TOWN OF BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract 16C-491-0017 Department of Public Works Engineering Division 25 Center Street Burlington MA 01803 (781) 270-1640 April 13, 2016 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division TABLE OF CONTENTS INVITATION FOR BID PROJECT DESCRIPTION INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS FORM OF GENERAL BID ADDENDA BID FORM TOTAL BID PRICE CONTRACTOR REFERENCES CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT SPECIAL CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS APPENDIX A – 3 4 5 10 11 12 12 17 18 19 20 21 36 Specification Sections 01519 Temporary Facilities 01735 Cutting, Coring and Patching 02051 Asbestos Abatement for Buildings 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 15050 Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements 15070 Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints 15600 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning 15900 Building Control Systems 15990 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing 16010 Electrical Work – Basic Requirements 16050 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 16123 Building Conductors and Cables 16442 Panelboards Prevailing Wages Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 2 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division INVITATION FOR BID PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION Sealed Filed Sub Bids for CONTRAT will be received by DPW/Engineering, Town Hall, 25 Center Street, Burlington, Massachusetts, 01803 until 9:00 AM April 28, 2016 and will be publicly opened and read aloud at such time Sealed bids for CONTRACT will be received by DPW/Engineering, Town Hall, 25 Center Street, Burlington, Massachusetts, 01803 until 9:00 AM May 5, 2016 and will be publicly opened and read aloud at such time. • Specifications and bid forms are available on the DPW website site at: ,under the Projects & Programs tab. • Electronic Plans, Specifications, and bid forms may be obtained at the DPW/Engineering, 25 Center Street, Burlington, Massachusetts, 01803 after April 13, 2016 between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM for a fifty ($50.00) dollar nonrefundable reproduction fee. • A bid bond of five (5) percent is required. • Successful bidder will provide 100% Payment and Performance bonds. • This project is bid according to MGL 149. • Prevailing wage shall be paid per MGL 149 SECT. 26-27D Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 3 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division PROJECT DESCRIPTION The work under this contract shall include all equipment, labor, material, supplies, etc. necessary to provide the work described in this contract. HVAC Replacement for the Mt Hope Christian School. 3 McGinnis Dr., Burlington, MA The project is to demolish the existing HVAC system at the Mt Hope Christian School and provide new. The existing HVAC system has 3 Smith cast iron hot water boilers, hot water circulators, unit ventilators, unit heaters, cabinet unit heaters, and pneumatic controls. The HVAC new system will consist of new gas-fired condensing hot water boilers, hot water circulation pumps, blow through hot water unit ventilators, unit heaters, cabinet unit heaters and new web based DDC controls. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 4 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. Receipt and Opening of Bids The Town of Burlington, Massachusetts, herein called the Owner, acting by and through its Department of Public Works, will receive sealed Bids for Furnishing and Installing materials and labor for the replacement of the Burlington Police Stations boilers. Such bids addressed to the DPW/Engineering, Town Hall Annex, 25 Center Street, Burlington, MA 01803, and endorsed Bid for the replacement of the Burlington Police Stations boilers will be received at the Office of the Engineering Division as specified in the invitation for Bids at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof. Any bid received after the time and date specified will not be considered. The bidder agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after opening the bids. 2. Location and Work to be Done The Location of the Work to be done is described in the project description. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, services, materials, equipment, plant, machinery, apparatus, appliances, tools, supplies, and all other things necessary to do all work required for the completion of each item of the Work and as herein specified. The Work to be done and paid for under any item shall not be limited to the exact extent mentioned or described but shall include all incidental work necessary or customarily done for the completion of that item. 3. Preparation of Bid Each bid must be submitted on the prescribed form. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in, in ink or typewritten, in both words and figures. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing on the outside the name of the bidder, his address, and endorsed with the name of the project as specified in Receipt and Opening of Bids. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed as specified in Receipt and Opening of Bids. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 5 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division The following sections need to be filled out and completed as part of the bid package; • Form of General Bid • Acknowledgement of Addenda, if any • Bid Form • Total Bid Price • Contractor Reference • Contractor Certification 4. Bid Opening Procedure The following list of requirements shall apply to each filed bid. Bids not meeting all the requirements for timeliness and security will be rejected without opening; bids not meeting signature and addenda requirements will be rejected prior to checking of bid amounts. Bids shall be filed at the place and before the time specified in Receipt and Opening of Bids. Properly executed bid security shall be placed in a sealed envelope and shall be attached to the outside of the envelope containing the bid. Bid signatures will be checked. The total dollar amount of each bid will be read, and the three apparent lowest bids will be selected for further consideration. These three apparent low bids will be read aloud for the benefit of the other bidders and the bid opening procedure will be closed. All those present at the bid opening may arrange a time to examine all bids after the bid opening and after the reading of the three apparent low bids. 5. Ability and Experience of Bidder No award will be made to any bidder who cannot satisfy the Owner that he has sufficient ability and experience in this class of work and sufficient capital and plant to enable him to complete the work successfully within the time named. The Owner’s decision or judgment on these matters will be final, conclusive, and binding. Bidder shall have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience and have completed satisfactorily five (5) jobs within that time of similar size and scope. All Subcontractors shall have a minimum of five (5) years’ experience and have completed satisfactorily five (5) jobs within that time of similar size and scope. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 6 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division The Contractor must submit with his bid proposal a list of five (5) jobs which he has successfully completed, giving the name and the address of these projects so they can be investigated prior to the award of the contract. The Owner may make such investigations as he deems necessary, and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner, under oath if so required, all such information and data for this purpose as the Owner may request. 6. Condition of Work Each bidder must familiarize himself fully with the conditions relating to the construction of the project and the employment of labor thereon. Failure to do so will not relieve a successful bidder of his obligation to furnish all material and labor necessary to carry out the provisions of his Contract. Insofar as possible the Contractor, in carrying out his work, must employ such methods or means as will not cause any interruption of or interference with the work of any other Contractor. 7. Addenda and Interpretations No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any bidder orally. All information given to bidders other than by means of the plans, specifications, or by addenda, as described below, is given informally and shall not be used as the basis of a claim against the Owner. Every request for such interpretation should be in writing addressed to the DPW/Engineering, Department of Public Works, Town Hall Annex, 25 Center Street, Burlington, MA 01803 and to be given consideration must be received no later than 4:30 PM April 22, 2016. Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the Contract Documents which, when issued, will be mailed by certified mail with return receipt requested to all prospective bidders (at the respective address furnished by them for such purposes), no later than three (3) days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. Failure of any bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such bidder from any obligation under this bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. 8. Laws and Regulations The bidder’s attention is directed to the fact that all applicable State laws, municipal ordinances, and the rules and regulation of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout, and they will be deemed to be included in the Contract the same as though herein written out in full. 9. Information Not Guaranteed Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 7 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division All information given in the Contract Documents relating to unseen conditions, natural phenomena, existing pipes, and other structures is from the best sources at present available to the Owner. All such information is furnished only for the information and convenience of bidders and is not guaranteed. It is agreed and understood that the Owner does not warrant or guarantee that the subsurface or other conditions, natural phenomena, existing pipes, or other structures encountered during construction will be the same as those indicated in the Contract Documents. If is further agreed and understood that no bidder or Contractor shall use or be entitled to use any of the information made available to him or obtained in any examination made by him in any manner as a basis of or ground for any claim or demand against the Owner or the Engineer, arising from or by reason of any variance which may exist between the information made available and the actual subsurface or other structures actually encountered during the construction work, except as may otherwise be expressly provided for in the Contract Documents. 10. Bid Security Each bid must be accompanied by a BID BOND, CASH, or, CERTIFIED CHECK, payable to the Town, in the amount stated in INVITATION TO BID. Such checks will be returned to all except the three (3) lowest responsible and eligible bidders within five (5) days, Saturday, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after the opening of bids, and the remaining checks will be returned promptly after the Owner and the accepted bidder have executed the Contract, or if no notice of intent to award has been presented to the selected contractor within thirty (30) days, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded, after the date of the opening of bids, upon demand of the bidder at any time thereafter. The said amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and the Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner would in such event sustain, and said amount is agreed to be the amount of damages which the Owner would sustain and said amount shall be retained from time to time by the Owner from current periodical estimates. 11. Right to Reject Bid The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or reject any and all bids and alternate bids, should the Owner deem it to be in the public interest to do so. The Owner also reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder that the Owner considers to be unqualified based on the criteria set forth in Article 5 herein. 12. Time for Completion Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 8 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division The bidder must agree to commence work and to fully complete the project within the time limit stated in SPECIAL CONDITIONS. 13. Comparison of Bids In the event that there is a discrepancy in FORM OF GENERAL BID between the lump sum or unit prices written in words and figures, the prices written in words will govern. 14. Rule for Award of Contract The Contract will be awarded to “the lowest responsible and eligible bidder” for the Total Price Bid pursuant to General Laws Chapter 149. Such a bidder shall possess the skill ability and integrity necessary for the faithful performance of the work, shall be able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed, or to be employed, in the work, and shall otherwise comply with all applicable provisions of law. Bidder shall execute formal agreement within ten (10) days of the Notice of Award. 15. Statutes Regulating Competitive Bidding Any bid that does not comply with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 149 as amended, need not be accepted and the Owner may reject every such bid. 16. Wage Rates Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by the Commissioner of Department of Labor and Industries under the provision of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 26 to 27G, as amended, apply to this project. It is the responsibility of the contractor, before bid opening to request if necessary, any additional information on Prevailing Wage Rates for those trades people who may be employed for the proposed work under this contract. State schedules of Prevailing Wage Rates are included in the contract documents. 17. Bid Items Not Guaranteed The successful bidder is not guaranteed all items or the total bid price under this contract. Bidders must understand that like items will be bid under other contracts specifically packaged as one complete project. The successful bidder has no right to similar items bid under other projects. The Town Engineer will specify where and when this contract will be applied to undertake a particular improvement Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 9 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division FORM OF GENERAL BID Bid of ___________________________________ (hereinafter called “Bidder”)* (____) a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the state of ___________. (____) a partnership (____) a joint venture (____) an individual doing business as ___________________________________ To the Town of Burlington, Massachusetts (hereinafter called “Owner”). Gentlemen: The bidder, in compliance with your invitation for bid, examined the Contract Documents and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents within the time set forth in the agreement, and at the prices stated below. These prices are to cover all expenses incurred in performing the work required under the Contract Documents, or which this proposal is a part. ---------------------*Insert corporation, partnership or individual as applicable. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 10 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ADDENDA Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No.______________________Dated:______________________ No.______________________Dated:_______________________ No.______________________Dated:______________________ No.______________________Dated:_______________________ No.______________________Dated:_______________________ Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 11 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division BID FORM TOTAL BID PRICE Total Price Bid: $ Bid Price in Words: Name: Signature: Title: Company: Address: Phone: Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 12 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division FORM FOR SUB-BID ELECTRICAL To All General Bidders Except Those Excluded: A. The undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials required for completing, in accordance with the hereinafter described plans, specifications and addenda, all the work specified in Division 16 of the specifications and in any plans specified in such section, prepared by Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc. for construction of Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement in Burlington, Massachusetts, for the contract sum of Dollars* ($ ). * All entries must be made clearly and in ink. B. This sub-bid includes addenda numbered C. This sub-bid ( . ) may be used by any general bidder except: ( ) may only be used by the following general bidders: (To exclude general bidders, insert "X" in one box only and fill in blank following that box. Do not answer C if no general bidders are excluded.) Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 13 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division D. The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected as a sub-bidder he will, within five (5) days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after presentation of a subcontract by the general bidder selected as the general contractor, execute with such general bidder a subcontract in accordance with the terms of this sub-bid, and contingent upon the execution of the general contract, and, if requested so to do in the general bid by the general bidder, who shall pay the premiums therefor, or if prequalification is required pursuant to section 44D 3/4 , furnish a performance and payment bond of a surety company qualified to do business under the laws of the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the awarding authority, in the full sum of the subcontract price. E. The names of all persons, firms and corporations furnishing to the undersigned labor or labor and materials for the class or classes or part thereof of work for which the provisions of the section of the specifications for this sub-trade require a listing in this paragraph, including the undersigned if customarily furnished by persons on his own payroll and in the absence of a contrary provision in the specifications, the name of each such class of work or part thereto and the bid price for each such class of work or part thereof are: Name Class of Work Bid Price (Do not give bid price for any class or part thereof furnished by undersigned.) F. The undersigned agrees that the above list of bids to the undersigned represents bona fide bids based on the hereinbefore described plans, specifications and addenda and that, if the undersigned is awarded the contract, they will be used for the work indicated at the amounts stated, if satisfactory to the awarding authority. G. The undersigned further agrees to be bound to the General Contractor by the terms of the hereinbefore described plans, specifications, including all general and supplemental general conditions stated therein, and addenda, and to assume toward him all the obligations and responsibilities that he, by those documents, assumes toward the Owner. H. The undersigned offers the following information as evidence of his qualifications to perform the work as bid upon according to all the requirements of the plans and specifications: Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 14 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. Have been in business under present business name 2. Ever failed to complete any work awarded? __________ 3. List one or more recent buildings with names of General Contractor and architect on which you served as a subcontractor for work of similar character as required for the above-named building. Building Architect General Contractor years. Amount of Contract a. b. c. I. The undersigned hereby certifies he is able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed or to be employed on the work; that all employees to be employed at the worksite will have successfully completed a course in construction safety and health approved by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration that is at least 10 hours in duration at the time the employee begins work and who shall furnish documentation of successful completion of said course with the first certified payroll report for each employee: and that he will comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to awards of subcontracts subject to section forty-four F. J. The undersigned understands that all bids for this project are subject to the applicable bidding laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including General Laws Chapter 149, Sections 44A to 44J, as amended. Every sub-bidder must furnish the DCAM Sub-bidder Update Statement with the bid. K. The undersigned agrees to comply with the applicable portions of Division 00 and 01 of the project specifications, and other sections of the specification as referenced. The undersigned also agrees to coordinate all work with that of other trades to avoid conflict of equipment, so that the work of the entire project, including all trades, shall not be delayed or interfered with. L. Bid security in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, treasurer's or cashier's check, payable to the Owner, in a dollar amount of 5 percent of the total bid, in accordance with the conditions in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, has been attached to this bid. M. The successful sub-bidder shall be required to submit to the General Contractor a signed certification showing compliance with the minority manpower ratios and Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 15 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division specific action steps contained in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Equal Employment Opportunity Anti-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Program reprinted in Section 00830 of this specification. N. The undersigned further certifies under the penalties of perjury that this sub-bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this subsection the word "person" shall mean any natural person, joint venture, partnership, corporation or other business or legal entity. The undersigned further certifies under penalty of perjury that the said undersigned is not presently debarred from doing public construction work in the commonwealth under the provisions of section twenty-nine F of chapter twentynine, or any other applicable debarment provisions of any other chapter of the General Laws or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder. Date: (Name of Sub-bidder) By: (Title and Name of Person Signing Bid) (SEAL - if bid is by a corporation) (Business Address) (City and State) (Telephone Number) (Fax Number) Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 16 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division CONTRACTOR REFERENCES The undersigned offers the following information as evidence of his qualifications to perform the work as bid upon according to all the requirements of the plans and specifications. 1. Have been in business under present name for ___years. 2. The names and addresses of all persons interested in the bid (if made by a partnership or corporation) as Principals are as follows: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Attach supplementary list if necessary) 3. The bidder is requested to state below what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed contract he has done, and give references that will enable the Owner to judge his experience, skill and business standing (add supplementary page if necessary). # Completion Project Name Date Contract Amount Reference Name Telephone No. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Bank reference ____________________________ (Name) (Bank) (Address) (Telephone No.) Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 17 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NON-COLLUSION I certify under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted under good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals. TAX COMPLIANCE Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 62C, Section 49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. LABOR HARMONY / OSHA 10-HOUR I will furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed or to be employed in the work, and All employees to be employed in the work subject to this bid have successfully completed a course in construction safety and health approved by the United States Occupational Safety and Health administration that is at least 10 hours in duration. Signature: __________________________________________________________ (Person Signing Bid) ___________________________________________________________________ (Name of Business) Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 18 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, by and between the party of the first part, the Town of Burlington, hereinafter called “OWNER”, acting herein through its Town Administrator, and the party of the second part hereinafter called “CONTRACTOR”. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR hereby agrees with the OWNER to commence and complete the project described by these bid documents hereinafter called the project, for the sum of the contract price and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the Contract Documents; and at his (its and their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said project in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in FORM OF GENERAL BID, GENERAL CONDITIONS, Contract Documents as prepared by the Owner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this contract. $ Contract Price AGREED: Town of Burlington Town Administrator Date Contractor Date Contractor Company Name: Address: In accordance with M.G.L. C. 44, Section 31C, this is to certify than an appropriation in the amount of this contract is available therefore and that the Town Administrator has been authorized to execute the contract and approve all requisitions and change orders. Town Accountant Date Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 19 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. There will be a pre-bid walkthrough for all interested bidders on April 21, 2016, at 10:00 AM at the school. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended. 2. All certified payroll slips must be submitted as part of the pay requisition package for each individual pay requisition request, for each contractor and sub-contractor that has performed work under this contract, up to date of the current pay requisition before the pay requisition will be processed and paid. 3. The Contractor shall have a designated Project Manager, or a designated Foreman, in the field at all times while work is taking place. The Project Manager or designated Foreman shall have the authority to agree on quantities and items with the Engineer and have all decision making ability on behalf of the Contractor. 4. Under this contract the Contractor agrees to complete “Punch List of Items” assembled by the Engineer. 5. Attention is directed to the following parts of the contract; Description Preparation of Bid Experience of Bidders Bid Security Execution, Correlation and Intent Contract Administration Superintendent Project/Progress Schedule Liquidated Damages Project Plans Prevailing Wage Rates Location in Contract Instructions Bidders; Part 3 Instructions to Bidders; Part 5 Instructions to Bidders; Part 10 General Conditions; Article 1 General Conditions; Article 2 General Conditions; Article 4, Section 8 General Conditions; Article 4, Section 9 General Conditions; Article 6 Appendix B Appendix C 6. Summary Table of Important Contract Dates Item Pre-Bid Walkthrough Filed Sub Bid Opening General Bid Opening Completion of Work No Later Than Date April 21, 2016, 10:00 AM April 28, 2016, 9:00 AM May 5, 2016, 9:00 AM September 31, 2016 Amount NA NA N/A N/A Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 20 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division GENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Owner-Contractor Agreement, the Conditions of the Contract (General, and other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to and all Change Orders issued after execution of the Contract, and all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. The Contract Documents include Bidding Documents such as the Advertisement or Invitation to Bid, the Instructions to Bidders, sample forms, the Contractor’s Bid or portions of Addenda relating to any of these, or any other documents, specifically enumerated in the Owner-Contractor Agreement. 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the Contract for Construction. This Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The Contract may be amended or modified only by a written Change Order. 1.1.3 THE WORK The Work comprises the completed construction required by the Contract Documents and includes all labor necessary to produce such construction, and all materials and equipment incorporated in such construction. 1.1.4 THE PROJECT The project is the total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. 1.1.5 OR EQUAL The use of the words “Or Equal” following the name of any manufacturer, vendor or proprietary product shall be understood to mean that articles or materials may be substituted which, in the opinion of the Owner, are equal in quality, durability, appearance, strength, design and performance to the articles or materials named or described and will perform adequately in providing a first-class facility. When submitting shop drawing information on articles or materials which are being proposed as substitutes for specified items, the Contractor shall clearly identify them as such. If the articles or materials are accepted as equal to those on which dimensions on the drawings are based, any dimensional variance from those shown and/or specified shall be shown on the shop drawings prepared by the Contractor, illustrating the manner in which conformity to dimensions and design is to be obtained. All such drawings shall Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 21 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division be subject to the approval of the Owner and the installation of the article shall not proceed without first obtaining said approval. 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT 1.2.1 By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the site, familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the Work is to be performed, and correlated his observations with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.2.2 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. Work not covered in the Contract Documents will not be required unless it is consistent therewith and is reasonably inferable there from as being necessary to produce the intended results. Words and abbreviations which have well-known technical or trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance which such recognized meanings. 1.2.3 The Notice to Proceed will come in the form of a written letter to the Contractor. Once the written Notice to Proceed has been received by the Contractor, that date will be legal start date for work under the Contract. In the event of a failure to issue a Notice to Proceed written document specifying the commencement date, the pre-construction meeting date will serve as the Notice to Proceed date. 1.3 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS 1.3.1 All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by the Owner are and shall remain the Owner’s property. They are to be used only with respect to this Project and are not to be used on any other project without prior written consent of the Owner. With the exception of one contract set for each party to the Contract, such documents are to be returned or suitably accounted for to the Owner at the completion of the Work. Submission or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with the Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of any reserved rights. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 22 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ARTICLE 2 ADMINISTRATION 2.1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT 2.1.1 The designated representative of the Owner or its Engineer will visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Owner’s Representative or Engineer will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. 2.1.2 The Owner shall at all times have access to the Work whenever it is in preparation and progress. The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so the Owner may perform its functions under the Contract Documents. 2.1.3 The Owner shall make payments for completed work, as approved by the Owner, in accordance with AIA. A ten percent retainage will be deducted from periodic payments to the Contractor. 2.1.4 The Owner will render information necessary for the proper execution or progress of the Work within five (5) working days of any request by the contractor or in accordance with any time limit agreed upon. 2.1.5 The Owner will have authority to reject Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever, in his opinion, he considers it necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent of the Contract Documents, he will have authority to require special inspection or testing of the Work whether or not such Work is then fabricated, installed or completed. Any such rejection of work shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for maintaining protection of the Work and the Owner’s property. 2.1.6 The Owner or its Engineer will review and approve or take other appropriate action upon Contractor’s submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for conformance with the design concept of the Work and with the information given in the Contract Documents. Such action shall be taken with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay. The Owner’s approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 23 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 2.1.7 The Owner will conduct inspections to determine the date of Substantial Completion and Final Completion, will review written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Payment. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 24 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ARTICLE 3 OWNER 3.1 DEFINITION 3.1.1 The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the Owner-Contractor Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The term Owner means the Owner or his authorized representative, which for this Project shall be the Town Engineer. 3.1.2 The Engineer for the Project shall be the Weston & Sampson. 3.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 3.2.1 The Owner shall, at the time of execution of the Agreement and any subsequent Change Orders, certify for the Contractor that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner’s obligations under the Contract. 3.2.2 The Owner shall furnish all documents describing the work. 3.2.3 Except as provided in Subparagraph 4.7.1. Owner shall secure and pay for necessary approvals, easements, assessments and charges required for the construction, use or occupancy of permanent structures or for permanent changes in existing facilities. 3.2.4 Information or services under the Owner’s control shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable promptness to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the Work. 3.2.5 The Owner will furnish the Contractor with three (3) copies of all Drawings and Specifications and revisions issued during the progress of the Work; all additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 3.2.6 The Owner, through its designated agent or Engineer, shall forward all instructions directly to the Contractor. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 25 Town of Burlington 3.3 Public Works Construction Engineering Division OWNER’S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK 3.3.1 If the Contractor fails to correct defective Work as required by the Owner or fails to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or if the Owner shall for any other reason so require, the Owner, by a written order signed personally or by an agent specifically so empowered by the Owner in writing, may order the Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated or until further written notice from the Owner; however, this right of the Owner to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the Owner to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other person or entity. The Contractor shall resume the Work after such stoppage promptly upon written notice to do so from the Owner. If such stoppage is required through no fault of the Contractor, the Contract Time (and the dates for achieving Substantial Completion and Final Completion) shall be extended by a period equal to the period of the stoppage, and the Contractor shall be compensated for its reasonable and justifiable cost incurred as a result of such stoppage. 3.4 OWNER’S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK 3.4.1 If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails within seven days after receipt of written notice from the Owner to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other remedy he may have, perform such work or cause such work to be performed and/or make good such deficiencies. In such case an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies, including compensation for additional services made necessary by such default, neglect or failure. If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover the amount, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. 3.5 OWNER’S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT 3.5.1 The Town reserves the right to terminate this Contract at their discretion with thirty (30) with written notice to the contractor. In the event of Contract termination, all finished or unfinished work, or un-used material, already paid for under Contract prices, shall become the property of the Town of Burlington. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 26 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ARTICLE 4 CONTRACTOR 4.1 DEFINITION 4.1.1 The Contractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Owner-Contractor Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The term Contractor means the Contractor or his authorized representative. 4.2 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 4.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and shall at once report to the Owner any error, inconsistency or omission he may discover. The Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner for any damage resulting from errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents which he discovers but shall be liable for damage to the extent he reasonably should have but failed to discover such errors, inconsistencies or omissions. The Contractor shall perform no portion of the Work at any time without Contract Documents or, where required, approved Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples for such portion of the Work. 4.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his best skill and attention which shall not be less than such state of skill and attention generally rendered by the contracting profession for projects similar to the Project in scope, difficulty and location. The Contractor shall maintain adequate supervisory personnel at the Site during the performance of the Work. He shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. 4.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of his employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. This obligation shall also extend to the presence on the Site of suppliers of materials or equipment, their employees, contractors, and agents engaged in the work. 4.3.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved from his obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by the activities or duties of the Owner in its administration of the Contract. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 27 Town of Burlington 4.4 Public Works Construction Engineering Division LABOR AND MATERIALS 4.4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery and service necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work, whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. The water, utilities, and restrooms of the Police Station may be used by the Contractor at no cost unless the Contractor is deemed by the Owner to be wasteful in its use of said services, at which case the cost of these services shall be borne by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 4.4.2 The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the task assigned to him including all persons on the Site controlled directly or indirectly by the Contractor. All Contractor personnel that will actually be required to have a presence on the property of the Police Station will be subject to a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) review. No person will be permitted to perform any work if such person has not had a CORI review completed, or if such review indicates prior criminal offenses. The CORI shall be provided by the Contractor. 4.5 WARRANTY 4.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract will be new and of recent manufacture unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Owner and that all Work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. All Work not conforming to these requirements, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considered defective and, promptly after written notification of non-conformance, shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor with Work conforming to such requirements. If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials and equipment. 4.6 TAXES 4.6.1 The Contractor shall pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes for the Work or portion thereof provided by the Contractor which are legally enacted at the time bids are received, whether or not yet effective. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 28 Town of Burlington 4.7 Public Works Construction Engineering Division PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES 4.7.1 Unless otherwise expressly provided in the SPECIAL CONDITIONS, the Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits and fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work which are customarily secured after execution of the Contract and which are legally required at the time the bids are received, and the same shall at all times be the property of the Owner and shall be delivered to the Owner upon completion of the Project. The cost of Fire Watch shall be a pass though. See Division 15 for further requirements for Fire Watch. 4.7.2 The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with reproductions of all permits, licenses and receipts for any fees paid. The Owner represents that it has disclosed to the Contractor all orders and requirements known to the Owner of any public authority particular to this Contract. 4.7.3 If the Contractor observes that any of the Contract Documents are at variance with applicable laws, statutes, codes and regulations in any respect, he shall promptly notify the Owner in writing, and any necessary changes shall be accomplished by appropriate Modification. 4.7.4 If the Contractor performs any Work which he knows or should know is contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Owner, he shall assume full responsibility therefore and shall bear all costs attributable thereto. 4.8 SUPERINTENDENT 4.8.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent superintendent and necessary assistants who shall be in attendance at the Project site at all times during the progress of the Work. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superintendent shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Important communications shall be confirmed in writing. Other communications shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. 4.9 PROGRESS SCHEDULE Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 29 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4.9.1 The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the Contract, shall prepare and submit for the Owner’s information an estimated progress schedule for the Work. The progress schedule shall be related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Contract Documents, and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the Work. No work shall start without the Project schedule. The Contractor shall submit the project schedule five (5) days prior to start the work. 4.10 DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES AT THE SITE 4.10.1 The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Orders and other Modifications, and “As-Built” Drawings and Specifications in good order and marked currently to record all changes made during construction, and approved Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. These shall be available to the Owner upon completion of the Work. 4.11 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 4.11.1 Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data specially prepared for the Work by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 4.11.2 Product Data are illustrations, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, brochures, diagrams and other information furnished by the Contractor to illustrate a material, product or system for some portion of the Work. 4.11.3 Samples are physical examples which illustrate materials, equipment or workmanship and establish standards by which the Work will be judged. 4.11.4 The Contractor shall review, approve and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of the Owner or any separate contractor, all Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples required by the Contract Documents. 4.11.5 By approving and submitting Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all material, field measurements, and field construction criteria related thereto, or will do so, and that he has checked and Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 30 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division coordinated the information contained within such submittals with the requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. 4.11.6 The Contract shall not be relieved of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements or the Contract Documents by the Owner’s approval of Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples or the Engineer’s approval of the same unless the Contractor has specifically informed the Owner or Engineer in writing of such deviation at the time of submission and the Owner or Engineer has given written approval to the specific deviation. The Contract shall not be relieved from responsibility from errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples by the Owner’s approval thereof. 4.11.7 The Contractor shall direct specific attention, in writing or on resubmitted Shop Drawings, Product Data or Samples, to revisions other than those requested by the Owner or its Engineer on previous submittals. 4.11.8 No portion of the Work requiring submission of a Shop Drawing, Product Data or Sample shall be commenced until the submittal has been approved by the Owner or Engineer. All such portions of the Work shall be in accordance with approved submittals. 4.12 USE OF SITE 4.12.1 The Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the site with any materials or equipment. 4.13 CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WORK 4.13.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting or patching that may be required to complete the Work or to make its several parts fit together properly. 4.13.2 The Contractor shall not damage or endanger any portion of the Work or the work of the Owner or any separate contractors by cutting, patching or otherwise altering any work or by excavation. The Contractor shall not cut or otherwise alter the work of the Owner or any separate contractor except with the written consent of the Owner and of such separate contractor. The Contractor shall not unreasonably withhold from the Owner or any separate contractor his consent to cutting or otherwise altering the Work. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 31 Town of Burlington 4.14 Public Works Construction Engineering Division CLEANING UP 4.14.1 The Contractor at all times shall keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of the Work he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as well as all his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials and the Project shall be thoroughly cleaned and ready for immediate occupancy by the Owner. 4.14.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up at the completion of the Work, the Owner may do so as provided in Paragraph 3.4 and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Contractor. 4.15 COMMUNICATIONS 4.15.1 The Contract shall forward all communications to the Owner through its Town Engineer, Weston & Sampson. 4.16.2 The Contractor shall at all times have a designated representative in the field that is authorized to act on behalf and make decisions for the Contractor under this contract agreement. 4.16 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS 4.16.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. He shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Owner shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but if the Contractor believes or has reason to believe that the design, process or product specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the Owner, and thereafter the Owner insists on the use of the design, process or products specified. 4.17 INDEMNIFICATION 4.17.1 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, the Engineer and their agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (1) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 32 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting there from, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified there under. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or otherwise reduce any other right or of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to any party or person described in this Paragraph 4.17. 4.17.2 In any and all claims against the Owner the Engineer or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Paragraph 4.17 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under workers’ or workmen’s compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 4.17.3 The obligations of the Contractor under this paragraph 4.17 shall not extend to the liability of the Owner, the Engineer, their agents or employees, arising out of (1) the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications, or (2) written directions or instructions given by the Owner, the Engineer, their agents or employees, provided they are the sole cause of the injury or damage. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 33 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ARTICLE 5 INSURANCE Contractor shall provide insurance as specified below: GENERAL LIABILITY Includes: • Comprehensive form • Premises/Operations • Products / Completed Operations • Independent Contractors • Broad Form Property Damage • Personal Injury Each Occurrence Aggregate $1,000,000 $2,000,000 Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined $1,000,000 Automobile Liability Includes: • All Owned Vehicles • Hired Vehicles • Non-owned Vehicles Workers Compensation & Employers Liability • As Required by State of Massachusetts Each Accident Bodily Injury by Disease (Policy Limit) Bodily Injury by Disease (Each Employee) $100,000 $500,000 $100,000 Additional Insurance / Requirements • The Town of Burlington Shall be named as Additional Insured Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 34 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division ARTICLE 6 LIQUDATED DAMAGES 6.1 LIQUDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor shall neglect, fail or refuse to complete the work within the time herein specified, or any proper extension thereof granted by the Owner, then the Contractor does hereby agree, as a part consideration for the awarding of this Contract, to provide a source of sufficient hot water to heat the building. Should the Contractor fail to provide heat, the Owner will procure an emergency source of heat for the building and back charge the cost of providing heat, including any administrative costs of procuring a heat source. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 35 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division APPENDIX A – Specifications, Plans, Prevailing Wage, Details, etc. Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Contract # 16C-491-0017 Bid Opening 5/5/16 at 9:00am 36 Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 01519 TEMPORARY FACILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK: A. 1.02 The requirements made under this Section are applicable to all work contemplated under this contract. TEMPORARY FACILITIES: A. A portion of the boiler room will be furnished to the Contractor for use as a project office, laydown area, and tool and equipment storage. 1.03 UTILITIES: A. The Contractor will be allowed to use the Town’s electricity, water, and a designated toilet facility to the extent the services are deemed to not be abused. The Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning the designated toilet facilities on a daily basis to the sole satisfaction of the Owner or the Owners Representative. If in the sole opinion of the Owner or the Owner’s Representative any or all of the utilities or toilet facilities are being abused or not properly cared for, the Contractor’s right to use the utilities or toilets will be terminated and the contractor shall bare all costs associated will providing his own utilities and toileting facilities at no additional cost to the owner. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (NOT APPLICABLE) PART 3 – EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\01519 - Temp. Facilities.docx 09/21/2011 01519-1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 01735 CUTTING, CORING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: This Section covers the cutting, coring, rough and finish patching of holes and openings in existing structures. 1.02 RELATED WORK: A. SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALING MATERIALS: A. Mechanical seals shall be modular, adjustable, bolted, mechanical type consisting of interlocking synthetic rubber links shaped to continuously fill the annular space between the pipe and sleeve. The seal shall be rated by the manufacturer for 40 feet of head or 20 psig. Mechanical seals shall be Link-Seal, manufactured by Thunderline Corp., Wayne, MI., or approved equal. B. Sealant shall be a two part foamed silicone elastomer as manufactured by Dow Corning Co., product No. 3-6548 silicone R.T.V.; 3M brand fire barrier products caulk C.P. 25 and 3M brand putty 303; Flame-Safe fire stop systems Fig. No. FS-500 by Thomas & Betts Corporation, or approved equal. Packing shall be a fire retardant pliable material, Fig. 310 by Sealtite Co.; White Oakum W.S.-600 by American Manufacturing Co., or approved equal. Sealant bead configuration, depth and width shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS: A. Bonding compound shall be Sikadur Hi-Mod epoxy by Sika Corporation, or equivalent by Euclid Chemical Corporation, Master Builders Company, or approved equal. B. Non-shrink grout shall be Masterflow 713 by Master Builders Company; Euco N-S by Euclid Chemical Co.; Five Star Grout by U.S. Grout Corp. or approved equal. C. Materials for finish patching shall be equal to those of adjacent construction. 09/13/2011 01735-1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. The Contractor shall leave all chases or openings for the installation of his own or any other contractor's or subcontractor's work, or shall cut the same in existing work, and shall see that all sleeves or forms are at the work and properly set in ample time to prevent delays. He shall see that all such chases, openings, and sleeves are located accurately and are of proper size and shape and shall consult with the Engineer and the contractors and subcontractors concerned in reference to this work. B. In case of his failure to leave or cut all such openings or have all such sleeves provided and set in proper time, Contractor shall cut them or set them afterwards at his own expense, but in so doing he shall confine the cutting to the smallest extent possible consistent with the work to be done. In no case shall piers or structural members be cut without the written consent of the Engineer. C. The Contractor shall not cut or alter the work of any subcontractor or any other contractor, nor permit any of his subcontractors to cut or alter the work of any other contractor or subcontractor, except with the written consent of the contractor or subcontractor whose work is to be cut or altered or with the written consent of the Engineer. All cutting and patching or repairing made necessary by the negligence, carelessness, or incompetence of the Contractor or any of his subcontractors shall be done by or at the expense of the Contractor and shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. D. All cutting and coring shall be performed in such a manner as to limit the extent of patching. E. All holes cut through concrete and masonry walls, slabs or arches shall be core drilled unless otherwise approved. No structural members shall be cut without the approval of the Engineer and all such cutting shall be done in a manner required by him. No holes may be drilled in beams or other structural members without obtaining prior approval. All work shall be performed by mechanics skilled in this type of work. 3.02 CORING: A. Coring shall be performed with an approved non-impact rotary tool with diamond core drills. Size of holes shall be suitable for pipe, conduit, sleeves, equipment or mechanical seals to be installed. B. If holes are cored through floor slabs they shall be drilled from below. C. All equipment shall conform to OSHA standards and specifications pertaining to plugs, noise and fume pollution, wiring and maintenance. 09/13/2011 01735-2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division D. Provide protection for existing equipment, utilities and critical areas against water or other damage caused by drilling operation. E. Slurry or tailings resulting from coring operations shall be vacuumed or otherwise removed from the area following drilling. 3.03 CUTTING: A. Cutting shall be performed with a concrete saw and diamond saw blades of proper size and application. B. Provide for control of slurry generated by sawing operation on both sides of wall or slab. C. When cutting a reinforced concrete wall, the cutting shall be done so as not to damage bond between the concrete and reinforcing steel left in the structure. Cut shall be made so that steel neither protrudes nor is recessed from the face of the cut. D. Adequate bracing of area to be cut shall be installed prior to start of cutting. Check area during sawing operations for partial cracking and provide additional bracing as required to prevent a partial release of cut area during sawing operations. E. Provide equipment of adequate size to remove cut panel. F. For cutting a trench in a floor slab, a full-depth cut shall be made using a concrete saw for the desired width of the trench. A partial-depth cut shall be made to expose the reinforcing bars. The width of the partial cut shall be to the required lap length of the reinforcing bars. Care shall be taken not to cut exposed reinforcing bars but if any are cut, dowel holes shall be drilled and dowels epoxied in. Reinforcing of the same size, as the existing shall be tied to the existing exposed reinforcing and/or dowels with the proper lap length. 3.04 PATCHING: Rough patching shall be such as to bring the cut or cored area flush with existing construction unless otherwise shown. Finish patching shall match existing surfaces as approved. Trenches in floor slabs shall be repaired as described in 3.03F above and concrete meeting the requirements of Section 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE shall be poured and cured. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\01735 Cutting, Coring, and Patching.docx 09/13/2011 01735-3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 02051 ASBESTOS ABATEMENT FOR BUILDINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all sections within DIVISION 1-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, which are hereby made part of this Section of the Specifications. B. Equality of material, article, assembly or system other than those named or described in this Section shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. C. Examine all conditions as they exist at the project before submitting a bid for the work of this Section. D. All provisions of this Section relating to the health and safety of workers and the public, as well as protection of the environment are minimum standards. The Contractor and the asbestos abatement contractor are responsible for determining whether any additional and/or more stringent protective measures are required by any legal requirements or prudent conservative work practices, and implementing such measures if deemed necessary. Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to relieve the Contractor and the asbestos abatement contractor from any liability with respect to any such legal requirements or requirement of prudent conservative practice. E. Should renovation/demolition activities, as performed by the Contractor, uncover materials not readily identified as non-asbestos-containing, the material should be assumed to be asbestos-containing until classified otherwise. Removal should be performed in compliance with all requirements outlined in the Department of Labor and Work Force Development (DLWD) 453 CMR 6.00; NESHAP 40 CFR 61; and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, including all applicable local ordinances. F. All work under this Section shall be performed by a contractor holding a current Massachusetts Department of Labor and Work Force Development (DLWD) asbestos abatement contractor's license. The asbestos abatement contractor shall furnish all labor, worker training, materials, equipment, and services for the complete and proper removal and disposal of asbestos-containing materials, as Specified in Section 1.02 of this Specification. H. For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions apply: 02051-1 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division "Site" shall refer to the Mt Hope Christian School. "Contractor" shall refer to the asbestos abatement contractor. "Engineer" shall refer to the Weston and Sampson Engineers, Inc. "Owner" shall refer to the Town of Burlington, MA. 1.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK - GENERAL: Provide labor, materials, and equipment to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to: 1. Removal and disposal of all specified asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and specified non-ACM materials, as indicated in Section 1.03, in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Section. This shall include the removal and disposal of asbestos-containing asphalt-based tar pitch material, exterior window caulking, and specified non-ACM material either contaminated with asbestos, or deemed necessary to access asbestos-containing materials. All quantities of ACM will be verified by the Engineer, and agreed upon by the Owner, before any work area preparations. 2. Work area preparations, including pre-cleaning, installation of critical barriers and polyethylene sheeting, construction of decontamination facilities, work area enclosures, sealing, isolation, and other activities. 3. Protection of non-ACM materials and equipment inside the limits of the work areas. 8. Decontamination and clean up following removal activities in each designated work area. 9. Performance of any other work or activities required by this Specification, applicable regulations, or as necessary to perform a complete job. 10. Compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, as well as all requirements set forth in these Specifications and facility requirements. 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK - DETAILED: A. The following is the approximate location of asbestos-containing materials that may be removed, in accordance with this Section, and the unit price schedule: LOCATION Insert Location ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIAL Insert Description of Material(s) Boiler Room 3 Smith Cast Iron Sectional Boilers, Pipe Flange Gaskets 02051-2 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division B. If the above asbestos-containing materials are to be impacted by planned renovations, the quantities will be verified by the Engineer and agreed upon by the Owner, before project initiation. 1.04 RELATED WORK: A. Related work specified elsewhere: Examine all Drawings and all other Sections of the Specifications for requirements of related sections affecting the work of this Section, including, but not limited to: 1. Division 15 Mechanical Work B. The work of this Section shall be performed as stated herein. In performing the work of this Section, the Contractor shall refer to Division 1 for additional procedures. The Contractor is responsible for the coordination of the work of this section with other related work. 1.05 SEQUENCE OF WORK: A. The following is a typical sequence of work that the Contractor shall adhere to during the asbestos abatement project. Engineer may authorize deviations from this typical sequence based upon the specific conditions encountered during the project. 1. Post all required signage. 2. Isolate work area from unauthorized access. 3. Prepare the specified Work Area as described in Part 3 of this Section. 4. Construct decontamination unit, and any other construction needed to complete the work area, as described in this Section. 5. Request Engineer to inspect work area preparation, and obtain Engineer approval before beginning removal work. 6. Remove and dispose all asbestos-containing materials as required by these Specifications. 7. Decontaminate the work area upon completion of removal. 8. Request Engineer to perform a final visual inspection to assure that no visible debris exists in the work area. Contractor shall re-clean the work areas as needed until they pass a visual inspection by Engineer. 02051-3 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.06 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 9. Remove all work area barriers, equipment, polyethylene sheeting, etc. and clean any areas as described in this Section. 10. Submit all materials as required at the post abatement removal meeting not more than thirty days after completion of asbestos removal work. ESTIMATES: A. Section 1.03 represents a brief description of the location of asbestos-containing materials. This data is provided for informational purposes only, and is based on the best information available at the time of specification preparation. Nothing in this section may be interpreted as limiting the scope of work otherwise required by this contract and related documents. B. The quantities and location of ACM and the extent of work included in this section are only best estimates that are limited by the physical constraints imposed by occupancy of the buildings. 1.07 COORDINATION AND PHASING OF WORK: A. Contractor shall coordinate all work in this Section with all other work of this Project. Where additional regulatory requirements apply to the work in this Section, the Contractor shall ensure compliance with all requirements. B. Contractors work schedule must be coordinated with, and acceptable to the Owner. Contractor shall work continuously and diligently in each work area on the days and during the hours indicated on their work schedule C. Contractor shall cooperate fully with other Contractors at the facility. D. Contractor shall subdivide work areas and/or otherwise provide additional containments and mobilization where and when necessary to accomplish asbestos abatement in accordance with the project phasing, as determined and specified by the Owner. 1.08 SUBMITTALS: A. PRE-ABATEMENT MEETING: The Contractor shall meet with the Owner and the Engineer for a Pre-Abatement meeting before commencing work on the project. At the meeting, the Contractor shall be represented by authorized representatives and the field supervisor who shall run the project on a daily basis, and who shall present evidence that all requirements for initiation of the work have been met. The minimum agenda for the meeting shall be: 1. Review of "Pre-Job Submittals". 02051-4 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 2. Channels of communication. 3. Abatement schedule, including sequence of critical work. 4. Designation of responsible personnel. 5. Procedures for safety, security, quality controls, housekeeping, and related matters. 6. Use of premises, facilities, and utilities. B. PRE-JOB SUBMITTALS: The Contractor shall provide two copies of the following Pre-Job Submittals at the Preabatement Conference: 1. Copies of all notifications, permits, applications, personal licenses and like documents required by Federal, State, or local regulations obtained or submitted in proper fashion, 2. List of employees to be used on this project. 3. Copies of applicable OSHA Training certificates for proposed asbestos abatement staff pursuant to Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). 4. Copies of OSHA 10-hour construction safety and health training documentation for all proposed asbestos abatement staff that will work on the site. 5. Copies of medical records as required by OSHA or a notarized statement by examining medical doctor that such examinations took place and when for each employee to be used on project, 6. Record of successful respiratory fit test performed by a Competent person (as defined by OSHA) within the previous 6 months, as required elsewhere in the documents for each employee to be used on this project, 7. Certificate of Insurance, 8. Proposed respiratory program for employees throughout all phases of the job, including make, model and NIOSH approval numbers of respirators to be used, 9. Written description of all procedures, methods, or equipment to be utilized by the Contractor that differs from the Contract Specifications, including manufacturers specifications on any equipment not specified for use by the Contract Specifications, 10. Proposed electrical safeguards to be implemented, including but not limited to location of transformers, GFCI outlets, lighting, etc., necessary to safely perform the 02051-5 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division job, including a description of an electrical hazards safety plan for common practices in the work area, 11. A list of all equipment to be used on site, by make and model, including negative pressure equipment, HEPA vacuums, Water Atomizing Devices, etc., 12. Chain of Command of responsibility at work site including supervisors, foreman, and competent person, their names, resumes and certificates of training, 13. Contractor's testing lab, AIHA PAT proficiency, and Certification in the State where work site is located, 14. Abatement schedule detailing phasing, including approximate days per phase, for asbestos abatement of all materials included under the base bid. C. POST-CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTALS: 1.09 1. Submittals shall be prepared in accordance with Section 01300-‘SUBMITTALS’ 2. The Contractor shall submit the following to the Engineer within thirty (30) days after completion of the project: a. Manifests and waste receipts acknowledging disposal of all waste material from the project showing delivery date, quantity, and appropriate signature of landfill's authorized representative, b. A copy of the entry-exit logbook required elsewhere in these specifications, c. All personnel monitoring results as required by OSHA and elsewhere in these specifications, d. Copy of licenses, medical, and fit tests of all workers and supervisors who performed work on the project, e. All notifications as required elsewhere in these specifications. REFERENCE STANDARDS, REGULATIONS AND CODES: A. All work shall be performed strictly according to the Specifications contained herein and with the regulations cited in this Article. The Contractor and all sub-contractors undertaking asbestos abatement work and persons in their employ shall comply with and be bound to requirements of the following Federal, State, and Local standards, regulations and codes. These standards and codes shall be by reference made part of this Section and shall be complied with. Whenever regulations are conflicting, the more stringent regulation will prevail. 02051-6 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. US Department of Labor; Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. (Particular attention is drawn to the Asbestos Regulations: CFR Title 29, Part 1910, Sec. 1910.1001 and Part 1926, Sec. 1926.1101, and the Respirator Regulations; CFR Title 29, Part 1910, Sec. 1910.134 and the Hazard Communication Program, CFR Title 29, Part 1910.1200). 2. US Environmental Protection Agency, CFR, Title 40, Part 61, Subparts A and M, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Asbestos NESHAP Revision; Final Rule, Dated Tuesday, November 20, 1990. 3. US Environmental Protection Agency; TSCA Title II, Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA), 40 CFR Part 763 Subpart E - "AsbestosContaining Materials in Schools" and also 40 CFR, Part 763, Subpart G - "Worker Protection Rule". 4. US Department of Transportation regulations, 49 CFR Parts 172 and 173. 5. All Commonwealth of Massachusetts laws, regulations and standards, including the regulations 453 CMR 6.00 "The Removal, Containment or Encapsulation of Asbestos" and 310 CMR 7.15 "Asbestos", 18.00 and 19.00 and MGL Chapter 21E. 6. Other Federal, State and local statutes, ordinances, regulations, or rules pertaining to this Section and the work described herein, including the storage, transportation and disposal of asbestos. B. All regulations by these and other governing agencies in their most recent version are applicable. These specifications refer to many requirements found in these references, but in no way intend to cite or reiterate all provisions therein or elsewhere. It is the contractor's responsibility to know, understand, and abide by all such regulations and common practices. The Owner at his own discretion may from time to time during the execution of this contract enforce other provisions contained in these references. 1.10 REGULATORY SUBMITTALS: A. The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all necessary permits for asbestos related work, including hauling, removal, and disposal, fire, and materials usage, or any other permits required to perform the specified work. B. The Contractor shall notify the following agencies in appropriate manner and place of impending work, and shall provide evidence of notifications at the pre-construction conference: 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, J. F. Kennedy Federal Building Boston, Massachusetts 02203 02051-7 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division (10 working days in advance) 1.11 2. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air and Hazardous Materials (10 working days in advance) Send Notification to: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Asbestos Program P.O. Box 120087 Boston, Massachusetts 02112-0087 3. Massachusetts Department of Labor and Work Force Development Asbestos Control Unit (10 working days in advance) 4. Town of Burlington, MA Fire Department, Inspectional Services Department, Office of Health and Hospitals, and other state or city agencies as required by law or ordinance. PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Working space and space available for storing materials is restricted within the confines of the project and as shown in the Drawings. B. Provide access and personal protective equipment, to the Engineer and his SubConsultant. C. Schedule the use of existing utilities with the Owner. No utility service, fire protection system, or communication system may be interrupted without prior approval of the Owner and Engineer. D. Water, electric power, lighting and other utilities, toilets, and other facilities shall be provided by the Contractor from existing sources where Contractor's use is not excessive and does not interfere with buildings normal use. Where existing utilities of the development are not adequate or cannot be used, the Contractor is responsible for providing alternative sources. The use of the building's utilities shall be coordinated through the Owner. E. Post and affix caution signs and labels as required by OSHA regulation, 29.CFR.1926.1101 (k) (1). Post safety signs outside the work project as may be required by the Owner. Obtain two copies of 29.CFR.1910.1001, 29.CFR.1926.1101, 40.CFR.61, Subpart M, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Regulations 453 CMR 6.00 and 310 CMR 7.00, and post one copy at the job site and retain one copy on file. 02051-8 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington F. 1.12 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Post at the job site, or at the entrance to each independent Work Area, one copy of all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) of all chemicals and other substances to be used on this contract. These sheets shall be made available to the Engineer for review. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. All work-site preparations and practices will be conducted in accordance with all Federal, Massachusetts and appropriate City/town and other local regulations, standards and codes pertaining to worker health protection, protection of the public health and the environment, including current US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), US Department of Transportation (DOT), Massachusetts Department of Labor and Work Force Development (DLWD), Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), local and all other Federal, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and local regulations pertaining to asbestos removal, its transportation and disposal. B. All operations involving exposure to airborne asbestos fiber shall be carried out according to the requirements of Part 3. C. The Sub-Consultant will render certain technical services to the Engineer during the Work, including without limitation, the services described at 453 CMR. 6.07 (5) and described within this Section. All services performed by such Representative shall be considered advisory to, and for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Owner. The Contractor acknowledges that the Sub-Consultant is an independent contractor of the Engineer and agrees that no act or omission by such Engineer, and no communication by said " Engineer", shall be deemed in any manner to alter or modify the terms of this Contract, or to waive any provision hereof, or to bind Owner, unless specifically agreed upon by Owner in a signed written instrument. D. Prior to use of any design, device, material, method of operation, or process covered by letters patent or copyright, the right for such use shall be secured by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or Owner of the letters patent or copyright. No arrangement involving letters patent or copyright is acceptable, if subsequent payment for permanent use following completion of the work is required or implied. 1.13 QUALITY CONTROL: A. The Owner may retain the services of the Engineer and the Sub-Consultant to provide project administration, monitoring of Contractor work practices and performance, inspection of the work-sites, bulk fiber identification, and air sampling and analysis throughout the asbestos removal project. B. AIR MONITORING: 02051-9 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. Background (pre-testing) air and appropriate dust samples may be taken to represent conditions before the Contractor starts masking and sealing operations. 2. During removal, area samples may be collected by the Owner or his agent in the building proximate to those areas where removal of asbestos-containing materials is ongoing. Contractor shall be responsible for all OSHA personal sampling. 3. A Final Visual Inspection of the work area may be conducted by the Owner or his agent to insure no visible asbestos debris exists in the work area, prior to demobilizing from the work area. C. WORK REVIEW: 1. Outside work area, airborne fiber concentrations must not exceed 0.010 fibers/cc or pre-abatement levels, whichever is greater. If concentrations exceed this level, the work must be stopped, conditions reviewed as to the probable cause, and then corrected. A description of procedures regarding fiber concentrations greater than 0.010 fibers/cc outside the containment can be found above. D. INSPECTIONS: 1. 1.14 The Engineer will conduct a pre-abatement inspection. The Engineer will also conduct periodic inspections during abatement. The Engineer will conduct a final visual inspection. PERSONAL PROTECTION: A. RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: 1. Personal protection, in the form of disposable Tyvek suits, and NIOSH approved respirators, are required for mechanics, contractor supervision, Engineer and visitors at the work site during the set-up, removal, and cleaning operations. Contractor shall provide all this protective equipment for workers, Engineer, Sub-Consultant, and authorized personnel to access this work site. 2. Each worker shall be supplied with a minimum of two complete disposable uniforms everyday. Removal workers shall not be limited to two uniforms. Supply additional uniforms as is necessary. Under no circumstances will anyone entering the work area be allowed to reuse a contaminated uniform. 3. Work clothes shall consist of disposable full body suits, head covers, gloves, footwear, and eye protection. 4. Supply workers and supervisory personnel with NIOSH approved protective respirators and HEPA/filters. Appropriate respirator selection shall be determined 02051-10 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division by the daily personnel samples being taken and strictly follow the guidelines set forth in the OSHA respiratory program 29 CFR 1910.134 and the Massachusetts DLWD Regulations 453 CMR 6.00. The respirators shall be sanitized and maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. Appropriate respirators shall be selected using the information provided in OSHA Title 29 CFR Part 1910.1926 Final Rules. Disposable respirators shall not be considered acceptable in any circumstance. The Contractor will maintain on site a sufficient supply of disposable HEPA/filters to allow workers and supervisory personnel to change contaminated filters at least three (3) times daily. The Contractor is solely responsible for means and methods used and for compliance with applicable regulations. 5. Respirators shall be individually assigned to removal workers for their exclusive use. All respiratory protection shall be provided to workers in accordance with the written submitted respiratory protection program, which includes all items in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) (1-11) A copy of this program shall be kept at the worksite, and shall be posted in the Clean Room of the Decontamination Unit. 6. Workers must perform negative and positive pressure fit tests each time a respirator is put on, whenever the respirator design so permits. 7. Workers shall be given a qualitative fit test in accordance with procedures detailed in the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134, Qualitative Fit Test Protocols for all respirators to be used on this abatement project. An appropriately administered quantitative fit test may be substituted for the qualitative fit test. 8. Upon leaving the active work area, pre-filters shall be discarded, cartridges removed, and respirators cleaned in disinfectant solution and clean water rinse. Clean respirators shall be stored in plastic bags when not in use. The contractor shall inspect respirators daily for broken, missing, or damaged parts. 9. Provide daily personal sampling to check personal exposure levels for the purpose of establishing respiratory protection needs. Samples shall be taken for the duration of the work shift or for eight hours, whichever is less. Personal samples need not be taken every day after the first day if working conditions remain invariant, but must be taken every time there is a change in the removal operation, either in terms of the location or the type of work. Sampling will be to determine eight-hour TimeWeighted-Averages (TWA). The contractor is responsible for personal sampling as outlined in OSHA Standard 1926.1001. 10. Sampling personnel shall be proficient in the taking of air samples under NIOSH 7400, and must be supervised by an individual who has completed the training course NIOSH 572 or equivalent. 11. Air sampling results shall be available at the job site in written form no more than twenty-four (24) hours after the completion of a sampling cycle. The document 02051-11 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division shall list each sample's result, sampling time and date, person monitored, flow rate, sample duration, microscope field area, number of fibers per fields counted, cassette size and analysts name and company. Air sample analysis results will be reported in fibers per cubic centimeter. B. WORK PROCEDURES: In order to avoid possible exposure to dangerous levels of asbestos, and to prevent possible contamination of areas outside the demarcated work zone, work shall follow the guidelines listed below. 1.15 1. Before leaving the work area, the worker shall remove all gross contamination and debris from the coveralls. In practice, this is carried out by one worker assisting another. 2. All equipment used by the workers inside the demarcated work zone shall be either left in the Dirty Room of the Decontamination Unit or thoroughly decontaminated before being removed from the area. Extra work clothing (that in addition to the disposable garment) shall be left in the Dirty Room of the Decontamination Unit until the completion of work in that area. 3. As stated in Section 3.01(D) (Decontamination Unit and Procedures), all persons leaving the removal area must decontaminate before leaving the demarcated work area. 4. Under no circumstance shall workers or supervisory personnel be allowed to eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, or chew tobacco in the work area. Only in the case of life threatening emergency shall workers or supervisory personnel be allowed to remove their protective respirators while in the work area. In this situation, respirators are to be removed for as short a duration as possible. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: A. Storage - Limited storage space may be provided by the Owner for this project and inside the building. Contractor will supply any additional temporary storage as needed. All materials and equipment are to be kept in orderly fashion in designated areas, free and clear of high traffic areas and doorways, and in conformance with all regulations, codes, and in consideration of building usage. Contractor will be allowed to store waste in a waste dumpster on-site, to be coordinated with the Owner. B. Working Hours - Working hours are specified in Division 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. C. Security - The Owner will provide specific access as required during the project to the Contractor and personnel assigned to the project. The Contractor will be responsible for the security of the section of the building involved in the abatement project. It will also 02051-12 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division be the Contractor's responsibility to allow only authorized personnel into the work area, and to secure all assigned entrances and exits at the end of the workday. Any person entering or leaving the contained areas must sign the Contractor's bound logbook and enter the date and time. The logbook must be located immediately outside the entrance to the Decontamination Unit at all times, and be open for inspection by the Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: A. Wetting Agents: The wetting agent shall be approved by the Engineer. B. Sealants: Sealing material shall be both penetrating and bridging and may be applied by a one or two coat system and shall meet the following criteria: 1. ASTM Standard E-84. 2. Underwriter's Laboratory approval for Class 1A 3. Fire Rating: Class A a. Flame Spread: 0-25 b. Fuel contribution: 10 c. Smoke Density: 5 C. Containment Bags: Upon approval of the Engineer, containment bags may be utilized for the removal of pipe insulation. Removal shall be as manufacturers instructions and as described in these specifications. D. Framing Materials and Doors: As required to construct temporary decontamination facilities and critical barriers. E. Fire Retardant Clear Polyethylene Sheeting, minimum thickness 8 mil. F. Fire Retardant Black Plastic Sheeting, minimum thickness 6 mil. G. Drums: Asbestos-transporting drums, sealable and clearly marked with warning labels as required by OSHA and EPA. H. Plastic Bags: Sealable, asbestos disposal bags, mm. 6 mil. thick and labeled I. Signs: Asbestos warning signs for posting at perimeter of work area, as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1101(k)(1)CIIi). J. Tape: Tape shall be high quality polyethylene film as approved by the Engineer. 02051-13 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division K. Contamination Control Flooring: As approved. L. Spray Adhesive: As approved. M. Respirators: NIOSH approved with HEPA cartridges. N. Disposable Coveralls: As approved. 2.02 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: A. Air Filtration Device (AFD): Air Filtration Devices shall be equipped with High Efficiency Particulate Absolute (HEPA) filtration systems. B. Scaffolding: Scaffolding, as required to accomplish the specified work, shall meet all applicable safety regulations. C. Transportation Equipment: Transportation Equipment, as required, shall be suitable for loading, temporary storage, transit and unloading of contaminated waste without exposure to persons or property. Waste material shall be stored in 30 cubic yard closed dumpsters. D. Vacuum Equipment: All vacuum equipment utilized in the work area shall utilize HEPA filtration systems. Vacuum equipment shall be as manufactured by Nilfisk of America of Malvern, Pennsylvania, Norclean Vacuum Systems distributed by Power Products and Services Co., Inc., Forest, Virginia or approved equal. E. Vacuum attachments: Soft brush attachment, Asbestos Scraper Tool, Drill Dust Control Kit. F. Electric Sprayer: An electric airless sprayer suitable for application of encapsulating material. G. Water Sprayer: The water sprayer shall be an airless or other low-pressure sprayer for amended water application. H. Portable Shower: For personnel decontamination. I. Water Atomizer: Powered air misting device equipped to operate continuously. J. Other Tools and Equipment: Provide other suitable tools for the stripping, removal, encapsulation, and disposal activities including but not limited to hand-held scrapers, wire brushes, sponge, rounded-edge shovels, brooms, and carts. 02051-14 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: A. APPROVALS AND INSPECTION: All temporary facilities, work procedures, equipment, materials, services, and agreements must strictly adhere to and meet these contract specifications along with EPA, OSHA, NIOSH, regulations and recommendations as well as any other federal, state, and local regulations. Where there exists overlap of these regulations, the most stringent one applies. Modifications to these isolation and sealing methods, procedures, and design may be considered if all elements of proper and safe procedures to prevent contamination and exposure can be demonstrated. Written modifications to these specifications must be made to the Engineer for review before they can be used for work on this project. B. DAMAGE AND REPAIRS TO THE WORK SITE: Asbestos removal and disposal shall be performed without damage to the building, including, but not limited to, structural members, ceilings, walls, etc. Contractor shall provide protection of these items and materials as part of the work area preparation. Where asbestos abatement activity causes damage, the Contractor shall patch, repair, replace or otherwise restore the area to its original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. C. BARRIERS AND ISOLATION AREAS: Construct and maintain suitable critical barriers within the building to separate work areas from spaces occupied by the Owner. Critical barriers shall be of sufficient size and strength to prevent staff, residents, the public and others from entering the work areas. Warning signs shall be posted on all critical barriers at the commencement of the work area preparation, as required in 1926.1101 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 119, June 20, 1986. The signs shall display the proper legend in the lower panel, with letter sizes and styles of a visibility at least equal to that specified in OSHA Standard 1926.1101.(k)(1)(ii). The signs will read as follows: DANGER ASBESTOS CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RESPIRATOR AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING REQUIRED IN THIS AREA 02051-15 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division The signs shall be posted at the perimeters of asbestos removal, demolition or construction areas where the asbestos-containing material to be removed exists. The Contractor shall maintain all temporary and critical barriers, facilities and controls as long as needed for the safe and proper completion of the work. Work will not be allowed to commence until all control systems are in place and operable. No barriers shall be removed until the work areas are thoroughly cleaned and all debris has been properly bagged and removed from work areas, and the area has passed final visual inspection, in accordance with provisions detailed herein. D. DECONTAMINATION UNIT AND PROCEDURES: A remote two-stage decontamination unit shall be constructed in conformance with requirements set forth in OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101, and may be used at the approval of the Engineer for the removal of asbestos-containing exterior roofing and/or window materials to be removed in accordance with all applicable Sections of this specification. A "two stage" unit resembles the "three-stage" unit in construction detail, but it is built without a shower section. 3.02 DISPOSAL OF ASBESTOS WASTE: A. Waste removal procedure shall be done in accordance with all regulations as set forth by the agencies having authority to regulate. B. Provide proof that disposal sites for the waste materials have current and valid permits to dump asbestos waste at the time of the pre-construction meeting. C. Obtain receipts from the dumping site(s), and submitted to the Engineer upon request for final payment. D. Warning labels having permanent, waterproof print and adhesive shall be affixed to all bags, trucks, drums (lids and sides), and other containers used to store and/or transport asbestos-containing material. Labels must be conspicuous and legible and contain the following warning: CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD E. Be responsible for all necessary precautions to prevent pollution by spilling during the performance of services and shall assume full responsibility for all Contractor caused spills, which shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense. 02051-16 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.03 Public Works Construction Engineering Division HOUSEKEEPING: A. Throughout the work period, maintain the work areas in a standard of cleanliness as specified throughout these specifications. 3.04 1. Contaminated disposable clothing, respirator filters, and other debris shall be bagged and sealed at the end of each workday. 2. All asbestos generated by either removal or repair shall be bagged immediately and not allowed to be left exposed at the end of each workday. 3. Respirators shall be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each workday and stored for the next day’s use. 4. Retain all stored items in an orderly arrangement allowing maximum access, not impeding traffic, and providing the required protection materials. 5. Do not allow the accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material, and other items not required for completion of the work. 6. Provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the job site, observing all requirements for fire protection and protection of the ecology. 7. Daily and more often if necessary, inspect the work areas and adjoining spaces, and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove all such items to the place designated for their storage. 8. Maintain the site in a neat and orderly condition at all times. TEMPORARY UTILITIES: Provide temporary connections to existing building utilities and provide temporary facilities as required and necessary to carry out the work. A. WATER SERVICE: The Contractor shall provide temporary connections to building water service and provide all lines necessary for distribution of water. B. ELECTRICAL SERVICE: 1. General: Comply with applicable NEMA, NECA and UL standards and governing regulations for materials and layout of temporary electrical service. All power connections and panel work is to be performed by a licensed electrician. 02051-17 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 2. Temporary Power: Provide temporary service connections from power sources as required. Sub-panel and disconnect shall be sized and equipped to accommodate all electrical equipment required for completion. 3. Voltage Differences: Provide I.D. warning signs at power outlets that are other than 110-120 volt power. Provide polarized outlets for plug-in type outlets, to prevent insertion of 110-120 volt plugs into higher voltage outlets. 4. Ground Fault Protection: Provide all receptacle outlets equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) and reset button for plug-in connection of equipment. 5. Electrical Power Cords: Use only graded extension cords. C. LIGHTING: 1. The Contractor must supply temporary lighting for all lighting requirements within contained areas. All existing lighting within the containment area shall be isolated and shut down. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\02051 - Asbestos Abatement for 02051-18 09/01/2011 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: This Section covers all concrete and all related items necessary to place and finish the concrete work. 1.02 RELATED WORK: A. Items furnished under other Sections and installed under this Section include, but are not limited to: 1. 1.03 Items embedded in concrete, including anchors, sleeves, floor drains, castings, frames for hatches, angles, nosings, and other miscellaneous metals. REFERENCES: A. The following standards form a part of these specifications: American Concrete Institute (ACI) 11/01/2013 ACI 30l Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 302 Recommended Construction ACI 304 Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Replacing Concrete ACI 305 Recommended Practice for Hot Weather Concreting ACI 306 Recommended Practice for Cold Weather Concreting ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork ACI 350 Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures Practice for Concrete Floor and Slab 03300 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1.04 ASTM C33 Concrete Aggregates ASTM C39 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens ASTM C42 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete ASTM C87 Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar ASTM C94 Ready-Mixed Concrete ASTM C143 Standard Method for Slumps of Portland Cement Concrete ASTM C150 Portland Cement ASTM C171 Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete ASTM C231 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ASTM C260 Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete ASTM C309 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete ASTM C494 Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ASTM D1751 Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non-extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ASTM D1752 Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction SUBMITTALS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS, SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING: A. Six sets of shop drawings of the materials specified herein shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. B. Six copies of the statement of materials constituting the design of mixes which satisfy the specified strength for each size aggregate as required by ASTM C94 shall be submitted to the Engineer within one week following award of the contract. 11/01/2013 03300 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Provide one copy of the "Certificate of Delivery" for each load of concrete as it arrives on the site, under the provisions of ASTM C94. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE: A. Concrete conforming to the requirements listed below shall be used where indicated on the drawings. Unless otherwise indicated, concrete used as fill under foundations, and elsewhere approved by the Engineer, shall be the 3,000 psi mix. TABLE Minimum Comp. Maximum Water/Cement Cement Factor: 94 lb. Strength at 28 days (psi) ratio (gallons per bag of Bags per cubic yard cement)* minimum** 3000 0.59 (6.9) 5.5 4000 0.48 (5.6) 6.5 5000 0.40 (4.7) 7.4 * Based on air-entrained concrete. If non-air-entrained concrete is called for, the listed maximum water/cement ratios may be increased slightly, as approved by the Engineer. The water is the total water in the mix, including free water on the aggregate. ** These are minimum amounts; increase as necessary to meet mix requirements. B. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94. One copy of the Certificate of Delivery required by ASTM C94 shall be delivered to the Engineer immediately upon arrival of each load of concrete at the site. The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of the concrete mixtures. C. Standard compression tests of all proposed mixes shall be made by the testing laboratory or other satisfactory evidence shall be presented that the design mixes will attain the minimum strengths listed on the design drawings or called for herein, within the limitations of the ACI Code. No concrete shall be delivered to the job site until the Engineer has approved the design mixes. D. All concrete (unless otherwise directed) shall contain an air-entraining agent. Air entrained concrete shall have an air content by volume of 3 to 6 percent for l-l/2-inch aggregate and 4 to 8 percent for 3/4-inch aggregate. The air content shall be the responsibility of the testing laboratory and in accordance with ASTM C23l. 11/01/2013 03300 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.02 2.03 2.04 Public Works Construction Engineering Division E. All concrete shall contain a mid-range water reducer to minimize cement and water content of the mix, at the specified slump, in accordance with ASTM C494. F. Slump for all concrete shall be from 3-inch to 4-inch, except for concrete using a superplasticizer, when the maximum slump shall be 8-inches. Any concrete having a slump greater than 4-inches (8-inches with superplasticizer) shall be promptly removed from the site. G. No calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride shall be added to the concrete. No admixture other than those specified shall be used in concrete without the specific written permission of the Engineer in each case. H. No additional water, except for the amount indicated by the design mix shall be added to the concrete without the prior permission of the Engineer. CEMENT: A. The cement shall be an approved brand of American manufactured Portland Cement, Type IIA conforming to ASTM Cl50. The brand name and type of cement proposed for use shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval immediately following award of contract. Only one color of cement, all of the same manufacture, shall be used for the work. B. When the use of high-early-strength Portland cement (Type IIIA) is permitted by the Engineer the same strength requirements shall apply, but the indicated strengths shall be attained in 7 days instead of 28 days. ADMIXTURES: A. Air entraining agent shall be in accordance with ASTM C260. B. Water reducing agent shall be a mid-range water reducer meeting ASTM C494, Type A. C. Water reducing agent-retarder shall be in accordance with ASTM C494, Type D. D. Superplasticizer agent shall be in accordance with ASTM C494, Type F or Type G and contain no more than 0.1% chloride ions. Product may be plant added or field added based on the best application considering distance, temperature and time. AGGREGATES: A. 11/01/2013 Except as otherwise noted, aggregate shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C33. 03300 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.05 B. Fine aggregate shall consist of washed inert natural sand conforming to the requirements of ASTM C33. C. Coarse aggregate shall consist of well-graded crushed stone or washed gravel conforming to the requirements of ASTM C33. D. The following designated sizes of aggregate shall be the maximum employed in concrete. 2.08 2-inch for mass concrete 2. 1½-inch for reinforced sections 18-inch and over in thickness 3. 3/4-inch for reinforced and unreinforced sections less than 18-inch thickness. Water for concrete shall be potable, free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter and other deleterious substances. GROUT: A. 2.07 1. WATER: A. 2.06 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Grout shall be mixed in the proportions of one part Portland Cement to 2 parts sand, by volume. Only sufficient water shall be used to enable grout to barely hold its shape when squeezed into a ball in the hand. Aggregate for grout shall conform to the requirements of the reference specification for concrete. Prior approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for the use of proprietary grouts, and the instructions of the Engineer shall be followed in their use. CURING MATERIALS: A. Curing compound shall be a curing/hardener compound such as Acurion by AntiHydro, Sikaguard Cure/Hard by Sika, Super Diamond Clear by Euclid or approved equal. B. Curing paper shall be a fiber-reinforced laminated Kraft bituminous product conforming to the requirements of ASTM Cl7l. JOINT FILLER: A. Preformed joint filler strip shall conform to ASTM Dl75l or Dl752, having a thickness as indicated on the drawings. B. Fillers shall be provided in pieces of the full thickness required. Use of multiple layers of thin pieces to make-up the full thickness will not be permitted. 11/01/2013 03300 - 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.09 Public Works Construction Engineering Division JOINT SEALANT: A. Joint sealant for construction and control joints shall be a two-part polysulfide base sealant conforming to Thiokol's Building Trade Performance Specification, Class A (self-leveling), Type II (hardness: 35-45 Shore A). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. 3.02 Under no circumstances shall concrete that has set or partially set before placing be used; and no re-tempering of concrete or grout will be permitted. PREPARATION: A. Before placing concrete, forms and the space to be occupied by the concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned, and reinforcing steel and embedded metal shall be free from dirt, oil, mill scale, loose rust, paint or other material which would tend to reduce the bond. B. Unless otherwise indicated, a moisture barrier shall be used under all slabs placed on the ground in accordance with ACI 302.1R. The moisture barrier shall be fungi-resistant and shall have a vapor permeance rating not exceeding 0.01 perms (Perms [grains/ft2*hr*in. Hg]) per ASTM F1249 or ASTM E96) and 10 mils thickness (49 lbs/MSF). The moisture barrier shall be a high-performance underslab vapor retarder made from polyethylene resins that exceed ASTM E1745, Class A. Sheets shall be lapped 6-inches at joints and sealed with 2-inch wide tape or as recommended by the manufacturer. The vapor barrier should have all laps, seams, penetrations and terminations sealed and should carry across footings. C. When no moisture barrier is used, the earth, concrete, masonry, or other water-permeable material against which concrete is to be placed shall be thoroughly saturated with water immediately before concrete is placed. No concrete shall be placed until the consolidation of the ground and the arrangement and details of forms and reinforcing have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. D. When joining fresh concrete to concrete which has attained full set, the latter shall be cleaned by chipping and washing off all dirt and scum and laitance. It then shall be moistened prior to placing new concrete. 11/01/2013 03300 - 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.03 Public Works Construction Engineering Division E. Concrete surfaces that act as a seat for structural members (other than those resting on grout) shall be troweled to an extremely flat and level surface. If necessary, such surfaces shall be ground off to achieve the required flatness and level. F. Fill concrete on top of concrete shall be placed in the locations indicated on the drawings or designated by the Engineer. Before fill concrete is placed, the following procedures shall be used to prepare surfaces; all dirt, scum and laitance shall be removed by chipping and washing. The clean, roughened base surface shall be saturated with water, but shall have no free water on the surface. A coat of 1:2 cement-sand grout, approximately 1/8-inch thick, shall be well scrubbed into the thoroughly dampened concrete base. The concrete fill shall be placed immediately, before grout has dried or set. Fill concrete shall be brought to the lines and grades shown on the drawings or approved by the Engineer. G. Concrete for thrust and anchor blocks shall be placed against undisturbed earth and wooden side forms shall be used to provide satisfactory lines and dimensions. Felt roofing paper shall be placed to protect joints. No concrete shall be placed so as to cover joints, bolts or nuts, or to interfere with the removal of the joints. Minimum bearing areas and dimensions shall be as shown on the drawings. MIXING: A. Concrete shall be ready-mixed, or transit-mixed, as produced by equipment acceptable to the Engineer. No hand-mixing will be permitted. Adding water in controlled amounts during the mixing cycle shall be done only with the express approval of, and in the presence of the Engineer. B. Ready-mix or transit-mixed concrete shall be transported to the site in watertight agitator or mixer trucks loaded not in excess of rated capacities for the respective conditions as stated on the nameplate. Discharge at the site shall be within 1-1/2 hours after cement was first introduced into the mix. Central mixed concrete shall be plant-mixed a minimum of 1-1/2 minutes per batch and then shall be truck-mixed or agitated a minimum of 8 minutes. Agitation shall begin immediately after the pre-mixed concrete is placed in the truck and shall continue without interruption until discharge. Transit-mixed concrete shall be mixed at mixing speed for at least 10 minutes immediately after charging the truck, followed by agitation without interruption until discharged. C. All central plant and rolling stock equipment and methods shall conform to the latest Truck Mixer and Agitator Standards of the Truck Mixer Manufacturers' 11/01/2013 03300 - 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Bureau of the National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association, as well as ACI 304 and ASTM C94. D. 3.04 Attention is called to the importance of dispatching trucks from the batching plant so that they shall arrive at the site of the work just before the concrete is required, thus avoiding excessive mixing of concrete while waiting or delays in placing successive layers of concrete in the forms. INSTALLATION/APPLICATION/ERECTION: A. 11/01/2013 Placing: 1. No concrete shall be placed by pumping methods without the prior written approval of the Engineer. Should the Contractor be allowed to place concrete by pumping methods, procedures, mix design of concrete, and all other precautions shall be in accordance with ACI 304.2R and as approved by the Engineer. 2. Concrete shall be placed in alternate areas, as defined by the construction and control joints indicated on the design drawings. A minimum of 3 days shall elapse between placement of adjacent sections. 3. Segregation of the concrete shall be prevented during handling; should any segregation occur, the concrete shall be remixed before it is placed. Concrete shall be placed in the forms in horizontal layers not over l to 2 feet thick. Concrete shall not be allowed to drop freely more than 4 feet. If the free drop to the point of placement must exceed 4 feet, the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer for the proposed method of depositing the concrete. The concrete shall not be required to flow over distances greater than 3 feet in any direction in the forms or on the ground, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. 4. Unless otherwise noted, the work begun on any day shall be completed in daylight of the same day. 5. "Cold Joints" are to be avoided, but if they occur, they are to be treated as bonded construction joints. 6. Chutes for conveying concrete shall be of U-shaped design and sized to insure a continuous flow of concrete. Flat (coal) chutes shall not be employed. Chutes shall be metal or metal-lined, and each section shall have approximately the same slope. The slope shall not be less than 25 nor more than 45 degrees and shall be such as to prevent segregation of the ingredients. The discharge end of the chute shall be provided with a baffle plate or spout to prevent segregation. If the discharge end of the chute is more than 5 feet above the surface of the concrete in the forms, a spout 03300 - 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division shall be used and the lower end maintained as near the surface of deposit as practicable. When the operation is intermittent, the chute shall discharge into a hopper. Chutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before and after each run, and the debris and any water shall be discharged outside the forms. Concrete shall not be allowed to flow horizontally more than 5 feet. B. 11/01/2013 7. Concrete during and immediately after depositing shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools. Internal type mechanical vibrators shall be employed to produce the required quality of finish. Vibration shall be done by experienced operators under close supervision and shall be carried on long enough to produce homogeneity and optimum consolidation without permitting segregation of the solid constituents or "pumping" or migration of air. All vibrators shall be supplemented by proper wooden spade puddling adjacent to forms to remove included bubbles and honeycomb. This is essential for the top lifts of walls. All vibrators shall travel at least 10,000 rpm and be of adequate capacity. At least one vibrator shall be used for every 10 cubic yards of concrete per hour. In addition, one spare vibrator in operating condition shall be on the site. 8. Concrete slabs on the ground shall be well-tamped into place and foundation material shall be wet, tamped, and rolled until thoroughly compacted prior to placing concrete. 9. Concrete shall be deposited continuously in layers of such thickness that no concrete will be deposited on concrete that has hardened sufficiently to cause the formation of seams and planes of weakness within the section. If a section cannot be placed continuously, construction joints may be located at points as provided for in the drawings or approved by the Engineer. 10. Chutes, hoppers, spouts, adjacent work, etc., shall be thoroughly cleaned before and after each run, and the water and debris shall not be discharged inside the form. Concrete Placing During Cold Weather: 1. Concrete shall not be placed on frozen ground, and no frozen material or material containing ice shall be used. Materials for concrete shall be heated when concrete is mixed, placed, or cured when the mean daily temperature is below 40°F, or is expected to fall to below 40°F, within 72 hours, and the concrete after placing shall be protected by covering, heat, or both. No accelerant shall be used to prevent freezing. 2. The temperature of concrete surfaces shall not be permitted to drop below 50ºF. for at least 7 days after placement of the concrete. 03300 - 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. C. D. 11/01/2013 Public Works Construction Engineering Division All details of Contractor's handling and protecting of concrete during freezing weather shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. All procedures shall be in accordance with provisions of ACI 306. Concrete Placing During Hot Weather: 1. Concrete just placed shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun and the forms and reinforcement just prior to placing shall be sprinkled with cold water. The Contractor shall make every effort to minimize delays that will result in excessive mixing of the concrete after arrival on the job. 2. During periods of excessively hot weather (90°F, or above) ingredients in the concrete shall be cooled insofar as possible and cold mixing water shall be used to maintain the temperature of the concrete at permissible levels all in accordance with the provisions of ACI 305. Any concrete with a temperature above 90°F, when ready for placement will not be acceptable, and will be rejected. 3. Temperature records shall be maintained throughout the period of hot weather giving air temperature, general weather conditions (calm, windy, clear, cloudy, etc.) and relative humidity. The record shall include checks on temperature of concrete as delivered and after placing in forms. Data should be correlated with the progress of the work so that conditions surrounding the construction of any part of the structure can be ascertained. Pipes and Embedded Metals: 1. Special care shall be taken to bring the concrete into solid contact with pipes and iron work embedded in the walls and floors, particularly underneath and around all pipes where a head of water exists, making watertight joints. 2. In general, such embedded items are not shown on the structural design drawings. Design drawings of the other trades shall be consulted for their location and details. 3. Anchor bolt location, size and details shall be verified with the equipment manufacturer's certified drawings before installation. 4. Anchor bolts, reglets, sleeves, edge angles and similar embedded items will be provided, delivered to the site under other Sections of the specification, for installation under this Section. 5. Where edge angles, etc., have nuts welded on to receive machine screws, the threads of the nuts shall be protected from concrete, and the concrete shall be excluded from the space to be occupied by the screw, by the use of wood plugs or other effective means. 03300 - 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington E. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 6. Inserts required for hanging mechanical and electrical items will be provided and installed in the forms under the mechanical and electrical Sections of the specification. 7. Should the Contractor be allowed to leave openings in the concrete for pipes or ironwork, to await the arrival of items that would delay the prosecution of the work, the openings shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Appropriate construction joints shall be provided. In filling any such openings with concrete, a mixture of l: l-l/2 : 3 shall be used and a watertight bond shall be secured between the old and new concrete. 8. In bolting miscellaneous items to concrete after the concrete has set, expansion bolts of an approved pattern and type shall be used. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for approval, the types of expansion bolts. Expansion bolts shall not be used until they are approved. Curing: 1. Concrete curing shall be performed as specified in ACI 30l and as stated herein. All curing procedures shall have prior approval of the Engineer. 2. Concrete Floors Concrete floors which are to receive paint, concrete fill, mortar setting beds, grout fill, or any other subsequent finish shall be cured by one of the following procedures immediately after completion of placement and finishing: a. Ponding or continuous sprinkling. b. Application of absorptive mats or fabric kept continuously wet. c. Application of sand kept continuously wet. d. Application of waterproof sheet materials conforming to ASTM Cl7l. e. Application of curing compounds conforming to ASTM C309, if it can be demonstrated to the Engineer's satisfaction that the compound is applicable and that it will not prevent bonding of the subsequent finish to be received. Compound shall be placed at a rate of 200 square feet per gallon, in two applications perpendicular to each other. 3. Curing procedure shall be continued for at least 7 days. a. Moisture loss from surface placed against metal or wood forms shall be minimized by keeping forms wet until removal. 11/01/2013 03300 - 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division b. Curing shall be continued for at least 7 days. When forms are removed during the curing period, surfaces shall be cured by spraying or by the use of a curing compound as previously specified. c. Surfaces shall be protected from traffic or damage until surfaces have hardened sufficiently. If necessary, 1/2-inch thick plywood sheets shall be used to protect the exposed surface. F. G. Bracing and Supports: 1. All concrete members shall be adequately and safely supported and braced until the permanent supports and braces are installed. 2. Backfilling against exterior walls shall not be done until supporting slabs are in place and have attained 70 percent of design strength, otherwise walls shall be braced against earth lateral pressure, using a system approved by the Engineer. 3. Backfilling against retaining walls shall not commence until the wall concrete has reached its 28-day strength. Removing Forms and Supports: 1. Removal of forms shall take place in accordance with ACI 347, Section 3.6. Except as otherwise specifically authorized by the Engineer, forms shall not be removed until the concrete has aged for the following number of day-degrees or attained 50 percent strength. (Day-degrees equals the total of number of days times the average daily air temperature at the surface of concrete. For example, 5 days at a daily average temperature of 60°F. equals 300 day-degrees.) Location 2. H. 11/01/2013 Day-Degrees Beams and Slabs 500 Walls and Vertical Surfaces 200 Shores under beams and slabs shall not be removed until the concrete has attained at least 70 percent of the specified cylinder strength and also sufficient strength to support safely its own weight and the construction loads upon it. Patching: 03300 - 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. Defective concrete and honeycombed areas as determined by the Engineer shall be chipped down reasonably square and at least one-inch deep to sound concrete by means of hand chisels or pneumatic chipping hammers. Irregular voids or surface stones need not be removed if they are sound, free of laitance, and firmly imbedded in the parent concrete, subject to Engineer's final inspection. If honeycomb exists around reinforcement, chip to provide a clear space at least 1-inch wide all around the steel. For areas less than 1-1/2 inches deep, the patch may be made following the procedure for filling form tie holes, described in the subsection below, using adequately dry (non-trowelable) mixtures to avoid sagging. Thicker repairs will require build-up in 1-inch layers on successive days. Unless otherwise indicated, thicker repairs shall be made with Vertipatch mortar mixture blended with Acryl-Set, both by Master Builders, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio, or approved equal. 2. For concrete areas exposed to serious abrasion and/or impact forces, the Engineer may order the use of grout with a non-shrink metallic aggregate (Embeco by Master Builders, Inc.; Ironite by Fox Industries, Madison, IL; or approved equal) as an additive in the proportions listed below: Material Cement Metal Aggregate Sand Pea Gravel I. 11/01/2013 Small Patches Volumes 1.0 0.15 1.5 -- Weights 1.0 0.25 1.5 -- Large Formed Patches Volumes Weights 1.0 1.0 0.2 0.33 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 Finishing of Formed Surfaces: 1. All concrete that is to be left exposed to view shall be scraped to remove projecting imperfections left by voids in the forms. 2. In addition to scraping, exterior exposed concrete shall be covered with a cement-base plaster mix. The mix shall consist of Thoroseal Plastic Mix and Acryl 60, as manufactured by Standard Drywall Products, Miami, FL, or approved equal. It shall be mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. In addition to scraping, interior concrete surfaces which will be exposed to view and concrete surfaces which are to be prepared and painted as 03300 - 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division specified in Section 09900, PAINTING, shall receive a smooth rubbed finish, in accordance with ACI 301 and as described below. J. 4. To permit satisfactory finishing, forms shall be removed from the vertical faces of the concrete as early as is possible without damaging the surface. Immediately after stripping forms, any fins or projections left by the forms shall be chipped off, and the surfaces rubbed smooth. 5. Form tie holes and other voids and faults shall be patched. Voids shall be cleaned out, roughened, thoroughly wetted, coated with neat cement paste, and filled with mortar of cement and sand in the same proportions, materials, and color as used in the concrete. The surface of the patch shall be flush with the surrounding surface after finishing operations are complete. Surface shall be kept continuously damp until patches are firm enough to be rubbed without damage. 6. Rubbing shall be performed while the surface is wet using a carborundum or cement sand brick, to achieve a smooth uniform, even textured finish. Patched and chipped areas shall be blended to match as closely as possible the appearance of the rest of the surface. No cement wash or plastering will be permitted, and no mortar shall be used except as required above. 7. Where finishing is performed before the end of the curing period, concrete shall under no circumstances be permitted to dry out, and shall be kept continuously moist from time of placing until end of curing period, or until curing membrane is applied. Concrete Floor Finishing Requirements: Unless designated otherwise, concrete floors shall have a troweled finish as specified in Section ll.7 of ACI 30l. Troweled finishes shall conform to the requirements of "Class A Tolerances," Section ll.9 as specified in ACI 30l. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete.docx 11/01/2013 03300 - 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: A. The work of Divisions 15 and 16 is governed by the General and Supplementary Conditions of the Contract, and Sections of Division 1 of the Project Manual. B. Perform work and provide materials and equipment as shown on Drawings and as specified or referenced in this Section of the Specifications. Completely coordinate work of this Section with work of other trades and provide complete and fully functional systems installation. C. Give notices, file plans, obtain permits and licenses, pay fees and backcharges, and obtain necessary approvals from authorities that have jurisdiction as required to perform work in accordance with all legal requirements and with the Contract Documents. D. Section Includes: The work of this Section includes the basic requirements common to the Mechanical and Electrical Sections of Divisions 15 and 16, including: 1. Definitions, 2. Organization of submittals, 3. Proposed substitutions, 4. Core drilling, 5. Cutting and Patching, 6. Sleeves and penetrations, 7. Coordination drawings, 8. Valve tags, 9. Equipment and piping identification, 10. Record documents, 11. Systems start-ups, 15050 – 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington E. 1.2 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 12. Access Panels, 13. Fire Watch, 14. Scaffolding, hoisting, rigging and staging, Related Sections: Related work specified in other Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Section 01735 – Cutting, Coring, and Patching: Openings in masonry, concrete, tile, and other parts of structure, except drilling for hangers, providing holes and openings in metal decks, and core drilling. 2. Section 01519 - Temporary Facilities and Controls: Temporary heat, light, power, fire protection, and sanitary facilities for use during construction. 3. Section 02072 - Selective Demolition: Removal and disposal of demolished mechanical and electrical piping and conduit systems and equipment. 4. Section 03300 - Concrete: Housekeeping pads and inertia pads. 5. Section 15070 - Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints. 6. Section 15600 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. 7. Section 15900 - Automatic Temperature Controls. 8. Section 15990 – Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. 9. Division 16 - Electrical REFERENCES: A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1. B. ANSI A13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of piping systems. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. ASTM E119 - Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. 15050 – 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. C. F. 1. Fire Resistance Directory, Vol. I - Beams, Columns, Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Partitions. 2. Fire Resistance Directory, Vol. II, Through Penetration Firestop Systems. 3. ANSI/UL1479 - Fire Tests of Through Penetration Firestops. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA). I. Fire, Smoke, and Radiation Damper Installation Guide for HVAC Systems. National Fire Protection Association 1. H. Manual of Practice Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1. G. C-9 - Standard Color Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Intended for Medical Use. Construction Specifications Institute. (CSI) 1. E. ASTM E814 - Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 1. D. Public Works Construction Engineering Division No. 241-Safeguarding Operations. Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) 1. 248 CMR Massachusetts State Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code. 2. 527 CMR Massachusetts Board of Fire Protection Regulations. 3. 780 CMR Massachusetts State Building Code. International Code Council (ICC): 1. 2. 3. International Building Code – IBC. International Plumbing Code – IPC. International Mechanical Code – IMC. 15050 – 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. 5. 1.3 Public Works Construction Engineering Division International Energy Conservation Code - IECC International Fire Prevention Code – IFPC. DEFINITIONS: A. General: Words and terminology used throughout the Mechanical and Electrical Sections of Divisions 15 and 16 shall be understood in their common usage as defined in a common dictionary, and as further defined in the CSI Manual of Practice, the General and Supplemental Conditions of the Contract, Division 1 of the Project Manual, and the Sections of Divisions 15 and 16. B. Specification Content: The Mechanical/Electrical Specification Sections in Divisions 15 and 16 may use certain conventions regarding the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations or circumstances. These conventions are explained as follows: 1. Abbreviated Language: Language used in Specifications and other Contract Documents maybe of the abbreviated style. Words and meanings shall be interpreted as appropriate. Words implied, but not stated shall be interpolated as the sense requires. Singular words will be interpreted as plural and plural words interpreted as singular where applicable as the context of the Contract Documents indicates. 2. Streamlined Language: The Specifications generally use the imperative mood and streamlined language. Requirements expressed in the imperative mood shall be performed by the Contractor. At certain locations in the Text, subjective language is used for clarity to describe responsibilities that must be fulfilled indirectly by the Contractor or by others when so noted. a. The words "shall be" are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. C. Indicated: The term "indicated" refers to graphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings, or other paragraphs or Schedules in the Specifications, and similar requirements in the Contract Documents. Terms such as "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" are used to help the reader locate the reference. Location is not limited. D. Directed: Terms such as "directed," "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "required," and "permitted" mean directed by the Architect, requested by the Architect, and similar phrases. E. Approved: When used in conjunction with the Architect's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, The term "approved," is 15050 – 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division limited to the Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. F. Furnish: Furnish means purchase, delivery and storage at the Project Site for installation under other Sections or by the Owner. G. Install: Includes operations at the Project Site including the actual unpacking, preparation, assembly, erecting, placing, anchoring, supporting, connecting, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations required for a complete installation ready for the intended use. H. Provide: Provide means to furnish and install. I. Project Site: Project Site is the space available to the Contractor for performing construction activities, either exclusively or in conjunction, with others performing other work as part of the Project. The extent of the Project Site is shown on the Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which the Project is to be built. J. Testing Agencies: A testing agency is an independent entity engaged to perform specific inspections or tests, either at the Project Site or elsewhere, and to report on and, if required, to interpret results of those inspections or tests. K. Product Data: Product data sheets include the manufacturers standard catalog information with illustrations, standard schedules, diagrams, performance charts, instructions, and brochures that illustrate physical appearance, size, weight, and other general characteristics of materials and equipment for some portion of the work. L. Shop Drawings: Shop drawings are detailed drawings, diagrams, illustrations, and schedules specifically prepared by the installing contractor or supplier to illustrate some portion of the work. M. Fabrication Drawings: The installation shop drawings required by the work of the various Sections of the Project Manual, such as sheet metal and sprinkler shop drawings, and normally prepared by the installing sub-contractor. N. Coordination Drawings: The coordinated installation shop drawings normally prepared by the installing sub-contractors indicating multiple building systems and interdisciplinary work on a single set of coordinated documents. O. Piping: Includes all necessary piping system components, including pipe, fittings, couplings, gaskets, flanges, unions, valves, strainers, hangers, supports, attachments, insulation, and identification. 15050 – 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.4 Public Works Construction Engineering Division P. Substitutions: Substitutions include manufacturers not listed as acceptable within the specifications, or materials, products, systems, or equipment, which differ from the requirements of the Contract Documents. Q. Regulations: Regulations includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. R. NEC: National Electrical Code - NFPA 70. S. NRTL: Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. or Factory Mutual Research Corporation. T. Life Safety Systems: Life Safety Systems include all fire protection systems, devices, and equipment used to detect fire, activate alarms, suppress or control fire and smoke, or any combination thereof. SUBMITTALS: A. General Requirements: Comply with pertinent Submittals, the Sections of Division 15-Mechanical and Division 16 - Electrical, and the additional requirements of this Section. B. Materials List: Within 30 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to proceed, submit a list of the proposed materials to be provided under the work of the Mechanical Sections of Division 15 and Electrical Sections of Division 16. C. The Contractor shall submit for approval by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative a Schedule of Values and a Project Chronological Schedule. The Schedule of Values and Project Chronological Schedule shall be fully coordinated and submitted as a single package. The Schedules shall contain the same line items as the requests for payment. All payments shall be made based on these Schedules. No work shall start and no payments shall be made until the Project Chronological Schedule and the Schedule of Values are fully coordinated and approved by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative. The Owner or Owner’s Representative reserves the right to add or subtract specific line items from the Contractor’s Schedule of Values if required to identify all cost items. The Contractor shall allow 10 working days for review of the Schedules irrespective of transmittal time. D. Organization of Submittals: Bind submittals into comprehensible packages with related product data sheets and shop drawings organized and identified by Specification Section and Article numbers and titles. Bind submittals into packages in order as specified in the Sections of Divisions 15 and 16. Identify 15050 – 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division submittal pages to indicate the specific equipment or fixture type the data sheet applies to by Article number and title. Submittals, which are not properly bound and identified, may be returned without review. E. 1. Indicate appropriate model numbers in manufacturers' brochures and cross out non-applicable information. 2. Copies of faxed pages are unacceptable. 3. Submit shop drawings for particular systems complete, simultaneously, and organized by system. Submittal Cover Sheet: Provide a completed cover sheet with each submittal package indicating the information on the following sample page: 15050 – 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 15050 – 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division F. After approval of the proposed materials list, provide complete submittals as soon as possible and with adequate time for processing in order to not delay the project. G. Submit for review of all project specific reproducible drawings, one reproducible and one print of each drawing. Submit for review eight sets of detailed Shop Drawings and Product Data. Submittals for review shall include complete Specifications, including type of materials, electrical characteristics, capacities, performance and power requirements to determine compliance with Contract Documents. All data submitted including wiring diagrams shall be complete for all equipment and shall apply only to this specific project. All extraneous material shall be deleted or marked out. Items to be supplied shall be specifically indicated using a method that will be visible after photocopying. H. Contractor’s Review: Review, stamp and certify each submittal prior to submission to the Architect. The certification shall state that the data and details contained on each Shop Drawing, Product Data, layout drawing, catalog data and brochure has been reviewed and that it complies with the Contract Documents in all respects. Shop Drawings, layout drawings, catalog data and brochures will not be reviewed and will be returned unchecked unless they are certified and all items specifically identified. I. Multiple submissions: It is intended that Submittal data be complete and accurate at the first submission. If the Submittal is returned marked “Resubmit” only one additional submission will be permitted. 1. If the second submission is not acceptable, or if the submittal is not made within the specified time frame, the right of substitution and selection will be lost. At that time the specified item shall be provided at no additional cost. J. Required Review Time: A minimum period of ten working days, exclusive of transmittal time, will be required in the Engineer’s office each time Shop Drawings, Product Data, layout drawings, catalog data and brochures are submitted or resubmitted for review. A minimum period of fifteen working days exclusive of transmittal time will be required for reviewing substitute materials or manufacturer. The required review time, including multiple submission, shall be considered when scheduling the work. K. Submit Shop Drawings and Product Data sheets in a timely manner sufficiently in advance to give ample time for reviewing, correcting, resubmitting and rereviewing if necessary. No claim for delay will be granted for failure to comply with this requirement. L. Equipment shall be of proper size for its allotted space. Equipment may be disassembled as required, where it does not invalidate the manufacturer’s 15050 – 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division warranty, so that it can be installed through available window door, or louver openings. M. Schedule of Shutdowns: After the project construction schedule is developed, submit the following information to the Owner for all required shutdowns of existing systems. 1. Date of proposed shutdown. 2. List of systems to be affected. 3. List of areas affected by the shutdown. 4. Description of work to be performed. 5. Estimated length of the shutdown. N. Piping Systems Schedule: Prepare and submit a schedule of mechanical piping systems to indicate the piping material, joints, and fittings to be used with each system. O. Insulation Schedule: Prepare and submit a schedule to indicate insulation types and thicknesses to be used on each mechanical piping system. P. UL Through-Penetration Firestop System Schedule: Prepare and submit a schedule to indicate the UL-System number for through-penetration assemblies to be used with all mechanical and electrical systems. Q. Shop Drawings: Submit product data sheets and shop drawings as specified within the Mechanical Sections of Division 15 and the Electrical Sections of Division 16. R. Record Drawings: Prepare record drawings in accordance with the provisions of Division 1 governing - Project Record Documents and the additional requirements of this Section. S. Valve Tag Charts: Section. T. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Prepare and submit copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals as specified in the appropriate Section of Division 1 governing - Contract Close-out the additional requirements of this Section. U. Training Seminar Confirmation: Prior to the final completion of the project, submit copies of the training seminar sign in sheets and a letter to the Owner containing the names of training seminar participants, including instructor’s Prepare and submit valve tag charts as specified in this 15050 – 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division names, the name of the firms represented and the dates of the instruction seminars. 1.5 V. Engineer’s Action: Except for items submitted solely for record purposes or information, the Engineer will review each submittal for general compliance with the Contract Documents, as defined in the General Conditions, and return the submittal with comments. W. Action Stamp: The Engineer will attach a Submittal Review sheet to each submittal package to indicate the status of the submission and the action taken, as follows: 1. Approved: Submission is generally in compliance with the intent of the contract documents and fabrication may be undertaken. 2. Approved as Noted: Submission is generally in compliance with the contract documents and fabrication may be undertaken with the corrections noted. 3. Revise and Resubmit: Submission is not in compliance with the contract documents and requires substantial corrections. Fabrication work may not be undertaken. 4. Rejected: Submission is not in compliance with the contract documents. Resubmit as specified. 5. Submit Specified Item: Second submission is not in compliance with the contract documents. Submit specified item without deviation. 6. Reviewed For Comment Only: approval of the submittal. Engineer is not responsible for the QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Qualifications: Use adequate numbers of skilled, licensed workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Standard of Quality: The manufacturers names specified first or scheduled on the drawings are used for the design and to establish the standards of function, dimension, space requirements, appearance, and quality upon which the Contract is based. Acceptable manufacturers’ names are listed to provide competitive bids with the specified or scheduled manufacturer. 15050 – 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: The inclusion of a manufacturer’s name within the list of acceptable manufacturers does not necessarily mean that the manufacturer’s standard product is equal to the specified or scheduled product without some required modification. The submitted product shall be equal in terms of quality, durability, appearance, space requirements, weight, strength, and design to the product required by the Contract Documents. Contractor’s Review: It is solely the Contractor's responsibility to verify that the products of acceptable manufacturers and proposed substitutes meet or exceed the performance of the specified or scheduled product. To be considered acceptable, products must comply with the following for the full possible performance range: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. D. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Horsepower: Equal or less. Efficiency: Equal or greater. Capacities: Equal or greater. Space/Clearances: Equal or greater. Storage and Recovery: Equal or greater. Warranty: Equal or better. Weight: Equal or less. Noise: Equal or quieter. Substitutions: Substitutions include manufacturers not listed as acceptable within the specifications, or products, systems and methods, which differ from the specified systems. 1. Comply with the provisions of the Instructions to Bidders and pertinent sections in Division 1. Submit list of proposed substitutes for review and approval in compliance with the Instructions to Bidders, AIA Document A701. 2. By the submission of a proposed substitution, the Contractor represents that he has reviewed the proposed substitution and certifies that: a. The proposed substitution does not affect dimensions shown on drawings. b. Changes to the building design, including A/E design and review time at a rate of 2.6 x DPE, detailing and construction costs caused by the requested substitution will be included in the bid price with no additional cost to the Owner. c. The proposed substitution will have no adverse affect on other trades, the construction schedule, or specified warranty requirements. 15050 – 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington E. F. Public Works Construction Engineering Division d. Maintenance and service parts are available locally. e. All costs associated with or caused by the use of the proposed substitute will be covered by the Contractor. Codes and Regulations: 1. In addition to complying with the specified requirements, comply with pertinent regulations of governmental agencies and authorities that have jurisdiction. 2. In case of conflict between or among specified requirements and pertinent regulations, the more stringent requirement will govern. Qualifications for Welding and Brazing Work: 1. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS Standard Qualification Procedure." 2. Provide certification that welders to be employed in work have satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests. a. G. Standards: Maintain copies of the most recent editions of the following standards at the job site for reference during construction: 1. 1.6 1.7 If recertification of welders is required, retesting will be Contractor's responsibility. UL Through Penetration Fire Stop Systems. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect materials of the Mechanical and Electrical Sections before, during and after installation and to protect installed work and materials of all trades and Sections. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacement necessary to the approval of the Architect at no change in Contract Sum. PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Comply with Article 2 of the Instructions to Bidders, AIA Document A701, including the Appendix. Visit the site prior to submission of bids and examine existing conditions to be familiar with the related implications to the Work of the Mechanical and Electrical Sections. 15050 – 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1. B. Questions regarding the Bidding Documents: Submit questions and requests for clarifications in compliance with the Instructions to Bidders. Contract Documents: The Contract Drawings are diagrammatic and do not show every fitting and component and shall be used in conjunction with the specified requirements to provide complete and fully functional systems for the intended use. The drawings and specifications are complimentary, and the requirements indicated on both establish the requirements of the Contract. 1. 1.8 Public Works Construction Engineering Division The Contract Drawings indicate the general locations of equipment and distribution systems throughout the project. The actual installation locations shall be coordinated by the contractor on site based on actual field measurements performed by the contractor. C. Document Review: Review the complete set of Contract Documents and be familiar with the space requirements and work of other Sections. Thoroughly review building sections, architectural details, space availability phasing requirements and mechanical and electrical drawings for a complete understanding of the scope and coordination requirements of the Mechanical and Electrical Sections. D. Scheduled Equipment: Standard manufacturers model numbers scheduled on the drawings shall be modified as specified in the descriptive specification for the scheduled equipment. The drawings generally define quantities, and the specifications further define equipment quality and system components, which may not be included in the standard model number. E. Pipe sizing notations: Pipe sizing notations run along the pipe from the larger sizes to the smaller size. Sections of pipe, which are not specifically identified with a pipe size, are the continuation of the previous larger pipe size indication. Pipe sizes change only where indicated by a notation change. F. Existing Conditions: The existing conditions indicated on the contract drawings are taken primarily from existing record drawings provided by the Owner and do not necessarily indicate actual as-built conditions. Preparation work of the mechanical and electrical sections includes the verification of existing conditions before the start of related installation work. WARRANTY: A. Upon completion of the Work and as a condition of its acceptance and final payment, deliver to the Architect two copies of a written Warranty agreeing to replace the work of Divisions 15 and 16, which fails due to defective materials or workmanship within one year after Date of Substantial Completion as that date is determined in accordance with the General Conditions. All refrigeration 15050 – 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division compressors shall have the manufacturer’s extended warranty for a total of five years. B. 1.9 Failure due to defective materials or workmanship is deemed to include, but is not to be limited to: 1. Failures in operating component or components. 2. Leakage from piping system. 3. Code violations. C. Obtain written equipment and material warranties offered in manufacturer's published data without exclusion or limitation, in Owner's name. D. Replace material and equipment that require excessive service during warranty period as defined and as directed by Architect. E. Warranty shall include 24-hour service of complete system during warranty period at no cost to Owner. Choice of service organization shall be subject to Owner's approval. F. Include copy of warranty in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. G. At end of warranty period, transfer manufacturer's equipment and material warranties still in force to Owner. H. This Article shall not be interpreted to limit Owner's rights under applicable codes and laws and under this Contract. MANUALS AND INSTRUCTIONS: A. Comply with pertinent provisions of the appropriate Section in Division 1 regarding - Contract Closeout. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Bind Manuals in hardcover, three-ring binders, and provide identified dividers with tabs. Indicate appropriate model numbers in manufacturers' brochures and cross out non-applicable information. Review the Manuals with the Owner's maintenance personnel and add additional maintenance data sheets and information as directed by the Owner's Representatives. Copies of faxed pages are unacceptable. 1. Obtain at time of purchase of equipment, three copies of operation, lubrication and maintenance manuals for all items. Assemble literature in coordinated manuals with additional information describing combined operation of field-assembled units, including as-built wiring diagrams. 15050 – 15 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Manual shall contain names and addresses of manufacturers and local representatives who stock or furnish repair parts for items or equipment. 2. Provide directions for and sequences of operation for mechanical and electrical system of Divisions 15 and 16. Sequence shall list valves, switches, and other devices used to start, stop and control systems. 3. Lubrication instructions detailing type of lubricant, amount, and intervals recommended by manufacturer for each item of equipment. Include additional instructions necessary for implementation of first-class lubrication program. Include approved summary of lubrication instructions in chart form, where appropriate. C. Furnish three copies of manuals to Engineer for approval and distribution to Owner. Deliver manuals no less than 30 days prior to acceptance of equipment to permit Owner's personnel to become familiar with equipment and operation prior to acceptance. D. Organization of Manuals: Divide manuals with identified tabs to match the mechanical and electrical specification sections numbers and titles. Separate product information within each section by the Article numbers and titles as listed in Part 2 of each specification section. Provide a clear see-through plastic holder on the edge of the binder with a typed card indicating the Project name, the Engineer’s name, the Installer’s name and the Volume number (e.g., Vol. No. 1 of 2). E. Manuals shall include the following materials and information for all specified materials and equipment: 1. Table of contents. 2. Emergency instructions with 24-hour phone number to contact a responsible individual for each Section of Work. 3. Subcontractor's warranties. 4. Name and telephone number of local representative and supplier. 5. Manufacturers' maintenance procedures. 6. Exploded drawings and parts lists. 7. Troubleshooting checklists with potential problems and possible causes. 8. Schematic wiring diagrams. 15050 – 16 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 9. Record drawings. 10. Valve tag charts. 11. Equipment warranties and guaranties. 12. Sequence of Operations and Systems Descriptions. 13. Additional requirements specified in other sections. F. Maintenance Information: Systems which require preventive maintenance to maintain efficient operation shall be furnished with complete necessary maintenance information. Required routine maintenance actions, as specified by the manufacturer, shall be stated clearly and incorporated on a readily accessible label on the equipment. Such label may be limited to identifying, by title or publication number, the operation and maintenance manual for that particular model and type of product. G. Instruction Seminars: Perform systems instruction seminars and walk-through with the Owner's designated representatives after preparation, review and approval of the Operation and Maintenance manuals by the Engineer and Owner. H. As a minimum training sessions shall consist of the following: 1. General project information and review shall be by the General Foreman or Superintendent of the Trade. 2. Specific system and equipment training shall be by a Factory Trained Representative. 3. Provide a complete review of the project and systems including, but not limited to, the following: a. In a classroom environment mount the drawings on an easel or equivalent and review each Record Drawing (can use typicals). b. Note equipment layouts, locations and control points. c. Review each system. d. Review system design operation and philosophy. e. Review alarms and necessary responses. f. Review areas served by various equipment and systems. 15050 – 17 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. 1.10 Public Works Construction Engineering Division g. Identify color codes used. h. Review features and special functions. i. Review maintenance requirements. j. Review operation and maintenance manuals. k. Respond to questions (for video taping, record questions and answers). After classroom training, walk the entire project, review each equipment room and typical locations. Explain equipment and proper operation. RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. Prepare record documents for the work of Divisions 15 and 16 as specified in Division 1 for Project Record Documents. The record drawings shall accurately indicate all valve locations and shall clearly show the assigned valve tag number. Record drawings shall include: 1. Piping and equipment location changes from the Contract Documents. 2. Updated schedules to indicate the scheduled characteristics of the actual installed equipment. 3. Valve locations and valve tag numbers. 4. Equipment identification numbers coordinated with the Owner's Facility Management Program. 5. Locations of seismic restraints. B. Record drawings include all systems and coordination drawings prepared under the work of this contract. Provide polyester mylar reproducible drawings and electronic AutoCAD 2012 drawing files of both the contract drawings and additional fabrication/coordination drawings that indicate mechanical and electrical systems. All electronic files shall be fully bound and submitted on CD format. C. Submission of the specified polyester mylars of the full mechanical/electrical coordination drawings eliminates the requirement to modify the contract drawings to incorporate the changes to piping and equipment locations made during construction. 15050 – 18 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.11 Public Works Construction Engineering Division ELECTRONIC DRAWING FILES: A. Electronic drawing files of floor plans and schedules on AutoCAD 2012 or DXF format will be made available by the engineer for the contractor’s use to prepare fabrication, coordination or record drawings. After the contractor requests the electronic files, a waiver will be provided for the contractor to sign and return to Weston & Sampson. A service charge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged to cover the cost of the engineer’s time and materials. After receiving the signed waiver the electronic drawing files will be forwarded to the contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SLEEVES AND PENETRATIONS: A. B. Piping penetrations through fire rated construction shall comply with a listed fire rated assembly as detailed in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. Pipe sleeves through floors, exterior walls and fire-rated construction shall be galvanized Schedule 40 steel pipe. Pipe sleeves through non-fire-rated partitions shall be 26gauge galvanized steel. 1. Sleeves Through Foundation Walls: Provide galvanized schedule 40 steel with continuous weld slip on welding flange water stop. Provide waterproof resilient link caulking assembly by Link-Seal or Sure-Seal. 2. In areas where pipe or duct is exposed, install sleeves flush with the finish floor, except in mechanical rooms, and janitor's closets extend sleeves at least 4 inches above finish floor. 3. Annular Space Requirements: Sleeves shall be sized to provide a total clearance of 1/2 inch around pipe or duct including insulation cover. Annular space around fire rated through penetrations assemblies shall be in compliance with the Listed Assembly. 4. Packing between the pipe and sleeve in fire rated construction shall be a combination of listed insulation and fire-proof caulk. 5. Core drilled holes in lieu of sleeves are acceptable except in mechanical rooms, janitor’s closets or floors that can be flooded with water, which require sleeves installed above floors. Duct sleeves through fire-rated construction shall be of the same gauge as the related fire damper sleeve. See SMACNA Fire, Smoke and Radiation Installation Guide for HVAC Systems. The sleeve shall be sized to provide the necessary clearance required for expansion of the fire damper sleeve in conformance with UL approval. Duct sleeves through non-fire-rated partitions shall be 26-gauge 15050 – 19 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division galvanized steel. Duct sleeves through non-fire-rated floors and exterior walls shall be 16-gauge galvanized steel. 2.2 1. Packing for sleeves that do not require maintenance of fire rating shall be silicate foam, ceramic fiber, or mineral fiber with approved sealant. Pack or foam to within 1 inch of both wall surfaces. Seal penetration packing with approved caulking and paintable waterproof mastic surface finish or silicone caulking. 2. Openings in walls, partitions and other fire rated construction that do not require smoke dampers shall meet NFPA 90A, Section 3-3.8. C. Through Penetration Assemblies: The combination of materials shall have the same fire rating, in hours, as the wall or floor, as tested in accordance with the code referenced editions of ANSI/UL 1479 (ASTM E-814). The combination of materials shall be classified by UL for the fire rating required and shall be listed as a numbered system in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. D. Provide adjustable escutcheons on exposed piping that passes through finished floors, walls, and ceilings. Escutcheons shall be chromium-plated cast brass, sized to cover sleeve opening and to accommodate pipe and insulation. VALVE TAGS : A. Upon completion of piping installation work provide valve tags on all valves installed under the work of the mechanical sections. Valve tags shall be at least 11/2 inch diameter brass or engraved plastic with 1/4 inch high lettering for service designation over 1/2 inch high consecutively numbered valve identification. Engraved valve tags shall be color coded as specified for piping identification. Coordinate valve tag numbers with the Owner's facility management program. Provide service designation prefix as scheduled: 1. 2. Plumbing Systems: Prefix: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. CW HW Domestic Cold Water Domestic Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Circulation Fuel Gas Normally Opened Normally Closed Unsafe Water HWC GAS NO NC NP HVAC Systems: a. b. Prefix: Heating Hot Water Supply Heating Hot Water Return 15050 – 20 HWS HWR Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division c. d. 2.3 Cold Water Boiler Blowdown CWS BD B. Valve tags on plumbing systems may be engraved laminated plastic tags colorcoded to match the pipe identification marks. C. Identify Non-Potable water outlets with permanently attached yellow color-coded marker or 4-inch high triangle tag reading: Water Unsafe. PIPING AND DUCTWORK IDENTIFICATION: A. Piping: Provide clip-on color-coded piping identification markers on mechanical and electrical piping systems specified in Divisions 15 and 16. Provide matching flow arrows to indicate direction of flow. Markers shall be equal to Seton Setmark. Pipe marking for outside diameters of 6 inches or greater may be springs or metal bands secured to the corners at each end of the semi-rigid plastic marker to hold each end of the marker firmly against the pipe. 1. Color coding and size of legend letters shall comply with the standards of ANSI A13.1. 2. Provide markers with legend letters sized in compliance with the following schedule: Outside Diameter Insulation) 1-1/4 inch and smaller 1-1/2 inch to 2 inch 2-1/2 inch to 6 inches 8 inch 10 inch and larger (Over Size of Letters: ½ inch ¾ inch 1-1/4 inch 2-1/2 inch 3-1/2 inch Length of Color Code: 8 inches 8 inches 12 inches 24 inches 32 inches 3. Fire Protection Systems: Provide red color-coded identification markers to identify horizontal fire line piping. Identify sprinkler piping with clipon markers as specified or provide a 12 inch long painted red indication on the bottom half of concealed piping. Exposed sprinkler piping does not require identification markers when sprinklers are visible in plain view. 4. Plumbing Systems: Provide color-coded identification markers in compliance with the following schedule with contrasting legend letters. Service Cold Water Hot Water Hot Water Return Identification Dom. Cold Water Dom. Hot Water Dom. Hot Water Return 15050 – 21 Color Code Green Green Green Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Service Soil or Waste Vent Rainwater Unsafe Water Fuel Gas 5. Identification Sanitary Plumbing Vent Storm Non Potable Fuel Gas HVAC Systems: Provide color-coded identification markers in compliance with the following schedule with contrasting letters. Service: Identification: Cold Water (Make-Up) Hot Water Supply Hot Water Return Boiler Blowdown 6. 2.4 Non-Potable Water Hot Water Supply Hot Water Return Boiler Blowdown Color Code: Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Protection Guards: Provide Armstrong Armaflex 2000 white elastomeric insulation. PRESSURE VESSELS: A. 2.5 Color Code Yellow Yellow Green Yellow Yellow Pressure vessels including, but not limited to; domestic water heaters, boilers, compressed air and vacuum receiver tanks provided under Division 15 shall be ASME rated construction. ACCESS PANELS: A. Furnish access panels for all concealed equipment installed under Divisions 15 and 16 that require accessibility for the proper operation and maintenance of the system and as required by code. Access doors and panels shall be cold rolled steel with continuous piano hinge and prime coat of rust inhibitive paint. B. Sizes shall be sufficient for the access and removal of filters, etc. Access panels shall be no less than 12 inches by 12 inches except for valves installed within 12 inches of the door may be 8 inches by 8 inches. C. Acceptable Manufacturers: Larsen’s Manufacturing Co., Milcor, or Karp Associates, Inc. 1. Flush installation in drywall. Larsen L-DWR. 2. Flush installation in drywall surfaces, utilizing a concealed type frame. Larsen L-DWC 15050 – 22 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Large access openings in drywall ceilings and walls. Larsen L-LCP 4. For use in plaster surfaces, concealed frame with optional plaster ground. Larsen L-PSW. 5. Recessed door pan with metal lath for plaster surfaces. Larsen L-APC 6. Recessed 5/8" door pan for acoustical tile. Larsen L-CPA 7. Multi-purpose access panel for use in plaster or drywall: Larsen L – MPG/L-MPSS 8. Wet Areas: Stainless Steel with No. 4 finish. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 EXAMINATION: A. Inspect site conditions before starting preparatory work and verify that actual conditions are known and acceptable before starting work. Be familiar with the work of other sections, separate contractors, and the Owner. B. Inspect areas where piping, conduit, ductwork, fixtures and equipment will be installed and verify adequate space is available for access, service and removal of equipment. Coordinate with the Work of other Sections. C. Notify the Engineer immediately when the removal of existing ceilings, walls, or obstructions reveal conditions substantially different from the Contract Documents. PREPARATION: A. Perform coordination with the work of other Sections and prepare composite coordination drawings as specified in this Section before starting installation work of Divisions 15 and 16. B. Verify points of connection to existing systems and confirm that required system shutdowns are acceptable with the Owner before proceeding with any related installation work. SYSTEM SHUTDOWNS: A. Coordinate shutdowns of existing systems with the Owner and submit a written request at least ten working days in advance. Minimize system shut downs as much as possible. Submit a list of all effected areas, the proposed work to be performed, and the expected length of the shutdown including time for retesting. 15050 – 23 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.4 3.5 3.6 Public Works Construction Engineering Division LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS SHUTDOWNS: A. Maintain the existing Life Safety Systems in operation during construction and obtain impairment permits from the local Authorities Having Jurisdiction for all Life Safety Systems affected by the work of Divisions 15 and 16. B. Safeguarding Construction: Provide fire watch, portable extinguishers, and safety procedures in compliance with 527 CMR 39.00, 780 CMR 3305 and NFPA 241. REMOVAL WORK: A. Particular care shall be taken to avoid creating hazards on the site or causing disruption of service in the adjoining buildings. B. All existing equipment and material indicated to be removed shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner. All existing equipment indicated to be turned over to the Owner shall be presented to the Owner in good condition at a location designated by the Owner. All other existing equipment and all material that is removed shall be removed from the premises. C. Remove all abandoned piping, ductwork and equipment not built into building construction. Where ceilings or walls are removed all abandoned duct, conduit and piping shall be removed and the ends of live services capped. Abandoned elements built into walls or located above existing ceilings that are not being removed shall remain. All duct and pipe ends shall be capped and be marked abandoned. D. All equipment and materials that are removed from the premises shall be legally disposed of. Particular attention shall be taken regarding the disposal of any and all hazardous materials. Provide written manifests and certifications of legal disposal or recycling of all hazardous materials. CORE DRILLING: A. Do not core new concrete structure without written approval from the Structural Engineer. B. Perform all core drilling required for the proper installation of the work of Divisions 15 and 16. Locate all required openings and prior to coring coordinate the opening with the other Trades and obtain approval from the Engineer. C. Thoroughly investigate the existing conditions in the vicinity of the required opening prior to cutting. Take care so as not to disturb the existing building systems. Damage to existing conditions incurred during core drilling shall be corrected to the Owners satisfaction with no additional expense to the Owner. 15050 – 24 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.7 3.8 CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. Cutting and patching shall be performed under other Sections. Locate all other than cored openings required for the installation of the mechanical piping systems. Coordinate the opening with the work of the other trades so as not to interfere with the work of other Sections. Thoroughly investigate the existing conditions in the vicinity of the required openings as much as possible. B. Patching of the existing walls around openings shall be performed by the respective trade responsible for the finish material in which the opening is made. SLEEVES AND PENETRATIONS: A. 3.9 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Penetrations through fire rated construction shall consist of a complete rated assembly. 1. UL -Listed through Penetration Components: In addition to the fire stop caulking provided under Section 07270, the components of a fire rated through penetration assembly include the piping size and material, annular space, and insulation type, density and thickness. 2. Prepare a schedule of UL Through Penetration System numbers for submission and approval. B. Set sleeves in position in advance of concrete work. Provide suitable reinforcing around sleeves. C. Extend sleeves through Mechanical Room and other potentially wet floors at least 4 inches above finished floor level and provide pipe support sleeve. D. Install cast brass chrome plated escutcheons where piping passes through finished surfaces. E. Provide vertical flush wall cleanouts on the base of stacks just above the wainscot. GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: A. General: Coordinate with the work of other trades before starting installation. Install materials and equipment in accordance with the Manufacturers latest printed installation instructions. 1. Install piping straight, plumb and form right angles on parallel lines with building walls. Locate groups of pipes parallel to each other. Provide sufficient spacing for insulation and valve access. 15050 – 25 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 2. Install mechanical and electrical systems as high as possible to maximize ceiling heights. 3. Pipe shall be free from scale and dirt. Protect open ended pipe ends to prevent debris from entering. All piping shall be reamed free of burrs. 4. Locate valves for easy access and operation. Install valve stems above the horizontal. 5. Piping connections to coils and equipment shall be made with off-sets provided with isolation valves, unions of flanges arranged so that equipment can be serviced or removed without dismantling. 6. Provide for expansion and contraction in all piping systems to prevent undue strains on piping or equipments. Provide double off-sets at risers to take up expansion. 7. Install equipment with care to minimize damage to shop applied finishes. Replace or repair damaged components or finishes incurred during shipping and installation to the Owners satisfaction. 8. Thoroughly clean items before installation. Cap pipe openings to exclude dirt until fixtures are installed and final connections have been made. 9. Cut pipe accurately and work into place without springing or forcing, and properly clearing windows, doors, and other openings. 10. Show no tool marks or threads on exposed plated, polished, or enameled connections from fixtures. Tape all finished surfaces to prevent damage during construction. 11. Make changes in directions with fittings, make changes in main sizes with eccentric reducing fittings. Install water supply and return piping with straight side of eccentric fittings at top of the pipe. 12. Install equipment and components to minimize noise and vibration transmission to the structure. Provide vibration isolators and flexible connectors for all vibrating equipment. 13. Provide sufficient swing joints, ball joints, expansion loops, and devices necessary for a flexible piping system. 14. Support piping independently at pumps, coils, tanks and similar locations, so that weight of piping will not be supported by the equipment. 15050 – 26 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington B. 3.10 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 15. Pipe the drains from pump glands, drip pans, relief valves, air vents and similar locations, to spill through an air gap into a floor drain. 16. Securely bolt all equipment, isolators, hangers, and similar items in place. 17. Provide complete dielectric isolation between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. 18. Do not install plastic piping systems when the ambient temperature is below 60 degrees F. 19. Provide Armstrong Armaflex 2000 white insulation on pipe hangers, duct hangers, duct flanges, the edge of ductwork, and to the sharp edges of mechanical systems when located below 6'-8" above the floor. 20. Insulating Clamps: Provide IPS Corp. Strap-Tite insulating clamps on uninsulated copper piping installed through metal stud perforations. Equipment Access for Maintenance and Removal: 1. Install piping, equipment and accessories to permit access for maintenance as specified by the equipment manufacturer. Provide adequate clearance to disconnect equipment for removal. Locate valves and unions so additional piping removal is not necessary to remove equipment. Coordinate piping and equipment locations with all trades to ensure adequate clearance is maintained for equipment maintenance and removal. 2. Relocate items as necessary to provide access for maintenance and removal without additional cost to the Owner. ACCESS PANEL: A. Provide access panels for installation under other sections to allow access to mechanical equipment and devices installed under Divisions 15 and 16. Furnish access panels for mechanical and electrical devices installed behind permanent construction such as gypsum wallboard partitions and ceilings or concrete masonry walls and partitions. B. Devices provided under the work of Divisions 15 and 16 that require access include, but are not necessarily limited to; valves, cleanouts, air release valves; water hammer arrestors, terminal boxes; fire and smoke dampers, smoke detectors, steam traps, filters, coils, junction and pull boxes and volume and control dampers. 15050 – 27 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.11 3.12 C. Access panels shall be large enough to provide access for maintenance and removal of mechanical and electrical equipment and devices. D. Access panels shall have same fire rating classification as the construction penetrated. E. Panels shall be at least 12" x 12"; access panels at equipment shall be 18" x 18". VALVE TAG CHARTS: A. Prepare valve tag charts to indicate the location of all valves by room name and number as identified on the architectural floor plans. Indicate areas, floors, or specific rooms controlled by each valve. Provide valve tag charts for each system as specified in Part 2 of this Section. B. Coordinate valve tag numbers with the Owner's facility management programs. IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING, CONDUIT, DUCTWORK AND EQUIPMENT: A. Piping: Install pipe and conduit identification markers in compliance with ANSI A13.1 on each side of wall penetrations, at each valve, at tee fittings, behind access panels and base of risers. Spacing of markers shall not exceed 20 feet and shall include at least one marker in each room. Ensure that markers are visible from 4 foot 6 inches to 6 feet above the finish floor. 1. 3.13 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Install markers on painted piping only after painting is complete and has been accepted by the Architect. Install marker adjacent to access panels where piping is concealed. B. Equipment: Stencil equipment such as pumps, water heaters, and tanks with the name of the equipment and equipment number. Coordinate equipment numbers with the Owner's maintenance personnel. Stencils shall be at least 6 inches high and of a color to provide a contrast with the equipment finish. C. Equipment markings shall be prominently displayed on each normally visible side of equipment. Equipment intended for installation in finished area shall have markings located behind normally used access panels mounted so as to be readily found. Equipment identification designations shall be taken from equipment schedules as indicated on the Drawings. FIRE WATCH: A. Provide a fire watch as required when performing work, which may cause a fire, such as welding or torch cutting work. 15050 – 28 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.14 SCAFFOLDING, HOISTING, RIGGING AND STAGING: A. 3.15 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Provide scaffolding, hoisting, rigging, conveyance apparatus and staging as required to perform the work specified in the other mechanical and electrical sections of Divisions 15 and 16. RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. Project Progress and Record Drawings: Comply with the appropriate Section of Division 1 governing Project Record Documents and the additional requirements of this Section. 1. Maintain a daily record of the project construction progress by coloring the work completed on the white prints furnished by the Owner at the commencement of the work. 2. Modify the equipment schedules to reflect data consistent with that of the installed equipment. Clearly show all changes to the work as a result of addenda, change orders, clarifications, instructions issued by the Architect or conditions encountered in the field. Accurately indicate the location, size, type and elevation of new work and their relationship to existing work. Provide dimensions from permanent site improvements or column centerlines. 3. The marked up and colored in prints will be used as a guide for determining the progress of the work installed. They shall be inspected weekly and shall be corrected immediately if found inaccurate or incomplete. Requisitions for Payment will not be approved until the Drawings are accurate and up-to-date. B. At the completion of the work submit one set of the marked up prints for review and acceptance. After acceptance, these marked up record prints shall be used to prepare the Owner’s final Record Drawings. C. The mylar reproducibles shall be made from the originals of the Contract Drawings. Arrange with the Architect to have these reproducibles made from the originals. D. Maintain the established layering, color and pen thickness scheme on modified electronic drawing files. E. Make all modifications on the AutoCAD Drawing files indicated on the approved marked up set of Record Drawings. Remove all superseded data to show the completed installation. 15050 – 29 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.16 F. The final approved AutoCAD Record Drawing files shall become the property of the Owner. G. Deliver the completed Record Documents properly titled and dated to the Architect. These Record Documents shall become the property of the Owner. SYSTEM START-UPS AND INSTRUCTIONS: A. 3.17 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Start-Ups: Perform system and equipment start-ups in accordance with the manufacturers' printed start-up instructions in the presence of the manufacturers' representatives. CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATIONS AND AFFIDAVITS: A. B. Engineer’s Responsibility: During construction the Engineer is responsible for the following services as defined by the Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR Section 116.2.2: 1. Review, for conformance to the design concept, shop drawings, samples and other submittals, which are submitted by the contractor in accordance with the requirements of the construction documents. 2. Review and approval of the quality control procedures for all coderequired controlled materials. 3. Be present at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction to become, generally familiar with the progress and quality of the work and to determine, in general, if the work is being performed in a manner consistent with the construction documents. Contractor’s Responsibility: The Contractor is solely responsible for the completion of the work on schedule and in compliance with the Contract Documents and the applicable codes; and for scheduling sufficient time for all required testing and submissions and approvals. 1. Construction Affidavits: If upon the completion of the construction, the Building Official requires Affidavits from a Professional Engineer stating that the Contractor’s work is in accordance with the approved construction documents and with applicable local, state and federal statues and regulations as required by 780 CMR 116.3, the Contractor shall retain the services of a qualified Registered Professional Engineer to be on site during construction. 2. Submission Schedule: Allow sufficient time for the initial submission; Architect/Engineer review; resubmission; and final review and approval of 15050 – 30 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division all documents required for acceptance of the request for a Certificate of Occupancy in accordance with 780 CMR 903.4. C. 3. In accordance with 780 CMR 903.4, submit copies of the approved fire protection shop drawings, “As-Built” record drawings and completed contractor’s test and material certificates to the building official and head of the fire department before scheduling the final fire protection/life safety systems operational acceptance tests. 4. Testing Schedule: Allow sufficient time for the initial testing, adjustments, and final functional operational testing of all fire protection systems as outlined in the Fire Protection Narrative. Construction Certifications: After the Contractor submits signed Certifications of Compliance as required by the Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR, Section 116.3, and complies with the requirements of 780 CMR 903.4, the responsible engineers will provide written certifications to confirm that to the best of the engineer’s knowledge, information, and belief, the finished work is in compliance with the approved drawings issued for permit. 1. Prior to submission of the final signed Certifications of Compliance, the Contractor shall submit written responses to all punch list items submitted by the design team. 2. The engineer will not submit certifications until all required certifications of testing, compliance and completion of punch list items have been submitted to the engineer. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\15050 Basic M & E.doc 15050 – 31 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 15070 VIBRATION ISOLATION AND SEISMIC RESTRAINTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. B. C. General 1. This section provides for vibration isolation and seismic control for HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical equipment and systems specified in Divisions 15 and 16. 2. The intent of the seismic restraint portion of this specification is to provide restraint of non-structural building components. Restraint systems are intended to withstand the stipulated seismic accelerations applied through the component’s center of gravity per the state building code. The work in this section includes the following: 1. Vibration isolation elements for equipment. 2. Equipment isolation bases. 3. Piping flexible connectors. 4. Seismic restraints for isolated equipment. 5. Seismic restraints for non-isolated equipment. 6. Certification of seismic restraint designs and installation supervision. Related Sections: Related work specified in other Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Section 01519 – Cutting, Coring, and Patching: Openings in masonry, concrete, tile, and other parts of structure, except drilling for hangers, providing holes and openings in metal decks, and core drilling. 2. Section 03300 – Cast-in-Place Concrete: Housekeeping pads and inertia pads. 3. Section 15600 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. 15070 – 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington D. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4. Section 15900 – Automatic Temperature Controls. 5. Division 16 - Electrical. Definitions 1. The term EQUIPMENT will be used throughout this specification and it includes ALL non-structural components within the facility and/or serving this facility, such as equipment located in outbuildings or outside of the main structure on grade within five feet of the foundation wall. Equipment buried underground are excluded but entry of services through the foundation walls are included. Equipment referred to below is a partial list of equipment for reference. (Equipment not listed are still included in this specification) Tanks (All Types) Cabinet Heaters Air Separators A.T.S. Conduit Unit Heaters Ductwork Electrical Panels Fans (All Types) Piping Pumps (All Types) Unit Ventilators Var. Freq. Drives Boilers 2. Positive Attachment a. 3. Transverse Bracing a. 4. Restraint(s) applied to limit motion perpendicular or angular to the centerline of the pipe, duct, or conduit. Longitudinal Bracing a. 1.02 Positive attachment is defined as a support location with a cast-in or wedge type expansion anchor, a double-sided beam clamp, a welded or through bolted connection to the structure. Restraint(s) applied to limit motion along the centerline of the pipe, duct, conduit etc. EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER’S ISOLATION PACKAGES: 15070 – 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington A. 1.03 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Internal and/or External Systems 1. Substitution of internally or externally isolated and restrained equipment provided by the equipment manufacturer in lieu of the isolation and restraints specified in this section is acceptable provided all conditions of this section are met. The equipment manufacturer shall provide a letter of guarantee from their Engineering Department stamped and certified per the section on Seismic Restraints and Analysis stating that the seismic restraints are in full compliance with these specifications and the state building code. 2. All costs for converting to the specified vibration isolation and/or restraints shall be borne by the equipment manufacturer in the event of non-compliance with this specification. 3. In the event that the equipment is internally isolated and restrained, the entire unit assembly must be seismically attached to the structure. This attachment and certification thereof shall be by this section. SUBMITTALS: A. Comply with the submittal requirements of Division 1, Section 15050 – Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements and the additional requirements of this Section. B. Submittals C. 1. Catalog cuts or data sheets on specific vibration isolators and restraints to be utilized detailing compliance with the specification. Reference "TYPE" as per "PRODUCTS" section of this specification. 2. An itemized list of all isolated and non-isolated equipment. Detailed schedules showing isolator and seismic restraints proposed for each piece of equipment, referencing material and seismic calculation drawing numbers. Shop Drawings 1. Show base construction for equipment; include dimensions, structural member sizes and support point locations. 2. When walls and slabs are used as seismic restraint locations, details of acceptable methods for hanging ducts, conduit and pipe connections must be included. 15070 – 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington D. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Indicate isolation devices selected with complete dimensional and deflection data before condition is accepted for installation. 4. Provide specific details of seismic restraints and anchors; include number, size and locations for each piece of equipment. 5. Coordinated or contract drawings shall be marked-up with the specific locations and types of restraints shown for all pipe, duct, conduit, bus duct and cable tray. Rod bracing and assigned load at each restraint location shall be clearly delineated. Any and all tributary loads shall be considered for proper restraint sizing. 6. For ceiling suspended equipment provide minimum/maximum installation angle allowed for restraint system as well as braced and unbraced rod lengths at each allowable installation condition. 7. Calculate thrust for fan heads, axial and centrifugal fans to determine whether thrust restraints are required. (See EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION) Seismic Certification and Analysis 1. Seismic restraint calculations must be provided for all connections of equipment to the structure. All performance of products (such as; strut, cable, anchors, clips, etc.) associated with restraints must be supported with manufacturer's data sheets or certified calculations. 2. Seismic restraint calculations must be based on the state building code and acceleration criteria shown in Table A. TABLE A “G” FORCES FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS (SEISMIC ZONE 2 - AV > 0.1 < 0.2) PIPE and RIGIDLY FLEXIBLY ALL LIFE DUCT MOUNTED MOUNTED SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT .25 .40 .40 .60 15070 – 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Certification of calculations to support seismic restraint designs must be stamped by a registered professional engineer in the state in which the project is being constructed. a. 4. 1.04 Analysis must indicate calculated dead loads, derived loads and materials utilized for connections to equipment and structure. Analysis must detail anchoring methods, bolt diameter, embedment and/or weld length. A current $100,000.00 coverage limit Seismic Design Errors and Omissions insurance certificate must accompany submittals. Manufacturer’s product liability insurance certificates are not acceptable. MANUFACTURER'S RESPONSIBILITY: A. 1.05 Manufacturer of vibration and seismic control equipment shall have the following responsibilities: 1. Determine vibration isolation and seismic restraint sizes and locations. 2. Provide equipment vibration isolation and seismic restraints as specified. 3. Guarantee specified isolation system deflections. 4. Provide installation instructions, drawings and field supervision to insure proper installation and performance of systems. 5. Certify correctness of installation upon completion. COORDINATION WITH OTHER SECTIONS: A. Coordinate the following work specified under other sections to facilitate proper scheduling and installation work. B. Housekeeping Pads: Coordinate the requirements of Division 3, Division 15 – Mechanical and Division 16 – Electrical to provide a minimum edge distance of 10 bolt diameters of clearance all around the outermost anchor bolt to allow for the use of full anchor ratings. C. Supplementary Support Steel: Coordinate the requirements for supplementary support steel and connections for all equipment, piping, ductwork, and systems provided under the work of Divisions 15 and 16. 15070 – 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington D. 1.06 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Attachments: Coordinate the requirements for the restraint attachment plates to be cast into housekeeping pads, concrete inserts, double sided beam clamps, and other attachments required for the work of Divisions 15 and 16. CODE REQUIREMENTS: A. A. Seismic restraints as described herein shall be provided in accordance with the Massachusetts State Building Code, 8th Edition Section, 780 CMR 1612.0 Earthquake Loads. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 DESCRIPTION: A. 2.02 All vibration isolation and seismic devices described in this section shall be the product of a single manufacturer. Mason Industries is the base manufacturer of these specifications; products of other manufacturers may be acceptable provided their systems strictly comply with intent, structural design, performance and deflections of the Base Manufacturer. Acceptable manufacturers are Mason Industries, Vibration Eliminator Company, Korfund, Vibration Mountings & Controls Inc., or Kinetics. SEISMIC RESTRAINTS AND VIBRATION ISOLATION TYPES: A. General 1. All isolation and seismic restraint devices shall be capable of accepting, without failure, the "G" forces as determined by the seismic certification and calculations as described in the "SUBMITTAL DATA REQUIREMENTS" section of these specifications. 2. Corrosion protection for outdoor applications shall be as follows: 3. a. Springs cadmium plated, zinc electroplated or powder coat b. Hardware cadmium plated c. All other metal parts hot spray or hot dipped galvanized All seismic restraint devices a. Shall maintain the equipment in a captive position and not short circuit isolation devices during normal operating conditions. b. Shall have provisions for bolting and/or welding to the structure. 15070 – 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. B. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Welding of springs to isolator housing, base plates, etc. is strictly prohibited. Seismic Restraint Types 1. TYPE I: Same as Type B isolator. Cast or aluminum housings, (except ductile iron) are not acceptable. Mounting shall have Anchorage Preapproval “R” number from California OSHPD, certifying the horizontal and vertical seismic load ratings. Mason Ind. TYPE SLR, SSLFH 2. TYPE II: Seismic restraint snubber having an all directional resilient pad limit stop. Restraints shall be fabricated of plate, structural members or square metal tubing. Angle bumpers are not acceptable. For each corner or side of equipment base. Mason Ind. Type Z-1225, Z-1011 3. TYPE III: Restraints for suspended systems. a. Vibration isolated systems braced with multiple 7 x 19 galvanized steel cable type with approved fastening devices to equipment and structure. Mason Ind. Type SCB b. Non-isolated systems braced with structural steel strut type with approved fastening devices to equipment and structure. Mason Ind. Type SSB c. Steel angles shall be provided to prevent rod bending of hung equipment where indicated by the Seismic Restraint manufacturer’s submittals. Steel angles shall be attached to the rods with a minimum of three ductile iron clamps at each restraint location. Welding of support rods to angles is not acceptable. Rod clamp assemblies shall have Anchorage Preapproval “R” number from California OSHPD. Mason Ind. Model “SRC”. d. Pipe clevis cross braces. They shall be special purpose preformed channels deep enough to be held in place by bolts passing over the clevis cross bolt. Clevis cross braces shall have Anchorage Preapproval “R” number from California OSHPD. Mason Ind. Model “CCB”. 15070 – 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. Public Works Construction Engineering Division TYPE IV: Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing. a. 5. C. Mountings shall have Anchorage Preapproval “R” number from California OSHPD, certifying the horizontal and vertical seismic load ratings. Mason Industries Type RC or BR TYPE V: Rigid attachment to structure utilizing wedge type expansion anchors for bolting and steel plates, either cast-in or anchored with wedge type expansion bolts, for welding. Powder shots are not acceptable. Concrete anchor bolt spacing shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s published standards. Vibration Isolator Types 1. 2. TYPE A: Spring Isolator - Free Standing a. Spring shall have a minimum outer diameter to overall height ratio of 0.8:1 at rated deflection. b. Reserve deflection (from published load ratings to solid height) of 50% of the rated deflection. c. Ductile top cup with adjusting bolt tapped for equipment attachment locking cap screw. d. Minimum 1/4" thick neoprene acoustical base pad or cup on underside, unless designated otherwise. Mason Industries Type SLF TYPE B: Spring Isolator – Restrained a. Shall be the same as TYPE A with the following additional features. 1) Integral restraining bolts with elastomeric cushions preventing metal-to-metal contact. 2) Internal spring adjusting nut or bolt with leveling capability. 3) Built-in all-directional limit stops with minimum 1/4" clearance under normal operation. Mason Industries Type SLR, SSLFH 15070 – 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. Public Works Construction Engineering Division TYPE C: Spring Hanger Isolator a. Spring element (same as TYPE A) with steel upper spring retainer and a lower elastomer retainer cup with an integral bushing to insulate lower support rod from the hanger box. b. Steel hanger box shall be capable of 30 degree misalignment between the rod attachment to structure and the connection to the supported equipment. Hanger boxes shall withstand three times the rated load without failure. Mason Industries Type 30 4. TYPE D: Double deflection neoprene isolator encased in ductile iron or steel casing. Mason Industries Type RC or BR 5. TYPE E: Elastomer Hanger Isolator 6. a. Molded neoprene element with an integral bushing to insulate lower support rod from the hanger box. b. Steel hanger box shall withstand three times the rated load without failure. Mason Industries Type HD TYPE F: Combination Spring/Elastomer Hanger Isolator a. 7. Spring and neoprene elements in a steel hanger box with the features as described for TYPE C and E isolators. Mason Industries Type 30N TYPE G: Pad type elastomer isolator a. Neoprene pad shall have 0.75" minimum thickness, deflection rating of 0.1 inch under rated load. Supports shall be connected in the center by an 1/8" tear strip to facilitate trimming to desired size in two inch increments. b. 1/16" galvanized steel plate between multiple pad layers. c. Load distribution plate where attachment to equipment bearing surface is less than 75% of the pad area. 15070 – 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division d. 8. 9. 10. TYPE H: Pad type elastomer isolator a. Laminated canvas duck & neoprene, maximum loading 1000 psi, minimum ½" thick. b. Load distribution plate where attachment to equipment bearing surface is less than 75% of the pad area. c. When bolting is required for seismic compliance, neoprene and duck washers and bushings shall be provided to prevent short circuiting. Mason Industries Type HL Pad. TYPE I: Thrust Restraints a. A spring element same as TYPE A shall be combined with steel angles, backup plates, threaded rod, washers and nuts to produce a pair of devices capable of limiting thrust movement of air moving equipment to 1/4". b. Restraints shall be easily converted in the field from a compression type to tension type. c. Unit shall be factory precompressed. Mason Industries Type WB. TYPE J: Telescoping Riser Guide a. 11. When bolting is required for seismic compliance, neoprene impregnated duck washers and bushings shall be provided to prevent short circuiting of bolt. Mason Industries Type Super Waffle (SW) pad Telescoping arrangement of two sizes of steel tubing separated by a minimum ½" thickness of TYPE H pad. Mason Industries Type VSG TYPE K: Resilient Pipe Anchors and Guides a. All directional acoustical pipe anchor, consisting of a telescopic arrangement of two sizes of steel tubing separated by a minimum ½" thickness of TYPE H pad. b. Vertical restraints shall be provided by a similar material arranged to prevent vertical travel in either direction. 15070 – 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division c. 12. 13. 2.03 Allowable loads on neoprene pad shall not exceed 500 PSI and the design shall be balanced for equal resistance in any direction. Mason Industries Type ADA. TYPE M: Flashable restrained isolator a. Shall have all features of TYPE B isolator. b. Shall have waterproof spring covers for adjustment or removal of springs. c. Unit shall have a structural top plate for welding or bolting of supplementary support steel. d. Isolator shall accept 2" roofing insulation and be flashed directly into the waterproofing membrane. e. To be complete with wood nailer and flashing. Mason Industries Type FRS. TYPE P: Elastomer Isolator a. Double deflection neoprene compression mountings shall have all metal surfaces neoprene coated. b. Non-skid top and bottom surfaces. c. Threaded bolting sleeves shall be embedded in the isolator. d. Drilled tie-down bolt holes shall be provided in the base plate. Mason Industries Type ND. EQUIPMENT BASES: A. GENERAL 1. B. All curbs and roof rails are to be bolted or welded anchored to the structure to attain specified acceleration criteria and shall also be capable of resisting minimum wind loads per the State Building Code. BASE TYPES 1. TYPE B-1: Integral Structural Steel Base 15070 – 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. 3. Public Works Construction Engineering Division a. Constructed of structural members as required to prevent base flexure at equipment startup and misalignment of driver and driven units. Perimeter members shall be a minimum of 1/10th the longest unsupported span. Centrifugal fan bases shall be complete with motor slide rails and drilled for driver and driven units. b. Height saving brackets shall be used to maintain 1" operating clearance under base. TYPE B-2: Concrete Inertia Base a. Steel concrete forms for floating foundations. Bases for pumps shall be large enough to support elbows and/or suction diffusers. The base depth shall be a minimum of 1/12 the longest unsupported span, but not less than 6" or greater than 12". Forms shall include concrete reinforcement consisting of steel bars or angles welded in place on 8" centers both ways in a layer 1-1/2" above the bottom. b. Isolators may be set into pocket housings which are an integral part of the base construction or utilize height saving brackets set at the proper height to maintain 1" clearance below the base. Base shall be furnished with steel templates to hold anchor bolt sleeves and anchors while concrete is being poured. Mason Industries Type KSL or BMK TYPE B-3: Spring Roof Curb a. Spring isolation curbs that bear directly on the roof support structure and are flashed and waterproofed into the roof's membrane waterproofing system. Field fabricated curbs shall not be used. b. All spring locations shall have removable waterproof covers to allow for spring adjustment and/or removal. c. Springs shall have all of the features of TYPE B. d. Curbs shall have continuous sheet metal sides and have provision for 2" insulation to be installed and furnished by the roofing contractor. e. Waterproofing shall consist of a continuous galvanized flexible counter flashing nailed over the lower curb’s waterproofing membrane and joined at the corners by EPDM bellows. 15070 – 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. Public Works Construction Engineering Division f. Wood nailer and flashing shall be provided. g. Shall have a California OSHPD Seismic Anchorage Preapproval “R” number if used for seismic restraint. h. Shall include a means of incorporating a sound barrier package, supported from the top isolated rail consisting of two layers of waterproof gypsum board furnished and installed by the Contractor. i. Provide curb built to the roof pitch in accordance with all seismic provisions of this section. j. Overhung condensing units (when applicable) shall be supported by TYPE B isolators and spanning (width) steel support angle. These isolators shall in turn be supported on a field built curb. Vibration isolation equipment manufacturer shall provide detailed drawings. Mason Industries Type RSC TYPE B-4: Flashable Roof Rail System – Isolated a. Continuous structural support rails that combine equipment support and isolation mounting into one unitized assembly. b. Rails shall incorporate TYPE B springs which are adjustable, removable and interchangeable after equipment has been installed. c. The system shall maintain the same installed and operating height with or without the equipment load and shall be capable of being utilized as a blocking device. d. The entire assembly shall be an integral part of the roof's membrane waterproofing. e. Unit to be supplied with continuous upper and lower galvanized flashing. Mason Industries Type RIR 5. TYPE B-5: NOT USED 6. TYPE B-6: Non-isolated roof curb a. Same as B-3 without spring isolation. 15070 – 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Mason Industries Type RRC 7. 8. TYPE B-7: Computer room Unit Base a. Computer room air conditioning units shall be welded or bolted to seismically capable structural steel stands. b. Stand shall have + 1-1/2" of leveling adjustment. Mason Industries Type CRUB TYPE B-8: Non-isolated a. 9. 2.04 Same as continuous support rails, Type B-4 without the spring isolation. Mason Industries Type RUR TYPE B-9 : Steel Rails a. Steel members of sufficient strength to prevent equipment flexure during operation. b. Height saving brackets as required to reduce operating height. c. Rails shall be cross-braced at support and equipment attachment points when used in seismic zones. Mason Industries Type R, ICS FLEXIBLE CONNECTORS: A. All connectors shall be installed on the equipment side of shutoff valves; horizontal and parallel to equipment shafts whenever possible. Piping shall be supported and/or anchored to resist pipe movement beyond the allowable movement of the flexible connector. B. TYPE FC-1: Spherical Elastomer connector 1. Manufactured of peroxide cured EPDM in the covers, liners and Polyester tire cord frictioning. Curing must take place in steel molds closed within heated hydraulic presses. 2. Solid steel rings shall be used within the raised faced rubber flanged ends to prevent pullout. 3. Sizes 2" and larger shall have two spheres reinforced with a molded-in ductile iron external ring between spheres. Flanges shall be split ductile 15070 – 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division iron with hooked or similar interlocks. Sizes 16" to 24" may be single sphere. 4. Threaded one piece bolted flange assemblies with female threaded ends for sizes 3/4" to 1-1/2". 5. Rated at 250 psi up to 170 F, with a uniform drop in allowable pressure to 170 psi at 250 F for sizes through 14". Sizes 16" thru 24" single sphere minimum ratings are 180 psi at 170 F and 130 psi at 250 F. 6. Factory tested at 150% of rated pressure for 12 minutes before shipment. Safety factor to burst and flange pullout shall be a minimum of 3:1. 7. Connectors shall be installed in piping gaps equal to the length of the connector under pressure. 8. Control rods are required in unanchored installations where the installation exceeds the pressure requirement without control rods. a. 9. C. Connectors bolted to Victaulic type coupling or gate, butterfly or check valves to have a minimum 5/8" flange spacer installed between the connector and the coupling flange. Connectors must mate to a flat faced flange in all instances. Mason Industries SAFEFLEX Type SFU, SFEJ, SFDEJ or SFDCR TYPE FC-2: Flexible Stainless Steel Hose 1. Stainless steel hose and braid rated with 3:1 safety factor. 2. 2" diameter and smaller with male nipples, 2-1/2" and larger with fixed flat faced steel flanges. a. D. Control rods shall have ½" thick Neoprene washer bushings large enough in diameter to take the thrust at 1,000 psi maximum on the washer area. Lengths shall be: 9" for 2-1/2" through 4", 11" for 5" and 6", 12" for 8", 13" for 10", 14" for 12" through 16". Mason Industries Type BSS. TYPE FC-3: Upbraided Exhaust Hose 1. Low pressure Stainless steel annularly corrugated with flanged ends. 15070 – 15 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. E. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Maximum temperature of 1500 degrees F. Mason Ind. Type SSE. TYPE FC-4: Wire Braid Reinforced Flexible Metal Hose 1. Metal hose and braid rated with a minimum 3:1 safety factor. (Minimum 150 PSI) 2. Copper tube ends. Mason Ind. Type BBF PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERA:L A. Isolation and seismic restraint systems must be installed in strict accordance with the state building code, manufacturer's written instructions and all submittal data. B. Vibration isolators shall not cause any change of position of equipment resulting in stress on equipment connections. 3.02 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: A. Equipment shall be isolated as indicated in TABLES B, C, D & E at the end of this section. B. Additional Requirements: 1. The minimum operating clearance under all bases shall be 1" 2. All bases shall be placed in position and supported temporarily by blocks or shims prior to the installation of the equipment, isolators and restraints. 3. Spring isolators shall be installed after all equipment is installed without changing equipment elevations. 4. After the entire installation is complete and under full operational load, the spring isolators shall be adjusted so that the load is transferred from the blocks to the isolators. 5. Remove all debris from beneath the equipment and verify that there are no short circuits of the isolation. The equipment shall be free in all directions. 6. Install equipment with flexibility in wiring. 15070 – 16 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.03 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 7. Thrust restraints shall be installed on all cabinet fan heads, axial or centrifugal fans whose thrust exceeds 10% of unit weight. 8. Housekeeping pads for equipment in this section must be properly doweled or bolted, using wedge type expansion bolts to meet the acceleration criteria. Anchor equipment or isolators to housekeeping pads, see Section 1.5: COORDINATION WITH OTHER SECTIONS. PIPING AND DUCTWORK ISOLATION: A. Installation: 1. 2. General a. Hanger isolators shall be installed with the hanger box hung as close as possible to the structure. (without touching) b. Hanger rods shall not short circuit the hanger box. Ceiling supported piping in mechanical equipment rooms and within 50 feet from rotating or reciprocating equipment and pressure reducing stations whether the equipment is isolated or not shall be isolated as follows: a. b. Water and steam piping. 1) Water piping 1-1/4" to 2" and all steam piping larger than 1" shall be hung with TYPE E isolators with 0.3" deflection. 2) Water pipe larger than 2" shall be hung with TYPE F isolators with 0.75" deflection. 3) Horizontal floor or roof mounted water piping 1-1/4" to 2" and all steam piping larger than 1" shall be supported by TYPE P isolators with a minimum 0.3" deflection. 4) Water pipe larger than 2" shall be supported by TYPE B isolators with a minimum of 0.75" deflection. Control air piping and vacuum piping from compressor discharge to receiver shall be suspended by TYPE E isolators with a minimum 0.3" deflection or supported by TYPE P isolators with a minimum 0.3" deflection. 15070 – 17 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.04 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. All ductwork over four square feet face area located within 50' from air moving equipment shall be hung with TYPE C hangers with a minimum of 0.75" deflection. 4. Emergency generator exhaust shall be isolated with TYPE C isolators with a minimum of 0.75" deflection (all neoprene components shall be omitted). 5. Vertical riser supports for water & steam pipe 4" diameter and larger shall be isolated from the structure using TYPE K guides and anchors. 6. Install TYPE FC-1 flexible connectors at all connections of pipe to rotating equipment. 7. Install Type FC-2 or FC-2 flexible connectors at locations which exceed temperature limitations of FC-1 or service requires stainless steel or bronze construction flex. (Such as gas, fuel oil, steam or Freon) SEISMIC RESTRAINTS: B. Installation 1. All floor mounted equipment whether isolated or not shall be snubbed, anchored, bolted or welded to the structure to comply with the required acceleration. Calculations that determine that isolated equipment movement may be less than the operating clearance of snubbers (restraints) do not preclude the need for snubbers. All equipment must be positively restrained to the structure. 2. All suspended equipment including, but not limited to; air handling units, pumps, fans, tanks, stacks, VAV boxes, unit heaters, fan powered boxes, cabinet unit heaters shall be two or four point independently braced with TYPE III restraints, installed taught for non-isolated equipment and slack with ½" cable deflection for isolated equipment. VAV Boxes (without fans) attached directly to ductwork on the main supply side shall be considered as ductwork for seismic design purposes. Rod bracing shall be installed as per approved submittals and shop drawings. Equipment less than 50 lbs. Is excluded. 3. All horizontally suspended pipe, duct, cable trays, bus duct and conduit shall use RESTRAINT TYPE III. Spacing of seismic bracing shall be as per TABLE E at the end of this section. 15070 – 18 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4. For all trapeze supported piping and conduit, the individual pipes and conduits must be transversely and vertically restrained to the trapeze support at the designated restraint locations. 5. For overhead supported equipment, over stress of the building structure must not occur. Bracing may occur from: 6. 7. a. Flanges of structural beams. b. Upper truss chords in bar joists. c. Cast in place inserts or drilled and shielded inserts in concrete structures. Pipe Risers a. Where pipe pass through cored holes, holes must be packed with resilient material or fire stop as specified in other sections of this specification and/or as required by state and local codes. No additional horizontal seismic bracing is required at these locations. b. Non-isolated, constant temperature pipe risers through cored holes require a riser clamp at each floor level on top of the slab attached in a seismically approved manner for vertical restraint. c. Non-isolated, constant temperature pipe risers in pipe shafts require structural steel attached in a seismically approved manner at each floor level and a riser clamp at each floor level on top of, and fastened to the structural steel. The riser clamp and structural steel must be capable of withstanding all thermal, static and seismic loads. d. Isolated and/or variable temperature risers through cored holes require Type K riser resilient Guides and Anchors installed to meet both thermal expansion and seismic acceleration criteria. e. Isolated and/or variable temperature risers in pipe shafts require Type K resilient riser guides and anchors installed on structural steel to meet both thermal expansion and seismic acceleration criteria. Each floor level must have a riser clamp that does not interfere with the thermal expansion/contraction of the pipe. Chimneys, stacks and boiler breeching passing through floors are to be bolted at each floor level or secured above and below each floor with riser clamps. 15070 – 19 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 8. Fixtures such as panel light and diffusers, shall be attached to lay-in ceilings earthquake clips or other approved means of positive attachment to secure to T- bar structure. 9. All non-isolated floor or wall mounted equipment and tanks shall use RESTRAINT TYPE III or V. 10. Where base anchoring of equipment is insufficient to resist seismic forces, restraint TYPE III shall be located above the unit’s center of gravity to suitably resist "G" forces specified. a. 11. C. Vertically mounted tanks and up-blast tubular centrifugal fans, tanks, or similar equipment, may require this additional restraint, as determined by manufacturer of restraint devices. A rigid piping system shall not be braced to dissimilar parts of a building or to dissimilar building systems that may respond in a different mode during an earthquake. Examples: Wall and roof; solid concrete wall and a metal deck with lightweight concrete fill, pipes, duct, conduit, etc. crossing a building expansion joint. EXCLUSIONS FOR SEISMIC RESTRAINTS ON NON-LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS: 1. HVAC a. Curb mounted mushroom, exhaust and vent fans with curb area less than nine square feet are excluded unless specifically detailed in the schedules or drawings. b. Duct 1) Rectangular, Square, and Oval air handling ducts less than six square feet in cross sectional area. 2) Round air handling duct less than 28 inches in diameter. 3) Duct suspended by hangers positively attached to the structure that are less than 12 inches in length as measured to top of the duct to the point of attachment to the structure. Hangers must be attached within 2 inches of the top of the duct with a minimum of two #10 sheet metal screws. If the 12" limit is exceeded by any hanger in the run, seismic bracing is required for the run. 15070 – 20 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. 3. 3.05 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Piping (HVAC and Plumbing systems) a. All piping less than 2-1/2" diameter, except in mechanical rooms where piping less than 1-1/4" is exempted. b. All clevis or trapeze supported piping suspended by hangers with positive attachment to the structure that are less than 12 inches in length as measured from the top of the pipe to the point of attachment to the structure. If the 12" limit is exceeded by any hanger in the run, seismic bracing is required for the run. Electrical a. All conduit less than 2-1/2" diameter. b. All clevis or trapeze supported conduit, cable tray or bus duct suspended by hangers with positive attachment to the structure that are less than 12 inches in length as measured from the top of the conduit, cable tray or bus duct to the point of attachment to the structure. If the 12" limit is exceeded by any hanger in the run, seismic bracing is required for the run. INSPECTION: A. Upon completion of installation of all vibration isolation and seismic restraint devices, a representative of the vibration/seismic isolation equipment manufacturer shall inspect the installation and certify the installed system is installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Any deficiencies in the installation will be corrected immediately at the contractor’s expense. 15070 – 21 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT TABLE B VIBRATION ISOLATION & SEISMIC RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT ON GRADE EQUIPMENT SIZE (5) (8) AIR HANDLING/CONDITIONG UNITS & CABINET TYPE FANS TO 10 H.P. ABOVE GRADE ROOF MOUNTING ISOL DEFL BASE ISOL DEFL BASE ISOL DEFL BASE FLOOR D 0.30 (1) B 0.75 (1) -- -- -- CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 (1) -- -- -- FLOOR D 0.30 (1) B (2) (1) -- -- -- CEILING -- -- (1) F (2) (1) -- -- -- D 0.30 -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- OVER 10 H.P. B 0.75 -- B 1.50 B-2 -- -- -- TO 10 H.P. D 0.30 -- B 0.75 B-2 (3) -- -- -- OVER 10 H.P. B 0.75 -- B 1.50 B-2 (3) -- -- -- ROOF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.50 B-4 FLOOR/ROOF D 0.30 B-1 B B-1 -- OVER 10 H.P. TO 10 H.P. AIR OR REFRIGERANT COMPRESSORS TANK FLOOR UNITARY AIR COOLED CONDENSERS ALL B-3 OR 4 TO 15 H.P. AXIAL FANS (2) (2) CEILING -- -- -- F -- -- -- FLOOR/ROOF B 0.75 B-1 B B-1 -- B-3 OR 4 CEILING -- -- -- F -- -- -- -- -- -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- G 0.10 -- -- -- -- B 0.75 B-1 B B-1 (4) B OVER 15 H.P. BOILERS & STEAM GENERATORS OIL OR GAS FLOOR ELECTRIC ARRG’T 1&3 CENTRIFUGAL FANS FLOOR/ROOF ARRG’T 4,9 & 10 ABSORB. CHILLERS & CONDENSING UNITS (2) (6) ALL CEILING -- -- -- F FLOOR/ROOF D 0.30 -- B CEILING -- -- -- F FLOOR G 0.10 -- B 0.75 B-1 (4) (2) (6) -- -- -- B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ALL 15070 – 22 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT TABLE B VIBRATION ISOLATION & SEISMIC RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT ON GRADE ABOVE GRADE ROOF CENTRIF. FLOOR G 0.10 -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- RECIPR. FLOOR/ROOF B 0.75 -- B 1.50 -- -- 1.50 B-4 ROTARY FLOOR/ROOF G 0.10 -- B 0.75 -- -- 0.75 B-4 CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- FLOOR -- -- B-7 D 0.30 B-7 -- -- -- FLOOR OR ROOF 1.50 -- 1.50 B-1 G 0.10 2.50 (9) COMPUTER ROOM UNITS ALL TO 200 TONS COOLING TOWERS -- OVER 200 CURB MOUNTED FANS FAN COIL UNITS FAN POWERED BOXES CABINET UNIT HEATERS UNIT VENTILATORS B -- B 2.50 -- ALL (7) ROOF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- B-6 ALL CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- D 0.30 B-2 B 0.75 B-2 -- -- -- 15-30 H.P. B 0.75 B-2 B 0.75 B-2 -- -- -- OVER 30 H.P. B 0.75 B-2 B 1.50 B-2 -- -- -- FLOOR -- -- -- D 0.30 -- -- -- -- CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- D 0.30 B-9 D 0.30 B-9 -- -- -- D 0.30 -- D 0.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.75 B-3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.50 B-3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.75 -- 2.50 -- -- -- TO 15 H.P. BASE MOUNTED FLOOR PUMPS INLINE ALL CONDENSA TE BOILER FEED FLOOR TO 15 TONS CURB MOUNTED PACKAGED ROOF TOP AIR HANDLING UNITS OVER 15 TONS TO 15 TONS POINT SUPPORTED OVER 15 TONS UNIT HEATERS ALL CEILING B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E 0.30 -- -- 15070 – 23 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT TABLE B VIBRATION ISOLATION & SEISMIC RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT ON GRADE EQUIPMENT SIZE (5) (8) AIR HANDLING/CONDITIONG UNITS & CABINET TYPE FANS TO 10 H.P. ABOVE GRADE ROOF MOUNTING ISOL DEFL BASE ISOL DEFL BASE ISOL DEFL BASE FLOOR D 0.30 (1) B 0.75 (1) -- -- -- CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 (1) -- -- -- FLOOR D 0.30 (1) B (2) (1) -- -- -- CEILING -- -- (1) F (2) (1) -- -- -- D 0.30 -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- OVER 10 H.P. B 0.75 -- B 1.50 B-2 -- -- -- TO 10 H.P. D 0.30 -- B 0.75 B-2 (3) -- -- -- OVER 10 H.P. B 0.75 -- B 1.50 B-2 (3) -- -- -- ROOF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.50 B-4 FLOOR/ROOF D 0.30 B-1 B B-1 -- OVER 10 H.P. TO 10 H.P. AIR OR REFRIGERANT COMPRESSORS TANK FLOOR UNITARY AIR COOLED CONDENSERS ALL B-3 OR 4 TO 15 H.P. AXIAL FANS (2) (2) CEILING -- -- -- F -- -- -- FLOOR/ROOF B 0.75 B-1 B B-1 -- B-3 OR 4 CEILING -- -- -- F -- -- -- -- -- -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- G 0.10 -- -- -- -- B 0.75 B-1 B B-1 (4) B OVER 15 H.P. BOILERS & STEAM GENERATORS OIL OR GAS FLOOR ELECTRIC ARRG’T 1&3 CENTRIFUGAL FANS FLOOR/ROOF ARRG’T 4,9 & 10 ABSORB. CHILLERS & CONDENSING UNITS (2) (6) ALL CEILING -- -- -- F FLOOR/ROOF D 0.30 -- B CEILING -- -- -- F FLOOR G 0.10 -- B 0.75 B-1 (4) (2) (6) -- -- -- B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ALL 15070 – 24 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT TABLE B VIBRATION ISOLATION & SEISMIC RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT ON GRADE ABOVE GRADE ROOF CENTRIF. FLOOR G 0.10 -- B 0.75 -- -- -- -- RECIPR. FLOOR/ROOF B 0.75 -- B 1.50 -- -- 1.50 B-4 ROTARY FLOOR/ROOF G 0.10 -- B 0.75 -- -- 0.75 B-4 CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- FLOOR -- -- B-7 D 0.30 B-7 -- -- -- FLOOR OR ROOF 1.50 -- 1.50 B-1 G 0.10 2.50 (9) COMPUTER ROOM UNITS ALL TO 200 TONS COOLING TOWERS -- OVER 200 CURB MOUNTED FANS FAN COIL UNITS FAN POWERED BOXES CABINET UNIT HEATERS UNIT VENTILATORS B -- B 2.50 -- ALL (7) ROOF -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- B-6 ALL CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- D 0.30 B-2 B 0.75 B-2 -- -- -- 15-30 H.P. B 0.75 B-2 B 0.75 B-2 -- -- -- OVER 30 H.P. B 0.75 B-2 B 1.50 B-2 -- -- -- FLOOR -- -- -- D 0.30 -- -- -- -- CEILING -- -- -- F 0.75 -- -- -- -- D 0.30 B-9 D 0.30 B-9 -- -- -- D 0.30 -- D 0.30 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.75 B-3 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2.50 B-3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.75 -- 2.50 -- -- -- TO 15 H.P. BASE MOUNTED FLOOR PUMPS INLINE ALL CONDENSA TE BOILER FEED FLOOR TO 15 TONS CURB MOUNTED PACKAGED ROOF TOP AIR HANDLING UNITS OVER 15 TONS TO 15 TONS POINT SUPPORTED OVER 15 TONS UNIT HEATERS ALL CEILING B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E 0.30 -- -- 15070 – 25 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division TABLE C Vibration Isolation & Seismic Restraint Requirements for Plumbing Equipment EQUIPMENT Air Compressors & Vacuum Pumps Tanks Unitary Pumps Base Mounte d (9) Inline SIZE (5) (8) To 10 hp Over 10 hp To 10 hp Over 10 hp To 15 hp MOUNTING Floor EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT ON GRADE ISOL DEFL BASE D 0.30 - - ABOVE GRADE ISOL DEFL BASE B 0.75 - - Floor B D B D 0.75 0.30 0.75 0.30 - - - B-2 B B B B 1.50 0.75 1.50 0.75 B-2 B-2 (3) B-2 (3) B-2 15 - 30 hp Floor B 0.75 B-2 B 0.75 B-2 Over 30 hp All Floor B - - 0.75 - - B-2 - - B D 1.50 0.30 B-2 - - - - - - - - F 0.75 - - Floor TABLE D Vibration Isolation & Seismic Restraint Requirements for Electrical Equipment EQUIPMENT General Purpose Transformers - Dry Type SIZE Generators All MOUNTING Floor EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ATTACHMENT POINT ON GRADE ISOL DEFL - - - BASE - - ISOL D - - - E B ABOVE GRADE DEFL BASE 0.30 - - All Ceiling Floor - B - 0.75 0.30 1.50 - - - TABLES B, C & D NOTES: GENERAL : ISOL = Isolator, DEFL. = Deflection, BASE = Base. Provide Seismic Restraint in accordance with paragraph 3.4 seismic restraints. All deflections indicated are in inches. (1)Units may not be capable of point support. Refer to separate Air Handling or Air Conditioning Unit pecification section, if base is not provided by that section and external isolation is required, provide Type B-1 base by this section for entire unit. (2)Static deflection shall be determined on the deflection guide. Deflections indicated are minimums at actual load and shall be selected from manufacturer's nominal 4", 3", 2" and 1" deflection spring series. R.P.M. is defined as the slowest operating speed of the equipment. (3)Single stroke compressors may require inertia bases with thickness greater than 12" max. As described for base B-2. Inertia base mass shall be sufficient to maintain double amplitude of 1/8". (4)For floor mounted fans substitute base TYPE B-2 for class 2 or 3 or any class fan with static pressure over 5". (5)Equipment with less than 1/2 H.P. are excluded from vibration requirements. (Seismic requirements still apply) (6)Utility sets with wheel diameters less than 24" need not have deflections greater than 0.75". (7)Curb mounted fans with curb area less than nine (9) square feet are excluded. (8)For equipment with multiple motors, H.P. Classification applies to largest single motor. (9) Exclude B-2 base for skid mounted pumps sets. DEFLECTION GUIDE R.P.M. DEFLECTION LESS THAN 400 3.50" 401 TO 600 2.50" 601 TO 900 1.50" OVER 900 0.75" 15070 – 26 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division TABLE E SEISMIC BRACING TABLE EQUIPMENT ON CENTER SPACING TRANSVERSE LONGITUDINAL DUCT 30 Feet 60 Feet PIPE (Threaded, Welded, Soldered or Grooved) ALL 40 Feet 80 Feet PIPE (No-Hub, Bell & Spigot, Cast Iron) ALL 10 Feet 20 Feet 30 Feet 60 Feet CHIMNEYS & STACKS 30 Feet 60 Feet CONDUIT 40 Feet 80 Feet BUS DUCT 30 Feet 60 Feet CABLE TRAY 40 Feet 80 Feet BOILER BREECHING NOTE: (1) Projects that contains large pipe may require that the allowable spacing shown in this Table be reduced to minimize structural loading. All associated costs shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Close coordination and approval by the structural engineer is mandatory for all seismic point loads exceeding 4,000 lbs. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\15070 seismic deb.doc 15070 – 27 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 15600 HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: A. The work of this Section is governed by the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Sections in Division 1 and Section 15050 of the Project Manual. B. Perform work and provide materials and equipment as shown on Drawings and as specified or indicated in this Section of the Specifications. Completely coordinate work of this Section with work of other trades and provide complete and fully functional systems installation. C. Give notices, file plans, obtain permits and licenses, pay fees and backcharges, and obtain necessary approvals from authorities that have jurisdiction as required to perform work in accordance with all legal requirements and with the Contract Documents. D. In general, the work of this section shall include, but not be limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Access panels. Air and water system balancing. Air distribution system including all pressure classes of ductwork, diffusers, registers, grilles, splitters, dampers, etc. Automatic temperature controls, variable air volume controls and other controls. Boiler flue pipe and breeching. Cabinet unit heaters. Centrifugal separators. Chemical water treatment. Cleaning. Complete hot water system including pumps, expansion tanks, piping, valves, fittings and other hardware. Condensate piping. Coordination drawings. Ductwork, piping, tanks and equipment insulation. Equipment bases and supports. Expansion joints. Expansion tanks. Fans : exhaust. 15600 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. E. F. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Flexible connections for pumps and other vibrating and rotating equipment. Flexible ductwork. Hoisting and rigging required to complete the work of this Section. Hot water boiler, trim and controls. Hot water unit heaters. Instruction manuals and startup instructions. Insulation materials. Motors. Motor starters. Piping materials. Pressure gauges. Record drawings. Sheet metal work. Sleeves, inserts and hangers. Strainers. Testing and balancing. Thermometers. Tie-ins to existing, pump discharge, and hot water piping. Unfired steam generator. Unit heaters. Unit ventilators. Valves. Variable frequency drives. Vibration isolators and inertia blocks. Water system accessories. Water treatment equipment and chemicals and testing. Furnish the following items for installation under other Sections: 1. Starters, except starters in Motor Control Centers (MCC). 2. Variable Frequency Drives. Related work specified in other Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Section 01735 – Cutting, Coring, and Patching: Openings in masonry, concrete, tile, and other parts of structure. 2. Section 01519 - Temporary Facilities: Utilities during construction 3. Section 03300 – Cast-in-place Concrete: Housekeeping pads and inertia pads for vibrating equipment. 15600 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.2 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4. Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements. 5. Section 15070 - Vibration Isolation and Seismic Control. 6. Section 15900 – Building Controls System. 7. Section 15990 – Testing, Adjusting and Balancing. 8. Section 16010 - ELECTRICAL WORK - GENERAL PROVISIONS 9. Section 16050 - BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS 10. Section 16123 – Conductors and Cables 11. Section 16442 – Panelboards REFERENCES: A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1. 2. 3. 4. B. C. B9.1: B3.15: Z21.3: N510: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration American Refrigeration Institute (ARI) 1. 360: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 410: 430: 550: 560: 575: Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air Conditioning Equipment Forced-Circulation Air Cooling and Air Heating Coils Central Station Air Handling Units Centrifugal or Rotary Screw Water Chilling Packages Absorption Water Chilling and Water Heating Packages Method of Measuring Machinery Sound within Equipment Space Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA) 1. 2. 3. Standard 500: Test Methods for Louvers, Dampers and Shutters Standard 500D: Laboratory Methods for Testing Dampers for Ratings Standard 511: Certified Ratings Program for Air Control Devices 15600 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington D. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 1. 2. 3. E. F. G. B31.1: ASME-83: CSD-1: Power Piping Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 1. Standard 52: Gravimetric and Dust Spot Procedures for Testing and Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Remaining Particulate Matter 2. Standard 15: Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 1. E-84: 2. 3. E-477: E-814: 4. E90: 5. 6. E413: C423-66: Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials Standard Method of Testing Duct Liner Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops Laboratory Measurements of Airborne Sound Transmission of Building Partitions Classification for Rating Sound Insulation Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 1. 2. 3. 4. H. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Standard 112: Standard Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators RS 232: Set of Standards Specifying Three Types of Interfaces – Electrical, Functional and Mechanical RS 485: Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications. RJ11: A Six Conductor Modular Jack that is Typically Wired to Four Conductors National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 1. Standard MG.1 Motors and Generators 15600 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington I. Cooling Tower Institute (CTI) 1. J. 3. 4. 1.3 No. 900: No. 723: Test Performance for Air Filter Units Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Material No. 1479: Fire Tests for Through-Penetration Firestops Fire Resistance Directory Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M. Standard ASC-A-7001A Adhesive Standard for Duct Liner Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1. 2. L. Standard 201 Certification Standard for Commercial Water Cooling Towers Adhesives and Sealant Council (ASC) 1. K. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Fire, Smoke and Radiation Damper Guide for HVAC Systems HVAC Duct Construction Standards HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual Guidelines for Welding Sheetmetal Industrial Duct Construction National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1. 2. 3. No. 70: No. 90A: No. 90B: 4. 5. No. 101: No. 255: National Electric Code (NEC) Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Life Safety Code Surface Building Characteristics of Building Materials QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Qualifications: Use adequate numbers of skilled, licensed workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the Work of this Section. B. Substitutions: Comply with pertinent Sections of Division 1 and Section 15050 Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements. 15600 - 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. 1.4 Public Works Construction Engineering Division All materials and work provided shall be in accordance with most recent editions of applicable standards and publications of the organizations referenced above. SUBMITTALS: A. Comply with the pertinent provision of Sections in Division 1 and Section 15050 Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements. B. Organization of Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and product data submittals in bound packages organized and titled to match the Articles of Part 2 as specified in this Section. C. Submit shop drawings and/or product data submittals for all materials and equipment specified in Part 2 of this Section. D. Submit sheet Metal Fabrication Drawings. E. Submit equipment start-up and commissioning reports. F. Submit record drawings in accordance with the pertinent provisions of Division 1 for Project Record Documents and Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements. G. Submit copies of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals in compliance with the requirements of Division 1 as specified for Contract Close-Out requirements, Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements, and the additional requirements of this Section. H. Prepare and submit shop drawings, O&M manuals and perform training as indicated on the following matrix. Products Shop Dwgs O&M Spare Man. Parts List ACCESS PANELS √ AIR VENTS √ AUTOMATIC FLOW REGULATORS √ BREECHING AND STACK √ CABINET UNIT HEATERS √ √ √ CHEMICAL TREATMENT SYSTEM √ √ √ Training √ √ √ 15600 - 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Products Shop Dwgs CONTROL SYSTEM √ O&M Spare Man. Parts List √ √ CONVECTORS √ √ DUCTWORK √ EXPANSION JOINTS √ √ √ EXPANSION TANK √ √ √ FILTERS √ FLEXIBLE DUCT CONNECTIONS √ FLEXIBLE PIPING CONNECTORS √ HANGERS AND SUPPORTS √ HORIZONTAL PROPELLER UNIT HEATERS HOT WATER BOILERS √ √ √ √ √ √ √ INSULATION √ MOTORS, DRIVES AND STARTERS √ √ √ √ PIPE ALIGNMENT GUIDES √ PRESSURE GAGES √ PUMPS √ √ √ SAFETY VALVES √ √ √ SELF-BALANCING FLEXIBLE HOSE KITS SHEET METAL ACCESS PANELS √ √ √ STRAINERS √ √ √ THERMOMETERS √ UNIT VENTILATORS, UNIT EXHAUSTERS AND SHELVING UNITS VALVES √ √ √ √ √ √ VIBRATION ISOLATORS AND SEISMIC RESTRAINTS WALL PENETRATION CLOSURES √ √ √ Training √ √ √ √ √ 15600 - 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.5 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Products Shop Dwgs WATER PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES √ O&M Spare Man. Parts List √ √ Training MANUALS AND INSTRUCTIONS: A. B. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Prepare manuals in compliance with the pertinent requirements of Division 1 Section regarding Contract Close-Out Issues, Section 15050 - Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements and the additional requirements of this Section. In addition to the requirements of other Sections, each manual shall include: 1. Product data cut sheets and approved shop drawings for equipment and materials as specified in this Section. 2. Lubrication instructions. 3. Equipment Start-Up and Commissioning Reports. Instruction Seminar: Perform systems instruction seminar and walk-through with the Owner’s Representatives after preparation and review of the Operations and Maintenance Manuals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 DUCTWORK AND AIR DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT: A. Reference Standards 1. B. Material, construction and installation shall meet requirements of most recent editions of the following standards and references, except for more stringent requirements specified or shown on Drawings: Standard As Applicable to SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards (Metal and Flexible) SMACNA HVAC Air Duct Leakage Test Manual Sheet Metal Ductwork; Duct Liners; Adhesives; Fasteners; Flexible Ductwork. Duct Leakage Testing General 15600 - 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. There shall be no tags or labels installed inside of ductwork. 2. Provide supporting and hanging devices necessary to attach entire HVAC system including ductwork and equipment, and to prevent vibration. 3. Provide vertical and horizontal supports as required by codes to meet minimum applicable earthquake resistance standards. 4. Ductwork shall be free from vibration under all conditions of operation. Dimensions shown on Drawings for lined ductwork are net inside dimensions. Increase ductwork to accommodate lining requirements. 5. Pipe or conduit crossing duct: 6. a. No pipe, conduit, hanger, Architectural element nor structural member shall pass through duct without Architect's written approval. b. Where it is impossible to re-route pipe or conduit and when written approval has been obtained, increase duct size to maintain constant cross-sectional area at point of interference. Provide streamlined enclosure for pipe or conduit, as illustrated in SMACNA. When making offsets and transitions necessary to accommodate structural conditions, preserve full cross-sectional area of ductwork shown on Drawings. 15600 - 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 7. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Ductwork shall have pressure-velocity classifications as follows: Duct Construction Class Duct Static Pressure Construction Pressure Class Rating 10" 10" Pos. SMACNA SMACNA Velocity Seal Class Leakage Class A 6 2000 fpm or greater 6" 6" Pos. A 6 2000 fpm or greater 4" 4" Pos. A 6 4000 fpm or less 3" 3" Pos. or Neg. A 6 4000 fpm or less 2" 2" Pos. or Neg. B 12 2500 fpm or less 1" 1" Pos. or Neg. B 12 2500 fpm or less 1/2" 1/2" Pos. or Neg. B 12 2000 fpm or less For negative pressures less than -3" w.g., refer to SMACNA Round and Rectangular Industrial Duct Construction Standards for joint and intermediate reinforcement requirements. 8. Sealing Requirements for Class B, Leakage Class 12, Galvanized, NonWelded Aluminum or Non-Welded Stainless Steel, Ductwork a. b. Transverse Joints 1) During assembly seal all flanged transverse joints with sealing tape Hardcast Inc. 1902-FR. Corners shall be sealed as described by SMACNA and when applicable per manufacturer's published procedures. 2) Seal all non-flanged transverse joints with Ductmate PROseal or or Hardcast Inc. Versa Grip 102. Longitudinal Seams 1) Seal all longitudinal seams during ductwork fabrication with Ductmate 5511 M or Hardcast Inc. Cold Seal 1001. 15600 - 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 9. 10. 11. 12. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Support a. Hang and support ductwork as defined in Section 4 of the latest SMACNA Manual, “HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal & Flexible” Second Edition or as defined within. b. Supports, bar/angle reinforcements and other products that are not part of the duct that are manufactured of uncoated mild steel shall either be painted with two coats of primer or shall be manufactured of a galvanized equivalent material. c. Hanger spacing not to exceed 8 feet. Connections a. Connect inlets and outlets of air handling units and fans to ductwork with flexible connections unless fan has vibration isolator mounts inside unit with flexible connections and no external vibration isolators. b. Indoors, flexible connections shall be neoprene-coated fibrous glass fire retardant fabric, by Ductmate, Ventfabrics, or Durodyne. Outdoors, flexible connections shall be Dupont hypalon-coated fibrous glass fire-, weather-, and UV-resistant by Ductmate, Ventfabrics or Durodyne. c. Secure flexible connections tightly to air handlers with metal bands. Bands shall be same material as duct construction. d. Connections from trunk to branch ducts shall be as detailed on Drawings. Construction a. No sharp metal edges shall extend into air streams. b. Install drive slips on air-leaving side of duct with sheet metal screws on 6" centers. c. Spin in collars shall NOT be used. Joints 15600 - 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 13. Public Works Construction Engineering Division a. Longitudinal lock seams shall be double-locked and flattened to make tight joints. b. Make transverse joints, field connections, collar attachments and flexible connections to ducts and equipment with sheet metal screws or bolts and nuts. Do not use rivets and staples. Elbows and Bends a. Elbows and bends for rectangular ducts shall have radiused heels and (where possible) throats and shall have centerline radius of 1.5 times duct width wherever possible. Square heeled elbows, turning vanes, or mitered elbows are not allowed. b. Where centerline radius is less than 1.5 times duct width (on supply, return and exhaust ductwork), elbows shall be radius throat with radius heel and full length splitter vanes when required. Minimum inside radius (not centerline) shall be 2". Install vanes in accordance with SMACNA. When centerline radius (r) divided by the duct width (w) is less than 1.5, provide the following number of splitter vanes: r/w 0.7 to 01.49 0.6 to 0.69 0.55 to 0.59 14. No. of Vanes 1 2 3 Duct Mounted Access Panels/Doors a. Provide proper pressure and leakage rated, gasketed, duct mounted access panels/doors. In insulated ducts, access doors shall be insulated double wall. Gauges of door materials, no. of hinges, no. and type of door locks shall be as required by the SMACNA Duct Construction Standards. Unhinged doors shall be chained to frame with a minimum length of 6" to prevent loss of door. For seal Class A, hinged doors are not acceptable, screwed or bolted access panels are not acceptable. Access doors shall be leakage rated, neoprene gasketed UL 94 HF1 listed, DUCTMATE "Sandwich." Door metal shall be the same as the attached duct material. For grease and high temperature ducts, door assembly shall be rated for 2300 degrees F. The minimum sizes are: 1) Automatic control dampers - 6" x 6" minimum. 2) Manual volume dampers 2 sf and larger - 6" x 6" minimum. 15600 - 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division b. Suction and discharge sides of inline fans - 24" x 24" minimum. 4) At additional locations indicated on drawings, or specified elsewhere - 12" x 12" minimum. 5) in which case largest size possible shall be used (min. 6" x 6"). Access doors are not shown on the drawings, but shall be provided in accordance with the above. 15. Extractors shall have adjusting rod and locknut on outside of duct. 16. Connections to roof fans: 17. a. Shall be at least 22 ga. galvanized steel soldered watertight. b. Solder side seams at least 12" up from bottom. c. Provide suitable dielectric gaskets to join dissimilar materials. Materials a. C. 3) Sheet metal ducts shall be constructed of hot-dipped galvanized sheet metal with G60 or G90 Commercial coating according to ASTM A653/A653M and A924/A924M unless specified otherwise. G60 shall not be used where exposed to industrial pollutants, marine atmosphere or contact with moisture. 2" and Lower Pressure Class Metal Ductwork – Rectangular 1. Ducts wider than 19" with more than 10 square feet of unbraced panel shall be beaded or cross-broken. 2. Internal stiffening struts shall only be used upon prior written approval of the Architect. 3. Make changes in duct size with tapered connections as required by SMACNA. Changes shall NOT exceed 30 from line of air flow. Take-off to the diffusers shall be 45 leading edge type or Bellmouth type. 4. Transverse joints shall be TDF/TDC or slip joints; use flat or standing seam according to SMACNA. Where duct size requires standing seam, 15600 - 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division but space restrictions dictate flat seam, notify Architect prior to fabrication. D. 2.2 Automatic Dampers: Install automatic dampers furnished under Automatic Temperature Control Section, as shown on Drawings, and as specified. Provide sealed penetrations for Seal Class A ductwork. PIPING AND FITTINGS: A. B. General 1. Pipe materials and fitting materials shall be as indicated in Schedule of Pipe and Fitting Materials. Provide dielectric fittings to connect different piping materials. 2. Steel piping 2-1/2" and larger shall be welded; 2" and smaller shall be screwed. Steel piping shall be seamless or electric-resistance welded ASTM A53, Grade B. 3. Pipe takeoffs shall have no less than three elbow swings. 4. Solder for copper pipe shall be 95/5 tin/antimony. Lead solder shall not be used. Special Requirements for Water 1. Provide air vent at each high point and drain valve at each low point for complete system drainage. 2. Provide a shutoff/isolation valve in the following locations in the distribution system: a. To each supply and return riser or branch serving two or more devices. b. To each supply and return riser or branch from a main serving two or more devices. c. To each supply and return main take-off serving two or more devices. d. As shown on the details. e. Not all valves are not shown on the floor plans or flow diagrams but are necessary as described. 15600 - 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Equipment condensate drains shall be trapped at equipment connection. Drain lines shall run full size of drain tapping to nearest floor drain or as shown on Drawings with a pitch of 1" in 20 feet. 4. Pitch water piping upwards and condensate pump discharge downward in direction of flow 1" in 40 feet, unless otherwise noted. Schedule of Pipe and Fitting Materials Service Pipe Material Weight For Type of Fitting Pressure Rating Joints Material psi swp. or Weight Screwed Malleable 150 Iron Copper 125 95/5 Solder Welded Steel Schedule 40 Heating hot water 2” and under Heating hot water 2 ½” to 10” Condensate drain Steel Schedule 40 or Copper Steel Schedule 40 Copper Type L or PVC Soldered or Copper or 125 Glued PVC Cold water Copper Type L 95/5 Soldered Vents Galvanized Steel Screwed Schedule 40 Iron Copper 125 Malleable 150 PVC shall not be substituted for copper for the drains of self-contained electronic humidifiers under any circumstances. D. Connections 1. Provide dielectric fittings at connections of dissimilar materials. 2. Provide eccentric reducing couplings to bring pipes flush on top for water service and flush on bottom for steam service. 3. Branch lines in welded piping shall be made with welding tees except that branch lines less than one-half diameter of main may be made with Weld-O-Lets. 4. Nipples shall be same material, make and thickness as pipe with which they are used. Close nipples shall not be used. 15600 - 15 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.3 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 5. Make piping connections 2-1/2" diameter and larger to valves and equipment with flat face welding neck flanges for pressures 125 psig and less raised face for pressures above 125 psig. 6. Make piping connections 2" dia. and smaller to valves and equipment with 300 psi brass seat unions on steel piping and with heavy semi-flushed brass unions on copper tubing. 7. Fit flanged joints with Johns-Manville or approved equal ring gaskets. Flanges shall be faced and drilled to ASA standards and fitted with semi-finished hexagon machine bolts and nuts of proper number and size. 8. Make screw joints tight with Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) tape for water or litharge-glycerin mixture for steam applied to male threads. Use tapered threads. VALVES AND STRAINERS: A. Valves shall be as shown on tables. B. Valves shall have name of manufacturer and guaranteed working pressure cast or stamped on bodies. Valves of similar type shall be by single manufacturer. Provide chain operators for valves 3" and larger and that are 7 feet and higher above floor. Gaskets and packings shall not contain asbestos. C. Ratings shall include ANSI Class Rating and hole pattern for flanges. D. Butterfly Valves: Provide lug style butterfly valves shown in tables. Provide balancing stop on at least one valve per equipment connection and as necessary for balancing services. When manufacturer requires, valves must be installed in proper direction for shutoff and dead end service. E. 1. General Service valves shall be Ductile iron body, threaded-lug with resilient EPDM seats, bronze disc and 416 stainless stem, by Centerline, DeZurik, Keystone, or Grinnell. 2. Valves 6" and larger shall have gear operator. 3. Valves smaller than 6" shall have seven-position lever. 4. If valves are used for fuel oil, provide reinforced Teflon seats and 316 stainless disks. Ball Valves: Provide full port ball valves with reinforced Teflon seats, seals, bearings and packing. Provide balancing stop on at least one valve per equipment 15600 - 16 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division connection and as necessary for balancing service. Valves on insulated piping shall have 2" extended stems. All ball valves shall have locking handles to allow servicing and removal of equipment. Valves shall be by Apollo, Cannon, Kitz, Milwaukee, Rockwell, Stockham, Grinnell or Watts. F. Globe Valves: Provide globe valves as shown in table by Crane, Jenkins, Milwaukee, Stockham, Grinnell or Walworth. All packing shall be non-asbestos type. G. Plug Valves: Provide plug valves with 70% port opening shown in tables for balancing. Valves shall be by DeZurik, Mueller, Rockwell, Stockham or Walworth. Provide gear operator with memory indicator. H. Check Valves: Provide check valves shown in tables by APCO, Milwaukee, Mueller, Stockham, Grinnell or Metraflex. I. Spring Loaded Relief Valves: Reliefs shall be brass with external lever, ASME-approved. For water reliefs pipe discharge to indirect drain. Pipe chiller refrigerant and steam relief devices through building envelope. J. Gate Valves: Provide gate valves shown in tables by Crane, Milwaukee or Stockham. All packing shall be non-asbestos type. 1. K. L. In general, valves shall having OS&Y rising stems to indicate position. For restricted clearances valves shall have non-rising stems. Contractor shall submit where each type is used. Strainers 1. For water service, strainers shall be full size of entering pipe size and have a maximum clean pressure drop of one psi (for steam condensate 1/4 psi). Strainers shall be by Sarco, Mueller, Watts or Armstrong. 2. Pump start up strainer screens shall be used for cleaning and removed afterwards. 3. Provide blow-off valve on each strainer. Vacuum Breaker: Provide vacuum breakers as required. Vacuum breaker shall be installed in the horizontal position, flow arrow pointed towards the coil and of same size as connected pipe. Mount vacuum breaker above connected pipe and enter pipe tee via 90 ell-drop after vacuum breaker. Inlet to vacuum breaker shall be piped so that it does not allow discharge from a faulty vacuum breaker to spray on someone or electrical or wet-sensitive equipment. Piping shall turn towards pieces of equipment it's serving. Breaker shall be Stockham Figure B-320T. 15600 - 17 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division M. Provide unions for threaded end valves to facilitate removal from pipe. N. Suction Diffusers O. 1. Suction diffuser/strainers shall have 200 psi cast iron body and stainless steel sleeve with 5/32" perforations. Units shall include flanged connections, removable gasketed cover and straightening vanes units shall be Mueller type 1011, Taco or B&G. 2. Provide 16 mesh start-up strainer. 3. Provide blow-off tapping on bottom of unit. 4. Provide full size inlet and outlet. Combination Balancing Shut-off Valves 1. Provide combination calibrated balancing valves. Acceptable manufacturers shall be: Armstrong, Bell and Gossett, Flowset, HCI Terminator B, Illinois, Taco, or Tour Anderson. 2. Valves shall be rated for operating pressures. 3. Valves shall be bronze body/brass ball construction with glass and carbon filled TFE seat rings. Valves shall have dual temperature and differential pressure readout ports across valve seat area. Valves shall be equipped with readout ports fitted with internal EPT inserts and check valves. Valves shall have memory stop to allow valve to be closed for service, then reopened to setpoint without disturbing balancing position. 4. Each valve shall be equipped with a Venturi flow measuring section and ball valve. 5. Provide preformed insulation, which permits access for balance and readout. 6. Provide one direct reading flow meter complete with calibration charts for the project. The meter shall be used for balancing and turned over to the Owner at the close of the job. 7. Valves shall provide bubble-tight shut off at 150 psi differential. 15600 - 18 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division GLYCOL AND HOT WATER SERVICE Maximum 250 F and 175 psig (½"-12")/125 psig (14"-24") Specialty Application Type Size Body/Seat, Body/Trim Full Port ½"-2" Bronze/Teflon Ball Isolation 3-pc. Valve (with locking handle) and Modulation Full Port ½"-2" Bronze/Teflon 2 pc. Gate Not Used Valve Globe ATC Control 1/2"-2" Bronze/Metal Valve Modulation Valve Isolation and General 2½"Ductile Butterfly Modulation Service 12" Iron/EPDM Valve Plug Value Check Valve Throttling Pumps Piping Strainer Control Valves and Flow Meters Nonlubricated Silent Connection Minimum Rating1,2 Threaded or 400 psig WOG Sweat Threaded 400 psig WOG Threaded 400 psig WOG Threaded Lug 200 psig CWP 200 psig bidirectional shutoff 200 psig dead end service 150 psig CWP 150 psig bidirectional shutoff 150 psig dead end service Class 125 14"-24" Ductile Iron/EPDM Threaded Lug 3"-12" Steel/Iron Flanged ½"-2" Bronze/Bronze Threaded 200 psig WOG Iron/Bronze Class 125 Silent Globe 2½"24" Y-Pattern ½"-2" Swing 2½"24" Y-Type ½"-2" Flanged Bronze/Bronze Threaded 200 psig WOG Iron/Bronze Class 125 Flanged Bronze/Stainle Threaded ss (1/16" dia.) 2½"-4" Iron/Stainless Flanged (1/16" dia.) 5"-24" Iron/Stainless Flanged (1/8" dia.) 200 psig WOG Class 125 Class 125 15600 - 19 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Pump Suction In-Line Y-Type Public Works Construction Engineering Division ½"-2" Bronze/Stainle Threaded 200 psig WOG ss (1/16" dia.) 2½"-4" Iron/Stainless Flanged Class 125 3 (3/16" dia.) 5"-24" Iron/Stainless Flanged Class 125 3 (¼" dia.) Angle 2"-12" Iron/Stainless Flanged Class 125 Suction 3 (3/16" dia.) Diffuser End Start Up Suction Strainer = 16 Pumps Mesh Bronze 1.These are minimum ratings for ASTM A126, Class B and ASTM B-61 and 62. For higher pressures and temperatures, adjust these values to include static head plus 1.1 times pressure relief valve setting plus pump shutoff head pressure. For actual maximum allowable valve and strainer ratings, refer to "Pressure-Temperature Ratings - Non Shock" tables and "Adjusted Pressure Ratings" for copper tube, soldered end valves [and strainers]. 2.SWP=Steam Working Pressure CWP=Cold Water Working Pressure WSP=Working Steam Pressure WOG=Water, Oil or Gas Class=ANSI Standard 3.Use 1/8" dia for plate heat exchanger application. 2.4 INSULATION, PIPING: A. Provide pipe insulation manufactured by Owens Corning, Certain-Teed, JohnsManville or Knauf. B. Insulation shall be fibrous glass insulation with factory-applied fire retardant vapor barrier jacket with K factor of at least 0.23 at 75 deg. F mean temperature. C. ASTM E-84 fire hazard ratings shall be 25 flame spread, 50 smoke developed and 50 fuel contributed. D. Apply insulation after systems have been tested, proved tight and approved by Architect. Remove dirt, scale, oil, rust and foreign matter prior to installation of insulation. E. No leaks in vapor barrier or voids in insulation will be accepted. F. Insulation and vapor barrier on piping which passes through walls or partitions shall pass continuously through sleeve, except that piping between floors and through fire walls or smoke partitions shall have space allowed for application of 15600 - 20 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division approved packing between sleeves and piping, to provide firestop as required by NFPA. Seal ends to provide continuous vapor barrier where insulation is interrupted. G. Insulate flexible connections to same thickness and with same material as adjoining pipe insulation. H. Provide fibrous dual temperature insulation with factory applied vapor barrier jacket on steam, outdoor condenser water, outdoor cooling tower drain and make up, condensate, chilled water, drain, hot and cold water piping, unless noted otherwise. TABLE A Insulation Thickness Piping System Fluid Runouts 1" main 1-1/4" 2-1/2" 5" to 6" 8" main Insulation Types Temperat Up to 2", and main main main and Conductivity 12' Long Less to 2" to 4" ure Larger Btuh-in/Hr- FRange, F or Less SF at Mean Temperature F HEATING SYSTEMS Steam & Hot Water High 351-450 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.32 @ 250 press./temp. Med. 251-350 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.5 0.29 @ 200 press./temp. Low 201-250 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.5 0.27 @ 150 press./temp. Low temp. 141-200 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 @ 125 Low temp. 105-140 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 0.24 @ 100 I. Provide longitudinal lap and 6" wide vapor barrier joint seal strips secured with approved adhesive. J. Seal ends of pipe insulation and seal insulation to pipe with approved fire retardant vapor barrier, at flanges, valves and fittings and at intervals of no more than 21 feet on continuous runs of piping. K. Secure covers on concealed pipe with metal bands at least 3/4" wide and no more than 18" apart, spaced to hold ends and centers of each section. 15600 - 21 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington L. Insulation on Fittings, Valves and Flanges. 1. 2.5 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Insulation for fittings, valves and flanges shall be mitered pipe insulation or molded fittings as follows: a. Thickness same as Piping Requirements b. Concealed Molded fittings made smooth with insulating cement. 8 oz. canvas jacket saturated with approved lagging adhesive. c. Exposed with 1/4" coat of insulating cement over insulation, troweled smooth. 8 oz. canvas jacket saturated with approved lagging adhesive. PIPING, HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: A. Provide pipe stands, supports, hangers and other supporting appliances as necessary to support work required by Contract Documents. B. Secure vertical piping to building construction to prevent sagging or swinging. C. Space hangers for horizontal piping as follows: Nom. Pipe Size (inches) 1-1/4 and Smaller Max. Span (feet) 7 Min. Rod Size (inches) 3/8 Hanger Type 1-1/2 9 3/8 Clevis Hanger 2 10 3/8 Clevis Hanger 2-1/2 10 1/2 Clevis Hanger 3 12 1/2 Clevis Hanger 4 14 5/8 5 14 5/8 6 14 3/4 8 - 12 15 7/8 (two) 14 - 18 15 1 (two) 20" 15 1-1/4 (two) 1 Rod Hanger 1 Rod Hanger 1 Rod Hanger 2 Rod Hangers 2 Rod Hangers 2 Rod Hangers Clevis Hanger Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll 15600 - 22 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Nom. Pipe Size (inches) 24" 2.6 Max. Span (feet) 15 Min. Rod Size (inches) 1-1/2 (two) Hanger Type 2 Rod Hangers Roll D. Horizontal copper tubing shall have maximum hanger spacing of 5 ft. for tubing 1-1/4" dia. and smaller and 10' for tubing 1-1/2" and larger. Maximum spacing for PVC pipe hangers shall be 4'. E. Reduce spacing, regardless of pipe size, as necessary for fittings, valves and other concentrated loads. F. Support piping 4" dia. and larger from structure with pipe roll hangers with adjustable steel rod hangers, sized to accommodate insulation. G. Support piping 3" dia. and under from structure with Carpenter and Patterson Fig. 100 clevis hangers or approved equal. H. Hangers shall be by Carpenter and Patterson, F & S, or Grinnell Co. Figure numbers of Carpenter and Patterson are specified to establish standards of quality for performance and materials. I. Provide spring hangers with travel stops as specified in Vibration Isolation Paragraph of Section 15070 and where shown on Drawings. J. Pipe supports for 4" and larger pipe and insulated high-temperature piping shall have welded inserts of equal thickness to insulation to prevent compression of insulation. Other insulated pipe shall have 12", 14 GA shields at hangers, composed of 180 coverage of galvanized sheet metal and high density, preformed, rigid insulation. Where rollers are required, shield shall be steel pipe. K. Hangers for horizontal lines shall be vertically adjustable to obtain pitch requirements of Piping Paragraph. WATER SPECIALTIES: A. Provide water specialties by Bell & Gossett, Taco or Amtrol as follows. 1. ASME constructed, approved and stamped bladder expansion tank with replaceable diaphragm of capacity shown on Drawings designed and tested for maximum allowable working pressure of 125 psi in accordance with ASME code for unfired pressure vessels. Expansion tank shall be factory-charged as required for system. 2. One drain valve for each expansion tank. 15600 - 23 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.7 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Automatic air vent valves with manual shut-off for each high point on supply and return mains with 1/4" copper overflow run to nearest plumbing fixture for drainage. 4. Air vent valve installed on each piece of equipment. 5. Drain valve at each low point with 3/4" brass heads with hose connections. B. Provide a Spirotherm (Spirovent Air / Dirt Eliminator), Bell & Gossett, Amtrol or Taco air eliminator on hot water heating, chilled water and other closed water system. All units shall be fabricated steel, rated for 150 psig design pressure and be selected for specified flow rate with pressure drop not to exceed one foot of head and velocity not to exceed 4 feet per second. Units to include copper coalescing medium to facilitate maximum air and dirt elimination. Alternate units shall be furnished with galvanized steel strainer and stainless steel collector tube for a similar purpose. Provide integral high capacity float actuated air vent at top fitting of tank. Alternates must include cast iron float vent rated at 150 psig located at top of vessel. All units will include bottom blow down connection. C. Provide at high points Spirotherm (Spirotop), Bell & Gossett, Spirax Sarco or approved equal air release valves on hot and/or chilled water systems and other closed water loops. All valves shall be cast brass, rated for 150 psig design pressure and 270 degree F operating temperature. Units to include non-ferrous floats, stainless steel linkage and Viton seal, which closes against a brass spring operated seat. Alternate units shall be high capacity cast iron type with brass or Viton shut-off valve. Alternates must be rated for 150 psig working pressure and 250 degrees F operating temperature. INSULATION, EQUIPMENT: A. General 1. Apply insulation after systems have been tested, proved tight and approved by Architect. Remove dirt, scale, oil, rust and foreign matter prior to installation of insulation. 2. No leaks in vapor barrier or voids in insulation will be accepted. 3. Insulation shall be Certain-Teed, Knauf, Manville or Owens Corning and shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 15600 - 24 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Insulate the following equipment: a. b. c. d. 5. 2.8 Expansion tanks Air separators Pumps Valve heads Insulation shall be 1" thick fibrous glass rigid block or semi rigid board rated for temperature intended. Insulation shall be formed or fabricated to fit equipment. Ensure tight fit. Bevel edges and butt and stagger joints. B. Secure with bands or wires at intervals recommended by manufacturer, no more than 12" centers. Provide corner angles. C. Set cellular glass insulation and seal joints with bedding compound. Fill mineral fiber joints with insulating cement. D. Apply two coats of adhesive with fibrous glass cloth embedded in first coat before application of second. Dry film thickness of finish shall be 1/8". Apply insulating cement over coated insulation; do not coat removable sections. E. Equipment, which needs servicing, such as pumps and plate heat exchangers shall be provided with removable insulation sections. Coordinate method of insulating plate heat exchanger with exchanger manufacturer. MOTORS, STARTERS AND WIRING: A. Provide motors and controls. Furnish starters for HVAC equipment. Provide control and other related wiring including interlocks. Power wiring (to panelboards, disconnect switches, starters and motors) will be provided under Division 16, ELECTRICAL. Starters that are not integral to equipment will be furnished under this Section and installed and wired under Division 16 ELECTRICAL. B. Unless otherwise specified, motors shall be NEMA Design B, constant speed, self-ventilated squirrel cage induction. Motors shall have 1.15 service factor unless totally enclosed. Motors shall have Class B insulation. C. 1. Motors under 1/2 HP, shall be designed for 120 V, 60 Hz, single phase, unless otherwise specified. 2. Motors 1/2 HP and over shall be as required in schedules. Motors shall be "inverter-duty" or "drive duty" motors. Use of the motor with a VFD shall not adversely affect the operation, useful life, or warranty of the motor. 15600 - 25 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Motors listed in the schedules to be powered by VFD shall conform to the following: D. 1. Motors shall have Class F or H insulation. 2. Motor windings shall be spike resistant to withstand 1,600 peak volts. 3. Motors used with VFD shall have a minimum three (3) year warranty. 4. If the motor is located more than 50 feet away from the VFD it serves, the contractor shall provide an output filter on the VFD. All motors shall be premium efficiency type. They shall conform to NEMA Standard MG-1-12.53a and shall have their efficiencies determined in accordance with IEEE Standard 112 Method B. The NEMA nominal efficiency shall be listed on the motor nameplate. Minimum nominal efficiencies shall be according to the tables below: TABLE I PERFORMANCE DATA for ENERGY EFFICIENT MOTORS DRIP-PROOF TYPE Minimum Efficiency at Full Load (percent) HP 1200 RPM 1800 RPM 3600 RPM Eff. Eff. Eff. 1 82.5 85.5 80.0 1.5 86.5 86.5 85.5 2 87.5 86.5 86.5 3 89.5 89.5 86.5 5 89.5 89.5 89.5 7.5 91.7 91.0 89.5 10 91.7 91.7 90.2 15 92.4 93.0 91.0 20 92.4 93.0 92.4 15600 - 26 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division TABLE II PERFORMANCE DATA for ENERGY EFFICIENT MOTORS TOTALLY ENCLOSED FAN COOLED TYPE Minimum Efficiency at Full Load (percent) HP 1200 RPM 1800 RPM 3600 RPM Eff. Eff. Eff. 1 82.5 85.5 78.5 E. 1.5 87.5 86.5 85.5 2 88.5 86.5 86.5 3 89.5 89.5 88.5 5 89.5 89.5 89.5 7.5 91.7 91.7 91.0 10 91.7 91.7 91.7 15 92.4 92.4 91.7 20 92.4 93.0 92.4 Starters that require interlocks or remote control shall be magnetic with HAND-OFF- AUTOMATIC switch (fast-slow-off-auto for two speed motors) in cover. Provide magnetic starters as necessary, with auxiliary contacts, buttons and switches in required configurations. Refer to specification section AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS and to Control Drawings for interlock requirements. Starters shall be by single manufacturer: Cutler-Hammer, Clark, Arrow Hart or Square D. 1. Each 3-phase, 60 Hz motor shall be provided with magnetic starter with either ON-OFF push button or hand-off-automatic switch. 2. Other motors shall be provided with a manual starter with ON-OFF switch. 3. Control relay for each starter shall be for operation on 120 V, single phase, and transformer of sufficient capacity within starter case shall be furnished for this purpose. 4. Provide inverse time limit overload and under voltage protection in each leg and with pilot lights. Provide red and green On-Off pilot lights. 15600 - 27 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.9 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 5. Provide nameplates with engraved white lettering to designate area and equipment served. 6. Starters for refrigeration machines shall be furnished by unit manufacturer. 7. Provide starters for two-speed motors with deceleration relay. 8. Furnish for all single speed motors, 10 HP and above, 95% power factor correction capacitors. Capacitors shall be in NEMA enclosure of the same rating as the motor's starter. 9. Furnish reduce voltage starters for all 208 voltage motors, 20hp and above. 10. Starters shall be furnished as magnetic type, non-reversing (unless otherwise noted). Each combination starter shall be rated 100,000 symmetrical amperes at 480V. Fuses shall be current limiting, UL Class R, Type RK1 with a short circuit rating of 100,000 symmetrical amperes. PUMPS, CENTRIFUGAL: A. General Requirements 1. Provide, where shown on drawings, centrifugal pumps, of capacities types and configurations shown on schedules. Acceptable manufacturers shall be: *Allis Chalmers *Armstrong *Aurora *Bell and Gossett *Gould *Paco *Taco *Weinman 2. Pumps that operate in an inappropriate portion of their performance curves, including, but not limited to, operating in the rightmost third of the curve will be rejected. Provide in submittals, the factory performance curve specific for the pump submitted with the operating point clearly indicated. 3. Pumps shall be designed specifically for intended classes of service, with non-overloading characteristics throughout the design curve (motors shall not operate in their service factor). Impeller shall be statically and 15600 - 28 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division dynamically balanced. Impeller size shall be no more than 90% of casing size. Pump shall be factory tested at operating conditions, thoroughly cleaned, and painted with one coat of machinery enamel prior to shipment. Installation instructions shall be included with pump at time of shipment. B. 4. Coordinate with manufacturer of water treatment to ensure that normal life of pumps and components shall not be shortened by water treatment. 5. Provide, under the work of the mechanical section, flexible connections (if shown on details) and vibration isolation components for all pumps. See the vibration isolation section. 6. Provide steel channel base for each pump with drip rim and drain connection. 7. Refer to motor and starter paragraph of these specifications for requirements. 8. Provide an allowance for all necessary work in the field and shop to trim each pump impeller, if needed, for water balancing purposes. Pump Types and Materials of Construction 1. General: a. For all types of pumps listed below, bearing frame and pump internals shall be serviceable without disturbing motor or connected piping. b. For all types of pumps listed below, provide mechanical seals with carbon rings and ceramic faces, stainless or brass metal parts, stainless springs and synthetic rubber bellows. Seals shall operate satisfactorily to 225 . c. Unless otherwise stated in the schedules, all pumps shall be single stage. d. Provide tappings for pressure gauges at inlet and discharge of all pumps. e. All couplings for variable speed pumps shall be capable of operating under all conditions without fatigue. 15600 - 29 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. Public Works Construction Engineering Division End Suction Pumps a. 3. In Line Pumps a. 2.10 End suction pumps shall be based mounted, horizontally coupled with vertically split cases. Materials of construction shall be for a bronze fitted pump including cast iron casings, bronze shaft sleeves, alloy steel shafts and bronze enclosed impellers. Provide regreasable or permanently lubricated ball bearings, casing wear rings, drains and vents, coupling guards and steel baseplate. In Line pumps shall have bronze fitted construction, including cast iron casings, bronze or copper shaft sleeves, alloy steel shafts and bronze impellers. Bearings shall be either be sleeve type or regreasable ball bearings. Provide casing wear rings, drain and vent connections and flexible coupling or direct drive connection between pump and motor. If the scheduled pump includes ball bearings and a direct drive motor to impeller connection, the submitted pump shall not have sleeve bearings or a flexible coupling between pump and motor. BOILER - FIRE-TUBE CONDENSING BOILERS: A. WORK INCLUDED 1. Provide Firetube gas fired hot water boilers of the size, capacity and quantity as shown on the contract drawings. Include individual hot water circulating pumps as shown on the Plans and as Scheduled. 2. Each boiler shall have all self-contained controls and safety devices and shall be capable of independent operation. 3. Each boiler comply with the energy efficiency requirements of the latest edition of the ASHRAE 90.1 Standard and the minimum efficiency requirements of the latest edition of the AHRI BTS-2000 Standard as defined by the Department of Energy in 10 CFR Part §431.86. The boiler shall be certified for indoor installation. All boilers shall be installed in accordance with all local, State and Federal codes. 4. Contractor shall obtain Certificate of boiler inspection after boiler installation has been completed and shall pay all fees associated with such inspection. After receipt of certificate of Inspection, Installing Contractor shall furnish a suitable glass front frame in which to place said certificate. Frame, with Inspection certificate inserted therein, shall then be placed on or posted in a suitable location within the Boiler room in which the new Boilers have been installed. 15600 - 30 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 5. Contractor shall obtain from Boiler Manufacturer Form H-2 Manufacturers Data Report for Firetube Boilers as required by the Provisions of the ASME Code Rules, Section IV and shall transmit to the Owner after Boiler installation for Record Purposes. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the type of products specified in this section, with minimum ten (10) years of documented experience. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 1. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. 2. Boilers shall be Listed by the Massachusetts Gas Regulatory Board and shall have been Certified in accordance with ANSI Z21.13 test standard; ASHRAE 90.1 Standard and ASHRAE 103 Standard; American National Standard/CSA Standard for Gas-Fired Low Pressure Steam and Hot Water Boilers; ANSI Z223.1 (NFPA 54-2012) for Gas-Fired Boilers; minimum efficiency requirements of the latest edition of the AHRI BTS-2000 Standard; ANSI/ASME CSD-1 and National Electrical Code (NFPA 70). 3. Code of Massachusetts Regulations 522 CMR 4.00 Steam and Hot Water Boilers and Heat Storage Sources; 522 CMR 5.00 Heating Boilers; 522 CMR 16.00 Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers; 248 CMR 7.00 Fuel Gas Code for Large Gas Utilization Equipment. 4. Commercial Boiler Efficiency Certification Program AHRI Directory of Certified AHRI Certified™ Ratings list of Boilers that have earned the AHRI Certified mark. Boiler manufacturer shall be required to provide the Certified Reference Number and Approved Status under the previously specified performance criteria at Submittal stage. This Certification number shall be utilized in the Rebate application to National Grid confirming the installation of an “Approved” appliance. 5. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code, 780 CMR 1305.2.5 Heating System Controls; and Table 1305.3.3(5) Standard Rating Conditions and Minimum Performance Gas and Oil fired Steam and Hot Water Boilers. 15600 - 31 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington D. E. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 6. Where reference is made to one of the above standards, the revision in effect at the time of bid opening shall apply. 7. Emissions shall conform to South Coast Air Quality Management District specifications. Boiler shall have an independent laboratory rating for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) to meet the requirements of South Coast Air Quality Management District in Southern California and the requirements of Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The manufacturer shall verify proper operation of the burner, all controls and the heat exchanger by connection to water and venting for a factory fire test prior to shipping. 8. Burner and Hydrostatic Test: Factory adjust burner to eliminate excess oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen emissions, and carbon monoxide in flue gas and to achieve combustion efficiency; perform hydrostatic test. 9. Test and inspect factory-assembled boilers, before shipping, according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. 10. Boiler shall be AHRI Certified to 97% Thermal Efficiency, with Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) less than 20 ppm corrected to 3% O2. Boiler shall produce less than 60 Db sound reading at 100% rate of fire. Control system shall comply with UL/CSD-1/GE-GAP criteria. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1. Install factory assembled packaged boiler carefully to prevent damage, breaking, and scoring. Do not install damaged components; replace with new. 2. Comply with manufacturer's rigging and moving instructions for unloading boilers, and moving them to final location. WARRANTY 1. 2. Leakage and Materials: Heat Exchangers on stainless fire-tube boilers have a ten (10) year limited warranty effective 60 days from the date of manufacture as determined by the serial number. All equipment shall be guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of start-up, or 18 months from the date of shipment, whichever comes first. The warranty shall include parts only to repair or replace all defective parts and material at no charge to the owner. 15600 - 32 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. F. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Installation shall be guaranteed free from defective materials and workmanship for a period of (1) year from date of acceptance by the Owner. Any repairs required during guarantee period shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense. STAINLESS STEEL BOILER 1. Basis-of-Design: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the product indicated on Drawings, Lochinvar FTX, or approved as equivalent by one of the following manufacturers: a. Lochinvar b. Viessmann c. Buderus-Bosch Thermotechnology 2. Furnish and install in accordance with plans and specifications including manufacturer’s recommendations, state and local codes with capacity as scheduled on the contract drawings and specifications. 3. Direct-Vent sealed combustion, Boiler shall be factory assembled and firetested fire-tube condensing boiler with counter-flow heat exchanger sealed pressure-tight, built on a steel base, including insulated metal jacket, flue gas vent, combustion air intake connections, water supply and return connections, condensate drain connections and controls. Multiple pressure vessels in a single enclosure are not acceptable. 4. Boiler shall require only connection to the water circulating system, fuel/electric utilities, condensate drain and flue gas vent. Heat exchanger shall be constructed of 316L stainless steel. Water tube, Aluminum or Copper tube boilers, or Boilers with secondary heat exchangers are not equivalent and shall not be considered acceptable. 5. Boiler shall be able to operate in a full-flow system, or a variable flow system using variable frequency drives on the system pumps, without requiring the use of a three‐way valves or primary/secondary piping loops. Boiler heat exchanger shall be designed for a single-pass water flow to limit the water side pressure drop. Pressure drop shall be no greater than 2.2 PSI at 75 GPM. 6. Boiler shall bear the ASME "H" stamp for 160 PSI working pressure and shall be National Board listed where applicable. There shall be no banding material, bolts, gaskets or "O" rings in the header configuration. Each 316L stainless steel combustion chamber shall be designed to drain condensation to the bottom of the heat exchanger assembly. The condensate collection basin shall be constructed of welded 316L stainless 15600 - 33 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division steel. A built-in trap shall allow condensation to drain from the collection basin. 7. Boiler shall be equipped with a variable frequency drive blower motor. Burner shall be a premix design, constructed of high temperature stainless steel with a woven metal fiber outer covering to provide fully modulating firing rate with a turndown ratio of 7:1 and discharge into a positive pressure vent. Boiler efficiency shall increase with decreasing load (output), while maintaining setpoint. Boiler shall have been BTS-2000 tested to an AHRI Certified thermal efficiency of 97%. 8. Burner shall be metal-fiber mesh covering a stainless steel body with spark ignition and flame rectification. All burner material exposed to the combustion zone shall be of stainless steel construction. There shall be no moving parts within the burner itself. Burner shall produce not more than 60-dBA sound reading at full firing rate 9. Boiler shall be supplied with a combination gas control valve that includes dual safety shutoff valves and a pressure regulator in a single body gas valve designed using negative pressure regulation and equipped with a pulse width modulation blower system, to precisely control the fuel/air mixture to provide modulating boiler firing rates for maximum efficiency. The Boiler shall operate in a safe condition at derated output with gas supply pressures as low as 4.00” Ins. and shall automatically compensate for fluctuations of gas supply pressure between 4.00” Ins. w.c. and 14” Ins. w.c. inlet gas pressure. If inlet gas pressure exceeds 13” W.C., a 100% lock-up type gas pressure regulator of adequate size shall be installed in gas supply piping and adjusted to prevent pressure in excess of 13” W.C. 10. Boiler shall be constructed with a heavy gauge steel jacket assembly, primed and pre-painted on both sides. The combustion chamber shall be sealed and completely enclosed, independent of the outer jacket assembly, so that integrity of the outer jacket does not affect a proper seal. A flame observation port shall be provided. 11. Each Boiler shall be equipped with: temperature/pressure gauge; a system supply water temperature sensor; tank sensor; high limit temperature control with manual reset; outlet water temperature sensor with a dual thermistor to verify accuracy; return water temperature sensor; outdoor air temperature sensor, flue temperature sensor; probe type low water cut off with manual reset and a condensate trap for the heat exchanger condensate drain; ASME certified pressure relief valve set for 80 PSI. 15600 - 34 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington G. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 12. Probe LWCO shall incorporate a Burner circuit test switch that, when depressed, will test out the control circuit by dropping out the Burner if the circuit is properly wired. Boiler shall be installed with the probe type LWCO located above the lowest safe permissible water level established by the Boiler manufacturer. LWCO shall be UL listed and FM approved, suitable for commercial hydronic heating service at 80 PSI. 13. A coil type boiler or a water-tube boiler with heat input greater than 200,000 BTU’s/hr requiring forced circulation to prevent overheating of the coils or tubes shall have a flow sensing device installed in the outlet piping in lieu of the low water fuel cutoff required in 522 CMR 5.07(15)(a) to automatically cut off the fuel supply when the circulating flow is interrupted. 14. This Contractor shall furnish and install a condensate neutralizing box complete with limestone granules shipped loose for field installation. Furnish and install a condensate trap assembly if a condensate collection tray is not provided by the Boiler manufacturer. The trap allows condensate to drain from sump while retaining flue gases in the boiler. The trap has factory installed overflow switch, which shuts down the boiler in the event the drain line becomes obstructed, preventing proper condensate removal. Extend drain piping from boiler to acid neutralization kit and to suitable floor drain in mechanical rooms. 15. If the point of condensate disposal is above the trap, a condensate pump shall be required to move the condensate to the drain. If overflow from the pump would result in property damage, select a pump with an overflow switch. Wire this switch in series with installer provided external high limit, to shut off the boiler, and, if desired, in series with installer supplied alarm, to trigger an alarm in the event of overflow. COMPUTERIZED BOILER CONTROL 1. Factory installed Boiler Management Control System (BMCS) shall be provided with high resolution LED display, password security, outdoor air reset, pump delay with freeze protection, pump exercise, ramp delay featuring six steps, domestic hot water prioritization with limiting capabilities, USB drive for simple uploading of parameters and a PC port connection for connection to a local computer for programming and trending. A secondary operating control that is field mounted outside or inside the appliance is not acceptable. The boiler shall have alarm contacts for any failure, runtime contacts and data logging of runtime at given modulation rates, ignition attempts and ignition failures. The boiler shall have a built-in “Cascade” with leader redundancy to sequence and rotate while maintaining modulation of up to eight boilers of different Btu 15600 - 35 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division inputs without utilization of an external controller. The internal “Cascade” function shall be capable of either lead-lag, or efficiency optimization, front-end loading, and rotation of lead boiler every 24 hours. The boiler shall be capable of controlling an isolation valve (offered by manufacturer) during heating operation and rotation of open valves in standby operation for full flow applications. The control must have optional capability to communicate via Modbus protocol with a minimum of 46 readable points. Each boiler shall have an optional gateway device which will allow integration with BacNET protocols. All components shall be easily accessed and serviceable from the front of the jacket. H. 2. The control system shall monitor both boiler lockout and limit circuits to automatically skip over those boilers that are powered down for maintenance, tripped or otherwise will not start. The control system shall be fully integrated into the Boiler Cabinet and incorporate single and multiple boiler control logic, inputs, outputs and communication interfaces. Using parameter menu selections, the control system shall allow the boiler to respond to remote system water temperature and outside air temperatures and warm weather shut down or building automation system remote start/stop commands. 3. A 0-10 VDC output signal shall control a variable speed boiler pump (pump to be offered by manufacturer) to keep a fixed delta T across the boiler regardless of the modulation rate. The boiler shall have the capability to receive a 0– 10 VDC input signal from a variable speed system pump to anticipate changes in system heat load in order to prevent flow related issues such as erratic temperature cycling. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1. All Boiler room wiring from the main disconnect switch panel to all Boiler controls, Boiler Circulators, system circulators, Limit circuit, Operating controls, gas valves and actuators, switches and additional control devices shall be furnished and installed under this section of the work by the HVAC Subcontractor and shall conform to the job standards as established by Division 16 Sections. 2. Single-Point Field Power Connection: Factory installed and wired switches, motor controller, transformers and other electrical devices necessary shall provide a single-point field power connection to the boiler. 3. Boiler Control circuit shall be taken from a two-wire branch circuit, one side grounded, not exceeding 150 Volts, line to line. All safety control switching shall be accomplished in the hot ungrounded conductor and through the 24V low voltage wiring provided by the Boiler manufacturer 15600 - 36 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division and in accordance recommendations. I. with the manufacturer’s instructions and 4. Control system wiring shall comply with ASME CSD-1 requirements and 522 CMR 5.07. (19). Fuse protection for the control circuit shall be provided. A manually operated remote heating plant shutdown switch shall be furnished and installed just outside the Boiler room door and shall be marked for easy identification. If there is more than one (1) Boiler room door, there shall be a switch located at each door. Shutdown switches must be wired to disconnect all power to the Boiler controls. 5. Each Boiler shall be equipped with two terminal strips for electrical connections as follows: a. A low voltage connection board with 46 connection points for safety and operating controls, i.e., Alarm Contacts, Runtime Contacts, Louver Proving Switch, Tank Thermostat, Domestic Hot Water Building Recirculation Pump Contacts, Domestic Hot Water Building Recirculation Temperature Sensor Contacts, Remote Enable/Disable, System Supply Temperature Sensor, Outdoor Temperature Sensor, Tank Temperature Sensor, Modbus Building Management System Signal and Cascade Control Circuit. b. A high voltage terminal strip shall be provided for Supply voltage. Supply voltage shall be 120 volt / 60 hertz / single phase on all models. The high voltage terminal strip plus integral relays are provided for independent pump control of the System pump, the Boiler pump and the Domestic Hot Water pump. VENTING KITS 1. Listed Special Gas Vents: All products furnished under this Section shall conform to the requirements of The National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 / NFPA-54 where applicable and shall comply with and be listed to UL 1738, the U.S. Standard for Venting Systems for Gas –Burning Appliances, Category II, III and IV and ULC-S636-95, the Canadian Standard for Type BH gas vent systems. Components coming in direct contact with products of combustion shall carry the appropriate UL or ULC. 2. Combustion-Air Intake: The air inlet pipe shall be CPVC sealed pipe. 3. Approved Vent: AL29-4C vent materials as provided by Z-Flex Z-Vent; Heat Fab Saf-T Vent; Dura Vent FasNSeal Vent; or Polypropylene vent as provided by Centrotherm Innoflue SW; Dura Vent Polypro. 15600 - 37 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.11 2.12 Public Works Construction Engineering Division BOILER BREECHING STACK AND FLUE – PREFABRICATED: A. Provide round air or fill insulated to limit skin temperature to 140 deg. F, prefabricated double-wall duct breeching for boilers and other mechanical equipment that burn gas or oil, by Ampco, Van Packer, Metal Fab, Schebler or Metalbestos. B. This contractor shall coordinate with the plumbing subcontractor, to ensure that if a water heater using forced draft venting is submitted, a stack designed for positive pressure will also be submitted. Do not submit Type B gas vents for water heaters. C. Breeching shall be 304 stainless steel outer jacket where exposed to the weather, galvanized where not exposed. Internal pipe shall be 304 stainless steel. Provide stack with integral spacers or insulation. For condensing boilers, use 294C stainless steel internal pipe or material recommended by the boiler manufacturer. D. Provide fire stop fittings at wall and ceiling penetrations. E. Joints shall be vapor-tight with locking groove slip joints with locking tabs and bands. F. Provide high temperature expansion fittings between flue and structural penetrations. G. Provide aluminized water-tight insulated thimble, exit cone, rain collar and supporting hardware, including guys and bands. CHEMICAL TREATMENT - WATER SYSTEMS: A. Provide treatment systems and service for primary water systems. Do not operate systems without water treatment. Water treatment chemicals shall be by Barclay, Dearborn, Olin or Mogul. Pump and chemical drums shall be by the manufacturers of the chemicals or Liquid Metronics. Dearborn and Liquid Metronics model numbers are used to establish standards of quality. B. Provide piping necessary for complete systems. C. Water treatment shall include feeding devices necessary to feed chemical solution into piping system and bring chemical properties of water to within manufacturer's recommended operating limits, in order to minimize corrosion and reduce build-up of slime or other contaminants. D. Closed loop systems shall have water treatment consisting of Dearborn Model Type AV By-Pass Shot Feeder, to feed chemical solution into each piping system. 15600 - 38 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division Provide five gallon bypass feeder for systems equal to or less than 1,000 gpm of system flow. Provide ten gallon bypass feeder for systems over 1,000 gpm of system flow. Chemicals shall be Dearborn B-524 (Nitride Corrosion Inhibitor) to maintain control limits at 800-1000 parts per million of sodium nitrite. 2.13 E. Flush and clean all systems with Dearborn BC-45 cleaner after completion of installation. After cleaning, add Dearborn B-524 nitrite inhibitor to closed loop systems, to control nitrite strength to 800-1,000 ppm maximum. Submit written report indicating that systems have been thoroughly cleaned and charged with corrosion inhibitor. F. Effluent from HVAC system discharged to sewer shall meet requirements of applicable local, state and national water quality standards. G. One year service shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Delivery and maintenance of water treatment chemicals for one year. 2. Collection and analysis of samples of circulating water every thirty days for one year, and adjustments to the rate of chemical feed to suit each system. 3. Inspection and maintenance chemical feeding devices for one year. Inspection and maintenance should be performed at minimum intervals of every thirty days. 4. Water tests according to project requirements. PRESSURE GAUGES, THERMOMETERS AND TEST PLUGS: A. B. Provide bronze Bourdon tube pressure gauges where shown on Drawings and where specified, by U.S. Gauge, Trerice, or Weksler, accurate to +1%. 1. Gauges shall have white faces with black-filled engraved lettering. Gauge bodies shall be set in phenolic cases. Provide syphons and shut-off cocks. 2. Gauges shall be easily accessible and easily read. Gauges readable from floor at less than five feet shall have 4-1/2" dials. Other gauges shall have 6" dials. Gauges graduations shall meet limit requirements of normal operation. Gauge shall indicate at mid-scale. Provide separable well V-case thermometers by U.S. Gauge, Trerice, or Weksler where shown on Drawings and where specified. Thermometers shall have 9" scale and white face with black-filled engraved letters. Thermometers shall be angular or straight stemmed, as conditions necessitate. Thermometer wells shall 15600 - 39 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division be bronze and shall be installed so as to ensure minimum restriction of water flow in pipe. C. 1. Provide thermometer ahead of and beyond cooling coils, chillers and where shown on Drawings. Thermometers shall have scale range of 0 -120 deg. F with 2 scale division. 2. Provide thermometer in condenser water system at each chiller, cooling tower and where shown on the drawings. Scale range shall be 20 –180 deg. F with 2 scale division. 3. Provide thermometer in hot water system ahead of and beyond each boiler, coil and where shown on the drawings. Scale range shall be 30 –300 deg. F with 2 scale division. 4. Provide additional thermometers where shown on Drawings. Combination Temperature Pressure Test Plugs 1. Provide, where shown on details, combination pressure temperature test plugs by Peterson Equipment Company "Petes Plug" or Sisco, Inc. "P/T Plugs". 2. Plug shall be 1/4" or 1/2" NPT, constructed of solid brass with a Nordel valve core suitable for temperatures up to 350 F. Plug shall be rated zero leakage from vacuum to 1000 psig. 3. Provide extension fitting for each plug suitable for use with 2" maximum pipe insulation. 4. Provide gauge test kit consisting of the following items: a. (2) 3-1/2" dial face gauges 0-100 psi and 0-231 feet. b. (2) Gauge adapters with 1/8" O.D. probe. c. (2) 5" stem pocket testing thermometers ranges 25-125 F; 0-220 F. d. (1) Carrying case. e. (2) 4' length of flexible hose with adapters. 15600 - 40 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.14 2.15 Public Works Construction Engineering Division FILTER, MEDIUM EFFICIENCY, THROW AWAY TYPE: A. Do not operate systems without design filters. Provide a new set of filters before the balancing is performed. B. Filters shall be Farr or AAF, as scheduled on Drawings. Filters shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Class 2, and rated at an average efficiency of 25-30% per ASHRAE 52-76. C. Filter media shall be bonded to an enclosed beverage board frame. The media shall be of non-woven cotton, which is laminated to a welded wire grid, and have an average efficiency of 25-30% by ASHRAE test standard 52-76. Filter area shall be not less than 11 pleats per lineal foot for 4" thick or 15 pleats per lineal foot for 2" thick filter. D. Filters shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories as Class 2. UNIT VENTILATORS (HOT WATER - HEATING ONLY): A. B. General 1. The Vertical Unit Ventilator is a floor mounted exposed unit. Units are tested and certified with AHRI-840. The unit complies with NFPA 90A and is ETL listed in the U.S. and Canada. Provide unit ventilators of size and capacity indicated on Schedule. 2. Unit shall be capable of delivering room air or outdoor air up to rated capacity. Unit shall be capable of being set to deliver adjustable outdoor air. Unit shall be capable of automatically providing room air, predetermined quantity of outdoor air or up to rated capacity of outdoor air, as required by thermal needs of room. Cabinet and Chassis 1. Unit chassis shall be 3/16" to 18 gauge, die-formed steel all-welded. All welded assemblies and fabricated parts shall receive 5-stage phosphatizing treatment and internal components shall be dipped full depth in prime coat enamel prior to baking. All exposed edges will be rounded to safeguard against injury Unit shall have inner casing so that removal of front panel(s) shall not affect unit operation. The control compartment shall be accessible without removing the entire front panel. 2. Provide leveling adjustment screws. 15600 - 41 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Piping and control end pockets will be a minimum of 12" wide to facilitate piping, auxiliary drain pan, and service access. If standard end pocket is less than 12" wide, an extended cabinet will be provided. 4. Unit discharge grille shall be continuous fabricated steel constructed of round edged steel bars to provide vertical and horizontal deflection and finished to match top surface. 5. Unit top shall have alignment pins to ensure correct alignment with matching cabinets. Finish color of unit front and end panels shall be beige. 6. Provide dynamic air barrier back. 7. Provide filler where gaps greater than 3/16” exist between the new unit ventilators and the existing cabinetry. Fans and Motor 1. Unit shall be of blow-through modular fan construction. Fan housings shall be constructed for reduced sound level. Fans and housings shall be steel. 2. Fans shall be on suction air side of coil, mounted on a steel shaft with full size sleeve-type end bearing. Shaft shall be connected to multi-speed, motor in unit end compartment out of unit air stream. Motor and fan rotating element shall be isolated from unit with neoprene rubber mounts. Motors on ceiling models shall be permanently lubricated, ball-bearing. 3. Fan and motor hall be a continuous single assembly. Motor shall be Electronically Commutate motors (ECM). Motors shall be brushless DC (BLDC)/electronically commutated motors (ECM) factory programmed and run tested in assembled units. The motor controller is mounted in a touch safe control box with a built in integrated user interface and LED tachometer. If adjustments are needed, motor parameters can be adjusted through momentary contact switches accessible without factory service personnel on the motor control board. Motors will soft ramp between speeds to lessen the acoustics due to sudden speed changes. Motors can be operated at three speeds or with a field supplied variable speed controller. The motor will choose the highest speed if there are simultaneous/conflicting speed requests. All motors have integral thermal overload protection with a maximum ambient operating temperature of 104.0 F and are permanently lubricated. Motors are capable of starting at 50 percent of rated voltage and operating at 90 percent of rated voltage on all speed settings. Motors can operate up to 10 percent over voltage. 15600 - 42 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. D. Provide spare fan and motor board assembly for each size and type. Dampers 1. E. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Provide each unit ventilator will come equipped with a single blade, linkage free damper construction. The linkage free design will result in a fixed air seal of the damper assembly. Dampers shall pivot on self-lubricating nylon bearings and shall be interconnected to permit use of ASHRAE cycles of operation: I, II or III. Coils 1. Coils shall be designed for blow-through air flow. All hydronic heating coils will be plate-fin type mechanically bonded to tubes. The coils will be hydrostatically tested to 350.00 psi and burst tested to 450.00 psi. The coils are rated in accordance with AHRI-840. A threaded drain plug will be provided at the header's lowest point and a manual air vent provided at its highest point. F. Filters: Filter shall be one-piece throw away total air, handling total volume of unit on complete recirculation, complete outdoor air or mixture of both. Provide 1 complete set of replaceable filters for each unit ventilator at completion of the project. G. Controls 1. Units shall operate as a single zone VAV in ECM Acoustical Mode. 2. Controls shall be factory mounted 100% native BACnet with a terminal strip for connection to the BAS. 3. Provide factory piping package shall include 3-wire, modulating 2-way hot water control valve, actuator, strainer, and circuit setter. 4. The united mounted fan speed switch will employ a low voltage fan switch. The low voltage fan speed option will provide an interface to factory wiring including variable speed/high-medium-low (HML) control. The control box contains a line voltage to 24 volt transformer, EC motor controller and an optional disconnect switch. 5. Unit shall have electric damper actuator which positions the outside air/room air damper. 15600 - 43 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington H. 2.16 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 6. Actuator shall respond to demands of solid state thermostat which sense room air. Solid state sensor shall be located within sampling chamber in unit. 7. Unit-mounted discharge sensor shall be included to prevent discharge air temperature from becoming too low. 8. Minimum outside air percentage shall be adjustable based on occupancy, mode of operation and the relationship between outdoor air temperature, discharge air temperature (DAT) and DAT setpoint. 9. Night (unoccupied) setback shall be accomplished manually by thermostat installed in remote location. 10. Remote thermostat's function shall be to energize or de-energize 120 volt control circuit which operates unit mounted relay provided by manufacturer in each unit control box. 120 V control circuit shall be de-energized by time clock during unoccupied periods and energized during occupied periods. 11. Units shall provide convective heat during unoccupied period. When convective heat is insufficient, night thermostat shall turn on fan motor. 12. No outside air shall be admitted during unoccupied cycle. 13. Control box shall have lockable or tamper-proof cover. Unit shall be by AAF, MSI or Trane. CABINET HEATERS - HOT WATER: A. Provide hot water cabinet heaters where shown on Drawings and on schedules. Cabinet heaters shall be factory assembled for field installation. Cabinets shall be 18 gauge steel with corrosion resistant finish. Color selection shall be by Engineer from standard color pallet. B. Coils shall have seamless copper serpentine tubes and aluminum or copper fins bonded to tubes. Coils shall be tested at 200 psig air pressure without leaks. C. Provide cabinet heaters with tamper-proof front panel screws and key latches. D. Filters shall be disposable. E. Provide factory-mounted disconnect switch. 15600 - 44 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington F. 2.17 Cabinet heaters shall be by Sterling, Trane, McQuay, AAF, Airtherm, or Beacon Morris. UNIT HEATERS - HOT WATER: A. 2.18 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Provide hot water unit heaters of horizontal discharge as shown on Drawings and on schedules. 1. Casings shall be heavy gauge steel with welded seams and shall have threaded connections for vertical hanger rods. 2. Horizontal heaters shall have adjustable steel discharge louvers. 3. Electric motor shall have integral overload protection and shall be mounted away from coil and heated air stream. 4. Fan blades shall be aluminum or steel, statically and dynamically balanced at factory. 5. Coil shall have seamless copper serpentine tubes and aluminum or soldered copper fins bonded to tubes. Coils shall be tested at 300 psig air pressure without leaks. B. Hangers and supports shall incorporate vibration and noise isolators. Motor and fan shall be separated from heater by resilient vibration isolators. OSHA-approved fan guards shall be provided on heaters. C. Unit heaters shall be factory assembled for field installation, by Sterling, Trane, Air-therm, Beacon Morris, Buffalo or AAF. CONVECTORS - FIN TUBE: A. Provide free standing hot water convectors with sloping top of type as scheduled on Drawings, by American Air Filter, Trane, Standard, Sterling, TRT, or Dunham Bush. B. Heating element shall consist of 1/2" O.D. round seamless copper tubes expanded into aluminum fins with 1-1/4" seamless steel headers. Provide flanged collars to space equally. Tubes shall be brazed to header with silver solder. Fin and tube assembly shall be encased in steel frame with stiffeners. C. Cabinets shall be suitably braced and reinforced 18 gauge steel with heating element supports that provide for adjustment up to 1" in either direction as 15600 - 45 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division required by piping arrangement. Cabinet shall be phosphatized with factory baked finish; color and type shall be selected by Architect. Grilles shall be die formed with pencil proof louvers. D. 2.19 Provide tamper proof key knob on damper and two flush-mounted access doors on each unit. FANS - ROOF EXHAUST: A. Provide dome direct-drive fans that are certified to bear the AMCA seal, with: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.20 B. Motors shall be ECM and have speed controller in junction boxes for balancing. C. Fans shall be by Greenheck, Penn, Cook, ACME, ILG, or Peerless. VIBRATION ISOLATION (NON-SEISMIC AND SEISMIC): A. 2.21 Motorized isolation dampers. Bird screen. Spun aluminum housing. Disconnect switch. Inlet venturi orifice. Vibration isolation. Permanently-lubricated ball bearings. Enclosed, fan-cooled motor. Junction box. Provide Vibration Isolation and Seismic Restraints as specified under Section 15000. ACCESS PANELS – (WALL AND CEILING MOUNTED): A. Furnish access panels as specified in Section 15050 for access to mechanical equipment as required. Access panels shall be installed under other sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 REFERENCE: A. Refer to Section 15050. 15600 - 46 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.2 SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Cooperate and coordinate with work of other Sections in executing work of this Section. B. Gypsum Drywall Enclosures: 1. Coordinate and supervise construction of drywall and related work affecting work of this Section. 2. Work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 3. 3.3 3.4 a. Supply and return air duct enclosures on air handling equipment. b. Supply air plenums located above rooms. c. Return air shafts. Ensure tightness of plenums and chases used as part of air distribution system. System will not be accepted until proved tight, without leakage. Notify Architect in writing after system test for leakage, if construction and finish of plenums and ducts are not satisfactory. TAGS AND VALVE TAG CHARTS: A. Provide valve tags as required under Section 15050. B. Provide valve tag charts as required under section 15050. PIPE AND DUCT IDENTIFICATION: A. 3.5 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Pipe and duct identification shall be provided as specified in section 15050. BOILER ERECTION AND CLEANING - HOT WATER: A. Boiler Pumps shall be installed with manufacturer's recommendations, Contract Drawings, and reviewed submittals. B. Pumps shall be installed so as to ensure easy accessibility for service or removal and replacement of all components such as, but not limited to, impellers, motors, drive couplings, bearings, strainers, other pump appurtenances, isolators, and flex connections 15600 - 47 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.6 Public Works Construction Engineering Division C. Install circulator, including all valves, strainer and accessories on each boiler as may be required. D. The Contractor shall properly protect all equipment to prevent damage from water, dirt, etc. Protection shall include temporary plastic wrap to keep equipment in original factory condition. E. Install in accordance with NFPA 54 and NFPA 58. F. Provide connections to the natural gas service connection in accordance with NFPA 54, AGA Z223.1 and NFPA 58. Pipe all gas train vents to the outdoors in accordance with all local and State codes. Connect gas piping to boiler gas-train inlet with union. Piping shall be at least full size of gas train connection. Provide a reducer if required. G. Provide hydronic piping connections, valves, fittings and accessories as indicated. H. CAT IV boilers require special gas venting. Use only the vent materials, listed manufacturers, and methods specified within the Boiler manufacturer’s Installation and Operation Manual. I. Connect each Cat-IV direct-vent appliance’s flue outlet with a continuous boiler manufacturer approved vent system to the vent termination outside the building, full size of boiler outlet. The vertical vent shall be routed through the designated chase. All system components shall be listed to UL or ULC standard and supplied from the same manufacturer. Maximum exposure of CAT IV vent pipe shall be limited to not more than 60” Ins. exposure to outdoor environment. J. Pipe water relief valves to nearest floor drain. K. Provide complete electrical connections to all boilers. L. Install electrical devices furnished with boiler but not specified to be factory mounted. M. Install control wiring to field-mounted electrical devices. N. Pipe condensing boiler condensate connections to condensate neutralization tank. Neutralization tank shall be piped to the nearest floor drain. BURNER LIGHTOFF, ADJUSTMENT AND PRESSURE TEST: A. Provide services of factory-trained burner service technician to perform lightoff, adjustment and control checkout in presence of Gas Inspector and gas company representative. Instruct Owner's personnel in boiler/burner operation. 15600 - 48 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division B. Burner lightoff and adjustment shall include combustion efficiency tests using batch or electronic analyzing apparatus, in presence of the Owner’s Representative. C. Test data shall include: D. E. 1. Burner input and proper rate. 2. Control operating tests including adjustment and check out of limits, switches, operating controls, interlocks, low water cutoff devices and alarms, gas valves, pressure regulators, scanners and combustion controls. 3. Purging boiler and pilot operation tests; tests for venting. 4. Percent CO2 in flue gas. 5. Gross and net stack temperatures. Presence of CO (if any) and adjustment to reduce as necessary. 6. Steady-state combustion efficiency; burner adjustments to provide optimum efficiency. Setting and adjustment of pressure overfire at slide damper, to manufacturer's specifications. Pressure Tests 1. Subject pressure parts to hydrostatic test of 125 psi at factory. Field tests shall be limited to no more than maximum intended working pressure. 2. Furnish equipment, piping, labor, staging, fittings, valves, hoses and other material required to perform hydrostatic tests as directed. 3. Perform hydrostatic test of at least 40 psig for 5 hours. Tests shall be of duration necessary to satisfy Architect and Boiler Inspector that boiler has been erected correctly with no leaks. 4. Provide glass front frame in boiler room for Certificate of Inspection. Installing Contractor shall supervise all phases of Boiler installation, pressure testing, startup, and training of operating personnel. Installing Contractor shall also provide all installation verification inspections, system functional and safety operational tests, and heating system capacity verification tests. Hydrostatic test. Repair leaks and retest until no leaks exist. 15600 - 49 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division F. Installing Contractor shall include, as part of his Contract, all charges and costs for Boiler testing, start-up, checkout, adjusting, field and State inspections, including service contracts for systems and equipment as here-in-after specified. Provide signed documentation to the Awarding Authority for completion of specified procedures. G. The Boiler manufacturer’s Representative shall provide the initial start-up, final adjusting and testing of the Boiler and controls in the presence of the Consulting Engineer, ATC/DDC start up representative and the Owners operating personnel. State Gas inspector, and gas company representative shall also be in attendance as may be required by 248 CMR 7.00. Boiler manufacturer’s representative shall also provide training on the Boilers and Controls and in boiler care and maintenance to Owners Operating Personnel. H. Initial start-up, testing and adjustment shall comply with all applicable Local and State Regulations and requirements. Start up and final adjustment shall be in accordance with the Boiler manufacturer’s start-up instructions. Test and adjust Boiler for maximum efficiency. Test and adjust combustion controls, and boiler controls for proper operation and maximum system efficiency. Check and adjust initial operating set points and high and low limit safety set points of fuel supply, water level and water temperature. Set field-adjustable switches and circuitbreaker trip ranges as indicated. Replace damaged or malfunctioning controls and equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s warranty requirements. I. Purging of the Boilers, and all required tests for proper venting. Startup technician shall determine the presence and proper function of draft interlock switches or spill switches as may be required by Code and in accordance with the Plumbing Engineers design. J. At time and date of original start up, provide instruction to the Owners operating personnel in the procedures to resolve a “Lockout” condition. At this time, operating personnel shall also be instructed in the operation and routine management of the Burner and safety controls. The Owner shall arrange to have personnel who require training to be present during the original lightoff. In addition, manufacturer’s representative shall provide a training session for the Owners operating personnel at a later date prior to Owners Final Acceptance. Installing Contractor to coordinate time and date of additional training. K. Boiler combustion shall be tested and adjusted utilizing electronic combustion instruments to verify that the boiler is operating within acceptable tolerances of the factory fire test report, with a print-out copy submitted to the Engineer. A written report of the start-up, including the factors of the factory fire test, and the factors of the start-up, shall also be furnished to the Engineer. 15600 - 50 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.7 Public Works Construction Engineering Division L. Final acceptance of the Heating system installed within this scope of work shall be contingent on passing a satisfactory system pressure test, mechanical performance test and heating function test to determine that the system will perform according to the contract requirements. The above tests shall be witnessed by the Engineer and the Owner at his option and acceptance will only be granted in writing by the Owner after receipt of certification from the Engineer that the design criteria have been met. M. Installing Contractor shall guarantee the entire installation for a period of One (1) Year from the date of Owner Acceptance and beneficial usage by the Owner and Date of Final Payment. Installing contractor shall, upon completion of the installation, make available to the Owner an annual service agreement covering all labor and material required to efficiently maintain the boilers for first year of operation. EQUIPMENT TESTING: A. B. No tests shall be started until systems have been cleaned. Provide temporary piping and connections for testing, flushing or draining systems to be tested. If leaks develop, repairs shall be made and tests repeated. Tests shall be continued until systems operate without adjustments and repair to equipment or piping. Tests are further specified under other paragraphs of this Section. Test requirement specifically includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Pumps 2. Boilers Circulating Water Pumps and Fans 1. Take field measurements on vibration and alignment of pumps, chillers and fans driven by motors over 10 hp. Readings shall include: a. Shaft alignment b. Equipment vibration c. Bearing housing vibration d. Foundation vibration e. Building structure vibration f. Readings directed by Architect 15600 - 51 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division g. C. Maximum vibration at any point listed shall not exceed 2 mils. When testing is complete fill in the following checklist certifying satisfactory completion of testing. Make multiple copies of checklist as required, edit out items which are not appropriate. Equipment and Piping Testing Checklist Test Item Date Confirmed Manufacturer’s General Contractor’s Representative Name and Representative Name and Signature Signature Burner/Lightoff Adjustment Vibration and Alignment Pumps Chillers Fans Refrigeration System Leak Tests Hydrostatic Tests of Piping 3.8 PIPING SYSTEM TESTING: A. No test shall be started until systems have been cleaned. Provide temporary piping and connections for cleaning, testing, flushing or draining systems. If leaks develop, repairs shall be made and tests repeated. Tests shall be continued until systems operate without adjustments and repair to piping. B. Cleaning 1. Prior to assembly of pipe and piping components, all loose dirt, scale, oil and other foreign matter on internal or external surfaces shall be removed by means consistent with good piping practice. Chips and burrs from machinery or thread cutting operations shall be blown out of pipe before assembly. Cutting oil shall be wiped from internal and external surfaces. 2. During fabrication and assembly, slag and weld spatter shall be removed from both internal and external pipe joints. 3. Legally dispose of cleaning and flushing fluids. 15600 - 52 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4. Notify the Architect prior to starting any post-erection cleaning operation in sufficient time to allow witnessing the operation. 5. Prior to blowing or flushing erected piping systems, disconnect all instruments and equipment, open wide all valves and be certain all disposable fine mesh screens are in place in strainers and pump suction diffusers. 6. Clean all systems with Dearborn BC-45 cleaner or equal. manufacturer’s instructions. 7. Flush pipe and components with clean water after cleaning until all discharge from system is clean. Maintain minimum velocities of 5 feet per second at all points. Flow shall be in same direction as when system is in normal operation. Discharge shall be from low points of lines, ends of headers and as otherwise required to flush entire system. Bypass coils during flushing operation. 8. After cleaning and flushing piping system, but before balancing, remove disposable fine mesh screens in strainers and pump suction diffusers. 9. Chemical Treatment: Provide a water analysis prepared by the chemical treatment supplier to determine the type and level of chemicals required for prevention of scale and corrosion. Perform initial treatment after completion of system cleaning and testing. Follow Hydrostatic Testing of Piping 1. Preparation for testing: Prepare hydronic piping in accordance with ASME B 31.9 and as follows: a. Leave joints including welds uninsulated and exposed for examination during the test. b. Provide temporary restraints for expansion joints which cannot sustain the reactions due to test pressure. If temporary restraints are not practical, isolate expansion joints from testing. c. Isolate equipment that is not to be subjected to the test pressure from the piping. If a valve is used to isolate the equipment, its closure shall be capable of sealing against the test pressure without damage to the valve. Flanged joints at which blinds are inserted to isolate equipment need not be tested. 15600 - 53 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division d. 2. 3. Install relief valve set at a pressure no more than 1/3 higher than the test pressure, to protect against damage by expansion of liquid or other source of overpressure during the test. Testing: Test hydronic piping as follows: a. Use ambient temperature water as the testing medium except where there is a risk of damage due to freezing. Another liquid may be used if it safe for workmen and compatible with the piping system components. b. Use vents installed at high points in the system to release trapped air while filling the system. Use drains installed at low points for complete removal of that liquid. c. Examine system to see that equipment and parts that cannot withstand test pressure are properly isolated. Examine test equipment to ensure that it is tight and that low pressure filling lines are disconnected. d. Subject piping system to a hydrostatic test pressure which at every point in the system is not less than 1.5 times the design pressure. The test pressure shall not exceed the maximum pressure for any vessel, pump, valve or other component in the system under test. Make a check to verify that the stress due to pressure at the bottom of vertical runs does not exceed either 90 percent of specified minimum yield strength or 1.7 times the “SE” value in Appendix A of ASME B31.9, Code for Pressure Piping, Building Services Piping. e. After the hydrostatic test pressure has been applied for at least 10 minutes, examine piping, joints and connections for leakage. Eliminate leaks by tightening, repairing, or replacing components as appropriate, and repeat hydrostatic test until there are no leaks. Fill and Startup a. Fill system and perform initial chemical treatment. Initial fill of system shall be with chemically treated water. For system using glycol, fill system with specified glycol mixture. b. Check expansion tanks to determine that they are not air bound and that the system is completely full. c. Before operating the system, perform the following steps: 15600 - 54 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 4. Maintain records of each system or section of system tested. Test reports shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: a. b. c. d. 3.9 Open valves to full open position. Close coil bypass valve. Remove and clean strainers. Check pump for proper rotation, correct improper wiring if required. Set automatic fill valves for required system pressure. Check air vents at high points of systems and determine if all are installed and operating freely (automatic type) or to bleed air completely (manual type). Set temperature controls so all coils are calling for full flow. Check operation of automatic bypass valves. Check and set operating temperatures of boilers, chillers and cooling towers to design requirements. Lubricate motors and bearings. Identification of piping system or section tested. Data of test and date. Testing medium, test equipment description (sketch if necessary) and method of description of test procedure. Test pressure, duration of test, and recorded pressure drop. OEM CONTROLS INTEGRATION: A. The contractor shall ensure that original equipment manufacturer’s (OEM), providing equipment with integral controllers (DDC, electric, electronic or pneumatic), shall coordinate with the Building Controls System (BCS) contractor to ensure complete integration of the OEM controls with the BCS. Provision of any gateways, wiring, etc., shall be by the BCS contractor. B. The mechanical contractor shall refer to the Building Controls Systems drawings (BC1.XX through BC3.XX) to ensure the sequences required by OEM equipment are followed. C. The OEM controllers shall coordinate with the BCS contractor to provide for the following, as applicable to the device, for connection by the BCS contractor. 1. 2. 3. 4. Remote start/stop. Remote set-point adjust. Remote alarming. Remote status. 15600 - 55 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 5. 3.10 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Remote monitoring of all process variables measured by the OEM controller. In short, all information that is available on the local OEM control panel shall be communicated to the BCS. EQUIPMENT START UP: A. Start up the following pieces of equipment in strict accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and with manufacturer’s representative present: 1. 2. 3. B. Boilers Unit Ventilators Fans Complete the following checklist to certify to the Architect that startup of the above pieces of equipment has successfully been accomplished. Copy multiple checklists as required. Edit inappropriate items as required. EQUIPMENT START UP CHECKLIST Equipment List Date Confirmed Manufacturer’s General Contractor’s Representative Name Representative Name and Signature and Signature Boilers (List Nos. Below) Chillers (List Nos. Below) Cooling Towers (List Nos. Below) Pumps (List Nos. Below) Air Handlers (List Nos. Below) 15600 - 56 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division EQUIPMENT START UP CHECKLIST Fans (List Nos. Below) 3.11 HVAC SYSTEMS DEMOLITION: A. Shut-off, disconnect, make inactive and dismantle existing HVAC systems to be demolished and leave HVAC equipment, duct work, piping and debris on floor for removal under Section 02070 - Selective Demolition. Disconnect existing HVAC equipment to be demolished and identify items to be removed with orange spray paint for removal and disposal under Section 02070 - Selective Demolition. B. Remove ductwork and piping back to active main and provide dampers, valves, cap or plug to suit system. Obtain existing record drawings from Owner. Maintain existing HVAC risers and ductwork serving outlets to remain. C. After walls and ceilings are removed and duct work and piping are exposed, verify duct work and piping serves only HVAC systems in areas indicated for demolition before shut-down for disconnection. Identify existing ductwork and piping that serves systems to remain. Promptly notify Architect of active ductwork and piping to be maintained when located in partitions to be demolished. D. Dispose of environmentally sensitive materials (refrigerants, glycol etc.) as required by the authority having jurisdiction. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\15600 HVAC.doc 15600 - 57 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction SECTION 15900 BUILDING CONTROLS SYSTEM (BCS) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: A. The work of this section is governed by the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, Sections in Division 1 and section 15050 of the Project Manual. B. Perform work and provide materials and equipment as shown on the drawings and as specified or indicated in this section of the specifications. Completely coordinate work of this section with work of other trades and provide complete and fully functional systems installation. C. Related work specified in other sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER: A. All bidders must be qualified control system contractors and must have been in the business of installing the specified system type for at least five (5) years. B. All bidders must have installed and completed at least ten (10) Control System projects of similar design using the same equipment as specified. C. All bidders must have a service office within 50 miles of the site. D. E. All bidders must be an authorized distributor of the host system manufacturer. All bidders must have capabilities of performing component level repairs on DDC systems. All bidders must have a minimum of two persons dedicated to program code generation for this project. These personnel must be located in the local service office. F. 1.3 Section 15050 – Basic Mechanical and Electrical Requirements. Section 15600 – Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. Section 15990 – Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Division 16 – Electrical. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. Furnish a totally native BACnet-based system, including a Microsoft Vista compatible operator’s workstation. The operator’s workstation, all building controllers, application 15900 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction controllers, and all input/output devices shall communicate using the protocols and network standards as defined by ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135–2008, BACnet. In other words, all workstations and controllers, including unitary controllers, shall be native BACnet devices. No gateways shall be used for communication to controllers installed under this section. Gateways may be used for communication to existing systems or to systems installed under other sections. B. Provide all necessary BACnet-compliant hardware and software to meet the system’s functional specifications. Provide Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) for Windows-based control software and every controller in system, including unitary controllers. C. Prepare individual hardware layouts, configuration from project design data. interconnection drawings, and software D. Implement the detailed design for all analog and binary objects, system databases, graphic displays, logs, and management reports based on control descriptions, logic drawings, configuration data, and bid documents. E. Design, provide, and install all equipment cabinets, panels, data communication network cables needed, and all associated hardware. F. Provide and install all interconnecting cables between supplied cabinets, application controllers, and input/output devices. G. Provide and install all interconnecting cables between all operator’s terminals and peripheral devices (such as printers, etc.) supplied under this section. H. Provide complete manufacturer’s specifications for all items that are supplied. Include vendor name of every item supplied. I. Provide supervisory specialists and technicians at the job site to assist in all phases of system installation, startup, and commissioning. J. Provide a comprehensive operator and technician training program as described herein. K. Provide as-built documentation, operator’s terminal software, diagrams, and all other associated project operational documentation (such as technical manuals) on approved media, the sum total of which accurately represents the final system. L. Provide new sensors, dampers, valves, and install only new electronic actuators. No used components shall be used as any part or piece of installed system. M. The system of controls includes, but is not limited to, the following equipment and systems: 1. Unit Ventilators 15900 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.4 Public Works Construction 2. Boiler room integration and controls 3. Rooftop Exhaust Fans 4. Monitoring, alarming and control of original equipment manufacturers package controllers such as boilers and unit ventilators. 5. Power wiring for control equipment including panels, dampers, filters, actuators and other control equipment specified under ATC shall be by this Section. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: A. Distributed logic control system complete with all software and hardware functions shall be provided and installed. System shall be completely based on ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2008, BACnet and achieved listing under the BACnet Testing Laboratories BACnet Advanced Workstation Software (B-AWS). This system is to control all mechanical equipment, including all unitary equipment such as VAV boxes, heat pumps, fan-coils, AC units, etc., and all air handlers, boilers, chillers, and any other listed equipment using native BACnet-compliant components. Non-BACnet-compliant or proprietary equipment or systems (including gateways) shall not be acceptable and are specifically prohibited. B. Operator’s workstation software shall use Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Vista “Ultimate Enterprise” editions, or Microsoft Windows 7 as the computer operating system. The Energy Management and Control System (EMCS) application program shall be written to communicate specifically utilizing BACnet protocols. Software functions delivered on this project shall include password protection, scheduling (including optimum start), alarming, logging of historical data, full graphics including animation, after-hours billing program, demand limiting, and a full suite of field engineering tools including graphical programming and applications. Systems using operating systems other than that described above are strictly prohibited. All software required to program application specific controllers and all field level devices and controllers will be left with the owner. All software passwords required to program and make future changes to the system will also become the property of the owner. All software required to make any program changes anywhere in the system, along with scheduling and trending applications, will be left with the owner. All software passwords required to program and make future changes to schedules, trends and related program changes will also become the property of the owner. All software required for all field engineering tools including graphical programming and applications will be left with the owner. All software passwords required to program and make future changes to field engineering tools, including graphical programming and applications will be left with the owner. C. Building controllers shall include complete energy management software, including 15900 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction scheduling building control strategies with optimum start and logging routines. All energy management software and firmware shall be resident in field hardware and shall not be dependent on the operator’s terminal. Operator’s terminal software is to be used for access to field-based energy management functions only. Provide zone-by-zone direct digital logic control of space temperature, scheduling, runtime accumulation, equipment alarm reporting, and override timers for after-hours usage. D. Room sensors shall be provided with digital readout that allow the user to view room temperature, view outside air temperature, adjust the room setpoint within preset limits and set desired override time. User shall also be able to start and stop unit from the digital sensor. Include all necessary wiring and firmware such that room sensor includes field service mode. Field service mode shall allow a technician to balance VAV zones and access any parameter in zone controller directly from the room sensor. Field service mode shall have the ability to be locked out. E. All application controllers for every terminal unit (VAV, HP, UV, etc.) air handler, all central plant equipment, and any other piece of controlled equipment shall be fully programmable. Application controllers shall be mounted next to controlled equipment and communicate with building controller through BACnet LAN. 1.5 1.6 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS: A. The base bid shall be the Niagara system from Alerton. Other manufacturers may bid based upon meeting all requirements of the specification. B. Approved Control Manufacturers: Alerton (Automated Building Systems or equal) COORDINATED WORK: A. The Contractor shall cooperate with others performing work on this project as necessary to achieve a complete and neat installation. Consult the drawings and specifications of all trades to determine the nature and extent of others' work. B. It will be the duty of the Contractor to work in cooperation with the Owner’s Representative, and with other Contractors and Employees, rendering assistance and arranging his work so that the entire project will be delivered in the best possible condition and in the shortest time. C. The Contractor and Manufacturers supplying equipment with packaged controls (boilers, and unit ventilatores) shall coordinate with each other to develop program code to interface all packaged controllers to the BCS to perform all monitoring, alarming and/or control required by the drawings and specifications. It shall be incumbent upon this Contractor to ensure such coordination occurs. 15900 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.7 Public Works Construction QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. The Building Automation System (BAS) system shall be designed, installed, commissioned, and serviced by manufacturer authorized and trained personnel. System provider shall have an in-place support facility within 2 hours response time of the site with technical staff, spare parts inventory, and necessary test and diagnostic equipment. The contractor shall provide full-time, on-site, experienced project manager for this work, responsible for direct supervision of the design, installation, start-up and commissioning of the BAS system. The Bidder shall be regularly engaged in the design, installation and maintenance of BAS systems and shall have demonstrated technical expertise and experience in the design, installation and maintenance of BAS systems similar in size and complexity to this project. Bidders shall provide a list of at least 10 projects, similar in size and scope to this project completed within the past 3 years. B. Materials and equipment shall be manufacturer's latest standard design that complies with the specification requirements. C. All BAS peer-to-peer network controllers, central system controllers and local user displays shall be UL Listed under Standard UL 916, category PAZX. D. All electronic equipment shall conform to the requirements of FCC Regulation, Part 15, Governing Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Interference and be so labeled. E. Control system shall be engineered, programmed and supported completely by representative’s local office that must be within 50 miles of project site. F. Installer's Qualifications: Firms specializing and experienced in the specified style of control systems installations for not less than 5 years. G. Codes and Standards (Latest Editions): 1. Electrical Standards: Provide electrical products, which have been tested, listed and labeled by (UL) and comply with NEMA standards. 2. NEMA Compliance: Comply with NEMA standards pertaining to components and devices for electric control systems. 15900 - 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. 1.8 Public Works Construction NFPA Compliance: Comply with NFPA 90A "Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems" where applicable to controls and control sequences. SUBMITTALS: A. Drawings 1. The system supplier shall submit engineered drawings, control sequence, and bill of materials for approval. Drawings shall be submitted in the following standard sizes: 11” x 17” (ANSI B). Eight complete sets (copies) of submittal drawings shall be provided. Drawings shall be available on CD-ROM. 2. 3. 4. B. System Documentation Include the following in submittal package: 1. System configuration diagrams in simplified block format. 2. All input/output object listings and an alarm point summary listing. 3. Electrical drawings that show all system internal and external connection points, terminal block layouts, and terminal identification. 4. Complete bill of materials, valve schedule and damper schedule. 5. Manufacturer's instructions and drawings for installation, maintenance, and operation of all purchased items. 6. Overall system operation and maintenance instructions—including preventive maintenance and troubleshooting instructions. 7. For all system elements—operator’s workstation(s), building controller(s), application controllers, routers, and repeaters—provide BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS) as per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2001. 8. Provide complete description and documentation of any proprietary (nonBACnet) services and/or objects used in the system. 9. A list of all functions available and a sample of function block programming that shall be part of delivered system. 15900 - 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. Public Works Construction Project Management 1. The vendor shall provide a detailed project design and installation schedule with time markings and details for hardware items and software development phases. Schedule shall show all the target dates for transmission of project information and documents, and shall indicate timing and dates for system installation, debugging, and commissioning. 1.9 D. All shop drawings shall be prepared on computer aided drafting software or equivalent. Drawing sheet size shall be 11" x 17". E. Shop drawings shall include a riser diagram depicting locations of all controllers and workstations, with associated network wiring. Also included shall be individual schematics of each mechanical system showing all connected points with reference to their associated controller. G. Submittal data shall contain manufacturer's data on all products used in the project. In addition, submittals shall contain sequences of operation, program listings, point lists, and a complete description of the graphics, reports, alarms and configuration to be furnished with the workstation software. Information shall be bound. H. Prior to ordering or fabricating equipment, submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15050 “Basis Mechanical and Electrical”. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: A. 1.10 Provide factory-shipping cartons for each piece of equipment, and control device. Maintain cartons through shipping, storage and handling as required to prevent equipment damage, and to eliminate dirt and moisture from equipment. Store equipment and materials inside and protected from weather. REFERENCE STANDARDS: A. The latest edition of the following standards and codes in effect and amended as of supplier's proposal date, and any applicable subsections thereof, shall govern design and selection of equipment and material supplied: B. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). C. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2008, BACnet. D. Uniform Building Code (UBC), including local amendments. 15900 - 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.11 E. UL 916 Underwriters Laboratories Standard for Energy Management Equipment. Canada and the US. F. National Electrical Code (NEC). G. FCC Part 15, Subpart J, Class A. H. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark). I. UL-864 UUKL listing for Smoke Controls for any equipment used in smoke control sequences. J. City, county, state, and federal regulations and codes in effect as of contract date. K. Except as otherwise indicated, the system supplier shall secure and pay for all permits, inspections, and certifications required for his work, and arrange for necessary approvals by the governing authorities. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS: A. 1.12 The Contractor shall provide operating and maintenance manuals consisting of, at a minimum, component data sheets, maintenance and calibration procedures, software print-outs, code documentation and point-to-point wiring diagrams. WARRANTY: A. 1.13 Public Works Construction The Contractor shall provide a warranty against defects in materials or workmanship in the BCS as described in this specification. Term of warranty is as follows after system start-up has been completed and accepted by the Owner: 1. Control equipment 36 Months 2. Control sensors 60 Months 3. All else 12 Months AS-BUILTS: A. Within 28 days following project completion and testing, the Contractor shall submit as-built drawings reflecting the exact installation of the system. 15900 - 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.14 INSPECTION: A. 1.15 Public Works Construction Examine areas and conditions under which control systems are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable to Installer. INSTALLATION OF BUILDING CONTROL SYSTEMS: A. General: Install systems and materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and roughing-in drawings, and details on drawings. Install electrical components and use electrical products complying with requirements of applicable Division-16 sections of these specifications. Mount controllers at convenient locations and heights. B. Control Wiring: The term "control wiring" is defined to include providing of wire, conduit and miscellaneous materials as required for mounting and connecting electric control devices. C. Wiring System: Install complete control wiring system for control systems. Following manufacturer's recommendations for use of shielded cable for field signal wiring, wire and cable separation criteria by type of point and signal level, power supply and grounding. Wire and cable shall be run in EMT conduit except in control rooms where wireway may be used and outdoors where rigid steel conduit shall be used. Final connection to devices shall be made in flexible steel sealed conduit. The length of flexible sealed steel conduit shall not exceed 3 feet. Provide multi-conductor multi-pair instrumentation cable (bundle) in place of single pair cable where number of conductors (pairs) can be run along common path. Do not run conduit over equipment removal areas or under the path of movable cranes or monorails. Coordinate conduit runs with other contractors on coordination drawings before installation. Obtain approval for conduit drawings prior to installation. Fasten flexible conductors bridging cabinets and doors, neatly along hinge side, and protect against abrasion. Tie and support conductors and cable neatly. Single pair instrumentation cable shall be 300 volt insulation No. 16 AWG shielded and twisted with half-lap aluminum mylar wrap with copper drain wire with flame retardant jacket. Multi-pair instrumentation cable shall of the same construction as single pair except that the minimum wire size shall be No. 20 AWG. D. Number code conductors with permanent wire markers and labeling system for future identification and servicing of control system. 15900 - 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.16 1.17 Public Works Construction E. Reset Limit Controls: Install manual-reset limit controls to be independent of power controllers; automatic duct heater resets may, at Contractor's option, be installed in interlock circuit of power controllers. F. Unit Mounted Equipment: Where control devices provided by this Contractor are indicated to be unit-mounted, ship relays, switches, valves, dampers, and damper motors to unit manufacturer for mounting and wiring at factory. Coordinate all shipping with the unit manufacturers. TEST AND START-UP & ADJUSTING AND CLEANING: A. Start-Up: Start-up, test, and adjust control systems in presence of manufacturer's authorized representative and the Owner’s Representative. Demonstrate compliance with requirements. Replace damaged or malfunctioning controls and equipment. B. Field Testing and Start-up: The Contractor shall provide the services of a qualified service representative to check system installation and supervise the system power up and initial check-out. All travel and living expenses shall be included in the bid. C. All travel and living expenses shall be included in the bid. INSTRUMENTATION: A. Instrumentation shall be in accordance with the following Codes and Standards: 1. 2. Instrument Society of American (ISA) Standards: a. S5.1 b. S75.03 Uniform Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Bodies. c. S75.04 Face-to-Face Dimensions of Flangeless Control Valves American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Publication: a. 3. Instrumentation Symbols and Identification Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards: a. A53 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless 15900 - 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. 5. 6. B. Public Works Construction b. A213 - Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger Tubes. c. B88 - Seamless Copper Water Tube d. B280 - Seamless Copper Tube for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Field Service National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards: a. ICS1 - General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems b. 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 volts maximum). National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards: a. No. 70 - National Electrical Code b. No. 92A – Smoke Control. c. No. 90A – Air Conditioning Systems. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) a. UL50 - Electrical Cabinets and Boxes b. UL916 – Energy Management System. c. UL854 – Smoke Control System. Instrumentation 1. C. Requirements for instrumentation to be furnished are contained in other sections of this division Installation-General Requirements 1. Install gages and thermometers where indicated on Drawings or called for in specifications. 2. The Contractor shall be responsible for installation, connections (Including mounting accessories) and testing of all instruments. 15900 - 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 3. All field mounted instruments shall be mounted in accessible locations, 4 feet 6 inches above the floor or platform, unless instrument design requires mounting on process piping, ductwork or equipment, or unless otherwise shown. 4. All instruments and accessories shall be firmly secured to building walls, ceilings, or platforms using fasteners designed specifically for the purpose for which they are being used. Installation-Primary Impulse Piping 1. The Contractor shall provide instrument piping and tubing, fittings, valves, calibration manifolds, plugs and bleed valves on the root valves and accessories for each instrument. The Contractor shall locate instrument connections on the piping in accordance with the flow diagrams. Locally mounted pressure gauges and thermometers shall be installed so that the plant operations personnel without the use of ladders can easily read the instrument. Gauge glasses shall be installed so that they are offset from the vessel with clearance from insulation with easy access to be read by the plant operations personnel. 2. Pipe and tubing shall be routed in a manner to prevent stress failure due to vibration, thermal expansion or any other movement to be expected during normal operation. Refer to Division 15 Vibration Isolation for required spring hangers and flexible piping connectors. 3. Piping systems extend from the process connections (root valves) at the pipe or vessel to the respective instruments and devices. 4. Tubing shall not be routed across equipment removal areas, below monorails or cranes nor above or below removable sections of gratings. 5. With the exception of gas measuring and vacuum instruments, all instruments shall be located below the process source connection, unless otherwise shown. 6. Instrument piping and tubing shall be as short as is practical. Equivalent vertical head (vertical distance between pressure source and transmitter) in psig shall be less than 20 percent of the transmitter range, unless otherwise shown. 7. Instrument piping and tubing runs shall be supported and protected to prevent sagging, damage and erroneous measurements. 8. Hanger materials shall be beam clamps, turnbuckle, rod hangers and split clamps for around pipe girth. When possible, instrument tubing and piping D. 15900 - 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction shall be routed together. Channel members and tubing clamps shall commonly support by support tray and groups. 9. Horizontal runs of instrument piping and tubing shall be straight without pockets, sloped 1/4 inch per foot minimum and where possible grouped and supported in metal trays (Tube Track or equal) or run along walls or ceilings to obtain maximum physical protection. Vertical and single runs of tubing shall be run in protected areas such as angles, channels, column webs, etc. 10. All threads shall be clean machine cut with all burrs and chips removed. Lubricants shall be of dry film type. Apply pipe thread lubricant so that it does not extend beyond the first engaged pipe thread. The Contractor shall be responsible for correction, repair or replacement of instrumentation, which malfunctions during the warranty period of thread lubricant, is determined to be a contributing factor to the malfunction. 11. The inside and outside of all piping and tubing shall be free of sand, loosely adhering scale, dirt, and other foreign matter. Prior to testing of the systems, purge all sand and adhering scale from the inner surfaces of all instrument piping and tubing. The method of cleaning shall not leave any material on the inner or outer surfaces that will affect the serviceability of the piping, tubing, valves and instruments. 12. Piping and tubing runs shall be field fabricated from random or stock length pipe and lengths of coils or tubing. Sawing or roller type tube cutters shall cut stainless steel tubing. Flame heating will not be permitted on stainless steel materials. Roller type tube cutters shall cut copper tubing. Clean all cut ends inside and outside surfaces prior to joint assembly. Bending radius for any bends in pipe shall not be less than an five times the outside diameter of the pipe. Minimum bending radius for tubing shall be as follows: 13. Outside Diameter Minimum Radius 1/4 inch (where allowed) 9/16 inch 1/2 inch 1-1/2 inch 5/8 inch 1-1/2 inch 3/4 inch 1-3/4 inch Bends shall be true to angle and radius and shall maintain a true circular cross-section of piping or tubing without buckling or undue stretching of pipe or tubing wall. 15900 - 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 14. All pressure and differential pressure instruments, which are remote mounted, shall be provided with 316 stainless steel calibration manifolds. For pressure devices two-valve manifolds shall be provided, and for differential pressure devices five-valve manifolds shall be provided. Subpanels E. 1. F. Subpanels (pipe stands) shall be provided for mounting instruments, which are not installed directly on a pipe or vessel. Testing and Inspection 1. A test program established by the Contractor shall include the following: a. Testing procedures. b. Leak tests shall be performed on all pipe and tubing lines or systems installed. c. The test pressure shall be held long enough to inspect the lines being tested, but not less than 30 minutes, with no addition of test fluid and no loss of pressure. d. Leakage of test fluid, deficiencies or other faulty conditions determined during the tests shall be corrected by the Contractor after which the test shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. e. Instruments, controls and other components shall not be subject to test pressure or testing fluids if corrosion, residue or other effects could occur. The Contractor shall disconnect or valve and vent all items, which could be affected. f. Test fluids shall not cause corrosion, residues or other adverse effects to the pipe or tubing components being tested. Liquid test fluids containing chlorides, sulphur, halogen and/or lead compounds are prohibited. g. 2. Test pressures shall be as follows: a. b. Hydrostatic Tests: 150 percent of the system design pressure. All testing shall be in accordance with ISA RP7.1. All tubing connections on the final elements shall be tested with soap bubble solution while subjected to maximum operating pressure. The testing shall be in accordance with ISA RP7.1. 15900 - 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. Public Works Construction The Contractor shall perform valve operational performance checks on all valves and valve manifolds. a. The checks shall be performed after installation of the valve or valve manifold. b. 4. G. Each valve or valve manifold provided by the Contractor shall be cycled full open, full closed at design pressure, or greater, to insure the proper functioning of the valve. Test sources and test gages, designated as secondary calibration sources, shall be properly calibrated from a primary calibration source. The primary source shall be calibrated and traceable to the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). The secondary source accuracy shall be at least 2 orders of magnitude greater than the device being checked. Calibration/Setting/Tuning 1. All field mounted devices shall be calibrated and set by the Contractor after installation in the system. 2. All test sources shall be applied to the increase as well as the decrease drive direction in order to check loop repeatability. 3. A separate instrument calibration sheet shall be completed for each instrument. When the instrument is calibrated and/or set, the instrument shall be marked with a calibration tag and contains the date of calibration. 4. Test sources and test gages, designated as secondary calibration sources, shall be properly calibrated from a primary calibration source. The primary source shall be calibrated and traceable to the NIST. The secondary source accuracy shall be at least 2 orders of magnitude greater than the device being checked. 5. Any device which does not meet the manufacturer's stated accuracy and/or repeatability, or which reveals any malfunction, shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost. 6. Analog devices shall be checked at a minimum of three points; 0 percent, 50 percent, and 100 percent of span. 7. Switches shall be set in the specified direction of the primary driving signal. Deadband shall be set as specified. 8. All control valves shall be tuned. This work includes, but is not limited to the following: 15900 - 15 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction a. 9. Written records shall be kept for each calibration showing date, system or equipment calibrated, method and results. Calibration records shall be submitted to the Owners Representative for each calibration within 10 working days after completion of calibration. 10. Performance test shall be conducted following satisfactory completion of operational testing. 11. In the event of instrumentation malfunction, defects shall be corrected and the test procedures repeated a sufficient number of times to satisfy the Owners Representative that the repairs are permanent and correct, and that system reliability has been demonstrated. H. 1.18 Zero and span adjustments. Positioner range spring adjustments for control valve zero and maximum travel shall be made using a Transmutation or equal calibrator. Instrument Installation 1. Provide pulsation dampers for all pressure gauges located at the discharge of pumps and compressors. 2. Provide siphons for all pressure gauges used for steam service. 3. Provide condensate reservoirs on the upper connections of level instruments for steam service and for both high and low side taps for steam flow instrumentation. I. Cleaning: Clean factory-finished surfaces. surfaces with manufacturer's touch-up paint. Repair any marred or scratched J. Final Adjustment: After completion of installation, adjust thermostats, control valves, motors and similar equipment provided as work of this section. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES: A. Owner's Instructions: Provide services of manufacturer's technical representative for an 8 hour session to instruct Owner’s personnel in operation and maintenance of the Distributed Control Systems. 1. Schedule instruction with the Owner’s Representative, provide at least 14-day notice to the Owner’s Representative of training date. 15900 - 16 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.19 TRAINING: A. The Contractor shall include in his proposal 8 hours of on-site operator training. B. Training shall include but shall not be limited to the following: C. 1.20 Instruction in programming. 2. Instructions in the language programming. Provide for the training sessions, text books, workbooks and similar materials for personnel, which shall be retained by those personnel upon completion of training. Provide an extra clean copy of the material to be filed with the O&M manuals. After all field connections have been made and control power is available to each control panel, the Owner’s Representative shall be notified and the control system shall be enabled by the BCS Contractor. TESTING: A. 1.22 1. SYSTEM STARTUP: A. 1.21 Public Works Construction Each point in the system shall be tested for both hardware and software function. In addition, each mechanical and electrical system under control of the BCS will be tested against the appropriate sequence of operation specified herein or in the drawings. Successful completion of the system test witnessed and approved by the Owner’s Representative shall constitute the beginning of the warranty period. A written report will be submitted to the Owner’s Representative indicating that the installed system functions in accordance with the plans and specifications. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: A. All controllers shall be capable of operating in an environment of 0 to 120 degrees F and 10 - 95% relative humidity non-condensing. B. Installation of the building controls system shall be performed by the Contractor or a subcontractor. However, all installation shall be under the personal supervision of the Contractor. The Contractor shall certify all work as proper and complete and shall reflect actual installation on the project record documentation. Under no circumstances shall the design, scheduling, coordination, wiring terminations, programming, point calibration and check-out, training, and warranty requirements for the project be delegated to a subcontractor. 15900 - 17 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.23 Public Works Construction COMPLIANCE: A. All wiring shall be installed in accordance with all applicable electrical codes and Division 16, and shall comply with equipment manufacturer's recommendations. B. Should any discrepancy be found between wiring specifications in Section 15900 and Division 16, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 OPERATOR’S WORKSTATION: A. General structure of workstation interaction shall be a standard client/server relationship. Server shall be used to archive data and store system database. Clients shall access server for all archived data. Each client shall include flexibility to access graphics from server or local drive. Server shall support a minimum of 50 simultaneous clients. B. BACnet Conformance 1. Operator workstation shall be approved by the BTL as meeting the BACnet Advanced Work Station (AWS) requirements. 2. Please refer to Section 22.2, BACnet Functional Groups, in the BACnet standard, for a complete list of the services that must be directly supported to provide each of the functional groups listed above. All proprietary services, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. 3. Standard BACnet object types accessed by the AWS shall include as a minimum: Analog Value, Analog Input, Analog Output, Binary Value, Binary Input, Binary Output, Calendar, Device, Event Enrollment, File, Notification Class, Program, and Schedule object types. All proprietary object types, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. 4. The AWS shall comply with Annex J of the BACnet specification for IP connections. Must support remote connection to server using a thick client application. This device shall use Ethernet to connect to the IP internetwork, while using the same Ethernet LAN for non-IP communications to other BACnet devices on the LAN. Must support interoperability on wide area networks (WANs) and campus area networks (CANs). AWS shall support Foreign Device Registration to allow temporary workstation connection to IP network. C. Data Displays 1. Data displays shall render all data associated with project as called out on drawings 15900 - 18 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction and/or object type list supplied. Graphic files shall be created using digital, full color photographs of system installation, AutoCAD or Visio drawing files of field installation drawings, and wiring diagrams from as-built drawings. 2. Data displays shall render all data using iconic graphic representations of all mechanical equipment. System shall be capable of displaying graphic file, text, and dynamic object data together on each display and shall include animation. Information shall be labeled with descriptors and shall be shown with the appropriate engineering units. All information on any display shall be dynamically updated without any action by the user. 3. Data display frame shall allow user to change all field-resident AWS functions associated with the project, such as setpoints, weekly schedules, exception schedules, etc., from any screen, no matter if that screen shows all text or a complete graphic display. This shall be done without any reference to object addresses or other numeric/mnemonic indications. 4. Analog objects shall be displayed with operator modifiable units. Analog input objects may also be displayed as individual graphic items on the display screen as an overlay to the system graphic. 5. All displays and programming shall be generated and customized by the local use energy management and control system (EMCS) supplier and installer. Systems requiring factory development of graphics or programming of DDC logic are specifically prohibited. 6. AWS shall be supplied with a library of standard graphics, which may be used unaltered or modified by the operator. AWS shall include a library of equipment graphic components to assemble custom graphics. Systems that do not allow customization or creation of new graphic objects by the operator (or with third-party software) shall not be allowed. 7. Data display frame shall include customizable and persistent tree navigation for building, equipment and system diagnostic centric display organization. 8. Each display may be protected from viewing unless operator credentials have the appropriate access level. An access level may be assigned to each display and system object. The menu label shall not appear on the graphic if the operator does not have the appropriate security level. 9. Data displays shall have the ability to link to content outside of the EMCS system. Such content shall include, but is not limited to launching external files in their native applications (for example, a Microsoft Word document) and launching a web browser resolving to a specified web address. 10. The AWS shall have the ability to support 20 concurrent web clients. 15900 - 19 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 11. Data displays shall support: a. Graphic items with custom geometry that offer both color gradient shading and variable opacity in scale to system variables and range setpoints. b. Clear and custom geometry navigation buttons to provide intuitive navigation. c. Graphic files in JPG, PNG, and GIF file types. d. Viewing of 1,024 system data points in a single screen. D. Password Protection 1. Provide security system that prevents unauthorized use unless operator is logged on. Access shall be limited to operator’s assigned functions when user is logged on. This includes displays as outlined above. 2. AWS shall provide security for a minimum of 200 users. Each user shall have an individual User ID, User Name, and Password. Entries are alphanumeric characters only and are case sensitive (except for User ID). User ID shall be 0–8 characters, User Name shall be 0–29 characters, and Password shall be 4–8 characters long. 3. Each user shall be allowed individual assignment of only those control functions, menu items, and user-specific system start display, as well as restricted access to discrete BACnet devices to which that user requires access. 4. All passwords, user names, and access assignments shall be adjustable online at the operator’s terminal. 5. Users shall also have a set access level, which defines access to displays and individual objects the user may control. System shall include 10 separate and distinct access levels for assignment to users. 6. The system shall include an Auto Logout feature that shall automatically logout user when there has been no keyboard or mouse activity for a set period of time. Time period shall be adjustable by system administrator. Auto Logout may be enabled and disabled by system administrator. Operator terminal shall display message on screen that user is logged out after Auto Logout occurs. 7. The system shall permit the assignment of an effective date range, as well as an effective time of day, that the User IDs are permitted to authenticate. E. Operator Activity Log 1. An Operator Activity Log that tracks all operator changes and activities shall be included with AWS. System shall track what is changed in the system, who performed this change, date and time of system activity, and value of the change before and after operator activity. Operator shall be able to display all activity, sort the 15900 - 20 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction changes by user and also by operation. Operator shall be able to print the Operator Activity Log display. 2. Log shall be gathered and archived to a hard drive on AWS as needed. Operator shall be able to export data for display and sorting in a spreadsheet. F. Scheduling 1. AWS and web client shall show all information in easy-to-read daily format including calendar of this month and next. All schedules shall show actual ON/OFF times for day based on scheduling priority. Priority for scheduling shall be events, holidays and daily, with events being the highest. 2. Holiday and special event schedules shall display data in calendar format. Operator shall be able to schedule holidays and special events directly from these calendars. 3. Operator shall be able to change all information for a given weekly or exception schedule if logged on with the appropriate access privileges. 4. AWS shall include a Schedule Wizard for set up of schedules. Wizard shall walk user through all steps necessary for schedule generation. Wizard shall have its own pulldown selection for startup or may be started by right-clicking on value displayed on graphic and then selecting Schedule. 5. Scheduling shall include optimum start based on outside air temperature, current heating/cooling setpoints, indoor temperature and history of previous starts. Each and every individual zone shall have optimum start time independently calculated based on all parameters listed. User shall input schedules to set time that occupied setpoint is to be attained. Optimum start feature shall calculate the startup time needed to match zone temperature to setpoint. User shall be able to set a limit for the maximum startup time allowed. 6. Schedule list shall show all schedules currently defined. This list shall include all standard, holiday and event schedules. In addition, user shall be able to select a list that shows all scheduled points and zones. 7. Display of all three schedules must show all ON times for standard, holiday and event schedules in different colors on a given day. In addition, OFF times for each must also be shown in additional colors. User shall be able to select from standard calendar what days are to be scheduled and same display shall show all points and zones affected. User shall be able to set time for one day and select all days of the week that shall be affected as a recurrence of that same schedule for that given day. 8. Any displayed data that is changeable by the operator may be selected using the right mouse button and the schedule shall then be selectable on the screen. Selection of the schedule using this method shall allow the viewing of the assigned schedule allow the point to be scheduled. 15900 - 21 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 9. Schedule editor shall support drag-n-drop events and holidays onto the schedule calendar. 10. Schedule editor shall support drag-n-drop events default to a two-hour period, which can then be adjusted by the user. 11. Schedule editor shall support drag-n-drop holidays default for OFF all day and can be edited for multiple-day holidays. 12. Schedule editor shall support the view of affected zones when adding or editing timed events of a schedule. G. Alarm Indication and Handling. 1. AWS shall provide visual, printed, and email means of alarm indication. Printout of alarms shall be sent to the assigned terminal and port. Alarm notification can be filtered based on the User ID’s authorization level. 2. Web client shall display a persistent alarm state for the system regardless of the data view including points in alarm but not acknowledged, and points that have gone into alarm and returned to normal without being acknowledged. 3. Alarm History shall provide log of alarm messages. Alarm log shall be archived to the hard disk of the AWS. Each entry shall include a description of the event-initiating object generating the alarm. Description shall be an alarm message of at least 256 characters in length. Entry shall include time and date of alarm occurrence, time and date of object state return to normal, time and date of alarm acknowledgment, and identification of operator acknowledging alarm. 4. Alarm messages shall be in user-definable text (English or other specified language) and shall be delivered either to the operator’s terminal, client or through remote communication using email (Authenticated SMTP supported). 5. AWS shall include an Alarm Wizard for set up of alarms. Wizard shall walk user through all steps necessary for alarm generation. Wizard shall have its own pull-down selection for startup or may be started by right-clicking on value displayed on graphic and then selecting alarm setup. 6. AWS shall support color-coded indication of current alarms as follows: a. Red indicator shows number of active alarms that have not been acknowledged. b. Yellow indicator shows number of alarms that are still active but have been acknowledged. c. Blue indicator shows number of alarms that have returned to normal but have not been acknowledged. 15900 - 22 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction d. Color-coded indicators, when selected by the user, navigate to a pre-filtered view of alarm history. e. Alarm history can be filtered by color-coded indicator states. 7. Alarm annunciation includes navigation link to a user-selected display or URL. 8. User can silence audible annunciation for the current session. 9. User can disable auto-refresh of alarm annunciation for current session. 10. Any displayed data that is changeable by the operator may be selected using the right mouse button and the alarm shall then be selectable on the screen. Selection of the alarm using this method shall allow the viewing of the alarm history or allow the creation of a new alarm. H. Trendlog Information 1. AWS shall periodically gather historically recorded data stored in the building controllers and store the information in the system database. Stored records shall be appended with new sample data, allowing records to be accumulated. Systems that write over stored records shall not be allowed unless limited file size is specified. System database shall be capable of storing up to 50 million records before needing to archive data. Samples may be viewed at the web client. Operator shall be able to view all trended records, both stored and archived. All trendlog records shall be displayed in standard engineering units. 2. AWS shall be capable of trending on an interval determined by a polling rate, or change-of-value. 3. AWS shall be able to change trendlog setup information. This includes the information to be logged as well as the interval at which it is to be logged. All operations shall be password protected. Viewing may be accessed directly from any and all graphics on which a trended object is displayed. 4. AWS shall include a Trendlog Wizard for setup of logs. Wizard shall walk user through all necessary steps. Wizard shall have its own pull-down selection for startup, or may be started by right-clicking on value displayed on graphic, and then selecting Trendlogs from the displayed menu. 5. AWS shall be capable of using Microsoft SQL as the system database. 6. Any displayed data that is changeable by the operator may be selected using the right mouse button and the trendlog shall then be selectable on the screen. Selection of the trendlog using this method shall allow the viewing of the trendlog view. 7. Trendlog viewer shall provide: 15900 - 23 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction a. Software that is capable of graphing the trend-logged object data shall be included. b. Access and ability to create, edit and view are restricted to users by user account credentials c. Specific and repeatable URL defines the trendlog(s) that comprise the view. d. Call out of trendlog value at intersection of trend line and mouse-over vertical axis. e. Trendlog and companion logs can be configured to display on one of two independent vertical scales. f. Click zoom for control of data set viewed along either graph axis. g. User-specifiable start and end dates as well as a fast scroll features that supports click zoom of macro scale view of the data for quickly finding data set based on visual signature. h. User export of the viewed data set to MS Excel. i. Web browser-based help. j. Optional min/max ranges (Upper Control Limits, Lower Control Limits) for each value. I. Energy Log Information 1. AWS shall be capable of periodically gathering energy log data stored in the field equipment and archive the information. Archive files shall be appended with new data, allowing data to be accumulated. Systems that write over archived data shall not be allowed unless limited file size is specified. Display all energy log information in standard engineering units. 2. All data shall be stored in database file format for direct use by third-party programs. Operation of system shall stay completely online during all graphing operations. 3. AWS operator shall be able to change the energy log setup information as well. This includes the meters to be logged, meter pulse value, and the type of energy units to be logged. All meters monitored by the system may be logged. System shall support using flow and temperature sensors for BTU monitoring. 4. AWS shall display archived data in tabular format form for both consumption and peak values. Data shall be shown in hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly formats. In each format, the user shall be able to select a specific period of data to view. J. Demand Limiting 15900 - 24 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 1. AWS shall include demand limiting program that includes two types of load shedding. One type of load shedding shall shed/restore equipment in binary fashion based on energy usage when compared to shed and restore settings. The other type of shedding shall adjust operator-selected control setpoints in an analog fashion based on energy usage when compared to shed and restore settings. Shedding may be implemented independently on each and every zone or piece of equipment connected to system. 2. Binary shedding shall include minimum of five (5) priority levels of equipment shedding. All loads in a given priority level shall be shed before any loads in a higher priority level are shed. Load shedding within a given priority level shall include two methods. In one, the loads shall be shed/restored in a “first off-first on” mode, and in the other the loads are just shed/restored in a “first off-last on” (linear) fashion. 3. Analog shed program shall generate a ramp that is independently used by each individual zone or individual control algorithm to raise the appropriate cooling setting and lower appropriate heating setting to reduce energy usage. 4. AWS shall be able to display the status of each and every load shed program. Status of each load assigned to an individual shed program shall be displayed along with English description of each load. K. Tenant Activity 1. AWS shall include program that monitors after-hours overrides by tenants, logs that data, and generates a bill based on usage and rate charged for each tenant space. Tenant Activity program shall be able to assign multiple zones, from a list of every zone connected to system, to a particular tenant. Every zone is monitored for afterhours override usage and that data logged in AWS. Operator may then generate a bill based on the usage for each tenant and the rate charged for any overtime use. 2. Configuration shall include entry of the following information for use in logging and billing: a. Tenant’s contact name and address b. One or multiple tenant zones that make up a total tenant space, including a separate billing rate for each separate zone c. Minimum and maximum values an event duration and event limit d. Property management information e. Overall billing rate f. Seasonal adjustments or surcharge to billing rate g. Billing notification type including, but not limited to printer, file and email 15900 - 25 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction h. Billing form template 3. Logging shall include recording the following information for each and every tenant event: a. Zone description b. Time the event begins c. Total override time d. Limits shall be applied to override time 4. A tenant bill shall be generated for a specific period using all the entered configuration data and the logged data. User with appropriate security level shall be able to view and override billing information. User shall be able to select a billing period to view and be able to delete events from billing and edit a selected tenant activity event’s override time. L. Reports 1. AWS shall be capable of periodically producing reports of trendlogs, alarm history, tenant activities, device summary, energy logs, and override points. The frequency, content, and delivery are to be user adjustable. 2. All reports shall be capable of being delivered in multiple formats including text- and comma-separated value (CSV) files. The files can be printed, emailed, or saved to a folder, either on the server hard drive or on any network drive location. M. Configuration/Setup 1. Provide means for operator to display and change system configuration. This shall include, but not be limited to system time, day of the week, date of daylight savings set forward/set back, printer termination, port addresses, modem port and speed, etc. Items shall be modified using understandable terminology with simple mouse/cursor key movements. N. Field Engineering Tools 1. AWS shall include field engineering tools for programming all controllers supplied. All controllers shall be programmed using graphical tools that allow the user to connect function blocks on screen that provide sequencing of all control logic. Function blocks shall be represented by graphical displays that are easily identified and distinct from other types of blocks. Graphical programming that uses simple rectangles and squares is not acceptable. 2. User shall be able to select a graphical function block from menu and place on screen. Provide zoom in and zoom out capabilities. Function blocks shall be downloaded to 15900 - 26 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction controller without any reentry of data. 3. Programming tools shall include a real-time operation mode. Function blocks shall display real-time data and be animated to show status of data inputs and outputs when in real-time operation. Animation shall show change of status on logic devices and countdown of timer devices in graphical format. 4. Field engineering tools shall also include a database manager of applications that include logic files for controllers and associated graphics. Operator shall be able to select unit type, input/output configuration and other items that define unit to be controlled. Supply minimum of 250 applications as part of workstation software. 5. Field engineering tool shall include Device Manager for detection of devices connected anywhere on the BACnet network by scanning the entire network. This function shall display device instance, network identification, model number, and description of connected devices. It shall record and display software file loaded into each controller. A copy of each file shall be stored on the computer’s hard drive. If needed, this file shall be downloaded to the appropriate controller using the mouse. 6. AWS shall automatically notify the user when a device that is not in the database is added to the network. 7. AWS shall include backup/restore function that will back up entire system to selected medium and then restore system from that medium. The system shall be capable of creating a backup for the purpose of instantiating a new client PC. 8. The system shall provide a means to scan, detect, interrogate, and edit third-party BACnet devices and BACnet objects within those devices. O. Workstation Hardware a. Workstation exists and Niagra controls system exists for several other City Buildings. Software and controls shall be integrated into the existing workstation as a single Niagra function. P. Software 1. At the conclusion of the project, contractor shall leave with owner a CD-ROM that includes the complete software operation system and project graphics, setpoints, system parameters, etc. This backup shall allow the owner to completely restore the system in the case of a computer malfunction. Q. Web Client 1. EMCS supplier shall provide an HTML5-based browser access to the AWS as part of standard installation. User must be able to access all displays of real-time data that are part of the AWS using a standard web browser. Web browser shall tie into the network through owner-supplied Ethernet network connection. The AWS must be 15900 - 27 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction able to support 20 concurrent web client users. 2. Browser shall be standard version of Microsoft Internet Explorer v10.0 or later, Firefox v19.0 or later and Chrome v24.0 or later. No special vendor-supplied software shall be needed on computers running browser. Data shall be displayed in real-time and update automatically without user interaction. 3. Web pages shall be automatically generated using HTML5 from the data display files that reside on the AWS. Any system that requires use of an HTML editor for generation of web pages shall not be considered. 4. Access through web client or thick client shall utilize the same hierarchical security scheme as the AWS. User shall be asked to log on once the client makes connection to the AWS. Once the user logs on, any and all changes that are made shall be tracked by the AWS. The user shall be able to change only those items he or she has authority to change. A user activity report shall show any and all activity of the users who have logged on to the system, regardless of whether those changes were made using a web client, thick client or through the AWS. 2.2 WEB INTERFACE: A. General BAS supplier shall provide Web-based access to the system as part of standard installation. User must be able to access all displays of real-time data that are part of the BAS using a standard Web browser. Web browser shall tie into the network through owner-supplied Ethernet network connection. Web page host shall be a separate device that resides on the BAS BACnet network, but is not the BAS server for the control system. BAS server must be a separate computer from the Web page host device to ensure data and system integrity. The Web page software shall not require a per-user licensing fee or annual fees. B. Browser Technology Browser shall be standard version of Microsoft Internet Explorer v6.0 or later, Firefox v2.0 or later and Safari v2.0 or later (on Mac OS X). PDA browser connection shall be Pocket PC 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, or Blackberry. No special vendor-supplied software shall be needed on computers running browser. All displays shall be viewable and the Web page host shall directly access real-time data from the BAS BACnet network. Data shall be displayed in real-time and update automatically without user interaction. User shall be able to change data on displays if logged in with the appropriate user name and password. C. Communications 1. Web page host shall include two Ethernet network connections. One network connection shall be dedicated to BAS BACnet network and shall be used to gather 15900 - 28 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction real-time data from all the BACnet devices that form the BAS. This network shall communicate using BACnet, allowing the Web page host to gather data directly from units on the local LAN or from other projects connected over a WAN. This network shall also provide the connection to the BAS server for Web page generation. 2. The second Ethernet connection shall provide the physical connection to the Internet or an IP-based WAN. It shall be the port that is used for the browser to receive Web pages and data from the Web page host. The Web page host shall act as a physical barrier between the BAS network and the WAN or Internet connection that allows the browser to receive Web pages and data. The two separate network connections provide for a physical barrier to prevent raw BACnet traffic being exposed on the IP network. 3. The Web page host shall provide for complete isolation of the IP and BACnet networks by not routing networking packets between the two networks. 4. BAS BACnet Ethernet network shall be provided and installed by the BAS supplier. Owner shall provide and incur any monthly charges of WAN/Internet connection. D. Display of Data 1. Web page graphics shown on browser shall be replicas of the BAS displays. User shall need no additional training to understand information presented on Web pages when compared to what is shown on BAS displays. Web page displays shall include animation just as BAS displays. Fans shall turn, pilot lights shall blink, coils shall change colors, and so on. 2. Real-time data shall be shown on all browser Web pages. This data must be directly gathered using the BACnet network and automatically updated on browser Web page displays without any user action. Data on the browser shall automatically refresh as changes are detected without re-drawing the complete display. 3. It shall be possible for user from browser Web page to change data if the user is logged on with the appropriate password. Clicking on a button or typing in a new value shall change digital data. Using pull-down menus or typing in a new value shall change analog data. 4. Data displays shall be navigated using pushbuttons on the displays that are simply clicked on with the mouse to select a new display. Alternatively, the standard back and forward buttons of the browser can be used for display navigation. E. Time Schedule Adjustment 1. Web access shall allow user to view and edit all schedules in the system. This includes standard, holiday and event schedules as described in BAS specification. Display of schedules shall show interaction of all schedules on a single display so user sees an overview of how all work together. User shall be able to edit schedules from 15900 - 29 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction this display. 2. Display of all three schedules must show all ON times for standard, holiday and event schedules in different colors on a given day. In addition, OFF times for each must also be shown in additional colors. User shall be able to select from standard calendar what days are to be scheduled and same display shall show all points and zones affected. User shall be able to set time for one day and select all days of the week that shall be affected as a recurrence of that same schedule for that given day. 3. Schedule list shall show all schedules currently defined. This list shall include all standard, holiday and event schedules. In addition, user shall be able to select a list that shows all scheduled points and zones. F. Logging of Information User shall use standard browser technology to view all trendlogs in system. User shall be able to view logged data in tabular form or graphical format. User shall be able to adjust time interval of logged data viewed and shall be able to adjust Y axis of data viewed in graphical format. User shall also be able to download data through the Web interface to local computer. Data shall be in CSV format. G. Alarm Handling Web interface shall display alarms as they occur. User shall be able to acknowledge alarms using browser technology. In addition, user shall be able to view history of alarm occurrence over a user-selected time frame. In addition, those alarms may be filtered for viewing per user-selected options. A single selection shall display all alarms that have not been acknowledged. H. Web Page Generation Web pages shall be automatically generated from the BAS displays that reside on the BAS server. User shall access Web page host through the network and shall initiate a Web page generation utility that automatically takes the BAS displays and turns them into Web pages. The Web pages generated are automatically installed on the Web page host for access using any computer’s standard browser. Any system that requires use of an HTML editor for generation of Web pages shall not be considered. I. Password Security and Activity Log Access through Web browser shall utilize the same hierarchical security scheme as BAS system. User shall be asked to log on once the browser makes connection to Web page host. Once the user logs in, any and all changes that are made shall be tracked by the BAS system. The user shall be able to change only those items he or she has authority to change. A user activity report shall show any and all activity of the users who have logged in to the system, regardless of whether those changes were made using a browser or through the BAS workstation. 15900 - 30 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction J. BACnet Communication Web server shall directly communicate to all devices on the BAS network using BACnet protocol. No intermediate devices shall be necessary for BACnet communication. 2.3 BUILDING CONTROLLER : A. General Requirements 1. BACnet Conformance a. Building Controller shall be approved by the BTL as meeting the BACnet Building Controller requirements. b. Please refer to section 22.2, BACnet Functional Groups, in the BACnet standard, for a complete list of the services that must be directly supported to provide each of the functional groups listed above. All proprietary services, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. 2. Building controller shall be of scalable design such that the number of trunks and protocols may be selected to fit the specific requirements of a given project. 3. The controller shall be capable of panel-mounted on DIN rail and/or mounting screws. 4. The controller shall be capable of providing global control strategies for the system based on information from any objects in the system, regardless if the object is directly monitored by the building controller module or by another controller. 5. The controller shall be capable of running up to six (6) independent control strategies simultaneously. The modification of one control strategy does not interrupt the function or runtime others. 6. The software program implementing the DDC strategies shall be completely flexible and user-definable. All software tools necessary for programming shall be provided as part of project software. Any systems utilizing factory pre-programmed global strategies that cannot be modified by field personnel on-site, using a wide area network (WAN) or downloaded through remote communications are not acceptable. Changing global strategies using firmware changes is also unacceptable. 7. Programming shall be object-oriented using control function blocks and support DDC functions. All flowcharts shall be generated and automatically downloaded to controller. Programming tool shall be supplied and be resident on workstation. The same tool shall be used for all controllers. 8. The programming tool shall provide means to graphically view inputs and outputs to 15900 - 31 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction each program block in real-time as program is executing. This function may be performed using the operator’s workstation or field computer. 9. Controller shall have 6,000 Analog Values and 6,000 Binary Values. 10. Controller IP configuration can be done via a direct USB connect with an operator’s workstation or field computer. 11. Controller shall have at a minimum a Quad Core 996Ghz processor to ensure fast processing speeds. 12. Global control algorithms and automated control functions shall execute using a 64bit processor. 13. Controller shall have a minimum of 1 GB of DDR3 SDRAM on a 533Mhz bus to ensure high speed data recording, large data storage capacity and reliability. 14. Controller shall support two (2) on-board EIA-485 ports capable of supporting various EIA-485 protocols including, but not limited to BACnet MS/TP and Modbus. a. Ports are capable of supporting various EIA-485 protocols including, but not limited to BACnet MS/TP and Modbus. 15. Controller shall support two (2) ports—each of gigabit speed—Ethernet (10/100/1000) ports. a. Ports are capable of supporting various Ethernet protocols including, but not limited to BACnet IP, FOX, and Modbus. 16. All ports shall be capable of having protocol(s) assigned to utilize the port’s physical connection. 17. The controller shall have at a minimum four (4) onboard inputs, two (2) universal inputs and two (2) binary inputs. 18. Schedules a. Building controller modules shall provide normal seven-day scheduling, holiday scheduling and event scheduling. b. Each building controller shall support a minimum of 380 BACnet Schedule Objects and 380 BACnet Calendar Objects. 19. Logging Capabilities a. Each building controller shall log as minimum 2,000 objects at 15-minute intervals. Any object in the system (real or calculated) may be logged. Sample time interval shall be adjustable at the operator’s workstation. 15900 - 32 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction b. Logs may be viewed both on-site or off-site using WAN or remote communication. c. Building controller shall periodically upload trended data to networked operator’s workstation for long-term archiving if desired. d. Archived data stored in database format shall be available for use in third-party spreadsheet or database programs. 20. Alarm Generation a. Alarms may be generated within the system for any object change of value or state (either real or calculated). This includes things such as analog object value changes, binary object state changes, and various controller communication failures. b. Each alarm may be dialed out as noted elsewhere. c. Alarm log shall be provided for alarm viewing. Log may be viewed on-site at the operator’s terminal or off-site using remote communications. d. Controller must be able to handle up to 2,000 alarm setups stored as BACnet event enrollment objects, with system destination and actions individually configurable. 21. Demand Limiting a. Demand limiting of energy shall be a built-in, user-configurable function. Each controller module shall support shedding of up to 1,200 loads using a minimum of two types of shed programs. b. Load shedding programs in building controller modules shall operate as defined in section 2.1.J of this specification. 22. Tenant Activity Logging a. Tenant Activity logging shall be supported by a building controller module. Each independent module shall support a minimum of 380 zones. b. Tenant Activity logging shall function as defined in section 2.1.K of this specification. B. BACnet MS/TP 1. BACnet MS/TP LAN must be software-configurable from 9.6 to 115.4Kbps a. Each BACnet MS/TP LAN shall support 64 BACnet devices at a minimum. b. All proprietary object types, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented 15900 - 33 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. C. BACnet IP 1. The building controller shall comply with Annex J of the BACnet specification for IP connections. This device shall use Ethernet to connect to the IP internetwork, while using the same Ethernet LAN for non-IP communications to other BACnet devices on the local area network (LAN). 2. Must support interoperability on WANs and campus area networks (CANs), and function as a BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD). 3. Each controller shall support at a minimum 128 BBMD entries. 4. BBMD management architecture shall support 3,000 subnets at a minimum. 5. Shall support BACnet Network Address Translation. 6. All proprietary object types, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. D. Expansion Ports 1. Controller shall support two (2) expansion ports. a. Combining the two on-board EIA-458 ports with fully loaded expansion ports, the controller shall support six (6) EIA-485 trunks simultaneously. 2. Expansion cards that mate to the expansion ports shall include: a. Dual port EIA-485 card. b. LON network card. E. Niagara Framework 1. Controller shall utilize the Tridium Niagara Framework. a. Niagara Framework shall be version 3.8 or newer. b. All Niagara licensing shall be stored on a removable MicroSD card for fast infield replacement of controller. 2. The Niagara License for the controllers shall be an open license. a. The controller shall be programmable via Niagara Workplace programming tool. b. The controller shall be programmable via an Niagara embedded Workplace 15900 - 34 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction programming tool. F. Power Supply 1. Input for power shall accept between 17 and 30VAC, 47 and 63Hz. 2. Optional rechargeable battery for shutdown of controller including storage of all data in flash memory. 3. On-board capacitor will ensure continuous operation of real-time clocks for minimum of 14 days. G. Controller shall be in compliance with the following: 1. UL 916 for open energy management 2. FCC Class B 3. ROHS 4. IEC 60703 5. C-Tick Listed H. Controller shall operate in the following environmental conditions: 1. -4 to 149 °F (-20 to 65 °C) without optional battery, or 32 to 122 °F (0 to 50 °C) with optional battery. 2. 0 to 95% relative humidity (RH), non-condensing. 2.4 EXPANDABLE CENTRAL PLANT APPLICATION CONTROLLERS: A. General 1. Expandable application controller shall be capable of providing control strategies for the system based on information from any or all connected inputs. The program that implements these strategies shall be completely flexible and user-definable. Any systems utilizing factory pre-programmed global strategies that cannot be modified by field personnel on-site though simple download are not acceptable. Changing global strategies using firmware changes is also unacceptable. Program execution of controller shall be a minimum of once per second. 2. Programming shall be object-oriented using control program blocks. Controller shall support a minimum of 500 Analog Values and 500 Binary Values. Each and every analog and binary value shall support standard BACnet priority arrays. Programming tool shall be provided with system and shall be the same tool that is used to program the building controller. All flowcharts shall be generated and automatically downloaded to controller. No re-entry of database information shall be necessary. 15900 - 35 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 3. Provide means to graphically view inputs and outputs on each program block in realtime as program is executing. This function may be performed using the operator’s terminal or field computer. 4. Controller shall have adequate data storage to ensure high performance and data reliability. Battery shall retain static RAM memory and real-time clock functions for a minimum of 1.5 years (cumulative). Battery shall be a field-replaceable (nonrechargeable) lithium type. Unused battery life shall be 10 years. 5. The onboard, battery-backed real-time clock must support schedule operations and trendlogs. 6. Global control algorithms and automated control functions should execute using 32bit processor. 7. Controller shall include both onboard 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet BACnet communication over UTP and shall include BACnet IP communication. In addition, controller shall include BACnet Point-to-Point (PTP) connection port. 8. The base unit of the controller shall host up to 8 expansion modules with various I/O combinations. These inputs and outputs shall include universal 12-bit inputs, binary triac outputs, and 8-bit switch-selectable analog outputs (0–10V or 0–20mA). Inputs shall support 3K and 10K thermistors, 0–5VDC, 0–10VDC, 4–20mA, dry contacts and pulse inputs directly. 9. All outputs must have onboard Hand-Off-Auto (HOA) switches and a status indicator light. HOA switch position shall be monitored. Each analog output shall include a potentiometer for manually adjusting the output when the HOA switch is in the Hand position. 10. The position of each and every HOA switch shall be available system wide as a BACnet object. Expandable central plant controller shall provide up to 176 discreet inputs/outputs per base unit. B. BACnet Conformance 1. Central plant/AHU controller shall, as a minimum, support PTP, MS/TP and Ethernet BACnet LAN types. It shall communicate directly through these BACnet LANs as a native BACnet device and shall support simultaneous routing functions between all supported LAN types. Controllers shall be approved by the BTL as meeting the BACnet Advanced Application Controller requirements. 2. Please refer to Section 22.2, BACnet Functional Groups, in the BACnet standard, for a complete list of the services that must be directly supported to provide each of the functional groups listed above. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. 15900 - 36 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 3. Standard BACnet object types supported shall include, as a minimum, Analog Input, Binary Input, Analog Output, Binary Output, Analog Value, Binary Value, Device, File, Group, Event Enrollment, Notification Class, Program, and Schedule object types. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. 4. The Controller shall comply with Annex J of the BACnet specification for IP connections. This device shall use Ethernet to connect to the IP internetwork, while using the same Ethernet LAN for non-IP communications to other BACnet devices on the LAN. Must support interoperability on WANs and CANs, and function as a BBMD. D. Schedules 1. Each central plant/AHU controller shall support a minimum of 50 BACnet Schedule Objects. E. Logging Capabilities 1. Each controller shall support a minimum of 200 trendlogs. Any object in the system (real or calculated) may be logged. Sample time interval shall be adjustable at the operator’s workstation. 2. Controller shall periodically upload trended data to system server for long-term archiving if desired. 3. Archived data stored in database format shall be available for use in third-party spreadsheet or database programs. F. Alarm Generation 1. Alarms may be generated within the system for any object change of value or state (either real or calculated). This includes things such as analog object value changes, binary object state changes, and various controller communication failures. 2. Alarm log shall be provided for alarm viewing. Log may be viewed on-site at the operator’s terminal or off-site using remote communications. A. BACnet Conformance 1. Thermostats shall be approved by the BTL as meeting the BACnet Application Specific Controller requirements. 2. Thermostats shall, at a minimum, support MS/TP BACnet LAN types. They shall communicate directly through this BACnet LAN at 9.6, 19.2, 38.4 and 76.8 Kbps, as a native BACnet device. 3. Standard BACnet object types supported shall include, as a minimum, Analog Input, Analog Output, Analog Value, Binary Input, Binary Output, Binary Value, Device, 15900 - 37 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction File, and Program Object Types. 4. All proprietary object types, if used in the system, shall be thoroughly documented and provided as part of the submittal data. All necessary tools shall be supplied for working with proprietary information. B. Wall Sensor Thermostat: 1. Standard wall sensor shall use solid-state sensor identical to intelligent room sensor and shall be packaged in aesthetically pleasing enclosure. Sensor shall provide override function, warmer/cooler lever for set point adjustment and port for plug-in of Field Service Tool for field adjustments. Override time shall be stored in controller and be adjustable on a zone-by-zone basis. Adjustment range for warmer/cooler lever shall also be stored in EEPROM on controller. Programmable variables shall be available to field service tool through wall sensor port.A. Touch screen Communicating Thermostat programming shall: 2.06 AUXILIARY CONTROL DEVICES: A. Temperature Sensors 1. All temperature sensors to be solid-state electronic, interchangeable with housing appropriate for application. Wall sensors to be installed as indicated on drawings. Mount 48 inches above finished floor. Duct sensors to be installed such that the sensing element is in the main air stream. Immersion sensors to be installed in wells provided by control contractor, but installed by mechanical contractor. Immersion wells shall be filled with thermal compound before installation of immersion sensors. Outside air sensors shall be installed away from exhaust or relief vents, not in an outside air intake, and in a location that is in the shade most of the day. a. After Hours Override shall: i. Override time may be set and viewed in 30-minute increments. ii. Override time countdown shall be automatic, but may be reset to zero by occupant from the sensor. iii. Time remaining shall be displayed. iv. Display shall show the word “OFF” in unoccupied mode unless a function button is pressed. 3. Field Service Mode shall allow access to common parameters as dictated by the application’s sequence of operations. The parameters shall be viewed and set from the intelligent room sensor with no computer or other field service tool needed. 4. Intelligent Room Sensor shall be in compliance of the following: 15900 - 38 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction a. UL Standard for Safety 916 b. FCC Part 15.107 & 109, Class B, CFR47-15 c. EMC Directive 89/336/EEC (European CE Mark) 2.07 ELECTRONIC ACTUATORS AND VALVES: (insert as required, sample requirements follow) A. Quality Assurance for Actuators and Valves 1. UL Listed Standard 873 and C.S.A. Class 4813 02 certified. 2. NEMA 2 rated enclosures for inside mounting, provide with weather shield for outside mounting. 3. Five-year manufacturer’s warranty. Two-year unconditional and three-year product defect from date of installation. B. Execution Details for Actuators and Valves 1. Furnish a Freeze-stat and install “Hard Wire” interlock to disconnect the mechanical spring return actuator power circuit for fail-safe operation. Use of the control signal to drive the actuators closed is not acceptable. 2. Each DDC analog output point shall have an actuator feedback signal, independent of control signal, wired and terminated in the control panel for true position information and troubleshooting. Or the actuator feedback signal may be wired to the DDC as an analog input for true actuator position status. 3. VAV box damper actuation shall be floating type or analog (2–10VDC, 4–20mA). 4. Booster-heat valve actuation shall be floating type or analog (2-10vdc, 4-20ma). 5. Primary valve control shall be analog (2–10VDC, 4–20mA). C. Actuators for damper and control valves 0.5–6 inches shall be electric unless otherwise specified, provide actuators as follows: 1. UL Listed Standard 873 and Canadian Standards association Class 481302 shall certify actuators. 2. NEMA 2 rated actuator enclosures for inside mounting. Use additional weather shield to protect actuator when mounted outside. 3. Five-year manufacturer’s warranty. Two-year unconditional and Three year product defect from date of installation. 4. Mechanical spring shall be provided when specified. Capacitors or other non15900 - 39 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction mechanical forms of fail-safe are not acceptable. 5. Position indicator device shall be installed and made visible to the exposed side of the actuator. For damper short shaft mounting, a separate indicator shall be provided to the exposed side of the actuator. 6. Overload Protection: Actuators shall provide protection against actuator burnout by using an internal current limiting circuit or digital motor rotation sensing circuit. Circuit shall insure that actuators cannot burn out due to stalled damper or mechanical and electrical paralleling. End switches to deactivate the actuator at the end of rotation are acceptable only for butterfly valve actuators. 7. A Pushbutton gearbox release shall be provided for all non-spring actuators. 8. Modulating actuators shall be 24VAC and consume 10VA power or less. 9. Conduit connectors are required when specified and when code requires it. D. Damper Actuators: 1. Outside air and exhaust air damper actuators shall be mechanical spring return. Capacitors or other non-mechanical forms of fail-safe are not acceptable. The actuator mounting arrangement and spring return feature shall permit normally open or normally closed positions of the damper as required. 2. Economizer actuators shall utilize analog control 2–10VDC, floating control is not acceptable. 3. Electric damper actuators (including VAV box actuators) shall be direct shaftmounted and use a V-bolt and toothed V-clamp causing a cold weld effect for positive gripping. Single bolt or set-screw type fasteners are not acceptable. 4. One electronic actuator shall be direct shaft-mounted per damper section. No connecting rods or jackshafts shall be needed. Small outside air and return air economizer dampers may be mechanically linked together if one actuator has sufficient torque to drive both and damper drive shafts are both horizontal installed. 5. Multi-section dampers with electric actuators shall be arranged so that each damper section operates individually. One electronic actuator shall be direct shaft-mounted per damper section. (See below execution section for more installation details.) E. Valve Actuators 0.5–6 inches 1. Mechanical spring shall be provided on all actuators for pre-heat coil and actuators for AHU heating or cooling coil when units are mounted outside. See plans for fail-safe flow function: Normal Open or Normal Closed. Capacitors or other non-mechanical forms of fail-safe are not acceptable. 15900 - 40 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 2. All zone service actuators shall be non-spring return unless otherwise specified. 3. The valve actuator shall be capable of providing the minimum torque required for proper valve close-off for the required application. 4. All control valves actuators shall have an attached 3-foot cable for easy installation to a junction box. 5. Override handle and gearbox release shall be provided for all non-spring return valve actuators. F. Control Dampers. 1. The BAS contractor or sheet metal contractor shall furnish and size all automatic control dampers unless provided with packaged equipment. The sheet metal contractor shall install all dampers unless provided with packaged equipment. 2. All dampers used for modulating service shall be opposed blade type and arranged for normally open or normally closed operation as required. The damper is to be sized so that, when wide open, the pressure drop is a sufficient amount of its close-off pressure drop for effective throttling. 3. All dampers used for two-position or open-close control shall be parallel blade type arranged for normally open or closed operation as required. 4. Damper linkage hardware shall be constructed of aluminum or corrosion-resistant zinc and nickel-plated steel and furnished as follows: 5. Bearing support bracket and drive blade pin extension shall be provided for each damper section. Sheet metal contractor shall install bearing support bracket and drive blade pin extension. Sheet metal contractor shall provide permanent indication of blade position by scratching or marking the visible end of the drive blade pin extension. 6. Drive pin may be round only if V-bolt and toothed V-clamp is used to cause a cold weld effect for positive gripping. For single bolt or set-screw type actuator fasteners, round damper pin shafts must be milled with at least one side flat to avoid slippage. 7. Damper manufacturer shall supply alignment plates for all multi-section dampers. G. Control Valves 0.5–6 inches 1. The BAS contractor shall furnish all specified motorized control valves and actuators. BAS contractor shall furnish all control wiring to actuators. The plumbing contractor shall install all valves. Equal percentage control characteristic shall be provided for all water coil control valves. Linear valve characteristic is acceptable for 3-way valves that are 2.5 inches and above. 15900 - 41 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 2. Characterized control valves shall be used for hydronic heating or cooling applications and small to medium AHU water-coil applications to 100GPM. Actuators are non-spring return for terminal unit coil control unless otherwise noted. If the coil is exposed to the outside air stream, see plans for spring return requirement. a. Leakage is aero percent, close-off is 200psi, maximum differential is 30psi; rangeability is 500:1. b. Valves 0.5–2 inches shall be nickel-plated forged brass body, NPT screw type connections. c. Valves 0.5–1.25 inches shall be rated for ANSI Class 600 working pressure. Valves 1.5 and 2 inches shall be rated for ANSI Class 400 working pressure. d. The operating temperature range shall be 0–250 degrees F. e. Stainless steel ball and stem shall be furnished on all modulating valves. f. Seats shall be fiberglass reinforced Teflon. g. Two-way and three-way valves shall have an equal percentage control port. Full stem rotation is required for maximum flow to insure stable BTU control of the coil. h. Three-way valve shall be applicable for both mixing and diverting. i. The characterizing disc is made of TEFZEL and shall be keyed and held secure by a retaining ring. j. The valves shall have a blow-out proof stem design. k. The stem packing shall consist of 2 lubricated O-rings designed for on-off or modulating service and require no maintenance. l. The valves shall have an ISO type, 4-bolt flange for mounting actuator in any orientation parallel or perpendicular to the pipe. m. A non-metallic thermal isolation adapter shall separate valve flange from actuator. n. One fastening screw shall secure the direct coupling of the thermal isolation adapter between the actuator and the valve. This will prevent all lateral or rotational forces from affecting the stem and its packing O-rings. 3. Globe valves 0.5–2 inches shall be used for steam control or water flow applications. a. Valves shall be bronze body, NPT screw type, and shall be rated for ANSI Class 250 working pressure. b. Valves 0.5 inches (DN15) through 2 inches (DN50) with spring return actuators 15900 - 42 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction shall close off against 50 psi pressure differential with Class III leakage (0.1%). c. The operating temperature range shall be 20–280 degrees F. d. Spring loaded TFE packing shall protect against leakage at the stem. e. Two-way valves shall have an equal percentage control port. f. Three-way valves shall have a linear control and bypass port. g. Mixing and diverting valves must be installed specific to the valve design. 4. Globe Valve 2.5–6 inches a. Valves 2.5 inches (DN65) through 6 inches (DN50) shall be iron body, 125 lb. flanged with Class III (0.1%) close-off leakage at 50 psi differential. b. Valves with spring return actuators shall close off against 50 psi pressure differential with Class III leakage (0.1%). c. Flow type for two-way valves shall be equal percentage. Flow type for three-way valves shall be linear. d. Mixing and diverting valves must be installed specific to the valve design. H. Butterfly valves 1. Butterfly valves shall be sized for modulating service at 60–70 degree stem rotation. Isolation valves shall be line-size. Design velocity shall be less than 12 feet per second when used with standard EPDM seats. a. Body is cast iron. b. Disc is aluminum bronze standard. c. Seat is EPDM standard. d. Body Pressure is 200 psi, -30–275 degrees F. e. Flange is ANSI 125/250. f. Media Temperature Range is -22–240 degree F. g. Maximum Differential Pressure is 200 psi for 2- to 6- inch size. I. Butterfly Valve Industrial Actuators 1. Actuators shall be approved under Canadian Standards Association or other Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory to UL standards. CSA Class 4813 02 or equal. Enclosure shall be NEMA 4 (weatherproof) enclosure and will have an 15900 - 43 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction industrial quality coating. a. Actuator shall have a motor rated for continuous duty. The motor shall be fractional horsepower; permanent split capacitor type designed to operate on a 120VAC, 1pH, 60Hz supply. Two adjustable cam-actuated end travel limit switches shall be provided to control direction of travel. A self-resetting thermal switch shall be imbedded in the motor for overload protection. b. Reduction gearing shall be designed to withstand the actual motor stall torque. Gears shall be hardened alloy steel, permanently lubricated. A self-locking gear assembly or a brake shall be supplied. c. Actuator shall have a 6 ft wiring harness provided for ease in field wiring (above 1500 in-lbs). Two adjustable SPDT cam-actuated auxiliary switches, rated at 250VAC shall be provided for indication of open and closed position. Actuator shall have heater and thermostat to minimize condensation within the actuator housing. d. Actuator shall be equipped with a hand wheel for manual override to permit operation of the valve in the event of electrical power failure or system malfunction. Hand wheel must be permanently attached to the actuator and when in manual operation electrical power to the actuator will be permanently interrupted. The hand wheel will not rotate while the actuator is electrically driven. e. The actuator shall be analog, floating, or two position as called out in the control sequence of operation. All Analog valves shall be positive positioning, and respond to a 2–10VDC, 4-20mA, or adjustable signal as required. Analog actuators shall have a digital control card allowing any voltage input for control and any DC voltage feedback signal for position indication. 2. Performance Verification Test a. Control loops shall cause productive actuation with each movement of the actuator and actuators shall modulate at a rate that is stable and responsive. Actuator movement shall not occur before the effects of previous movement have affected the sensor. b. Actuator shall have capability of signaling a trouble alarm when the actuator StopGo Ratio exceeds 30%. 3. Actuator mounting for damper and valve arrangements shall comply to the following: a. Damper actuators: Shall not be installed in the air stream b. A weather shield shall be used if actuators are located outside. For damper actuators, use clear plastic enclosure. 15900 - 44 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction c. Damper or valve actuator ambient temperature shall not exceed 122 degrees F through any combination of medium temperature or surrounding air. Appropriate air gaps, thermal isolation washers or spacers, standoff legs, or insulation shall be provided as necessary. d. Actuator cords or conduit shall incorporate a drip leg if condensation is possible. Water shall not be allowed to contact actuator or internal parts. Location of conduits in temperatures dropping below dew point shall be avoided to prevent water from condensing in conduit and running into actuator. e. Damper mounting arrangements shall comply to the following: v. The ventilation subcontractor shall furnish and install damper channel supports and sheet metal collars. vi. No jack shafting of damper sections shall be allowed. vii. Multi-section dampers shall be arranged so that each damper section operates individually. One electronic actuator shall be direct shaft mounted per section. f. Size damper sections based on actuator manufacturer’s specific recommendations for face velocity, differential pressure and damper type. In general: i. Damper section shall not exceed 24 ft-sq. with face velocity >1500 FPM. ii. Damper section shall not exceed 18 ft-sq. with face velocity > 2500 FPM. iii. Damper section shall not exceed 13 ft-sq. with face velocity > 3000 FPM. g. Multiple section dampers of two or more shall be arranged to allow actuators to be direct shaft mounted on the outside of the duct. h. Multiple section dampers of three or more sections wide shall be arranged with a 3-sided vertical channel (8 inches wide by 6 inches deep) within the duct or fan housing and between adjacent damper sections. Vertical channel shall be anchored at the top and bottom to the fan housing or building structure for support. The sides of each damper frame shall be connected to the channels. Holes in the channel shall allow damper drive blade shafts to pass through channel for direct shaft-mounting of actuators. Open side of channel shall be faced downstream of the airflow, except for exhaust air dampers. i. Multiple section dampers to be mounted flush within a wall or housing opening shall receive either vertical channel supports as described above or sheet metal standout collars. Sheet metal collars (12-inch minimum) shall bring each damper section out of the wall to allow direct shaft-mounting of the actuator on the side of the collar. 15900 - 45 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2.08 Public Works Construction ENCLOSURES: A. All controllers, power supplies and relays shall be mounted in enclosures. B. Enclosures may be NEMA 1 when located in a clean, dry, indoor environment. Indoor enclosures shall be NEMA 12 when installed in other than a clean environment. C. Enclosures shall have hinged, locking doors. D. Provide laminated plastic nameplates for all enclosures in any mechanical room or electrical room. Include location and unit served on nameplate. Laminated plastic shall be 0.125 inches thick and appropriately sized to make label easy to read. 2.09 WIRING AND CABLING: A. Wiring and Conduit 1. All wire shall be copper and meet the minimum wire size and insulation class listed below: Wire Class Minimum Wire Size Insulation Class Power Wiring 12 Gauge 600 Volt Digital I/O Wiring 14 Gauge 600 Volt Analog Input Wiring 18 Gauge 300 Volt Output 18 Gauge 300 Volt Analog Wiring 2. Power and Digital I/O wiring may be run in the same conduit. Analog Input and Analog Output wiring may be run in the same conduit provided they are shielded. 3. Where different wiring classes terminate within the same enclosure, maintain clearances and install barriers per the National Electric Code. 4. Where wiring is required to be installed in conduit, conduit shall be as specified in Division 16. 5. Flexible metallic conduit (max. 3 feet) shall be as specified in Division 16. 6. Junction boxes shall be provided at all cable splices, equipment terminations, and transitions from rigid to flexible conduit. Interior dry location J-boxes shall be galvanized pressed steel, nominal four-inch square with blank cover. Exterior and damp location J-boxes shall be cast alloy FS boxes with threaded hubs and gasketed covers. 15900 - 46 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction 7. Exposed wiring shall not be allowed. 8. Install in accordance with requirements of Section 16100 "Raceways." PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION: A. Prior to starting work, carefully inspect installed work of other trades and verify that such work is complete to the point where work of this Section may properly commence. B. Notify the owner’s representative in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. C. Do not begin work until all unsatisfactory conditions are resolved. 3.2 INSTALLATION (GENERAL): A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Provide all miscellaneous devices, hardware, software, interconnections, installation, and programming required to ensure a complete operating system in accordance with the sequences of operation and point schedules. 3.3 LOCATION AND INSTALLATION OF COMPONENTS: A. Locate and install components for easy accessibility; in general, mount 48 inches above floor with minimum 3 feet of clear access space in front of units. Obtain approval on locations from owner’s representative prior to installation. B. All instruments, switches, transmitters, etc., shall be suitably wired and mounted to protect them from vibration, moisture, and high or low temperatures. C. Identify all equipment and panels. Provide permanently mounted tags for all panels. D. Provide stainless steel or brass thermowells suitable for respective application and for installation under other sections, and sized to suit pipe diameter without restricting flow. 3.4 INTERLOCKING AND CONTROL WIRING: A. Provide all interlock and control wiring. All wiring shall be installed neatly and professionally, in accordance with Specification Division 16 and all national, state and local electrical codes. B. Provide wiring as required by functions as specified and as recommended by equipment 15900 - 47 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction manufacturers, to serve specified control functions. Provide shielded low capacitance wire for all communications trunks. C. Control wiring shall not be installed in power circuit raceways. Magnetic starters and disconnect switches shall not be used as junction boxes. Provide auxiliary junction boxes as required. Coordinate location and arrangement of all control equipment with the owner's representative prior to rough-in. D. Provide auxiliary pilot duty relays on motor starters as required for control function. E. Provide power for all control components from nearest electrical control panel or as indicated on the electrical drawings; coordinate with electrical contractor. F. All control wiring in the mechanical, electrical, telephone and boiler rooms to be installed in raceways. All other wiring to be installed neatly and inconspicuously per local code requirements. If local code allows, control wiring above accessible ceiling spaces may be run with plenum-rated cable (without conduit). 3.5 DDC OBJECT TYPE SUMMARY: A. Provide all database generation. B. Displays 1. System displays shall show all analog and binary object types within the system. They shall be logically laid out for easy use by the owner. Provide outside air temperature indication on all system displays associated with economizer cycles. C. Run Time Totalization 1. At a minimum, run time totalization shall be incorporated for each monitored supply fan, return fan, exhaust fan, hot water and chilled water pumps. Warning limits for each point shall be entered for alarm and or maintenance purposes. D. Trendlog 1. All binary and analog object types (including zones) shall have the capability to be automatically trended. E. Alarm 1. All analog inputs (High/Low Limits) and selected binary input alarm points shall be prioritized and routed (locally or remotely) with alarm message per owner's requirements. F. Database Save 1. Provide backup database for all standalone application controllers on disk. 15900 - 48 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.6 Public Works Construction FIELD SERVICES: A. Prepare and start logic control system under provisions of this section. B. Start up and commission systems. Allow sufficient time for startup and commissioning prior to placing control systems in permanent operation. C. Provide the capability for off-site monitoring at control contractor's local or main office. At a minimum, off-site facility shall be capable of system diagnostics and software download. Owner shall provide phone line for this service for one year or as specified. D. Provide owner's representative with spare parts list. Identify equipment critical to maintaining the integrity of the operating system. 3.7 AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: A. 3.8 TRAINING: A. Provide application engineer to instruct owner in operation of systems and equipment. B. Provide system operator’s training to include (but not be limited to) such items as the following: modification of data displays, alarm and status descriptors, requesting data, execution of commands and request of logs. Provide this training to a minimum of three persons. C. Provide on-site training above as required, up to 16 hours as part of this contract. D. Provide tuition for at least one individual to attend for a one-week factory training class. If applicable, costs for travel, lodging and meals will be the responsibility of the owner. 3.9 DEMONSTRATION: A. Demonstrate complete operating system to owner's representative. B. Provide certificate stating that control system has been tested and adjusted for proper operation. 15900 - 49 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 15990 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.0 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. B. Related Sections: All Articles of Sections 15050, 15070, 15600 and 15900 apply to this section. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: A. This Section specifies the requirements and procedures for total mechanical systems testing, adjusting, and balancing. Requirements include measurement and establishment of the fluid quantities of the mechanical systems as required to meet design documents and recording and reporting the results. Coordinate readings with Section 15900 Vendors to help calibrate BCS system. Testing, adjusting and balancing of systems shall not begin until the BCS System is complete and functional. All work required in this section shall be performed in conjunction with the work required of the BCS Contractor, not independently. B. Test, adjust, and balance the following mechanical systems: 1. All exhaust air systems. 2. All hydronic systems. 3. All mechanical equipment. 4. Verify control system operation. (Coordinate with Section 15900) C. Test systems for proper sound and vibration levels. D. This Section does not include: 1. Testing boilers and pressure vessels for compliance with safety codes; 2. Specifications for materials for patching mechanical systems; 15990 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 3. Specifications for materials and installation of adjusting and balancing devices. If devices must be added to achieve proper adjusting and balancing, refer to the respective system sections for materials and installation requirements. 4. Requirements and procedures for piping and ductwork systems leakage tests. 5. Safety testing of laboratory hoods. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: A. Systems testing, adjusting, and balancing is the process of checking and adjusting all the building environmental systems to produce the design objectives. It includes: 1. The balance of air and water distribution. 2. Adjustment of total system to provide design quantities. 3. Electrical measurement. 4. Verification of performance of all equipment and automatic controls. 5. Sound and vibration measurement. B. Test: To determine quantitative performance of equipment. C. Adjust: To regulate the specified fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment (e.g., reduce fan speed, throttling, change pulleys). D. Balance: To proportion flows within the distribution system (submains, branches, and terminals) according to specified design quantities. E. Procedure: Standardized approach and execution of sequence of work operations to yield reproducible results. F. Report forms: Test data sheets arranged for collecting test data in logical order for submission and review. These data should also form the permanent record to be used as the basis for required future testing, adjusting, and balancing. G. Terminal: The point where the controlled fluid enters or leaves the distribution system. There are supply inlets on water terminals, supply outlets on air terminals, return outlets on water terminals, and exhaust or return inlets on air terminals such as registers, grilles, diffusers, louvers, and hoods. 15990 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Agency Data: 1. B. Submit proof that the proposed testing, adjusting, and balancing agency meet the qualifications specified below. Engineer and Technicians Data: 1. Submit proof that the Test and Balance Engineer assigned to supervise the procedures, and the technicians proposed to perform the procedures meet the qualifications specified below. C. Procedures and Agenda: Submit a synopsis of the testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures and agenda proposed to be used for this project. D. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance and operating data that include how to test, adjust, and balance the building systems. Include this information in maintenance data specified in Division 1 and Section 15050. E. Sample Forms: Submit sample forms, if other than those standard forms prepared by the AABC or NEBB are proposed. F. Certified Reports: Submit testing, adjusting, and balancing reports bearing the seal and signature of the Test and Balance Engineer. The reports shall be certified proof that the systems have been tested, adjusted, and balanced in accordance with the referenced standards; are an accurate representation of how the systems have been installed; are a true representation of how the systems are operating at the completion of the testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures; and are an accurate record of all final quantities measured, to establish normal operating values of the systems. Follow the procedures and format specified below: 1. Draft reports: Upon completion of testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures, prepare draft reports on the approved forms. Draft reports may be hand written, but must be complete, factual, accurate, and legible. Organize and format draft reports in the same manner specified for the final reports. Submit 3 complete sets of draft reports. Only 1 complete set of draft reports will be returned. 2. Final Report: Upon verification and approval of draft reports, prepare final reports, type written, and organized and formatted as specified below. Submit 3 complete sets of final reports. 15990 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Report Format: Report forms shall be those standard forms prepared by the referenced standard for each respective item and system to be tested, adjusted, and balanced. Bind report forms complete with schematic systems diagrams and other data in reinforced, vinyl, three-ring binders. Provide binding edge labels with the project identification and a title descriptive of the contents. Divide the contents of the binder into the below listed divisions, separated by divider tabs: a. b. c. d. e. f. 4. General Information and Summary Air Systems Hydronic and Steam Systems Control Systems Special Systems Sound and Vibration Systems Report Contents: Provide the following minimum information, forms and data: a. General Information and Summary: Inside cover sheet to identify testing, adjusting, and balancing agency, Contractor, Owner, Architect, Engineer, and Project. Include addresses, and contact names and telephone numbers. Also include a certification sheet containing the seal and name address, telephone number, and signature of the Certified Test and Balance Engineer. Include in this division a listing of the instrumentations used for the procedures along with the proof of calibration. b. The remainder of the report shall contain the appropriate forms containing as a minimum, the information indicated on the standard report forms prepared by the AABC and NEBB, for each respective item and system. Prepare a schematic diagram for each item of equipment and system to accompany each respective report form. G. Calibration Reports: Submit proof that all required instrumentation has been calibrated to tolerances specified in the referenced standards, within a period of one month prior to starting the project. H. Balancing report shall include as a minimum, the following information (other parts of the specifications may require additional information). 1. Fan Data: a. Manufacturer and model number. 15990 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 2. Pump and Compressor Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 3. Manufacturer and model number. Flow design. Flow actual. Direction of rotation and revolutions per minute. Inlet pressure. Discharge pressure. Curves showing variation of flow with pressure for installed unit (1/2 flow, 3/4 flow, and 1 1/4 flow). Flow percentage above or below design. Motor Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. 4. Airflow, design. Airflow, actual. Direction of rotation and revolutions per minute. Inlet static pressure. Discharge static pressure. Fan curves showing variation of air flow with static pressure at operating speed and motor loading. Actual airflow percentage above or below design. Fan RPM, design. Fan RPM, actual. Pulley manufacturer, model number, pitch diameter. Belt size and quantity. Manufacturer and model number. Horsepower. Phase. Frequency. NEMA code letter. Rated volts. Locked rotor amperes. Service factor. Measured volts. Measured amps. Measured frequency. Nameplate RPM. Actual RPM. Pulley manufacturer, model number, pitch diameter. Starter Data: 15990 - 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division a. b. c. d. e. f. 5. VFD Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 6. Manufacturer and model number. Line voltage (input). VA rating. Input current. Output current. Output frequency. Output voltage. Accel time. Decel time. Outdoor Air Data: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 7. Manufacturer and model number. Heater size. Line voltage. Ampere rating. Control voltage. Frequency. Size of inlet. Actual free area. Manufacturer's test factor. Measured velocity. Outdoor air temperature. Return air temperature. Mixed air temperature with averaged traverse readings (when at least a 20ºF temperature difference exists). Heating Elements: a. b. c. d. e. f. Manufacturer and model number. Measured water pressure drop. Water flow design. Water flow actual. Water flow percentage above or below design. Measured air pressure drop. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Agency Qualifications: 15990 - 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington B. Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1. The testing, adjusting, and balancing agency shall meet the qualifications specified below, to be the single source of responsibility to test, adjust, and balance the building mechanical systems identified above, to produce the design objectives. Services shall include checking installations for conformity to design, measurement and establishment of the fluid quantities of the mechanical systems as required to meet design specifications, and recording and reporting the results. 2. The testing, adjusting, and balancing agency certified by Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) or by National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) in those testing and balancing disciplines required for this project, and having at least one Professional Engineer registered in the State in which the services are to be performed, certified by AABC or NEBB as a Test and Balance Engineer. Codes and Standards: Where the referenced codes and standards conflict, the more stringent requirement shall apply. 1. NEBB: "Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental Systems". 2. AABC: "National Standards for Total System Balance." 3. ASHRAE: ASHRAE Handbook, latest edition, Chapter on Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing. 4. SMACNA: “HVAC systems testing, adjusting and balancing.” C. Pre-Balancing Conference: Prior to beginning of the testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures, schedule and conduct a conference with the Construction Manager, Owner’s representative and representatives of installers of the mechanical and control systems. The objective of the conference is final coordination and verification of system operation and readiness for testing, adjusting, and balancing. D. Testing, adjusting and balancing shall not commence until all systems are complete and functional. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS: A. Systems Operation: Systems shall be fully operational prior to beginning procedures. 15990 - 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division 1.6 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING: A. Test, adjust, and balance the air systems before hydronic systems. B. Test, adjust and balance air conditioning systems during summer season and heating systems during winter season, including at least a period of operation at outside conditions within 5 deg F wet bulb temperature of maximum summer design condition, and within 10 deg F dry bulb temperature of minimum winter design condition. Take final temperature readings during seasonal operation. C. Notify Owner’s Representative 14 days before scheduled testing, adjusting, and balancing is to commence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. Not Used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL: A. Ensure that all contractors and trades who's work and installed systems are under testing and balancing, are present on site during the entire time that these procedures take place. Note that some procedures listed below have a distinct order of precedence, e.g., the testing of Building Control System shall not occur until major pieces of mechanical equipment have been started up and testing is complete. Prepare schedule, order and procedure for testing and balancing, submit to the Owner’s Representative (OR) for review and approval. B. Testing and balancing shall not diminish guarantee requirements. C. Before the procedure begins a meeting shall be held at the site, between the balancing contractor, the BCS contractor, the mechanical contractor and prime contractor. The prime contractor shall present the Owner’s Representative (OR) with the completed checklists certifying that equipment startup and testing has been completed. The contractor shall then present his procedures for testing the overall system to OR for review and approval. D. When the BCS testing has been completed a second meeting will be held at the site offices between the parties mentioned above. At this time the BCS contractor shall present OR with the completed control startup checklist. The balancing contractor shall present OR with certificates of calibration for balancing instruments, proposed balancing forms and proposed balancing procedures to OR, for review and approval. 15990 - 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.2 Public Works Construction Engineering Division E. Do not cover or conceal work before testing and inspection and obtaining approval. F. Instruments for testing and balancing shall have been calibrated within one month prior to testing and calibration. Calibration shall be traceable to NIST Standards. Provide photostat of certificate of calibration to OR at meeting demonstrating balancing procedures mentioned in this section. G. Leaks, damage and defects discovered or resulting from testing, adjusting and balancing shall be repaired or replaced to like-new condition with acceptable materials. Tests shall be continued until system operates without further requirements for adjustments or repairs. H. Report on reporting forms, submitted to OR for approval in advance. I. For each piece of equipment, copy nameplate data and include in report. J. Submit six copies of testing and balancing reports to OR for approval. K. Provide capacity and performance of equipment by field testing. Install equipment and instruments required for testing, thermo-wells and gauge connections at no additional costs. L. Qualified representative of equipment manufacturer shall be present at test. M. Testing, adjusting and balancing procedures outlined below are the minimum effort required for the project. Contractor shall use any additional procedures he feels will be necessary to properly startup, test and balancing the job. PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES FOR AIR SYSTEMS: A. Before operating the system, perform these steps: 1. Obtain design drawings and specifications and become thoroughly acquainted with the design intent. 2. Compare design to installed equipment and field installations. Ensure discrepancies are shown on the record drawings. 3. Check filters for cleanliness. 15990 - 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.3 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 4. Check dampers (control, smoke, volume and fire) for correct and locked position, and temperature control for completeness of installation before starting fans. 5. Prepare report test sheets for both fans and outlets. Obtain manufacturer's outlet factors and recommended procedures for testing. Prepare a summation of required outlet volumes to permit a crosscheck with required fan volumes. 6. Determine best locations in main and branch ductwork for most accurate duct traverses. 7. Prepare schematic diagrams of system piping layouts to facilitate reporting. 8. Lubricate all motors and bearings. 9. Check fan belt tension, adjust as necessary. 10. Check fan rotation, adjust as necessary. PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES FOR HYDRONIC SYSTEM BALANCING: A. Before operating the system perform these steps: 1. Open all valves to full open position. Close all bypass valves. 2. Remove and clean all strainers. 3. Examine hydronic systems and determine if water has been treated and cleaned. Notify or if it is determined treatment has not occurred. 4. Check pump rotation, adjust as necessary. 5. Clean and set automatic fill valves for required system pressure. 6. Check expansion tanks to determine that they are not air bound and that the system is completely full of water. Adjust as necessary. 7. Check air vents at high points of systems and determine if all are installed and operating freely (automatic type) or to bleed air completely (manual type). Adjust as necessary. 8. Request BCS Contractor to set temperature controls so all coils are calling for full flow. 15990 - 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.4 3.5 Public Works Construction Engineering Division 9. Check operation of automatic bypass valves, adjust as necessary. 10. Request BCS Contractor to set operating temperatures of chillers and boilers to design requirements. 11. Lubricate all motors and bearings. MEASUREMENTS: A. Provide all required instrumentation to obtain proper measurements, calibrated to the tolerances specified in the referenced standards. Instruments shall be properly maintained and protected against damage. B. Provide instruments meeting the specifications of the referenced standards. C. Use only those instruments, which have the maximum field measuring accuracy and are best suited to the function being measured. D. Apply instrument as recommended by the manufacturer. E. Use instruments with minimum scale and maximum subdivisions and with scale ranges proper for the value being measured. F. When averaging values, take a sufficient quantity of readings so that the average results in a repeatability error of less than 5 percent. When measuring a single point, repeat readings until 2 consecutive identical values are obtained. G. Take all reading with the eye at the level of the indicated value to prevent parallax. H. Use pulsation dampeners where necessary to eliminate error involved in estimating average of rapidly fluctuation readings. I. Take measurements in the system where best suited to the task. PERFORMING TESTING, ADJUSTING, AND BALANCING: A. Perform procedures on each system installed under this contract, in accordance with the detailed procedures outlined in the referenced standards and in these specifications. B. Cut insulation, ductwork, and piping for installation of test probes to the minimum extent necessary to allow adequate performance of procedures. 15990 - 11 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.6 Public Works Construction Engineering Division C. Patch insulation, ductwork, and housings, using materials identical to those removed. D. Seal ducts and piping, and test for and repair leaks. E. Seal insulation to re-establish integrity of the vapor barrier. F. Mark equipment settings, including damper control positions, valve indicators, fan speed control levers, and similar controls and devices, to show final settings. Mark with paint or other suitable, permanent identification materials. G. Retest, adjust, and balance systems subsequent to system modifications, and resubmit test results. BALANCING TOLERANCES: A. Air Handling and Fan Systems 1. Low Pressure: a. b. B. Design volume + 10%, -5% Design volume 10% Water Systems 1. 3.7 Fans Outlets Entire final balanced system: Design flow + 5%, -5%. AIR SYSTEM BALANCING: A. Visually inspect all fire, smoke, control and volume dampers to ensure that they are fully open. Open as necessary (coordinate with the BCS Contractor). B. Verify with straight edge that fan and motor shafts are parallel and that sheaves are in proper alignment. Use belt tensioner to confirm belts are at proper tension. Refer to deflection tables appropriate for installed belts. Adjust alignment and tension as necessary. C. Start fans, verify that fan rotation is correct. If not, coordinate with electrical contractor to switch power leads such that the fan rotates correctly. 15990 - 12 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 3.8 Public Works Construction Engineering Division D. Verify that fan belts are tight on one side and have slight bow on other side when fan is operating with no squeal at startup. If not correct, adjust sheaves or motor base accordingly. E. Check nameplate voltage on motor, compare to scheduled voltage. Notify OR immediately of any discrepancies. Measure and record actual voltage across all power leads. Notify OR of discrepancies immediately. F. Check motor nameplates full load amps, measure and record amperage across all power leads. If there are marked discrepancies in amperage draws between legs, notify OR immediately. G. Measure and record fan and motor RPM. Check that motor rpm agrees with nameplate and scheduled rpm. H. Adjust sheave pulley diameters or replace fixed pitch sheaves as necessary to meet the balancing tolerance of the fan at full speed. Replace belts as necessary. I. Measure amperage at each power leg after traverse is complete. If an overload condition exists with measured CFM equal to scheduled CFM, notify OR immediately. J. For economizer systems with Section 15900 BCS contractors presence and assistance, adjust minimum and maximum outdoor air CFM to quantities shown on schedules. Place outdoor air dampers in minimum position as adjusted by controls contractor. Measure temperature in mixed air plenum, temperature of outdoor air and by proportioning determine % of outdoor air being supplied. Place outdoor air damper in maximum open position or fully open variable outside air damper and repeat above measurements. K. Traverse all exhaust ducts. Adjust as necessary to specified tolerances. HYDRONIC BALANCING AND ADJUSTING: A. Balancing shall not begin until systems have been installed complete, including pumps, piping, valves and coils. B. Make adjustments as required to deliver water volumes within specified tolerances, or as required to properly balance cooling and heating loads throughout conditioned areas. C. Adjustments in water volumes shall be made in manner satisfactory to OR. 15990 - 13 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division D. For systems with backup equipment ensure that terminal balancing is adjusted for both conditions - flow from control system and flow from back-up system. E. Water Systems Balancing Procedure 1. Record motor data, rotation, voltage, amperage, etc. 2. Close automatic system bypass valve. 3. Set all automatic control valves for full flow through the terminals. 4. Operate the system pumps at their rated speed. 5. Proportionately balance flow through heat exchangers. a. 6. Actual flow divided by design flow shall equal actual pump delivery divided by design pump delivery. Proportionately balance multiple coil terminals by adjusting throttling valve at each coil and common balancing valve for entire terminal. a. Actual flow divided by design flow shall equal actual pump delivery divided by design pump delivery. b. Balance all coils in terminal so that at least one coil's throttling valve is fully open at the completion of balance with proper flow through that coil. 7. Check and set operating temperatures of heat exchangers to design requirements. 8. Set pump flow to design requirements by adjusting the throttling valve at the pump discharge. 9. Check and adjust flows through equipment to design requirements after pump flow adjustment. 10. Check leaving and return water temperatures through heat exchangers, and at building entrances. Reset to correct design temperatures. 11. Check water temperatures at inlet side of equipment. Note rise or drop of temperature from source. 12. Measure pressure at control points of the system bypass control valve. 15990 - 14 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 13. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Set all terminal controls to the fully closed position. a. F. 3.9 3.11 Report on system performance shall include: 1. Manufacturer, size, type, location including room number, and zone of each coil and piece of equipment. 2. Design and actual water flow, and pressure drop. 3. Where automatic flow control (Griswold) valves are used, verify nameplate is for proper flow record DP across valve and coils and compare to actual readings. 4. Complete nameplate data for each piece of equipment reported along with actual pressure readings. 5. Complete identification of data. TESTING FOR SOUND AND VIBRATION: A. 3.10 Adjust system bypass throttling valve to obtain measured pressure control points in the system and to prevent hunting or overpressure of bypass control valve. Test and adjust mechanical systems for sound and vibration in accordance with the detailed instructions of the referenced standards. RECORD AND REPORT DATA: A. Record all data obtained during testing, adjusting, and balancing in accordance with, and on the forms recommended by the referenced standards, and as approved on the sample report forms. B. Prepare report of recommendations for correcting unsatisfactory mechanical performances when system cannot be successfully balanced. DEMONSTRATION: A. Training: 1. Train the Owner's maintenance personnel on troubleshooting procedures and testing, adjusting, and balancing procedures. Review with the OR's personnel, the information contained in the Operating and Maintenance Data specified in Division 1 and Section 15050. 15990 - 15 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Schedule training with OR with at least 21 days prior notice. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\15990 T & B DEB.doc 15990 - 16 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 16010 ELECTRICAL WORK - GENERAL PROVISIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.00 FILING SUBBIDS: A. The work to be done under this classification includes all sections under Division 16, Electrical, and a subbid shall be submitted for the entire work covered. B. The Instructions to Bidders, Bid form, Agreement, General and Supplementary Conditions and complete specification are hereby made a part of these Specifications and Subcontractor shall consult them in detail for instructions. C. The drawings on which the work of this Section(s) is based on, E0.0, E1.1, E2.1. This listing of Contract Drawings shall not limit the responsibility of the subcontractor to determine the full extent of his work as required by all Contract Drawings. D. Specification requirements for the filed sub-bid “ELECTRICAL” include all of the following listed Specification Sections in their entirety: 1. 16010 Electrical Work - General Provisions 2. 16050 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods 3. 16123 Building Conductors and Cables 4. 16442 Panelboards E. In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 44A through 44J, the Engineer hereby declares that all work of this Section shall be estimated under the appropriate Item number of part B of the Bid Form and that each subbidder on this work shall submit his bid on a form furnished by the Owner. F. Complete details of the procedures for filing subbids are contained in the Instructions for Bidders. 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. The work covered by this section of the specifications consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, appliances, materials and incidentals in connection with the installation of the complete electrical systems as herein specified and as shown on the drawings. B. It is not the intent that the drawings shall show every junction box, conduit, wire, fitting, device, accessory, etc., but the Contractor shall be required to furnish 04/01/2016 16010-1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division without additional expense all transportation, labor and materials necessary to complete the electrical systems in accordance with the best practice of the trade. C. Unless otherwise specified, materials of the same classifications, used for the same purpose shall be the product of the same manufacturer. D. The work shall include furnishing and installing the following items: E. 04/01/2016 1. Motor Disconnect Devices 2. Raceways 3. Feeder and Branch Circuit Conductors 4. Wiring Devices and Finish Plates 5. Outlet Boxes 6. Pull and Junction Boxes 7. Hangers and Supports 8. Panelboards 9. Solderless Lugs and Connectors 10. Conduit and wire for equipment and controls furnished under other divisions of the specifications, when shown on the electrical plans, with the exception of the instrumentation low voltage signal wiring. Interpretation of Drawings 1. The Drawings are diagrammatic only and are not intended to show exact locations of outlets and conduit runs. 2. The Contractor shall verify with the Engineer the exact locations and mounting heights of lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles prior to installation. 3. Any work installed contrary to Contract Documents, or without approval by the Engineer, shall be changed or replaced as required by the Engineer and no extra compensation will be allowed the Contractor for making these changes. 4. The locations of equipment, fixtures, outlets, and similar devices shown on the Drawings are approximate only. Exact locations shall be as approved by the Engineer during construction. The Contractor shall obtain 16010-2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division in the field all information relevant to the placing of electrical work and in case of any interference with other work, shall proceed as required by the Engineer and shall furnish all labor and materials necessary to complete the work in an approved manner. 1.02 5. Surface mounted panel boxes, junction boxes, conduit, etc., shall be supported by spacers to provide a clearance between wall and equipment. 6. The number of conductors shown on the Drawings are not necessarily the correct number required. As many conductors as are required in each case shall be installed. 7. The ratings of motors and other electrically operated devices together with the size shown for their branch circuit conductors and conduits are approximate only and are indicative of the probable power requirements insofar as can be determined in advance of the purchase of equipment. The ratings shown for motor branch circuit protective devices are the maximum ratings permitted. Lower ratings may be used where approved as being proper for the dynamic characteristics of the motor and its connected load. 8. Unless otherwise specified, all conduits, wires, and cables and the support systems for the conduits and cables that are required to make the electrical connections to equipment shall be furnished and installed. All connections to equipment shall be made as shown, specified, and required and in accordance with the approved shop and setting drawings. 9. The Contractor shall verify, in the field, all measurements necessary for his work and shall assume responsibility for their accuracy. LOCAL CONDITIONS: A. The Contractor shall provide and place all sleeves for conduits penetrating floors, walls, partitions, etc. The Contractor shall locate all necessary slots for his work and these shall be formed before concrete is poured. B. All cutting and patching shall be done in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. C. The Contractor shall investigate each space in the building through which equipment must pass to reach its final location. If necessary, the manufacturer shall be required to ship his material in sections sized to permit passing through such restricted areas in the building. D. Before submitting proposals, the Contractor is expected to inspect the site and survey the conditions to be encountered in the performance of the work. Failure to familiarize himself with the conditions shall not relieve the Contractor's 04/01/2016 16010-3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division responsibility for full completion of the work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. 1.03 1.04 PERMITS AND INSPECTION: A. Permits, fees and notices shall be in accordance with the General Conditions. B. All work shall meet or exceed the latest requirements of all national, state, county, municipal and other authorities exercising jurisdiction over electrical construction at this project. C. All required permit and inspection certificates shall be obtained, paid for, and given to the Owner at the completion of the work. CODES AND STANDARDS: A. 1.05 Unless indicated or specified otherwise, materials and workmanship shall conform with the latest editions of the following codes, standards and specifications. 1. Massachusetts Electrical Code 2. National Bureau of Standards Handbook H-30 National Electrical Safety Code 3. State and Local Codes, and all other authorities having jurisdiction 4. Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 5. American National Standards Institute, Inc. 6. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 7. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 8. National Board of Fire Underwriters 9. International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) 10. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Associated Specifications 11. American Society for Testing Materials Specifications REVIEW OF MATERIALS: A. 04/01/2016 Material and Equipment Schedules. As soon as practicable and within thirty days after the date of notice to proceed and before commencement of installation of any materials or equipment, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer six (6) complete Brochures for approval of materials, fixtures, and equipment to be 16010-4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division incorporated in the work. The list shall include manufacturer's name, catalog numbers, cuts, diagrams, drawings, and such other descriptive data as may be required. No consideration will be given to a partial submittal from time to time. Approval of materials will be based on manufacturer's published ratings. Any materials, fixtures and equipment listed that are not in accordance with the specification requirements will be rejected. B. Substitutions: Substitution of material or equipment shall be in accordance with the General Conditions. C. Shop Drawings. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for review in accordance with the Division 1. Shop drawings shall be submitted for, but not limited to the following: D. 04/01/2016 1. Wire and Cable 2. Wiring Devices and Finish Plates 3. Contactors 4. Hangers and Supports 5. Disconnect Switches 6. Panelboards 7. Fuses 8. Circuit Breakers 9. Raceways Submit the following information with all equipment shop drawings. 1. Manufacturer's certified scale drawings, cuts, or catalogs, including installation details and manufacturer's name. 2. Manufacturer's specifications, including characteristics and capacity ratings. 3. Electrical wiring diagrams and controls, where applicable. 4. Certificate of compliance with Code, where applicable. 5. Detail of all conduit stub-up with conduit size and dimensions from columns or walls. certified performance 16010-5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.06 1.07 Public Works Construction Engineering Division E. Equipment shop drawings and wiring diagrams must be prepared specifically for this installation. Standard factory wiring diagrams with a revision marked in ink for this installation will be accepted. F. All control and wiring diagrams shall be complete with the following description: 1. Sequence of operation 2. Sequence of interlocking 3. Operation of alarms 4. Legend 5. Wiring Numbers G. All equipment shop drawings shall be properly identified and indicate the Article number of the specifications or the Drawing number which applies to the submitted item. H. Shop drawings for the items listed above shall be submitted for approval in accordance with the preceding paragraphs. The Engineer, however, reserves the right to require submittal of shop drawings on any other material or equipment to be installed under this Section not specifically listed above. MINOR DEVIATIONS: A. The work as shown on the drawings is diagrammatic and is intended to show the work included and the arrangement of the various systems. B. It is not intended that the accompanying plans and specifications cover every detail of the required installation. Furnish and install equipment, materials and labor as shown or specified, as are usually furnished, or as are needed to make a complete and satisfactory operating installation, whether mentioned or not, omitting only those items which are specifically excluded. C. Locations and mounting heights of equipment and/or devices as shown are approximately correct. The Engineer reserves the right to relocate any equipment or device prior to actual installation at no extra cost to the Owner. D. No deviation from layout shall be made without written approval from the Engineer. TEMPORARY LIGHT AND POWER: A. 04/01/2016 The Contractor shall provide temporary light and power and pay all energy charges as described in Division 1. 16010-6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.08 ELECTRICAL REFERENCE SYMBOLS: A. 1.09 Symbols shown on the drawings shall approximate location of fixtures, outlet boxes, and conduit runs, and other equipment, unless otherwise detailed. The exact location shall be governed by structural conditions and obstructions. This is not to be construed to permit redesigning systems. All outlets shall be interconnected as shown on the drawings. Locate and install all boxes and equipment where they will be readily accessible. PHASE IDENTIFICATION: A. 1.10 Public Works Construction Engineering Division The entire system of wiring shall be phased by color code as follows: 1. Wires No. 6 AWG and smaller shall have a continuous colored outer covering. 2. Wires larger than No. 6 AWG shall be identified at all points of termination by gummed tape, plastic tape, etc., applied to the wire. 3. Code colors for 120/208 volt systems shall be: a. Phase A - Black b. Phase B – Red c. Phase C - Blue 4. Neutral wires shall be white or grey. 5. Equipment ground wires shall be green. 6. The same colors shall be used for the same phases throughout the entire project. PROTECTION AND CLEANING OF EQUIPMENT: A. All electrical equipment, upon receipt, shall be adequately stored and protected from damage. B. After installation, all electrical equipment shall be protected to prevent damage during the construction period. Openings in conduits and boxes shall be closed to prevent entrance of foreign materials. C. The interior of boxes and cabinets shall be left clean. Exposed surfaces shall be cleaned and plate surfaces polished. 04/01/2016 16010-7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.11 1.12 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS: A. The Contractor shall furnish the Owner with four (4) copies of complete operating and maintenance manuals. Manuals shall include all equipment, maintenance instruction, parts list, warranties, schematic diagrams of control systems, and lubrication charts. B. Manuals shall contain only that information which specifically applies to this project, and all unrelated material shall be deleted. During the instruction period, herein specified, this manual shall be used and explained. Each copy of manual shall be clearly indexed and include a directory of all subcontractors and maintenance contractors, indicate the area of their responsibility, and list the name and telephone numbers of the responsible member of each organization. This material shall have a clear plastic protective shield over each sheet of data. C. Each manual shall be bound in an expandable plastic covered hard bound binder. The manual's front cover and side cover shall be stamped "Operation and Maintenance Manual -- Electrical Systems" along with the project title. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS: A. 1.13 The Contractor is to instruct operating personnel in the operation and maintenance of equipment and systems. SPARE PARTS DATA: A. 1.14 Public Works Construction Engineering Division The Contractor shall furnish a complete list of recommended spare parts and supplies for the equipment furnished with current unit prices and source of supply. TESTS: A. The Electrical Subcontractor shall perform all tests at the completion of the work and the results furnished to the Owner and Engineer in writing. Tests shall include, but not be limited to: all systems test free of shorts or grounds, proper neutral connections, ground system resistance, secondary voltages at main distribution panel, power panels and lighting panels, all lighting fixtures with lamps in place for 10 hours. B. Upon completion of all work, the Electrical Subcontractor shall furnish, in duplicate, certificates of inspections from all inspectors and authorities having jurisdiction, notarized letters from the manufacturers stating that authorized Factory Engineers or agents have inspected and tested the installation of their respective systems and found same to be in satisfactory operating condition. 04/01/2016 16010-8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington C. 1.15 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Furnish all labor, material, instruments, supplies and services and bear all costs for the accomplishment of the tests. GUARANTEE: A. The Contractor shall guarantee equipment and performance of the installation and equipment in accordance with the GENERAL CONDITIONS. B. Lamps shall be furnished and installed in each lighting fixture as soon as fixtures are properly hung. Replace all lamps that fail within ninety (90) days after final acceptance at no additional cost. If the Contractor fails to replace lamps during the guarantee period, after a second request the Owner may replace lamps and back-charge Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: A. The materials used in all systems shall be new, unused and as hereinafter specified. All materials where not specified shall be of the very best of their respective kinds. Samples of materials or manufacturer's specification shall be submitted for approval as required by the Engineer. B. Materials and equipment used shall be U.L. listed wherever such approved materials and equipment is available. C. Electrical equipment shall at all times during construction be adequately protected against mechanical injury or damage by water. If any apparatus has been damaged, such damage shall be repaired by the Contractor at his cost and expense. If any apparatus has been subject to possible damage by water, it shall be thoroughly dried out and put through such special tests as required by the Engineer, at the cost and expense of the Contractor, or shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. 04/01/2016 All work shall be executed in full accordance with the Massachusetts Electrical Code and local rulings. Should any work be performed contrary to said rulings, ordinances and regulations, this Contractor shall bear full responsibility for such violations and assume all costs arising therefrom. 16010-9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division B. Load Balance. Check the load balance on the phases of the various systems and reconnect where necessary as approved by the Engineer to provide equal division of the loads between the phases of the various systems. C. Before starting the work, confer with all other trades relative to the location of pipes, ducts, and apparatus or fixtures to be installed by them and select locations for the work which will avoid possible conflicts with the work of other trades involved. All differences or conflicting conditions concerning the work shall be called to the attention of the Engineer for adjustment before starting work. For such work performed or materials installed in violation of the above clause the work shall be readjusted to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer at the sole expense of the Electrical Subcontractor. D. Cleanup 1. This Contractor shall cooperate with other workmen and with the General Contractor in the daily removal of debris from the work site. 2. This Contractor shall leave "broom clean" all areas where he has interrupted or completed his work. 3. He shall cooperate with the General Contractor in good housekeeping procedures. 4. At the completion of his work, prior to the final inspection, this Contractor shall clean all devices, plates, fixtures, glassware, switches, cabinets, exposed conduits, fittings, etc. and shall have the premises in a thoroughly clean condition. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\Electrical\16010 Electrical Work - General Provisions.doc 04/01/2016 16010-10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 16050 BASIC ELECTRICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS (FILED SUB-BID REQUIRED PART OF 16010) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY: This Section includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.03 Raceways. Building wire and connectors. Supporting devices for electrical components. Electrical identification. Cutting and patching for electrical construction. Touchup painting. DEFINITIONS: A. EMT: Electrical metallic tubing. B. FMC: Flexible metal conduit. C. IMC: Intermediate metal conduit. D. LFMC: Liquidtight flexible metal conduit. E. RNC: Rigid nonmetallic conduit. F. RMC: Rigid metal conduit. 1.04 A. SUBMITTALS: Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance requirements. 04/01/2016 16050 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.05 Public Works Construction Engineering Division QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. 1.06 A. COORDINATION: Coordinate chases, slots, inserts, sleeves, and openings with general construction work and arrange in building structure during progress of construction to facilitate the electrical installations that follow. 1. Set inserts and sleeves in poured-in-place concrete, masonry work, and other structural components as they are constructed. B. Sequence, coordinate, and integrate installing electrical materials and equipment for efficient flow of the Work. Coordinate installing large equipment requiring positioning before closing in the building. C. Coordinate location of access panels and doors for electrical items that are concealed by finished surfaces. D. Where electrical identification devices are applied to field-finished surfaces, coordinate installation of identification devices with completion of finished surface. E. Where electrical identification markings and devices will be concealed by acoustical ceilings and similar finishes, coordinate installation of these items before ceiling installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 RACEWAYS: A. EMT: ANSI C80.3, zinc-coated steel, with set-screw or compression fittings. B. FMC: Zinc-coated steel. C. IMC: ANSI C80.6, zinc-coated steel, with threaded fittings. D. LFMC: Zinc-coated steel with sunlight-resistant and mineral-oil-resistant plastic jacket. E. RNC: NEMA TC 2, Schedule 40 PVC, with NEMA TC3 fittings. F. RMC: Rigid metal conduit zinc-coated 04/01/2016 16050 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington G. 2.02 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Raceway Fittings: Specifically designed for the raceway type with which used. CONDUCTORS: A. Conductors, No. 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid or stranded copper. B. Conductors, Larger than No. 10 AWG: Stranded copper. C. Insulation: Thermoplastic, rated at 75 deg C minimum. D. Wire Connectors and Splices: Units of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class suitable for service indicated. 2.03 SUPPORTING DEVICES: A. Material: Cold-formed steel, with corrosion-resistant coating acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Metal Items for Use Outdoors or in Damp Locations: Hot-dip galvanized steel. C. Slotted-Steel Channel Supports: Flange edges turned toward web, and 9/16-inch diameter slotted holes at a maximum of 2 inches o.c., in webs. D. Raceway and Cable Supports: Manufactured clevis hangers, riser clamps, straps, threaded C-clamps with retainers, ceiling trapeze hangers, wall brackets, and springsteel clamps or click-type hangers. E. Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53, Type E, Grade A, Schedule 40, galvanized steel, plain ends. F. Cable Supports for Vertical Conduit: Factory-fabricated assembly consisting of threaded body and insulating wedging plug for non-armored electrical cables in riser conduits. Plugs have number and size of conductor gripping holes as required to suit individual risers. Body constructed of malleable-iron casting with hot-dip galvanized finish. G. Expansion Anchors: Carbon-steel wedge or sleeve type. H. Toggle Bolts: All-steel springhead type. I. Powder-Driven Threaded Studs: Heat-treated steel. 2.04 A. ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION: Identification Devices: A single type of identification product for each application category. Use colors prescribed by ANSI A13.1, NFPA 70, and these Specifications. 04/01/2016 16050 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington B. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Raceway and Cable Labels: Comply with ANSI A13.1, Table 3, for minimum size of letters for legend and minimum length of color field for each raceway and cable size. 1. 2. 3. 4. Type: Pre-tensioned, wraparound plastic sleeves. Flexible, preprinted, colorcoded, acrylic band sized to suit the diameter of the item it identifies. Type: Preprinted, flexible, self-adhesive, vinyl. Legend is over laminated with a clear, weather- and chemical-resistant coating. Color: Black letters on orange background. Legend: Indicates voltage. C. Colored Adhesive Marking Tape for Raceways, Wires, and Cables: Self-adhesive vinyl tape, not less than 1 inch wide by 3 mils thick. D. Tape Markers for Wire: Vinyl or vinyl-cloth, self-adhesive, wraparound type with preprinted numbers and letters. E. Color-Coding Cable Ties: Type 6/6 nylon, self-locking type. Colors to suit coding scheme. F. Engraved-Plastic Labels, Signs, and Instruction Plates: Engraving stock, melamine plastic laminate punched or drilled for mechanical fasteners 1/16-inch minimum thickness for signs up to 20 sq. in. and 1/8-inch minimum thickness for larger sizes. Engraved legend in black letters on white background. G. Interior Warning and Caution Signs: Comply with 29 CFR, Chapter XVII, Part 1910.145. Preprinted, aluminum, baked-enamel-finish signs, punched or drilled for mechanical fasteners, with colors, legend, and size appropriate to the application. H. Fasteners for Nameplates and Signs: Self-tapping, stainless-steel screws or No. 10/32 stainless-steel machine screws with nuts and flat and lock washers. 2.05 TOUCHUP PAINT: A. For Equipment: Equipment manufacturer's paint selected to match installed equipment finish. B. Galvanized Surfaces: Zinc-rich paint recommended by item manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: Headroom Maintenance: If mounting heights or other location criteria are not indicated, arrange and install components and equipment to provide the maximum possible headroom. 04/01/2016 16050 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division B. Materials and Components: Install level, plumb, and parallel and perpendicular to other building systems and components, unless otherwise indicated. C. Equipment: Install to facilitate service, maintenance, and repair or replacement of components. Connect for ease of disconnecting, with minimum interference with other installations. D. Right of Way: Give to raceways and piping systems installed at a required slope. 3.02 A. RACEWAY APPLICATION: Use the following raceways for outdoor installations unless noted otherwise: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Use the following raceways for indoor installations unless noted otherwise: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.03 Exposed: RMC. Concealed: RMC. Connection to Vibrating Equipment: LFMC. Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 3R or Type 4. Exposed: EMT. Concealed: EMT. Connection to Vibrating Equipment: FMC; except in wet or damp locations, use LFMC. Damp or Wet Locations: IMC. Boxes and Enclosures: NEMA 250, Type 1, unless otherwise indicated. RACEWAY AND CABLE INSTALLATION: A. Conceal raceways and cables, unless otherwise indicated, within finished walls and ceilings. B. Install raceways and cables at least 6 inches away from parallel runs of flues, hot-water pipes and of heat generating equipment. Locate horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping. C. Use temporary raceway caps to prevent foreign matter from entering. D. Make conduit bends and offsets so ID is not reduced. Keep legs of bends in the same plane and straight legs of offsets parallel, unless otherwise indicated. E. Use raceway and cable fittings compatible with raceways and cables and suitable for use and location. F. Where allowed per the drawings raceways embedded in slabs shall be installed in middle third of slab thickness and shall have at least 1-inch concrete cover. 04/01/2016 16050 - 5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Secure raceways to reinforcing rods to prevent sagging or shifting during concrete placement. Space raceways laterally to prevent voids in concrete. Install conduit larger than 1-inch trade size parallel to or at right angles to main reinforcement. Where conduit is at right angles to reinforcement, place conduit close to slab support. Transition from nonmetallic tubing to rigid steel conduit, or IMC before rising above floor. Make bends in exposed parallel or banked runs from same centerline to make bends parallel. Use factory elbows only where elbows can be installed parallel; otherwise, provide field bends for exposed parallel raceways. G. Install pull wires in empty raceways. Use No. 14 AWG zinc-coated steel or monofilament plastic line with not less than 200-lb tensile strength. Leave at least 12 inches of slack at each end of the pull wire. H. Install signal system raceways, 2-inch trade size and smaller, in maximum lengths of 150 feet and with a maximum of two 90-degree bends or equivalent. Separate lengths with pull or junction boxes where necessary to comply with these requirements, in addition to requirements above. I. Connect motors and equipment subject to vibration, noise transmission, or movement with a maximum of 72-inch flexible conduit. Install LFMC in wet or damp locations. Install separate ground conductor across flexible connections. 3.04 WIRING METHODS FOR POWER, LIGHTING, AND CONTROL CIRCUITS: A. Feeders: Type THHN/THWN insulated conductors in raceway. B. Branch Circuits: Type THHN/THWN insulated conductors in raceway. C. Remote-Control Signaling and Power-Limited Circuits: Type THHN/THWN insulated stranded conductors with no splices in raceway for Classes 1, 2, and 3, unless otherwise indicated. 3.05 WIRING INSTALLATION: A. Install splices and taps that are compatible with conductor material and that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than un-spliced conductors. B. Install wiring at outlets with at least 12 inches of slack conductor at each outlet. C. Connect outlet and component connections to wiring systems and to ground. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals, according to manufacturer's published torque- 04/01/2016 16050 - 6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A. 3.06 ELECTRICAL SUPPORTING DEVICE APPLICATION: A. Damp Locations and Outdoors: channel system components. B. Dry Locations: Steel materials. C. Selection of Supports: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. D. Strength of Supports: Adequate to carry present and future loads, times a safety factor of at least four; minimum of 200-lb design load. 3.07 Hot-dip galvanized materials or nonmetallic, U- SUPPORT INSTALLATION: A. Install support devices to securely and permanently fasten and support electrical components. B. Install individual and multiple raceway hangers and riser clamps to support raceways. Provide U-bolts, clamps, attachments, and other hardware necessary for hanger assemblies and for securing hanger rods and conduits. C. Support parallel runs of horizontal raceways together on trapeze- or bracket-type hangers. D. Size supports for multiple raceway installations so capacity can be increased by a 25 percent minimum in the future. E. Support individual horizontal raceways with separate, malleable-iron pipe hangers or clamps. F. Install 1/4-inch diameter or larger threaded steel hanger rods, unless otherwise indicated. G. Spring-steel fasteners specifically designed for supporting single conduits or tubing may be used instead of malleable-iron hangers for 1-1/2-inch and smaller raceways serving lighting and receptacle branch circuits above suspended ceilings and for fastening raceways to slotted channel and angle supports. H. Arrange supports in vertical runs so the weight of raceways and enclosed conductors is carried entirely by raceway supports, with no weight load on raceway terminals. I. Simultaneously install vertical conductor supports with conductors. 04/01/2016 16050 - 7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division J. Separately support cast boxes that are threaded to raceways and used for fixture support. Support sheet-metal boxes directly from the building structure or by bar hangers. If bar hangers are used, attach bar to raceways on opposite sides of the box and support the raceway with an approved fastener not more than 24 inches from the box. K. Install metal channel racks for mounting cabinets, panelboards, disconnect switches, control enclosures, pull and junction boxes, transformers, and other devices unless components are mounted directly to structural elements of adequate strength. L. Install sleeves for cable and raceway penetrations of concrete slabs and walls unless core-drilled holes are used. Install sleeves for cable and raceway penetrations of masonry and fire-rated gypsum walls and of all other fire-rated floor and wall assemblies. Install sleeves during erection of concrete and masonry walls. M. Securely fasten electrical items and their supports to the building structure, unless otherwise indicated. Perform fastening according to the following unless other fastening methods are indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Wood: Fasten with wood screws or screw-type nails. Masonry: Toggle bolts on hollow masonry units and expansion bolts on solid masonry units. New Concrete: Concrete inserts with machine screws and bolts. Instead of expansion bolts, threaded studs driven by a powder charge and provided with lock washers may be used in existing concrete. Steel: Welded threaded studs or spring-tension clamps on steel. a. 6. 7. 8. 3.08 Field Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1. Welding to steel structure may be used only for threaded studs, not for conduits, pipe straps, or other items. Light Steel: Sheet-metal screws. Fasteners: Select so the load applied to each fastener does not exceed 25 percent of its proof-test load. IDENTIFICATION MATERIALS AND DEVICES: A. Install at locations for most convenient viewing without interference with operation and maintenance of equipment. B. Coordinate names, abbreviations, colors, and other designations used for electrical identification with corresponding designations indicated in the Contract Documents or required by codes and standards. Use consistent designations throughout Project. C. Self-Adhesive Identification Products: Clean surfaces before applying. D. Identify raceways and cables with color banding as follows: 04/01/2016 16050 - 8 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1. 2. 3. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Bands: Pre-tensioned, snap-around, colored plastic sleeves or colored adhesive marking tape. Make each color band 2 inches wide, completely encircling conduit, and place adjacent bands of two-color markings in contact, side by side. Band Locations: At changes in direction, at penetrations of walls and floors, at 50-foot maximum intervals in straight runs, and at 25-foot maximum intervals in congested areas. Colors: As follows: a. b. c. Fire Alarm System: Red. Security System: Blue and yellow. Telecommunication System: Green and yellow. E. Tag and label circuits designated to be extended in the future. Identify source and circuit numbers in each cabinet, pull and junction box, and outlet box. Color-coding may be used for voltage and phase identification. F. Color-code 208/120-V system secondary service, feeder, and branch-circuit conductors throughout the secondary electrical system as follows: 1. 2. 3. 3.09 A. 3.10 Phase A: Black. Phase B: Red. Phase C: Blue FIRESTOPPING: Apply fire stopping to cable and raceway penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies to achieve fire-resistance rating of the assembly. CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. Cut, channel, chase, and drill floors, walls, partitions, ceilings, and other surfaces required to permit electrical installations. Perform cutting by skilled mechanics of trades involved. B. Repair and refinish disturbed finish materials and other surfaces to match adjacent undisturbed surfaces. Repair and refinish materials and other surfaces by skilled mechanics of trades involved. 3.11 A. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Inspect installed components for damage and faulty work, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 04/01/2016 Raceways. Building wire and connectors. Supporting devices for electrical components. 16050 - 9 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. 5. 6. 3.12 A. Electrical identification. Cutting and patching for electrical construction. Touchup painting. REFINISHING AND TOUCHUP PAINTING: Refinish and touch up paint. Paint materials and application requirements shall be per manufacturers’ recommendations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.13 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Clean damaged and disturbed areas and apply primer, intermediate, and finish coats to suit the degree of damage at each location. Follow paint manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation and for timing and application of successive coats. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating recommended by manufacturer. CLEANING AND PROTECTION: A. On completion of installation, including outlets, fittings, and devices, inspect exposed finish. Remove burrs, dirt, paint spots, and construction debris. B. Protect equipment and installations and maintain conditions to ensure that coatings, finishes, and cabinets are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\Electrical\16050 Basic Electrical Materials and Methods.DOC 04/01/2016 16050 - 10 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 16123 CONDUCTORS AND CABLES (FILED SUB-BID REQUIRED PART OF 16010) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY: This Section includes building wires and cables and associated connectors, splices, and terminations for wiring systems rated 600 V and less. SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Qualification Data: For testing agency. C. Field Quality-Control Test Reports: From a qualified testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. B. Comply with NFPA 70. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS: 04/01/2016 16123 - 1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington A. In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: 1. 2.02 A. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. CONDUCTORS AND CABLES: Available Manufacturers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alcan Aluminum Corporation; Alcan Cable Div. American Insulated Wire Corp.; a Leviton Company. General Cable Corporation. Senator Wire & Cable Company. Southwire Company. B. Refer to Part 3 "Conductor and Insulation Applications" Article for insulation type, cable construction, and ratings. C. Conductor Material: Copper complying with NEMA WC 5; solid conductor for No. 10 AWG and smaller, stranded for No. 8 AWG and larger. D. Conductor Insulation Types: Type THHN-THWN complying with NEMA WC 5. E. Multiconductor Cable: Metal-clad cable, Type MC with ground wire. 2.03 A. CONNECTORS AND SPLICES: Available Manufacturers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. AFC Cable Systems, Inc. AMP Incorporated/Tyco International. Hubbell/Anderson. O-Z/Gedney; EGS Electrical Group LLC. 3M Company; Electrical Products Division. Description: Factory-fabricated connectors and splices of size, ampacity rating, material, type, and class for application and service indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 CONDUCTOR AND INSULATION APPLICATIONS: A. Exposed Feeders: Type THHN-THWN, single conductors in raceway. 04/01/2016 16123 - 2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division B. Feeders Concealed in Ceilings, Walls, and Partitions: Metal-clad cable, Type MC. C. Exposed Branch Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, single conductors in raceway. D. Class 1 Control Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, in raceway. E. Class 2 Control Circuits: Type THHN-THWN, in raceway. 3.02 INSTALLATION: A. Use manufacturer-approved pulling compound or lubricant where necessary; compound used must not deteriorate conductor or insulation. Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and sidewall pressure values. B. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope, and basket-weave wire/cable grips, that will not damage cables or raceway. C. Install exposed cables parallel and perpendicular to surfaces of exposed structural members, and follow surface contours where possible. D. Support cables according to Division 16 Section "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." E. Seal around cables penetrating fire-rated elements. F. Identify and color-code conductors and cables according to Division 16 Section "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." 3.03 CONNECTIONS: A. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. B. Make splices and taps that are compatible with conductor material and that possess equivalent or better mechanical strength and insulation ratings than unspliced conductors. C. Wiring at Outlets: Install conductor at each outlet, with at least 6 inches of slack. 3.04 A. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Testing: Perform the following field quality-control testing: 1. 04/01/2016 After installing conductors and cables and before electrical circuitry has been energized, test for compliance with requirements. 16123 - 3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 2. B. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Perform each electrical test and visual and mechanical inspection stated in NETA ATS, Section 7.3.1. Certify compliance with test parameters. Test Reports: Prepare a written report to record the following: 1. 2. 3. Test procedures used. Test results that comply with requirements. Test results that do not comply with requirements and corrective action taken to achieve compliance with requirements. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\Electrical\16123 Building Conductors and Cables.DOC 04/01/2016 16123 - 4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division SECTION 16442 PANELBOARDS (FILED SUB-BID REQUIRED PART OF 16010) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS: Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY: This Section include panelboards, overcurrent protective devices, and associated auxiliary equipment rated 600 V and less for the following types: 1. 1.03 Lighting and appliance branch-circuit panelboards. DEFINITIONS: A. GFCI: Ground-fault circuit interrupter. B. RMS: Root mean square. C. SPDT: Single pole, double throw. D. TVSS: Transient voltage surge suppressor. 1.04 SUBMITTALS: A. Product Data: For each type of panelboard, overcurrent protective device, TVSS device, accessory, and component indicated. Include dimensions and manufacturers' technical data on features, performance, electrical characteristics, ratings, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: For each panelboard and related equipment. 1. Dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, and details. Show tabulations of installed devices, equipment features, and ratings. Include the following: a. b. 04/05/2016 Enclosure types and details for types other than NEMA 250, Type 1. Bus configuration, current, and voltage ratings. 16442-1 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington c. d. e. 2. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Short-circuit current rating of panelboards and overcurrent protective devices. UL listing for series rating of installed devices. Features, characteristics, ratings, and factory settings of individual overcurrent protective devices and auxiliary components. Wiring Diagrams: Diagram power, signal, and control wiring and differentiate between manufacturer-installed and field-installed wiring. C. Qualification Data: Submit data for testing agencies indicating that they comply with qualifications specified. D. Field Test Reports: Submit written test reports and include the following: 1. 2. 3. Test procedures used. Test results that comply with requirements. Results of failed tests and corrective action taken to achieve test results that comply with requirements. E. Panelboard Schedules: For installation in panelboards. Submit final versions after load balancing. F. Maintenance Data: For panelboards and components to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. In addition to requirements specified in Division 1 Section "Contract Closeout," include the following: 1. 2. Manufacturer's written instructions for testing and adjusting overcurrent protective devices. Time-current curves, including selectable ranges for each type of overcurrent protective device. G. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. H. Comply with NEMA PB 1. I. Comply with NFPA 70. 1.05 A. COORDINATION: Coordinate layout and installation of panelboards and components with other construction that penetrates walls or is supported by them, including electrical and other types of equipment, raceways, piping, and encumbrances to workspace clearance requirements. 04/05/2016 16442-2 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 1.06 A. Public Works Construction Engineering Division EXTRA MATERIALS: Keys: Six spares of each type of panelboard cabinet lock. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. MANUFACTURERS: Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Panelboards, Overcurrent Protective Devices, Controllers, Contactors, and Accessories: a. b. c. d. 2.02 A. Eaton Corp.; Cutler-Hammer Products. General Electric Co.; Electrical Distribution & Control Div. Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Square D Co. FABRICATION AND FEATURES: Enclosures: Flush- and surface mounted cabinets. environmental conditions at installed location. 1. 2. 3. NEMA PB 1, Type 1, to meet Outdoor Locations: NEMA 250, Type 3R. Other Wet or Damp Indoor Locations: NEMA 250, Type 4. Hazardous Areas Indicated on Drawings: NEMA 250, Type 7C. B. Front: Secured to box with concealed trim clamps. For surface-mounted fronts, match box dimensions; for flush-mounted fronts, overlap box. C. Hinged Front Cover: Entire front trim hinged to box and with standard door within hinged trim cover. D. Finish: Manufacturer's standard enamel finish over corrosion-resistant treatment or primer coat. E. Directory Card: With transparent protective cover, mounted inside metal frame, inside panelboard door. F. Bus: Hard-drawn copper, 98 percent conductivity. G. Main and Neutral Lugs: Compression type suitable for use with conductor material. 04/05/2016 16442-3 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington Public Works Construction Engineering Division H. Equipment Ground Bus: Adequate for feeder and branch-circuit equipment ground conductors; bonded to box. I. Future Devices: Mounting brackets, bus connections, and necessary appurtenances required for future installation of devices. J. Skirt for Surface-Mounted Panelboards: Same gage and finish as panelboard front with flanges for attachment to panelboard, wall, and ceiling or floor. K. Gutter Barrier: Arrange to isolate individual panel sections. 2.03 PANELBOARD SHORT-CIRCUIT RATING: A. UL label indicating series-connected rating with integral or remote upstream devices. Include size and type of upstream device allowable, branch devices allowable, and UL series-connected short-circuit rating. B. Fully rated to interrupt symmetrical short-circuit current available at terminals. 2.04 LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE BRANCH-CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS: A. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Bolt-on circuit breakers, replaceable without disturbing adjacent units. B. Doors: Front mounted with concealed hinges; secured with flush latch with tumbler lock; keyed alike. 2.05 A. OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES: Molded-Case Circuit Breaker: available fault currents. 1. 2. 3. Thermal-Magnetic Circuit Breakers: Inverse time-current element for low-level overloads, and instantaneous magnetic trip element for short circuits. Adjustable magnetic trip setting for circuit-breaker frame sizes 250 A and larger. Adjustable Instantaneous-Trip Circuit Breakers: Magnetic trip element with front-mounted, field-adjustable trip setting. Electronic Trip Unit Circuit Breakers: RMS sensing; field-replaceable rating plug; with the following field-adjustable settings: a. b. c. d. 04/05/2016 NEMA AB 1, with interrupting capacity to meet Instantaneous trip. Long- and short-time pickup levels. Long- and short-time time adjustments. Ground-fault pickup level, time delay, and I2t response. 16442-4 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington 4. 5. B. Public Works Construction Engineering Division Current-Limiting Circuit Breakers: Frame sizes 400 A and smaller; let-through ratings less than NEMA FU 1, RK-5. GFCI Circuit Breakers: Single- and two-pole configurations with 30-mA trip sensitivity. Molded-Case Circuit-Breaker Features and Accessories. Standard frame sizes, trip ratings, and number of poles. 1. 2. 3. Lugs: Mechanical style, suitable for number, size, trip ratings, and material of conductors. Application Listing: Appropriate for application; Type SWD for switching fluorescent lighting loads; Type HACR for heating, air-conditioning, and refrigerating equipment. Ground-Fault Protection: Integrally mounted relay and trip unit with adjustable pickup and time-delay settings, push-to-test feature, and ground-fault indicator. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Install panelboards and accessories according to NEMA PB 1.1. B. Comply with mounting and anchoring requirements specified in Division 16 C. Mounting Heights: Top of trim 74-inches (1880 mm) above finished floor, unless otherwise indicated. D. Mounting: Plumb and rigid without distortion of box. Mount recessed panelboards with fronts uniformly flush with wall finish. E. Circuit Directory: Create a directory to indicate installed circuit loads after balancing panelboard loads. Obtain approval before installing. Use a computer or typewriter to create directory; handwritten directories are not acceptable. F. Install filler plates in unused spaces. G. Wiring in Panelboard Gutters: Arrange conductors into groups and bundle and wrap with wire ties after completing load balancing. 3.02 A. IDENTIFICATION: Identify field-installed conductors, interconnecting wiring, and components; provide warning signs as specified in Division 16 Section "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods." 04/05/2016 16442-5 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington B. 3.03 Public Works Construction Engineering Division Panelboard Nameplates: Label each panelboard with engraved metal or laminatedplastic nameplate mounted with corrosion-resistant screws. CONNECTIONS: A. Install equipment grounding connections for panelboards with ground continuity to main electrical ground bus. B. Tighten electrical connectors and terminals according to manufacturer's published torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those specified in UL 486A and UL 486B. 3.04 A. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Prepare for acceptance tests as follows: 1. 2. B. Testing: After installing panelboards and after electrical circuitry has been energized, demonstrate product capability and compliance with requirements. 1. 2. C. Procedures: Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test indicated in NETA ATS, Section 7.5 for switches and Section 7.6 for moldedcase circuit breakers. Certify compliance with test parameters. Correct malfunctioning units on-site, where possible, and retest to demonstrate compliance; otherwise, replace with new units and retest. ompletion, but not more than 60 days after Final Acceptance, measure load balancing and make circuit changes as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.05 Test insulation resistance for each panelboard bus, component, connecting supply, feeder, and control circuit. Test continuity of each circuit. Measure as directed during period of normal system loading. Perform load-balancing circuit changes outside normal occupancy/working schedule of the facility and at time directed. Avoid disrupting critical 24-hour services such as fax machines and on-line data-processing, computing, transmitting, and receiving equipment. After circuit changes, recheck loads during normal load period. Record all load readings before and after changes and submit test records. Tolerance: Difference exceeding 20 percent between phase loads, within a panelboard, is not acceptable. Rebalance and recheck as necessary to meet this minimum requirement. CLEANING: 04/05/2016 16442-6 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement Town of Burlington A. Public Works Construction Engineering Division On completion of installation, inspect interior and exterior of panelboards. Remove paint splatters and other spots. Vacuum dirt and debris; do not use compressed air to assist in cleaning. Repair exposed surfaces to match original finish. END OF SECTION O:\Burlington MA\2140692 - Mt Hope HVAC\Specifications\Ready For Final Format\Electrical\16442 Panelboards.doc 04/05/2016 16442-7 Mt. Hope Christian School HVAC Replacement THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STANDARDS Prevailing Wage Rates CHARLES D. BAKER Governor As determined by the Director under the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 26 to 27H RONALD L. WALKER, II Secretary WILLIAM D MCKINNEY KARYN E. POLITO Lt. Governor Awarding Authority: Director Town of Burlington, MA Contract Number: City/Town: BURLINGTON Description of Work: Mt Hope Christian School - Remove & replace HVAC system includes gas-fired condensing hot water boilers and circulation pumps, hot water unit ventilators, heaters, cabinet unit heaters & DDC controls Job Location: 3 McGinnis Drive, Burlington, MA 01803 Information about Prevailing Wage Schedules for Awarding Authorities and Contractors • This wage schedule applies only to the specific project referenced at the top of this page and uniquely identified by the “Wage Request Number” on all pages of this schedule. • An Awarding Authority must request an updated wage schedule from the Department of Labor Standards (“DLS”) if it has not opened bids or selected a contractor within 90 days of the date of issuance of the wage schedule. For CM AT RISK projects (bid pursuant to G.L. c.149A), the earlier of: (a) the execution date of the GMP Amendment, or (b) the bid for the first construction scope of work must be within 90-days of the wage schedule issuance date. • The wage schedule shall be incorporated in any advertisement or call for bids for the project as required by M.G.L. c. 149, § 27. The wage schedule shall be made a part of the contract awarded for the project. The wage schedule must be posted in a conspicuous place at the work site for the life of the project in accordance with M.G.L. c. 149 § 27. The wages listed on the wage schedule must be paid to employees performing construction work on the project whether they are employed by the prime contractor, a filed sub-bidder, or any sub-contractor. • All apprentices working on the project are required to be registered with the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards, Division of Apprentice Standards (DLS/DAS). Apprentice must keep his/her apprentice identification card on his/her person during all work hours on the project. An apprentice registered with DAS may be paid the lower apprentice wage rate at the applicable step as provided on the prevailing wage schedule. Any apprentice not registered with DLS/DAS regardless of whether or not they are registered with any other federal, state, local, or private agency must be paid the journeyworker's rate for the trade. • The wage rates will remain in effect for the duration of the project, except in the case of multi-year public construction projects. For construction projects lasting longer than one year, awarding authorities must request an updated wage schedule. Awarding authorities are required to request these updates no later than two weeks before the anniversary of the date the contract was executed by the awarding authority and the general contractor. For multi-year CM AT RISK projects, awarding authority must request an annual update no later than two weeks before the anniversary date, determined as the earlier of: (a) the execution date of the GMP Amendment, or (b) the execution date of the first amendment to permit procurement of construction services. Contractors are required to obtain the wage schedules from awarding authorities, and to pay no less than these rates to covered workers. The annual update requirement is not applicable to 27F “rental of equipment” contracts. • Every contractor or subcontractor which performs construction work on the project is required to submit weekly payroll reports and a Statement of Compliance directly to the awarding authority by mail or email and keep them on file for three years. Each weekly payroll report must contain: the employee’s name, address, occupational classification, hours worked, and wages paid. Do not submit weekly payroll reports to DLS. A sample of a payroll reporting form may be obtained at • Contractors with questions about the wage rates or classifications included on the wage schedule have an affirmative obligation to inquire with DLS at (617) 626-6953. • Employees not receiving the prevailing wage rate set forth on the wage schedule may report the violation to the Fair Labor Division of the office of the Attorney General at (617) 727-3465. • Failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay the prevailing wage rates listed on the wage schedule to all employees who perform construction work on the project is a violation of the law and subjects the contractor or subcontractor to civil and Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Classification Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $32.75 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.24 06/01/2016 $33.25 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.74 08/01/2016 $33.25 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.24 12/01/2016 $33.25 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.05 12/01/2015 $32.82 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.31 06/01/2016 $33.32 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.81 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.31 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.12 $0.00 $53.43 Construction (2 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A (3 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A 08/01/2016 12/01/2016 (4 & 5 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A ADS/SUBMERSIBLE PILOT PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) $33.32 $33.32 12/01/2015 $32.94 $10.41 $10.08 06/01/2016 $33.44 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.93 08/01/2016 $33.44 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.43 12/01/2016 $33.44 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.24 08/01/2015 $88.29 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $117.32 12/01/2015 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 06/01/2016 $36.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.85 12/01/2016 $37.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.85 12/01/2015 $34.38 $10.40 $5.95 $0.00 $50.73 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 $0.00 $72.63 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" AIR TRACK OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ASBESTOS REMOVER - PIPE / MECH. EQUIPT. HEAT & FROST INSULATORS LOCAL 6 (BOSTON) ASPHALT RAKER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ASPHALT/CONCRETE/CRUSHER PLANT-ON SITE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2015 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 06/01/2016 $36.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.85 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" BACKHOE/FRONT-END LOADER OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" BARCO-TYPE JUMPING TAMPER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" BLOCK PAVER, RAMMER / CURB SETTER LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2016 $37.85 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 2 of 35 Classification BOILER MAKER BOILERMAKERS LOCAL 29 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Base Wage 01/01/2016 $41.62 $6.97 $16.21 $0.00 $64.80 01/01/2017 $42.92 $6.97 $16.21 $0.00 $66.10 Apprentice - BOILERMAKER - Local 29 Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $44.56 $27.05 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $44.56 70 $29.13 $6.97 $11.35 $0.00 $47.45 75 $31.22 $6.97 $12.16 $0.00 $50.35 80 $33.30 $6.97 $12.97 $0.00 $53.24 85 $35.38 $6.97 $13.78 $0.00 $56.13 90 $37.46 $6.97 $14.59 $0.00 $59.02 95 $39.54 $6.97 $15.40 $0.00 $61.91 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 65 $27.05 2 65 3 4 5 6 7 8 Effective Date - Total Rate Effective Date Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2017 Step percent 1 65 $27.90 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $45.41 2 65 $27.90 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $45.41 3 70 $30.04 $6.97 $11.35 $0.00 $48.36 4 75 $32.19 $6.97 $12.16 $0.00 $51.32 5 80 $34.34 $6.97 $12.97 $0.00 $54.28 6 85 $36.48 $6.97 $13.78 $0.00 $57.23 7 90 $38.63 $6.97 $14.59 $0.00 $60.19 8 95 $40.77 $6.97 $15.40 $0.00 $63.14 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 BRICK/STONE/ARTIFICIAL MASONRY (INCL. MASONRY WATERPROOFING) BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 (WALTHAM) Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 02/01/2016 $49.86 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $79.18 08/01/2016 $50.76 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $80.16 02/01/2017 $51.33 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $80.73 20160406-039 Page 3 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - BRICK/PLASTER/CEMENT MASON - Local 3 Waltham Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $54.25 $29.92 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $59.24 70 $34.90 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $64.22 4 80 $39.89 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $69.21 5 90 $44.87 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $74.19 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.93 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.38 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $54.78 2 60 $30.46 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $59.86 3 70 $35.53 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $64.93 4 80 $40.61 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $70.01 5 90 $45.68 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $75.08 Total Rate Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 BULLDOZER/GRADER/SCRAPER 12/01/2015 OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2016 $43.31 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 $0.00 $70.19 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 12/01/2015 $36.45 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.65 06/01/2016 $37.20 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $58.40 12/01/2016 $38.20 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $59.40 12/01/2015 $35.30 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2016 $36.05 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2016 $37.05 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $58.25 12/01/2015 $35.30 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2016 $36.05 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.25 $0.00 $58.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING BOTTOM MAN LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING LABORER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING TOP MAN LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE 12/01/2016 $37.05 $7.45 $13.75 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CARBIDE CORE DRILL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 4 of 35 Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Classification Effective Date Base Wage CARPENTER 03/01/2016 $37.10 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $63.72 09/01/2016 $38.08 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $64.70 03/01/2017 $39.05 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $65.67 09/01/2017 $40.06 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $66.68 $0.00 $67.68 CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Eastern Massachusetts) Health Pension 03/01/2018 $41.06 $9.80 $16.82 09/01/2018 $42.10 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $68.72 03/01/2019 $43.13 $9.80 $16.82 $0.00 $69.75 Apprentice - CARPENTER - Zone 2 Eastern MA Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $1.63 $0.00 $29.98 $22.26 $9.80 $1.63 $0.00 $33.69 70 $25.97 $9.80 $11.93 $0.00 $47.70 4 75 $27.83 $9.80 $11.93 $0.00 $49.56 5 80 $29.68 $9.80 $13.56 $0.00 $53.04 6 80 $29.68 $9.80 $13.56 $0.00 $53.04 7 90 $33.39 $9.80 $15.19 $0.00 $58.38 8 90 $33.39 $9.80 $15.19 $0.00 $58.38 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $18.55 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.04 $9.80 $1.63 $0.00 $30.47 2 60 $22.85 $9.80 $1.63 $0.00 $34.28 3 70 $26.66 $9.80 $11.93 $0.00 $48.39 4 75 $28.56 $9.80 $11.93 $0.00 $50.29 5 80 $30.46 $9.80 $13.56 $0.00 $53.82 6 80 $30.46 $9.80 $13.56 $0.00 $53.82 7 90 $34.27 $9.80 $15.19 $0.00 $59.26 8 90 $34.27 $9.80 $15.19 $0.00 $59.26 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 CEMENT MASONRY/PLASTERING 01/01/2016 BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 (WALTHAM) Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: $46.44 20160406-039 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $77.35 Page 5 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - CEMENT MASONRY/PLASTERING - Eastern Mass (Waltham) Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.90 $12.21 $0.00 $46.33 $27.86 $10.90 $13.71 $1.30 $53.77 65 $30.19 $10.90 $14.71 $1.30 $57.10 4 70 $32.51 $10.90 $15.71 $1.30 $60.42 5 75 $34.83 $10.90 $16.71 $1.30 $63.74 6 80 $37.15 $10.90 $17.71 $1.30 $67.06 7 90 $41.80 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $72.71 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $23.22 2 60 3 Total Rate Notes: Steps 3,4 are 500 hrs. All other steps are 1,000 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 CHAIN SAW OPERATOR 12/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 1 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 $0.00 $57.35 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2015 $44.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.63 06/01/2016 $45.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.38 12/01/2016 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 06/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $48.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $73.63 12/01/2015 $30.13 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.03 06/01/2016 $30.65 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.55 12/01/2016 $31.52 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $56.42 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.11 $0.00 $57.80 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CLAM SHELLS/SLURRY BUCKETS/HEADING MACHINES OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" COMPRESSOR OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2017 $32.21 12/01/2017 $32.90 $10.00 $14.90 01/01/2016 $49.51 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $73.46 07/01/2016 $50.46 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $74.41 01/01/2017 $51.41 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $75.36 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" DELEADER (BRIDGE) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 6 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 - BRIDGES/TANKS Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.61 $27.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.74 60 $29.71 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $41.55 4 65 $32.18 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.35 5 70 $34.66 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $56.62 6 75 $37.13 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $59.42 7 80 $39.61 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.23 8 90 $44.56 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $67.85 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.76 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.23 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $33.08 2 55 $27.75 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $39.26 3 60 $30.28 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $42.12 4 65 $32.80 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.97 5 70 $35.32 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $57.28 6 75 $37.85 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $60.14 7 80 $40.37 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.99 8 90 $45.41 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $68.70 Total Rate Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 DEMO: ADZEMAN LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2015 $35.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.50 12/01/2015 $36.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.50 12/01/2015 $36.25 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2015 $36.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.50 12/01/2015 $36.25 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2015 $35.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: BACKHOE/LOADER/HAMMER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: BURNERS LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: CONCRETE CUTTER/SAWYER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: JACKHAMMER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: WRECKING LABORER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 7 of 35 Classification DIRECTIONAL DRILL MACHINE OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 $0.00 $72.17 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 08/01/2015 $58.86 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $87.89 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 08/01/2015 $63.06 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $92.09 08/01/2015 $88.23 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $117.26 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" DIVER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" DIVER TENDER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" DIVER TENDER (EFFLUENT) PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" DIVER/SLURRY (EFFLUENT) PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" DRAWBRIDGE OPERATOR (Construction) ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 Apprentice - ELECTRICIAN - Local 103 Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $32.02 $18.47 $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $32.02 $20.78 $13.00 $12.34 $0.00 $46.12 $20.78 $13.00 $12.34 $0.00 $46.12 $23.09 $13.00 $12.71 $0.00 $48.80 $25.39 $13.00 $13.07 $0.00 $51.46 $27.70 $13.00 $13.44 $0.00 $54.14 $30.01 $13.00 $13.81 $0.00 $56.82 $32.32 $13.00 $14.18 $0.00 $59.50 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.18 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 40 $18.47 2 40 3 45 4 45 5 50 6 55 7 60 8 65 9 70 10 75 Notes: : App Prior 1/1/03; 30/35/40/45/50/55/65/70/75/80 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:2:3*** ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS LOCAL 4 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 01/01/2016 $54.53 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $83.92 01/01/2017 $55.86 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $86.85 20160406-039 Page 8 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR - Local 4 Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $14.43 $0.00 $0.00 $41.70 $29.99 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $59.38 65 $35.44 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $64.83 4 70 $38.17 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $67.56 5 80 $43.62 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $73.01 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $27.27 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2017 Step percent 1 50 $27.93 $15.28 $0.00 $0.00 $43.21 2 55 $30.72 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $61.71 3 65 $36.31 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $67.30 4 70 $39.10 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $70.09 5 80 $44.69 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $75.68 Total Rate Notes: Steps 1-2 are 6 mos.; Steps 3-5 are 1 year Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR HELPER 01/01/2016 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS LOCAL 4 $38.17 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $67.56 $0.00 $70.09 01/01/2017 $39.10 $15.28 $15.71 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 $0.00 $57.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice - ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR" FENCE & GUARD RAIL ERECTOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 11/01/2015 $40.49 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $65.04 05/01/2016 $41.03 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $65.93 11/01/2016 $41.62 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $66.52 05/01/2017 $42.50 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $67.40 11/01/2017 $43.23 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.13 05/01/2018 $43.94 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.84 11/01/2015 $41.93 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.48 05/01/2016 $42.47 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $67.37 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $67.97 $0.00 $68.86 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" FIELD ENG.INST.PERSON-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FIELD ENG.PARTY CHIEF-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 11/01/2016 $43.07 05/01/2017 $43.96 $10.00 $14.90 11/01/2017 $44.69 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.59 05/01/2018 $45.41 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.31 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 9 of 35 Classification FIELD ENG.ROD PERSON-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 11/01/2015 $21.71 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $46.26 05/01/2016 $21.88 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $46.78 11/01/2016 $22.23 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $47.13 05/01/2017 $22.76 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $47.66 $0.00 $48.08 11/01/2017 $23.18 $10.00 $14.90 05/01/2018 $23.61 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $48.51 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 03/01/2016 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.18 12/01/2015 $36.34 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $61.24 06/01/2016 $36.96 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $61.86 12/01/2016 $38.00 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $62.90 06/01/2017 $38.84 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $63.74 12/01/2017 $39.67 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $64.57 12/01/2015 $20.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $41.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $41.50 $0.00 $41.50 $0.00 $69.55 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FIRE ALARM INSTALLER ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" FIRE ALARM REPAIR / MAINTENANCE / COMMISSIONING ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN" FIREMAN (ASST. ENGINEER) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FLAGGER & SIGNALER LABORERS - ZONE 1 06/01/2016 $20.50 12/01/2016 $20.50 $7.45 $13.55 03/01/2016 $42.13 $9.80 $17.62 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" FLOORCOVERER FLOORCOVERERS LOCAL 2168 ZONE I Apprentice - FLOORCOVERER - Local 2168 Zone I Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $1.79 $0.00 $32.66 $23.17 $9.80 $1.79 $0.00 $34.76 60 $25.28 $9.80 $12.25 $0.00 $47.33 4 65 $27.38 $9.80 $12.25 $0.00 $49.43 5 70 $29.49 $9.80 $14.04 $0.00 $53.33 6 75 $31.60 $9.80 $14.04 $0.00 $55.44 7 80 $33.70 $9.80 $15.83 $0.00 $59.33 8 85 $35.81 $9.80 $15.83 $0.00 $61.44 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $21.07 2 55 3 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 10 of 35 Classification FORK LIFT/CHERRY PICKER OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 12/01/2015 $30.13 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.03 06/01/2016 $30.65 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.55 12/01/2016 $31.52 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $56.42 06/01/2017 $32.21 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.11 12/01/2017 $32.90 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.80 01/01/2016 $39.01 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.96 07/01/2016 $39.96 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.91 01/01/2017 $40.91 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.86 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" GENERATOR/LIGHTING PLANT/HEATERS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" GLAZIER (GLASS PLANK/AIR BARRIER/INTERIOR SYSTEMS) GLAZIERS LOCAL 35 (ZONE 2) Apprentice - GLAZIER - Local 35 Zone 2 Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.36 $21.46 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.97 $23.41 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.25 $25.36 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.53 $27.31 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.27 $29.26 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.55 $31.21 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.83 $35.11 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.40 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.51 2 55 3 60 4 65 5 70 6 75 7 80 8 90 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.98 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.83 2 55 $21.98 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.49 3 60 $23.98 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.82 4 65 $25.97 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $38.14 5 70 $27.97 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.93 6 75 $29.97 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $52.26 7 80 $31.97 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.59 8 90 $35.96 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $59.25 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 11 of 35 Classification HOISTING ENGINEER/CRANES/GRADALLS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Base Wage 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 Health Pension Effective Date Apprentice - OPERATING ENGINEERS - Local 4 Effective Date - 12/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34.05 $26.24 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $51.14 65 $28.42 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $53.32 4 70 $30.61 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.51 5 75 $32.80 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.70 6 80 $34.98 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $59.88 7 85 $37.17 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $62.07 8 90 $39.36 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $64.26 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 55 $24.05 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 06/01/2016 Step percent 1 55 $24.46 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34.46 2 60 $26.69 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $51.59 3 65 $28.91 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $53.81 4 70 $31.14 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $56.04 5 75 $33.36 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $58.26 6 80 $35.58 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $60.48 7 85 $37.81 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $62.71 8 90 $40.03 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $64.93 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:6 HVAC (DUCTWORK) SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A 02/01/2016 $43.31 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $78.24 08/01/2016 $44.46 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $79.39 02/01/2017 $45.56 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $80.49 08/01/2017 $46.66 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $81.59 02/01/2018 $47.81 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $82.74 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- SHEET METAL WORKER" HVAC (ELECTRICAL CONTROLS) ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 12 of 35 Classification HVAC (TESTING AND BALANCING - AIR) SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 02/01/2016 $43.31 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $78.24 08/01/2016 $44.46 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $79.39 02/01/2017 $45.56 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $80.49 08/01/2017 $46.66 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $81.59 $2.28 $82.74 02/01/2018 $47.81 $10.70 $21.95 03/01/2016 $49.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $77.03 09/01/2016 $50.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $78.03 03/01/2017 $51.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $79.03 03/01/2016 $49.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $77.03 09/01/2016 $50.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $78.03 03/01/2017 $51.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $79.03 12/01/2015 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 06/01/2016 $36.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.85 12/01/2016 $37.85 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.85 09/01/2015 $43.81 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $69.11 09/01/2016 $45.81 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $71.11 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $73.11 $0.00 $75.36 $0.00 $77.86 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- SHEET METAL WORKER" HVAC (TESTING AND BALANCING -WATER) PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" HVAC MECHANIC PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" HYDRAULIC DRILLS LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" INSULATOR (PIPES & TANKS) HEAT & FROST INSULATORS LOCAL 6 (BOSTON) 09/01/2017 Apprentice - $47.81 09/01/2018 $50.06 $11.50 $13.80 09/01/2019 $52.56 $11.50 $13.80 ASBESTOS INSULATOR (Pipes & Tanks) - Local 6 Boston Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $11.50 $10.05 $0.00 $43.46 $26.29 $11.50 $10.80 $0.00 $48.59 70 $30.67 $11.50 $11.55 $0.00 $53.72 80 $35.05 $11.50 $12.30 $0.00 $58.85 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $21.91 2 60 3 4 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $22.91 $11.50 $10.05 $0.00 $44.46 2 60 $27.49 $11.50 $10.80 $0.00 $49.79 3 70 $32.07 $11.50 $11.55 $0.00 $55.12 4 80 $36.65 $11.50 $12.30 $0.00 $60.45 Notes: Steps are 1 year Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:4 IRONWORKER/WELDER IRONWORKERS LOCAL 7 (BOSTON AREA) Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 03/16/2016 $43.40 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $72.05 09/16/2016 $44.05 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $72.70 03/16/2017 $44.65 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $73.30 20160406-039 Page 13 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - IRONWORKER - Local 7 Boston Effective Date - 03/16/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $54.69 $30.38 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $59.03 75 $32.55 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $61.20 4 80 $34.72 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $63.37 5 85 $36.89 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $65.54 6 90 $39.06 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $67.71 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 60 $26.04 2 70 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/16/2016 Step percent 1 60 $26.43 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $55.08 2 70 $30.84 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $59.49 3 75 $33.04 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $61.69 4 80 $35.24 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $63.89 5 85 $37.44 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $66.09 6 90 $39.65 $7.80 $20.85 $0.00 $68.30 Notes: ** Structural 1:6; Ornamental 1:4 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** JACKHAMMER & PAVING BREAKER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2015 06/01/2016 $35.60 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2015 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.10 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER LABORERS - ZONE 1 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 14 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - LABORER - Zone 1 Effective Date - 12/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $42.21 $24.75 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $45.75 80 $28.28 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $49.28 90 $31.82 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $52.82 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 60 $21.21 2 70 3 4 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 06/01/2016 Step percent 1 60 $21.66 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $42.66 2 70 $25.27 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $46.27 3 80 $28.88 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $49.88 4 90 $32.49 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $53.49 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 LABORER: CARPENTER TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2015 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 $0.00 $58.10 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2015 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.10 12/01/2015 $35.50 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.50 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2015 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.10 12/01/2015 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.10 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.10 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: CEMENT FINISHER TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: HAZARDOUS WASTE/ASBESTOS REMOVER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: MASON TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: MULTI-TRADE TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 1 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: TREE REMOVER LABORERS - ZONE 1 This classification applies to all tree work associated with the removal of standing trees, and trimming and removal of branches and limbs when the work is not done for a utility company for the purpose of operation, maintenance or repair of utility company equipment. For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LASER BEAM OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 15 of 35 Classification MARBLE & TILE FINISHERS BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE Apprentice - Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 02/01/2016 $38.08 $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $65.96 08/01/2016 $38.78 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $66.74 02/01/2017 $39.24 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $67.20 MARBLE & TILE FINISHER - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $46.92 $22.85 $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $50.73 $26.66 $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $54.54 $30.46 $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $58.34 $34.27 $10.18 $17.70 $0.00 $62.15 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.04 2 60 3 70 4 80 5 90 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.39 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $47.35 2 60 $23.27 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $51.23 3 70 $27.15 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $55.11 4 80 $31.02 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $58.98 5 90 $34.90 $10.18 $17.78 $0.00 $62.86 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 MARBLE MASONS,TILELAYERS & TERRAZZO MECH BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 02/01/2016 $49.90 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $79.22 08/01/2016 $50.80 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $80.20 02/01/2017 $51.37 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $80.77 20160406-039 Page 16 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - MARBLE-TILE-TERRAZZO MECHANIC - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $54.27 $29.94 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $59.26 70 $34.93 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $64.25 4 80 $39.92 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $69.24 5 90 $44.91 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $74.23 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.95 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.40 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $54.80 2 60 $30.48 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $59.88 3 70 $35.56 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $64.96 4 80 $40.64 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $70.04 5 90 $45.72 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $75.12 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 MECH. SWEEPER OPERATOR (ON CONST. SITES) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 06/01/2016 $43.31 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 $0.00 $70.19 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 04/01/2015 $37.64 $9.80 $16.21 $0.00 $63.65 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" MECHANICS MAINTENANCE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" MILLWRIGHT (Zone 1) MILLWRIGHTS LOCAL 1121 - Zone 1 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 17 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - MILLWRIGHT - Local 1121 Zone 1 Effective Date - 04/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $4.48 $0.00 $34.98 $24.47 $9.80 $13.36 $0.00 $47.63 75 $28.23 $9.80 $14.18 $0.00 $52.21 85 $31.99 $9.80 $14.99 $0.00 $56.78 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 55 $20.70 2 65 3 4 Notes: Steps are 2,000 hours Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 MORTAR MIXER 12/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 1 06/01/2016 $35.60 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2015 $22.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $47.17 06/01/2016 $22.66 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $47.56 12/01/2016 $23.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $48.21 06/01/2017 $23.82 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $48.72 12/01/2017 $24.34 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $49.24 12/01/2015 $26.08 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $50.98 06/01/2016 $26.54 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $51.44 12/01/2016 $27.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $52.19 06/01/2017 $27.89 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $52.79 $0.00 $53.40 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" OILER (OTHER THAN TRUCK CRANES,GRADALLS) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" OILER (TRUCK CRANES, GRADALLS) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2017 $28.50 $10.00 $14.90 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 01/01/2016 $49.51 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $73.46 07/01/2016 $50.46 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $74.41 01/01/2017 $51.41 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $75.36 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" OTHER POWER DRIVEN EQUIPMENT - CLASS II OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" PAINTER (BRIDGES/TANKS) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 18 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 - BRIDGES/TANKS Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.61 $27.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.74 60 $29.71 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $41.55 4 65 $32.18 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.35 5 70 $34.66 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $56.62 6 75 $37.13 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $59.42 7 80 $39.61 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.23 8 90 $44.56 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $67.85 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.76 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.23 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $33.08 2 55 $27.75 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $39.26 3 60 $30.28 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $42.12 4 65 $32.80 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.97 5 70 $35.32 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $57.28 6 75 $37.85 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $60.14 7 80 $40.37 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.99 8 90 $45.41 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $68.70 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (SPRAY OR SANDBLAST, NEW) * * If 30% or more of surfaces to be painted are new construction, NEW paint rate shall be used.PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 01/01/2016 $40.41 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.36 $0.00 $65.31 $0.00 $66.26 07/01/2016 $41.36 $7.85 $16.10 01/01/2017 $42.31 $7.85 $16.10 20160406-039 Page 19 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - Spray/Sandblast - New Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $28.06 $22.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.74 60 $24.25 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $36.09 4 65 $26.27 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $38.44 5 70 $28.29 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $50.25 6 75 $30.31 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $52.60 7 80 $32.33 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.95 8 90 $36.37 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $59.66 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $20.21 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $20.68 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $28.53 2 55 $22.75 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $34.26 3 60 $24.82 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $36.66 4 65 $26.88 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $39.05 5 70 $28.95 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $50.91 6 75 $31.02 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $53.31 7 80 $33.09 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $55.71 8 90 $37.22 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $60.51 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (SPRAY OR SANDBLAST, REPAINT) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 01/01/2016 $38.47 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.42 $0.00 $63.37 $0.00 $64.32 07/01/2016 $39.42 $7.85 $16.10 01/01/2017 $40.37 $7.85 $16.10 20160406-039 Page 20 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - Spray/Sandblast - Repaint Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.09 $21.16 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.67 60 $23.08 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.92 4 65 $25.01 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.18 5 70 $26.93 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.89 6 75 $28.85 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.14 7 80 $30.78 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.40 8 90 $34.62 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.91 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.24 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.71 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.56 2 55 $21.68 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.19 3 60 $23.65 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.49 4 65 $25.62 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.79 5 70 $27.59 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.55 6 75 $29.57 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.86 7 80 $31.54 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.16 8 90 $35.48 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.77 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (TRAFFIC MARKINGS) 12/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 1 $35.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.35 $0.00 $57.10 06/01/2016 $36.10 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.10 01/01/2016 $39.01 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.96 07/01/2016 $39.96 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.91 01/01/2017 $40.91 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.86 For Apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" PAINTER / TAPER (BRUSH, NEW) * * If 30% or more of surfaces to be painted are new construction, NEW paint rate shall be used.PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 21 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER - Local 35 Zone 2 - BRUSH NEW Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.36 $21.46 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.97 60 $23.41 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.25 4 65 $25.36 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.53 5 70 $27.31 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.27 6 75 $29.26 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.55 7 80 $31.21 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.83 8 90 $35.11 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.40 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.51 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.98 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.83 2 55 $21.98 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.49 3 60 $23.98 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.82 4 65 $25.97 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $38.14 5 70 $27.97 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.93 6 75 $29.97 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $52.26 7 80 $31.97 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.59 8 90 $35.96 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $59.25 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER / TAPER (BRUSH, REPAINT) 01/01/2016 PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: $37.07 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $61.02 $0.00 $61.97 $0.00 $62.92 07/01/2016 $38.02 $7.85 $16.10 01/01/2017 $38.97 $7.85 $16.10 20160406-039 Page 22 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - BRUSH REPAINT Effective Date - 01/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.39 $20.39 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $31.90 60 $22.24 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.08 4 65 $24.10 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.27 5 70 $25.95 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $47.91 6 75 $27.80 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.09 7 80 $29.66 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $52.28 8 90 $33.36 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $56.65 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $18.54 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 07/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.01 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.86 2 55 $20.91 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.42 3 60 $22.81 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.65 4 65 $24.71 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.88 5 70 $26.61 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.57 6 75 $28.52 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.81 7 80 $30.42 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.04 8 90 $34.22 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.51 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PANEL & PICKUP TRUCKS DRIVER 12/01/2015 TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A PIER AND DOCK CONSTRUCTOR (UNDERPINNING AND DECK) $32.58 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.07 $0.00 $53.57 06/01/2016 $33.08 $10.41 $10.08 08/01/2016 $33.08 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.07 12/01/2016 $33.08 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.88 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PILE DRIVER" PILE DRIVER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 23 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PILE DRIVER - Local 56 Zone 1 Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $50.05 $25.22 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $54.25 70 $29.43 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $58.46 4 75 $31.53 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $60.56 5 80 $33.63 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $62.66 6 80 $33.63 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $62.66 7 90 $37.84 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $66.87 8 90 $37.84 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $66.87 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $21.02 2 60 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 PIPEFITTER & STEAMFITTER 03/01/2016 PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 Apprentice - $49.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $77.03 $0.00 $78.03 $0.00 $79.03 09/01/2016 $50.19 $9.70 $18.14 03/01/2017 $51.19 $9.70 $18.14 PIPEFITTER - Local 537 Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.70 $7.50 $0.00 $36.88 $22.14 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $49.98 60 $29.51 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $57.35 4 70 $34.43 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $62.27 5 80 $39.35 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $67.19 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $19.68 2 45 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $20.08 $9.70 $7.50 $0.00 $37.28 2 45 $22.59 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $50.43 3 60 $30.11 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $57.95 4 70 $35.13 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $62.97 5 80 $40.15 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $67.99 Notes: ** 1:3; 3:15; 1:10 thereafter / Steps are 1 yr. Refrig/AC Mechanic **1:1;1:2;2:4;3:6;4:8;5:10;6:12;7:14;8:17;9:20;10:23(Max) Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** PIPELAYER LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 24 of 35 Classification PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS LOCAL 12 Apprentice - Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 03/01/2016 $51.36 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $77.57 09/01/2016 $52.41 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $78.62 03/01/2017 $53.41 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $79.62 PLUMBER/GASFITTER - Local 12 Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $11.07 $5.63 $0.00 $34.68 $20.54 $11.07 $6.37 $0.00 $37.98 $28.25 $11.07 $8.56 $0.00 $47.88 $33.38 $11.07 $10.03 $0.00 $54.48 $38.52 $11.07 $11.48 $0.00 $61.07 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 35 $17.98 2 40 3 55 4 65 5 75 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/01/2016 Step percent 1 35 $18.34 $11.07 $5.63 $0.00 $35.04 2 40 $20.96 $11.07 $6.36 $0.00 $38.39 3 55 $28.83 $11.07 $8.55 $0.00 $48.45 4 65 $34.07 $11.07 $10.02 $0.00 $55.16 5 75 $39.31 $11.07 $11.48 $0.00 $61.86 Notes: ** 1:2; 2:6; 3:10; 4:14; 5:19/Steps are 1 yr Step4 with lic$57.78 Step5 with lic$64.37 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** PNEUMATIC CONTROLS (TEMP.) PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 03/01/2016 $49.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $77.03 09/01/2016 $50.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $78.03 03/01/2017 $51.19 $9.70 $18.14 $0.00 $79.03 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 $0.00 $58.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" PNEUMATIC DRILL/TOOL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2015 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 $0.00 $58.10 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" POWDERMAN & BLASTER LABORERS - ZONE 1 06/01/2016 $37.10 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2016 $38.10 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $59.10 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.63 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" POWER SHOVEL/DERRICK/TRENCHING MACHINE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 25 of 35 Classification PUMP OPERATOR (CONCRETE) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 12/01/2015 $30.13 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.03 06/01/2016 $30.65 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $55.55 12/01/2016 $31.52 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $56.42 06/01/2017 $32.21 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.11 12/01/2017 $32.90 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $57.80 07/01/2015 $27.88 $7.98 $8.92 $0.00 $44.78 05/01/2016 $28.03 $7.98 $9.31 $0.00 $45.32 07/01/2016 $28.03 $8.23 $9.31 $0.00 $45.57 05/01/2017 $28.18 $8.23 $9.72 $0.00 $46.13 $0.00 $46.38 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" PUMP OPERATOR (DEWATERING, OTHER) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" READY MIX CONCRETE DRIVERS after 4/30/10 (Drivers Hired After 4/30/2010) TEAMSTERS LOCAL 25c READY-MIX CONCRETE DRIVER TEAMSTERS LOCAL 25c 07/01/2017 $28.18 $8.48 $9.72 07/01/2015 $29.18 $7.98 $8.92 $0.00 $46.08 $7.98 $9.31 $0.00 $46.62 $0.00 $46.87 05/01/2016 RECLAIMERS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 $29.33 07/01/2016 $29.33 $8.23 $9.31 05/01/2017 $29.48 $8.23 $9.72 $0.00 $47.43 07/01/2017 $29.48 $8.48 $9.72 $0.00 $47.68 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 04/01/2011 $24.24 $8.67 $15.51 $0.00 $48.42 05/01/2011 $24.24 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $36.81 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME (All Other Work) CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Residential Wood) RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME CARPENTER ** ** The Residential Wood Frame Carpenter classification applies only to the construction of new, wood frame residences that do not exceed four stories including the basement. CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Residential Wood) As of 9/1/09 Carpentry work on wood-frame residential WEATHERIZATION projects shall be paid the RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME CARPENTER rate. Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 26 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - CARPENTER (Residential Wood Frame) - Zone 2 Effective Date - 05/01/2011 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $6.34 $0.00 $0.00 $20.88 $14.54 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $27.11 65 $15.76 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $28.33 4 70 $16.97 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $29.54 5 75 $18.18 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $30.75 6 80 $19.39 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $31.96 7 85 $20.60 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $33.17 8 90 $21.82 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $34.39 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 60 $14.54 2 60 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 RIDE-ON MOTORIZED BUGGY OPERATOR 12/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 1 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 $0.00 $57.35 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 02/01/2016 $40.11 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $64.01 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ROLLER/SPREADER/MULCHING MACHINE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" ROOFER (Inc.Roofer Waterproofng &Roofer Damproofg) ROOFERS LOCAL 33 Apprentice - ROOFER - Local 33 Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $11.00 $3.39 $0.00 $34.45 $24.07 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $47.97 $26.07 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $49.97 $30.08 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $53.98 $34.09 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $57.99 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $20.06 2 60 3 65 4 75 5 85 Notes: ** 1:5, 2:6-10, the 1:10; Reroofing: 1:4, then 1:1 Step 1 is 2000 hrs.; Steps 2-5 are 1000 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** ROOFER SLATE / TILE / PRECAST CONCRETE ROOFERS LOCAL 33 02/01/2016 $40.36 $11.00 $12.90 $0.00 $64.26 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ROOFER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 27 of 35 Classification SHEETMETAL WORKER SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 02/01/2016 $43.31 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $78.24 08/01/2016 $44.46 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $79.39 02/01/2017 $45.56 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $80.49 08/01/2017 $46.66 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $81.59 02/01/2018 $47.81 $10.70 $21.95 $2.28 $82.74 Apprentice - SHEET METAL WORKER - Local 17-A Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.70 $4.90 $0.00 $32.92 $17.32 $10.70 $4.90 $0.00 $32.92 $19.49 $10.70 $9.79 $1.20 $41.18 $19.49 $10.70 $9.79 $1.20 $41.18 50 $21.66 $10.70 $10.65 $1.29 $44.30 6 50 $21.66 $10.70 $10.90 $1.30 $44.56 7 60 $25.99 $10.70 $12.37 $1.47 $50.53 8 65 $28.15 $10.70 $13.24 $1.56 $53.65 9 75 $32.48 $10.70 $14.97 $1.74 $59.89 10 85 $36.81 $10.70 $16.18 $1.91 $65.60 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $17.32 2 40 3 45 4 45 5 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $17.78 $10.70 $4.90 $0.00 $33.38 2 40 $17.78 $10.70 $4.90 $0.00 $33.38 3 45 $20.01 $10.70 $9.79 $1.22 $41.72 4 45 $20.01 $10.70 $9.79 $1.22 $41.72 5 50 $22.23 $10.70 $10.65 $1.31 $44.89 6 50 $22.23 $10.70 $10.90 $1.31 $45.14 7 60 $26.68 $10.70 $12.37 $1.49 $51.24 8 65 $28.90 $10.70 $13.24 $1.59 $54.43 9 75 $33.35 $10.70 $14.97 $1.77 $60.79 10 85 $37.79 $10.70 $16.18 $1.94 $66.61 Notes: Steps are 6 mos. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:4 SIGN ERECTOR 06/01/2013 PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: $25.81 20160406-039 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $39.93 Page 28 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - SIGN ERECTOR - Local 35 Zone 2 Effective Date - 06/01/2013 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.07 $0.00 $0.00 $19.98 $14.20 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $23.72 60 $15.49 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $25.01 4 65 $16.78 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $26.30 5 70 $18.07 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $32.19 6 75 $19.36 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $33.48 7 80 $20.65 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $34.77 8 85 $21.94 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $36.06 9 90 $23.23 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $37.35 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $12.91 2 55 3 Notes: Steps are 4 mos. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 SPECIALIZED EARTH MOVING EQUIP < 35 TONS TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A SPECIALIZED EARTH MOVING EQUIP > 35 TONS TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A SPRINKLER FITTER SPRINKLER FITTERS LOCAL 550 - (Section A) Zone 1 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 12/01/2015 $33.04 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.53 $0.00 $54.03 06/01/2016 $33.54 $10.41 $10.08 08/01/2016 $33.54 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.53 12/01/2016 $33.54 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.34 12/01/2015 $33.33 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.82 06/01/2016 $33.83 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $54.32 08/01/2016 $33.83 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.82 12/01/2016 $33.83 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.63 03/01/2016 $54.43 $8.67 $16.80 $0.00 $79.90 10/01/2016 $55.53 $8.67 $16.80 $0.00 $81.00 03/01/2017 $56.53 $8.67 $16.80 $0.00 $82.00 20160406-039 Page 29 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - SPRINKLER FITTER - Local 550 (Section A) Zone 1 Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $36.27 $21.77 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $38.99 45 $24.49 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $41.71 4 50 $27.22 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $44.44 5 55 $29.94 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $47.16 6 60 $32.66 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $49.88 7 65 $35.38 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $52.60 8 70 $38.10 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $55.32 9 75 $40.82 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $58.04 10 80 $43.54 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $60.76 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 35 $19.05 2 40 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 10/01/2016 Step percent 1 35 $19.44 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $36.66 2 40 $22.21 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $39.43 3 45 $24.99 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $42.21 4 50 $27.77 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $44.99 5 55 $30.54 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $47.76 6 60 $33.32 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $50.54 7 65 $36.09 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $53.31 8 70 $38.87 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $56.09 9 75 $41.65 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $58.87 10 80 $44.42 $8.67 $8.55 $0.00 $61.64 Notes: Apprentice entered prior 9/30/10: 40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85 Steps are 850 hours Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 STEAM BOILER OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 $0.00 $72.17 $0.00 $62.18 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" TAMPERS, SELF-PROPELLED OR TRACTOR DRAWN OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 03/01/2016 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 30 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN - Local 103 Effective Date - 03/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $13.00 $0.42 $0.00 $27.27 $13.85 $13.00 $0.42 $0.00 $27.27 45 $15.58 $13.00 $11.52 $0.00 $40.10 4 45 $15.58 $13.00 $11.52 $0.00 $40.10 5 50 $17.32 $13.00 $11.79 $0.00 $42.11 6 55 $19.05 $13.00 $12.06 $0.00 $44.11 7 60 $20.78 $13.00 $12.34 $0.00 $46.12 8 65 $22.51 $13.00 $12.62 $0.00 $48.13 9 70 $24.24 $13.00 $12.90 $0.00 $50.14 10 75 $25.97 $13.00 $13.17 $0.00 $52.14 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 40 $13.85 2 40 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 TERRAZZO FINISHERS BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE Apprentice - 02/01/2016 $48.80 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $78.12 08/01/2016 $49.70 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $79.10 02/01/2017 $50.27 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $79.67 TERRAZZO FINISHER - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 02/01/2016 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $53.72 $29.28 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $58.60 70 $34.16 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $63.48 4 80 $39.04 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $68.36 5 90 $43.92 $10.18 $19.14 $0.00 $73.24 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.40 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $24.85 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $54.25 2 60 $29.82 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $59.22 3 70 $34.79 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $64.19 4 80 $39.76 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $69.16 5 90 $44.73 $10.18 $19.22 $0.00 $74.13 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 31 of 35 Classification TEST BORING DRILLER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $36.70 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.90 06/01/2016 $37.45 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $58.65 12/01/2016 $38.45 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $59.65 12/01/2015 $35.42 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $56.62 06/01/2016 $36.17 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.37 $0.00 $58.37 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TEST BORING DRILLER HELPER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE 12/01/2016 $37.17 $7.45 $13.75 12/01/2015 $35.30 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2016 $36.05 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2016 $37.05 $7.45 $13.75 $0.00 $58.25 12/01/2015 $43.31 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.06 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.29 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.28 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.27 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.17 12/01/2015 $33.62 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $54.11 06/01/2016 $34.12 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $54.61 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $55.11 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.92 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $69.18 $0.00 $69.93 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TEST BORING LABORER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TRACTORS/PORTABLE STEAM GENERATORS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" TRAILERS FOR EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A 08/01/2016 12/01/2016 TUNNEL WORK - COMPRESSED AIR 12/01/2015 LABORERS (COMPRESSED AIR) $34.12 $34.12 $47.58 06/01/2016 $48.33 $7.45 $14.15 12/01/2016 $49.33 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $70.93 12/01/2015 $49.58 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $71.18 06/01/2016 $50.33 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $71.93 12/01/2016 $51.33 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $72.93 12/01/2015 $39.65 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $61.25 06/01/2016 $40.40 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $62.00 12/01/2016 $41.40 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $63.00 12/01/2015 $41.65 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $63.25 06/01/2016 $42.40 $7.45 $14.15 $0.00 $64.00 $0.00 $65.00 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - COMPRESSED AIR (HAZ. WASTE) LABORERS (COMPRESSED AIR) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - FREE AIR LABORERS (FREE AIR TUNNEL) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - FREE AIR (HAZ. WASTE) LABORERS (FREE AIR TUNNEL) 12/01/2016 $43.40 $7.45 $14.15 12/01/2015 $33.04 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.53 $0.00 $54.03 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" VAC-HAUL TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE A WAGON DRILL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 1 06/01/2016 $33.54 $10.41 $10.08 08/01/2016 $33.54 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.53 12/01/2016 $33.54 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $55.34 12/01/2015 $35.60 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $56.60 06/01/2016 $36.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $57.35 12/01/2016 $37.35 $7.45 $13.55 $0.00 $58.35 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 32 of 35 Classification WASTE WATER PUMP OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 12/01/2015 $43.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.48 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $45.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $46.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $47.73 $10.00 $14.90 $0.00 $72.63 03/01/2016 $51.36 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $77.57 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $78.62 $53.41 $11.07 $15.14 $0.00 $79.62 08/30/2015 $26.11 $7.25 $1.78 $0.00 $35.14 08/28/2016 $26.61 $7.50 $1.80 $0.00 $35.91 09/03/2017 $27.14 $7.75 $1.81 $0.00 $36.70 08/30/2015 $36.98 $7.25 $8.12 $0.00 $52.35 08/28/2016 $37.70 $7.50 $8.87 $0.00 $54.07 09/03/2017 $38.45 $7.75 $9.53 $0.00 $55.73 08/30/2015 $30.46 $7.25 $8.34 $0.00 $46.05 08/28/2016 $31.05 $7.50 $8.89 $0.00 $47.44 09/03/2017 $31.66 $7.75 $9.44 $0.00 $48.85 08/30/2015 $23.93 $7.25 $1.72 $0.00 $32.90 08/28/2016 $24.39 $7.50 $1.73 $0.00 $33.62 $0.00 $34.38 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" WATER METER INSTALLER PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS LOCAL 12 09/01/2016 03/01/2017 $52.41 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/GASFITTER" Outside Electrical - East CABLE TECHNICIAN (Power Zone) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" CABLEMAN (Underground Ducts & Cables) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" DRIVER / GROUNDMAN CDL OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" DRIVER / GROUNDMAN -Inexperienced (<2000 Hrs) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 09/03/2017 $24.88 $7.75 $1.75 08/30/2015 $36.98 $7.25 $12.29 $0.00 $56.52 08/28/2016 $37.70 $7.50 $12.95 $0.00 $58.15 09/03/2017 $38.45 $7.75 $13.61 $0.00 $59.81 08/30/2015 $32.63 $7.25 $9.05 $0.00 $48.93 08/28/2016 $33.26 $7.50 $9.63 $0.00 $50.39 09/03/2017 $33.92 $7.75 $10.21 $0.00 $51.88 08/30/2015 $23.93 $7.25 $1.72 $0.00 $32.90 08/28/2016 $24.39 $7.50 $1.73 $0.00 $33.62 09/03/2017 $24.88 $7.75 $1.75 $0.00 $34.38 08/30/2015 $19.58 $7.25 $1.59 $0.00 $28.42 08/28/2016 $19.96 $7.50 $1.60 $0.00 $29.06 $0.00 $29.71 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Class A CDL) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Class B CDL) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" GROUNDMAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" GROUNDMAN -Inexperienced (<2000 Hrs.) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 09/03/2017 $20.35 $7.75 $1.61 08/30/2015 $43.51 $7.25 $15.06 $0.00 $65.82 $0.00 $67.68 $0.00 $69.59 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 08/28/2016 $44.35 $7.50 $15.83 09/03/2017 $45.23 $7.75 $16.61 20160406-039 Page 33 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - LINEMAN (Outside Electrical) - East Local 104 Effective Date - 08/30/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.25 $3.28 $0.00 $36.64 $28.28 $7.25 $3.35 $0.00 $38.88 70 $30.46 $7.25 $3.41 $0.00 $41.12 4 75 $32.63 $7.25 $4.98 $0.00 $44.86 5 80 $34.81 $7.25 $5.04 $0.00 $47.10 6 85 $36.98 $7.25 $5.11 $0.00 $49.34 7 90 $39.16 $7.25 $7.17 $0.00 $53.58 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 60 $26.11 2 65 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 08/28/2016 Step percent 1 60 $26.61 $7.50 $3.30 $0.00 $37.41 2 65 $28.83 $7.50 $3.36 $0.00 $39.69 3 70 $31.05 $7.50 $3.43 $0.00 $41.98 4 75 $33.26 $7.50 $5.00 $0.00 $45.76 5 80 $35.48 $7.50 $5.06 $0.00 $48.04 6 85 $37.70 $7.50 $5.13 $0.00 $50.33 7 90 $39.92 $7.50 $7.20 $0.00 $54.62 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:2 TELEDATA CABLE SPLICER OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 TELEDATA LINEMAN/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 TELEDATA WIREMAN/INSTALLER/TECHNICIAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 TREE TRIMMER OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 01/01/2016 $28.98 $4.25 $3.12 $0.00 $36.35 01/01/2016 $27.31 $4.25 $3.07 $0.00 $34.63 01/01/2016 $27.31 $4.25 $3.07 $0.00 $34.63 01/31/2016 $18.51 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $22.06 This classification applies only to tree work done: (a) for a utility company, R.E.A. cooperative, or railroad or coal mining company, and (b) for the purpose of operating, maintaining, or repairing the utility company’s equipment, and (c) by a person who is using hand or mechanical cutting methods and is not on the ground. This classification does not apply to wholesale tree removal. TREE TRIMMER GROUNDMAN 01/31/2016 OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 $16.32 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $19.87 This classification applies only to tree work done: (a) for a utility company, R.E.A. cooperative, or railroad or coal mining company, and (b) for the purpose of operating, maintaining, or repairing the utility company’s equipment, and (c) by a person who is using hand or mechanical cutting methods and is on the ground. This classification does not apply to wholesale tree removal. Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 34 of 35 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Additional Apprentice Information: Minimum wage rates for apprentices employed on public works projects are listed above as a percentage of the pre-determined hourly wage rate established by the Commissioner under the provisions of the M.G.L. c. 149, ss. 26-27D. Apprentice ratios are established by the Division of Apprenticeship Training pursuant to M.G.L. c. 23, ss. 11E-11L. All apprentices must be registered with the Division of Apprenticeship Training in accordance with M.G.L. c. 23, ss. 11E-11L. All steps are six months (1000 hours.) Ratios are expressed in allowable number of apprentices to journeymen or fraction thereof, unless otherwise specified. ** Multiple ratios are listed in the comment field. *** APP to JM; 1:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 5:7, 6:7, 6:8, 6:9, 7:10, 8:10, 8:11, 8:12, 9:13, 10:13, 10:14, etc. **** APP to JM; 1:1, 1:2, 2:3, 2:4, 3:5, 4:6, 4:7, 5:8, 6:9, 6:10, 7:11, 8:12, 8:13, 9:14, 10:15, 10:16, etc. Issue Date: 04/06/2016 Wage Request Number: 20160406-039 Page 35 of 35