NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: GONG WIRING LIST WAVE PLATE DRIVE AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY - MDA4 Dwg No.: 3138.9300084A Rev: B Next Assembly: 3138.9200211D Reference Documents: Wiring Diagram - Amplifier Chassis: 3138.9300130D Amplifier Chassis Assembly: 3138.9200209E Wiring Diag. Wave Plate Rotator System 3138.9300108D Wiring List.Amplifier Chassis 3138.9300118A WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION:MOTOR DRIVE PIN WIRE 1 A DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 COMMENT AWG Color SA3, TB2-A PHA 16 BLK B SA3, TB2-B PHB 16 WHT C SA3, TB2-C PHC 16 RED D NC E MDA4, F1-IN +70VDC 16 GREY F SA1, P2-4 -70V COM 16 BLK G GND LUG CHASSIS GND 16 GRN H GND LUG GND LUG NC CHASSIS GND 16 GRN CHASSIS GND 16 GRN J24-G WIRE 2 SA3TB2-G J3-1 WIRE 3 Device: J24 SA1-CHSS NUT PLATE PROVIDES CHASSIS GND LUG 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:J24 9/13/2006 Page 11 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 LTR DESCRIPTION A translate to excel spreadsheet B correct dwg #, next Asbly #, various entries throughout 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:Rev 9/13/2006 ECR devel devel DWG:# 3138.9300084A DATE 4-Oct-05 25-Apr-06 BY rm dms APPRVD gm gm Page 2 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: ENCODER BIAS BD PIN WIRE 1 WIRE 2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA2 WIRE 3 COMMENT AWG Color +5VDC OUT 20 RED +5VDC OUT 20 BUS WIRE A +5VDC OUT 1 +5VDC OUT B +5VDC OUT GND 2 +5VDC OUT GND XA1-3* Device: XA1-J1 C J3-7 3 XA1-C* D J3-14 XA1-4* +5VDC OUT GND 20 BLK 4 AK2-K XA1-D* +5VDC OUT GND (LED2-K) 24 BLK E J3-21 AUX_IN (wave en/rst) 24 GRY 5 AK2-A PSI INDICATOR (LED2-A) 24 WHT/RED 24 WHT/GRY 24 WHT/BLU F 6 MGND SA1J1-9 /INHIBIT IN (AUX_OUT) H 7 +Vext J 8 K 9 L 10 AK1-A 28V INDICATOR (LED1-A) M 11 DISABLE(-) N 12 DISABLE(+) P XA1-13* +28VDC IN PS1 20 BUS WIRE XA1-15* XA1-P* +28VDC IN PS1 20 BUS WIRE XA1-T* XA1-14* +28VDC GND PS1 (LED1-K) 24 BUS WIRE 14 XA1-R* +28VDC GND PS1 20 BUS WIRE S XA1-15* +28VDC IN PS2 20 BUS WIRE XA1-S* +28VDC IN PS2 20 BLU 13 R 15 AK1-K J3-5 XA1-13* 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:XA1-J1 9/13/2006 Page 3 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: ENCODER BIAS BD PIN WIRE 1 T 16 Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Device: XA1-J1 cont. WIRE 2 WIRE 3 COMMENT AWG Color XA1-R* XA1-16* +28VDC GND PS2 20 BUS WIRE XA1-T* +28VDC GND PS2 20 BLK J3-4 U -12V LED 17 +12V LED V -12VDC OUT 18 -12VDC OUT W -12VDC OUT GND 19 -12VDC OUT GND X KEY SLOT 20 KEY SLOT Y +12VDC OUT 21 +12VDC OUT Z -12VDC OUT GND 22 -12VDC OUT GND *Insulate Bus Wire with Teflon sleeving. Pins 15 & 16 are BLU & BLK twisted pair * Bus Wire Connections XA1 C, 3 +5VDC D, 4 +5VDC RTN P, 13, S, 15 +28VDC R, 14, T, 16 28VDC RTN 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:XA1-2 9/13/2006 Page 4 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: FILTER CARD PIN WIRE 1 A WIRE 2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA3 COMMENT AWG Color SA1 P2-1 MOTOR A 16 BLK B SA1 P2-2 MOTOR B 16 WHT C SA1 P2-3 MOTOR C 16 RED G SA1 P2-4 POWER GND 20 WHT/BLK 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:TB1 9/13/2006 WIRE 3 Device: TB1 Page 5 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: FILTER CARD PIN WIRE 1 A J24-A B C G WIRE 2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA3 AWG Color PHASE A 16 BLK J24-B PHASE B 16 WHT J24-C PHASE C 16 RED CHASSIS GND 18 GRN J24 -GND LUG 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:TB2 9/13/2006 WIRE 3 COMMENT Device: TB2 Page 6 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: Fuse +70V PIN WIRE 1 IN OUT DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 WIRE 2 COMMENT AWG Color J24-E +70 VDC 16 GREY SA1 P2-5 FUSED +70 VDC 16 GREY 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:F1 9/13/2006 WIRE 3 Device: F1 Page 7 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: MOTOR CONTROL WIRE 2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA1 PIN WIRE 1 WIRE 3 1 NC +10V 3mA OUT 2 NC SIGNAL GND 3 NC -10V 3mA OUT 4 J3-19 Device: P1/J1 COMMENT AWG Color 24 BLK 24 WHT +TACH/GND 24 BLK J1-7 (BLK) +REF IN SEE NOTE 2 -REF IN 2 1 5 J3-12 6 NC 7 J3-15 8 J3-22 CURRENT MONITOR OUT 24 WHT/YEL 9 SA2 XA1-6 /INHIBIT IN (AUX OUT) 24 WHT/GRY 10 J3-6 +VHALL OUT 22 RED 11 J3-8 GND 22 BLK 12 J3-9 HALL 1 (Ce) 24 WHT/ORG 13 J3 -11 HALL 2 (Be) 24 WHT/RED 14 J3-10 HALL 3 (Ae) 24 WHT/BRN 15 J3-24 CURR REF OUT 24 WHT/BLU 16 J3-23 FAULT OUT 24 WHT/VIO -TACH IN J1-4 (BLK) 1 NOTES: 1. Use 504-10B TWP/ shldd cable for +-Ref connections connect shld to chassis ground. 2 2. -REF IN (wht) shall have a single turn through ferrite Toroid FB1. 3. All Connections to J1 shall pass through the tubular ferrite bead FB2, which will then be covered with heat shrink tubing. COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON ASSEMBLY DWG 3138.9200211D PG2 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:P1_J1 9/13/2006 Page 8 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: AMPLIFIER POWER PIN WIRE 1 1 Unit: 4A8 MDA4 SA1 Device: P2 COMMENT AWG Color SA3 TB1-A MOTOR A 16 BLK 2 SA3 TB1-B MOTOR B 16 WHT 3 SA3 TB1-C MOTOR C 16 RED +70V COM 16 BLK +70V COM 20 WHT/BLK +70V 16 GRY 4 4 5 MDA4-J24-F SA3 TB1-G MDA4-F1-OUT 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:P2_J2 9/13/2006 WIRE 2 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Page 9 of 11 WAVE PLATE AMPLIFIER WIRING LIST - MDA4 FUNCTION: MOTOR CONTROL PIN WIRE 1 1 DWG:# 3138.9300084A Unit: 4A8 MDA4 WIRE 2 Device: J3 COMMENT AWG Color NUT PLT LUG ENCODER CASE GROUND 20 GRN 2 NC SPARE (CCW COUNT INPUT) 3 NC SPARE (CCW COUNT INPUT) 4 SA2 XA1-14 +28V COM 20 BLK 5 SA2 XA1-15 +28VDC 20 BLU 6 SA1 J1-10 +V HALL OUT (+15V/TO ENC HALL) 22 RED 7 SA2 XA1-C +5V OUT (TO SHAFT ENCODER) 20 RED 8 SA1 J1-11 COMMON (COM TO ENC HALL) 22 BLK 9 SA1 J1-12 HALL 1 (Ce) 24 WHT/ORG 10 SA1 J1-14 HALL 3 (Ae) 24 WHT/BRN 11 SA1 J1-13 HALL 2 (Be) 24 WHT/RED 12 SA1 J1-5 * -REF IN (FREQ INPUT) 24 WHT 13 NC SPARE (DIRECTION OUTPUT) 14 SA2 XA1-D COMMON (TO SHAFT ENC/ +5V) 20 BLK 15 SA1 J1-7 COM (+TACH/GND) 24 BLK 16 NC SPARE (+15VDC) 17 NC SPARE (F OUT OUTPUT) 18 NC SPARE (DIRECTION INPUT) 19 SA1 J1-4 24 BLK 20 NC +5VDC IN 21 SA2 XA1-E INHIBIT IN (WAVE EN/RST) 24 GREY 22 SA1 J1-8 CURRENT MONITOR OUT 24 WHT/YEL 23 SA1 J1-16 FAULT OUT (FAULT MON OUT) 24 WHT/VIO 24 SA1 J1-15 CURR REF OUT 24 WHT/BLU 25 NC +5VDC IN (COMMON) 1 1 +REF IN (COMMON) 1. Use 504-10B TWP/ shldd cable for +-Ref connections connect shld to chassis ground. *COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON ASSEMBLY DWG 3138.9200211D PG2 3138.9300084A_rB.xls:J3 9/13/2006 Page 10 of 11 FRONT VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0012A.xls HALFWAVE PLATE ROTATOR DWG: 3130.9800012A TOP VIEW HALFWAVE PLATE ROTATOR J1 Prepared By: Dee Stover 0012A.xls DWG: 3130.9800012A LEFT VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0012A.xls HALFWAVE PLATE ROTATOR DWG: 3130.9800012A RIGHT VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0012A.xls HALFWAVE PLATE ROTATOR DWG: 3130.9800012A BACK VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0012A.xls HALFWAVE PLATE ROTATOR DWG: 3130.9800012A NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: GONG MDA4 WAVEPLATE DRIVE AMP POWER ON, SETUP AND TEST Next Assy: 3138.9200211D Dwg No.: 3138.9000023A Rev 1.1 REF FILE: 4907 Reference Drawings: 3138.9000023A Rev 1.1 Purpose: These procedures describe the first power ON checks of a completely assembled MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly, DWG. NO. 3138.9200211D. Tools: 1 ea. DMM and test leads. 1 ea. Waveplate Encoder Assembly Breakout Cable connector 1 ea. Small Screwdriver(LGS) Precautions: Observe standard cautions for handling ESD sensitive devices. Disable the Turret and Camera Rotator while working in the GONG Engineering Test Area of the B40 LAB. Insure that all personnel stand clear of the Turret and Camera Rotator during the conduct of these procedures at locations other than the B40 LAB or disable the Turret and Camera Rotator at those locations as well. Reference Documents: Advanced Motion Controls BX15A Series Amplifier Features/Specifications Data Sheets, Sections C-11 through C-15 and Engineering Installation Notes Section G. Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4, DWG. NO. 3138.9200211D. Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4, Wirelists, DWG. NO. 3138.9300084A Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Output Trim Procedures. Preliminary Conditions: Complete assembly of the Amplifier Chassis, Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4 in accordance with the latest assembly drawings, MDA4 Construction Notes and Preliminary motor amplifier setup notes. Complete Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Output Trim Procedures for the MDA4, SA2 Assembly of the MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly being tested. Procedures: 1. Power down a fully functional GONG Instrument Control, Waveplate Amplifier and Waveplate Rotator/Encoder system including all interconnecting cabling. Preferably 9000023A.doc Page 2 of 5 Print Date: 5/5/2006 3138.9000023A Rev 1.1 conduct these tests at the B40 GONG lab Sonora Engineering Test Station. Disable the Turret and Camera Rotator by placing their respective front panel switch in the OFF position or remove their respective front panel fuse. 2. Remove/check removed the following wire pair at the Amplifier Chassis PLL board slot position XA1-J1, C13(GRN/RED) and C14(RED/GRN). Insulate and tie back this wire pair at the back plane XA1 connector. 3. Disconnect the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly cable connector P1 at J1. This is a 12 PIN circular metal connector. 4. Disconnect the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly cable connector P2 at J2. This is a 25D style connector. 5. Install the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly cable connector(P2/J2) breakout cable. Join the breakout cable with the Encoder Cable but do NOT connect the breakout cable to the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder corresponding 25D connector. Install a current revision MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly, PLL Board and Drive Isolation board in place of the currently installed MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly, PLL Board and Drive Isolation Board. Be sure to place the PLL board on extender board and leave the Amplifier Chassis drawn out away from the main instrument rack for ease of access to the Amplifier MDA4, SA1, P1/J1 connector and adjustment POTS. Record the Serial Number for the Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4 being tested___________. 6. Connect the DMM negative lead to the WHT/VIO wire connected to pin 16 of the breakout cable 25D connector and connect the positive lead to the GRY wire connected to pin 18 of the breakout cable 25D connector. 7. Power ON the instrument control chassis from its’ front panel power switch. 8. Note the status of the Power Supply Chassis front panel LED’s and the Drive Isolation Board(DRV ISO) Enable(ENB) and FAULT(FLT) LED’s. As soon as the Power Supply Chassis front panel LED’s all turn ON(green), the MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly front panel LED’s +28 and ENC B+ should turn ON green as well. If not, proceed to step 9, otherwise go to step 10. Note: The Drive Isolation Board(DRV ISO) fault(FLT) red LED should be ON. 9. Power down the Instrument Control Chassis. Pull the MDA4, SA2 Encoder Bias board from the MDA4 Assembly and troubleshoot the board. Check for blown/missing fuse or missing components. If necessary, repeat the Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Trim procedures. If repeating the checkout procedures does not reveal a problem, then check the MDA4 XA1 connector wiring for proper +28VDC inputs to the MDA4, SA1 Encoder Bias board. Once the problem is cleared up, reinstall the repaired Encoder Bias board and re-enter these procedures at step 7. 9000023A.doc Page 3 of 5 Print Date: 5/5/2006 3138.9000023A Rev 1.1 10. Note the DMM readings for the connections made at step 6. Record the measured value_____________. Should be +5.350, +/- 0.050 VDC. If this value is out of range then power OFF the Instrument Control Chassis and repeat the procedures for Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Trim. Troubleshoot the problem and reinstall the Encoder Bias Board in the MDA4 Assembly under test, and re-enter these procedures at step 7. If the voltage measured is within specification, proceed to step 11. 11. Power OFF the Instrument Control Chassis and connect the unconnected end of the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Breakout cable to the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly. 12. Power ON the Instrument Control Chassis. Note the DMM readings for the connections made at step 6. Record the measured value____________. Should be +5.000, +/-0.050 VDC. If this value is out of range then power OFF the Instrument Control Chassis and repeat the procedures for Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Trim. Adjust the Trim of the Encoder Bias Board as required and reinstall the Encoder Bias Board in the MDA4 Assembly under test, and re-enter these procedures here at step 7, skipping steps 10 through 11. If the voltage measured is within specification, proceed to step 13. 13. Move the DMM connections to the following pins of the Amplifier MDA4, SA1, P1/J1. DMM negative lead to GND pin 11 and the DMM positive lead to CURRENT REFERENCE OUT pin 15. Adjust the CURRENT LIMIT(POT2) potentiometer for 2.343 VDC, as measured using the DMM. This setting corresponds to 4.840A maximum continuous current, and a 9.680A maximum peak current. 14. Power OFF the instrument control chassis. Disconnect the DMM. Reconnect the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly 12 pin connector P1 at J1, and reconfirm that the Encoder Cable 25D connector P2 at J2 remains connected with the breakout cable installed between the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly and the Encoder cable. 15. Power ON the Instrument Control Chassis. Check for normal status indicators as described in step 8. Note: The Fault(FLT)red LED for the Drive Isolation Board WAVE channel should remain OFF. The PLL Board front panel green RUN LED should be ON. If the status LED’s are not lit as described, proceed to step 16, otherwise continue with step 17. 16. Should the Drive Isolation Board WAVE channel FLT LED remain ON, and there is no motion at all in the Waveplate Rotator Assembly(PLL Board green RUN LED is OFF), power OFF the Instrument Control Chassis, remove and inspect the MDA4, SA1 Amplifier and check the INHIBIT IN signal wiring to pin 9 of the MDA4, SA1 Amplifier P1/J1. If, the Drive Isolation Board WAVE FLT LED remains OFF and there is unusual motion in the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder Assembly, power OFF the Instrument Control Chassis, remove and inspect the MDA4 Assembly MOTOR A, MOTOR B and MOTOR C connections for proper phasing. Also check for proper hall sensor feedback connection from the Waveplate Rotator Encoder Assembly to the MDA4, SA1, P1/J1, Hall 3, Hall 2 and Hall 1 connections. Check and replace fuse F1, as required. Unusual motion can lead to high current draw by the amplifier electronics. Re-enter these procedures at step 15 after reinstalling the remedied MDA4 Assembly. 9000023A.doc Page 4 of 5 Print Date: 5/5/2006 3138.9000023A Rev 1.1 17. Check for proper rotation of the Waveplate Rotator/Encoder assembly. CCW as viewed from the normal Sunlight input side of the assembly. If the rotation is incorrect, check motor drive amplifier phase connections in accordance with step 16. 18. Measure and record the actual motor current value by making the following connections with the DMM. Connect the DMM negative lead to pin 11 of the MDA4, SA1, P1/J1 connector and connect the DMM positive lead to pin 8 of the MDA4, SA1, P1/J1 connector. Measured value_______________. Note: 1 V = 2.28A 19. If motor currents are unusually high, power OFF the Instrument Control chassis and check hall sensor feedback connections from the Waveplate Rotator Encoder Assembly to the MDA4, SA1, P1/J1, Hall 3, Hall 2 and Hall 1 connections. Re-enter these procedures at step 15. This concludes the first power on tests procedures for a newly assembled MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly. 9000023A.doc Page 5 of 5 Print Date: 5/5/2006 NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: GONG MDA4 WAVEPLATE DRIVE AMPLIFIER TUNE PROCEDURE Version 1.0 Date: 10/25/2005 Next Assy: 3138.9200211D Dwg No.: 3138.9000029A Reference Drawings: Waveplate Rotator PLL Rev D, Schematic 3130.9500413D Master Timing System Wiring: 3133.9300109D Page 1 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER Purpose: These procedures describe how to go about first checking the Waveplate Rotator Assembly default speed and tuning the Waveplate Rotator PLL Servo. Under normal operation these procedures would not be conducted by site personnel, but should be performed at first installation of the UPDATED Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly MDA4, Revised PLL Board-A1 and Revised Drive Isolation Board-A2 by GONG technical staff. Tools: 1 ea. Trimpot Adjust Tool 1 ea. Scaling Resistor-232 K ohm 1% resistor with Mini-Grabber Clip 1 ea. Signal Generator, Model HP 3314A or equivalent 1 ea. Frequency Counter, Model HP 5316B or equivalent 1 ea Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope, Model TDS3032B or equivalent and Oscilloscope Probe 2 ea. BNC Male to Mini-grabber coaxial lead test cable, 3 ft. Precautions: Observe standard cautions for handling ESD sensitive devices. Reference Documents: Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4, Assembly, DWG. NO. 3138.9200211D. Waveplate Rotator PLL Rev D, Schematic, DWG. NO. 3130.9500413D Rev. D Master Timing System, Wiring Diagram, 3133.9300109D Rev. A Preliminary Conditions: Complete assembly of the Amplifier Chassis, Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly-MDA4 in accordance with the latest assembly drawings, MDA4 Construction Notes, Preliminary motor amplifier setup notes, MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier First Power ON, Setup and Test. Complete Encoder Bias Board Checkout and Output Trim Procedures for the MDA4, SA2 Assembly of the MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly being tuned in these procedures. Power ON the Frequency Counter, Signal Generator, DPO and make the following adjustments as required. Page 2 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER Frequency Counter(single channel input): Freq(frequency) Input Channel A Normal Filter DC Coupling Negative Edge Triggering Adjust trigger level fully CCW and adjust upward until the trigger LED begins to flash. Make small adjustments upward to increase The noise immunity of the measurement. Connect the BNC end of the test lead to the Channel A input of the Counter. Function Generator Mode, Free Run Entry(output setting), Freq 0.5 Hz Entry(output setting), Amplitude 250mV Peak Entry(output setting), Offset 0.0 Entry(output setting), Duty Cycle 50% Function, Out Square Wave Connect the BNC end of the test lead to the OUT Channel of the function Generator. Oscilloscope Vertical(Ch1), Coupling DC Vertical(Ch1), Impedance 1 Mohm Vertical(Ch1), Bandwidth 20 Mhz Acquire, Fast Trig, Normal Acquire, Mode, Sample Cursor, OFF Trigger, A Trig Type, Edge Trigger, Mode, Normal Trigger, Source, Ch: 1 Trigger, Coupling, Noise Trigger, Slope, Positive Vertical Scale, Ch1, 20.0mV/Div. Horizontal Scale, Ch1, 100mS/Div. Page 3 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER Connect a suitable Oscilloscope probe to the Channel 1 input of the Oscope. Procedures: 1. Power down a fully functional GONG Instrument Control, Waveplate Amplifier and Waveplate Rotator/Encoder system including all interconnecting cabling. Preferably conduct these tests at the B40 GONG lab Sonora Engineering Test Station. 2. Remove/check removed the following wire pair at the Amplifier Chassis PLL board slot position XA1-J1, C13(GRN/RED) and C14(RED/GRN). Insulate and tie back this wire pair at the back plane XA1 connector. 3. Install a current revision MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly, PLL Board and Drive Isolation board in place of the currently installed MDA4 Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly, PLL Board and Drive Isolation Board. Be sure to place the PLL board on extender board and leave the Amplifier Chassis drawn out away from the main instrument rack for ease of access to the Amplifier MDA4, SA1, P1/J1 connector and adjustment POTS. Check the position of the newly installed PLL Board FVC(RV1) and Offset(RV2) potentiometers. These potentiometers are accessible from the front panel of the PLL Board and should be set at or near mid range, 28 turn potentiometers. 4. Connect the Frequency Counter Input to the following PLL Board test point and board ground using the BNC to Mini-grabber coaxial cable. Test cable ground/negative/black lead to the AGND loop of the PLL Board and Test cable signal/positive/red lead to TP10 of the PLL Board. 5. Power ON the Instrument Control Chassis. Monitor the Frequency counter output and wait for the reading to stabilize, approximately 10 minutes. Note: DO NOT power ON the Data Collection Chassis, as doing so will interfere with the reading and adjustment of the following step. 6. Adjust the FVC trimpot adjustment on the front panel of the PLL board for a 41040 Hz, +/- 1 Hz reading as indicated by the Frequency Counter. Disconnect the Frequency Counter test lead from the PLL Board once the proper adjustment is achieved. 7. Establish a tip connection with the Data Collection Chassis Computer from an available GONG Workstation x-terminal window. Type the following command in order to gain the tip connection from the Workstation prompt: xxgong% tip data <return> The following prompt should then appear: data> Page 4 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER 8. Connect the Oscilloscope probe between the following points on the PLL board. Oscilloscope probe ground/negative/black lead to AGND of the PLL Board and Oscilloscope probe signal/positive/probe tip to TP13 of the PLL Board. Note: A signal similar to that of Figure 1 should be displayed by the Oscilloscope. FIGURE 1.0 9. Monitor the tip connection messages. Wait for the message “waveplate phase locked to gps time”, before proceeding with step 10. 10. Connect the Scaling Resistor with Mini-grabber clip to the junction of R23, R22 and Pin 2 of U11 on the PLL. Note: R23 should have a loop built into the appropriate side of this component for the purpose connecting the Mini-grabber end of the Scaling Resistor to the PLL Board. 11. Double check the setup of the Function Generator before conducting step 12 of these procedures as improper settings can cause and overdrive condition of the motor assembly, leading to oscillations or possible damage to the Waveplate Rotator Servo System. Page 5 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER 12. Adjust the Oscilloscope vertical scale control to 200 mV/Div. 13. Connect the Function Generator OUT Mini-grabber ground/negative/black lead to the AGND loop of the PLL Board and connect the Mini-grabber signal/positive/red lead to the Scaling Resistor with Mini-grabber(resistor lead end) of step 10. 14. The TP13 Waveplate Servo error signal should now resemble Figure 2.0 and the tip connection messages to the Data Collection Chassis Computer should now indicate that the Waveplate is no longer synchronized, and is now attempting to resynchronize the Waveplate. FIGURE 2.0 15. Adjust the Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly MDA4, SA1 loop gain potentiometer(POT 1) for a response, as measured by the Oscilloscope, that resembles a square wave or exhibits a slight overshoot on the leading and falling edges of the waveform, a critically damped response. See Figure 3.0. Turning the potentiometer CW should reduce the amount of overshoot. Page 6 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER Turning the potentiometer CCW should increase the amount of overshoot or “ringing”. CAUTION: Make small ¼ turn or smaller adjustment and pause. Wait for the Oscilloscope to update the display, since, the display is responding to a fractional Hertz signal. Rapid adjustment could result in the servo system breaking into oscillations, whilst you are unaware, because of the lagging response display of the Oscilloscope. Figure 3.0 16. Once you are satisfied with this adjustment, disconnect the Function Generator OUT connection of step 13 from the PLL Board. Note the status of the tip connection with the Data Collection Chassis. The tip connection messages should change to “Waveplate phase locked to gps” within 30 seconds of disconnecting the function generator from the PLL Board. Page 7 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc Drawing No: 3138.9000029A 9/13/2006 TUNING MDA4 WAVEPLATE AMPLIFER 17. Power OFF the Data Collection Chassis and Instrument Control Chassis. Disconnect the Oscilloscope probe and the Scaling Resistor with Mini-grabber from the PLL Board. 18. Replace the installed Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly MDA4, PLL Board and Drive Isolation Board or MDA4 Assembly alone with a new set of hardware for testing or burn-in as required. This concludes the tuning procedures for the Waveplate Drive Amplifier Assembly MDA4. Page 8 of 8 Prepared by: Guillermo Montijo File: 9000029A.doc BX15A Series BX15A SERIES BRUSHLESS SERVO AMPLIFIERS Model: BX15A20 FEATURES: • • • • • Surface-mount technology Small size, low cost, ease of use DIP switch selectable: current, open loop, or tachometer velocity mode Four quadrant regenerative operation Agency Approvals: BLOCK DIAGRAM: ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS 3805 Calle Tecate, Camarillo, CA 93012 Tel: (805) 389-1935, Fax: (805) 389-1165 C-11 BX15A Series DESCRIPTION: The BX15A Series PWM servo amplifiers are designed to drive brushless DC motors at a high switching frequency. A single red/green LED indicates operating status. BX15A Series amplifiers are fully protected against over-voltage, over-current, over-heating and short-circuits. They interface with a digital controller or can be used as a stand-alone drive. These models requires only a single unregulated DC power supply. Loop gain, current limit, input gain and offset can be adjusted using 14-turn potentiometers. The offset adjusting potentiometer can also be used as an on-board input signal for testing purposes, when SW4 (DIP switch) is ON. SPECIFICATIONS: MODEL POWER STAGE SPECIFICATIONS BX15A20 DC SUPPLY VOLTAGE 40-190 V PEAK CURRENT (2 sec. maximum) ± 15 A MAXIMUM CONTINUOUS CURRENT ± 7.5 A MINIMUM LOAD INDUCTANCE* 250 µH 26 kHz ± 15% SWITCHING FREQUENCY HEATSINK (BASE) TEMPERATURE RANGE 0° to + 65° C, disables if > 65° C POWER DISSIPATION AT CONTINUOUS CURRENT 75 W OVER-VOLTAGE SHUT-DOWN (self reset) 195 V BANDWIDTH (load dependent) 2.5 kHz MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS POWER CONNECTOR Screw terminals SIGNAL CONNECTOR Molex connector SIZE WEIGHT * Low inductance motors require external inductors. C-12 5.09 x 3.48 x 0.99 inches 129.3 x 88.5 x 25.1 mm 12 oz. .33 kg BX15A Series PIN FUNCTIONS: CONNECTOR P1 P2 PIN NAME DESCRIPTION / NOTES I/O 1 +10V @ 3 mA OUT For customer use O 2 SIGNAL GND Reference ground GND 3 -10V @ 3 mA OUT For customer use O 4 +REF IN 5 -REF IN Differential reference input, maximum ±15 V, 40K input resistance I 6 -TACH IN Tachometer input, max. ±60 VDC, 60K input resistance I 7 +TACH / GND Ground 8 CURRENT MONITOR OUT Current monitor. 1 V = 2.28 A O 9 INHIBIT IN This TTL level input signal turns off all power devices of the “H” bridge when pulled to ground. This inhibit will cause a fault condition and a red LED. For inverted inhibit input, see section "G". I 10 +V HALL OUT 11 GND 12 HALL 1 13 HALL 2 14 HALL 3 15 CURRENT REFERENCE OUT 16 FAULT OUT (red LED) 1 MOTOR A Motor phase A connection O 2 MOTOR B Motor phase B connection O 3 MOTOR C Motor phase C connection O 4 POWER GND Power ground 5 HIGH VOLTAGE DC power input Power for HALL sensors, short circuit protected, +6 V @ +30 mA. HALL sensor inputs, TTL logic levels, internal 5 KΩ pull-up. Maximum low level input is 1.5 V, minimum high level input is 3.5 V Monitors the input signal connected directly to the internal current amplifier. 7.25 V = max current. See current limit adjustment information below. TTL level output. Becomes high during output short circuit, over-voltage, inhibit, over-temperature and during power-on reset. Fault condition indicated by red LED. GND O GND I O O GND I C-13 BX15A Series SWITCH FUNCTIONS: SETTING SWITCH FUNCTION DESCRIPTION ON OFF 1 Duty-cycle feedback Open Loop No Effect 2 60 / 120 degree commutation phasing setting 120 degree 60 degree 3 Loop integrator. This capacitor normally ensures "error-free" operation in velocity mode by reducing the error-signal (output of summing amplifier) to zero. Shorts out the velocity / voltage loop integrator capacitor. Velocity / voltage loop integrator capacitor operating. 4 Test / Offset. Sensitivity of the "offset" pot. Used as an on-board reference signal in test mode. Test Offset POTENTIOMETER FUNCTIONS: POTENTIOMETER C-14 DESCRIPTION TURNING CW Pot 1 Loop gain adjustment in open loop & velocity modes. Turn this pot fully ccw in current mode. Pot 2 Current limit. It adjusts both continuous and peak current limit while maintaining their ratio (50%). Increases current limit Pot 3 Reference gain. It adjusts the ratio between input signal and output variables (voltage, current, velocity). Increases reference input gain Pot 4 Test / Offset. Used to adjust any imbalance in the input signal or in the amplifier. When SW4 (DIP switch) is ON, the sensitivity of this pot is greatly increased thus it can be used as an on-board signal source for testing purposes. See section “G”. Increases loop gain N/A BX15A Series OPERATING MODE SELECTION: These modes can be selected by the DIP switches according to the chart in the functional block diagram: • • • Current mode Open loop mode Tachometer mode See section "G" for more information. SET-UP: See section "G" for engineering and installation notes. CURRENT LIMIT ADJUSTMENTS: These amplifiers feature peak and continuous current limit adjustments. Potentiometer 2, the current limiting potentiometer, has 12 active turns plus 1 inactive turn at each end and is approximately linear. Thus, to adjust the current limit turn the potentiometer fully counter-clockwise, then turn clockwise to the appropriate value. P1-15 is the input to the internal current amplifier stage. Since the output current is proportional to P1-15, the adjusted current limit can easily be observed at this pin without connecting the motor. Note that a command signal must be applied to the reference inputs to obtain a reading on P1-15. The maximum peak current value equals 7.25 V at this pin and the maximum continuous current value equals 3.63 V at this pin. Example: Using the BX15A20, 7.25V=15A. The actual current can be monitored at pin P1-8. TYPICAL SYSTEM WIRING: See section "G". ORDERING INFORMATION: Model: BX15A20X X (at the end) indicates the current revision letter. MOUNTING DIMENSIONS: See page F-32. C-15 BX15A Series C-16 Amplifier Connector Information AMC-Supplied Connectors Advanced Motion Controls supplies one (1) of the following connectors with each drive, as required: Type/Manufacturer Straight, multi-pin Mfg: Molex www.molex.com Phone: 800-78-MOLEX Screw-terminal, Quick Disconnect Mfg: Phoenix www.phoenixcon.com Phone: 800-888-1388 Number of Pins Manufacturer’s Part Number Plastic Body: Insert Terminals: Plastic Body: Insert Terminals: 22-01-3167 08-50-0114 22-01-3057 08-50-0114 3 Part number: 1757022 5 Part number: 1757048 6 (45°) Part number: 1826322 16 5 Customer-Supplied Connectors AMC uses industry-standard connectors on all stock catalog amplifiers. The following connector styles can be purchased from most major electronics supply distributors (i.e. Digi-Key, Newark, Jameco, etc.). Manufacturers’ information and part numbers are indicated for comparison purposes: Type/Manufacturer Subminiature D-Shell Mfg: AMP www.amp.com Phone: 800-522-6752 MiniDIN Mfg: Shannon Precision, Inc www.spi-connects.com Phone: 937-374-2700 Number of Pins Manufacturer’s Part Number 15 (high density) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 748364-1 748677-1 748333-2 (strip) 748333-4 (loose) 26 (high density) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 748365-1 748677-2 748333-2 (strip) 748333-4 (loose) 44 (High Density) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 748366-1 248677-3 748333-2 (strip) 748333-4 (loose) 9 (Standard) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 205204-4 748677-1 5-66507-7 (loose) 3-66507-0 (strip) 9 (Standard, Female) Plug: Shell Kit: Sockets: 205203-3 748677-1 745253-6 (loose) 745253-2 (strip) 15 (Standard) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 205206-2 748677-2 5-66507-7 (loose) 3-66507-0 (strip) 25 (Standard) Plug: Shell Kit: Pins: 207464-1 748677-3 5-66507-7 (loose) 3-66507-0 (strip) Plug: MD10-A08P1F 8 (MiniDIN) 3805 Calle Tecate • Camarillo, CA 93012 • Phone 805-389-1935 • Fax 805-389-1165 www.a-m-c.com E-mail: amcsales@a-m-c.com Form EN-6 Rev N/C Mounting Dimensions F-32 SECTION G ENGINEERING REFERENCE PART ONE ENGINEERING NOTES G-1 G-2 INDEX Page No. PART 1 1. ENGINEERING NOTES INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ G-5 1.1 Motion Control Systems 1.2 Servo Amplifiers 1.2.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 1.2.2 DC Brush Type Amplifiers 1.2.3 Brushless Amplifiers 1.3 Amplifier Modes 2. COMPONENT SELECTION ...............................................................................................................................G-10 2.1 Motor 2.2 Amplifier 2.3 Power Supply 2.4 Regenerative Operation PART 2 INSTALLATION NOTES 3. WIRING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................G-15 3.1 Typical wiring diagrams 3.2 Noise considerations and system grounding 3.3 DC Power Supply Wiring 3.4 Motor Wiring 3.5 Tachometer Wiring 3.6 Reference Input Wiring 3.7 Reference Potentiometer Wiring 3.8 Mating signal connectors 3.9 CE-EMC Wiring Requirements 3.10 CE-LVD Wiring Requirements 4. CAUTIONARY NOTES .....................................................................................................................................G-21 5. SET-UP INSTRUCTI ONS ..................................................................................................................................G-21 5.1 Precautions 5.2 Brush type Plug-In-&-Use Test Mode 5.3 Brushless amplifier set-up instructions (trapezoidal and sinusoidal) 5.4 Brushless amplifier with brush-type motor (trapezoidal only) 6. AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT (TUNING) PROCEDURE...........................................................................................G-24 6.1 Command Signal 6.2 Feedback Elements 6.3 Current Loop Adjustments 6.4 Voltage or Velocity Loop Adjustments 6.5 Potentiometer adjustments 6.6 Test points for potentiometers 7. INVERTED INHIBIT INPUTS ..............................................................................................................................G-27 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING/FAULT CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................G-27 9. PRODUCT LABEL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................G-28 10. FACTORY HELP .............................................................................................................................................G-29 11. WARRANTY ....................................................................................................................................................G-31 CAUTION: Exercise caution during maintenance and troubleshooting! Potentially lethal voltages exist within the amplifier and auxiliary assemblies. Only qualified technically trained personnel should service this equipment. G-3 G-4 Part 1 Engineering Notes 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motion Control Systems Motion control technology (sometimes also referred to as “robotics”) is used in industrial processes to move a certain load in a controlled fashion. These systems can use either pneumatic, hydraulic, or electromechanical actuation technology. The choice of the actuator type (i.e. the device that provides the power to move the load) is based on power, speed, precision, and cost requirements. Electromechanical systems are typically used in high precision, low power, and high-speed applications. Such systems are flexible (e.g. programmable), efficient, and very cost-effective. The actuators used in electromechanical systems generate power through the interaction of electromagnetic fields and create either rotary or linear motion. Typically a complete system consists of the following components: Reference Controller Amplifier Current Motor Feed Back Load Feed Back Figure 1 – Typical motion control system The above figure shows the components typically used in a servo system (i.e. a feedback system used to control position, velocity, and/or acceleration). The controller contains the algorithms to close the desired servo loop and also handles machine interfacing (inputs/outputs, terminals, etc.). The amplifier represents the electronic power converter that drives the motor according to the controller reference signals. The motor (which can be of the brushed or brushless type, rotary or linear) is the actual electromagnetic actuator, which generates the forces required to move the load. Feedback elements are mounted on the motor and/or load in order to close the servo loop. 1.2 Servo Amplifiers Servo amplifiers are used extensively in motion control systems where precise control of position and/or velocity is required. The amplifier basically translates the low-energy reference signals from the controller into high-energy signals (motor voltage and current). These reference signals can be either of an analog or digital nature. An analog +/-10 VDC signal is the most common. This signal can represent either a motor torque or velocity demand (see Amplifier Modes below). 1.2.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Although there exist many ways to “amplify” electrical signals, pulse width modulation (or PWM) is by far the most efficient and cost-effective approach. At the basis of a PWM amplifier is a current control circuit that controls the output current by varying the duty cycle of the output power stage (fixed frequency, variable duty cycle). A typical setup is as follows (here for a single phase load): +HV S1 D1 S2 D2 I Command + - Current control Load Switching logic D3 S3 Current Feedback D4 S4 Rc 0 Figure 2 – PWM current control circuit G-5 Part 1 Engineering Notes S1, S2, S3 and S4 are power devices (MOSFET or IGBT) that can be switched on or off. D1, D2, D3, and D4 are diodes, which guarantee current continuity. The bus voltage is depicted by +HV. The resistor Rc is used to measure the actual output current. For electric motors, the load is typically inductive (due to the windings used to generate electromagnetic fields). The current can be regulated in both directions (+ and -) by activating the appropriate switches. When switch S1 and S4 (or S2 and S3) are activated, current will flow in the positive (or negative) direction and increase. When switch S1 is off and switch S4 is on, (or S2 off and S3 on) current will flow in the positive (or negative) direction and decrease (via one of the diodes). The switch “ON”-time is determined by the difference between the current demand and the actual current. The current control circuit will compare both signals every time interval (typically 50 µsec or less) and activate the switches accordingly (this is done by the switching logic circuit, which also performs basic protection functions). The picture below shows the relationship between the pulse width (ON-time) and the current pattern. Note that the current rise time depends on the bus voltage (+HV) and the load inductance. Therefore, certain minimum load inductance requirements are necessary depending on the bus voltage. Current On-time t Pulse-width Figure 3 – Output current and duty cycle relationship 1.2.2 DC Brush Type Amplifiers DC brush type amplifiers are designed for use with permanent magnet brushed DC motors (PMDC motors). The amplifier construction is basically as shown in figure 2 (single phase H-bridge). PMDC motors have a single winding (often called the armature) on the rotor, and permanent magnets on the stator (no field winding). Brushes and commutators maintain the optimum torque angle. The torque generated by a PMDC motor is proportional to the current, giving it excellent dynamic control capabilities in motion control systems. Brushed DC amplifiers can also be used to control current in other inductive loads such as voice coil actuators, magnetic bearings, etc. 1.2.3 Brushless Amplifiers Brushless amplifiers are used with brushless servo motors. These motors typically have a three-phase winding on the stator and permanent magnets on the rotor. Brushless motors require commutation feedback for proper operation (the commutators and brushes perform this “commutation” function in brush type motors). This feedback consists of rotor magnetic field orientation information, which can be supplied either by magnetic field sensors (Hall Effect sensors) or position sensors (encoder or resolver). Brushless motors have better power density ratings than brushed motors because heat is generated in the stator (shorter thermal path to the outside environment), not on the rotor. Also, the absence of brushes allows them be used in any environment. A typical system configuration is as follows: +HV S1 Current Control S2 S3 N A B Switching Logic n C Commutation Control S1’ S2’ S3’ 0 Commutation feedback Figure 4 – Brushless servo system G-6 S Part 1 Engineering Notes DC Brushless Amplifiers (a.k.a. trapezoidal, 6-step) DC brushless amplifiers use Hall Effect sensor signals for commutation feedback. The Hall Effect sensors (typically three) are built into the motor to detect the position of the rotor magnetic field. These sensors are mounted such that they each generate a square wave with 120-degree phase difference, over one electrical cycle of the motor. The amplifier drives two of the three motor phases with DC current during each specific Hall sensor state: Hall-A High Low Hall-B High Low High Hall-C Low 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 Electrical Degrees Current Phase A Phase B Phase C Figure 5 – Hall sensor based commutation This commutation technique results in a very cost-effective amplifier. When used with motors with sinusoidal back-EMF, the torque ripple is about 13.4%. The average torque is 5% lower compared to a sinusoidal (or AC brushless) system, the peak torque however is 10% higher. AC Brushless Amplifiers (a.k.a. sinusoidal, sine wave) AC brushless amplifiers use encoder or resolver signals for commutation feedback. The amplifier drives the motor with sinusoidal currents, resulting in smooth motion (no torque ripple). The amplifier is more complex since it needs to accept high-resolution position feedback. Such amplifiers use a micro-controller implementation for the sinusoidal commutation. When encoder feedback information is used for commutation, Hall Effect sensors are still needed for startup since the encoder provides only incremental position information. Resolvers provide absolute position information and therefore no additional sensors are required. The commutation function can also be implemented in the motion controller. In such case, the amplifier merely amplifies the controller signals (2 analog sinusoidal signals that represent 2 of the 3 motor phase currents). The amplifier creates the third motor phase current (sum of the three currents must be zero). No position feedback needs to be wired into the amplifier. The motor current amplitude (Amperes) is proportional to the reference signal amplitude (Volts). The reference signal frequency depends on the motor velocity and the motor pole count. The phase angle is adjusted to obtain maximum torque. Amplifiers accepting 2 sinusoidal reference signals are sometimes also referred to as “noncommutating” or U-V amplifiers. G-7 Part 1 Engineering Notes Motor currents Analog reference signals Controller: Position control Velocity control Commutation control Amplifier Motor Position and commutation feedback Feedback Figure 6 – Controller-based commutation 1.3 Amplifier Modes Servo amplifiers can operate in most of the following modes: AMPLIFIER MODE CONTROLLED VARIABLE FEEDBACK SOURCE Open-loop Mode Motor voltage Duty cycle (internal) Voltage Mode Motor voltage Voltage (internal) IR Compensation Mode Motor voltage Voltage and current (internal) Tachometer Velocity Mode Hall Velocity Mode Tachometer Motor speed Encoder Velocity Mode Hall Sensors Encoder Current (torque) Mode Motor current Current (internal) Analog Position Mode Motor position Potentiometer The “controlled variable” means the physical parameter controlled by the input reference signal (+/-10 VDC). • Open-Loop Mode In this mode the input reference signal commands a proportional motor voltage (by changing the duty cycle of the output power stage). This mode is not a closed loop configuration (unlike the other modes described); therefore the average output voltage is also a function of the power-supply voltage. • Voltage Mode In voltage mode, the input reference signal commands a proportional motor voltage regardless of power supply voltage variations. This mode is recommended for velocity control when velocity feedback is unavailable and load variances are small. • IR Compensation Mode If in voltage mode there is a load torque variation, the motor current will vary, as torque is proportional to motor current. Hence, the motor terminal voltage will be reduced by the voltage drop over the motor winding resistance (IR), resulting in G-8 Part 1 Engineering Notes a speed reduction. Thus, motor speed - which is proportional to motor voltage (terminal voltage minus IR drop) - varies with the load torque. In order to compensate for the internal motor voltage drop, a voltage proportional to motor current can be added to the output voltage. An internal resistor adjusts the amount of compensation. Use caution when adjusting the IR compensation level. If the feedback voltage is high enough to cause a rise in motor voltage with increased motor current, instability occurs. Such result is due to the fact that increased voltage increases motor speed and thus load current which, in turn, increases motor voltage. If a great deal of motor torque change is anticipated, it may be wise to consider the addition of a speed sensor to the motor (e.g. tachometer, encoder, etc.). • Tachometer Velocity Mode The addition of a DC tachometer to the motor shaft produces a voltage proportional to speed. With this addition, the tachometer output voltage replaces the motor terminal voltage as the controlled variable. Since this voltage is proportional to the motor speed, this operating mode truly controls motor speed in a closed loop fashion. • Hall Velocity Mode The frequency of Hall sensors is proportional to the motor speed. In most brushless amplifier series, an internal circuit decodes velocity information from the motor mounted Hall sensors. This analog signal is available for closed loop velocity control. This mode does not provide good velocity control at low speeds (below 300 rpm for a 6-pole motor, 600 rpm for a 4-pole motor, or 900 rpm for a 2-pole motor) since the resolution of Hall sensor signals is not very high. • Encoder Velocity Mode The frequency of a motor mounted encoder is proportional to the motor speed. An internal circuit can decode velocity information from such encoder feedback. This analog signal is available for closed loop velocity control. Since the resolution of an encoder is much higher than of Hall Effect sensors, much better low speed regulation can be obtained. • Current (or Torque) Mode The current mode produces a torque output from the motor proportional to the input reference signal. Motor output torque is proportional to the motor current. Torque mode is recommended if the servo amplifier is used with a digital position controller (under this condition, a movement of the motor shaft from the desired position causes a large correcting torque, or "stiffness"). Therefore, this mode may produce a "run away" condition if operated without a digital position controller. • Analog Position Loop Mode In this mode the feedback device is an analog potentiometer mechanically tied to the positioned object, thus providing position feedback. The wiper of the potentiometer is connected to one of the differential input terminals (-REF). The command is an analog signal, which is connected to the other differential input terminal. It is recommended to use a tachometer to close the velocity loop. The input reference gain can be increased for the analog position mode by ordering the -ANP extension. Example: 12A8X-ANP. The following figure is a typical wiring diagram of the analog position mode: TACH -TACH +TACH +HV POWER SUPPLY POWER GND COMMAND +REF +MOT -REF RETURN MOTOR GND -MOT +10V -10V P1 (>20K) G-9 Part 1 Engineering Notes Figure 7 – Analog Position Loop Mode 2. COMPONENT SELECTION 2.1 Motor Type The type of motor used depends on the application characteristics. Brushed DC motors are cost-effective, simple to use and install, and provide high power density. Drawbacks are brush wear and arcing (explosive environments). Brushless motors provide the same advantages as brushed DC motors. The absence of brushes reduces maintenance and allows them to be used in any type of environment. Brushless motors may require more wiring due to the commutation feedback requirements. Determine motor voltage and current requirements, based on the maximum velocity and torque. Torque and velocity can be derived from the application move profiles. Both maximum torque and RMS (Root Mean Square) torque need to be calculated. RMS torque can be calculated by plotting torque versus time for one move cycle. 1 cycle Velocity Dwell 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dwell 7 8 Torque 9 10 Time RMS Time Power Time Figure 8 – Torque, velocity and power curves RMS torque is calculated as follows: ∑T ∗ t ∑t 2 TRMS = i i i i i Here Ti is the torque and ti the time during segment i. In the case of a vertical application, make sure to include the torque required to overcome gravity. In general, the motor voltage is proportional to the motor speed and the motor current is proportional to the motor shaft torque. Linear motors exhibit the same behavior, except that in their case force is proportional to current. These relationships are described by the following equations: G-10 Part 1 Engineering Notes Vt = Im * Rm + E E = K e * Sm T = Kt * Im for rotary motors or F = Kf * Im for linear motors With: Vt Im Rm E T F Kt Kf Ke Sm Terminal Voltage [V] Motor Current [A] Motor Winding Resistance [Ω] Back-EMF Voltage [V] Motor Torque [Nm or lb.-in] Motor Force [N or lb.] Motor Torque Constant [Nm/A or lb.-in/A] Motor Force Constant [N/A or lb./A] Voltage Constant [V/Krpm or V/m/s] Motor Speed [rpm or m/s] The motor manufacturer's data sheets contain Kt (or Kf) and Ke constants. Pay special attention to the units used (metric vs. English) and the amplitude specifications (peak-to-peak vs. RMS, phase-to-phase vs. phase-to-neutral). The maximum motor terminal voltage and current can be calculated from the above equations. For example, a motor with a Ke = 10V/Krpm and required speed of 3000 rpm would require 30V to operate. In this calculation the IR term (voltage drop across motor winding resistance) is disregarded. Maximum current is maximum torque divided by Kt. For example, a motor with a Kt = 0.5 Nm/A and maximum torque of 5 Nm would require 10 Amps of current. Continuous current is RMS torque divided by Kt. In the above equations, the motor inductance is neglected. In brushless systems, the voltage drop caused by the motor inductance can be significant. This is the case in high-speed applications, if motors with high inductance and high pole count are used. Please use the following equation to determine motor terminal voltage (must be interpreted as a vector): Vt = (Rm + j * ω * L) * Im + E Where: L ω phase-to-phase motor inductance [Henry] maximum motor current frequency [rad/s] 2.2 Amplifier The amplifier voltage and current ratings are determined from the maximum voltage and the maximum and continuous motor current. It is recommended to select an amplifier with a voltage rating of at least 20% higher than the maximum voltage to allow for regenerative operation and power supply variations. The amplifier peak (and continuous) current rating should exceed the maximum (and continuous) motor current requirements. 2.3 Power Supply It is recommended to select a power supply voltage that is about 10 to 50% higher than the maximum required voltage for the application. This percentage is to account for the variances in Kt, Ke and losses in the system external to the amplifier. The selected margin depends on the system parameter variations. Sometimes a power supply is not available with the required voltage. In these cases it is necessary to choose a higher value. Make sure not to select a supply voltage that could cause a mechanical over-speed in the event of an amplifier malfunction or a runaway condition. Caution: brushed motors may have voltage limitations due to the mechanical commutators. Consult the motor manufacturer’s data sheets. The average DC power supply current is not the same as the motor current! See figure 9 below. The power supply current is a pulsed DC current: when the MOSFET switch is on, it equals the motor current; when the MOSFET is off it is zero. Therefore, the power supply current is a function of the PWM duty-cycle and the motor G-11 Part 1 Engineering Notes current, e.g. 30% duty cycle and 12 Amps motor current will result in 4 amps power supply current. 30% duty cycle also means that the average motor voltage is 30% of the DC bus voltage. Power supply power is approximately equal to amplifier output power plus 3 to 5%. Tpwm MOSFET ON MOSFET OFF Vm Ip DIODE BRIDGE Im MOSFET Vp Average Vm C Id MOTOR AC input voltage Time Ripple Current Im AMPLIFIER Vp=Vac*1.41 Time Id Vm = Motor Terminal Voltage Im = Motor Current Id = Diode Current Ip = Power Supply Current Vp = DC Power Supply Voltage Vac = AC Supply Voltage(RMS) C = Capacitor Tpwm = PWM Switching Time (1/F) Average Time Ip The ripple current depends on the motor inductance and the duty cycle (MOSFET ON vs. OFF time). Average Time Vp Time 50usec Figure 9 – Unregulated power supply current 2.4 Four Quadrant Regenerative Operation During motor deceleration or a downward motion of the motor load, conversion of the system’s mechanical energy (kinetic and potential) will be regenerated via the servo amplifier or drive back onto the supply bus in the form of electrical energy. This regenerative process can charge the capacitor in the supply bus to potentially dangerous voltages or voltages that may cause an amplifier over-voltage shutdown condition. Consequently, power supplies should have sufficient capacitance to absorb this energy without causing an overvoltage fault. For applications with extremely large inertial loads, use of a "shunt regulator" may be necessary to dissipate the kinetic and potential energy of the load. The shunt regulator is connected to the DC bus to monitor the voltage. When a preset trip voltage is reached, a power G-12 Current/ Torque IV Regenerating Counterclockwise I Motoring Clockwise III Motoring Counterclockwise II Regenerating Clockwise Figure 10-Four-quadrant operation Voltage/ Velocity Part 1 Engineering Notes resistor R is connected across the DC bus by the shunt regulator circuit to discharge the bus capacitor. The electric energy, stored in the capacitor, is thereby transformed into heat (I2R). The amount of energy stored on the bus can be determined through a simple energy balance equation. EO=Ef These energy terms can be broken down into the approximate mechanical and electrical terms. Note: use the metric (kgm-s) system of units for calculation. Energy stored in a capacitor: Ec = 1 CV 2 2 Rotational mechanical energy (kinetic): Er = 1 Jω 2 2 Potential mechanical energy (gravity): E p = mgh During regeneration the kinetic and potential energy will be stored in the power supply’s capacitor. To determine the final bus voltage following a regenerative event, the following equation may be used for most requirements (see below for variable definitions): (Ec + Er + E p )0 = (Ec + E r + E p ) f 1 1 1 1 CV nom 2 + Jϖ 0 2 + mgh0 = CV f 2 + Jϖ f 2 + mgh f 2 2 2 2 Which simplifies to: V f = V nom 2 + ( ( ) 2mg h0 − h f J ϖ 0 2 −ϖ f 2 + C C ) The above equations are best suited for typical systems during the deceleration (braking). The following equations are more suited for vertical applications (see below for variable definitions): Determination of bus voltage using numerical integration: In order to determine the bus voltage as a function of time, the above equation can be numerically integrated over small increments of time (dt). Keep in mind, however, that any current draw on the voltage supply will reduce the total energy as: dEtot = dEc + dE r + dE p + VI draw dt Or, for small increments of time, dt: Vt 2 (t ) = V t1 + 2 ( ) 2V I J 2mg 2 2 ϖ t 1 −ϖ t 2 + (ht1 − ht 2 )− t 1 draw dt C C C Where: t 2 = t1 + dt G-13 Part 1 Engineering Notes Variables: E C V L I J ? m v g h t Energy Capacitance Voltage Inductance Current Inertia Angular velocity Mass Linear velocity Gravitational Acceleration Vertical height time (joules) (F) (V) (H) (A) (kg-m2) (rad/sec) (kg) (m/s) (9.81m/s2) (m) (sec) Subscripts: 0 f t1 t2 nom Initial state Final state State at time t1 State at time t2 Nominal The new bus voltage calculated using either set of equations must be below the power supply capacitance voltage rating and the over-voltage limit. If this is not the case, a shunt regulator is necessary. A shunt regulator is sized in the same way as a motor or amplifier i.e. continuous and RMS power dissipation must be determined. The power dissipation requirements can be calculated from the application move profile (see figure 8). G-14 SECTION G ENGINEERING REFERENCE PART 2-INSTALLATION NOTES G-1 G-2 INDEX Page No. PART 1 1. ENGINEERING NOTES INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ G-5 1.1 Motion Control Systems 1.2 Servo Amplifiers 1.2.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) 1.2.2 DC Brush Type Amplifiers 1.2.3 Brushless Amplifiers 1.3 Amplifier Modes 2. COMPONENT SELECTION ....................................................................................................................... G-10 2.1 Motor 2.2 Amplifier 2.3 Power Supply 2.4 Regenerative Operation PART 2 INSTALLATION NOTES 3. WIRING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................... G-15 3.1 Typical wiring diagrams 3.2 Noise considerations and system grounding 3.3 DC Power Supply Wiring 3.4 Motor Wiring 3.5 Tachometer Wiring 3.6 Reference Input Wiring 3.7 Reference Potentiometer Wiring 3.8 Mating signal connectors 3.9 CE-EMC Wiring Requirements 3.10 CE-LVD Wiring Requirements 4. CAUTIONARY NOTES ............................................................................................................................. G-21 5. SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................................................................... G-21 5.1 Precautions 5.2 Brush type Plug-In-&-Use Test Mode 5.3 Brushless amplifier set-up instructions (trapezoidal and sinusoidal) 5.4 Brushless amplifier with brush-type motor (trapezoidal only) 6. AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT (TUNING) PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... G-24 6.1 Command Signal 6.2 Feedback Elements 6.3 Current Loop Adjustments 6.4 Voltage or Velocity Loop Adjustments 6.5 Potentiometer adjustments 6.6 Test points for potentiometers 7. INVERTED INHIBIT INPUTS ...................................................................................................................... G-27 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING/FAULT CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. G-27 9. PRODUCT LABEL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. G-28 10. FACTORY HELP..................................................................................................................................... G-29 11. WARRANTY .......................................................................................................................................... G-31 CAUTION: Exercise caution during maintenance and troubleshooting! Potentially lethal voltages exist within the amplifier and auxiliary assemblies. Only qualified technically trained personnel should service this equipment. G-3 Part 2 Installation Notes 3. WIRING INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Typical Wiring Diagrams The following schematics show typical amplifier wiring configurations: BRUSH TYPE AMPLIFIERS: BRUSHLESS AMPLIFIERS: G-15 Part 2 Installation Notes BRUSHLESS AMPLIFIERS WITH ENCODER: S SERIES BRUSHLESS AMPLIFIERS: 3.2 Noise considerations and system grounding "Noise" in the form of interfering signals can be coupled: • • • • Capacitively (electrostatic coupling) onto signal wires in the circuit (the effect is more serious for high impedance points). Magnetically to closed loops in the signal circuit (independent of impedance levels). Electromagnetically to signal wires acting as small antennas for electromagnetic radiation. From one part of the circuit to other parts through voltage drops on ground lines. G-16 Part 2 Installation Notes The preceding wiring diagrams show a typical servo system using an ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS servo amplifier. Experience shows that the main source of noise is the high DV/DT (typically about 1V/nanosecond) of the amplifier's output power stage. This PWM output can couple back to the signal lines through straight capacitance "C1" between output and input wires. The best methods are to reduce capacitance between the offending points (move signal and motor leads apart), add shielding and use differential inputs at the amplifier. For extreme cases use of a filter card is recommended (see section E). Unfortunately low-frequency magnetic fields are not significantly reduced by metal enclosures. Typical sources are 50 or 60 Hz power transformers and low frequency current changes in the motor leads. Avoid large loop areas in signal, power-supply and motor wires. Twisted pairs of wires are quite effective in reducing magnetic pick-up because the enclosed area is small, and the signals induced in successive twist cancel. Aside from overall shielding the best way to reduce radio frequency coupling is to keep leads short. The voltage source shown between the amplifier and controller grounds typically consists of some 60Hz voltage, harmonics of the line frequency, some radio-frequency signals, IR drops and other "ground noise". The differential inputs of the servo amp will ignore the small amount of "ground signal". Long signal wires (10-15 feet and up) can also be a source of noise when driven from a typical OPAMP output. Due to the inductance and capacitance of the wire the OPAMP output can oscillate. It is always recommended to set a fixed voltage at the controller and then check the signal at the amplifier with an oscilloscope to make sure that the signal is noise free. Servo system wiring typically involves wiring a controller (digital or analog), a servo amplifier, a power supply, and a motor. Wiring these servo system components is fairly easy when a few simple rules are observed. The signal ground of the controller (CTRL SGNL GND) must be connected to the signal ground of the servo amplifier (AMP SGNL GND) either directly or through chassis ground, to avoid noise pick up due to the "floating" differential servo amplifier input. It is recommended that the signal and power wires are routed in a separate cable harness. In most servo systems all the grounds are connected to a single chassis ground (normally the same as Earth ground). In the power section there are two grounds "DC GND" and "AC GND" (see wiring diagram). Either of these grounds can be connected to "CHASSIS GND". If the system design requires that "AC GND" is connected to "CHASSIS GND" then the servo amp must have internal optical isolation in order to connect "CTRL SGNL GND" or "AMP SGNL GND" to "CHASSIS GND". This optical isolation is required to avoid a short across the diode-bridge "DB1", through "DC GND". For servo amplifiers without optical isolation, if "DC GND" and "AMP SGNL GND" are connected to "CHASSIS GND" then it is not necessary to connect the signal wire shield to "AMP SGNL GND" because these grounds are then connected through the chassis. ! The grounding design is ultimately the responsibility of the user. 3.3 DC Power Supply Wiring G-17 Part 2 Installation Notes Most ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS servo amplifiers operate from a single polarity unregulated DC power supply. Reservoir capacitance of 2,000 µF/ampere of maximum output current will reduce ripple to 4Vp-p at 120 Hz (single phase AC input). The PWM current spikes generated by the power output-stage are supplied by the internal power supply capacitors. In order to keep the current ripple on these capacitors to an acceptable level it is necessary to use heavy power supply leads and keep them as short as possible. If the power supply leads exceed 3 feet then the amplifier must be "by passed" by a capacitor of at least 1000 µF within one foot of the servo amp. Reduce the inductance of the power leads by twisting them. When multiple amplifiers are installed in a single application, precaution regarding ground loops must be taken. Whenever there are two or more possible current paths to a ground connection, damage can occur or noise can be introduced in the system. The following rules apply to all multiple axis installations, regardless of the number of power supplies used: 1. Run separate power supply leads to each amplifier directly from the power supply filter capacitor. 2. Use the differential input to the amplifier to avoid common mode noise. 3. Never "daisy-chain" any power or DC common connections. Use a "star"-connection instead. 3.4 Motor Wiring Use of a twisted, shielded pair for the motor power cables is recommended. Ground the shields to the amplifier's chassis ground and to the motor's frame. The motor power input leads are connected to the amplifier's output. ! CAUTION: DO NOT use wire shield to carry motor current or power! 3.5 Tachometer Wiring Use of a twisted, shielded pair for the tachometer wires is recommended. Ground the shield at one end only to the amplifier's +tach input (tachometer ground). 3.6 Input Reference Wiring Use of a twisted, shielded pair for the input reference wires is recommended. If the reference source can float (remain ungrounded), connect the cable shield to both the reference source common and the amplifier's signal ground. It is recommended that the input be connected directly to the amplifier's differential input (if applicable). Connect the reference source "+" to "+ref input", and the reference source "-" (or common) to "-ref input". If the reference source ground and the amplifier power ground are connected to the master chassis ground, leave the source end of the shield unconnected. The servo amplifier's reference input circuit will attenuate the common mode voltage between signal source and amplifier power grounds. In case of a single ended reference signal, connect the command signal to “+ref” and connect the command return and “-ref” to the signal ground 3.7 Reference Potentiometer Wiring An external potentiometer can be used in conjunction with the amplifier’s onboard signal voltage (±10 V @ 3 mA or ± 5 V @ 3 mA) to supply a command signal to the amplifier. A 50 KΩ potentiometer is recommended. The potentiometer used should not be less than 20 KΩ. This potentiometer should be wired between the +10V (or +5V) and the -10V (or 5V) output with the wiper wired to the “+ ref” or “- ref” input. The other reference input can remain floating or can be tied to the signal ground. To have a single polarity command source use only the +10V (or +5V) or the -10V (-5V) output and wire the other lead of the potentiometer to the signal ground. 3.8 Mating Signal Connectors The mating connector part number for the 16 pin I/O "Molex" connector part number 22-12-2164 is: • Molex plastic body : 22-01-3167 Insert terminals : 08-50-0114 The mating connector part number for the 5 pin I/O encoder Connector part number is 22-12-2054 is: G-18 Part 2 Installation Notes • Molex plastic body: 22-01-3057 Insert terminals: 08-50-0114 Standard crimping hand tool "Molex" part number 11-01-0185. D-shell connectors: Manufacturer: AMP (Tel: 1-800-522-6752) Part numbers: • • • 15 Pin plug 748364-1 26 Pin plug 748365-1 Pins 748333-2 Shell Kit (plastic with metal coating): • • 15 Pin 26 Pin 748677-1 748677-2 3.9 CE-EMC Wiring Requirements Additional Installation Instructions Necessary for Meeting EMC Requirements: General 1. Shielded cables must be used for all interconnect cables to the amplifier and the shield of the cable must be grounded at the closest ground point with the least amount of resistance. 2. The amplifier’s metal enclosure must be grounded to the closest ground point with the least amount of resistance. 3. The amplifier must be mounted in such a manner that the connectors and exposed printed circuit board are not accessible to be touched by personnel when the product is in operation. If this is unavoidable there must be clear instructions that the amplifier is not to be touched during operation. This is to avoid possible malfunction due to electrostatic discharge from personnel. Analog Input Amplifiers 4. A Fair Rite model 0443167251 round suppression core must be fitted to the low-level signal interconnect cables to prevent pickup from external RF fields. PWM Input Amplifiers 5. A Fair Rite model 0443167251 round suppression core must be fitted to the PWM input cable to reduce electromagnetic emissions. MOSFET Switching Amplifiers 6. A Fair Rite model 0443167251 round suppression core must be fitted to the motor cable connector to reduce electromagnetic emissions. 7. An appropriately rated Schaffner 2080 series AC power filter in combination with a Fair Rite model 5977002701 torroid (placed on the supply end of the filter) must be fitted to the AC supply of any MOSFET amplifier system in order to reduce conducted emissions fed back into the supply network. IGBT Switching Amplifiers G-19 Part 2 Installation Notes 8. An appropriately rated Schaffner 2070 series AC power filter in combination with a Fair Rite model 0443167251 round suppression core (placed on the supply end of the filter) must be fitted to the AC supply of any IGBT amplifier system in order to reduce conducted emissions fed back into the supply network. 9. A Fair Rite model 0443164151 round suppression core and model 5977003801 torroid must be fitted at the motor cable connector to reduce electromagnetic emissions. Fitting of AC Power Filters 10. The above mentioned AC power filters should be mounted flat against the enclosure of the product using the two mounting lugs provided on the filter. Paint should be removed from the enclosure where the filter is fitted to ensure good metal to metal contact. The filter should be mounted as close to the point where the AC power enters the enclosure as possible. Also the AC power cable on the load end of the filter should be routed as far from the AC power cable on the supply end of the filter and all other cables and circuitry to minimize RF coupling. For reference purposes, the Technical Construction File Number is TCF No. J97001250.007 (Rev 1). Below is contact information of filter and torroid suppliers: Schaffner Schaffner Elektronik AG CH-4708 Luterbach Switzerland Phone: +41-65-802-626 Fax: +41-65-802-641 Fair Rite P.O. Box J One Commercial Row Wallkill NY 12589 Phone: (914)-895-2055 Fax: (914)-895-2629 E-Mail: ferrites @fair-rite.com USA (East Coast) Phone: (201)-379-7778 Fax: (201)-379-1151 USA (West Coast) Phone: (714)-457-9400 Fax: (714)-457-9510 3.10 CE-LVD Wiring Requirements Instructions Necessary for Meeting LVD Requirements The servo amplifiers covered in the LVD Reference report were investigated as components intended to be installed in complete systems that meet the requirements of the Machinery Directive. In order for these units to be acceptable in the end users equipment, the following conditions of acceptability must be met: A. European approved overload and over current protection must be provided for the motors as specified in section 7.2 and 7.3 of EN60204.1. B. A disconnect switch shall be installed in the final system as specified in section 5.3 of EN60204.1. C. All amplifiers that do not have a grounding terminal must be installed in, and conductively connected to a grounded end use enclosure in order to comply with the accessibility requirements of section 6, and to establish grounding continuity for the system in accordance with section 8 of EN60204.1. D. A disconnecting device that will prevent the unexpected start-up of a machine shall be provided if the machine could cause injury to persons. This device shall prevent the automatic restarting of the machine after any failure condition shuts the machine down. E. European approved over-current protective devices must be installed in line before the amplifier, these devices shall be installed and rated in accordance with the installation instructions (the installation instructions shall specify an over current protection rating value as low as possible, but taking into consideration inrush G-20 Part 2 Installation Notes currents, etc.). Amplifiers that incorporate their own primary fuses do not need to incorporate over current protection in the end users equipment. These items should be included in your declaration of incorporation as well as the name and address of your company, description of the equipment, a statement that the amplifiers must not be put into service until the machinery into which they are incorporated has been declared in conformity with the provisions of the Machinery Directive, and identification of the person signing. G-21 Part 2 Installation Notes 4. CAUTIONARY NOTES DO NOT REVERSE THE POWER SUPPLY LEADS! SEVERE DAMAGE WILL RESULT! • USE SUFFICIENT CAPACITANCE! Pulse width modulation (PWM) amplifiers require a capacitor on the high voltage supply to store energy during the PWM switching process. Therefore, a 1000 µF (minimum value) capacitor is needed within one foot of wire length, in parallel with the high voltage supply of the amplifier module. Insufficient power supply capacitance causes problems particularly with high inductance motors. During braking much of the stored mechanical energy is fed back into the power supply and charges its output capacitor to a higher voltage. If the charge reaches the amplifier's over-voltage shutdown point, output current and braking will cease. At that time energy stored in the motor inductance continues to flow through diodes in the amplifier to further charge the power supply capacitor. The voltage rise depends upon the power supply capacitance, motor speed, and inductance. A 2 mH motor at 20 amperes can charge a 2000 µF capacitor an additional 30 VDC. An appropriate capacitance is typically 2000 µF/A maximum output current for a 50 V supply. For battery supplied bus voltages, contact factory for capacitance requirements. • MAKE SURE MINIMUM INDUCTANCE REQUIREMENTS ARE MET! Pulse width modulation (PWM) servo amplifiers deliver a pulsed output that requires a minimum amount of load inductance to ensure that the DC motor current is properly filtered. The minimum inductance values for different amplifier types are shown in the individual data sheet specifications. If the amplifier is operated below maximum rated voltage, the minimum load inductance requirement may be reduced. Most servo motors have enough winding inductance. Some types of motors (e.g. "basket-wound", "pancake", etc.) do not have a conventional iron core rotor, so the winding inductance is usually less than 50 µH. If the motor inductance value is less than the minimum required for the selected amplifier, use of an external filter card is necessary (see section "E"). • DO NOT ROTATE THE MOTOR SHAFT WITHOUT POWER SUPPLIED TO THE AMPLIFIER! The motor acts as a generator and will charge up the power supply capacitors through the amplifier. Excessive speeds may cause over-voltage breakdown in the output power devices. Note that an amplifier having an internal power converter that operates from the high voltage supply will become operative. • DO NOT SHORT THE MOTOR LEADS AT HIGH MOTOR SPEED! When the motor is shorted, its own generated voltage may produce a current flow as high as 10 times the amplifier peak current. The short itself should not damage the amplifier but may damage the motor. If the connection arcs or opens while the motor is spinning rapidly, this high voltage pulse flows back into the amplifier (due to stored energy in the motor inductance) and may damage the amplifier. 5. SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Precautions Do not install the amplifier without first determining that all chassis power has been removed for at least 10 seconds. Never remove an amplifier from an installation with power applied. ! G-22 To ensure reliable operation, the wiring and cautionary notes must be reviewed prior to set up. Part 2 Installation Notes 5.2 Brush Type Setup Instructions ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS amplifiers are designed to operate in a self-test mode, using the "offset" potentiometer to control an on-board signal source. This test can be used to confirm that the amplifier is functionally operational. Read the setup instructions before applying power: 1. Review cautionary notes and wiring section before proceeding. 2. It is recommended to reduce the amplifier output current to avoid motor over heating during the setup procedure. 3. Connect power. Do not connect the motor yet! 4. Make sure the amplifier is in an enabled state via all enable inputs. See amplifier data sheets for details. 5. Check that the LED indicates normal operation (green). 6. Set mode according to data sheet for voltage mode. 7. Set offset/test switch ON. Measure the voltage across motor output with a DC voltmeter, turn the "test" potentiometer. Voltage should vary between +/- bus voltage. Set the output voltage with the "test" potentiometer to a low value before connecting the motor leads. 8. Set current limit according to motor specifications. See amplifier data sheets for current limiting options. 9. Verify that the load circuit meets minimum inductance requirements and that the power supply voltage does not exceed amplifier rated voltage or 150% of the nominal motor voltage. 10. Turn the power off. Connect the motor. Turn the power back on. "Tweak" the "test" potentiometer to change motor speed in both directions. Set the offset/test switch OFF. 11. Ground both reference inputs and then using the offset pot, set motor for zero speed. 12. Set mode suitable for your application. 5.3 Brushless Amplifier Setup Instructions (trapezoidal and sinusoidal): 5.3.1 Trapezoidal Amplifiers Read the setup instructions before applying power: 1. Review cautionary notes and wiring instructions prior to set up. 2. It is recommended to reduce the amplifier output current to avoid motor over heating during the setup procedure. 3. According to mode selection table, select open-loop mode and set offset/test switch ON. 4. Set current limit according to the motor specifications. See amplifier data sheets for current limiting options. 5. Check power and connect it to the amplifier. Do not connect motor lead wires. 6. Make sure the amplifier is in an enabled state via all enable inputs. See amplifier data sheets for details. 7. Set 60/120 degree phase switch. Connect HALL sensor inputs. LED should be green. Manually turn motor shaft one revolution. LED should remain green. If LED turns red or changes color: - check 60/120 degree phase switch setting. - check power for Hall sensors. - check voltage levels of Hall inputs (see commutation sequence table below). - with 60 degree phasing interchange Hall1 and Hall2. G-23 Part 2 Installation Notes 8. Remove power. Connect the three motor wires. There are six ways to connect the three wires to the Motor-A, Motor-B, and Motor-C pins. Try all six combinations (remove power prior to changing connection) and choose the best one. The motor should operate and reverse smoothly in both directions. If the motor runs slower in one direction or if you have to move the shaft to start the motor, the combination is incorrect. The speed should be approximately the same in both directions if the combination is correct. Motor speed can be verified by using the velocity monitor or by measuring the frequency of the Hall sensors or the encoder. See below for velocity calculation equations. 9. To verify smooth operation, turn test/offset pot with test/offset switch in ON position. Set offset/test switch OFF, ground both reference inputs and then adjust offset/test potentiometer for zero speed. 10. Select mode suitable for your application. COMMUTATION SEQUENCE TABLE To change direction: interchange Hall-1 and Hall-3, then Motor-A and Motor-B. Calculating motor speed: Hall sensor cycle / Mechanical revolution = Poles/2 Motor-speed[RPM] = Hall sensor frequency [Hz] * 60 / (Poles/2) Motor-speed[RPM] = Velocity monitor[V]* Scale factor[Hz/V]*60 / (Poles/2) Motor-speed[RPM] = encoder frequency [Hz] * 60 / (encoder resolution) Motor-speed[RPM] = Velocity monitor[V]* Scale factor[Hz/V]*60 / (encoder resolution) 5.3.2 Sinusoidal Amplifiers (SE Series) Read the setup instructions before applying power: 1. Review cautionary notes and wiring instructions prior to set up. 2. According to mode selection table, select current mode and set offset/test switch ON. 3. Set current limit to 10% of motor current to avoid high speeds. See amplifier data sheets for current limiting options. 4. Check power and connect it to the amplifier. Do not connect motor leads. 5. Make sure the amplifier is in an enabled state via all enable inputs. See amplifier data sheets for details. 6. Set 60/120 degree phase switch. Connect HALL sensor inputs (the encoder can be connected as well without affecting correct set-up). The LED should be green. Turn the motor shaft manually one revolution. The LED should remain green. If the LED turns red or changes color: - check 60/120 degree phase switch setting. - check power for Hall sensors. - check voltage levels of Hall inputs. - with 60 degree phasing interchange Hall1 and Hall2. G-24 Part 2 Installation Notes 7. Remove power. Connect the three motor wires. There are six ways to connect the three wires to the Motor-A, Motor-B, and Motor-C pins. Try all six combinations (remove power prior to changing connection) and choose the best one. The motor should operate and reverse smoothly in both directions. If the motor runs slower in one direction or if you have to move the shaft to start the motor, the combination is incorrect. The speed should be approximately the same in both directions if the combination is correct. Motor speed can be verified by using the velocity monitor or by measuring the frequency of the Hall sensors or the encoder. See above for velocity calculation equations. 8. When the Hall sensor phasing is correct the amplifier will automatically switch to sinusoidal commutation. This can be verified by monitoring the “Phase” output. 9. To verify smooth operation, turn test/offset pot with test/offset switch in ON position. Set the offset/test switch OFF, and then adjust offset/test potentiometer for zero speed. 10. Select mode suitable for your application. 5.4 Brushless amplifier with brush type motor (trapezoidal only). To drive a brush-type motor disconnect all Hall sensor inputs, set phase setting switch to 60 degrees, and use the MotorA and Motor-B terminals. See brush-type set up instructions. For step number five configure the amplifier for open loop mode instead of voltage mode. 6. AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT (TUNING) PROCEDURE 6.1 Command Signal The command signal is a reference voltage, which is applied to the amplifier to adjust motor current or voltage. Depending on the amplifier mode, this command signal controls motor current, voltage or speed. 6.2 Feedback Elements The feedback element can be any device capable of generating a voltage signal proportional to current, velocity, position or any parameter of interest. Such signals can be provided directly by a tachometer or potentiometer or indirectly by other feedback devices such as resolvers, Hall sensors or encoders. These latter devices must have their signals converted to a DC voltage (by an external converting circuit or by the amplifier). The feedback element must be connected for negative feedback. This negative feedback will cause a difference between the command signal and the feedback signal. This difference is called the error signal. The amplifier compares the feedback signal to the command signal to produce the required output to the load by continually reducing the error signal to zero. 6.3 Current Loop Adjustments The following procedure is intended for advanced users and high performance applications only. It is recommended to contact the factory to discuss application requirements and proper amplifier tuning prior to making any adjustments. ! CAUTION: INPROPER CURRENT LOOP TUNING MAY RESULT IN PERMANENT AMPLIFIER AND MOTOR DAMAGE REGARDLESS OF AMPLIFIER CURRENT LIMITS! The resistors and capacitors shown under the current control block on the functional block diagram for the amplifier determine the frequency response of the current loop. It is important to tune the current loop appropriately for the motor inductance and resistance, as well as the bus voltage to obtain optimum performance. Brushed-type amplifiers and brushless DC (or trapezoidal) amplifiers have a single current loop. Sinusoidal amplifiers have three current loops. All three loops must be tuned the same or the amplifier will not operate properly. The loop gain and the integrator capacitance of the current loop must both be adjusted for the tuning to be complete. ! CAUTION: ALWAYS REMOVE THE BUS VOLTAGE BEFORE MAKING ANY RESISTOR OR CAPACITOR MODIFICATIONS! G-25 Part 2 Installation Notes CAUTION: THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS MUST BE MADE WITH THE MOTOR UNCOUPLED FROM THE LOAD! ALSO SECURE THE MOTOR AS SUDDEN MOTOR SHAFT MOVEMENT MAY OCCUR! ! Current Loop Gain Adjustment 1) Use the DIP-switches and current limit potentiometer to select current mode, the input range (if applicable) and to set appropriate current for the motor you are using (note: S-series amplifiers are automatically in current mode). 2) Connect only the motor power leads to the amplifier. No other connections should be made at this point. 3) Using a function generator, apply a +/- .5 V, 100 Hz square wave reference signal. 4) Short out the current loop integrator capacitor(s) using the appropriate DIP-switch or a jumper (see functional block diagram and data sheets). 5) Apply power to the amplifier. Approximate application bus voltage should be used or the current loop compensation will not be correct. HINTS: • Make sure the amplifier is enabled (green LED). • Trapezoidal and SE amplifiers: configure for 60 degree phasing in order to get output current and measure current through phase B. • S series amplifiers: connect function generator to +REF-IN-A and signal ground, and measure phase-A current. • SR-series amplifiers: connect the resolver to the amplifier for proper operation. 6) Observe the motor current using a current probe or shunt resistor (<10% of motor resistance). This observation should be done for both the high and low current loop gain (see amplifier switch functions for current loop gain settings if available). If neither position gives a proper square wave response, then the current loop gain resistor(s) will need to be changed to optimize response. See amplifier functional block diagram for default current loop values. The best response will be a critically damped output waveform. Current Loop Integrator Adjustment 1) Enable the current loop integrator through DIP-switch or remove previously installed jumper. 2) Using a function generator, apply a +/- .5 V, 100 Hz square wave reference signal. 3) Apply power to the amplifier. Approximate application bus voltage should be used or the current loop compensation will not be correct. 4) Observe the motor current using a current probe or shunt resistor (<10% of motor resistance). The default value for the current loop capacitance can be found on the functional block diagram of the amplifier. If the square wave output overshoots, the current loop integrator will need to be increased by utilizing the through-hole or SMT capacitor locations. Use non-polarized capacitors. If the square wave response is over-damped (sluggish), the current loop capacitance value will need to be decreased. When the current loop integrator is chosen properly, there can be some overshoot but it should be less than 10%. However, the output should settle to a flat top with minimal current following error (difference between commanded current and actual current). Please contact the factory for further assistance with current loop tuning. 6.4 Voltage or Velocity Loop Adjustments CAUTION: These adjustments should initially be performed with the motor uncoupled from its mechanical load! Configure the amplifier for the desired operation mode using the DIP-switches (see amplifier block diagram and data sheets). • Voltage loop: G-26 Part 2 Installation Notes Compensating the voltage loop requires the least amount of effort. Turn POT1 CW and back off if oscillation occurs. • Velocity loop: The velocity loop response is determined by the loop gain potentiometer P1. A larger resistor value (CW) results in a faster response. The velocity integrator capacitor can be used to compensate for large load inertia. A large load inertia requires a larger capacitor value. This may be accomplished by either switching in the extra capacitor with the DIP-switch or installing a through-hole capacitor. The need for an extra capacitor can be verified by shorting out the velocity integrator capacitor with the DIP-switch. If the velocity loop is stable with the capacitor shorted out and unstable with the capacitor in the circuit then a larger capacitor value is needed. • IR feedback: Start with a very high (or open) IR feedback resistor with an unloaded motor shaft. Command a low motor speed (about 20-200 RPM). Without the IR feedback the motor shaft can be stalled easily. Decreasing the IR feedback resistor will make the motor shaft more difficult to stop. Too much IR feedback, i.e. too low resistor value, will cause motor run-away when torque is applied to the motor shaft. • Analog position loop: Use of a tachometer is recommended to obtain a responsive position loop because the position loop is closed around the velocity loop. First the velocity loop must be stabilized (or voltage loop for undemanding applications). The position loop gain is determined by the fixed gain of the input differential amplifier of the servo amplifier. For best results the servo amplifier can be ordered with a higher differential amplifier gain. Extension ANP must be specified e.g. 25A8-ANP. 6.5 Potentiometer Adjustments • Offset adjustment Before offset adjustment is made, reference inputs must be grounded or commanded to 0 volts. Put the test/offset switch in the OFF position (offset mode), and trim the "offset" potentiometer for minimum amplifier output current by observing motor drift. Offset adjustment is complete. • Loop gain adjustment This potentiometer adjusts the gain in the forward portion of the closed loop (velocity or voltage mode). Starting from the CCW position, turn CW until motor shaft oscillates. Then back off one turn. Note: This potentiometer should be set completely CCW in current mode. Use the reference gain potentiometer for scaling. • Reference gain adjustment This potentiometer adjusts the ratio between the input signal and the output variable (voltage, current, or velocity). Turn this potentiometer clockwise until the required output is obtained for a given input signal. • Current limit adjustments It is critical to set the current limit such that the instantaneous motor current does not exceed the specified motor peak current rating. Should this occur, the motor permanent magnets may be demagnetized. This would reduce both torque constant and torque rating of the motor and seriously affect system performance. Most ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS servo amplifiers feature peak and continuous current limit adjustments. The maximum peak current is needed for fast acceleration and deceleration. Most amplifiers are capable of supplying the maximum peak current for 2 sec. and then the current limit is reduced gradually to the continuous value. The purpose of this is to protect the motor in stalled condition by reducing the current limit to the maximum continuous value. Current limiting is implemented in the amplifier by reducing the output voltage. The current limit adjustment potentiometer (50kΩ) has 12 active turns plus 1 inactive turn at each end and is approximately linear. Thus, to adjust the current limit, turn the potentiometer counter-clockwise to zero (using ohmmeter between appropriate ground and potentiometer wiper, see amplifier block diagram), then turn clockwise to the appropriate G-27 Part 2 Installation Notes value. If the peak current reference does not reach the set peak current limit, the time for peak current will be longer than 2 sec. The actual time will be a function of RMS current. A selection of amplifiers feature separate peak and continuous current limit adjustments. This can be achieved by connecting an external resistor between the continuous current limiting pin and the signal ground. In addition, many amplifiers have the option of current limiting using the DIP-switches. If this is an option, it will be indicated in the switch function section of the particular amplifier. G-28 Part 2 Installation Notes 6.6 TEST POINTS FOR POTENTIOMETERS After the potentiometer adjustments in the compensation section are complete, the resistance values can be measured for future adjustments or duplication on other amplifiers. Test points for the potentiometer wipers are provided and are located under all four potentiometers. Make sure the power is off, then measure the resistance between the test point and the outer leg of the potentiometer or between the test point and an appropriate ground. See the amplifier’s functional block diagram to determine which ground should be used for each potentiometer. The potentiometers are all approximately 50K. Resistance measurements are only to be used to duplicate amplifier settings since some potentiometers have other resistors in series or parallel. 7. INVERTED INHIBIT INPUTS Inputs INH and +/-INH can be inverted by removing "J1" jumper (0 ohm SMT resistor marked on PCB). Removing J1 jumper requires that all inhibit lines be brought to ground to enable amplifier. Most amplifiers except the 10A8 can be ordered with this option. Part number example would be B30A8X-INV. INV stands for inverted inhibit inputs. Some amplifiers such as the B30A40 have a dip switch to invert the inhibits. This option will be listed on the amplifier data sheets if it is available. 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING/FAULT CONDITIONS A red LED can indicate any of the following fault conditions: over-temperature, over-voltage, under-voltage, short-circuits, invalid commutation, status and power on reset. All fault conditions are self-reset by the amplifier. Once the fault condition is removed the amplifier will become operative again without cycling power. Please see amplifier data sheets for protection features included. • Heat-sink Temperature Verify that the heat-sink temperature is less than 65o C. If this temperature is exceeded the amplifier will remain disabled until the temperature at the base plate falls below 65o C. • Over-Voltage Shutdown 1. Check the power supply voltage for a value in excess of those listed in the data sheets. If a larger than listed value is observed, check the AC power line connected to the power supply for proper value. 2. Check the regenerative energy absorbed during deceleration. This is done with a voltmeter or scope monitor of the amplifier bus voltage. If the bus voltage increases above specified values, additional bus capacitance is necessary. Additional capacitors must be electrolytic type and located within a one foot lead distance from the amplifier. See also regenerative operation section. • Under-Voltage Shutdown • Verify power supply voltages for minimum conditions per specifications. Also note that the amplifier will pull the power supply voltage down if the power supply cannot provide the required current for the amplifier. This could result in a flickering LED when high current is demanded and the power supply is pulled below the minimum operating voltage required by the amplifier. Short Circuit Fault 1. Check each motor lead for shorts with respect to motor housing and power ground. If the motor is shorted, it will not rotate freely when no power is applied while it is uncoupled from the load. 2. Measure motor armature resistance between motor leads with the amplifier disconnected. • Invalid Hall Sensor State (Brushless Amplifiers only) See the “Commutation Sequence” table for valid commutation states. If the LED is red or if it is changing between red and green as the shaft rotates check the following: G-29 Part 2 Installation Notes 1. Make sure that the 60 or 120 degree phasing switch is in the correct position per motor data sheets. When driving a brush type motor with a brushless amplifier, use the 60 degree phase setting. 2. Check the voltage levels for all the Hall sensor inputs. 3. Make sure all Hall lines are connected properly. • Status Check ALL inhibit inputs for correct polarity (i.e. pull to ground to inhibit or pull to ground to enable). Inhibit configuration depends on weather J1 is installed or on the position of the inhibit/enable switch if this is a feature on the particular drive you are using. Please note that the master inhibit will cause a red LED but the plus and minus inhibits (+INH and –INH) featured on some amplifiers will disable the amplifier in the plus or minus direction without causing a red LED. Also, keep in mind that noise on the inhibit lines could be a cause for false inhibit signals being given to the amplifier. • Power-on Reset All amplifiers will have a brief flicker of a red LED during power up. This is the power-on reset and is built into the amplifier to ensure that all circuitry on the board is functional prior to enabling the amplifier. • Overload Verify that the minimum inductance requirement is met. If the inductance is too low it could appear like a short circuit to the amplifier and thus it might cause the short circuit fault to trip. Excessive heating of the amplifier and motor is also characteristic of the minimum inductance requirement not being met. See amplifier data sheets for minimum inductance requirements • Over-current All ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS amplifiers incorporate a “fold-back” circuit that protects them against over-current (except for PWM and sinusoidal input amplifiers, which have different protection features). This “foldback” circuit uses an approximate “I2t” algorithm to protect the amplifier. All amplifiers can run at peak current for maximum 1 second (each direction). Currents below this peak current but above the continuous current can be sustained during a time period of approximately (peak current/current)2 seconds. If such a current is commanded for a longer time period, the amplifier will automatically fold back to the continuous current. An overcurrent condition will not cause the LED to be red. ! Caution: Sustained maximum current demand, when switching between positive and negative maximum current without fold-back, will result in amplifier damage. Amplifier RMS current should be below the continuous current setting! Causes of Erratic Operation 1. Improper grounding (e.g. amplifier signal ground is not connected to source signal ground). 2. Noisy command signal. Check for system ground loops. 3. Mechanical backlash, dead-band, slippage, etc. 4. Excessive tachometer noise. 5. Noisy inhibit input lines. 6. Excessive voltage spikes on bus. 9. PRODUCT LABEL DESCRIPTION The following is a typical example of a product label as it is found on the amplifier: G-30 Part 2 Installation Notes 1. EIA Date Code: The date code is a 4-digit number signifying the year and week that the amplifier was manufactured. The first two digits designate the year and the second two digits designate the week. For example, the above part would have been built during the ninth week of 1999. 2. Serial number: The serial number is a 5-digit number followed by a 4-digit number. Some of the older amplifiers have a 6-digit serial number. Present serial number configuration started in June of 1997. 3. Part number: Refer to the amplifier data sheets for typical part numbers. The last letter refers to the revision (in the above example T). The part number can be proceeded by an X, which signifies a prototype unit. The part number can also have a suffix (e.g. 50A20T-AM1), which designates a special version of the standard amplifier (50A20T is the standard amplifier, -AM1 designates the special version). 10. FACTORY HELP FAX service: E-mail: (805) 389-1165 techsupport@a-m-c.com For aid in trouble shooting with amplifier set-up or operating problems please gather the following information and FAX or e-mail directly to ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS: A. DC bus voltage and range. B. Motor type, including inductance, torque constant, and winding resistance. C. Position of all DIP-switches. D. Position of all potentiometers. E. Length and make-up of all wiring and cables. F. If brushless, include HALL sensor information. G. Type of controller, plus full description of feed back devices. H. Description of problem, i.e. instability, run-away, noise, over/under shoot, etc. I. Complete part number and serial number of ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS product. Original purchase order is helpful, but not necessary. G-31 Part 2 Installation Notes 11. WARRANTY ALL RETURNS (WARRANTY OR NON-WARRANTY) REQUIRE THAT THE CUSTOMER FIRST OBTAINS AN RMA NUMBER FROM THE FACTORY. RMA number requests may be made by telephone at (805) 389-1935 or by fax at (805) 389-1165. ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS warrants its products to be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and is limited to replacing or repairing at its factory any of its products which within one year after shipment are returned to the factory of origin, transportation charges prepaid, and which are determined to be defective. This warranty supersedes all other warranties, expressed or implied, including any implied warranty or fitness for a particular purpose, and all other obligations or liabilities on ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS’ part and it neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for the seller any other liabilities in connection with the sale of the said articles. The original warranty period is not extended by the above-mentioned provisions for any replaced or repaired articles. This warranty shall not apply to any of ADVANCED MOTION CONTROLS’ products that have been subjected to misuse, negligence, accident, or modification by the user. G-32 TP5 TP10 TP1 TP2 LAMBDA TP7 TP3 TP4 X15 TP6 TP8 LAMBDA TP9 X10 NATIONAL SOLAR OBSERVATORY ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NOTES: 1. Reference drawings: BOM: 3130.9500992BOM Printed Circuit Detail: 3130.9500993C 2. Test BLANK boards for shorts between all power and ground nodes. 3. This assembly contains electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive devices. Static free handling is required. 4. All polarized caps are marked with a plus (+) on the positive node. 5. Parts can be crossed as long as the replacement is the same or an upgrade of the specified part. 6. Resistance values are in ohms, capacitance values are in uF (microfarads). 7. Make sure all axial leaded components are inserted with the value up and readable. 8. Holes and/or lands of components that are not installed should be kept free of solder. 9. PS1, PS2, K1, K2, F1, F2, R4 have pin recepticles soldered in place, components inserted post process. Pins for PS1 & PS2 are press fit type receptacles 10. Shunt positions - JP1 center pin to 5VRTN, JP2 center pin to OFF, JP3 position not jumpered place shunt on one pin only. 11. All components are installed on the side of their silkscreen marking. 12. Key Slot should be milled otu using 1/8" end mill if slot to narrow. 13. Scrape away PWB markings for cathode end of D1 & D2. Install D1 and D2 as shown in "Assembly View / bottom". 9 9 9 9 9 9 NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: nso@nso.edu GONG Bill of Materials ENCODER BIAS SN001 - SN022 Dwg No.: 3130.9500992-BOM Rev: -1 Next Assembly: 3130.9500992C Prepared By: Dee Stover 3130.9500992bom.xls Bill of Materials GONG Encoder Bias SN001 - SN020 Revision Table LTR --1 DESCRIPTION INITIAL corrections item 6, 18 add item 31 3130.9500992bom.xls DWG #: 3130.950092-BOM 10/14/2005 ECR DATE BY 23-Aug-05 14-Oct-05 dms dms APPRVD G. Montijo Page 2 of 6 Bill of Materials GONG Encoder Bias SN001 - SN020 1. Components shall only be crossed to equivalent or improved performance parts. NOTES DWG #: 3130.9500992-BOM 10/14/2005 2. All components are listed in the Materials tab, TBDValue tab is for configuration purposes only. 3130.9500992bom.xls Page 3 of 6 Bill of Materials GONG Encoder Bias SN001 - SN020 Configurable Items ITEM QTY TBD des 1 R4 3130.9500992bom.xls REFDES VALUE P/N 34.8K RN55D3482F MFR Dale Dwg#: 3130.9500992BOM 10/14/2005 P/N DIGIKEY DESCRIPTION Resistor, 34.8K 1/10W 1% through hole Page 4 of 6 Bill of Materials GONG Encoder Bias SN001- SN020 Materials List RefDes ITEM QTY Value 1 1 2 1N914 D1, D2 2 2 0.01uF C9, C11 3 5 0.1uF C2, C3, C5, C6, C7 4 4 22uF C12, C13, C14, C15 5 1 220uF C4 6 2 220uF C1, C8 7 1 10uF C10 8 2 F1, F2 9 2 10uH L1, L2 10 JP3 11 0.05 JP1, JP2 12 0.15 13 1 100K R7 2 820 R11, R12 14 1 75 R1 15 R2, R3 16 2 240 R5, R6 17 2 2.7K 1 TBD R4 18 K1, K2 19 2 2 TP1, TP2 20 TP3, TP4 21 2 4 TP5, TP6, TP7, TP10 22 1 TP8 23 1 TP9 24 2 VR1, VR2 25 Part Number 3130.9500993C 1N914TR ECJ-2VB1H103K ECJ-2YB1H104K UPJ2A220MPH NOAO TO SUPPLY UPW11A221MED 516D227M035MN6A TAP 106K025 SCS NOAO TO SUPPLY 0473003.YRT1 NOAO TO SUPPLY PM7032S-100M NOAO TO SUPPLY 4-103185-0 4-103185-0 9C12063A1003FKHFT 9C12063A8200FKHFT ERJ-12SF75R0U ERJ-12ZYJ241U ERJ-12ZYJ272U NOT INSTALLED W172DIP-5 TP-105-xx-02 NOAO TO SUPPLY TP-105-xx-00 TP-105-xx-09 NOAO TO SUPPLY TP-105-xx-03 TP-105-xx-04 NOAO TO SUPPLY 2V025 NOAO TO SUPPLY MFR NOAO Fairchild Semiconductor Panasonic Panasonic Nichicon Nichicon Vishay / Sprague AVX Littlefuse JW Miller Amp / Tyco Amp / Tyco Yageo Yageo Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Dale Magnecraft Components Corp Components Corp Components Corp Components Corp Components Corp NTE 26 1 PS2 X10-24D12/P2 NOAO TO SUPPLY Lambda 27 1 PS1 X15-24S05/PT2 NOAO TO SUPPLY Lambda 28 22 (F1, F2, K1, K2, R4) 0667-0-15-01-30-27-10-0 Mill-Max 29 12 (PS1, PS2) 0328-0-15-01-34-27-10-0 Mill-Max 30 31 3 1 (JP1, JP2, JP3) R8 65474-010 NOAO TO SUPPLY 9C12063A2700FKHFT FCI / Berg Yageo 3130.9500992bom.xls Dwg #: 3130.9500992-BOM 10/14/2005 PN Digikey Description PCB, Blank circuit board Encoder bias 1N914CT-ND Diode, small signal hi cond 100V 200 MA DO-35 PCC103BCT-ND Cap, Cerc 0805 0.01uF 50V 10% X7R PCC1840CT-ND Cap, Cerc 0805 0.1uF 50V 10% X7R Cap, Alum Elect mini 22uF 100V 20% PJ 493-1740-ND Cap, Alum Elect mini 220uF 10V 20% 85 degC Cap, Alum Elect mini 220uF 35V 20% 85 degC 478-1841-ND Cap, Tant 10uF 25V 10% F1206CT-ND Fuse, slo blo 3A pico 125V Inductor, shldd smt power 10uH 1.5A A26513-ND Jumper, 40 pos header strip 2 x 1 .1 ctr .025 sq pins (break to size) A26513-ND Jumper, 40 pos header strip 3 x 1 .1 ctr .025 sq pins (break to size) 311-100KFCT-ND Resistor, 1206 100K 1/4W 1% 311-820FTR-ND Resistor, 1206 820 1/4W 1% P75.0ACCT-ND Resistor, 2010 75 1/2W 1% P240WCT-ND Resistor, 2010 240 1/2W 5% P2.7KWCT-ND Resistor, 2010 2.7K 1/2W 5% Resistor, 34.8K 1/10W 1% through hole Relay, SPDT Epoxy Molded .5 A 5V Test point, red .1 center wire form loop Test point, black .1 center wire form loop Test point, white .1 center wire form loop Test point, orange .1 center wire form loop Test point, yellow .1 center wire form loop Varistor, 31VDC 1000A .6W metal oxide DC-DC, converter +-12Vout 10W, 24V in, Pos logic, trim, short leads DC-DC, converter 24VIN to 5Vout 15W, 24V in, single out, Pos logic, trim, short leads ED5044-ND Pin recptcl, .015/.025 dia 30u gld cntct 0667 series .057 pltd hole Pin recptcl, .037/.047 dia 30u gold contct ED5017-ND 0328 series .079 plated hole Press fit Shunt, 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) centerline, single row Mini-Jump 311-270FCT-ND Resistor, 1206 270 1/4W 1% Page 5 of 6 Bill of Materials GONG Encoder Bias SN001- SN020 PART MARKINGS Part Number MFR 3130.9500992bom.xls Description Dwg #: 3130.9500992BOM 10/14/2005 Package Markings COMMENTS Page 6 of 6 NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: GONG ENCODER BIAS BOARD CHECK OUT & TRIM PROCEDURE Version 1.0 Date: 11/08/2005 Next Assy: 3130.9500992C Dwg No.: 3138.9000028A Reference Drawings: Encoder Bias Assembly 3130.9500992C Encoder Bias Schematic: 3130.9500991C X series application manual Lambda IM-XAM Rev B. Pages 17 through 19 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES Purpose: These procedures describe how to go about checking the Encoder Bias Board MDA4 SA2 after construction. Under normal circumstances these procedures would be conducted by qualified GONG technical staff. Tools: 1 ea. Trim Resistor-48.4 K ohm 1% 1 ea Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope, Model TDS3032B or equivalent and Oscilloscope Probe 1 ea. DMM, Fluke 8024B or equivalent and test leads. 1 ea. Encoder Bias Board Test Fixture. Consisting of an 44 Pin Edge connector with wiring to resistive load elements for loading the Encoder Bias Board(DUT) +5, -12 and +12 VDC outputs at 50% capacity. The Test Fixture includes wiring for application of an external +5VDC bias for energizing the DUT relay K1. 1 ea. +28VDC Power Supply at 5 Amp with <100 mV Output Ripple. 1 ea. +5VDC Power Supply at 0.5 Amp with <100 mV Output Ripple. Precautions: Observe standard cautions for handling ESD sensitive devices. Reference Documents: Encoder Bias Board-MDA4SA2, Assembly DWG. No. 3130.9500991C Encoder Bias, Schematic DWG. No. 3130.9500991C X Series Application Manual, Lambda IM-XAM Rev. B., pages 17 through 19 Preliminary Conditions: Complete assembly of the Encoder Bias Board-MDA4SA2 in accordance with the latest assembly drawings. DPO Setup. Make the following adjustments as required and isolate the oscilloscope from AC power ground. Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 2 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES Oscilloscope Vertical(Ch1), Coupling DC Vertical(Ch1), Impedance 1 Mohm Vertical(Ch1), Bandwidth 20 Mhz Acquire, Fast Trig, Normal Acquire, Mode, Sample Cursor, OFF Trigger, A Trig Type, Edge Trigger, Mode, Normal Trigger, Source, Ch: 1 Trigger, Coupling, Noise Trigger, Slope, Positive Vertical Scale, Ch1, 20.0 mV/Div. Horizontal Scale, Ch1, 20 mS/Div. Connect a suitable Oscilloscope probe to the Channel 1 input of the O-scope. Procedures: Note: The Encoder Bias Board will be referred to as the DUT(Device Under Test) in the remaining sections of these procedures. Record the DUT Serial Number_______________________. 1. Check DUT jumpers and insure they are in the following positions and a 34.8 Kohm, 1 % resistor is installed at position R4. JP1 is in the 5 V RTN position. JP2 is in the OFF position. JP3 is NOT connected, that is not jumpered. 2. Make the following resistance readings with the DUT resting on the workbench. Do not install the DUT in the test fixture. The FROM designation in the following table corresponds to the DMM Negative/Black lead and the TO designation corresponds to the DMM +V/Red input lead. Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 3 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES RESISITANCE READINGS FROM TO NOMINAL VALUE ACTUAL TP2 TP3 54 ohm +/- 4 ohm _________ TP4 TP8 240 ohm +/-12 ohm _________ TP4 TP9 240 ohm +/-12 ohm _________ TP1 PS1, Pin 1 49.0Kohm +/- 4 Kohm _________ TP7 PS2, Pin 1 49.0Kohm +/- 4 Kohm _________ TP4 TP3 >20 Meg-ohm _________ K2, Pin 1(-Vin) K2, Pin 8 >20 Meg-ohm _________ K1, Pin 1(-Vin) K1, Pin 8 49.0Kohm+/- 4 Kohm _________ PS2, Pin 3 JP2, OFF 0 ohm _________ >20 Meg-ohm _________ TP4 >20 Meg-ohm _________ TP4 0 ohm _________ <Move JP2 to the ON position> PS2, Pin 3 JP2, OFF <Return JP2 to the OFF position> TP3 <Install JP3> TP3 <Remove/disconnect JP3> 3. Hook-up the Test Fixture to the +28VDC and +5VDC power supplies. Refer to the Encoder Bias Board Schematic for proper wiring of +28VDC input and the +5VDC power supply input to the corresponding –Disable and +Disable inputs pins of the DUT Test Fixture. Turn ON the +28VDC and +5VDC power supplies and check for proper output as measured at the DUT Test Fixture. Readings should be as follows: +28.0, +/- 1.4 VDC and +5.0 +/- 0.050 VDC. The AC characteristics of the +28.0VDC output should not exceed that of FIGURE 4.0. See the ADDITIONAL REFERENCE DATA SECTION of these procedures. 4. Power OFF both the +28 and +5VDC power supplies. Disconnect the positive lead(red) between the +5VDC power supply and the DUT Test Fixture. Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 4 of 10 5. 6. ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES Install the DUT in the test fixture. Connect the DMM to the following test points and record the DUT output voltages. The FROM designation in the following table corresponds to the DMM Negative/Black lead and the TO designation corresponds to the DMM +V/Red input lead. Turn ON the +28VDC input to the DUT Test Fixture. DC and AC rms VOLTAGE READINGS FROM TP3 TO NOMINAL VALUE ACTUAL TP2 +5.360, +20/-10 mVDC ________ +/- 0.025 rms VAC ________ <If this voltage is out of specification, choose an alternate value for R4. Also, check to insure that the first approximation value for the trim resistor(see DUT Schematic value for R4) is installed. Should the value of R4 not be sufficient to bring the DUT +5VDC output to within specification, choose an alternate value for R4. Example: In order to increase the DUT +5VDC output 10 mVDC, choose a new value for R4 by the following equation. Current value of R4 + 1.33 Kohm = New Value of R4. In other terms, a 1.33 Kohm change in R4 produces approximately 10 mVDC change in the +5VDC output.> TP4 TP4 TP9 TP8 -12.000 +/-1.2 VDC __________ +/- 0.075 VAC rms __________ +12.000 +/- 1.2 VDC __________ +/- 0.075 VAC rms __________ <DISCONNECT THE DMM TEST LEADS> 7. Connect the O-scope to the following positions, and compare the PS1 and PS2 outputs to the referenced Figures. Be sure to leave the O-scope AC Power isolated from earth ground. The FROM designation in the following table corresponds to the O-scope Probe GND/Black lead and the TO designation corresponds to the O-scope Probe Signal/Tip lead. Select O-scope AC coupling CH 1. Reference Figure 1, 2 or 3.0 for additional O-scope settings. The R1 channel of Figure 1, 2 or 3.0 is a screen shot AC coupled representation of the DUT Test Fixture input +28VDC power. Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 5 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES O-SCOPE READINGS FROM TO NOMINAL VALUE ACTUAL TP3 See Figure 1.0 PASS TP2 +/- 10 % FAIL FIGURE 1.0 Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 6 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES O-SCOPE READINGS(continued) FROM TO NOMINAL VALUE ACTUAL TP4 See Figure 2.0 PASS TP9 +/- 10 % FAIL FIGURE 2.0 Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 7 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES O-SCOPE READINGS(continued) FROM TO NOMINAL VALUE ACTUAL TP4 See Figure 3.0 PASS TP8 +/- 10 % FAIL FIGURE 3.0 Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 8 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES <DISCONNECT THE OSCOPE PROBE> RELAY FUNCTION 8. Check the following K2 Relay function as follows. Set the DMM to make resistance measurements. Connect the DMM Negative/Black test lead input to Pin 1 of K2, and connect the DMM Positive/Red test lead input to Pin 8 of K2. The DMM resistance reading should be < 0.8 ohms. ACTUAL VALUE_____________. 9. Turn OFF the +28VDC input to the DUT Test Fixture. The resistance reading of step 8 should now be >20 Meg-ohm. ACTUAL VALUE____________. 10. Turn ON the +28VDC input to the DUT Test Fixture. 11. Set the DMM to make DC voltage measurements. Connect the DMM Negative/Black test lead input to TP3 of the DUT, and connect the DMM Positive/Red test lead input to TP2. The DMM reading should very closely approximate the Trim output value of step 6. 12. Power ON the +5VDC power supply of step 4. 13. Connect the positive lead(red) between the +5VDC power supply and the DUT Test Fixture. See step 4. 14. The DMM voltage reading of step 11. should fall to 0 VDC. 15. Disconnect the positive lead(red) between the +5VDC power supply and the DUT Test Fixture. See step 13. 16. The DMM voltage reading of step 14. should return to the nominal value of step 6. for the +5 VDC output of the DUT. 17. Power OFF the +28VDC and +5VDC input power supplies to the DUT test fixture. 18. Remove the DUT from the Test Fixture. Remove F2 from the DUT, if the DUT will be installed in a GONG MDA4 Waveplate Amplifier Assembly. 19. This concludes the MDA4 SA2 Encoder Bias Board(DUT) Checkout and Output Trim Procedures. Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 9 of 10 ENCODER BIAS CHECKOUT AND TRIM PROCEDURES ADDITIONAL REFERENCE DATA SECTION FIGURE 4.0 Modified Date: 04/08/2003 3138.9000028A Page 10 of 10 Page 17 X Series Application Manual allowable leakage current of the switch at Von/off = 10 V is 50 µA. The module has internal capacitance to reduce noise at the ON/OFF pin. Additional capacitance is not generally needed and may degrade the start-up characteristics of the module. Figure 1. Remote On/Off Implementation Output Voltage Adjustments (optional on Single-Output Units) Output voltage set-point adjustment allows the user to increase or decrease the output voltage set point of a module. This is accomplished by connecting an external resistor between the Trim pin and either the Vo(+) or Vo(-) pins. With an external resistor between the TRIM and Vo(+) pins (Radj-down), the output voltage set point (Vo,adj) decreases (see Figure 2). The following equation determines the required external resistor value to obtain an output voltage change from Vo,nom to Vo,adj: (V o adj -L)*G R adj-down = -H (V o nom—V o adj ) Where Radj-down is the resistance value connected between TRIM and Vo(+), and G,H, and L are defined in the following table. IM-XAM Rev B. E90482 05/02 X Series Application Manual Page 18 Vi(+) Vo(+) Radj-down Module TRIM RLOAD Vi(-) Vo(-) Figure 2. Circuit Configuration to Decrease Output Voltage With an external resistor between the TRIM and Vo(-) pins (Radj-up), the output voltage set point (Vo,adj) increases (see Figure 3). The following equation determines the required external resistor value to obtain an output voltage from Vo,nom to Vo,adj: where Radj-up is the resistance value connected between TRIM and Vo (-), and the values of G, H, K, and L are shown in the following table: G H K L X15-S1.8 5110 2050 .54 1.25 X15 S2.0 5110 2050 .77 1.25 X15 S2.5 5110 2050 1.25 1.25 X15 S03 5110 2050 .77 2.5 X15 S05 5110 2050 2.5 2.5 X15-S12 10000 5110 9.5 2.5 The combination of the output voltage adjustment and the output voltage tolerance cannot exceed 110% IM-XAM Rev B. E90482 05/02 Page 19 X Series Application Manual (115% for the S1.8,S02,S2.5) of the nominal output voltage between the Vo(+) and Vo(-) terminals. Vi(+) Vo(+) RLOAD Module TRIM Radj-up Vi(-) Vo(-) Figure 3. Circuit Configuration to Increase Output Voltage. The X series power modules have a fixed current-limit set point. Therefore, as the output voltage is adjusted down, the available output power is reduced. In addition, the minimum output current is a function of the output voltage. As the output voltage is adjusted down, the minimum required output current can increase (i.e. minimum power is constant). 8. Thermal Considerations The power module operates in a variety of thermal environments; however, sufficient cooling should be provided to help ensure reliable operation of the unit. Heat-dissipating components inside the unit are thermally coupled to the case. Heat is removed by conduction, convention, and radiation to the surrounding environment. Proper cooling can be verified by measuring the case temperature. The case temperature (Tc) should be measured at the position indicated in Figure 4 Figure 4. X10/15 Case Temperature Measurement Location Note that the view in Figure 4 is of the surface of the module. The temperatures at this location should IM-XAM Rev B. E90482 05/02 NATIONAL SOLAR OBSERVATORY ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: nso@nso.edu GONG PHOTOS PLL WAVE PLATE CARD Dwg No.: 3130.98000008A Rev:Next Assembly: 3130.9500414B Prepared By: Dee Stover 0008a.xls PLL CARD Revision Table Component side of Card Bottom side of Card Prepared By: Dee Stover 0008a.xls TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 4 5 REVISION TABLE LTR -- PLL CARD MODIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION initial release Prepared By: Dee Stover 0008a.xls DWG:3130.9800008A ECR DATE BY 28-Nov-05 dms APPRVD Page 3 of 5 TOP VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0008a.xls PLL MODIFICATIONS DWG: 3130.9800008A Page 4 of 5 Prepared By: Dee Stover 0008a.xls Page 5 of 5 NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: nso@nso.edu GONG Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Card Dwg No.: 3130.9500414-BOM Rev: B3 Next Assembly:3130.95000414B Prepared By: Dee Stover 31309500414bom.xls Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Revision Table LTR DESCRIPTION B2 Change from CAD to excel format B3 add part numbers for C26, C52, C53 AND FB1, add item 78 31309500414bom.xls DWG #: 3130.9500414BOM 9/13/2006 ECR DATE BY 28-Nov-05 26-Jan-06 dms dms APPRVD GM gm Page 2 of 6 NOTES Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator DWG #: 3130.9500414BOM 9/13/2006 1. Components shall only be crossed to equivalent or improved performance parts. 2. All components are listed in the Materials tab, TBDValue tab is for configuration purposes only. 3. C30 and C48 are installed during test 4. Refer to assembly drawing notes when a square symbol appears in table. 31309500414bom.xls # Page 3 of 6 Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Materials List ITEM QTY Value RefDes Part Number MFR Dwg #: 3130.9500414-BOM 9/13/2006 PN Digikey Description 1 1 3130.9500415D NOAO PCB, Blank PLL Wave plate rotator Card Rev B 2 1 10818-012 Schroff Panel, front modification drawing 3130.9200080B 3 4 1 P1 103-40064 EPT Connector, Type "C" 96 pin 5 4 (P1) panel 21100-138 Schroff Screw, M2.5x10 6 4 (P1) panel 21100-144 Schroff Nut, M2.5 7 3 (U11, U12, U13) 11 8058-1G32 Augat Socket, 8 pin TO-99 8 5 (U3, U4, U5, U7, U20) 2-640463-2 Amp Socket, 8 Pin 9 7 (U2, U8, U9, U10, U14, U18, U19) 2-641599-2 Amp Socket, 14 pin 10 4 (U1, U6, U15, U17) 2-641600-2 Amp Socket, 16 pin 11 (U8, U9, U14, U16, U19) 203A14 Rogers Decoupling Caps 14 pin 12 5 2 303A16 Rogers Decoupling Caps 16 pin 13 1 300pF C45 CD10FA301J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 300pF Mica +-5% 14 1 820pF C22 CD15FD821J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 820pF Mica +-5% 15 C41 16 1 1 0.01uF C26 192P103X9080 Sprague 17 4 .001uF C1, C2, C3, C27 RPE110X7R102K50V Murata Erie Capacitor, .001uF Cerc +-15% 18 1 1 .015uF C37 192P153X9080 Sprague Capacitor, .015 uF Poly +-10% 80V RPE110X7R103K50V Murata Erie Capacitor, .01uF cerc +-15% 192P223X9080 Sprague Capacitor, .022uF Poly +-10% 80V RPE121X7R104K50V Murata Erie Capacitor, .1uF Cerc +-15% 19 20 1 7 (U15, U17) .01uF 7 NOT INSTALLED C40 .022uF C48 12 C4, C5, C7, C9, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C23, C24, C25, C28, C31, C32, C33, C34, C35, C36, C38, C42, C43, C44, C46, C47 Capacitor, Mica +-5% Capacitor, 0.01uF Poly Axial 10% 80V 21 30 .1uF 22 1 .22uF C30 192P224X9080 Sprague Capacitor, .22uF Poly +-10% 80v 23 2 10uF C21, C51 TAPS 10K25 ITT Capacitor, 10uF Tant 25V 10% 24 1 10uF C29 MPC23-10.0-50-1 F-DYNE Capacitor, 10uF PolyC 50V 1% 25 26 1 1 22uF 5K C39 RV2 TAPS 22K25 1285-G-5KR-5% ITT Vishay Capacitor, 22uF Tant 25V 10% Trim Pot, 5K 5% side adj 27 1 10K RV1 1285-G-10KR-5% Vishay Trim Pot, 10K 5% side adj 28 4 2 43 120 R2, R3, R25, R34 R11, R12 BB4305 BB1215 Allen Bradley Resistor, 43 ohm 5% 1/8 W axial 29 Allen Bradley Resistor, 120 ohm 5% 1/8 W axial 30 1 2.2K R9 CB2225 Allen Bradley Resistor, 2.2K ohm 5% 1/4 W axial 31 2 1K R5, R6 CMF-55 1001FT-1 Dale Resistor, 1K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 31309500414bom.xls 12 Page 4 of 6 Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Materials List ITEM QTY Value RefDes Part Number MFR Dwg #: 3130.9500414-BOM 9/13/2006 PN Digikey Description 32 1 2.21K R19 CMF-55 2211FT-1 Dale 33 1 7.32K R16 CMF-55 7321FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 7.32K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 34 5 10K R4, R7, R14, R30, R31 CMF-55 1002FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 10K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 35 1 12.1K R18 CMF-55 1212FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 12.1K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 36 1 15K R15 CMF-55 1502FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 15K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 37 1 24.3K R21 CMF-55 2432FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 24.3K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 38 2 30.9K R29, R32 CMF-55 3092FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 30.9K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 39 1 76.8K R23 CMF-55 7682FT-1 Dale 40 1 0 R33 ZOR-25-B52 Yageo 41 1 33.2K R24 CMF-55 3322FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 33.2K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 42 3 124K R26, R27, R28 CMF-55 1243FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 124K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 43 1 232K R22 CMF-55 2323FT-1 Dale Resisitor, 232K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 1 2 2.49K R17 AGND CMF-55 2491FT-1 Dale 46 Resisitor, 2.49K ohm 1% 1/4W axial Wire, Bus 18 awg solid ~.9" each, ground loop 47 14 TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8, TP9, TP10, TP11, TP12, 330.100 TP13, TP14 Overland Test point, eyelets 48 1 CR1 1N914 Motorola Diode 49 1 CR2 HLMP-3680-010 HP LED, T 1 3/4 green with housing 50 1 U20 LM369CN National Semi IC, Voltage reference 51 1 U2 OP400GP PMI IC, Quad Op amp 52 1 U1 ADG508AKN Analog Devices IC, 4/8 ch analog Mux CMOS 53 1 U6 DG191AP Siliconix IC, Analog Switch 54 3 U11, U12, U13 OPA111BM Burr Brown/ TI IC, Op amp low noise to-99 55 1 U10 VFC62BG Burr Brown/ TI IC, V to freq/freq to V converter 56 1 U7 6N137 HP IC, opto coupler 57 1 U19 MC4044P Motorola IC, phase- frequency detector 58 1 U17 MC14040BCP Motorola IC, 12 bit binary counter 59 1 U8 7414N TI IC, Hex inverter 60 1 U15 74LS123N TI IC, retrig multivibrator 61 1 U9 7474N TI IC, Dual D FF 62 1 U14 74LS132N TI IC, Quad 2 input NAND 63 3 U3, U4, U5 DS96176PC National Semi IC, RS485/422 Diff Bus Transceiver 64 1 J1 68001-102 Berg Jumper, 2 x 1 .1 Center break to size Resisitor, 2.21K ohm 1% 1/4W axial Resisitor, 76.8K ohm 1% 1/4W axial 0.0QBK-ND Resisitor, 0 ohm 5% 1/4W axial 44 45 31309500414bom.xls 11 Page 5 of 6 Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Materials List ITEM QTY Value RefDes Part Number MFR Dwg #: 3130.9500414-BOM 9/13/2006 PN Digikey Description 65 1 (U16) 3130.96000051B 66 1 (U16) 2-641602-2 Amp Socket, 20 pin 67 1 (U16) 303A20 Rogers Cap, .03uF Decoupling 20 pin 68 1 U16 PALCE16V8Q-15PC AMD IC, PAL "PLLSYNC" 69 2 13 R1, R13 CB1305 Allen Bradley Resistor, 13 ohms 1/4W 5% 70 1 200 R8 CB2015 Allen Bradley Resistor, 200 ohms 1/4W 5% 71 2 68pF C49, C50 CD10ED680J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 68pF Mica 72 3 47uF C6, C8, C10 TAPS47K25 ITT Capacitor, 47uF Tant 25V 73 1 200pF C52 CD10FD201J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 200pF Mica 5% 500V 74 1 270pF C53 CD10FC271J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 270pF Mica 5% 300V 75 1 FB1 2673000101 FAIR-RITE Products Ferrite Bead <50 Mhz, material T3 .03uF PAL Program "PLLSYNC" 76 2 R10, R20 NOT INSTALLED Resistor, 1/4W 1% 77 1 U18 3130.9500984B PCB assembly PLL Daughter Card 78 1 (J1) 31309500414bom.xls Shunt, installed location J1 Page 6 of 6 Bill of Materials PLL Wave Plate Rotator Materials List ITEM QTY Value RefDes Part Number MFR Dwg #: 3130.9500414-BOM 9/13/2006 PN Digikey Description 65 1 (U16) 3130.96000051B 66 1 (U16) 2-641602-2 Amp Socket, 20 pin 67 1 (U16) 303A20 Rogers Cap, .03uF Decoupling 20 pin 68 1 U16 PALCE16V8Q-15PC AMD IC, PAL "PLLSYNC" 69 2 13 R1, R13 CB1305 Allen Bradley Resistor, 13 ohms 1/4W 5% 70 1 200 R8 CB2015 Allen Bradley Resistor, 200 ohms 1/4W 5% 71 2 68pF C49, C50 CD10ED680J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 68pF Mica 72 3 47uF C6, C8, C10 TAPS47K25 ITT Capacitor, 47uF Tant 25V 73 1 200pF C52 CD10FD201J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 200pF Mica 5% 500V 74 1 270pF C53 CD10FC271J03 Cornell Dubilier Capacitor, 270pF Mica 5% 300V 75 1 FB1 2673000101 FAIR-RITE Products Ferrite Bead <50 Mhz, material T3 .03uF PAL Program "PLLSYNC" 76 2 R10, R20 NOT INSTALLED Resistor, 1/4W 1% 77 1 U18 3130.9500984B PCB assembly PLL Daughter Card 78 1 (J1) 31309500414bom.xls Shunt, installed location J1 Page 6 of 6 TP1 NATIONAL SOLAR OBSERVATORY OPERATED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY UNDER COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NATIONAL SOLAR OBSERVATORY ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION NSO/Tucson 950 N. Cherry Avenue P.O. Box 26732, Tucson, AZ 85726-6732 Ph. (520) 318-8000Fax(520) 318-8278 e-mail: nso@nso.edu GONG PHOTOS DRIVE ISOLATION CARD Dwg No.: 3130.98000009A Rev:Next Assembly: 3130.9500490B Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls DRIVE ISO Revision Table Component side of Card Bottom side of Card Front view with panel Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 4 5 6 DWG:3130.9800009A 9/13/2006 REVISION TABLE LTR DESCRIPTION initial release Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls DWG:3130.980000A 9/13/2006 DRIVE ISO CARD MODIFICATIONS ECR DATE BY 19-Jan-06 dms APPRVD 3 of 6 TOP VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls DRIVE ISO MODIFICATIONS DWG: 3130.9800009A 9/13/2006 4 of 6 BOTTOM VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls DRIVE ISO MODIFICATIONS DWG:3130.9800009A 9/13/2006 5 of 6 FRONT VIEW Prepared By: Dee Stover 0009a.xls DRIVE ISO MODIFICATIONS DWG:3130.9800009A 9/13/2006 6 of 6 TP1 TP2 TP4 TP3 NATIONAL SOLAR OBSERVATORY OPERATED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES FOR RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY UNDER COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION