AGENDA ITEM SUBMITTAL FORM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS For Clerk's Use Only AGENf)A "liMBER CLERK OF THE BOARD 44 N. San Joaquin Street. Suite 627 Stockton. California 95202 DATE: April 2, 2013 DEPARTMENT: COB CONTACT & PHONE #: Mimi Duzenski (209) 468-2323 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve the Announcement of I Position(s) to the LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISOR BOARD: (I) Low-Income Representative. PROPOSED AGENDA PLACEMENT DATE: 411 6/2013 PROPOSED CALENDAR: CONSENT - H&HS AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTING YOUR AGENDA ITEM TO QUESTYS, for each Board Agenda Item please provide the Clerk of the Board's office: ~ ONE copy of this Form ONE original Board Lener ~ Accompanying documents (Resolutions, Board Orders, Contracts, Original Agreements, etc.) ~ IF MORE THAN ONE ORIGINAL IS REQUIRED, you must provide the appropriate number of originals to be executed by the Board of Supervisors. DISTRIBUTION: Each department is responsible/or their own distribution of copies. (MAIUNG ADDRESSES MUST BE PROVIDED IF NOT A COUNTY DEPARTMENT) DOCUMENT COB ROV AUDITOR . CONTACT PERSON I # OF COPIES Board Order ORIGfNAL Joe Chelli, Aging and Community Services SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CLERK OF THE BOARD: POST 1 ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE BULLETIN BOARD OUTSIDE CHAMBERS AND I COPY FOR THE LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISOR BOARD FOLDER Department Head Slgnaturc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ])ate. _ _ _ _ _ __ AGENDA ITEMS MUST BE REVIEWED AND ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED OFF BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY COUNSEL fN QUESTYS. KF.:t-; VOGEL Ch:unnJn BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 44:--J S.\ 'l JO.\QUI~ STREET. ~U/TF: 627 STOCK 1UN. C.\JJI·URNI.\ '))202 TEln'HOl'<J: 201)/461l 311.3 1,.\ X 2(11)/4(,t\ 3(1)4 San Joaquin County Boards & Commissions Announcement of Position MI:-.11 DUl.ENSKI Utr~ of Iht HOJ,d I Position(s) HOB EUJOrr v,cc Ch.urman htlh l)"rncl C.\I!L()~ VILLAI'UDUA 1'",1 D,<InCI FR.J\NK I. RUHSTAIJ.EH Second J)"tn(1 SrFVLI IIF.Sl()I,\I(IDES Thrd D"tnCI DATE: 4116/2013 The San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors has announced it will consider applications for the following one (I) position(s) on the LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISOR BOARD: Number of Positions: Category: Low-Income Representative Term: Term: 2 Year 06/03/2013 - 06/03/20 IS Term: Term: Term: Meeting Date & Location: Last Tuesday every two months at 2:30 p.m. beginning in July at the Larch Clover Community Center; J J 157 W. Larch Road; Tracy, California. Compensation: None. Applications may be obtained by: (I) calling the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at (209) 468-3113; or by (2) visiting the County's website ( and printing out an application; or by (3) visiting the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at 44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite 627, Stockton, CA. Applications shaII be considered public records and will be subject to review by the public and press. Completed applications are to be submitted to the Clerk of the Board by the deadline of 05110/2013. The Board oj' Supervisors 06104/2013. IS scheduled to consider the appointment for this position(s) on Before the Board of Supervisors County of San Joaquin, State of California B-13-284 MOTION: Bestolarides/Ruhstaller/4-0 APPROVE ANNOUNCEMENT OF POSITIONS ON BOARDS & COMMISSIONS LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISOR BOARD This Hoard of Supervisors does hereby approve the announcement regarding one position(s) on the LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISOR BOARD and set the date 0[05/10/2013, as the last date for tiling applications and 06/04/2013, as the date for consideration of appointmenl. 04/16/2013 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above order was passed and adopted on 0411612013, by the following vote of the Board of Supervisors, to wit: AYES: Elliott, Bestolarides, Ruhstaller, Vogel NOES: None ABSENT: Villapudua ABSTAIN: None con 12 (0311 3) MIMI DUZENSKI Clerk of the Board of Supervisors County of San Joaquin State of Cali fomi a SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS & COMMITTEES COMMITTEE FACT SHEET NAME: LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD COMPENSATION: None. LEGAL AUTHORITY: Non-mandated citizen advisory group established by the County Community Action Agency (CAA). Board Order B-88-865 Adopted June 21, 1988, established the composition of the advisory body and defined the terms of office for the members; Board Order B-99-659 Adopted June I, 1999 and Board Order B09-1120 Adopted October 27, 2009, accepted the revised Bylaws governing Community Center Advisory Boards. MEMBERSHIP, QUALIFICATIONS, & RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: 7 Members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. All members must reside in the Larch Clover Community Center service area (North: Grant Line Canal to Hwy 120, north on Austin Road to Mariposa Road, east on Mariposa Road to Gawne Road to County Line; South: to County Line; East: to County Line; West: to County Line) and be at least 16 years of age. 4 Members must be low-income residents; 2 Members are representatives of community service organizations or groups which operate in the Center's service area; I Member is an At-Large appointee interested in community action and concerned about the problems of poverty. The Membership should represent, to the extent possible, a mix of age, ethnicity, and sex reflecting the population of the Community Center service area. TERM: 3 Year Terms. DUTIES: Study, review, evaluate and make recommendations, as an advisory body to the Community Action Board (CAB) on matters relating to poverty in San Joaquin County. Serve as the advisory council to thc Larch Clover Community Ccnter. Specific functions of the Center Advisory Board include: A) Assist CAB in needs assessments B) Advise CAB in setting program priorities C) Participate in the development of annual work programs D) Review and comment on proposed projects and policies E) Participate in evaluating center programs F) Play an effective role in the coordination of services at the local level G) Assist in mobilization of community resources H) Serve as a community link to CAB regarding problems and needs of the poor in the service area I) Serve as an advocate for the low-income community of the service area Updated 7/211 2 MEETING DATE & LOCATION: Last Tuesday every two months at 2:30 p.m. beginning in July Larch Clover Community Center 11157 W. Larch Road Tracy, CA Erte' Boyette 831-5920 CONTACT PERSON: Joseph Chelli - Aging & Community Services Bureau P.O. Box 20 I 056 Stockton, CA 95201 468-1650 Or Melissa Hill, Community Services Program Manager P.O. Box 201056 Stockton, CA 9520) 468-1549 Or Dean Fujimoto, Deputy Director Aging & Community Services Program Manager P.O. Box 201056 Stockton, CA 95201 468-3805 U pdaled 7/2112 County of San Joaquin - Boards, Commissions & Committees (v.O.!) - Roster Page! of! LARCH CLOVER COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY BOARD Board Contact & Phone Number Joe Chelli, DirL'ctor Department uf Aging & Cummunity SL'rvices; 102 S. Siln Joaquin StrL'l't; Incumbent r.o. Box 201056; Stockton, CA 95201; 468·3805 Category/ Appointed By Appointed TERM 118/2013 11 /24/2012 . 11/24/2015 Alvarado, Doralinda 975 Henderson Road Tracy, CA 95376 Low·lncome Representative Board of Supervisors Behnam, Mitra F. 11610 Mountain View Road Tracy, CA 95376 Community Service OrganlzJtion BOilrd of Supervisors RL'prL'~entiltive 1/6/2009 01/06/2009·01/06/2012 Brintnall, Gere (Jerry) 188 F. Grant Line RUJd Tracy, CA 95376 Community Servicl' OrgJnizJtion RL'prL'sentatiVL' B0ard of Supervisor~ 1/8/2013 11/24/2012· 11/24/2015 Grandstaff, William 2929 N. MilCArthur, SpilCe 106 Tracy, CA 95376·2022 At·Large Representative Board of Supervisors 4/6/2010 04/06/2010 . 04/06/2013 Scolari, Cheryl 2284 Murningside Ct TrJcy, CA 95376 Low·lncome Representative Board uf SupL'rvisurs 7/12/2011 06/03/2011 . 06/03/2013 Viado, Edie Low· Inc'omL' Rcprescntative 8/30/2011 06/03/2011 ·06/03/2014 1400 Richard Drive TrJCY, CA 95376·3~44 Board of Supervisors Worsham, Adeline 1145 W. Beverly Plilcc Trilcy, CA 95376 Low·lncumL'RL'prcsL'ntative Board of Supervisors 8/30/2011 05/06/2011 . 05/06/2014 -~---- _.- -