sustainable supplier - Procurement Services

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ArborOakland Group is looking green.
Direct Mail Services
Through our FSC + SFI Certifications and
our penchant for green operations, we
can help you communicate your marketing
message in many ways that not only have
a positive impact on the environment, but
on your ROI as well. Whether by traditional
print + mailing, with variable data digital
print or through our cross media services,
we focus on one thing - You.
Please contact:
Y v o n n e B u sby- D e a n
Se n i o r A ccount Manager
yd e a n @ar boroaklan m
Our special thanks to Millcraft Paper Company for providing the material used in this publication.
+ Blue
= Green
Your preferred provider of marketing materials at the University of Michigan
Database Management
Web Development
Email/Trigger SMS/Text
Message Marketing
Web Storefront
ArborOakland Group is looking green.
Direct Mail Services
Through our FSC + SFI Certifications and
our penchant for green operations, we
can help you communicate your marketing
message in many ways that not only have
a positive impact on the environment, but
on your ROI as well. Whether by traditional
print + mailing, with variable data digital
print or through our cross media services,
we focus on one thing - You.
Please contact:
Y v o n n e B u sby- D e a n
Se n i o r A ccount Manager
yd e a n @ar boroaklan m
Our special thanks to Millcraft Paper Company for providing the material used in this publication.
+ Blue
= Green
Your preferred provider of marketing materials at the University of Michigan
the grass is always greener
on the other side...
Worried you re not doing as much as you can to
make a difference? Just follow the lead of some of
these incredible environmental organizations!
The Chlorine Free Products
Association (CFPA) is an independent
not-for-profit accreditation and standardsetting organization. They focus on promoting
sustainable manufacturing practices and
implementing advanced technologies free
of chlorine chemistry. The CFPA educates
consumers on alternatives and develops
world markets for sustainably produced certified
The Center for Resource
Solutions (CRS) is a national non-profit
says you canPaper
t teach an
old dog new tricks?
Here are the ABC’s
Don t know the first thing about recycled paper?
can help you!
Here are the ABC s that can help you!
A ccountability: Being responsible and answerable.
A cid Free: Paper made in a neutral pH system,
usually buffered with calcium carbonate.
This increases the longevity of the paper.
A rchival: Acid free or neutral paper that includes a
minimum of 2% calcium carbonate to increase longevity.
C hain of Custody: Chain of Custody is a process
by which forest products are tracked from the
forest all the way to the end consumer.
C hlorine: Commonly used to bleach fibers. Most
virgin fibers are generally ECF (Elemental Chlorine
Free) or TCF (Totally Chlorine Free).
D e-inking: A process which removes ink,
CRS administers the Green-e Renewable Electricity
toner, coatings and most fillers from recovered
paper. The environmental priority is to make
the process totally chlorine free.
Certification program.
D irt Count: The average amount of dirt in a specific
organization building the renewable energy market.
The US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
publishes guidelines for the
minimum recycled product
content for use by federal
agencies for purchasing.
The EPA is charged with most of the
environmental responsibility for guidance,
direction, monitoring and enforcement in
the United States.
size of paper area. Both virgin and recycled papers
have dirt . Recycled paper usually has a higher dirt count.
E CF: Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) is pulp
bleached without the use of elemental
chlorine. Generally this is virgin fiber bleached
in chlorine dioxide.
E cological Footprint: A common metric used in
environmental and sustainability reports to measure the
resources used for each person or organization based
on the land required to feed, clothe and sustain it.
F iber: Small strands of wood, cotton or other
cellulose products that are used to make paper.
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an
independent, international, environmentally and
socially oriented forest certification organization. It
trains, accredits and monitors third-party certifiers
around the globe to establish international
forest management standards.
G reen-e: Administered by the non-profit Center for
Resource Solutions (CRS) and is the nation s leading
renewable energy certification and verification program.
G reen Power: Describes electricity produced
by renewable sources that are less harmful
to the environment than fossil fuels.
I SO 14001: An international standard that establishes the
requirements for an Environmental Management System
(EMS). The objective is for an organization to establish
an EMS that is integrated with the overall business
management process. An EMS includes Policy, Planning,
Implementation, Checking and Corrective Action.
P ost-Consumer Fiber: Paper that has reached
its intended end-user and is then discarded.
Paper from curbside collections is considered
post-consumer but trim and scraps from the
print shop are not.
P re-Consumer Fiber: Paper that is recovered before it
reaches the end user.
P CF: Process Chlorine Free (PCF) is a recycling,
decolorizing and bleaching done without the
use of chlorine or chlorine compounds. Chemicals
used are peroxide, ozone and oxygen.
P ulp: Fibers before they are made into finished paper.
R ecyclable: A product that can be reused. This
applies to most paper even if it is coated, waxed
or otherwise treated.
R ecycled: Paper made at least in part from recovered
fibers. The EPA requires post-consumer content in
recycled papers purchased by federal agencies, however
the FTC does not require post-consumer content in
papers labeled recycled.
R ecovered: Scrap paper collected for
remanufacturing into recycled paper. The EPA s
definition for recovered is the most widely
accepted and does not include scrap paper
created in a mill after the paper comes off the
paper machine. Printing waste and envelope
trim are also recovered fiber.
R esponsibility: Having to account for one s actions.
T CF: Totally Chlorine Free (TCF) includes both
virgin and post-consumer fibers that are bleached
without any chlorine containing compounds.
V irgin Fibers: Paper made
from the fibers in their first use,
usually from wood pulp.
Green Seal is an independent non-profit
organization dedicated to safeguarding
the environment. Their mission is to
promote the manufacture, purchase and
use of environmentally responsible products
and services.
The Office of the Federal
Environmental Executive (OFEE)
assists the federal government with their
application of sustainable environmental
The Programme for the
Endorsement of Forest
Certification schemes (PEFC)
is committed to promoting
sustainable forest management
through independent thirdparty forest certification. They provide an
assurance mechanism to purchasers of wood
and paper products that they are promoting
the sustainable management of the world s
The Rainforest Alliance is a worldwide
conservation organization whose SmartWood
program is a leader in developing solutions for
forestry issues worldwide. It is a major provider
of independent auditing services and is accredited
by the FSC.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
is working to stop the degradation of the
planet s natural environment. It is one of
the most respected and recognized
environmental organizations
in the world.