A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series Moisture Management in Wall Assemblies: Air, Wa t e r, and Vapor Barriers Selecting the appropriate protective barrier based on climate, codes, and design criteria Photograph © 2006 David S. Allee Provided by DuPont Tyvek egardless of project location or building type, the goal of a successful building design is to keep water out and provide thermal control within the interior spaces. Understanding the basics of moisture control and the role of air, water, and vapor barriers in design of wall assembly systems is important in order to avert potential problems that can arise from air and water infiltration. R The building envelope, or building enclosure, separates indoor and outdoor environments. A building enclosure controls heat flow, airflow, water vapor flow, rain, groundwater, light and solar radiation, noise and vibrations, contaminants, environmental hazards, odors, insects, and fire. When m o i s t u re infi l t rates the building envelope, seve ral undesirable conditions can o c c u r, including mold and mildew, structural steel corrosion, and rotting wood. These conditions can result in high energy costs, ongoing maintenance pro b l e m s , compromised indoor air quality, and failure of one or more architectural and engineering building systems. If they are not adequately addressed, the pro b l e m s caused by moisture infiltration can potentially increase risk and liability concerns for architects, design professionals, building ow n e rs, and building occupants. M o i s t u re is the ge n e ral term used for water in its diffe rent physical states, and includes solid (ice), liquid (water), and gas (water vapor). For all pra c t i c a l purposes, moisture moves through the building enclosure as liquid water and as water va p o r. Moisture problems are ge n e rally the result of liquid wa t e r accumulation, which could be from liquid water infi l t ration or condensation of excess water vapor transported by air currents or by vapor diffusion. Condensation CONTINUING EDUCATION Use the learning obj ectives bel ow to focus your stu dy as you re ad Moi s t u re Ma n a gem ent in Wall As s em blies: Ai r, Water, and Vapor Barriers. To earn one AIA/CES Le a rning Unit, including one hour of health safety wel f a re credit, a n s wer the qu e s ti on s on page 7, t h en fo ll ow the reporting instructi ons on page 8 or go to the Con ti nuing Edu c a ti on secti on on a rch re cord.construction.com and follow the reporting instructi on s . LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this article, you will be able to: Uncontrolled air leakage occurs from higher to lower pressure and could transport significant amounts of water vapor of excess water vapor occurs on surfaces with tempera t u res below the dew point t e m p e ra t u re, which is the onset of condensation. Some moisture problems cannot be avoided. Proper design can help reduce risk and make a building more tolerant to moisture. This article will describe moisture control strategies, and the use of protective barriers, including water-resistant barriers, air barriers, and vapor barriers. Requirements related to the position of each barrier in the building envelope for moisture management and condensation control will also be addressed. Bulk Water Transport Through The Bulding Enclosure Rain is the main water source for above grade walls. Rain can penetrate behind cladding and into the building enclosure through any openings, cra c ks and gaps in the assembly, and accumulate inside the wall cavity. The main mechanisms for bulk water intrusion include g ravity, capillary action, kinetic energy of rain driven droplets, and pre s s u re differential. • Identify moisture management strategies for buildings • Analyze design criteria for air, water, and vapor barriers • Determine the impact of climate, heating, and cooling cycles on selection and location of protective barriers within wall assemblies • Discuss code requirements for air, water, and vapor barriers • Design wall assemblies using protective barriers Reprinted from Architectu ral Record, December 2006 Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 11/06 Page No: 208 Filename: DuPont Tyvek_CE_11_06 Writer/ Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/21/2006 There are two basic approaches for rain penetration control: control the driving forces across the openings or eliminate the openings. The first approach includes proper sloping to the outside (gravity drainage to outside), capillary break (to control capillary action), shielding the openings (to control rain penetration Rain is the main water due to kinetic energy), and pressure equalized rain source for above grade screen walls (to control pre s s u re diffe re n t i a l walls. across the enve l o p e ) . Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Black Cyan Magenta Yellow RHP 5 25 50 75 1 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series Section 1404.2. Water-resistive barrier: A minimum of one layer of No. 15 asphalt felt, complying with American Society for Standards and Materials (ASTM) D226 for Type 1 felt or other approved materials, shall be attached to the studs or sheathing, with flashing as described in Section 1405.3, so as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier behind the exterior wall veneer. Section 1405.3 Flashing: Flashing shall be installed in such a manner so as to prevent moisture from entering the wall or to redirect it to the exterior. Water intrusion mechanisms through above grade wall assemblies The second approach consists of eliminating the openings. This can be achieved through a face-seal design, which is difficult to achieve, due to sealants exposure and extensive maintenance requirements, or by using a secondary line of defense, such as a waterresistant barrier. Water-Resistant Barriers Water-Resistant Barriers are materials specifically designed to protect against rain penetration and prevent water leakage into the building interior. Water-resistant barriers, also referred to as the drainage plane, are typically installed behind cladding for the two main types of wall assemblies, cavity insulation and exterior insulation. In wall assemblies with insulation inside stud cavity, the wa t e r- resistant barrier is typically installed on the exterior face of the exterior sheathing. In exterior insulation walls, the wa t e rresistant barrier can be either sandwiched between the exterior sheathing and the exterior rigid insulation(1), or outside of the exterior rigid insulation(2). The former is the most common installation, while the latter should be used for insulation materials that are sensitive to water. Water-Resistant Barrier Stud Cavity insulation Water-Resistant Barrier Exterior rigid insulation Typical position within the building envelope for water-resistant barriers Codes and Performance Requirements The 2006 International Building Code (IBC) requires that water-resistant barriers be used and installed to provide a continuous drainage plane and drainage pathways to the outside of the building envelope, including weep holes and through-wall flashing. The following excerpts apply: Section 1403.2. Weather protection: The exterior wall envelope shall be designed and constructed so as to prevent the accumulation of water within the wall assembly by providing a waterresistive barrier behind the exterior veneer, as described in Section 1404.2, and a means for draining water that enters the assembly to the exterior. 2 Materials Requirements The minimum requirement for water-resistant barriers is for the material to withstand a fixed hydrostatic pressure of 55 centimeters (cm) for five hours without leaking, as per the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists test, known as AATCC-127 or the Hydrostatic Head test. This standard is based on a No. 15 asphalt felt and is the minimum re q u i rement. There are many wa t e r- resistant barriers that meet and exceed this requirement, such as fluid applied membranes, self-adhering membranes, and many nonperforated building wraps. Perforated wraps have virtually no hydro-head and do not qualify as water-resistant barriers. Water Vapor Transport Through The Building Enclosure Water vapor can be transported into the building enclosure in two different ways, via air transported moisture and vapor diffusion. Air transported moisture is the main source of water vapor in the building enclosure. Air leakage occurs through porous materials and unintentional openings in building assemblies, such as cra c ks and channels, due to the diffe rence in total air pre s s u re across the assembly. The air fl ows from higher to lower pre s s u re and it could transport significant amounts of wa t e r vapor into the building enclosure. The amount of water vapor contained in the air depends on temperature and re l a t i ve humidity, with warm air being able to hold more mo i s t u re than cold air. The location of air and Even though air leaka ge has consequences water-resistant barriers in b eyond moisture transport, including energ y the wall assembly depends efficiency, indoor air quality (IAQ), and comfort, the air transported moisture is one of the most on continuity, durability, damaging consequences of uncontrolled airfl ow. and maintainability. Air Barriers Materials that resist airflow are called air barriers. Many building materials can resist airflow and therefore could function as air barrier components. However, for effective envelope airtightness, these materials must be joined together into airtight assemblies, which are further joined into a continuous air barrier system for an airtight building enclosure. Air barrier membranes are materials designed to resist air infiltration and provide a more practical way to achieve continuity. A continuous air barrier controls airflow, hence the moisture migration through air currents as well as other undesirable consequences of unplanned airflow. The location of air barriers within the building envelope is not important from the standpoint of controlling air leakage, as it can be located anywhere in the wall assembly. However, the location is very important for durability and constructability. For durability, it is preferable to have the air barrier behind the exterior cladding, to protect it from direct weather exposure. For constructability, it is preferable to have the air barrier outward of the structural frame, for maintaining continuity at penetrations associated with structural elements. Air barriers are ideally located towards the exterior of the building envelope, because it is easier to achieve and maintain continuity. Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 11/06 Page No: 208 Filename: DuPont Tyvek_CE_11_06 Writer /Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/21/2006 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow LHP 5 25 50 75 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series The installation requirements for air barriers are similar to those four water-resistant barriers. In wall assemblies with insulation inside stud cavity, the air barrier is typically installed on the exterior face of the exterior sheathing. In exterior insulation walls, the air barrier can be either sandwiched between the exterior sheathing and the exterior rigid insulation or outside of the exterior rigid insulation. The former installation is most common; the latter should be used when thermal insulation performance can be affected by wind-washing. According to the Building Science Corporation, wind-washing is the phenomenon of air movement that occurs due to wind entering building enclosures, typically at the outside corners and roof eaves of buildings. Wind-washing can have significant impact on thermal and moisture movement, and hence thermal and moisture performance of exterior wall assemblies. The location of both air and water-resistant barriers in the wall assembly depends on continuity, durability, and maintainability. A single membrane could perform as an air and water barrier, if proper materials are chosen. An air barrier membrane is often waterresistant; however, not all materials that meet the minimum requirement for water resistance, such as asphalt impregnated felts, and papers, are effective air barriers. Other materials, such as perforated wraps, are not effective as water or air barriers. Air Barrier Codes and Performance Requirements Four main performance requirements for air barrier materials and systems include air i n fi l t ration resistance, continuity, structural integrity, and durability. These criteria are described in Chapter 26 of the American Society of Heating, Re f r i ge ration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Fundamentals Handbook and summarized by the Air Barrier Association of America at www.airbarrier.org. Air Barrier Materials There is no national standard for acceptable air infiltration rates of air barrier materials in the U.S. The National Building Code of Canada, which has required air barriers since 1995, specifies that air infiltration rates of air barrier materials must not exceed 0.004 cfm/sq. ft. (cubic feet per minute per square ft.) at 0.30 inch water pressure differential. This standard was adopted by Massachusetts in 2001, and is proposed for adoption by Minnesota in 2007. Examples of materials that qualify as air barriers include self-adhered membranes, fluid applied membranes, non-perforated building wraps, and closed cell polyurethane foams. Examples of building materials which do not qualify as air barriers There is no national include asphalt impregnated papers and felts, perforated standard for acceptable housewraps, expanded polystyrene (EPS), plain and air infiltration rates of asphalt impregnated fiberboard, uncoated concrete block, batt and semi-rigid fibrous insulation, and cellulose air barrier materials in spray-on insulation. the U.S. cfm/sq. ft. at 0.30 inch water. No trends towards increased airtightness in more recent buildings were found. The impact of building envelope airtightness on building performance is ge n e ra l l y recognized. However, while existing codes require sealing of the building enclosure, there is no quantifiable measure for an acceptable air-tightness of the opaque building envelope, unlike windows, which require some measure of airtightness for compliance. An excerpt from the International Code Council (ICC) requirements for building envelope sealing is as follows: 502.4.3 Sealing of the building envelope. Openings and penetrations in the building envelope shall be sealed with caulking materials or closed with gasketing systems compatible with the construction materials and location. Joints and seams shall be sealed in the same manner or taped or cove red with a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material. It should be noted that the code specifies the use of a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material, as opposed to a vapor non-permeable material, or vapor barrier, which could interfere with condensation control strategies. The code description on the sealing of the building envelope provides no guidelines on the recommended airtightness, and has been compared to requiring that care be taken when installing insulation without specifying a minimum R-value. Some states and code organizations have adopted compliance criteria for airtightness of materials or assemblies airtightness, including the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) (1995), Massachusetts (2001), Wisconsin (2003), and Minnesota (2007). In 2006, ASHRAE approved an amendment to the ASHRAE 90.1 model energy code that would require air barriers for most commercial buildings, and provide three quantifiable compliance options: air barrier materials, not to exceed 0.004 cfm/sq. ft. at 0.30 inch water; air barrier assemblies, not to exceed 0.04 cfm/sq. ft. at 0.30 inch water; and whole building, not to exceed 0.4 cfm/sq. ft. at 0.30 inch wa t e r. Vapor diffusion is the second water vapor transport mechanism through the building enclosure, in addition to air-transported moisture. Vapor diffusion is the movement of water vapor molecules through vapor permeable materials, from regions of higher vapor pressure to lower vapor pressure, or higher vapor concentration to lower vapor concentration. The rate of water vapor diffusion depends on vapor pressure difference, or concentration difference, across the material or assembly, as well as the water vapor permeance, which is expressed in perms. Based on water vapor permeability, materials are classified as vapor permeable or vapor non-permeable. Air Barrier Assemblies The standard specification, ASTM E1677, requires that air infiltration rates for air barrier assemblies must not exceed 0.06 cfm/sq. ft. at 0.30 inch water pre s s u re diffe rential. These assembly requirements we re adopted by the Wisconsin energy code in 2003. ASTM E 2357 is a new test method which was approved in 2006 and can be used as an alternative test method for air barrier assemblies. Whole Building Airtightness There are no accepted criteria for what constitutes an airtight building. A study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) entitled, “Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use,” summarizes envelope airtightness of 166 buildings, 144 in North America and 22 in the U.K. The air leakage rates measured by various standard methods and normalized by area of the above-ground portion of the building envelope were found to vary over a broad range, from less than 0.5 to 2.7 Water vapor diffusion is the transport of water vapor molecules through vapor permeable materials Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 11/06 Page No: 208 Filename: DuPont Tyvek_CE_11_06 Writer/ Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/21/2006 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow RHP 5 25 50 75 3 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series Vapor permeable materials allow vapor diffusion. Vapor permeability can va ry over a wide range. The higher the perm rating, the more permeable the materials. According to the 2006 International Building Code (IBC), materials must have a minimum of fi ve perms to be considered vapor permeable. Vapor non-permeable materials do not allow vapor diffusion. These materials are called vapor barriers or vapor retarders. According to the 2006 IBC, materials with vapor permeability of 1.0 perm or less are vapor barriers. Vapor Barriers Vapor diffusion is another source of moisture for the building enclosure, and a vapor barrier (or vapor retarder) is sometimes used to control diffusion and potential condensation. However, the amount of water vapor transported through vapor diffusion is significantly lower than the amount transported by air currents. It is estimated that less than 2% of all water vapor movement through the building enclosure is due to diffusion, while over 98% is due to air transported moisture. Consequently, in order to avoid conditions which could lead to interstitial condensation it is critical to firstly protect against air leakage (using air b a r r i e rs), and protect against vapor diffusion when appropriate. The installation requirements for air barriers and vapor barriers are quite different, and using a single membrane to perform both functions (e.g. air and vapor barrier) could lead to condensation problems if not properly understood. For example, while the location of air barriers within the building envelope is not important from the standpoint of controlling air leaka ge, and the air barrier can be located anywhere in the wall assembly, the vapor barrier location is critical for condensation control, and it is climate specific. understanding of different climate needs and the consequences of the impact of vapor barriers on diffusion drying was reached, the code was changed. The 2006 IBC no longer has prescriptive requirements for vapor barrier use in mixed climate zones 1, 2, 3, and 4, which cover southern and coastal zones of the U.S. Dry (B) Moist (A) Marine (c) Warm-Humid Below White Line All of Alaska in Zone 7 except for the fo l lowing Boroughs in Zone 8 Bethel Dellingham Fairbanks N. Sta r Nome North Slope Northwest Arctic Southeast Fairbanks Wade Hampton Yukon-Koyukuk Zone 1 includes Hawaii, Guam, P u e r to Rico , and the Virgin Islands US Climate zone map The 2006 International Building Code does not mandate vapor barrier use in climate zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 (below the black line) Climate Issues The reason climate is important when considering diffusion drying is because the climate determines the exterior temperature and relative humidity. This determines the exterior vapor pressure, hence the vapor pressure difference between the exterior and the interior conditioned space, therefore the diffusion direction. The climate determines how buildings dry, whether towards the inside or towards the outside, depending upon the sign of the vapor pressure difference, whether positive or negative. Typical vapor barrier location in the wall assembly Heating Climates Cooling Climates Vapor barrier inside Vapor barrier outside The vapor barrier must be located on the side of the building envelope with higher vapor pressure in order to prevent diffusion into the envelope, known as diffusion wetting, and not interfere with diffusion of incidental moisture out of the envelope, or diffusion drying. As a general rule, for walls with insulation inside the stud cavity, the vapor retarder should be located toward the inside in climates dominated by heating, and toward the outside in cooling dominated climates. While these general rules are useful guidelines, it is still appropriate to conduct a condensation analysis for specific climates, building envelope systems, and intended building use. Many U.S. climates have both heating and cooling cycles, and simple rules may not apply. In such cases, the vapor barrier may end up on the wrong side during one of the two cycles. The vapor barrier codes were first introduced in Canada, with predominantly heating climates, where vapor barriers were installed on the interior (warm) side of the wall. The IBC then adopted similar requirements across all U.S. climate zones, without a proper understanding of the impact of vapor barriers in different climates. As a greater 4 Diffusion direction: from higher to lower water vapor concentration (or higher to lower vapor pressure) and it is climate specific Material Choices The choice of materials is critical for providing a diffusion open pathway in order to promote diffusion drying. As a general rule, condensation control requires that the building envelope materials increase in permeance in the direction of vapor diffusion. This means that in predominantly heating climates, where diffusion is typically from the inside to the outside, the wall assembly must have vapor permeable materials towards the outside. In cooling climates, where diffusion is typically from the outside to the inside, the wall assembly must have vapor permeable materials towards the inside. In mixed climates, proper moisture management requires diffusion open pathways in both directions, to the inside during summer and to the outside during winter. Moisture Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Air, Wa ter, and Vapor Ba rriers Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 11/06 Page No: 208 Filename: D u p o nt Tyve k _ C E _ 12 _ 0 6 _ re p r i n t Writer/Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/28/06 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow LHP 5 25 50 75 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series Moisture Management Principles And The Choice Of Barriers Moisture problems occur if buildings get wet and stay wet, because they are unable to dry. Ac c o rding to building scientist Joe Lstibure k, Ph.D., P.E., “moisture problems are fundamentally rate issues: moisture accumulation occurs if the wetting rate exceeds the drying rate.” Consequently, moisture management must include strategies to manage the balance between wetting and drying, that is, to prevent wetting and promote drying. The main moisture sources, bulk water, air transport, and diffusion, do not have an equal contribution to wetting. In order of their contributions, these sources are bulk or rain water infiltration, which is usually the largest moisture source for above-grade walls; air transported moisture, which could contribute up to 200 times more moisture than water vapor diffusion; and water vapor diffusion, which has the smallest contribution to wetting, when compared to the other two sources. Wetting 1.Bulk Water 2.Air Transport 3. Diffusion Drying 1. Drainage 2. Ventilation 3.Diffusion The balance of wetting and drying, main sources and mechanisms In order to prevent wetting, it is essential to protect against the main moisture sources, bulk water (with a water-resistant barrier) and water vapor transported by air currents (with an air barrier). In addition, it is recommended to protect against moisture transported by diffusion (with a vapor barrier), as long as the use of a vapor barrier does not interfere with the wall drying ability. The potential drying mechanisms in buildings include drainage of incidental water to the outside, controlled ventilation (not to be confused with uncontrolled air leakage through the building envelope), and vapor diffusion. For example, a continuous drainage plane is an effective strategy for removing incidental bulk water, and a ventilated air space behind the cladding can reduce the moisture content in the air space outside the sheathing and facilitate drying. However, in order for ventilation drying to be effective, it is still necessary for water vapor to be able to diffuse from the envelope into the ventilated space. Given the importance of vapor diffusion as a drying mechanism, it is critical that a diffusion pathway is considered. Wall design is important because the arra n gement of building envelope elements influences the conditions within the wall, and therefore the environment under which the materials must function. wetting, the wall must have diffusion open pathways, to allow diffusion drying. This wall design relies on diffusion drying for incidental moisture management. For the exterior rigid insulation wall design, the main temperature gradient occurs across the exterior insulation, outside the interior wall cavity. As a result, the dew point temperature is moved outside the wall cavity, reducing the potential for condensation. This wall design is more robust and less sensitive to condensation, and does not rely on vapor diffusion for drying. In order to choose the appropriate barriers for building projects, the fo l l ow i n g guidelines apply: Water-Resistant Barriers are critical for most climates to prevent bulk water intrusion. They are typically installed behind the cladding, towards the exterior side of the building envelope. If the water-resistant barrier is vapor permeable, it will not interfere with the condensation control strategies. Air Barriers are critical for most climates to prevent heating and cooling energy loss, as well as prevent moisture transported by air currents. The location of an air barrier within the building envelope is not important from the standpoint of controlling air leakage, because an air barrier can be located anywhere in the wall assembly. Air barriers are located towards the exterior of the building envelope for ease of constructability and continuity. If the air barrier is vapor permeable it will not interfere with the condensation control strategies. A single membrane is generally used to perform both air barrier and water barrier functions. Vapor Barriers should only be used in those climates where diffusion into the wall cav i t y occurs predominantly in one direction. The vapor barrier should be located on the high va p o r p re s s u re side of the envelope. In climates dominated by heating, this means that the va p o r barrier should be located towa rd the inside, and in cooling climates towa rd the outside. A single membrane can perform all three functions, and serve as an air, water, and vapor barrier. When a membrane is intended to be used as a vapor barrier, in addition to an air and water barrier, it must be determined if the typical location of air and water barrier, such as on the exterior of the building envelope, also meets the condensation control criteria for a vapor barrier, that is, if the vapor barrier is on the high vapor pressure side of the building envelope. Every time that a vapor non-permeable membrane (such as vapor non-permeable peel and stick or fluid applied membrane) is used with insulated stud cavity wall design, conditions for condensation are created in most North American climates. In predominantly heating climates, a vapor non-permeable air and water barrier installed on the exterior side of the building envelope (the preferred installation for air and water barriers) creates conditions for condensation all year round. In U.S. climates with both heating and cooling seasons, this creates conditions for condensation during the heating season. Section 502.4.3 of the ICC, Sealing of the Building Envelope, requires a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material, in order to avoid potential condensation. The requirements and properties of vapor barriers must not be confused with those of air and water barriers. Factors to consider when selecting barriers for projects include the following: For walls with insulation inside the stud cavity, the main temperature gradient occurs across the interior wall cavity, over the thermal insulation. As a result, in heating climates, temperatures towards the exterior of the insulated cavity could drop below the dew point temperature creating conditions that could lead to interstitial condensation. In a cooling climate, the cooler surfaces would be towards the inside. In order to avoid persistent 1. Water and air barriers are critical for controlling the most important moisture sources in buildings and should be used in most climates. As long as these membranes are vapor permeable, their typical location, at the exterior of the building enclosure, and under the cladding, will not interfere with the condensation control strategies. Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Architectural Record Issue Date: 9/06 Page No: 171 Version: 01 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow RHP 5 25 50 75 5 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series 2. Diffusion is essential for drying, and a diffusion pathway must be allowed. The preferred diffusion direction is climate specific. Many U.S. climates require diffusion pathways in both directions, toward the inside and toward the outside. 3. Vapor barriers should only be used in climates where they do not interfere with diffusion drying, such as predominant heating or cooling climates. In many U.S. climates, the vapor barrier would be located on the wrong side of the wall assembly during the heating or cooling season. 4. If an air and water barrier is also a vapor barrier, its location in the building envelope is determined by the vapor barrier function and must follow the vapor barrier requirements for condensation control. In many U.S. climates (except for predominantly heating or cooling climates) such membranes should be avoided. Air and water barriers should be vapor permeable. building enclosure to provide drainage of water to the exterior of the building. The materials that form the drainage plane overlap each other in shingle fashion or are sealed so that water drains down and out of the assembly. The drainage plane is also referred to as the water-resistant barrier, or WRB. Hydrostatic Head Test: measures the static pressure at which water will penetrate a material. Building codes, such as the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), require the time to failure method, whereby the sample must keep a fixed hydrostatic pressure (55 cm) for 5 hours without leaking. Permeance: The physical property that defines the ease at which water molecules diffuse through a material. It is to vapor diffusion what conductance is to heat transfer. The units are measured in perms. Water-Resistant Barrier: A wa t e r-resistant barrier (WRB) is also re fe r red to as a dra i n a ge plane. Water Vapor Diffusion: The movement of individual water vapor molecules through a material. The movement occurs because of concentration gradients and thermal gradients, independent of airflow. Wind-Washing: The phenomenon of air movement that occurs due to wind entering building enclosures, typically at the outside corners and roof eaves of buildings. Windwashing can have significant impact on thermal and moisture movement and hence thermal and moisture performance of exterior wall assemblies. References Anis, Wagdy A.Y., AIA, The Impact of Airtightness on System Design, December 2001, ASHRAE Journal, pages 31-35. Vapor barrier located on the cold side of the wall assembly leading to potential condensation Persily, Andrew K., Envelope Design Guidelines for Federal Office Buildings: Thermal Integrity and Airtightness, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), NISTR 4821 U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993. Glossary Air Barrier: Air barriers are systems of materials designed and constructed to control airflow between a conditioned space and an unconditioned space. The air barrier system is the primary air enclosure boundary that separates indoor (conditioned) air and outdoor (unconditioned) air. In multi-unit, townhouse, and apartment construction, the air barrier system also separates the conditioned air from any given unit and adjacent units. Air barrier systems also typically define the location of the pre s s u re boundary of the building enclosure. Building Enclosure or Building Envelope separates the interior environment from the exterior environment. A building enclosure controls heat flow, airflow, water vapor flow, rain, gro u n d wa t e r, light and solar radiation, noise and vibrations, contaminants, environmental hazards, odors, insects, and fire. Dew Point Temperature: the temperature at which condensation begins to occur. Drainage Plane: Drainage planes are water repellent materials (such as building paper, housewrap, and foam insulation) that are typically located behind the cladding and are designed and constructed to drain water that passes through the cladding. They are interconnected with flashings, window and door openings, and other penetrations of the 6 Emmerich, Steven J., Tim McDowell, W agdy Anis, Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Airtightness on HVAC Energy Use, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Report 7238, 2005. Persily, Andrew K., Airtightness of Commercial and Institutional Buildings, Proceedings of ASHRAE Thermal Envelope VII Conference, 1998. Quirouette, R. L., The Difference Between a Vapor Barrier and an Air Barrier, Building Practice Note No. 54, July 1985, National Research Council Canada. (http://irc.nrccnrc.gc.ca/pubs/bpn/54_e.pdf) Quirouette, R. L., “The Air Barrier Defined,” in An Barrier for the Building Envelope, Proceedings of Building Science Insight ’86, National Research Council Canada, 1985. S t raube, John, “Moisture Management,” Chapter 9, Building Science for Building Enclosure Design, Building Science Press, 2005, p.185. Trechse, Heinz R., Moisture Control in Buildings, American Society of Testing and Materials, 1994. Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 12/06 Page No: 6 Filename: DupontTyvek_CE_12_06_reprint Writer /Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/28/06 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow LHP 5 25 50 75 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series CLICK FOR ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTAL READING The article also appears online at http://www.archrecord.com/resources/conteduc/archives/0612dupontbuilding-1.asp A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series LEARNING OBJECTIVES After reading this article, you should be able to: • Identify moisture management strategies for buildings • Analyze design criteria for air, water, and vapor barriers • Determine the impact of climate, heating, and cooling cycles on selection and location of protective barriers within wall assemblies • Discuss code requirements for air, water, and vapor barriers • Design wall assemblies using protective barriers INSTRUCTIONS Refer to the learning obj ectives above . Com p l ete the qu e s ti ons bel ow. Go to the sel f - report form on page 8. Fo ll ow the reporting instru ctions, a n s wer the test qu e s ti ons, and su bmit the form. Or use the Con ti nuing Edu c a ti on sel f - report form on Re co rd ’s web site — a rch re cord.construction.com — to receive one AIA/CES Le a rning Un i t i n cluding one hour of health safety wel f a re credit. QUESTIONS 1 . Which statement describes characteristics of water-resistant barriers? a . They are generally installed on the north face of the building envelope, depending on climate zones b . For walls with cavity insulation, the water-resistant barrier is generally installed on the interior face of the exterior wall. c . For exterior insulation walls, the water-resistant barrier should sandwich both sides of the exterior rigid insulation. d . They are designed to protect against rain penetration 2 . What is the main source of water vapor in the building enclosure? a . Porous materials b . Relative humidity c . Air transported moisture d . Mold 3 . Which term describes materials that resist airflow? a . Ventilating membrane b . Air barrier c . Vapor barrier d . Wind screen 4 . Wind-washing impacts moisture performance, and does not impact thermal movement or performance. a . True b . False 5 . Which of the following is not a performance requirement for air barrier systems? a . Structural integrity b . Durability c . Thermal resistance d . Continuity 6 . Which of the following materials qualify as air barriers? a . Non-perforated building wraps b . Expanded polystyrene c . Batt and semi-rigid fibrous insulation d . Cellulose spray-on insulation 7 . As a general rule, where should a vapor barrier be located? a . On the side of the building envelope with higher vapor pressure b . Toward the inside in climates dominated by cooling c . Wherever it will prevent diffusion of incidental moisture out of the envelope, or diffusion drying d . On the side of the building that will encourage vapor diffusion into the envelope 8 . Which direction does diffusion drying occur for buildings in mixed climates (with heating and cooling seasons)? a . From the inside to the outside b . From the outside to the inside c . Both directions (to outside in winter, to inside in summer) d . None of the above 9 . If an air and water barrier is also a vapor barrier, which of the following determines the appropriate location in the building envelope? a . On the face of the building with the highest relative humidity b . Anywhere in the wall assembly c . The vapor barrier function and requirements for condensation control d . In climates dominated by heating, toward the outside 1 0 . Which of the following states has not adopted compliance criteria for airtightness of materials or assemblies? a . Minnesota b . Massachusetts c . Wisconsin d . Washington DuPont™ Tyvek® Weather-Resistive Barriers are engineered to provide air and moisture management for a more durable, energy efficient building envelope by offering the best balance of properties including: • High air infiltration resistance to stop unwanted airflow into the building envelope (e.g. wind) • Excellent water resistance to prevent bulk-water penetration • Optimum water vapor permeability for drying (by water vapor diffusion) to help prevent the growth of mold and mildew and costly moisture-related damage. DuPont™ Tyvek® weather-resistive barriers contribute to LEED® credits in green building certification by helping to optimize energy conservation and improve indoor air quality. Used in commercial construction under all cladding types, the Tyvek® Weatherization System is made up of the primary membrane, DuPont™ Tyvek® CommercialWrap® or StuccoWrap®; and installation and continuity accessories including DuPont™ Tyvek® Wrap Cap Fasteners to secure the wrap and withstand pressure differentials, DuPont™ Tyvek® Tape for sealing the overlaps, and DuPont™ Flashing Systems to provide continuity at critical interfaces and penetrations like wall-window, wall-doors, etc. All components are backed by the DuPont™ Tyvek® Build It Right™ Warranty as well as installation support through the 170-person Tyvek® Specialist Network of field professionals educated in construction and building science. tyvek.com Moisture Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Air, Wa ter, and Vapor Ba rri ers Architectural Record Version: 01 Issue Date: 11/06 Page No: 208 Filename: DupontTyvek_CE_12_06_reprint Writer /Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/28/06 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow RHP 5 25 50 75 7 95 A I A / A RC H I T E C T U R A L R E C O R D CONTINUING EDUCATION Series 126SPOND Pro g ram tit l e: “ M o i st u re Management in Wall Assemblies: A i r, Wat e r, and Vapor Barriers,” (12 / 0 6, page 19 5 ) AIA/CES Credit: This article will earn you one AIA/CES LU hour of health, safety, and welfare credit. (Valid for credit through December 2008.) Directions: Select one answer for each question in the exam and completely circle appropriate letter. A minimum score of 80% is required to earn credit. Take this test online at http://archrecord.construction.com/continuinged/default.asp 1. a b c d e 6. a b c d e 2. a b c d e 7. a b c d e 3. a b c d e 8. a b c d e 4. a b c d e 9. a b c d e 5. a b c d e 10. a b c d e L ast Na m e First Name Middle Initial or Na m e Firm Na m e Address City Tel. Fax AIA ID Number Check one: Stat e Zip E-mail C o m p l etion date (M/D/Y): ❏ $10 Payment enclosed. (Make check payable to A r chitectural Record and mail to: A r chitectural Record/Continuing Education Certificate, PO Box 5753, Harlan, IA 51593-1253.) For customer service, call 877/ 8 76 - 8 09 3. C h a rge my: ❏ Visa ❏ Mastercard S i gn at u re ❏ American Express Card# Exp. Dat e Check below: ❏ To register for AIA/CES credits: Answer the test questions and send the completed form with questions answered to above address, or fax to 609/426-5592. ❏ For certificate of completion: As required by certain states, answer test questions, fill out form above, and mail to above address, or fax to 888/385-1428. Your test will be scored. Those who pass with a score of 80% or higher will receive a certificate of completion. Material resources used: Article: This article addresses issues concerning health and safety. I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have complied with the AIA Continuing Education Guidelines for the reported period. S i gn at u re 8 Date Moistu re Ma n a gement in Wa ll Assemblies: Ai r, Wa ter, and Va por Ba rriers Advertising Su pplement Provided by DuPont Tyvek K# 16172 A rc h it e ct u ral Record Version: 0 1 Issue Date: 12/06 Page No: 8 Filename: DupontTyvek_CE_12_06_reprint Writer/Designer: Paul Carroll Last Revision: 11/28/06 Black Cyan Magenta Yellow LHP 5 25 50 75 95