University of Wollongong Thesis Collections University of Wollongong Thesis Collection University of Wollongong Year Towards optimal treatment planning and novel dosimetry for cancer patients receiving intensity modulated radiation therapy Nicholas Hardcastle University of Wollongong Hardcastle, Nicholas, Towards optimal treatment planning and novel dosimetry for cancer patients receiving intensity modulated radiation therapy, Doctor of Philosophy thesis, Centre for Medical Radiation Physics - Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, 2009. This paper is posted at Research Online. TOWARDS OPTIMAL TREATMENT PLANNING AND NOVEL DOSIMETRY FOR CANCER PATIENTS RECEIVING INTENSITY MODULATED RADIATION THERAPY A Thesis Submitted in Fullment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG by Nicholas Hardcastle BMedRadPhys Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, Engineering Physics Faculty of Engineering 2009 c Copyright 2009 by Nicholas Hardcastle ALL RIGHTS RESERVED CERTIFICATION I, Nicholas Hardcastle, declare that this thesis, submitted in fullment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, is wholly my own work unless otherwise referenced or acknowledged. The document has not been submitted for qualications at any other academic institution. (Signature Required) Nicholas Hardcastle 4 September 2009 Table of Contents List of Tables . . . . . . . . . List of Figures/Illustrations . ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . Contribution of Collaborators Publication List . . . . . . . . Conferences . . . . . . . . . . Invited Talks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 Evaluation of advantages or disadvantages of IMRT over 3DCRT for prostate radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.2 Evaluation of biological optimisation tools for prostate IMRT . 1.1.3 Investigation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT) for prostate cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.4 Optimisation of IMRT plans based on the theoretical 'ideal dose' 1.1.5 Investigation of the dosimetric eect of rectal balloon cavities . 1.1.6 Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall using rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter . . . . . . . 1.1.7 Evaluation of the MOSkin and Gafchromic EBT Film for clinical surface dose verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.8 Measurement of collimator leakage for a linac MLC . . . . . . . 1.2 The Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Prostate Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Prevalance in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Staging and grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Prostate Cancer Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 External beam radiotherapy treatment methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Photon dose calculation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 Model based dose calculation algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Radiobiological modelling and optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i vii xii xiii xvi xviii xix xx xxi 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 8 8 8 8 9 12 12 13 28 29 32 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.6.1 Mechanisms of cell killing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.2 Linear Quadratic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.3 Biologically Eective Dose and Standard Eective Dose . . . . . 1.6.4 The four Rs of radiobiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.5 BED including tumour repopulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.6 Hypofractionation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.7 Tumour Control Probability and Normal Tissue Complication Probability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.8 Equivalent Uniform Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7 Measurement modalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.1 Ionisation chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.2 Radiographic lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.3 Radiochromic lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.4 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Eect Transistor detectors . . 1.8 Disequilibrium region dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 34 36 37 39 39 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 2 Rectal dose reduction with IMRT for prostate cancer radiotherapy 55 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Method and materials . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 3DCRT plan . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 IMRT plan . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Evaluation of results . . . . . . . 2.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Dose-volume comparison . . . . . 2.3.2 Biological parameter comparison 2.3.3 Delivery eciency comparison . . 2.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Biological optimisation of prostate IMRT plans 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Methods and materials . . . . . 3.2.1 Treatment planning . . . 3.2.2 Plan analysis . . . . . . 3.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Dose-volume histograms 3.3.2 gEUD comparison . . . . 3.3.3 NTCP comparison . . . 3.3.4 Delivery eciency . . . . 3.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 56 58 58 60 61 61 65 71 71 75 76 76 81 81 82 83 83 85 85 86 86 89 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Comparison of prostate IMRT and VMAT biologically optimised treatment plans 91 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . Methods and materials . . . . . 4.2.1 Treatment planning . . . Plan analysis . . . . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Dose-volume histograms 4.4.2 NTCP comparisons . . . 4.4.3 Delivery eciency . . . . 4.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 93 93 94 95 95 97 100 100 102 5 Optimisation of prostate IMRT plans based on a theoretical 'goal' dose 103 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1 Contouring . . . . . . 5.2.2 Goal dose distribution 5.2.3 IMRT optimisation . . 5.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.1 Dose escalation and rectal balloons . . . . . . . . 6.1.2 The air cavity eect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1.3 Dose calculation in heterogeneous regions . . . . . 6.1.4 Hypofractionation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.1 Phantom setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.2 Treatment plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.3 Single elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2.4 Film calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Sagittal geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.1 Single elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4.2 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy deliveries 6.4.3 Clinical signicance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rectal balloon dosimetry in prostate radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 104 105 107 108 111 111 113 114 114 114 115 116 116 117 117 120 121 122 122 122 129 129 132 134 135 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 On the feasibility of in vivo real-time rectal wall dosimetry for prostate radiotherapy 137 7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Methods and materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.1 MOSFET measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2.2 Radiochromic lm measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3.1 Angular dependence correction method 1: Filtering method . . 7.3.2 Angular dependence correction method 2: Dual MOSkin conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 138 138 141 141 144 148 152 155 8 Novel surface detectors applied to total scalp irradiation with helical tomotherapy 156 8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2.1 Treatment plan . . . . . . 8.2.2 Transverse measurements . 8.2.3 Surface measurements . . 8.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . 8.3.1 Transverse measurements . 8.3.2 Surface measurements . . 8.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 159 159 160 161 165 165 174 177 9 Multileaf collimator end leaf leakage: Implications for wide-eld IMRT179 9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.1 MLC leaves and carriages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1.2 Wide eld IMRT with the Varian Millenium MLC . 9.1.3 Wide eld IMRT in the Pinnacle RTPS . . . . . . . 9.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.1 Magnitude of end leaf leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2.2 IMRT eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3.1 Magnitude of end leaf leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Summary and future work 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 179 180 182 183 183 185 186 186 196 197 Evaluation of advantages or disadvantages of IMRT over 3DCRT for prostate radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Evaluation of biological optimisation tools for prostate IMRT . . . . . . 198 Investigation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy for prostate cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Optimisation of prostate IMRT plans based on the theoretical 'ideal dose'199 v TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 Investigation of the dosimetric eect of rectal balloon cavities . . . . . Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall using rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaluation of the MOSkin and Gafchromic EBT Film for clinical surface dose verication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measurement of collimator leakage for a linac MLC . . . . . . . . . . . Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.1 Following on from the current work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.2 Prostate radiotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.3 Target denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.4 In vivo dosimetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.9.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 200 202 203 204 204 204 205 212 214 Appendices 216 A Ideal dose script 216 B Monte Carlo simulations 222 A.1 Ideal dose calculation script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 Overview of simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example BEAMnrc input le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example DOSXYZnrc input le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Monte Carlo simulation with measured data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 226 233 234 C Statistical analysis 236 References 277 C.1 Student's t-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 C.2 Wilcoxon rank sum test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 C.3 Spearman's rank correlation test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 List of Tables 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 The TNM system for prostate cancer grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MLC properties of the Siemens, Varian and Elekta MLCs . . . . . . . . IMRT optimisation parameters. ROI = Region Of Interest, DVH = Dose Volume Histogram, ALAP = As Low As Possible . . . . . . . . . PTV coverage metrics (averaged over all 16 patients) . . . . . . . . . . Average rectal percentage volumes receiving 25, 50, 60, 70 and 75Gy . . V25Gy - V75Gy parameter values for Solid Rectum (SR) and Rectal Wall (RW) contours for 3DCRT and IMRT plans . . . . . . . . . . . . Average NTCP values for 3DCRT and IMRT plans with statistical signicance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average MU per plan averaged over 16 patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conditions and use of the parameter a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optimisation parameters used in biological IMRT plans . . . . . . . . . NTCP calculation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average rectal NTCPs over all 16 patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average MUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optimisation objectives for all IMRT and VMAT plans . . . . . . . . . NTCP calculation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of average DVH parameters over the ten patients . . . . . . . Summary of average NTCPs for IMRT and VMAT plans . . . . . . . . Delivery eciency: Average required MUs and delivery time for IMRT and VMAT plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Derivation of optimisation contours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calculated rectal gEUDs from goal DVHs using a=3 . . . . . . . . . . IMRT optimisation parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy optimisation parameters . . . . . . . . Single eld measurements and RTPS calculations of anterior and posterior rectal wall doses with and without rectal balloon cavity. All errors are the 95% condence interval of the mean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi 9 18 59 65 65 67 67 71 77 82 83 86 86 94 95 97 97 100 106 110 110 120 124 vii LIST OF TABLES 6.3 Measured and planned cavity wall doses. Percentage dierences are measured-planned normalized to measured dose. Errors quoted are the 95% condence interval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Measured and planned rectal wall percentage volumes receiving specied doses. Reported error is the 95% condence interval of the mean of three measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 Helical tomotherapy optimisation parameters. All doses are in Gy. . . . 7.2 Measurement results for anterior rectal wall measurement . . . . . . . . 7.3 Measured and planned doses at the six locations given in Figure 7.2. . . 8.1 Optimization parameters for helical tomotherapy total scalp treatment 8.2 Example of MOSkin data collection spreadsheet. V is the initial threshold voltage, V is the threshold voltage 30s post-irradiation, and V is the change in threshold voltage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 129 140 143 144 159 0 164 List of Figures 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 An example IMRT eld showing the measured intensity levels using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Varian Millenium 120 leaf MLC (courtesy of +gold.jpg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Cell survival curve for typical tumour and late responding normal tissue. / =10 was used for the tumour curve and / =3 was used for the late responding normal tissue curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 TCP, NTCP and P+ curves showing the sigmoid shape of the doseresponse curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 The structure of Gafchromic EBT lm (ISP, 2007) . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Schematic diagram of a MOSFET radiation detector . . . . . . . . . . 51 A 6MV depth dose curve for the rst 1.5cm depth in water showing the steep dose gradient at the surface. The curve was generated using the BEAMnrc/DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo package using a voxel resolution of 100m in the depth direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Dose distributions for patients #7 and #11. The left image shows the 3DCRT plan and the right image shows the IMRT plan. The dose scale ranges from 0-80Gy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Average cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and Rectum and (b) Femoral Heads and Bladder. The individual patient DVHs can be found in Figure 2.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Individual patient PTV and Rectal cumulative DVHs for all patients in the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Average Solid rectal DVH vs rectal wall DVH for a) 3DCRT and b) IMRT plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Rectal NTCPs using (a) model parameters n=1.03, m=0.16 and D50=55.9Gy (b) model parameters n=0.24, m=0.14 and D50=75.7Gy and c) model parameters n=0.084, m=0.108 and D50=78.4Gy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Rectal NTCP vs percentage of rectal volume contained by the PTV for (a) model parameters n=1.03, m=0.16 and D50=55.9Gy (b) model parameters n=0.24, m=0.14 and D50=75.7Gy and c) model parameters n=0.084, m=0.108 and D50=78.4Gy. Spearman's rank correlation coecient and p values are presented on each chart . . . . . . . . . . . 70 viii LIST OF FIGURES 3.1 Behaviour of the gEUD and f(gEUD) functions (a) Example DVHs used for analysis (b) Change in gEUD as a function of a (c) Optimisation function value as a function of a and (d) Optimisation function value as a function of gEUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Average cumulative DVHs over all 16 patients for a) PTV and rectum and b) bladder and femoral heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Average calculated gEUDs over all 16 patients for the three values of a used in planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Rectal NTCPs for all 16 patients calculated with a) NTCP1 b) NTCP2 and c) NTCP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Example dose distributions for IMRT (left) and VMAT. Dose scale on the right is in Gy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 PTV and rectal DVHs for all 10 patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Average cumulative DVHs of a) PTV and rectum and b) bladder and femoral heads for IMRT and VMAT plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 NTCPs for IMRT and VMAT plans for all 10 patients (a) NTCP1 (b) NTCP2 and (c) NTCP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Total MU for all ten patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Contours used for IMRT optimisation. Red = 100% zone, Light Red = 95% zone, Orange = penumbral zone, green = scatter zone and purple = rectum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Goal dose distribution created in MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 The 'goal' DVH for all 10 patients compared with the seven eld IMRT DVHs obtained in Chapter 3 with a=3. The seven eld IMRT plan obtained by optimising based on the 'goal' DVH is also shown ('planned goal'). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Resultant IMRT dose distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Phantom setup a) acrylic phantom to hold EZ-EM rectal balloon catheter b) full phantom setup in prone position c) schematic diagram showing the location of the sagittal lm (in blue) d) schematic diagram showing the location of the lm spiral (black lines wrapping around inside of balloon cavity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2 Planned dose distributions of the IMRT (left) and helical tomotherapy plans. The dierences in delivery techniques are seen clearly; IMRT is delivered using seven beams whereas helical tomotherapy is delivered using multiple smaller beamlets from the full 360deg . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 Sagittal lm results from (a) single laterally incident beam and (b) single anterior-posterior beam with and without a cavity. The white lines show the location of the proles. The arrows show the beam direction. Horizontal error bars on the plan data show the width of the planned dose voxels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix 79 84 87 88 92 96 98 99 101 106 108 109 112 119 123 125 x LIST OF FIGURES 6.4 Sagittal digitised lm images and resultant dose proles for a) 3DCRT b) IMRT and c) helical tomotherapy (HT) delivery techniques. The colour bar is in absolute dose in Grays. All measurements were scaled to represent the dose delivered over the total treatment (28 fractions). The error bars are the standard error of three measurements. . . . . . . 6.5 Measured and planned rectal wall doses and resultant DVH from spiral lm geometry. (a) represents the dose to the outermost and innermost loop of the lm spiral and the planned dose to the lm spiral for the 3DCRT plan (d) represents the resultant rectal wall DVH from the lm spiral and the planned rectal wall DVH for the 3DCRT plan. (b) and (e), and (c) and (f) represent the same for the IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1 The MOSkin detector placed on the RadiaDyne rectal balloon . . . . . 7.2 Location of MOSkin detectors around the rectal balloon cavity for the second set of measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Anterior rectal wall planned dose compared with measured dose over the duration of the fraction delivery. Note the dose to the MOSkin is accrued over the total fraction delivery time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.4 (a)MOSkin measured rectal wall doses over time for the six investigated locations around the rectal wall as given in Figure 7.2 and (b) Temporal dose accumulation for the six locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 Relative response for face up and face down MOSkin orientations with one and two layers of CU on the top edge at (a) 1.5cm and (b) 10cm depth in solid water. The error bars represent the 95% condence interval of the mean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.6 (a) The response of the two detectors in the dual MOSkin setup. Error bars (no end cap for D1) are the 95% CI of the mean (b) The average response of the two detectors. Error bars are the 95% CI of the mean. . 7.7 (a) The I'mRT phantom setup for dual MOSkin and (b) The normalised measurement (dual MOSkin / ion chamber) for each incident beam angle. The error bars are the 95% interval of the mean for three measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.8 The dual MOSkin measured dose compared with the planned dose for (a) 3DCRT plan and (b) IMRT plan. The error bars represent the 95% condence interval of the mean of three measurements. . . . . . . . . . 8.1 Resultant dose distributions and cumulative dose volume histogram for scalp treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2 (a) 10x10cm and (b)2.5x2.5cm eld depth dose curves with MOSkin, EBT Film and Attix chamber surface measurements compared with BEAMnrc and Geant4 (Geant4 data courtesy of Oborn (2008), private communication) MC simulation data. The depth axis is displayed on a logarithmic scale to show the detail of the buildup. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 127 131 139 142 143 145 147 149 151 153 160 166 xi LIST OF FIGURES 8.3 Surface dose measurements as a function of incident beam angle for (a) 10x10cm eld and (b) 2.5x2.5cm eld. The ratio of the EBT lm to the MOSkin measurement changes based on angle and eld size. . . . . 8.4 Transverse lm locations and resultant digitised lm images. The black dotted line shows the location of the phantom edge. The black lines on sheets 1 and 2 show the locations of the proles shown in Figures 8.6 and 8.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5 Buildup curves for (a) EBT lm and (b) EDR2 lm as a function of length of lm protruding out of solid water slabs and irradiated edge on parallel to 6MV photon beam central axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6 (a) Cross plane prole of transverse sheet 1 taken 1cm under peg holes for EBT lm and plan data. (b) Cross plane prole of transverse sheet 2 taken 2.5cm under peg holes for EBT lm and plan data. Zoomed in section shows rst 1cm depth in phantom. (c) Posterior-Anterior prole taken across transverse sheet 2 along the centre of the lm for EBT lm and plan data. The locations of the proles are shown in Figure 8.4 . . 8.7 The same proles as in 8.6 but with EDR2 data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8 Surface EBT lm locations and measured doses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.9 Comparison of MOSkin measured dose and EBT lm surface dose. . . . 8.10 Sample (every third projection shown) of the incident uence sinogram for one rotation in the centre (superior-inferior direction) of the PTV. On each chart the abscissa axis is MLC leaf number and the ordinate axis is relative planned leaf opening times. The MLC predominantly blocks the central beamlets of the fan beam and allows beamlets through that are tangential to the scalp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 Schematic showing head and neck IMRT treatment using (a) split coaxial overlapped elds and (b) a single wide eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Wide eld IMRT as applied with the Pinnacle RTPS. All closed leaf pairs above the topmost section are positioned at the midpoint of the topmost leaf opening and all closed leaf pairs below the lowermost section are positioned at the midpoint of the lowermost leaf opening. Closed leaf pairs that occur between two openings are positioned at the average of the midpoints of the two nearest leaf openings . . . . . . . . 9.3 The end leaf leakage for a 6MV photon beam measured at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water using EDR2 lm for (a) 0mm gap width (b) and 3mm gap width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4 Line proles across the end leaf leakage for a 6MV photon beam measured at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water with EDR2 and EBT lm, and predicted by Pinnacle for the (a) 0mm (b) 0.6mm and (c) 3mm gap widths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5 Comparison of a) the Pinnacle predicted and measured doses for the end leaf leakage and b) FWHM of end leaf leakage peaks as a function of width between opposing MLC leaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 167 168 169 171 172 173 174 176 181 183 185 187 188 xii LIST OF FIGURES 9.6 O-axis end leaf leakage for the a) 0mm gap width b) 0.6mm gap width and c) 3mm gap width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7 The geometry of the Millennium MLC leaf was used to determine the o-axis distances at which ray-lines from the source would begin to pass through both leaf tips for the 0mm and 0.6mm leaf gaps. . . . . . . . . 9.8 A wide IMRT eld (a) Radiographic EDR2 lm grey scale map at 10cm depth in solid water (b) RTPS planar dose maps taken at 10cm depth in solid water of a wide IMRT eld showing end leaf leakage. The lines shown represent where line proles were taken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9 Proles taken across (a) Line 1 in a low intensity shielded region of the IMRT eld shown in gure 8 and (b) Line 2 in a high intensity region of the eld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 Dose distributions for (a) 3DCRT (sagittal) (b) IMRT (sagittal) (c) 3DCRT (transverse) and (d) IMRT (transverse) plans for Patient 5 including seminal vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.2 Cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and rectum and (b) bladder and femoral heads for Patient 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.3 Dose distributions for (a) 3DCRT (sagittal) (b) IMRT (sagittal) (c) 3DCRT (transverse) and (d) IMRT (transverse) plans for Patient 6 including seminal vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.4 Cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and rectum and (b) bladder and femoral heads for Patient 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.1 Incident electron energy spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2 Monte Carlo simulation data (MC) and Ion Chamber (IC) data for a Varian 21EX linac at 1.5cm, 5cm and 10cm depths (a) X direction prole and (b) % Depth Dose prole for a 5x5cm eld and (c) X direction prole and (d) % Depth Dose prole for a 10x10cm eld . . . . . . . . C.1 The normal probability distribution for a mean of 2 and a standard deviation of 0.5 shown for the interval of 0 to 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 191 192 193 194 206 207 208 209 224 235 237 Towards Optimal Treatment Planning and Novel Dosimetry for Cancer Patients Receiving Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Nicholas Hardcastle A Thesis for Doctor of Philosophy Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, Engineering Physics University of Wollongong ABSTRACT Modern radiation oncology is constantly improving and becoming more complex. Novel dosimetric planning, delivery and dosimetry techniques have allowed for improved plan quality and condence in delivery. This thesis is an investigation into the impacts of novel radiotherapy planning and delivery techniques and the ecacy of novel dosimetry methods for modern, complex radiotherapy. The rst part of the thesis involved investigation into novel treatment planning optimisation techniques for prostate cancer radiotherapy. Advantages and disadvantages of IMRT for simple prostate radiotherapy in the Australian clinical setting is investigated, showing small gains compared with high quality conformal radiotherapy. The use of a radiobiological parameter, specically the generalised Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) was investigated for prostate IMRT optimisation to reduce rectal dose. The gEUD metric was found to be a useful optimisation objective that provided rectal dose reductions over the full dose range. The result of the optimisation was heavily dependent on the value of a (describing organ architecture), with a lower value of a resulting in the largest reductions in rectal dose. A commercial Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT) tool was investigated for prostate radiotherapy. Single arc VMAT plans were compared to static gantry angle IMRT plans for prostate cancer cases. It was found that VMAT resulted in equivalent target coverage with reductions in rectal V25Gy. The VMAT plans required on average 18.6% fewer monitor units and were theoretically up to 3.75 times faster to delivery compared with static gantry angle IMRT. The second part of the thesis looked at using modern radiation detectors for verication of treatment dose in regions of electronic disequilibrium. Rectal balloons lled with air are used for prostate immobilisation and rectal dose reduction in prostate photon radiotherapy. This introduces an air cavity into the patient, immediately adjacent to the target. Radiochromic lm was used to show that two commercial convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithms slightly over-predict the anterior rectal wall dose and under-predict the posterior rectal wall dose. The feasibility of a novel MOSFET detector, the MOSkin, coupled to a commercial rectal balloon was investigated for real time in vivo rectal wall dose verication. In this phantom study, the MOSkin was shown to be an excellent real time dosimeter, with minimal angular response and reproducible sensitivity. The MOSkin was then used with radiochromic lm to verify the dose delivered to the skin during total scalp irradiation with helical tomotherapy. It was shown that the helical tomotherapy RTPS accurately calculated the dose to surface voxels and that the dose delivered to the skin is less than the prescription dose, which suggests a bolus may be required to achieve prescription dose to the skin. Finally, the dosimetric eect of end leaf leakage was investigated for a commercial multileaf collimator for wide-eld IMRT. It was shown that end leaf leakage can contribute signicant doses to treatment elds, but provided the eects are quantied it is reasonable to accept these as the allowance of wide elds avoids complicated dual overlapping eld feathering. The commercial RTPS investigated slightly under-predicts the magnitude of these end leaf leakage dose contributions. IMRT, tomotherapy, radiochromic lm, radiobiological IMRT optimisation, MOSFET detectors KEYWORDS: Acknowledgements Undertaking my PhD has been a very enjoyable experience. I have met many intelligent, friendly, funny people over the last three and a half years who have made the journey all worthwhile. I would rstly like to thank my thesis supervisors. Thank you to Prof. Peter Metcalfe, who has been a fantastic mentor for my clinical research. His easy-going nature and thirst for knowledge (and coee!) have made it a pleasure and an honour to work for him. His decades of experience and vast knowledge have provided excellent focus for my work; he is always able to get to the heart of the matter. Thank you to Prof. Anatoly Rosenfeld. His innovative ideas and detailed knowledge and experience of dosimetric methods were invaluable during the research. I am also extremely grateful for the logistical and nancial support provided by Prof. Rosenfeld which have allowed me to travel and expand my professional horizons. I would also like to thank Prof. Wolfgang Tome for his supervision and support of my visits to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prof. Tome is a very motivating supervisor who encourages the highest standards of research. I am very grateful for the clinical knowledge and experience I gained working for Prof. Tome and thoroughly enjoyed my time in Madison. I thank Dr. Michael Lerch, Dean Cutajar, Dave Zahra and Peter Ihnat for their many hours spent working on the MOSFET detector systems for my measurements. This was very much appreciated. Thank you to Dr. Martin Carolan and Dr. Matthew xvi Williams for their time and advice during measurements at ICCC and subsequent input to writing. Thank you to Dr. Kerwyn Foo and Dr. Andrew Miller at ICCC for their clinical advice and writing assistance with the planning studies. I would also like to thank Emilie Soisson, Amar Basavatia and David Westerly for their advice and direct assistance with my measurements in Madison. I would like to thank all of my fellow students and the sta at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics. It has been some of the best years of my (short) academic career working with you all. To Amir, Amy, Andy, Brad, Dean, Heidi, Ian, Iwan, Jeannie, Lucky, Mitra, Scott, Scuba, Tony, and all of the undergrads, I thank you all for the lunch hours playing poker and dice, doing the quiz and the word puzzle and generally talking rubbish! I will always look back with fond memories of this period and wish you all the very best for your future endeavours. I would also like to thank the sta and students at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. To Amar, Dave, Dongxu, Ed, Emilie, Eric, Karl, Leah, Noah, thank you for your intelligent discussions and assistance with my work. Working with you all was a pleasure. I would like to thank Australian Rotary Health for nancial assistance for my PhD. To my family - Mum, Dad, Nina, Annie, Granny and Granddad and Lindy and Russell - thank you all for your constant encouragement, nancial support, food and wine packages and sympathetic ears during this degree. I am extremely lucky to have you all in my life. To my beautiful wife Leah, I'm not sure how I managed to get you but I am so very thankful that I get to wake up next to you each day. Your love, support and kind words have made this whole process so much easier. xvii Contribution of Collaborators Professor Peter Metcalfe provided advice on experimental design, data analysis and writing for all chapters. Professor Anatoly Rosenfeld is the inventor of the MOSkin dosimeters and provided advice on the use of MOSFET dosimeters, MOSFET experimental design and analysis of MOSFET results. Professor Wolfgang Tome provided assistance with experimental design for the total scalp irradiation and rectal balloon projects in addition to advice on analysis and writing for the total scalp irradiation, rectal balloon and VMAT projects. Dr. Michael Lerch and Dean Cutajar advised on experimental design for MOSFET measurements and assisted with assembly of MOSFET dosimeters. David Zahra and Peter Ihnat produced and modied MOSFET probes with MOSkin detectors and the MOSFET read out system. Dr. Martin Carolan provided advice on MOSFET measurements as well as timing data and writing advice for the VMAT project. Dr. Matthew Williams assisted in experimental design for the MLC leakage project and advised on the writing for this project. Abdurrahman Ceylan also provided experimental assistance with the MLC leakage project. Emilie Soisson and David Westerly assisted with the tomotherapy measurements. Amar Basavatia assisted with phantom design and construction for the rectal balloon projects. Dr. Kerwyn Foo and Dr. Andrew Miller provided advice on experimental design, analysis and writing Chapters 2-5. xviii Publications Hardcastle N, Metcalfe P, Ceylan A & Williams MJ, Multileaf collimator end leaf leakage: implications for wide-eld IMRT, 2007, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2007, 52 (21), N493-N504 Hardcastle N, Soisson E, Metcalfe P, Rosenfeld AB & Tome WA, Dosimetric verication of helical tomotherapy for total scalp irradiation, 2008, Medical Physics, 35, 5061-5068 Hardcastle N, Metcalfe PE, Rosenfeld AB & Tome WA, Endo-rectal balloon cavity dosimetry in a phantom: Performance under IMRT and helical tomotherapy beams, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 2009, 92, 48-56 Hardcastle N, Davies A, Foo K, Miller A, & Metcalfe PE, Rectal Dose Reduction with IMRT for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (In Submission) Hardcastle N, Tome WA, Foo K, Miller A, Carolan M & Metcalfe PE, Comparison of prostate IMRT and VMAT biologically optimised treatment plans, Medical Dosimetry (In Submission) xix Conferences Hardcastle N, Metcalfe P, Lerch MLF, Tome WA, Rosenfeld AB, Feasibility of in vivo real-time rectal wall measurements of IMRT and tomotherapy with MOSFET detectors, Accepted abstract, Combined Scientic Meeting, Brisbane, 2009 Hardcastle N, Metcalfe P, Davies A, Miller AA, Foo KY, Comparison of VMAT and IMRT treatment plans for prostate radiotherapy, Accepted abstract, Combined Scientic Meeting, Brisbane, 2009 Hardcastle N, Metcalfe PE, Rosenfeld AB & Tome WA, Dosimetry with an endorectal balloon, Paper presented at Winter Institute of Medical Physics, Colorado USA, February 2009 Metcalfe PE, Hardcastle N, Sixteen ways to treat a prostate, Paper presented at Winter Institute of Medical Physics, Colorado USA, February 2009 Hardcastle N, Metcalfe PE, Rosenfeld AB & Tome WA, Rectal Wall Dosimetry in the Presence of an Endorectal Balloon, In Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine; 2008; pp 423 Hardcastle N, Soisson E, Metcalfe PE, Rosenfeld AB & Tome W, Dosimetric Verication of Helical Tomotherapy for Total Scalp Irradiation, In Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine; 2008; pp 467 Hardcastle N, Foo KY, Davies A, Miller AA & Metcalfe PE, Biological Optimisation of Prostate IMRT Plans, In Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine; 2009; pp 37-38 Hardcastle N, Metcalfe P, Ceylan A & Williams MJ, Multileaf collimator end leaf leakage: Implications for wide-eld IMRT, Paper presented at the 2006 Engineering and Physical Scientists in Medicine Conference, Noosa, QLD, Australia Rasmussen K, Schubert L, Westerly D, Hardcastle N, Howard S & Tome WA, "A method of delivering a low dose fraction using a Tomotherapy unit", Poster presented at American Association of Physicists in Medicine conference, Texas, USA, 2008 xx Invited Talks Hardcastle N, Tome WA, Foo K, Miller A, Carolan M & Metcalfe PE and Rosenfeld AB, In vivo dosimetry of IMRT and Tomotherapy beams using MOSkins placed in endo-rectal balloons, Presented at Joint Scientic Seminar, CMRP & ICCC: Advanced Radiobiological Planning in IMRT and Tomotherapy and Advanced Stereotactic Radiotherapy, August 2009 Metcalfe PE & Hardcastle N, Comparison of 3D-CRT, IMRT and VMAT prostate dose plans using Radiobiological endpoints,Presented at Joint Scientic Seminar, CMRP & ICCC: Advanced Radiobiological Planning in IMRT and Tomotherapy and Advanced Stereotactic Radiotherapy, August 2009 Hardcastle N, Jones S, Tome WA, Foo K, Miller A, Carolan M & Metcalfe PE, Biologically Optimised VMAT and IMRT for Prostate Radiotherapy, Presented at Australian Institute of Radiography TAS Branch Winter Educational Weekend, August 2009 Hardcastle N, Jones S, Tome WA, Foo K, Miller A, Carolan M & Metcalfe PE, Biologically Optimised VMAT and IMRT for Prostate Radiotherapy, Presented at New Zealand Physics and Engineering in Medicine, August 2009 Hardcastle N, Foo KY, Davies A, Miller AA & Metcalfe PE, Clinical use of normal tissue radiobiology in prostate radiotherapy planning: A sixteen patient sample of EUD optimised IMRT plans, Presented at Stanford University, Feb 2009 Hardcastle N, Foo KY, Davies A, Miller AA & Metcalfe PE, Clinical use of normal tissue radiobiology in prostate radiotherapy planning: A sixteen patient sample of EUD optimised IMRT plans, Presented at Medical Physics Seminar Series, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Feb 2009 xxi Chapter 1 Introduction Modern radiotherapy is constantly evolving, becoming more complex as new treatment planning and delivery methods are developed. This presents a challenge that can only be met with new planning methods and novel dosimetry techniques. This thesis is an investigation into cutting edge biological optimisation and novel in vivo dosimetry methods for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and new delivery techniques - helical tomotherapy and volumetric modulated radiotherapy. The new plan optimisation techniques were investigated for prostate cancer patients and are presented in Chapters 2-5. Novel dosimetry techniques were applied to regions of dosimetric interest in various IMRT situations are presented in Chapters 6-9. 1.1 Aims and Objectives 1.1.1 Evaluation of advantages or disadvantages of IMRT over 3DCRT for prostate radiotherapy IMRT has resulted in superior prostate radiotherapy plans that reduce organ at risk (OAR) dose whilst maintaining target coverage. There is some clinical evidence sug1 1.1. Aims and Objectives 2 gesting that reduced rectal toxicity is observed when using IMRT over 3DCRT for prostate radiotherapy (Zelefsky et al. , 2000, 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2002a,b; Namiki et al. , 2006; Sanguineti et al. , 2006; Veldeman et al. , 2008). Despite this evidence, the use of IMRT for prostate cancer is still not standard in Australian clinics. Research Question: What are the advantages of IMRT plans over 3DCRT plans for prostate radiotherapy? This research question is addressed in Chapter 2 with a 16 patient treatment plan comparison based on physical dose, radiobiological eect and delivery eciency. 1.1.2 Evaluation of biological optimisation tools for prostate IMRT Recent developments have seen the introduction of novel methods for optimising IMRT plans in commercial radiotherapy treatment planning systems (Choi & Deasy, 2002; Wu et al. , 2002, 2003; Chapet et al. , 2005; Thomas et al. , 2005; Chvetsov et al. , 2007). Biological end points are now available for use as optimisation objectives. The ecacy of biological objectives, specically the generalised Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) model, was investigated. IMRT optimisation with maximum gEUD objectives for normal tissues was performed with the impact of model parameter variations examined. Research Question: How useful is the gEUD function for optimisation of prostate IMRT plans? This research question is addressed in Chapter 3 with a 16 patient treatment plan comparison based on physical dose and radiobiological eect. 1.1. Aims and Objectives 3 1.1.3 Investigation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT) for prostate cancer A new IMRT delivery method is now available from major linac vendors. VMAT delivery involves the delivery of an IMRT plan using a continuously rotating gantry, generally delivering the plan in a single rotation of the patient (Yu, 1995; Otto, 2008; Bzdusek et al. , 2009). This has been shown to result in an increase in delivery eciency (Afghan et al. , 2008; Palma et al. , 2008a). Research Question: Are VMAT plans better than conventional IMRT plans for prostate radiotherapy? This research question is discussed in Chapter 4 with a 10 patient treatment plan comparison using physical dose, radiobiological eect and delivery eciency. 1.1.4 Optimisation of IMRT plans based on the theoretical 'ideal dose' The optimisation of IMRT plans is subject to user determination of how good a plan can get. One question that needs to be answered, before deciding on the optimal IMRT plan for treatment, is 'Is one getting the best possible solution for this particular patient?'. The optimal solution of the IMRT optimisation process will achieve the desired target dose with normal tissues receiving the lowest possible dose. The optimal IMRT solution is based on the anatomy of the patient (specically that provided by the planning CT) and the physical characteristics of the delivery technique. Knowledge of the optimal dose distribution for a given patient's planning CT would allow the planner to aim directly for the optimal solution and know when further gains in the optimisation are no longer achievable. 1.1. Aims and Objectives 4 Research Question: Can the optimal solution to an IMRT plan be used as a basis for IMRT planning and how close can one get to the optimal dose distribution using a commercial RTPS? This research question is addressed in Chapter 5 with a developed algorithm applied to a series of prostate cases. 1.1.5 Investigation of the dosimetric eect of rectal balloon cavities Rectal balloons are used in many radiotherapy clinics for prostate immobilisation (Teh et al. , 2001; McGary et al. , 2002; Wachter et al. , 2002; Patel et al. , 2003; van Lin et al. , 2007). A reduction in prostate motion, and rectal toxicity, has been observed when air-lled rectal balloons have been used in external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer (Patel et al. , 2003; Sanghani et al. , 2004; van Lin et al. , 2005b; D'Amico et al. , 2006; van Lin et al. , 2007). The eect of the balloon air cavity on the surrounding dose distribution is a potential concern. The dose distribution in the presence of a commercially available rectal balloon was measured. The accuracy of two commercial treatment planning systems in calculating the eect of the balloon cavity was examined for single eld irradiation, 3D conformal radiotherapy, IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans. Research Questions: What is the dosimetric eect of the rectal balloon air cavity on IMRT and helical tomotherapy deliveries? How accurately do convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithms calculate the dose in the balloon cavity region? 5 1.1. Aims and Objectives These research questions are answered in Chapter 6 with the use of radiochromic lm in a rectal balloon phantom. 1.1.6 Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall us- ing rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter In addition to prostate immobilisation and reduced rectal toxicity, rectal balloons also provide a means for in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall. The utility of rectal balloons coupled with novel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Eect Transistor (MOSFET) radiation detectors as in vivo dosimeters was investigated for conventional prostate IMRT delivery and helical tomotherapy. Research Question: How can an in vivo dosimeter be implemented in a commercial rectal balloon? A proof of principle dosimetric study looking at MOSFET dosimetry of the rectal wall is presented in Chapter 7. 1.1.7 Evaluation of the MOSkin and Gafchromic EBT Film for clinical surface dose verication Accurate measurement of skin dose in radiotherapy is a challenging task due to the extremely high dose gradients involved at the patient surface. A novel skin dosimeter has been developed at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP) - the MOSkin (Kwan et al. , 2007; Rozenfeld, 2007). The MOSkin is a MOSFET detector with a reproducible build up layer that provides dose measurement at a water equivalent depth (WED) of 70m - the ICRP dened depth of the radiosensitive basal layer of 1.1. Aims and Objectives 6 the skin (ICRP, 1991). The MOSkin was characterised in simple radiation elds and compared to other surface dosimeters. The MOSkin was then used to verify the skin dose in a complicated radiotherapy treatment; that of a total scalp irradiation using helical tomotherapy. Research Questions: Can an in vivo dosimeter be used on the surface to measure the dose at the ICRP dened depth of the radiosensitive basal layer of the skin? Does total scalp irradiation with helical tomotherapy deliver the prescription dose to the target? These research questions are addressed in Chapter 8 by the use of dosimetric analysis using radiochromic lm and MOSFET detectors in conventional radiotherapy linac and helical tomotherapy beams. 1.1.8 Measurement of collimator leakage for a linac MLC One vendor's multileaf collimator (MLC) leaves (Varian Millenium 120 leaf MLC) have rounded ends to ensure a constant penumbral width at all eld locations. This provides a reduction in radiation path length through the collimator ends when two leaves are joined without jaw shielding, termed `end leaf leakage' (Boyer & Li, 1997; LoSasso et al. , 1998; Arneld et al. , 2000b). Jaw shielding is not viable when the radiation eld is larger than 14.5cm, which occurs in head and neck IMRT and pelvic node treatments. Leakage through the ends of the collimator can lead to dose 'hot spots' in the radiation eld. End leaf leakage was characterised and measured for simple eld arrangements and for a wide eld IMRT treatment. Research Questions: What is the magnitude of end leaf leakage through the Varian Millenium MLC? 1.1. Aims and Objectives 7 Can wide-eld IMRT be used safely without splitting the eld i.e. is the end leaf leakage maintained at an acceptable low level? These research questions are discussed in Chapter 9 with a dosimetric analysis using radiographic and radiochromic lm. 1.2. The Journey 8 1.2 The Journey The research for this thesis was carried out at the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP) at the University of Wollongong, the Department of Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Illawarra Cancer Care Centre (ICCC) at Wollongong Hospital. The dosimetric studies were carried out in two visits to the University of Wisconsin-Madison with their helical tomotherapy and rectal balloon systems. The planning studies were carried out at the CMRP and ICCC as well as at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1.3 Prostate Cancer 1.3.1 Prevalance in Australia The number of new cases of prostate cancer in Australia was projected to be 18,784 in 2009, making prostate cancer the most prevalent of all cancers, followed by colorectal (14,405) and breast (13,805) cancer (AACR, 2008). Prostate cancer is expected to aect one in three males before the age of 75 and one in two males before the age of 85. It is projected that prostate cancer will kill 3,283 people in 2009; the fourth deadliest cancer in Australia. 1.3.2 Staging and grading There are three main systems used for prostate cancer grading and staging. Prostate cancer staging can be done using the Tumour - Node - Metastasis (TNM) System (Gospodarowicz et al. , 2004). The TNM System is described in Table 1.1. The Prostate Specic Antigen (PSA) test is a blood test that determines the extent of the tumour. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate. Levels above 4ng/L have 1.3. Prostate Cancer 9 Table 1.1: The TNM system for prostate cancer grading Grade Description T1 Tumour is small and cannot be felt by the doctor T2 Tumour can be felt, but is still conned to the prostate T3 Tumour can be felt, but may have invaded the seminal vesicles T4 Tumour has invaded other organs/tissues in the surrounding pelvic region N1-3 Tumour has invaded the lymph nodes in the pelvis M1 Tumour cells present in bone and other distant organs shown to be an indicator of prostate cancer. Of men with PSA levels of 4-10ng/L, 25% have cancer and of men with PSA level above 10ng/L, 60% have cancer (Stewart et al. , 2003). However, it has been found that PSA level association with cancer may vary amongst races (Assessment, 1997). This has lead to the conclusion that PSA level alone is not sucient for determining the presence of prostate cancer (Institute, 2007). Prostate cancer grading comes from a biopsy of the tumour tissue, and determines how abnormal and how aggressive the tumour is. Grading is commonly performed using the Gleason Score (ranging from 2-10), with faster growing tumours given a higher score. TNM Staging, PSA level and the Gleason Score can be combined to assess the risk of recurrence and risk of the cancer spreading to other organs. These three factors are also taken into account when determining the appropriate treatment. 1.3.3 Prostate Cancer Treatment External Beam Radiotherapy External Beam Radiotherapy (EBRT) involves the use of a radiation beam incident externally on the patient to irradiate the prostate. The radiation beam is generated most commonly by a linear accelerator (linac), but can also be delivered using Co-60 sources. For the remainder of this thesis EBRT is discussed in terms of linac delivered 1.3. Prostate Cancer 10 photon radiation. The total radiation dose prescribed by the oncologist is commonly split up into a number of fractions, with each fraction delivered separately, commonly with a day between fractions. The delivery of the total dose in multiple fractions, rather than one single fraction, is due to the radiobiological property of normal tissue and tumours whereby small single doses damage tumours more than normal tissue and large single doses damage normal tissue more than tumours. This is explained in detail in Section 1.6.2. Modern EBRT consists of three steps - patient imaging, treatment planning and radiation delivery. Patient imaging is the acquisition of a planning computed tomography (CT) scan of the target anatomy. The oncologist denes the region to be scanned and the desired resolution and contrast. A planning CT scan is taken to obtain a volumetric image of the patient's anatomy. The CT data is then transferred to a Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System (RTPS). The RTPS includes software that acts as a virtual treatment and allows for target denition and calculation of the expected treatment dose. Traditionally treatment planning systems allowed for 'virtual simulation' of the treatment in two dimensional image space using simulated beams eye views created with a linac simulator. The virtual simulation tools have since evolved into modern three dimensional treatment planning. Modern treatment planning involves the delineation of the target and normal tissue anatomy on the planning CT and then creating a treatment plan using a RTPS. The oncologist outlines the target and any organs at risk on the CT data set using the RTPS software. A series of treatment beams are then created in the software and the expected dose is calculated. Once an acceptable plan is created, that achieves sucient target dose while minimising normal tissue dose, the plan data is transferred to a Record and Verify (RV) system. The plan data consists of the location of the 1.3. Prostate Cancer 11 patient with reference to the linac frame of reference in the treatment room and the parameters that dene the motion and delivery characteristics of the linac. For delivery of each radiotherapy fraction, the patient is placed on the treatment couch. The patient is then aligned to the treatment position using lasers, portal images or volumetric images (such as in-room CT scanners) so that the target location is in the same location as in the treatment plan. Once the patient is set up, the RV system veries the radiation is delivered as per the treatment plan. Brachytherapy Brachytherapy is the delivery of radiation to a tumour volume using radiation sources placed inside the target. Brachytherapy can be split into two main types - low dose rate (LDR) and high dose rate (HDR). Brachytherapy is an invasive procedure but requires less total time for delivery. Brachytherapy delivers a highly conformal dose to the target. Brachytherapy follows the same work ow as EBRT, that is, patient imaging, treatment planning and radiation delivery. LDR Brachytherapy is achieved using lower activity seeds that contain radioisotopes. These are surgically implanted into the target at locations dened by the treatment plan. Most LDR treatments use 60-120 Iodine-125 sources, however Paladium103 are also used (Williamson et al. , 2005). The seeds are implanted permanently and continuously irradiate the target at a low dose rate over a number of half lives of the isotope. After a sucient number of half lives of the isotope have passed, the seeds are no longer delivering treatment dose. HDR Brachytherapy involves the use of an afterloader. A series of catheters are placed surgically into the target volume, according to the treatment plan. An afterloader is then used to direct a high activity source into each catheter, in series. Most HDR prostate Brachytherapy uses a stepping Iridium-192 source with a nominal activity of 10Ci. The treatment plan determines at what depths and how long the source 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 12 dwells in each catheter, so as to irradiate uniformly the target to the required dose. Commonly for prostate HDR Brachytherapy, the total dose is delivered in one to three fractions, up to eight hours apart. The catheters are left in between fraction delivery. Combined Brachytherapy and EBRT Brachytherapy and EBRT are commonly combined using an EBRT treatment to a given dose and then an HDR treatment used as a boost to the prostate. An example treatment schedule is conformal radiotherapy given to the prostate to a dose of 50Gy followed by three fraction of HDR Brachytherapy at 9Gy/fraction. Other Treatment Approaches Low grade prostate cancer can be quite slow to grow. As a result, for many patients a 'watch and wait' approach may be taken. This could be used in a case where the possible side eects of treatment would outweigh any benets. Other treatments include cyrotherapy (cooling of the tumour), hormone therapy and more recently high intensity focused ultrasound therapy (Kennedy, 2005). 1.4 External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 1.4.1 Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT) evolved from four eld box treatments due to the introduction of 3D treatment planning. Target delineation using 3D data sets has allowed the projection of the shape of targets to be transferred to the shape of the beam. 3DCRT is then the process whereby multiple radiation 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 13 beams are collimated to irregular shapes such that a highly conformal dose is delivered to the target and surrounding normal tissues are shielded. The weights of the beams i.e. their individual contribution to the total dose is then optimised to achieve sucient target coverage and normal tissue shielding. Wedges are used to account for non-uniformities in the radiation path length through the patient to achieve a more uniform dose distribution (Webb, 1993). Compensators can also be used to achieve uniform target dose distribution to take into account missing tissues. 1.4.2 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is the creation of non-uniform intensity distributions delivered to the tumour from multiple beam directions. This is achieved through the use of either physical compensators that dierentially attenuate the beam depending on the location in the eld, or through collimator devices such as multileaf collimators (MLCs). IMRT diers from 3DCRT in that 3DCRT involves shaped elds that have a uniform cross-eld dose distribution (sometimes including a wedge), whereas IMRT involves shaped elds that have purposely modulated cross-eld dose distributions. The creation of an IMRT plan can either be forward or inverse planned. Forward planning is an iterative, manual customisation of the beam angles and intensity. Inverse planning is an iterative process that utilises optimisation algorithms that optimise the intensity proles of each eld to achieve a desired dose distribution (Webb, 1989). Figure 1.1 shows the measured dose of an IMRT eld using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID). The non-uniform intensity of the eld is clear. 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 14 Figure 1.1: An example IMRT eld showing the measured intensity levels using an Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID). IMRT Planning Process IMRT plans are created by designated IMRT RTPS software that contains inverse planning tools. The patient CT data is imported and target organs and normal tissues are delineated. The user then denes a number of beam energies and gantry angles, as would be done for a 3DCRT plan. After the beams have been selected the user then sets the optimisation objectives to describe the desired target and OAR doses. Optimisation objectives take the form of physical dose and biological end points. Common physical dose objectives include maximum dose, minimum dose, mean dose and maximum and minimum dose volume objectives, where maximum or minimum volumes receiving given doses are set. Biological objectives include maximum, minimum and target generalised Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) (Niemierko, 1997) (for the Pinnacle RTPS) and mathematical models describing the probability of tumour control or normal tissue toxicity (for the CMS Monaco RTPS) (Alber & Nusslin, 1999). The user then selects the optimisation algorithm (described in Section, the maximum number of segments or control points and the method of conversion to a deliverable 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 15 uence map. The optimisation is then run whereby the algorithm searches for the optimal uence prole to meet the optimisation objectives. IMRT optimisation is an iterative process in that the user can constantly update objectives to meet desired dose objectives. Optimisation Algorithms There are a number of optimisation algorithms available however two main categories exist. In the rst type, an ideal uence map is found for each beam which is then converted to a uence map that can be delivered by the linac using the desired compensator limitations. The second type, direct aperture optimisation (DAO), is where the solution is made up of a machine deliverable uence from the start. That is, the optimiser solution space contains only uence maps that are within the linac and compensator limitations. IMRT optimisation is based on an objective function that returns an objective value based on deviation of the current plan from dened optimisation parameters. The higher the objective value the worse the plan, the goal is to minimise the objective function. Optimisation parameters describe the desired dose distribution and include physical or biological parameters, as described above. Optimisation is an iterative process whereby each eld in the plan is split into a number of smaller segments. The weighting on each segment is then iteratively adjusted to achieve a dose distribution that satises the objectives. An objective function is used to calculate the deviations from the desired (objective) dose distribution and the current iteration's dose distribution. A quadratic function is often used to calculated the weighted sum of the squared dierence between the actual and goal dose distribution. If the desired dose in a voxel j is given by dgoal j , then the objective function for N voxels can be given as (Metcalfe et al. , 2007): 16 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods F = N X j =1 dgoal j sj dj 2 (1.1) To minimise the objective function, the result after each iteration must be an improvement on the previous iteration. To achieve this, various techniques are used to drive down the objective value. These can be deterministic or stochastic. An example of a deterministic method is the gradient minimisation method (Spirou & Chui, 1998). This requires a concave or convex objective function whereby the gradient of the objective function is minimised (concave) or a gradient descent algorithm is used (convex). For a concave objective function, successive iterations reduce the gradient of the change in the objective function until the rst derivative of the function is equal to zero i.e. the objective function cannot be reduced any further. The changes are made by modifying individual beamlet weights such that the optimisation function value is reduced. The change in a beamlet weight for beamlet i is given as (Metcalfe et al. , 2007): wj = dF d2 F = dwi dwi2 ! (1.2) Which, using equation 1.1, becomes: wj = PN dgoal Dji j PN 2 j =1 sj Dji j =1 sj dj (1.3) The term is a damping term to ensure convergence to a solution. Weights cannot be < 0, therefore any weights that do violate this are set to equal zero. The weight change for a given beamlet becomes a weighted average of the dose dierences for all voxels inuenced by the beamlet, where the weights are dependent on the optimisation objective weights of each voxel. A stochastic method is simulated annealing (Webb, 1989). Simulated annealing 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 17 applies Boltzman statistical mechanics principles of atoms in a solid to the optimisation problem. Advantages of stochastic methods are that it avoids solutions in a `local minimum' where a gradient reduction method returns a solution in a local minimum rather than the global minimum (Jeraj & Keall, 1999). Due to their random nature however, stochastic methods require many more iterations. A more recent development in IMRT optimisation algorithms is Direct Aperture Optimisation (DAO) (Shepard et al. , 2002). DAO combines intensity modulation and leaf sequencing into one step. The incident uence can be described by the leaf positions and the beamlet weighting. The leaf parameters are incorporated into the optimisation function so that the solution obtained is directly deliverable and doesn't need converting to a deliverable uence. DAO allows the user to limit the minimum MU per segment and minimum aperture/segment size, potentially decreasing delivery time. DAO is implemented into the Pinnacle RTPS as Direct Machine Parameter Optimisation (DMPO). IMRT optimisation with DMPO involves setting the eld energies and orientations, the optimisation objectives and segmentation properties such as minimum segment size and MU. The rst few iterations then nd a set of control points that satisfy machine and objective constraints. The remainder of the iterations optimise the MLC leaf positions and segment weights. Therefore, the uence is deliverable at all times during the optimisation. During the iterations, a pencil beam dose calculation is used to calculate the update dose. At the start, the end and at set iteration number during the optimisation, a full collapsed cone convolution dose calculation with a deliverable uence is performed. This increases the accuracy of the dose calculation during the optimisation and leads to a solution that better meets the optimisation objectives (Hardemark et al. , 2003). 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 18 Table 1.2: MLC properties of the Siemens, Varian and Elekta MLCs Vendor Mount Number of Leaf width at Leaf end location leaves isocentre shape Siemens Replaces lower jaw 160 0.5cm Double focused a Varian Below Jaws 52, 80 or 120 1cm & 0.5cm Rounded Elekta Above jaws 80 1cm Rounded a 1cm for the outside 40 leaves and 0.5cm for the central 20 leaves Delivery techniques Delivery of IMRT with a physical compensator is where the modulated eld is described as a two dimensional (2D) matrix of intensity values. The intensity values are then converted into a 2D map of thicknesses through a given compensator material. The compensator is then manufactured for each eld using the exported dimensions from the RTPS. During delivery, a separate compensator must be manually placed in the block tray of the linac head prior to delivery of each eld. Physical compensator A multileaf collimator (MLC) consists of a bank of collimator `leaves' that move in and out of the radiation eld, collimating the beam to a given shape. An example of a commercial MLC is shown in Figure 1.2. Each leaf can travel beyond the centre of the radiation eld and have the ability to `interleave', producing complicated shapes. MLCs allow for eld shaping between and during each radiation eld delivery, allowing highly conformal doses to be delivered to the target. A summary of the various vendor's MLCs is presented in Table 1.2. MLCs were originally designed for dening open elds and as a result, when they are used to create complicated modulated elds for IMRT, certain dosimetric properties become apparent: Tongue and groove eect: On either side of a leaf there is a tongue or a groove, Multileaf collimator 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 19 Please see print copy for image. Figure 1.2: The Varian Millenium 120 leaf MLC (courtesy of 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 20 which are in place to lock leaves together to minimise inter-leaf leakage. In IMRT segments, when the tongue side of a leaf denes the outside of a segment, additional shielding occurs due to the protrusion of the tongue into the open segment. This can overlap with other tongue protrusions in other segments resulting in an underdose region (Siochi, 1999). Matchline eect: For MLCs with rounded leaf tips, the radiation path length through the leaf decreases towards the distal end of the leaf. This widens the eld penumbra. When radiation through the leaf ends overlaps in multiple segments of a step and shoot IMRT eld, high dose lines become visible. These are known as matchlines (Cadman et al. , 2002; Tangboonduangjit et al. , 2004). End leaf leakage: When two opposing rounded leaf tips are joined in the radiation eld, leakage occurs. This is generally not a problem when closed opposing leaves are shielded by jaws. There are however some instances, such as wide eld IMRT, where end leaf leakage occurs in the treatment eld with no jaw shielding. This is discussed in Chapter 9. The dosimetric properties of MLCs must be taken into account by the RTPS so that underdosing or overdosing does not occur. A number of commercial RTPSs have quite elegant leaf models with some studies published investigating the optimal parameter settings (Cadman et al. , 2005; Williams & Metcalfe, 2006). Leaf sequencing algorithms are designed to convert an ideal uence distribution into a uence distribution that is physically deliverable by a commercial linac MLC. The uence distribution of a modulated eld consists of a 2D map of intensity values. There are various algorithms under two categories - dynamic (Spirou & Chui, 1994; Stein et al. , 1994; Svensson et al. , 1994) and step and shoot (Ma et al. , 1998; Xia & Verhey, 1998). Dynamic delivery uses dynamic MLCs, that is, the MLC leaves are moving constantly while the beam is on. Leaf sequencing algorithms 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 21 Step and shoot delivery is where the modulated eld is made up of multiple static elds (segments) with the beam switched o, while the MLC leaves move between segment positions. Leaf sequencing algorithms in their basic form take the optimal uence of each eld in the form of an intensity matrix. A linear combination of binary matrices, equivalent to the intensity matrix, is then calculated (Siochi, 1999). Sliding window is the delivery of a modulated eld using a changing aperture shape that moves across the eld, resulting in a modulated dose distribution. Sliding window IMRT can be delivered using the step and shoot technique (BORTFELD et al. , 1994) or dynamically (CONVERY & ROSENBLOOM, 1992). Sliding window K-means clustering is a leaf sequencing algorithm that groups intensity levels in the ideal uence distribution into `K-clusters'. It then nds the optimal distribution of intensity levels minimising dierences between the ideal and deliverable uence (Wu et al. , 2001). K-means clustering is used by the Pinnacle RTPS for Varian and Elekta MLCs. There are two steps in the process - grouping of the intensity levels and optimisation to minimise discrepancies between the ideal and deliverable uences. After a uence map has been obtained from the IMRT optimisation algorithm, all non-zero intensity levels are grouped into a minimum number K-clusters such that the maximum dierence between two intensity levels in a given cluster is less than a given error tolerance. An optimisation algorithm is then initiated to calculate a given set of intensity levels, forming an approximated uence, by averaging each cluster. The discrepancies between the original ideal uence map are then calculated and minimised. The last step, eld decomposition (segmentation), takes the approximated K-clusters of intensity levels and converts them to an MLC deliverable uence based on physical K-means clustering 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 22 limitations of the leaves. There are many algorithms to perform the segmentation (Boyer & Yu, 1999; Wu et al. , 2001). IMFAST was developed as a beam sequencing algorithm designed to minimise the delivery time of static modulated elds (Siochi, 1999). The delivery time for a given modulated eld is optimised based on beam on time, leaf travel and record and verify (R&V) overheads. The leaf travel distance is reduced whilst still taking into account leaf collision and tongue and groove eect. Two methods are used to reduce leaf travel distance - extraction and rod pushing. Extraction reduces the number of segments by extracting out `matched' (same shape) segments of the intensity matrix and replacing multiple unique segment shapes with fewer matched segments. Rod pushing nds an optimal sequence whereby the leaves all move in the one direction to create the intensity distribution. The leaf sequencing for a complicated eld is achieved through a combination of extraction and rod pushing such that the delivery time of a complicated intensity map is minimised. IMFAST Tomotherapy is the delivery of IMRT using a slice fan beam that rotates continuously around the patient. Tomotherapy can be delivered serially with two slices (Peacock NOMOS) or helically (TomoTherapy Inc.) with one slice. All tomotherapy measurements and discussion in this Thesis concern helical tomotherapy, delivered with the TomoTherapy Hi-Art (Highly Adaptive Radiotherapy) Helical tomotherapy is delivered with a continuously rotating 6MV photon fan beam. The fan beam is collimated by jaws in the superior-inferior direction to allow fan widths of 1, 2.5 and 5cm. In the left-right direction the fan beam is collimated by a 64 leaf binary MLC. The MLC leaves are pneumatically driven such that they can be opened or closed in 20ms. The leaves are binary and cover the full eld width, meaning only one bank of leaves is required. Each MLC leaf projects to a width of 0.625cm at 85cm Tomotherapy 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 23 from the source. Maximum eld width in the left-right direction is 40cm at 85cm from the source. As the helical tomotherapy system delivers IMRT only, no attening lter is present in the beam. As a result, the open eld prole is peaked in the middle. An inherent advantage of the TomoTherapy beam delivery system is its ability to obtain megavoltage CT (MVCT) scans. The waveguide is detuned to provide a 3.5MV fan beam and an array of xenon gas eld ionisation chambers, mounted opposite to the fan beam, collect transmission data to acquire a volumetric image set. The acquisition of an MVCT prior to delivery of each treatment fraction is incorporated into the TomoTherapy workow. A second inherant advantage of the TomoTherapy delivery system is the highly modulated dose distributions that can be achieved. This is due to the rotational IMRT delivery and the binary 64 leaf MLC. These provide many degrees of freedom for intensity modulation. The TomoTherapy Hi-ART system consists of an RTPS, an R&V system and the beam delivery hardware (linac). The RTPS process involves importation of the planning CT data, contouring of the target and OARs and inverse planning. Inverse planning in TomoTherapy is similar to conventional IMRT however a number of extra parameters are required as a result of the helical, modulated fan beam delivery. Collimator width: This is the thickness of the fan beam. Selection of this value is chosen as a compromise between level of modulation required and delivery eciency. A larger collimator width allows a larger volume to be treated per rotation, making it faster, but limits the amount of modulation that can be performed per rotation. Values of 1, 2.5 and 5cm are available. Pitch: The pitch is the couch movement per rotation in units of the eld width. The pitch also allows the user to control the level of modulation and eciency. A smaller pitch allows for a greater level of modulation, but does not necessarily mean a slower delivery time. This is because a smaller pitch leads to a greater number 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 24 of rotations which means that a greater overlap between rotations is observed. The required dose per rotation decreases and the gantry rotation speed can increase. The choice of pitch can introduce a dosimetric artefact - the helical tomotherapy thread eect (Kissick et al. , 2005). This is the appearance of dose 'ripples', that occur due to beam junctioning. This eect is unique to helical tomotherapy. The thread eect is minimised by using a pitch value equal to p=0.86/n (n is an integer) (Kissick et al. , 2005). Modulation factor: The modulation factor set by the user actually represents the maximum modulation factor used by the optimisation algorithm. The modulation factor is the ratio of the maximum leaf opening time to the mean leaf opening time for all MLC leaves used in the treatment. This therefore represents the level of modulation the optimiser uses. A small modulation factor limits the amount of modulation that can be achieved and as a result decreases treatment times. A more recent technique of delivering modulated dose distributions is Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT). VMAT is the delivery of a modulated dose distribution using a continuously rotating gantry with continuous radiation output. VMAT is the latest iteration of an idea originally proposed by Yu (1995), who suggested Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy (IMAT) as an alternative to tomotherapy. IMAT provided modulation via dynamic MLC motion during the gantry rotation. VMAT diers from IMAT in that VMAT can provide both dose rate and gantry speed modulation. Additional variables include arc length, avoidance sectors, collimator rotation, couch rotation and the number of arcs. The recent VMAT work was initiated by an article by Otto (2008) and subsequent commercial implementation by Varian of Otto's algorithm in their RapidArc solution. The term VMAT was used by Otto but has since been trademarked by Elekta as their modulated arc radiotherapy solution. During this thesis however, Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 25 VMAT will be used as a generic term describing any recent modulated arc radiotherapy technique. There has been a large push for VMAT research and commercial development since the paper by Otto, as well as much discussion as to the dierences between VMAT and static gantry angle IMRT (S-IMRT) and tomotherapy. This is based on the potential decreases in delivery time with VMAT. VMAT is delivering dose during the gantry rotation where as S-IMRT is only delivering dose from static gantry angles. In addition, VMAT is delivering the dose volumetrically, rather than in in slices. This leads to potential decreases in time required to deliver a treatment fraction when compared to S-IMRT and tomotherapy. Recent discussions in the literature have covered actual delivery time advantages of VMAT over S-IMRT and helical tomotherapy. An article by Ling et al. (2008) was the subject of much discussion in Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys regarding claimed delivery eciency advantages of VMAT (specifically RapidArc) over helical tomotherapy; VMAT was said to be 5-15 times faster than helical tomotherapy. This was refuted by Mehta et al. (2009), with examples suggesting that these advantages were over-estimated. Actual delivery eciency will need to be compared clinically with S-IMRT and tomotherapy for large numbers of patients to obtain real data for eciency comparisons. At this stage it appears that although VMAT does have some eciency gains over S-IMRT and tomotherapy, these gains may have been overstated by some vendors and related publications. A second point of recent discussion on VMAT has been the level of modulation that can be achieved with VMAT delivery. Specically, this has been due to some vendor's claims that one rotation around the patient is all that is required (since updated to two arcs for complex targets). Bortfeld & Webb (2009) discussed this point in a technical note in Phys. Med. Biol. where they compared modulation achieved with S-IMRT, tomotherapy and VMAT with the ideal modulation for the 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 26 original target with avoidance structure presented by Brahme (1982). It was shown that tomotherapy achieved the greatest level of modulation and that single arc VMAT and S-IMRT had to make compromises in their delivery. This note must be taken in the context that some delivery parameters and variables were not taken into account (Otto, 2009). Regardless of the assumptions by Bortfeld & Webb (2009), it has been shown that some complex geometries require more than one arc to deliver the desired modulation (Guckenberger, 2009). A more recent article by Webb & McQuaid (2009) provides some initial mathematical framework of VMAT delivery. At each gantry angle, no modulation occurs. It is only when apertures at successive gantry angles overlap that modulation of the dose distribution can occur. This comes from the assumption, presented by Webb & McQuaid (2009) that if the beamlets from successive gantry angle apertures are assumed to be parallel rather than diverging, a modulate intensity prole exists. This is analagous to S-IMRT, where individual segments overlap to provide a modulated intensity prole at each static gantry angle. It was shown by Brahme (1982) that to achieve sucient coverage of a donut shaped target with no uence directed towards the hole, high intensity was required just past the hole and rotation was required. That is to say, both rotation and modulation was required. This is not achievable with single arc VMAT, but may be achievable to a limited degree with multiple overlapping arcs. It has been shown that increasing the number of elds improves the dose distribution (Jones, 1999). However, simply increasing the number of elds cannot achieve the level of modulation required for complex, concave targets, as described above. Modulation from each discrete beam angle is still necessary. Commercial and research VMAT optimisation algorithms all rely on the approximation of a continuously rotating gantry with successive static gantry angles. This 'small-angle' approximation VMAT planning and optimisation 1.4. External beam radiotherapy treatment methods 27 has been shown to result in low dosimetric error, from the point of view of the target, but can have larger errors at the periphery of the patient (Webb & McQuaid, 2009). This thesis uses Pinnacle's SmartArc VMAT tool, which was developed by RaySearch Laboratories and is also used in the Oncentra MasterPlan RTPS. The resultant VMAT plans can be delivered on both Varian and Elekta linacs. The SmartArc algorithm has been described and evaluated in a recent publication (Bzdusek et al. , 2009). Other VMAT algorithms, such as that used for Varian RapidArc, vary in the method used to achieve the nal modulated arc however all are based on starting with an initial coarse angular spacing which is resampled to achieve a ne gantry angle spacing (required for accurated dose calculation). The SmartArc optimisation process with the SmartArc algorithm is as follows: The initial arc parameters (such as arc length, delivery time, number of arcs) are set by the user The arc length is split into a nite number of elds, spaced equally around the arc with a separation of 24 Intensity modulation is performed on each eld, resulting in intensity maps spaced every 24 Intensity maps are converted into 2-4 leaf and jaw segments per map(using sliding window). The segments satisfy static machine constraints The segments are distributed around the arc length. This is done by taking the two segments with the highest number of leaf pairs and repositioning them one third of the initial angle spacing (24 / 3 = 8) to the left and right of the initial angle Segments are then created and inserted at angles evenly between the existing segments to match the user-selected nal angle spacing. These segments are created by linearly interpolating between the existing segments. This results in the desired gantry angle spacing, with a segment (or control point at each angle). For example, for an arc length of 360 and a nal gantry angle spacing of 4, 91 control points are created and placed every 4 around the arc. There are 91 control points as the arc is not the full 360, rather 359.9. Therefore an extra control point is required to describe the control point for the gantry angle 359.9 1.5. Photon dose calculation methods 28 The machine parameters for the MLC and jaw segments are then optimised using a gradient based algorithm. The optimisation takes into account gantry speed, dose rate, total arc delivery time and maximum leaf travel speed The jaw positions are set. For machines with static jaws, the jaw positions are set to the maximum segment size. For machines with dynamic jaws, the jaw positions are set for each segment For optimisation of two arcs, the initial intensity maps are converted into 4 segments, all of which are kept. The four segments are then distributed two to an arc. The distribution is based on the position of the segment relative to the centre of mass of the target, such that each arc aims to deliver dose to dierent halves of the target. During the optimisation, the algorithm employs a modied pencil beam dose calculation method - the Singular Value Decomposition method (Bortfeld et al. , 1993). This decreases the dose calculation time during the iterations. Full collapsed cone convolution calculations are performed during the optimisation (if selected by the user) and at the end of the optimisation iterations (McNutt, 2002). Segment weight optimisation is also performed on the nal segments. 1.5 Photon dose calculation methods The accuracy of a treatment plan IMRT optimisation depends heavily on the accuracy of the dose calculation algorithm. There are two categories of dose calculation correction based and model based (Mackie et al. 1996). Correction based algorithms start with calculating the dose analytically in a simple situation such as a water cube. Various corrections are then applied to the dose distribution based on patient shape and size, heterogeneities in the patient density, beam characteristics and beam modiers. E-depth (Bentley & Milan, 1971) and E-TAR (Sontag & Cunningham, 1978) are examples of correction based algorithms. Model based algorithms model the incident photon uence from the treatment head and then use analytical models to calculate 1.5. Photon dose calculation methods 29 the dose in the specic patient's anatomical data set. In general, model based algorithms are more accurate than correction based algorithms in low density regions such as the lungs. As model based algorithms constitute the majority of commercial treatment planning system algorithms, including those used in this Thesis, a description of model based algorithms only is presented. 1.5.1 Model based dose calculation algorithms As stated above, model based dose calculation involves modelling the exact treatment head dimensions and characteristics, as well as any beam modifying devices. An accurate model of the incident photon uence is then derived, which is then projected onto the patient's volumetric anatomical data set (CT data set) and the dose is calculated. Examples of model based dose calculation algorithms include convolution/superposition (C/S) algorithms (Boyer & Mok, 1985; Mackie et al. , 1985a), pencil beam convolution algorithms (Mohan et al. , 1986), the Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA) (Ulmer & Harder, 1995, 1996) and Monte Carlo techniques. The model based dose calculation algorithms used in this thesis are the convolution/superposition algorithm and Monte Carlo. Convolution/superposition algorithm The C/S algorithm is used by the Pinnacle and TomoTherapy RTPSs. The c/s algorithm is recognised as one of the most accurate model based dose calculation algorithms (Arneld et al. , 2000a; Carrasco et al. , 2004; Jones & Das, 2005; Vanderstraeten et al. , 2006; Fogliata et al. , 2007). The C/S method was initially proposed by Mackie et al. (1985a) and was developed in parallel by Mackie et al. (1985a) and Ahnesjo et al. (1987). The C/S algorithm contains three steps - calculation of the incident uence, projection of the uence through the patient's CT data to obtain the TERMA volume 1.5. Photon dose calculation methods 30 and convolution of the TERMA volume with dose deposition kernels to obtain the absorbed dose (Ahnesjo & Aspradakis, 1999). The steps are detailed below. Calculation of the incident uence: The rst step in modelling of the treatment head is to obtain the incident photon uence. Each element of the treatment head is modelled in the RTPS including the target and source size, beam energy spectrum, attening lter, primary collimator, jaws and multileaf collimators. Any beam modifying devices such as compensators and wedges are modelled. The result of this step is a 2D uence map representing the incident beam. Calculation of the TERMA volume: Once the incident uence has been obtained, the Total Energy Released per unit MAss (TERMA) volume is calculated. The patient's anatomy is represented by a 3D matrix of CT numbers. Each CT number corresponds to a given density. Each voxel in the CT data set is converted to density. The density volume is then converted into a series of photon attenuation tables based on the density in each voxel and the energy spectrum of the beam. The incident uence is then ray-traced through the volume, and at each step (each voxel encountered by a ray), the energy loss is calculated using the attenuation coecient tables. Softening of the beam spectrum due to dierential attenuation is also taken into account. The end result is a 3D matrix of TERMA values, that is, a 3D matrix of the total energy released per unit mass due to the incident uence. Convolution of the TERMA volume and dose deposition kernels: The nal step is the convolution/superposition of the TERMA volume and dose deposition kernels. A dose deposition kernel can be thought of as a 3D table of absorbed dose, due to a primary interaction, at vectorial displacements relative to a primary interaction site (Mackie et al. , 1988). The kernels can also be thought of as an analytical function describing the absorbed dose in each voxel of the patient due to a primary interaction in a single voxel (Ahnesjo, 1989). The absorbed dose at any point away from a primary 1.5. Photon dose calculation methods 31 interaction site is a result of scattered radiation and secondary particles put in motion by the primary interaction. Kernels can be created using Monte Carlo methods; a number of monoenergetic photons are forced to interact in a given voxel and the scattered dose, due to secondary particles, is recorded in the surrounding voxels (Mackie et al. , 1988). This is repeated for a given number of energy bins covering the whole photon energy spectrum of the beam. The result is a series of monoenergetic kernels. The rst comprehensive set of Monte Carlo generated dose deposition kernels was created by Mackie et al. (1988). For a full volume dose calculation in each voxel in the 3D data set, the TERMA value is convolved with the dose deposition kernels to obtain the dose in each voxel of the patient's anatomy. In order to speed up this time consuming process, the Pinnacle and TomoTherapy RTPS employ a collapsed cone convolution (Ahnesjo, 1989; Ahnesjo & Aspradakis, 1999). Collapsed cone convolution is where all of the energy released into coaxial cones of equal solid angle is `collapsed' into the central axis of the cone. That is, all of the energy within the cone is transported, attenuated and deposited into volume elements along the central axis of the cone (Ahnesjo, 1989). Monte Carlo dose calculation Monte Carlo simulation is a computational method used to model stochastic phenomena, such as radiation transport. Monte Carlo simulation generates random numbers, which are then used to sample random variables based on probability distributions governing radiation transport. Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport uses analytical physics models of particle interactions to model the energy deposited in a given medium, hence the absorbed dose deposition. Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport requires modelling of Compton scattering, the photoelectric eect, pair production and inelastic and multiple scattering of particles. Monte Carlo simulation involves simulating individual particle tracks from origin 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 32 until they have lost all of their energy, or have a lower energy than set thresholds. For a given interaction, random numbers are generated. These are then used to sample interaction probability distributions, particle interaction cross-sections and energy deposition characteristics. Example calculations for a photon track include the distance to the next interaction (based on energy of photon and medium density), the type of interaction (sampled randomly from interaction probabilities), new angle and energy of post-interaction photon (sampled randomly from cross-section tables) and tracking of any secondary particles created or set in motion during the photon track. Common Monte Carlo codes include EGSnrcMP (Electron Gamma Shower) / BEAMnrcMP (Rogers, 1984; Rogers et al. , 1995), GEANT4 (GEometry ANd Tracking) (Agostinelli, 2003), PENELOPE (Baro et al. , 1995) and MCNP(X) (Monte Carlo N-Particle) (Briesmeister, 1986). For radiotherapy applications EGS/BEAMnrc is the most common as it has in built geometry designed for linac head modelling. The EGS/BEAMnrc code only takes into account electrons and photons. The advantages of Monte Carlo dose calculation are the accuracy of the calculation, the high resolution obtainable and the additional information such as energy spectra, uence, angular distributions of particles and dose components. The disadvantage of Monte Carlo is the long time required for calculations which has hindered its uptake in commercial RTPSs. More recently, so called 'macro' Monte Carlo methods have been developed that appear to be fast enough for routine treatment planning. One such method is VMC++ (Kawrakow & Fippel, 2000). Macro Monte Carlo methods are based purely on lookup tables, rather than analytical generation of radiation interactions. 1.6 Radiobiological modelling and optimisation The study of the eect of ionising radiation on human cells is termed Radiobiology. Radiobiological models are designed to predict the eect of ionising radiation on tu- 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 33 mour cells and normal tissue cells. Radiobiology mechanisms are very complex, but there are a number of models based on cell survival data that can predict, to an extent, the eect of ionising radiation on tumours and normal tissue. The disadvantages of these models are that they have a very tenuous biological basis, but are derived to t measured data. The purpose of radiotherapy is to maximise damage to the tumour clonogens (a tumour cell from which a tumour can regenerate) whilst minimising damage to normal tissue cells; there must be a balance between tumour control and side eects. As local tumour control increases, reduction of side eects must be pursued, particularly when radiotherapy patients are surviving for longer periods post-therapy (Bentzen, 2006). It is with radiobiological models that clinicians can tailor dose distributions according to tumour control and normal tissue toxicity. Understanding of radiobiology, and the response of cells to ionising radiation, is constantly changing and being updated. The radiobiological models used in this thesis are derived from 'classical' radiobiological models; therefore the following discussion only covers the 'classical' models. 1.6.1 Mechanisms of cell killing Radiotherapy is based on the principal of killing tumour clonogens whilst minimising complications of surrounding normal tissues. Traditionally, ionising radiation kills or damages cells via deposition of energy directly in the DNA strands of cells. DNA strands are killed either directly or indirectly. Direct cell kill or damage usually occurs when electrons cause double (DSBs) and single strand breaks (SSBs) respectively in the DNA. Direct cell kill due to DSBs is represented by the initial shoulder region in a cell survival curve (Section 1.6.2). Although there are mechanisms for repair of DSBs, not all DSBs are repaired or are misrepaired, leading to cell death. Indirect cell kill is a result of free radicals, the most important of which is OH-, produced by the 34 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation ionisation of a water molecule. The traditional view of cell kill as being purely due to direct interaction with DNA strands has been questioned recently (Prise et al. , 2005). Phenomenon such as low dose hypersensitivity (Joiner et al. , 2000) and the bystander eect (Nagasawa & Little, 1992; Morgan, 2003; Prise & O'Sullivan, 2009) have suggested that intracellular and intercellular signalling pathways play an important role in the response of cells to ionising radiation. 1.6.2 Linear Quadratic model The most common modern radiobiological model is the Linear Quadratic (LQ) model (Thames, 1985). The LQ model is derived from cell survival curves for irradiated cells. The LQ model allows for cell proliferation and repair to be easily incorporated. Cell survival curves consist of survival fraction versus absorbed dose, as shown in gure 1.3. The LQ calculates the surviving cell fraction S as a function of dose D using both a linear term and a quadratic term: S = e( (d d2 + )) (1.4) The linear term has the coecient , and describes the initial linear section of the cell survival curve. The linear section of the cell survival curve is related to cell kill via single radiation events. The second section of the cell survival curve is described using a quadratic term with the coecient . The quadratic section of the cell survival curve is related to cell kill through multiple hits. The coecients and , having the units Gy and Gy respectively, are characteristic of the type of tissue/organ or tumour in question. There is wide variation in the values of and for given tissues, however the ratio / is commonly 10Gy for tumours and 3Gy for late responding normal tissue (see section 1.6.6 for more 1 2 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 35 Figure 1.3: Cell survival curve for typical tumour and late responding normal tissue. / =10 was used for the tumour curve and / =3 was used for the late responding normal tissue curve. discussion). Figure 1.3 also shows the reason for fractionation in radiotherapy. At the high dose end of the scale, the survival fraction for tumour cells is greater than that for normal tissue. At around 13Gy the curves cross and the survival fraction for tumour cells is less than that for normal tissue. This shows that to achieve greater tumour control for less normal tissue damage, the radiation dose must be delivered in multiple smaller fractions. The common fraction size is 2Gy/fraction, which means that the survival curve for 0-2Gy is the result of each fraction delivery, resulting in greater tumour cell kill than normal tissue cell kill. The LQ model for cell survival for fractionated radiotherapy regimes is easily modied to take into account fractionation. If one considers the total dose D as the product of the number of fractions n and the dose per fraction d, then the cell survival S is given as the product of the cell survival for each individual fraction: 36 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation S = e( S = e( (d d2 + )) n (1.5) (1.6) nd(+d)) 1.6.3 Biologically Eective Dose and Standard Eective Dose Biological Eective Dose (BED) is a method of taking into account radiobiological properties of tumours and normal tissues when describing dose. The BED can be calculated for normal tissues and for tumours, and allows for calculation of 'biologically equivalent' fractionation regimes. That is, calculation of fractionation schedules that have dierent dose per fraction and number of fractions but the same biological eect. The BED for a given fractionation regime can be thought of as the equivalent dose delivered in innitely small fractions. BED is derived by equating the cell survival for a given fractionation regime with that for innitesimally small fraction size (i.e. full repair, an abstract quantity) (nd is total dose) (Fowler, 1989): nd ( + d) = BED ( + 0) d BED = nd + = ! (1.7) (1.8) The Standard Eective Dose (SED) allows for calculation of the BED relative to a standard fractionation size of 2Gy. The SED is derived similar to BED but instead of equating the survival fraction with innitesimally small fraction size, the survival fraction is equated with a 2Gy fraction size: nd ( + d) = SED ( + 2) (1.9) 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation SED = 37 BED (1.10) 1 + = The SED is useful for calculating the eective dose delivered by various fractionation regimes relative to the standard fraction size of 2Gy. BED and SED calculations become useful when calculating the biological eect of non-standard fractionation regimes. The BED and SED calculations allow for calculation of new fractionation regimes that either have the same tumour biological eect for less normal tissue toxicity or greater tumour biological eect for equivalent normal tissue toxicity. This is most commonly employed in changes in fractionation schedules, either hypofractionation or hyperfractionation. A description of hypofractionation and example calculations are given in Section 1.6.6. 2 1.6.4 The four Rs of radiobiology In order to provide a comprehensive review of the linear quadratic model, the four Rs of radiobiology, as summarised by Withers (1975), must be discussed. The four Rs are Reoxygenation, Redistribution, Repair and Repopulation. These four phenomena contribute to the benets of fractionation, in combination with the shape of the cell survival curves. The \intrinsic cellular radiosensitivity" of dierent tissues has also been suggested by Steel et al. (1989) as being a fth 'r' of radiobiology (Zips, 2009). Reoxygenation: Well oxygenated cells are more sensitive to low Linear Energy Transfer (LET) radiation than hypoxic cells, requiring approximately 1/3 the dose to achieve equal cell kill (Thames & Hendry, 1987). As the distance from vasculature increases, cells become more hypoxic and consequently are harder to kill (Hall 1988). With fractionation in radiotherapy, the well oxygenated cells are killed leaving blood, hence oxygen supply, for the hypoxic cells to reoxygenate and increase in sensitivity (Withers, 1985). 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 38 The radiosensitivity of a cell depends on which phase of the cell cycle is in. The cell cycles through four phases - G1, S, G2 and M (Howard & Pelc, 1953). The G2/M and late G1/early S are the most radiosensitive phases (Metcalfe et al. , 2007). A given population of tumour cells contains cells in a heterogeneous range of phases, which changes over the course of a radiotherapy treatment. Extending the delivery of radiation through fractionation increases the probability that all tumour cells will be in a radiosensitive phase at one stage of the treatment course. Repair: Fractionation allows repair of normal cells between fractions. It is suggested that at least six hours between fraction deliveries should be maintained to limit normal tissue damage (Saunders et al. , 1991). Repopulation: Cell repopulation is important for both tumours and early responding normal tissue and depends on the cell type. For early responding normal tissue, cell repopulation increases with time after the rst irradiation, meaning at later stages of a prolonged fractionation regime, larger doses are required to obtain the same biological eect (Metcalfe et al. , 2007). Increasing the duration of the treatment course is thus benecial to early responding normal tissue. This is not the case for late responding normal tissue. For tumour cells, accelerated repopulation can also occur. After the start of a course of radiotherapy, the division rate of tumour cells increases. The time from the start of the course to increase in repopulation is referred to as the 'time for kicko', Tk . As a result, prolonged treatment time can be detrimental to tumour control. The rate of repopulation is described by the potential doubling time, Tp. This is the time required to double the number of tumour cells assuming no cell loss. The ideal fractionation regime takes into account the values of Tk , Tp and the repopulation capacity of the normal tissues at risk for a given treatment site. Recent studies have inferred the presence of tumour 'stem cells' in the tumour cell Redistribution: 39 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation population. These are referred to as tumour cell clonogens. The control of such cells is a necessity for tumour control if a long term cure is desired (Milas & Hittelman, 2009). 1.6.5 BED including tumour repopulation The BED can be calculated for a given fractionation regime taking into account tumour repopulation by modifying the LQ model. The LQ cell survival equation, including fractionation (Equation 1.6) can be modied to include an exponential cell population term with a coecient for a total treatment time T: S = e( (1.11) nd(+d)+T ) The term T can be thought of as the loss in cell kill due to repopulation. When the total dose is zero, the number of cells doubles in a time Tp (potential doubling time from Section 1.6.4) and the coecient =ln2/Tp. The cells do not begin to proliferate until Tk (time for kicko from 1.5.4) after treatment begins so the survival becomes: S=e nd(+d)+ ln2(TTp Tk ) (1.12) With the BED becoming (Fowler, 1989): d BED = nd 1 + = ! ln2 (T Tk ) Tp (1.13) 1.6.6 Hypofractionation In the last decade, many groups have reported an / ratio for prostate cancer of much lower than the value of 10 used for other tumours (Brenner & Hall, 1999; Fowler et al. , 2001; Brenner et al. , 2002) Values as low as 1.5 have been reported, which 40 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation is lower than the value of 3 for late responding tissue (Brenner & Hall, 1999; Fowler et al. , 2001; King & Fowler, 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2001; Brenner et al. , 2002; Chappell et al. , 2004). This has implications on fractionation for prostate cancer radiotherapy. A prostate / ratio lower than that for late responding rectal tissue means that the prostate BED may always be higher than that for late responding rectal tissue. It is for this reason hypofractionation will be advantageous for prostate radiotherapy. Hypofractionation is the delivery of fewer but larger fractions than a standard fractionation regime, standard being in 2Gy fractions. Hypofractionation allows the designer of a fractionation regime to achieve one of two things. The rst is a reduction in late rectal BED for an equivalent prostate BED as compared to a standard fractionation regime. The second is a greater prostate BED for equivalent late rectal BED as compared to a standard fractionation regime. The following example explains this concept. Recall that the BED is dened as: d BED = nd + = ! (1.14) For a standard fractionation regime of 78Gy in 39 fractions of 2Gy, this results in a prostate BED (/ = 1.5) of 182Gy. The late rectal BED (/ = 3) is 130Gy. For an equivalent prostate BED (182Gy) using a hypofractionated regime of 53.72Gy delivered in 15 fractions of 3.58Gy, the late rectal BED is 117.86Gy with an SED of 71Gy. Conversely, for an equivalent rectal BED (130Gy) with a hypofractionated regime of 57.23Gy in 15 fractions of 3.82Gy the prostate BED becomes 202.77Gy with an SED of 86.9Gy. Many institutions have started implementing hypofractionated regimes for external beam prostate cancer with some comparable early outcomes (Kupelian et al. , 2001; Logue et al. , 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2007; Ritter, 2008). Although there is published data suggesting that the / for the prostate is lower than that for late responding tissue, this must be taken in the context that there 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 41 exists some reports of higher / for the prostate (Nahum et al. , 2003; Wang & Li, 2003). The debate on the subject is outlined in detail in a recent point/counterpoint discussion (Fowler et al. , 2006). 1.6.7 Tumour Control Probability and Normal Tissue Complication Probability Tumour Control Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) are parameters that describe the probability of specic biological endpoints (destruction of all tumour clonogens and normal tissue toxicity respectively) as a result of irradiation. TCP and NTCP are derived from the sigmoid shape of dose response curves for tumours and normal tissues. Combining TCP and NTCP results in the probability of uncomplicated tumour control, P+. Figure 1.4 shows example TCP, NTCP and P+ curves. The sigmoid shape is visible for the TCP and NTCP curves. There are various mathematical functions that can be used to describe the sigmoid shape, however poisson and logistic models are most frequently used (Bentzen, 2009). Tumour and normal tissue response has been described using the Functional SubUnit (FSU) model (Tome, 2009). In this model, tumours and organs are made up of a number of FSUs. For a tumour, an FSU is a single tumour clonogenic cell. For an organ, an FSU can be the physiological element of the organ required for function. For example, nephrons in the kidney or alveoli in the lung or a sub-volume of the total organ. The FSU model allows description of tumours and organs in terms of their architecture. Serial architecture is where if only one FSU destroyed, the rest of the organ is damaged, that is, toxicity is seen when one or more FSUs are destroyed. An example of a serial organ is the spinal cord. Parallel architecture is where FSUs are independent of each other therefore death of one FSU does not necessarily damage the whole organ. Damage to a large number of FSUs is required to aect the function of 42 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation Figure 1.4: TCP, NTCP and P+ curves showing the sigmoid shape of the dose-response curves the organ. Tumours have perfectly parallel architecture as all FSUs must be destroyed in order to destroy the tumour. Dose response curves characterise the probability of a biological end point occurring for a given dose and can be distinguished by two parameters, the position of the curve on the dose scale and the slope of the curve. The position of the slope on the dose scale is represented most commonly as the TCD (for tumour control) or the D50 (for normal tissue) parameters. That is, the dose required, if delivered uniformly to the organ/tumour, that results in a 50% probability of tumour control or toxicity end point occurring. The slope of the curve is generally represented by the dose response gradient, (Bentzen & Tucker, 1997; Brahme, 1984). The dose response gradient is the change in the probability (in percent) of a given biological end point per one percent dose increase. The dose response gradient is a function of where it is taken on the dose response curve; commonly (taken at 37% probability level for poisson model) and (taken at 50% probability level for logistic model) which is where the 50 37 50 50 43 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation model reaches maximum steepness for each model. There values of TCD /D50 and vary depending on the organ, irradiation conditions and individual person. A number of NTCP models have been introduced to model the dose response relationship for normal tissues. Two of the most common methods are the Lyman and the relative seriality (also referred to as the 'Kallman-S model') models (Lyman, 1985; Kallman et al. , 1992). The relative seriality model is based on poisson statistics and assumes that organs consist of a number parallel subunits, each of which is made up of a number of serial subunits. The relative seriality is represented by the seriality parameter s. The parameter s is derived from the number of serial subunits in the whole organ. The NTCP using the relative seriality model is given by: 50 NT CP ( = 1 voxels Y i=1 [1 (P (Di)) ] sv )1=s 50 (1.15) Where v is the relative voxel volume and P(Di) is the poisson dose-response relationship: P (Di ) = 2 ee (1 (1.16) D=D50 ) The relative seriality model is thus used with the parameters s, and D50. The relative seriality model has some drawbacks, in that for a parallel organ, a substantial NTCP is only calculated if all of the subunits are likely to be damaged (Moiseenko et al. , 2005). The Lyman model is one of the most widely used NTCP models: Z u D;V p1 1 exp 21 x dx (1.17) 2 Where D is the absorbed dose and V is the partial organ volume. The upper limit NT CP (D; V ) = ( ) 2 44 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation of the integral: u(D; V ) = D D50 (V ) m D50 (V ) (1.18) Calculation of the NTCP using the Lyman model depends on the model parameters m, D and n. The parameter m describes the slope of the dose response curve, the parameter n is the volume parameter (as n increases, the volume eect increases, that is, tends towards a more parallel architecture) and D is the uniform total dose necessary for a 50% probability of the specic toxicity end point (that is, D describes location of the curve on the dose axis). The NTCP using the lyman model also requires the value of D. The Lyman model assumes D is a uniform dose delivered to the organ, which is essentially never achieved in radiotherapy practice. The dose to an organ follows a distribution described by the dose volume histogram (DVH). To calculate the NTCP using the Lyman model and an organ's DVH, the DVH must be reduced into a single dose value. The eective volume method is used to achieve this reduction (Kutcher & Burman, 1989); the DVH is reduced into an equivalent fractional volume receiving the maximum dose in the DVH: 50 50 50 vEF F = X i Di 1=n vi Dmax (1.19) The DVH can also be reduced into the Equivalent Uniform Dose (EUD), which is the homogenous dose that results in the same biological eect as the heterogeneous dose (Niemierko, 1997). Calculation of the EUD is covered in the next section. The upper limit of the NTCP integral thus can be calculated using the EUD: u(D; V ) = EUDa D50 m D50 (1.20) The Lyman model with the EUD reduction has been shown to be mathematically 1.6. Radiobiological modelling and optimisation 45 equivalent to the Lyman model with the Kutcher-Burman reduction (Rancati et al. , 2004). Throughout this thesis the Lyman model with the EUD reduction will be referred to as the LKB model. NTCP calculations provide a probability of a given biological end point. That is, they do not predict the outcome for a given patient, but provide a complication probability which can be used to rank plans. There are some disadvantages to the NTCP models described. Firstly, NTCP models are based purely on the DVH and don't take into account the spatial distribution of dose. For organs such as lung, it has been shown that the eect on lung function depends on where the dose is deposited within the lung (Bradley et al. , 2007). Secondly, derivation of NTCP model parameters is performed based on on clinical toxicity rates. Toxicity rates are dependent on the treatment technique, organ voluming and the genetics of the population analysed. As a result, model parameters derived from a given clinical data set may not be applicable to another independent data set (Bradley et al. , 2007). Lastly, NTCP models are based purely on the dose response function and do not have any basis on real biological phenomenon. For these reasons, it is suggested that NTCP models should not be used for clinical decision making, but purely as a research tool (Bentzen, 2009). 1.6.8 Equivalent Uniform Dose The Equivalent Uniform Dose (EUD) parameter was developed to provide a means of equating heterogeneous dose distributions using a single parameter (Niemierko, 1997). The EUD model includes both physical dose and a biological parameter based on the seriality of the organ in question. The EUD equation: 46 1.7. Measurement modalities EUD = X i vi Dia !1=a (1.21) The calculation of EUD is based on the volume of the volume element of interest, vi , the physical dose to that volume element, Di and the parameter a, which is equal to the value of 1/n from the LKB NTCP model. The behaviour of the EUD function is dependent on the parameter a, in that a is used to describe whether the volume is a tumour or normal tissue, and the seriality of the volume. A negative a value is used for tumours and a positive a value is used for normal tissue. For normal tissue, as a approaches innity, EUD approaches the maximum dose. Large values of a are used for serial organs. For an a value of one, the EUD is equal to the mean dose to the structure. As a approaches negative innity EUD approaches the minimum dose. Tumours are the ultimate parallel organ, that is, they require all cells in the structure to be killed for the tumour to be killed. For this reason, a highly negative value of a is selected since the lowest dose to the tumour denes the control probability (Wu et al. , 2002). EUD was originally introduced as a means of comparing dose distributions, and is still used for this. However, recent use of EUD has been as an optimisation function for IMRT plans. When optimising IMRT plans based on the gradient reduction scheme, it is useful if the optimisation function can be easily dierentiated. The EUD is one such function. A detailed description of the EUD function and its use in IMRT optimisation is given in Chapter 3. 1.7 Measurement modalities Various dosimeters are used clinically for radiation dose measurement. The 'gold standard' detector, the ionisation chamber, is most commonly used for beam commis- 1.7. Measurement modalities 47 sioning and quality assurance. However, the ionisation chamber only provides a point dose measurement and its volume can be too large for some applications. In particular, high dose gradients in the build up region and penumbra may require better spatial resolution than some ion chambers can provide. Therefore other detectors are used, such as lm and solid state detectors, for non-routine applications. 1.7.1 Ionisation chambers Ionisation chambers (ion chambers) are the most common and reliable dosimeters used in radiation oncology applications. Ion chambers consist of detecting ionisation processes in a gas and relating them to a given absorbed dose. When charged particles traverse a cavity of gas, molecules are ionised resulting in a positively charged ion and a free election (an ion pair). In an ion chamber, a gas cavity is placed between electrodes. Air is commonly used as the gas. A bias voltage is applied across the electrodes. When ion pairs are created by charged particles traversing the gas chamber, positively charged ions and the free electrons move away from their point of origin towards the electrodes. This drift of ions and electrons constitutes an electric current and charge is collected. The collected charge is measured by an electrometer. Various correction factors and a calibration factor converting from units of charge (Coulombs) to absorbed dose (J/Kg or Gy) are applied to the charge reading to obtain the absorbed dose. The ion pairs created during ionisation in the chamber are subject to recombination. Therefore, a suciently high bias voltage (> 100V) must be applied to reduce the number ion pairs recombining and increase the charge collection, whilst too high bias voltage (> 400V) results in ions in the chamber gaining sucient energy to cause secondary ionisation. Further increasing of the bias voltage results in avalanches of ions per primary photon (the Geiger-Muller eect), which results in a much higher sensitivity. For radiotherapy applications, ion chambers are operated in the plateau 1.7. Measurement modalities 48 region between 100V and 400V. 1.7.2 Radiographic lm Radiographic lm for use in radiation oncology consists of a radiosensitive silver halide emulsion on a polyester base. The silver halide emulsion commonly consists of silver bromide crystals embedded in gelatine. When photons are interact with the silver bromide, the Silver Bromide molecules are ionised resulting in Bromide and an electron. The electron combines with the positive Silver Ion resulting in elemental silver. When the lm is developed all the Silver ions are reduced in any crystal that contains a reduced Silver ion. Silver halide crystals that don't contain reduced Silver ions are washed away, leaving only reduced Silver ions, coloured black. In other words, parts of the lm that are irradiated turn black. The density of the lm, that is, the darkness of the lm is proportional to the absorbed dose in the lm is measured using either spot densitometers or specially designed transmission lm scanners such as the Vidar (VIDAR Systems Corporation, VA, USA) scanner. Radiographic lm provides an accurate high resolution 2D dose map and as a result is used extensively in quality assurance in radiotherapy. A disadvantage of radiographic lm is its high eective atomic number which leads to an over response to low energy x-rays. Radiographic lm is sensitive to visible light therefore it is packaged in a light-tight envelope, the integrity of which must be maintained during use until processing. Radiographic lm also requires a well-maintained lm processor. There are some issues with parallel exposure (Suchowerska et al. , 2001). Radiographic lm has been used extensively in the past and is still used clinically however energy response issues and the reduction in the use of lm developers suggests that radiochromic lm will become the more common lm for radiotherapy applications. 1.7. Measurement modalities 49 1.7.3 Radiochromic lm A relatively new dosimeter to the radiotherapy dosimetry setting is radiochromic lm. Radiochromic lm contains a chemical structure that changes colour when exposed to ionising radiation. This means radiochromic lm is a self-developing lm that doesn't require any post-processing to obtain an image. Radiochromic lm is also relatively insensitive to visible white light; it doesn't need to be kept in a light tight package while in use. Radiochromic lm turns blue when exposed to radiation due to a solidstate polymerisation in which coloured, polyconjugated polymer chains are created (Niroomand-Rad et al. , 1998). The shade of blue is proportional to the absorbed radiation dose. The optical density of radiochromic lm can be read out using atbed scanners, spot densitometers or transmission scanners however atbed scanners are the recommended read out method. Advantages of radiochromic lm include: No processing required Can be exposed to visible white light during use Can easily be cut to any desired shape High spatial resolution Instantaneous image is obtained Can be immersed in water The radiochromic lm used in this thesis is Gafchromic EBT lm (International Specialty Products, Wayne, NJ, USA). EBT lm is specically designed for radiotherapy applications with a sensitive dose range of 0.1-800cGy. The structure of EBT lm is shown in Figure 1.5. EBT lm does not contain any high Z materials, like radiographic lm, therefore the eective atomic number of EBT lm is close to that 1.7. Measurement modalities 50 Figure 1.5: The structure of Gafchromic EBT lm (ISP, 2007) of water, at Z=6.98 (ISP, 2007). A more recent version of radiochromic lm - EBT-2 - has just been released (ISP, 2009). EBT-2 lm diers from EBT lm in that it is yellow in colour and has a dierent geometry. EBT-2 lm was not used in this thesis. Radiochromic lm has been the subject of various reports describing a number of processes that must be carried out when analysing the lm to obtain highly accurate measurements. These include preservation of scanning orientation, not using the edge of cut lms for measurement, keeping post-irradiation readout time to > 24 hours and storage and handling conditions (Niroomand-Rad et al. , 1998; Cheung et al. , 2005; Yu et al. , 2006). 1.7.4 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Eect Transistor detectors Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Eect Transistor (MOSFET) detectors are solid state radiation detectors that are used for point dose measurements requiring high spatial resolution. MOSFETs as radiation detectors were rst proposed in 1974 by Holmes-Siedle (1974) and have been used extensively for radiotherapy applications (Rosenfeld, 2002). MOSFET radiation detectors are simply conventional MOSFET 51 1.8. Disequilibrium region dosimetry Figure 1.6: Schematic diagram of a MOSFET radiation detector chips that have a thicker semiconductor substrate. The structure of a typical MOSFET detector is given in Figure 1.6. Ionising radiation incident on a MOSFET detector interacts in the SiO layer. Electron-hole pairs are created. Electrons move towards the gate and positive holes move towards the Si-SiO interface and get trapped. This causes a positive charge build up. The eect of the charge build up is to alter the threshold voltage, Vt. The threshold voltage, in MOSFET radiation dosimetery, is dened as the voltage at which a given current ows. The MOSFET is then 'read out' by putting a constant current through the drain-source and measuring the Vt for that given current. The change in Vt is proportional to the absorbed dose. MOSFET detectors can be used in passive or active mode. In passive mode, no bias is applied to the gate electrode during irradiation. In active mode, a bias is applied to the gate electrode during irradiation. This reduces electron-hole recombination by acting to separate electron-hole pairs, increasing the sensitivity of the detector. 2 2 1.8 Disequilibrium region dosimetry Disequilibrium region (DR) dosimetry is dened here as dosimetry in any location where electronic equilibrium does not exist. In this work, DR dosimetry refers to 52 1.8. Disequilibrium region dosimetry dosimetry on patient or phantom surface and dosimetry in the regions surrounding air cavities in a patient or phantom. The measurement of DR dose is a complicated task. Many factors aect the measurement such as depth of measurement and perturbation of the radiation due to the detector used. Monte Carlo techniques have been employed as well as solid state dosimeters (such as MOSFET detectors), radiographic and radiochromic lm and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). When considering DR dosimetry, the depth of measurement is extremely important, particularly for skin dosimetry. The ICRP recommends the depth of skin dosimetry to be at the average depth of the basal layer in the skin, (the basal layer being the radiosensitive layer of the skin) (ICRP, 1991). This depth can vary from 20m (trunk and face) to up to 560m (ngertips). For most parts of the skin, the depth of the basal layer is found between 50m and 100m therefore the depth of measurement recommended by the ICRP is 70m (ICRP 1991). Figure 1.7 shows a depth dose curve for a 6MV, 10x10cm photon beam from a linac incident on a water block phantom. Only the rst 1.5cm depth is presented, showing the high dose gradients found at the surface of a phantom or patient. Figure 1.7 illustrates that any small variation in detector depth will yield a dierent dose measurement. Any discussion of 'skin dose', 'surface dose' or 'supercial dose' must acknowledge the depth of measurement so that comparisons can be made with other data sets. Each detector has an intrinsic build up due to its construction. Therefore, when discussing DR dosimetry, the term water equivalent depth (WED) is used. The WED of a detector location is the equivalent depth if the build up material on the detector was made from water. Monte Carlo techniques are attractive for DR dosimetry due to the highly cus2 1.8. Disequilibrium region dosimetry 53 Figure 1.7: A 6MV depth dose curve for the rst 1.5cm depth in water showing the steep dose gradient at the surface. The curve was generated using the BEAMnrc/DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo package using a voxel resolution of 100m in the depth direction tomisable resolution that can be obtained and the fact that no perturbation of the beam takes place. However, as resolution increases, the number of histories required for statistical accuracy increases. Monte Carlo allows for DR dosimetry that removes any systematic errors (such as detector perturbation) at the expence of stochastic (random, statistical) errors. However, the accuracy of radiotherapy DR dosimetry with Monte Carlo is highly dependent on the accuracy of the phase space data used for simulation (the le describing the incident radiation). For example, for surface dosimetry the electron contamination must be modelled accurately. Parallel plate ion chambers provide very accurate DR measurements and are commonly used as a 'gold standard' in surface dosimetry. Parallel plate chambers such as 'Attix chambers' consist of a cylindrical chamber placed on the surface of the phantom or at an interface region with the central axis of the cylinder in the same direction as 1.8. Disequilibrium region dosimetry 54 the beam. Attix chambers provide accurate measurements at the surface of a phantom or cavity i.e. 0m (Rawlinson et al. , 1992). Attix chambers can be quite cumbersome to use, as they must be embedded in the phantom surface. Their relatively large size (they can be 2-3cm wide) limits the use of Attix chambers outside of standard block phantom geometry. Parallel plate ion chambers require some correction for an overresponse caused by ionisation in the chamber from electrons created in the walls of the chamber. This has been described by Rawlinson et al. (1992). DR dosimetry with MOSFETs and other semiconductor detectors such as diodes provides very high depth resolution. The sensitive volume of MOSFET detectors is the thin SiO layer which is typically 1m thick. This is much less than what is achievable with other detectors. The construction of semiconductor detectors is such that perturbation of the beam occurs. Detector packaging can non-uniformly attenuate the beam prior to interaction with the sensitive volume leading to angular dependence. Commercial MOSFET detectors have their sensitive detection volume at a WED of between 0.7mm and 1.8mm (Butson et al. , 1996; Scalchi et al. , 2005). Radiographic and radiochromic lms have been used to great eect in DR dosimetry (Devic et al. , 2006). Placed at an interface region, a lm allows for a 2D surface dose map to be obtained. Radiochromic lm is the preferable DR dosimeter due to its atomic number similar to that of water, and the fact that it can be cut and shaped easily to t almost any geometry (radiographic lm must be contained in a light-tight envelope during measurement). A common radiotherapy radiochromic lm, Gafchromic EBT (International Specialty Products, Wayne, NJ, USA) has a 40m thick active layer centred at a WED of 153m (Devic et al. , 2006). 2 Chapter 2 Rectal dose reduction with IMRT for prostate cancer radiotherapy 2.1 Introduction Clinicians are still seeking the optimal planning method when treating prostate cancer with external beam radiotherapy. It is well established that rectal dose and late rectal toxicity are correlated (Boersma et al. , 1998; Skwarchuk et al. , 2000; Jackson et al. , 2001). Numerous comparisons of dierent methods have been undertaken utilising DVH parameters to determine the superiority of any particular technique (Bedford et al. , 1999; Fiorino et al. , 2000; Khoo et al. , 2000). The corollary of these eorts has been a well dened reduction in acute and late rectal toxicity despite signicant dose escalation from doses of 60-68Gy with a 'conventional' four eld box to 74-78Gy non-coplanar, image-based, conformal arrangements (Livsey et al. , 2003; Cozzarini et al. , 2007). Part of this chapter has been submitted for publication in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology: Hardcastle, N., Davies, A., Foo, K., Miller, A. and Metcalfe, P. E. (2009). Rectal Dose Reduction with IMRT for Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (in submission) 55 2.2. Method and materials 56 There is some evidence to suggest that for prescribed doses of up to 74Gy, a three eld approach is suitable, but further dose escalation delivers doses of >50Gy to the femoral necks (Khoo et al. , 2000). Although a higher incidence of hip fractures has not been reported with these doses, few oncologists are prepared to exceed previously reported tolerance doses (Emami et al. , 1991). Further, even modest dose escalation above 70Gy can increase rectal toxicity signicantly (Dearnaley et al. , 2007). This has led to the introduction of many multi-eld 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy (3DCRT) and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) approaches to solve the problem of delivering an extremely high prostate dose while limiting the dose delivered to the immediately adjacent rectum. The use of IMRT in localised prostate cancer radiotherapy has been shown elsewhere to lead to reduced rectal toxicity for equivalent or higher target dose (Zelefsky et al. , 2000, 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2002a,b; Namiki et al. , 2006; Sanguineti et al. , 2006; Veldeman et al. , 2008). Despite this evidence, IMRT for prostate radiotherapy is not standard in the Australian clinical setting. A systematic approach has been taken to compare IMRT plans with the current clinically standard (at Illawarra Cancer Care Centre (ICCC)) 3DCRT plans for prostate radiotherapy. Dosimetric and biological quantities as well as delivery eciency are compared in an eort to quantify any dosimetric and radiobiological dierences between 3DCRT and IMRT. 2.2 Method and materials All plans were generated on a Pinnacle Radiotherapy Planning System V7.6c with the P IMRT optimisation toolbox (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, WI, USA). Sixteen sequential clinical patients were chosen for analysis. None of the patients had seminal vesicle (SV) involvement. Patients for which the prostate only 3 2.2. Method and materials 57 was the target were chosen as they represent the majority of the prostate radiotherapy cases at the ICCC. It is acknowledged that IMRT may have a greater advantage over 3DCRT when SVs are included in the PTV and this is discussed in Section 10.9. All of these patients received ve-eld conformal radiotherapy. The ve-eld conformal plan will be referred to as 3DCRT in the remainder of the report. The clinical target volume (CTV) was dened as the prostate, volumed by a single radiation oncologist for all cases. While all of the simulation CTs had volumes and contours marked according to the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) RADAR trial protocol (TROG 03.04), none of the patients were entered on this TROG protocol. The CTV conformed to the visible extent of the prostate on the non-contrast CT scan. The inferior extent of the prostate was determined on sagittal reconstruction (CT slice width of 2mm), and seminal vesicles were not contoured once separated from the prostate gland. No MRI fusion was employed. A single 7mm CTV to planning target volume (PTV) 3D expansion was applied, and a prescription dose of 78Gy delivered to the isocentre in 39 fractions was set (Pollack et al. , 2000; Kuban et al. , 2008). Whilst a two phase technique with reduced posterior margin is often used (Skala et al. , 2004), our institution uses a single target volume. This approach is consistent with symmetrical setup uncertainty and does not increase rectal dose Davies et al. (2008a). It also makes for a more robust comparison with IMRT techniques to simplify analysis. The rectal volume was dened using full volume and the length from anal canal up to the anterior curve of rectum into sigmoid colon with a maximum length of 11cm. The rectum can be dened as the rectal wall, that is, a 2-3mm thick ring dened by the external contour of the rectum, as well as the solid rectal volume. The eect of the two rectal denition methods, solid rectum or rectal wall only, on the resultant DVHs was investigated by comparing the average rectal DVHs for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The rectal wall contour was derived 2.2. Method and materials 58 from the solid rectum contour by creating a uniform 3mm thick ring structure based on the external contour of the solid rectum . 2.2.1 3DCRT plan The 3DCRT plans were planned by a single experienced radiation therapist and were used clinically to treat the patients. The beam angles were 90, 45, 0, 315 and 270 (IEC, 1996). This technique has been found in our institution to be superior to a six eld approach Davies et al. (2008a). Wedges were used for all elds except the 0 eld. Beam weightings and wedges were adjusted to individually optimise plan coverage but typically the lateral elds (90 and 270) used 45 wedges, while the anterior oblique elds (45 and 315) used 25 wedges. Beam weighting were evenly distributed initially before adjusting to achieve an optimal forward-plan distribution. Beam angles were not adjusted. Multileaf Collimator (MLC) shielding was used with a leaf width at isocentre of 5mm. The MLC aperture was set to a 6mm margin around the PTV. 2.2.2 IMRT plan A seven-eld IMRT plan was generated for each patient, referred to as 'IMRT'. All plans had elds at gantry angles 120, 80, 40, 0, 320, 280 and 240 (IEC, 1996). All IMRT plans were optimised using Direct Parameter Machine Optimisation (DMPO) which is a form of direct aperture optimisation (Shepard et al. , 2002). The optimal uence map is derived using only apertures that are deliverable by the collimator. A maximum of 70 segments were used for each plan and 50-75 iterations were run for each plan to provide an optimal solution using the weighted gradient minimisation method. The coverage on the PTV was matched to the 3DCRT plan. In the clinical setting, 2.2. Method and materials 59 Table 2.1: IMRT optimisation parameters. ROI = Region Of Interest, DVH = Dose Volume Histogram, ALAP = As Low As Possible ROI Objective type Dose (Gy) % Volume Weight min dose 74.1 constraint PTV max dose 81.0 constraint min DVH 76.0 95 100 max dose 76.0 constraint max DVH 25 ALAP 30 Rectum max DVH 50 ALAP 30 max DVH 60 ALAP 30 max DVH 70 ALAP 30 Bladder max DVH 50 ALAP 30 Femoral Heads max dose 50 30 Ring max DVH 74.1 5 25 coverage of the PTV is the primary optimisation objective, following which minimisation of at-risk organ doses can and should occur. Although slight improvement on the PTV coverage could have been obtained with the IMRT plans, the IMRT plans should not be subject to more strict PTV coverage objectives than the 3DCRT plans if improvements in rectal DVHs are being investigated. For the IMRT plan, the rectal DVH was optimised using a maximum dose constraint and a series of maximum DVH objectives. The maximum DVH objectives were set at 25Gy, 50Gy, 60Gy and 70Gy, with incremental reduction as PTV constraints continued to be met so that the volumes achieved were as low as possible (ALAP) without compromising the PTV coverage. The maximum DVH objective volumes varied from patient to patient and required constant monitoring and updating such that the rectum was receiving the lowest possible doses without impacting on the PTV coverage. The maximum volumes used in the maximum DVH objectives depend on the specic patient's anatomy therefore it was necessary that these were tailored to each patient. It is acknowledged that there are many variables in IMRT optimisation such as segment numbers, minimum segment 2.2. Method and materials 60 Figure 2.1: Dose distributions for patients #7 and #11. The left image shows the 3DCRT plan and the right image shows the IMRT plan. The dose scale ranges from 0-80Gy. sizes and monitor units, objective types and number of iterations that can impact on plan quality. In addition to the target and organs at risk objectives, a ring structure was dened as a 1.5cm thick ring around the PTV. This is a structure used purely for optimisation purposes to increase the dose gradient away from the target. The optimisation objectives are given in Table 2.1. 2.2.3 Evaluation of results The CT data sets, contours and calculated dose distributions were exported into the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research platform (Deasy et al. , 2003) (CERR, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA) and a script was 2.3. Results 61 written in MATLAB to export and calculate average target and organ at risk DVHs over all 16 patients for each plan. In addition to this the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) for the rectal Region of Interest (ROI) was calculated using the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) model (Lyman, 1985; Kutcher & Burman, 1989). The LKB calculation utility in CERR was used. The choice of LKB model parameters has a large eect on the resultant NTCPs. Three sets of model parameters representing rectal bleeding of grade 2 were used so to take into account the eect of the model parameters on the plan ranking. The rst parameter set, NTCP1 (n=1.03, m=0.16 and D50=55.9Gy) (Tucker et al. , 2004a), the second parameter set NTCP2 (n=0.24, m=0.14 and D50=75.7Gy) (Rancati et al. , 2004), and the third parameter set NTCP3 (n=0.084, m=0.108 and D50=78.4Gy) (Sohn et al. , 2007), were taken from the literature. The number of monitor units required for each plan was recorded for comparison of the delivery eciency of each plan. The Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test was used to compare the above parameters. The threshold for statistical signicance was p < 0.05. 2.3 Results 2.3.1 Dose-volume comparison Table 2.2 shows close agreement between the maximum, minumum, mean and standard deviations of the average PTV doses between the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The IMRT plans had a slightly increased standard deviation of the PTV dose which suggests a more heterogeneous dose distribution with the IMRT plans, similar to that found by others (Vaarkamp et al. , 2009; Luxton et al. , 2004). The dose distributions for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans for two selected patients are given in Figure 2.1.The resultant average DVHs are shown in Figure 2.2. The individual patient rectal and PTV DVHs 2.3. Results 62 Figure 2.2: Average cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and Rectum and (b) Femoral Heads and Bladder. The individual patient DVHs can be found in Figure 2.3 2.3. Results 63 Figure 2.3: Individual patient PTV and Rectal cumulative DVHs for all patients in the study 2.3. Results 64 are given in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.2a shows the cumulative DVH data for the rectum and PTV for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The 3DCRT and IMRT plans both have similar coverage of the PTV. The IMRT plans have reduced rectal volumes receiving doses > 5Gy. Figure 2.2b shows the cumulative DVH data for the bladder and femoral heads for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The IMRT plans show a small dose-volume reduction over the 3DCRT plan for the bladder. IMRT plans show a large dose-volume reduction compared with the 3DCRT plan in the femoral heads. Table 2.3 gives the average rectal V25Gy, V50Gy, V50Gy, V70Gy and V75Gy values for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. The IMRT plans resulted in statistically signicant lower values for all ve parameters. Figure 2.4a and Figure 2.4b show the average DVHs over the 16 patients of the solid rectum and rectal wall contours for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans respectively. The average V25Gy-V75Gy values are given in Table 2.4. For both planning techniques, small, but statistically signicant dierences between the solid rectum and rectal wall contour denition were observed for both 3DCRT and IMRT techniques. For the 3DCRT plans the solid rectum contour had a larger average V25Gy but smaller V60, V70 and V75Gy values. For the IMRT plans a statistically signicant dierence was seen only for V50, V60, V70 and V75Gy where the solid rectum was lower than the rectal wall contour. The selected patients shown in Figure 2.1 are presented as they represent maximum and minimum rectal DVH gains. From Figure 2.3 it is seen that for Patient 7, minimal rectal DVH reduction is observed for IMRT over 3DCRT. In this particular case, the rectum extends posteriorly away from the target by a large distance (Figure 2.1). This results in a large proportion of the rectal volume being away from the target hence out of the way of the beams. For this particular anatomy, gains made by IMRT will be minimal as the 3DCRT can already achieve signicant rectal sparing. In patient 2.3. Results 65 Table 2.2: PTV coverage metrics (averaged over all 16 patients) dose maximum dose mean dose standard plan minimum dose (Gy) dose (Gy) dose (Gy) deviation (Gy) 3DCRT 72.3 80.5 77.8 1.3 IMRT 72.6 81.8 77.8 1.4 p-value not sig. < 0.001 not sig. 0.05 < p < 0.10 Table 2.3: Average rectal percentage volumes receiving 25, 50, 60, 70 and 75Gy Parameter 3DCRT IMRT P value V25Gy 65.29 52.81 < 0.001 V50Gy 28.81 26.76 0.01 < p < 0.02 V60Gy 23.99 22.23 0.02 < p < 0.05 V70Gy 17.38 15.10 0.005 < p < 0.01 V75Gy 10.68 7.54 < 0.001 7, there is a large amount of gas in the rectum, which allows sparing of the rectum. This is similar to that achieved articially with rectal balloon, in that the posterior rectal wall is forced away from the target area. Conversely, for Patient 11, reductions in the rectal DVH are made over the whole dose range. In this case, the rectal volume is small (Figure 2.1) and a larger proportion of the rectal volume is close to or within the target volume, so any modulation of the beams has a greater eect at reducing the dose to the organ. 2.3.2 Biological parameter comparison Figure 2.5 shows the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) for the rectal DVH for all patients. Figure 2.5a, b and c shows the NTCP data for all patients using the NTCP1, NTCP2 and NTCP3 parameter sets respectively. Figure 2.5a and Figure 2.5b show that for NTCP1 and NTCP2 respectively, IMRT resulted in a lower rectal NTCP for all patients. Figure 2.5c shows that for NTCP3, IMRT resulted in a lower rectal NTCP for all but one patient. The average NTCP and statistical signicance is 2.3. Results 66 Figure 2.4: Average Solid rectal DVH vs rectal wall DVH for a) 3DCRT and b) IMRT plans 2.3. Results 67 Table 2.4: V25Gy - V75Gy parameter values for Solid Rectum (SR) and Rectal Wall (RW) contours for 3DCRT and IMRT plans Parameter Contour 3DCRT p-value IMRT p-value V25Gy SR 63.0 0.01 < p < 0.02 50.1 > 0.2 RW 59.1 49.3 V50Gy SR 26.7 0.05 < p < 0.10 24.2 0.02 < p < 0.05 RW 28.2 26.2 V60Gy SR 20.7 0.01 < p < 0.02 18.2 0.01 < p < 0.02 RW 23.3 20.9 V70Gy SR 14.4 0.001 < p < 0.005 11.9 0.001 < p < 0.005 RW 17.9 15.3 V75Gy SR 8.4 0.001 < p < 0.005 5.8 < 0.001 RW 11.9 9.1 Table 2.5: Average NTCP values for 3DCRT and IMRT plans with statistical signicance Parameter set 3DCRT IMRT p-value NTCP1 4.61 1.59 < 0.001 NTCP2 2.51 1.69 < 0.001 NTCP3 6.69 5.10 < 0.001 given in Table 2.5. For the selected patients in Figure 2.1, the rectal NTCPs reect the DVHs of each plan. For Patient 7, as the relative rectal volumes receiving doses over the whole dose range are relatively low, compared with other patients, the NTCPs are amongst the lowest out of all patients in the study. Only for NTCP3, which is related to the high dose region hence that section of the rectum contained by the PTV, does the modulation in the IMRT achieve some reduction. For Patient 11, as the DVH reduction with IMRT is seen over the whole dose range, reduction in NTCP is seen for all three sets of model parameters. Figure 2.6 shows the rectal NTCP for each patient plotted against the percentage of the rectal volume contained by the PTV for the three NTCP parameter sets. Figure 2.6a, Figure 2.6b and Figure 2.6c show the rectal NTCP for parameter sets NTCP1, 2.3. Results 68 NTCP2 and NTCP3 respectively, with the Spearman's rank correlation and p values. For parameter set one (Figure 2.6a), no statistically signicant correlation is seen between the proportion of the rectal volume contained by the PTV and the rectal NTCP. Parameter set one has an n value that represents a more parallel organ architecture hence the high dose region has little impact on the NTCP. For parameter sets NTCP2 and NTCP3, a statistically signicant correlation is seen between the proportion of the rectal volume contained by the PTV and the NTCP. Parameter sets NTCP2 and NTCP3 have values of n that represent more serial organ architecture. This means that any high dose region is penalised. As the proportion of rectal volume contained by the PTV is receiving the target dose, any increase of this volume increases the NTCP. As the value of n increases (more serial) the correlation value increases (that is, the correlation becomes stronger). For the two parameter sets that resulted in a statistically signicant correlation between percentage rectal volume contained by the PTV and NTCP (NTCP2 and NTCP3), a higher value of the correlation coecient was observed for the IMRT plans over the 3DCRT plans. This suggests that the proportion of the rectum contained by the PTV is a more dominant predictor of NTCP for the IMRT plans than for the 3DCRT plans. This is probably due to the reductions in rectal volumes irradiated to high doses observed for the IMRT plans. The overlap region is where the majority of the high doses are delivered with the IMRT plans. For the 3DCRT plans, the inability to sculpt the dose means that the overlap region plus extra rectal volume gets irradiated to high doses. This has the eect of increasing the complication probability for rectal complications related to high doses. 2.3. Results 69 Figure 2.5: Rectal NTCPs using (a) model parameters n=1.03, m=0.16 and D50=55.9Gy (b) model parameters n=0.24, m=0.14 and D50=75.7Gy and c) model parameters n=0.084, m=0.108 and D50=78.4Gy 2.3. Results 70 Figure 2.6: Rectal NTCP vs percentage of rectal volume contained by the PTV for (a) model parameters n=1.03, m=0.16 and D50=55.9Gy (b) model parameters n=0.24, m=0.14 and D50=75.7Gy and c) model parameters n=0.084, m=0.108 and D50=78.4Gy. Spearman's rank correlation coecient and p values are presented on each chart 2.4. Discussion 71 Table 2.6: Average MU per plan averaged over 16 patients Plan Average MUs Range P value 3DCRT 376 325-405 IMRT 540 464-658 < 0.001 2.3.3 Delivery eciency comparison The number of monitor units (MU) required to deliver each plan was recorded. The average MU per delivery for each plan over the 16 patients is summarised in Table 2.6. 2.4 Discussion The presented DVH data shows that for the same PTV dose coverage, physically optimised seven eld IMRT resulted in a reduction of rectal doses compared with a ve eld 3DCRT plan. This was seen over the whole dose range. Statistically signicant reductions in V25Gy, V50Gy, V60Gy, V70Gy and V75Gy values were obtained with IMRT plans. It should be noted, however, that the mean reduction in rectal dose from using IMRT, although statistically signicant, is small in absolute terms, particularly for doses 50Gy and higher. An examination of individual patient data in Figure 2.3 shows that, although the average rectal dose reduction is small, some patients would derive much greater advantage from IMRT than others. When the rectal wall and solid rectum DVHs were compared it was observed that for the 3DCRT plans the average rectal wall DVH was larger for low-mid range doses but lower at the high dose range. For the IMRT plans the average rectal wall DVH was larger for the mid-high range doses. The dierences between the rectal wall and solid rectum DVHs were small but statistically signicant. These results are similar to that found in previous studies (MacKay et al. , 1997; Fenwick et al. , 2001; Tucker et al. , 2004a). 2.4. Discussion 72 The bladder doses were comparable for all plans; however little emphasis was placed on reducing the dose to the bladder apart from reducing V50Gy. The greater interfraction variability of bladder positioning, due to variable lling precludes more aggressive optimisation of bladder dose without daily soft tissue imaging and adaptive radiotherapy planning (McBain et al. , 2009; Fiorino et al. , 2005). All IMRT plans resulted in a large reduction in femoral head dose. In the same way that the ve eld approach reduces dose to the femoral heads over a three eld approach by distributing dose over more elds, so a seven eld approach will also reduce dose through the lateral elds. One solution for ve eld 3DCRT to reduce femoral head dose is to rotate the lateral beams posteriorly to the femoral heads, but this nullies the rectal dose advantage gained by the ve-eld method. Overall, the dosimetric advantages for IMRT over 3DCRT were real, but small. This is perhaps surprising, given the evidence for IMRT superiority cited previously (Zelefsky et al. , 2000, 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2002a,b; Namiki et al. , 2006; Sanguineti et al. , 2006; Veldeman et al. , 2008). The reason for the smaller than expected dosimetric gains may lie in the use of a high quality comparator in the 3DCRT plans. The comparison 3DCRT method was the result of extensive work to nd the best classsolution technique for prostate radiotherapy using forward-planning (Davies et al. , 2008b). Pushing the technical limits of 3DCRT will naturally reduce the apparent advantages of IMRT. However, there is a limit to how much 3DCRT can achieve. The rst plan produced in the forward planned 3DCRT process includes little control over the resulting dose distribution. Gains are made by iterations based on intuition and experience. This approach is best suited to meeting a small number of dose-volume objectives, particularly at the high end of the dose range. Australian guidelines for dose-volume objectives for the rectum in prostate radiotherapy have concentrated on high dose volumes above 60Gy with the aim being 2.4. Discussion 73 reduction of rectal bleeding (Skala et al. , 2004). However, it is becoming clear that the moderate dose region also contributes signicantly to rectal toxicity endpoints such as rectal incontinence (Gulliford et al. , 2009; Peeters et al. , 2006; Fiorino et al. , 2008). Whilst forward planned 3DCRT is a proven method to meet dose-volume constraints at high doses, this task becomes exponentially more complex as more constraints are added at lower dose-volume points. Inverse planned IMRT is better suited to the task, and also results in gains in the high dose region. The NTCP comparison shows that IMRT use results in a decrease in modelestimated likelihood of toxicity in the majority of patients. Although the radiobiological model used has its limitations, it has been shown to t toxicity data in a number of large real-world datasets, albeit with local modications (Peeters et al. , 2006; Rancati et al. , 2004). The value of this analysis is not that it accurately predicts the actual rate of toxicity, but that it provides a biologically-based comparison of which plan is less likely to be associated with toxicity, based on currently available evidence. There is wide variation in published values of the LKB model parameters D50, m and n (Peeters et al. , 2006; Rancati et al. , 2004; Sohn et al. , 2007; Tucker et al. , 2004a). This variation is due to natural variation in radiosensitivity, heterogeneous toxicity endpoints and the actual spatial distribution of dose within volumes that not taken into account by DVH-based models. For each of the three sets of published model parameters, each dierent, but all based on clinical data, the IMRT plans are generally superior to 3DCRT. That is, the superior NTCP results from IMRT plans are robust even in the face of model parameter uncertainty. All IMRT plans were less MU ecient than the 3DCRT plans, which is expected due to the delivery technique employing multiple segments per beam, as opposed to a single segment used per eld for 3DCRT. This relative ineciency raises two possible concerns. The rst is whether the use of more monitor units and the attendant leakage 2.4. Discussion 74 dose increases the risk of stochastic late eects such as second malignancy, as raised by Hall (Hall & Wuu, 2003). This is controversial, and may be oset by greater conformality of higher dose (Tubiana, 2009). The second concern is the time-eciency of delivery, where a greater number of MU directly increases delivery time for each beam. In addition to this, for step and shoot IMRT, the delay between segment delivery due to leaf motion slightly increases delivery time. It can also be argued that a signicant time resource increase for IMRT results from the required quality assurance procedures. It may be possible to reduce the required MU for the IMRT plans by reducing the maximum number of segments available to the optimiser. Reducing the number of segments may reduce the dosimetric advantages obtained with IMRT; however, this has not been formally tested in this report. Furthermore, new IMRT delivery techniques such as Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) have been shown to result in similar dose coverage to conventional IMRT, but can be delivered using signicantly fewer MU and less time (Afghan et al. , 2008; Otto, 2008; Palma et al. , 2008b,a; Wol et al. , 2008; Yu, 1995). Techniques such as VMAT may negate any delivery time disadvantages of IMRT. However, it could be assumed the resources required for planning and quality assurance for VMAT would be similar to that for conventional IMRT. In retrospect, the eect of two extra beams and intensity modulation have not been decoupled from each other. The dosimetric advantages obtained with IMRT may have been due to a combination of both extra beams and increased modulation. The goal of this study was to compare current clinical practice with a 'high-quality' IMRT plan; that is, to make the most of the IMRT plan. Future work could involve replanning all 15 patients using an inverse-planned, single segment per beam method. This would decouple the eects of the extra two elds and the increased modulation. 2.5. Conclusion 75 2.5 Conclusion In the report we have shown that for equivalent coverage of the PTV, physically optimised IMRT can reduce the dose to normal tissue for prostate cancer patients. From the rectal DVHs it was shown that IMRT reduced the volumes receiving doses over the whole dose range. Minimal reduction in bladder dose was observed, but this was not actively pursued as bladder doses were well below tolerance doses. Doses to femoral heads were reduced due to the use of seven elds (IMRT) as opposed to ve elds (3DCRT). Reductions in rectal doses were reected in reduced rectal NTCPs. The IMRT plans resulted in reduced average NTCPs for three sets of model parameters. These results were statistically signicant. The IMRT plans required on average 42% more monitor units for delivery. Chapter 3 Biological optimisation of prostate IMRT plans 3.1 Introduction There is some variation in techniques for IMRT optimisation. Variations in target and organ at risk geometrical delineation, number of elds and their location, and optimisation parameters exist. No one technique of IMRT optimisation has been shown to be ideal for prostate IMRT and clinicians are still investigating dierent ways to improve target dose and reduce OAR dose. Furthermore, the endpoints used to judge IMRT plans, primarily dose-volume, can vary between physicians. Currently, there is an interest in using biological end points describing either tumour control or normal tissue toxicity to rank plans. To this end, optimisation of IMRT plans based on biological end points is a logical area of investigation. The commercial biological IMRT optimisation investigated here is based on generalised Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) (Pinnacle RTPS). gEUD was introduced as a tool for evaluating and reporting heterogeneous dose distributions (Niemierko, 1997). gEUD is the dose that if given uniformly will result 76 77 3.1. Introduction Table 3.1: Conditions and use of the parameter a Condition a<0 a=0 a>0 Use Lower gEUD as a ) - 1. Cold spots are penalised. Suitable for targets gEUD = geometrical mean. Equal weights given to hot and cold spots Higher gEUD as a ) 1. Hot spots are penalised. Suitable for organs at risk in the same biological eect as the heterogeneous dose distribution. The form given by Niemierko: ! =a N X 1 a di gEUD = N 1 i=1 (3.1) Where N is the number of voxels, di is the dose in voxel i and a is the volume parameter. The treatment planning system used for this study, Pinnacle V7.6c with the P3IMRT optimisation toolbox (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, WI, USA), uses a slightly modied form of the gEUD equation to allow voxels to be only partially included in a ROI: gEUD = N X i=1 vi dai !1=a (3.2) Where vi is the fractional volume of the ROI occupied by voxel i. The value of a is equal to n , the volume parameter used in the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman NTCP model. The value of a aects the gEUD as follows: The optimisation of IMRT plans using gEUD objectives has been shown to be an attractive method to obtain a plan not only meeting dose-volume criteria but also biological constraints (Choi & Deasy, 2002; Wu et al. , 2002; Thieke et al. , 2003; Schwarz et al. , 2004; Olafsson et al. , 2005; Wu et al. , 2003). Although current biological models such as gEUD have limitations, as biological systems are extremely complex, the gEUD parameter may be used as a simple optimisation objective to meet 1 78 3.1. Introduction dose-volume criteria, without considering resultant NTCP and TCP. gEUD optimisation of dose to normal tissue can require fewer objectives compared with physical dose-volume optimisation where multiple objectives are often required to reduce volumes receiving doses over the whole dose range. The user only has to provide a maximum or target gEUD value and the parameter a, both of which will vary with organ. Fewer objectives should lead to a more ecient planning process to achieve similar or better dose distributions than physically optimised plans. The Pinnacle RTPS provides optimisation based on gEUD criteria via the biological optimisation toolbox. Specically, the optimisation function is dened as: F (gEUD) = (gEUD; gEUD0 ) 8 > > > > > > < gEUD gEUD0 gEUD0 !2 (3.3) 9 > > > > > > = H (gEUD; gEUD0 ) for max gEUD (gEUD; gEUD ) = >> 1 for target gEUD >> (3.4) > > > > > > > ; : H (gEUD ; gEUD) for min gEUD > Where H(.) is the Heaviside step function and gEUD is the dose value specied by the user (Raysearch, 2003; Schwarz et al. , 2004). The objective function acts such that too high gEUD values are penalised when using a maximum gEUD objective and too low gEUD values are penalised when using a minimum gEUD objective. The target gEUD value penalises any deviation from the target gEUD value. The behaviour of the gEUD value and F(gEUD) as a maximum gEUD objective function for a given range of a values calculated over three example rectal DVHs is shown in Figure 3.1. A gEUD value of 50Gy was used in generating these plots. Figure 3.1a shows example DVHs selected for analysis. DVH1 is a rectal DVH with low volumes receiving low doses and higher volumes receiving high doses. DVH2 is a rectal DVH with intermediate volumes receiving high and low doses. DVH3 is a rectal 0 0 0 0 3.1. Introduction 79 Figure 3.1: Behaviour of the gEUD and f(gEUD) functions (a) Example DVHs used for analysis (b) Change in gEUD as a function of a (c) Optimisation function value as a function of a and (d) Optimisation function value as a function of gEUD 3.1. Introduction 80 DVH with higher volumes receiving low doses and low volumes receiving high doses. Figure 3.1b shows the change in calculated gEUD as a function of the parameter a. gEUD increases with value of a. DVH1 has a lower gEUD with low a value as a low a value rewards reduction in low doses. As a increases the gEUD increases at a greater rate than DVH2 and DVH3 as the high volumes at high doses are penalised more with larger values of a. DVH3 shows a higher gEUD with low a value as the higher volumes at low doses are penalised. However as a increases the low volumes at high doses are rewarded with a low gEUD. DVH2 represents an intermediate DVH that is therefore rewarded at each end with low gEUD. Figure 3.1c shows the result of the optimisation function F(gEUD) as a function of a. F(gEUD) is highest for DVH1 at high a values as the high volumes at high doses is getting penalised. It then decreases the fastest to its minimum as a decreases as the low volumes at low doses is rewarded. DVH3 has the lowest F(gEUD) value at high a values due to the low volume at high doses. Figure 3.1d F(gEUD) vs gEUD showing that for the three example DVHs the optimisation function reduces the gEUD at the same rate until it is the maximum gEUD (50Gy in this case) or lower. The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the utility of maximum gEUD optimisation objectives for the rectum in prostate IMRT plans. This is achieved by creating prostate IMRT plans for sixteen patients using a maximum gEUD objective on the rectum and physical dose objectives on the target and other organs at risk. The parameter a is varied to nd the value that has the largest eect on minimising rectal dose. 81 3.2. Methods and materials 3.2 Methods and materials 3.2.1 Treatment planning The Pinnacle Radiotherapy Treatment Planning System (RTPS) (Philips Radiation Oncology System, Fitchburg, USA) with the biological toolkit was used for all plans (Raysearch, 2003). The same group of 16 prostate patients as used in Chapter 2 were used for analysis. Three, seven-eld IMRT plans were generated for each patient. All plans had elds with xed gantry angles (IEC Convention) 120, 80, 40, 0, 320, 280 and 240. The plans were optimised using biological objectives on the rectum and physical dose-volume objectives on all other ROIs. All plans were optimised using Direct Parameter Machine optimisation (DMPO). A maximum of 70 segments were used for each plan and 50-75 iterations were run for each plan. As the eect of biological optimisation parameters was being investigated, the PTV DVH coverage was kept constant for all plans. For the rectal objectives, the parameter a was varied, with values of 3, 4.5 and 9 used. A large variation in the value of the parameter a for the rectum exists in the literature (Rancati et al. , 2004; Tucker et al. , 2004a; Sohn et al. , 2007). While the value of a should depend on the end point being investigated, with lower values of a arising from parallel organ type toxicities and high values of a arising from serial organ type toxicities, values ranging from 0-32.3 (95% CI) have been reported in the literature for the same endpoint (Tucker et al. , 2004a). The parameter a however can be used as purely an optimisation tool, in that it can be varied to obtain the best dose distribution using trial and error. The values of the parameter a were chosen in this fashion; a range of values were selected for analysis. The maximum gEUD dose value, equal to the value of EUD in the optimisation function (Equation 3.4), was reduced to as low as possible without compromising PTV coverage. The maximum gEUD values were between 35Gy and 0 3.2. Methods and materials 82 Table 3.2: Optimisation parameters used in biological IMRT plans ROI Objective Type Dose (Gy)a % Volume Weight a min dose 74.1 constraint PTV max dose 81.0 constraint min DVH 76 95 100 Rectum max gEUD ALAP 40 3, 4.5, 9 Bladder max DVH 50 ALAP 30 Femoral Heads max dose 50 30 Ring max DVH 74.1 5 25 60Gy for all plans. The optimisation objectives are given in Table 3.2. 3.2.2 Plan analysis All plans were imported into the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (Deasy et al. , 2003) (CERR, University of Washington in St. Louis, USA). From the CERR platform the target and organ at risk DVHs, rectal gEUDs and rectal NTCPs were calculated for comparison. Rectal gEUDs were calculated for all patients using the values of a used for optimisation. This was done to test the ability of the maximum gEUD optimisation to act to reduce EUD with specically dened a values, as set in our optimisation. The NTCP calculation was performed using the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) NTCP model with the EUD reduction scheme (Lyman, 1985; Kutcher & Burman, 1989). Three parameter sets were used, so as to minimise any eects of variations of model parameters. The three parameter sets were chosen from the literature, all representing grade 2 or worse rectal bleeding. The parameter values are given in Table 3.3. 3.3. Results 83 Table 3.3: NTCP calculation parameters Parameter Set n m D50 Reference NTCP1 1.03 0.16 55.9 Tucker et al. (Tucker et al. , 2004a) NTCP2 0.24 0.14 75.7 Rancati et al. (Rancati et al. , 2004) NTCP3 0.084 0.108 78.4 Sohn et al. (Sohn et al. , 2007) 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Dose-volume histograms Average cumulative DVHs are given in Figure 3.2. Figure 3.2a shows the average cumulative DVHs for the PTV and the rectum. Equivalent PTV coverage is seen. The average rectal DVHs change with the optimisation parameter a ; as a increases, the volume receiving mid-low doses increases and the volume receiving high doses decreases. Figure 3.2b shows the average cumulative DVHs for the bladder and the femoral heads. As the value of a changes, no change in the bladder DVH is observed. However, an indirect consequence of increased a values is that the dose to the femoral heads decreases. The shape of the rectal DVHs is dependent on the value of a used in the optimisation. As a high value of a equates to more serial tissue architecture, a greater emphasis is placed on reducing the high dose region. This leads to decreased volume receiving high doses. Minimal emphasis is placed on reducing mid-low doses; as a result, higher volumes receive these doses. A low value of a represents more parallel tissue architecture therefore a greater weight is placed on reducing the mean dose to the organ. Thus the emphasis is placed on reducing the mid-low doses. 3.3. Results 84 Figure 3.2: Average cumulative DVHs over all 16 patients for a) PTV and rectum and b) bladder and femoral heads 3.3. Results 85 3.3.2 gEUD comparison The gEUD was calculated for the three plans using the same values of a used in optimisation, that is, a =3, 4.5 and 9. The average calculated gEUDs for the three plans, as calculated with a values of 3, 4.5 and 9 are given in Figure 3.3. When the gEUD is calculated with a =3, plan gEUD (a =3) had the lowest average gEUD (39.64Gy vs 45.79Gy and 42.92Gy for gEUD (a =4.5) (p<0.001) and gEUD (a =9) (p<0.001) respectively). When the gEUD is calculated with a =4.5, plan gEUD (a =4.5) had the lowest gEUD (51.47Gy vs 51.72Gy and 52.25Gy for gEUD (a =3) (p>0.2) and gEUD (a =9) (0.02<p<0.05) respectively). For the gEUD calculated with a =9, plan gEUD (a =9) resulted in the lowest gEUD (60.10Gy vs 61.16Gy and 60.45Gy for gEUD (a =3) (0.005<p<0.01) and gEUD (a =4.5) (p>0.2) respectively. 3.3.3 NTCP comparison The rectal NTCPs were compared for the three plans using three sets of LKB model parameters (Table 3.3). These three sets of parameters all represent the same toxicity endpoint (grade 2 rectal bleeding), but cover a wide range of values. It is well understood why such a wide variability of model parameters exist in the literature but it is suspected that variations in treatment technique and patient genetics are the cause. The rectal NTCPs for all 16 patients for the three sets of parameters are given in Figure 3.4. The average NTCPs over all patients are given in Table 3.4. For parameter set NTCP1, the lowest average NTCP was achieved with plan gEUD (a =3) (1.29% vs 1.60% and 3.59% for gEUD (a =4.5) (0.02 < p < 0.05) and gEUD (a =9) (p < 0.001) respectively). For parameter set NTCP2, the lowest average NTCP was achieved with plan gEUD (a =4.5) (1.47% vs 1.66% and 1.77% for gEUD (a =3) (P > 0.2) and gEUD (a =9) (0.005 < P < 0.01) respectively). For parameter set NTCP3, the lowest average NTCP was achieved with plan gEUD (a =9) (4.02% vs 5.63% and 4.58% 86 3.4. Discussion Table 3.4: Average rectal NTCPs over all 16 patients Plan Parameter Set NTCP1 (%) NTCP2 (%) NTCP3 (%) gEUD (a =3) 1.29 1.66 5.63 gEUD (a =4.5) 1.60 1.47 4.58 gEUD (a =9) 3.59 1.77 4.02 Table 3.5: Average MUs Plan Average MUs Range gEUD (a =3) 534 452-649 gEUD (a =4.5) 516 436-628 gEUD (a =9) 468 412-577 for gEUD (a =3) (P < 0.001) and gEUD (a =4.5) (0.005 < P < 0.01) respectively). 3.3.4 Delivery eciency The monitor units required for delivery were recorded for each plan. The average MUs for a 200cGy fraction are given in Table 3.5. As the value of a used in optimisation increased, the required monitor units decreased. A possible reason for this is that as a increases, the optimiser is only trying to reduce the volumes receiving high doses. Limited gains can be made in this region as it corresponds to the anterior rectum that overlaps with the PTV. This results in a reduced amount of modulation therefore fewer MUs are required to achieve adequate dose. 3.4 Discussion We have undertaken a study to determine the optimal value of a used in gEUD objectives for the rectum in prostate IMRT. The purpose of this study was to determine what eect changing the value of a had on the rectal DVHs and the calculated gEUDs 3.4. Discussion 87 Figure 3.3: Average calculated gEUDs over all 16 patients for the three values of a used in planning and NTCPs. This problem was approached purely in terms of optimal parameters for using gEUD optimisation as a planning tool, rather than optimising to a denitive biological end point. Due to the large range of values of a in the literature, optimising with a specic set of biological endpoint values taken from the literature could be problematic and not result in the optimal plan. The calculated gEUDs demonstrate that the only statistically signicant reduction in desired gEUD over the plans optimised with the other two values of a occurs when optimising with a =3. This value of a represents more parallel tissue architecture and as such the mid-low doses are reduced when optimising with this value. When compared with the rectal DVHs it can be said that when optimising with a lower value of a, rectal dose reductions are seen over a greater dose range. In terms of anatomy this equates to minimising the dose to the posterior and middle portions of the rectum by increasing the dose gradient from the PTV. A higher value of a equates to a more serial organ architecture and as such opti- 3.4. Discussion 88 Figure 3.4: Rectal NTCPs for all 16 patients calculated with a) NTCP1 b) NTCP2 and c) NTCP3 3.5. Conclusion 89 mising with a higher value of a will target aim to reduce volumes receiving high doses. This approach has its limitations. The PTV encompasses a section of the anterior rectum. Since the PTV must receive the target dose, the portion of the rectum overlapping with the PTV will always get the target dose. As a result, minimal gains can be made when optimising with a high value of a. Optimising with a =3 resulted in a slight increase in volumes receiving high doses (>65Gy). This result is similar to that obtained by Schwarz et al (Schwarz et al. , 2004). Therefore it is suggested that the higher volumes receiving low doses can be alleviated by coupling the maximum gEUD objective with a maximum dose/DVH objective on the rectum. The maximum gEUD objective minimises the volumes receiving mid-low doses and the maximum dose/DVH objective limits the high dose region. The maximum dose/DVH objective would primarily reduce the dose to the rectum in the overlap region between the PTV and the rectum and as such should be set no less than the minimum dose required for the PTV. This approach was taken in Chapter 4, where a maximum gEUD objective with a =3 was used in conjunction with a maximum dose objective of 76Gy on the rectum for a 78Gy target prescription dose. Another approach would be to use two maxiumum gEUD objectives on the rectum one with a low value of a and one with a high value of a. 3.5 Conclusion Biological optimisation with the maximum gEUD parameter was shown to be a feasible and eective method of reducing rectal doses in prostate IMRT. The maximum gEUD function acts to reduce the volumes receiving doses over a large range, rather than single DVH points as in DVH optimisation. Using an a value of 3 resulted in the optimal reduction in gEUD in the mid-low dose range however this resulted in a slight increase in volumes receiving high doses. It is suggested that coupling a maximum 3.5. Conclusion 90 gEUD objective with a maximum dose or maximum DVH objective for the rectum provides optimal rectal dose reduction. Chapter 4 Comparison of prostate IMRT and VMAT biologically optimised treatment plans 4.1 Introduction Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) has been shown to be the preferred delivery method for prostate radiotherapy (Zelefsky et al. , 2000, 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2002b,a; Sanguineti et al. , 2006; Namiki et al. , 2006; Veldeman et al. , 2008). A new method of delivery has recently become available, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) (Yu, 1995; Otto, 2008; Bzdusek et al. , 2009). VMAT is the delivery of IMRT while the linac is in rotation. This is essentially an open aperture IMRT arc technique. Parameters that can be varied are dose rate, gantry speed and number of arcs. One perceived benet of VMAT is the increase in delivery eciency. Part of this chapter has been submitted for publication in Radiotherapy and Oncology: Hardcastle, N., Tom e, W. A., Foo, K., Miller, A., Carolan, M. and Metcalfe, P. E. (2009). Comparison of prostate IMRT and VMAT biologically optimised treatment plans. Medical Dosimetry (in submission) 91 4.1. Introduction 92 Figure 4.1: Example dose distributions for IMRT (left) and VMAT. Dose scale on the right is in Gy. Recent planning studies have compared VMAT with conventional delivery techniques such as IMRT, 3D conformal (3DCRT) and tomotherapy for prostate radiotherapy (Palma et al. , 2008a,b; Wol et al. , 2008). Afghan et al. (2008) compared VMAT with step and shoot IMRT for ve prostate patients and found delivery times decreased by up to 54% for equivalent target coverage and normal tissue sparing. Palma et al. (2008a) compared constant and variable dose rate VMAT with IMRT and 3DCRT plans for ten prostate patients. Improved rectal, bladder and femoral head sparing was observed with the VMAT plans over the IMRT and 3DCRT plans. Fewer monitor units were required with the VMAT plans than for the IMRT plans, but not for the 3DCRT plans. Kjaer-Kristoersen et al. (2008) achieved equal or better normal tissue sparing for prostate treatments with VMAT over conventional IMRT, however decreased target dose homogeneity was observed. This was due to a decrease in the level of modulation achievable with VMAT, as discussed in Chapter 1. The aims of recent studies in the literature have been steered towards the delivery eciency of VMAT and whether equivalent target and organ-at-risk doses can be delivered while maintaining delivery eciency. This study diers in that it aims to compare biologically optimised VMAT plans with IMRT plans using physical dose and biological endpoints as well as delivery eciency as the comparison metrics. 4.2. Methods and materials 93 4.2 Methods and materials 4.2.1 Treatment planning Ten prostate radiotherapy patients were selected for analysis. These patients were part of the 16 patients used in Chapters 2-3 however not all patients were used due to le transfer issues. The target was the prostate not including the seminal vesicles. A uniform 7mm CTV-PTV margin was used. The prescription dose was 78Gy in 34 fractions (Pollack et al. , 2002; Kuban et al. , 2008). The rectal volume was dened using full volume and the length from anal canal up to the anterior curve of rectum into sigmoid colon with a maximum distance of 11cm. The Pinnacle RTPS (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, USA) with the biological optimisation tool kit was used (Raysearch, 2003). All plans were created for a Varian 21EX (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, USA) with 120 leaf multi-leaf collimator. For each patient two treatment plans were created. The rst was a seven eld IMRT plan from xed gantry angles 120, 80, 40, 0, 320, 280 and 240 (IEC, 1996). The second plan was created with an alpha version of the Pinnacle SmartArc planning tool. A single arc utilising the full 360 was employed. Dose rate modulation was used and a maximum delivery time of 120s was set. The same number of iterations (50) was run for the IMRT and VMAT plans. For both the IMRT and VMAT plans the optimisation objectives given in Table 4.1 were used. Biological optimisation with maximum generalized EUD objective was used on the rectum in all plans. As discussed in Chapter 3, a maximum gEUD objective with a =3 works to reduce the volumes receiving mid-low doses. The maximum gEUD objective was coupled with a maximum dose objective to ensure the high dose region was minimised. A maximum DVH objective was used for the bladder, with the volume receiving 50Gy set to as low as possible (ALAP) without compromising PTV coverage. 4.3. Plan analysis 94 Table 4.1: Optimisation objectives for all IMRT and VMAT plans ROI Type Dose (Gy) Volume Weight a PTV Min Dose 78 100 Max Dose 81 100 Rectum Max gEUD 30 - 40 30 3 Max Dose 76 30 Bladder Max DVH 50 ALAP 3 Femoral Heads Max Dose 50 2.5 A maximum dose objective of 50Gy was set for the femoral heads. 4.3 Plan analysis All plans were imported into the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR) (University of Washington in St. Louis, USA) (Deasy et al. , 2003). Cumulative dose volume histograms (DVHs) were compared for the PTV, rectum, bladder and femoral heads. Comparison between the plans was also done using a biological end point parameter, Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP), calculated for the rectum. The Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) NTCP model was chosen (Lyman, 1985; Kutcher & Burman, 1989). To minimize the any impact of LKB model parameters, the same three sets of LKB model parameters were chosen from the literature (as for Chapter 3), all representing Grade 2 rectal toxicity. The NTCP parameters are given in Table 4.1. Although the LKB model parameters by Tucker et al. (2004b) have recently been updated (Tucker et al. , 2007), the NTCP1 values in Table 2 were used so as to represent NTCPs over a range of model parameters. The NTCPs were calculated using the CERR tool kit. Delivery eciency was assessed by comparing the number of monitor units (MUs) and delivery time. The average number of MUs for each IMRT and VMAT plan was compared. The delivery time for all VMAT plans was taken as 120s, the maximum 4.4. Results 95 Table 4.2: NTCP calculation parameters Parameter Set n m D50 (Gy) Reference NTCP1 1.03 0.16 55.9 Tucker et al. (2004b) NTCP2 0.24 0.14 75.7 Rancati et al. (2004) NTCP3 0.084 0.108 78.4 Sohn et al. (2007) delivery time set in optimisation. The delivery time for the IMRT plans was approximated by taking the average delivery time for each fraction for ten patients at our institution that have undergone seven eld IMRT. The 'beam on' time was dened as the time from the start of the rst beam to the end of the last beam. The Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test was used to compare the DVHs, NTCP and MU results between IMRT and VMAT plans with a statistical signicance threshold of p < 0.05. 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Dose-volume histograms Resultant IMRT and VMAT dose distributions from one patient are given in Figure 4.1. The individual patient rectal and PTV DVHs are given in Figure 4.2. The average cumulative DVHs for the PTV and rectum are given in Figure 4.3a. For equivalent PTV coverage, VMAT plans on average result in lower rectal volumes for doses < 50Gy. VMAT and IMRT plans have similar volumes receiving doses > 50Gy.The average cumulative DVHs for the femoral heads and bladder are given in Figure 4.3b. VMAT and IMRT resulted in similar average DVHs. Both VMAT and IMRT plans resulted in similar maximum femoral head dose however VMAT plans resulted in higher volumes receiving doses over the whole range of 0- 50Gy. Table 4.3 shows average DVH parameters for the IMRT and VMAT plans for the Rectum. Statistically signicant reduction in the V25Gy parameter and increase in the V70Gy parameter was seen for 96 4.4. Results Figure 4.2: PTV and rectal DVHs for all 10 patients 4.4. Results 97 Table 4.3: Summary of average DVH parameters over the ten patients ROI Parameter IMRT VMAT p-value Rectum V25Gy 51.7 43.5 < 0.01 V50Gy 20.8 20.3 not signicant V60Gy 15.1 15.4 not signicant V70Gy 9.6 10.0 < 0.01 V75Gy 5.9 5.9 not signicant Table 4.4: Summary of average NTCPs for IMRT and VMAT plans Parameter IMRT VMAT p-value NTCP1 (%) 0.91 0.55 < 0.01 NTCP2 (%) 0.81 0.77 not signicant NTCP3 (%) 3.57 3.58 not signicant the Rectum with VMAT. 4.4.2 NTCP comparisons Figure 4.4 shows the calculated NTCP for all ten patients in the study. Figure 4.4a, Figure 4.4b and Figure 4.4c show the NTCPs for parameter set NTCP1, NTCP2 and NTCP3 respectively. For parameter set NTCP1, VMAT results in a lower NTCP for all ten patients. Parameter set NTCP1 has an n value that corresponds to more parallel tissue architecture. As a result, the gains in rectal DVH with VMAT at the low-mid dose ranges are reected in the NTCP. For Parameter set NTCP2, VMAT has a higher rectal NTCP for one patient. There is minimal gain, if at all, for nine out of the ten patients. Parameter set NTCP2 has an n value reecting more serial organ architecture. As VMAT and IMRT rectal DVHs are very similar at high range doses then no gain in NTCP is made with VMAT or IMRT. This is further accentuated with parameter set NTCP3, which has an even lower n value. 4.4. Results 98 Figure 4.3: Average cumulative DVHs of a) PTV and rectum and b) bladder and femoral heads for IMRT and VMAT plans. 4.4. Results 99 Figure 4.4: NTCPs for IMRT and VMAT plans for all 10 patients (a) NTCP1 (b) NTCP2 and (c) NTCP3 100 4.5. Discussion Table 4.5: Delivery eciency: Average required MUs and delivery time for IMRT and VMAT plans Plan Average MU SD p-value Average delivery time (min:sec) SD IMRT 526 63 7:31 2:06 < 0.01 VMAT 417 44 2:00 0 4.4.3 Delivery eciency Figure 4.5 shows the required monitor units for delivery of each plan. In our clinic, 1MU is equal to 1cGy at Dmax (1.5cm) in water for a 10x10cm beam with 6MV photons. The average MU and delivery time data is given in Table 4.5. Averaged over all ten patients, VMAT required 18.6% fewer monitor units than IMRT (521MU vs 424MU respectively, p < 0.01) for delivery of a 2Gy fraction. The average 'beam on' time for a seven eld IMRT plan at our institution was 7min 31sec, compared to the maximum delivery time for VMAT of 2min. 2 4.5 Discussion An average reduction in the rectal V25Gy values over the ten patients of 8.20% was observed. This reduction in V25Gy came at the expense of a minor increase in V70Gy of 0.44%, averaged over the ten patients. It can be argued that the gains made with the V25Gy parameter are greater than the increase in rectal toxicity probability with the higher V70Gy. This is seen in the NTCP values for parameter sets NTCP2 and NTCP3, where no statistically signicant increases in rectal NTCP were observed. The three parameter sets used allow some estimate of the range of NTCP values that might be experienced for grade 2 rectal toxicity, given the variability in the published model parameters. The value of n is 1.03, 0.24 and 0.084 for NTCP1, NTCP2 and NTCP3 respectively. Consequently, each parameter set penalises the rectal DVHs according to the rectum being more parallel (low n ) or serial (high n ). It 101 4.5. Discussion Figure 4.5: Total MU for all ten patients should also be acknowledged that clinically, there may be various toxicity end points to be considered. Each of these end points will be characterised by its own set of NTCP model parameters. As a result, the clinical selection of a plan based on NTCP could involve the assessment of a range of NTCP values related to various other toxicity end points, as suggested by Rancati et al. (2004). These NTCP values may span a similar range to the uncertainty in the NTCP for any single endpoint such as the range of grade 2 rectal toxicities which we have calculated here. The high dose region of the rectum is included in the PTV, so the only reduction in NTCP due to this dose can be made by reducing the CTV-PTV margin. It is very dicult to achieve reduction of the dose to this region with technique changes. Therefore, as the NTCP parameter set becomes more weighted towards the small volume of the rectum receiving high doses, minimal change in NTCP is seen when technique is changed. The MU reduction observed in this study is consistent with results obtained by 4.6. Conclusion 102 Afghan et al. (2008) and Palma et al. (2008a) for prostate irradiation. The results in this study however show a smaller reduction in required monitor units; any number of factors can lead variations in delivery eciency, as discussed by Ost et al. (2009) and Palma et al. (2009). The reduction in monitor units suggests that less beam modulation is occuring. This is most probably a consequence of the target shape, in that it is a simple spherical target for which more open segments (less modulation) is adequate for target coverage. The reduction in the required monitor units for delivery is overshadowed by the large gains in 'beam on' time. At the Illawarra Cancer Care Centre, a seven eld IMRT plan takes on average 7minutes 31seconds of 'beam-on' time to deliver, approximately 3.75 times longer than would be achievable with VMAT. This is a very important gain in delivery eciency which may signicantly increase patient throughput. Additionally, institutions not yet employing IMRT for localised prostate radiotherapy due to increases in delivery time over 3DCRT, may view VMAT as an attractive modality to improve plan quality whilst maintaining delivery eciency. 4.6 Conclusion This study has compared IMRT and VMAT plans for ten prostate patients. We have shown that for equivalent target coverage, reduction in rectal doses, specically the V25Gy parameter, can be achieved using a single-arc VMAT for prostate radiotherapy. This reduction in rectal dose was achieved with an average of 18.6% fewer monitor units per fraction. A statistically signicant average reduction in rectal NTCP was achieved for one rectal NTCP parameter set that penalises volumes receiving low-mid doses, when employing a maximum gEUD constraint with a =3. In general, provided the isodose maps and DVHs show similar target coverage, the rectal DVH reduction observed with VMAT plans result in a superior plan. Chapter 5 Optimisation of prostate IMRT plans based on a theoretical 'goal' dose 5.1 Introduction The optimisation of IMRT treatments is based on prior knowledge of achievable dose distributions. In general, objectives are applied to target volumes and organs at risk (OARs) that result in a dose distribution in which the target volumes receive a prescribed dose and the OARs receive as little dose as possible. Limitations exist when target volumes and OARs intersect; priority is usually placed on target volumes to maximise the eectiveness of the treatment. The planner takes into consideration the prescription dose and any intersections of OARs and target volumes when setting objectives. Take the case of prostate cancer radiotherapy. There is the prostate gland, commonly set as the clinical target volume (CTV). A margin is then applied to the CTV to result in the planning target volume (PTV). Immediately adjacent to the CTV is the rectum, so when the CTV-PTV 103 5.2. Method 104 margin is applied the PTV encompasses some volume of the rectum. When setting IMRT objectives the planner understands that some part of the rectum then receives at least the minimum dose to be received by the PTV. In Chapter 3, it was shown that the greatest dosimetric advantage when using the maximum generalised Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD) IMRT optimisation function was achieved using a=3 as the exponent in the gEUD equation. Rectal dose reduction using the maximum gEUD optimisation function requires two inputs - the exponent, a, and the target maximum gEUD. In Chapter 3, the target maximum gEUD was found using an iterative process for each individual patient whereby the maximum gEUD was reduced as low as possible without impacting on the PTV dose. This process requires constant monitoring and updating of the values. It is proposed that if there is prior knowledge of the 'goal' dose distribution for a given patient's anatomy, the 'goal' DVH or gEUD can be used as a goal for the optimisation. If the 'goal' gEUD is obtained, both parameters required for the objective function would then be known prior to optimisation, and the iterative process required to reduce the maximum gEUD for the rectum would not be required. This study investigates the use of an articially created 'goal' dose distribution created outside of the planning system for prostate cancer. IMRT optimisation parameters are then guided by this 'goal' dose distribution. The planned dose distributions were compared with the goal dose distributions and previously planned distributions. 5.2 Method The 10 prostate patients used in Chapter 4 were chosen to demonstrate the algorithm. In brief, the algorithm: Obtain CT scan 5.2. Method 105 Delineate target and OARs Generate optimal dose distribution based on prescription dose and anatomy Calculate EUD and/or NTCP from goal DVH Set IMRT optimisation parameters based on physical dose-volume points or biological parameters Run optimisation to achieve dose distribution as close as possible to the goal distribution 5.2.1 Contouring The whole prostate without seminal vesicles was contoured as the CTV. A 7mm margin was applied to the CTV to obtain the PTV. Rectal volume was dened using full volume and the length from anal canal up to the anterior curve of rectum into sigmoid colon with a maximum distance of 11cm. The femoral heads, bladder and normal tissue (external contour - CTV) were also contoured. A 7mm margin was also applied to the rectum to obtain the planning rectal volume (PRV) OAR in anticipation of rectal movement and change in volume. A 1cm margin was applied to the PTV to obtain the penumbra ROI. In addition to these contours, four extra optimisation contours were created - 95% zone, 100% zone, penumbral zone and scatter zone. The derivation of the optimisation contours is given in Table 5.1. The contours are shown in Figure 5.1. The contours were generated using tools in the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR, University of Washington in St. Louis, USA) Deasy et al. (2003). 5.2. Method 106 Table 5.1: Derivation of optimisation contours Zone Derivation Dose 100% zone PTV-PRV 78Gy 95% zone PRV \ PTV 74.1Gy penumbral zone PRV \ Penumbra Gradient from 95% dose ! scatter dose scatter zone PRV - Penumbra 10Gy Figure 5.1: Contours used for IMRT optimisation. Red = 100% zone, Light Red = 95% zone, Orange = penumbral zone, green = scatter zone and purple = rectum. 107 5.2. Method 5.2.2 Goal dose distribution An optimal dose distribution was created so that a goal DVH could be used in the optimisation process. The CT data and contours were imported into the CERR platform. A goal dose matrix was created manually that represents what could possibly be delivered using photon beams. That is, target dose with penumbral and scattered dose regions were created. Doses were only created for dosimetric regions of interest (the PTV and the rectum). Every voxel in the 100% zone was set to 78Gy. Each voxel in the 95% zone was set to 74.1Gy. Each voxel in the penumbral zone was set to a gradient from 95% to 10% based on the distance outwards from the PTV. This gradient was a conservative estimation based on a 10x10cm eld at 10cm depth in water. The dose in the scatter zone was set to 10Gy. The MATLAB programming environment was used for creation of the goal dose distribution. The code is presented in Chapter 10.9.5, Section A. Briey, the code interfaces with the treatment plan and contours which are saved in the CERR format. Three-dimensional masks of 1s and 0s were generated based on the four described contours (1 inside the contour, 0 everywhere else). A mask for each relevant contour was created and each mask was multiplied by its respective dose to result in individual dose matrices for each of the four contours. These dose matrices were then summed and the resultant dose distribution saved back into the treatment plan in the CERR format for analysis. The resultant dose distribution is given in Figure 5.2. The 'goal' dose distribution was created for each of the 10 prostate patients used in Chapter 4. The resultant DVHs were then obtained for the rectum and PTV and compared with the DVHs obtained using biologically optimised seven eld IMRT plans optimised with a=3, in Chapter 3. The DVHs for the rectum and PTV for all 10 patients is given in Figure 5.3. The discrete dose levels selected for the penumbra 2 108 5.2. Method Figure 5.2: Goal dose distribution created in MATLAB (10 levels over 1cm) plus the 100%, 95% and scatter zones result in the discrete steps in the cumulative DVH curve. 5.2.3 IMRT optimisation A seven-eld IMRT plan was created using the optimisation parameters given in Table 5.3. A maximum of 70 segments was set. The number of iterations was set to 25. For the rectum, a maximum gEUD objective was set using a=3. The maximum gEUD value was taken as the 'goal' gEUD for each patient as presented in Table 5.2. One set of iterations was performed. The resultant dose distributions were exported into CERR for analysis. 5.2. Method 109 Figure 5.3: The 'goal' DVH for all 10 patients compared with the seven eld IMRT DVHs obtained in Chapter 3 with a=3. The seven eld IMRT plan obtained by optimising based on the 'goal' DVH is also shown ('planned goal'). 110 5.2. Method Table 5.2: Calculated rectal gEUDs from goal DVHs using a=3 Patient gEUD (Gy) 1 30.6 2 29.7 3 36.3 4 37.7 5 38.8 6 38.3 7 48.0 8 47.0 9 38.9 10 40.2 ROI PTV PTV PTV rectum rectum bladder fem heads Table 5.3: IMRT optimisation parameters Type Dose (Gy) Volume Weight min dose 74.1 - constraint max dose 81 - constraint min DVH 76 95 40 max EUD [as per Table 5.2] 30 max dose 76 30 max DVH 50 ALAP 30 max dose 50 225 a 3 - 5.3. Results 111 5.3 Results The resultant dose distributions are shown in Figure 5.4. The resultant PTV and rectal DVHs are shown in Figure 5.3. From Figure 5.3, it can be seen that neither of the real rectal DVHs meet the 'goal' DVH. It is also seen in Figure 5.3 that the 'planned goal' rectal doses are either equal or lower to the 'EUD (a=3)' rectal doses, for approximately equivalent target coverage. The 'EUD (a=3)' plans were obtained using 50-75 iterations. That is, 2-3 optimisation processes were required to reduce the rectal doses to the presented values. Using a previously derived 'goal' EUD value as an optimisation goal allowed equal or better sparing to be achieved in 25 iterations (or one optimisation process). Therefore, for all ten patients the optimisation time was reduced to half or a third of that if no prior knowledge of the optimal dose distribution exists. The reductions in optimisation time can be signicant, particularly when employing full convolution/superposition dose calculations at intermediate and nal stages of the optimisation process. 5.4 Discussion This chapter details a method of optimising prostate IMRT plans using prior knowledge of the optimal dose distribution. The optimal dose distribution is highly dependent on the anatomy of the patient and on the delivery technique. A larger rectum that spreads away from the target will allow for an improved relative volume DVH as a larger proportion of the rectal volume can be spared. It is not inherently obvious how much sparing can be achieved therefore prior knowledge is required to best take advantage of any anatomically favourable cases. It can be noted that the presented 'goal' rectal volumes receiving doses from 1040Gy are consistently signicantly less than that achieved in actual treatment plan 112 5.4. Discussion Figure 5.4: Resultant IMRT dose distribution optimisation. This suggests that the dose gradient away from the target is too steep than can be achieved using the seven eld IMRT approach in this study. It is known that an increase in beam angles allows greater reduction of the mid-low rectal doses and this was shown in Chapter 4. A more rigorous method of obtaining the penumbral doses for multiple beams could be employed. It is suggested that a general penumbral shape could be derived for each nite number of beams used. That is, the penumbral width would decrease as the number of beams used for delivery increases. The penumbral width would reach a minimum when arc therapy such as tomotherapy or VMAT are used. A further improvement could be to use a larger number of discrete dose levels in the penumbra and 'scatter' region. This would be most important for the dose range <40Gy, where the largest discrepancies between optimal and deliverable doses exists. The presented study calculates the gEUD of the 'goal' dose distribution for use 5.5. Conclusion 113 in biological objective based IMRT. The method proposed here can also be employed using physical dose-volume objectives based on the goal DVH. The method has been demonstrated for the more simpler case of prostate cancer. This method has not been tested on more complex IMRT cases such as that seen in pelvic node or head and neck IMRT. The more complex geometries observed in these regions may inhibit the ability of optimiser to meet a 'goal' dose distribution. This warrants further investigation. 5.5 Conclusion A method of reducing optimisation time by using prior knowledge of the optimal dose distribution for prostate cancer IMRT has been presented. The method generated an optimal deliverable photon dose distribution based on the anatomy of the patient. A 'goal' DVH was then calculated for this optimal dose distribution from which the gEUD was calculated. The gEUD value was used as the optimisation goal for a maximum gEUD IMRT objective function. The optimisation algorithm was able to return an equal or superior dose distribution in fewer iterations than what was achieved without prior dose distribution knowledge. Chapter 6 Rectal balloon dosimetry in prostate radiotherapy 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Dose escalation and rectal balloons Local control and disease free survival rates are known to increase with increased dose in prostate radiotherapy (Hanks et al. , 1998; Zelefsky et al. , 1998; Pollack et al. , 2000). The ability to increase dose however is limited by toxicity to surrounding tissues, mainly the rectum (Marzi et al. , 2007; Vavassori et al. , 2007). Rectal toxicity is directly related to the dose received by the rectal wall (Storey et al. , 2000; Tucker et al. , 2004b). Reduction in planning target volume (PTV) margins allows reduction of normal tissue toxicity by reducing the dose delivered to the rectum, which in turn allows an increase in prescribed dose. The ability to reduce the PTV margins in prostate radiotherapy requires management of target motion and the ability to reduce Part of this chapter has been published in Radiotherapy and Oncology: Hardcastle, N., Metcalfe, P. E., Rosenfeld A. B. and Tom e, W. A., 2009, Endo-rectal balloon cavity dosimetry in a phantom: Performance under IMRT and helical tomotherapy beams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, volume 92, issue 1, pages 48-56 114 6.1. Introduction 115 the volume of the rectal wall receiving high doses. Rectal balloons are employed in prostate radiotherapy by a number of institutions as a means of immobilizing the prostate and reducing the volume of the rectal wall in the high dose region (Teh et al. , 2001; McGary et al. , 2002; Wachter et al. , 2002; Patel et al. , 2003; van Lin et al. , 2007).Target immobilization is achieved through the balloon forcing the prostate against the pubic symphysis. The volume of the rectal wall receiving high doses is reduced by forcing the posterior rectal wall away from the target and reducing the rectal wall thickness by expanding the rectal volume. The use of rectal balloons during treatment delivery has been shown to decrease the delivered rectal dose (Patel et al. , 2003). Decreased rectal toxicity when using a rectal balloon has also been reported (Sanghani et al. , 2004; D'Amico et al. , 2006; van Lin et al. , 2007). 6.1.2 The air cavity eect Rectal balloons are commonly lled with air in photon radiotherapy, with volumes of up to 100cm used. The volume of air will perturb the dose distribution in the surrounding tissue, particularly in the rectal wall (Teh et al. , 2005; Song et al. , 2007). The perturbation of dose due to air cavities has been shown to be amplied for smaller elds (Li et al. , 2000; Martens et al. , 2002). Any dosimetric eects of the rectal balloon cavity may thus be increased when using intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and helical tomotherapy, where multiple small segments are used in place of the larger open elds seen in 3D conformal and box techniques. Multiple small segments incident from multiple angles surrounding an air cavity creates an interesting dosimetric situation. How commercial treatment planning systems calculate the dose in these situations requires investigation. 3 6.1. Introduction 116 6.1.3 Dose calculation in heterogeneous regions This paper investigates the convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithm (Mackie et al. , 1985a) with the collapsed cone convolution method (Ahnesjo, 1989) used by both the Pinnacle RTPS and the TomoTherapy Hi-Art RTPS . The convolution/superposition algorithm involves the superposition of the energy imparted by primary photons (usually called the TERMA - Total Energy Released per unit MAss) with polyenergetic primary and scatter dose deposition kernels. These kernels represent the dose deposited from primary and secondary radiation around a primary interaction site and are generated using Monte Carlo simulations (Mackie et al. , 1988). For heterogeneous regions, the kernels are scaled according to the electron density based on the average density between the primary interaction site and the voxel of interest (Hoban et al. , 1990). This rectilinear density scaling has been shown to introduce small errors in the dose calculation in regions of low density, specically lung tissue (Hoban et al. , 1990; Woo & Cunningham, 1990). These errors may or may not be observable in the rectal balloon cavity situation and may lead to inaccurate calculation of the dose to the wall of the balloon cavity. The extent of this phenomenon is examined in this chapter. 6.1.4 Hypofractionation Recent studies have reported that the / -ratio for prostate cancer is lower than the conventional value of 10 Gy for tumour (Brenner & Hall, 1999; Fowler et al. , 2001; Brenner et al. , 2002). Some studies have reported values as low as 1.5 Gy which is lower than the / -ratio for late rectal complications (/ 3 Gy) (Brenner & Hall, 1999; Fowler et al. , 2001; King & Fowler, 2001; Brenner et al. , 2002; Chappell et al. , 2004). To maximise the benet of a lower prostate / -ratio than that for late rectal complications hypofractionation regimes have been introduced (Kupelian et al. , 2001; 117 6.2. Method Logue et al. , 2001; Kupelian et al. , 2007). In conventional fractionation the prolonged delivery will lead to repair of the rectal mucosa however with hypofractionation the same may not apply. In fact some hypofractionated regimes have reported comparable but slightly higher rectal toxicity rates than standard fractionation (Arcangeli et al. , 2008; Leborgne & Fowler, 2008). As hypofractionated regimes deliver larger doses per fraction, possible limitations in the convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithm must be accurately calculated. The accuracy to which treatment planning systems calculate dose in the presence of a rectal balloon cavity must be known to ensure that rectal toxicity data is correlated with the correct dose. This becomes more pertinent for hypofractionated delivery regimes. In this phantom study the dose to the rectal wall in the presence of a rectal balloon was measured using radiochromic lm. The dose distributions were measured for a 3DCRT plan, an IMRT plan and a helical tomotherapy plan. The results were compared with calculations from two commercial radiotherapy treatment planning systems (RTPS). 6.2 Method 6.2.1 Phantom setup An 8x8x16cm phantom was constructed from acrylic to match the external contours of an EZ-EM balloon catheter. This is shown in Figure 6.1a. This phantom was then sandwiched between slabs of solid water and placed between the two halves of a circular phantom having a 36cm diameter yielding an ellipsoid with a short axis of 36cm and a long axis of 44cm approximating the pelvis anatomy. The rectal balloon insert was placed in either the lower (sagittal geometry) or upper (spiral geometry) half of the resulting pelvic phantom. This was then placed in an alpha cradle. The 3 118 6.2. Method whole setup for the spiral geometry case is seen in Figure 6.1b. Sagittal geometry The lm was set up in two dierent geometries. The rst, termed 'sagittal geometry', had the balloon phantom with the two halves aligned such that a sheet of radiochromic (Gafchromic EBT, International Specialty Products, Wayne, NJ, USA) lm was placed in the sagittal plane. No balloon was in place for these measurements however the air cavity created by the Perspex phantom remained, representing the balloon cavity. The sheet of EBT lm was 15x16cm and covered the region extending over the whole balloon phantom cross section and 8 cm above the balloon phantom through the target. The sagittal geometry setup is shown in Figure 6.1c. Radiochromic lm has been shown to be an excellent dosimeter in cavity situations (Martens et al. , 2002; Paelinck et al. , 2003, 2005). Paelinck et al. (2003) however showed that radiochromic lm (Gafchromic MD-55) in a cavity in the central axis of a beam irradiated edge-on can under-respond at the distal cavity edge due to attenuation in the lm through the cavity. The under-response was 6-7% for this particular type of lm and is present only when the lm is in the beam's central axis and irradiated edge on. This eect was investigated for the Gafchromic EBT lm by comparing the sagittal geometry setup for a single anterior-posterior beam with and without lm in the cavity. An under-response of 5.3% was found for the anterior-posterior beam when there was lm in the cavity. 2 Spiral geometry The second geometry, termed 'spiral geometry' had the phantom in the prone position with the rectal balloon in place. Three strips of EBT lm were cut and taped together to give a strip sized 76.2x1.5cm . This was then wrapped around the inated balloon in a spiral fashion. The length of the lm strip wrapped around the balloon, inated 2 6.2. Method 119 Figure 6.1: Phantom setup a) acrylic phantom to hold EZ-EM rectal balloon catheter b) full phantom setup in prone position c) schematic diagram showing the location of the sagittal lm (in blue) d) schematic diagram showing the location of the lm spiral (black lines wrapping around inside of balloon cavity) 6.2. Method 120 Table 6.1: IMRT and Helical Tomotherapy optimisation parameters Structure Weight Max Max dose DVH DVH Min Min dose DVH Dose penalty vol (%) dose dose penalty penalty PTV 300 70 100 98 98 70 70 2000 Rectum 40 70 150 20 25 700 Bladder 10 70 70 20 40 25 Femurs 5 40 2 20 20 5 with 60cm of air, approximately 4.7 times. This gave a layer of lm 1.2mm thick around 70% of the balloon diameter. The spiral geometry setup is shown in Figure 6.1d. 3 6.2.2 Treatment plans A planning CT was taken of the phantom in both geometry setups. In the sagittal geometry no balloon was in place during image acquisition. For the spiral geometry the balloon was in place and a 'dummy' lm spiral was put in place for the CT scan which allowed the lm spiral to be visible on the scan and contoured as a region of interest (ROI) representing the rectal wall. Seven eld IMRT and 3DCRT Treatment plans were generated on the Pinnacle RTPS (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, WI, USA) for a Varian Trilogy linear accelerator (Varian, Palo Alto, CA). Beam angles (IEC convention (IEC, 1996)) of 120, 80, 40, 0, 320, 280 and 240 were used. Helical tomotherapy plans were also generated using the TomoTherapy Hi-Art planning system, version, (TomoTherapy Inc, Madison, WI, USA). A eld width of 2.5cm and pitch of 0.215 was used. Optimisation parameters for IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans are given in Table 6.1. The planned dose distributions for the IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans are shown in Figure 6.2. For each 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy delivery three measurements were performed for both the spiral and vertical geometries. The results presented 121 6.2. Method are the mean of the three measurements and error bars represent the 95% condence interval (CI) of the mean. In our case the 95% CI of the mean is obtained by adding and subtracting the product of the standard error of the mean times the t* value corresponding to a p-value of 0.05 and two degrees of freedom from the mean. A full description of this method is presented in Appendix C.1. The under-response of the lm when irradiated edge-on was investigated for the measured lms from the treatment plan deliveries. As stated, this eect is only present for the anterior-posterior beam which carries a beam weighting of 10% for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans. Therefore an under-response of 5.3% for this eld will lead to an under-response of 0.53% in the 3DCRT and IMRT deliveries which has been applied to the posterior rectal wall doses. This will be even less for the helical tomotherapy delivery due to the much greater number of beam angles used. As an exact anterior-posterior beam weighting is not known for the helical tomotherapy delivery no correction was applied however this is expected to be a small fraction of the 95% CI range. 6.2.3 Single elds So as to understand the eect of the cavity on individual elds, single eld measurements were performed. An anterior-posterior and a lateral eld were investigated. The lm was in the sagittal geometry with the jaw (8x9cm ) and SSD settings used in the A-P and lateral elds in the 3DCRT plan. Each eld was irradiated individually with three lms taken for each separate beam. The results presented are the average of the three measurements and the error bar represent the 95% condence interval of the mean. 2 6.3. Results 122 6.2.4 Film calibration Two sets of calibration lms were taken for the EBT lm, one for the 3DCRT, IMRT and single eld irradiations and a second set for the helical tomotherapy delivery. The rst calibration was performed by plotting 5th order polynomial curve to ten dose points from 0-3.5 Gy that were measured on separate lms on a Varian Trilogy linac. For the second calibration set a 5th order polynomial curve was tted to nine dose points from 0-4.3 Gy that were measured on separate lms using the TomoTherapy beam using the following method. A procedure was set up that delivered radiation for a given length of time. The dose was measured using an ionization chamber to obtain the dose delivered for a given beam-on time. Integer multiples of this beam-on time were then used to deliver varying doses. The EBT lms were scanned on an Epson Perfection V700 atbed scanner. All lms were scanned at least 24 hours post irradiation to minimize post-irradiation colour eects (Cheung et al. , 2005)). All lms were scanned in landscape orientation with a scanning resolution of 75dpi. The resultant images were 32-bit colour from which the red channel chosen was for analysis. Background corrections were made to remove spatial non-uniformities by scanning each EBT lm prior to irradiation. All analysis was performed on a desktop PC using ImageJ and Matlab software with the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR, University of Washington in St. Louis) package (Deasy et al. , 2003). 6.3 Results 6.3.1 Sagittal geometry For both the single eld and treatment plan sagittal lm measurements the measured and calculated doses at the posterior and anterior cavity walls were compared. The calculated dose was taken as the dose in the voxel with a CT number between that of 6.3. Results 123 Figure 6.2: Planned dose distributions of the IMRT (left) and helical tomotherapy plans. The dierences in delivery techniques are seen clearly; IMRT is delivered using seven beams whereas helical tomotherapy is delivered using multiple smaller beamlets from the full 360deg air and water at each border. For the 3DCRT and IMRT plan this was a voxel 2mm wide in the anterior-posterior direction and for the TomoTherapy plan 1.875mm wide. The measured dose was taken as the average of all the pixels in the region covered by the planning system voxel. The results of single eld irradiations are shown in Figure 6.3. Figure 6.3a shows the resultant digitised sagittal lm image from a single laterally incident beam. Figure 6.3b shows the resultant digitised sagittal lm image from a single anterior-posterior beam. Table 6.2 summarises the measured and RTPS calculated doses to the anterior and posterior rectal wall with and without the cavity. For the LAT beam the cavity reduced the anterior rectal wall dose and increased the posterior rectal wall dose. For the LAT beam the RTPS accurately calculated the anterior rectal wall dose (within 95% CI of the mean) both with and without the cavity. The posterior rectal wall dose was over-predicted with no cavity. This region is outside of the treatment beam and is dependent on the accuracy of the RTPS model outside of the eld. In practice doses in this region are of limited importance due to Single elds 6.3. Results 124 Table 6.2: Single eld measurements and RTPS calculations of anterior and posterior rectal wall doses with and without rectal balloon cavity. All errors are the 95% condence interval of the mean. Beam anterior cavity wall posterior cavity wall EBT Film Plan Di. EBT Film Plan Di. (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) LAT - No Cavity 0.530 0.010 0.537 -0.007 0.024 0.011 0.038 -0.014 LAT - Cavity 0.468 0.053 0.514 -0.046 0.053 0.003 0.046 0.007 AP - No Cavity 0.790 0.060 0.786 0.004 0.570 0.020 0.582 -0.012 AP - Cavity 0.776 0.049 0.784 -0.008 0.625 0.011 0.643 -0.018 AP - Cavity (no 0.785 0.006 0.784 0.001 0.659 0.004 0.643 0.016 lm in cavity) their low value. The posterior rectal wall dose was under-predicted when the cavity was present. For the single AP beam the cavity had no eect on the anterior rectal wall dose but increased the posterior rectal wall dose. For the AP beam the RTPS calculated the anterior rectal wall dose within the 95% CI of the measurement both with and without the cavity. The posterior rectal wall dose was calculated within the 95% CI of the measurement with no cavity but was over-predicted when the cavity was present. When the lm was removed from the cavity and placed only on the outside for a single AP beam, the eect of the attenuation in the lm through the cavity is evident; the posterior rectal wall dose increased relative to the measurement with the lm in the cavity. When compared to the RTPS calculation, the measured dose at the posterior rectal wall was higher, showing an under-prediction by the RTPS. Figure 6.4 shows the digitised lm images and the resultant dose proles taken in the anterior-posterior direction for the 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans. In all three treatment techniques the rectal balloon cavity was seen to perturb the dose distribution. For all three plans the anterior cavity wall dose was over-predicted and the posterior cavity wall dose under-predicted by the relevant planning systems. The measured and calculated doses are given in Table 6.3. Treatment plans 6.3. Results 125 Figure 6.3: Sagittal lm results from (a) single laterally incident beam and (b) single anterior-posterior beam with and without a cavity. The white lines show the location of the proles. The arrows show the beam direction. Horizontal error bars on the plan data show the width of the planned dose voxels. Table 6.3: Measured and planned cavity wall doses. Percentage dierences are measured-planned normalized to measured dose. Errors quoted are the 95% condence interval. Technique Anterior Cavity Wall Posterior Cavity Wall EBT Film Plan Di. EBT Film Plan Di. (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) (Gy) 3DCRT 68.4 1.1 69.8 -1.4 19.2 1.0 16.4 2.8 IMRT 65.8 2.5 69.7 -3.9 13.3 0.9 11.2 2.1 Helical 67.3 1.7 70.0 -2.7 11.6 1.1 6.9 4.8 Tomotherapy 126 6.3. Results Spiral geometry The spiral lm strips, which represent a surrogate for the rectal wall, were scanned and converted into absolute dose. Two analyses were performed. In the rst, a line prole was taken across the centre 1cm of the lm along the length of the spiral. This averaged all of the pixels across the central 1cm of the lm strip at each point along the length of the lm. The dose projection tool in CERR was then used to get the average dose across the lm contour in the superior-inferior direction, at each point around the rectal balloon cavity. The measured and calculated doses were then plotted as a function of angle around the cavity. The outermost loop and innermost full loop only were plotted for clarity. These constitute the two extremes of the dose gradient across the thickness of the lm spiral. The outermost loop is the dose to a 0.040mm thick strip centred at 0.117mm from the outside of the balloon cavity and the innermost loop is the dose to a 0.040mm thick strip centred 0.819mm from the outside of the cavity. The planning system represents the dose averaged over a 1.5mm thick voxel around the outside of the cavity. Each loop of the lm spiral is thus measuring a dierent point contained within the lm ROI. The measured and calculated proles are shown in Figure 6.5a. Dose-volume histograms (DVHs) were generated from the digitised lm images. This was done by obtaining histograms of the digitised lm images and normalizing the volume approximating the pixels as volume elements. This is valid since an individual pixel can be considered the dose measured in a voxel whose dimensions are the resolution of the digitised lm image (0.034x0.034cm at 75dpi) by 40m (the thickness of the active layer in Gafchromic EBT lm). The measured voxels constitute a fraction of the total volume of the lm spiral however due to the geometry the voxels can be considered as a representative volume of the total lm spiral. The lm spiral was visible on the CT scans as a layer one CT voxel thick (1.5mm) around the inside Treatment Plans 2 6.3. Results 127 Figure 6.4: Sagittal digitised lm images and resultant dose proles for a) 3DCRT b) IMRT and c) helical tomotherapy (HT) delivery techniques. The colour bar is in absolute dose in Grays. All measurements were scaled to represent the dose delivered over the total treatment (28 fractions). The error bars are the standard error of three measurements. 128 6.3. Results of the cavity. This was contoured as the lm spiral ROI. The volume of the lm spiral ROI (3.42cm ) was dierent to that of the actual lm spiral (2.68cm ) due to the size of the CT scan voxels. The dierences in the volume were due to dierences in dimensions between the actual lm spiral and the lm spiral ROI, primarily in the thickness of the lm spiral (the actual lm spiral is 1.2mm thick and the lm spiral ROI is 1.5mm thick). The actual lm spiral was contained completely by the lm ROI. There is some uncertainty in the location of the lm spiral within the lm ROI. This may lead to discrepancy between the measured and planned dose that depends on whether the lm spiral is at the centre, outside or inside of the lm ROI. This dierence in measurement location is < 0.3mm and as such will be within the experimental error of the three measurements. The measured DVHs were compared with those calculated by the planning systems for the lm spiral region of interest (ROI). The volumes were normalised to percentage volumes to aid comparison. The measured versus planned DVHs are shown in Figure 6.5b. Both the 3DCRT and IMRT planned DVHs match their respective measured DVHs in the lower dose region (< 35Gy). However for doses >35Gy the measured volumes for doses up to 70Gy are less than planned. Slight dierences exist in the dose range 15-20Gy which represents the dose at the posterior cavity edge. The measured doses were higher than the planned doses as seen in Figure 6.4 which is then represented by higher volumes receiving 15-20Gy. For both the 3DCRT and IMRT plan large discrepancies were found between the planned and measured DVH for doses between 60 and 70Gy. The measured DVH shows much lower rectal wall volumes receiving dose between 60 and 70Gy. For the helical Tomotherapy plan discrepancies occurred between the measured and planned DVH in the dose region between 15Gy and 72Gy, where the measured volumes receiving a given dose were more than the planned volumes by varying amounts. 3 3 6.4. Discussion 129 Table 6.4: Measured and planned rectal wall percentage volumes receiving specied doses. Reported error is the 95% condence interval of the mean of three measurements. Parameter 3DCRT IMRT HT EBT Film Plan EBT Film Plan EBT Film Plan V25 (%) 67.7 0.4 67.6 55.7 2.5 54.1 71.9 0.5 58.8 V50 (%) 39.1 0.4 42.3 32.7 1.7 35.9 41.1 0.9 38.3 V60 (%) 32.9 0.6 36.9 18.6 1.9 26.7 26.2 1.7 22.9 V65 (%) 12.6 0.8 32.7 4.3 2.9 21.2 21.2 1.5 17.0 V70 (%) 0.00 0.01 10.5 0.0 0.0 6.7 14.6 0.6 11.6 Volumes receiving doses > 72Gy were accurately calculated. The V25, V50, V60, V65 and V70 values for the three treatment techniques are summarised in Table 6.4. It should be noted that the doses to the rectum were higher in the helical tomotherapy plan than in the 3DCRT or IMRT plan, due to a too-low weighting on the maximum PTV dose objective. This does not impact on the results however, as the goal is to determine the accuracy of the dose calculation around the rectal balloon cavity. 6.4 Discussion In this report the dosimetric eect of a rectal balloon cavity and the accuracy two commercial RTPSs in calculating the dose around the cavity was investigated. Dose perturbation for single lateral and anterior-posterior elds were initially investigated. This was then extended to 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy delivery techniques. 6.4.1 Single elds For the lateral beam the impact of the cavity is to reduce the dose to the anterior rectal wall and increases the dose to the posterior rectal wall. The posterior rectal wall dose was increased due to the greater electron range through the cavity leading to a higher uence of lateral electrons at the posterior rectal wall. Lateral eld 6.4. Discussion 130 The RTPS accurately models the dose to the anterior rectal wall within error but in the measurements there is a clear trend of decreasing dose in the 2mm proximal to the anterior cavity wall that is not seen in the RTPS calculation. At the posterior rectal wall the RTPS under-predicted the dose. There are similarities between these lateral eld results and other reports investigating head and neck and lung cavities. The phenomenon of lateral electron disequilibrium has been experimentally characterized in lung by several investigators. The main observations for small elds in lung are dose voids in the central axis and small secondary build up regions beyond the lung tissue interface (Mackie et al. , 1985b; Metcalfe & Battista, 1988; Metcalfe et al. , 2007). For larger elds while central axis dose voids are reduced, penumbral aring is still an observable phenomenon (Kornelsen & Young, 1982; Young & Kornelsen, 1983). With the relatively large elds used in this study there was only a slight dose reduction at the anterior cavity wall but penumbral aring was inferred by the decreased anterior rectal wall dose and increased posterior rectal wall dose. The penumbral aring is because the electron range extends in low density regions, causing the penumbral width to broaden. The eect of lateral electron disequilibrium on dose beyond air cavities in the head and neck region has been discussed (Massey, 1962; Nilsson & Schnell, 1976; Wong et al. , 1992). In this report we have not investigated higher energy photon beams but previous studies in lung cavities suggest that penumbral aring will increase with energy (Kornelsen & Young, 1982; Young & Kornelsen, 1983; Metcalfe et al. , 1993). As higher energies such as 10MV and 18MV are often used for lateral elds the penumbral aring eect may increase in these cases. Another aspect that warrants discussion is the CT numbers within the balloon cavity. Some CT reconstruction algorithms have limitations that result in air cavities within a patient/phantom having dierent (slightly higher) CT numbers than that for 6.4. Discussion 131 Figure 6.5: Measured and planned rectal wall doses and resultant DVH from spiral lm geometry. (a) represents the dose to the outermost and innermost loop of the lm spiral and the planned dose to the lm spiral for the 3DCRT plan (d) represents the resultant rectal wall DVH from the lm spiral and the planned rectal wall DVH for the 3DCRT plan. (b) and (e), and (c) and (f) represent the same for the IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans respectively. 6.4. Discussion 132 air outside of the patient. An over-estimate of the CT number in the cavity would lead to an under-estimate of the disequilibrium conditions for the dose calculation. In this specic case, the CT numbers for the air in the cavity and the air outside of the phantom were approximately equal, however for other air cavities, CT scanners and reconstruction algorithms, this may not be the case. In these cases, it is advisable to monitor the CT numbers of air cavities within patients to possibly predict where dose calculation limitations may exist. For the anterior-posterior beam the cavity had no eect on the anterior rectal wall but increased the posterior rectal wall dose. No build-down eect was seen, as observed by Li et al. (2000). This may be due to the relatively large eld size used here compared with the cavity size. The increased posterior rectal wall dose was due to the reduced attenuation through the cavity meaning higher photon uence at the posterior edge of the cavity. A slight secondary build-up is seen distal to the posterior cavity edge, however this eect is minimal due again to the relatively large eld size used and the depth of the cavity. This is in agreement with Li et al. (2000) who found a secondary build-up at the distal cavity edge whose magnitude was reduced with increased eld size and cavity depth. The RTPS calculated the dose to the anterior rectal wall within the 95% CI of the measurement but over-predicted the dose to the posterior rectal wall. Anterior-posterior eld 6.4.2 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy deliveries Multiple elds and segments were combined in the 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy plans. With the sagittal lm geometry both the Pinnacle RTPS and TomoTherapy RTPS over-predicted the anterior rectal wall dose (by 1.43Gy, 3.92Gy and 2.67Gy for 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy respectively) and under-predicted the posterior rectal wall dose (by 2.62Gy, 2.01Gy and 4.79Gy for 3DCRT, IMRT and 6.4. Discussion 133 helical tomotherapy respectively). These two eects are similar to that seen in the single lateral eld irradiation which is expected, since the majority of the radiation for the three plans was delivered from angles oblique to the anterior cavity wall. For the spiral lm geometry for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans, the Pinnacle RTPS calculated dose was seen to agree with the measured dose to the outermost loop in the lm spiral with the exception of the dose to the anterior 60 of the cavity wall. The Pinnacle RTPS over-predicted the dose to the anterior 60 of the cavity wall. When compared with the innermost loop of the lm spiral the Pinnacle RTPS over-predicted the dose to the anterior 60 of the cavity wall and under-predicted the dose to the posterior 120 of the cavity wall. These results were reected when the lm spiral was converted to a DVH and compared with the lm ROI DVH calculated by the planning system. The Pinnacle RTPS accurately calculated the volumes receiving < 35Gy but over-predicted the volumes receiving > 35Gy. The accuracy of the TomoTherapy RTPS when compared with lms in the spiral geometry varied around the cavity. It should be emphasised that although higher doses are being delivered to the rectal wall than in the 3DCRT and IMRT plans, we are not judging the quality of the plan, but the agreement between the RTPS calculated and the measured dose. The RTPS calculated anterior cavity wall dose lies between that of the outermost and innermost loops of the lm spiral; once the planned doses and lm spiral doses are converted to a DVH this averages out giving an accurate calculation of the volumes receiving high doses. The TomoTherapy RTPS then under-predicts the intermediate and low doses, leading to the reduced volumes receiving these doses in the DVH. 134 6.4. Discussion 6.4.3 Clinical signicance It is clinically signicant that for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans the V70, V65, V60 and V50 values are over-predicted by the Pinnacle RTPS. The V70, V65, V60 and V50 parameters are correlated with incidence of rectal bleeding (Jackson et al. , 2001; Fiorino et al. , 2002; Huang et al. , 2002b). Any reduction in these parameters should result in a decreased incidence of rectal bleeding under that predicted by the planning system. This has been observed in other studies (Sanghani et al. , 2004; D'Amico et al. , 2006; van Lin et al. , 2007). Conversely, the TomoTherapy RTPS under-predicted the V70, V65, V60 and V50 values but accurately predicted volumes receiving higher doses than 70Gy. Any under-prediction of these values could lead to an unexpected increase in rectal toxicity, particularly if delivering a hypofractionated schedule. Given this observation one may want to consider a reduction in dose volume objectives placed on the rectal wall when employing helical tomotherapy. The results from the spiral lm geometry suggest that the Pinnacle RTPS overestimates the dose to the anterior rectal wall, but the TomoTherapy RTPS is accurately calculating or slightly under-predicting the anterior rectal wall dose. The consequence of this is that dose volume constraints for the rectal wall acquired from 3DCRT and IMRT studies may have been over-estimated, where as for tomotherapy they might have been correct or even under-predicted. Any dose-volume constraints deemed 'safe' from 3DCRT and IMRT studies that have subsequently been applied to tomotherapy cases may need to be reconsidered. The eect of the rectal balloon cavity on treatment plan delivery has been investigated in other reports (Teh et al. , 2005; Song et al. , 2007) but the accuracy of the convolution/superposition algorithm has not been investigated with regard to the rectal balloon cavity. Teh et al. (2005) measured the dose to the rectal cavity wall for a single 2x2cm eld as well as a serial tomotherapy delivery. A 15% reduction in 2 6.5. Conclusions 135 the dose to the anterior cavity wall due to the presence of the rectal balloon cavity was observed. Song et al. (2007) used Monte Carlo simulations to investigate the accuracy of the Eclipse RTPS (with no heterogeneity corrections) in the presence of a rectal balloon. The Eclipse RTPS was found to over-predict the volumes receiving > 96% of the prescription dose and an under-prediction of the rectal volumes receiving < 22% of the prescription dose. It was determined that the dierences at these two ends of the dose range were due to inaccurate calculation of the dose from two lateral beams. The results presented in this investigation agree with these two reports. The important issue is that if heterogeneity correction is used in the RTPS then the convolution/superposition algorithms (Boyer & Mok, 1985; Mackie et al. , 1985b; Mohan et al. , 1986) used by both Pinnacle and TomoTherapy RTPSs eectively model these disequilibrium situations. These models suer from some small electron range scaling issues (Keall & Hoban, 1996) that can lead to inaccurate modelling of cavity interface doses as seen in this report. The magnitude of these inaccuracies in the high dose region is small but may be clinically signicant considering evidence suggests most disease is likely to be found in the transitional zone, that is, in the lobes and close to the rectal border (Chen et al. , 2000). They do however accurately show the qualitative eect of this disequilibrium region. The utility of Monte Carlo simulations in these situations becomes apparent (Song et al. , 2007). Monte Carlo accurately models disequilibrium situations and may provide clinicians with more precise dosimetry. The importance of in vivo dosimetry also becomes evident; accurate measurements of the dose received by the rectal wall will provide more accurate data for toxicity correlations. 6.5 Conclusions This report details the eect of an air cavity created by a rectal balloon and the accuracy of two commercial treatment planning systems in calculations surrounding 6.5. Conclusions 136 the cavity. When irradiated with single elds of the same size as that seen clinically, the cavity was seen to perturb the dose at the cavity walls. For a single lateral beam the cavity lead to a decrease in the anterior rectal wall dose and an increase in the posterior cavity wall dose. This was due to penumbral aring through the air cavity. For a single anterior-posterior beam the cavity was seen to increase the posterior dose. The Pinnacle RTPS predicted the qualitative eects of the cavity but under-estimated the eect of the cavity. For clinically relevant treatment plan delivery, the Pinnacle and TomoTherapy RTPSs both over-predicted the anterior rectal wall dose and underpredicted the posterior cavity wall dose for 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy deliveries. This was visible on the sagittal lm geometry. For the spiral lm geometry the Pinnacle RTPS was seen to over-predict the high dose region at the anterior rectal wall. The dose to the posterior rectal wall was under-predicted by the Pinnacle RTPS. The TomoTherapy Hi-Art RTPS under-predicted the low and intermediate doses to the rectal wall but accurately calculated the high dose region at the anterior cavity wall adjacent to the prostate. If the Pinnacle RTPS over-predicts but the TomoTherapy RTPS accurately calculates the anterior rectal wall dose then dose volume constraints carried into tomotherapy treatments from 3DCRT and IMRT treatments may need to be reconsidered Chapter 7 On the feasibility of in vivo real-time rectal wall dosimetry for prostate radiotherapy 7.1 Introduction Modern prostate cancer external beam radiotherapy involves the delivery of high doses using highly conformal delivery techniques. Increased prostate dose has been shown to increase local control (Hanks et al. , 1998; Zelefsky et al. , 1998; Pollack et al. , 2000). Additionally, hypofractionation has been shown to be an attractive delivery method due to the apparent low alpha/beta ratio for the prostate (Brenner & Hall, 1999; Fowler et al. , 2001; Brenner et al. , 2002). Increasing the total treatment dose or the dose per fraction increases the need for accurate delivery verication. In Chapter 6, it was seen that there was some uncertainty in the rectal wall dose in the presence of a rectal balloon. It was suggested that in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall could be an attractive method for verication of target and organ at risk (OAR) doses. An in vivo dosimeter placed on the anterior rectal wall allows the clinician to 137 7.2. Methods and materials 138 measure the dose delivered to the section of the rectum receiving the highest dose. This would be useful in the context that the planning system calculation may be innacurate at the cavity wall. In addition to this, the anterior rectal wall is generally contained by the Planning Target Volume (PTV) therefore any dosimeter placed on the anterior rectal wall can be used as a surrogate for the PTV dose at the posterior region of the volume. Rectal balloons are used in a number of institutions in prostate radiotherapy to immobilise the prostate and reduce the amount of rectal wall irradiated to high doses (McGary et al. , 2002; Teh et al. , 2002; Wachter et al. , 2002; Patel et al. , 2003; Teh et al. , 2005; van Lin et al. , 2005b,a, 2007). Rectal balloons are placed in the rectum for each treatment fraction. Rectal balloons provide an excellent means for placement of an in vivo dosimeter. MOSFET dosimeters have been used extensively for in vivo dosimetry (Butson et al. , 1996; Scalchi & Francescon, 1998; Quach et al. , 2000; Scalchi et al. , 2005; Zilio et al. , 2006). The advantages of MOSFET detectors for point dose measurements are their relatively small size and real-time readout capabilities. This phantom study investigates the feasibility of using a commercial rectal balloon in combination with a novel MOSFET detector to obtain real-time in vivo dose measurements of the rectal wall. Real-time rectal wall measurements were carried out on a specially designed phantom in a helical tomotherapy treatment scenario. 7.2 Methods and materials 7.2.1 MOSFET measurements A novel MOSFET detector, the MOSkin, developed at CMRP, was used for all measurements. The MOSkin has been described in detail elsewhere and has been used 7.2. Methods and materials 139 Figure 7.1: The MOSkin detector placed on the RadiaDyne rectal balloon extensively for in vivo measurements (Kwan et al. , 2007, 2008b,a, 2009; Qi et al. , 2009). In summary, the MOSkin has reproducible Water Equivalent Depth (WED) of measurement of 70m. This makes the MOSkin ideal for dosimetry in high dose gradient regions, such as the rectal wall in the presence of a rectal balloon air cavity. Two MOSkins were used for the measurements. The MOSkins were calibrated in a 6MV, 10x10cm eld at 100cm SSD at 10cm depth in water using a Varian 600c linear accelerator (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, USA). A commercial rectal balloon was used for all measurements (RadiaDyne, Houston TX, USA). A custom made phantom was built to match the external contours of the balloon. This phantom was placed in a pelvic phantom to simulate a human pelvis. A planning CT scan was taken of the phantom set up. The CT data was transferred into the Pinnacle RTPS (Philips Medical Systems, Middleton, WI, USA) where contours of a hypothetical prostate, rectum (the balloon cavity), bladder and femoral heads were created. The CT and contour data was then transferred to the TomoTherapy RTPS (TomoTherapy, Madison, WI, USA) on which a helical tomotherapy plan was created. 2 7.2. Methods and materials 140 Table 7.1: Helical tomotherapy optimisation parameters. All doses are in Gy. Max Max dose DVH DVH Min Min dose DVH ROI Weight Dose Penalty Vol (%) Dose Dose Penalty Penalty PTV 300 70 100 98 70 70 70 2000 Rectum 40 70 150 20 25 700 Bladder 10 70 70 20 40 25 Femurs 5 40 2 20 20 5 A eld with of 2.5cm, pitch of 0.215 and optimisation parameters given in Table 7.1 were used. The plan and dose distribution was imported into the Computational Environment for Radiotherapy Research (CERR, University of Washington in St. Louis, MO, USA) (Deasy et al. , 2003) platform for analysis. Two measurements were performed. In the rst, a single MOSkin was attached to the outside of the balloon at the anterior most location, shown in Figure 7.1. This corresponds to the location between the balloon and the anterior rectal wall. The balloon was then placed in the phantom setup and a single 2.5Gy fraction was delivered. This was repeated twice. In the second measurement, six locations around the balloon, spaced every 60 around the balloon starting at the anterior most point, were selected as measurement points. The locations of the detectors are given in Figure 7.2. The MOSkin detectors were placed around the outside of the balloon cavity, facing outwards such that the distance between the cavity wall and the MOSkin sensitive layer was 70m WED. The MOSkins were irradiated in separate deliveries. No balloon was in place for this measurement. For both MOSkin measurements the MOSkin was powered by a CMRP-developed reader which was then connected to a laptop computer. The readout of the MOSkin was carried out using in-house developed software, MOSPLOT. MOSPLOT acts as a controller for the MOSFET reader. This software allows reading of the MOSkin at 7.3. Results 141 designated time intervals. The MOSkin was read out at 1Hz for the entire duration of the radiation delivery for all measurements. 7.2.2 Radiochromic lm measurements In addition to the MOSkin measurements, a single piece of Gafchromic EBT lm was placed at the anterior rectal wall between the balloon and the cavity wall and a single fraction was delivered. This was repeated twice. This was done to provide a comparison with the rst set of MOSkin measurements. The lm was calibrated in a tomotherapy beam according to the procedure outlined in a previous chapter (Chapter 6). Briey, separate lms were irradiated from 0-4.3Gy in a tomotherapy beam at 5cm depth in water. A fth order polynomial was then tted to the calibration points and applied to the measured lms. All lms were scanned on an Epson Perfection V700 atbed scanner, 24 hours post-irradiation to avoid post-irradiation colouration eects. Films were scanned in the landscape direction and the red channel was chosen for analysis. All measurements were compared with the TomoTherapy Hi-Art RTPS calculation. The error bars on the MOSkin and EBT lm measurements are the 95% condence interval of the mean. This was obtained by adding or subtracting the product of the standard error and the t* value corresponding to a p-value of 0.05 and 2 degrees of freedom. 7.3 Results Figure 7.3 shows the results of the single MOSkin measurement located on the anterior rectal wall. The dose delivered to the MOSkin increases slowly between the start of the delivery and 130s into the treatment. As the couch motion moved the MOSkin into the tomotherapy fan beam the dose increased rapidly between 130s and 210s. The 7.3. Results 142 Figure 7.2: Location of MOSkin detectors around the rectal balloon cavity for the second set of measurements 7.3. Results 143 Table 7.2: Measurement results for anterior rectal wall measurement Source Measurement (cGy) 95% CI Plan 261.5 MOSkin 224 3 EBT Film 236 3 Figure 7.3: Anterior rectal wall planned dose compared with measured dose over the duration of the fraction delivery. Note the dose to the MOSkin is accrued over the total fraction delivery time. MOSkin then moved out of the fan beam and the dose entered a plateau region. Table 7.2 summarises the measured and calculated total doses at the end of the delivered fraction. The MOSkin measurement was 37.95cGy less than the planned dose and 12.62cGy less than the lm measurement. Figure 7.4 shows the MOSkin measured doses at the six investigated locations (see Figure 7.2) around the rectal balloon. Figure 7.4a shows the total MOSkin measured doses compared with the planned doses at the six locations. The total doses are presented in Table 7.3. The MOSkin measured doses were up to 13% lower than the planned doses at the anterior locations. As the detector location became more 7.3. Results 144 Table 7.3: Measured and planned doses at the six locations given in Figure 7.2. Location Planned Dose (cGy) Measured Dose (cGy) Dierence (cGy) % dierence 0 257 232 25 9.7 60 189 178 11 5.8 120 83 80 3 3.6 180 60 62 -2 -3.3 240 98 94 4 4.1 300 200 174 26 13.0 posterior, the dierence between the measured and planned doses decreased. The MOSkin exhibited some under response when compared to the planned dose and the dose measured by the EBT lm. We believe this is due to a combination of two eects. The rst is an over-prediction of the anterior rectal wall dose due to the balloon cavity, as found in Chapter 6. The second eect is an under-prediction of the MOSkin measured dose compared with the EBT lm measure dose due to angular response of the MOSkin detector. The MOSkin detector's asymmetric construction means that there is an over-response to radiation from the top 180, probably due to a dose enhancement eect from the a thin Aluminium contact layer near the detector's front surface. This layer attenuates photons and increases the number of secondary electrons crossing the gate oxide . There are two correction strategies for the angular response under investigation - a ltering method and a dual MOSkin method. 7.3.1 Angular dependence correction method 1: Filtering method The rst correction strategy implemented to account for this was proposed by Rosenfeld (2009b) and investigated theoretically by Lian (2009). The ltering method involves placing a thin layer of Copper on the top side of the MOSkin, in an eort to decrease the sensitivity of the top side of the MOSkin to match the back side of the MOSkin. This method was investigated experimentally by using 30m and 60m 7.3. Results 145 Figure 7.4: (a)MOSkin measured rectal wall doses over time for the six investigated locations around the rectal wall as given in Figure 7.2 and (b) Temporal dose accumulation for the six locations 146 7.3. Results thick layers of Copper attached to the top side of the MOSkin. The theoretical optimal thickness was calculated to be 25m for a 10x10cm 6MV photon eld however copper of this thickness was not readily available at the time of measurement. The Copper covered MOSkin was placed at depths of 1.5cm and 10cm in solid water and irradiated with a 5x5cm 6MV photon eld in face up and face down orientations. The same dose was delivered for both orientations. Figure 7.5 shows the response of the face up and face down MOSkin at the two depths. With no Cu lter, at 1.5cm depth the MOSkin response to radiation incident from the back side is 14.7% less than when the radiation is incident from the top side. With a 30m layer of Cu on the top side, the responses are within 2%, with the MOSkin being more sensitive to radiation incident from the back side. With a 60m layer of Cu on the top side, the MOSkin is even more sensitive to radiation from the back side. It is probable that the single 30m layer was an over-correction of the responses, which was accentuated by the 60m layer. The response at 10cm depth is similar to that at 1.5cm depth, however there is a greater over-correction. The results observed in Figure 7.5 suggest that the thickness of the lter depends on the material of the lter and the depth of measurement. The radiation quality changes depending on the depth of measurement, therefore a lter material dierent than Silicone is not ideal. Copper was selected as only a small thickness is required. Ideally, the lter should be made of Silicone and the dimensions should match that of the Silicone substrate on the back side of the MOSkin. This would give depthindependent correction. The full angular response was not measured for the ltered detector set up. 2 2 7.3. Results 147 Figure 7.5: Relative response for face up and face down MOSkin orientations with one and two layers of CU on the top edge at (a) 1.5cm and (b) 10cm depth in solid water. The error bars represent the 95% condence interval of the mean. 7.3. Results 148 7.3.2 Angular dependence correction method 2: Dual MOSkin conguration The second method investigated to correct/remove the angular dependence of the MOSkin was to combine two MOSkin detectors, placed face-to-face. This method was rst proposed by Rosenfeld et al. (2005). If detector one (D1) and detector two (D2) are placed face-to-face at depth, then if D1 is being irradiated from the top, D2 is being irradiated from the bottom, and vice versa. That is, when the dual detector is irradiated from any direction, D1 and D2 are over or under responding compared to the mean. By taking the average of the two detectors, the over and under response is cancelled out. This is an active correction of the asymmetrical response of the MOSkin and was proposed by Rosenfeld (2009a). The dual MOSkin conguration was tested experimentally by placing two MOSkins together, face-to-face. The dual MOSkin was then placed in a cylindrical phantom that was embedded in a square, solid water phantom at a depth of 5cm. The dual MOSkin was then irradiated from a beam incident every 30 for a full rotation. This was repeated twice. The cylinder containing the dual MOSkin was rotated, rather than the linac gantry, to maintain constant radiation path length to the location of the detector. The response to the same dose was recorded for both MOSkin detectors. The average response of the two detectors was then taken. Figure 7.6a shows the angular response of the two detectors in the dual MOSkin setup. The response of the two detectors is 180 out of phase. Figure 7.6b shows the average response of the two detectors, which is within 2%. A further set of measurements with the dual MOSkin was performed in using a clinical IMRT verication phantom - I'mRT (IBA Dosimetry). The dual MOSkin was placed at the centre of the phantom and calibrated. Calibration was performed by irradiating the dual MOSkin with a known dose and recording the response of both 7.3. Results 149 Figure 7.6: (a) The response of the two detectors in the dual MOSkin setup. Error bars (no end cap for D1) are the 95% CI of the mean (b) The average response of the two detectors. Error bars are the 95% CI of the mean. 7.3. Results 150 detectors. The dual MOSkin was then ipped and the calibration was repeated. For each calibration measurement the change in threshold voltage for each detector was added. The average of the summed responses (i.e. in both orientations) was then divided by the known dose (100cGy) to give the calibration factor. The detector responses were summed so that any uctuations in read out result in a lower relative deviation to the total measurement, reducing total error. The dual MOSkin was then irradiated from gantry angles every 45 for the full 360 (detector was at machine isocentre). The experimental setup is given in Figure 7.7(a). Each measurement was multiplied by the dual MOSkin calibration factor to result in absolute dose for each measurement. The dual MOSkin was then replaced with the ion chamber. The ion chamber was calibrated by irradiating with a known dose. The ion chamber was then irradiated with the same gantry angles as for the dual MOSkin. The dual MOSkin and ion chamber results were then normalised to their respective measurements at 0 gantry angle. The dual MOSkin normalised dose was normalised to the normalised ion chamber measurement to obtain the relative dose for each incident beam angle. All measurements were repeated twice. Figure 7.7(b) shows the normalised dual MOSkin response to beams from multiple angles at the centre of the phantom. With the exception of one angle (225), the dual MOSkin is within 4% of the ion chamber measurement. The measurement at 225 may have been aected by the beam being incident on the detectors through one of the metal couch support struts. The dierences in the detection volume of the two detectors may have led to a discrepancy between the measured doses at this angle. The dosimetric accuracy of the dual MOSkin coupled to a rectal balloon was then veried for two treatment plans. A dual MOSkin was attached to the anterior wall of a rectal balloon. The balloon and MOSkin were placed in the custom made balloon phantom, which was then inserted into the I'mRT phantom. A planning CT scan was 7.3. Results 151 Figure 7.7: (a) The I'mRT phantom setup for dual MOSkin and (b) The normalised measurement (dual MOSkin / ion chamber) for each incident beam angle. The error bars are the 95% interval of the mean for three measurements. 7.4. Discussion 152 taken of the phantom setup. 3DCRT and IMRT plans were created in the Pinnacle RTPS, delivering 78Gy in 2Gy fractions to a hypothetical prostate target in the phantom. Three fractions each of the 3DCRT and IMRT plans were then delivered to the phantom, and the dose delivered to the dual MOSkin was recorded at a frequency of 1Hz during each delivery. The average MOSkin measured doses compared to the Pinnacle RTPS calculation are presented in Figure 7.8. Figure 7.8 shows that for the 3DCRT plan the MOSkin measured dose is 2.62% lower than the planned dose and for the IMRT plan the MOSkin measured dose is 3.17% lower than the planned dose. From Chapter 6 it was shown that the Pinnacle RTPS over-predicts the anterior rectal wall dose; the results in Figure 7.8 are consistent with this nding. 7.4 Discussion This study has presented initial results from testing of a novel MOSFET dosimeter developed at CMRP combined with a rectal balloon for use in real-time in vivo dosimetry. In this phantom study, the performance of a dual MOSkin conguration in combination with a commercial rectal balloon was investigated to determine the feasibility of this apparatus for clinical use. The MOSkin detectors showed a reproducible change in Vt for doses 0-10Gy. The MOSkin is thus suitable for in vivo real-time dose monitor for in high dose-per-fraction hypofractionation schedules. The dual MOSkin has excellent angular dependence of within 2.5% from all incident beam angles. This makes it particularly suitable for rotational therapies such as tomotherapy and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). When placed on the anterior wall of a commercial rectal balloon and irradiated with clinical 3DCRT and IMRT plans, the dual MOSkin provided real-time dose measurement of the anterior rectal wall dose. The anterior rectal wall dose was measured 7.4. Discussion 153 Figure 7.8: The dual MOSkin measured dose compared with the planned dose for (a) 3DCRT plan and (b) IMRT plan. The error bars represent the 95% condence interval of the mean of three measurements. 7.4. Discussion 154 to be 2.62% and 3.17% lower than the RTPS calculation for the 3DCRT and IMRT plans respectively. It was shown in Chapter 6 that the collapsed cone convolution/superposition dose calculation algorithm used in this study over-predicts the anterior rectal wall dose when an air-lled rectal balloon is used. Therefore the lower measured dose, relative to the RTPS calculation, concurs with this previous nding. The MOSkin was visible on the planning CT scan therefore accurate localisation of the detector at the time of planning is ensured. This allows knowledge of the expected dose to the detector during delivery. The MOSkin would also be visible on KV conebeam CT or KV portal images, so daily localization of the detector is possible, to integrate with any adaptive radiotherapy or advanced image guidance protocols. Although the rectal balloon reduces prostate motion signicantly, rectal motion can still occur which may increase rectal wall dose. Conversely, if the rectal wall dose is signicantly lower than the expected dose this could mean part of the PTV is being underdosed. At the very least, this in vivo dosimetry system provides tracking and verication of daily delivered rectal wall doses, which may prove useful in the case of observed enhancement of toxicity or local recurrence. Correlation of rectal toxicity rates with absorbed dose currently relies on calculated dose at the time of planning. This device would provide a direct measurement of the anterior rectal wall dose for each treatment fraction, increasing the accuracy of toxicity correlation. In the case of variation in balloon positioning between fractions, multiple dual MOSkin detectors could be placed in a strip along the superior-inferior axis of the balloon. This would provide dose measurement at multiple locations along the anterior rectal wall relative to the PTV and improve the probability of measurement of the highest anterior rectal wall dose. The MOSkin was able to be read out at 1Hz during the delivery of a radiotherapy treatment fraction. The ability to read out the MOSkin in real-time allows the rectal 7.5. Conclusion 155 dose to be tracked as it is being delivered, potentially providing a 'dose alarm' if the rectal wall dose exceeds a set tolerance. 7.5 Conclusion A novel real time in vivo dosimetry system for tracking of rectal wall doses in prostate radiotherapy has been presented. The dosimetry system provides accurate, real time tracking of the rectal wall dose during the delivery of a treatment fraction. The MOSkin showed angular response leading to a lower measured dose than that of EBT lm. Two correction methods were presented to negate the eects of the angular response. The rst correction method, application of a copper ltering layer at the top of the MOSkin detector reduced the dierence between 'face up' and 'face down' MOSkin responses. The second correction method, the dual MOSkin conguration, resulted in a reduction of the angular response to within 2%. The dual MOSkin was then used to verify the anterior rectal wall dose for a 3DCRT and IMRT plan for a hypothetical prostate target in a phantom. The dual MOSkin provided real time measurement of the anterior rectal wall dose, with measurements 2.62% (3DCRT) and 3.17% (IMRT) lower than the Pinnacle RTPS prediction. It is expected that the dual MOSkin correction method will be pursued in future rectal balloon in vivo measurements. Chapter 8 Novel surface detectors applied to total scalp irradiation with helical tomotherapy 8.1 Introduction Irradiation of the total scalp is a treatment technique used for a variety of supercial malignancies. Traditional techniques for total scalp irradiation include use of a combination of electron and photon beams (Akazawa, 1989) and more recently, linac based intensity modulation radiation therapy (IMRT) (Bedford et al. , 2005) and serial Tomotherapy (Locke et al. , 2002). Helical tomotherapy, an image guided intensity modulation therapy system, has been shown to be an eective means of delivering total scalp radiotherapy (Orton et al. , 2005). The advantages of using helical tomotherapy over conventional Linac based techniques for total scalp irradiation have Part of this chapter has been published in Medical Physics: Hardcastle N, Soisson E, Metcalfe P E, Rosenfeld A B, Tom e W A, 2008, Medical Physics, Dosimetric Verication of Total Scalp Irradiation with Helical Tomotherapy, volume 35, issue 11, pages 5061-8 156 8.1. Introduction 157 been reported (Khuntia et al. , 2006; Orton et al. , 2005). These advantages include alleviating the need for complicated beam matching such as that required for combination electron-photon treatments and the ability to achieve uniform coverage of the PTV without increasing dose to normal brain as compared to other types of IMRT delivery (Khuntia et al. , 2006). This superior target coverage can often be accomplished with tomotherapy since the delivery uses a larger number of beam angles, allowing for more conformal treatment of concave structures. Tomotherapy's 360 delivery is separated into 51 projections per rotation. Due to the machine geometry, the binary MLC divides the beam into beamlets that can be tangential to the scalp at any given projection, increasing delivered supercial dose. Directional blocking is employed on the brain which eectively forces the majority of the beamlets to be delivered to the scalp PTV tangentially, since beamlets cannot enter through the brain to deposit dose in the PTV but only exit through brain after depositing dose in the PTV. The helical tomotherapy delivery results in a very ne and customisable modulation resolution. As the scalp diameter changes, tomotherapy's binary MLC allows fast adaptation of the eld width and position. In addition, an on-board CT detector allows for image guidance through the acquisition of pre-treatment Megavoltage CT (MVCT) images prior to each treatment fraction, increasing setup reproducibility and accuracy (Li et al. , 2007). A potential concern when using helical tomotherapy for total scalp irradiation has recently arisen, with recent published work showing that the TomoTherapy (TomoTherapy Inc. Madison, WI) planning system can over estimate the calculated supercial dose for head and neck treatments. Ramsey et al. (2007) found that the supercial dose (dose over rst 2mm depth) was over estimated by 3-13% for a parotidsparing IMRT treatment of head and neck cancer. Higgins et al. (2007) showed that the calculated supercial dose was 10% greater than the measured dose for a typ- 8.1. Introduction 158 ical oropharynx treatment at lateral locations yet was accurate at anterior locations. Both of these studies used a combination of Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) and radiographic lm for dose verication in an anthropomorphic phantom. A study by Cheek et al. (2007) found that for supercial PTVs between 2 and 6 cm deep in a polystyrene phantom the TomoTherapy dose calculation over-estimated the radiographic lm measured dose in the rst 10mm depth by up to 8%. As mentioned above, total scalp irradiation with helical tomotherapy includes a large number of beamlets that are delivered primarily tangential to the surface. This diers from the above-mentioned head and neck treatment where the beamlets are predominantly orthogonal to the patient surface. If the TomoTherapy planning system is over-estimating the delivered supercial dose as shown in the above-mentioned reports, then a total-scalp PTV will be under-dosed. A bolus material may be required to increase the supercial dose if the target volume extends to the surface, such as used with other treatment techniques. With the tangential beam arrangement it is possible that the calculated dose may be accurate, and bolus material may not be required to achieve adequate target coverage. In this study, the supercial dose was measured for a total scalp treatment delivered to an anthropomorphic head phantom with helical tomotherapy. Radiochromic and radiographic lm as well as the MOSkin detection system was used to compare the measured supercial dose with the calculated dose from the TomoTherapy treatment planning system. 159 8.2. Method Table 8.1: Optimization parameters for helical tomotherapy total scalp treatment ROI Weight Max Max dose DVH DVH Min Min dose DVH dose penalty vol(%) dose dose penalty penalty PTV 100 40 300 98 40 40 100 Brain 20 38 75 10 2.5 75 8.2 Method 8.2.1 Treatment plan A treatment planning CT was taken of an anthropomorphic head phantom (RANDO, The Phantom Laboratory, Salem, NY). The image set was transferred to the Pinnacle treatment planning system (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Fitchburg, WI) and a hypothetical target volume was contoured to simulate a typical total scalp PTV. The contours were based on a patient treated at this institution. The brain was contoured as a critical structure. The CT data and the contours were then transferred to the TomoTherapy treatment planning system (v. TomoTherapy Inc. Madison, WI). A plan was generated with 40Gy prescribed to 98% of the PTV using the optimization parameters given in Table 1. Directional blocking was used for the brain structure. Directional blocking dictates that individual beamlets cannot enter through the brain to deposit dose in the PTV, but can exit through the brain after depositing dose in the PTV. A eld width of 2.5cm, a pitch of 0.3 and a (maximum) modulation factor of 3 were used. The ne calculation grid was employed meaning that the dose grid matched the 256x256 downsampled CT, giving a dose grid resolution of 0.1875 x 0.1875 x 2.5 mm . A custom Aquaplast (Uni-Frame, CIVCO, Kalona, Iowa) head mask was created to assist in phantom setup. The resultant dose-volume histogram (DVH) and calculated dose distributions are given in Figure 8.1. For all measurements a Mega-Voltage CT (MVCT) scan was taken prior to delivery. A 'normal' slice resolution (pitch = 2) was used giving a slice width of 4mm. This was 3 8.2. Method 160 Figure 8.1: Resultant dose distributions and cumulative dose volume histogram for scalp treatment then aligned to the planning CT image. The accuracy to which the MVCT can be registered to the planning CT has been measured previously for this anthropomorphic head phantom (Boswell et al. , 2006) and was found to be within 1mm. The dose delivered to the MVCT has been measured to be less than 1.5cGy for this pitch which constitutes less than 1% of the prescription dose for this treatment (Shah et al. , 2008). 8.2.2 Transverse measurements Gafchromic EBT radiochromic lm sheets (ISP Corp, Wayne, NJ, lot #: 47207-02I) were cut to the shape of the phantom and placed in the transverse slices of the phantom. Handling and storage protocols were followed (Niroomand-Rad et al. , 1998). The lm was cut so that it extended < 4mm outside of the phantom rather than to match the phantom edge so as to negate eects of polymer damage on the lm edge due to cutting (Yu et al. , 2006). The EBT lm was scanned on an Epson Perfection V700 atbed scanner. All lms were scanned at least 24 hour post irradiation to minimise post-irradiation color eects 161 8.2. Method (Cheung et al. , 2005). The scanning resolution was 75dpi and all lms were scanned in the landscape orientation. The resultant images were 32-bit color with the red channel chosen for analysis. All analysis was done on a desktop PC using ImageJ and Matlab software. Background corrections were made to remove spatial non-uniformities by scanning each EBT lm prior to irradiation. Calibration was performed by plotting a 5th order polynomial curve to nine dose points from 0 - 430cGy that were measured on separate lms using the TomoTherapy beam. The EBT lm was calibrated in the Tomotherapy beam in the same method presented in Chapter 6. A maximum error of 0.6% existed between the polynomial and the measured dose. The transverse dose distributions were also measured using Kodak EDR2 lm (Kodak, Rochester, NY). The lm was cut to the shape of the phantom slices and black insulation tape was used to light-seal the lm edges. The combination of minimizing the eect of polymer damage on the lm edge and reducing the amount of tape inside the phantom (to eliminate air gaps) meant the lm extended < 12mm outside of the phantom. Film calibration was performed using the same procedure as for the EBT lm. A Vidar (VXR-16 Dosimetry Pro, Vidar Systems Corp, Herndon, VA) scanner was used to scan all of the lms. A resolution of 71dpi was used. The resultant images were 16-bit. Analysis was performed using ImageJ software. Investigation was done to determine whether lm extending out of the phantom changed the build up dose on the surface. Both types of lm were irradiated edge-on whilst sandwiched between solid water slabs. A 10x10cm 6MV linac eld was used. The length of lm hanging outside of the solid water was varied from 0 to 8mm in 4mm increments. 2 8.2.3 Surface measurements Sheets of EBT lm (1.5 x 6 cm ) were cut and placed on the surface of the phantom at selected locations. The suitability of EBT lm for surface dosimetry has previously 2 162 8.2. Method been reported (Devic et al. , 2006).The surface dose measured by the EBT lm is equivalent to the dose measured at an eective depth of 153m in water. EBT lm measurements were repeated twice. The surface dose was also measured using the MOSkin. This is a research MOSFET detector designed specically for skin dosimetry by the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP), University of Wollongong, Australia. MOSFET detectors have been shown to be eective skin dosimeters due to their small water equivalent depth (WED) (Butson et al. , 1996; Scalchi et al. , 2005; Cherpak et al. , 2007; Xiang et al. , 2007). Butson et al. (1996) demonstrated that the MOSFET detector without packaging can measure surface dose in good agreement with an ATTIX parallel plate ionization chamber. For practical applications the MOSFET chip must be protected from the environment. Usually this is achieved by covering the MOSFET chip with an epoxy bubble. However, it is dicult to reproduce the epoxy bubble dimensions. This leads to variations in the WED ranging from 0.7-1.8mm (Butson et al. , 1996; Scalchi et al. , 2005; Cherpak et al. , 2007). The MOSkin detector design aims to alleviate the non-uniform WED from the epoxy bubble, yet still retain protection from the environment. This was achieved by using exible carrier based on 20m thick polyamide lm. Use of the polyamide lm gives a reproducible uniform build-up designed for surface dosimetry, with a WED of 70m or other as required (the ICRP recommended skin depth for radiation skin damage is 70m (ICRP, 1991)). The size of the MOSFET silicon chip is 0.6x0.8x0.35mm . The polyamide lm on the top of the MOSFET chip serves as the MOSFET carrier and provides reproducible build-up, protection of the surface of the MOSFET chip from environment conditions and connection of the MOSFET to the reader. For hermetic sealing the MOSFET, with attached polyamide carrier above the MOSFET chip, is placed in a plastic package with an opening of the same size as a MOSFET chip. This is then sealed from the back side. This de3 163 8.2. Method sign avoids wire bonding of the chip and metal connection pads close to the sensitive volume of the MOSFET. The total detector size is 2x5x0.7mm . MOSkin detectors were calibrated in a conventional linear accelerator in a 6MV beam then placed at four dierent locations on the phantom surface that were also measured with EBT lm. The change in threshold voltage of the MOSkin post-irradiation was read out using a CMRP developed reader. The MOSkin measurements were repeated twice for statistical accuracy. The WED of measurement was veried for the MOSkin and the EBT lm using Monte Carlo (MC) and Attix chamber data. Each detector (MOSkin, EBT lm and Attix chamber), in turn, was placed on the surface of a slab phantom and irradiated with 10x10cm and 2.5x2.5cm 6MV elds from a Varian 21EX linac. Each detector was then placed at Dmax (1.5cm) and irradiated with the same dose as that for the surface measurements. The surface dose was then normalised to the Dmax dose. No Attix chamber measurement was performed for the 2.5x2.5cm eld as this eld's dimensions were smaller than that of the detector. The measured surface doses were compared with MC simulation data. Two MC codes were used - BEAMnrc and Geant4. Detailed information and commissioning plots for the BEAMnrc model is given in Appendix B. The BEAMnrc simulation was performed in two steps. The rst step was the creation of a phase space le at 100cm from the target. This step involved detailed simulation of a Varian 21EX linac treatment head. A 6.3MeV (0.2MeV FWHM) electron beam (50 x 10 electrons) was incident on a Tungsten target. Energy cut o values of 0.521MeV and 0.01MeV for electrons and photons respectively were used. These correspond to the lowest energies for which data exists in the PEGS4 material. It is important for these values to be as low as possible for surface dose measurement as the dose to the surface is due to low energy photons and electron contamination. The resultant phase space le was then used as the input for a DOSXYZnrc simulation. 3 2 2 2 6 164 8.2. Method Table 8.2: Example of MOSkin data collection spreadsheet. V is the initial threshold voltage, V is the threshold voltage 30s post-irradiation, and V is the change in threshold voltage. Angle MU V (V) V (V) V (V) % of Dmax 0 200 9.259 9.355 0.096 17.52 15 200 9.448 9.546 0.098 17.88 30 200 9.543 9.646 0.103 18.80 45 200 9.643 9.763 0.120 21.90 60 200 9.759 9.902 0.143 26.09 75 200 9.897 10.089 0.192 35.04 0 0 The geometry of the phantom was a 30x30x30cm cube water phantom. The water phantom was split into a number of voxels. The resolution of the voxels in the x and y directions was 2x2cm . In the depth direction the resolution was 100m for the rst 1.5cm with 100m thick voxels at 5cm and 10cm depth. The Geant4 simulation data was provided by a fellow CMRP PhD Candidate (Oborn, 2008). The water phantom dimensions and voxel resolution was the same as that for the DOSXYZnrc simulation. The electron and photon energy cut o values were 0.521MeV and 0.01MeV respectively. The measured data, compared with the MC data is given in Figure 8.2, which shows that the EBT Film and MOSkin surface doses agree well with two MC code calculations of the surface dose at their theoretical WED for both eld sizes. The response of the EBT Film and MOSkin detectors to oblique beam incidence was also investigated. In separate measurements, the two detectors were placed on the surface of a 30x30x30cm cube water phantom. Using a Varian 21EX linac 6MV photon beam and 10x10cm and 2.5x2.5cm eld sizes, the detectors were irradiated from gantry angles of 0 to 85 in 15 increments. The measured surface doses at each angle were normalised to the dose at Dmax (1.5cm) for each eld size. The data was calculated in a spreadsheet during collection. An example of the collected data is presented in Table 8.2. The results are given in Figure 8.3, which show that the two detector response diers as a function of detector WED and eld size. The surface 3 2 3 2 2 8.3. Results and discussion 165 dose measured with EBT Film is always higher than that with the MOSkin, however the ratio of the EBT Film to MOSkin changes with angle and eld size. 8.3 Results and discussion 8.3.1 Transverse measurements The EBT and EDR2 transverse lm images were converted to absolute dose and scaled to show the total dose over the 20 fraction treatment. The locations of the lms and resultant EBT lm measured dose maps are given in Figure 8.4. Line proles were taken across the lms and compared with line proles taken from the calculated dose grid. The phantom has support pegs; the holes for these were used to align the dose proles. Proles were taken 2.5cm posterior to the peg holes on the digitised lm images. The plan proles were taken from the calculated dose cube. The calculated dose grid slices were not parallel to the lm slices. However, a smaller region of each slice in the dose grid corresponded to the same spatial region in the lm slice. The proles from the calculated dose grid were then taken from the slice containing the region where the lm prole was taken. A line was drawn on the lm using a scalpel at the phantom edge to determine the location of the surface of the phantom. This was visible on the digitised lm images and had a width of 0.034cm (one pixel width) at the location of the proles. No distortion of the dose either side of the scalpel line was observed. The pixel immediately medial to the line was taken as the start of the phantom. The line did not distort the dose values either side of it. For the dose grid, the rst voxel with a Hounseld Unit (HU) between that of water and air was taken as the start of the phantom. Proles were taken in regions where the immobilizing head mask was not in contact with the phantom surface so the start of the phantom was easily dierentiated. 166 8.3. Results and discussion Figure 8.2: (a) 10x10cm and (b)2.5x2.5cm eld depth dose curves with MOSkin, EBT Film and Attix chamber surface measurements compared with BEAMnrc and Geant4 (Geant4 data courtesy of Oborn (2008), private communication) MC simulation data. The depth axis is displayed on a logarithmic scale to show the detail of the buildup. 2 2 167 8.3. Results and discussion Figure 8.3: Surface dose measurements as a function of incident beam angle for (a) 10x10cm eld and (b) 2.5x2.5cm eld. The ratio of the EBT lm to the MOSkin measurement changes based on angle and eld size. 2 2 8.3. Results and discussion 168 Figure 8.4: Transverse lm locations and resultant digitised lm images. The black dotted line shows the location of the phantom edge. The black lines on sheets 1 and 2 show the locations of the proles shown in Figures 8.6 and 8.7 8.3. Results and discussion 169 Figure 8.5: Buildup curves for (a) EBT lm and (b) EDR2 lm as a function of length of lm protruding out of solid water slabs and irradiated edge on parallel to 6MV photon beam central axis 170 8.3. Results and discussion The eect of edge-on irradiation of lm protruding out of the phantom was investigated. These results are shown in Figure 8.5. Each prole is normalised to the dose at 1.5cm depth. It was found that for the EBT lm the surface dose measurement was not aected by lm protruding out of the phantom. For EDR2 lm it was seen that an over response at the surface followed by an under response in the build up occurred with the lm extending out of the phantom. This is probably due to the higher eective atomic number of the EDR2 and is a similar result to that found by Ramsey et al. (2007). The measured proles compared with the calculated proles for EBT Film and EDR2 Film are shown in Figures 8.6 and 8.7 respectively. The dose calculation, when performed on the smallest dose grid resolution, obtains the dose in a 1.875x1.875x2.5mm sized voxel. The digitised EBT lm images have a pixel size of 0.34x0.34mm and the digitised EDR2 lm images have a pixel size of 0.36x0.36mm . The proles show that the calculated build up dose agrees with the measured EBT lm dose. In Figure 8.6(a) the EBT lm measured supercial dose was seen to increase from 33.6Gy to 41.2Gy over the rst 2mm of depth in the phantom. The corresponding calculated dose increased from 32.8Gy to 40.8Gy, a dierence in surface dose of 2.4% of the measured dose. In Figure 8.6(b) the EBT lm measured supercial dose was seen to increase from 36.5Gy to 41.9Gy over the rst 2mm. The corresponding calculated dose increased from 36.8Gy to 42.4Gy, a dierence in surface dose of 0.8%. Figure 8.6(c) shows in this location, the EBT lm measured surface dose was 43.4Gy. The corresponding calculated dose surface dose was 42.8Gy giving a dierence between measured and calculated dose of 1.5%. No build up of dose was observed in this location due to the bolus eect of the head rest used to aid treatment setup. Figure 8.7 (a) and Figure 8.7 (b) also show that the EDR2 lm surface dose is greater than the EBT lm and calculation. It then increases at a slower rate than 2 2 3 8.3. Results and discussion 171 Figure 8.6: (a) Cross plane prole of transverse sheet 1 taken 1cm under peg holes for EBT lm and plan data. (b) Cross plane prole of transverse sheet 2 taken 2.5cm under peg holes for EBT lm and plan data. Zoomed in section shows rst 1cm depth in phantom. (c) Posterior-Anterior prole taken across transverse sheet 2 along the centre of the lm for EBT lm and plan data. The locations of the proles are shown in Figure 8.4 8.3. Results and discussion Figure 8.7: The same proles as in 8.6 but with EDR2 data 172 8.3. Results and discussion 173 Figure 8.8: Surface EBT lm locations and measured doses. that of the EBT lm and calculation. In Figure 8.7(a) the EDR2 lm measured dose increases from 36.2Gy to 38.3Gy over the rst 2mm depth in the phantom. In Figure 8.7 (b) the EDR2 lm measured dose increases from 38.1Gy to 41.4Gy over the rst 2mm depth in the phantom. For depths in the phantom beyond approximately 5mm the EDR2 lm dose agrees with the calculated and the EBT lm dose. 8.3. Results and discussion 174 Figure 8.9: Comparison of MOSkin measured dose and EBT lm surface dose. 8.3.2 Surface measurements Films were cut and placed on the surface of the phantom in various locations. The lms were converted to dose maps and scaled to show the total dose over 20 fractions. The location and doses measured are given in Figure 8.8. Two features are immediately visible. The rst is the eect of the head mask on the surface dose. The grid pattern seen under the head mask shows a dose dierential between regions immediately under the head mask and adjacent regions of up to 15Gy over the total treatment. The head mask is acting eectively like a bolus material in the regions where it is in direct contact with the skin. The second is the eect of the head rest on the surface dose. The head rest provides sucient build up to obtain the prescription dose on the surface. MOSkin detectors were placed at four locations on the head phantom that corresponded to locations that surface EBT lms were also placed. The MOSkin-measured doses as compared with the EBT lm surface dose measurements are given in Figure 8.9. The MOSkin-measured doses are less than that measured with the EBT lm. This is due to the dierence in WED of measurement between the MOSkin detectors and EBT lm, shown in Figure 8.2. The eective depth of measurement in water for 8.3. Results and discussion 175 the MOSkin is 70m where as for the EBT lm it is 153m. At these depths there exists large charged-particle disequilibrium. Any small change in depth will lead to a large change in the measured dose. The consequence of the dierence in WED is that the MOSkin will measure a lower dose than the EBT lm. The magnitude of this dierence will vary with angle of incidence (as shown in Figure 8.3); the WED of the two detectors will increase and represent dierent depths on the build-up curve. The ratio of the two measured doses diers according to the change in gradient of the dose build-up. Additionally, the MOSkin has a much smaller sensitive depth over which dose is measured (0.55m) compared with the EBT lm (40m). This is another factor that can be taken into consideration when comparing doses in a steep dose gradient such as that on the surface. The treatment plan delivers the radiation dose with beamlets that are primarily tangential to the scalp. This is a direct consequence of the directional blocking applied to the brain contour. Beamlets are not allowed to pass through the brain to deliver dose to the PTV therefore they must be delivered tangentially to satisfy the DVH constraints and the directional block. Figure 8.10 shows a sample (every third projection angle) of the planned leaf opening times. It is clear from this gure that the majority of the beamlets were delivered tangentially to the phantom surface. Beamlets that are tangential to the surface increase the surface dose (Lee et al. , 2002; Chow & Grigorov, 2008). The TomoTherapy planning system accurately calculated the surface dose for this particular treatment. This is in contrast to previous reports regarding the TomoTherapy planning system surface dose calculations. Previous reports employ a larger dose calculation grid which would lead to a higher surface dose calculation. These reports also do not utilise directional blocking and are targeting deep seated PTVs, thus it is expected that tangential beamlets would not make up a large proportion of the delivered sinogram. The combination of these two dierences most 8.3. Results and discussion 176 Figure 8.10: Sample (every third projection shown) of the incident uence sinogram for one rotation in the centre (superior-inferior direction) of the PTV. On each chart the abscissa axis is MLC leaf number and the ordinate axis is relative planned leaf opening times. The MLC predominantly blocks the central beamlets of the fan beam and allows beamlets through that are tangential to the scalp. 8.4. Conclusion 177 probably explains the contradiction between this report and previous studies. For this reason, it is suggested that accurate calculation of the dose in electronic disequilibrium regions requires a dose grid as ne as possible. If required, a bolus layer may be employed to increase the surface dose to the prescription dose, as discussed in a recent report (Lin et al. , 2008). Another option to achieve a more homogeneous surface dose is to mould a custom thermoplastic helmet for each patient. This would bring the supercial dose up to the prescription dose with possibly the same level of setup uncertainty as a thermoplastic immobilization head mask. 8.4 Conclusion The utility of Gafchromic EBT lm and the MOSkin for surface dosimetry was investigated. EBT Film and the MOSkin were found to provide high resolution surface dose measurements at WEDs of 153m and 70m respectively. The EBT Film and MOSkin detectors were then used with Kodak EDR2 Film to verify the supercial dose for a total scalp irradiation using helical Tomotherapy. The Gafchromic EBT lm was found to be an excellent dosimeter for this application. Its relatively low eective atomic number (Z=6.9) is close to that of water thus build up eects with edge-on irradiation is not an issue as with EDR2 lm, where the high atomic number and packaging of the lm aect the dose measurement. When compared with EBT lm surface measurements the MOSkin measured a lower surface dose due to the shallower WED of the detection volume. Calculated surface doses using the TomoTherapy RTPS were not able to be compared with surface EBT lms or MOSkin measurements as they are essentially measuring the dose at dierent locations. The surface doses calculated by the Tomotherapy planning system agree with that measured with EBT lm for a total scalp irradiation 8.4. Conclusion 178 to within 2.5% of the measured dose on the transverse EBT lms.These ndings are in contrast to previous reports in the literature on Tomotherapy surface dose calculations, which suggested the TomoTherapy planning system over-estimated the surface dose (Ramsey et al. , 2007; Higgins et al. , 2007; Cheek et al. , 2007). This is most likely a consequence of the combination of a smaller dose grid resolution utilised and this particular beam arrangement, which includes primarily tangential beamlets as opposed to beamlets orthogonal to the patient surface as in conventional head and neck treatments. When the doses from multiple tangential beamlets are super-imposed the depth required for full dose build up is reduced and a greater surface dose is achieved. Chapter 9 Multileaf collimator end leaf leakage: Implications for wide-eld IMRT 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 MLC leaves and carriages The leaves of the Millennium MLC (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA, USA) are mounted on movable carriages and each leaf can extend 14.5cm from the carriage. To limit radiation damage of the electronic components the carriages must be shielded by the jaws at all times. Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) can involve treatment volumes that have cross-sectional dimensions greater than 14.5cm. To perform intensity modulation of a eld wider than 14.5cm using the Millennium MLC the ends of closed leaf pairs must be positioned inside the eld. The Millennium MLC is designed Part of this chapter has been published in Physics in Medicine and Biology: Hardcastle N, Metcalfe P E, Ceylan A, Williams M J, 2007, Multileaf Collimator End Leaf Leakage: Implications for wide-eld IMRT, Physics in Medicine and Biology, volume 52, issue 21, pages N493N504 179 9.1. Introduction 180 with rounded leaf ends to approximate focusing in the direction of leaf motion. A consequence of the rounded design is the partial transmission of radiation through the leaf ends, which results in additional dose to the patient and this occurs even when the leaves are completely closed. The dosimetric implications of the rounded leaf end design for IMRT have been widely investigated (Boyer & Li, 1997; LoSasso et al. , 1998; Arneld et al. , 2000b) and a common method employed to account for the partial transmission is to apply an inward shift to the leaf positions. The inward shift, referred to as the radiation eld oset (RFO) is dened as the dierence between the width of the radiation eld in the direction of leaf travel and the width of the light eld in the direction of leaf travel. The RFO approximates the increase in the penumbra width caused by the transmission through the leaf end and is reported to be between 0.2-0.3mm for a Varian MLC when using 6MV photons (Kung & Chen, 2000). The RFO method is adequate for improving the agreement between planned and delivered doses for open MLC apertures. The RFO method is not applicable to closed leaf pairs as the leaves cannot be physically moved closer together. The radiation transmitted through the closed leaves of a Millennium MLC has been reported to be 25.3% for 6MV photons (Heath & Seuntjens, 2003). The limited leaf extension, a restriction on carriage movement during delivery and end leaf leakage has inhibited the use of the Varian MLC for treating IMRT elds wider than 14.5cm. 9.1.2 Wide eld IMRT with the Varian Millenium MLC MacKenzie et al. (2002) proposed three methods to achieve an IMRT delivery using the Varian Millenium MLC for volumes wider than 14.5cm. One method was to restrict the eld width to 14.5cm and use collimator rotation to attempt to cover the volume. A second approach was to use the wider eld but apply static feathering of the closed leaves, such that the closed leaf pairs were stepped across the eld in the direction of 9.1. Introduction 181 Figure 9.1: Schematic showing head and neck IMRT treatment using (a) split coaxial overlapped elds and (b) a single wide eld leaf travel as a function of the monitor units (MUs). The static feathering distributed the end leaf leakage across the eld thereby reducing the dose due to leakage at any one particular point. The third approach was to deliver two smaller overlapping elds from the same gantry angle; this technique has been investigated by others Wu et al. (2000); Dogan et al. (2003); Metcalfe et al. (2004). An example of the split co-axial elds is illustrated in Figure 9.1. This technique avoids the problem of end leaf leakage however it does require more elds to perform the IMRT delivery. Field matching can also become an issue, as day to day positional variations can aect eld overlap regions. The methods discussed previously have used either a spatial approximation for the transmission through the leaf ends, or attempted to minimise the eects of end leaf leakage by distributing closed leaf pairs across or outside the eld. An alternative method is to incorporate the rounded leaf end design into the radiotherapy treatment planning system and intrinsically account for the transmission during the plan construction (Cadman, McNutt et al. 2005; Williams and Metcalfe 2006). 9.1. Introduction 182 9.1.3 Wide eld IMRT in the Pinnacle RTPS The Pinnacle radiotherapy treatment planning system (RTPS), version 7.4 and higher (Philips Radiation Oncology Systems, Milpitas, CA, USA) provides a rounded leaf end MLC model. A detailed description of the model is provided by Cadman et al. (2005). Part of the increased MLC functionality has been the inclusion of an option for delivering step-and-shoot IMRT with a single wide eld when using the Varian MLC; this is in addition to the only option available previously of using split elds. Using this option, for elds wider than 14.5cm closed leaf pairs will occur in the eld. Due to a 14.5cm limit on over-travel of the leaves, the location of closed leaf pairs is restricted to a 29cm band in the centre of the eld. By applying a similar approach to that proposed by MacKenzie et al. (2002) the closed leaf pairs are distributed throughout this central 29cm band. The process of distributing the closed leaves has been illustrated in Figure 9.2; the position of each closed leaf pair is dependent on the positions of the nearest leaf openings and on the leaf-extension limit. As the segment shapes change the position of the closed leaves change, and as the eld width increases the range of possible positions for the closed leaves decreases. This has an upper limit of 29cm where the only location for closed leaf pairs is along the centre line of the eld. Unlike the method of MacKenzie et al. (2002) in which the closed leaves were evenly distributed across the central 29cm of the eld, this method relies on the leaf positions of adjacent segments. There is the possibility that a high concentration of closed leaf pairs could occur in the one area due to multiple segments in an intensity modulated beam having very similar shapes. In this study the end leaf leakage of a Millennium MLC using radiographic and radiochromic lm for 6MV photons was characterised. The accuracy of the Pinnacle RTPS in modelling the end leaf leakage is veried for both single segments and for an IMRT eld, and the implications of end leaf leakage for wide eld IMRT are discussed. 183 9.2. Method Figure 9.2: Wide eld IMRT as applied with the Pinnacle RTPS. All closed leaf pairs above the topmost section are positioned at the midpoint of the topmost leaf opening and all closed leaf pairs below the lowermost section are positioned at the midpoint of the lowermost leaf opening. Closed leaf pairs that occur between two openings are positioned at the average of the midpoints of the two nearest leaf openings 9.2 Method All measurements were performed using 6MV photons generated on a Varian 21EX linear accelerator equipped with a Millennium 120 leaf MLC. All exposures were made using 300 MUs unless stated otherwise. The MLC apertures were created with the Varian MLC Shaper software (V.6.1), the IMRT eld and the planar dose distributions were generated with Pinnacle (V.7.6c). 9.2.1 Magnitude of end leaf leakage The dependence of the end leaf leakage on the gap width and o-axis position has been measured. Symmetric MLC gap widths of 0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0mm were created and the secondary jaws used to dene a 10x10cm eld above the MLC. The mechanical calibration of the MLC had been performed to within a precision of 2 184 9.2. Method 0.05mm. The MLC control system on the linear accelerator forces a minimum leaf separation of 0.5mm for moving leaves, therefore to ensure that all elds generated by the RTPS could be physically delivered the RTPS had to incorporate this minimum separation. To eliminate the possibility of rounding errors a minimum leaf separation of 0.6mm was specied for the Pinnacle MLC model used in this study. Any closed leaf pairs that occur in a Pinnacle generated plan will be at the minimum separation of 0.6mm, hence this gap width was included in the measurements. The specic values for the parameters used in the Pinnacle MLC model have been described previously (Williams & Metcalfe, 2006). O-axis leakage measurements were also performed for the 0.0, 0.6 and 3.0mm gap widths. Symmetric and asymmetric 20x20cm elds, as dened by the jaws, were used in conjunction with the MLC gaps positioned at o-axis distances of -5, 0, 5, 10 and 15cm. All leakage measurements were performed with radiographic and radiochromic lm. 2 Film measurements Sheets of EDR2 radiographic lm (Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, NY, USA) were placed at a depth of 1.5cm (dmax for 6MV) in solid water (RMI-457, GammexRMI, Middelton, WI, USA). The surface of the solid water phantom was positioned at 100cm source to surface distance. The developed lms were scanned on a VXR 12-bit lm scanner (VIDAR Systems Corporation, Herndon, VA, USA) at a resolution of 300 dpi. The conversion of optical density to dose was based on a third order polynomial t of the data for a set of 16 calibration lms taken over the range of 0Gy to 3.5Gy in 25cGy steps (Williamson, Khan et al. 1981; Suchowerska, Davison et al. 1997). The EDR2 measurements were repeated with Gafchromic EBT lm (ISP Corp, Wayne, NJ, USA) under identical set-up conditions. The EBT lms were scanned on a Umax Astra 6700 (Umax Technologies, Inc., Taiwan) atbed scanner in reective mode at a 9.2. Method 185 Figure 9.3: The end leaf leakage for a 6MV photon beam measured at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water using EDR2 lm for (a) 0mm gap width (b) and 3mm gap width resolution of 300 dpi. A conversion from grey scale to dose was carried out using a set of calibration lms performed at the same dose intervals as the EDR2 calibration. Pinnacle dose maps Each of the eld arrangements were reproduced on Pinnacle and a 2D planar dose distribution calculated at a depth of 1.5cm in water. For the 0.0mm gap width the minimum leaf separation parameter on Pinnacle was reduced to 0mm, for all other elds it remained at 0.6mm. Dose calculations were performed using the collapsed cone convolution algorithm with a 2mm dose grid and a matching uence grid resolution. Dose proles across the leaf ends were extracted from the 2D dose distributions and compared to the dose proles measured with lm. 9.2.2 IMRT eld Film dosimetry was performed for an IMRT eld that had been used clinically for the treatment of a head and neck case. This particular IMRT case involved 7 beams 9.3. Results and discussion 186 delivering 50Gy in 25 fractions. An IMRT eld that exhibited end leaf leakage was chosen from the 7 beams. This IMRT eld was 18cm wide and required 21 segments with 130MU in total. The planar dose distribution at a depth of 10cm (100cm SAD) in solid water was measured with the EDR2 and EBT lm. The dose distributions were scaled by a factor of 25 to reect the total dose for the full course of treatment, and the lm measurements were compared to the dose distribution predicted by Pinnacle. 9.3 Results and discussion 9.3.1 Magnitude of end leaf leakage Central axis end leaf leakage In Figure 9.3 the EDR2 lms exposed at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water for the 0mm and 3mm gap widths are shown. The corresponding dose proles across the leaf ends measured with the EDR2 and EBT lm and predicted by Pinnacle are shown in Figure 9.4; the data for the 0.6mm gap has also been included. For the closed MLC, or 0mm gap width, the maximum leakage measured with the EBT lm was 0.39cGy/MU. This value was under-predicted by Pinnacle by approximately 40%, which calculated a leakage of 0.23cGy/MU. The maximum leakage measured for the 0.6mm gap was 0.51cGy/MU, which is approximately half of the dose received by a point in the open eld. As mentioned previously the 0.6mm gap width represents the spacing between closed leaf pairs for clinical IMRT elds generated using Pinnacle. The peak measured and Pinnacle predicted doses for all gap widths are shown in Figure 9.5. For gap widths less than 5mm Pinnacle under-estimated the dose between the closed leaf pairs. Investigation of the dose grid resolution showed that there was no change in the dose predicted by Pinnacle for grid sizes of 2mm and smaller. While the grid size used was larger than the smallest leaf gap, it was smaller 9.3. Results and discussion 187 Figure 9.4: Line proles across the end leaf leakage for a 6MV photon beam measured at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water with EDR2 and EBT lm, and predicted by Pinnacle for the (a) 0mm (b) 0.6mm and (c) 3mm gap widths. 9.3. Results and discussion 188 Figure 9.5: Comparison of a) the Pinnacle predicted and measured doses for the end leaf leakage and b) FWHM of end leaf leakage peaks as a function of width between opposing MLC leaves 9.3. Results and discussion 189 than the FWHM of the leakage dose as measured using EDR2 and EBT lm. At a grid size of 4mm Pinnacle underestimated the dose by approximately 48% for the 0mm gap width compared to the 40% under-estimation at a 2mm grid size. The dose predicted by Pinnacle below the closed leaf tips is strongly dependent on the parameters used in the MLC model. As presented in a previous publication (Williams and Metcalfe), the leaf tip radius used for our Pinnacle MLC model was 12cm instead of the physical radius of 8cm. By decreasing the leaf tip radius of the Pinnacle MLC model a better agreement between the measured and predicted end leaf leakage could have been achieved but this would compromise the accuracy of the model in the penumbral region of open MLC elds. In Figure 9.5(b) the FWHM of the predicted and measured dose proles for the gap widths are plotted. Based on the EBT lm measurements the FWHM for the 0.6mm gap width was 3.5mm at a depth of 1.5cm in solid water, with a maximum transmission of 0.51cGy/MU. The amount of radiation transmitted through closed MLC leaf pairs is not trivial, and for a single eld it could represent almost 25% of the dose from the open portion of the eld being unintentionally delivered to a 3.5mm wide strip of the patient. Pinnacle predicts the presence of these strips, however in our case it under-estimated the magnitude of the end leaf leakage and subsequently over-estimated the FWHM. O-axis end leaf leakage The o-axis dependence of the end leaf leakage was also investigated, and is illustrated in Figure 9.6. end leaf leakage was measured at 5cm, 10cm and 15cm o axis in the direction of leaf travel. Note that placement of closed leaf pairs 15cm o-axis is unlikely in clinical situations. For the 0mm gap width the amount of radiation transmitted through the closed leaf tips decreased as the gap was positioned further o-axis, for all other leaf gaps the transmission was independent of the o-axis position. The shape 9.3. Results and discussion 190 of the transmitted prole for the 0mm gap at the furthest o-axis position can be explained by the leaf geometry. The curvature of the MLC leaf is such that the top and bottom points of the leading edge of the leaf are 4.54mm further back from the leaf tip, which is 513.15mm from the source and has a total leaf thickness of 61.30mm. Applying these parameters to the geometry shown in Figure 9.7 it was determined that when the 0mm gap is positioned at distances greater than 148.2mm from the central axis it is possible for ray-lines from the source to pass through both MLC leaf tips. The attenuation by both leaves resulted in a dip in the transmitted radiation at the leaf gap centred at 15.0cm o-axis. For the 0.6mm gap the corresponding position after which attenuation by both leaves could have occurred was calculated to be 158.0mm. The amount of transmitted radiation predicted by Pinnacle decreased as the oaxis distance increased. This was due in part to the use of the larger radius of curvature for the leaf tip in the model. The leaf tip radius is used by Pinnacle to determine the amount of attenuating material seen by each ray-line as it passes through the leaf. The larger radius results in a greater thickness of leaf material being calculated and hence the attenuation by the leaf tip is overestimated. The eects of the larger radius are exaggerated at o-axis distances due to the oblique incidences of ray-lines on the leaf tip producing longer path lengths through the leaves. We are unable to explain why the Pinnacle predicted dose increased at an o axis distance of 15cm for the 0mm gap width; however when the leaf end radius was change from 12cm to 8cm a uniform peak dose was predicted at all o axis locations. Clinical IMRT end leaf leakage The measured and predicted planar dose distributions for the IMRT eld are shown in Figure 9.8. The presence of closed leaf pairs was evident throughout the entire eld, with end leaf leakage contributing dose at numerous locations across the eld. Two specic locations were chosen for analysis; their positions have been indicated in 9.3. Results and discussion 191 Figure 9.6: O-axis end leaf leakage for the a) 0mm gap width b) 0.6mm gap width and c) 3mm gap width 9.3. Results and discussion 192 Figure 9.7: The geometry of the Millennium MLC leaf was used to determine the o-axis distances at which ray-lines from the source would begin to pass through both leaf tips for the 0mm and 0.6mm leaf gaps. 9.3. Results and discussion 193 Figure 9.8: A wide IMRT eld (a) Radiographic EDR2 lm grey scale map at 10cm depth in solid water (b) RTPS planar dose maps taken at 10cm depth in solid water of a wide IMRT eld showing end leaf leakage. The lines shown represent where line proles were taken. Figure 9.8. Line 1 occurred inside a low intensity region overlying a critical structure, and line 2 was in a higher intensity region of the eld that contributed dose to the target volume. Figure 9.9(a) and (b) show the measured and predicted dose proles across the end leaf leakage at positions 1 and 2 respectively. The doses in Figure 9.9 are the total doses resulting from all 25 fractions. The maximum dose measured along line 1 was 3.04Gy and the surrounding low intensity region received a dose of approximately 1.25Gy. The end leaf leakage increased the dose by 1.8Gy in the low intensity region. Pinnacle predicted the presence and location of the leakage but under-estimated the amount. The maximum dose predicted by Pinnacle across the end leaf leakage was 2.4Gy; this was 20% lower than the measured value. Across line 2 the maximum measured dose was 6.7Gy compared to 5.4Gy predicted by Pinnacle, again a 20% dierence. The dose in the uniform intensity region surrounding the end leaf leakage at line 2 was approximately 3.95Gy; hence the end leaf leakage contributed an additional 2.75Gy to the dose in this region. 9.3. Results and discussion 194 Figure 9.9: Proles taken across (a) Line 1 in a low intensity shielded region of the IMRT eld shown in gure 8 and (b) Line 2 in a high intensity region of the eld. 9.3. Results and discussion 195 The dose that results from end leaf leakage can be substantial, with increases of up to 1.8 and 2.75Gy recorded for this particular eld. These doses were measured at a depth of 10cm in solid water for a single IMRT eld; the entire treatment consisted of 7 beams delivering 50Gy to the target volume. Additional occurrences of end leaf leakage were present in the IMRT eld and also in some of the other 6 beams. Doses of the order of 2-3Gy observed here increase the risk of complication for healthy tissues and critical structures. This is especially pertinent for IMRT which to achieve the treatment objective relies heavily on the validity of tolerance doses specied for critical structures and on the accuracy of the planning system in predicting the dose delivered to those structures. For a serial structure such as the spinal cord an additional 2-3Gy may increase the dose beyond an acceptable limit. The ability of a planning system to predict this dose, even with limited accuracy, enables the location of the leakage to be identied and the dose contribution to critical structures assessed and potentially compensated for in the IMRT optimisation. The data presented in this study is specic to the leaf model implemented at Illawarra Cancer Care Centre, Wollongong Hospital and the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong. The magnitude of dose resulting from end leaf leakage in a wide eld IMRT delivery using the Millennium MLC will be dependent on many factors. The accuracy of MLC calibration and the minimum gap width specied will directly impact on the leakage; in our case we were using a 0.6mm minimum leaf gap. The accuracy of a planning system in predicting the magnitude and distribution of dose from end leaf leakage is dependent on the beam model, MLC model, and calculation grid. In its' present implementation of wide eld IMRT Pinnacle does not selectively position closed leaf pairs, instead their position is governed by the leaf positions of neighboring open segments. As the IMRT eld widens the possible position of the closed leaf pairs narrows and is more central in the eld. Possible improvements 9.4. Conclusion 196 would be to increment the position of closed leaf pairs across the eld, as suggested by MacKenzie et al. (2002); or alternatively position the leaves in locations that do not coincide with high risk critical structures. 9.4 Conclusion The leakage of radiation through closed leaf ends of a Millennium MLC can contribute a signicant amount of dose when positioned inside the eld. The maximum leakage measured for a single eld was 0.39cGy/MU for a 0mm gap and 0.51cGy/MU for a 0.6mm gap. In wide eld IMRT the closed leaf ends are distributed throughout the central 29cm of the eld due to the 14.5cm over-travel limits of the MLC. Their dosimetric contribution and anatomical location should not be ignored. For a single IMRT eld end leaf leakage contributed an additional 2-3Gy over the course of treatment. The RTPS investigated in this study provided an elegant leaf model however there were dierences in predicted versus measured end leaf leakage doses for clinical situations of 20-40%. In practice any signicant leakage predicted by the RTPS should be veried prior to delivery of the treatment. If a sensitive serial structure, such as the spinal cord, is being treated close to tolerance any extra dose unaccounted for in the plan may result in unacceptable tissue complications. The ability to plan and treat IMRT elds wider than 14.5cm with the Millennium MLC has improved the eciency and exibility of IMRT treatments; however care needs to be taken to ensure that these gains do not inadvertently compromise treatment ecacy. Chapter 10 Summary and future work 10.1 Evaluation of advantages or disadvantages of IMRT over 3DCRT for prostate radiotherapy In Chapter 2, IMRT plans were compared with 3DCRT plans for 16 prostate patients. IMRT resulted in lower rectal doses leading to reductions in rectal NTCPs for all sixteen patients. The rectal dose reductions were seen over the whole dose range but the magnitude of the reductions varied from patient to patient. The delivery eciency was compared and this resulted in the IMRT plans requiring on average 42% more MU for plan delivery. While dose distribution improvements are more important than time eciency for cancer patients, quantifying the extra delivery time is necessary for planning patient throughput. 197 10.2. Evaluation of biological optimisation tools for prostate IMRT 198 10.2 Evaluation of biological optimisation tools for prostate IMRT In Chapter 3, IMRT plans were created for sixteen prostate patients using biological optimisation objectives. The maximum gEUD IMRT objective was used for the rectum. The gEUD function requires the desired maximum gEUD value and the value of the parameter a. For each patient, three IMRT plans were created using a goal maximum gEUD value of as low as possible without compromising target coverage and a values of 3, 4.5 and 9 for the rectum. While equivalent PTV dose was retained, the rectal DVH changed depending on the value of a used. As the value of a increased, the volumes receiving high doses were reduced and the volumes receiving mid-low doses increased. Only the plans optimised with a = 3 resulted in statistically signicant reductions in gEUD (calculated with a=3) over plans optimised with a=3 or a=9. This suggests that the most gains in rectal dose reductions are in reducing volumes receiving mid-low doses which is consistent with the anatomy of the rectal volume. 10.3 Investigation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy for prostate cancer Volumetric Modulated Arc Radiotherapy (VMAT) plans were investigated in Chapter 4. VMAT is a relatively new IMRT delivery technique whereby a modulated dose distribution is delivered with a conventional linac using a continuously rotating gantry with dynamic MLC motion. Recent literature suggests VMAT requires signicantly fewer MU than static gantry angle IMRT for equivalent target coverage and normal tissue sparing. For ten prostate patients, seven eld static gantry angle IMRT plans were compared with VMAT plans planed with the same biological and physical dose 10.4. Optimisation of prostate IMRT plans based on the theoretical 'ideal dose' 199 objectives. For all ten patients, VMAT resulted in reductions in the volumes receiving at 25Gy. This result was statistically signicant. VMAT required on average 18.6% fewer MU than static gantry angle IMRT for delivery. In addition, the VMAT plans were all limited to a 2 minute delivery time. This was in comparison to an average of 7.5minutes required for seven eld IMRT at this institution for rst beam on to last beam o. 10.4 Optimisation of prostate IMRT plans based on the theoretical 'ideal dose' A method of reducing optimisation time by using prior knowledge of the optimal dose distribution for prostate cancer IMRT was presented. The method generated an optimal deliverable photon dose distribution based on the anatomy of the patient. An 'ideal' DVH was then calculated for this optimal dose distribution from which the gEUD was calculated. The gEUD value was used as the optimisation goal for a maximum gEUD IMRT objective function. The optimisation algorithm was able to return an equal or superior dose distribution in one half to one third the time required compared that achieved by optimising without prior dose distribution knowledge. 10.5 Investigation of the dosimetric eect of rectal balloon cavities In Chapter 6, the eect of an air cavity on surrounding dose distributions was investigated for a commercial rectal balloon using radiochromic lm. The dosimetry was performed under a number of irradiation conditions - single eld, 3DCRT, IMRT and helical tomotherapy. For these four conditions the accuracy of two commercial RTPSs 10.6. Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall using rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter 200 in calculating the dose surrounding rectal balloon cavities was investigated. The rectal balloon cavity was found to perturb the dose in the same way as see in other air cavity situations. That is, for beams incident on the cavity, a decrease in the anterior (in direction of beam source) cavity wall dose due to loss of electronic equilibrium was observed. A secondary dose build up at the posterior cavity wall was also observed. For a beam incident laterally on the cavity, the posterior rectal wall dose increased due to penumbral aring. These eects were calculated by the Pinnacle RTPS but underestimated. For seven eld 3DCRT and IMRT plans, the anterior rectal wall dose was over-predicted and the posterior rectal wall dose under-predicted. This resulted in an over-prediction by the Pinnacle RTPS of the rectal wall volumes receiving mid-high doses. For the helical tomotherapy plan, the rectal DVH was accurately calculated. In general, the secondary dose build up in the tissue beyond the balloon (in the prostate target) was less than anticipated. It was reasonably accurately calculated by both planning systems and increased condence that the air cavity produced by the balloon does not produce loss of dose to the target. The fact that the Pinnacle RTPS over-estimated the rectal DVH and the TomoTherapy RTPS slightly under-predicted the rectal DVH suggests that rectal DVH cutpoints derived from conventional IMRT cannot be directly transferred to the tomotherapy situation. 10.6 Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall using rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter In Chapter 7, the rectal balloon combined with a MOSFET for in vivo dosimetry was investigated. The rectal balloon provides an excellent means for in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall in prostate radiotherapy. This provides both rectal wall dose measure- 10.6. Evaluation of in vivo dosimetry of the rectal wall using rectal balloons combined with a novel MOSFET dosimeter 201 ments and possibly PTV dose measurements, as the anterior rectal wall is generally contained by the PTV. The MOSkin detector was used. This is a MOSFET detector with a reproducible build up of 70m WED. A number of MOSkin detectors were placed on the outside of a commercial rectal balloon which was placed in a specically designed phantom. A helical tomotherapy plan delivering 70Gy in 2.5Gy fractions to a hypothetical prostate target was delivered. The MOSkin detectors provided real time read out of dose with read out frequency of 1Hz. The MOSkin measurements were compared with EBT lm measurements and the TomoTherapy RTPS calculation. The MOSkin measured dose was less than that of the RTPS at anterior locations. The dose to the anterior cavity wall was also measured with Gafchromic EBT lm. The MOSkin under-responded compared with the EBT lm which under-responded compared to the RTPS calculation. The EBT lm measurement suggests an over-prediction of the anterior rectal wall dose by the RTPS, in agreement with the results presented in Chapter 6. The MOSkin measured dose was less than that of the EBT lm due to angular response, whereby a lower sensitivity is observed for radiation incident through the Si substrate on the underside of the MOSkin. Two correction strategies were discussed to account for this. The rst is a lter placed on the top of the MOSkin to reduce the sensitivity to radiation incident from the top of the MOSkin. The second is a dual MOSkin conguration whereby two MOSkins are placed face to face and the average reading of the two detectors is taken. The dual MOSkin conguration proved to be a successful method of reducing angular response to within 2.5$. The dual MOSkin was used to verify the anterior rectal wall dose for a 3DCRT and IMRT plan for a hypothetical prostate treatment in a phantom. The dual MOSkin-measured anterior rectal wall dose was 2.62% (3DCRT) and 3.17% (IMRT) lower than the Pinnacle RTPS calculated dose to the dual MOSkin. 10.7. Evaluation of the MOSkin and Gafchromic EBT Film for clinical surface dose verication 202 10.7 Evaluation of the MOSkin and Gafchromic EBT Film for clinical surface dose verication In Chapter 8, two novel skin dosimeters were investigated for clinical surface/skin dose verication. Recent literature suggests that the TomoTherapy Hi-ART RTPS over-predicts the surface dose. This is potentially a problem for cases where the surface/skin is part of the target volume, such as in total scalp irradiation. A novel surface dosimeter, the MOSkin was compared with Gafchromic EBT Film for surface dosimetry. Both detectors provided excellent spatial resolution in the depth direction. The MOSkin and EBT lm were then used to verify the dose delivered to a phantom, simulating a total scalp irradiation treatment. EBT lm was placed in the transverse slices of an anthropomorphic phantom and on the surface of the phantom. MOSkin detectors were placed on the surface in locations corresponding to the EBT lm locations. The RTPS surface dose calculation was found to be within 2% of the transverse lm measurements. The RTPS surface dose calculation was assisted in this case by the multiple overlapping beamlets delivered tangentially to the surface of the phantom, thus increasing the surface dose. The surface doses measured with the EBT lm and MOSkin were not compared with the plan as they represent two dierent measurement geometries. It was found that the MOSkin measured dose was consistently less than the EBT lm measured dose, due to the shallower WED of the MOSkin. This study demonstrated that the location of the sensitive volume, hence the WED of the detector determines the measured surface dose. 10.8. Measurement of collimator leakage for a linac MLC 203 10.8 Measurement of collimator leakage for a linac MLC In Chapter 9, the use of a commercial MLC for wide eld MLC and implications of end leaf leakage is discussed. One vendor's MLC has a maximum leaf over travel of 14.5cm. This means that for jaw dened elds larger than this, any opposite leaf pairs cannot be joined with jaw shielding. A recent IMRT optimisation algorithm in the Pinnacle RTPS allows for IMRT elds to be larger than 14.5cm therefore for elds wider than this, opposite leaf pairs are joined without jaw shielding. This is a problem as the leaf ends are rounded, therefore when they are joined, leakage occurs, termed 'end leaf leakage'. This leakage was measured for simple square elds and varying distances between opposing leaves using radiographic and radiochromic lm. The lm measurements were compared with the Pinnacle RTPS calculation of the leakage. It was found that for opposing leaf gaps of < 5mm, the Pinnacle RTPS under-estimated the magnitude and the FWHM of the leakage. The end leaf leakage was measured for a clinical IMRT eld. An under-prediction by the Pinnacle RTPS of up to 2.75Gy over a 50Gy treatment course was found. 10.9. Future work 204 10.9 Future work 10.9.1 Following on from the current work At the completion of this thesis it was clear there were a number of things that time/resource constraints have prevented from being investigated. Topics worthy of future investigation include: Extend the planning studies presented in Chapters 2-4 to include patients with seminal vesicle involvement. Investigation of VMAT plans for other treatment sites, including head and neck and pelvic nodal irradiation Comparison of VMAT plans with helical tomotherapy plans Performing the IMRT and VMAT planning studies on patients with rectal balloons inserted Pursuing a small clinical trial investigating the use of the rectal balloon/MOSkin apparatus for daily in vivo dosimetry 10.9.2 Prostate radiotherapy Chapters 2-5 describe planning and delivery techniques to reduce OAR doses for prostate radiotherapy. IMRT was shown to decrease rectal dose, compared with 3DCRT. Biological optimisation was then shown to be a useful method for reducing rectal doses for prostate IMRT. A new delivery technique, VMAT, was then used with biological optimisation objectives to result in even further rectal dose reductions with the added benet of large eciency gains. An algorithm was then presented that allows for patient specic IMRT objectives to be set. 10.9. Future work 205 10.9.3 Target denition Chapters 2-4 present planning studies investigating the eects of dierent delivery and optimisation techniques on prostate radiotherapy. In these planning studies, the target was dened as the prostate only. However, a proportion of prostate radiotherapy patients require irradiation of the seminal vesicles (SVs) in addition to the prostate. Denition of the SVs in the target volume increase the complexity of the target shape. It follows then that the advantages of complex delivery techniques such as IMRT, VMAT and helical tomotherapy over 3DCRT could be increased when the SVs are included in the target volume. The advantages of IMRT over 3DCRT and the ecacy of VMAT when treating the prostate plus SVs is currently being investigated. The SVs were contoured on two of the patients used in Chapter 2. The SVs were contoured according to the PROFIT (Ontario Clinical Oncology Group (OCOG) NCT00304759) clinical trial guidelines; the SVs are contoured from the base of the prostate to 1cm superior to the prostate base. IMRT and 3DCRT plans were then created based on the same objectives presented in Chapter 2. Figures 10.1-10.4 show the dose distributions and cumulative DVHs for the prostate plus SVs, rectum, bladder and femoral heads. It is clear from Figures 10.2 and 10.4 that IMRT results in signicantly reduced rectal and bladder doses. The rectal dose reductions are increased compared with that seen with the same patients treating to the prostate only (Chapter 2). It is expected that the rectal and bladder dose cut points used clinically at Illawarra Cancer Care Centre may not be met with the 3DCRT plans when treated to 78Gy. Therefore a major benet of IMRT for these patients could be the ability to dose escalate to 78Gy whilst meeting rectal and bladder constraints. The remainder of the 16 patients used in Chapter 2 will be re-planned to deliver 78Gy to the prostate and SVs using 3DCRT and IMRT techniques. 10.9. Future work 206 Figure 10.1: Dose distributions for (a) 3DCRT (sagittal) (b) IMRT (sagittal) (c) 3DCRT (transverse) and (d) IMRT (transverse) plans for Patient 5 including seminal vesicles 10.9. Future work 207 Figure 10.2: Cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and rectum and (b) bladder and femoral heads for Patient 5 10.9. Future work 208 Figure 10.3: Dose distributions for (a) 3DCRT (sagittal) (b) IMRT (sagittal) (c) 3DCRT (transverse) and (d) IMRT (transverse) plans for Patient 6 including seminal vesicles 10.9. Future work 209 Figure 10.4: Cumulative DVHs for (a) PTV and rectum and (b) bladder and femoral heads for Patient 6 10.9. Future work 210 Target motion The planning techniques evaluated in this thesis were performed on planning CT scans taken prior to the start of treatment. There have been many reports of large rectal volume dierences and prostate movement between fractions (Bylund et al. , 2008; Hsi et al. , 2008; Huang et al. , 2002a; Osei et al. , 2009). As a result, the plan obtained on the planning system prior to treatment is generally not what is obtained during the treatment. Various methods are used to reduce the interfractional and intrafractional anatomical variations, such as attempts to control bowel and bladder lling and the use of rectal balloons McGary et al. (2002); Teh et al. (2001, 2002); Wachter et al. (2002). Methods also exist to take into account for prostate motion such as daily volumetric imaging or use of ducial markers to track the prostate. These methods allow targeting of the prostate immediately prior to the delivery of each fraction. However, a recent report by Noel et al. (2009) found that neither preor post-irradiation imaging were sucient to predict intrafractional prostate motion. This suggests that prostate immobilisation or real-time prostate tracking should be employed. The dierences in anatomy from the planning CT during the course of the treatment results in a loss of condence that the planned dose distribution is actually delivered. Two approaches to minimising this problem should be considered. The rst is to immobilise the prostate for the planning CT and subsequent fraction delivery. This is achieved using a rectal balloon. Currently, there are few, if any institutions in Australia that employ rectal balloons, even though they have been shown to immobilise the prostate and reduce rectal toxicity (D'Amico et al. , 2006; van Lin et al. , 2005b, 2007; McGary et al. , 2002; Patel et al. , 2003; Teh et al. , 2005; Wang et al. , 2007). The employment of rectal balloons would increase condence that the anatomy for each fraction delivery is the same as the anatomy seen on the planning 10.9. Future work 211 CT. Disadvantages of this approach are the relatively high cost of rectal balloons (relative to treatment cost in Australia) and the discomfort for the patient. There have been reports however, that show generally good patient acceptance of rectal balloons (Goldner et al. , 2006). The second approach is to take daily volumetric images of the target region and fuse these to the planning CT data. If large enough variations in the anatomy are observed, then the registration data used for fusion of the image sets could be used to modify the uence maps of each IMRT eld, hence the individual segments could be modied to account for the changed anatomy (Court et al. , 2005; Ludlum et al. , 2007). This method, termed 'adaptive radiotherapy' would work as follows (Yan et al. , 1997, 1998): Planning CT taken, anatomy delineated and IMRT plan created For each fraction, patient has volumetric image which is fused to planning CT Dosimetric error due to anatomical variations between planned and daily CT are calculated If the dosimetric error is outside of set tolerance values, the IMRT segments are modied to achieve desired dose distribution New IMRT plan is checked by oncologist and delivered This approach would require a modied optimisation algorithm, one that would take the original, planned solution and work only to modify it. A fast dose calculation engine would also be required, as the patient would be on the couch waiting for delivery. A more recent report on direct aperture optimisation for adaptive radiotherapy by Mestrovic et al. (2007) showed that with their algorithm, the total treatment time would only be increased by 2, 4 or 6s for prostate movements of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75cm 212 10.9. Future work respectively. This approach has the disadvantage that intrafractional motion is not taken into account. Therefore ideally, it should be coupled with a rectal balloon, so that intrafractional motion is minimised. Another disadvantage is the extra imaging dose that the patient receives. This is already being delivered in institutions that employ daily pre-treatment volumetric imaging yet the eects of this extra imaging dose are not well known. This could be negated if volumetric imaging modalities that don't use ionising radiation, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Ultrasound, are employed for daily pre-treatment imaging. Already, prototype combined MRI/linacs are being tested (Lagendijk et al. , 2008; Kirkby et al. , 2008). The accuracy of this approach is also dependent on the accuracy of deformable registration algorithms, which are required to track the dose to individual volume elements in the patient. This is necessary so that daily delivered doses and DVHs can be added and tracked for possible treatment modication based on the delivered doses. 10.9.4 In vivo dosimetry This thesis has investigated the use of a novel MOSFET detector, the MOSkin. All of the work contained in this thesis however is performed on a phantom. To realise the full potential of the MOSkin, measurements on patients need to be performed. The CMRP is involved in two projects to implement in vivo MOSkin use to monitor patient dose: Skin measurements: Skin toxicity during breast radiotherapy is a common and uncomfortable side eect. The MOSkin would provide a useful measurement of the skin dose to the breast, particularly if breast immobilisation devices are introduced. As skin toxicity develops over the treatment fraction, the depth of the radiosensitive basal layer in the skin increases. Therefore it is proposed that a series of MOSkin 10.9. Future work 213 detectors is provided, covering a range of WEDs that can be used depending on at what depth the oncologist wants to measure the dose. Rectal wall measurements: The dual MOSkin approach described in Chapter 7 is being actively pursued for implementation in a commercial rectal balloon. The MOSkin detector would be placed, during manufacturing, in the anterior wall of the balloon. This would provide a dual MOSkin measurement at the rectal wall for target and rectal wall dose monitoring. It has been proposed by that the readout system and supply bias voltage would be miniaturised and placed on the treatment couch, connected to the MOSkin/Balloon apparatus. This would then be connected with a wireless connection (possibly via Bluetooth) with a laptop computer outside of the treatment bunker and the MOSkin read out during the treatment delivery. Software on the laptop would control readout and storage of measured doses during the course of the treatment. One possible problem would be calibration of the MOSkin detectors, as they would be supplied already embedded in the rectal balloon, meaning the MOSkins would have to be pre-calibrated prior to integration in the balloon. However, the MOSkin technology developed at the CMRP has resulted in a reproducible sensitivity between each detector in a single batch ( 2%). This allows a single sensitivity for a whole batch of MOSkins (all from the same Si wafer). One issues that need to be addressed for the MOSkin to be used for real-time in vivo measurements on patients is the temperature dependence of the MOSkin detector. It has been shown that the MOSkin threshold voltage and response varies with temperature. A method to correct for this without dual MOSFE approach (Soubra et al. , 1994; Thomson, 1987) and additional temperature sensors placed on a MOSFET carrier has been proposed and justied by A.B. Rosenfeld and realised in a prototype MOSFET reader at the CMRP (Safavi-Naeni, 2005). This will be incorporated into the next generation of CMRP-developed MOSFET read out systems. 10.9. Future work 214 10.9.5 Summary This thesis represents a combined study that may, in small increments, contribute towards achieving optimal treatment planning, delivery and dosimetry methods for radiotherapy for cancer patients. The two priorities for continuing the work undertaken in this thesis are Investigate IMRT, biological IMRT optimisation and VMAT planning and delivery techniques for prostate patients with seminal vesicle involvement Clinical trials using the MOSkins on radiotherapy patients for skin dosimetry and rectal wall dosimetry Appendices 215 Appendix A Ideal dose script Chapter 5 describes a method for calculating the optimal dose for an individual patient anatomy. This so called 'ideal dose' can then be used as a guide for IMRT optimisation. The optimal dose is generated using a script (described below), which takes as input a CT scan with contours in the CERR format. A.1 Ideal dose calculation script 1 function [ i d e a l D o s e u n i q u e S l i c e s regParamS ] = g e t I d e a l D o s e ( planC , zone100 , dose100 , zone95 , dose95 , zoneZero , doseZero , PTV) 2 3 % c r e a t i o n o f i n d i v i d u a l dose g r i d s f o r each contour : 4 5 6 % c r e a t e 100% zone : 7 8 % g e t t h e CT data s e t s i z e , s l i c e numbers c o n t a i n i n g t h e 100% contour , a 9 mask o f 1 s and 0 s r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e contour and a dose g r i d f o r 100% contour : [ c t S i z e u n i q u e S l i c e s 1 0 0 d a t a S e t newDose100 ] = getMask ( planC , zone100 , d os e 1 00 ) ; 10 11 % c o n v e r t t o i n t 1 6 t o c o n s e r v e memory : 12 newDose100 = i n t 1 6 ( newDose100 ) ; 13 14 % save 100% dose g r i d and remove from workspace t o c l e a r out o f memory : 15 save ( ' newDose100 . mat ' , ' newDose100 ' ) ; 216 A.1. Ideal dose calculation script 16 17 217 c l e a r newDose100 18 19 20 % c r e a t e 95% zone : 21 [ c t S i z e u n i q u e S l i c e s 9 5 d a t a S e t newDose95 ] = getMask ( planC , zone95 , d o s e 95 ); 22 newDose95 = i n t 1 6 ( newDose95 ) ; 23 save ( ' newDose95 . mat ' , ' newDose95 ' ) ; 24 c l e a r newDose95 25 26 27 28 % c r e a t e 0% ( s c a t t e r ) zone : 29 [ c t S i z e u n i q u e S l i c e s Z e r o d a t a S e t newDoseZero ] = getMask ( planC , zoneZero , doseZero ) ; 30 newDoseZero = i n t 1 6 ( newDoseZero ) ; 31 save ( ' newDoseZero . mat ' , ' newDoseZero ' ) ; 32 c l e a r newDoseZero 33 34 35 36 % Get i n f o r m a t i o n on t h e l o w e s t and h i g h e s t s l i c e #s c o n t a i n i n g t h e 37 % c o n t o u r s . This i s needed l a t e r when re sampling t h e dose cube : 38 m i n S l i c e ( 1 , 1 ) = min ( u n i q u e S l i c e s 1 0 0 ) ; 39 m i n S l i c e ( 1 , 2 ) = min ( u n i q u e S l i c e s 9 5 ) ; 40 m i n S l i c e ( 1 , 3 ) = min ( u n i q u e S l i c e s Z e r o ) ; 41 l o w e s t S l i c e = min ( m i n S l i c e ) ; 42 43 m a x S l i c e ( 1 , 1 ) = max( u n i q u e S l i c e s 1 0 0 ) ; 44 m a x S l i c e ( 1 , 2 ) = max( u n i q u e S l i c e s 9 5 ) ; 45 m a x S l i c e ( 1 , 3 ) = max( u n i q u e S l i c e s Z e r o ) ; 46 h i g h e s t S l i c e = max( m a x S l i c e ) ; 47 48 49 % c r e a t e penumbral mask : 50 51 penThick = 1 ; % t h i c k n e s s in cm o f penumbral r e g i o n around PTV 52 53 % g e t mask o f 1 s t h r o u g h t o 10 s r e p r e s e n t i n g d i f f e r e n t dose l e v e l s in t h e penumbra : 54 penMask = getPenMask ( planC , PTV, penThick , c t S i z e ) ; 55 % c o n v e r t t o i n t 8 t o save memory 56 penMask = i n t 8 ( penMask ) ; 57 A.1. Ideal dose calculation script 218 58 % remove c e n t r e o f penumbral zone ( which i s 100%/95% zone i . e . PTV) and r e p l a c e w i t h 0Gy . The PTV r e g i o n in t h e penumbral mask w i l l have a mask v a l u e o f 10 t h e r e f o r e t h i s v a l u e i s s u b t r a c t e d from t h e c e n t r e o f t h e penumbral mask : 59 60 d o s e C e n t r e = 10; % 10 i s t h e mask v a l u e o f t h e PTV 61 62 % g e t mask o f PTV and s e t dose t o e q u a l doseCentre . This r e s u l t s in a 63 mask o f 0 s and doseCentre v a l u e s [ c t S i z e u n i q u e S l i c e s d a t a S e t newDoseCentreDose ] = getMask ( planC , PTV, doseCentre ) ; 64 65 % c o n v e r t t o i n t 8 t o save memory 66 newDoseCentreDose = i n t 8 ( newDoseCentreDose ) ; 67 68 % add t h e o r i g i n a l penumbral mask t o t h e newDoseCentreDose t o r e s u l t in a 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 penumbral mask w i t h 1 s t h r o u g h t o 10 s b u t 0 i n s i d e and o u t s i d e o f t h e penumbra penMask = penMask+newDoseCentreDose ; % c r e a t e t h e penumbral dose g r i d : % penumbral r e g i o n d o s e s . Taken r o u g h l y from a 10x10cm f i e l d penumbra : region1 = 1560; region2 = 2465; region3 = 3104; region4 = 3861; region5 = 4618; region6 = 5327; region7 = 5936; region8 = 6435; region9 = 6770; region10 = 6942; % i n i t i a l i s e penumbral dose g r i d : penDose = zeros ( c t S i z e ( 1 , 1 ) , c t S i z e ( 1 , 2 ) , c t S i z e ( 1 , 3 ) ) ; clear i j k % a s s i g n d o s e s t o penumbral r e g i o n s . Each v o x e l in t h e penumbral mask i s i n t e r r o g a t e d and t h e a p p r o p r i a t e r e g i o n dose i s a p p l i e d : f o r k=1: c t S i z e ( 1 , 3 ) f o r i =1: c t S i z e ( 1 , 1 ) f o r j =1: c t S i z e ( 1 , 2 ) i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 1 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 1 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 2 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 2 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 3 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 3 ; 219 A.1. Ideal dose calculation script 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 4 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 4 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 5 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 5 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 6 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 6 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 7 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 7 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 8 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 8 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 9 penDose ( i , j , k ) = r e g i o n 9 ; e l s e i f penMask ( i , j , k ) == 10 115 end 116 end 117 end 118 end 119 end 120 end 121 end 122 end 123 end 124 end 125 end 126 end 127 end 128 129 save ( ' penDose . mat ' , ' penDose ' ) ; 130 % c o n v e r t t o i n t 1 6 t o save memory 131 penDose = i n t 1 6 ( penDose ) ; 132 133 penDose ( i , j , k ) = region10 ; 134 135 % Combine t h e d o s e s : 136 load newDose100 . mat ; 137 load newDose95 . mat ; 138 load newDoseZero . mat ; 139 140 % g e t s i z e s o f each contour ' s dose g r i d : 141 s i z e 1 0 0 = s i z e ( newDose100 ) ; 142 s i z e 9 5 = s i z e ( newDose95 ) ; 143 s i z e z e r o = s i z e ( newDoseZero ) ; 144 s i z e p e n = s i z e ( penDose ) ; 145 146 % add each contour ' s dose g r i d t o g e t t o t a l dose g r i d : 147 i d e a l D o s e = newDose100 + newDose95 + newDoseZero + penDose ; 148 149 d o s e E r r o r = zeros ( c t S i z e ( 1 , 1 ) , c t S i z e ( 1 , 2 ) , c t S i z e ( 1 , 3 ) ) ; 150 d o s e E r r o r = i n t 1 6 ( d o s e E r r o r ) ; 220 A.1. Ideal dose calculation script 151 152 153 154 newDoseError = d o s e E r r o r ( : , : , l o w e s t S l i c e : h i g h e s t S l i c e ) ; d o s e E r r o r = newDoseError ; c l e a r newDoseError 155 156 % resample dose g r i d t o save memory : 157 158 % remove s l i c e s w i t h o u t dose v a l u e s : 159 newIdealDose = i d e a l D o s e ( : , : , l o w e s t S l i c e : h i g h e s t S l i c e ) ; 160 161 newSize = s i z e ( newIdealDose ) 162 163 i d e a l D o s e = newIdealDose ; 164 165 c l e a r i j k newIdealDose 166 167 % now t o r e p l a c e ( or add ) dose d i s t r i b u t i o n in planC f i l e and save t h e plan : 168 169 % t h i s data i s r e q u i r e d f o r CERR t o d i s p l a y and use t h e dose cube : 170 f r a c t i o n G r o u p I D = ' i d e a l ' ; 171 d o s e U n i t s = ' cGy ' ; 172 d o s e E d i t i o n = 1 ; 173 d e s c r i p t i o n = ' i d e a l d o s e d i s t r i b u t i o n ' ; 174 r e g i s t e r = ' non CT ' ; 175 176 regParamS . h o r i z o n t a l G r i d I n t e r v a l = planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 1 U n i t s ; 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 % ( x v o x e l w idt h ) regParamS . v e r t i c a l G r i d I n t e r v a l = % ( y v o x e l w id th ) planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 2 U n i t s ; regParamS . c o o r d 1 O F F i r s t P o i n t = planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . x O f f s e t + planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 1 U n i t s planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 1 U n i t s /2 planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 1 U n i t s ( c t S i z e ( 1 , 1 ) / 2 ) % ( x v a l u e o f c e n t e r o f upper l e f t v o x e l on a l l s l i c e s ) regParamS . c o o r d 2 O F F i r s t P o i n t = ( planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . y O f f s e t + planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 2 U n i t s /2 ( c t S i z e ( 1 , 2 ) / 2 ) planC f 1 , 3 g . u n i f o r m S c a n I n f o . g r i d 2 U n i t s ) % ( y v a l u e o f c e n t e r o f upper l e f t v o x e l on a l l s l i c e s ) clear i j k f o r i=l o w e s t S l i c e : h i g h e s t S l i c e regParamS . z V a l u e s ( 1 , i +1 l o w e s t S l i c e ) = planC f 1 , 3 g . s c a n I n f o ( 1 , i ) . zValue ; %( z v a l u e s % o f a l l s l i c e s ) 185 end 186 187 % t h i s f u n c t i o n adds t h e dose cube t o t h e plan : 188 planC = addDoseToPlan nick ( planC , i d e a l D o s e , d o s e E r r o r , f r a c t i o n G r o u p I D , d o s e E d i t i o n , d e s c r i p t i o n , r e g i s t e r , regParamS ) ; 189 190 % Saving t h e plan f o r v i e w i n g in CERR: A.1. Ideal dose calculation script 191 [ saveFileName , savePathName , s a v e F i l t e r I n d e x ] = u i p u t f i l e ( ' . mat ' , ' Save plan as : ' ) ; l o c a t i o n = [ savePathName saveFileName ] ; save ( l o c a t i o n , ' planC ' ) 192 193 194 195 end 221 Appendix B Monte Carlo simulations B.1 Overview of simulations This appendix describes the parameters used for the Monte Carlo simulations contained in this thesis. All simulations performed by the author were done using the EGSnrc/BEAMnrc package Rogers et al. (1995). The versions used were BEAMnrcMP 2006 and 2007. The BEAMnrc package is an 'add-on' to the EGSnrc package to allow for simulation of medical linear accelerators. That is, it contains input sources and geometry designed specically for simulating medical linacs. Simulation begins with the construction of the linac head with a range of component modules (CMs) that describe the geometry of specic linac head components. The radiation transport is controlled using the EGSnrcMP code. The process of simulation was: Creation of photon beam Transport of electrons and photons through the linac head geometry, including secondary collimators (jaws and MLC) Collection of phase space data after linac head 222 223 B.1. Overview of simulations Transport of contents of phase space le through phantom geometry (if dose calculation was required) The specic details of the simulation is now described. Creation of photon beam: The photon beam was created by simulating bremsstrahlung in a target. The initial electron beam characteristics incident on the target were determined using trial and error to obtain a photon spectrum that matched that of a Varian 21EX linac, used in all experiments. The photon spectrum was matched by comparing the simulated depth dose curve with the (ion chamber) measured depth dose curve for a 10x10cm photon eld. The nal electron beam used was a circular beam with a 2-D Gaussian x-y distribution with a geometrical FWHM of 0.13cm. The electron beam had a Gaussian energy spread given in Figure B.1 that was peaked at 6.2MeV with an energy FWHM of 3%. The number of electrons used was generally 50 x 10 . Directional bremsstrahlung splitting (DBS) was used as a variance reduction technique, with a splitting number N=1000 Kawrakow et al. (2004). VR techniques are used to increase the eciency of the simulation. DBS was used to increase the number of bremsstrahlung photons created in the target. At each bremsstrahlung interaction site, N bremsstrahlung photons are created, each with a statistical weight of 1/N. Transport through the linac head geometry: The following components of the linac head were constructed using the CMs given in brackets: Target (SLABS), Primary Collimator (CONS3R), Vacuum Window (SLABS), Flattening Filter (FLATFILT), Monitor Chamber (CHAMBER), Mirror (MIRROR), Jaws (JAWS) and Multileaf Collimator (DYNVMLC) (Heath & Seuntjens, 2003). The geometry is given at the end of this appendix in the example input le. BEAMnrcMP allows energy thresholds to be set. When a particles energy decreases below the threshold, the particle is terminated and all its remaining energy 2 6 B.1. Overview of simulations 224 Figure B.1: Incident electron energy spectrum is deposited at its current location. For surface dose simulations (Chapter 8), the thresholds ECUT (for electrons) and PCUT (for electrons) were set to 0.521MeV and 0.01MeV respectively. For all other simulations, ECUT and PCUT were 0.7MeV and 0.01MeV respectively. An example BEAMnrcMP input le is given in Section B.2. Collection of Phase Space le: A phase space le was collected at the distal end of the air gap between the linac head and the phantom. The phase space le is a le that contains the energy, position, momentum vector and charge of every particle crossing a designated plane. The phase space le can then be analysed using the BEAMDP utility to obtain energy, uence and angular distrubution information. Transport of the contents of the phase space le through phantom geometry: The contents of the phase space le is used as the input for a second B.1. Overview of simulations 225 simulation using DOSXYZnrc. DOSXYZnrc is a package that allows for dose scoring in cartesian geometry. The geometry can either be dened manually by the user or created from a CT data set. To create a phantom, the size, material and scoring voxel resolution must be dened. The incident radiation can either be dened by the user as either photon or electron beam or can be obtained using the contents of a phase space le. An example DOSXYZnrc input le is given in Section B.3. B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 226 B.2 Example BEAMnrc input le Varian 21EX Linear Accelerator #!GUI1.0 AIR521ICRU 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, IWATCH ETC. (OUTPUT OPTIONS) 50000000, 225, 63, 999, 2, 1000, 2, 0, # OF HISTORIES, RANDOM NUMBER SEEDS ETC. 20, 100, 4, 20, 1, 11.25, DIRECTIONAL BREM SPLITTING OPTIONS -1, 19, -0.13, 0, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, DESCRIPTION OF SOURCE 1, SPECTRUM /home/nick/HEN HOUSE/spectra/test.spectrum LOCATION OF ELECTRON SPECTRUM 0 0, 0, 0.521, 0.01, 0, 0, , 0 , ECUT,PCUT,IREJCT,ESAVE (ENERGY CUTOFF INFORMATION) 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PHOTON FORCING (ANOTHER VARIANCE REDUCTION TECHNIQUE) 1, 9, SCORING INPUT 1, 1 30, 0, DOSE COMPONENTS 0.0, Z TO FRONT FACE *********** start of CM SLABS with identifier Target *********** 2, RMAX Tungsten Target 2, NSLABS 0, ZMIN 0.0889, 0.521, 0.01, 1, 1, 0 W521ICRU 0.1575, 0.521, 0.01, 2, 2, 0 CU521ICRU *********** start of CM CONS3R with identifier PRIMCOLL *********** 20, RMAX Primary Collimator 1.6, ZMIN 6, ZTHICK 2, NUM NODE 1.6, 0.4, 7.6, 1.9, 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, 0, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 3, 3, 0, STEEL521ICRU *********** start of CM SLABS with identifier VACWIN *********** 20, RMAX Vacuum Window 2, NSLABS 7.6, ZMIN 1.4, 0.521, 0.01, 0, 23, 0 AIR521ICRU 0.025, 0.521, 0.01, 1, 4, 0 BE521ICRU *********** start of CM FLATFILT with identifier FLATFILT *********** 3.81, RMAX Flattening Filter 9.0254, ZMIN B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 19, NUMBER OF LAYERS 1, 0.028, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 1 0, 0.064, 1, 0.028, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 2 0.064, 0.127, 1, 0.038, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 3 0.127, 0.191, 1, 0.041, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 4 0.191, 0.254, 1, 0.074, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 5 0.254, 0.381, 1, 0.135, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 6 0.381, 0.508, 1, 0.109, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 7 0.508, 0.635, 1, 0.109, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 8 0.635, 0.762, 1, 0.112, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 9 0.762, 0.889, 1, 0.104, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 10 0.889, 1.016, 1, 0.208, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 11 1.016, 1.27, 1, 0.191, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 12 1.27, 1.524, 1, 0.185, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 13 1.524, 1.778, 1, 0.168, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 14 1.778, 2.032, 1, 0.155, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 15 2.032, 2.286, 1, 0.142, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 16 2.286, 2.54, 1, 0.13, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 17 2.54, 2.794, 227 B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 3, 0.097, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 18 2.794, 3.365, 3.81, 3.061, 3.302, 3.81, 1, 0.152, # CONES, ZTHICK OF LAYER 19 3.81, 3.81, 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 228 B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 5, 5, Copper 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU *********** start of CM CHAMBER with identifier CHAMBER *********** 10, RMAX Monitor Chamber, 3 Windows, 4 signal plates 12.81728, ZMIN 0, 12, 0, NTOP, NCHM, NBOT 9.9, 9.95, 10, RADII FOR CENTRAL PART 0.0127, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 1 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.238, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 2 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 0.00508, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 3 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.239, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 4 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 229 B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 0.00508, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 5 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.238, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 6 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 0.0127, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 7 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.238, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 8 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 0.00508, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 9 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.477, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 10 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 0.0127, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 11 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, KAPTON521ICRU 0.635, 0, ZTHICK, FLAG FOR LAYER 12 IN CENTRAL PART 0.521, 0.01, 7, 6, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, chamber wall AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, gap AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 6, 6, container AIR521ICRU 0, MRNGE *********** start of CM MIRROR with identifier MIRROR *********** 7, RMAX Mylar mirror at angle 35 degrees 16.95334, 8.03, ZMIN, ZTHICK 5.738, -5.725, XFMIN, XBMIN 1, # LAYERS 0.005, thickness of layer 1 0.521, 0.01, 1, 7, MYLAR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU *********** start of CM JAWS with identifier JAWS *********** 20, RMAX Secondary Collimators 2, # PAIRED BARS OR JAWS Y 28, 35.8, 0.70000, 0.89500, -0.70000, -0.89500, X 36.7, 44.5, 0.91750, 1.11250, -0.91750, -1.11250, 230 B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le 231 0.521, 0.01, 8, 7, 0.521, 0.01, 12, 12, W521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 13, 13, W521ICRU *********** start of CM DYNVMLC with identifier DYNVMLC *********** 25, RMAX MLC based on 120 leaves millenium MLC Varian 1, 3, ORIENT, NGROUP 47.8, ZMIN 6.7, ZTHICK 0.533, 0.04, 0.04, 0.1354, 0.3676, 0.1396, 47.843, 48.126, 51.114, 51.325, 52.3873, 53.0573, 1.66, 54.1404, 54.405, 0.2492, 0.04, 0.04, 0.1054, 0.1336, 0.1471, 47.895, 48.1596, 49.0227, 49.4327, 1.7, 51.175, 51.177, 54.177, 54.296, 0.2338, 0.04, 0.04, 0.0754, 0.1405, 0.1316, 48.005, 48.124, 51.224, 51.325, 53.0673, 53.4773, 1.7, 54.1404, 54.405, 20, 1 80, 2 20, 1 -20, START 0.0057, LEAFGAP 0, ENDTYPE 8, ZFOCUS or RADIUS of leaf ends 0, ZFOCUS of leaf sides -20, 20, 120 0.521, 0.01, 1, 23, AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 1, 9, 0, W521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 1, 9, W521ICRU *********** start of CM SLABS with identifier AIRGAP *********** 30, RMAX Airgap to patient 1, NSLABS 55.0889, ZMIN 44.911, 0.521, 0.01, 1, 10, 0 AIR521ICRU *********************end of all CMs***************************** :Start MC Transport Parameter: Global ECUT= 0.521 Global PCUT= 0.01 Global SMAX= 1e10 ESTEPE= 0.25 XIMAX= 0.5 Boundary crossing algorithm= EXACT Skin depth for BCA= 0 Electron-step algorithm= PRESTA-II Spin effects= On Brems angular sampling= Simple Brems cross sections= BH B.2. Example BEAMnrc input le Bound Compton scattering= Off Pair angular sampling= Simple Photoelectron angular sampling= Off Rayleigh scattering= On in regions Atomic relaxations= Off Electron impact ionization= Off :Stop MC Transport Parameter: 232 B.3. Example DOSXYZnrc input le B.3 Example DOSXYZnrc input le 50x50x50cm water phantom for ELL measurements #!GUI1.0 2 H2O521ICRU AIR521ICRU 0.521, 0.01, 0, 0, 0 -3, -3, -5, 1 -15 14.5, 1 1, 1 14.5, 1 -15 14.5, 1 1, 1 14.5, 1 0 0.001, 10 0.01, 150 8.485, 1 0.01, 1 9.995, 1 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 155, 0, 0 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 180, 0, 0, 180, 1, 20, 100, 100, 0 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /home/nick/egsnr cmp/BEAM TargetToPatient/5x5cm 100SSD 21.egsphsp1 2000000000, 0, 999, 657, 34, 100.0, 1, 0, 2, 0, , 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 :Start MC Transport Parameter: Global ECUT= 0.521 Global PCUT= 0.01 Global SMAX= 1e10 ESTEPE= 0.25 XIMAX= 0.5 Boundary crossing algorithm= EXACT Skin depth for BCA= 0 Electron-step algorithm= PRESTA-II Spin effects= On Brems angular sampling= Simple Brems cross sections= BH Bound Compton scattering= Off Pair angular sampling= Simple 233 B.4. Comparison of Monte Carlo simulation with measured data 234 Photoelectron angular sampling= Off Rayleigh scattering= Off Atomic relaxations= Off Electron impact ionization= Off :Stop MC Transport Parameter: B.4 Comparison of Monte Carlo simulation with measured data B.4. Comparison of Monte Carlo simulation with measured data 235 Figure B.2: Monte Carlo simulation data (MC) and Ion Chamber (IC) data for a Varian 21EX linac at 1.5cm, 5cm and 10cm depths (a) X direction prole and (b) % Depth Dose prole for a 5x5cm eld and (c) X direction prole and (d) % Depth Dose prole for a 10x10cm eld 2 2 Appendix C Statistical analysis The two statistical analysis tools used in this thesis are Student's T-Test and the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. Both of these tests are related to what is known as the 'normal' probability distribution. This is the most used probability distribution and has a bell shape (the normal distribution is also known as the Gaussian distribution). The shape of the normal distribution is symmetric about the mean of the distribution and the width of the distribution is given by the standard deviation of the mean. The standard deviation is the distance between the mean and the point of inection of the curve on either side of the mean. The normal distribution, shown in Figure C.1 is a probability distribution therefore the area under the curve is equal to 1. It must be noted that the normal distribution is the distribution of the whole population, not just a sample. Therefore, the range of X in Figure C.1 technically covers the range -1 and 1. The normal distribution is given by the following equation (Dawson & Trapp, 2004): " # 1 X 1 P (X ) = (C.1) 2 2 To calculate probabilities using the normal distribution, the area under the curve between the interval of interest is integrated. For example, if we want to know the probability of a value falling between 2.2 and 2.4 in Figure C.1, equation C.1 is inte2 2 236 237 Figure C.1: The normal probability distribution for a mean of 2 and a standard deviation of 0.5 shown for the interval of 0 to 4. C.1. Student's t-test 238 grated with the limits of X being 2.2 and 2.4. The standard normal distribution (or the z distribution) is a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. For a given population, the probability of obtaining a given result can be calculated using the standard normal distribution. C.1 Student's t-test Student's T-Test uses a variation of the normal probability distribution to calculate the condence intervals for a given measurement. The t distribution is similar to that of the normal distribution, however it represents the probability distribution of the sample, not the whole population. For a given group, the condence intervals about a mean can be calculated using the following (Dawson & Trapp, 2004): Observed mean (condence coecient) (a measure of the variability of the mean) The condence coecient is known as the t value and is based on the level of condence desired. The t value depends on the degrees of freedom (d.o.f) of a measurement, which is equal to N-1 where N is the number of measurements. The value of t is calculated from the sample mean, the hypothesised population mean (as the actual population mean is not known) and the standard error of the mean. In practice, to obtain a given value of t, tables are used that contain the value of t for a given d.o.f and desired condence level. For example, for a condence level of 95% with three measurements (2 d.o.f), the value of t is equal to 4.303. The t distribution is similar to the standard normal distribution however it is wider. As the d.o.f increases, the t distribution approaches the standard normal distribution. The measure of the variability of the mean is taken as the standard error of the mean. That is, the standard deviation of the mean divided by the square root of the number of measurements. Thus, for a given measurement, the condence intervals for 239 C.2. Wilcoxon rank sum test the sample mean X with a sample standard deviation of SD for N measurements can be calculated as (Dawson & Trapp, 2004): SD X t p N (C.2) An example calculation of the 95% condence interval is as follows. Suppose we had three measurements of the absorbed dose at a particular location - 205cGy, 201cGy and 202cGy. The mean and standard deviation of these measurements is 202.67cGy and 2.08cGy respectively. For a condence interval of 95%, and for 2 d.o.f, the value of t is 4.303. Therefore we have the mean 95%CI as 202.67cGy 5.17cGy. Suppose we now have six measurements - 205cGy, 201cGy, 202cGy, 200cGy, 202cGy and 203cGy. The value of t for 95%CI and 5 d.o.f is 2.571 so the mean 95%CI becomes 202.17 2.56cGy. That is, the condence interval decreases in magnitude with more measurements if they are normally distributed about the mean. C.2 Wilcoxon rank sum test The Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test is used to compare the mean between two independent groups, to determine if the medians of the two groups are dierent (Dawson & Trapp, 2004). The test can be described in the radiotherapy setting as follows. Two treatment plans, Plan A and Plan B, are created for each patient in a given set of patients. A certain parameter, say, the V25Gy parameter for an organ, is being compared between the two groups. The Wilcoxon test compares the V25Gy parameter for each patient. The absolute value of the dierences are ranked from smallest to largest - the smallest dierence receives a rank of 1, the next smallest a rank of 2 and so on. The ranks in each direction, that is, whether Plan A or Plan B has the higher V25Gy, are summed. C.3. Spearman's rank correlation test 240 The smaller of these two sums is the test statistic, W. Basically, if a large dierence occurs between Plan A and Plan B, one plan will have more patients with higher ranks than the other plan, resulting in a higher value of W. If there is no signicant dierence between the two plans, the low and high ranks will be evenly distributed between the two plans and the value of W is lower. The value of W is then compared to a table of all possible distributions of W values to obtain the value of p, which describes the statistical signicance of the result (Dawson & Trapp, 2004). The null hypothesis for this test is that the median dierence between pairs of observations is zero. This diers from the t-test, where the null hypothesis is that the mean dierence between pairs is zero (Dawson & Trapp, 2004). C.3 Spearman's rank correlation test Spearman's rank correlation test is used to test the relationship between two variables in one group of subject. 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