Annual Report - American Red Cross

2013 Annual Report
Mission Statement
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human
suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the
power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Network
Humanity • Impartiality • Neutrality • Independence • Voluntary service • Unity • Universality
Cover photo: At a Red Cross shelter in Toms River, N.J., a teenager
finds refuge after Superstorm Sandy.
© 2013 The American National Red Cross
A Message from the CEO
Every day, the American Red Cross is in the community delivering help to our neighbors during their
greatest time of need. A Red Cross volunteer is there for the family whose home is lost in a fire at
4 a.m. or to save a loved one’s life with Red Cross skills training, or assisting with communications
for families separated by disasters or military deployments. During these times of need we are
reminded that the Red Cross stands for hope and compassion.
In these pages you will read about how your support is helping us make an impact in our
communities. Our dedicated volunteers and staff are helping people prevent, prepare for and
respond to all types of emergencies across Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
We are educating children about the importance of being prepared through our Sesame Street
Preparedness Puppet Show. We are providing support and help to members of the Armed Forces,
veterans and their families, and working with our youth to help them raise awareness of local and
global issues. We are providing training of vital lifesaving skills such as first aid and CPR as well as
community preparedness trainings to thousands; and we respond to hundreds of emergencies and
disasters, many of which do not make headlines but greatly impact those affected. We are proud of
the work we do and we hope you are too.
We know that our community relies on us to be there whenever and wherever disasters strike and
your support ensures that we are able to serve our communities – today, tomorrow and as long as
there are needs.
Thank you for your support in helping us make a difference every day.
Maxine Margaritis
Regional Chief Executive Officer
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
You Make It Possible
The American Red Cross Desert to the Sea Region provides vital services to Orange,
Riverside and San Bernardino counties 365 days a year—from responding to home
fires in local neighborhoods to teaching first aid and CPR to community groups.
We’re able to provide these services thanks to a corps of more than 1,400 dedicated
volunteers and the generosity of our donors. The American Red Cross puts these
donations to good use—we are proud to tell donors that we invest an average of 91
cents of every dollar in humanitarian services and programs, well above the
industry standard.
How do we do it? By practicing what we preach: preparedness. We train our
volunteers. We plan ahead for the types of disasters that strike in our community. And
we train individuals, businesses and community groups so that they too can
be prepared.
In this report, which covers fiscal year 2013 (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013), you’ll
learn about how we help our neighbors—down the street, across the country and
around the world.
those in need.
Down the Street
House Fires to Floods
We’re ready to respond to disaster 7 days a week, 365 days a year in our community,
providing shelter, food, clothing and emotional support at no cost to those in need. The
Desert to the Sea Region is part of a nationwide network of Red Cross regions that work
together to respond to large-scale relief efforts.
Home fires are the most common disaster to which the Red Cross responds. Last year
alone, the Desert to the Sea Region responded to more than 460 home fires and other
local disasters. Although these incidents don’t typically make the news as hurricanes or
other large-scale events do, they are devastating for those who have suddenly lost their
homes, possessions and sense of security.
In fiscal year 2013, the Desert to the Sea Region assisted more than 650 community
members/families affected by fires and other local disasters.
The Desert to Sea Region also teaches families, organizations and corporations how to
be prepared for emergencies through free educational presentations. Last year more than
17,600 people attended community disaster education and preparedness programs at our
Preparing for the Unexpected
Every year, the Desert to the Sea Region teaches people the lifesaving skills they need to
protect themselves and their families, including first aid, CPR and water safety.
We offer these trainings in multiple ways: online training, traditional classroom settings and
full-service courses where we bring the training to your workplace or organization.
Last year, more than 55,200 individuals learned critical skills through Red Cross courses:
• 41,269 people were trained in first aid/CPR/AED
• 12,527 people were trained in aquatics and water safety
• 1,405 people enrolled in caregiving courses
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Annual Disaster Preparedness
The American Red Cross hosted the
Disaster Preparedness Academy in
October at the Anaheim Convention
Center. This annual event featured
presenters who are preparedness experts
and leading authorities in their fields and
offered over 500 attendee’s preparedness,
response and recovery training for
individuals and emergency planners from
businesses, government agencies, and
nonprofit and faith-based organizations.
The Red Cross will be holding the 30th
Disaster Preparedness Academy on Wed.
Oct. 22, 2014.
Serving the Military, Their Families and Veterans
The Red Cross Desert to the Sea Region gives support to active-duty military members,
National Guard and Reserve members, veterans and their families. We provide
predeployment briefings, called “Get to Know Us Before You Need Us,” and connect
families with needed resources when their loved ones are deployed.
Deployed service members also count on us to deliver emergency messages, such as
notification of an illness or death in the family. Military families rely on these verified
communications, which help commanders decide when to grant leave. We also provide
support for the sick and wounded at military and veterans hospitals and assistance in
obtaining emergency financial support.
During fiscal year 2013, our region:
• Briefed 12,290 service members and their families through the ‘Get to Know Us Before
You Need Us’ program
• Provided 3,639 case services such as emergency communications to military members,
veterans and their families
Holiday Mail for Heroes
Military deployment distance and hospital
stays mean many service members
and veterans are separated from their
families during the holiday season. The
American Red Cross Holiday Mail for
Heroes program empowers people to
send members of the Armed Forces,
veterans and their families a message of
thanks, support and appreciations for the
sacrifices they make to protect our
Red Cross volunteers sort and deliver the
cards to service members, veterans and
their families across the nation and
around the globe. In 2013, the Desert to
the Sea Region received and distributed
more than 11,000 holiday cards.
Additionally, we supported welcome home and fallen heroes events across the region,
collected and delivered holiday cards to Veteran hospitals, and led the Orange County
Veteran and Military Families Collaborative, which leverages resources from 60 Veteran
affairs agencies to address issues such as behavioral health, employment and housing.
Blood—Making Sure It’s Available
We supported the efforts of the American Red Cross Southern California Blood
Services Region, which processes, tests and safeguards blood collected from donors in
communities Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, San Diego and Ventura
Counties, and distributes nearly 400,000 units of lifesaving blood to 160 hospitals and
trauma centers across the southland.
Local Efforts, Global Reach
As part of a worldwide humanitarian network, the Desert to the Sea Region works to
deliver international humanitarian aid in the wake of disasters; prevent disease and teach
preparedness; reconnect families separated by armed conflict; and educate the public
about International Humanitarian Law.
Here in the Desert to Sea Region, we:
• Enrolled 267 people in International and Humanitarian Law and Restoring Family
Links courses
• Handled 16 Restoring Family Links activities
Preparing Our Future Leaders
From providing holiday cheer and preparedness information to underserved children
at the annual Children’s Safety Festival to enhancing leadership skills at Leadership
Development Camp, the Red Cross offers youth volunteers meaningful opportunities for
education, training and volunteer service.
In FY13 we:
• Supported 50 Red Cross clubs
• Had 110 local youth attend the Leadership Development Camp where they had the
opportunity to learn about and improve their leadership skills
• Reached 450 homes with fire safety information through Cause for Alarm, a youth fire
safety canvasing event
• Engaged 384 youth to provide disaster preparedness information and holiday toys to
more than 1,000 participants at the Children’s Safety Festival
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Youth Project Receives National
In 2013, Red Cross youth volunteers helped
pilot an International Humanitarian Law
(IHL) Action Campaign titled “Soldiers of
Misfortune.” By simulating a prison camp
scenario at Segerstrom High School in Santa
Ana, distributing IHL literature and showing
educational videos the group was able to
raise awareness about child soldiers. Due
to the success of this project, the group was
invited to Washington, D.C. to present at
the Annual IHL Youth Symposium in May.
The goal is to expand the program to three
schools in 2014.
Across the Country
Answering Crisis With Action
From natural events to human-caused tragedies, throughout the past year the American
Red Cross was there to provide communities with the help and support they needed.
2013 at a Glance
Across the country, the
American Red Cross—
emergency assistance
and their families.
Late in the hurricane season, Superstorm Sandy took aim at a part of the country not
usually targeted by tropical systems, with devastating results. Sandy made landfall near
Atlantic City, N.J., on October 29, 2012, merging with a winter storm and bringing heavy
rain, snow and floods. Thousands were left homeless, and nearly 8.5 million people lost
power across 12 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, some for weeks.
With an incredible outpouring of support from the public and partners, the Red Cross
was able to immediately launch what became our largest U.S. disaster response in more
than five years. Red Cross workers—more than 90 percent of them volunteers—opened
shelters and provided food and comfort to thousands of people as they faced their losses
and the uncertainty of starting over.
While emergency assistance continued for months, Red Cross caseworkers also began
guiding families in taking the first difficult steps toward recovery. Long-term recovery
programs continue to help several thousand residents as they put their lives back together.
Other major disasters that the Red Cross responded to last fiscal year (July 1, 2012 –
June 30, 2013) included Hurricane Isaac, which struck the Gulf Coast in August 2012,
and major floods that hit the upper Midwest in spring 2013. Wherever residents were
forced from their homes, the Red Cross provided safe shelter, food, cleanup supplies and
help taking the first steps toward recovery.
Over the past year, several tragic events affected the country, and the Red Cross was
there to support communities and first responders during those difficult times. This
included shootings in Aurora, Colo., Oak Creek, Wis., and Newtown, Conn.; the bombing
at the Boston marathon; and the explosion of a fertilizer plant in West, Texas. Red Cross
workers were on the scene in each instance to help survivors, family members and first
responders by providing relief items and emotional support during what once would have
seemed to be unimaginable circumstances.
Serving Those Who Serve Our Country
For more than a century, the Red Cross has been dedicated to meeting the needs of
military members, their families and veterans.
Each stage of military life has its unique challenges, and coming home from a deployment
is no different. The Red Cross provides several educational programs and resources to
make this adjustment easier, including Reconnection Workshops, which focus on topics
that military members and their families have found relevant to their experience as they
transition home.
The Red Cross is also doing its part to provide employment development programs and
ensure that valuable skills are not wasted. Hundreds of dental and medical assistants
were trained on military installations and at local Red Cross chapters last year, and more
than 2,600 veterans and family members received help in developing resumes and honing
their interview skills.
A Red Cross worker talks with military
members in Norfolk, Va., about resources
available to them.
The Red Cross made a commitment in 2012 to hire 1,000 veterans by the end of 2014,
so we have partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) on VA for Vets,
a career management program that enables veterans to successfully join the civilian
workforce. By June 2013, the Red Cross was already more than halfway to its goal.
The rising suicide rate among both active-duty military members and veterans has been
a source of concern in recent years, so the Red Cross is working with the Veterans Crisis
Line to ensure that both these groups get the help they need. Last year, the Red Cross
intervened in nearly 400 incidents involving someone threatening to harm himself or
herself or commit suicide.
New Tools to Help America Prepare
Red Cross training has helped countless people learn how to respond and save lives.
And as more information is available digitally, the Red Cross has kept pace by introducing
apps that provide critical help at the touch of a screen, along with online courses and
preparedness programs.
The Red Cross has developed a series of award-winning, disaster-specific apps that put
lifesaving information in the palm of a hand. Joining the Red Cross First Aid App—which
was released in June 2012—the free Hurricane, Tornado, Wildfire and Earthquake apps
were created and launched over the past fiscal year to deliver useful, and sometimes
lifesaving, information to mobile devices.
During FY13, the apps collectively issued 47 million customized, real-time weather alerts
to users for multiple natural disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes and floods.
The online Babysitting Basics course
enables young teens to learn important
skills at home.
Over the past year, the Red Cross has introduced several courses that can be taken online,
and at the student’s own pace. Babysitting Basics, for example, trains youth on skills such
as providing care for infants and children and how to handle an emergency. The course
was promoted in a new way through the Web ad “The Babysitter You Don’t Want to Be,”
which gave a funny, don’t-try-this-at-home look at situations babysitters should avoid.
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
In the past year, the Red Cross has also built up its Ready Rating program, a free online
program designed to help businesses, organizations and schools become better prepared
for emergencies. Last year, Ready Rating small business membership doubled to more
than 6,000 small businesses, 93 percent of which rate the program highly.
A Lifesaving Gift of Blood
The American Red Cross supplies about 40 percent of the country’s blood, providing a
lifesaving service to trauma victims, cancer patients, those with chronic conditions and
others. Our many generous blood donors across the country make this work possible.
Sickle cell disease is an inherited condition that affects approximately 70,000 AfricanAmericans. Some children with the condition need blood transfusions throughout the year,
with the best blood match for an African-American child usually coming from an AfricanAmerican donor.
The Red Cross is doing its part to fight sickle cell disease with the Blue Tag program.
Under this program, donors who identify themselves as African-American or black can
have a blue tag attached to their blood collection bag. This indicates that the donated unit
will undergo advanced screening and may be matched to a patient with sickle cell disease.
For the Red Cross, the Blue Tag program has become the foundation for future outreach
and recruitment efforts in the African-American community.
On June 14, 2013, the Red Cross celebrated World Blood Donor Day with the launch
of the 2013 Nexcare give program—sponsored by Nexcare, a division of 3M—to raise
awareness about the importance of year-round blood donation. Red Cross spokesperson
Soleil Moon Frye joined the 2013 Nexcare give program to bring further attention to the
heroic act of giving blood. For 2013, Nexcare Brand gave away limited-edition bandages
inspired by the four seasons, each adorned with the word “give” to demonstrate the theme
that “Giving Blood is Always in Season.”
Across the country, generous
blood donors roll up their sleeves
and give the gift of life.
Around the World
Addressing Needs on a Global Scale
The American Red Cross works with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red
Crescent network each day to meet needs around the world. This includes responding to
disasters and other crises; preparing communities for future emergencies and improving
their resiliency; and addressing critical health issues.
The American Red Cross works with local Red Cross partners and communities to build
the skills of first responders, formulate emergency plans, establish evacuation routes,
strengthen early warning systems and teach adults and children how to stay safe with
trainings, drills and public awareness campaigns.
Working with our partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, the
American Red Cross helped an estimated 1.3 million people affected by floods, storms,
droughts, conflict and other disasters in 24 countries in fiscal year 2013 (July 1, 2012 –
June 30, 2013) by providing relief supplies, financial assistance and disaster response
and recovery specialists.
In Syria, the American Red Cross has supported the ongoing Red Cross and Red
Crescent response to the conflict that has impacted more than 6.8 million people1 since
March 2011. The Red Cross and Red Crescent is providing food, relief supplies and basic
health care to those affected by the crisis within Syria and supporting the basic needs of
those fleeing to neighboring countries.
The American Red Cross continues to work alongside our partners to help Haiti recover
and build the resilience needed to cope with future disasters. A number of
post-earthquake projects were completed last year, including a water and sanitation
project that provided improved water sources and sanitation facilities to more than
90,000 people, and the construction of two hospitals.
The Measles & Rubella Initiative, a partnership the American Red Cross helped establish,
is reducing measles deaths worldwide by helping to monitor the spread of the disease
and conducting massive, countrywide vaccination campaigns. Since 2001, the Measles
& Rubella Initiative2 has helped vaccinate more than 1.1 billion children in 80 countries,
making it one of the world’s most successful global health partnerships.
A young child in Ethiopia shows a Red
Cross health worker her bravery before
receiving a measles vaccine.
2013 at a Glance
• Anestimated 1.3 million
people received disaster
assistance from the American
Red Cross in coordination
with its global Red Cross
and Red Crescent network
• More than 98 million children
were protected against
• 6,354 people turned to the
Red Cross to
loved ones following armed
and disasters.
As of September 2013
The Measles & Rubella Initiative includes the American Red Cross,
United Nations Foundation, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, UNICEF and World Health Organization.
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Your Red Cross
Orange County
Riverside County
Orange County
Mr. William A. Blanning
Blanning Communications Group
Ms. Markeya Dale
Ms. Donna Boston
OC Sheriff’s Department
Mr. John Patrick Dolan
Dolan Law Offices
601 North Golden Circle Dr.
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 481-5300
Mr. H. Geoffrey Coar
US Bank, Commercial Banking
Ms. Erin Fuller
Altura Credit Union
Mr. Michael Drennen
Cox Communications
Mr. Ben Hobbins
Lake Resources
Mr. John Q. Duong
Clear Channel Outdoor
Ms. Shalini Lockard
Riverside Legal & Professional Management
Ms. Kristen Fong
Youth Advisory Council
Ms. Brenda Lorenzi
Inland Empire Magazine
Mr. Larry Fortmuller
Civic Leader
Dr. Horace Stevens
Parkview Community Hospital
Ms. Suzanne Fradette
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Mr. Tim Tourek
Circle K - West Coast Operations
Mr. Dale A. Hudson
Nixon Peabody LLP
Dr. Lynda Watanabe
Grove Dental Group
Mr. Charles L. Jech
Boeing Test & Evaluation
Ms. Diane Wiesman
Thompson & Colegate, LLP
Mr. Robert Jystad
Channel Law Group LLP
San Bernardino County
Mr. Jörn Kleinhans
SomCap Advisors
Dr. Donald Averill
Civic Leader
Ms. Rhonda Longmore -Grund
Printronix, Inc.
Ms. Marianne Baldwin
Epic Management, LP
Mr. David Mead
Southern California Edison
Mr. Greg Bordner
Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Mr. Ashwin Rangan
Mr. Pratap Champsi
Waterman Car Wash
Mr. John Sorenson
Rainbow’s End Productions
Mr. Jacob Dexter
City of Rancho Cucamonga
Mr. Yuri Vanetik
Vanetik International, Inc.
Ms. Theresa Franke
Veolia Water
Mr. Donald Voss
Coca-Cola Refreshments, USA
Ms. Sue Moore
Purofirst Fire & Water Restoration
Mr. Douglas S. Watson
Disneyland Resort
Ms. Laura Tolbirt
Ontario Reign
Ms. Marlene Woodworth
Civic Leader
Riverside County
6235 River Crest Dr., Suite A
Riverside, CA 92507
(888) 831-0031
San Bernardino County
202 West Rialto Ave.
San Bernardino, CA 92408
(909) 888-1481
How to Get Involved
Volunteer your time and skills.
Get trained in lifesaving skills.
Make a financial donation.
To get started, visit us at
And find us on social media:
Sources of Financial Support
In Our Community
The American Red Cross Desert to the Sea Region is able to provide vital services to
(July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013). This included:
• $4,873,891 in corporate, foundation and individual giving—All charitable cash
contributions given during the year to the Red Cross, including gifts from all types
of entities, for various purposes supporting the mission of the Red Cross.
• $109,124 in United Way and other federated—Funds raised for the Red Cross through
United Way, Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and other agency campaigns.
• $865,596 in legacies and bequests—All cash and other assets received by the
Red Cross as a result of a donor’s will, trust or annuity.
• $9,600 in services and materials—The valuation of non-cash donations of
services given to support the mission of the Red Cross.
Revenues reported exclude $10,141,306 raised by the Desert to the Sea Region for
use in disaster response and the recovery needs of people affected by Superstorm
Sandy and the May 2013 spring storms in Oklahoma.
Contributions to the American Red Cross Desert to the Sea Region
Fiscal Year 2013
Corporate, foundation and individual giving
United Way and other federated
Legacies and bequests
Services and materials
Across the Country
The American Red Cross works in communities across the country to prepare for and
respond to disaster; teach lifesaving skills; serve military members, veterans and their
families; and provide nearly half the nation’s blood supply. As part of the International
Red Cross and Red Crescent network, the American Red Cross also works to prevent
and relieve suffering in countries around the world. Total contributions to the American
Circle K Supports Red Cross
In 2010, following the Haiti earthquake,
Circle K West Coast Division contacted the
American Red Cross to see how they
could help.
After raising $204,000, Circle K felt
compelled to continue supporting the Red
Cross mission and a strong partnership
began. In three years, Circle K has raised
more than $5 million to support local disaster
relief and preparedness efforts through
customer donations and their annual King
of Clubs Golf Tournament.
Additionally, Circle K employees have
donated their time, supporting Red Cross
community events such as the annual
Children’s Safety Festival.
Nationwide Contributions to the American Red Cross — Fiscal Year 2013
Corporate, foundation and individual giving
United Way and other federated
Legacies and bequests
Services and materials
A full statement of operating funds and functional expenses for the American Red Cross is available on
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Major Donors
Leadership Society
Clara Barton Gold
Clara Barton Bronze
William & Margaret Fern Holmes
Family Foundation
Mr. Richard C. Hunsaker
George R. Jenner Family Foundation
Johnson Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Phelan
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Reinhardt
Mr. Shishir Shah
Mrs. Elizabeth Steele
Mr. William S. Thompson, Jr.
Mr. Don Bailey
Mr. Michael Balmuth
Mr. P. Thomas Beeghly
Ms. Donna Calvert
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Campbell
Cavaricci Foundation
Ms. Joanna Maria Clemens
Mr. Suhail Dada
Mr. Donald Dougher
Mr. Ronald Dyer
Eberhard Foundation
Ms. Elizabeth Eichenauer
Ms. Carla Espinoza
Mr. Ardith Fletcher
Mr. Ray Goetz
Mr. William E Heyler
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn K. Higbee
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Hontz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Damien Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram W. Justus
Mr. Troy Lee
Sudha Madabhushi
Ms. Vivian McCluney
Mrs. Ellie L. McGrew
Ms. Reza Meshgin
Mr. Glenn Nishizu
Ms. Jutta E. Paetzold
Jam Paydavousi
Mrs. Gretchen W. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rapport
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Romaine
Mr. William D. Rosenbaum
Mrs. Rose M. Rosenberg
Charles and Mildred Schnumacher
Ms. Teri Stanley
Ms. Ann Tran
Ms. Diane Truong
Ms. Carole Urie-Chickering
Mr. Rama Vakil
Mr. Daniel Vanderpyl
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wernick
Ms. Marta Willner
Mr. Ralph Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Zygmunt Woroniecki
Mr. and Mrs. Dicky K. Yee
Ms. Meichun Yueh
Ms. Mary Aadland
Ms. Laurie Aaron
Mr. Erick Abasto
Ms. Barbara Abshier
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Adams
Ms. Susan E. Adkins
Mr. Lou Adler
Mr. Virgil Aesquivel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ahlering
Mrs. Hope Alexakis
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Alexander
Ms. Gloria Alkire
Mrs. Lois E. Allbeck
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Allen
Mr. Thomas Allen
Mr. Erik Alson
Ms. Yvette Alvarado
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Anderegg
Mr. Jeffrey Anderson
Ms. Mary Anderson
Ms. Carmen Andreu
Ms. Lucille Andrews
Mr. Jerome Angel
Mr. Jerome H. Angel
Dr. and Mrs. Ara B. Apkarian
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Appice
Mr. Nicholas Arentz
Mr. William Arnitz
Ms. Linnith A. Arnold
Mr. Abraham Arrigotti
Ms. Satya Atluri
Mr. Michael Augustyn
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Averill
Mr. A. E. Azad
Mr. and Mrs. Max Bachmann
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baker
Mr. James H. Bandy
Ms. Andrea Banks
Mr. David Barone
Ms. Joyce E. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bartholomew
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bartkus
Mr. Earnest Bartley
Mr. George Batavick
Mr. Paul Beck
Mr. Richard Becktel
Ms. Sandra Benson
Ms. Mary Benthale
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Berg
Ms. Stacey Betts
Mr. Richard Bigelow
Mr. Tim Black
Ms. Allison Blackwell
Ms. Julie Blanchard
Humanitarian Circle
and Tiffany Circle
Ms. Kathleen A. Anamosa
Mr. Marion Ashley
Bagne Family Foundation
Mr. Michael Balmuth
Beall Family Foundation
Mr. John Benoit
Mr. Dennis Berryman
Mr. Paul Bescos
Mr. Martin Billany
G. M. Breytspraak
Mr. Robert A. Buster
Mr. Steven Contursi
Ms. Kathleen K. Coxe
Mr. Lee Crane
Croul Family Foundation
The Dhont Family Foundation
Mr. John K. Dunn
Eichenberg-Larson Charitable Foundation
Ms. Suzanne Fradette and Mr. Steve Tucker
Mr. Carl Freeman
Green Foundation
Josephine Herbert Gleis Foundation
Hexberg Family Foundation
Jay and Kelly Jacobs
Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation
Phay Y. Lam
Mr. John J. Loh
Mrs. Elizabeth O. MacLean
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. McArthur
Mr. Walter J. McBride
Mrs. Leath L. Millen and Ms. Marcia L. Millen
Ms. Glenna Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Channing W. Parrett
Ms. Marlene Paul
Samueli Foundation
Mr. John Tavaglione
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Todd
Mrs. Kay Tracey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Warren
Mr. Victor Wu
Major Donors
Mr. Alfred Blanckensee
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blanning
Ms. Susan Blauth
Mr. David Bloye
Ms. Susan Boerner
Mr. Mathew Boggs
Ms. Molly Bogs
Mr. Wilbur M. Bolton, Jr.
Ms. Martha Booe
Mr. Michael Booth
Mr. Michael Borchard
Mr. Paul Bordewich
Ms. Linda Borowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Bouttier
Mr. William F. Bowld
Mr. Frank Bowles
Mr. Jeffrey Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brady
Ms. Rhonda Brockett
Ms. Diana Brookes
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Brooks
Mr. David Brown
Dr. and Mrs. John V. Brown
Mr. Keith Brown
Mr. Michael Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brumleau
Ms. Karen Brutman
Mr. Dennis Buccola
Ms. Sharon Buck
Ms. Kathy Buelter
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvia L. Burnett
Mr. Tim Burnham
Ms. Judi Burson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Bustrum
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cabe
Ms. Vicki Caiati
Mr. and Mrs. John Calabrese
Ms. June Call
Mr. Carl Canwell
Mr. Alex M. Cao
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff O. Cao
Ms. Ashley Captan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carey
Dr. Ronald Carlyle
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Carson
Mr. Robert Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Castellon
Ms. Linda Castro
Mr. James Cavaricci
Ms. Patricia Cedergren
Mr. Michael Chadwick
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Charlesworth
Ms. Martha Charrette
Ms. Jo Chatalas
Mr. and Mrs. Riaz Chaudhary
Ms. Jolene Chen
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Ms. Mei Chen
Shiao-Yung and Tzu Chiang Chen
Ms. Thuy Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cheshire
Ms. Mary Cheung
Mr. Yee Cheung
Ms. Cheng Y. Chiang
Mr. Bradd Chignoli
Mr. Jesse J. Childs, III
Ms. Jeannie Chow
Mr. Julius Christensen
Ms. Margaret Christie
Ms. Annie Chu
Ms. Linda Chui
Mr. Gene Clark
Mr. Steve Clarke
Mr. Billy Clouse
Mr. H. Geoffrey Coar
Mr. Herman Coffey
Mr. John Combs
Mr. Ted Comfort
Mr. and Mrs. James Connor
Mr. Thomas Vincent Connor
Mr. Carl E. Cook
Mrs. Christine Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John Cooke
Mr. Edward Coss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Costello
Mr. Gerald Crews
Ms. Crystal L. Cross
Mr. Andrew Crowe
Mr. Willard R. Cummings
Mr. Jeffrey Custer
Mr. Jeff Dahlgren
Ms. Markeya F. Dale
Ms. Lisa M. Dalsing
Kumaran K. Damodaran
Michael Dao, M.D.
Mr. Vishvanath Date
Mr. Marc Davis
Ms. Nancy Denolf
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Devereux
Mr. Michael Devoogdt
Mr. Rex Deweese
Ms. Therese Dieringer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Digiovanni
Ms. Sharon Dill
Ms. Joan Ditmore
Mr. Hau Doan
Ms. Colleen Dodge
Ms. Debbie Dogger
Ms. Shelly R. Dohrman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Domaracki
Ms. Jacqueline Dombroski
Mr. Jeffrey S. Dove
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Downey
Ms. Susan Duckor
Ms. Carol Durst
Mr. La Vonne Earl
Ms. Kathryn Edis
Ms. Bonnie Eggert
Mr. Kenneth Ehlers
Mr. Eddie Elizondo
Mr. Donald Ellsworth
Mr. Roger P. Engdahl
Ms. Jennifer Engelund
Ms. Elizabeth Enright
Mr. Paul Entin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Evancik
Mr. Jeffrey Evenson
Ms. Bernice H. Facer
Mr. Robert Fairfield
Mr. Glenn Farfel
Mr. Bahram Farshidi
Mr. Randy Fehlman
Mr. Joseph Feigenbaum
Mr. Mark Feld
Mr. Charles Fernandez
Ms. Jean Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. David Fischer
Mr. Sammie Fitts
Mr. Robert Fleisher
Ms. David Fletcher
Ms. Laine Floan
Mrs. Elaine B. Ford
Ms. Carisa Foreman
Mrs. Marcia A. Forsyth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Fortmuller
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Fox
Mr. Richard Franklin
Ms. Shawn Fredrick
Mrs. Betty Jo Freeman
Mr. Tal Freibergs
Ms. Joann Frey
Mr. Nicholas Friend
Mr. Eric Fujiwara
Mr. Michael Fullwood
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaboury
Mr. Eric Fujiwara
Mr. Michael Fullwood
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaboury
Ms. Tammy Gagne
Mr. Myron G. Galchutt
Ms. Pamela Gallade
Mr. Satnam Gambhir
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gariepy
Ms. Sandra Kay Garman
Mr. Patrick Gartland
Mr. Alex Garufis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gauger
Mr. Steven Gausewitz
Mr. Bill Geller
Major Donors
Mr. Daniel P. Gerken
Mr. Alan Gess
Ms. Lisa Getson
Mr. Jerry Gilding
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillett
Ms. Mellaurie Gilmore
Mr. Allen S. Gimenez
Mr. Robert Girard
Mr. Mark Girguis
Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Giusto
Mr. Jose L. Godinez
Mr. Jonathan Golbert
Mr. Ron Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Goold, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sankaraiyer Gopalakrishnan
Ms. Sonia M. Gordon
Ms. Sheri Gore
Mr. Mark Graff
Ms. Donna Grant
Ms. Jean Grasso
Ms. Yvonne Green
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Greenberg
Ms. Susan Grella
Mr. Gagandeep S. Grewal
Mr. Patrick Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Griffith
Mrs. Margaret L. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjiv Grover
Ms. Rhonda Grund
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grupe
Mrs. Carolyn Gumerman
Mr. Dan Gurney
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gutierrez
Mr. Robert W. Guy
Ms. Kyung Ha
Mr. Henry Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf F. Haider, III
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hajek
Ms. Dolores Hale
Ms. Robin K. Hall
Mr. Omar Hamid
Ms. Christine Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hand
Ms. Donna D. Hanson
Ms. Suzanne Harrell
Mr. Rich Hartig
Mr. Richard M. Hastert
Ms. Ellen Haude
Mr. Mathew Hawley
Mr. Stewart L. Hearn
Ms. Patricia Heileson
Mr. Avie K. Heilgeist
Ms. Anne Heineman
J. Hemrajani
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Henry
Mr. Kevin G. Henry, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Herberts
Ms. Brooke Hergesell
Mr. Eugene B. Herley
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Hernandez
Mr. David Hershorin
Ms. Nancy Heuerman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Hiebert
Mr. Daniel Hile
Ms. Georgia Hill
Mrs. Jessica Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hillstrom
Ms. Paullett Ho
Mr. Stephen A. Hock
Mr. Wesley Hogue
Ms. Lori Ann Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Holm
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas S. Holmes
Ms. Deborah Holmsen
Mr. John Hooke
Ms. Debbie Hope
Mr. Allen Horwits
Ms. Kathleen J. Hostbjor
Mr. and Mrs. Jones V. Howell
Genthoa Hsia
Yi Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Judd Hubert
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Hudson
Mr. Jaymini Hudson
Mr. R. E. Huisken
Hung & KV Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas P. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hurd
Liang-Rung Hwang
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hyke
Mr. Kurt Indvik
Tze Ip
Ms. Carrie Ishii
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Jackson
Mrs. Brenda Jacobs
Mr. Trevor Jacobs
Mr. Scott Jacobson
Ms. Sherry Jason
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jech
Ms. Leslie Jenkin
Mr. Dexter Jenkins
Ms. Sharla Jensen
Ms. Deborah Johnson
Ms. Marilyn L. Johnson
Mr. Micahel Johnson
Mr. Ralph Johnson
C. Jones
Ms. Jacqueline Jones
Mr. Robert L. Jones
Ms. Maren Jorgensen
Ms. Mary Joyce
Ms. Shirley Jupiter
Mr. Robert Jystad
Mr. Dennis E. Kahler
Ms. Jane D. Kambestad
Mr. Dave Kampff
Ms. Venus Karami
Abid Karim
Ms. Rebecca Keene
Mr. John Kehl
Ms. Helena L. Kei Cheng
Mr. Albert J. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Kelly
Mr. John R. Kenner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Kha
Dr. Mahaveer Khemka, M.D.
Mr. Paul S. Kim
Sung Ho Kim
Mr. John J. Kimes
King Family Charitable Trust
Mr. David King
Mr. Tod Kingsland
Ms. Lisa Sydney Klarin
Mrs. Rebecca Klausman
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Klein
Mr. Jörn Kleinhans
Ms. Marion Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Koch
Ms. Baerbel Koetzle
Mr. Anthony F. Kopp
Mr. Frank D. Koss
Mr. Joseph A. Koszarek
Ms. Pauline Kotin
Mr. Robert Koury
Ms. Suzanne Kowarsch
Ms. Barbara Kraus
Ms. Zia Kruska
Mr. Farouk Kubbc
Mrs. and Mrs. John Kueny
Ms. Cynthia J. Kuhn
Ms. Soojie Kuroda
Ame Kuyper
Mr. and Mrs. Young D. Kwon
Mr. Eugene Joseph La Perle, III
Mr. Nick J. Labedz
Ms. Eve Lacey
Ms. Lisa LaFourcade and Mr. Gary Regalado
Mr. Daniel H. La Mont
Ms. Kelly Lansford
Mr. John Laschober
Mr. Ho Yuen Roger Lau
Ms. Susan Lau
Mr. Wing Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Laws
Mr. and Mrs. William Leader
Ms. Kathryn A. Leaverton
Mr. Cameron Lee
Mr. David Lee
Major Donors
Mr. Eric Lee
Iu C. Lee and Pei C. Lee
Mr. Jong Lee
Mr. Kenneth Lee
Ms. Margaret Lee
Mr. Rudy Lee
Mrs. Ortha P. Lehman
Mr. Jim Leivas
Mr. Ernest Lengle
Mr. Julian Leon
Mr. Daniel Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lewis
Ms. Marjory Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Lewis
Ms. Wendy Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Lewis
Mr. William C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Leyden
Ms. Stephanie Liesenfelt
Mrs. Jan M. Lilac
Mr. John Limbeck
Mr. George Lin
Mr. Tony Lin
Mr. Philip Lisi
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Littman
Mr. Barry Lloyd
Ms. Judy Lo
Mr. Gordon Lok
Mr. Gerry Long
Ms. Phyllis Long
Ms. Terry Longeuay
Ms. Rhonda A. Longmore-Grund
Ms. and Mrs. Lawrence Loo
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lorenzi
Ms. Carmen Love
Mrs. Lynne Lucas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Luginbill
Mr. Jimmy Luker
Mr. Keith Lund
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lundquist
Mr. Brian B. MacDonald
Mr. Murdock N. MacRae
Ms. Margaret Madden
Mr. and Mrs. John Makacinas
Mr. Harvey Marco
Mr. Michael Marcus
Ms. Nadia Mariscal
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Orville L. Marlett
Mr. D. Gregg Marston
Mr. William Martens
Mr. Don Martin
Mr. Charles Martindale
Ms. Michelle Massing
Ms. Barbara Matheny
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Ms. M. Sharron Matthews
Ms. Julie Mattison
Mr. Rich Matzinger
McAfee Family Foundation
Ms. Judith McArthur
Mr. Lonny Mccalla
Ms. Carol McCallum and Ms. Susan Sadowski
Thomas F. McCormack and Melissa Lyn Hicks
Ms. Tammy Mccoy
Mr. James McDermott
Mr. Randolf A. McDevitt
Ms. Florence Mcdonald
Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald
Mr. Lawrence McEver
Mr. and Mrs. James C. McGrew
Ms. Jeanine A. McNeill
Ms. Eileen McNutt
Mr. Lucas Medina
Mr. Robert B. Meissner
Ms. Nancy Meli Walker
Mr. David Mercier
Ms. Desiree Mettille
Ms. Karin Michalik
Ms. Melissa Mickelson
Mr. Glen Miller
Ms. Lori Miller
Ms. Lisa Mills
Ms. Yun Jong Min
Mr. Foster Mobley
Sunil Mohindra
Mr. Romell Mojdo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Montgomery
Mr. Joe Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Moore
Mr. Timothy G. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Morgan
Ms. Ruth Ann Moriarty
Ms. Brook Morris
Mr. Robert Morris
Ms. Vikki Morrison
Mr. Fred Mouat
Ms. Frances Mrosko
Mr. Donald E. Munnecke
Mr. Gary E. Munson
Dr. Nirmala Murthy
Ms. Laura Myers
Ms. Nancy Naftel
Mr. Sunder Nambiar
Ms. Lisa Napolitano
Ms. Sky Nellor
Mr. Robert Nelson
Mr. Michael J. Neves
Mr. Mark Nguyen
Ms. Thuy Nguyen
Mr. Vinh Nguyen
Ms. Vivian Nguyen
Mr. Robert Nichols
Ms. Barbara Niksch
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Noble
Ms. Sandra L. Noble
Mr. Igor Noriega
Mr. David Norris
Ms. Barbara Notery
Bahman Nozari
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Oakley
Mr. Evan Obaseki
Ms. Sharon O'Brien
Mr. Karl Odwarka
Ms. Ruth C. Olmsted
Mr. Willem Ooms
Ms. Eleanor Orewyler
Mr. Frederick Orr
Mrs. Dena Osborne
Mr. Forrest F. Owen
Ms. Jerri Owen
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dana P. Pagett
Mr. and Mrs. Prasan K. Pai
Ms. Joyce Palmer
Mr. William Edward Palmer
Henry C. Park, M.D.
Mr. Hyung J. Park
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Parola
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley N. Parsons
Ms. Hemina Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Jivrajbhai G. Patel
Ms. Shailendra Patel
Mr. Tushar Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Patty
Ms. Meg Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold J. Pellizzon
Ms. Katrina L. Pelto
Mr. Joe L. Pendergrass
Ms. Lucy A. Perricone
Mr. Benjamine Petty
Trong Pham
Mr. Long Phan
Mr. John W. Phelps
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Phillips
Ms. Pamela M. Phillips
Mr. David Pincek
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pittenger
Pere Pla Junca
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock
Mr. Wallace B. Porter
John and Diane Prewitt Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Prigge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Primack
Mr. James H. Proctor
Ms. Mary Protage
Major Donors
Mr. Steve Querner
Mr. Jeffrey Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Ashwin K. Rangan
LB Rappaport
Ms. Marie Rasch
Dr. Barbara Loraine Reed
Mr. Kenneth Reed
Mr. Mark Rhoades
Ms. Carolyn Richard
Ms. Jill Ries
Ms. Margaret Riggs
Mr. Brian Ripperger
Ms. Anna Risse
Mr. Kenneth Rivers
Mr. and Mrs. Sabri A. Rizkalla
Ms. Margaretta Roberto
Mrs. Barbara U. Roberts
Mr. John Roberts, Jr.
Mary S. Roberts Foundation
Ms. Tameekia Robins
Mr. George D. Rockefeller
Ms. Lynda Roese
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Roney
Ms. Kathie Root
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Roper
Mr. Andrew Rose
Mr. Nathan Owen Rosenberg
Mr. Eric Ross
Mr. Robert Ross
Ms. Audra Ruiter
Mr. and Mrs. Raul M. Ruiz
Ms. Evelyn Rumaneh
Mr. Ken Rush
Mr. and Mrs. David Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Chih J. Sa
Mr. Robert Sall
Mrs. Lee C. Sammis
Ms. Rita Y. Sanglerat
Mr. Sam Saul
Mr. Gary R. Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schlothan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Schneider
Mrs. Linda Scholle
Mr. Robert Scholle
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Schuler
Mr. Kenneth Schulte
Ms. Louise Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Schwartz
Ms. Navy Seang
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Seedborg
Mr. Gary Senner
Mr. Albert Sepe
Mr. Mohammed Shaikh
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Shankel
Chien-Mo Shao
Sanjay K. Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shea
Ms. Eugenia Shepard
Mrs. Lisa U. Shoemaker
Ms. Samira Shook
Ms. Katie M. Shreve
Mr. Maxwell A. Shuster, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Siegel
Shu Siemer
Ms. Darlene M. Siems
Mr. Christopher Siglin
Mr. Danny Siler
Ms. Ira Silverstein
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Simmons
Mr. Tom Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Simon
Mr. Frank Simon
Ms. Catherine F. Sims
Mr. John Sisk
Mr. James Skorheim
Mr. S.J. J. Smeding
Mr. Bradford T. Smith
Mr. Donald J. Smith
Ms. Dorothy L. Smith
Mr. Glenn Smith
Mr. Ronald Smith
Mr. Scott D. Smith
Mr. Steven Smith
Ms. Suzanne Smith
Mr. Gene Sobel
Mr. Steven Sollie
Ms. Candice Sommer Miller
Mr. Joseph Soulia
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Spierkel
Mr. Dwight Spiers
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Spigarelli
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Sprinkel
Mr. William Charles Staley
Mr. Edgar Stanley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Starkey
Ms. Evelyn M. Stater
Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Stauffer
Mr. Adam G. Steinmann
Mrs. Marilyn Steuber
Mr. Elizabeth Stewart
Ms. Gayle Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Stites
Ms. Maralyn R. Stocker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stratton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strauss
Ms. Helen Street
Mr. Douglas Strode
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Strout
Mr. and Mrs. James Stull
Mrs. Jacqueline H. Suitt
Mr. Tommy Sung
Ms. Marea M. Suozzi
Roumsin Supsakorn
Dr. William D. Suval
Mr. James K. Suzuki
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Sweere
Swimmer Family Foundation
Mrs. Pamela Szabo
Ms. Mary Taddeo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Taddeo
Ms. Donna Tagudar
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tan
Mr. Lip Geap Tan
Ms. Diane Tang
Welly Tantono
Ms. Martha Tate Anderson
Ms. Carrie Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edward Taylor
Mr. Harold Teague
Mr. Harvey Tedford
Mr. Troy Tegeler
Ms. Virginia Templeton
Ms. Kim Tetiva
Mr. Gunvanti Thakkar
Mr. Stephen Theiss
Mr. Christian Thiim
Mr. John Thomasset
Ms. Jan Thomson
Ms. Sandra M. Thornton
Ms. Jennifer Titus
Mr. Roger Tomalas
Camtu Tonnu
Mrs. Janice Tougas
Mr. Tim Tourek
Mr. Benjamin Trachtman
Luong Tran
Ms. Tammy Tran
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Trautman
I. Tri
Brent Triff
Ms. Nancy Trillo
Ms. Barbara Trulis
Shauhyuarn Tsai
Shogi-Ten Tsai
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Tucker
Mr. Thomas Tustin
Ms. Sandee M. Tweedlie
Mr. Donald Uchiyama
Ms. Alanna Ugapo
Mr. Dwayne Ulloa
Mr. Duane Vajgrt
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Valdes
Ms. Doris Vane
Major and Corporate Donors
Ms. Joyce L. Van Der Voort
Ms. Loreta Van Steenhuyse
Ms. Sarah Vanderheyden
Ms. Marykay Vandermolen
Mr. Gary R. Veeh
Ms. Patricia Vela
Mr. Theodore R. Velez
Mr. Sam Viana
Mr. Hong H. Vu
Ms. Cindy Vuong
Mr. Kevin Wada
Ms. Karen Wagner
Ms. Norma Wahlstrom
Ms. Cynthia J. Waldman
Mr. John T. Walsh
Mr. Riley Walters
Ms. Carolyn S. Warner
Mr. Douglas Y. Wang
Mr. Shiing-Wu Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Watson
Dr. Peter A. Wawro
Mr. Michael Weaver
Ms. Caroline Weeks
Mr. Scott Weiner
Mr. Timothy Weir and Ms. Nancy E. Gyles
Mr. Harry Wellf
Ms. Lynn Welniak
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Weston
Mr. David Whitaker
James L. White Foundation
Ms. Barbara Whitfield
Mr. John Whitley
Mr. Lawrence R. Whittemore
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Widelitz
Ranz Wienert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Wiens
Ms. Louise Wiesner
Mr. Kerry Williams
Mr. Kenneth Wilson
Ms. Dianne Wishny
Ms. Georgetta Wolff
Ms. Carol Wolper
Ms. Judith A. Woodford
Mr. Richard Woods
Ms. Betty Woolery
Mr. Michael Wray
Mr. and Mrs. R. Barry Wrenn
Ms. Ai Wu
Ms. Vivien Wyse
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad A. Wyszomirski
Mr. Darren Xanthos
Venkata Yamani
Yung Sheng Yang
Ms. Helena Yao
Mr. Stanley M. Yasuda
Ms. Helen R. Yerkey
Serving Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino Counties
Ms. Patricia Yocky
Ms. Carol Diane Young
Mr. Joseph Young
Mr. Ronald M. Young
Mr. John Zechiel
Ms. Laurie Zeh
Mr. Albert Ziegler
Mr. and Mrs. Tashi G. Zouras
Corporate Donors
Chevron Products Company
Hyundai Motor America
KIA Motors America Inc.
$50,000 - $250,000
Allergan Foundation
Pacific Life Foundation
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance
Sempra Energy Foundation
Walt Disney Company Foundation
Watson Laboratories, Inc.
Western Digital Corporation
Questcor Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
$25,000 - $49,999
Allergan Inc.
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Behr Process Corporation
Capital Source Bank
First American Title Company
Johnson Machinery Co
MillerCoors, LLC
Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc.
Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.
St. Joseph Health System Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Altria Group, Inc.
Altura Credit Union Riverside
Candela Corporation
CHIS, Inc.
Dura Coat Products, Inc.
Gregg Electric, Inc.
In-N-Out Burger
Jain Center of Southern California
Pacific Alternative Asset Management
QLogic Corporation
TLM Petro Labor Force, Inc.
Urban Decay Cosmetics LLC
$1,000 - $9,999
2 Chieu Corporation
Action Wholesale Products, Inc
Advanced Physician Management, Inc.
Air and Water Inc
Alcon Foundation, Inc.
Altemp Alloys, Inc.
Anaheim Custom Extruders, Inc.
Apollo Group, Inc.
Apple Printing, Inc.
Applied Computer Solutions
Archer Norris
Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
Auxilio Solutions, Inc
B/T Western Corporation
Beauty West Inc
Beaver Medical Group, LP
Bell Helmets, Inc.
Body Armor
Boukather and Associates
BP Foundation, Inc
Bremer, Whyte, Brown & O'Meara, LLP
Capario, Inc.
Capital Group Companies, Inc
CashCall Inc
Coca-Cola North America
Comtrend Corporations
CoreLogic Solutions, LLC
Crawford and Company
Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do
Dana Innovations
Dewind Co
Disney Worldwide Outreach
DMT Bakery & Cafe, Inc
Draper's & Damon's, Inc.
Eberhard Foundation
Eco & Associates
Edison International Employee Campaign
Emirates Group
Endress+Hauser Conducta, Inc
EPIC Management, LP
Flagship Theatres of Palm Desert
Fox Hills Industries, Inc.
Frozsun Inc
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
Gilbarco Veeder-Root
Globalinx Tech
Goodrich Corporation
Gorjana and Griffin, Inc
Greenlight Financial Services
Greystar Products Inc
HCNY Investment International, LLC
Hill House Products
Hillis-Holpuch Environmental Toxicology
Corporate Donors
Horiba International Corporation
Ideco, Inc.
Ingram Micro, Inc.
Integra Foundation, Inc.
Intel Corporation
International Bridal Manufacturers
Association Ltd
JB Bostick Company, Inc.
Jean's Jewelry, Inc.
JJ Roofing
Joseph L. Chiriaco, Inc.
K.V. Collections, Inc.
Kayoung One LLC
Kha Kenney Products, Inc.
Kim Anh Fashion Inc
Knobbe Martens Olson And Bear LLP
Kofax, Inc.
KONA Cleaners, Inc
Kralow Company
KSRR Landscapers Management Services,
Law Offices of Steven A. Meline
LSA Associates, Inc.
Mario's Italian Cafe
Morongo Casino Resort and Spa
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Mr. R. E. Huisken
Muscle Milk
Noritz America Corporation
Okuma Fishing Tackle Corp
Orange County Advantage Medical
Group Inc.
Parker Hannifin Aerospace
Payday Loan, LLC
PENTA Building Group
Phase II Systems
Pho 86 Restaurant, Inc
Platinum Unlimited Inc
Precision Plastics Printing Co.
Printronix, Inc.
Rail Delivery Services
Rayne Water Conditioning
RCC, Inc.
Roland DGA Corporation
Royal Mobile Estates
S.D.S. Enterprises, Inc.
Safeco Insurance
Sandelman & Associates, Inc.
Seawide Marine Distribution Inc
Southern California Auto Sales, Inc.
Southern California Energy Services
Southland Advantage Medical Group, Inc.
Southland Mortgage Group
Southwest Gas Corporation Foundation
Spengler Properties
Spotlight 29 Casino
Stainless Steel Fabricators
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company
Stauber Performance Ingredients, Inc
Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth
Submission Org
Sullivan Curtis Monroe Insurance
Services, LLC
Sun Engineering Services Inc
T.D. Service Company
Technology Resource Center, Inc.
Toshiba America Electronic
Components, Inc.
Toyota Material Handling USA, Inc.
Tri Models Incorporated
Union Pacific Foundation
Universal Flooring Services, Inc.
Veg Land Inc
Walz Certified Mail Solutions
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westminster Jewelry and Loan
Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
Zuma Trading, Inc
ZyXEL Communications Inc.