CHAPTER 9 Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups Normal Subgroups If H G, we have seen situations where aH 6= Ha 8 a 2 G. Definition (Normal Subgroup). A subgroup H of a group G is a normal subgroup of G if aH = Ha 8 a 2 G. We denote this by H C G. Note. This means that if H C G, given a 2 G and h 2 H, 9 h0, h00 2 H 3 ah = h0a and ah00 = ha. and conversely. It does not mean ah = ha for all h 2 H. Recall (Part 8 of Lemma on Properties of Cosets). aH = Ha () H = aHa 1. Theorem (9.1 — Normal Subgroup Test). If H G, H C G () xHx 1 ✓ H for all x 2 G. Proof. (=)) H C G =) 8 x 2 G and 8 h 2 H, 9 h0 2 H 3 xh = h0x =) xhx 1 = h0 2 H. Thus xHx 1 ✓ H. ((=) Suppose xHx 1 ✓ H 8 x 2 G. Let x = a. Then aHa 1 ✓ H =) aH ✓ Ha. Now let x = a 1. Then a 1H(a 1) 1 = a 1Ha ✓ H =) Ha ✓ aH. By mutual inclusion, Ha = aH =) H C G. 117 ⇤ 118 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Example. (1) Every subgroup of an Abelian group is normal since ah = ha for all a 2 G and for all h 2 H. (2) The center Z(G) of a group is always normal since ah = ha for all a 2 G and for all h 2 Z(G). Theorem (4). If H G and [G : H] = 2, then H C G. Proof. If a 2 H, then H = aH = Ha. If a 62 H, aH is a left coset distinct from H and Ha is a right coset distinct from H. Since [G : H] = 2, G = H [aH = H [Ha and H \ aH = ; = H \ Ha =) aH = Ha. Thus H C G. ⇤ Example. An C Sn since [Sn : An] = 2. Note, for example, that for (1 2) 2 Sn and (1 2 3) 2 An, (1 2)(1 2 3) 6= (1 2 3)(1 2), but (1 2)(1 2 3) = (1 3 2)(1 2) and (1 3 2) 2 An. Example. hR360/ni C Dn since [Dn : R360/n] = 2. Example. SL(2, R) C GL(2, R). Proof. 1 = (det(x)) 1. Then, for all det(x) Let x 2 GL(2, R). Recall det(x 1) = h 2 SL(2, R), det(xhx 1) = (det(x))(det(h))(det(x)) so xhx 1 2 SL(2, R) =) x SL(2, R)x 1 = (det(x))(det(x)) 1(det(h)) = 1 · 1 = 1, 1 ✓ SL(2, R). Thus SL(2, R) C GL(2, R). ⇤ 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 119 Example. Consider A4, with group table from page 111 shown below: Let H = {↵1, ↵2, ↵3, ↵4} A4, A = {↵5, ↵6, ↵7, ↵8} ✓ A4, and B = {↵9, ↵10, ↵11, ↵12}. 8 a 2 A, a 1 2 B, and 8 b 2 B, b Case 1: x 2 H. Then xH ✓ H. Since x 1 2 H, xHx Let x 2 A4: Case 2: x 2 A. Then xH ✓ A =) xHx Case 3: x 2 B. Then xH ✓ B =) xHx Thus, 8 x 2 A4, xHx 1 1 1 ✓ H. ✓ H. ✓ H. ✓ H =) H C A4 by Theorem 9.1. Now let K = {↵1, ↵5, ↵9} A4. Now ↵5 2 K, but so K 6C A4. 1 ↵2↵5↵2 1 = ↵2↵5↵2 = ↵2↵8 = ↵7 62 K, 1 2 A. 120 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Factor Groups Theorem (9.2 — Factor Groups). Let G be a group and H C G. The set G/H = {aH|a 2 G} is a group under the operation (aH)(bH) = abH. This group is called the factor group or quotient group of G by H. Proof. We first show the operation is well-defined. [Our product is determined by the coset representatives chosen, but is the product uniquely determined by the cosets themselves?] Suppose aH = a0H and bH = b0H. Then a0 = ah1 and b0 = bh2 for some h2, h2 2 H =) a0b0H = ah1bh2H = ah1bH = ah1Hb = aHb = abH by associativity in G, the Lemma on cosets (page 145), and the fact that H C G. Thus the operation is well-defined. Associativity in G/H follows directly from associativity in G: (aHbH)cH = (abH)cH = (ab)cH = a(bc)H = aH(bcH) = aH(bHcH). The identity is eH = H, and the inverse of aH is a 1H. Thus G/H is a group. ⇤ 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 121 Example. Let 3Z = {0, ±3, ±6, ±9, . . . }. Then 3Z C Z since Z is abelian. Consider the following 3 cosets: 0 + 3Z = 3Z = {0, ±3, ±6, ±9, . . . }, 1 + 3Z = {1, 4, 7, . . . ; 2, 5, 8, . . . }, 2 + 3Z = {2, 5, 8 . . . ; 1, 4, 7, . . . }. For k 2 Z, k = 3q + r where 0 r < 3. Thus k + 3Z = r + 3q + 3Z = r + 3Z. So we have all the cosets. A Cayley table for Z/3Z: 0 + 3Z 0 + 3Z 0 + 3Z 1 + 3Z 1 + 3Z 2 + 3Z 2 + 3Z Therefore, Z/3Z ⇡ Z3. 1 + 3Z 1 + 3Z 2 + 3Z 0 + 3Z 2 + 3Z 2 + 3Z 0 + 3Z 1 + 3Z In general, for n > 0, nZ = {0, ±n, ±2n, ±3n, . . . }, and Z/nZ ⇡ Zn. 122 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Example. Consider the multiplication table for A4 below, where i represents the permutation ↵i on page 117 of these notes. Let H = {1, 2, 3, 4}. The 3 cosets of H are H, 5H = {5, 6, 7, 8}, and 9H = {9, 10, 11, 12}. Notice how the above table is divided into coset blocks. Since H C A4, when we replace the various boxes by their coset names, we get the Cayley table below for A4/H. The factor group collapses all the elements of a coset to a single group element of A4/H. When H C G, one can always arrange a Cayley table so this happens. When H 6C G, one cannot. 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Example. Is U (30)/U5(30) isomorphic to Z2 Z4? 123 Z2 (the Klein 4-group) or Solution. U (30) = {1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}, U5(30) = {1, 11}. 7U5(30) = {7, 17}, 13U5(30) = {13, 23}, 19U5(30) = {19, 29}. Thus U (30/U5(30) = {U5(30), 7U5(30), 13U5(30), 19U5(30)}. (7U5(30))2 = 19U5(30), so |7U5((30)| 6= 2 =) |7U5((30)| = 4 =) U (30)/U5(30) ⇡ Z4. ⇤ Note. |aH| has two possible interpretations: (1) The order of aH as an element of G/H. (2) The size of the set aH. The appropriate interpretation will be clear from the context. Note. When we take a group and factor out by a normal subgroup H, we are essentially defining every element in H to be the identity. In the example above, 7U5(30) = 17U5(30) since 17 = 7 · 11 in U (30) and going to the factor group makes 11 the identity. 124 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Problem (Page 201 # 25). Let G = U (32) and H = {1, 31}. Which of Z8, Z4 Z2, or Z2 Z2 Z2 is G/H isomorphic to? Solution. G = U (32) = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31}. The cosets in G/H are: H = {1, 31}, 3H = {3, 29}, 5H = {5, 27}, 7H = {7, 25}, 9H = {9, 23}, 11H = {11, 21}, 13H = {13, 19}, 15H = {15, 17}. (3H)2 = 9H 6= H, do 3H has order at least 4, ruling out Z2 Z2 Z2. (3H)4 = 17H 6= H, so |3H| 6= 4 =) |3H| = 8. Thus G/H ⇡ Z8. ⇤ Applications of Factor Groups Why are factor groups important? When G is finite and H 6= {e}, G/H is smaller than G, yet simulates G in many ways. One can often deduce properties of G from G/H. Theorem (9.3 — G/Z Theorem). Let G be a group and let Z(G) be the center of G. If G/Z(G) is cyclic, then G is Abelian. Proof. Let gZ(G) be a generator of G/Z(G), and let a, b 2 G. Then 9 i, j 2 Z 3 aZ(G) = (gZ(G))i = g iZ(G) and bZ(G) = (gZ(G))j = g j Z(G). Thus a = g ix and b = g j y for some x, y 2 Z(G). Then ab = (g ix)(g j y) = g i(xg j )y = g i(g j x)y = (g ig j )(xy) = (g j g i)(yx) = (g j y)(g ix) = ba. Thus G is Abelian. ⇤ 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 125 Note. (1) From the proof above, we have a stronger e↵ect: Theorem (9.30). Let G be a group and H Z(G). If G/H is cyclic, then G is Abelian. (2) Contrapositive: Theorem (9.300). If G is non-Abelian, then G/Z(G) is not cyclic. Example. Consider a non-Abelian group of order pq, where p and q are primes. Then, since G/Z(G) is not cyclic, |Z(G)| 6= p and |Z(G)| 6= q, so |Z(G)| = 1 and Z(G) = {e}. (3) If G/Z(G) is cyclic, it must be trivial (only the identity). Theorem (9.4 — G/Z(G) ⇡ Inn(G)). For any group G, G/Z(G) is isomorphic to Inn(G). Proof. Consider T : G/Z(G) ! INN(G) defined by T (gZ(G)) = g. [To show T is a well-defined function.] Suppose gZ(G) = hZ(G) =) h 1g 2 Z(G). Then, 8 x 2 G, h 1gx = xh 1g =) gx = hxh 1g =) gxg 1 = hxh 1 =) g (x) = h (x). Thus g = h. Reversing the above argument shows T is 1–1. T is clearly onto. For operation preservation, suppose gZ(G), hZ(G) 2 G/Z(G). Then T (gZ(G) · hZ(G)) = T (ghZ(G)) = Thus T is an isomorphism. gh = g h = T (gZ(G)) · T (hZ(G)). ⇤ 126 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Problem (Page 204 # 60). Find |Inn(Dn)|. Solution. By Example 14, page 67, Z(Dn) = {R0, R180} for n even and Z(Dn) = {R0} for n odd. Thus, for n odd, Dn/Z(Dn) = Dn ⇡ Inn(Dn) by Theorem 9.4, |Inn(Dn)| = |Dn| = 2n for n odd. Now suppose n is even. Then |Dn| 2n = = n. |Z(Dn)| 2 Then, since Dn/Z(Dn) ⇡ Inn(Dn) by Theorem 9.4, |Dn/Z(Dn)| = [Dn : Z(Dn)] = |Inn(Dn)| = |Dn/Z(Dn)| = n. Further, n = 2p, p a prime. Then, by Theorem 7.3, Inn(Dn) ⇡ Zn or Inn(Dn) ⇡ Dp. If Inn(Dn) were cyclic, Dn/Z(Dn) would also be by Theorem 9.4 =) Dn is Abelian by Theorem 9.3, an impossibility. Thus Inn(D2p) ⇡ Dp. ⇤ 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 127 Theorem (9.5 — Cauchy’s Theorem for Abelian groups). Let G be a finite Abelian group and let p be a prime such that p |G|. Then G has an element of order p. Proof. Clearly, the theorem is true if |G| = 2. We use the Second Principle of Induction on |G|. Assume the staement is true for all Abelian groups with order less than |G|. [To show, based on the induction assumption, that the statement holds for G also.] Now G must have elements of prime order: if |x| = m and m = qn, where q is prime, then |xn| = q. Let x be an element of prime order q. If q = p, we are finished, so assume q 6= p. Since every subgroup of an Abelian group is normal, we may construct G = |G| G/hxi. Then G is Abelian and p |G|, since |G| = . By induction, then, G q has an element – call it yhxi – of order p. For the conclusion of the proof we use the following Lemma: ⇤ Lemma (Page 204 # 67). Suppose H C G, G finite. If G/H has an element of order n, G has an element of order n. Proof. Suppose |gH| = n. Suppose |g| = m. Then (gH)m = g mH = eH = H, so by Corollary 2 to Theorem 4.1, n|m. [We just proved Page 202 # 37.] Then so, by Theorem 4.2, 9 t 2 Z 3 m = |g| = nt = |gH|t |g t| = m m = = n. gcd(m, t) t ⇤ Example. Consider, for k 2 Z, hki C Z. 1 + hki 2 Z/hki with |1 + hki| = k, but all elements of Z have infinite order, so the assumption that G must be finite in the Lemma is necessary. 128 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Internal Direct Products Our object here is to break a group into a product of smaller groups. Definition. G is the internal direct product of H and K and we write G = H ⇥ K if H C G, K C G, G = HK, and H \ K = {e}. Note. (1) For an internal direct product, H and K must be di↵erent normal subgroups of the same group. (2)For external direct products, H and K can be any groups. (3) One forms an internal direct product by starting with G, and then finding two normal subgroups H and K within G such that G is isomorphic to the external direct product of H and K. 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 129 Example. Consider Z35 where, as we recall, the group operation is addition. h5i C Z35 and h7i C Z35 since Z35 is Abelian. Since gcd(5, 7) = 1, 9 s, t 2 Z 3 1 = 5s + 7t. In fact, 1 = ( 4)5 + (3)7. Thus, for m 2 Z35, m = ( 4m)5 + (3m)7 2 h5i + h7i. So Z35 = h5i + h7i. Also, h5i \ h7i = {0}, so Z35 = h5i ⇥ h7i. We also know h5i ⇡ Z7 and h7i ⇡ Z5, so that Z35 ⇡ Z7 Z5 ⇡ h5i h7i. Example. S3 = {(1), (1 2 3), (1 3 2), (2 3), (1 2), (1 3)}. Let H = h(1 2 3)i and K = h(1 2)i. Then H = {(1), (1 2 3), (1 3 2)} and K = {(1), (1 2)}. Since (1 2 3)(1 2) = (1 3) and (1 3 2)(1 2) = (2 3), S3 = HK. Also, H \ K = h(1)i. But S3 6⇡ H ⇥ K since S3 6⇡ H K because S3 is not cyclic and H cyclic since |H| and |K| are relatively prime. K is What is the problem here? K 6C S3 since (1 3)(1 2)(1 3) 1 = (1 3)(1 2)(1 3) = (2 3) 62 K. Definition (Internal Direct Product H1 ⇥ H2 ⇥ · · · ⇥ Hn). ! Let H1, H2, . . . , Hn be a finite collection of normal subgroups of G. We say that G is the internal direct product of H1, H2, . . . , Hn and write G = H1 ⇥ H2 ⇥ · · · ⇥ Hn if (1) G = H1H2 · · · Hn = {h1h2 · · · hn|hi 2 Hi}, (2) (H1H2 · · · Hi) \ Hi+1 = {e} for i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1. 130 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Theorem (9.6 — H1H2 · · · Hn ⇡ H1 H2 · · · Hn). If a group G is the internal direct product of a finite number of subgroups H1, H2, . . . , Hn, then G = H1 H2 · · · Hn, i.e., H1 ⇥ H2 ⇥ · · · ⇥ Hn ⇡ H1 H2 ··· Hn. Proof. [To show h’s from di↵erent Hi’s commute.] Let hi 2 Hi and hj 2 Hj with i 6= j. Then, since Hi C G and Hj C G, (hihj hi 1)hj 1 2 Hj hj 1 = Hj and hi(hj hi 1hj 1) 2 hiHi = Hi. Thus hihj hi 1hj 1 2 Hi \ Hj = {e} by Page 200 # 5. [WLOG, suppose i < j. Then, if h 2 Hi \Hj , h 2 H1H2 · · · Hi · · · Hj 1 \Hj = {e} from the definition of internal direct product.] Thus hihj = hj hi. [To show each element of G can be expressed uniquely in the form h1h2 · · · hn where hi 2 Hi.] From the definition of internal direct product, there exist h1 2 H1, . . . , hn 2 Hn such that g = h1h2 · · · hn for g 2 G. Suppose also g = h01h02 · · · h0n where h0i 2 Hi. Using the commutative property shown above, we can solve (?) h1h2 · · · hn = h01h02 · · · h0n to get h0nhn 1 = (h01) 1h1(h02) 1h2 · · · (h0n 1) 1hn 1. Then h0nhn 1 2 H1H2 · · · Hn 1 \ Hn = {e} =) h0nhn 1 = e =) h0n = hn. We can thus cancel hn and h0n from opposite sides of (?) and repeat the preceding to get h0n 1 = hn 1. continuing, we eventually get hi = h0i for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Now define : G ! H1 From the above, H2 ··· 131 Hn by (h1h2 · · · hn) = (h1, h2, · · · , hn). is well-=defined. If (h1h2 · · · hn) = (h01h02 · · · h0n), (h1, h2, · · · , hn) = (h01, h02, · · · , h0n) =) so is 1–1. That hi = h0i for i = 1, . . . , n =) h1h2 · · · hn = h01h02 · · · h0n, is onto is clear. [To show operation preservation.] Now let h1h2 · · · hn, h01h02 · · · h0n 2 G. Again, using the commutativity shown above, ⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤ (h1h2 · · · hn)(h01h02 · · · h0n) = (h1h01)(h2h02) · · · (hnh0n) = (h1h01, h2h02, · · · , hnh0n) = (h1h2 · · · hn) · (h01h02 · · · h0n) = so operations are preserved and Note. If G = H1 H2 ··· H i = {e} Clearly, each H i ⇡ Hi. (h1h2 · · · hn) (h01h02 · · · h0n), is an isomorphism. Hn, then for Hi {e}, i = 1, ..n, G = H 1 ⇥ H 2 ⇥ · · · H n. ⇤ 132 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS Theorem (9.7 – Classification of Groups of Order p2). Every group of order p2, where p is a prime, is isomorphic to Zp2 or Zp Zp. Proof. Let G be a group of order p2, p a prime. If G has an element of order p2, then G ⇡ Zp2 . Otherwise, by Corollary 2 of Lagrange’s Theorem, we may assume every non-identity element of G has order p. [To show that 8 a 2 G, hai is normal in G.] Suppose this is not the case. Then 9 b 2 G 3 bab 1 62 hai. Then hai and hbab 1i are distinct subgroups of order p. Since hai \ hbab 1i is a subgroup of both hai and hbab 1i, hai \ hbab 1i = {e}. Thus the distinct left cosets of hbab 1i are Since b 1 hbab 1i, ahbab 1i, a2hbab 1i, . . . , ap 1hbab 1i. must lie in one of these cosets, b 1 = ai(bab 1)j = aibaj b for some i and j. Cancelling the b 1 1 terms, we get e = aibaj =) b = a i j 2 hai, a contradiction. Thus, 8 a 2 G, hai is normal in G. Now let x be any non-identity element in G and y any element of G not in hxi. Then, by comparing orders and from Theorem 9.6, G = hxi ⇥ hyi ⇡ Zp Zp. ⇤ Corollary. If G is a group of order p2, where p is a prime, then G is Abelian. 9. NORMAL SUBGROUPS AND FACTOR GROUPS 133 Example. We use Theorem 8.3, its corollary, and Theorem 9.6 for the following. If m = n1n2 · · · nk where gcd(ni, nj ) = 1 for i 6= j, then U (m) = Um/n1 (m)⇥Um/n2 (m)⇥· · ·⇥Um/nk (m) ⇡ U (n1) U (n2) · · · U (nk ). We use the “=” sign for the internal direct product since the elements are all within U (m). U (105) = U (15) · U (7) = U15(105) ⇥ U7(105) = {1, 16, 31, 46, 61, 76} ⇥ {1, 8, 22, 29, 43, 64, 71, 92} ⇡ U (7) U (15) U (105) = U (5 · 21) = U5(105) ⇥ U21(105) = {1, 11, 16, 26, 31, 41, 46, 61, 71, 76, 86, 101} ⇥ {1, 22, 43, 64} ⇡ U (21) U (5) U (105) = U (3 · 5 · 7) = U35(105) ⇥ U21(105) ⇥ U15(105) = {1, 71} ⇥ {1, 22, 43, 64} ⇥ {1, 16, 31, 46, 61, 76} ⇡ U (3) U (5) U (7)