. . . ".’" ,, . o ¯ 4 ~ .:. ~ Y .. ... . .. . ... :,. --_=~--~’£.~.~2_.__J.+L_ _- .............. ---g . ..... . m ... - . .. ¯ ~,.. t ..: ¯ .. "-’. : .... :/-..-. ..=L .. -r- "~7- ..... ¯ ~-- . . . ......... .-.. ~ .... a ¯ . , ..:. ’ - ~ ....... - _~.~ . , .".- ....... /’7" ~’ -.7"7 .._.5 .fl. Tew :lPac4 ¯ =aonoex, ’rt, ........ ¯ - ife~h) ]1~4~d~1]~ th4J ehilli’~g ] fodnd tlket’tbe.eoV~.n*ith fruits of’winter which 8LTO nQvJt yoF~ severe {n thll j countriesfarther northwitli a heavier epp¯rentiymnehaforefertile.. statedthe soil-here 4|lining. It requirtea lit/Is manure often, but not more’inthe aggregatethan wouldbe requir- ’ - ......................... -~~ 8~39-tf e less thanonehalf the laborneee.~saryin working ¯ ileavyFoil is sufl]cier.t hereto makeit yield ¯ . !.’, Onehorse will tit! ¯s much landin this place, as couldpossibly be accomplished in a different kindo~Boi]withepair of horses. . . Theland in Southffersey is prineipsll~ adaptedfor fra|t growlng_purpoaee~ fm~_in_~verage _. " $2.00 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER1872. Ofthis city, istoo goada thing to begivcn lied frdmoverwork., andwasburiedin ; that it is too rich f,w IIAX~O~TON, N. J. Lake;.’ille - . DENTIST, E D~r~tD I~O~X~ ¯ ~VX~. nS IdAMMbNTON, ~. ~t iVA 2’6’tlE.~: Also, dealer ia " :’FANCY ARTICLES IIOSIERY,GLOVES," &c.,_at:hi~ .;outheast-si, F.ire ’ Irts~r~r~ce their ~hntalJ DAILY,$|b; SEMI-WEE::kY,$3; WEEKLY t~Q,, the rave it was ot,cned, and ahhou~r, Cat] got a ,Intl S OOSt ,~Ut 0f ]l’lll praise. Yoaeao e,+rt:tinly never without __ morestock, wouldin the long run rl~munerato’even better ttmh the methodfirst sp,~kenof. Tim e e a r e r] .~F67b~l,a-,1-~q~ywl abucdane*of clear, pure wm.terto drink, end-a pure br~ci!~g ~ir to breathe, and extremesof ._ temlfG’r’at~tl~¢_b.~.~g_ferless.the¯in_rushy othe~_pJa~es, themercurran.~m~ downto zero, ¯nd not beipghotter here in sumn~ertit"n it is in the monthof Augustin J.axc.-uam ta ~,11t ui~ ’1 OU~ilamm~ntou, N’ ~J. aim lurulelaed’it in the beat oraor, is pret s 1. Ctubmof ard r,e colornf I] well asrcarard fh,tit,. lhlu,’~ ,,I vncchild. parcllt t,,giVe The shroud -eases ¯I-’~ I’1.~0 [ AI,AN.NOCaNCEM EN -- -i I’E tUo-~A ¯ .... ~It~_~l:1,:~_~_P~’-h.A~ u~.a paym~x ~AX-v.’~. --. p ~ffmp t_at touttou -~f r~].Oh ~.. . ; ¯ deblrlagthit manyothers who-m-itmightedit to emigrateto t~ie part of the worldmightbe have¯do ~ted-thie~lan -ofandhonest 14-tf ¯ : . Prioes TOWN OF HAMMONTON, f land aod Hefinds that the result has reat tnoreas6 in tho am6unt --~-_h’iuaaot al Domestic ¯ ~t " .mh. or.i,gth,, r..,d.ne.,w,t,,.m..f.rm,o, fro= t0to:~¯.r.f.r..,. thru¯.ho., t~. llemmontoutr¯ot. Th,ro e.uhL hn bought on reuoneble terms to e¯It ~Imeet every varlety ef ~~ENTiNI,,. ¯ ¯ ~ , , I !I ’" ’ ¯ ’ *Cnn,i e,tll hll|~ " ’ h L . ’ .. -- " Or,’0,, , ,*., , .., ,, ¯ . .’ "’’’ ’ ’{" ’ ’ ’ ’ ’" ’ " ’ " ’ ’ ]" ~ D E 1 *t¯ rory trulT, W.Bvxw4av. , .;,, . Ila~ ¯ guedllear., an,I wd~.,i, Mi¯lster of~. Zpi.eopai O.&-r*tat Hamm~mtoo a~ Wtaw/ord. . ,. . Yuuerldslu l[ammantvvt.,.. ;. .~, ,,el , -’-" .... " ....................................... h0rlngtown,and rllhJl:,,~. I,m,,~,.,, ,;,t ,;~ - ’ O~s of e¢.r$ .lqle f~rt*~,he,I ~,,, t,,,,t,’,.e - "_- " l~ .... ,IOUN IIOUeE, 8IIdN AND 0ARRIAO N~U][,]bII~ r¢¢l#O~tllb[@ ]{rl’* r~. ’*h1 ,,.~. ticu. ,,r ~w ¯ I ~L’~ . A~IENT ¥OK (-]! WIlEELWIIIt{IITAND( Allltl ~,;F: WOltl{ % ~m" PAINTIN " ~." ’ ;:, trt) 3, Donete order e,,,l warrautr,l t. ~ ...... t leeery de,crlptlon of PLAIN& FANCY Pel¯WWI |~n|e, isfaolh,a. Iv haalatI IWi~W~IK2/ o, ~ TT II~,UII ~ Ing promptlyexeeut*4lu the beet style, ~IIOPO.N ~d6t i*.~tttSOtl t s LN. ,, Psrtloular atte¯llun giren tO ]IIIR w i/’~qllllLy (¯djo{nh*g IIh*cksmtth."h.v i ’ URA[N[NtI, (HLI)IN({ (iLAZIN(]. ¯ ¯ I ¯ ,,, Zo,Zo Sewing Maehlne Fur¯ltnrerep¯lred an t vart I,he I, eud m¯detn ,..h,,,.¯.. ,,r.m..c.,, . tammo t .._ n 011, DI. d. ~ ii. it.l, lr~so~ ¥,,ra.leoh**p. ^.a,***. ,.* ...-~,.~.,ot...~ "-(OppositeIS**B. Dop*.t llemmouton, N.J. |ng luU’neer the stath,u. ,,;tt, , r ~*I*},..,,{ {t,,J. Nmdllmand ell altaehmeute fur Mtehhles luquir,* el enpplK I;^iNl.~,, .... . t, er,s ~ Ora**r. ¢ ..... t. Jl¯ A. ~|Jt]’:ML’~:I IProipt torte¯Sic¯ Itvea to r~l,¯’riew w[a or the Ceun,.~pr~,mt,ti~a,,,.rd,.,; .,. I1,1:.1.:t.t ,h. ~..J. ..~.s, $J!"] - ~hIMsa tJlm Mint e m¯ke. ,Off t . th ~¢* "* ’, .. , , .? I e ,’ tun’. t, I-. tvn,,~:,,, such as those ot :Etst Gree,,laud; o||cc itsbeginning io light, and irs c,tmimta,we ()or |’I~OUl It[I ,tpi)oa}a . . o free toavulgor dl,d imI)uro tattcs, bn ea f¢ly.atdmxttod_ttLuvJ~r¥~domt:atio~ svMcnl I~ C{I|I- , t tf i[ ,i 16t:ather-~h,n theW tetnpe~at,,,when th,tfo| nmre ho Iml{ tioians, flea, I!ttimdo was very ~cvcre. Wo k,|ow, in laet, that during Ilio mioeono poriod CiHIINO l{uFrlmEs.--In Smilescel{ons Till,’. NEWYOItK SIOMI, WEEKI,YTlblE8 Greenland OH{R] j)os~,essod a c{imnlo [{ot of Afrioa ,he na|ivt.s haw|t way ,,t’ carpubl}ahedevery T|te,day anll Frhi.y, ~nd di,simihtr t,, tl,st o| the I,]a~te.rt, U, i,cl itm hernia whitd~ is L|rflrolly oon|[)h.qc Is Llontalul~oil t}mugrieuitui’aia,d literur2/ mutter ~k[at~s._aa~|town -io tho-oocurroneo-td-nu-. .~rc~&th~;q/ .Jl’~,’ran(¢d(rs/i q~rcstntal 1 li;ihll resorting ly ndiLlolb Ullt| ~ loll lltlltl, curvt’al niProusbpt,chv of Iret!~ of large t,iZ¢,, 8OIIlU"lhopatio||, I,|d,lg laid on I|i~ h,|eka,,d coml~iloti,nl bf Editorlol arid newsInaturue uf ~ Prh~esaslowas the h.w,,vt. ot Ihon|. lik, our cvpreas, etc.. |tb.olutely ,hoht,rnia{I|r°trus tho l)a}ly. o,trdduccd, by.tuxis-. Torm.efthn l~v.|tl "WVgvKI,Y’_Pinas.nile o,,py l[~vingre~crvodtile rlgta t. m,*uu.flwt,Lro and idt:|,tical vai|h our |’orc~t v,m~tu|ionnl the that i~, 1|3’ tho fi,lgcrs ol all as;slata |t-- "tnnrr~,,ar~ $3.0t|-{-twuuoptc,,amn .~ unr,. Sb, Q~I_L~ roll th}~ F.e,,rlta M.,h/ne 1,* lho ooanlh~of I)rcsonl d d’. Mr. llm~orth a{so relcrs lo the Ol)0ratnr nmkl,,x Iho~ki,|Icl|soand csp}es, clio year, $2b.llt|--aud ouo oxtr¯ copy Citnldt, ii t Ih{r*Jugt~u, O,,¢,ar~./~lh0n,l¢~ and (~alln llm ff(:nt*la| in|l)rOs.hll| tlllO)l~g whuh.rs then|tl,l|lics thnundel’ a i|urmng stick. .May,[ her, hy givo uo,h’o thl0t I alll proparud lhnt cxt.t~sivo}v I,t!vcle Will’t.lS iu che It is app{{e,lrel||la,odly till it bur,sa fruo, 8,ihscrlpthme toeither of our editions ro0oiv. ,’ to li{I ,*rrh’r{~**tfollo’,viugratvs: n|.,rt| tcq{llwrl*t ht|i, tld,~saro llL’COUl parlicd l)reltv hr,),|d ed fur a Io~, Ioaglh of tJluu tlutn OU~ year ¯t exlcnt ol sul’f,itld but t{)|)st by u,, unu~usl ,h.gr,,,, ol o.ihl|wss in Ihu N() I MAIII[NI"., (~(15.OO. lhormtghly ov|,r Ihc weak point. Lying th,I yearlyrato. NO2 " . NS.O0. II}*,rt~ n,+l¯| II Prll Iii i ii o.dLi~. Thoso,dees*,ro Invurh,ble. Remit In drafte ly a f’,,w dayv. whoutho bury| 1||1;’15, T)~’,.s;.lh,e/,i,,.~ ,,’r |l’ttr,,,ot*.r¢ (O bO f],t’ lt~JA’T Thiswo,wo,. ,t ,|.a. Utlgllryi|| lhver ,I q,li,, NuwYork,or l’vng ofllco ’.P, lekloyOrdern,If it fllrms a’firmunsh,,liling c.icat,’ix a|~,l s,) oo I’ll Ih" I#{tll’~#1 imst, lldt,, .0n,l" whoro nuiti*erof l]tu~oOilUbu pruo (_3,, .a,,| I~,,1I’~ ,,Xldortl|iovl ,.i,¢ ~ oo|l’|rac~*, tho-lilh’tls .t’the al,do,.i.ul our~/tl efu’|*l Ihe Itll)llvy In a Rr~l#tcerd loltGr. i’or[)iiiICll[{|r/~ reD,{ l’oI * Irvlllhr, W{lll¢~r o[* 1~71-,2wa.~ o11,* Ot Iho m,vor,.-t I that t)lo hcr||iu is ra,li.’.alty cu|’t:|l. AI p~at.mo,|er~ ,v,u.e.,:~ ar. obliged tort.tinter letters ¢I.%%’I’JtESSEY, III r(,e,ld td h*,,years; an,Ish,uld 31,’. With |ts thc.,.,q),.ralicn f,lri,,rt ,l whua ro¢|ttcsh’d to de) eo, iITId tho yatolu It{ull IO0. nioli,l*M. N. *{ l~,v,.,,t,*r & lllnuuffr. I[,,w.|’lh"~ ~|lt.¢*,t, tio|l boCO’l’t:u[.tile| rim" ,d’ thn |no~,t int’rh,tie nnd difficult io nbsolote pr,,teotiou agoiuet Ioas by mail. 20 tf calil,iil: hhl,|l]l[ h,ivJ) ,:nioyvdIln IlUll,Ull ~ t,,,,,]er,| ,,urgt~ry. Why |10t Iry th|~ he{it Addresn Tli~tNlcW YoaK ’I’II, I{~S, |r,w~looiJl’llll I Sll+lW avidit’,.. I*,’ritlilli|lg al |rr,t,0ry. |||~t a whir u|oro I|ah|lu[ Ihao NowYcrk t~ity hhll litI)ro-o’oll¢,’ I’i:¢ Fq.oqr(’ht*~ IO vrvalIho k,|,te? Ev,’,| gatheri|~g up a |ohl ,d adva,,|,{~,,,-El|l’rott’H S(’IEN’rlFItl RI’:V-|hu, ski|, anduxci,,ing il, m)|t’~ h) tigl|l,’ll OItD,i,,/I, trl,’,’ s .ll,,,/v zh*i:~,t /h’;’rm/,er. I h,~ i,|tugu,neota GreatRu~hlo’ Batsl wouldobviatethont:~en- True (~(~OIIWLIIII~ IN buy!a,q~.t!to llell$ A. G. Clark’s Pi0N£ERSTUMP PULL.R ,n " TnE I,oon ¯UUl ~,~ e~’.~ al~ And the health of th~ e~ W/IISo{law.Ti~erulett i~r t,p¯rw,tlouof Irnn Ilnd i~ke laiom efh,ctual thane nit calm% which wall rnmove ¯ yF[t’lll the tnllulrtl Ir0)lnyul~" nn(l vlt[atUMI ~T,a&-I)h~M Wtl|nit Ctut~tm¢liaoam~, ~,’~ Itt t{ton,tlnotlltU0 build np yo~r ~.Y~ hoalthuod*trmtgl.l~ ltnew~ fmlll tO enr, e. If yet| hmt~ ]~ qVc]~ ~.. I~rofoll~l~a~tfo,ote¯lld~mlmgg~-:~B ~ of th. !’4 ea or It:~r~..oe. I~r. ]~hlll IIIwr~lll~l~. tDM ~ "-_ ~w~qi~, ~or¢~loWicet’lh,~rf44~ro~s{wmm =~k~__~ I~lltmmtl~n%)’ut{ ca:t, rely *,o I~lugcan,~iwltlt thla Iffepl~-~.~1~ Itnq It)lf. rlttll*01| k{’t,0W 4’ro4~lktl~ W~" ~ I’O.,pou~i Ilyr~tp Wf i’wla~ ~ In@of, ILh~q~llisletJnm, IPitllm ’ll~’q@ ,in I,t0nb~or |lolleA.t’Ol~alltD~l~./~/|{Ol*h h~*l,;estdoWU t,y/~tor¯M,~ ~’/ eth ,’,i bV It F,,." I~ylithll*n. ~r ~#r/ ft~ t,h Jli|te Ila,U|,(dlI,,l* ItotbI,ql ’’,,, tl tO tt, A Irs~4 W{H AF~I ,@’-/ pr~ < at. l;eaulil~" your (’tl~,iph.x|on. ]rh) l~t)l tl’. , |. + i I ¢)r],¢)v*.I." I ,11 g ’t tt lno~wI l ’~ I I1| *I~"111 i* ¥ h , |,ID * s ’, ~ I t ~ ~ {Ir’ ’ ’ ’ L ’ Ir,,It r k { t%..t{*r *. ll{Ol~l~ ,~ ~ t01 *J;l"*tt0’ ,~.... , ,,~ , .at ~Of~; (" ,.:t,.t"~.4; ,[ . ’. t. , * , tt ~,.,,. ’ [0 a I3 AT &l’ ¢,/S~.,..~, ,, ~ , .......... ¯’ , " in--!{O¢~lifi ~-den &at-tll and ia the best ma,,-n~r? REPAIItINOpromptly nttended. AS A FAMIhY PAPER of FORCZSI~ N~ wi,hint hcI ’ ,., i t reFffrcd~to-Cut-Hair __~o~. in_theboat munaor. .... CranberryLands to¯ueofth¯pr,nelpa|etle,|¯ s t., i.d..,,..d .,. ,.b00o,u. ,hi.k,, ,.t,,.d.r.r,ou, ean.,d go,d ,..i.ty .d U un¯r~a~*,l~plsoup¯l. Methodlst,Presbyteri~m cud Beptltt, ¯r* r*proeent*d. re{ ~f the chihiren the- -With-Orlginat-ATtioies I’rom-praoti~I~’a~s ........... the teacher came llke Full ltcpurta ut’ thu American[u~t-ltuto Far* ice: [1o sifys, however, tlt,tZ whilc orieioales. AS A REI,01thltJAN*JOURNAL : ....... ~IAGNIFICENT sTocK the ovidonce is overpowori,/g that the cliOpennvcry day. On fiundt~y from 7 to L0 in W}m,i a ray of light pa~ses onward The’r|xl,,s willbodovotod, as,nthe.pust, to mato has beon ~row|,| t~and-ltrlu-se ,or t-el-the--lie JOSEPIICOAST." ot’somct hing t here O n Party., Its ooursc evidence to Mmwthc eo~d has decroamd Thisl|resul posesa ,:lcdium. be it other ninnylllog, at itti!l Owhen ell the uther dally 5 I:Y’ - " ~ ~-----~’---~-- =_-"-’imp."" -- ’’- --~ =--- " - ~,~." " ]tamm&lt°n’ April10’ ’7’~’" o sowhero, and. that,.espocially in view of or soulcthing too subtlo for dctectinn papers in NuwYorkob~truo:ed and diecuuraged-tt~ eliorts, t0ttt.ata its sinourit lu thn causeof g oPl ,y it, th~R,ui,iu titnc. ~, we schdm,, 01~ Divi,,e et.motny t.o sut)o~o ~.’.Of rat |rom 18. Uto tim elvsu dt 1871,ItlOa " can nr,t but ada|it th~tr tt,’orc has b,,en a thero is .a,|ywhcro a|i .on|pry void. A tlmro }sno~ieuruundhonest l*ropoeaJ lur\Itogreat impt ov.oalent sitict~thaLdato. -’J)hu~ -disphtcemcnt /;,rn0, it, any bralt¢~b o[’ Lhu tJoyerua} Unl, wninh ot-nnc, pa,’,icltr-ncc~e~sarily wea|’,~ t#.d oi wit|ters when-ti),~’ l)amlh~.’ ln|plit;s the dl,’.t~tEbatle,~ ,,f a||o|hcr h’o|u w ot bei~uartily supimrtedI0~ tho ’l’ial.;e. -nnd ]{hin,~-v,’crt~-trcquently trozen=over, amhl~tuua |s filr |~6rrhl’t~’,Tts.~-J’hist¢,’--’-~u-]71 i,u the -Lhitil-w iI-not-cotv,[,iro-ta-at’tdt{t|ug to ruauhpoworunder a |ld -b f-the-o~retic~L0 f-tho reintioor-and- ~eo m mcnconmntgnt=m~tion~lr~clh~-nt~!}~ p.dit|~Jt, tl~ or detu’tgol~u°s ~=li~’~tll-’-hi’~ ’~-n~°uruge d6"ii’/~-Fff~tt~. -delbn~ iiiti6 ~’,]-[/i" h~h’Ti~ g"a~5"i~IV61-t{i e} .r ’prii;- sifiud, I|t,o,,n|es |’,,ree--a /)owcr.Imrl in g -ft tLult frula Iho .,qpobl[&m Party, w. idoh I ,tiff -cnt-hahitat;-+-Ovid ]ameuls over thc .+ I,.a~ tiirotlt,]l lho I]]lliltta-b’lb-~oti,aln of Natdrc. ",he~art y- cj’f-’i;i:n~i’-d~-~ ;-~’6"d ki fit y"-iilt’i’d "ha t I ona 1 Mo,,’~ an,l Boyu’II OO’I’Sanll SII OI,L~, I,n,lios’ lul severity el’ I " -It. jWOl|olcplanet s-i,t-:lh,q r~-orbits~- ........... -l,r.s ,nrity....................................... a,,,t.~,i,~o,’l,oors, SII01.:Sa’h~{’H~,ITE’ItS-L c.a~t- 0t ’l’h rhdol the oeeur- In Iho co,upositi,ul of a |ris|llaLie Itwill eu~t.lu, with nil thcforoo’ii-t~-~|-"lhflii;. - ~ OIL, TURPENTINE, largo st,wk ~on~tautly-uu-hand. -rcnco.of.whire Iox-lllore, and.eontomporu:~nno2~.Ultl~:.¢0m,00aod, th~ prinulp]~’e_{Li+.d-l,_91i~]. U whJt~ithaverotttlcrott that l’tlrty so Judtty t¯ilt, tll|S lctortznec8 corroborate hi8 matc. Th|tsheat andlightacting io IllllU~ ill our h},,’tory, dt will adt4*oolothOd¯ Illtql I.% n|e tho groat agents in Naturt~ fin’ |1 e m*m~urao-hyw.hl~hAhuhol*ort tho pone%aud ,,d,.&ion .,f’ h I ,nOl i,h~h-i6 hi~r-ih-li[t, tho pro~l,erity ,~I’ thu~e,~fflm-bu~-~r~-tl periud, I hocireum- _ Drnam~taland-Plain l.’r,;9o’::’ .g in thtm of the s,matoll ¯nd labor that Is required in newlyop~nodup onuntrlen to S I-I.A D E T]~EE~ , :g~!Lfarmon¯__~args s~l¯.__llut I must-nttt turgot_that it mayeo halqmn.in thtL ¯ ’l".vergleeens et-i~]l~law’lnl)~ l,l~,., ~, huuftails turn out f¯ror¯bly, not too plenty nor too scsree, whLeh mediitmI consider likely tu rbelizo a g.ud mdrket price, thetmaeypersunl b¯ve madeand still maya;ak. ,.. %rtunes..’/’he o,~, ’,:.:; fall to’reeks thi** place veryoongeni¯lto the weys¯ud ]mbits eta large numberof I,er&t:., ....... &C., .......... J;C.......... m.ay-b-~Taid.¯t-6-b.e..i~i~.iBt-t~i~T#r-i~tii-idVtlMy6iVi~fiiii~---~g6l-h-f~iiiK~/|~ STATION, ~O .... a : .’-~-’a ¯re nnrer very s~v¯r., but there are other clruum*tanees l¯ oonnentlouwith tide region’. A T S I O’l%T J. III.ITTI~ll~T01WI,In oa111ngtl{e atton ,~ . *ua:tr~s dry,el*t of atmol~.hefet mt~r. g0nlai’weatherend eun|hlnenil the rga.-and-varie-the above, begs leave t,,, mtimotothat t~-," ~s to ba foun~t t¯ mtn~’other c0untriee. The land being of t sandynature’iF very absorb. ..... Tutlf6..... owinglo the past lavorab]e ,l.,0on for i,la,tt ,in~t{-ni .... v| .J.:~a_ ~lhlappear..Muff and muddyroed8 ¯re unknown i¯ this roglun, ¯lthough they often found fully eqnal tu an.’,’ddug liarotolurc l,t,. tit t,n the outskirts of tit* Slate end ¯lonl[ Ihe "Dclewer*o whlohsousesshills end f~vea uffurudi,yhim. yeer {n those lot¯linnet. ~+W"~at ¯ richboonle this and¯dJoiulugthe innd of thu to - Irse )rtm muddyr*~eds spring ¯nd autumnwhich er~ so preveleht In other parts ofthe ft’~tall¢litrd P/~lwl" rll~rot~lq. eh.:Ig. " Illumine¯Ion Crauberr~ retell Advieonfrom Londoninform htla the,o ¯it.~ :’ ’~’et.~rm~¯re ne,er rery severe 9r of loog dur~tlou In th0tc p¯rts, and the we¯thorten. w}| he ofoxlru floe qaality. ’ ¯ ’ :’ ,a ,tot sooold {,* wlot*r,bu{ulmorteveryklud.f l¯l,or c.mh*oerr}ud onl not eXeel,ting Improvement Assoclation, et *..e,tiling k~ winter ¯nd eeas,,h, pltmi,cud hin;~ the* the rays s.il. of" An Ib9¯ ca,. geLere |’slHng tl inn unwhetever theltill Inow which fells Is saudy, st nl£ht looniscauses.¯ melte~ e’, by the wsrmtuof the .,to beforemid-tiny, Of sunshinewehave ¯ tract deal bore even lI 1!]DGI."~ (-~. -T~ie~d-la-tiilU~i:e--dm,~,,lf tti;, .............................. ""r,.,’., i,iai¯l-Wirthihkdifr]-ie, - llow ¯gree.bl5must¯11 this b¯ to pereunewho¯ppreoiatemild A}l fFe PlolJle,,lv0,rgrm+v. anJ,:ucllul,n...,tdt PLqflil~. B(2Ht~lt |Si " I’~’]li(~ ¯. w.sther In winter. Perseus, for Ineteue*, fundof gerd,nln R¯rly ¯s the v*ry beglnnl¯| of ,, obie I,,rIhis pul } o~o, art’ I ,q.t ,*f~’,,, b’*l¯ ¯,.u ~.h,:’.h. they meymaketheir hot beds, not with e| met{ g xll-fuellltles-f,w............. I xng--usv,* i,,oi .r,,],¢ h/ ,dlf’.r,th#, h,vd -dt4’me¯t ior-¯taonth-urmoreFbuUwlth-KIV~p~flts T & root e¯d {~’.’,wtug repldly; end gardeulngof every desoripflGneeoc, follows. A¯dthenpersonsh¯ve ¯ IFlooding aald l)rainlng. --J’.t,g summer uf epenwe.~therbeforethem(whioh¯hhoug’hprotty hot et time| ie not moreeo , ’~, I IIo{ItuU:,t" hi{st IV~ f’tt~i*" ~.. ¯reo¯Mly nucl ehonl*ly t,l,,,,l*.,~ ff,,,I than le tu he fouu4in mutenorther¯letitudee In th* monthof August.)This s¯¯blee a let. d,oer not only to produceon* crop, but twoIfd*slr¯ble. ~" ,*Xt,tl3$1’*O a,,h, ~!". ’ ADMIRABLY LOCATED, , k,,, ,, ..,,,,,,,,, ......... Andlheu ef ell ide,’esi¯ the worldthis le the qul,test ~n4 mastpeeceebieAlthoughpartous here, differ ounslderably bothlu rehglon&udpol}tlee, yet thereJe this onethingl~ee¯lJer, Ior COMPANYor I~DIVIDU .~ L I’U IIPl).’.’L’:~ ~ ’ ~L_.-.~L~~ taut on. maneo for r~,cegulessthe civil rights of aeother,that eeoh sit underkin ’--~~{toa~t~ ¯at I d’l ivllo, ir, ll thls reg|ou npwfeneethslr form,or eye¯ th*Ir ;ard,ns, it le ¯ r¯re ooeurro¯o*th¯t frelt er tlou given hy. $~thinlg els* ie e¯rrlcd away,r eouhl ideqttfy lu met y instenees pears ¯nd pe¯eh*eon tr*e0 G. I -~. MIU.|,I,!’I~. aluhgth¯verypethweyeend’sll°wedtae°mst°m¯turityttheutUhSw¯er, safely g¯thered by their IIELI, EVIJE AVE., IIAI~IM(;NI¢,N,N.J ........... purcha,ers, l[emmontou, frumlt, hoslthfulnrsseudue¯rnes, that ~rai’seot colnc CLARK’S BU~LtU~t~ COMPLETE L Tin-a~d-Sheet-Iron-Ware ...... I¯ mayplaces beautifully ernumuut~d with trees along the eldewelks. There ¯re q¯lts a OP ’rEMPERATURE-~IN THE was saved from u,terd~s ., theabovoarticles to tho largest aad chcapeet climate. of-Philadelphia. An ¯eeort " h_il , :" the Daily Tlel¢8--~e,t~r.L New~ Domestic u-’~d~dlg~’l-’~ )raises fhrhisb,illian"’- 14e will at~u aot~s u/gent Ior " ,,.---.uton .hleh ,...,.,.o-th afPhi,..i hi.coot.in. ra..0, to,000 ,uh¯h,t.,.--,’,h.r,,s’ ’Cr.ohur . .....,,re" " acts i¯ ¯ eomp¯ottown|hip,Th{*pl¯.e ¯hose,is with ne¯t cottage! end well I¯ld oct |tree~, 8eat t’t~e nreeolp’of " 112081 sue 3react¯hie diet, endother Hygienicmeasures,I eodeeivemyhealth has beenrestored, lreeling ol tile ..... Oa __ CHOICE.......... paI tO t~o wri[tcn ucatedap~rtof three ~on,,radon~. Shy -- pet* $1,00 AUUU~. ¯ ,. . q) ¯ tlrsCAJt~i~l l.,:t,ol.y reauc/~aratozIor 1572,via, -u kv,ownl.ere of tlii~ kit,d t,I ctmv,,r.-ioa ,,f luti,)n ot children. Stone cannot SL00 -~-i v~..Kh3.~~ ....... qiih"h pr61~oas otl’ers,- d,~ ~ot|te tlt.ett ,t ffi.’.~r, I.A~KL).Tp~r)~.: ............... ~r"o0 "~hll~Td--’*~di~-fe’"--tli~ p;:,-d~elyof ff?e~itd~l. ........... 7 ...... . . ~.ttl ,,u mal.t..m~:dtorMt uuw~uo~urtm:~,aud_ -.l.-,i ~tki.&it~/~S/~6Wl{rg’q the dccomp0sition of flesh.~tvhieh -I,)t,ks It sit,mid never be indiscriuiin||tc. Wo like sl ,tire. ,,t" dattnn~3’, lh73fr "~¢uun" tha aouvu .Olub )~ there~tre many rein ntbera wonderhfl womanwh,, fail,hi . rat~. willtitliu ufl’*Jct/ Good S ktabl i ug ~t_’or.Jtorses. t. K~. .J. it. CAB.OI’I here, Veryal~gr¯v¯ted ¯rid long standing eases of¯sthma have been thoroughly 0ured. BuS -h’~Kim have-been-greatly~a.ll~’bited. -ChrGnicdispepglk~h~~ -without number. Furyears before I cameto thiscountry Lsuffero_d cons~erable from Thirty, " corpse was as. perlect as the day I, w:~8 Many a st.nsiqve chill, we be ANDON;’; ~Ol’Y TO ~AUlI ~.JLUn. th~:eoltin. Afler it h ,d |’ecu of brougl aliHIlutlon was gsveu ,hat a parse, should nivo." ru,s off,g,-e,’13 ted to weighab ,u,200pound.. -~t’r,,r Ih~-dcsi~ni,,g fl --7o-thet/~rter ,tp o/the U/oh. The wh.h. bey ’1’0 wi’h O1.1i rtl.c wov.~O it i.- d it: i: ~zO-’6i,ut, thd t.amcs ul vubto,ibei’s arc " ’L’KA gJ~hElt.S±.~D~BOAI{.D EB,S~ .L York Weekly_~imes. £, ,%COI’II~ ..... .’. ............ ’ ................... 1 25 | 10 t[%t’I.~.YUUPII’.~ ................................. ¥l-OO -r~tuttod yearalthe profi/s_reaiize4An~ttds’wayare greater th¯n could otherwise b, obt.fiaed, yet as a permanentihing, taking one y~ar with amther. it is thought that by laying ~q~heNow .. one lq on ral~ug flail kiods AGENT FOlt" Ttt~i ,._th~_/~td~~d w_6uldseen.fartll izoitself. In~hismoregefiiaJ climate v~st~II9 mattcr~ plooghed down flccom ~9~eiafur]es~_ ~aff-th-an-in~c~uatries--fd~tl~’~fidrtb.-" To-6i~-Nd~K-/3rll ~li; PFo~hb-e-s green phmghed~dnwn theyearbefore, ]u order that thefirst.crop maygotthebenefit of it,buthereoeoompo.~itlnn issoquick that itisau~cicnt toplough so~l I ind. attile time ors#wing thecrop bu,l.the ft~l_] bencfi_t.d,:(ivedthcrcfr~?m.is quite avai!ahlejft~rthat crop. after o.minghere. I’wlll thor*fore briefly etato’~.h~ ¢ltseee ofp"ersone whom I consider would be chiefly benefited by cumin| to thte p~ee. hy cominghere, ere : 1.: ~huc*,uf ~otn, ,a~uus wll~*coul4bring somemousywith them’..from$2~000to $4;01)0in hat.,, or a y ,arly incomeequal to the interest of that. ~hie wouldbe sufltcie~ --f,,rt.~i:te-t:mnefforthcm~nd-a-li~tloq-ffd~.~k~le-d~-g~-d~o-t-ln larming on a ema|l soak ........ ¯ ¯t.u,d-tn.:,r-:-for-them comfer.t ¯nd eompeteney. "2d. Persos n6t-~]/j~’i-a-~ very goodhealth wl .r,, ~,./ live ¯n,l. wouhlwi:h to impressit. 3d. Porsouewhow,~uld regard their heXahb :o::ler IJl{:il t’hoir wealth. 4Lh. ta::. 3, r., I, ar thun toihomc, hasardouslires ¯ Ith the ohuncl ofbreak~h~LhoAiLh_or_makingIOIeWhO wish to _*ngage in_¯_menufaoiuringbueinet~ ; reote ¯ud]abur bnin~ PER YEAR ’~erins-foF-fl/o- Wiiul~lyTimesfor was opened by --or to engemlor a self-,iistru.q, 0r mel187~. ~l)e,essness i~Ulii~Fo .~t d o n~----~-aod-they .~,$~.O-OCue ..op¥, one war, ......... u,,~hildt hat.~-~d,)cs-,mt -n,u,d.coffid~/i ace,mot el its gr, a’ w.ci~ht, it All tooLeffo*j:g~i~&,.tt~tl_r.e.*V, :_ Watches/ ~loel~sr-&: 3-ewel l%pairing-of-nll kinds/in-his-line.-done ~¢ith 8oglon, neatness a’nd dispateh, Satisfaction given and ot Ihe firm ,,f )rices as roasonubloas at nnyoilier place. b. : in its’first years’ till¯go, by puttiug upon it from 20 to 30 bushels of lime per acrerwill growgoodclorer with rye or any other grain. , At the time s,t airai,t that a child will growpro,td thfft a reed um-fiz.d, welLkepz wom,,n, and they never and lifts cour.e is ~ weighed as neai,ly-as can-bd~rcu,eu|bered .)rot|hci~ [lift about 150 pouods. Some dineago, ~h’,~. much.e,f-as~ertton--tot selt asser,t, n is Owehs determined-:6 t~n|ove hermbih. legit,mate out,,rowth ~’ the.withh,,td}r DR. D. O..~*OO~X~q’G,- higfily ;.ii¯pt~d.for farmingpurposes.Witha eonsldorablo degreeof culture¯u I fort llzing it cangrow very good wleat,¯. flr;tquality rye, good eern ~.tall _seas°us_L’, potatoes, of all. varieties._ o~atoeJbothinq’uentt’tya~d qualty I should think th y were unsurpassed the a-elf.’~-In rare instances 3/}0 bushels hare.been produoe¢lt~ the acre and from150 tc ,HAMMONTON, N.J,, 7 t for something; that in faetit v6ry VOL. L"N0. 48. ,. 4 . . ~ou~t even . - .-,- /- along tim* befura I eonl~lcone Mucha sandy " --- -"_ win&~:myee]f thst the 5oli wugo04for anything;soils of the g¯mogeneralappe¯rance being goodfo~ notbin’gJnthe northBrlflJh .Provinoee’from whichI cams. After t few mouthl hadrun thsir.cour, e, however,&Rerth* genial ~ring (wMeh set8 B5 here early in the mouthof J" .... ’ 0 t-).’t.t ,~, ......t,,’%’., ~, . IkNe~ ,.~ . si|y t|l a Irus~. ’rh.r,; w,,r,~ 257,i*’,,Ih~ i,,]°h{ht,h’lldl}:| M:!EN,At I RAOTION. lu-t w,’¢~k, ’ai,,t!l’,’,t-t, ,,{ 39,!O,,llmrm{Aec,u’l}iug to thoht~teell~U,% fi.hfi0.wllh II,e ,intn;,tw l,~r lhcI,rt’(’eding wt,|,k. 000 s~hola|’s aro r|,p||rted iu tim12.1,000 l,:,d|,y-.m,, ,,1’ Ihe d,.ath~ ,y.’,’r. lrou| ,li.. l i {/S,~h,,,~.,,~, lte,*,ly. u’¯,-t’n suh,,els h| tl|’~ country. Oi this v|ua{in.r, ,,{t/re I,t,,c~ al,iI te~pIrit,~r)’ orga,,s. dl’ll’l’ ...’, ’IT i I,I.T 11.41’,% l?oIIIP ])olli|r ~]l/liitlkey, Is l’urn frye, COtTer l)istlllodt Old erid very M*llow’, 332000 were !,,reigners. ’J’ht, i,|,tru,:tiou {4.00a gellou ; ell.U0 o doseuIn large hottlel. :.Oill iiA*r~ t, NI) 0AP~ o{tl,,;m~ pul)ils ruquirud 219.0(10 tcne{Iqra, A,, :tt|,,u,p| w,,~ zv,,t,le h|.t Fritlav I,}gitt YELLOW NIKA II. NlilgltilYs kJ, . +1 [t, Pt,- I’lt~lit or of wh,|nl 93,000 are muh,. ’rh,J totul ex 15,t|{,,~t , ,o |{row,h,, Ih,.to,, Et wess $1{.00a Juaeu|¯ large bottles. la+nditore Ior i,,struotiou w,|s $91 }9.1t|.oi,, fr,,n* vh,~ tra,,k a¢3,Vl{li,ms’hrldgt, ¯GOLD NEA|, IlI[ANDY, i,|Nt|w.Y,,rk. ’ilt,~,e huavyoWIt)Ss IleH UU, L¯rge b.ttiess $18. ¯ dqs. Everything J¯ the W¯]F w,~ro ph0o,,.I m,ro.s Iho treck, but, bch|g OF Tile el all tho iovt, ¯flairs iu tho world none lighlly l¯a|et,|,,I w,.rt, ,{isl)l¯eod by the OUR GREAT SPECIALTY surpasstheloveof a hig boyfor bin Iot~,,n,,tive. "~. r,,*u,,l ,,f’$1t~{is ol~crcd ea,i mother. It is a love pure tknd noLle tortho arrest .tIhcvillaltl-. hoaoi’ahle in the highest degrcn to b.th. ATTile LOWEST P0flBIIILI{ PRIX2F** I l.~l<. I:[ATS, l| 1~ l|,,w ~,l*tl.d tnulS|,cret.ry Bout¯ I do not mcao tne.dy a dutilui affoclioa. AT TIIE bOWi~eTI OeXlBLKI’I%ICIL well, a~ w0qlu. ~q,wrt!|urv F|~h, will retire l mean u love which maken a bay ~ullant ,d ,,u,OW’ t’*,,0 ’ ,,,’,O,e, lnaduoIo¯fil tht m~,t hont/hr. Cuhi,,,| nt*er Murch 4|h. It i~ ~ad oourteou~ to his mother, ~ayiog.t.~ llemg Brandm or (~II&MII’&GNI~ Finest Liquors and0igars, thflit’~t{ .¯ .it. I *lt.’a. ", ,;, :,,.~,~;,2. S’.;.....0 ,~ .:".,,,, :, ~t., l-.,,auo,L." tlt*~|*Wt f,I t’,’ VI{{I|*I alP,|[tl&t . /~1. |~OUI" w¯’t ’ w::l Ue cn sen |J,u, ;: :.:: ’: st. "l-,: .. q Dl&Ltt%~~O cr.:.;b’.:":2a’.’... :, :.,:,:~ i,~ .t,r~ *,,,, 9", .~.’,d I qevp-"¢0" W’lt’W~t~aL..’~,’." ,’" *tUrl, out" bud w{a. t~-v, .’:,7 ~...¯;, ,. ~.’J’Vt’ ~itli ,ti~ *,,t*’’t*~ t I1.A A. C VAN ’2’Z:’... l*atla4e~L~ -- ............. , . - ..=_. -¯* ¯ . On the ................. -. --, - -- ........... . ......o’. ...." . ..... .... 3d of Novdm- The disease new rkging absent horses in- this, country .stays: a Scientific Work, The catholics Lourdes. of ¯France are~now not Cheap Fire-Proof :" - of Americans, as to sudden a pistol t stretched .and illusions heard, and prostration, in. the_ character and order President Thiers. of succssdion of the a part of the n ;tonal faith and a cat alwa 6f hope tha-tS-- mUD ]P][EB. Under the apple tree. spreading and tMek. . Happywith ol~yl~ pal~ ~d u s~4.~k .... _ ...... On the~oflgrabs Su the shadowthat.li~.... d~plo~_. " " not .on , had a humanlife ZealouMy Brirk~ at t he squirrels, ot ~ap~ofl~, All the whllo l~’anny Is making mud pi~. prowling about to Queen of Hearwhich attend it, and in ors, and careless children, of fatal cases, the en to intercede for fallen France and the servants, and watchmen"to forget to do ilnprisoned Pope. On th)~ir way they s0mething-that should-be done; and there-m~ seem to_havexecelv~d~ome~iil~treatment there is the calculus of been under which’ men and horses live,and ostied and ridiculed, muchas no occurrence is, strictly speak- Sunshine and ~off summerbreezes aetlr, While she Is busy, arc busy with her; CheoksTosy’slowimr,~nd bnaht sparkling y had for the’ his and to be watched whenceto radiate dail~ We do not regard it as an effectual corrective. On the haye made the most obser- been reported where the disease in all low, the river Gave runs b¢ig! ’that even more its peculiar meadows -of the ridhest green, should be two iron wails, one er~vith~a-Sl~ hotter instincts< horses overspread-nearly-th~ human nature. J~was Jaerc_that nation of wife, and this account-of ~h& makes it , did no~ suffer. " Thedise_asehas been j-so, bed to all sortsef causes,but how it &5 womenwho are aboutf~ de- yet a matterof pure s y viewed, such colonization would be adireo~lo~ to every farmer¯ Farmerssh~ large it may be sometimes--is mee¢ each Other will .be not pecumary us sum up some of the advaatages mere’ Exchange in a posed to be ret~uced, to straiten we ble and sour¯ The irresistible el- g on smiling, and makin which sol- the mucous membraneof the nose, it tendency occarrende ef influenza is due ~o substance in the air. Accordin at firs~ doubted, -a-~youn g-mum It is often difficult for a the generalCyclopmc}ias. .~h0ught.--~h~=di~. the Class, ’ which the may profit, An unlessit is used.. A tome one comes alert awakened to the terrible that she road, ~o which came the ~r ade:;~t~th-elr-bein a It-is-not-soas 0thor~ces. lotof _uorb_does_it_we uncLt h e _ e at_ it .. . . GrRvo’lvsilo stirs, wlth, aso ioi~slook g point, burst the the grand:me.thod has not yet been dis- in existence. pone- like wine,even wheninin to the exeess~ nor ~he breath even earth it had a be off on the first ~rair. was mad_¢ up of ca~tle had b.een living on the verge of to be madd apparent to a keen observe- what home or society meant¯ r and were prodigal Will soon be covered withconvents. PraeAlcaiJ0ke. A rathor~ntemptlble trickwa~ to present to a OU as comin outin, a- nearly Cer- tain parties have to .the immense store-of_hen by these bees, 125 feet high in the hope of reaching could run a drift into- away..-His that eyes pale rind bldedln’~ tb/Ialda~his faithful Hul- in’deed; has sold real dened their he.me, llulda was as roslr and cryof pain at thesight--hn.t .that was all. plfimp’as’ever, his business had extefi~]ed;hnd -looking aroundhim on the’tenth anniversary of their wedding.day, he told. rRUlda,quite lo~’er. that he wasthe earth." the particular branchof manufacturetlfat Mr. that a that" his day’s writing finished before breakfast. A shrewd¯ ob- most transfigured him. Such is the genserver has said a latc-~iser consumes the eral effect of greatexpectations on ~he day in tDfing to recover the hours he countenance of a single lnan when about lost iu the nao~ning.. Mind be.married. lab, yen s his ef earnestness the minister stud~ we have down the sickne~~f-lferwalkor ride, and the mechanic be" at up the world; but ~AU NT ! HU LDA~3_NAMES AK_E~ e he wasinducedto:: taut_ Phti&Rl~;~dKy-gft ~r ~daf~-she "bi-ir~--wlt~ "I am sure, I have no idea ; but I Would heroic women,While Reuben sank under his looked at_yea.. Your arm is.doing nfccly, and pany blows -up. Still, why ? Ten a~J~--~-co~t-tb~-mffeh-up-on it;f0r burden, she"h-rhvely I r~ i- ~ gee t o~e, the means-employbd~vere not adoyourAuntIIuldaneverwas knownto make upon.her shoulders. Whendisaster followed that ?’" "’" - -=,-.. " uate end,or else’it wasstartedth,~ ~ourso he is pursuing; : succession she never murmured. Both men Yes it was certhml, ineffieibw and in either cannot. Bright are the promises.that here any longer, for someof’the company"will "Never mind. case i.twas m prot am~gtherest; and there is still=much to be -and you maybe able to meet-the mortgage~ HCis -about-build~-h :.for~himself_ a~-H~lde:gavea-parting glance-at’ the -bermtifut s d~h-an- "eventT~d-thu-xime..eoon --camef-his ~oodness,~nan,A.am~xo oyipg!" her,.W-hy?- -The) ever from the presents before her, and followed her mother creditors forcclos d,, and his homewasgone. was moving as fastas it was possible forh , Commencedon too ___o~xt,A~TLthe_teem, m~-st _ ""We -o . and can workfor another," said to go, in the direction of the noise. tlulda Gotdywas an only chL]_d,,and cease- _the braye httle woman 3eases of the outer worhl, He is to ha~,o come sigh in her heart; .there wasno tear in her before an open trunk with of sAlaD _ life to ehg#r_ heart us light and gay as a bird’s. She wouldrather have you ~ith the wealth all gone "Oh,doctor, we stroll be rich again !~ Dear his income. An inventor starts ~ man- him in his hours of-glo0m~an ,wxt- .ov~ ncver-kn no." h_ Aunt Hulda! And I bare been thinkin his improvements in words, breathe now hopes and highe: -i~gi~mr conseu; to ,or mamage Whenthe worst _: . ........ themto a hild a very respecLabla outfit, to is_despt~ndcnEenough nowi and if wego where 3incu the~cc_cntrieold~lkdL._h-ad~--.~=hich her numerousfriends had very goner- there-will be no motive to stir him into action, after laver of bank notes. pla~y=9J=bri.dM girts.i ~kll-~poculafion-as-to-Aunt-Ihdds .... will look-u abler q nor ~h~--lattl--m~alt eyeS, that were al~y.a_xno55ng.in_g~ery direc"ThbsowlAo~:cgnrdw~e_alt. ILLLs"the_only lion, and took in all around her at a glance, port to their friendship," interrupted. 11 shoulder, and told her to "’ never mind, hc al- and wher¢-.nobroedin shadows ever bachelor friend is immediately sent for, The" latter Wa~almost sons, in the same business, /brm ,their soon some one overwhelmed withthanksby all. and IIuld~l, in Opinions of them at this time, but tliat, very proud and happy, and Sb sometime, iveaess for somehow=or"in somem armor, ~’~trust ’the remarkieg that she "was- ra’_al g sweets, ~ut finally ceased their work, sowell." Withinfour y6ars-tho--be~-fi-a~-e~_a~tl,-.-~-~ side~,it will not he half I-it,’ dear," .......... "-Ttiank)’ I used to b~o afraid you his whole future career. WO-havaseen_ hxtton~__of_ nW_ somewhat ....... : flreside;muy-evolve-plaiislthmil.v said the old htd ~of~-of-de~tf~~_~So[[-----_ bachelor frien~will be !d. =. that,if executed, ,wealdincrease the the lens~6bjoctionab]e. able to attend livieg on my fi~ther ! with her meretr/cidus ways, fleeced the ment was perceived their treasure, as asc0rtained b’ actual -of fortune and frionde .~... vMue Of his o’wn The habit once e~).firmcd~iaseldom my wedding¯ Youmust come m ..........~,ay’so-m-~ h~.’ per ~kers ’b ton use, and present, time tb~ ~ cannot be less. ¯ . by itidu!ging "Let me/~et onmylacocap" first. I had it~ ’said Mrs. t~oldy. " Sba was I amglad rou did not,’ s:t~d Reuben.-. of the excitement which i~ affords completed the swarm of eomorants. ~he plan and ar~dhbrn from the family re. eight or toix fdns of honey in the. made on. porpose. Costma something, too ; weeksago, bat said nothing abont y6u in that "Youare ?"’tepeatcd his wife in astonish- of manhood.We have seen others with main kinds of .business dull Faroba~aks chuck luck, poker, old sled ar, ng’rouhd.to obsbrve the are , A man named D. Brophy lives itr - " couldn’t atlbrd a newdross." WRY." , " far less capacity, and without nny back- Countess of Shaftesbury (wife of" the ment. a~id tedious. :No matter-howplainly the the tobacco-box ¯game, ~id; lie needs --in a little.while the young man a cabin not-far-from the spot,-and .oh .... " - ....... _*_’ That.looksvery weJh_[umsure," rcpl #_d_ " I rememberthe beadle of rags, mother," " 1 am. For, if it had not all gone just as but indostry and energy, rise grad- pimts Whig pe0r who pays somfich atwere IIalda, es she took the old lady’s arm to escort ..olass0s altdJs it dill, I hevershouhlhave knownwhat a treato fortuneund influence. Frank- tontionto the must-e~mmunioate with them. entered!suds-straight-to money-dishoncstly:-’-There-were dance back by the sun’s heat more than enou dlw~thc-bridalgifts-were-displayed. .sur~l.pps~¢s_sgdd,’.’__be sai_tl a she foldedhcr_to in-is a finniliar illusLration of what adestruction, he who once yields to the houses im which force others to tlii~k..as he does, ~arlor, where ~wa his :[arAily requirdm&~$ ,All through Well, well. tl is boats mo all out. ’said sent to rcturnm her father’s_house, Mrs._Goldy= his hrcast ........ "f~ination loses,, henceforth _and for- the midtright ~ir, them to modify h/~ plans until they t he ~ressed it )on Miss Goldy, t~enior, holding up her hunds in returned home,atking with her her little grandthat region immonsostores of wildhoney, "Yousee he cannot stand prosperity," said had bet:it too proud to eat rolls in. the and secure their aid in carryin the power.ofresistenco.--~ele Yorkwas.hoardin almost astonishment, and darting glances fromher daughtor~Atulda’ayuungest child, lluldn, sxn Ing thro,gh her tears,’ " but begins . all’eel iff~-f6hnd-in L-/b~,, inther0ck-s, in i~ea-~-, to illttstrato at once her kindwhenhe wasa poorboy,h0 wolthl direction, "Seems :urn ttaiterar. to me tore .is evcrythint were .... of--ibr- bees-seem to the tb the. of France. ly needed by the .farmer. Ctrat~D Ht.~t.~The interever needin your lifetime. Tea-sot. The least misundSrwas a as secure. T ~lT0-y consume r" the whole .csting_..oaao-oL.tho-.gent-leman-.who-wns. mercy kuows, what all. V¢oll, ...... t~cade thor beanehes of bu~htoss..! some months a enahhs-thom_to keep up operations near .............. to befriend tmdertaking,and ymt will then he ..... your frieuds-aro--of-tho-rlght ~ort,. l-wanted- -eoml,laint....> member the. description of th0c .............. . ............................ being forces observa: akor by daylight, was v0ry much’ 6~;er-y-da-3iiif thi~ year-,at-id’tlowc~ of -prove- theirconditic :hy lightning has attrastcd-much str~dts in Lroad ,noonday bfili0ts would witliit. drew out theov~r stopper, to makeyqu a nice prcsent "--]ht]da’s cvcs " Wohave health, ’) answerddhis wife, "and smoker as he is/bund at the East end." ~;tii:c~l to go f6rward~ifi-6Cdssfully:’- mor~ critical meet from the min0r-press; It mii/y cony be whistle~-iUi’¢l-oiliii-ffi~fi-d-~lK~nu-i~fl~darms petals She of her nostrils fho aperture, some s0rt are always iu bloom. It must eparkled--"but I really lblt. too poor. Faet’is health with poverty is. a better portion than The steady influx of the Chinese into lect this,howevtu:, aw.1 you ~tre bane a fr’iond~)r gatEering of ballet girls and analytical, bo~kuad What he learns be a yery s0vero season indeed’when the at her own house and talk the matter ’ ’ ::tt~he~ are :a~ffil- hsrd.and-mone)~tlghr-whhwealth with oa " t. _ ...... ’ .... h(, .thatquarter_ h~.smultiplie~-_tl!_o-v[,ttin~s..ot]tt~l and in,parts he knows will he subjee~d well, however, to hint to inwdids who practices were the favorite arid fetched a pull at the contertts that ]ittl’o fellows are not soon abroad in vast me ; rents low and taxes high ; and then I /lt,t a very little had I-)cen eai.cd fr0rat}m- to the viceand the housesin whichthey ~ioned a think of submitting thentselvcs to sinli-stateof affairs, ~o-x)ri~ ttal-analysis by hisfellows. It lar treatment nc~=tsunmmr thatolectriit,is stated thut as fitir~_ made th_c~Lhub]ale,_..Thctt ~halai~L tt leisure hour. Dufin entlent)tn to flti makes him more charitable attd suhortlio b~wn, and picked .up a brass- iluouswork. cap--an|l, altogether," 1 felt tee poor to give ll01da’s ownproporty~and the wedding pre- a very low character), and arn mostly_ certain dtffc~_~t, ll~,ot~r Rxtm’rI o of applies= fire-shovel ixfsta/~d, affd~" tiaitl .......... an);thtng hut this"--drawing - bundle-from-her 0ceurred. . ¯ eoryl,hees for an early ¯ to whosocount÷ytii~ff learns, much to his asteni ----" =, -’pocket~"-i , . . . happy...... results ~n ]~nghs]nnan tmt]ot . ,g repro. hines ." , thattherear e ottter people in the a 1 tt t lo jea Io us of the roputatton a ~noi A "Fu.~sY" Do~ Paris Fi. a bundle of old linen rags ; "it will cemo ia use " , ..’ wl~ll.....I~/l( ru. , )alibi . "Where ia that stinhi.g brat ?" as they weretuovifi’g ~llcir littl~ all into a very h. Sntall-Pox ltetnedy. exeeutetI his contmiseiou. The Countess ~lnee trlefl ll~kw/lutller dot~s to-the ¯, W r]d m ’ ~ herin g towtwae,lmving qatn I)0rhaps sometime. Old linen is very goodto humbleborne’the 7 had secured by Ihe ntonth. gcnco which spirit-drihking 1 in that li all uue0rtseiou~ of what hltdl ’ tollsthefollowln! "~ stor ya ~’o,os of ¯ o " as .s..art as imuortant hq is; and he also i IILelIL .... "or ..... had a nnat little tea Itreparhd with cur¯ involun~trny woare lint LOl(i ,.~ British soautun. The dru~ as it is inlOarus a eHll more lessee, t,, have abnut a hous0," and she guve a swift l The following statmuent of-~ corres--thc v I)11 rl ¯ ~ tat "I ~etl the usolve- Ou IlL Id.lt& 1 .:a _.. UIt )) Sttpl)oso WO tare thorninto money1’o1’ thrni. hahid is au aqueous extract ]nado by first ¯ ¢ [" . ~’ buns and tnarnudade, and all that thC,nayPenaltieSoeeasionallyOf groattt’eSS,avoid payinga;’d "hoW..thom.Ono glance into lhtldas.faee us she d0positedthe tttre?’ "’ " wtt: _that hts neighbors **re ~ kindly dis- In ::~° ~°ellt~w~ndgt:~?i’~[lO :I)4’!;l~ electric sevenpro¯sons,whose last wishesto di,, in,,eo]~tieWaS .in frond;and OfsmilingthO mirrorathi,ustadjt l)on(h)ot of tho Stockton (Gal.)11~rald rent ’sort of thillg, tbr the fair girls with the dissolvit|g’tlt)~ erudo opiunt in water, and ¯ ’ ........ j. posed;charltablo;.h0noat mid aoeotntik0- . bundle ou the tabl~ ie precisely iha idace " I cannot hear in thi~k of doing that," re. hart beeu going the rounds of tho paCould .. eall.~U ....... . " r~.g ~ ear, a.c- tlffiir St0bking fe0f co~/ld not1 i;/3din: heroqthof0und hlm;’and-satd to hinl=:,,O; .~--distinguished.phyaician.htlh~ria few shillings a week wages, whets she ............ dahag tm he a~.." " ..... . ......... stroytnKtno :-lIuhla had l~.~rvcd for her aunds gift; ........ plied-hob hmbutd "1 know how i,recols st,ttanting, then carn~’ully Imiljng. hn- t)ers." An-ex,C)difort)ian says ho wores, hurnit|.,, g the tilled with an old not show his nose out of doors with0ut .... Wmttott wore shot atd~ you are laughing at the trickon, :’ l’oor lhddu!" ’l’~’s~(¢slio"~/ii~d[siili[ioli)led thiiyareto you " lhtlda, us well ns to myselC: purities,, lilt)i th0 ifri/gnteUts ’of loaves, ~ettu 4t ,tested with -entiro-suooo~.~Wo. oxpeett:d to eno iu eotLotr gloves aud 4 ~.nd/lnal~y ..... g..¯rr^., ,~ t...._,, skin of tee oar, u~troyntg l;no tympa, stabbml and m n a Ah~,tho ladies dro~’o .... ’weuhlI)ut fi, el)ly express it. She enald net (’,)tlt we not got somefixruitnre Ill sonic olher st.Jr’ks, &e,, ere akintnted off till it has the r)Trodnce it, tht,reforo; for .what it is And ~heu she basted hint on the ear one; ,,Ah, doctor how glad I ant to see way ?" , ’ door in wall appointed broughm.eu :av "’l’tmnk ~:))t ;’i’ and a~tar a few n)oro co,~histnney and al)ltearanco of tar. The worth : . ovenin~ am at hand. Ohma week will retinal l!ta nee.k, partially s t~,ving his bntoherit,s i.mV~(l~odtteml, The rafl’r~a~l And he b0ing by nature more do-neat you. All Lhis mox~ningI have felt---:-word.of sdnllrati( , nfnglnI " vitll regrets a~ as, dressed in tra;ling eilhs, tlat~rhlg Ilo had beeoeta qnito accostomedto appeal l)ro]nu’cd ol)innt rer)ros|mts ahuut twice not b0 unprofitably spent if fitrntorS and watch, anti ~earmg ula natiuo| t6 lueeoa, movedon end with..i~; wot|~ tile cattle u;ith ttis leg, s ~;httn h/s touguc., lnmteuodTM What. do -~,ou suppose xt’ can be ?’" To’ 1 hcrnwith nppenda rm’ll)c which has their h~c() ’k~,r(hi01t aud tithing their lining so miserably poor’ Aont Hnlda went to his wilh wlmua tliflicuhy re’nee. thtn its own weight or-the Crude. It is repa~sod....iu a.cfroutto~s their wi~;es will only meet for’Bo0"t d and The current trade, the drovers, courtesans antlroughs, from ~dmro howliug "like nx ld, md tu~- such an extent was the poor matt plagued out, leuvlng her neh’o standing at the table, " I ace no other wayIt I, prosenh"she relllicd. taih~d to the smokcrs,.who keep it iu been used, ttl nty kltowledge, ill hundreds diantonds ! Consternation ~ hdfloau-ntauuor, tus n~ht round. thtgh and leg .... busin0ss. I-nlrposes.¯ ltartaers’ llut vt ry f’ow hngreved,bohtn~l, and NowoompanSed to the g’ate by that- lmu~s, that he determined at,all hazards to rid of cases. It. will llr)went ))r cnrn Clubs, ’ where her mother fom~|l her nbm)t u liulf au "A d. t.~on the whole,’ [ think it will Ii~ entail boxes madeo/’ huff’ale’s ]tort). utter hreak-down of the Whole chari~ polling the skin off an :t~ course, and ’21m , 0 ran s of /atron~ sma]l-L)ox t}tough thol)ittiugs are filJing. ef Husbaudry, or ’ ....... ’ . ’nountedshovol lfitusolfof the tormett II~styshcwouhll~ivo |tour afterward weepingtears of mortiticatiou host to do so, as it wouldnut be wise tn kce ) mttoker ])uts sonm opiunt, about the size .ton lets booncotlgr~datlnghersolfup6n A few da s ¯ ~ he could ..... ehakooff em0e,tn it veryimhho . L’ ei~ WhenJtqm(,r di~cov(~ri)tl "cow-lu)x in tal)lu eohemtil It is said that the poor noighborlmod sooiahl~s, witholttpmmt~u ouz ~ tuo.too~~rytngawe lheiugoneof the steadiest placesin the erytlnng on cert..if phteo,he heardYas nnd disappointment. 110 IIIIIch ef vahablosilver uhout es hero." ~ountess never could understand how’ an land thu world uf s~i(.)tu~n hurle,[ whatew~t ............... greater part of tire boot ~tate, wlmt~the aff~ir,~f-ye, impronaion that a.mistake had- boon usual.:.,, Ah,. doctor,- how- glad," and so.. ’ ltulda, mychild, what atlt~ycu ~’ she in- ..... "_Well,per’Italia y0alira right, I hopefiolutl efa pea, into the huwlnf his pipe, which ~a is Of ~iarth~nwaro, and;-havtng-ltgltted sore was i)otxhis lfe~ul i but lgn)dvu [,eth’r, l~ened, and two ntor~ have mrtll. "(~ood gracious," he replied, hire)l; daywucanrnder, nl ttlelll." . stitched the whole way dewn." The mr- mr, d spurred. Cuptaiu ~itzl those who " "()h! mother, mothe’r! (h)ly to think! and bF friction --~ this is a serious business. I must sea’ "1 helm so)" repeated llultht, with th0 it at tttt a|ljavnnt hun]), reclines on his whel~tit. lUOntscientific sehuul~|tf n)edi-tl)at of 1)aris--l)lth of the killed, was the keelmr of the’ side and i,thal(~s it in two or throe whiffs, cino in the worldwill l olial~ ~ot])ing but it htltldle ef rags I AI)|I t enl fidntost brealhof a slglt, lifo ca a farm tienteuffcredoomparat-lvol~-littl~.hoy~ud y cnr to,,g,,e; I,nL it out, l,lesso." A,,& he~n~rendered totnl)ormrl,, in~nstl,lo; ~:::; ,,hS:~:o~l,,t~:a SraltV,~.u.--Wheu th,, stern hand of , Furs and Fur Trlnmtlngs, t had re,nai,uud Brttish Ih)eb~nimUll laadn arrangementswith It sil. -r.talning it in his lnngs as h)t)g as ln)S lishe(l this recil),) a Intnaeel~ h)ran)all. I ha,nod for h’or too, nnd had a right to exl)ect to suoh a ( few who havo ,not law aholished, the eusLota of i there, in the olmn street, the man obeyed. solnethlng better. Anti sneh a nmas-I )I[al tla volant[the’ and II,o warnwas cam’eyedaWS)’. witnosm~dits e/loots can dreamer, l,~ven hut the intp6rtant practical ~Joint ef the )twnlow burnm . A Now York f|mhion journal says that poX, it passed unheeded. It is )t~ ~nfuil. " m Imht g’ ’ ’ "~ pro " trar~actiou hin rlm~matjmn was ’ h the hm of The doctor studicd it for a nh0rt t[nm. lh|nnnh I’ I wonderyott c~er gnva it to am. Ilnbht t41uodby and hmkcdbru’,’clf en Its the the socild efftmts of such is that gatheritq,-s, ..... " lug as J’a|e, an)i conquers in nvory inJn f)trs a n)utf and b oacoustitutn the set. gradual..."starvm’ g," whsadollto~, ’]?hn " Very good," said lie at hngth, ,, now . , ¯ . . ’g rathar I~ggravated than relieved. I de, indeed! TI)m) In Ihii)k a bmtdle of al|l thlllgs were pucked ned the nmncy OU thenl , ’_ vidod no practical co-operation is atY, ~ ; stance, l~, is harluh~ss when t,tk)m I)y (h)liars are ,’till worn, but not often. ¯ "in retireshut. your oyes," Again the luttiout t)1) Ol,~L IN Till,: l"~.ticru.--Profi~ssor An. wtaow was compelled to hve add n~t ; thou, whuu the nlue was gnne, whn nose an|i l,ascn.rs, lhmu rags or mywedding prcsent. w]H-~e sallow eorlmt)- wtdl ])ers,)n. tempted, will render the lifo . o4" the IL will also our. s~arlot. Th|)y art) astaentod Ices elegant than the . "=’="~ shred auentions that a quarter of ,ttniL ment, to eat sparingly° and to tauk~hor, obeyed, whortmpon the doctor went on All the while’lhdda wus ravl"g ever thi~ cmdd hhuna her or cull her cowardly il sha like con)llh~xtons, bhmred t~ytu, at)d G, vt,r. ]|ere is tho rot)trio as ] httvo us()d farmer attd his family vastly b.ttcr.tnorc ~t,.~b:l~ ABOUT IT.--A ordain huly lion o£ miner e ntiles ef the tutrth’s sur. self as nuserabto" aslmsatblo" , ’lhe’ "attire his way, leaving his torntentor standing her m|)thar had slood an)atod until at last she want ell" to her ownroant ocd weptIcars----b[t¯ roh|xl,d lot)k) indicata the cffl)cts of their it and cur, el myehihlrl’m of the scarh, t- ’ haasThere are all grades of fore at all tolerable attd ehvated.~ltnr,d 2~5.,~having become weary of the oompani0u- face "a,r,s covered with saad~tonea and or form .... lntrty ts wagnlg war agatnsL ¯ iu this ridiculous positigu in the midst of cumprehcudod thu c)mse, al)d gluncing ovor tar tears nf disn ,)hltmont and regrt;t. indalgnlmt~¯ Thn anlonnt tlmsn sn)|)]tt~ra Y~rlwr, l) "- ship of a drunken husb,tnd, thougitt she shah,s ~)f tho t,/lrb~niferqt~ f~vt~t¯; h(iru it is as !havo used it to eur() l)riees. ’ For the benefit of thuso who period, thin.custom. The Bombay H,ud/v gives an amustalerowd. Thiswasquiteasottbethe t tblo s o |liscovered Ihe " r||gs." UU]umr’oflarward,when[lenhes called COllsattl|t ifl s’Jt)letinlns sut’l)risit)g. ]~lltlly ~’ t~ait~ hurl herl|ut mmdl-la)x ; whnn lnarm~dl)hysio/unssaid " ’ l)av), snnt or(h)rs as well as for those who mightobtaiuadivorceiu a shor/~rattd atuongwhichcoal is buried,lend this au/nteresting as tl/eEnglisll t~ountof thn ntarriugetie%tlmnghlesspelit0, ~* 1 ’keew-yuuaru disappuint©d, mgu withhi,i tu ,,deer hOInO t!htlap f||r,d- of tht,o) tint) a (luart~r tm umm u ’da[ly~ To CLEAN (Jlltlelt (2ASKS.--/k the patientmantdic, it cured ; lqulL)h ~tt) ))ave anke|l tint.aliens ou thin subject, we’ Now of a llindoo willow at Ahutedubud, 14he llhy~iciasl’S etratogom. Ouco wheu aclh|t 1 hardly tluek it worth so taro for tbelr r|)|mts, her bright f|d:c nmt hh St)lue it is said, It8 ntuuh its ollu o¼11e|). mother, ~O0(| cheaper way than by applyiug to the coal is fo~ the aleut partaeecasible. of xllm, one grain ; fnxglovn’ oil lta’lD), I Will suhjoin a C|n)tph~h) llst of priutla ~f ........ costed heby one said of these swiudlit,g lntwilh its ownhopeful, h)rhlg gaze, ned he never nlnclt dl,ires,. ])id ~t)n I)hu~othent th0ro ldan~ to eloamm.mustyor,/oul era)ks,, zs to court& I~totae. friends of hers,, melabors there are ’ upwanls of three years of age ; and after titints cooly : " You cuso is a soriThey ral)idly g~t dottel)it in body and o)t() grain ; half a tt)a,ln~onfnl of ~ugar ; the materialmost, i’~shionablo. The lyatx I ut in a quantity of arts,eked lmlo, uml of the Legislature, *’No, I h||vo not tlmchedthin,t, bet I. a)n] suspectedtile agonyshe h||d nmlured. accordingly drafted of square yards of surface in a a tortured and inlprisottml, and ex.tonunterous , . a).l din in starvation ale| rags, mix with two i.ubloslatonfuls then pour iu boiling water nntil the a bill, atttl lwesented it to the eoitsidera, mile, and, assttmimr an avnrago gohlg t))Inure then! []|eFo IUI a iitunnntmlt of watt)r. fur is’entirely out of date. Ah! .eho was 9or the first wonlan that has t,ti)l,I, Insults fro,ix bar cue one, attd I entreat yea to take the how. For all ~n~e.ts slaked. Put ill the bung and tiott of the llouso It mot with a tavof thickness of ten 3~m’~sfor alltho dil bur pennrioassess." )ra/’ti|’ed I|la~ decepthm, tmr wasl|u any 1’nero mtbt,lly kn|)ws i,xactly Whnnthoroughly t)tixed ttdd foot ounces Altt~kllStlb|ttPh,l~ ......................... SS IQISO SU best nlod/cal advice." . ¯ ¯ ,, she wee at length quietly marthis, th|) vien is greatly on the innrt,aso of wutor. Tttk|) a s])(nlnfnl every ])our. iL,,}’l*l Er).h,. ............................ H* ~ suuo until the water and time have able rocopLion, nnd was Intt upon ira neatusof eneh coal floltl, "llulda, you n)ust not tulk m). She is your died thatb’manyaaoti|nr. wn find/or the rto.a to a yonng school-t~achcr hy llrahW,ttor Slt)~k ................. , ...... , ....... b O0t,| a|"0 h llnhla had no intcntl0u of r~mahdogidle in China, an(l tqmong the (3hint,nn ,of Either diseane will disappear io twelve Yr.,ttlb.Mb~ ................ father’s Mater, and ahllongb very onrtmtrie at come into contact with every part of the ttret, second, and third roadingn, and’~aatotal" " " numberof cuhio, "¯.,., ........ ~ ~o|o tO ~0 -’ yards of avatlable’ mtu pricers iu the presence of a large ¯ Frvm:b Erl,)ilw.,,.¯.. ........... ~) 00to I~ WI harrel, Lot it stand six or etght hour~, pa~ed without even the forntalitv tinm~0i~ lu the ~oin a;vor) goad Wolna)t and afl0r ~ho bet’nnmsettled ht her newhome,liar tiara in |~v),ry qoart),rof the globo..--Lon- hours. ]"ur a cbl]|l, sn)alh)r dost~, no- I~ .~lelt)t l~at)lu ......... . ................... of coal tho onort~nsfigur~of 7,500,000,000, number of the "rntornt party," liar -ab°ut -F¯~’TAI¯LY I$ O0 empty and smell the e~k, an4 il not sending it to I~ committee. One d,the As a eubto ya~t el’ coal weighs nearly a pr91~,’rty. $7,500--w~11 doubtl~s i toitsE.--A ntan POISONED DISI,~ASED w)ulhlI)ef)’ieud yell ll’)’ou ~toudl)l liccd. i.hoice, d|o ~ui|l, lay betwecutt~u occapaliuns, dolt [,ttnc) t. tkl4,,. .................. It| {rote ?"~0 cur|ling to ngn.If eoutttit.s woahlcom- M by the llY na,neA of lioeker, S*Jah’rt.I ................................... I~ OOl() t~ O0 hun|lie mast ant remnht here; it w|u)ld exalt, almostIlhvayaresortedtu bya wt))al*lu dt’pt~lldclean, ~lmat the ol~ratlon , and after ntentbers who wan a littlodisgnstod withto.* ............... lwl lhnir iihy~hdun, la~ use this there who resides fleer Quarryvilh,, N. Y,, ~hllo AMrttkall....¯...... ......... ~ t~ltO |I 041 To MAKEltlt!l’: ].’IYl)I)INtIo--hi quart .,,, ,,,; ....... ,.,~.~,t ouly curlusilv and ridle)ilo sarong tim gueste lug n mnherst, lf. tcachll~g school, or kt’el,ing .*,, m,.~*,.~.,...s)’-*u--¢ ..,.,,.¯.o,m" ..... tta~*" ~da|,|l* ......... hsviug again empti~! out thu linn,, burn this summary dofrom her,attdthe I,~ri~ts wouhlbe riottce|i of liner-houses¯ If yott tl(ll()l,[I t’’ *t~ tint | I~0 wayof nsurlflngthe pro-uu.aumn-"_x__..,~,w,,a~,t,~,,~,~,~,.~ ..... .,.¢ e~l--"" oo’ptunaert~ll wIn 1)o~. rntodthe ce~mou, y are t’hreat- owned a coujfle of horses that had the I~II ’|ruII It I~olll *. *.. ¯ * ............. , ....... i~Oto sua [ will pu|’k it ap with your table linen, and hesrdcr~. Tbofi,rtner lluhht cho~, fi~r ~ati- howl, take two eggs an’d two healfing a strip.of cloth dipped in mclhgl brim- lmr duty of a court, attd who]tad voted available for the use of the human value advice and (.Xl)ericnec, use this for t~)’al t4et~ ......... *.,.,¯,....,...,.., ....... r~ 0uto S~0@ race, auud wtth. exooutmamcattou’" distt~tulwr, ht cleaning out thentangors yoa lathed tu bnl)erhttentl year kltcht’n, you ntll~ icl|l~el)S. I.’ir~t, It bulled her I)ctter; olld t(,t,l)t~,t)ft)ls (if augur, wellI)(,ate:t toahtck Aattakatt .......... Ne4t, Da@ ’ stone, hi the ,cask, t’astm~itlg it by.the again’st the bill, ttroso and said, the other day~ the virus came in contact that terrible ,liseas,. | |t I(|rt,)l ¯ St*(,b~ ........................ ~lay ac)’i,lonlly buru yuur |h)gers, thva it will so)’t)nd, it dhl not DIVO]t’a SU’ lunge au PNl~coso¯ geth|.r; fill the bowl half full of cotdwd ,. 7 I~to }~ a0 If we took the average nunther of huou~g, an~t a easel must uo rout indeed " -with a th,sh womffl ou his hand. In a ller plal) was to el)tale a few schtduln ut her Muffs art) ,USl)endmi by " cord around "Mr. hlpeaker, I ri~ to a point of or- mint beingn livinl~ at each momentdur,help yountutu than nih’er presaotn will." rico, bits t)f hutt),r, anti a ])al)dfol Wllli’I’EIt Citl~xsi.~Sw~t~n ~ cue .i.t that c~anot be punfl~t by such a pro. der. I ant smnmouodto aloud a turret- ing the next :1,,500 yearn to be 2,~ghq, I)~),short time his hand attd arm hecamo so ’* [ hope 1 wdl never ~o it again," was the nwa It)tlu|~, lllld ut it bhu wm|t I)S ~#u)l as pea. t’uiains ; stir all w),ll togeth*,r, )ted then lll,’lql’l.: ?()It {2unlNtlIIEF.I;.--To 100 the tteek. Maoy of thent hayn a pooko~ ’ of eweoterrant, attd add ua~tt~o of h,t~)n~’, t~rribly iuthmted attd swolh,u, they had " not vrry amiable.rc|dy. sil, k~ inff of ono of the ¢ommitt~ of th/s tKlO,-and-the annual consumption-fro-all ,’ fill th. la)wiwith new milk. Alter tht) poutnis of b~of, taka two tlnarts of malt, ou the aide in which to carr] the por~Beat up the whiteaof four egg~till they ¯ " Vcr~-w~ll, But cos)e, lily dour, we most [lut hh(~ met whh I.)or stlt’|.e,~q. Sbc ~as not = --8COil after the amlm. ar,, thor))ughly ntix0,(l, hake (li~solv), ill water, and pour nn the In)eL ntonnain. adding thnta to the to,beamputatod, It is slid that the prett/eet tomb iu honorable body, of whiuh I atu chair- purl~ses to be at the avare~e rate of one ar~ very light, tattoo" he dn, d’ ¯ Persons owning horn~ go"tu Ih~)ath)r, end l)t "l)h.a,ket col|vt~rsalion very ~bll keu~u’intht, t’l)art of thc’t|,wn, and ingr~di,,nta For ehilaren the Prussiatt rabbit fur iu a h.t ov~,lt half an hour. Wh,,n ~,t Let It stand twtqtty,fottr h|mrn, Then ! have a wife at home, of whom’l ton per human being, the aul~]lly would cream° Whip both together. ~Pere-ls-Uhahm ia that of He/on Adritm- matt. As f~t ~n,I udrlh make lhis, the last nJRbt uf )o~r altf)ough bet r~fcrcncen ,’ere ext’)" ahn|abh., exercise too much prudt,nco iu am very feud. 1 beg the House ~,vt to ,6. IMt for that enormousperiod. --(’~rnhill are the favorRo away to ~’..)!, t)tk*, a sin.ell altd’ stir it Ul) tlr~tin Ib oil’. rlaku watcr" su|liclout to atul 8iberian squirrt,l as the froth rj~s, skim it off, put in e~,mot girlht~.l, ena h)ng tt) t)~. rvmumbero&" , oR; s Ramianballot-d,mocr, the most of I|)|1~o el,ell ~hont sire r)dled ~cru t.ats req?oct, ~poison. the matter frets thi~ dint~r~ ma ]’rmn ~ duris~t my ,ds, tm*t" cow)rthelint¶f; add hmrquarlsof salt, styles. The littN tunll’s have a I~ooket : .. ," " Mc~t~ir~ ’ gl~me~ and codttnub until they are fulL 1,0ml~r t~ rauk AndIhdda deed her e v~e and I’u|lu~ed her un~illi)tg tu mukutl|a cll’utt to @idher. lh,ur st) us tt) n)ix in the nu, lh~l batten’on (It|) th)) raisins in the l)t)ltO)u¯ three oancee of ealt~eter, nnd hull aito- on the aid~, urnantent~d with the head mq|bcrtutbc [,ar|er. whereher frlende awaited I[glda ~ AJess bravo heart than Itcr~t .),uhl t,,p |t)|tl gt,ther atni skim. ’lhea pour thisou the of seuto attiutal. ’rho little I)oas are her, and anlid~t I,hutsur~ and ghdtmss c,ded ha~o gi~rn up.locg ego, hut nut .he, "l’bc with rrPulU, slightly swel, tenvd. ~’~t.anon flmshed to taatch. bevf boikiug hot. the It0d night of her girlhood. thing had been dune by ethers, and surely she with t)uttat.g, or whatever you like. ¯ this ,tu,n,>ueltingas.. oh,,in whi, h cont,,in l,,ss=,,L Th fear there were members of the famil’ fffthe sober face Of his voice that i~- uencc. driven ]~erf~nkeeping i~ Reu.riser. The man of bhsiness, his st~iro goonest,is :IIe wasa manofstritt _row, for l)e wassuperintendent reality reituired. his bed the, fresh air of morning, not the seemed to e~ght or’ nine ef his’’ bachelorhood in’a dose chamber to be marand 001~fi-: said llulda Golda to h~r mother, as they stood given signs of a tottering business, and just "Mygoodness, man!" exclaimed- the doewithout capital, And-yet, I him for the. together looking over and arranging the bridal RuebenWest-had closed his manufactory and it’s a wonderyou don’t drive connection, or knowleflgo. It ends.ung~ he is aboutto take, I wasarrangmgT/ii~ ffairs-a-ct:or dingly~-,t h e-not e ¢’!:DonTTouthink you’re the think and expect s0mething very ni~, for dud. His friend could not pay it only fellbw that’seas-hard tim~s.. I]ere, Mrs: professional man ness ~cdin that-Iam cbnmea little linen thisp~cu for it," "and she maderoom ia the )hd nowfinancialN he, had no other ro- for this under-bandage, ,centre o-f t m~bl6T0-~thb cX )t.-in--pleasaro--rather_th~ and blue te mortgage 1ter motherdid not reply, and the yount g conplains that he cannot attd her lips and cheeks like grounds which he had been years in accmnulawith his talking. asked : "What do2’6u khink~it_will’ be, me. -tbn~aad adornin roses. I kndw that she is "l"m stirs vou’ra doing as well as possible; succeed. Why, again ? Because he has ,y_ be feared that this plan would hardly work in dead of in the winter when th.e water in the tanks would be frozen the Lady of Lourdes. The hive _~ates_the reck t~ ~nal size~-gn~i~t~h~ds ere "-- melt,forit couldnot,withwaterwithin and then ~V~-s~-/tndhis wi re. settled -d6wwas~eber~inar." onlygive-up e~nlplaifiiug,~and ohtai~empley~ is about ried pcoI le, in the pleasant andcomfortable meat of soma kind, she thought she would of advic~ to homethe t Reuben. hadprepared in thetown f~l~ ,o much’et~ )enraged--But-h, ~ seemM-utwherehe transacted busines~ terly crashed in energy: Perhaps, if she could net’s ; it was. sttceecd=henililh¢ he-encouragedto make.some ¯ all-will go well." as much to’him. lees. that third was more-inthe recommends-positioi~, she madehis homea haven of Rcacu Thus she reasoned and Tt~on-th-~-~-6~=~lis--gO_~6~-Q~]~er’~T for hei’ basiness~tossed hhahand. ~f,he pro- finally rewardedwith enougl~scholars to com- for there is s0arcel~r anything ’to be done come Lhe posed a ride or a walk, Hnlda never allowM meneo her school. Andnow she went abot~t in life to which the adage, "begin right." ment he fancies he has, in herself to decline his invitation, no matterllow her house of a m0rning as bright usa hum- willno~ apply.- Success is but asyno~ym all to vexed and weary, she herself migh~e~---~- ~nj~g-biri:l.-S’~eping.-eooking,- ba..king--h ever bably-outlast either of. as:we ma~ But all the soil of her innocent play, Clean soap and w~ter will soon wash away ; Maziy a ploasare in tl,dntier gilise, after a few eared. . ’I HE 8TOn Y-T:ET,_L_E:R. ¯ . --J/oney=by~--tit~Ton~ " -~In-Lds~An~eles Count~/m£the- b~s~ e rfislopeof the banFrancisco rang~of beeomo-ana~ -mountain~ and-inth¢-imme-diato-~fdi~- vents to.-worship = inter- the next rain er~ her to her devotions at the grotto. saw her seemed into ecstatic iufluen of the "’whole.- ideas eyes Showthat our F~nnyis leaking mud pleli - head, the water to be oSUpi~lied either by the commonwater-service, or by tanks She was also told tO buil~l ~.ahurCh 0n pending ruantities of and more hardened, until he becomes of this all ~fiibling is milch together will common-than is ge~ffdrally-s~ffp~d,-K~d~ 1’. Farmersthu flowers, declared" that she saw .a qamb[~s,fcrt q/our partner ious, its.cause has been thought-to her visits to the ualities he may possess to reai~le in the air ; and atmospheric mote- vision, commandedher he will net make you a so on, and as she did so once or twice ~ week, than to be cempolled to do the daily travel which such colonization would involve. But there triers. tire, . ---If’h-o~s~s become prevalent among men, ~s the church, and whose social does not seem as if they belonged to the been knownto extend h) brutes, horses, finest scenery of’ the’ Pyrenees. The tall last promulgated theory of how to make" We f~ncyourselves backto dogs,eats,arid,~t is ~aid,Wen htrdshavemounta/ns,’covered wi~hsnow,riseover cheapfire-proof are discharged in a way.best indi= present. buildings is thatof thecaredby tlie"relations named" It is the timeof the-French It~rvoluti0n,when beensimultaneously attacked. And in the ]~ittlevillageof I~0urdes. A fortified.Americar~ Artisan,accerding-t0-whieh commo~ for such m~a to get a" morbid and the]des of sanotiinstance the_ _ctmtcau, emblem of the Middle " partition w,~ls should be erected m amich. ~ .... " all that she had, and so used :hcr" faetioo; sought and employment. tea-set and breakfast urn every day at home, Withher patience and faithfulness, it ~s no akhoughher mother hinted several_times atthe that LIuldu’s.school flourished even trouble of keepingthembright just for Reuben’ most.sanguine expectations. Be- ~-it seemed, ~la- . .¯ .. "Reuben ~and mysdf-ai’_~jus~b~d-h~ out till . lions are immediate - ,On her brown apron and bright:, drooping ho~d/ Showers of pink and white blossoms are shed : Tied to a branch teat seams m~nt just toy that, Dances and flutters her little straw hat, wound.in .the side of his head. The man h&l been deliberi~¢ely marhis assassin had fled down the polica-oaieers-were’ in differences is not rend&edavailable and because there is too fro( no asso- ¯ ~: Bulldtttgs. an auctioneer~-Wca_enof Lo~rdes. This is the-epidemio-infltmnza to shrine_of’th~ as it is called t On which mankind has been subject for the. the most recent of Ll-tJteR0~J~it ~ :% t~g-=. is. a peculiar aild last thousand "years. In suddenness Of It is not yet fifteen years Since t a pecu~ ...... :somewlikt ; invaslon_an4 ~ubse~uent z.a.pi~ity__of~ liar Sanctity of Lourdes V/a-s~t 3~f~ff.b(~ happen, even in thebest-~ggitlated-cities;: .... -kpldariti~dn-og-~e Virgin to~--~-" a-yolihg ~tl~ere-~illTocc~ien-h-~~o’-Sfl-ff the outbreakflrSt occurring in "~’~ "~ % understand, althcu we know that it is UponWhose sole testmmny rests the grations. ~ In-~tbefirs~ plsl~e, i|o1 " ISeS I~IL and extending thence to the simply a modern legend that ha~s eonsecrated the cities are nece.~qarily close to each oth st, smaller towns, in the early descene. The vision has_been adoptcd~by and_eyery one of them_contains, eombus~. ls01atlon of Farmers.__ ,One¯ important bar 1 this . E wontan, areyou wall-eyed loper e.ery ,ninn,e occosted 1,ysome _ -. - .. ¯ _ r Lile Appoil0. ~- Letters temainlt Legal Nofices~ Mr.Editor :--Thearticle in last week’s L P’~At the ledde~ £1eot, nnirML-Itoll " -r~dilTarld-lt!~ h ibv-intenlinn-ot-inaking iCi~.--Ht is in~enselyGerm~ln, wilh an indu.trinus veople,andmostex- given, ~i meeting of Taxpayers, and citizens of "Maliiea iowushlp wa~held at Plea’san’t ~l/il’; School llouso, on Saturday, Nov¯ 16, when Dawe think-is vid N: Brownwas ai~pointed ¯chairman. and J’. principio.. ~tap[e x nmdulacrufi~dlt~ Abbott. Sec]ry.-i’aud’ the fellowi~’lg preami)lo Ilcrc in the juti&iun of a ehori llailroad and rcsolntioae Wereadopted: ii4dch has been corn p’leted to ]May’s Land; IVAereas. It has bnen for soa.etimv-’past tilo- SATURDAY, NOV’~10. 1,~72. HAKKONTON ATLANTIC 00., N. ft. inl~. the c,’mn o~gmgs, of i~h-e--Co~l-y until thi.~ road was ba, lt. but now it h right itl the ncntra o. ~ gravity.. There is seine good _In h..king backtwrlveyeaisandmore, since oar first el,it Tot/_d~Cn,t.’ty. wesee -h a r b.lr~ar-t ll:’s.a privilege, which is im- lot ..... ----well hlrni~hefl buildillg-thhl’w0uld dn credii to a .~icw augtown, TheI farm-hou-es app-aral cc of the place, it~l.large bhady fliiPnlenrs that /,~llow civi;Jzalion wi’lh ,’l.oaks, its ~liuihcEtl looking il6u<es, .and int,.dlident andtli.rlftv "lle,,ll!e who.have -ly]P. {If lirehitecturc give" it all air ol conic Into this regic/li Iron) Ililrlost t!vory clhiilort aq well_asL~ __~lm k ce_s pil:ii~i~u i-sin at sol hing, till success crowm,their efforts. trlelS ili ~’el here have ,,~e:.iled, 9il~aeted, ..... on.’]’ite, true key has lwi,n foinid that opf!li~ ill(, ResTdve,l, -Th~, i’l r il’uifsof sizo. They never meniion ihe$3.200 due tl!e Si~te ( present eh after of erdd Ca as limit.,its right to purchase and hold lnnda to any specific area’ont. 48 fi3 - - The ~ounty and Township ;are in debt aroh. elco,ion,) for which they arc prmnisod Work, iatho early 8ln’ing. Resolred, It is the daty o[all good_and to do: etl-io their powerall klnd,.t or ve~etallh,:. at~d invite eal)italists to d,,me idq.hi~y-F~eATeV~C,,uety. nd’ga-~f-the lnest ell’eetual m, _-They have good roods, .Izood :hat he Ios(~50 vntes in;tl’ - they dared ,~ot do il, but bn:-iness will b¢-eold--_ the ]1[. STRINGER, Prep’w" men to form’a coin. annoyanc~ in carrying and right hands, to .succeed. ¯ ---~ J_U~I’_]~ECE1VEI), a NewStock of Iglvln ~, ......... -l~--~~~: .... __t ~.IEtXELRY_AND~:ILVEI~WARB ¯ ...... .... ,, . ,, - " "-- of _ =" _Undc~b:h’ts, ;i "- Dxav~ers, Co’ton, Rufltiug. Ladies’ ,ndGcllt s Collars andCuffs, Gloves, Hosiery. ~0~good ~ and none more so than --~-~-- ~~_ "l’ --~_il~li ,.:, ~ O-’~i" " FINE_LOT :.-~ ~- Sh OP 0_0 ~__ .... " - " ~_-U.. ..L )Ien ad Boy~, at extremely- U~Vl’ri~es_--La--dies’, Misses’ . g die o1,, 50, 25c extr~ et, pi6s ca.n-i~ Mluno~rlcea8 at our otli¢~--siuglc cgl,ies 5 et~ es for 25 cts. ’ A ~.:.p?ete I’ica,r.l 11ist,.y qf tlc Times." leet b (;D¢¢~pest.-..d-~.*,st--~wet~ti|-. P.ompriai ’ varlet- and ’.y gave us, - .... --~i ~x,,t~, arc not exeelle4 rn Qai,lliy an.’t Cheapness. .... A _mazcs_aLthc_danee..__OhI ..... hint to Cavileer i "The l~ etc. 4..38 p.-m" ~ountymeil9.41e.m. ¯ It~vasa verypleassntat-. LeaveeMain B.oad0flice20 mieutes _fail, judgillg iron the nunerousp!ea.~a.tnbou_t__tp__tbe IIAIiDW-A1"I~-LIN E,-is-.t-tbn ........... -iarli~ ,rvand-a r riv es-20-minutes-later-- we saw there, To say thatit was HARDWARESTOKE vf]l. D. dg J. W. fO ~lol(gv ORnZRt#i, rlcz’--Especial attodthm |aces _i called to the mouey, orq~--s~lasa sitf¢II_EP_~Y_, cor. EGtt iIAltBOlt ROb.D& really_:an ct~jvsable_affair .......... of all kinds= Croekca Corn, Corn-and (has. Ont,, Cou’ta and ]"inc bleM. ghorts, Ship~tuff, Bran, Oil Meal, otc." A Lihcral l-)lseouat to pu~eho~ers of Five ilu dred Pounds. fear ofcasligation befbrehis eyes, opened =~, avoided nnd ot eolir:-e We Guarautee p~. n Good Article ~ at . I’rict~s __ an Low its the i,owel$ Advertisemuut~ POll ,10he. and |hat ~oo,t sailors. ~t’e kno~\ for wc parF-<n| ’ our rights have -Ile*ohTd dnd i,iterosts~u , We ph:dge the lu,’~r oureelvesto aa[1 high’- ~lf the Township Com mitlee, A’orh’e~f rke-1)re~s. tin the own i’oa-~-~ pay o ru ri,,dic~, l I/on the_sam~ ,~e~k. This wilt be strietly-ad- __ (a~d ,’ire -----l)O~ConlHy !’~st to evfry inhahitant in i~--wlml R,s,dred,~’fh-a{ we resent the-insult offered" by tho last Board of Freeholdcrsef’Aflanfic trils’nf 931cs,_eapanou~ hotels, ne’~t eotlaee~, nlnnerouq balhin~ hollSes, its healttif’ul miccs=fbr-sll~rf~.,r ¯ Tho~’cr-y_pleasantand-thrivin~ Iiith, resort, yet) his bhtcrcst i,ersnns, on _ [[L~tts of il(cga’,~p21~s - ef bi_~] ....... as an orglin ef-trpln. 9 mtdn. the pc,~ple, not ota " Ring,"-as-ie~?i~im~V/~77acnd.ue:Thell<’t.t,L.I eour,~e, whole penplc. but of the ulins a positive i, illd 6’onrler.J,,h,hol. -| al probtem .m--~-~Lgff/d~ ~ Good,sweet, telnpti1~g~ is the but--~-te:jiistx’cc =.{-,’,,,,’--~r,,--; ,,,--i;,hl--7;,,-7,7-~;:r-.u,,d,, h~,,----’----; ,7, ~r:- ll,rctigh tile ’liarren reRions Ihis side, woiild tic pleaSailtiy SUrllrised on e Inlllig -- titll,Of Iho |el’ClOt lilld Slaillii fills a honsoalid 8nch llelinllfnl ahh; to elilOpelo with :tqy rurM district ill "Jersey, ill a vory|ew Years. Ihllt our (.~nunty i~ nl eOllsiderable ilnl/tU’lllnce, nllll pt]sses:ott Iliilliy fneililieslbr tnal, in/4 Iiitllli]~/, n,ld in bt,hahl l.o sui’rllllnd- oountrl ~,.i It0 we t’xport t(,- lie. I’ettlrns Io Wlishingto!: at all !!its ;Viii" b:lqir) ’/’ ’ [?rilniW, ill hlll~nheail ~)uii.,h.~ [rlilil SIlO It) It011 llOUlids), 10,1/lilt 1o Spahi, 15,11111) [l’dy, 15,UUI) to (~l;rlllliliy, 5000 to Atl~- ¯ hly (lmlld’h<l, ~ l,cene,l,.l (lUe~i: HENRYHOPKINS, iill I ¢1)¥. One ’-rhratl~l i.,..x Ert¢ll’. llall, on’l’uce&,y, Jim. 14. i’hiluddphlalis i,.v. rai~ed a fun,1 td llillXl.l?.ltl Menit.. i. A yinlng lilllll it idhO~lt’tili lit lilt: Ew,r elt lluu.~e, .N, Y., a thw liighla i, il,lx,, wan~erit)li,~,’ bhten by a rit, ol the r)’ui,T the lamily .t Iho late Gem ]IAItPI’.B .t: Bl,’trl II I:Rq, New York. ........ ......... F. P, VANDEVEEAR, Boots and Shoes. ..... T I dolilll llri,lill~ll Io IolfftllV owii Ill01i~ .. The "tlllAl,ll’Y .I Illl~ welt.kilOV/li vai¯hqy I keep .MtiST .’-I’:IA, TIIEM, The (h...~ are OPF, i;tlit IN,ql’l.:lYrltiN. iilld S1;I,i. ()N TIII,.’IIL ,%11,]11 l’l’S, lilll*lh’iihir allt, lltlliil Igit t~li lit I~USI li‘%1 tVllll K. ,I;I.tf -~ Oyst,;i’s! ( ysters ...... AND AT P A CKEa’S llil’.’li’17 lilli, ll~ illiillit~i lilt Ills f.r llliVlll|( I[,i la iri l.iit,iir qli,,I, tiH,’rIh,ili 0,1¢.rlit, l,lrl. I -lii,ll~0,111i ¯ i,iltlvllilv i’}i~lll,,,r I I I, ni ~lltiug 1. Fh’. Ill2f i.il.liilllt rg lh., h,,i,i lil. iij,ii iii ~,l,i.lligly i~ll ~il I tlt’lll i i ~i I’ II E/iPll~ I lit~ i lll’itlll’.i, itlid llll t:OOD il. Ihl) i,ll.i. Ib ihtl iliii, iI ill llurllvl. Also v ,.kcd i..,i,l,i ,i. ill.lii, I. ’liilliishll lilt lla,I lall,l~ li Ill t i.,I ,,~ lilinii,.ilVi. I~ r~lit,"llillI.Y io’i,’,h.,I. %1’, II. l°4t¯Kt,;IL. i I’llIA I. _i (’CA I, ! 0hina,’Glass &Queenswar0, N,I 3 ll/ N.rtll Seeolid I~ltvvt lliit¢li I Ol,l,~h~%i’,,,,,I i~ttrvt, I’IilL.~DI<LI’IIIA. " 40 ]ta. Moitl- loA. St. 3~rk’s l,]l~iS,(}hureh. "~=----v=’===~--~ ..... 1s72. ......... muchnet tcr iL]9o_k.s_..tl!.i)]:ldy. W,.. it all clea(,:d, andSiillli; u!ce -h~tl~,,~-dwxer~Th~a rso n a~e ou~ht,:tOhere. l]ot,t nntctl b,i.lc’r--itm chun’h eonlpany o t-ii-.4ii ti-g-li I: liboot hard times andh igh7771~"¢/i~. Th-~F¢i~rb~ivariety ~ Ida: Ma.v L~clge". 0f Oond- ’l’t, .. l’ osier thoTeaohvr~ IiIMilnlo’ll Wc. hlivnhmkt’d :all Uiu__wc~k.’lt)e. jt.__~_Vl: C~lt!.~l tmt__!l.; 1if I-]AiVIMONTON, .N.J. ~e -.a.~t..~- l#!b’llY2...... tip ’ ...... A bARttE AND COMPIA,]I’I’] ASsOWrMENTOF thplars -~ h,, i:lll ill’ Tliil~ lrvilig, I"q.,I llii,l i.’,’i,y gh’ls. ()ar Irh,ntt~,hi’o ii,lill.ll ~i{] Otllt ’.[’E.%lPI,A IL i i" ils J’:/w,md, Nm’. 26, 1872. GllA’NI’I .h)’ltOllS. ............. I),~i~W, Fi frh,lids shllnhl hnvl: [itr ~i~i.,,l il It) li..t, Allrl~,i l(elehilnl. I~ill,,,lizli ~ Ihiwli:% Ail llu.hllill-, I1 ,~,~, F ?d,.hh:t,, (Ircal. rush h,r hlli~- Ini lii~li..ilt lillrlii,~ ~iiili’l I~ lliH, y, " GiI.,in lhir::hilr.ti. thlli ! Fall >ish,siillW rl, lidy, Slid" ,n ’ .h~-,.ph ii En~li,.li, ,I illl,,:~ )l(iOl’C, II ,’4 t~li,i~lliliii, t;til’l t’chhillS, ehlih hiii~ iuld ell lie. Altlo’ ,I .,,i,h Si,iUI, II T %%’,nllill(lii!el lilt" it,~iirlllilqil (d’ ill,nl i,hihh’cll~, gllod~i ’l’,,Ivl ~ fibrin, J’~s,:idi J!,lrl,iq,, varhiu~ styh’m. Oilr g!"lit -.lwdtl v -. ~’~"Uli°lli’l~i’llll~iJll’ ¯ Z l’~i i]i,hlili n, l{ ,li,ll,t Lt L,.,01s. Silk [llllS. it| olir (iWil iiiliiliillleliirllo inliil -’t/~ ll’cl,,i,, rit, k Ch,ver¯ [a II1" [’]I rl,’l ’l’iilIMAH i%1SI,;F, ii,~. lllb,l,p,, t]~Aild, rson. ()h.irh.rl {.h.llrl.y, . - Iq.,TIT JtllliiltH, N01. "il bhli’th 2ci SI., I’hih. { lharh,.C{’,lllliiii~, ¯ -. ,lllliid I’li:ilt llliili, l,]lilli’h ,J .lilt. .i ....... ill l~’10r, il’~, Pro|. (Jrawhlrll’,,i ll.eliirl, In.~i i,vi,iilii,J () vilh, E ,H..re. U,.i~,*l I’~ll ’. h;~rst. upnli ilia ’~ ~nnbo:lni," was full ill ii,,lallit’q [| Wri~hl, fl,,h ,,l~ II I(,ikbl’ide, titl’n(Hion. !1i. i’IIn’rilUvlllwI,r, luuili i T i,ililil, l’0i.,,t;. ,hdu, I(rall. l’lll, i:llistrlltiug i,,ll Ileal, lb.,hi lilii| i,i,hil ~,\’ii ,lilt .~1li ig, Iliillli lllil’l’llhil ,J ,i,i , lli,’,,llililll rays whivh lll’O I,lun,lhiiho blllllll’fllh I Ihltiii Alhll’r,~lln ,i ,i l, li ,, ,ill¯ l’%i0rt I~’i’illily iii~ht i~ Ihe l;i,~i ill Ids..olir.,, Silil01i.l. ,~iilllh, I l,,i,l",’ tl~i~,l’r, ]1, lln’rc "AriiliAitl l,:ghl, iiiid Ih~,it." I t~ lbilllli ,~lllil211iiwi’c~l ,hihli llliliiliUiild " overyhll¯dy. ’,\ li i,iiil ~*llll01’alii [ oi,i.i,i, 7,itIlilll, i ,I,.hil ,~ Ih,~v, it, l,’ |h:lvr..ii~ lililll;ilveniPili~ are ilia, ordi,r lit Ali,,,rl’ iil,yi.r, ,I.bii ,M,,I Ldilllli. th. day. 31r. ! I, i ~, Tiliou b.ll,lili~l lantil!, M,.k Ad..~. II, iiiliiiili ~ql,’i!hlinnl 1%Viii. lliilig all the whih’ ill lih’lislt Iht! ll,’lll,h, %%’111hire I I’] ,i,I, .\,lani% II,,hry t ’l lllli,q’. midIhis bi~t lilii] I.’.i lililillglqnl!nl in Itp! i I,i i I 1[, rduliliili, ’l’hltliili~ I(,,’,rs, 11, i.ll,lil I’,d,iu., "li, l~l-,lltlcll i.l dttidcllly nh’t’, luind.lul.. llvit,~ I, ,,.. II/,’ i I’ WiI;2hl, nnd vcr7 i’tllllCliil’lill In whh:hhll hits illlilt,hut,I ~’:,, i,i)., ,li ~gll.i Ihql. lllnllihl a dozen or IllOro h,¢k-box.,,lllr Ih-,ry II Ur. I~ id lil,r’l !lark, { ~lilli’li.~ lt~ h illiOy W, i~.ldmn, th,l eonvcni,~lit’,t .I bu,~ille.~ Incn. We i,’r~..lltVillhiin I’ Yi,iictl ¢~ il!rlul I;,,l[. dOll’t wondnr hc and lli~ ¢lt.rli~ ur~ tdl tire |.rat’l S.ihh, I’ic, rl,,. $1 Ih~wen, whiloso husyattel~diug tocu~i~mers. It hi, . rill,lilt ~2oldt..ryl Auio~ lhllhlck. e.rta~ tlitl!u right. "$ ’ .~91 -~,0~~e;~-/ra-nT~ni’--A-i’ENUr,~, ~ . 6fSIIOE TOOLS, BItUSIIE~ ..,.=:~.. ~ =l~t, aLahom=x~b#dLlt~~ tWll’.’.lhill_ IllS. ~i~i hy.havew,~ tell hud ii reporl i,’, IN lii he.I lill,llllll ~ lliid ihl|l, iriit i~htl,i hidhLei,i~’h lliii| l~¢hu~ll,iil i.i,lll.iifliil) uuliiihd lied I.Jl .,ih, ehvnp tliF rllPli I |iy tilt Pnli&l~tlb¢.r¯ lllrdl lllltlinhig Nil.ilia lilili. I will sill lid ~ll )’llrd ,,n ’I iicldlyll, Thlirldijtl ilid i%shihll)’l, lllller dilyll Itiii be fouild al |ililio. t°vill hlelud lhiJn ,h.~ll, d. ti. F. SAXTON. lla,.mm, l,,., U~l. 22, 18%-.. t3.11ah N~, 12, lad to see that 1’~cv; Mr. Passmnreis clearing up hi~ lot on 12th !st., in Ihe vlelaity it. ill! l{lar,~ulia~{~7 woLIJdll’t it? ~fes! And IIl@~.Intiff itt,,m iti .ur last is...ue in ,~ayweill, ispi~uking el the Woolen Mill, by die lake, -weMlould_Al,,~,=.<aid. J,;:~t;ph 1’. Mr. Editor /--While-" down~ll,We"~, E~./~iis-i~i~l--ot-’l’lioma~J,]vans,- -W’e -~.h.r4_lililt;.~.siilt:e..Qline t i our l£111peralllm li’tidt:rMn, ,it 9 at~-~-~rx’e-c ~c d;_ ills, IIE A l,l,:it _j!ammonLcn~ for:~escaping lag ~ervlvc eonilill~lit~l!s Ill 10.~ .l~Allll’ ....... l,i,, " . ...... ni,,n_iulnicdhitc.ly_alt,Dr~t|~irunnz ~t,1~ .,l~hltolh.z lodges°Illld it.nlt,l.r~ll,l’A, th: Ill 71’lit’rill, I will Male Illlil "hi. / ~t311ulil Ill 2 .I I, ill. ¯ I}i’, .. . .all kinds, tl~( =H""=-= ’=-" =’ ............ " ~7{6~’t,’ir-:d~i;’hikt--iiiirthl ,y I.,,,lg~0; N,I. ~, ~’’="":"’-i is i,,, ~ ~,’v fl.,un-h ’(u~lll-" ll, o~ ..... ¯ the- atlerllotnr iml,’gi~o, COliilnot,Cilig. tit i; l;i.. V.lidilion with a lUeliiber~liili uI 611 o’clilGk.. , .tl v. hillll 5~ itroIII 12{lllll .qtqlil|illg. Thl, . Withhlthe lliisi Ihri,tt !,l,l.,,:~,q l.l,{li ,ill4,. illt,t.I, ill l’o~i Ofilcl; ll~lll 1 it~lliUr ; ........... --’ .... --= ..... ~:-17~}~.l;[;i,u",.:i.eliin-t|i-e--l[inil{’di: .......... ,i ~l’ i vi iilill!v, arid IS lil’OVltl~ t Wllli I~ tlttlll lli ’ lit lllll to-viciui~-J-ILl~h’/~; itll.~aLiifd:tl --t0.iit,i~l,lllO--:iOtLJ.ILO-i~tLCl~r-.~JLliil~L~llLliihl’"r-x~-1--~-10 - was~trolling al’tlUlid ie ,hdlli I.,I igl lilli t- -[{ ah’~ it lit ,~ (,,r,.sl!iiicll hy Ih0 |lit.ll,l S.cil!lyl I;,I,,t’, R~rtlen, inhill bit!Ill ill ihll I,lacu. 311. hylho 1,]riu I[. ll,, (.h,., l’,il $|li,01t(I,I)0(I, ’l’llll ii-il is, will riley Igi~i it? illlin~ II,i,m.~ io iltlrno.t t:ollh, rl4. w|iii (h,Piiylnasier Ilotlg~L li.hll, il, w!ll be, rei,ria, aliti Irtuii ’,lit,tlllll tti .ltl Ullll 1o Eilgslro hi Oilier il,hl liiiinn|iit~lurllil~ tllllolilielllbere~] t i, va~i~eiilellei.ll Io tl~tl y.llrS _]and.’.’...._: ....... -’. =. ini,,., in lhi~-vlciliily, aloha,ihaLhih, lli’l.qcs. [hrtn’il: or/lllllClSt.~l-l~rfli~v1i~; ~ .......... .2 ",Lilow_iUtloh__lollil¢.oll_d~l_lo._oi/Ittlt) liiO-. --Ilirpd.~mmten .’Ttm’-,mba/zlement~o t-Pribtir ,hllil; lit a eOtllilrv l/]~leo, exeelll niiTl’liliin ih]~t, lillntry i.i lllV hir chewing lind IIItlliey~ lias heeli i~arlhlned lly the l’r~’,.ilvatl,r.hn’ the nllils spokcll of, are iholl~til,~ linsilie4~, of wlihdt w~.’ire wellslipeauffing’/" denl. imts ,.I licrvs of (!rauberry had. .th,d ill llrL, l-t’~nl, Bi,t I~ r nilinulh01ini ’ t’l,ttUlilll,UO0l~nu.a,b.Thls.at If) conts Thl~ N, Y. 77nle,¢ iuihli~hl,sa Ihi ~.1 ’i’~ Ihn inlrlh ill I,]wocd i~ I h,a’~lilil hl.~ hcilhi,~,~ llllr (’iiunty olt’ers nially ui’in~r Inilliill, vtould anlOUulIt) $21,Oti0,0110 l,’l~ holiih.’hle~ i,onlii]iltcd ~llll-, on ilio i.ihlil] P, I rlqilli whi0hSelTe~ ill NewYOlk valilagu:.l, lind fro’ ninny khid. id’ I’i~ih h Wlii~di floes i’i ,, Iho haliids el li it} .llrodu II, fiirnbh power for Ihc llam,r Mill .I withiu thlcu ylllil’l% liliil lily.-, I,f’ llie lilqi~ IIIOt cxc0dh,d. Bill ine]1%vuH.t nlqllOy cer. $ It),00t),tP.i.i, I ’.q;oold eay, goes-to , . .: F.rralta who~lrn nmmll’aeilirtn~- ilaliei i],,ro a, e~’,,rT’wllol’eob, n, ,,, ,i,, I,u.~ine~.,tho I,vl:dl dl:alor. ’l’i,i. h.r ehuwhlg and inhriiini’~ td i livi;{/ il’ll~e lies "0,dy 42liiii,’( uud llalll.r l,ags ill hugesize hlr fhnir, &c., licell conyh!led, nid hnlo hntlg. (hil i01 siiullhig alone, lilid thal i. lully lira ct, m- rio Old.V~ hllvc h,.cn r. II’l,lit’.i~d,ll, arid Ihoir bu.hn, ss i. inerea-ilig. In il,is pllilisl.The ihne iilliiroiu;hti~i whorl thn slibincnlltlliidiit! ill l ll~ Mory. ~l’Oll wouldde- ni ,tit. (~illt,. hit ~i"ili L, ii lii’,]it,t,niliU, ~it~h,ily tire I llrnlf i lull hlivn bCt~ll i!nh i~ a tl, -t, lh tliln~ v,’ill,ho itl’llicht,iI ilir thlt ~/’r//luile .tllllii ut ilie ~iol~hlg ~tiilisties." ~ont,~iie,.’d ~,~ hilpil Olllffiil Ibr lift’, II .... led lhr lliaily" $t’lll~, iilid iu a. itri Ii abh :.,d Titn¢t. Wehilllo ilelulldieilns celery ’ Well,ho,v Inaay til.ttal’el were tilniiked InuIi ill2 r, cilll..t New~’tlrk the i,lir,idi,-t: ill" nnliih,r. ~hvrllwill i’l,nivni|ior ’,vhieh ill’ iht,.~v IWli Iot.i $tnll, 7" ors. l,:lnt lilu.hllr Cily, ilv. Inilna.hi.hiw El. ilapers mi.ul hv lh,oln lit il:o i~olhh’al " Aecordhlgio (ion. I ll!ar,i lii li(in, Io.d, eli the (). A..li, 11. wa,qlSi,lih,i Ihn. )lh]),iwJA il:ls h.l’ll ll~l,,diil~d ililiql,iitttl jU I el.,’nd~ liiiil lqlliill o,’ h hi collected 1he la~ un lll,,lill Ihl, re wt.ro 1,Maili -Ih, l lr,il ill ih,, ..Itl lil)’. Ill .lll.ill,l llhhin " low yearshi (]erlnallS, aimi~ i, rlllilllh °lhe ’.l~’lliv:l t’lililllili..i niiiro rlliill332,’).111,11Ill i igars usedhlllL yeiiro ’ These M,,iii-lh,u M,,,,,h,, ih,e;l~.l,d still i~ ulIpliee el uiinshhirnilhl hill orlallel!, agrll, iiliiill inatler el li,~/4{led tt qlialhy,, whhall I~i’i d to 1hellcp:iri nlVlil ill iIw ~inilll, l~ 13:2,’qli,lli)o vigar.~ wereret-il,,d, tit Ili ttgrolly, ll.!’. tim gtapq i,t ctlhivalrd, ih0 retiorls of Iho ]farliiel’s I’hib. aud I’ttlilS aliie,e. .’q. lie siiilikell ull, hi i ll~ ’ llml IIlhO oroll8 i1"12 lillW il ore last season niuoh nlhor lliatlvr~of ’ T .t, I’lt,li.l,rv I,lil.ile, i~ lit the ell,s., f intl.’rer.t IO olir o niflll)’, ht..tl .Veal’, ~l,l,l,..I,6li(i wllrih t01 i,ns ~l, .- ylt-,t’lday ivl,ie : (’lilrl lit, v, ~,N werea Iqtllipll’l il they can lie Iliads Io i,a$ tarniing t~onilnuuiiy. As lliO Tl’i/~lOIr llan ttlhileth , ’ Ibb ,l’-’J ’, Iql’rml Ih’pl,~ll ill h,~al il,ildviIlll.ylliert) Ihl’y can hu hcit, ill #hot,ii sought olher Di~iuros, I,,i,, i~epublit,ails ’ llowliilit’h w,i~ s:lviit flir tlour ll,vil’~ ’ ill, iv01, Illll,i,,ii el c~,iiifi¢.,ilV, id ,|l,l,li,..li, would llll |il d IO tilld bclh.i It)okhig and eeck their Iiol{th’al knowlcth-,n ill that ~;’_’I~ 7,’~5ti, lii; i.~,ili, $Tl,i;kt’, 71’~~ 0¯~ilil ~’ | SlilipO~.oub, ilit ~’21111,1itiii,i~lll." ° heifer tlavore,I ilrllln%’.i thin or. grl.wll cvrlihl,,i e ¯¯ ~IL~ilill ;l,hlltl llilper which upholds llild icaclles li’ne ’~ Nl~wiliat Ihlle,~’l;13,2:21,11illl w-~ Imhl hi.re, and flidn whal ~’~l olin h~rll lid> IL,I,Ult’iclul Inii ei lie-. lilit Ibr ri-.ii:, llldy’; h.w lliti,’h wouhlil t!~eo i~hlilli’qvliig hi llllilly pallienlur>. Iq I,,r rl.,~m~ i,,I.:ltco, ~illlll ;lu,l ri~...il.. , (Sa,’e,, ~, ,r ~. I’;lIWIN~l t,:.oN,) q’liere arc ’huir new-l,ai.,rs ll, ril, iwt) hl "’ .ll,.l iiear It.~ | e,ili t,~lliilalb h, ili,olil ’l’he ill, ll seal, bin el die l.l~<’i~lalure will the l.ngll~ll slid two, hi the Ill’liiillli bit. 2.1pot trr d’ I|’/io!r,wt/c d" N,’t,lll lhabr i. ’ltI.I,’li ill il lllllttil i t.ontelllt nl llll,~ ~llito (’aldial lit ’l rentolll Klilll’. OiIhc tlvriliiili ivii,t,ie lie t.illiriot elaak, but t,f Ihe ,dr,ors, tl,e J)¢-filochit is i well couductvd, ~t,iey io.,,ltrq Pat. r, though llurporting to bo iltlbli~hvd Addre.~ ~ Money at J: eiatiot?, at lust mcetiifg, brought105pe~ -- aml-intere.~t of a majority of the tax.payers oi Teruill ........ ihese~ e,~ntaitiing tnuay neat, large, well IL. R.. whleh we .pltb!ishml last week. tho i nwa,~h!p o( Muliiea add C,,unty bf.Atlantie ¯ ]~rc-ident Grant i§ disarming.politlcal II3.nrl~n’s Wm:Kl~v~ oneyear.~ .............. $t.00 ’D.M. B]t0WN~ Chairmau. ~h~-hlffiii:nsb nuulbT~l~-nf rifflers it t~rl<nnllh~rs, and hl~lh.fillders ily doing the art) d.:ng lhiiThlg hu~bfe.’s~ S,,lUe lnanliAn Extra Copy of either the M.toAzls~, -had ht~t ~unllut,r, Tli~ railro~.| ~,nnlt~al~y. J’. IL. ABBOTT, S,c. very iI,i.~ th¯ey said lio would not do. WEF.KI;V,.nr l.l.llZ.%AIt will lie I~iillillled gratis.for lactnring, andwliero. , rt,shh.,,,li,oi,’ltl,r_i¢-evliry (Jhlhaf-.l~Yh~o-~Ttlb~vvillero-ilt.t.l-.OD eachi-lu- -ha~donn-nlu(di-tm~ii~md-olt~,ht m douinre;-[[~7ha.~-milde.- severa}--very-..-imporlanl onerelilillnnde, or/~ix ColdgS-ror$."U~’%v]lb’oat" - ~it~t 1 ll-:..aco " ...... wldi th,, fl~ -t~.lI tit -cI,]ly~, liouSe,"for anl’~xcurslon[innsc.to wl/ieh_ Tht) New~_~gj’k C, otz!tn+rchtlAdverther Civil Sel;vhm ]{t, forlli. in l~ff_ecL_disre" ~ul,seripti,,n~ to I[ARPPtR’S .,~i .’ldllrett% h,r Irlno ~year thnusand.~ iln~;k durini~ lira hni weather. htrldsbe~ 4.he tbll,)willg catc~iielic,ll state- ~ar,l .l tl~0 ph,a Fl:gs ot polilieians. Eveli I.Y. eIl(i BAz31tlte ano t .’-=--~ of I! ~vl,er’e~Prriodicatz;-ttrotlr,~w " " ad,lrcss for cue yelir, $7.1ie. ijiufit rehtthig to die eOll~Ullallt[on tit "varioltq hll!lr(ivt~lilelil:t ni’l~ Ih~[ll~ liinll¢, [):il.l,o _l,aint h[.~_liian.as_.l~li~.Lllill4l!Dr.I~t!’.!ti_l!ldt~!’_ th.’/: A’a,,d.,rs 9a!Ll0)~!ll,l!li~d ht.aii 3- tlaln.JlA WI,.EK 1.1 "_un d "~ l._~rn wit~-o v o i I lli’l~n’s. Fihla, hilt | e noniilt rg/’6"llllih"’~eilt l;’Y:"f~i i;J~s; "" ihlco...nt -i.it.--|t;w-.ychr~--i~rowt h :--W, ILv= l ’i do y,fli re¢ogliizc hi eoninll:rct, ’i tire. ~OliiO fit’ ollr ho.~l eil’~,#.(~ll~ live io ~fre,i el eXliqil~l,J f.l~ ~,7,1)0~lL"dh. ..4 (Jliia/ltell ....... best fiLiei t. Ri)xhr. .... :-lnouth- niilht-’are ~ouic. llve. allies-- ;~onlli~ 71/tlillitlC *~’rtlcllliilili~ihl/~ ,%lr~J’teeN |’o/lime%teliloli re~lii’{Ikhl-I~ai it-the’,? fig." (.ItY. Oi..lr ~,nuliy in shout 32 nuiltllfcasiiil Ibo rtle~l’~b’tb icr vliio-,a .... the homealltl phlce of linsiiles~ el S. l~’. it-it i/lfiTl\::l~Yi,,r Trtinihull WilI dl,eliiw ]’r,:l’gDI " ll,lw nhcmi ;null’? ..... Ot (’.rltru~eqf tile Jtllt ,’]1,’I#+0% niiles-lon-", and IS Inih’,~ whle,Ithll’il u’~, ill i ¯ ¯ CohvMl.& Broi ll/)i’~ whoiilso rii0. II ilalii:ikccl)~ro~_:in.q.a,q_~y_e. 1!83_’_o:|’qr_lhO Iii~Lli~n _10_i~0rve ,0. (J.lllirlli;lll.llt’ lho Jlillil~iary_ ~ll~ ~ lie; rage-lin- |[.t u I,t;ll’i.i.JlV 14 i;.l~ t.WTtll-20-_ ].hat-:!s tclmlod¯whh the chewhig tti.......... -li-anll doaif-i;x,’o,TsivCI77~li;/~: I"i,~i-iqlllld ii Vi,lir t~hh:h illiltiL lie llahl tit iliuttuln, clit!lli tl’l (i Lie 1tot we welbis vqryattraeuvein ils It)ealhln lilld an op#ortultity _LOGALM!SGELLANY. lly our best :det,~.jn cea:.~’Wilh a eireuhilion of c.emiev. gave-tjl_eiti scrvouss-o 71-67i77i7u711 -ir ......... :hi." Jif~ llhhqrntiolis or ]’ ’j and MixedFhumcls. l&ints, Dress-Goods,TowelingCotton... ........ ! ir you.g folks on the Lake. ._ - Arriee__p~rom_P~~m. 5.25p.m.C~untymailat 4.38p¯.m. . S .... MECHANICS’ TOOLS, and a thoutand MAIhS,- PHIL.AD’A, pa. -- " ....... ¯~e=t h6ii ~_ h~t-6i~ld Treael~rc~.~M. D. DtPuy. rid-Bit tDA lrP~ l. ]’,-TSI .... inad~ of this, i,,creasingtax~’iou. liue All Oo6ds 1n-theabove .~venue. A large Stock constantly on hand of vsrlou~ gra,lcsand prices., Whenyou ass his teem, " and Deed goods iv his line hili|l l lie driver lltiti give your ortlers, or send them in kay-wayy.u please,~n~Lthey, will i~o-earel nile kttended to and the goude promptly deliverild -- FREE,OF CIIaROE. ~MS-II.~,A~2111~ . ¯" TOWNOFFICEltS- ~lerk--G~ F, Miller.Ot~ce - Oouacll ~H. G..Valentin% J. J. WIIOLESALE AND ItETAIL. dryer o! a repeai ot° t,nr rfiad lawat the " - ..... ..... ALFRED sqm9 oiour_ ob~irte nionth. , t o-9-P~-. -M;if@r".CIQ) ?]lf.*.oat ]or.future referehee. FI,NE (;el, i--_ .S_O.0!E_TI~IS. .-, ....... U CIt~A-N,M_D, ¯. Local Auverhsement%"l: ..,- -- J-)~ailroad ,.oh as W-hat we knowaboutLow Price treatment of Diseases of ~-AND-CHILDREN’. " " - ]~TeW’ Building, -I~ugtliig-us~iul-tir-liele. -This:nswpat: - " -- __~ " ~ ." ~ , - " --W6d~esdayevening/at Union ~/-i -B~-A~ssodCtti , -~-~-JlecMmle~-L~-& allcw theiu;portant fact toescnpeyourmlnd, llhatiics’ Hall, last Mdndsy.evemug in .each ~t into yourllmeket or ~towed away in - man t-hT, ---- satchel, occupying very ]ltt~]-6 room rate. ,These sel[-~.t~ are issuing circulars, calling uponthesa.fcC°nsid°redand spcedgi°enrablecure, ca~ee, and guarantee~li RlaCU-Lmm--i -- lii..ed, tax¯. ." soil hi lualkct hartof’the season iti a,.l o,.hl;r i)citc, of thq puny of Nejv Jersey at -calv,~iiIIT-ds-~d6~-v.s posd~le-~-inil~nig~rate, and . he admioisters ’l dnse or-- -~ seek someetlier’l eath, n. ,,here they will n,,i ell80~" A. PI(’ARD, 805 _ ............ p( or-)_]~lP.li~h t~the R ,rid.mere. i~nd ............... ..-. _ ....... _ .... be ~p!+ressed by tho.l,aip6sition of eoormi,llsl.v.. diql¶’*i"< .il th,, ,~/1:119 ,]nle tn soft-soap 80~ ~rch Street.]Philadelphia. ’ _wh01e_w_bhh high_ul~.:.e -=" .... IUtnatl IMronTl-:n,,’IIAst’FAI]TUnF.I~ o!" Ailo I):-:At.]ZR I~ " _" .; Iho nn " eXI I R,solved, [’lint if tho t~ta of taxation be eoutie aed. it will retard a II AND EYE GL t.SSES. euhivaling tile soil andI)rhlgi.~ st’ iruil, am9unt ltN-II 7p- uraucd-all-persons_soekihg-a_h a tw;ll t.-do-a ~/me-iaNe w people. ’rlfis.-eetion hasllcdfi.the homeJersey would avoid Atla-tio Co.,ahd especiall), ati :xctlteqt a small apply re the Lolrislature In ~’~y’s - ,ceumq~l o’clock .......... ouae/ every ~,ailro ad avenue¯ 20,000 eases of .D[seaae~peculiar tO, r~_~row n .~-On every-hand-you .......... ’ Grain; Flour and Feed Store, Hamburg. Both ~r~e~: Ivery . MIt B UCIIANAN,-M=-D.TP~r ~,wl,,c~ aro-hcing--P~fi;up-$ of. Mmwlvr.nr; devotes epecial attentior to the -swe.e%-a not paratively .... ~l~-lfi~f~-e"ilrae- .Spoonerand Mrs. {;3nthla of N.B; - ~h~l,0r--’i~’/~tf~lysolleitsthepi-tr6n,~er his-tTi~ndi t/. d~!l/i publl~in-lnu~]at hiS--- have 71872, 77~r ~h~t~be~-y iie~o in 1871 ---’yenr~ was-so.sidereal.--7 . ]la/bl;,~l/nla~l;"i~/yieJd il’he,.~.s, It tilers is a ceirapt: administra’tion, both in our aud Mu!llca Township, that it h.~ io--offico-hwrc~-boen "~s il/at-(li-o th P. Avery. -, ~t. Mark’sProt.Episcopal--RowR. T. Roach their owu method. The stores wcro D.D., cilicia-ring. Service at 3 P.u. clo~cd andbusiness ~usponded,except for UMeersalist apd Unitori’a..--Uniou ~l’all" a short ime in the l,lrning. The d/ly t t .............. l-mrpdio;-ahd fo#tha ~ef-- ......... WDereae,The taxes in Millllc~l Twp.L/eve, iu the{ :tmr l.;elientfion~, the -been-re .r~-sderi’oa~il- ffoh.n [i _Sto re=Around=e C(i - Dobbins, - nn-/mah~I~ftin-G, k-sisted by Revs. P._Cliue, and J. JohnMeC3y, lit - ~ Thanksgiviug-passedoff- very quietly und pleasantly. With manyOf our cifizen.~ it was kepi; iu good01d Now England style. Service~ wcr~ held in paying tho illegal "’ CrowleyBands."and downthe shdro are iound as ii~-~ Tarntsas- oim t;eed warn, and where ~cellentorbits of ~oril. I~otatoes,irish aiid the mlil. t.it tile ha’lll3~ ’=~ale and .[lure ~¢aler. l.hou~unds of New . lilies.found it. stnrl.d <tf{ heahl tP,l,!,,n IN r, I’l,,illiim~ ed tares frum year tO year. ;.. NOTICE. , Applleation will be made tothe next se,ston lfi72. ............. - ~i;-SERVICES.-~ Pr~sbyterian.~R~v. F. Austim 8eft:ices ’ 10~i A. li, and7 P. li.Sunday School 12 to I. - ~Baptist~Rev¯ Gee¯ Kempton, D. D. Service :. lit 10~i x. u¯ Sunday School from 12 to 1¯ Services " . Jlet#iodist 4S 53 ag lilm he:wean thlliTownship of: Beuna -tbose~not-t of Hammontoal so as to~?~7~ -es _aroUse_high_is,:_th e~_o_w_n@~p i n l~ d s_ add that I, nrtlou of BeunaV:’stahetween 3d sad" " IIi~-fi~m]0ntb~7--. - 48=53-77------ Rcsgh’ed. Therefore,-We are ulfwillin mit l.nger to the slime course Which we believe u_-i ai,lltitotts--ila~ i ]y of a Geiman p,~pulalion, of’whom wc shah Sl,cal~ mare llllly soon. In-theW,,s,- andA ilantln. " Geol~ge-Edward.qrOeo. Hdtehiogs, -Geo.-WCAyer% - Annie-E.Evermanr . D.1~. Jbh~-M;Hufft0"Damarle ’Dobbins.. ¯ _ ~_! [~, ~O~,y~, Harry M. Sheldon,sPOONER--H?MBURO,--In North Brook/ . ..... Win. bieKee. TOWN.D! ’ Heliry Greeuwood, Win. Hunter. " .field, -Mass., Nov, 241h, 1872, Mr. All’eft _- - of the .taxes. and intend punlng the Township’togreat expense in defending pe,ll~lo have been treated with contec oorated a8-a;-town.~--This_ and is situated in the thrjyilig ,t ’ ~SATURDAY, "NOV. 30, bee. uone cessarfexpenses imposedou oltizells by. lmproper and’prodigal oxpstlditures of the.public mnnej. . h--~-=m o m h-uf-the-Littlo-~gg gt)od litter our-Assemblymawis~d-hig NO--ili~E " " eeda ,ome explDnation. The Reformiwn "that dlcatlan wilt. ers (?) in Mnlllea’aremakinga great Children’s H,’epital of abhnttl~e WcckstownRoad.this wasthe dladelpbla" to hold a lot 0f I~nd at Atlabfle gr~t-l~o-neof eTintentionlast yelii’. The ty fdrthu-i~Wp’dses~f a" Convale~eant Hospi. " 46.51 . people of the Township feel tl!e need of tal. ~ the road. hut tbe opponentsof the meas NOTICE. Notlee is hereby given that applteatlo/lwlli ure did everythingtheyeouldto deleat it he lhede t6 the next ~ession of. the Le~islatu~ or ling to misrepresentationto aecom- -. " Local Ad.vertisemen~. ~_~t;|~.qgS. .... I’ II,m nesorununt ef FllltN ITlIltE--Buveaus, ,Hirrar~, i~0,ilii~e~. ’l’lihlel#, llcd~leiule, .’iMai. IrOlqtllst ,to.~ ~tc. Ills vnlinel lie I iqilen in Ih’.~ iill, rkl’l I .lid il i,iir Iridnll. et,iii~lilt Ihclr llell itfl%-i:dT(~- tl/~:y; i~ iUi-1;~lr"~l~l-’TlT~FI1- : ey D tm-e t receives Xl,eclal i~tlcalhnl, i, nd i~ al nil Ihlietl well st~,eked wllh everyailil’lo for famtly.utm Itlll, N." -¯ l~;c]~i-A-dvcrl i.~ofne,lts ........ All the diff,,rent vllrh’li0,~¯,ll.I gi",,,h,~ l;y ii~- p,,ulld," I,~i~,!r0,01.%ti.;I;i-;;i: l/i/ird. Sci0ntificLectures! At,llllr~e 0[" will b. ,tclhor.d ai I~J 7xT, ]i ()NTT-[ A_L ]7_, Iby IlSrol’. |g. C. 4’lg&l~ll,’OlID. (’llilll(!l&i,lllli’li’ ANDi,Li.ll’l’lll I,;NWAilI,L ller~ens(,a ii Id,liiiil t,v :r)thing lit !ld~ IIn. frOlll i cliili]dulli ~oII(i n Phigh,ertlelo. i’TI,Y PA.ill IiI!SI~,iI’SS I alii lible Lo ~.11eLYIO,,.l~ n a ~lliilll I~rofit. AI whowl~h IO blly hlr cu~hslid j4ut the bothiln li~uru %ilru hivited Io call at ilia " LAROE .TON r;., ST.0717, n0xttimRilroadqt ti0n.’.. I:ir.I1,,.’lur,~, Tll~ (JlIF.MI~TItY (ll" TIlE A’rMo.qqlEItE1 i~ I Cl,llllil Ltq,lliru (.~llEMl,~’rll¥ OFTill,’, %VA’I’I.:It WEl)lllNl{ (ill l"ridll) l:,v.ln~, .N.v, l.t. ’fhi-i l,r.~nr.. (~III"MIOAI, (~liNWIITilE~’i’,q ¢i1" o1[11l?li(lli Ihi l"l’ldil) l~lt,.uiil:L .~lllt. ltlb. F,,liiill [.i,i, iiIo, {iXl I)ATIoN ^NDIiF~XlltATIliN, Oil 1,1i"~ ANt)II~;.t’rll (il,’ ()ltcA,~ll~ ItoDIl,’~. On~’lblllY I’Nvldng, N.v~ 151h.. __ Fillh I,,,riurl., TII I:0 ~IIN III’:A q. {}it I,’tid,,y I:v,’~fl~,~, N.~.12,1. hill i hI,.clillO, AnTIFlt’ivl, IIE.vi’ ANti IA~iliT. 1hi Ftid iTi:l!,’Oillkl ~,,lr. 291h. /’.’~l,’#ot,,tltl r I, ;it h.it/i¢ilr,if,,/ b.V.,,I,,irr0,.le ,ind I’1 i//illtil tX}*¢ti,.,lifl. ’rlelilelll for Ih¢.(’ollrileo IIlI.OO 8[NGLIt TICKN’f8 25 els. 41 4b in Season. ~ VEGETABLES C.At’~I-[ i.’idd ior I~ggs lind Ohiekoxxs. Our ’t~ liglili riiti8 to till parts of the towli Tuesdayst ~liturd.i~ -’-~.-’. \’ and Sold. t ~ ~--" th~ solddirectto thisgen- An exhibitionof g report of what slte o£--Mexican vlllueros in the art of d_d~ - A writerin Lhe,New:Yoik Timaaays.: t!eman or=through him,on-commi~on, it seems to. usi ahou]d be In the courseof. my wanderings aroundto the ~ l~ropriet6~s of othermenageriea4~ing and lassoing the half-wild cattie-of; placedwhich, before:the womenef~merica : country was recently given at the the city I.elime, the ~thez day, across ii A ~very fair; menagerie may.. be stocked their ~ Stenhouse beganher-lecture with monoplilisL;~lru7¯ ’~ 8iniple. "lt~ is ¯ tr~ier for $50,000; but’some fe~ of the giant Capitoline Grounds, in Brooklyn, by a ."aMrs. brief sketch of the origin of the docon.a large scale, buts £q generally very shows value their stock of animals at two troop of these men, who had been trine which gave rise to the polygamic brought east by an enterprislng show.careful’ not to.handle tlilit llve stock in aIid three times that Then the w0men’in evil, andits effect man ...... . .... . .;_nor, for_that matter, do ~ollawing " ¯ road." smaah- np".: . ~Ire - were moving along at ordinary exprdss:rate fiom Portland ~o Boston v~i , a certain lin6 which lies j~nce acquired a "_ rather sanguinary reputation. The .ear was not a little crowded. I distinctly remember having the _seat next the s~ove _ at t h~ ~tr~n~f o rward=~-.d~F o r tun a%s------ to er, who does an ex~e~ive business in felt- as-if~ho w--~-~b-~glng h~z~-lSee-n-~vrit~n; . come to a Java kept in confinement. down a good deal singed. Well, a ms- is essentially American, and, as a goner- that the Mexicans might be more use- every home, and pointing a travelerof any considerable experienee than in the show bust- the breast of every woman in al t~ing, is a very~profitable one. (and--that we all-are; br"affe~t-tl-b-e)~-..... She"then described the ~-~ligaged kixows how it comes.: A truck had bro-.. in quoting ful’in the Fire in~e not all Profit, These men were ¯ an Asiatic In view of the recentfurther call made mumpaw by it. The murmurs-and tbe au example t]aere of their ¯ arrives, and .is immediately the insuran~ companies l~y the -- commanded to round up their back" of- the as these to be. to recall the demands and the sufferingl s’~. is at once sent. to Capetown ; if large conflagrations. The retrospect of the were prdmised rule as have horses, giraffes, or rhinoceroses are in ~ill, at leasf~ serve to show how mista- hey in the cars--were turned.on6 I was-not on th’d ueens In heaven those who large inclosure. The hundreds-of-men: .. denxand~ orTiers areat once so’at out;t0 ken is the notion that fire underwriting one fellow-seemed to-have--,damned. The terrible engaged:in the abbatoir and about the ship to NewYork li.ll that can bebought is so extremely profitable .a business; his.head to ride hie’much- ¯ of Young meant , refer t0 a few memorable yards gathered " ix) view the - scene: maledictions ¯or found.’ ThefaCt is thi~ gentleman has knew that he guinea-pig, from an ostrich Sparrow; Does the ’ over Africa and Asia, and whose sole mising only that,.in additioix business consists in collectin rare wild- there has beenfor man.ears a constant animals for ~on the companies of the under - milk-woman that the defendants sold her hasif her man~ailment.not._involving_the his w[ndow; nor under the influence i~f or .partial destrl]etion of - _..... ~ustomqrs, with.~h_e.b_raying.pf r don- paralyzation the-c~gau-or_organ -s~u=-whieh-it:exists. which-he-murdered Carpenter° . -_" key, effeetual!y-destr0yed his sluml~-s; Thesewitnesses -testify (in someinstances "" ¯ 7[. vain he remonstrated; the milk- from their own personalexperi ~ womansaid she had a right to the l)av~- othem on behalf of .friends or suited her. :tie got that dyspepsiz, liver complaint, retail ~lclit, i went, out, reasoned with her. No tent and inte~mittdnt fever, nervous deld she t~ikc .Nothin _.’A CHALLENC;E in the shor~ space of t~:o yearg overlast, " face. has )ed ,, Well, thcl ’ he all its would-be competitors -will-not ed-tonics of_the_day,_ to your donkey ; ~Ind. become e.rcellenreth’e ear, the crowd which sthe ran in. nature, have no and it is from the choicest of these that all the milk, butter, pares his famous alcsholless VIXEO~R Headache, Pa[a Dis- -For Illflanllnlllor~ aii-tl = rols c : -ill,I Gout, lliiious, IZcmitient and lintel mlticilt Fevcrs, l~isc;Iscs of the ~l~d I!latblcr. tile~e Ilitter:.l have ~-wheuth~-’.vaqueros dashed in on their active ponies,-and at once to the r~ ; country, lose a c~tain l,lflam- year¯ Every year they tication of "department reports, their ant- which we have drawn king up the following statement. from yard at a furious rate, Dashwere womenres~lec~eu in u ~an beside one of them, a vaquero seized that elders had said, "We think no more an and the gate of the. enclosure being This makes them very costly, than sixty or seventy_are now in exist,, a well knetwn shdw- once. But this mortuary record is not thrown open, the steers were driven nsider the terrible through the yards to the abbatoir. "This through amen -the-drivers quite aswild much as-theragelasso-w-li-~-to-bk the sea York City int. The animtlls, ~rith and - ~.-:-He could no~ in’1835-and 1845; Portland, 1866; Chiran furiously in every direction’ ’long. ;& ¯. safely across the profits to the‘ hnpor~er ’ of th soon entire capital to suppo ~nimals are cs of nineteen $7i150,000, and impaired the ba nine others" ~_the_ext_ent of $95£ and die, A full- the amount of $4,023,500, down beside my cheek. Though a little were no wives young =monnteR_-ma=~. nilrn~d-~little,and-theR. -- a punch with his knucldes. r we eat our ownbread, etc., and no matter Low you dead ?" he demanded ..... of the animal, or hew only let us be called by thy name to take short the.turns it made, the nimble ’ at every7 turn and believed r were met and constituted The vaqueros then returned ’.was to the 8eoreterY," afterwards ofthe immense-numbers sou under the new assembled-to but for his father,, driven into $8,000 apiece. They elephant is an animal be rendered insol/,ent These latter of very slow and to bY the Boston caunfortunates will altogether ..to showmen fNew York c0m ;aniesaro the thirty-inch olle, was cooll as a dwarf. Another was African as the seri- ously doubt that their stcckholdsrs will -bravoly-lip--~o-th cir-h elp-by-furnishin such ;addS.lionel capital !ts the emer and rushhl have down the aud instances creatures, before a rifle could be - ~6-~-~fi, are only one.~vouldbe needed; and l:~ALs t_an’tleak. whowas withill hear- riet,that is the last bastard becomes :haractcr tury she has been a husbandless wit’s, Other instances of a similar ehaacter The fearful had its in the door, .which~ flew ba~k, mashing whole caucus of in the face. the.degrading ceit S~ his heart, was awoman@ho fre, became father of moderatemeansit lighter one to bear. the llurch:lseot nictal.ti shoes,gaveniau}:a Llard_.eariu =~ female She in which ~mcnt of’vaqueroltit is of woman. accidents will in future be for .bethe ous, the unerring lasso: will bring it band took another to helpless to the ground. he died, soon after, ~upplyits memberswith eomibi’t, my ear now." ,i~’ll’ ![~rET ".lCl-][][d~ ]I-~E | 0,000 ~000]{llleniv[nlzs. l’i’tlillnl~ lb.q011agos Quarto. l’rleo$19. ..b~L- nllliCrol’t~ Proscoll, ordercd laid bldod aro conIlls most powerful bottle conudus between fortyaall Fr4~ln one t )ottlemwill vice half around, and headed down tlic bank. ~Nobody was-kiUed outright. One man had a brT)k-~ 17g’~-, alad swbre he would ...... his hom~ she ran out of her have-handsome damages for the same. ~Irs. S. knew of nios will have about $5,000,000-to payon sen niau~dr~at6d, they have grownout aeemlnt of "Boston losses, and there is a Pacific Railroad came, altd then ioeililly the dwarf. ief that not more than which does away ~ith the dangerous not practice of securing the aninlals in the Young gave woinen the suffrage, cMf,;asserte~d~-have 6~n born hero, reason of e~ into a )l~9_n~_one of the killers but because ~nade--a=g~ab-hi¢~tt.s -id -c0r tainl:y-~l-voryingf~att]ro of tho-caso;nnd .’~rill-dl t acrossit forthepurpose, andsoloetinthis country .............................. to allay, appr~h01xsioit__ii~_.t!ti~ .d.Lro_~tiolh_ and strikes it with~a were then exposed, and a. stoi~y tohl ofLions brc0d,frecly. In f~ct. there are Of the eoulpallies belongin~ to other ingthe-fatedbeast,Pratt which, for its perfect telling few monr!gories whloh do not have a lit-- _St.at0~ a!id .¢0untHes--(l_ojnghlisii!o.s~ heavy spear at the junctiolt of the sp nat Orson an t-thc-wprl .-of-w0eit~ "i~ II ~;-onght tv column~ith-t ~o ikul :Th boas ; d~ ops every year. - oh--dT~-~ 7Jfil~-t]lo s~fi~lo~iT.t-6il-iiVB 5~tSli--ifl/ll instantly, like a log, The door of the be llublish0d verbatim as a tract, and or desertthem are likely ~o bceonie insolveut; although the disciples of..~polygamy seek to niake )pd horns,the _. givou thclu iu a bottle, possibly a fow. W,tsh~rn coulllauies may out. This il r,~garded its converts, .. ]n rolirntg .... --2 hippopotanius has.lilac known kl lion which will afi’~;t the vahie the breast on tlit lieitd with an llurlal Yagarlc~. ’ breed in the ~5oolog’i~al Gardmm, in Lou. policies. itx. The auimalis hilled almost instantdon. L|ke the ltoncss, t~lie destroys her Welfnow an oh1 iady, Its blithe a body Of the forfdgn COUlll:lnies, SOliie of ly, and ~horo is no ilimger to tlio meuenyoungas soou ns they are horn ; hut~ thii wllich as ever lived in this worhl, who,.yet~rs lose $1,000,0011 itnd Ul~wartls each, gagbd in the oITerlition. ¯ ’ ago, llrepared beeoluing garniont~ rcady ¯ ilttendali~ iu Lmidon dill once succeed tlierl~ is not ouii wllieh will niake luiy mm for her fast "" lrnoy. Dltvid Oarrihks in rescuing a one from its niother show of %vea]~nt.iss, IIOWllvor lleavy it disin this of all he would be killed, except a .very small remnant,-and that then they-would take car-do0r on the o.utsidi~, with an. sd(f~. the Gentile womenas their spoil; s sent the glass-from the first his native about killed ; but judged statement of the attitude and that I l~ld ~ expectationof the ]t~ormons during the it best to keep quiet, especially since 1 a gr~at rebellion. .¯ -They gloried in the couldi not do much else¯ There and treacherous of animals. Even three fires called and received from young, and trained in a.circus, the companies an a sum of Insurance It, is But there thrashin dr~ss torn. off, and wits carrying thi~ in one hand and a bi dumpling-colored There wore also If ThouArt8i& burning of the steamer Miss0nri, e~talllishes the origin of the fire beyond a douht. In the locker in the pantry, where the fire was first discovered, was stowed aglass d6nlijohn/~outaining from finals brmlght u thisArtificial way, The]lTarttbrd ottiet!s lit serve her ibr it thtid Its iutlaninlahh~ its kerosolio. TlJin l,:.<travaganco in living is a phrase in sheets, that tht,y all hear their mid born in a ill d oagoi neyep grow share of the llurdeu withilut tlii~ h~ast coluulon ust) anti one ~Vi~ll undt~rstood the~ituess te~tifles, washro; shroud, lu 176:1 a yolnig nntrricd lady dcmijohil, ...... up to._bo, eli~h..fln~_s~cilli~o~ .!ts.tlloso -audlble-gi’ottnilil4’, ~llill its their shareia .billextrttvagance" ill dying’sonnd~ was, ill her expressdesire, hurii~d iu an ken, and the tlnid wits ou iirti whenhe born in a state of nltture. not lucre than $2,00t,0il0 thity will hitvo strangely itnd nleans little or nothing. bet weddingiluery~ consisting of it white opened the locker. It is probable that Ae il generili thing, all animalsarooap. lie reasoiTto colnphiin. ’£ho high pric,ls in l~nglalnl, however, #l¢’f//iur,ti’aud ’lt(tttlcea~, quiitoil into li the deck uniler this loldter hall not be,~n tttrotl wheuyoung lly the natives actwhichItl)poarl,’d first ill ctnlineotion with lilitttrl,s.~, llillovv, alid lilling for bet¯ cof- caulk!,tl since the boiler, which was iluThis is a very 0nemirilging V{0%V of fin ; her wctlding-tlhifl~ was her’winding- niediatcly underneath, had beeu put in, ing under instraetions from the while luattcrs; and gives Ilo OllltorLtniity whoso production dellendetl for thosearticles slicer i inid she were a thnt pliint-lltce as to have caulki!d it weuhl have neecssiat~tlnts. If lions lirli waiit{,d, the nativoll ’i{larltl, ]uuehlossfor llauic, It is matter lillOUtln,abundance of coal,are grad-’tiit~ker, haudkerchieflrntllcs, iuid illlron i4amllyu~l thG0ountr)’i-and:~l~h~r-itill’ the of reliilirlt tilted .the tearing down of the locker. t,w~ryl, hingfrolilthe I tlillt= Ito’~nall-~-proporthni(if uallyaffcvtit!g_ -A~t le’li-b-~WIts only the botl0r lind0f liniments, lind then secure the l~illis~ ’or theprelit,rty destrnyod in eover,ld by in- hrcadoil, flats t~J the coffin cn:il-iS-liffi’ibS1- iliiil-ll- I lllli3iit=l i~/a]l~-i~F- t 1 i~ 7 I)iainond t, iir rili~S were nelltl~, which eolihl not lie iliueh datatrack the lit{uetls 1o ]lor den, lllid then, in. Th, Intrust i~lvttn(:e is in the cost of Inilterials. suranoo, searuoly cue-sixth; llut tlil~ wtiitingfill she goes huntinll ~ for foc burild, tlil~ hoard ot" niauagt, rs <)t’ lineof lilaeed in her itars, gellnuedriligs on her aged by wliter, it we~iihl hardly h!tvc oversight or seif-eoiilplal~l~noy lif tlilt .seizo tho opportunity of sl~aliil ~ t ill fingers, lind It vahllt|lle ne(J]dacert)llnd ..l~een deemed llilel~ssit~-y to ineiir the exownerahas tnrned/~liit to btl a lih~a~ing the I,ondou Celn,,teries ittinoilneing cubs, In calltttring ¢,lttphanta, th forcible though Intd l,:nglish that her(,tf- I]er neelt ; white ~ilk stockings, antl sil- |lcllt~ll lif telirilig downlilnd rebaihling to the coiiilianies, l[iid it llei~n tlthitr,~rivo the,,,,ohiat~l)’ou~,iiito I li i WlS0, lind had$51i, li011,1ill0, or e¥.t~n$75,- ter ’,ifrst.chtss intl~rln(~nts will cost i¢ dol- vt~r-s{lllnglt~d stnlt~s with sttlilU buckh~s,tlifl leo]for for the lUirllo~tl (it,caulking eoinlllotell hltr ctlstlUllC. A Norlblk gell,closure, hatastringthe tlhl nui,s till lie to 01ili,li01i of intluranceCllllital bl*eu called lllrand it hail more for growii lli,ill)lo this dcelt, Wht, n the deiuijohn broke, disable them frtnu lU’lltt~cting thtlir forl thl, ie WOlll~ hll~VO |li, i n littl i f,iieoiLr- than ~eretolbro, whih~ the rates for it thtmanlU’l~servetl siieh it hallliy recolh~e- therelori% tlilt infltnutlahlo lluht leaked clilves~ andtheneasily i~ecurti thil yOlilll~ ilgeluont loft for the uuderwritiiig pro- sinlilar ~iud of lalrial of ehihlren are licit of iniltrinillnial life, that whitli, itt de%vii (in tU the htlihlr and ignited, lind inereiisl,d liy lille’ ihilhir, This luirial the flail nf ninfity-onlt, hit lay till lii~ t|iis wouldoxlllaili thlt testiniony of thlt oni~s. folts~on. ih~ath-bed, he gllvii ili~trlietielis tlilit Ill, llhieti is not liattorniid ill the hqlst after sl4alnftn,that ttn~yfirst sitwtllnekn ItOlllilig AnAfricanlioi] t, oniliilllills li liii~her fiilt of’ the ]lrll-riilili grating. This deck tbll scriiltural ill~:i tlf lieu’visit, llllt ill i~liould lie huril!d iu his wlaiilinll;-shirt, price iu the market titan an Asiatil! lioil, whit~h he had citrefully kellt far the pittnnintlgl,d on tlio llriueillhi of~livhlillg iililueiliati~|y overtlit~ boihlr e;XllOseilt,o HOW~f~tlNli’ll ~i~’tIMl-’N ~t’OIlK.--Ono Oli account of his liillrt~ ntlhhl tutti ciliupose i that garlntint llllilig Stillllh~nlenti,d its bitat,fer ),liars wlluld liaf, urlilly shrink lliandtnl~ appea~nc. ;’ his inane is much-.rely-see ill Munichavery ~vt.,ck corlis ill thll_bxlTicixlf th,.I sll~l~li friuu tll~ litldilJs I thicker alidlongltr than tliilL ef his Aai- flfteou, or twenty t~|t,alling the strceta of thii gOlltXt in thi~ w~rhl, tile ]~li~l~t~ll tvitli his bolt suit of chlthi,lt,]iis best wig, 140iiif~’vhltt allil |tlilk, Tlil~re ts little hie silver-lluekh,d sfil)t,s, lllauk wrier rib. beilil~ niailii oil a inolilt~ llasi~, null the dealit, thei¯t~filre, thiit tliis i~ thlt triltt oxatie brother, and is hlaek. Tiio~laantity with h(les~llaifl lUll’i’)’ilig awilytlut dirt I,lins I and his filvitrite walhiiig-t,liiii% divilling lilit’li beiig dosignatod ill tfic lihtiiaLion of the origin of the fire, Itnd thlly work ItS rilllidandlength (if t.he manli in the to~t of the wheelbarrows; Margarttt Ct~shl~, who WaS buril~d ill value of lions. An African lionsells for ly and skillfully as nii,n. It is the eus- expressive way" befOrll alhid0d to, as {Jlixtou f2hurehyiirll, l(l~ilt~ in l’/bl:l, llr. sfeml ~lls~" aul thirl class, rhc A liitw’ ih,scrildiou i)f warvessel i~ btitollt in ]|avarla for a wootl-sawyi,rtll ’lie $~J,000 ; all .~liltie only $2,000,The siuiio ilig lluili; fer tile Dani,~hlUiVl’, with I& rllfes arti advanced In t,aohtlf thi,sc ill~rell lil~r belly ttl beatlirt~l in ncarhlt with ’tig~ lloyal llcillal tillers will ao~onipaliietl hy his will,, whll ~liws with llllriiil eOlUlnand SS,00{} a pair; Braiillan only hinl ; andu~uallythe har, ft,lt part ¯,f tlit~ dllpariliient, ill,~o; thetis wholake tln,ir satin, pat iu a nilihtlgany ctl|llu hit%’illl4 a vittw ttl iliultilil),ili t it into a ilitltint:livll flnituro ill tile |’or~o. The workfitlls to ht, r, that tlf carryilil i tile elialiees iuii 0,tiiird-chis~" i~rlivl,, whlit- looselhl, lllnl ilhil~t,ll tillon tr~t,t~s in a alill llrtllnililiut $1,000 it lialr. Calu~ls and droln~darit.s ever they niliy lie, being forced ill flay vliu|t iilid.~r a llyrilinhltd ilitilnnnent, tht, vt,lsel is a gunllollt Ot" bOft.~et leugthand to bMnglihout $1,200 It piece, but whir. wood hi an cnerlnOllS basket slrilli|led the ~houhler~, frt, t[in, utly to tln~ thirtl lit lilly eoliis iilere for tlioJu.xiiry tit" lyii g glass thlorit tlf thti vlliilt bl,ilig tloverttd I :l ft,l~t brt~ailth, nliitntl’witl uue-liuiirlA~r eanmls hlvo bei, n ~oldlit ~2,hiltl eil~lfi. with grt,i~li ~ilk t!iirtiiiilS, ~lilitlitlr ’oi. filch sleel lirliior’f~oiu the Paris feunllry ulitil the "criiek of dooul"ill the |ltitlrt,st goodostrlell can lie btliight for illioiit fourth Ilolir, ThtmoWOilii, u lierforlu aiiillhl of valiity i4trlliig iu dl,iitli wasill. if t,hllltll~h.u itm Co.It lit llrolll,llnd fly il and allpttar to lltl partof the coutetery. it00 ; I~lelihantsfrtint $tl,001) Ixi$~,OiiO ; tiiti workill llil,n, dllalilu scrtiw lilill ill to |tacit :l~ fet, L homecl hor~, no calh,ll, though really ¯ e(|uall)" iitrollg. "The principal taunton hi ct~rluin ¢.alll,S, whoreli ilerson i~ l’ordt~l US II few yriirs ill~o , wht, u It wl’alilrliugbt, lta t:li~it, wit, htntt tin, glni I i~ t~ttlll~ a variety of alitt’ltll~, m,ll iiu]u ot the pt.cttliar tli~eatietl of thti f~lilldt~ very|leer er hilmIll.ill ill f.r it hilil~ tinil,, thy t~olirt niilliin,r hdt ~trict llijillil~that ht!r llt~,fy I*htliihl li’-t,I}tl~l frlili~s, ltis ttriiud withillttl gllli S~X, pi~v.rly tlf Ihtl I,lood, &c., at. his frt~mdi will ulidoub/l’dly ~liid gr~attiulil bobilill h~r ¯ $1.500-npward. in |lrtk.uring thin lldllitienal lit, t,afi,hletl in ’.l~,,illt.htt:e.-.-(’h,t,,,#~.rl iii the bliw, tl|nilitilig lirnjl,l~tih’tl lif ’370 Theiniportalieli of ttnliialtl im tlnl)" a i]ausi,,i," l)r. {hlrl It~,~laai, l~llic. ]diysi- ditllealt), ll.~ J,,ur,,,*l. lltllill,tS wt~ight.’r|it,rtl is ill ift.t:k ; Ihll Itrineh of the btlsilltmS; itut it i~, ia tlii~ eiau ttf 1,eili~ic, a~t~rts, " llrincillaily by fifty Cl’itt,% and under t lath eircuiiistl~lit, i,rl~will Ill t~llilli~t ill rilLht tit liille liil!il, fei~liuiu~i ~til~ions lllld ~ittillg ItyJc of iitt die tin the llart if the ptltlit nilin’%lTotlhl case, vel~ ex~nsive,’for the I~t itfte~,n Anold lady iu l’:ast [q,lililiaw, ][it~ll., a(~tytlllllileCtati,ll uudl,r t21111%.ait. Tile ganlif~ ~ tlimm ul~y !~ addttl had ro~lu be the height nf t,~ttravaganeo, anhmaht~ ytmrl-thc ~mlu~of the anim~l~iliillOrgod inlitlu tip hi~ mindto lle i~ Iv~, ttIl~:lll~%’t’ hml gi~0n btuid~ in $300 not t~l sotlhl her l~llat in tlf courilu oilly itltcnlli~l for coalt Lavingeel, ratted ov,.r I~;lOO,01~lli yf, a.r. air, Folnalllce readiilg, anti r~lil~ieml ftiground. nllilthborl f~r all ontirlt }’ear. 6,1rn¢~. :ism."-~ a #~az.v , Of coul’l~ the lit%’dll tlf eYer~meuagcric ......... ___ . Jlr. Editor: When I esmeto/thls eountryj beUig’in the wintersetJon, the_ genera] nJl>0et ot .... _ ,se~f that the soil-wu good for- tnythlug;soils of the samegeneralappe,~r&uee being really good-fornothlog In the_n0rth Brith,h Provinces"fromwhiohI name.After a few months I, however,after the g*nitl ep’ring(whichsets in hers’earlyin the monthof March)hmidisperstd the chilling frosts ~f win~rwhicharenev*r vary se~er6 in shim country, I found"that the’soil with all its study -~ppearanee Wasgoodfor so’meShing i that in fact It very. rot lily respondedto a render’ate shale of cultivation and" manuring;that everything had t . ....................... = iu & ~ Thelaiid in South Jersey is principally ad,.pted for’ freit growingpurposes, .andin avorag o goodyears_morecue be madefromtbesoil-in growiegfruit than in any other way; yet it is ~dap~g.ptirp0ses._-W ith tt oonaidersble-degree~o f~ul~m2-for.t-lizin ¯ - o~u~row-very goodwheat, a-fii’~t qualityrye~goodcorn-atall seasons,potatoesof all varieties. As far sweet potatoesbothin quantityandqualty, I" should think th y wereunsurpassed-the yand-nutrit 8 have been produced to the n~rom 150 to ...... -- VOL, I.-NO.49:- .i ............. - .- ¯ -- ..... "~ H~m~onton,Business " B. ltAlq’DA’V’I,~, HAMMO ’TONv cards. lVl. D,, 8"~Jaxtf ~ ....... . . ¯ .. --¯ HAMMO’~TON, N¯ J.’ 10el9 ly - LL...... PHYSICIAN AND SIIRG~"ON, - - HAMMONTON,-~¯o’* __. __ ...... " -’-’ ............ CenteaniaLOelebra~ion. ...DEALEltIN --At CUMBERLAND ;. .: . ~ . e~IILUI’.V01 or.Iv t][~..-. TOYS, NOTIONS, VAhCY ARTICLES, --1I 0 S[EItY~_GL0},[B~I_&~&~ :at lfis" " O ]~_T)8TAI~T D, Sofitheast sido ot BellevueAve. -GFBF~i.DG,Et’ON, N: d",ff~ i"~I~.JL’~.. ’~ ’l-’}Tt~, (’all Jmhq}cntlt’,~ce. by I.~’;dil,’~ li6it bfAr£~ Of tbc ~,ti[ - TOI~ I~6LiCI:FOit ~ E,Y AT/LAW_ tic moanswhocould br!ng somemoney’withthem,from$2,500 to $4,000 in hand, to purchasea comw " . ¯ fortablehoh~efor them,anda .littleindustry ..... ~ Vnowied ...... eg .... andtact _ ....in larmsn mmfortand e0mpeteney. 2d. Perso~e not wish to improveit. 3d. Persons whowouldregard their health "etherthanth,~ir wealth¯ 4ih. Personswhowonldrather live quiet, easy lives with a compc~ .e"~ ~--|~-tf-Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, ~t7 Ever gi’een~ and Shrltl)s~ ~j~ ’~ - Situate near - BEDDING_, PLAI~ITS, Notmdyllulitha ATSIO1NT STATIO1NTa ll~i.o.r~gi~n~ ..... J.._.llIU’1C3’ EI ~"7~-’~ ;~n-e ai I in F.t h e-nit ........... P--.-~’--o .... ~lllcti ensures dryncs!of ailUOSl}llero tiouof I’I,ANTEIt~I. I~ Inr~. ,i.d ~ moregenial wo:tther and sunshineall tale year round~ 7 ..... ~ilfaahi-to "befuahd,iu m~tiy¯6lh-dr6o~-h’fri~t~. stock nfthO~lhovo-fb~,~s’l~’~ tbiiflim.(e th;n --TI~lhffd’~blug~o-I"~ ~3iii,3~ In th6~.~-7 : .......... owhtg-tothe ~aet fact,rob e cent*on for-p unt tl night"or&l; ,fdy/or t~’en"for~fitys andnightstbg-etl ur~wet]ndm,dst. " ............ growth,’hseonlidel t}y bullcve.~Jhc.t..h will urn allen disappear. Mudend tnuddy roads ~re unknowuIn thls region, although they often im fl,ltdd felly equui to auytlling herutt)l’.re ~" ITI t"t "aT ~fl’vredbyhila, ~ .-I to prevailat certain seasouJtit’ the year in thoselocalities. Whata rich boon[.~ thl~ ,,f it,elf and adjoining the hind of the ~tltst(lltt’(l I’~,~trr.l?e.e~’s. (~ " ’olsnt In other parts of the ’as.rid. L,,ndot, i,,f,,rm"him tllu,u’ii,e --~. ~,. t~’Wow storms are n0ver very sov0,re or of long daratlon In those parts, ned.the welt or gee. c’. f2 trolly is cot so o.hl In winter, but almost over)’ khld of luhor can bo curried on; o.t exceptieg Improvcmant Association.wii be of extra flno queiity, ,8 tee, tilling and ploughing the soil. Ast get oral thing wha’tevursnowt’MIsitntu’ht id nlcitt’d k n~tay hy the warmthof the sun imfora mid-day, ’Of epn~hineweha’vOagreat d.al h~re t, vcu IIEDGING. ~’~ 72 Ill the winteraea,,,n, an,/t~her~Y:wO: theo~l~,i’~lIHug,,n the soil whi,.his sandy,..... n i.au,cs t ~]loso lauds are anxong,tho ’ - ......"g e I~-ttmttall this betolii;r~,Tlif~-/~;]iTf~/p~~ii[ti~-n~ihl AllthePlnnts~ evergfl~i,,-at,I,t,,r.lilt~.u.,-~tiTl............... ~ ~’¯- ~..J~......... "aeather iu winter, Persons/forIn|to,lee, fond et gardening.]’hir]y as tho very tll~j~lllldeg of ~(~t4t tills lho ~,Jtltt(3. liblul’urlhis purpo~l,,o~ul,lq,t of w, riuov,~;zl~ "’" :~ 3telch,Ahey |uay maketito[r hot bed ~, nilt with a view, aa [u maeyother plae*,s, of th’o seed lind hnvobeenrv]leutedlv iraot4t,]ant,,d, f havingall fuctllt]es f.r ]~t°KIt°rnluht furanlohthormurotbutwlthahvlmufltsahntl~tlnnled t~ytlkl grt ,taqd Vt’: ~ . ~ t:rt,whlg rmpJdlyt and gardeningofevery dem,ripti.o eo,mf.2ows Aedthou i)or~,,nl b ve-a 14 .Flooding |lnd ][}l,l|Jl|’|ll~.~ ~’~7.~ l:).faummerufo|leaweattlerbuforethem (wifichatho g prosy iultatt ~es sn/tlnt~eso e’-tllothollN(~ alld ’~]~’intls, l¥ l"Jl,lllN. thou ia lu be.found In tuorn.aerlhern lstitud0s iu th~ mouthuf August)Tkia eliablv~ a garare oasis y’atndClluatdycluorodand donor not only to produceone crop, but two |fdosirablv. Aoextensiveeast}flu,cot,,f r.*r., ,,id ,’h,,l,.o ~"~¯~’-~ Andthen of all places in the worldtide le Ibo ilelde, t ao.I )ilo,t poaeoal,lo AItiulughperADMIRABLY LOCATED, k[od~ athlpte,I It} w[ndt,w IHIl[llt’t,. ~"" s~aeiterg, dill’or tu)n~lderablybothill roLglonand~olil cs~yet t era is Stile nBCthieff peeUlhlr that uuelean so far ruoegnlsesthe civil rlghtdot’ tnnttlter~ th tt oeohlUltyiiti.tly ell uethr [ll~’ tor C0MPANY I)r INDIVII)Ufil, PLIll I)O,%ES LONDON NURNIE~ T.’ 9 .... 9wit v ine.~.n:|.J]g tr~e, t, vuo]nlvJug the p~w~rt makehln~ ar~_..~.[l~ I"h.~[tff_l~’t’v tt In __ Land:t~thu~z~.~d’ --, £[ammonto~t,~ ..T .. t.lsregblnnowfoecatlelr f roe ro~e t elr nrdo s, itisa rara.ocurrtmeo that ruitur lieu givl, n hy ~tytldogsilo is curried, awuy.[ Collldbleotlfv in t ~tt y llJs ce:l po trs a hJ I eat.hot I tl Irt:ee 0,,I, I’,’, I~71. -~. I : ~{EEI" ’Jl’lll~ilLOOD 4 F. I~l I I.I.E~t. ~UiZB aiuegtboveryjlathwaveaudailowodto ctlmul’oalatnrlty, tllun to bu eafvlygathored by their r]IEI,LEVUI,] " " Andthe health of the ny~tonl owner. .,! AVI’:, IIAMMt}NTttN, h v,’ilL fl~lhtw.ThereJt| tt prulntra-. ][anttuuntun, whichIs 29 miles south of Philadollddaeoulallts frtnu 3,000to 4,000 labablt. than el lron anti i~olto It~l. .~.O"Itieharda’’q~ralti,,r’y tall | It~ Cnllltr0" ant| Ju a coulpaettownship.’rhld ~l,u,e at)oBuds witll neat c.tt.tges all,l we I ia d outatreols. SeesI’rco tlr.~cvip*of iP.orec|h.ctnal tliltl| all (Itltnll%,Wtl|l’~ V¢lll rt~t~()Vu frt)n’t ~(~r J0 manyplaces beaatlful y OrllaUloot,,I wllii trots al.ng the ~Ltuwalks.’there are qudte It. 1~3¯lqen~tim Ililpt)rl~ n,ul vitl-ateUl numberofedgihhre,htoncu, wire sin,ill f,lrm, ,,f fru,l l0 t. 20 acres for hie throughoutthe A l’t ,* e and c H ,’hl}l.v .~,Iv, ,e, ,,,. |}lood vch|o]l (’llU~’a,q dthea2tot ttltl~ II ¯ I[ammoatou GERRY VALENTINE, tract ’J’horo n~tll4 i,c h.a~ht .a ruas.nabiotut’ul, St) SU[| Mel*eteveryvariety of P.t tho BillUt3 |lnht bltl|d li t) yotlr ---IIt,,’k, lir, ul, IIl,’l .lltl,bll k’~l! 1’ [ I~ureltasore. ]lsnnmottun,fromlt~ heahhfuhlusSaed uaartmsah* oeo of the i~rhtclpal cities In ilt’od|h tlitli stronl~fli , ]ItsI(.VelP [,,t ltl’* Dt ,tll’l d~ltll ,~1o ,i’~ H,.*1. t ,..~li|Mt|O ~PUrO, if ~’nu |ntvtthe~4tataa~edo’t~ua‘inro~..eqt~bpe‘..eeth~k~ys.tt~ud.Pursun.csn~ndg~udsoo~etyaud ©hurehe,~, Epls.:olmi M~tllodi~t, Presbyteries mid ll~lltl~l ar. |epr~,~enlud. ~ , ~l.q Of Ihu ]l’;yrt OJ~ ,}~ta’tt. er Ner41[ll|ie |U any ~OS*II| t *~ega* aut very tlUly~ W. ~{rawAar. Hasa goodile.r~e attd will sliced t*, clllle |,,, ~, i~ ~{ . Late Mini.¢¢r,,ftA. ~:pi*ool,.l LAurt’A,f//,i,Imu,tuo andW,I it¢,Jbrg. ’,llt|e Nw.,ilila.. 4PE4 . A, G, (~] t (’~,~’,~ ~ 1 .... tm~or*’m. UIt.erm. or lqcrolnle Funeral,tn JhtulOllmton,t,r ill tht, t,,Igb - -" - -" -~’--~ -=- ~ " - ’--- " . Jlammoutou, O,:1. I|i, ’7. t~ ~Y~ b,lltIIRmlllttllnna, * ........... boring townsand vtlhtget. y(|fl CUll rwly" till ihltltl{ t’llrt~d’ with. tlll~ I,r~,pttOe~,lot,f..... yoty/o/’..,;,^.,I,,toA,,,t .,,t,,,,,,,,| ~l~ IIItl¢lB i{l|OWn inl lPr. s’rooit~ JOll~ NClIJI, l~IN~ lieU, E, SIGN AND (]AI{RIAGE |’lllllpOlllld AYrUlSof I’oke q mm ~ llool. ILlaentumUanl. ihsl A.~:~FO. r, ll t~ (:1:~ I!~it’t t: :> Jl~ L f mb** ur llmn~, (~m*l tS~., 1 .Z~ I ~ ~ !" ~ O ! W.rE’-Wlti~U’~ ^~D,:~iUti^.~:W-.~ LHAMMON GR0CDF;! 1.:_ UNDERTAKER, II~ Or,le , for *il’ ~lNiNI, Ir,,In ,t l, . ~..,rtv :.. ,,~,.,y.t ..... 41,. s,t parts *~*~ iv ’Donotuorderandwarrtuttudt. gl,’.sat i|faetlon. SHOP(,N ]’led i~Atttlt)lt A~,kNCi, (adjoiningIIlacksmlth8ha)J,,} BUILDIN O" , orrs }’or saloeheep.A,umlerof de,Saul,Is L,t, ll,l iug*~:*t*e.t :.~c,’s’~.-r.0 ~|,F r- ’~"!~t’*.°*-n: Aoqutra , .SJl~ ul II .A. q’]~F.~:"l ’" .,..a.u,* , . .J, ’ IrlM1 ah,l L’I I I ! , ’,, , ~ ~, ,,I. [ ~x~._.~ ~,l ,t,-ul,,.~ ’, ,p. i .......... r,’ t k ( N ~ |ift I’ t[I ’" ~ll~l ~ ,vtltr,’~’,k.I " ~’’ ...... .I~U~I ~ /, , I’ll I,, ~1’It V~l ~4/itolia bl~tk,rsldowla Ily blcl’Ott~f/It,d ur otticr._ i~)imltl., aro all r/ t’ttr, ql lay tL, }’or Nyphlllm. Ore fN¯~ I~l~ilitlo |alnitt)t.rel~tlotl~TM I~ II ; t"/Li t| tO JL ~. |Tl~[J[ Wi l|eaullly your Complexion. ])i) nI Ltt.ep.t S nt(rlmwder, butgv¢&mm~ ~’ II II "nt t~* Sly U2t’ pur|fytllg yutlr bloodt. ~[ ~1[~ I.v w,tl ,..,,~ i .I,’,, u* , .... ~ ~hl.t P~, I,.trulO,liof Iroll itatd i~kn ile,o/I |U.|t/*, .llt,a~ti~l tt~¢!lM},slgllil~n.llitdlin 14~L~ i ’t I’1’i II , r t,eh,t* ’ k ’ , .t ~ t’h;tll~ ~t tt *L J~ Wt’~) l|Uea|olt to ¢ It~ Ittt , J II Pl. *1 I% .h, t’,.~.[ *l i ~1,’~1,’*,’~%1 t I ’:l/lli. 6~n tl’tlUOVOan "S’-rill~ t Sl’ ~*l’i~*rt~*~OI Ih~hl~l~.~(mpl~¯i*l~ I vliCtl pt~*,r ~r**b. ,e r * , * Itld ~1 , .,.t ..* t,~v -St.-- .|’,., - , ’-+ t’*-I, ¢- r~rrv, eul¯~uil,~s¢ii~=.~/.rla~silnli Jlyoll~l~ ’ ~’~-’:.,’ . ...... ~ .... ""’: ’*"’:j’"%* ’~ ’l%t.¯~ ~thrtl* ~.~dl*r*,,l~t’.’tttv ,,, I~rt’~ I’.. ~ " Ol’kO|tulk’uk ~’att"’ttt~t~Utllpt~uauttyrup ’" .*v. 3!’1. ,7.*~ I~ Itrt’~t .~t.dt~ ":.lJt. e * * *t ~**]. t } . .* ~ <~ ~ "1’~ : I TO BUY PAINT TEIMMIN 8 & NOTIONB, OIL, TURPENTIN]~, -JApANr.-V-AI~NISH I3 AT a b.dy called "The nl;lde t~,,el’y ~t’.ution ntenlol’a[~[c O| otlr at,l last ~au lock at all tllut, witie]y i x~ bcl.re Lheelect US the natltt:i’s Ions 4 bir!h nttttore a. p’;~llt. tht. details ,,i bowgreat will Eo Hie/ii6,ey ha~ bdea asubject of- tii~Shdi.-.= cus.sio’~_aad was carefully-o~msid~ed_b~: heart __ wl~en im reflects upon the tcrntmat|on Congr~s,-[n-Et~r0pe-sueh exhibiti~ms ~bat_th reatened_t ho._t|)tit Congress ddclin6d (b make an apl,roltrt:r been oDp L.-M ’£heclituatootayboanidtob~ahnosttempcrutoallthoyoarround. there are other circum.~taneos In qO.p.l)ee.[ 91_ r~l[l.t .-,.;le.lt*,n¢i,,n lr’c:J t~, " per*l,~ 3|ar.’~ ¢..t..’unto ms~..¯ -~ I, lulls-hTcc tl [lt~ iUi porte tlCe.md-,lig,,u y oF were ll[_-ntict:dunce, tbc prcs~ WaS i)oo- i/i.~ agt!, anal h,kvcs two duu~htet’~. ~[e-a~ AINTS:! [ Ornamental:-a)Xd Pla~fn ._ .~p~,’ch,’s, on Wdduc.-duy, wtLl~ all ti~c h.mors duo a grctl~ end k,t)otl lna|l. Gel|. ~rant ttn~[ -ot hcr-hig h=eith:ers-0 f--tt|e g, mode~f’--ob~erv drethhat)ntv0r.~:try OI the nali!ltl~H bh’tb tt C HOTC E I,atti.tiC Chu’rt~h ar, d ono AI,eroa e fr,mt cac| ~lato attd Territory, u[)nu nonti/t;itll/n [)2," lbe J~ , gago-dn-amanu£aet~rin$ business;’rents and-laborbeing ’cheap, _ ..... :". . ....._ _ .Fruit growingattd farming on a small seals althougk ¯requiring oonetaut attention, have gL~cale.~.But~Lmust_laoL_farget_th at_i t.ml~y_so_ halTen_in¯t h is m~ol’~the enme:-.trritmnd-lah land ~.nd placewhoufruits turn out favorably, not too plenty nor tookoeroe, which nmdhlmIooasidor is , to realize a goodm~.rketprice, thst msnyperson|’havemaden)ld el ill may.i:uko :’little iurtun~ There are manythings to be hall in tile island parts of South Jcr.~ey which altt] ati,m, t’) whichthey I’ivdged ii’-e,-fi)r!uin.. gl) uttlil al]~’qoalo ftwds.bu 1 in.~ure Ihe execution of the )reposed p ae. and honor, lg)]luwing ihc track rd time, Ililms of tl,d= die’ joys and ills "of HAS OPENEDAN OFFICE RENTI~’~OOF LAND’; and the _ TAXBS.__Erompt_ attentioa ’~IONs~ . L);ll’ltd0 the ilk, high|ttiil Itlt%r:eha,id poor,xve~b strca.udtlg thrnlJkhCity ll.dl to.,(ako stank this Bide of meatalways on hand. ~u/plied. ]l[I]italy h’ont rlmrthted oi llor- IOl). L ,~us-9t~mfdes-~nd re~rg 1~ to wnne~s t~h-~idL.Imes i,r,~,~peri!y a)td t),~tt’t.r. The[tl,~nghts el" )" ,rk ~,,tl cqscwhcro,have. ita~.-ed rejoin. ¯~ ,Vcl’y f~:dl’iul "~(tll t¯t2t’~l’l IO ll~o Ir,bh. , ,=:~s 0f-s01r6 W--al|~-c(ih =y--vvha,_ bl,cn.t,rgattized Ibt m~ yea:’, b=57,al,d with much apl)rehehsioo, endured icdustriously~ and aid,d b; the ¯ -lfri vati eras-of- Phitadclrihia= t h~2 AND l.q - CiIA Theclass Thoseof M. II. IiOlIINSON, -tt|lq)o,l£~ .R.R. DeT*e.~ I!*mm,,nton, N.J. .%oed|~Saod &’,l sl~chtoeo(t t,tr Meobin~* ,, ".__ " in tbo 0i!y Ill Pilil,l- could h:, ,. i;hnnhu|tiotls, Tue~u’ied whal lhe [it’~t century el [h.Dn]lliean guvel’nn)ellt has. tide:to tteve,tq; the i’t~<~,llt’Ccs tt[ t]lc coUntly~and-to t]t.l.~lt~l] s’:’atu Ihe w,iD,lcrltll progr,,.-s nlatlt~ ill after’coming h- r~e. I ,,.~ ,i~.,,... t,l,. m.a ~,,, air;It2, power to select a ado url:et Candidandhonest I wish to be, for I wouldhe sorry to misleadany pers6nby N.J. ant.[ appr,~,rt:ai l~:en d.~visl’d. B,,t~fir,.s, stilling HE-O tOEOF ...... H nraee Greeley, tile journa!ist a.d.- : au~l)ic~’~ lug. its prt: ,arati,n uu:t tnarfugloteut have been c,tmnfinrd lo-tl,e rcl)ro-’cnt:lllVe.~ i,|" the lmt~ph:id t}tc .,-cv- eonstilute at reasonablerates. "" GOOd-$t gb I i ~g-fo s’-h orates ¯ .t it. CAt~Ol’t:"tL~. ................................ Hammonton, ~bou~ two humbcd and thfrh the Uutt,:d S!’t’ t’s " -HOUSO~ at-1 "intho~bo~t 0rdor,is-prcpared to gi ,pt~on:for the manyb.~ueflts it has conferred uponme;tad htTcfflVto’~tml ¯ ,,,,,,’. ewina’ Machine Furnhurorepalrud "-~’~. and verni*hml, slid medeto $2.00 PER 187-2. ~ 1~.~" e II~surance 21-tf of both¯ - The illg pr,*mptlyexeoutedinthe bert style, Particular ettentlon givyn t~ OitA[NIN(], OILDIN(i, FLLAZINO, _ A. l) ]872.- A~ ti~ Ihc (me .}l(tlidre,| days, tigt.nts ~iil the Jb/h, tofnf/, a,l,lre.~s, r,’tmrt,’d tO ¯ _..t,’it i;f-i,Jhtmatibn of ~l.S*~Ibe b,,oks, forw;ir,t Ibenl ttI.I be t,I)it:t’ .lCrithtv.eve.,Nnv. I>(Ii’/,¯,’C.-tl;¢IS ItVlflll/" t ]{o,tt’d 0|’ Finality, smekhohh!rstic c.’.mttteoe~d Ibo ladder nt ilk; at its -will meet, clect directdrs, a~td Ihe t]tlttta roared a.d gtrug~[cd }lard witli tbr~_N~vsJ~ns~;~: Cou t,l~- u| ~t ,ok t,lot.lel| to the .~1 t u .t :-tl~- ]ox~;~t tun61or-m:ii0,yen ’~ .:" but in v(~[t~/iiig°-~he lot Vdll be -Watelnffs, Cl~d: Je~. R’A’I:OItS O}’ Tale U. S. CI, -TT:I, uT.: Its ~trnek tim fiend title thfff |ed -FINA-NCL~. Repairing of all knot[s, in hie line, done wi!h nnv 01 tltc Slalo¢. bin] to. nitrate, weahh and power. His . .................. neatness and dispatch. S:disf:totion uiV-cn ~nd ....... Such in biiel is the plan by whieh iil’~.. natuo’was IIto ch:trtn of the ~bltac. _pricecjis roasohuhtoas at_nnyother Td tl, e-l’eopl,#fthe-S:~eteo/,\Yew .lcrsey: trey-is-to be-r;ti.~ed t,| cmnn "" ~eCial attention AGE~T_FOR-TIt l’; to t~-isc%u~ti’yI sufferqd coooidcrnblofrom NEW FA~IILY : amteeti~f--t h il n dict] atlo t vcI .’.a)3" cen’tr:ll or inl~.u_d.~t.~rt of SouthJersey fro scarcely known; and if-brought hottentot; Ma~Z-ca.~o~ro f IL~0 u e--lt3-con sum’ption-have-been-cured here. Very aggravated and long standing eases of asthma have been thoroughly cured..Suf- Wheeler& Wilson|,~ . _b~made withi, the period of o,,e hun- -t-....--.---.-- _ . _. kouse t’ermoX’ly-u~cupi~d by Dr.’ Bo~’l~s¯ hcMthfulnces of oorelimato in-South Jerecyia oearce]) tobc. exceIledanywhere¯..Having abundanceof clear; ~hi’f’~a’~ t%driek, anti a pure b:acing air to breathe, and extremesof hen ~u manyother I~ the mercury m w nter vary’r,xrely g~iag ’~ " - "-~"%"~..-~-.~_-~"~:~-’".:~: ........ ¯ more downto zer, g hntter’~ero an_aammerAl~fir’iX’~,.in_tba~nonth~f~..Ugast-m_ ~ levoryde,orIptionofpLAIN&FANCYPalnt. ATU MBER-7 In ~_ ohtaioed, yet as a permanenttl,in~r, takin;- on~vcitrwith aul there it is thol/gl~th~t b; l~yi-ng portiotvof smell furm~i:~?gLd.~nd clover, whichwouldenable the farm r to kce PonlL* v,’ieler| ........ - plougheddown¯the year before, in order treat the 13 rat crop naayget the benefit of it, hut here. de~’omp6sitio’nis soquickihat it is su~cjent to pl,m~hso.1l~nd. at the time ofe.wingthecrop and the full benefit d~rlvedtber~fr,mis quite available for that crop. * Hithert~~qttl;r~dn_this’regianA~.v g~vcn .t eir-chi~f=att.ontion-to-the-cuttiva~ a - _ IDEVOTED TOTHEtNTEBESTSOF HAMMO TONANDMAKING murIEY. ..... it {rein 20 to 30 bushels of lime per acre, will growgLodclover with rye or any other grain. Andthis. wayin whichlarge portions r,f far.me in this pluo,e oughtto be disposed, ofi betbo land by this methodwould ize itself¯ Inthis more genial climate vegetal !e m~ttcrs ldougheddowndec~o~oin far’less gratefulthcnto the . .... - ¯ 7 ¯~ ; o . soil. and.a~ppalsutlymuchrrore fertile. AS.air ea d s t a~I~ealoi~r~eryJmtdlty~a~i t!lislnff’.. It rcqulresa little’manureofte~ ed in t clayey, heavysoil, to pi’oduce a goodcrop~Andlet it hc alwaysborne in mindthat less than one half the labor nc’¢c.~ssryin w?rking a heavysell js suflleient hero to makeitYield ~-~ . .... in’,ql~ed that tlto Greeley ETectural vote be citer t’tr- itut’a.~-a tribute:of i.c-~peot to UY.)S ~ In (h’,~eiey, ,,s c~rrsiu~ou~th~ ~pirit ef ro~- TheEteet~ral~Coll0gcs of elmBt~os m~t