Presented at PowerTech Conference, Mumbai, India, October 1999 Enhancing of transmission capability of power corridors by means of series compensation Matt Matele ABB Power Systems AB Västerås, Sweden Abstract Series compensation is a well established technology, enabling an increase of power transmission capacity as well as an increase of steady-state as well as dynamic stability in long AC power transmission corridors. In later years, the incorporation of thyristor control has enabled further flexibility of series compensation, adding useful new applications to the technology. The paper highlights the concepts of series compensation and TCSC, and gives current examples of the implication of the said technologies in long distance AC power transmission systems in the Nordic countries and in South America. Introduction For transmission of large amounts of electric power, AC in the overwhelming majority of cases is the established as well as the most cost effective option at hand. In cases of long distance transmission, as in interconnection of power systems, care has to be taken for safeguarding of synchronism as well as stable system voltages in the interconnection, particularly for extreme load conditions and in conjunction with system faults. With series compensation, the viable distances of AC power transmission become sufficiently large to remove altogether the issue of distance as a limiting factor for AC transmission in practice in most cases. Series compensated AC power corridors transmitting bulk power over distances of well over 1.000 km are a reality today. An increase of power transmission Series compensation has been in commercial use since the early 1960s. By ABB alone, more than 200 series capacitors have been installed worldwide, at voltages ranging from the highest in use for power transmission down to 10 kV 1 distribution systems. In total, it represents around 50.000 Mvar of reactive power. Series compensation reduces transmission reactances at power frequency, which brings a number of benefits for the user of the grid, all contributing to an increase of the power transmission capability of new as well as existing transmission lines. These benefits include: • An improvement in system stability. • Improvement of voltage regulation and reactive power balance. • Improved load sharing between parallel lines. • In many cases, a reduction in transmission losses. The impact of series compensation on power transmission capability can be illustrated as in Fig.1. Here, the quantity k is the degree of compensation of the series capacitor, equal to the relationship between the capacitive reactance of the series capacitor (XC) and the inductive reactance of the transmission line (XL). Ψ is the angular difference between end voltages of the line. For a fixed angular difference, the active power transmission capability of the line increases as the degree of compensation increases. Vice versa, for a fixed amount of power transmission over the line, the angular difference decreases as k increases, which is a measure of increased dynamic stability of the transmission system. Whether a series capacitor is installed to bring about an increase in power transmission capacity or increased dynamic stability at a fixed power transmission level, is purely a matter of application in each particular case. Interconnecting of power systems ABB Power System´s experience includes installations in power corridors where series capacitors have helped to increase the power transmission capability both of existing and of new lines, thereby helping to reduce the need for additional transmission facilities. In other cases, the availability of interconnecting transmission links has been raised by means of series compensation. Whichever the situation, the installing of series capacitors has meant considerable savings in costs, as well as reductions of lead times and environmental impact. Power interconnections are becoming increasingly widespread in various parts of the world, as incentives for power exchange between countries as well as parts of countries are growing. Examples close at hand are UCPTE, the merger between UCPTE and CENTREL, NORDEL, and the cooperation between NORDEL and UCPTE. In NORDEL, series compensation is playing a crucial role for the successful interconnecting of countries as well as regions within countries. This is treated more in detail elsewhere in this paper. Series capacitor scheme Of course, a series capacitor is not just a capacitor bank in series with the line. For proper functioning, series compensation requires control, protection and supervision facilities to enable it to perform as an integrated part of any power system. Also, since the series capacitor is working at the same voltage level as the rest of the system, it needs to be fully insulated to ground. The main circuit diagram of a state of the art series capacitor is shown in Fig.2. The main protective device is a varistor, usually of ZnO type, limiting the voltage across the capacitor to safe values in conjunction with system faults giving rise to large short circuit currents flowing through the line. A spark gap is utilized in many cases as back-up protection, to enable the by-pass of the series capacitor in situations where the varistor is not sufficient to absorb the excess current during a fault sequence. Finally, a circuit breaker is incorporated in the scheme to enable the switching in and out of the 2 series capacitor as need may be. It is also for extinguishing of the spark gap, or, absence of a spark gap, for by-passing varistor in conjunction with faults close series capacitor (so-called internal faults). needed in the of the to the Controllable series compensation Though very useful indeed, conventional series capacitors are still limited in their flexibility due to their fixed ratings. By introducing control of the degree of compensation, additional benefits are gained. In early types of controllable series capacitors, mechanical circuit breakers are used to switch segments of the capacitor in and out according to need. This is adequate in most situations for power flow control, but for applications requiring more of dynamic response, its usefulness is reduced due to the limitations associated with using circuit breakers as switches. The evolution of controllable series compensation is shown in Fig.3. Here, the introduction of thyristor technology has enabled strong development of the concept of series compensation. This is highlighted further elsewhere in the paper. The Swedish case The Swedish power transmission system is part of the synchronous Nordic power system interconnecting Sweden, Finland, Norway and the eastern part of Denmark. The overall installed capacity within Nordel amounts to some 90 GW. Distances are vast within the cooperation, and large amounts of power frequently have to be transported over most considerable geographical lengths. Placed in the middle, Sweden plays a multiple role as contributor to the power balance, consumer of power as well as yielder of territory for transportation of power across the country between other members of Nordel. Sweden´s installed capacity is about 34 GW. The country´s annual consumption of electric energy amounts to some 140 Twh. The balance of generation rests almost solely on hydro power (45%) and nuclear (50%). Most of the hydro power plants are located in the north of the country, while the nuclear plants are found in the southern coastal areas. The main consumption areas are in the central and south. A total of eight 400 kV transmission lines go between the hydro plants in the north and the large load areas in the centre and south (Fig.4). Each line is up to 500 km long and all are series compensated, with degrees of compensation ranging up to 70%. The overall rating of the eight series capacitors amounts to nearly 5000 Mvar. Extensive series compensation This extensive use of series compensation enables up to 8000 MW of environmentally friendly hydro power to be carried over the lines under stable conditions. The alternative to series capacitors would have been the construction of several additional, very long 400 kV lines. This would have been impossible in the real case due to political, economical and environmental reasons. The impact of the series capacitors is, in an electrical sense, to make the transmission distances between the generators in the north and the load areas in the centre and south seem shorter. This is of benefit to angular as well as voltage stability, enabling power transmission to take place at levels considerably exceeding the natural loading of the lines. The power transmission capacity of the eight series compensated 400 kV lines corresponds to a loading equal to more than 2 x SIL (Surge Impedance Loading). An additional, very important benefit of the series capacitors is an optimization of load sharing between the parallel lines. Since the lines were constructed at different times during three decades, impedances vary from one line to the next. The series capacitors, by the degree of compensation in each individual case, make up for these differences in line impedances and bring about the best possible load sharing between the lines. As a result, transmission losses have been decreased quite significantly in comparison to the uncompensated case. This in itself has helped to pay for the series capacitors in a very reasonable amount of time. Operating experience The series capacitors in the Swedish 400 kV grid are all equipped with state of the art non-PCB, all film, low loss capacitor units, ZnO varistor overvoltage protection and fibre-optic platform to ground signal transmission links (Fig.5). Their service record is excellent. The overall failure rate of capacitor units has been less than 0,1 % per 3 annum. Other faults have also been insignificant and caused no interruption of service. A simple and reliable design of protective and supervising systems has contributed to this. The series capacitors are located midline and unattended. Inspection and maintenance are carried out at regular intervals by visiting personnel. Increase of cross border power transfer As a consequence of deregulation of the electricity supply industry of the Nordic countries, crossborder power trade is meeting with increasing interest. A part of this process is to find the quickest and most cost-effective ways of reinforcing cross-border power transmission corridors. The usefulness of series compensation under these circumstances has been proved again recently with the installation of three new series capacitors in a twin circuit 400 kV cross-border interconnection north of the Bothnian Gulf between Sweden and Finland (Fig.6), thereby enabling a substantial increase of power exchange between the countries. With the series capacitors in operation, the power transmission capacity of the existing interconnection has been increased by one third, from 900 MW uncompensated to 1.200 MW, without any need for building of an additional line. The impact of the series capacitors in this case is an increase of voltage stability of the interconnection at steady-state as well as transient grid conditions. Isovaara series capacitor The series capacitor at Isovaara forms part of a circuit stretching some 250 km between the hydro power resources at Letsi on the Swedish side and Petäjäskoski on the Finnish side of the border. It is rated at 515 Mvar at 400 kV and was commissioned in late 1997. Its degree of compensation is 70%, and the rated current is 1800 A (Fig.7). Main circuit protection is performed by ZnO varistors rated around 100 MJ (3-phase value). In case of internal faults, the series capacitor is temporarily by-passed by means of a forced triggered spark gap. Conditions on platform are monitored and controlled from the ground at all times by means of optical current transformers (OCT), sending all necessary information between platforms and ground through optical fibre communication, not requiring any auxiliary power on platform. Since the Isovaara series capacitor is located out on the line and normally unmanned, it is essential that the proper function of the series capacitor can be supervised as well as controlled if necessary remotely. This is performed by means of a Station Control and Monitoring system (SCM), allowing remote control and supervision of the series capacitor over the public telephone network (Fig.8). With this, the nearest Network Control Centre communicates with the series capacitor by means of a Gateway Station and a File Transfer Protocol. It is thus possible to retrieve event data files as well as transient fault recorder files for supervision and analysis at the control centre, and if needed, also to return subsequent corrective commands. Brazil: North-South Interconnection A current example of AC interconnection of separate power systems within one country is found in Brazil. There are two main power systems in the country at present which are not interconnected, the North System and the South System. These are mainly hydroelectric, comprising more than 95% of the nation´s total volume of power generation and consumption. Feasibility studies have been performed regarding an interconnection of the two systems, and a decision has been made to go ahead and build the transmission corridor. Both AC and DC alternatives have been assessed, and decided in favour of the AC option. It consists of a single 500 kV compact circuit (to be doubled at a later stage), more than 1.000 km long and series compensated in several places along the line. The start of operation is targeted to the beginning of 1999. The power transmission capability of the corridor will be 1300 MW. The “North-South Interconnection” will have the purpose of exploiting the hydrologic diversity between the systems, and power flow will occur in both directions, depending on current hydrologic conditions. As a consequence, the risk of energy deficiency in conjunction with the rapidly growing energy demand experienced by the country at present will be reduced. 4 The AC option is highly attractive as it facilitates the making of inexpensive hydro energy available to a rapidly growing federal economy as well as to future development over a vast area having great economical potential. Several hydroelectric plants are expected to be built along the same route in the coming two decades, to be connected to 500 kV AC. The integration of the national power system will also have other related benefits, as for instance a reduction of the required spinning reserve. ABB Power Systems was entrusted by Eletronorte of Brazil to supply, install and commission a total of six 500 kV series capacitors for the project, five of which fixed and one thyristor-controlled (Fig.9). All in all, about 1100 Mvar of series capacitors have been supplied and are presently under commissioning. TCSC for POD The ABB Power Systems thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in the North-South Interconnection, the first of its kind to be installed in Latin America, is located at the Imperatriz substation at the northern end of the interconnection. It has the task of damping lowfrequency inter-area power oscillations between the power systems on either side of the interconnection. These oscillations (0,2 Hz) would otherwise constitute a hazard to power system stability. The function of the TCSC as a power oscillation damper can be explained from the expression for power transmission as a function of angular difference and transfer reactance: P = V1V2 sin ψ / X When active power oscillations build up over a transmission corridor, the angular difference between the end voltages varies periodically with time, as well. If a mechanism is devised to introduce a “counter-oscillation” in some other member of the formula, i.e. the line reactance, the two oscillations can be made to cancel each other out. The TCSC technology offers precisely this possibility. By introducing a time-varying element to the degree of compensation, the resulting transfer reactance XL - XC(t) can be made time-varying in a periodic way, as well. With proper control of the TCSC, very effective power oscillation damping can be achieved (Fig.10). Imperatriz TCSC The TCSC at Imperatriz has been installed to increase the damping of power oscillations between the two systems. The characteristics of the Imperatriz TCSC are displayed in Fig.11.The boost level, defined as the ratio between the virtual reactance of the series capacitor and the physical capacitor reactance (XTCSC / XC), is a key factor. It is a measure of the amount by which the reactance of the series capacitor can be virtually augmented in order to counteract system power oscillations. Boost is achieved by controlled current injection into the mainstream from the inductor in parallel with the capacitor (Fig.12). The boost level can be varied continuously between 1 and 3. Expressed in terms of degree of compensation, k can be controlled over a range between 5% and 15%. At rated line current, the nominal boost level has been set to 1,20. The thyristor valve (Fig.13) is mounted at platform level. It is water cooled and utilizes indirect light triggered thyristors. 10 seconds overload current 3000 A Conclusion Series compensation is a useful tool for the improvement of power transmission capacity as well as steady-state and dynamic stability of long AC power transmission systems, for example in conjunction with power interconnection corridors between countries as well as between regions within countries. In many cases, series compensation offers a cost effective as well as time saving alternative to building of new or additional transmission lines. Extensive experience all over the world has demonstrated the the merits of the technology for many years. The recent introduction of thyristor control has further widened the scope and usefulness of series compensation and added new valuable benefits such as damping of active power oscillations between weakly interconnected power generating areas. Literature [1] R. Grünbaum: “Series capacitors improve power transmission”. Modern Power Systems, October 1988. The valve is rated at 1500 A continuous current and 3000 A for 10 seconds. Furthermore, since the valve has to perform as back-up protection of the TCSC in extreme situations where the main ZnO overvoltage protection is reaching its thermal limit, it needs to be able to withstand fault currents of up to 40 kA (peak) for about 60 ms, equal to the time it takes the by-pass breaker to close and take over the fault current. [2] José L. Alonso et al: “Stability enhancement of a 500 kV power transmission system by means of series compensation”. IEEE SPT PE 04-02-0123, Stockholm, 1995. The main data of the Imperatriz TCSC can be summarized as follows: [4] Carlos Gama et al: “Brazilian North-South Interconnection - designing of thyristor controlled series compensation (TCSC) to damp inter-area oscillation mode”. VI SEPOPE, Salvador-BA, May, 1998. Maximum system voltage 550 kV Nominal reactive power 107 Mvar Physical capacitor reactance 13,27 Ω Nominal boost 1,20 Nominal degree of compensation 5% Boost level range 1-3 Rated current 1500 A Rated continuous voltage 23,9 kV 30 minutes overload current 2250 A 5 [3] O.J. Hjemås and M. Noroozian: “Application of thyristor controlled series capacitor for damping of electromechanical oscillations”. EPE-97, Trondheim, Sept. 1997. Fig1: Impact of series compensation. C Z D C Capacitor bank Fig.5: Series capacitor, 400 kV, 550 Mvar. Z Metal oxide varistor D Discharge damping reactor G Forced triggered spark gap G B By-pass breaker B Fig.2: Main circuit diagram. Norwegian Sea Porjus Isovaara Letsi Sweden Norway Finland Fig.6: Swedish-Finnish series compensated kV cross-border interconnection. Fig.3: Evolution of controllable series compensation. Fig.7: Isovaara 400 kV series capacitor. Fig.4: Swedish series compensated 400 kV grid. 6 400 Fig.8: Station control and monitoring system. Fig.11: TCSC impedance-current characteristic, Imperatriz. Fig.12: Thyristor-controlled inductor for TCSC boost. Fig.9: North-South Interconnection, Brazil. Fig.10: TCSC power oscillation damper control scheme. Fig.13: Thyristor valve of TCSC. rgd99009 7