ESO 203A – Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2015-16, Second Semester Instructor: Dr. S Anand, ACES 103, Tel: 7131 Email: Instruction Timings: Lec: M, W, Th 12:00-12:50 Tut: F 17:10-18:00 Lab: M, T, W, Th 14:00-17:00 Venue: L16 Venue: T206(G1), T207(G2), T208(G3), T209(G4), T210(G5),T211(G6), T212(G7), T201 (G8) Venue : ESO 203 Lab, WLE-313 Syllabus: Introduction, Single-Phase Circuits, Power Calculations, Analysis of Three-Phase Circuits, Mutually Coupled Circuits Transformers: Magnetic Circuits, Equivalent Circuit and Performance Direct-Current Machines: Construction, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-Speed Characteristics, Applications Induction Machines: Construction, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-speed characteristics, Speed Control, Starting, Applications Synchronous Machines: Construction, Equivalent Circuit, Generator & Motor Operation, Power Angle Characteristics, Hunting, Pull-Out Special Topics: Stepper Motors Reference Books: 1. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5th edition, Giorgio Rizzoni, McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2. Fundamental of Electric Circuits, Alexander and Sadiku, McGraw Hill Education 3. Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, 2nd ed., P.C. Sen, John Wiley and Sons, 2005 (Forth reprint student edition 2008) 4. Basic Electrical Engineering, S. N. Singh, Prentice Hall India, 2011. 5. Engineering Circuit Analysis: Hayt, Kemmerly, and Durbin 6. Electric Machinery, 6th ed., A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley, Jr, Stephen D. Umans, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, 2002. 7. Basic Electrical Engineering, Nagrath & Kothari. 8. Electric Machinery Fundamentals, Stephen J. Chapman 9. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, V. Del Toro Distribution of Marks (Tentative): 30 % Midsem 20 % (various quizzes to be conducted during tutorials) Quiz 15 % Lab End Sem. 35 % 100 % Total Tutorial and Laboratory Sessions Sections G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 Tutorial (Friday) Instructors Tut. Room Syed Mohammad T206 Ashraf (smashraf) Prof. L. Behera T207 (lbehera) Md Waseem Ahmad T208 (waseem) Prof. Nandini Gupta T209 (ngupta) Prof. S. Chakrabarti T210 (saikatc) Utsab Kundu T211 (utsab) Prof. S. Mishra T212 (santanum) Sridhar Joshi T201 (sjoshi) Laboratory (ESO 203A lab) Instructors Day Vasav Gautam Monday (vasav) Rajdeep Banerjee Monday (brajdeep) Gopinath G.R. Tuesday (grgopi) Bhavna Rathore Tuesday (bhavnar) Prof. S. Chakrabarti Wednesday (saikatc) Ashok Kumar Wednesday (krashok) Prof. S. Mishra Thursday (santanum) Narendra Kumar Dhar Thursday (nardhar) Instructions: 1. Home assignments / Tutorials are not required be submitted. Quiz will be conducted during tutorial session, where students will be asked to solve problem/s (related to the assignment), in FIRST 05-10 minutes and that will be graded. In the remaining time of tutorial, tutor will clarify the doubts, if any, on the assignment problems. 2. Attending lectures, tutorials and labs is Mandatory 3. Should bring calculators during lectures, tutorials and labs. 4. Students should bring calculators in the tutorial session to solve the problems. 5. Make-up for mid semester exams may be taken on production of medical certificate. No make-up will be held for the quizzes missed. 6. Labs will start from the week beginning January 18, 2015 and the tutorials will start from January 08, 2015. Soft (.pdf) copy of the lab manual will be provided to each student. However, few hard copies will be available in the lab for ready reference. 7. Each student must complete all the experiments. Make-lab can be used to complete the missed experiments, only on the production of approved leave from DOAA or appropriate medical certificate. 8. Each student must come to the lab with individual lab sheet, calculator, graph sheet etc. Students are required to bring lab sheet with the title of experiment, theory, and observation table already prepared. All the students must take the signature of the lab instructors on the readings, before leaving the lab. Each student must submit individual lab report for evaluation. 9. The student should wear shoes (not the slippers), while performing the experiments. Before switching on the power supply, the connections must get verified by the lab TAs. Utmost care should be taken while handling the equipment to avoid any damage or electrical shock. For safety, try to avoid loose clothing while working with equipment and motors. ESO 203A: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Laboratory Schedule Section No Monday (G1,G2) Exp. No. 1 2 18 Jan 25 Jan 3 Make up 4 5 6 Make up 7 8 Make up 1 Feb 8 Feb 22 Feb 29 Feb 7 March 14 March 28 March 4 April 11 April Timing: 14:00 to 17:00 Tuesday Wednesday (G3, G4) (G5, G6) 19 Jan 26 Jan 30 Jan (Sat) 2 Feb 9 Feb 23 Feb 1 March 8 March 15 March 29 March 5 April 12 April Thursday (G7,G8) 20 Jan 27 Jan 21 Jan 28 Jan 3 Feb 10 Feb 24 Feb 2 March 9 March 16 March 30 March 6 April 13 April 4 Feb 11 Feb 25 Feb 3 March 10 March 17 March 31 March 7 April 14 April Lists of Experiments Exp. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Title Determination of Thevenin equivalent of a given electrical circuit. Power measurement in balanced three-phase circuits. Determination of self and mutual inductances of coils. To study the windings of a transformer and assembling it. Determination of the equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer and evaluation of its performance. To study the characteristics of a DC generator. Speed control of DC motor. Determination of load characteristics of a single phase induction motor. Instructions for TAs/ Student Tutors: 1. TAs / Tutors would also receive the lab manual by email. In case they want a hard copy, they may contact WLE-313. 2. TA form would be signed by the instructors / tutors of the corresponding section / lab/ tutorial. (Note: For TAs from Mech. Branch, no form needs to be signed. However, in case TA is not performing the assigned duty, tutors should send an email to the instructor) 3. All TAs must be in touch with their tutor. 4. Practice lab for the experiment planned in the next week would be scheduled on the Friday afternoon (1400-1700) just before the week. TAs involved in lab and student tutors (in case they have not done the lab before) could go to WL313 for the practice lab. TA Duties Tutors Syed Mohammad Ashraf (smashraf) Vasav Gautam (vasav) Prof. L. Behera (lbehera) Rajdeep Banerjee (brajdeep) Md Waseem Ahmad (waseem) Gopinath G.R. (grgopi) Prof. Nandini Gupta (ngupta) Bhavna Rathore (bhavnar) Prof. S. Chakrabarti (saikatc) Utsab Kundu (utsab) Ashok Kumar (krashok) Prof. S. K. Mishra (santanum) Sridhar Joshi (sjoshi) Narendra Kumar Dhar (nardhar) S. Anand S. Anand Back up: Ashish Gupta (gashish) TAs Anubrata Das (anubrata) Shailendra Pratap Singh (spratap) Md. Ahsen Parwez (ahsen) Shrey Verma (shreyv) Meher Preeam Korukonda (meherpk) Yash Shahi (yashahi) Padmini Singh (padminis) Abhinav Gupta (gabhinav) Abhilash Singh (abhilsh) Sathish Kumar A (sathisha) Aditya Jain (adityj) Isha Agarwal (isha) Bhavit Pant (bhavit) Asha Sharma (ashash) Aquib Mustafa (aquibm) Rasool Ahmed (rasool) Nandini Negi (nandinin) Vibhu K. Tripathi (vibhukt) Sonal Dixit (dsonal) Subhash Chand Yogi (subyogi) Chaman Lal Dewangan (chaman) Priyanka Gangwar (priyankg) Ankit Yadav (ankity) Sheetanshu Mishra (samishra) Rishap Chaudhari (rishap) Akhilesh Raj (akhilraj) Peramasetty Sreenath (sreepe) Suraj Baidu (surajb) Sections G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 Avinash Kumar (kumarav) Sarthak Jain (sartjain) Chinmay M. Shinde (cmshinde) Ashutosh Rai (aria) Saurav Roy Choudhury (sauravr) Nikunj Agarwal (nikunj) Shirazul Islam (shirazul) Subhajit Mohanty (smohanty) Arun Singh (aruns) Maguluri Avinash (mavinash) G8 Coordination (assignments, solutions corrections, packets, web etc) Attendance