Q# Reference Document Section (i.e. Instructions, Form of Tender, Drawing No., etc.) Insert Section # (i.e. Section 1.1.1(a) CONTRACT NO. PT-2015-RF-082 ADDENDUM NO. Addendum No. 2 DUE DATE FOR RESPONSES: January 22, 2016 Question Response C1. There is likely an existing municipal water main not noted on Drawings and crossing the rail corridor in the vicinity of Station 99+956. It is expected to be below the limit of excavation for track works, Contractor to locate, expose and confirm the location and nature of the water main in the presence of the Consultant. 1 Form of Tender 2.0 Appendix D, page 1 of 9 A. The reference section requires the bidder to complete a minimum of eight (8) reference projects however on page 8 of 24 instructions to bidders it mentions minimum of two as a General. Are we to assume the remaining Appendix D reference projects are for the Subcontractors? A. Yes, unless the Bidder is designating a Subcontractor for that portion of Work. Refer to revised Form of Tender issued as part of this Addendum. B. If a Subcontractor is being designated for these requirements, please ensure that the CCDC 11 shows all of the requirements stated in Appendix “D” – Bidders Qualifications. And state in Appendix D – B. If so, it mentions that the subcontractors in see CCDC 11 attached for that particular Reference Project No. Appendix G shall provide a CCDC11 with their experience but also that the Bidder shall complete C. Yes. Appendix “E”? (assuming this should say Appendix Addendum No. 2 PT-2015-RF-082 -2“D”? (as Appendix E is the Agreement to Bond.) C. In Appendix G page 2 of 5 to page 5 of 5, the General Contractor is to indicate whether they are using a subcontractor and name them here and the subcontractor is to provide a CCDC11, does the Bidder still need to indicate on an Appendix D the subcontractor?, it seems redundant, please clarify. 2 Form of Tender 5.0 Appendix G, Page 1 of 5 Under Supporting Documentation the last box states Refer to revised Form of Tender issued as part of this Addendum. that a Bidder shall provide a completed Appendix “E”, the Appendix “E” is the Agreement to Bond, should this not be Appendix “D”? 3 Appendix B Schedule of Prices Upon downloading the above Contract PT-2015-RF- This is a CCDC 2 Stipulated Price Contract and these are Provisional 082, the only Schedule of Prices that downloaded Items. were two items for Provisional Items, where are the rest of the items for the tender? 4 E-001 to E-028 The cables in this project are very long and extremely heavy. Unless noted specifically on Drawings splicing shall be avoid where it practically possible. These cables would take a long time to install. To be installed in one run would require multiple days of continuous work and leaving reels and cables strung along the job site over nights. I am not sure this is possible due to the restrictions on this job site. Metrolinx explicitly prohibits any splices below the grade. Due to the number of manholes containing sharp 90’s we would need to use these as pull points. That means we would have over 300m Cu wire being pulled out of manholes and laid along the Addendum No. 2 PT-2015-RF-082 Thank for your proposal aiming improvement of constructability and potential saving. However Metrolinx directives shall be always followed. Splicing of existing and new cables is allowed only where indicted on Drawings. -3track to be re-fed into the manhole. During this time the cable would be subject to damage through unnecessary manhandling and potentially dragging along rocks or tracks. The weight of this run is approx. 10lbs per foot. When you’re looking at a run that’s over 2200 I am not sure anyone has equipment capable of pulling this cable through without risk of damage and if you try and pull it conductor at a time I am not sure the cable manufacturers will like the amount of pulling tension required to install. I would like to propose 3 splices at strategic manholes and using epoxy filled 3M splice kits, tested before and after each splice is completed or another approved splicing method by Metrolinx This would allow the installation of the cables to be done in an efficient manner, less chance of wire being left out of a manhole or conduit overnight, less cable being pulled off reels and refed meaning less potential damage during installation, The lengths would be manageable on reasonably sized reels, less chance of wire being damaged by the tension on the cable because of weight. Less risk of cable being strung all over the tracks during train arrivals 5 Electrical General 16010 Requirements b.iii.A.1, Page 2 Addendum No. 2 PT-2015-RF-082 Upgrade of existing 4000kva main transformers. The original transformer has been manufactured by Northern Please provide the name of the existing transformer Transformer. manufacturer and transformer information. Transformer data refer to added Attachment #9 – Northern Transformer Nameplate issued as part of this Addendum. -46 Electrical General 16010 Requirements b.iii.B.1. Page 3 Upgrade of existing 600v main switchgear. Please The original switchgear manufactured by Siemens Canada. provide the name of the existing main switchgear Feeder breaker and other details refer to added Attachments #10 manufacturer and existing breaker information. through #12 issued as part of this Addendum - attached picture of nameplate and copy of manufacturers’ Drawings aecasts-001-1b and aecasts-001-3b. 7 Electrical General 16010 Requirements b.iii.B.1, Page 3 Please provide Johnson Control contact information. Johnson Control Inc. Contacts: 1. Account manager is Reaz Usmanali Phone: 416 885 3041, E-mail: Reaz.Usmanali@jci.com 2. Application Engineer Henry.W.Togeretz Phone 905 730 9706, E-mail: Henry.W.Togeretz@jci.com 8 Electrical General 16010 k.12, Please provide Specification for “folding work Foldable workspace is 25mm thick with minimal dimensions 760mm x Requirements Page 7 space”. Please provide requirements for other 610mm as indicated on E-009. “pieces of furniture”. Could these be provided by a Furniture includes only the lectern and workspace as noted on E-009. Cash Allowance carried by the General contractor? 9 UPS Page 3, Please provide the approved UPS manufacturers. 16261 part 2 a.i Any manufacturer of industrial grade UPS which meets the specification. However UPS shall be certified for use in emergency lighting applications. Metrolinx policy precludes naming of specific manufacturers. 10 DryType Transformer 11 Electrical Dwg E012 Page 2, Please provide the approved Dry Type Transformer Any manufacturer of Dry transformer which meets Specification. 16271 Part manufacturers. Metrolinx policy precludes naming of specific manufacturers. 1 a.vii Please provide Specifications for Outdoor pole Refer Section 16505 regarding HPD ballasts and HPD lamps. Fixture is mounted fixture “S1”. to match the exiting as indicated on Drawing. Detailed information on existing fixtures is not available. Addendum No. 2 PT-2015-RF-082 -5For tender propose assume that the fixture are industrial grade HPS 400W. 12 Dwg Dwg E-004 E-010 & Addendum No. 2 PT-2015-RF-082 Note # 10 on Drawing E-004 & panel schedule LP-A on Drawing E-010 indicate this panel is to remain & existing breakers to be replaced, Note#11 on Drawing E-004 says panel LP-A is to be replaced with a new panel. Please clarify if panel LP-A is to be replaced with new or is it existing to remain. LP-A shall be replaced with new as indicated in Note# 11 on Drawing E-004 and on panelboard schedule on Drawing E-010. Note#10 on Drawing E-004 specifies that the new panel LP-A shall serve all existing loads and all new loads as indicated on panelboard schedule on Drawing E-010.