Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 10-10-1968 The Daily Egyptian, October 10, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 50, Issue 13 Recommended Citation , . "The Daily Egyptian, October 10, 1968." (Oct 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact 'I Southern 11liTWis University . Carbondale, Illinois Volume 50 T.hursdor , October ro, 1968 Nu mbe r 13 Keene, Fle~rlag'e issued subpQ~na_s for grand ' ,i ury R\ John nu rbln Carbonda le ~13yo r David Kee nt,.' an d Cl ry ,\ rr Or nl' Y Geo r ge Fl ee riage r('ce lv ed ~ ubpoc n as Wt.: J ncsd ay .l fh ' rnoo n tfJ appe ar be fo r e [he J aC kf'lm Co unr y G r.ipd Jury tod ay at Q a , m , In t he J .Jc k...:;on Cou nt } Counhoust: , Murphy sbor o , Al so s ub poenaed by St al l'S Arr o m ey I'ic ha r d Hich m an _ an' Willi am Whit son, Ca r botldah- Ch.imbl' r o f Comme- r ct..· p r es ldl: m, and Wi lli a m Buds li c k, Ca rbo nd.i1 l' liqu o r dea le r, Hl c hman sa id t hes,-, four persons we r e S Ubp(kndl'd o f "the kno wledgt..' th C'y a llc-gc.'d l y have about t hl.." J Il t..' f.!,ed bribery an empt s ." Th e gra nd Jury was c all ed by Ri c hm an to InV ('Sli ga te· c ha r ges o f all eged atte mpt s to bribe' Kt-enc . Issu an ce o f the s ubpo e n.3s f0 I!.~ w cd 3 m o rnin ~ In whi c h Ri c hm an a nd Fl cc r l.3~e exohange d ve r ba l .Ht acks against e ac h mhc r dbout t he hand ling o f t he pr eparatio ns (o r the g r and Ju r y inv esti gation. Fl.e~ rla ge sa id "the sm e ll u f a whl t ~ wa s h Is eman.3 tin g from (Richman's) office ," r e fe rring [0 R1't:.h man's r e fu sal to call Benjamin D. Pessin, a St. Lo ui s bu s inessman , before the grand jury, A grand jury depe nd s upo n the sutes atto rn ey fo r guidan ce "in 95 pe r cen t o f Ir s ac t iviti es ," Fl ee rl age ...s.aJd. "He may manipu l at e It (grand jury)." Rl'chma n co nt e nds that "aft e r seein g Mr. P c's5 1n' s affi dav it and t a lking wi t h h im , that he h~s nothing tn a~ to the p r esent in quiry... .. , Ricbard Richman, states attorney (leU ), and Georce Fleera&e . cHy .Ctorney, exc hanl e d ve rbal attacks " 'edne s d ilJ'. Don ' t see eye-to-eye The t wo are n o l in acreement aboul the handline or prep. f lions for the c rand j ury he acinc beci nn in l today . The Irand j ury has bee n c ailed beca use of aUedced br i b e o rrers to Ca rb ond ale Mayor David Keen e. ...... 'OJ ( Cont inu ed on page Recruiters barred from area H use By \\ayne Markham and Nat.han Jon (>s Recruit e rs will no lo nger be allowe d in Ar ea H o f the University Center, Dean of Stude nts Wil bur Moulton lO ld the Stud e nt Senatt! Wedne sda y n1 ghl . The ann o un c em ~ nt ca m l:' lalt! In (he m e-d i ng and wa's jo intl y pre pa r ed by SJU Ca r bondak Chance ll o r Robe n W. Mac Vi c ar. Moull o n. and Clarenct..' G. Doug h~ nL dlrt:..:l0r of lhl::' Un ive r slly.C t= fll e r . Mo ult o n to ld lh . .· .:it=na lors Ih ~' r l..' c r ui tt..: r :i wu u ld bt., r l;' -! oc3 ICd In anut hl' r a n 'a of the l ' niv crs lt v C e",, ' r. 1\' Ma n nl' Recr ull cr IlJcated In Ar t..';.! II ih l s Vo t..- , will tlt..' .3 ll o wed to r l'ma in. bUI Ih lS I!> I hI..' ):1 :-,1 \k I r ee ruitt:rs Will appe a r (he r ..: , Moult o n sa id. A pr oposa l b) Ca r bo ndale c ilY off iCial s to tkblll enfo rCl.. m t..' m of a C H ~ zoni ng o rd ina nce:' whc h wl ulJ IIm ll SIU s t ud ents no w li vi ng in .:ii ngle - famJi} d W t.:lli n~!> bro ught p r otest in . .'a r h e r Stude nt St' naH? a c ti o n. In ol hl;'f busint..'s.:i aimed at the c ity In lasl n1l!hl ' ~ Sl;'nate ml;'l,ting wa s an a nnoun ce m e nt b) t udt..,nt I\(j~~ Pr t..'s id..: nt Sa m Pana yolo vich t hai he has fo rm t!d a ~ o rn ­ mill ee to s t! f.:.' k a sludl.,.,nt di s count pr ogram from C.H bo ndal e mel c hams. "We were tur ned down co ld t wo years ago ." P .3nJ yotQ vk h ' s ald , ",f C.:1 r bondal e mcrcham!> 3r l.. ' not \\' 11( ton, jnu ~ on pogr 2) Muddy parking Jimmy Nash or CII'I'bond ttl e hook s a low cabl e onto a c ar stuck in a muddy parking l oL. Mo r e thaua a dozen cars ,,!er e r epo rt ed. st u ~k in ,I.he parkinc Jot c urrent ly under co nstru c tion so uth of Ole Arena . The unpa ved lo L.. b ecame a G u s sIQ s h r h u pes grand' j UQ is good al '" pu zz h 's b (>ca u s t' i l a 10 1 or pi t"c('s 10 ' pUI &Nh,l" r , - .. uddy mire late " 'e dn es d a.)' (ollowi oC th e - alleniooa -rain . \ ; r Ih e jij!. has 10- ( Camp~igning for Bar', mili~ 'recruite'rs governor O,gilvie ,s peaks here Friday from Center area H ( ContinueD f rom poge J) epubltcans, and 'Glen dressed SID stude nt s in t he li ng to li s te n the n I' m r e a dy to t r y s e le ctive bo ylie an candid ate fo r Gove rno r Bowe r, co-ordinato r of Re - s pring and' 'he GOP c andlda' e con ing." . of Il lino is , wiil a ppe ar at a pubUcan campaigns. for 1 i e u r e n an t gove rn o r, The ci ty o r di nance would r e s t rict r esidents of ho use s free s' r e el dance -rally In ' Tbls appearance will be , he Robe n Dwye r, was on c ampu s z one d a s s ingle -family units to no more th;ln t WO unCa r bonda le Friday. . grand final e of a 15 c ampu s Monda y, ' r elate d pe rso ns , thus ba r r ing a r ra nge me nts pre vious ly ,The da nce- ral ly will begi n [Our ,ha' Ogilvi e Is m ak ing Ogilvie, 4'5 , was e l ee ' e'd e xist i ng that a llowed m a ny s tude nts to occupy one a, 7 p, m , In ,he Moo 8. Cackl e bring his ca m paign c ol- Sheriff of Cook Coun ,y In hous e • . p arkin g lor, ac co r ding t o J ac},: l ege students throughout t he 1962 and fo ur ye a r s lat er wa s ~ord o f the ' new e nfo r ce me nt polic y ca me d ur ing Seum, p r e s ide nt o f the Stu state . Ogilvie pr evious ly ad- e lecte d to hi s pr e s e nt positio n T ~s da y ' s Ca rbondal e City Counc il , mee ti]lg , ac-,"o rdlng as president of. t he Board o f to Ra y Os mu s , Campus C o mmuni ty Co mmis sione r for Coo k Co unt y Co mmi ssione r s . the Se hat e , who ' r e por t ed o n the c it y counc il a ctio n. He has ca mpaign ed as being Acc o rdi ng to Dean M ult o n. tne c it y zoning o rdinanc l.' Do ug las Ga r butt, le ad ing tr ai ni ng u nder the Industri a l a ftght e r against o rg an ized was r e - e va lu a te d in Au .s t and the e nfo r ce me nt. wo ul d h O r ll) on trai ni ng COStS Trai ning Ac t , a nd r e ce ntl y crim e and as a gove rnm e nt not begin unt il Wint e r qu ' te r . r e fo rm e r. As s he r iff he s ays u ge r l~ r I13 i n ' s Indu s t ria l compl et ed a survey of th e 'Affected by th e possi b c ne w interpr etdlio n o f the 1 lning A ~ t of 1964, i s 3 attitudes of 300 ma na ge r s to- he .. r educ e d s yn d ica te vi ce o rdinance ar e thos e St U e m s Who li Ve in s ingle and gam bling to an all- tim e vi s it ing lV"o fc s so r In StU ' s ward rQ! ~ e m e nt t r a ining . fa m ho us es, that are a s of Ca r bondal e Garburt ls an a s soci at e of l o w•. . and rr'a ns (o r me d t he ofDe p3rt me m o f Acco unti ng. " zo ne d a s Ga r bult , who will tk! at 51 the Inst itU t e or C ost an d Wo r k s fl ee from an objec t 'o f r id icu le d uri ng t h~ 1968- 69 sc hoo l ACCQUnl 3m S and thl.' Chan e r ed [0 a fi r s t-r at e law age ncy." rea r , i s Icaching cour ses in Instit ute of Se rc ta r ies. , wo . He al so ca mpa igned s tro ngthe m ai n prof e ssIOnal l y In so ul he rn illino is on 'h ~ manage r ia l a nd COSI acco um - o f Ing. In Eng land he te a c he s bodies go verning e m r y into t he iss ue o f un saf e highw ay s unde r ma na ge mc nI acount ing a nd fie ld of a c count ing. .He a l s o t he De moc ratic adm inistr aal the Sc hoo l , of ho lds a n a cade mi c de gr ee In t ion. If e l e c ~ ed he pl an s to fi nan c e esublls h a ne w depa rtm e nt e duc a tion. Man ~ge m e nt , C o Uege of Ae r ote c hno lo gy, C r anfi e ld , a poSt- H ts publi ca tio ns include .. A of tr anspo rt at io n and a ppo int g r adu a lt.' sc hoo l m: a r Lo ndo n. Si mple GUide 10 C apil a l Ex - a do wn s t at e o ffi c ial a s the In' addit io n, he does co ns uh - penditure Declsl o ns , P lann ing di r e c tor. T o th e young vot e r s he 109 t n I...ondo n, ha s leclUred for P r ofits , Advanc e d Ac l' ue ns lyc l r o n th e COSts of co unt s , " ~ (book which will says hi s on l y pr o mi se is " ('0 pla y it s t r a ight . •. If yo u ca r e be put51is hed In t he Sixth edit io n in 19(»9, a nd "Princi ple s enQugh t o wo rk t hroug h the 51U educator ' rwmed s ys t e m unt il we Ca n cha nge of' ,Acco unts, " ___ co -a ut ho r ed .. with ' I:: .F. Castle . Aso Gar- it ." The g r aduate of Yale Uni to .'ale ad fJilOry poll b!!."'S bOOk, " Tra inin g I Cost s : ' is in t he pr oces s ve r s it y and Chic ago Ke nt Colle ge o f La w r e~ l d es wl , h hi s An 51 c ducaro r ha s beo n o f be ing pub li s he d. wi fe and daugh t e r in No rt hJProlnt~ d to an adv iso r y POSt s ubu r b. b ~ Ra) P a~e . sta te s upe r intendent of publ iC Ins t ruc ti o n. Gate opens at 7:00 ' ALSO : '( Short Subject) Rh. a r d Ve r duin, coo rdina I"'bll" b 'd In Ihr 1:..· ,OIr'",,· n' ."J . . . tNlh ~m ...· 0'41)' Iht ''''lIIh -.a""¢a) thtuvlf,.. ...11 ,I • lo r o f le ache r e d ucatio n in •1~boo Show starts at 7:30 ~ l )" ~I . . . ...... pc tJU , IlI' l.nI .... t~lI) ~'''''' "Plant of lif e " t he' dea n' s offi ce a nd progra m In'" r-.: nOO;o • • • .;oml""'''''' ...... ~ .. . anc! I. . .. 1 hol ' lla l'~ by -.out:tl,"rn Il lInu, ,.. \ ·m ...·".I1). C .. r .. dlreClo r In the Depa rtm e nt 01 oondak', IllI ne ,." nlQUl. ....·C-...MI Clb~ fu ,,-r;a~ 5 t ud\.' nt 1 ~ac hjng , ha s bee r ptotd " C.,.bond.lit.' .llI mo,., <o2Y01. 2nd) Rod Steiger ' No Way To Treat A lady ' '·o h c lr .. <Jl ,he I An "'IMI ar c m e r ..... potl · na me d lo a se ve n- ve a rl e r m o r . lbIU I)' 01 Ih.· ,"dll .. n. ~I. ""' n",, jlUb· th e a dvi so r y co ~ncll of the: lI . bed tr r .. do hOI l'It'oollu r tl ) ,."f1ecl l ho. to pt.nKon l~ aG m l n l"H lliOl'l 0 ' an)' litJMrI ' de part men l of pr og r a m de ve l· mo' nl of vi Ihr l }nl\'eu ll ),. i:dn o nal and !\wI1 ......... ut1IC1''' loealreS In o pment fo r g ifJed c hildre n,of· l dt",; T - 41i. H fiCal oIfl«' r lIo . arcS R fl ce of (he s uper int e nde nt oj liul I M I . Td.,ptw;wr 4 )) . 2.).)4. publi c Instr uct jo n."fII _ a . aU : W hit aua h . Mu )' Lou Manru., AI M annu"C.. MU y f-"ruc r, J Qhn Th ~ co unc.i1. co ns id e r s po ll· Ow' (DO NOT SIGN YOUR NAME) bl n. Wa ynt:' Mark ham. Norn a J otIIt'"A. f',ac ie s , e va luate s pro gram s an< th.Ol n JonetI , fUorbara 1......, DilV1.' "'I ", r m... Oln Yan A ua. "r"-III I'he l p". Nld liarlk·r. ma ke s r eco mm e nda tio ns u DI~.( Rencho: r . Ikan lt d!ufonnJ. Photo!;false true (he s tal e o ffi ce r e garding pro~ u pbc u : Ban )' Ka iRr. Mila, Vo ll a n , Oa Vl' HOW DO YOU FE ~ ABOUT THESE IMPORTANT ISSUES '! lunaR. Ra ,;na tl Yld."nd•. gra m s fo r gift e d n. Rich a rd B, Ogilv ie , Repu b- Young '0 '0 British professor 'visiting Southern ~ Daily Egyptian Helga' CONfIDENTIAL QUESTIONAIRE Please fill ' out and hand in at the theatre play "Helga" N~ W AT THE VARSITY SIlO. TIMES 2:00 ' 3:40 ' 5:25 ' 7:'10 - 8:50, FROM THE COMPANY THI\T GAVE YOU T-*iE YEAR'S MOST TALKED ~BDUT MOTlON°'PICTURE, "I. A WOMAr~ " "The eye-catcher is Uta LIIYIui, tile hip Carmeq , in modern undress, 'Carmen Baby', obviously is / a film lor a very special clientele - optrll lovers, who want to see what they've beerr-missing all thtse years, and voyeurs, who just want to see: - NEW YORK TIMES 1. Pre-marital sex experience is beneficial. 2 , The "pill," is a practical ans,w er to b irth control. 3 , Sex is better learned by experience ' than in school. 4 , Sex should be to ught in the public schools, 5 , Parents a re better equipped to teach the facts of life , knowl,edge about sex is bad for ng as too much knowledge out sex, ten years 8 , There is more immorality today "Carmen herself. Uta 'Levu, plays the sexpot temptreis for all she's worth-and that's .quite something, Sh~ has a let's-have-tun look in ber eyes that fecalls Melina Mercouri in "Never on Sunday: With "u DOlce_Vita" parties thrown in for good measure, the movie will give you your monlY's worth:", - If, y , POST 9, Most women need more sex instruction . 10 , Most men need more sex instruction, 11 , There is too much opinions NOW tbey may , I ( Illinois 'program set today Home Ec--,dean atlend. I in first of WSIU-TV series Eileen E. Qui gley. dean New Orlemu meeting ~B~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~ Focus: Southern Illinois, to 8 p.m. Passpon 8: on WSIU - T.V . will featur e the Sun . Tahiti be aired . a t 8:30 p.m. tOday h .s. op of the School of Home Economics ' at SItJ , at ended t he confer ence of hor;n conom ics adm lni s tra te r : ~ f inst itut ions be: longing to t he Nat ional Assoc . s lands in the Hrsl of a series of five doc u- 9 p. m. Biograph y me nraries deali ng ·with the . . .. Daily ~g~_" '1 .' '-ad ~ erti se r ~ MID·AMERICA THrATRES t;otes ~pen At 6:30 1,', , :J I !::.. ~'j . . . [~' _~ _., _ _ \'OU 'flll« Show Storts 01 7:0r In Ca r He ate rs )'( /·. S.·: .WU. 7S IJ\/. I' / of Land Gram ' Colleges and U ni v er sities meeting in New history of the state . 9:3U~ . m. Orl ea ns Ocr. 8- 11. " ll1 i n oi s - The Rugged ' US A Photog r aphy Land" is a ble nd o f motio n to p.m . . Dca n Quigley is a me mbe r pic~ ur es , pholOg r aph s and Th ur s day N ight Film C la s - o f a 1-lofl1.C Eco no mi cs Co m- d ram a t i z a [Ion s Ulustrat- ,,-::: Si:;"';: S ::s:iwi:a:n:ee::R::iVi:e::r====m=IS:;S: I,,:n-= T:aS:k::F=o::::r::: c e=~=:-, ing the SlO ~ of Illinoi s . r Other programs : 4: 30 p.m. France Pa no r ama _ 4:~5 . . e . r ie ndl y Gia nt 5 p.m. Wh at ' s New ?~ . 5:30 p.m. Mis te r ogers 6 p.m. NET Ji zz 6:30.p.m. Spot light o n SOUt he r n IInols. 7 Sporte mpo 7:30 p.m. ' Wh at's.New ? LATE SHOW ;:~ VARSITY 1 11 Bow Office Open .. 1 0 : ~S Show Start .. 11 : 00 .. II Seats. $1 . 00 THE P.JI9OUCERS ~OW BRING YOU : u- p.m. " •• ~F" AWOMAN ' • . ~ Iqwr~ 'Gates Open ot 6:30 Sho w Storts At 7:00 LSD is topic on WSIU(FM) today Sid ney Cohcn, r esea r che r autho r on [he s ubj ect of LSD, speaks on drug use , esp c c J a II y on ca mpu s , o n WSIU( FM ) at I p. m. today. The program se r ies Is SIU Convocati ons . and ALSO • Rob.rt Wagner an)",\Mar y Tyl.r Moor. "don't Othe r program s: . . JORGEN RYG • AXEL STROBYE y 5 Ser enade tn [he Aft e rnoon 5: 30 'p.m . p.m. Mu,:;ic in the Air 7 '2::;"adlan Short Stori es 7:30 p. m. 7::5r~~~~ In th e Air f::~~:::ns::: ESSE LANGSERG • PAUL HAGEN' OIRCH PAS.S ER Brighten Your Wardrobe Dry Clean . 8 Ibs. - Only! S2 . 00 t STAND 4-"'ere' ld.l _ 1/ - r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~;;~;;~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~11 Current Mens' Fashions Off~r You An Exciting Variety Of Models For Your Individual Flair ~$W 8 8:t O p.m . Comedy Corner. 8:35 p.m. G r e a[ Orchestras JUS- The Menswear Industry Has Undergone A Complete Change. '~ he Result Ha s Been An Exciting Variety Of Models, Fabrics And Coordinated Co lors. The Edwardian, Tbe ~ ebru, The Contin~ntal And Th e Tradi..tional Models A I~ Lend Lafolndromot & Cleaner. Wash Themselves To Fashion Leadership For You, The Individual 30 Ibs. - Onl,y SO( 20 Ibs. - _C>.~!/ 3S( 12 Ibst Only .2S( !-- One Day Shir:t & Dry Cleaning Service Suits From World-Wide De.igner. $59.95 To $145.00 Dashing 5 p 0 rls Coats $29.95 To' $75 .00 't~ llp~ 7' day. . Only' GOLDSMITHS Offers You These .World-Wide Models ~olb~mitIJh) :t4uendatU al'UJay. on duty: Hr. Bam Jeffr~y's 811 S. Illinois CarbOndal~ . . '. SIU Home Coming 2nd . 311 W. Main r ? _ Dail ~ Egypli Of\ OC'obllf , , to. '; 1968. P 0 9t' 3- ( Editorial Gregory column ",' shows new trend 1:0' Dick Grl..' gory· 5 y,~I..· kl y" 5) ndlt,;3t e d co l umn :I most wl..' il" o m l."- new addil i on 10 the P ub h .... Fo ru m pag.e u f the Da il ~ Egyptian=- Jnd (l n,,' wh i..'h he lps fulfi ll a vi ta l n3 lion w l d ,-' Ih..'\.' d . .. h\.~ cu fumll b ~ t he well-kno wn ci vil ri~hls Jd VOI"."Jh..' and SI U alumn us is. in fact , indicati YL" o f .i m os t m eaningfuL change occurr i ng In th\." nal1on ' s pre sb. Unt il r ec e nt l y a lnll)SI ..:o mpil:l eJ) d Qm :nal e d by while JO urna l1~1:i . · the pl-es s is no w openi ng i ts e dit o ri a l .. r.l~ ·~ 10 t he- Wr ll l i1g.:i o f bl 31.. k I\ ml..' rl c an s . I..h.ln.,:c \\.J S 10tl l o n~ In Lt) ~qg. , but '" ,!'> f ,n J I I \ ht:r.. . (J i c gu q '~ uliln n 1:,,0\.. 0 1 3\.·\'I, ' r .l1 n\.: w fo r c runn c r su f w ha t will I hI,· • \ t.· rH u.lII ~_ Ill: a r e gu la r fe atu re in th e e di '" na l p.Jgcs 0 1 Ol.JjOr U. S ~ ncw s p a pt! Tl:I: m:ul..·na l wrill en by a black ' mc.... r ic an. : I\\.: ed it o rial lrrq:o q ' s ..:o lumn a lsu pr uvld ...·s . i n pan , .111 dnl" WCr Iv .J mUb l .lmpun3 m qu .... stiun of ou r l ime ; "W hu :o.~ a k :-' fo r t he 1 TU I,: , nu Stnll !... Imhvidua l c an Amt'n" a n" " tA· !>.J ld III s pea k f o r J II bJa \.. k Am..:r ican s , 'bul ..1' !L-.J Sl In Did: Gr qw r y the r e' is o nt.: r l. s po ns i h k b l a ~ k Yoke which wtJl be he ard . Am.! till' a rg umL'nt t hat G reg o r ~ is-1lQ.!. an •. J I. . . um pil shcd wrll L' r" i s so me what beside I hI.' PO lfll ; . a bla c k man $...u c h as Gr ego r y ( I n.b.: t1cr s peak fo r bla c k A '!l ~ i c an s ~n J while writ er of gr eater jouma li.s tlc ac co mp li s hme nt . J~ Ho pefull y" the voice of the black Am e r ican w ill ~ o nt i nu e to be heard thro ugh r e gular s ~ ndlcated co lumns In the e dito r ia l pages of :\me r ic a ' s pr ess. Today Ihe bla c kwr lltcn e dil o rial slands OUI as a ne w cur IOS ity ; s o me da y. It wi ll be ac cepted as an Int e ~ r a l part of the e di to ri al page . Anywh er e the r e is a signifi cant number o f black Ame n cans the r (A" is a ne ed fo r a rl2'sponsible blac k voi ce in the press . SIU ' IS such a place, . and the fac t rhat the DaJl y EgyptIa n ha s chose n to make Dick Gregory' s column a' r egular week ly fea ture' i s a n act of worthy inSight. Dean A. Re buffoni L.".r \ . Student disorder product of centuries - T o th\..' Edi ro r ' ArTh.· rican unive- r :'i lI\ adm lni :"tr 2 tllr:"; who arc co nce rned about 1her cs [ l l'!-os n f"!-o~ - a nd law Iv:-.!-onl..·.,s (? ) -fJf loday ' s s rude nt s ma) lx· ha p p~ 10 karn [hat de ntu n r es t i s~ot n l.· w . Ttx· followin g pass age i s ta.kl.·n fr o m a re port whic h (hL' Pa ri ~ rl.· prl.'r-:e nta t iye of thl..' g r!.?31 han ki ng ho usl.' of tl'w.: Fugge r s in /\ ug!' burg SI..' O( to hi s main offi ce a lmos t thr('l,.· hundre d ye ar s a go . " On rhe 5th day of Fe brua ry , bei ng t he fir s t Supday in I.e nt., the Queen Mothe r of France drove wit h he r daughte r, t he Que e n of Na varre , and othe r Pr in ces and Att e ndant s of ttJe Court, a bo ut vesper rime ro the __College of J es uit s to he a r ..!.be re ading of vespe r s . "She wa s esco rted by M. de Lo rraine, M. de Bo ur bon and three Ca rdi na ls drjving and 0." horse back . The s tude nts of Pa ri s , who are wo nt to indulge in s cuffles whh the se rvant s 0'( the Court, had . col lecte d in bands o ut s ide the Col le ge . where the y began quar r e lling and brawling with the muletee r s . " Whe n the co urtie r s and the Prince s ca me o ut of the Co ll e~ and we r e abo ut [Q bes t r ide the ir , h o r !'e~ :md I.·ok r t lk l r ul.lchl. S , :~~::. : ~h~;~~,~~~~. ~ ~l~' J I ~ I LJ r h;)ncl.' kt' I,1 thl.· s tudl..'n{:o. :ltt 3c ke d the m ~r llh .< r hl.· t\i nJ! h.J!-o ,, 1I /lt Ol:Jndl'd (h. r apier :-; .Ind c udge l:-: , .:; u rro ~ ndl,· d the carr i ;) ~~ with ~rl.·a t tur hu- J Ul hu r ll 11.,::-' ( n i n v l:'f' tl~at €' th l' .If · le nce, Ihru's t\ t ht'lr hand!'; into r hl.· f 3 J( :wd (lj t h ro ..... I hI.' ( uJp r ll ~ boso m o f the (Jut::'c n of N.av ar r t: / n(\I 11.1l I uWI,· r. ~l a l1y w hu l e f l a nd mo'c kingJ y s tr o kl' d . ht-' r th...-ir Itlt!~ l n~ ~ ,II n l~ h t w,-= r t' C.b.1 lnl ll (hl' l'/, mm flll pri .. "n. '-;l.: nh.: ncl plum l.' s . . t.'Th e Ca r d in al de Lor r a lnt' t he y ha ... 1'1 11 1 )l" t'll.'I.' n pas :-;c.· d On t 111.' 111 . . . C . C. W I I. ~ an d pus he d intr l tht::' dee pe s l hllk In "ruk :-;:--lI r IIr l' l'o no m IC," t hl' dl,.·l..· ,'). -':'; [ mud. The: a ~ (: J (..'ut·l.· n tht= y not o nly aul tl.-d with uns he a thed foil s , but :J ls() ll1s uircd in obscene , fo ul and le wd Il: rm s , which it wo ul d Ix· s haml..' fu l to r(' pea l. The re a so n. thl..· r l.' of had no t been imparte d to me , ne lthl.'r wha t de vilry drove tht' m unt O s uch disIh.. 11 •• 1. I c.pll . n .. n. UUIU "", )J-r .. d,~ o rde r ly condu c t. 1I~"'I "n " I < u n .. nl ...... u .... ""toUCh ,H.tllll. 1. . "The King , wit h jus t ca use , has ."d "·Ur, .. I d .... ... I .. . "· ·.., "I .... '..~~::~ been ve r y g r eatl y Incen sed t he r e at ~~r,~~;·.. d.. '. :<f~~~rnn:.~..: , : t.~: .. ; :d..flhd· ,;~;,:C:: and ha s had it an noun ced on the up... ....n.... l Ih ,' .lIthu,,, .. nfo "k .. . d.. , ... ,,' 9th day of Fe bru a ry that an y s tu -' In.,t .. It ...... p". .... ,h,," "pl .. III .. " .n I.. U,·,,, de nt is forbidd e n, on pa in of de a-t:·h. :nh~ \~lo::~:,ln:';u ;~~.~ ~". ~r:l:b ~... ~:r:~~I::" to show hi s (ace in the s trects .~ ' .nd b ,· nil luner , Ih.n ! ',O .. .. ni .. I r ll,·' "Desiring to see with his own "," I.. ,.... hllllid , .. "" .. , II,h.. ,0' .... ,.11, .' I " p ' .. d e yes whe ther the s tude nt s we re ~: ~ld ~'.~.~I'~1 ~~'b~,.lr·,;!·· ..~n:J.. :~';. :'~:.~!': ~'fI·:;· obeying hi s co mm a nd, he rode o n p'·'"n"'!.!.!"" " ' CI .nr r I"r lIubl l' .l h,n that same day on horseback. clad ",dl d.-" .... d u " tI.. I h .. Ilm .\i& H"I"', u . "" .. ,,. in armo ur and his f ace hidde n by ;;r~ .It'*,;:"I.":.. " I~~.~ ~: ..~~!~ ~t~~I·'::· ".,~' fu!~"n:: :~ a mask, s urrounde d by a fe w se rI ,'pli oUl I" d,·I"/lfltn.· , .... 1,· .. 1 .. 1 Ih.. "p'n,,,n yant s , into tha t part of the town p.,'" filii .. , m. I.. ".1 U" p. " .. ,!,u, ud fu r where the s tude ms li ve , which is ;;.:!"~:~,. ,":~I:'..l:~ ;.-,:"d ... :~'.:r~ ~..~'~;,;~:::~ I)!no wn a s La Un iYe r s ite. Merci~~ . • nd Inl ..rp'rl ,..... , "p ln ... n full y nm hing occurre d, for rh os~~~ . . . "' ~h.., '. d I... . u. Qick Public Forum ~}e,90ry . ~ Double stand~rds ,;;~. brin1l'problems was a fe w min ut-es late. At 1:34 posed as th e hY P"")Crtsy it (s. Th e By Di e " Greeory , p. m. wh e n s he eme rg ed from the Wa ll Str.:et c ro wd far o ut-numI have often insistea t ha t Ameri Br oad S tr ee t su bwa y stat ion , be r ed the peace demonst r ators (n ca is fa c ed wit h a pollutio n c ris is. c r owds were so t hick that hu nCh icago o r the f; tud cm j) rflI 1!5 .t: r 3 And I do not mean air o r water d r eds o f passe r s - by we r e s hoved at Co lumb ia Unive rsit y. It wa fi a poll ution. The mo s t pre ssi ng prob- aga in s t build Ings. Traffic wa s lawl e ss asse m.b l y which diS'p l ayed le m" in America IOda y i s MORAL stopped . People s tood o n c~ r s ope n con tempt fo r tr affi c r e gulapollutio n. A hypoc.: r it ica l do uble- to get a be tte r view of he r [otO;o..: 1- tio ns and damaged- pe r sona l pr opstandard peg- mea te s t his mo rall y ca rin g meas ure m ent s and so me o f eny . poll ute d nati on. . t he c a r s were da maged. T he national obsession wit h la w National hYP9cl isy rea c he d its Br ok e r s pel.'re d out of th e win- and o r de r see ms fi r s t and fo r e mos l pronounced pr oportio ns a dow:;; ,) ( t he Stoc k Exc ha nge. The mo s t w be co nc e r ned wit h who a r e couple o f week s ago in t he econos t e ps of t he Subtre J hurj 'we r ,: the law br e ake r s and fo r what mic cent e r of r\mer ica, t he \V al: mo:'be d. The wi ndo ws of t he pu rpose a r : [he y asse mb led . It Scree[ a r ea of Ne w Yo r k C uy. maj e s ti c Mo rgan GUl r an t y Tr ust is evide ntly ac cc: pt ab le co ga t her For days word ha d been c irc ul atin g Company buildin g we 'fe fill ed with in t he fun - 'Iovi ng spirit o f publi c l y throu~h th e lu nch hour c ro wd t ha t e xpec t ant fa ce s. Spec t a t o r s emb.:lr r a s sing a so l ~ :ary you ng at pre.:13dy J :28 j l ,:Tl .. a ~ !1):" : / r·)am e'..! ( ' Io ft );'IS and clung to light l ady . But nat iona l hypoc r isy wi ll olrl in a tight SWe3~ , : r wo..:!1 as - poles . not to lerate public emba rr assm c :.t ce nd ttl e ste ps o f the BMT ri ubP l ai ncl ot he s po llee we r e waiting of America by th ose who gathe r [0 wa y s t at ion nea r the New York. co pr v rec[ Mi (:'s Gottfr ie d from th e pro tes t i nj u s ti c~ in VieOlam and Sto ck Exchange and walk t o work unl awbl assembly. Th e y e sco r: ed hum an dis r ega r d at home. When a nat ion shows mo r e tol e rance and at th e Che mi cal Bank New Yo r k he r sa fel y to work. a&..- th e eage r r espect fo r c r o wdli gathe re d to mob fo llo wed. Trust Co mpany on Brpadway. Every day th e c r owd of onlooke r s The in cident r eceived thOT'' lugh look upon a woman wit t). lu s t than grew l a rger. They gath e r ed to gawk ne wspape r and te le vi s ion ""t:.ove r- for cit ize ns asse mbled to in sist As.a r es ult. c r o wd s t he th at t he de m ands of LOV E and - at 5-feet 4-lnc h, 21 - yea r- old age. Francine Gp[ t f i i e d. an IBM next day tripled, Mor e than 15,000 J USTIC E beco me Incorporat ed Into machine operator. Miss Gott- people jam med th e s am e ar~ a. nati onal policy, t hat nation is infried's m easurements of 43- 25- cove ring 10 blocks standL'g el bow- ' sane. to- el bow. Morc bloclci ngoftra fHc . Ea rl1e r th is yea r a cro'wd of 37 became much more i m po rt a nt to t he Wall Street business com - M or ~ damage to parked cars. But bl ack and Pue n 9 (' Rican yo uth no Mi ss Gottfried. Her c ivil right s gath ered outs ide Cit y Halt in New munity than th e Dow J ones av e rage . And her dall y appear ance pose d an were so o bvious ly threate ned tha.t Yo r Jd Cit y todem and moresuw mer it was no longe r safe for he r to jpbs":' Some park ed cars we r e da m .... increasing threat to do mestic trango to wo r k. .. aged, including one' owned b'y a qUlllt y. No a rrest s we r e mooe. PolIce ~ e m be r o f the City Council. p oOn Septembe r 70 mo re th an did not wade into the crowd With'" lice u s~d Cl ubs to disperse t hat 5. 000 broke rs. banke cs and be ige ... nightst icks nor did they ~ke ah croWd, Mayor Lindsay called t he. ef t Ht to dIspe r se Jhe assembl y. ,de mo ns trations disgrace ful : . , To and Wall s tree ts in ad vance o f , The campaign cry fo r l aw a nd o r- my kno wl edge hemadenocomment ~is s Gottfried's appea r ance. She de r was p.u bllc l y moc ked a nd;"ex- about the Wall Street Incld e n ~ ~~~~~d t~t~~~r ~;~~~~f ~~~~~ O"ick'Y . . , ~o.. . , Doil,. EI,.~tiM. Octob.t 10'. 1Me " " r ~ Dan \ ' an ."'-U a , Da il y Egyptian ~ e p o rtN , rece ntly condu.cted an e~ tens i"e, tape reo corded intervie w " 'jth Chancellor Robert Mac\'icar. Th e c han ce llor ' ha s agreed to a monthly i~' e r "ie w throug hout th ~ aca ~ e m ic year. It is hop e d thal information fr o m th e inter"i~ws ""~11 ' help to bridge th e gap bet ween s tud e nt s, fac ulty , s taH and admin is tration . The qu esUo Ds are tho se .o f the reporte r and the answers a re tak e n ' verbatim from Ma c \ licar; s re plie s .... qu estion s .... e re s ubmit ted in ad \'anc e of th e inte r'.-i e w. "1 have . asked ' t hat a .vt! r y c a r e fu l A. st ud y be m ade . b y. the appr opri"atc·adr'tfjnj s tra .... offi ce r s . o n the uriliza tio Jf'\pf· Roo m If'.I · fee l th a t u nt il thi s s tud y is ,co mprr; i.e d. and the ir r e c o mm e nd a ti o ns co m e 10 me . m y a nsw e r dire c rly to your q ue st io n mi ght n(.l t . be. app r o pria te. . "I .do wa nt to s a y the m a lte r is undt: r the most c are ful s t ud y at {he pr e se nt ti m e . We will ce.nainl y conside r (he r eco mm e nda t iOflS o f the St ude nt Se na te a nd Mr. Mo ult o n in makiflg a de c isi o n a s to whe re a ct ivi ti es of this type co uld be car ri ed OUt on t he Un ive rsity c ampu s : ' Q: . ' 6 0 } ' O U h',,1 ,\'o ur abi I tty to ma kl' imp a rtial dt'cisjo ns -on suc h maUe r s as ' ·ni · \ t~~'s il Y r e l a ti o n~ .... Ith lh f' SI!' If'c th'(' S('n 1(' 1' S~ s tt'm a nd th (' pr(' Sf' ncp o f militar.\' H'C' rUI! ' ('r~ In lh f' t' nh· f' r s. it~· rt' nl(' r I S co m pruml~ j' f l b \ .\ uur po Sllion .. s .., r e ~e n t' ofllC' ,' r In Ih f' t S .\.rm) "" A . "I s uppos e a pI..' r s o n' s hi,t O r ~ Cl nnm hdp bUl influ e nce h is judgm e t. I wu ul lJ Iik l..· 10 s a )' c a tego r ica ll y Iha t wuu ld nl}1 ha ve m)' o pin io n a ff l'I.: tl..'d b y m y a i1 llllUn . OVe r a lo ng pl..·r lUd of 1Im l' , wll h ttie Unll ed Stat e s Arm y. O UI tha t m ig ht no t be CO o1 ti ~e So MacVicar ,a nswers queStions , in~rst · c)f · interview '" serjes p/ " Ie ly ho nes l. "Why ar e 8 .0 many major policy dedis' ons on , q~es tion s that dh ec tI." aHect th e l ives of stud ent s made dur in& th e· s umm e r quarter . wh e n the opportunity for de bat e and di sc us s ion is &rea ll y imp e d ed by th e ab se nc(' of many s tud e nt s"" Q, A. "That'· s a dUfi c uh question to answe r In terms of ret r o s pect; the s umm e r Is a period great~r freedo m for Unive r sity o ffi c ia ls , 8S we ll 8S a per iod of r educed numbers of Sl ude nt s on ca mpus . My o wn per sonal opIni o n is t hat we sho uld' r e duce to the 01 irreducible minim um major policy deCis ions dlUing the s umm e r quarte r. "During the last three mo nths 1 have 9n--:. s e ve ral occasio ns indi c ated that I did no'c Wi sh (0 talt e aClion o n r e comme nda lloos that had co m e to me si mpl y beca use I want e d to defer thi &- until laler in the yea r whe n both fa c ult y a nd st udent s wo uld be pre se nt to indica te the i r position o n va r io us m aner s . One of these invo lve d a s ubstantia l r evision In our ho usi ng r e gula t jons. We did, thi s s umm er . bec a use of c ir cumstan ces whi ch ~am e by a c tion of the Board of Higher Ed u ~ cation i n May. make a dec isio n with r egard to a parkIng fe e . This. howe ve:(, has bee n 'Ullde r st ud y fo r more th an (WO years; a f ac ult y questionnaire had been s ubmitted; both officers and m e mbe r s of [he St ude nt Senate ' we r e adVi sed o f our intention-that it see m e d like ly- in Jul y. " 1 think I would sa y that if it ha s been true fhat de cisio ns a ffe c ting st ude nt s had been m ad e tn the s umm e r iJt the paiOt, I wou ld ce n ainl y hope rhi s wo uld no t be tr ue in th e future . ,. And if it i s ne c e ssar y. I hope the n ..' would be a good a nd adeQwne just ifi ca tio n which wo ul d be a c ceptable to the s lude nls," Q . " Yihat action ha s been ta ke n or will b l" ta k e n as a res u lt of th e Fac ulty Co un c il ' s rece nt ~· p o inl statement regardin g th e parkin g s itu atio n?" A. "Well, the a c tion with respect to de ferring the c hange in fe e co uld not, in good conscie nc e, be fa vorabl y r e ceived. "The othe r items related to a prope r and approprlale ;consider-a do n lor handi capped Blude ms and e mployes has been tak e n c are of. Such individuals are receiving special co nside ration. They will np t be penalized fi nan ciall y. by vlnue 01 their inabilit y to walk. Now. the control s here are going to be stri ngent i n order to pre..vent a buse . But anyone who is truly handicapped. so he must walk ~. substamial"d.1stance-necessitated by our ~ rrent P9l1cies- ' will be pr.oVlded parj;ing wi t hout Buffering financial hardship. _ H Anot he r point ,s1ea'lt with .the maH e r of .a r e visIon in t he par and traffic com minee . Such a reconstitutio n of thIs c ommittee is unde r way. The Fa <: ulty Co uncil has bee n asked to nominate members. and the stude nt gove rnm ent has bee n asked to nomi n ate representatlve s of the students. .. The third Issue deal l With keeping the · emir e University cotnmunity informed witn both t.he r easons for the fee and t he use to wblcb II wiU be -pul. ' We certalnlya!e go ing to make ever y e ffort to better inform people as W the . r eas9 ns lor this. Although an ' effort was made to do 'it this · summer. it obviously has not be~n totally BucceBliful.· "On the matter of the d!oiAi~iticin of the · fee ' by action of the Board of T ru6tet;s, '0 · a ) 1 parting rev8nue.- without ' regard oource.,.musr be de po s'1'", d In a special ' . fund and thiS fund is to De useo e XClUS ive ly· fo r impro ving and maintainIng fa c iU ties fo r traff ic a nd pa rking o n the campu s . "The use of this fund will ~ appropr iat e ly co mm Uni c ate d to Univers1l y age nc ies s uc h a s t he f ac ult y Coun c il. on a 'necd - to - k no w' basis, '! Q , ,. At th e Se pt. 20 meetine of th e Board of Trus tees , trustee Dr , Martin \'an Brown made th e s tat e me nt , ' Th e (s tuden t ) act~s fel!' is th e sam e as the t ax doll a r , be cau se .th ey f S1U s tud e nt s) ha \'e to pay it to atten d thi s Univ e r sity , ' "'hat is. )' u ur re ac tion to-thi s"" A. "The activit y fee . e xce pt fo r individ ua ls o n a s tri c tl y pa r t - t im e basi s , is a mandat o r y fee and Ihe r e for e an yone 't'ho wishe s [0 attend thi s Univ e r s it y mu st pa y it . All s uch fe e s are levied by t~e--i3oa rd o f T ru ste es. under the ir le ga·l .....-a utho rit y, and a ll l)f th e Univ e rsity financia l affa ir s are unde r the ir jurisdiction. " [ think , ther e fore . i n th ese co nt e xts, th e re reall y is no significant diffe r e nce between t he state appropriale d funds , tUi tio n, a nd fe es. Th e y all a r e r e a ll y de s tined fo r a sing le cd mmon p urpo se- the. tQ[a l e duc at ion of the individua l . "Now in terms of the fun ctio n and purpose of these fees- whic h ar e m andato r ys uc h a s t he s tud e nt ac tivit y fee , a r e c lea rl y fo r a spe cifi c pur pos e . To th a t e xt e nt . I t hink [he r e is a diffe r e nc e be tw ee n t he s tat e appr opriation. a nd t he tUi tion. and th e fee whi c h is alloca te d for a special fun ctio n. " Q. " In thi s \' c in . wou ld )'OU c ons id e r it imp ortant that a fcc d esig nat ed s pe c if ic ally ror aC lh' ities d e sig ne d on beha H o r thl' s tud e nt s s hould bf.> re gulat ed by. th e s tu dent s , as o PPosl'd to th l' a lloca ti on or sta l t' re\' e nu c "" A. '~W e H, th e o ri g ina l r e c o m m l;.' ndati o ns fo r th e st udent a c t ivi t ie s fee c o me fr.o m SI U~e nt go ve rn m e nt , a nd ar c s ubje c t to r e vi e w b.y the de an of s tude nt affa ir s . by the Chan ce llo r, a nd ar e ultim a te l y s ubm itted (Q the Board fo r [hei r approval. Th is , alo ng with the othe r e le m ents of the. Un ive r s it y budget . It ' s just pa n of t he tota l b ~ dg e llng p r ocess . . " 1 ce n a in l )' wo uld agre e Ihat sl ud e nt gove rnm e nt should co ntinue to ha ve a s ubstantial parti ci pa t ing r o le in (he allo ca t ion of [hN ee.·· Q . . 'A m I to presum e rrom thi s th at yo u woui d not fa\' or to tal st ud ent con trol or th e activity fee"" A. "[t isn't pos sible unde r o ur pre s e nt regulatio ns. Th e Board of Trust e es is the University bod y that appr oves the budge t ." ' Q . . ' Las t yea r the Stud ent Senate , at th e reque s t or blac k _s tud ent s ,. ask ed that th e Ge neral Class room B~il dln e be renam e d Dr, Martin Luth e r Kin e Hall. Ha s a n ~ a c tion been tak e n on thi s ?" A. "SO-far as I am aware, we have a special committee thar de als With the na ming of Unive r si t y buildings. • "My personal opinio n i s that the r e might .be s o me other m or e s uitable and mo r e living memorial to a gre at Ameri ca n than naming a bUilding. "There is also a m atte r of Unive rsity policy ·Involved. Mosl buildings are na med for i ndividual s ' who had a n intimate connection Wi th the Universlly.·· Q . "At Ul e e'nd of .la5t year , ~~.: ~ ~an of ' studeDt~ :::~ ih~ Studen~ Senate rec ommended re moval of recrufters rrom Room H :or tile UDiversity Ce nt~r . What is y our posiUoa on this? " r " I c.e rtatnl y wo uld lr y (Q be tJbl\.;".Ctl Vl' In m a ([ ers of thi S k ind . and pc r ha ps I m lghl k an- ove T ba c kwa r d s IU p r OVl' (hat I r l' .l ll ) wa s . , " I g ue ss tL.jUSI IS Im poss l bl(' for a pe r su n 10 be co mpl cle l y unafk c lc d b y h iS lo ng c xpe ri e nl.:c . No w, to 3 SpCCIUC c a s e . I du n ' , r ea ll ) be li e ve . (hal IhlS IS gfll inlot 10 be a se r ious ma1[ e r , bu( ulhl' r pt.' np h: m lgh l lInn .... othe rwi s p. .· ' . Q . ' ' YoU'\' C sa td st ud ~ nts s ho uld itu thr ough c h a nn t"ls to KOli n l nl ve rSIl ) fI'f ar m. " 'hilt ac ti o n do yu u SUUt e s! a s tud"nl t..,kt' wh f" n hi s e ffort s to K;U throulh c hann (' I ~ Il rf' rt"burfe d , or otherw lsf' hurt " ~. "We ll, In the fi r s t p l ac e • .:IS fa r as I'm co nce rn ed , we 're nO[ go in g to r ebuff e ffo n s o f s tudent s to e ffec [ c h ange s (hey think 3 r e de Sirabl e . We m ay not ag r ee wit h th e m, th e act ton th e y see k m ay not be t ak en , but I wo ul d ho pe t h is woul d not be r e garded as a r e b uff. • " In an y de moc r ati c soc let y t he r e a r e thost.:' dec..i s io ns which a pa ni c ul a r e ).e m ent in the socie t y do es not nece ssa ril y ac ~e pc a( an y gi ve n tim e , The ans we r t h.H I woul d gi ve is th at if they ha ve J r c a l s in ce r e f~e lin g abeU[ an .ts su e it is impo rtant t hat chos, who a r e see kin g Ch ang e s ho ul d wo rk at it . And if th ey are in de ed c o rn'c [ in rhd r judg me nt . soone r o r l ate r t he y will c a r r y th e i ss ue . ., i ....ou ld ho pe t ha t ~t u den t gove rn m e nt, and '--Sf;lJd ent s ge nt' r all y. wo ul d nOl re ga r d an unfav o r a ble deCi s io n on a pa rti c ul a r issue as {r easo n fo r do in g an ythi ng o c h e r t ha n \{na rt iall ing [he ir lo gic· an d in c r eas ing t he i r powl' r o f. . . . .r eq.-So n tf) d ft::c [ t he c hangl..· t hey se(-' k ... Q . " Uo you [ot.\o r eq u al \ utln~ rt· pH· ..... n · Ul li nn for st ud (' lIls un s uc h ma jor pu l u') , mak in g ,' nl\'t'rsJ{) (' I}mm lll t·l· ... d S tht' t III \ l',· s ll) C ounl'l l and ,lht' (~ t 'nC'r .t 1 st ud lt.'s ( ·u rn· mllt('t,l " A. " i\'o, I th in k t h.:lt whil ~ s tul.l!..- m 'Jpini on is tlJ bl..' so ugh t , and li s t c: n •.: d [0, =md whih ' I wo ul d not hav e pe rso na l o bje ctio n lO r e pr e St'm a {lOn uf st ude nt s o n L! ni ve r s lT} co mmittees and cum m iss ions- indeed t hl'y a r C' r ep r e s e nt ed on m any s uc h bod ies- I hOPl' chey will be incn.' :J.sin gl y H.' prese nu:' d . . "But I do no t t h ink th at m o s t u f ch e s l' bod ies "'C an hav e s tude nt r e p r e senCat io n tha t wo ul d be eq ua l. F ro m a . prac t ica l po int of vie w, I t hink s rudent r ep r e se nt at ion will ha ve [0 be a s ha rin g wit h fac ult y and admini s tr ati on i n t h e proces s 0 f decis ionm akin g. Thi s sha r e wil l have to be less th an equ al." Q , . ' Do ) ' oU ra\or a joint s tud e nt · facu1t ,~ re \j e ..... s ys lt' m .... it.h o rieinal an d final jur is · di c Uon tn a reas co nce rnin g di sci pltn a ry ac · tion l~ken aKainst s tudf.>nts " ,\nd .... ould yo u s upp or t a lorm a l Ruar anl@.t> 01 s ub s t a nu\ f.> an d pro c t' dur a l due pr o("t~ ss for a ll s tud f.> nl S c har· ge d ~ Ilh \ IO lati o n of l nh·t>r · it~ rt'e. ul a tion s ·'· A. " You>'e a s ked a ve ry co m pli c at ed ques t ion, and one which I c an not gi ve an answ (' r to [h at woul d be adeq ua u,' wi t ho ut the an s we r it self be ing e xtre m e l y ·co mplica ted . " I do 'in t end to m ove [0 invo lve s tud e nts and fac ult y in th e r e view pro ce ss o f di.o:. ~r~:~::1~i~:c~:A~~: . WhiCh a r~ ::-,ade by ~ = <' J. ~: not , on -;h'; ' othe r h.:lnd. feci th at fro m a purel y pr3ctic.a l po int Qf vi e wit is fe asible to have aU d is ciplin.:lry ac tio ns , go be fo r e hea ring boards ttl..{. the ir r ecommendat ions. But 1 ~l d E'xPt.""""Ct th at unde r normal circumstances thi s kind of referral would be possible." • . i .--- Doi ly Egypt i on, O ctuber to, 1968, p.o, .. 5 / Serving MID-.AMBBleA THURS., FRI., SAT. OF EACH WEEK THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 33t~ Saucer 2nd week CORKER OF ~ . WALL & E, WALNUT PHONE .S7~7H WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES purchase no limi t 33, 33, Dc "' ert noo ~ Di sh 3rd week each wilh \ every S3.00 \ Sth week Bread & ~ purcho,. 33, c •• 4th week Sou c er ~ ( S3.00 purchase Open 8 0 .... to 9 p . ... Mondo y th,,,, Sotvrcloy Sun . 8 to 8 . Pric., Good Oc', 10, 1<-1. 12 ... Sl.OO eutchou: 33, "'" n .aa EWtlet' p .... rcho ... ~ l i bby's ROu1:lo le Corn or Peas 8 ~. $J Tooth B'rushes 49( Ado" Kroft', . Velveeta Cen. Cut lst Cut U. S. Cho ice Chuc k ROASr· lb . U. S. Choice 43( Ib·49( Short R ib of Rib SUfbk Ib. -99( Beef Soneleu l b. 39( Pot Roast u.s. H Of' try svcl.le Del 2" .. Prem i um 69( l b. 12~.. •••. 49( . Steaks Fre.h Ground ", 20 • Ib Bac'on ~9( Tuna 1\,· 69( Del Monte Cut Del Monte Merit So tine Fruit, Cocktail 4 ;~:s s1 Green Beans 4c3a~S'1 Crackers Ib · 19 c Sa ... e . SCI ... ~ I 0 .1 Monte Tomato Juice RED . POTATOES Fresh Green .- Noturol Jocket Ke1loM'1o Ib. 6( CeUo 80g • Fruh CriloP Carrots bo.l0'( - Celery,"o,*, 13( \-------1 Rodishes or Green Cauliflower Pop Tarts Heod' 39 Onions c bunch 10 Tokoy Yellow Grapes Onions 3 MORTON CREAM PIES _" 4 )- Green Giant Ni·blet V.e getables FOR lbs 29 seu::! ll~:,: s1 c Biscuits L...-_ _ _ _-.-.J COFFEE Ib 59( PURINA DOG CHOW 2S Ibs. S2 ( 79 De l Monte Prunes HYDEP-AR::~~::':E ~UGAR . Slbs·89 Hein l. c Tomat~ SO'Up Crisco Oil Du.ff's Mixes Cake: Muffin-Pancoke.Gingerbread , , Ppund 3S con 10 C • 48-oz . Btl. Wi l'h $5.00 or mo r e purchOloe ~ . excluding Milk and Tobacco Products. Welch' s , ·2S P ill sbury C CHASE & SANBORN $1 Corn-Mixed Per Bo', ~w eet P ea-s Veg etabl~.s ' Gr'ape Juice Aiax Cleaners • Cabbage , Sliced Bottle Del Monle Blue 8ell 3Ib • . o,mo" 01. . 3 lo,~ $'J 99( lb. /111;0"1. Catsup 5nUflcrodo Wiener.s Beef 79( Ib. Cho ice Turkey Roast_ 1b.$3.29 Ar..m Roast S.ift~ Frozen Dessert C Shapiro gives 'support to metJical, law progru'm s sru advocates of new medical .and l aw school programs here received good news Wednesday wheh Gov. Samuel - Shapiro announced support fo r th e proposition. '.!rhe State is called upon to rn31ce ext e nsive investments in its reSo urces to meet th e cris is in health care which lies ~head ." Shap in~ sa id in a Chicago campaign speech. :) "To ignore this ,and continue our traditional method s of training personnel in health ' related field s will only deepen the crisiS and . place the health of our citizenry in greater jeopardy:' ,;. To. avert the "deepening Lr isis.·· Shapiro: advocated utili zation o f existing r esaurces at .public and nonpubli c train mQr.e physicians than now are trf ined in Illinois. fin~l yea r ' at· the unlversitYa Illinoi s Univ e r sity." he said. ." be used as one of t he public faciliti es as well as th e Uni- aproved by the state Board The plan to expand medical ··Such a schrJ(JI." h(: s-aid •. "would -hay€: a g r E:3r impact (J ( (Jur s t a t <; t hat - "I propd'!;e that Southern education already ha s bee n Oh an a r t';!a i s fast develuping and n<:<:ds of Higher. Education. C ur- grea te r s t at e s uppo rt ( (I add r e ntly. th e University o f 1111- to th e:.. . im p<:ru s (I f th at versity. of illinois." nois is the only state-suppor- growth." ted unive r s ity h aving 3J . Shapiro . runnin g, for t: lLc Und er th e plan. student s . tion to his fir s t (our- yea r ;oN'luld receive a yea r o f medi- m e d ic~ sc hool. cal trai nin g at a un ive r sity, Shapiro, in his speech [0 [e rm as governor , i s a f1l r m(: r [he L e ague of Women VO[c rs. Jieu[entttn[- govl: rn rJ r · whrt b<.: go to a com munlty hospital (o r un lverstt f'es and ' ho spitals t o JlJnhcr; training and co mplete al sO . s upponed [hc creation came g<1\'c rno r un r cs ign a t i(m of sc hool a t sru. of Gov . Otto~c rnt: r. the medical ed ucation. in Radio /wnors Mrs. Snyder . , , The ' Beta Kappa· chapfer of Alpha Epsilo n Rho has select cd a form e r circ us perform e r a nd wide ly trave led teac her as Its br oa dcasl ~ r of the month. Mrs. Jeanne Snyde r, a record li bra rian was honor ed fo! her contr ibution t ~ WSIU (FM). . Bef6 r c co ming to SIU Mrs. Snyder and II ~ r husband Lfu r y. wor ke d t hei r way t hrough Ihe Unive r s it y of Iowa as a trampoline aJ;t. According to Mr s . Snyd e r. Ihe act had no special Parking space to ~be provi~ed ~> "W e wer e not the ' ~~~l\ expe nsi ve act on {he bloc k," sh r e fl ected. Whe n the t rampoline wa s not used in Ihe ac f. the Snyders slept on II . Mr s ; Snyde r came to work fur the broadcasiing scryice after working in Lebanon. She taught kindergarten while he r hu s band work ed as an athle ... I Ie dir ~ clo r and college placemc nr off icc r. The Snyde rs we-rc e va c ual e d during- {he Midwest war . Mrs . Sn yde r had no pre vious exper ie nce in broad cast ing bUI al Ihe s ta l io n s he has worked A TTENTIQ·N SENIG'R S .--> . 1 & .YTI 'GRADS YEARBOOK .P HOTOGRAPHS NOW BEING TAKEN AT FOllOWING STUDIOS: NEUNlIST STUDIO A thru Q ROLANDO'S STUDIO R thr.u Z '\ 213 W. MAIN VTI GRADS 717 S. ILLINOIS AVE . STUDIOS OPEN 9-5 :3 0 25th NO APPOINTMENT a;s,.;a;;d~i;s;-ijo;c;~:.:y:,:n:ejWisiciaisticir~IIi!!!!!II!II!liiii'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ 7 ( an for workers As a re sult o f a meeting morning be[ween Chancellor Robe n !uesda y McVicar and a group o f Non- Acade mic Em ployees Coun cil me mbe r s , some SIU Physical Plant em ployees will parking b~ - assured - a spate when they arrive at the ir jobs. An agreem en[ bam me r ed out at [he Tuesday rtreet tng. would con[rol to so me extent enough parking spaces to ass ure [ha[ no hourly wage ea rners, . who a re r eq to reJX>n at a specified tim e , wou ld be penali zed in inco me as a r esult of being late to work - because no parking , spaces near'the Phys ical Plant we r e available to them. Such contrOl . according [0 MacVlcar, would probablyentail a ~pec i~ marking on a parking decal, Itmtted access to I'peclfled lots or frequent patrol of such areas by SIU Poltce. The plan will be implemented In the near futUre. Ne1IJ York yippie on ' poverty payroll NEW YORK (<'P) - A city councilman said Wednesday Yipple leader Abbie Hoffman was on New York city's anti - poverty payroll when he led antiwar de monstrati9DS last AugUSt during the Democtatic Nadonal Convention in Chicago. The charge later was confirmed in part. A spokesman for [be Human R es 0 u r c e s Administration . 5ai(1 Holfman, 32, went on the payroll July 11 a~ a $40-a-day ,consul[an[ for a $120,000 free s[Qre experimem for hippies and Yippies in th.e Eas[ ~age . Unique Medallions, Luv Beads, Ring~ & Ear Rings ~t Disc~unt Prices , Phone :') Burt 549-5541 Eric Kramer says he never wOl,lId have finished college withQut. Reading Dynamics. l Come to Carbondale's new Reading Dynamics Institute and see why he feels tbi~ !Vay. Whether you ' re worried about finishing colfriend s to ta ke Ihe C'Oun;e_ I"d recOm mend COIlE TO A AIlE lege , or would just like A·s instead Ji B's. it to anyone .. · _ , ftU1l1eI ~TlO. , Reading Dynami cs ca n make you a more • MElin TltE ICIIEDULE, etl"ective student. Marie Rumely, a SI. How ? By improvi ng your basic ability 10 Louis University junior read . Mon. , Oct. 7 froJ" La Po rl e. Ind . . The ave rage person reads about 250 II' 400 says. ··My greatest im· 8 P.M .' )Yords a minute ... word by word . the way provemenl came from he w as taught in grade school. th e useJ" of recall pal Tue .. Oct. 8 tern s le.. m ed a l Evelyn Eric Kramer of 51. Louis Un iversity is on;---'" 8 P,M . Wood . All my grades ha ~e gone up . I think of thousands of college students who have it should be stressed that the re(~11 patterns decided to stop reading like fourth-graders . become a rea l assel In lec lures as well as Wed " Oct. 9 A pre-med student fro m Plainview. Texas. reading . 1 find it possible to practkally 5 P.M, Eric sayS" ··1 took the Reading Dynamics quote lectures heard a year ago. afte r looking course when it became evident that I Could at a short recall pattern '-· not keep .u p in college .....or even hope to Thurs .. Oct. 10 Come tu a Reading Dynamics demonstra· achieve thi educational goals I had sel for 5 P.M . tion . See someone just like you read two . m yself._unless I learned 10 read fasler and three. four-thousand words a minute. with more effectively . Now I read 2.(0) 10 2.500 Fri, . OCt. II excellent rom prehension and recall ... somew6nts a minute in literat~re courses. slow· one who eight weeks ago did weU}o read 'iiig down to around 1.200 for technical 8 P.M . mu ch faster tha n a fourth -grader books. I wish I could have taken the course in high seheal.· · or mail the coupon today . You RE~A fOA 'AU ClASSES. owe it fo yourse lf to improve &Omething as basi c i1S your a bility to'read . JefTY Bum•• a S1. Louis University psycJ:tology major from Oaklawn . Please send me a dt.'SCriplive-fulder and 11 I Illinois. says " Prior to schedule of classes in my .m~a . I EVELYN WOOD ' taki n g tlJ.e Readinj:t I READING D ynamics co urs e. I I DYNAMICS found my reading to I INSI1TIJTE tedious and Ijme-<:Qnsuming. With my I sclfooL AUDR ~S . reading speed increased. I am able to read Dept. 19 more material 'in different areas and in i _ ZIP _ _ I - - - - 1 . . . . - - _ STATE C ITY. 212H S. llIinois Ave. shorter time. ·Also hel,Rful were the methods of leaching Dynamic Reading ~ i.e .. the reCarbondale. Illinois 62901 PilON>:'"_ _ _ _ _ MALE _ __ PEMALE----C"" II call patterns. t reme';'ber wh@1 I read fllu c h Pbo"; (G1BI,54!1-7381 I COLLECE OR U~IIVERSITY lonser and I'm able to enjoy my reading mucb mote than ever .before. I got eight .I!W '-------------------------------------1 [II .D 'Ii , ~---~-~ --------- ! -----------------~ ., '-- 2ndBlQ WEEt U.S.D.A . Choice IGA TobleRite Steak Sale! Bought Rite ... ~ ...... '" ~ ••• ' U 0'" o.~ ~ . ~ .. o . ' ' ' ' . ... ~ ... 1' 'Co" tn' .... . . .. ,., '0 P. , •• ~.'I , .... . ...... ,..........~ ...... 'Co" ' ' - .~, ••, ~, ... • h .... . .,1 ..... 8 " , • • ~ .. .... ~ . . . ... 1 .... ' . · • . ... _ , . .... . . _ 01 • • • ' . . . ~ " . . .. · " _ " . .. ........ . .. .........',.. , PII IC ES O N' l'HIS 4 0 dE G OOD T'1UII S , fil l & S4 T OCTO BER lO rn . 1 1th & 12m , 1968 Trimmed Rit. • 1.... . .. •..... ' _.. . , ..... • • • .. , ... _ , , ~ g ' . . . , . .. ' ' ' ' ... . . _ _N _, . · · _· .. .. ,. _ ...... _ .. . . ..... .......-.............. . . - '..... . ,. ~<.~ ~.~ • • ~ 1.. . ~ " -' -Pric.d ... .... . . .Rit. . .. '. .. . ../ ..,_---. ."._ ,... \ ' ~"8 ' . ... _... . .. .. 1... _ ' " , - -~. ~~:~,:; ::~::: :. : G ': ; : : : :;::~ . ... . . ' ... . , o U S D.A CHOICE IG'" T.... l E.ITE T·BONE '~ $1'~ STEAKS •••••• lb $1 19 Porterhouse '$1.39 STEAKS •••••• SIRLOIN TIP . $1. 29 STEAKS •••,•• • uS 0 A. ' 8"5'C ~ _. , ,,_ Ruiil,"E Lb. ' - ROAST •••••••• $ .05 lb 1 lb U. S. D. A. CHOICE IG A T... . LERITE CUBE STEAKS •••• IG ... TAllE.ITE W N f LESS lOST ON lI> 11.11 . .... c.. .......CON I .~ ~ ARMOUR STAR MiraCu re $L1CED · 7ge·.k~."~: BAC/ON. C~I;::;~~ _Lb " ARMOU,>S TAR , SCOTi~FACIAtTlsSUE 200, COUNT PAeKAGES SCon m ,JUM.BO TO!ELS . . 00 ' ---.J~ 3 $1· Roll. BEST FOR BAKING! lb HEINZ KETCHUP e ~, 3g . Bottle lb bog fo~ "''- ca , d _ ), 0 "" frl~ nd l )' IGA r .t.lI.r ..... . " l tor . to Id . ntlty ..... b.,t b ... y. In yo ... , , .rn rn", n l'), 1 1 2-o z Pkg MAYROSE .HUNTER .... RMO UR PI CKLE & PIMEN TO LO ... f or 51" •• HILBERG _ 2-0,. POrtIO"' 1010:$1 '00 80c Per \.h , • Beef CulieC: :,eaks or Breaded Veal Steaks •. ~ NATURE 'S BEST - P ~g , 8·o z. Fish Sticks .. __ .. _. ___ .25$ .. .J ..... '- fiNE, MEDIUM or WIDE ® Egg Noodies 12' oz29 4 Pkg. ®FLOU ,5. .3· c RoU Pork Sausage ......••...... 5t Skinless Wieners . •.... . .•.. . .... 53' Spiced Luncheon Meat •...•. - lb.79IGA. J .URITE - SAVE 10- 26·oz , WHI TE , ASSORTED or DECORATOR ,.. ,,1. aun PORK ROAST •••• '•••• lb,59' ' "B4athr$lT~ooue ~ , • us 0 A CHOIE E IGA. T"'BlER ITE BONElE S$ \ . SOft·Weye ' ~ 2 Roll Pkg. , You get a total of 8 roll. f or $ 1.00 ' A. CH O ICE IGA. TA l lEIUTE lb _ . O NElESS SCOTT PAPER SAU! ASSORTED so u , ': BONELESS ROUND ST~AK. : ••• J~ .lb 95' FRE,SH G~OUND ROUND ••••••••• lb lt Lop. TA. 8l ER ITE '\ SIRLOIN , STEAKS • •••• •.lb . 2< OFf LABEl - CH OIC E ~ IG A. f ULL GALLON CLOROX BlEACH Each49~ N ATU RE ' S BEST BREADED Perch 'Steaks. _. ~, ..•• 2p~g 85· SAVE 11 ¢ 6-oz . FAMILY SIZE JELL·O 4Pk9,.69 c . BRACH'S CANDIES Chocolate Pea n uts, Peanu~ . Clu ste rs, Chocolat~ St ars; Bridge Mix * W~ fi:f:~~'''~ ,*,,, ll "Sl t" '0 l ,, O uo n"I Ie \ . .....-:.-,.. ./ . r \ ~G ' · '9~. K DEL MONTE SPECIALS! 25c OFF LABEL SAVE A TOTAL QF 30< Pbltapple Juice Pinea,pJe Graiiefruit DrinL Pineapple Orange,Drink I AJAX "2" ~~ ~~ ' g,e' 3 :8 Regu J(I' 28 ' 0 1 $1 :09 _ Slle ", Ik 1 f 01 Bo",,a AJAX LIQUID 'CLEANER " ________ 5ge 46.0Z. Cons ' BLUE"Riiiil? '~'12""' . l! c GRAPES •• ~ ;; • _• _••• .: • __ •• 'b .l ·;, ECONOMICAL . POPULAR , TASTY FRESH GREEN CABBAGE _________,__________ Ib 7' C';iH;':i;'hrtleH Pe.ars ~ ....... "29' s,,. N-;t;;;~\~O B"~ic~-;,b~~ ...... ," ... 10' c.iif~;~i~:Bro.n Mushrooms ... " , 69' r,;;h'i~td;,os..,:_ ............,, 7' C-;.it;;ri~.cJ;';" 'T.oII.toes •.... .•,39' Lo.~ - CII IY AJICT SoW f H _ w4$ ON il ... 1f Ret! Delicious Apples •. •'.•... •..•,,1 0' ~4;; hii~i;.;liPpll;; .W.A~H. ~ :t~ .0::1so: . .""1 " H ' 10 ...110 So ' IHUf ,ol, to, Russet I.rllln. Potatoes .• _••10", 19' IGA' BREAD ____________ 5for 160l lOO Vel • s' 1.00 iG A GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE _____ 59' MILKO GRAHAMS _____________ 35' IC A _ 1 4 -01 . fU,~ . Tt WTING OC•• I Spr., Cr.nberries ..•••••••••... ': :~.. . ...... . ..•. ••" 29' IGA COUPON afRDSEYE ~WlKE_ •. , . •.. . ..•.•...•... . ..... . ... 3,~ lf"l . PECAN COFFEE CA~E ..•.. •..... . .. •. . .. •. . ......... 79' IGA uNION RIItGS ••••• _.•.•.•... •. ..... .• .. ••••.• 3,.,'P' po;'~IFilDGi' ills ... ::79; FRENCH FRIES .....•. 2:, 29' :uJtALEf _I l Y,-o. Hi Po ... , Bleach .,i'" ,IIi. 29c P lo .,;c G.llon CO<IOJtOft o,,,J od{/i , l otlol p41. if, . . .. ,.. , '_",. T"II Oc,. 12. 1968. ' -o ll'lo~ i.s.oo o. _,. l i ",i , _ COlo'potI COIlJl'O" ~q> it•• DEL MONTE -15-.o1. Seedless Raisins _______ 38' DEL MONTE Prune Juice _____ ~ _____ 0,49' COMSTOCK CH ERR Y - LIGHT GRATED - 6 IfJ--01. Con Van Camp Tuna ____ ,___ 3'0,69' Pie 21 ' 01 F~lIing ___ 57' PEACH-21 ·o l 2 69$ NATURE S lE ST I ·l b. SOle ARMOUR 'S Jc Off l obe l - So .... t a TOlol 01 9c JOO Con Pie Filling __ ,_47' son MARGARINE_ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ,- ::__3••,S1'" Chili KRAfl ' BeaQswith ____________ '0' Plates ____ 2'0,49' PARlAY MARGARINE_ - - -- - -- - -- - --- - - - _ lb 29- ARMOURS-3' Off lo b. I- So<. ° To'o ' 0'.' UPTON SOU , MIXES KRAfl-.AME RICAN OR P' MENTO ::- ,nd,.,d"olly W,op .. d P"', Corned Beef ""f'" SLiCEDCHEESE __ ____.___________ • _____ 55 Hash Con "" ______ , Chicken Noodle.2,.,69' , KRAn VELVEETA ______________________ : 99' CHEF IO Y·AR · on PIZZA Noodle Soup .. . 2: 53' Cheese 2'0,89' Soup .. ••.. . .. 2_69' Sausage 59S1 ".. , 2 8Ac 12 ' 0' , 16.0 .. PlAIN 10' ;" ~ 2 ·lb . loa 8AKE A PIE .. COU NT WlIM ~ ' O;;' c' ~ C" 'CK f N L 'ol' c ' : O N IO N " ' il 0' 1 15 ,o, Pl9' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 7o, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " Pepperoni 17 ·0 1 • • • • • _____ .69- Foodliner 1620 W. Main r Doi l., Em ti ... Oc.!-" , 10. 1"'. p ... 9 House pass~s bill permitting Studeitt teleV'i~ion presid~~tial ' debate th~ th r ee major pr e s id~ i al mates one hour of prime T V c andid at e s . and radio ri me on each of the . Imm e diat ely after House ne xt four Sundays before ihe passage , the Go lumbia Broad- e lection for a co nf rontation. The Nat iona l Broadcasting c asting ~steIT1 offe red the candidates .and the ir running C o . ask ed th e chre e pres ide ":ti31 candid ates to a rrang e fo r IV ASH INGTON (APl - The ItOU:i!;" :it J"uggll.:'d I hrough a.his[Qrtc and rc,;"' cor d-sctting sesWednesday to pass a bill th at co uld pave thl..' way for te le visio n-rad io dt"'bat cs b~I\\"l.:'t' n Keen ~, F'l eerlage . d su,' bpoenas ,ISSUe ~( Con,j~u.a paq. . from II Ric hman sa id he do 5 not plan [0 call Pessin bGf6(C' [ he grand j ur y. Out [ he jury has "b road , pl c r acy powe r s (0 s ubpoena by It self any witness it fccls ha s Info rm at ion pc n incn t to the iJ've stigatiOn at hand," R' chman sa id. P ess in ha s s igned an a ffi davi t st ating [h at he was offe re d a liquo r II cc nsc fo r a proposed Sa v-M a n ston' in IQ66 provldl..'d .1 loc a l business mal\ was m ade> a pa nn e r, Flee rl agc says ." P I..' s s i" has info rmation inth e sJgned a ffi dav it whi ch Is re lc v:Jn t to [he bribc ry c ha r gcs ma d~ by ~! ayo r Kee ne (C a r bonda le Ma yu r David KCI.:nc ). lie ha s info r m.1tion t ha t the g r and jury is e ntHI e d to kno w about ," Tuc~da )' night Fl ee rl age issued a St3t C-_ ml..·nt ca lli ng I I.' ~t at ("5 3tro rn c y' s act ions " ab solute ly Inc r edible ." lit.- :;J id t hat · he hope s [he grand jury, "will d('ma nlJ t ha t t h (~ witn ess (Pessin', who has tol d mI.' t h3 t h.., IS t' ntir\ "l y will in ).! (0 appea r. bl..r madl' a\'!l il a bl e. " • Rl chmJn s.Jl d hI..' is not convjnc ed th at r'he'· mcetin g Pessin had wi t h a fo rm e r c it y official and a local bu s ln c'ss man to discuss the possibUities o f obtaining a liquo r li cense has any conn ecti on wi t h Kcenc ' f'; a.l1 c gati on of bribe r y cha r ges. Ri chman sa id V·led ne sday mo rnin g, in re t a li at ion [0 Fl ee r l age' s s(at c mc nt, "1\'1 r. F lee rlagehasconsiste ntl y le aked info r ma t ion and pe r sona l o pinions to t he press in an appa r en t dfa n t o ·influe nc e public opinion." Fle e rla ge said mos[ o f th e so- called l ea~ was in(o rm ati ona r epo n er fr om a St. Louis ne wspape r fo un d himse lf, "In addition hi s expe ri e nce has helped ta SUide me in turning out hard facrs which I hav e give n ro~he states atto rn e y and which has ,not been foJl owed up as a compet e nt aggre ssive sta tes atto rn ey should ," Fl ee r lage said . Richman sa id "I r eg r e t deepl y th at Mr. Flee rJage has tried to influ e nce tbe pe rformance of t he wo r k of th is grand jury, " In r ebuttal , Fleerlage sa id " 'it was onl y afte r Rlchman publicl y disclosed t he aftidavit info rm ation th at I made any public commen t. I did so in an atte m pt not to influence the grand jury but to influence Richman to call . befor e t he grand jury an impo nant witness t hat he publicly stated he had "no inte ntion ' of callln~ Flee rl age s aid when he goes befo r e t he g rand Jury he will lell Ihem all of Ihe det ails of th e Pessin case so ' t hey ca n de cide whethe r t hey want him to appear. Flee r lage said t he c hro nology of event s s urrounding Ihe al leged bribery attempt s . requested by Ihe s l at es attorney, was given to Richm an We dnesday afte rnoon . ." DAILY EGYPTIAN the ir repr (!se ntallv ~S' to me e t with ne twork offi c ia ls to arrang e a lim e anci fo rmat ac cep tab le to a ll. BUI in head-on trash Philip Beadles. an Sll) S[U - conditions are listed as fair. I demo was invo Iv.ed in a tWO Accor ding 10 police . Beadcar head-on c rash late We d- les hit she oncoming Mille r nesday afte rno on. car while attempting to pass The accident occurre d one Beadles and Oliver Mille r. mile e ast of Murphysboro on driver of the other c ar, were Ro ute 13 at 4:45 p.m. tak l..'n to St . J ose ph Memorial Beadle s wa s ti c ket ed for Hospital , Murph ysbo r o. T he i r improper passing . CLASSI.FI ED Hou se act i on se nt the bad. to the Scna (C ml.:aSU Te AD~ w ~ r " lh e balllc could r es ume . Senate . Democ r at ie Leader Mike Mansfiel d o f Mo mana sa id the bill w ill bl: cn lkd up at the st an of T hursda y "s Senate session and he had been told R epubl ican oppone nt s ex - 5'- pect (0 speak 31 some lengrh aga inst it . Se n. J ohn.. IJ . Pa ste r\:, D-R .I., wi:: : a ne ws confc rcnCt" t":e will I r y (0 c all up lh..: bi ll as soon a s it IS c ffi c la l1 y t ran s mitt e d fr o m l ht: House . He s aid ht, wi U urge acce ptance of th e House ve rSlQn beca use to se nd it La a 5 c n a I c - H a u s c co nfe r e nc e wuu ld mea n ils def L'al , ..... 1 hI..' Ilo use VOIC c ame 27 flours , .fi minute s afl er IhL' House went i nto sess ion Tues a} . Mos! uf thL' session, per line 2U hour s . 19 mi nuli' :, . was spt" nt o n 45 r oll c all s , Som~ 20 hou rs wa s spent In a Re publican- le d filibus te r before the bil l could .even pc brought up for conside ra rrb n. Passag t.' of the bill wa s on a. vote of 280 lO 35 , wirh a ll / ', of t he na ys cast by Republi ca ns. Voting for if we re 182 Democrats and 98 Republicans. The bill would allow te le vision and radio ne two rk s to a rrange t he joint appearance of major candidates-De mocrat Huben H. Humphre y. Republi ca n Ri chard M. Nixon, Ame rican Ind ependent George C . Wa llace - without gi ving e qual arne 10 numero us minor s e ekers for (he pr esidenc y. A Se na te versio n of t he measure me r e ly s uspe nds the equal li m e provision lea ving it to tbe network s wh en the y .w~a~n~ I ~lo~af P~pe~a~r~.____________~:::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::~ DAYS 85e' ! Come , .n- Barracks T48 OR. use the handy Coupon on Page 2 r STUDY LAMPS HIGH INTENS ITY LAMP WITH FLEXIBLE ARM COAiPLETE WITH BULB PLUS EXTRA BU LB-O NLY 13 .97 Total enforcement of traffic / ,regulations begins next week Complete e nforce m ent of parking regulations on campus will nOI go InIO e ffecl unt il aft e~ Tuesday, Capt. Randal McBrIde o f Ihe S[U Securlry Office said. Re gular- parking viol ations, ho weve r, are being tick~ed . Any una utho rized ve hlf l es having wrong color deca1s fo r the lOIS In wh Ic h they are , parked, are t icketed , McBride said. For instance, a ca r with a new or ex plr~ d red decal. parked in a blue decal lot would be t icketed. Car s not dIsplaying a decal a r e not being ticketed because o f a pre vio ug"news slory whIc h repon ed • e nfo r ce me nt wo uld not t ake pl ace until afte r Oct . McBride ~a id , Ca pt. Ca r l Kirk. Securit y Officer . was quot e d in that story. [t woul d nOI be faI r 10 Ilcket t hose who have not gott e n t heir stick.e r s befo)"e that dat,:: ' McBride added. -1-1: = = _____, SALUKI ~; \'--.... . 7~ CURRENCY ~~=-- . 'EXCHANGE ~ • Ch edt CO l h in9 • Notory P ~bl j c -- .Dri ver 's Li ce nse • Publ ic Ste:n og rophe , • Money Orde rs • T itle S. ; vi ce .2 Day Licen se Plate • Tra velers Chec ks '4.99 VALUE ------------~-----BRA SS COLOR MET A L L AMP WiTH FLE X IBLE ,ARM US E RE GUi.AR LIGHT BULB- ONLY '3.97 14.99 VA LU E FLUORESCENT DES K L AMP WITH FLEXIBLE ARM· COMPL ET E W ITH DAY LIGHT FLUORE SC ENT BULB ONLY '6.49 1 7.95 VALUE ALARM CLOCKS ELECTRIC OR WIND-UP-BIG S E~ECTIO N OF STYLES AND COLOR S-.2 .77 TO .5.29 PADLOCKS --'- MASTER PADLOCK·.I.87-,2 .25 V ALU E COMBINATION PA'DLOCK S-I1.00 REG ULAR PADLOCK S -4ge TO 11.47 CHAJN ,BICYCLE LOCK - 11.00 .Poy your GO I, L ig ht.. Phone, ond Wo t.r Bi lh h,re / ) 0, --- . ·Hour. ' :30. - 5 Daily" Den, ~ 7P"-~ ~c1e"" 1O~ ''''': Y.our Dollar Buy, More At Nelaon', Dollar Store .) Campus activities Study, hints m'e eting today . ' TIi.E 9ENTLEM AN'S SHI.RT.. :.) Study Hints Meetlngconduc t ed for probation stUdents by yelopm e m: Bank seminar. disc us sion Or) I I Markering Mrs. Dorothy Ramp, SuperObjecti ves of Your Bank," visor for academic probaW. C. Gordon, Jr "O spea ke r. [ion srudenrs. 9-10 a .m., 7 p. m., University Ce nter Room '55. second floor of Ballroom A. , " .......... Universit y Ce nte r. Indlvld- District 10 of illinois Hospi u:.l study counseling avaHlal A uxUia:ries: Regisu3able from 8 a.m.-I"2 noon lion, 8:30 a.m. ; me e ting, dally in Room 55 , second 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., University floor Uriiversiry Cente r. Ce'\1ter Ballrooms. Convocation series: T·homas ...Personnel Dir ectors of UUSorensen, vice preside nt of nois : Meeting, 10 3. m. Unive r s it y of California, 4 p.m .; Lunc heon, 12 noon, University Cemer Renais B e r k e l ey <: ampos . will speak o n " The Stu d e~ sance Room. +fang-UP." . I P.1n.. , .ai:kSOri Count y Stamp Society: An: n3. Coffee . Hour 2-4 M ee [Ing, 7:30-10 p.m., p.m., UlinoisandSangamon, Wood( Hall Co nf e r ence Universit yee me r. . Room. Probe: ··Chro e of a Sum- SIU S.. lIing C lub: Meeting, me r," 8 p. m. , Mor ris Li 9: 15- 11 p.m., Home Eco. brary Aud ito r iu m. no mt..cs Audltori~m . P ull iam Hall gym ope n for Piant Industries 'Club: Mee tr ecrea[lon. 6- 10:30 p.m., ing, 7:30-1 0 p.m. ; AgrlRoom 17, Pulliam Hall. cultur e Sem1nar Room. Weight lifting for maJe sru- Agric.u hure Induslrles: 5.emde nts, 6- 10:30 p.m ., Room lOar, 9 a .m .-12 noon, Agri. 17 , PuJUa m Hall . c..uhure Seminar Room. D i of. s ion of Technica l and M 0 r r i s Librar y Hospirality Adult Education: Semi nar, C o mmittee: Tea, 2:15-3:45 disc ussion on "Children and p.m. , Morris Librar y the World and ' UNICEF ," Lounge. Dean W. E . Keeppe r. s peak- R e t I r I n g fa culty dinner : c r, . 7 p. m . • Ctsne Theater, Guests of Chance llor Ma c Pulliam Hall. Vi car , 6:30 p. m., Unlver Center .for M ana~c m em Dc shy Re naissanc e Roo m. l' Journalism 0 epa r t men [ ! Gra~l{e Studems luncheon, 12 noon, University Center Kaskaskia and Mi ssouri Roo ms. Stu Cheerleaders: Prac tice, 4- 5:30 p.m., Pulliam Hall Gy m. ' South ern UUnots Peace Comminee: Meeting, 8 Davis Auditorium. Pi Sigma EpSilon: Rush, 9_ 11 p.m ., Home EconO mic Famil y Uving Laboratory. Ad vance ticket sales: Lamar Tec h ga me . 1-4:3'0 p.m., Universil y Ce nter Roo m H & Are na ticket offi ce . U.S :...>~iJtes: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., University Cente r Room H. Theta Sigma Phi : Meeting, 7:30-8:30 p. m., Uni versity C e nter Roo m C . Chemi st ry O e pa rt m e nt: Physical se minar. "Negalive Abso lu Le TemperatUTe :' F. Gibba rd, speaker, 4 p. m .• Parkinson 204. Chern____ Departme nt CollegiateJr Correct." to hold seminars For Fall 196R: Scru offt·rs II Il1IIit. t' tl f 1\\ 11 of /\m c ri Lit 'S mll s l u·!t·br.tlt·d I .1111 pUS (tl lI.lf ~_ The Depart ment of Chemis- .. . '"'t r y will pre sem rwo se mi- South ern d ancers to perlorm nars this week in Room 204, ParkInson Labo ra tor y. F ran k Gifford. assistant profe ssor of che mistry. wi ll speak on <C e~ati v e Absol ute Temperatur e " at 4 p.m. Thursday. . "Selective OxIdati o n of Propenyl Phenyl Sulfides " is ,.. the topic of a se minar to be presented at 4 "p.m. Friday by Walter Matthews, graduate A marrted ~tw1ent family picnic at Evergr een Park st udent in the Depanmem of Sunday wil l inaugurate the year's program of activities Chemistry. sponsored by the SIU Co mmute r, Married and GradBoth p.rograms are part of uate Student s Office. Co- sponsor of th e e vent, to s t art at 3 p. rn .. , Is .~"" Married Student Adv isory Council. nar sC hedul e~ Person s attending should bring their own hot dogs and the regular buns or a cove r ed dlsb. Drinks and table service will be available. All m11rrled stuaents, bOt h gradu at~ and undergraduate, are invited. Play' for children will be s upervised by p"rsonnel from the 'SIU ,Depanment of Rec,:eatlon . and O1!tdoor Ed ucation. The Southern Dance !lepenoire Company wUl perform "Brupt As In A" and " Rosc iu s Circa '68" at 8 p.m. Saturd ay In the Southe rn Dance StudiO, T -36. A' lecture demon stration , rI An of Dance as Theater," will be prese.n ted Sunday at 3 p.m . in the Studi o. . All perfo rmances ~ r e free. . modcls - th e PUt-is'- hull llll-til '\\"11 and the Ill'\\". di s lirH livl! il n:-. lol. i), ·ft ly tallun ,l! -\\ i lh trimly 1'lJwn .. 1 blJd~ 11111"5 - - III .1 hll ~1 uf h.lhd'iom t· solid LuIt11lnng<;, ~Iriplllg:-. i'lliii t..bcd,~. IIldll\' l!,\ .· \\ IIh ~wro. Bulh -1ll tJdl ·l ... 10 n 1l' 111 (1l 1c-LumLco lUl1"' .. Luttun ur durabl e press. AVAILABLE AT Soh n ' s 700 So. IIli.nois Picn(~ for married students Carbondale, III. ~ch;e~m:iS;t~r~y~S;e~m;'~.-~i~iiiiiii=i=~~~~~~:~~~~~ T~lk on ( Very h "jdlOu j Plan /0 PJI ,h p jzzu / campus facilities set Lor e t t a Ott, dean of married and commuter student s. will speak to graduate student wives at 8 p.m . Monday In the Home EconomiCS Lounge. Mrs. Ott will discuss the facilities available to student wives and families in and around campus. Phi Beta Lambda holds rush Phi Beta Lambda , professionai1,uSlness fraternity. will hold its ru s h meeting of t he fall qua n e r at 8:30 p.m. Mond ay In Morris Library Lounge. Refreshm ent s will be served and plans for th e 196869 year will be discussed. All bu s iness majors. m e n and wome n. a r e e ligibl e to join the organiz ation. Pre-medical society to me~t The SIU Pre-Medical, Pre -Dental Society will hold ItS first meeting of [he fall term at 8,.p~m. Tuesda y in French Auditorium of tbe Life Sci. ' ,ce BUIlding. Dr. Tom Clark of ' the SIU Health Service will speak on. "Medicine in Vietnam" ' , The public is Invited. ' The society provides information, assistance and fellowship to s tudents interested tn med ical. deOla} or paramedical fields, according to Charlotte Hatch, secretary of tbe organiZation. Moliere' c~a88ic to ~play he r$t. , A louring French theatrical compa ny will stage a French language performance of ' Moliere 's cla,ssic play, ' uLe Tartuffe," Nov.' ? at Shryock Auditc,lium. Admission to the 8 . p.nI. performance "'Ill be $1.SO for etudents and $2.50 for adults. TIle play wLU be ' perfor med by Le Tre teau de Raris, a French group beaded b, Jean de Rlgault. The company ' ~ 18 Dn a SO-City lOUr of tl!e'Unired States. • .1"SHES YO U R DA TE. CU ' ''E )"()u You 'lI c:nju)' (h ~ cuzy, !nomatl' ;t !lno:>- phc.:rc: o( Vdlab'C Inn ... Wh(:lhl'r It ·~ .1 first daft ur a frequ l· nt (X ( Urrl-nn·. Din\..' at Villagt Inn whl'n: P i ::':;'1 Ii A I It.I) l iJJ Good "d1l£'.' .,;'I,,·E I-IEI< F{) D'81\' f:1< " ~ 1n~LLAGE ') lo/ixx ~ IZZ~"R LOR 1700 WE, ST MAIN C' dal. r ." Pi Om e ga P i, Nat ional Business T eache r Ed ucation Ho no r So ciet y. will l aunch ' its' i968-69 Rr ogram with a c:.o f. fee ho ur fro m 1- 2 p. m. Tu e s da y in the Woody HaJ l c aft e ri a . A rr a n g e m e nt s fo r the group' s pledgi ng wlJi be disclos ed at th at t ime . We Feature Tourlae tile SIU CIPDPU8 with ' their ho s ts. durin, tlIei, r ecent vI s U · h e.r e IU P s e nators Dr. Lucian o Hu erto and Campus guests Flores Ma z ar i. • F rom HEIII YORJ( STYLE FRNlKS RED HOTS ' HOT CORHED BEEF ..;Ift KG .... Dill HOT PASTRNM ... 110 Ko"" Dill HOT ROAST BEEF le ft ar e Muscuv c, Sen . Hu ert a . St'n . \lu s &ra,' e and .Jack lIi&,in s . Mf" s kan Antonio Jack ~b. CHAR· BURGER L. FIOI:.e ~ . Mike ~b. CHM·O£aEBIRGER SALNM OH RYE ..;Ift KoJ,., Dill ~ KlSHKE . FRfHCH FRIES PEPSI.COLA OHIOH RINGS ~. Mexican senators tour SIU -- HOT TN.tAI..~. .... PEPSI· TEEII.ROOT BEER·ORNIGE OPEN SEVEN DA.YS A. WEEK ·T/L 2AM. YOUCA./..L. pers o~ !!!. fr ie nd§.l1ip wirh Se n. s wee 1952. Mus fr o m ot he r Hu e rta g"r.aye ' s s o n, Mike , is a n SIU m os t i nter es ted in s wdc m unHue n a sa id t hat t he " jn - s~ nio r ma joring in m a rk e ti ng r es t on co ll e ge ca m pu ses plant s " a r e fe w in num be r, and a me mber of De lra C hi vis ited SIU rece ntl y. but a r e "o pe r a tin g ve r y In- so.;;.1al fr a te rnity. The di s linguis he d vi s ito r s " te nse ly. " Two nat ional se nat o r s fro m co mmun i s J ~ M e xi c o ' who , like , t h e i r a s we ll a ~. counte r pa rt s in the U. S. , are countnes . and anar c hi st s- pco pl e /549.) 1115 549-7953 1 WE DELIVER L uciano Huena, se naw r f r om Cla sses at the Na tio na l Uni t he s tat e of T la xca la . a nd An ton io F lo res Ma za ri , se nato r ve r s it y a re pr ese ntl y s us - ' pe nde d , but Hue rta s aid tha t f r o m the stat e of M o r e l o • fl e w 1: 0 t he Unite d S (a t ~s 10 r egul a r: ope r at io ns wo uld be r es ume d on Nov. 4, aft e r the v is it w ith A,rne'ri can f r ie nd s an d to att end the 1968 Wo rld c o m ple t ion of t he J 968 Ol ympic C arnes. He ad ded tha t ' ' comSe r ie s ga mes tn St. Loui s . The senato r s to ureJ! the SIU ple re unjve r s it y alJ{o no m y" wo ul d be r ees tabli s he d fo ll owc a m JX.I s dur ing the ir vi s it he r e ing the ga mes . . and ta lke d with P re side nt De Me xica n Pr es ide nt Gus tavo Iyte W. Mo rri s . T hey we re 3 150 the din ne r gu es ts of Dia z Orda z bad o rde r e d the De lt a Ch i f r a te rn it y ho use . a rm y to occ upy' (he unjve r s ity ThE' se na to r s co mme nte d on three we e ks ago , fo ll owing the- rece nt un r es t at the Na- c o ntinue d o ut br e ak s of vio' l iona l Univer s it y of Me xico le nce . in t-01(>'xico City, Hue Ti a say ing During rhe iI vis it , the two t hat the t r o ub l ~ rhc- re " r e a ll y se na to r s w e r~ the gues ts of. i . :; n ' ( wit h the ~ tu de nt s . 11 is J ack L. t\'1us g r avc of Li t c hw it h ' inpla nts , ' ad ult s who a r e fie ld, who ha s mai nta ine d a Exhibit photos on cemeteries A pro ble ms co urse in photog r aphy r e centl y. led Bruc e Ashle y o n a 1500 mil e trek th r o ugh the ceme t e ri e s o f th e sout he rn JIIino is · hlll s r e gio n. A's hley, a junior maj o r ing in photog raphy, took ove r 2,000 picture s of to mbs tone s , trees , and oth e r cemetery landscapes fo r hi s photO-d OCUmentary. As hle y s tated that he had An stu g raduat~ fra m Braz il ha s be en a ward ed an Inte rn a·ti ona! Ent e rpri se Fe llowship to wo r k with Cate rpUl a rTrac to.r Co; in P eo r ia. Anton io F. S., Lobo of Curltiba, Brazil, was a wa r ded a Maste r of Bu sines s Ad minis tratio n ~ eg ree fro m sru in ~Augu st, will be the first fe lIo )\' to wo rk wit h Cat e rpill a r Tracto r unde r the progra m. Th e Braz ilian s tudent wlJi wo r k for i8 . mo nth s ' as a marke ting tra inee. T he program is de signed to enabl e qualifi ed gradu at es of Ame r ican coll e ge s and un!ve r s it les· (rom th e de ve loping c6 untr ies to acquire practical expe ri e nc e re l ated' t? the ir -yk. . Pov~ 1:2. OoUy ./ done , photo graph iC wo r k in c e met e rie s in the past, and had bec o m e inte r e s te d in do in g his doc um entary beca use o f the ir "hone s ty. " "The r e i s so mething ·y acre d ~d untouch ed about d iem, they a r e hi story," he s aid. .The culmination of As hle y's work Is a 32 picture e xhibit which is now on display in· the Magnolia Lounge of the Unive r s !ty Cente r . The ne gatives of. hi s photos have bee n placed in the Universl\y Archive S: He made hi s trips t o' the ceme te ries an I weeke nds, trave linv a bout "100 mil es a day. He_s aid that he rece ive d little o r no troubl e fro m th e nati ves of t he a r e as , and th at man y tim e s t hey 'st ood by and watched hi m with c urios it y. ' _ .-0. .C\.e, · ~~. .:O-~ c........~ • ~... Save ~4 to ~ on Dry Cleani!,9 $2.00 pH tub' 100m to Spm. Sudsy Dudey 24 h,. Laund'9'lnot. Plaza Shopp1", C.n.. , L-o~;.;.;..;=.,:..;;.;.;;....",:" ti_. October 10, ""I *e~ $19 00 ~24Q.Q $2900 t . Econo, Lining wi \I Ilist 1 year or 10.000 miles. Pr em i um Ma ster·Baianced Qua lt t)' will last 3 yea rs or 30.000 miles. O. E. Oua ltly Lin ing wll! last 2 years or 20.000 mil es . -Installed exchange price tor Che vrolet. Plymout h. Ford. Dodge: and all U. S. compac ts Others sli ghtl y hIgher Here's what you get! • Ru gged lini ng thai meet s GSA minI m u m' b ra ke li ning s ia ndard s • All ne ~' Ilriiii g. a n d new or c u mplet e!) , •. condi t io ne d bra ke s hoes in slall ,.d o n IranI and rea r whee ls • A.II wo, k do n e by trai ned b n ke speciali s ts • fre e brake adj ust men t a' 1500 a n d sooo miles II MUST BE RIGHT ·OR WE MAXE IT RIGHT (i.oQdy t'. , ·. ns l. Ue d 1>1' , .. (" " "M I I '~ ' .'n .... . .\ . ... , ·I' Ol t ,n _ , 000 . Dene r ,nc! ou r De " . 1 I nlt COOOy ea r· . nS-l oi ll e a D r .... '" l, n ' " 1 ~" O u J CI "'~. f Oul tI ~ l o r ~ I h~ I,m ~ 0 ' m. J~" i f C..·.. C l'l f. ~ ' c o mfl 1,,,, 11 " I , ' I ~ O ' bO .. ~ 10' I h r i ' , Cl f , O u p",c l'l.,'W' ' . " 0 u Cl o n ~ u " r " o ~ , Of I .... 1 · .... 0· .. . ' ...... . " ~ u pp t r "10. II no C: " . ' lIf OI .!:I1,'- H., : ..:,r. EAsy TERMS!-EASY TERMS! - 0"' ..... nC' ... 1 ' "' ''' i ~ ''01 Ihr ,a m e l' u u P. , eml , lor , n C' CO'l l Easy Terms! Po.rter ·Bro,s. ,.. 3'24 N. III i > Carbond-ale ., ;( H armon Football Fonc o5t i5--.pon _,.d by the od vert h .ra on th l 5 page . It' s m uch t oo soo n fo r all the chips t o be on .the Hne, but th er e ar e .a l ot o f m ar bl es involved In som e big co nf er ence battl es thi s week - - McDOnaIct's end: Ea rly rirI e -tickl e r s Ilk c Georgia-Mississippi In rhe Ol e' Mi ss ~' as i9 t he fr y ing pan l ast \tce k again st Al abam a, and Geo r gia almost had a coronary over South Ca r o- ri vete r s, 3 point. • from J " .... " .. I . .. ' I""'" , ... ' J" h" , ... , .. , ... ,," t~ .... " II " c. ,...,...., .. .. ", .. , 'nl" ., .", . •,11(" Ii <:, .. ,1 .. " , m • • , .. .. "' It·, . . . . . ' !. "'f' .. ~ .. H .. ...... n' ... I·, • • , " lIv .. 11 .. 1\ .. , Un .... ... " , I' ... " . t .. .. I .. ( ,· 11 "11 " It..., I"':: ':'oZl~~t:·,~·::: ~~~ . :~ W.. . , .. , 1'f'0 ' '' (', I_, ~ 4 'j·1 1 .'1 Pit ,. ,h., JOHN SIEBEL ',n .. . , proa"~m f" , ~ 4 ~':OIO Gen . A g f' nl 8 0b Ho,d co ., le Mae Coope , Bob Dun am., .. J im Mo,du!!1 B ill Mo lon e J oe Neely Tom Ho , dco1lo, 1.. I" ....... " •• · , Bill Thomp .. on Vo l " ~ Stanord Ron Kerr the Boiler- Boy's B.ayl o r by 26 po int s. ho ld ,...-_ _~~~_ _":'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;""_ _ _ _- , "firm on all front s wi t h a 2 Jpo int wi n o ve r 17t h- r ank ed Ohio St at e. Runne r-u p SOut h- e rn Ca l might he.." fo r a d ifficu lt 3ft e m oo n ag3 1n st scalp-con scious St anfo r d', UsIn~ 3n Indian appr ai sa l from t hl..' I·:.lst Cn!'>t, howl..'vl..· r. I( Inf")k s JS th o J..l~h t hl..· rrn j wi ll not c h anOlhl..'r win. t hl:-. on(' hy I " poi nt s. All s t Op S will bl..· pu lkll ou t in L inco ln in a nl L'(' t in ~ bt:( Wt,.'l.'n t wo Bi g E ight powe r s, 4t h- r at ed Kan sas .Incl 13th r ank ed I t,.'br3 sk .l , ,\n ll .l l t ht.' REALLY CARE! BOREN"S 162 "a lt~d L;;:;;..._ _.,..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O......W_._M_a_in_·____.J Neb r ask a c r o w again, the J ay - - rI s k of ,·at lng hea vily For:eea-st • l' N.W)' V. . . . rlNH W.... iftl\O. St.,. II 11 •• "., CI.mMlt v iII. nov. D.le•• ,. II 1 II Ann,. ,..,... 1 21 " 1J 1J ,J I Col" Marw.N ....,. C,.... H.uatu' ...... KM... "'.... Stah "U.U. LauilYilte ... ".... ..~ .. ~... . . . . Oft" Wic.dpn StaUo .. I......l. :!-::~.~!!. ~ Stat. Nofth N..tro D.",. Ohie U. Okl.hom. O,...n O"'''''n Stat. It.clfie Itenn SlMa P riftCdon "''''uo . iell,.,..... • 1 1J 11 .12 14 11 • 21 14 IS n • " 1 :::::i·c.,.una N.rth.m W~"ipn Northwest.", WiIIl.m" W." T.... WnltlnJUn Kentucll:y Santa ClOro U.C.l ..... n.rtmflyth O"io ' ltate TlM r.itMel • SJ 21 M 2' '4 • It 11 :n a ·~~Erd U :~~~m cal '/ "" ut"em Mi.L ~ ..,.cu.. TI!" Teus (EI ..... , Te us A J, M T"led. Uti... UI ... S..I. Vi nri nl. W.lI.a f....... . .nt VI,.'nw ¥r"h"'~ M.c"lpn WWMin, V.I. • Mhsin ipoi Stat. Itittsburwh G.o,.j. T.e" Lon, .OK'" T..... T.e... lIIowUnt r.,..n H •• Muieo . WiKonal. JI H 4.2 n It H JS Dub l:1 '4 tJ 14 ,.. " J .... I 14 1 • 2' 21 IS T__ PI 11 .. i ...uri 2J Wieftita 11 . • D.vid.oll n "'nno,-tnni. '11 Tulane .. CelumDla 21 ... OkJaha"" State 21 .......... 24 I... 2l Nab,..sQ 1 1 . . . . ltate 17 "lami, Pla, 21 ' Tulu 11 Nort ... C.,..lifUI " ...tonU. 11 IZ ...,..... 11 n Mic ... ltan _ tIIln.i. cet.ra.. ......i. n 2' M V.It.I. V.M.I. K.nt Stat. Vounl " ......n .ri~.m ;: n- i:!~:."'''· :=-"~:-I=W., :~!rfn"'n 20 1J = ; t:::r.= =.=. ..::.: . "kid" 21 T.II,...... Tee" ... .,....ill. ....'" " J7 " H............ M ............n D. JacItao.vWe ...,....... " "1.__. II 21 ..........."'. Tenn, Austin ....,. ",..~ ....... •M u... atNnwn.r Tn.. ~,.. T.., .Ht UlMrtr " 21 11 H Martin Teet. *M~ R..-............ ~:;.r'.Tf" ........ carNina - n t1 1'!L - : ~:lac ste, Wa.t.m ".""' nd We.tmins,ar Wilkes William s ,. 2l .. ;~ 21 20 '4 tI Do."a It..t C.ntrol Ollie , Findl., 21 3' 2' t7 J ,. • ~1S 21 • 12 14 1 I I 11 • D 0 I 7 14 • • t., GI..... bo,. "u .. lenba,. ... ina Am.ricon 'nt'l V.rmont Union Alfred .tidl.port ;~!nell :~:onm~~~:ry l,com inl ••t .... n,. D.I•• ero V.II., Miedlabury Other CoUeies-M1DWEST Ad.lbart H 22. J ~:~!r'~:'u Bowdoin 'If(orca .. T.ctl Slippery Roell. "ontclOir Edinbo,. Ho .... 11 Su.quahann. c.,a.. . • • ar oelt.uw =::l~~~ . Ill inol. $teta Kanu. W... I.,.n Lamar Tec" LAwrence t2 21 24 20 21 ,. 11 13 20 ~r 2t 25 22. t5 ....m.. d 3D --H.b. We .. ' e,..n Nort ..em lIIinoi.. Northam Iowa 0 ... 10 Wa.I.,an 15 1S ,. ,. .. urn,. Iton. SL John'.. It, 0 1.. II! Okla"oma Sollt"'western. tt.n. I ter1 inl T.'(I", W.,nubu,. ""' .... ton Witten be,. 2. ,. 21 n :at H n tl H 2t 31 "•o "•• o •• ,• •, · o 12 "o, "o, • ",o • W.... in"on .. J."·n 12 . C.rroll o Ob.rlin V.lpar. i.o 11 Heid.'b.rl E l mhu~t Cul .... r·Stock'on Hill.d.l. ~rdJ~f.hDm. W•• hinrto ri U. lllinoi .. Co li.,. Wil minJ10n I E.... n.....n. SW Minn ..ot. NE Oltlahoma 8 lu"ton St. T"om ... w.,ne, Neb .. AClria" [ .i'trn lIIinoi .. Bake, Soulhe,n IIl1no.s Corn ell , low. Mich ic.n Tec" Sf ,... i ....ouri Oan • Northe rn Arilon. Or.ltl Woo .. lIr Mil•• ullee M.c.lestef C.. NW Olll.homa a . '''.n,. Kan. a.,"el fronillin A..... I.nd Wabas" "uallinru m "o "o "o, "o, "", in Ihe ~Tna . ........ :~..=T.I1et8. Datta .hl V.. ..... eatawu e" "'er Jim PearlIne. Ofdsmobile Cattillac Pontiac ~ C, ~~ ~ ~~o~~o~~~~ .., 608 N. ILLINOIS 12 11 A Winner Every Time 11 o o · "12 " ""o "", ",• • ",• - 914 W. Main -411 E. Main -- 315 N. illinOis It's GREAT· 21 Lto , U ni versify Baok Store =~ ::-11:"".. ~1 . .uttt.m State H .....,. ,..,.. i~~iFald 'I • 11 11 'I " JI 1 .... , w.ftord N. . N,." 2f 2' ~ ~ ~ui~~.:"'P = ::.~::: '~ C.non-Hewman C...ttanooc. cancon! £ost Ttonnt'.... . !AI.tam ftrantudcy ElM" .. Han" fat,......t ~: :'''fdU~:~~.II~~. 1 , 11 ~ ri W (" ::r:it~~, Amha,.t n 20 cal iforn i. Stata 12 Cantr.1 Connacticut CI'rion Z5 H.miltan 'I Ithaeo ,. Kutdo.n t5 Loblnon Valli, 14 N.."'''' 2'0 Nort .. a... t.m II R"oda 1.. I.nd ,. Roch ••t., ,. IL La.rence IS lout .... Conn.cticut'. carm.,a cent,., "athodist Cenu•• Mic" il8n Canlral Mi.... outi Central Dkl.hom. Centro C.ncordi.. III. Defi. nce 14 Other COlleces-SOUTH and S'WEST :=~=io: .. 0"1.1 SIU Class Ring Other Colleres-EAST Saturday. Oct. 12-MAJOR COLLEGES Au F.rce ..... um. Ari zona St... Artuonua AUIUHft ....tan ColI'I' ....... C.litomia CiftCin",ti eelorN. Sta.t e Ceftnecticyt Centete The (F...ia.tinl AVlJaII : 4&1 richl. 130 wronl. ties ,-TENNESSEE 1I-OKLAHO.MA II-SYRACUSE12-CALIFORNIA I1-OHIO STATE l-L.S.U. ll-fLORIDA I:1-NEBRASKA '-MISSISSIPPI It-U.C.I.A '-MICHIGAN STATE 14-PENN STATE 2O-ALABAMA . 1$-,lRKANSAS ll1-GEORGIA ~OUSTOH It's Alwa-ys A ~inning Score If- It's • 20 TEAMS l-PURDUE 2-SDUTHERN CAl :l-NOTRE DAME 4-KANSAS ~~~cn~~~i ~ t e~hl t O"~~~'l ai~' ~. Stat e. Eve r ybody just get s toughe r and ttlugh<.: r. · So " the Ti ge r s to quiN [he: I lIlrr i :anc s by ni ne po in t s. Pu r d ue . s houl d Harmon Fqotball ro.p And speak ing o f frying pafis , fire s , e t c •• l ast Saturda y Mi - amI barrl e d rh e likes o f Sou t h- Southeast Confer ence • • • Kan- lin a . They ·ll borh be rlghr back sas- N e bra s k a In rhe Big In th e fire t his week ,. t he Elghr •• P urdu e - Ohlo Stare In Re be l s af.e numbe r e lghr and In th e: Southeast c.:onfcTrhe Big T e n •• and So uth e rn Geo rgi a 1J.; number t en. Po wer Cal- Stanfo rd In rhe P acl fl c quoti ents can 't get . much cncS' , undc fca t (:d and ISt close r. Ml ss lsS illpl wtll pull t'il tcd A rk 3n s as will c() nti nul Coast Confer ence. Th e n·u m' b e r one- rated it out In a sq ueaJ:: e r by Ju st t o win, thi s tl m·~. bumpin).! ~ . MURDALE SHdPPING C£NTER-"O:J hawk s' wi ll . cUp th e C;om huske r nin e point s. ,: _1' ~ 1 I I ,.-J "• 11 ~ 14 1J 1 lJ S~uthern lilinois,_ B~ · & S,:,ppl.y 710 ., So. illinois . Doily Egypt ian, Ol:tobe, 10, 1968. Pal. 13 ( ) Terrific t<Vosome 1"0 Lamar "f'ch l a Rl c h ... rd r Ummjn ls (I f' il l a nd Ro nn,,· I-u lt s , .... 111 bl' tr~ ing 10 th"-a rt It ,.. Salukis o fi e n si\' I' ilttad. , ;a nd If"ad th f" ra rd i n a l !oo tu th'4'ir fir s t " in 'o,r t h (' ~('aso(l.. C u mminK S is a 6' 3 ' ·. l26 -pound se nin r a nd P qJ.t s IS a 6 ' t ··. 229 - pound Junior , (i1illflt· (, nit' 's 1: 30 p.m " Sa turday a t ' 1r " Stadi um , PORT,R AITS Against l.a:mar Tech SIU seeks, initial victory by McNeese State an inconsistent s hutout 10- 0. Jn the McNees e St ate game Glass saldthatblgoffe nslve t he Redbl.r ds we re held to a mistakes r~ ally hun the minus 2 1 ya r ds ru shing. HowCar<!tn ~ l attack ftalnst New eve r, La mar Tech had pos .Lamar Tech lost session e ight t im es ins ide McMex lcCT. Nees e State's 40- yar d line, se~n fumbl es In the gam e, fi ve b r which came in the first but m issed twO fi eld goal atte mpts. half. When asked about SatIn th e ir first two games Lamar T ech was sma s hed by urday ' s eQc~9'jf'e r, Gl ass s aJd would not change his W e ~ t Texas Stat.!' 45-7 and he offensive o r defensive patte rns. He also said th at he hoped the Ca rdinal s could avo id [he big mistakes, mainly fumbl e It Is, and would be able to t ake advant age of game ... breaks. Although the Sal ukls we<e able to pick up onl y 128 ya r d s selected for th e try-outs and ru shing In losing th eir first Jerry Bond, John Susce, Barry twO game s, Coach To we r s O' Sull ivan , and Rogodzin ski. s aid , "W e ' r e still golng-m The fin al squad sel ection was try to est ablish our running bas ed on rh e resulrs of pro- game • . • it' s our offe nSi ~ Towe rs al fessional scours who scouted ph Uosop hy. " rhe men t his s umm e r while indicated [he r e woul d be ma r rhe y played in summ e r lea- backfield c hange s . The Saluki s an d the Ca r d lgues. • O'Sulli van he ld th e seco nd naJs will eac h be wit hout [he hi ghest bautn g ave r age l ast se rvi ces o f t hree key men. season wi th a .298. Bond led SIU will be m issin g J oe the team txnh in run s s co red Bun ge at co rne r-b,ac k, and wirh 44 and In the te all) ' s most Roge r Kub a and Sam Finocc hit s - 55. Susce , a pitche r, hi o at full bac k. Finocch io is he ld th e ¢e am' s be s t win-l os s sched ul ed for knee s u rg e r y r ecord with I ~ wins and t WO this wee k. de feat s . Su s ce had an ea rn ed Absent fro m Lamar Tech ' s run av e rage of 1.59. line up will be t wO de fens ive halfbacks , Craig Barr ett Baseball Is not a r egul a r Olympic s po rt. This yea r t he and El ruce Bu s h, bot h out with Mexican gove rnm ent put It tn[O knee inju r ie s. Co- cap[ain and t he gam es as an ex hib ition guard Gl.e nn Edge rl y wUl alsport. Elgh.\. countri es will so be sidelined with a kn ee Injury. be participat ing. Glass c ited B) Da\' e C ooper o ffense as a m aj o r r eason fo r this iOSB. In their first encounte r tn history, both SIU and Lamar Tec h will be looking for th e ir firs t win of the 1968campalgn Saturday At McCndrew StadIum. The Salukls are 9- 2 and the Lamar T ec h Cardinals ar e 0- 3. Last week Coach V ernon Gla s s ' Cardinals we r e edged ' 6- 14 by New Mexico State . Rogodzi~ski makes Olympics . as member of baseball tea", SIU' s ri ght fielde r Mike Rogod zin s kj was r ecently selected to pl ay on the United Stat e s Ol ympic base ball t eam In thi s year's Ol ymp ic s In M e~ l co City. ' A me mbe r o f the i lU tea m that was thi s yea_r' s runn e r up [Q So ut he rn Califo rni a In the. Colle ge Wo rl d Seri es , Rogodz{nskt was named to t he Seri es All - St a r team aft e r hittin g . 333 in t he fiv e games his tea m pl ayed . During r e gu lar seaso n Olympic-size SQuthern swimming pool , to ~like KOeO'""'.'" act ion, Rogodzlnskl hit .297with 10 h o me runs, and 36 run s batted in, whUe collecting nin e double~ and three tripl es. He le ad th e Salukls In runs bau e:d in cfuring' the sea'son. and was the tea m' s second best in sc:;:orlng 43 run s and having 54 hits. ' "Thi s' is indeed a great honor fo r the Universi ty.," Coach J oe Lutz said. HJ[ s~a k s well for ou r base~an program." ./ F.our of the Silluk is we re, be in proposed recreation building A new Olympic- size swimming pool for SIU ts In the planning s tages , accord ing to Jack Graham, chairman of the Rec r eation Facl!ltles Pla nning Comm ittee for.....the Car- bondale-campus. The new pool wlll be located the proposed Rec r eation Factlttle s Bundlng, Graham said. This bundlng wUl be located just north of Brush Towers. The date for construction ha s not .been ;,et, but Graham said he hoped It would begtn as soon as the plann ing, bach financial and physical. is compJ c ~ e . G r aha m. ~rure sso r of hIgher educa t ion, sa id the pool wlll have .olympic dim ensions o f in P ...,. '4: 0011, Egyptoon. Oct'ob., 10, 1968 75 by 165 fee t. He a l so said the pool wi ll ha ve thre e bas ic purposes: coll egiate competition, divi:1g, apd r ec r e ation. The new pool will r eUeve t he demands made on th e pool In Pulliam Hall. The pre sent pool w ~s ope ned In 1954 whe n the en r ollm ent at SIU was approximately 5,200. It Is a •' fin e pool and an excellent teaching facility," in [he opinIon of Coach Ray ESSick, but for a campus with more than 20,000 students 1< Is Inade quate. He said,. "The poo! mu:;t serve [he student body fo r r ec r eation. the univ er sity for instruction , an l!lt ~ cc ,j! ~ J ht c women's swim [ea rn aod 3 wome n' s s ynch r oni zed swimming tea m." PEN and INK and OILS by WERNER H, MERTZ ph -549-2035. MEXICO CITY (AP) - A calm Mexico City. l)eavily patrolled by pOllce and soldlers. awaited the opening of the Olympics Saturday as new con.,L.roversy swirled around the Games. The lntematlona!. Ol ym pic Corn?ni.(!:ee was· locked j n argume nt over whether to r e e lec i !1 5 "P r e sident A v e r 'i Brun dage , the -rich Sl-yearol d Chicagoan, who has headed the Ol ympi cs since 1952. The C ommunist countries oppose him . SqHa ng students, who s e clashes With the pollce in r ecem week s have . COSt o p- wards of. ~O Uves, held se- competing here have passed cret pouc'y meetings. lndi- the tests. There have been no cations were that any, future rejecl"ions;, 'fhe tests were inprotests ' would b e on th e su(uted a f (ex mannish apprderly side. pearing girls won medals in The IOC's medi c~l com- past Ga mes • m ission is in a dispute With No one knows [0 .what exthe Internat ional Swimming tem" the viol e nce that beset Associat.ion 0 v e r girl swtm-' .tt. is nation has affecte d the e xmers t aking (h e se x t e s r. pec[ed influx of tourists.Th e Be rge Ph illips, th e Australian rea so n is tha t the gove rnm e nt pre side nt of the as soc iation, reqUired r oo m s to be pa id fo r sa ys the tyt s ar c degrading In a d van c e . The hote ls a nd shockIng and opposes naturall y r e port they ar e so ld the m. . . OUt. How e ve r !Some girl s wimAlre ad y the gam e s have set mer s have volunt ee r e d to tak e a reco rd. Mo r e than 7,500 the te s ts So far. mo r e tha n athl e les from mo r e than IOU ;:~~l~ 01Jt ~f the 962 na tio ns a r e co m peting he r e . Tok yo tn 1964 sel the present re cord of 94 nations and ra ces a nd t he fi e ld e vents. ,.he thin air he lps in [hest:: cases. 5,565. athl etes although Helsinki in 1952 dre w 5,867 ath- letes from on~ y 69 nations. A sellout crowd of more t han 80,000 is expec te d for t h e openi ng ce r emonies in DIJ\MONDS the ~~~a - mode rn Ol ympi c S[adi- \~.I ' !./,I, -'~'-. !. T h e furor o ve r Me xico I 1/ 2-mile altitud e i s abating. It i s genera~ly r e cognized that times in th e longe r s wim s a nd running places will be be lo w world sta nda rds . but it is equa ll y s ur e tha t wo rld r eco rd s will fall in the s hoI t Diam-ond Brok e r , C lt y ' ~ Suite 1 4Ot S. Ill inois Carbondaie Ph. 549- 2221 Dqi"ly .Egyptian· C-lttssified Action. Ads . I The DaU y egyptian r ese rv~s the righ t 10 reject an y adve rtiSing co py. N.o r e funds o n ca ncelled ada. ( .OJ, .1 ~uH.I: F.OR SALE I n I u· f"fo " 1·1.. "'UI r ll l,.... 11, A!> ~ r.,J I ~ ".1 . $ 1.»1 I , 'I .il l rr _ lI.lnMn. ~ ~ 1'11.1 It .mh i.,r "'~ .. on. i .. . "' If,s. , ., d 4. S :~ . l .. 11 ~ ~ .. . ' I • ,,->4 .. , ,,1",;, I... .. ' · "J " .·" I!-"O.. II .I ~\11U" r' .I I --4 ~I. I .·,..: r . ... nr' :. ¥11 I· • ~ ... j , "~ I1V(' . .. m .. 1 : .. ..: N.' I. . I'. ro. 1..1 ... M lCu' )·M<I"'·" rt" ·"f . ~ _ _" ndUUIfI . m.ln, mI. Y:llm~~..1 n-""'. . I .. .-.! ,.. rllh..l ~ • ~. • m lnt \...111 ~ •• fJ.! IJJ" ~~.) e;.~(1~ -I;i'~:~~:r~II~~9 ~~~~ 0295}. 1. J"IC "'" li hde nde s • .!10-4 S. 1I ~ )"1i , ... OlYoA Pet Ti .... mera , eXira len. &. litrobe. J ay Gold . 5 49 - 1460. 0297A ~ 4 9 _ !l89ti. ' 08 Honda t:8 100. ch ro ~ f~ndcr ] helmt'16 , COVeT . Mu., ~ Il. SI-'c at Ce 's C) c le ShOp . ast. fo r J.P.' s H08I1a. 02 9CilA ilOBA Gu ait' aale . Sa, •• ·OCI . I:!. Sun. - a .m . 10Cr9 f:. mer ald Lane. I·or Ln",f,) . 71b8A nu. ) Ibs . I'\.e wco rnt:tu· apeCJa l: SMlO iand 5C.a pIfli allo wa n.:e if )"01.1 build on a IUj:ot 6nnl c . high 101 l'It'ar UtIl on Ihtl Sub. 01 '" Ic..n. All Utl ltlicli . l.altes . -1 ) , _ bib;. 719UA A- I Ie . :!.!. ~r eDCh , Se~' 15, 25 1/2 Bob at Wllaon HIli . Rm. 0300A I.".,Q 1 K3 conn:rllble. Good concHl ion. So. !IOtJ. Ca ll Marum.993-4 111. o30 l A 1 f Opl\..... ' flah, all a quarium liupplh~ ... tank .. , planla too.]. rrcfliAq uanum . 320 k.. Wal nuc, Ca.rbonda le . 0204A A. amall, $1 0.000, 95 A. mod .. rn boUR, barn S1 6.000 ; DO A. WOOOe-C2 , Hw y 127 $ 3 1.500; 90 A. o ld boIJ~ . aedt.lded $1 2,175 ; 120 A. Im_ Tapt r ewrdcr tY M), excellent mlke. P A. " nCl IWO ,apes, $ 60. 457-4$32 aher o. 63 1$A 1%0 Vo lvo, e nctne lood, body ~. wo r k, SIOO. Jac.t., l OS S , For est . 80~ T)-pewrite r - Reml npn - full slu. P ica type. GoOd CQOd. 687 .. 1014. ; _ .... 0317A 6 2$8A ,oad con .. FOr Sale: a 1955 Cad. hea.n e wit h radio . A a lul a t $65. 549_5674. 6259A MU"lita A·2 35mm ~m, ~7 ~l . CODU'act • ~~ ~~~;:.~.;a;i}:;: l;;:!;_ mater, Wu.rpby.txlro, .-.e.~ &ad wk. end.. 6272A Harmony &efl-handed elecl.rlc'&wlar/ ea •• New rc all 451.40 21. 6277A 6S18A nolal~ Girl to lake o ver c ontraci. $ 20 already pa.ld. See o r call OI.ana VUlller, Bowyer Hall. 453-3 270. 6319A • Catt,::i: Ioi • Neely 1962 CheV/ Il conven.1ble. d1tlon. $4 SO. Call 549-$915. Ex.. cond., acrea 111'111150 yr. old andbarn. Near new Hwy·$I. Can be reaorecL $11.000. Pbona Stj.37n for appoUu:aeat. • 6270A p .. rt- I lm ~ I .. rn up " III .. , .. III IA·I! \ .r\ \Iu .. · 1• . \ . J"I<' " rlJ. oI"t: II ... m . 1' .. , - ~ f.(' 11110..: ,,: ..J.. I. t, .. " ,IO L .. II ~ , - .. ~ ..... r "Il. t ' \1"1 .. , I,: . _'" m . ,"", . ) 1I·C ..... p ... H..... ,.. , OH ,cr p. lll . W J .,.nu .. " .".. "' .In!' 1 1lI~ I ~·I ",. al Udt nl,. l no .. .. h.. 1\ · h~ l . I,.. "I''''~ ,, \·allalll.·. 1 1"l~· U",I\ k.t; rpll ~n . t 1 - -1 01 , .. u pen f ro m '1- ~ . toO piau' ) u ur ad no ... .lntl ...·alch Ih~' r~'s uhs. "I \ ,\ .. joiOOIJ I UIllI pl ... ... , " lin !Un)t' . hr . $-1 10 •• .. I r " New FenGer banman amp, La.na1rwa. ·also new Glb~ EB2D twin pickup baaa; amp tla.a 4 .. montb ..arrant y. Posalble 1!a4e.- CaU Jobn., 5 49~~~ Mobile bome. 8:135, a ir w nd. A .. e r y eC;Ol'II)mJcal and com.fonab!e .ay 10 • H..e . Unlv. T r . Ct. i'32. Pbone 549-6565. • 63211. Gt..b.on Lea Paul e leci. autin, $180. Conaole stereo, &ella new $400, I warn $1~. ~tUmpu.a.5 4 9_4589 . ~2.A , "" ~ _ I' hI, "" , .. ·m "l fI, oint! .tll'\ I .. J: I "f,,;' , <1 . ~ "n· .. . I 51, .. , .n I' ,.1' "" 1 I.. n". 1'1,. ~ , .. _!: 4" • "JW' LOST Iklj:l: bl ill u la . I- rl .• ~ 11"l . t.. n·pmone) plu s r ~· W llrU . o..:on l • • 1 J I l QVC KClch,,·r1 . 7 1-4 UG 9.n I/"! W. M•.ll n, ~ 4 q.2bl I. $30 re wl rd 'or Infu r m:!o,," h'~dl,,¥ IU !hc r e ... o v ~·r\ •., a fl lue 1(' - fi J'\· ..'d ...... nr; \'~r" 'I\ I,, ) I, wl,1. I"l rJ l .. . .ppt:ar<-d Ir v m !h,· I." ~, I . p .. rk I 1111 a.r~· a .U l ... ,f'I. 1111..1 1/. A " n·O, I. L LOl li 4~; _ ~"' 1. oS2Bb....., JaSV. -:- Iii:. Thl' t.du';:'1II10n;,rd :-":ur seq S~hc..o l. t..:I"lIIOr~n 3 - ~ .'l Ched , c~'·il. I IV~pn:.. . gum . 'o re litn loi ns . InSlruc lJo n. -45 - · b~ . -UHf:. A l T Il d' 9 Wo rld P n . &u\OO1, I Juu W'''101 Willo w till HIli) Bnan) , C ' ail l ~ bulldlng-eduCill ll unll l · S"' . ~u l ur I ~ h re.. w t;l,.·kl)·- 5 0,, )10 (03e per hr.) I' h. !! -4 "' - ~U2 1 bt:! wc e n 1i_3;3U wed- ... e.. b.J ! 1"l1i711~li ' t-32!J(.. T)plng. IBM . -4 ) rIi. t'xpcr ....·/l l"leSI .. ' dlli,;.·n . F~ r.I &: eUkl.· nl . !!-4 Q_ bedrm nae. 10 Sep(. '09. Oe nlra l heal, I . rm. & 3 b<Irm •• c arpe-ted. Klt - ", . "' 111 1.. '1' • 1-: \II. - -II 1'1 .. .. . l I,,: ' " III . ... , - _. II .!- .... 1. 1 " ~ '1 . 1\,111\1 " .. ",-,1,/ 11 InJnlng lo r lil udem . . f:. .. pc rt ~n ....·d, re'lI.onable. 100 Gnnam . nil ~ ') ; . -4030. i ()!!BI:. o (.11 1 " ,t! ... ~I.. .: .. " Let 1,18 I)-PC! & POhl you r !erm pa per . IheSI • • The AUIl"lO r 's Qffl .:e , J 1-1 1 /2 !-lork past ure Wltil .he lt e r, bc:l ween C ·d.ale Ii M'boro. 45i - 293c. 09OB8 ' "', • .!o I , ~ I)., m ol l I Il.'d ... I I" t\.l r m t.. .. noJ LJII St~· \ .· .. I S. il lino IS. !!H -oQ31. Optnlng fo r VTI 5Ophomorr:: , Jr •. sr •. . hare Ipt. $1 20/ q tr . On bI.Is SlOp. CarterVille Motel. 7U3BB • ,., lull _11m, II , ' .... ,.." ' ", ~ If , .1 .. 11\ In-Irq,: .. .. I·' ~ p.. . ' 1\ ' 1 .. /..tI, .. ", ..·t! .' _ • n· • ", •. , .,0' lol l ., 1'1, ... 'I U.. f " f . I '~",,,, . .-/ ,,,.10.1 Cj ull ~'d ".:'&" 1 SERVICES c:>FFERED Jr., Sr. , • ,rada. fo r le r ma. Some Crab Orchard MOicl . uu:r 5 p.m . 686BB b I 5~ .I:. Room "" Itt! ku c hcn prl'·I!,g... s fo r !.ad )' J;rad u.a le .Iudell! . Ph . 08i_ I :!;.!. '" Phot ojirapht:r lo r t! tre. Wedwng • • i l 2 88 gruups, mISC. Colo r exr:.l. 5-4lo! _1 SH. 0202E .. rm. furN . hed apl. -11-4 W. S)ca mo re. For bo)'a. \1 oo/ mo. Willar d Wam 10 do Dab' sltung In m }' I"Io me. Keltt:r Gulf SerVI ce Stallon, 5Qq S. Call 5-1Q-491i4. 03071:. lI11noi , Ave. , C' dah~ . -;'13BB Re pa l r a . p;ln s . sale li . &~ rvKe uf O-rm. house. I bl~ tro m c a mpus. men' . , wOlfl..In'a 10 - 15 spee d blq'c.les. M.ale r oommate. U O/ mo. Ph. -4 !!7 _ See J Im. ,3~, 0 14 E . Park . C arbon 2072. 623~B da le . b320E CanerVille rm.. , I double r m., ~k ­ Ins prl vge. Conla CI Virgil, 124 W.alnut, Cute.mlle. Ph. 985 3233. 0283B ..j ~ , • t' .. r . .!, .!I . - .11\4. ToP1 COP)' fo r (lua lh y ItIot:l!i16, dl ue r[.Ilio n. . T ) pt: tenSio n and ""'orq f n ·... o n pla lil lc ma slen . -457 _5 751. o53IU:. Vlllag~ Re nlol ls . Appro ved housing for gneu.ale li . unde r gradualt!" upperc ia liS men . f:. xu. Uenl loc.atJons. Apls •• houkti and Iraller s. Solne stareapes. oppor t urUlles. 417 We ..1 Ma.ln. Phone 4 ~i~ 4144 . 673S8 2 ~ ~ll " " n ~ ,,; -2 "j l. w a nl Va fillil , ~a s) . cheap ",·a ) 10 leI 18,OUO p.-opic kno. )our !\C.-d..7 Co mmu m .. .al~ In r o ugl"l lho: OaU )' Egyplla n c!.asS lfl ..d ads. ~=~I~:~I.I..t.e1i-l~8·i ~. 1 1.~ 11 ,,·.Id \ .. ~ ... u ... . · 11 \ ' "' wn. Ais' n qull l" /101. . /,1 01/ 1.. 1 .Ju'" .. ', . .... rll '· ,umpo. " li nn" .. n.J h uc:, • • ~ " nI Ilpn.· .. . Sr) 1. >\l nln " II!\-' ' .. .n. H I .~ . ( '" .. k-. o2!17 1' ".' '1~ ','71>'" m. iil, wll h I" "· ' \'\"I,ln ....... ,. I "" . ulLl Ii ~ el"hl'''' I. '1UL·",,·1.1 I . sr.3lt ... . ~ U _.!.' ~ - . 1"01.11 III"" I' . r c. ", ... .. " . ,,". e h'," ... . .1 \.I!,k ,' ... Ll~'nl .. II" ,,, 110 / .... III p.. ) wt'II." .!1 r'·'lul h "III " , • i . , ... ,,~.... M.:Ih ..I UU. fU -1-14( "Ubliildl.ill ) ' .I .. U':~ ·' no·.J" "", J. ,:.,. : ,,"""( 1 I", . t.. , .. ", ..,.1 b~ 1, lr e! " " I. fl.. ~ , ...... m, ... Ap,l , .. <,lol, . V. I . 10 31 1t,:VI a. m., I! • .l . rn •• .Im! 2 p. m . \.,1 t tl f 'lr . luj:l . -!u l'll.. FO R..RENT .. U· W,,: I . I~ .. ., . ".f"'_ - 3'1 . AI~II" . \I 'I II~ "\l .. I. l. ______~'__..:b3;:.I:..:.;;. A ., ~::a~~t~~;:.'eCO:PI~O:~.2 ~:~: TRo. Gold Sur Cydea, mUal sell. f39 ;rown • CoUntry Ct., 2 mi.• S. ~~.meler. le.ttber~. "'I . •.• • ',~· .. 1 "I. I Ilm~~ .. n '·lm~ . c ~f "Und t Lolh' j/t' '1'"I.n, ,h~l ll! ... mpu .. . .. " ",H~ ,.. ne,Juh ·\J I Nee(! a nde 7 Any gro up of !! can rt y fo r I OC a mJ1e pe-r pt r aon. $30 10 Chlc.ago . SI8.80 10 Bl oomlnglo n. $ 14._ 50 10 S prl n~:htld. S20.50 10 MoU""" or a nywhere e lse YOlIr grOllp wam a '.0 go . Ca ll 549-0012 . bl8BE ;1~Ut. ma\. ~ ..·all,·' . j:en.: r u u.. ' ... ..·.. r d . H. ~~~~un h. "'J I r. CQlkiC • .. .O~~b'>~ "'1al~. Ge lrtllJJ ... I)o:p. PUPil) . ; m(,. old. l WII'" ·':Irr' " ll'!~s. a ll .... .,. , .. II, .. Ar Jjll t il ' . H e " .HIJ. ~ I J_n~( • .. lIer ~ . (." . !I~p.o r c!, n mo. nhl ... n. " ~'I" lu Kns. l)iact wut!, a n mar klnlth. t..:01. ' a ~' AI SI.·r n. _'v ... . t n ly \" .. I I\ . ,,311..1( , , ... ar \1 111 t. H"wh ng .. - t' I.lC1 ~ .... hU, .. ,lIc n. ~ Ie .. , pl .. !>1 1 tol, II .. , . 1'1 ..... :i~· ~ .II ~ .. \j- -4{JW. R ... ward . tlJ11(" H" w3rd l o r bl.ld pur ....· ~nd .. ,.n-. I11". 1.£151 ~ ,II . nllt' l ... niOO I n ·n.· · II . \ -1"_ !bl..llS. OJ!7(,., , 02~A U.s. $ 1. '. I, a a )lo . 'c l P lym(MAh. Val.Janl. 4-door, 0, .t.a ndud ahlft, $100. Ph. 457 _592 1. on ~ S.rnrlt .. I . ,ul .. hl,· . f'l J . ~ A Ma.l ~ litudenl.fa ll and winter ka-plng unlta. Phone 549-5478 14.2ru nds . En- proved lo g cabin S 12, :WO; 41 A. I SO )·r. old 10, ca.bI..n a.OO bun. $1 8 ,(0), 207 A. aoUlb of Uult' Grua)'. hous..: and ba.rn, $ 37.(X)(), 200 A. mod~r n houR, .barn, aood road $ .... . 000. T win Coumy Reaky. E. Burna lde.; Broker. ~4 9 - 3777 or 19S-207 ; or 394-2580. 6257A Ii " . .. 'I. ,.n ... lI,l ~ .. n 5 .. 1.,,\ SI. 'tJ p.o.' , 1,/ . 1' 001"': ~:~ ,~:~ril.I" ; ', ~ 1r:~'r~-I;~'\II'::i tI "h~ I 'fln 1ra l1er. 8 .. 42. CAul. w nd •• air cond., i5!o raae s~ , Wide rplnM<i. Read) to move Imo. Localed .1.1 704 E. Part , ,4. C . lI ~4 9-21173 tor .ppolnt menl . 709BA r .", 1 h ... \l.-.! lI, r " .. 1'10-" 1,1 1 lIon . , .. , 1. u .. d. ''II'od ",,1t \fud . ... . 190 1 VW Seda n. 529!! . .I'''f"Il \flit. t..:.l mr"-·r Il uli . SW ). HUnli?r- Sa le,. Lurp., 41 !! 1'\.. II llnol l>, C ar oondol~ . ;06BA )Urn PI' . ,',·\·n ... '1,"'''' .. .... '1 . ." Acc. p,. d L,,,,,, Iker " 1j!N> m .. l~· IIC"J UIIIU I .. all d..,I..V r all<lna. 1I1i l ind'; . .. .. II !I-4 'o1 _n;oq. fJ2"' -I A )'U • • l'> . lJ .. "...•• ,t, ' .9ult:."o ... ' . qU". •• un (.Ia rn CUI. nIal l / ur. I't! . -4 !1 7_ .'O!.! . 71 11\" Mah·. Bla k . 8 ghal"l t raIned . 1 nu: -I k 10 ..... ~. (. Ir l" \ I"''' ,: . m''~. "un .. 11,,111 li unj.' ).. o n,: . o nh ~ "\' . " ,,'I \ \)U I .. lIu I I u • • ~ ... h .. :loCdC·O ... I.t' uMrw: .. .,lo: ...... y •• lumc. e .. I...lIeN ,nVr:,Umlfll 1"Io:n. lu . .. l IlId. lInr. fW"r . , .. ::C-.' r.· · lurn '0 rlOlH.rrn 1111 ,.....,1 • • 'A iii "til • 1,,-1 ,"mil . P h. 4'-;' _Ml! ] . n'lln", 1 r"r'I ... 1 1I ,,1"l ,. .. upplk .. . I I : 1>3." "II nr"J\J rw. " . n. . , I .... · c. ... · 111 Ir. pla al .... d)1f~ I . .... 1:: I t\ .. 11. l . 1I ' '' · _-4 3)-4 . -, ;.. , .. "I ., .. 11 I,,",.. t . II II . " hlJ . )11 .In;) m.. ,n. t ,ft .. "" . P h . ~ " -I ~ " .. I! • . 1, .. l kl , "':- -'1 A ..,r~A - ~ ~). '-t:1I • ·ur • IllY.,. .. . ~)'" ~ .. Il . . r , IIJ p..P. ·1t 1 I .... . (., ., --,"Th' , ', .. 'nO: \ I!"~ 1,.' ...... 11, .n..: .. . I" I'~ t.. h ]'''. ;.,~ .J ,,,n.,) •• I .. ·il, I • .i;: ~ , . hdm~·I . L.l1! . ~ •• '1\1 -1 !"'. L I...",,·III ..d '\l." sra ... .• In ~ " 1.:, 1\ r . ol e pilpo ' .' I h I ~ooo "'liiult " \ ... , ~ O\ll ol e In Toesol ) .Il lhe' Oall \ I ~ .{,- Ilan. . , .. t . ho. .. , " "\,) -" ' ''-1 . ENTERT AINMENT MiI' l\. inC"" S for ~n ) o~c" .. lUn. I'll. !!-4 2_!3!!7 0 1 wrlle Mr . Waggl.oncr . 30 1 f:.. Ma ll'!. iJuQu()ln, III. fI .'!!13l . n.!f\Ol TH INK VA IL, 549-4022 o r lo r Info rm.llllon . ... a ll blU I ).f9.~8 48. ANNOUNCEMENTS 63048 ~:~ ~=tle W!:On g~~~r, $ ~~l ' WI Freeman. p.m. Call 549-5726 aft e r 4 63058 WA.NTED LDngbranch Tave rn. Cockl.a ll Lounge Wt: buy and se ll used furnltW"e . Call 5 4 9~ 1 782. ~ 675BF Stunereu 10 participate In re.&earcb pro ject on speech patterns. Time and HELP WANTED ::a=r~I~~:ZU~~it~~C;c::r~~~ Driven Wanted., Mlal be 21 and bave. cl. .a · H cbautfeur' a Ucense. Muat be able to wort at leut 7 houra. 6 days weekly. Alia needed.. full-dme · dr l ...e.n. Apply In perlOA. Yellow Cab Co. 700BC R. Jonea, Beb....toraeaearc.bLabor.lory, 1000 N. Main St. , Anna. w., or call colled , 8$3-6713 for appc. 6948F Home for tree k.ltten. Weaned., houeebroten. Inquire carrel "L" In Ubr. b' me nt . 6264F JOb opportwU[lea t ha t you wer e neve r aware of eE1at at Downsta te PersonWant a bi cycle for male. Will pay nel. Regw:e r wltb a up 10 twenty doUan. Ca1J'4$7-82.12. aervlce a l no cost to you. 1500 628$F employers rely on IUJ to help you find the m. Open 9.5 weckda)·• • 9.12 Sat. 103 S. Waahillilon, Car. bonl1ale, 5 49-3366. 704ec • ./ > r ~~RTI:OO~·IT E ,drl;:~ad=:~~9 p.m. 7078K AUCtion, Soup 10 Nuta. Sa l., DCI. 12. : 11: 00 a.m., 300 S. W IU. Everybody inviled. 716BK Tbe Brotbera of LEAC Pratern!IY. 116 SGH, cordJaUy !nnte allll'llert'al. ed men to a ttendopen boI.t.aeon Thun _ day, Occ. 10, !rom 8:30·11 :30. CalJ 03_3194 to!" ridea. b291K TYPING-Term papera l ook Ireac if IBM Selecyrlc With carbon ribbon Is uaed.. Por h1&her grade. at only}5.C / Call 549·3723. Loc:ated" cor . ner of Wall • Snider near U-Clty. M 13K ptA. D. ;t ~ E.ypt ; ~, 0." ••• ,,0. 19o5 •. P • •• 15 \ , ·A roused.' D~troit Tigers .c lobber ·.C ards· ST. LOUIS (AP) - The i nl).ing since Hack Wil son mis - McLain, sec'ond choice [0 tWo run s in the second when a Pitchinc ace- Denny McLain , a Mclain mows 'em down t,,'o-time lo ser in the World Series, held the 51. Louis Card inals to nine hits Qnd one run Wednesd a}· to e\' en th e series at three gam("s apiece . ... ni s teammates I pro\' idrd ("Qua il }' ~u t s tandi n g batling su pp ort sco rin g 13 run s on 12 hit s . Twenty teams to FRANKLIN INSURANCE AGENCY play 'flag' Twent~ teaJ1ls will pair off Felts Triple F's vs . Brown at 4:30 p.m. Thursday for In- Bears, fie ld fiv e . Warre n II Iramual flag football. vs. Fells Feelers fie ld si Tree Joc ks will meet Daf- Se venth Wonder vs. the F fadils, field one. Puffs VB. Q ' s, field seven, C .U.D. Sup. Caesars; field two. Wesley por ters vs. Aggies, field eight. Foundation vs. The Pack , field Ash Street Mothers vs. three • . Razzel D~zzel vs . Eg-yprian Sands West , fie ld Alle n ~ar dvark s, held four· j nine . _Tau Kappa Epsilio n vs. · L~o n s . Lus~es VS . Pierccy Kappa Alph a Psi. fi e ld e le ven. SonJa s . h e ld hve . Warr e n U . vs . Warren Rebe) s , fi e ld six. David F . Low, WatchfTIoker \Y right 1 Rebels vs . Boomer Bombers 1, field seven. De412 S. IlIjnoi. vils Pride vs . Wilson Hall, Phone 457-4654 fi e ld e ight " Vultures vs. Expert Gr ee n Sheers Best, fi e ld nine. IVa' ,b. Clock And.Jewe/ry Sigm a Pi vs. Alpha Phi Alpha , !Jeld e l ~ v en . Repa iring Frida y's aClian wiU a lso ..Lf!,.ather And Metal begin al 4:30 p.m. . I Viatchbands Malibu Maul e rs vs . Caslle ..... ;Rogues , fi e ld one . Big House' Will Al so Special O ;der vs . Wine Heads, fi e ld three. Jvrything For You. The ~inners vs. Th e Brown. fie ld four. Int,.odu<i~g Buys Say-Mart Foods Cello Carrots pkg. On Min i . the " 69s ' , PRICED TO PLEASE YOU ',. CORRECTION 2-1~. "That DO make a differ - injured Earl Wilson in Mana- Norm Cash walked on 3-1 ence." Schoendiens( said, but ger Mayo Sm ith's pre-game pitch, W!llie Horton doubled added: "He pltche \! good. aamnion, made up for' [we him home and Bill Free han'_ gainsl us in his firs t s tart, G#rlier defeats by Bob Gib- ' broke a 16 - at - bat \litless but his control w~s bener son as he c am e back strong s treak , with a single scoring today." with a cortisone shot easing Honon. Washburn, a winner With shutout king Bob Gib his aching right shoulder. with r e lief help from . J oe '" son going for the Cards in The Tigers' vi cto r y once Hoerne r in th e thi rd game, lh.e final gam~ againslDetroit's again PUtS it squa r e ly up to was wUd and was no\.t hrowing Mickey LoUch , did SchoenGibson. the Cards' strikej)_ut hard. ". dienst think ma ybe the Cards ace, in a seventh game due l The third inning staTted in- had a Uttl e edge? Thursday with le ft-band e d no ce ntl y e nough with a wa~ "N o sfr," R e d s aid. Mickey LoUch, also a 't~O _ to Dick McAuliffe on fo u r~ "You're all equal when yo u time Series winner. pitches. · Before it was over walk out o n t~at fi e ld." Morning showers delayed 10 runs we r e i n, IS me n had CtbsoD and Lolich have · won the stan for 10 minutes and been a t pat and · th e Cards' rwo g-ames e a ch t is Se rie-s . umbrella s sprouted in the Washburn, Jaste r. Ron WilSchoe ndienst sai he would cro wd of 54,692 at Busch lis and Dick Hughes had been play Roge r Marls . n rtght Stadium as the rain resumed roughe d up for a grand s lam fi e ld in t he final ga c , 31la st of the sevemh i n- flb mc r. s ix singles , four wa lk s rho ugh Maris to ld his mana The lights weTe turned a nd a hit~ batsman. ger hI:: had lIoubh.· hi tllng Lo on all during the dark, cloudy A fl e r McAuliffe wa lh :d, li c h when Man s was...In I he aft e r noo n. Pla y wa s he ld up ~ni~ k:r ~~~~~:~' !i~~l:~d t~h~:(: Ameri ca n Lcagu~ . for 49 minUi es by rain i.n the · hilS and dro ve in fo ur r uns , Shop . · Llh last of Ih e e lh. pumped a s ingh: to \ c~ nt e r , !J AI L ' · £G ...... TIA.~ By the lime Ihe game was r es um e d onl y a handfull of fan s :flor~~gw~s~~~i~~e . Thai was r e mained in the r ain- soaked As the St. Louis Cardinal s stands. Some pre s s · box wags trooped Im o I h e dUbhousc ~~~~~~~dila S~~U6d a~a:~~:~ after ab so rbin g a 13-1 loss 10 it .beca me le ga l 10 s ave the Detroit in I he sixlh ga ml' o f baltered Cards ' f ro m absorb - ~h:t ~~~I~ ~er~csMwCe~~e:e~Y; in~urtht:r punishment . shouted: "I-k y, gl't • m to ~ The .e ries th us followed the mo rr ow, me n, gl't 'm lomor sa'l'e paue rn as 1967 when lhe ro w, dammi t '" Cards ~ ned up a 3-1 e Jge .Exc~Pt fo r that ple a, the ~..~~St~f~;~Y ~~b~~o: :~I~~ Ca rd ina I s we r e ~c nc ra ll y quiet . Managt!r Re d Schoe ndicn sl J im Lonborg in the final. The ~~:)f ~::i~i~stoW:~et~:c~~~: was so me thing of an e xception.=,..... Red So x in a best - Of- 9 set • ·G lad [ 0 St.. e your smiling i n 1903 L the Pittsburgh P irat es face , Re d," one new s man r e eASY PAYIE NT PLA""S in 1925 a nd the New York mark ed. Yankees In 1958 . "W hat e lse c an yo u sa) , " ., 4 f,()od pfar ~ !.Io fUP Once again Gibson, who I~s t Schoendienst r l·p1.i c d. " The) fo r all flf .\fl ur /flSlJ ran ,. (' . " wo rk e d Sunqay in the r ai:1 de - beat the d.ich:ns o ut o f us . layed ga me at DetrOit, will Every time the~' mo ve d a bat have thrce .. days' r e~t whil e his it was a hit." opponent, Lolich,willhavehad What about De?n y McClain , o nl y tWo days to reco ve r from the Det roit ace wbo lost prcviMonda y's winning effort. ous Series stans aft e r win7IlJ S. It was apparent e arly that ning 31 in the r egula r season? this was nOt Washburn's day. Some one noted he a 12The Tigers hopped on him for run lead - a rouse d Delroit Tigers clob judged a fly ball at PhUabered St. Louis pitching· for de lphia in ~929 and opened th e- , 3 record-tying 10 runs in tb e gates for ]0 runs by th e third inn'ing Wednesda y and Philade lphia A's against the square d the World Series at .. Chicago Cubs. The A' s, lrailthree games each With a 13-1 ing 8- 0 · at the Cime, also sem victor y behind Denny M c - IS men to bat. . ... La i n, a two-time lose r. The finalscor e- didn'l qui~e Jim Northrup's grand ~ lam match the New York Yankees' homer off r e lief pil~t.e r La~- 18.- 4 r out of the New York r y Jaster was tfie big blow 10 Glants in 1936. th e lh ird w~en the Tigers sen . Julian Javier's si ngle with 15 men to the plate against £wo OUt · an~ (wo on in .the ninth loser Ray ~a s hburn and tbree saved the Card~ from sufothers. fering the most lopsided shut _ It was the ~iggest Se ri e s OUt in Ser.ies history. I 16TH & WALNUT MURPHYSBORO 15e r ( '\ " ) \ 11 ~ .I\"..'"r D~ E~1Ut~ Sou,h.rn '''ino;s University J Volume SO \.... Corbo".dole. I llinol. "'umb""13 Thursday, ·Oc tober, IO. 1968 Summer • IS past v- (' • " . .... ~ ~ '" th .l( ' fall I s here , man,)' SI U students . . lik f' f'a lh.' StuT,f,1;('o n , II sophomo re from Spring~ ..... ... . v. \ . ~ fl('ld m~jnrjnJ.t In mu rk c ling . AT C pa using to n 'r all (hl' \\ 11 :' 01 days uf summ er wh('n area 1H'I,l c ht's ' \\Nl' full . not ('mply . "":'" ~. " . -/ ~, ") \.- I ( t ·NI Studentp'(ay' t6 promo~e j C i welfare of ihe retired By Stephanie Rro 'lllr'n Senior Citizen' s ' C lub in West Frankfort. Eight ether cl ubs Four c hairs and a cast of have alre ady booked dates for five Slu st ude nt s m ay be a Nov. 6 and 16; J an. 6, 14 so ur ce of inspiration for r e - and 16; Feb. 20; a nd April tired peop le in 60 ulhe r.n il - 15 and 17. Si xteen ope ning da ,,"s a r e stHI a va ilable . Any : lino is . For Wit h I h es~ minima l int e r es ted g r oup sho uld co ning r edlC ntS the Ill inoi s De - la C! Mi ss Willin gha m bywritpa n-me nt o f Mema l Hea lt h Ing t h'c SI U De panmc ni of hL'3ter . hopes 10 ".prumOlc so c ia l inte re 6t a nd Imp r o v ..: me n! a I hea lth by sIX>ns ()ri ng a h~lf­ hour o la \. The n la \' .. E~cr Sinc e- ,\p r ll" by No r ;] Ste r ling dea ls wit h t he p r obl ems' o f r e tired pt"o p k, and W ill bL' g iven thru ughou [ thl.· 19h5-hl) :;(.: hoo l year . E ac h year ff) r Sli m \..' l U YL';.trs the ml' nta l ht.·3Ith dl..· panm . "m. , In . . uorx:rat lon wll h Ih\, SIU Depart m~m o f The d\L'r . ha s sponso red a pia y o n su m e as pec l of m enta l health. Cam ill e 6rlA,." • ,'f • Willi ngham , dlr ecUJ r o( thL' _to , .. ,. '. , "" pla y and ·a grad ual e assislanl In the The3l l· r Dcpanm ..: nt. R ouJes ror the fr ee bu s s f'rvice Lo c it), c hur sa id she fee ls [he play will ches ar e p ic ture d above . C hurches p artici be " e nli ght e ning " 'and wi l l pati n e i n lhr Ca rb ond al e Mi n ish' ria l As sohelp r elired peop le r ca li zt" ~ Ilt'o n bu s service ar e B elh el :\ .M. E . . the Im po rlance of kN" Qin g a~­ C h'urch or t h e Nazar .. np . Ch r istian SC'ie n c p . ti vt:- , .Ev ancelican Pre sby t er ian , E p i ph an y Lu Some 2S t~..' r fo r: m anq,"H will be giv ~ n du r ing Ih~ ~' e ar " T tlc· ~n , Fir st Bap tist. Firs t 'C hr istian , F i r s t casl w ill tra ve l with in a 100\1e th o dist, First Prt.>sb.l ler ian . Gra ce \1 f' l h o BU B routes m ile radi us of Sl U each week '. . d ist , Good Sh e ph e rd " nlle d C hurc h 0 1 Ch r is t , l. to appea r befo r e Civi c , s o Hop e lllo'e ll B aptis t , Lut h e ra n St ud ent (' rntN , Cial a nd edu c ational gr o ups. Rock HH I R a p tist , St. " nd r~ E pis c o p al. No s pe c ial stage faci li ties arc r equ ir ed fo r the pla y. whi c h U~iver8tty B a p tist . Wa lr"l~ Stree t Ba pt is t can be presented a nywhe r e . ' and "'e8~e rn H eigh t s C hr istian . a nd no fee is charg ed , a c c~ding 10 M IS S Wdlinp;ham, \ R eh~a r sa l s will beg in Mo nd a y. The fi r st pe rfo rmanc t! at any co m -er along the ir route l ast yea r , - Dunbar aurib4leQ will be Uc t . 22 befo r e l h.c 11)' Streitmatter if hailed by t he s tu dent s. "The th e wea k r esponse to th e 1ack Fr ee- bus service' for sru s t reet trav el ed ar e South~Ma in o f s uffic ie nt publici ry am o ng students wis)1 ing to attend and South Unive r sity from new s tude nt s . r eli gous se rvices has been ex- Main to Mill, Mill Street from Ma r y Beth Brady, a ne w pandt.·d t his year. The se r - University to Oakland, South trans fe r s tu de nt from Be Uc vice now . erovldes trans- Marion from Matn to Grand, vi n e Juni o r Co ll ege, ..-..a.s portati on from living centers South Wall fro m College to o f many s tu dent s affec t bot h on and o ff-campus. F ree man, and East Colle ge th is lack of publicit y. i 'The I Yello w school buses from and E ast Freem an from Mar- bu s se rvic e is fin e, " \.S<1id t he We st Bus Se~tc eC o . are ion co Wall. Miss Brady . "but there ;Was us e d. The Carbondal e MinIsTh e Rev . RoyCrie be l, mtni - poor comm uni cati on." te r ial ASSOCiation sponso r s ster o f th e Church of the Good Fl ye r s intend ed to be in ~ the se rv ice; The Re v. Irvln~ Shepherd , was chairman o f the elude d 1n new s tu dent pa c ket s L. Dunba r of the F i r s t Bap- fre e bus service und e r the old were not d i s t ribut ed . ti s t Church is the co mmittee s ys te m . Under the expanded syste m he hopes many mo r e chairman . Du nba r said th e expansion students will be ,se rv ed and cam e aft e r Wilbur Moulton, that c.h u r c h atte nda nc e will in dean o f stud ent s. reco mmend- crease. e d tha t atte nt ion be giv en to The"exp:tnded se rvic e began ' P 'lnl In .. !l L A PI T '-' L L E: TT~Io?" s tud e nt s living off campus , Sept. 29. Fou r bu ses too k mo r e t ha n half of the Uni - students to se rvices and~hre e On .. numb .. . u r I ~ " .. , P '" . p .. , D ... nul II . " . ~ .. ' .. l .. ~ p .. , r ! ." f' ... ~., '_ ... . n ve r s ity enroll ment . buses made r e ru rn t rips . Th e S k l p . p .. ( ... ~ I ..·.. o-n "' '' ' II . T o serve off- campus stu- buses se rv ed a total of 344 C.,.."I .. n \ .. .. N " I .. Ion .. .. . .. 1... 1! [,n " dent s , [he bu ses will now stop student s , about t he sa me as '104 ,," ,, ,· , ..."",,10" , .. f ... nd .. a :t .. d ,. '<on " " !! " " . ·r FORD's N IMPORTED · , .. _ CO~TINA THE Model ""C " '~ '''. '~*'- -:'' .• ,£TJ\..... '. it " BJLL BANKS FORD Murphysboro, I 684-3124 Churches ~pand bus service 0- /' SIU DEADLINES . ' 0 .,, 1." accounta~ts pa-rticipate in Career Day at St Louis • . • d • . .• I E~ )· p l> .. n , .. .. d"·,,, .. ni • "P' . '.. d . th .... S. t. . d .. I .... o d.,.. pri o r 10 , ,., >,. . Ih .. " .:1\' It. ''" ' '" ' ' .. n, DAilY EGYPTIAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ORDER FORM Moil order fo"" w i th rem i "~c:e 10 Dolly E qyplion. B ldg. 'T- 41 . SIU HAM E _______________________________________________ DAT E ___________ The Depa n rqent of AccoUJU Ing In th e SIU S,.c hool o~ Business will pa rticipat e tn t he annual St~ LOU-i s ' Caree r Day Oct. 2ft/ s ponsored by t he St . Loul s 'Ghapter of the Missouri Soc ie t y o f Ce n lfled P ublic Accou nunt s, . A numbe r o f accounting stude nrs from se ve n .un ive r sities in the Il li nois-Missouri ·area will s pend a day wit h one of the seve ral publlc account ing Accou nting Depa rt ment. In the evening, all p~ n lcl ­ pant s . will atte nd a dinne r mee ting sponsored by the Missouri Societ y of CP A's. Account ing fac ulty members Shlrlsh Seth, Douglas Car bun and Baron-w!1I accom pany th e s tude nt s. _ F'o!)e I~. Dail, KIND OF AD o For Sol . DEmplo ym e n, Wont ed WEAR Arrow -Shirt. Jantzen- Sweate .. H'aggar-l , vi-Slack. Flor.heim-Shoe• r••lken!· L ~ 3 RUN AD 0 ' o Se rvj·c:e s 0 Offere d o o Wanted ___ ..____ _ .____ .J 1 Bllt. New"" I.C. Po ... De pot C;.., bo"du l. evypti';" O c: to ber 10: 1961 ,, j " .. ,. &for .un ,f CHECK ENCLOSED T o ron a ' o ur ' ... . ,. m u lt'ply l o u d numto... ,, ' l In,.. I,m .. ' ,,, ., p .. . l, n .. •• In (li ... I.,d ......c ... ' .. 10· • • F u r .. . .. mpl .. . " , ... U 'un • f, y ... li n,. . d fu r 11 ... d .. }". ..... Ii.! ' . .. . , . s S~ .'!O S DAYS 10 4 FOR DAY 3 DAYS .. 110"" THE FINEST IN MEN'S • fi r m s in th e St . Lout's· area._ • St ude nts will take pa n In lec• tUrt:S, . p i sc usstons and wo r k • . sessions designed to acquaint th~m . wit h th e challenges and ' opponun ltles of public. accounting, as well as t he In te r nationa l operat1.ons 0(. large accounting firms. accO'rdJ ngto r.-harJ es . ~ _ .Ba,ron of the ~ I U PHON E NO . ADDR ESS 2.;. .d Iftaih· d (85"",5). O . .. ' ...· 0 Ion .. . d fo r : h ..... d ... s • u u. 5 1 ]0 (65(1<2 ). M,nnnum . .. at l<or .." " 0 10f I. I On· cqmpus· job r Student., fa<ulty .' . ,nterv,ews Filing timeliow open ·jor absentee ballots .) Following a r e on- campus job t nte ~t e w s s chedule d at Unive r sity P l ace me nt Serv ices. Fo r ~ppojn tm ents and addi t ional info rm at ion, Int e r ested stude nt s may phone 453-239 1 o r stop by t he P l ace me nt ' Office at 5 11 S. C"" ham. Colle ge-5qua rc , l3u ll d ln ~ B . ~1 0 n da l', Oct . 14, 1 ~8 Ha ll m ark Ca rds Inc: fl.ta rk e tln g , financia l cont ro l , prod uc ti on and e nginee rin g : sa les ca r ee r de ve lopment , ope rati ons r esea rch , ad va nc ed t e c hni cal re sea rch , c r eati ve de s ign and ed ko rlal.~gree in bus iness , li be r al a rt li , m ath';", j o u~ aJl s m , e nginee rIn g, erc . ) Tuesday , Oct. IS, 19,68 MCDonne ll -Dougl as Co rpo r ati on: Technology , phYSiCS, ll1 at h., bus iness· admtOl st [ ati ori and accountin g maj or s fo r pos itions In [he following a r e a s : e nginee r ing , r esea r c h, m anufacturin g. prod uct suppo rt , ft scal , autom aUon c e nt e r . Ha llm a rk Ca rds, Inc : 1968 date. SIU sl ud c m s a nd faculty who iSle r ed vote n . s houl d m a il R ic har ds - Wilc ox Divi s ion; Engin eC' rin g will . not be p r e se nt in the ir form s In as soon as poss l bh: te chnology , indu s trial tec hnOlogy, man age - vo ting di stTic t Nov. 5 , c an 10 Ins ur e r ece iving the ba ll ot no w fi l l! f o r thc lr absenh.'e "; n t im e . [11 e m;' m a r ke ting. ball o t s , T hll r ~r'aYI • 5. Air For ce Office r Sel ectlon: O ffi c ~ r candidates (P ilot tr a ining, n avtgato i traln ing, e ngi.nee r , weat he r offi ce r , ca n ogr aphy, nur se , et c . ) \0 J a c k - r:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::1 J ~H... k so n C ou nt \ .... .In Vote 31 the ' Coun Iiousl.,.· pn u T to Nov . 5 , or th ....·\ . .: an hJv\.' thL' ba ll ot m a lled ' ,o ihl:rn .1 1 Ih", .ldd r ess whl..'rl.: th",\ Wi l l be ti n L· h.: ... Ilun da\ . 'M otil :;ludl..'llls a nd ' f8l:uli} 'w ho Jr ....· rl! ~lsll.· rl.· d In (" Qu m ICS o l hl..' r Ihan J al.- k su n On . I i . IQ(,S All ied ;"1il l s , In c : S.1 k s (OS" In .Jgricult ure , libe ra l a n s o r bu s inesR admi nistr at ion.) III1Ud l ass ignm e nt : J wo yea r on- t he - job tral,Q irg p rog r am . Prod uc t iu n (De grce in c b!.J l-~cchan i ca l ,l mJ u s tria l. o r c hem ical enginee rin g.) Ini t ia l assi gn me nt: will T""' (" I..'\ V l; their ahst.:nlcc ba l hlls 111 I hI.' m.lI ) tx·! w et.' n e ngin c(' r s a r e nceded in tr ai ning progra m now a nd No v. 1, If 1 h..'\ ha v\.' to pr epa r e fo r pl ant manage men t. Traf'app llt.'d f u r u nl..' , " fi c (BS in bUSiness ad min is t r at ion " o r tran s po n aUon) tniti al Assignme nt; AsAbst'nt ...·c bJ. llu l fu rml:i a r l.." s is t a nt n :a fUc manage r . purc ha s ing CBS a va il able al both the Demoin bUSiness ad mini s t r at ion o r r elat ed crat i C and R c publl ca n IkadIniti al Ass ignm e nt : Asst. pur- qu a n ers in C ar oo nda le , R t' Il...fie ld s.) c ha s ing age{lt. Gr anit e Cit y SteeJ Compan y: Ac count ant s for on. th e - Job tr a ining in ge ne r al acco unt In g, data process Ln g, audit ing. co st ac count ing, fo r ecam1ng and s yst ems. Go to the M'oo They are Open till 2:00 U, S. Naval Ammu hlt lon De pot : P hys ic ists , c he rn 1s t s , "m.3the m a~t cta n s , e nginee r s . Friday. and Saturday!!! Re (e r to Oc t. 14, Stat e F a rm "Ins uran ce Co mpany: Manage me nt train ees , accounting tra inees, prog r amm e rs, ac tu a ri al, Invest ment s , fle ld . claim s r e pre se ntat ives. (Degr ee In bu 81!le s s , In d. an s . accounting. e tc.) Untt ed St ate s -A l r Fo r c e; ~·1an age m e n t t raLntng prog r a m II) bus iness admi ni stration a r e o f s uppl y, procure me nt, m a inte nanc e. Al so pos it ions In pe r sonn e l , accountin g, manage ment anal ys i s , and budge t ad ministration. Co mpu t e r ' prog r amm e r training. (Degree in bus ines s . mat h., lt be r al a n s , etc. ) U. S. Arm y Aud it Agenc y: Audito r tr ai nee p o si t I o n s - to pe rfo r m co mpr e h.en s lve m anage me nt t ype inte rn a l "audit s of co mpels and dlv e r s lfe d Arm y ac t iv ities. Ac co un t ing m a jo r (36 qt r. hr s .) aCL"O r d i ng ProctC' r 8: Ga mbl e Distributi ng Co mpany; so n <':o u nt~ C le rk ' s., _ Offi ce . Sa lt's ma nage me nt tr a inees de alin g wi th " Absl:llh.:I,: vo t i ng ..\<i ll co n co nsume r pr od uc t s . Ii nu\.' 1hr ough N o v . "1. r hOSl! peapl\..' who a r c r c gi s tl' n.:d I n ~ F. S. SeTV4ce In c : date . Re fe r to Oct . IS, 1968 Arthur Yo un g &: Company (CP A' s ); Acco unt ant s for audi t sta ff of mo st offic es in t he U. S. Oppo n un ltl es fo r t a x and manage ment se rvice s sta ff a s sign m e nt a r e al so available . (Ac c ounting maj or s) ,. t Fa m ou s-B ~ r r Company: Manage me nt t r ainIng prog r a m : Will int e rvi ew al l bul sness , m a r ke tin g and li be r al · a_Its applica nt s • F rid a y, Oc r. i8 , 1968 Na tura l Gas Pipeline Co m pany of Am e ric a: Enginee r ing (m echa nical , e lect r ic al, c ivil, c hemical and Industri a l. ) Wednesday. Oct . 16, 1968 Re fe r, to Blue Cr oss HOS pital Se rvi ce In c; Man ageme nt Tra ine e s fo r the following pos itions : Accountant s . dat a pr ocess tng. and sales. P r ima ril y seeking BS F. S. Se rvi ces Inc : de gr ee ca ndida te s ID an y fie ld o f 'Rr ic ultu r e . Also inte r e sted in stude nt s wi t h a rur al backgr ou nd who a r e in the fi e ld f'If bus.iness. Defe nse Suppl y Age ncy: Acc ount ing, bUSiness adm in istrati on. chem ist r y. econom ics , office manage ment , fi nanc e , indus t ry and t ech nology . indust rial r e lat ions ma t hem at iCS, ph ys ics • . ' ~l c Don nell - Dougl as COl-po r at ion : Oc t. IS , ) 968 date . I Ministers I),elp weary transients 8 )" In gri d T an"cr anot he r rown, a ccord ing [Q [he Re v. Ca rl R. Wa tk ins , mini s te r of the Wal nut Stree t Bapti s t C hur c h. " T he tran s iem is us ua JI y a fai rl y c le an -curgu y, a nd ask onl y for so me food and a place to s le e pfOT the night, " he a dde d. He Co ntinue d that [he ave r age e xpe nd itu r e c n one of these people is $7 . "So fa r , no SIU s t ude nt s ha ve bee n ~no w n to come in seeking aid',fr om the Associa tion , ~ rhaps beca use the s tude nr a s ~a-pla ce [0 live and so me ay of ge tt ing food whUe he i s in Carbo ndale, " c ite d the Re v. Watkins . He conc lude d tha t the num be r of pe r sons who seek aid We ar y t r an s ient s in Car bo nda le ha ve a f riend-the l\Hni s te ri a l Associarion. The"' Minis teri a l Associat ion , ope ra t in g on a ye a rl y budge t of $8i 5, does what e ver it can to he l p tr a ns ie nt s who r un out of m one y duri ng the ir s ta y i n Ca rbon dal ~ . The mone y Is s upplie d [0 the Minis te rial Associa tion by the Carbondale Unite d F und. If a perso n needing he lp conta c t s one of t he m in is te r s he is se nt to t he Ca rbonda l ~ Police 5t aflon to fi ll out a f orm .' T he form . wh ic h mu s t be acco mpanied by s o me t ype of ide n't1fl cation, ' is used to' keep a r e cord of pe r sons he l ped, a nd a l so gives the police a pos itive Identification E~rly tbe tran s ie nt. If the of tra ns ie nt Is .not a fugitive To Make VacaiioD from justice, he Is the n se nt to t he Hub Cafe for • • meal ' R e 8e rvll tiOD8!!! an d to the Franlclln Hotel to r es t fo r Ute nlgbt. BltA Traver T he average transie nt who Serv ice ,-r e quest s aid. is us ually a , mi ddle-aged. ma n, trave ling 715 50. U" i ve ~. ity through who ·ha s r ece ntly lost a Job and Is trying' to Re t to ..._....:.....:5;..4;..9;..-..;7:..:;3,.4 :.:.;.7_ _...J t Never toC? ... I per yea r is far gn:a t ~ !" in propo rtion than the a"Joum of mo ney in (he budge[. II €' s a id tha t whate ve r c a n be done (0 he lp these peo ple fs Freema n 8: So , Unive r s Hy c ar .... led OUt as long as . the ;m~o:::ne::y~la:;s:!t!s.:...._ _ _ _ _ _~======================:::::: BE AN A"IRGO'ER Join our Flying Club ' Now Airgo Inc. makes it possible for you to. fly C HEAP---for information on dub rates ' and flying instructions call Airgo and ask for Linda. ~i-' \~"\ . 4/~ . CJf4 " ~:c~ AIRGO INC. So; III. Airport Carbondale, III. 549-6012 Cessna Sales r ) SAA Approved Doi ly Egy p, jon. ':' ~ to ~~ 10. 1961 , Po .. 19 Price Barrier STi'Wtshid '- on-the PLAYTAPE PORTABLE T;4PEPLAYER . Men's ,'. ·INITlAL RINGS Cu sto m m ade of bea ul Hu l s t e r ling ~ i1 ve r . No-w-s1li ng - bu~ II IO~~ we3 r It only Men's ., 1o njght ! CHUCKA BOOTS $.10 88 . I M en ' s c huc ka bouts NalUral brush""'d It.:atht;: r Sizes 0 1/ 2 -1 2 Men's Long Sleeve Perma Press DRESS SHIRTS for Bedspreads $-38 ,8 each FREE! O~e Playtape with Purchase 3 $S Reg. $6.98 Value No Iron Fine Wale Corduroy T~e ~henille $8 88 Lus tro us sh irt s of high - count r eg ular coll ar d r ess 10<.17L cOlton. Look greal a ll da y lo ng Wh ile onl y. Slzcs , (nec k) 14-1 7 Ii (s lee ve ) 32 -35. Co m' -PVc at S 2. 79 each . because no i r oning i s needed. Men's DRESS SLACKS Perma Press • Machine washable viscose ra yon spr ead • Beautiful new fashion solid colors - Colorful, deco rati ve matching fringe • Full and twin bed s izes Tone on Tone Polyester and Nylon AREA RUGS / 21 " X34 ,, $ 2 .Ideal lor bath, living room and . bedroom 24" X42 " $ 3- Lat ex bac king • Be autiful (ashion color s With matching lu~urious brush 3 0 " X 54" $ fn nge • 5 27 " Rd$2 lid . ~ose - $18 St ylish tW O or three bunon spo n coats In wools & wool ble nds designed lor bOlh good Sizes 6 1/ 2 -1 2 12" X .12" Wash Cloth • Thi ele, s oft, absorbe nt (err y' yarns • Pi nk, bl ue and gold on white ground • Perfect lor hOrne or gil! gi ving _ l ook s and c omfort. Choose fro m a wide variety o f solids a nd f anCies. Sizes: 36- 46 (R), 30-4 2 (5), a nd 38-46 (L) Compare at $ 27. 95 r Delight \ 5" X 2,6" Guest Towel _ SPORT COATS 99 $13? Fi ne l y tailo red iv y model dr e ss s lacks tha t are wrinkle -fre e . T he s lacks fe atur e pre-c uffed bonoms and be llloops . Choose fro m a wide arra y of solid colors. Si zes: 28-4 2. Co mpar e $6. 95 . at MEN'S 49 49 99 --BATH TOWEL ENSEMBLE 22 " x 44" _ Bath To';'.1 Strap & Buckle BQots you always save at Sav-Mart r • CAlIIONOAU .- ~ , Special Purchase' ~pecUJt value! 'L adies' LUXURIOUS ~ "Ladies' DRESSES Bulky,I(nit SWEA'TERS Whil .. quantiti .. s l ast :\ Vl.'q s pecia l gro up u f (>xc lting l } nl..'W s t.·.1S0 n fashi o ns 3 1 an unh\: li evabh: pfI;..e . Yo W'U find that mJn~ Jrl..' pnl.. of a kl.!!.9 s t ~ k s: 2 p l t" Ll "Ne hru " l ou~ §..J'n pri ms and soll d~ . or ion k :li l sk I mm l' r s , sha rk sk i n shl f t 5 In scvt:r.:i I It' s s ..... eater time and we ha ve all the "eweSI bulk y knit fashi o ns and sh:l d'cs 3( J l o w. lo w pri ce . FuJI fashi o ned hand loo m ed; hand or mac hine w as h a b 1 ei ~ cable o r l ock k.nits; novell y bu t I 0 n-down fronts; 100<)[, virgin acryli c. Pink, blue , elf ron, green, white . bod y s t ~ k ~ , .... utt uns In si rlpes , p rtnt s and solid s . Be e a rl y . yo u ' ll WJnt sl..' ve r a l o f these out st and ing url..' s!" va luc·s . Sizes H- I S. 7k,~~ Sizes small. medium • . large. IT'S~,£w, NOW' Lad~s LEATHER JACKETS Ladies' Stretch DENIMS $222 $1,18 '8 Truly an exceptjonal value ar e these durable. II gh t w e Ig ht str ei c h dl!: nims. Nylon-cO(wn, ma c hine washabl e, ~rmanem crease , e xpandex stretch (hal bends with your move ments, It' s new , II'S exc iting, u' s f ashlOn able! Choose fr o m a lar geasson~ m ent of st yl es and l engths: " SUZl t' Wong" styl es with M anda r in co llar and new side vc'ms; doubl e br ea sted a nd belled SI yles in c arcoatiengrh s; sho rt ja c k t!t styl es, so perfect f ur wear 10 cas ua l a ffair s. A llt he new double faced wa istbands. Sand, be ige, blue, r ed, gree n. Sizes 8-18. Girls' SEACK SETS Si zes 3·6 X SiZes 7·}4. s hades . Sizes 6- I 8. $' 58 '. $258 So perfect for pla ytime or after 'School change" 100<)[, , wa shable COtton corduroy ~ slac)c.s With boxer or belt loop "waistbands and matching classiC" shix:t in floral or geometric prints in a REEO' S '5T AllON ROAD 'ANO ROUT.E 13 EAST , variety of collar s t yles. SetS with matching .shirts • CARIONDAL~ in black, red, brown, green and blue. , > . 0011)' E",pt i.,. D c-to".. • r \ 10. 1961, ~I US students have too m~h · -Russian prof ~a id . s he Ill ' In s Coh l'n mu s t gu m any lc a rni np, The t oo lhruug h prn cl·;·~e:-: M- he- i s C V1;'I! ~ I \'"n ;l bit ~ tagl'. .Y. f\ 1r:-=; . l. iap !fJ v ,l· ;1\";,. I1l1led {h a l rhl.: r~ i :-. m nf ...' ,tlh ' nuun A m e rica n s [ude nr has f o r c mu ~ h Il' ls ure rime , In the opinion of a vi si linp; p1"o f esso T fro m Ru·ss ia . P3rt o n un dram3 l i ll·r.ll u,r~ . (hI.-' dl,: Vl· !v l ,nh.: llt i i magi nation and vUH.: ...· I n Hu;-. i' i 3 th 3 n in Ih ...: l ' n i ll.'J 'i 1 .J h..'~ . "' hI: :o'a i'd [ hal wd:::l Y itu ... s i J ha s 1 he I r 3 Tl1~n St udl..' nt s Assoc . Wi ll h" ld a pll.· ni ~ S unda) JI Th c- 3tre <"'01,] 0, l P \ .scho o l in I-I \-' )si nki. Finland, sa id [h a l in Hus:o' ia " (he s lIJ dc m s d id nm ha ve m o ment s of le i s ure whe r e :3 f iVc-\l.,'a r ... r a l l,." I n ,. IITut \,." "IL-I Ill'), co uld s ~ o k c ci.g~ Te rtes v ote d t ~) Ihe ..; 1ud \' of I h ... ·,, 1r i'L'3 1 and co nverse . ~1 r ~ . Z iab lova, ,,~a id :o' he a lso fe lt tha t thf' ·~ C' ri can yo ut h_ r e ad too li tt le . She s ai d t hi s r es ult s i n lack of kno wl e d ge in m a ny . Ame r ica n yo uth$ . Mr s. Z iab lova Is Russ i an bo rn , and ~ (t e nde d co ll e ge in Sc. Pe te r s burg. Ru ss ia . As a young R u ~s tan actres s s he h ad pe rfo r me d for the Tzar o f ~ u ss i a, Nico lai 1. Busy schedule helps win fraternity award Frate rnity office r, pr es i- Block and Snd1e Club and is de nt o f t wO ca mpu s o r ganiza- a m e mber qf Alpha Zet a. a t ions , m e mbe r o f an ho no r a r y sc hQlastic hono r a ry fr-at e rfr ate rnit y. int r a mu r al spo n s nity. panicipan t and a ho lde r o f a The pe rson able sen orfr o m 4, 5 o ve r all gra de poi nt ave r- Mino nk , a small town near age. Bloo mington. call ed th e awa r d Those "a·re some of th e r e a- " the m ost ho no r ed I have ever sons !\1ike Kl een was select ed r ece'ived and pro bably t he out s ta nding fr at e rn ity man at mo s t ho no r ed I will ev e r ret he Int e r - Greek banquet ceive, " l\.1ik e think s G r ee k life ha s S aw r d ay night. ~1i k e is p r esentl y ho use bene-fite d him m ost by teachmana ge r and Int e r fra t e rnit y in g h im to wo r k wi t h oth e r Co unc U rep rese nt ati~e f o r people. ,'In a fr at e rnit y people Lit tl e Egypt Ag r icultural Coop have c loser ti es and wo rk to' soci a,l fr at e rnit y. He p r e - geth e r bette r . P eopl e le arn v io us l v served t he house as . much mo r e in th is ' s it u atio n, " vice p r e.s ld8lll and wa s t he With rush funct ions th is pr e s ident o f bls pledge cJas s . week, he in vit ed e ve r yone o ut In addi t ion to [he soc ial to Gr eek Ro w. " Man y pe r sons fr ate rn it y activi ti es, he is don't un de r s t and Gree k life p r es icrent of t he Agri c ulture and man y ju s t do n' t an e mpt Councn , wa s p r es·ide- nt o f t he to und e r s t and it . A pe r ~>n s hould deC ide by pe r sonal ex..perienc e rathe r than b y ac t in g Let~er on hea r s ay." Aft e r graduating from J o li e t Junio r Coll e ge, Mik e came to writing program helps SIU and pledged LEAC. Most produce goodwill' o f the fra t e rnit y membe r s a r e majoring in ag r icu lture , (Mik e You can lea rn a lot abo ut Is in anim al indu s tri es) , bu t th~ wo rl d by wr iting ' le n e rs, approximat e l y 10 d j if e r e n t An SIC s tu dent is pr omoting maj o r s a r e r epresented. a le n e r- wr itin g progra m which sh e says can help other stude nt s ~ l ea rn a g r eat de al about ho w people d iffe t and r e s e mbl e each m he r. Max ine . Tron~ r, .a fres hm~n. Slal~:fthat t he E n~h sh S pea~lng Unton is kn~'=~ af;~.t'~~~[l~: ~~;~~e \~ She wa s a pupil of the grea t Ru ss ia n d rama coach Sran islav s k y, who o riginated the ~ ian thea tri ca l s ys te m. Mr s . .z iablov a s aid s he ta ught drama in the 1920' s , but the n le ft j!.Ussia to perform in a J:).a.ri s the atre , Mr s . Z iabl ova s aid he r fir St visi t to the Unite d States wa s te n yea r s ago. She s aid s he wa s de lighted by he r vis it , an d decide d to Mrs, Z iablova ha s taught a s viSi t ing pr ofesso r in m any univ e r s ities, s u ch as the Uni ve r s h y of Ka nsas , Co rn e ll a nd Midfi gan State , Las t winte r s he visi t ed~h e Univ e r s ity o f Illinois. She wa s invite d to 51U fo r fa ll qu a rte r, aft e r whi c h s he will r e t urn to the u niv e r s ity o f IllinOis to te ach Slav ic and d r am a a t the new C r e nar Cente r. Mr s . Z iabl ova s ai d s he was s ur prise d at t he d ifk-re nce be twee n c ram a schoo ls in t hc' Uni te d States an d In Hu ss ia . She s aid tha t d ram a ma jors in Huss ia are raughr d ram a fo r f ive yea r s in hi gh sc hoo l, an d the n attend a sl>.:ci a! the atri ca l sc hoo l whe r e (he i r co ll e ge s tud y wil1 r e vo l\' l ar o und drama. Mr s. Ziab!ova sa id s he wa s distur bed at ''now Ih tl t' thE:' p r ofessors o f dram a in [hI.." Un ite d St3[eS re a ll \' teac h the s tude nt s . " " In Hus~ i a , " s he s a id , " not one minute i ~ lo&! Lbe r e is cons t a nt leij rning . " Tne dra m a s tude nt in Ru ss ia , ~. " ... "t .. n ..... ::1 ~~~po~~:~~e ~:gr;:~c;p~~eh. ;;;:.~:.:~:!;g~~:.::~:::~~~;: ~: nM:.!y~";':::n~rQ~;;::::.:::::,;:;t~."_c_-_.!,:c:~:,:,:;:,:..:m :,,,=.:v:.:,:,;:;:' :Th:':O:"~ ' io~~O I~ha~nec a~ u ~~ ft~~t~~e~ ~e 22, 0;. 1, E."pti-.. OC:"~f to, r s, 'MrS. Z Iabhlv 3 .... J id :o' ht: fL' 1t t ha t the I·.urup...:'an 3L'lU r ha s a more srab le' POS t i o n In his wo rk (han~ thl-' Aml' rJ ca n aC lQr, She said th at in ~ ur o pt.· , an a c to r is a ss ure d at le a s t a two ye ar contra c t o n Slagl.-';' and so me t imc's has a lifc long poS iti o n in one thC'a trc . She .sai d s he wa s s u rprisC' d t hat a n A me Tl c an ac tor coul d have s uc h an uns t able pos h Ion In hi s bu si ne s ~ , m l 'd ADVERTISED ON 90 I South IIlinoi. ' 69 Styles with Perso na.lityTailorin '69 Grand Prix by Jim Pearl Motors °Exlra Special - combinalion bullon · down permo pr'! .. dre .. & .porl .hirl Reg . $5 .95 now 2 for $9.95 ·Super Special-dress, casual perma press pants in lale.1 colors Reg . $7.00 2 for $12 .95 Reg . $8 .00 2 for $14.95 , °Lalesl bold plaid sporl coal with malching REPP TIE $29.95 ° Jusl arrived-Iurlleneck knit. " THIS Thurs .-Fri.~ Sat. OPEN 9-9 ,u Mon.-Fri. Ph. 457·6660 _"6~ , 10 Mr s . Zi abl ova sa id s he is e n joy ing t rave l ing thro ugho ut the Unit e d S tat C"~ , and ha~ dL' vel o ped m a ny fi ne fri e ndsh Ips am ong bot h s tude'h t s and fac u lt y. She sa id s he is gl ad (Q be te aching in the Unite d State s beca use s he " wants to give the Ame ri can yo ut h all herkno wl - SHOE REPAIR ....!U ....o rk ' I , 11't.' . a t Quality fir. t-t~n .peed SETTLEMOIR'S . fro m t he Uni on in New York , C ity. One' mu s t s t at e things s uch as age , sex. hobbles, interests, and t he Union ' th en m atch"e s th<: fo rm With one fTfJm a fore ign cOllntry. ~d n otifi es . (:ach person of the otheT' s mailing ac;t drCfis. "The co rresponde nce can be , . of gr eat value," said Mis s Trone r .': She h as been -tn the pr o gram s'jnce ~e was 14 . CelH ~' r make the United -<'"dge." wo ul d like to becop1 e a chapte r o f Alph a Gamma Rho , a na tion al social fr aterni t y. Afte r grad uation in March, ..,Mik e p la ns to fLilfUI his milipromotlng goodW ill rhrougho.u r t r obf"g t! Th h h t he wo rld t h r o ugh fo r e ign co'r- a y 1 a on. ,eo e ope.s to o btain a ma~ter s degr ee In r e spo nde nce. TJ'le C n'ion provi des a cor- buSln{fs ad mmi s tration and no t.;r ,11 L' P ar k. Int c r - ~;I \~~\ ' .; ~l~:,~I~;; Stat es he r per ma ne nt r es ide nce . nat ional affilia[ion , has PiclIi c slated SUlIday Z j~~~~~a .C ~~~e~ in[~ {. H~,i~~i~n:~ fOC U ~l:d and Grades good, too s he s till hopes to tr a ve l and vi s it m a ny more unive r s ities thro ugho ut the nir e d Sta te::: . MURDALE SHOPPING r $5 .95 Marketing Cit.;jBM "Working 'w ith . company presidents is part of the job:' .'. \ ~I learn Tha t gives you con fidence. You ' re helping him seJ ~ e his p roblem .. 'T m pretty much the tBM-Gorporal ion in the eyes of my custome rs," says And y Moran. " That ki nd of respo.nslbili ty ·s nol bad lor an engi neer iust two years out of school.'· Andy earred his B.S.E.E. In 1966. Tod ay . he's a Marketing Representative with tBM . involved in the planning, selling and Installa· tion of data processing systems. .' Plenty of business experience /- " Engineering was my firsQove ," Andy says, "but I still wanted good business experience. " ./30 far. he's worked with customers~nyolved in many different computer applications, frbm engineering to busi ness. His conJacts gO.from data processing managers all the way .up to the president of his. targest account. \ /' " At fi rst I wasa little nervous about work ing at that level ," says Andy: " But then you realize you 're trained to ~n~ what he 's trying to ~ Th ey not only sell dala -p r oce ss. ng eQu ipment as And y does bu t also IBM office procuC ls and .nfor ma tlon recorC s sys tems Many of th e mOl e te chn lc;alt y Inc hnea are dat a processing Systems Engineers With h is working partner . the da ta pr oc essi ng Systems Eng ineer . Andy has helped many customers solve their info rmati o n handling pr oblems . I get a broa d ov ervIew . of business beca use I run Into eve ry k ind 01 pro blem gOing . Sometimes I know the sol utions fro m expeoence Other ti mes I need hel p fr om my manager . II yo u 1e Interested In the oppo rtun iti es for engmeer s and SCIen tists at IBM ask your placement off ice l or more Info rmall on, " ,That's one of th e bes t things. My manage r is more of a backup th an a boss. He 's there ' tBM Co rp .. Dept. C, lob So. Wackel D ... when I need him. UsuaU.y , 1pretty much call my own'shots." Andy's experience isn't unusual at IBM. ' are many Marketing and Sales Representatives who co uld tell yo u of similar experiences. And they have many kinds of academic backgrounds : business. englneering . liberal arts , science , Th ~r e Check with your placement office Or se nd a re sum e or letter to Irv Pf ei ffer ,Chicago , ttl. 60606, We ' d like to hear from you even If yo u' re headed for gradua te school or mllhary service. An Equal Opportunity bnployer . r-' r ,, u.s. Better informed policemeg needed., city pastor says D.' Slr'·('f1 S. Ohlmall Francisco 3dded'"rbat a basic , land oj potentiq}, artfst 'says the visiting pro ressor v31- "fin~ food and beautiful scenues th e opinions of sailor s ery" along the Big Muddy. which he hopes to paint :wmerim e. Napper would like t,o trav~l n:r stuart Unger John Napper, anist and vis- in e valuati ng his wo rk bec~us e iting professor o f an at StU, [h ~ sailors li ve with the sea ' Yle WS the U nj i ~ 1 States ~s a and have the utmost feeling for land o f gr~a t polential. He it. cids th e great mix ture o f Nap-,:>e r was invited t~ SIU people who have united with by professor Herbert L. Fink a common language as e v ide nce. to the we st ~oast and Rocky Mo unt a ins and spend a sha n tim e palntinghighlightsofboth :~e~x~~~~ I~i~~e: y~~~~~:~ .O,-f_th_e_m-=~"a"'i"'lo-r."M"""'a-d"e--_ Nappe r [s serving on the F~bru.ary. Suit. and Spo,Tt Coat. f aculty at the School o f Fin e In co mmenting on I~tn e rtca. . H Il police bener versed in Ihe Ans thr·.,ugh sil rLng Quarter. " Napper said he found thi s part In - ong - ong ps ycho log ica l aspe cls of rl- A graduat e o f St. Martins o f th e co untry ve ry be autiful Sui'" .from $,50 " ters and the like , in o rde r Sc hool o f Fine an in London , and compa r es it to the co unSample" Materia". (o r thl..'m (0. be tt er judge l!1e Napper wa s awartjed the In- trysid e of Pa r is. He lik es & sll ualio Qs with whi ch they are te rn arlona l An Crl'lcs Asso- Ame rican fo lk. mu~lc and e n...... tyle Book. faced : ' elation award In 1962 for his joys picking o ut s ome run es . ;.f"(Jilah l~ In Franci s co ' s op inion, a e)(hlblt o f seascapcs.fo1J.)wi:1g on hi s gUitar whe ne ve r he Meet your tatlo r de~line in m oral1t y In the U.s. a voyage on a 'F r ench boat. fin d s ti me . He has visited th (' Tue., & Thu r. has had a gn.' at dl.'a l of e ffect Th e Briti sh a n lst wasco m- popu l a r ~1 a Hales r ::' S[aUr1nt · 504 S. Hays #3 ?n the r ising c.n m e rate . m ~!ilon ed . by the peop le o f iri"Grand T o we r and ho pes to 549.1903 Eveni When Ihe fou ndIng falhers, ...,.biY);cpoo l. to pai nt th e Q\Jec n, rre::t~u~r~n~t: hc:.r~~:'-:: 'R~a~!.::"~r': J :r..::th!:C:.2=========~~ ,!od - fcaring m e n In man y The finished image crt""at cd a r cases , mad e the la ws th~y bit of a scand a l, fo r Nappe r • modern equipment m ade the m . 10 go a long With had fail ed copainther s ITI I'. 1~. the ir r e}lg lOtls co nvt c lions . Within a shon period o f t im e An yone who b :,o~ c IhL".m was th e 'pa inting was full y accept e d ,\ . pleasan. Ihe n a. Sinner , . he sa id. Mr. and hungtn Walk e r Art Ga ll e r y atmosphere . Fr~nc i sco be lIevc s Ihat the along wIth one o f Napper' s nallon ha s m ove d awa y fro m favor ite pai nting s o f a c at and this Ide a. • kitte ns .. • dales play' free Mr. fr anc is cQ i s active in Napper . was called be for e loca l p r o gram s a s c hai rm an Lad y Winston Churchill to o f both !he Carbonda ll: Eco- pain t her po nr ait fo r 51r \-nn no mi c Up po rtunity Co mmis- st o~Ot h blrthdlY. Camp",. Shapp i n9 Ce n 'e ' s io n and th(' C o mmunit y Service s CouDc il and prc s ide m o f the Carbo nd a lc Comminec-for Total Schoo l Int cgr atlon. goa l sho uld be 10 ·'have lh e 'Poli ce s hould -becomcbet le r ve rsed in cQf1rcmpo r a r j' probfi!:ms: ' These are I he word s of the Re vere nd ~1r . John Francisco m inlstc r of the A.M.E. c hur~h . andpr e s ident o f the · Carbondale Mini steria l As~oclat= 'o 1r. Francisco Isa rfcwlya i cd m e mber o f ·Gov. Shapi . ' s co mmit tee o n Cnmina l Justi c e . This committ ee will se rVe a s a planning agenc y lo - devc lop pro grams autho ri zed by twO acts passed by Congre ss this yc ar __ Ihe Juveni le Oehnqucncy and COnlro l ACt and the o mnibus crime bill, s fran CISco s ta lC' d his vi e ws· on thc o bject i ve s of the co m .. mllt l' l.' as a m any -fJ l·ctc d too l fo r hcllc Ti ng. pn.'SL"nt co ndl l i ons , · ·W l' will look al present laws a nd In lIj;!.hl o f prl.'S~ m lo nd lllllO:-. br i nt! nc w law s I nt O fo c us ( at ma\ mo r e e f! l.'.c·t Ive ly b nng"l a w· a nd o rde r Int O '-' XJ s t l.' ncl.' , hI." s a id. Wh en asked what m3 y.~ye l- ranc lSC O be li eve s "po li ce prompt e d Go v. Shapiro to ap wo rk sho uld lak e o n a mo r e point him tothe co mm iuee , the humanitanan view." ~e said minister said that he had be'e n "the po lk,-' we re equa ll y to in Springfie ld last summer . blame a lo ng With the pr o - and had pre s ided as the chapteslo r s ," at the fiasco inChi- lain o f the week in th e Senate . cago during the De m oc ratic He sa id he m e t Shapiro, who Convent Ion. "The poUce o ve r- . wa s th e n lie ut e nant govacted, and were ' too worried ernor. "and possibly he ...was about their jobs a nd the ir i mpressed wit h what he heads to do an e rrective job,'" beard:' he s aid. O ne goa l of the committee, F rancisco said, "will be to see that the police of lllinois are the beSt traine d, beSt infor med , and th e beSt acting law office rs in the U. S • . Asked how much time the committee wo uld take from his busy schedule, he replied, "I have no idea but as long as we can help better the situation, it will be wonhwhile!' ... Stitt has article publish~d Tho mas R. Stitt. SIU assist- four-week SIU summer ant professor of agricultural g r a d u ate co ur se for high , indUStries, is the author of school and junior college agrian illust.rated 'article appear- culture te ache rs conducted by ing in the current fall iss ue Stitt under a S9,OOOgrantfrom of illinois Vocanonal Prog- the state agency. r ess , a publication of the Illinois State Board of Voca- Klimstra lecture slated tional Education and Rehablll· W.D. Kllmstra wlll speak to tation . . the Fish and Wlldllfe Assoc. The article , " Strucrured . 9n "Caree rs in the WUdltfe Occupational Inte rn s hip for .....p rofession .. at 7:30 p.m. Mon Experienced V oca tional day in Room 205 of th e Life Teache r s ," is a r e port of a Science Building. BILLIARDS T S A PIZZA HAPPENING 10 ~ 1~~ -,-SO . T.....Jay).V ,,:redne3day \ ) Tlwraday Oct 8-10 I ' '];lP~ ~e.f SO~ ~ ~ ~~~ OFF ON ALL SIZE PIZZAS . (Bring This Coupon) '1. Correct .Prescriptions 2. Correct' Filling 3 .. Correct Appearance Service available for most . eyewear while ypu wai~ -: -. Sun - -Gla8ses - - -. 'II r - '- - ---1 I Reasonable Prices :.J CONRAD OPTICAL 41,S, IlIinols.Or. lac H, Jotfe OptQ m.tris. "57 , 4919 16th Ond Mon,.., H."in · Or. Con,ad. Optometrist 942·5500 ,/ 7:3,0 f~\~' . T A THOROUGH EYE EXAMINATION wnL BRING YOU '0 Dell,. s':;,. ~ \~ _ ~~~~ . Sxpert Syewear L. £o,2!a!! 1!!..84'!... -, . L. _ .,- _ _ ._ Music . ~",p'i_. Dc.. ..., 10, 1961 r r , . p.m.