SIL15: Rapid-Wrap SIlicone Tape Features: • Rapid-Wrap Silicone Tape • Self-bonding silicone tape designed to provide long-term environmental seals for feeder, jumper, and antenna connections • Only sticks to itself, comes off perfectly clean! • No tacky/sticky surface when being applied. Seals by compression • Provides water-tight seal and eliminates need for traditional mastic and butyl • UV and weather resistant New York 1-888-438-7761 Part # Size SIL15 1.5” x 15’ 30mil Atlanta 1-866-901-0603 Plymouth 1-888-753-7446 Salem 1-888-880-9191 Los Angeles 1-888-776-1937 Dallas 1-888-809-5151 SIL15: Rapid-Wrap SIlicone Tape PR ODUC T R E F E R E NC E SH E E T Se lf Bonding Silicone Tape for Coaxial Cable and Ante nna Inte rface s 1680 P R E P R ODUC T DE S C R IP T ION T he S elf B onding S ilicone Tape is des igned to provide a long term environmental s eal for main feeder, jumper and antenna connections . Once ins talled, the s elf bonding s ilicone tape provides a water tight s eal around the connection eliminating the need for the traditional butyl tape and mas tic. S elf B onding S ilicone Tape is manufactured from UV and weather res is tant s ilicone rubber. T his tape is des igned to operate in s evere climates and is available in multiple colors and widths to accommodate multiple applications INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *Prior to Installation; Surface area to be sealed and free of oil and dust. 1/2” to 1-5/8” weatherproofed connection. (Shown) Start initial wrap 2” from the center of connector applying enough tension to create a tight seal around cable making sure transitions are smooth. Apply 3 continuous wraps around connection with the end of each layer overlapping the previous layer by a minimum of 1”. The last wrap must be terminated in the center of the connection. To terminate, apply pressure onto last wrap with your finger and stretch until tape breaks. Press down end of tape onto last wrap making sure the end has a full connection. NUMB E R OF C ONNE C T IONS A C C OMMODA T E D S ize 1/2” to 1/2” 1/2” to 7/8” 1/2” to 1-1/4” 1/2” to 1-5/8” P er R oll P er K it 3 2 1 1 6 4 2 2 SPE C I F I C AT I ONS T ec hnic al Data P roperty Tes t Data Material Dis s ipation F actor, 1 K HZ Tens ile S trength Ultimate E longation C old B rittle P oint, Max Water Abs orption Operating Temperature C olor Durometer hardnes s V olume R es is tivity Dielectric C ons tant, 1K HZ Tear R es is tance UV R adition New York 1-888-438-7761 S ilicone <.0004 700 P S I Minimum 300% Minimum -65°C 3% Max. B y Weight -54°C to +260°C B lack 50 S hore Durometer (R oom C ured 24 hrs .) 14 3 x 10 OHM/C M 2.95 85 P S I AS T M D25-65 1000 hrs T he A meric as Tel: +1.203.759.3744 Plymouth F ax: +1.203.759.3748 Atlanta 1-866-901-0603 1-888-753-7446 E urope Tel: +31.(0)77.3961840 Salem F ax: +31.(0)77.3961849 1-888-880-9191 A s ia Tel: +65.6899.9282 Los Angeles F ax: +65.6566.7913 1-888-776-1937 Dallas 1-888-809-5151