career corner - Gateway Community College

September 2014
Office of Career Services and Veterans Affairs
We’ve Moved...
The Gateway Community College Office of Career Services and Veterans
Affairs HAS MOVED! We have relocated to Suite N217 (formerly the
Student Development Office, directly across from the Payments Office). In our new location we will still provide top notch services for any
student or alumni seeking such services like: resume preparation assistance, career assessments, job searching, mock interviewing, major selection assistance and so much more! We also have a host of services
that are provided for any student that is a veteran or a dependent of a veteran whose benefits have been transferred to them. Make sure to stop in
and see us, we’d love to help you!
Stay Tuned...
“Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone
who achieves their goals
consistently and those
who spend their lives
and careers merely following? The extra mile.”
- Zig Ziglar
We are hoping to add some additional services such as internship and job
shadow opportunity search assistance to enhance the overall student experience.
In This Issue
Come visit us in our new office located in N217 (across from the payment office)
We’ve Moved!
The Importance of
Getting to Know the
Career Services Office
Meet the Staff
Upcoming Events
Veteran News
From the
Desk of...
Welcome to our first Career Corner newsletter! It is my hope that
all Gateway students, Faculty and
Staff will find this newsletter helpful and informative. In each edition
we will provide you with helpful
career tips, as well as veteran
highlights. As always it is our goal
to educate and empower students
and alumni throughout their lifelong career development journey!
Photo Caption
The Importance of
Getting to Know the
Career Services Office
Please feel free to stop in and visit
us in our new location, room N217.
Our awesome staff members will
be happy to assist you on your
road to academic and career exploration success.!!
Many students don’t take advantage of the Career Services Office (CSO) It could
be for a number of reasons: they don’t know about it, they are not sure how we
can help them , they are not aware of how critical our assistance can be in their
decision-making process or a host of other reasons. Either way, we would like to
encourage you to stop in and take advantage of all that we have to offer you.
There are several reasons why a student should begin visiting the CSO Freshmen
year. First, our office is the place where students can learn about their strengths
and possible career choices. A student will learn about majors and how their interests can be transferred to that major, future job prospects and even how to get
and how to keep the job of their dreams. The CSO can also help those individuals
who want to make a career change.
Gateway’s CSO offers a number of FREE resources that students can access:
how to determine what major best suits them, how to transition into the workforce
or upgrade skills essential to remaining in the workforce, assistance in building or
polishing up interviewing skills, students can access job postings and internship
possibilities, take career assessments and have them analyzed and many other
resources available to all of our students and alumni.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!
Here, in the CSO, we work in conjunction with each student to assist them in the
development of an individualized action plan to get them from student to graduate
to employee or in some cases employer. We are vested in the success of all of
our students.
Kellie Byrd Danso, Director of Career Services and Veterans Affairs
Kellie holds a B.S. in Psychology
and an M.ED in Counseling/
Student Development & Higher
Education. She has been at Gateway for over 10 years. In her current position as Director of Career
Services, Kellie oversees all career
and veteran affairs programming,
meets with students to provide career counseling and guidance, develops relationships and partnerships with employers and works in
conjunction with faculty and staff to
assist students on their lifelong
career journey.
Meet the GCC Career Services and Veterans’ Affairs Staff
August 26, 2014,
11am-12pm N209
September 30,
2014 10am-12pm
The Fairway
October 1, 2014,
The Fairway
October 2, 2014,
The Fairway
Richard “Rick” Palinko is the Veterans Certifying Official and the point of contact for veterans
at Gateway Community College. He is responsible for helping veterans navigate the admissions process and get acclimated to returning
to school. He also helps to determine what
benefits veterans are entitled to as well as connecting them to resources within the VA Hospital. Rick has been at Gateway since 2004 and
holds an AS degree in General Studies from
GCC. If you need to make an appointment with
“Rick”, call him at 203-285-2146 or email at
Leigh Roberts is the Recruitment and Placement
Coordinator. She assists students interested in
health and life science programs. She also provides follow up and internship placement assistance. Leigh also does new student advising,
career counseling, major/career selection and
pathways, and mock interviewing. She holds a
B.A. in English, Grad Certificate in HR Management and is in the process of completing her
M.S. in Labor Relations. If you would like to
schedule an appointment , please call her at 203
-285-2143 or via email at
Taylor Van Antwerp is a Career Coach in our
office. She assists students with resume preparation, major/career selection and pathways,
mock interviewing, and cover letter building.
Taylor has been at Gateway since November of
2013. She holds a M.S. in Education and a
B.S. in Secondary Education. If you are interested in getting help with any of these services,
please contact Taylor at 203-285.2144 or via
email at
Niahri Taylor is the Career Services and
Veterans Affairs Associate. She does employee relations, manages the online job
board, office administration and assists with
programming for veteran and career services. “Ni” has an A.S. Degree in Business
Office Technology from Gateway Community
College. She can be reached at 203-2852144.
Stop in and introduce yourself to our staff, we would love to help you!
What’s New In Vet News...
The Armed Forces and Veterans Club will have representatives on the Fairway
(Bridge) on September 12 from 10am-12 pm. If you are a returning veteran or a
veteran new to the GCC family, please come by and see what the club is all
about. New members are always welcome! The goal of the club is to provide a
resource and support system for veterans here on campus, give back to the community through a variety of charity events, visit hospitals, and a host of other
Why Its Important to Register With Our Office
The Office of Career Services and Veterans Affairs has a Veterans’ Benefits Certifying Official on campus to help you find out what kind of benefits you may be eligible for, help with registration and class selection, certify benefits, and act as a
liaison between veterans and other campus offices. Make sure you stop in the
office to register so that you can take advantage of all of the resources afforded to
you. See you soon...
Thank you for your service!
Give us a call to inquire
about any one of our
Oasis by events
Room N208
means something
Career Fair
serving as a refuge,
the or
change from what is
usual, annoying, difficult, etc. At Gateway,
we have The Veterans
Oasis located in N208.
It serves as an area
dedicated specifically
for our veterans to
use computers, do
homework, study, relax, network with other veterans or meet
with and/or take part
in other resources that
our campus has specifically for them.
Please stop in at any
time and introduce
yourself to one of the
Veteran Work Study
students. Thank you
for your service!