SUA Bid #01 C8410 – Electrical Installation ATTACHMENT B Contract Drawings & Specifications Certain issued for bid Drawings may contain clouded items indicated as “hold”. A “hold” cloud indicates an item that requires further design development to finalize. Bidders shall price the item(s) contained within the “hold” cloud(s) as shown on the issued for bid Drawings. Any items contained within a “hold” cloud are considered a part of the Work, as shown, and all costs associated with such Work shall be included in the Bid price. Stillwater Utilities Authority Power Generation Station Project C8410 - Electrical Installation Burns & McDonnell Project No. 75644 Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. Oklahoma Certificate of Authorization No. CA-421 DOCUMENT 000005 - INDEX AND CERTIFICATION PAGE SPECIFICATION INDEX DOCUMENT / DIVISION DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF PAGES 1 26 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ELECTRICAL 73 119 CERTIFICATIONISf I hereby certify that this information in the document was assembled under my responsible charge. This report is not intended or represented to be suitable for reuse by others without specific verification or adaptation by the Engineer. This certification is made in accordance with the provisions of the statutes and rules of the Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. 75644 8410 000005-1 Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings ATTACHMENT B SPECIFICATIONS & DRAWINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS Revision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIFICATIONS Number of Pages DIVISION 1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 011100 Summary of Work Section 012500 Substitutions Section 013210 Construction Progress Schedules and Reports Section 013233 Construction Photographs Section 013301 Submittals Appendix A Submittal Schedule Appendix B Submittal Information Block Appendix C Submittal Description Appendix D Typical Instruction Book Cover or Operating Manual Cover and Spine Layout Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Section 014200 Definitions and Standards Section 015200 Field Offices and Shed Section 015600 Temporary Utilities and Facilities Section 016001 Equipment and Materials Section 017800 Contract Closeout DIVISION 26 – ELECTRICAL Section 260000 General Requirements Section 260002 Electrical Equipment – General Technical Requirements Section 260504 Wire, Cable, and Accessories EX-260504-1 Acceptable Cable Manufacturers – Cross Reference Chart EX-260504-2 Cable Reel Identification Number EX-260504-3 Cable Type Designations EX-260504-4 Cable Ampacity – Reference Chart BC2 Bare Copper Ground Cable CEN1 600 Volt – Unshielded Multi-Conductor Control Cable CEN2 600 Volt – Shielded Multi-Conductor Control Cable DAT1 Cat 5E – Non-Plenum Rated Communication Cable FIB1 Fiber Optic – Loose Tube Outside Plant Multi Mode Cable HRN4A 15,000 Volt – Single Conductor – Shielded – Power Cable IEN1 600 Volt – Shielded Instrument Cable (With Shielded Twisted pairs) SE2A 600 Volt – Single Conductor – Power Cable SEN1 600 Volt – Single Conductor – Power Cable SEN1a 600/2000 Volt – DLO Single Conductor – Power Cable SEN2 600 Volt – Multiple Conductor – Power Cable SEN3a 600 Volt – Multiple Conductor – Power Cable SW1 600 Volt – Single Conductor – Power Cable ii 9 3 11 2 9 1 1 1 1 11 3 2 4 3 2 8 2 4 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings Revision SPECIFICATIONS 0 TCE1 0 TCK1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 260506 Section 260526 Section 260533 Section 260536 Section 260551 Section 260800 STF 808 STF 809 STF 814 STF 826 STF 828 Section 260812 Section 262400 Section 262900 Section 263355 Section 263356 Section 264100 Section 265000 Section 267030 300 Volt Shielded Chromel/Constantan Termocouple Extension Wire (With Shielded Twisted Pairs) 300 Volt Shielded Chromel/Alumel Thermocouple Extension Wire (With Shielded Twisted Pairs) Specials Grounding Conduit and Accessories Cable Tray and Wireway Alternating Current Electric Motors Electrical Testing for Construction Molded Case Circuit Breaker Test Report Low Voltage Motor Control Center Test Report Low Voltage Transformer Test Report Megger Test Report High Potential Test Data Installation of Major Equipment Panelboards, Switchboards, and Transformers Power Switching and Control Devices Package UPS Systems Package UPS Systems – Data to be Submitted with Bid Lightning Protection Systems Lighting, Receptacles, and Controlling Devices Grouting and Anchoring iii Number of Pages 1 1 5 4 10 5 4 14 1 2 1 1 1 4 5 4 7 2 4 8 3 Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings CONTRACT DRAWINGS Drawing No. E001 E002 Rev 1 3 Drawing Title Electrical Legend For One Line Diagrams Electrical Legend for Plans, Sections and Details E003 1 Electrical Legend for Connection Diagrams & Schematics EE001 0 Overall One Line Diagram EE101 LATER One Line Diagram 13,800V Switchgear Metering and Relaying EE102 LATER One Line Diagram 13,800V Switchgear Metering and Relaying EE103 LATER One Line Diagram 13,800V Switchgear Metering and Relaying EE105 2 EE110 0 One Line Diagram 480V Switchgear 00-EAP-SWG-011 & 00-EAP-SWG012 Phasing Diagram EE111 EE112 0 0 One Line Diagram 480 Volt Motor Control Center 01-EAP-MCC-001 One Line Diagram 480 Volt Motor Control Center 02-EAP-MCC-001 EE113 0 One Line Diagram 480 Volt Motor Control Center 03-EAP-MCC-001 EE114 1 One Line Diagram 480 Volt Common Motor Control Center 00-EAPMCC-001 EE115 0 One Line Diagram Engine Auxiliaries 0X-EAP-MCC-001 EE116 EE121 0 LATER One Line Diagram 480V Admin Bldg. Switchboard 00-EAP-SWBD-101 Panel Schedule 00-EAP-BLI-961, -962, -963, and MPZ-1 EE122 LATER Panel Schedule 00-EEP-BLI-971 & 00-EEP-BLI-972 EE123 LATER Panel Schedule 00-EAP-BLI-931 & 00-EAP-BLI-932 EE124 EE131 LATER LATER Panel Schedule 00-EAP-BLI-941, -942, -943 One Line Diagram Plant DC/UPS System EE132 LATER EE151 0 Panel Schedule 24VDC And 110VDC Systems 00-EEP-BEY-901, -902, & -903 Front View GSU TFM-001 Protective Relay Panel EE152 0 Nameplates GSU TFM-001 Protective Relay Panel EE153 0 Front View GSU TFM-002 Protective Relay Panel EE154 0 Nameplates GSU TFM-002 Protective Relay Panel EE155 0 Front View & Nameplates Phase 1 Revenue Metering Panel EE156 0 Front View & Nameplates Phase 2 Revenue Metering Panel EP200 2 Electrical Grounding Key Plan EP251 EP252 0 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 251 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 252 EP253 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 253 iv Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings EP254 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 254 EP255 EP256 0 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 255 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 256 EP257 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 257 EP258 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 258 EP259 EP260 0 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 259 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 260 EP261 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 261 EP262 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 262 EP263 EP264 0 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 263 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 264 EP265 0 Power Block Grounding Plan Above Grade Area 265 EP270 0 Grounding Details Above Grade EP280 0 Typical Station Grounding EP300 0 Raceway & Equipment Location Key Plan EP301 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 301 EP303 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 303 EP304 EP305 0 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 304 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 305 EP307 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 307 EP308 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 308 EP309 EP311A 0 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 309 EP311B 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 311 Elev. 950’-0” – 963’-0” EP312 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 312 EP313 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 313 EP315 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 315 EP316 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 316 EP318 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 318 EP322 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 322 EP324 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 324 EP325 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 325 EP326 EP327 0 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 326 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 327 EP328 0 Power Block Raceway & Equipment Enlarged Plans & Details Power Block Raceway & Equipment Location Plan Area 311 Elev. 930’-0” – 950’-0” v Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings EP329 0 Electrical Equipment Bill of Material EP331 EP332 0 0 Power Block Cable Tray Sections Power Block Cable Tray Sections EP333 0 Power Block Cable Tray Sections EP334 0 0 Power Block Cable Tray Sections EP340 EP341 0 Cable Tray Details Cable Tray Details EP342 0 Cable Tray Details EP350 0 Hazardous Locations EP400 EP401 0 0 Lighting Location Key Plan Lighting Fixture Schedule EP402 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 402 EP403 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 403 EP404 EP405 0 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 404 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 405 EP407 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 407 EP409 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 409 EP410 EP420 0 0 Power Block Lighting Plan Area 410 Lighting Plan Site Roadway EP425 0 Lighting Details EP426 0 Lighting Details EP427 EP430 0 0 Lighting Details Lighting Control Diagrams IA001 0 Overall Communications Architecture Diagram IA002 IA003 0 Wartsila Communications Architecture Diagram MV Switchgear Communications Diagram 0 Reference Drawings AE200 2 Power Block Building Roof Plan and Details AE230 1 Administration – Warehouse Building Roof Plan and Details AE300 AE330 1 0 Power Block Building Building Elevations I Administration – Warehouse Building Building Elevations I AE331 0 Administration – Warehouse Building Building Elevations II EP100 4 Electrical Duct Bank Key Plan EP101 EP102 2 2 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 101 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 102 vi Stillwater Utilities Authority Electrical Installation Contract Specifications & Drawings EP103 2 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 103 EP104 EP105 4 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 104 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 105 EP106 2 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 106 EP107 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 107 EP108 EP109 3 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 108 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 109 EP110 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 110 EP112 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 112 EP113 EP114 3 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 113 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 114 EP115 3 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Plan Area 115 EP116 1 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Enlarged Plan EP117 2 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Enlarged Plan EP118 1 Power Block Electrical Duct Bank Enlarged Plan EP121 Duct Bank Sections EP337 2 1 EP338 EP339 1 0 Power Block 13.8KV & 600V Bus Duct Sections Power Block 600V Bus Duct Sections Power Block 13.8KV & 600V Bus Duct Plan Lists and Tabulations - 0 Master Device List - 0 Stillwater Energy Center Cable Tabulation vii DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 011100 - SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes basic identification of the Work covered in detail in the complete Contract Documents. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project is a natural gas fired reciprocating engine power plant designed for 56 MW (nominal) net electric power output. The Project Site is located at 2000 E. Airport Road, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074. SITE CONDITIONS: The project site has the following Site Conditions: 1. Plant elevation is 930 feet above mean sea level. 2. Indoor Design Temperatures – Engine Halls, Mechanical Rooms a. Maximum Dry Bulb 120°F b. Minimum Dry Bulb 50°F 3. Outdoor Design Temperatures (2009 ASHRAE) a. Maximum Dry Bulb (1%) 99.2°F b. Mean Coincident Wet Bulb (1%) 75.3°F c. Minimum Dry Bulb (99.6%) 13.6°F 4. Outdoor Extreme Design Temperatures (2009 ASHRAE) a. Maximum Dry Bulb (n = 1 years) 104.2°F b. Minimum Dry Bulb (n = 1 years) 5.4°F c. Extreme Max Wet Bulb 88.2°F IBC Design Criteria: 1. Occupancy Category: III 2. Wind loads – Section 1609 a. Basic wind speed: V3S = 90 mph b. Exposure category: C c. Wind Importance Factor: Iw=1.15 d. Minimum lateral pressure: ps = 10 psf 3. Seismic loads – Section 1613 a. Seismic Site Class: D b. Seismic Importance Factor: IE=1.25 c. Component Importance Factor: IP = 1.0 (per ASCE 7-05 Section 13.1) 75644_8410_011100 011100-1 SECTION 011100- SUMMARY OF WORK: continued d. Design Spectral Response Acceleration (1) Short Period: Ss = 0.193 (2) 1 Second: S1 = 0.063 (3) Max. considered short period: SMS = 0.309 (4) Max. considered 1-second: SM1 = 0.151 (5) 5% damped design short period: SDS = 0.206 (6) 5% damped design 1-second: SD1 = 0.101 (7) Long-Period Transition Period: TL = 12 seconds e. Seismic Design Category: B 4. Snow loads – Section 1608: a. Snow Importance Factor: IS = 1.1 b. Ground snow load: pg = 10 psf c. Terrain Category: C 5. Ice Loads a. Ice thickness Importance Factor: Ii = 1.25 b. Wind Concurrent with ice Importance Factor C. D. 1.04 A. B. c. Nominal Ice Thickness: d. Concurrent wind speed Precipitation 1. Minimum Annual: 2. Average Annual: 3. Maximum Annual: 4. Maximum 25-year 24 Hour Rain: 5. Maximum 24 Hour Snow: Prevailing Wind Direction 1. Annual: IW = 1.0 t = 0.75” VC = 40mph Unknown 37 inches Unknown 8 inches 13 inches South WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Furnish all supervision, equipment, labor, tools, material, supplies, transportation, and services required for construction of generator connection system, electrical power distribution system, control system interconnections, essential power system consisting of battery powered DC system and UPS system, lighting and communication systems and erection of Owner-furnished materials, equipment grounding, other miscellaneous electrical work, erection of equipment furnished under this Contract, and construction testing required to verify the installation to place all above equipment, electrical systems, and materials into satisfactory condition for operation. This Contract includes, but is not limited to, the following items which are listed for the convenience of Contractor in understanding the scope of the work intended: 1. Furnish construction trailer, temporary toilets, dumpsters and debris removal for Contractor Work only. 2. Install and wire equipment furnished by Owner and other Contracts. See Master Device List for detailed list of equipment furnished by this and other Contracts. This list also defines the responsibility for the installation and wiring of the listed equipment. 011100-2 75644_8410_011100 SECTION 011100 - SUMMARY OF WORK: continued 3. C. D. Furnish and install dry type transformers, distribution panelboards, lighting fixtures not furnished by others, 15 kV power cable, 600V power and control cable, shielded instrument cable, comunication and data cable, fiber optic cable, raceway system, conduit, fittings, supports for cable tray and conduit, heat shrink type medium voltage cable terminations, terminal lugs, exothermic and bolted equipment grounding connections, required and not specified to be furnished by others. 4. Special items of material and equipment including terminal boxes, junction and pull boxes as required and specified. 5. Receiving, checking, unloading, hauling, storing, removal from storage, erection, and installation of Owner furnished equipment and material. 6. Assembling the Owner (and Contractor) furnished equipment shipping splits and reconnecting any wiring de-terminated for shipping. 7. Grounding of all equipment per Contract Drawings and as required per National Electrical Code. Grounding of the site fence is by Others. 8. Removing of temporary CT secondary shorting jumpers, temoprary grounding jumpers and any other safety jumpers or startup and commissioning jumpers. Removing and replacing to original condition any building girts or siding as required to permit entry of cable tray or conduits furnished and/or installed under this Contract. Removal shall be approved by CM Agent. 9. Sealing all cable tray and conduit wall penetrations including conduit penetrations made under contract C4310 in the Switchgear Room, Battery Room and Control Room firerated walls. 10. All other Work included in the Contract Documents including all connections to equipment furnished and installed, or connected to, whether or not such equipment was specified or shown but is required to make a complete installation. 11. Furnish and install all required wiring. Furnish and install cables listed in cable tabulation whether or not indicated on Drawings and jumpers listed in the jumper list. Contractor shall assume that all conductors on all cables require termination. Assume that the final jumper list may consist of as many as 500 jumpers of average three feet length. The purpose and intent of the Contract Documents is to require that all electrical equipment, wiring and related material necessary shall be furnished and installed to provide complete and workable electrical systems. No wording or intention of the Contract Documents is contrary to this statement except where specific mention is made that material or services will be furnished under other contracts or by Owner. Details listed in the items below are given for a better understanding of the Work required by Contractor and do not place a limitation on the amount of work to be done nor do they relieve Contractor of additional work that may be necessary for a complete installation as specified. The major equipment that contractor will be required to work with is listed in the following paragraphs. The list of other equipment is contained in Section 01110-1 Device List included in this specification. It should also be understood that the Device list also is not all exhaustive to capture all the equipment shown on the drawings. 1. Two (2) generator Step-up Transformers, furnished and installed on foundations under contract C5110 with WEG. a. The transformers will be set, assembled, and tested by WEG. b. Maintain the nitrogen pressure system on the transformer until energized and accepted by Owner including refilling of nitrogen cylinders. Pressure shall be checked weekly and a record maintained. 75644_8410_011100 011100-3 SECTION 011100- SUMMARY OF WORK: continued c. 2. 3. 4. 5. Connect all required safety ground pigtails installed and connected to underground ground grid by others. d. Make all 13.8 kV power, auxiliary power, and control connections to the GSU transformer. e. Transformer HV primary (69kV) will be connected to the substation bus by the substation Contract C8440. f. Transformers are scheduled to be delivered and installed between mid-November 2015 and mid-December 2015. Small Power Transformers: Furnished under Contract C5120 with WEG. a. Includes Three (3) 2000/2667 kVA, outdoor, cast-coil dry-type, substation power transformers 00-EAP-TFM-011, 00-EAP-TFM-012, and 00-EAP-TFM-013 shipped filled with major accessories in place. b. Set transformers on foundation provide by others. Level, align, and shim. If transformers are connected to bus duct, level, align, and shim to match bus duct. c. Assemble termination boxes and any other unattached accessories, if any, adding additional transformer liquid if necessary through a filter press. d. Make all power, control, and grounding connections to the transformers with the exception of the HV side power connections to 00-EAP-TFM-013, which will be made by Others. e. These transformers are scheduled to be delivered to site between mid-December 2015 and mid-January 2016. Generators: Furnished by Wartsila and installed under Contract C8320. a. Provide instrumentation, control, and power wiring to three (3) Wartsila 18.76MW, 13,800 Volt generators located in the engine hall. Connections shall be made with Wartsila control panels and with 13.8kV switchgear. 13,800 Volt Switchgear: Furnished under Contract C5310 by Powell. Installed under this Contract. a. Two (2) lineups of indoor 13.8 kV switchgear. See Powell drawings for shipping splis and weights. Breakers may be shipped separately. b. Set switchgear in place, assemble, level, align, and spot weld to steel leveling channels provided by others. c. Make up all inter-cubicle wiring and bus connections between shipping sections. d. Provide temporary 125VDC and 120VAC feeds to the switchgear if necessary. e. Make all power and control connections. f. 13.8kV Switchgear is scheduled to be delivered to site in January 2016. 13.8 kV and 480V Non-segregated Phase Bus: Furnished under Contract C5340 with Powell. Installed under this Contract. a. Includes the following: (1) Approximately 100 feet of 3000 ampere 13.8 kV Non-segregated Phase bus duct connecting one (1) outdoor GSU transformer to one of the indoor metalclad switchgear lineup. (2) Approximately 75 feet of 3000 ampere 13.8kV Non-Segregated Phase bus duct connecting 13,800 Volt switchgear lineup 00-EAP-SWG-001 to 00EAP-SWG-002 (3) Approximately 50 feet of 3200 ampere 600V Non-segregated Phase bus duct connecting two (2) outdoor station service transformers to the indoor 480V switchgear lineup. 011100-4 75644_8410_011100 SECTION 011100 - SUMMARY OF WORK: continued (4) 6. 7. 8. Approximately 25 feet of 2500 ampere 600V Non-segregated Phase bus duct connecting one (1) outdoor station service transformer to the indoor 480V switchgear lineup. b. Install and connect all Non-segregated phase bus duct, including the following: (1) Furnish all necessary suspension materials (hanger rods, inserts, and related items) for support of the bus duct indoors. Bus duct will be provided with hanger lugs. (2) Assemble and install outdoor bus support stands furnished with the bus duct on concrete foundations constructed by Others including shimming and grouting. (3) Drill holes in wall frame for attachment of bus duct wall plates in accordance with details provided by the manufacturer and as indicated. (4) Install expansion joints in bus as provided, assemble all shipping sections, and make-up all connections complete, making certain that phasing of connections conforms to the manufacturer's drawings. (5) Install all fire and vapor barriers as indicated where bus duct penetrates walls. (6) Connect all bus duct heaters to appropriate terminal boxes. (7) All bolted connections shall be torqued to manufacturer's recommendations. Resident Project Representative may spot-check torques. c. Scheduled for delivery in December 2015. 480V Switchgear: Furnished under contract C5310 with Powell. a. Includes the following: (1) One indoor metal enclosed switchgear lineup. See Powell drawings for shipping splits and weights. (2) Mobile breaker lift devices. (3) Miscellaneous maintenance devices and spare parts. b. Weight of the shipping splits range between 5000 and 6000 pounds. See reference drawings for the switchgear details. c. Set switchgear in place, assemble, align, and spot weld to steel leveling plates provided by others. d. Assemble mobile lift device, use for installation of breakers, and store in location as designated by the Resident Project Representative. e. Make up all inter-cubicle wiring and bus connections between shipping sections. f. Make all power and control connections. g. The 480V Switchgear is scheduled to be delivered in January 2016. 480V Motor Control Centers (MCCs): Furnished by TBD under Contract C5330. Installed under this contract. a. Includes four (4) indoor metal enclosed MCC lineups. b. Assemble shipping sections together and make up all wiring and bus connections between shipping sections. c. Shim so that units are level. d. Anchor to floor or pads with cinch anchors. e. Set overload relays as directed by the Resident Project Representative after field check of motor nameplate data for settings of thrse relays. f. Make all power and control connections. 120/208V Panelboards and associated transformers, 480-120/208V Mini-Power Zones, 125VDC panelboards, and 480V Panelboards; Furnished under this C8410 Contract. 75644_8410_011100 011100-5 SECTION 011100- SUMMARY OF WORK: continued a. Furnish and install all 120/208V panelboards, associated 480-120V transformers, 480-120/208V Mini-Power Zones, 125VDC panelboards, and 480V panelboards. b. Install panelboards on walls or on walls/columns outdoors as indicated. c. Install 480-120/208V Mini-Power Zones or on walls/columns or unistrut supports outdoors as indicated. d. Set transformers in place and cinch anchor to the floor. e. Make all wiring connections. 9. Black-start Diesel Engine Generators: Furnished by Caterpillar under C5240. Installed under this Contract. a. See reference drawings for equipment details. b. Make all power and control connections. 10. 125V DC Plant UPS System and Battery Equipment: Furnished under Contract C5410 with Supplier yet to be determined. a. Includes the following: (1) 125VDC station battery system complete with battery rack. (2) Two (2) battery charger cabinets. (3) One (1) inverter cabinet. (4) One (1) Bypass Switch. (5) One (1) Voltage-regulating Bypass Trannsformer. b. Install the battery cabinet. Install battery cells in the cabinet. c. Install battery charger cabinet. d. Install Inverter cabinet. e. Install voltage-regulating transformer. f. Install manual bypass switch. g. Provide temporary power feed for battery charging until the final power connection is made. h. Make all power and control connections. i. Maintain battery until system has been accepted by the Owner. 11. 24VDC and 110VDC Batteries, Racks and Charger Equipment: Furnished under Contract with Wartsila. Installed under this Contract. a. See reference drawings for equipment details. b. Includes the following: (1) Two (2) 24VDC station battery systems complete with battery racks, disconnect switches and battery chargers. (2) One (1) 110VDC station battery system complete with combination battery and charger rack, disconnect switch. c. Install batteries including: (1) Erect battery racks, level, shim, and cinch anchor as required. (2) Position cells on racks and install intercell, interstep, and interrack connections on battery cells. d. Make all power and control connections. e. Install battery chargers. f. Do not energize equipment until directed by Resident Project Representative. g. Provide temporary power feed for battery charging. h. Maintain battery until system has been accepted by the Owner. 12. Control Panels: Furnished under contract with Wartsila. Installed under this Contract. a. See reference drawings for equipment details b. Receive, set, level, and cinch anchor a total of four (4) control panels in the station control room. Make up all shipping split wiring. 011100-6 75644_8410_011100 SECTION 011100 - SUMMARY OF WORK: continued 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. c. Re-align and/or install any parts shipped partially or completely shipped seperately. d. Make all power and control connections. Metering and Relay Panels: Furnished under Contract C5230. Installed under this Contract. a. Receive, set, level, and cinch anchor the four (4) panels named above. b. All internal wiring to the panels done by others. c. Consists of making external power, control, and instrument connections to the panel from instrument transformers, DC circuits, and relays. Wartsila Operating and Engineering Stations: Furnished by Wartsila. Installed under this Contract. a. Receive and install plant operator and engineering stations in the control room. b. Power from computer UPS and provide proper network connection from Wartsila supplied server in the Switchgear room. Lube Oil and Urea Tanks: Tanks furnished under C2980 and C2981, respectively, and installed by Contract C8320. a. Provide instrumentation, control, and power wiring to three (3) lube oil tanks and one (1) urea tank. Wiring shall be completed on all associated pumps, instruments, and heaters to ensure a working system. Selective Catalytic Reduction Reactors: Furnished by Wartsila and Installed by Contract C8320. a. Provide instrumentation, control, and power wiring between the Wartsila emission control system and the outdoor SCR reactors. Generator Neutral Grounding Cubicle: Furnished by Powerohm Inc. under Subcontract with Wartsila. Installed under this Contract. a. See reference drawings for equipment details. b. Consists of an enclosure housing a grounding resistor. c. Set in place on outdoor foundations constructed by others. Level, shim and fasten to foundation with cinch anchors. d. Make all necessary power and control connections. Wartsila Engine Control System Cabinets Misc. Control / Instrument Devices Located in Various Plant Areas: Furnished under Contract with Wartsila. Installed under this Contract. a. See reference drawings for equipment details. b. Set in place on skids or foundations constructed by others. Level, shim and fasten to foundation with cinch anchors. c. Make all power and signal connections. Engine Radiator VFDs, Associated Distribution Panels, and Radiator Motors: Furnished under Contract with Wartsila. VFDs and Distribution Panels installed under this Contract. Radiator Motors installed under Contract C8320. a. Mount VFDS in Switchgear Room and distribution panels outdoors on radiator support columns constructed by others. b. Radiators and radiator motors to be installed under Contract C8320. c. Power and control wiring shall be made between the VFDs, outdoor distribution panels, radiator motors, and the Wartsila control system. HVAC Equipment: Furnished and installed under Contracts C4310 and C4440. a. HVAC equipment includes but is not limited to Supply Fans, Air Handling Units, Condenser units, unit heaters, exhaust fans, and Roof Dampers. b. Make all power connections. 75644_8410_011100 011100-7 SECTION 011100- SUMMARY OF WORK: continued c. E. 1.05 A. Make all control connections for Engine Hall Make Up Air ventilation units and Engine Hall Gravity Relief Ventilator (ridge vent). 21. Lighting Fixtures, Switches, Convenience Receptacles and Welding Receptacles: Furnish and Install under this Contract the following: a. All lighting, including high bay lighting, associated switches, welding receptacles, and convenience receptacles in Engine Hall. b. All lighting, associated switches and convenience receptacles in Switchgear Room, Mechanical Room, and Battery Room. c. All lighting, associated switches, and convenience receptacles in Administration Building. d. All outdoor lighting (excluding the substation), including roadway lighting, associated switches, contactors and photo cells. e. Make all wiring connections. 22. Lighting Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS) and associated transformer: Furnish and Install under this Contract. a. One (1) Package UPS and associated battery to be located in the Admin Electrical Room. b. Set UPS in place. Level, shim and fasten to the floor with cinch anchors. c. Install associated transformer in the Admin Electrical Room. d. Make all power and signal connections. 23. Lightning Protection System a. Furnish completely designed system and materials to provide a site wide (excluding the substation) lightning protection system. b. The buildings and structures for which the lightning protection is to be provided include but not limited to: (1) Power Generation Building (2) Administration Building (3) SCR (4) Radiators (5) Lube Oil and Urea Tanks Construction Testing 1. Provide construction testing of installed electrical equipment and wiring in accordance with SECTION 260800, WORK BY OTHERS: Work Under Other Contracts: 1. C1210 – Wartsila Engine Generators and Auxiliaries: Supplies and Installs reciprocating engine generator sets. 2. C4310 – Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings. Erects buildings including structural steel, building panels, walls. Furnishes and installs cable tray wall penetrations. Switchgear Room, Mechanical Room, Battery Room and Administration Building HVAC system including Building Automation System (BAS) and associated control wiring. Does not provide 480V feeds to HVAC Equipment. Does not wire (power or control) Engine Hall Make Up Air (MUA) ventilation units or Engine Hall Gravity Relief Ventilator (ridge vent). 3. C8110 – Site Development: Provides site grading, surfacing, roadways and all site fencing including motor operated gate. 011100-8 75644_8410_011100 SECTION 011100 - SUMMARY OF WORK: continued 4. C8220 – Foundations and Underground Utilities: Provides and constructs foundation for major plant equipment and pre-engineered buildings. Also provides and constructs underground piping, transformer pads, electrical duct banks, underground manholes, embedded channels under switchgear lineups, cathodic protection system and underground grounding grid. Provides above ground grounding for site fence only. 5. C8320 – Mechanical Installation. Provides Installation of engine mechanical equipment and Engine Hall Make Up Air ventilation units. 6. C8440 – Substation Construction. Constructs all structures and sets all equipment in the substation and associated transmission line connections starting at the 69kV side bushings of the GSU transformers. Installs and wires all substation equipment up to and including the 69kV side of the GSU transformers. Installs above grade grounding system for all substation and transmission line equipment. Installs all substation lighting and lightning protection system. Communications wiring interface with the plant will be at a patch panel inside of the substation control house. 7. C5761 – Site Security - Furnishes and installs site security system including security cameras, card readers, alarms, electric strikes and associated wiring. 8. C9450 – Electrical Testing – Performs relay tests, functional tests, point-to-point wiring checks, of all 69kV substation, 13,800-Volt switchgear control circuits, and 480-Volt switchgear control circuits as well as functional and element testing of relays in protective relay panels. Performs secondary injections of all instrument transformer and protective relay circuits. Responsible for performing ground grid testing, bus and breaker megger testing, transformer winding and turns ratio testing. B. Work by Owner: 1. Procurement of Wartsila reciprocating engine generators, radiators and SCRs supplied with engines. 2. Procurement of Generator Step-up Transformers, Auxiliary and Standby Transformers, Non-segregated Phase Bus Duct, 480V Switchgear and GSU Relay and Metering Panels. 3. Construction of underground ductbank and installation of cable for 12.47kV service to High Voltage side of auxiliary transformer 00-EAP-TFM-013. 1.06 A. 1.07 A. 1.08 A. 1.09 A. SUMMARY DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY This contract C8410 is responsible for furnishing the Lightning Protection System Design. WORK SEQUENCE: General: Contractor shall deliver equipment at site on or before the dates in the Notice and Instructions to Bidders. SPARE PARTS: Contractor shall include in Base Bid, all spare parts required for complete installation and commissioning of all Contractor supplied Equipment and Materials. Contractor shall also provide a priced list of recommended spare parts for each piece of equipment. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Lump Sum Contracts: All Work indicated and specified in the Contract Documents shall be included in the Lump Sum Agreement. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - Not Applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION - Not Applicable. 75644_8410_011100 011100-9 SECTION 011100- SUMMARY OF WORK: continued END OF SECTION 011100 011100-10 75644_8410_011100 SECTION 012500 - SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling requests for substitutions made after award of the Contract. RELATED REQUIREMENTS: Requirements for submitting Contractor's construction progress schedule and the Submittal schedule: SECTIONS 013210 and 013301. Requirements governing Contractor's selection of products: SECTION 016001. DEFINITIONS: Definitions in this Article do not change or modify the meaning of other terms used in the Contract Documents. Substitutions: Changes in products, Materials, Equipment, and methods of construction required by the Contract Documents proposed by the Contractor after award of the Contract are considered to be requests for substitutions. The following are not considered to be requests for substitutions: 1. Revisions to the Contract Documents requested by Owner or Engineer. 2. Specified options of products and construction methods included in the Contract Documents. 3. Substitutions requested during the bidding period, and accepted by Addendum prior to award of the Contract, are included in the Contract Documents and are not subject to requirements specified in this Section for substitutions. SUBMITTALS: Substitution Request Submittal: Engineer will consider written requests for substitution if received within 60 days after commencement of the Work. Requests received more than 60 days after commencement of the Work may be considered or rejected at the discretion of Engineer. 1. Submit 3 copies of each request for substitution for consideration. Submit requests in the form and according to procedures required for Change Order proposals. Requests for substitution shall not be submitted in the form of a Request for Information (RFI). 2. Identify the Equipment or Material, the fabrication, or installation method to be replaced in each request. Include related Specification Section/Article and Drawing numbers. 3. Provide complete documentation showing compliance with the requirements for substitutions, and the following information, as appropriate: a. Statement indicating why specified product or method of construction cannot be provided. b. Coordination information, including a list of changes or modifications needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate the proposed substitution. c. A detailed comparison of significant qualities of the proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Significant qualities may include elements such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. d. Product data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. e. Samples, where applicable or requested. 75644_8410_012500 012500 - 1 SECTION 012500 - SUBSTITUTIONS: continued f. g. 4. Identification of available sales, maintenance, repair, and replacement services. A statement indicating the effect of the substitution on Contractor's construction progress schedule compared to the schedule without approval of the substitution. Indicate the effect of the proposed substitution on the overall Contract Times. If specified product cannot be provided within the Contract Times, provide letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating lack of availability or delay in delivery. h. An itemized estimate of costs that will result directly or indirectly from approval of the substitution, including: (1) A proposal of the net change, if any, in the Contract Price. (2) Costs of redesign required by the proposed change. (3) Costs of resulting claims as determined in coordination with other contractors having work on the Project affected by the substitution. i. Statement indicating whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. j. Contractor's certification that the proposed substitution conforms to requirements in the Contract Documents, will perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design, is similar in substance to that specified, and is suitable for same use as that indicated and specified. k. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of the failure of the substitution to perform adequately. Engineer’s Action: If necessary, Engineer will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within two weeks of receipt of a request for substitution. Engineer will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of the substitution within 2 weeks of receipt of the request, or one week of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. Acceptance will be in the form of a Change Order. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. SUBSTITUTIONS: Conditions: Engineer will receive and consider Contractor's request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by Engineer. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Engineer will return the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements. 1. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required. 2. Proposed substitution is in keeping with the general intent of the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. 3. Substitution request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted. 4. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Times. Engineer will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the Work promptly or coordinate activities properly. 5. The requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to Engineer for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by Owner, and similar considerations. 6. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. 012500 - 2 75644_8410_012500 SECTION 012500 - SUBSTITUTIONS: continued 7. B. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where Contractor certifies that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. 8. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. 9. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents and where Contractor certifies that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. 10. Where a proposed substitution involves more than one prime contractor, each contractor shall cooperate with the other contractors involved to coordinate the Work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of products. Engineer’s review and acceptance of Submittals shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents. Engineer’s acceptance of Submittals not complying with the Contract Documents does not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor does it constitute approval of a substitute. Acceptance by Engineer shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Submittals. PART 3 - EXECUTION (NOT APPLICABLE) END OF SECTION 012500 75644_8410_012500 012500 - 3 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. C. D. E. SUMMARY: This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: 1. Preliminary construction progress schedule. 2. Construction progress schedule. 3. Schedule of Submittals. 4. Schedule of values. 5. Construction progress reports. 6. Daily construction reports. 7. Equipment and Material location reports. 8. Field condition reports. 9. Special reports. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. For submitting and distributing meeting and conference minutes: SECTION 013105 PROJECT COORDINATION AND MEETINGS. 2. For submitting schedules and reports: SECTION 013305 - SUBMITTALS. DEFINITIONS: Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. Float available in the schedule, at any time shall not be considered for the exclusive use of either the Engineer or the Contractor. During the course of contract execution, any float generated due to the efficiencies of either party is not for the sole use of the party generating the float; rather it is a shared commodity to be reasonably used by either party. A schedule showing work completing in less time than the Contract time, and accepted by the Engineer, will be considered to have Project Float. Project Float will be a resource available to both the Engineer and the Contractor. No time extensions will be granted nor delay damages paid unless a delay occurs which impacts the Project's critical path, consumes all available float or contingency time, and extends the work beyond the Contract Completion Date. Contractor shall not use artificial activity durations, preferential logic, or other devices for sequestering float. Engineer retains the right to reject any schedule submittal in which Contractor has sequestered float. 2. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the successor activity. 3. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting an intermediate deadline or the planned Contract completion date. Milestone: A key or critical point in time for reference or measurement. A milestone has no duration. Time Scaled Logic Diagram: A bar chart diagram of a network schedule, showing activities and activity relationships. Resource Loading: The allocation of manpower, quantities or equipment necessary for the completion of an activity as scheduled. Activity Percent Complete – Physical percent compete of an activity as determined by a consensus of a subjective evaluation between contactor and Engineer 75644_8410_013200 013200-1 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued F. 1.03 A. B. C. D. Contractor Caused Delays: Shortage of manpower, or late delivery by Contractor’s material or equipment suppliers, shall not be considered cause for delay in completion. If the schedule deficiency occurs through no fault of Engineer, any costs incurred by Contractor to implement and maintain the recovery schedule shall be to Contractor’s account. SUBMITTALS: Qualification Data: For scheduling consultant. Schedule of Submittals: Per SECTION 013300-APPENDIX A. Preliminary Construction Progress Schedule: Submit in specified electronic format per SECTION 013300 SUBMITTALS . Construction Progress Schedule: Contractor’s Baseline schedule and all updates of the Detailed Construction Schedule shall: 1. Contractor shall submit for Engineer approval, within seven (7) calendar days of the prescheduling conference, a preliminary schedule defining Contractor’s planned operations for the first sixty (60) calendar days. 2. Contractor shall submit for Engineer approval, within thirty (30) days of the prescheduling conference, a Critical Path Method (CPM) project schedule showing the sequence and the due date of data Submittals, Engineer approvals, procurement, fabrication, contractual milestones, and all construction activities to coincide with the Schedule of Work. 3. The project schedule shall include an appropriate level of detail. Contractor submissions shall follow the direction of Engineer regarding reasonable activity durations. Reasonable durations are those that allow the progress of activities to be accurately determined between update periods (usually all non-procurement activities' Original Durations are less than the total workdays between two update periods). Durations shall be in workdays. Contractor's scheduler should develop the proper calendars in the scheduling software, based on the proposed weekly work schedule and planned holidays (5-day, 6-day, 7-day, etc). 4. Contractor shall update the submitted Schedule on a weekly basis in preparation for the Construction Progress Meetings or as otherwise directed by Engineer. The weekly progress report will be issued to Engineer, in the approved electronic format, by 8:00 am the business day prior to the weekly Construction Progress Meeting. 5. Contractor shall submit an update of Contractor’s complete schedule with the monthly Application for Payment. The status date of the schedule and activity progress therein will coincide with the progress payments requested in the Application for Payment. Receipt of the Schedule by Engineer shall be a condition precedent to processing and paying Applications for Payment. 6. Engineer intends to use Primavera P6 software for the integrated project schedule. Other scheduling software or manual methods used by Contractor to produce required information shall require approval by Engineer. All schedules prepared with Primavera P6 software shall be configured to calculate data as follows: a. Contiguous scheduling. 013200-2 75644_8410_013200 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued b. Total float calculations based upon finish dates. c. Retained logic. d. Start-to-start lags calculated from actual start dates. e. Percent complete and remaining duration not linked. 7. Cost Loading Activities: In compliance with the contract cost breakdown represented by the Contract Schedule of Values, the project schedule will be loaded with costs. Costs for submittal preparation will be assigned to the respective submittal milestone(s). Equipment costs will be assigned to their respective Procurement Activities (i.e., the delivery milestone activity). Costs for installation of the material/equipment (labor, construction equipment, and temporary materials) will be assigned to their respective Construction Activities. The value of inspection/testing activities will not be less than 10 percent of the total costs for Procurement and Construction Activities. Evenly disperse overhead and profit to each activity over the duration of the project. The total of all cost loaded activities; including costs for material and equipment delivered for installation on the project, and labor and construction equipment loaded construction activities, shall total to 100 percent of the value of the contract 8. Be work hour loaded by activity. Have an account code assigned to each activity and produce percent complete progress curves based on work hours extracted by account code. 9. Resource load activities with quantities so as to provide Quantity Curves prior to the start of work. These curves are to reflect planned installed quantities in accordance with Contractor’s Detailed Construction Schedule. All major commodities should be addressed, including but not limited to: Concrete (CY), LB Pipe (LF), SB Pipe (LF), Structural Steel (TN), Cable Tray (LF), Conduit (LF), Cable (LF), Terminations (EA), Loop Checks (EA), Hydrotests (EA), etc. On a weekly basis Contractor shall submit to Engineer actual installed quantities for each of the Quantity Curves. 10. Provide a Systems Turnover Schedule in accordance with Engineer’s defined systems. As bulk installation nears completion, approx 60% to 75% construction complete, Contractor shall develop a Systems Turnover Schedule for the Work to-go. 11. Utilize the Critical Path Method (CPM) with predecessor/successor relationships defined. 12. Include all interferences and impacts to Contractor’s Work. 13. Display all major milestones for completion of Work as defined in the Contract Documents. 14. Contain all activities required to be completed by others in order for Engineer to complete the Work as defined in the Contract Documents. 15. Include the total Scope of Work, whether performed directly by Contractor, or contracted to a third party. 75644_8410_013200 013200-3 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued E. F. G. 16. Display the Baseline schedule as a thin solid black bar under the current bar. Schedule Reports: Concurrent with CPM schedule, submit copy of each of the following computer-generated reports. 1. Bar Chart or Time Scaled Logic Diagram: All printed updates of the schedule will be in the form of a bar-chart containing the following information: Activity ID, Activity Description, Original Duration, Remaining Duration, Percent Complete, Planned/Actual Start Date, Planned/Actual Finish Date, Late Start Date, Late Finish Date, Planned/Actual Finish Date variance to Baseline Planned Finish Date and Total Float. The original approved schedule shall be referenced as the “Baseline” schedule. All printed update submittals of the schedule shall reflect the Baseline schedule planned start and finish dates for like activities as target bars represented as solid thin black bars below the current bar. Open-ended activities and artificial constraint dates shall be minimized. Mandatory constraint dates and hammock activities may only be used with Engineer approval. 2. Earnings Report: A compilation of total earnings on the project from the sooner of the Notice to Proceed, Contract award or commencement of the Work to the most recent monthly progress payment request. Include a column for the difference between the previous request amount and the current payment request amount. Sort report first by Schedule of Values category and then by activity. 3. Critical Path Report: All activities with float values of less than ten (10) work days are considered critical. In this report all critical activities will be grouped by total float and then their independent logical path ending with the appropriate contractual completion milestone or tie to a longer path. They will be sorted by early start, early finish and activity ID within the activities flowing from upper left to lower right on the page. Display relationship lines. 4. Log Report: With each updated schedule submission, provide a computer generated Log Report using a recognized schedule comparison software listing all changes made between the previous schedule and current updated schedule. Identify the name of the previous schedule and name of the current schedule being compared. This report will as a minimum show changes for: Added & Deleted Activities, Original Durations, Remaining Durations, Activity Percent Complete, Total Float, Free Float, Calendars, Descriptions, Constraints (added, deleted or changed), Actual Starts/Finishes, Added/Deleted Resources, Resource Quantities, Costs, Added/Deleted Relations, Changed Relation Lags, Changed Driving Relations, and Changed Critical Status. Contractor’s Three-Week Lookahead Schedule: Shall be issued to Engineer on a weekly basis, be manpower loaded, and indicate all planned Work to be accomplished during the current week and the next two (2) week period in support of and in accordance with Contractor’s Detailed Construction Schedule. Planned and actual activities shall also be indicated for the previous week. Any activities that are required to be accomplished by Others that would impact and/or prevent Contractor from starting and/or accomplishing its planned Work shall also be displayed. The level of detail shall be sufficient to direct the efforts of the craft on a day to day basis. Field Progress Measurement System (FPMS): 1. The detailed breakdown for the FPMS will be in accordance with Engineer’s Code of Accounts. Along with the proper Account Code, each item of the breakdown must have assigned an estimated quantity and estimated manhours. As additional scope is identified and added to the Work, Contractor shall provide detailed breakdowns in the same manner. Within each account, the breakdown shall be detailed enough to allow installed 013200-4 75644_8410_013200 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 1.04 A. B. quantities (i.e., cy, lf, each, etc.) to be physically verifiable, and to allow status availability for testing and system turnover. 2. On a weekly basis Contractor shall submit to Engineer a status of the quantities installed for each activity in FPMS, and actual manhours spent. Activities partially complete will be reportable by Contractor utilizing the Partial Credit Guidelines (attached within Appendix A). Appendix A-Partial Credit Guidelines represent draft conditions prior to Engineer’s finalization of Field Progress Measurement System (FPMS) for the specified Work. Engineer will create and determine partial credit weighting per work scope. The quantity and manhour data will be used to establish the Percent Complete of the Work, and to measure Productivity (earned/actual manhours). Cable Status Report: Submit with initial construction progress schedule to Engineer a takeoff of lengths in linear feet for each cable shown on the Stillwater Energy Center Cable Tabulation. Engineer will provide an electronic copy of the Stillwater Energy Center Cable Tabulation to be used in the takeoff. On a weekly basis during construction Contractor shall submit to Engineer a report showing the status of all pulled and terminated cables (with lengths included) for each cable shown on the Stillwater Energy Center Cable Tabulation. Schedule of Values: Submit with initial construction progress schedule to Engineer for review and approval in specified electronic format copy of schedule if not defined within the Contract Agreement. Construction Progress Reports: Unless directed more frequently by Engineer, submit copy on at least monthly intervals via electronic means per SECTION 013300-SUBMITTALS. Daily Construction Reports: Submit copies on at least weekly intervals. Material Location Reports: Submit copies, in specified electronic format, on at least monthly intervals. Field Condition Reports: Submit copies at time of discovery of differing conditions. Special Reports: Submit copies at time of unusual event, not to exceed within twenty-four (24) hours of the event. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Qualifications: Contractor shall designate an authorized representative who shall be responsible for the preparation and submittal of the entire project schedule including all items specified and revisions to the schedule or supplemental completion schedules, as applicable or directed by Engineer. The scheduling representative shall be approved by the Engineer’s Contract Administrator based on a resume indicating as a minimum, formal training from software vendor or 5 years’ experience in working with schedules for projects of similar scope and complexity. Prescheduling Conference: Within two weeks of the earlier of notice to proceed, contract award or as otherwise directed by Engineer, conduct conference at Project Site to comply with requirements in SECTION 013100 - PROJECT COORDINATION AND MEETINGS. Review methods and procedures related to the preliminary construction schedule and "baseline" construction progress schedule, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Review software limitations and content and format for reports. 2. Verify availability of qualified personnel needed to develop and update schedule. 3. Discuss constraints, including as applicable phasing, work stages, area separations, interim milestones, Substantial Completion and potential early partial Engineer use. 4. Review delivery dates for Engineer-furnished products. 5. Review schedule for work of Engineer's separate contracts. 6. Review time required for review of Submittals and resubmittals. 75644_8410_013200 013200-5 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued 7. Review requirements for tests and inspections by independent testing and inspecting agencies. 8. Review time required for completion and startup procedures. 9. Review and finalize list of construction activities to be included in schedule. 10. Review Submittal requirements and procedures. 11. Review procedures for updating schedule. 12. Review procedures for development and updating FPMS. 1.05 A. B. COORDINATION: Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate Contractors. Coordinate construction progress schedule with the schedule of values, list of subcontracts, schedule of Submittals, Material and Equipment procurement, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from parties involved. 2. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 SCHEDULE OF SUBMITTALS: Preparation: Submit a schedule of Submittals, arranged in chronological order by dates required by construction progress schedule. Include time required for review, resubmittal, ordering, manufacturing, fabrication, and delivery when establishing dates as required in SECTION 013300 - SUBMITTALS. 1. Coordinate Submittals schedule with list of subcontracts, the schedule of values, and "Baseline" construction progress schedule. 2. Initial Submittal: If not predefined within the awarded Contract Agreement, submit concurrently with preliminary bar-chart schedule. Include Submittals required during at least the first (60) days of construction. List those required to maintain orderly progress of the Work and those required early because of long lead time for manufacture or fabrication. 3. Final Submittal: Submit concurrently with the first complete submittal of construction progress schedule. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE, GENERAL: 1. Procurement Activities: Include procurement process activities for the following long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than sixty (60) days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement cycle activities include, but are not limited to, Submittals, approvals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery. 2. Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in SECTION 013300 - SUBMITTALS in schedule. Coordinate Submittal review times in Contractor's construction progress schedule with schedule of Submittals. 3. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Engineer's administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. 4. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. Coordination with existing construction. 013200-6 75644_8410_013200 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued B. C. D. 2.03 A. B. b. Partial occupancy before Substantial Completion. c. Use of premises restrictions. d. Seasonal variations. e. Environmental control. 5. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. Subcontract awards. b. Submittals. c. Purchases. d. Mockups. e. Fabrication. f. Sample testing. g. Deliveries. h. Installation. i. Tests and inspections. j. Adjusting. k. Curing. l. Startup and initial operation. m. Performance, guarantee, and acceptance testing. n. Placement into final use and operation. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, and Final Completion, milestones per the Scope of Work and the following interim milestones: Deficiencies: Once notified in writing by Engineer to correct a schedule deficiency, Contractor shall submit, within three (3) working days, a recovery plan in the form of a Revised Detailed Construction Schedule. Contractor shall implement the approved recovery plan within three (3) days after written notification from Engineer. If Contractor fails to submit its recovery plan or fails to implement the plan within the stated time limits, Engineer may, at its sole discretion, exercise any and all remedies available under the Contract Agreement. Contract Modifications: For each proposed contract modification and concurrent with its submission, prepare a time-impact analysis using fragnets to demonstrate the effect of the proposed change on the overall schedule. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE (GANTT CHART): Gantt-Chart Schedule: After submittal of preliminary construction progress schedule as stated above, submit a detailed construction progress schedule within (30) days after the earlier of Notice to Proceed, Contract Agreement award date or Effective Date of Agreement. Base the schedule on the preliminary construction progress schedule and incorporate review comments and other feedback. The schedule shall show the Work in a horizontal bar chart or other graphic format suitable for displaying scheduled and actual progress. 1. The schedule shall indicate phases of the Work, starting date, interim milestones, and dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion. 2. Breakdown Work phases into separate time bar for each significant construction activity entry, with dates Work is expected to begin and be completed. Within each time bar, indicate estimated completion percentage in 5% increments. 3. Scale and spacing shall allow room for notation and revisions. 4. Sheet Size (including of electronic PDF): Minimum 11 x 17 inches. 75644_8410_013200 013200-7 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued C. D. E. F. G. 2.04 A. B. C. 2.05 A. Provide subschedules to define in more detail critical portions of schedules, including inspections and tests. Coordinate construction progress schedule with schedule of values, schedule of Submittals schedule, procurement schedule, progress reports, and payment requests. Engineer will review and comment on construction progress schedule and, upon agreement between Engineer and Contractor on necessary changes: 1. Contractor shall distribute copies as specified of the accepted "baseline" schedule to Engineer. Contractor shall provide additional copies to Contractors and other parties required to comply with scheduled dates, one copy to each party. Revise the construction progress schedule after each meeting, event, or activity where revisions have been recognized and accepted to reflect impacts of new developments on the schedule. Update and submit copies, electronic unless otherwise directed, to Engineer of the revised schedule at least once each month to show actual progress compared to the originally accepted "baseline" schedule and any proposed changes in the schedule of remaining Work. Include with construction progress report. SCHEDULE OF VALUES: If a schedule of values was not established as part of contract award, based on the preliminary draft schedule of values, reviewed by Engineer, submit finalized schedule of values acceptable to Engineer as to form and basic details. Submit final within five (5) working days after Notice to Proceed. Coordinate preparation of schedule of values with preparation and content of construction progress schedule. Schedule of Values content: 1. Schedule shall list the installed value of the component parts of the Work in sufficient detail to serve as a basis for computing values for progress payments during construction. 2. Follow the construction progress schedule breakdown of Work activities as format for listing component items and assigning values. 3. Follow the table of contents of this Project Manual as the format for listing component items. a. Identify each line item, with the number and title of the respective major Division or Section of the Specifications. 4. For each major line item, list subvalues of major products or operations under the item. a. Each item shall include a directly proportional amount of the Contractor's overhead and profit. b. For items on which progress payments will be requested for stored materials received, but not installed, break down the value into: (1) The cost of the materials, delivered and unloaded, including taxes paid unless taxes are exempted. (2) The total installed value. c. The sum of all values listed in the schedule shall equal the total Contract Price. REPORTS: Construction Progress Reports: 1. Submit a report on actual construction progress on a monthly basis, unless otherwise directed by Engineer for more frequently. More frequent reports may be required should the Work fall behind the accepted schedule. 013200-8 75644_8410_013200 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued a. B. C. D. E. Submit a weekly report, and three-week look-ahead schedule, to coordinate with and supplement the monthly construction progress report and which details Work scheduled for the following one-week interval, including: (1) Work activities which will occur. (2) Number and size of crews. (3) Construction equipment on Site. (4) Major items of Equipment and Material to be installed. b. Format shall be on 11 x 17-inch electronic PDF, submitted to Engineer in electronic format, unless otherwise directed. 2. Construction progress reports shall consist of the revised construction progress schedule and a narrative report which shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Executive Summary. b. Prose summary of activities completed since the previous construction progress report. c. Prose summary of activities planned for next reporting period. d. Schedule Reports. e. Progress Curves. f. Identification of problem areas. g. A description of current and anticipated delaying factors, if any. h. Impact of possible delaying factors. i. Proposed corrective actions. 3. Submit a construction progress report to Engineer with each application for partial payment. Work reported complete but not readily apparent to Engineer must be substantiated with supporting data when requested by Engineer. Daily Construction Reports: Prepare a daily construction report recording the following information concerning events at Project Site: 1. List of Contractors at Project Site. 2. List of separate Contractors at Project Site. 3. Approximate count of Contractor’s personnel at Project Site, and breakdown by craft, including any of Contractor’s subcontractors. 4. Equipment at Project Site. 5. Material deliveries. 6. High and low temperatures and general weather conditions. 7. Accidents / Incidents / Near Misses. 8. Meetings and significant decisions. 9. Unusual events (refer to special reports). 10. Stoppages, delays, shortages, and losses. 11. Meter readings and similar recordings. 12. Emergency procedures. Equipment and Material Location Reports: At monthly intervals, prepare and submit a comprehensive list of Equipment and Materials delivered to and stored at Project Site. List shall be cumulative, showing Equipment and Materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for Materials or items of Equipment fabricated or stored away from Project Site. Field Condition Reports: Promptly on discovery of a difference between field conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare and submit a detailed report. Submit with a request for information (RFI). Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. Special Reports: 75644_8410_013200 013200-9 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS: continued 1. 2. General: Submit special reports directly to Engineer within one (1) day(s) of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project Site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Engineer in advance when these events are known or predictable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE: Scheduling Consultant: Engage a consultant to provide planning, evaluation, and reporting using CPM scheduling. 1. In-House Option: Engineer may waive the requirement to retain a consultant if Contractor employs skilled personnel with experience in CPM scheduling and reporting techniques. Submit qualifications to Engineer for Engineer review and approval. 2. Meetings: Scheduling consultant shall attend all meetings related to construction progress, alleged delays, and time impact. END OF SECTION 013200 013200-10 75644_8410_013200 SECTION 013200 APPENDIX A – FPMS SAMPLE PARTIAL CREDIT CONDITIONS 75644_8410_013200 013200-11 SECTION 013233 - CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for construction photographs. SUBMITTALS: Submit prints as specified in SECTION 013300 - SUBMITTALS and in PART 3 - this Section. Photographer shall submit two sample prints of the type and quality required during construction, for review and acceptance by Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 PHOTOGRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS: Specified in PART 3, this Section. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 3.02 A. PROGRESS SITE PHOTOGRAPHS: Contractor shall be responsible for photographs of the Site to show the existing and general progress of the Work. Engineer will advise as to which views are of interest. Photographs shall be taken of the following areas and at the following times. 1. Existing Site conditions before Site work is started. Number of views shall be adequate to cover the Site. 2. Progress of the Work throughout construction. There shall be three (3) different views taken on or about the first of each month. 3. Finished Project after completion of Work. Number of views shall be adequate to show the finished Work. 4. If Project is not completed during the Contract Time or authorized extensions, photographs shall continue to be taken at no increase in Contract Price. Photographic Prints: Digital Images: 1. Submit a complete set of digital image electronic files with each submittal of the Construction Progress Report defined in SECTION 013200-CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHDULES AND REPORTS. a. Provide images in JPEG format, with minimum sensor size of 4.0 megapixels. b. Provide image resolution of not less than 1024 by 768 pixels. c. Submit images that have same aspect ratio as the sensor, uncropped. Print Negatives: Identification: 1. Identify electronic media with date digital photographs were taken. Provide three (3) prints of each view. Deliver electronic media files to Engineer. ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS: From time to time Engineer may issue requests for additional photographs, in addition to periodic photographs specified. 75644_8410_013233 013233-1 SECTION 013233 - CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS: continued 1. 2. 3. Engineer will give the photographer three days' notice, where feasible. In emergency situations, the photographer shall take additional photographs within 24 hours of Engineer's request. Circumstances that could require additional photographs include, but are not limited to: a. Substantial Completion of a major phase or component of Work. b. Owner's request for special publicity photographs. c. Special events planned at Project Site. d. Immediate follow-up when on-site events result in construction damage or losses. e. Photographs to be taken at fabrication locations away from Project Site. f. Extra record photographs at time of final acceptance. END OF SECTION 013233 013233-2 75644_8410_13233 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. SUMMARY: This SECTION includes definitions, descriptions, transmittal, and review of Submittals. Related SECTIONS: 1. Contract Closeout: SECTION 017801. GENERAL INFORMATION: Definitions: 1. Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples are technical Submittals are defined below and are prepared by manufacturer or Supplier and submitted by Supplier to Engineer as a basis for review and approval of the use of Equipment and Materials proposed for incorporation in the Work or needed to describe installation, operation, maintenance, or technical properties, as specified in each DIVISION of the Specifications. a. Shop Drawings include custom-prepared data of all types including drawings, diagrams, performance curves, material schedules, templates, instructions, and similar information not in standard printed form applicable to other projects. b. Product Data includes standard printed information on materials, Products, and systems; not custom-prepared for this Contract, other than the designation of selections from available choices. c. Samples include both fabricated and unfabricated physical examples of Materials, products, and Work; both as complete units and as smaller portions of units of Work; either for limited visual inspection or for more detailed testing and analysis. Mockups are a special form of Samples which are too large to be handled in the specified manner for transmittal of Sample Submittals. 2. Informational Submittals are those technical reports, administrative Submittals, certificates and guarantees not defined as Shop Drawings, product data, or Samples. a. Technical reports include laboratory reports, tests, technical procedures, technical records, and Supplier's design analysis. b. Administrative Submittals are those nontechnical Submittals required by the Contract or deemed necessary for administrative records. These Submittals include maintenance agreements, bonds, photographs, physical work records, statements of applicability, copies of industry standards, Contract record data, schedules, security/protection/safety data, and similar type Submittals. c. Certificates and guarantees are those Submittals on Equipment and Materials where a written certificate or guarantee from the manufacturer or Supplier is called for in the Specifications. 3. Refer to ARTICLES 1.03 and 1.04 of this PART for detailed lists of documents and specific requirements. Quality Requirements: 1. Shop Drawings and Product Data shall be submitted in electronic format. Every line, character, and letter shall be clearly legible and of suitable quality for reproduction. 2. Documents submitted to Owner and Engineer that do not conform to specified requirements shall be subject to rejection by Owner and Engineer, and upon request, Supplier shall resubmit conforming documents. Documents rejected due to illegibility or failure to comply with non-technical requirements will not satisfy schedule requirements. If conforming Submittals cannot be obtained, such documents shall be retraced, redrawn, or photographically restored as may be necessary to meet such requirements. Supplier’s 75644_013301 013301-1 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued C. D. E. failure to initially satisfy the legibility quality requirements will not relieve Supplier from meeting the required schedule for Submittals. 3. Supplier shall be notified of any Submittals rejected prior to review for legibility or formatting reasons by Engineer or Owner. No notification will be provided for Submittals which are not rejected. Language and Dimensions: 1. All words and dimensional units shall be in the English language. 2. Metric dimensional unit equivalents may be stated in addition to the English units. However, English units of measurement shall prevail. Submittal Completeness: 1. Submittals shall be complete with respect to dimensions, design criteria, materials of construction, and other information specified to enable Engineer to review the information effectively. 2. Where standard drawings are furnished which cover a number of variations of the general class of Equipment, each drawing shall be annotated to indicate exactly which parts of the drawing apply to the Equipment being furnished. Use hatch marks or X-outs to clearly indicate variations, optional equipment, or other items which do not apply to the Submittal and circle or box all selected variations, optional equipment, or other applicable selections. The use of “highlighting markers” will not be an acceptable means of annotating Submittals. Such annotation shall also include proper identification of the Submittal permanently attached to the drawing. 3. Reproduction or copies of Contract drawings or portions thereof will not be accepted as complete fabrication or erection drawings, but will be acceptable when used by Supplier as a drawing upon which to indicate information on erection or to identify detail drawing references. Whenever the Contract drawings are revised to show that additional Supplier's information, Engineer's title block shall be replaced with Supplier's title block, and Engineer's professional seal shall be removed from the drawing. Form of Submittals: 1. Supplier shall have one contact person for submitting and retrieving documents. a. This person will be responsible for making sure all documents are submitted properly. b. This person will be receiving an email every week stating what needs to be resubmitted. (1) All submittals with an action status of “B”, “C”, or “D” need to be resubmitted as described herein. 2. Submittal Documents a. Name of file must include: (1) Specifications SECTION number in front of filename (2) Must be short and specific to the file b. Name of file must NOT include: (1) Revision number/letter (2) Date (3) The word “Submittal” c. All documents that are supplied by the Supplier must be .PDF formatted d. A Submittal Block will be provided to Supplier as a .JPEG file. e. The submittal block must be included on: (1) Each individual PDF drawing. (one drawing per PDF file) (2) The first page of each document that is NOT a drawing. f. When submitting: 013301-2 75644_013301 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued (1) (2) 3. 1.03 A. B. See Appendix E for submittal instructions on the Webtools site. Send a transmittal letter by email to:, with cc: and (3) On the transmittal letter: 1) Include a description for each file 2) State what revision the file is. (4) State the project number (75644), project description, Contract number CXXXX (where ‘XXXX’ is to be replaced by the actual 4 digit number), and the number indicating the submittal number (1, 2, 3, etc.) within the e-mail g. Return Submittal: (1) Make sure the file name has stayed exactly the same as when you first submitted it. (2) Pick up any of Engineer’s comments and make the necessary changes to the original document/drawing. (3) If you are making a change or verifying information on any document, provide comment clouding on these items. (4) If the Engineer has made comments and you need to add or delete pages from your original document: (a) Place an “X” through the page to delete it (b) Add additional pages to the end of the PDF. Document Pick-Up a. Supplier will receive an e-mail stating that your package is ready to be picked up. b. Click on the Webtools link. c. Download the package. (1) Included in the package are: (a) A return transmittal letter listing the document being returned and what action status they are given. (b) Documents that are being returned with the submittal block filled out. d. Pick-up or respond to all comments from the Engineer. e. Resubmit any required documents as described above. Cloud all changes and increase the revision for all resubmitted documents. TECHNICAL SUBMITTALS: Provide required Submittals as specified in Appendix A and in the Specifications. Additional information about Submittals listed in Appendix A is provided in Appendix C. All durations are Days. Schedule of Submittals: 1. Prepare for Engineer's concurrence a schedule for submission of all Submittals specified or necessary for Engineer's approval of the use of Equipment and Materials proposed for incorporation in the Work or needed for proper installation, operation, or maintenance. Submit the schedule with the Work progress schedule. Schedule submission of all Submittals to permit review, fabrication, and delivery in time to not cause delay in the Work of Supplier or its Sub-Suppliers or any other contractors as described herein. 2. In establishing schedule for Submittals, allow 14 Days in Engineer's office for reviewing original submittals and 14 Days in Engineer's office for reviewing resubmittals. For submittals exceeding 20 drawings, Engineer and Owner may request additional time for review within 2 days of submittal receipt. 3. Submittals requiring revision shall be resubmitted within 14 Days after receipt of Engineer's review notations. 75644_013301 013301-3 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued 4. C. The schedule shall indicate the anticipated dates of original submission for each item and Engineer's approval thereof, and shall be based upon at least one resubmission of each item. 5. Schedule all Submittals required for submission within the time specified for each in Appendix A. 6. Resubmit Submittals the number of times required for Engineer's action stamp to read either A, F, or G as described below. However, any need for resubmittals in excess of the number set forth in the accepted schedule, or any other delay in obtaining approval of Submittals, will not be grounds for extension of the Contract Time provided Engineer completes its reviews within the times specified. Supplier shall not commence production of any part of the Equipment and Materials affected thereby until such Submittal has been reviewed and approved by Engineer. Transmittal of Submittals: 1. All Submittals (shop drawings, product data, and samples) for Equipment and Materials furnished by manufacturers and Supplier shall be submitted to Engineer by Supplier. 2. Transmit all Submittals to Engineer for approval as follows: a. Include Submittal Information Block: (1) Electronic files of Submittal Information Blocks will be provided to Supplier for use on electronic Submittals. (2) An example of the Submittal Information Block is included as Appendix B to this Section. b. Mark each Submittal by Project name and number, Contract title and number, and the applicable Specifications SECTION and Article numbers. c. Check and include Supplier's approval for Submittals of Supplier and manufacturers prior to transmitting them to Engineer. Supplier’s approval shall constitute a representation to Owner and Engineer that Supplier has determined and verified all design criteria, quantities, dimensions, materials, catalog numbers, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and similar data, or Supplier assumes full responsibility for doing so, and that Supplier has coordinated each Submittal with the requirements of the Work and the Contract. d. At the time of each submission, call to the attention of Engineer in the transmittal letter any deviations from the requirements of the Contract. e. Make all modifications noted or indicated by Engineer and return revised Submittals until approved. Direct specific attention in writing, or on revised Submittals, to changes other than the modifications called for by Engineer on previous Submittals. Previously approved Submittals transmitted for final distribution will not be further reviewed and are not to be revised. If errors are discovered during manufacture or fabrication, correct the Submittal and resubmit for review. f. Resubmitted files shall be indicated on the transmittal letter by a later date and revision number than the previous submissions. g. Following completion of the Work and prior to final payment, furnish record documents and approved Samples and Shop Drawings necessary to indicate "as constructed" conditions, including field modifications, in the number of copies specified. Furnish additional copies for insertion in Equipment instruction books and operating manuals as required. All such copies shall be clearly marked "PROJECT RECORD." (1) Submit a final record copy of a master field drawing list which shall indicate the final revision status of each drawing on the list. 013301-4 75644_013301 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued 3. 4. 75644_013301 Quantity Requirements: a. Except as otherwise specified in Appendix A, transmit all Shop Drawings in the following quantities: (1) Initial Submittal: (a) Per Appendix A, this Section. (2) Resubmittals: (a) Per Appendix A, this Section. (3) Submittal for final distribution: (a) Paper - One copy to Owner, One copy to Engineer. (b) Electronic - One CD-ROM or flash drive copy to Engineer in native format. Drawings shall be provided as AutoCAD 2012 or later files. (4) As-constructed documents: (a) Paper - One copy to Owner, one copy to Engineer. (b) Electronic - Three CD-ROM or flash drive copies to Engineer in native format. Drawings shall be provided as AutoCAD 2012 or later files. b. Transmit Submittals of product data as indicated for Shop Drawings above. c. Transmit Submittals of Material Samples, color charts, and similar items as follows: (1) Initial Submittal – Two to Engineer. One to Owner. (2) Resubmittal – Two to Engineer. One to Owner. (3) Upon approval, Sample(s) will not be returned to Supplier. d. Except as otherwise specified in Appendix A, transmit Submittals of Equipment instruction books and operating manuals as follows: (1) Initial Submittal: (a) Paper - No copies to Engineer. One copy to Owner. Only Engineer’s comments will be returned to Supplier. (b) Electronic - One copy to Engineer. One copy to Owner. (2) Resubmittals: (a) Paper - No copies to Engineer. One copy to Owner. Only Engineer’s comments will be returned to Supplier. (b) Electronic - One copy to Engineer. One copy to Owner. (3) Submittal for Final Distribution: (a) Four paper copies to Owner upon Engineer’s written authorization. (b) One CD-ROM or flash drive copy to Engineer as PDF files and Two CD-ROM or flash drive copies to Owner. e. All Submittals provided in PDF format shall contain searchable text. f. When all Submittals have been updated to "as-constructed" conditions, transmit to Engineer three copies and Owner five copies each of manuals on CD-ROM. g. Owner may copy and use for internal operations and staff training purposes any and all document Submittals required by this Contract and approved for final distribution, whether or not such documents are copyrighted, at no additional cost to Owner. If permission to copy any such Submittal for the purposes stated is withheld from Owner by manufacturer or Supplier, the Supplier shall provide to Owner 50 copies plus the number of copies required by Supplier at each final distribution issue. Supplier’s erection drawings and other Submittals required for installation of Equipment furnished under this Contract for installation under other contracts will be transmitted electronically to installing contractor by Engineer in the final distribution of such Submittals. 013301-5 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued 5. D. E. Information to Manufacturer's District Office: Supplier shall arrange for manufacturers and suppliers of Equipment or Materials to furnish copies of all agreements, drawings, specifications, operating instructions, correspondence, and other matters associated with this Contract to the manufacturer's district office servicing Owner. Insofar as practicable, all business matters relative to Equipment and Materials included in this Contract shall be conducted through such local district offices. Engineer's Review: 1. Engineer will review and take appropriate action on Submittals in accordance with the accepted Schedule of Submittals. Engineer's review and approval will be only to determine if items of Equipment and Materials covered by the Submittals are compatible with the design concept and conform to information given in the Contract. 2. Such review and approval will not extend to design data reflected in Submittals which is peculiarly within the special expertise of Supplier. Review and approval of a component item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 3. Engineer's review and approval of Shop Drawings, product data, or Samples will not relieve Supplier of responsibility for any deviation from requirements of the Contract Documents unless Supplier has in writing called Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission, and Engineer has given written concurrence in and approval of the specific deviation. Approval by Engineer shall not relieve Supplier from responsibility for errors or omissions in Submittals. Submittal Action Stamp: 1. Engineer's review action stamp, appropriately completed, will appear on all Submittals of Supplier when returned by Engineer. Review status designations listed on Engineer's action stamp are defined as follows: A - SUBMITTAL APPROVED Signifies Equipment or Material represented by the Submittal conforms to the design concept and complies with the intent of the Contract and is approved for incorporation in the Work. Supplier is to proceed with fabrication or procurement of the items and with related Work. Copies of the Submittal are to be transmitted to Engineer for final distribution. B - SUBMITTAL APPROVED AS NOTED (RESUBMIT) Signifies Equipment or Material represented by the Submittal conforms to the design concept and complies with the intent of the Contract and is approved for incorporation in the Work in accordance with Engineer's notations. Supplier is to proceed with fabrication or procurement of the items and with related Work in accordance with Engineer's notations and is to submit a revised Submittal responsive to notations marked on the returned Submittal or written in the letter of transmittal. C - SUBMITTAL RETURNED FOR REVISION (RESUBMIT) Signifies Equipment or Material represented by the Submittal appears to conform with the design concept and comply with the intent of the Contract but information is either insufficient in detail or contains discrepancies which prevent Engineer from completing its review. Supplier is to resubmit revised information responsive to Engineer's annotations on the returned Submittal or written in the letter of transmittal. Fabrication or procurement of items represented by the Submittal and related Work is not to proceed until the Submittal is approved. 013301-6 75644_013301 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued D - SUBMITTAL NOT APPROVED (SUBMIT ANEW) Signifies Equipment or Material represented by the Submittal does not conform to the design concept or comply with the intent of the Contract and is disapproved for use in the Work. Supplier is to provide Submittals responsive to the Contract. E - PRELIMINARY SUBMITTAL Signifies Submittals of such preliminary nature that a determination of conformance with the design concept or compliance with the intent of the Contract must be deferred until additional information is furnished. Supplier is to submit such additional information to permit layout and related activities to proceed. F - FOR REFERENCE, NO APPROVAL REQUIRED Signifies Submittals which are for supplementary information only; pamphlets, general information sheets, catalog cuts, standard sheets, bulletins and similar data, all of which are useful to Engineer or Owner in design, operation, or maintenance, but which by their nature do not constitute a basis for determining that items represented thereby conform with the design concept or comply with the intent of the Contract. Engineer reviews such Submittals for general content but not for basic details. G - DISTRIBUTION COPY (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) Signifies Submittals which have been previously approved and are being distributed to Supplier, Owner, and others for coordination and construction purposes. F. Instruction Books and Operating Manuals: 1. In addition to electronic Submittals specified above, Equipment instruction books and operating manuals prepared by the manufacturer shall include the following: a. Index and tabs. b. Instructions for installation, start-up, operation, inspection, maintenance, parts lists and recommended spare parts, and data sheets showing model numbers. c. Applicable drawings. d. Warranties and guarantees. e. Name and address of nearest manufacturer-authorized service facility. f. All additional data specified. 2. Each hard copy of the manuals shall be assembled and bound in black three-ring binders designed for rough usage. Binders shall be as specified below. a. Front covers and spine of the manuals shall be permanently marked with white lettering indicating Owner’s name, plant name, unit number, name of equipment, volume number if applicable, contract number, name of Supplier, Supplier’s address, and year of manufacture. See Appendix D of this SECTION for more details. 75644_013301 Manufacturer ViaTech Publishing Solutions or approved equal 424 North Cedarbrook Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65802 1-800-888-0823 Binder type Swing Hinge C78 Split Prong Construction Stiff binder board Covering Supported vinyl skytogen liner 013301-7 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued b. G. 1.04 A. B. Material and color Black imitation leather (Material Code NV899) Font News Gothic Condensed Imprinting Foil stamp in accordance with Appendix D of this section. Imprinting color is to be white. Capacities available Split prong swing hinge 2 inch or 3 inch as required. Binder capacities shall not exceed 3 inches, nor shall material included exceed the designed binder capacity. If material to be bound exceeds capacity rating, multiple volumes shall be furnished. Binder capacity should not be more than approximately ½- inch greater than the thickness of the material within the binder. Submit mockup of cover and spine for Engineer's review. c. Samples: 1. Office Samples shall be of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate the following: a. Functional characteristics of the product, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. b. Full range of color, texture, and pattern. c. Material, manufacturer, pertinent catalog number, and intended use. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS: Informational Submittals are comprised of technical reports, administrative Submittals, and guarantees which relate to the Work, but do not require Engineer approval prior to proceeding with the Work. Informational Submittals include: 1. Test reports. 2. Certification on Materials: a. Steel mill tests. 3. Shipping and/or packing lists. 4. Job progress schedules. 5. Equipment and Material delivery schedules. 6. Warranties and guarantees. 7. Welder qualification records. 8. Welding procedures qualification tests. 9. X-ray and radiograph reports. 10. Hydrostatic testing. Transmittal of Informational Submittals: 1. All informational Submittals furnished by manufacturers and suppliers shall be submitted to Engineer by Supplier unless otherwise specified. a. Identify each informational Submittal by Project name and number, Contract title and number, and the Specifications SECTION and Article numbers marked thereon or in the letter of transmittal. Unidentifiable Submittals will be returned for proper identification. b. At the time of each submission, call to the attention of Engineer in the letter of transmittal any deviations from the requirements of the Contract. 2. Quantity Requirements: a. Technical reports and administrative Submittals except as otherwise specified: (1) Paper: One copy each to Engineer and Owner. (2) Electronic: One copy each to Engineer and Owner. 3. Test Reports: 013301-8 75644_013301 SECTION 013301 - SUBMITTALS: continued a. C. Responsibilities of Supplier, Owner, and Engineer regarding tests and inspections of Equipment, Materials, and completed Work are set forth elsewhere in this Contract. b. The party specified responsible for testing or inspection shall in each case, unless otherwise specified, arrange for the testing laboratory or reporting agency to distribute one electronic copy of the test reports to Owner, Engineer, and Supplier. Engineer's Review: 1. Engineer will review informational Submittals for indications of Work or Material deficiencies. 2. Engineer will respond to Supplier on those informational Submittals which indicate Work or Material deficiency. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - Not Applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION - Not Applicable. END OF SECTION 013301 75644_013301 013301-9 APPENDIX A SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE LEGEND: E = E-mail; P(x) = Paper Copy (no. of copies) ID Description 1. 2. Preliminary Installation Manuals Preliminary Operating Manuals 3. Final Installation Manuals 4. Final Operating Manuals 5. 6. Packing Lists Bills of Materials 7. Unloading, Handling & Storage Requirements and Procedures Material Safety Data Sheets (if applicable) Test Reports 8. 9. 10. All submittals specified in the Specifications - Divisions 1 through 26 75644_8410_013300 For Approval (required prior to purchase or fabrication) For Information / Certification / Construction (conformed including contractor comments) E, P (2) – 120 days prior to delivery E, P (2) – 60 days prior to delivery E, P (2) – 60 days prior to Contract Delivery Date P (3), E – 30 days prior to Contract Delivery Date P (3), E – 30 days prior to Contract Delivery Date P (3) – With each shipment P (3), E – With Notice of Shipment and with each shipment P (3), E – With Notice of Shipment P (5), E – With Notice of Shipment and with each Shipment P (3), E – 3 days after each test E P (3), E 013300 – Appendix A-1 APPENDIX B SUBMITTAL INFORMATION BLOCK Supplier to fill in all blanks without preprinted information For the use of Engineer Project Supplier Identification Date Engineer Received Supplier: _________________________________ Project Name: ____________________________ Project No.: ______________________________ Contract Title: ____________________________ Contract No.: ____________________________ Spec. Section No.: ________________________ Engineer’s Action (See Contract Documents) Initials & Date A______________ Supplier's Approval: Submission of this document B______________ shall represent contractor's approval as specified in the C______________ Contract. Supplier remains liable for accuracy of D______________ Submittals as provided in the Contract. Initials & Date E______________ F______________ G______________ 1. Use this decal on all shop drawings, whether prepared by Supplier or Sub-Supplier. Place as near as possible to the drawing title in the lower right corner. 2. Affix the gummed edge paper information blocks to all “product data” type Submittals immediately inside the front cover. 013301-APPENDIX B APPENDIX C SUBMITTAL DESCRIPTION System I/O list • Tabulation of all inputs and outputs associated with a PLC or DCS to be used to control the supplied system. Electrical Schematic • Detailed schematics showing each and every light, switch, controller, relay, timer, etc., associated with a systems control circuit • All voltage and current ratings • Special wiring requirements (coax, high temp., etc.) Control Panel Front View & Internal Wiring Diagram • Physical diagrams of all supplied control panels (internal and external) • All light and switches including color • All wiring internal to the panel • All Tagging/Labeling • Panel NEMA rating Electrical Load List • Tabulation of all motors (load in hp) • Tabulation of all variable speed drives (load in kW) • Tabulation of all 120V vital ac loads (load in kW) • Tabulation including hp, voltage, and number of phases Electrical Equipment Layout • Physical drawing showing the location of each of the electrical interface points and elevation of equipment in respect to the plant elevation • Location of each device that requires Owner’s cable to be run to it Equipment Installation Details • Drawings showing how to install all devices that require field installation • Details including support/mounting devices • Instrument installation details including tubing installation from root valve to the instrument including tubing size, slope, valve manifold, etc. Interconnection Wiring Diagrams • Overall system diagram showing 100% of the field wiring required • Interface of each device or panel being supplied in the system • Voltage and current ratings Control Logic Diagrams • Normal start/stop sequence • Alarm development • Identification of all time delays • Auto stop/start sequence • Identification of digital control • Identification of analog control P&ID's • System diagrams of all system piping • Identification of all instruments, pressure switches, limit switches, temperature elements, etc. • Identification of interface (PLC, DCS, or hard wired interlocks) for each device • Identification of valves, pumps, etc. • Identification of all pipe size, materials, and schedule • • additional information necessary to establish the foundation arrangement Either actual or "not-to-exceed" foundation design loads, and their points of application, for all applicable load cases and/or combinations (i.e., dead load, live load, wind, seismic, dynamic, etc.) Identification of loading directions, magnitudes, and any other permanent data required for the foundation design Structural and Miscellaneous Steel • Certified shop drawings and erection diagrams for all structural steel and miscellaneous steel • Documents prepared in accordance with the AISC specification for the design, fabrication, and erection of structural steel for buildings Outline Drawings • Outline dimensional drawing • Location of all interface connections (plan and elevation) • Recommended/required mounting details clearly depicting bolting location, size, material, and projection requirements, or sufficient data such that the Engineer can establish such requirements (for dynamic equipment or machinery data include operating speeds, rotating masses, centers-of-gravity, eccentricities, etc.) • Weight and center of gravity • Type of interface connection (e.g., 150 lb. RF flange, welded, weld end preparation, wall thickness or schedule, etc.) • Allowable loads for all nozzles • Removal space/maintenance requirements • Special rigging requirements • Thermal movements of all nozzles (if applicable) Piping Information • Physical drawing showing the routing of all vendor supplied pipe • Location of pumps, valves, traps, strainers, instrument connections, etc. on the piping drawing • Location of all Owner/Vendor interface points (plan and elevation) for large and small pipe • Drawing including locating dimensions in respect to the plant columns and elevation or centerline of equipment • Allowable loads and movements for all interface points • Support locations and details • Identification of pipe sizes, materials, valves, pumps, insulation, etc. • Field weld locations • Wall/floor penetration requirements • Pipe movements in excess of 1 inch • Design/service conditions (temperature/pressure) O & M Manuals • Description of equipment • Theory of operation • Troubleshooting • Equipment drawings • Installation instructions • Maintenance instructions • Sub-supplier component list General Arrangement Drawings • Dimension and location (plan and elevation) of all equipment including locating dimensions in respect to the plant columns and elevation of equipment in respect to the plant elevation • Identification of all pull space requirements • Identification of all access/maintenance requirements Foundation Details • Foundation details/outlines depicting overall dimensions, pad and blockout requirements, anchor bolt locations and details, and any 013301-APPENDIX C APPENDIX D TYPICAL INSTRUCTION BOOK COVER NAME OF EQUIPMENT Stillwater Electric Utilities Power Generation Station CONTRACT NUMBER C8410 Stillwater Electric Utilities 36 Power Generation Station 24 INSTRUCTION BOOK FOR NAME OF EQUIPMENT VOLUME NUMBER* 36 36 36 36 CONTRACT NUMBER C8410 24 CONTRACTOR'S NAME CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR’S ORDER NUMBER 24 24 24 Equipment Tag Number(s) 24 VOLUME NUMBER* (Spine) (Cover) NOTES: 1. All lettering shall be a block style font such as Arial. 2. All spine lettering shall be 14 point. 3. Cover lettering shall be point sizes indicated in column to right of cover illustration. 4. *Volume number required only if instructions are contained in more than one volume 75644_8410_013300 013300-APPENDIX D-1 Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Overview: The following procedure is for vendors, suppliers, or contractors who will be issuing submittals to Burns & McDonnell (BMcD). If you have questions about uploading submittals, please email or call your BMcD contact. It is a step by step guide on: • Login options o Logging in o Resetting the Password o Forgotten Passwords • Preparing and Delivering a Submittal o Creating a Submittal o Notification of Receipt • Picking up a Reviewed or Rejected Submittal o Notification of Completed/Rejected Documents o Download of Completed/Rejected Documents 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-1 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Logging In: Log into BMcD WebTools at using the username and password sent to you by Burns and McDonnell’s IT support group. Note: Accounts are user specific. Do not share the username and password. Others who wish to access the system should request a separate account. Previously you were not able to change the password you received, but now it can be reset after using the initial password from BMcD. After changing the password it cannot be changed again for 24 hours. Previously used passwords cannot be used again. The Domain is BMCDEXT and should preface your username. To Login: The Domain is BMCDEXT\and should be typed in before the user name. Example: BMcDext\[user ID] so the information would be BMcDEXT\ext_jdoe. a. You may change your password by checking the box for I want to change my password after logging on. b. If you forgot your password you can have a new password sent to you by clicking the “Forgot your password?” 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-2 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Login Screen: 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-3 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Set New Password screen: • • • The new password must meet BMcD password requirements: The password has to be at least eight characters long. The password must contain characters from at least three of the following categories: • English uppercase characters (A - Z) • English lowercase characters (a - z) • Base 10 digits (0 - 9) • Non-alphanumeric (For example: !, $, #, or %) • The password cannot contain three or more characters from the user's account name. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-4 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document If you forgot your password you can have a new password sent to you by clicking the “Forgot your password”. If so, the following screen will appear for requesting a new password. Request New Password screen: 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-5 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Creating a Submittal: If your password does not need to be changed, use your current User ID and Password to log into WebTools. Your username and password information will be automatically populated into the BMcD Login screen. 1. To create a submittal click in the Project/Program text box and fill in with the appropriate project name or program number, then click Create Submittal. If a reminder of the appropriate project number is needed, log in to WebTools and view the available project number folders. By clicking on the “Documents” folder the list of available project number will be seen. Descriptions of those projects will be given on the right hand window pane. After the proper project number is verified, log back out to return to the Create Submittal option. Note: When creating a Submittal, the Repository information is not needed. If the number is incorrectly entered the following error message will be displayed. Check the number, if you believe you received this message in error you will need to contact your BMCD Document Control contact. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-6 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document If this is the first time you are visiting the Submittal screen then you will be prompted to load the ActiveX Add-On that will allow you to drag and drop documents into the screen. Click on Install to load the ActiveX Add-On. Note: Some companies prohibit the install of an ActiveX Add-On. If this is the case for your system administrators please contact your BMcD representative. After installing the Active X component, the window is now ready for files to be drag and dropped directly into the grid part of the window. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-7 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document 2. Select the files from your system and drag them into the window. One of two options may be used in the Create Submittal window: • Drag and drop a File • Use the Add Folder or Add Files buttons in the Document Submittal window. A vendor transmittal number will be assigned to the Submittal upon receipt. If preferred, a transmittal may be created and added to the list of files as a separate document. Please check with your project team for specific submittal needs. The Filename, client name, and project number will be pre-populated in the Create Submittal window. Before dragging the files into the window make sure they follow the file naming requirements. Filename should be the same as the Drawing Name or Document Number. Do not include the following in the filenames: a. Revision b. Dates c. Transmittal Information Note: If the document is being resubmitted then the filename must match EXACTLY with the previous submittal name. Valid filename examples: A07-9877-8-1.pdf, M-114-1-par.pdf, A-347-wps.pdf, 18555-18 ASME calcs.pdf, Terminal Point List.pdf 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-8 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Description is required and should relate to the document title from the title block of the drawing. Valid description include: General Arrangements, Weld Procedures, Code Calcs, Terminal Point List, Wiring Diagram – Analyzer. Revision should be the actual revision from the document title block. If the document does not have a revision enter a dash/hyphen (-). Items with an * in the column name are required. Items that do not include the * may still be required by your project. Please fill in as much detail as possible unless directed otherwise by your BMCD Document Control contact. Note: Columns in the window may be resized as needed. If a drop down list is supplied then only those values may be selected. To narrow a list of items or if a value is known, it may be typed or the copy/paste option may be used into the drop down. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-9 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document 3. Click on the Upload Submittal and the files will begin to load. 4. When complete you will be prompted that the Package was successfully received. Click OK and you will be returned to the Login Window. Notification of Receipt: Within a few minutes you will receive an email notice that will include a link to a transmittal receipt. If there is a correction made to the submittal you may receive an additional notice that will include a link to the updated transmittal receipt. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-10 REV: B Appendix E Vendor Submittal Reference Document Picking up a Reviewed Submittal If your Submittal is being return after a review or is rejected, you will receive an email from the system with a link to a zip file consisting of the files. 1. To pick up the files, Click the File link. 2. After logging into WebTools you will be directed to the document for pickup. Click on Download to get a copy of the file. 3. Select a location on your hard drive to save the file and click ok. 9400 Ward Parkway • Kansas City, MO 64114-3319 Tel: 816 333-9400 • Fax: 816 333-3690 • 013301-Appendix E-11 REV: B SECTION 014200 - DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. SUMMARY: Definitions: 1. Basic contract definitions used in the Contract Documents are defined in Attachment A – Commercial Terms and Conditions of the Contract. Definitions and explanations are not necessarily either complete or exclusive, but are general for the Work. 2. General Requirements are the provisions or requirements of DIVISION 1 Sections, and which apply to the entire Work of the Contract. Related Information Specified Elsewhere: Specification standards and associations applicable to the Work are specified in each Section. SPECIFICATION FORMAT AND CONTENT EXPLANATIONS: Specification Format: The Specifications are organized into Divisions and Sections based on the Construction Specifications Institute's (CSI) Section Format and MasterFormat numbering system. Some portions may not fully comply and no particular significance will be attached to such compliance or noncompliance. 1. Divisions and Sections: For convenience, a basic unit of Specification text is a "Section," each unit of which is numbered and named. These are organized with related Sections, into "Divisions," which are recognized as the present industry consensus on uniform organization and sequencing of Specifications. The Section title is not intended to limit meaning or content of Section, nor to be fully descriptive of requirements specified therein, nor to be an integral part of text. 2. Section Numbering: Used for identification and to facilitate cross-references in Contract Documents. Sections are placed in numeric sequence; however, numbering sequence is not complete, and listing of Sections in Table of Contents at beginning of the Project Manual must be consulted to determine numbers and names of Specification Sections in these Contract Documents. 3. Page Numbering: Numbered independently for each Section. Section number is shown with page number at bottom of each page, to facilitate location of text. 4. Parts: Each Section of Specifications generally has been subdivided into three basic "parts" for uniformity and convenience (PART 1 - GENERAL, PART 2 - PRODUCTS, and PART 3 - EXECUTION). These "Parts" do not limit the meaning of text within. Some Sections may not contain all three "Parts" when some are not applicable, or may contain more than three "Parts" to add clarity to organization of Section. 5. Underscoring of Titles: Used strictly to assist reader of Specification in scanning text for key words in content. No emphasis on or relative importance is intended except where underscoring may be used in body of text to emphasize a duty, critical requirement, or similar situation. 6. Project Identification: Project file number and identification are recorded at bottom of each page of Specifications to minimize possible misuse of Specifications, or confusion with other Project Specifications. Specification Content: 1. These Specifications apply certain conventions in the use of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations or circumstances. These conventions are explained as follows: a. Imperative and Streamlined Language: These Specifications are written in imperative and abbreviated form. This imperative language of the technical 75644_8410_014200 014200-1 SECTION 014200 - DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS: continued C. D. 1.03 A. 1.04 A. Sections is directed at the Contractor, unless specifically noted otherwise. Incomplete sentences shall be completed by inserting "shall," "the Contractor shall," and "shall be," and similar mandatory phrases by inference in the same manner as they are applied to notes on the Drawings. The words "shall be" shall be supplied by inference where a colon (:) is used within sentences or phrases. Except as worded to the contrary, fulfill (perform) all indicated requirements whether stated imperatively or otherwise. b. Specifying Methods: The techniques or methods of specifying requirements varies throughout text, and may include "prescriptive," "compliance with standards," "performance," "proprietary," or a combination of these. The method used for specifying one unit of Work has no bearing on requirements for another unit of Work. c. Overlapping and Conflicting Requirements: Where compliance with two or more industry standards or sets of requirements is specified, and overlapping of those different standards or requirements establishes different or conflicting minimums or levels of quality, notify Engineer in writing for a decision, which Engineer will render in writing within a reasonable time. d. Abbreviations: Throughout the Contract Documents are abbreviations implying words and meanings which shall be appropriately interpreted. Specific abbreviations have been established, principally for lengthy technical terminology and in conjunction with coordination of Specification requirements with notations on Drawings and in schedules. These are normally defined at first instance of use. Organizational and association names and titles of general standards are also abbreviated. Assignment of Specialists: In certain instances, Specification text requires that specific Work be assigned to specialists in the operations to be performed. These specialists shall be engaged for performance of those units of Work, and assignments are requirements over which Contractor has no choice or option. These assignments shall not be confused with, and are not intended to interfere with, enforcement of building codes and similar regulations governing the Work, local trade and union jurisdictions, and similar conventions. Nevertheless, final responsibility for fulfillment of Contract requirements remains with Contractor. Trades: Except as otherwise specified or indicated, the use of titles such as "carpentry" in Specification text, implies neither that the Work must be performed by an accredited or unionized tradesperson of corresponding generic name (such as "carpenter"), nor that specified requirements apply exclusively to work by tradespersons of that corresponding generic name. DRAWING SYMBOLS: Except as otherwise indicated, graphic symbols used on Drawings are those symbols recognized in the construction industry for purposes indicated. Refer instances of uncertainty to Engineer for clarification. INDUSTRY STANDARDS: Applicability of Standards: Except where the Contract Documents include more stringent requirements, applicable construction industry standards have the same force and effect as if bound or copied directly into the Contract Documents. Such standards are made a part of the Contract Documents by reference and are stated in each Section. 1. Referenced standards, referenced directly in Contract Documents or by governing regulations, have precedence over nonreferenced standards which are recognized in industry for applicability to the Work. 014200-2 75644_8410_014200 SECTION 014200 - DEFINITIONS AND STANDARDS: continued 2. B. Where compliance with an industry standard is required, the latest standard in effect at time of opening Bids shall govern. 3. Where an applicable code or standard has been revised and reissued after the effective date of the Contract and before performance of Work affected by the revision, Engineer will decide whether to issue a Change Order to proceed with the revised standard. 4. In every instance the quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum to be provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly, within specified tolerances, with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed that minimum within reasonable limits. In complying with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum values, as noted, or appropriate for the context of the requirements. Refer instances of uncertainty to Engineer for a decision before proceeding. 5. Each entity engaged in construction on the Project is required to be familiar with industry standards applicable to that entity's construction activity. Copies of applicable standards are not bound with the Contract Documents. a. Where copies of standards are needed for performance of a required construction activity, Contractor shall obtain copies directly from the publication source. Abbreviations and Names: Trade association names and titles of general standards are frequently abbreviated. Where such acronyms or abbreviations are used in the Specifications or other Contract Documents, they mean the recognized name of the trade association, standards generating organization, authority having jurisdiction, or other entity applicable to the context of the text provision. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - Not Applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION - Not Applicable END OF SECTION 014200 75644_8410_014200 014200-3 SECTION 015200 - FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. D. SUMMARY: This Section includes requirements for temporary field offices and other structures required for office and storage space required by Contractor. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Equipment and Materials: SECTION 016000. 2. Temporary Utilities and Facilities: SECTION 015600. Use of Existing Facilities: 1. Existing facilities at the Site shall not be used for field offices. Use of Permanent Facilities: 1. Permanent facilities when substantially completed shall not be used for field offices or for storage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. 2.02 A. B. FIELD OFFICES: General: 1. Provide trailers, mobile buildings, or buildings constructed with floors raised aboveground, with steps, landings, and railings at entrance doors. 2. Buildings shall be structurally sound, secure, and weathertight. 3. Provide appropriate type fire extinguishers at each office and storage area. 4. Maintain offices during progress of the Work. Contractor's Office: 1. Provide a field office for Contractor's superintendent on the Site, if required by Contractor’s operations. 2. It shall be of size required for general use, with lights, heat, furnishings, telephone service, and other necessary facilities and utilities required by Contractor's operations. STORAGE SHEDS AND TRAILERS: On Site: 1. Provide temporary buildings or trailers needed for storage of Equipment and Materials installed under this Contract. 2. Provide ventilation and heating as required by Equipment and Material stored. Off Site: 1. Advise Engineer of any arrangements made for storage of Equipment and Materials in a place other than Owner's Site. Furnish evidence of insurance coverage with Application for Payment as specified by the Contract Documents. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. LOCATION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE: General: 1. Place temporary buildings, trailers, and stored Materials in locations acceptable to Engineer. 2. Contractor is responsible for connection of trailer to on-site water, sewer and electric systems. 3. Install field offices and sheds to resist winds and elements of the locality where installed. 75644_8410_015200 015200-1 SECTION 015200 - FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS: continued 4. 5. 6. 7. Remove when no longer needed at the Site or when Work is completed. Keep approach walks free of leaves, mud, water, ice, or snow. At completion of Work, remove temporary buildings and trailers, foundations (if any), utility services, and debris. Prepare ground or paved areas as required by Contractor’s operations. END OF SECTION 015200 015200-2 75644_8410_015200 SECTION 01560 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND FACILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. C. D. E. 1.03 A. B. C. 1.04 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes requirements of a temporary nature not normally incorporated into final Work. It includes the following: 1. Utility services. 2. Construction and support facilities. 3. Construction aids. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Field Offices and Sheds: SECTION 015200. REFERENCES: American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. A10 Series - Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition. National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA): 1. Electrical Design Library - Temporary Electrical Facilities. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. 10 - Portable Fire Extinguishers. 2. 70 - National Electrical Code. 3. 241 - Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). Underwriters Laboratories (UL). QUALITY ASSURANCE: Regulations: Comply with industry standards and applicable laws and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction, including but not limited to: 1. Building Code requirements. 2. Health and safety regulations. 3. Utility company regulations. 4. Police, Fire Department, and rescue squad rules. 5. Environmental protection regulations. Standards: 1. Comply with NFPA 10 and 241, and ANSI A10 Series standards "Temporary Electrical Facilities." 2. Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service in compliance with NFPA 70. Inspections: Arrange for authorities having jurisdiction to inspect and test each temporary utility before use. Obtain required certifications and permits. PROJECT CONDITIONS: Temporary Utilities: Prepare a schedule indicating dates for implementation and termination of each temporary utility. At the earliest feasible time, when acceptable to Owner, change over from use of temporary service to use of the permanent service. Conditions of Use: Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat in appearance. Operate in a safe and efficient manner. Take necessary fire prevention measures. Do not overload facilities, or permit them to interfere with progress. Do not allow hazardous, dangerous, unsanitary conditions, or public nuisances to develop or persist on the Site. 75644_8410_015600 015600-1 SECTION 01560 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND FACILITIES: continued PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Provide new materials and equipment. If acceptable to Engineer, undamaged previously used materials and equipment in serviceable condition may be used. Provide materials and equipment suitable for the use intended, of capacity for required usage, and meeting applicable codes and standards. Comply with requirements of DIVISIONS 2 through 48. Electrical Outlets: Provide properly configured, NEMA-polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 110- to 120V plugs into higher voltage outlets. Provide receptacle outlets equipped with ground-fault circuit interrupters, reset button, and pilot light for connection of power tools and equipment. Electrical Power Cords: Provide grounded extension cords. Use hard-service cords where exposed to abrasion and traffic. Provide waterproof connectors to connect separate lengths of electric cords if single lengths will not reach areas where construction activities are in progress. Do not exceed safe length-voltage ratio. Lamps and Light Fixtures: Provide general service incandescent lamps of wattage required for adequate illumination. Provide guard cages or tempered-glass enclosures where exposed to breakage. Provide exterior fixtures where exposed to moisture. Heating Units: Provide temporary heating units that have been tested and labeled by UL, FM, or another recognized trade association related to the type of fuel being consumed. Fire Extinguishers: Provide hand-carried, portable, UL-rated, Class A fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces. In other locations, provide hand-carried, portable, ULrated, Class ABC, dry-chemical extinguishers or a combination of extinguishers of NFPArecommended classes for the exposures. Comply with NFPA 10 and NFPA 241 for classification, extinguishing agent, and size required by location and class of fire exposure. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. TEMPORARY UTILITIES: General: 1. Provide adequate utility capacity at each stage of construction. Prior to availability of temporary utilities at the Site, provide trucked-in services as required for start-up of construction operations. 2. Furnish, install, and maintain temporary utilities required for adequate construction, safety, and security. Modify, relocate, and extend systems as Work progresses. Repair damage caused by installation or use of temporary facilities. Remove on completion of Work or until service or facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. 3. The types of temporary construction utilities and facilities required include, but not by way of limitation, water distribution, drainage, dewatering equipment, enclosure of Work, heat, ventilation, electrical power distribution, lighting, hoisting facilities, stairs, ladders, and roads. 4. Inspect and test each service before placing temporary utilities in use. Arrange for required inspections and tests by governing authorities, and obtain required certifications and permits for use. 5. Materials used for temporary service shall not be used in the permanent system unless so specified or acceptable to Engineer. Because of operational requirements, Owner may restrict or curtail Contractor's use of electric power, water, compressed air, and natural gas. If these utilities are critical to Contractor's 015600-2 75644_8410_015600 SECTION 01560 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND FACILITIES: continued operations and completion of the Contract on the agreed schedule, Contractor shall consider furnishing alternate sources for its own use. Restriction or curtailment of these utilities shall not be a basis for a claim against Owner or an extension of the agreed schedule. 3.02 A. B. 3.03 A. B. 3.04 A. 3.05 A. B. C. 3.06 A. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING: Use of Existing System: 1. Owner will provide limited provisions for temporary electricity at a central location. Contractor shall provide means for distributing electricity as necessary to complete the Work. When temporary service is not available, Contractor shall provide portable generators as is necessary to complete the work. 2. Owner to pay for usage cost during construction. Use of Permanent System: 1. Prior to use of permanent system for construction purposes, obtain written permission of Owner. 2. Maintain permanent system as specified for temporary facilities. TEMPORARY WATER: Use of Existing System: 1. Owner will provide limited provisions for connection to the existing system for temporary water. 2. Contractor is responsible for connecting to existing system (including construction trailer). 3. Owner to pay for usage cost during construction. Use of Permanent System: 1. Prior to use of permanent system for construction purposes, obtain written permission of Owner. 2. Prior to Use of System for Drinking Water: a. Disinfect piping. b. Obtain inspection and approval of governing authority. TEMPORARY GAS: Use of Existing System: 1. Owner will not provide limited provisions for connection to the existing system for temporary natural gas. Contractor to inform Owner Prior to starting work if natural gas is required to perform the Work. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES: Contractor to provide temporary sanitary facilities for Contractor’s use. Use of Existing Facilities: 1. Owner to provide limited provisions for connection to existing sanitary system for connection of construction trailers. 2. Contractor is responsible for connecting construction trailer to sanitary system. Use of Permanent Facilities: 1. Owner restrooms shall not be used by construction personnel. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION AIDS: General: 75644_8410_015600 015600-3 SECTION 01560 - TEMPORARY UTILITIES AND FACILITIES: continued 1. 2. 3. 3.07 A. B. C. Provide construction aids and equipment required by personnel and to facilitate the execution of the Work; scaffolds, staging, ladders, stairs, ramps, runways, platforms, railings, hoists, cranes, chutes, and other such facilities and equipment. Materials may be new or used, must be suitable for the intended purpose, and meet the requirements of applicable codes, regulations, and standards. When permanent stair framing is in place, provide temporary treads, platforms, and railings for use by construction personnel. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL: Relocation: Relocate construction aids as required by progress of construction, storage limitations, or Work requirements and to accommodate requirements of Owner and other contractors at the Site. Removal: Remove temporary materials, equipment, and services when construction needs can be met and allowed by use of permanent construction, or at completion of the Project. Repair: Clean and repair damage caused by installation or by use of temporary facilities. 1. Remove foundations and underground installations for construction aids. END OF SECTION 01560 015600-4 75644_8410_015600 SECTION 016001 - EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This SECTION includes general requirements for transportation and handling, delivery, storage, and protection of Supplier-furnished Equipment and Materials. Related SECTIONS: 1. Submittals: SECTION 013301. DEFINITIONS: Terms used in this SECTION are not intended to negate the meaning of other terms used in the Contract , including such terms as "systems," "structures," "finishes," "accessories," "furnishings," "special construction," and similar terms. Such terms are self-explanatory and have recognized meanings in the construction industry. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Equipment and Material incorporated into the Work: 1. Conform to the Specifications and applicable codes, standards, and requirements of regulatory agencies. 2. Provide Products that comply with the requirements of the Contract, undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, new and unused at the time of installation. Provide Products that are complete with all accessories, trim, finish, safety guards, and other devices and details needed for a complete installation and for the intended use and effect. a. Standard Products: Where they are available and comply with the Specifications, provide standard Products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. b. Continued Availability: Where, because of the nature of its application, Owner is likely to need replacement parts or additional amounts of a product at a later date, either for maintenance and repair or replacement, provide standard Products for which the manufacturer has published assurances that the products and its parts are likely to be available to Owner at a later date. 3. Comply with size, make, type, and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing by Owner. 4. Manufactured and Fabricated Products: a. Design, fabricate, and assemble in accordance with the applicable standard trade, engineering, and shop practices. b. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be interchangeable. c. Two or more items of the same kind shall be identical, by the same manufacturer. d. Equipment and Material shall be suitable for service conditions intended. e. Equipment capacities, sizes, and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing by Owner. 5. Do not use Material or Equipment for any purpose other than that for which it is designed or is specified. Nameplates: Except for required labels and operating data, do not attach or imprint manufacturer's or producer's nameplates or trademarks on exposed surfaces of products that will be exposed to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior. 1. Labels: Locate required product labels and stamps on concealed surfaces or, where required for observation after installation, on accessible surfaces that are not conspicuous. 75644_8410_016001 016001-1 SECTION 016001 - EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: Continued 2. C. 1.04 A. B. C. D. E. Equipment Nameplates: Provide a permanent nameplate on each item of serviceconnected or power-operated Equipment. Locate on an easily accessible surface that is inconspicuous in occupied spaces. The nameplate shall contain the following information and other essential operating data: a. Name of product and manufacturer including address and telephone number. b. Model and serial number. c. Capacity. d. Speed. e. Ratings. Electronic Equipment Compliance: 1. Supplier warrants that all equipment, devices, items, systems, software, hardware, or firmware provided shall properly, appropriately, and consistently function and accurately process date and time data (including without limitation: calculating, comparing, and sequencing). This warranty supersedes anything in the Contract which might be construed inconsistently. This warranty is applicable whether the equipment, device, item, system, software, hardware, or firmware is specified with or without reference to a manufacturer's name, make, or model number. TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING: Shipment Preparation: 1. Supplier shall prepare Equipment and Materials for shipment in a manner to facilitate unloading and handling, and to protect against damage or unnecessary exposure in transit and storage. Provisions for protection shall include the following: a. Crates or other suitable packaging materials. b. Covers and other means to prevent corrosion, moisture damage, mechanical injury, and accumulation of dirt in motors, electrical equipment, and machinery. c. Suitable rust-preventive compound on exposed machined surfaces and unpainted iron and steel. d. Grease packing or oil lubrication in all bearings and similar items. Marking: Tag or mark each item of Equipment and Material as identified in the delivery schedule or on Submittals and include complete packing lists and bills of material with each shipment. Each piece of every item need not be marked separately provided that all pieces of each item are packed or bundled together, and the packages or bundles are properly tagged or marked. Bills of Material: Supplier shall mail bills of material to Engineer prior to delivery of each shipment and shall include bills of material with each shipment. Delivery: 1. Furnish Engineer all requirements for unloading and handling of Equipment and Materials upon delivery sufficiently in advance to allow installing contractor sufficient preparation time. Include type and capacity of unloading equipment required as applicable. 2. Deliver Equipment and Materials in an undamaged condition, in original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. 3. Mark partial deliveries of component parts to identify the Equipment or Material, to permit easy accumulation of parts, and to facilitate assembly. Receipt and Unloading: 1. Deliver all Equipment and Materials complete with packing lists and bills of material. Installing contractor will furnish receipts to shipper upon delivery. 016001-2 75644_8410_016001 SECTION 016001 - EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS: continued 2. 1.05 A. Installing contractor will receive, check, unload, inventory, accept, and store all Equipment and Materials delivered to the Point of Delivery in accordance with proper notice. Installing contractor will report any damage to prior to or during unloading and notify Owner’s Site Representative of any shortage at time of delivery. Owner’s Site representative will verify such reports and so notify Supplier. STORAGE AND PROTECTION: Storage Requirements: 1. Furnish Engineer all requirements for storage and protection of all Equipment and Materials with notice of shipment, to allow installing contractor sufficient preparation time. 2. Installing contractor will furnish all facilities needed for storage of Equipment at the Project Site. 3. Installing contractor will assume responsibility for and protect all Equipment in accordance with Supplier's recommendations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS - Specified in applicable Sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION - Not Applicable. END OF SECTION 016001 75644_8410_016001 016001-3 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for Contract closeout including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Inspection procedures. 2. Project record document submittal. 3. Instruction book and operating manual submittal. 4. Submittal of warranties. 5. Final cleaning. Closeout requirements for specific construction activities are included in the appropriate Sections of the Specifications. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Prerequisites to Substantial Completion and Final Acceptance: RUS Form 200. 2. Submittals: SECTION 013300. 3. Warranties: Contract Attachment A Section 9 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. In the Application for Payment that coincides with, or first follows, the date Substantial Completion is claimed, show 100% completion for the portion of the Work claimed as Substantially Complete. a. Include supporting documentation for completion as indicated in these Contract Documents and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Price. b. If 100% completion cannot be shown, include a list of incomplete items, the value of incomplete Work, and reasons the Work is not complete. 2. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements. 3. Submit specific warranties, workmanship Bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. 4. Obtain and submit releases enabling Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. 5. Deliver tools, spare parts, extra stock, and similar items. 6. Make final changeover of permanent locks and transmit keys to Owner. Advise Owner's personnel of changeover in security provisions. 7. Complete start-up testing of systems and instruction of Owner's operation and maintenance personnel. Discontinue and remove temporary facilities from the Site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. Inspection Procedures: On receipt of a request for inspection, Engineer will either proceed with inspection or advise Contractor of unfilled requirements. Engineer will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion following inspection or advise Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before the certificate will be issued. 1. Engineer will repeat inspection when requested and assured by Contractor that the Work is Substantially Complete. 2. Results of the completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final acceptance. 75644_8410_017800 017800-1 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT: continued 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Preliminary Procedures: Before requesting final inspection for certification of final acceptance and final payment, complete the following. List exceptions in the request. 1. Complete final cleanup requirements, including touchup painting. 2. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred, exposed finishes. 3. Submit record drawings, instruction books and operating manuals, final project photographs, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. 4. Submit the final payment request with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted. Include insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required. 5. Submit an updated final statement, accounting for final additional changes to the Contract Price. 6. Submit a certified copy of Engineer's final inspection list of items to be completed or corrected, endorsed and dated by Engineer. The certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance and shall be endorsed and dated by Engineer. 7. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the Date of Substantial Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work.Submit consent of surety to final payment. 8. Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. 9. Submit a final liquidated damages settlement statement. Reinspection Procedure: Engineer will reinspect the Work upon receipt of notice that the Work, including inspection list items from earlier inspections, has been completed, except for items whose completion is delayed under circumstances acceptable to Engineer. 1. Upon completion of reinspection, Engineer will prepare a certificate of final acceptance. If the Work is incomplete, Engineer will advise Contractor of Work that is incomplete or of obligations that have not been fulfilled but are required for final acceptance. 2. If necessary, reinspection will be repeated. RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS: General: Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Protect record documents from deterioration and loss in a secure, fire-resistant location. Provide access to record documents for Engineer's reference during normal working hours. Record Drawings: Maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white-prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark the set to show the actual installation where the installation varies substantially from the Work as originally shown. Mark which drawing is most capable of showing conditions fully and accurately. Where Shop Drawings are used, record a cross-reference at the corresponding location on the Contract Drawings. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 1. Record information concurrently with construction progress. 2. Mark record sets with red erasable pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between variations in separate categories of the Work. Mark each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. 3. Mark new information that is important to Owner but was not shown on Contract Drawings or Shop Drawings. 4. Note related Change Order numbers where applicable. 017800-2 75644_8410_017800 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT: continued 5. C. D. E. F. Organize record drawing sheets into manageable sets. Bind sets with durable-paper cover sheets; print suitable titles, dates, and other identification on the cover of each set. 6. Upon completion of the Work, submit record drawings to Engineer for Owner's records. 7. Include the following: a. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum. b. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. c. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of construction. d. Where Submittals are used for mark-up, record a cross-reference at corresponding location on Drawings. e. Field changes of dimension and detail. f. Changes made by Change Order or other Modifications. g. Details not on original Contract Drawings. Record Specifications: Maintain one complete copy of the Project Manual including Addenda. Include with the Project Manual one copy of other written construction documents, such as Change Orders and Modifications issued in printed form during construction. 1. Mark these documents to show substantial variations in actual Work performed in comparison with the text of the Specifications and modifications. 2. Give particular attention to substitutions and selection of options and information on concealed construction that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Note related record drawing information and product data. 4. Upon completion of the Work, submit record Specifications to Engineer for Owner's records. 5. Include the following: a. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and Supplier of each product and item of Equipment actually installed, particularly optional and substitute items. b. Changes made by Addendum, Change Order, or other Modifications. c. Related Submittals. Record Product Data: Maintain one copy of each product data Submittal. Note related Change Orders and markup of record drawings and specifications. 1. Mark these documents to show significant variations in actual Work performed in comparison with information submitted. Include variations in products delivered to the Site and from the manufacturer's installation instructions and recommendations. 2. Give particular attention to concealed products and portions of the Work that cannot otherwise be readily discerned later by direct observation. 3. Upon completion of markup, submit complete set of record product data to Engineer for Owner's records. Record Samples Submitted: Immediately prior to Substantial Completion, Contractor shall meet with Engineer and Owner's personnel at the Project Site to determine which Samples are to be transmitted to Owner for record purposes. Comply with Owner's instructions regarding packaging, identification, and delivery to Owner. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: Refer to other Specification Sections for requirements of miscellaneous record keeping and Submittals in connection with actual performance of the Work. Immediately prior to the date or dates of Substantial Completion, complete miscellaneous records, and place in good order. Identify miscellaneous records properly and bind or file, ready for continued use and reference. Submit to Engineer for Owner's records. 75644_8410_017800 017800-3 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT: continued G. H. I. 1.05 A. B. Instruction Books and Operating Manuals: Organize operation and maintenance data into suitable sets of manageable size as specified in SECTION 013300. Electronic Documentation: 1. None Warranties and Bonds: Specified in RUS Form 200 and SECTION 013300. SPARE PARTS: Products Required: 1. Provide to Owner the quantities of products, spare parts, maintenance tools, and maintenance Materials specified in individual Sections, in addition to that required for completion of Work. 2. Products shall be identical to those installed in the Work. Include quantities required from Supplier or manufacturer of original purchase to avoid variations in manufacture. Storage, Maintenance: 1. Coordinate with Owner. Deliver and unload spare products to Owner at Project Site and obtain receipt prior to final payment. 2. For portions of the Work accepted and occupied by Owner prior to Substantial Completion, deliver the applicable spare products to Owner at time of acceptance. Obtain receipt. 3. Maintain spare products in original containers with labels intact and legible, until delivery to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES: Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Arrange for each installer of Equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with Owner's personnel at Project Site to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. Provide instruction by manufacturer's representatives if installers are not experienced in operation and maintenance procedures. Include a detailed review of the following items: 1. Instruction books and operating manuals. 2. Record documents. 3. Spare parts and Materials. 4. Tools. 5. Lubricants. 6. Fuels. 7. Identification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards, hazardous chemicals data sheets. 10. Cleaning. 11. Warranties and bonds. 12. Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments. As part of instruction for operating Equipment, demonstrate the following procedures: 1. Start-up. 2. Shutdown. 3. Emergency operations. 4. Noise and vibration adjustments. 5. Safety procedures. 017800-4 75644_8410_017800 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT: continued 6. 7. 3.02 A. B. C. D. E. Economy and efficiency adjustments. Effective energy utilization. FINAL CLEANING: General: Contractor shall keep the Site premises free from accumulations of waste Materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from the Work. Regular Site cleaning is included in SECTION 015300. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to the condition expected in a normal, commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion. a. Remove labels that are not permanent labels. b. Clean transparent Materials, including mirrors and glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other substances that are noticeable, visionobscuring Materials. Replace chipped or broken glass and other damaged transparent Materials. c. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dust-free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. Clean concrete floors to a "broom clean" condition. Vacuum carpeted surfaces. d. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical Equipment. Remove excess lubrication and other substances. Clean plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition. Clean light fixtures and lamps. e. Remove debris and surface dirt from limited-access spaces including roofs, plenums, shafts, trenches, Equipment vaults, manholes, and similar spaces. f. Clean the Site, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean; remove stains, spills, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither paved nor planted to a smooth, even-textured surface. g. Clean and polish plumbing fixtures to a sanitary condition, free of stains including those resulting from water exposure. h. Clean light fixtures and lamps so as to function with full efficiency. 2. Remove temporary structures, tools, Equipment, supplies, and surplus Materials. 3. Remove temporary protection devices and facilities which were installed to protect previously completed Work. 4. Special Cleaning: Cleaning for specific units of Work is specified in applicable Sections of Specifications. Removal of Protection: Remove temporary protection and facilities installed for protection of the Work during construction. Compliance: Comply with regulations of authorities having jurisdiction and safety standards for cleaning. Do not burn waste Materials. Do not bury debris or excess Materials on the Owner's property. Do not discharge volatile, harmful, or dangerous Materials into drainage systems. Remove waste Materials from the Site and dispose of lawfully. 1. Extra Materials of value remaining after completion of associated Work become Owner's property. Dispose of these Materials as directed by Owner. Repairs: 1. Repair damaged protective coated surfaces. 75644_8410_017800 017800-5 SECTION 017800 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT: continued 2. 3. Repair roads, walks, fences, and other items damaged or deteriorated because of construction operations. Restore all ground areas affected by construction operations. END OF SECTION 017800 017800-6 75644_8410_017800 DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 260000 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. B. 1.03 A. SUMMARY: This Section applies to the complete installation of power, control, instrumentation, wiring, lighting, and other electrical systems specified in all other Sections of DIVISION 26. In general, work includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Furnishing and installation of equipment specified in these specifications and on the drawings. 2. Installation of Equipment furnished by Owner and under Owner’s other contracts. 3. Installation of wiring connections to Equipment specified in these Specifications unless indicated otherwise. 4. Installation of wiring connections to Equipment furnished by Owner under other contracts. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. All other Sections of DIVISION 26. REFERENCES: As specified in each applicable Section, DIVISION 26. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). SUBMITTALS: As specified in each applicable Section, DIVISION 26. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. 2.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. GENERAL: All Equipment and Materials shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). All 600V Equipment conductor termination provisions shall be UL listed for not less than 75°C conductors, unless specified otherwise. SYSTEMS TO BE INSTALLED: 208Y/120-V, 3-phase, 60-hertz, 4-wire lighting, convenience power, and small power system. 480-V, 3-phase, 60-hertz, 3-wire power system. 13,800-V, 3-phase, 60-hertz, 3-wire power supply system. 110VDC and 24VDC systems. 125VDC plant UPS system. Auxiliary diesel engine generators. Above-grade grounding system. Control and instrumentation system. Cable tray system. Above-ground conduit system. Relay and metering system. Uninterruptible power supply systems. Lighting systems. Lightning protection systems. 75644_8410_260000 260000-1 SECTION 260000 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: continued O. P. Power wiring for HVAC Systems. Cathodic protection system. A. MASTER DEVICE LIST: See Master Device List for a list including, but not completely inclusive of, the electricalrelated equipment Contractor shall furnish, install, and/or wire under the scope of this Contract. 2.03 2.04 A. ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLIANCE: Contractor warrants that all equipment, devices, items, systems, software, hardware, or firmware provided shall properly, appropriately, and consistently function and accurately process date and time data (including without limitation: calculating, comparing, and sequencing). This warranty supersedes anything in the Specifications or other Contract Documents which might be construed inconsistently. This warranty is applicable whether the equipment, device, item, system, software, hardware, or firmware is specified with or without reference to a manufacturer's name, make, or model number. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. 3.02 A. B. C. D. 3.03 A. B. C. 3.04 A. B. C. INSTALLATION: As specified in each applicable Section, DIVISION 26. All work shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). Contractor shall comply with the project lockout/tagout procedure to be provided by Owner. WORK ON EXISTING EQUIPMENT: Do not remove any equipment from service without obtaining permission from Owner. Perform work that requires taking equipment out of service at times designated by Owner so as to cause minimum interruption in plant operation. Continue work with as many workmen as can be efficiently utilized from the time any equipment is removed from service until equipment is tested and back in service. Connect electrical Equipment to provide same phasing as existing equipment, unless otherwise specified or indicated. TESTING: Test all electrical Equipment upon completion of installation to ensure that the Equipment operates satisfactorily and to conform to Contract Documents. Provide support for electrical testing contractor. Furnish temporary power sources of proper type for testing purposes when normal supply is not available at the time of testing. COORDINATION AND SCHEDULING: Coordinate Electrical installation with other trades to avoid interference with exposed conduit, lighting fixtures, or other Equipment until all piping, pipe hangers, ducts, and Equipment which is located above or behind has been installed, unless release is given in specific cases by Owner. Coordinate installation of Equipment and wiring with the established construction schedule. Provide temporary platforms and handrails as required to allow installation of electrical components and raceway systems. END OF SECTION 260000 260000-2 75644_8410_260000 SECTION 260002 - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. B. 1.05 A. B. SUMMARY: Furnish new Equipment with all auxiliary items except those specified as furnished by Owner, required for complete Equipment systems as specified. This shall include all materials required for complete field assembly, installation, and operation. Furnish to coordinate completely in physical arrangement, and physical and electrical connections to Equipment and structures furnished by Owner. REFERENCES: Applicable Codes and Standards: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A6/A6M - General Requirements for Rolled Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling. b. A36/A36M – Carbon Structural Steel. c. A123/A123M - Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. d. A153/A153M - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. e. A283/A283M - Low and Intermediate Tensile-Strength Carbon-Steel Plates. f. A325 – Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength. g. B187 - Copper Bar, Bus Bar, Rod and Shapes. h. B236 - Aluminum Bars for Electrical Purposes (Bus Bars). i. B317 - Extruded Aluminum-Alloy Bars, Rod, Tube, Pipe, and Structural Shapes for Electrical Purposes (Bus Conductor). DELIVERY: Ship Equipment as completely assembled as possible, within construction limitations at Owner's Site. Factory-install all component Equipment specified. Ship Equipment assemblies with all components completely installed, other than normal drawout-type components such as removable breaker elements. Tag and package all maintenance equipment, spare parts, and special tools separately. Identify on bill of lading as "Owner's Spare Parts." EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION: All Equipment and Material designs furnished shall be identical to equipment and material designs having an acceptable history of domestic service for a period of not less than three years at comparable temperature, voltage, and design stress levels. Equipment and Material designs with less than three years of actual service will be considered from established manufacturers, but shall be furnished only if accepted by Engineer and Owner prior to award of Contract. JOB CONDITIONS: Job Conditions - Refer to SECTION 011100 for elevation, ambient temperature, and other design factors. Furnish Equipment and Materials which will be capable of meeting the specified ratings and performance under the altitude and ambient temperature conditions specified. Nameplate data shall be for the conditions specified. 75644_8410_260002 260002-1 SECTION 260002 - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: continued PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Furnish Equipment of dead front construction. Furnish Materials suitable for their application, and for the mechanical and electrical stresses to which they will be subjected. Furnish all current-carrying parts of high-conductivity copper unless specified otherwise. Silverplate or tinplate all primary current connections and joints. Plating shall be done after all drilling and cutting operations are completed. Provide space, cutouts, drilling, and blank plates for future equipment and for equipment installed by others where specifically indicated. Engraved laminated plastic nameplates shall be as follows: 1. Fabricated from laminated matte finish white plastic with black core. Size of nameplates: a. 1-1/2 inches high and 6 inches long for "Master" nameplates, with 3/8-inch letters. b. 1 inch high and 2 to 3 inches nominal length for individual device nameplates with 3/16-inch letters. 2. Engrave designations as required later by the Engineer. 3. Attach nameplates by permanent adhesive or screws. Double-sided tape is not acceptable. Wiring: 1. Furnish all wiring integral to all Equipment, including wiring across shipping splits and, where specifically indicated and wiring for future equipment. Factory install all wiring integral to each shipping group, one end of all wiring across shipping splits, and one end of all wiring for future equipment. 2. Make all internal wiring connections at Equipment terminals or terminal blocks; splices in wiring will not be acceptable. 3. Terminate all points requiring external wiring connections, all points requiring field connection to wiring leads from other shipping sections, and all spare contacts on control switches, auxiliary switches, and lockout relays at numbered points on terminal blocks located in the Equipment control compartments. 4. Connect all wiring as indicated on Engineer-approved schematic and connection drawings. 5. Group terminal blocks for external connection to conveniently receive the cables. Locate terminal blocks for connections across shipping splits adjacent to the split. Terminal blocks for external connection on drawout breakers shall be fully accessible with the removable breaker element in either the "connected" or "test" position. 6. Terminate all current transformer secondary leads individually on short-circuiting type terminal blocks located in the control compartment. Connect the current transformer in wye or delta, as required, on the external connection side of this terminal block. Where a current transformer secondary circuit is connected to devices internal and external to the equipment, furnish a second short-circuiting type terminal block for external wiring connections. Short-circuiting type terminal blocks shall be as close to the current transformers as possible. 7. No more than two wires shall be terminated at any one terminal block stud or screw. 8. Use stranded, tinned copper switchboard wire, insulated for 600Vac, 90°C copper temperature, Type SIS, as follows: 260002-2 75644_8410_260002 SECTION 260002 - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: continued Type of Circuit Indicating light or annunciator Transducer outputs Circuit breaker close or trip Current transformer secondary and power supply branch circuit Main AC power supply and main AC control buses Main DC power supply and main DC control buses Minimum Wire Size 16 AWG 16 AWG (shielded) 14 AWG 10 AWG 10 AWG 8 AWG 9. H. I. Install internal wiring in horizontal and vertical wiring troughs or neatly dressed wire bundles for easy accessibility to interior wiring. 10. Label all wires at equipment studs and terminal blocks with slip-on wire sleeves stamped to indicate wire number and opposite-end destination terminal number as indicated on approved connection drawings. 11. Connect all internal grounds to the Equipment internal ground bus. 12. Terminate all internal wiring individually with preinsulated ring-tongue-type compression terminals on stud or screw-type terminals. 13. Terminate all potential transformer secondaries on a set of terminal blocks, located to provide convenient access. Terminal Blocks: 1. All terminal blocks shall be heavy duty, rated not less than 20 amperes, 600 volts. 2. Terminal blocks for external control circuits (except in 480-volt motor control centers) shall be sliding link disconnect type. 3. Terminal blocks for current transformer circuits shall be short-circuiting type. Furnish with sufficient shorting screws for each terminal. 4. Identify each terminal on each block with a permanent designation. 5. Mount terminal blocks vertically in rows with provisions for supporting external control cables entering from the top or bottom. Finish: 1. Apply finish to all steel surfaces of Equipment. 2. Clean and treat surfaces with phosphatizing process or equal and apply all necessary filler before application of finish. 3. Apply a corrosion-resistant prime coat of paint and at least two finish coats of standard, No. 61 light gray paint for indoor Equipment and No. 24 dark gray or No. 70 sky gray paint for outdoor Equipment. 4. Hot-dip galvanize all steel supporting structures and hardware in accordance with ASTM A123 and A153. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. FACTORY TESTING: Factory testing shall be performed prior to shipment of the Equipment. The Owner shall be allowed to witness the factory testing, and shall be given a two-week notice before the testing is to begin. Contract Price increase for factory testing after award of Contract will not be allowed. 75644_8410_260002 260002-3 SECTION 260002 - ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT - GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: continued D. E. F. 3.02 A. B. C. Factory testing shall consist of the following: 1. Standard factory tests. 2. Tests as defined by applicable standards for the Equipment. 3. Specified factory tests. 4. Functional testing of Equipment operation and all Equipment control features specified and indicated. The Equipment shall be fully assembled prior to the beginning of testing. This Contract shall provide all equipment and factory personnel required to allow Owner to witness the testing. SCHEDULE VERIFICATION: A manufacturing schedule shall be provided as specified in SECTION 013200. As a minimum, the schedule shall include the following information: 1. Date when material will be ordered. 2. Date when material will be received. 3. Date when material will be moved to the assembly floor. 4. Date when manufacturing will start. 5. Date when manufacturing will be 50% complete. 6. Date when manufacturing will be completed. 7. Preliminary date when factory testing will begin. 8. Preliminary date when factory testing will be completed. 9. Date when Equipment will be loaded for shipment. 10. Date when Equipment will be received at the plant Site. (This shall be in accordance with the Contract delivery date.) Owner shall be allowed to visit the plant at any point throughout the manufacturing of the Equipment to verify schedule progress without a Contract Price increase after award of the Contract. END OF SECTION 260002 260002-4 75644_8410_260002 SECTION 260504 - WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes all electrical wire, cable, and accessories (including terminations). Definition: 1. Burns & McDonnell type designations such as "PRN1," "CEN1" and "SEN2," indicated or specified are for identification purposes only and are not intended to correspond to any trade designation. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. All other Sections of DIVISION 26. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 44 - Rubber-Insulated Wires and Cables. b. 83 - Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables. c. 854 - Service Entrance Cables. d. 1277 - Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional Optical-Fiber Members. 3. Insulated Cable Engineer's Association (ICEA): a. S-73-532 (NEMA WC 57) – Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables. b. S-93-639 (NEMA WC 74) – 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy. c. S-95-658 (NEMA WC 70) – Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy. d. S-97-682 – Standard for Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 to 46 kV. e. T-33-655 - Low Smoke, Halogen-Free Polymeric Jackets. 4. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): a. 48 - Test Procedures and Requirements for High Voltage Alternating-Current Cable Terminations 2.5kV through 765 kV. b. 404 - Cable Joints for Use with Extruded Dielectric Cable Rated 5,000 through 138,000 Volts, and Cable Joints for Use with Laminated Dielectric Cable Rated 2,500 through 500,000 Volts. c. 1202 – Standard for Flane-Propagation Testing of Wire and Cable. d. 1210 - Tests for Determining Compatibility of Cable-Pulling Lubricants with Wire and Cable. 5. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. B3 - Soft or Annealed Copper Wire. b. B8 - Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft. c. B33 - Tinned Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes. d. B172 - Rope-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Having Bunch Stranded Members, for Electrical Conductors. e. B189 - Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes. 6. Fiber-Optic Cable (In addition to the above references): 75644_8410_260504 260504-1 SECTION 260504 WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued a. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. Electric Industry Association (EIA): (1) EIA-455-25A - Repeated Impact Testing of Fiber Optic Cables and Cable Assemblies. (2) EIA-455-30A - Frequency Domain Measurement of Multimode Optical Fiber Information Transmission Capacity. (3) EIA-455-33A - Fiber Optic Cable Tensile Loading and Bending Test. (4) EIA-455-41 - Compressive Loading Resistance of Fiber Optic Cables. (5) EIA/TIA-455-46A - Spectral Attenuation Measurement for Long-length, Graded-Index Optical Fibers. (6) EIA/TIA-455-47A - Output Farfield Radiation Pattern Measurement. (7) EIA-455-104 - Fiber Optic Cable Cyclic Flexing Test. (8) EIA/TIA-RS-359A - Color Coding of Fiber Optic Cables. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. Data sheets for each wire and cable type specified. 2. Data sheets for wire and cable accessories. 3. Cable manufacturer's approval of splicing and terminating materials. 4. Cable manufacturer's approval of pulling compounds. 5. Cable manufacturer's installation requirements such as maximum pulling tensions, sidewall pressures, minimum bending radii, etc. 6. Other equipment and materials to be used. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Factory Tests: 1. Factory tests shall be conducted on wire and cable as specified on each individual wire and cable type specification sheet contained in this Section. 2. Wire and cable certification sheets shall be submitted to the Engineer as specified on each individual wire and cable specification sheet and in accordance with requirements in DIVISION 1. 3. In addition to the above requirements, fiber-optic cable shall be tested as follows: a. Quality Control Test Protocol: The manufacturer shall conduct tests according to industry standard requirements. Tests shall be performed routinely on sample sizes sufficient to verify quality and continuity or as specified. b. The end-to-end attenuation of each reel of cable supplied shall be tested. All of the fibers per cable shall be tested. The results shall be recorded and provided with the cable when shipped. A copy of these test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer. c. Tensile Strength: Tensile performance shall be tested on samples of the actual cable furnished. The tests shall include cable stress versus cable and fiber strain, and breaking strength. The tests shall verify that the cable supplied will not experience fiber strain under the specified environmental conditions when installed at the manufacturer's stated nominal axial load. Certified test reports shall be submitted and shall show that the requirements of this Section have been met. d. Tests shall be performed on this or similar cable construction and the cables shall meet or exceed the requirements of the standard specified. Copies of test reports shall be submitted for the following tests: 260504-2 75644_8410_260504 SECTION 260504 – WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Crush Resistance: Tests with acceptable results shall be performed on similar cable types in accordance with EIA-455-41. The cable shall have a compressive strength of 1350 lbs, at 20oC. Impact Resistance: The impact test specified in EIA-455-25A will show that no significant attenuation will result from 25 impacts of the specified impact at a sample temperature of -30°C or +25°C. Cyclic Flex Resistance (Test Conditions I and III): No significant attenuation results after 25 flex cycles when tested in accordance with EIA455-104 using a bend radius of 5 times the cable outside diameter. Temperature Cycling: Conduct in accordance with EIA-455-3A, the results of which shall show no attenuation increase at -40°C and +70°C. High and Low Temperature Bend Resistance (Test Level 1): No significant attenuation shall result from testing in accordance with EIA-455-37 at test temperatures of -30°C or +60°C. Water Penetration: The cable shall meet the requirements of EIA-455-82B. Compound Flow (Drip) Resistance: Test results shall indicate compliance with the requirements of EIA-455-81 at a test temperature of +60°C. Vibration Characteristics: Vibration tests shall be carried out in accordance with standard industry practices for aeonian vibration and galloping conditions. The cable shall have self-damping properties in the entire frequency range and shall be unaffected mechanically or optically after 100 million vibration cycles of each condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Wire and Cable: Acceptable manufacturers for each wire and cable type are listed on Exhibit EX-260504-1 "Acceptable Cable Manufacturers Cross Reference Chart" at the end of this Section. Wire and Cable Accessories: 1. Cable Connectors for Control and Instrument Cable: a. AMP Special Industries. b. Panduit Corporation. c. Burndy. d. Thomas and Betts Company, Inc. e. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M). 2. Cable Connectors for Power Cable: a. AMP Special Industries. b. Thomas and Betts Company, Inc. c. Panduit Corporation. d. Burndy. e. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M). 3. Termination and Splice Kits: a. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M). b. Raychem. 4. Tape and Insulation Putty: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M). 5. Cable Pulling Lubricants: a. American Polywater Corp. b. CRC Industries. 75644_8410_260504 260504-3 SECTION 260504 WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued 6. 7. 8. 2.02 A. B. c. Blackburn. d. Ideal. e. Greenlee. f. 3M/Electrical Products Division. Cable Ties: a. AMP Special Industries. b. Dennison Manufacturing Company. c. Panduit Corporation. d. Thomas and Betts Company, Inc. e. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M). Cable Supports: a. O. Z. Gedney Company. Terminal Blocks: a. States Company. b. Stanwick Electrical Products Company. c. General Electric. d. Phoenix Contact (PLC enclosures and cabinets). e. Allen-Bradley. WIRE AND CABLE: The Cable Schedule defines the type, size, end points, and routing of each wire or cable excluding lighting, intercom, receptacle power, and grounding cables. Cable Packaging: 1. Each cable reel will hold only one continuous cable. 2. Reel Identification Numbers: a. Each cable reel shall have a unique identification number. b. Reel identification shall be placed on one of the end flanges and using one of the following methods: (1) Permanently stenciled 1/2-inch letters. (2) Corrosion-resistant metal tag, minimum size shall be 3 inches by 5 inches with 1/4-inch stamped letters. c. Reel identification shall include the following: (1) Project name. (2) Contract number. (3) Engineer's type designation such as "PRN1," "CEN1," etc., and wire size and number of conductors such as "250/1/C," or 14-7/C. (4) Starting and ending cable footage marker number. (5) Reel identification number (unique for each reel). (6) See exhibit EX-260504-2 at the end of this SECTION for cable reel identification number sheet. 3. Cable End Preparations: a. Each cable end, except for medium voltage cables, shall be sealed with a rubber cap or other approved method to prevent moisture entry. b. 5-kV and 15-kV Cable-End Preparation: (1) The outer end shall be sealed with a rubber cap or other approved method to prevent moisture entry, and permit high-potential testing. The seal shall be of high-dielectric strength material that will not fail under high-potential testing. 260504-4 75644_8410_260504 SECTION 260504 – WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued (2) C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. 2.03 A. The inner end shall have a 2-foot test lead brought outside the reel with the jacket and insulation stripped back so that shield and main conductor are exposed to facilitate high-potential testing without having to perform cable preparation. Test lead shall be packaged to prevent the entrance of moisture during storage and physical damage during transportation or handling. 4. Manufacturer shall provide, as a minimum, a two-layer pressed fiberboard cover with two metal bands around the outside of the cable for each cable reel. Lighting, intercom, receptacle power, and grounding cable requirements are indicated on the plan drawings or on miscellaneous schedules included with the plan drawings. Contractor shall use exhibit EX-260504-4 at the end of this SECTION for cables needing to be re-sized per equipment changes under this Contract. Cables that shall be affected are shown in the Contract Drawings. Contractor shall inform Engineer of final cable sizing based on equipment, along with any additional cables that have changed as a result of equipment submittals. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be held responsible for resizing power cable where Contractor has furnished equipment with electrical loads differing those indicated on the Contract Drawings. Wire and cable shall be furnished in accordance with the specification sheets at the end of this Section. Multi-conductor power cables shall include a grounding conductor as part of the assembly. Multiple unit structures such as motor control centers, power centers, load centers, digital and analog termination cabinets, excitation switchgear, and all equipment in the control equipment rooms require cable termination in the individual cubicles. These unit numbers will be added to the Cable Schedule at a later date. Base bid shall account for these later unit designations and Contractor shall adjust his final cable lengths at no price to the Contract. Specific duct bank assignments will be added prior to start of construction. Wire or cables listed in the Cable Schedule without cable type or size information shall be included in bid as 1-7/C #14 AWG CEL1. The Contract price will be adjusted up or down using unit prices after actual cable type or size or both is determined. Wire color coding shall be ICEA Method 1, Table E-2 for all furnished cable. Fiber-Optic Cable Design Requirements: 1. Each cable shall contain six fibers and shall be furnished in sufficient lengths as required to maintain one continuous circuit without splices. 2. The cable shall have a circular cross-section so that installation is performed with standard sheaves and tensioning equipment. 3. The cable shall be an all-dielectric, self-supporting fiber optic cable. 4. The cable shall be manufactured such that no fiber strain will be caused by the cable itself. 5. The cable shall not contain metals or conductive materials. 6. Each reel shall be accompanied by OTDR attenuation test data on each fiber. Copies of these test results shall be submitted to the Owner and Engineer after manufacturing. Flat cable constructions will not be accepted. Provide 3/C cable in lieu of 2/C where round 2/C cable cannot be furnished. CONNECTORS: General Requirements: 1. Designed and sized for specific cable being connected. 2. Solderless, pressure-type connectors constructed of noncorrodible tin-plated copper. 3. Rated current-carrying capacity equal to or greater than the cable being connected. 75644_8410_260504 260504-5 SECTION 260504 WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued 4. B. C. D. E. F. G. Application tooling for connectors shall contain die or piston stops to prevent over-crimping and cycling or pressure relief to prevent under-crimping. Dies of all application tooling shall provide dot or wire size coding for quality control verification. All tooling shall be manufactured by the connector manufacturer. Power Connectors (sizes #12-#4 AWG) 600V and Below: 1. Noninsulated ring-tongue type. 2. Ring tongue sized to match terminal stud size. 3. Brazed barrel seam. 4. Application tooling designed to crimp the wire barrel (conductor grip) with a one-step crimp. 5. Acceptable manufacturers’ cross-reference chart is listed at the end of this Article. Power Connectors (sizes #2 AWG - 750 kcmil) 600V and Below: 1. Noninsulated one-hole rectangular tongue for sizes 2 AWG through 3/0 AWG and two-hole rectangular tongue for 4/0 AWG through 750 MCM. 2. Application tooling shall be hydraulic operated. 3. Acceptable manufacturers’ cross-reference chart is listed at the end of this Article. Power Connectors (sizes #2 AWG - 750 kcmil) above 600V: 1. Noninsulated one-hole rectangular tongue for sizes 2 AWG through 3/0 AWG and two-hole rectangular tongue for 4/0 AWG through 750 MCM. 2. Voltage rating equal or greater than that of the cable being used. 3. Application tooling shall be hydraulic operated. 4. Acceptable manufacturers’ cross-reference chart is listed at the end of this Article. Control, Instrument and Specialty Cable Connectors: 1. Vinyl or nylon preinsulated ring-tongue type for non-PLC terminations. (Spade lugs will not be permitted.) 2. Vinyl or nylon preinsulated ferrules for PLC terminations. 3. Sized to match terminal stud size. 4. Have insulation grip sleeve to firmly hold to cable insulation. 5. Insulation grip sleeve shall be funneled to facilitate wire insertion and prevent turned-back strands. 6. Application tooling designed to crimp the wire barrel (conductor grip) and the insulation grip sleeve or ring with a one-step crimp. 7. Acceptable manufacturers’ cross-reference chart is listed at the end of this Article. Fiber-Optic Cable Connectors: 1. Provide SC or ST type Fiber Optic Connectors as required by vendor equipment. 2. Connector shall have bayonet style quick interconnect feature. 3. Connector ferrule material shall be Zirconia ceramic. 4. Connector housing material shall be nickel plated zinc. 5. Provide Kellum’s Fiber Optic Pull Grips or Engineer-approved equal for pulling fiberoptic cables. 6. Acceptable manufacturers’ cross-reference chart is listed at the end of this Article. Thermocouple Connectors: 1. Spade lug type of same base metals as thermocouple cables. 2. Iron spade lugs, Omega Catalog number SLIR-20. 3. Constantan spade lugs, Omega Catalog number SLCO-20. 4. Chromel spade lugs, Omega Catalog number SLCH-20. 5. Alumel spade lugs, Omega Catalog number SLAL-20. Acceptable Connector Manufacturers' Cross-Reference Chart 260504-6 75644_8410_260504 SECTION 260504 – WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued Type Control Size (AWG or kcmil) 22-18 16-14 12-10 Amp Special Industries PIDG PIDG PIDG 12-10 8 6 4 2-2/0 Solistrand Solistrand Solistrand Solistrand Ampower 3/0-750 Ampower 2-3/0 Ampower* 4/0-750 Ampower* Power (600Vand Below) Power (Above 600V) Fiber-optic All N/A Thomas & Betts RA18 RB14 RC10 Panduit Corp. PN18 PN14 PN10 C10 D8 E6 F4 54100 Series 54200 Series P10 P8 P6 P4 LCA 54400 Series 54400 Series N/A LCA* LCC LCC* N/A 3-M MNG-18 MNG-14 MNG-10 M10 M8 M6 M4 30000 Series 31100 Series 30000 Series 31100 Series ST6100 *Rated for 5 kV and below. 2.04 A. 2.05 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 2.06 A. STORAGE: This Contract will establish a crushed rock laydown area for cable storage. All reels shall be stored off the ground on timbers on the edges of the reel and not on its side. TERMINATION KITS (SHIELDED MEDIUM-VOLTAGE POWER CABLE): Terminations shall be pre-engineered kits containing all components necessary to provide electric stress control for the cable insulation shield terminus, complete external leakage insulation between the high-voltage conductor(s) and ground, and a seal to prevent the entrance of the external environment. Designed and sized for the specific cable being terminated. Termination kit components shall be of heat-shrinkable polymeric construction or cold-shrink pre-molded rubber stress cone type. Designed for specific cable shielding construction being terminated (tape shield, wire shield, etc.). Provide with silicon rubber skirts for all outdoor applications. Assembled termination shall conform to the requirements of IEEE 48 for Class 1 terminations. Termination kits shall be approved in writing by cable manufacturer as being compatible with the cable materials used in the specific cables being terminated. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M) 7600 Series or Raychem Type HVT with GCA kit. MOTOR LEAD TERMINATION/SPLICE (SHIELDED MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLE): Terminations shall be pre-engineered kits and associated materials containing all components necessary to provide electric stress control for the cable insulation shield terminus, complete external leakage insulation between the high-voltage conductor(s) and ground, and a seal to prevent the entrance of the external environment. 75644_8410_260504 260504-7 SECTION 260504 WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued B. C. D. E. F. G. 2.07 A. B. C. 2.08 A. 2.09 A. B. C. D. E. 2.10 A. B. Designed and sized for the specific cable being terminated. Termination kit components shall be of premolded rubber stress cone type. Designed for specific cable shielding construction being terminated (tape shield, wire shield, etc.). Assembled termination shall conform to the requirements of IEEE 48 for Class 1 terminations. Termination kits shall be approved in writing by cable manufacturer as being compatible with the cable materials used in the specific cables being terminated. Termination kits shall be Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M) 5600 Series in accordance with 3M Company drawing number 2047MT18, Raychem Series MCK-5. MOTOR LEAD TERMINATION/SPLICE (LOW-VOLTAGE, 600V AND BELOW, POWER CABLE): Splices shall be made using compression-type connectors bolted together. The compression-type connectors shall be properly sized for the cables. Reference acceptable connector manufacturer's cross-reference chart. Splice to be covered with heat-shrinkable or cold-shrink tubing connector insulators. Splicing shall be done in accordance with the instructions provided with the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M) 5300 Series Motor Connector Kit, Raychem brand MCK or RVC Motor Connector Kit. CABLE SUPPORTS: Cable supports for cables in vertical conduit risers shall be O. Z. Gedney Type "R" wedging plug type or approved equal. CABLE TIES: Nylon self-locking type. Normal service temperature range of -40 to 85°C. Weather-resistant, UV-resistant, type for outdoor use. Conforms to Military Specifications MIL-S-23190D. AMP Special Industries "AMP-TY," Dennison Manufacturing Company "BAR-LOK," Panduit Corporation "PAN-TY" or Thomas & Betts "TY-RAP," or Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing 3M Brand cable ties. TERMINAL BLOCKS: For Mounting in Terminal Boxes (TBs): 1. Designed and sized for the cables being terminated. 2. Phenolic block rated 600V. 3. Binding screw-type terminals for power cables and straight-strap stud terminals for control and instrument cables. 4. Rated current carrying capacity equal to or greater than the cable being terminated. 5. Marking strip. 6. General Electric Type CR2960SY139 for power cables. States Company Type NT Model M-251 for control and instrument cables. Allen-Bradley. For Mounting in Cabinets, Panels, Control Boards, Etc.: 1. Designed and sized for the cables being terminated. 2. Phenolic block rated 600V. 3. Binding screw type terminals for power cables and current transformer circuits and sliding link stud type terminals for control and instrument cables. 4. Rated current carrying capacity equal to or greater than the cable being terminated. 260504-8 75644_8410_260504 SECTION 260504 – WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued 5. 6. C. 2.11 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Marking strip on blocks for power cables and control and instrument cables. Short-circuit strips with one shorting screw for each terminal for current transformer circuits. 7. General Electric Type CR2960SY139 for power cables. States Company Type NT Model M-250 or Stanwick Type SLS for control and instrument cables. General Electric Type EB-27 for current transformer circuits. Thermocouple terminal blocks shall be 20-point thermocouple blocks, Omega Catalog number BS20. Provide with proper alloy terminal. 1. Type E thermocouple: Odd numbered terminal blocks shall have chromel lugs, Omega Catalog number TLCH-20. Even numbered terminal blocks shall have constantan lugs, Omega Catalog number TLCO-20. 2. Type J thermocouple: Odd numbered terminal blocks shall have iron lugs, Omega Catalog number TLIR-20. Even numbered terminal blocks shall have constantan lugs, Omega Catalog number TLCO-20. 3. Type K thermocouple: Odd numbered terminal blocks shall have chromel lugs, Omega Catalog number TLCH-20. Even numbered terminal blocks shall have alumel lugs, Omega Catalog number TLAL-20. CABLE IDENTIFICATION TAGS: Designed to provide a permanent wire and cable identification system. Show complete cable number. Cable numbers are defined in the Contract Drawings. Cable numbers may be hand-lettered, stamped or typed, but shall be legible and permanent. Character size for cable numbers shall be a minimum of 3/16-inch if hand-lettered or 1/8-inch if stamped or typed. Material shall be nonmetallic and impervious to moisture. Be securely attached to cables and accessible for inspection. Cable identification tags, marking and attachment methods shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. INSTALLATION: Wire and Cable: 1. General Requirements: a. Install in conduit, cable tray or duct system as indicated. b. Do not subject cable to pulling tensions or sidewall pressures in excess of manufacturer's recommendations. c. Attach pulling grips over the cable sheath to prevent slipping of the insulation. d. Do not subject cable to bending radius less than those recommended by the cable manufacturer or as noted below (whichever is greater) during or after installation: (1) Twelve times the cable inside diameter for 5-kV or higher rated cables. (2) Eight times the cable inside diameter for 600V or lower rated cables. e. Butt splicing of medium- and low-voltage power cable is not acceptable. f. Support cables at connections or termination points such that any strain on cable will not be transmitted to the connection or termination. g. Install cable supports in vertical and angular runs of tray or conduit, at boxes and at terminations in equipment, and as required to meet intermediate support requirements of National Electrical Code (NEC). 75644_8410_260504 260504-9 SECTION 260504 WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued h. 2. 3. All pulling compounds shall be approved by wire and cable manufacturer as being compatible with cable materials according to IEEE 1210. i. Attach a cable identification tag to each cable at all termination or end points. j. Contractor shall provide a load cell tension monitoring device to aid the Contractor in assuring that cable pulling tension limits are not being exceeded. In addition, the Contractor shall monitor and record individual cable pulls as requested by the resident project representative to assure compliance with the cable limitations as published by the cable manufacturer. Use W.C. Dillon and Company equipment or approved equal. k. All wire and cable installation shall comply with the applicable parts of the National Electrical Code (NEC). l. Contractor shall test each wire for ground or shorts after installation but before any connections are made. m. There shall be at least 12 inches of excess control or low-voltage wire remaining at all terminal blocks for the purpose of making connections or splices. Power Cable (2 kV and Above): a. Make all splices and terminations using kit materials as specified. b. Properly Terminate and Ground Cable Shield: (1) Ground cable shield at both ends and at all intermediate splices. (2) All conductor shields shall be routed back through ring type current transformers. c. Cover all terminal connections, lugs, bus, and all other exposed current-carrying parts to equal or exceed insulation of cables of which they are a part with highvoltage tape, insulating boots, or heat-shrink materials. d. Isolate from all lower voltage cables in pull boxes by galvanized steel dividers. e. Where cables are installed in cable tray, group and tie together all conductors of each three-phase circuit at 2-foot intervals. Tie grouped cables to cable tray at 2-foot intervals and maintain at least 1-inch separation between other circuits in the cable tray. f. Wire identification markers shall be installed at each splice. Power (600V and Below), Control, Instrument, and Specialty Cable: a. Install metallic barrier in all cable tray and boxes to separate power, control and instrumentation from low-level signal (50V or less) instrumentation circuits where run in the same cable tray or box. b. Secure with non-ferrous cable ties in cable tray risers at intervals not to exceed 3 feet. c. Tie together with cable ties all single conductor cable on each individual circuit in each junction box, equipment or manhole, and in cable tray, at intervals not to exceed 6 feet. d. At PLC cabinets, strip the cable jackets back to within 6 inches of cabinet entry point (to allow cable tag to be affixed) and insulate all cable shields. Provide enough excess cable to allow all conductors to reach any terminal point within the cabinet. e. Control and instrument cable splices shall be as follows: (1) Made only in junction or terminal boxes. (2) Made on terminal blocks. (3) Conductor color coding shall be maintained. (4) For shielded cables, shield continuity, and isolation shall be maintained. (5) Wire identification markers shall be installed at each splice. 260504-10 75644_8410_260504 SECTION 260504 – WIRE, CABLE AND ACCESSORIES: continued f. 4. Power cable (600V or below) motor terminations shall be as follows: (1) Made only in junction or terminal boxes. (2) Splices shall be made using compression type connectors bolted together. (3) Splices shall be covered with heat-shrinkable or cold-shrink tubing connector insulators (4) Wire identification markers shall be installed at each splice. g. Terminate and ground control, instrument, and specialty cable shields as indicated and recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment being connected. h. Lighting Cable: Install as specified in SECTION 265000. i. Ground Cable: Install as specified in SECTION 260526. j. Fiber-Optic Cable: (1) Follow manufacturer's recommendations regarding: (a) Maximum tensile load. (b) Maximum static tensile. (c) Minimum bending radius. (d) Maximum crushing force. (e) Maximum impact. (f) Harmful liquids and/or gases. (g) Temperature and humidity limitations. (2) Install pull boxes every 200-300 feet in long runs to reduce the amount of cable that needs to be pulled at any one time. (3) Use elbow fittings for right-angle bends. Use of LB fittings for fiber optic installation is not acceptable. (4) Pull box openings shall be at least four times the minimum bend radius of the cable. (5) All fiber optic cable shall be protected with inner duct. After installation, inner ducts are to be permanently labeled as containing fiber optic cable. (6) All fiber optic cable and inner duct shall be fully supported throughout its entire run. (7) At no time shall more than 400 pounds of tension be placed on any fiber optic cable while it is being pulled through cable tray or conduit. It is preferred that all fiber optic cable be pulled with hand power only. If power winches or mechanical advantage devices are used to pull cable, a tensionometer must be used to insure that maximum tension is not exceeded. Alternatively, a "mechanical fuse," rated at 400 pounds may be included in the linkage. Torsion shall be avoided by the use of a swivel at the cable end. While under tension, a minimum bend radius of 20 times the outside cable diameter shall be maintained through the use of pulleys and sheaves where required. After pulling, no bend may have a radius, at rest, of less than 10 times the outside cable diameter. (8) Terminate each individual strand of fiber optic cable. (9) Install connectors with dust caps on each spare strand of fiber optic cable. Cable Connections and Terminations: a. Make up clean and tight to assure a low-resistance joint. b. Make only in terminal boxes, equipment or other accepted enclosures and not in conduit or cable tray. c. Install all connectors with tooling UL approved for use on connectors installed. END OF SECTION 260504 75644_8410_260504 260504-11 designed 7/1/15 T. O'BRIEN SWITCHBOARD INTERNAL CATEGORY 5e INDOOR MULTI-MODE FIBER OPTIC GROUNDING DAT1 FIB1 BC2 300-VOLT THERMOCOUPLE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STILLWATER UTILITIES AUTHORITY POWER GENERATION STATION date SW1 • • • • • • TCJ1 • • • • • • TCK1 • • • • • • IRN4 • • • • • • 300-VOLT RTD 300-VOLT INSTRUMENTATION • • • • • • • • • IEN1 IEL1 600-VOLT CONTROL (SHIELDED) CEL2 600-VOLT CONTROL (NON-SHIELDED) LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLES CEN2 • • • • • • CEL1 • • • • • • CEN1 • • • • • • SE2A • • • • • • SEN3a 600-VOLT POWER (MULTI-CONDUCTOR) 600-VOLT POWER (SINGLE CONDUCTOR) SEL2 • • • • SEN2 • • • • SEL1 • • • • SEN1 15000-VOLT POWER (SINGLE CONDUCTOR) HRN4A 25000-VOLT POWER HRL4A AETNA INSULATED WIRE AMERICAN INSULATED WIRE GENERAL CABLE FURON (DEKORON DIV.) OKONITE PRYSMIAN ROCKBESTOS KERITE CORNING CABLE TAMAQUA CABLE BELDEN LAKE CABLE SERVICE WIRE COMPANY SOUTHWIRE ABB SIEMENS OPTICAL CABLE CORP. TRN4 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS BMcD CABLE TYPE ACCEPTABLE CABLE MANUFACTURERS CROSS REFERENCE CHART project 75644 contract C8410 rev. EX-260504-1 — 0 75644_8410_EX-260504-1.xls LINE 1 PROJECT NAME LINE 2 CONTRACT NAME LINE 3 CONTRACT NUMBER LINE 4 STARTING NO. XXXXXX LINE 5 ENDING NO. XXXXXX LINE 6 REEL IDENTIFICATION NO. XXXXXX LINE NO. 1. PROJECT NAME 2. CONTRACT NAME 3. CONTRACT NUMBER 4. STARTING CABLE FOOTAGE MARKER NUMBER 5. ENDING CABLE FOOTAGE MARKER NUMBER 6. REEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (UNIQUE FOR EACH REEL) project date designed 07/1/15 T. O'BRIEN STILLWATER UTILITIES AUTHORITY POWER GENERATION STATION CABLE REEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 75644 contract C8410 rev. EX-260504-2 — 0 75644_8410_EX-260504-2.xls POWER CONTROL & INSTRUMENT CABLE VOLTAGE CLASS OR USE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION H - 15-KV POWER M - 15-KV POWER P - 5-KV POWER S - 600-V POWER C - CONTROL I - INSTRUMENT 1 - BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 2 - A VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 3 - ANOTHER VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 4 - ETC. SRN1 CABLE OVERALL JACKET CONDUCTOR INSULATION N - NEOPRENE, HYPALON OR CHLORINATED POLYETHYLENE P - POLYETHYLENE V - POLYVINYL CHLORIDE F - FLUOROPOLYMER OR FLUOROCARBON RESINS L - LOW SMOKE, ZERO HALOGEN E - CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE P - POLYETHYLENE R - ETHYLENE PROPYLENE OR SILICON RUBBER T - POLYESTER TABLE V - POLYVINYL CHLORIDE F - FLUOROPOLYMER OR FLUOROCARBON RESINS SPECIALTY CABLE HT1 CLASS OR USE BC - BARE COPPER PF - PREFABRICATED ASSEMBLY HT - HIGH TEMPERATURE IC - INTERCOM ME - MINERAL INSULATED SW - SWITCHBOARD WIRE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION TCJ TC - THERMOCOUPLE EXTENSION WIRE 1 - BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 2 - A VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 3 - ANOTHER VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTIO TYPE 4 - ETC. J - IRON/CONSTANTAN K - CHROMEL/ALUMEL T - COPPER/CONSTANTAN E - CHROMEL/CONSTANTAN RG8 RG - COAXIAL CABLE NUMBER FOLLOWING RG PREFIX DESIGNATES SPECIFIC RG TYPE project 75644 date designed 07/1/15 T. O'BRIEN CABLE TYPE DESIGNATIONS (SHEET 1 OF 2) contract C8410 rev. EX-260504-3 SH.1 — 0 75644_8410_EX-260504-3.xls FIBER OPTICS CABLE CLASS OR USE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION FIB - FIBER OPTIC DAT - DATA CABLE 1 - BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 2 - A VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 3 - ANOTHER VARIATION OF THE BASIC CONSTRUCTION TYPE 4 - ETC. FIB1 project 75644 date designed 07/1/15 T. O'BRIEN CABLE TYPE DESIGNATIONS (SHEET 2 OF 2) contract C8410 rev. EX-260504-3 SH.2 — 0 75644_8410_EX-260504-3.xls Conductor Size #14 #12 #10 #8 #6 #4 #2 #1/0 #2/0 #4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 90 C Terminal 90 C Conductor Temp 30°C Ampacity 25 30 40 55 75 95 130 170 195 260 290 350 430 535 615 60/75 C Terminal Temperature 30°C 42°C 50°C 15 15 15 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 55 55 55 70 70 70 95 95 95 150 148 139 175 170 160 230 226 213 255 252 238 310 304 287 380 374 353 475 465 439 545 535 504 project date designed 07/1/15 T. O'BRIEN STILLWATER UTILITIES AUTHORITY POWER GENERATIONSTATION CABLE AMPACITY REFERENCE CHART 75644 contract C8410 rev. EX-260504-4 — 0 75644_8410_EX-260504-4.xls WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri BC2 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: BARE COPPER GROUND CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Annealed, coated, bare copper (ASTM B33) SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: 1. Solid in sizes 4 AWG and smaller. 2. BC2.DOC Class B stranded in sizes 2 AWG and larger (ASTM B8). 9/15/98 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri CEN1 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - UNSHIELDED MULTI-CONDUCTOR CONTROL CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded annealed copper (ICEA S-73-532 Part 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 3). Color coding shall be Method 1 (ICEA S-73-532 Appendix E, Para. E.3.1) using color pigmented compounds with colors as designated by Table E-2. CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 4.2). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, number and size of conductors, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperature: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations INSULATION THICKNESS: All conductors shall have 30 mils nominal insulation as per ICEA S-73-532 Table 3-1. JACKET THICKNESS: Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jacket (inches) 0.425 or less 0.426-0.700 0.701-1.500 1.501-2.500 2.501 or larger FACTORY TESTS: Jacket Thickness (Inches) (ICEA S-73-532 Table 4-1) 0.045 0.060 0.080 0.110 0.140 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-73-532. 2. All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE 1202 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 7/C-14 AWG and certified test reports submitted shall be to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: CEN1.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-73-532. 10/1/02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri CEN2 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - SHIELDED MULTI-CONDUCTOR CONTROL CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded annealed copper (ICEA S-66-524 Part 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 3). Color coding shall be Method 1 (ICEA S-73-532 Appendix E, Para. E.3.1) using color pigmented compounds with colors as designated by Table E-2. CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-68-516 Part 4, Para. 4.4.7). CABLE SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, number and size of conductors, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations INSULATION THICKNESS: All conductors shall have 30 mils nominal insulation as per ICEA S-73-532 Table 3-1. JACKET THICKNESS: Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jacket (inches) 0.425 or less 0.426-0.700 0.701-1.500 1.501-2.500 2.501 or larger FACTORY TESTS: Jacket Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-66-524 Table 4-7) 45 60 80 110 140 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-73-532. 2. All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE 1202 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 7/C-14 AWG and certified test reports submitted shall be to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: CEN2.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-73-532. 12/18/08 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri DAT1 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: CAT 5E – NON-PLENUM RATED COMMUNICATION CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Bare copper conductors. 4 unshielded twisted pairs, 24Awg. Core: Solid - Horizontal runs Stranded - Patching INSULATION: Flame retardent Polyethylene. CABLE JACKET: Poly vinyl Chloride, “PVC”. IDENTIFICATION: EIA/TIA Category 5e cable SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations BANDWIDTH: Up to 100MHZ FACTORY TESTS: 1.All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of EIA/TIA 568A or 568B, ISO/IEC 11801. 2.All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE 383 using a gas burner flame source. CERTIFICATION: DAT1.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of EIA/TIA 568A or 568B. 10/14/2009 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri FIB1 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: FIBER OPTIC - LOOSE TUBE OUTSIDE PLANT MULTI MODE CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: STRENGTH: Cable shall have a central anti-buckle element of fiber reinforced plastic. Also, one or more layers of torque balanced aramid yarn shall be applied helically over the inner jacket. BUFFER TUBES: At least one but no more than twelve color coded buffer tubes stranded around central strength element. Each tube shall be made of high modulus plastic and contain at least one but no more than six individually color coded optical fibers. Each buffer tube shall be filled with an anti-oxidant non-hygroscopic, non-nutritive to fungus, electrically neutral, homogeneous gel to prevent water instrusion and migration. The cable shall contain filler rods, with an identical diameter as the buffer tube, as required to maintain a circular cross section of the cable. INNER JACKET: Polyethylene “PE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 3); or chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 4.2). OUTER JACKET: Polyethylene “PE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 3); or chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-73-532 Part 4.2). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, jacket types, number of conductors, numbered footage markers, and the words “Fiber Optic Cable” or “Optic Cable”. The markings shall be in contrasting color to the cable jacket. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperature: 90°C - Continuous, wet or dry locations FIBERS: Multimode, graded Index 62.5/125 µm (850/1300 nm) FIBER ATTENUATION (MAX.): 3.5/1.0 (db/km @ 850/1300nm) FACTORY TESTS: 1. Standard factory test shall be performed on all cable. 2. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of ICEA S-73-532, the flame test requirements of IEEE 383 using a gas burner flame source, and the crush, impact, and flex resistance test requirements of EIA RS-455. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-73-532, and EIA RS-455. FIB1.DOC 7/22/2002 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri HRN4A B&McD TYPE: MV105 NEC TYPE: 15,000 VOLT - SINGLE CONDUCTOR - SHIELDED - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B concentric compacted or compressed stranded annealed copper (ICEA S93-639 Section 2). STRAND SHIELD: Extruded layer of semiconducting EPR thermosetting compound per ICEA S-93639, Part 3 . INSULATION: Ethylene-propylene “EP” (ICEA S-93-639 Section 4). It shall be triple-tandem extruded with the conductor and insulation shield. INSULATION SHIELD: Semiconducting nonmetallic extrusion applied over the insulation plus a copper tape (ICEA S-93-639 Section 5 & 6). CONDUCTOR JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-93-639 Section 7.1.11). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, conductor size, conductor type, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 105°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations 140°C--- Emergency 250°C--- Short Circuit INSULATION LEVEL: 133% MATERIAL THICKNESS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 2-750 750-1000 Minimum Insulation Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-93-639 Table 4-1) 210 210 Calculated Diameter Of Cable Under Jacket(Inches) 0.700 or less 0.701-1.500 Minimum Jacket Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-93-639 Table 7-3) . 55 70 1.501-2.500 100 FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-93-639. 2. All cable shall pass the corona test in accordance with AEIC-CS8. 3. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE-383 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1/C-2/0 or 4/0 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-93-639, and the corona test of AEIC-CS8. HRN4A.DOC 12.12.08 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri IEN1 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - SHIELDED INSTRUMENT CABLE (WITH SHIELDED TWISTED PAIRS) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded coated annealed copper (ICEA S-82-552 Part 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 3) and color coded per ICEA S-82-552 Method 1 with colored pigmented compounds and appropriate colors as defined in ICEA S-82-552 Appendix E, Table E-2. PAIR SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. SHIELD ISOLATION: Mylar or polyester tape. CABLE SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 4, Para. 4.2). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, number of pairs, and size of conductors, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations CONDUCTOR SIZE: #16 AWG for single pair cables; #18 AWG for multi-pair cables. INSULATION THICKNESS: All conductors to have 15 mils nominal insulation as per ICEA S-82-552 Table 3-1. SHIELD ISOLATION: Each pair of multi-pair assemblies shall have a shield isolation tape applied over the pair shield to ensure isolation of each individual pair shield. JACKET THICKNESS: Jacket thickness shall be in accordance with ICEA S-82-552 Table 4-1. CABLING: Pairs twisted with 2 inch lay. FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-82-552. 2. All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of UL1277 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1 pair 2/C-16 AWG and certified test reports submitted shall be to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: IEN2DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-82-552. 1/1/96 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SE2A B&McD TYPE: XHHW2 NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - SINGLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Solid copper for size 10 AWG and smaller and Class B stranded annealed copper for size 8 AWG and larger (UL83 Parts 4-10). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (UL44 Parts 14-16). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type (XHHW), conductor size, conductor type, voltage rating, and Underwriters Laboratories label (UL). SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet locations 90°C --- Continuous, dry locations MATERIAL THICKNESS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-9 8-2 1-4/0 250-500 550-1000 1100-2000 Insulation Thickness (Mils) (UL44 - Table 15.3) 30 45 55 65 80 95 FACTORY TESTS: All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of UL44. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of UL44. SE2.DOC 4/1/97 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SEN1 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - SINGLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded annealed copper (ICEA S-95-658 Section 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 3). CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 4.1.12). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, conductor size, conductor type, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations 130°C --- Emergency 250°C --- Short Circuit INSULATION THICKNESS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-9 8-2 1-4/0 225-500 525-1000 Insulation Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 3-4, Column B) 30 45 55 65 80 Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-8 6-2 1-4/0 250-1000 Jacket Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 4-2) 15 30 45 65 JACKET THICKNESS: FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 2. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of UL1277 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1/C-2 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: SEN1.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 10/1/02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SEN1a B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600/2000 VOLT – DLO SINGLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Extra flexible stranded (DLO stranding) annealed copper (ICEA S-95-658 Section 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 3). CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 4.1.12). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, conductor size, conductor type, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations 130°C --- Emergency 250°C --- Short Circuit INSULATION THICKNESS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-8 6-1 1/0-500 Insulation Thickness (Mils) 45 60 80 Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-8 6-2 1-4/0 250-1000 Jacket Thickness (Mils) 30 30 45 65 JACKET THICKNESS: FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 2. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of UL1277 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1/C-2 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: SEN1.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 10/1/02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SEN2 B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded annealed copper (ICEA S-95-658 Section 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 3) and color coded per Method 3A (ICEA S-73-532) with conductor numbers and color designations in accordance with Table E-1(Black, Red, Blue and Orange). CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 4.1.12). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, number and size of conductors, jacket type, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations 130°C --- Emergency 250°C --- Short Circuit INSULATION THICKNESS: Number of Conductors 2, 3 or 4 2, 3 or 4 2, 3 or 4 JACKET THICKNESS: Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jacket (inches) 0.425 or less 0.426-0.700 0.701-1.500 1.501-2.500 2.501 or larger FACTORY TESTS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 12 & 10 8-2 1-4/0 Insulation Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 3-4, Column B) 30 45 55 Jacket Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 4-4) 45 60 80 110 140 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 2. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of UL1277 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 3/C-12 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: SEN2.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 10/1/02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SEN3a B&McD TYPE: NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B sranded annealed copper (ICEA S-95-658 Section 2). INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 3) and color coded per Method 3A (ICEA S-73-532) with conductor numbers and color designations in accordance with Table E-1(Black, Red, Blue and Orange). CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-95-658 Section 4.1.12). CABLE SHIELD: 5 mil tinned copper tape applied helically over the core assembly with 20% minimum overlap. Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, number and size of conductors, jacket type, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. IDENTIFICATION: SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations 130°C --- Emergency 250°C --- Short Circuit INSULATION THICKNESS: Number of Conductors 2, 3 or 4 2, 3 or 4 2, 3 or 4 JACKET THICKNESS: Calculated Diameter of Cable Under Jacket (inches) 0.425 or less 0.426-0.700 0.701-1.500 1.501-2.500 2.501 or larger FACTORY TESTS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 12 & 10 8-2 1-4/0 Insulation Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 3-4, Column B) 30 45 55 Jacket Thickness (Mils) (ICEA S-95-658 Table 4-4) 45 60 80 110 140 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 2. All cable supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of UL1277 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 3/C-12 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: SEN3a.DOC Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-95-658. 10/1/02 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri SW1 B&McD TYPE: SIS NEC TYPE: 600 VOLT - SINGLE CONDUCTOR - POWER CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Class B stranded annealed copper (UL44 Parts 5-10). INSULATION: Ethylene-propylene “EP” (UL44 Part 16); or cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (UL44 Part 18). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type (SIS), VW-1, conductor size, conductor type, voltage rating, and Underwriters Laboratories label (UL). SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperatures: 90°C --- Continuous, dry locations only MATERIAL THICKNESS: Conductor Size (AWG or MCM) 14-9 8, 7 6-2 1-4/0 Insulation Thickness (Mils) (UL44-Table 24.2) 30 45 60 80 FACTORY TESTS: All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of UL44 including the flame test VW-1. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of UL83. SW1.DOC 12/1/96 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri TCE1 B&McD TYPE: TC NEC TYPE: 300 VOLT SHIELDED CHROMEL/CONSTANTAN THERMOCOUPLE EXTENSION WIRE (WITH SHIELDED TWISTED PAIRS) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Positive -- chromel solid conductor Negative -- constantan solid conductor INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 3) or ethylene propylene “EP” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 3) and color coded per ICEA Method 1 with colored pigmented compounds. Specific conductor color shall be in accordance with ASA C96.1 Para. 1, Table 6 and each conductor of multiple pair to be numbered to distinguish pairs. PAIR SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. SHIELD ISOLATION: Mylar or polyester tape. CABLE SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 4, Para. 4.2). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, number of pairs, size of conductors, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperature: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations CONDUCTOR SIZE: #16 AWG. INSULATION THICKNESS: All conductors to have 20 mils nominal insulation as per ICEA S-82-552 Table 3-1. SHIELD ISOLATION: Each pair of multi-pair assemblies shall have a shield isolation tape applied over the pair shield to ensure isolation of each individual pair shield. JACKET THICKNESS: Jacket thickness shall be in accordance with ICEA S-82-552 Table 4-1. CABLING: Pairs twisted with 2 inch lay. FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-82-552. 2. All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE 383 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1 pair 2/C-16 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-82-552. TCE1.DOC 3/1/97 WIRE AND CABLE SPECIFICATION SHEET Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Engineers - Architects - Consultants Kansas City, Missouri TCK1 B&McD TYPE: TC NEC TYPE: 300 VOLT SHIELDED CHROMEL/ALUMEL THERMOCOUPLE EXTENSION WIRE (WITH SHIELDED TWISTED PAIRS) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: CONDUCTOR: Positive -- chromel solid conductor Negative -- alumel solid conductor INSULATION: Cross-linked polyethylene “XLPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 3) or ethylene propylene “EP” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 3) and color coded per ICEA Method 1 with colored pigmented compounds. Specific conductor color shall be in accordance with ASA C96.1 Para. 1, Table 6 and each conductor of multiple pair to be numbered to distinguish pairs. PAIR SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tape and tinned copper drain wire. SHIELD ISOLATION: Mylar or polyester tape. CABLE SHIELD: Aluminized mylar or polyester tapes and tinned copper drain wire. CABLE JACKET: Chlorinated polyethylene “CPE” (ICEA S-82-552 Part 4.2). IDENTIFICATION: Surface printing on the cable shall show manufacturer’s name, insulation type, jacket type, number of pairs, size of conductors, voltage rating, and numbered footage markers. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: TEMP. RATING: Cable shall be suitable for operation under the following maximum conductor temperature: 90°C --- Continuous, wet or dry locations CONDUCTOR SIZE: #16 AWG. INSULATION THICKNESS: All conductors to have 20 mils nominal insulation as per ICEA S-82-552 Table 3-1. SHIELD ISOLATION: Each pair of multi-pair assemblies shall have a shield isolation tape applied over the pair shield to ensure isolation of each individual pair shield. JACKET THICKNESS: Jacket thickness shall be in accordance with ICEA S-82-552 Table 4-1.. CABLING: Pairs twisted with 2 inch lay. FACTORY TESTS: 1. All cable shall be tested in accordance with requirements of ICEA S-82-552. 2. All cable and singles of multi-conductor cables supplied shall meet the flame test requirements of IEEE 383 using a gas burner flame source. Flame tests shall be performed on 1 pair 2/C-16 AWG and certified test reports shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate. CERTIFICATION: Cables shall be certified to be in conformance with all applicable requirements of ICEA S-82-552. TCK1.DOC 3/1/97 SECTION 260506 - SPECIALS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. C. D. 1.04 A. 1.05 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes special electrical equipment, devices and construction. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. All other Sections of DIVISION 26. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. C2 - National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. E814 - Methods for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. 3. Factory Mutual System (FM). 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 5. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 1479 - Fire Test of Through - Penetration Firestops. b. Fire Resistance Directory. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Clearly mark each drawing, sketch, booklet, etc. with the special number (ES-XXX) as specified. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. Power and control schematic diagrams. 2. General arrangement and outline information. 3. Bills of material. 4. Instruction books. 5. Technical specifications for all components. 6. Mounting details for all components. 7. Control Panels - Provide schematic and point-to-point wiring diagrams. For "Fire Stops" and Fire Resistive Coatings: 1. Product data, specifications, and installation instructions. Include product characteristics, performance, and limiting criteria and UL listings. 2. Samples of each type of firestop/smokeseal product and accessory specified or required to meet system requirements. JOB CONDITIONS: All Work including equipment and materials in hazardous (classified) locations shall conform to NEC requirements for the specified classification. 1. Consider all locations to be nonhazardous unless otherwise required by NEC or other applicable standards. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Factory Tests: Conduct manufacturer's standard tests on all system components to assure that all devices, components, and systems are in proper working order before shipment. Submit test reports as specified in DIVISION 1. 75644_8410_260506 260506-1 SECTION 260506 – SPECIALS: continued B. C. Firestop materials and coatings shall have been subjected to independent nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E814, UL 1479, or be factory mutual approved for wall and floor penetration firestops. Installer of firestop/smokeseal systems and fire resistive coatings shall be certified by manufacturer as being qualified to install specified and indicated system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 A. B. 2.03 A. B. GENERAL: Furnish and install all Equipment and Materials in this Section in accordance with applicable Parts of this Specification. ES-101 WELDING OUTLETS: General: 1. Quantity as indicated on the Contract Drawings. 2. 60-ampere, 3-wire, 4-pole, 600-V with weather-tight housing. 3. Downward-angle type. 4. Crouse-Hinds Cat. No. WSRDW63542 SM S901. No substitutions. 5. Furnish two (2) male plugs corresponding to the above unit. Installation: 1. Install 3 feet above floor or walkway at the locations indicated. 2. Connect outlet ground pin to the station ground with a #6 AWG grounding conductor as specified in SECTION 260526. ES-104 PENETRATION SEALERS AND FIREPROOF COATINGS: General: 1. Penetration Seals: a. Firestop all holes, slots, and openings to meet a fire-resistance rating equal to that of the construction as shown on the Contract Drawings. b. Firestop all openings where cable tray or conduit passes through fire rated walls and floors. This includes openings for all tray and conduit penetrations indicated on both the Contract and Reference Drawings. Conduits installed through Control Room walls need to be sealed. c. Where conduits and trays penetrate an exterior wall, furnish and install appropriate vapor barrier and/or building seal to completely seal opening from outdoor conditions. 2. Seal all conduit installed by this Contract where terminated at cable trays, electrical equipment, or control equipment. Preparation: 1. Examine sizes and conditions of penetrations to establish correct thickness and installation of backup materials. 2. All surfaces shall be clean, dry, and frost free. 3. Clean bonding surfaces of deleterious substances including paint, dust, rust, oil, grease, and other foreign matter which may impair bonding. 4. Do not apply firestops, or smokeseals, or coatings to surfaces previously painted or treated with sealer, curing compound, water repellent, or other coatings unless tests have been performed to ensure compatibility of materials. Remove coating as required. 5. Mask areas where necessary to avoid spillage onto adjoining surfaces. 6. Prime and seal surfaces as required. 260506-2 75644_8410_260506 SECTION 260506 – SPECIALS: continued C. D. E. F. G. 2.04 A. B. Installation: 1. Do not seal or coat until area, conduit, tray, or equipment is approved by the Owner's Representative for that purpose. 2. Penetrations shall be firestopped using acceptable products as previously listed, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to meet applicable building codes and UL approvals as listed by system number in UL "Fire Resistance Directory," ThroughPenetration Firestop Systems, of the current year. 3. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, to provide a temperature (T) and flame (F) rated seal equal to the wall or floor surrounding the penetration and to properly fill and seal openings. 4. Install anchoring devices, back-up materials, clips, sleeves, supports, and other materials used in the actual fire test. 5. Ensure components are thoroughly and properly mixed. 6. Coatings: Apply to both sides of tray and tray fittings to a depth of 1/8-inch (wet) using manufacturer's approved equipment. 7. Tool or trowel exposed surfaces. 8. Remove excess firestop materials promptly as work progresses and upon completion. Curing: 1. Cure materials in accordance with manufacturer’s directions. 2. Do not cover up materials until proper curing has taken place. 3. Remove supporting materials and dams after initial set. Cleaning: 1. Clean adjacent surfaces and remove excess mortar, sealants, and other materials. 2. Correct staining and discoloring of adjacent surfaces. Materials: 1. Primers: Conform to manufacturer’s recommendations for primers required for substrates and conditions. 2. Backup Materials: Provide backup materials, supports, and anchoring devices needed for installation, as required by the manufacturer, ASTM, UL testing, FM testing, or both. 3. Firestop/Smokeseal, and Fire Resistive Coating Materials: a. All materials shall conform to UL 1479 or FM Wall and Floor Penetration Firestops. b. All firestop/smokeseal materials shall provide a flame (F) and temperature (T) rating not less than the fire resistance rating of the wall or floor being pentrated. Testing: 1. Perform simulated smoke tests in locations as required by Owner. 2. Should any penetration, joint, or void emit visible simulated smoke, repair and replace deficiencies and re-perform the simulated smoke test at no additional cost. 3. Simulated smoke test shall be non-toxic, non-staining, and shall provide a heavy fog at 30 ppm (80 mg/m3) with a permissible airborne level concentration of 50 ppm. 4. Smoke simulate at a rate of 4 seconds/100 cubic feet (2.8 meters) and maintain the fog density until inspection is complete. ES-108 JUMPERS: General: 1. Use type SW1 cable as specified in SECTION 260504. Installation: 1. Furnish, install, and terminate 500 jumpers with an average length of four feet each. Install jumpers as indicated on electrical schematics or as directed by Owner or Engineer. 75644_8410_260506 260506-3 SECTION 260506 – SPECIALS: continued 2.05 A. ES-109 CONTROL PANELS: CONSTRUCTION: 1. General Requirements: a. Control panels shall meet the requirements of NEMA 12 enclosures. b. Construct of 11-gage steel plate ASTM A366 or equivalent, continuous welded seams, reinforced with angles and channels in the interior. c. Subpanels shall be subject to approval of Engineer. d. Provide interior side panels for mounting auxiliary equipment and terminal blocks as required. e. Provide access panels or doors, or both as required to allow easy access for maintenance of all items. f. Provide exhaust fans, louvers, filters, and related items according to the recommendations of the various component manufacturers for continuous operation without loss of function or reduced normal life under maximum ambient temperature of 120oF outside the control panel. g. Provide nameplates for all devices mounted on or inside the control panel as specified in DIVISION 26. Attach with screws. h. Wall-mounted or freestanding as indicated. i. Provide control panels as specified or as indicated on the Miscellaneous Equipment Schedule. 2. Finish: a. All clean exterior surfaces will be coated with inorganic zinc-rich primer with minimum 80% zinc in dry film by weight, applied at 3.0 mils dry film thickness. Primer shall be one of the following: (1) Ameron: Dimetcote 21-9. (2) Carboline: Carbozinc 11 HS. b. All exterior surfaces shall have a second coat of high-build epoxy applied at 5.0 mils dry film thickness. Coating shall be one of the following: (1) Ameron: Amercoat 385. (2) Carboline: Carboguard 890 Series. 3. Wiring: a. Provide all wiring necessary for all equipment specified unless indicated otherwise, including internal wiring for all spare equipment. b. Wire to be Type SW1 as specified in SECTION 260504. c. Size all wire in conformance with NEC, but not smaller than listed in the following table: Type of Circuit Minimum Wire Size Indicating light of annunciator 16 AWG Control 14 AWG Power supply 12 AWG d. Wire with no splices and with all connections made on equipment studs or terminal blocks. Bring all wiring requiring field connections out to terminal blocks conveniently grouped to receive Owner's cables. Wire all spare contacts on control switches, relays, contactors, and starters to external terminal blocks. Not more than two wires shall be terminated at any one connection point. e. All control wiring shall be terminated using preinsulated ring-tongue type connectors. Spade or fork-type connectors are not acceptable. f. Install internal wiring in horizontal and vertical wiring troughs or channels with removable covers for easy accessibility to interior panel wiring. 260506-4 75644_8410_260506 SECTION 260506 – SPECIALS: continued g. 4. 2.06 A. Label all wires at each end with plastic slipover marker sleeves. "Suflex" or approved equal, machine printed to indicate wire number and destination terminal, as shown on approved connection drawings. h. Supply internal ground bus and connect all internal grounds. Provide bolted connection for external ground to bus. Terminal Blocks: a. Provide quantity as required. b. Provide as specified in SECTION 260504. c. Provide the following clear space between terminal strips, between terminal strips and devices, and between terminal strips and inside wall of control panel, for field cabling: (1) Minimum: 6 inches. (2) Normal: 1.5 inches for each 15 terminals high. d. Mount terminal blocks in one or more vertical rows. Location of terminal blocks and arrangement of external circuits shall be subject to approval by Engineer. e. Identify each terminal on each block by stamping or marking a unique designation permanently on the block. f. Provide 20% extra terminals with identification for junctioning certain circuits which do not connect directly to equipment in panel, box, etc., as required by Engineer. ES-110 NAMEPLATES: GENERAL: Furnish nameplates for all equipment furnished under this contract C8410 and for equipment furnished by others that does not have an identifying nameplate as follows: 1. Fabricated from laminated matte finish white plastic with black core. 2. Size: a. 1-1/2 inches high and 6 inches long for "Master" nameplates, such as for control panels, equipment enclosures, and similar items. b. 1 inch high and 3 inches long for individual device nameplates. 3. Engraving: a. Gothic style. b. 3/8-inch-high characters with 45-mil line width on "Master" nameplates. c. 3/16-inch-high characters with 30-mil line width on individual device nameplates. d. Engraving designations shall be as indicated or approved by Engineer. 4. Nameplates shall be attached with a permanent adhesive. No double-sided tape allowed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: Specified within each electrical special specified in PART 2 - this SECTION. END OF SECTION 260506 75644_8410_260506 260506-5 SECTION 260526 - GROUNDING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes the following: 1. Aboveground grounding connections for the main plant, including connections to electrical and mechanical equipment, structural steel, and other miscellaneous yard structures. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Wire, Cable, and Accessories: SECTION 260504. 2. Electrical Testing for Construction: SECTION 260800. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). b. 780 - Lightning Protection Code. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. 88 - Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft. 3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. C2 - National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 4. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): a. 467 – Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, catalog cuts for the following: 1. Cable. 2. Connection Materials. 3. Miscellaneous Grounding Equipment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Ground Rods: 1. ITT Blackburn Co. 2. Eritech. 3. Galvan Electrical. 4. Harger. Connection Materials: 1. Exothermic-Type Welding Process: a. Erico-Products (Cadweld). 2. Compression-Type Connectors: a. AMP. b. Burndy. c. Thomas & Betts. 3. Cable-to-Equipment Ground Lugs and Miscellaneous Grounding Equipment. a. Burndy Corporation. b. O-Z/Gedney. 75644_8410_260526 260526-1 SECTION 260526 – GROUNDING: continued C. 2.02 A. B. 2.03 A. B. 2.04 A. B. 2.05 A. B. C. D. E. Static Grounding Reel: 1. Appleton Electric Company. WIRE AND CABLE: Annealed, bare copper (ASTM B33), class B stranded. Conductor Sizes: 1. As specified for specific connections. 2. For connections specified but sizes not indicated, use conductor sizes which conform to NEC, except use minimum 4/0 AWG if buried in earth or cast in concrete, and minimum #6 AWG at other locations. CONNECTION MATERIALS: Cable-to-cable, cable-to-rod, and cable-to-steel connections. 1. Exothermic-type welding process. 2. Erico ground plates as specified. Cable-To-Equipment Ground Lugs: 1. Bolted Type: a. Copper alloy terminal with twin clamping element. b. Bolted to equipment housing with silicon bronze bolts and lock washers. c. Burndy "Quiklug" type QQA. 2. Split-Bolt Type: a. As indicated. COAL TAR COATING: Carboline Bitumastic No. 50. Tnemec Heavy Tnemecol 46-465. GROUNDING TERMINAL BOX: Single-point NEMA 1, wall-mounted grounding terminal boxes shall be furnished and installed in the plant PLC and communication rooms. Shall consist of 1/4" thick copper bar with stand-offs, containing sufficient connections to provide single-point grounding for a minimum of ten (10) cabinets. UL-listed. Single connection to plant ground grid out of each terminal box. Cooper B-Line or Owner-approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. INSTALLATION: Wire and Cable: 1. General: a. Install using as few joints as possible. b. Protect against unraveling, caging, and abrasion by several wrappings of plastic tape on all ends, where cable leaves concrete, and at necessary intermediate points. c. Install so as not to be entirely encircled or closely encircled by magnetic material. d. Suitably protect against damage during construction. Replace or suitably repair cable at Owner's Site Representative’s discretion if cable is damaged by anyone before final acceptance. 2. In Exposed Installations: 260526-2 75644_8410_260526 SECTION 260526 – GROUNDING: continued a. B. C. D. E. Route along the webs of columns, beams, and in corners where possible for maximum physical protection. b. Support at intervals of 3 feet or less with metallic nonmagnetic clamp-type supports; clamps of magnetic material may be used provided they do not cause complete encirclement by magnetic materials. Connections: 1. Conform to manufacturer's instructions. 2. Chemically degrease and dry completely before welding. 3. Apply coating to all exothermic-welded connections to be buried after checking of connections by the Owner’s Site Representative. 4. Make up bolted connections clean and tight. 5. Low-resistance connections with resistance drop not exceeding 1 ohm. 6. Do not cover up connections before they are observed by Owner’s Site Representative. Equipment Ground: 1. Ground major electrical equipment as specified or indicated. 2. Ground other equipment wired by this Contract as specified, indicated, or as required by the NEC. 3. Install so as not to be susceptible to mechanical damage during construction of the plant. Instrument Ground: 1. For enclosures containing shielded instrument signals, provide a separate instrument ground bus enclosure per requirements this Section. 2. The instrument ground bus shall be specifically-labeled and electrically isolated from the equipment safety ground bus with the exception of a single bolted connection external to the enclosure to the buried ground grid. 3. Ground all instrument shields to the instrument ground bus at the system end (I/O cabinet, control cabinet, PLC cabinet, etc.). Motor Grounds: All motor ground risers furnished by this Contract shall be connected by this Contract: Motor Rating 10 horsepower and less 15 horsepower to 60 horsepower 75 horsepower to 3,000 horsepower F. G. Ground Conductor Conduit (including flexible conduit at motor; flexible conduit shall be 1-1/2” or smaller, length six feet or less and fittings approved for grounding equipment). Conduit (including flexible conduit at motor, with external #6 AWG ground jumper). Minimum 4/0 AWG copper conductor (usually riser from buried ground grid of same size). Structural Steel Grounds: 1. Install 4/0 AWG ground risers as shown on drawings. 2. Use exothermic-type welding process for connections and install as indicated. Metallic Conduit Grounds: 1. Ground all terminal points. 2. When a conduit contains a power cable, ground conduit to cable tray using a grounding bushing connected to the ground conductor on the cable tray. 75644_8410_260526 260526-3 SECTION 260526 – GROUNDING: continued 3. H. I. J. When a conduit contains a control or instrumentation cable, ground conduit to cable tray by a tight mechanical connection. 4. Where extending into floor-mounted equipment from below, connect to equipment ground bus or frame. 5. Where extending into a manhole, handhole, cable trench, or nonmetallic box, connect to the ground conductor at that location using grounding bushings. 6. At locations where a pullbox is installed on a conduit riser, install insulated grounding bushings and make proper connections to the ground grid for all conduits. Cable Tray Grounds: 1. Ground top level of tray with a continuous 4/0 AWG ground conductor clamped to the tray at one point in each tray section. Jumper the continuous conductor down to all lower levels of tray at one point in each tray section. Manhole Grounds: 1. Ground all hardware to ground rod extensions, duct bank counterpoise or ground grid in manholes with #6 AWG ground conductor. 2. Connect manhole ground rods to the underground duct system ground conductors. Transformer Lightning Protection Grounds: 1. Connect lightning arresters to the ground grid using a separate ground conductor for each arrester, except where three arresters are mounted together on the same structure or transformer, connect to a riser loop ground cable connected at each end to the ground grid. 2. Run lightning protection ground conductors as straight as possible and direct to the ground grid system. END OF SECTION 260526 260526-4 75644_8410_260526 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. D. 1.02 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes all conduit, fittings, boxes, and accessories as specified or indicated. Only conduit types specified in this SECTION are acceptable. Unless otherwise specified or indicated, this Contract shall design, including sizing and routing, furnish and install all above grade conduit systems (Designated as ‘CND’ in the cable routing) and accessories required for connections of field mounted devices. Conduit design shall be as specified and in accordance with NEC. Exposed ‘CND’ conduits shall be rigid galvanized steel conduit. The design of the conduit system shall maintain signal separation. Independent raceway systems shall be provided when routing to backup equipment (‘A’ pump and ‘B’ pump power and controls must be run in separate raceways). Prior to raceway installation Contractor shall verify that routing does not interfere with piping, steel, or equipment operations. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Wire, Cable, and Accessories: SECTION 260504. 2. Specials: SECTION 260506. 3. Grounding: SECTION 260526. 4. Lighting, Receptacles, and Controlling Devices: SECTION 265000. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI): a. C80.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated. b. C80.3 - Electrical Metallic Tubing, Zinc Coated (EMT). c. C80.5 – Electrical Rigid Aluminum Conduit (ERAC). d. C80.6 - Intermediate Metal Conduit (IMC) - Zinc Coated. 2. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A123/A123M - Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel Products. b. A153/A153M - Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. c. A307 - Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile. d. A611 - Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled, Structural Quality. e. A668/A668M - Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloys, for General Industrial Use. f. B241/B241M - Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube. g. F512 - Smooth-Wall, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit and Fittings for Underground Installation. 3. Federal Specifications (FS): a. W-C-1094 - Conduit and Conduit Fittings, Plastic, Rigid. b. WW-C-00540 - Conduit, Metal, Rigid and Coupling Elbow and Nipple, Electrical Conduit, Aluminum. c. WW-C-566 - Conduit, Metal, Flexible. d. WW-C-581E - Conduit, Metal, Rigid, and Intermediate; and Coupling, Elbow, and Nipple, Electrical Conduit, Steel, Zinc Coated. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 5. National Electrical Manufacturers' Association (NEMA): 75644_8410_260533 260533-1 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued a. 6. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. B. C. D. FB1 - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit and Cable Assemblies. b. TC2 – Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Tubing and Conduit. c. TC3 - PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing. d. TC6 - PVC Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Installation. e. TC9 - Fittings for PVC Plastic Utilities Duct for Underground Installation. f. TC14 – Filament Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit and Fittings g. RN1 - PolyVinyl-Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 1 - Flexible Metal Conduit. b. 6 - Rigid Metal Conduit - Steel. c. 467 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment. d. 514A - Metallic Outlet Boxes. e. 514B - Fittings for Cable and Conduit. f. 514C - Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers. g. 651 - Schedule 40 and 80 Rigid PVC Conduit. h. 651A - Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit. i. 797 - Electrical Metallic Tubing. j. 886 - Outlet Boxes and Fittings for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. Catalog cuts. JOB CONDITIONS: All Work including Equipment and Materials in hazardous (classified) locations shall conform to NEC requirements for the specified classification. Hazardous Locations: 1. As specified in SECTION 260506. Consider all other locations to be nonhazardous unless otherwise required by NEC or other applicable standards or as indicated. All products and accessories specified in this Section shall be suitable for installation in Site Conditions as specified in SECTION 011100. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Rigid Steel Conduit: 1. Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. 2. Triangle Wire and Cable. 3. LTV Steel Tubular Products 4. Wheatland Tube Company. 5. Western Tube and Conduit Corp. 6. OCAL, Inc. Electrical Metallic Tubing: 1. Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation. 2. Triangle Wire and Cable. 260533-2 75644_8410_260533 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 2.02 A. B. C. D. 2.03 3. LTV Steel Tubular Products. 4. Wheatland Tube Company. 5. Western Tube and Conduit Corp. Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit: 1. Carlon Products Division, Continental Oil Company. 2. Certain-Teed Products Corporation. 3. FRE Composites. Flexible Steel Conduit: 1. Flexible Technology Corp. 2. Electri-flex Company. 3. International Metal Hose Company. Conduit Fittings for Rigid Metallic Conduit: 1. Heavy-duty Fittings: a. Appleton Electric Company. b. Crouse-Hinds Company. c. O. Z. Gedney Company. 2. Conduit Expansion and Deflection Fittings: a. O. Z. Gedney Company. 3. Wall Entrance Seals. a. O. Z. Gedney Company. b. Spring City Electrical Mfg. Co. Conduit Boxes for Rigid Metallic Conduit: 1. Hoffman Engineering Company. 2. E. M. Wiegmann and Company. Hazardous Enclosures and Junction Boxes: 1. Killark Electrical Manufacturing Co. 2. Akron Electric, Inc. 3. Crouse-Hinds Company. 4. Appleton Electric Company. 5. O.Z. Gedney Company. Supports: 1. OCAL, Inc. 2. Unistrut Products Corporation. 3. Van-Huffel Tube Corporation, Power-Strut. 4. Super Strut, Inc. Conduit Identification Tags: 1. KC Plastic Laminating Company, Kansas City, Missouri. 2. W. H. Brady Co. 3. Electromark Company. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Each length of conduit furnished with coupling on one end and metal or plastic thread protector on other end. UL listed and labeled on each conduit length, fitting, and accessory. Sizes of conduit, fittings, and accessories as indicated, specified, or as required by applicable standards. Cable tray may be used as an alternative to conduit. Install per SECTION 260536. RIGID STEEL CONDUIT: 75644_8410_260533 260533-3 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued A. B. C. D. E. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. 2.05 A. B. 2.06 A. B. Mild ductile steel, circular in cross-section with uniform wall thickness sufficiently accurate to cut clean threads. Each length threaded on both ends and threads protected by same process as used on each length. All scale, grease, dirt, burrs, and other foreign matter removed from inside and outside prior to application of coating materials. Galvanized by the hot-dip process as follows: 1. Interior and exterior surfaces coated with a solid, unbroken layer of 99% virgin zinc by dipping. 2. Coating not to show fixed deposits of copper after four 1-minute immersions in a standard copper sulfate solution. 3. One coat of zinc chromate finish on inside and outside surfaces to prevent oxidation and white rust. Couplings and elbows fabricated, coated, and finished by the same process as conduit. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING: High-grade steel manufactured to standards which assure maximum ductility. Exterior protected by electro-galvanizing process. Interior surface uniformly coated with aluminum lacquer or enamel. Final treatment of chromic acid to form a corrosion-resistant coating of zinc chromate on galvanized surfaces. Watertight compression-type fittings throughout. FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT: Liquid-tight conduit with flexible galvanized-steel core and a polyvinyl chloride covering. For use in all areas except high temperature area. 1. Suitable for use in -35°C through 40°C. 2. Suitable for oil-resistant applications. CONDUIT FITTINGS FOR RIGID METALLIC CONDUIT: Heavy-Duty Cast Malleable Iron for All Types of Fittings: 1. Mogul type for conduit sizes 1-1/2 inches and larger. 2. LBD or roller action type LB for right angle fittings for conduit sizes 2 inches and larger. 3. Full-threaded hubs and rubber-gasketed covers. 4. Zinc, cadmium-plated, or bronze hardware bolts, screws, and bushings for assembly. 5. Iron type fittings to be cadmium-plated or galvanized. 6. Standard, junction fittings, couplings, and elbows fabricated from the same material as conduit, and each treated and coated as required for the conduit. 7. All fittings and couplings shall be full-threaded type. Split or set screw types are not allowed. Conduit Expansion and Deflection Fittings: 1. Expansion Fittings. a. Galvanized expansion fittings for conduit movement up to 4 inches. b. Insulated metal bushing on ends of the conduit, bonding jumper, and with expansion head sealed with a high-grade graphite packing. 2. Deflection Fittings: a. Fitting shall provide for a movement of 3/4-inch from the normal in all directions. When used for angular movement, fitting shall allow for a deflection of 30o from the normal in any direction. 260533-4 75644_8410_260533 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued b. C. 2.07 A. B. C. Fitting shall have copper alloy coupling at both ends, a neoprene sleeve with stainless steel bands, and a tinned flexible copper braid bonding jumper internal to the neoprene sleeve and terminating on the copper alloy couplings. Wall Entrance Seals: 1. Type WSK for sealing around conduit passing through a wall. CONDUIT BOXES FOR RIGID METALLIC CONDUIT: Steel Boxes: 1. Electrogalvanized steel boxes. 2. Galvanized steel covers. 3. Cadmium-plated or bronze screws and bolts. Aluminum boxes shall be self-oxidizing, self-renewing aluminum alloy that is "copper-free" (less than 0.3 of 1%) to assure resistance to corrosion. Minimum gauge requirements: No surface area exceeds 360 sq in 1,000 sq in 1,500 sq in over 1,500 sq in D. E. 2.08 A. B. C. D. 2.09 A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.10 A. B. No single dimension exceeds 24 in 40 in 60 in over 60 in Steel (MSG) 16 14 12 10 Aluminum (B&S) 12 10 8 6 Provide threaded conduit entrances or waterproof hubs for all top entry indoors and outdoors and in other areas subject to moisture. Include provisions for mounting cable supports where indicated, specified, or as required by NEC. HAZARDOUS ENCLOSURES AND JUNCTION BOXES: Enclosures and junction boxes shall be suitable for the area classification where installed. Provide drains and breathers rated for the area classification. Furnish classified conduit hubs and fittings as required when entering panel or junction box. Include provisions for mounting cable supports where indicated, specified, or as required by the NEC. SUPPORT SYSTEM: Use galvanized steel conduit clamps to support all exposed metallic conduit. Use nonmagnetic clamps to support nonmetallic conduits. Fabricate from structural steel or manufactured framing members equal to "Unistrut" P-1000 series as manufactured by Unistrut Corporation unless otherwise indicated. Provide all necessary rods, anchors, inserts, clamps, spacers, shims, bolts, and miscellaneous steel. Provide galvanized or cadmium-plated members. Use noncorrodible metal, galvanized metal, or cadmium-plated metal for nuts, bolts, washers, shims, and other small accessories. CONDUIT IDENTIFICATION TAGS: All raceways shall be labeled with the unique number included in the raceway schedule except raceway identified as “CND”. Made by KC Plastic Laminating Company. 75644_8410_260533 260533-5 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued C. D. 1. Gothic, 3/4-inch, black characters on white background. 2. Made of white flame-retardant PVC. 3. "Permastick" adhesive and peel-off backing. Made by W.H. Brady Company: 1. Numbers generated by the "Bintab Labeling System" with each conduit number on a continuous white background strip. 2. Black letters on white background of 4 mil vinyl. 3. Label size of 0.9 inches high and 4 inches wide. 4. Text size of 0.7 inches high with 3 characters per inch. 5. Furnish with outdoor numbers and letters: a. B927 over-laminated for long lasting performance in all environments. b. V826 permanent adhesive for cold weather installation. c. UV resistant ink. Made by Electromark Company: 1. Each conduit number generated on a continuous white background strip. 2. C-1003 series with black letters on a white background of 6 mil polyester film. 3. Label size of 1 inch high and 4 inches wide. 4. Text size of 0.75 inches high with 3 characters per inch. 5. Suitable for outdoor installation in all environments. a. Long lasting performance in all environments. b. Permanent adhesive for cold weather installation. c. UV resistant ink. d. Furnish with wrap around bands to insure that the identification tags will not lift off. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. INSTALLATION: General Requirements: 1. Location: a. Install conduit as near as possible to the routing indicated. b. Shift locations as required to avoid interference with other equipment and piping being installed. 2. Furnish conduit in sizes indicated. Where sizes are not indicated, do not use conduit smaller than 3/4-inch, except 1/2-inch may be used for connection to control devices, thermocouple, and light fixture stem hangers where necessary. 3. Size conduit in accordance with NEC requirements. 4. Size conduit seal fittings as required by NEC so that cable fill shall not exceed 25% of the area of the fitting. 5. Do not route conduits through cable tray openings in walls, floors, and similar openings. 6. Holes and Sleeves: a. Unless indicated as being provided by Others, provide through floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs as necessary for conduit runs, including weatherproofing at outside walls and on roofs. b. Furnish sleeves for all holes and forms for all openings in new work. c. Core drill all holes in existing work using a dustless method. All core drilling locations shall be approved by the Owner’s Site Representative before Work commences. d. For sealing conduit penetrations, refer to SECTION 260506. 260533-6 75644_8410_260533 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued e. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Provide air seals for holes and openings in floors, walls, ceilings, and roofs between interior and exterior areas, and between temperature controlled and nontemperature controlled areas. Refer to SECTION 260506. f. Provide and install banding at all holes cut through existing or new openings in grating. Make connections including any required punching to boxes, panels, and other equipment as follows: a. Indoors side and bottom entry: Double locknuts, one inside and outside. Sealing locknuts for liquid tight seal. b. Top entry indoors and outdoors: Use threaded conduit fittings or waterproof hubs. c. Due to wire sizing requirements, conduit sizes indicated may be larger than attachment means provided on equipment. In those instances, furnish necessary reducing fittings or boxes. Drill and tap motor main and auxiliary terminal boxes as required, and make connections as follows: a. Indoors side and bottom entry: Double locknuts, one inside and one outside. b. Top entry indoors and outdoors: Use threaded conduit fittings or waterproof hubs. Make connections to cable trays as follows: a. Attach to tray with cable tray conduit clamps specifically designed for this application (UL-approved). b. Attach to top of tray where tray covers are not required and to bottom of tray where covers are required. c. Do not cut or punch tray side rails to install conduit. d. Seal conduits at tray. Refer to SECTION 260506. e. All transitions between conduit and cable tray shall provide the cables with continuous support using conduit fittings, cable tray fittings, or conduit elbows. Bending radii of the fitting or elbow shall meet or exceed the minimum cable bending radius as specified in SECTION 260504. Terminate all conduit runs with insulated bushings. Running threads will not be permitted. Coat all field cut threads, scars, or wrench abrasions in galvanized conduit with an organic zinc rich primer. Do not exceed the following number of bends between cable pulling points: Max. Length of Run in Feet 0-49 50-99 100-149 150-199 Max. No. of 90o Bends 4 3 2 1 14. Place drainage fittings (or weep holes for boxes only) at low points where moisture can collect. In hazardous areas, use drain fittings specifically designed for use in hazardous areas. Weep holes may be used in place of drainage fittings in boxes, except in hazardous areas. 15. Metallic conduit systems shall be electrically continuous in their entirety, with bonding jumpers provided as required by NEC. 16. Provide suitable protection for conduit risers against damage during construction. 17. Carefully ream ends of all conduit lengths after cutting to eliminate sharp burrs. 75644_8410_260533 260533-7 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued B. C. D. E. 18. Clean out all conduit before pulling wire. 19. Provide all fittings necessary for a complete installation. 20. In finished rooms, install conduit concealed in walls, floors, and above suspended ceilings (or in ceiling slab where suspended ceiling is not specified). 21. Provide 2-inch or larger conduit drops as required from the cable tray distribution system into a major piece of equipment such as switchgear, power centers, load control centers, variable frequency drives, power panels, transformers and control cabinets, and other devices. 22. Routing of conduits through and in hazardous areas as defined by the NEC, shall be as indicated or specified. Where not indicated or specified, the routing of conduits shall be per the NEC. 23. Provide boxes, sized per the NEC, which are suitable for the area classification as defined by the NEC for conduit runs as follows: a. Where cable pulling tension exceeds the manufacturer's recommended allowable tension. b. The number of bends exceeds the allowable. c. Where splice or termination boxes are required. Exposed Installation: 1. Install in building interior spaces where specified or indicated. 2. Install above grade outdoors. 3. Install horizontal runs as high above floor as possible, and in no case lower than 7 feet above floor, walkway, or platform in passage area. 4. Run conduit parallel or perpendicular to walls, ceilings, beams, and columns unless indicated otherwise. 5. Route to clear all doors, windows, access wells, louvers, and openings. 6. Group parallel runs in neatly aligned banks where possible with a minimum of 1-inch clearance between conduits. 7. Maintain 6-inch clearance between conduit and coverings on all hot lines such as steam, hot water, or other hot lines. 8. Support spacing shall be as required by NEC. Rigid Steel Conduit: 1. Install as specified or indicated. 2. Permitted for exposed, concealed, and cast-in-concrete applications. 3. Permitted for buried applications. Electrical Metallic Tubing: 1. Install as specified or indicated. 2. Permitted for exposed and concealed applications with the following restrictions: a. Use only for lighting and convenience power circuits. b. For exposed applications, use indoors only and only where protected by flanges of columns, beams, or other protective structures. c. Install concealed in walls, floors, and above suspended ceilings where possible. d. Do not use where conduit passes through floors or to support light fixtures. e. Do not install in hazardous locations. Flexible Steel Conduit: 1. Install as specified or indicated. 2. Permitted for exposed and concealed applications. 3. Do not install underground or cast-in-concrete. 4. Use between rigid conduit and motor terminal boxes. 260533-8 75644_8410_260533 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued 5. F. G. H. I. Place between rigid conduit or conduit box and control or instrument device cases and where direct connection is not desirable for reasons of equipment movement, vibration, or for ease of installation and maintenance. (Example: Connections between building steel and engine or engine foundation). 6. Install at all points of connection to Equipment mounted on supports to allow for expansion and contraction. 7. Install at locations where rigid conduit connections are impractical. 8. Maximum length shall be 6 feet. 9. Install an external bonding jumper to conform to NEC on all conduit sizes. 10. Use for conduit expansion joints where practical. 11. Use type suitable for the environment, i.e., low temperature or oil. Conduit Fittings: 1. Install as specified, indicated, or as required by NEC. 2. Install conduit seals in all conduit penetrating hazardous areas, at Equipment located therein, and at locations required by the NEC. 3. Install explosionproof fittings in the rigid steel conduit system as required by the NEC and other applicable standards. 4. Install insulated grounding bushings on all conduit risers. Expansion Fittings, Deflection Fittings, and Flexible Couplings: 1. Install conduit expansion fittings as required in underground conduit runs to provide protection against ground settling, in conduit runs in concrete pours between sections of concrete, in embedded or underground conduit runs between fixed structures, and along bridges, trestles, and conveyor structures. 2. Install expansion fittings in long, straight, continuous runs at a maximum of 200-foot intervals. 3. Use weatherproof tape with internal bonding assembly in all nonhazardous areas. 4. Use flexible couplings in hazardous areas. Boxes: 1. Install boxes as specified, indicated, or as required by NEC. 2. Provide with 1/4-inch drain holes where installed at indoor termination of duct banks or outdoor conduit run. 3. Indoors, conform to NEMA Type 1 enclosure in all nonhazardous locations, and NEMA Type 7 enclosure in hazardous gas or vapor locations except as specified or indicated otherwise. 4. Outdoors, conform to NEMA Type 3R except in manholes and handholes conform to NEMA Type 4X Stainless Steel. 5. Furnish 4-inch octagon or square boxes with raised simplex receptacle covers for fluorescent light fixture outlets specified in SECTION 265000. 6. Metallic Barriers: a. Design not to separate phases of a power circuit. b. Provide as necessary for the isolation of power circuits from other type circuits. Refer to SECTION 260504. Supports: 1. Construct with sufficient rigidity to hold all mounted equipment and material in permanent and neat alignment. 2. Design to provide 1/4-inch space between Equipment housings and walls or columns upon which they are mounted. 3. Do not exceed load requirements in NEC and NEMA standards. 4. Paint all field cuts or welding of supports with an organic zinc rich primer. 75644_8410_260533 260533-9 SECTION 260533 - CONDUIT AND ACCESSORIES: continued 5. J. K. Use electrogalvanized steel conduit clamps and nonmagnetic conduit clamps to support electrogalvanized steel conduit and nonmagnetic conduit respectively. Conduit Identification Tags: 1. Install on all scheduled conduit at time of installation. 2. Clean the conduit surface and install a tag at each conduit termination in such a manner that the tag is readable from the floor, platform, or other vantage point. 3. Provide temporary conduit identification until the permanent conduit identification can be installed. An acceptable method is the usage of a broad-tipped permanent ink type of marker. Home Runs: Where routing of conduit is not indicated, such as for lighting, convenience power, intercom circuits, and other systems, field route conduit as specified in this SECTION. END OF SECTION 260533 260533-10 75644_8410_260533 SECTION 260536 - CABLE TRAY AND WIREWAY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes all wireway, cable tray, cable rack, and supports as indicated or specified unless shown to be furnished by Others. All 6’’ high cable tray shall have a class designation of 20C per NEMA VE1 unless indicated otherwise. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. All other Sections of DIVISION 26. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American Society For Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A123/A123M - Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. 2. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): Require products which are UL-listed and labeled. 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. VE 1 - Metal Cable Tray Systems. b. VE 2 – Cable Tray Installation Guidelines. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Include but not limited to, the following: 1. Construction details of all straight sections and fittings showing cross-sectional dimensions. 2. Catalog cuts of installation and mounting materials used. 3. Details of special support arrangements not indicated on drawings. 4. Sample of labels for cable tray identification. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Wireway: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Hoffman Engineering Company. 3. Square D Company. Cable Tray: 1. Legrand. 2. Cope. 3. T&B. 4. Cooper B-Line. Cable Rack: 1. Underground Devices, Incorporated. Supports for Wireway and Cable Tray: 1. Cooper B-Line. 75644_8410_260536 260536-1 SECTION 260536 – CABLE TRAY AND WIREWAY: continued E. 2.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 2.03 2. Power-Strut Division, Van Huffel Tube Corporation. 3. Unistrut Products Corporation. Cable Tray Identification Tags: 1. W. H. Brady Co. 2. K.C. Plastic Laminating Company. 3. Electromark Company. WIREWAY: Lay-in type with full-length hinged covers for full channel access. Coordinated covers and fittings for a completely enclosed raceway. Furnish sizes indicated. Satin gray enamel finish inside and outside over phosphatized surfaces, or electrogalvanized steel. Conform to NEMA 1 type enclosure for all indoor nonhazardous areas where oil, dust, or water is not a problem. Conform to NEMA 4 type enclosure for all outdoor nonhazardous areas without knockouts, to protect against wind-blown dust and rain, splashing water, and hose-directed water. Conform to NEMA 12 type enclosure for all indoor nonhazardous areas to protect against dust, dirt, and light splashing, seepage, dripping, and external condensation of noncorrosive liquids. M. N. CABLE TRAY - LADDER TYPE: Prefabricated structure consisting of two longitudinal side rails connected by individual transverse members (rungs) which provide the cable supporting means. Cable tray system components including straight sections, fittings, splice plates, divider strips, covers, hardware, and other parts shall be constructed of: 1. Aluminum alloys with natural finish in all other areas. B-Line type per Contract Drawings or Owner approved equal. 2. All components within a cable tray system shall be manufactured of the same material. 3. Only 25 feet length straight sections shall be furnished. Minimum inside depth of five (5) inches and overall depth of six (6) inches, unless otherwise indicated. Width of tray shall be as indicated. Transverse member (rung) spacing of nine (9) inches center-to-center. Transverse members (rungs) to have a minimum cable bearing surface of 3/4-inch. Continuously smooth interior after field assembly with no sharp corners or burrs. Bolts or rivets with round heads to the inside. Furnish all vertical and horizontal fittings as indicated. Fittings designed to provide the same load capacity as straight sections and with 12-inch radii of bends unless otherwise indicated. Fittings cross sectional dimensions compatible with straight sections. Furnish ventilated flanged tray covers of minimum .040-inch thick aluminum or 0.125 inch thick fiberglass. Tray covers shall be of same material and finish as tray. Tray covers shall be applied on vertical tray from floor to Elevation 10’-0” and Outdoor. Dead-end cover plates. Divider strips for separating various classes of cables in tray. A. SUPPORTS: General types as indicated and required. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. 2.04 260536-2 75644_8410_260536 SECTION 260536 – CABLE TRAY AND WIREWAY: continued B. G. Furnish and install galvanized unistrut, angle iron and small channel as required. Outdoor supports shall be of Hot Dipped Galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF) type steel. Adequate design strength to support tray without noticeable deflection of support members. Provide additional bracing where necessary. Supply all necessary rods, anchors, inserts, clamps, tie-down clips, spacers, shims, bolts, brackets, framing channel type inserts, and miscellaneous steel. All material shall be electrogalvanized, cadmium-plated, or otherwise suitably corrosion protected. Install double nuts on all hanger rods. Fabricated of structural steel or manufactured framing member equal to "Unistrut" P-1000 series as manufactured by Unistrut Co., unless otherwise indicated. Supports shall be designed for seismic requirements specified in DIVISION 1. A. FACTORY TESTS: All tests shall follow the NEMA VE 1 test standards. C. D. E. F. 2.05 2.06 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. CABLE TRAY IDENTIFICATION TAGS: Instrument, 600V Control, and Power: Use labels with 2-inch black letters identifying cable tray number. 5-kV or Higher Voltage: 1. Use labels with 2-inch red letters identifying cable tray number. 2. Use labels with 2-inch red letters identifying voltage (example for 5-kV, "DANGER 5,000 VOLTS"). Label adhesive to be able to hold on curved surfaces and withstand temperatures up to 150oF, in indoor or outdoor environments. Labels to be resistant to oil, dirt, and abrasion. A broad-tipped permanent ink-type marker shall be used to identify cable trays until the permanent labels are installed. Made by KC Plastic Laminating Company. 1. Gothic, 2-inch, black characters on white background. 2. Made of white flame-retardant PVC. 3. "Permastick" adhesive and peel-off backing. Made by W.H. Brady Company: 1. Numbers generated by the "Bintab Labeling System" with each cable tray number on a continuous white background strip. 2. Black letters on white background of 4 mil vinyl. 3. Label size of 2.5 inches high and 8.25 inches wide. 4. Text size of 2 inches high with 1 character per inch. 5. Furnish with outdoor numbers and letters: a. B927 over-laminated for long lasting performance in all environments. b. V826 permanent adhesive for cold weather installation. c. UV resistant ink. Made by Electromark Company: 1. Each cable tray number generated on a continuous white background strip. 2. C-1003 series with black letters on a white background of 6 MIL polyester film. 3. Label size of 2.5 inch high and 8.25 inches wide. 4. Text size of 2 inches high with 1 character per inch. 5. Suitable for outdoor installation in all environments. a. Long lasting performance in all environments. b. Permanent adhesive for cold weather installation. 75644_8410_260536 260536-3 SECTION 260536 – CABLE TRAY AND WIREWAY: continued c. d. UV resistant ink. Furnish with wrap around bands to insure that the identification tags will not lift off. I. All cable trays shall be labeled with the unique number included in the raceway schedule. A. B. C. WIREWAY IDENTIFICATION TAGS: Wireway identification tags shall meet the same specifications as indicated for cable tray. All wireway shall be labeled with the unique number included in the raceway schedule. A broad-tipped permanent ink-type marker shall be used to identify wireways until the permanent labels are installed. 2.07 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. INSTALLATION: Wireway: 1. Install only at locations indicated or as specifically approved by Engineer. 2. Support at intervals of 4 feet maximum necessary for rigid support and neat alignment. 3. Otherwise install same as cable tray. Cable Tray: 1. Install as indicated. 2. Support at intervals as indicated and as necessary for rigid support and neat alignment, suitably braced to prevent movement in any direction. 3. Install to create a continuous, low-resistance, electrical ground return path as specified in SECTION 260526. 4. Coordinate all openings in floors and walls necessary for passage of cable tray, and provide openings where necessary. 5. Install a cable tray to box connector at point of tray entrance into each electrical enclosure, including switchgear, motor control centers, pull boxes, and similar equipment. 6. Install covers on all solid bottom tray, top level of outdoor tray stacks, tray carrying cables rated 2 kV and above, all vertical tray sections, vertical risers from panelboards, switchgear, and similar equipment; also at all locations where accumulation of debris in tray is possible such as under floor openings, stairs, open grating, and similar locations. 7. Install cable tray covers and fasteners in accordance with NEMA VE 2 and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fastener type shall be selected to satisfy Site Conditions as specified in SECTION 011100. 8. Install special fittings such as expansion joint splice plates in straight runs over 75 feet and at building expansions. 9. Install divider strips in all trays carrying cables of different service classes, placed to separate proportionately to their areas instrumentation/thermocouple, control, and power cables where they are run in the same tray section and fittings. No other cable shall be installed in cable trays designated for VFD cable. 10. Clean out all cable trays after completion of cable installation and just prior to installation of tray covers. 11. All trays shall be ladder type. Supports: 1. Furnish general types of supports as indicated, specified, or required. 2. Repair damage from all field cuts, scars, or abrasions on galvanized supports with zincrich paint recommended by the manufacturer. 260536-4 75644_8410_260536 SECTION 260536 – CABLE TRAY AND WIREWAY: continued D. E. Cable Tray and Wireway Identification Tags: 1. Clean all surfaces where the cable tray identification labels are to be installed. 2. Space labels at a maximum of 25-foot intervals for 600V control, power, and instrument cable trays. 3. Space labels at a maximum of 10-foot intervals for 5-kV or higher voltage cable trays. 4. Remove all temporary cable tray and wireway identification markings. Curbing, penetrations, fire and environmental barriers, seals, and flashing: See SECTION 260506. END OF SECTION 260536 75644_8410_260536 260536-5 SECTION 260551 - ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC MOTORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. B. C. D. E. 1.03 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes alternating current electric motors required to drive the equipment furnished under this Contract. Except as otherwise specified in the driven equipment Divisions, all alternating current motors other than valve and gate motor operators (and special application motors shall be as specified in this SECTION. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Electrical Requirements for Mechanical Equipment: SECTION 260100. 2. Vertical In-Line Pumps: SECTION 485422. REFERENCES: Design, fabricate, assemble, and test equipment and materials to conform to the following codes and standards: American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA): 1. 9 – Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Ball Bearings. 2. 11 – Load Ratings and Fatigue Life for Roller Bearings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 1. C50.41 Polyphase Induction Motors for Power Generating Stations. 2. 43 - Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery. 3. 112 - Standard Test Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators. 4. 429 - Recommended Practice for Thermal Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery Employing Form-Wound, Pre-Insulated Stator Coils for Machines 6900V and below. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): 1. MG 1 - Motors and Generators. 2. MG 2 - Safety Standard for Construction, and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors and Generators. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL): 1. 1004 - Standard for Electric Motors. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in SECTION 013300. 1. Submittals required include, but are not limited to, the following items: 2. Outline drawing for each group of identical motors. 3. Nameplate data for each group of identical motors rated 460 volts and below, including the following data: 4. Manufacturer's name and serial number. 5. Manufacturer's type and frame designation. 6. Horsepower output. 7. Time rating. 8. Maximum ambient temperature for which motor is designed. 9. Insulation system designation. 10. Temperature rise and method of measurement. 11. RPM at rated load. 12. Frequency. 13. Number of phases. 75644_8410_260551 260551-1 SECTION 260551 - ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC MOTORS: continued B. 14. Rated-load amperes. 15. Voltage. 16. Code letter for locked-rotor kVA. 17. Design letter for polyphase integral-horsepower motors. 18. Nominal efficiency for motors rated 1 through 199 horsepower. 19. Service factor. 20. For motors equipped with thermal protectors, the words "thermally protected." 21. For motors to be installed for inverter service, the words “inverter duty.” Additional data for each group of identical motors rated above 100 horsepower: 1. Acceleration time with connected load. 2. Allowable locked rotor time. 3. Starting capabilities. 4. Thermal limit curve, superimposed on time-current curves during acceleration of the driven equipment at rated voltage and at minimum specified starting voltage. 5. Torque and speed curves. 6. Perform the following factory tests on each motor rated 460 volts and below in conformance with NEMA MG 1 and IEEE 112: a. No-load current and speed at normal voltage and frequency. b. High potential test. c. Other standard factory tests. 7. For each 460-volt motor rated 200 horsepower and larger, certificate of completion of factory tests. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Motors rated 460 volts and below shall be as manufactured by one or more of the following: 1. General Electric Company. 2. WEG Electric. 3. Siemens. 4. U.S. Electrical Motors. 5. ABB Baldor. 6. TECO-Westinghouse. 7. Engineer-approved equal. GENERAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Motors shall be continuous-duty (unless otherwise specified) powerhouse type suitable for a powerhouse environment where moderately abrasive conductive dusts and high humidity are present. Motors shall be self-ventilated. Motors shall be designed for full voltage starting. Motors shall be suitable for operation at an altitude specified in SECTION 011100. Indoor motors shall be suitable for continuous operation at an ambient temperature specified in SECTION 011100 unless otherwise specified. All motors shall have squirrel-cage rotors. The nameplate horsepower rating of each motor at 1.0 service factor shall equal or exceed the horsepower required to drive the connected equipment under the design conditions specified and within normal operating ranges. For each motor furnished, the nameplate horsepower 260551-2 75644_8410_260551 SECTION 260551 - ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC MOTORS: continued rating multiplied by the service factor shall equal or exceed the horsepower required to drive the connected equipment under any operating condition. 2.03 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. MOTORS RATED 1/2-HORSEPOWER AND SMALLER: Rated 115 volts, single phase, 60 hertz. Service factor of 1.0. The torque characteristics of each motor at all voltages from 90 to 110% rated voltage shall be as required to accelerate the motor and driven equipment to full speed without damage to the motor or the driven equipment. All windings shall be copper. Aluminum windings will not be accepted. Insulation shall be Class B or Class F, with Class B temperature rise in accordance with NEMA MG 1. Enclosures shall be fabricated of steel. Horizontal motors shall be mounted on a common baseplate with the driven equipment. Manual reset thermal overload protection shall be furnished integral to each motor. Enclosures shall be totally enclosed non-ventilated. Enclosures for indoor service shall be totally enclosed non-ventilated. Enclosures for outdoor service shall be totally enclosed non-ventilated, dust ignition-proof, with an external surface temperature limiting device wired into the motor power leads. MOTORS RATED 3/4- THROUGH 200 HORSEPOWER: Rated 460 volts, 3 phase, 60 hertz. Service factor of 1.15 for all enclosures except for explosion-proof or dust ignition-proof enclosures which shall have a service factor of 1.0. Enclosures shall be fabricated of cast iron or steel. Enclosures shall be totally enclosed non-ventilated or totally enclosed fan cooled. Enclosures for outdoor service shall be totally enclosed non-ventilated or totally enclosed fan cooled. Bearings shall be antifriction type, and shall have an ABMA L-10 rating life of not less than 80,000 hours at rated speed, and under the radial and/or thrust loadings encountered within normal operating ranges. The thrust loading corresponding to an ABMA L-10 rating life of 5,000 hours at rated speed shall not be exceeded under any operating condition of the motor or the driven equipment. Bearings shall be insulated when required to allow for inverter duty operation or to prevent bearing or shaft damage due to stray shaft currents. Each horizontal motor shall be mounted on a common baseplate with the driven equipment, or shall be furnished with separate sole plates and sub-sole plates to permit removal of the motor without disturbing the alignment of the driven equipment. Furnish space heaters for all outdoor motors rated 25 horsepower and above. Space heaters shall be rated 120 volts, single phase, 60 hertz. Additional requirements for motors rated 3/4- through 200 horsepower: 1. The torque characteristics of each motor at all voltages from 90 to 110% rated voltage shall be as required to accelerate the motor and driven equipment to full speed without damage to the motor or the driven equipment. 2. Insulation shall be Class F, with Class B temperature rise at rated horsepower in accordance with NEMA MG 1 unless specified elsewhere. 3. Where combined motor and driven equipment sound levels are specified for items of equipment, systems, or areas, motor sound levels shall be coordinated with driven equipment sound levels to meet the overall sound levels specified. The motor "A" 75644_8410_260551 260551-3 SECTION 260551 - ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC MOTORS: continued K. L. M. weighted sound pressure level shall not in any event exceed 90 dB when measured at a reference distance of 1 meter per IEEE 85. 4. The efficiency of each horizontal single-speed motor shall not be less than that indicated in Table 12-11 of NEMA MG1. Motors shall be of special high efficiency and high power factor design, including the following design features: 1. Low loss lamination steel. 2. Increased stator and rotor length. 3. Increased winding cross section. 4. High efficiency cooling fan design. 5. Optimized slot configuration and air gap. Unless otherwise specified, the efficiency of each motor shall meet or exceed all NEMA Premium Requirements for energy efficiency, with efficiency values certified by NEMA MG1.12.53, both A and B Standards. Information submitted with the proposal for each motor shall include minimum guaranteed efficiency based on tests performed in accordance with IEEE 112, Method B, with accuracy improvement by segregated loss determination including stray load loss measurement. Information submitted with the proposal shall include percent efficiency and percent power factor at full load, 3/4-load, and 1/2-load. PART 3 - EXECUTION - Not Applicable. END OF SECTION 260551 260551-4 75644_8410_260551 SECTION 260800 – ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. C. 1.03 A. SUMMARY: This Section covers field testing of wire, cable, electrical equipment, and systems. TESTING SCOPE: Equipment Tests: This Contract shall test the following equipment indicated on the One-line Diagrams, Panel Schedules, Master Device List and Cable Schedule as specified in Part 3 of this Section. 1. Wire and cable installed by this Contract. 2. Medium and low voltage switchgear. 3. Medium and low voltage non-segregated phase bus duct. 4. Motor control centers furnished and installed by this Contract. 5. Panelboards and panelboard circuit breakers furnished and installed by this Contract. 6. Small distribution transformers (below 300V secondary) furnished and installed by this Contract. 7. Batteries, chargers, and UPS furnished and installed under this Contract. 8. Motors furnished by Others and under this Contract. Installed by this Contract. System Tests: This Contract shall test the following systems as specified in Part 3 of this Section. 1. Lighting controls for lighting installed by this Contract. Craft Labor: Furnish labor to support testing not specified. Unit rates for labor shall be provided with the bid. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American Society For Testing and Material (ASTM): a. D1816 - Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage of Insulating Oils of Petroleum Origin Using VDE Electrodes. 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. WC 53 – Standard Test Methods for Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation, and Portable Cables for Test. 4. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): a. 43 - Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery. b. 62 - Field Testing Power Apparatus. c. 450 - Recommended Practice for Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations. d. C37.20.1 - Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear. e. C37.20.2 - Metal-Clad and Station-Type Switchgear. f. C37.20.3 - Metal Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear. g. C2 - National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 5. Insulated Cable Engineer’s Association (ICEA): a. S-73-532 (NEMA WC 57) – Standard for Control, Thermocouple Extension, and Instrumentation Cables. 75644_8410_260800 260800-1 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued b. c. d. e. f. 1.04 A. B. S-93-639 (NEMA WC 74) – 5-46 kV Shielded Power Cable for Use in the Transmission and Distribution of Electric Energy. S-95-658 (NEMA WC 70) – Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy. S-96-659 (NEMA WC 71) – Standard for Nonshielded Cables Rated 2001-5000 Volts for Use in the Distribution of Electric Energy. S-97-682 – Standard for Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 to 46 kV. T-33-655 - Low Smoke, Halogen-Free Polymeric Jackets. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Test Reports: 1. Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. 2. Maintain a written record of all tests showing date, testing equipment, personnel making test, equipment or material tested, tests performed, and results, including deficiencies found. Test reports should include nameplate data of equipment being tested. 3. Complete test forms supplied by Engineer. In cases where specific types of forms are unavailable, Contractor may use his standard forms. Submittals: 1. Provide Owner and Owner’s Site Representative a list of as-left overload settings for 460V motor starters including full load amps as engraved on the nameplate of the motor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. TESTING EQUIPMENT: Provide all necessary testing equipment which includes but not limited to, the following: 1. Wet and dry bulb thermometer. 2. 500-, 1,000-, and 2,000V insulation test sets, meggers. 3. Battery-powered portable telephone sets. 4. Battery-powered ringing set. 5. AC high potential test set, adjustable up to 38kV, 60 cycles (if required). 6. DC high potential test set, adjustable up to 90 kV. 7. Apparatus for measuring dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating oils per ASTM Method D1816. 8. 125/250/500VAC voltmeters, and three 0-5-amp, AC ammeters 0.5% accuracy. 9. Three volt-ohm-milliammeters. 10. Phase rotation meters, 60 cycle. 11. Phase angle meter, 60 cycle. 12. Two sets of portable synchronizing lights. 13. Relay test set. 14. AC high current test set rated at least 45,000 amperes, 60 cycles. 15. Commercial model three-point ground test set. 16. One transformer ratio tester. 17. Miscellaneous test leads, jumpers, cable, switches, receptacles, plugs, and other equipment as necessary. 18. Motor rotation indicator. 19. Signal source for control loops (4-20 mA, 1-5V DC, etc.). 20. Thermocouple measuring equipment. 21. Oscilloscope (if required). 260800-2 75644_8410_260800 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Conform to requirements as specified in DIVISION 1. Furnish labor, test equipment, and materials as follows: 1. For specified inspections and tests. 2. For assisting other unspecified manufacturers' field service representatives if requested by them or by Owner’s Site Representative. Negotiate with the requesting party. Inspect, test, and repair / replace, if necessary, all damaged/defective equipment and materials furnished by this Contract. Perform specified inspections and tests and report all deficiencies in equipment and materials to Owner’s Site Representative. Where applicable, perform Work under the direction of the equipment manufacturer's field service representative. Minor, easily correctable deficiencies shall be corrected and reported to Owner’s Site Representative. Repair equipment and materials furnished by others if requested by Owner’s Site Representative or by manufacturer's field service representative. Negotiate with the requesting party. Be responsible for any damage to equipment or material due to improper test procedures or test apparatus handling, and replace or restore to original condition at Owner's option any damaged equipment or material. Furnish and use safety devices such as rubber gloves and blankets, protective screens and barriers, yellow tape, danger signs, and related items to adequately protect and warn all personnel in the vicinity of the tests. Furnish personnel acceptable to Owner’s Site Representative. Certain inspections and tests specified to be performed by this Contract may also be performed by Others. This overlapping and duplication is necessary and intentional. Owner’s Site Representative will approve the testing schedule of all electrical testing and inspections. Cooperate and work closely with Owner’s Site Representative during all phases of construction, especially with respect to the following: 1. Sequence and priorities of construction and start-up. 2. Testing and testing methods. 3. Control scheme checkout and procedures. 4. Equipment start-up. 5. Testing and control scheme checkout records. 6. Tagging procedures for personnel and equipment safety. 7. Releasing tested equipment to Owner for operation. Owner reserves the option to assign his or Engineer's personnel to assist Contractor in checking out certain control schemes where Owner concludes such assistance is necessary to meet the Project schedule. If Owner should exercise this option, Contractor will be furnished a notice, in writing, specifying the extent of Owner's involvement. After completing testing and checkout of equipment, wiring, control schemes, and other items associated with individual systems, and believing a system to be ready for operation, notify Resident Project Representative who, along with Owner, will witness a final operational test of each individual system to be conducted by this Contractor. Once testing activity begins, Contractor shall establish a permanent testing crew of experienced electricians preferably with a background in controls and basic testing procedures. Testing supervisor shall attend jobsite meetings as requested by Owner’s Site Representative. 75644_8410_260800 260800-3 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued N. O. 3.02 A. B. C. 3.03 A. It is anticipated there will be frequent occasions when testing will have to be performed outside regular working hours. This testing would primarily be related to work during start-up testing and checkout of equipment and systems and during initial energization of each unit. Other possible work of this nature would be under critical situations where the safety of men or equipment and progress of the overall Project Work is concerned. Contractor shall cooperate fully with the Owner in performing all testing activities and shall add personnel to the testing crew as required to have all testing completed in accordance with the dates listed in the construction and systems operations schedule requirements of DIVISION 1. TESTING PERSONNEL: Testing personnel shall have the following qualifications: 1. Shall have proven ability in the above mentioned areas of work with a minimum of five years experience with a utility, a major electrical equipment manufacturer, a consulting engineering firm, or with an independent testing contractor. 2. Shall be able to supply references and proof of experience and ability to keep good test records on recent projects. 3. Shall be cooperative and willing to work with Owner’s Site Representative in developing testing priorities and schedules. It is essential that testing personnel and Owner’s Site Representative maintain a good communicative working relationship at all times. Responsibilities: 1. Perform inspections and tests as specified. 2. Prepare reports as specified. Weekly service time reports, as described in DIVISION 1, will be required to maintain accurate records of man-days and overtime used. INDIVIDUAL DEVICE AND EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS AND TESTS: Medium-Voltage Metalclad Drawout Vacuum Circuit Breakers: 1. Field high-potential test each breaker in accordance with IEEE C37.20.2, Part 5.3, "Voltage and Insulation Levels" and Part 6.5, "Field Dielectric Tests." Apply test voltage to each pole of the breaker for one minute. Voltages to be used are as follows: 4.76-kV Breakers 8.25-kV Breakers 15-kV Breakers DC test value 20.25 kV 37.5 kV 37.5 kV 2. 3. B. Record operation counter reading. Additional tests will be performed by the manufacturer's field service representative or by Others. Low-Voltage Drawout Air Circuit Breakers: 1. High-potential test each breaker in accordance with IEEE C37.20.1, Part 5.2.1, "Voltage and Insulation Levels for AC LV Switchgear," and Part 6.2.2, "Dielectric Tests." Apply test voltage to each pole of the breaker for one minute. Voltages to be used are as follows: DC test value 2.32 kV 2. Adjust and set trip units to values furnished by Engineer, including the following as applicable: a. Instantaneous overcurrent trip. b. Long time and short time pickup. c. Long time delay and short time delay. 260800-4 75644_8410_260800 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued d. Ground pickup and delay. Additional tests will be performed by the manufacturer's field service representative or by Others. 600V Molded-Case Breakers: 1. Set adjustable magnetic trips to values furnished by Engineer. 2. Megger each pole for freedom from grounds. 3. Check for proper current rating for circuit to which connected. 4. A sample no greater than 5% of the total molded-case breakers shall be checked for proper operation. Engineer will make selection of breakers to be tested. Medium- and Low-Voltage Power Distribution Equipment: 1. Check and measure equipment ground, notify Owner’s Site Representative if more than one ohm. 2. Remove, or drawout, all potential transformers. Put all breakers into the close position and high potential test all switchgear buses, breakers, and bus duct for one minute. Voltages to be used are as follows: Switchgear and Bus Duct 3. C. D. DC test value E. F. 13,800-Volt 4,160-Volt 480-Volt 37.5 kV 20.25 kV 2.32 kV 3. Additional tests may be performed by manufacturer's field service representative. Dry Type Transformers: 1. Check equipment ground to assure continuity of connections. Notify Owner’s Site Representative if ground is more than one ohm. 2. Check electrical neutral of the transformer. This connection shall be a copper wire connection to the station ground grid. 3. Megger between high-voltage winding and low-voltage winding, high-voltage winding and ground, and low-voltage winding and ground. If readings are below 50 megohms (at 77°F), refer to Owner’s Site Representative before energizing transformer. 4. Set transformer taps on values determined by Engineer. 5. Check connections for tightness; clean out dust, and other foreign material. 6. Check operation of forced air fans and controls, where provided, before energizing transformer. 7. Additional tests may be performed by manufacturer's field service representative for 13,800V to 480V transformers. 8. Check calibration of the hot spot temperature relay. Instruments: 1. Ammeters: a. Check connections to ammeters from current transformers for AC, and from shunts for DC. b. Check ammeter scale with current transformer ratio for AC, and with shunt millivolt rating for DC. c. Set pointer on zero scale with no load. 2. Voltmeters: a. Check voltmeter with potential transformer ratio. b. Set pointer on zero scale with no voltage. c. Check voltmeter reading with test voltmeter when energized. 3. Wattmeters, Varmeters and Watt-Hour Meters: a. Check with current transformer and potential transformer ratio. 75644_8410_260800 260800-5 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued b. c. d. G. H. Set wattmeter and varmeter pointer on zero scale with no load. Check rotation of watt-hour meters. Check accuracy of watt-hour meters as directed by equipment manufacturer's field service representative. Instrument Transformers: 1. Physically check polarity mark orientation on all CTs and VTs with three-line diagrams and with manufacturer's drawings. 2. Inject enough current in CT primary to induce at least 1/2 ampere in secondary. (If not possible, disconnect the secondary wire at each current transformer and insert approximately 2 amperes AC into the circuit.) With clip-on ammeter (or test plug and ammeter) check to see that current is present in each instrument, relay, switch, auxiliary equipment, and related items that should be connected to the CT being tested. Repeat for every CT. 3. Disconnect secondary wires from each VT and apply 115VAC. With voltmeter, check for voltage at relays, instruments, switches, auxiliary transformers, and related items that should be connected to the VT being tested. Repeat for every VT. Motors: 1. Check equipment ground to assure continuity of connections. 2. Before applying voltage, measure and record the one-minute insulation resistance of the stator winding as follows: Motor Voltage 460 I. J. Megger Voltage 500 Minimum Acceptable Insulation Resistance 10 Megaohms If measured resistance values are lower than these, record room temperature and humidity and submit readings to Owner’s Site Representative. 3. Check lubrication, starter, and control circuits. Check that motor is free of dirt and dust. Rotate rotor by hand to determine that rotor turns freely. Apply voltage momentarily and note direction of rotation. If direction of rotation is reversed, interchange two of the primary leads at the motor. Reconnect motor to driven equipment. 4. Motors 100 horsepower and above shall have a one-hour "run in" while uncoupled. Winding and bearing temperatures shall be monitored noting any high temperature levels or rapid variation. If the motor appears to be running hot, notify Owner’s Site Representative. 5. Motor shall be closely monitored during initial operation for any high temperatures or abnormal conditions. Motor Starters and Contactors: 1. Check equipment ground to assure continuity of connections. 2. Remove all blocking used for shipment. 3. Check magnetic coil for proper rating. 4. Clean all contacts and magnetic surfaces (as required). 5. Check all auxiliary contacts for correct arrangement with coil de-energized; i.e., normally open or normally closed. 6. Check all fuses or air circuit breakers for proper rating. 7. Check field connections for tightness. 8. Check secondary fuses on motor starter control power transformer supply. Switches: 1. Power Switches (disconnects, safety, etc.): 260800-6 75644_8410_260800 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued K. a. Inspect contacts and clean if necessary. b. Inspect arc chutes. c. Inspect fuses for proper rating. 2. Transfer Switches: a. Test by connection of normal and standby sources. De-energize the normal source and observe that the switch transfers to the standby source and then returns to the normal source when it is restored. b. Observe that all auxiliary contacts which alarm or operate other devices perform their intended functions as indicated or specified. Wire and Cable: 1. All Cable: Verify that all conductors of every cable are terminated at the proper terminals as indicated by the Contract Drawings and manufacturer's drawings, and properly tagged. 2. 5-kV and 15-kV Cable: Field high potential test in accordance with NEMA WC 74 (ICEA No. S-93-639), Appendix F, "Voltage Tests After Installation,") and as follows: Conductor Size (AWG or kcmil) Test Voltage 100% - Insulation Level - 133% (kV, DC) Duration (Minutes) a. 3. 8001-15,000-V Ungrounded Neutral Cable, Shielded: 2-1,000 55 kV 65 kV 15 b. Do not test cables with an AC test set. Disconnect from all equipment during testing. Testing cable on the reel will not be acceptable. Perform tests after installation, but before final connection to equipment. Make high potential tests between each conductor and shield, or between conductor and armor with shield or armor grounded. 600V Power Cable: With cable disconnected at both ends, megger each cable with a 1000V megger for one minute. Values must be approximately as follows: Conductor Size (AWG OR kcmil) 14-8 6-2/0 3/0-1,000 4. 5. Resistance (Megohms-1,000 ft) 200 100 50 If cable is meggered with one end connected to a motor or transformer, megger values must meet acceptable limits for that equipment, as described previously. 600V Control Cable: a. Megger the specific control cables selected by Owner’s Site Representative. The quantity of cables required to be meggered will not exceed 10% of the control cable installed by this Contract. Megger as described for 600V power cable after installation, but with cables disconnected from control panels and other equipment. b. All control cables shall have a continuity check performed on each conductor to ensure the conductance of each wire before the wires are terminated. Cables with conductors failing this test shall be removed and replaced. 600V Instrument Cable: a. Megger the specific instrument cables selected by Owner’s Site Representative. The quantity of cables required to be meggered will not exceed 10% of the 75644_8410_260800 260800-7 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued L. M. N. O. 3.04 A. instrument cable installed by this Contract. Insulation resistance shall be a minimum of 1,000 megohms per 1,000 feet. b. All instrument cables shall have a continuity check performed on each conductor and shield to ensure the conductance of each wire and shield before the wires are terminated. Cables with conductors or shields failing this test shall be removed and replaced. Fiber Optic Cable: 1. Test per manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. Perform a light attenuation test for each fiber. 3. Record data and provide a comprehensive report to be turned over with other documents. Motor Control Centers: 1. Check and measure equipment ground, notify Owner’s Site Representative if more than one ohm. 2. Megger phase to phase. 3. Megger phase to ground for all phases. 4. Measure resistance of completely assembled busway sections. Panelboards: 1. Check frame and neutral grounds for continuity. 2. Megger each phase bus for freedom from grounds. 3. Check load balance between phases and reconnect feeder cables if necessary. 4. Check for proper breaker current rating to cable size. Essential Power System Equipment: 1. Batteries, Battery Chargers, and Inverters: a. Check equipment ground to assure continuity of connections. b. Verify inverter neutral is grounded. c. Check all field connections. d. Check input voltage and phase rotation at chargers. e. Check inverter output voltage and frequency. f. Check battery charger output voltages. g. Additional testing will be performed by the vendor service representative. START-UP AND SYSTEM TESTS: The following is a list of system tests to be performed by this Contract. Many of the individual tests may be duplicated. Auxiliary Power System Start-up Power: 1. Verify the phase rotation and sequence upon initial energization of any electrical distribution apparatus. 2. A very detailed written procedure shall be used for initial energization of all switchgear and load centers. This test will verify proper phasing and synchronizing for the main electrical distribution system energized from the start-up source. The procedure will consist of the following general elements for each electrical bus: a. Verify proper phase rotation and sequence. b. Verify proper operation of sync-check relays and synchronizing system. c. Verify proper source for each synchronizing potential. d. Verify proper operation of synchronizing scope and associated voltmeters. e. Verify proper operation of breaker controls. f. Verify proper phasing through start-up and load center transformers. 3. Prior to the initial energization of any equipment (or re-energization of any equipment), megger for grounds or shorts as follows: a. Megger between each phase and ground and between all phases and record. 260800-8 75644_8410_260800 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued b. B. C. D. E. Tests showing lower values than expected should be investigated and corrected prior to energization. c. Tests may be waived by Resident Project Representative where equipment has been de-energized for only a short period of time and no work has taken place on the equipment. Auxiliary Power System Station Loop: 1. This procedure will verify proper phasing of the station loop. The loop consists of the main transformer(s), auxiliary transformers, and switchgear busses. A very detailed procedure will be provided by Owner’s Site Representative. The procedure will consist of the following general elements for each electrical bus: a. Verify proper phase rotation and sequence. b. Verify proper operation of sync-check relays and synchronizing system. c. Verify proper source for each synchronizing potential. d. Verify proper operation of sync-scope and associated voltmeters. e. Verify proper operation of breaker controls. f. Verify proper phasing through main step-up transformers and unit auxiliary transformers. The above tests will be repeated for each switchgear bus energized from each different source. Generator Phasing and Synchronizing: 1. This procedure will verify proper phasing of the generator and proper operation of the synchronizing scheme. A detailed procedure will be furnished by Owner’s Site Representative. The procedure will consist of the following general elements: a. Verify phase sequence of generator while on turning gear. b. Simulate synchronizing the generator to the system to verify proper operation of the synchronizing scheme. c. Verify sources for all synchronizing potentials. d. Synchronize generator to line. Generator and Auxiliary Power System Protective Relays and Metering: 1. Prior to initial energization of any relay, verify that relay operates correct device and the proper sequence is executed (i.e., relay starts timer, timer trips breaker, alarm, and other sequential operations.). Proper sequence of relay will be verified against one-lines and turbine-generator protective relay logic diagrams. 2. Upon initial energization of relay, measure current and voltages at relay to verify proper magnitude and direction. 3. Verify proper currents and voltages for all metering equipment. 4. Verify metering equipment has the proper scale. 5. Calibrate metering equipment if requested by Resident Project Representative. 6. Verify correct operation of metering system to include the following: a. Proper output of all transducers. b. Proper operation of any demand recorders. c. Proper direction for watt-hour meter. d. Proper outputs of doubling relays, demand recorders, and related items. e. Proper inputs to recorders, remote telemetering scheme, and related items. Control Schemes: 1. De-energized Functional Check: Each scheme shall be thoroughly tested prior to energizing the controlled equipment. A minimum of the following tests will be performed: a. Verify power cables are disconnected or overload heaters are removed. 75644_8410_260800 260800-9 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. F. G. Verify termination of all control cables and tightness of connections. Tighten all links of test disconnect type terminal blocks. Verify operation of contactor by jumpering the control switch. Verify operation of starter by using control switch (simulate any interlocks). Verify operation of all control switch contacts. Verify operation of any alarms. Correct any minor deficiencies and notify Owner’s Site Representative. Other tests as required to verify operation of all control equipment without energizing controlled equipment. 2. Energized Functional Checks: These tests will be performed to simulate actual operation of equipment. a. Check overload heaters (or protective devices) for proper size. b. Check power lead terminations for tightness. c. Install overload heaters and momentarily energize motor to verify rotation (this shall be coordinated with Resident Project Representative). d. Once equipment has been energized, verify operation of control devices (opening pressure switches, level switches, and related devices.). e. Simulate operation of control devices by removal of pressure, flow, and related parameters. f. Verify operation of any auto-transfer schemes. g. Testing of all schemes should be thorough enough to simulate actual operating conditions as much as possible. Ground System: 1. Measure and record ground resistance at the following equipment and structures to plant ground grid system: a. Lightning arrestor grounds. b. Generator frame and neutral ground. c. Generator VT and surge unit. d. Switchgear and load centers. e. Power transformer frames and neutral grounds. f. Control panels and consoles. g. Motor control centers, panelboards, switchboards, and bench boards. h. Power control center equipment. i. Other miscellaneous grounds selected at random in a manner representative of the entire installation. 2. Perform tests using a commercial model ground test set. Essential Power System: 1. Batteries, Battery Chargers, Static Transfer Switches, and Inverters: a. Test equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in the presence of manufacturer's field service representative. b. Check input voltage at chargers when connected and reconnect inputs on proper input taps as required. c. Check inverter output ac voltage for proper value. d. Check output wave form for proper shape if required by Owner’s Site Representative. e. Perform one-hour discharge test on battery in accordance with IEEE 450, Section 6. f. Verify operation of static transfer switch in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 260800-10 75644_8410_260800 SECTION 260800 - ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: continued 2. H. I. J. Black Start Diesel Generator Set: a. Test equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in the presence of manufacturer's field service representative. b. Check operation of generator when paralleled with the plant ac system. c. Check operation under loaded conditions and isolated from the plant ac system. d. Check automatic start-up and synchronizing of generator. Heat Tracing: 1. After heating cable and thermostat installation is complete, but before pipe insulation is installed, make an operating test on each circuit. Check each heating circuit for proper current flow. Alarm, Events Recorder, Data Acquisition Systems, BOP Control Systems, and Programmable Logic Controllers: 1. Close cooperation will be required with manufacturer's service representative to functionally test this equipment. 2. This equipment is solid state and requires careful checking of external circuitry prior to final connection. Manufacturer's representative should be consulted on the precautions that are required in handling this equipment. 3. All external wiring will be checked for continuity, grounds, short circuits, and absence of extraneous voltage. 4. Alarms, Events Recorder, and Distributed Control System Alarms: a. Operate alarm initiating device (relay, pressure switch, or similar devices). Verify that the correct visual point and printer point are actuated. Verify correct printing for visual alarm and printer. 5. Data Acquisition System, BOP Control System, and Programmable Logic Controller: a. Verify that external point is correct input. Verify wording on CRT or printer for each point. Instrument Loop Check: These checks will consist of functional tests of complete control loops. The completion of these tests will require cooperation with the instrument technicians and combustion safeguard manufacturer's representative. 1. Check all wiring for connection to correct device and proper polarity. Correct wiring if required. 2. Simulate operation of transmitter and verify that control signal is being received at control cabinet and indicating device (usually indicator on workstation). 3. Verify operation of controlled device (valve, damper, or other device). 4. Verify the controlled device performs correctly when operated from the associated control station. 5. If possible, operate transmitter to verify operation of controlled device. END OF SECTION 260800 75644_8410_260800 260800-11 MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER TEST REPORT BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet Panel / MCC Tag No.: Date: Service Description: Breaker Identification Test Equipment Remarks STF-808 of Voltage: Breaker Information MFGR Rating Type Contact Resistance (Ω) A B C Serial Number Trip Time in Seconds at 300% Current A B C Tested By: A Instantaneous Trip (Amperes) B C Setting Remarks NEMA Maximum Trip Times Breaker Rating Seconds 0-30 amps 31-50 amps 51-100 amps 101-150 amps 151-225 amps 226-400 amps 70 100 160 250 275 350 LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CENTER TEST REPORT BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet Manufacturer Voltage Rating Current Rating Tag No. Date Service Description Tested By Bus Insulation Resistance A-G A-B B-G B-C C-G C-A Bus Voltages A-G A-B B-G B-C C-G C-A Attach CT and PT Test Reports of Space Heaters OK Grounding OK MOTOR PROTECTION AND CONTROLS ( Spare Buckets ) Unit ID Insulation Resistance Breaker Type Size Ovld. Heater Size Starter Size Control Fuse Size Use Sheet 2 for Additional Units Test Equipment Model Number Serial Number Model Number Serial Number Comments STF-809 1 / / / / LOW VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CENTER TEST REPORT BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet of Unit ID Insulation Resistance A∅ Breaker Type Size B∅ C∅ Trip Time at 3X Inst. Trip Ovld. Heater Size Trip Time at _X G.F. Relay Trip Amps (Primary) Starter Size Control Fuse Size Unit ID Insulation Resistance A∅ Breaker Type Size B∅ C∅ Trip Time at 3X Inst. Trip Ovld. Heater Size Trip Time at _X G.F. Relay Trip Starter Size Control Fuse Size Test Equipment Model Number Serial Number Model Number Serial Number / / / / Comments STF-809 2 Amps (Primary) LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER TEST REPORT BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet Tag No. Date Service Description Tested By Mfg Serial Number Voltage Phase Three Phase Calculated Ratio Tap-A Tap-B of kVA Rating Tap-C Tap-D Tap-E *** H1-H3 Volts X1-X0 Volts H1-H3 Volts X1-X0 Volts H1-H3 Volts X1-X0 Volts H1-H3 Volts X1-X0 Volts H1-H3 Volts X1-X0 Volts Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio H1-H2 Volts X2-X0 Volts H1-H2 Volts X2-X0 Volts H1-H2 Volts X2-X0 Volts H1-H2 Volts X2-X0 Volts H1-H2 Volts X2-X0 Volts Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio H2-H3 Volts X3-X0 Volts H2-H3 Volts X3-X0 Volts H2-H3 Volts X3-X0 Volts H2-H3 Volts X3-X0 Volts H2-H3 Volts X3-X0 Volts Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Single Phase Calculated Ratio H1-H2 Volts X1-X2 Volts H3-H4 Volts X3-X4 Volts Actual Ratio Actual Ratio Megger H to Gnd Test Equipment Model Number Serial Number X to Gnd H to X / / ***Terminal designations are for a ∆ / Υ transformer. Change to suit application. Grounding Remarks STF-814 MEGGER TEST REPORT BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet Tag No. Date Service Description Tested By Temperature Humidity Tested* Test Time *Cable/Ckt./Motor, etc. Test Equipment Remarks: STF-826 Serial No. of Voltage Resistance HIGH POTENTIAL TEST DATA BURNS & MCDONNELL Project No. STILLWATER ELECTRIC UTILITIES POWER GENERATION STATION Sheet Circuit Designation Date DC TEST DATA Time in Minutes After 100% Test Voltage is Applied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 of Phase A Current µ a Phase B Phase C Tested By DC Test Voltage Operating Voltage Temperature Humidity Cable Data (Not Applicable for Bus) Cable Size Length Shielded Unshielded Rated Voltage Insulation Wall (type and thickness) Conductor Jacket Wall (type and thickness) Shield (type) Test Equipment Model No. Serial No. Remarks KVDC after 1 Min. Decay 100 Microamperes (µa) = .1 Milliampere APPLICATION OF TEST VOLTAGE The initially applied direct-current voltage shall be not greater than 3.0 times the rated alternating-current voltage. The rate of increase from the initially applied voltage to the specified test voltage shall be approximately uniform and shall be not over 100 percent in 10 seconds nor less than 100 percent in 60 seconds. The duration of the direct-current voltage test shall be 15 minutes for shielded cables and 5 minutes for nonshielded cables, and 1 minute for isolated-phase and medium voltage group-phase bus. The residual voltage after 1 minute decay shall be recorded above for all cable and bus. TEST CURVE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time in Minutes After 100% Test Voltage is Applied 13 14 15 NOTES: 1. Plot results of tests on all three phases on this graph. 2. Assign and indicate values for each division on the microampere scale as required for the circuit being tested. STF-828 SECTION 260812 - INSTALLATION OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes the installation and field assembly of equipment furnished by Others under other contracts and under this Contract C8410. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 2. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). 3. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). a. C2 - National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). 4. American Welding Society (AWS). PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. GENERAL: Receipt of Material: 1. Receive and be responsible for all electrical power and control equipment furnished under this Contract, Owner’s Contract with Wartsila, and electrical equipment furnished by Owner under various contracts with other vendors as they are received for unloading, until the time of final acceptance. All shipments of equipment by this Contract will be delivered by truck and have freight charges prepaid. 2. Notify Owner’s Site Representative of arrival of all shipments before unloading. Manufacturer's field service representative will inspect some equipment at the discretion of Owner’s Site Representative before unloading. 3. Unload all equipment promptly when delivered and pay all demurrage charges and claims for damage to cars or vehicles resulting from Contractor's unloading operations. 4. Inspect all equipment and material for damage and check against shipping lists for any missing parts. 5. Prepare "Material Receipts" in triplicate for each shipment received, on standard forms furnished by Owner’s Site Representative. Distribute receipts to Owner’s Site Representative and Owner as well as for Contractor. List in detail all items received noting any items damaged or missing as listed on manufacturer's shipping list. Remove "Material Receipts" from the equipment and attach to Owner’s Site Representative's copy. 6. Keep continuous account of all equipment received and make periodic reports to Owner’s Site Representative of items not yet received. 7. Be responsible for any damaged or missing items of equipment and material while in your custody. Replacement or repair by Contractor shall be at the option of Owner. Moving and Handling of Equipment: 1. Large and Heavy Equipment: a. Provide the services of a heavy hauling contractor experienced in moving and handling equipment of the specific size, weight, and type to be moved (unless 75644_8410_260812 260812-1 SECTION 260812- INSTALLATION OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT: continued C. D. evidence can be shown that the Contractor possesses the proper equipment and skilled personnel equal to that of such a contractor). b. Equipment used for moving shall include multi-wheeled lowboys, hauling tractor, heavy cribbing, chains, cable blocks, and related items. c. Work shall be done under the supervision of an experienced rigger acceptable to Owner’s Site Representative and Owner. d. Extreme care must be used in moving heavy equipment. Proposed methods, materials, and operations shall be discussed with Owner’s Site Representative and manufacturer's representative before work is started. All methods and operations shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. e. Roadways and other areas over which equipment is to be moved shall be planked, if necessary, for their protection. f. Contractor shall secure all permits and make all other necessary arrangements with local street and highway authorities and police to obtain use of right-of-way, crossing rights, and traffic control for moving equipment from the points of unloading to points of installation. 2. Other Equipment: Provide necessary moving equipment and materials to properly unload, move, and install. 3. Check the design loadings of all equipment and structures. Do not overload structures. Manufacturer's Drawings: 1. Drawings approved by Engineer will be given to Contractor for all equipment furnished by Owner that is to be installed or connected by this Contract. These drawings shall be used for construction and shall become part of this Contract. Protection of Equipment: Adequately protect all equipment while under the responsibility of this Contract and store in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 1. Do not store equipment outdoors unless designed for permanent outdoor installation. 2. Equipment stored out of doors shall be properly blocked up on timbers off the ground. 3. Equipment will normally be stored for short periods of time prior to installation. 4. Provide adequate protection during storage, installation, and up to the time of final acceptance, from the following: a. Rain, hail, snow, sleet, and any other normally encountered weather conditions. b. Dust, dirt, sand, and concrete splatter. c. Excessive heat, freezing, condensation, water, and other conditions normally encountered during plant construction and start-up. d. Welding operations, falling objects, and construction work in general. 5. Provide protection in a manner meeting the approval of Owner’s Site Representative and manufacturer's representatives or manufacturer's recommendations by the application of the following: a. Tarpaulins. b. Properly controlled electric heaters, heating lamps, and fans. c. Temporary guards, protective awnings, barricades, storage sheds, warehouse space, and similar items. d. Maintain storage records of all items under Contractor’s responsibility. These records shall show methods used to protect equipment. All items shall be inspected on a monthly basis (more frequently if directed by Owner’s Site Representative) and a record maintained. Copies of the storage records shall be submitted to Engineer each month. The Owner’s Site Representative may inspect the stored equipment. Any deficiencies in storage procedures shall be corrected immediately. 260812-2 75644_8410_260812 SECTION 260812 - INSTALLATION OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT: continued 6. E. Touch up or completely repaint equipment with damaged finish. Finish shall be compatible and of the same type as the original finish. 7. Keep all work, material, and equipment furnished or installed by this Contractor in a clean condition during the construction period as required by the Resident Project Representative. Equipment Installation: 1. Install complete as specified, indicated, and as approved by Owner’s Site Representative and the equipment manufacturer's field service representative. 2. Install at the locations indicated. 3. Include assembly of all shipping sections and miscellaneous items of equipment shipped unassembled, as received from the manufacturer. 4. Install at times as required to meet the specified construction schedule and as necessary to move equipment into place without delaying erection of structures or work by other contractors. 5. Include any disassembly and reassembly of any parts or sections of equipment made necessary by obstructions or other limitations encountered in moving equipment to the final location indicated. 6. Conform exactly to the manufacturer's recommendations in all respects. Any conflict between the Contract Drawings and Specifications and the manufacturer's written or verbal recommendations shall be referred to Owner’s Site Representative for final decision. 7. Provide all openings in floors, walls, roofs, and other structures necessary for complete equipment installation and connection unless such openings are specifically indicated as being provided by Others. 8. Paint all non-galvanized steel supporting material installed by this Contract as follows: a. Clean all field cuts and welds with power tools to remove all metal spatter, rust, and foreign material. Apply organic zinc-rich coating on clean metal at least 3 mils minimum dry film thickness. Coating shall be one of the following: (1) Ameron - 68 HS. (2) Carboline - Carbozinc 859. b. Apply two finish coats of epoxy enamel compatible with and of color matching the equipment being supported, or as approved by Engineer. c. All outdoor electrical strucutres shall be hot-diped galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF). Items a and b are sufficient for indoor steel suports ONLY. 9. Include leveling, shimming, anchoring to floor or foundations with bolts or cinch anchors and final alignment. 10. Include drilling, welding, and furnishing of miscellaneous hardware such as screws, bolts, nuts, and related items necessary for installation. 11. Include receiving, caring for, and delivering to Owner's storage all spare parts, tools, maintenance devices, and other accessories furnished with the equipment. Obtain receipts from Owner. 12. Include removing and replacing any covers, bus and wiring connections, and similar items whenever and for whatever number of times it is directed by Owner’s Site Representative for inspection or testing. 13. Restore all equipment to a "factory clean" condition before final acceptance is made. 14. All oil drums shall become the property of Owner; store on the Site as directed by Owner. Store oil drums horizontally with bungs down. 15. Quantities of equipment are as indicated. 75644_8410_260812 260812-3 SECTION 260812- INSTALLATION OF MAJOR EQUIPMENT: continued END OF SECTION 260812 260812-4 75644_8410_260812 SECTION 262400 - PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS AND TRANSFORMERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes panelboards, switchboards, and dry-type transformers for low-voltage power and lighting systems applications. Furnish and install quantities and types as specified or as indicated. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Specials: SECTION 260506. 2. Grounding: SECTION 260526. 3. Motor Control Centers: Section 262419 4. Power Switching and Control Devices: SECTION 262900. 5. Lighting: SECTION 265000. 6. Grouting and Anchoring: SECTION 267030. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): a. C57 Series - Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors. C37.23 - Metal-Enclosed Bus. 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). 3. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. ICS 1 - Industrial Control and Systems General Requirements. b. ICS 2 - Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays Rated 600 Volts. c. ICS 4 – Application Guideline for Terminal Blocks. d. PB 1 - Panelboards. e. PB 2 - Deadfront Distribution Switchboards. f. 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000V Maximum). 4. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 50 – Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations. b. 67 - Panelboards. c. 489 – Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures. d. 506 - Specialty Transformers. e. 508 - Industrial Control Equipment. f. 891 - Dead-Front Switchboards. 5. Federal Specifications: a. FED-STD-595B - Colors Used in Government Procurement. b. W-P-115C - Panel, Power Distribution. c. W-C-375 - Circuit Breakers, Molded Case, Branch Circuit and Service, Type I, Series Trip, Three Pole (10 through 100 Amperes). SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. General arrangement and outline information. 2. Schematic power diagrams. 75644_8410_262400 262400-1 SECTION 262400 – PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS AND TRANSFORMERS: continued 3. 4. 5. 6. Wiring diagrams. Bills of material. Nameplate information. Protective device coordination curves. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. 2.02 A. B. C. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Panelboards and Switchboards: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. Transformers: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. Mini-Load Centers: 1. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. PANELBOARDS AND SWITCHBOARDS: General: 1. Heavy-duty type with voltage and ampere ratings as indicated. 2. Enclosures of the following types: a. NEMA 1 - General Purpose for indoor nonhazardous locations. b. NEMA 3R - Raintight for outdoor locations. 3. Panelboards in code gage, hot-dipped galvanized sheet metal boxes with code gage steel trim and finished with a rust inhibiting primer and light gray paint (formerly ANSI Z55.1.61 No. 61). 4. Switchboards constructed of sheet steel for floor mounting and finished with a rust inhibiting primer and light gray paint (formerly ANSI Z55.1.61 No. 61). 5. Hinged door with lock and catch combination in the front trim of all panelboards. 6. Phenolic nameplate on front of panel engraved with the panelboard or switchboard designation, and above each breaker operating handle on switchboards. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. 7. Breakers with trip rating and number of poles as indicated. 8. Future breaker space for the number of poles as indicated. 9. Copper main buses of the capacity indicated. 10. The short circuit current rating of the assembled panelboard or switchboard shall be equal to or greater than the interrupting capacity of the highest rated branch breaker. 480V Panelboards: 1. Rated 600VACac, 3-phase, 3-wire, with main breaker or lugs as indicated. 2. Provide 100-ampere frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with noninterchangeable trip units. 3. Provide 225-ampere frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with interchangeable trip units. 4. Breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 65,000 rms amperes symmetrical at 480V. 5. Cutler-Hammer Type POW-R-LINE 3 or approved equal. 120/208V Panelboards: 262400-2 75644_8410_262400 SECTION 262400 – PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS AND TRANSFORMERS: continued 1. 2. D. E. F. 2.03 A. B. C. D. E. Rated 240VAC, 3-phase, 4 wire, solid neutral, with main breaker or lugs as indicated. Provide 100-ampere frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with noninterchangeable trip units. 3. Breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 10,000 rms amperes symmetrical at 240VAC. 4. Cutler-Hammer Type POW-R-LINE1, General Electric Type AQ, or Square-D Type ILine. 120/240V Panelboards: 1. Rated 240VACac, 1-phase, 3 wire, solid neutral, with main breaker or lugs as indicated. 2. Provide 100-ampere frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with noninterchangeable trip units. 3. Breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 10,000 rms amperes symmetrical at 240VACac. 4. Cutler-Hammer Type POW-R-LINE1 or General Electric Type AQSquare-D Type ILine. 5. All breakers for convenience outlets shall be ground fault interrupter (GFI) type set at 5 mA trip for personnel protection. 6. All breakers for heat trace shall be ground fault interrupter (GFI) type set at 30 mA trip for equipment protection. 125VDC Panelboards: 1. Rated 250VDCdc, 2 wire, main lugs only. 2. Provide 100-ampere frame size thermal-magnetic breakers with noninterchangeable trip units. 3. Provide 225-ampere frame size thermal-magnetic breakers with interchangeable trip units. 4. Breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of (10,000) (22,000) (42,000) amperes at 250VDCdc. 5. Cutler-Hammer Type POW-R-LINE3 or General Electric Type CCB. 480VAC Switchboards: 1. Rated 600VAC, 3-phase, 4-wire, solid neutral, with main breaker or lugs as indicated. 2. Provide 100-ampere frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with noninterchangeable trip units. 3. Provide 225-ampere and larger frame size bolt-on thermal-magnetic breakers with interchangeable trip units. 4. Breakers shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 65,000 rms amperes symmetrical at 480V. 5. Termination equipment: a. Incoming cables shall be top-entry. 6. Cutler-Hammer Type POW-R-LINE C or approved equal. TRANSFORMERS: Dry type with kVA rating as indicated. Winding Material: Copper. Suitable for indoor or outdoor installation. Encapsulated core and coils. Noise level not to exceed NEMA ST1 standards as follows: 1. 0-9 kVA - 40 dB. 2. 10-50 kVA - 45 dB. 3. 51-150 kVA - 50 dB. 75644_8410_262400 262400-3 SECTION 262400 – PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS AND TRANSFORMERS: continued F. G. H. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. 4. 151-300 kVA - 55 dB. 5. 301-500 kVA - 60 dB. Class H insulation with 115oC maximum temperature rise in 40oC ambient under continuous full load operation. 480-120/208V, 3-phase, 60-hertz, delta-wye connected with taps as follows: 1. Minimum of six (6) 2-1/2% full-capacity taps, 2 above (FCAN) and 4 below (FCBN) 480V. 480-120/240V, single phase, 60 hertz with taps as follows: 1. Minimum of four (4) 2-1/2% full-capacity taps, 2 above (FCAN) and 2 below (FCBN) 480 volts. MINI-LOAD CENTERS: Provide combination 480-120/208V, 1-phase, 3-wire, dry-type transformer and 120/208V distribution panel with transformer, main buses, primary and secondary breakers sized as indicated. Transformer and panelboard to be mounted in one common enclosure suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. Provide two 5% full-capacity below normal (FCBN) taps. Provide branch breakers of sizes and quantities indicated with minimum interrupting rating of 10,000 amperes at 240VAC. Cutler-Hammer Mini-Power Center. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. D. INSTALLATION: General: 1. Install at locations indicated including all necessary mounting and supporting materials. 2. Locate and arrange with proper clearances from other equipment and material to obtain good accessibility for operation and maintenance. 3. Space away from walls or columns at least 1/4-inch to prevent surface moisture from rusting the enclosure. 4. Provide all necessary floor openings unless indicated as being provided by others. 5. Clean all welds, scars, and abrasions and remove metal splatter, rust and foreign material and apply organic zinc-rich coating. a. Carboline - Carbozinc 859. b. International - Interzinc 52 HS. c. Tnemec - Tnemezinc 90-97. Panelboards: 1. Flush mount in finished areas and surface mount on walls or columns in all other areas. 2. Install with top of panelboard approximately 6 feet above floor. 3. Provide typed circuit directory in each panelboard indicating branch circuit loads. 4. Rearrange circuit breaker locations to match the circuit sequence shown on the panelboard schedules. 5. Ground all neutral buses to the station ground system. Switchboards: 1. Shim so that unit is level, anchor to foundation with bolts cast in foundation or with cinch anchors, and grout. 2. Ground all neutral buses to the station ground system. Transformers: 262400-4 75644_8410_262400 SECTION 262400 – PANELBOARDS, SWITCHBOARDS AND TRANSFORMERS: continued E. 1. Floor-mount wherever possible unless otherwise indicated. 2. Provide flexible conduit connections to minimize vibration and noise. Mini-Load Centers: 1. Install with top of panelboard section approximately 6 feet above floor. 2. Provide typed circuit directory in panelboard indicating branch circuit loads. 3. Rearrange circuit breaker locations to match the circuit sequence shown on the panelboard schedules. 4. Ground all neutral buses to the station ground system. END OF SECTION 262400 75644_8410_262400 262400-5 SECTION 262900 - POWER SWITCHING AND CONTROL DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. C. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes separately mounted, individually enclosed, low-voltage starters, contactors, automatic transfer switches, molded-case circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and local control stations. Quantities and types are as required per functional specifications. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Lighting, Receptacles, and Controlling Devices: SECTION 265000. 2. Grounding: SECTION 260526. 3. Specials: SECTION 260506. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): a. 446 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications. b. C37.90 - Relays and Relay Systems Associated with Electric Power Apparatus. 2. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code (NEC). b. 110 - Emergency and Standby Power Systems. 3. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA): a. ICS 1 - General Standards for Industrial Control and Systems. b. ICS 2 - Industrial Control Devices, Controllers and Assemblies. c. ICS 4 - Terminal Blocks for Industrial Use. d. 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum). 4. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment. b. 489 – Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures. c. 508 - Industrial Control Equipment. d. 1008 – Transfer Switch Equipment. 5. Federal Specification (FS): a. W-C-375B - Molded Case Circuit Breakers. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. Outline information. 2. Internal arrangement information. 3. Schematic power and control diagrams. 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Protective device coordination curves. JOB CONDITIONS: All work including equipemtn and materials in hazardous (classified) locations shall conform to NEC requirements for the specified classification. As specified in SECTION 011100. 75644_8410_2629000 262900-1 SECTION 262900 – POWER SWITCHING AND CONTROL DEVICES: continued PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. 2.02 A. B. C. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: Low-Voltage Motor Starters and Contactors: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. Low-Voltage Automatic Transfer Switches: 1. Automatic Switch Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D . Low-Voltage Air Circuit Breakers: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. Low-Voltage Disconnect Switches: 1. General Electric Company 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. Local Control Stations: 1. General Electric Company. 2. Eaton Cutler-Hammer. 3. Square D. LOW-VOLTAGE MOTOR STARTERS: General: 1. Rated 120VAC, 1 pole for all single-phase motors rated 115 volts and below. 2. Rated 240VAC, 2 pole for all single-phase motors rated 230 volts. 3. Rated 600VAC, 3 pole for all three-phase motors rated 460 volts. 4. Reversing or non-reversing and proper NEMA size for the motor horsepower and voltage as indicated. 5. Overload relays (externally reset): Three required in all 3-pole starters, one required in all 1-pole and 2-pole starters. 6. Overload heaters based on nameplate data. 7. Enclosures of the following types: a. NEMA 12 for indoor installations. b. NEMA 4X Stainless Steel for all outdoor installations. 8. Phenolic nameplate on cover of starter enclosure engraved as indicated. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. Manual Starters: 1. Flush-mount with stainless steel plates where installed in finished rooms; surface-mount in all other locations. 2. Pilot light in cover. Combination Magnetic Starters: 1. Control transformer with primary and secondary fuses where line voltage is above 120VAC. 2. Coil voltage rated 115VAC. 262900-2 75644_8410_2629000 SECTION 262900 – POWER SWITCHING AND CONTROL DEVICES: continued 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.03 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Auxiliary contacts (minimum of two normally open (NO) and two normally closed (NC)), control relays, cover-mounted push buttons, selector switches, and 120V indicating lights as specified. Externally operated power disconnect, lockable in "off" position. Motor circuit protectors with magnetic only trip assemblies. Combination starter unit shall have a minimum interrupting capacity of 85,000 rms amperes symmetrical at rated voltage. LOW-VOLTAGE AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES: Double-throw, power transfer unit with an interconnected control module to provide complete automatic operation. Rated 600VAC for 480V circuits. Current ratings as indicated. Number of poles as required. Coil voltage rated for 115VAC. Transfer switch unit shall be electrically operated and mechanically held. The electrical operator shall be a mechanism, momentarily energized. The switch shall be positively locked and unaffected by voltage variations or momentary outages so that contact pressure is maintained at a constant value and temperature rise at the contact is minimized for maximum reliability and operation life. The voltage of each phase of the normal source shall be monitored, with an adjustable pickup and an adjustable dropout. Transfer load from the normal source to the standby source when any phase voltage falls below 80% and to retransfer load after a time delay (5 to 50 seconds) to the normal source when all phase voltages are 90% or more. Electrically isolated auxiliary contact to close when the load is connected to the standby source to activate an alarm. Test switch to simulate normal power source failure. Other accessories as required. Enclosures of the following types: 1. NEMA 12 for indoor installations. 2. NEMA 4X Stainless Steel for outdoor installations. Phenolic nameplate on switch cover enclosure engraved as required. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. Automatic Switch Company ATS 300 Series or Engineer-approved equal. LOW-VOLTAGE AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS: Rated 600VAC for 480V circuits; 240VAC for 115-, 208-, or 240V circuits; and 250VDC for 125VDC circuits. Number of poles as indicated. Molded-case type, manually operated, trip free from the handle, and provided with inverse time thermal element overload protection and instantaneous magnetic short-circuit protection on all poles unless otherwise indicated. Trip ratings as required. Interchangeable trip units on all breakers larger than 100-ampere frame size. Interrupting rating not less than 22,000 rms amperes symmetrical for 600V breakers and 10,000 rms amperes symmetrical for 240VAC or 250VDC breakers. Enclosures of the following types: 1. NEMA 12 for indoor installations. 2. NEMA 4X Stainless Steel for outdoor installations. 75644_8410_2629000 262900-3 SECTION 262900 – POWER SWITCHING AND CONTROL DEVICES: continued H. I. 2.05 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. External operating handle which clearly indicates when breaker is "on," "off," or "tripped," and is lockable in the "off" position. Phenolic nameplate on cover of enclosure engraved as indicated. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. LOW-VOLTAGE DISCONNECT SWITCHES: Heavy-duty type. Ampere ratings as specified. Single or double throw and with number of poles as indicated. Rated 600VAC for 480V circuits. Nonfused or fusible with cartridge type fuses and ampere rating as indicated. Enclosures of the following types: 1. NEMA 12 for indoor installations. 2. NEMA 4X Stainless Steel for outdoor installations. Externally operated power disconnect, lockable in the "off" position. Phenolic nameplate on cover of enclosure engraved as indicated. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. INSTALLATION: Install devices at locations indicated including all necessary mounting materials. Flush-mount in finished areas and surface-mount in all other areas unless otherwise indicated. Mount at convenient operating height above floor (4 feet to centerline above floor when possible). Locate and arrange with adequate clearances from other equipment and material to obtain good accessibility for operation and maintenance per Owner's approval. Provide a minimum of 1/4-inch clearance between device enclosures and walls or columns to prevent corrosion of enclosure by surface moisture. Clean all welds, scars, and abrasions and remove metal splatter, rust and foreign material. Apply a protective organic zinc-rich coating. 1. Carboline - Carbozinc 859. 2. International - Interzinc 52 HS. 3. Tnemec - 90-97. Local Control Device location is subject to the review and approval of Engineer. END OF SECTION 262900 262900-4 75644_8410_2629000 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. 1.04 A. SUMMARY: This Section includes furnishing the following: 1. One (1) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems: a. 00-EEP-BEU-972 30 kVA Lighting UPS. b. Maintenance Bypass Switch. 2. Accessory devices and options as specified. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. C62.41-1980 - Standards for Surge Withstandability. 2. Federal Communications Commission (FCC): a. Rules and Regulations Part 15, Subpart J, Class A. 3. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 587-1980 – Standards: a. No. 446-1987 - Emergency and Standby Power. b. No. 587-1980 - Standards for Surge Withstandability. 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electric Code (NEC). 5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. PE-1-1983 - Uninterruptible Power Systems. 6. Underwriters' Laboratories (UL): a. 1012 – Power Units Other Than Class 2. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. Arrangement and outline drawings. 2. Installation drawings. 3. External connection diagrams. 4. Schematic diagrams. 5. Bills of material. 6. One-line diagrams. 7. Instruction books. 8. Protective device coordination curves. 9. Efficiency curves (showing heating loss). 10. Test reports. 11. Suggested float voltage versus ambient temperature curves. 12. Component Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) for Rectifier, Inverter, Static switch, and Battery Cell. PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS: Operating Environment: Indoor Air-Conditioned, 30°C Ambient average with a maximum of 40°C. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS: 75644_8410_263355 263355-1 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued A. B. 2.02 A. B. C. 2.03 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 2.04 A. B. C. D. E. 2.05 A. UPS: 1. Gutor (Schneider). 2. Controlled Power Company. 3. Chloride (Emerson). 4. Owner-approved Equal. Batteries: 1. Exide. 2. Deka. 3. Alpha Technologies. 4. Owner-approved Equal. MATERIALS: All Materials and parts comprising the UPS shall be new, of current manufacture, and shall not have been in prior service, except as required during tests. Use Materials suitable for their application, and for the mechanical and electrical stresses to which they will be subjected. Furnish as required for complete installation ready for operation. EQUIPMENT: Design for indoor service. Use manufacturer's standard design as far as is consistent with the intent of these Specifications. Furnish with all necessary auxiliary items required for a complete workable electrical system conforming with the intent of these Specifications. Furnish with all necessary material as required for complete field assembly and installation. Furnish bolted-type lugs and connectors, approved by Engineer, for connection of all external power cables and buses. Provide laminated plastic nameplates, white with black lettering, for Equipment and each instrument or control device mounted on the Equipment with size and engraving as specified in SECTION 260506. Ship Equipment as completely assembled as possible, consistent with shipping facilities and construction requirements at Owner's Site. FABRICATION: Factory install all component Equipment specified to be installed in power or control assemblies. No Equipment shall be shipped less any component without specific approval by Engineer. Completely install all internal control wiring at the factory. Terminate all points requiring external wiring connections at numbered points on terminal blocks conveniently grouped to receive Owner's cables. Install all internal wiring without splices. Provide extra flexible hinge wire in areas subject to flexing, such as on hinged brackets or swing racks, if used. MODES OF OPERATION: Normal: The inverter shall continuously supply power to the critical load. The rectifier/battery charger shall derive power from the utility AC source and supply DC power to the inverter while simultaneously float charging the battery. 263355-2 75644_8410_263355 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued B. C. D. E. F. 2.06 A. B. C. Emergency: Upon failure of the AC power source, the critical load shall be supplied by the inverter, which, without any switching, shall obtain its power from the storage battery. There shall be no interruption to the critical load upon failure or restoration of the AC source. Recharge: Upon restoration of AC source the rectifier/battery charger powers the inverter and simultaneously recharges the battery. This shall be an automatic function and shall cause no interruption to the critical load. Bypass: If the UPS must be taken out of service for maintenance or repair of internal failures, the static bypass transfer switch shall be used to transfer the load to the alternate source without interruption. Transfer can be initiated manually from the control panel. Automatic retransfer or forward transfer of the load shall be accomplished after the UPS inverter synchronizes to the alternate bypass AC input source. Once the two sources are synchronized, the static bypass transfer switch shall automatically forward transfer the load from the AC bypass input source to the UPS inverter output by paralleling the two sources and allowing the inverter to ramp into the load and then disconnecting the bypass ac input sources. Overlap shall be limited to one half cycle maximum. There will also be an external manual bypass switch to bypass the UPS altogether. Downgrade: If the battery only is to be taken out of service for maintenance, it shall be disconnected from the rectifier/battery charger and inverter by means of a battery disconnect. The UPS shall continue to function as specified herein, except for power outage protection and transient characteristics. Field Upgrade: The single module unit shall be capable of being upgraded in the field to a multiple module unit. RATINGS: System: 30 kVA at 80% power factor. Input Ratings: 1. Voltage: 480VAC, three phase, three-wire. 2. Voltage Range: + 10%, - 15%. 3. Frequency: 60 Hz, + 5%. 4. Current THD: 5%. 5. Current Inrush: 1.5 times normal full load. 6. Power Walk-in: 15 seconds to full load. Output Ratings: 1. Voltage: 120/208VAC, three-phase, four-wire. 2. Voltage Regulation: a. + 3% 3. Voltage adjustment: +5%. 4. Transient Voltage Response: a. + 8% for 50% load step. b. + 10% for 100% load step. 5. Transient Voltage Recovery: 100 ms. 6. Voltage Harmonics: a. 3% single. 7. Phase Displacement: a. 120° + 1 degree for balanced load. b. 120° + 3 degrees for unbalanced load. 8. Frequency: 60 Hz + 0.1 Hz. 9. Slew Rate: 1 Hz/second. 10. Current Overload: 75644_8410_263355 263355-3 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued D. 2.07 A. B. C. D. E. 2.08 A. B. C. D. 2.09 A. B. C. 2.10 a. 110% continuous. b. 125% for 10 minutes. c. 150% for 10 seconds. 11. Fault Clearing: 150% to 200% for 10 cycles. Batteries: 1. Capacity: 125% of full UPS output rating to provide 25% reserve capacity to compensate for aging and temperature-related derating factors. 2. Backup Time: 120 minutes. 3. Recharge Time: 10 times discharge time. 4. Type: Separately-enclosed, modular, maintenance-free Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) battery units external to UPS enclosure to minimize impact of heat on batteries. 5. Float voltage: 2.22 Volts/cell. 6. End Voltage: 1.81 Volts/cell. 7. Equalize voltage: 2.40 Volts/cell. RECTIFIER/CHARGER: General: The rectifier/charger converts incoming AC power to a regulated DC output for supplying the inverter and for charging the battery. The rectifier/charger is to be of twelve- or six-pulse, phase controlled, solid-state design. The rectifier/charger shall be protected by means of an AC input molded case circuit breaker rated to carry full rated load and recharge the batteries at the same time. The input AC current shall be limited to 125% of the full load input current. Battery charging shall be limited to the equivalent of 15% of full load input current. Battery charging time shall be 10 times the discharge time. Float voltage shall be field adjustable. INVERTER: General: The inverter converts DC from either the rectifier/charger or the battery to precise AC to power the load. The output frequency of the inverter will follow the bypass frequency in the range of 60 Hz + 0.5 Hz. If this range is not maintained, the frequency will be controlled internally and shall not deviate more than + 0.1% of rated frequency. The output shall be fused to protect from overcurrent and to keep the loss of a semi-conductor from causing a cascading failure. The inverter shall have built-in protection against undervoltage, over-current, and overvoltage surges on the output caused by load transfer between the UPS and the bypass AC input source. STATIC TRANSFER SWITCH: General: The static transfer switch is a solid-state switch that automatically transfers the critical load to bypass without interruption. A bypass breaker shall operate in parallel with the solid-state switch and will remove it from the power flow which will improve efficiency. The static transfer switch will automatically transfer the critical AC load to the AC bypass source, without interruption, for the following conditions: 1. Inverter overload exceeds unit's ratings. 2. Battery protection period expired. 3. Inverter failure. A manually-initiated, uninterrupted, static transfer shall be initiated from the control panel. MANUAL MAINTENANCE BYPASS SWITCH: 263355-4 75644_8410_263355 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued A. B. C. 2.11 A. B. C. 2.12 A. B. C. General: The manual maintenance bypass switch shall be a manually operated breaker mounted externally from the UPS which shall be used to bypass the UPS for maintenance. The manual maintenance bypass switch shall be mechanically interlocked with the UPS to insure an uninterrupted, synchronized transfer. The rating shall be for full load of the UPS. BATTERY: General: A storage battery shall be provided with the UPS for an emergency power source to the inverter. The batteries shall be sealed maintenance-free Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA), with absorbed electrolyte technology. Batteries shall have a life expectancy of 20 years. Provide a separately mounted battery disconnect as follows: 1. NEMA 1 enclosure. 2. Rated for full battery capacity. 3. The battery disconnect shall be automatically tripped when the battery reaches minimum discharge level. 4. The battery disconnect may be remotely operated from the control panel. CONTROLS AND DISPLAYS: General: The controls and displays shall be microprocessor-based with a flat panel display. The controls shall be the manufacturer's standard package and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Emergency Power Off: Activation of the Emergency Power Off will transfer power uninterrupted to the bypass source and cause the input, output, and battery disconnects to be opened. A provision for a Remote Emergency Power Off shall be made which will completely remove power from the critical bus when activated. Provide a protective cover for this function. 2. Emergency Power Off Reset: Resets the Emergency Power Off function when activated. 3. Inverter On/Off: Activates or deactivates rectifier/charger, battery contactor, and inverter. When the inverter is turned off, an automatic, uninterrupted transfer to bypass will be made. 4. Bypass: Manually initiates an uninterrupted transfer from inverter to bypass or from bypass to inverter. Transfer will be inhibited if synchronization conditions are not met. 5. Increase/Decrease Output Volts: Raises or lowers output voltage to +5%. 6. Increase/Decrease Charging Volts: Raises or lowers float charge voltage. 7. Battery Disconnect Trip: Opens battery disconnect remotely. 8. Horn: Silences audible alarm for current alarms. Horn will sound if new alarm conditions occur. The display and alarms shall be manufacturer's standard package and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Displays: a. AC input voltage. b. AC input current/phase. c. AC bypass input voltage. d. AC bypass input frequency. e. AC output voltage. f. AC output current/phase. g. AC output frequency. h. AC output power. 75644_8410_263355 263355-5 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued 2. 3. 2.13 A. B. C. D. E. i. DC voltage. j. Battery DC current (charge/discharge). Alarms and Indications: a. UPS on line. b. UPS on bypass. c. UPS on battery. d. Output overload. e. Low battery reserve. f. Static switch disabled. g. Rectifier fault. h. Inverter fault. i. Battery disconnected. j. Emergency Power Off activated. Remote Monitoring: a. UPS on line. b. UPS on bypass. c. UPS on battery. d. Output overload. e. Static switch disabled. f. Low battery reserve. g. Emergency Power Off activated. h. Battery disconnected. i. Summary Alarm, including: (1) Rectifier fault. (2) Inverter fault. MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT AND SPARE PARTS: One (1) set of spare silicon controlled rectifiers for rectifier/charger. One (1) set of spare silicon controlled rectifiers for inverter. Two (2) sets of spare fuses of each type and rating used. Two (2) sets of spare lamps of each type of indicating light used. All other spare parts as recommended by manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. 3.02 A. FACTORY TESTS: Factory tests shall be performed according to manufacturer's standard recommendations and NEMA Standards, and shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Light load. 2. Auxiliary devices. 3. Synchronization. 4. AC input failure. 5. AC input return. 6. Transfer. SITE INSPECTION AND TESTS: The manufacturer shall provide a field service representative to inspect all connections and installation of UPS equipment. 263355-6 75644_8410_263355 SECTION 263355 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued B. Site tests shall be performed according to manufacturer's standard recommendations and NEMA PE 1, and shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Light load. 2. Auxiliary devices. 3. Synchronization. 4. AC input failure. 5. AC input return. 6. Transfer. 7. Full load. 8. UPS efficiency. 9. Radio frequency interference and conducted noise. 10. Harmonic components. END OF SECTION 263355 75644_8410_263355 263355-7 SECTION 263356 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS – DATA TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BID PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. CONFORMANCE TO SPECIFICATIONS Contractor shall furnish Equipment and Material conforming fully to the Specifications regardless of any variance indicated by the data in this Section. OUTLINE DRAWINGS The Bidder shall submit with the Bid a preliminary outline drawing for each Package UPS System indicating the following information: 1. Overall width 2. Overall depth 3. Overall height 4. Attachment locations of base 5. Areas that must be maintained clear PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS UPS Ratings and Performance Information: 1. System kVA: 2. Input voltage: 3. Input voltage range: 4. Input frequency: 5. Input frequency range: 6. Input current THD: 7. Current inrush: 8. Power walk-in: 9. Output voltage: 10. Voltage regulation: a. Balanced full load: b. 20% unbalanced full load: 11. Efficiency: a. 25% load: b. 50% load: c. 75% load: d. 100% load: 12. Transient voltage response: a. 50% load step: b. 100% load step: 13. Transient voltage recovery: 14. Output voltage harmonics: a. THD: b. Maximum single: 15. Output frequency: 16. Output frequency deviation: 17. Phase displacement: a. Balanced load: b. Unbalanced load: 18. Slew rate: 19. Current overload: 75644_8410_263356 263355-1 _________ kVA _________ Volts _________ % _________ Hz. _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ sec. _________ Volts _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ msec. _________ % _________ % _________ Hz. _________ Hz. _________ ° _________ ° _________ Hz/sec SECTION 263356 - PACKAGE UPS SYSTEMS: continued B. a. For 10 min.: b. For 10 sec.: 20. Fault clearing (10 cycles): Battery Ratings and Performance Information: 1. Manufacturer: 2. Type: 3. Capacity: 4. Backup time: 5. Recharge time: 6. End voltage: 7. Float voltage: 8. Equalize voltage: 263355-2 _________ % _________ % _________ % _________ _________ _________ kW _________ min. _________ min. _________ V/cell _________ V/cell _________ V/cell 75644_8410_263356 SECTION 264100 - LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes: 1. Design, furnish and install complete lightning protection systems. Furnish a Master Label C plate issued by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., for each system and attach to the base of the appropriate structure. Lightning protection shall be included for all appropriate structures including, but not limited to, the following: a. Power Block Building. b. Administration Building c. Selective Catalytic Reducers (SCRs). d. Storage Tanks (if insulated). e. Roof Fall Protection Systems. 2. Connect to ground risers installed under this Contract. 3. Install ground rods as required for a complete lightning protection system. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Wire, Cables, and Accessories: SECTION 260504. 2. Grounding: SECTION 260526. 3. Electrical Testing for Construction: SECTION 260800. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 96 – Lightning Protection Components. b. 96A - Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems. c. 467 – Grounding and Bonding Equipment. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. B8 - Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft. 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electrical Code. b. 780 - Lightning Protection Code. SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Includes, but not limited to, the following: 1. General arrangement and outline information. 2. Bills of material. 3. Instruction books. 4. Technical specifications for all components. 5. Mounting details for all components. 6. Detailed layout drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURES: Lightning Protection System: 1. Thompson Lightning Protection, Inc. 2. Robbins Lightning Protection. 75644_8410_264100 264100-1 SECTION 264100 – LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS: continued B. 2.02 A. B. C. D. 3. A-C Lightning Security, Inc. Ground Grid System: 1. Ground Rods: a. ITT Blackburn Co. b. Eritech. c. Galvan Electrical. d. Harger. 2. Bare Ground Cable: a. General Cable. b. Rockbestos. c. Owner-approved equal. 3. Connection Materials: a. Exothermic-Type Welding Process: (1) Erico Products (Caldweld). b. Compression-Type Connectors (1) Amp. (2) Burndy. (3) Thomas and Betts. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM: Materials shall be in compliance with the following standards: 1. UL96A. 2. NEC. 3. NFPA 780. Air Terminals: 1. Corrosive Areas: a. 5/8-inch-diameter solid rod made of monel metal or Allegheny metal (18-8 chromenickel-steel alloy). b. Mounting hardware consisting of lead-covered steel bolt attachments (lead covering to be at least 1/16-inch thick) or other approved means. 2. Noncorrosive Areas: a. 5/8-inch-diameter nickel-tipped solid copper rod. b. Copper mounting hardware supplied with brass bolt attachments or other approved means. Conductors: 1. Corrosive Areas: a. Composed of 28 strands of 14 AWG bare, rope lay, soft-drawn copper wire having at least 98% IACS conductivity. Conductor weight not less than 6 ounces per linear foot (375 pounds per 1,000 feet). Conductor shall have a continuous covering of lead at least 1/16-inch thick. b. Mounting hardware consisting of lead-covered or bronze expansion bolt fasteners and clamps. 2. Noncorrosive Areas: a. Composed of 28 strands of 14 AWG bare, rope lay, soft-drawn copper wire having at least 98% IACS conductivity. Conductor weight not less than 6 ounces per lineal foot (375 pounds per 1,000 feet). b. Mounting hardware consisting of bronze expansion bolt fasteners and clamps. Fittings: 264100-2 75644_8410_264100 SECTION 264100– LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS: continued 1. E. F. Corrosive Areas: Fasteners, attachments, holders, and related items shall be bolted type, lead covered. 2. Noncorrosive Areas: Fasteners, attachments, holders, and related items shall be bolted type. Connection Materials: 1. Cable-to-cable, cable-to-rod and cable-to-steel connection shall be exothermic-type welding process or Erico ground plates where specified. For lead-covered cable, use bolted-type or compression-type connectors only. 2. Cable-to-Equipment Ground Lugs: a. Copper alloy terminal with twin clamping element. b. Bolt to equipment housing with silicon bronze bolts and lockwashers. c. Manufacturers: (1) Amp - Ampact 276762-1. (2) Burndy "Quicklug" Type QQA. (3) Thomas and Betts 54475 Series. Guards: Guards shall be of self-extinguishing high-impact polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene or metal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. GENERAL: Install in conformance with the following standards: 1. NFPA No. 780. 2. UL 96A. 3. NFPA 70 (NEC). Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) Master Label: 1. There are five applicable Listing Marks which are used for the Master Label: a. Air Terminal: Attached to the air terminal near the base. b. Conductor: Attached at 10-foot (3-m) intervals. c. Listed Fittings: UL symbol die-stamped, cast, rolled, or molded into the product or a permanently secured label. d. Ground Electrode: Rod and pipe electrodes are covered under the Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment, UL 467. In addition to bearing the Listing Mark, they shall also comply with the size requirements of Standard UL 96A, Section 8. e. Master Label: For attachment to the protected structure as evidence that listed lightning protection materials are installed in accordance with Standard UL 96A. The location shall be adjacent to the installer’s nameplate. 2. Listing Mark Items a-d are applied to listed components at the factory by the listed component manufacturer. Listing Mark Item e is issued to the structure owner through the listed installer for the protected structures. 3. The Master Label shall only be issued for a lightning protection system that complies with Standard UL 96A and the applicable specifications in the Procedure. 4. The Master Label shall not be issued for partially protected structures. Examples of partially protected structures are: a. A plant where only the chimney is protected. b. Interconnected buildings where one building is protected and the other is not. c. Interconnected buildings where both buildings have systems but only one complies with the current Standard UL 96A. 75644_8410_264100 264100-3 SECTION 264100 – LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS: continued 5. C. 3.02 A. B. C. The Master Label may be issued for a system on a structure that is connected to an unprotected structure if the only connection is a walkway which is located in a zone of protection and is at least 6 feet (1.8 m) long. For the purposes of referencing the Standard, the structures are considered to be separate. Do not install copper lightning protection materials on aluminum roofing, siding material, or other aluminum surfaces. On aluminum surfaces, use aluminum lightning protection materials. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM: Air Terminals: 1. Structures not exceeding 75 feet in height: a. Use Class I materials. b. Install in accordance with UL96A, Item 6 - Air Terminals. 2. Structures exceeding 75 feet in height: a. Use Class II materials. b. Install in accordance with UL96A, Item 6 - Air Terminals. c. The structural steel framework of building may be used as the main conductor of a lightning protection system. Conductors: 1. General: a. Install conductor with lead covering in areas subject to corrosion. b. Protect down conductors from physical damage and displacement by installing guards. 2. Structures not exceeding 75 feet in height: a. Use Class I materials. b. Install in accordance with UL96A, Item 7 - Conductors. 3. Structures exceeding 75 feet in height: a. Use Class II materials. b. Install in accordance with UL96A, Item 7 - Conductors. Bonding: Install in accordance with UL96A. END OF SECTION 264100 264100-4 75644_8410_264100 SECTION 265000 - LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. B. SUMMARY: This Section includes the following: 1. Interior and exterior lighting systems, emergency lighting, exit lighting, and roadway lighting. 2. Receptacle power systems. 3. Light fixtures. 4. All necessary mounting, wiring, and accessories. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Wire, Cable, and Accessories: SECTION 260504. 2. Specials: SECTION 260506. 3. Conduit and Accessories: SECTION 260533. 4. Electrical Testing for Construction: SECTION 260800. 5. Power Switching and Control Devices: SECTION 262900. 6. Panelboards, Switchboards, and Transformers: SECTION 264210. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): a. C62 Series: Surge Protection. 2. Certified Ballast Manufacturers (CBM). 3. Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL). 4. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). 5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): a. 70 - National Electric Code (NEC). 6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): a. WD 6 – Wiring Devices – Dimensional Specifications. b. C78 Series: Lamps. c. C81 Series: :Lampholders and Bases. d. C82 Series: Lamp Ballasts. 7. Reflector and Lamp Manufacturers (RLM) Standards Institute (RLMSI): a. Industrial Lighting Units. 8. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL): a. 943 - Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters. 9. National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-357). 10. Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-486). SUBMITTALS: Submit as specified in DIVISION 1. Submittals include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Information for each light fixture, switch, receptacle outlet, and accessories. 2. In the event of a proposed substitution of the lighting fixture specified, Contractor shall submit the following information to Engineer for approval before an order is placed for such fixtures: a. A complete fixture description. b. A complete set of photometrics for proposed fixture. 75644_8410_265000 265000-1 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued c. If required by Engineer, operating sample units of fixtures proposed as substitutes to those specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 2.02 A. B. C. D. MANUFACTURERS: Lamps: 1. General Electric Company (GE). 2. Osram Sylvania Inc. (Sylvania). 3. Phillips Lighting Company, Div. of Phillips Electronics North America Corp. (Phillips). 4. Day-Brite. 5. Cooper Crouse-Hinds. 6. Holophane. Switches: 1. Bryant Electric Inc., Div. of Hubbell Corp. (Bryant). 2. Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc. (Leviton). 3. Pass & Seymour Inc. 4. Cooper Wiring Devices, Div. of Cooper Ind. (Cooper). Light Fixtures: Acceptable manufacturer for each light fixture and associated ballast, if applicable, as indicated. Receptacle Outlets - Miscellaneous Single and Duplex; Straight-blade, Locking, Floor, and Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI): 1. Bryant Electric Company, Div. of Hubbell Corp. (Bryant). 2. Harvey Hubbell Inc. (Harvey Hubbell). 3. Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc. (Leviton). 4. Pass & Seymour Inc. Explosionproof Receptacles: 1. Crouse-Hinds Company (Crouse-Hinds). 240V Power Receptacles: 1. Bryant Electric Company, Div. of Hubbell Corp. (Bryant). 2. Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc. (Leviton). Light Sensitive Control Devices (Photocells): 1. Fisher Pierce, Div. of Thomas & Betts, Inc. (Fisher Pierce). 2. Precision Multiple Controls, Inc. 3. Tork, Inc. Dimmers: 1. General Electric Company (GE). 2. Lutron. Dimmer Ballasts: 1. Advance Transformer Co., Div. of Phillips Electronics North America Corp. (Advance). 2. General Electric Company (GE). GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Job Conditions - Refer to SECTION 011100 for elevation, ambient temperature, and other design factors. All Equipment and Materials to bear UL label and conform to applicable standards specified in PART 1 - REFERENCES. Provide all necessary wiring and accessories for complete installation. Systems: 265000-2 75644_8410_265000 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued 1. 2. 2.03 120/208-V, 3-phase, 4-wire system with identified grounded neutral and grounding conductor for lighting and receptacles. 120-V, single phase, emergency lighting system with Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) central inverter. D. FLUORESCENT FIXTURES: Style, type, size, and accessories as indicated. Silver-plated contacts for lamp holders. Ballasts: 1. Electromagnetic: a. 120V thermal protected series Class P type, high power factor (>90%), rapid start, low noise level, bearing CBM and UL labels. 2. Electronic: a. 120V high efficiency (above 20,000 Hz). b. Class P type, high power factor (>90%), rapid start, UL listed, ETL certified, bearing CBM label. c. Designed to operate in parallel the number, type and length of lamp specified. d. Ballasts for use in exterior locations shall be rated -25°C minimum starting temperature. All interior ballasts shall be rated 10°C minimum starting temperature. Ballasts shall tolerate operation in an ambient temperature up to 40°C. e. Total harmonic distortion shall not exceed 20% and third harmonic distortion shall not exceed 15%. f. Ballasts shall have a minimum ballast factor of 85% and a maximum current crest factor of 1.7. g. Ballasts shall meet or exceed FCC regulations Part 18. h. Ballasts shall provide transient immunity per IEEE C62.41, Location Category A1. i. Warranty shall be 3 years parts and labor. Standard warm white lamps of wattage indicated. A. B. INCANDESCENT FIXTURES: Style, type, size, and accessories as indicated. Inside frosted lamps of wattage indicated. A. B. C. 2.04 2.05 A. B. HID FIXTURES: Metal Halide: 1. Style, type, size, and accessories as indicated. 2. Lead-peaked autotransformer, high power factor ballast. 3. Ballasts shall be rated -40°C minimum starting temperature and 90°C maximum operating temperature for indoor or outdoor application as indicated, having UL label and meeting requirements of NEMA. 4. Lamp type, rating, and accessories as indicated. 5. Lamp shall have a self-extinguishing mechanism to stop lamp operation if lamp envelope becomes damaged. High-Pressure Sodium: 1. Style, type, size, and accessories as indicated. 2. Full regulator, high power factor ballasts. 3. Ballasts shall be rated -40°C minimum starting temperature and 90°C maximum operating temperature for indoor or outdoor application as indicated having UL label and meeting requirements of NEMA. 75644_8410_265000 265000-3 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued 4. 2.06 A. B. 2.07 A. B. 2.08 A. B. C. D. Lamp type, rating, and accessories as indicated. ROADWAY LIGHTING FIXTURES: Fixture type, size, controls, and accessories as indicated. Fixture poles, pole arms, concrete bases, and all additional mounting hardware shall be furnished and installed as indicated. SWITCHES: Nonhazardous Areas: 1. One-way, three-way, or four-way switches as indicated, one or two pole as required. 2. Toggle type, specification grade. 3. Rated 20 amperes at 120Vac. 4. White colored handle. 5. Brass screw terminals and silver cadmium oxide contacts. 6. Enclosure: a. Flush type, standard utility outlet box manufactured from 14-gage hot-rolled steel with zinc-galvanized finish. (1) Cover: Stainless steel, satin finish, 0.032-inch thickness. b. Surface type, cast device box, FS or FD, Feraloy with cadmium zinc electroplate finish. (1) Cover: Surface type, Feraloy, in turbine and unfinished areas. (2) Cover: Surface type, weatherproof, die-cast aluminum in exterior and washdown areas. Hazardous Areas: 1. One-way, three-way or four-way switches as indicated. RECEPTACLE OUTLETS: Straight Blade, Duplex, Flush Mounted: 1. Rated 20 amperes at 125Vac, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounding type. 2. Polarized, parallel blade, arc-resistant, specification grade, NEMA reference 5-20R, white color. 3. Enclosure: Flush type, standard utility box, 14-gage, hot-rolled steel with zincgalvanized finish. 4. Wallplate: Stainless steel, brushed satin finish. Weatherproof, Duplex, Straight-Blade, Surface Mounted (WP): 1. Rated 20 amperes at 125Vac, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounding type. 2. Polarized, parallel blade, arc-resistant, specification grade NEMA reference 5-20R, white color. 3. Enclosure: FS or FD malleable-iron single or multiple gang box. 4. Cover: Single gang vertical, zinc die cast. Floor-Mounted, Duplex, Straight Blade: 1. Rated 20 amperes at 125Vac, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounding type. 2. White color, NEMA reference 5-20R. 3. Enclosure: Floor box, cast-iron, size as required, fully adjustable with threaded, round, brass cover and duplex screw closure plugs. 4. Protective rings for each receptacle. Explosionproof, Single (EP): 1. Rated 20 amperes, at 125Vac, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounding type. 265000-4 75644_8410_265000 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued 2. E. 2.09 A. B. Enclosure: die-cast copper-free aluminum with 45° downward angled receptacle housing and top hinged cover. 3. Receptacle: Factory sealed with three spring-loaded slide keys to ensure lockout capability. NEMA reference 5-20R. 4. Plug: Matching and keyed with rotation feature, NEMA reference 5-20P. 5. Receptacle assembly, single gang. Ground Fault Current Interrupter, Duplex (GFCI): 1. Rated 20 amperes at 125Vac, 2-pole, 3-wire, grounding type. 2. Straight-blade receptacle, polarized, NEMA reference 5-20R. 3. Solid-state sensing circuitry with large test and reset buttons. 4. Receptacle material: Thermoplastic, white color. 5. Conform to UL 943, Class A and National Electrical Code requirements. 6. Enclosure: a. Finished Areas: Flush type with brushed stainless-steel cover and matching screws. b. General or weatherproof areas, surface type, cast device box, FS or FD, Feraloy with cadmium zinc electroplate finish. (1) Cover: Weather protective type, die-cast aluminum with gasketed cover. CONTROL DEVICES: Light Sensitive Controllers (Photocells): 1. Externally adjustable light level setting through a range of 1.0 to 3.0 footcandles. 2. Single-pole type with dual voltage control, 120-277V and rating as indicated. 3. Photocell Base: Molded phenolic with 3-pole twist-lock plug with polyethylene gasket and weatherproof polyacrylic housing with ultraviolet inhibitor window. Precision T-30 or approved equal. 4. Mounting Adapter: Plug-in, twist-lock receptacle, 360o rotation, weatherproof thermoplastic housing for 1/2-inch IPS threaded connection and vertical wall mounting bracket. Dimmers: 1. Fluorescent Dimming System: a. Dimming Ballast: (1) Shall be approved for use with the dimming system or controller. (2) Shall provide dimming without flickering or "squirrel-tailing." (3) Shall "soft-start" at the level set on the dimmer control. (4) Electromagnetic: (a) 120V thermal protected series Class P type, high power factor (>90%), rapid start, low noise level, bearing CBM and UL labels. (5) Electronic: (a) 120V high efficiency (above 20,000 Hz). (b) Class P type, high power factor (>90%), rapid start, UL listed, ETL certified, bearing CBM label. (c) Designed to operate in parallel the number, type and length of lamp specified. (d) Ballasts for use in exterior locations shall be rated -40°C minimum starting temperature. All interior ballasts shall be rated 10°C minimum starting temperature. Ballasts shall tolerate operation in an ambient temperature up to 40°C. 75644_8410_265000 265000-5 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued (e) 2. 2.10 A. B. 2.11 A. B. Total harmonic distortion shall not exceed 20% and third harmonic distortion shall not exceed 15%. (f) Ballasts shall have a minimum ballast factor of 85% and a maximum current crest factor of 1.7. (g) Ballasts shall meet or exceed FCC regulations Part 18. (h) Ballasts shall provide transient immunity per IEEE C62.41, Location Category A1. (i) Warrantee shall be 3 years parts and labor. b. Low Power - Solid-State Design: (1) 120V, 600-watt, 60-hertz, single-phase ac. (2) Two to 8, 32-watt rapid start lamp capacity. (3) Intensity Selector: Slide control with separate on/off switch and white cover plate. c. High Power - Modular Type: (1) 120V, 60-hertz, single-phase ac. (2) Capacity: Up to 400 - 32-watt rapid-start lamps. (3) Intensity Selector: Rotary knob with ivory cover plate. (4) Dimming Auxiliaries: Solid-state type controlling 80 32-watt rapid-start lamps. Incandescent and Quartz Dimming System: a. Medium Power - Solid-State Design: (1) 120Vac, 60 Hertz, single phase. (2) 1,500-W capacity. (3) Intensity Selector: voltage compensated, rotary knob with ivory cover plate. (4) Lutron, "Nova" type. NAMEPLATES: Furnish nameplates for each of the following types of devices: 1. Emergency lighting UPS central ac inverter. 2. Emergency lighting inverters. 3. Light-sensitive controllers. 4. Dimming system components. Refer to SECTION 260506 for nameplate specifications. SPARE PARTS: Furnish a complete list of lamp types used. Furnish spare lighting fixtures and lamps as shown in table: Spare Quantity of Lighting Fixtures Fixture Types Used Including Lamps 1-10 1 11-20 2 21-30 3 31-50 4 51-70 5 71-100 6 For quantity above 100, repeat table, as applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 265000-6 75644_8410_265000 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued 3.01 A. B. C. D. E. INSTALLATION: Light Fixtures: 1. Install as indicated including all necessary mounting and supporting materials to safely support the lighting fixture with its accessories. For any fixtures mounted to outdoor steel, mounting hardware shall be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication (HDGAF). 2. Fixtures shall be properly mounted and aligned. 3. Mounting heights are to bottom of fixture unless otherwise noted. 4. Shift location if necessary to avoid interference with plant piping or other apparatus or material, or if directed by Owner’s Site Representative. 5. Install permanent chain-hung light fixtures temporarily against ceilings in order to minimize fixture damage during the construction period. 6. Lower and install light fixtures to specified elevations after pipe, conduit, air ducts, and other equipment are installed. 7. Use rigid stems in place of chain hangers where air currents cause excessive movement of fixtures. 8. Maintain the lighting system throughout the construction period including replacement of burned-out lamps, repair of unoperable fixtures, and relocation of fixtures as directed by Owner’s Site Representative. 9. Prior to final acceptance, lighting system shall be fully checked. At this time, all defective lighting fixtures, ballasts, lamps, and related accessories shall be repaired or replaced. Switches: 1. Mount 3'-6" above floor, walkways or finished grade unless otherwise indicated, including all necessary mounting and supporting materials. 2. Install close to door frame on lock or latch side when located near doors. 3. Flush-mount in finished areas and surface-mount in all other areas unless otherwise indicated. 4. Install weatherproof switches outdoors or as indicated. 5. Install explosion-proof switches where required by National Electrical Code (NEC) or as otherwise indicated. Receptacle Outlets: 1. Install as specified or indicated, including all mounting and supporting materials. 2. Install flush-mount receptacle outlets 1'-0" above floor in finished rooms except as otherwise indicated. 3. Install surface-mount receptacle outlets 3'-0" above floor in all other areas except as otherwise indicated. Use FS and FD boxes. 4. Install surface-mount receptacle outlets at handrails to vertical posts with front edge of receptacle flush with aisle side of post. Locate top edge of receptacle a minimum of 12 inches below top rail. 5. Shift location if necessary to avoid interference with other apparatus or material. Light-Sensitive Control Devices (Photocells): 1. Install as specified or indicated, including all necessary mounting and supporting materials. 2. Direct toward the north sky, where possible, and adjust to operate at approximately 1 footcandle. If required, provide shielding for ambient lighting interference. 3. Connect to control light fixtures indicated. Wiring: 1. Each conduit shall contain not more than one conductor of each phase and one or more neutrals as necessary. 75644_8410_265000 265000-7 SECTION 265000 – LIGHTING, RECEPTACLES, AND CONTROLLING DEVICES: continued 2. F. 3.02 Each receptacle outlet circuit shall have an identified neutral and identified grounding conductor. 3. Use circuit numbers as indicated. 4. Use Type SE2A cable as specified in SECTION 260504 for lighting and receptacle outlet circuits. 5. Do not use wire smaller than #12 AWG. 6. Contractor shall size and install proper wire size, as required, such that the voltage drop from the power or lighting panel to the farthest light fixture or receptacle does not exceed 3%. Contractor shall be required to rewire circuits which exceed 3% voltage drop as described. 7. Splice, in boxes only, with twist on electrical connectors. Use preinsulated closed end splices with free expanding spring to apply strong uniform holding power on all wire combinations. Acceptable manufacturers are as follows: a. Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M) Scotchlok. b. Buchanan B Cap Connectors. 8. Install all lighting circuits in field routed conduit systems as specified in SECTION 260533. 9. Install emergency lighting circuits in a separate conduit system. Roadway Lighting: Trench and backfill all areas involving underground circuiting and light fixture pole base installation. Roadway and building exterior floodlights shall be adjusted and aimed, if necessary, at nighttime to ensure proper distribution of area lighting. ELECTRICAL TESTING FOR CONSTRUCTION: Specified in SECTION 260800. END OF SECTION 265000 265000-8 75644_8410_265000 SECTION 267030 – GROUTING AND ANCHORING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. B. 1.02 A. SUMMARY: This Section covers concrete foundations, anchor bolts, and grouting for equipment installed by this Contract. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Installation of Major Equipment: SECTION 260812. 2. Panelboards, Switchboards, and Transformers: SECTION 262400. REFERENCES: Applicable Standards: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): a. B18.2.1 - Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Including Askew Head Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Lag Screws. b. B18.2.2 - Square and Hex Nuts. 2. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A36 - Carbon Structural Steel. b. A123 – Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. c. A153 – Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. d. A449 - Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs. e. A312 - Standard Specification for Seemless, Welded, and Heavily Cold-Rolled Ausinetic Stainless Steel Pipe. f. A563 - Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. g. B695 - Coatings of Zinc Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel. h. C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. i. C150 - Portland Cement. j. C1107 – Packaged Dry, Hydraulic – Cement Grout (Nonshrink) k. F436 – Hardened Steel Washers l. F593 – Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs. m. F594 – Stainless Steel Nuts. n. F1554 - Anchor Bolts, Steel; 36-, 55-, and 105-ksi Yield Strength. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. B. GROUT: Grout for Dry Packing: 1. Volume: 1 part portland cement to 2 parts sand. 2. Keep water to a minimum as required for placing by the dry packing method. 3. Place after the mixed grout has been allowed to stand for 2 hours. 4. The sand and cement shall be as specified for concrete. Flowable Nonshrinking Grout: 1. Required for setting handrail posts, for setting equipment recommended by the manufacturer to be set with nonshrinking grout, and in other places indicated. 2. Grout shall conform to ASTM C1107. 3. Grout shall be nonmetallic, as manufactured by one of the following: a. L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc. - Crystex. b. U. S. Grout Corporation - Five Star Grout. c. Master Builder's Company - Masterflow 713 Grout. 75644_8410_267030 267030-1 SECTION 267030 –GROUTING AND ANCHORING: continued C. 2.02 A. B. C. 2.03 A. B. C. d. Sauereisen Cements Company - Sauereisen F-100. e. Gifford-Hill & Company - Supreme Grout. 4. Prepare and place conforming to manufacturer's printed instructions. 5. For equipment bases, the concrete surfaces shall be sandblasted or roughened with a chipping hammer prior to grouting. The foundation plates shall be cleaned of any grease, oil, paint, primers, or epoxy coatings. Grout for Bonding: 1. Weight: 1 part cement to 1-1/2 parts sand. 2. Keep water to a minimum. BONDING AGENT: Provide moisture-insensitive, epoxy-resin bonding agent as manufactured by one of the following: 1. A. C. Horn, Inc. - Epoxtite. 2. Euclid Chemical Company - Euco Epoxy. 3. Sika Chemical Company - Sikadur 32. Use where indicated or specified. Use in conformance with manufacturer's printed instructions. ANCHOR BOLTS: Anchor Bolts: 1. Conform to ASTM F1554, Grade 36, steel, unless otherwise indicated to be stainless steel or high strength. 2. Machine Bolts: Conform to ASTM F1554, Grade 36. 3. Stainless Steel: Conform to ASTM F593, Type 304, with nuts conforming to ASTM F594. Sleeves shall conform to ASTM A312. 4. High Strength: Conform to ASTM A449 with nuts conforming to ASTM A563. 5. Washers: a. For ASTM F1554 and A449 Bolts: Conform to F436. b. For Stainless Steel Bolts: Conform to ASTM A167, Type 304, and dimensional tolerances of F436. Galvanizing: Conform to ASTM A123 and ASTM A153. Nuts, bolts, and washers shall be hot-dip galvanized to conform to ASTM A153 or mechanically galvanized to conform to ASTM B695. Concrete Anchors: 1. Manually expanded and adhesive anchor types. 2. Furnish sizes indicated and install to conform to manufacturer's printed instructions. 3. Anchors shall be manufactured by one of the following: a. Emhart Teknologies. b. Hilti Inc. c. ITW Ramset/Red Head. d. Mechanical Plastics Corp., Wej-it. 4. Carbon steel grades and surface plating (or galvanizing) shall be manufacturer's standard unless otherwise indicated to be stainless steel. 5. Anchors indicated to be stainless steel shall be manufactured from 300 series stainless steel per the manufacturer's standard unless specifically indicated to conform to Type 304 or 316. 6. The type of anchors shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated: a. Wedge Type: 267030-2 75644_8410_267030 SECTION 267030 –GROUTING AND ANCHORING: continued 7. 8. (1) Hilti Kwik-bolt. (2) ITW Ramset/Red Head Trubolt. (3) Wej-it Standard. (4) Emhart Parabolt. b. Flush Type (internal plug expansion): (1) Hilti HDI. (2) ITW Ramset/Red Head Multi-Set II. c. Adhesive Type: (1) Hilti HVA System. (2) ITW Ramset/Red Head Epcon System. (3) Emhart Parabond Capsule Anchors. Minimum embedment of wedge-type anchors shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated: Anchor Size Minimum Embedment 1/4" 1-1/8" 3/8" 1-5/8" 1/2" 2-1/4" 5/8" 2-3/4" 3/4" 3-3/8" 7/8" 4" (4-1/2" for Wej-it) 1" 4-1/2" (5-1/2" for Wej-it) 1-1/4" 5-1/2" Self-drilling anchors, nondrilling flush-type anchors, and adhesive anchors other than those specified above shall not be used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 A. B. GROUTING: Place grout by the dry pack method wherever practical. Set base height to give a minimum of 1/2-inch grout on small plates, 1 inch on equipment bases, and not over 1-1/2 inch on any equipment. A. B. C. ANCHOR BOLTS: Provide all anchor bolts or cinch anchors required for a complete installation. Install cinch anchors to conform to manufacturer's printed instructions. Cinch anchor hole tolerances, drill bits and anchor installation torque shall be as per manufacturer's printed recommendations. 3.02 END OF SECTION 267030 75644_8410_267030 267030-3