Physics 160 Spring 2006 Name: Final Exam Closed book. You may use one page, two sides (8.5 by 11) of your own notes. Calculators are okay, but no computers are allowed. In all of the following problems, assume that a bipolar transistor has β = h fe = 100 and VBE = 0.6 V . Problems 1–3 4−6 7,8 9−11 12−14 15 16,17 18,19 Total B: Score 6 8 20 16 12 8 7 23 100 Numerical results only need to be good to about 5% (no more than 2 significant figures). To be eligible for partial credit, you must show your work leading up to all numerical results. Round resistor and capacitor values to two significant figures. You do not need to worry about whether a component value is commercially available. When doing sketches where numbers are available, indicate clearly the voltage, current, or frequency scale on your sketch. Other than perhaps the last two problems, in which you provide the design, each section of each problem should be a quick calculation. If you get bogged down on a section, move on and come back to it later if there is time. The exam includes 8 pages and 19 problems and questions. 1. (2 pnts) The output impedance of a good current source should be a) as high as possible b) as low as possible 2. (2 pnts) The output impedance of a good voltage source should be a) as high as possible b) as low as possible 3. (2 pnts) Two voltage amplifier/filter stages are connected in series, as indicated below. In order that the gain and filter characteristics of A are not significantly affected by the presence of B and vice versa, a) The output impedance of A should be high and the input impedance of B should be low. b) The output impedance of A should be low and the input impedance of B should be low. c) The output impedance of A should be low and the input impedance of B should be high. d) The output impedance of A should be high and the input impedance of B should be high. 1 Physics 160 Spring 2006 4. (2 pnts) What is the small-signal output impedance of this emitter follower? 15V 10k 144k -15V a) 100 Ω b) 125 Ω c) 250 Ω d) 350 Ω e) 10 kΩ f) 144 kΩ 5. (2 pnts) What is the small-signal input impedance of this emitter-follower circuit? 15V 40k In Out 40k a) 10 Ω b) 17 kΩ 1k c) 20 kΩ d) 40 kΩ e) 80 kΩ f) 120 kΩ ( ) 6. (4 pnts) The voltage at point A in the circuit below goes like V (t ) = V0 1 − e − t τ after the switch is closed. What are the values of V0 and τ ? Note that the solution can be obtained very easily if you make use of circuit theorems that you know. 1 A 2 6kohm 5V 3uF 3kohm 6uF 2 Physics 160 Spring 2006 7. (14 pnts) Consider the following amplifier circuit. 7.5k 100k In Out 0.1uF 15Vdc 5k 10uF 10k 750 a) b) c) d) What is the bias voltage at the transistor base? What is the value of the transistor collector current? What is the approximate voltage gain of the amplifier? What is the DC impedance of the bias network, as seen from the node at the transistor base? e) At operating frequencies (e.g. 10 kHz) what is the effective impedance of the 5 kΩ resistor, as seen from the node at the transistor base? f) What is the small-signal input impedance of the amplifier at operating frequencies? g) What is the small-signal output impedance of the amplifier? 8. (6 pnts) Consider the following filter circuit. Assume an input sinusoidal voltage of amplitude unity. In Out C R a) Is the output voltage leading or lagging in phase relative to the input voltage? b) At what frequency (in terms of R and C) is the magnitude of the phase change from input to output equal to 45°? c) Sketch the output phase as a function of frequency. 3 Physics 160 Spring 2006 9. (6 pnts) Consider the following filter. In Out R L C a) Sketch the gain (Vout/Vin) as a function of frequency. b) If you change the product LC, what aspect of your graph will change, and in what direction or sense? c) If you change the value of R, what aspect of your graph will change, and in what direction or sense? 10. (4 pnts) Explain why this emitter-follower circuit will not operate reliably. 15V 750k In C Out 7.5k 11. (6 pnts) Explain what is wrong with each of these bad circuits and what single component should be added, and where, in each case to make the circuit at least functional. You do not need to give values for the added components. 4 Physics 160 Spring 2006 12. (3 pnts) Explain why this high-gain common-emitter A/C amplifier will not work reliably, even though it appears to simulate fine in PSpice, with a collector current of about 1 mA and a gain of about 270. In RC 6.8k R1 56k C1 3.3uF 15Vdc Out Q1 Q2N3904 R2 2.7k 13. (3 pnts) Sketch a modification to the amplifier in the previous problem that will make it reliable while still maintaining the same high gain for A/C signals. You do not need to specify the values of the new or changed components. 14. (6 pnts) Answer the following questions about the schematic below, of an A/C amplifier with a push-pull output stage. 3 0.68uF + B2 OUT 2 V4 - B1 5 6 A Out 1 4 FREQ = 200 V- VAMPL = 0.1 U1 V+ In 7 V2 15V RLoad 10k 100 9k V1 9k 15V 1k a) What is the overall voltage gain? (For this you can assume that RLoad=1 Mohm.) b) Suppose a 200 Hz sine wave of 100 mV amplitude is input. Sketch the waveform (voltage versus time) at the output and at point A in the circuit. c) What property of the op-amp will limit its ability to remove crossover distortion at higher frequency (e.g. 10 kHz)? 5 Physics 160 Spring 2006 15. (8 pnts) The following 3 plots are from the 2N3819 JFET data sheet. Make use of them for the following four questions. LOAD 10V 2N3819 180 a) What is the approximate current delivered by the current source illustrated above at room temperature? b) What is the approximate compliance range (in volts) for this current source? c) What is the approximate output impedance of this current source? d) What is the approximate output impedance of the following source follower at room temperature? In 10V 2N3819 10k 0.01uF 1Meg 6 180 Out Physics 160 Spring 2006 16. (4 pnts) Consider the following Schmitt trigger, in which the output swings between 0 and 5V. 5V 8 20k + 1k V+ 3 - 4 2 Out 1 V- OUT In 100k 10k a) What is the threshold for a rising signal at the input? b) What is the threshold for a falling signal at the input? 17. (3 pnts) In the following common-emitter amplifier (for which the bias-circuit details are not shown), the capacitance from collector to base of the transistor is 2 pF. Suppose that the voltage gain of the transistor is 500. What will be the frequency of the 3dB point caused by the Miller effect? Out RS In 80 7 Physics 160 Spring 2006 18. (10 pnts) Draw a schematic showing how to connect up a 723 regulator (shown below) to deliver a 3V regulated output from a car battery (12V input). The 723 reference voltage is 7.15V. Make sure that your supply is protected against loads that would draw more than 150 mA of current. Remember that the regulator needs a 100 pF frequency-compensation capacitor. VCC+ VC 12 + 5 3 - 4 2 V+ 8 11 + OUT V- - 1 4 10 Vref OUT 2 CL 3 CS 6 7 13 COMP VCC- 19. (13 pnts) Design a DC-input bipolar-transistor differential amplifier to operate from ±15V supplies with a differential gain of 20 and a tail current set close to 1 mA by a current-mirror current source. The input should be able to swing by at least ±0.25V around ground without saturating the output. The output only has to be able to drive a high impedance load (e.g. the base of another transistor). Estimate the commonmode range of your design. 8