Agilent Physical Layer Test System (PLTS Version 3.0) Technical Overview Vector Network Analyzer-based and Time Domain Reflectometer-based Systems Includes: “What’s New in PLTS Software Version 3.0” Why is Physical Layer Testing Required? The next generation computer and communication systems now being developed will handle data rates of multiple gigabits/second. Many systems will incorporate processors and SERDES chip sets that exceed GigaHertz clock frequencies. New and troubling input/output issues are emerging as switches, routers, server blades, and storage area networking equipment moving toward 10 Gbps data rates. Digital design engineers choosing chip-to-chip and backplane technologies for these systems are finding signal integrity challenges that have not been encountered before. In order to maintain signal integrity throughout the complete channel, engineers are moving away from single-ended circuits and now use differential circuits. The differential circuit provides good Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) and helps shield adjacent PCB traces from crosstalk. Properly designed differential transmission lines will minimize the undesirable effect of mode conversion and enhance the maximum data rate throughput possible. Unfortunately, differential signaling technology is not always an intuitive science. Traditional parallel bus topologies are running out of bandwidth. As parallel busses become wider, the complexity and cost to route on PC boards increase dramatically. The growing skew between data and clock lines has become increasingly difficult to resolve within parallel busses. The solution is fast serial channels. The newer serial bus structure is quickly replacing the parallel bus structure for high-speed digital systems. Engineers have been turning to a multitude of gigabit serial interconnect protocols with embedded clocking to achieve the goal of simple routing and more bandwidth per pin. However, these serial interconnects bring their own set of problems. Differential transmission lines coupled with the microwave effects of high-speed data have created the need for new design and validation tools for the digital design engineer. Understanding the fundamental properties of signal propagation through measurement and post-measurement analysis is mandatory for today’s leading edge telecommunication and computer systems. The traditional Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) is still a very useful tool, but many times the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is needed for the complete characterization of physical layer components. There is a strong need for a test and measurement system that will allow simple characterization of complex microwave behavior seen in high speed digital interconnects. In fact, many digital standards groups have now recognized the importance of specifying frequency domain physical layer measurements as a compliance requirement. Both Serial ATA and PCI Express have adopted the SDD21 parameter (input differential insertion loss) as a required measurement to ensure channel compliance. This parameter is an indication of the frequency response that the differential signal sees as it propagates through the high-speed serial channel. An example of a proposed SDD21 compliance mask is shown in Figure 1 for the Channel Electrical Interface (CEI) working group for the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF). In order to maintain the same total bandwidth as the older parallel bus, the new serial bus needs to increase its data rate. As the data rate increases through serial interconnects, the rise time of the data transition from a zero logic level to a one logic level becomes shorter. This shorter rise time creates larger reflections at impedance discontinuities and degrade the eye diagram at the end of the channel. As a result, physical layer components such as printed circuit board traces, connectors, cables, and IC packages can no longer be ignored. In fact, in many cases, the silicon is so fast that the physical layer device has become the bottleneck. SDD21 (dB) 0 ISI Loss > 4 dB -11.4 Sample Compliance Interconnect -15 0 312.5 MHz 1.5625 GHz 3.125 GHz Figure 1. Today's digital standards are now using frequency domain measurements for compliance testing, such as this input differential insertion loss (SDD21) mask for XAUI. 2 A Single Test System Can Provide the Total View As the combination of both time-domain and frequency domain analysis becomes more important, the need for multiple test systems becomes difficult to manage. A single test system that can fully characterize differential high-speed digital devices, while leaving domain and format of the analysis up to the designer, is a very powerful tool. Agilent’s Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) is designed specifically for this purpose. PLTS has been designed specifically for signal integrity analysis. PLTS software guides the user through hardware setup and calibration, and controls the data acquisition. It automatically applies patented transformation algorithms to present the data in both frequency and time domains, in both forward and reverse transmission and reflection terms, and in all possible modes of operation (single-ended, differential, and mode-conversion). A powerful virtual bit pattern generator feature allows a userdefined binary sequence to be applied to the measured data to convolve eye pattern diagrams. Next, highly accurate RLCG 1 models can be extracted and used to enhance the accuracy of your models and simulations. PLTS Provides Design Confidence Through Complete Characterization Physical-layer structures have increasingly become the bottleneck in high-speed digital system performance. At low data rates, these interconnects are electrically short. The driver and receiver are typically the biggest contributors to signal integrity. But as clock speeds, bus speeds, and link speeds all push past the gigabit-per-second mark, physical layer characterization becomes more critical. Another challenge for today's digital designers is the trend to differential topologies. Fully understanding device performance requires analysis in all possible modes of operation. Single ended Port 1 For translating device performance into standards compliance, eye diagrams add an important statistical analysis. And for leveraging this complete characterization into improved simulations, measurement-based s-parameter or RLCG model extraction completes the picture. Mode Differential Diff-to-comm Comm-to-diff Common Time domain TDR TDT TDD11 TDD21 TDD22 TDD12 TCD11 TCD21 TCD22 TCD12 TDC11 TDC21 TDC22 TDC12 TCC11 TCC21 TCC22 TCC12 Frequency domain Reflection Transmission SDD11 SDD21 SDD22 SDD12 SCD11 SCD21 SCD22 SCD12 SDC11 SDC21 SDC22 SDC12 SCC11 SCC21 SCC22 SCC12 Single-ended T11 T22 T33 T44 T21 T31 T41 T12 T32 T42 T13 T23 T43 T14 T24 T34 S11 S22 S33 S44 S21 S31 S41 S12 S32 S42 S13 S23 S43 S14 S24 S34 Figure 3. Complete characterization includes forward and reverse transmission and reflection, in all possible modes of operation, in both frequency and time domains. + Differential Port 1 Differential Port 2 – Single ended Port 3 Frequency-domain analysis, again in all possible modes of operation, is also necessary for fully characterizing these physical-layer structures. The s-parameter model describes the analog behavior exhibited by these digital structures. This behavior includes reflections from discontinuities, frequency dependent losses, crosstalk, and EMI performance. Single ended Port 2 Device under test + Time-domain analysis is typically used for characterization of these physical-layer structures, but often, the designer concentrates only on the intended modes of operation. For a complete time-domain view, step and impulse responses in reflection and transmission (TDR and TDT) must be seen. The analysis must include the unintended modes of operation as well. – Single ended Port 4 Figure 2. A differential structure operates in many modes. Single-ended analysis can reveal sources of asymmetry on this differential transmission line. 1. An RLCG equivalent circuit model, also known as Telegrapher’s Parameters, describes the electrical behavior of a passive transmission line. The model is a distributed network consisting of series resistance and inductance (R and L) and parallel capacitance and conductance (C and G). 3 PLTS Enables Mode-Conversion Analysis for Early Insight into EMI Problems Mode Conversion The benefits of differential signaling include lower voltage swings, immunity from power supply noise, a reduced dependency on RF ground, and improved EMI performance (reduced generation and susceptibility). The extent to which a device can take advantage of these benefits is directly related to device symmetry. A practical application of how mode conversion helps identify problems in physical layer devices is shown in Figure 5 . This shows a XAUI backplane with two daughter cards that typically transmit data at 3.125 Gbps. The design objective for this high-speed differential channel is to minimize the crosstalk between adjacent differential PCB traces throughout the length of the channel. The channel consists of the linear passive combination of the backplane and two daughter cards. Any mode conversion from differential mode to common mode will generate EMI and create crosstalk that will be incident upon other channels and will degrade performance. However, locating the exact structure within the channel that creates the most mode conversion is not simple. Symmetric devices only respond to, and only generate, differential signals. These ideal devices do not respond to or generate common-mode signals, and they reject radiated external signals (i.e., power supply noise, harmonics of digital clocks or data, and EMI from other RF circuitry). Asymmetric devices however, do not exhibit these benefits. When stimulated differentially, an asymmetric device will produce a common-mode response in addition to the intended differential response, and cause EMI radiation. Conversely, with a commonmode stimulus, an asymmetric device will produce an unintended differential response. This mode conversion is a source of EMI susceptibility. Mode-conversion analysis is an important tool for understanding and improving device symmetry, and provides the designer with early insight to identify and resolve EMI problems at the design stage. Passive differential structure Differential stimulus Differential response Common-mode response (unintended mode conversion) Figure 4. Asymmetric devices cause mode-conversions, which are indicators of EMI generation and susceptibility. 4 Figure 5. By aligning the impedance profile with the mode conversion profile, PLTS allows the pinpointing of crosstalk-generating structures within physical layer devices. Looking at Figure 5, the differential to common mode conversion time domain reflection parameter (TCD11) is time aligned with the differential impedance profile of the channel (TDD11) below it. A marker is placed on the largest magnitude peak of TCD11. This is where the physical structure within the channel is creating the most mode conversion and thus the source of the most crosstalk. We can align the TDD11 to the TCD11 in time and therefore colocate the problematic structure on TDD11. To relate this structure to the channel, we use the differential impedance profile as a reference. From previous analysis, we know that the two capacitive discontinuities on TDD11 are the daughter card via field and motherboard via field, respectively. Since the marker falls upon the second discontinuity on TDD11, it is deduced that the motherboard via field is the biggest culprit to causing crosstalk in adjacent channels. The motherboard via field was subsequently rerouted and the crosstalk generation was reduced considerably. This shows how identifying the mode conversion in a channel can be intuitive with proper analysis. Dynamic range Four-Port TRL (Thru-Reflect-Line) High-dynamic range is important for a number of reasons. Certainly, measurements of very low levels of crosstalk are possible, but this is only one parameter where dynamic range is important. TRL calibration is primarily (but not exclusively) used in non-coaxial environments, such as in-fixture or microprobe measurements. It determines the same error model as the SOLT calibration, although it uses different calibration standards - a thru, a reflection standard (a short), and one or more offset length transmission lines. More important is the ability to overcome masking effects of multiple discontinuities, which in systems with lower dynamic range would attenuate the stimulus such that deep structures would become invisible. And most importantly for differential devices, high-dynamic range allows for identification of very low levels of mode-conversion, which are the direct result of device asymmetry. This allows early resolution of potential EMI issues. Accuracy Through Error-Correction VNA-based systems Four-Port SOLT (Short-Open-Load-Thru) The most common technique for both coaxial and non-coaxial environments, SOLT calibration, is a vector error correction process that characterizes systematic error by measuring known calibration standards. This data is used to calculate a 72-term error model, which is then used to remove the effects of systematic errors from subsequent measurements. Figure 7. The vector-correction process characterizes systematic error to provide superior accuracy in network analyzer-based systems. Utilizing three impedance standards (the short, open, and load) and a thru standard, the error model compensates for directivity, source match, load match, reflection and transmission tracking (frequency response), and crosstalk in both forward and reverse directions. Four-Port LRM (Line-Reflect-Match) TRL calibration typically provides more accuracy than SOLT and is only available for PNA-based systems (it is not supported for 872x-based systems). LRM is a variation of TRL, and determines the same error model as the SOLT and TRL calibrations, although it uses different (and fewer) calibration standards – a transmission line, a reflection standard (a short), and a load. In broadband non-coaxial environments, specifically microprobing, LRM can offer an accuracy improvement over TRL due to bandwidth limitations of the TRL line standards. LRM calibration is only available for PNA network analyzer-based systems (it is not supported for Agilent 872x-network analyzer based systems). Four-Port Electronic Calibration (ECal) For electronic calibration to 9 GHz, the Agilent N4430B ECal Module (30 kHz to 9 GHz) is supported by all of the PLTS VNAbased systems. With one set of connections, this solid-state tuner simulates all of the impedance states required for full fourport error correction with accuracy that is generally better than SOLT, but somewhat less than TRL. Figure 6. The PNA network analyzer-based calibration interface simplifies a complex process, allowing full error-correction in minutes, not hours. 5 TDR-based systems Module calibration Module calibration, also called vertical calibration, calibrates the gains, offsets, and timing for each channel. At the start of the TDR calibration process, PLTS will report that a module calibration is valid, recommended, or required. This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. De-skew Asymmetry in a differential system – between the two step generators, between the two receivers, etc… – can potentially lead to imbalances or errors in resulting measurements. When differential measurements are selected in the calibration process, PLTS automatically performs this operation to remove length variance from cables or test fixtures. Figure 8. Like the PNA network analyzer-based calibration interface, the TDR-based calibration interface guides the user through the calibration(s) reducing operator error and saving time. This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. Reference plane calibration (RPC) RPC adjusts the calibration reference plane to the end of the test cables and automatically performs the de-skew operation (see above). This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. Normalization Normalization is an error correction process that characterizes systematic error by measuring known calibration standards (a short, a load, and a thru) to calculate an error model, which is then used to remove the effects of systematic errors from subsequent measurements. The error model compensates for directivity, source match, and reflection tracking (frequency response). This is the most accurate calibration type for TDR. Note: Normalization is available for the Agilent 86100 family of oscilloscopes only. 6 Remove Unwanted Effects from the Measurement Error correction Over the years, many different approaches have been developed for removing the effects of the test fixture from the measurement (shown in Figure 9). The level of difficulty for each error correction technique is linearly related to the accuracy of each method. Time domain gating is perhaps the simplest and most straightforward method, but it is also the least accurate. Likewise, de-embeding is the most complicated method, but it is the most accurate. It is important to have a test system that will allow flexibility of choosing the method of error correction desired for each application. Error correction techniques fall into two fundamental categories: direct measurement (pre-measurement processing) and deembedding (post-measurement processing). Direct measurement requires specialized calibration standards that are connected to the end of a coaxial test cable and measured. The accuracy of the device measurement relies on the quality of these physical standards. De-embedding uses a model of the test fixture and mathematically removes the fixture characteristics from the overall measurement. This fixture de-embedding procedure can produce very accurate results. Easier Port Extension Ease of Use º Time Domain Gating TDR Reference Plane Calibration TDR Normalization SOLT TRL LRM De-embedding More Accurate Accuracy Figure 9. PLTS has advanced error correction techniques to allow flexibility for many applications. Port Extension (also known as Phase Rotation) mathematically extends the calibration reference plane to the DUT. This technique is easy to use, but assumes the fixture – the unwanted structure – looks like a perfect transmission line: a flat magnitude response, a linear phase response, and constant impedance. If the fixture is very well designed, this technique can provide good results. Because gating essentially considers the magnitude of the unwanted discontinuity, and Port Extensions consider phase (electrical length), using the two tools together may provide optimum results. Figure 10. In this rather extreme example of time-domain gating, the top plots show the measured differential step impedance and return loss. The lower left plot shows a gate added to remove the large discontinuity in the center of the trace. On the lower right, the measured and the recalculated return losses are displayed. In this case, the gate improved the return loss by more than 10 dB within the frequency band of interest. De-embedding uses an accurate linear model of the fixture, or measured s-parameter data of the fixture. This fixture data can then be removed mathematically from the DUT measurement data in post-processing. Time-domain gating is similar to port extension, in that it is also very easy and fast. The user simply defines two points in time or distance, and the software mathematically replaces the actual measured data in that section with data representing an "ideal" transmission line. The return loss is then recalculated to show the effects of the change in the frequency domain. One practical application of time-domain gating is as a confidence check before replacing a suspect connector. Figure 10 illustrates how this technique might be used. Figure 11. The effects of test fixtures can be removed from the device in post-processing through de-embedding. 7 Calibration at the DUT reference plane has the advantage that the precise characteristics of the fixture don't need to be known beforehand, as they are measured and corrected for during the calibration process. An example of this technique is microprobing using a calibration substrate, where the calibration reference plane is established at the probe tips, rather than at the end of the coaxial test cables. Advanced calibration techniques (TRL/LRM) – originally developed for wafer probing applications – provide additional options. Figure 12. A microprobing application, where the calibration is performed using an impedance standard substrate, establishes the calibration reference plane at the probe tips. Microprobing can offer the user the ability to forego the test fixture and launch the stimulus directly at the device input. The response can be measured directly at the device output. Additionally, when calibration substrates are available, calibration can be performed directly at the probe tips. This achieves co-location of the calibration reference plane with the device measurement reference plane. PLTS has the flexibility to accommodate many microprobe configurations. By adding the calibration substrate coefficients as a calibration kit, the process becomes as straightforward as a coaxial calibration. Figure 13. Cascade Microtech’s Summit probe station. PLTS Support for Microprobing Applications Agilent works closely with leading microprobe and probe station suppliers to provide the best complete system solutions possible. One of the most significant measurement challenges is connectivity. Test equipment provides a controlled coaxial environment, but what if the DUT – the backplane, the interface connector, the IC package – is non-coaxial? Test fixtures can provide the required connectivity, but at a cost. The quality of the test fixture – its connectors, impedance discontinuities, parasitics, and dielectric losses – all contribute to less than ideal performance of the fixture. Subsequently, the accuracy of the device measurement is degraded. Several techniques are available to remove these fixture effects (see Remove Unwanted Effects from the Measurement on page 6), but the accuracy of these techniques is greatly impacted by the quality of the fixture itself, or the availability of an accurate s-parameter model of the fixture (used for de-embedding). 8 Figure 14. GigaTest Lab’s GTL-4060 probe station. Simplify the Measurement Process Device characterization with PLTS software is straightforward. The user interface has been designed to make setup, calibration, and measurement intuitive and error-free. A wizard guides the user through all of the required steps. The last prompt is to connect the device-under-test and initiate the measurement. Setup and calibration differs slightly between TDR-based and VNA-based systems. However, in both cases the PLTS software provides an intuitive wizard to assist in the step-by-step process. Step 1 System setup TDR setup process Step 1. Select calibration and measurement parameters Step 3 Device measurement TDR calibration Setup and calibration complete VNA setup process Easy Setup TDR setup Step 2 Calibration VNA setup VNA calibration Figure 15. PLTS has a three-step system set up to make measurements intuitive and error-free. In the first step, PLTS software automatically polls the GPIB, and prompts the user to accept or modify the default parameters based on hardware capabilities. TDR Setup Figure 16. PLTS software completely controls the hardware setup via GPIB. Figure 17. The user may calibrate only for the specific parameters of interest. Estimated calibration times are calculated based on selections. VNA Setup Parameter selection not required in the VNA setup Figure 18. Default parameters are calculated from system capabilities. User modifications are interactive. 9 Step 2. Calibration Step 3. Device measurement After the system setup, the calibration method is selected. Again, the wizard simplifies the process and provides the greatest flexibility to the user. For both TDR and VNA systems, when the calibration is completed, PLTS prompts the user to connect the device-under-test, and select an initial analysis format. The calibration interface shows the required calibration standards as icons, which are initially represented in red. As the user connects the standards, and mouse-clicks the corresponding icon, the system makes the measurement, and the icon color changes to green (indicating completion). When all of the icons are green, the calibration is complete. Then, the system makes all of the measurements required for the complete characterization. With one setup, calibration and measurement, up to sixty-four time-domain and frequency-domain device parameters are available. TDR calibration Setup and calibration complete Figure 19. The TDR system calibration wizard provides status and controls module and reference plane calibrations, de-skew, and normalization. VNA calibration Figure 21. All domains and formats are available immediately after the measurement is completed. Figure 20. The VNA system calibration wizard simplifies four-port SOLT, TRL, and LRM error correction. 10 Data Analysis with PLTS File and view management with the data browser Format, scaling, and marker control with easy access toolbars Plot and trace management with context-sensitive parameter buttons Time domain analysis: • 32 parameters • 7 formats • time or distance Eye diagram analysis: • 16 parameters • 8 formats Frequency domain analysis: • 32 parameters • 8 formats RLCG model extraction • 32 parameters 11 Data Analysis All supported analysis types and formats1 are available immediately after the measurement is completed, and at any time there after. PLTS flexibility allows the user to begin where they are most familiar. Frequency-domain analysis Time-domain analysis Initially, sixteen parameters are displayed in thumbnail view as shown below. These thumbnails represent four modes of device operation: differential, common-mode, and the two mode-conversion types (common-mode stimulus with differential response and differential stimulus with common-mode response). A double mouse-click on any of these thumbnails will expand the selected parameter to full screen for closer analysis. The mixed-mode time domain is a common starting point. Initially, sixteen parameters are displayed in thumbnail view as shown below. These thumbnails represent four modes of device operation: differential, common-mode, and the two mode-conversion types (common-mode stimulus with differential response and differential stimulus with common-mode response). A double mouse-click on any of these thumbnails will expand the selected parameter to full screen for closer analysis. The mixed-mode frequency domain is another common starting point. Not shown here are the additional sixteen single-ended frequency-domain parameters. Not shown here are the additional sixteen single-ended time-domain parameters. Figure 23. The mixed-mode frequency-domain matrix. Figure 22. The mixed-mode time-domain matrix. 1. See Parameters and Formats on page 15 for more detail. 12 Measurement-based eye-pattern diagrams RLCG model extraction Using the built-in digital pattern generator, the user is able to define virtual bit pattern (as wide as 232-1 bits). PLTS then convolves the selected bit pattern with the device impulse response to create an extremely accurate measurement-based eye pattern diagram. RLCG (resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance) models describe the electrical behavior of passive transmission lines in an equivalent circuit model. This eliminates the need for a hardware pulse/pattern generator, and its flexibility allows for a great deal of "What if…" analysis. From the measured s-parameters of a device, PLTS calculates the R, L, C, G, complex propagation constant, and complex characteristic impedance. This provides a highly accurate, measurement-based coupled transmission line model for export into modeling and simulation software such as Agilent ADS, Synopsis HSPICE, and others. Figure 24. The digital pattern generator. After the eye pattern is generated, marker functions can be used to make typical measurements like jitter, eye opening, rise and fall times, and more. Figure 26. RLCG model extraction (W-Element shown). Figure 25. Eye pattern diagram. 13 What’s New in PLTS Version 3.0? New hardware support • Agilent N5230A Option 240/245 (4-Port PNA-L microwave network analyzer) • Agilent E8361A (67 GHz 2-port PNA microwave network analyzer) Note: N4421B 50 GHz test set is compatible with E8361A up to 50 GHz. N4421BH67 is available for 67 GHz 4-port system. • Agilent electronic calibration modules N4430A, N4430B, N4431B, N4691B, N4692A, N4693A, N4694A and 85093C tools such as Cadence Allegro PCB SI 630. Figure 27. PLTS version 3.0 enables support of the new Agilent N5230A Option 245 for a one-box system and eliminates the test set for 20 GHz applications. New software support • Improved file export capability – Output 1-port, 2-port and 3-port touchstone files (*.1sp, *.s2p and *.s3p) – Modify port configuration – Modify frequency range • File export to Agilent Advanced Design System and Cadence Allegro PCB SI 630 Simulation Suite • TDR peeling algorithm for corrected impedance profile Figure 29. PLTS version 3.0 enables data export to powerful simulation 14 Figure 28. PLTS version 3.0 enables support of electronic calibration modules for faster and simpler calibrations. Parameters and Formats Time domain: Sixteen single-ended and sixteen mixed-mode time domain parameters are available. These parameters correspond to input and output TDR, and forward and reverse TDT in singleended, differential, common-mode, and mixed-modes. Frequency domain: Sixteen single-ended and sixteen mixed-mode frequency domain parameters are available. These parameters correspond to forward and reverse transmission and reflection in single-ended, differential, common-mode, and mixed-modes. Vertical amplitude formats for impulse or step function are impedance, volts, real part of complex parameter, and log magnitude. The horizontal scale may be displayed in time (nS) or distance (cm). Formats are log or linear magnitude, phase, group delay, Smith, Polar, real part of complex parameter, imaginary part of complex parameter. Stimulus T11 T12 T13 T14 TDR Port 1 to 1 TDT Port 2 to 1 TDT Port 3 to 1 TDT Port 4 to 1 T21 T22 T23 T24 TDT Port 1 to 2 TDR Port 2 to 2 TDT Port 3 to 2 TDT Port 4 to 2 T31 T32 T33 T34 TDT Port 1 to 3 TDT Port 2 to 3 TDR Port 3 to 3 TDT Port 4 to 3 T41 T42 T43 T44 TDT Port 1 to 4 TDT Port 2 to 4 TDT Port 1 to 4 TDR Port 4 to 4 Response Response Stimulus S11 REFL Port 1 to 1 S12 TRANS Port 2 to 1 S13 TRANS Port 3 to 1 S14 TRANS Port 4 to 1 S21 TRANS Port 1 to 2 S22 REFL Port 2 to 2 S23 TRANS Port 3 to 2 S24 TRANS Port 4 to 2 S31 TRANS Port 1 to 3 S32 TRANS Port 2 to 3 S33 REFL Port 3 to 3 S34 TRANS Port 4 to 3 S41 TRANS Port 1 to 4 S42 TRANS Port 2 to 4 S43 TRANS Port 1 to 4 S44 REFL Port 4 to 4 Figure 32. Single-ended frequency domain formats. Figure 30. Single-ended time domain formats. Stimulus Common TDT Port 2 to 1 DIFF to DIFF TDD21 TDD22 TDT Port 1 to 2 DIFF to DIFF TDR Port 2 to 2 DIFF to DIFF Common TCD11 TCD12 TDR TDT Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 DIFF to COM DIFF to COM TCD21 TDR TDT Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 COM to DIFF COM to DIFF TDC21 TDC22 TDT TDR Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 COM to DIFF COM to DIFF TCC11 TCC12 TDR TDT Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 COM to COM COM to COM TCD22 TDT TDR Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 DIFF to COM DIFF to COM TDC12 Differential TDR Port 1 to 1 DIFF to DIFF TDC11 TCC21 TCC22 TDT TDR Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 COM to COM COM to COM Figure 31. Mixed-mode time domain formats. Response TDD12 Common Differential Common Response Differential Differential TDD11 Stimulus SDD11 SDD12 SDC11 REFL Port 1 to 1 DIFF to DIFF TRANS Port 2 to 1 DIFF to DIFF REFL TRANS Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 COM to DIFF COM to DIFF SDD21 TRANS Port 1 to 2 DIFF to DIFF SDD22 REFL Port 2 to 2 DIFF to DIFF SDC21 SDC22 TRANS TRANS Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 COM to DIFF COM to DIFF SCD11 SCD12 SCC11 SDC12 SCC12 REFL TRANS Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 DIFF to COM DIFF to COM REFL TRANS Port 1 to 1 Port 2 to 1 COM to COM COM to COM SCD21 SCD22 TRANS REFL Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 DIFF to COM DIFF to COM SCC21 SCC22 TRANS REFL Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 2 COM to COM COM to COM Figure 33. Mixed-mode frequency domain formats. 15 Eye diagram: Twelve single-ended and four mixed-mode parameters are available (reflection terms and mode-conversion terms are not applicable for eye-diagrams). These parameters correspond to forward and reverse transmission in single-ended, differential, common-mode, and mixed-modes. Stimulus T12 TDT Port 2 to 1 _ T13 TDT Port 3 to 1 T14 TDT Port 4 to 1 T23 T24 TDT Port 3 to 2 TDT Port 4 to 2 Response T21 TDT Port 1 to 2 _ T31 T32 TDT Port 1 to 3 TDT Port 2 to 3 _ T41 T42 T43 TDT Port 1 to 4 TDT Port 2 to 4 TDT Port 1 to 4 T34 TDT Port 4 to 3 _ Figure 34. Single-ended eye diagram formats. RLCG model extraction: Thirty-two transmission line parameters are available. These correspond to resistive loss, inductance, capacitance, dielectric loss, characteristic impedance (real and imaginary), attenuation constant, and propagation constant, in differential, common-mode, W-element, and self and mutual terms. Current capability allows RLCG extraction for coupled transmission lines only. RD Resistance LD Inductance CD Capacitance GD Conductance ZORD Char. Imp.Real ZOID Char. Imp.Imag. AD Atten. constant BD Propagation constant Figure 36. Differential RLCG formats. RC LC CC GC Resistance Inductance Capacitance Conductance ZORC Char. Imp.Real ZOIC Char. Imp.Imag. AC Atten. constant BC Propagation constant Figure 37. Common-mode RLCG formats. Stimulus Common Differential Common Response Differential TDD21 TDD12 TDT Port 1 to 2 DIFF to DIFF TDT Port 2 to 1 DIFF to DIFF – – – TCC21 – TCC12 TDT TDT Port 1 to 2 Port 2 to 1 COM to COM COM to COM Figure 35. Mixed-mode eye diagram formats. R11 L11 C11 G11 Self resistance Self inductance Self capacitance Self conductance R12 Mutual resistance L12 Mutual inductance C12 Mutual capacitance G12 Mutual conductance Figure 38. W-element RLCG formats. RS Self resistance LS Self inductance CS Self capacitance GS Self conductance RM Mutual resistance LM Mutual inductance CM Mutual capacitance GM Mutual conductance Figure 39. Self/mutual RLCG formats. 16 PLTS System Performance Definitions To specify the performance of a Physical Layer Test System (PLTS), this data sheet lists the dynamic range, measurement uncertainty, and measurement port characteristics for each system configuration. Two types of performance numbers are offered: specifications and characteristics. Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance over the temperature range of 23 °C ± 3 °C. Characteristics are typical but non-warranted performance parameters. These are further denoted as "typical" or "nominal." • Typical (typ.): Expected performance of an average unit, not including guardbands. • Nominal (nom.): A general, descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance. Measurement port characteristics indicate the RF performance of network analyzer and test set port leakages, mismatches, and frequency response. The specification for the test set’s crosstalk does not include noise. Dynamic range (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) is further defined as Pref – Pmin, where Pref is the nominal or reference power out of a source test port, and Pmin is the minimum power into a receiver test port that can be measured above the peaks of the system’s noise floor (10 dB above the average noise floor). System dynamic range is the amount of attenuation that can be measured from a 0 dB reference. Calibration is the process of measuring standards that have fully defined models (and are thus called "known" standards) in order to quantify a network analyzer’s systematic errors based on an error model. Calibration must be performed within the operating temperature specified for the calibration kit. For all calibration kits the operating temperature is 23 °C ±3 °C. For a calibration to remain fully verifiable, the temperature of the network analyzer must remain within ±1 °C around the initial measurement calibration temperature. Error correction is the process of mathematically removing from the measurement those systematic errors determined by measurement calibration. Measurement uncertainty curves show the worst-case uncertainty in reflection and transmission measurements using full error correction with the specified calibration kit. This includes residual systematic errors, as well as system dynamic accuracy, connector repeatability, noise and detector errors. Cable stability and system drift are not included. Furthermore, the graphs for reflection measurement uncertainty apply to a one-port device. The graphs for transmission measurement uncertainty assume a well-matched device (S11= S22 = 0). In the phase uncertainty curves, the phase detector accuracy is better than 0.02 degrees, useful for measurements where only phase changes. 17 System Performance Summary N1953B Physical Layer Test System 36 ps (10 MHz to 20 GHz) The following characteristics are applicable for a system in the following configuration: Network analyzer Test set Test cables Calibration kit Calibration technique Characteristic measurement uncertainties Agilent E8362B, Option 014/UNL Agilent N4419B Agilent N4419B, Option B20 Agilent 85052D, 3.5 mm Four-port SOLT Dynamic range (signal-to-noise ratio) Transmission measurements at 10 Hz IF bandwidth, with full four-port error correction, and -5 dBm output power. Frequency 10 to 45 MHz 45 to 500 MHz 500 MHz to 10 GHz 10 to 20 GHz Dynamic range 60 dB typical 70 dB typical 100 dB 85 dB Figure 40. Worst case 3.5 mm transmission magnitude and phase uncertainty. Measurement port characteristics Residual uncertainties for corrected data. These apply for 25 °C with less than 1 °C variation from calibration. Directivity Source match Load match Refl. tracking Trans. tracking 45 MHz to 2 GHz 56 dB 42 dB 56 dB ± .0025 dB ± .020 dB Test set typical performance Frequency range Transition time (10 to 90%, TR=.72/BW) Impedance Maximum operating level Damage level Test port connectors RF connectors Weight 18 2 to 10 GHz 42 dB 36 dB 42 dB ± .009 dB ± .032 dB 10 to 20 GHz 40 dB 33 dB 40 dB ± .013 dB ± .050 dB Figure 41. Worst case 3.5 mm reflection magnitude and phase uncertainty. 10 MHz to 20 GHz 36 ps 50 ohms (nom) +20 dBm +30 dBm (typ) 3.5 mm (m) SMA (f) 9 kg System Performance Summary N1955B Physical Layer Test System 18 ps (10 MHz to 40 GHz) The following characteristics are applicable for a system in the following configuration: Network analyzer: Test set: Test cables: Calibration kit: Calibration technique: Characteristic measurement uncertainties Agilent E8363B, Option 014/UNL Agilent N4420B Agilent N4420B-B20 Agilent 85056A, 2.4 mm Four-port SOLT Dynamic range Transmission measurements at 10 Hz IF bandwidth, with four-port error correction and -17 dBm output power. Frequency 10 to 45 MHz 45 to 500 MHz 500 MHz to 20 GHz 20 to 40 GHz Dynamic range 65 dB typical 55 dB 70 dB 55 dB Figure 42. Worst case 3.5 mm transmission magnitude and phase uncertainty. Measurement port characteristics Residual uncertainties for corrected data. These apply for 25 °C with less than 1 °C variation from calibration. 45 to 500 MHz Directivity 43 dB Source match 38 dB Load match 43 dB Refl. tracking ± .001 dB Trans. tracking ± .015 dB Test set typical performance Frequency range Transition time (10 to 90%, TR=.72/BW) Impedance Maximum operating level Damage level Test port connectors RF connectors Weight 500 MHz to 10 GHz 39.5 dB 34 dB 39.5 dB ± .002 dB ± .020 dB 10 to 20 GHz 39 dB 34 dB 39 dB ± .008 dB ± .040 dB 20 to 40 GHz 33 dB 27 dB 33 dB ± .026 dB ±.20 dB Figure 43. Worst case 3.5 mm reflection magnitude and phase uncertainty. 10 MHz to 40 GHz 18 ps 50 ohms (nom) +20 dBm +30 dBm (typ) 2.4 mm (m) 2.4 mm (f) 9 kg 19 System Performance Summary N1957B Physical Layer Test System 14 ps (10 MHz to 50 GHz) The following characteristics are applicable for a system in the following configuration: Network analyzer Test set: Test cables: Calibration kit: Calibration technique: Characteristic measurement uncertainties Agilent E8364B, Option014/UNL Agilent N4421B Agilent N4421B-B20 Agilent 85056A, 2.4 mm Four-port SOLT Dynamic Range Transmission measurements at 10 Hz IF bandwidth, with four-port error correction and -17 dBm output power. Frequency 10 to 45 MHz 45 to 500 MHz 500 MHz to 20 GHz 20 to 50 GHz Dynamic range 55 dB typical 55 dB 70 dB 55 dB Figure 44. Worst case 2.4 mm transmission magnitude and phase uncertainty. Measurement port characteristics Residual uncertainties for corrected data. These apply for 25 °C with less than 1 °C variation from calibration. 45 to 500 MHz Directivity 43 dB Source match 38 dB Load match 43 dB Refl. tracking ± .001 dB Trans. tracking ± .015 dB Test set typical performance Frequency range Transition time (10 to 90%, TR=.72/BW) Impedance Maximum operating level Damage level Test port connectors RF connectors Weight 20 500 MHz to 10 GHz 39.5 dB 34 dB 39.5 dB ± .002 dB ± .020 dB 10 to 20 GHz 39 dB 34 dB 39 dB ± .008 dB ± .040 dB 20 to 40 GHz 33 dB 27 dB 33 dB ± .026 dB ± .20 dB Figure 45. Worst case 2.4 mm reflection magnitude and phase uncertainty. 10 MHz to 50 GHz 14 ps 50 ohms (nom) +20 dBm +30 dBm (typ) 2.4 mm (m) 2.4 mm (f) 9 kg PLTS Ordering Guide Physical Layer Test Systems Quick configuration guide Network analyzer based systems See the PLTS ordering guide on page 23 for more detail. System N1957B N1955B N1953B Description E8364B PNA, 4-receiver N4421B S-parameter test set N1930A Physical Layer Test System SW E8363B PNA, 4-receiver N4420B S-parameter test set N1930A Physical Layer Test System SW E8362B PNA, 4-receiver N4419B S-parameter test set N1930A Physical Layer Test System SW Frequency range Transition time (10-90%, TR = 0.72/BW) 10 MHz to 50 GHz ≥ 14.4 ps 10 MHz to 40 GHz ≥ 18 ps 10 MHz to 20 GHz ≥ 36 ps Receiver bandwidth (3 dB) Transition time (10-90%, TR = 0.72/BW) Time domain reflectometer (TDR) based systems See the PLTS ordering guide on page 26 for more detail. System Description • Agilent 86100 family Infiniium DCA wide-bandwidth oscilloscope1 • Agilent 54754A TDR module(s) (1 or 2 modules supported) 40 ps (nominal) 12.4 or 18 GHz ≥ 10 ps (normalized)2 20 GHz 28 ps (typical) • Agilent N1930A PLTS SW • Tektronix CSA 8000 communications signal analyzer3, 4 or Tektronix TDS 8000 digital sampling oscilloscope3, 4 • Tektronix 80E04 dual channel, 20 GHz TDR sampling module(s) (1 or 2 modules supported) • Agilent N1930A PLTS software 1. PLTS compatibility requires 86100 firmware revision 03.06 or higher. 2. Adjustable from larger of 10 ps or 0.08 x time/division. 3. Tektronix bandwidth and transition time specifications from Tektronix data sheet 85W-13499-8, dated 10/03. 4. PLTS compatibility requires firmware revision 1.3.3 or higher. 21 PLTS Ordering Guide PNA-based systems A complete PNA-based Physical Layer Test System includes the following: • Four-port network analyzer system • Physical Layer Test System software, running on a user-supplied PC (see requirements below) • Software License (node-locked or server-based)1 • Sample DUT board (balanced transmission line) N1957B Physical Layer Test System N1955B Physical Layer Test System 10 MHz to 50 GHz (14 ps) 10 MHz to 40 GHz (18 ps) E8364B E8364B-014 N4421B N1930A N1930A-010 N1930A-020 E8363B E8363B-014 N4420B N1930A N1930A-010 N1930A-020 PNA network analyzer, 4-rcvr Configurable test set S-parameter test set Physical Layer Test System SW Node-locked license Server-based/floating license Recommended accessories: N4421A-B20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 2.4 mm (m-f), quantity 4 N4421B-1CP Rack mount kit, test set 85056A Calibration kit 2.4 mm • User documentation Precision test cables and rack mount kits with handles are available as options. Calibration kits and ECal modules can be ordered separately, or as accessories in a bundled system. Start-up and productivity assistance is also available. PNA network analyzer, 4-rcvr Configurable test set S-parameter test set Physical Layer Test System SW Node-locked license Server-based/floating license Recommended accessories: N4421A-B20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 2.4 mm (m-f), quantity 4 N4420B-1CP Rack mount kit, test set 85056A Calibration kit 2.4 mm N1953B Physical Layer Test System 10 MHz to 20 GHz (36 ps) User-supplied PC requirements: • 1 GHz Pentium® III or better E8362B E8362B-014 N4419B N1930A N1930A-010 N1930A-020 • ≥ 512 MB of main memory (≥ 1 GB recommended) • Windows® 2000 or XP (XP is recommended) PNA network analyzer, 4-rcvr Configurable test set S-parameter test set Physical Layer Test System SW Node-locked license Server-based/floating license Recommended accessories: N4419A-B20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 3.5 mm (m-f), quantity 4 N4419B-1CP Rack mount kit, test set 85052D Calibration kit 3.5 mm • A CD-ROM drive • A supported GPIB card: - Agilent 82340, 82341, 82350 GPIB Interface - Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB Interface - any National Instruments GPIB card Upgrades from two-port PNA to four-port PLTS Supported network analyzers PNA model number E8364A E8364B E8363A E8363B E8362A E8362B Network analyzer options Required Compatible N4421B 014 010, 022, UNL 1. See software licensing sidebar on page 28. 22 Not tested or specified Required test set 016, 080, 081, 083 H08, H11 N4420B N4419B System frequency range 45 MHz to 50 GHz 10 MHz to 50 GHz 45 MHz to 40 GHz 10 MHz to 40 GHz 45 MHz to 20 GHz 10 MHz to 20 GHz Required application software N1930A Ordering Guide TDR-based systems A complete TDR-based Physical Layer Test System includes the following: User-supplied PC requirements: • 1 GHz Pentium III or better • An oscilloscope mainframe with (1) or (2) TDR plug-in modules • ≥ 512 MB of main memory (≥ 1 GB recommended) • Physical Layer Test System software, running on a user-supplied PC (see requirements at right) • Windows 2000 or XP (XP is recommended) • Software License (node-locked or server-based)1 • User documentation Calibration kits and test port cables are available separately. Start-up and productivity assistance is also available. • A CD-ROM drive • A supported GPIB card: - Agilent 82340, 82341, 82350 GPIB Interface - Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB Interface - any National Instruments GPIB card TDR-Based Physical Layer Test Systems TDR module Receiver bandwidth Transition time Requred application (1 or 2 modules supported) (3 dB) (10 to 90%, TR=0.35/BW) software Mainframe Agilent 86100 family Infiniium DCA Agilent 54754A wide-bandwidth oscilloscope Differential (86100A/B/C)2 TDR/TDT plug in module Tektronix CSA 8000 communications signal analyzer3 Tektronix 80E04 dual channel, 20 GHz TDR sampling module Tektronix TDS 8000 digital sampling oscilloscope3 Tektronix 80E04 dual channel, 20 GHz TDR sampling module 12.4 or 18 GHz 40 ps (nominal) ≥ 10 ps (normalized) Agilent N1930A 20 GHz 28 ps (typical) Agilent N1930A Recommended accessories N4419B-B20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 3.5 mm (m-f), quantity 4 8120-4948 Cable assembly, 3 ft., SMA (m-m) N1020A Time domain reflectometry probe, 6 GHz, variable pitch Includes N1020A-K05 calibration substrate 1250-2604 Adapter, radial bend, SMA (m-f) 1250-2151 Termination, SMA (f), 50 ohm load SMA female load required for normalization 1250-2152 Termination, SMA (f), short SMA female short required for normalization 1250-2153 Termination, SMA (m), short SMA male short required for normalization 1810-0118 Termination, SMA (m), 50 ohm load SMA male load required for normalization 5061-5311 Adapter, 3.5mm (f-f) Thru adapter required for TDT normalization 1. See software licensing sidebar on page 28. 2. PLTS compatibility requires 86100 firmware revision 03.06 or higher. 3. PLTS compatibility requires Tektronix CSA/TDS 8000 firmware revision 1.3.3 or higher. 23 PLTS application software uses FLEXlm licensing. Two licensing options are available: Option 010 Node-locked license (default). Node-locked licenses are locked to a single PC through its host ID (e.g., the MAC address) with or without connected system hardware. Node-locked licenses do not require any networking or license server processes. Option 020 Floating (server-based) license. Floating licenses allow users to share a single license, or multiple licenses, over a network. The application software may be installed on an unlimited number of PC's with or without connected system hardware. The number of available licenses determines the number of concurrent users. Floating licenses require a license server and a TCP/IP (or IPX/SPX) connection between clients and server(s). Web Resources Visit our Web sites for additional product and literature information. Physical Layer Test Systems Network Analyzers Electronic Calibration (ECal) Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.” Our Promise Our Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you receive your new Agilent equipment, we can help verify that it works properly and help with initial product operation. Your Advantage Your Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products. For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. Agilent Email Updates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select. Agilent Direct Quickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence. Agilent Open Agilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-standard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integrate test system development. Microsoft® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows® and MS Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Pentium is a US registered trademark of Intel Corporation Phone or Fax United States: (tel) 800 829 4444 (fax) 800 829 4433 Canada: (tel) 877 894 4414 (fax) 800 746 4866 China: (tel) 800 810 0189 (fax) 800 820 2816 Europe: (tel) 31 20 547 2111 Japan: (tel) (81) 426 56 7832 (fax) (81) 426 56 7840 Korea: (tel) (080) 769 0800 (fax) (080)769 0900 Latin America: (tel) (305) 269 7500 Taiwan: (tel) 0800 047 866 (fax) 0800 286 331 Other Asia Pacific Countries: (tel) (65) 6375 8100 (fax) (65) 6755 0042 Email: Contacts revised: 05/27/05 The complete list is available at: Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2004, 2005, 2006 Printed in USA, January 4, 2006 5989-0271EN