2015 Donor Impact Report - University of Queensland

Better together
Message from the Vice-Chancellor
and President
Closing in on a cure
Unmanned aircraft to the rescue
3 Message from the Pro Vice-Chancellor
Restoring precious memories
Affordable, sustainable healthcare
A University built with philanthropy
Fighting the tides of change
Supporting parents
Saddled for success
The future of feeding the world
International opportunities
10 Young achievers; bright futures
11 Travel inspires learning
12 Centre offers access to justice
35 A lasting legacy
13 Mentors guide future leaders
37 Small gifts; big impact
14 Creating important pathways
39 Staff make a lasting impact
40 The gift that keeps on grilling
17 A new era in law
18 Fostering healthy habits
19 Tuning in to rehab
20 A network for ideas
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43 1910 Society
44 2015 Donors - Individuals
58 2015 Donors - Organisations
61 Bequests and Estates
The University of Queensland is one of Australia’s premier learning and research institutions with an enviable
worldwide reputation for excellence and impact.
As a donor, you help us provide the opportunities our students and teachers need to thrive, and to drive
research that will create change and influence solutions for the global issues of our time.
UQ has the most comprehensive range of high-quality programs in Queensland. We help our students become
globally minded thinkers and support them to realise their individual aspirations, to become leaders in their
chosen fields and to positively impact on the society in which they live.
Internationally, UQ’s research community continues to excel in quality and impact, contributing solutions to
some of the great challenges of our time. Innovators have made genuinely life-changing advances. The third
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessment, conducted in 2015, reaffirmed the exceptional quality
of research at UQ, with 100 per cent of UQ’s research - evaluated across all 22 broad fields of research and 97
specialised fields of research - rated as being at world standard or above.
Yet there is no room for complacency. The global higher education environment is challenged. It is arguably on
the cusp of transformational change as a result of economic instability, disruptive technologies and increasingly
competitive globalised markets. In Australia, a transitioning national economy and budget frailties have translated
to mixed enthusiasm for public funding as the costs of research and education provision continue to grow. We
cannot - and do not - expect that funding from traditional sources will exist in the future as they did in the past.
The critical importance of a strong and well-funded UQ is well understood by our donors and we thank you for
your gifts. Your generosity gives the University the added resources to achieve goals faster. Regardless of their
size, all gifts make a collective impact.
We have much more to achieve. Each year, gifts like yours are making a difference in our work. We hope the
partnership we have with you continues for many years to come.
Professor Peter Høj
Vice-Chancellor and President
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As a recent arrival to Australia from overseas, one thing
I quickly saw was how much this university means
to the local and national community. UQ has grown
up with Queensland; their histories are inextricably
This University has trained many of the physicians,
lawyers, engineers, and other professionals now
working in Queensland. The partnerships between the
state and UQ helped build this state and made it the
great place to live and work that so many of us enjoy.
It is also why many of our donors, whether they are
alumni or have simply felt the institution’s impact in the
community, give so passionately. As my predecessors
in this role have said many times, we are truly humbled
by the generosity of our thousands of donors.
We understand the trust that you have in UQ to use
these funds wisely, and to ensure we deliver the impact
that you envisioned when the gift was made. We are
pleased to share this report on philanthropic impact that
demonstrates the strides being made by Empowering
Student Success, Transforming Teaching and Learning,
and the amazing results derived from Driving Discovery
and Impact.
I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming
year, and thank you once again for your generosity.
Patricia Danver
Pro Vice-Chancellor - Advancement (Acting)
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We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the alumni, staff, industry partners and the
broader community for your continued support. In 2015, the generosity of many individuals and
organisations enabled us to raise over $65.8 million, a significant increase on the $44.7 million
raised in 2014. A portion of these gifts were directed to UQ’s endowment portfolio.
The University has a total of $154.4 million in a long-term investment portfolio that is managed
by external specialist fund managers. The portfolio consists of trust and bequest funds that have
been received in past years. The fund managers are required to operate within designated asset
allocation benchmarks and each has responsibilities for investments in:
• cash and fixed interest;
• overseas shares;
• listed property;
• tactical asset allocation; and
• Australian shares;
• private equity.
The investment strategy of the portfolio is to achieve a long-term return of the Consumer Price
Index (CPI) plus an additional six per cent. The portfolio produced a return of 14.22 per cent for the
year to 31 December 2015.
Investment Portfolio Performance
Return of
Average CPI
plus 6%
Return over past year
Return over past 3 years
Return over past 5 years
Return over past 7 years
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UQ has a long tradition of visionary philanthropy that
stretches back to the institution’s earliest days.
The purchase of the land for the magnificent St Lucia
campus was made possible by a substantial donation
by two of the University’s earliest and most significant
benefactors, Dr James O’Neil Mayne and his sister
Mary Emelia Mayne. This generosity and foresight set
a precedent for partnerships with both Australian and
international donors.
Philanthropic giving enabled the establishment of both
the medical and law schools that have educated many
outstanding practitioners and leaders in their fields. It
also built world-class research institutes that are striving
to overcome some of humanity’s biggest challenges
including climate change and the growing spectre of
dementia in an aging population.
Gifts to UQ have also delivered opportunities for
disadvantaged students, endowments for discipline
leaders, and enhancements for arts and cultural
Most recently, philanthropy to UQ helped establish
the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health that works
collaboratively with indigenous community organisations
and health providers to improve health outcomes for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
All gifts - large and small - help to place the University on
the global stage and make a positive and lasting impact
in the community.
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With a commitment to ensuring students get the most from their time at UQ, Professor Ian Frazer and his wife, Caroline, allowed the
University to establish the Frazer Family Foundation Travel Awards, for research higher degree students to attend conferences and
industry events that are crucial to their learning, their levels of expertise, and the networks they are able to create.
With proximity and cost identified as key constraints to students attending major international conferences, the Awards are integral
to the development and training of our researchers, and they also ensure the cutting-edge research being undertaken at the
University is presented on an international stage.
UQ Diamantina Institute PhD student, Soi Cheng Law (Bachelor of Science, First Class Honours, ‘11) (inset, right) was offered the
award in 2015 to present her abstract on T cells in rheumatoid arthritis at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting.
“It was an exciting and yet terrifying experience as this was my first international presentation to world leading clinician researchers
and scientists,” she said.
“This trip was tremendously helpful with the development of my own research interests and future career options.”
For high school students from low-income backgrounds the decision
to go to university can seem out of reach. The UQ Young Achievers
Program aims to support tertiary study and career aspirations of
senior secondary school students who might not otherwise have
access to university.
Students selected for the program benefit from financial assistance,
on-campus experiences, mentoring and tailored transition advice
throughout grades 11 and 12. They also receive scholarship support
for up to four years while enrolled at the University, and UQ’s
commitment to the Program recently saw the value of this annual
support increase from $6,000 to $7,000 per student.
Balinda Condon (Bachelor of Pharmacy, ‘15) (pictured) was in the
inaugural Young Achievers cohort and attributes her success to the
“Without the Young Achievers Program I may not have had the
opportunity to complete my studies and I certainly would not be the
person I am today, not just professionally but emotionally as well,”
Mrs Condon said.
“The funding enabled me to have a certain degree of financial
independence. It allowed me to move out of an environment that
was not conducive to academic or personal growth.”
To find out how you can become involved in and support the Young
Achiever’s Program, please visit young-achievers.uq.edu.au.
American College of Rheumatology 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
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The R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Material Culture Field School Program
is the only international antiquities museum internship in Australia, and was established to provide
unique learning opportunities to students.
Through the Program, students gain a richer appreciation for ancient cultures, while developing
practical and methodological skills in evaluating and recording archaeological evidence.
In 2015, several students received financial assistance through the support of the Scholarship
Endowment Fund to participate in the program. Students spent time in museums and on
archaeological sites in Rome and southern Tuscany where they learnt about landscape archaeology,
heritage management, and museum context.
Ancient History student, Scott Williams found the program transformative and inspirational.
“To finally see these places I have read so much about has inspired me to continue working hard at
my studies of Ancient History and Classical Languages,” Mr Williams said.
Established in 2009 and supported in part by philanthropy, the UQ Pro Bono Centre - the only initiative of its kind available in an
Australian law school - facilitates the opportunity for law students to participate in pro bono legal services.
In society there is persistent unmet legal need and the disadvantaged often experience substantial legal problems which,
without intervention can become more serious. An initiative of the TC Beirne School of Law, the centre partners with lawyers and
organisations that work pro bono - for the public good - to involve law students in the provision of free legal assistance to those in
In 2015, students worked alongside local and international organisations such as the Supreme Court of Tonga, the Landowners
Advocacy and Legal Support Unit in the Solomon Islands and non-profit agencies in Brisbane, Toowoomba and Cairns. Student
participation in the Pro Bono Centre offers no remuneration and no academic credit is awarded; instead the value lies in the
formation of professional networks and the skills they learn while making a genuine contribution to the community. In facilitating
this work the Centre provides students with a meaningful opportunity to gain experience in legal services whilst also teaching the
importance of access to justice.
“I hope to, one day, be in a position where I can help young students to have an opportunity like I
have had.”
The fund offers support for a range of unique enrichment activities, thanks to the loyal and generous
support of multiple donors over many years. The Scholarship Endowment Fund provides support for
special projects which have the capacity to transform student lives and learning experiences.
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UQ’s most important goal is to produce high quality graduates who create knowledge, bring new ideas to market, foster economic
growth and enhance communities across the globe. While the University provides the learning bedrock with outstanding teachers
and resources, our alumni who donate their valuable time as mentors to our students are driving an integral part of the process.
A gift from UQ Mechanical Engineering alumna, Amanda Dryden (Bachelor of Engineering, ‘99) (pictured, right), has been used to
establish the Indigenous Women Engineering Excellence Prize, aimed at encouraging and rewarding indigenous female students
who achieve the greatest proficiency in the Bachelor of Engineering.
Programs such as ‘MEET a Mentor’ in the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology and the ‘BEL Career
Mentoring Program’ in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, connect students with established alumni to motivate,
encourage, empower and transform the next generation of professionals entering the workforce.
“Colour, culture, feminine energy and an evolved/inter-connected perspective are incredibly under-represented in my field, and I am
routinely the ‘odd-one-out’ - both in appearance and in way of thinking - at meetings,” Ms Dryden said.
Alumna Kristen Burgess (Bachelor of Engineering, ’14) said her experience being mentored was invaluable.
“I found the experience of being guided and supported by someone who has achieved so many things that I hope to achieve in my
career invaluable,” she said.
“I am also very aware that I wouldn’t have survived, let alone succeeded, in my industry if not for one or two people taking the time
to mentor, advise and trust in my abilities.
“For that reason I felt compelled to give something back and UQ managed to take my raw intention and turn it into this prize.”
“My mentor’s advice has helped me prepare for beginning work as a graduate, and moving into leadership positions in the future.”
2015 recipient, Michelle Heenan (pictured, left) suggested the benefits of winning the prize were more than financial, having added
to her confidence and grown her networking capabilities.
This important guidance enhances all aspects of a student’s employability, including their transition to work, applying what they
learned at UQ in the workplace, goal setting and career options.
“The scholarship has given me ample opportunities to enhance my study - academically and personally and the connections I have
made through the Prize go beyond what I have learnt in any lecture theatre,” she said.
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The University of Queensland’s most prominent landmark is poised to begin an exciting new chapter.
Thanks to philanthropic donations to the TC Beirne School of Law, The Forgan Smith building, which houses the TC Beirne School
of Law, is undergoing dramatic refurbishment that, from 2017, will provide students with a more connected, interactive experience
and ensure they continue to receive world-class education.
The redevelopment has been carefully designed to support a major refocusing of the school and provide a dynamic and inspiring
environment for students and teachers. The design allows for currently under-utilised space to be redesigned into areas conducive
to collaborative work. It will incorporate mobile technology while preserving the historic sandstone façade.
The cost of the project is being met by a combination of university capital works funding and philanthropy.
To support this project and for further information, please visit createhistory.law.uq.edu.au.
Four School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences students witnessed first hand how businesses significantly reduce workplace
injuries after undertaking paid industry placements with leading meat supplier Teys Australia and occupational rehabilitation service
provider CIM Health. Among the group was Antoine Desrosiers (Master of Physiotherapy, ‘15) who noted the heavy focus by Teys
Australia on physiotherapy.
“There was certainly an emphasis on being proactive and preventing injury before it occurred,” Mr Desrosiers said.
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences Advancement Manager Cass Conwell said scholarships that include paid placements
are vital to students.
“Practical industry experience results in higher quality graduates who clearly understand the needs and requirements of their
industry because they have gained this experience while being a student,” Ms Conwell said.
Left to right: Marina Vitale of CIM Health, UQ students Trent Seth
and Antoine Desrosiers, and Tim Edwards of Teys Australia
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Students in the School of Health and
Rehabilitation Sciences are gaining
cutting-edge, hands-on experience at an
Australia-first clinic that exposes them to
the next generation of healthcare delivery.
Innovation is vital to Australia’s future
as the nation competes in a global
economy, and UQ is ensuring many of
its students are equipped to meet these
Made possible, in part, by a $500,000
gift by the Bowness Family Foundation,
the clinic provides students with the
opportunity to learn how technology can
be used to deliver allied health services
across the internet as an alternative to
face-to-face interactions.
UQ Idea Hub is a practical, hands-on
program that provides aspiring student
entrepreneurs with the skills and
knowledge needed to conceive a
start-up business.
This experience allows UQ students
to perform assessment and treatment
of clients in either their own home
or local community. Many of these
clients would otherwise not be able
to access audiology, occupational
therapy, physiotherapy or speech
pathology services due to distance or
underservicing in their local communities.
Speech Pathology graduate Emma Grieg
(Bachelor of Speech Pathology, Honours,
‘15) said her experience delivering
services at the clinic was invaluable.
“I was required to use lots of creativity to
adapt to this service delivery model, so
I developed new ways of thinking about
how to do assessment and intervention
in ways that are engaging for the children
requiring speech pathology.”
To learn more, please visit
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Piloted in 2015, and formally
commenced in March 2016, students
attend workshops on ideation,
technology choices, prototyping, market
validation, and business modeling. These
sessions are designed to help progress
their project to a prototype stage ready
for market testing and validation.
Importantly, Idea Hub provides students
with access to mentor entrepreneurs,
academics and active members of UQ’s
student entrepreneur club IdeaNetwork.
Many of these mentors, who are
successful entrepreneurs in their own
right, are alumni of UQ and are donating
their valuable time to ensure the success
of the students and the overall program.
If you would like to read more about Idea
Hub or learn how you could become
involved, please visit
ideahub.uq.edu.au or contact the Idea
Hub Community Director at
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The relationship between Mater and The University of
Queensland has grown into a partnership dedicated
to advancing medical research and education. The
Mater Research Institute-University of Queensland
(MRI-UQ) partnership, which receives funding from
Mater Foundation, enables the two organisations
to leverage each other’s respective expertise in
healthcare and research.
With ongoing financial support from Arthritis
Queensland, Professor Ranjeny Thomas (pictured)
and her team at UQ’s Diamantina Institute (UQDI) are
developing a vaccine for rheumatoid arthritis. This
debilitating disease, in which the immune system
attacks healthy tissue, causing inflammation, pain and
deformity, affects more than 450,000 people
in Australia.
Recent collaborations between Mater, UQ and other
organisations have enabled new projects
and discoveries which would not have otherwise
been possible.
Current therapies for rheumatoid arthritis only treat
the symptoms and slow the progression of the
disease, however due to the promising results from
human clinical trials, Australians living with
rheumatoid arthritis may soon have access to better
treatment options.
Joint funding between Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Lady
Cilento Children’s Hospital and UQ have allowed for
the purchase of a cutting-edge incubator, one of
only three in the Asia-Pacific region. This incubator
enables pre-term babies to be moved safely, ensuring
that high-resolution images can be taken.
Mater and UQ have also entered into an Alliance
Agreement to further strengthen their clinical teaching
relationship for health, nursing and midwifery
students. Under the agreement, the heritage-listed
Whitty Building has been restored and reopened in
early 2016 as a new education centre.
This collaboration facilitates a greater ability to attract
research funding, less duplication of research costs
and a strong profile to attract high calibre
international researchers.
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Professor Thomas attributes her success to more
than 20 years of funding from Arthritis Queensland,
and the faith in her abilities that the funding implied.
Dr Ian Dover, President of Arthritis Queensland, said
Thomas’s research was providing hope to thousands
of people living with rheumatoid arthritis.
“The seed funding we provided more than twenty
years ago for the Arthritis Queensland Chair of
Rheumatology at the UQDI directly supported
Professor Thomas’s breakthrough of a vaccine,”
he said.
If the delivery of this technology proves successful, it
could also be applied to other autoimmune diseases
such as type 1 diabetes.
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The incidence of Alzheimer’s disease - which already affects more than a quarter of a million Australians - is expected to more than
double by 2050.
However, UQ researchers aiming to reduce that figure have found that non-invasive ultrasound technology can be used to treat
Alzheimer’s disease and restore memory. The innovative drug-free approach breaks apart the neurotoxic amyloid plaques that result
in memory loss and cognitive decline. The approach is able to temporarily open the blood-brain barrier, activating mechanisms that
clear toxic protein clumps and restoring memory functions.
In emergency situations the difference between
life and death often comes down to just a few
UQ robotics engineer Dr Paul Pounds (pictured)
and his research into Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
(UAV) is paving the way for first responders to
use this technology to save precious time.
“It is hoped that one day these UAVs will be
able to potentially replace piloted helicopters in
search and rescue or surveillance operations for
a fraction of the cost, with reduced maintenance
and risk to people,” Dr Pounds said.
Clem Jones Centre for Ageing Dementia Research Director Professor Jürgen Götz said the new treatment method could
revolutionise Alzheimer’s treatment by restoring memory.
“We’re extremely excited by this innovation of treating Alzheimer’s without using drug therapeutics,” Professor Götz said.
“The word ‘breakthrough’ is often misused, but in this case I think this really does fundamentally change our understanding of how
to treat this disease, and I foresee a great future for this approach.”
QBI Director Professor Pankaj Sah said the discovery was made possible through major philanthropic support.
“The farsighted investment of government and philanthropic partners has allowed us to build the research excellence and capacity
required to make major discoveries such as this,” he said.
“The applications for this technology are almost
endless with surf lifesavers, police, fire fighters
and rescue workers across Australia set to
benefit from this UAV technology.
“My uniquely designed quadrotor UAV - a
helicopter lifted and propelled by four
independent propellers - is more agile,
responsive and energy efficient than existing
quadrotor designs.”
This important research has been enhanced
through the generosity of donors.
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UQ’s Faculty of Science counts two island research stations amongst its range of world-class facilities. The uniquely
positioned Moreton Bay Research Station (MBRS) and Heron Island Research Station (HIRS) support UQ’s field and
laboratory-based research critical to tackling the big issues facing Queensland’s environment.
Located on the magnificent Great Barrier Reef, HIRS is an ideal location for climate research. Monitoring the
frequency and extent of coral bleaching in the face of rising water temperatures is a key research focus at Heron
Island. In collaboration with other Australian universities, Professor Gregg Webb from the School of Earth Sciences
is analysing coral skeletons to gain an understanding of how the Great Barrier Reef has responded in the past
to environmental changes. This research initiative will assist in the prediction of reef behaviour, which is crucial to
effectively manage human impact on our reef systems in the future.
Further south, MBRS on North Stradbroke Island provides access to a diverse range of terrestrial, coastal and marine
ecosystems, all on the doorstep of a major Australian city. PhD candidate Owen Coffee is researching the diet of
endangered sea turtles from his base at MBRS in the hope of gaining more information about their foraging and
habitat requirements. As faecal matter dissolves in the sea, Owen placed six loggerhead turtles, dressed in specially
designed wetsuits which act like a nappy, in seawater tanks at MBRS. Once the samples were collected, the turtles
were returned to Moreton Bay, sans wetsuits, leaving behind the important scientific samples for analysis.
Over the past 50 years, dugong populations have experienced an estimated decline of 95% in Queensland and
with a population believed to number just over 100,000, the species is listed as vulnerable to extinction. In southern
Queensland there are three significant dugong populations, all near rapidly growing coastal developments, namely
Moreton Bay, Hervey Bay and Shoalwater Bay, The Marine Vertebrate Ecology Research Group (MarVERG), led by
Dr Janet Lanyon, is tracking movements and population connectivity as well as conducting health assessments of
dugongs. This research establishes basic health parameters such as body temperature, respiration rate and hormone
levels. Life history data built on these parameters will be used to develop conservation strategies for dugongs in subtropical regions.
Dugong and turtle populations are important indicators of the health of our coastlines and research on how corals
have reacted to climate change in the past is helping with future management practices. With gifts to our marine
vertebrate ecology and coral reef health research, alumni and community are helping to protect the Great Barrier
Reef’s iconic ecosystem for future generations.
To find out more information or get involved, please visit uq.edu.au/marinevertebrate and science.uq.edu.au/facilities.
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Image: Catlin Seaview Survey
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A new research centre focused on one of Australia’s most pressing problems - providing affordable and sustainable healthcare - will
be launched at UQ, thanks to the generosity of two alumni.
The Centre for the Business and Economics of Health will complete vital research into cost-effective healthcare solutions against the
backdrop of an ageing population.
Fidelity Worldwide Investments Head of Australian Equities Paul Taylor (Bachelor of Business, ‘91; Bachelor of Commerce, ‘92) and
his wife Sue (Bachelor of Arts, Honours, ‘87) donated $1.25 million towards establishing the Centre, and Mr Taylor said it was an
initiative he strongly believed in.
“It feels like the time has come for this sort of initiative. Health is one of Australia’s largest and fastest growing sectors, and the rising
cost of healthcare is a critical issue,” he said, adding that they feel it is important to give back to the University.
“Universities are finding it tougher and tougher to access government funding.
“We feel strongly that it is up to alumni to fill the gap; helping to keep UQ among the top echelon of educational institutions
worldwide, while continuing to make university education accessible to the next generation.”
An extra 140,000 parents and carers across the
state will now be able to access free Triple P
support thanks to a multimillion-dollar
Queensland Government rollout of the program.
The result of over 30 years of ongoing research,
Triple P, which was developed at UQ, is also the
state’s biggest social services export and has
helped millions of families in 25 countries.
The significant government investment is giving
Queensland families voluntary access to a
range of programs including selected seminars,
discussion groups, Group Triple P, Primary
Care Triple P and Standard Triple P, as well as
Triple P Online. The range of interventions will
be available for parents of children up to 12,
with the same Teen Triple P range for parents of
adolescents up to 16 years old.
Carol Markie-Dadds, Project Director at Triple P
International, said providing universal access to
an evidence-based system of parenting support
would have a lasting impact across the state.
“We know from evidence of large-scale rollouts
of Triple P in other communities around
the world that when parents become more
confident about their role, significant change
can occur,” said Ms Markie-Dadds.
The success of the Triple P Program has been
assisted by philanthropy over many years.
Continued and increased support ensures the
program can remain at the forefront of this
necessary research and offer parents a cutting
edge program. For more information and to
support Triple P, please visit pfsc.uq.edu.au.
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The University of Queensland’s Gatton
campus is home to a world-class $1.5 million
Equine Precinct which is used for teaching
and research within the School of Agriculture
and Food Science. The equine team within
the School specialises in the areas of equine
nutrition, reproduction, rehabilitation and
exercise physiology.
Over the past three years the Maria Vasas
Foundation has supported Equine Science
at UQ’s Gatton campus to recognise the life
and passions of Maria Vasas, a Brisbane
resident with a life-long passion for horses.
Maria’s legacy has maintained the equine
science group’s broodmare herd which is
essential to equine teaching and research
undertaken by equine science students. Due
to this support, students can gain hands-on
experience in learning to handle and train
horses, from foaling through to managing the
health and mating of mares.
Aside from providing students with equine
management experience, the Foundation
has also funded the Maria Vasas Equine
Scholarship in Equine Science, a scholarship
which enables students to study for an
Honours degree in Equine Science. This
support from the Maria Vasas Foundation
allows Equine Science students to continue
their studies and obtain an exemplary
hands-on experience with horses across all
life stages.
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The world’s population is expected to reach
nine billion by 2050 and food production will
need to increase by 77 per cent to meet
that demand.
The University of Queensland is at the
forefront of agricultural research globally and
its scientists from UQ’s Queensland Alliance
for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI)
are developing drought-resistant sorghum
to enhance global food security and to help
double the amount of food production in
Queensland by 2040.
Sorghum is the world’s fifth most important
cereal and a staple food crop for millions
of people in the semi-arid tropics. In
Queensland alone, the crop is worth $429
million per year.
With average temperatures rising and rainfall
decreasing across the state, QAAFI, with the
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and
the CSIRO are working alongside the Grains
Research and Development Corporation to
improve the heat tolerance and water use
efficiency in sorghum - and wheat crops - to
deal with climate risks.
The research is supported by a $4 million
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant
for sorghum “drought-proofing” work. To
support this valuable research and other key
initiatives, please visit uq.edu.au/giving/qaafi
or for more information, visit qaafi.uq.edu.au.
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For over 100 years, charitable bequests and legacies have played a vital role in UQ’s growth and accomplishments.
Two recent gifts will continue this trend, creating a lasting memorial to the lives and interests of the individuals
concerned while providing vital support for a range of transformative research and learning opportunities for the
benefit of current and future generations.
In 2014, Maureen Gilmartin AM (Bachelor of Science, ‘53) passed away, bequeathing over $3.9 million to research
at the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI). Her generous gift will help fund research fellowships to bring world-class
neuroscientists to QBI to conduct critical ongoing research into brain function. The first to be established is the
Bartlett Fellowship, a perpetual fellowship named in honour of QBI’s founding director, Professor Perry Bartlett.
In deciding to make a bequest, Ms Gilmartin was motivated by her passionate interest in science, a deep and
enduring respect for human life, and a genuine appreciation of the pressing need for further research in this field.
“Maureen was a wonderful friend and supporter of QBI and generosity such as hers will support the careers of the
best and the brightest young scientists and allow us to maintain our world-class reputation,” Professor Bartlett said.
UQ students and staff will also have a unique opportunity to pursue their interests in medical history, thanks to a
generous gift made in memory of alumnus, Dr Owen Powell OAM (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, ‘48;
Doctor of Medicine, ‘62; Master of Public Administration, ‘75; Bachelor of Arts, First Class Honours, ‘87; Master
of Arts, ‘94), by his widow, alumna Dr Glenda Powell (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, ‘61). This has
enabled the RD Milns Antiquities Museum to acquire a rare piece of medical history in the form of a Roman medical
kit, dating from the first century AD.
“It is an incredibly important addition to the University’s antiquities collection, but is also of national and international
significance when it comes to the study of ancient medicine,” said Museum Director, Dr Janette McWilliam.
The kit will offer valuable insights into how medicine was practised in ancient times and provide an enduring tribute to
Dr Powell’s outstanding contribution in the fields of medicine, medical administration and classical studies.
“His passions were medicine and classics and this box combines the two,” Dr Glenda Powell said.
Charitable bequests and memorial gifts are valued highly by the University. Such gifts enable research to leap ahead,
provide priceless opportunities for students to succeed, and are a special way to remember those who have deeply
influenced our lives and communities. Please email bequests@uq.edu.au or call UQ’s Bequest Manager, Ruth
O’Hanlon, on +61 7 3346 3904 for a confidential discussion about how to make a bequest or memorial gift.
35 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 36
In 2015, gifts from the Annual Appeal comprised more than 75 per cent of the total number of gifts to The University of Queensland. Collectively, regardless of size, these Annual Appeal gifts provided vital support for students, teaching initiatives and research.
An exclusive group of over 20 UQ donors know precisely the importance of regular
donations, after giving to the University for 20 years or more. Known as annual donors, these
valued supporters have chosen to give comparatively smaller amounts over many years, with
one donor supporting the University for 27 consecutive years.
The University raises millions of dollars each year, and in 2015, 78 per cent of gifts received
were from the Annual Appeal - a statistic that truly highlights the importance of collective
These collective gifts create a big impact, and are often directed to areas of the University
that offer immediate support, including the Scholarship Endowment Fund, the Young
Achievers Program and the University’s Greatest Need Fund. These funds, and others
supported by the Annual Appeal, help pursue new discoveries through world-class research,
and provide vital resources to allow academic leaders to embrace innovations in teaching and
provide a transformational experience for our students.
If you’ve considered making a gift to the University, one to the Annual Appeal can make a
lasting and profound difference. Your regular support, along with the collective support of
those who choose to invest in the future of this great institution will help UQ students see the
world differently; your support will help UQ develop the best and brightest into the leaders of
tomorrow; your support will create change.
37 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 38
It is not only our alumni, staff and the community who are generous donors to UQ, students are also making an impact with gifts of
their own. UQ Engineering reached a key milestone in 2015, with the annual Engineering Class Gift raising a record $5,000 from 110
donors. The gift will be used to install barbeque facilities within the engineering precinct.
For 15 years Professor Peter Gresshoff (pictured)
of the Centre for Integrative Legume Research
has been a loyal supporter of The University of
Queensland Library through UQ’s Workplace
Giving Program.
The barbeque facilities will provide an area for future students to sizzle, socialise and host engagement events with valued industry
connections. Since the initiative was launched in 2011, graduating students have collectively raised more than $23,000 to enhance
the engineering student experience for those following in their footsteps.
Staff support is a key measure of confidence
from those who are engaged within the
University every day, who see the impact the
institution is having locally and globally, and
who believe in and want to be a part of the
University’s success.
The Program allows University staff to donate a
portion of their salary on a regular basis, relieving
the potential burden of a large one-off donation,
and also giving the donor an immediate
tax benefit.
Professor Gresshoff chooses to support the
Library each year because he sees it as an
integral and valuable central service that
benefits all students, staff and even members of
the community.
“I feel a responsibility towards my employer,” said
Professor Gresshoff.
“It is a two-way relationship and a small donation
each fortnight does make a difference.”
In 2015, donations to the Library were used
to increase cultural collections, fund the Fryer
Fellowship, refurbish study spaces for students,
and upgrade digitisation equipment.
39 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 40
The University of Queensland acknowledges the support
of its donors who generously donated between 1 January
and 31 December 2015.
With the support of donors, The University of Queensland
is able to develop the next generation of students, sustain
critical research and find solutions to create a vibrant,
healthy planet. These achievements are simply not
possible without the generosity of our donors, alumni,
friends, industry partners and foundations.
This list includes individual gifts made to The University of
Queensland in America, Inc. foundation and granted to
the University.
The University of Queensland acknowledges the generous
contributions of staff and former staff.
41 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 42
The 1910 Society recognises individual donors who donate $100,000 or more cumulatively during their lifetime. Donor support at
this level is significant and transformational, demonstrating a high level of confidence in the University. New donors at this level in
2015 are denoted with a hash (#).
Please note that individual donations may be connected to long-term pledges of greater amounts.
(1 January – 31 December 2015)
Davida Allen
Tim & Elaine Crommelin
Nickolas & Achilles Lavidis
John Story AO & Georgina Story
David & Margaret Perel
Robert Day
Lindy Lee
Thomas Story#
Peter Høj
Don Argent & Shelley Argent OAM
Richard Howes
Glenda Powell AM
James Atkins#
Shane Doyle QC#
Huat Seng Lim#
Nick & Alison Stump
Claude Reghenzani
Mikala Dwyer
Max Lu & Lian Liu#
Amanda Talbot
DONORS | $10,000 - $10 million
John & Gay Hull
Adrian Axelsen
Di Jameson
Douglas & Janine Ritchie
Andree Axelsen
William & Elizabeth Earwaker
Ross McCowan#
Paul & Susan Taylor#
Christopher Johnstone
Luke Roberts
Michael & Dellarose Baevski
Craig Edwards
Ken McGregor
Alan Thiess
John Baird
Lorraine Jones
Michael Slancar
John Baird
Michael Eliadis
Matthew McLennan
Gregg Thompson & Deborah Kelly
Peter & Elizabeth Jones
Trevor & Judith St Baker
John Barnes
Paul Eliadis
David Merson
Aida Tomescu
Anthony Kerwick
John Story AO & Georgina Story
Perry & Jane Bartlett#
Chuck & Helga Feeney
Cathryn Mittelheuser AM
Del Townsend
Michael Kirby MAICD
Tom Story
David & Judith Beal
John Fitzgerald
Keith Moody
Alan & Minh Ha Tran
Rob Knott
Sue Syrmis
Keith & Annette Bennett
Brian & Peggy Flannery
Simon Moore
Beverley Trivett
Ildiko Kovacs
Paul & Susan Taylor
Clive Berghofer OAM
Ian Frazer AC FRS &
Caroline Frazer
Barry & Elizabeth Murphy#
Marjorie Trundle#
Hugh Kunze
Alan Thiess
Warwick Olsen (C.Eng. F.I.Chem.E)
& Nancy Olsen
Matthew Trundle
Nickolas & Achilles Lavidis
Allan Tindall
Henry & Venera Osiecki
Huat Seng Lim
Warren Traves
Anne Udy
Fiona Lowry
Marjorie Trundle
Max Lu & Lian Liu
Matthew Trundle
Doune Macdonald
Sandy Vigar
Pam & Robert MacDonnell
Jim Whyte
Norman Mayne
Noel Williams
Mick McCormack
Shufeng Yang
Ross McCowan
Frank & Patsy Youngleson
Matthew McLennan
Jin Zou
Josh & Danielle Milani
9 anonymous donors
Bill Bowness
John Boyle
Andrew Brice AM & Jennifer Brice
Malcom Broomhead#
David Brown#
David Galbraith &
Andrew Pethebridge
Annie Gamble Myer
Nick Girdis CBE & Marina Girdis
Chris Greig#
Jennifer Peatey#
David & Margaret Perel#
Oscar & Peta Groeneveld
Greg Poche AO &
Kay van Norton Poche
Robyn Hilton
Glenda Powell AM#
Kin-Man Ho & Evita Wan
Michael Rayner AM#
Peter Høj#
Alan & Judy Rix
Sean Howard AO
Katherine Roebig
Richard Howes
Keith & Marie Rush
Gay & John Hull
Lewis Saragossi
Di Jameson#
The Late Pearle Saragossi
Francis Claps MD &
Denise Green AM
Qing Jia
Win Schubert AO
Christopher Johnstone#
John Seymour
Noel Cooke
Peter & Elizabeth Jones#
Ros Siemon
Bernie & Daphne Cornish
Gil Kerr
Trevor & Judith St Baker
Pat Corrigan AM &
Barbara Corrigan
Chin Kung AM
Howard & Hilary Stack
Hugh Kunze#
David & Elisabeth Stanton
Robert Bryan AM
Lesley Bryant
Cynthia Burnett
Joseph & Veronika Butta
Patricia Byrne
Stanley & Vibeke Catts
Kam Chan-Low &
Paul Tuck Hoong Chan
Christopher Chen
43 | The University of Queensland
James Atkins
John Barnes
Perry & Jane Bartlett
John Bashford
The Late Donald Tugby
Des & Sharon Whybird
Jim Whyte
Noel Williams#
Graeme Wood AM
John Wylie AM & Myriam Wylie
Shufeng Yang#
Jessie Yeowart
Pauline Young
Frank & Patsy Youngleson
Nat & Sandy Yuen
Felice Zaccari OAM &
Margredel Zaccari
13 anonymous donors
Simon & Sarah Biggs
Anastasia & James Blake
Russell Board
Malcolm Broomhead
Joseph & Veronika Butta
Christopher Chen
Paul Compton
Bernie & Daphne Cornish
Fred D’Agostino
Janelle Donnelly
Sophie Dove
Shane Doyle QC
Erin Feros
Jonathan & Michelle Fulcher
David Galbraith & Andrew Pethebridge
John Gersekowski
Nanette Gottlieb
Denise Green AM
Chris Greig
Oscar & Peta-Anne Groeneveld
Robyn Hilton
Brian Hirschfeld
Kathy Hirschfeld
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Peter Milne
Cathryn Mittelheuser AM
Simon Moore
Euan Murdoch
Barry & Elizabeth Murphy
Mavis Ngallametta
Arthur & Anne-Maree Nommensen
Warwick Olsen (C.Eng. F.I.Chem.E)
& Nancy Olsen
DONORS | $5,000 - $9,999
Richard Bell
Keith & Annette Bennett
Elton Berrange
Leeanne & Gregorie Bond
Tom Braddock
Roslyn Brandon
Desmond Derrington QC &
Patricia Derrington
Nicholas Detsimas
Vince & Penny Fitzgerald
Ian Gardner
Ian Harper
Keith Hirschfeld
Hilary Huey
Wendy Hughes
Trevor Johnson
Ross Kirkwood
Allan Kleidon
John & Ursula Lamberth
Emanuel Lavidis
Joan Lawrence AM
Arthur Liu
Joan Mackisack
Paul O’Connor
Linda Osborne
Reinfried Otter
Ravi & Usha Pappu
Neil Paulsen
Gary Portley
Paul Potter
Clare & David Pullar
Julie Schroder
Stanley Steindl
Maureen Stevenson
Dimitra Temelcos
Christine & Marcus Tod
Rick & Maria Xynias
7 anonymous donors
Donor Impact Report | 44
John Dashwood
Louise Hickson
Debbie McQuaid
Anthony Seeto
Michael & Mathilde Alston
Graham De Gruchy
Nev & J Hodgens
Bill Middleton
Ros Shepherd
Ming Anderson
Beverley D’Enyar
Tracey Hopkins
Lorraine & Adrian Millard
Herbert Sheridan
Susan Andrew
Ross Dickson
Angus Innes
Alan & Rosanne Millhouse
Chin Ang
Alan Dixon
Richard James
Reid Archibald
Daryl & Kate Dixon
John Armitt
Sue Anthony
Sue Barnard
John Apel
Andrew Barnes
Katie Abbott
Robyn & Andrew Apel
Ann Barnes
Nicholas Shiren
Wayne Abbott
Colin Apelt OAM
Rachael Barnes
Michael Mills
John Siemon
Hayley Abell
Rod Archie
Kevin Barrell
Gwendolen Jull AO
Phillip & Taraneh Mills
Greg & Amanda Siller
Peter Accornero
Jameen Arm
Don Barrett
Sean Dogherty
Chantelle Kaczmarowski
Tetsuo Mizuno
Deidre Ackerly
John Armstrong
Patrick Barrett AO
Lawrence Au
Mark Downie
Elaine Katte
Nick Mole
John Simmons AM &
Gwenda Simmon
Gwendoline Arnold
Frances Barr
Kevin & Hazel Bachler
Amanda Dryden
Lizbeth Kenny
Matthew Molineux
Fiona Simpson
Michael Affleck
Harry Ahrens
John Arnold
Jennifer Barry
Chris Baildon
Nev Ducat
Bronwyn Kerr
Chris Moran
Marcus Ahrens
Kathleen & George Arzey
Mavis Barter
Simon Baker
Julia Duffy
Kerry Anne Kilpatrick
Debra & Patrick Mullins
Kirsty Aitken
Naveed Asghar
Greg Bartlett
Robert Balmain
Terry & Jenna Edwinsmith
Amy Koit
Howard & Katherine Munro
Maureen Aitken
Anthony Ash
Colin Barton
Peter Barker
James & Margaret Emmett
Kenneth Lambert
Jan Murphy
Monica Aker
Kristine Ash
Helen Bashir Crane
Ross & Bing Barnard
Mark Erian
Mark Landy
Michael Murphy
J Alexander
Isabelle Ashton
Judith Bauer
Geoffrey Barnes
Dale & Robyn Fandrich
David Langford
Tom Murphy
John Alexander MP
Catherine Atkinson
Colin & E Baxter
Kaye & Alan Basford
Simon Fenwick
Cathi & Geoffrey Lawrence
Keng Ng
Robert Alexander
Deidre Atthow
Geoffrey Bayliss AM
Martin Benders
George Fielding MD
Richard Leather
Robin Nielsen
Tim Alexander
Patrick Austin
Lee Beames
Mohamed Ahmed M Alfaleh
Jon Avalon
Pauline Beames
DONORS | $1,000 - $4,999
Peter & Kerry Skellern
Brayden Soo
Peter Spencer
Margaret Steinberg AM
Ben Stewart
Joan Strachan
Jenny Strong
Matthew Stubbs
Urszula Szulakowska
Neil Bentley
Tracy Finnegan
Garry & Bernadette Lester
David Nimmo BEM & Eleanor Nimmo
Alastair Blanshard
Michael Foley
Linda Levett
Alan & Shirley Nitz
Renae Bourke
Brian Foote
Robin & Hannah Levison
Adrian & Lise Noon
David Bowden
Philip Forrest
Damian Lillicrap
Barry & Alison Nurcombe
Mark Breen
Bradley Freeman
Philip & Jennifer Lingard
Simon & Caroline O’Brien
Elizabeth Brennan
Ross & Janet Fryar
Andrew & Kate Lister
Ann & Chye Ong
Lachlan Broadfoot
Alan Galwey
James & Annette Litster
James O’Rourke
David Brown
Paul Gampe
Andrew Liveris AO & Paula Liveris
Gabrielle O’Shea
Susan Buckley
Sekhar Ganpathy
Elizabeth Loane
Glen Pearson
Brett Butcher
Rhyll Gardner
Douglas Logan
John Pegler
Victor Callan
Bevan Geissmann
Hoon Sun Loh
Stephen Penman
Ian Callinan AC QC & Wendy Callinan
Gavin George
Ian Loughnan
Andrew Pentland
Ken Campbell FAA
Ross Glancy
Dora Lui
Lester Peters AM
Lex & Joan Carroll
Glenda Gobe
James MacKean
Irmtraud Petersson
George Chapman AO &
Margo Chapman
Peter Godfrey
Emily Mackenzie
Suzie & Robert Phillips
Bruce Clarke
Jenny & Rupert Graff
Daphne Maclean
Gary Potts
Suzanne Grano
Alastair MacLeod
Jan & George Psaltis
Campbell Gray
Robert MacPherson
Ruth Richardson &
Fran Gray
Mary Mahoney AO & Patrick Mahoney
Robert & Annette Gray
Donald Mason
Andrea Riha
Lea & John Greenaway
Sean Massingham
Olga Riha
Ian Gzell QC
Anthony Matthews
David & Gillian Ritchie
Peter Halley
Mary McCarthy
Joseph Rutyna
Susan Hamilton
David McDonald
Karthi Sankaran
Robin Harvey
Timothy McEvoy
Geoffrey Sattler
Robin Harvey
The Late Jock McIlwain OAM &
B McIlwain
Hamish Sawyer
Ben Scott
Bettina Yiannakourou
Glenda McLaren
Neville See
31 anonymous donors
Gregory Clarke
Peter Cleary
Benjamin & Tamara Cohney
Vicky Comino
Graham & Enid Cooksley
Mary & Timothy Cooney
Mark Coulthard
Philippa Cox
Sarah Cox
Michael Crommelin AO &
Rosslyn Crommelin
45 | The University of Queensland
Brian & Sue Heggie
John Heussler AM & Sue Heussler
The Late Colin Richardson
Eva Tam
Able Tan
Patricia Taylor CM &
The Late Kenneth Taylor
Wally Thomas
David & Debra Thompson
John Thong
Luke Thorburn
Shaun Treacy
Michael Troy
Angelo Venardos
Bruce & Maureen Wallis
Dorothy & Keith Watts
Mark West
Mark Western
Rasika Wijedeera
David & Lee Williams
Glen Williams AO QC
Annabelle Willox
Coral Wilson
Fiona Wilson
Deborah Winkler
David Wood
Rodney Wylie OBE
Graham & Leigh Yerbury
DONORS | <$1,000
Jessie Beattie
Nor Liza Ali
Inma & Anthony Beaumont
Julie Baartz
Carol Beck
Jude Alldred
Anne Bachelard
Ellen Beechey
Christian Allen
Mark Baczynski
Henry Beem
Desmond & Kerry Allen
Lynne Badger
Graham Beh
Lee Allen
Patricia Badgery
Peter Beiers
Mary Allen
Theodor & Lynette Baer
Paul Beirne
Paul Allen
Jonathan Bailey
Hugh Bekkers
Peter Allen
Robert Bailey
Diane Bell
Rebecca Allen
Kristine Baillie
Karen Bell
Sarah Allen
Rebecca Bain
Whitney Bellgardt
Christopher Allen-Waters
Laura Bainbridge
Samantha Bellingham
Tanya Allome
Graham Baines
Marea Benard
Amanda Ament
Kenneth Baird
Keith Bengston
Hasna Ameti
Bernadette Baker
Doreen Bengtson
Jehanathan Ananda Kumar
Andrew Bakshi
Garth Bennell
Colin Anderson
Michael Ball
Alan & Dorothy Bennett
Eric Anderson
Sheryl Ballesty
June Bennett
Ian Anderson
William Balthes
Robin Bennett
James Anderson
Kaushik Banerjee
Russell & Alison Bennett
John Anderson
Shirley & Marie Barbeau
Trudy Bennett
Aliki Andreou
Raymond Barber
Beben Benyamin
Beverley Angus
Noreen Barden
Matt Berdoff
Cecilia Anning
Catherine Bardon
Kathleen Berg OAM
Lauren Anscombe
Brendan Barker
Gayle Berkey
Owen Ansell
Darren Barlow
Col Berndt
David Allan
Don & Bettye Allan
Donor Impact Report | 46
Gregg Berry
Cheryl Brand
Anne Burgess
Christine Carbery
Zhen Chen
Harvey Coates AO
Ivan Cotchin
John Dalziel
Lavinia & G Berry
Robert Brand
Christopher & Christine Burgess
Con Carides
Zhifang Chen
Sophie Cockburn
John Cotton
Cuc Dang
Jacel Bertoldi
John & Margaret Brannock
Jasmin Burgess
Elene Carides
Karine Chenu
Kim & P Cocker
Sarah Coughlan
Belinda Daniel
Bryan Besly
Lawrie Bray
Loren Burgess
Ann Carius
Brian Cheong
Angela Coco
Hayley Coulson
Helen Daniels
Mern Bett
Fabio Brecciaroli OAM &
Enrica Brecciaroli
Mary Burke
Carla Caro
Norris Chern
Edwin Codd
John Court
Avneel Amit Datt
Daniel Brennan
Peter Burley
John Carr
Nancy Chesterman
Niels Coelingh Bennink
Gordon & Heather Coutts
Shelia Daveson
Mike Burns
Kieran Carrigan
Catherine Cheung
Anita Cohn
Jean Covey
Neil Davey
Stephen Burns
Roger Carrington
Lydia Chew
Kristina Coleman
Christine Cowell
Peter Davie
Beverley & Donald Burnside
Lauren Carroll
Alfred Chi
Kerrie Anne Collings-Silvey
Leonard Cowen
Iyla & Russell Davies
Jennifer Burt
Alexandra Carter
Margaret Child
Christopher Collins
Mervyn Cowie
Craig Davis
Alexander Bushnell
Gary Carter
Su Hung Ching
Fergus Collins
Trisha Cowley
Peter Davis
Gerard Butler
Robert Carter
Maree Choenden-Dhongdue
Garry Collins
Anita Coyer
Rosalind Davis
P Butler
David Cartwright
Jeiran Choupan
Julian Collins
Dominic Cradick
Vincent Davis
Tim Butler
Joanne Case
Kanny Siu-Wud Chow
Justine Collins
Bob Craig
Sandra Day
Kerry Byrne
Bernard Casey
Siu Chow
Robyn Collins
Richard & Angela Craig
Daryl D’Cruz
Lynda Byrne
John Casey
John & Vicki Christensen
Susanne Collins
Cass Craven
David De Jong
Marie Byrne
John Castle
Kay Christensen
Ross Colvin
Joan Crawford
Leo de Waal
Amy Bibby
David Bibby
Russell Bielenberg
Christopher Bignill
Matthew Bilson
Jessica Bindon
Sue Birch
Gary & S Blight
Bruce & Margaret Blocksidge
Georgina Blomfield
Jennifer Bloomfield
Mark Blows
Russell Bock
Andrew Bode
Suzanne Bogan
Julian Bolger
Alfio Bonaccorso
Zan Bond
Lynn Bonko
Beverley Bonning
Richard Boorman
Douglas Booth
Christine Bopp
Kylie Border
Hugh & Madonna Botting
Stephane Bouchu
Glenda & C Bouvier-Berthet
Maureen Bowen
Merrilyn Bowers
G & S Bowhay
Louise Box
Manus Boyce QC
William Boyce
Kerry Boyd
Stephen & Jennifer Boyd
Susan Boyd
Rhonda & Terrence Boyle
Rosa & J Bradbury
Alan Brady
Walter Brake
47 | The University of Queensland
Jennifer Brennan
Pamela Brennan
Sharon Bridle
Amanda Briggs
Robin Bright
Priscilla Brilliant
Alan Brimblecombe AM &
Audrey Brimblecombe
Anne Brimblecombe
Elsie Brimblecombe
Melissa Brinums
John Bristow
Neil Britton
Libby Brodie
Gary & Sophie Bromham
Michael Brooke-Taylor
Sarah Brophy
Helen Brosnan
Muriel Brough
Phyllis Broughton
James & J Brown
Julie Brown
Lizzie Brown
Mary Brown
Moira Brown
Peter Brown
Dr Robert Brown
Robert Brown
Andrea Brownlow
David Brownsey
Caroline Brudell
Ngaio Buck
Caitlyn Buckingham
Amanda Buckles
Bernadette Bugden
Jessica Burchell
Sergio Burello
Alison Burgess
Rebecca Castley
Vanessa Christensen
Amelia Coman
Shirley Crawford
Iris Dean
Carole Caswell
Lurline Christie
John & Sonja Comerford
John Creagan
Jennifer Dean
Erisse Cabo
Stephen Catchpole
Sharon Christodoulou
Des Connell AM & Patricia Connell
Lachlan & Frances Crews
Coral Deeth
Joyce Caesar
Ryan Catherwood
Kelvin Chu
Luke Connell
Murray Creyton
Peter DeGroot
Carmel Caffery
Elaine Cebuliak
Brad Church
Margaret Connell
Leighton Crisp
Stewart Dellar
Zoe Cahill
Laurena Chai
Pamela Ciszewski
Ted Connelly
Trish Crossley
Alan Demack AO & Dorothy Demack
Grant Cairns
Gregory Chambers
Baiq Citra
Tony Constance
Bevan Crossman
Jade Dempsey
Peter Cairns
Frederick Champion
Jim Clacher
Nicholas Convery
James Crowley RFD QC
Adrian Den Dekker
Sarah Caldwell
Edwin Chan
Siobhan Clair
Frank Conway
Patricia Crowley
Arthur Denovan
Ingrid Callil
Peter Chan
Sheree Clancy
Julieann Conway
Malcolm Crozier
Mary Denver
James Callinan
Samantha Chan
Charles Clark
Cass Conwell
Jessica Cucchiaro
Patrice Derrington
Donald Cameron
Wai Ping Chan
Jennifer Clark
Alison Cook
Candice Cummings
John Deshon AM
Glen Cameron
Margaret Chand
Stephen Clark
Helen Cook
June Cummings
James Devin
Margaret Cameron
Roniel Chand
Deborah Clark-Dickson
Joshua Cook
Stephanie Cunningham
Clare Devine
Ross Cameron
Jeremy Chandler
Angela Clarke
Kody Cook
Sue Cunz
Bronwyn Dewar
Suzanne Cameron
Jenny Chang
Anne & Richard Clarke
Catherine Cooney
Andrew Cupit
Rick Dezoete
Elizabeth Campbell
Stephen Chang
Carla Clarke
James Coons
Margaret & William Curnow
Gillian Di Corleto
Gregory & Suzie Campbell
Amabel Chapman
Valma & Ron Clarkson
Peter Copping
Peter Curtis
John Di Mauro
Julie Campbell AO &
Gordon Campbell
Graham Chapman
Jesse Claven
Ryan Cork
Theresa Cush
Nichola Di Muzio
Sheree Campbell
Michael Chappell
Joanne Clayton
Sheryl Cornack
Veronica Cuskelly
Victor Bien d’Iapico-Bien
Ana Charles
Dianne Clement
Lindsay Cornell
Gwenyth Cutler
Ellyce Dickinson
Barry Chaseling
Jenny Clement
Margrit Cornish
Robyn Chatwood
Jenna Clifford
Fabio Cortesi
Divya Ramnath
Claire Chauvier
Trevor Clifford
Andrea Cosgrove
Emma Catherine D’Ahremberg-Manno
Farran Dixon
Guobo Chen
Albert Clottey
Jonathan Cosgrove
Denver Dale
Fred & Margaret Dixon
Holly Chen
Harry Clouston
Kate Cosgrove
Glenn Dale
Melanie Dixon
Jin Chen
Douglas Cluer
Mikaeli Costello
Grahame Dalton
Karl Dodd
Robin Chen
Nicholas Coad
Barry Costin
John Daly
Kathryn Dodd
Tracy Campbell
Anthony Canfell
Judith Cantrell
Kenneth Capell
Helen Capern
Joyce Capra
Sandra Capra AM
Jannine Ditchmen
Donor Impact Report | 48
Jacqueline Doel
Denise Edwards
John D Fitzgerald
Oddvar & Janis Fredriksen
Barbara Gilmore
Joananne Greensill
Peter Harding
Suzanne Hegarty
Kellie Doherty
Dulcie Edwards
Barbara Fitzgibbon
Anita Freeman
Petrina Gilmore
Christopher Gregg
Russell Harding
John Hegerty
Aurelie Dolch
Glen Edwards
Eileen Fitzpatrick
Sergio Freire
Bryan Gilmour
Libby Gregoric
Elias Harfouch
John Heike
Nicholas Domalewski
Shirley Edwards
James Fitzpatrick AM
Helen French
Craig Gilmour
Lee Gregory
Brio Hempstead
Mark Doman
Joshua Eeles
Ken Flanders
John Fuelling
Gayle Ginnane
Kate Grenville
Jayandra Haripersad &
Ormilla Haripersad
Michael Donnelly
Ellena Egarr
Kim Fleischfresser
Natalie Fuller
Michael Gishkariany
Peter & Rosalyn Gresshoff
Vicky Harmsworth
Tracey Hendy
Val Donovan
Andrew Eggleton
Thomas Flemming
Diane Givler
Soraya Grey
Michele Dougherty
Marissa Ehmer
Amy Fletcher
Michelle Glancy
Emily Grieco
Terrence Douglas
Troy Eichmann
Dick Fletcher
Maddy Gabrielli
Helen Glynn
Peter Griffin
Clyde Douglas-Brown
Jennifer & G Eldridge
Anna Flittner
Ann Gaffney
Sarah Goater
Ruth Griffin
Paul Dowd
John Elkins OAM
The Late Ian Florence
Brendan Gaffney
Penelope Godwin
Frank Grigg
Gwenneth Downes
Shelley Ellen
Lynda Flower
Patrick Gaffney
Juergen Goetz
Don Grimley
Laurence Doyle
Vicki Elliott
Barbara Flynn
Hilary Galbraith
Jason Goh
Robyn Groundwater
Joan Draman
Bonita Ely
Leslie Fodo
Anthony Gallo
Edgar Gold AM QC
William Grove
Theresa Draper
Belinda Emery MBA
Alan Fogg
Warren Gamack
Laurence Golding
Alan & Wendy Grummitt
Samuel Drew
Nadine England
Debbie Fogg
Euphemia Gannon
Sharon Gooch
Merle Gynther
Kerry Dryden
Indah Epriliati
Jess Fogg
Patricia Gannon
Meta & John Goodman
Roger du Blet AM
Diana Eriksen
Peter Foley
Trevor Garby
Aaron Goodwin
Chloe Dubini
Eugene & Jennifer Esmonde
Thomas Foley
Julia & Bruce Gardner
Ben & Leanne Gordon
Gregory Dudish
James Eustace
Andrea Fontana
Desley Garnett
Arthur & G Duggan
Catherine Evans
David Foo
Beatrice Duggan
Elizabeth Evans
Mikel Duke
Colleen Harper
Claire Harris
David Harris
Michael Harris
Desmond Harrison
Mirva Harrison
Malcolm Hart
Gerald Hartig
Oliver Hartigan
Christine Hartley
E Hartley
Arthur Hartwig
Clement Gordon
Ronald Hacker
Ione Harvey
Natalie Garrick
Michael Gordon
Josie Hackworth
Jong-Yong Foo
Toss Gascoigne
Gordon Gore
Peter & Svyetlana Hadgraft
Gail Evans
Say Foo
Bruce Gaunson
Christiaan Gosewisch
Patricia Haggard
Selina Duke
Harrison Evans
Jack Foote
John Gazley
Marie Gouanvic
Nicholas Haines
Robert Dumke
Luke Evans
Sue Foote
Marie-Claire Gazzard
Elizabeth Gough
Kevin Haley
Catherine Dunbar
Martha Evans
Kathryn Fordyce
Ci-Yang Gee
Greg Gough
Frank & Swan Halim
Enid Duncan
Peter Evans
Dan Forman
Heather Gee
Alannah Gould
Cameron Hall
James Duncan
Sharon Ezzy
Alexander Forrest
Pauline & Darryl Geitz
Barbara Graham
David & Claire Hall
Alison Forsythe
Neil Gentle
Lachlan Graham
Elizabeth Hall
Kim Forsythe
Carol Gerrard
Laurena Graham
Sally Hall
Kevin Fagg OAM & Glenda Fagg
Karen Fortier
Clive Gesling OAM
Jennifer Grant
Sandra Hall
Michael Dunne
Mitchell Faint
Pat & Usha Fountain
Eric Ghyselings
Jo Grant
Valerie Hall
Anne-Maree Dunning
Linnet Fairlie
N & D Fox
Yvette Giacheri
Michelle Grant
Andrew Halliday
Van Chung Duong
Robyn Farrell
Robert Fox
Colleen Gibbons
Noella Grant
Scott Halyday
Victor Duong
Angelo Fava
Alex Foxton
Joan Gibb
Patricia Granville
Christopher Hamilton
Hayden Dupuy
Daryl Feldhahn
Ross Foxton
Sophie Gibbs
Joseph Grasso
Elaine & Vernon Hamilton
Ruth Duncan
William Duncan
Matthew Dunne
Gregory Haack
Nan Durrans
Olive Felton
Arthur Frame AM
Alexandra Gibson
Jake Gratten
Margaret Hamilton
Kathryn Dwan
Paul Figallo
Marianne Francey
Gerald Gibson
Deborah Gratwick
Lyndall Hamlyn
Janine Dwyer
Maria Figueiredo
David Francis
Sascha Gibson
Debra Graves
Fae Hammond
Kynan Dwyer
Trevor Findlay
Heather Francis
Stewart Gill
Peter Graves
John Hammond
Rosamunde Finlay
Katie Francis
Sharon Gillard
Andrew & Judith Gray
Oriel Handley
Damien Finn
James Fraser
Dorothy Gilliam
Paul Gray
Brett Hansen
Jane Eadie
Jennifer Finn
Judith Neil Fraser
Ailsa Gillies
Susan Gray
Gerry Hanssen
Barbara Earl
Margaret Firouz-Abadi
Kelli Frederiks
Andrew Gillies
Katharine Greenaway
C & J Hapgood
Judy Ede
Caryl Fischer
Pamela Fredric
Gerald & J Gillis
Kelly Greenop
Stefanie Hardacre
49 | The University of Queensland
David Harvey
Ross Harvey
Jon Haseler
Ruth Hastings
Aaron Hatton
David Hawkes
Douglas Hawkes
Tim Hawthorne
Barbara Hayes
John Hayes
Laura Hayes
Catherine Hayles
Vanessa Hayman
Barrie Hayne
Lachlan Haynes
Alastair Hayward
Chelsea Hayward
Kym Heading
William & Lorna Heaslop
Robyn Heath-Morris
Joan Heatley OAM
John Heaton
Christine Heaver
Diana Hecker
Kate Hedley
Janice Hegarty
Craig Hendrie
Brian Heng
Georgina & Lesleigh Henning
Greg Henricks
Matthew Henry
Robert & Margot Henry
Mclean Henzell
Marisa Herbert
Nick Hermes
Richard Hermes
Linda Heron
Lynelle Hertslet
The Late Mark Hertzberg AO
Nigel Hess
Sandra Hessels
Thurza Hethorn
Jill Hewitt
Robert Heydon
Anthony Heynen
David Higgins
Peter Higgins
Ron Higham
Brian Hill
Catherine Hill
Geoffrey Hill
Robert Hill
Paul Hilton
Stephen Hinchy
Robert Hind
Jade Hinner
Rosemary & Ian Hinrichsen
Jane Hirschfeld
Masaaki Hisa
Vanessa Hoare
Joanna Hoban
Mary Hockaday
John & Dinah Hodge
Michael Hodgson
Paul Hoffman
Stephen Holden
Donor Impact Report | 50
Elizabeth Holder
Karen Holland
Firman Prathama Idris
Derek Johnson
Marian Keegan
Barry Kitson
Jessie Landsberg
Xin Liang
Dinah Johnson
Marie Keen
Thea & David Kleiber
Peter Landy
Yi Ling Lien
Mary Lyons
Lindsay & Gregory Hollingworth
Dean Ilievski
Nathan Johnson
Martin Keetels
William Kleimeyer
Louise Lang
Bradley Lightfoot
Christine Holloway
Nina & George Ilievski
Phillippa Johnson
Janice Kefford
George Kleinschmidt
Consuelo Langdon
Mark Lightfoot
John & Christine Holloway
John Illingworth
Kendall Johnston
Julia Keith
Bernadette Knight
Don Langdon
Maija & L Liiv
Cara Mabb
Nicholas Holman
Brian Imison
Robyn Johnston
Lloyd & Raylee Kelk
Kenneth Knight AM & J Knight
Nikki Langton
Thomas Liley
Desmond & Bettina MacAulay
Adrian Holt
Mark Ingham
Daryl Johnstone
Annette Kelleher
Amanda Knol
Sandy Lannantuono
Ros Lim
Helena Macey
Thomas Holt
Valentina Inthout
Patricia Johnstone
John Kelly
Karla Knott
Bruce Large
Yong Lim
Joan Macfadyen
Michelle Homes
Inge Iosif
Adrian Jones
Joseph Kelly
Stanley Knott
Shirley Larsen
Linda Lindberg
Arnold Macfarlane
Tien Yaw Hoo
Helen Irving
Chris Jones
Paul Kelly
Izaeel Koh
Neil Latcham
Bruce Lindenmayer OAM
Leonie MacGregor
Louise Hope
Marshall Irwin
Colin Jones
Rachael Kelly
Helen Komoff
Margaret Latimer
Stuart Lindenmayer
Kenneth MacKenzie QC
Toni Hoppner
Bob Isaacs
Donna Jones
Sandy Kelly
Mei Kon
Jack Lauder
James Linfoot
Donald Mackintosh
Hubert Horne
William Isdale
Effie Jones
Sharon Kelly
Leonidas Kondos
John & Margaret Lavery
Russell Lingwoodock
Margaret Mackisack
Kasanita Horner
Adam Ismail
Fiorenza Jones
Doris Kempnich
J Konis
Sandra Law
Mark Linnett
Hilda Maclean
Cliff Hosking
Khadija Ismail
Gayle Jones
Jennifer & Alistair Kennedy
Laura & P Koo
Thomas Lawler
Robert & H Linthorne
Neil Maclean
Geoffrey Jones
Paddy Kennedy
Alexandra Kootsookos
Nga Le
Darren Linton
Cameron MacLeod
Kim Jones
Pamela Kennedy
Leanne Kopp
Gerard Le Breuilly
Anne Little
Brendan Macpherson
Desmond Jack
Kip Jones
Judith Kennett
William Koppe
Peter Leask
Sandra Little
Erin Madden
Faith Howell
Michelle Jack
Lyndall Jones
Shelly Kenning
Joshua Koszo
Ainslie Lee
Lian Liu
Bill Maddock
Susan Howell
Dorothea Jackson
Marian Jones
Catherine Kenny
Navin & A Kothari
Andy Lee
Barbara Lloyd
Lynnita Maddock AM PSM
Vicki Howlet
Mary Jackson
Ross Jones
Sarah Kent
Jacque & Stellianos Koutsis
Geraldine Lee
Desley & Donald Loch
Thelma Madrid
Maggie Hsieh
Melissa Jackson
Tessa Jones
Anne Kenwood
Roanne Kramer
Helen Lee
John Loch
Amy Magnani
Linda Hu
Peter Jackson
Tim Jones
Liz Keogh
Anastasiya Kravchuk
Ming Lee
John Lock
Daniel Maguire
Chin-Chuan Huang
Rebecca Jackson
Gregory Jorgensen
Alexandra Kerr
J Kroon
Roderick Lee
Keith Locke
Peggy Maguire
Tim Chi-Yuan Huang
Hamed Jafarzadeh
Harley & Gabrielle Juffs
Helen Kerr
Rosemarie Kryger
Ronnie Lee
Peter & Margaret Lockhart
Maria Mahon
William Huang
Anne-Maree Jaggs
Lucy Juncker
Kaye Kerr
Kurt Kubik
William & Claudia Lee
Rosemary Lockhart
Michael Mahoney
Rodney Huddleston
Clare & Allan James
Anjuha Ketheeswaran
Komal Kumar
Winnifred Lee
Anne Lockrey
Amanda Maier
Catherine Hudson
Pauline James
Susan & John Keys
D Kunde
Yit Jian Lee
John & Robbyn Lockwood
Robert Maier
Bruce Hughes
Peter James
Neville & Rosemary Kajewski
Elham Keyvani
Nyoman Kurniawan
Nerissa Lee Long
Marion & R Lockwood
Stephanie Maker
Bernard Hughson
Sharon James
Janet Kan
Shaistah Khan
Lyndon Kurth
Nicholas Leeman
John Logan RFD & Janice Logan
Cameron Malley
Ross & Lyle Humphreys
Barrie Jamieson
Kin Kan
Thomas Khoo
Violet Kuskie
Trent Leggatt
Alan Loi
Carolyn Malley
Isaac Humphries
Don & Jan Jamieson
Maxwell & Freda Kanowski
Anne & Geoffrey Kiel
Brett Kuskopf
Shirley Lehmann
Marilyn Longmuir
Stephen Mally
Alex Hung
Anne Jaumees
Kevin Kao
Douglas & Laurell Killer
Gerhard Leinenga
Phillip Loughlin
Stephen Malone
David & Frances Hunt
Penny Jeaffreson
Anima Kapadia
Glen Kilpatrick
Paulo Leite
Fran Loughrey
Carol Manganaro
Jennifer Hunt
David Jeffery
Rae Kappler
Stephanie Kilpatrick
Jenny La Marca
Max Lennox
Winnifred Louis
Katie Mann
Paul Hunt
Sandi Jeffrey
Leonidas Karadimitris-Kalimbassieris
Diana Kimpton
Sandra Lacey
Joseph Leong
Delores & B Lovejoy
Philip Mann
Peter Hunt
Roxanne Jemison
Shivakumar Karekal
Tanna Kincade
Leigh Ladd
Cam Leslie
Morris Low
Riza Margaresa
Sean Hunter
Kenneth Jendra
James Kasherman
Cathryn King
Philip Ladds
Christa Levania
Steven Lowe
Peta Margrie
Noyce Hurst
Gregory Jenkyns
Robyn Kastrissios
Gregory & J King
Ian Lake
Daniel Levy
Therese Lucas
Alessandro Marini
Alexandra Hutchinson
Clive Jentz
Mary Kavanagh
Katrina King
Francis Lam
Horst Lücke AO
Judith Marjason
John Hutt
Amanda Jewell
Stauros Kazoullis
Lorraine Kinnest
Kathryn Lam
The Late Kenneth Levy RFD &
Veronica Levy
Joy & James Markwell
William Hutton
Allison Johansen
Thomas Kearney
Simon Kiorgaard
Jennifer Lambkin
Gabriel Levy-Bencheton
Scott Lumby
Yiwen Luo
Charles Marlowe
Graham Huxham
Barry Johnson
Jo Kirby
Mbaye Lamine
Edward Huybers
Bill Johnson
Michael Keating AO &
Kathleen Keating
Yvonne Kirkegard
Glenister Lamont
Peta Kirkpatrick
Guy Lampe
Nancy Houston
Ngaire Howard
Bill & Margaret Howell
Christopher Johnson
51 | The University of Queensland
Janice Keegan
Nerida Lewis
Chuanzhou li
Mingjie Li
Yanru Ma
Hien Hillary Luong Phan
Jacky Marr
Richard Lynch
Dorothy Marsden
Pauline Lynn
Gavin Marsh
Donor Impact Report | 52
Janice Marshall
Lynette McElligott
Christopher Mcnee
Mike Moller
Alison Mullery
Pheng Ng
Helen O’Hagan
Amanda Parker
Roderick Marshall
Angus McElnea
Marian McNichol
Alice Mollison
Adam Mullins
Tina Ng
Oliver O’Halloran
David Parker
Gregory Martin
Alastair McEwan
Donald McPhail
Siobhan Molloy
Keith Mullins
Shyuan Ngo
Patrick & Robyn O’Halloran
Heather Parker OAM
Kymberly Martin
Terry McGarrigle
Leigh McTavish
Ruth Moloney
Thomas Mullins
Catherine Nguyen
Denise O’Hara
Suzanne Parker
Stacey Martin
James McGaw
Bruce Meagher
Dylan Molver
Angus Munro
Duyen Nguyen
Tomoko Okuno
Jaikisan Patel
Debra Marwedel
Barry & Ana McGhie
David Mee
Connor Monaghan
Curtis Munson
Huy Nguyen
Julianne O’Leary
Helen Paterson
Helen Mason
Katherine McGhie
Deepak Mehta
Sally Moodie
Cormac & Peta Murphy
Loc Tuong Nguyen
Patrick & Joanne O’Leary
Marika Pathe
Annette Masters
Duncan McGinness
Divya Mehta
Danielle Moon
Fiona Murphy
Phan Nguyen
Rodney Oliver
Elleni Patrick
Pete Masters
Margaret McGregor
Rebecca Mendis
Christopher Moore
Joan Murphy
Su Nguyen
Tony Oliver
Tina Patterson
Brian Matthews
Helen McGuigan
Suzanne Mendra
Gail Moore
Peter C Murphy
Thanh Nguyen
Rino Olivotto
Yvonne & John Patterson
Cody Matthews
Katharine McGuigan
Michael Meng
Georgia Moore
Peter R Murphy
Viet Nguyen
Thomas O’Loughlin
David Paxton
Julian Matthews
Anna McHugh
Douglas Mengel
Gordon Moore
Gemma Murray
Karla Niblock
Kobie Olsen
Ivan Setyalaksana Payung
Philip Matthews
Marcia McInnes
Frank Mengotti
Graham Moore
James Murray
Angelo Nicolosi
Michelle Olsen
Elizabeth Pearl
Jason Mattingley
Hugh McKay
Allan Merlehan
Jackson Moore
Jamie Murray
Jennifer Nielsen Kahn
Denise O’Malley
Erin Pearl
Barrie & S Mawby
Jason McKay
Joan Merrell
Lucy Moore
Janelle Murray
Stanko Nikolic
Gavin Ong
Patricia Pease
Gwen May
Natasha McKean
Tanya Merrill
Suzanne Moore
John & L Murray
Rebecca Nisbet
Hwee Ong
Jacob Pedersen
Margaret Maynard
Sonja McKeddie
Celia Messenger
Lyn Moorfoot
Lorna Murray
Rose Nisbet
Ricky Ong
John Pedio
Brian & Svetlana Mazur
Amanda McKee
Patricia Metcalf
Jenn Morehouse
Geoff Murrell
Henry Nix AO
Si Wei Ong
Brent Peel
Carmen Mc Naught
Don & Gillian McKee
Joyce Metcalfe
Guy Morgan
Nanda Murti
Allan Nixon
Lakitha Opathavithana
Margaret Peel
Jenna McAfee
Sue McKell
Fay Meusburger
Fiorella Morlin
Naomi Myers
Rowland Noakes
Merle O’Rourke
Lindsey Pegus
Brian McAllan
Helen McKenna
Saxon Mew
Bronwyn Morris
Gary Nock
Jessica Orr
Dean Penfold
Robert McAllister
Jessica McKenzie
Robert Meyer
Leonard Morris
Stillano Osbucan
Jian Peng
Moya McKenzie
Alan Mikkelsen
Jocelyn & W Morrison
Hironari Noguchi
Devi McAlpine
Dhayan Nadarajah
Christopher Nolan
Wayne Osburn
Moya Pennell
Fiona McAlpine
Valerie McKeon
Peter Miller
Alex Morrow
Barbara Nagle
Elizabeth Nolan
Maureen O’Shea
Angelo Pennisi
Jason McAulay
Candice McKeone-Taylor
Rachel Miller
Alexander & Irene Morsby
Gopalakrishna Naidoo
John & Robin Nolan
Khatmeh Osseiran-Hanna
Chris Perez Compton
Lex McAulay OAM &
Josephine McAulay
Fay & M McKinnon
Sandra Miller
Peter & Rita Mortiss
Dick & C Nalder
Amy Norman
Marie-Claire O’Sullivan
Janelle Perkins
Joscelyn McBain
Margaret McKinnon
Valda Miller
Marjory Moschioni
Rebecca Nankervis
Kevin Norman
Peter O’Sullivan
Karen Perkins
Ross McKinnon
David Mills
Allison Moses
Elizabeth Nason
Christine Norton
Ellen Otte
Judith Perrott
Steve McKnight
Kate Mills
Jake Moss
Malcolm & Helene Nasser
Geoffrey Norton
Janet Outhwaite
Janice Perry
Louise Oxborrow
John Perry
Bruce McBryde
Ian & Ann McBryde
Emily McCallum
Annette McCarthy
David & Susan McCarthy
Annette McCaul
Ian McCrossin
Rebecca McCue
Jeffrey McDaniel
Michael McDermott
Sean McDermott
Lorna McDonald OAM
Lynelle McDonald
Peter McDonald
Russell McDonald
Susan McDonald
Elizabeth McDonnell
53 | The University of Queensland
Marnie McLaren
Natalie Mills
Charles & Heather Mot
Denis & Judith Nave
Kylie-Leigh Nosworthy
Matthew McLean
Rohan Mills
Peter Moy
Katrina Neal
Kathleen Nowik
Colin McLeay
Shelby Mills
Laura Mudge
Rex Neale
Gay Nye
Angus McLellan
Cameron Milne
Ralf Muhlberger
Judith Nedderman
Doreen Nyst
Kay McLennan
Karen Milne
Andrew Muir OAM
Desley Neil
Mary McLennan
Samuel Milns
Angela Muir
Josh Neil
Ross McLennan
Nicky Milsom
Christopher & Dymphna Muir
Marjorie Neil
Bruce McLeod
Catherine Minchin
James Muir
Ian McLeod
Dawn Mirapuri
Ian McMahon
Paul Pers
Jonathan Persse
Adrian Pagan AO
Jenny Peters
Katrina Paine
Joan Peters
Sweta Paliwal
Kirrily Peters
Pip Ochre
Tishila Palliyaguru
Keith Pettigrew
Audrey Neill
Patricia O’Connell
Elizabeth Palmer-Bright
Bruce Petty
Bevan Muldoon
Bruce Neill
Patricia O’Connor
Ariel Pan
Pamela Petty
Geoffrey Mitchell
Joananne Mulholland
Marg Neucom
Paul W J O’Connor
Susan Pankhurst
Tom Petty
Heather McMeniman
Kelly Mitchell
Will Mulholland
Jennifer Nevard
Vinod Odhavji
Paul Pappas
Vinh Pham
Nicole McMillan
Peta Mitchell
Vivien Mullan
Anthony Newman
Mark Odling
Marlene Paradine
Cameron Phillips
Cath McMurchy
Kerrie & Timothy Mitchener-Nissen
Bronwyn Muller
Kathleen & C Newman
Michelle O’Dowd
Manuel Paraskevos
June Phillips
Benjamin McNamara
Young-Keun Mo
Gwynneth Muller
Robert Newman
Janet & Patrick O’Dwyer
Callum Parbury
Nicky Phillips
Shane McNamara
Doug Moffett
Irmtraud Muller
Yolanda Newman
Kartini Oei
Wayne Parcell PSM
Peter Phillips
Graham McNamee
Mal Mohanlal
Stella & M Muller
Noelle Ng
Sandra Ogata
Andrew Pardy
Vanda Phillips
Donor Impact Report | 54
Janette Philp
Donne Quilty
Mark Rice
Paule Ruggeri
Anna Scott
David & Judith Simpson
Chorh Hock Soo
Kevin & Beverley Stewart
Tony Photiadis
Michael Quinlan
Kenneth Rich
Bayront Rumondor
Clarence & Anne Scott
John Simpson
Nick Sophinos
Maxwell Stewart
Linda Piccin
Chel Quinn
June Richardson
Diane Russell
Simon Scott
Nicola Simpson
Putri Sortaria
Robert Stewart
Lara Pickering
Grant Quinn
Shirley Riches
Melissa Russell
Suzanne Scott
Kerry Sims
Narelle South
Tegan Stewart
John Pickering
Robert Quinn
Isabelle Rickards
Selwyn Russell
Bosco Seeto
Patricia Sinclair
Debra Southern
Eric Sticklen
Cameron Pickering-Smith
Anne Quinnell
Lynette Rickards
Rosario Russo
Melanie Selby
Michael Sinnott
Jody Sowerby
Laura Stokes
Steven Pilarek
Elizabeth Quirk
Constance Riddell
Ian Rutherford
The Late James Selby
Alyssia Skellern
Leonard Sparkes
Nicholas Stokes
Todd Stolk-Riley
Peter Ridgway
Edward & Belinda Rutledge
Dayton Senchuk
Beryl & Kerry Skellern
Samuel Sparks
John Riga
Belinda Ryan
Rafael & Jessica Sendra
Josephine & Peter Skellern
Sue Speed
James & Pamela Stoodley
Dylan Radcliffe
Mark Riley
Liam Ryan
David Sewell
Angela Skinner
Joseph Spelta
Marcus Stoodley
Natasha Piper
Catherine Rafferty
Caroline Ringuet
Patricia Ryan
Michael Sexton
Graham & Fay Skyring
Jacqui Spence
Wendy Straker
Sue Pitman
Ben Raftery
Olga Ristic
Sue Ryerson
Margaret & V Sezemsky
William Slatter
Danielle Spiller
Peter Stratton
Byron Platt
Margaret Rahman
Helen Rivers
Amit Shah
Michelle Slee
Margaret Spilsbury
Nicole Strohfeldt
Scot Plummer
Neil Railton
Mike Roarty
Brian & Bridget Shanley
Andrew Sly
Danielle Spletter
Paul Strooper
Terri Pocock
Ricardo Ramirez
Katherine Robbins
Sudarshan & Surinder Saini
Peter Shannon
David Small
Peter Spradbrow AM
Alexandra Subramaniam
Areta Podhorodecki
Ronald Ramsay
Leonard Roberts
Danyal Saleh
Sophie Sharkie
Kelsey Smalley
Bryce Squarci
Shuichi Suetani
Gregory Polkinghorne
Robin Ramsbotham
Maxwell Roberts
Bambang Wahyu Samodra
Akshat Sharma
Juliana Smee
Samantha Squires
Michael Sullivan
Ian Pope
Stefanie Ramsey
Amanda Robertson
Jelina San Diego
Asmita Sharma
Henry Smerdon AM
Barbara Stace
Sarah Sullivan
Jelena Popov
Jan Randle
Ashley Robinson
Jessie Sandeman
Louise Sharp
Timothy Smetham
Geoff Stacey
Carole Sulzer
Eva Popper
Ross Ranger
Barry Robinson
Carolyn Sandercoe
Bernard Shaw
Brian Smith
Genevieve Stafford
Reiko Suzuki
Douglas Porter
Geoffrey Rankin
Brian & Heather Robinson
Judith Sanderson
Bruce Shaw
Carmen Smith
Robyn Stagg
Rishneel Swarat
Alison Pound
Kelsea Ravell
Graham Robinson
Kulveet Sandhu
Clare Shaw
Carol Smith
Julie Stanfield
Grahame Swartz
Jonathan Powell
Myriam Raymond
Peter Robinson
Giovanni Sansalone
Lewis Shaw
Caroline Smith
James Stanway
Michael Power
Christoper Read
Sheryl Roche
Ruth Sapsford
Richard & Janet Shaw
Danina Smith
Geoffrey & Avis Stapleton
The Late Robert Swift OAM OBE &
L Swift
Rapheal Prasetyo
Neil Readshaw
Ronald Rodgers
Tanuja Sarath-Chandra
Taish Shaw
David Smith
K Stark
Clemens Pratt
John Ready
Dugald Rogers
Prasad Satyasiv
The Late Jean Shaw
Jeffery Smith
Jackson Staub
Detpon Preechagoon
Paul Reaney
John Rogers
Cecily & B Saunders
The Late Jeffrey Shaw
Mark Smith
Liam Staunton
William Prentice
John Reddington
Kay Rohdmann
Louise Savage
Paul Shea
Mary Smith
Mark Staunton
Myrla Prianes
Anita Reed
Barrie & D Rollason
Renae Sawatzki
Scott Shearer
Richard Smith
Mary Staunton
Rolf Prince AO
Sarah Reedman
Lisa Rolle
Rahul Saxena
Lindsay Sheedy
Robert & Janette Smith
Jan Steel
Deborah Prior
Jennifer Rees
Oleksiy Romashko
Leonard & K Scanlan
James Sheehan
Thomas Smithurst
Teresa Steele
Malcolm Pritchard
Kim Rees
Alan Rose AO
Elizabeth & Kevin Scarce
Irene Sherevera
Stephen Smykowsky
James Steeves
Rodney Pronger
Nicholas Rees
Emilie Ross
Dorothea Schafer
Simon Sheridan
Donna Smyth
Kristian Steffensen
Francesco Prostamo
Tony Rees
Geoffrey Ross
Eryn Schemioneck
Garth Sherman
Michael Snelling
Richard Steindl
Marek Pszczel
Nicola Reeves
Jess Ross
Ann-Marie Schmidt
Helen Sherrell
Robert Sneyd
Christopher Steiner
Rachael Puddephatt
Charles Reich
Leon Ross
Toby Schmidt
Jesse Sherwood
Dawn Snoeck
Lynette Stephens
Doreen Pulsford
Garth Reid
Claudio & Marian Rossi
Joerg Schneider
Annabel Shewring
J So
Corey Stevens
John Pulvirenti
Matt Reid
Anthony Rossiter
Andreas Schnieders
Andrew Shields
Desley Soden
James Stevens
Beryl Pye
Sean Reilly
Sarah Rossiter
Anne Schomberg
Diana Shogren
Raymond & Merle Soderholm
Malcolm & Dorothy Stevens
Elisabeth Tarigan
Adrian Pyle
Jacob Reinders
Desmond Rowe
Mark Schroder
Carol Sieker
Ivy & Paul Solly
Colin Rendell
Edward Rowe
Graham Schrodter
Kathy Silk
David Solomon
The Late Barry Stevenson &
Maureen Stevenson
Siham Afatta Kemal Taruc
Stephanie Renshaw
Leonie Rowlands
Bob Schubert
Matthew Sim
Janene Solomos
Alice Stewart
Gregory Tasker
Xian Qin
Anne Reynolds
Thomas Rowlands
Anna Schuller
Robin Simms
Utpreksha Somalwar
Olivia Quabba
Kristy Reynoldson
Helen& G Rowling
Helen Schultz
Florine Simon
Laurel Sommerfeld
Michael & Beryl Quayle
Gianni Ribeiro
Bruce Roy
Rebecca Sciffer
Cathy Simons
Lex Sonnenberg
Linda Pinches
Kerry Pinkstone
Janet Pipe-Jones
55 | The University of Queensland
Bob Sword
Peter Symonds
Norman Symons
Gary Tabor
Sreyneth Taing
Peter Tait
Donald Tallon
Choon Puay Tan
Lei Tan
Zhi Qiang Tan
Hugh Tancred
Mark Tanner
Jeff Tarr
Gordon Stewart
Lina Tata
Grace Stewart
Margaret Tatarinov
Johanna Stewart
Andrew Taylor
Donor Impact Report | 56
Andrew D Taylor
Greg Towers
Sonia Vaughan
Eric Weaver
Carmel Williams
Brian Wu
Agricure Pty Ltd
Eric & L Taylor
Ian & Christine Townsley
Naomi Visscher
Kathryn Webb
Clive Williams OAM
Nancy Wu Won
Alan Tran Medical Pty Ltd
Gainsdale Pty Ltd ATF Turner Family
Genevieve Greig Foundation Ltd
Rod & Jo Taylor
Norman Traves
Ann Vitale
Delene Weber
Margaret Williams
Sarah Wyche
Paul Treanor
Elizabeth Voynow
Lui Weber
Millicent Williams
Francis & Patricia Wylie
Alumni Friends of The University of
Queensland Inc.
GBST Holdings Pty Ltd
Trish Taylor
Kerry Taylor-Leech
Bruce Trenerry
Amy Vuleta
Anita Webster
Patricia Williams
Amgen Australia Pty Ltd
GHD Pty Ltd
R Telford
Patricia Treston
Radovan Vyborny
Catherine Webster
Rosemary Williams
Arthritis Queensland
GlaxoSmithKline Australia
Rosemary Tennent
Peter Trevethan
R Webster
Timothy Williamson
Goodman Foundation
Allan & J Terry
Bruce Trinh
Dylan Wedel
Kelvin Willing
Guy Carpenter & Company Pty Ltd
Linda Terry
Beverley Trivett
Claire Wagner
David & Louise Wedgwood
Kerre Willsher
Australian Academy of Technological
Sciences and Engineering
Australian Institute of Sport
Hatch Pty Ltd
Maria-Magdalena Xantopol
Isabelle Tessier
Carla Tromans
Jacquei Wakeham
Chun-Che Wei
Trevor Willson
Nilay Thakar
Alison Troup
Clint Walker
Yung-Che Wei
Noel Wilmott
Rui Yang
Simon & Jeneen Thatcher
Maciej Trzaskowski
Janice Walker
Dianne Weidner AM
Bevan Wilson
Ziying Yang
Lenore Theile
I-Lun Tseng
John Walker
Helen Weir
Franca Wilson
David Yap
Audrey Thiele
Scott & Kathryn Tucker
Mac Walker
Genevieve Wells
Helen & Richard Wilson
Elizabeth Yates
Dylan Thomas
James Tulip
Mark Walker
Jean West
Ian Wilson
Leigh Yates
Georgia Thomas
Margaret & W Tullipan
Ross & E Walker
Melina West
James Wilson
Tony Yeates
Matthew Thomas
Douglas Turk
Karen Wallace
Michael West
Margaret Wilson QC
Jake Young
Richard Thomas
Bob Turner
Dick Wallace-Barnett
Stephen West
Teresa Winch
Louise Yunk
Van Thomas
Jude Turner
Margaret Wallen
Wendy West
Heather Winkel
Michael Thomasson
Justin Turner
Dave Waller
Harold Westaway
Daniel Winkle
Cheryl Thompson
Lyle Turner
Judith Walls
Helen Weston
Clyde Winzar RFD AE
Harry Thompson OAM &
Janice Thompson
Peter Turner
Alimin Adi Waloyo
Peter Wetherell
Susan Wise
Nicole Zanyat
Nicholas Tutticci
James Walsh
Gina Wheatcroft
Matthew Wissemann
Fiyon Zeng
John Tuttle
Teagan Walsh
Ashleigh Wheatley
June Withers
Brandon Zhang
Ursula Tuxford
Margaret Walter
John Wheatley
Lisa Wittenhagen
Zong Zhang
Michael & Barbara Tynan
Bevon Walton
Megan Wheeldon
Dennis Wogan PSM
Pingping Zhao
Chengyu Wang
Lou Wheeler
Lucile Wolf
Ruby Zhao
Daniel Wang
Mark Whillans
Sharne & David Wolff
Shouhui Zhao
Akiko Uchiyama
David Wanstall
Elizabeth Whitaker
Bernarr & Morelle Wollheim
Li Zheng
Yasuyo Uehara-Whitla
Geoffrey Ward
Ian Whitaker
Yiu-Chung Wong
Victor Zhou
Norma Uhlmann
Matthew Ward
David White
Amanda Wood
Andros Zhu
Kelly Uhr
Mary Ware
Eugene White
Anita Wood
Katrina Ziebarth
Owen Ung
Luke Warwick
Gabrielle White
Bob Wood
Natasha Zipf
John & Susan Upham
Pauline Waterhouse
Shay White
Zoe Woodcraft
Caroline Zollinger
Raj Uppal
The Late Thomas Waters &
Elaine Waters
David Whybird
Catherine Woodham
John Zubevich
Pulith Widana Pathirana
Robert Woodhouse
Adriana Zukiwskyj
Adishta Librata Wijayanto
Alan Woodruff
Ian Wilbraham
Peter Woodward
406 anonymous donors
Sarah Wildermoth
Michael Woolcock
Ian Wilkey
Zak Worrall
Jason Wilkins
Holly Wright
Margaret Wilkins
Raeleen Wright
Dorothea Wilkinson
Jessica Wrigley
Irene Willett
K Wroblewski
Barbara Williams
Catherine Wroten
Rodney Thorburn
Kurt Thoren
Anthony & Elizabeth Thorne
Helen Thornton
Deborah Thorsborne-Palmer
Margaret Tiainen
Quang Tieng
Christopher Tiffin
Robert Tindle
Catherine Tiplady
Sean Titmarsh
Stephanie Tobin
Sharon Todd
James Toedtman
Lindsay Tomkins
Edward Tong
Dulcie Toohey
Tony Toohey
Susan Topalov
José Torero
Julius & Lynne Toth
Joseph Tottenham
57 | The University of Queensland
David Usasz
Stephen Uscinski
Carolyn Van Egmond
Andrew Van Eps
Trent Van Grinsven
Alison Van Niekerk
Nita Vasilescu
Sudheer Vasist
Kerry Watson
Ralph Watson
Sally Watson
Andrew Waud
Ann & Arnold Waugh
Lucinda Wawrzyniak
Denis Wayper
Daphne Wayth
Edward Weaver OAM
Jie Yang
Eugene Zakrjevsky
DONORS | $10,000 - $25 million
ABB Australia Pty Ltd
ADG Engineers (Aust) Pty Ltd
Australian Petroleum Production &
Exploration Assoc. Ltd
Beck Engineering Pty Ltd
Bio Concepts Pty Ltd
BM Alliance Coal Operations Pty Ltd
BMA Coal
Board of Benevolence of Aged
Masons, Widows & Orphans’
Brainchild Foundation
BrAshA-T Ataxia-Telangiectasia Ltd
Brisbane Broncos Rugby League
Club Ltd
Brisbane Marketing Pty Ltd
Canadian Institute for Advanced
Canine Research Foundation
Cherish Foundation
Children’s Hospital Foundation
Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd
Conrad Gargett
Cox Rayner Architects
Crommelin Family Foundation
Curavis Pty Ltd ITF The Curavis Fund
David Merson Foundation
Department of Social Services
Dr Jian Zhou Foundation
Energex Limited
Equity Trustees Limited
Estate of Alec Pearman
Estate of Douglas Horton Slatter
Ford Burnett Pty Ltd ATF The Ford
Burnett Foundation-PAC
Frazer Family Foundation Pty Ltd
Hardy Brothers
Health World Limited
Holsworth Wildlife Research
Hyne & Son Pty Limited
Inala Primary Care Ltd
Independent Marine Bio-Chemistry
Research Pty Ltd
Index Group of Companies
Ipsen Pty Ltd
Ipswich City Council
Jellinbah Group Pty Ltd
JEM Research Foundation Trust
Lend Lease Corporation Limited
Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland
Lewin Foundation
Linda Mars Trust
Lions Medical Research Foundation
Malouf Pharmacies
Maria Vasas Foundation
Mater Foundation
Mater Misericordiae Health Services
Brisbane Ltd
McCullough Robertson Foundation Ltd
MedEdPath Inc.
Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd
Merchant Charitable Foundation
Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp
Micreo Limited
Microsoft Pty Ltd
Mission Massimo Foundation
Mount Isa Mines Ltd
Nestlé Australia Ltd (Nutrition Division)
NetApp Australia
Newcrest Mining Limited
Orica Australia Pty Ltd
Donor Impact Report | 58
Origin Foundation Pty Limited
The MND and Me Foundation Limited
P & H Mining Equipment Inc.
The Ove Arup Foundation
PA Research Foundation
Pavetta Foundation Pty Ltd
Peta Seymour Foundation
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
(Queensland Branch)
Pogliane Investments Pty Ltd
Public Trustee Brisbane
Queensland Institute of Dermatology
Queensland Orthopaedic Research
Queensland Schizophrenia Research
Returned Services League of Aust.,
South Eastern District Ltd
Rio Tinto Coal Australia Pty Ltd
Rio Tinto Limited
Rio Tinto Services Pty Ltd
Royal Australian Navy
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Auxiliary Inc.
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Sonova AG (Phonak AG)
SPB (Australia) Pty Ltd
Speech Pathology Australia
Suncorp Group Limited
Suncorp Group Limited (Sydney)
Symingtons Australia Pty Ltd
TechnologyOne Ltd
Temron Pty Ltd
The Australian Power Institute Limited
The Boeing Company
The Bowness Family Foundation
The Children’s Trust
The Clem Jones Foundation
The Dow Chemical Company
The Eliadis Foundation
The Garnett Passe and Rodney
Williams Memorial Foundation
The Geriatric Medical Foundation of
The Graeme Wood Foundation
The Helpful Foundation
The Kids’ Cancer Project
59 | The University of Queensland
Australasian Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy SQ Branch
DONORS | $1,000 - $4,999
Department of Natural Resources and
The Peter and Mary Ellen Stone
Memorial Fund
Australian Bureau of Statistics
A Clear Direction Financial Planning
Dr Deb The Travel Doctor Pty Ltd
Pure Land Learning College
Association Inc
Emmanuel College
The Prince Charles Hospital
Blue Sky Alternative Thinking
ExxonMobil Australia Pty Ltd
The Procter & Gamble Company
ConocoPhillips Australasia
The RBWH District Innovation Fund
The Rotary District 9640
The Stafford Fox Medical Research
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation
Trustee for Trevor and Judith St Baker
Family Foundation
The University of Queensland
Endowment Fund Pty Ltd
The University of Queensland
Foundation Trust
The University of Queensland in
America, Inc.
The University of Queensland Rugby
Union Foundation Trust
The Walter & Eliza Hall Trust
The Yulgilbar Foundation
Thiess Pty Ltd
Thomas A. Plein Foundation
Toowong Private Hospital
Tsung Cho Chang Education
Twin Towns Services Community
Foundation Ltd
UQ Sport Limited
VCG Holdings Ltd
Westpac Bicentennial Trust
WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff
Your Eddi
YRD Aust Pty Ltd
DONORS | $5,000 - $9,999
Agility Applications
ALS Limited
Ashby Utting Foundation
Asia Pacific CBM Symposium
AusSafe Consulting Pty Ltd
Biarri Optimisation
Centor Australia Pty Ltd
Endodontic Group
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Gadens Lawyers
GRM International Pty Ltd
Hillstone St Lucia
HopgoodGanim Lawyers
Howden Saggers Lawyers
Kentucky Equine Research
(Australasia) Pty Ltd
Keyspace Technologies
Maclean Distributors Pty Ltd
McCullough Robertson
Medlab Pty Ltd
Morgans Financial Limited
National Stem Cell Foundation of
Neware Technology Limited
NSW Trustee and Guardian
Queensland Department of
Communities, Child Safety &
Disability Services
Queensland Game Fishing
Association Inc.
Rio Tinto Alcan
RSPCA Australia
Science and Industry Endowment
Scientific Solutions Pty Ltd
SGI Australia
Siemon Investments Pty Ltd
Sisters of Charity Foundation Limited
TerViva Bioenergy, Inc.
The Arterial Compliance Project Trust
The Siganto Foundation
Vietnamese Australian Professionals
Council, Qld (VAPC)
Yancoal Australia Ltd
Zonta Club of Redcliffe Area Inc.
3M Australia Pty Ltd (Dental Division)
Active Network
A-dec Australia Co. Inc.
Association of Self Insured Employers
of Queensland
Association of Taxation and
Management Accountants
DONORS | <$1,000
Molomby Family Testamentary Trust
4MBS Classic FM
Network for Good
PwC Australia
Ableside Pty Ltd TA Bracken Ridge
Vet Surgery
Oracle Investment Services
Queensland Ambulance Service
Aero Products Pty Ltd
Family Law Practitioners Association
Queensland Community Foundation
AmazonSmile Foundation
Order Of The Eastern Star, South
Brisbane District Grand Chapter
Financial Management Association of
Australia (Brisbane)
Queensland Sports Foundation Ltd
Arkhefield Pty Ltd
Peter David Ferguson Family Trust
Renzo Tonin Ron Rumble
Australian Association of Special
Education (Brisbane)
Presentation Sisters Queensland
Fluor Australia Pty Ltd
Australian Association for Byzantine
GC Australasia Dental Pty Ltd
Australian Competition & Consumer
Graphisoft Pty Ltd
Australian Computer Society Inc.
(Queensland Branch)
Hames Sharley (W) Pty Ltd
Australian Dental Association
(Queensland Branch)
Australian Nanotechnology Network
Australian Pet Welfare Foundation
Australian Property Institute
(Queensland Division)
Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.
Australian Society of Animal
Production (Queensland Branch)
Australian Society of Endodontology
Australian Society of Orthodontists
(Queensland Branch)
Australian Taxation Office
Blink Films
Board of Architects
Boeing Defence Australia
Brand & Slater Architects Pty Ltd
Bushwhacked 3 Pty Ltd
Cochlear Ltd
Cole Lawson Communications
Corporation Technologies Pty Ltd
(CEED Program)
Cottee Parker Architects Pty Ltd
CPA Australia
Cypriot Community Association of
Queensland Inc.
Davies Collison Cave
Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity
Dentsply (Australia) Pty Ltd
Plate Marketing Pty Ltd
Google Australia Pty Ltd
Groundworks Pty Ltd
Healthyworld Pharmacy Group
Henry Schein Halas
Hill’s Pet Nutrition Pty Ltd
Honeywell Ltd
Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia (Qld)
Ipswich Hospital Foundation
JB Mining Services Pty Ltd
Konnarock International Pty Ltd
Lions Clubs International District
Locatrix Communications
Lockyer Architects Pty Ltd
Lotus Capital Pty Ltd
Loucas & Zahos Pty Ltd
m3architecture Pty Ltd
Max Fabre Foundation
McInnes Wilson Lawyers
Measured Group
RGB Assurance Pty Ltd
Rotary Club of Nundah Inc.
Rotary International
ScaleMP Inc
Science Prospects Pty Ltd
Siemens Healthcare
Siemens Hearing Instruments Pty Ltd
Society of Hospital Pharmacists of
Soroptimist International Brisbane
South Inc.
Sound Veterinary Equipment Pty Ltd
Stage Five P/L ATF Stage Five Trust
The Estate of the Late Ruth Ilma Fisher
The Giving Network Pty Ltd
The Lions Club of Mundubbera
The Valuers Registration Board of Qld
The Wilgarning Trust
TravelSIM Australia Pty Ltd
Trio Brothers Trading Pty Ltd
United Grand Lodge of Queensland
UQ Engineering Undergraduate
UQ Gatton Past Students
Association Inc
Australian Finance Conference
Queensland Friends of the Australian
Archaeological Institute at Athens
Australian Institute of Physics
Quadrant Energy
Australian Society of Endodontology
Queensland Show Choir
Barpete Investments Pty Ltd
Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Psychiatrists
Brisbane Airport Corporation Limited
Royal Australian College of General
C F Administration Pty Ltd Trustee for
C & F Service Trust
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Charles Ede Limited
Sage Publications Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd
Corporation Coach Consulting Pty
Sisters of Mercy
Corrs Chambers Westgarth
South Queensland Budgerigar
Breeders Association
D.F. Farmer (Medical) Pty Ltd
Department of Justice and Attorney
General (Prisoner Trust)
Ellivo Architects Pty Ltd
Engineers Australia
Environment Institute of Australia and
New Zealand
Fig Tree Pocket State School
Forest Lake Social Golf Club Inc
Galvanizers Association of Australia
Guild Group
Heiser Gallery Pty Ltd
Herbert Smith Freehills Pty Ltd
Hill Pastoral
UQ Vet Science Association Wildlife
HLB Mann Judd
UQBC Foundation
Jandet Pty Ltd
Moggill Markets Inc.
K W Vandeleur (Medical) Pty Ltd
N & A Dunstan Pty Ltd TA Venom
Vincents Chartered Accountants
Kenmore State High School
VIPAC Engineers & Scientists Limited
Knights of the York Cross of Honour
National Association of Women in
Wildlife Preservation Society
Kruger-Brent Global Pty Ltd
Nicol Foundation
Wilson Architects
Woods Bagot Pty Ltd
Loganlea Pharmacy and Maridale Park
Millennium Science
Minter Ellison
Ozprop Holdings Pty Ltd
Rotary Club of Jimboomba Inc
Business WIDE
Brisbane History Group Inc.
UQ Society of Fine Arts
Membrane Society of Australasia Ltd
Ord Minnett Limited
RSC Journal of Materials Chemistry
St Peter’s Lutheran College
The Australian Association of Lyceum
The Preceptory and Priory of
Queensland St.John
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute
The Royal Geographical Society of
Union Co-Operative Society Limited
Vokes and Peters Pty Ltd
War Widow’s Guild of Australia
(Queensland) Inc
Windaroo Farming
1 anonymous donor
Mirani Medical Pty. Ltd.
Donor Impact Report | 60
(1 January – 31 December 2015)
The University of Queensland expresses its sincere appreciation for the charitable bequests received from the following estates.
Estate of Doris Mabeth Axam
Estate of Alexander Gordon Ewing
The John and Mary Kibble Trust Fund
Estate of Barbara O’Farrell
Estate of Marlene Kay Bright
Estate of Kelvin David Garland
Estate of Paula Ruth Kinnane
Estate of John Sydney O’Rourke
Estate of Denice Marcella Collins
Estate of Maureen Gilmartin
Estate of Iris Burwah Mangan
Estate of Rodney Mervyn Warmington
Estate of Dion Montague James De
Estate of Maisie Elizabeth Handy
Estate of James O’Neil Mayne
Estate of Eunice Shirley Wendorff
Estate of Pamela Joan Dinning
Estate of Barbara Jean Hebden
Estate of Mary Emelia Mayne
Estate of Olive Nellie White
Estate of Irene Patricia Hunt
Estate of Flora Louisa Noall
Estate of Robert ‘Gus’ John Wiles
Estate of Herta Maria Dunkley
Estate of Cecil Hampshire English
The Alma Jackson Trust
Estate of Margaret Anne James
Estate of Elaine Frances Meehan
Estate of Elinor (Helen) Wynne Delpratt
The alumni, staff, and friends below have indicated their intention to remember The University of Queensland in their wills.
Edgar Gold AM CM QC & Judith Gold
Ah Lim
Louanne Oakes
Bruce Stevenson
Suzanne Golding
C Liu
Ruth O’Hanlon
Kenneth & Joan Stumer
Penelope Gordon
John Longworth
Nikolai Oriszenko
Noparat Suaysuwan
Nina Gray
Graham Lucas
Kiatta Oussama
Lea Sublett
John & Lea Greenaway
Horst Lücke
Joy Pappagallo
Sue Syrmis
The Late Edna D Griffiths
Susan Macey
Murray Parkinson
Jeremy Tam
John Haberecht
Shirley Macfarlane
Valerie Payne
Patricia Taylor CM
Keith Hafner
Margaret Mackisack
Jonathan Persse
Rod & Jo Taylor
Gary Hambly
Carolyn Malley
Andrew Pethebridge
Bonnie Thomas
Stephanie Hanrahan
Michael Mar Fan
Keith Pettigrew
J A Thomas
Rosemary Harris
Colin & Annette Marks
Gary Portley
Cheryl Thompson
Lachlan Haynes
David Marlow
Glory Powell
Shane Thompson
Jonathan Heales
Eric Marson
Joseph Pulvirenti
Ron Thomson
Elizabeth Heber
Judith Martin
Erica Pumpa
Mindy Thorpe
Rod J Henderson
L C Martin
Brian Quigley
Allan Tindall
Rodney N Henderson
Janette Massey
Ross Ranger
Y K Tiu
Katherine Henzell
Tony Matthewman
Margot Rayner
Peter Torley
Ian Hiley
Judy Matthews
Darcy & Karin Redman
Philip Tow
Kathy Hirschfeld
Claire Maurice
Jackie Reed
The Late Donald Tugby
Marion Hobbs
Bruce McBryde
Pamela Reisner
Ruth Turner
Glenys Abrahams
Ronald & Helen Blackman
Eileen Colless
Stephen Eastman
Peter Hocker
Leslie McCourt
Malcolm Reynolds & Pauline Clark
Gordon Twigg
Deirdre Ackerly
Susan Blake
Peter Colvin
Ted Edwards
Daryl Holmes
Patricia McDuff
Tony Ridgway
Peter van Velzen
John D Adams
Anders Blomberg
Anne Conduit
Paul Eliadis
Cynthia House
Anne-Majella McFadyen
Bernadette Roberts
Kerry Vann
Elsie Anders
Dee Booth
John Copp
Garth Everson
Roland Howlett
Phyllis McGill
Arch Robinson
Ian Vayro
Mairi Ansell
Jason & Claire Borg
Eddie Coppinger
Katherine Ewen
Hilary Huey
Hugh McKay
Suzanne Roll
A Vurs
Paul & Sue Anthony
Wayne & Rose-Ann Bovey
Bernie Cornish
Alan Ferguson
Elizabeth Isles
Wendy McKenna
Ian Rose
John Wakely
Susanne Arend
John Bowles
J Crow
John Fisher Smith
Jodie James
Moya McKenzie
Spencer Routh
Rachael Warpenius
The Late Doris Axam
Glenda Bradford
Terrence Cruickshank
Barbara Flynn
The Late Margaret A James
Donald McKnight
Trevor & Denise Rowland
Georgina Weller
Keith & Barbara Bain
Kay Brassil
Andy & Coral Cullum
Jean Foley
Christine Johnson
Patricia Metcalf
Colin Rowlings
Stuart West
The Late Shirley Baker
Michael Bremner
Gregory & Alison Cuthbert
Sally Foote
Paul Johnson
Timothy Michaux
Lynne Rule
Una Whiteford
Gregory Ball
Moira Brown
Catherine Dallemagne-Bremner
Jenny Forrester
Janelle Johnston
Colin & Margaret Miflin
Yoni Ryan
Susanne Whitehead
Mike Barbetti
Norman Brown
Marion Dallimore
June Fox
Wesley Jordan
Cathryn Mittelheuser AM
Geoffrey Sattler
Shirley Wickham
Brendan Barker
Pamela Burnard
Pamela Davenport
Marianne Francey
Elaine Katte
Melda Moffett
Kay Saunders AM
Geoff Wiles
Pat Barlow
Cynthia Burnett
Doris Davies
The Late Margaret Fyfe
Judith Kennett
Moira Moffett
Fardad Shakibaie
C N Williams
Ross & Bing Barnard
Christopher Burrell
Elizabeth Davies
Pamela Ganly
June King
Sylvia Monk
John Shelley
John Williams
Kimberly Bassett
Bob Cage
Marie Dawson
Bruce Gardner
Noel & Helen Klaassen
Jennifer Morris
Rosamond Siemon
Leslie Williams
Melita Bates
Daphne Callow
Barbara de Greef
Alan Garnham
Jeanette Knox
Rachael Mulheron
Jane Simpson
Sheila Williams
Urs & Karen Bauder
Glen Cameron
Graham De Gruchy
Glynnis Gartside
Violet Kuskie
Lynette Muller
Maree Simpson
Chriss & Orlanda Williamson
Nancy A Beer
Jo-Anne Cameron
Hazel Dennis
Bruce Gaunson
Gisela Kuther
Joan Murphy
Paul Smetana
Ross Wilson
Reza Behnood
Maurice Cassidy
James Dillon
Vegofi Geani
Neil Latcham
Pra Murthy
Kevin Smith
Janet Winder
Matt Bellamy
Carole Channer
The Late James Dixon
Katharine Gelber
Jacky Lau
John Nesbit
Louise Smith
Pauline Young
Alan Biggs
Jonathan Christie
Andrea Dobbyn
Sharon Gillard
Joan Lawrence AM
Yolanda Newman
Nicholas Smith
Cora Zyp
Andrew Biggs
Jenny Chriswick
Roma Drysdale
Miles Gillham
Linda Lee
Richard Nicholls
Raymond Smith
Brenda Birchley
Peter Coates
The Late Herta Dunkley
Ian R Given
Ping Lee
Robin Nielsen
Pravit Sophanodora
54 anonymous donors
Greg Blackburn
Donald Cochrane
Muriel Dyer
Joan Godfrey OBE
Bob Lester
Diana Norman
Madonna Staunton OAM
61 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 62
Thank you again for your support.
For further information, or to advise of an error or omission,
please contact Donor Relations by telephone on
+61 7 3346 3156 or by email at donor.relations@uq.edu.au.
63 | The University of Queensland
Donor Impact Report | 64
+61 7 3346 3900
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65 | The University of Queensland
Image: Helidon Sandstone from the Great Court
UQ Advancement
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia