2016 CENTRAL REGIONAL TAFE SEMESTER TWO COURSE GUIDE Batavia Coast Maritime Institute | Carnarvon | Exmouth | Geraldton | Kalgoorlie | Merredin Moora | Northam | Technology Park | Wiluna CENTRALREGIONALTAFE.WA.EDU.AU RTO Code 52789 2016 Semester Two Course Guide CENTRAL REGIONAL TAFE Geraldton Campus (Head Office) 175 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton, WA 6530 Freecall 1800 672 700 Northam Campus Lot 1 Hutt Street, Northam, WA, 6401 Freecall 1800 627 256 Batavia Coast Maritime Institute Willcock Drive, Separation Point, WA 6530 Phone (08) 9956 6175 Merredin Campus 42 Throssel Road, Merredin, WA, 6415 Phone (08) 9081 3555 Carnarvon Campus 14 Camel Lane, Carnarvon, WA, 6701 Phone (08) 9941 0100 Moora Campus 242 Berkshire Valley Road, Moora, WA, 6510 Phone (08) 9651 0111 Exmouth Campus 5 Pellew Street, Exmouth, WA 6707 Phone (08) 9949 2624 Wiluna Campus Mudjon Street, Wiluna, WA, 6646 Phone (08) 9956 2881 Kalgoorlie Campus 34 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430 Freecall 1800 465 334 Exmouth Carnarvon Wiluna Technology Park Campus, Corner Arthur and Deepdale Road, Geraldton, WA All enquires to Geraldton main Campus Geraldton Moora info@crtafe.wa.edu.au centralregionaltafe.wa.edu.au 1 Northam Kalgoorlie Merredin Central Regional TAFE TABLE OF CONTENTS Central Regional TAFE 1 Table of Contents 2 A Message from the Managing Director 3 Studying with Central Regional TAFE 4 Study Modes & Campuses 5 The Next Step 6 Adult Literacy & Work Preparation 7 Education, Training & Childcare 8 Health & Community Services 9 Community, Sport Recreation & Fitness 10 Local Government 11 Business, Management, Human Resources & Finance 12 Information Technology & Digital Media 13 Hospitality, Tourism & Retail 14 Building & Construction 15 Engineering & Electrical 16 Automotive 17 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration 18 Mining 19 Transport, Logistics, Work Health & Safety 20 Agriculture & Animal Care 21 Conservation, Land Management & Horticulture 22 Maritime Operations, Marine & Aquaculture 23 Environmental & Laboratory Science 24 Hairdressing & Beauty 25 Arts & Crafts 26 2 2016 Semester Two Course Guide A MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR On the 11th of April 2016 Central Regional TAFE was established, and there has not been a more exciting time for the people of the Mid West, Gascoyne, Goldfields and Wheatbelt region when it comes to training. By leveraging the great strengths of the former Durack Institute of Technology, Goldfields Institute of Technology and C.Y. O’Connor Institute, our new College is bigger, stronger and committed to ensuring we deliver on the training and workforce development needs of our region. Bill Swetman, Managing Director Our diverse range of flexible training options are designed to suit your lifestyle and learning requirements; whether you’re a school-leaver, stay at home parent, mature-aged apprentice or are looking to upskill or to advance your skills in your current job, we have what you need. With more than 400 staff members and roughly 10,000 students currently studying across our suite of 220 courses, there really is something for everyone and no better time to join us on this exciting journey forward as Central Regional TAFE. Bill Swetman Managing Director 3 Central Regional TAFE STUDYING WITH CENTRAL REGIONAL TAFE At Central Regional TAFE we work in close collaboration with industry partners and the community to ensure our training is current and relevant. We have over 220 nationally recognised qualifications from Certificate I to Advanced Diploma level. Qualifications Vocational Education & Training in Schools (VETiS) VETiS courses are designed for secondary school students who wish to start working or studying in a particular field. Students can complete part or full vocational qualifications in addition to their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Certificates I & II These are entry level qualifications giving you basic employability skills and/or as a pathway to further learning. Typically taking up to .5-1 year to complete, they can be an excellent re-entry point for those wishing to return to study or work. Certificate III Typically taking 1-2 years to complete however, when your study is combined with an employment program such as an apprenticeship, it may take longer. Upon completion, you may find skilled work and as a pathway for further learning. Certificate IV A Certificate IV is the minimum requirement for consideration of entry into university and typically takes .5-2 years to complete. This level of qualification prepares you with cognitive skills in a specialised filed of work and learning with limited responsibility for others, such as a supervisory role. Diploma & Advanced Diploma A Diploma typically takes 1-2 years to complete, while an Advanced Diploma takes 1.5-2 years to complete. On completion of your qualification, you will have technical and theoretical knowledge and concepts in a broad range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. 4 2016 Semester Two Course Guide STUDY MODES AND CAMPUSES There are a variety of study modes available to you at Central Regional TAFE, giving you the option to choose the one which works best with your needs and lifestyle. Full & Part-Time Consisting of 16-20 hours face to face learning per week. Classes are scheduled during the day as well as evenings. We understand you may have personal commitments; therefore some of our courses are offered part-time, giving you the option to study full or part-time with as little as 2 units at a time. Flexible Delivery and Online Learning Flexible and online learning is a great option for students unable to attend face to face classes. All student materials are provided, which may include printed workbooks, CDs and online resources. Open Learning Open Learning study offers you the best of both worlds! It is a mixture of off-campus study as well as class times available. Intensive Blocks Intensive courses provide an excellent way to gain a qualification with minimal class time. You attend class for either a one week block and are then required to complete assignments/projects in your own time using flexible study methods. Apprenticeship or Traineeship Apprentices/Trainees need to be employed in a relevant field and complete work based assessments while learning on the job. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) RPL is a way of gaining a formal qualification, or credit towards a qualification, for the skills and knowledge you already possess. Campuses We have campuses across the Mid West, Gascoyne, Goldfields and Wheatbelt region, including Batavia Coast Maritime Institute, Carnarvon, Exmouth, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Merredin, Moora, Northam, Technology Park and Wiluna, with study options varying at each campus. COURSE GUIDE KEY STUDY MODES FT - Full-time PT - Part-time FF - Face to Face FLX - Flexible ON - Online OPL - Open Learning TRN - Traineeship EXT - External INT - Intensive Block 5 PRE - Pre-apprenticeship APP - Apprenticeship RPL - Recogonition of Prior Learning VETiS - Vocational Education & Training in Schools WPA - Workplace Assessment CAMPUSES BCMI - Batavia Coast Maritime Institute C - Carnarvon E - Exmouth G - Geraldton K - Kalgoorlie M - Merredin MO - Moora N - Northam T - Technology Park W - Wiluna Central Regional TAFE THE NEXT STEP Once you have made the decision to study with us, you will need the following information to embark on your journey. Entrance Requirements Each course on offer at Central Regional TAFE has set entry requirements. These will either be a lower level qualification or demonstrated numeracy and literacy skill levels. Although the majority of our courses have entry requirements, there are many ways to gain entry into your chosen course; our Client Services staff can help you further with your options. Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support Adequate language, literacy and numeracy skills are required when studying. A range of options is available to anyone who feels they may need additional support in these areas. Unique Student Identifier The Australian Government requires all students who are enrolling or re-enrolling in nationally recognised training to register for a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The USI reference number is made up of numbers and letters that will allow your USI account to be linked with the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection enabling you to see all of your training results from providers including all completed training units and qualifications. The USI is available online and at no cost to you. VET FEE-HELP VET FEE-HELP is a loan scheme that helps eligible VET students pay their tuition fees (resource fees not included) for certain VET qualifications at the following levels: - Selected Certificate IV Courses - Diploma - Advanced Diploma Courses available for VET FEE - HELP are marked with a # throughout this guide. How to Enrol? Contact our Client Services team who will discuss full course details and requirements with you. For more comprehensive information an appointment can be made with the lecturer. 6 2016 Semester Two Course Guide ADULT LITERACY & WORK PREPARATION ADULT LITERACY State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options 6482 10362NAT Certificate I in Spoken & Written English G, K PT, FF 6483 10363NAT Certificate II in Spoken & Written English G, K PT, FF 6484 10364NAT Certificate III in Spoken & Written English G, K PT, FF 6486 10366NAT Certificate IV in Spoken & Written English G PT 7185 22234VIC Course in Initial General Education for Adults N, M, MO FF 7186 22235VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) G, C, N FF, FT, PT, ON 7187 22236VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults G, C, N, M, MO FF, FT, PT, ON 7188 22237VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults G, C, N, K, M, MO FF, FT, PT, FLX, ON 7189 22238VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults G, N , M, MO FF, FT, PT, ON, FLX WORK PREPARATION 7 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options YU01 52769WA Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training & Employment (GATE) G FT, FF YU05 52771WA Certificate I in New Opportunities for Women (NOW) G PT YT98 52773WA Certificate I in Leadership G, N, M, MO PT, FLX, FF YT99 52774WA Certificate II in Leadership N, M, MO FLX, FF Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE EDUCATION, TRAINING & CHILDCARE EDUCATION & TRAINING State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J588 CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support G, C, E, K, N, M FLX, RPL, ON, TRN, FF, EXT J590 CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support # G, N, K, M FLX, TRN, RPL, ON, EXT W754 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment G, C, E, N, K, M, MO PT, FLX, OPL, ON, RPL, FF, INT CHILDCARE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J587 CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care G, N, K FT, FF, FLX, RPL, TRN, ON J594 CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care # G, N, K, M, MO FT, FF, FLX, RPL, TRN, ON, EXT Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 8 2016 Semester Two Course Guide HEALTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES HEALTH State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options 3728 52689WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Nursing Education G, N, M, MO FT, ON, FLX, VETiS J108 HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled-Division 2 nursing) G, N, K FF, FT, PT HLTAID003 Provide First Aid K, N, M, MO 1 or 2 Days HLTAID004 Provide Advanced First Aid K, N, M, MO 2 or 3 Days COMMUNITY SERVICES 9 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AWK6 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support G, C, N, K FLX, RPL, TRN, PT, WPA, EXT AWJ7 CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services N, K, M, MO FLX, TRN, VETiS, FF AWJ2 CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services Work N, K, M, MO FLX, TRN, FF, EXT AWL8 CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services Work G, N, M, MO FLX, ON, TRN, FF, EXT AWJ3 CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability N, K, M, MO FLX, TRN AWM9 CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support G, N, M, MO FLX, RPL, TRN, EXT Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE COMMUNITY, SPORT RECREATION & FITNESS COMMUNITY RECREATION State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J754 SIS20113 Certificate II in Community Activities K VETiS, FF SPORT AND RECREATION State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J510 SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport & Recreation G RPL FITNESS State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J760 SIS30313 Certificate III in Fitness K FLX, TRN, FF Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 10 2016 Semester Two Course Guide LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT 11 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options C741 LGA20104 Certificate II in Local Government N, M, MO FLX, TRN C742 LGA30104 Certificate III in Local Government N, M, MO FLX,ON, TRN, FF C755 LGA30404 Certificate III in Local Government (Regulatory Services) N, M, MO FLX, FF, TRN C744 LGA40204 Certificate IV in Local Government Administration N, M, MO FLX, TRN C749 LGA40404 Certificate IV in Local Government (Operational Works) N FF, FLX, WPA D349 LGA40708 Certificate IV in Local Government (Planning) N, M, MO FLX, TRN, WPA C756 LGA40504 Certificate IV in Local Government (Regulatory Services) N, M, MO FLX, TRN C745 LGA50104 Diploma of Local Government Administration N, M, MO FLX, WPA C750 LGA50404 Diploma of Local Government (Operational Works) N, M, MO FF, FLX, WPA C757 LGA50604 Diploma of Local Government (Regulatory Services) N, M, MO FF, WPA Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES & FINANCE BUSINESS State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AVU8 BSB20115 Certificate II in Business G, C, N, K, M, MO FT, FF, FLX, ONL, RPL, TRN, WPA, EXT, VETiS AVR7 BSB30115 Certificate III in Business E, C, N, K, M, MO TRN, FLX, ON, EXT, VETiS AVV9 BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business G, N, K, M, MO RPL, FLX, ON, TRN AVU9 BSB50215 Diploma of Business # N, K, M, MO FLX, ON, TRN AVS2 BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration C, E, N, MO OPL, FT, FLX, TRN, RPL AVS9 BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration G, N, M, MO FT, FF, FLX, RPL, TRN, ON AVT8 BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations N EXT AVU6 BSB40415 Certificate IV in Small Business Management N FLX AVR3 BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management G, K, N, MO FT, FLX, RPL AVU0 BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management # G, K, N, MO FT, FLX, RPL AVW8 BSB61015 Advanced Diploma Leadership & Management # G RPL Team Leader Skill Set G FLX, FF, RPL HUMAN RESOURCES State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AVT3 BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources K FLX, TRN AVT7 BSB50615 Diploma of Human Resources Management # K FLX FINANCE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AWA4 FNS30315 Certificate III in Accounts Administration N FLX, TRN AWB2 FNS40215 Certificate IV in Bookkeeping G, K FLX, RPL, TRN AWF3 FNS40615 Certificate IV in Accounting G, K, N FLX, ON, RPL, TRN FNSACC406 Set Up and Operate a Computerised Accounting System G PT Non-accredited Payroll with MYOB AccountRight K 1 Day Non-accredited MYOB AccountRight Introduction / Intermediate K 2 Days Non-accredited MYOB AccountRight Advanced K 1 Day Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 12 2016 Semester Two Course Guide INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL MEDIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DIGITAL MEDIA State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AVY6 ICT10115 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media & Technology G, C, N, M, MO FF, PT, FLX, RPL AVZ2 ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology G, C, E, N, M, MO FF, FLX, OPL, TRN, VETiS AWB0 ICT30115 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media & Technology G (Network) FT AVZ6 ICT40815 Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies (Multimedia Stream) OR (Programing stream) G FT AWG1 ICT40415 Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking G FT, FLX AWD9 ICT50915 Diploma of Digital Media Technologies (General Stream) # G FT COMPUTING SHORT COURSES State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options ICTICT102 Microsoft Office 2013 (Operate word processing applications) G PT ICTICT105 Microsoft Office 2013 Excel (operate a spreadsheet application) G PT Non-accredited Getting started with Microsoft Office K 1 Day Non-accredited Administration Skills in Microsoft K 1 Day Non-accredited Developing Skills in Microsoft K 1 Day Non-accredited Management Skills in Microsoft K 1 Day Non-accredited Microsoft Excel Introduction K 1 Day Non-accredited Microsoft Excel Intermediate K 1 Day Non-accredited Microsoft Excel Advanced K 2 Days Non-accredited Microsoft Project Introduction / Intermediate K 2 Days Non-accredited Microsoft Project Advanced K 1 Day Non-accredited Microsoft Word Intermediate K 1 Day Non-accredited Microsoft Word Advanced K 2 Days Non-accredited Microsoft PowerPoint K 1 Day DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY SHORT COURSES State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options ICPDMT321 Capture a Digital Image G PT Digital Photography K PT Non-accredited 13 Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE HOSPITALITY, TOURISM & RETAIL HOSPITALITY State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J429 SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations K TRN, VETiS, FF J428 SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality C, K WPA, FF J619 SIT30813 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery G, K FT, RPL, APP J618 SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality C, K FLX, WPA, TRN, FF J623 SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality K TRN, FF SITHFAB204 Prepare & Serve Espresso Coffee G, C, E PT, WPA SITHFAB201 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) G, C, E, K PT Barista Training K, C, E PT, WPA Safe Food Handling K, C, E PT, WA RETAIL State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J142 SIR10112 Certificate I in Retail Services N, M, MO FLX J144 SIR20212 Certificate II in Retail Services C, E, N, M, MO RPL, FLX, TRN J147 SIR30212 Certificate III in Retail Operations C, N, M, MO WPA, RPL, FLX, TRN TOURISM State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J427 SIT20116 Certificate II in Tourism BCMI, C, E FT, FLX, TRN J432 SIT30112 Certificate III in Tourism E, C TRN J433 SIT30513 Certificate III in Guiding BCMI FT Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 14 2016 Semester Two Course Guide BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 15 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options 5206 52524WA Certificate I in Industrial Skills (Entry Level Training) N, M, MO FF 1599 52443WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway Trades) N, K, M, MO FLX, TRN, FF, VETiS AA38 52443WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway Trades) - Carpentry and Joinery Pre-Apprenticeship K FF, PRE J483 CPC20112 Certificate II in Construction N FLX, TRN D383 CPC20211 Certificate II in Construction Pathways N, M, MO FLX, TRN W672 RII30815 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations G WPA W921 TLI31210 Certificate III in Driving Operations G WPA D409 CPC32011 Certificate III in Carpentry & Joinery G, N, K APP J787 CPC32413 Certificate III in Plumbing G APP Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE ENGINEERING & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J780 MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways G FT W233 MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering C, N, K, M, MO FLX, TRN, FF, VETiS AA50 MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering - Pre-Apprenticeship Heavy Fabrication G, K PRE, TRN, VETiS AA49 MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering - Pre-Apprenticeship Fitter/ K Machinist TRN, FF, PRE, VETiS AA48 MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering - Pre-Apprenticeship Plant Mechanic K TRN, FF, PRE, VETiS WT77 MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade (Heavy/ Welding ) G, N, K APP, FF, RPL WT78 MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade (Light) K APP, RPL WT83 MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (Fitter & G Machinist ZB) APP, RPL WT86 MEM30205 Certificate III In Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Mechanical Fitter ZA) G APP, RPL WT90 MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Plant Mechanic ZG/Z) K APP, RPL W245 MEM40105 Certificate IV in Engineering K ON, FF WT44 MEM40105 Certificate IV in Engineering (Fluid Power) K ON, FF WT45 MEM40105 Certificate IV in Engineering (Maintenance) K FLX, RPL, WPA ELECTRICAL State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AA41 UEE22011 Certificate II in Electrotechnology - Pre-Apprenticeship (Career Start) - Electrical K FF, PRE, VETiS A123 UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician G, N, K APP WT46 MEM40105 Certificate IV in Engineering (Electrical Instrumentation) K Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. FLX 16 2016 Semester Two Course Guide AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE 17 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options BAG3 AUR30416 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology G, N, M, MO APP BAD1 AUR20516 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology N, K FLX, TRN, FF, VETiS, PRE BAF6 AUR21916 Certificate II in Automotive Tyre Servicing Technology N, M, MO TRN BAG6 AUR21816 Certificate II in Automotive Steering and Suspension System Technology N, MO TRN BAC5 AUR20416 Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology K FF, RPL BAE6 AUR30616 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology G, N, K, M, MO APP BAF2 AUR31116 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology G, N, K APP BAD3 AUR30316 AUR30312 - Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology K APP BAF0 AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation N PT, FF BAD7 AUR31216 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology G APP Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options BAG0 AUR20216 Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology G, N, K, M, MO WPA, FF, RPL Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 18 2016 Semester Two Course Guide MINING MINING State ID National ID Course Name W654 RII20115 Certificate II in Resources & Infrastructure Work Preparation G, C WPA, VETiS, PT D585 RII30415 Certificate III in Resource Processing G, K WPA, FLX AZD9 RII30315 Certificate III in Underground Metalliferous Mining K FLX D794 RII30115 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations K WPA, FLX J664 RII30815 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations G WPA Study Options J679 RII30715 Certificate III in Mine Emergency Response & Rescue G, K WPA, FLX W690 RII40515 Certificate IV in Resource Processing G WPA AZF7 RII60115 Advanced Diploma of Metalliferous Mining K FLX RIIMPO206D Conduct Bulk Water Truck Operations K RPL RIIMPO301D Conduct Hydraulic Excavator Operations K RPL RIIMPO302D Conduct Hydraulic Shovel Operations K RPL RIIMPO304D Conduct Wheel Loader Operations K RPL RIIMPO308E Conduct Tracked Dozer Operations K RPL RIIMPO310E Conduct Grader Operations K RPL RIIMPO337D Conduct Articulated Haul Truck Operations K RPL RIIMPO338D Conduct Rigid Haul Truck Operations K RPL CPCCOHS1001A Work Safely in the Construction Industry K, N, M, MO .5 Day TLILIC2001 RIIWHS204D RIIWHS202D All Ticket Package- Work Safely at Heights, Licence to K Operate a Forklift Truck, Enter and Work in confined Spaces 3 Days TLILIC2001 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck K, N, M, MO 2 Days TLILIC2005 Licence to Operate a Boom-Type Elevating Work Platform K, N, M, MO (boom length 11 meters or more) 2 Days RIIWHS202D Enter and Work in Confined Spaces K 1 Day RIIWHS204D Work Safely at Heights K, N, M, MO 1 Day RIIVEH305E Operate and Maintain a 4WD Vehicle K 2 Days Trade Maths Introduction K PT Non-accredited 19 Campus Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE TRANSPORT, LOGISTICS, WORK HEALTH & SAFETY TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options W925 TLI31610 Certificate III Warehousing Operations K FLX, TRN W931 TLI32410 Certificate III in Logistics K FLX, TRN, FF WORK HEALTH & SAFETY State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AVV3 BSB30715 Certificate III in Work Health & Safety G, C FLX, ONL, RPL, WPA AVW3 BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety G, K FLX,ONL,RPL, WPA, FF, INT AVV6 BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health & Safety # G, K FLX,ONL,RPL, WPA, FF, INT WorkSafe Accreditation Occupational Health and Safety Representatives G, C, E, K 5 Days WorkSafe Accreditation Occupational Health and Safety Representatives Refresher K 3 Days Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 20 2016 Semester Two Course Guide AGRICULTURE & ANIMAL CARE AGRICULTURE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D467 AHC30110 Certificate III in Agriculture N, M FLX, TRN D500 AHC40110 Certificate IV in Agriculture N, M FLX, TRN D513 AHC50110 Diploma of Agriculture # N, G, M FLX, WPA D470 AHC30410 Certificate III in Pork Production M FLX, TRN ANIMAL CARE 21 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D462 AHC21210 Certificate II in Rural Operations C, N, M, MO FF, WPA, TRN, FLX D494 AHC32810 Certificate III in Rural Operations G, N, M, MO FF, FLX, TRN, WPA D766 CPP30115 Certificate III in Urban Pest Management G WPA D484 AHC31810 Certificate III in Vertebrate Pest Management C WPA, OPL S686 ACM40412 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing G FT Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE CONSERVATION, LAND MANAGEMENT & HORTICULTURE CONSERVATION & LAND MANAGEMENT State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D460 AHC21010 Certificate II in Conservation & Land Management BCMI, C, N, K FT, FF, FLX, TRN, WPA D480 AHC31410 Certificate III in Conservation & Land Management BCMI, K FT, FF, ON, WPA D508 AHC40910 Certificate IV in Conservation & Land Management BCMI FT, RPL D523 AHC51110 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management # BCMI FT, RPL HORTICULTURE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D454 AHC20410 Certificate II in Horticulture BCMI, C, K FF, PT, FLX, WPA, VETiS D473 AHC30710 Certificate III in Horticulture BCMI, K FF, PT, WPA, FLX Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 22 2016 Semester Two Course Guide MARITIME OPERATIONS, MARINE & AQUACULTURE MARITIME OPERATIONS State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options J711 MAR20313 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal) BCMI FT W985 SFI20211 Certificate II in Fishing Operations BCMI FT W987 SFI30211 Certificate III in Fishing Operations BCMI FT J713 MAR30813 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal) BCMI FT J714 MAR30913 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal) BCMI, E FT, FLX J716 MAR40513 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal) BCMI FT J717 MAR40613 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal) BCMI FT MARINE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options W232 MEM10205 Certificate I in Boating Services BCMI, C, E FT, WPA 9536 52697WA Diploma of Marine Studies # BCMI FT AQUACULTURE 23 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options W986 SFI30111 Certificate III in Aquaculture BCMI FF W990 SFI50111 Diploma of Aquaculture BCMI FF Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE ENVIRONMENTAL AND LABORATORY SCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D551 MSS40211 Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology G FT, PT, WPA D553 MSS50211 Diploma of Environmental Monitoring & Technology # G FT, PT, OPL LABORATORY SCIENCE State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options W734 MSL20109 Certificate II in Sampling & Measurement G TRN, OPL, WPA W735 MSL30109 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills G FT, PT, WPA W736 MSL40109 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques G TRN, FT, PT W737 MSL50109 Diploma of Laboratory Technology # G FT, PT, OPL Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 24 2016 Semester Two Course Guide HAIRDRESSING & BEAUTY HAIRDRESSING State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options D589 SIH20111 Certificate II Hairdressing G, K FF, TRN, ON D590 SIH30111 Certificate III Hairdressing G, K FF, APP, ON BEAUTY 25 State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options AW07 SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services K FF AW05 SHB40115 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy K FF, TRN Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. Central Regional TAFE ARTS AND CRAFTS VISUAL ARTS State ID National ID Course Name Campus Study Options CT89 CUA20715 Certificate II in Visual Arts C, E PT, VETiS AZN2 CUA3111 Certificate III in Visual Arts G, N PT, FLX, FF D658 CUA41315 Certificate IV in Visual Arts N FLX, FF D657 CUA51115 Diploma in Visual Arts # N FLX, FF Course Name Campus Study Options Cake Decorating K PT VISUAL ARTS State ID National ID Non-accredited Numeracy and literacy support offered for Certificate II qualifications or higher as required. Training options may vary at each campus location. 26 Geraldton Campus (Head Office) 175 Fitzgerald Street, Geraldton, WA 6530 Freecall 1800 672 700 Northam Campus Lot 1 Hutt Street, Northam, WA, 6401 Freecall 1800 627 256 Kalgoorlie Campus 34 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430 Freecall 1800 465 334