FORMAL BID PROPOSAL AND SPECIFICATIONS SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR THE CITY OF KINSTON, ELECTRIC DIVISION FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 _____________________________________________________________________ MAYOR B.J. MURPHY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS JOSEPH M. TYSON, MAYOR PRO-TEM SAMMY C. AIKEN KELLY JARMEN WYNN WHITTINGTON ROBERT A. SWINSON, IV TONY SEARS, CITY MANAGER SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR THE CITY OF KINSTON, ELECTRIC DIVISION FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Sealed formal bids addressed to Purchasing/Warehouse Manager, City of Kinston, and clearly marked on the outside of the package “FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015” will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read. NOTES: 1. Faxed and email submissions will not be accepted. 2. A bid bond IS NOT required 3. A performance bond IS NOT required. QUESTIONS: SUBMIT ALL QUESTIONS IN WRITING TO: City of Kinston Attn: Tim Wood, Purchasing/Warehouse Manager PO Box 339 Kinston, NC 28502 Phone: (252) 939-3135 Email: __________________________ Tim Wood, CLGPO Purchasing/Warehouse Manager FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Advertisement-Request for Bid Section 2 Instructions to Bidders 2.1 Schedule 2.2 Bidder Instructions Section 3: General Conditions 3.1 Bids 3.2 Addenda 3.3 Clarification of Bids 3.4 Vendor’s Oral Presentation 3.5 Vendor’s Incurred Cost 3.6 Terminology-Brand Names 3.7 Licensing Agreement (If applicable) 3.8 Shipping Cost 3.9 Prime Contractor Responsibilities 3.10 Contracting (If applicable) 3.11 Exceptions (Mandatory) 3.12 Performance Bond (Construction Related Projects) 3.13 Performance Bond (Service and Maintenance Agreements) 3.14 Separate Proposals 3.15 Default 3.16 Period of Contract 3.17 Hold Harmless Agreement 3.18 Terms and Conditions 3.19 Award 3.20 Factors and Evaluation 3.21 Errors 3.22 Schedules 3.23 Samples 3.24 Prices 3.25 Defects 3.26 Miscellaneous 3.27 Destination 3.28 Demonstration 3.29 Delivery 3.30 Manuals 3.31 Bid Schedules 3.32 Trade-In 3.33 Non-Discrimination Clause 3.34 N.C. General Statutes and City Ordinances 3.35 Tax Payer ID 3.36 E-Verify FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Section 4: Specifications 4.1.0 4.2.0 4.3.0 4.4.0 4.5.0 4.6.0 4.7.0 Section 5 Insulation Levels Temperature Rise Limits Testing Construction Quality Program Requirements Regulator Bid Evaluation Other Bid Schedules BID SCHEDULE 1 BID SCHEDULE – DELIVERY AND EXCEPTIONS FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 4 Section 1 Advertisement SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE REGULATORS FOR THE CITY OF KINSTON, ELECTRIC DIVISION FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Sealed formal bids addressed to Purchasing/Warehouse Manager, City of Kinston, and clearly marked on the outside of the package “FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015” will be accepted until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read. Complete copies of the bid package may be obtained on the City of Kinston, Public Services Web Site, or copies may be received in person from the City of Kinston, Purchasing/Warehouse Manager located at 2360 Highway 258 South, Kinston, North Carolina 28504. Instructions for submitting bids and information may be obtained by contacting Tim Wood at the City Purchasing/Warehouse Office during regular office hours. The City of Kinston reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City. Tim Wood, Purchasing/Warehouse Manager City of Kinston Phone (252) 939-3135 Fax (252) 527-2347 Distributed: Thursday, August 6, 2015 FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 5 Section 2 2.1 2.2 Instructions to Bidders Schedule Advertisement Thursday, August 6, 2015 Pre-Bid Conference N/A Deadline for Questions N/A Deadline for Receipt of formal Bids 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Proposed Date of Award Tuesday, September 8, 2015 Bidder Instructions Each proposal shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check or certified check on some bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to not less than 5% of the total amount of the proposal. The City of Kinston reserves the right to waive this requirement in accordance with Article 8 Section 148-129 of the General Statues. Checks should be made payable to the order of the City of Kinston. If the proposal is accepted and the bidder neglects or refuses to deliver the materials and or services for which the proposal is made within the time designated in the proposal, his deposit shall be forfeited as liquidated damages. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the person depositing same when the contract is awarded. In lieu of the above deposit, the bidder may submit a bid bond for the same amount, attaching the bonding company's power of attorney to the proposal. It is expressly understood by the bidders that issuance of the Purchase Order by the City of Kinston will constitute an agreement by the City to consummate the transaction and will serve, together with the proposal, the advertisement, these instructions, detailed specifications and the bid forms as the entire form of contract between these parties. Provided, however, the City of Kinston reserves the right to reject any bids not meeting the specifications herein referred to, notwithstanding the fact the Purchase Order has been issued. It is the responsibility of the bidders to insure that the bid is received before the hour given above. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City. Recommendations to Council will not be discussed prior to award made by the Mayor and City Council. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 6 General Information All inquiries and all other communications regarding this bid shall be directed to the City Purchasing/Warehouse Manager at 252-939-3135. General Information (cont) Discussions or communications (written or oral) concerning the bid, the vendor or bidder's competitors or the award of the bid with members of the City Council of the City of Kinston or City employees other than those named specifically in this document, shall be deemed inappropriate and improper. Evidence of such communication shall be the basis for disqualification of the affected party's bid. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 7 Section 3 3.1 General Conditions BIDS The bids may be presented to the Mayor and City Council for award. 3.2 ADDENDA Any addendum to these bidding documents will be issued in writing. No oral statements, explanations or commitments by anyone whosoever shall be of any effect unless incorporated in the addenda. 3.3 CLARIFICATION OF BIDS The City of Kinston reserves the right to contact bidders individually for the purpose of clarifying bids. 3.4 VENDOR'S ORAL PRESENTATION *WAIVED* Each bidder who submits a proposal in response to this request for proposals may be required to make an oral presentation of his or her proposal to the City. Such presentations provide an opportunity for the bidder to clarify the proposal, to insure mutual understanding and will in no way change the bidder's original bid. The City may r3equest oral presentations. 3.5 VENDOR INCURRED COST The City of Kinston is not liable for any cost incurred by the bidders prior to issuance of an agreement, contract or Purchase Order. 3.6 TERMINOLOGY-BRAND NAMES Some terms used in this request for bids might imply or denote a particular vendor or brand name. Similarly, certain items discussed may be a function of some vendor's equipment or vice versa. The terminology used and the organization of the request for bids are not intended to be restrictive in any way. Appropriate interpretation of the intent of the request for bids should be made by the vendor in these situations. 3.7 LICENSING AGREEMENT (If applicable) Any licensing agreement required by the bidder must be fully described. 3.8 SHIPPING COSTS The selected bidder will be responsible for the cost of delivery on all items. If costs are to be assumed by the user, then the actual cost must be included in the bid price. 3.9 PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 8 Vendors are responsible for determining the specific requirements from the specifications stated in this request for bids. The selected vendor will be required to assume sole responsibility for delivery of all services stated in the bid. The City of Kinston will consider the selected vendor to be the sole point of contact with regard to all contractual matters. Furthermore, the selected vendor will be obligated to provide materials which meet all guarantees in the bid for the price stated in the bid. 3.10 CONTRACTING (If Applicable) Upon award of the bid, the request for bids and the successful vendor's bid will become part of the contract. City representatives should be given sufficient time to thoroughly review any proposed contract. The City intends to enter into a contract which best serves the interests of the City and will not be required to accept a vendor's standard contract. However, vendors should include a copy of a standard or usual contract. 3.11 EXCEPTIONS *MANDATORY* Any and all exceptions to the specifications included in this request for bids must be fully detailed and explained under "EXCEPTIONS" on the Bid Schedule. Should the bidder not indicate and explain all exceptions, the bid may be automatically disqualified. 3.12 PERFORMANCE BOND (CONSTRUCTION RELATED PROJECTS ONLY) The successful bidders will be required to supply a performance bond as outlined under the "Instructions to Bidders." This bond will be exercised should the successful bidders fail to provide 100% (complete) delivery of all items awarded within the proposed delivery period of the successful bidder at the quoted prices. The performance bond will remain in force throughout the period of original warranty. (Only required if total bid is greater than $300,000.) 3.13 PERFORMANCE BOND (SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS ONLY) The successful bidders will be required to supply a performance bond as outlined under the "Instructions to Bidders." This bond will be exercised should the successful bidders fail to provide 100% (complete) delivery of all items awarded within the proposed delivery period of the successful bidder at the quoted prices. The performance bond will remain in force throughout the period of contract. The performance bond shall equal three (3) months of the payments due under the contract. 3.14 SEPARATE PROPOSALS While it is not contemplated that any abnormal requirements or additional terms will be required, other than listed herein, if such should occur, the City reserves the right to call for separate proposals thereon. 3.15 DEFAULT In the event of a default by the contractor to supply according to the proposed delivery to the City, the City reserves the right to procure any piece of equipment, material or services in default from other sources and hold the successful bidder responsible and liable for any difference in cost incurred including transportation charges. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 9 3.16 PERIOD OF CONTRACT The contract period will begin upon notification in writing (purchase order) to the successful bidder and will run for the period of proposed delivery and acceptance of the material by the City. 3.17 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The Contractor agrees to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold the City of Kinston, its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from and against any professional fees, claims or liabilities of every kind and character that are the result of negligence by the contractor or his agent and out of the realm and scope of the plans and specifications. The vendor further agrees to respond to provide defense for and defend any and all such claims arising from the vendors or vendor's agents negligence at the vendors' sole expense and agrees to bear all other costs and expenses related thereto. 3.18 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Vendor's terms must be stated on the last page of the bid schedule. The terms and conditions of sale as stated in this proposal govern in the event of conflict with any terms of seller’s proposal, and are not subject to change by reason of any written or verbal statement by seller or by any terms stated in seller’s acknowledgment unless same is accepted in writing by the entity. 3.19 AWARD The award of the bid will be made to the lowest responsible bidder as soon as practical, provided that in the selection of the material a purchase order may be awarded to a responsible bidder other than the lowest in the interest of standardization or ultimate economy if the advantage of each standardization or ultimate economy is clearly evident, or award the purchase order to a responsible bidder deemed in the best interest of the City. This Bid may be a multiple award. 3.20 FACTORS OF EVALUATION In estimating the lowest cost to the City, the following considerations will be given in addition to prices: Delivery, compatibility with existing equipment or material, discounts offered, past performance, technical and maintenance support, reputation and experience. This list is not all inclusive. 3.21 ERRORS The City reserves the right to waive minor irregularities or minor errors in any proposal, if it appears that such irregularities were made inadvertently. Errors in addition or in extensions of unit prices shown will be corrected prior to evaluation of the total bid. In case of variation between the unit prices and extensions, the unit prices will be considered to be the valid bid price. 3.22 SCHEDULES FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 10 The City reserves the right to award any schedule or combinations thereof or to award any part of any schedule. The City of Kinston reserves the right to purchase additional units at the quoted bid price. 3.23 SAMPLES: Each bidder will provide at the time of bid opening or pre-bid meeting, samples of the items bid on. Samples will be picked up by bidder within 90 days of bid opening. All samples are to be at no cost to the City. After 90 days the samples will be considered abandoned and become property of the City of Kinston. EXCEPTIONS: Samples subjected to destructive testing or sent off for evaluation will not be returned. 3.24 PRICES 3.24.1 Prices shall be quoted F.O.B. the City of Kinston, NC 28502, and delivered to the location specified on the Purchase Order. ESCALATION CLAUSE: WAIVED 3.24.2 Price quotes shall remain in effect for a period of two (2) years with the option of 2 additional one year periods. Price adjustment during the bid term must be indicated in the bid. 3.25 DEFECTS 3.25.1 All materials furnished hereunder shall be new, not used and subject to the inspection, tests and approval of the City. 3.25.2 The materialman shall guarantee his materials and workmanship against defect due to faulty materials or faulty workmanship or negligence for the stated period in the manufactures warranty. 3.26 MISCELLANEOUS The bidder shall hold harmless and indemnify the City, its agents, and employees, from any and all claims, suits, and proceedings for infringement of any patent or patents covering materials and equipment purchased hereunder. The bidder shall defend any suit or proceeding brought against the City, its agents, or employees based upon a claim that materials and equipment or any part thereof constitute an infringement of any patent, or if the bidder shall fail to defend such suit or proceeding, the City may do so and the bidder shall make reimbursement for the expense of such litigation. If the materials and equipment, or any part thereof, are held to constitute infringement and the use thereof, is enjoined, the bidder shall, at its own expense, either procure for the City the right to continue to use the materials and equipment, or such part thereof, or shall replace the materials and equipment, or such part thereof, with noinfringing materials and equipment. 3.27 DESTINATION Item(s) shall be delivered to: The City of Kinston, Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. excluding holidays to the location specified on the purchase order. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 11 3.28 DEMONSTRATION Vendors may be required to provide a demonstration with similar equipment and specifications as noted herein or provide at the vendor’s expense a demonstration of similar equipment currently in use at another customer’s site. 3.29 DELIVERY All Delivery Costs to be prepaid by bidder. See special conditions/purchase order for further clarification. The vendor shall be insured in case of lost shipment. The vendor will notify the City of Kinston (24) hours before delivery. Please contact the Fleet Manager at 252-939-3327 for Vehicles and Equipment; or the Warehouse Supervisor for Transformers and material at 252939-3122. 3.30 MANUALS Successful bidder shall furnish the materials-services copies of manuals, or literature with technical and descriptive information and parts manuals. 3.31 3.32 BID SCHEDULES 32.1 You may bid on any or all bid schedule(s). 32.2 Bidder is required to complete, sign, and date the bid form Schedules, and submit with the sealed bid. The bidder’s NC Sales and Use tax number is required on this form. Bids submitted on any other form will be considered non-responsive. 32.3 In cases of document discrepancies, or requests for content clarification, contact the Purchasing/Warehouse Manager at 252-939-3135. TRADE-IN The City may purchase with or without a trade-in. In the event the City elects to accept the proposed trade-in value for a trade–in unit, the City reserves the right to use the trade-in unit until the new equipment has been delivered and accepted by the City. The trade-in shall be “where is - as is” and without guarantee of the condition at the time the new unit is received from the successful bidder. The vehicle/equipment may be inspected at the Fleet Maintenance Building, located at 2360 Hwy 258 South, Kinston NC 28504. Please contact the Fleet Manager at 252-939-3327 to arrange a time for the inspection. 3.33 NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE: It is specifically agreed as part of the consideration of the signing of this contract, that the parties hereto, their agents, officials, employees, or servants will not discriminate in any manner on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, or national origin with reference to the subject matter of this contract. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 12 Enforcement of this provision, as set out in said ordinance, shall be action for specific performance, injunctive relief, or other remedy as provided by law. This provision shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this contract. The City of Kinston is in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and Section 122(A) of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, and hereby issues the declaration that bid award is contingent upon bidder’s compliance with aforementioned statutes. 3.34 3.35 N.C. General Statutes and City Ordinances 34.1 N.C.G.S. 143-129 governs purchasing in the state of North Carolina. Bids are awarded according to its provisions. 34.2 The General Statutes of the State of North Carolina and Code of Ordinances of the City of Kinston, insofar as they apply to purchasing and competitive bidding, are made a part hereof. Tax payer ID 3.35.1 Bidder is required to complete, sign, and date a Federal form W-9, and submit the form with the sealed bid. 3.36 E-Verify 3.36.1 Bidder is required to complete, sign, date and have notarized the E-Verify Affidavit form provided with Bid Schedule 2 and submit the form with the sealed bid. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 13 Section 4 Specifications SPECIFICATIONS FOR SINGLE PHASE DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE REGULATORS RATED 76.2 KVA TO 833 KVA General Information This specification describes the electrical characteristics, mechanical and safety features of single phase, 60 Hz, mineral oil filled, self-cooled, distribution regulators, completely self contained automatic voltage regulation for plus and minus ten (10) percent regulation in thirtytwo (32) 5/8 percent steps, operating at a normal Primary voltage of 7,200 volts wye. All regulators shall be constructed of new materials. The regulators furnished under this specification shall be designed and manufactured under the latest ASTM, ANSI, NEMA, OSHA, NESC, and IEEE standards covering the complete unit or any part thereof. These applicable standards shall be a part of this specification. Regulator rating shall be as specified on the attached schedule. Proposals shall include catalog numbers, manufacturer, ratings, characteristics, type, sizes, etc., of all removable material and equipment included. A simple statement that all necessary material and equipment will be provided is satisfactory. 4.1.0 Insulation Levels The high voltage insulation shall be: Rated High Voltage (Volts) 7620 4.2.0 BIL (kV) 95 Insulation Class (kV) 15 Temperature Rise Limits 4.2.1 The winding rise above ambient temperature shall not exceed 65C when tested in accordance with its rating. 4.2.2 The hot spot temperature rise above ambient temperature shall not exceed 80C when tested in accordance with its rating. 4.3.0 Testing 4.3.1 All regulators shall be tested, and the test shall be made in accordance with the latest revision of the American Standard Test Code. The results of those tests shall be furnished to the City of Kinston immediately following their completion. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 14 4.3.2 The following test shall be made while the tap changer is on its maximum and minimum positions respectively: a. Resistance Measurements. b. No load loss at rated input voltage in positions 0, 1, 15, and 16. c. Full load loss at rated input voltage in positions 0, 1, 15, and 16. d. Exciting current at rated input voltage and at 110 % of rated voltage with the unit on neutral and at 10% on lower positions. e. Impedance volts with the regulator in full raise position. 4.3.3 The following test shall be made on all positions of the tap changer: 4.4.0 a. Polarity check. b. Induced potential test. c. Applied potential test. Construction 4.4.1 Tank Assembly The regulators shall be designed such that the unit can be partially or completely untanked for inspection and maintenance without disconnecting any internal electrical or mechanical connections. After the unit is untanked, it shall be possible to operate the regulator mechanism and test the control panel from an external 120 volt source without any reconnections between the control and regulator. 4.4.2 Tap Changer Mechanism The tap changing mechanism shall be motor driven, quick break type and shall be completely immersed in oil. 4.4.3 Regulator Control Panel A microprocessor based controller shall be provided for the automatic control of the voltage regular, and shall be a standard design as manufactured by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Cooper Industries, Inc., or Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc. The control panel shall be housed in a weatherproof enclosure with provisions for padlocking. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 15 The control panel shall be provided with cable to allow ground level mounting of controls and regulator. The control panel shall be of unit construction to allow its removal from the regulator by disconnecting the polarized disconnect jack plugs. The voltage regulating relay shall be capable of no load setting between 105 and 135 volts inclusive having a ratio of 60 to 1 for 7.20 kV secondary on a phase to neutral basis. The bandwidth adjustment shall be capable of holding a regulated voltage bandwidth from plus or minus 1.5 volts to plus or minus 3 volts. A bandwidth indicating meter shall be furnished which provides an indication as to whether the input panel voltage is within the bandwidth. Line drop compensation shall have a minimum of 0-24 volts each for resistance and reactance. Test terminals for load and voltage shall be located for convenient testing. The time delay relay shall be capable of settings between 10 and 90 seconds inclusive. All leads to the control shall be either color-coded or labeled for easy identification. The control cabinet shall be equipped with a thermostatic controller heater. The control panel shall be equipped with a neutral position indication light, a manual/automatic control switch, and operation counter. 4.4.4 Coil Assembly The regulator shall be designed to maintain its nameplate ampere and kVA rating throughout the temperature range. All materials used shall be of the 65C (85C Hot Spot) Class and be thoroughly tested for compatibility with all regulator components before inserted into design. All insulating paper used as layer insulation in regulators shall be bonded type, coated on both sides with a thermosetting adhesive and properly cured prior to impregnating with oil or the coils shall be wound with primary conductor containing a thermosetting adhesive that when properly cured will form a effective bond, both in turn to turn and layer to layer. A minimum of two sheets of insulation is to be provided between all series and exciting winding layers to guard against inherent paper defects and improve reliability of regulator windings. 4.4.5 Internal Lead Identification Internal secondary leads shall be identified with appropriate markings permanently embossed in the lead that correspond with the lead markings on the nameplate. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 16 4.4.6 Grounding Each regulator shall be equipped with a grounding pad located in the area of the base. The pad shall be two-hole NEMA drilling and shall be furnished with a bolted connector suitable for #2 AWG to 250 MCM stranded copper. 4.4.7 External Features Units shall be provided with metal oxide surge arresters rated for use at 7.62/13.2 kV grounded wye, mounted near the source, load. An external by-pass arrestor shall be installed between the source and load bushings to limit voltage rise across the series windings. The minimum BIL rating of all bushings shall be 95 kV and all bushings shall have a minimum creep distance of 17 inches. The bushings designations (S, L, or SL) shall be stamped or embossed on the regulator cover adjacent to the bushings. The primary bushings must be interchangeable with each other. Each bushing shall be provided with a terminal suitable for flat spade connection with NEMA standard four-hole drilling. An external oil sight gauge shall be provided which indicates oil level and oil color. An external position indicator which is mounted above the oil level of the regulator shall be included to provide information as to the regulator step position. The indicator shall be equipped with resettable sweep indicators to show high and low regulator positions. The position indicator shall be furnished with reflecting numbers and shall be slanted downward at 45 degree angle for easy reading from below when the regulator is mounted at ground level. All regulators shall be provided with an oil sampling valve. 4.4.8 Pressure Relief The regulators shall be provided with an assembly that is designed for pressure relief of combustible gasses built up from the mechanism tap changes. The assembly shall remain effectively sealed for overloads and external secondary short circuits of the duration and magnitude allowed by industry standards, but shall relieve pressure at a minimum of 8 psig. Design should meet the requirements of ANSI C57.12.20 paragraph 6.2.7 for relief of excessive pressure. 4.4.9 Current Transformers FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 17 Provide an internally mounted current transformer for phase current sensing for the control panel line drop compensation circuit. Rating shall be compatible with the maximum regulator capacity. The current transformer ratio shall be listed on the unit nameplate. 4.4.10 Potential Transformers The regulator potential transformer shall be connected line to neutral and have a voltage ratio of 60:1 Terminal for phase to neutral voltage checking purposes (recording and/or instantaneous) shall be provided on the control cabinet for regulated voltage. 4.4.11 Tank Pressure Withstand Tank withstand should meet NEMA TRI-1980, Part 2, Page 6, Section D. Tank bottom shall have a rolled edge and tank wall base which are three layers thick. 4.4.12 Finish 4.4.13 Tank covers shall have a slope of 15 for moisture run-off, shall have an insulating coating on the cover capable of withstanding 15 kV at a 2000 volt/second rate of rise, tested per ASTM D149 using 3@ diameter electrodes. The result of design tests to conform this capability shall be submitted for approval. The tank coat will be a finish which can withstand a direct blow of 160 inch-pounds per ASTM D-2794-69 and meets or exceeds the following as set forth in ANSI C57.12.28:-salt spray for 1000 hours, - humidity test, abrasion resistance test, - crosshatch adhesion test, - oil resistance test. 4.4.14 Nameplate Nameplates shall be made of a corrosion resistant material and permanently marked with essential operating data, including PCB classification. Nameplate shall meet ANSI standard C57.15. The nameplate shall show the type of material in coils. 4.4.15 Oil Preservation A sealed tank system shall be standard on all regulators. A sealed tank system is one in which the interior of the regulator will be sealed from the atmosphere throughout its top oil temperature range, and in which the gas plus the oil volume remain constant. The regulator will FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 18 remain effectively sealed throughout a top oil temperature range from minus 5C to plus 105 C provided the initial level has been properly adjusted. 4.4.16 Motor Capacitor The voltage regulator shall have the tap changer motor capacitor mounted inside the control enclosure for ease of replacement. 4.5.0 Quality Program Requirements 4.5.1 General Requirements Regulators addressed by this specification are subject to a quality program which establishes requirements to assure that the regulators provided by the vendor will comply with Industry Standards or this specification. 4.6.1 Regulator Bid Evaluation 4.6.1 Bids submitted for all schedules shall be evaluated for ACost of Ownership@utilizing initial cost, regulator losses, and the cost of financing. The formula is as follows: ACost of Ownership@ = (Unit Cost) + (Core Losses x A) + (Winding Losses x B) The cost of losses will be evaluated using the following watt charge: A. Core Loss (N.L) = $7.80 / watt B. Winding Loss (L.L.) = $2.10 / watt 4.6.2 Loss values utilized in evaluation of regulators will be the average of the respective losses at the 15 raise and the 16 raise position. 4.6.3 The City reserves the right to change at any time the no-load loss and winding loss charge given above insofar as these values are used to evaluate bids. 4.6.4 Failure to meet guaranteed losses shall result in an adjustment of the purchase price difference in guaranteed and the actual values multiplied by a penalty factor of three (3) times the cost of losses. If one type of loss exceeds guaranteed values and the other is less than guaranteed values, then the evaluation of both may determine the amount of the adjustment. However, IN NO CASE, shall the adjustment factor under this provision result in the net price increase to the City. 4.7.0 Other 4.7.1 All exterior nuts, bolts and hardware shall be of a corrosive resistive material. 4.7.2 The liquid supplied in these regulators shall be ANSI type II non-PCB type, as defined by ASTM-D-3487 Federal Regulation 40 CFR Part 761, latest revision. The liquid contained in these regulators shall be identified as a non-PCB type containing FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 19 less than 1 ppm. The data shall be on the nameplate on the regulator and on a separate ANon-PCB@ label, no larger than 3 inches by 3 inches, affixed to the regulator tank directly below the inside nameplate. A copy of the oil test report or oil certificate shall be furnished with each regulator delivered and shall include the regulator serial number listed. 4.7.3 All regulators shall be delivered in a flat bed or open top transport. Regulators arriving in a closed top trailer will not be accepted. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-2015 Page 20 Section 5 BID SCHEDULES BID SCHEDULE 1 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE (Item #1) Single Phase Distribution Voltage Regulator Rated at 833 kVA, 7200 volts Wye, 95 kV BIL, 60 Hertz, step type, 10% rise and 10% lower, Mineral Oil Filled, Certified Non-PCB - Listed On Nameplate and with Sticker 6 $ $____________ (Item #2) Additional Regulator Controls 0 $ $____________ (Item #3) Regulator Sub-Base (Required if the distance from the ground to the top of the regulator bushing is less than 108 inches.) 0 $ $____________ North Carolina Sales Tax (If Applicable) $____________ Grand Total items #1, #2 and #3 $____________ Manufacturer: Type: Maximum guaranteed no-load watt losses, 100% voltage, 75 C watts Maximum guaranteed load watt losses (not total losses) watts @step 0 watts @step 1R watts @step 1L watts @step 15L watts @step 16R watts @step 16L watts Cost of Ownership $ = X $7.80/watt + (NL watts) x $2.10/watt (LL watts) *NOTES: Loss levels will be considered in evaluating bids. No Load and Load losses are to be guaranteed per ANSI standards. List any exceptions on additional pages. FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-15 Page 21 BID SCHEDULE 2 – DELIVERY AND EXCEPTIONS DELIVERY DATE: SPECIFY YOUR EARLIEST DELIVERY DATE ARO TERMS: DELIVERY DATE: ______________________ City of Kinston reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the City. EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS: 1.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Attach separate sheet if additional space is required. Attach brochures, warranties and E-Verify Affidavit to this page. NAME OF BIDDER: _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Submitted BY: TITLE: _________________________________________________ DATE: TELEPHONE: ( )_____________________ NC Sales & Use Tax Registration Number: ___________________________________________ FB # PS-ELSS-08-18-15 Page 22