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Recognizing Your Colleagues
Thursday, May 16, 2013 || 6:00 p.m. || Hyatt Regency Indianapolis || Indianapolis, Indiana
I n d i a n a D e n ta l A s s o c i at i o n A w a r d s C e r e m o n y
Presented by Dr. Steven J. Holm, IDA Vice President
Presentation of Awards and Special Recognition
Rising Star Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Amanda Bourff
Recognition of 25-Year Members
Charles W. Gish Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. James W. Fisher
Recognition of Component Presidents
Outstanding Staff Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Jody Cleary
Recognition of Life Members
American College of Dentists IN Section Ethics Award ����������������������������������Dr. Ewelina Ciula
Presented by Dr. Charles Poland
Recognition of 50-Year Members
Special Service Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Bruce Bergstrom
Recognition of Component Honor Dentists
Donated Dental Services Outstanding Service Awards
Presented by Dr. Will Hine
Dr. Bernard B. Dreiman and Dr. John W. Pruitt
Image Dental Arts - Mr. Jim Somers, Owner
Ito and Koby Dental Studio - Mr. John Sebring, Owner
Lloyd J. Phillips Distinguished Service Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. David L. Alexander
Presidential Citations, Presented by Dr. John R. Roberts, IDA President
Mr. G. Edward Popcheff
Mr. Jonathan Mayo
Mr. Will Sears
Dr. Suzanne S. Germain
Dr. Jack Drone
Dr. Daniel W. Fridh
Maynard K. Hine Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Charles L. Steffel
Rising Star Award
Dr. Amanda Bourff
This award is to recognize an IDA Member in practice
for ten years or less, who demonstrates outstanding leadership ability and initiative. This year’s recipient is Dr.
Amanda Bourff.
Dr. Bourff epitomizes all that we would like to see in
a young dentist. Dr. Bourff is a fine dentist who is committed to her patients’ needs and is actively involved
with organized dentistry. She has provided comprehensive dental treatment to patient with various disabilities
through the Donated Dental Services program.
Dr. Bourff has been a member of the American Dental
Association, Indiana Dental Association and the Indianapolis District Dental Society since 2004. She is an
active member serving on the IDA Credentials Committee
in 2008 and 2009, the IDA Council on Membership since
2006 to present. Dr. Bourff has also served at the local
level on the IDDS Membership Committee since 2007 to
2011 and was co-chair of this committee from 2008 to
2011. As part of the responsibilities of being a Co-Chair,
she led a committee focused on recruitment and retention of members. Dr. Bourff was also on the IDDS Board
of Directors from 2008 – 2010. She has been an IDA Delegate to the IDA Annual Session since 2010, and served
as an IDA Alternate Delegate in 2006, 2008-2009.
Dr. Bourff has been actively involved with organized dentistry since her graduation. Perhaps the trait to admire
most in Dr. Bourff is her constant positive attitude. No
matter the circumstances, she is always at her best. It is
important that we recognize the efforts of a young dentist
like Dr. Bourff.
Recognition of 25-Year Members
Dr Michael D Adkins
Dr Bruce P Anshutz
Dr Sandra E Bacon
Dr Kenton L Bailey
Dr Scott C Barrix
Dr Rebecca A Bolon
Dr Bonni M Boone
Dr Lynn R Bowen
Dr Guthrie P Carr
Dr Yung-Neng Cheng
Dr David B Coates
Dr J K Coghlan
Dr Clarence A Dean
Dr Kevin A Deardorf
(continued from previous page)
Dr Thomas E Dunn II
Dr Richard L Emerson
Dr Brian Fryar
Dr Lisa M Gabrish
Dr Lesley K Gilbert
Dr John L Havlick
Dr David J Henderson
Dr Marie C Holt
Dr Dennis J Jenkins
Dr Mark A Kahn
Dr Helen S Kirscher
Dr Jennifer R Kugar
Dr Tod L Lovan
Dr Tad S Lovan
Dr Mark D Magura
Dr Robert J McDonough
Dr Todd D Meeks
Dr Jeffrey T Meister
Dr Perry R Perea
Dr Thomas E Quill, II
Dr John W Ringo
Dr William J Sentiere
Dr Michael E Shambaugh
Dr Bradley J Shuder
Dr James A Shupe Jr
Dr Norman L Stump
Dr Thomas T Teel II
Dr Kurt D Van Winkle
Dr John J Wadas, III
Dr Bret A Weathers
Dr Dennis J Zent
Charles W. Gish Awards
Dr. James W. Fisher
This award recognizes Indiana citizens who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and involvement leading
to significant improvement and/or positive impact in the
overall dental health within a given community. This year’s
recipient is Dr. James W. Fisher.
Dr. James W. Fisher opened his practice in 1980. Dr.
Fisher is a 1978 graduate of Indiana University School
of Dentistry. He received his Masters Degree in the Specialty of Endodontics from Boston University School of
Graduate Dentistry in 1980. Dr. Fisher is a native Hoosier,
born in Marion. Through his guidance the practice has
evolved into a three office specialty dental network servicing northeast, north central Indiana, northwest Ohio
and southern Michigan.
Dr. Fisher represents true generosity in northeast Indiana. Two of Jim’s “pride and joys” span several years. The
first was the development and the directorship of the
Neighbor Health Clinic here is Fort Wayne, The N.H.C is a
non-profit clinic providing medical and dental treatment
(continued on next page)
(continued from previous page)
to the underserved. The second is a recent undertaking. Dr. Fisher, member of the Isaac Knapp Foundation
for Dental Education, has been working closely with the
McMillen Health Center to develop the BRUSH Program.
The BRUSH Program is a literacy-based, dental education
program for low-income parents and their children, age
birth to 5 years, to learn about the importance of brushing
baby teeth, visiting the dentist and eating healthy foods.
Recognition of Component Presidents
Component presidents in their first year of service receive
the IDA Component Presidents Award.
Dr. James Morse *
Ben Hur
Dr. William N. Myers*
North Central
Dr. Anthony Hornaday*
East Central
Dr. Mark J. Mihalo*
Northwest Indiana
Dr. Ernest W. Hendricks
Eastern Indiana
Dr. Christopher Day*
South Central
Dr. Mark E. Wohlford*
First District
Dr. Thomas M. Kennedy
Southeastern Indiana
Dr. Scott W. Powers
Greene District
Dr. Thomas Hearn*
Wabash Valley
Dr. Bruce B. Wiland*
Indianapolis District
Dr. Travis Jones*
West Central
Dr. Benjamin J. Yoder*
Isaac Knapp District
Dr. Mark A. Haring*
Western Indiana
*Receiving Awards
Outstanding IDA Staff Award
Mrs. Jody Cleary
This award is given to an exemplary Indiana Dental Association Staff Member who has gone above and beyond the
call for the IDA members and promoting the profession’s
image. This year’s recipient is Mrs. Jody Cleary.
Mrs. Jody Cleary is the Director of Membership and
Financial Services. She has demonstrated professionalism and has a very trustworthy attitude with the IDA
Members. Mrs. Cleary has served on the American Dental
Association’s Tripartite Users Group, ADA’s professional
(continued from previous page)
data base, and was President for two years consecutively.
Mrs. Cleary works closely with the IDA Council on Membership and the IDA Finance Committee, working with
the budget, membership, and finances on a daily basis.
Mrs. Cleary is also very active in her church community
and her children’s school, serving as President for the
Parent Teachers Group and coaching their first Boy’s Volleyball Team. She also enjoys singing in the choir. While
being with the IDA for several years, her innovative and
productivity has only increased with time!
Recognition of Life Members
Life members are those who have belonged to the IDA for
30 consecutive years or 40 nonconsecutive years and have
reached the age of 65.
Dr Gary D Bishop
Dr John G Blazic
Dr Robert P Bonness
Dr George K Bruner
Dr Paul J Challgren
Dr James T Cirgin
Dr Richard A Coffman
Dr David E Cox
Dr John R Eastman
Dr Richard D Ellsworth
Dr Llyndall R Fagg
Dr Michael L Flannagan
Dr Stephen J Gant
Dr Dale A Giesting
Dr Russell E Gilliom
Dr David M Giltner
Dr Darryl S Graden
Dr John W Green
Dr Steven J Holm
Dr Aaron E Ison
Dr Scott G Jacklin
Dr Bradford H Korn
Dr Daniel F Lindborg
Dr Max L Lingo, Jr
Dr Raymond M Maddox
Dr Edward J Martin
Dr David M Miller
Dr Lowell G Mitchell, Jr
Dr Roger L Murphy
Dr Philip L Nicholson
Dr Duane A Nodine
Dr Timothy B Phillips
Dr Douglas F Reed
Dr Jack J Reynolds
Dr Steven L Richwine
Dr John F Rufatto
Dr Thomas G Rykovich
Dr Timothy J Shambaugh
Dr Gerald A Simpson
Dr Terrill L Stoller
Dr Robert T Stoner
Dr Gene A Stutsman
Dr Gary V Taylor
Dr Robert E Wall
Dr Alan L White
Dr Stanley A Young
Dr Daniel R Zimny
American College of Dentists Ethics Award*
Dr. Ewelina Ciula
The winner of this award is an Indiana citizen who exemplifies ethical behavior and is recognized by his or her
peers as someone who brings credit to the profession, and
one who has earned the trust of dentists and the general
Dr. Ewelina Ciula is a 2013 graduate of Indiana University
School of Dentistry. Previously, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Loyola University, Chicago.
During her time at IUSD, Dr. Ciula served as the Co-President and subsequently Past President of IUSD’s Student
Professionalism and Ethics Association chapter and was
instrumental in developing the IUSD SPEA chapter into
the vibrant organization that it has become. She was one
of seven students from across the US who participated in
focused discussions at USC that resulted in the development of the national SPEA organization.
Because of her involvement and her enthusiastic leadership commitment, she was elected as the first Vice Chair
for SPEA National at its inaugural meeting in 2011. In
addition to her superb work in ethics, Dr. Ciula was an
active member of the IUSD student research group. Dr.
Ciula was awarded a health professional scholarship
from the United States Army and will begin her officer
basic leadership course this summer. Subsequently, Dr.
Ciula will serve as a general dentist in the Army. Her
initial service posting has not yet been announced.
* This award is given byr Indiana section of the ACD.
Recognition of 50-Year Members
Dr Stephen K Bailie
Dr Stanley Braun
Dr Donald L Burns
Dr Lloyd A Delman
Dr Jerry E Lambert Sr
Dr Peter H Leonard
Dr James L Neafus
Dr John W Nyberg Jr
Dr Drew F Oldham
Dr Clifford T Salk, Jr
Dr Robert T Schmidt
Dr Hugh A Smith
Dr Charles Solomon
Special Service Award
Mr. Bruce Bergstrom
This award is presented to non-dentists who advance the
objectives of the health profession in general and/or the
dental profession in particular.
Mr. Bruce Bergstrom is the Executive Director for America’s Dentists Care Foundation. The ADCF is the parent
group that helps organize the Dental Missions of Mercy
(MOM) projects. The MOM Project is a gathering of dental
professionals and lay-volunteers for two or three days for
the purpose of treating those in need. The ADCF MOM
helps facilitate state efforts by making the required
equipment and accessories available for these events.
The ADCF has provided over $50 million of dental care
to the indigent. Mr. Bergstrom has also helped with the
Kansas Mission of Mercy Project from 2003 to present.
Mr. Bergstrom is trained as an instructor in and advocate
of procedural and protocol adherence, incident investigation and root cause analysis, human performance analysis and improvement as recognized by the US Nuclear
Regulatory Agency.
Recognition of Component Honor Dentists
Component honor dentists are recognized for their exceptional service to their components.
Dr. John R. Roberts
Eastern Indiana
Dr. Richard A. Guaccio
Northwest Indiana
Dr. Steven L. Nicholson
First District
Dr. J. Keith Roberts
South Central
Dr. Brent L. Ellis
Greene District
Dr. Douglas R. Ruter
Southeastern Indiana
Dr. Philip J. Eversman
Indianapolis District
Dr. John E. Marosky
Wabash Valley
Dr. Robert L. Ketcham
Isaac Knapp District
Dr. John D. Folkers
West Central
Dr. Lorraine J. Celis
North Central
Donated Dental Services
Dr. Bernard B. Dreiman
Dr. John W. Pruitt
Image Dental Arts: Mr. Jim Somers, Owner
Ito and Koby Dental Studio: Mr. John Sebring,
Lloyd J. Phillips Distinguished Service Award
Dr. David L. Alexander
This award is presented to dentists who have performed
outstanding service to advance the objectives of the profession or service within their community, state or country.
This year, Dr. David L. Alexander is the recipient from West
Central Dental Society.
Dr. Alexander has been a tremendous influence in the
field of dentistry and the community of Lafayette, IN. He
has been a great leader for West Central Dental Society
and has show great contributions at the state level. He is
very encouraging to young and seasoned dentists. He is
very active and has been the reason many of our newer
members have become involved in organized dentistry at
our local and state levels. He is also a Fellow member in
both the International and American College of Dentists.
Dr. Alexander started the Greater Lafayette Study Club
(A Seattle Study Club) in 2006 and a hygiene study club
a year later. Not only has this improved the quality of
dentistry in the Lafayette area, but also the camaraderie
in the dental community. Practically every dentist in the
area wants to be a part of this study club. Dr. Alexander
has done a tremendous job in organizing and planning
engaging speakers. Every year he seems to somehow top
the already outstanding previous year. In 2009 he won
the International Award from the Seattle Study Club for
Excellence in Organization.
IDA Presidential Citations
Presented by Dr. John R. Roberts
Mr. G. Edward Popcheff
Mr. Jonathan Mayo
Mr. Will Sears
Dr. Suzanne S. Germain
Dr. Jack Drone
Dr. Daniel W. Fridh
Maynard K. Hine Award
Dr. Charles L. Steffel
This award recognizes individuals who have contributed to the dental and/or health profession on a national
and/or international basis. Dr. Charles L. Steffel is this
year’s recipient.
Dr. Steffel came on the American Dental Association’s
board at a time when his talents were most needed. He
served on the ADA Audit Committee and was instrumental in identifying and correcting major issues in the organization. Dr. Steffel continued to demonstrate his leadership abilities by establishing himself as one of, if not the
most, respected member of the ADA Board of Trustees
throughout his tenure. Dr. Steffel served with a single
focus of building and strengthening an association that
will remain not only relevant but indispensable to our
profession and our patients.
Dr. Steffel also served on the ADA Board liaison to the
Committee of the New Dentist, the Council of Annual
Sessions, ADABEI, ADAF and uncountable board workgroups. He also served as IDA President in 2002 and
President of Indianapolis District Dental Society and was
an Associate Professor at the IU, School of Dentistry until
2009. Dr. Steffel has co-authored 28 publications, founding editor of the award-winning American Association of
Endodontic newsletter and has presented at 49 local state
and national dental meetings.
The mission of the Indiana Dental Association
is to support dentists,
to promote professionalism,
and to improve oral health.
The IDA Officers, Directors and the Board of Trustees wish to thank
the members of the Awards Committee for a job well done:
Dr. Paul R. Nahmias, Chair
Dr. Brian T. Henry
Dr. Gregory E. Phillips
Dr. Terri A. Winn
Awards ceremony photos
View photos of this year’s IDA award recipients at INDental.org.
Award photos will also be featured in the Summer 2013 issue
of the IDA Journal.