इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 4831 (1968): Recommendation on units and symbols for refrigeration [MED 3: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” (Reaffirmed 2001) IS : 4831 - 1968 Indian Standard RECOMMENDATION ON UNITS AND SYMBOLS FOR REFRIGERATION Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sectional Representing Chairman 5~x1 EDC 66 Committee, Danfoss J, C. KAPVR (India) Limited, Bombay Members SHRI A.H. MALKANI (Altern& to Shri J. C. Kapur) SHRI M&IAN Blue Star Engineering Bombay T. ADVANI SHRI R.411 D. MALANI SHHI S. R. BNAJ Co (Bombay) Private Ltd. (,4&WZUtt’) Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Community Development & Co-operation Indian Engineering .4ssociation, Bombay Central Public Works Department, Calcutta Shri Ram Refrigeration Industries Ltd, Hyderabad CDR Y. P. BATRA SHRI S. K. BHATTAC~ARYA SHRI I<. R. CWANDRAN SHRI S. J. Rao (Altcrriafr) Ministry of Food, .4griculture, Community Devrlopment & Co-operation Air Conditioning Corporation Ltd, Calcutta SHRI H. P. DESSA SHRI J. G. MMANGLANL (.-lltcrr &) 1)I RUTOR OF .\IARINE E~IGINEER- Xax,al Headquarters 1st. SHHI p. D. GI’KE Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. Sangli ~HRI 1'.G. LELE (.-IIfrrnute) SHRI GURPREET SINGH .4IlIndia Cold Storages Association, Sew Delhi SHXI S. ii. CHAUDHVRY SHRI SHRI 1. P. .\cciaRwu (AZfernatf-) ALGERTON HUNTINGDON York s;HRI H. C. &ZA (A&t’nafe) SHRI L. S. JOSHI SHRI J. ‘5. SEHGAL SHRI G. K. Kae~a LT-CO1 P. s. India Kirloskar Limited, Pneumatic Faridabad Co Ltd, Poona (dltemote) The Hvderabad Allwvn Metal U’orks Limited, Hyderabad Defence Research 6: Dewlopment Organization (Jfinistq of Defence) KAPOOR 11.4~ C. L. SHARWA (AIlcrrratr) SHRI S. KRISHSAN Technical Development Circle, Telegraphs, Jabalpur SHRI H. ~.GAXTH R.40 (.4lrernof~) SHRI S. I”. DHAMANIA Indian Posts & (Altern&) Konfinued m puge 16) INDIAN MANAK STANDARDS BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR NEW DELHI INSTITUTION SHAH ZAFAR 110002 MARG IS : 4831 - 1968 Indian Standard RECOMMENDATION ON UNITS AND SYMBOLS FOR REFRIGERATION 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 4 October 1968, after the draft finalized bJ_ the Refrigeration .and Air Conditioning Sectional Committee had been approved bv the Mechanical Engineering Division Council. 0.2 With a view, to unifving the practice followed in the country. in regal-d to the symbols and uniis used in refrigeration and air-conditioning trade, need has been felt to lay down recommendations on the principal quantities chiefly used in the field of refrigeration and on their symbo!s and This standard is largely baFcc1 on the Dmft IS0 units of measurement. Recommendation No. 1053 ‘ Units and symbols for refrigeration ‘. 0.3 For convenience, certain fundamental quantities and their derivatives have been included which have already been dealt with in IS : 15’10 (Part IIT)-1961* and IS : 1890 (Part I\‘)-196lt. The column reserved for remarks in Table 1 provides definitions or explanations of quantities for which these are not found in IS: 1890 (Part III)-1961* and 15: 1890 (Part I\‘)-1961 t. 0.4 The various quantities havc been grouped in a logical order so w to facilitate their location by the users. In certain cases when the same symbol may have more than one meaning, a second symbol 1135 been proposed. The units are separated into two sections, namely, units of the International System (SI) and units of other systems which are at present very widely used. In order to obtain the SI units which are equivalent to other units, conversion factors have been included in this standard. 0.5 India has changed to metric system of weights and measurts. though this standard gives both metric and fps units, metric units be used (fps units are for information only). 0.6 The basic and the derived units tions are given in IS: 3616-1966:. of the SI system cm quantities and units of mechanics. tRecommendations on quantities and units of heat. ;Recommendation on the international system (SI) units. *Recommendations 2 with their Alshall defini- IS : 4831- l%S 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard recommends units and symbols to be used in refngeration. 2. QUANTITIES, SYMBOLS, DIMENSIONS AND UNITS 2.1 The quantities, symbols, dimensions and units a.re giversin Table 1. 2.2 The conversion factors given in Table 1 shall be used as multipliers for ’ other units ’ to obtain SI unit&%; Example : 1 ft = O-304 8 m exactly. 3 IS : 4831 - 1968 TABLE QUANTITY SL SYMBOL SYMBOLS, (Clause SI UNITS Symbol e------ (3) (2) (1) ‘2 QUANTITIES, DIMENSION No. 1 1 Length Area, surface (‘5) (4) 1 L metre A L’ rquare m metre ms 3 Volume L’ cubic 4 5 Mass Time M T kilogram second kit! S 6 T-i ;: Frequency Rotational speed Density (mass density) HZ HZ kg/m* 9 Specific L’*M-i 8 hertz hertz kilogram per cubic metre cubic mefre per kilogram kilogram per second cubic metre per second Kelvin degree 1,0 8 Celsius degree T AI, A& AT, A0 e degree dcg ZL-4 volume 10 Mass flow rate MT-’ 11 Volume L’T-’ 12 Thermodynamic or absolute temperature 13 Customary ture Temperature rence 14 15 flow rate temperadiffe- Coefficient of line3 thermai r\nnn.ion 16 17 Coefficient 01 thermal pressure increase metre mx ma/kg kg/s ma/s “K e-1 per degree deg-l =Y 69’ per degree deg-i B 8 per degree deg-i =1 4 IS : 4831 - 1%8 DIMENSIONS AND UNITS 2.1) OTHER UNITS _--2 % same CONVERSIOS FACTOR (9) (8) (7) ft foot inch square foot square inch t: in’ revolution per minute pound per cubic foot cubic fl?/lb 0.062 4 lb/h 126x10-’ ft’/h 7.865 79 x 10-’ OR 519 Lc==S/9(1?-32) foot per pound cubic per hour foot Rankine per hour degree Fahrenheit degree OF Fahrenheit degree degF (10) O-304 8 exactly O-025 4 exactly 0.092 903 0 6.451 6x10-’ exactly 28.316 8 x IO-’ 16.387 1 x 10-a 0.453 592 37 ft’ in’ lb min h min-r Ib,/fP cubic foot cubic inch pound minute hour pound DEFINITIONS Am IigblARKS symboi j60600 l/60 16.018 5 5/9 per Fahrenheit degree degF-1 915 per Fahrenheit degree degF-i 915 per Fahrenheit degree degF-r 915 Also called cycles per second Fluid mass flowing in unit time Fluid volume flowing in unit time If ta°C. IFOF. T,“K and Ts’R are referring to one and same physical state, the figure&. IF, Tx and 7’s are evaluated as &=5/9 (jr--32)=Tlr-273.15=5/ 9Ts-273.15 fc=.Tx-273.15 tr= Tn -459.67 The General Conference of Weights and hfeasures has recommended that the word ’ degree ’ or its abbreviation ’ deg ’ should be used for temperature intervals or differences. The abbreviations “K and “C are still often used or,=’ d1 i di (Continued) IS : 4831.1968 TABLE 1 QUANTITIES, SL QL'ANTITY SY?.:BOL SYMBOLS, SI UNITS DIMENSION No. Name (1) (2) (3) (4) Symbol ’ (5) (6) 18 Coefficient of compressibility x M-‘LT’ square metre per newton ma/N 19 Force F 31LT-’ newton N 20 Pressure P ML-IT-’ newton per square metre N/D’ 21 Surface 0 MT-’ newton per metre N/m 22 Dynamic viscosity Y ML-‘T-1 newton second per square metre S.sjm’ 23 Kinematic viscosity Y L*T-’ square mrl-re per n.ls tension WCWld 24 Work 25 Power 26 Specific work ,ML’T-’ joule J P ML’T-’ watt w U’ L’T-’ H 6 _I:k: IS : 4831- 1968 DIMENSIONS AND UNITS OTHER Cod UNITS --* square - S3me Symbol (7) (8) inch per pound in*/lbf \ CONVERSION FACTOR (9) 1.450 37 x10-4 force / , 1 dvn kgf lbf bar bar lo-* exactly kilogram force per square centimctrc normal atmosphere kgf/cm* 98 066.5 cxtictly ntm 101 325 es;lctly yzo;d lbf!ft’ 47.S80 3 pound L~rrc per .quare inch millimetre of water millimi~tre of mercur! inch of water lbf!il~ 6 S94.76 mmH,O mmHg inH,O 9+Kl6 65 cxacl I> 133.322 249.G83 inch of mercury inHg 3 386.39 dyne per centimetre dyn!cm 10“ exactly poise kilognm force srcontl per square mrtre pound force second per square foot P kgf.slm* 0.1 9.806 65 rsactlj Ibf.s/ftl 47.880 3 stokes St oaoo1 ft./s 0.092 903 0 erg k1r-h erg kgf.m ft.lbf 3.6 x 10’ exactl) 10-r exactlv 9.806 65 e&tly 1.355 82 horse power metric horse power hp 745.700 735.499 foot pound pound ft.lbf/lb kilowatt force foot per square per second hour kilogram force mctre foot pound force force per - - 10G exactly YM6 65 exact11 4.448 22 - 2.989 0 7 . AND (1f-V let= I dv v dyne kilogram force pound force - square UEHNITIONS REMARKS 0x* t This unit is also called ’ Pascal ’ 1 bar = 1 hcctopieze (bpz) 1 kgf, cm*= technical mosphrre (at) 1 mmHf; at- = 1 torr IS.., nl*= 1 kgj(m.s) - 1 St = 1 cm*/s 1 hp = 550 ft.lbf/s 1 metric horse power = 75 kgf.mjj The work done per unit of mass IS : 4831- 1968 TABLE QuhNTITP 1 QUANTITIES, 51 DIMENSION , UNITS L Name (4) (2) (1) SYMBOLS, Symbol (6) 27 Heat quantity ML’T-’ joule J 28 Heat flow rate ML’T+ watt W 29 Density of heat flow rate MTJ watt per square 30 Heat transfer capacity (heat load) ML’TJ watt W 31 Refxigerating capacity MLYPI watt W 32 Efficiency - 33 Indicated efficiency - 34 Mechanical efficiency 3s Voiumetric efficiency 8 metre . - W/ma I - IS : 4831.1968 DIMENSIONS AND UNITS- @HBR Codd UNITS CONVERSION FACTOR --he- DEFINITIONS &HARKS AND ,Xame (7) (9) international kilocalorie kilocalorie 15°C British thermal unit 4 1868 exactly 4 185.5 Btu 1 055Tm kc&z/h l-163 exactly Btu/h 0293 071 international kilocalorie per hour square metre British thermal unit per hour square foot kcahT/ (h.m*) Btu/(h.ft’) 1.163 exactly 3.154 59 international per hour kcalrr:h l-163 exactly kilocalorie at 15°C per hour British thermal unit per hour k=l,,/h l-162 6 Btu/h 0.293 05 1 frfgorie per hour ton of refrigeration fglh ton I.162 6 3 516.85 international kilocalorie per hour British thermal unit per hour kilocalorie (10) 1 kWh = 859*845 kcalrr In the refrigeration field the unit ’ frig&e ‘, (fs) is also used, corresponding to an extractron of 1 kcal,, from the body to be cooled 1 kcal,=3.968 Btu Heat flow rate rejected to the hot body from a refrigerating machine 1 fg/h= 1 kcal,,‘h 1 ton of refrigeration = a heat flow rate of 3 023.95 kcal/h or 12 Ooo Btu/h removed by the refrigerating system from the cold body Ratio of the indicated power of a compressor to the ideal power with isothermal ccmpression Ratio of the indicated power of a compressor to the input power - 9 Ratio of the fluid volume drawn in during the suction time at the suction conditioning to the volume displaced in the cylinder or cylinders of compressor .^ . .. IS : 4831- 1968 TABLE SL QUANTITY SYMBOL. 1 QUANTITIES, DIMENSION SI UNITS NO. Same (2) (1) (5) (4) 36 Isentropic adiabatic 37 compresIsothermal sion efficiency 38 Refrigerating ance 39 Refrigeration capacity per unit volume ML-T’ joule per cubic metre 40 41 Internal energy Enthalpy Free energy Free enthalpy Energy Latent heat of formation ML’T-” joule LW’ joule per kilogram t: 2 46 47 48 49 :: efficiency of compression SYMBOLS, Symbol (6) - - perform- J/m’ J trans- Specific internal energy Specific enthalpy Specific free energy Specific free enthalpy Specific energy Specific latent heat of transformation 10 J/kg IS : 48310 1968 DIMENSIONS AND UNITS - Cmfd DEFBWTIONS &MARKS CONVERSLOX FACTOR Symbol- Same (9) (8) (7) _. international kilocalorie per watt hour kcahr/Wh 1.163 British thcrmnl unit per horse power hour British therrnai uuit )xr \ratt hour ‘I‘IHI of refrigeration per horse powrr frigorie per kilocxlrxic iu ternational kiluc;+Ic;ric 1~’ cubic mctre Btu/hp.h OWO 393 13tul\\'h 0.293 Ton/hp 4.716 fgikcal kcal&m* 4 186.8 exactly iutcrnational AX(U kilocalorie { Uritish thvrmnl unit Ratio of the power of ’ Ratio of the refrigerating sapacity to the volume flow rate, in a ckarly defined condition kcalrr 1 xu 4 186-g exactly-) 2 326 cxaLtly ’ (d .-.L-I,r\-T~ (s-.\,I 1 (CohIurd) 11 an isentropic compression (reversible adiabatic) to the actual power supplied to the same fluid mass flow rate from the initial to the final state (enthalpies difference) Ratio of the power with reversible isothermal compression to the actual power supplied to the same fluid mass flow rate from the initial to the fina. state Ratio of the refrigerating capacity to the absorbed po\j.er (for a cycle, a machine, a compressor, ctc) IS: 4831 - 1968 TABLE QUANTITY SL NO. (2) 52 Specific 53 Relative 54 Saturation 55 Entropy 56 Specific 57 Heat 58 59 Specific heat Specific heat at constant Specific heat at constant 61 DIMENSION SYMBOLS, SI UNITS -I (1) 60 SYMBOL 1 QUANTITIES, humidity (3) (4 x - humidity P ratio cp entropy capacity capacity capacity pressure capacity volume Specific heat capacities ratio Name Symbol (5) (6) 3 - .- - - Kelvin J/-K S ML*T-%-* joule per degree 8 L’T-‘0-l joule per kilogram Kelvin degree JlOw’K) C ML’T-‘8-l joule per degree J ldeg L’T-‘6-l joule per kilogram degree Celsius C CP cv - YD x 12 J/PwW IS:4831 DIMENSIONS I AND UNITS OTHER UNIIS L Name - 1968 - Contd DEFINITIONS AND REMARKS CONVERSION Symbol (7) (8) - - \ FACTOR - - Ratio of the mass of moisture in humid air to the mass of dry air present in the mixture Ratio of the water vapour partial pressure to the saturation pressure of pure water vapour at the same temperature Ratio of the actnal specific humidity to the specific humidity of saturated air at the same temperature E;ors - For temperaturesIns than 0°C the values in general applp to pure water ice. If it is concerning sub-cooled water the symbols are to be qualified by P particulv index. mtemational kilocalorie per Kel\-In degree Britrsh thermal unit per kcahr/‘K 4 196.8 exactly Btu/“R 1 899 exactly international kilocalorie per kilogram Kel\-in degree British thermal unit per I pound Rankine degree kcal IT/ (kg.“K) 4 186.8 exactly Btu/(lb.“R) 4 186.8 exactly rinternational kcalrr! deg 4 186.8 exactly? BtuYF 1 899 exactly kilocalorie { F!%?%e’~rnal unit per 1 degree Fahrenheit international kilocalorie I per ki!ogram degree British thermal unit per pound degree Fahrcnheit - kcalrri (kg.deg) Btui (Ib.degF) This o,rantitv 4 186.8 exactly 4 186.8 exactly - I 1 J y, x= 1: 13 is not com_ pletely defined if the type of transformation is not specified IS:4831 - 1968 TABLE 51. QUANTITY SYMBOL DIMENSION (1) 66 SYMBOLS, SI UNlTB r_---*-----~ ?iO 65 1 QUANTITIES, (3) (21 O\-crpll c*vfficicnt he.lt transfer I’hcrmal diffusivtty Name Symbol (5) (6) (1) 11LT-‘9-’ watt per metre degree .\fT-‘B-l watt per L’T-’ square metrc secolll i of mctre W/(m.deg) square degree \V;(m* deg) 1 tl 14 per rn’p IS: 43310 1968 DIMENSIONS AND UNITS - contd OTHBR UNITS -A c Name ----9 [international kilocalorie per hour metre degree rgritish thermal unit per hour foot degree Fahrenheit rvntemational kilocalorie 1 per hour square metrc degree British thermal unit per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit square square metre per hour foot per hour DSFINITIONS C~NVSRSION Symbol kcalm/ (h.m,deg) l-163 exactly] BW@.ft. 1.730 73 AND RIZMARKS FACTOR I de&V t where d is the total thicknwS of a wall, and d, and Ii the thicknesses and conductiGties of the wall componcllts kcallrl (h.nPdeg) 1.163 exactly Btu/(h.ft’ degF) 5.678 m’ih fPjh 0400 278 O~ooo 02s 8 15 a =I/cp IS,: 4831 - 1968 (Cot&rued from page 1) Re#vesen fing &iembcrs SHRI H. J. LENTIN SIiRl R. K. MAHAJAN Godrej & Boyce Mfg Co Pvt Ltd, Bombay & Standards Organization Research, Designs (Ministry of Railways) Directorate General of Technical Developmen+ New Delhi SWRI D. B. MALIK SHRI S. N. BANWET (Altarnalc) SHRI MANMOHAS SINCH Frick India Ltd, New Delhi SHRI BACHAN SINGH (Aite~nale) SHRI NAUNIHAL SINGX MATHUR National Physical Laboratorv, New Delhi; and Indian Society of Refrigerating Engineers, Calcutta SHRl A. P. SHIVDAS.4Nl Indian Society of Refrigerating Engineers. Calcutta (-4 Ilcrrtafe) SHRI S. N. .&fUKERJI National Test House, Calcutta SHRI B. K. $kKHERJI (~k~~ntc) DR P. K. PANDEY StiRl 1’. p. PUTJ SHRI 0. P. PURI SHRI G. l’. RAO (AIleva&) Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur All India Air Conditioning d- Refrigeration Association, New Delhi Voltas Limited, New Delhi SHRI R. J. RAMRAKHIANI Centgme,xiur SHRI C. R. SIRCAR Directorate General of Supplies & (Ministry of Industry t. Supply) SHRI K. LWTT.~ (4 llrrnafc) SHRI K. S~BRAHW~XY.~M SHRI hl. Y. PATABKAB, l)ircr.tllr (llcch Engg) Assistant I Institute (Ministry Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s ciation, Ahmedabad Director General, ISI (Ex-o&icio SHRI S. P. ABBEV Director (Mech Engg). 16 IS1 of Labour), Disposals Research Ncmbrr~ Asso-