and operational tested from existing power or
do all start-up of systems for this project have to be started once all power in the plant has
been transferred to the new SCE substation.
A30. Only the components that are connected to the existing power system (i.e. new
mechanically cleaned bar screen). The rest of the components commissioning, start-up
and operational testing must be performed once the SCE substation and new electrical
system have been fully completed, successfully tested and accepted.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q31. Does the FO system has to be connected and operational before transferring existing
power feeds to new SCE substation.
A31. Yes, also fully tested.
Q32. Appendix H drawing 00E01, key note 4 states that the location of LCP 20An d LCP-20P are
as shown in Drawing 21E01(spec 1197S) but this drawing does not show the location. Pls.
provide location of panels in drawing 21E01.
A32. See Addendum No. 2.
Q33. The piping material for the 6” SPD line on drawing 11 M01 is not defined. The pipe support
design is not defined either. What pipe material and pipe supports are required?
A33. See revisions to Drawing 11M01 included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q34. The sludge pressure relief valve detail on drawing 13M03 calls out a 2” ductile line but
ductile pipe is not made in this size. What pipe material should be used for the 2” PSL line?
A34. Drawing 13M03 will be changed and the revision included under Contract Drawings in this
Q35. The 12” FA line in the upper left on drawing 13M03 calls out a 12” line but an 8” line is
shown on drawing 13M04. What pipe size should be used for the FA line?
A35. Changes to 13M01, 13M03 and 13M04 have been made and revisions included in this
Q36. The piping detail of the 3” D line on drawing 13M03 is obscured by the 30” FA line in the
center of the sheet and on the isometric drawing. Is there a better detail of this line and its
A36. Refer to Drawings 13N05 and 13N03, the 3” D is connected to the Primary Clarifier Drain
Pump Discharge 6” PSL, which discharges into the Primary Influent Channel.
Q37. A 8” CA line is called out on drawing 13M04. Is this the 8” CHA line?
A37. Yes, this revision will be included in this addendum.
Q38. There are six ea. 12” tees with wall spools shown for the clarifier overflow valves on drawing
13M06. What pipe material and wall spool detail are required?
A38. See Addendum No. 2.
Q39. Are there additional details for the 6” WW line on drawing 20M01, as it passes under the
ALP and FSE lines?
A39. See Drawing 20M09.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q40. Drawings 20M01 and 20M02 call out an 8" ALP line but the same line is called out as 10"
ALP in drawing 20M04. What size is correct?
A40. See modifications to Drawings 20M01, 20M02, and 20M07; revisions are included in
Attachment A of this addendum.
Q41. Is there a plan drawing with dimensions for the spray wash water shown on sheet drawing
20M09? Note #3 on this sheet refers to plans for actual length, number, and type, but no
plans could be found.
A41. Refer to Note 2 on Details A and B on 20M09. Contractor shall locate the branches off the
3” ring header. 20M09 provides approximate locations and number of branches and
Q42. The 18” FSE line on 20M07 is supported with a 4005-505 pipe support. On 22M05 it is
shown being supported with a 4005-511 pipe support. Which support should be used?
A42. The Standard Details shown on Drawing 20M07 are correct.
Q43. GE drawing 500559-AP-07 REV D, sht 1 indicates a series of valves with a 33 prefix. The
GE bill of materials does not indicate any such valves. Is this line required and if so, will GE
be providing them.
A43. The line is required and these items are part of the Contractor’s scope of supply, see
Drawing 30M02 (chemical injector).
Q44. GE drawing 500559-AP-07 REV D, sht 1 indicates the 2" potable water line connecting into
the 12" permeate line upstream of the chlorinated solution line before it enters the CIP tank.
The CH2MHill drawing 30M02 however indicates a 2" potable water line w/ air gap entering
the top of the CIP tank. Is an additional line required for the permeate line?
A44. It is the same potable water line, but to comply with DDW requirements, it needs to enter the
CIP tank using an air gap.
Q45. Specification 02222, section 3.02.A requires at least two wells within the lower level of each
excavated area required for the pipelines and to measure water levels at each well daily. Is
it required to have at least two monitoring wells for each trench that the Contractor
excavates? Please confirm that the only monitoring wells that are required to be installed
are those shown on the drawings.
A45. The Contractor must demonstrate the performance of their dewatering system by providing
groundwater measurements that can reasonably reflect conditions in areas of construction.
Because this is a site project and not a linear project, the District will modify the language in
Section 02222 3.02.A to allow the Contractor to propose locations for groundwater
monitoring for areas of construction. See revisions under Technical Specifications in this
Q46. Specification 31 23 13, section 3.02.C requires the top 12-in of subgrade to be compacted
10-ft around structures. Does this mean structure excavations need to extend 10-ft around
structures at the bottom of the excavation? Please clarify.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A46. This applies to areas when the grade around a structure needs be brought up (after filling
the excavated area per 31 23 23) per site grading requirements.
Q47. Specification 31 23 23, section 2.02.F states that pipe bedding material can consist of
native free draining granular material in accordance with the Greenbook. Specification 31
23 23.15, section 2.04.B more stringently specifies that bedding and zone material shall be
clean or gravelly sand with less than 15 percent passing No. 200 sieve. Please clarify
requirements for pipe bedding and zone material.
A47. Specification Section 31 23 23 is changed and the revision included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
Q48. Specification 31 23 23, section 2.02.H states that 12 inches of aggregate base shall be
placed beneath all structures. Appendix F, sheet 2 requires 6 inches of 3/4" crushed rock
beneath SCE structures. Please confirm that 3/4" crushed rock is required only beneath
SCE structures and all other new structures require 12 inches of aggregate base.
A48. The requirement for ¾” crushed rock is only applicable to SCE structures identified in
Appendix F of the Contract Documents.
Q49. Drawing 01Y06 shows multiple utility conflicts with the proposed Chlorine Contact Basin on
the northwest side of the structure, including the 24"-SE, 4"-WW, 2"-CS, 4"-FD, 10"-TWW,
4"-TSK, 12"-TSL and existing electrical line. Please provide relocation drawings with cross
sections or profiles for the conflicting utilities.
A49. Existing elevation of utilities is not known; therefore cross sections and profiles are not
available. Drawing 01Y06 has been changed to acknowledge this and revisions included
under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q50. Drawing 01Y06 shows a partial alignment of the existing 30"-FBW line on the northeast side
of the proposed Chlorine Contact Basin. Please provide a drawing showing the complete
alignment in the vicinity of the proposed Chlorine Contact Basin.
A50. This drawing shows the available information. Drawing 01Y06 has been changed to
acknowledge this and revisions included in this addendum.
Q51. Specification 31 23 23, section 3.04.B states 3 types of over-excavation: 5 feet beyond
footing lines for a depth of 1.5 times the footing width, 18 inches of over-excavation, and 12
inches of over-excavation. Please clarify which structures each condition applies to. If
referencing drawings for over-excavation limits, please provide elevations of
over-excavation limits for each structure.
A51. Specification 31 23 23 is changed and the revision included under Technical Specifications
in this addendum.
Q52. If a tieback system is used for temporary support of excavations, will the tiebacks be
allowed to be left in place?
A52. The type of tieback being utilized will need to be evaluated to answer this question.
Q53. GC 00062 Section E. Does the “Assume $600/day per production day run.” Intended to
cover all costs? i.e. Salary, flights, meals, hotel… (Deferred from Addendum No. 2)
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A53. The actual cost shall include $1,000/day for staff salary and the expenses incurred for
airfare, vehicle rental, hotel, meals, etc. Please see revised Section E – Inspection and
Tests attached to this addendum.
Q54. Does the existing 8" FA line in Drawing 11D 01 has to be temporary relocated until the final
configuration is complete?
A54. Drawing 11D01 has been changed and the revision included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q55. Please provide isolation points for Plant-2 primary clarifier inlet channel; Appendix J.
A55. The contractor shall coordinate with District operation to perform shutdown and isolation
per requirements in Specification Section 01010. Revisions to Section 01010 is included
under Technical Specifications of this addendum.
Q56. Do General Notes 8,9 and 10 provided in Addendum 2,drawing 02G01 change the
limitations of FO scope provided in SC 02. If yes, please explain and provide needed
information in Appendix H so that the appropriate scope can be bid.
A56. The scope of supply for the information in Attachment B of the Bid Documents is part of the
main project and the reference to Appendix H is to have the Contractor supply materials
that match those specified in Appendix H.
Q57. Answer to Skanska's question 13, Addenda 2, page 23, states that the inlet deflector plate
drawing are in attachment A. The deflector plate drawing could not be found in attachment
A57. The deflector plate detail is shown in GE’s drawings (500559A-PG-01 REV E Sht 2 of 5).
Q58. Drawing 01C10, detail F shows 1 foot of over excavation to be replaced with 6" of washed
sand and 6" of class 2 permeable base below the liner for the new basin bottom. Drawing
01C03 shows contours for the finished basin bottom ranging from EL 1011.0 to 1009.0 and
also has a note that says the existing basin bottom is at EL 1008.0. Please confirm that the
entire basin only needs to be excavated 1 foot below the finished contours shown and that
the basin bottom will actually vary from EL 1010.0 to 1008.0.
A58. Excavation is to be 1 foot below finished grades shown.
Q59. Drawing 71P01 (addenda 2) indicates the 24" as OOC. The piping schedule for OOC pipe
is ductile iron. Is ductile iron the correct material or is all the pipe to be C200?
A59. Drawing 71P01 has been changed and revisions included under Contract Drawings in this
Q60. Drawing 01C10, detail D references spec 02345 and detail C130.
specification could not be located. Please provide.
This detail and
A60. Drawing 01C10 has been modified and revisions included in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q61. Drawing 01C10, detail D shows 6" aggregate base course along the berm of the new basin.
Is this aggregate base required on top of the berm, which is mostly 14 feet wide, within the
grade break lines shown on drawings 01C02, 01C03, 01C05, and 01C06?
A61. Drawing 01C10 has been modified and revisions included in this addendum.
Q62. Special Condition 66 states that Butterfly valves 12" and larger shall be hydrostatically
tested within 50 Miles from the District. Can this test be done at the factory, when available,
where EMWD can witness the hydrostatic test. Testing valves within 50 miles of the District
will add cost to the supply of the valves because it may prevent some suppliers from doing
this test in their shop where it can be done at less cost.
The second sentence of the first paragraph shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
This test shall be performed in the presence of the District. Refer to Section E-01.D of the
General Conditions if the testing location is located more than 100 miles from the District’s
main office.
Q63. Specification 02598, section 3.02 states that all rough grading will be completed and the
inlet-outlet piping installed by others prior to bidding. Please confirm this is not the case and
that the grading and inlet-outlet piping is in the scope of this contract as shown on the
A63. Specification 02598 is deleted per Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Q64. Drawing 01C10, detail D shows a liner on the basin bottom with 6 inches of sand and 6
inches of class 2 permeable base below the liner. Specification 02598, section 3.03 states
that 12 inches of clay shall be installed on the bottom of the pond and that the liner is only
installed on the slopes. Please clarify. What material is required on the basin bottom and is
the liner required to cover the basin bottom?
A64. The pond shall be lined with HDPE Geomembrane, Section 33 47 13.01 is included under
Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Q65. Revised Specification 01 31 13, section 1.04 describes work activities to be done base on
milestones 1, 2 and 3. Currently there is only one milestone in the Contract. Will the District
issue more milestones with new dates?
A65. Revised Specification Section 01 31 13 Project Coordination was provided in Addendum
No. 2.
Konecranes, Inc.
I have an overhead crane questions and comments pertaining to the specs on this crane.
This spec request a bid for a Class A and H1 service class. However much of the spec have
contradictory items or components for a more severe duty crane.
It calls for fully magnetic plain reversing type controls however under the special
requirements it lists frequency modulated controls.
This would be variable frequency drives which is what we would recommend. Which are
you requesting on your crane?
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Adjustable frequency drives are requested. See revision to Specification Section 41 22
13.13 under Technical Specifications included in this addendum.
The spec states a maximum of 10 degrees F. This is obviously a typo. What is the Max
temp specified?
It is a typo. Specification has been changed and revision included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
Can we get the wheel loads calculated for the runway specified? We want to make sure we
stay within those parameters.
The estimated load to be handled by the crane system is 10,000 pounds.
You are requesting a mechanical load brake. We are wondering if a secondary brake is
acceptable. This is a class A crane and not needed on such a crane. A secondary brake
however is a good alternative and is acceptable to military standards. The secondary brake
is installed on the drum.
A secondary brake is not acceptable.
You are also requesting a paddle limit be installed with a geared limit. This would allow for
two limits. The paddle limit is a traditional provision. Is two upper limits acceptable in place
of the paddle limit?
Provide units as specified.
The P&H Smartorque listed is no longer in production. They do make P&H hoist (We are
the maufacturer’s of P&H hoist) and the cost for one would put anyone quoting out of the
price range for those that are not. It is out of the price range because there is no equal on
the market today. The Shepard Niles hoist is an equal which cost even more than the P&H.
for a Class A crane this is not required. This would be for a Class D or E crane.
Comment is appreciated. Please bid per specifications.
Landia, Inc.
During the design phase it was requested of Landia to submit our recommendations and
specifications for Anoxic Zone submersible mixers constructed entirely of stainless steel.
Landia’s specified mixer model POPR-I meets this requirements, having a solid stainless
steel motor housing, gear casing, and propeller, along with all accessories. It is not clear
from the written specification section 43 22 56.02 if this is a requirement as the actual mixer
construction is not specified, and it is not listed that the mixer must be constructed entirely
from stainless steel.
Please clarify if this is still a requirement or if lesser substitutes, such as cast iron motor
casings with stainless steel wraps or epoxy coatings, are acceptable.
If stainless steel mixers are still a requirement, we suggest adding the following verbiage
via addendum to ensure the highest quality mixer solution available is provided:
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Each mixer shall be of the integral-gear, close-coupled, submersible type with a maximum
propeller speed of 190 rpm. All components of the mixer, including the motor and gearbox,
shall be manufactured of solid AISI 316 acid proof stainless steel and provide continuous
underwater operation while the stainless steel mixer blades are completely submerged. No
stainless steel jackets covering a cast iron housing shall be allowed. Minimum wall
thickness of the motor casing shall be 10mm and the gear casing shall be a minimum 6mm.
During the design period the stainless steel material was considered, but the components
specified were selected for this project.
Lone Star Blower
Reference: Section 44 42 19.05 – Variable-Speed Turbo Air Blowers
This request is to allow Lone Star Blower to be approved to supply the Turbo Air Blowers for
the 23MGD Expansion. Lone Star is the exclusive distributor for TurboMax for North &
South America. Here is some History of Lone Star and TurboMax:
Lone Star was founded based on experienced personnel in the industry. I have 18 years in
the blower market and was the Municipal Sales Manager at HSI. My partner and President,
Andrew Balberg, has 20 years in the blower market. He was the VP of Sales and Marketing
while there at HSI. We both got our experience at HSI Blowers which grew from a service
company to a manufacturer. Service was our middle name and believed that service of the
customers was the reason for success. HSI was acquired by Atlas Copco in 2012 and HSI
was consumed into the Atlas Copco company and we felt that our customer base was not
getting the attention and service that our customers needed/desired. We both left and the
Lone Star Blower was founded in 2014. We are a manufacturer, distributor, and packager
of blower equipment for all blower markets.
TurboMax was founded in 2006 by Mr. Lee, the former engineering manager from Neuros
Korea. Mr. Lee had previously worked at Samsung Industries creating the air bearing
technology. TurboMax is a privately held company in South Korea, where this technology
originated from. They own and operate all the aspects of the process from the cast
aluminum foundry to the motor winding shop. They have uncompromising quality and hold
several patents when it comes to this technology. They were formally distributed by GE
Roots the past 3 years and their relationship ended when the product line was offered to
Lone Star Blower. TurboMax is an ISO 9001, UL certified, CSA certified and TUV compliant
company who is working on getting over 50% of global market share between all the turbo
competitors. The have the largest product range from 20HP to 500HP single core and dual
core packages up to 1,000HP (2 x 500HP). They have over 2,300 turbo blower packages
installed and operating.
The current project requires (3) Dual core 600HP packages and (3) Single core 300HP in
which we have products that would meet this requirement. I would assume that EMWD
would like to see competition on this project as it is currently specified as APG-Neuros or
approved equal.
Lone Star would propose on the specifications to and related to the blower system, handle
all the correspondence and supply the 5 year warranty. Since the specification is written
around APG-Neuros, we would have some slight modifications or clarifications for our
scope of supply. This however, would not relieve the intent of the specification for the
process design parameters and other information that will be critical for the process. We
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
would submit the guaranteed power numbers for our units but I would like to understand the
process for these getting evaluated. There is a table in the specification section that is for
the supplier to submit Wire Power (kW) with the RFQ/P that I assume will be used in the
evaluation. This project looks like a GC bid and was curious to see how this will be handled.
Will the GC’s have to provide this information with their bid form?
I am more than willing to help answer any questions or supply technical data to you
regarding information you need to make this decision. Please feel free to contact me if you
need anything and I look forward to getting a response on this decision.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Mechanical Associates
Mechanical Associates is needing to become a listed approved vendor for the project
stated above. We are wanting to achieve this by addendum for the project. What would
Mechanical Associates need to provide in order to become an approved listed vendor?
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Mid America Pipe
Can welded steel pipe be added to the pipe schedule as an alternate to the ductile iron pipe
in certain locations?
For instance the MF piping inside the building, in particular the 36" header is drawn as
carbon steel. Also, the 36" MF buried pipe and the 36" PI piping. Both of those areas would
seem to make sense.
See revised pipe schedule in Addendum No. 2 for required pipe materials.
Longitudinal Collector Linear Speed
44 42 24.02 -3 2.02.B.1. specifies longitudinal collector speed should be approximately 1
fpm. Based on our experience, Evoqua recommends the longitudinal collector speed
should be approximately 2 fpm for primary clarifiers. Please confirm that 2 fpm is
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Collector Description
44 42 24.02-3 2.03.B.1 should read “Three (3) 4-shaft longitudinal collectors in each basin.”
There are no one-shaft sludge collectors.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Flight maximum deflection
44 42 24.02-4 2.04 J.1. specifies to have maximum of ¾ inch horizontal deflection at 18 lbs
per linear foot.
Our Sigma Plus flights would deflect approximately 5.6 inches at this loading. Being that
this is a primary clarifier, we question the 18 lbs/ft as maybe being too high. To bring this
within a range of acceptable flight deflection of 1-3/4 inch (maximum allowed to allow
collector chain to properly engage with the sprocket teeth) we would recommend lowering
the lbs/ft loading to 5.6 lbs/ft for Sigma Plus or 10.5 lbs/ft for Diamond. Or, if you want to
maintain the 3/4 inch maximum deflection, then the loading would be 2.5 lbs/ft for Sigma
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Collector Chain UV Protection
44 42 24.02-4 2.05.A. specifies the collector chain to be integral ultraviolet radiation
Evoqua requests this item to be removed. Our collector chain is carbon black that
minimizes UV attack, but it is not UV protected.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Collector Chain Elongation
44 42 24.02-4 2.05.B. specifies the collector chain longitudinal elongation of 1.5 percent at
minimum working load.
Evoqua requests the longitudinal elongation at minimum working load be changed to 3%.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Drive Chain Material
44 42 24.02-5 2.06.A. specifies drive chain to be manufactured with reinforced nylon resin.
Evoqua requests acetal thermoplastic be added as an acceptable material. This material is
known for its excellent strength and chemical resistance. It is also recognized for its
ductility in service and consistency in quality during molding.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Sprocket teeth grinding
44 42 24.02-6 2.07 G.1. specifies “grind so link barrels will bear simultaneously and evenly
against teeth.
Evoqua requests this statement to be deleted since this is only necessary for cast iron
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Shaft Material of Construction
44 42 24.02-3 2.03.E.1. specifies stainless steel shafts.
44 42 24.02-6 2.07.I. specifies carbon steel shafting is acceptable.
44 42 24.02-8 2.14.A.1. specifies stainless steel headshaft.
Evoqua requests AISI 1018 cold finished carbon steel shafts also be acceptable. Evoqua
has successfully used carbon steel shafts for the majority of Envirex® rectangular collector
waste water and water treatment plant installations since we introduced them over 75 years
ago. This shafting is subject to minimal corrosion due to the large surface area contacting
the process water, slowing the corrosion process considerably. The shafts also have very
limited amount of contact with air, so the corrosion process is slowed even further. 98% of
our Envirex rectangular collector installations are provided with this shaft design. Often
times when we retrofit old installations, the existing carbon steel shafts are reused because
they are still in good condition and have proven reliable. We also provided 1018 cold rolled
finished carbon steel shafts to TVRWRF on their primary clarifiers back in 2001.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Chain Sprocket Material of Construction
44 42 24.02-5 2.07.C.1. specifies chain sprockets to be polyurethane.
Evoqua requests cast nylon be added.
Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q10. Driven Sprocket
44 42 24.02-6 2.07.E.2.c. specifies cast iron driven sprocket hub with replaceable
polyurethane teeth.
Evoqua requests a polyurethane hub driven sprocket with replaceable polyurethane teeth
be added.
A10. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q11. Flight Wearing Shoes Material of Construction
44 42 24.02-6 2.08 B specifies high-density polyethylene.
Evoqua requests UHMW-polyethylene be added as an acceptable material of construction
for the flight wearing shoes.
A11. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q12. Submerged Bearings
44 42 24.02-7 2.10.A. specifies submerged bearing to be solid cast nylon or UHMWPE
Evoqua requests solid polyurethane ball hub in split cast steel housing be added.
A12. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q13. Wear Strip Bolt Minimum Diameter
44 42 24.02-8 2.13.B. specifies bolt minimum diameter is 3/8 inch.
Evoqua requests this be changed to a minimum diameter of ¼ inch so not as much of the
wear strip surface is used up. This will also extend the life of the wear strips by providing
additional surface area that can be worn.
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Addendum No. 4
A13. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q14. Wear Strips Thermal Expansion
44 42 24.02-8, 2.13.D. – specifies “Mounted such that thermal expansion does not prevent
wear shoes from contacting wear strips. Leveled after placement such that flight wearing
shoes travel evenly on wear strips and return rails when installed.”
Evoqua recommends these sentences be deleted for the following reasons:
1. No matter how much wear strips are installed out of level the wear shoes will always be
in contact with the wear strip.
2. Wear strips should follow the contour of the concrete floor; they should not be adjusted
to be level.
3. Wear strips on return tracks will be as level as how the return tracks are installed.
An alternate sentence to consider is: “Wear strips shall have slotted holes to allow for
thermal expansion.”
A14. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q15. 4-Square Testing
44 42 24.02-11 2.26.B.3. specifies 4-Square Testing for collector chains that are furnished
for this project.
Evoqua recommends that previous certified 4-Square testing report be submitted rather
than testing for this specific project. Testing requires months of preparation and testing to
complete which may delay the project.
A15. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q16. Anchor Bolt Templates
44 42 24.02-12 3.02.C. manufacturer is to provide anchor bolt templates.
Evoqua does not provide anchor bolts templates. The equipment provided is usually used
as a template.
A16. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
Q17. Motor Data Sheet
44 42 24.02 Supplement – 1 Specifies 1 hp. This should read 0.5 hp.
We look forward to answers to these comments by addendum. If the you or the engineer
have any questions or need additional information please contact me.
A17. Revised Specification Section 44 42 24.02 is provided in Attachment B of this addendum.
OneSource Distributors
We respectfully request that Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley be considered as an equal
to the specified manufacturers under section 26 19 23 2.01 A. Attached you will find a
brochure outlining some of the capabilities of these adjustable frequency drives, and below
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
is a link to the full technical manual available online.
See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to be added to
Ovivo USA
You have put two specifications sections, 44 45 16.02-A and 44 45 16.03-A, for the aeration
equipment, with 44 45 16.02-A (Aerostrip) as your stated basis of design for the project.
However, the specifications prevent Aerostrip from bidding, which we assume is not your
intent. If you intend this to be a fair and open bid that will provide aeration equipment to
meet the needs of the facility we recommend you change the following:
Aerostrip (44 45 16.02-A) is required to use a 316 SS baseplate per 44 45 16.02-A 2.05E.
Parkson is allowed to use a PVC base plate (44 45 16.03-A 2.06.B). Either option is
acceptable for Aerostrip, please see the worldwide installation base attached, including all
US installations – Q Type is PVC base plate exactly as we would provide for Temecula and
T Type is 316 SS baseplate exactly as we would provide for Temecula, both of which have
extensive operational history. Whatever your decision, please apply the same materials of
construction to both products.
Specification 44 45 16.03 will be modified to require the same base plate material and
included under Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Aerostrip(44 45 16.02-A) is required to provide a diffuser with a required allowable flux
range of 0.5 – 5 scfm/ft2 (44 45 16.03-A 1.03 H). Parkson (44 45 16.03-A) is only required
to provide a diffuser with an allowable flux range of 0.4 – 1.0 scfm/ft2 (44 45 16.03-A 1.03
H). Your own requirements in the next section require a flux range of 0.5 to 3.5 scfm/ft2 to
meet the estimated process conditions (44 45 16.03-A 1.03 I). In general, we would not
recommend specifying any diffuser that did not have the capability to operate much higher
than the projected flux range you require to accommodate diurnal fluctuations, basins or
cells out of service, and to prevent diffusers from operating at the edge of their allowable
range during normal operation. Certainly you would not want to specify a diffuser with an
allowable flux range below what you require for process conditions, which is the case
currently for 44 45 16.03-A. Please change the specs for both 44 45 16.02-A and 44 45
16.03-A, 1.03 H, to “Diffusers must be capable of operating at a flux range for several hours
per day from 0.3 to 7.1 scfm/ft2, and at a flux range from 0.5 to 5.0 sfm/ft2 continuously, this
should be clearly stated in O&M manuals and should be an allowable condition tied to all
warranty claims, including the special guarantee of 1.06.”
Specification 44 45 16.03 will be modified and included under Technical Specifications in
this addendum.
Ovivo has no issue with the requirement for witnessed clean water testing for Temecula.
However, the specifications state that a clean water test is required for every 500 m of
membrane (44 45 16.02-A 2.07 A.3 and 44 45 16.03-A 2.10 A.3). Due to the differences in
geometry of the two systems specified, please either change this to a square meter or a per
job requirement. We would also encourage you to require at least one test report each by
Mike Stenstrom for new and 10-year old + aged diffusers for the selected manufacturer.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Specifications 44 45 16.02 and 44 45 16.03 will be modified and included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
The spare requirements for 44 45 16.02-A (Aerostrip) are listed as quantities representing
10+% of our scope of supply (44 45 16.02-A 1.07.A) but for 44 45 16.03-A 1.07.B (Parkson)
only 2% are required. We would recommend that you require a given number of complete
diffuser spares on the project. This is fairly standard and it allows for quick replacement of
a damaged diffuser. Twenty diffusers as indicated in 44 45 16.02-A is a good number, but
this would require you to have 20 spare diffusers/entire panels required in 44 45 16.03-A as
well. Keep in mind that if there is a failure, no matter how small, the entire diffuser (panel or
strip) would require replacement or rebuilding.
Specification 44 45 16.03 will be modified and included under Technical Specifications in
this addendum.
There is some confusion about who supplies the manifolds off the header as well as the ball
valves. 44 45 16.02-A 2.04 B.2.a (Aerostrip) says the manufacturer should provide these;
44 45 16.03-A 2.01.A seems to indicate that the manufacturer should design but not
provide these. It can be done either way, but it should be the same and should be clear for
each spec section.
Specification 44 45 16.02 will be modified and included under Technical Specifications in
this addendum.
Additionally, we have not been able to locate any information on the manufacturer’s
website for the product called out in 16.03 2.01 C. Is there another name for this product?
Specification 44 45 16.03 will be modified and included under Technical Specifications in
this addendum.
Sheet 172, 173 show two bollards in plan. They are also shown on sheet 174 in sections A
and B. No detail is referenced. Please review.
See revisions to Drawing 50M02 under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Sheet 160 shows personnel davits at the access gates. No details or specs are given.
Please review.
See Addendum No. 2.
Sheet 160 refers to detail 0330-048. This is not provided in volume 5. Please provide.
The appropriate standard detail will be called out on 40S07 and the revision included under
Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q4. Sheet 161 shows AL I6x4.30 grating support beams. No beam to wall connection is called
out. Please provide.
The missing standard detail is added to Drawing 40S08 and included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q5. Sheet 122 column anchor bolt embedment is called out as 6”, whereas note 1 detail
0512-001 referenced calls out 1’-0” embedment. Which is correct?
The 6” embedment is correct at only two (2) locations where the slab is too thin to
accommodate 12” embedment.
2.6 Sheet 122 shows a beam part way up the column. This beam is also shown in section
D, f and G on sheet 126 and section C on sheet 123. What size is it?
W8x18 is the size. Drawing 22S02 and 22S06 have been changed and the revisions
included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q7. Sheet 134 and 135 stairs along grid lines A6 and E appear to have missing landings at the
top of the stairs shown on sheet 134. Please review and clarify.
A7. The landing details are show in the standard details for aluminum stairs.
Q8. Sheet 135 appears to be missing two column footings south of gridline E. These are shown
on the elevation on sheet 140. Please clarify.
A8. The column footings are called out on Drawing 30S07 which reference Detail 6, 30S08.
Q9. Sheet 140 shows the sunshade canopy as 62’x94’ in plan. This differs from 63’x77.5’
shown on sheet 135 plan view. Please clarify.
A9. Drawing 30S02 is correct. Drawing 30S07 has been changed and the revision included
under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q10. 2.10 Sheet 141 detail1 section shown PL ½”x12x1’-0”. In the plan the plate appears to be
½”x12x1’-10”. Please clarify.
A10. Dimension ½”x12x1’-10 is correct.
Q11. Sheet 141 cross bracing is shown with shop welds. Would these not be field welds to allow
pieces to be shipped?
A11. Contractor’s option, need to Indicate on fab metal shop drawings.
Q12. Sheet 143 shows pipe supports by structural at gridline E. Sheet 144 shows these to be
pipe stanchion anvil fig 63C mechanical supports. Please clarify.
A12. These pipe supports shall be provided by the Contractor per Section 40 05 15, Piping
Supports Systems. Drawing 30M02 is changed and the revision included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
Q13. Sheet 143 shows pipe supports along gridline A6 per 21S03 sheet 114. Sheet 144 shows
30S08 sheet 141 which seems to apply better. Please review.
A13. The pipe supports in question shall be per Detail 1 on 21S03, as shown in the Bid
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q14. Appendix J, page P-1 lists drawing number D-50449 Plant 2 Primary Clarifier Foul Air Plan
and Details. This drawing has not been provided with the other listed drawings.
A14. Drawing D-50449 is not needed and was not included in Appendix J. Drawing list on
Section P of Appendix J is revised under Contract Drawings of this addendum.
Q15. Appendix J, spec section 01010 Summary of work paragraph 1.02.1.c calls out (4) new
safety tie-off points. These are not shown on the drawings or specified. What are these?
A15. Appendix J, Specification Section 01010 is revised under Technical Specifications in this
Q16. Appendix J, the inlet channel section on drawing 13M01 shows an embedded support
angle for the aluminum tread plate. However, drawing PLD-AL-420 Arrow-lock repair detail
does not show this angle. How is the Arrow-lock PVC liner to be handled at the embedded
A16. All requirements for PVC liner repair are provided in Section 13 21 7B of Appendix J. The
Contractor shall use the manufacture’s standard repair details which includes Termination
detail at Existing Metal Embed. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings for District to
review and approval during construction per Section 13 21 7B requirements.
Q17. Appendix B (Geotechnical Report), the boring logs for B-06 and B-07 have not been
included in the report. Please supply.
A17. The figures for B-06 and B-07 are included in Attachment E of this addendum.
Q18. Specification section 02598 (Pond Lining), references multiple liner options, please specify
which option will be required, and modify the typical pond section shown on page 28 of 332
A18. Section 02598 has been deleted. The pond shall be lined with HDPE Geomembrane,
Section 33 47 13.01 is included in Attachment B in this addendum.
Q19. There are two EPA FORM 6100-3 (DBE Subcontractor Performance Form) included in the
EMWD provide “Proposal Package”, but are not the same form. Please clarify.
A19. No, there is only one (1) EPA Form 6100-3 and it is a 2-page form (double sided).
Q20. There are two EPA FORM 6100-4 (DBE Subcontractor Utilization Form), but are not the
same form. Please clarify.
A20. No, there is only one (1) EPA Form 6100-4 and it is a 2-page form (double sided).
Q21. NIB-11 provides the option for the Good Faith Effort documentation be submitted up to
three days following the bid opening. Can the EPA Forms and the DBE.1 Form be granted
this same option, submission up to three days following the bid opening? Please advise.
A21. The purpose of the bidders list and EPA forms 6100-3 & 6100-4 is to provide the District
and the funding agency with as accurate of a database as possible related to the universe
of MBE/WBE and non-MBE/WBE prime and subcontractors. The bidders list shall include
all firms that bid or quote on sub-contracts within the 30 days period prior to the bid opening
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
date which is now 10/20/15. The submittal of the bidders list along with other forms as
described in Appendix “P”, at the time of the bid, deems the bidder compliant with the GFE
which is required to be fulfilled prior to bid opening, Per EPA and SWRCB DBE guidelines.
Failure to perform the GFE, including the submittal of all required and completed forms prior
to bid opening constitutes a non-responsive bid. The bidder shall have an opportunity to
submit a revised bidders list, to reflect any changes that may have occurred as of the bid
opening date, as part of their GFE documentation 3 days following the bid opening date.
Q22. There appears to be a duplication of pages 1 & 2 for Specification Section 01 31 13 Project
Coordination providing different information? The page 2 that has the following: 1.04
Project Milestones, B. Project Milestones, Paragraphs 1. & 2., do not match the milestone
table provided in 00100 Special Conditions, SC-06. Please clarify.
A22. Revised Specification Section 01 31 13 Project Coordination was provided in Addendum
No. 2.
Q23. The Slide Gate Schedule in Specification Section 35 20 16.25 shows Gate 11-SG-701 to be
30 x 40, but the gate height is listed as 36”. Does the gate height need to be corrected to
30”? Please resolve.
A23. The wall opening is listed 30”wide X 40” high, the gate height will be modified in the Slide
Gate Schedule and the revision included under Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Q24. The Slide Gate Schedule in Specification Section 35 20 16.25 shows Gate 11-SG-702 to be
30 x 40, but the gate height is listed as 36”. Does the gate height need to be corrected to
30”? Please resolve.
A24. The wall opening is listed 30”wide X 40” high, the gate height will be modified in the Slide
Gate Schedule and the revision included under Technical Specifications in this addendum.
Q25. The Slide Gate Schedule in Specification Section 35 20 16.25 shows Gate 13-WG-701 to
have Assembly Style A (surface mounted Slide Gate) but the plant tag number is
13-WG-701 which indicates a Weir Gate. Should the Assembly Style be corrected from A to
C? Please resolve.
A25. See Addendum No. 2.
Q26. The Slide Gate Schedule in Specification Section 35 20 16.25 shows Gate 13-WG-801 to
have Assembly Style A (surface mounted Slide Gate) but the plant tag number is
13-WG-801 which indicates a Weir Gate. Should the Assembly Style be corrected from A to
C? Please resolve.
A26. See Addendum No. 2.
Q27. M5- The Slide Gate Schedule in Specification Section 35 20 16.25 shows Gate 13-WG-901
to have Assembly Style A (surface mounted Slide Gate) but the plant tag number is
13-WG-901 which indicates a Weir Gate. Should the Assembly Style be corrected from A to
C? Please resolve.
A27. See Addendum No. 2.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q28. Specification 43 40 02 (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tank) does not contain a data sheet
that describes a specific tank. Is there a specific tank that should be covered by this
specification? Please resolve.
A28. See Addendum No. 2.
Q29. Specification 43 40 02 (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tank) does not mention any tank
manufacturers. Please provide at least two (2) tank manufactures that would be
A29. See Addendum No. 2.
Q30. We can’t find any specification that covers the CIP/BP Tank (31-TK-001). Please identify
what specification this tank goes with and provide tank data sheet.
A30. See Addendum No. 2.
Q31. There are two (2) Specifications, 44 45 16.02 and 44 45 16.03A, that seem to be covering
basically the same equipment. Spec. 44 45 16.02 specifies Aerostrip Corp. equipment.
Spec. 44 45 16.03A mentions that the system was designed around the Aerostrip
equipment but that equipment manufactured by Parkson Corp. is acceptable. So, is this
basically a choice between either Aerostrip or Parkson? I did not see any place on the Bid
form where this choice was accounted for. Please advise.
A31. It is the Contractor’s option to select either manufacturer for the Biorectors’ fine bubble air
diffuser system. However, Specification 44 45 16.03 is modified under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
Q32. Specification 40 27 00 contains a Piping Schedule. We are assuming that Notes 5, 8, and 9
do not apply since it is not used in the remarks column of the Piping Schedule. Is this a
correct assumption? Please advise.
A32. See Addendum No. 2, all notes in the Piping Schedule apply.
Q33. Specification 44 46 30 (Fine Screening Equipment) 1.01A mentions “… four fully automatic,
… drum screens…” yet 1.03 states that 2 are required and the drawings only show that 2
are required. Please review and concur that only 2 are required.
A33. See Addendum No. 2.
Q34. Drawing 13N02 shows the piping from the Process Blowers to be ALP. Drawing 13M06
calls out the piping before the connection to the Primary Clarifiers to be CHA. Which is
correct? Please review and advise.
A34. See revisions to Drawings13N02 and 21N01 provided under Contract Drawings in this
Q35. P & ID Drawing 22N02 shows a Secondary Scum/Foam Pump 22-P-172 and a Control
Panel 22-LCP-172 that is supposed to be supplied by the Pump Vendor. However, we can’t
find a Specification for this Pump neither is it shown on any Mechanical drawings. Please
review and resolve.
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Addendum No. 4
A35. See Addendum No. 2.
Q36. Drawing 13M06 shows some Channel Air Diffusers at both the Clarifier inlet channel and
outlet channels. We can’t locate a Specification for this equipment? Is it Coarse Bubble
Diffusion equipment? We have not found it as part of the Fine Bubble Equipment
specification. Please review and resolve.
A36. The specification will be added to Drawing 13M06 and the revision included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
Q37. M15- In Specification 44 46 22, there is 2.05 (Sulfa-Treat Hydrogen Removal System
(Alternate A)) and 2.06 (Biological Hydrogen Sulfide Removal System (Alternate B)). There
aren’t any instructions on what to do here. Are we to bid it both ways and select the cheaper
of the 2 or do you plan to modify the Bid form to account for any potential price differences.
The difference could be substantial since one option has FRP Tanks and the other has
Stainless Steel Tanks. Please review and resolve.
A37. Either system is acceptable and the Contractor can select either system as long as it meets
the requirements in the Bid Documents.
Q38. M16- Specification 44 46 22 2.05C mentions two (2) Scrubber Vessels described in detail.
Are these the Biogas Purifiers which have equipment tags 60-BP-310 and 60-BP-320?
Please review and resolve.
A38. Yes, and paragraph 2.05.A describes the system.
Q39. M17- Specification 44 46 22 2.07A mentions a MCC23 which is “… to be installed by
Contractor …”. Is MCC23 specified in the MCC specification so that the Electrical
Subcontractor can properly account for it with the other MCC’s? Is MCC23 shown on the
Electrical drawings and are the foundation, wiring, and other features included in the
contract drawings? It is highly unusual for discussion of installation of an MCC to be
included in a Mechanical Equipment Spec. Please review and resolve.
A39. Revision to Specification Section 44 46 22 is provided under Technical Specifications in this
addendum. The electrical drawings are in Attachment A in Volume 4 of the Bid Documents.
Q40. M18- Specification 44 46 22 2.07A mentions a VFD’s which are “… to be installed by
Contractor …”. Are these VFD’s specified in the VFD specification so that the Electrical
Subcontractor can properly account for these with the other VFD’s? Are these VFD’s shown
on the Electrical drawings and are the foundation, wiring, and other features included in the
contract drawings? Please review and resolve.
A40. Revision to Specification Section 44 46 22 is provided under Technical Specifications in this
Q41. M19- Specification 44 46 22 2.07A mentions that field piping connections at the gas
compressor shall be provided for “2 glycol in and 2 glycol out”. I don’t see these on the
drawings and the only glycol that I can find goes from the chiller to the heat exchanger in a
closed loop. Please review and resolve.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A41. The information is changed in Section 44 46 22 and the revision included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
Q42. M20- Specification 44 46 22 2.14B states that “the installing contractor will be responsible
for wiring between the Master Control Panel, the skids, and the motor control center.” Has
this wiring been designed and are all the design features, routing, details, etc. included in
the contract drawings? Please review and resolve.
A42. Attachment A in Volume 4 of the Bid Documents has the drawings for the digester gas
compression system, including the electrical drawing that shows the connection.
Q43. M21- Drawing 60N02 - are the Heat Exchanger and the Chiller intended to be provided by
the manufacturer/packager on a common skid as is the case with the Gas Compressors?
Please review and advise.
A43. Attachment A in Volume 4 of the Bid Documents for the Mechanical Drawings, Specification
Section 44 46 22, and Addendum 2 for the requirements.
Q44. M22- P & ID Drawing 13N03 shows Primary Sludge Pumps 13-P-154, and 13-P-155.
However, we cannot locate a Specification for these. Please provide the missing
Specification as soon as possible or delete these pumps from the Drawings.
A44. See Addendum No. 2.
Q45. M23- P & ID Drawing 13N03 shows 13-GRD-154, 13-LCP-154, 13-GRD-155, and
13-LCP-155. However, we cannot locate a Specification for these. Please provide the
missing Specification as soon as possible or delete these from the Drawings.
A45. See Addendum No. 2.
Q46. M24- P & ID Drawing 13N03 shows Primary Clarifier Drain Pump 13-P-156. However, we
cannot locate a Specification for this. Please provide the missing Specification as soon as
possible or delete this pump from the Drawings.
A46. See Addendum No. 2.
Q47. M25- P & ID Drawing 39N01 shows 39-P-301, 39-LCP-300, and 39-P-302. However, we
cannot locate a Specification for these. Please provide the missing Specification as soon as
possible or delete these from the Drawings.
A47. The information is in the Bid Documents (section 44 42 56).
Q48. M26- P & ID Drawing 71N01 shows 71-T-01 and several other components that appear to
be related to it. However, we cannot locate a Specification for these. Please provide the
missing Specification as soon as possible or delete this from the Drawings.
A48. Item 71-T-01 is not in 71N01; however 71-T-301 is shown on this drawing as well as
71-T-300, the specification for both is in the Bid Documents (section 33 12 17).
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q49. Section J on sheet 139 shows “pipe support rack designed by contractor”. This support
rack is shown in plan on sheet 135 also. Other pipe supports are owner designed, why is
this rack contractor designed when others are not? Please review.
A49. See Specification Section 40 05 13 provided in the Bid Documents.
Q50. In the plan on sheet 170 there is a reference “see note 6 typical all walls”. However, section
C on sheet 171 does not show any walls. Note 6 on sheet 170 states: ”no wind columns to
be located any sides of canopy”. Please review and explain.
A50. The word “walls” in the referenced note on the Canopy Roof Plan is meant to refer to the
“sides” of the canopy, as is worded in Note 6.
Q51. Sheet 148 note 7 “exterior wall pipe flashing shall be Deck Tite Retrofit with silicone boot
and flexible aluminum base flange………” is in conflict with section B on sheet 152. This
refers to detail 4005-612 which shows a two piece metal flashing. Please review.
A51. Contractor’s option to use either of the two referenced types of wall pipe penetrations.
Q52. M27- We assume that the Owner is responsible for any and all Biological Testing during the
Start-up of the GE Equipment. Please review and concur.
A52. See Appendix C in the Bid Documents in its entirety, Specification Sections 01 50 00 and
01 91 14, and Addendum No. 2.
Q53. M28- We assume that the Owner is responsible for the introduction of seed sludge and the
activation of the wastewater process in the new Train 3. Please review and concur.
A53. See Appendix C in the Bid Documents in its entirety, Specification Sections 01 50 00 and
01 91 14, and Addendum No. 2.
Q54. M29- We have reviewed Appendices C & K related to the GE Membrane Equipment. We
find that both of these documents appear to contain very little information that would help us
determine how many man-hours to budget for the installation of the GE components. Are
there any “certified for construction” installation drawings available? Have these been
incorporated into GE’s scope of supply? Please review and resolve.
A54. See Appendices C & K in the Bid Documents for submittals that GE is required to supply
during the construction phase.
Q55. M30- Regarding the GE equipment, are there any “certified for construction” P & ID
drawings available? Have these been incorporated into GE’s scope of supply? Please
review and resolve.
A55. See Appendices C & K in the Bid Documents for submittals that GE is required to supply
during the construction phase.
Q56. M31- Drawing 01D01 shows something that is to be demolished just above the “demolish
existing structures” note. Is it a pipeline that gets demolished in this location? If so, what
pipeline is it? Please review and resolve.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A56. See Drawing 01D02 and existing facilities as-built drawings provided in Addendum No. 2.
Q57. M32- Drawing 01D01 shows something that is to be demolished just to the right of the “area
where new CCB will be located” note. Is it a pipeline that gets demolished in this location? If
so, what pipeline is it? Please review and resolve.
A57. See Drawing 01D01 and existing facilities as-built drawings provided in Addendum No. 2.
Q58. M33- Drawing 01D01 shows the demolition of the existing 30” FI piping starting at about the
middle of the page. Does this same line continue to the bottom right hand corner of the
drawing? If not, what line is shown SW of the existing structure which continues to the
bottom right hand corner of the drawing? Please review and resolve.
A58. It is the buried 30”FI.
Q59. M34- Drawing 11M01 shows an 6” SPD line. SPD is not listed on the Piping Schedule. The
existing SPD line appears to be Sch. 80 PVC that has been painted. Will you update the
Piping Schedule to include “SPD” or should we build this new line out of Sch. 80 PVC?
Please review and resolve.
A59. See revision to 11M01 included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q60. 1197S Spec Volume 1, 00064, Conditions, Section F, Labor and Construction, Pate
117/474, 4, Cap on Self Insured Retention at $10,000.
Does this apply to deductibles or only to SIR’s for which the insurer is not responsible until
the insured has satisfied the SIR requirement?
Deductibles, and in most cases SIR’s, this low are not commercially available to mid-size or
large constructors.
If this paragraph also applies to deductibles we request that the language be stricken or that
the maximum deductible be increased to $100,000 to $250,000 to be consistent with
deductibles/SIR’s commercially available to mid-size or large construction firms.
A60. As per the Specification the SIR is $10,000, as stated; this applies to SIR’s as well as
Q61. Special Conditions, Page SC-7 00100, Paragraph 5, The Builders Risk contract is for a
period of approximately 40 months – the estimated contracted time for completion. The
Primary contractor shall be responsible for any additional premium charges if, for any
reason, the project requires an extension of coverage, not caused solely be the District
This language would make the contractor responsible for any increases in the builders risk
premium due to extensions in the schedule for ANY reason even if not in the Contractor’s
control. This would also include losses which were covered by the Builders Risk policy
procured by the owner that resulted in delay including Acts of God that are not the
responsibility of or in the control of the Contractor.
We would ask that this paragraph be stricken.
A61. The paragraph will not be changed.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q62. Addenda 2 Bid Form, Question 5, Earthquake Insurance “Insurance Premium for obtaining
Earthquake insurance to indemnify the District……”
Since District is procuring the Builders Risk insurance can we assume the answer to this
question will be “not applicable”?
A62. Please see Revised Proposal Package attached to this Addendum.
Q63. 1197S Spec Volume 1, Construction Surveying, Section 00230-3, 3., “Name and List the
District as Additional Insured…….(This requirement does not apply to professional
Request that Workers Compensation Insurance be added to the exception since it is not
possible to add an Additional Insured to Workers Compensation coverage.
A63. Section 00230 has been deleted from the Bid Document per Addendum No. 2.
Q64. Will the District be publishing a plan holders list to include subcontractors and suppliers?
A64. The District will not be publishing a plan holders list. Please contact Teresa Appelt at (951)
928-3777 ext 4527 for the current plan holders list.
Q65. Sheet 135 note 4 references the connection of the new shade canopy structure to steel
framing for the bridge crane. The connection is to be provided by the contractor. In order to
make the connection, will it be permissible to either drill holes in the steel framing for the
bridge crane or to weld to the steel framing?
A65. In general, it is acceptable to drill holes or weld the shade canopy connections to the bridge
crane steel framing system. Per the requirements of Note 4 on Drawing 30S02, stamped
shop drawings will need to be submitted and approved by the engineer prior to fabrication
and installation of the shade structure and its connections.
Q66. Addendum #2, A13 on page 23 refers to inlet deflector plate drawings provided in
attachment A. We find no such drawings.
A66. The deflector plate detail is shown in GE’s drawings (500559A-PG-01 REV E Sht 2 of 5)
Quality Electrical Systems
In Specification Volume II, Specification 26 19 23, MV Adjustable Speed Drives, page 11,
paragraph 2.06.C.
Is it the intent of the specification to have the VFD manufacturer supply his standard VFD
Operator interface and in addition supply a Rockwell Panel View Plus 6.
If the Panel View Plus 6 is required, does the PLC supplier or the VFD manufacturer take
responsibility for software and programming?
Paragraphs 2.03.A.10 and 2.04.C allow a manufacturer’s standard protection and control to
be used in lieu of a PLC. Specification Section 26 19 23 will be changed and revisions
included under Technical Specifications in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
The Contract Documents currently reference Contractors to the geotechnical report to
gather information regarding over-excavation and re-compaction as well as aggregate
base depths. There is also reference made that the clear and grub depth below all
compacted material should be 24”. In addition, in the 2013 geotechnical report the
recommended depth for the Headworks Addition over-excavation and re-compaction is
stated at 1.5 times the footing width. As this structure has a mat foundation this will result in
a very deep over-excavation. To clarify the extents of the over-excavation and
re-compaction please provide a table in the plans that includes each structure’s specific
over-excavation and re-compaction dimensions along with the required aggregate base
Specification Section 31 23 23 is changed and the revision included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
On Sheet 21S03, Detail 1 it calls out for the 54” pipe support an “Anvil Figure 439 Type 3 or
Equal”. The Anvil Figure 439 Type 3’s product data only recommends supporting up to a 36”
Diameter pipe. Please clarify the product that should be used at this location.
Drawing 21S03 has been modified and revisions included under Contract Drawings in this
For the Bioreactors structures plans there is inconsistencies between the structure
dimensions between grid lines 4 and 11. On Sheets 20S01 and 20S02 there are different
dimensions than shown on sheets 20S03 and 20S04. Please clarify the correct
dimensions that should be utilized for this structure.
The drawings listed above have been changed and the revisions included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
I am writing in regards to Bidder’s 10 year Experience Record requirements in the Bid
Proposal. Your response in the Q&A (Addenda 2, GSE Q.1) precludes many qualified
bidders, restricts competition, and may potentially result in bid protests. Our previous
interpretation is you sought similar project experience on W/WWTP, however the Q&A
response now mandates membrane technology. Within the last 10 years, our firm has
completed $750M in W/WWTP work in California without specifically completing a project
with membrane technology. In the course of work we completed projects with various
technologies (Ozone, Chemical, Charcoal, Flocculation, Biological Nutrient Removal,
aeration, clarifier, tertiary, UV). The actual technology employed is not critical on the
contracting (vs. engineering) side, particularly when the owner has pre-negotiated with the
equipment supplier as is the case here. Our responsibility is to merely install and integrate
with the appropriate mechanical / electrical connections. We are currently bidding a waste
water treatment plant in Malibu which contains membrane system similar to this project,
that Specs only requires the membrane system supplier to have experience in the design
and manufacture of the membrane bioreactor systems for a minimum of 5 years. Please
reconsider your experience requirement, so the District can receive more competitive bids.
The District will not be modifying the experience requirements.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Does a Subcontractor’s experience in the construction of membrane bioreactor or
membrane treatment system qualify us?
EMWD may consider a subcontractor’s experience towards the necessary Contractor’s
qualifications requirements. A joint venture or partnership with a contractor who has the
necessary membrane installation experience would be preferred.
Sigma Industries, Inc.
We would request to include Sigma Industries among the listed suppliers of Surge Control
System as specified in Section 33 12 17.
Sigma Industries is located at 5350 DTC Parkway, Greenwood Village, CO 80111.
Sigma Industries is a C-Corporation registered in the State of Colorado in 1984. Federal ID
No. 84-0975032.
Sigma Industries Inc. has been designing, furnishing, providing startup and other field
services for over ten years.
Sigma Industries also the total capability of carrying out surge analysis. Dr. Don J Wood
performs surge analysis for Sigma Industries from hydraulic data provided by the customer.
Pressure vessels are designed and fabricated by reputable, high experienced
manufacturers such as Bulldog Steel Products, AA Tanks, Trinity Tanks. Air compressors
used for our systems are from Ingersoll Rand, Quincy, Atlas Copco, and Hycomp.
Sigma Industries designs its own control system which are fabricated and shop tested in a
UL 508 facility.
Sigma Industries, Inc has the total in house capability for system startups, debugging and
field training as required by the project specifications.
Attached herewith is a partial list of the projects that Sigma Industries has completed so far
and all these systems are in successful operation.
We hope to be given a chance to quote the hydro pneumatic control system for your project
also. If you have any questions or need additional information feel free to contact us.
A1. Requirement for submitting product information to District is provided in bidding sheet and
general condition. See Additionally Named “Or Equals” for those named manufactures to
be added to specifications.
There is some confusion concerning the Pond Liner for the re-configured Equalization
Basin No. 1. Drawing 01C10 shows the liner installation with over excavation and a sand
layer at the pond bottom only and no clay liner. The specification (02598) talks about clay
liners and other liners. Is it the intent of the District to allow the contractor to choose any one
of the liners listed here for the installation at this site? A Geomembrane 45 mil liner such as
attached would be preferred by the contractor.
The pond shall be lined with HDPE Geomembrane, Section 33 47 13.01 is included in
Attachment B in this addendum.
Bid Item 7 describes work in Plant 1 & 2. Spec Section 01140 “Work Restrictions” states the
plant must comply with its Title V air quality permit at all times during construction at the risk
of the contractor for construction-related incidents. Can you please provide a copy of the
Title V air quality permit?
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
AQMD plant process permit was included under Section H Permit in Bid Documents issued
on July 1, 2015.
Drawing 13 S 03, Primary Clarifiers Top Plan, calls for a Crane Pad on the south side of the
structure west of the ‘3’ Line. This shows up in Section ‘G’ on 13 S 06, which refers to Detail
‘N’ on 13 S 12. The slab is called out as a 1’-0” reinforced slab at elevation 1027.0. On
Drawing 01 C 05, this slab is called out as Note 109, 4” Sidewalk. Please clarify which slab
is to be constructed.
Drawing 01C05 is modified and revision is included under Contract Drawings in this
Drawing 13 S 03, Primary Clarifiers Top Plan, calls for a Crane Pad on the north side of the
structure west of the ‘3’ Line. This shows up in Section ‘H’ on 13 S 06, which refers to Detail
‘T’ on 13 S 13. The slab is called out as a 1’-0” reinforced slab at elevation 1027.0. On
Drawing 01 C 05, this slab is called out as Note 110, 8” Concrete Pavement over 8”
Aggregate Base. Please clarify which slab is to be constructed.
Drawing 01C05 is modified and revision is included under Contract Drawings in this
Q & A questions and answers. Are the answers given to the Contractor, but not followed up
with plans or specification changes, considered as binding, or are they only to be
considered as information for the bidders?
Modifications to plans and specification made by addenda are at the highest level of order
of precedence. Questions and Answers not followed up by changes in contract documents
are not binding, but responses may be used for purposes of documenting understanding at
the time of bidding.
Drawing 71S02 “Structural Existing TEPS Top Plan Section & Details”. This drawing is not
adequately detailed. The contractors were not allowed to view this area during the
Mandatory site walk. Please schedule a follow-up site visit for the contractors to examine
this area for accessibility etc and observe the existing conditions.
Drawing 71S02 provides the information for adding a layer of concrete on top of the existing
TEPS concrete wet well cover and includes the details for this work.
Drawing 71P01. Co-ordinate Point No. 71, as shown on this new drawing is 5.46’ lower than
shown on Bid Set 01Y06. Are Co-ordinate Points 68, 69, 70, as shown on 01Y03 also lower
by this amount or is there to be a change in elevation between Points 71 and 70?
Drawing 01Y06 has been changed and revision included under Contract Drawings in this
Drawing 71P01. Shows “½” SA to Analyzers”. Where are these Analyzers to be located?
See the PLAN area in 71P01.
Drawing 01C01. Shows addition of 24’ EMWD Easement for Ingress and Egress. Is it the
intent of the Owner to allow the Contractor to use this entrance in addition to the entrance
from Alvarado?
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
No, the primary entrance for the Contractor shall be through the entrance from Alvarado.
However, if the Alvarado entrance is restricted, then the entrance from Business Park may
be used with prior approval from the District.
Q10. Section 02444. Chain Link Fencing. The existing 3’-6” fencing (per the civil drawings) has
cloth fabric on the chain link. Does the new 3’-6” fence require the cloth fabric? The new
specification section also states that the fence and gates will be paid for at a unit price as
measured by the Owner. Will new bid items be added for this payment?
A10. New chain link fencing shall have cloth fabric to match existing. Chain link fencing will be
paid as a lump sum price. Section 02444-1.05 will be revised accordingly.
Q11. The Engineer has added information for the new Grinders, and Pump 13-p-250, without
adding Specification Sections. Can it be assumed that these pieces of equipment will not
require spare parts, accessories, or startup assistance?
A11. Additional notes have been added to 13M02 & 13M07, the revisions included under
Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q12. Section 01 31 13 (Project Co-ordination) has been re-issued. This new section references
Project Milestone 1,2,3, which are different from those referenced in SC-06. Which
Specification section takes precedence on the subject of Milestones?
A12. Revised Specification Section 01 31 13 Project Coordination was provided in Addendum
No. 2.
Q13. Fine Bubble Air Diffuser System – Section 44 45 16.02 and 44 45 16.03. Please clarify the
requirements of the Fine Bubble Air Diffuser System that is required for this project. Is it the
intent of the Engineer that the contractor install either the Aerostrip system (44 45 16.02) or
the Parkson panel system (44 45 16.03). And that the Diffuser system be installed in the
Aerated Zones as shown on Plan 20M10, and not in the Anoxic zones.
A13. It is the Contractor’s option to select either manufacturer for the Biorectors air diffuser
system. However, Specifications 44 45 16.02 will be modified and included under
Technical Specifications in this Addendum. Specification section 44 45 16.03 will be
revised and included in Attachment B in this addendum.
Q14. Channel Air Diffuser System. Please provide a specification system for the Channel Air
Diffuser System as shown at each end of the Primary Clarifiers (Plan 13M06). Is it the intent
of the Engineer that the Fine Bubble Air Diffuser System (by Aerostrip or Parkson) be used
at these locations?
A14. The specification will be added to Drawing 13M06 and the revision included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
Q15. Monitor Spec 40 13 00. Spec states Monitor to be Model # 925210-41. Stang Industrial
Products reviewed the photographs of the existing monitors and recommends Model #
925000-21 with Nozzle # 100228-10. Please review and revise if necessary.
A15. No changes to design.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Q16. Appendix J Plant 1 & 2 Work. The specification states that 2 primary channels in Plant 2
may be shut down at a time, in order to perform this work in the inlet channel. The drawing
states that the contractor must construct the bulkheads associated with isolation of the inlet
channel sections. The As-Built drawings provided thus far do not clearly indicate how the
channel can be isolated for this work while keeping the remainder of the channel in
operation. Please confirm that this will work using the measures identified in the document.
A16. The construction of bulkheads is an acceptable means of isolating the inlet channel as long
as the method and location of bulkheads meet the shutdown requirements of the
Q17. The Addendum extended the Pre-bid question period to August 20th, which is very soon
after the issuance of Addendum 2, which is a very significant document. We request that
the Pre-bid Question period be extended for at least one week, to be sure to get all
responsible questions asked to the Engineer.
A17. Question period is extended to Friday, September 18, 2015 at 5:00 PM per Addendum No.
Q18. Due to the significant changes, we request that the Bid date be extended at least to
September 24th and be at 2.00pm not 10.00am to allow the responsible bidders to get all
required documents to the Owner on time.
A18. Bid date has been changed to Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 2:00 PM.
Southwest Valve & Equipment
RFI, first look at this, the customer list asks for 6” with MOV, but none are listed on the
electric motor actuator schedule, if required should they be open/close or modulating and
which control features? Please advise which paint system is required?
I’ve sent to the pneumatic actuator people, but need the electric actuator info if they are
required. There is no mention in the actuated valve schedule about 6” electric only on the
list you sent, are they needed? And the paint spec doesn’t tell me which system is for
valves. Please advise,
See Addendum No. 2 for motor actuator schedule.
W.M. Lyles Co.
Drawing sheet 79, the drawings call for 2ea floor sumps on the 6” drain line. Please provide
detail for these sumps?
Drawing 13M01 will be changed and revision included under Contract Drawings in this
Specification Section 40 27 00, Drawing Sheet 178, the Pipe Schedule identifies drain pipe
“D” as SCH80 PVC. Sheet 50M07 identifies the drain as CLDI. Please clarify what material
is to be used for this drain system. Also, please clarify the type of existing pipe material at
the 12” tie-in.
The pipe schedule is modified for this exception and included under Technical
Specifications in this addendum.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
Drawing Sheet 89, 90, the overall distance between gridline 5 and 11 is listed at 249’-6” on
Drawing 20S01 and 20S02. However, this individual dimensions between each gridline
equals 245’ 0”. Please clarify.
Drawing 20S01 has been changed and the revision included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Drawing 20S01 list the distance between gridline 5 and 6 at 44’-0” and Drawing 20S03
states 47’-0”. Please clarify.
Drawing 20S01 and 20S03 have been changed and the revision included under Contract
Drawings in this addendum.
Drawing 20S01 list the distance between gridline A and B at 21’-4” and Drawing 20S03
states 33’-2”. Please clarify.
Drawing 20S01, 20S03, and 13S01 have been changed and the revision included under
Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Drawing 20S01 list the distance between gridline B and C at 28’-3” and Drawing 20S03
states 28’-9”. Please clarify.
Drawing 20S01, 20S03, and 13S02 have been changed and the revisions included under
Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Section 03300, Paragraph 3.05 states to maintain all concrete in a continuously moist
condition for not less than 7 consecutive days after pouring or 14 days on projects that are
subject to Federal Wage Determination. Will 14 days be required on this project?
Concrete shall be maintained in a continuously moist condition for not less than 7
consecutive days after placement. The 14 day cure time is not applicable to this project.
Section F, Drawing 20S05 indicates EL. 1030.25 as the top wall at gridline E and Section G,
Drawing 30S05 shows top of wall at EL 1027.33. Please indicate where the change in
elevation takes place.
The top of wall elevation in section B/20S05 should be 1029.25. The wall top elevation
changes to 1030.25 at approx. grid 5. The wall steps down to 1027.33 just east of grid 12
and steps up at the Membrane Equipment Pit. The drawings have been changed and the
revisions included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Top of wall EL 1028.75 is indicated at gridline E between 14 and 15 on Drawing 30S02.
Section G, Drawing 30S05 shows the top of wall at EL 1027.33. Please clarify.
See response to Q8 above.
Q10. Reference the stairs at gridline B and D on Drawing 30S02. Please clarify how the bottom of
each stair is supported.
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A10. For bidding purposes, assume that an 8” AL channel will be needed to support the bottom
of the stair stringers.
Q11. The width of the northern walkway shown on Drawing 20S03 is dimensioned at 4’-6”, but
scales at 4’-0” wide on Section N, Drawing 20S09. Please verify 4’-6” is correct.
A11. 4’-0” is correct. Drawing 20S03 has been revised and included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q12. Drawing 0330-021, Can the #5 "z" bars shown in Standard Detail 0330-021 be replaced by
drill and epoxy dowels and the 12" collar poured separately?
A12. This is an acceptable methodology.
Q13. The Lower Plan on Drawing 11S01 references a knock out wall at the top of structure. It is
not clear if knock out wall extents to bottom slab and into the concrete fill area. Please verify
bottom of knock out wall elevation for all 3 locations.
A13. The bottom limits of all knockout walls are to be set directly at the elevations of either the
concrete channel or the concrete fill at the knockout wall locations that will be extended in
the future.
Q14. Both Headworks expansions on Drawing 11S01 and 11S06 reference Standard Detail
0330-101 for connecting new wall and foundation to existing. Detail 0330-101 slab
connection states to saw cut surface of concrete to ¾” depth then chip to remove ¾” x cont
keyway full depth of slab. Section A, Drawing 11S02 notes the existing foundation slabs
contain rebar couplers and waterstop. Please verify that 3/4 inch of concrete removal is
A14. If the rebar couplers are located in the wall, as is assumed from the contract drawings of the
original construction of this facility, then the ¾” concrete depth does not need to be chipped
Q15. Standard Detail 0315-228A specifies "poured joint filler" for slab expansion joints within
liquid containing structures. Please provide an approved product for this application.
A15. It is acceptable to use premolded joint filler material (the same as noted at other joint
interfaces in this detail 0315-228A) instead of poured joint filler as currently shown at the
liquid surface. Refer to specification section 03 15 00, Concrete Joints and Accessories,
articles 2.04 & 3.04 for the premolded joint filler product and execution requirements.
Q16. The Log of Borings B-06 & B-07 are missing from the Geotechnical Report TVRWRF Exp.
To 23 MGD dated 7/11/11. Please provide.
A16. The figures for B-06 and B-07 are included in Attachment E of this addendum.
Q17. Specification 31_23_23-2.02.H states aggregate base shall be placed beneath the upper
12 inches of all structure foundations. This does not appear to be a requirement of the
Geotechnical Report nor is it shown on the drawings. Is it a requirement and if so provide
definitions of 'all structure foundations'? Does it include all slabs, building foundations,
tanks, vaults pads, etc...?
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A17. Aggregate base shall be placed beneath all new structures in accordance with Section 31
23 23 part 2.02.H.
Q18. Drawings 01C02 and 01C03 require reconfiguration of EQ Basin No. 1 including a new
liner. Is the existing EQ Basin lined? If so, please provide details of existing liner. Who is
responsible for cleaning the sludge from the existing basin? Assuming the contractor, how
much sludge should we assume and can we dispose of on-site?
A18. The existing EQ Basin No. 1 has HDPE geomembrane liner. Changes to Drawing 01C02
are included in this addendum.
Q19. Detail D on drawing 01C010 shows some type of rock base, geogrid and redwood header
around the reconfigured EQ Basin No. 1. There is no rock base shown on Site Plans 01C02
and 01C03. Is base required and if so is it all around the basin?
A19. Yes, 6” aggregate base is required along the top of the basin. See revised Drawing 01C10
included under Contract Drawings in this addendum.
Q20. Specification 31_22_23-3.04.B requires footings to be underlain by structural fill thickness
1.5 times the footing width and 5' beyond the footing lines. As an example the wall footings
at the Blower Building (Drawing 21S03), would require an excavation 8' deep (2' + 1.5x4')
and 14' wide (4' + 2x5') and the Surge Tank Foundations (71S01) would be 18' deep (7' +
1.5x12') by 22' square (12' + 2x5'). This requirement affects numerous excavations. Please
confirm this interpretation is correct or provide further detail.
A20. Specification Section 31 23 23 has been revised and changes included under Technical
Specifications included in this addendum.
Q21. Numerous pipelines appear to interfere with the CCB on the west side. These include 3" AL,
4" FD, 2" CS, 4" WW and 10" TWW. Are they to be relocated, demolished or? Also, the 30"
FBW on the north side is shown stopping. Does it stop or continue?
A21. The existing utilities need to be relocated. The information known on 30” FBW is shown on
the Drawings. Drawing 01Y06 has been changed to acknowledge this and revisions
included in this addendum.
Q22. The P&ID Drawing 21N01 shows an ALP pipeline going to the existing plants 1 and 2 with a
Butterfly valve. That ALP pipeline is shown on 01Y04 and 01Y09 with no mention of a valve.
Please clarify if that valve is required and if required, please identify where it is located
along with detailing the size and type of the valve.
A22. Drawing 21N01 will be changed and revision included under Contract Drawings in this
Q23. Addendum 2, Drawing Modification Notes, Page 4 states that the 8" ALP detailed on
Drawings 21M02 & 21M03 are to be revised to 12" ALP. Please clarify if the valve with Tag
Number 21-FCV-1011 is to remain 8", or is it to be revised to 12" along with the pipeline that
it is to be installed in. Reference the 'ELECTRIC MOTOR ACTUATOR SCHEDULE' in
specification section 40_27_02 which details tagged valve 21-FCV-1011 as being 8".
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4
A23. Changes to 21M02 and 21M03 have been made and included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q24. There are wall mounted air conditioning units shown on Drawing 21M04. Tag numbers are
provided for 2 units and 1 future unit. Similar units are also shown on Drawing 80A02 (2
units and 3 future units). Please provide tag numbers for these units. Additionally, please
provide the required capacity and voltage for the units or model numbers for the 2 listed
manufacturers provided in the specification.
A24. Drawing 80A01 and Specification Section 23 81 00 have been modified and the revisions
included under Contract Drawings and Technical Specifications, respectively in this
Q25. Contract Drawing 30M02 details a valve (31-FCV-001), in the 16" BP pipeline. The note on
the plans detail that a 31-FCV-001 is to be provided with the Membrane Equipment System
(MES). The P&ID (AP-07) and the Bill of Materials provided by GE do not show that valve
as part of their package. Please clarify who provides that valve or if it is required.
A25. Drawing 30M02 has been changed and the revision included under Contract Drawings in
this addendum.
Q26. Addendum 2 includes the revised bid sheet BS-2. Item 5 on this revised form requests
pricing for Earthquake insurance to indemnify the District for an Act of God pursuant to PCC
7105. Pursuant to Special Conditions section SC-08, Builder's All Risk Insurance, the
District is to obtain the builder's risk policy and the District has the option to carry
Earthquake/Flood coverage which will be decided at the time of award. Please provide an
amended bid sheet BS-2 to exclude Item 5 for earthquake insurance pursuant to SC-08. Or,
please confirm the District requires all bidders to provide Earthquake Insurance for an Act
of God, which will be in addition to the Builder's All Risk Insurance to be provided by the
A26. Revised Biding package is provided in this addendum.
Q27. The indemnity provision set forth in Section SC-64 of the Special Conditions does not
exclude, sole, or willful negligence of the Owner in accordance with California Civil Code
Section 2782. Please confirm the indemnity required of Contractor will not include the
active, sole and willful negligence of the Owner pursuant to the Code.
A27. The District will abide by the requirements stipulated in CA Civil Code Section 2782.
Q28. Detail 1 on Sheet 01Y03 references "See Note" for Flex Coupling. No note is shown.
Please provide clarification.
A28. Drawing 01Y03 was changed and revision included under Contract Drawings in this
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Specification No. 1197S
Addendum No. 4