Magnetic Properties of Materials 1. Magnetisation of materials due to a set of isolated atoms (or ions) a) Diamagnetism - magnetic moment of filled shells of atoms. Induced moment opposes applied field b) Paramagnetism - unfilled shells have a finite magnetic moment (orbital angular momentum) which aligns along the magnetic field direction. 2. Collective magnetisation - magnetic moments of adjacent atoms interact with each other to create a spontaneous alignment - Ferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism, Antiferromagnetism Some useful background Definition of the fields: B is the magnetic flux density (units Tesla) H is the magnetic field strength (units Am-1) M is the magnetisation (the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume, units Am-1) B = μ0 (H + M) = μ0 μr H = μ0 H (1 + χ) All materials Relative permeability susceptibility linear materials only ∂M when non − linear in field χ = ∂H H → 0 Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 1 Magnetic Energy Energy in Magnetic Field = ½B.H = ½μ0 (H + M).H = ½μ0 H2 + ½M.H Energy of a magnetic moment m in magnetic flux energy to align one dipole = - m.B = -mzBz Energy density due to magnetisation of a material: E = M.B Magnetic moment from a current loop: mi = I v∫ dS = IA dm = IdS Magnetic Flux density B is: B = μ0 H + μ0 Nm i = μ0 ( H + M ) V M is magnetic dipole moment/unit volume Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 2 Langevin Diamagnetism Electrons in an atom precess in a magnetic field at the Larmor frequency: ω = eB 2m Act as a current loop which shields the applied field ⎛ 1 eB ⎞ ⎟ ⎝ 2π 2m ⎠ I = charge/revolutions per unit time = (− Ze) ⎜ Area of loop = π<ρ2> = π(<x2> + <y2>) = 2/3 π<r2> Ze 2 B 2 r 6m μ Nm μ NZe 2 2 r χ = 0 i = − 0 B 6m Hence magnetic moment induced/atom mi = − For N atoms susceptibility (per unit vol or per mole) Magnetic Levitation - An example of magnetic energy density Energy due to magnetisation = -m.B Magnetic moment = VχB/ μ0 so force = -mdB/dx = - Vχ(B dB/dx)/ μ0 = - ½∇B2 Vχ/ μ0 force = gradient of Field energy density ½ B2 Vχ Levitation occurs when force balances gravitational force = Vρg, therefore: -½∇B2 = ρg μ0 / χ Typical values of χ are of order 10-5 - 10-6 Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 3 Paramagnetism Unfilled shells. Magnetic moment of an atom or ion is: μ = -gμBJ, where =J is the total angular momentum J=L+S and μB is the Bohr magneton (e =/2m) A magnetic field along z axis splits energy levels so: U = - μ.B = mJ gμBB mJ runs from J to -J Spin ½ system N ions with mJ = ±½ , g = 2, then U = ± μBB, ratio of populations is given by Boltzman factor so we can write: exp( μ B B ) N1 kT = B μ N B exp( ) + exp(− μ B B ) kT kT B −μ exp( B ) N2 kT = μ B ) + exp(− μ B B ) N exp( B kT kT Upper state N2 has moment -μB , so writing x = μBB/kT M = ( N1 − N 2 ) μ B Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas e x − e− x = Nμ B x = Nμ B tanh x e + e−x 4 Magnetisation Magnetisation saturates at high fields and low temperatures μ B M = Nμ B tanh B k BT Low field, higher temperature limit tanh x → x Nμ 0 μ B2 M = χ = H k BT Curie’s Law: Compare with Pauli paramagnetism 3Nμ 0 μ B2 = 2k BTF General Result for mJ … J → -J 2J + 1 ⎡ 2J + 1 ⎤ M = NgJ μ B ⎢( ) coth( ) y − ( 1 ) coth( 1 ) y ⎥ 2J 2J ⎦ 2J ⎣ 2J Curie’s Law J + 1 gJ μB B kT 3J J ( J + 1) g 2 μB 2 C M χ = = μ0 N = H T 3kT as y → 0, M = NgJ μB as y → ∞, Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas M sat = Ng μB J 5 Saturation behaviour • Curie Law at low field • Saturation at high field Apply a magnetic field to split up energy levels and observe transitions between them Energy Magnetic Resonance Magnetic Field For a simple spin system =ω = gμBB - selection rule is ΔmJ = 1 (conservation of angular momentum) When ions interact with the crystal environment or each other then extra splittings can occur. Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 6 Magnetic Resonance Experiment Experiment uses microwaves (10 100 GHz), with waveguides and resonant cavities Resonance Spectrum Relate to Crystal field splittings Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 7 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Similar to spin resonance of electrons, but from spin of nuclei. Energy is smaller due to the much smaller value of μBN Resonance condition is =ω = gμN(B + ΔB) ΔB is the chemical shift due to magnetic flux from orbital motion of electrons in the atom. ΔB = μ0m r3 = − Ze 2 B 2 μ 0 r . 3 6m r Diamagnetic magnetic moment induced in a single atom N.M.R. and M.R.I. Chemical sensitivity is used in monitoring many biochemical and biological processes NMR Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas Scan magnetic field with a field gradient in order to achieve chemically sensitive imaging MRI 8 Magnetic Cooling (adiabatic demagnetisation) Cool a solid containing alot of magnetic ions in a magnetic field. Energy levels are split by U = ± μBBi Population ratio is N+ ⎛ 2μ B ⎞ = exp⎜⎜ − B i ⎟⎟ N− kTi ⎠ ⎝ Remove magnetic field quickly while keeping population of spins the same - Adiabatically kT f μB B f = kTi μ B Bi Tf is limited by small interactions between ions which split energy levels at B = 0 Interactions between magnetic ions Dipole - dipole interactions Neighbouring atoms exert a force on each other which tries to align dipoles m. Interaction energy is U = -m.B. Magnetic flux B is μ0(m/4πr3 - 3(m.r)r/4πr5) so U = -m.B ~ - μ0 m1.m2/4πr3 = - μ0 μB2/4πr3 r is separation of atoms (approx. 0.3nm) giving U = 4 x 10-25 J = 0.025 K If all atomic dipoles are aligned the magnetisation is: M = NμB giving a total magnetic flux B = μ0 NμB ~ 1T so: U = 0.9 x 10-23 J ~ 0.7 K Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 9 Collective Magnetism Ferro-, Antiferro- and Ferrimagnetism Oldest piece of Condensed Matter physics known about and exploited is ferromagnetism. Why do spins align at temperatures as high as 1000 K ?? It is definitely not due to magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. The strong interaction is due to the action of the Pauli exclusion principle which produces: Exchange Interactions Exchange Interaction Consider two adjacent atoms and two electrons with a total wavefunction ψ (r1,r2;s1,s2) Pauli exclusion principle: ψ (r1,r2;s1,s2) = - ψ (r2,r1;s2,s1) If r1 = r2 and s1 = s2 then ψ = 0 Electrons with same spin ‘repel’ each other and form symmetric and antisymmetric wavefunctions [φa(r1) = φ3d(r1-ra)] ψs (1,2) = [φa(r1) φb(r2) + φa(r2) φb(r1)]χs(↑↓) ψt (1,2) = [φa(r1) φb(r2) - φa(r2) φb(r1)]χt(↑↑) Energy difference between singlet and triplet is dependent on alignment of the spins U = -2Js1.s2 Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 10 energy difference given by the ‘exchange integral’ ⎡ e2 2e 2 ⎤ * 3 3 − J = 2 ∫ φ a (1)φb (1) ⎢ ⎥φ a (2)φb (2)d r1d r2 ⎣ 4πε 0 r12 4πε 0 r1 ⎦ * Positive term electron-electron coupling Negative term electron-ion coupling Comes from electrostatic (Coulomb) interactions J>0 Electron spins align Ferromagnetic coupling J<0 Electron spins antiparallel Anti-ferromagnets Covalent bonding Molecular Field Model Energy of one spin in an external magnetic flux B0 U = −S i .∑ J ijS j + g μ B B0 .S i = − J ij S i . S j + g μ B B0 .S i which can be considered as due to an effective flux Beff Beff = B0 + μ0λ M , where M = − Ng μ B S and λ = 2∑ J ij j ≠i N μ0 g 2 μ B2 Spins are aligned by the combination of the external flux B and the internal magnetisation. Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 11 Curie - Weiss Law Assuming Curie’s Law to hold for the total fields μ0 M = CBeff = C ( B0 + λμ 0 M ) T T CB0 μ0 M = T − Cλ μM C χ = 0 = , B0 T − Tc Tc = Cλ Curie - Weiss Law shows that at around Tc there will be a spontaneous magnetisation Saturation Magnetisation Around Tc the spins begin to align. μ 0 M = μ 0 NgJμ B BJ ( y ) , For spin 1/2 μ 0 M = Nμ B tanh μ B μ0 M k BT No simple analytical solution, but graph shows numerical result is reasonable description of experiment Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 12 2∑ J ij 2 μ μ N j ≠i 0 B for spin 1 , C = and λ = 2 kB Nμ 0 g 2 μ B2 so Tc = Cλ = zJ ij 2k B , z is No. of nearest neighbours Typical values of Tc are 1000K, so if z = 8 we find J = ~ 0.02 eV, At saturation (all spins aligned) M = NμB giving: Beff = μ0λM = μ0NμBTc/C = kBTc/ μB ~ 1500 T This is not a real Magnetic Field Bferromagnet = μ0 NμB ~ 1T Result is a non-integer average magnetic moment per electron e.g. Metal Iron Cobalt Nickel Gd Dy Ms (μB / atom) 2.2 1.7 0.6 6.8 10.2 Fe3+ Co2+ Ni2+ Gd3+ Dy3+ gJ 5 6 6 7 10 Tc = Tc = Tc = Tc = Tc = 1043 1388 627 292 88 Rare-earths have very narrow bands so result is given by free ion result Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 13 Band model of Ferromagnetism Exchange interaction shifts energy levels of electrons by less than typical band widths in metals, so we have to remember that just as in Pauli paramagnetism not all of the spins can be aligned. Domains One thing is missing from our explanation: Real magnetic materials need an external magnetic field to be applied in order to produce strong or permanent magnetisation - depends on crystal orientation Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 14 Why do Domains form? Magnetisation of a single crystal costs a large amount of energy of magnetisation = ∫ B0 .dM Balanced by anisotropy energy - spins only like to align along particular crystal directions - energy cost is K per electron spin Domains in real crystals Single ‘whisker’ of iron Domains can be ‘pinned’ by the presence of impurities, which make it easy for the domain boundary to sit in one place Larger crystal of Nickel Causes the difference between ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ magnetic materials Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 15 Domain boundaries - Bloch Wall Energy is minimised by changing the spin slowly in N steps by a small angle θ = π/N. Energy cost calculated from exchange energy U = -Σ2Js1.s2 ΔU =2NJS2(1-cos(θ))= 2NJS2(1-(1 - θ2/2)) = JS2 π2/N Anisotropy energy cost = KN/2 Total = JS2 π2/N + KN/2, Minimum when N = (2JS2 π2/K)½, e.g. 300 in Fe Antiferromagnetism What if exchange integral J < 0? Adjacent spins line up antiparallel. This causes antiferromagnetism An example is MnO Can model this with a molecular field model with two molecular fields corresponding to spin up and spin down Result gives: χ = C/(T + θ) Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 16 A B A B A B A BA eff = B0 − μ0 λ M B , BBeff = B0 − μ0 λ M A λ = μ0 M A = 4∑ J ij j ≠i N μ0 g 2 μ B2 C A Beff , 2T M = MA + MB λC C μ0 M B B− 2T 2T λC C μ0 M B = μ0 M A B− 2T 2T μ0 M A = μ0 M = λC C μ0 M = B− 2T T Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas Sum these two equations ( CB T + λC 2 ) 17 Summary of Collective Magnetism Some crystals can have ions with both J > 0 and J < 0 This causes Ferrimagnetism. Best known example is ferrite Fe3O4 (Fe2+O,Fe3+2O3). Moment = (2 x 5/2 - 2) μB /formula unit Magnetism – HT10 - RJ Nicholas 18