Influence Factor Analysis of PMSM Air Gap Flux Density 1 Chao-hui Zhao 1, Sui-liang Li 2, Yang-guang Yan1 Laboratory of Aeronautical Power system, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China 2 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China method based on asymmetry air gap to improve wave distribution of air gap flux density; Using resolution method and finite element method (FEM), the literature [5] analyzed air gap flux of PMSM and compared with induction machine; Under considered the assemble air gap and saturated of stator, rotor instance, the literature [6] lodged a sort of analysis method of IPM machine. Summarily the air gap flux density of PMSM relate to many factor, in relative literatures, however, it has not been reported. To research the air gap densities influence factor of PMSM, a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was conducted. The FEA analysis package used is ANASYS7.0’s Maxwell 2D model. This paper adopts the vector magnetism potential to calculate the machines field, and some conclusion of practicality and palpability was presented. Abstract-PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous machine) has high efficiency and torque. The influence of the air gap flux density on torque and induced EMF is proverbial, thus it is very important to discuss influence factor of PMSM air gap flux density. In relative literatures, however, it has not been reported. This paper analyze the relative factor of influence air gap flux density, and compare SPM (surface mounted permanent magnet) with IPM (interior permanent magnet) machine, then presents applied and intelligible conclusions: the machines air gap flux density is changed with the air gap length varies, the air gap flux density variety of IPM machine is bigger than that one of SPM; To IPM, using non-magnetism shaft is our advice; To SPM, in order to ease fabricate, we suggest use magnetism shaft; To IPM, small pole arc coefficient is suitable; To SPM, however, more bigger pole arc coefficient is necessary; To IPM, the air gap flux density has a suitable value due to the restriction condition of rare earth magnet thickness; To SPM, the restriction condition of rare earth magnet thickness is not existence, the air gap flux density is enhanced with the increase of the rare earth magnet thickness, then it reaches a constant when the rare earth magnet thickness exceed some extent; IPM synchronous machine bears “flux concentration function”, when its pole pairs is more than or equal to 3, Bδ Br Bδ BM II. THE STRUCTURE CHARACTERISTIC OF PMSM Fig.1 show two structures of PMSM, which are similar to the conventional AC machine. Bases on placement mode of PM, their rotors can be divided to SPM and IPM type. PM strikes out slices commonly duo to its energy product and coercive force are high. Stator Main pole > 1 or 4, Rotor Air gap > 1 ; To SPM, it has no “flux concentration function” I. INTRODUCTION (a) SPM machine Compared with conventional asynchronism machine, permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) have several advantages, including the high torque/mass ratio and efficiency [1][2]. Relative to electricity excitation synchronous machine, due to there is a lack of excitation winding, and cancel brush, slide loop equipment, PMSM have some pop out merit, such as small loss, high efficiency and reliability, simple rotor structures. Thus, the PMSM machine is widely used for electric household appliances, OA, and electric vehicles. In a way, the output torque and induction electricity potential of PMSM depend on flux distribution of air gap. The air gap flux density influences directly on machines performance, so the research on air gap flux density for PMSM is very important. The literature [3] lodged a sort of magnetism field analytical method which immediacy calculated no-load, full-load wave of air gap flux density for PMSM; The literature [4] researched no-load wave of air gap flux density for IPM, and brought forward a Stator Rotor Main pole Shaft Auxiliary pole Non-magnetism bush Air gap (b) IPM machine Fig.1 Two structure of PMSM In SPM machine, the PMs are drawn in gray and they are characterized by radial magnetization. Two PM of each pole pairs are series connection, and per pole flux is supplied by one block PM, at the same time, the magnetism potential of circuit are supplied by two rare earth magnet. Thus the air gap flux density of machine is approximately equal to flux density of PM work point. 334 The PM is parallel in the rotor structure of IPM synchronous machine (see Fig.1), and the per pole flux of machine is supplied by two rare earth magnet, at the same time, the magnetism potential of per pole pairs is supplied by each rare earth magnet. Thus, the air gap flux density of machine can enhance, and this is a flux concentration structure. However, the leakage flux of it is bigger than SPM machine. So, there are stainless steels (or aluminum) non-magnetism bush between rotor yoke and shaft. III. THE ANALYSIS AND CALCULATION METHOD MAGNETISM FIELD OF negligible instance, the calculation of the machine flux may predigest to two-dimension problem. From the engineering view, the outer diameter of stator is a boundary of magnet field. So, the calculation model of flux is shown in Fig.3, Fig.5. With ANSYS7.0 software, we calculate magnetism field of machine in the paper. For simplicity, the stator is assumed to be slotless. IV. INFLUENCE FACTOR ANALYSIS OF PMSM AIR GAP FLUX DEN- MACHINE’S SITY The basis structure parameter of SPM and IPM machine is shown in TABLE.I. In TABLE.I, the material of stator and rotor is silicon steel piece 1J22, and the material of rare earth magnet is NdFeB, which residual PM flux density is Br=1.05T, and coercive force is HC=827600A/m; the slot type is half hatch rectangle slot. TABLE I PARAMETERS OF TWO KINDS OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES The name of machine Inner diameter of stator (mm) Outer diameter of rotor (mm) Number of stator slots Pole pairs Thickness of magnets (mm) Width of magnets (mm) SPM 119.5 118 48 2 18 67.85 IPM 119.5 118 48 2 20.39 38.59 To build differential equation of machine interior field and to ensure the region of account and the boundary condition of FEA account, the following assumptions are made[7][8][9]: (1)End-effects are negligible, the machines field is uniformity distributing in axial direction, viz: the current density vector J and vector magnetism potential A has only axial component, J=JZ,A=AZ; (2)Iron core material is isotropy, and magnetization curve is humdrum, namely, the effect of hysteresis is negligible; (3)The magnetic field is negligible in the outer shell of machine and shaft, that is: outer surface circumference of stator and the inner surface circumference of rotor are zero vector potential surface; (4)The effect of eddy current is negligible; (5)The magnetization of each rare earth magnet is uniformity. To rare earth permanent magnet material, it means the remanent magnetization M is independent of work point. In addition, if alnico is uniformity magnetization, its magnetism would maintenance all the time, due to stuffs inner coercive force HC is very big. ( 6 ) The magnets are modeled with parallel magnetization. The calculation of the machine flux distribution is a non-linear three-dimension problem, however, considering physics process of energy transfer takes place inside the air gap, and the length of the machine axis direction is more than the length of air gap. Therefore, end-effects are 335 A. The Influence of Air Gap Length’s Variety on Air Gap Flux Density 1) The influence of air gap length’s variety on air gap flux density in IPM: The length of the air gap affects the shape of the air gap flux density distribution. This is mainly due to the leakage flux around the end of the magnet, which increases with air gap length. Given magnet type, the increase of air gap length will result in the reduction of the maximum flux density. Air gap flux density distribution for various air gap lengths is showed in Fig.2 (a). Fig.3 is a distribution plot of machine flux when air gap length is 0.5mm, 1mm, respectively, and it illustrates of the leakage flux of magnets end when air gap length increase. (a) IPM machine (b) SPM machine Fig.2 The air gap density waveforms when air gap variety 2) The influence of air gap length’s variety on air gap flux density in SPM: Fig.2 (b) shows the influence of air gap length’s variety on air gap flux density in SPM machine. The value of air gap flux density will drop when air gap length increase from 0.5mm to 1 mm, but its drop range is more smaller than that one of IPM machine due to the leakage flux of PM end is nonexistent in SPM machine. In a word, the influence of air gap length on air gap flux density is very serious. Because magnetism conductance of air is relative low, the ability which magnetic force line get across air gap as air gap increase weaken, i.e, the air gap flux density will be decreased. The drop range of air gap flux density in SPM is more smaller than that one in IPM machine. Leakage flux (b) Fig.3 The magnetic force lines distributing plot for IPM B. The Influence of Shaft Material on Air Gap Flux Density There are two types shaft material in machine, one is nonmagnetic shaft, such as steel; and other is magnetizer shaft, such as aluminum and stainless steel. The influence of shaft material on air gap flux density is different when the structure of machine is different. In our paper, the air gap length is 0.75mm at simulink. 1) The influence of shaft material on air gap flux density in IPM: The influence of shaft material on air gap flux density is different to IPM machine. Fig.3 (a) shows the flux plot where the magnets are attached to the nonmagnetic shaft hence eliminating the leakage flux entirely while in Fig.3(b) the leakage flux under the magnets is illustrated very clearly. A comparison between two the materials indicates that though the operating point of the magnets has not changed, the flux density inside the machine with the non-magnetic shaft has risen significantly, as shown in Fig.4. So, the shaft material of IPM is usually the nonmagnetizer material, or the shaft made up with magnetizer should be added a non-magnetizer bush. However, it makes more complicated configuration and more difficult fabrication. 2) The influence of shaft material on air gap flux density in SPM: Fig.5 shows the flux distribution of the SPM with magnetizer shaft. Because PM is far away from shaft and two PM with opposition polarity near shaft are attracted by one another. Therefore, magnetic force line PM produced pass entirely through armature, and the shaft material has no influence to air gap flux density. Fig.4 The air gap flux density waveform of IPM machine which shaft is different (a) (b) Fig.5 The magnetic force lines distributing plot for SPM (a) So, for convenience, the shaft material is usually the magnetizer in SPM. C. The Influence of Pole Arc Coefficient on Air Gap Flux Density 336 τs The pole arc coefficient α is ratio of pole arc width to pole pitch τ p . That is: α= choice the smaller values in IPM machine, but no over small, the reason is that the increase of air gap flux density will cause the saturation of rotor magnetizer when the pole arc coefficient is very small. τS τP With different structure PMSM, the restriction factor of pole arc coefficient is different. The variety of pole arc coefficient reflects the change of permanent magnet volume, therefore, the air gap flux density will take place variety as pole arc coefficient’s variety. The air gap length is 0.75mm when simulation calculation. 1) The influence of pole Arc coefficient on air gap flux density in IPM: To IPM machine, the definition of pole arc width τ s and pole pitch τ p is shown in Fig.6. From Fig.6 we can find that pole arc width τ s will decrease as the increase of magnet thickness when pole pairs number P and pole pitch τ p unchanged, it result in Fig.8 The relation between pole arc coefficient and air gap flux density, per-pole flux respectively for IPM machine pole arc coefficient α decrease; Certainly, if pole pairs number P change, α will vary as variety of τ s and τ p . τP So, the pole arc coefficient is restricted not only by magnet thickness, but also by the number of poles. Fig.8 illustrates the air gap flux density wave of IPM under different pole arc coefficient. Fig.8 shows the relation between the pole arc coefficient and the flux density, the per pole flux respectively. τP τS a Fig.6 b τS τP r R τS Fig.9 τ s ,τ p Sketch map of SPM 2) The influence of pole arc coefficient on air gap flux density in SPM: To SPM machine, the pole arc width τ s and pole pitch τ p are determined as Fig.9. With bm analysis we can find the pole arc coefficient is relative unaided, it has no relation with the pole pairs number and magnet thickness. Fig.10 shows the wave of air gap flux density when pole arc coefficient are 0.78, 0.85, 0.9,0.95, 0.99 respectively, we can find that the influence of pole arc coefficient on air gap flux density not too, due to under different pole arc coefficient, the maximum value of air gap flux density much at one; It is seen form Fig.10 that flux increase as increase of pole arc coefficient, the reason is the width of wave increase. Fig.11 shows the relation between the pole arc coefficient and the air gap flux density, per pole flux respectively, it also illustrates: when pole arc coefficient vary, the air gap flux density of SPM machine is hardly change, however, its per pole flux increase with the increase of pole arc coefficient. So, to enhance air gap flux density in SPM machine, the pole arc coefficient should be at its maximum in order to minimize the torque ripple. D. The Influence of Magnet Thickness On Air Gap Flux Density The more thickness the magnet is, the more bigger the magnetism potential force of magnetism circuit is, the air gap flux density of the machine should be increase in the theory. However, in practice, to increase of air gap flux density, the structure of the machine may come into being Sketch map of IPM Fig.7 The air gap flux density distribution in IPM machine to various pole arc coefficient Fig.7 and Fig.8 shows the air gap flux density and the per pole flux will decrease as the increase of pole arc coefficient in IPM, this is because when pole arc coefficient increase, the PMs thickness became thin. Thus to obtain a good performance, the pole arc coefficient should 337 some restriction. Furthermore, the restriction cause of air gap flux density is different with the different of machine structure. To SPM machine, it is seen from Fig.12 the air gap flux density and the flux increase as the increase of magnet thickness. When magnet thickness reaches to a certainty value, however, the air gap flux density and flux is basis constant. Therefore, the magnet thickness should be reasonable choice when designing machine. It is also seen from Fig.12 that the variety of air gap flux density is very small when pole pairs number different, but the variety of per pole flux is very big. The per pole flux decrease as the increase of pole pairs number, this is because the per pole area decrease as the increase of pole pairs number. Fig.10 The air gap flux density distribution in SPM to various pole arc coefficient Fig.12 The relation between magnet thickness and air gap flux density, per-pole flux respectively in SPM when pole pairs number are different E. The Influence of Pole Pairs Number on Air Gap Flux Density The increase of pole pairs number of PMSM can boost its air gap flux density, but there exists a suitable value. When air gap flux reach to maximum, the pole pairs number are different in different structure machine. 1) The influence of pole pairs number on air gap flux density in IPM machine: To calculate the relation of pole pairs number and air gap flux density accurately, the model of Fig.1 was adopted, where the inner diameter of stator is 152mm, the outer and inner diameter of rotor is 150mm, 60mm respectively, and the material of stator and rotor are all choose 1J22; the material of shaft is 45# steel which relative differential permeability µ r is 1500; the material of rare earth magnet is NdFeB, which thickness is 9mm, width is 42mm, residual PM flux density is Br=1.07T and coercive force is Hc=827600A/m; the outer and inner diameter of non-magnetizer bush is 60mm, 45mm respectively; the slot type is half hatch rectangle slot. Fig.13 reflects the relation of pole pairs number and air gap flux density in IPM machine. The air gap flux density has a maximum value as increase of pole pairs number. So, the optimization of pole pairs number is a value discussion question. To IPM machine, when pole pairs number reach to 4, the air gap flux density is bigger than the residual flux density of PM, i.e. IPM machine have the flux concentration function. 2) The influence of pole pairs number on air gap flux density in SPM machine: The machine model adopts SPM Fig.11 The relation between pole arc coefficient and air gap flux density, per-pole flux respectively in SPM 1) The influence of magnet thickness on air gap flux density in IPM machine: In IPM machine, the pole arc coefficient is more and more small as magnet thickness increase, and when point “a” and “b” in Fig.6 is superposition, the pole arc coefficient is most small, here the magnet thickness reaches to the maximum. Fig.8 shows the relation of pole arc coefficient and air gap flux density, per pole flux respectively in IPM machine, and it also reflects variety instance of air gap flux density when magnet thickness vary. As the increase of magnet thickness, the pole arc coefficient will decrease, while the air gap flux density will increase accordingly. 2) The influence of magnet thickness on air gap flux density in SPM machine: In SPM machine, the pole arc coefficient and the pole pairs number have not restriction function to magnet thickness, thus, the magnet thickness can randomly change inside the rotor radius under the different pole pairs number. Fig.12 shows the relation of the air gap flux density, the flux and magnet thickness respectively under different pole pairs number in SPM machine, the case which the magnets are parallel magnetization, the case which the ratio r/R denote magnet thickness. The more the ratio is, the more thin the magnet thickness, and the more small the ratio is, the more thick the magnet thickness. We can find from Fig.9 r and R are inner radius and outer radius of PM, respectively. 338 machine in TABLE I. Fig.14 shows the relation of the pole pairs number and the air gap flux density. It is shown from Fig.14, the air gap flux density increase as the increase of pole pairs number when pole pairs number is smaller than 3; the air gap flux density begin drop as the increase of pole pairs number when pole pairs number is more bigger than 3. When pole pairs number is 3, the air gap flux density reach to the maximum value, however, the value is smaller than the residual flux density of PM, so SPM machine has no flux concentration function. suitable for IPM; To SPM, however, more bigger pole arc coefficient is necessary. 4) To IPM, the air gap flux density is enhanced with the increase of the rare earth magnet thickness, but it has a suitable value due to the restriction condition of rare earth magnet thickness; To SPM, the restriction condition of rare earth magnet thickness is not existence, the air gap flux density is enhanced with the increase of the rare earth magnet thickness, then it reaches a constant when the rare earth magnet thickness exceed some extent. 5) The air gap flux density will produce the maximum with the increase of pole pairs, that is, PMSM has a suitable pole pairs. IPM synchronous machine bears “flux concentration function”, when its pole pairs is more than or equal to 3, Bδ BM > 1 or 4, Bδ Br > 1 , where Bδ is the air gap flux density; BM is the flux density of work point of PM, Br is the residual flux density of PM. To SPM, the air gap flux density is maximum when pole pairs is 3, but its maximum is less than the residual flux density of PM, thus SPM has no “flux concentration function”. 6) It is shown with the analysis of different diameter machine that the above conclusions are generalized. Fig.13 The relation of air gap flux density and pole pairs in IPM ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper is partly supported by the National Science of Chinese Foundation (No.50337030). Fig.14 The relation of air gap flux density and pole pairs in SPM V. CONCLUSION Compared SPM with IPM machine, the main conclusions are put forward as follows: 1) The machines air gap flux density is changed with the air gap length varies, the more the air gap length, the more small the flux density. The air gap flux density variety of IPM machine is bigger than that one of SPM. 2) To different structure machine, the influence of shaft material on air gap flux density is different. To IPM, using non-magnetism shaft is our advice because of the air gap flux density will increase 1 time or so than magnetism shaft; To SPM, in order to ease fabricate, we suggest use magnetism shaft due to the influence of shaft material on air gap density is negligible. 3) The influence of pole arc coefficient on air gap flux density is different for different structure machine. To IPM, the air gap flux density decreases with the increase of pole arc coefficient, hence, small pole arc coefficient is 339 REFERENCES [1] K.J.Binns and A.K.Kurdali, “Permanent magnet a.c. generators”, Proc.IEE,Vol.126,No.7,pp.690~696, 1979 [2] K.J.Binns and M.A.Jabbar, “High-field self-starting permanentmagnet synchronous motor”, IEE Proc., Vol.128,Pt.B,No.3,pp.157~160,1981 [3] Chen Yang-sheng, Lin You-yang. Calculation of Air-gap Flux Density in Permanent Magnet[J]. Proceedings of the CSEE. Vol.14,No.5, pp17-26,1994 [4] Xu Yan-liang, Xu Jia-qun,Tang Ren-yuan. Optimal Design of Noload Air-gap Flux Density of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor[J].Micro-motor, pp5-6,2002(6) [5]Xu Guang-ren, Tang Ren-yuan, An Zhong-liang. The analysis of airgap magnetic field of permanent magnet synchronous motor[J]. Journal of SHENYANG Electric Power Institute, Vol.3,No.2, pp1-4,2001 [6]Mi Chunting , Filippa Mariano , Liu Weiguo, and Ma Ruiqing. 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