2 WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICES SECTION B • HAMPTON CHRONICLE PUBLIC NOTICE Dumont City Council PUBLIC NOTICE Latimer City Council ORDINANCE NO. 2016-2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LATIMER, IOWA, BY AMENDING TITLE VI, CHAPTER 5 ARTICLE 7 CUSTOMER GUARANTEE DEPOSITS BY ADDING A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND/OR PHOTO ID WITH NEW ACCOUNTS/DEPOSITS. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LATIMER, IOWA: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Latimer, Iowa, be amended by amending 5-5-7 that currently reads as follows: 5-5-7 CUSTOMER GUARANTEE DEPOSITS. Customer deposits shall be required of all new customers, or others having no established credit record, and of those who have an unacceptable credit record or who have a prior record of failure to pay water bills rendered. Such deposit shall be one hundred fifty ($150) dollars. The deposit will be returned to the depositor at the time the service connection is transferred or terminated, or if the depositor goes two full years from the date of the deposit without delinquencies in their water and related services bill. An occurrence or recurrence of a bad payment record may be the occasion for the City Clerk to require a new or larger deposit for the continuation of service. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84(1)) Be amended to read as follows: 5-5-7 CUSTOMER GUARANTEE DEPOSITS. Customer deposits shall be required of all new customers, or others having no established credit record, and of those who have an unacceptable credit record or who have a prior record of failure to pay water bills rendered. Such deposit shall be one hundred fifty ($150) dollars. The deposit will be returned to the depositor at the time the service connection is transferred or terminated, or if the depositor goes two full years from the date of the deposit without delinquencies in their water and related services bill. An occurrence or recurrence of a bad payment record may be the occasion for the City Clerk to require a new or larger deposit for the continuation of service. a. A Social security number and/or photo identification shall be required with all new accounts/deposits or from those that are required to provide a new deposit due to failure to pay rendered bills as required. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84(1)) Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of Latimer, Iowa on the 11th day of May, 2016. /s/ Mark Johansen, Mayor City of Latimer, IA ATTEST: /s/ Melissa Simmons, City Clerk City of Latimer, IA Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICE Latimer City Council OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF LATIMER UNAPPROVED MINUTES MAY 11, 2016 The regular meeting of the Latimer City Council was called to order by Mayor Mark Johansen on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Council members answering roll call were: Cathy Crooks, Shaun Koenen, Lawrence Meyer, Randy DeBour, and Landon Plagge. Meyer made a motion to approve the agenda as printed and was seconded by Plagge. Motion passed unanimously. DeBour made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 13, 2016 regular meeting and was seconded by Crooks. Motion passed unanimously. After reviewing the bills, a motion was made by Plagge to approve the bills to be paid as printed and was seconded by Crooks. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council reviewed the Expense Report, Revenue Report and Fund Balance Report. The first reading of Ordinance 2016-1 Dangerous Buildings was approved with a motion by Plagge and seconded by DeBour. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. Meyer made a motion to suspend the rule requiring an ordinance be voted on for passage at two council meeting prior to this meeting with respect to the Ordinance. This motion was seconded by Koenen. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. Plagge made a motion to pass and adopt the Ordinance 2016-1 pertaining to Dangerous Buildings and was seconded by Crooks. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. The first reading of Ordinance 2016-2 New account/deposit requirements was approved with a motion by DeBour and was seconded by Plagge. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. Meyer made a motion to suspend the rule requiring an ordinance be voted on for passage at two council meeting prior to this meeting with respect to the Ordinance. This motion was seconded by Koenen. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. Crooks made a motion to pass and adopt the Ordinance 2016-2 pertaining to New account/ deposit requirements and was seconded by DeBour. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. For routine maintenance issues, the council discussed the intake by the storage unit on Main Street and an office chair for City Hall. It was decided that Noelck's General Contracting will build a structure to improve the intake for safety purposes and the City Clerk will purchase a new office chair by a motion made by DeBour and seconded by Plagge. Motion passed unanimously. The old city hall building was not discussed at this meeting but was tabled for next meeting to give the Mayor time to collect some information. Two quotes were collected to purchase 10 trees to be planted in the parks to eventually replace some that will need to be removed. A motion was made by Plagge to order 10 trees from North Country Landscaping in the amount of $85.00 per tree and will have Wayne plant them as he has time and seconded by Crooks. Motion passed unanimously. The oil burning boiler that was removed from City Hall was discussed. A motion made by DeBour to sell it and was seconded by Meyer. Motion passed unanimously. The City Council reviewed the proposed budget amendments. After some discussion Plagge made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-4 setting a public hearing regarding the budget amendments for the 2016 fiscal year at a special meeting on May 31, 2016 at 7 pm. The motion was seconded by Koenen. Roll call vote as follows: DeBour: Aye; Meyer: Aye; Plagge: Aye; Koenen: Aye; Crooks: Aye. Meyer made a motion at 7:45 pm to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by DeBour. Motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: Mark Johansen, Mayor Melissa Simmons, City Clerk GENERAL Ackley Painting, flooring at Fire Dept ................ ........................................................$4,360.00 Alliant Energy, City sign electricity .......$24.644 Auto Part, Inc, fuel filter for fire dept ........$2.84 Cady & Rosenberg Law, filing fees......$250.00 DeBour Electric, work at Fire Dept and fixtures ........................................................$2,408.40 EFTPS, Federal, SS and Medicare taxes.......... ...........................................................$301.47 Electronic Engineering, Fire Dept belt clip......... .............................................................$10.00 Frontier, City Hall phone service..........$138.46 Hampton Hardware, shop supplies .........$7.98 Heffron Services, dust control ..........$1,152.75 IPERS, retirement................................$194.48 Latimer Post Office, PO box dues .........$36.00 Menards, bushes and mulch ...............$211.45 MidAmerican Energy, electricity ..........$285.96 Mort's Water Co, socket cap to fix water fountain .........................................................$5.47 North Central Building Supply, Fire Dept/Shop supplies ..............................................$506.04 Petty Cash, filing at Recorder office, postage and flowers...........................................$51.23 Randy DeBour, reimburse for lunch on clean up day .......................................................$39.11 Wayne Pralle, phone reimbursement, border for flower bed ..........................................$103.42 Wayne Pralle, flowers and mulch ..........$15.96 ROAD USE TAX DeBour Electric, light bulbs for vintage lights .... .............................................................$65.78 EFTPS, Federal, SS, and Medicare taxes......... ...........................................................$462.04 Hansell Ag Repair, Inc, supplies to service mower and blades..............................$283.56 Iowa Prison Industries, pipe caps(sign holders) .............................................................$53.50 IPERS, retirement..................................$29.36 Martin Marietta, gravel .........................$340.26 MidAmerican Energy, electricity ..........$618.78 North Central Building Supply, paint for vintage lights.....................................................$19.29 WATER AgSource Cooperative Services, public water testing ..................................................$24.00 EFTPS, Federal, SS, and Medicare taxes......... ...........................................................$274.58 Frontier, well house pump phone service .......... .............................................................$58.91 IPERS, retirement................................$191.13 MidAmerican Energy, electricity ..........$180.57 Noelck General Contracting, grate cover .......... .............................................................$48.00 Franklin REC, electricity ......................$280.62 The Reminder Printing Co, water quality report publish................................................$318.55 Treasurer, State of Iowa, sales tax payment ..... ...........................................................$341.00 USA Blue Book, water chemicals ........$497.86 Water Utility Sinking Savings, monthly transfer . ........................................................$3,200.00 SEWER AgSorce Cooperative Services, waste water testing ..................................................$46.00 EFTPS, Fed, SS, and Medicare taxes $274.55 Frontier, Lift station phone service.........$58.91 IPERS, retirement................................$191.11 MidAmerican, electricity.........................$76.82 Treasurer, State of Iowa, sales tax payment ..... .............................................................$95.00 GARBAGE Clear Lake Truck & RV Wash, garbage truck wash.....................................................$83.00 Dudley's Corner, diesel........................$382.89 EFTPS, Federal, SS, and Medicare taxes......... ...........................................................$209.71 Garbage Truck Savings, monthly transfer ......... ...........................................................$750.00 Holtz Industries, recycling bins ............$160.30 IPERS, retirement................................$153.03 Joel's Diesel & Ag Service, service garbage truck, DOT insp ..................................$601.48 Landfill of North Iowa, scale tickets and dues ... ...........................................................$996.34 Mason City Recycling, processing tickets ......... .............................................................$79.00 Swieter Salvage, appliance pickup ......$250.00 Treasurer, State of Iowa, sales tax payment ..... .............................................................$69.00 Payroll from all accounts ..................$5,230.09 APRIL SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS General ...........................................$34,855.46 Road Use Tax ...................................$4,165.41 Employee Benefits............................$1,338.80 Local Option Sales Tax .....................$3,116.25 TIF .......................................................$354.27 Debt Service ...................................$13,270.05 Water ................................................$7,473.27 Sewer ...............................................$6,633.17 Garbage............................................$5,829.25 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF DUMONT UNAPPROVED MINUTES MAY 12, 2016 The Dumont City Council met in regular session Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Dumont City Hall with Mayor ProTem David E. Shear presiding. Those present were Council Members Brenda Baldwin, Reid Menken, Jan Reysack and Chris Showalter. Visitors in attendance were Cliff Winkowitsch, Dan Lunstrum, Jeremy Minnier, Deidre Easton and Ramona Melendy. Mayor ProTem Shear opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on the Amendment to the 20152016 current City Budget as published and since no one appeared to support or object to the Amendment as published, Showalter moved to close the Public Hearing. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Menken then presented RESOLUTION NO. 2016-5 CITY BUDGET AMENDMENT AND CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 and moved to amend the budget as published and to certify this amendment with the Butler County Auditor by May 30, 2016. Showalter seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor ProTem and hereby made a portion of these minutes. At this time, Mayor ProTem Shear opened the time for public comment on non-agenda items. As no one appeared for this purpose, this segment of the agenda was closed. Baldwin moved to approve the minutes from our April 14, 2016 Council meeting as published. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Showalter presented ORDINANCE NO. 270 AMENDING PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO TREES/SHRUBS-PLANTING RESTRICTIONS as follows: SECTION 1. SECTION MODIFIED. Section 150.02 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa, is repealed and the following adopted in lieu thereof: 150.02 PLANTING RESTRICTIONS. No person shall plant a tree/shrub in any parking or street without first obtaining approval from the Council and except in accordance with the following: 1. Alignment. All trees/shrubs planted in any street shall be planted in the parking midway between the outer line of the sidewalk and the curb. In the event a curb is not established, trees/shrubs shall be planted on a line ten (10) feet from the property line. 2. Spacing. Trees/shrubs shall not be planted on any parking which is less than nine (9) feet in width, or contains less than eight-one (81) square feet of exposed soil surface per tree. Trees/shrubs shall not be planted closer than twenty (20) feet from street intersections (property lines extended) and ten (10) feet from driveways. If it is at all possible, trees/shrubs should be planted inside the property lines and not between the sidewalk and the curb. 3. Prohibited Trees. No person shall plant in any street any fruit-bearing tree or any trees of the kinds commonly known as Cottonwood, Poplar, Box Elder, Chine Elm, Evergreen, Willow or Black Walnut. 4. Permission. A person requesting permission to plant a tree/shrub in the public right-of-way shall first make written application to the Clerk stating the type of tree/shrub to be planted and its proposed location. The Council shall review the application at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting and shall take into consideration the proposed location of the tree/shrub, the type of tree/shrub involved and the potential effect on the surrounding public improvements before resolving to allow or deny the request. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any section, provision or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision or part thereof not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 3. WHEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its final passage, approval and publication as provided by law and moved for its passage. Menken seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Baldwin then moved to dispense of the second and third readings. Reysack seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor ProTem and hereby made a portion of these minutes. With the passage of Ordinance No. 270, the property owner at 802 Willow Street is allowed to replace the trees destroyed in last year’s windstorm. Menken presented ORDINANCE NO. 271 AMENDING CHAPTER 1 “CODE ENFORCEMENT” as follows: SECTION 1: Amended subsection. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa is amended by adding the following subsection which is hereby adopted to read as follows: 1.15 “CODE ENFORCEMENT” The Mayor shall be responsible for enforcement of this Code of Ordinances. If requested by the Mayor, the City Council may appoint a Code Enforcement Officer who shall be responsible for enforcement of this Code of Ordinances. Nothing contained in this provision shall be construed in a way to prohibit the City of Dumont, Iowa from issuing criminal citations for violations of this Code of Ordinances by law enforcement officers and moved for its passage. Showalter seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Showalter then moved to dispense of the second and third readings. Menken seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor ProTem and hereby made a portion of these minutes. Baldwin presented ORDINANCE NO. 272 AMENDING CHAPTER 145 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS-“ENFORCEMENT OFFICER” as follows: SECTION 1: Amended subsection. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa is amended by repealing subsection 145.01 and replacing it with the following subsection which is hereby adopted to read as follows: 145.01 “ENFORCEMENT OFFICER” The Mayor or a city designated Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and moved for its passage. Reysack seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Menken then moved to dispense of the second and third readings. Showalter seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor ProTem and hereby made a portion of these minutes. Menken moved to hold the first reading of ORDINANCE NO. 273 AMENDING CHAPTER 155, BUILDING AND LAND USE REGULATIONS and to hold the second reading at our June 9, 2016 Council meeting. Baldwin seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. Reysack presented ORDINANCE NO. 274 AMENDING CHAPTER 55, ANIMAL PROTECTION AND CONTROL as follows: SECTION 1: Amended subsection. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa is amended by repealing subsection 55.06 and replacing it with the following subsection which is hereby adopted to read as follows: 55.06 “AT LARGE PROHIBITED” It is unlawful for any animal to run at large within the corporate limits of the City. Any owner of an animal running at large shall be cited for violating this provision. Additionally, any person responsible for the care of said animal running at large may be cited. At large shall include any animal not confined or on a leash. SECTION 2: Amended Subsection. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dumont, Iowa is amended by repealing subsection 55.01(3) and replacing it with the following subsection which is hereby adopted to read as follows: 55.01(3) “AT LARGE” means off the premises of the owner and not under the control of a competent person, restrained within a motor vehicle, or housed in a veterinary hospital or kennel. Excluding animals within a motor vehicle or housed in a veterinary hospital or kennel, at large includes any animal not on the premises of an owner and not on a leash and moved for its passage. Baldwin seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Reysack then moved to dispense of the second and third readings. Baldwin seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor ProTem and hereby made a portion of these minutes. Showalter moved to approve the Iowa Retail Permit Application for Kwik Star #716 and J & C Grocery. Menken seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. Showalter moved to approve a 6’ fence at 603 Bickford Street. Reysack seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. At this time, Mayor ProTem Shear opened the sealed bid for the lagoon hay. The bid was: 1. Will Huisman....................................$750.00 Baldwin moved to accept this bid by Will Huisman for $750.00. Menken seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. Appliance pickup day was held on Monday, May 9, 2016 with the disposing and recycling of 16 appliances. The resident at 420 First Street requested the terrace in his front yard be shaved to make mowing easier. Showalter indicated the City does not want to get involved with terrace landscaping and moved this practice is simply not our policy. It is the property owner’s responsibility to maintain this area. Baldwin seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. The Council considered ways to provide water to the Main Street garden. Menken moved to install a water hydrant to this area. Showalter seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. Baldwin moved to renew the Dumont Reformed Church’s Adopt-A-Highway Application. Reysack seconded. Roll call: Ayes-Baldwin, Menken, Reysack, Showalter; Nays-none. Motion carried. Letters were issued to those currently with unlicensed pets. A new deadline of June 1st to comply was given before additional penalties are assessed. Building permits approved were a deck and car port at 420 First Street and an extension of driveway and sidewalk replacement at 712 Third Street. Attorney Miller forwarded the court order declaring that the property at 322 Second Street is now owned by the City of Dumont pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 657A. The owner has 30 days from April 29, 2016 to appeal. Showalter moved to pay the bills. Baldwin seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. The bills approved are as follows: EXPENDITURES GENERAL Auto Parts, Inc., wire cable/connectors-grass rig ...........................................................93.23 Baker & Taylor, books ............................361.44 Brenda Baldwin, spring cleanup ..............65.00 Butler Co. Emergency Management, siren repair .......................................................366.00 Central Iowa Fabrication, tube-grass rig..68.64 Centurion Technologies, Smart Shield renewal . ...............................................................64.00 Chief Supply Corporation, hose washer, hydrant, nozzle-BCCFG.........................1242.12 Counsel, maintenance contract-copier ....60.34 Debra J. Eisentrager, reimbursement for books/ DVDs......................................................77.84 Dumont American Legion, 5’ x 8’ flag ......30.00 Dumont Harken Lumber, Inc., lumber for box in grass rig ...................................................5.08 Dumont Telephone Co., phone/fax/internet ....... .............................................................250.76 First Security Bank & Trust, safe deposit box rentals ....................................................58.00 Gary Bierman, reimb. for generator/tank/elbows/bushings ...................................2871.78 Hampton Hardware, bathroom repair-P & R ..... ...............................................................42.03 Hampton Home Store, stove for Brown Center-BCCFG ...........................................469.98 Harrison-Thornburgh, Inc., EMC insurance renewal................................................32310.00 IPERS, IPERS .......................................787.69 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA taxes ....... ...........................................................1067.24 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ..............1649.81 Mid-America Publishing Corp., publish March 9 minutes/ad/PH/amendment .................394.01 Miller & Miller, P.C., Carlson/ordinance amendments ...................................................165.00 R Comm Wireless, mount/antenna-grass rig..... ...............................................................49.00 Rainbow Feed and Garden, Main Street Garden renovation .....................................288.89 PUBLIC NOTICE Board of Supervisors Reid Menken, reimb. for cab guard/brackets/ light-grass rig .......................................234.00 Rhonda Marshall, lettering grass rig ........75.00 Smart Apple Media, books.....................134.70 Titan Machinery-Des Moines, rad hose/clampgrass rig .................................................32.40 Toyne, Inc., couplings/booster hose ......285.32 U.S. Cellular, cell phone ..........................62.32 W.S. Darley & Co., pump for grass rig............... ...........................................................1515.90 GENERAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ....45177.52 GENERAL FUND SALARIES-APRIL 2016 ....... ...........................................................4176.17 TOTAL GENERAL ............................49353.69 EXPENDITURES ROAD USE TAX Blacktop Service Company, cold mix ....429.00 Bruening Rock, 1” road rock ..................276.02 Dumont Implement, grease gun, bolts, belt, O-rings ...................................................72.23 Floyd & Leonard Auto Electric, sharpen chain saw blades/apron chaps ......................156.13 Iowa Prison Industries, 17 stop signs ....504.90 IPERS, IPERS .......................................424.65 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA taxes ....... .............................................................726.70 Kluiter Auto Repair, 1986 GMC truck repair ...... .............................................................837.92 Kwik Trip, Inc., fuel ................................231.09 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................106.69 Swart Tire Service, tire repair ..................20.00 Titan Machinery-Des Moines, 2016 Case tractor .....................................................49745.00 ROAD USE TAX ACCOUNTS PAYABLE .......... .........................................................53530.33 ROAD USE TAX SALARY-APRIL 20162070.85 TOTAL ROAD USE TAX ...................55601.18 EXPENDITURE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Wellmark, insurance payroll ................1036.84 EXPENDITURES WATER AgSource Cooperative Services, water/wastewater analysis ......................................374.00 Brown Supply Co., adjustable socket wrench ... .............................................................146.25 IPERS, IPERS .......................................647.30 Internal Revenue Service, Fed/FICA taxes ....... ...........................................................1303.95 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ..................47.37 Mid-America Publishing Corp., publish 2015 Water Quality Report............................109.02 Treasurer-State of IA, 1st qtr. sales tax 2016 .... ...........................................................1170.00 Wellmark, insurance ..............................518.42 WATER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ..........4316.31 EXPENDITURES SEWER Dumont Post Office, 4-30-2016 billing postage . .............................................................100.30 Dumont Telephone Company, phone/UPS fees ...............................................................83.24 MidAmerican Energy, utilities ................697.29 Teledyne Instruments, Inc., tubing .........113.60 SEWER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ............994.43 SEWER SALARY-APRIL 2016 ............2900.00 TOTAL SEWER ...................................3894.43 EXPENDITURES LANDFILL/GARBAGE Butler Co. Solid Waste Comm., disposal fee May 2016 ...........................................2070.25 Jendro Sanitation Services, April 2016 pickup .. ...........................................................1798.82 LANDFILL/GARBAGE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE . ...........................................................3869.07 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ........108924.50 PAYROLL-APRIL 2016 ........................9147.02 TOTAL .............................................118071.52 AMBULANCE EXPENDITURES-APRIL 2016 ... ...........................................................1314.79 GRAND TOTAL ...............................119386.31 REVENUES-APRIL 2016 GENERAL FUND Butler Co. Treasurer, AgLand ..............1017.68 Butler Co. Treasurer, general taxes ...33536.52 Butler Co. Treasurer, insurance .........10307.34 Mosquito Fund, utility billings.................654.08 State of Iowa, local option ...................2915.75 Pet licensing, 2016 ..................................36.00 Photocopy, photocopy ...............................0.10 Interest, savings accounts-April 2016........5.75 Park & Rec rentals, April 2016...............125.00 Ambulance Revenue, April 2016 ...........774.20 Butler Co. Treasurer, support of public library ... ........................................................... 1117.90 Paiten Cavazos, fence permit..................10.00 Mike Conklin, deck permit .......................50.00 First Security Bank & Trust, Fire Department loan ..................................................25000.00 Butler Co. Comm. Foundation Grant, Fire Department 2016 ....................................7000.00 Library Memorial, BCGFG-Library 2016 ............ ...........................................................3000.00 GENERAL FUND TOTAL .................85550.32 DEBT SERVICE Butler Co. Treasurer, debt repayment .7447.60 SPECIAL REVENUE Butler Co. Treasurer, emergency levy . 1117.90 Butler Co. Treasurer, employee benefits ........... .........................................................10191.50 State of Iowa, Road Use Tax ...............4684.59 SPECIAL REVENUE TOTAL ............15993.99 WATER FUND Metered sales, utility billings ................4258.41 Tower maintenance, utility billings .........789.00 Penalties, utility billings..........................390.00 Meter rent, utility billings ........................224.94 Sales tax, utility billings..........................315.78 Interest, savings ........................................0.53 WATER FUND TOTAL ........................5978.66 SEWER FUND Metered sales, utility billings ................3840.29 Base rate, utility billings .......................2882.60 Sales tax, utility billings............................78.50 Interest, savings ........................................3.79 SEWER FUND TOTAL ........................6805.18 LANDFILL/GARBAGE Refuse fees, utility billings ...................4987.45 Garbage tags, garbage tags ....................22.00 Sales tax, utility billings............................16.53 LANDFILL/GARBAGE TOTAL ...........5025.98 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE-APRIL 2016 ...............................................126801.73 As the agenda was complete, Showalter moved to adjourn. Reysack seconded. Motion carried, ayes all. ATTEST: David E. Shear, Mayor ProTem Rhonda L. Schmidt, Attest Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UNAPPROVED MINUTES MAY 16, 2016 Be it duly noted these minutes of 5/16/16 are UNOFFICIAL minutes. The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30AM with Board members Corey Eberling-Chairman, Gary McVicker and Michael Nolte present. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, approves the agenda as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, approves the minutes of 5/9/16. All ayes. Motion carried. Committee Updates: Conservation update and visit to Hardin County’s cabins; North Iowa Juvenile Detention; and NIACOG. Guests: Judge James Drew and Brent Symens, County Attorney, offered ideas for reconfiguration on the second floor court area of the Courthouse; James McCaughey-issues of neighbor’s cars in the right of way near his property. LeRoy Brandt, Ackley, presented a gravel proposal for the next three years. No action taken. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, approves an Application to Perform Work within Franklin County Highway Right of Way for Brian Knoll to use the street in front of Bradford Community Hall from 5:30 PM to 12:30 AM on June 18, 2016 for a reception. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, approves an Application to Perform Work within Franklin County Highway Right of Way for Dennis Vanness to mow and bale ditches two miles south of Alexander on S14, two miles north of Alexander on S14, one mile north and south of 190th Street on S25 and parts of C25 from Alexander limits to S25, 180th Street from Balsam to Wright Avenues; all with signatures from the corresponding landowners. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, opens at 9:42 AM a Public Hearing to receive comments on a new Master Matrix Construction Permit to: Marton Hunt Site, owner Marton Pork Production, Iowa Falls, located SE ¼ SE ¼ Sec 33, Grant Township. Expansion of an existing site to 7490 proposed animal units. All ayes. Motion carried. Present was: Earl Kalkwarf-Franklin County Sanitarian and Keith Kratchmer, Iowa Select, Iowa Falls. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, closes at 9:49 AM the Public Hearing on the Master Matrix Construction Permit. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, accepts the Master Matrix scoring and points met on the Marton Hunt Site, owner Marton Pork Production, Iowa Falls, located SE ¼ SE ¼ Sec 33, Grant Township. Expansion of existing site to 7490 proposed animal units. All ayes. Motion carried. At 10:00 AM Sandy Eckhardt, Drainage Clerk, met to present proposed drainage district relevies. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, approves the following Franklin County Control Drainage Relevies in which all come due with taxes in September with penalty date October 1, 2016. Relevies are: District Name 23 30 Lat 23 30 Lat 30 34 48 52 57 Lat 2-A Trustee 69 Sub 2/3 Sub 2/6 Sub 5/6 Sub 7/6 Sub 9/6 46 30 Lat 32 30 Lat 33 30 Lat 28 F-H-4-53 Amt. Needed $3,595.24 $1,022.11 $16,545.06 $199,003.83 $63,528.19 $3,188.09 $1,313.14 $1,500.00 $1,918.70 $1,571.09 $2,429.50 $1,917.66 $2,797.20 $751.32 $690.48 $1,971.28 $646.54 $20,718.72 Relevy Total Relevy Percent 27.25% $3,597.00 12.75% $1,032.46 183.00% $16,590.05 348.50% $199,049.50 187.00% $63,541.22 7.75% $3,120.74 3.35% $1,306.50 3.75% $1,397.05 120.00% $1,918.92 8.75% $1,445.50 105.50% $2,426.50 47.75% $1,916.58 30.00% $2,786.72 46.90% $751.66 526.00% $691.69 295.00% $1,980.63 79.05% $646.63 50.58% 50.58% 50.58% $20,722.53 $12,412.49 $8,310.04 All ayes. Motion carried. A 10:30 AM a conference call with Mark Rabinowitz, Conservation Solutions Vice President, Senior Conservator, Conservation Solutions, Inc. was held to discuss the procedure and fees to do an on-site assessment/evaluation of the Courthouse five statues. Rabinowitz will provide a quote in the near future. No action taken. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, approves Drainage District #34 Change Order #1, Engineer’s Project No. 6765, increase of $12,912.50 to jet clean, fill in holes and remove sand for exploratory excavation. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, approves the denied claim from the 5/9/16 Claims Listing, from Public Health to Houck Transit for $250.00; per McVicker’s recommendation as Board of Health Liaison. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by McVicker, approves a 28E Cooperative Reimbursement Agreement between Franklin, Butler, Bremer and Grundy Counties for Regional Services Provided by Iowa Department of Human Services to provide a place for DHS services. All ayes, motion carried. The Board acknowledged Manure Management Plan Renewals for: 1) F126, #62035, owner Christensen Farms LLC, site located 430 110th St, Dows, Sec 15, Morgan Twp; 2) Showalter Site 2, #63920, owner JJ Show LLC, site located 1072 Olive Ave, Hampton, Sec 17, Reeve Twp; 3) Jorden Ag Site #1, #63867, owner Ahlio Group Inc., site located 2151 Jonquil Ave, Latimer, Sec 21, Richland Twp. Motion by McVicker, seconded by Nolte, adjourns at 12:04 PM, until May 23, 2016. All ayes. Motion carried. ATTEST: Corey Eberling, Chairman Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. HAMPTON CHRONICLE • SECTION MAY 25 PUBLIC NOTICE Hampton-Dumont Community School District OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS H-D BOARD OF EDUCATION UNAPPROVED MINUTES MAY 16, 2016 The Hampton-Dumont Board of Education met in regular session on May 16, 2016 at 6 P.M. with Ron Raney, Stacy Miller, Tom Brolsma, Jeff Rosenberg, Tom Birdsell, Chad Hanson and Erran Miller, Board Members. Todd Lettow, Superintendent and Lisa Lewis, Board Secretary, were present. Motion by Stacy Miller, second by Jeff Rosenberg to approve the agenda, with the addition of two open enrollment students. All ayes. Motion by Jeff Rosenberg, second by Erran Miller, to approve the consent agenda and payment of all bills with removing one staffing update, the Bus Driver/Maintenance Technician for Transportation Building and Grounds. All ayes. Jen Koenen was present to give a Curriculum Report. Dan Aalbers presented an Athletic Department Report. The Administrators gave an overview of what is happening in their buildings, and some updates. Motion by Erran Miller, second by Jeff Rosenberg to approve the list of 2016 Graduates, pending they meet all graduation requirements. All ayes. Motion by Tom Brolsma, second by Stacy Miller to call for bids for the following: Bakery Milk Garbage (3 Year Contract) All ayes. Motion by Jeff Rosenberg, second by Tom Birdsell to approve participation in the summer food program. All ayes. Motion by Jeff Rosenberg, second by Erran Miller to approve the purchase and contract with Frontline Technologies for the Veritime program. The cost of this program is $2,200.00 set up fee, and $5,000 annually thereafter. All ayes. Motion by Jeff Rosenberg, second by Tom Birdsell to approve the NWEA Map Assessment Subscription for 2016-17. The cost is $15,686.50. All ayes. Motion by Tom Brolsma, second by Erran Miller to approve the bid for mowing the Dumont Bus Barn property from Roger Kregel, Dumont, for $20 per mow time. All ayes. Motion by Tom Brolsma, second by Erran Miller to approve the carpet replacement bid at High School for the HS Band Room and HS Business Ed Group. Bid accepted was from M-G Floor Décor in Dumont. Bid price was $2,520.80 for Business Ed Classroom and $7,011.51 for the HS Band Room. All ayes. Motion by Tom Brolsma, second by Erran Miller to approve the quote from Kay Park Recreation for Baseball/Softball/Visitor Stadium bleachers. The bid was $26,241.58 for softball bleachers, $34,172.42 for the baseball bleachers and $46,205.35 for the visitor bleachers at the HS Football Stadium. All ayes. Mr Lettow discussed sharing opportunities with CAL with the Board of Education. Motion by Jeff Rosenberg, second by Tom Birdsell to approve the open enrollments presented. All ayes. Motion by Tom Brolsma, second by Chad Hanson to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. H-D CDS CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL MAY 16, 2016 BOARD MEETING APPROVAL GENERAL/MGMT/SAVE/PPEL FUNDS A & M Electric, Purchase Service ........$430.00 A & M Electric, North Side Repair.....$2,110.52 Access Inc, Purchased Service ........$1,439.40 Aces Empowering Technology, Purchased Service.....................................................$189.00 AEA 267, Registrations/Repairs .......$2,493.72 Ahlers & Cooney P C, Legal Service .....$78.00 Apple Computer Inc, Laptop Replacement........ ...........................................................$849.00 Auto Parts Whse Inc, Supplies ............$299.21 Bell Piano Service, Piano Tuning ..........$90.00 Belmond-Klemme High School, Girls Track Meet 4/22/16 ........................................$80.00 Bio Corporation, Supplies ....................$378.00 Blackboard Inc., Fusion Host............$6,217.24 Booksource, The, Sina Supplies ......$1,386.29 Central Lock & Key Inc, Supplies ........$581.52 City Of Hampton, Water/Sewer ........$1,036.44 Comfort Systems, Purchase Service ................. ........................................................$3,029.00 Continuum Energy, Natural Gas .......$1,380.77 Culver-Hahn Electric Supply, Supplies $517.77 Delta Education Inc, Supplies...........$2,230.25 Dumont Telephone Co, Maint Supplies ............. ........................................................$2,050.00 Dumont Telephone Co, Purchased Service/Ad . ...........................................................$278.00 E & E Repair, Tire Balance ....................$25.00 Ecolab, Monthly Rental..........................$84.95 Emc Insurance Companies, Work Comp .......... ...........................................................$382.40 Fareway Stores, Supplies....................$620.01 Fastenal Company, Supplies ...............$340.02 Follett School Solutions, Inc, Books .................. ........................................................$1,054.92 Franklin County Fair Assoc, Bus Barn Lease .... ........................................................$3,000.00 Franklin General Hospital, Cpr Class ..$200.00 Garner-Hayfield/Ventura High, Girls Track Meet 4/19/16 .................................................$80.00 Got You Covered, Supplies .................$202.50 Halvorson Trane, Repairs .................$1,007.39 Hampton Hardware, Shop Supplies ....$149.99 Hampton Hardware, Supplies..............$233.09 Hampton-Dumont Activity Fund, Payschools .... ...........................................................$284.66 Hampton-Dumont Child Nutrition, Supplies ....... .............................................................$51.99 Hampton-Dumont Child Nutrition, Payschools .. ......................................................$13,778.32 Hampton-Dumont Ins Account, Early Retirement Insurance .............................$26,564.92 Howie Equipment, Tire Repair ...............$17.50 Iowa Assoc Of School Boards, Supplies ........... .............................................................$76.50 Iowa Association For College, Registration ....... .............................................................$50.00 Iowa Communications Network, DW Telephone .............................................................. ...........................................................$507.54 Iowa Dept Of Human Services, Medicaid .......... ......................................................$40,272.14 Iowa High School Music, Registration... $365.00 Iowa State University-Registration, Academy Reg. ...................................................$400.00 Iowa Valley CCD, Dual Credit Classes .............. ...........................................................$500.00 Jamf Software, Casper Suite ............$1,715.00 JCL Solutions, Supplies .........................$47.52 Jones School Supply Co. Inc., Citizenship Awards .................................................$45.15 Jostens Inc, Supplies.............................$29.61 JW Pepper & Son, Supplies ................$623.36 JW Pepper & Son, Supplies ................$218.09 Kotsonis, Amy, Voice Lessons .............$100.00 Lakeshore, Supplies ............................$278.98 Lowery Mcdonnell Company, Supplies.............. ........................................................$5,641.18 Mariposa Farms, Supplies .....................$23.00 Mark’s Plumbing Parts, Supplies .........$448.83 Martin Bros Distributing,, Supplies ......$337.82 Martin Bros Distributing,, Supplies ...$1,066.08 Martin Bros Distributing,, Supplies ...$1,117.12 Mason City Community School, Educare .......... ...........................................................$108.00 Mid America Publishing, Board Publication ....... ...........................................................$120.59 MidAmerican Energy, Bb Electric ..........$58.78 MidAmerican Energy, Electric/Natural Gas ....... ........................................................$8,769.96 MidAmerican Energy, Electric/Gas ...$2,056.88 Murphy Heating & Plumbing, Supplies/Repairs ...........................................................$404.93 NIACC, Regitration ..............................$915.00 NIVC Services, Purchased Service .....$389.34 NIVC Services, Purchased Service .....$173.04 North Central Building Supply, Inc., Supplies .... ...........................................................$126.59 North Iowa Community Action, Para Time ......... ...........................................................$520.00 Office Depot Inc, Supplies .....................$37.30 Per Mar Security Service, Security Service ....... ...........................................................$482.07 Per Mar Security Service, Intrusion System ...... ........................................................$1,302.00 Perfection Learning Corp, Library Books........... .............................................................$93.76 Peters, Travis, Purchased Service ........$80.00 Postmaster, Newsletter Postage .........$338.34 Quill Corporation, Supplies ..................$474.10 R Comm Wireless, Supplies ..................$41.00 Reminder Printing Co, The, Supplies ....$45.00 Rieman Music, Supplies ........................$80.33 School Speciality, Supplies..................$433.61 Sci Music Products, Keyboard Contract ............ ...........................................................$245.00 Science Center Of Iowa, Planetarium Trip ........ ...........................................................$750.00 Sebco Books, Ms Library Books..........$747.49 Shallberg, Melissa, Voice Lessons ......$275.00 Sherwin-Williams Co., Supplies.............$17.10 Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC, Supplies ... .............................................................$33.93 South Hamilton High School, Boys Track 4/21/2016 .............................................$90.00 Starfall Education, Supplies.................$270.00 Stewart, Bonnie, Voice Lessons ..........$275.00 Syncb/Amazon, Supplies.......................$77.03 Syncb/Amazon, Suuplies.....................$305.00 Timberline, Medicaid ........................$3,143.94 US Cellular, Dw Telephone ..................$211.30 Unite Private Networks, Purchased Service ...... ...........................................................$307.00 Visa, Supplies/Meal ...............................$50.13 Visa, Supplies/Postage........................$120.27 Visa, Visa Payment .............................$455.40 Waste Management, Garbage Service ............. ........................................................$1,795.48 West Music Co, Band Equipment .....$1,032.00 Wex Bank, Fuel/Diesel .....................$3,846.69 Wikert, Wendy, Supplies Reimb. ...........$52.41 Xerox Corporation, Lease.................$5,316.89 Zamorano, Victor, Refund Library Fine..$10.00 TOTAL CLAIMS PAID ..................$165,562.39 HAMPTON-DUMONT CHILD NUTRITION MAY 2016 Earthgrains Baking Co. Inc., Bread ....2,084.21 EMS Detergent Services Co., Supplies ............. .............................................................896.90 Fareway Stores, Food .............................76.77 General Parts LLC, Repair Parts ...........995.47 Hampton-Dumont CSD, April 2016 Payroll Expense ..............................................37,495.42 Hampton-Dumont CSD, Anderson Transfer ...... ...............................................................10.00 Keck Inc., Commodities ......................1,648.34 Klunder, Melinda, Refund ........................43.75 Martin Bros Dist Co, Food & Supplies, SS ........ ..........................................................7,386.53 Martin Bros Dist Co, Food & Supplies, MS........ ..........................................................9,489.08 Martin Bros Dist Co, Food & Supplies ............... ........................................................12,418.14 Mid America Publishing Corporation, Published Claims ....................................................10.80 Miller, Sheila, Uniform Allowance ............48.14 Orkin Exterminating, Pest Control .........199.16 Orkin Exterminating, Pest Control .........199.16 Prairie Farms Dairy, Milk ....................6,255.96 Waste Management, Garbage Service .. 204.00 TOTAL ..............................................79,461.83 ACTIVITIES FUND Aplington-Parkersburg CSD, Entry Fee: HS G/ Track, 4/15 .............................................75.00 Bear Creek Country Club, Dist G/Golf Entry Fee .........................................................60.00 Carol’s Flower Box, Father/Daughter Dance Expense ...............................................126.00 Clarion-Goldfield-Dows High School, Entry Fee: G/B Track .....................................270.00 Clear Lake High School, Entry Fee: HS B/ Track, 4/12 .............................................90.00 Craighton, Amy Refund, MS Yearbook ....15.00 Decker Sporting Goods, Athletic Supplies ......... ..........................................................2,417.45 Eagle Grove High School, Entry Fee: HS B/ Track, 4/5 ...............................................90.00 Eilderts, Emileigh Reimb: HS Cheer Clinic Expenses .................................................156.88 Fan Cloth, Baseball Resale ................4,840.00 Fareway Stores, HS Concession/Sadd Supplies...................................................1,229.97 Forest City High School, Entry Fee: HS B/ Track, 4/15 .............................................90.00 Franklin Wellness Center, Rent: MS Activity Expenses .................................................584.00 Garner-Hayfield/Ventura High School, Entry Fees: G/B Track, 5/2 ............................160.00 Gilbert High School, Entry Fee: HS B/Track, 4/25 ........................................................90.00 Godfather’s Pizza, Mtg Expense .............51.50 Got You Covered, Student Council Order.......... .............................................................252.00 Hampton Country Club, Prom Banquet/Golf ..... .............................................................986.88 Hampton Hardware, Supplies................100.30 Hampton Police Department, Adventureland Tickets-MS DARE .............................1,650.00 Hampton-Dumont General Fund, Reimb-Track Entry Fees............................................250.00 Hampton-Dumont General Fund, Spring 2016 Employee Workers ............................1,430.00 Harding, Duane, Starter, Ms G/Track, 4/21 ....... .............................................................100.00 Hewett Wholesale, HS Concession Supplies .... ..........................................................1,423.23 Huling, Steve, Reimb-Supplies/Travel .....19.53 Humboldt High School, Entry Fee: HS G/Track, 4/25 ........................................................90.00 IHSGCA, 2015-16 Membership Fees ......45.00 IMOEHL, Ron, Ad Purchased Service .....50.00 Iowa High School Music Association, Vocal Medals ...................................................67.00 KLMJ-FM, Ad - Variety Show...................48.00 Larue, Pam, Refund, MS Yearbook .........15.00 Legend Trail Golf Club, Sect B/Golf Entry Fee, 5/13 ........................................................60.00 Lincoln Intermediate, Registration: River City Honor Band ..........................................120.00 Martin Bros Distributing, Supplies, HS Success Center ...............................................1,034.51 McMahon, Dick, Starter, MS G/Track, 4/19 ....... .............................................................100.00 Mid-America Publishing Corp, AF April 2016 Claims ....................................................16.74 North Central Conference, Ncc G/Track, 5/5 ..... ..........................................................1,074.50 Oriental Trading Company, Inc, MS Pbis Supplies........................................................78.03 Party Productions Inc, Play Supplies.......78.38 Pepsi-Cola, Hs Concession Supplies ................ ..........................................................1,512.38 Pioneer Drama Service Inc, Play-Royalty Fee .. ...............................................................45.00 Prom Nite, Swirl Expense ........................60.94 Roland-Story High School, Entry Fee: B/Golf, 5/5 ..........................................................40.00 Sandees Flower House, Swirl Expense ..25.00 Schwab, Glenda, Reimb: Mock Trial Travel Expense .......................................................7.00 Shopko Stores Operating Co., LLC, Supplies: Variety Show ..........................................20.42 South Hardin High School, Entry Fee: HS B/ Track, 4/26 .............................................50.00 Spinning Wheels, MS Pbis Activities .....290.00 Sullivan, Thomas, Starter: Jim Basye Relays, 4/30 ......................................................170.00 Suntken, Christopher, Starter: BD Relays, 4/29/16 .................................................180.00 Suntken, David, Starter, JV/V B/Track, 4/18 ...... .............................................................170.00 Team Connection, Inc., B/Golf Resale...752.80 United Bank And Trust Co, (33A-33F) Activities Start Cash .........................................5,350.00 United Bank And Trust Co, (34A-34D) Start Cash..................................................4,400.00 United Bank And Trust Co, (35A-35C) St Cash; Weekly Activities ...............................3,000.00 Visa, Travel Expense .................................9.47 Visa, AF Visa Charges ........................1,020.58 Visa, Activity Expenses..........................261.60 Visa, AF Visa Expenses ........................791.00 TOTAL ..............................................37,591.09 Dr Semler, Miscellaneous Expense .........58.50 Dr Semler, Miscellaneous Expense .........24.00 Shopko, Miscellaneous Expense.............54.99 TOTAL ...................................................137.49 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICES WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 2016 PUBLIC NOTICE Probate PUBLIC NOTICE Karr Properties PUBLIC NOTICE Charitable Trust NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE NO. ESPR501039 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF BETTY LOU SWANSON, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Betty Lou Swanson, Deceased, who died on or about May 3, 2016: You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of May, 2016, the last will and testament of Betty Lou Swanson, deceased, bearing the date of the 17th day of August, 2006, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Virgil Swanson, Edward Swanson and Linda Allen were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. Virgil Swanson 2178 243rd Lane Greenfield, IA 50849 NOTICE OF SALE The contents of Storage Unit #25 Located at: 1415 4th Street NE, Hampton, IA 50441 And rented in the name of: Sheri Covington Will be sold at public auction sale on: June 7, 2016 at 10 a.m. Contents of said unit consist in part of: personal, household, and misc. MINIMUM BILL WILL HAVE TO BE $450.00 per unit If the tenant of the above storage unit pays the rent due before the auction, the sale will be canceled without notice. PUBLIC NOTICE BETH E. REINHART CHARITABLE TRUST The Beth E. Reinhart Charitable Trust will be accepting Applications for grants during the period of July 1 to August 31. Charitable purposes for the benefit of children shall include educational activities, youth programs, delivery of health care services and any other charitable purpose benefitting children and acceptable to the Trustees within a fifty (50) mile radius of Mason City, Iowa. For complete procedure details, please contact: Beth E. Reinhart Charitable Trust c/o Sandy Benson P.O. Box 894 Mason City, Iowa 50401 Phone: 641 424-3877 Applicants must be a "public charity" within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Section 50l{c) (3) or Internal Revenue Section 170 (c) (1). Edward Swanson 1155 Highway 69 Goodell, IA 50439 Linda Allen 3225 Humboldt Avenue Hornick, IA 51026 Executors of Estate Richard E. Bordwell Attorney for Executors Brinton, Bordwell, & Johnson Law Firm 120 Central Avenue West, P.O. Box 73 Clarion, IA 50525 Date of second publication 1st day of June, 2016. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25 and June 1, 2016. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 18 and 25, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICE U.S. Marshal’s Sale NOTICE OF U.S. MARSHAL'S SALE C-16-3009 Public notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a writ of execution (or Fieri Facias), dated April 28, 2016, issued out of the United States District Court, for the Northern District of Iowa, on a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 26th day of April, 2016, in favor of the United States of America and against Defendant Brett Alan Rasmussen, I have, on this 25th day of May, 2016, levied upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of Franklin and State of Iowa, to wit: Lot One (1) Block One (1), Miller’s Addition to Latimer, Franklin County, Iowa I will, accordingly, offer said real estate for sale, at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash or certified check, on the 29th day of June, 2016, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., at the front door of the Franklin County Courthouse, Hampton, Iowa. Said sale shall be subject to any unpaid real property taxes or special assessments. Dated, this 2nd day of May, 2016. /s/ KENNETH J. RUNDE, United States Marshal NORTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA Martin J. McLaughlin Plaintiff’s Attorney Assistant United States Attorney 111 Seventh Ave SE, Box 1 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 319-363-6333 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, June 1, 8, and 15, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICE Latimer City Council ORDINANCE NO. 2016-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF LATIMER, IOWA, BY ADDING TITLE VI, CHAPTER 14 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LATIMER, IOWA: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of Latimer, Iowa, be amended by adding Title VI, Chapter 14 that reads as follows: TITLE VI PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER 14 DANGEROUS BUILDINGS 5-14-1 Enforcement Officer 5-14-2 General Definition of Unsafe 5-14-3 Unsafe Building 5-14-4 Notice to Owner 5-14-5 Conduct of Hearing 5-14-6 Posting of Signs 5-14-7 Right to Demolish 5-14-8 Costs 5-14-1 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The Mayor or Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter. 5-14-2 GENERAL DEFINITION OF UNSAFE. All buildings or structures which are structurally unsafe or not provided with adequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or which in relation to existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health, or public welfare, by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment, as specified in this chapter or any ordinance, are, for the purpose of this chapter, unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or removal in accordance with the procedure specified in this chapter. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 657.1 & 364.12[3a]) 5-14-3 UNSAFE BUILDING. "Unsafe building" shall mean any structure or mobile home meeting any or all of the following criteria: 1. Collapse of Member. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely to fail, or to become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure persons or damage property. 2. Wind Resistance. Whenever any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is not so anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square foot. 3. Material Deterioration. Whenever any portion thereof has wracked, warped, buckled, or settled to such an extent that walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to winds or earthquakes than is required in the case of similar new construction. 4. Various Inadequacies. Whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (a) dilapidation, deterioration, or decay; (b) faulty construction; (c) the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (d) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (e) any other cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse. 5. Manifestly Unsafe. Whenever, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used. 6. Exterior Walls. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural members list, lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one-third of the base. 7. Deterioration. Whenever the building or structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows thirty-three (33) percent or more damage or deterioration of its supporting member or members, or fifty (50) percent damage or deterioration of its non-supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings. 8. Damaged Structurally. Whenever the building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become (a) an attractive nuisance to children; (b) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or as to (c) enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing unlawful or immoral acts. 9. Inadequate Maintenance. Whenever a building or structure, used or intended to be used for dwelling purposes, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or otherwise, is determined by any health officer to be unsanitary, unfit for human habitation or in such condition that it is likely to cause sickness or disease. 10. Fire Hazard. Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by the Fire Marshal or Fire Chief to be a fire hazard. 11. Public Nuisance. Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public nuisance known to the common law or in equity jurisprudence. 12. Abandoned. Whenever any portion of a building or structure remains on a site after the demolition or destruction of the building or structure or whenever any building or structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six (6) months so as to constitute such building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public. 5-14-4 NOTICE TO OWNER. The enforcement officer shall examine or cause to be examined every building or structure or portion thereof reported as dangerous or damaged and, if such is found to be an unsafe building as defined in this chapter, the enforcement officer shall give to the owner of such building or structure written notice stating the defects thereof. This notice may require the owner or person in charge of the building or premises, within forty-eight (48) hours or such reasonable time as the circumstances require, to commence either the required repairs or improvements or demolition and removal of the building or structure or portions thereof, and all such work shall be completed within ninety (90) days from date of notice, unless otherwise stipulated by the enforcement officer. If necessary, such notice shall also require the building, structure, or portion thereof to be vacated forthwith and not re-occupied until the required repairs and improvements are completed, inspected and approved by the enforcement officer. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12 [3h]) 1. Notice Served. Such notice shall be served by sending by Certified Mail to owner of record, according to Section 364.12[h] of the Code of Iowa, if he shall be found within the City limits. If he is not found within the City limits such service may be made upon said owner by registered mail or certified mail. The designated period within which said owner or person in charge is required to comply with the order of the enforcement officer shall begin as of the date he receives such notice. 2. Hearing. Such notice shall also advise the owner that he may request a hearing before the Council on the notice by filing a written request for hearing within the time provided in the notice. 5-14-5 CONDUCT OF HEARING. If requested, the Council shall conduct a hearing in accordance with the following: 1. Nature. The owner shall be served with written notice specifying the date, time and place of hearing. 2. Owner's Rights. At the hearing, the owner may appear and show cause why the alleged nuisance shall not be abated. 3. Determination. The Council shall make and record findings of fact and may issue such order as it deems appropriate. 5-14-6 POSTING OF SIGNS. The enforcement officer shall cause to be posted at each entrance to such building a notice to read: "DO NOT ENTER. UNSAFE TO OCCUPY. CITY OF LATIMER, IOWA." Such notice shall remain posted until the required repairs, demolition, or removal are completed. Such notice shall not be removed without written permission of the enforcement officer and no person shall enter the building except for the purpose of making the required repairs or of demolishing the building. 5-14-7 RIGHT TO DEMOLISH. In case the owner shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the notice to repair, rehabilitate, or to demolish and remove said building or structure or portion thereof, the Council may order the owner of the building prosecuted as a violator of the provisions of this chapter and may order the enforcement officer to proceed with the work specified in such notice. A statement of the cost of such work shall be transmitted to the Council. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[3h]) 5-14-8 COSTS. Costs incurred under 5-14-7 shall be paid out of the City treasury. Such costs shall be charged to the owner of the premises involved and levied as a special assessment against the land on which the building or structure is located, and shall be certified to the County Auditor for collection in the manner provided for other taxes. (Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.l2 [3h]) Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon publication. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of Latimer, Iowa on the 11th day of May, 2016. /s/ Mark Johansen, Mayor City of Latimer, IA ATTEST: /s/ Melissa Simmons, City Clerk City of Latimer, IA Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. Date of fourth publication 25th day of May, 2016. 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Coulter City Council Date of third publication 8th day of June, 2016. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF COULTER UNAPPROVED MINUTES MAY 11, 2016 The Council met in regular session on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 in City Hall. Mayor Mark Brown called the meeting to order at 6:35pm with members Erickson, Tilkes, Stadtlander, and Lohrbach present and Paris absent. Visitors present were J Lohrbach, M Lawler, D Chipp, L Allan, and Stephanie Mulford and two children. Mayor Brown called the Public Hearing to order at 6:45pm for approving the amended 2016 City budget. City Clerk Jorges read the proposed changes needed for the budget. With no comments for or against the amended budget from the public present or written comments sent to City Hall; a motion to close the public hearing was made by Erickson and seconded by Tilkes. Roll call vote was taken with all ayes. Tilkes made a motion to waive the 2nd and 3rd readings of the budget and Stadtlander seconded. Erickson made a motion to approve the amended budget and Lohrbach seconded. Tilkes motioned and Lohrbach seconded to approve Resolution 2016-4 Amended 2016 City Budget. Roll call votes were taken with all ayes and all motions carried. At the public forum portion of the meeting Lon Allan addressed the Council about the 30 trees planted in the city on April 30th with the help of 7 volunteers. He reported he moved and repaired the one bleacher at the ball diamond in City Park for the ball league. He also requested the Council to set up a meeting to go over the 32 page DNR Tree Survey. He was instructed to find out what scheduling would work for Matt from DNR and we would go with that. Myron Lawler reported he talked with Sparboe and two other sources about donations for the dug out roof covers and storage for equipment. Darren Chipp addressed the Council asking for a building permit to move a building from Latimer to the property he purchased next to his current business. After discussion, Stadtlander motioned and Tilkes seconded to approve the building permit. Roll call vote was Erickson aye, Lohrbach nay, Stadtlander aye, and Tilkes aye. Motion carried. Mayor Brown vetoed the motion. Permit denied at this time. It will be discussed further at next council meeting. Stephanie Mulford addressed the Council requesting permission to have the side street closed to the north of The Garage Tavern for a street dance on Fun Days, June 18th. Erickson motioned and Lohrbach seconded to approve the street closure for the street dance on June 18th. Mayor Brown asked Stephanie to pass on to her husband about cleaning up the Principal Builders property. The Council was given an Investment Policy to review and approve which stated how and where the City could invest City money. After discussion, Tilkes motioned and Lohrbach seconded to approve Resolution 2016-3 establishing an Investment Policy. Roll call vote was all ayes. Motion carried and resolution was passed and approved. Resolution 2016-5 Wage Rates was presented to the Council for approval. After discussion, Stadtlander motioned and Erickson second to approve Resolution 2016-5 Wage rates for the city employees. Roll call vote was all ayes. Motion carried and the resolution was passed and approved. Next on the agenda was a resolution to establish a Santa Fund. City Clerk reported this could not be done per instructions from City Attorney Berkland because it is against the Iowa Constitution and Iowa Law that the City can not give any gifts away to anyone. If the money for this was turned over to the City to manage it would become public funds and could not be used as intended. It was recommended to either have an organization or church take over it or a volunteer. Tilkes motioned and Stadtlander second to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2016 meeting. Roll call vote was all ayes. Motion carried. Erickson motioned and Lohrbach second to approve the bills presented for payment totaling $34,761.30. Roll call vote was all ayes and motion carried. Bills approved for payment were the following: GENERAL EXPENDITURES Alliant Energy, Utilities .........................1190.60 D & L Sanitation, Garbage/Recycling ..1555.50 K. Zander, Cleaning .................................15.00 Pralle’s Wash City FD truck wash/rock hauling .............................................................568.81 Frontier, Telephone/Fax .........................116.00 N Erickson, Mowing, ...........................1100.00 Dudley’s Corner, FD fuel & supplies ........86.41 Mid America Publishing, Legals.............340.09 Mort’s Water, snow removal ..................112.50 Employee, wages ..................................462.40 Ipers, retirement ....................................125.00 IRS, federal tax payment .......................165.40 N Country Landscaping, 29 trees ........2230.00 City of Coulter, LOST transfer to savings .......... .............................................................400.00 Associated Supply, office supply ...........189.90 Marshall Construction, Cemetery monument repair ....................................................285.00 Iowa One Call, Location e-mails ..............34.20 Syntex Industries, FD supplies ................44.96 Danko Emergency Equip., FD equipment ......... ............................................................ 102.00 First Citizen Bank, Perpetual Care ........210.00 TOTAL ..............................................$ 9750.77 SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES Alliant Energy, Utilities ...........................750.97 Quality Pump, lift pump repair ...............490.00 Quality Pump, New lift pump ............20,450.49 City of Latimer, Lagoon............................95.78 TOTAL ...............................................21787.24 WATER FUND EXPENDITURES Alliant Energy, Utilities ...........................301.61 Mort’s Water, repairs..............................818.47 Central Tank, Inspection ......................1600.00 Ag Source Lab, water rte .........................31.50 Employee, wages/mileage.....................413.64 IPERS, retirement....................................25.14 IRS, payroll tax ........................................32.93 TOTAL .................................................3223.29 REVENUES General Fund.....................................16851.40 Road Use Fund ...................................1900.21 Debt Service Fund ...............................4094.18 Water Utility Fund ................................2796.09 Sewer Utility Fund ............................. 11105.83 Garbage Utility Fund............................1824.35 Landfill Utility Fund ................................161.25 Deposit Utility Fund .................................77.00 Unapplied Utility Fund ...........................219.94 TOTAL ..............................................39,030.25 Tilkes made a motion to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Stadtlander. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm. ATTEST: LaDonna Jorges, City Clerk Mark Brown, Mayor Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, June 1 and 8, 2016. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25, 2016. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICE Probate NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTORS, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE NO. ESPR501040 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUNE V. HOFSOMMER, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of June V. Hofsommer, Deceased, who died on or about April 26, 2016: You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of May, 2016, the last will and testament of June V. Hofsommer, deceased, bearing date of the 27 th day of December, 2007, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Mary Beth Hofsommer Moody and Earl Dean Hofsommer were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 12th day of May, 2016. Mary Beth Hofsommer Moody 9700 Crestridge Drive Denton, TX 76207 Earl Dean Hofsommer 56262 Oakridge Road Story City, IA 50248 Executors of Estate G.A. Cady III, ICIS PIN No: AT0001386 Attorney for Executors Cady & Rosenberg Law Firm, PLC 9 First Street, SW PO Box 456 Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-2555 Date of second publication 1st day of June, 2016. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on May 25 and June 1, 2016. PUBLIC NOTICE Dissolution of Marriage PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE STATE OF IOWA IOWA DISTRICT COURT COURT CASE CDDM500429 FRANKLIN COUNTY DATE PETITION FILED: 03-04-2016 Upon the Petition of Ronda Lynn Rivera, Petitioner and concerning Julio Cesar Rivera Hernandez, Respondent TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT: You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in the office of the clerk of Hardin County, a petition in this case number which prays for a dissolution of marriage naming you as the respondent in this action. A copy of the petition (and any documents attached to it) is attached to this notice. The attorney for the petitioner is Kathryn E. Austin of Walters & Johnson whose address is 222 Oak Street, P.O. Box 502, Iowa Falls, Iowa 50126. That attorney’s telephone number is (641) 648-4227 and facsimile number is (641) 648-9934. You are further notified this case has been filed in a county that utilizes electronic filing. You are directed to Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for general rules and information on electronic filing. (https://www.iowacourts.state.ia.us/ EFile) Please also review Chapter 16 Division VI (https://www.iowacourts.state.ia.us/EFile) regarding the protection of personalin court filings. Therefore, unless the attached signature page contains a hearing date for your appearance, or unless you obtain an exemption from the Court, you must file your motion or answer electronically within twenty (20) days after services of this Original Notice. If you do not respond, the court may enter a judgment against you giving petitioner what she asked for in the petition. You are further notified that you have a right to counsel. If you are financially unable to employ counsel, the court, following an in-court colloquy, may appoint for you, provided that you meet criteria in Section 600A.6A, Code of Iowa. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branch website at https://www.iowacourts.state. ia.us/EFile and obtain a log in and password for the purposes of filing and viewing documents on your case and of receiving service and notices from the court. CLERK OF THE ABOVE COURT Franklin County Courthouse Hampton, Iowa 50441 IMPORTANT YOU ARE ADVISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE TO PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS. NOTE: The attorney who is expected to represent the Respondent should be promptly advised by the Respondent of the service of this Notice. NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: If you require the assistance of auxiliary aids or services to participate in Court because of a disability, immediately call your district ADA coordinator at (641) 421-0990. (If you are hearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-735-2942). (Seal) /s/ Sandy Groen Clerk of Franklin County