li * •-W./:.u * • ' - . • - • - _ .•••—-••,.; •• . • -. ; • - . ' , * < - . . ^ / ; ; ' -' . ' -' ^ ' x - / r - , " , -• ; .=~. • ••_/.•;••. .- \" . :.? THE JOUBNAL AND EEPUBLICAN, LOWVILLE, N. Y.f THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 2,1930. TURIN Airs. Frank Kapler and Son Home From tJtlca Hospital • Death of John Jardlne—School Fair -\Prl*e Winner*—Now Pay School Takes. fleld, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Miller. Services next Sunday at the M- E. church will be: Preaching at 10:80 a. m.; Sunday school, 1U30. Please note the change in time. Bible study class Wednesday evening at 7:80. Mrs. Ida V. Jones, collector, has the warrant for collection of school taxes and will receive the same at her home on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays of each week for thirty days, beginning October 1. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hart attended the funeral of Mrs. Hart's uncle, John Jardlne, at Roohester, Friday. Mr. Jardine was well known in this locality, as Mrs. Jardine, the former Cornelia Kentner, spent her early life here. Mrs. H. M. Rlggs entertained at dinner last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Lucinda Allen, of Topeka, Kan. Other guests Included Ernest Jones and Mrs. Biddle, of Topeka;Mrs. Preston B. Chapman, of Staten Island, and Mrs. Jennie Allen, of Turin. About two hundred pupils from* the school districts in this town attended the annual school fair at the Turin school Friday. Dinner was served at noon, followed by an interesting program. Prises were awarded for the school haying the greatest number of points, as follows: First, Mrs. Florence Morgan, Housevllle; second. Miss Millie Lane, fifth and sixth grades, Turin; third, Miss Blanche Rupert, Gomer Hill; fourth, Mrs. Marion Smithllng, seventh and eighth grades, Turin. (Mrs. C. W. Tripp, Correspondent) Mrs. Mary Bell, of Troy, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Clara Radley. Mrs. H. J. Cornish, of Walworth, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Cornish. Miss Marion Dewan, of Watertown, spent the week-end with her parents. Mrs. Frank Kapfer and son, William Max, returned from St. Luke's hospital Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crofoot, of Poughkeepsie, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crofoot Fred Evans returned to Grove City, Pa., Thursday, after spending- two weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. George Starring and daughter Elizabeth, of Whitesboro, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Evans. Miss Cherrle Showalter, Miss Frances Scalauger, Maynard Higby and Harry Russell were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Higby. Mrs. Philip Oaster, of Houseville, and her daughter, Mrs. Isaac Williams of Holland Patent, are spending some time at Mrs. Oaster's home here. Regular services at the Presbyterian church Sunday: Sunday school at 1Q, a. m.; Sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; midweek prayer service Thursday at 7:80. Mrs. Amanda-Salmon, Mrs. Harriet The final proof tit a forgiving spirit Wilcox, Mrs. Charles Stater and Mr. and Mrs. N. Wells Salmon, of Glen- is to have faster cars paw you on the highway and wish It no 01 luck, 1ST* 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1893 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1903 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1913 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1930 1931 1933 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 l»3O ALL these years from 1872 to 1930, from days of high-wheel bicycles to this modern era of television and vitamines, GRAND UNION has served faithfully and well in providing highest quality foods at lowest possible prices! 68th Anniversary Sale Sept. 29 to Oct. 11th GRAND UNION 58™ ANNIVERSARY M97M-M930 Miss Bernice Owen* Hone From Hospital—Ladles' Aid to Serve Supper October 8—Boy Scout Winners of Prises, men and others in the respective towns, and Troop 62 thanks all those in Glenfleld who contributed. LYONS FALLS 00NSTABLBVILLE Large Attendance at Funeral Services for Mrs. Duaae Ford—Sanford Zimmer Purchase* Homestead of the Late Charles Zimmer. this village; Mrs. H. A. Burrell, of Utica, and Miss Huldeh Loomis, Locust Grove. The Lewis County Farm Bureau executive committee met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey J. Regets oh Wednesday evening, Sept. 24tb. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Otis, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Archer, of Lowville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Clark, Deer River; Mr. and Mrs. Silas S. Virkler, Croghan; Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wideman; Montague; Mrs. Feisthamel, of Turin. After the regular monthly business meeting, refreshments were served. There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Duane Ford, which was held from her late home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Frank Mindham, pastor of the M. E. church, officiating. He took for his text the words found in St. John 16:83. Mrs. Mindham sang two selections, Mrs. M. A. Shaw aecompanied her on the organ. The casket was surrounded by many beautiful flowers and floral emblems from the following: Port Leyden Masons and O. E. S. of Port-*Leyden and Lowville; World-Wide Guild, Lowville; Constableville Home Bureau, Neighbors, Northern Utilities, school board and faculty and pupils of Forestport high school, of Miss Ford's department; Frank Doyle and em* ployees of Doyle Hardware Co., and numerous cut flowers and pieces from relatives and friends of the family. After the services by Rev. Mr. Mindham, the ritual and service Of the O. E. 8. was conducted by Mrs. Florence Moore and Friend Ward, of Port Leyden, who acted aa patron. Vie interment was in Constableville cemetery, relatives acting as bearers. Relatives and friends attended from Rensselaer, Utica, Stokes, Herklmer, Rome, Perryville, Syracuse, Inlet, Old Forge, Lowville, Port- Leyden, Lyons Falls, Turin, Deer River, Whitesboro, Carthage, Hermon and Talcottville. Saint Paul'* Church Holy communion will be administered Sunday, Oct. 5. This will be a corporate communion for all members of the parish; services at 11 o'clock. M. E. Church 10:30, sermon by pastor; topic, "The Voice of God"; 11:45, Sunday school; Missionary Sunday; 6:45, Epworth League; 7:30, sermon by pastor; topic, "The Magnetism of Service." Thursday' evening Bible study at 7:30 at the parsonage; choir rehearsal Saturday'evening at 7:15. _. St. Mary's Church Mass will be celebrated at 10:80 and at St Patrick's, Highmarket, at 9 a. m. HABRISVILLE Eroel Cadey Heads High School Seniors Class and Harlow Bounds the Junior Class Mrs. Cecil Whitney has been sumMarriage of Joseph Elsenhaven and moned to Ozone Park, L. I , by the (lira. if. Charles Kelly, Correspond't.) Miss Bath NorrU to be Celebrated (Miss Sarah D. Evans, Correspond't.) Illness of her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Monday—To Furnish Boom In Dr. J. P. Rems and family moved Mrs. tA.- R. tdossner went to BuffBunce. County Hospital. Friday to Belmont. alo on Monday. Mrs. William Bassett will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gibbs spent Mrs. p. E. Higby was one of the the H&rriavllle Oulture Club for the (Mrs. Guy F. Harris, Correspondent.) judges at the Turin fair last week; Wednesday at Altmar. first meeting of the year Thursday Born, Sept. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Miss Beralce Bel knap is home from Mrs, W. S. de Camp Is entertaining evening. Leo M. Salmon, a daughter. Potsdam for a few days. her cousin, Mrs. H. R. Burrell of Mabel E. Wilder and Mrs. Emma Mrs. Anna Rlnkenburg Is visiting Miss Morchinon Cannon has re Utica. Talman were called to Ogdensburg Mr. and Mrs. William Butts at Lyons turned home from Syracuse. Miss Evelyn Ringrose has gone to last week to attend the funeral of a Falls. Miss Dorothy Effly has accepted a Cornell University to resume her cousin, Mrs. E, Miller. Mrs. W. F. Burdick and daughter position as clerk In Lowvilte. studies. Karl Klmball is confined to hi* Phyllis visited relatives In Watertown Miss Beatrice Benbow spent the Rev. F. J. Maguire, of Edwards, was home by fever. Mrs. Margaret Collins Saturday. weekend at her home In New Hart- a luncheon guest of Father Diviney is substituting in the third grade room Mr. and Mrs. William Christian ford. . ' last week.. during Mrs. Kimball's absence. have moved to Potsdam, where be has Mrs. Julie Wagar, of Albany, has Mrs. Walter Mlddlemlller, of CleveMr. naLMtff, George—Graham, of employment, been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. land, O., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bayonne, N. J., are spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Dekin and Frank TaTcott. Jacob Bower. weeks with Mr. and Mr* D. E. HasMTS. Clarence Snyder spent Saturday Miss Reba Zimmer has gone to New Miss Ruth Rutledge and Ormsby kins and other relatives in town. in Syracuse. York to do special nursing at the Rutledge, Jr., recently spent a few Miss Grace Kellock left last week Marcellus Hartley spent Monday Brooklyn hospital. days in Utica. for Gouverneur. She was the guest with Mrs. Emma Hartley and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaybeart, of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meagher, of of her aunt, Mrs. Rboda Fox Graves, Mary Wesller. Rome, have been visiting Mr. and Binghamton, called on Father Diviney Gouverneur, on a motor trip to AlMr. and Mrs. W. L, Cohoon and Mr. Mrs. Howard Zimmer. on Sunday. bany. and Mrs. Herbert Springer are movThe ladles of the Missionary Society Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swain, of FulMiss Agnes * Maynard, R. N., met ing to Arcade. will hold a rummage sale in' the ton, were week-end guests of Mrs. with 18 women in the library last , Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burgess spent parish house, October fr-9. week Wednesday afternoon to give the week-end with the later** parents Miss Elinor Liviker has returned Emma C. Hayes. a lecture on bathing and dressing the at Lafargeville. St. Mary's Altar Society had a card home, after spending: the summer at baby. This week the "lesson will be party at the home of Joseph Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ossont spent Rocky Point Inn, 4th Lake. on bandaging. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mrs. Elinor Gould Tuttle, of New Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Valentine, daughConnelly at Lowville. Mrs. Perry Markham, who is teachYork, has been the recent guest of ters Virginia and Shirley, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Bush mo- Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gould. ing in Syracuse, spent the week-end Mrs. Floyd Reeder and chilldren, Bertored to Ogdensburg. Sunday and callMr. and Mrs. Henry* Shafer spent at her home in this village. ta, Laverna and Charles, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William O'Nell, of Oxed on Mrs. Irene Sauers. Sunday with their daughter, Miss Mrs. Everett Valentine spent the past bow, were recent guests of Mr. and LeRoy Salsburg, of Herklmer, Helen Schafer, at Benson Mines, week at Camp Shirley^ Lake Bonaspent the" week-end with his parents, Mrs. Joseph Domser and daughter Mrs. Joseph Zimmer and family. parte. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Salsburg. Mrs. Anna Walsh, daughter Bernice, Marion, of Boonville, have been visitMonroe and ^Gordon Bigness, of ing Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reed. ' Mary and Katherlne, of Utica, have Ray F. Dunlop and Mrs. Joseph, Watertown, spent the week-end with Gdthier spent Tuesday afternoon in Mrs. LJbby Cornwall has returned been guests, of Miss Margaret .Walsh. Friday last the Misses Wanda and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burdick. Watertown calling on Jeanette Gothto her home in Philadelphia, N. Y., Elmer Patnode and Mrs. Peter after being the guest of Mrs. William Anna Constable left for Garrison to ier, who is In the Mercy hospital from visit relatives before going to Europe. Pomerville spent the week-end with Trude. injuries received Saturday morning, the former's family at Thendara. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Shea/have reSept 20, when she was struck by Mr. Mrs. Frank Zimmer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bates and John the Thursday Bridge Club Thuxwday turned from a visit to their daughter, Dunlop's car. Bates were guests Sunday of Mr. and afternoon. Mrs. Bernard Reed won Mrs. George Ruffrage and family, of Eldon Graham has arrived in town Whitesboro. . . . . Mrs. Dewey Wetmore at Carthage. n r 8 t prize. from Honolulu to visit his mother, Mrs. Anna Simons, of St. Mary's Mrs. Kathryn Hyer has returned to Mr. and Mrs. James Young have reMrs. Grace Grahanv and other relathe-Hbme of Mrs. Frank Ossont, after turned home from a two weeks' visit rectory, is spending a few days at tives. This is Mr. Graham's first visspending several days in Carthage. with their son, Arnold Young, of Ava with her daughter, Mrs. John It here in eight years. He has been Nellenback. Mr. and' Mrs. LeRoy Hartley and Pittsfield, Mass. spending several years in Honolulu, Albert Anken, who Is attending the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nye, of Lyons Mrs. Lynn Parker, of Rochester, rewhere he was attached to the U. S. Falls, called on relatives in town turned home Tuesday, after being the Excelsior Business School .at Utica, navy. guest for several days of her parents, Jhas been a recent guest at his home Friday^. The Senior class of Harrlsville high in this place. '7 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Jay Markham. school has elected the following' offiConstable ville and Lyons Falls were called to Syracuse by the illness Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkins and cers: President, Erc«l Carley; viceof their little grandson, John Spencer daughter Norma, of Cortland, and played a game of Soccer at this place president, Emma* Luther; secretary, Joslin. Mrs. Clara Atkins, of McGranvllle, Friday, which resulted in a victory for Naiva Moses; treasurer, Gerald Mil><•» s Mrs. S. B. Finnegan, of Lowville, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. the home boys, 3-1. ler; Miss Helen J. Weekee, commerMr. and Mrs. Charles Swain spent and Mrs. Moore, of New York, were Bowdish. cial teacher, class advisor. The Junior guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burkhart, Miss Sunday with friends at Inlet, and Mrs. class- has elected Harlow Rounds,Ossent Margaret Burkhart and Mrs. Guy F. Hayes visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles president; Edna Gonyea, vice-presiMr. and Mrs. Leo Axtell have re- Harris visited Miss Florence Burk- Hayes, of Forestport. dent; Irene Dobson, secretary; Zelma turned home from an extended visit hart and Miss Frances Harris at OsFather Diviney spent Tuesday and Mayhew, treasurer; Miss Anastacia with relatives at Elmlra and Penn- wego Sunday. Wednesday in Edwards with Father Rosinski, advisor. sylvania. Stone From Buckingham Palace Charles Lem and a number of his Maguire. He was also the guest of Mrs. Maria Nichols, 88, widow of Rev. Louis 'Brisson, of Evans Mills, associates on the road construction Father Duffy at Norwood . Buckingham Paving stones from William Humes, died at her home on Mrs. Charles G. Long, of Utica, Is spending the week with his brother, enjoyed a steak dinner at the Coffee may soon be a feature of Main street, at 7 o'clock Saturday Rev. George Brisson and mother, Mrs. Shope, Thursday evening. Twelve" and Mr. and Mrs. John Long of Rome, palace American millionaires' homes, as the She had been ill for two have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. old stone courtyard is being removed night. Julia Brisson. guests were present. months. Mrs. Nichols was born inT Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Martzloff and Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Davis entertain- William F. Long and family. replaced with modern artificial Denmark, Lewis county, daughter of Mrs. W. B. Holmes, Mrs. Gerald and sons of West West Martinsburg, call- ed at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. stone. The contracting firm doing Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nichols. She ed, on Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ho well and Stockwell, Watertown; Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and children and Mrs. Downs, the said today that representa- was a school teacher for several years, family Sunday. Clyde Stockwell and children, Lois of Utica, spent Friday with the form- tiveswork of wealthy Americans are eager and was married to William Humes, er's sister, Mrs. A. R. Klossner and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lyon have re- and Nell, of have the palace stones and already Of Diana, 66 years ago. She was a family. turned to Syracuse, after spending member of Disciples church more Bridge Club The Blue Monday have entered into If than several days with Mr. and Mrs. losers entertained the Winners at a Mrs. Nolan Foley «*nd son Billy, arrangements are negotiations. 40 years. Three children surconcluded, the Spencer Burdick. supper at the Coffee Shope Monday Miss Lauretta Welch and Leo Roach, stones will be shipped to the United vive, James 11 Humes, president of Mr. and Mrs. William Crouse and evening. Bridge was enjoyed later at all of Rochester, spent the week-end First National bank; Mrs. Bessie four children and Mrs. Leonard the home of Mrs, O. H. Cooke: with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anken and States within two months. The stone- Johnson, Rlchvllle, and Mrs. Bertha work Is the old York stone paving Crouse spent the week-end with relaSprague,. Gouverneur, besides six John Hanley, Sr., attended the fu- family. tives In Syracuse. Sanford Zimmer has purchased the which has floored the underground grandchildren. The funeral was held neral of John Alle, B5, a Civil war Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phelps, of Car- veteran, of Augusta, Kansas, which homestead of the late Charles Zimmer passage of the palace* since the great at .the home at o'clock Tuesday afthage; Mrs. Olive Carpenter, of Wat- was held in Utica Monday. Mr. Al- near this village. Friends will be Duke of Buckingham built it 260 ternoon, Rev. John Dillon, a former ertown, were Sunday guests of len was the father of Mrs. Hugh Han- pleased to have Mr. Zimmer and fam- years ago. For many years it has pastor, from Auburn, conducted the Charles B. Phelps. ily return. needed repair, and now already have services. Burial In Harrisville cemeley, of Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Phillips and Rev. Harry Beal, dean of St Paul's 200 tons of stone have been taken up tery. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnum left daugBler Harriett, of Watertown, Saturday for their new home in Black Cathedral, Los Angeles, Calif., was a and Liverpool artificial stone put in were over Sunday visitors of Mr. and River, where Mr. Barnum will be caller upon friends here Thursday. its place. Yet sometimes we pine for the Mrs. F. G. Burdick. Mr. Beal will be remembered „ as a wicked old days before women got station agent. Miss Bernice Barnum former Mrs. Margaret Webert has returned has rector of Saint Paul's church, the ballot and saved the world. gone to. Miss Wheelock's school Constableville, and St. Mark's, Port to her home at Lafargeville, after in Boston. Girls of 14 smoking clgaretttes? spending the past week with Mr. and Ceyden. Well what of It? Edison says the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shepard had Mrs; Louis Webert. Mrs. Anna M. Bagg entertained things do no damage except to brain as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Har- friends at a four o'clock- tea WednesMr. and Mrs. Harvey Headley have land cells. Rauscher, of Boonville; Mrs. Ida returned to their home In New Jersey, day. Those present were Mrs. Fellus Maybe the* English plan is safer. AMBULANCE SEEVI0E Watertown;. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, after spending several days as guests Allen, Mrs. W. F, Hayes, Mrs. John All of our wrecks occur wtfen the Charles Oaster, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. of Miss Sarah Burdick. Mrs. H. A. Pease, Mrs. MelBranch Offices cars are away over on the right side. Malcolm Fisher and son Clyde', of O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burdick, Whitesboro. vin A. Shaw, Mrs.. John P. Constable, Constableville— Blessed are the poor. They needn't daughters Sarah and Mary Shirley Mrs. W. S. de Camp, Mrs. G. H. Rock' Harold Taylor, Manager go hopelessly in debt to make the The wedding of Joseph EiSenhauer, spent the week-end with Rev. and of North Tonawanda, and Miss Ruth well, Mrs. W. W. McConnell, all of Turin—Edwin H* Evans* Manage* neighbors think them solvent Mrs. John Joslin at Syracuse. Falls, will take Mr. and Mrs. John. Salsburg, of this ofS t Niagara .John's church in this place; LeRoy Salsburg, of Herklmer, place village, Monday, Oct. 6, Miss Norris spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. George'Horth at East Martinsburg. H.,Cain. Miss Bernlce Owens has returned L. Mr. Mrs. Clifford Allen enterfrom the Good Samaritan hospital, tained and dinner Sunday, Mrs. Ellen Watertown, where she recently under- Ernest, at of Topeka, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. went an operation for appendicitis. Biddle and Mrs. Slna Jones and son Herbert Griffith, who has been Clinton Allen,. Port Leyden; Mr. and spending the past week with his par- Mrs. Evans and children, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willnam Griffith, Muriel,Foster Charles and Pauline, of Turin. returned Sunday to his home at Glen Mrs. Alice Payne entertained at Park. dinner Wednesday In celebration of Mrs. Sarah Littlefield, Oliver Little- her birthday. Her guests were Mr. HAKDWAIEE « £UJMB£NQ. INSURANCE. field, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Brunt and Mrs. O. E. Davis and Miss Mar? and son Irving, spent Sunday with garet Temple, of this village; Mr. and Hardware, Plumbing, Heating, Paints Mr. and Mrs. George Van Allen at Mrs. Everett Williams and Mrs. S. J. Lewis £ o . Agency for Rome. Neff, Port Leyden, and Harry Schell, ALL LINES OF INSURANCE "THE IRON FIREMAN" Mrs. James Crossman and Mrs. of Syracuse. Protect' Yourself and Family "Ethel Dodge spent the week-end at The ladies of the Home Bureau met CASTORLANP LOWVILLE Racquette Lake^^where they visited at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Jones, James Crossman, who is employed Wednesday evening of last week. It Phone 49 . Lowvitte there. \ was voted at this time to furnish the The cost qf any piece of printing is T. J. O'CONNOR, 8EE US FOR Mrs. James Gregory and daughter, following articles for a room in the measured by the results it produces. Nellie Gertrude, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis County hospital: Bed, matSpecial on Life Insurance. Used 20-Inch Oak Heater. We can help you get costs down and William Pellam .and Mr. and Mrs. tress, pillows, table, chairs, lamp and PHONE 80M Charles Walker Friday at Lypons screen. A series of pink teas will be results up by giving you effective, LOWVILLE, N. Y. Falls. held to raise money for this purpose. well-planned printing at lowest posMr. and Mrs. Frank Wasserlaerf, of SHADY AVE. sible prices. UNDERTAKING. PHONE 1A8-J Detroit, Mich., and George Howarth '. ^> ,« • . OTTER GREEK and' family, of Tonawanda, were Phones Residence 10W Office) I t £EWELBY. Let us give you suggestions on your guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. - - pianee Ft yirkler Charles Z. Mihalyi. (Mrs. Horatio Cobb, Correspondent.) next printing JOIK. There, is no extra Mr. and Mrs. William Conners, Miss Mrs. Bert Wright is ill at this writcharge for the benefit of our exUNDERTAKES Katherine Howley, of this place, and ing. perience. Ambulance Service JEWELER Mrs. Edward Deahna, of Utica, have Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Mealua spent Anytime—DAY & NIGHT—Anywhere returned from a motor trip to West- last week in Utlca. Watches — Clock* — Silverware field, Mass., where they visited Mr. Shady Ave. Lowville, N. Y. — Diamonds — Mlss Ruth M. Bliss called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deabna. and Mrs. Rea Bliss Saturday. Vlctrolas — Victor Records Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ross, Mr. and GARAGES, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mealus and STATE ST. Mrs. Bruce Dunbar, Miss Marie children motored to Utica Sunday. Doyle, Maynard Hulbert.of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ronnie are CLOTHING. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bintz and spending some time at Beach's Mill. daughter Arletha, of Constableville, Ifs Wise to Choose a Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brennen callspent the week-end camping at Stony ed on Mrs. Howard King Sunday. GENT'S FURNISHINGS CHEVROLET SIX Lake. Shoes For The Entire Family John Balrd, who has been ill for Day & Night Service Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder and some time, remains about the same. BUY THE BEST FOR LESS daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mts. Earl PHONE 94-W LOWVILLE, N.Y. Sunday service at Otter Creek Jackson, Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mr. and church will be at the usual hour, 7:30 After giving siren alarm the. Bell Mrs. Alex Murphy and children, mom. xowvnxE, N. Y. will strike the following number of tored to Utica Sunday, where they p. Frederick Wittwer is spending a Times for Zones indicated: visited Frank Murphy, who is a pa- few days with his aunt, Mrs. Spencer Phone 292 . State S t STOP AT tient at the Homeopathic hospital. Dekin. HUDSON-ESSEX The "A" division of the Ladies' Aid Miss Ruth Alice Mealus spent last SA&ES A SERVICE of the M. E. church will serve supper North of Dayan with her grandmother, Mrs. BIG USED CAR SALE in the church basement on Thursday, week West of State Waldron. Lowville • Lyons Falls Oct. 8th, beginning at 5:30, until all Bert — Next Two Weeks <— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rennle and son BEST QUALITY are served.; price, adults, 25 cents; Foster spent Sunday at Lowville with PHARMACY. Boots, Shoes and Furnishings for the children 20 cents. The public is corBetween State S t and, railroad Emma Cummins. dially invited. We hope there will be Mrs. North of Shady- Ave,, West of Entire Family at Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Mealus had as Dr. M. H. Branson's a large attendance. railroad LOWEST PRICES guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bert POWDER FOR WORMS .-' At the court of honor, which was Waldon and daughter Oliver TAILORS. the feature of the final session of the A Safe and Tasteless Remedy for Mr. and Mrs. "Conrad Shumway and North of Shady Ave. to outskirts summer programme of district 6, family Worms and Stomach .T^ojibte and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. The New Fall l i n e of Jefferson-Lewis County Boy Scouts Cobb motored to Fulton and Hannibal SUITINGS, TOPCOATS, of America, held at Lyons Falls, Sat- Sunday. Between Shady Ave. and Mill OVERCOATS urday evening, the Glenfleld troop Greek, up to railroad Mrs. Howard King and daughter, Now on Display made an excellent showing. The fol- Agnes, were called to Port Leyden by ELECTRICAL. lowing boys were advanced in rank to the death of Mrs. King's mother, Get My Prices Before Buying first class scouts: Ronald Davis, Reg- Mrs. Ellen McHale. Between Railroad and State S t Phone SOO-J Res. Inald Robinson, Hugh Jordon, Jr., KELVINATOR The chicken pie supper held at the Elmer Burke and Francis Howley. In home 7— Lowville, N. Y. of Willard Rudd, September 28, Shady Ave. The Oldest Domestic Electrlo State S t up to High Bridge, down the bird-house contest the silver lov- in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Walker's Refrigeration to creek ing cup presented to the troop having birthday, was well attended and they GROCERS. the greatest number of exhibits of received the sum of $17. merit was won by Glenfleld, while five E. E. WIDMEYKB There will . be services a t Otter Everything South of Mill Creek B. J. HERZIG of the six individual prizes "offered Creek G. E. Wiring System church from Tuesday evening were won by Glenfleld boys. First until. Saturday night inclusive. Rev. LOWVILLE NEW YORK PHONE 121 prize, in class for scouts of twelve to. Mr. Shearer, of Carthage, will speak. WE DELIVER SUBSCBD3E NOW— thirteen years, was won by Evan V. PHOTOGRAPHER. Quinn, Jr. In the class for scouts AH are welcome, Come and bring a Have the Journal and Republican fourteen years and over, first priase. friend. come to your home or have J t was- taken by Hugh Jorden, Jr., and Gain of UtOOfiOO in Population MONEY SPENT IN THIS STORE to • friend—for the Blffest second by Reginald Robinson. First PHOTOGRAPHY IS RE-SPENT AT HOME price for best feeding station was won The population of New York city's worth you ever received. Portraits — Views — Kodak Work by Francis Howley; second by Albert metropolitan area is computed at TIRE REPAIRING. MacCrimmon. Other scouts attending •10,740,693, by a committee of the Mer21 DAYAN ST. the meeting were Domnlck Chivello, chants' Association, a gain of UW0,SHOE REPAIRING. " Motor Oils Harold Norton and William Baker, 000 since July 1, 1928. The territory Flak Tires ATTORNEYS AT LAW. FIRST AID FOR TIRES Jr. The boys were in change of Scout Includes New York £ity, Nassau, SufOar Washing-—Greasing—-Repairing I Master A. J. Robinson and were ac- folk, Rockland and WestchfiBter councompanied by Com mitt men Frank ties, eight New Jersey counties and PHONE 875-J Dr. SchoU Foot Appliances Bates and Hugh Jorden, Sr. Tht part of Falrfleldd county, Conn. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Laces, Polishes, E t c prizes and winning exhibits will be ALHAMBRA BUILDING QUALITY SHOE REPAIRING displayed in a local store windoy durAn escaped lunatic was discovered FAY 1M WETMORE, Prop. ing National Scout week, Oct. 13-18. playing in a St. Louis, jazz orchestra. MDayaaSt. SHADY AVENUE, LOWVHXE, N. Y. B. H. 8TODDARD, Prop. Lowville, N. Y I The prizes were donated by business There may be others. Fowlers' Sow, Inc. R. J. Green A. H Cnmmings Journal and Republican Finn Chevrolet Co., h e . Lewis Clotting Store FIRE ZONES FOR VILLAGE OF LOWVILLE C. H. Arthur Motor Sales Coahn's Store A 30-HOBSE-POWEH engine makes sure of ample power •' for the field -work, for the belt, for every farm job that requires pnlling, pushing or stationary power. A high-tension magneto with enclosed starter coupling insure* easy starting. It makes no difference how snappy the morning, the etarting system on the new Fordson will operate easily. -J Come in and see the Fcrdaon Agricultural Tractor. "We want to show you its new features. There are 16 altogether. We want to show you how easy it starts and how die motor sounds. We want to give you a * booklet chat describes in detail this farm tractor. Ask foe a ffl$M 4>eKvered VIRKLER-NORTZ TRACTOR CO, F. C Snyder't Pharmacy S. D. Crandtll Shop Virkkr ton WAG The Church Studio Shady A?e. Shoe Shop Wetmore's Tire Shop Lowville, N. Y. '•'••"r'ilsi .-if •f rl 1 If 1 1 1 m m m •m W • •;* ^SaM.^ M '•m •& .JM m -.V;<3! mm-a § D. H. FIELD, FUNERAL DIRECTOR Port Leyden, New Ywk Lloyd T. Schantz The Improved Fordson A g r i c u l t u r a l Tractor develops more powe*# and starts ecsily .. . . - ^ ^ George S. Reed m 1