भारत सरकार अ तिरक्ष िवभाग सतीश धवन अंतिरक्ष के द्र शार ीहिरकोटा डा.घ.524124 आं.प्र. भारत टे िलफोन:+91 8623 225023 फेक्स: +91 8623 225170 Government of India Department of Space Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR SRIHARIKOTA P.O. 524124, AP, INDIA Telephone: +91 8623 225023 Fax: +91 8623 225170 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA :: DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTER SHAR :: SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SRI POTTI SREERAMULU.NELLORE DISTRICT (A.P) TENDER NOTICE NO. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/06/2016-17 On behalf of President of India, Head Purchase and Stores, SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA invites on line quotations for the following. Sl No 01 02 03 Ref. No. SHAR CMD 2016 00 4143 e-procurement [Two Part basis] SHAR CMD 2016 00 4238 e-procurement [Two Part basis] 06 300 Nos. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of MV Panel 3 Nos. SHAR SPP 2016 00 4330 e-procurement [Single Part basis] Supply of Sub-Sieve Auto Sizer. Make: HEL, UK and Model:SAS-100 1 No. SHAR CMD 2016 00 4423 e-procurement [Two Part basis] Annual Operation & Maintenance Contract for Air-Conditioning Plants at various locations in SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota for a period of Two years from 01.12.2016 to 30.11.2018 SHAR CMD 2016 00 4514 e-procurement [Two Part basis] Supply of Mobile Electrical Load Test Unit 1 No Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Diesel Generator set with AMF Panel & all fittings and accessories 2 Sets 07 Gas Chromatography Accessories 1 LS SHAR CMD 2016 00 4539 e-procurement [Two Part basis] SHAR SP 2016 00 4566 eprocurement [Single Part basis] Last Date for downloading of tender documents Due Date for submission of bids online Due Date for Bid Sealing on Due Date for Open Authorization Due Date for opening of tenders Instructions to Tenderers: Tender Fee Qty. Supply of LED Street Lights 04 05 Description System with No tender fee shall be applicable for tenders submitted through EGPS LS [Man-days] : 13.09.2016 at 16:00 hrs. : 13.09.2016 at 16:00 hrs. : 13.09.2016 at 16:01 hrs. to 13.09.2016 at 17.30 hrs. : 13.09.2016 at 17.31 hrs. to 15.09.2016 at 17:00 hrs. : 16.09.2016 at 14:30 hrs. 01. For full details/scope of work and terms and conditions etc., please see the enclosed annexures. 02. Interested tenderers can download the e-tender from ISRO e-procurement website and submit the offer on line in the e-procurement portal. Offers sent physically by post/courier/in person will not be considered. 03. Tender documents are also available on ISRO website; ISRO e-procurement website and SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota website The same can be down loaded and offer submitted on line in the e-procurement portal. 04. Quotations received after the due date/time will not be considered. 05. The tender documents are available for download upto 13.09.2016 at 1600 hrs. and last date for submission of tenders on line 13.09.2016 at 1600 hrs. and Tender Opening on 16.09.2016 at 14:30 hrs. 06. Head, Purchase and Stores, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the quotations. DT: 25.07.2016 HEAD, PURCHASE AND STORES 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN, SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATIONS ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘E’ OF SPROB 1.0 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK Supply of three numbers of Medium Voltage (MV) Distribution panel for Substation A, B & E of SPROB 1.2 Supply and installation of interconnecting bus duct from Transformers to the MV panels. 1.3 Supply of two nos., of test kits of ACB make, to test the ACBs’ protection release through secondary injection. 1.4 The scope shall include designing, obtaining approval and fabricating as per approved drawings, testing at manufacturer’s works, packing & forwarding to site location. The panels shall be assembled at our site and installed in place of existing MV panels. However the scope of removal of existing panels, cables and re-termination of the cables are NOT included in the scope of party. 1.5 The MV panel shall be fully Type Tested (with switch gears) assembly (MV panels) with prototype and certified as per IEC 61439 / IS8623-1 in a Govt. approved lab. Type test certificates with 2000 A bus bars with all rating of ACBs and MCCBs shall be submitted along with the quote. Partially Type Tested assembly (MV panels) is not acceptable. 1.6 All switchgear shall be sourced from the same manufacturer (i.e. ACBs/MCCBs/MCBs etc.). Mixing of switchgears of different manufacturers is not permitted. 1.7 All deviations shall be specifically mentioned in a separate sheet, with justification. Otherwise, it shall be considered that the supplier will abide by the following specifications. 1.8 The details of incoming and outgoing feeders of the MV Panels are as in Annexure I 1.9 The specifications of ACBs are as in Annexure II 1.10 The specification of MCCBs are as in Annexure III SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 1 / 16 1.11 List of approved makes of components as in Annexure IV 1.12 Technical compliance statement as in Annexure V 2.0 2.1 CONSTRUCTION The MV panel should be fully compartmentalized in dust and vermin proof sheet steel enclosures. 2.2 The Panels shall be fabricated using suitable mild steel structural sections or pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of thickness of min.2mm for load bearing members, 1.6mm for non- load bearing members and 3mm for base channel. 2.3 The base frame shall be of minimum ISMC 100, integral to the MV panel and shall be suitable for tack welding to the purchasers floor embedded channels. 2.4 Each module, bus bar chambers, cable alley should be provided with hinged independent doors. 2.5 All the elements of MV panel ( frames, cubicles, doors etc.,) shall undergo seven tank surface treatment. 2.6 Panels shall be painted by powder coating of approved shade / color (process with two coats of zinc chromate primer and two coats of powder painting. The painting should be done to get a smooth, scratch free and corrosion resistance surface. 2.7 Removable gland plates shall be provided at the cable chamber. 2.8 The MV panel hall be metal clad, compartmentalized, fully Type Tested assembly floor mounted, free standing, modular type suitable for indoor installation. 2.9 The MV panel shall be of bolted construction (No welded construction). The module layout (of feeders) to be standardized for ease of interchangeability & modularity. 2.10 All switchboards shall be dust and vermin proof construction. The degree of protection shall be IP42. Type test certificate in this regard shall be produced along with drawing approval. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 2 / 16 2.11 All the doors and covers shall have gasket to prevent any ingress of dust. The enclosure shall be for Indoor type and completely dust, damp and vermin proof. Gasket used for doors shall be of double-lipped neoprene. 2.12 The panel shall be fabricated in no.of sections so that it is for easy for transportation and positioning the panels in the panel rooms after which they can be integrated 2.13 MV panel shall be easily extendable on both sides by addition of vertical section after removing the end cover. 2.14 MV panel shall be of uniform height, not exceeding 2400 mm. The operating height shall be restricted to 300 mm minimum & 1800 mm maximum. 2.15 Fire retardant DMC/ SMC fillings for openings around the bus bars at the intermediate sections shall be provided. so that the fire from one section / compartment spread to the other. 2.16 MV panel inside shall be coated with Fire resistant paint similar to VIPER FR 1101 2.17 MV panel shall be suitable for Seismic withstand up to Zone III as per IS 1893. The same shall be tested at ERDA / CPRI / Govt. approved lab for seismic test. 2.19 MV panel shall be tested for Internal arc fault withstand for duration of as per IEC 61641 ensuring operator’s safety. Test shall be carried out for duration of 2.20 0.3 sec. Test certificate for same shall be provided. The MV panel shall be divided into distinct vertical sections each comprising of: Busbar compartment Feeder compartment Cable compartment Control compartment 2.21 The minimum clearance between phases and phase to earth shall be maintained as per standards for entire run of horizontal and vertical bus bars. 2.22 ACB feeders shall be mounted in single tier and all ACBs shall be mounted & accessible at same height. Note: Two tier executions are not allowed. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 3 / 16 3.0 BUSBARS: 3.1 The bus bar should be of electrolytic Aluminium conductor as per IS 5082 and should be supported in FRP (fiber glass reinforced polyester) insulators. 3.2 The bus bars should be designed to withstand fault level of 50 kA and 105 kA peak for phase bus bars and 30 kA RMS and 60 kA peak for neutral bus bars for one second and should be housed in fully enclosed chamber with bolted cover. Type test certificate issued by CPRI in this regard shall be submitted. 3.3 The bus bars shall be insulated with heat shrunk PVC sleeves with colour coding. 3.4 The clearances between bus bars shall be adequate enough in view of short circuit capacity and as per relevant IS/ IEC . 3.5 The bus bar size shall be determined taking into consideration the continuous rating & fault level as mentioned. 3.6 Bus bars shall be of uniform cross section throughout the length of the switchboard and shall be adequately supported and braced to withstand the stress due to the specified short circuit current. 3.7 3.8 FRP shrouds shall be provided for joints and tap-off for main bus bar. The min. busbar cross section shall be as per the table below. # 4.0 4..1 Min., Cross section of Alluminium Bus Bar in 01 Rating of Switchgear ACB / MCCB In Amps 2000 02 1000 1600 03 800 1200 04 630 1000 05 400 600 06 250 375 07 100 150 2500 EARTHING: . An earth bus shall be extended throughout the length of the MV panel. Minimum size of earth bus shall be 40x10 mm for aluminum or 30x10 mm for copper. The short circuit withstand capacity shall be as per IS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 4 / 16 4.2 Suitable arrangement shall be provided at each end of horizontal earth bus for bolting to Client’s earthing conductor. 5.0 5.1 METERING & INDICATION LAMPS Both the incoming feeders shall be provided with one no., of communication capable Digital Multi Function Meters (MFM) which can indicate Voltage between phases, Between Phases and earth, Current in each phase, Active Power in each phase, Reactive power, Frequency , Harmonic distortion etc., with RS 485 communication port (L&T quasar make panel meter or equivalent Siemens make only). 5.2 The panels shall also have suitable Current Transformers (accuracy class 0.5). 5.3 The MV panel shall also be provided with 96 mm X 96 mm Digital Voltmeter and Ammeter within built selector switches in addition to the MFM. 5.4 The panels shall be provided with LED type indication lamps for R, Y, B phases for all incoming feeders. 5.5 All ACB feeders and outgoing feeders shall be provided with LED indication lamps for on , off, trip and spring charge status. 5.6 All outgoing MCCBs shall have metering module, display module and communication module. 5.7 6.0 All outgoing ACBs shall be provided with metering module OTHER SPECIFICATIONS 6.1 The panels shall be designed for 415 V, A.C, three phases, four wire system. 6.2 All the compartments shall be suitably labeled with removable engraved plates. 6.3 On receipt of order, the party shall submit detailed GA drawing with bill of materials for approval before taking up the panel fabrication. 6.4 The cable chambers shall be of adequate size to terminate the numbers of cables and size as mentioned. Necessary bus bar type clip on terminals shall be provided in cable chamber. The interconnection between the outgoing of MCCBs and the bus bar type clip on terminals shall be through bus bar. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 5 / 16 6.5 Cable entry shall be from bottom 6.6 Barriers or shrouds shall be provided to permit safe working at the terminals of one feeder without accidentally touching the other live circuit / feeder. 6.7 Necessary spreader links shall be provided at the switch gears and bus bars shall be extended to the cable chambers. 7.0 CONTROL WIRING 7.1 All control wiring shall be carried out with 660 V grade multi core cable Fire Retardant PVC wires of size min. 1.5 7.2 Wiring shall be bunched and routed through cable alleys. 7.3 Wiring shall be properly numbered with ferrules 7.4 All control circuits shall be suitable protected for short circuits with independent MCBs.. 8.0 STANDARDS The MV panel shall conform to the latest revisions of relevant Indian and International Standard somes of which are listed below. 1. IS 8623 : 1993 Specification For L.V. Switchgear & Control gear Assemblies: (Part I) 2. IEC 61439:Part 1 & 2 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies 3. IEC 61641 Internal Arc-fault withstand 4. IS 1893 SEISMIC withstand 5. IS 2705 : 1992 Current Transformers 6. IS 3156 : 1992 Voltage Transformers 7. IEC 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear 9.0 SITE CONDITIONS & NETWORK PARAMETERS 1. Rated Voltage : 415 Volts AC 2. Rated Frequency : 50 Hz 3. Fault level : 50 kA : 45°C 4. Ambient Temperature SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 6 / 16 5. Temperature Rise : As per IEC standard 6. Neutral Earthing : Solidly grounded 7. Control voltage : 230V AC 8. Pollution class : III 9. SEISMIC Zone 10.0 10.1 : Up to Zone III INSPECTION The panels shall be tested for SESIMIC conditions at Govt. approved lab in our presence. 10.2 The type test certificates for full assembly with switch gears and bus bars of similar rating tested by CPRI shall be produced. Partially type tested assembly are not accepted. 10.3 The type test certificate with respect to Ingres of protection from an govt. approved lab shall be produced. 10.4 The ACBs micro processor releases shall be tested in our presence. 10.5 The panel shall be offered for inspection before dispatch. High Voltage test, insulation resistance measurement, dimensional checks etc., as per Indian Standard will be carried out at the time of inspection. The party shall arrange all the test equipments in this regard. 11.0 11.1 OTHER TERMS & CONDITIONS MV panel shall be guaranteed for a period of 18 months from the date of supply or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier. 11.2 On receipt of order, the party shall submit the GA drawing, control circuit and foundation drawings for our approval before commencing the fabrication work. 11.3 The supplier shall provide three sets ( hard copy ) of Operation and maintenance manual of the panels and all the switch gears and one soft copy. 11.4 The supplier shall provide adequate no., of operating handles and castle keys SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 7 / 16 11.5 The supplier shall provide 24 nos., maintenance kit consisting of all items required for the maintenance of ACBs 11.6 The supplier shall arrange for training at free of cost for three engineers and six technicians on the ACBs / MCCBs at the original manufacturers premises separately. The training session shall be minimum 5 days. The to and fro and lodging expenses will be borne by us. 11.7 The unloading of the panel is in our scope. The assembly of panels and the installation of bus ducts are in the scope of the supplier. 11.8 The installation work will be carried out in six phases spread over six month time depending on the site clearance availability. 11.9 The party shall demonstrate the proper functioning of all the elements at our site after installation carried out by us. 11.10 The details of 2000 A rated existing bus ducts from the transformer at substation A, B & E are as folllow a. 100X 120 mm aluminium bus bar – 2 Runs for R Y B and 1 run for N b. the bus duct enclosures are of dimension 250 mm X 620 mm c. the distance between the bus ducts are 765 mm d. Height of bus duct from FFL 2.0 m approx. The existing bus ducts shall be extended to match with the incoming ACBs of new MV panels The parties may visit the site to assess the real requirement of bus duct extension that is required before quoting. 11.11 The supplier scope is to fabricate, install and commission the interconnecting bus duct to connect the existing bus duct and the MV panels supplied by the party. 11.12 The cable chambers shall be adequately sized to terminate the following size of Cable against the switch gear ratings Switch Gear Cable chambers and the bus bar extension from switch gears shall be adequate to terminate the following size and runs of cables 1000 A, 3 P, ACB 4 Runs of 3.5 Core X 300 630 A, 3P, MCCB 4 Runs of 3.5 Core X 300 400 A, 3P, MCCB 4 Runs of 3.5 Core X 240 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 8 / 16 250 A, 3 P , MCCB 2 Runs of 3.5 Core X 300 200 A, 3 P , MCCB 2 Runs of 3.5 Core X 240 100 A, 3 P , MCCB 1 Runs of 3.5 Core X 240 63 A, 3 P , MCCB 1 Runs of 3.5 Core X To meet the above requirement the vertical sections of outgoing feeders shall be a mixture of higher and lower rating feeders so that crowding of outgoing cables in the cable chambers is avoided. 12.0 The party shall submit the offer as follows 1. Copies of fully type test certificates as per IS 8623 and IEC 61439 2. Technical compliance statement as in Annexure IV 3. Price Bid shall consist a) Supply of MV panels & interconnecting bus ducts i. Substation A ii. Substation B iii. Substation E b) Supply of ACB test kits c) Installation of MV panel and extension of bus ducts i. Substation A ii. Substation B iii. Substation E d) Taxes etc., against each item e) Transportation charges SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 9 / 16 Annexure I Schedule of quantities Substation A S No Description of Feeder Rating Qty 1 Incomer 1600 A, 3P, ACB 02 2 Bus coupler 1600 A, 4P, ACB 01 3 Outgoings 1000 A, 3 P, ACB 02 4 Outgoings 630 A, 3P, MCCB 02 5 Outgoings 400 A, 3P, MCCB 06 6 Outgoings 250 A, 3 P , MCCB 05 7 Outgoings 200 A, 3 P , MCCB 04 8 Outgoings 100 A, 3 P , MCCB 03 9 Outgoings 63 A, 3 P , MCCB 08 Substation B S No Description of Feeder Rating Qty 1 Incomer 1600 A, 3P, ACB 02 2 Bus coupler 1600 A, 4P, ACB 01 3 Outgoings 800 A, 3 P, ACB 04 4 Outgoings 630 A, 3P, MCCB 04 5 Outgoings 400 A, 3P, MCCB 05 6 Outgoings 250 A, 3 P , MCCB 05 7 Outgoings 200 A, 3 P , MCCB 03 8 Outgoings 100 A, 3 P , MCCB 02 9 Outgoings 63 A, 3 P , MCCB 06 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 10 / 16 Substation E S No Description of Feeder Rating Qty 1 Incomer 1600 A, 3P, ACB 02 2 Bus coupler 1600 A, 4P, ACB 01 3 Outgoings 630 A, 3P, MCCB 06 4 Outgoings 400 A, 3P, MCCB 08 5 Outgoings 250 A, 3 P , MCCB 04 6 Outgoings 200 A, 3 P , MCCB 02 7 Outgoings 100 A, 3 P , MCCB 04 8 Outgoings 63 A, 3 P , MCCB 06 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 11 / 16 ANNEXURE II Specification of ACBs 1. Circuit breakers shall be of air break, draw out type, electrically operated , auto spring charge mechanism. Suitable guides shall be provided to facilitate easy withdrawing of the circuit breaker. All identical feeder compartments shall be interchangeable. 2. The ACBs shall be operated with mechanical as well as electrical using pushbuttons with closing and opening coils. 3. All ACBs shall have communication ports so that the ACBs can be operated through SCADA. SCADA is NOT in the scope of work. Else suitable communication modules and accessories shall be installed for remote operation through SCADA. 4. The circuit breakers shall be provided with 6NO + 6NC spare auxiliary contacts, wired and available for Owner’s use. 5. The breaking capacity shall be 65 kA. 6. All ACB`s shall have Ready to Close indicator to ensure easy start-up and safe switching. Protection 7. ACBs shall have micro processor based protection release .The ACB shall be equipped with an integral self powered microprocessor based LSING protection release, which works on true R.M.S values for ensuring accurate protection. 8. Bus coupler ACB need not have protection release. 9. Release shall have PROFIBUS/Modbus communication facility 10. Integral Test facility to test healthiness of release and the trip circuitry shall be provided on the release. 11. Trip indicators shall be provided to display the exact nature of fault (i.e. O/L, S/C, and E/F) that caused tripping of circuit breakers. 12. The trip indication shall need no external power supply for display. 13. The ACBs shall have trip and event recording. 14. The incoming 1 & 2 and bus coupler shall have both electrical as well as mechanical interlocks. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 12 / 16 The setting range of protection release shall be as follows: 15. Overload protection shall have adjustable setting from 40% to 100% of the circuit breaker nominal current and the variation of setting shall be in steps of 5% of the nominal current. 16. Short time delayed short circuit protection will have adjustable current setting from 125% to 1200% of the nominal Current rating of the circuit breaker and adjustable time delay setting for fault discrimination from 0-400ms. 17. Short Circuit protection shall have standard phase failure protections for motor application with the delay time of 20 ms. 18. Instantaneous short circuit protection shall be either fixed type with Fault current pick-up – 20 times or settable type with a range of setting of 150% - 1200% of the nominal Current of the circuit breaker. 19. .Earth fault protection will have adjustable current setting in absolute values. 20. The adjustable time delay setting for tripping on earth fault shall be within 100 – 400ms. Also there should be provision to disable the Earth Fault Protection if required. 21. .Neutral Protection shall be provided for 3P as well as 4P ACB. The Neutral protection shall be dependent on the phase current and typical protection range shall be either 50% or 100%. 22. It shall be possible to change the release settings on-line 23. Shall have inbuilt metering to indicate voltage, current, % loading, power, energy & harmonics 24. Touch screen system to provide ease of navigation 25. Ocillographs to display pre and post fault current and voltage 26. Shall have features for Zone Selective interlock, Trip circuit Supervision and Restricted earth fault. 27. Shall have in built electrical and mechanical anti- pumping 28. Shall confirm to IS / IEC 60947-2 7 IEC 60947-2 29. The release shall have rating downsizing facility to ensure complete protection even when the system is partially loaded ie., reduce the rated current of the ACB. 30. Make L&T Omega Series with MTX 3.5 protection & control unit or equivalent Siemens make. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 13 / 16 ANNEXURE III MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCCBs) 1. The MCCB shall have breaking capacity of 70 kA with micro processor based release. 2. MCCBs shall be actuated operating handle that clearly indicates the three positions: ON, OFF and TRIPPED. 3. The MCCB should be have a trip-free mechanism that ensures the trip process is not prevented even if the operating mechanism is blocked or manually held in the “ON” position. MCCBs shall have 4. Over load ( phase & neutral ) short circuit and earth fault protection with time delay 5. Comprehensive current metering modules and display units. 6. Provision for thermal memory defeat 7. Modbus RTU and Bluetooth protocol modules 8. True RMS sensing and ,Push to trip button 9. Self powered. 10. Shall have micro processor release with the possible setting for various protection as follows Over load ( Phase ) : Current Time delay Protection mode Preset trip / alarm setting Thermal memory Over load ( neutral ) Current Time delay Protection mode Preset trip / alarm setting Thermal memory Short circuit & instantaneous Current Time delay Protection mode Preset trip / alarm setting Earth fault Current Time delay Protection mode : : : : : 40 to 100 % in steps of 1 % 0.5 to 30 s insteps of 0.1s On/ Off 50% to 90 % in steps of 1 % Enable / Disable : : : : : 50 to 90 % insteps of 1 % 0.5 to 30 s insteps of 0.1s On/ Off 50% to 90 % in steps of 1 % Enable / Disable : : : : 1.5 to 8 times in steps of 0.1 100, 200, 300, 400 ms On/ Off ( only for short circuit ) 50% to 90 % in steps of 1 % : : : 10 to 50 % insteps of 5 % 100 ms to 500 ms insteps of 50 ms On/ Off 11. Make L&T D sine with MTX 3.0 protection & control unit or equivalent Siemens make. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 14 / 16 ANNEXURE IV LIST OF APPROVED MAKES 1. ACBs : Schneider / L&T / ABB / Siemens / GE / Merlin-Gerin / C&S Electric ONLY 2. MCCBs : Schneider / L&T /ABB/ Legrand, / Siemens/ GE energy ONLY 3. Meters: Meco/Conzerv/L&T/Neutraonics/Nippen/AE/Rishabh/CG/Schumberger/Riken/Kryk ard/Elmeasure/Circutor ONLY 4. Indicating lamps : Teknic/BCH Electric /ABB/L&T /Siemens /CG /Schnider /GE power controls/C&S electric/Jainson/Kaycee/Jay Vaishnav ONLY SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 15 / 16 ANNEXURE V Technical Compliance Statement S NO Description Compliance Yes / No 1 Scope of work as per tender specifications 2 Construction as per tender specifications 3 Bus bars as per tender specifications 4 Earthing as per tender specifications 5 Metering and indication lamps as per tender specifications 6 Control wiring as per tender specifications 7 Confirming to standards as per tender specifications 8 Inspection as per tender specifications 9 ACBs and MCCBs as per tender specifications Mention the Model no., and enclose relevant catalogues with quote without fail 10 Confirming to Fully Type tested ,Internal arc fault and Seismic as per tender specifications and enclose the type test certificates 11 List of approved makes as per tender specifications 12 Training as per tender specification 13 Bus duct supply and installation as 14 Compliance to the entire specification. If not bring out the deviations in separate sheet 15 Entire tender specifications shall be signed for its acceptance and submitted. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANELS FOR SUBSTATION A, B & E OF SPROB 16 / 16 Satish Dhawan Space Center SHAR Page Destination: Tender Header Format Type : Normal .: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE PURCHASE DIVISION Tele No.08623-225023/225174/225127 Fax No.08623-225170/22-5028 e-Mail ID :,, STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS 1.OFFERS SHALL BE SENT ONLINE ONLY USING STANDARD DIGITAL SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF CLASS III WITH ENCRYPTION / DECRYPTION. THE TENDERS AUTHORISED ONLINE ON OR BEFORE THE OPEN AUTHORISATION DATE AND TIME ONLY WILL BE CONSIDERED AS VALID TENDERS EVEN THOUGH THE BIDS ARE SUBMITTED ONLINE. 2.THE TENDERER MUST AUTHORISE BID OPENING WITHIN THE TIME STIPULATED IN THE SCHEDULE BY SDSC SHAR. OTHERWISE THE ONLINE BID SUBMITTED WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR EVALUATION. PHYSICAL COPY WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED EVEN THOUGH IT IS RECEIVED BEFORE THE BID SUBMISSION DATE. In case of two-part tenders, parties shall submit their offers as follows:1) Part-I – Techno-commercial Bid (No price details shall be mentioned in this bid and shall not upload the details of price along with the techno-commercial bid) 2) Part-II – Price Bid In view of Two Part Tender, the Offers submitted contrary to above instructions will be summarily rejected. 3.In case, the tenderer is not interested to participate in the tender, the tenderer shall submit regret letter giving reasons, failing which future enquiries will not be sent. 4.Offer Validity: The validity of the offers / tenders should be 90 days (in case of single part tender) and 120 days (in case two part tender) from the date of opening of the tenders. Tenders with offer validity less than the period mentioned above, will not be considered for evaluation. 5.Excise Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for Excise Duty Exemption under Notification No. 64/95 dated 16.03.1995 as amended by Notification No. 15/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and as amended by Notification No. 07/2008 dated 01.03.2008 and necessary Exemption Certificate will be provided. No claim, whatsoever, for payment of Excise Duty or Cenvat reversal will be allowed later. The suppliers have to take this into account while submitting quotations. Excise Duty Exemption Certificte will be issued only to finished product as per the PO/Contract. EDEC shall not be issued in favour of third parties for raw materials, other components that go in to the manufacture of the end product. Excise Duty Exemption Certificate will be issued in favour of original equipment manufacturer provided (i) the tender has been received from the sole selling agent of OEM concerned (for which documentary proof shall be produced) and (ii) a request for issue of Excise Duty Exemption Certificate was made in the original offer itself. 6.CST - With effect from 01.04.2007, Form-D has been withdrawn for Inter-State purchases by Government Departments. Now the percentage of CST on the Inter-State sales to Government Departments shall be the percentage of VAT/State Sales Tax as applicable in the State of the Seller/Dealer. Accordingly, the suppliers have to indicate clearly the % (full rate of tax) of CST applicable against each item in their offers. 7.Customs Duty - SDSC-SHAR is eligible for 100% Customs Duty exemption as per Notification No. 12/2012 dated 17.03.2012. This may be taken into account while quoting for import items, if any. In case tenderers offering items considering customs duty exemption, they should also indicate the bill of materials and price, separately, with Customs Duty component and terms and conditions thereto. 8.Advance Payment - Wherever advance payment is requested, Bank Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank should be furnished. In case of advance payments, if the party is not supplying the material within the delivery schedule, interest will be levied as per the Prime Lending Rate of RBI plus 2% penal interest. Interest will be loaded for advance payments/stage payments as per the prime lending rate of RBI and will be added to the landed cost for comparison purpose. In case of different milestone payments submitted by the parties, a standard and transparent methodology like NPV will be adopted for evaluating the offers. 9.Liquidated Damages - In all cases, delivery schedule indicated in the Purchase Order/Contract is the essence of the contract and if the party fails to deliver the material within the delivery schedule, Liquidated Damages will be levied @ 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of total order value. 10.Performance Bank Guarantee - Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of the order value should be furnished in the form of Bank Guarantee from nationalized/scheduled bank or by Demand Draft valid till warranty period plus sixty days as claim period. 11.Security Deposit – Security Deposit for 10% of the order value is mandatory, if the ordered value is Rs.5.00 lakhs and above. Party shall furnish the Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee from nationalized/scheduled bank or by Demand Draft valid till completion of the contract period plus sixty days towards claim period for faithful execution of the contract. 12.BANK GUARANTEE FOR FIM: Supplier has to submit Bank guarantee for equal value of Free Issue of Materials (FIM) issued by the Department from Nationalised / Scheduled Bank valid till receipt and acceptance of supply and satisfactory accounting of FIM plus sixty days as claim period. 13.The delivery period mentioned in the tender enquiry, IF ANY, is with the stipulation that no credit will be given for earlier deliveries and offers with delivery beyond the period will be treated as unresponsive. 14.The Department will have the option to consider more than one source of supply and final orders will be given accordingly. 15.The bidders should note that conditional discounts would not have edge in the evaluation process of tenders. 16.Non-acceptance of any conditions wherever called for related to Guarantee/ Warranty, Performance Bank Guarantee, Security Deposit, Liquidated damages are liable for disqualification. 17.Wherever installation/ commissioning involved, the guarantee/warrantee period shall reckon only from the date of installation and commissioning. 18.Purchase/Price Preference will be extended to the MSMEs under the Public Procurement Policy for MSMEs formulated under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 and instructions issued by Government of India from time to time. Vendors who would like to avail the benefit of MSME should clearly mention the same and submit all the documentary evidences to substantiate their claim along with tender itself. 19.The drawings, specifications, end use etc., given by the Centre/Unit along with the tender enquiry are confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party. 20.SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SUBMITTING QUOTATIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY BY THE INDIAN AGENTS The Tenderer should submit the following documents/information while quoting:a)Foreign Principal's proforma invoice/quote indicating the commission payable to the Indian Agent and nature of after sales service to be rendered by the Indian Agent. b)Copy of Agency agreement with the Foreign Principal and the Indian Agent, precise relationship between them and their mutual interest in the business. c)Registration and item empanelment of the Indian Agent. d)Agency Commission will be paid only Indian Currency. e)Compliance of the tax laws by the Indian Agent. 21. High Sea Sales- Against High Sea Sale transactions: a.Offers shall be on all inclusive basis including delivery upto Sriharikota at the risk and cost of the supplier. Customs Clearance is the responsibility of the supplier and at his cost and risk. b.100% payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the items at our site. c.Sales Tax is not applicable d.Customs Duty Exemption Certificate and other relevant documents required for Customs clearance will be provided. e.High Sea Sales Agreement furnished by the supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions of our purchase order will be signed and issued by SDSC-SHAR. 22.The following information/ documents are to be submitted wherever applicable. 1.Product Literature 2.Core banking account number of SBI, RTGS Details 3.PAN No. in quotation and invoices 4.Excise Duty, VAT, Service Tax Registration details. 5.In case of MSME, registration details / documents from Competent Authority. 23.EXCLUSION OF TENDERS The following tenders shall be summarily rejected from the procurement process a.Tenders received from vendors who have not qualified in terms of their registration. b.Tenders received against publishing of a limited tender in the CPP portal. c.Tenders of vendors who have been removed from the vendor list or banned/debarred from having business dealings. d.Unsolicited tenders from vendors. e.The tenders which materially depart from the requirements specified in the tender document or which contain false information. f.The tenders which are not accompanied by the prescribed Earnest Money Deposit. g.The tenders of vendors who have not agreed to furnish Security Deposit, Performance Bank Guarantee and Liquidated Damages. h.The validity of the tenders is shorter than the period specified in the tender enquiry. i.The tenders received from vendors or their agents or anyone acting on their behalf, who have promised or given to any official of the Centre/Unit/Department, a gratification in any form, or anything of value, so as to unduly influence the procurement process. j.The tenders received from vendors, who, in the opinion of the Centre/Unit, have a conflict of interest materially affecting fair competition. k.The tenders received from Indian agents on behalf of their foreign Principals/OEMs (in cases where the Principals/OEMs also submit their tenders simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender). l.In case two or more tenders are received from an Indian agent on behalf of more than one foreign Principal/OEM, in the same tender for the same item/product. m.If a firm quotes ‘NIL’ charges / consideration, the bid shall be treated as un-responsive and will not be considered.