Matter packet (PDF

Atoms- An atom is the smallest particle into which an element can be divided and
still maintain the properties of that element.
Element- Pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by
ordinary chemical processes. Example: Gold, Silver, Oxygen, Hydrogen. 110
known elements in the universe.
Protons- Positively charged particle located in the nucleus of the atom.
Neutron- A particle located in the nucleus of the atom with no electrical charge.
Electron- Negatively charged particle found outside the nucleus of the atom. The
number and arrangement of the electrons determine its chemical properties.
Molecules- When two or more atoms combine, they form a molecule.
Compound- Two or more elements that have combined.
*Hint:-The term compound is used to describe a chemical substance in general,
while the term molecule refers to the smallest particle of the substance that has
the same properties of the substance.
Chemical bond- The force of attraction between atoms. Chemical bonds occur
when atoms either transfer or share electrons.
Nucleus- Protons and neutrons stick together to form this structure at the center
of the atom.
Chemical formula- A way of describing the number of atoms that make up one
molecule of a compound. Example: H2O ( water) CO2 ( carbon dioxide)
Chemical equation- A way of writing changes in the arrangement of atoms during
a chemical reaction, using chemical symbols.
Example: 2H2 + O2  2H2O
Ionic bond- Type of bond in which one or more electrons from one atom are
transferred to another atom. Sodium Chloride, ( salt) is an example of a
compound that has ionic bonds.
Covalent bond- Type of bond in which atoms share one or more electrons. Water
is an example of a compound that has a covalent bond
Atoms, Elements, Molecules and Fruit Loops
Name __________________
An element is the simplest form of matter. It cannot be broken down into simpler substances
under normal conditions. Each element is made of atoms of the same type. The element
oxygen is made out of oxygen (O) atoms. The element carbon (C) is made out of carbon atoms.
Elements are a pure substance because they contain only one kind of atom. Each element has
unique physical and chemical properties that distinguish it from other elements.
The Periodic Table of Elements contains a box which gives specific information about each
element. For example the element carbon has the symbol C, the atomic number of 6 indicating
it has 6 protons and 6 electrons. Because its atomic mass is 12.011 (rounded to 12) minus its
number of protons (6) it has 6 neutrons.
When two or more atoms combine, they form a molecule. Just as an atom is the smallest
particle of an element with the same properties of the element, a molecule is the smallest
particle of a substance with the same properties of that substance.
The simplest molecules contain only two atoms. For example, an oxygen molecule is made of
two atoms of oxygen (O) that have joined together (O2). A hydrogen molecule also consists of
two atoms of the element joined together (H2).
Below are diagrams of molecules of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and water molecules
Carbon dioxide
Group Materials (4):
Handful of Fruit Loops cereal
Four Paper plates
One glue bottle
One Piece of yarn
Scissors (to cut yarn)
Procedure for making a model of an element:
glue it
Make one hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen atom.
Green Fruit Loops are protons
Red Fruit Loops are neutrons.
Glue the pieces of cereal together to form the nucleus of your element and also
to the center of the plate.
The yarn represents the area where the electrons are found. Glue the yarn to
the plate. The yarn should form a circle around the nucleus. How big of a circle?
You decide.
Yellow Fruit Loops are electrons. Add the electrons to yarn. If you have more
than one electron, how should you space them? You decide.
Label your element on the plate. Where? You decide. Please be neat.
Procedure for making a model of a molecule with another group:
The molecule of carbon dioxide is made of what two elements?
How many atoms of each element are there?
Make a carbon dioxide molecule with your plates. Use paper clips to “join” the
elements together.
The paper clip represents what?
Keep in mind, in order to join (add paper clip) elements together or separate
(remove paper clip) energy is either added or taken away.
What is the formula for a carbon dioxide molecule? ___________________
An oxygen molecule is made of how many elements? ______ What are they?
Make an oxygen molecule with your plates. Use paper clips to “join” the
elements together. You will need to take the carbon dioxide molecule apart to
make it.
What is the formula for an oxygen molecule? ____________
Make a water molecule with your plates. Use paper clips to “join” the elements
together. You will need to take the oxygen molecule apart to make it.
What is the formula for an oxygen molecule? ____________
Procedure for making a model of a glucose molecule with entire class:
The chemical formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Make a molecule use all the plates
from the class. If an elements is in short supply (the class does not have enough)
you can get from your teacher what you need. Please return these borrowed
How many atoms make up the glucose molecule? ______________
How many elements make up the glucose element? ____________
How many chemical bonds hold the atoms together in the molecule? ________