Electrical engineering 1


Study programs: Communication technology, Modern Computer Science

Course: Electrical engineering 1

Professor / Assistant: Dejan Blagojevic / Natasa Bogdanovic

Status of course: Compulsory

ECTS credits: 7 requirement:

The goal of course is to prepare students to:

• meet the basic laws, principles and terminology in the field of electrostatics and the time constant currents,

• learn basic size calculation in electrostatics,

• learn basic budget size in the car DC.

The outcome of the case Student is able to:

• calculate of basic values in electrostatic field of homogeneous symmetric structures,

• solve simple calculations related to the distribution of fields and potentials

• solve simple electrical circuit of direct currents


Theoretical study

Electrostatics. Coulomb's law , electrostatic field , electrostatic potential , the conservative nature of the electrostatic field , the distribution of fields , electrostatic discharge prevention measures , Capacitors ,

Kinetics of direct currents . Ohm's Law, Joule's law, Kirchhoff laws, simple DC circuits, complex DC circuits and methods for solving them, Terms adjustments.

Practical classes:

Practical exercises follow the theory teaching , laboratory exercises are practical assessment of the basic laws related to the electrostatic field as analysis , and to resolve DC circuit ( Ohm's law , Kirchhoff laws ,

Thevenen theorem)



Mitic, D., Vukcevic, B., Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1, The higher Technical School of Niš, 2004th

Nikolic, A., Fundamentals of electronics, Punta, Niš, 2006th

Vukcevic, B., Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Branko Miljkovic, Niš, 2006th

No. of acitve clasess Other clasess

Research work lectures:




Other forms of teaching

Methods of teaching

Comibination interactive approach with practical problems solving .

Grading (maximum 100 points)


Activity during theoretical lectures practical training

Colloquium others points



Final exam points test paper 70 oral exam

