NIT NO. 14/3 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HQ), Page 2 of 114 ASSAM POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED OFFICE OF THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (HQ) BIJULI BHAWAN, PALTAN BAZAR, GUWAHATI-781001 NO. CGM (HQ) /Material/ CMPSAM/Pt-II/2014/ Date- INVITATION FOR BID Tender No. and Title NIT NO: - 14/3 Design, Manufacture and Supply of energy efficient Distribution Transformers of 25, 63 ,100 & 250 KVA capacity as per APDCL's specification. . (i) Sale of documents Upto 22.04.2014 (ii) Pre Bid meeting on 25/04/2014 at 13.00 hrs. (iii)Deadline of submission of Bid 30.04.2014 at 13.00 hrs. 1. For participation in pre bid meeting a firm will either have to purchase the tender documents or register for participation in the tender by paying the tender fee. 2. Bidder will have to give an undertaking in non-judicial stamp paper that they are not blacklisted or debarred for participation in tender by any electricity corporation/company. Firms blacklisted will not be allowed to participate if their blacklisting period is yet to be over. 3. Bidding is open to eligible manufacturers only who have the infrastructure to manufacture at least 300 nos. of DTRs per year of different capacities. 4. The Assam Power Distribution Co. Ltd. (''the Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for Design, Manufacture and Supply of Distribution Transformers of 11KV/250V-433 V of capacity 25,63,100 & 250KVA. 5. The scopes of the work involves Design, Engineering, Manufacture, Assembly, Inspection, Pre- despatch Testing at Manufacturer's Works, Packing, Supply, Delivery at site, including Insurance during transit to different stores under APDCL. 1) NIT NO 14/3- Design, Manufacture and Supply of Distribution Transformers of 11/.433 KV (25, 63, 100 & 250 KVA) Capacity Three Phase 63 100 250 25KVA Total 11/0.433KV KVA KVA KVA Tentative requirement 1764 1260 1008 630 4662 in nos. * * The number indicated may vary at the time of issue of orders. 2. Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect and acquire the bidding document in CD form at the office of the Chief General Manager (HQ) at the following address: APDCL Page 3 of 114 a) Chief General Manager(HQ), Material Wing,APDCL 6th Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati 781001Assam, India Telefax -0361-2739535 Website: Bid Documents in CD form will also be available at the following offices: b) Controller of Movement, Kanchana Apartments, 711 Russel Street, Kolkata-700071, West Bengal, India Te/ephone.- 0091-033-22291262 Facsimile no. -009/-033-2149326/ c) Resident Officer(Liaison), APDCL E-8, 2ndFloor, Lajpat Nagar-Il, New Delhi-I I 0024. India Telephone no. - 0091-011-29819218 Facsimile no. -0091-011-29819218 3. In order to purchase the bidding document, eligible bidders should 4. Write to the address above requesting for the bidding documents against NIT No: -14/3 Pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 12,000.00 by crossed Demand Draft/Bankers cheque in favour of the APDCL, payable at Guwahati. The bidding document is not transferable and cost of bidding documents is not refundable under any circumstances. Sale of bid documents is upto 22.04.2014 in all working days during office hours from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Single stage two-envelope bidding procedure will be adopted. Bidders are to submit simultaneously two sealed envelopes, one containing the techno-commercial bid and the other containing the price bid. The two envelopes should be identified and marked by bidders separately as "Techno-Commercial Bid" and "Price Bid". The tender number and the name of the bidder should also be written on the envelopes. Initially only the techno commercial bids shall be opened. Techno-commercial bids which are submitted by nonqualified bidders or which are not substantially responsive will be rejected. The price bids of the techno commercially qualified bidders only will be opened on a subsequent date to be notified later. All Bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft/Bank Call Deposit/ Banker's Cheque, Bank Guarantee pledged to APDCL, payable at Guwahati, amounting to: Rs.25,00,000.00 The EMD must be deposit in the shape of BG valid for 360 days w.e.f the date of opening of Techno-commercial Bid. The EMD must be included with the Techno-Commercial Bids. Techno-Commercial bids without EMD will be rejected outright. The Techno-commercial bids shall consist of information required as Qualifying Requirement, all Technical Bidding Schedules. Price Bids shall consist of Price Bidding Schedules with all quantities and prices filled up along with relevant taxes & duties as applicable. APDCL will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred en the preparation or delivery of the Bids. APDCL Page 4 of 114 4.1 The manufacturer outside the Northeast should have a tie up with the local approved vendors, approved by the ASEB/APDCL For replacement or repairing of the DTR’s they are to submit a copy of the agreement on stamp paper signed in presence of Notary with seal & date. 4.2 Manufacturers having turnover less than 25 Crores for out sider & 5 Crores for local per annum need not participate. OPENING OF BIDS 5.1 All Bids must be delivered in accordance with the instructions to the Bidders on or before 13.00 Hours on 30.04.2014. The Tachno-commercial Proposals will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. 5.2 APDCL reserves the right to cancel / withdraw the invitation for Bids without assigning any reason and shall bear no liability whatsoever consequent upon such a decision. NOTE : The manufacturers must ensure quality of the transformers as DTRs will be installed in different legislative constituencies of the state. Chief General Manager (HQ), APDCL Bijulee Bhawan, 4th floor, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781 001 APDCL Page 5 of 114 Qualifying Criteria (Other than specified in the bid documents) To be qualified for award of contract the bidder must compulsorily meet the following minimum criteria. 1. Submit a written Power of Attorney authorizing the signatory of the bid to commit the bidder; and i) The past track record/orders executed in APDCL and other state utilities will be taken into account to determine the size of the order. ii) A certificate regarding their manufacturing capacity will have to be provided by all manufacturers. iii) Bidders must have valid “Bureau of Indian Standard” (BIS) Certificate of markings and the bid should be accompanied by such certificates is not mandatory. iv) The bidder should submit a performance report of transformers for last three years either from any State Electricity or from Central Govt. utilities.. The certificate must be signed by an officer of rank not lower then Chief General Manager/Chief engineer of the utility. Any adverse remark on performance of quality, supply delivery schedule failure received from any utility shell be considered as technical disqualification. v) Litigation History; Bidders shell submit details of all the litigations, arbitration or other claims, whether pending threatened or resolved in the last 5 (five) years with the exception of immaterial claims with a cumulative impact of not more then 10% of there total assets. The employer may disqualify bidders in the event of that total amount of pending or threatened litigation, arbitration or other claims represent more then 50% of their total assets. vi) ISO certification; The bidders manufacturing facilities must have ISO certification with latest updating. Documentary evidence to this effect must be submitted with this bid. The bidders offer shell include and substantiate data on qualifying requirements such as; 2. a. Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and principal place of business, written power of attorney of the signatory of the bid to commit the bidder, b. Qualification and experience of key site management and technical personnel proposed for the contract, c. Reports on the financial standing of the bidder, such as profit and loss statement and auditor’s report for the last 5 years. d. Evidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract (access to lines of credit and availability of other financial resources). e. Authority to seek references from the Bidders Bankers. f. Information regarding any litigation, current or during last 5 years, in which the bidder is involved, the parties concerned and disputed amount. g. Bidders shell also submit proposal of work method and schedule in sufficient detail to demonstrate the adequacy of the bidders proposal to meet the Employers representative and the completion time. Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified if they have: Made misleading or false representation in the forms, statements and attachment submitted in proof of the qualification requirements, and or Notwithstanding anything stated herein under, the purchaser reserved the right to asses the capacity and capability of the bidder to execute the work, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of the purchaser. Chief General Manager (HQ), APDCL APDCL Page 6 of 114 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 3-Ф Distribution Transformers of 11kV/433-250V, 25, 63 and 100 & 250 KVA NIT NO-14/3 APDCL Page 7 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA INDEX Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 GENERAL SERVICE CONDITION GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES SURFACE PREPARATION & PAINTING TRANSFORMER TANK CORRUGATED TANK TANK COVER CORE (MAGNETIC CIRCUIT) AND CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES OF CORE Error! Reference source not found. 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 Error! Reference source not found. Error! Bookmark not defined. INTERNAL EARTHING 18 WINDING 18 BOLTS AND NUTS 20 INSULATION MATERIAL: 20 ACCESSORIES & FITTINGS 21 Protection & Measuring Devices 23 FITTINGS AND ACCESORIES 24 MISCELLANEOUS 25 LOSSES 25 Temperature rise: The temperature rise over ambient shall not exceed the limit given below: 27 MCCB BOX 27 TESTING AND INSPECTION 27 REJECTION 33 DRAWINGS and CALCULATIONS FOR SUBMISSION WITH THE BID 27.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN: 28.0 DATA SHEET 29.0 DOCUMENTATION : 30.0 GUARANTEE: 31.0 SCHEDULES: 32.0 DEVIATIONS: SCHEDULE - A GUARANTEED TECHNICAL AND OTHER PARTICULARS PRICE BID, NIT SL No 9 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 34 35 37 37 38 38 39 No.-14/3 SCHEDULE OF PRICE AND DELIVERY Particulars Tendered Offered Rate per unit for DoorDelivery by road APDCL Page 8 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Quantity Quantity at our respective stores of loading, Three Phase including unloading, stacking, F&I etc. (Duties & Tezpur Jorhat Taxes extra). 11/0.433KV Guwahati 1 25KVA 400 Nos. Nos. 2 63KVA 1500 Nos. Nos. 3 100KVA 1300 Nos. Nos. 4 250KVA 650 Nos. Nos. Silchar N.B- (i) Tender without showing breakup rates will be rejected outright, taxes must be mentioned clearly in %(percentage) in figure and words. (ii) Prices are variable as per IEEMA. Price variation clause.Base date will be the 1st date of the month of opening of Techno-Commercial Bid ,with the formula w.e.f. January/2012. Signature of Bidder Seal:Date:- PRICE BID, NIT No.-14/3 Destination → Guwahati Tezpur Jorhat Silchar APDCL Page 9 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Ex. Factory Price Excise Duty+Edu.cess+S&H.cess @ % VAT @ % CST @ % Frieght of Insurance Total Entry tax @ % Total Landed cost.(in Rs) Break up Price of the unit F.O.R door delivery by roads should be compulsory shown as below.(separate sheet for each capacity) N.B-(i) Tender without showing breakup rates wiil be rejected outright, taxes must be mentioned clearly in %(percentage) in figure and works. Signature of Bidder Seal:Date:- ANNEXURE – I CALCULATION MAXIMUM FLUX DENSITY AND CORE WEIGHT 55 Error! Reference source not found. DETAILS OF LOSS CALCULATION APDCL Page 10 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This section of the specifications is intended to cover requirements for design, engineering, manufacture, testing/inspection at manufacturer’ works before despatch, forwarding, packing, transporting and delivery at site of outdoor type naturally air-cooled, 11kV/433-350V Distribution Transformers of capacities 25, 63, 100 and 250 KVA complete with all accessories/fittings, LV side protection and spare parts. The bidder shall quote the price of transformer complete with first filling of oil. 2.0 2.1 BIDDING Each Technical Proposal must be accompanied by each of the following information/ documents with sufficient details along with other documents and information mentioned elsewhere to enable the purchaser to make an appraisal of the quality and suitability of the material and equipment offered. (a) Type test certificates of equipment of similar design from a nationally recognised laboratory, preferably at CPRI/ERDA laboratory. The Type test certificates should not be more than 3 (three) years old. The type rest certificates should also be accompanied by the drawings of equipment tested so that the test certificates can be directly linked to the equipments offered. In this regard following points shall also be noted: Equipment which has never been tested for critical performance shall not be accepted. In such cases, a promise or agreement by a bidder to have the equipment tested after award of a contract is not acceptable. 2.2 3.0 3.1 (b) Test reports to be acceptable must be related directly to the equipment offered. Test reports for a higher class/rating of equipment are acceptable with a commitment from bidder that the type test will be performed free of charge on the particular equipment after the award of contract. (c) Guaranteed and Other Particulars in the formats given in Schedule - A at the end of this Section. The bid should also be accompanied by manufacturer’s literatures and brochures. (d) The bidder shall have to submit the Annexure-A as a first page of the technical offer. Failure to meet the requirement of this Clause Error! Reference source not found. shall ender a Bid non-responsive. STANDARDS The Transformer and associated accessories shall conform to the latest BEE standard equivalent to minimum 3-star issues of the standards as given below, except to the extent explicitly modified in this specification. (1) CBIP manual on Transformers. Publication no 275 (2) CEA Guidelines for Specification of Energy Efficient Outdoor Type three phase and single phase Distribution Transformers, 2008. (3) Power Transformers IS:2026, IEC 76 APDCL Page 11 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (4) Outdoor distribution Transformer up to and including 100 kVA (5) Insulating oils for transformers and switchgears IS:335 (6) Bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V IS:2099 (7) Creepage distance (mm) IS: 3347 (8) Outdoor Bushings (9) Specification for low voltage bushings (10) Dimensions for clamping arrangements for bushings (11) Specification for Al Wire rods IS: 1180 IS:3347, DIN 42531 to 33 IS:7421 IS:4257 IS: 5434, ASTM B-233 (12) Specification for Insulating Kraft Paper IS:9335, IEC 554 (13) Specification for Insulating Press Board IS:1576, IEC 641 (14) Code of practice for installation and maintenance IS:10028 of transformers (15) Guide for loading of oil immersed transformers IS:6600 (16) Paper covered Aluminium conductor IS:6162 (17) Rectangular Electrical conductor for electrical machine IS:6160 (18) Electrical Power connector IS: 5561 (19) Colours for ready mix paints. (20) Ready mixed paint, brushing zinc chromate, priming (21) Specification for Copper wire rod (22) Testing for steel sheets and strips and magnetic circuits 3.2 4.0 4.1 IS: 5 IS 104 IS 12444, ASTM B-49 IS-649 In case equipment conforms to other international standard which ensure equivalent or better performance than that specified under Clause Error! Reference source not found., then elevant Standards shall be forwarded with the bid. GENERAL SERVICE CONDITION The climatic conditions at site under which the equipment shall operate satisfactorily are as follows:(a) Maximum temperature of air in shade 50º C (b) Minimum temperature of air in shade: - 2º C (c) Maximum average daily ambient air temperature 400C (d) Maximum yearly weighted average ambient temperature 320C (e) Maximum Humidity: 100% (f) Average of rainy days per annum: 150 (g) Average number of days of thunderstorm per annum: 45 APDCL Page 12 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (h) Average number of days of dust storm per annum: (i)Average annual rainfall: (j) Number of months of tropical monsoon per annum: (k) Maximum wind pressure: (l) Altitude (above mean sea level): 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5 (May to Sept) 195Kg/m2 200 to 1000 m GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION The Distribution transformer shall be 3-phase; oil immersed and shall have wound type for 25,63&100kVA and core type for 250KVA construction, and should be suitable for outdoor service in hot and humid tropical climate. The transformers and all its accessories shall be designed to withstand without injury, the thermal and mechanical effects of any external short circuit to earth and of short circuits at the terminals of any winding of values and duration specified in IS-2026. Transformer shall be capable of withstanding thermal and mechanical stress caused by symmetrical or asymmetrical faults on any winding. The calculation for the same to be submitted along with the offer The transformer shall be capable of being loaded in accordance with IS: 6600. There shall be no limitation imposed by bushings etc. The transformer shall be suitable for continuous operation with frequency variation of ±5% from normal 50Hz.Combined voltage and frequency variation should not exceed the rated V/f ratio by 10%. Also, for 250KVA. Transformer shall accept, without injurious heating, combined voltage and frequency fluctuation, which produces the following over fluxing conditions: i) 125% for 1 minute or 140% for 5 seconds ii) 5.7 5.8 25 2280 mm Over fluxing withstand characteristics up to 140% shall be submitted along with the bid. The thermal ability to withstand short circuit shall be demonstrated by calculation. The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yokes, at normal voltage and frequency of transformer shall be such that the flux density under over voltage condition as per Clause 5.5 above shall not exceed 1.9 Tesla. The detail calculation is to be shown as per Annexure-I. The maximum magnetising current at 110% rated voltage shall not be more than 125% of that at 100% rated voltage. Accordingly, the operating flux density for design should be carefully chosen within the stipulated value to achieve the above requirement. The Bidder shall quote the practical achievable no load current at different percentages of rated voltage as per Guaranteed Technical Particulars which will be verified during no load test. The maximum current density in any winding shall not exceed 1.50A/ (Aluminium). The sources of prime materials, place of manufacture, testing and inspection should be shown as per the proforma enclosed in Annexure – VI. SUPPRESSION OF HARMONICS The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic voltage, especially the third and fifth, so as to eliminate wave form distortion. APDCL Page 13 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 5.13 6.0 CENTRE OF GRAVITY The center of gravity of the assembled transformers shall be low and as near to the vertical center line as possible. The transformer shall be stable with or without oil. If the center of gravity is eccentric relating to track either with or without oil, its location shall be shown on the outline drawing. GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES 6.1 GENERAL 6.2 All material used shall be of best quality and of the class most suitable for working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of temperature and atmospheric conditions without distortion or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any part and also without effecting the strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which they have to perform. 6.3 Similar parts, particularly removable ones, shall be interchangeable. 6.4 Pipes, screws, studs, nuts and bolts used for external connections shall be as per the relevant standards. Steel bolts and nuts exposed to atmosphere shall be galvanized. 6.5 Nuts, bolts and pins used inside the transformers shall be provided with lock washers or locknuts. 6.6 Exposed parts shall not have any pockets where water can collect. 6.7 Internal design of transformer shall ensure that air/gas is not trapped in any location. 6.8 Material in contact with oil shall be such as not to contribute to the formation of acid in oil. Surface in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated. 6.9 Labels, indelibly marked, shall be provided for all identifiable accessories. All label plates shall be of non corrodible material. 6.10 All internal connections and fastenings shall be capable of operating under overloads and overexcitation, allowed as per specified standards without injury. 6.11 Transformer and accessories shall be designed to facilitate proper operation, inspection, maintenance and repairs. 6.12 No patching, plugging, shimming or other such means of overcoming defects; discrepancies or errors will be accepted. 7.0 7.1 SURFACE PREPARATION & PAINTING GENERAL 7.1.1 All paints, when applied in a normal full coat, shall be free from runs, sags, wrinkles, patchiness, brush marks or other defects. 7.1.2 All primers shall be well marked into the surface, particularly in areas where painting is evident and the first priming coat shall be applied as soon as possible after cleaning. The paint shall be applied by airless spray according to manufacturer’s recommendations. However, where ever airless spray is not possible, conventional spray be used with prior approval of purchaser. APDCL Page 14 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 7.2 CLEANING AND SURFACE PREPARATION: 7.2.1 After all machining, forming and welding has been completed, all steel work surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale, welding slag or spatter and other contamination prior to any painting. 7.2.2 Steel surfaces shall be prepared by shot blast cleaning (IS:9954) to grade Sq.2.5 of ISO 85011 or chemical cleaning including phosphating of the appropriate quality (IS :3618) 7.2.3 Chipping, scraping and steel wire brushing using manual or power driven tools cannot remove firmly adherent mill-scale. These methods shall only be used where blast cleaning is impractical. Manufacturer to clearly explain such areas in his technical offer. 7.3 7.3.1 7.4 PROTECTIVE COATING As soon as all items have been cleaned and within four hours of subsequent drying, they shall be given suitable anti-corrosion protection. PAINT MATERIAL 7.4.1 Following are the types of paint which may be suitably used for the items to be painted at shop and supply of matching paint to site: Heat resistant paint (Hot oil proof) for inside surface. 7.4.2 For external surfaces one coat of thermo setting powder paint or one coat of epoxy primer followed by two coats of polyurethane paint. These paints can be either air drying or stoving. 7.5 PAINTING PROCEDURE : 7.5.1 All prepared steel surfaces should be primed before visible re-rusting occurs or within 4 hours, whichever is sooner. Chemical treated steel surfaces shall be primed as soon as the surface is dry and while the steel surface is still warm. 7.5.2 Where the quality of film is impaired by excess film thickness (wrinkling, mud cracking or general softness) the supplier shall remove the unsatisfactory paint coating and apply another coating. As a general rule, dry film thickness should not exceed the specified minimum dry film thickness by more than 25%. 7.6 DAMAGED PAINTWORK : 7.6.1 Any damage occurring to any part of a painting scheme shall be made good to the same standard of corrosion protection and appearance as that was originally applied. 7.6.2 Any damaged paint work shall be made good as follows: The damaged area, together with an area extending 25 mm around its boundary, shall be cleaned down to bare metal. A priming coat shall be immediately applied, followed by a full paint finish equal to that originally applied and extending 50 mm around the perimeter of the original damage. The repainted surface shall present a smooth surface. This shall be obtained by carefully chamfering the paint edges before and after priming. 7.7 DRY FILM THICKNESS : APDCL Page 15 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 7.7.1 The maximum extent practicable the coats shall be applied as a continuous film of uniform thickness and free of pores. Overspray, skips, runs, sags and drips should be avoided. The different coats may or may not be the same colour. 7.7.2 Each coat of paint shall be allowed to harden before the next is applied as per manufacturer’s recommendations. 7.7.3 Particular attention must be paid to full film thickness at the edges. 7.7.4 The requirements for the dry film thickness (DFT) of paint and the materials to be used shall be as given below: Sl.No Paint type Area to painted 1. inside 01 30 outside 01 60 a) Epoxy (primer) outside 01 30 b) P.U.Paint (Finish coat) outside 02 25 each c) Hot oil paint/Varnish inside 01 35/10 2. Thermo setting powder paint be No. of coats Total dry film thickness (min) (microns) Liquid Paint 7.8 TESTS FOR PAINTED SURFACE: 7.8.1 The painted surface shall be tested for paint thickness. 7.8.2 The painted surface shall pass the cross hatch adhesion test and impact test as acceptance tests and Salt spray test and Hardness test as type test as per the relevant ASTM standards. Note: The paint work done shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 5 years from the date of receipt of the equipment. 8.0 TRANSFORMER TANK 8.1 There should be no joints in the corner as per CEA guideline. The Transformer tank and cover shall be fabricated from high-grade low carbon plate steel of tested quality. The transformer tank shall be of robust construction rectangular/octagonal/round/elliptical in shape. The sheet thickness of 3.15 mm for the bottom and top and not less than 2.5 mm sides upto and including 25 KVA, 5.0 mm and 3.15 mm respectively for transformers of more than 25 kVA and upto and including 100 KVA, above 100KVA it should be 6.0mm and 4.0 mm. Tolerances as per IS: 1852 shall be applicable. 8.2 Transformers upto 100 kVA, there shall be no joints at corners and there shall not be more than 2 joints in total. There shell be no inspection cover upto 100 kVA. 8.3 The tank plate and lifting lugs shall be of such strength that the complete transformer filled with oil may be lifted by means of lifting shackle. 8.4 All beams, flanges, lifting lugs, braces and permanent parts attached to the tank, shall be welded and where practicable, they shall be double welded. APDCL Page 16 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 8.5 The main tank body of the transformer without oil, shall be capable of withstanding pressure of 225 mm of Hg. Permanent deflection, when subjected to vacuum, shall not be more than the values as given below: please check with 8.6 (All figures in mm) Horizontal length of flat plate Permanent deflection Up to and including 750 5.0 751 to 1250 6.5 1251 to 1750 8.0 1751 to 2000 9.5 2001 to 2250 11.0 2251 to 2500 12.0 2501 to 3000 16.0 Above 3000 19.0 8.6 The tank shall further be capable of withstanding a pressure of 0.8 kg/ (g) and a vacuum of 0.7 kg/ (g) without any deformation. 8.7 All bolted connections to the tank shall be fitted with suitable oil-tight gaskets, which shall give satisfactory service under the operating conditions and guaranteed temperature rise conditions. Special attention shall be given to the methods of making the hot oil-tight joints between the tank and the cover as also between the tank cover and the bushings and all outlets to ensure that the joint can be remade satisfactorily at site and with ease, with the help of semi-skilled labour. Where compressible gaskets are used, stops shall be provided to prevent overcompression. The top cover gaskets should not be exposed to atmosphere. 8.8 Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or dismantling. 8.9 Tank stiffeners shall be provided for general rigidity and these shall be designed to prevent retention of water. 9.0 CORRUGATED TANK 9.1 Corrugated tank may be offered for 63 and 100 kVA. 9.2 The transformer tank shall be of robust construction corrugation in shape and shall be built up of CRCA sheets of 1.2 mm thick. 9.3 The internal clearance of tank shall be such that, it shall facilitate easy lifting of core with coils from the tank, with CCA (core-coil assembly), HV & LV bushings mounted on top cover. 9.4 All joints of tank and fittings shall be oil tight and no bulging should occur during service. 9.5 The tank design shall be such that the core and windings can be lifted freely. The tank plate shall be such strength that the complete transformer when filled with oil may be lifted bodily by means of lifting lugs. Inside of the tank shall be painted with hot oil resistant paint. 9.6 Corrugation panel shall be used for cooling. The transformer shall be capable of giving continuous rated output without exceeding the specified temperature rise. APDCL Page 17 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 9.7 2 Nos. welded heavy duty lifting lugs of MS plate 8 mm thick (min) suitably reinforced are to be provided. 9.8 Top cover fixing bolts of galvanized iron and 6 mm Neoprene bonded cork gaskets conforming to IS 4253 Part-II shall be placed between tank and cover. The bolts outside tank shall have 2 flat washers and one spring washer. 9.9 Tanks with corrugations shall be tested for leakage test at a pressure of 0.25kg/cm 2 measured at the top of the tank. 9.10 The transformers with corrugation should be provided with a pallet for transportation, the dimensions of which should be more than the length and width of the transformer tank with corrugations. 10.0 TANK COVER 10.1 The transformer top shall be provided with a detachable tank cover with bolted flanged gasket joint. The surface of the cover shall be suitably sloped so that it does not retain rainwater. 10.2 Each tank cover shall be of adequate strength and shall not distort when lifted. Inspection opening shall be provided as necessary to give easy access to bushing. Each inspection opening shall be of ample size for the purpose for which it is provided, The tank cover and inspection cover shall be provided with suitable lifting arrangements. 10.3 The tank cover shall be fitted with pockets for thermometer (at the center of the top cover). 10.4 The tank cover is to enclose the flanged gasket. 10.5 The thermometer pockets shall be fitted with a captive screw top to prevent the ingress of water. 10.6 Bushings, covers of inspection openings, etc. shall be designed to prevent ingress of water into or leakage of oil from the tank. 10.7 HV bushings are to be mounted on the top cover. However, for maintenance purpose, the termination point of HV leads should have easy accessibility. All bolted connection shall be fitted with weather proof, hot oil resistant gasket in between, for complete oil tightness. If gasket is compressible, metallic stoppers shall be provided to prevent over compression. 11.0 Clamping etc of DTR 11.1 The suitable clamping device should be provided for top and bottom of the transformer in case where it will be mounted on pole. The clamping device should suitable for both PSC and Steel Tubular poles. 11.2 For pad mounted transformer, to prevent movement during earthquake, clamping devices shall be provided for fixing transformer to the foundation. The bidders shall supply necessary bolts for embedding of the concrete foundation. The arrangement shall be such that the transformer can be fixed to or unfastened from these bolts as desired. The fixing of the transformers to the foundations shall be so designed to withstand the seismic events to the extent that a static coefficient of 0.5g, applied to the direction of least resistance to that loading will not cause the transformer or clamping devices as well as bolts to be over stressed. 11.3 UNDER CARRIAGE 11.3(a) For 250 KVA the transformer tank shall be supported on steel structure with detachable forged steel flanged wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely filled with oil. APDCL Page 18 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 11.3(b) Suitable locking arrangement along with eoundation bolts shall be provided for the wheels to prevent accidental movement of the transformer. 11.3© The suitable clamping device should be provided for top and bottom of the transformer in case where it will be mounted on poles. The clamping device should suitable for both PSC and Steel Tubular poles. The clamps should be galvanized as per relevant IS. 11.3(d) The prevent movement during earthquake, clamping devices shall be provided for fixing transformer to the foundation. The bidders shall supply necessary bolts for embedding of the concrete foundation. The arrangement shall be such that the transformer can be fixed to or unfastened from these bolts as desired. The fixing of the transformers to the foundations shall be so designed to withstand the seismic events to the extent that a static co-efficient of 0.5g, applied to the direction of least resistance to that will not cause the transformer or clamping devices as well as bolts to be over stressed. 12.0 CORE (MAGNETIC CIRCUIT) AND CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES OF CORE 12.1 The magnetic circuit shall be constructed from high grade cold rolled non-ageing grain oriented silicon steel lamination of M4 or better with thickness of less than or equal to 0.27 mm. The material should be coated with hot oil proof insulation. The core shall be stress relieved by annealing under inner atmosphere if required. 12.2 Only primary core material is to be used. The bidder should offer the core for inspection and approval by the purchaser or third party Inspection Agency during the manufacturing stage. Bidder’s call notice for the purpose should be accompanied with the following document as applicable as a proof towards use of Prime Core material. (a) Invoice of supplier, (b) Mill’s test certificate. (c) Packing list, (d) Bill of loading, (e) Bill of entry certificate to customs Core material should be directly procured from either the manufacturer or their accredited marketing organisation of repute and not through any agent. It is preferable for the manufacturer to have in house numeric controlled Core cutting facility for better control of quality and also to avoid any mixing of Prime Core material with second’s materials. Core cutting machine number and drawings are to be furnished. 12.3 The following procedure is to be adopted for those manufacturers who have no in-house corecutting facility: (1) The bidder should specify the grade, thickness of core material in the offer along with submission of all graphs/ documents, relating to the grade of core material, offered by them. (2) The documents, as mentioned above should be submitted to APDCL along with the following informations: APDCL Page 19 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA a) Purchase order No. & Date. b) No. of packed coils with package Nos. c) Gross weight. d) Net weight e) Port of loading. f) Port of discharge. g) Grade and thickness of core material. i) Any other information, as mentioned on the body of packed coils. (3) The manufacturer in its offer will mention the names of at least three Sub-vendors, to whom they intend to assign their core cutting. Such sub-vendors should have been approved by other Electricity Boards/ Electrical utilities and are accredited by some International recognized certification body like ISO: 9000 etc., to ensure that a minimum quality parameters and tolerances are maintained. The experience, the details of core-cutting facilities, finishing and testing facilities etc., as available with such sub-vendors should be clearly outlined in the bid. (4) On award of contract, the Transformer Manufacture is to assign the core-cutting to such sub-vendor(s) for which approval is to be given by APDCL or its successor companies. 12.4 The laminations shall be free of all burrs and sharp projections. Each sheet shall have an insulating coating resistant to the action of hot oil. 12.5 The design of magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges, development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthed clamping structure and production of flux component at right angle to the plane of the lamination which may cause local heating. 12.6 All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly shot or sand blasted, after cutting, drilling and welding. 12.7 The finally assembled core with all the clamping structures shall be free from deformation and shall not vibrate during operation. The core shall be carefully assembled and rigidly clamped to ensure adequate mechanical strength. 12.8 The core clamping structure shall be designed to minimize eddy current loss. 12.9 The framework and clamping arrangements shall be securely earthed. 12.10 The supporting frame work of the cores shall be so designed as to avoid the presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank through the drain valve or cause trapping of air during filling. 12.11 The oxide/silicate coating given on the core shall be adequate; however, laminations can be insulated by the manufacturers if considered necessary. 12.12 All parts of the cores shall be of robust design capable of withstanding any shocks to which they may be subjected during lifting, transport, installation and service. 12.13 Adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of the core and winding relative to the tank during transport and installation or while in service. 12.14 No-load current shall not exceed 3% of full load current & 1.5% for 250KVA will be measured by energizing the transformer at 433 volts, 50Hz frequency. Increase of voltage of 433 volts by 12.5% shall not increase the no-load current by 6% & 40% maximum of 250 KVA of full load current. APDCL Page 20 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 13.0 INTERNAL EARTHING 13.1 EARTHING OF CORE CLAMPING STRUCTURE i) All internal metal parts of the transformer, with the exception of individual laminations, core bolts and their individual clamping plates shall be earthed. ii) The top clamping structure shall be connected to the tank by a copper strap. The bottom clamping structure shall be earthed by one or more of the following methods: 13.2 a) By connection through vertical tie-rods to the top structure. b) By a connection to the top structure on the same side of the core as the main earth connection to the tank. EARTHING OF MAGNETIC CIRCUIT i) The magnetic circuit shall be connected to the clamping structure at one point only 13.3 SIZE OF EARTHING CONNECTIONS Earthing strip should be tin copper and size will be approved by the purchaser after getting suppliers offer. 14.0 WINDING 14.1 GENERAL i) The current density of Aluminium in any part of the windings shall not exceed 1.50 Amps/Sq. mm. ii) All windings shall be made of electrolytic high conductivity Aluminum for transformer of capacity up to 250 KVA and shaped and braced to provide for expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. Winding shall be fully insulated as defined in IS: 2026. All neutral points shall be insulated for the voltage specified in IS: 2026. The winding shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage, rating shall be interchangeable. iii) Number of HV coils per phase should not be less than Six (6) for 63, 100 & 250KVA and single HV coil for 25 kVA with the type Crossover/Sectional. Number of secondary (LV) coil should be one with spiral type winding construction. iv) LV winding shall be such that neutral formation will be at top. v) Conductor covering for HV winding conductor should be DPC with minimum 0.35 mm thickness and for LV conductor DPC with minimum 0.40 mm thickness. vi) Interlayer insulation shall be Nomex/Epoxy dotted Kraft Paper. vii) Distribution Transformers shall be designed to withstand the impulse and power frequency test voltages as per IS: 2026. viii) Magnitude of impulse surges transferred from HV to LV windings by induction and capacitance coupling shall be limited to B.I.L. of LV winding APDCL Page 21 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA ix) The completed core and coil assembly shall be dried in vacuum at not more than 0.5mm of mercury absolute pressure and shall be immediately impregnated with oil after the drying process to ensure the elimination of air and moisture within the insulation. Vacuum may be applied in either vacuum over or in the transformer tank x) Winding shall be subjected to a shrinking and seasoning process, so that no further shrinkage occurs during service. Adjustable devices shall be provided for taking up possible shrinkage in service. xi) Winding shall not contain sharp bends which might damage the insulation or produce high dielectric stresses. No strip conductor wound on edge shall have width exceeding six times the thickness. xii) Varnish application on coil windings may be given only for mechanical protection and not for improvement in dielectric properties. In no case varnish or other adhesive be used which will seal the coil and prevent evacuation of air and moisture and impregnation by oil. xiii) The insulation of transformer windings and connection shall be free from insulating composition liable to soften, ooze out ,shrink or collapse during service and be non catalytic and chemically inactive in transformer oil. xiv) The winding shall be designed to reduce to minimise, the out of balance forces in transformers at all voltages ratios for 250KVA. xv) The coil clamping arrangement and the finished dimensions of any oil ducts shall be such as will not impede the free circulation of oil through the ducts. xvi) Terminals of all windings shall be brought out of the tank through bushings for external connections xvii) The winding shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be interchangeable and field repairs to the winding can be made readily without special equipment. The coils shall have high dielectric strength xviii) All leads from windings to terminals shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury from vibration. Guide tubes may be used where possible. 14.2 BRACING OF WINDINGS 14.2.1 The windings and connections of all transformers shall be braced to withstand shocks, which may occur during transport or due to switching and other transient conditions during service. i) Coil clamping rings shall be of suitable insulating material. ii) Permanent current carrying joints in the windings and leads shall be welded or brazed. Clamping bolts for current carrying parts inside oil shall be made of oil resistant material which shall not be affected by acidity in the oil steel bolts, if used, shall be suitably treated. iii) Adequate barriers shall be provided between coils and core and between high and low voltage coil. End turns shall have additional protection against abnormal line disturbances. APDCL Page 22 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA iv) Coil should be clamped by 8 (eight) numbers of 12 mm dia tie rods between top and bottom yoke support channels & for 250 KVA, 20mm.dia tie rods between top and bottom yoke support channels.. 15.0 BOLTS AND NUTS 15.1 Steel bolts and nuts exposed to atmosphere with suitable finishes like cadmium plated or zinc plated passivated will be used for diameter above 6 mm. 15.2 Brass bolts and nuts of less than 6 mm shall not be used for electrical connections. Where smaller size is required, stainless steel or phosphor bronze may be used. Sizes and threads will be as per Indian Standard, wherever, available, otherwise equivalent British Standard will be followed. 15.3 All nuts and bolts and pins shall be locked in position with the exception of those external to the transformer. The bolts shall be fitted in such a manner that in the event of the nut working loose and falling off, the bolts will remain in position. 15.4 All bolts, nuts and washers in contact with non-ferrous parts which carry current and are exposed to atmosphere shall be of phosphor bronze, where transfer of current is through bolts. 15.5 If bolts and nuts are placed that are in accessible by means of ordinary spanners, suitable special spanners shall be provided by the supplier. 16.0 INSULATION MATERIAL: 16.1 Electrical grade insulation epoxy dotted Kraft Paper/Nomex and pressboard of standard make or any other superior material subject to approval of the purchaser shall be used. 16.2 All spacers, axial wedges / runners used in windings shall be made of pre-compressed Pressboard solid, conforming to type B 3.1 of IEC 641 – 3 – 2 . For cross-over coil winding of HV all spacers shall be properly sheared and dovetail punched to ensure proper locking. All axial wedges / runners shall be properly milled to dovetail shape so that they pass through the designed spacers freely. Insulation shearing, cutting, milling and punching operations shall be carried out in such a way, that there should not be any burr and dimensional variations. 16.3 INSULATING OIL 16.3.1 The insulating oil for the transformers shall be of EHV grade, generally conforming to IS: 335. No inhibitors shall be used in the oil. 16.3.2 The quantity of oil required for the first filling of the transformer and its full specification shall be stated in the bid. The bidder shall quote the price of transformer complete with first filling of oil. 16.3.3 The design and materials used in the construction of the transformer shall be such as to reduce the risk of the development of acidity in the oil. 16.3.4 The supplier shall warrant that oil furnished is in accordance with the following specifications. a) Appearance : The oil shall be clear and transparent and free from APDCL Page 23 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA suspended matter or sediment b) Density at 20oC Max: 0.89g/cm3 c) Kinematic Viscosity at 27oC Max: 27 CST d) Interfacial at 27oC Min.: 0.03 N/m e) Flash Point: 140oC f) Pour Point Max: -6oC g) Neutralisation Value: 0.03 mg/KOH/g (Total Acidity) Max h) Electric Strength: 60 kV (Breakdown Voltage) Min. i) Dielectric dissipation factor: 0.05 tan delta at 90oC Max j) Minimum specific resistance: 1 x 1012 ohm cm (resistivity), at 90oC Min. k) Oxidation Stability l) i) Neutralisation value after Max: 0.40 mg/KOH/g ii) Total sludge after oxidation max: 0.10% by weight Presence of oxidation Inhibotor: The oil shall not contain anti-oxidant Additives m) Water content Max: 25 ppm 17.0 ACCESSORIES & FITTINGS 17.1 BUSHINGS: 17.1.1 The bushing shall conform to the relevant standards specified and shall be of outdoor type. The bushing rods and nuts shall be made of brass material 12 mm diameter for HT bushings. Both the HV bushings should be mounted on top cover & LV bushing should be Epoxy/polymeric type and should be over side wall of the tank. The tests as per latest IS:2099 and IS:7421 shall be conducted on the transformer bushings. 17.1.2 Bushing should be of porcelain material. Polymer insulator bushings conforming with relevant IEC can also be used. LV side bushings shall invariably be either of epoxy material or APDCL Page 24 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA polymeric type and HV bushing should be polymeric/porceline and mounted on top of the tank. The bidder is to name at least 2/3 vendors of repute who are presently manufacturing epoxy/polymeric bushings and APDCL will select the vendor from those of offered at the time of detail engineering. 17.1.3 For 11 KV, 17.5 kV class bushing and for 0.433 kV, 1.1 kV class bushing shall be used. 17.1.4 Dimensions of the bushings of the voltage class shall conform to the Standards specified and dimension of clamping arrangement shall be as per IS:4257. 17.1.5 Minimum external phase to phase and phase to earth clearances of bushing terminals shall be as follows : Voltage Clearance Phase to phase Phase to earth 11 kV 255 mm 140 mm 0.433 kV 75 mm 40 mm 17.1.6 Brazing of all inter connections, jumpers from winding to bushing shall have cross section larger than the winding conductor. All the Brazes shall be qualified as per ASME, section-IX. 17.2 TERMINAL CONNECTORS : 17.2.1 The HV bushing stems shall be provided with suitable terminal connectors as per IS: 5082 so as to connect the jumper without disturbing the bushing stem. Connectors shall be with eye bolts so as to receive conductor for HV. Terminal connectors shall be type tested as per IS:5561. 17.2.2 Bird guards are not necessary. 17.2.3 All LV bushing shall be provided with connectors in accordance with IS : 3347 (Part 1 /Section 1 & 2) and the connector shall be universal type suitable for both horizontal and / or vertical take off.. The connector should have the capacity to accommodate connection of at least 1core 70 to 120 XLPE cable. 17.2.4 The terminal connectors to be supplied for both H.V. and L.V. side shall be universal type for 250 kVA suitable for both horizontal or/and vertical take off. 17.2.5 The type of terminal connector, size of connector, material, and type of installation shall be approved by the APDCL, as per installation requirement while approving the equipment drawings. 17.3 EARTHING TERMINAL: 17.3.1 Earthing strip is deleted for 250KVA, two earthing pads,suitable for 40X6mm galvanised steel flat shall be provided each at position close to two diagonally bottom corners of tank. APDCL Page 25 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 18.0 Protection & Measuring Devices A) B) Conservator Tank i. The conservator tank for 63KVA and above shall have adequate capacity between highest and lowest visible levels to meet the requirement of the expansion of the total cold oil volume in the transformer from minimum ambient temperature to 90°C. The total volume of conservator shall be 10% of total oil in the transformer. ii. It is desirable to create sump in the conservator for which the feed pipe extension of 25mm will be required and the design of feed pipe to transformer tank should be such that the oil from conservator does not fall directly to the core & coil assembly. iii. The conservator should have one oil filling hole of 32 mm size with gasketed cover. One air release plug of 15mm size will be required. iv. The conservator tank shall be bolted into position so that it can be removed for cleaning purposes. v. The conservator tank shall be fitted with prismatic oil level gauge with minimum and maximum marking. vi. The conservator tank shall be provided in a position not to obstruct the electrical connections to the transformers. Pressure Relief Device Pressure relief device may be provided at suitable locations which shall be of sufficient size for rapid release of any pressure that may be generated in the tank and which may result in damage to the equipment. The device shall operate at the static pressure of less than the hydraulic test pressure of transformer tank. It shall be mounted directly on the tank. C) Oil Preservation Equipment (i) Oil Sealing Breather The conservator shall be fitted with a dehydrating filter breather. It shall be so designed that, 1) Passage of air is through a dust filter & Silica gel 2) Silica gel is isolated from atmosphere by an oil seal. 3) Moisture absorption indicated by a change in colour of the crystals can be easily observed from a distance. 4) Breather is mounted not more than 1200 mm above rail top level. 5) The breather should have at least 500gm for 25,63 & 100 kVA and 1000gm for 250 KVA of silica gel. APDCL Page 26 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 18.1 RADIATORS & VALVES 18.1.1 18.2 RADIATORS i) Radiators shall be of press steel having thickness of 1.2 mm Cold Rolled Continuously Annealed (CRCA) sheet and design should be such that all painted surface can be thoroughly cleaned by hand. ii) The inlet header of Radiators should be put below the LV bushings in such a way that in the event of oil leakage from LV bushings, the circulation of oil through radiators are continuing. The arrangement to be demonstrated at the time of detail engineering and will be verified during stage inspection. Failure of this arrangement will lead to total rejection of offered lot VALVES 18.2.1 Each transformer shall be provided with following valves on the tank: a) b) One fully pilfer proof valve below the top cover. One 15 mm air release plug. 19.0 FITTINGS AND ACCESORIES 19.1.1 The following fittings shall be provided on each transformer: a) Conservator fitted with oil filling hole and cap. b) Prismatic type oil gauge is not necessary. c) Silica gel breather with oil seal. d) Pressure relief device for main tank. e) Pocket on tank cover (placed at mid position) for thermometers. f) 9 kV, 5 KA lightning arrestors on HT side – 3 No. g) Valve (32mm) shall be of globe type. h) Earthing terminals with lugs- 2 nos. i) Rating and diagram plate, non-detachable. j) Lifting lugs for main tank. k) Top tank clamping is not necessary. l) Terminal connectors on the HV/LV bushing m) Base channel of 75 x 40 mm, 460X6mm long with holes to make them suitable for fixing on a platform or plinth and for 250KVA, 150X75X6mm,460mmlong. n) 5 year guarantee plate non detachable type. o) For 250KVA, inspection cover. APDCL Page 27 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA p) For 250KVA, bidirectional rollers with locking & bolting device. 20.0 MISCELLANEOUS i) LIGHTNING ARRESTORS: Lightening arrestor is deleted, but provision should be made for future incorporate. 9 kV, 5 kA metal oxide lightning arrestors Distribution class type of make conforming relevant standard, one number per phase shall be provided to be fitted under the HV bushing. The LA should be clamped to HV side bushing with a galvanized earth strip of size 25x4 mm & for 250KVA, 40X5mm with two nos of M8 size bolt hole along with galvanized nut & bolts and the strip should run near to pole for pole mounted transformer so that the riser from the ground can be connected properly ii) NAME PLATE Transformer rating plate shall contain the information as given in clause 15 of IS2026 (Part-I). The details on rating plate shall be finalised during the detailed engineering. 21.0 LOSSES 21.1 The bidder shall guarantee the total losses at 50% and 100% load condition (at rated voltage and frequency and at 750C) as per Table – I below. . Table: I Rating (KVA) Max. Losses at 50% loading (Watts) Max. Losses at 100% loading (Watts) at 750C 25 210 695 63 380 1250 100 520 1800 250 1050 3320 21.2 The above losses are maximum allowable and there would not be any “+ve” tolerance. Bids with higher losses than the specified values would be treated as non responsive. 21.3 The bidder shall guarantee individually the no-load loss and load loss (Table: II) without any positive tolerance. APDCL Page 28 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Table: II Rating No load loss in Watts (Max) Load losses in Watts (Max) at 750C CAPITALISATION OF LOSSES AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR EXCESSIVE LOSSES: (KVA) 25 80 520 63 145 940 100 220 1180 250 430 2600 21.4 Transformers with losses less than those specified above will be capitalized during bid evaluation process as per Clause No 22.6 21.5 Since IS: 2026 allows certain tolerances on the transformer losses, the bidders are requested to indicate whether the figures given for guaranteed losses in the schedule of guaranteed technical particulars are with or without such tolerances. If tolerances are applicable, the limits for the same should be indicated. In the absence of any information to this effect, the figures for no-load losses and load losses will be increased by 10% as provided in the IS. Any change in the figures assigned for transformer losses will not be permitted after opening of bids and bid evaluation will be carried out on the basis of information made available at the time of bid opening. 21.6 For the purpose of comparison of the different bids, the capitalized cost of each transformer shall be considered. Capitalized cost of the transformer for the purpose of tender evaluation only shall be calculated as given below: Capitalised cost in Rs = IC+328 Wi(g) +181 Wc(g) Where, IC= Quoted price of transformer in Rs Wi(g) = Guaranteed no load loss in Watt Wc(g)= Guaranteed load loss (copper loss) in Watt 21.7 The loss figures (both guaranteed & test) for the purpose of calculation shall be at rated frequency and voltage and at principal tap and 75º C. 21.8 If losses are quoted with tolerance limit, then upper positive value will be considered for capitalization. 21.9 Penalties will be applicable if any one or more test loss figures of no-load loss and total losses exceed the corresponding guaranteed figures. The penalties will be calculated as follows: (a) For No-load loss, Penalty (in rupees) = {Wi (t) – Wi (g)} x 2R1. (b) For load loss, Penalty (in rupees) = {WT (t) – Wi (t) - WI (g)} x 2R2 APDCL Page 29 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Where, WT (t) = Total loss (test value) in W. WT (g) = Total loss (guaranteed value) in W. Wi (t) = No-load loss (test value) in W. Wi (g) = No-load loss (guaranteed value) in W. W1 (g) = Load loss (guaranteed value) in W.( Copper loss ) R1 = Rs.328/- R2 = Rs.181/- 21.10 For the purpose of penalty computation, the test figures of the no-load and the total losses of each transformer will be compared with the corresponding guaranteed figures. 21.11 Calculation of detail losses including flux density and no load current are to be furnished for copper loss, iron loss indicating corresponding copper weight and core weight and considering all parameters and also supported by the drawings showings details of diameter and height of winding and core duly signed by manufacturer’s design personnel. The loss calculation is to be shown as per proforma in Annexure – II. 22.0 Temperature rise: The temperature rise over ambient shall not exceed the limit given below: 22.1 Top oil temperature rise measured by thermometer : 350C 22.2 Winding temperature rise measured by resistance method : 400C Bids not meeting the above limits of temperature rise will be treated as non-responsive. 23.0 MCCB BOX 23.1 MCCB BOX has been deleted but provision should be made for future incorporate. 24.0 TESTING AND INSPECTION 24.1 TESTS (i) The Supplier shall carry out a comprehensive inspection and testing programme during manufacture of the transformer. An detail of inspection is given in this specification. The manufacturer will submit a testing and inspection plan at the time of bidding. (ii) The procedure for testing shall be in accordance with IS 1180/2026 as the case may be except for temperature rise test. (iii) The supplier shall carry out all routine tests on each transformers. (iv) Special tests other than type and routine tests, as agreed between purchaser and bidder shall also be carried out as per the relevant standards. APDCL Page 30 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (v) Before dispatch each of the completely assembled transformers shall be subjected to the routine tests at the manufacturer’s works. (vi) The requirements of onsite tests are as listed in these specifications. (vii) Certified test report and oscillograms shall be furnished to the Purchaser for evaluation. The Supplier shall also evaluate the test results and rectify the defects in the equipment based on his and the Purchaser’s evaluations of the tests without any extra charges to the Purchaser. Manufacturer’s Test Certificates in respect of all associated auxiliary and ancillary equipment shall be furnished. (viii) The bidder shall state in his proposal the testing facilities available at his works. In case full testing facilities are not available, the bidder shall state the method proposed to be adopted so as to ascertain the transformer characteristics corresponding to full capacity testing. 24.1.1 ROUTINE TESTS: (To be conducted on each transformer) Ratio, polarity, phase sequence and vector group. No Load current and losses at services voltage and normal frequency. Load Losses at rated current and normal frequency. Impedance Voltage test. Resistance of windings at each tap. Insulation Resistance. Induced over voltage withstand test. Separate source voltage withstand test. Neutral current measurement- The value of zero sequence current in the neutral of the star winding shall not be more than 2% of the full load current. Oil samples (one sample per lot) to comply with IS 1866. Measurement of no load losses and magnetizing current at rated frequency and 90%, 100% and 110% rated voltage. Pressure and vacuum test for checking the deflection. 24.1.2 TYPE TESTS TO BE CONDUCTED ON ONE UNIT: Temperature rise test. Impulse voltage test: with chopped wave of IS 2026 Part-III, BIL should be 95 KV peak. Short circuit withstand test: Thermal and dynamic ability. APDCL Page 31 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Air Pressure Test: As per IS – 1180. Magnetic Balance Test. Un-balanced current test: The value of unbalanced current indicated by the ammeter shall not be more than 2% of the full load current. Noise level measurement. Measurement of zero-phase sequence impedance. Measurement of Harmonics of no-load current. Transformer tank shall be subjected to specified vacuum. The tank designed for vacuum shall be tested at an internal pressure of 0.35 Kg/cm2 absolute (250 mm of Hg) The permanent deflection of flat plates after the vacuum has been released shall not exceed the value given below: Horizontal length of flat plate Permanent deflection Up to and including 750 5.0 751 to 1250 6.5 1251 to 1750 8.0 1751 to 2000 9.5 2001 to 2250 11.0 2251 to 2500 12.0 2501 to 3000 16.0 Above 3000 19.0 Pressure relief device test. Short Circuit Test and Impulse Voltage Withstand Tests: In case the transformers proposed for supply against the order are not exactly as per the tested design, the supplier shall be required to carry out the short circuit test and impulse voltage withstand test at their own cost in the presence of the representative of the purchaser. The supply shall be accepted only after such test is done successfully, as it confirms on successful withstand of short circuit and healthiness of the active parts thereafter on un-tanking after a short circuit test. Apart from dynamic ability test, the transformers shall also be required to withstand thermal ability test or thermal withstand ability will have to be established by way of calculations. It may also be noted that the APDCL reserves the right to conduct short circuit test and impulse voltage withstand test in accordance with the IS, afresh on each ordered rating APDCL Page 32 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA at purchaser cost, even if the transformers of the same rating and similar design are already tested. This test shall be carried out on a transformer to be selected by the purchaser either at the manufacturer’s works when they are offered in a lot for supply or randomly from the supplies already made to purchaser’s stores. The findings and conclusions of these tests shall be binding on the supplier. Type test certificates for the tests carried out on prototype of same specifications shall be submitted along with the bid. The purchaser may select the transformer for type tests randomly. 24.1.3 ACCEPTANCE TEST: At least 10% transformers of the offered lot (minimum of one) shall be subjected to the following routine/acceptance in presence of APDCL’s representative at the place of manufacture before dispatch without any extra charges. The testing shall be carried out in accordance with IS 1180 and IS 2026. Checking of weights, dimensions, fittings and accessories, tank sheet thickness, oil quality, material, finish and workmanship as per GTP and contract drawings. Physical verification of core coil assembly and measurement of flux density of one unit of each rating, in every inspection with reference to short circuit test report. Temperature rise test on one unit of the total offered quantity. At least one transformer of the supplied lot shall be subjected to tests by a third party (preferably ERDA or CPRI) at the purchaser’s cost. In case of Failure in such test, the entire lot will be rejected by APDCL and the cost of the tests will have to be borne by the supplier. 24.2 INSPECTION 24.2.1 Inspection and testing of transformer oil: To ascertain the quality of transformer oil, the original manufacturer’s test report should be submitted at the time of inspection. Arrangement should also be made for testing of transformer oil, after taking out the sample from manufactured transformers and tested in the presence of APDCL’s representative. 24.2.2 STAGE INSPECTION: To ensure about the quality of transformers, the inspection shall be carried out by the APDCL’s representative at following two stages: Online anytime during receipt of raw material and manufacture/assembly whenever the APDCL desires. At finished stage i.e. transformers are fully assembled and are ready for dispatch. The stage inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Annexure – IV. APDCL Page 33 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA After the main raw-material i.e core and coil material and tanks are arranged and transformers are taken for production on shop floor and a few assembly had been completed, the firm shall intimate the APDCL in this regard, so that an officer for carrying out such inspection could be deputed, as far as possible within seven (7) days from the date of intimation. During the stage inspection a few assembled core shall be dismantled to ensure that the CRGO laminations used are of good quality. Further, as and when the transformers are ready for dispatch, an offer about the readiness of transformers, for final inspection for carrying out tests as per relevant IS shall be sent by the firm along with Routine Test Certificates. The inspection shall normally be arranged by the APDCL at the earliest after receipt of offer for pre-delivery inspection. The proforma for pre delivery inspection of Distribution Transformers is placed at Annexure – V. In case of any defect/defective workmanship observed at any stage by the APDCL’s Inspecting Officer, the same shall be pointed out to the firm in writing for taking remedial measures. Further processing should only be done after clearance from the Inspecting Officer/APDCL. All tests and inspection shall be carried out at the place of manufacture unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by the manufacturer and APDCL at the time of purchase. The manufacturer shall offer the Inspector representing the APDCL all reasonable facilities, without charges, to satisfy him that the material is being supplied in accordance with this specifications. This will include Stage Inspection during manufacturing stage as well as active part inspection during Acceptance Tests. APDCL shall have every right to appoint a third party inspection to carry out the inspection process. The APDCL has the right to have the test carried out at his own cost by an independent agency wherever there is a dispute regarding the quality supplied. APDCL has right to test 1% of the supply selected either from the stores or field to check the quality of the product. In case of any deviation APDCL has every right to reject the entire lot or penalize the manufacturer, which may lead to blacklisting, among other things. Test Reports for bought out items: The supplier shall submit the test reports for all bought out/sub contracted items for approval. Bushings, connectors, lightning arrestors and any other item required to complete the works. Porcelain, bushings, insulating oil and other associated equipment shall be tested by the supplier in accordance with relevant IS. If such equipment are purchased by the supplier on a sub-contract, he shall have them tested to comply with these requirements. 24.3 TEST REPORTS TO BE SUBMITTED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTORY TEST PRIOR TO INSPECTION: i) All standard routine tests in accordance IS: 2026 shall be carried out on each transformer.. ii) Following additional tests shall also be carried out as routine tests on each transformer: a) b) Magnetic Circuit Test Oil leakage test on transformer APDCL Page 34 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA iii) Following type tests shall be conducted on the transformer of each rating: a) Temp. rise test as per IS: 2026 (Part-I). This test shall be carried out at maximum negative tap. Lightning Impulse Test shall be carried out in accordance with IS-2026 on one transformer of each rating. b) 24.4 iv) Six (6) sets of certified test reports and oscillographs shall be submitted for evaluation prior to despatch of the equipment. The supplier shall also evaluate the test results and shall correct any defect indicated by his and Purchaser’s evaluation of the tests without charge to the Purchaser. v) All auxiliary equipment shall be tested as per the relevant IS. Test certificates shall be submitted for bought out items. TANK TESTS a) Routine Tests i) Fabrication Stage The tank shall be tested for leakage by being completely filled with air and applying a pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2 measured at the base of the tank. The pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less than one hour and during that time no leak shall occur. ii)Transformer assembly stage Oil pressure test to be conducted on tank and all other accessories and assembled for routine test by being completely filled with oil at a pressure equal to the twice the normal head of oil or to normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2 whichever is lower . The pressure shall be maintained for a period of eight hour and during that time no leak shall occur. b) Type Test Pressure Test Where required by the Purchaser, one transformer tank of each size together with its radiator, conservator vessel and other fittings shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or to the normal pressure plus 35 KN/m2 whichever is lower, measured at the base of the tank and maintained for eight hours during which no leakage shall occur. 24.5 PRE-SHIPMENT CHECK AT MANUFACTURERS WORKS: i) Check for proper packing and preservation of accessories like radiators, bushings, PRV, dehydrating breather, rollers, conservator etc. APDCL Page 35 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 24.6 ii) Check for proper provision of bracing to arrest the movement of core and winding assembly inside the tank. iii) Gas tightness test to conform tightness. RECEIPT AND STORAGE CHECKS a. Check and record condition of each visible parts of the transformers etc. for any damage. b. Check for oil and any leakage of oil from the transformer tank, radiators etc. c. Visual check HV/ LV bushings for any crack. d. Check for IR between HV-E, LV-E and HV – LV. e. Check for oil BDV and water content. f. Thermometer pockets are to be filled with oil. g. Colour of Silica gel is blue h. Bushing arcing horn is set correctly for required gap distance. i. Oil is at correct level in the bushing, conservator and tank. 25.0 REJECTION 25.1 The Purchaser may reject any transformer if during tests or service any of the following conditions arise: i) ii) iii) iv) v) No load loss exceeds the guaranteed value by 20% or more. Load loss exceeds the guaranteed value by 20% or more. Impedance value exceeds the guaranteed value by ( -) 10% or more. The difference in impedance values of any two phases during single phase short circuit impedance test exceeds 2% of the average value guaranteed by the vendor. Oil or winding temperature rise exceeds the specified value. vi) Transformer fails on impulse test. vii) Transformer fails on power frequency voltage withstand test. viii) Transformer is proved to have been manufactured not in accordance with the agreed specification. 26.0 DRAWINGS and CALCULATIONS FOR SUBMISSION WITH THE BID 26.1 The Bidder shall furnish with his bid following drawings incorporating the details mentioned hereunder. a) General outline drawing showing dimensions and overall dimensions, sectional view, core and coil assembly drawing, net weights and shipping weights, quantity of insulating oil, spacing of wheels, location off load tap changers etc. b) Details of the sectional view of core and winding showing the core frame size, coil dia and length, conductor size, lead support etc. APDCL Page 36 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA c) Hot spot temperature calculation. d) Demonstration to withstand thermal ability as per IS:2026 e) Calculation of thermal time constant. f) Calculation for thermal and mechanical stress caused by symmetrical or asymmetrical faults on any winding. g) Calculation of detail losses including flux density and no load current are to be furnished for copper loss, iron loss indicating corresponding copper weight and core weight and considering all parameters and also supported by the drawings showings details of diameter and height of winding and core duly signed by manufacturer’s design personnel. g) GA drawings/details of various types of bushings and connectors. h) Illustrative & descriptive literature of the Transformer i) List of customers to whom similar equipments have been supplied. j) Type test certificates from a recognized institute preferably CPRI of equipment of similar design and rating. k) Performance report of equipment of similar design and rating which is in satisfactory operation for at least three years. Performance report issuing officer’s rank should be S.E./ DGM and above of the utility. 27.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN: The bidders shall invariably furnish the following informations in respect of quality assurance, failing which, offers are liable to be ignored. (a) (i) List of important raw materials (CRGO laminations, wires and strips, transformer oil, insulating paper, press board, bushings and terminal connectors etc.) (ii) Name of Suppliers/ sub suppliers (iii) List of standards which are followed during testing of raw materials. (iv) List of test carried out on raw materials along with test certificate. (c) List of manufacturing facilities. (d) Level of automation achieved. (e) Quality control on stages of manufacturing process along with inspection reports. (f) List of testing equipments available along with valid calibration certificates. Manufacturer shall posses 0.1 accuracy class instruments for measurement of losses. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with hold points for Purchaser’s Inspection as per Annexure – III. APDCL Page 37 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 28.0 DATA SHEET SL DESCRIPTION TRANSFORMER CLASS 11/0.433-0.250 KV NO 1. Continuous KVA Ratings (CMR) 2. Number of phases 3. Rated voltage kV 4. i) Primary (HV) ii) Secondary (LV) Highest System Voltage, kV 5. i) Primary (HV) ii) Secondary (LV) Rated frequency, Hz. 12 1.1 50±5% 6. Connection of HV, LV HV Delta & LV Star with neutral solidly earthed 7. Method of system earthing 8. Vector group 9. Insulation Level: 10. 25,63,100, 250KVA 3 11 0.433 Solidly earthed DYN 11 i) PF withstand voltage, kV (rms.): HV 28 ii) PF withstand voltage, kV (rms.): LV 3 iii) Lightening impulse voltage, kV (peak) HV 95 Minimum Insulation resistance at 200C HV- E : > 2000 MΩ LV – E : > 1000 MΩ 11. Percentage Impedance at 75C and at principal tap 12. Maximum flux density at rated KVA, Maximum System voltage [12 KV/1.1 KV] and minimum system frequency [48.5 HZ], 13. Method of cooling 4.5% For 250KVA 5.0% 1.6 ONAN APDCL Page 38 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL DESCRIPTION 11/0.433-0.250 KV NO 14. TRANSFORMER CLASS Type of tap changer No tapping No tap changer required upto 250kVA. 15. 16. 17. Clearance of air, mm a) phase to phase, HV / LV 285 / 75 phase to earth, HV / LV 140 / 40 Electrical Clearance, mm a) Core to LV: b) Between HV & LV 12 c) HV Phase to Phase 10 d) Between tank inside & top of Yoke e) Between yoke to bottom. Maximum current density 3.5 (up to 100KVA),4.0(250KVA) 150,100mm(250KVA) 40 2.50 Amp / sq. mm for Copper 1.5 Amp/ for Aluminium 18. 19. Temperature Rise, 0C (i) Winding (measured by resistance. 35 (ii) Top Oil (measured by thermometer) 40 Bushings: 1. Rated voltage in kV 1.1 HV bushing 12,17.5(for 250KVA) 1.2 LV bushing 1.1 1.3 Neutral bushing 1.1 2. Rated current in Ampere 2.1 HV bushing As per IS: 3347 Part III (Section 1 & 2) 2.2 LV bushing As per IS: 3347 Part I (Section 1 & 2) 2.3 Neutral bushing As per IS: 3347 Part I (Section 1 & 2) APDCL Page 39 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL DESCRIPTION TRANSFORMER CLASS 11/0.433-0.250 KV NO 3. Rated impulse withstand voltage in kV rms. 3.1 HV bushing 95 4. One-minute power frequency withstand test in kV (rms.) 4.1 HV bushing 28 4.2 LV bushing 3 4.3 Neutral bushings 3 5. Minimum Creepage distance in mm 5.1 HV bushing 350 5.2 LV bushing 55 5.3 Neutral 55 29.0 DOCUMENTATION : 29.1 The bidder shall furnish along with the bid the dimensional drawings of the items offered indicating all the fittings. 29.2 Dimensional tolerances 29.3 Weight of individual components and total weight. 29.4 An outline drawing front (both primary and secondary sides) and end elevation and plan of the tank and terminal gear, wherein the principal dimensions shall be given. 29.5 Typical general arrangement drawing of the windings with the details of the insulation at each point and core construction of transformer. 29.6 Typical general arrangement drawing showing both primary and secondary sides and endelevation and plan of the transformer. 30.0 GUARANTEE: 30.1 The manufacturers of the transformers shall provide a guarantee of sixty (60) months from the date of receipt at the stores of APDCL or fifty-four (54) months from the date of commissioning, whichever is earlier. 30.2 In case of failure within the guarantee period the APDCL will immediately inform the supplier who shall take back the failed DTR within 15 days from the date of intimation at his own cost APDCL Page 40 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA and replace/repair the transformer within thirty (30) days of date of intimation with a roll over guarantee. 30.3 The outage period i.e. period from the date of failure till unit is repaired/replaced shall not be counted for arriving at the guarantee period. 30.4 In the event of supplier’s inability to adhere to the aforesaid provision, suitable penal action will be taken against the supplier which may inter alia include blacklisting of the firm for future business with the APDCL for a certain period. 31.0 SCHEDULES: 31.1 The bidder shall fill in the following schedule which will be part of the offer. If the schedule are not submitted duly filled in with the offer, the offer shall be liable for rejection. Schedule – A : Guaranteed Technical Particulars Schedule – B : Schedule of Deviations 32.0 DEVIATIONS: 32.1 The bidders are not allowed to deviate from the principal requirements of the Specifications. However, the bidder is required to submit with his bid in the relevant schedule a detailed list of deviations without any ambiguity. In the absence of a deviation list in the deviation schedule, it is understood that such bid conforms to the bid specifications and no post-bid negotiations shall take place in this regard. 32.2 The discrepancies, if any, between the specification and the catalogues and/or literatures submitted as part of the offer by the bidders, shall not be considered and representations in this regard shall not be entertained. 32.3 If it is observed that there are deviations in the offer in guaranteed technical particulars other than those specified in the deviation schedules then such deviations shall be treated as deviations. 32.4 All the schedules shall be prepared by vendor and are to be enclosed with the bid. APDCL Page 41 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SCHEDULE - A GUARANTEED TECHNICAL AND OTHER PARTICULARS (To be filled in by Bidder and shall be furnished with the Technical Bid) Sl. No Description 1. Name 1 of the Manufacturer 2. Installation [indoor/outdoor] 2 3. Reference standards 3 4. Continuous Ratings 4 5. a) Type of cooling b) Rating [KVA] c Rated voltage i HV [KV rms.] ii LV [KV-rms.] d Highest system voltage i HV [KV rms.] ii LV [KV-rms.] e Rated frequency with ±% variation f Number of phases g Current at rated full load i HV [Amps] ii LV [Amps] Connections 5 HV LV APDCL Page 42 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description 6. Connection symbol and vector group 6 7. Temperature rise 7 a Temperature rise of oil above reference peak ambient temperature b Temperature rise of winding above reference peak ambient temperature c Temperature gradients between windings & oil. d Limit of Hot spot temperature for which the Transformer is designed [°C] 8. i 8 No load loss at rated voltage and frequency [WATT] 9. Load 9 loss at rated output, rated frequency, corrected for 75 °C winding temperature at:[Copper loss] (WATT) 10. Total 1 losses 0 11. Maximum losses at 100% loading at 750C 12. Maximum losses at 50% loading at 750C 13. Positive sequence impedance on rated KVA 1 base at rated current and frequency at 1 75°Centigrade winding temperature. (%) 14. %1reactance at rated KVA base at rated 2 current and rated frequency (%) 15. %1resistance at rated KVA base at rated current and 3 rated frequency [%] 16. %1Impedance at rated KVA base at rated 4 current and rated frequency [%] 17. a1 5 Polarisation index i.e. ratio of Megger In Between values at 600 secs to 60 secs, (H.V. to E, L.V. to E, & L.V.). Measurement H.V - E PI APDCL Page 43 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description by 1.0 kV motorised megger. L.V. - E H.V – L.V. b Insulation Resistance in MΩ HV – E : (At temp ……….0C) LV – E : HV – LV : 18. c 19. Efficiency at 75°C winding temperature as 1 derived from guaranteed loss figures and at 6 20. 21. a At full load [%] b At ¾ load [%] c At ½ load [%] i 1 7 ii Maximum efficiency [%] 0.8 Power factor factor Load at which maximum efficiency occurs[% of full load] LV winding in KA and duration in seconds Permissible over loading:1 9 HV winding a b 23. Unity power Short 1 time thermal rating of 8 HV winding in KA and duration in i seconds ii 22. Regulation at full load and 75°C winding temperature expressed as a percentage of normal voltage [%] LV winding Terminal arrangement 2 0 High voltage [HV] a b Low voltage (LV) APDCL Page 44 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description c Neutral 24. Insulating and cooling medium 2 1 25. Test 2 voltage 2 Lightning impulse withstand test voltage i [KVP] ii HV LV Power frequency withstand test voltage [dry and wet][for 1 minute] [KV-rms.] 26. External short circuit withstand 2 [MVA] and duration [seconds] 3 27. Over-fluxing withstand capability of the 2 4 Transformer 28. DETAILS OF CORE 2 5 Type of core construction a capacity b Type of corner joints of the core c Maximum flux density at i Rated voltage [11/0.4 KV] & rated frequency 50 Hz][in Tesla] d No load current, no load loss and no No load No load power factor at normal ratio and current Loss frequency [Amp/KW/p.f.] i 10 percent of rated voltage ii 25 percent of rated voltage iii 50 percent of rated voltage iv 85 percent of rated voltage v 100 percent of rated voltage vi 105 percent of rated voltage vii 110 percent of rated voltage Load No Load PF APDCL Page 45 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description viii 112.5 percent of rated voltage ix 115 percent of rated voltage x 120 percent of rated voltage xi 121 percent of rated voltage xii 125 percent of rated voltage e Core laminations:- i Material of core lamination [M4/HIB/AM] ii Grade of core laminations iii Thickness of core lamination [mm] iv Specific loss [watt/Kg.] at rated voltage and rated frequency v Specific loss [watt/Kg.] at highest system voltage and lowest system frequency vi Whether specific core loss graph [flux density vs. watt/Kg. submitted vii VA/Kg at rated voltage and rated frequency viii VA/Kg. at highest system voltage and lowest system frequency ix Whether VA/Kg. Vs. flux density graph Submitted x Insulation of core laminations f CORE ASSEMBLY:- i Core diameter [mm] ii Core window height [mm] iii Core leg centre [mm] APDCL Page 46 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No 29. Description iv Gross core cross-sectional area [cm²] v Whether details of core widths, stacks and calculation furnished as per enclosed annexure vi Distance between centers [mm] vii Total height of core [mm] viii 1) Details of core Clamping with nos. of core stud. 2) Material, grade & type 3) Width 4) Thickness 5) Fixing method ix Details of top end frame x Details of Bottom end frame xi Details of clamp plate thickness, Insulation] xii Total core weight [kg] xiii Core loss basing on core loss graph at operating flux density [rated voltage and rated frequency] [kw] xiv Core stacking factor xv Net core area Sq. cm. g Describe location/method of core grounding h Details of oil ducts in core if any i Peak value of magnetizing Inrush current (% of HV rated current). DETAILS OF WINDINGS. 2 [Material, HV LV APDCL Page 47 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description a6 Type of winding b Material of the winding conductor c Maximum current density of windings [at rated current] and conductor area Conductor area [cm²] Current density [A/cm²] i HV ii L.V. d Whether HV windings are crossover/ Sectional e Whether windings are pre-shrunk? f Whether adjustable coil clamps are provided for H.V. and L.V. windings? g Whether steel rings or perma wood are used for the windings? If steel rings used, whether these are split? h Winding Insulation. i H.V. ii LV Winding i Insulating material used for i H.V. ii L.V Winding j Insulating material used between i H.V. and L.V. winding ii Core and L.V winding iii H.V. winding and core iv H.V. to H.V. winding [between phases] V Inter coil spacers between HV sections (mm) Type & class APDCL Page 48 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description Vi Type of block between HV sections Vii Oil duct between LV to cylinder (mm) : Cylinder to HV (mm) : k Type of axial coil supports i H.V. winding ii LV winding l Type of radial coil supports i H.V. winding ii LV winding m Maximum allowable torque on coil clamping HV & LV bolts n Bare conductor size (mm). HV : LV : o Insulated conductor size (mm). HV : LV : p Number of coil per phase HV : LV : q No. of conductors in parallel (Nos.). HV : LV : r No. of turns/phase HV coil : LV coil : s Inside diameter (mm). HV coil : LV coil : t Outside diameter (mm). HV coil : LV coil : APDCL Page 49 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description u Axial height after shrinkage (mm). HV coil : LV coil : 30. v D.C.RESISTANCE i L.V winding at 75 ° C (Ohms). ii HV winding at 75° C (Ohms). iii Total I²R losses at 75 ° C. (KW). iv Stray losses including eddy current losses in winding at 75°C (KW). v Any special measures taken to reduce eddy current losses and stray losses, mention in details vi Load losses at 75°C [I²R + stray].[Watt] w Details of special arrangement provided to improve surge voltage distribution in the windings BUSHINGS. 2 7 a Make and type i Rated voltage class [KV-rms.] ii Rated current [Amps.] b Lightning Impulse withstand test voltage [1.2/50 micro second][KVP] c Power frequency withstand test voltage i Wet for 1 minute [KV-rms] ii Dry for 1 minute [KV-rms] d Minimum creepage distance in mm e Weight of assembled bushing [Kg.] f Minimum clearance height for removal HV LV Neutral APDCL Page 50 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description of bushing [mm] 31. g Under oil flashover or puncture impulse voltage [KVP] h Under oil flashover or puncture power frequency voltage (KV-rms). i Phase to earth clearance in air of live parts at the top of bushings Minimum clearance [mm] 2 8 In Oil Between windings Phase to Ground Out of Oil Between windings Phase to Ground HV LV 32. a Radial clearance between LV and HV (mm) b Radial clearance between core to LV (mm) c End clearance of HV coil to yoke (mm) d End clearance of LV coil to yoke (mm) e Gap between yoke to bottom of tank (mm) Weight [Tolerance + 5%] 2 9 [Approximate value is not allowed] a Core [Kg.] b Core with clamping [Kg.] c H.V. winding insulated conductor [Kg.] d L.V.winding insulated conductor [Kg.] e Coils with insulation [Kg.] f Core and winding [Kg] APDCL Page 51 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No 33. Description g Oil required for first filling [Liter/Kg.] h Tank and fittings with accessories [Kg.] i Untanking weight [Kg.] j Total weight with oil and fittings [kg.] DETAILS OF TANK 3 0 a Material for Transformer tank b Type of tank c Thickness of sheet [No approximate value to be mentioned] i Sides [mm] ii Bottom [mm] iii Cover [mm] iv Radiators [mm] d Inside dimensions of main tank [No approximation in dimensions to be used] i Length [mm] ii Breadth [mm] iii Height [mm] e Outside dimensions of main tank [No approximation in dimensions to be used] i Length [mm] ii Breadth [mm] iii Height [mm] APDCL Page 52 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No 34. Description f Thickness of spray galvanisation of tank bottom. g Vacuum recommended for hot oil circulation [torr] h Vacuum to be maintained during oil filling in Transformer tank [torr] i Vacuum to which the tank can be subjected without distortion [torr] l Type and make of pressure relief device and minimum pressure at which it operates [Kpa] CONSERVATOR 3 1 Total volume [Liters] a b 35. Volume between the highest and lowest visible oil levels [Litres] OIL 3 QUALITY 2 Governing standard a b Density in gms/cu-cm c Kinematics viscosity in CST d Inter facial tension at 27°C in N/m e Flash point in °C f Pour point in °C g Acidity [neutralization value] in mg of KOH/gm h Corrosive sulfur in % i Electric strength [breakdown voltage] i As received [KV-rms.] APDCL Page 53 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description ii After treatment [KV-rms.] j Dielectric dissipation factor [tan delta] at 90°C k Saponification value in mg of KOH/gm l Water content in ppm m Specific resistance i At 90°C [ohm-cm] ii At 27 °C [ohm-cm] o Oxidation stability i Neutralization value after oxidation ii Total sludge after oxidation p Characteristic of oil after ageing test as per ASTMD-1934 i Specific resistance at 27°C [ohm-cms] 90°C [ohm-cms] 36. ii Tan delta iii Sludge content iv Neutralization number v Details of oil preserving equipment offered RADIATORS 3 3 Overall dimensions lxbxh [mm] a b Total weight with oil [Kg.] c Total weight without oil [Kg.] d Thickness of radiator tube [mm] APDCL Page 54 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description e Types of mounting f Vacuum withstand capability g Total radiating surface in sq.m h Type and make of material used for the radiators i Total number of radiators/Banks for Transformer and dimensions of tubes j 37. Thickness of hot dip galvanization of radiators APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIMENSIONS 3 4 OF TRANSFORMER Length [mm] Breadth [mm] Height [mm] 38. Transformers will be transported with oil. 3 7 39. Types 3 of terminal connectors and drawing No 8 a HV b LV 40. Details of painting, galvanization conforms to 3 this 9 Specification [Yes/No] 41. No. 4 of breathers provided [Nos.] 0 42. Type 4 of dehydrating agent and quantity used for breathers 1 43. Valve 4 sizes and numbers 2 Filter valves- mm-Nos a APDCL Page 55 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No 44. Description b Sampling valves- mm-Nos a4 3 b Type and make of PRV c Min. pressure at which device operates No. of each type of devices per transformer 45. Please enclose the list of accessories and 4 fittings, being provided on transformer. Please 4 confirm, these are as stipulated in the tender 46. Whether the transformer, covered is fully type 4 tested 5 and if so, whether copies of type test certificates, enclosed with the tender 47. What are the arrangements, available for 4 jointing the winding. Preference shall be given 8 to the tenderer using high-frequency brazing machines. In case other jointing techniques are used, adequacy of the same is to be recorded. Please note that bolted joints in the winding are not acceptable. This should be confirmed here 48. Please confirm that you will guarantee 4 maximum Impedance variation between phases 9 within the limit of 2% only 49. a5 0 Please confirm that the transformer shall be dried by vapour/ vacuum-phase drying method. Please specify level of dryness b In case, other methods of drying are used, the level of dryness, so achieved should be identical to that by V/VPD. Adequacy of such system should be justified 50. Whether the Tenderer has got In-House core5 cutting facility for cutting core materials for the 1 transformer ratings as tendered 51. In 5case SL.50 is not confirmed, whether the tenderer is agreed to follow the procedures, as 2 stipulated at clause 12.3 of this technical APDCL Page 56 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No Description specification Signature of Bidder Representative: Seal Name of Representative: Designation: Date & Place: APDCL Page 57 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA PRICE BID, NIT No.-14/3 SCHEDULE OF PRICE AND DELIVERY SL No Particulars Tendered Offered Quantity Quantity Rate per unit for DoorDelivery by road at our respective of loading, Three Phase stores unloading, stacking, F&I etc. (Duties & Tezpur Jorhat 11/0.433KV Guwahati 1 25KVA 400 Nos. Nos. 2 63KVA 1500 Nos. Nos. 3 100KVA 1300 Nos. Nos. 4 250KVA 650 Nos. Nos. including Taxes extra). Silchar N.B- (i) Tender without showing breakup rates will be rejected outright, taxes must be mentioned clearly in %(percentage) in figure and words. (ii) Prices are variable as per IEEMA. Price variation clause.Base date will be the 1st date of the month of opening of Techno-Commercial Bid ,with the formula w.e.f. January/2012. Signature of Bidder Seal:Date:- APDCL Page 58 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA PRICE BID, NIT No.-14/3 Break up Price of the unit F.O.R door delivery by roads should be compulsory shown as below.(separate sheet for each capacity) Destination → Guwahati Tezpur Jorhat Silchar Ex. Factory Price Excise Duty+Edu.cess+S&H.cess @ % VAT @ % CST @ % Frieght of Insurance Total Entry tax @ % Total Landed cost.(in Rs) N.B-(i) Tender without showing breakup rates wiil be rejected outright, taxes must be mentioned clearly in %(percentage) in figure and works. Signature of Bidder Seal:Date:- APDCL Page 59 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA ANNEXURE – I MAXIMUM FLUX DENSITY AND CORE WEIGHT CALCULATION (To be filled in by Bidder and shall be furnished with the Technical Bid) Step No Width of steps [mm] Stack Thickness [mm] Gross Iron Area [mm²] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---------------Bmax = E/(4.44 x f x Ai x N) Where E = L.V. winding phase voltage / phase f = Rated frequency = 50 HZ. Bmax. = Maximum flux density in Tesla. Ai = Net iron area in sq.m = Gross iron area x stacking factor in sq.m N = Number of L.V.winding, turns/phase Stacking Factor = 0.97 maximum Core weight calculation:- Core dia [in mm] = Window height [in mm] = Limb center [in mm] = Weight of core = [3 x window height + 4 x limb centre + 2 x max. width] x Net iron area x Density of core NB: - 1 Specific loss vs. flux density graph for the type of core lamination to be used has to be furnished. 2. VA/Kg. Vs flux density graph for the core lamination to be used has to be furnished. 3. Any other factor assumed for above calculation to be explained with reasons. N.B.:- The bidder may use its own method of calculation towards determination of maximum flux density and weight of the core. But the same shall be supported with proper explanation and justification. Place: Date: Signature of Tenderer with seal of Company APDCL Page 60 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA ANNEXURE – II DETAILS OF LOSS CALCULATION (To be filled in by Bidder and shall be furnished with the Technical Bid) Sl. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Particulars Values Flux density at (i) 12/1.1 kV & 50 Hz, Tesla (ii) 11/0.433 kV & 48.5 Hz, Tesla Core Data (i) Core weight in Kg. (ii) Gross core area [mm²] (iii) Stacking factor. (iv) Net core iron area [mm²] [ii x iii] Specific losses [W/Kg.] (i) At maximum flux density corresponding to 12/1.1 KV and 48.5 HZ. (ii) At maximum flux density corresponding to 11/0.433 KV and 50Hz. Volt ampere/Kg (i) At maximum flux density corresponding to 12/1.1 KV and 48.5 HZ. (ii) At maximum flux density corresponding to 11/0.433 KV and 50Hz. Calculated/guaranteed iron loss in KW at: (i) Rated voltage and rated frequency (ii) Rated voltage and rated frequency Current density [A/Sq. mm] for (i) HV (ii) LV Conductor size [in mm²] (i) HV winding a) Bare b) Insulated c) No of conductors in parallel (ii) LV winding a) Bare b) Insulated c) No of conductors in parallel Copper weight (i) H.V. windings (ii) LV windings (iii) Total copper weight [i]+[ii] L.V. winding resistance in ohms at 75°C/Phase. H.V. winding resistance in ohms at 75°C/Phase. Stray losses and eddy current losses [in KW] at 75°C APDCL Page 61 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl. No 12. 13. 14. 15. Particulars Values Resistively of copper to be used for winding I²R loss at 75°C Calculated guaranteed copper losses [in KW] at 75°C [I²R loss + stray losses] Computed/guaranteed total loss in KW at rated voltage and rated frequency [Copper loss + Iron loss] NB: - 1 Approximate values in weight and losses etc. are not allowed. 2 Tolerance of + 5% in weights may be quoted without any approximation Place: Date Bidder’s name: Signature, designation, seal APDCL Page 62 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Annexure - III QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN Manufacturer should submit for purchaser’s approval a quality assurance plan in line with this with this document. Abbreviations: PS TR IS AD V P W H 1 2 3 4 - Plant Standard/ Process Specification. Test Report Indian/International Standards Approved Document such as Drawing, Purchase Order verified by Performed by Witnessed by Hold by Purchaser Purchaser Manufacturer External laboratory Sub vendor QC Notes: 1. Minor: The characteristic of a component, process or operation whose failure neither materially reduce the usability of the product in operation, nor does it affect the aesthetic aspects. 2. Major : The characteristic of a component, process or operation whose failure may cause operation failure which cannot be readily corrected, at site cause substandard performance, increase erection and maintenance cost, reduce life or seriously affect aesthetics. 3. Critical : The characteristic of a component, process or operation failure of which will will surely cause operating failure or intermittent troubles which is difficult to rectify at site or render the unit unfit for use or safety hazards. 4. “Failure” of a characteristics means failure to meet the ‘accepted norms’. 5. Sampling : generally sampling will be done in accordance with IS:2500. Sampling be as under If 100% “Witness” of tests is carried out by Prime Supplier, Customer will witness on sample basis or if 100% “Witness” of tests is carried out by Sub Vendor, Manufacture will witness on sample basis. APDCL Page 63 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 Type of Check Quantum of Check 2 3 4 5 6 CRGO Dimensions Major Measurement 100% Specific loss Major Measurement 100% Chemical analysis Major Measurement Sample/lot Surface insulation resistance Major Measurement 100% Transit damage Major Visual 100% Stacking factor Major Measurement 100% Tensile strength Major Measurement 100% Elongation Major Measurement 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 100% Transit damages Major Visual 100% Cracks & twists Major Visual 100% Resistivity Major Measurement 100% Chemical analysis Major Measurement One sample/consignment Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 RAW Materials 1 Aluminium /Copper Wire Rod APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 64 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No Type of Check Quantum of Check 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Kraft Paper Transit damages & Packing Conditions Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 10% of lot Density Major Measurement 100% Tensile strength Major Measurement 100% Elongation Major Measurement 100% Moisture content Major Measurement 100% Ash content Major Measurement 100% Dielectric strength Major Measurement 2 samples/lot Transit damages & Packing Conditions Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 10% of lot Density Major Measurement 100% Tensile strength Major Measurement 100% Elongation Major Measurement One sample/consignment 4 Epoxy dotted Kraft paper Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 65 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 5 2 Insulating Oil Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Moisture content Major Measurement 100% Ash content Major Measurement 100% Dielectric strength Major Measurement 2 samples/lot Thickness of resin coating Major Measurement samples/lot Appearance Major Measurement Sample from each tanker Density at 270C Major Measurement - do - Viscosity at 270C Major Measurement - do - Interfacial tension at 270C Major Measurement - do - Flash point Major Measurement - do - Pour Point Major Measurement - do - Total acidity Major Measurement - do - Corrosion Sulphur copper strip.19 hours @ at 1400C Major Test - do - BDV Major Measurement - do - Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 66 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Dielectric dissipation factor @ at 1400C Major Measurement - do - Specific resistance Major Measurement - do - Oxidation stability Major Measurement - do - Accelerated ageing test Major Test - do - Presence of oxidation inhibitor Major Measurement Sample from each tanker Water content Major Measurement - do - Finish Appearance Major Visual 10% of lot Dimensions Major Measurement 10% of lot Density Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile strength Major Measurement Sample/lot BDV Major Measurement Measurement Ash content Major Measurement Measurement Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 at 270C & at 900C 6 Insulating Press Board APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 67 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 7 8 2 Perma Wood Paper covered conductor Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Moisture content Major Measurement Measurement Conductivity of aqueous extracts Major Measurement Measurement Finish Appearance Major Visual 10% of lot Dimensions Major Measurement 10% of lot Density Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Cross breaking strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Impact strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Compressive strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Shear strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Moisture content Major Measurement Sample/lot Oil absorption Major Measurement Sample/lot Finish Appearance Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement Each bobbin Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 68 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 9 2 Enamel Covered Conductor Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Resistivity Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Elongation Major Measurement Sample/lot Covering thickness Major Measurement Each bobbin Finish Appearance Major Visual Each bobbin Dimensions Major Measurement Each bobbin Resistivity Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Elongation Major Measurement 10% Covering thickness Major Measurement Each bobbin Flexibility Test Major Test 40% Adherence Major Test 40% Heat Shock Major Test 40% Hardness Major Measurement 40% Solvent Major Test Sample/lot Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 69 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class Type of Check Quantum of Check 4 5 6 BDV Major Measurement 40% Cut-through Test Major Test Sample/lot Finish Appearance Major Visual 100% Dimension Major Measurement 2% of lot Hardness Major Measurement Sample/lot Chemical composition Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Yield strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Elongation Major Measurement Sample/lot Bend test Major Test Sample/lot Dimensions Major Measurement Sampling Finish Appearance Major Visual Sampling Finish appearance Major Visual 5% No 1 2 3 Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 Resistance 10 11 12 MS material (Plates, Flats, Angles & Channels Hard Ware Gaskets APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 70 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 13 2 Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Dimensions Major Measurement 5% Compressibility Major Measurement Sample/lot Tensile Strength Major Measurement Sample/lot Recovery% Major Measurement Sample/lot Oil immersion test Major Measurement Sample/lot Compression test at 1100C Major Measurement Sample/lot Finish appearance Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 10% of lot Power frequency withstand test Major Test 5 Nos/lot Porasity test Major Test 5 Nos/lot Temperature cycle test Major Test 5 Nos/lot Finish appearance Major Visual 5% of lot Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 Bushing a) Porcelain b) Metal Parts APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 71 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 14 15 16 2 Plating/Galvanizing/Phosphating Epoxy resin Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Dimensions Major Measurement 5% of lot Finish appearance Major Visual 2% of lot Thickness of coating Major Measurement 2% of lot Appearance Major Visual Sample/lot Viscosity Major Measurement Sample/lot Appearance Major Visual 100% Shade Major Visual 100% Viscosity Major Measurement Sample/lot Shade Major Visual 100% Scratch Hardness Major Test Sample/lot Drying time Major Measurement Sample/lot Appearance Major Visual 100% Viscosity Major Measurement Sample/lot Shade Major Visual 100% Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 Paints a) Primer b) Hot oil Resistance paint C) Polyurathane paint APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 72 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 d) Thermo setting Powder Paint 17 18 19 HV & LV Connectors Oil level gauge Silicagel Breather Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Drying time Major Measurement Sample/lot Finish Major Visual 100% Scratch Hardness Major Test Sample/lot Flexibility & adhesion Major Test Sample/lot Shade Major Visual 100% Pencil hardness Major Test Sample/lot Cross hatch adhesion Major Test Sample/lot Curing cycle Major Measurement Sample/lot Finish appearance Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 5% of lot Chemical compositions Major Test 1 no/ lot Finish appearance Major Visual 10% Dimensions Major Measurement 10% Gel weight Major Measurement 10% Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 73 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 Type of Check Quantum of Check 3 4 5 6 Gel colour Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 10% Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 MANUFACTURING PROCESS & ASSEMBLY 1 Transformer tank, Conservator & accessories Check of raw materials Major Visual 100% Cutting of material as per given drawing Major Measurement Sampling Finish dimensions & completeness as per drawing Major Measurement Sampling Conservator tank and tube dimensions Major Measurement Sampling Finish of weld Major Visual Sampling Finish of material after gas cutting and welding Major Visual 100% Leak test Major Test 100% Vacuum test Major Surface finish prior to pain application Major Test 100% Check of inside painting Major Visual 100% One/each rating APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 74 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 3 2 Frames & Channels welding 3 4 Type of Check Quantum of Check 5 6 Application of primer coating Major Visual 100% Application of first coat of paint Major Visual 100% Application of finish coat of paint Major Visual 100% Paint thickness Major Measurement 100% Adhesion Major Test 10% Hardness Major Test 10% Check of raw materials Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement Sampling Weld finish Major Visual Sampling Surface preparations Major Visual 100% Painting Major Visual 100% Width Major Measurement Sampling Thickness Major Measurement Sampling Length Major Measurement Sampling Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 Core assembly a) Core cutting APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 75 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 b) Core annealing c) Core assembly 4 Winding 3 4 Type of Check Quantum of Check 5 6 Burr Major Measurement Sampling Angle of cutting Major Measurement Sampling Temperature & speed Major Measurement Every one hour Formation of core section Major Measurement 100% Core dia Major Measurement 100% Stack thickness Major Measurement 100% Leg length Major Measurement 100% Window width Major Measurement 100% Core weight Major Measurement 100% Bindings of limbs Major Visual 100% Assembly of frame structures Major Visual 100% Pre-core losses Major Measurement Sampling Conductor size Major Measurement 100% Forma dia Major Measurement 100% Coil dimensions (ID,OD,AH,RD) Major Measurement 100% Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 76 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 5 6 7 2 Insulation components Core & Coil assembly Drying of core coil 3 4 Type of Check Quantum of Check 5 6 Insulation arrangement Major Visual 100% Turns arrangements Major Visual 100% Transposition Major Visual 100% Finishing & lead position Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement Sampling Finishing Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 100% Axial & Radial insulation arrangements Major Measurement 100% Electrical clearances Major Measurement 100% Yoke filling Major Visual 100% Position of lead out Major Visual 100% HV & LV Connections Major Visual 100% Insulation and Finishing of brazed/crimped joints Major Visual 100% Ratio test Major Test 100% Temperature Major Measurement 100% Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 APDCL Agency V P W 10 Remarks H 11 Page 77 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 assembly 8 Tanking & Oil filling under vacuum 3 4 Type of Check Quantum of Check 5 6 Time duration Major Measurement 100% Insulation Resistance Major Measurement 100% Clamping of CCA Major Visual 100% Job locking Major Mechanical 100% Completeness Major Visual 100% Dimensions Major Measurement 100% Electrical clearances Major Measurement 100% Vacuum Major Measurement 100% Oil temperature Major Measurement 100% Fixing of accessories and fittings as per drawing Major Visual 100% Leak proof ness Major Pressure test Sampling Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record Agency 7 8 9 IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 V P W Remarks H 10 11 INSPECTION TESTING a. Winding Resistance Critical Measurement 100% b. Voltage Ratio & Voltage Vector Relationship Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 c. Load loss and Impedance voltage Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 APDCL Page 78 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Sl Component & Operations Characteristics Class No 1 2 3 4 Type of Check Quantum of Check 5 6 Reference Document Acceptance Norms Format of Record 7 8 9 Agency V P W Remarks H 10 11 measurement 2 TYPE TEST d. No load loss & No load Current Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 e. Neutral current measurement Critical Measurement 100% CBIP Manual CBIP Manual TC 1 2 1 f. Insulation resistance Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 g. Induced Over Voltage Test Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 h. Separate source voltage withstand test Critical Measurement 100% IS : 2026 IS : 2026 TC 1 2 1 i. Magnetic balance test Critical Measurement Sampling TC 1 2 1 a. Short Circuit Test Critical Measurement One/Each rating IS 2026 IS 2026 3 1 1 b. Temperature Rise Test Critical Measurement One/Each rating IS 2026 IS 2026 2 1 1 c. Lightining Impulse Voltage Test Critical Measurement One/Each rating IS 2026 IS 2026 3 1 1 d. Vacuum Test Critical Measurement One/Each rating IS 1180 IS 1180 2 1 1 e. Pressure Test Critical Measurement One/Each rating IS 1180 IS 1180 2 1 1 APDCL Page 79 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Annexure - IV PROFORMA FOR STAGE INSPECTION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER (A) (B) (C) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of firm: M/s. 2. Order No and Date: 3. Rating wise quantity offered: 4. Details of offer a) Rating b) Quantity c) Serial Numbers 5. Details of last stage inspected lot: a) Total quantity inspected b) Serial Numbers c) Date of stage inspection d) Quantity offered for final inspection of (a) above with date. Availability of material for offered quantity: Details to be filled in Position of manufacturing stage of the offered quantity a) Complete tank assembly b) Core and coil assembly ready c) Core assembled d) Coils ready for assembly (i) HV coils (ii) LV coils Note: (i) A quantity of more than 100 Nos shall not be entertained for stage inspection. (ii) The stage inspection shall be carried out in case:(a) At least 25% quantity offered has been tanked and (b) Core coil assembly of further at least 30% of the quantity offered has been completed. (iii) Quantity offered for stage inspection should be offered for final inspection within 15 days from the date of issuance of clearance for stage inspection, otherwise stage inspection already cleared shall be liable for cancellation. Sl No Particulars As offered As observed Deviations and Remarks Inspection of Core (D) (i) Core Material (1) Manufacturer's Characteristic Certificate in respect of grade of lamination used. (Please furnish test certificate) (2) Remarks regarding rusting and smoothness of core APDCL Page 80 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (3) Whether laminations used for top and bottom yoke are in one piece (II) Core Construction: (i) No of Steps (2) Dimension of Steps Step No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 As offered : W mm T mm As found : W mm T mm (3) Core dia (mm) (4) Total cross section area of core (5) Effective cross sectional area of core (6) Clamping arrangement (i) Channel Size (ii) Bolt size and No (iii) Tie rods size and No. (iv) Painting (a) Channels (b) Tie Rods (c) Bolts (7) Whether top yoke is cut for LV connection (8) If yes, at 7 above, whether Reinforcement is done. (9) Size support channels provided for core base and bottom yoke ( Single piece of channels are only acceptable) (10) Thickness of insulation provided between core base and support channel (11) Core length (leg center to leg center) (12) Window height (13) Core height (14) Core weight only (without channels etc) (E) INSPECTION OF WINDING (I) Winding material (1) Material used for (a) HV winding (b) LV winding (2) Grade of material for (a) HV winding APDCL Page 81 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (b) LV winding (3) Test certificate of manufacturer (enclose copy) for winding material of: (a) HV (b) LV (II) CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAIL (1) Size of cross sectional area of conductor for: (a) HV winding (b) LV winding (2) Type of insulation for conductor of: (a) HV winding (b) LV winding (3) Diameter of wire used for delta formation (MM) (4) Diameter of coils in (a) LV winding i) Internal dia (mm) ii) Outer dia (mm) (b) HV winding i) Internal dia (mm) ii) Outer dia (mm) (5) Current Density of winding material used for: (a) HV (b) LV (6) Whether neutral formation on top (7) HV Coils/Phase a) Number b) Turns/Coil c) Total turns (8) LV Coils/Phase a) Number b) Turns/Coil c) Total turns (9) Method of HV Coil Joints (10) Total weight of coils of (a) LV winding (kg) (b) HV winding (kg) (F) INSULATION MATERIALS APDCL Page 82 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (I) MATERIAL 1) Craft paper a) Make b) Thickness c) Test Certificate of manufacturer (enclose copy) 2) Press Board a) Make b) Thickness c) Test Certificate of manufacturer (enclose copy) 3) Material used for top and bottom yoke and insulation (II) Type and thickness of material used (mm) a) Between Core and LV b) Spacers c) Inter layer d) Between HV and LV winding e) Between phases f) End insulation (G) CLEARANCES : (mm) (I) Related to core and windings 2) Between HV and LV (Radial) 3) (i) Phase to Phase between HV conductor (ii) Whether two Nos. Press Board each of minimum 1 mm thick provided to cover the tie rods. 4) Thickness of locking spacers between LV coils (mm) 5) Axial wedges between HV and LV coils/ phase (Nos.) 6) No. of radial spacers per phase between HV coils 7) Size of duct between LV and HV winding (mm) (II) Between core - coil assembly and tank : (mm) 1) Between winding and body: a) Tank lengthwise b) Tank breadth wise 2) Clearance between top cover and top yoke (H) TANK: (I) Constructional details APDCL Page 83 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA 1) Rectangular shape 2) Thickness of side wall (mm) 3) Thickness of top and bottom plate (mm) 4) Provision of slopping top cover towards HV bushing 5) Tank internal dimensions (mm) a) Length b) Breadth c) Height (i) On LV side (ii) On HV side (II) General details: 1) Inside painted by varnish/ oil corrosion resistant paint (please specify which type of coating done) 2) Gasket between top cover and tank i) Material ii) Thichness (mm) iii) Jointing over laps (mm) 3) Reinforcement of welded angle (specify size and No. of angle provided) on side walls of tank. 4) Provision of lifting lugs: a) Numbers b) Whether lugs of 8 mm thick MS Plate provided c) Whether reinforced by welded plates edge wise below the lug upto re-enforcing angle of the tank done 5) Pulling lug of MS Plate a) Nos b) Thickness (mm) c) Whether provided on breadth side or length side 6) Provision of air release plug 7) Provision of galvanized GI nuts and bolts with 1 no plain and 1 no spring washer. 8) Deformation of length wise side wall of tank when subjected to: a) Vacuum of (-) 0.7 kg/sq cm for 30 minutes. b) Pressure of 0.8 kg/sq cm for 30 minutes (I) RADIATORS 1. Fin radiators of 1.25 mm thick sheet a) Dimension of each fin (LxBxT) APDCL Page 84 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA b) Fins per radiator c) Total number of radiators 2. Varification of manufacturer's test certificate regarding Heat Dissipation (excluding top and bottom) in w/sq m. 3. Verification of position of radiator with respect to bushing. (J) CONSERVATOR : 1. Dimensions (LxD) in mm 2. Volume (cu m) 3. Inside dia of conservator tank pipe (mm) 4. Whether conservator outlet pipe is projected approx. 20 mm inside the conservator tank. 5. Whether arrangement made so that oil does not fall on the active parts. 6. Whether die cast metal oil level gauge indicator having three positions at ( - 5, 30 and 98 degree C) is provided. 7. Whether drain plug and filling hole with cover is provided. 8. Inner side of the conservator Tank painted with. (K) BREATHER 1. Whether Die cast Aluminium body breather for silica gel provided. 2. Make 3. Capacity (L) TERMINALS 1. Material whether of Brass Rods/ Tinned Copper a) HV b) LV 2. Side (dia in mm) a) HV b) LV 4. Method of Connection of LV winding to LV bushing (end of winding should be crimped with lugs (Al/Cu) and bolted with bushing stud). 5. Method of Connection of HV winding to HV bushing (Copper joint should be done by using silver brazing alloy and for Aluminium, brazing rod or with tubular connector crimped at three spots). 6. Whether SRBP tube/ insulated paper used APDCL Page 85 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA for formation of Delta on HV. 7. Whether Empire sleeves used on the portion of HV winding joining to HV bushing. 8. Whether neutral formation is covered with cotton tape. (M) BUSHING : 1. Whether HV bushings mounted side wall or Top cover 2. Whether sheet metal pocket used for mounting bushing (pipes are not acceptable) a) HV b) LV 3. Whether arrangement for studs for fitting of HV bushing are in diamond shape (so that Arcing Horns are placed vertically) 4. Position of mounting of LV bushings. 5. Bushing Clearance: (mm) a) LV to Earth b) HV to Earth c) Between LV bushings d) Between HV bushings (N) TANK BASE CHANNEL/ROLLERS : 1. Size of Channel (mm) 2. Whether channels welded across the length of the tank 3. Size and type of roller (mm) (O) OIL 1. Name of supplier 2. Break down voltage of oil : (kV) i) Filled in tanked transformer ii) In storage tank (to be tested by inspecting officer) 3. Supplier’s test certificate (enclose copy) (P) (Q) ENGRAVING : 1. Engraving of Sl.No. and name of firm i) On bottom of clamping channel of cor-coil assembly. ii) On side wall and top cover of tank along with date of dispatch. i) MS plate of size 125x125 mm welded on width side of stiffener ii) Following details engraved (as per approved GTP) (a) Serial Number (b) Name of firm APDCL Page 86 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA (c) Order No. and Date (d) Rating (e) Name of inspecting Officer (f) Designation (g) Date of dispatch (R) NAME PLATE DETAILS : Whether Name Plate is as per approved drawing (S) COLOUR OF TRANSFORMER : 1. Tank body with smoke gray colour 2. Conservator with white colour (T) CHECKING OF TESTING FACILITIES : (Calibration certificate also to be checked for its validity) TESTS : 1. No Load Current 2. No Load Loss 3. % Impedance 4. Load Losses 5. Insulation Resistance Test 6. Vector Group Test (phase relationship) 7. Ratio and Polarity test relationship 8. Transformer Oil test (Break down voltage) 9. Magnetic Balance 10. Measurement of winding resistance (HV and LV both) 11. Induced over voltage withstand test (Double voltage and Double frequency) 12. Separate source power frequency withstand test at 28kV for HV and 3kV for LV (one minute) 13. Air pressure/Oil leakage test 14. Vacuum Test 15. Unbalanced current test (U) 16. Temperature rise (Heat Run) Test We have specifically checked the following and found the same as per GTP/ deviations observed as mentioned against each: i) Rustlessness of CRGO lamination used ii) Core steps iii) Core area iv) Core weight APDCL Page 87 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA v) Winding cross sectional area a) LV b) HV vi) Weight of windings vii) Clearance between winding and wall of tank (mm) a) Length-wise b) Breadth-wise viii) Clearance between top of yoke/top most live part of tap changer to tank cover. a) LV b) HV ix) Details of Neutral formation x) Connections to bushings: a) LV b) HV xi) Slope of tank top xii) Position of mounting of bushings COMPANY’S INSPECTING OFFICER DATE OF INSPECTION: FIRM’S REPRESENTATIVE APDCL Page 88 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA Annexure - V PROFORMA FOR PRE-DELIVERY INSPECTION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 1 Name of the firm : 2 Details of offer made : (i) Order No. and Date (ii) Rating (iii) Quantity (iv) Sl. No. of transformers 3 Date of stage inspection of the lot 4 Reference of stage inspection clearance 5 Quantity offered and inspected against the order prior to this lot (A) ACCEPTANCE TESTS TO BE CARRIED OUT SL PARTICULARS OBSERVATIONS NO 1 (a) Ratio Test AB/an BC/bn CA/cn 2 NO load loss measurement W1 W2 W3 TOTAL Multiplying Factor:CT Watt meter APDCL Page 89 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL PARTICULARS NO Total X MF OBSERVATIONS NET LOSS 3 Load loss measurement W1 W2 W3 TOTAL Multiplying Factors:CT Watt meter PT Total X MF NET LOSS Loss at ambient temperature Loss at 750C (with calculation sheet) (watt) 4 Winding resistance: H.V. (in Ohms) (a) At ambient temperature of _________0C A-B B-C C-A (b) Resistance at 750C. A-B B-C C-A L.V. (in Ohms) (a) At ambient temperature of _________0C a-n b-n c-n (b) Per Phase Resistance at 750C a-n b-n c-n APDCL Page 90 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL PARTICULARS OBSERVATIONS NO 5 Insulation Resistance (MΩ) HV - LV HV - E LV - E 6 7 Separate Source Voltage withstand test voltage: HV 28kV for 60 sec. LV 3 kV for 60 sec. Induced over voltage withstand test at double voltage and 100 HZ, 866 volts for 60 sec. double frequency 8 No load current at 90% volts 110% volts 9 Unbalance current 10 Vector group test 11 Percentage Impedance at 750C (enclosed calculation Diagram and readings should be shown in separate sheets. sheets) 12 Transformer oil test (BDV) 13 Oil leakage test 14 Heat run test To be carried out once against each order. 15 Bushing clearance (mm) HV LV (a) Phase to Phase (b) Phase to Earth 16 Comments on compliance by the firm on the modifications 17 done as per stage inspection clearance letter issued. Whether fittings of the order have been varified 18 Whether aluminium die cast silicagel breather with the container is fitted on the transformer offered. 19 Whether engraving of Sl.No and Name of firm on core clamping channel, side wall and top cover of tank has been verified. APDCL Page 91 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL PARTICULARS NO 20 Whether MS Plate of size 125x125 mm welded on with side OBSERVATIONS of stiffener. 21 Whether engraving of name of firm, Sl.No and Rating of transformer, Order No. and date and date of Despatch on MS Plate. 22 Copy of calibration certificates of metering equipments be enclosed. (B) POINTS TO BE SEEN/DIMENSIONS TO BE NOTED AT THE TIME OF DISMANTLING OF TRANSFORMERS: SL PARTICULARS No. 1 Details of the transformer dismantled for physical verification OBSERVATIONS (a) Rating (KVA) (b) Sl.No. 2 Whether GI Nut Bolts with one spring one plain washer provided 3 for tightening the tank cover. Details of gasket used between top cover and Tank Material: (i) Thickness (mm) (ii) Type of joints 4 Whether core is earthed properly with copper strip (one end should be tightened in between the core laminations and other end bolted on core clamping channel) 5 Connections from winding to bushings (describe the manner in which it has been done) (a) HV (b) LV (c) Formation of Star connection on LV side 6 Winding wire dia and cross sectional area: (a) HV (i) Dia (mm) (ii) Area (sq mm) (b) LV APDCL Page 92 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL PARTICULARS No. (i) L X W X Nos. of layer OBSERVATIONS (ii) Area (sq mm) 7 Thickness of press board (s) provided between HV coils to cover the tie rods. 8 Whether painted with oil and corrosion resistant paint/varnish (a) Inside of the tank (b) Inside of the conservator tank (c) Core clamping and core base channels (d) Tie rods (e) Core bolts 9 Whether tie rods and core bolts insulated, if yes, material of insulation. 10 Whether flap on inner side of top cover provided to prevent direct falling of oil on core – coil assembly. 11 Method of joints (a) Between HV Coils 12 Whether engraving of Sl. No. and name of firm done on bottom channel of core coil assembly. 13 Diameter of copper wire, used for formation of Delta (should not be less than 1.5 times the dia of conductor). (mm) 14 Whether empire sleeves provided upto to the end portion of HV winding joining to bushing. 15 HV coils (a) Inner dia (mm) (b) Outer dia. (mm) 16 LV coil (a) Inner dia (mm) (b) Outer dia. (mm) 17 Core dia 18 Core height including base channel and insulation in between (mm) 19 Leg Center of core APDCL Page 93 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA SL PARTICULARS No. 20 Clearance between OBSERVATIONS (a) Core and LV (mm) (b) HV and LV (mm) (c) Phase to Phase of HV coils (mm) (d) Core coil assembly and tank body (mm) (i) Length-wise (ii) Width-wise (e) Top of yoke and top cover (mm) 21 Weight of core only (Kg) 22 Weight of windings (Kg) (a) LV (b) HV 23 Whether core laminations are in one piece, used for (a) Bottom Yoke (b) Top Yoke 24 Specific remarks regarding smoothness and rusting of core used 25 Volume of oil filled (to be done once against the order) 26 Weight of transformer (inclusive of all fittings, accessories, oil etc. complete) 27 Inner dimensions of the tank (a) Length (b) Width (c) Height (i) LV side (ii) HV side 28 Remarks, if any: Note: Please ensure that complete details have been filled in the proforma and no column has been left blank. Signature of Inspecting Officer Signature of Firm’s Representative (with name and designation) (with name and designation) Date of Inspection: APDCL Page 94 of 114 DTR upto 250KVA ANNEXURE –VI SOURCE OF MATERIALS/PLACE OF MANUFACTURE, TESTING AND INSPECTION Sl. No. Item 1 Core Laminations 2 Aluminum Conductor 3 Insulated winding wires 4 Oil 5 Press boards 6 Kraft paper 7 MS Plates/Angles/Channels 8 Gaskets 9 Bushing HV/LV 10 Paints Source of Material Place of Manufacture Place of testing and inspection Signature of Firm Representative: (Name and Designation) Date: APDCL Page 95 of 114 ANNEXURE –VII ANNEXURE-A (To be submitted as First page of the technical offer) 1.0 Name & Address of Manufacturer: 2.0 Is the factory is free from dust pollution: 3.0 Year on which the manufacturing is started: (Voltage grade wise) 4.0 Voltage grade wise yearly manufactured KVA capacity for last three years (year wise breakup): 5.0 Voltage level up to which transformers are manufactured: 6.0 Whether transformers are supplied to APDCL earlier: 7.0 Are you manufactured Star Rated transformer, if so up to what level: No/Yes ( name the level) 8.0 Do you have supplied star rated transformers to any utility, if yes, name the Utility and year & quantity of supply (enclosed photo copy of order) : Yes/NO 9.0 Type test reports are enclosed along with the detail drawing: 10.0 Name the laboratory where type test were carried out: 11.0 Is the type test conform to specification as per the bid document: 12.0 Name the Vendors from where CRGO sheets are procured: 13.0 Type of drying chamber: 14.0 Is the testing facilities are available as per the specifications: Yes/Partial/No 15.0 Are all the information attached as per specifications: Yes/Partial Yes/No Yes/NO Yes/NO No/Yes Signature of Firm Representative: (Name and Designation) Date: Seal: APDCL Page 96 of 114 General Conditions of Supply & Erection of APDCL APDCL Page 97 of 114 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY AND ERECTION 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 INTRODUCTION : Assam Power Distribution Company Limited was constituted under the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 and is a public sector company registered under ‘Company Act,1956’. It was formed out of Assam State Electricity Board in 2003 and was notified as the State Electricity Distribution Utility. It is entrusted with the responsibility of promoting the coordinated development of power distribution and its efficient management in the entire state of Assam. Assam Power Distribution Company Limited hereinafter referred to as APDCL, has its Corporate Office at Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati, Assam. For further information, one may refer to APDCL’s official web site: .in. Assam is one of the seven states of North East India and its boundary encompasses almost the entire valleys of Brahmaputra and Barak rivers. The state is well connected with rest of the country by broad gauge railways and several national highways, one of which is a part of the four lane east-west corridor. It also has important airports at Guwahati, Jorhat, Silchar, Tezpur & Dibrugarh. Relevant guidelines and rules connected with all departmental supply and erection works have been laid down in this document General Conditions of Supply & Erection of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited adopted in 2009. This document supersedes earlier conditions of contract. It is intended that contractual clauses of this document will be generally followed in all contractual works. Any modification of a contractual clause considering requirement of a particular project shall be made in the NIT/ Tender document for the specific project. DEFINITION OF TERMS: The following terms appearing in the General Conditions of Supply & Erection of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited shall have the meaning herein indicated unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context. “Purchaser/ Employer” shall mean the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (in short APDCL) and its assignees. “Contractor/Supplier/Owner” shall mean the tenderer/ bidder whose tender/ bid has been accepted by the “Purchaser/ Employer” and shall include the bidder’s/ tenderer’s legal personal representatives, successors and assignees. “Engineer” shall mean the Officer in-Charge of Project/ Work/ purchase for the supply and/ or erection contract or such other Officer or Offices as may be duly authorized and appointed in writing by the Purchaser to act as “Engineer” for the purpose of the contract. “Sub-Contractor” shall mean the person named in the contract for any part of the work or any person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet with the consent in writing of the “Purchaser/ Employer” and the legal representatives, successors and assignees of such person. “Materials” or “Works” shall mean and include plant and materials to be provided and work to be done by the contractor under contract. “Contract” shall mean and include the general conditions, specifications, schedules, drawings, tender forms, bidding schedules, covering letter, schedule of prices, any special APDCL Page 98 of 114 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 3.0 conditions applying to the particular contract specification, amendments if any, letter of acceptance and contract agreement to be entered into. “Contract period” means the period from the contract commencement date to the date on which the warranty period is over. Date of acceptance of ‘Purchase/ Work Order’ shall be treated as the “date of commencement of contract”. “Specification” shall mean the relevant ISS/ IEC specification with up to date amendments and revisions and/or APDCL specification wherever applicable. “Site” shall mean the site of the station, where proposed work is to be executed under the contract and to which the plant and machinery are to be delivered and any other places as may be specifically designated in the contract as forming part of the site. “Consignee” shall mean the Executive Engineer/ Senior Manager or any other authorized Officer performing the duty of the consignee as specified in the Order. “Commercial use” shall mean use in the work which the contract contemplates or to which it is to be commercially capable. “Day” shall mean a calendar day. “Month” shall mean a calendar month. “Writing” shall include any manuscript, type written or printed statement properly signed. “Persons” shall include firm, company, corporation and other body of persons whether incorporated or not. “Word” indicating in the singular only shall also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. “Bid” will mean “Tender” PREPARATION OF TENDER I BID: 3.1. DEFINITION OF TENDERER / BIDDER: 3.1.1. When the tenderer is a firm, the names and addresses of the partners must be indicated and a copy of the certificate of registration with the concerned Registrar of firms should be enclosed. 3.1.2. When the tenderer is a Company, the company registration document along with Memorandum of Association shall be submitted. 3.1.3. When the tenderer is an individual carrying on business in a firm’s name, the tender should be submitted by the owner of the firm, who may describe himself as carrying on business in the firm’s name. 3.1.4. When the tenderer is a Joint Venture (JV) of two or more firms as partners, one of the partners shall be legally authorized as the lead partner for the purpose of submitting the tender, incur liabilities; receive payments and instructions on behalf of the others. A copy of the registered agreement, executed on Non judicial stamp paper, shall be submitted with the tender. However, in case of a successful tender, the agreement shall be signed by all the partners, so as to be legally binding on all the partners. 3.2. PURCHASE OF TENDER I BIDDING DOCUMENTS: 3.2.1. Tenderer may purchase the tender document by paying the requisite fee as stipulated in the NIT. Alternatively, the tenderer may download tender document from the company’s website: and pay the above requisite fee by way of a demand draft separately along with earnest money. Tenderer shall be responsible for any error etc., on the downloaded tender document. APDCL Page 99 of 114 3.2.2. The General Conditions of Supply & Erection of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited will be treated as a part of the NIT. The Contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the aforesaid general conditions of supply & erection besides all specifications. 3.2.3. The tender should be complete in all respects so as to eliminate further correspondences and clarifications. A tender which is not complete in all respects, will be liable for rejection. However the Purchaser, in its discretion, may seek clarification from the tenderer where necessary .The discretion of the Purchaser in this regard shall be final. 3.3. LANGUAGE AND SIGNING OF TENDER: 3.3.1. The tender, and all correspondence and documents related to the tender, exchanged between the Tenderer and the Purchaser shall be written in English. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the tenderer shall also be in English. 3.3.2. Tender shall be written in ink or typed. No tender filled in pencil or otherwise shall be considered. The tender shall be signed by a responsible and authorized person and the designation and authority of the signatory shall be stated in the tender. All corrections in the proposal will have to be signed with date and seal of the tenderer. Such correction even though signed, may make the tender liable for rejection. 3.3.3. Any printed document promoting sales may not be accepted by the Purchaser. 3.4. DOCUMENTS COMPRISING TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID: The particulars and supporting documents required in respect of the techno- commercial bid should be strictly as per following sub-clauses (clauses 3.4.1 to 3.4.10). In case, any of the details are either not furnished or inadequately furnished, the entire tender may be rejected without informing the tenderer. A techno-commercial bid may have to be submitted under separate sealed cover if so stipulated in the NIT. The price bid may not at all be opened for examination in case the techno-commercial bid, which shall be opened first is not found substantially responsive. 3.4.1. EARNEST MONEY OR BID SECURITY: (a) Every tender must be accompanied with Earnest Money of value as stipulated in the NIT. Mode of depositing the earnest money shall be clearly indicated in the NIT. Earnest money or Bid security may be furnished in the shape of Bank Call Deposit/ Bank Draft as may be prescribed in the NIT. Without this, the tender may be deemed to be incomplete and liable for rejection. The earnest money shall be pledged in favour of the Officer as indicated in the NIT. (b) In case of unsuccessful tenderer, earnest money will be released on request from the tenderer on a date subsequent to contract agreement with the successful tenderer. (c) In case of successful tenderer, the earnest money will be retained until submission of the performance security deposit referred to in clause 9.0. (d) No interests shall be payable on such deposit (e) The Purchaser/ Employer reserve the right to forfeit the earnest money or part thereof, in circumstances which according to him indicate that the tenderer is not earnest in accepting/ executing any order placed under specification. APDCL Page 100 of 114 3.4.2. GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: The GTP (Guaranteed Technical Particulars) of the materials offered along with their complete technical description supported by drawings shall be furnished by the tenderer. Relevant specifications like IS/ BS/ IEC etc. will be mentioned. 3.4.3. (a) TEST REPORTS: A list showing various type tests and routine tests as required under the relevant specifications shall be furnished by the tenderer and all such tests shall be carried out on the materials and the components offered for supply in the event of award of contract. Against each such test, the results of test performance shall be mentioned along with the name of laboratories/ testing houses, where tests were so conducted. In support of the results whether type tests or factory tests, certified copies of the test certificates shall be furnished. In case any of the prescribed tests has not been carried out, the same shall be clearly mentioned in this list stating the reasons for not carrying out the test. The tenderer also shall furnish a separate list of tests which they have carried out on their products for ensuring their better quality, but are not stipulated explicitly, in the relevant ISS or BSS specifications. Type test reports to be acceptable, the tests have to be carried out at an NABL accredited laboratory. Reports of Type test conducted in laboratories other than the above will be acceptable only if witnessed by an officer from a power utility. (b) Type test reports of equipment of higher capacity or voltage class than those specified shall be acceptable for the purpose of bidding. However, in that case, the successful tenderer shall conduct type tests on the offered equipment free of charge. (c) Type test reports, conducted 5 years prior to the date of opening of tender, in general, will not be accepted. 3.4.4. SPARE PARTS: Each tenderer shall indicate the expected life in use of their products. A list of spares which may be necessary for replacement during the maintenance of the equipment in service shall be furnished indicating if these are of proprietary nature or of standard make available in the market. In case these spares are of proprietary nature, their prices and the likely quantities that may be necessary during the useful life of the equipment shall also be mentioned. 3.4.5. BIS. CERTIFICATION: The tenderer shall state clearly if the particular product offered by him is covered by any IS certification mark and if so, the tenderer will furnish the particulars of the IS Specification, the year of obtaining the certification and a copy of the certification. 3.4.6. PAST EXPERIENCE: A Complete list of supplies/ works/ services in respect of the particular supplies / works / services offered to various parties during the period of last 5 (five) years along with total value of supplies shall be furnished. A separate list of supplies/ works/ services not exactly same as the one offered but similar to it, supplied during the last five years shall also be furnished. APDCL Page 101 of 114 The tenderer shall state clearly if they had supplied similar material including the offered product, to Assam Power Distribution Company Limited/ ASEB in the past. If so, reference of the purchase orders, the ordering authority and the consignees shall also be furnished. 3.4.7. SOURCES OF SUPPLIES: The tenderer shall clearly state the names of the manufacturer, the brand name of the product and the place/ places of its manufacture. In case, the components of the product are obtained from ancillary manufacturers, the names and addresses of such manufacturers also shall be furnished. It shall be mentioned clearly how the tenderer ensures quality control over such ancillary components and if manufacturer of such components is covered by any IS/ BS/ IEC or any other relevant specification. The tenderer shall mention clearly whether he is a manufacturer, a sole selling agent or a commission agent of the product. When the tenderer is not a manufacturer, submission of manufacturer's authorization for supply of the offered materials by the tenderer along with warranty pledged by the manufacturer is compulsory. Further, the manufacturing experience of the manufacturer in respect of the particular product or similar product also shall be furnished, indicating chronological development of the industry or the manufacturing unit. The sources of receipt of the raw material whether indigenous or imported shall be clearly mentioned against each type of such raw materials used. The methods by which quality control of such raw materials being enforced shall be clearly described. 3.4.8. DELIVERY/ WORK SCHEDULE: The delivery/ work schedule as stipulated in the NIT or. in the APDCL specification shall be binding on the tenderers. In case the APDCL delivery/ work schedule is not acceptable to the tenderer, then the tenderer may give their own delivery schedule stating clearly the reasons for deviations whether statutory or otherwise. In any case such schedules must satisfy the completion time specified. Acceptance of such deviations in the delivery/ completion schedule is entirely optional to the Purchaser. The commencement period and the quantity of each item to be supplied per month shall be specifically mentioned. Quantities offered ex-stock as well as with earlier delivery schedule shall be mentioned. 3.4.9. SAMPLES: A sample shall be submitted along with the tender if asked for in the NIT and as per .its terms. Non-submission or late submission of sample may disqualify the tender . 3.4.10. TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATES AND REGISTRATION: The tender shall be accompanied with income tax and sales tax clearance certificates. The Contractor must register for VAT with the concerned department of Government of Assam within a reasonable time after award of contract if not already registered. APDCL Page 102 of 114 3.5. PRICE BID 3.5.1. The particulars and supporting documents in respect of the price bid should be as follows: 3.5.2. The total FOR destination price of the product offered unit wise and quantity wise both in words and in figures shall be clearly furnished. Such FOR destination price also shall be supported by a breakup of the price indicating separately Ex-works price, station of dispatch, Freight and Insurance Charges. The offer may be straightway rejected if the FOR destination price and its break up against the components as aforesaid are not furnished. The FOR destination price will be on door delivery basis and shall be inclusive of cost of unloading of materials at site. 3.5.3. The Ex-works price shall not include Sales Tax whether central or state and the same will be indicated separately in words and in figures by the tenderer . 3.5.4. Excise duty on the finished product also shall be indicated separately if applicable. This should be worked out both unit wise and quantity wise indicating the excise rates applicable. 3.5.5. Any other levy, entry tax, excise or otherwise on finished products and of statutory nature also shall be indicated separately stating the reasons for claim of such levies. 3.5.6. For imported equipment:(a) The tenderer shall quote price for:i. FOB Port of shipment, inclusive of seaworthy packing. ii. CIF Kolkata iii. Indian Agent Commission, if any. (b) When prices quoted are for delivery FOB port of shipment, the Contractor shall agree to arrange for the shipment and insurance of the machinery from the port of shipment to Kolkata on behalf and to the account of the Purchaser should the Purchaser so desires. The actual expenses incurred by the Contractor for Sea freight and insurance will be paid by the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall provide for all incidental and statutory charges beyond the port of shipment such as customs duty clearance, loading and unloading, Railway freight and Octroi or terminal and other taxes. (c) Firm FOB port of shipment shall be quoted. An alternative price CIF Kolkata shall be quoted separately. The customs duty applicable and the category (Import Trade Control Classification as brought up to date) under which the “applicant’s plant is assessable” shall be stated. If firm FOB price cannot be offered, price subject to contract price adjustment may be quoted, but a ceilings limit must be stated. Any claim for contract price adjustment shall be supported by authentic documents which shall be to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. Preference will be given to the firm offering FOB/ CIF price. The currency in which payments have to be affected shall be clearly mentioned in the tender . (d) The best delivery FOB port of shipment shall be clearly stated in the tender as it shall have a vital bearing on the selection of the final successful tender. (e) In either cases of goods supplied from within and outside India, the tenderer will quote separately the freight and insurance for delivery of the goods at site. APDCL Page 103 of 114 3.5.7. Price quoted should be firm. If however a variable price is permitted as per provisions of the NIT, the tenderer shall specifically stipulate the price variation formula by indicating the base price and base date. Normally the price variation formula and indices as per IEEMA and CACMAI will be accepted. 3.5.8. In case the tenderer quotes variable price as per any formula of his own/ other sources, the tenderer will state clearly the reasons for quoting such variable price and submit the source of the formula and indices. However, his offer may be rejected at the discretion of the Purchaser if the Purchaser finds the quoted formula to be complex and it is difficult to compare the outcome with other bids. 3.5.9. In any case, if price variation is allowed, it will be limited to a ceiling of 10% (ten percent) upward only. However, there shall be no limit for downward price variation. 3.5.10. The rate quoted shall remain valid for a minimum period of 180 (one hundred eighty) days from the date of opening of the tender. Any tender offering a shorter validity period than specified in the NIT may be rejected outright. The price quoted shall remain FIRM during the period of validity and any post revision of rate after opening of the tender will make it liable for rejection. The Purchaser, however, reserves the right to negotiate with the tenderer or offer lowest/ reasonable rate to any/ all of the tenderers. 3.5.11. The tenderer shall explain clearly if there is any DGS & D rate contract available for the product offered and if on the positive, copies of such rate contract shall invariably be furnished. For such DGS & D prices, the tenderer.should state clearly the period of validity of the rate contract. 3.5.12. The tenderer shall mention clearly if any quantity discount or payment discount is offered. 3.5.13. The price bid shall be furnished clause wise and in the same order as above. 4.0 RIGHT TO REJECT: 4.1. The Purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof and the Purchaser further reserves the right to split up the supply order in favour of more than one contractor. The Purchaser also reserves the right to reject the lowest or any other price without assigning any reason. 5.0 ACCEPTANCE OF THE ORDER / CONTRACT: 5.1. Acceptance of the order(s) in writing shall be conveyed by the supplier to the Purchaser/ Employer within 10 (ten) days from the date of issue of the purchase order failing which, it will be presumed that all the terms and conditions of the purchase order are acceptable by him in full. 5.2. Before finalization of the contract, if discussion with the successful tenderer is considered necessary by the Engineer, the tenderer shall turn up for the same within 10 (ten) days from the receipt of intimation by FAX / e-mail at no extra cost to the Purchaser. 5.3. Also, if it is for executing a separate agreement the successful tenderer will turn up for the same within 10 (ten) days from the receipt of intimation at no extra cost to the Purchaser. APDCL Page 104 of 114 6.0 CONDITION OF CONTRACT: COMMERCIAL & GENERAL: 6.1. If so required by the Purchaser, a formal agreement with or without guarantee at the option of the Purchaser shall be entered into between the Contractor and the Purchaser for the proper fulfilment of contract. 6.2. Such contracts shall be drawn up in non-judicial stamp paper. 6.3. The expenses of completing and standing the agreement shall be paid by the Contractor and Purchaser shall be furnished free of charge with an executed stamped counterpart of the agreement along with ten copies thereof. 6.4. After the tender has been accepted by the Purchaser, all orders or instructions to the Contractor shall except as wherein otherwise provided, be given by the Engineer on behalf of the Purchaser . 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OF CONTRACT: 7.1. The contract shall in all respects be constructed and operated as defined in the Indian Contract Act 1972 and any statutory modification thereof. 8.0 EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: 8.1. The contract agreement to be executed at Guwahati (Assam) by the parties. 9.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT: 9.1. The successful tenderer shall have to deposit through a Bank Guarantee from a nationalized or scheduled Bank of RBI for an amount equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the total value of the order as performance security, immediately on acceptance of letter of intent/detailed orders (as the case may be), duly pledged in favour of the Purchaser concerned and such security deposits shall be valid up to 30(Thirty) days beyond the warranty period. 9.2. If the supplier fails or neglects to observe perform any of his obligations under the contract, the Purchaser shall have the right to forfeit either in full or in part at his absolute discretion, the security deposit furnished by the supplier. 9.3. No interest shall be payable on such deposits. 10.0 RETENTION MONEY: 10.1. In addition to above performance security deposit, 5% value of each progressive bill will be retained by the Engineer/ Purchaser as ‘retention money’. The amount will be held by the Purchaser till the work under the contract is completed and the completion certificate is issued in pursuance to clause 25.0. 10.2. If the supplier fails or neglects to observe and perform any of his obligations under the contract, the Purchaser shall have the right to forfeit either in full or in part at his absolute discretion, the security deposit furnished by the supplier. 10.3. No interest shall be payable on such deposits. 11.0 RAW MATERIALS: 11.1. Raw materials will be arranged by the suppliers from their own quota and the Purchaser does not have any responsibility in this regard. If, however raw materials are obtainable APDCL Page 105 of 114 against purchaser’s quota due to statutory compulsion, allotment orders in respect thereof will be issued by the Purchaser. In case of raw materials for which supplier has own quota, no recommendation or advice for release of raw materials shall be issued by the Purchaser. If issue of raw materials from purchaser quota is desired by the tenderer, he must indicate the price of the same raw material considered in the offer. In the event of actual cost of such supply by the Purchaser, being lower than the price stipulated in the tender, the difference will be recovered from the tenderer. 11.2. Where imports are unavoidable, the items shall be imported by the supplier in good time against his import license without affecting the delivery schedule. 12.0 WARRANTY : 12.1. Each tender shall stipulate a warranty clause of products offered covering a minimum period for rectification/free replacement thereof. The term “period of warranty” shall mean the period of 12 (Twelve) months from the date of commissioning and successful operation of the equipment. In any case, this period shall not be less than 18 months from the date the materials are received in the purchaser’s store in good and acceptable conditions. During the period of warranty, the Contractor shall rectify all defects in design, materials and workmanship that may develop under normal use of the equipment upon written notice from the Engineer who shall indicate in what respects the equipment is faulty .This rectification/ free replacement must be carried i out within a reasonable period as determined and directed by the Engineer. The cost of rectification/ free replacement will be to the Contractor’s account. 12.2. If the Contractor fails to rectify the defects within the reasonable time, the Purchaser/ Employer may fix a date by which the Contractor would rectify the defects, failing which the Engineer may (a) Carry out remedial works himself or through by others, in a reasonable manner and at the contractor’s risk and cost. The costs incurred by the Purchaser/ Employer in remedying the defect shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Purchaser/ Employer; (b) Determine and certify a reasonable reduction in the contract price; or (c) May terminate the contract in respect of such parts of the works and the Engineer shall be entitled to recover all sums paid for such parts of the work. 13.0 DETAILS OF AUXILIARIES / MATERIALS: 13.1. Within a reasonable time from the date of acceptance of notification of award of contract, the Contractor shall provide the Purchaser with details of all the auxiliaries/ materials being supplied and also of others, not forming part of the Contractor’s supply but essential for the safe and satisfactory working of the equipment/ system. The Contractor shall send for approval on or before the date indicated by the Engineer, outline drawings of all equipment/ materials to be furnished under the contract, together with weights and sufficient overall dimensions to enable the design of the foundations, structures and associated equipment to be prepared and also for transportation purpose. 14.0 CONTRACTOR.S DRAWINGS: 14.1. All working drawings shall preferably be prepared in AutoCAD 2000 software or its later version. The Contractor shall also submit the soft copies of all working drawings. APDCL Page 106 of 114 14.2. Within 30 days from the date of acceptance of notification of award of contract, the Contractor shall send to the Purchaser a preliminary list of all the drawings with their respective identification numbers, titles and expected date of submission. This list shall be amended or extended by the Contractor as and when necessary during the progress of the work under the contract. 14.3. All titles, notes and inscriptions on the drawings shall be in English. 14.4. All drawings which the Contractor shall send to the Purchaser for approval shall be approved or rejected or returned for modification within 15 days of receipt by the Purchaser. In case of modification or rejection the Contractor shall submit the correct drawings within 15 days from receipt of communication from the Purchaser. Contractor shall be responsible for any delay in the contract processing and its award caused by non conforming technical particulars furnished by the Contractor requiring query, confirmation etc. 14.5. Upon approval by the Engineer, the drawings shall become the contract drawings and thereafter, the Contractor shall not depart from them in anyway whatsoever except with the written permission of the Purchaser. 14.6. FINAL AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: In the final stages of the contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Purchaser hard copies as well as soft copies of complete set of built up drawings. 14.7. MISTAKES/ ERRORS IN DRAWINGS: 14.7.1. The Contractor shall be responsible and liable for any change in the work due to any discrepancies, errors, or omissions in the drawings or other particulars which have arisen due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished by the Contractor, even though approved by the Purchaser/Employer. 14.7.2. However, the Purchaser/ Employer shall be responsible for drawings and information supplied by him. The Purchaser/ Employer shall compensate for any change in the work caused due to inaccurate information supplied by him to the Contractor. 15.0 COPY RIGHT ETC.: 15.1. The Contractor shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims, actions, suits and proceedings for the infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, design or copyright protected either in the country of origin or in India for the use of any equipment supplied by the Contractor but such indemnity shall not cause any use of the equipment other than for the purposes indicated by or reasonably to be inferred from the specification. 16.0 SUBLETTING CONTRACT: 16.1. The Contractor shall not, without the consent in writing of the Purchaser/ Employer assign or sublet his contract, or any substantial part thereof, or interest therein or benefit or advantage whatsoever, other than for raw materials or for minor details or for any part of the work of which the Sub-contractors are named in the tender provided any such consent shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation, duty or responsibility under the contract. APDCL Page 107 of 114 17.0 PACKING & MARKING: 17.1. The contract shall include provisions for secured/ protective packing of equipment so as to avoid damage in transit, and the Contractor shall be responsible for all loss or damage caused or occasioned by a defect in the packing. 17.2. All bright metal parts shall be thoroughly protected from rust during transit. 17.3. All materials shall be packed in suitable strong cases or crates as per standard practice, unless otherwise specified. Large equipment such as power transformers, circuit breakers etc. which are not packed in cases, shall have all screwed holes plugged with wood and all machined faces shall be properly protected. Each package should be suitably marked with APDCL marking as specified in the purchase order. 18.0 VARIATION OF QUANTITY: 18.1. Purchaser/ Employer shall have the right to increase/ decrease the ordered quantity by 20% within 50 days of the period of completion of supply order and the same shall be supplied at the same rates/ prices and terms and conditions stipulated in the order except in regard to delivery schedule, which shall be mutually agreed upon in case of increase in the ordered quantity. 19.0 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER MANUFACTURERS: 19.1. The Contractor shall agree to co-operate with the Purchaser’s other contractors for associated supplies and freely exchange with them such technical information as is necessary to obtain the most efficient and economical design and to avoid unnecessary duplication. No remuneration shall come from the Purchaser for such technical co-operation. 20.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING: 20.1. The Purchaser/ Employer and his duly authorized representative shall have at all reasonable time access to the Contractor’s premises or works and shall have the power to inspect and examine the materials including raw materials used and the workmanship of the product during manufacture. If a part of the goods is manufactured at other’s premises or works the Contractor shall obtain for purchaser’s duly authorized representative, permission to similarly inspect at the other premises/works. 21.0 INSPECTION AT SITE FOR ERECTION WORK: 21.1. A representative of the Purchaser shall have access to the Contractor/ Sub- Contractor’s work at site at any time and the Contractor/ Sub-Contractor or his authorized agent shall be present and shall provide facilities for necessary inspection. 22.0 TEST AT SITE FOR ERECTION WORK: 22.1. The Contractor after erection and commissioning of the equipment shall arrange testing to prove correct workmanship as per specification. The Contractor shall give in writing the Purchaser’s representative thirty (30) days notice of the date the equipment would be ready for testing. The Contractor shall bear all testing cost at site of work and shall become responsible for rectification of defects found on testing within reasonable time as decided by the Engineer. APDCL Page 108 of 114 23.0 INSURANCE: 23.1. The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser, insure the materials through their underwriter at their cost and shall keep it insured against any loss/ damage/ pilferage in transit, destruction or damage by fire/ flood, exposure to vagaries of weather or through riot, civil commotion, war or rebellion, for the full value of the materials until the materials are received at the Purchaser’s destination store. 23.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for safe arrival of the goods at destination, their unloading and their receipt by the consignee. The Assam Power Distribution Company Limited will discharge consignee’s responsibilities only and shall not be responsible for any damage/ loss/ pilferage/ non-delivery by the carriers. 23.3. In case of any loss / damage / pilferage / non-delivery / short delivery by carriers etc. the supplier shall replace free of cost the missing / damaged / lost materials within 30 (thirty) days from the receipt of report thereof from the consignee without waiting for settlement of their claims with their carriers/ under-writers. Normally such reports from the consignee to the supplier shall be initiated within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of each consignment by him. 23.4. If it is considered necessary that the damaged equipment either in part or in full be sent back to the manufacturer’s works for repair, the manufacturers/ suppliers will furnish the Bank Guarantee for the full value of equipment needing repairs and such Bank Guarantee shall remain valid till such time the equipment are repaired and returned to the consignee in good condition. The to and fro freight, handling and insurance charges in such cases will be borne by the Contractor . 23.5. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, in case of failure by the supplier to replenish/ make good of the loss/ damage/ short supplied quantities, within the stipulated period, the Purchaser reserves the right to forfeit the security deposit and/ or adjust any outstanding payment to the Contractor with APDCL or take any other appropriate action. 23.6. All materials will be dispatched against clear door delivery basis unless otherwise agreed by the Purchaser . 24.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT: 24.1. The standard terms of payment of APDCL for supply of equipment/ materials are indicated below:- (A) 100% payment would be admissible within three (3) weeks from the date of receipt of the materials/ equipment at site in full and good condition less deduction of retention money and advance applicable as per clause 10.0 and 24.2 and as per terms and conditions stipulated in the purchase order (B) However, in special case, the following terms of payment may be agreed to at the discretion of Purchaser . (1) Payment of 90% (ninety percent) of the consignment value on receipt of all dispatch and other documents by the consignee through Bank. (2) Balance 10% (ten percent) on-receipt of the equipment/ materials at site in full and in good condition and as per terms & conditions stipulated in the Purchase order. APDCL Page 109 of 114 (3) Payment vide clause (B)(I) & (B)(2) would be made provided the Contractor submits to the Purchaser/ Employer a bank guarantee equivalent to 90% of the consignment value, which will be released after the consignment is received in full and good condition. (4) Payments as per sub-para (A), (B)(I) & (B)(2) above will be made under the following conditions:(a) Advance copies of bills in duplicate and other information such as challan packing list etc. are furnished sufficiently in advance. (b) Any demurrage charges on account of late intimation and/or delivery of documents by the Bank is borne by the supplier. (c) The supplier intimates the dispatch of each and every consignment to the Purchaser and the Consignee. (d) All Bank charges are borne by the supplier. (5) Payment through Bank in respect of material/ equipment dispatched by road transport shall be allowed if required, provided the transport agency is approved by the Banking Association and prior approval thereof is given by the Engineer . (C) TERMS OF PAYMENTS FOR ERECTION WORK: Payment up to 100% of erection items will be made against progressive monthly bills within a reasonable time from the date of submission of bills less deduction of retention money and advance applicable as per clause 10.0 and 24.2 respectively. 24.2. ADVANCE PAYMENT: 10% of the contract value as interest free advance against a Bank Guarantee for a sum equivalent may be permitted if specifically provided in the NIT. The advance amount will be gradually adjusted/ amortized by suitable instalments from the progressive bills. Number of instalments will be specified in the NIT. 25.0 TIME FOR COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION: 25.1. For the purpose of determining the completion time of supply and/or erection works, the date on which the Contractor accept the purchase/ work order in pursuance to clause 5.0 shall be taken as commencement date of the contract. 25.2. The Contractor shall attain Completion of the supply and/or works (or of a part where a separate time for Completion of such part is specified in the NIT/ Contract), within the time stated in the NIT / Contract. 25.3. As soon as the works, in the opinion of the Contractor, are completed as per requirements of the specification/ contract, the Contractor shall so notify the Engineer in writing. 25.4. The Engineer shall, within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor’s notice under Sub-Clause 25.3 either issue a Completion Certificate in the form specified by the Engineer, stating that the supply/ works thereof have reached Completion on the date of Contractor’s notice under Sub-Clause 25.3 or notify the Contractor in writing of any defects and/ or deficiencies. APDCL Page 110 of 114 25.5. If the Engineer notifies the Contractor of any defects and/ or deficiencies, the Contractor shall then correct such defects and/ or deficiencies, and shall repeat the procedure described in Sub-Clause 25.3 25.6. If the Engineer is satisfied that the supplies/ works have reached completion, the Engineer shall, within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor’s repeat notice, issue a Completion Certificate stating that the supplies/ works have reached Completion on the date of the Contractor’s repeat notice. 25.7. If the Engineer is not so satisfied, then he shall notify the Contractor in writing of any defects and/or deficiencies within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor’s repeat notice, and the above procedure shall be repeated. 25.8. If the Engineer fails to issue the Completion Certificate and fails to inform the Contractor of any defects and/ or deficiencies within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Contractor’s notice under Sub-Clause 25.4 or within seven (7) days after receipt of the Contractor’s repeat notice under Sub-Clause 25.6 then the supplies / works shall be deemed to have reached completion on the date of the Contractor’s notice or repeat notice, as the case may be. 25.9. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMPLETION: Should progress be delayed because of delay in approval of drawings or any cause beyond reasonable control of the Contractor, reasonable extension of time may be granted on the application made by the Contractor in writing to the Purchaser but without prejudice to other terms and conditions of the contract. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to notify to the Purchaser the reason for delay which the Contractor considers to be beyond his control. The decision of the Purchaser as to whether the delay was beyond the control of the Contractor shall be final. 25.10. Price variation, if any, applicable as per purchase order shall not apply to any quantity not delivered as per delivery schedule of the purchase order. If, however, the prices in respect of delayed deliveries are found to have gone down, payment will be made at the reduced price or penalty levied at the discretion of the Purchaser. 26.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGE FOR DELAY IN DELIVERY / COMPLETION OF WORKS AND PENALTY: 26.1. The date of delivery/ completion of work shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract and shall be completed not later than the date specified in the purchase order/ contract. In case of failure to deliver the materials/ equipment in full or to complete the delivery within the stipulated delivery period or delay in the erection work beyond completion schedule, the Purchaser/ Employer shall be entitled to: - (1) Recover an amount at the rate of 1% (one percent) of the Contract Price per week or part thereof of delay, subject to maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the contract price as liquidated damage to APDCL. However, the payment of liquidated damages shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from any of its obligations to complete the works or from any other obligations and liabilities of the Contractor under the Contract. (2) Purchase the undelivered material/ equipment from elsewhere or to complete the balance work giving notice to the supplier and to recover any extra expenditure incurred thereby for having to purchase these materials or complete the work at a higher price, at the risk and responsibility of the Contractor. (3) Cancel the contract wholly or in part and to purchase materials/ equipment at the full risk and cost of the supplier and forfeit the security deposit. APDCL Page 111 of 114 27.0 CONTRACTUAL FAILURE: 27.1. In the event of contractual failure of any respect on the part of the supplier, the Purchaser shall be entitled to forfeit the security deposit or any deposit or any payment due to Supplier from this or his other contracts towards the recovery of Purchaser’s claim for damages arising out of the failure. In addition, APDCL may black-list or ban the Contractor or pending enquiry, suspend him or take any other steps considered suitable. 28.0 REJECTION: 28.1. In the event, any of the Equipment supplied by the Contractor is found defective in materials or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of the contract specifications, the Purchaser shall either reject the equipment or request the Contractor in writing to rectify the same. The Contractor, on receipt of such notification shall either rectify or replace the defective equipment free of cost to the Purchaser. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Purchaser may at his option: (a) Replace or rectify such defective equipment and recover the extra cost so involved from the Contractor plus 15% fifteen percent thereof, or (b) Terminate the contract for default, or (c) Acquire the defective equipment at a reduced price as considered equitable under the circumstances. The provision of this article shall not prejudice the Purchaser’s right under clause 26.0 29.0 DEDUCTION FROM CONTRACT PRICE: 29.1. All cost, damages or expenses which the Purchaser may have made for which, under the contract, the Contractor is liable, may be deducted by the Purchaser from any money due or becoming due by him to the Contractor or may be recovered by action at law or otherwise from the Contractor. 29.2. In the event of recovery to the necessary extent becoming impossible owing to insufficiency of the earnest money/ security deposit and withheld amounts, the balance due to the Purchaser may at the option of the Purchaser be recovered from any money due to the Contractor from LAEDCL under other contracts with the Contractor. 30.0 FORCE MAJEURE: 30.1. Normally, force majeure shall cover only act of God, fire, war, riots and, act of Government etc. Any constraints other than those specified above, will not constitute a force majeure condition. In view of other constraints beyond the control of the supplier, primarily due to statutory compulsion, extension of delivery time may also be considered on merit of individual case. In case of a force majeure condition, the Contractor shall notify the Purchaser in writing such condition within 10 (ten) days from the beginning of such delay for consideration and acceptance. 31.0 CHANGE OF NAME OF THE TENDERER: 31.1. At any stage after tendering, the Purchaser/ Employer shall deal with the Supplier/ Contractor only in the name and the address under which he submitted the tender. All the liabilities/ responsibilities for due execution of the contract shall be that of the Supplier/ Contractor. The Purchaser may however, in his discretion deal with agents/ representatives/ distributors/ manufacturers/ associates/ principals/ sister concerns and such dealings shall APDCL Page 112 of 114 not absolve the Supplier/ Contractor from the responsibilities/ obligations/ liabilities to the Purchaser/ Employer under the contract. 31.2. Any change/ alteration of name/ constitution/ organization of supplier shall be duly notified to the Purchaser/ Employer and the Purchaser/ Employer reserves the right to determine the contract, in case of any such notification. 32.0 DEATH, BANKRUPTCY ETC.: 32.1. If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or being a corporation is in the process of winding up, amalgamation or reorganization, the Purchaser shall be at liberty to: (a) Terminate the contract forthwith by notice in writing to the Contractor or to the liquidator or receiver or to any person in whom the contract may become vested. (b) Give such liquidator, receiver or other person the option of carrying out the contract subject to his providing a guarantee for the due and faithful performance of the contract up to an amount to be determined by the Purchaser. 32.2. In case of death of the Contractor before completion of work and supply, the Engineer or Purchaser shall be at liberty to: (a) Close up the contract and take over the completed portion of work/ supply done and made as per specification and make final payment to the legal heir of the Contractor on receipt of claim from such legal heir . (b) Give the contract to the legal heir of the Contractor subject to his depositing a performance security for the due and faithful performance of the contract. The performance security amount shall be determined by the Purchaser/ Engineer commensurate with the incomplete portion of the work/ supply. The Purchaser will enter into a fresh contract with the legal heir of the Contractor on the same terms and conditions of the earlier contract. 33.0 ARBITRATION: 33.1. If at any time, any question, disputes or differences whatsoever shall rise between the Purchaser and the Contractor, upon or in relation to or in connection with the contract, either party may forthwith give notice to the other in writing of the existence of such question of dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of three Arbitrators, one to be nominated by the Purchaser the other by the Contractor and the third by the President of the International Chamber of Commerce in the case of foreign contractors and in case of local contractors by the President of the Institution of Engineers, India/ Retired or Sitting Judge not below the status of a retired Judge of High Court of India. If either of the parties fail to appoint its arbitrators within 60 (sixty) days after receipt of notice of the appointment of arbitrators then President of International Chamber of Commerce or the President of the Institution of Engineers retired or sitting Judge of India, as the case may be shall have the power at request of either of the parties, to appoint an Arbitrator. A certified copy of the President of the ICC or IOE making such an appointment shall be furnished to both parties 33.2. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Rules and procedures for Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (Paris) in the case of foreign contractors as per provisions of the Arbitration Act 1940 or any statutory modification thereof and in case of local contractors, shall be held at Guwahati or any other place as may be decided by the APDCL Page 113 of 114 Managing Director, APDCL. The decision of the majority of Arbitrators shall be final & binding upon the parties and the expenses of the arbitration shall be paid as may be determined by the Arbitrator . However, any dispute arising out of this contract will first be discussed and settled bilaterally between LAEDCL and the Contractor. 34.0 PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTIONS/ ERECTION: 34.1. The Contractor shall take reasonable and statutory precaution during execution of erection and construction work so as to avoid accident and damage to equipment and injury to workman and to prevent theft, pilferage etc. 35.0 LIABILITY FOR ACCIDENT AND DAMAGE: 35.1. The Contractor shall not claim for compensation arising out of any accident(s) or damages done during the course of erection & commissioning work & the Contractor will be responsible for paying compensation to the worker as per Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and subsequent amendments thereof. It is further clarified that in case any payment is to be made by the Contractor under the said Workmen Compensation Act, the same shall be paid forthwith and in case of failure in making such payments the Purchaser shall make payment and the amount so paid shall be deducted from the bills of the Contractor. 35.2. The Contractor shall adequately insure against liability to third party, in the joint names of the Employer, the Contractor and the Sub-contractors for any loss, damage, death or bodily injury which may occur to any physical property owned by others, the goods/ materials of the contract or to any person which may arise out of the performance of the contract. 36.0 REGULATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES: 36.1. The Contractor shall abide by the regulation of local Authorities unless such regulation is repugnant to any terms of the contract agreed upon. 36.2. All electrical contractors need to possess a valid ‘Electrical Contractor’s License’ from the concerned Licensing Board, Government of Assam. A tenderer, who has a valid ‘Electrical Contractor’s License’ from other states will also qualify for a bidding. However, in such cases the tenderer will have to obtain the same or an endorsement to that extent, from the Licensing Board of Government of Assam within a reasonable time from the date of award of contract. 36.3. The Contractor is required to fulfil all criteria related to Labour Laws. 36.4. The Contractor will also comply with all regulations/ directives of both State & Central Government Pollution Boards. 37.0 SUSPENSION OF BUSINESS DEALINGS WITH FIRMS/ CONTRACTORS: 37.1. The Purchaser may suspend business dealings with a Firm/ Contractor, if: (a) The Central Bureau of Investigation or any other investing agency recommends such a course in respect of a case under investigation; and if a prima facie case is made out that the firm is guilty of an offence involving unethical, unlawful, fraudulent means in relation to business dealings, which, if established, would result in business dealings with it being banned. (b) The Purchaser has past record of non-performance of the Firm in its previously awarded contracts. APDCL Page 114 of 114 (c) The Purchaser has record of ban against the Firm by other Government / Public sector utility 37.2. However, the Purchaser shall give the Firm/ Contractor a fair chance to explain the circumstances of such previous suspensions. 38.0 BANNING OF BUSINESS DEALINGS WITH FIRMS/ CONTRACTORS: 38.1. The Purchaser may ban business dealings with a Firm/ Contractor, if: (a) The owner (s) of the Firm/ Contractor is convicted by a court of law following prosecution for offences involving unethical, unlawful, fraudulent means in relation to business dealings. (b) There is strong justification that the Firm has been guilty of malpractices “such as, bribery, corruption, fraud, substitution of tenders, interpolation, mis-representation, evasion or habitual default in payment of any Government tax" etc. . (c) The Firm continuously refuses to return government dues without showing adequate cause and government are reasonably satisfied that this is not due to reasonable dispute which would attract proceeding in arbitration or court of law. (d) The Firm is found guilty of involving in unethical practices, such as: 1. “corrupt practice” involving offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any such official/ party in procurement process or in contract execution. 2. “fraudulent practice” involving misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Employer. 3. “collusive practice” involving a scheme among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open competition. 4. “coercive practice” involving harming or threatening to harm directly or indirectly, persons or their property to influence procurement process or the execution of a contract. 38.2. The Purchaser may sanction a Firm/ Contractor or its successor, including declaring ineligible, indefinitely or for a period of not less than 3 (three) years. 39.0 LEGAL JURISDICTION: 39.1. For any litigation arising out of the contract which cannot be resolved through mutual agreement or through arbitration, the Guwahati High Court will have the sole jurisdiction. APDCL