(Issue 1) of Autumn Term 2016

Eaton House Belgravia
Issue 01
Friday 9th September 2016
Dear Parents,
I hope you have had a good, well rested summer.
It is wonderful to welcome you all back to Eaton House and especially to all the new families joining
Kindergarten. Again, this year we have many siblings joining the new year group, which is lovely, and
we also welcome those boys who have settled straight in, in other year groups.
I am delighted to introduce you to some new staff at Eaton House:
Miss Louise (3B), Miss Natalie F (1A), Mr Blair (2C), Mr Humphries (KG3 TA), Miss Serena (KG2
TA) , Miss Jessie (KG1). We also welcome back Miss Arabella (2A) having had a year out to finish her
Masters as well as Miss Madeleine who is back with us as LKG TA having been travelling for six months.
Mr Winter is with us as this year’s Gapper. Mr Carothers is the new Head of Science. Congratulations to
Miss Helen on her marriage to Mr Alex Southby at the end of July.
Head of House staff are:
Yellow, Mr Cooke: Blue, Miss Rebecca: Green, Mr Carothers and Red, Miss Helen.
Year Group Co-ordinators are: KG, Miss Clare: Year 1, Miss Sophie: Year 2, Miss Helen: Year 3 Miss
Term dates are posted on our website. Please note however that the end of term date for the summer term
has been published incorrectly in the calendar —the last day of the summer term is Thursday 13th July.
We will continue to send out a weekly newsletter and most of our communication is by email. Please let
the school office know if you do not receive the weekly newsletter on Friday in case we need to update
email addresses. Next week’s calendar is always printed in the Newsletter so please make sure that you
take a look.
Make sure any relevant members of your household are aware of notices, cancellation of clubs, etc that
appear in the Newsletter. In addition, please make sure we have up-to-date medical information and any
changes of address/contact numbers. Please return signed report books as soon as possible.
Clubs: start next week Monday 12th September. Please be aware that if club numbers are too small, some
clubs may not run. Boys go from their class to the Late Room (Hall) to wait for their clubs to start at
4.00pm. All boys should bring their own snack. Please may sure your son knows which clubs they are
signed up for and with which teacher on which day. Please collect promptly at 5.00pm.
Music: We have a vigorous and busy music department at Eaton House. Please see page 5 for details.
Continued ...
Uniform: Please ensure that your son has the correct uniform and kit at school at all times. To avoid any
confusion or unnecessary phone calls home, please make sure that your son knows that his Games kit etc is
on his peg/in school. ALL items must be clearly named with tapes (not pen). There are lost property boxes
in each cloakroom.
Boys must have a green cagoule, which should be kept in the front pocket of the satchel. School caps are to
be kept there too and always worn to and from school. Cagoules are available from Peter Jones and are a
generic green cagoule. If some items are temporarily out of stock a boy will not be penalized for lack of kit
if it is due to lack of supply but please let us know!
On Mondays, boys should come to school in their games kit with school shoes. They do not need their
school uniform at school that day unless specifically requested. Their trainers and football boots must be in
a boot bag and they will change their shoes in the park . The boys need shoe/boot bags on Games days.
This is compulsory for all the year 1-3 boys.
There will be the usual number of matches, sporting events and choir performances this term and
throughout the year. Parents, grandparents, friends etc. are all encouraged to lend as much support as
possible. Support means so much to the boys and the staff and is a superb reflection of us to other schools.
Do make a note of the date of our carol service at St Peter’s Church, Eaton Square at 2.00pm on Monday
12th December—it is a real highlight of the term.
Information Evenings: Please do try to attend these evenings as there is much to pass on to you about
your son’s new class. We hope as many of you as possible are able to attend. Dates as follows:
Monday 12th September
KG Information Evening
18.00 – 18.30
KG Social Evening
18.30 – 20.00
Drinks, The Hall
Yr3 Information Evening
Yr 3 Q&A 8+ Session
The Hall
Yr 2 Information Evening
17.30 – 18.00
Yr 2 Q&A 7+ Session
The Hall
17.30 – 18.15
Tuesday 13th September
Wednesday 14th September
Thursday 15th September
Yr 1 Information Evening
For Year 3 parents, there will be a Question and Answer session and a brief talk by me and the staff in the
Hall, specifically about 8+. The session lasts for approximately 30-40 minutes. I and the staff will, of
course, be available throughout the term to talk to you specifically about your son but do please try to attend Tuesday’s meeting as we will be able to give you some useful, general information about the process
or individual schools.
There will be a similar Q&A session for Year 2 parents on Wednesday 14th September.
Continued ...
Break snacks: Please remember that break/snacks MUST NOT contain any nuts, sesame extracts/oils,
crisps or sweets. Owing to some extreme allergies, please do not give your son anything like peanut
butter or cereals containing nuts for breakfast during the week as this can have an effect on boys
with allergies. Please also discuss with your son what he would like or is willing to try for break, to
reduce waste. I encourage you to send in snacks/drinks in reusable containers, not plastic bags, to avoid
waste and encourage thought for our environment. Boys may not bring yoghurts in for break as they can
be too messy for the classroom, likewise sandwiches are not allowed.
Collection: Boys are collected from their classrooms as follows: KG and Y1 are collected at 3.20pm to
avoid congestion on the stairs when the senior boys go home. Y2 and Y3 are collected at 3.30pm. There is
no exception for siblings or out of school tennis lessons etc. All boys stay in their classrooms until 3.40pm
when the doors close. At that time, they will be taken to the late room (Hall) and a member of staff will be
on duty with them until 4.00pm. If any non club/coaching boys are still in school at 4.00pm, they will be
taken to the school office and parents will be contacted. Please make sure that class teachers are notified, in
writing, of any changes to collection plans.
If you are collecting boys from a club please note that doors will not open before 5.00pm. If you are
collecting from tutoring your son’s tutor will bring him to the front door No 3 side for collection. Please
do not let other parents/carers into the school or indeed at any other time of the day.
There may be some congestion on the stairs in the first few days of term whilst our new parents and boys
find their classrooms. Please bear with them all, but please adhere to the above collection plans. The
timings are for parents’ benefit as well as allowing for extra time in Year 2 and Year 3 where senior
lessons run until 3.30. They also return to school from games at that time, so please help by not queuing
outside classrooms before the given times. It would also help if you could walk up by the wall and down
by the banisters, as the boys do.
May I also request that you arrive promptly in the morning as the whole school will be having a phonics
session at 8.45am each morning before Assembly. The boys will need sufficient time to be settled before
the first lesson begins at 9.20am. Scooting to school is much encouraged but if you leave scooters here
during the day, please chain them to the railings.
Next week, all boys will be given a small card detailing the school address and telephone number. This
should be kept in the inside blazer pocket. We do this for use on trips, if needed, and I remind you now so
that you know to remove it when dry cleaning the blazers!
If any parents are willing to offer their services as a Class Rep, please contact your son’s teacher next
week. I will give out a full list of the Class Reps in the next fortnight. Please do not feel that you have to
be a class rep each year. It is always good to have new faces! The first Rep meeting will take place in the
dining room at 9.45am on Friday 30th September. There are also plenty of other ways to get involved in
the school life without committing to being a rep. Do contact Mrs Fatim Rogn (KG2 & 2B) Chair of the
Class Rep committee on fatimrogn@yahoo.co.uk.
I am delighted to announce our new Head boy is Shiv Radia (3A Yellow) and our Deputy Head boy is
Alexander Ellwood (3B Yellow). I know that they and the other monitors (to be announced next week) will
do a superb job to help make the school run smoothly. I thank them all very much and look forward to
working with them.
Continued ...
I am aware that I have outlined a lot of do’s and don’ts! The essence of this letter is to welcome you but
also make sure that you know what is required for the new school year.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school...either your son’s class teacher or
Miss Francesca in the school office ehb.pa@eatonhouseschools.com. There will be other letters or
e-mails with information for you throughout the term so in addition please check your son’s homework
folder (and sometimes desk…) regularly.
I would also be grateful if you could pass on any relevant information to anyone other than yourselves
who may be involved in your son’s time at school (nannies, drivers etc.)
I look forward to seeing you all and to a fun packed term.
Mrs Annabel Abbott
6.30pm - 8.00pm
KG Welcome in Classrooms
KG Parents’ drinks & canapés, Hall
8+ (3A)
ICT Coding (ICT)
6.00pm – 7.00pm
Year 3 Information Evening, Classrooms
Year 3 8+ Q&A, Hall
7+ (2B)
Cookery (Science)
Football (Battersea Park)
Lego (1C)
6.00pm – 7.00pm
Music Assembly
Year 2 Information Evening, Classrooms
Year 2 7+ Q&A, Hall
Jedi (Hall)
Science KGs (Science)
12.10pm – 4.30pm
5.30pm – 6.15pm
Sunningdale Football Tournament, Sunningdale
Year 1 Information Evening, Classrooms
Art (KG2)
Chess & Board Games (2A)
Computer (ICT)
PE (Hall)
Science Y1-Y3 (Science)
Homework (KG1)
Karate (Hall)
Welcome back! I look forward to another year of exciting music making with your sons. I just want to
take this time to review the offerings of the music department at Eaton House Belgravia.
Private Lesson Tuition
We offer private music lessons on the piano, voice, guitar (classical and electric), drums, trumpet and
violin. Presently all music teachers have room on their timetables for additional pupils, especially drums
and guitar. Below, I have given some information regarding what you will need if your son decides to
take lessons.
The piano is a great instrument for pupils of all sizes to learn. If you don’t have a piano you can
hire a piano from a piano shop or your son will need to have an electric keyboard to practise on
in order to make good progress. The keyboard will need to have the same size keys of an acoustic piano
and the keys will need to be weighted. If you need any advice on the correct keyboard for your child’s
tutor will be happy to recommend a keyboard for your son.
Drums are a popular option at Eaton House Belgravia. We offer lessons on snare drum and drum
kit. To practise at home your child will need drum sticks, practise pad (low level of noise) and
method books. To learn the drum kit, your son will need to be of a certain size (usually by the
time they are in Year 2 and 3); therefore all students will need to have a consultation lesson to see if
they are big enough to play the drum kit. In the past, we have had small rock bands (in Year 3) coached
by the drum teacher with input from the guitar teacher.
The guitar (classical and electric) is very versatile instrument. It can play on its own or in a group.
Guitars come in different sizes and therefore it is a good instrument for young students to start.
The violin is an excellent instrument to begin at a young age. The instruments come in different
sizes and once they have the basics down they can play in different ensembles.
Singing is a fantastic gateway to studying music. In the lessons they learn about breathing,
posture and good vocal technique. It is a great second study instrument or introduction to
music study.
Trumpet lessons are available for older pupils. Interested pupils will need to take a consultation
lesson to see if they are big enough/have enough strength to play the trumpet.
All pupils who study an instrument will need to have their instrument and method books for their lessons. A small book is also given to the pupils with comments from the music teachers giving guidance on
what to practise for the next lesson.
Payment for music lessons go directly to the music teacher. They will invoice you and payment is made
at the beginning of the term.
Continued on next page ...
Practice Habits
In order to make progress in music you child needs to practise regularly. It is better to practise a short
time during the week than one or two long sessions a week. It is recommended for beginners to play
5-10 minutes 4 times a week , growing to 15-20 minutes 4 or 5 times a week for more advanced pupils.
Thank you in advance for all of your help and support at home.
If you have any questions regarding music lessons for your son, please do not hesitate to contact me
Miss Jayne jmcgowan@eatonhouseschools.com
Music Assembly
Music Assembly is an opportunity for your son to share his musical talent to the school. The pieces
need to be polished but can be of any level, no matter how simple or advanced.
Music assembly has moved to Wednesdays this year, alternating with the class assembly. Music
assemblies will take place on Wednesdays 14th September, 28th September, 2nd November and
23rd November starting at 8:55am.
If you child takes lessons at school your teacher will sign them up for a performance slot. If your son
learns outside of school he is welcome to perform. Please email me when he has a piece ready and I
will place him on the list. You are invited to attend the assembly to see your child perform.
Private music lessons starting next week
If you had lessons last year at school, you will continue with your teacher this year. They will contact
you before the lessons start.
The following teachers are starting lessons next week:
Miss Delbar— piano, Miss Mariko—piano, Mr. Steve Russell—guitar, Miss Seila—violin, and
Mr Hubbard—piano.
We have two choirs, Junior and Senior Choirs.
Junior Choir is open to all Year 2 boys and no audition is required. Junior Choir meets on Monday at
12.10 in the Hall. Your son simply needs to turn up if he would like to join.
Senior Choir is for Year 3 boys and they must audition to join. Auditions take place next Friday 16th
September at 12.10pm in the Hall. No additional preparation is required. Your son simply needs to turn
up if he would like to audition.
I look forward to another outstanding musical year!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Jayne, Head of Music
I hope those of you supporting our national teams enjoyed the Olympics and the Cricket as much as I did
over the summer; and that perhaps some of the boys were consequently inspired to generally practise
their skills more! And now it’s back to the “beautiful” game aka football this term and the next! Please
ensure your son is equipped with the relevant games kit on his respective games days.
I am looking forward to seeing a healthy mix of all the year groups tomorrow in Battersea Park
for the Saturday Football Club at 9.00am. The Tuesday Football Club also starts next week.
Please return the slip to me if you haven’t already done so in this respect. Please note from my
original club letter that there is optional return transport back to school afterwards but let me know asap
if you intend to use this service.
It seems we are expected to hit the ground running with our Yr 3 A team having been invited to Football
Tournaments at Sunningdale and Summer Fields (Yr 3 A & B) next Thursday 15 th and 22nd September
respectively. Letters will be sent out on Monday in this regard. I have also emailed a letter home today to
all of Yr 3 with respect to the Parents Football Match in Battersea Park on Friday 30 th September to
which I hope as many of you as possible are able to attend.
Mr Cooke, Head of Games
Welcome back to our returning boys. I’m looking forward to meeting all our new future scientists, too!
This term the KG boys will enjoy an introductory lesson, ‘What is Science?, before continuing to learn about their
bodies; parts of their bodies and their functions, how to look after themselves and about their senses.
The Year 1 boys learn about forces; pushes and pulls and magnetic force.
The Year 2 boys will be working with electricity; it’s dangers, items that use electricity and building their own
Our Year 3 boys will investigate the states of matter and how they can change; solids, liquids and gases.
Pop into the lab, downstairs on the No. 5 side, if ever you want a chat or to ask any questions.
Mr Carothers, Head of Science