Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites
Ivan Holoubek, Ph.D.
Kamenice 126/3, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 549 494 457, fax: +420 549 492 840
May 2000
Production and import/export
Environmental fate
Global distribution of PCBs
Trends and environmental re-cycling
of PCBs and other POPs
Environmental contamination
The case of Lake Baikal
The UK case
The "third pole" case (Himalayan
The Norway mosses case
The Greenland and Faroe Islands
The Central and Eastern
European countries case
Control of the industrial use of PCBs
Management of PCBs
References [26.1.2007 10:55:37]
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 1.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) share with DDT, the distinction of being among the first
historically recognised persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Many of the same chemical and
physical properties that had made them such desirable industrials, also made them one of
the most widespread contaminants in the environment.
Until recently it was believed that there were no natural sources of PCBs. However, PCBs
not associated with anthropogenic activities were identified in ash from the 1980 volcanic
eruption of Mt. St. Helens, and subunits of PCBs have also been identified as components
of two glycopeptides identified from Amylocolatopsis sp.
With respect to the different number of chlorine atoms and different positions they can have
in the molecule, theoretically 209 compounds (isomers and congeners) are possible, but
only about 130 of these are likely to occur in commercial products or mixtures (Safe, 1990).
Owing to appropriate physical-chemical properties (inert, insulting and lipophilic), PCBs
were widely applied in industry, either in industry, either in closed systems (coolants and
lubricants in transformers, dielectric fluids in capacitors, hydraulic fluids and heat-transfer
media), or in open systems (plastificators, additives into carbonless copy paper, lubricants,
inks, impregnating and paint agents, glue, wax, cement and plaster additives, lubrication of
cast blocks, materials for dust separators, sealing liquids, flame retardants, immersion oils
and pesticides. PCBs have been used since 1929 and are still in use today. The excellent
properties of PCBs for industrial use also make it hazardous to the environment. Most of the
PCBs were produced during the period 1950 to 1983. World-wide production has estimated
to be 1.2 million tons. In 1982 it was estimated that approximately 31 % of PCBs been
released to the general environment, 4 % had been destroyed, that 65 % was still in use or in
storage, or deposited in landfills (Tanabe, 1988). The past widespread use of PCBs has
resulted in their loss to the environment from evaporation and leakage from industrial
applications, improper disposal and incineration methods, and from deliberate or accidental
releases. The information on the breakdown of usage is very limited, making it very
difficult to derive estimates for the historical and contemporary source term (Jones and de
Voogt, 1999).
PCBs were firs detected in environmental samples in 1966 (Jensen, 1966). Subsequent
research has shown PCBs to be ubiquitously present, both in human beings and the (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:40]
environment. This is due to their persistence in the environment, their ability to be
distributed over large distances (even to areas where they have never been produced or
used), their potential for bioaccumulation in organisms and biomagnification in the
foodchain. Their harmful effects to man and the environment are well documented in a
number of reviews (IARC, 1978; OECD, 1982; Lorenz and Neumeier, 1983; Kimbrough, 1987;
IARC, 1987; DFG, 1988; ATSDR, 1993; WHO, 1993; Neumeir, 1998).
Unlike pesticides, such as DDT, PCBs has not been deliberately spread in the environment
(Bremle, 1997). Large volumes of PCBs have been emitted by the open burning or
incomplete incineration of waste, and by leakage from landfill sites and in the vicinity of
factories. Another source is diffuse emission from such PCBs-containing materials as
paints, coatings and plastics. The cities are sources of PCBs on regional scale (Halsall et al.,
1995), due in particular to the out-gassing of PCBs from buildings. There has also been
release of it due to accidents, such as in souls of transformer oil. The ban on PCBs in many
countries did not lead to any immediate decrease of it in the environment. Rather, PCBcontaining materials that were replaced often ended up on municipal landfills.
Over the past three decades, PCB control actions have been developed and implemented in
most industrialised countries. Through both voluntary action by industry and government
regulation, PCB production and the manufacture of PCB-containing equipment has ceased,
and the continuing uses of PCB equipment are being phased out in most of these countries.
As a result, PCB levels have gradually declined some industrial areas. However, PCB
concentrations have not declined in remote areas and are unlikely to decline in the near
future (Tanabe, 1988).
PCB mobility and dispersion throughout the global environment;
The safe management of existing PCBs and PCB-equipment including
decommissioning of PCBs, handling and storage; and
The destruction of PCB wastes.
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide Contaminated Sites 2.0
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Production and import/export
Production began in 1929. Monsanto Chemical Company manufactured PCBs in U.S. two plants: Anniston,
Alabama (closed 1970) and Sauget, Illinois (closed 1977). Processes used by other manufacturers (e.g. in Europe)
were probably quite similar.
Roughly 1.2 million metric tons of PCBs were produced world-wide between 1929 and 1977 (WHO, 1993). Of this
total, more than half (635 000 tons) was produced in North America (CCREM, 1986). West Germany has also
produced significant quantities of PCBs, possibly in the order of 200 000 to 300 000 tons. PCBs have also been
produced in several other European countries, including France, Italy and Spain. The commercial production of
PCBs was banned in 1977 in North America (WHO, 1993). By 1985, only France and Spain were still producing
While PCBs were never produced in Canada, roughly 40 000 tons have been imported into the country from the
United States (Tatsukawa and Tanabe, 1984; CCREM, 1986). Slightly more than 24 000 tons of PCBs are recorded as
still in use or in storage in Canada (CCREM, 1986).
Cumulative US production from 1930 through 1975 total is estimated 625 000 tons, (in addition to exports of 65 000
tons and imports of 1 400 tons). Of US consumption of 570 000 tons an estimated 340 000 tons were still in service,
in 1975 (Versar, 1976). Annual domestic sales by Monsanto have been released for the eighteen years 1957 - 1974
accounting for about 300 000 tons. Monsanto voluntarily ceased US production in 1977. Most other industrial
countries (except Japan, which stopped production in 1972) continued production through 1982.
The other major PCB producing firms were Bayer AG (Germany), Prodelec (France) - a sales company jointly
owned by Rhone-Poulenc and Pechiney-Ugine-Kuhlmann-Caffaro (Italy), Kanagafuchi (Japan), Cros (Spain) and
Chemko Strážské (former Czechoslovakia). It is worth noting that Monsanto (including its U. K. operation)
accounted for 542 400 tons, of which 43 000 tons were produced in the U. K. However, 499 000 tons is actually a
lower bound estimate of Monsanto´s US production. US EPA has recently used the figure 635 000 tons. All others
accounted for 383 200 tons, possibly also a lower bound estimate. The world total was therefore somewhat in excess
of 900 000 tons and possibly near to 1.2 million tons.
Table 1:
OECD production of PCBs 1930 - 1982 [kT] (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:41]
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 3.0
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Environmental fate
PCBs evaporate very slowly and they are not very soluble in water. Nevertheless, they have
dispersed widely through both atmospheric processes and watercourses and trace amounts
are found in soils, surface waters, sediments and air throughout the world. Whereas their
stability was a welcome feature for industrial use, their resistance to degradation means that
they have accumulated in the environment and their presence will persist long after their use
has been phased out. PCBs are soluble in fat and they have been assimilated through the
food chain into the body fats of animals. Elevated levels of PCBs have been reported in
many aquatic and terrestrial species. Because of this tendency of PCBs to accumulate in
animal tissues and concern over possible adverse effects on wild life, they have been
classified as "eco-toxic".
Although the use of PCBs is banned in most countries today, its persistence and its
widespread use lead to its remaining in the ecosystem and being spread further, to rural and
pristine areas of the globe (Wania and Mackay, 1993; Bremle, 1997). According to the global
fractionation theory, chemicals emitted in warmer climates volatilise and are transported by
air currents to colder areas where they are deposited onto soil and water. The globe has been
said to function as a distillation apparatus or as a GC-column separating compounds of
differing volatility.
For example, PCB congeners having one chlorine can move world-wide without being
deposited, whereas congeners with 8-9 chlorines tend to be deposited closer to the source.
The concentration of volatile compounds is thus low in tropical areas and higher in
temperate or polar regions (Wania and Mackay, 1996).
In addition to the long-range transport of PCBs globally, there is also a circulation of PCBs
from soil and point sources, which influences its concentration in the air on a more regional
scale. The temperate industrialised nations, where on through the 1960s - 1970s PCBs was
manufactured and used extensively, are regarded as the source areas of PCBs on global
scale (Harrad et al., 1994). Contaminated aquatic environments can also act as sources of
persistent pollutants in the atmosphere since such compounds are readily volatilised from
water, as shown in the Great Lakes in North America (Achman et al., 1994; Hornbuckle et al.,
1993) and Lake Baikal in Russia (Iwata et al., 1995). If the fugacity, or escaping tendency, of
one compartment exceeds that another, PCBs will diffuse from the former to the latter,
volatilising from contaminated soil or water bodies to the air, for example, or being (1 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:55:45]
deposited from contaminated air to cleaner soil or to water (Bremle, 1997).
A mass balance of PCBs in UK and other countries (Harrad et al., 1994) showed that soil
retained a larger amount of PCBs than other compartments did (air, freshwater, sediment, or
biota) and is today the greatest source (90 %) of it for the atmosphere through re-circulation.
The PCBs deposited from the atmosphere to the soil in the 1960s and 1970s are revolatilising to the air now as a result of equilibrium partitioning (Harner et al., 1995). The outgassing of the more chlorinated congeners from the soil has been delayed due to their lower
volatility. The volatilisation of PCBs from the soil is dependent on the ambient temperature
and on the vapour pressure and lipophilicity of these compounds. The successive line of
properties of different PCB congeners ranging from being low to high in chlorination,
follows the sequence from smaller to larger molecules, from lower to higher lipophilicity
and from higher to lower vapour pressure. The less chlorinated PCB congeners are thus
more readily partitioned to the air. The more highly chlorinated congeners, in turn, tend to
be associated with particles or with and organic carbon.
The major input of PCBs to freshwater ecosystems is by of the atmosphere (Bremle, 1997).
Aerial fluxes of PCBs to the ground occur through (1) rain and snow´s scavenging vapours
and particles, i.e. by wet deposition, (2) dry particle deposition, and (3) vapour exchange
across different interfaces, such as air/water, air/soil or air/plant surfaces (Bidleman, 1988).
Apart from air to water, as rain on the water surface, the PCBs deposited on soil and
vegetation can also reach the water body as a result of wash-out by precipitation from the
basin area. The types of soils and land use in basin areas also influence the amount of
leakage to freshwater.
In water, PCBs can exist either truly dissolved or adsorbed to suspended particles
(Eisenreich, 1987; Bremle, 1997). Although the water solubility of PCBs is low, the amount of
PCBs dissolved in water is so large. Due to the presence of suspended particles with
adsorbed PCBs, the amount of PCBs in water can sometimes exceed what would be
expected from the PCB´s water solubility. The water solubility of PCBs can also be
enhanced by humic material or dissolved organic carbon being present in water. The
transport of PCBs in rivers occurs partly as PCBs that is truly dissolved, partly through its
being associated with particles, and partly through the so-called bed load of sediment
movements. In rivers containing only small amounts of particles, the major transport of
PCBs occurs in the dissolved phase. PCBs loss from the water mass occurs through
partitioning or through sedimentation to the sediment (Eisenreich, 1987). The sediment can
also act as a source of it through desorption and through resuspension. Volatilisation to air
also removes PCBs from the water phase.
The uptake of PCBs in aquatic and benthic biota is mainly governed by the lipophilicity of
the compound in question, which can be expressed by its octanol/water partitioning
coefficient. Besides the direct partitioning of PCBs between water and the fat pool via gills
of fish and other organisms, food is a source of contaminants for aquatic biota. In addition, (2 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:55:45]
physiological control of uptake, steric hinderance of large molecules, distribution of
chemicals within organisms, biotransformation and biodegradation all affect the level of
pollutants (Barron, 1990; Larson et al., 1996). Species-specific factors such as fat-content, agedistribution, growth-rate, and prey selection likewise affect PCB concentrations.
For terrestrial organisms, the passive process of exchange between the organism and the
surroundings in the uptake and loss of organic pollutants, as is the case for aquatic biota,
does not generally occur (Bremle, 1997). The partitioning between air and the lung of an
organism is more limited, due to the respiration volume being low compared with that of
gill-breathing aquatic organisms. The partitioning between an organism and water is also
more thermodynamically favoured than between organisms in the soil, such as earthworms
that can gain or lose chemicals via the soil water, the main route for the uptake of pollutants
by terrestrial organisms is by ingestion. Aquatic mammalian predators seem to have higher
concentrations of pollutants than terrestrial ones. Animals higher up in a food chain often
have higher levels of PCBs and other PBT compounds (biomagnification). Top predators,
especially in the terrestrial food chain, have a characteristic PCB pattern in which only few
of congeners dominate (Bremle, 1997; Bremle et al., 1997). The elimination of PCBs from
terrestrial organisms is mainly in terms of metabolisation (Walker, 1990).
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 4.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Global distribution of PCBs
During the past three decades, analytical data have revealed global contamination of aquatic
and terrestrial environments (Tanabe et al., 1994). In large measure, this is the logical
consequence of the physical and chemical properties of PCBs:
PCBs are highly resistant to chemical and biological degradation. PCBs, particularly
the highly chlorinated ones, have been known for some time to persist in soils, water,
sediment and biota for long periods of time (IPCS, 1993).
PCBs are non-polar molecules that can accumulate in fatty tissues. This results in
their biomagnification in the higher trophic levels of the food chain (Shaw and
Connell, 1986a, b).
PCBs are found in pristine areas where there are no known sources of release to the
environment, demonstrating that PCBs are subject to long-large transport from their
initial source (Norstrom et al., 1988).
Researchers have concluded that the major mechanism for this mobility is a cyclical
evaporation from soil and water surfaces in which winds lift PCBs into the air along with
water vapour and dust, eventually depositing them with rain, snow, or adsorbed to particles.
With repeated evaporation and deposition, the net result is movement of PCBs over long
distances in the direction of atmospheric air movements. Models of this mobile behaviour
correlate well with the measured PCB concentrations in the northern hemisphere (Delzell et
al., 1994).
measured PCB concentrations in southern and eastern Asia and the
surrounding seas, and pin-pointed the contribution of various PCB sources. From their
work, in addition to data gathered from North America and Europe, it is possible to draw
some general conclusions:
Tanabe et al. (1994)
Because of their environmental mobility, PCBs eventually enter a global pool of
these contaminants and are available for recycling and redistribution (Iwata et al.,
1993; Tanabe, 1988);
Because of the mobility and persistence of PCBs, environmental concentrations of
PCBs tend to be uniform throughout the globe (Tanabe et al., 1994); (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:46]
Based on monitoring data, the polar regions appear to be an environmental sink for
PCBs (Muir et al., 1992).
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 5.0
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Trends and environmental re-cycling of PCBs and other POPs
The basic trends of usage and emission to the environment consist from the following
steps - they are common for many other POPs (Jones and de Voogt, 1999):
1. Synthesis and development for use earlier in this century, in this case in the 1930s;
2. Increasingly widespread use in Europe and North America and other industrialised
regions through the 1950s and 1960s;
3. Concerns over environmental persistence and foodchain accumulation in the 1960s /
early 1970s, resulting in restrictions in usage in Europe and North America; and
4. Reductions in emissions in Europe, North America and other industrialised regions
arising from the bans / controls in the 1970s through the 1980s and 1990s.
This general pattern may be unrepresentative of the global emission profile when the
chemical is used extensively outside of Europe and North America (following a global shift
in the place of manufacture).
These trends in emission have had fundamental implications for concentration trends in air,
soil, water and sediments and for magnitude and direction of fluxes between these
compartments for PCBs capable of dynamic, multimedia exchange. Likely he response to
the maximum of emission phase in the 1950s and 1960s has been deposition from the
atmosphere to greatly exceed volatilisation to it in the 1940-60/70s and for reverse to have
applied in the more recent past. Base on these approaches we can describe the hypothetical
responses of the air and the soil compartments to the emission pulse. Air concentration can
be expected to respond rapidly to the increasing emission (1940-60s) and to reflect it.
However, as the primary sources became controlled / reduced air concentrations initially
reduced, but in more recent times may actually have been "maintained" by volatilisation
("outgassing") of recyclable PCB congeners from the terrestrial and aquatic compartments.
The time over which they are maintained will be dependent on a number of factors, such as
the size of the "reservoir" of compound in the soil/sediment/water compartments,
persistence in the soil / sediment compartments, physical-chemical properties of the
compound and whether there is free exchange of the compound which has been deposited in
the past (i.e. is adsorption / desorption of the PCB completely reversible ?). For some
compounds, which may have entered the soil or water body primarily associated with
particulate deposition, outgassing will be limited and concentrations / burdens in these
compartments will tend to remain high / increase. (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:48]
For others, which readily enter the gas phase, outgassing will result in the soil / water body
concentration / burden declining. Research in the Great Lakes area provides powerful
evidence for these long-term trends and reversals of the air-surface exchange flux (Jones
and de Voogt, 1999). Sediments cores show deposition of PCBs and other POPs to the lakes
reflecting the hypothetical emission trend, whilst mass balance calculations, analysis of
paired air-water samples and monitoring of air concentrations all provide evidence that
volatilisation now exceeds deposition, i.e. the water bodies now act as sources to
atmosphere, rather than as sinks. Historical re-constructions of soil and air concentrations
for PCBs in the U. K. also suggest a reversal in the long-term net flux (Harner et al., 1995).
Several researcher have shown atmospheric concentrations of re-cyclable POPs respond to
seasonal or diurnal changes in temperature (Halsall et al., 1995; Hillery et al., 1997; Lee et al.,
1998). When this happens, it suggests that the air concentration is "controlled by" secondary
re-cycling rather than fresh/ongoing primary emissions (e.g. as for PCBs).
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.0
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Environmental contamination
PCBs are now believed to be universally distributed throughout the world. Major concern
for the possible health effects of PCBs arose in the early 1970s. A major human health
catastrophe, the Yuosho incident, in 1968 probably had a great deal to do with forcing the
problem into view (Kuratsune et al., 1972). The Yusho incident involved contamination of
rice with PCB fluid that was being used as a heat transfer material.
Most trend data dealing with widespread dispersal indicate concentrations are declining.
However, there still are several hot spots where, in spite of trends toward a decline, the
levels are such that mitigative actions are being considered (industrial harbours, vicinity of
former producers, industrial areas, etc.).
There are several ways PCBs enter the environment. Historically, the most common way
was direct waste discharge from manufacturing facilities and industries, which employed
large amounts of the materials in their manufacturing. Die-casting equipment once
employed large quantities of PCBs, and these industries used large amounts of the PCBs
mixtures. Today many of the PCB hotspots occur at locations where these types of
operations were centred. Additional locations of high levels of PCBs occur where improper
disposals of PCBs have been carried out, and PCBs are a common contaminant in
hazardous landfill sites across the world. Most of the direct emissions from historical sites
were by aquatic routes, and present-day problems associated with these discharges now
reside in soil and sediments of lakes and rivers near these sites.
While the atmosphere has provided an effective transport medium for PCBs, terrestrial soils
have provided the largest repository (Sweetman and Jones, 2000). During the 1950s through
the 1970s, net deposition to soils from the atmosphere was occurring as a result of high
primary emissions and hence air concentrations. Following restrictions on production and
use, direct emissions to the atmosphere had reduced by the late 1970s / 1980s. However, by
this time the soil repository had built up to a level that, as atmospheric concentrations
declined, it could provide a secondary source of PCBs back to the atmosphere. As a result,
there is much interest in the long-term fate of PCBs in the environment; notably the balance
between primary and secondary (recycling) sources to the atmosphere, their global
redistribution, and long-term dynamics governed by different physical, chemical, and
biologically mediated loss processes. Among the processes that "remove" PCBs from the
environment and the "pool" available for recycling are (i) reaction in the atmosphere with (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:50]
OH radicals; (ii) microbially mediated degradation in soil and the formation of irreversibly
bound residues in soils and sediments; (iii) burial in soils, sediments, peat, and ice; and
(iv) incorporation into the deep oceans. However, at the present time the relative importance
of these processes is unclear, and there is a lack of long-term monitoring data on
concentrations from which to quantify the "rates of disappearance" of PCBs and to gain
clues about the relative importance of the different processes governing there rates.
The reliable estimates of the historical/contemporary emissions / sources of POPs such as
PCBs are very difficult (and in some cases, almost impossible) to achieve (Jones and de
Voogt, 1999). They are of fundamental importance for effective source reduction measures
and for national / regional / global environmental inventories, budgets and models. Quite
basic information is sometimes still lacking.
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.1
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The case of Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal is a unique freshwater ecosystem that has been declared a UNESCO World
Heritage Site (Mamontov et al., 2000). Lake Baikal, located in east-central Asia, is the deepest
(1 637 m) and oldest (25 million years) lake in the world. It is 636 km long and from 25 to
79.5 km wide. The more than 2 000 km of shoreline enclose an area of 31 500 km2, and its
basin area is approximately 570 000 km2. 70 % of the species found there are endemic.
The first investigation of POPs in the Lake Baikal ecosystem were conducted by Russian
scientists in the early 1980s (Bobovnikova, 1985; Malakhov et al., 1986). They analysed some
biotic samples (plankton, omul, blubber) and attributed the presence of PCBs to long-range
atmospheric transport and classified the levels as background. However, Bobovnikova and
Dibtseva (1994) later reported on the analysis of blubber from more than 100 seals from Lake
Baikal and found no evidence of a decrease over the period 1981-1989 as had been
observed in other water bodies in the industrialised world. Studies in the early 1990s
provided no evidence of decline, the levels continued to be high (Kucklick et al., 1994;
Grosheva et al., 1995; Nakata et al., 1995a) and concerns were raised that the PCB
contamination might be adversely affecting the seal population (Nakata et al., 1995b).
In the late 1980, PCB concentrations were determined in the air of towns in the Angara
River valley to the north of southwestern tip of Lake Baikal (Surnina et al., 1991). In towns
with little industry, the Sum of PCB concentration was less than 1.5 µg.m-3, but in the
industrial towns Usol´ye S. and Selenginsk levels of 22 and 7.3 µg.m-3 were measured. The
authors concluded that this industrial region between Irkutsk and Cheremkhovo might be
influencing PCB levels in Lake Baikal. McConnell et al. (1996) came to a similar conclusion
on the basis of air samples collected in the summer of 1991 that showed Sum of PCB
concentrations to be an order of magnitude higher in this industrial region than on shore of
Lake Baikal 70 km to the southeast. Snow samples collected in 1995 and 1996 showed high
concentration of PCBs in the industrial region with decreasing levels moving toward the
lake. Water samples collected in 1993 revealed that PCB concentrations were an order of
magnitude higher in the southern basin than in the northern basin, and the authors
concluded on the basis of the PCB patterns and the bioaccumulation behaviour that the PCB
contamination was recent (Kucklick et al., 1993). Furthermore, simultaneous measurements of
air and water concentration in 1991 and 1992 indicated that Lake Baikal is a source of PCBs
to the atmosphere (Nakata et al., 1995; McConnell et al., 1996), again suggesting that PCB (1 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:55:53]
inputs have been recent as the lake has not sufficient time to approach equilibrium with the
atmosphere. Taken together, these results suggest the following scenario: PCB were emitted
from a source in the Angara River valley, transported with the prevailing winds up the
valley to Lake Baikal, and deposited in the southern basin from where they slowly spread
throughout the lake.
A different explanation was offered by Iwata et al. (1995). They analysed water samples at
different locations and found higher concentrations at the mouth of the Selenga River and
its southwestern corner of the lake than at other locations. They suggested that the Selenga
River and smaller rivers in the south were significant PCB sources. Another possible
sources is the a large pulp mill in Baikalsk on the southern shore, the highest PCB
concentrations were found in the samples collected closest to this plant.
Mamontov et al. collected samples of pelagic three predatory fish, two species of pelagic
sculpin and soil from the surroundings of Lake Baikal during the summer of 1997
(Mamontov et al., 2000). One from the predatory fish was omul, an endemic whitefish, which
migrates constantly throughout Lake Baikal. The other two were sedentary, living only in
the delta of the Upper Angara River, which drains a remote virtually unsettled area with no
known sources of PCBs. The levels in omul were compared with those in the other two
species to obtain an indication of whether the PCB contamination in Lake Baikal originates
from continental background (as represented by the Upper Angara River drainage basin) or
from other regional or local sources. Two species of pelagic sculpin were sampled from
three locations in the northern, central, and southern part of Lake Baikal. These fish are
sedentary and were used as an indicator of regional differences in PCB levels in the lake.
Soil samples were collected at 34 sites around Lake Baikal and in the Angara River valley
between Lake Baikal and Zima. Soil has been shown to contain more than 90 % of the
PCBs inventories in terrestrial ecosystems. Since the atmospheric deposition is the only
plausible source of these compounds in most of the land surrounding Lake Baikal, the
inventory of soil can be used as a measure of historical atmospheric deposition. The purpose
of this sampling program was to measure the regional distribution of the PCB inventory in
The levels in the two pelagic predators that live in pristine rivers flowing into northern Lake
Baikal are an order of magnitude lower than in the omul. This indicates that PCB
contamination in Lake Baikal does not originate from the continental background. It must
be due to local or regional processes. The levels of PCBs in sculpin samples showed
increasing concentrations from the north to south. The variability in the PCB soil
inventories was ranged from 0.2 to 1 380 ng TEQ.m-2. There was a systematic regional
distribution in the soil inventories, with decreasing levels moving away from Usol´ye, both
down the Angara River valley and up the valley toward Lake Baikal. The predominant
northwesterly winds and the topography of the Angara River valley which is enclosed by
hills favours the movement of air masses from the industrial region up the valley to the
source of the river where they are dispersed over the lake. Since atmospheric deposition is (2 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:55:53]
the only plausible source of these compounds in the soils, this indicates that there is/was an
atmospheric source of PCBs in the Usol´ye area and that this source contaminated the
surrounding region including the southern part of Lake Baikal. The spatial distribution of
PCBs in soils in agreement with the spatial distribution measured in snow collected around
the southern shore of the lake and in the Angara River valley during the winters of 1995 and
1996. Assuming the PCBs atmospheric deposition to be the major source, the corresponding
estimate for the Sum of PCBs was round 8 000 kg. The Usol´ye source has clearly had a
large impact on Lake Baikal, although it is located some 100 km from the shore of the lake.
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 (3 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:55:53]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.2
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The UK case
The U.K. environmental loading of PCBs in the first part of 1990s was estimated by Harrad
and co-workers (Harrad et al., 1994). Of the estimated 40 000 t of PCBs sold in the U.K.
since 1954, only an estimated 1 % (400 t) were present in U.K. environment in the first part
of 1990s. The bulk (93.1 %) of the estimated contemporary U.K. environmental burden of
PCBs was associated with soils, with the rest found in seawater (3.5 %) and marine
sediments (2.1 %). Freshwater sediments, vegetation, humans and sewage sludge combined
account for 1.4 % of the burden, whilst PCB loading in air and freshwater were
The contemporary flux of PCBs to the U.K. surface was estimated at 19 t.yr-1 and compared
with an estimated annual flux to the atmosphere of 44 - 46 t. This implies that the major
sources of PCBs to the U.K. atmosphere have been identified and that there was currently a
net loss of these compounds from U.K. The main sources were volatilisation from soils
(88.1 %), leaks from large capacitors (8.5 %) and the production of refuse-derived fuel
(2.2 %).
Retrospective analysis of dated sediment cores, vegetation and soils have indicated that
environmental transport from North America and continental Europe introduced PCBs into
the British environment well before the onset of their commercial production in U.K. in
1954. Since that time, the input of PCBs to the U.K. environment had essentially reflected
temporal trends in U.K. use. After peaking in the 1960s they declined rapidly through the
1970s following restrictions on PCB use.
PCB air concentrations have been measured at a meteorological site in northwest England
since 1992 (Sweetman and Jones, 2000). Examination of this data set, comprising over
200 data points, suggests that PCB levels are decreasing with average congener specific
half-lives ranging from approximately 2 to 6 years. With the exception of congener 52,
which shows the steepest decline, the slopes of other congeners (28, 101, 118, 153, 138)
were not found to be significantly different from each other. A U.K. mass balance model
has been used to examine which factors are likely to be controlling present and future air
concentrations. This allowed a range of fate scenarios to be examined and the controlling
fate processes to be scrutinised. Estimates of fluxes using contemporary soil and air
concentrations suggest that the observed long-term decrease of PCB levels in U.K. air likely
to be influenced by several factors, including existing primary emissions and recycling, (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:55]
volatilisation from soil, advective losses from the U.K. atmosphere, reaction in the
atmosphere, and soil fate processes such as microbial degradation.
The model sampling site Hazelrigg used for these studies is a meteorological station located
in a semi-rural location outside Lancaster on the northwest coast of England, approximately
5 km from the Irish Sea. Various frequency of sampling was used during several different
studies, which were performed by this group. The observations taken at Hazelrigg have
been assumed to be typical for the U.K. as a whole.
As a result of these model calculations, the authors suggest that deposition of PCBs from U.
K. atmosphere is currently approximately balanced by volatilisation from soil. The
importance of degradative processes such as atmospheric OH radical reaction is still
unclear. Remaining primary emissions (or those resulting from recycling) appear to be still
supporting the U.K. atmospheric burden, but in the long term, with the continual reduction
of these sources, it will be fate processes within soil that will most likely control the longterm fate of PCBs, their supply to the atmosphere, and "drive" their global cycling.
The similar trend of decreasing of PCB air concentrations was observed in Czech regional
background observatory at Košetice.
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 (2 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:55]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.3
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The "third pole" case (Himalayan lakes)
Remote areas are in general more vulnerable to the pollution by various POPs because
climatic conditions enhance residence times in abiotic compartments and the trophic webs
in cold environment are very simple, characterised by lipid-rich top predators in which
lipophilic compounds are readily accumulated (Galassi et al., 1997). According to the "cold
condensation" theory, compounds with higher vapour pressure condense at colder latitudes
and altitudes (Wania and Mackay, 1993). However, once trapped in snow and ice during the
cold season, these compounds can evaporate from the snowpack when the temperature rises,
constituting a "local" source of pollution (de Voogt and Jansson, 1993). The role of this
"secondary" pollution source in remote areas is still unclear. Seasonal variations have not
been investigated extensively in remote regions due to difficulties in undertaking
expeditions in harsh conditions.
The availability of a permanent laboratory at 5 000 m a.s.l. (Pyramid) in the Khumbu Valley
represents a unique opportunity to undertake environmental studies in an area which can be
considered as the "third pole". In the framework of the Ev-K2-CNR project, scientific
expeditions were organised yearly beginning in 1992 and environmental samples have been
collected from several high altitude lakes for biological, chemical and limnological
characterisation. Samples of sediments, waters and zooplankton were collected in two lakes
and analysed for PCBs and OCPs contents with the aim of contributing to the understanding
the role of "local" organic compounds cycling in the more general movement of these
compounds from polluted to remote areas.
Superior Lake and Inferior Lake are clear-water high altitude water bodies located in the
Khumbu Valley, Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal, at 5 050 m a.s.l. Superior Lake is
located in a basin on the eastern side of a ridge and has an outflowing stream that connects
it with Inferior Lake, at 150 m lower altitude. The sedimentation rate for Superior lake
(150 is 10 times higher than for Inferior Lake, the rate of deposition of organic
matter was 8 and 2 in Superior and Inferior Lakes, respectively.
PCBs (and OCPs similarly) were more concentrated in the first sediment layer in agreement
with higher pollution load in recent years than in the past and with a higher concentration of
organic carbon than in deeper sediments. Only nine of the 16 PCB congeners were detected
in the zooplankton and even less in water although it was concentrated 10 000 times. The
PCB profile of the four layers of sediment of Superior Lake, covering a period of about ten (1 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:57]
years, from 1979 to 1992 was similar to that of commercial mixtures of Aroclor 1254 and
Aroclor 1260. Lower chlorinated PCBs of Aroclor 1242 and 1248 mixtures were not present
in these samples. Since persistent increases with chlorination, the authors expected to find
more chlorinated congeners in the oldest sediments. Probably, this contradictory result
might be abscribed to changes in uses. Inferior Lake sediments showed a different pattern
with an enrichment of less chlorinated congeners in both layers (1992-1972, 1972-1052). As
these two layers are very similar to each other, although they represent the historical records
of very different periods of PCB use and diffusion in the world, differences between the two
lakes are more likely to be explained by phenomena occurring on a local scale than from
long-range transport.
The PCB concentration in the superficial sediments of two Himalayan lakes was higher than
those determined for example in Northern Italian lakes such as Lake Como (161 ng.g-1 dry
wt) or Lake Maggiore (64 ng.g-1 dry wt) sediments for the same deposition period. Since
the organic matter content of the most recent layer of Superior Lake sediment is the lowest
of the above mentioned lakes its higher contamination should be due to the cold
condensation phenomenon.
Interesting findings can be drawn comparing the results obtained for the two Himalayan
lakes. Comparing the PCB congener distribution, it is evident that Superior Lake sediments
reflect the composition of commercial PCB mixtures of Aroclor 1254 and 1260, while
Inferior Lake sediments are enriched in the lower chlorinated and more volatile congeners
occurring in these mixtures. As long-range contamination sources must be the same for the
two aquatic environments, only local recycling could explain the observed differences.
Lower chlorinated congeners (such as 101 and 110) are released from suspended particles
and superficial sediment into water but do not escape into the atmosphere (in term of net
flux). Dissolved and particle-bound PCBs are transported from Superior into Inferior Lake
since the first is a tributary of the latter. Compounds having very low Hc/Kow ratios tend to
be retained by particles. As the warm season is very short at this altitude, probably there is
not enough time to reach equilibrium conditions for desorption of extremely lipophilic
compounds. PCBs accumulated in the snowpack in the drainage basin of the Superior Lake
appear to be transported by particles, as is indicated by the high sedimentation rate. Superior
Lake acts as a settling pond for Inferior Lake, where the sedimentation rate is ten times
lower. Therefore, this latter lake is probably much more influenced by local re-volatilisation
and deposition phenomena than by pollutant transported from long distances and trapped in
snow and ice.
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 (2 of 2) [26.1.2007 10:55:57]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.4
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The Norway mosses case
There are many data for concentrations of PCBs in different environmental compartments
within varying climatic areas, but there are few studies that have been carried out with the
prime aim of obtaining evidence to support the global fractionation theory (Lead et al.,
1996). This could be due to the difficulties associated with obtaining such data. For
example, although the use of PCBs was restricted throughout much of Europe and North
America in the late 1970s, there will still be source areas, and it will therefore be difficult to
collect samples that are far removed from any possible localised sources. In order to infer
possible global fractionation, temporal data are required for concentrations at different
latitudes and samples that could provide such information are hard to obtain. There are also
uncertainties over the PCB distribution between terrestrial and aquatic environments.
Many studies have confirmed that plants will play an important role in the global cycling of
POPs including PCBs since (1) they cover over 80 % of the earth´s land surface, (2) the
surface area of plants is generally much greater than the area of the ground they cover, and
(3) vegetation has a lipid fraction which is likely to accumulate lipophilic compounds such
as PCBs (Lead et al., 1996). Mosses are thought to be ideal biomonitors for air pollution for
these three reasons and also because they depend entirely on the atmosphere for delivery of
nutrients and lack both cuticle and internal transport mechanisms.
More than 500 samples of the epigeic moss Hylocomium splendens were collected from
different sites across Norway in the summer 1977 and in 1985 and 1990. These archived
samples have been analysed for a range of PCB congeners. The Sum of PCB concentration
(sum of the concentration of the 37 congeners screened) declined in all samples from all
locations. It is probable that this decline reflects the reduction in the global use and
manufacture of these compounds. The study has provided some evidence to suggest that,
since 1977, the concentrations of hexa- and hepta-PCBs have declined to a greater extent in
the south than in the north of Norway and that over this time period the relative importance
of the heavier chlorinated PCB congeners has increased in the colder areas of Norway.
These observations are consistent with the global fractionation theory, but these suggestions
are only tentative and should be viewed with caution until further more rigorous studies on
the evidence for global fractionation (Lead et al., 1996).
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.5
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The Greenland and Faroe Islands case
PCBs similar as many other POPs are widely spread in the environment and due to air
masses which move to the Northwest Atlantic from heavily industrialised areas and from
agricultural regions where pesticides are used, the contaminants will be transported to the
Arctic. Several determination of various POPs including PCBs were performed in various
biotic samples from Greenland and Faroe Islands environment in order to elucidate the
current environmental status of the Arctic (Fromberg et al., 1999). The literature concerning
the POPs in the environment of Greenland and the Faroe Islands covering the period up to
1995 has been revisited. Thus as the former quantified the content of PCBs by comparison
to a technical mixture of them (e.g. Aroclor 1254), the latter analyses typically are
quantified on a single congener level. The different matrices analysed comprise human,
mammals, birds, fish, mussels and sediments.
Studies based on single congener determinations reveal the highest levels reported for whale
and purpoise blubber and lower levels in seal blubber and in bird plasma. In earlier data
based on quantification by comparing with an Aroclor standard, the highest levels were
reported for whale blubber, whereas lower levels for seal blubber were noted, the lowest
levels being found for walrus blubber. The variations within the single matrices are large
and it is therefore only possible to give a general description of the data. Levels of PCBs
and other POPs in biota from Greenland seem to have decreased over the past 20 years,
however due to the relative low number of determinations, differences in age and sex as
well as differences in quantification techniques it is difficult to compare earlier and more
recent data. Hence, conclusions should be drawn only with caution.
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Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 6.6
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The Central and Eastern European countries case
In the former Czechoslovakia, PCBs were manufactured from 1959 to 1984 in a chemical
plant in eastern Slovakia under the commercial name Delor. From the total 21 482 t
produced (+ about 1 600 t PCB wastes), 46 % was exported and the remainder was
appointed for the home market of former Czechoslovakia. Within both countries (Czech
Republic and Slovakia), PCB formulations may be currently used only in the closed systems
and they are gradually replaced. Currently, waste landfillings is considered to be the most
relevant source of environmental pollution by PCBs in these countries. Estimated
contribution of applied paint to total PCB pollution within Slovakia is about 5 % and that of
industrial and municipal waste incinerators is 9 %.
It was recently rather unknown that Poland had its two own technical PCB formulations Chlorofen, which was similar in appearance and composition to Aroclor 1262, and Tarnol,
which was similar to Aroclor 1248 (Falandysz, 1998).
Tarnol, which was also called Chlorowany bifenyl, was a low chlorinated technical PCB
formulation manufactured between the years 1971 and 1976 by the company Zaklady
Azotowe in Moscice near the city of Tarnow in southern-east Poland. The mixture is in its
physical appearance and properties similar to well known foreign technical PCB mixtures
such as Aroclor 1248, Clophen A-40, Phenoclor DP-4, Fenchlor 42 or Kanechlor 400.
Tarnol was a product of the "anti import philosophy", which was on the agenda of the
government in the 1970s. The total quantity of manufactured Tarnol in 679 tonnes. Tarnol
was a colour-less clear liquid of density 1.45-1.47 in 20 °C. Chlorobiphenyl isomer
and congener composition of Tarnol is unknown in detail. According to the manufacturer of
Tarnol this mixture was composed mainly of trichlorobiphenyls with di-, tetra- and
pentachlorobiphenyls as a minor constituents. Nevertheless, the composition of Tarnol was
not confirmed using the capillary gas chromatography and low/high resolution mass
spectrometry (HRGC-LR/HRMS) for analysis. No official data on the kinds of use of the
Tarnol were released - it seems that it was used exclusively as an dielectric fluid mainly for
the transformers but use as dielectric in capacitors could be also possible.
Chlorofen was a highly chlorinated (63.6 % Cl) PCBs formulation manufactured in the
town of Zabkowice Slaskie in southern Poland. The mixture was a light to dark-brown
sticky and viscous resin mainly composed of PCB congeners with 5 to 9 chlorine atoms that
comprised 99.55 % of total PCBs. The average number of Cl per biphenyl molecule in (1 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:56:04]
Chlorofen is 7.3 and the average molecular weight is 405.4. Chlorofen contains at least
59 PCB congeners with the major components such as PCBs Nos. 153 of hexa-, 176, 180
and 187 of hepta-, 194, 195, 198, 201/196 of octa- and 206 of nonachlorobiphenyls.
Industrialised countries such as USA and Western European countries have some legislative
measures for controlling the flux of PCBs in the environment. One important aspect is
control of PCBs sources such as transformers, capacitors, electric motors etc. The materials
containing more then 50 µg.g-1 are subject to some regulations. These regulations are
adopted in CEE countries. Since 1993, in Poland the waste oils containing PCBs were
included on the list of hazardous substances, but to the present days the flux of these
pollutants was not a subject of any regulation (Lulek, 1996). Recently available data
(Gurgacz, 1994) have indicated that in national power plant installations about 1 400 tons of
transformers and capacitors oils are used. However, unknown is even estimated amount of
the waste industrial oils (transformers, capacitors, motors etc.) occurred in the trade. An
assessed percentage of PCB contaminated equipment is in the case of transformers 0.38 %,
capacitors 35 - 50 % and other electromagnetic equipment 25 - 50 %. An assessment
amount of PCB contaminated oil / capacitors / other electromagnetic equipments is up to
10 000 tons. Determination the levels of PCBs in the random samples of waste motor and
transformer oils collected from different regions of Poland showed that these concentrations
in the most of samples did not exceed the limit value of 50 µg.g-1 (Lulek, 1996).
There has been no PCBs production in the other countries of the region. PCBs can still be
found in many closed systems, dumps and environmental matrixes in all the countries in the
region. For example, in Croatia in 1997, more than 2 000 tonnes of PCBs oils from various
countries were imported (Sinovcevic, 1998).
Part of PCBs amounts from various countries of the region was exported to the France for
destruction. Part of PCBs amount used in the region, was liquidated legally, and part
probably illegally during the period of main economic changes in these countries in the
early 1990s. Unknown part of total used amount of PCBs is still in the various
environmental compartments.
The recent inventory of PCBs in Slovakia (Kocan et al., 1999) gave the following actual
PCBs equation in this country:
PCBs (Wastes from production - 1 606 t) + PCBs (Products - 4 071 t) = PCBs (Still used 960 t) + PCBs (Liquidated - 368 t) + PCBs (Disposed - 1 605 t) + PCBs (Rest - 2 744 t)
A recent pilot study aimed at five selected Slovakia´s districts has shown that PCB levels in
the Slovak human population are substantially higher than those in many other countries
(Kocan et al., 1994a, b, 1995, 1996). Several times higher PCB content in comparison with
other districts was found in human adipose tissue, blood and milk samples collected in (2 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:56:04]
Michalovce district, i.e. in the district in which PCBs were manufactured. Chemko chemical
factory in Strazske produced from 1959 to 1984 in a total amount of about 21 500 tonnes
(Kocan et al., 1998). Especially in the first half the manufacture, considerable amounts of
PCBs released into the environment (mainly into watercourses and soil) due to poor
technological measures. In addition, former ignorance about the environmental persistency
of PCBs and their harmful effects on living organisms caused that almost no attention was
paid to PCB releases at that date.
Very complex study on PCB contamination was performed in this region (Kocan et al.,
1999a, b). PCB levels found in ambient air, soil, surface water, sediment and wildlife (fish
and game) samples collected in 1997/98 (i.e. 14 years after the manufacture had been
stopped) at the broader neighbourhood of a former PCB production plant in eastern
Slovakia were reported. Stropkov district, which is about 60 km (upwind and upstream) far
from the contaminated Michalovce District, was selected as a comparative background area.
Environmental contamination starting through manufacturer´s effluent canal has manifested
itself in increased PCB levels observed in ambient air, soil, surface water and water
sediment around Michalovce district and other sites where PCBs were applied. As a
consequence of that, wildlife living in local forests and fields and especially fish caught in
contaminated waters and contained PCBs often at very high levels. Results from an ongoing
project are also showing that the food and human population of Michalovce district is much
more contaminated with PCBs than the rest of Slovakia.
In Croatia, there are 405 users of 22 532 PCBs capacitors and 293 users of PCBs
transformers (Sinovcevic, 1998).
The use of PCBs in Slovenia increased after 1960, when an ISKRA condenser factory was
built in Semic, Bela Krajina (about 80 km south-east from Capitol Ljubljana) (Polic and
Leskovsek, 1996). PCBs were introduced into the production process in 1962 (until 1970
Clophen A-50 and A-30 supplied by Bayer, FRG and between 1970 and 1985 Pyralen 1500
supplied by Prodelec, France). The consumption of PCBs by ISKRA in period 1962-1985
totalled about 3 700 tons with a PCBs waste rate of 8 - 9 % in the form of waste
impregnates, condensers, etc. By 1974, 130 tons of waste containing around 70 tons of pure
PCBs, were dumped at various waste sites within five km round the factory. After 1975
waste impregnates were collected and sent to France for treatment (170 t), whereas smaller
waste condensers were still disposed of at local waste site. Measurements in 1982 showed
very high concentration of PCBs in the environmental compartments (air, water, sediments),
as well as in food and in animal and human tissues (Polic and Kontic, 1987).
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 (3 of 3) [26.1.2007 10:56:04]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 7.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Control of the industrial use of PCBs
The current focus on issues related to PCB use, is the management of PCBs in existing
equipment (mainly electrical) prior to phase-out (OECD, 1991). The aim is to ensure safety
and in order to prevent loss of PCBs to the environment. The measures adopted by OECD
countries include inventories of PCBs and equipment, labelling, cleaner industrial
processes, periodic inspection of PCB equipment, and accident response contingency plans.
Handling, storage and transport of PCBs once removed from service has also been of great
concern. Several cases of spills and accidental leakages have been reported and the clean-up
can be difficult and very costly, as the Italian case demonstrates.
Fires involving PCBs can be very dangerous (Journault et al., 1988). At low temperatures,
PCBs are non-flammable. As temperatures increase (500 - 600 °C) PCBs begin to
decompose and yield small amounts of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), which are dispersed in air or absorbed on soot. At
even higher temperatures (> 700 °C), PCBs become flammable, generate a great deal of
heat and carry a self-sustaining flame that is difficult to extinguish. There are a number of
examples of fires, which have spread to PCB transformers and have resulted in this type of
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 [26.1.2007 10:56:05]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 8.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Management of PCBs
The management of waste PCBs and PCB-containing wastes will be a major concern for the
foreseeable future. A significant portion of all the PCBs ever produced remains in service,
in storage or in landfills (Tanabe, 1988). As existing uses are phased out they become waste
and add to the already large stockpile of PCB wastes.
Canada and other countries have set a limit of 50 ppm below which PCB wastes may be
disposed of in approved hazardous waste disposal facilities. Wastes containing greater than
50 ppm PCBs are subject to regulations calling for the use of special destruction
Various destruction technologies and facilities have been developed and tested over the past
two decades (Environment Canada, 1988). Degrading or destroying the PCB molecule
generally is the only acceptable procedure. In Canada and other countries, high temperature
incineration and chemical treatment are approved method of destruction bulk PCBs. At less
than optimum temperatures and operating conditions, two problems may emerge. First, the
PCBs may be volatilised and released into the environment via the stack. As well, trace
quantities of highly toxic PCDDs and PCDFs (dioxins and furans) may be formed and
dispersed to the environment (Coghlan, 1993).
Any PCB waste management activity should include the following elements:
inventory of the amounts and location of bulk PCBs and PCB equipment;
collection and storage of PCB wastes;
ensuring that adequate domestic destruction facilities or foreign facilities are
monitoring of these activities (Environment Canada, 1991).
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 [26.1.2007 10:56:06]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 9.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Contamination of the environment by PCBs was identified as a problem in the late 1960s.
During the 1970s and 1980s actions, were taken by OECD countries and others to stop PCB
production and the manufacture of equipment containing PCBs. However, while measures
have been taken to address PCB production, it is of considerable concern that up to twothirds of the 1.2 million tons ever produced are either still in use or in storage.
The world´s oceans have become a giant reservoir for PCBs. It has been estimated that over
the United States alone, 900 tons of PCB cycle annually through the atmosphere (IPCS,
1993). Measures required to prevent adding further to this environmental burden necessitate
the safe management of existing PCB-equipment and the orderly and safe phase-out and
decommissioning of PCB-equipment. These measures include fire and accident prevention
as well as prevention of evaporation and leakage. In the phase-out of PCB-equipment, care
must be taken during removal from service, decontamination and storage, to avoid the loss
of PCBs to the environment.
Phase-out of existing PCB-equipment is directly related to the management of PCB wastes.
Destruction is required for that which contains PCB levels greater than 50 ppm. Although
present destruction technology is adequate and appropriate, more facilities will need to be
established in order to handle the enormous volume of PCBs, which are currently in use or
in storage throughout the world. It is imperative that a coordinated international approach is
taken among nations to address waste management issues. As a first step all nations should
proclaim their commitment to the Basel Convention on the management of hazardous
wastes and to the UNEP/FAO Prior Informed Consent procedure.
PCBs typify many of the unique properties inherent with POPs: persistence, tendency to
bioaccumulate, semi-volatility and mobility in the environment. The experience of
international community in attempting to control PCBs has clearly demonstrated the
necessity of safely managing PCBs throughout their life cycles in order to prevent further
releases to the environment. The PCB example will also prove to be valuable in addressing
other POPs.
To the top | last update: 22. 01. 2007 [26.1.2007 10:56:07]
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - World-Wide
Contaminated Sites 10.0
Content | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | 6.4 | 6.5 | 6.6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Achman D. R., Hornbuckle K. C., Eisenreich S. J. (1993). Volatilization of
polychlorinated biphenyls from Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Environ. Sci. Technol. 27, 7587.
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) (1993). Toxicological
profiles for polychlorinated biphenyls. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Washington, D.C.
Bidleman T. (1988). Atmospheric processes. Wet and dry deposition of organic compounds
are controlled by their vapour-article partitioning. Environ. Sci. Technol. 22, 361-367.
Bobovnikova C. I., Virchenko E. P., Dibtseva A. V., Jablokov A. V., Pastukhov V. D.
(1985). In: Improvement of regional monitoring of Lake Baikal. Izrael, U. A., Anohin, U. S.
(Eds.) Hydrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 49-54.
Bobovnikova C.I., Dibtseva A. V. (1994). Baikal as a natural laboratoty for global change.
LISNA Publishers, Irkutsk, 16-17.
Bremle G. (1997). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a river ecosystem. PhD Thesis.
Dept. Ecol., Chem. Ecol. and Ecotoxicol., Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Bremle G., Larsson P., Heldin J. O. (1997). Polychlorinated biphenyls in a terrestrial
predator, the pine marten (Martes martes, L.). Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
CCREM (Canadian Council of Resource and Environmental Ministers) (1986). The
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