Valve and Actuator Manual 977 Actuators and Positioners Product Information Section Technical Bulletin VA-9000 Issue Date 0398 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Overview Page 3 • Circuit Board Specifications 3 • Typical Wiring Diagram 3 Installation and Commissioning Procedures 5 • Valve Installation 5 • Valve Actuator Installation 5 • Limit Switch Cam Adjustments 6 • Micro-Travel Cam Adjustments 7 • Manual Operation of the Valve Actuator 8 Circuit Board Commissioning 11 • Tools Required 11 • Preliminary Checks 11 • Setting the Actuator Feedback Potentiometer 12 • DC Power Supply Test 14 • Initial Settings 14 • Calibration 15 • Circuit Board Checkout 16 © 1998 Johnson Controls, Inc. Code No. LIT-977335 1 2 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Overview Circuit Board Specifications The following specifications apply to the circuit board used in VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators manufactured after January, 1995: Power Requirements --- Single Phase, 115 VAC + 10%, 50/60 Hz, Fused; Internal DC Power Supply + 15 VDC, 2.4 VA, Fused Input Signal --- 4 to 20 mA DC Input Impedance --- 249 ohms Sensitivity --- + 0.6% of Total Input Signal Span for 30 Seconds of Actuator Shaft Travel Time Deadband --- 0.1 to 10% of Total Signal Span Zero Adjustment --- 50% of Span at Low Signal End Span Adjustment --- 50% of Span Range Ambient Operating Temperature Limits --- 0 to 140°F (-18 to 60°C) Typical Wiring Diagram T h e rm a l S w itch O p tio n a l HTR Blue/Ye llow B lu e /Y e llo w T h e rm a l O ve rlo a d S w itch Ye llo w M R N e u tra l A .C . V o lta g e (+ ) (-) C ircu it B o a rd D e ad B an d Sp an Z e ro L in e In p u t Com m and S ig n a l TB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B la ck S W .2 Red S W .1 B lue/R ed B lu e /O ra n g e Pu rple C Brake (O ptio na l) B 0% C W F ee dback Potentio m e ter 100% C C W T w ist an d run in a sepa rate b undle. Figure 1: Typical Wiring Schematic for 4 to 20 mA DC Control of a VA-900x-01 Series Modulating Electric Rotary Actuator VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 3 4 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Installation and Commissioning Procedures Valve Installation Install the valve in the proper manner, following the procedures outlined in the VF Series Butterfly Valves 2 Through 20 in., Two-Way and Three-Way Product/Technical Bulletin (LIT-977205P). Valve Actuator Installation 1. Before installing the valve actuator, manually operate it to its open position. 2. Remove any mechanical position stops if present, taking care not to damage the valve. Also, be careful not to remove any other parts of the valve. 3. If the actuator is supplied separately from the valve body, the actuator will be shipped in the open position. Take care to maintain the alignment between the actuator and valve shafts. If the shafts are not aligned, repeat Step 1 to properly align them. 4. Mount the actuator to the valve body. Whenever possible, the actuator should be parallel to the pipe run. 5. Cycle the actuator with the mounting bolts loose enough to allow the unit to center itself. 6. Tighten all mounting bolts and nuts evenly, taking care to center the actuator on the valve stem. 7. On models with a declutching knob, loosen the socket set screw and remove the manual knob. 8. Remove the hex-head bolts located above the flange of the actuator, then remove the cover. 9. Wire the actuator using No. 18 AWG wire or larger. If the actuator is of a special design, a wiring diagram will be furnished with it. If not, follow the wiring diagram included in Figure 1. The wiring diagram illustrates the circuit conditions for the valve in the open position. Wiring must be performed in accordance with all applicable local and national electrical code requirements. 10. Run the actuator several times from one extreme position to the other and check for proper operation. If the actuator travel is not correct, adjust the limit switch cams as outlined in the Limit Switch Cam Adjustments section which follows. VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 5 11. Install the actuator cover and tighten all flange bolts. 12. On models with a declutching knob, re-install the knob previously removed and tighten the socket set screw. The valve and actuator assembly is now ready for service. Limit Switch Cam Adjustments If limit switch cam adjustments are required, refer to Figure 2 and proceed as follows: P ivo t S cre w o n S w itch "B " P ivo t S cre w o n S w itch "A " A ctu a to r S h a ft S e t S cre w o n C a m "B " S e t S cre w o n M icro -A d ju stm e n t C a m "A " S e t S cre w o n C a m "A " S e t S cre w o n M icro -A d ju stm e n t C a m "B " S w itch R o lle rs Figure 2: Adjusting the Limit Switch Cams Setting Open Travel 1. Loosen the set screw on cam “A” just enough so that the screw maintains a finger-tight grip on the actuator shaft. 2. Rotate cam “A” clockwise away from switch “A.” 3. Manually operate the valve to the proper open position. 4. Rotate cam “A” counterclockwise against the switch roller on switch “A” until the switch clicks once. 5. Tighten the set screw on cam “A” and test the unit for proper travel. If travel is not correct, repeat Steps 1 through 4, or proceed to the Micro-Travel Cam Adjustments section which follows. 6 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Setting Closed Travel 1. Loosen the set screw on cam “B” just enough so that the screw maintains a finger-tight grip on the actuator shaft. 2. Rotate cam “B” counterclockwise away from switch “B.” 3. Manually operate the valve to the proper closed position. 4. Rotate cam “B” clockwise against the switch roller on switch “B” until the switch clicks once. 5. Tighten the set screw on cam “B” and test the unit for proper travel. If travel is not correct, repeat Steps 1 through 4, or proceed to the Micro-Travel Cam Adjustments section which follows. Micro-Travel Cam Adjustments If the limit switch cam adjustment procedures do not provide the necessary travel control, the micro-travel cams can be adjusted as follows: Setting Open Travel 1. Loosen the pivot screw on switch “A” and the set screw on micro-adjustment cam “A.” 2. In the event of actuator undertravel, rotate micro-adjustment cam “A” to swing switch “A” outward from the cam post. In the event of actuator overtravel, rotate micro-adjustment cam “A” to swing switch “A” into the cam post. 3. Tighten the pivot screw on switch “A” and the set screw on micro-adjustment cam “A.” 1. Loosen the pivot screw on switch “B” and the set screw on micro-adjustment cam “B.” 2. In the event of actuator undertravel, rotate micro-adjustment cam “B” to swing switch “B” outward from the cam post. In the event of actuator overtravel, rotate micro-adjustment cam “B” to swing switch “B” into the cam post. 3. Tighten the pivot screw on switch “B” and the set screw on micro-adjustment cam “B.” Setting Closed Travel Install the actuator cover and tighten all flange bolts. On models with a declutching knob, re-install the knob previously removed and tighten the socket set screw. The valve and actuator assembly is now ready for service. VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 7 Manual Operation of the Valve Actuator 1. Referring to Figure 3, pull the declutching knob all the way up and hold. Ope n Valve Actuators Featuring a Declutching Knob C lo s e d Figure 3: Manual Operation of a Valve Actuator Featuring a Declutching Knob 2. Insert an open-ended wrench beneath the declutching knob and onto the shaft. 3. Applying a gentle rocking motion, use the wrench to rotate the shaft to the desired position. Note: During manual operation of the valve actuator, avoid turning the shaft beyond the normal open/closed travel range. 4. Once the shaft is in the desired position, remove the wrench and allow the declutching knob to snap back into its original position. 5. Once the declutching knob is in its original position, the valve actuator will automatically re-engage and the power supply will be restored for normal operation. 8 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Valve Actuators Featuring a Handwheel 1. Depress and rotate the handwheel slowly until it drops into position and the gears engage. 2. Turn the handwheel in the desired direction and, using the markings on the handwheel as a reference, check the position by the indicator on the output shaft. Note: During manual operation of the valve actuator, avoid turning the shaft beyond the normal open/closed travel range. 3. Once the shaft is in the desired position, return the handwheel to its raised position. Doing so will reset the cutoff switch, in order to restore power to the valve actuator for normal operation. Note: The cutoff switch is designed to prevent unexpected operation of the valve actuator when it is being manually positioned. VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 9 10 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Circuit Board Commissioning Tools Required • Electronic Multimeter • Signal Source (4 to 20 mA DC) • 1/8 in. Blade Screwdriver Preliminary Checks ! CAUTION: Do not apply power to the actuator or circuit board until the following preliminary visual, mechanical, and electrical checks are made. Also, the following preliminary checks must be performed before the actuator is mounted to the valve. Damage to the unit could result if these checks are not performed before mounting. 1. Verify that the electrical power source meets the requirements. 2. Verify that the limit switches are set properly. 3. Check the wiring diagram to determine whether the Open/Extend or Close/Retract limit switch will be tripped at the minimum command signal. (The standard setting is for the Close/Retract limit switch.) 4. Referring to Figures 5 and 6, verify that the wire connected to terminal 1 goes to the minimum command signal limit switch, and that the wire connected to terminal 2 goes to the maximum command signal limit switch. 5. Referring to Figure 5, verify that the actuator feedback potentiometer wires are properly connected. Also check for 20 ohms of resistance between the blue/red wire and terminal 10 or 12 and the blue/orange wire and terminal 11 (slider), at the minimum command signal position. 6. Check that the low-voltage signal wires are separated in a different bundle from the power AC voltage wires. 7. Check that the low-voltage signal wires shield is connected to the signal source common ground. Note: Be aware that the actuator limit switches and feedback potentiometer are factory set, and should only be adjusted when absolutely necessary. VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 11 Setting the Actuator Feedback Potentiometer M o unting B ra cke t O utput Sh aft Active Are a Body R e taining Nut P in ion 0% 2 3 1 100% N on -Active Are a Figure 4: Feedback Potentiometer 1. Disconnect the power to the actuator. 2. Loosen the retaining nut on the actuator feedback potentiometer mounting bracket until the potentiometer can be freely rotated to the desired position. 3. Manually operate the actuator, bypassing the circuit board. Run the actuator in the direction of the minimum command signal position, taking note of the direction of the output shaft rotation of the feedback potentiometer. The actuator can be run electrically, bypassing the circuit board. Recheck that the power is disconnected. Referring to Figure 5, disconnect wires L, 1, and 2 at the terminal block of the circuit board. Then connect the wires as illustrated in Figure 6. Restore the power to the unit and run the actuator until it is stopped by the minimum command signal limit switch. 4. Disconnect the power again. 5. Referring to Figure 5, disconnect feedback potentiometer wires 10 and 11 at the terminal block. 6. Set the electronic multimeter to measure 1000 ohms, and connect the meter leads to wires 10 and 11. 7. If the output shaft pinion of the feedback potentiometer rotated clockwise while the actuator was moving in the minimum command signal position, adjust the resistive output of the potentiometer for 20 ohms by turning the body of the potentiometer counterclockwise. If the output shaft pinion of the feedback potentiometer rotated counterclockwise while the actuator was moving in the minimum command signal position, adjust the resistive output of the potentiometer for 20 ohms by turning the body of the potentiometer clockwise. 8. Tighten the retaining nut to secure the potentiometer. 12 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin -15V + 15V TA D eadband TP3 M AX M IN F e edback Potentio m eter C om m and Sign al S upply L M IN LS P ow er MAX M N Figure 5: Circuit Board Layout N eutral M axim um S ig nal Lim it S w itch A C Line V oltage M L M inim um S ignal Lim it S witch Figure 6: Limit Switch Wiring Schematic VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 13 9. With the voltmeter leads temporarily connected to the feedback potentiometer, restore power to the actuator. 10. Run the actuator in the direction of the maximum command signal position, while noting the meter display. The potentiometer resistance should increase gradually from 20 ohms to the maximum value of the potentiometer. If the resistance exceeds the maximum value and goes into the non-active area of the potentiometer before the maximum command signal limit switch stops the actuator, the limit switch will need to be reset. 11. Reconnect the feedback potentiometer wires to the terminal block. DC Power Supply Test 1. Disconnect the power to the actuator. 2. Referring to Figure 5, disconnect wires 1 and 2 at the terminal block of the circuit board. 3. Check that the disconnected wires are not touching any metallic parts, then restore the power to the unit. 4. Set the electronic multimeter in the DC volts mode, in order to measure the specified voltages. 5. Referring to Figure 5, locate the test points on the circuit board. With terminal 9 as common, check for: a. +15 VDC + 0.6 VDC at test point +15V b. -15 VDC + 0.6 VDC at capacitor C3 In both instances, the correct voltage values must be present for proper operation. If not, replace the circuit board; order VA-9420-601 separately. Initial Settings 1. Disconnect the power to the actuator. 2. Referring to Figure 5, verify that the actuator feedback potentiometer is properly connected to the terminal block. 3. Check or set the proper jumper. If the command signal fails, the jumper setting will determine the position of the actuator: a. Jumper J3: Maximum signal position, power to terminal 1. b. Jumper J1: Maximum signal position, power to terminal 2. c. Jumper J2: Fail in place, no output power. d. No jumper: Zero command signal position, no output power. 14 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin Deadband Potentiometer Feedback Zero Potentiometer Feedback Span Potentiometer 4. Furnish power to the actuator. 5. Locate the test point near the deadband potentiometer. 6. With terminal 9 as common, turn the deadband potentiometer P1 until the voltage at the test point is 50 mV DC. To obtain this reading, it takes approximately three counterclockwise turns from the fully clockwise position. 7. With terminal 9 as common, adjust the zero potentiometer P3 until the voltage at test point TP3 is approximately 1.0 VDC for a 4 mA DC or 1 VDC command signal. 8. For a 0 mA DC or 0 VDC command signal, adjust the TP3 voltage at zero and do not install a jumper at the J1J2J3 location. 9. Run the actuator to the maximum command signal position. 10. Remove the input signal. 11. With terminal 9 as common, adjust span potentiometer P2 until the voltage on test point TA is approximately 5.85 VDC for a 4 to 20 mA DC or 1 to 5 VDC command signal. If the zero or span voltages cannot be obtained, check the DC power supply. 12. Turn the power off and reconnect all of the wires on the terminal block of the circuit board. Calibration Span Adjustment 1. Check all of the parameters outlined on the previous pages before attempting to calibrate. 2. Furnish power to the actuator. 3. Apply the maximum input command signal. The actuator should run until the maximum command signal limit switch is tripped, stopping the actuator. If the actuator stops before the limit switch trips, manually or electrically run the actuator bypassing the circuit board until the maximum command signal limit switch is tripped. 4. If the green LED light is on, turn span potentiometer P2 clockwise until the light turns off. If the green light is already off, turn span potentiometer P2 counterclockwise until the light turns on, then clockwise until it turns off again. Doing so tests for proper operation. 5. Recheck the span adjustment by changing the command signal. VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin 15 Zero Adjustment 6. Apply the minimum input command signal. The actuator should run until the minimum command signal limit switch is tripped, stopping the actuator. If the actuator stops before the limit switch trips, manually or electrically run the actuator bypassing the circuit board until the minimum command signal limit switch is tripped. 7. If the red LED light is on, turn zero potentiometer P3 clockwise until the light turns off. If the red light is already off, turn zero potentiometer P3 counterclockwise until the light turns on, then clockwise until it turns off again. Doing so tests for proper operation. 8. Recheck the zero adjustment by changing the command signal. Deadband Adjustment 9. Apply 50% of the input command signal. Circuit Board Checkout 1. Check the operation of the circuit board by applying the input command signal to terminals 8 and 9. Install the positive input wire on terminal 8 and the negative input wire on terminal 9, using the electronic multimeter to monitor the input signal. 2. Gradually adjust the input signal in small increments until the maximum signal position is reached. The actuator must move proportionally, and a “null” must be attained at each increment with both LED lights off. When the maximum signal position is reached, the limit switch of the actuator must trip just as the green LED light turns off. 3. Gradually adjust the input signal in small increments until the minimum signal position is reached. The actuator must move proportionally, and a “null” must be attained at each increment with both LED lights off. When the minimum signal position is reached, the limit switch of the actuator must trip just as the red LED light turns off. 4. If the above checkout procedure is not successful, replace the circuit board; order VA-9420-601 separately. Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423 Milwaukee, WI 53201 10. The actuator should run until the controller stops it at the middle position. If the actuator overshoots, turn deadband potentiometer P1 counterclockwise in small increments until the actuator stops. Both LED lights should be off when this “null” condition is reached. FAN 977 Valve and Actuator Manual Printed in U.S.A. 16 VA-9000 Series Electric Rotary Actuators Commissioning Procedures Technical Bulletin