ISSUE 2 April 2016 CIHT Northern Ireland Newsletter Message from the Chairman Our Regional Membership Your committee has been extremely busy over the last 6 months and in this newsletter we have provided key information relating to membership in our Region, a summary of our activities to date, as well as highlighting the remaining events on our calendar. I hope you have enjoyed our programme of events this year and if you have any thoughts, comments or ideas for our programme next year, or indeed this newsletter, please do get in touch. Our current regional membership breakdown by Grade is as follows: Yours Contact: Membership Grade Life Long Fellow Honorary Fellow Fellow Life Long Member Honorary Member Member Associate Graduate Apprentice Student Percentage of CIHT Membership: Contacts Chairman: Mrs Louise Dougan Tel: 028 9078 8635 E-Mail: Vice Chairman:Mr John McRobert Tel: 028 25662501 E-Mail: Hon Secretary: Mrs Roisin Wilson Tel: 028 44 61 8156 E-Mail: Hon Treasurer: Mr Stephen Bradshaw Tel: 028 90 540 405 E-Mail: Recruitment Officer: Dr Paul McKeown Tel: 07540 947 461 General queries: Newsletter and Communications: Branch Website: LinkedIn: search for “CIHT Northern Ireland Region” Follow CIHT on Twitter: @CIHTUK @CIHTUK CIHT NI Region Members 5 0 45 3 3 192 6 8 0 208 470 % 1.1 0 9.6 0.6 0.6 40.9 1.3 1.7 0 44.3 4% Thinking of changing your membership grade? If you believe you are ready to transfer your membership grade, you will need to make a transfer application. If you are not sure which grade you are eligible to transfer to, please have a look at the “What membership grade am I?” in the “Related Documents” section here. If you send through a copy of your CV or provide a summary of your career to date (including your education, training and experience), CIHT can advise you on a suitable grade of membership to apply to transfer to – email Details of the annual membership fees can be found here: Remember - you can manage your subscription (pay on-line and download receipts) here: and you can request a password reminder from: 1 ISSUE 2 April 2016 Membership and Recruitment CIHT has a membership of approximately 13,000 professionals working in highways & transportation worldwide. Through CIHT you can: join in with local regional events and meet other members who can advise you on how to develop your career, read CIHT’s magazine Transportation Professional in the members area of the website and find out about the latest developments in the industry, gain professional registration with the Engineering Council, continue your professional development and enhance your career prospects. CIHT New Apprentice Grade Did you know CIHT recently launched a new Apprentice Membership Grade? An apprenticeship is a great way of learning new skills, gaining valuable work experience and getting qualified while earning. You can apply for Apprenticeship Membership online by simply completing the online application form here. Remember - Apprenticeship Membership is FREE! To be eligible, you must be enrolled on a recognised apprenticeship scheme. Are you an Active Member? Being an active member ensures that you get the most out of your CIHT membership. Active membership; provides you with opportunities for personal and professional development; brings you into contact with other energetic and committed volunteers who work in your area; allows you to contribute to the success of your professional institution. There are many different ways to become actively involved with CIHT in your Region, some examples are: #journeys Member get Member Campaign - Every time you recruit a new member, you strengthen CIHT. An active and growing membership means greater recognition of highways and transportation professionals, improved knowledge transfer, professional development and networking opportunities for members, and the advancement of the profession. So, why not reach out and share the same valuable opportunities with your colleagues? Simply provide us here with contact information for an individual/s who is a candidate for membership and CIHT will take the next step. Company Champions - CIHT is looking for motivated and enthusiastic CIHT members to become Company Champions. It doesn’t matter if you are new to the profession or an experienced practitioner. You will act as an ambassador for CIHT in your Region within your work environment and act as an information hub for activities and initiatives relevant to CIHT membership and qualifications. Further information can be found here. Public Sector Professionals – CIHT is looking for members who work in the public sector to spread the word about CIHT and encourage other colleagues in their departments to join, by acting as a CIHT Public Sector Professional (PSP). We would like you to speak to your highways and transportation colleagues who aren’t already CIHT members and highlight to them the benefits of joining the Institution. Further information can be found here. Corporate Membership If your organisation is interested in working more closely with CIHT and the industry, then CIHT's Corporate Partner Scheme is the next step. As a corporate partner of CIHT you will help drive industry practice forward, get your voice heard among key decision makers and provide valuable support to your employees. The new Corporate Partner Scheme features three different levels of Membership; Gold, Silver and Bronze. Simply choose which package you would like to go for and then get in touch on t: +44 (0)20 7336 1571 or email at: Further information can be found here. 2 ISSUE 2 April 2016 Review of Recent Events CIHT FUTURES - Future Uncertainty in Transport – Understanding and Responding to an Evolving Society Over 200 CIHT members participated in workshops held across the UK to explore and debate the implications of different future scenarios for transport policy and practice. On 23 November 2015, around 20 members of the NI and ROI Regions gathered at Lisburn Civic Centre for breakfast and to kick off a morning’s discussion on the future of transport. Across 3 age groups, members looked at the findings of international transport foresight exercises, explored plausible future scenarios for transport in the UK and developed insights into how transport policy and investment decision-making should respond to future uncertainty. Led by Professor Glenn Lyons, NI members debated the issues at length and provided a regional perspective to this CIHT national initiative – the findings of which will be published on the CIHT web site shortly. More about the CIHT FUTURES project can be found here. Student and Young Professional Site Visit th On 5 February 2015 the CIHT Northern Ireland Region hosted a Student & Young Professionals event to hear about the proposals for new the Belfast Hub and Belfast Rapid Transit System. The event was organised by CIHT NI Regional Recruitment Officer Dr. Paul McKeown and hosted by Translink (Clive Bradberry), Transport NI (Peter McParland) and guest speakers Len McCombe (Project Director, Belfast Hub) and Eamon Scullion (Arup’s Project Engineer, Belfast Hub). The speakers provided a valuable insight into the work that has been, and is currently being carried out for both projects and what to expect for the future. The Belfast Hub is a transport led regeneration project which aims to develop a new integrated bus and rail station at the Europa Bus Centre and Great Victoria Street Railway Station that will have sufficient capacity to manage future demand and provide a suitable sense of arrival for the capital city of Northern Ireland. It is also proposed that dedicated facilities will be provided for the Belfast to Dublin cross border Enterprise train service. The Belfast Rapid Transit System is a transformational project that will use new tram-like 18 metre articulated buses which will be the key part of the BRT system image. The vehicles will utilise some of the latest diesel/electric hybrid technology with lower noise, vibration and pollutants; and incorporate high quality halts with easy access to vehicles, real time information systems and off-board ticketing to speed up the boarding process. The BRT network currently being developed will link East Belfast, West Belfast and Titanic Quarter via the city centre and is scheduled to commence operations in September 2018. Dr Paul McKeown stated that “these site visits are very important for young professionals and student members, as they develop a better understanding between academic and professional applications of sustainable transport initiative. They also create a chance for students and young professionals to meet senior level professionals and gain a better understanding of design and construction methods and best management practices used today within industry.” 3 ISSUE 2 April 2016 NI CIHT F1 Challenge This exciting, adrenalin filled evening of high octane fun took place on th 10 March 2016 at Eddie Irvine Sports in Bangor. Budding racers were fully locked into achieving the quickest times whilst taking part in both team and individual races, and the F1 simulator challenge. Thanks go to all those who took part with special thanks to the sponsors Whitemountain, McQuillan Companies and Martin Contracting Services Ltd. Congratulations go to the very young ALevel student team from Royal Belfast Academical Institution whose captain Ryan McKeown set the fastest time, stating “it was great meeting and hearing about the Institution in a fun environment”. Well done to all and we hope to see you all again next year. NI Women in Transport Event The CIHT Northern Ireland Region hosted its first ever Women in Transport event in Belfast Harbour Commissioners iconic Belfast Harbour Office on 3rd March 2016 in recognition of International Women Day and to celebrate the contribution that women have made to the highways and transportation industry in Northern Ireland. The event was attended by approximately 90 delegates who gathered to network and share best practice and experiences. Hosted by the Northern Ireland Minister for Regional Development, Michelle McIlveen MLA, delegates heard from the Minister, CIHT President, Sue Sharland on the CIHT Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit, and from three ladies with very different career paths who shared their careers and experiences to date – Louise Dougan, CIHT NI Chair and Business Development Manager at Atkins; Kay Sharkey, Service Delivery Manager at Translink and Cindy Noble, Acting Network Maintenance Manager at TransportNI. Speaking at the event, Louise Dougan stated “it is important to raise the profile of our women working in the transportation industry, not just because it is the right thing to do, but because we are facing a skills shortage and there is a real need to open up the highways transportation sector to a much more diverse talent pool. We need to do this in order to provide the much needed capability and capability to meet the demands and ensure the future sustainability of our industry”. Thank go to the Belfast Harbour Commissioners for the use of the Belfast Harbour Office and Atkins Limited for sponsoring the event. Annual Gala Dinner and Student Awards The Region’s Annual Gala Dinner was held on 3 March 2016 in the iconic Titanic Belfast. It was a hugely enjoyable event and a great success attended by over 220 CIHT members and their guests from the local highways and transportation industry. Guests heard from the evening’s host Louise Dougan, NI Region Chairman; the Northern Ireland Minister for Finance and Personnel, Mervyn Storey MLA; the CIHT President, Dr Susan Sharland and Dame Mary Peters. Recognition was also given to 2 outstanding students - David McKelvey (Queens University Belfast) and Simon Byrne (Ulster of University) who were rewarded for their scholar achievements in highways and transportation modules as part of their civil engineering degrees. The evening raised £2,400 for the Mary Peter’s Trust, the nominated charity for the evening. 4 ISSUE 2 April 2016 Upcoming Events and Dates for your Diary Joint Meeting with ICE: Delivery of the A26 Frosses Road Dualling Date: Monday 11th April 2016. Speakers: Mr William Diver, BAM/McCann JV Contractor and Mr Brian Devlin Arup Consulting. Venue: Ulster Museum, Stranmillis Road, Belfast. Time: 6.15pm. Annual General Meeting Date: Monday 18th April 2016. Venue: David Keir Building Room LG 024 QUB. Time: 6.15pm - refreshments will be served from 5.30pm in the Hub. Following the AGM, the new chairman, Mr John McRobert, will provide a short presentation on his work over the years. If you a member of CIHT, and would like to take a proactive and voluntary role in helping run the local Northern Ireland Region we want to hear from you. Do you wish to join the committee, or run an event in your local area, or a talk on a particular topic? If so, please get in touch with one of the office bearers on the front cover. Annual Study Tour th th Date: Wednesday 11 May to Friday 13 May 2016. Venue: Liverpool. The tour to Liverpool is nearly upon us. Twenty six have booked to depart on the 08:15 flight from Belfast International on Wednesday 11th May. The technical visits will include a tour of Cammell Laird's shipyard on day 1, where amongst larger ships the new Strangford ferry is being built. Day 2 is planned to include a trip to various works around the Royal Seaforth Dock, and a visit to see the new stand being built at Anfield. A full non-technical itinerary is also being arranged for partners, including joining up for lunch in the top floor of the Royal Liver Building on day 2. Accommodation is booked in the Malmaison Hotel overlooking Princess Dock, close to the Albert Dock with all its visitor attractions. Between its history and new developments, and having been the 2008 European City of Culture, Liverpool is now rated as a top class city to visit and should make a great venue for this year’s tour! Professional Review Dates Summer Reviews EngTech, IEng and CEng candidates: Submission deadline is 15 April 2016. th th Interviews will be held between 6 and 10 June 2016. Transport Planning Professional (TPP) candidates: th Submission deadline is 8 April 2016. th th Interviews will be held between 9 and 13 May 2016. Autumn Reviews EngTech, IEng and CEng candidates th Submission deadline is 26 August 2016. th st Interviews will be held between 12 and 21 October 2016. Transport Planning Professional (TPP) candidates: th Submission deadline is 30 September 2016. th th Interviews will be held between 7 and 11 November 2016. We are pleased to announce that the following Northern Ireland candidates successfully achieved professional qualifications in 2015: Callum Donald (Amey) – IEng, James Redmond (Amey) – CEng, Colin Hutchinson (TNI) – CEng and Ryan Devlin (TNI) – CEng. If you are preparing for your CIHT professional review, CIHT has created a LinkedIn group specifically for CIHT members preparing for their engineering professional review. Join this new group now – 5