----------'-r- """"~"""", , -...... - - -J 1--1" ''''lI'-~-T~--~T'--'---'-- - --1-~------~---'- "I"'<"""~'I'""~'-" ','::';"'1"""""'" , "'--1" I' ,""'" ",,""'c'-"'"~'''''''r'-'':'''''''''''''-'''I'';''''''' '[" I I,: "I 'i', 2;ZYoges ! two sections I' \' llERAL". ' " D· n ,," t Teaehers Learn Abo~t Latest English Tact ,Since pruclically (> \' l' r y bod y c~aims ,Johnny can't write, lS{J l aehers and school oflldals came t Wayne Salul'day tu learn aboul n~w I~eas tl1"'lt '!pay' OVf'ITOme Johnny's hal1dl\U P The ocJ~}ilon) w~s. a regional conference f~1 English teachers, one of seVCI'nl such m~etings arranged b y the Neb r ask a Council of J:<;ngtlsh Tea c her s. Mrs. Mildn~d Jones. assocInlc pro· fessor of ~nglish at Wayn£! Statd, expressed pl£!asurf' when advance reservatIOns edged over we. Then sh(' wp<; overjoyed when about lS0 appeared, rep res en ling 35 schools in NE Nebraska. Dr. ItO) Higgs, bead of the WSTC languag{' di\'lsion, oullined the En· glish teuctllng problem as he ga'vC a bl'ld wl'kome talk. Thomas Fairclough of the UnIversity of Nebraskll carried on from that point in Ihe main ad· dress, explaining how modern linguistic research has prod Jced new insight into the problems of teaching Englisn. i He ('Iil'd onl' nl'W text as I IIf' I leading {'xampl(! of new Engl1~l1 I instruc\wna I ml'lhods-a book /10\\ , being u,,('d 111 Sflllll' \Vu~Y!1(' High ir;';S~~ti;n :One eight pages ! Resident;;~ G~t' , "Both Council and School ' ~:rt~!rr:!e~~::se (outu$es S~t for' Tuesday ~):. '\1.,. ., \ A special group of'teiC'phonc up- - begin calling GETTING READY FOR THE KIWANIS ShrO'Ct'TUC;da y pancake storts pt 5:00 p,m, Tuesday, Feb, 26' nd with'serving until 8 p.m, feed at the city auditorium, I<iwanipns Arnie eeg, left, and AI ~ittig, righ.t, help Kent Hall, center left, and D 1105 Wendt, rrght, Into the unrform of the day, aprons, cops and potulas. The feed This islthe second annual Shrove Tuesdpy celebration by the Kiwan- ._. . Boeckenhau~· r -, - - ~:~e~la~~~:~;~ ~~l~l~~~~!~toa~~t;~nn<:;. :-'11, 10 Sf>rllCe 10 "How-to-Dial" h('T~~i(~;peralors < [r:~~c ._-.>,_.- -.-.-~'-~. - "A trip to the leadNs,hip camp is one of highest honors in 4·loI club work," said Elaine St{ucius, associate state 4·H dub leader in the University of Nebrasl(a Agriculturill Extension Service. M1SS Boeckenbaucr h3!; bcen ,<1 4-H member (or 10 years und ha~ completed projects in foods, cloth· ing, sheep, photography, junior leadership, garden, home living, entomOl~y,babY b,ep.f" breedlng, &e' and yard beautifioation. Slle has· ~ aCtive in two Wayne County 4-H cilub" holding nearly evcr~ office in· eluding two years as president. She was awarded Ak·Sar·13en's "Best All·ArouIbd Exhibitor" han· ors on a coulnty basis for six years An hon~r student in high schooi, she ha~ served as Presi· dent of both the Pcp Club and thl' local Future Homemakcrs of Am eriea chapter. • I Pierce S~eded in Class Bt Gurney ,In March at Rice herce will be No 1 secded and Wayne No 2 seeded when the Class B rlistricl baSketball !ourna· ment Ol)('n al Hlce Memonal Aud· Itonum March .'i FIrst round pairing match Neligh Bloomfield and Plamview,a.nd Laurel Tuesday. March 5 WIth Pleree and Crofton and Holy Trin. Ity and Wa~ ne plaYIng \Vednesday 'I01ght ', '"ld 1 i i Elcd~W TASS~~latlOn meetlOg an accident on hLS farm. Suber was having a two :-;Iory barn lowered. The one seetlon, held by a winch and a cable, was being' IO'fered. to the ground, Suber ran under ~he ~eetion to In CaIen dor ~h OWS Marc hiI' yepr?sentauv~s nco n ues, Y" ,.' fr~m Ne~~~k~: • ..I: rural, ~lectnc syst~ms f hei; A B 11 P d te~d, lhe, annual me'Ctm.g 0 t usy erlo "Idtcwlde ~ervlce. orgaruzatJOn.. Till ~];II'{'II '11'.1:<' (;I\I'IIIi.lI· ,110\\'> ... 1;111 ,111'1'.~1)ll.ll. I.I.\("~ WSTC Dramatists 0 dill' \LIITII I I til ~1111:il IIIl)jll'lt\1 1 Well in Lincoln Meet IJ{' 11.11 (I \\ ('(Iunty a.c,· 'X I'D i ,11'(' III ,lllll~t '~('.',\llr lJ~ ~h<J.~ .!.i<l1(' ;d".:I, ," lhf'11 on :\ljlch I.'). I (dcral In. C()OlC lax('.~ jO.I, 1ndl\ ulu<lb are dllt' Other tax p'lli b duc on March 15 j Fourt,h ',IUd!" t'rly instal,l,mC,'nt and la~t day to 11 C amended declaratinn of estlma tax for ta).~· 6hded Feb. 2 Indivlduab may flk fln;d :d ill I](,ll Iii individual income y{ J'c, on [!fical year , 1963. other than farmers) eturn 1040 by Ma.reh 1'<,llmatl' ('cl )(',11 chase away some pIgs. 'fhe cahle snappel.! d~'o!P'pi~g the barn. on hi~. He was kllled instantly. HIS obltuary can be found in Section 1 Page 5 of-the Herald. Wayne Slate dra:na,tis,ts won two • 'runncr·up honors III stiff compel1ilion at the Spring Festival in LincoIn. d Brad Hi~kerso"~ ¥.1ayne, raht fir,st r~,nner-up for d.irection ,~f Wavn"s one-a_c! .entrv;1. '. A",y,.,J. '~r_':'-, .......... ~ Dream_" Though he has acted In... ~ ~any .col!9.ge plavs, this '(las !'his' fIrst directing ~Ie. . , . Persons skilled in agriculture, Eleanor. NyqUlst, SlOUX ~lY, construction! medicine, news-paper, ,first runner - up ho~ors radio and administrative fields are among actresses. . called for Ij)y special projects in Dr, Helen Russell prals~d her South America according lo Dr. students' performance, notmg th~l Merlin Kleinbach, Wayne State Wayne excelled colleges and Unl- Teachers College:; in announcing a v('rsiti~s f ~pch l~~ger in several specikl program" FOCUS: LATIN dClSSI'S 0 _competitIOn, AMERICA,,:' set fdr Tuesday at the . The ~ntlre Way~ performan~~, new Student Union Building, mclud,"g preparations and ~r.lttThe Newman Club of Wayne que, was recorded?n televlSI~n State has invited the director of I WSTCr P o'f A"ldOlng , IS' • II, QUi'h Ame,rlcan S'peclo .' I Progralll :,'«(il\liul~~lll~~I",I',',/~I'hIJ ;::~I;~~(:I~~~~llOt~:)xnnt~ :~!~,~~ ~:at~:n~howtn9 II " "I \(';11' ('nd{'cl :\'0\ L:~ ~:ti~~~iln ~:;~;:~can;:~~~eOfc~n~ on a lv,elve colleges enter.ed the hrst ference, Msgr, Williilm Quinn to report on his- recent tour of spec1al projects in Latin American 11l('0I111' td). "11 form lII4(H'~S for flO,' Spe{'ch AssoclatIOn. The Umverslty countries, (;.1.\('.11' c:ld1!1C: i''';m :ll, 1!-l6:) ~~~~~ _ _ Rev. Quinn will speak al a spe.cial noon luncheon lo be held ll1 the Birch Room in the Student Center, The public is invited to attend. according to Father ,:,"'ilham KleHman, St. Mary's pansh, who lS cooperating with Dr. Klem· bach In the program arrang~ments The discussion w·ill follow lmmediately after the lunchcon. --Young ml'n from ;\;ortheast N('·-braska lllter£,,,tl'(\ In <I' ('arper in or the Hdskell Loan Fund, reports agriclll1Urf' (Ii' ('l1gll1t'('I'mg Illay i County Agent Harold- Ingalls. Fire Damages Home pal'l ,(.)f their educatIOn at I Funds are available on a loan MF"llierre tbeandalnYt fda"'"magFedrr"cttahyC .Ef1t1e"rn IIle t nl\('I'<;lti' of ~f'bra<'ka by u:-e basis at very nominal interest l'\on - ) rates. Repayment of the loan ~an noon, The WakeflCld flre depart· be made over a period of years ment answered the cal~. after completion of college. • A complete report of the past and possible future uses of this loan fund will be made at the Northeast StatlOn Annual meetmg I 10 be held March 12, .. Pender! Thes~ funds arc avallable through Lhe generosIty of ~. E. Neb~a~ka The State rtIlional Bank of Experimental Statl~n AssoclatlOn Wayne has been granted authority 1 and C D. Haskell, Laurel. by the CorilptroUer of the currency A:1Y m~le s:udent fron: l,he four- : of the United States to operate and y teen rou t , N, E. A,'., OClatlOn areajOffer full trust powers e,ff~hve a.nd enro led In. the. College. of _~~ February 13. ' ncul.t~re cr ;:'l1glnCefl~g .at t~This means 'that the bank can verslty Of !\ebraska lS lllegible to now offer a vanety of new :services make ap I1catlon. for a loan, including lhe rtg~t to act as~~r,:,stee, executor admimstrator, registrar of stock~ and bonds, guardian of I estat~s and investment of com~lnnual college dramatles com petAnrHull (1('1'1;11';11111(1' I)t ('"llmelted l~)(ln sponsor~d .by the N~bras,ka Funds Available for Ag And Engineering Studies • fll1an~'e und II E, ",11111" IIrlll Ipr~:-'ld{,f1t ~I'} !l1(Hlf ~ald 1\(' would ~C('l, rl' ::~I~~~ 11~~"~;)/~\l~'h~r~~a~~I~t ~'~~ l'II'('Il<Jr~ WilliI' liein docllned h,L~ t)(,l'n-arll\'(' 111 m'!ll} CI'<I(' Junc· ::::.'~\I,r//-! 1V.:::H)tl,I,I;'I:·IS t~~:n~, '~~~~m:~I;; I tlOn:-. ha~ h4'1'1l ;1 tHIDJ'd llH:mbcr for '.!.·l (;()V4~n)llr Fr':mk B MllrJ'l<pn \\;(~ ('Urhl't'uLI\(' \(':11'.'; 1111' Il1dln "j)cDkl'l' al the I l'llr tll(' :-'('iJUO\ l'JU{,IIS(,S tilt' {lill) . I I W,yne County Public Power Dis' 'tncl. will describe the district's Karen BoerkehhCluer, \\' (l ~ n ('. daughter of Mr and Mrs, Ii'olwrt B()eckenhau{'r. ha::, ~Jl'('n nClnH'd Winner of it scholurshlp to ul1r'nd {'limp MlnlWanCcl <It StOll(' L<lklj Mid\., in August. bhard calWUSl'S wJll al:-,.U 114' 1\4'101 TIH'.~d<l} The hlrmJi of Ed the LmclJln Jayrl'!':-' and - of 1 liJJ~;\oC)1 cu~tonH'r ~~~::II~~ 1~~(~0~::~~1\))11111. -'>~~:~::lli;;t I~f ~~~;::.\~~lJr a test call over tht new sy" Karen Adds I'~E~~~~~~~cj,~ef!~~~!n J~n ~u~~r Mishap Kiolled In Budding ' AdA. no:th er war In 4 HWor k ~,~~~~~~c~i(~~\S~:,v~~~Sk~o :~::i ~~~::n,::~~~:~~:1'rr::~~~;I~s~:~':1~ i (1\ Nphra:-.k.i. 111' I~, \1(,(' ~(I;\lnlll!1t'111:::~14~'II~ 1:'\(I\:lnl;~:)~~~i~n i~vll~rt~:' ;;::~'I:(J;·~l:::~'n;)1 (l~h;'h(I:O~~:ll;~:'t\;I;;1 t::::~~ could n()! alh'nd lIll'eting:-; r('gu" bookl!'!," will aL.,u. offer In. ()f ('()J1lnH'rC(', LIncoln liSt;' of th(' dial Ik ha~ :-lpn'l't! ;1:-' bU'.jlH~·~4 man telephone .jlnd 'help til(' . \\1111(' onl' ilah dl'cltnNI is to be sure ('ach cu.<;ton1er rec('lv· es the important lettpr whIch will be mailpd to them latl' thIS wf'l'k The lpttcr contalll~ c{'rtain mform ation ahout th(' new dial :-ot'rVln' and enclosed With it will be num· ~teJl In struction on the ions in Wayne. :::~lt;:{:~,(~\v;ltll.:·;)lJ~ll~i~II~~~~n~h~~)e r~~, VII 'j! w;(rd COlll'Jltllll'n E(1 Smi(h ;Ind J}llrd ward ('otmdlman ('h~'ls TH'I~~'lJ s;lId 11]!'y WO\(I}1 run ;11:11111 Th~' ra~1 !I'rm wus the. fir,,!' rOI~ lllJlh 11l!'n ,"aIlW.., F Nh~~'tl. ],l!l('o!rl, *,011 III ~('n;(]d ward ('lltlll(,llmail Davc' Bt'n Nh:-.pn. Wil}np, l.~ II!!! l!/ti:\ EWing ... ,wt hp was not goirlg 10 rpclpll'nt M till' J.utt'oln JUlllOr I \Ill ~In('(' III'-, ....dH'dule -for S\JI)l ('humher of ('OII1I1lf'rCI' j)1~tJllgUI:-.1l IlIPr ;Intl /11 II I:-.t .11 tilt' ('Ollllllg ~\Cllr ed S!'r\ Il'I' Award \\(Ildd tnk' hi! out of tOWIl II J.:l~'nl A lW}.j ~r;Htuak of ttU' linlv('r d4'.d III' :-';Ill li' flolt it WIl:-o uufalr "Thi~ i~ tE'resting - W~lh ~'lIUl'\I~l':' sl'l {or Tu(>sd(lY _.. , ull "One of the reasons lor the c<lll -_._- ., James Nissen Recei~es ~~~fCg ~~sk~ir~i~~;~ ;;~~IW~'~: 'tern Bell manag(~r. Distinguished Service' anoUlPr til(> pro." ('('s~ b~Jng dial Wayn(' A df J on Sllnday, March 17." ."ald Elling war rom aycees will efators l'fasst'~ aJl(1 Mrs. Demon Kvob, TUcuI~H.'ari, N. M., IS on(' of SIX youth named to lake COn1[1('tltlve lests foll' the Alr Force A c a ct e m y <it Colorado Springs. Colo. Larry is the grandson of Mrs. Chris Kvols, Wayne. fEB HhrORICl,L SOCX!l'I'Y Posts Again, Ewi~g iDedihes r • L~:I~;' ~Vl~\~~IS~S~~I~fdMr ND~ ~TATE ~ :f:/: \'~'· ": ":;:;-:;~;~"- ; : :;:" '":; ;: - "'~'=t--;;,:;:b'----:-:+-:-:--.-:~:r.:-::=:::::tt:-:'-±::-:-:-:-:::-:-:-:-:-:~S-m~it:::r.:-ch::-:-:-,:--T---::C-Ciie-t-'---'-g~e'-n-~S--l---~Ji-'"e-'"O-'~~-':'·~-H~---'-Eil' EIGHTY - EIGHTH YEA'R In ttw Ilflprnoon buzz seSSiOns. MISS Rulh HOnS explamed hoI' u:-.e of thiS (('xt ("EngJi~I: ~('ntf'nl'e~" by Palll Huberts) at Wayne IIlgh smce. \Ia~t September'll ,I' FanX'lough .,nd Ml:-.S Ross slep· ped in tIl til(' last hour to lead the seSSlOn for hIgh school teachers after tlll' ,~chl'dtlll'd modt'rutor . could npt ('onH'. Thn'c nth('l' buzz sessions, fOI lower unci upper ('l£'mental'), and for jUl110r h1h'.h grades, gave kal'h ers opportuOity to examine some of the new English curriclum mater ials dl'\ 1st'd last summer hy ,1<1 Nebrask'a tt'a('hers, These materials will h~ re\'iscd next summer by 8Iloth~r ~ludy group of English teacher~, operat· ing with Ill(' financial aid of till' Woods Chantable> Fund i' n'." I pn'~('nlaLJO!1 tlld I' I'arl.\ • Two Pender Boys Ar~ Junior Feeder Winners I' Dr :;:;\1' n~I~'~t Cil~i1.:!:ll:, ~:~ l'lly hall, Caucus ,Meeting Places llw l'opular Party, flrsl ~.'~~\I:H' l'I:;:;:;)I~~rI ~~~ ~~:~d In w~I::; wiJJ fI){'('t In 1111' Wiltse Mortuary Terry, Kai and LDuJ'{'n O"tbnd,) ~;~~>~,~t'\lla~I~!(' \1~1~I~h~~~o.r'ff:~hYW~~: bolh oj J'l~f1d('r, were honored I IIll' W.l\rH' l'IJUnt\ eourt how;l' Monday at !fH' Siou.x (·I.t,V Stock-I 1'0)1' 'tl1(' {·ltll~'n;., Party, fO".;\ yards ,b wlnm'/'s oj 11.14' Ulf;~ ('II,: w,ml plc'( I()r~ Will meet at the· e:":'y opNatiV(' jUflltir (·atl\r ... jl'l'dl'r:-. pro· h:dl .~('('(Jlld ward will meet in Itll' jecl. Three "Iowa !J(J)~ W('n' al~1J Public LIbrary and third ward will named. llH'l't 111 thl' lJa:;.emcii I~hby 'uf till' The pro,ied i~ sponsored by the Wayne county {'otlrl~OUf>e, Stockyard$ interests, in toopcr.,· np:-'ldents JHe again reminded tion with the Vocational Agri.cul- of the changes ,in ward boundat'lCH DICK 'KERN, Wpyne, win as- ture Departments of Iowa, Minnc- that wer£' made priGr to lh~ Nov h f h W sola, Nebraska and South 'Dakota. ember el('cUon last year, Thc new sum'e owners ip 0 t e ayne • boundane-s arc ImpleJXle~t.-'=~. next week, hav'First Ward: All ot Wayne 'south ing purcha~ed·1t 'from Ed Bahe. of FiHh Street, Kern was ~ formerly an area Social Security Help Second Ward: AU of Wayne. salesman for Farm Hand , Jap1cb Hoffman, field representnorth of Fifth Street and eb~t of equipment. He will take over al1v~ of the Norfolk socIal !;eeuractive 'management next week. lty office, will bejn the cllurthousc, Main Str('C't Third Ward: All of Wayne ~~---at the office of the Clerk of the t If t t C t f 900 to ] '30 north of FIfth Stteet and west of MaUl ~tre(>t. ustness 0 e, [1 n~n T~~~sda~~mFe~, 28. . Wortman Auto Co., Hi holdmg a i Any beneficiary who earned over g~andd op#ni~gMof its njwlr ~ur. $1200 in 1!J62 should file his <In. IC ase (}r .. ;. arcury ('a f'rs !P, 'h h ~hursday, 'Feo~. 21 at theu' loca ~(~l:/;dr~~~~~II~f t1~~lr:CUlt~; ~~~J! 1~'j ! tlon, 303 E. Thl~~~ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: r B " N % • Dutch Elm Disease Warnings Start Again '. . ay'ne Eagle Sll'outs Attend ID~/:~' ~f~rninJ;:e::~, o~ut"g~:~un~ W "" Re"ognit-Ion D-Iuner at Offut I~:I~J~~/::,:a:::c:::':n:h:r:re~;, aJ,!;l.'Ol !IlIrold 'it II S('\cn Wdyne scout!; v,1j() ('(irm'd Eagle rank ~lllnng .1962 w~rf' g-uest~ al the Eagle RccugnltlOn Dinner Sat:urrlay ,at ~~lC ~ffIC('l"~ Club at ~jfut ArB, E ~4 a t _Attending G wte L ilQ e 5~0':' ~~nl:yernphila~eesor::;enR~n:ll~ Wriedt: all of T,roop 174 and Richarlit Brown and enny 01ds of T 17S ;~7.' aduit sponso f'd who went the b(JIys Wf'rc HC'nry Ley. In~alls \\a\:-, good hut there !Ias not been -0- - -- - r~l~yn~: (~:~~t~I;I~=~ehe ~?o~~:dof III AI'Il~,jd Marr, (;rlh(.rt .Nlthul,"- Dr. A IllClJor precaution against dis- .. G W Shupe, Hev, S p, dl' rree~(', '1'8Sf' hc sa1(J ih the' removal of Adon Jeffrey and By\) Carhart. I d('~d' ~Im wo~u. Thi~ means dead' In ad(litloll to 011' dJlllICr, tht~ :hmbs III the tf(~('sias well as dead bon; and theIr .~I){Jn~{)[':-. .d~() n:· I wood on tht~ ,groun~. cl';ved a tOLir or th~' biJ~(' I' The .b:etle that C:;!rrie~ the disIn other scoul a('.tJvlty. Ronald ca.'>I', In {'s and propagates under Wnert! parlJclpalerl In the Annual the bark of 1.I("~d elm woo~ and th~ i Heport to the Cnvprnof In I..JOcoln removal of the woo~ cuts greatly l"eh, 8·9. He repre~enlcd the t.~e chanc('~ oC the d.j.sease occur· ,('rpcl Wagon CouncIl. .. _.~_~ng_ _.____ ,_'---- (0\['1 I State Ban k R'ecelves , h· " Trust Power' Aut orlty I I I ' '175 'H 0Id5 TrOOf, eour I f ,I 0f H0 lIor I which 'collect enough energy; even from room light to activate n buzzer, irh$ dctual satellite, however, transmits radio impulses instead of audible sound. The 6ell Telephone System provided the model. I _. __ ..L... _ ~ ~~c~~'t.:g to bank president enry E. Ley, the requirements for such authority include certiflcation ~th the S~ate o.f Nebr~ska, bondmg of" managmg officers under the same contract as that of the bank' for $275,000 eac~. to which the bank bas added a m~oJ1 dollar excess bond_ An audit:m g committee is an additional reqUlre· met:J.t and the bank ha~_ engaged an 'auditing fir"lll: of nation~l reputation from ChiCiago for thlS ~- _ Troop No, 17:5 held a' Court of Honor, ~londay evcnin~ at ;hc \\'ayne lementary Scho()L Asslst~nt SCQU master John ~itze was 10 charg of the' ceremoq.y. The fo~lo,wing' awards were pre· sen ted : 1 enderfbot P~t\ll Thun, David E is. Charle's W~pdt, and Ronnie Seymour; SecQud class award, rad S c h u l1re~ Sta't Awards, teve Carman an.d David :dWMe .~eB~~~~~, ~~d~:t;:e:lr: pOl~- a lioard o~",~ec~~ rri~~g (~)J tels (4), David Brown "'avern rebruary J3 !lie followmgfanagBrown ( ), Eric (4), mg officers were a and Ed e Sherry (6), i trust investment ~oJl\lmttee! /l!' Twent Scouts reeeivedi winter man iILund,bru;g. Harold E. em for the cam~ ~)Ut last :~~dE~~ttO:~e~~-' Ley was el- Neder*a~td , eleC~ed"I.!'~ , I says lhere IS I~ , 2 The' Wa,,;' IN.br, J Herald, Wednesday; February 20, 1963 tl'ib"Uon dcv()tion~, of Ash", nftpl' nccl!ssUl'i(~N~.oth \t:Ol'e whU"c coroliUon l eot agef'. A ·reeo" Ion WaH held ,In tho' Ch.UfCh 'P1rtt)f!,;i IfOllow.log thc' cere.. I '. ~p*rie Jolms.on was . 'in of the guest hf,ook. Mr. ,,-nd E. Hnnson Were hosts. Johnson, Dorls Me· Freeman ahd 01. ul'runged the allts, . (.crald Schmidt pOured. WalJacc Magnuson and Mrs. SaUno" cut and 'served the S«.lrvers wcr~ V~rlonc, .MagSandra Engstedt, ,BeltI' and Mr •. Vlncelll Magnu! $0. ASSisting in the klte,hen were , ---Flr~t ~hurch of Christ 208 ast 4th ~treet Sunda"y, Fbi 24 1131b~c 10 /I m Co nnd s,(fvkc, 11 Lor~e Oi~on, daudhtcr ~rnunlOl~ of !I.'1r. 'I and Ml\"i. Kenrielh Olson, Concord", and JIrII'CfWill W. Schmidt, SQn of IMr. and Mrs. Arthur 1\1. Schmidt, Detroit L:Jkcs. Minn., were married last Saturday after· noon at Concordia I: u the ran church; 'Concord. Rev. S. E. Peterson officiated at the double ring , Mrs. " IDer Peterson sang "Oh' I; Love" and "The Wedding Prayer" , accompanicrJ' by Mrs. Winton Wal· lin. The ,bride, given in marriage ~Ielen Carlsqn. l\lrs. Hans Jobnson, Mrs. Robert, Erwin and' Mrs. vern Carlsoll. . i The bl'ide cfjos~, a beige she.tPt dress with b~wn accessories lor her going awa ensemble. ~~~~ero:n~:rC:n W~~~a~z~l°dv~~n!~~ and taffeta; with inserts of lace ~ilte~hebo~~!~ti f~~~ur~~Ck~in~~wT~t ta~~:1 b~~;I: '::hot~ad~~~ed~::; the back waLMline! and lop.g ta"per· ed sleeves. Her fing~r tip veil felt l from a crown of pea'rls, She caron a white Bible. wao; maid of honor. Gunnarson was. bridesmaid. wore identical aqua lace 'overed. shfath {hesses witn taC· eta overskirts. Thf'Y carr.ied 1j; .Iong stem.~'Whjte mum with a baby rosebud 'e" nter. Ann Sc Imidt was flowergirL Dennis Magnuson was ringbearer. Pam Schmidt and David Olson were candlelighters. Gerald Schmidt, Detroit Lakes. fe~~~~g ~ailh~' FSr~~o~:s p~U: Schools. The bridegroom WIS graduated from Detroit Lakes High School and Luther' College, waitoo". He i~ presently serving In G"xmlSmta.'1 tbe U, g, Army. The couple wiU reside in Tacoma, Wash. j .,,,, II" 'I :',0.111: " I BOWLERS' CORNER WEEK'S TOP BOWLERS 1'1':1\ ('r !lollr. H:OO pill. MENJS John Dahll Sweet Lassy Feeds One Stop Service for Your Feed.Needs \ ROBERTS LOCKER J & PRODUCE Snider's Jim ~~f.tt HIGH.~E~IES -~-r Your Refresb,ment Center ,') The' Millt Bar ALWAYS A GOQD PLACE TO EAT! With Fost, Efficient GOOD 'FOOD Service .700 LEAGUE Vo WOMEN'S HIGH GAME .. rer ......... 202 M ~°,x;r~~; HIGHSE!RI.~~552 STA~DINGS KQMII THE OF GOOD B~EF! I WL BUSinessmets Scratch 40 24 i~~~~~n~ ~~. . ~~' ~. i~: i: 30' 34 . 30: 34 ~tn~i,f Y~~k"·-·.: Milnske-Gicsc ~~e:;:.~~~~l ir Hi!, IL&R~CHO f .. 41! sot . . . ~t ~t Baier·Melsen Valhkamp-Hansen . 3S! 56i 35 58 I. ~~ ~ w~~~~ ~~:;;~ri, ~l~~Y E~a~~~a~in~:i: 46 480; R~y Murray, 559; ')Iur64 Irav·']'«,"en. 693 and 1959. 'I Mer· 946; Friday Couples W. L Zach-Carman 6 . 30 I Thomp,on-West, ..... 63 331 Church ~earue .W L Jech·Barner ... 62! 3:H WaynQ St Paul's 13~ 61 Luschet!l·Whitney 61 3S Conco~dia 2 12:4 68 Hank-Rbeber 54 42 cane0r-iil 1 . 122 70 Hall.Dalnielson 52 44 Redee er 1 ....... 98 94 Ga~hje-aull , ...... 45 5~ Winsi e st. Paul 98 94 Gathje-Thomsen ...... 40 56 Methodist' 2 95 97 Sievers-Doescher 36f ~t Redeeme~ 2' 9:2 100 Mt'Derrhott-Baker, .... 36 60 Concbrdia 3 .. sI4 108 Woods- Rees 32 64 Preshyter an ~ 110 Bahe-Warnemunde 28, ~ Grac'e LU~heran 78 114 High scores: Merle Whitney, 222 Methodist 1 ........ 7~ 118 iilnd 594; HeJen Barner 198 and 5~; Concord t. Paulsi ........... 7~ 118 Jcch.Barner:-Luschen-Whitney, q98 High seo es: Dwayn~ WiUers, Luschen·Whltney, 1984. 216; Herb Hansen, 571; Methodist 2 860; Concordia 1, 2439, Communi~y .." L Langemeier, Inc. ...... '~ 25 Super Yalu. ........... .. ..... 57 27 Fr'iday NigJlt Ladies Hotel Morrison ............... 47 37 Institutions, Inc Bill's '!Ikt. Basket ., ,., .... 43 4J. ,Nixons West's Barber Shop ...... 42 42 Arnies Ben Franklin 3~ 45 Investors Little Bill's. . ..... 38 46 Blake Stu~io Lumber Co. ..... 33i 50! Piersons I ....... . All Stars ... 31 53 ,Erwin .... ! . MCDonSldf ....... 18 Firestone .".,."., .... ' 0 High scor s: J()hn .DaB. 267;. lin Lessma , 672; ~.smans~ Investors, 2 18. ~ _.>.. ;:J _._ -:ioj. 53t Cafe s¢ores: Jim Poke.tt. 243 aud Ben Franklin, 952 and 2116. Jim & Nyla's Cafe < Hit n~ Mrs. , Larson Kuhn . T·ry: Our Deiicious Pizza AFTER BOWLING We have purchased the ~ir:r.a machine from the NI,I' Tavern and hope you will co.,e in toCiay and try it. \ Jim. & Nyla's Cofe Phone 518 ~er Wayne hant <Firestone 'II 631 ~;~;:i::~j~~ m~ ~~~~:~;a~e~~- =. :f i E Jim" N la's _____ ._ 39 57 Coca Col . _.___ __ 37 59 High seD s: Gloria Ann !£;J:ster. Pioneer iLeague W L Dahls Retirement Center 57* 2&i Caseysl MUSic Co ......... 5# 29i Jim &L Nylas Cafe ........ 5'f 29l Waynel Boqk Store ........ 44, 40 Seven, Up _..................... _. M 50 Wayne: implement ........ 34 50 Wolterrs Service ............ 30 54 I Waynel Grain & Feed- .. '27* 56! High sfores: Dave Silhacek, 238; Fred Gilders-leeve, 594; Cage;r.s, Mus;e Cp., 880 add 2557. W L 6325 218 and 56 ; Supet Val., • .,. and 6226 " ... _....._ 3$fM! 51 :n ._._ .. ".._.• 48 ',10 4444 41.44, .~ 49 37* 00l 37 51 Z761 25 ··dJ l 'I , JERRYfS W L Saturday Night Couples E~~~:.~~t'~:~~kn' .·• ·."'.· !~' ~!. ~~~:E.~~:?iimp;~~ em~~~ Dahl Reti Moller In' . ... Tietgen H tchery , The Place to Meet When the Games Are Over I . GAME ' l.... 267 '0 e -~---,----;---- AL'L" YO,UR'·. CAR -NE~DS t IN ONE EASV STO~ Fas., Effici~nt, Complete Service M' & -S Service Center .ow,ling Inst uction By Appoint ent ,of Complete .L ne bOWling Equ pment ond Sup lies· ,Melodee ~ .. r" 1 I l \ I ,............... Soci~t· _......,- and I .I~- .." ...... - I -~J- Wr l I 1 LegIOn Hull. Winside. il Wnlh'r Fcnsll:C wt'lcomcd Mr~. :' the gllcst~ and ~~ng 1110\ birth· day song. The ~ftcrnoorl was I, jspt·nt plll~'trlg "~'fIl!r! Wllist" [Mrs I· !'('d Brlll~H'ls \Va., in [. ('iwrg(' (J,r L~1(' gull! hl)ok. Mr.'>. jI I, ('n~k.' prJUl'f'rj Walt('! Mrs l<rwlJl Llndl in WH!-: I ehur]:.:l' Ilf Ill!' J\ltrlll'n , h'c aSSI~I\'d \t;v LnnMl'flfW/"I, ,hnd commit. George Elsie I\Iansk(' I -( August Srudigoms Will I Observe Anniversory 1 FORECAST Wed••ldoy Feb. 20 Pleasant Valley, Millers / Mr, and :\11'" ,AugusL fa. Htlrold ,Galhje "ia:s Club 15, host.- sday. Guests were I Myrtle An lerl'!on and' Mrs. UBSen Beqij;man. Ni'ne mcmtiers answd d' 11 t U ith 8 V 1 he Ie son, ctrcle Thursday I I a R~- ~n n;~me~;~~~e wUI SalUrdav. BrufiJ ~:~~~v, F'~ Tu~~~:~: ~~~~' M.:. Hofeldt Thursday i\ felrl!. Frank Br'udigons to Observe Annive~sory (0.11' gall. nnd \In, \\ Ilhlli('. Frunl{, Eleven membel'l'> Bo· !'CWs were :i;s. nob I Merchant \!PITY lixcrs llH't Tuesday with Mrs, Leslie Alleman All ttll' merT1h'rs were pr.Qscnt anrl answerefU.~'·011 cal! b. Y modding <!R old hJl~ , The pro ram eom.lsted of dis· <-'US51On:; : 'In C<j,othmg repairs and qUlCij.~IPS lea by Mrs. Luwr('nel' 'I hOlr pbon and Mrs. Esther Gerlemar . J\!Ir". Qe 'lcmanp will host the Marl'h 12 TIl'cting. ~ Book Rb, ort Highlights M eetin!l of Groce LWML (~rdl'(, ,lj.utheran LWML eveni:pg cirdla met last Tuesd--dy in t~e ('h4rqh. ba<;ernent. Devo- ~~I~Seg;r~,r},I'xgtleVeenn l'nIYemMbresr·, Wanesd a guest, JI.. rs. Paul Kopll!!, were pr('scnt. I All tOI Jk part in at. mission ·fo- ~Y' ~hs LOOK WHAT GE,ORGE DID TO OUR rle led Harvey Rabe. A bock repat', ··Through Gates of ~[~~fc~~JI~,e.,>~~~.~a~:t!n C~EARANCE FINAt ON WINTER SAVE UP "TO 12 I by Mrs. I'rogr~rI/ comrni~tee for March ~~:~Is, [H~)~ll~~e Wri~:~w%~.I~~nll~~~~ es~cs w~ll' be ;-"lrs. l\l'il Sandahl 311(1 .~Jn! ILoWl'1I Ht'thwl'>l'h. Shop Thursday Evening LOOK WHAT $10.00 Will BUY . One group of Men's Winter Jackets , ...... . Reg to $16.95 - I hcld 1tarch l,.5 at ~ta 7:00 p,m. See if your size is here. WI!! be March ~·s. ~ath{'r.jn.e. Winter-' 1 group dler s Tea Room. Cour- Morri$#S' to. Observe Fiftie h Anlniversary Mr. nd Mr~. Pete Morris wlll nbserv' .theili fiftieth wedding 2 4 i, r~J~byterian chur('h !t ',vest ~~~v~ ):::~lO\~suem::~~ ret~· .;otr\'a ll n1 V'Cr':iJty Woman met at the Lihrar~ Lourtge Thursday eve. !ltng Mrs. Henry Ley. chllir. man of the panel, assisted by Mrs. A. F Gulliver and Myrtle . Anderson. I:resented the pro· gram on "Thle u.S Fercign Policy the Changing llnder· developed Ar~as of the WOI'1<-I." The. nomitlating committee, .'vIrs~ Lydia :Butler, Mrs. Minnie nice and Ru~h Ross, nominated Mrs. pavid ~h'ambers for vice pre5id~nt anld MTS. G e 0 r g e :'Ihek[[n for treasurer. This will he voted on at the next meet· W!.NTER .S'lEEPWEA ara ing IDrs Reg, $3,98 to $6,00, .. ,",..... . ... " Deulah ·Neprud, pres· PlAYTEX GIRDLES :'I-!rs. :Howar<!l 'Yitt" ~rs. w. C. S!mmier anti Ella Wittmeier were hostesses. The next meet. jng I.. Flonnel \lowns, pajamos, notelty ond bosic. and idenL ·Myrtle Anderson. serretbry will retain their posi· tlOns ~or another year. Mrs]. Gilbert Nickols /reported $1998, in the Fellowship Fund. Odd lots, Broken sizes. ~moll assOrt- ments. No Iie. Closing out rhis item. \Ifill be March 14. Reg. $4,95 to $11.95 ftOS~itOI Auxiliory Has Inst lIotion Ceremonies Now $2o! to $400 1 ne Hospi~ai Wa Auxiliary met Satur ay at the, Woman's Club (~~~ 1J~~~~9~ ~if~Cl~~m~~~~r6~ the ~oman's Club as guests. Mr$. J. M. Strahan con~ed the irstallati?n service and e fol1owin~ offtcers ;:tnd chair en were Installed: President, Mrs. David Garwood; Vice· President, SAMSONITE ~UGGAGE 4 pieces only, Soft and blue, Beauty e tYPE!. Two colars ,- brown J 2S~o' ond hat box, ~·~l·S. A,Walter Bressler, MI'&; '. Ju· )ia l:aas; Sewing and Mending, Mrs.. Henry, T e m m e, Mrs. Geo~~ e Bartets, Mrs. Edward Sey ollr; Program, Mrs. Don ------ limited quantity _. Topper Skirt \. TOUCH-BUTTON 13 Men's and Students' SUits I giSts 8.club mlCcting uesday in the R. ·l\Irs. Robert Casper; Auditor, 5\'lr5, Willard Wollenhaupt; Nom· ~nati g, Mrs. J. M. Strahan, 9· Men's Sport Coats ............ .. Better Freemon Shoes - H!:g~:i r'e nee Mrs: Ed, Mrs, Dar Kerl and Mrs, Carl Nuss 'fere at Bidorbi Mrs. Don Wightman; Secretary, i"P.ln:. WiI!ner Marra; Treasurer, lVII'S,! Rowan Wilt~e;· Policy,"" You won't pass this if you look (val ues to $17,95) Braken lots Mostly small siz~s - .. , 'PQn~I,1 o~ Floreign Policy I Mrs. Le~ ie Alleman I MJ',>, II 1'1 rrlJ wI'1 Obhl'r\'(, 1[1(.il: .25: ' M erry Mixers Meet with ily an exchang(' of valentlne.'l: for Sf'(Tut sisters. Herb' Eehtcnkamp hlld charge flf the entprtainmenL l'rlJ..es w{'re won by MfR. Floyd l!U!lP, Mrs, Roy Spahr, Mrs. I':rnfrid Alh,,:IO, and Mlarguerite /It/feldt The March 4 meeting will hp with Mrs. Harold ,Soren- wi·dding annt'd'l san. ('vening, Feb. 2::1 ~lt thl' Wayne Auditoz;i!Um, All fl'lpnds :md rp\ativI'R of Ow ('!lupl!, ,In' Invit('fl. No mv!ta tioon-, ,In' b('lng sent . Tio ~uests r,~ent At Bijlo· i Club Tuesdoy Tray Favors, Mrs, Se mour, Mrs. Roy Cory· Ijl tOrian, Mrs.·. Herman r •.. ·Adon Jeffrey:. Mem· John Elnung, Sr., ' Literature, Mrs. B., J. . Sbop, Mrs, E. J. Ech· Mrs. Robert 1 last pl'I.'Ren1. Roll call was answered tlf11l Prize Arp Fe.b. JUlia Gormley was ~Iub 'Tuesday; 1 Winners w re Mrs Henry al1d ~s. .o.car :U~tke, ~ mernn~ i$ with Mrs. Ilaas,· UQC, 1\Ilit Art Auker 'Fric ci~ and relatives af~ in. R,uth ('11)1 e, Mrs. Yale Kessler viled 0 attend. No -invitations Fbrtnight . 1\:1r.9. Phil March ar(' being sent. No gifts are reJf: Club~ ~Mrs. Julia Haas queste There will be a short Bidorbl, !J\I r.s'. Marvm Dunklau progra)rn at 2:1,.5 .p.m. Wednes~a~~ Feb. 27; I Alpba (.Jr'le. Mrs. Floyd And· Univ~rsity W~en Have i""'h Just Us Gals· Meet with Ff'b ~;) with lif)('n hOUflt' from 2 10 4 P In and 7 ((19m. al the ! Wplllan's (11!1l Waynp ;\11 fri.'nd.., il'nll .Just Us Gah; Club met imlil'd If) ;,11('1111 Thursday with Marguerite fa!h- I SL p. al.l!'[ Couples Club ;llfJdge (. b, Mrs. B. J. Bta.nd- Carhart and M 1''1. Fred won prizes. t:eb 26 ~eeting i:i with Mrs Phi I . I iJt~~~JI~eeS:.:~1 El~,OI~:~~~~~~ M::or~J~J~~tl~. B~'~~~~Jer~~'~. ~t~~~ I Mrs.. ~. hostessl to JE and Mirs. Art Brune. Feb. 28 mePling is with 1\1rs. Marvin J)unldau. ' b. 23: Sunday. F~[ 24: ."" F.o~tni9htly Club Meets Wi~h Mrs. J. Bressler MF.I·e~s.tGomtley ... T.. u. e.sday· . Wigl\tm~n: JECI\ib With ~rs. ~~nG~ym~~rs} OI~l~r~~iZ~u;~~~ Arm Haas FridllY, Fe .22£ \Vomun's ;Iub EO'!' Cur Party, Jl.EA :iY~l¥'rg I gam will nhsprv(' th('ir fifiipth Wl'fldln'j.; ;lnnlv('r;,Hr} \!onday, cmakers, Mrs. rlFred Fc~~~~ M~ Alree will for the kitchen mc~ting b. 21: Happy klts arrived made to. go ' a en, W "Clothing eighbors, Mrs. Harold Ekberg Cameo, 1 5. ,Ross James NuFu 'i Five I tjn~r,evcr~~~·a r$, Fredrick Janke ,Friendly ~ss to Klick and Klat~.~ dub 'lU pai s" was given by MrIJ. I Bailil Ostiurn a Miss Anderson. Mrs. Harol Ingalls tead an article on f resident Lincoln. Mm' 12 meeting will he with 1\.11·" Elder LubbcI'.,tcol. Tea Room ,f~alph , I ~tub nw~1 M. Anderson Hono'red . Mr • G.,ath;e I:foste~ Iro On Birthdoy MondlflY I Kli k alld Klatter I"b MYI't!c Aqdcrson, why it c County Hom~ Agmlt, was ~rpl'iscd alHI Jionorcd on er birthday Monday by the c Cou~ty Extension Clubs at t c ,"'...~ ·"~"'I···r":·'·" ." •.....•.•...,,., '.")" , RS Will not drop skirt, leoves, no gripper morks, Reg. fo $49.95 Regular 69c, For this sole $24.9~ II LOOK WHAT $5.00 WIll BUY One ~. Al.I-Wool Utility ,Sweaters Reg to $9 One' group Men's Ivy 'Leagues (Not 011 sizes): .2 " . 1. .$5.00 PlAYTEX Magic cling and cotton Docron. Size 3f to 40, $5.09 ABC cups. Regulor $2.50 for this sale I >l Now Is Time To Buy Your Top Coat 25 Tdp Coats' .. Y3 off DRESSES 1 Tap Coat, size 40 ., .. ,$20,00 Odd lots, broken sizes. W-e hove abaut 1T ..... $10.00 50 of these line dresses, Volues to $20 Coot, size 39 Nc>w",., . '> Buy Boys' Win'ter Jackets Now % off ~. Bolance of stock One groU!J of\ and ' Dress, Shoes ·1: ow;::; Ladies' Reg $7.95-rrl0stIY One group of ... $1.00 1'1 WINTER COATS I Only four at these. Size· 8-10-12.14, one of 'LU99.o9, ~ off size. $ Quick Tripper alld Two ~uiter. , . (Discontinued mod~ , New $tore Hours: Week Days and S~turday ~op ':OO~.~PJl1. 9:00 Thursclay to 9:00 p.m. a.m. •. ) I ! I, FE'R. ;8 a.m. from 9 p.m. to ,!I-----~...;.....-------:---~-~~----....;.. ~/' COME IN • Meet Qur Staff and. Look Over Ou~ Cars and Complete Facilities I. , Owner of Worl'man Auto Co. FREE (@ff(!!® rcmmj Served' by the Mrs. joycees d ~':~~j'E DICK WA~KER New Car Manager NAN¢Y WcI>RTMAN EVAN WILLIAMS Business Manager I ~eC'0pti\)ni~t ' DALE LESSMANN Parts Manager • • FOfd Divisio is pleased to announce I you new Ford Dealer AUTe ·CO. WOR JOHNNIE NOSAL Service Manager I ~II~ I 119 EAST THIRD ST. ,WAYNE, NEBRASKA PHONE 303 .l-\RLt:N TIETZ PIHh Dep,Htm0nt LYLE WEGNER Lubrication '~1 11\1 This conveniently located, up_to_the_minute deale,shi~ Is staffed ",ith courteout, capable Ford-trained technicians who will be pleased 10 serve you. YOIlI can count on friendly, prompt attention lor all 01 your car lind truck needs. RJght now you can enjoy tremendous savings on any '63 Ford product. So-come in soonl '63 Fa1con-Fun is what's new In the '63 Falcort-the all-time econcp'my champ! And your fun CQmes in 15 spunky, spanking-new Falcon m?d)'ls. Handsomely styled, eaCh. nimble, sure-footed Falcon goes farther on fewer gallons ot: regul~r gas. And TWice.a-Year (or every 6,QOO-mde) Maintenance features 0(1 all eleept Club Wagons 1and Buses, now make famous Falcon savings, greater than ever belor~! 163 Ford Galaxie ••• the,ilook. the power-and now the feel of ,the fabulous Thunderbird! Thre'e lively new series: Galaxie, Galaxie 500 find the Galax~e 500/XL. All mod~ls feature in new styling, spectacv 1ar ~erlormance, king-siz~ roorfli.ness and ride you ever tried. You get greater service salllings, too, famous twice-a· Year (or every,6,ooo-mile) Maintenance '63 Ford Fairlane ••. hot n~w middleweight-with V.s punch! Nine Ilew, richly styled Falrlanes giV1yOU the full-family room, supe'rbly smooth -63 Ford Pickups .. ,"Built Like the Big ,Trucks!"'n axles, springs, B,nd frame, '63 Ford pickups (like the new F-100 Styles ide shown. he.re) gIve you the sameldod of durable design aS,big trucks. And you II find new styling in~ide and out. ahd a new feel at the wheel . .. new eas-ler steering,. new lighter pedal actior. new smoo~her ~hitting, new comfort! ~~: :~:i~~!r~~~ ~~;:~nar~ ~~~;I:~:~:.~~:t~h~~~eO.f ~:r~::~~:~ lower than some ~ompactsl. Fairlane Twice-a-Year (or ey~ 6.000-mi1e) Maintenance feattJre~ also multiply your service savinwf! ~ Lincdln • Mercury Di~islon prou~ly annou..ce~, fort~«I!'i Auto Co. as: their frarc:~ised Mercury: dealer' in aynlJ, Nebr. I III Make this modern Ford service department your car and truck service home. You'll find our factory-trained lechnJc."ns have the lalest equJpment, tools, and iI &tock 01 Genuine Ford Parts to give yeu JJst the kJnd of service yoU'y·e been look,ng lo~! Whether it's an oil change or an o~erhau~. you'll get quality work at prices you'll ap~reCHI!e. Ford.~.Arbeticas IliVfli~si.In,·~... QSALtCONcare-fr~TH'UNo::@5)~~::~0'" ~ ~ ~ ~ FO~D GALAXIE Tbe·rook,.'thepower- and nDW the feel of I ,_ 1. . r. . the tabuioul TbUndeJbf FORD rlRLANE \ Hotnew with ... Iddleweight i~ -8 PUQch' I [ ! un is what's new in the 63 Falcon-the all-time on.omy champ - OniQueinali the world FORD TrtU~KS ~ :i ~::~:.,,15e' ." °d .I For D "VI ," ' rVlo,L t l'd SatU I '"11- " (,".~ es~ U ,/. "'I!, I:~ "He1,1, '1:::1" emelery ",,,' lans oy David I I~lv" Il'!vlna Norris. 'J ~ ,", FO' I Ina Jh Univer' 0 n" aughtcr J,I('nh tI d ndrrwt Nor is, was horn O( I ,1BH.J She ttended lligh school. lh. sHy (If Ncbnfska and the Univer· 'ity 01 Wisconsin where she re· "llIt'ulrdlal'l ceivcd her doctor's d e g r e e , " She taugh~, school many years EWel wa~ a seed analyst a't Lincoln l\,lanhnttan, Kun. and Atla,nla, Ga: Pi·or the past 121/l ~ars 'sh~ was I "", "I , Func~nl services {Ol' ,Thom~s 'Evans, 85, Ion g t i ttl c 'Wayne county rer:;:idcr t , wurc held ISaturday uit.ernoon at Wil1"w Chnpel Mr. t<::Vans diC'd I~"'h. 13 ni l t~e home of hiH brother· in-law and a St~('d analyst in California. Sister, TVl"r. nnd MI"!>. Loren WashShe WIl!'. ,preceded in death b1' hurn. Ill' had. 1>~'I'n In . fa'iling Iwl' parents. Survivors include a health stMCl"lflg SltllT July, hl'othel', lIo'ward, Laurel: a - si-sMl'!;. Dorothy Karlson, .Whit. IH'I', Cullf., a' niece, Mrs, Harriet T)"(~nklf', Phoenix, Ariz. and two IH'phews, Fred and DaViid Karl.~I)JI. Whittier. BO.mjlOft, CD str()lw <I ]057 Hev Hl tcr, O. H off"i('iale(1 at ~hc tjtf'~ Musl·\.' wa .... furni:.;h{'(i by Ihe W('bll fl lIarl (" I'all hearl'r:, F!o.\'ct ..John n,,,,,· ! Proc.1t wI'rC' (;,. ~lIIaJ;,~~j Califor\'lia Rites Held ova, III For Rochel L. Wagner '1 I' Gfl'~'nwIJ(J{,I, l 'nw.tc'r~ VI!TIf'fal services for Rachel L.' • , flolvld. Ilwnws .1"\ ,Ill"', ':.;on of \\'al.(o('r: W{~l'e held last week in I-.IJ.nor- dIll Tho rn D.'" I<vans, \.'Ia"'I'slln Hafilel, Calif She was the ~()rn, IH77 ])I'nhl:~h \~lft" o! 1hl! late Ed A. Wngner. "hlll . Iii' (";lnll' 1° :-.11(' dl('d Fl'h. 1:.: in C'alifor'dia tll(' I "Slnlt.~. \\'JlII hiS indud(~ two ~)ro~h~~, III Funeral Services Planhed Today for William Spike, 80 1 II~Jall('i ')lIlrl:~(' /1'II~llli:~IIi"!" < lHHH IK'IK ~~ilg('d lJw 1,111111.' I,., 011 \\.1\ (!;II:'IIII\~;: ::t "~IIII,:~ld:' III 'vl·dl'. :';;"'I',},"',,,, 1:, II,,,,,, he Ilun cd hi'" (] \11, 11111111' 1'1:,1, 11 llh I \'.1111 Itl 1.lw I Calli ,I: 't" ,1\11:-. !l1('("('" 111~;:" Ullrl .',11' 'IV <I \ IH dill ,.], I ,I I, '\" F~!1Ie~al t'lc\.·ompa,nist .. W:l!> Blis.~ Moseley, l'linst Ardus('r, How· , .1 Fish sang and "Tf1c Kmg ('Ill"l~ ([l Hoth and R Wil .... 111 Serviqes neid in L"."",,1 r2! F"r Elv"" NRI~".l;S MiWII ~ el. Mr. Sf'ike 'died SaturdlaY' at Dahl Retirement Center fol~owlbg a' lengthy illness. Rev, ~ K. de Freese will date at the rite,'), Music will be furnished by Mrs. Fritz Ellis, ae. companied by Mrs. eN, ,. Olson Pallbearers will be Cleo and u£:a Karnes. Russell Tompson: LesUe Youngmeyet, Earl Luridahl a*"d Lester .Smith. Burial will be in Greenwood ~emetery_ William Spik~, son Of Mr." and Mrs. Lars ,Spike, ·was born July 28 1882 in Wafne county, where h~ ~pent his lifetime. He Iarmed [or \\,I'rl' nr'jJlll'\\ :11111 many years. l"oilm daugh and 1\11'.0.;. Ilenry Plohm, 'wl'n Au" 22, 1877 in r;.r, She came lo the United (;11\ I( 1... ~d tl\(' I"i!;'.~ VoiD ,. ~DOWH ONLY PAYMENT • St <Jt{'.~ wllh her parents when she II \.IiI ow(i I \\d:-' a ~mall chilrl. She was marF ,.. , . " . ,. ' IIII'd Oct 9, IlJ03 to Frank Harper . .llm1,')! .:-,( I\~«.s .for t:]\;l [.il 'In ()1:1:lha The couple spent their \ lIlol J\{)l rlS, b~J, I' r{':-,n(~ t aid Ill,lITIl'd life ni and around Belde we 1"(' livid 4\lon<ia.\' a!lnn(jlll1 ;1\ th(, SIi(, wa ... [lJ'(~c('dcd in death bn~ !.all,..') :lldh()dj~1 ("!III]"C"h \\h" 111'1" hll"hanri a "Dn and t· .' Ht'\ $99(hoIC~f '!~ brother-In-law, S. O. Abrlerstm, CpuwaY, . Ark. and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Spike, Sioux City. I ;--.Jo]'ns rlwl! YtJII'. ",: parents, two sisters and two brothers. Survivors include a ,,,11'1'1 "1'1' " i '\ his He was preceded in ripath by the Bel 11'1" of .~Ir .,," 1 nesd<'lY) at 2" p.m. at Wiltse IChap- ~tll'pllPJ'd I~." Mrs. '1.1 '\\('1" 1111111:" I i{oIH'I·t ~I!' I Funer41i servcices for William Spike, 80, are planned today (Wed- \ 1 .'1" 'III'~ "\~:.II' ~11"'II'r~ ad nOt \1111',; \"1111 bllrn'o Y I mU'r-;11 !.('Inces fUr Mrs Katil_ IL11j1n .Ht). W('Fi' held Thurs '111111).: ,/1 tlw l'!IlOn chuch, 'I~ II \ir, ILlrp"r dlC'r! F('b. 12 I III II 1 ( ,I IloJll(' I \ h.,·llh.J Cook ufficiated al 1\111, ' LII]( {lIn. Oswego, N su; Rafael, Calif. es for A19·Se K: Ha~per N M\ III :Ind :1 ~1I11'1\(Il', Snygf~. II:I~la~ n.D ],\, \'.:1, [11"('( I S ,llygg, He,!d in Belaen ,'" ,,, I "i W ?;". re " . 'II I" I' ,I 1,1'1 II" ,III" III (' I d!l:'- ('()iI111 1'1 \\ ,1'11' 111(1111('1 dll") " 111'1·.I·d (111111) \\111'1'(' Ih,,\ III 1.11 '1111\" .\11' h "pt'lll If t!jr,d FUharal Serlices For Mrs. Fenton Held in Wakefield SIS- 1\ s~t. Excluslvel Brand newl Three exciting dinette with all the famous Chromcraft constructlon·fea .. ; turesl-36 )it .54" tables extend to 6 ft.! \! Wakefield-Funeral services for Mrs, Ollie Fenton, 82, were held Saturday afternoon at the Wakefield Christian church, Mrs, Fen· 1\11"s ~~~pi~~~~ ! Thr1Sday at Wakefield Merlin M. "fright ofticiated. at rites, Jan~ce and Delores 01· \ 1 . ' HE BUYER" D£ALP TER""KING fREE NYlONS With e£!ch of water §!llI'D'lpie TAKES TilE Econoll1i~ally tM~t :~ .t.o be tes,d COMPETITiON .the !I of baths in tREE O~OF Soft ··Water COffEE and DONUTS Thursd~y ~ Fridny -Saturday Water King Way soft for • lif.time! Many users of softening u"its hpve ~ater th only half soft! HOT WATE'R IS SOFl1ENED COLD WATER IS NOT. \. , ' You limit your chances of furning a profit when you go up against the sharp' pencil and experience of the The boo. is on the other foot when you mo(ket through your , co~mj5.Sion man at the central public market. He is a jSkilled sales agent, who matches wits against livestock. Each p~ocessorspecializes'. in certain typer..·1 of live,stock. acce ting'others' only at a discount. The Sioux C)ty Stock ards has many buYers representir,lg', slaughterers in 12 cities from 33 st<ltes in the nation.; Only a c~ntraJ;.pul:l>lic market can offer you this buyer:1 competitIon to as~ure you of the best buyer for your , •, livestock every day' I EX(U!lSiYE AU-fl£~·R GLASS TANKS Gila ranteed for Life RUSTY WAhR to s-D,-a"r-~,-I-i.jn-a soft water with Water I<i",g. Waier King mf>st ¢Clrehee water softe,,~r youc can buy , ins to ,set, n~thing to fOrget! , ., 'Cl)onge HARD _ _ _ _ I_ _ . - _ - - . . . . , I. Y03J CAN BUY A~ATER KING ON BY A ! -~--~-------..:. , r J' It's a fact! There is no one best buyer for all kinds.of I Water King Featu~es SiE~VI(JD '] country buyer. He has th'e greater "dickering" experience . . . not youl He benefits from his ready 'access to mal\y shirewd buyers. every· ~narket day of" the year. current wholesale p~iC'e5 . . • not you! He knows the 'He work, for you. ••• and you orily .•. until he fi'nc:ls. tHe best I buyer for your kind and grade of 'livesto'clt: ~ top his packer will pay fbr your grade of livestock . .! l Only wh~n .he's worked the bed price for' you,. does: he! not you!'He sets the pricing and weighing conditions giv~ the I nod to close. the deal. His job depends \6". .•. not you! His job depends on getting the best- deol /getting the best price for you .. _ not the buyer' for his packer _ .. not you I th~ SOLD AND PRICING r . . . These "halfiusers lose effect of soft when they, add fold water to anything still use hard water. . .. .!. " lET fEED & DEA ER f.LL rRKET' PA AT THE I , r .; THE I ;",11., 1 Ship em' to the ••• ,Wayne { J I I I . \ It I" 'ii~: '\' ;. i ~'!rL~' 'I~ Si~ux Cil 1 1 1 '1 8J,~li~" I I K'EI, -I ~ 6\ 'Tho WQY~c I Ncbr, ) ,Wildcats (r~ck, eCO~d~ ·in 109·82 Win Over Keaney Every ~nmc IS!l~ lilt" game now-"-'~'------!-'-'~--- Wayn~ Colo., a da.:ughtcr. floor lihg1l1 Penny 6 IblS., 7 oz. The IlbasFeb Mr anrl Mrs Wesley a deep baltcau lIamnL~ondP' Tex. a daLlghter, Sle~\es Silndra nn, 6 lbs 14 oz Mr. ""d was fash~ ned Mr!! J1 n lilamm, Carrol, arc pleatmg a d a gram.p4 ents. ------'~I-··--­ Wls~er 45-51~ I~isner Stnle lind Peru Slate ano led ne,t. 8R they ncar the (,I~d of coqferdncc tdll a two pointer and he DevUs hattie. <'11mc right Ibaek with wo more W~y"O, now le~dlng the Nee I r*ising ~htT score to 4~· G. Wisner at 6.1, goos to Hastings Fri~ay tllen hit "thre~ straight ~tld put th~ and poano S8tur~ov while NOI. 2 game in II ~not, 49-49.~ Wayne 'hit I' Poru~ 6·2, has. a 51,,910 flome dollte. anothpr fi¢1U i;roal ll,I)q cpnclu~ed II'" with HlIStings Saturday.- Tile" their s(~mrjng" 'while BuUodgs Wov~o will entortoln Peru Thurs- a~de? insult to injury b~, not only I ~::'J,;'~~'v;8;;tll; ::t:~.could b. :~::::~8~5ut raising tho ;lnargin to foJ' I bouffant ve 1 of 7l ~'ord I[il.~tlnr.;~ ~ JlIcer Sue, Bibs, 1/. Pender, ~nd M FI b Mr and Mrs I Mrs I 21 Ken I Mr'", Gk"" Whlg.It" Mr•• dllff ')lo~n~on und Mr!l, Rpy. Coryell. J Brandstetter (lff\ecrl'i will be elected at· the ,!\hr 18 mN'tln~. A film, "Youth a~C,1 the Q\larh'~' Horsft" Yo1ll-be !ihowli l\t(!lnben. IIr( Urged' to and' Mn; Ol~l<lha I Dr. , yne, ,i,was F,e') ,: l,3j: Mr,' and, !VIrs. Leon, Unjon"'ITIen Leon ,johmo~, Laurel, a son, 4 Ibs, f H. Man- oz., ~Wikefield hospital a~d .r eb. J4( Mr and Mrs. Lloyd ,C;'jjii~';;;~~ib~~~: "',lth Ifcese., Laurei'. a daughter, Lori It I Kay, 5,lbl>. 6 OZS., Wayne !IOS P i-1 a belgt' Ilal : . . Feh 116. Mr. and Mrs. Guylord 1 I 1111:1117.,' Boldt'n, a riaughter, () lhs., ! \\lt1 I ~!/~ Ul.! Wayne Ho<;pital. I h \\OIT v.hite" I ,'b 18: !'ITT <lnd Mrs. Eldon i ~p(,l'ry, Wayne: a snn, ti Jhs. jill:!. i held at the Pre!'>- JZ~., Waynr Hospital . . ' LYIWll~ £<'eb, ,,18: Mr. and !'IIr..; Riehard j urge of the ---~----- . \\l'fe !\oIl'S. VJayneHospi.ctI Notes i _ _.:..-_ _ _.:..-_ _ _ __ ~IGGESTSter~!)' H~gh Fidelity ' I I II I brmq j.!uc~ls to the meeting" I l' gIven . Mrs. Richard SalJnon and Mrs_ John Schuoldt were; welcomed as npw members, Mrs'j Grover Bass, Carroll, and Kathleen McGuigan, \Va~'ne"donated neW bookL.!o the pansh library. At\: the March meeting, Mrs. Kath~e Roeber will eview the book, " he Rosary.1' furs: Merlin Kleinb ,cP will speak on "The Catholic P;ess." lHs~orical Ne1i,raSka, ,LandmarkS I) ('oUl1eil, spo~e on historical la~lmnrk!l whjieh have be('{]~ or are being placed on Nebraska hig ways~\c.by . palriutic groups an org:aJllzat~ons. M<lr. 15 mcetmg will be at Hot~",Morrjson Mrs. J, W. Jones bl' boste!>s McCullough Hosts Club Last Tuesday I Coterie Meets I i dub ril('l lasl Tuesday af· WIth Mrs. C. D. MeCul· I WALUES Ever Offered! THE' MAGNIFICENT MAGNA VOX Factory Authoriz~d ' ANNUAL SALE !~onday Cnt('ri~ met Monday with Mrs. Le~lw E1Us and Mrs. Wanten Shultheis tor a 1 p,m, luncheon . Mrs John Ahern Mrs. Her- SAVE $100 on this True STEREO .HIGH FIDELity radia:p~ono raph with ,FMI AM and Stereo' FM , I Mrs. Burton Vogt, Naper, and .Mrs. Nels Fred Mrs. Bruno Sp\JtMrs, Manan cake. Walt MeQuistan, McGuire, Omaha, , Diane Malmberg l\lrs. Euward C. 'J,' Flying 'W', met " Monday lit the: It bu.ildlng. New barn\,. rules \Vcr" disC;:\1sacd. nl'fr~shmenls ~vere I served by; m clmg Will be li'eb I Walt Luge Carrol 'l~ TomPkls' ,IMe- I ~nl'CI' ~(rllighl! ~ oz ~[:I~dp l ~~~Sh, a~O~!fk, a~~ ~~ l Feb : niobcrt SChrted1er, Wakefi{,ltl. $tO 00, drinldng on puhlic stre{~ts, fined $50.00, minor III possessiO!] of ulcqj-1Olic h('VN:tg(', costs of $4.00. Cbmplainl llY Don Weible, sherIff. (;I~:.'~ll~~ a~~~li~~'('~lc\il( I~(',~rl~'(;: ~C~;~ 15 cli('t' [,dlil'd '10 ~' WnynnII ;nlo Illn "onfnenen dim;)x win Mrs \Vlllard pid CIty, S D, a ~augh. AS~~~~iJl~r:i i pi for th(' first time Ihls season: Ron Jones: 2:1; ,Io!] narda, 21; Al .Johnson, 18: O('nlbis ,jolmson, 17, and .TIm !'Ilurphy. 11 'I!ll£' polin' Wayne (('[11ll S'-I\\ ael'ior), nIl hul on£' s()orfng , r4r and I d ~~~(~>!'SW~II~~~')~\\~g f: ~I ~:jl~'l~I;~;i t:~g~~~~ I Rodney .I son, 8 Ibs, I OrJ Johnson Discusses green satm Ibal 12 01. andparents are MI and, La dmarks at DAR Meet dresses ~CIC I Mrs V J amme, Wayne amo Mr h K <1no M s Reed TompkinS Sout] I D[ugJas mg Chapter of necklines, ba", ti ' I Daljlgnters of the American Re sleevc~ and ~lO~X I ~ t \OI~tlOn mC't for a l p m lunch pieces £< eh~ 12 Mr and Mrs Arlen can at Holel Morrison Mr;; roses and I Hiirns:! W~kefleld. a ~on, Jeffrey l\lirlam Witt was ~ostess, Mrs 1/ l'ove,r~g, They I [~)oJe, tillb,s. 6 2 OZ" \~llync HOSPI' ElI4 Harrmg~on .. vice regent, of whlie ca,ma- ai. prc~ided at ~ brief business Feh. 12; 'Ir. and Mrs. D'ouglas meqting and ~nlrodll{'cd Dr. J !i.nd Patricia Cia sse ," 'Wayne, . a daughter, 8 H. iJohn'lon, guest speaker. . Ibs., 9 oz., Wakefl{'ld hospital. Johnson ' chairman of the I . hlte tel', J~da~~eofi~~~I~~ Daum, Wl~ner' I ~ ayne did what they cp.uld,at the /r e throw lfn.e as Wisner was ca.U· C for only, e1gL!.t ~o~l!l. 'J1he Devils I" of anmng, I' rnceivcd nine cha;:lt y tosses and 109-82, p s!lllg s('v('ral seas~ln fL" ml?de seven for 77 /': Way~e comcord. doillg It. Tilt' 109 \:V~whe's I rqltted !3 fouLS, glvmg: Wisner' i16 ,.,highl'$t scure of Ilk y{'tlr; [he (is ;~J"lce thrlows. They madel ';ood oolly . rehoutHls bv til(' team und he lH 'fHX of these and had 37';,1,. by A\ .J/)hn~/ln HlSo hIgh; Ihe {rpl' I Dqn ~eyer led the~sCOring for throw}; all(·h1plpu bind stored, :3-1 of I Wayn~ : with 20 ,points" Jim Ket n 43, bltt'wlsP tops. \ ~alDd Jun Mau,each co trjbuted, 1. Wayrw did not ('ustly sUbdle I Atun B~!cher had 25 fo~ Wisner.a d Keurot'y, how('v('1' Thn Antel0pes! h<l! was!, followed by ijruce Stlgj':{e pushed dose at the half, 4:1-:19, and,.! with 13( • 1 wpnt IIhC'fl(j bddly after mtermis'l , flion" !hpir last IC'f;d, :i2,48, l'oming Mrs. IConOyer i Dies I at 1!J;4U .Hulf a JllIrlllt{' iutC'r Waync i " t . wpnl nlil'ad to st,A\', but n('cded an. Mr!i. C. E,' Conove ,,~~, PIX n, othf'r 10 1l11nlll('~ '01' <';0 '11) put the rhed Thursday mor~ ng at the game 1I1 !hl.' h<.Jg \\llh • the knot ~aync' hc~sPltal followlhg a le.ngth~ firmly t!l'd SI'{'(lnd-hlllfi'ripld goal Illn('ss. I'uners} services w1l1 be UCTUl'1W} of 62 1lt'I'c'f'nt ,t~y Wayne t~~dd T'hul's?ay ,at 2 JII.rn. at the and \\('ak fn'I' tilr(l\\ing\ by K{'ar l'ir5t BaphRt Church, W Dl'Y pr()v('d dc'cI!>ivc'. I ' Feb Luge, hel~h~Yc:r~1 ~w: II1cnl t»9 WaYJle's Wildl'ats, surpri!ltn~1 all sca .• ()~, plliled another surprise Satur~luy. !\ftC'I' I () Ii I n g three sl~.aj~).(h,r, th('y ,WhiPped K('~rll(,y, Sta/' In mal'ria~~ by I F BRUARY Furnitl\lre ~ecials Only Magnavox offers you·' an advanced acous.tlcal sy~ten't tha." proje-c:ts sound from', the sides as well as the cabine't front-to extendl dereo sepDr~tion far beyond the space between: the speakersl Admitted, :\In Arlen lIarns 'I' ])(),lllf' , 11l1111~(' lla\'("lwakpfil'ld: MIS Ha(illl'l H.ockweH" mg and o!>1 jotll' In " r(l\A 10 I'~'nl (thrp(, \iI':Clyne, Timothy KlefN, Lame]; ,la~l ~(':Ir ,Inri tllll' thIS y~'ar) ! Hugo Fischer, Wjnslde, !\Irs. ! Lioyd H('£';;{', Laurel; Mrs. Ned n ileDtell' "if' II\lrfIrro~llflu'! (O[lO\t , DixOJl; :Vlr~. Caylord U.;pIHI UIi19w6'I1"~~dV ,i'JJanz. 13pldell: Mr~. r:ldon Spcr· (jIlT I W Blue lDevilc.! Ir'l!B_Ii::'iI .if' ~~ dJ U I ~0;,~,nyn(', II ~Ir, Hit-hnnl ~"'nel, liJ!>Jrl'SSl'd' !'III'S. naIf' Franzen, ,WaYJH', :\1!'~. Ll\lw(,n t:ICls~m('yer dud son, Wayne; Mlis. Arlen Ilarand son, Wakelf!('I~I, W. C. Wayn/';- IVln-. Ted Batl<lnd, L<lureJ; Worl/-'Y Benshoof, CaHql!. ,. 0 I ~y John Schrieber Til(' Wisner Bulldogs took ad'van tag!' or under·par hall handling and shooling on th£' pnrl of Warn£', nnd desplII' a laIr Dnd raJly, rolled to H S:::!-;;\ vldory. TIl\' flr~1 two f(lIarlfjrs round Wayne unable to kt'('p th('lr game g ll1<",'m , W'sner come tlil .wah, 8, flt'ld goals In th(' fl.rst Jllenod and i Eleanor Man~"ng I led the Devils 17·10. I i G S' 1"ftget6 r diary L'lIle improv('ment til (' s ,s e 11'11 Wuynl' m the s('cond quarkr whd" , t' the lh Jldogs hit wilh ];()m~ con-! sistenc. ~lnd h£'ld a \(>n 'point 1/'ad' 31·21 at lennission. I The Pender" Methodi$t church The .De ils foumd the range in I was the scen~ Saturday afternoon th~ third quarter and netted 19 : for the marriage of Eleanor Ann POtnt~ to surge within Gnd' PlDint I Manning, daughter· of Mr. ~ of Wisner, 41-40. Wayne used eon- I Mrs. Hurshul Manning! Pender, trolled bali-handling al1d shOirtly i and Gary Lee Splittgerber Oakbefore the quarter endEjd led_ the 1 land, son of Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Bulldogs ,for the first time since Splittgerber, Wayne. The altar Wll., the ope~mg secolnds, 3~-37_. decorated with white ltlums and Wayne' th('n \Jl"ok(' fo/' Ihe ftr~'1 carnations I four points of IUW fourth fjtlur(pr Rev. Waiter Pilgrim officiated at Wed "In Pe nder t Now only $395, LIVING ROOM SPECIALS TO BEAUTIFY YOUIt HOME! $179 Mastercraft davenport and chair, nylon cover, faa';" cushions $119.00 $q9 Maste.craft davenport and chair, chai(:e JDf colors. . . $139.00 $1~9 Mastercraft davenporit and chair, broWln, I1ylon caver . $149.00 $~99 ,Mastercraft da¥enpo'!t and cha~r, beige, nylon' cover:. .. ,$159.00 $3~9 Mcistercraft davenport and chat r, brawn, nylon cover'. . $269.00 Nothing down - 24 months to pay Pay nothing until April Just as in a concert hall-you're surrounded by beaut!fujl music .-.no matter where you sit! This. ex::itin3 Annual Sal, value oHers you: 30 watts undistorted, rpq.s!c p~wer, two 1.00:0 cycl~ eXJ)on.ntial treble· horns, two hlgh-bffician~y lS-inllPasl woofers,' deluxe FM/AM and Stereo FM radio with nFdrlftiItM Automatic Frequency Control. and tho fabulou~ n~'1 Mkro'matlc Reccord Player. The Tra4itional, 3·5T661 in your cho'c, of c~errYt,natural or French walnut. i AI~ Buy the Furnit,ure with the Lifetime Guarantee t, models include the exclusiye MICRQMAT-I that eliminates rf"',rd and dylus/w a\". YOUR RECORD C N LAST A LlFSTI EI THE DIAMOND STYLUS IS GUARANtEED 10 The New Modern Styt ~i1g O¢casionol Choirs, reg. $39 now $28 Recliners, reg. $79, now.'. $39,00 Danish Modern Now only $25950 FM/AJ.M radio-p;honograp,h with four: speakers inc.'udin¥. two 12/1 bass 'woofers powerful ~tereo amplifiers tlnd Micromatt~ re~ord player. Con:enient g!iB'··:; ,;c.' panels give access to I record chan9ler, all contrc'~ i.."~ record storage, The Coloniat, 1·ST294 in beli'utiful mapuF finish, so shop early! 0" rrecision "djust brakes and add brake lIhl) .. If necessaty, E) ScientifidUy inspect and 'gnfront to manufacturer's speci:fi~ti~ns. @ Precision ;balanee both front wheels. Check 'power brake and power steering units where applicable. en~ a 7-piece ALL FOR' ONLY ..• Dinette Sets 6 chairs, 3.4Bx60 table Any Arn~rican . Made Car PAYDAY TERMS l I SAVE UP TO '$40 Now or.!] $149$0 Values to $104.00 . ; S'~EP .ON COMFORT Imagine ownin~ a Magnavox true Stereo ijigh . phonOgraph for this amaIingly low price! P~werful fiers,:' four speakers plus the Micromatic ',record available in Colonial and Contem,o:,ary. Th~ in ~ahogany finish. With FM/ AI:~ radio, $1.98.50. Stereo FM, now only $229.5G,1 Look at Y~ur Olld Mattress ----: Worn Out? Lumpy? Say O!er a Third on These Specials! iSUR FURNITURE 1 V2 EASY TERMS ~iles !\Iqrt" of Wayne; Your Ar~oOve'" 28 Years . . .'. J OPEN II ~ SAVE $~O Sofas, reg, $109, now .. , ,$89.00 These are li1'ited quantities , ! j I~ I II EVENINGSI i Wayne , , AND OFFICE EQU ,Phone 110 . I', fl /., '; I.,'" .,1 I' '. ,··I'·,·"··· .. r·,: .... ·,',···,·,···:··I·r. ,Fred.·Puls S·erv·lc Heidi lhursd..y· ".' ,Pea'·C...C EVo Ch'" orc ")~' MUlI"ln, "'.I,'tl, '. Arlhur lind M,',. Cllff Muo· S 'nllll Cill'roll. ~::Il~,~)d ~' I . und Mrs. •• , ) , . , '••• 1• • • " ' " ·!· ,,,. Y<;\UWANT TO' DO $O~IE. '1~1jO~1 Ybti~ drlDT<!li'Il? IO'M, go" 83",ayne, Nebr, :...I-Ift..+.J!...- mon Wilbur I~lfc ."d . MI'. ilnd.l'd . Et' Paul iwere d*. guests, Sui1(I.~ In tile 'Horo d ncJ' Olson home to cctlcbrlt.t~ tile }. ilUl'S, itcd Mrs. Olive L. rub Friday eveYilI'lu. l1ing. ( ?i'ndflY duJ~1 s a,n,d }i.re~ Utecht ~ele~ratcd thelf buthdays ~h?n gr,OU~B 1of boys were ent~ltamed lh j bO,th homes lifter school ThurS~.Yi M~ ~l1d Mrs. l\Jartm 1101 lbel1g wen~ dmner guests In t e ,cnus Ring homc SlIturd:.y fOil a ob· EeI'vance of her b)fthday Austin Ring and Jlmmy'iihiO spent the day th~rc. Rclatl,v~).:j)n ~h('. Fred Utecht I~ome 1: rld~y evenmg to obrerve Sammy s birthday were Mr.: and Mrs. Hiehard Utecht and· Mr.. and Mrs. Emil Lund, the Eldon "are). 1· i ~r~(;to~Vl;,~IlII~~'~},:{~~:~'rlI2nwals8~~ lil~' ,md Mrs AI: bert JSundell, Mr. nnd Mrs, Harry /Wert. Mr. and l\~rs Don MillIken arid Mr and 1\1 'S' AlvlO Sundell ~nd d3U'ghtcrs. 'here for Sunday ihner were l\fr 1 and ~1rs Elmer utldcIJ, DIXOn Afternoon visItors werc Dr and Mrs A A Sundell, WbmC'r and Mr and 1\1ro;; Albert Sundell. Mr. an~1 Mrs. Charles Pi~rson were eve\ning ~uests, Mr and Mrs.! ~~auritz Carlson were in the chaies Piersort home ThursdllY cvcninJ and the Dean Pi€rsons wpre Sunday dinner guest::;. !, ·1 ,'.' • \\. 111 \'rl\''''{'~1 Til'(; ';t,llltqn ,1'()IHlt Y ~:t;~;()II~!I·':;II,~~I)::IIII..,(\II'\' FOR SAlE /;:(I:l\;'('(~()l~;I' \\(' Idlll ('r "(,rI.,II,. J:lllil FnllT~.1 :'I1rs 1I ]:.IlH'llll},I"'1<'1 ;:::,I~ ;1 II~IIIIIII'I ''JIUI I.:, J I Slor~. ~a~~_l'~':-"J-~~-.---~ k !l('pll': USED HEATE S-YoII'1I find your _ _. . . , . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SOUTHCJEST " Id' W a k ef me' ,:, TV Store j22U CI.lm .Your 5,1.. DI" E.rly '•• '. Ch.ck Th••• Dltt' Flnll' MOVING? • r Don't ~:ake chances with your valua~re belongings,. Move with Aero I Mayf1ower~ America's most r~commended mover, ---~~--~~~- PARTNER WANTED ~:owing business in Nor- Your nIIwlp.,.r ed, In piper give. farmors _rtvnlly to .tudy your '11, lI't over carefully, In their oYlrn 'hom .. , and decide on tho .rtlcle. f Ik requilfes additional anagement. Modest in- required. Call Nlorfolr 371-0754 after I, they may wish to buy. If you CII-:,not 8t!' in. to Tho Herald oHlc6 C~·~~~~\o~~%as~ O~I~edga~,ea~~~~ ,~: Fremo_n!:_~~~~~.___ ~ : ;;:d~;it~ele~tiOl~i~~O:t at16::~~: u~~.;~o~n~rr~~T;~an~a~~~~u~rasned 1 I tlslnl1 complete In one , ! e ~treet FEll. 25 ~ JAMES KIRCHNER FlARM SALE - from Concord, tWo miles, south, two en. and one.half south,' NIXon and Koesl. S.ate National ~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~ sin· WEI WISH TO and For Sale 11" FOR SALE: I ,1\,t:lllllP:\ll\{'(l (;~:~'1;11,\\~:;1.1·1.:1~·1:1(~~'1l1"(11· and alld \1 l'..- U'oml~d kober!s new D15 AC, wide power s1rering tractor, Brand Unn!, p~iced at only $2,995.00. 1__ ~Ne r. _ ;'\1 r and d,lI'l..:hlt j fill' ~~~;~H' ~'3/~1e~~~~1l C~~1t ~.y!~~lr , TO B.1JY BIG' BA~ AINS IN ~ wPJ" ,~Irs. 11,[Main FOR .RE~ USED EQ IPMEN'T Chinn \\'('1"(' ,II West Poilpt fot IJ 1 4-~C}~O$132~~g.tt~~f~~rice $19 \' F. \\' 11ll'dlng ,lnd fr~m th~re Deere B Tractpr \1'ent tn !l;l\ (' .~upp('r wIth ~s'l Was $368 _ Sale price $268 EstpJh~,RI('h;lIlt~. South piOux City. ,-' 55 Ford TI'uck.Tractor Mrs. ~\'(lll('r Chilln IcH Wednes·1 Was $550 _ Sale price $350 dax ,for a \ l~lt 11'ltl1 her aunt. IV(rs. i WelpHl "·nlll'r ... FI. Doctgl'. cIa ·.1 12 Used T roctors and In t.ltl' hUm(' of her daughter, I to Choose From the C('tll nhl1d('~. who have re· cently 111 )I'l'd tl) Chatfield, Minn, i Cub Cadet with rotary mOVv'er, demonstrator .,' Last '\11'nilay afternoon Mrs [ 1948 we Allis Chalmers Man'ln F(,'l :ltll'!Hl{'d a .World Day IH400 ---' £:'xtra good of I ,llllillittee meeting with "Deere B, self starter, good tires Mrs. :\('\son. Wpr1nesda\' e\'('ning \11' ,llld Mt's. Felt and I Deere A, here is some cheap power ?\irrlin. ;l\ll'.,l<\('ci the Scout ban-I qt1C't. Sat\l~('il~ afl(,j·no,on Mr. amd! Farmall 560, here is your chance to trade up . 1\1rs. Carl :\n,kr ...::nn came ~r~m ~,~~~I~;~~'I~·((I;'I;;~~~:~·y;;;n !~~ar~!~, \ ~~11 I I farm. Hcre frem .1 di. tpnce for the .John 'Suhm flillPr11 Saturday were h~s sis~{,I' .11!(·it'n) l\Irs~ orvr,ue Rhoadc'. \\ 111:)na. :'I!inn, and er son Brutf', Om~ha Mr. and'l\t rs. Hal Stines and cl:tu·ghters. LincQfn, Mr. and :\~rs Lester Ande)fs~n, Pet~, Sha.r')o :tnrl l;ary. 1Vlr, *nd I\ofrs. l\ll'rllm Ha:"enkamp, Di~ne and Thomas, Pilger, and Mr. and Mrs Jlfll SUI bel' Fremont, (nnd iHrs Nell DOl mg and Xiii ehael, C;;clclen, Colo "i\lr and l\ rs IGeorQ,(' John on and famlly, ~ rs Ilr I I Man" n P(ltter nil, Arrdlew JIn. son and )Ir and \Irs Glenn J hnso~ Omana. :\h Leshe Jen en, WIsner and i\If and Mrs Ll yd B hlkcn t' i LallIel love~ is stilled. A plnce is vacant in 0 r homl!1, which never can be fine'. '. The Family of David' T. EVp~s. f20 I 'II J, /1 CUSTOM MON ERE h~~te~.-8an~ot ~ ,$'~nd. ;It st.~~r~:: You wfll never Ind cl.am" year old c.... rofe~sional TO SELL. OI·R¥· Phone 197 OPTOMETRISTS f W.!A, KOrBER, 0: D. i We OPTOMET\tIST' :MOVING SOON? Phone 173 ~re ready to go. Local or Long Distance moving. Packing, rat.ing, Storing. At g e n t s for Hied Van Lines, World's Largest ost Trusted Van Lines. t BRADY MOVING & STORAGE Tiedtke Plumbing 1~·{eatir1~ and Appliances CAN STANDARD ~ (60 years of ,)xperience) ~ELECTltIC Sioux City, la. paone 68 Phone Collect 2 - 1335 r ,Wayne, Nebr. P.,YSICIANS . and Tl. Why not enjoy the fullest. BENl1HACK CliNIC 215 McNatt's 'Radio & TV Service W; ,2nd Street Phone 1060 Wayne, Nebr. GEMGE L. JOHN; M}? PHYSIOiA:N AND SURGEOIN' 114 East 3rd sllfeet , , OIfiee Plibne' 1~2 341 ~i~lt~~:litg.",,::.:._.,._.._ 564 " , .1 ........._ 491 ELE¢TR,ICIAtiS i Irl~o~' :x~~~~n~'~~:pe, came TIEQTKE ELECTRIC :w~<l 1954 Sl\IlTA Diesel, wide :and narrow fn;mt axle 1955 Farmall 400, a good] buy F1~~c1~H. a good sec~nd / WC Allis Chalmers, ne\\~ tires Cub'Lo Boy tractor"Wi~h plow, disc, bar ·.njtower, rotary, mower, grader b14de 1!P.i9 Dodge Pick'Up, per~ect . VEt~RINAltIANS i . CONTRA.CTOlJlS Home. - Co~rci~' 26!':~ : Wayne, Nebr. Farm -I , I ' ~~, 'WAYNE CLINIC Je~p with furl! length Itop ,I I FRlEE DYNO~IETER TEsT o[ your' tractor during our Bonanza,.Feb. 18 - Mar~ 21 COME IN: AND SA,vE---Coffee. Pot 'Xill be on aU the timb International Sores & Service • " : , Ulsclav evenmg the bi thd~ys pf Mrs, Con MUnson nd her twUl SIster, 'Mrs Karl W. tte, Phone 34 Wayne, wel'e celebrated _--'--+,_~_ _ _~_'!--i_ evenmg guests In the Mu son USE i> WRINGER WAs~ERS. home W¢le Mr. and Mrs, 'fier ard Your, choice for only $24.95·IMer~ Koch, l\~r. and lUI's. MaJ,"lyn fch chant Fireston~" ~tore. Wayne.' f611.':;:~;;;;';~+';';"-+____~.!1 I 000 rtill"i Dick "Sandahl and Mrs. Elvis Olson were in the Lawrence Ring Ihom~ Thursday. ,ben 1 Dr. ~:::rrusBe~!~aC;~n: r:C~i~i~~ o~: M;SC:. SERVICES I \ to ·.no . ::rs~ U e I thank-s tr Mr~. REAL EStATE t;'.IIS~j('. 1I.(,11ll~,' 1\,1;::1 mah .. 'hO. was 116B Hammer. Mill· DeWcr'f $H3aOm-meSr,jMe',Pl1fice $10 VIsiting 1!H'll Thr ]\1;1l"\ III h'lt famtiy were ,lITwng Im'nds who hf'lpNl Mrs. Was $60 - Sale price $3S' f,Jalcoll1l Jt'lbl'll cl'iebr<.~te her 5-h.p. ';;:..phase Electric Motor tHrthday :It Itel" home in En1('rson Was $95 - Sale price $69 S cl ft Deere 214 Plow, \I~ll~~·il\:t ~~~oo~;~d :\I'r" I 'Walter Was $67 - Sale Price $17 I"1 i' ~::~roth!~:~~i h 10, ·sPQdal I I child ten t were Sunday dinner guests, in the Dick Sandahl . home. ~roperty Exchange 'fest i;~~ I .Im",·]' •• ·preSlfions of sympathy 'and many Mr) and Mrs. Neil Sandahl and modc]"n b,ungalow house, FOR SALE: Dlllroc gilts due to farrow in Marcn; also fall boars. Ids with 'garage, and cob: interested contact Emil Arnold Stuthmam & Sons. 101!~ Phone 2783. Ini~es south of ayne. f20t3 I USED BENDIX . L E C. T RIC 1':-were nt Nfi"oprara I elothes dry,er. A·I condition. A I dilllll'r III th(' t'harles I I'eal buy at only $79.95. Merchant \1l'.Il[.:{,Jl~ Ililll\OP ~\lHI ill. c11clJratc I Fire:itone Store, Wayne. i6 I!~OR RENT: Cub Tract~f by tbe hour, McCormick Farnr Equip]lenny's hti'llll;a~ $1 ,PER DAy RENTAL for Elec· ment Stont. I .F(]r 1l1l'::lnnr' . Dal"fl"s Iwf'ifth tric Carpet Shanlpooer with fllIf hlrthrl(l~' 01 VVf'dncsday .. tI r Gor-: chase of Blue Lllstre. NEW FLOORS flom old, t's easy 1~I:l~'dHc~~'-:'\.I' an(~·:;ll~·. ~a~i '[ Hardware, WaY(ie, Ne~br. [20 when you renti our floo sander and edger and Irefinish· ith our i'" and ,opJ;r Son . . seals, vaJ1nishes aqd waxes. your r~gs by repHng our ,Tl1l1rsd:l,\" iilllnl'l' goC'st . . m !Ile '[ .' . Mak~s rugs and carJ.I"'. ch:nnhl'I".' h,l]ll(' like new, Coast-to-Coast 1\lal1el HI'! ;uktnt1P and Fbnk , Wayne. I s6t3 St(,lnhil~lgh. .NlJri'oiJ.::. an I Mrs. ~l1nrJa~ I Plirehred Shorthorn F~R SALE--Ha pshire a9d .Chester White sows, and gilts. To far· row bl:'twcen Fe'). 23 andI March Eugel Implement Martins;burg, 1 with .toncjor .- V~8.' .n~ln.", automatic lmill on Lulls. Polled 1r horned. Good ~~~:~. Harry l\~*lmberg & ~~3 __"____------L.~._,_~~~._ 'F<J>"R SALE: A five FO!R SAL E ('·.1 I THANK frienas. rei· Several to c oo.e,· f ~t!".' All Merlin brother; Bill --=-~---L--+-+---f--.----'-'-~ I \ lQIt'ti SI\:III\ !l1'~1 L(l( ~e Thllrs "il"III" 'II ,ltlli ('ollr'\uclpr] e1l'.! III Ilrll'llr III Ihp W. T I 1.,111'1 Illt'.1 \\1'1'1' gu sis oj :'Ilr ... ( h l . l l ' nilll'kl\lod. \11'<; (' L 1:,11'11 \\·as ;1, S\lpp{~r ,'I III,' I ,1\\'1 {'n('(' HlI~ ";' la~t :111 I till'm tl' I ('('ntp], ('hprcl ncar jill' a ('fnt(i' I con· dfcll'd h.\ 1111' l' ~', U. 'here'l a J\i r~. H 11l~~ I ;llll~II'I\\(,:~~ Is i;\ur~~~nt~~~!' :1 , ca~~:,es n~~er~,eig!.~o~~ri:l~, th:~~; ,~s~· :~:~~ ~~ed~e·dl~:i:gOf (}~~r b~:~oa:eed LIVE510 K Til1\~:, '11~d \.11' . . · FIIlH'l' IFIC{\twooct. '" 62DODG£"1 : -8 '1. ) Clerk. n8t3 sds. Choiee' of ('onsoles or table ~E-STA'I\E-FOR-SALE-Main Truck. tffiuObde.;IS·wSlt·'hlmconhf.yVec.rncWwaPrricatnUtrye. bus in e s s' building in ., t' \V~yne. Will sell trade or lease on Quarter Sale---'Fridayi Saturday, Feb. 22·2.'3, Start placing ~~!~~d /i~~~0~!4·~~OI'~~d wU~;n:'le;~ te~~a'iJit~~~:,R;~b~~o i:tt ( ! I yOllr on\I'I's Wed~':..s~_~_~.:.. _ _ _f2_0 ~~~~~~~_~ V--~----------,'Tlll' hi /l(H"o.,('Ilt'r fa.mll)' Wf'rI' i ~ 1'OROI~A T ERE o. Floor FOR SALE In this arca late model dUH]!'r ~!\I{' ... ts 10. lll~) 1.1'_ ~·I\'~{)del with Df'lllXe Changer Vi.Necchi ~e~ing machine in like Jand '1111 hlllll('. Wins de, I, I d l'i '} t new condItion, n('w warranty, T1I(' :1<llk l-i.rtll'.g{'I'S,. ilnSid~,i ~~~~~.:~c ~0~~>~1 as~vi;osJ(fo;ao~~ c9uipped to rna.ke button holes, W('J'(' 1'1 ](1.1 \. ('v{'nln,!.( VISit )fS In I ~ !l5 M i t F' gt St Y I z~g-zag and many other features • AI(.I'll ·.Johnson hOrlH' Thrrr :ti2?fJ.,. el"(' la,O Ires one or;6 Reliable party may assunl!e last An excellent 160 acre fartn for ~lbPl)('r :"n(urday were and I ~a_:~_e_,_____ -.. --.-.- ---~-~- eight paymehts o~ $7.67 or \fill dis15 miles southwest of Win~lr ... ";~;llllf'~' n,lhl~ren nn(~ I ('l~ild. WE HAV, E A PRODYCT for VInyl cO,unt £o~ cash. F,.or more inform· 'side. Goo~ farm buildings 11'11 alld 1]1' and :\Irs. AlVin Sun· and ot.het floors known as Seal atlOn wl'lte, Credit Manager, Box and modern dwelling. £It'll ;lIld dnllQhtt'rs. (;Joss a~'l'ylie finish. It's terrific: 181, Fremont, Nebraska. M1' ,11](1 EII!'.I Sunrl hI and I'McNatt Hardware, Wayne, Nebr. f13t2 Good productive -160 acre HanniI' \ III Ihe Fr, nk £If' £20 - - - - -~~ improved farm, 8 ~.~' miles .\\'1111 Illlllli'. S{~u!h SIOUX last, ' .... -~.-.-~---TtJ{\~dIlY 1'\ t'nlng. lOLL, GAS or WOOD - Reg dJess :from Winside. s~lnda-,.,. dll.l1l(')' gut's!s in t IC liar. of your 9hoice of fpeI, 3'OU,' et r~ \\~.'rl h111l1l' werc l\Ir. 11 c\I I\fr", more heat at less coM With a ew ~~~=~~~=~=== Halph <\l()r~(', Omahfl, al d the SieglC!r Heater with famous tr el· FOR SALE: egistered Angus E. T. Warnel11utide -Frit, 'I I'lill l(t{" b lllll~' \!. and mg ff100r heat. We trader-easy B II f B d r d E"l ]\1]'<;. \]0],<'(' :11 ... 1l \'I~I(('d hi" moth· terms. See fhe newest modt1s to· rne:e ~r~edin:rH~~~~ Akus ~a~~~ Real Estate Agency {'I a,t SII,ldl Hrc,t \V,'k('f.lf'ld dl'iy at Coast - to" Coast Stores, Pender, Nebr. 's6eow Winside, Nebrask,a :\Ir~. I' I .. Ibn!. La 'fenC'f' Wayne. s6t3 -'--'==,--,.,--:--'::':':'::':': elY. lob. F~8.21-=-HARRY SCII'l.u~Z FARM ,ALE six and one half mUe, Outh of Wayne -'on Highway 15. routman ~ Lage, ' Auctioneers. Irst National Bank, Wayne, REAL ESTAl·E F()RG~T-Arnie's 'J". &.IIr. i of sala ad and. bill. ; " up, which make. YO'ur odver. =J-:=:= I to·Coust Stores, Wayne. loon, Ius. call 130 collecti' We'll be out. GIRLS' SHOE RPLLER SKATES. ! Reg $22.95. tl~arance price on· CEIf tHE FACTS. Let us MOW !y $12.88. Merchant Firestone VPU how we have helped others Store, Wayne. f6 to fec~me financially in, dependent -----~ - - - -... - ----~ .<:('1 ing RawJeig~ Products. Good WANTED Reliab1e party to as· sume last nine payments of $9.18 l(lc lHy now available in on like new Sl<~ntqmatic Singer c,ounty or City of \\layne. Sewing machine or Iwill discount ~o~7~le:11~' I?ept NBB·150·331, is~e;; for cash. For mo~e information writC', Cr('dit MaAager, Box 181, I [)(j'N'TIl)ad B{'d By Mrs Lawrence Rin~ , W1lk~fi~ld ATlas 7.2620 PHONE! .NUM8,BII ,130 and w. will com. to YOUR .FARMI SWtlNSONITV Wayn~js Oldest I " ,IUIII' In 1958 -----.. ---.-.-. .---.---~~Iii- \\:1, [11,'('!',I"<I III dnath In BOYS' SHOE mqLLER SKATES $ 22.95.~ C I price ' IIVp br!)lllll_ :11:PI II,tlr "1~II'r' Sur. Heg. earan('e \ 1\'111". \111 III'!" Ilh \\I!I!l\\: ,1 hrolh lonly $12.88. ler~hant Firestone ('11 CLAIMED :====':1=====~:-i;;;;-;::;;:::-:t;;;:-:;::= 6Ip.m. ~I ;~;~, !~('~.;III;I':I,!I<:II\\ ;~~(,\~.\II~~rll(~~ist() hy 1',1,,1"1' II: {,()Ilpk ),UI1I'" DArE~ A, DS' v~stl11ent ' j"lJ,'"H'ml""'''II''''''''''lnll'<l:'';lId'WANT t'ld,'r Ir":Ic,ll\'I'1' lIod ... v. 1 I , S{Tu'd 11001 ... ,01 SALE CALL' 7* We'ServleIlAlt')!ake. , • ~~:~!' ~~~~:~;~~"II~~~~inI~:,ilO't. E\:IJl1~el ul~~;~f~ so:;t~;h\hC a~l?n~·~~~ ~r ~~i:~~~>~:~. I aslOI- .JOJlIl ~,aXljlln offl 'lnted at Iht' rites j\hISI~' \1US fur lished by the s.:e.n lOr ehOiI', tH'('Otnl·ani.Cd ': VY" 1\1 nrC1l1 ',h·hnwr. J~ldlb !ar(!rs I wei (', LOIUs h.ot'h. :\flal{hson, Wal! t~r Slr;.ll(' and He\lh(~n Pulsj Hos· I kms, I~:d\vl1J l,ql"lch, SiOll~,Cjty, and Jlnrolol Hll11f'rrnf'ilild and Fr:1Ilk .!~()I.~wJlt, :'\'ll·follc luria! Wll~ In Spn~IJ.;b~nllt'h CpllH'te y. . I, I'pd 1~()llI(', I'~ils. ~nll of 'rnnj{ ',100 "'n:l~·p. ~li~lnl~;:H':(: Puis was ,ho~n A[1I. lJ,. JR8~ In stanton coun, II£' Wil$ J);l111.i/NI hy ]I;1o.;tol' Otto ! ;r~lhn Ht liral'l'. E\',II1J,!pIH'al (hurch ...~..... nlSU for the B~~t in Radio and 1V~epQir 11osl\ln~ .. -rl't!11I\r;ll s('rvicc. ror sOli'S wedding tnmvcrs8J:Y pf ~'~red ,P·III:-., ~u l':ol'folk, ()J'I~H~I' TlI~si:ll]y. l\'1r. and MrS. bison Vi,'S' HO~.kins I'PsJ(h'nt. wPI"I, lipId . {ia,y,1 ilfl,(,1'11001l ill IIqW~('I' . , 1 r ·,:1 I I ' , I ! i / i I ,i ,Co,,, ' Fed Beef! 'I HIND FRONT I 'QUART~Ril." arriv at our lot at 8:30 flimongog.!'Ma"e your selatdon eartr YOUl'Sel,. Sfe right'in 'e truck and , All uarten have heen perfor this sale and, wiD carry " "OJr Meat I "0-0 gua'~tee. 1'.1 oooo".ooooO."I><!oi:&OCOOIIO 1lCat't Be Beat" t' R~: ....UlII.. Stamps I ~ith Each! Quarter of ' , 'I Dry ~~~ Regular or 'Drip pk$s.lS,c ~~""'ICan i : 3, ,. Our' ,(HERRIESp~V:D . ' 2 ~=s 29c , GL ..COAT" '" , , , .... , , Large 2 6-oz. Con , ~EAC~E~ .. . . . . . . . . . ,Gal. II IS~aiey's ! , ' , W ,AFF~.IE SynUp '"I , ,I ..... I ,~ I ,,\a.. 8'H<" 6~ 139 " Sove 24-oz. " 'BoHle I Waffle ~)'rup at t~e '\,. C I I , lO-Lb. 3-Lb. Lb, j Unit 4ii Unit I $43~ ~iRN , I . " I·' 6-0%. Pkg. ,79c F Van Camp's pork ft B~ans I' ' ~e'l Mon~e Slice~ Clin~ , L~an GRO,UND BEEF ! N~Johnson's i , , ~ ..i.1 SE'ALTEST i,lced , I ' Rib St~aks Gro~nd: Beef Beef ~oil ;' ' YE~ST , Roas~s " ,Red S1URGEON BAY . Can't Be . :Friday or Saturday/Plat. Your Order ,with'! U$ Wednesday or Thursclay! I 'TOP VALU l Youi: ... ,,1 ,OF III, CHARGE , yOu wait , ~100 IDollo~rs , Worth of' Front Quo rter Gives into truck ... Pick out Jour ~<I I heef Watd. us CUI ,wrap ,it for JOU ATOTAL OF , No. 2%' Size I- '~,fori3~( iE"S. ' : Milk ! 'Rump Roasts Sirloins' Ground Beef ~'" . ,Round S.teak 'r 'T-Bones " ! I '! • I I I' -,1'1 :] I. ~ ' I the William elmer home to I t· tend the gra opening of he Shqles rJ Lamp LOUDUe Saturday night. :t·.... 4t'l14, , Janet Van Auker spent I~st , Tuesday night with I,inda Winkel· R.l1dolph bauer in tb,e Donald Winkelha er ~ I home, Jantee Keiter. was an oVfr. Mr. mid Mrs. Jo n Morris, 'night gue8~ Thursday. ~aYne. were ~ last Sunday guests I Mr. aoo ", Mrs, Art Olson ~~d 111\ the Max Stahl home. family and Mr. aod Mrs. Lars pl. Mr. and Mr.: Bill Schutt' and son wore S~nd.y dinner guests' in Mer~c Bieschenk were last Sunday the Dsmond Korth home, Pier~e, guests. in the Fern Schutt home. ·to help MIt. Korth celebrate ~iS Mr. and Mrs. Fe.n Schutt and blrthd.~. . ftu;nily were Thursday evenil;1g Sew ~ncI' So Club will m et guests in the Wal~ren.. Jaqs8en with' Mr•. W.I"'~_ Grvbbels F . home to help Larry celebrate' his 27. Mr. aDd Mrs. Lars Ol,on ~nd Ibirthday. Mr. Dnd M\rs. Fern Schutt and Mr. 'and Mrs. Gurney Lorenz ~nd Mr. and, Mrs. Al B'aden. visiteq family were Wednesday evening Otto Peters in the NOl'folk' hospi. guests- in the, Bob Olson home. ' tal last Saturday evening: Mr. Hnd Mrs. AI Baden and Mr, and M~S. Donald' Winkel! family were Friday eve n i n g bot,ler and 'f~' ily were last Sum guests in the Alfred Greiner ~oine. day dinner gu sts in the Victor MJr. and Mrs, Art Koppleman, Castor homei1Bclden. Osm'ond, were Thursday eve~ing I Mr, and MJ's, Ernie PluekeIj, guests in the Al Baden home! ,.,ra, ,~.rtln M~d.... l I· Mrs. Gus Ernest MrJ. C. ~ing were guc'sts or. MIrs.! Mrs, Joe WUson viSited' niece, Mrs doh Munson, Dnd baby )lirl at the Wly~e hospital Ji'rlday KrI",.maJrK r Mr and M: s Dnn Dolph. LyncUe and Dwa c aQd Mr and Mrs Donalil Dolph' and fnml}y h91pep met Wed- I 1 I I I I ~~bJ~~:d~:le~!:~~~iht:~~W~ ::: Mr~' and Mrs. Donald' l)lueker· anil Mrs. Warlen Janssen attended and Mrs. Larry Plucketf. auxiliary meeting at Coleridge Sioux Falls, spent the weekend'iu last Monday evening. Mr. JansMr. Mr. and Mrs. HE'nry Tarnow attended the birthday observance of Freddie Bird sr. Monday eve. (,ling. Mrs. LoRoy Hammer, Mrs. P.aul Henschke and Mrs. Ervin Bottger baked and decorated a large cake t~r tI~e thlrty·flfth weddmg anni· versary dance of MI' and Mrs. Clarence Kubic. Mr. an~ Mrs, Billy Hansen ,and family were Sunday dinner guests al the Glen .Leuders home and visited at Emil Tarnows Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. RClY Tonjes aad stayed for a longcr v(sil. , Mr. and Mils. Dick Ivcr~on nnd Penny, Sioux City, and! 1\¥ir. and Mrs. Tom BI~essler were Sundpy dinner guc-sts of Mrs. Myrtle Bressler. Mr. and 1\11'$ ,Rudolph lIamnlt'1' aDd Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Meier were at lIerhf'rl Thuns Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. RudQlph lIal1l1ne>r were Thursday evening visitors F. Hammers, l'u('sduy Mrs Hamrner was with 1\1.,':-.. Soules . Mrs. Myrtle HI"('ssler and Mr", C. W. Ml'Guire we~.c h'iday sunper guests at Merlm Hr('sslcrs .. t, AlbCll f ~~~~~' ~u~;rsSI~~He~~r~o~~~~ay da~h~in~:~l g~~:l':tk~l;~~~l:'e s~~: The l).el"{oy Krusemarks were bies. . ~~~~:~J~~t:.rnoon visitors at Ed da~~S'a~h~17!OI~o~'\~:1 s~('~~t :~o~; h nd t Pendf'r, following lwr relpUS(i from the hospital \ I M.r. and Mrs; Carl Bl'mIi.c:llnl ~efect'lIis now it home improyo and Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Sehroedpr e I i:r:. E"d Krusemark was a Fri- and family. Norfolk, wer{' Saturday dinner guest at Paul KnoUs, d~y supper guests at Arnold Bru· Wayne, d~gams. Su~~lay ~v""nmg: tilt' Rl'u " Mr. and ~rs. Robert Morris dlgam famlli.es VJslt~d In the . and son yne were Sunday nest Lempke ho.me m Pe~dcr. dinner g~est at Longes. Elwood Sarnps?n, J~lllce and Mrs. '- Ervin Bottger and Edith Larry helped Carl. Sam.llelson, were with a group at dinner Sun- Wvyne, tclebl'al.e hiS birthday day at the Don .Peters home olt- Wednesday evenmg, serv:ing the birthday of Mary Mr. and Mrs. Albprt L. Nelson Jane \:Ind family were Thursday supper Mr: and Mlrs, Rudolph Hammer guests at Robert lIansens. Satur' and Goldie Leonard were Sunday day Mr." and M~s. Hansen Ilnd dinner guests at Marvin Meiers. Dale drove to F~lIrbury to attend Tuesday Mrs. Meier and I Miss a show and sale of Purehred Spo.l· Leonard were dinner guests ted Poland hogs. Rex: and G.lon~ Mrs. Amy Nuernberger. Hansen 'were ~~ the Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bottger and during, the r abpence. Edith wte Thun{day dinner l,\1rs. Jo.an Bress er called at the trea~:;~,e ~~IO;;;.v:,1J0;r 'rd R I II i ,'I , r i I ,I lA,ISO N'S BARGAIN BASEMENT Remnantof Piece Goods' By George ~ve sharpened for the hi~ord making ax and chopjped our prices for a big thr e-day holiday event. Sale starfs Th~rsday ,"orhing, Feb. 2 - continues through Saturday, Feb. 23. DISCONTINUED fA S OF r DRAPERIE$ SQC 3 inches to 3 yords Pri/1ts and Solids D*PERtSAMPLES 1 yard cuts - 'I Sponges 6c· .J , Pri/1ts and Solids ~5C e~h Bu~et ~~ants n~ , SKlftt'LENGTH Y2 ,rice Cotton Slacks . , .. :% to Y2 price ' ..... Y2 pric~: lpdJes' Gowns Can-Coni Slips Baby Bqotees '! . Budget Basemerjt imported Ta~le Cloths , SETS Y2 'prite Budget Basement I Full and' Half' StlPS pair Budget Basem.ent ( I , I ] . ,i I Panty Girdles ............... $3.44 ......... SOc Men's ~eckties I 12 "'ME? I, Size to 28 ;1Many colors] and patterns of ,lbetter priced to 'clear! ' each Soiid C~lor l I SHEATH and PLEATED Basement SPeCIAL Only 17 Angela. LAQIESf SKIRTS i Budget! PRE.LENTEN . SOc ! ...... Vajoff .Y3to Y2 off price Ladie~' ,i Blouses ...... . Aprons .49c . r.Y2 price Best Form Bras S/ze:4fx90 a pair $~O,O .#a lVIrs .. · Bres~ler a d Mrs. Buskirk l"ielped serVie at ospital AUXIliary Wednesday Mrs. Mlargaret McQuistan pnd family attended funeral" services for her brother, Kenneth Hunt, 58. at Ainsworth ~uesday at ~he Conchurch. He died of a hejlrt attack at Gordon· watching a basketball Ladies' 'Srweaters P~I'~TED FABRIC I and NAP~IN READy·MADE DRAPES! il! Mr. a-nd Mrs. Clark., Kai 'and family were Friday evening visitors at Dick Kais B9d Sunday were, supper guests at Ed 2iacks, Fremont. Mr_ aad ,Mrs. ,Merle Baier were wednesda:y~, sup~r "guests at AIbe~t L. ~elsons. Mr,' and'. M.rs. Weldon Sqhwar~n' and Mr. an~ I! Childrens' ' BasemerMt $~IOO ner ~nd Lamar Petersen homes. Children's PlIi4I11as:.I..... Y2 price Budget Basement WO<\lL ~:~iS a~d 'c~f[~' ~ar~:~~fi .~~~~ ~~n~ ~cr~~~:n'h !;~ :;~~~. e.~;~. I. . . . '.' . I Budget Basement Big White' Y3 .off Childs' Cord S~~cks j Y3 off Knit Baby Cap~. .; I. Y3 ito Y2 off ~hitds' lined ~.~,~s ..... y" eft . ,.1 • I! i ~,ptite Bill 'Girls' Blouses yalrd Budget, Basement aer;:,:r;, I'm a secretary_ He·, a ~us¥ engineer ~itf ,bnght future: Very , boys' Sweaters . .. .. .V3 to Y2 off .oys' Cotton Slacks ..... Y2 price. I i · I Men' ~: Bet~er Coals ... Va 10 V2 off M~n's Chore Gloves' .3pr."$1.00 ; .pr~ $4.98l, Men1s (overalJs Child'renis Socks I 4 pr.99c .. $2.00 & demandin~ 'fello~I_"Very partic';1lar••.•• but steet. 0)1 ,an eye for ' . . yes. ,,"more ,han blueprints! He married his secretaIfl, Advertised in Febrja" . Glamour and ",!cluo livdy ours ... Gay IGibsi»;t~$ 8ir~.'O .th .. .job, neat. .as-a-pin 2 ieee e, jacket dress in y9D and' acrylic" and ,·1]~$2:V{11· 1 " fA m, I , i 2' 'Mrs, l..i/.',ic PuJ.~ VI.':1itccl Ge()~I-:e jp the ij.:rausc hon e M:oQday. Mrf. Elsie ltJ;ld j!iQn pen~ls were visit· ors Monday evening in the Krause 'Wngnt'r homq Tuesday af- HueUe t<'rnilDn, I Mr,' 'and MtB. ~UU.m: Mar· dt d Ricky Mt and Mr. ~~:~ . ~~rque-rdt' a~d Connie: Mr. and . Mrs. ,Dlle Von 5eg·, gem end Carol, and l,Mr. and 'Mrss"Arthur Reb. 'a~~ family at·. t d d th ~ I . services of ,,:~s.r Em~a un;:9~er, Hadar, Sunday .ft.~OO", Mr. lind rtIlrs~. Fritz Ronfeldt, Pilge,r,.,wcre visitors in the Fred M1lI'quardt hqmc ,Sunday. MI' ,and Mlrs. Myron I M)arshaU Ilnd fa~i1y ~ere ,visito~s in the noh~.rl} mars nil h~me Sat~r~ay ev~~. , •~r. ~nd Mrs. ,Ed Sc~ellenber~. vl.'Hh'd ,in the, Hans l~an~en ho~~, Pll'l'ce Sunday evemng to ~lSlt Husscll Hansen, Concord, Calif. Mr. and ,Mrs, Rober't ~remer, Kevin and Bobby, flJorfolk, were visitors jn the ,M.-rc:in Marshall home last Monday, evening, :\'11"<; Arnold Froelick, Norfolk. und Mrs Minnie Krause and Marjon£' Wf'rt' callel's in "~thc Mr!O. J'llirlnie Marntz. Mrs. Lydia Fuhr· mUlTI and Mfs . . M-ary Brueckner h"~I\' ~:;{o~; . ~:f;~la;~d hOl~c. Terry and Kerrry Lube spent tile weekend in' thf home of their grandparents, -MI~' an~1 Mrs, Lloyd Luhr, NorfoUs. The Lloy.d LuJ1rs were su-ppcr af!.d evening gu~sts. in Uw Dwaine yuhr home Monday and Terry an£)' Kerry returned iwme with them. Birt'hdijlY Party I \ Mr, and Mrs. William Brogren y enteftame~ relahve~, friends ~nd 7 •• e nClghbofslat theIr home last unM.rti Club day evenmg lin honor of Mr roMrs. Stanley Langenberg enter- gren's bJrthd/il.Y. Pnzes wer~ Iwon tained membej's of the Marti club by Mr aqd Mrs Arthur BebPler, at her home on ''I'ue~day night. Mrs, Ch*le~ ~aImz and Mrs . Mrs. Norris Langenbdrg was a nbnald, l\flal'lchek,. Guests ~eI'e guest. Prizes ,werl wOn b;rs. frbm Howell~,' Winside, Norfolk, Orville Anderson, Mrs. M ron St~ton, Madison and HoskiJlls. Deck and Mrs. wight Br Igge- I·', man. Hoskins l qou~les C,lub Mr. and ~rs. Herman Opfer enStudy Class tcrtaine,d Ho~kins Couples Clm.b at The Bible Study cl$ss of ~be their hQm~ ':I1~~lrsday evening, Mr. Women's Society of, World Service afUd Mr~. j:;U$ Perske and Mr.' of the Hoskins Evangelical Un.ited Mrs. JEd: pchellenberg. w1e r.e Brethren chUrch me in the Mrs, guests. Prizt:ls were won by" Mr. E A. Strate ho~c Wednesday and M·;rs.l, ~d ScheUenl;lerg,i Mr. morning, Mrs. Fred Jo ens open-. and Mrs. ~e~no'1 Behmer and Mr, So,c,-el ~~lIttcsc~:~;ii~~ 7::,"S,r :(~d:r~i :r~t :~:lin~ a~~K b!e~t~;:;: CI~~~ 7:45. Mr~ ",~I SOF .; I,,,,U,, W4rtR!~"""II''''" ' Ernie; Mr. and Harry Will~ide. were Sunday guests in the sixth chapter of Romans.. Mrs. ~athman I~oi:ne March 14. Donald anel Larry were t)w Mrs. Minnir Kruuse home. Weop'ell DaVIS closed the. study I guests in the Clint ,Reber :\11' <.Iml n'irs. Melvin Haase an~ with pnlycr. t , A·Teen Efxte'nsion Club Sunday evening. fnmlty. Battle C,'celt and Bill A-Teen )i:xten"jon club met Wed· Mr. and Mrs. John Bopm, l,nd Elmer Stopp~t were dinner Gay Fifty Rook Club ,. nesday atlthe home of Mrs. wa~er riee LuAnn and' Steven and Sl!ppl'r gu~~ts l~ the Ed Green MI'. and Mrs. Thea. Heberer en· Fleer, jr'l Guests were Mr~ov ai- ito 1';' in the Alfred hOI'lH' last Sunday. tel'tained members of ... the Gay ter Fleer l sr., Mrs. George H u_ Car.ron. Sunday Mrs. Arnold Froelic'k, Norfolk, Fifty Rook club la~ their home singer, Nprfolk, and Home Ag nt Mr. and Mlrs, Harry and Mrs. Minnie Kraure ~nld Tuesday night. Guests .were Mr, .MyrtJe Alllderson, Wayne. ,family were visitors in ' Mariorie visited Mrs.. Helen <lnd Mrs. Walter Fensk.e and ~r. - Roll ~aH ,~as "What I Call a Timperly home, Nor~olk Bree, Norfolk, Monday after· and Mrs. Paul Sc~eul'l~~. PrlzeP <?ood tn~e. Mrs. Walter FI1~r, evening. , ., no.on, wer¢ won, by I EdwIn Melerhenry, .Jr., an l\l1:rs. Earl Ander~on g Ve Mr. and Mrs. Ha~ry W~iher' and" MI'. Ilnd Mrs, Walt Koehler, Os" Mrs. Walter Fenske, Mrs. H. C. reports IYirs James RoblOson re- farlnily were dinner and mond were supper and C'vpning Falk, Mr!;i Palul Scheurich and ported., nJ the Safety workshop ,to guests in the home of hel! par.ents, J,:u{'sts in the J. E. Pingel home George Wittler. be hel ' ~n Wayne March 7th at Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mieyer 'OsWednesday. -I 9:30 a.m.! at the city auditor~ m. mond, Sunday. ;'. '. Mr. and Mrs. ,Myron MarsbalJ Canhta Club . , ~rs: IVia1 Eckman ~;d th~ grnup Mr, and IMrs. Clint '!teber 'and Mf: and Mrs, L~UlS Bendm e~- smpng .. 'lIhe l~sson, Cloth~ng e- family were supper and evening and family were visitors In the Dohm hTome LC'o Mevis home, Stanton, .Friduy. te,'tGllOed the Canas a clUb, at theIr pnlr QUiet TrICkJ" 'Was glven by guests ',n th e Joh"'. WI h Thursday evening. 1\11'. and Mrs. Carl Harder and home last Monday evening. The Mrs .. Gu . Ander on .. March Dennis were"": visitors in the Ran· club met M 0 n day e v € n i n g Imeetmg fIll be eld III the ho e ·C d Mr. and. Mrs. Roger ';l~ter a~ Feb: 18" at the Wtlbur Anderso~ of Mrs, q:eorge Ehlers. dall Novak home. Creighton, last horne _ I ~ family, PIerce, w.ere' Vlsltors U1 I ,FOIl}~ I:U fUlfIl Evangelical tJnited (Wendell' Davis, W€:lines.da~, Feb. Erwin Ulrich lJ.om'e, 9:f!lO Youth ,Fellowship, 7:30 Friday. Feb. 22: council meeting, 7:30 p.m~ SUll[day, Feb. 124 : Wor~bip v,ie,:'1 9.30 ,a.m.J Churc~ .~w~'''I\'prpl lJO • .lO a.m., Bi,le Studiy .lIrl. • ,"U'O'" """U'" 'Ct.othes La~t Long~r' ., Soap Goes Farther , Easier Dishwashing ' : ' , • No Monthly Servic~ Vi,its FHA , IF· Sl~~~.Y~nd Mr~. Ed Green visited Worley BenshOOf, Carroll, Friday In the Wayne hospita.~. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joehens and 1\lr. and Mrs. George Wittler were supper guests in the' Williarn Wes~ly home Thursday, Mr. and Ml's. J. E. Pingel were supper and evening visitors in the Rill Br,oekemeier home, Osmond Monday and called in the Walt Ko('hler home. Mrs. Arnold Froelick, Norfolk was a visitor in the Mrs. Minnie . Hos~ins Homemakers Club Members 'of the Hoskins Homemakers Extension club met in the ho",c .of Mrs. "Edwin Meierhenry TuesdClY ijfternoon. Mrs. Fred Brumels opened the meltmg by readmg "We Prepare for TornoI' .,row." Roll caU was "It's a Small 'World." Awalt Walker gave and "Guard Heart Wisely" and Dennis PuIs at Highland~ Clpp l\h~s. ~orrjs nangenb..erg hostess to the *ighiands sion ctu.b: ~embelrs Friday nOon. Flfie.ch members s(-nt. Mrs. GerClld Mrs. Orvi~ie ryn Kleelsa~g, . mels, an ]\I1rs. man wer guests~ Roll an "01'1 ina] Mrs. Bill member. 1 ~~n~~~~ard 'Hull home Tuesda~ Mol. ~I~ANCI~G AV~I~8L.E 36 Months to ,Paff ~ pE Dw!;'~ ~ jS . \ m~:' a~~d f~r:isl~, R~~~~,,~I:~1 !,:~~ P~~~'ta, D~I~~~~Od~~:~~I~: I ,and Mrs. Henry Asmus and RonInie and Mrs. Bertha Behmer I wereDonald dinnerAsmus guestshome. Sunday jll the . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bjorklund and Pamela. Glenwood, la., Mr and Mrs. Robert Lieneman and family, Omaha, and and, Mrs. ATYOUR !FORD~D The Liveliest of the, r l' n , 1 ( ~ 1 f 'r ' I , l;, . I Ii' ,:1:1' I I) I , I ,,' ,I '\, La~kas bdmo' ~. ~d 'IMr~. wero.. the Ronald Rees hO'me \ St. Paul's Luther~t' Laymon 8t. Paul's ,Utl~cran i I al Luym1"·s ilh '1\ League met Sunday evaning s. Melvin Harmic[, fSidu?, Lady -of SorrQw thurch ,(Daniel Gal,.s. Pastor) , Sunday Feb 24: MMS 9:0() •. m. Our prClCIl!. Lunch P.~I'S\' -ty 0611 .. _... ' • Iu e Mr. and Mrs. \Vult. Luge \\Icrc IN dnesd~, J=eb. 20 ~,::::a:Q~~pg.~. guests 10 the Gc~ald l'"riC'odly WednesdllY' fa.rnily din- . ! Mr. a~d 1 rs. Muurice ~'Ia~scn 091", \\esl,ey ~ubl'ck h?tne! visited Mr . H. C. Hansen' j n lM<'Ihodtst Church dt~ncr. Norfolk ospital Sunliay aftern jOn. "~ursday, Feb. 21 ,I " Mr: and IMrs. Will Shufelt ~nd Happy Workers, Herman ':Brockfamily were Wednc:>uay CVC'!lfl g m~n home.. I visitors in the Mrs. Mary RauL'loll ::ioclHi Nmghbors, Harold Stoltenhome I h~rg home. I Mr: and Mrs. Perry .Joh~son, PUlochly( L y.J e CunnIngham were Sunday cvenmg visitorSl m home. , I the John N. Johnson hOlne W~lk<!· IIdltop Larks Club was postponed field ' f r o m THurHday, Feb, 14 to ThursMr. and Mrs. Frank cunn~1g. I ~~) h'b 21111 the Chf{Old Lmdsay tl.am were Sunday djnner gu sts 1~1~1 I) I T I' b' in the R. J. Hickey home or. {' a l {, om lO ¢rts;:me. folk, In the afternoon the~ IS- Frtday, Feb. 22. I ited relatives In Henderson 11l(J~~l{~ntry Club, CiLarlqs Broe an Methodist Church (Victor Ireland Pastor) Sunday. Feb. 24: Worship, 10:00 a.m.; ,sunday school, 11:00, > Presbyterlan·Congregatl~nal Church (Gail ~xen. Pastor) Sunday, Feb. 24: Worship, 10:00 a.m.; $unday school, 11:00. FrJday even~ng visitors in the Kenhcth Olsen home, co~rd. w:ere Mr. and ,Mrs. Melvin M nuI son and family. Mr. a'bd M~s. John, Rees ~nd family Sunday dinncr guests in the lturlbert home. guests in the , home were ,Mr. I' I w~utaf(e~~'~~ 11:1~;~::1~ S~~~l:\l\r~qi::: I Saturday, Feb. 23 , Fdmond W. Ken1 \\P1L! ;\ir d!l{i Woman s Club pancah day start Mrs. Dean Hl'~1 ll'r~~ Sill lilian Ing 11 3U a rn 10 H U0 n III Wyo, Mrs :\1ah[p J <lrJr~l'lnan [Ill! Tues.day, Feb. 26 Tangeman and 1\11 s n (J! u Ill}: AuxIliary, Hobelt I )Jones homc. Petree and (hdI1!)111 V\U\ Oul 1I(,1e' LJ~Hl Nelsen I'YO,; Hus-.('l .and Ilu;lIH' IMlnH man, Rapid ClIr, l\ll' WQ~nesday, Fen. 27 I·' Don Denesl'l, BIOj(t'l] 11011, l\ll. lllJd Fir~l s('rlPs of l\(ethuWst MiSSIOn· '<.t,r} il's$ons, l\lrs. Laura .!ohnson rl PANCAKE FEED humt'o I Saturday; Feb. 23 11 :30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. At Carroll Auditorium Pancakes: Blueberry Curraht Potato Buttermilk S'Our Dough Eggs . i three ,Morns Imess lest of qUiltlOg Mrs. John Y $42.92 MONTHLY IF SO, YOU CA~ QiALIFY ~ORiA $1,000 LOAN '" Thurs.day, Feb. 28 Makers, !\irs,. .IF 70U ARE'1fHIN" KIN, G qF B,UYING Af"NEW CA~" SEE US FIR5T~,I , 'Catholic Guild meets !'J. Cl.ltilOirC '-;udd met! "(ednesd~y allt'moon. Mrs. John :Aschoff and Alr~. :'I'larVlll Hershied ~erved. Mrs. Hours: 8:30 a,m. i llellr~ Hal'meier CIi~rch St. Luthet\lln' . (H. M, RlIpert, Pastor) Saturday, Feb, 23: Church school, 00 a.m. .i ' Feb. 24: Worship, 9:'00; school, 9: 50. : t ' Thursday I Feb. 28:. WorsWP, 7 p.~.; Holy CommuDlon . . Mrs. Tip li'rQcntlt and 'lin/ce. arid, Mr. ami Mrs. WIlliam Evans, ColerIdge \vcrc I<'ridny, visitors in NJhgh. , 'I• the Russel Hall !lome. Mal' lyn ~:; , Ha~ accompanied them how,e'!for I ' the weekend. . thur~he•.. City; R. Maric Winklcbauer, IMr. a~d 's. Dick Winklebauer, IMr. a d us \' ,nkleb~ltmr.. and Mr. I~nd Mrs. . served by Edwnr I lhwuld, "he l~. HenrY, Hast~ngs; ~rr, Ehen Mprcb ',host will I,H Gcorg {!, S\O]'.. Hobbins, Grand Islan ;, r. and -!.....,- I~ Mts. Everett 1}obbins, H rtington teD mcmhcrs .....r , ' I~'-;;"''';''+-''':'-+-':'''';;'''''-\--';';''';'';';';';';':'~.:.J+~ Benjamin visitors in Don Axeh'l and Neill Mr. an", Mrs, Jamc were Tuesday aCternoo rece~ved , - I a spec· toil 5:00 p.m. SaturdBrY: ajo til noon iWAVNE, NESRASKA'" " ~jj9j wI pnz,(" PI.nIls were ~ade to s.'erl"e lunch Monday·night fo Sa skate lie- mght at the Carro I audito:rium TI.11' next mC,etmg will be, Mar: 13. ,I ..,' 11;'-'" Sausage Coffee so, DAk I -·t::. Surprise Farewell Party ~'arr(JlI Saddle CI~b' held a surJll'I.Sl' far~w(>ll party Ifriday evellWafflE\S 20c ",,1 f",. the Harold Dirks f'))lily. ,who arc lT1~l\I,ing lo a'i farm near Sponsored by Coleridge. Five tables 1of pitcn ser\'c.~? as ~ntertainment ,. with prizes ___W--,-,o_man',s Club..__, __:::.go_'_ngc._to__ G_OI.·d__o_n_+--:..R~on:......R.:.~h.:.,d.:.C.:., 10c each I I , , Four kinds of 's~ort-all super Want to ma'ke sprinl come ,in a hurry'? Just pick a new car~with whatever you hanker for in perform nce and sporty trim~ mings~like bucket s ats, 4-speed :phift*, lots of horses-and s art driving it now. Chevy's got a lot of $ort in foul' entirely different kinds of car&. First, the ,Jet-smooth Impala Sport with your choice of 7 different engines that ~angc up " ! t6 425 bp and that inc ude the popular Turbo-Fire 4 9 * wit h 340 hp fctr the ult! natE' in smooth, re~ponsi\'P diving iV modern t rattle. Orjt i011\l1 pquipment, ineludi~g Co~nfoltilt stcering wheel]' that a(Uusts to convenience, lliaiu'1-; it a sport as you'd like. 1 YQU1 . II I \Ii I ~lbe 'of the seven-dIgI~e. begin Witha75 (such as 'necessary to dial all seven " , snell :uJLY~'" everyone ~ p1ace,a , I, I ' I Your- c~ . I vl"Olet - 01ds",obile 'I>W.A"~'N'~ .,! ~ELEPHO , !UTO" , ' "ii:.: '.I:",'i:.V'il ..li::' Willi:'I!," I glts rn i!j:1jItN:~1f.ji:~!I~lrf~Il!,1i; :l ,i,5\ (:;<!141:il:lj:h:i l!dl;bii ~!~,!,!;'!II,;, ' \J ' '. I, on ) Prfbe lWh1 Ioo1dng £~d fp ~~I i 'I I " , 7 ~028>. \ ci~~ANV :'CI i .I II 'Ii attended auxiliary jn· Mr. nnd Mrs. Saturday. ~lal'vin 150m, Joni and Jodi were jfl1csday even· ing vj~itors in tim Bill StaIJing hunte. Mr. and 1\11'8. G. E. Jones were Wednesday supper guests in th~ Perry Johnson home. Callers last 'week in t,he Elmer Phillips home were Mr. 'and Mrs. 11;n08 WilJiams Pearson. LInd Mrs. Ellery Sunday ilinn 'r guests in the Clarence Volw lIer home were Mr. and Mrs. Lor n Stoltenberg and famil,y, Mr. ap Mrs. Dale Stolten· berg and iamil , Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmier and amily and Mr. and Mrs. Donald olwiller a~d family. Mr. arid Mr . George ~tolz were Sunday aftern on visitots in the gdward Fork '. orne, Wednesday' I evening visitors in the Charles ~roCkman. home in honor of Ch'a rles' birthday' were Mr. and Mrs. ack Brockman and f~~~[Y~nd Mrj' Forrest Nettleton were Wednes ay evemng VISItors in the Hubert Nettleton home. Sun,day' even'ng visitors the Dean Owens orne were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ro~erts and family. Thursday. mrrning visitors in the Edward Oswa d home were Mrs. Forrest Nettleton, Mrs, Arlyn Hurl. hel't, Todd and Scott fmd Mrs. @1m$lrO~9 in IN~lb LlNPLEOM . \ ' .. tOY0urhome.byfinishlngyo'f.jr attk, but with beautiful i inlaid Ii~oleufn' Thisd!Jra~le floor will adtl beauf,y I'and life',ta any room' arid at a low Mrs. Lowell: R hoff and Larry. Mr .. and 'Mr. Lewis Johnson,. Norfollc were unday dinner gue9ts in the Clair S anson home In the aflernoon, Mr 1. and Mrs. ~nson and and Mrs. Swanson and Mavis visited in the William Swanson home. }. Mr. and Mrs. Geor e Jorgenson and family were Wee nesday .even· ing ;visitors in the Maurice Hansen home. " ' AJI' ar00m f~~~~Sd~~n~i;efi~~ .. \(isit~rs. in,1 the [dward Fork orne 'Werie Mr," and , ,/ ' dol " Mr. ,I I fo~r~~:~~ ~~cia~a~~e~~~ie~is~~:~ the Mrs. Frlank Lorenz ,home. Harqld Heck was a Sunday after. noon \(isitor iJ;) thc Ervin Wittler home. . I Mr. and Mrs! Edward Oswald and Douglas w e e Sunday morning callers in the IE4~ard Fork home. Sund.~y dinn~r~uests in the LynI} Isom home Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Isom.1 J tli and Jodi and Debb)e, . Cindy . nd Monte, Grand· field, ' Sunday dinner uests in the lieo· rge Johnstoif 'ho e were Mr. and Mrs. A.rthur Young and family. Mr .. and Mrs. Jerry Landanger and Tommy, l0":,aha 'were weekend guests iii the Jens Jorgensen home. ' Mrs. verno~ Hokamp was a Wednesday ternoon guest of Sholes. Social ClUb in the Don Winklebauer home, in casa is removable, XMUlTlPLlE~ - PalOntcd in9, featuro allows you necessities wUhoutTCI -;-DIVIDE'S - Mony Pockol5 to a var~fY of cords. AND ••. it's "protected by an v4ible Stilch"® cCI?Mruct;cm • can't rip or lose its '.hape. Rich leathers. • Popular * wrr Your kitchen takes an cI newiwonderfulliook witl1 this ;'tantal izingpifferent flooring with 01 natural design effect ~hat fits practically every decora. tive theme. Easil~ install1 ed,' tough, ondftairl re1 sistont. I I CARROLL-page 5' 'after that you I life an easy care llnder hord us~ are the "",,,I,II,,,,,rII •• t"lt<. family roem floor·and £xcelon m~ets p tte~ns are' oVGliltlble ,that an match choose fer yeur rl:lml'us r00m. . Tif books fn earth is III ,a niCli bala ce in it fram bank. OnerOf s.lvi'ollgs '" S$ ihe Fi,", , Sevelilty-fi~b millian Americ ns can't ',be wjrong. T~ey save ilil a bank. i ,r . , The decade df the 50~s i,s ,hlistory now. It wfs a ti"le qf cold ~ar, McCorthyism, raci<;il prej dice, delinquenti" and the a.w~ul ~.eatizatipn o .the H.bombon'j its Ji>otentiaHtill5'. I ' But, more irnporta[,t, it ' . U p,ecedentei:l prqsperity, a ..Sky.rocketih.g mi· ~ketr more ~"n"h.or. sip, ond mb:re ch . rche~, Let's qtWity OSI a' greo ' country we a dsofer country in W~Ch to p ~i~ion of !world Jeod rship to ~ ivl'leged. alnd sU9juga, ed people' ~ .,. i< +ndis ~lr~afY mad., f I se me w~th therGctsr . My • '1 ~. u~~~on·t c.n~ , I'i< :.. i< ., • Anybqdy who IS rela. Xe'.d tHese oply qui~e i ' about !it .. J [ ., . , i ·1 I i longest wearirg,flpor at tninimum, Gorlon for YOLlr bqthroo~, Resists jiffy. Wide choicE! of ~o sojne colors II I' I '" - -....;...-....- - - - - - I I I ( ' n r y Carroll Re hwisch ho~e ~n honor of the 1I,'nry lcthwisch's wedding an· ~ niversary. J ,i 1I<~I~~~a1o~~~e!c~.~e ~:/na~f tf~~ (Contlnut'd from page 4) 1 I\lr. :lnd 'II'~ - [)avld (;lll'w(lod at- l\l<"l'ic Hamill '.md D¢bra. Mr. find Mrs~ Koftrney Lackal t('nded th!' (;roup (Int' Idwa bank. and daughters wer.eI.FrJdav .after. ers. Ilwdmg l.L~( TIW .... dlly SHIll,.; ('I!~ noon and eVenJng~15ltor5 in the Harry Calhoun ho e i~ honor of III MaTti's sacond bir hd'ay. hO!lol' uf ))'flhd,IY Wt'l'l' Tuesday. afternOO~Visltors in the Mrs :'11\1(11'(' .1[1'1 . 'll":-- ('Iar- Mr~. C. Beaton hom were l\~r. illld ('nC(' ~l"ITh .1))(1 ,lIld J\lr'> ~Irs. Art Obst and 1ary ChristianLI'o S\('ph~'I" :111(1 1.111111,\ spn and Vic lor .Iol'~enson. Thursd~iY. Suppor guc~i', in the Mrs, Ralph Ol~cnl and Mrs, eJifClarence (v'Iorri!> home in hottor I ford Lindsay attendQd the executive of Mr\>.' '\torn Roberts' birthday I ('olllmittec In?CIll1 g t.he NlObl'al'<l were Mr, jH'.cl Mr::.. Tom Roberts Pl'csiJyteria'lm Nor olk, It'nday, and Mr and Mrs, levi Roberts. 1\.11', aruJ Mrs. enneth Hamm ~Ir \11"> \','rnol1 Ilo]wmp and Rhondn spent ~he wct.'kend ill and \\'('rl' 1'I'I[!.l\ ('\,('lllflg the .John Humm home, VI~I\(lr~ III) the :\lrl'l'd 1:.le.">"wi'll'llk, Hussei .'lnd, Duane '~"l.Ilj.{e~'.'ln ,~·e· homt', Hun loJph , ,tllrned to th.elr home III Hsplc} City Sutu.J,"J.l.a1' al!l'fIlOOll, Mrs, after spendmg a few duys lD the ward Holll'rt" \1"11('1{ In lilt' .Jt'ns Mrs, Ed Kenny home:. ' . Jurg('llQlll Sunday afternooq. VISltO"~ In the ~11 .!lul .Jdll~~(·ll and i Arthul' qook home wer(, Mr, and ('aria SU(' (''I ('nUll-( Mr~. Albert Sahs. I. '\,I~IlI'I" 'III III!' \1.'lIl'I('(' 11:llhl'l1! Mr. ar.d Mrs, LeVI Rob~rts spe~t hotlH' I Sunday to Wedne4day vudtmg, In Mr and \\1"> 1).1\'1(1 (;dI'WOI)t\ at_ltlie Dick Tucker h~,ffie, SIOUX C}ty, tf'ndl'd tIl!' (' \ \!' dl(]lW'r ;lI till' \IIlI' , Mr. and Mrs, Hetm,a~ Thun were I'hOn Ilnlt,] \\'(·lIl1(.-.rII.l) ('\{'I\JIlg, Thursday evening VISitors In the Il('nr\l~ ./(lllrhl]n W'I.~ a v. ('I'kf'nd !larry Holfeldt hOTfle . •gllht III til(' 11011111' or .Ili~ pan·l1h. I Mr, and Mr~. 4pharles Whitney Mr' and \Ir, ]'('IT!v .J()hn~(ln I \~'{'re Sunday dmner g~ests m the Slll1d:l~ ,i!1<'rn<JIJIl \ 1~ltOi'S In th(' iE, A. Palmer ho~e, PI.cre e . Mr~ Fl'ank Lon'nz hmll{' Wl'I'(' Mr.' Mr. ~nd Mrs. Dqan Rlemers an:d and :\1!", .I(1lin ]:],1111111 ,IJIII SIL~<lfl family ]('ft Wedn('pday for their ,l1ld ,'\]I'~ 1IIII'ii (,nllltil hum(' In Sheridan. They had been £( I I I Ed'l ~ I the followin~ described south, two ,ast and one L mile mile s~uth t " "I from WAYN~, eight miles I I: V Mr, ,lnd Mr~.. Alliin Fr"hm :~;,'~;;' ;1:11;1 ~~11):,~tRl;'r7:~~s /;~:~~erl~l f~I~~ ~nn~h~a~,~~~',eW~'<~'I,~,I'!III:~'~~l1:,'5~:~~~ il(IJ)1l' of ~lrs. r~d Kenny. I ton ~I'li \11 \\1 \\ 1'01111" 1'11111 \\,111" , \\ ilit \dli,I,,'1 ;\11'" (,111,1",1, SUlld,l\ 1\"11 ,II Ill(' III 1 "',"1 1)lllil,I,I\ ('\1'11111" hllol, • til ,Ii 1)1( Friday afternoon visitors in the Harry Holfeldt home were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McClary and I' family. and .'\11' (,lIfford Lindsay . t :\1I's. ~~1\~,~~l:\;~~~~l:::8{~~:~~~n~~~gm:;:SlL(:r~r~~ \1 ['1 I' Lrllll', Debra Hamm Iwas a Saturday 11>11, 1'\\ ermght gU('st 10 th(' home of her Mr. and Mrs.~ Clifford Lindsay gl'andpan'nts, ]\11' and Mrs, John attended the funeral senllces for i Hamm. John Lind::.ay in Wal'ne, Thurs· ~ Mrs, C. Benton was a Wedn('sday day. I {'v(,lling visitor in th(' ]\[rs Anna ;-,uJ!WI' )!lJ(';,ls I Hansen home, i \\('1'(' '\11' I Tucsday aft(,rnoon, Mrs, John and \11'''' ,'-,(;1111,'\ I:, ]1rt·nd ..... {'(l]1' ,Gathjt' vifiil'ed U1 thl' Hnrry Holfl'lcl1 ;,nl! ~;~,7(~;., ~'~'[III' ~il,l'~'l ,~\I,~:I .l(liln alld Lori Lflcku" attended :\11':; 1"llrrj'~1 \vllli'tlll\ ;11](1 \lrs lite IHl,thday part;y for .Janicc Gub· Edward.O .... \\uld <1111 1){)llg]a~ \\t'!'(' Iwl Sunday in the Merle Gubbel ~lal~~~r~:,\l.~tlk It\]:;II]I,I,l 1'\ l'lllll!: Ill!lW \ 1~lllll'~ 1:11111(' In \\['1'1.' Iii!' .'\11' und ;o..11~ \'1(' ('a~tl'l', .Mr and :'Ill'"> 111'. and \II'~ \Va{i Fridll} ('\ ('J1llll.( 'l'!!Ors ~. ih{)Q~~~ I" ':\j ho~;'.' a~~l~~~. Loren Stoltenberg, Vield and Gary were Thursday evening suppe,. pues.ts tit-the Bob Bodensteadt ho~e . Mr. and Mrs. Walt II Reth~lsch were.ThurSday~ening ViS.lto'rs .;n th.c th~r~~~ ~::!i~S :u~~~r the Don Harme guests in home were )VIr. and Mrs. Harol Dicks and famIly and l,Vlr. and Mr . Don Fnnk and family. T,hl\lrsday ev~nin9 visitors in Ct.he>L. avem. Hu.rlbert were 1 Mr. and ,Mrs.! Arlynhome Hurlbert, Todd and Sc0t1i., MI', and Mrs.1 btto Wagn{'r SalAY ..lYJ~r.~ Su~~Y. ,visitors in Fritz Blatt hoinje, Lincoln, d he Mrs. Edna Ring returned her 0 home in Lincol~ Wednesd y after attending the funeral servi s d)9r Ed Kenny last ~aturday. Thursday eveping visitors in the Arthur' Cook h~me were Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Sahs and family , I ER·Y 1'57 Jbhn Deere 620 gas tractor P~er steering, live !power, dUCIlcylinder setup I ! " Verv Gjood Condition John Deere liS-ft. disc I Wood Bros. corn attachmejt John Deere Hammer JWI~Grinder Stan Hoist-Hydraulic w,gon lift I i r NElw ,deu M~~ure Spreader 16 plow, hydr,auli~ ,I ,Lotlder-arch be~m, J. D. m~untings lays-hydraulic 4· B cylindell sheller I I Dale Tan gem a n, Dorothy Petree, CharlGtte and Pilul left Sunday to return to their home in Cheyan'ne, Wyo., after spending a few days in the Mrs. Ed Kenny ~:~~ce~n:arat~~nd~:~n;~e funeral Mr. and Mrs, Casper Juden and Gaylen Juden, Hartington, were Friday visitors in the Glenn Loberg 650 1Nor·o-c~oss No. old"-coming into home. LeAnn Owens was a Tuesday overnight guests m the Lestcr Mcnkp home. • I Mr, and Mrs, Tom Roberts and ~~~;@~~~ !Mr, and Mrs, T, P. Roberts spent _ _ _ ,_ _ _ Friday in Lincol~.:..........~ _ _ ~_ Tackle !Spring Field Wotk with Confidenc@ .• 2 1~.gallqli waterers-:,cast iron base with h~at D Make a serv~ce da~e today:and we'll restbre 100% John Deere I Tractor Performan~e • 16 hanging feeders ,8ab~ chick gallon· waterers I ,o~e Baby ,chick feeders 5~ wooden nests .4 metal nests washer with basket egg scales ~ one year old GRAIN I 1 Ii I( Impli. CO. i : thone 276 ' I Y~l1lir"FIRI'nip~ is oudusi S'... to keep it! '. 1 I ' ., ' .. ( ..... , '\'.~ , ~: !, r Wayne I Neb.,) Herold, Wednesday, Februory 20, 1963' WH L'~·~'"V~·'-'··I···~""'· ') a player and a liCe·size Wen~ell Is .. al· doll to tell your troubles to. Conduct in ",' "night was There's a new colot television on It is 'hoped the market: very Inexpensive but clement is ushered you have-. to be m.igbty quick with ~e~~~:e~ ::a~:r a· craYOD. • , Ui , ~ \. I ~~tn S~~e~h:1 ~:~t~ Senior Bo~s Aren't Wayne fans. i Quite Globetrotters :):be best ga?je to watch next 10 the! ~inals fO~J Stat~ Tourname~t ~t~CteOan~ p~a:d.d·t~:t':~~io~~e ~~ <Jon't'l play , -i Th~ Voice of Wayne High School ~, , February 20, 11963 Volume 1 J1(,' INumber lose , R· '10 Ha~erer eigne, das , ee,ceI· i FH A Has a Quee,n V fHearls Tuesd'ay _ MIa clale he~~t~rd::ke~~'bie ,'~tth~~~~b::~~: Gas office. TIt reo were four heap· algn for the others used :~~-;::ied°~:o~ tl:I~~:~& one wea kisses with. The seniors went down fighting disguise kit--.. but they couldn't deny the talent say good night and teamwork of the "B" squad. jo;:~~~t~~h!~~io~:s~~~i~~3 ;eef~~~ of 69 to 41.. agreed ~~- ~~_~~~d~,hlli.e~=~~~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~ didn't bound to an i' o~Qn ash'·I,ri'.g't" lB· ,n 'Irt hda Rethwl·sc , de Freese ' ~ & Gerl,man IClub Sees !~~ dftf~:n~~C~i~~::. ~e:s~w~~:t F."lmis o'"i Germany Bauermeister beautiful atmosphere for the dance by romantic musIc was being circu· was made ~ • filling the room with Valentine lntpd throughout tlH' room from Part of ~he on~y was used decorations. Red and white the stereo. Although thc girls and decorat"ns or l~he Queen streamers were hung from the b(,;>;.. \.\l'IT segregated at first, HeartsUdance~ they sponsored. walls to the center of the ceil· 1\lrs. Chambers drew them out HI .' Ing where they led into a white with spcCHl.l mixer dances. cage with a heart in it. G r o u p s . . of cupids and red hearts danc~d ! ' ol .Iong veiled Ihe wall,. doorway, were with The streamers. Ij 'I" ~fter hat proved quite more ommo dishes. Appa cntly fhe meals :~?::-:::,eget tI~nll!'Y·llrio*I!'y cakes, bread, nd fresll cream and absente recor eggs. All the IrIs Jin the cl~b cQn· all tim high. tributed food ..: ic:'i~{e:eun~'~,lrv~~~ ~~ten;~~c ~~~~~ ishes succe. lui 'Wille Ceil lial",,('r """ ('rowo('d,----.--~-.~ was ehairman' and Virginia Hard· "Quc('n of Ikarh" aL the \'alr;n· ll1ultiph' chOlcr danl'P er, Diane Rauss and Paula, Han· tin~h:an~'~A~'~~~~~~':d 1; basketball Slchool I Tuesday n!!ht .fter school game-You get a I this. game ~.. held at th& with three bottles of piUs. :a~~~e l;r~h81 u:!::~I::. &:n':~: isn'it cured in three with the highest number' of, I • r· J '( i 0 ' 1 : . I . The. I; Germa Club held their Qf second. meeti1g Monday" evening, I Feb. 1:1. Thel guest, was Ron Btecke i,. .who shOWed films a~d so,",venirs l he ha~ accurhulated On his trip to Gefmany. The group IIlso saw ',am'·.cnOylc!l,red, film, "Winter In Ger. rdr AT Orch·lds to Those Give Firs R"cital Wh 5 F .~ Sunday, F~. ~(), Carla RethL Chambers called the. 0 ponsor U wisch and N~~Cy Ide Freese he14 the dancing was well un· derway, 'Mrs Qu(,pn nominee's to Ill(' front of Cecelia Haberer was elected by the students as Queen of the 'Queen of Hearts" Dance. . ".Ie ;..tudpnLs oj WllynP. 1.11gh arc lucky to havl' such amhItlOus, c· II: (' groups aoS the, ('>cp dub, the IW'Clllb, and t.ne f<IIA whu hav€ "poosored the all·schooi dances \h.ls .ye~r.r T~?' ~.avc seen that cverythlllg wa.s rcady fur us to have ~ good time. Then th:re are arl~lt spon~or3 W.hO ~av,e given .up their evepmgs so we co~ld enjoy a sepool yar~y. These .socJaI events ser1h! to bnng the student bod) . ('Iosc.r to~eU}('.r. and creale a bet· terwschOo! SPIrIt. l..' h' e rea~ldY ap~reclafle'ht e time d an ~onsI erahon~ t e members In e.ach. of, t . clubs who ~ave helped I~ the hme·consum· 'mg prep~ratJons sp that . all Wayne High stud ~ts who. WIsh· ed I 10 <ou.l<I part' 'pate 'n the ga a evenmgs. e The irnembers of the club weren't permitted to come into the club a joint recit~1 il1li the Woman's room, Iwhich is the bandroom, unClub rooms 3. t the Wayne AUdit. til ther "Correctly pronounced and torit1m. ~ transl~ted a German password It was Ca~a's $enior volte re.!, which .had been handed to them sitat and Nt-ncy~s iunior flute I duringtlClaSStime of that day. C~r. recital. Ea~~ ~irl performed! la Ret wisch and Sandy Whdrlow a half hour. ~r. ~enkins accorh'l were he two sentinels who stood panied carl~ an~ Sandra otds I at the door. There will be a new accompanied Nancy. I word at every meeting. One of Carl's sOlos was I The club decided to start each panied by M \. Jenkins . I meeting with The Pledge of Allcon flutes, and. Renee giancel, The National anthem fQl. on the c1arirlet. I lowed by the German Anthem This was th~ firstt Invitatib, Con· I and ti)e club motto cert of the Wjayne ~High M.fs"ie De· At the meeting the group sang partment. Mbre arc being plan- songs and, led by President nerl. Vern. Oswald, chose the club Q flowe;r, the red rose; the clu~ colors-black, red and gold; anti ~ the ¢Iub name,' "De.- Deutsche Vereln," whic~ means "The German CI·ub." 1I~ The executive, committee apThe Boys' lub ~n WaYIle seems pOinteld m e a standing publicity com· I 'b Boys' C Installs Two Ne tAl, Poo· I. Tab'les , Populor Styles to Choose Froln f, I to be progre sing 'very r~pidly as In~t~e K~~!~h ~~!rs~:~.<;!~~ f~~~~: Twelve nH'mbers of the Future 65 names no>fv cOfXlprise ttJe mem" . man, Cand assistants, JoyceJ. Klaus, Nurses' Club atteo d ed an open bershlp lo·st. t,J house at BiiHop Clarkson Hospital One of 'e ping-pong tables Jean hristensen and Gar.r Mord" ~~:!~~~l, ()~~~~lr~.ngT~~ 0g~r~!la ~:~~ ~.:: .:~en~1 "::~~~ ':';~e a:: bor~~. r.u.r; e<; ~iiijj~~iiijii!!~~iiii~~~~iii!iiii stalled. The benaflt b"sketball game heidi recently a~cj)unted for the down pflyment i on the pool' tabl~"~but <= r'r~ .... sl,'11 needed ·to ake: he payments h on the tab~es all to P.8Y t e Jnd. ~et r;'b: televi ion is still there and tprec in·ban mll.ichiines and a lunch couf-ter re in q,peration. A film w s shejlwn in Ithe club Monday n !ilht land a~",Iss.lon w., one Xemb~r5hlP b.rd. If someone d Sire~'.lto see ;the film and did nth t-'e "a Card, he could purc~~se h. and ~he card would be ~ood' for the entire year. 1: in case ttlere lS someone who missed this I' film ! and would still like a card another show is plan· ned fof this ;comif\g Monday night. Information on Whether the film ~~~i~7ntva~f t~ea~cl~~. obtained by a. Save $1.70 KANTLEEK ", COMBINATION SYRINGE', All the advantages of a hot water bottle and a AI 3 99 J ~ Reg. $5.69 syringe combined. Quality i a AI! GVA,RANlm FaR ~ YEARS I ' Griess Rexall Store 221 ]Main Street I Women/s Smart Capri Pants Hospital Tour by FNIA the room. The (iuef'I1's ehtllr \vas blanketed wtth hearts. A tiara of rhinestones Will'. ploced upon the queen's bead by \·Ir.gdn(' Dunklnu ;;;~rn.se~~;:~t o~hr~~;s~n;h~.n~OS!~t:~ Queen Ceil and her escort, De given oppor~njty to talk to tli led the II1S Wayne Harrison, I . t ruei orsd a s IlI(Ien t rubber. stORiE MOURS 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursdoy Til' 9 p.m.. Wayne I • casserOIJ: Ditllners H ighligh Home Ec Cooking 'Unit: To highli ht their cooking unit, the advanc~ homE' ec classes prepared cass role dinners "last Fri· day. Becau e of their 55"-minute class perio the girls w,ere quite pressed for' t~e~1 b::s~:~eYst~:e1 . Itheir Phone 170 Dean was tt\e faculty chao ,peron who ran projectGrs and 'assisted, ,Mrs, Wrttmeier, the lub !sp~nsor. Ushers were Mark eBow nd Steve Nowka. These oys pr, ared the club rtoom for the mee ing and cleanetjl' up af· ferwardsl Th;ere will '" 'be new e,' ,250 10-18 Dacron polyester, 35% 65% I,f~~e~t~/~e:~' ~~~~ii~~', • Annual Cover Chosen Sandy Nelson,' editor 'of the 1963 :~~~ra\a~a~e:~n~~l~~~~d' tr:rt t~~: ye~r's Devil ,D~ze. Kar~n Chris. tensen, Jack Schrieber, and Sandy~ s-elected the cover last week and all three of them algree that it is the most interesting and" beautiful cover that they have seen fort some time. They said that they ~~~:~cat;c~i~~~?e~~~e;O:~d ~~:h t~~ they do. Sandy said that instead ~~ga J~~~;n t~!g~~ar~ t~~: :~~u~~: The division pages, she said, aTe of Ithe same design as the cover an~ this makes for more unity. in the annual as well q.s be:auty. Annuals can still be ordered from the class representatives or Mrs. Magdanz. Repreisentatives art Wilma Marra, senw r ; Shirlee ~issen. junior; Jayne Echten_ ka p, sophomore; and· Charlene Wendt, ,freshman. I C ~ belt. .' :',$1 ~lt Fine quilte.d fabric covers have cord zipper ciosure for smooth fit. ReD.uIar $~;8.9 Cushions Ii Overalls' 1$~30x2 :~Olors. Broken Sizes . Foam rubber filled. Use for piano ~~doW seats, T.V. cushions. i Limited Amount 8. oshkoJh 4 Painter Overall$ $ : . , , Big hidd~n . , $5.98 Oshkosh , Carpe~ter and Asso;te~ ~atterns a~d colors. Washab~e. Re~ular . Transform Your Old Bed Pillows With! These! cotton in either' solid colors or Batik fashi<m prints. Side zip· t Mar. 11, '.'per Deutsche Verein" will set Ule club fees anu choose a motto. , Decorative Pillow Broken Sizes Limited Amount Little Girls~ Slacks : Special Group of Blouses Sizes 3 to 6X 122 White and Spring Colors, Da~ttOn polyester, ton~ rol~ Iup 35% cot· sleeves, Bermuda Flannel Back I Plastic TableciothSJr or tailored ,cQ1lar. 32 . 38 I' 52x52 . Su~er Buy! Full i Fas~ioned Hosiery ~irst Quality All 52j $1 2 for ,$ Hose Men's yellow Chore r1o"es I ,3 i '-$1 "'Stock Ulp l'irIow. Supei-Savings on New K~WANIS . SHROVE TUESDAY Rayon Acetate Prints ~EED Start Your Sprin,g Se~'ing Now! ~ity Wayne T~esday, , . Auditoiium' 26 Bar~ain$ .12 x 12 I 16 for $~ 5:00 I Adults _ 75c . eloths 2 Yards I· \1 $1 , able' arid shrinkage controlled. ~w l ...... • The ,fashion [~brics of ~he hour!· All! fine quality 100% rayon fabrics are han~ , pattern~ and 'colOrs to choose from.·l!ii in! a .wide i. Plastic a.loth~ in assorted patterns and color~, Wipes clean with" a damp cloth. I PANCAKE I wide. . , 1 1 -W---A-'--K--E-F·-I-E"·-L--D---\';N~~-E-W--·S---I; S~:j;d:~ f~~m ·~,d:~~r~ ::~~;~dD~:U;D"'i:\n'Ji,.·'At ~~d :1,.' F I • I F~rt! Collln5, Fol • end 1Lincoln. coble to attend funelal .'rvices ~ome niter 01 Mrs, Ollie Fenton eleven months 0 sen d~ty to join W.k~lield MIDi.terl~1 Assodation I By Mrs. Otto Nelson - Phone .287-2840 his fumBy and to spend a few days met with Pastor and I Mrs~ John 8sithy;.;-=N.;:-;i3-:-----Yi~r.:N.;b,:~;:-W;~~;tij;;;:F.;b;~;;;;;!il~9---~-~;;;;;:;;-ki::Ii;;;;±+T'-;~'Ii . \ ., here nnd in Nc raska City with Brunn last Wednesda)t for '-a busBUI Larson oC the u~rvcrsity at the Arnold Brudigana, Carl BruDIll· hDII~gPOn.reMntsrs.besf~lt· 8'reatnudrnidng.utgOhtSe'rD, in~~s~~~t~gH::~o:O~!~~k.f1O:!: Lihcoln spent the weekend with gans, B1IIy and Bob Hansons famIV his parents. M,r. ,lind Mrs. Horry lilies-went ~o Norfolk to celebrate will return. with lim to San Diego. ha Oln Sunnay to attend the twentyFort. .'1' . • • . . Larsoh.' the JaCK $chroeder's tenth wedding Visitors of Mr . Bcn Fredic~son fifth Vfe~h1ing anniversary of Mr. Emerson Liquid l-~erl. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Lundin and anniversary. were Mrs. Viole Young Wedncs· and Mrs. John I. Swanson. Sf. Paul's Eyangellcal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Borg wcre day and Mrs. Jo Erickson T h u r s - ' .t#, (Caryl M. Ritcbey. I ~~::;~:d~~;~··sorv~~~·-·:I:... Sunday dinner guests in the Moleday. Thursday. Feb. 21:N. K Nebr. a.p.p.D. hom .Jensen home, Emerson. e • e Mr. and Mrs. ~('rlin Schoeni~g, ., .. . • • • school ~eacllers meet 8 p.rn! Thrifty Mal'ket I Herb's Hoboes . at the home c:::, I Carpenter's ... the Lounge .,. .. icraft and milking piggy banks. ~fitl~~:' :e~~e~~~';[e:Ae1~~~~::. sa~U~~~:~I' in Wausa with p.m! Oscar Becker j ... an~ Oscar ~:~~i~;I~o;tr:::~~n~y~~:a:b~~~~ Pioneer Hybrid Twin Cylinders . ne~tr ~:~t~ngM~~I.1 ~~e~~e~~y ~~l::~: Edna Dahlgren. The club will Mr. and Mrs. e'wls Ring enter- B~:t~:y·'. b~c~~ 23i: Saturday Alleys, 6:30 sponsored by ~one 4 make puppets for_ the hospital. Walther League High Wayne were Sunday supper guests talned at dinne Saturday, Mr. school, 9:30 a.m. ~ W d d . of Will Victors. They were with and Mrs. Marti Holmberg, Mr. Sunday, Feb. 24: C isUan Ed. e nes ay, Feb. 21: Mrs. Norman\Mej'el' for her birth- Blue and Gold ea"quet and Mrs. Austi Ring, Jimmy, ucatipn, 9:30 a.~.; orship .with Servic.os begin, 7:30 p.m. I ' , • ",. Soc.e ··fY E. Stite, ,re urned C.... ur:#hes' . ~~~:~:'~~~rlb~:'!i:::~1~~~~r~~ P·;~r~l~i~l~u:~;; ~tt~:~~~~~~:~·~~ !~~t:;::I::: :~1~;F;~;~~~~~£i:::b' c1~~j},r;~~~:~; 2:~nd::t :::1 The 8 d.Y5U~~;'~~~:~' of M". Berth. ~~~~ndg:~~~~:ca::~:Ir:uBdetto~:.~~ ~:~!dbe~;:' h~~~r~~= ~~~. ~!~~~~ H~~e;~~~~~'l'2i~c~:trm~.bear. Walters} Were Mr. and Mrs, ri Holmberg, Au~tin ana Jimmy sal. 8 p.m. " William Klein and Alice lind Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Klein, Sandra and Steven, Meadow Grovo. T ho R B d h were Sunday dinner guests In th<: Ivar And("r~(ln home, COIIC'ord. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Carlson and Ted and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Catlson were Sunday supper guests in the Dr (iuimly home (01' Dr. Quimly's birthday. Besides the regular busin,ess '-there al" having birthflaY5. were pinewood derby races, and Mrs, Stina Jo~n~o went to Lin. a fine display of articles made by coin Wednesd~y la visited 11l.~he the boys. Awards were also given. Walt Johnson hom. She alsoh'isit~d Mrs. Hobert !eriCkson in Lm· O~~e ~e~~ ::~7:St~~y Olive Lamb coIn hospital. T e EricksGns <Ire the parents qf a baby boy home Wqdnesday (lfternoon. Mrs Scott Alan, bOlln Feb. 10. Their Bertha Bean served. Delegate home is in Crete ~ chosen for the department conve Pastor Fred ']ansson accompaI).~' iion at Cphi~bus are Mrs. Albe t ie\:l Pastor -edgar: Lindstroll).~' Karlberg and Mrs. Maude Gray. Wausa, to Youn~stown, Ohio, to at· Omaha to sp('od th(' weeKend 1Il the A.l,'nold Ppi('rson lwnw ~lr and I\Irs. Arnold Brudlf.(an J-ip~nt Mf,lnday evening at George J('~scm;. !Tuesday lh('y weI'(' at Joe Plan Wortld Day of Prayer The COlil1mi~tee for World Day of Prayer r11Ct Mondpy afternoon to make plans for World Day of Prayer Mal'. 1 at 2 p.m. in the Salem Lutheran church. The theme nnd i\lrs Fred Srhlincs. Mr. and Mrs ('arl Brudigan and Mr. and !\In (;('org(' Holtorf \\{'l"(' to tlw Holtorf home \0 celebrah' Virgil and Henry's birthdays. Thur.c;day by group~ in approximately one hun red fifty {'ountries. This pro\'idQS an extraordinary opportunity I for f('llow.'lhin wlth Christians all over the world. . btrt~daynothe ~::r~~~ B~~d ~~mi~; M~in:~d ii~~~O~~~~ RaaCee~s~:O~I~~ u Wednesday, Feb. worship, 8 p,m. 21: Lenten 1 Chur~h United Presbyterian (John Bruno, Pastor) John Bressler, • Salem Lutheral",lChurch (Robert V. JOhn~ol Pastor) Thu~sday, Feb. 21f I enior Choir, 8 p.mJ I. Saturday, Feb. 23r. Confirmation elassj 9:30 a.m.; ju~ior Mission· ary Society, 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 24: Sunday school, 9:45 ~ .. m.; morning wprship, 11 a. w~:k aat~i1r~tnt~~v~~~f~;en~~u;~~~ ;~g~~~~,ia~ ;::t Joker. Night Mixed ,ssistant hostess, Evelyn Kahl, Wakefield; M ~ s. Jeanette Dolph, .Dixonj Jorry P. Turner, Wakefield; Jean O'iMeara, Allen; Mrs. Marva Lee dlasiien, Wayne; Mrs. Linda JDhns~n, Hair !Spray Cherries Galore I I NEW! Calif~rnia's ~Qd Mad Colors ~y MAX FA(TOR MCltching Fine ~in~ Lipstick and Mail Polish For the latest in cosmetics shop at Wayne, county's largest {osmetic bepart~ent at Sav-M~r Drug, Inc. • I don't have tax problems with my meddeduc••. 1 Reg. G1EI~1VI Half Gallon T~oth PastJ 12 12 u and 481.' 1~ III II III 10 10 HJ " 8 ~:"::::":::_~_~-I__"':"___+-"':"':":;::~;;;;;'---' Thriftiest Frigidaire I f Wakefi1lld Bowling ~'ag~j;' Scratch " WI L ~:i~e~m. Nat'IBfi'k: ;~ Fredrick bn's se;t'i~e 11 '~::ee~~el yt~~iture J 13 i~t i~t Wakefiel Liquid Fert. 2 122 High se rcs:. Wakefield Nat'l Bank, 25~ ; Fair' -Store, 1899;' and Marvin Li d~r, 223 and 6~4. Tuesday igM Handicap W l l! 'f~~inCo :~~ice ., ~~:f l f51 41 151 5 13 7 Salmon W~!I' Carr's ~Plemcnt Bus's M b~l ~~:I~~' '~~i~narket {~'J ~ 1 Sherry'/> Ihc. !J 11 ~~4r!:j~t:it:i Dairy :~! Amenc n LegIOn 4 16 Numbe l~ :.I 17 High scoru!> Qualtty Egg Market 2!J22; 4X411<1eedS, 1028; Maurice Johnson, 55*; Robert Ostergard, .; 99c, Reg. $1 ~40 (lear Sheen Shampoo $2.00v~lue lustre (reme Shampoo .. ·1 ~1.50 $1.25 Full po~nd Nutritonic (ream Shampoo $1.25 $1.10 ~quomarine> Shampoo ........ . $1.60 $2.50 Silicare Hand and Body Lotion . Free pursel Si~e Breck Hair Setmist With R~gular Breck Hair Set ........ . 'I' $1.50 $1.00 Desert Flower Qeodorant ........... . . :1 . . . . . SOc , Model FPDS-14T-t 13.01 CU, n. 4 colors or whitel • Even the freezer never ~eeds defrostinjr - with exclusive Frost·Proof system! ' 231. • Twin glide-out fruit and vegetable Hydrators. • qtorage door has egg shelf, ~utter compartment -, room galore fGr even tall bottles! • prigidaire dependability, tool KUGLER ELECTRIC See Us For Guaranteed Appliances 38 Years with Frigid'aire 106 Main Way~e Phone 3U &NNiE.0mJ7&3a "Cd 1 , olor II $1.00 Liquid Prell Shampoo S9c Dr~g keep my Tax machine. I PT/ONS R".liiste.f!d ~harmacists I I. ,I II. ,. 11,,18/l1li FAMILY REFRIGIE~ATO~ " i .. I I i" i MOd~1 FPD5-14t-1 • IOO·lb. zero zone freezer! FRIGIDAIRE THE ~; ~~~~';sn' r:~ber Shop I ~ Arthur Florine,. Mrs. Auton Holm· berg, Mrs.' Ted Jones, Mrs, fteuben Goldb£lrg and Mr. aad Mrs. Vern car~en, Yoncord. fIQyor~-6~c -" 15 22 ~~~~nbe~~U~:, ~e~~n{Oh~;n, t';: 919c S9c 4"'· ~ Cherry Picker Specia~s , R£'¥all Drug Gambles Waldhaums Wakt'. (;rain & Feed SOI:ensen Trk . Mr. and Mrs. 'Lewis Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Florine, Mrs. Otto -Nelson and Mr. Victor Holmberg. MI'. and Mrs. Kenneth Wcnstnnd Lorene, Mr. and Mr:;. Swain PClar soh and Mr .. and Mrs. Grovcr Carr were Sunday guests in the Clioton Carr home l Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Herold Hypse lI,.d family, J'0j)8ka, Kan., spont ~he weekend in the L. W. Hy~se home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Addink and sons spent the weekendl in Sioux Cenoor, la. Mrs. H~nry Holmberg who.. is convalescing tn her home, is being cared for· by Mrs. Roy Nel~on, ~3c :Ice ·.(ream' All other ~~~:~~a~~opp~ Neighbol's and. friends helped Mrs, Walter Grosc celebl'ljl.te ber are 10· birthday Sat~rtlay. ' ,t,1 16I,:3O Mr. a'nd l\frs. Roy Sundel~ cnticr. e r tained at du.ner on Friday ()venlng W BY GEORGEI \WE VE CH PPE'O OUR·, PRC~S T MAKEYO,U, DO~LARS GO FA·R ,HER' Net Cash Storf' Hf'fb~ Honeys Busby Eh~vator Quality Egg Mark('t Farmers UnIOn ~ hcartsa!, 1:30; Adult choir, 7:30 p. Q'l.; Adult Bible studY' Qlass, 8 p.m,; Christian Youth Hour, 8 S4nday, Feb. 24: Bible 9:45' a.m.; morning! .:-:':-:-:':-:':-:-:-:-':'-':-:-;;":-=-=='-:-===================::;j========i=='::=====:::=~::===::f====::;:=::' Aqu i Fr~~g~e~~::~~' E~:~::~;I :~:: ~Ul~~r~~~~otel ing ~!r~~'s ~~~'I~I;;I:~a~C~~;~r~~~ :~. :~'a;;~Ort~eT~:~;O~:r~~~~rs;~. ~saesd ~rr~~~~:~~n:~~n~~~~li%~~~ ~~;cnh~ te~1u~~~gYP'~'~' r~u~in~~Jrau~~~ ". Vcll I~ g In & 'Out . Sloppy Jot$ Alle.n; Mrs. Jeane-t- I. Bigh scores: Hit & Mlss 674 Sunday, F~b~ 24: Church school. Mrs. Annal Fudh· 1880', Willi£' l;'.\ilstafson 190 and 10 a.,"*.; worsl~ip service, 11 a.m. scr, ~ MUton DQupnlk, Bus Sehrocdcr 233 and 603. Thurston; Balby WilHam J~l).nsqn, Laurel; Mrs. !(Emma Noe, 111en.' Woman's Wed. Night W Ojs,mls~od: Blue Bunny 1 Reg'i$2~OO JoIlYt {,'our I<'o'urj L's _-+.....,...__......,d- 2 p.m.; Deborah.~Circle With. Mrs·I' _ _.... Marvin Linden h!>stess, 8 p.m.; i::~.~~Oir, 1 p.tn.; Adult choir, I()( the conYbungstf}wn. Ret. Albert Beng:-,;ton, son of tvIr. and ·Mrs. John B('nglSChristian Church ton, ,is pastor qr'the Youngstown ('Merlin M. Wrightl, P\8stor) dllUrch. They wi~1 return Saturday. Wddnesday, Feb. 201 ~um·JoinDinn~r guest Saturday in the Us ~lass, l\1~rle Rings, home 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Olson and Gil· bert Olson, Elk: Point, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. How~rd Lilly, Glencoe, la.; Bonnie Ro~n, Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Bill French and Verna, til~hti~~s:ods Thur.sdny, Feb. 21: Ruth Circle, Mrs. T. C. Hypse hastes!!.. Mrs. ! J aa ) I 'II "'.'j- ~ a!lt---~: s~bn. nnrl ImOjw1~(lgf''' \\,hl'n we think of I sc('ullllr knowledg~, it, does scpm t1~at knowlellgc IS our one I-equestt In America 36,000,000 PQolple, rne in every five, are in 5(,'11001. Sixty·nine pernnt of tn., OS(' l!lI!1.l'r HI are. cxpec.lPd to go to ll(JII('I-';t~, !he highes~ _pfW(Il'ntagl'" in (lur history. Each lear \v('~ are !ipending $14,400,,(IOO,OOO for l'dueatidn. Individual- Thev didn't start because the war,' cei1tcn~I"1 will be on 'the 'late' 'in 1966 nd 2 t!f f ~ 1967. The -111~_ (l>nat~f' ki ked aro nd idc!.l'I'o{ is ~l ng 0 Iy one pl)!!te ::~1tth:~L:~f('~~ v nn i omendm~nt Highway S~~. dy IUrged State and lei al ohiciala h~lvc urged the Lc 'slatuire to adppt a resolution $ , comprehensivel,1 study. ~~t ':~ ~1:1::;;ti~~~t W~~\Cl~h~h~~~j, kingl a ($250,qtJO) highway I'. fhe I: res~~~tion Giving support werel' Stal~ needs their Engin~er "By" all icipaihties; F I'm ctm- Bureau; St~te I,tcha~'ber of m('fce; Lmc~ln hamber of ~o.mmer('e; Blfrl se eral private LI~~~~s'RUSSiU~, ChiJf introducer of the reSOIUti~.ll·a"d the study would projectj ehraska high· way needs font c next 20 ye11rsl. Verne Har\l"r y , di~ision dIgllneer for the U. S\I Bureaul df Public Roads~" said ,the fed¢ra!l government c uld' Pljt up 63 per · L ce~~ o:ai~ethf:i ~~d~e~~~tJ re~ult '" tHlNI( WE'V& WORN OUT OUl WW:OMI AluAjn ," Speed killed or inlured allmost a million persons in 1'961. Capitol News. • • USDA Rapped for A~,i~ing ~ On Taxes in Plains ~tales I: I ,I i I in the I followiietg benefits: -Unhihsdd ka's road anpraisa~ of Nebrasnfl~~.s. -Total needs :,:Of thel .state h'igbway system !fver ~ perioQ' (If years. I I , -Ilecom m~nd~tion5 of po:;;sihle ~~~~tis~ution road user! rf' df ---Analysis ~ finan.ciing thf' state's road heeds. Hos.sack "af:' there hav~ l!J~e'l1 numertJus re ests f(IT makmg network and this "would give additIons to he state highlWay network and! this "would glVle us ~ome ideal of wh<lt roa~s .to add anrl whiqh ones to ehtnllilate." ! Everyone ~ the h e a I' i n g agreed the st 'dy would serve as a guideline f.r the Legigla~ure, Governor, an: Stat~ Highway Department. 1 '-,llIllf' p;lrls ()f ;1 l' S Depart-preparation of the rcbott. They 1111'111 (If t\gnt"ulture rcst'arch reo are Dr. E. B. Schmidt professor I 'I t U!l IT\"pnUl' and C'x)wndrturc of economics, i'lnd Herbert H. 1',ll[('I"I1S m thl' Gn'al Plaitlls Kramer, heat.! of an eXl}('rim('nt -.1:llrs l1a\'(' tngi!ered a voHey o.f "tation (lltl(,l~ll1 Ironl D. numher of Nt'One part of the report said: 1'I.hk:1 poillicians. "lhis study attrmpt$ no bluej[lclll(lt,d 10 the l'C'port was the print for the tax systems of the ~IIL'~l'stion that the Pi-ains "tatE's Great Plains .region. Hs purpose Power Dis,pl.tes III 111('11' hE'DVY rpliance on 5tat('" is to describe the siltuation reSen CliftOr Fost~r, Ura~:Ulrl local, property tans mighispecting reVenues anid expendil'haw Ir has Ch~'Tg~d some p$blic lw Impeding industrial progress. tures of local and sta!e governpowet dist!·jC s with trying to 'I'll(' U~OA report said, "Sal(,s mf'nts." "influence Ie' islatio~" thrlj:lugh ;Illd in("ome taxf"S are the two their advertisl~rnents. I JlI"Il(hldivp revenue ;;ource~ that Traffic Safety 1 He introdudrd a resolution in l"\'llHlJn relfltively undeveloped N (' b r aska's lawmakers l no the UD!cameriltl calling for the III Ihe Plains-though several doubt influenced to some extent Legislature to'Lorde-r the di!i"thct5 .~I,II('s are notable f'xeoptions." by the state's bad traffic death to "('easp an~ desist" suchl ad· SI'n Mi("haf'1 .Russillo of Omarecord last year, h~ve startf'd v0rti.<.ing. I . I· h . I 'taking some steps tilley belipvp 11;1. ,w111e I ca. 1 '~t e LegIS 3Foster sa~d ,I he ha::- .no dfsire 11II"t"s attention p the repljlrt, will help eliminate scme actito try to llni'it "legibmate ad':11d the USD should he dents and deaths. \'ertising" Ily,'th(' districts, such ')"OUJdIY ('onde cd" for ,pokIn recent days, the legislators a~, the type l'hlch seek to i proIn~ i s no~(' into~ ebraska's i.ngave their preliminary OK to a motE' the use ~lf electricity in Ne11'l"na affairs. (' actlOn, he bill cailing for 'installation of braska. 1'()ntiI u{'d, amou ed to "unwar. two front seat safety belts in 1;mle I interferen¢~" on, the part .{'vcry new car sold in the state, No Promis4s or th' federal gol;vernment intb starting in 1964. Members ;pf the NebIlas~a Ill\' JUsin{'ss of ~ a soverdgn Theni' was a bit of opposition Aeronautic,; jCommiSt;ion haJe .~I;ile, , to the proposal from 'some senainformed Kin ball, Hastings and (;0'\ prnor Morri~on was also tors who felt that the law would Omaha they :['an makf> no prouHlck to rritic1/e thf' report. be "unenforceable." 'But it won mlses for ::;ta:te matching fun~~ "Wl don·t need I the ff'detal approval easily. o~ f0f ai~po.rt P~~Ojr.cts b~catls.e t~l~ g()VPI" ment or anyhody else to Also giwf'n first rO-llnd appro{'OmmISSlOn udget .IS shn l~ ;lll\'is us on this matter," he \"aJ IS a bill calling for use of the hands ?f Ihe ~eglslature. dding that hE:' would wl4ih' reflective material in the manAeronalltlt'.~~ DIrector James to Iculture Secretary Orville ufacture of vehicle li¢ense plates Sanristcdt sa!~1 the co~mission'$ ,. I"('t'n an and advlsf' him to startmg next year. funds come f~o~ variOUS ~J. 11:1\'C _' the federal governmqnt Some of the senat01·s said they ~s and ~ev~ra.l bliis now pen n~ c,[l<'nd more time trying to tlcwer im res ed \\r"tH dem III the Llnl('aJ~f'r\l1 coulrt aHee '\ ('lop industrial uses for farm »'ra~ion ~ive~ som~ ti~e ago o~f the arno.unt ~ ~!I0ney that wij prndu ts. This would be much thE' ref!~ctive materials. TI1ey be ava!lable , UI mg the next hIworthwhile,; "[1,'10 r r I s 0 n saId they were sure reflectivp enOlum. than advising states hkJw plates would cut down on Ithe Sand,,;tedt ~!rlrled that the fed'~ taxes should! be leVIed, needless highway sl~ughter --~nd eral portion Ii of the matching Spn Carl T. CVrtis described ~ould reduce the nuI/Dber of laCfunds L~ <lval~ah1c. I 1111' t SDA report' as ":tIH' m(]st clcients. " ~ p' T ~. h nutra 'eous intrusibn""bi- -the r",dAppa r tty'n . t t h I rice 00 ~.Ig '(~al urea\lcracy'-in til~ aff{jirs 1 f rt~ e:!llor at e~ Ervin Stepl/1~ Brokf>n Bow, o! a SOy reign state that r've of .'~ts from tll{' Uni. ebraska assisted 10 t'Y('r hrar • • • .. • • I,/t if ~~pr~~w_tyep/~l~t.~~~ thec1:gSbl~_ ~~~; v~~e~ ',to('~~~~t il~~~.ng y~ha~.~ starting in 1968. iT~... ~ .+ "'" .. • • ... This thoughtless play by south defeated declarer [I;In a hand that was 100 per cent certain to makf'. West returndd a spade NORTH and sat back and waited for the ""K3 club trick whiCh was inevitably "J10 9543 his +A75 As dummy's cards are 'placed (,98 upon the table, South should E",ST take inventory of his assets and ""Q.Jto 8 ., 7654 note the structure of the North"K7 • South hands~ After East has +10 32 .QJ98 failed to foll<jlw to the first lead oIoKl 4 " "'-.16532 of hearts it I shouldrl't take an SOUTH experienced player long to rea.A92 Iize that the, contract is certain ¥AQB62 to be fulfilled, regardless of the • K6 location of the I king of clubs, , .AQ7 ,barring freak! disfriblUtion In op· ~('it er sid~ vulnerable ponents' han~s. The answer, of OpeD ng Lead-Queen of spades course, IS tljl s'trip the. North· BiddIng: South hands bf Uteir's(tades and Sou West North ~ast dia monds before thtywing ,WeSt 1 hea t pass 4 heart~ [pass in with the king of hearts, Ai4 no rump pass 5 diamonds ;pass ter winning the first triCk. with 5 no tltmp pass 6 diamonds tpass the spade king, and l the second 6 hea I~S . pass pass ',trick With the ace o~ hearts, the NO th-So~th, as the biddi g ~mo· u~ o_fTdhieama~eDdosf isSpPdl"eYse?" f.theroffi h sow" arrived at a fairly ~lOr. 0/ lth 'n ~1~10 o~trahcatnOd(. 6whhee"nrts soonUJ!t~es lfd, and de~larertS~last sp*e tth is r~d in North. NQrth'&) ~ Blac wood' bids' of 4 no tr' mp of dia onds Wins tb next tri k. and no h'ump determined for North'~ last! di.amo d is ruff d S6ut ) that North held one ace by SoU\h. e No h· ~ 0 u, h and ne king, SOlUth settled f r a . hands have n w bee~ stripped .'Df Bid f 6 hearts. ' s p a d e s and ·aroon s. De larer (South), a rather im· .West. is. n w giv n the'. lef.d petu s player, won the ope 'ng ",:,~th hiS kl of. hearts. HIS .lead" in North with the kin of sition is ho' eless.~' If he....., e· spad s Observ~~ that ere turns :a spad or a· "amQn~, e· were oI1fy two ~ear4> outst nd· cla~eJ1 mere disc .,r~~,_ a cl b mg, e ljaek of hearts was led from North' as So~th tru s. m Nortb. When East sho ed IfWfst ret s a Iclub, So th. lit, South qUi~Y deCIded that wfn~ . JWith. hi qUeefDd. ace. of e ould have rely aD a lub ~lubs and tr rnps' . last c b n· in the ,No han. Thus, Y flOes e ~ brin hOIPe the 'tra Tb reIore. overtoo the stripping the 'North~outll ba ds jack of ump "flth the ac and of spa~es a d dialtlonds·· re led s aU trump, c~nce g to concedin·g III loSin'g' trump trick PJSS ~ , r ... he W.es the hear~riCk be lsI. whi"l' '. ._(+ ~. . l . _f; . ., ust to. W~st, 'the ~~!dr!i of the oOnIract is ass .'''~l.. r I .. •• + .. 1. . . . . th(> Northeust Ne- , '~vill hold blrthd~y dinner Sunday. 100 tQ 12~ per~"s to attend. . names <i11. 80 c lIn, were at 'the Jaat COli ty for jury .' for t~e distrJ~'t co4rt"'s that secular knowledge b olUr' one request. But hlow do we feel a bout, religious knowledge? Are we concerned that religious education is as ilfnp'ortant as secular education') However there is a difff'renee between knowledge and wlsdoml Knowledge may be a human achievement thr 0 ugh study alnd investigation. Wisdom is not ,man-made It is a gift of God, Bul, WIsdom does not come t~ a man until he first has the kn@wledge of God. Secular knOWledge does not brirtg us the wiSdOm\ of God. Knowledge may help th s life but it cannot give U!i" eternal life. Once an intellectual 'was going acuoss a river on a ferry. lie stnuek up a conversation WIth the operator. He asked, "Have you studied a:-;tronomy?" The .Illjan said, "no." "Then," the Intellectual replied, "you I have J1lissed one-fourth of your llfe." "Do you know zoology?" Again. "'No." "Well you have mis'ied' onf'-half of ·your life." 'too yr)ll know botany?" "No," ":'1 hen," continued the intellecftial, d yoU have missed thI'ecfOl.lrth1 of your life." Just then the op(Jrator notiN'd a huge wall of watQt= coming to them from a dam that broke up river. SeelI1g th<:j wall of water and knowing th~t it would sink the ferry, he tur'1ed to the Intellectual and asked, ''"Do you know how to '.wim·?"· The intellectual answered, "No." "Then," replied the opf'rator, "you have missed your Whole life." T.o ~ave our livf's we must have religious knowledge and wisdom. How much time aJ.'ld import~nce are we giving to' religious knowledge upE'll which wlsdoOl is based? It is a tragedy of OUr generation that while we nr(' so w('l] edu('ated in worldly thing~, we are so woefully lacking In the km}wiedge of religi(jlUs affairs, Bride of Min en, chairman I ofn the State A visOiTY JIightay, Com mission; i i fmet (~o.v. ~Ob-' ert Crosby,; ~he Neb r ask 81 Tire Traveler" So'.'r Service L..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--I, go to ...school. I vealin~ r ~~:enerHo~.sa~~;1 (~:~. rJ~t~t.e M~:,' League of 1\" means ~~:~e ,,~l, s;;t t:i~ !~~uc::!on;~'. ,'W~~:b~:C!;e ~~l~~~at~~~e~jc;~ banquet! at the cOlle*e diffi·n g . , .: Mr. and 'Mrs, Si on '. were h~nored on- the~r gol en wedding antllversary Feb. 12 . , Mra. Wa ter' IIBenlhack ~as honored 8:;\j Wayne's sixth "f'ljrst Lady" at a ,tea Sunday «iven ·by Alpha Psi chapler of Betal Sigma Phi , . . Genevievel Robfrts ~and Ardalel Test this week announc~d I the $&1(' of th~ir bu~inesses, The MocM.. and Wa~er ~hoe stor~, t.o ~a~es R. VanBuskirk' Bellevuu~ . Mr. and Mrs. ~l Rubeck celebrated th~ir 30th wed· I,di,ng anniversary Sunday ... Local Kiwanis <.'Iub Will observ4 its 30th anniv~rsary Monday. . Less~ann, ,Q*. ~5 yearSf90 IW';11!1 a of February day evening in Sioux City while Mr. Meister /Nas in a restaurant 'j' . Final report on the 1948 M~rch of Dimes campaign was given this week by Nfrs. Chris ~et.gen, general chairman, who said the net total w~s U,5~n. This ik an incrf'ase iof more tha~ $2,000 :over last year ... There ate row four. candidates in GOP race for Commissioner , ' Annual Red Cross roIl" call is in progres ... iln Wayne county Wij'Dr. lit. W. Casper as chairman . The Hoski s fire department was called twice the past eek to extinguish chimney firrs. on(' at the Mrs, Minnie M'arotz home and on(> at lhe Fred Jochfns home . Two teams of deb<llers will represent Wayne State Teachers Co!iego in an annuaf ~orensir tournament and meeting at thl;' University lof Nebraska -~n Lincoln Fri(,hv land Saturday. I The first regUlr servic~ -in th(' newly Qudt Our Redeemer's Luthpran' c.hUf(·h will take -p~lace Wednesday nig' , Feb. 2.), !n the basement f(uditorfum. mnr:th [reIn a now' wisdom _jeges Let's not lorge! u,at \hF~e. ~si9! ~;;~g hi~d G~~!~~~en~iV~:~ fices. his is a increase" of 46,'}v r 1961 and they is estimating that in this year of 1963 the number will go up ~mother 20,000. Tbis piece says it is now 045 :~~~~g bOuv::rn~!n:il~~~k:~S' pay Earl Wilson of he first came 20 years ago. he shock the first Guvern- I polishing their magazines to their b03" says it is -twict claims that toto all them oth· is busy workingpuzzles, walking ,halls with transis· around their ~ -------.-- : In the summer time tHe fuets ~ I shifts to' till' North. Senator lIarry Byrd Rllid Inst the only way the taxpayqrs can week that the 4p,045 civilian thin it dov,1h a bit is Ito thin out \\orkf'rs !hI' Guvernment added them Sertators and Congresslast yea.r ('ost the tax~!lyers men. ~ $257 millIOn extra, anU th t the Farthermore, ,I see by the pa20,000 theY was figgeri g c)n pers where, whllie the Congress adding this year w~lUld> cdst ~p. was adjourned, we bad 27 U. S, other $112 mill ion. 111at(1) Senators and Congr e ssm e n, some Qf 'elm defeated in the last mighty hard .,on t.hC '.taxpaYl~' but r reckOJ] lit'Rt).[!ood fer h'e electidn... taking tours at Guvtramister radio -Irks. \ ('rnment ep.,:pense,. Th.~y cali 'em We got a hea'p 'of fine and h n~ "(act finding" trips, but it est men ID Washington .. and we 'seems they Has to take their got somp that 'ain't ?o fin~. TQ!!', WIveS anr! relatives along tofellers at the store 15' ~n­ help git tl)e facts . ing that if Wf' cut And I hlave I took note, Mister Editor, t!]at right now during I half, w.e ca.n keep a , the ('old wcather, mo~t of the I on whIch IS which. , fflcts that ne~d finding out about _ is to tbe jOUlh where it's warm. ~:~:~r~~1 ~~e gi~r~~~es o~he;rirt~t K~~~5? .--+, ti~~ ~~~k:h.l~~\~~estT:aaVJ~i:b~~~ thick back home. The figgers has jubt been released @n how thick t~e gravy i~ gitting. The tern I got here sayS- that i O.~'T " I, f T~inf<ling , :~~~r~e(/{~:n~e'r~:~~n(t=~:l~r Tlle~~~~nf~O~' 8P~~~ MISTER EDITOR: recollect that here back the fEilers at the store was in favor of red. ucihg each state to one Senator ani utting the House .. memhers i h If. It was figgered that thIS movt would payoff the national debt in about 10 year. Well, Mister Editor. I got some IPowerful new fodder fer this dampaign It is a well knowe<l fact that Senators and Congressmen has got to git t \ locular ilre , .~. Fred ROL'bC. r" Wllkefield, WU.8 iu· jllred by a ynamite f'xplos~on while bl~lng logs last Thul' day . Mrs. Henning Fr g~n fl'll whil<1 gOing out to gf't III an automobile un~ day and :fractured her hip. .. The M. L, Ri ger lind Jack De9beck COl'S were damaged Friday ,evening 'when I.the~, c.ollided at the .. prC8b~cr"m church qorner I,. ,I" Anton Olson was injur d ~ut.. ) urday aqternoop wh~n he was kickled Iby h rae at the pavilion bMr~. . Marie, grand ,due GSs ,<of Rusua, and~ flrs~ cousin of thl'jl late CZ8 • will talk to girl s<!futs loyer WJZ and thc-·-nct r of :--JBC on S~tur(~ay . . . Annual Day of Prayer w~J1 bf' obSl'rve~ ~Y the Wayne Missionary Counclil Friday' at ttlf' I Presbyterian church, I will , \ Feb. 23, 193~: Enrl, Ward hael ~lis f-aee bulldly burned Tuesda~.afternoon whilt, hclping his untie, J. H. Wright, I~last trcC' stumps . . . The M~C' is *or me * 30 Years A~o the d) "Giir Feb. 17, 1938: Woyn£"s Il~mming tre~R. ('utUng planting n<jw lonos hos bc(''l ington. WP(A ·iworkcn; WIll do .~pring . }o-~o'ur Wnync girls who requirements ~or golden cat::Jc ing, the highrst given, orc BC!tty Dorothy Liedtke, - nllth Lundbt'rg NOrtkes .. ~nothl'r Wayne lond,nark giv{' way to' mod£'rn Improvement.· Bcnti)oC'k this !week bought t!)rough M, the H. B. JOfl$S cornur proputy ncross north 'ot the mew auditoriutll and iH' erect a new bfick, fireproof o(fiee sIte. . Sup~ T. I. l"ril'\st was uDlwi·,",o'lSl)I pleded head qf the Wisnt'r sehool for the year with a s~bstantiol increase m salary. --.----~------- food at: al time. Offer sm'all a mounts at the new fo04 only when the dhild is hungry. Make the food look as appetiz~ng as possible. ~f the child rejects the food, a~cept it casually and I trY again fother day. Other fal ily membt'!rs should set a good example without indicating thfir food dislikes. This helps the 4hild gain an attitUde of accepta~ce. . ~~=skoaffe(~~~~toc~~~:~Si~~e 2~:8 plied. 25 Years Ago in A lllcrican his- (),nl of .gri'at :\meflcans, (''):1':' JI ) the world rlliI i'l t: .IL l~l l~tt!. Of course II: ;\'1' l"t'~run[ an' the names of Was\lington a:1d Lincoln. It's ~ pr('Uy much w 0 r t h while to pause for a monment and reo fled upon the profound influ" aeff'S, inrlud~ng :-ome 600 a.creSI ('nce ~hat the birth of Washington and Lincoln had upon this of lakf'>, In! the Sandhills for $210,000. I country of today and even upon the world itself. St,ephen said the lanct is owned by A. Fletch~r and is 32 inilcs You know George Washington directly sout~ of Ainsworth in was a, man of means, a landed, wc!1·tq~do English colonist. He Brown count~. Commi~sio Di r e e tor Mel could I have remained as, suc~ Steen said h, was interested in had he elected to do so. By 50 the land ahF lake '~but disindoing he could have enjoyed all terested in t~e asking: price." the p~ivIleges of a man of the Steen said: preliminary com-I upper class, living under a monmission stud*s placed the value archy. He could have enjoyed of the land ~t $150,00~. rIe t01di ' practically every privilege that Stephen thllj "maybe we canl the lan of today ha's, except get together, and agree on' al one, nd that's the mOst preprice more i line with the com-,' cious privilege of all, absolute mission's thi king." I Freed m. The Comm ssion, in other aC- h So. ~t the risk of losing all he tion, has PI' mated J'ack Straini' posseSsed, coupled with the hea~ of the park~ "vision, toj (:erta~·' ty of being cailed a traiadministratiVi he~d 0 both the I tor to. the Crown ·and the probabilit of suffering t~e penalty ~::~~n:nd~vi i~~~ering and ~p-II for S-l.,Ch an action, Washington Strain will at be the' technical was willing to espouse the cause head' of tqe ngineerin~ and op· of Fr~edom, in the face of all was more than an ideal. ;~:t~~~S tec~i .f:~1nhea~f:;~c~~f~: ~his. It wa his concept of the right processed. T e po-sitio~ has been way f life. He gained it, not vacant since the death last Qeonly hi'mself and the genercember of E gene BaUer. ation~lto which he belonged, but Steen said Strain Willl not get for II the future generations a larger salary, "on~y an in· of A ericans, He gave us what ~reased wory }oad." , we h ve today. Not too long after that Freedom ~as gained, another day in Febr ary chronicled an event that ooms large in American histo . The birth of Lincolh. Dur' his early lifetime events trans ired which threatened the exist nce of tbe free nation Wash ngton had 'given us. Some one ig enough, strong enough and ust enough :had to accept the adership for the bolding but one request, toge er of this nation and the you want? 'Would prese ation of the Freedom so dearl bought., , . : once de LebQ. who searched £ the foun~ain of Fr m the prairies of ~ lllinois youth and k for life? qlr 'Would came that man to suffer and you be Iik.i. King Midas of old , finall die, as mily one man be~ who had ($ request. Hie asked fore im had suffered aDd died, that all M touched would turn that this nation might be preto gold. serve. Wasbington and' Lincoln It w~s "g '$olomon 'W~D was gave and held for us everything asked this" uestion an,d he re"Iwe ave today. All. our privj~ s. . ~~n:~C~~dJ :~tl~~I~~~nO~~~y~I:Q~~s' stoie: $~~~ who I ,I Feb. 26, 48: ISchoql children of 10 nO'r.theas1ern Nebraska Qunties wlll be guests- of th~~ Wayne Chamber f Commerce again this spnng vJhen the Shrine indoor circus comes-to t'lis city for a more,. severe pruning they are dormant than the grl)wing season wr<8 and honeyshW!b:" that can be the ground. The encan be sawed off at ann it will regrow month * , SURF KINO • 11 Wah,· i~weI5, pioof'. Shoc:k·r~­ sislant Unbreallable mainrsp-rinij ~~~d~:~~ ;::~; Buiova quality and ciaftsmanahip. 129.75 ···1······ " ;/"'1"" .... ". I ,.~:',:,.:.1:-- I I'~' I , DI~6-"'~~ 'f';~' orgl- Phone JU-4: 817 Mrl. Sterling w ;(hH.'~d' Y (','enlnn Twe,:veH,rdm"nt' to ob erYe the h st's wedanniver ary wt:re r. and ",ulle[··'I"r<.Larry L b~tedt. dfamUy, anU Mrs. orman Lubberstedt \'isi~)f!; i th~ en~J ~tl~1 i~ ~.I:,~ ~,~n,~I:;~lIJ~~~~~~e. el'CI~lr!\ < fnm.iJ? and ;Mrs. AmlR Meyer Dcnms. , gucs:ts in tile OJiver Noe home. S~mlay Cheryl "Holm, WaKefield, jolncd 1he grollp for dinne~, 1\1', and J\.lrs 't\!aJlIll'(, Magi USOI~ ~11'. and Mrs. Ted John~on were and fnm~I' w(>rt'~ F',.lday ev ~njn~ Monday evcnjn~ guest·s ·in the Ivnr visi (lI'S 11 the i, OSt'Ht. nson Anderson ·home. , J\.lrs. Ge1'clc Kavanaugh, Margar· hOI c. Mrs. Ga 'otd Jew<'11 was a urs~ et Ann and JeaJjlne ServeD were day eH~m I:; rL~llor in the E dred Saturday dJrmef guests in the I, AI 8m 1./.1 hun (', 'I Rtllbl'rk hom.c. I 'Jl' i\ rt!, Jell'~' J)nllgllel'l~' and f~mily ~yp e W('dlU'sda~ aJwrnoon vifitors $o#ll·ef~. In. h~' 1.1'. Ill' :"111'1 IllHll hume.! .. II rs (ol HI'I~(' HusnHISHcn was uS' I ·F ~1 ndm \ ~lllll' JH I!I\' Witln(,T; Hel"; OCIO orecast. feel IH)I;Il'. . Wedn~s~l!IYI Feb, 20 I nn Btl ~ spent. TlllIr~day lin t.hC i sunShin~;'G1Ub J" til Bor holll!' I TIIII'II~ey, eb. ~1 -yll£.!.U¥' and J()l'I~'1l :-.JUl': \\pre yvSC\S ~t dy Class. :Fdda~ ,!\(·rn:J?ilt ho\Jt'sl.s of ;IO}l'!.! fan::! HIli Allal" Society \ W Itlln 111 11,(, 1':1\, Wnltoll 1I0111t.'. ~ ~--. 11" i:llid .\!r.~. \\ 1111('1· S('hut~C4;,.alld Best Ever Club ~a ll!ly \\ 1'1 (' Till' dB)' ,>uPP('J *llf'!ib W('dlll'sduy afternoon Best Ever In lilt.' H.ilpJI Hl"iddl!rd !1On1l'. cluh met with, Mrs. Erne~t Knoell. M rC'I·,aDrloe ,.n,alMd r,p.cDtcorns·: Wa ke Cic'lt! , 'M; l."I',l>y" sJ .wn:f(.· !,d udl(w Hlltlt'hrord and r)avid '" W 'i'<' T,;('-;d,[\' ~lJpP('l' g\H'~h in (hI' ' aid Kno('11 and sons and Mrs, Ger· 11'11"01<1 l;t'[)rg(' hll11H' I aid St~lze an,: Dcnn.ls TllC after· Wt'(]lll."d'l\ all(,J"IlOlJiI gU<'$ls ill' noon was spent sc\vmg. Tlw next ,tI (' 011\('1" )\·n(' 111I1n£' W('n' 1\'11')-;. rnee(lIlg Will ht, March 13. (;PllrL!1 'II·~ Frf'd ~latt('~. ;\ r.., '\(j(' Earl h,tl'l" Slumber Party J 1l1.1rsda.\' {'\('nlng I'alsy Lubber ~I n ;!i Illi .\11' Lal I ~Il'dl \\"a:, h()st{'s~ to thr('(' friends Mr. itnd Mrs. I(chny I<oc~ and ,ll u .'>Illml)('[' party (;u('s(s were ons, Fremont, wqrc last week" Jf',andl{' N(H', Mary Lynne Kavan· nd gue~!~ In the L. Sau1,ders ,1lI~~h Hl1rJ S1JUndl'H Houston. I "1,11 Illci \11", ,11111 l'.I-n.l'll111n. Cemetery Association 1 '1IIlI'1 \1,'1' ',11>',<1.1\ ~11I)lH'r gll!'<.,I~ \\'ednl"'da~ aftf'rnoon LadIPS' IT 1111' 1.,\\,11 TllolllllSOtl IWIIl!' 10 (t')llf'lny A:so("latl 11 oJ the Con· l '1,'III;f1<' .JII"'II '. hl'lll(J:t.y 'I l II D· n y • • • I r 'y :\1)"" 11:- <I I"r( I-:I!I\ ,I',j h.11",·III1('1: \\ I \~'II'~1I0:'t;~~I('t'~;I:lrt"I~. 11 ~as l~epO~~~d d 1\ \1,1:"1 ,j' Ill" 1)11'1- llolph II(HlH' Ihat J !It'\\' mnw r had been pur· :-;lln<f.I\ \ 1:,1\(11·" in Iht' {'hased ilnd pia s Were made to \ 1I11'I'111 1\:11 ·lll "1"11 1 hnllH1 Wi'l"[': -;/'ied 11(,\\ lot n arkers. Hefresh· .1 '1"1".\ ()'IIIlIJ :11111 1',11 (d dd'."j,! th(' host h,l\ I' ·hll' \ Th.ll1"~rI;l\ ~ ::l"i(.11 l'lll','·\'; (,1'11',1 111 Mc1hodist Family Night Monday ('\'Plllng the Brotherhood spom·or('d a family night J"o{'creaprO~Tam at the church par· A coopt'rativt' lunch was ser· 'It'd at tile dosp. 1":'·I!·Il\;Ir!W...,.llt:I.!_ lillI" III (1](' 'We Fu Card Party I W{'d~H'sday ('vcnmg We Fu card 1: dill 11,1' ;\ 'l(lnd,l~ : dub 111('1 at lht' Emil and Amanda III I~I(' :\11('1 1~llIn 1 Schulte home. Thc group honored I ~1rs. William Penlerick on her ,. Il)lrlhday. Prizes were won by -Mrs. Ih' 1'.111)!'!" ;-':'IJlrkll : P('nlprick. Bill schutte, Mrs, Newell L'sI(' Park and Stanley and William Penleriek. \11· ,!lId (l.d.;l:!lld, )\1)' :111<1 1[11' i\l['~.I· _ G<lrden ·Club Meets This..week" Mr. and Mrs_ Wesley': Wcdm,.hlay afternoon the Dixon Rice moved from this community I Cll1b \\ as (,lltertaincd by to a farm soufheas+ of Wakefield Ed SaICl. Mrs. M. P. MI" 'II .11 Ii 'II~ ()S\,lr Borg \\'CI(' i ',\"a<; a -guC'sl. !\1r~. Dave \'('dr1t'~'I,,\· ;111('I·noon \'I,ito]':-,in thl' , ~\\lhl presen~d the program and '\i~(;:\ I ';{\'I',.t;(li I 1](1111(' Laure\. in ~\as tilC') a I ~,\~.(~ 1!~I~~n~l;'~i~~~S~~jl~'~~ct~~a~~·i~~. Bill ' 'IJamlH'rs 1toIlH' 1..[111":\ il'\\ MYF Meets Sunday . La 1\t.Uf! , la. spent I Sunday {'vl'ning Methodist Youth \'lsltmg 111 Ihe Jack I Fellowghip mr:>t at the church par· LaUl'('I, : :~::~;, ~~~~n~~I:~1 :1~~I· ~~:\~{~~n l~u~l~~ ilnd I '00 Mason was the !('ssu~ al(crnoon'- HiIIsid,e $rade: A. Medium EGGS leader. q.... Sl'hram Out·Our·Way Club Wptin('sd<lv alte1"noon O\lt-O~II'­ }\('Illwlll Ilamm and 1:'\'ay c!llb m~t at the "'{alter o?chuUc \\Ct"(' lilst week· ! lome. IIlrs. Mfke KneW was the ii'N:iii;:;nNl~--"'R!;1i _._-------of the· Week I , pN~s;k & Beans ....... ;.8 ~ $1' p~~Pki~ .... 8 Cut Wa~ Seans.... g:. $ ARGO : ~'. *: 'I••' With Thi$ C1Qupon I.Lb.Pb,.: ......... COUPON'GOOO· FEB, ~5/26, 27 ONLY I ' I:, : Good Tow",~, the IPurchase of TWO I.~~. B'5 SWEET : I ~Fl-~~~t.:~~'::;t.:~~:~.~.:::l Fi~$T I lOC J.OUPON O\l(!?l~ the~r~hase of : HUNT'S I I , 8 Tomato Sauce ,..... '.,~:; ~ '3 J.~' ......... Q I ~r~~ ~~~i*: POSSIB E JIBI~GOO' :~LLOAN 0: 1............... : 19 ' 'I : I 1 , I .:....... 2II'" C AX.TEXI" ............ ·.· .. ·· .. ·· c C WA EXd • hiS 29, c ! S~n WIC lags 30Plpl .......... of the Week : NAlt.ONAl : 8 J:. $1 6 99c ~ para9U~ ............ g:. . TIP OP '., : 27c : :-·---~---------t---------NATIOiiii.-FiiiSY-;f'ih-e-vii;;k"-: 15c COUPON ! 00 .*: Fruit Craft YELLOW CLI~<?~I I 1 : :SMELTS .3: "sl Good T iV2·L~. BA OF 1*: 5, : , l i p RSNIPS: I -------' COUPON 25, 26, 27 ONLY I ----------~. I 'I, I ! As Low As ,~4950o 'I I ~. \i 1.1 . 'I \ I I I I 'I I J\ i " I , I', 'I " hjl"e of Mrs Frank wel~le Thurs· Pinochle Card Club Mr. ~nd Mrs. ea Joyd scrvM1 dl y (rom 4 to 5 o'c1qck p.m. We Mrs.1 Herman a dessert Sund Y v ning wh6rl' 0 coed With the flagl salqte. We sUtute guest they eptertained the" itch club" made i~vltations for the IBIlIie and ochle card Mr a~d Mrs. C rls C1ble were G Id Banquet and closed wtlll the Chri'st Weible guests Dr. and M s N L Dlt· II mg clrile. Mrs Stanl y""!!:odcn Mr!!. 8y Gladys Reichelt - Ph.ne 2682 man. 1M)". and Irs G S'VCl <'l sl5lted Jimmy I-h.~sen, Scribe Frank gard, [Mr. art~ rs. E T. Warne, -+The next' mund~ and JVlr. and rs. Welbl:d Auxiliary.Meetlng Feb. 28 I Ho • an Furlouv'" i Jonn were among otMr guests in S t nnd Mfs. l..~eon H Koch. the .·~arencc Bower$ home, Nor· .receiv~d prizes.~ e next ·party IAmerlcan Legion Auxi iary met _ I Jay Lee nnd 'I'homnls lJ('t~, ilrrived folk, Saturday even~ng for th,~fr will b~ in the N L. D tman home Sfiturday at the Legion bill for Sunday, Mar. 1 . their regular monthly meeting. last SUn,dLIY froUl' l.lnur:nhOld~~. twcnt -fifth wedding ~nnlverBary'r I Ger any for n morlth S VISIt will Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wagner - - I Eleven mE."mbers were pte~'ent. It . Mr Korh's pnrents, MI', and Mr'. nnd family, Norfolk, were visitors rMrs. Ehlers Fe I w:as voted to send a gH~1 to Girl AIl~ K0ctl. Sgt. KQ{'h wUI rcpo~t in the Alfred' Wagner home SaturMrs,. D'~ra Eh ers observed her state in June. Mrs. Don' Quinn is Eleven members were to orl Camphell, Kpntu('1,y Col· fa~r eVae~~n~rs. Emil Thies spent birthday Sunday Mrs~ F~hlers is chairman of the committee·. Sever· call' was miscellaneous spend,ing the wi ter in the home al auxiliary members were chosen Mrs. ~, Bruce Wylie, lowi g his 11'<1\'('. ! he weekend witl~ their son, Earl of her son·in-Ia anqi daughter, td serve lunch at the next Legion Siphley were in charge Icl~ato Inr Music Clinic . Thies and family Ames, Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Richalid Buchen- meeting in honor of the, anniver· son study. Mrs, Harold E Vin student.'; of th(' Mus~(', Mrs. Alfred Wagner and family dahl, Pierce. Df ner guests in her dry of th~ American Legion. Mrs. "Can Land Be Taken Dcp rtmf.'nt of til(' '~VJnIHd(' Public were dinner guests in the Frank honor were Mr. and !Mrs. Ralph F,. C. Voss and Mrs. George_ Voss way's", Mrs. Harry Sch llllntl t~ell' Instrllctor, Mrs Brown home, Salix, la., Sunday, Nathan and S~an ey, ~r. apd Mrs. ~;hved lunci]' , Flaterie Can 'Get You' Carl Nieman, M s. M rtha DamMrs. Wylie had an Gat ('rine l\1tutUel'. 3111t'1Hkd a 1\11L , me, Mrs. Robe Gra f and Mr. Gallop Infant Bapti.zed and the K~reans." The ~'Jc :lIoit' at the Alll1n lIigh School and Mrs. Julius Ecke -t and Peg,Laurie Kaye, infant daughter of officers wete elected Mrs, Mst Mondqy. \ 01110' . school, par • • • gy. Afternoon isitor were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Gallop, was president; iAnne Carstens, tici Bting wcrJ CO\(»'ldg(>, Crofton, PTA to Meet Thursdpy , rson-- -1lubb,lIi d, liartington PTA f W' 'd sir 95R ano Mrs. Willia J<t;nlke, Mrs. A. l~aup'lt,i:rea.dn d~hruinrgchsestuvniCdeayntmTorrinn,IntYg president; Mrs. Suehl, ~ and Mrs. J.ames C. wlYthemeet on B. Janke, Mrs. Emta Siphley, 4 ,-Mrs. Rosa Hof man, Mrs. Anna ljy thl' pastor, the Rev. H. F. Otto er. Mrs. Jensen was in lBand WIlS ,Jam('s King. Hastings ~:~~rs~~is' F~~'xt~t ~~ ~~'C~f:h Andersen and M . apd ,Mrs. Alfred ~1uellcr. Sponsors were Mrs, two contest. Mrs. John Ii! Laura l\1uhs and Warren and Bal'- and Anna (larstens received College. ~ehool will sing, and J~rilyn Miller. Earl (;I'(·('n. 11l"O',lmcntal mu- Thompson and June Fa1k will pre\ hara Gallop. Mrs. Muhs, We~t ·Year will be made ; . Point, was a weekend guest in ~e sic dir('ctor at nPrlson lIigh School sent a skit. Founder's Day will be Scout iMeetlnp at Omaha was the guest conduc- observed. Den 1, TrQop 179, Imet in thp (;allop home. ' tor of the Junior Hand. Tbe Ppr· ----~~~~-7--~--- -~--~---------------~---------1~--~--~--+--"-'-------r~------c-----------4-4-------r-~-----r~'--'~ __~__ <'ussion Climr was directed by Blue and Gold Ban'quet 'Robby Robinson. Elkhart, Ind, The annual BlUe and Gold Ban! First chulr players selected quet of Cub Scouts was held TuesIr rom the WmslJe 5chool were: day evening Feb. 12 in the city ·1 Jeri.lyn Thompson. flutE'; Warren auditorium. 'About 70 attended, GalloPf bas:-;: Stephen Mueller, I. Den mothers in charge were clarinet and Kpith Krueger, lrum Mrs. Eddie Weible, Mrs. Willard pet. Jeffrey, Mrs. Stanley Soden and I. I Mrs. }<'ra~k Weible, ze~as;:~rst;~~~ls~:~~ninKt~ ~~~~ Following the' banquet a PliO,CUT s , of their grandparcnts, Mr. Jand :;:;;; n ed p:~~~ni~:' fl;~hesal~~~: ~'.. Mrs. Augu5t l"ranzen v.hilc ~heir follot,ycc\ by singing. A skit, "The mother Mrs Pale Franzen was ",in Story of the Blule an~Old'" was the hospital. presented by ,Den . Den II Tuesday evenmg visitors III tlk gave a skit "Quiet, lease." ,Jim Christ Weible home. were Mr. and ,Jackson gave a re din. g on the M'rs. F ..J, DimmeJ, Wisner; Mr. beginning of Cub S outing. bod Mrs. Hermun Jacgm', Mr. and Awards were presented by Mrs. Gotthil£ i;eger. Mrs. Cora Scoutmaster EMI quering. Carr, and MI'S. I'rank Dall~berg. Awards were as' follows: TWo I ' . ay. February 20. 1963 Pitch party , The Wonyc (Ncb,.! Herald. 4 1 p;- Sot,·ely tErn Fi~Je~onl~:nJ'~{~~:~OI~t t~~d s~l~f~r a~ thel'n~a~d ~1~~;J -+++ FRONl 'U~RTERS .. 43c 6 0;e3 sp~:~ :r~':n M;J~rs~:;iS~nt~e~~~~ year service stars, Phillip' Witt, Lee TI-autwein, Kevin Brockmoel\pr, D~vid' Witt, Fritz ~ible, ~~~t~n~u~r:~;is j~~ib~~~ Bob, ack- In d.V the Dallrell Graber, Nick Cenn retto and Eugene Weible homes, Omaha, They also called ::Sl::~t ~~~jn~~:d:~o :bf::r~:~ her eIghtieth birthday day. last IfAtl ~ne year service ;.~tar, Ge~e Sun~ .'I ril~~~~%oei~~~ry ~ndwa(~~~;g :r~~t~ Mr. and Mrs: L., W. Kahl spent m~~lf Badges, Gary Soden, Roh. Thursday evenmg 111 the Wayne ert I{ruegel', Jimmy I-Jansen, Ro Imel home. gel' Anderson, ,Jerry Wacker, GayMr. and Mrs. Dennis Bowel'S and len Stevens and Michael Jeffrey; Lion Badges David Witt, r'ritz Wc~ble, Kevin" Brockmoeller, Lee Tra~ltwein, Gregg Tr.outman, Scott Duering,.' Dennis Weible, Jim and Bob Jackson: ' Bear Badges, Gene Weible, Gary SodC'n, Gregg Troutman and Gnylen Stevens. I ---------+-~------~--.- Ghr'oundBeef Quality Lb.. : -------~ skates, add wltrm cloth- ~:Il~B~n'L in six d aeef' m 5 mbo Roll tool I BY GEORGE Celebrate George W~shing. too's birthday with hot holm sHces on split, buttered ses~e bard roUs. Slither each help\JIg with heated. canned eIierry pie mix. Serve up sweet pickl~, green salad and smiles ;'11 around. ' I I 1,1 I ~:~s f~~d ;;l1'I~:i tha t over"cooks be- .'.'~." : .', .... 4[.' . ,v cause a diner _ ." , .., ~ IIcerne .,l'I'esJin9s ......... ~ 49c CREAJ.I; J1reah-+ROQUEtORT. ,BLEU, SOUR 'l'EtOPSAND lSLA!ND ••• yom: choice. . ....... Eadtl.9c I elve natural gas resollrces or years to come. The end ertainly isn't in sight! Each ferOOrm I , • s Co i any, b",~!!~-rN.brcI~ka ~ , 43c I l!reakfaat Geu>s- PAN~~~ LUCKY WHI :Easy-to·, i ideal f I I II li'IOO~ and wall cl an rM~rgarine ' ~hec~"o...rSUPPl:Y.:. J \ !' , 10 Ib $1~5 L FI'pur._ " ("",""-..":".B,,, '. ' PI• ,s"ury Pillsbury flbur ~~)~: ...... ,,;;:';: .5c (a~dy ~ars:=:;;:'<ka .... P.'';;:: ~5c otllfhpasfe1,.(~~~, p\ack) ~~~ $9c " Cut·Ril. P'aslicWrap' ..... ~,":;:~ 3c Wlrxlex ScI,dwich Bags ....;~,~ I c T ,("fie olI" pack) T .... qua.teteol I , I I I I I , I . m·I&.. . 11~7 C . _ ~.I&. 1 Jems(J'3co~·pacl<} •••••••• ;..... , 6c I . BlueBonnel;quarlere : ..... ••••••••••• Caj'fon Enjo"Stc'kel;y'sFinest...' 1 """"'* .,.... Ikounl .. 09 lujnmies _ """" ..,...;;: J9c I Save21 .. .. ,. ____ :~ I , Y selin HaiJ onic -,87 ! J e MiJIci~~ •. " •••••. ::=49c . andy ==~_ P1<" 39c ake CliPS ~::~ .... 2 ~.:: 25c ~ III. L * ...._.. .almeal Bread :t:: 19c I nish Snails ~~?=i ... ~~ 24c : ugar qqnuls ..... \v~gh" ... ~ 29c 'c ,-.,." =99c J slanll_ocoa :::~E" F") ..iplon', Soup ~N:::;::.~~ 33c """'. Green Beqns ~ ........ 2 ~ 35 G B cin Whol'; No,'" 33 reen Bea~s e I S :~~~ Green Mj., ••:;;::; c.n 27 Parly pem\."'..." .... "".I~~·J! 31 \ .. J Tll!NEW ••• ! Green Bea.ns BU,,,,, "nd~ ......... '2 g.= 35 BUil~r~Nul\~offee~6~C lte~.Drl~~FfneGrlnA.,;1 DetseY.Toil., Tissue ......... :1;;::.19C J(Olex'R.""'*'.So.., ............ ;i;:~ 9c andJioorS J. ~JL '"~8F MARGARINf .............ea.;ion \ I I LlQWl[l AlA ..............~s:u. ~7r. . UJ$, ••• AssQrled bolotS, apace::myer bOXeB TEXIZ!= CLEA ER ........i~tt'.; 15c i:quid" layer varieties, (" off f p kl.·aPkgs•. \ ' ' ' ' KL iHN.1Eiii LARGESlZE lilwift'a..!Jlswe<t .! 59c GRADE-A EGG$ llOZEN .9 r , , .":. ..Lb.10c _IT.wn. HOuse;. Plioi~g . . ruil, Mix :;~:::;;earsandPeathe.,. ve,oea(an.~......~~i~(19c c alad-(o.,king -I Cake M··lx~s Pill.bury~a~lregul ·~·:::·:9"·c' C ··.·~Bag 9 Brach'. '.ridy . I 'I! ~p~ fa~: Th:!~~~; /'1 I , 1.«111' 9·10·c . Heael .. Cans NuJ!tlade, c:o",nleed, Head, lielluee ~ ~ No!,h~~ ~~~~ro, G VANOAJ"S; 10lllato ~au,e •••• L.. Safeway~ (@) place .to;buy. , te this s.p1ctacuJi.,r offer. Pie nb =,:,~".":·~··1···4 ~~ i1•O 2NO.30~25' , & 'B~an5 'f *' T POlr-k french fries l3el-airff'"'el\ .........poJ/B~39c. E - , • <'Naturals" with fish and seafoods Seafood Sauce Pa~~M$:~~hrimP." ...:itf.;33c Sandwich Spread NUMado; ,esty •••••~J~49c (orn Meal :lXfch~~rc~~~,;: ............Ji~25c lemon Juice RealemonlrecollJltitutea ... :J~59c NO MUSTY MOVES Returning from a sunshine vacation somewhere? Mrs. M, C. Hobart of Iowa haB a tip for you. Some suit~ caSeB ('specially old ones) do smell "mustyU between travels. Unwrap. 8 bar or two of soap, plant them in the pockets. Come summer, you'lll open your suitcase to firagrance! "a£oo~, all frozenifi,h and are offered at ~5 % off ~ur regular everyday. prices ~ •• arujl the regular prices have not been.ra4ed to acco ,. IL ~,Oo"n No. 800"'7 ,."rClli'1llQlerry .;»cn:lceSFray ... Can&. C ear, new gas reserves are or tw.P iS~1:: ,·scovered. No .one can tell tardy.? Ban- l'~'\'1D ." !sh this cook- ~'"i':i:=;....,;;iiiijo if all our ''ultim8.te'' reserves may ever be exi\.austed! Our .lUg bug-a-' i andChildren'S grandchilbootGet a new' .gold star" lias may use the same . dren range. Its B rner-with an~rgy I.uel we do. Who Brain keeps rahge- tqP fo ds could predict what miracles just right, with I no $ti« g by then~. o,r drying. Au~omatic p n- Itas mal[ you and ,we've ample gas watching, onc~ you diR! it! New. gas oven controls ro t . Jnir(lcles now.. Your local gas , bake to perfection _ ell cQmp'any, Peapleo Natural Gas, brings tljem to you. \ turn. themseies back, to orthem Natutal Gas Com"keep warm" heat. Ma c? any pipes gas to them •. _ . . for yours ••• at _y ur or a finer future l for a~l local ga~ com any, Pea les f us!, i : Natura! Gas', Jor gas ap U· a~ce de(Ller. II you live e· yond the gas ~ainsl see y ur frlendly LP d ler! l..-.~'l'. _j,," We Certif~. I 89 S 'NUFF SA1D OHH, TOO DONE ,I .' NEW SIZE, Safeway J3rand, deliciQusly l!avo~ eight g d sports. Pac on top of frozen ice-rink. When well-chilled f remove lrpm ice. Place before gloWing fire. Add hot chocol~te and marsbmallow to taste" spread with good cheer and pass the cookies. That, says my teen-age niece, is the bEtst reciI;!~ ~he's learned in "home ec" thiS semester_ And the way to young men's hearts~ 6· some this week·end .•. you'll be glad you did! j s'~arpened PI,CI<:.U'p ,oo":kag',es of your £alUy's favorites. serve ~r~empting Mariner's Platter like this Ntneed !1limit V<lriety! If . yourfajnUYlS'small, us! keep unused portions of each package frozen for a repeat treat! ~, . Holds volume well while cooking, be sure to try SWEET SOUR CREAMERS I'm all for folks who ·refer to sour cream as "salad cream," especially since r found this pair of COile slaw mixers, Popp~ See4 Salad Dressing: Combme 2 cups sour cream 2 Tbsp. poppy seed, ~ cup sugar, -% t'sp. mint extract, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. monosodium glutamate,:(on supermarket shelves). Shake well. Chill in screw-top jar in gaB refrigerator, HOI)ey-CreaIj1 Dressing: 'Combine 2 cup'S· iour cream, % cup honey., 2 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. ground ginger, 1 tsp. salt,. 1 tsp. monosodium glutamate and one limall green pepper, minced; Jar, shake and ohill as a~ove. Either recipe is ample fpr a mammoth shredded Ilcabbage. RINK RECIPE Take one p air 0 f 9c , SafewB:Y's Famous CLIP 1H~ ,cou ~~~~ ~ ., • I '~"'I'!I'~9:1C ~Ii~1.""''JIBo "a~~'6,J., ..••'~",_","-Jl 'l f1lne E~ 1 .\ dtr!, I %J.bs. Waye ·~~~~_~~ __ _______ ~ 'r~'-J , \ II I 'I.:. .f I ' ! i· . I will serve the E.stern, st.r "ban. et Feb ,~7. M,rs. ~. 'E. MItt.st.dt. s. E.rl Mrs. Calvin n vork •. 1. Mr.; Glen Deylell .nd liI1---r--*~";""",-+--"", Mrs. Cly?c Most served. B.... __...i..,,,,!"_,,*":'~~: 4-H ~lubNews -' Award served a dinner voted to help th(; for tile year's p"ro$500 was set aside M(.>thodi~t' I\I( agreed not to have ivai tbis year. Wi!· mastcr of cere'''This Is Your Ufe" the Founder's Day -'. l' arroll was pre· tile' ., l'J lJI' outstanding Chulch Sunday lU lIO ,I wa~ t:]C!~. I .• :i..lnity. am. dlub MJels Harmony Olub met in't: e of l1!rs Harpld Seyl ,pit Theophilus Church United Church of' Ch'"isf members pre~ent. It Was' de. \\(-:1,,'1' 1';11"1) 1',1l :~I ~llndd\ \\"1"',11Ip ('J \ I( (', (.\ fl ]l Slllldal a 111 :111 knd tit> make stu'ifed toyS sl2'l)d them to a chIldren's home. i\ I Valentme exchange was held \11' nnd rvlr1' Arthur Florine "IJI'I:l S:tlurday <ll1ld Sunday in the ILnTlld Vlormc hdllH1. Norfolk. Trinity Luth')rill1 Churc~ III 11;111 j \\i'dT\~'"d,l\ 11 '!;II' I, 1 I' I, 1 1 0 1 ; i,11 I',j :,I,rl (ilolr n' I 11,'I'i'1<'I1( 'IJ' l'la~'('~, III :llld II ,'-;1!lHI:I\ lO'()lJ a f1l ,\.,h II ' '.' I" ,I III , I \\1>1,111\1 111);>1 II 1}1i q .'.,IPlli;( \ "'I \ i t , ' I ('(III~ :'7 ,.1,. Ev. (.1111111 Rrf:Jrlll2d ~ 1}.llllf I', !.'(./1 ,1 \'ICI',11 SO 11 " \ I" Iii I I liOIlll' ~! j Church i' ~II alid :'lIp" 1)111 :dl,l, II()Tlll' , \\'('1'(' (,,11'1 5, March meeting' will be ",ith Floyd Johnsen.' I Npl!,oll, Os- Ar';~tl~I~'~~I~~Y cven- IV!l'!\lin And~rson, w('C'kcllq guests in the oj Mrs, Auton ~nderbergo iill'dbl,rg!;'JJOhn .Bdeck- .1'illl"J ,; <Inti El'nn('\ 1~ Gustafson, hr ught supper .""llliI.I.\" and sIH'n[ the evening with i',ljl~ .!()hll~on, i 1 ';1'.1<)1' Neighbors and friends went to the home of Mrs. &rover Carr Tve~day afternoon for a house· warming and also 'to celebrate r.N birthday. In ihe 'evening, Mr. :, I 1r i:lld Mrs. Clinton, Carr and Carol Le, Emerson, enId Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Olson were visitors. II q ('(' ~,[,. and i\lrs Marland Schroeder :lllll and i\lr. ilTld MrR, Ivan Nixon were Stlnciuy dinner guests in the Merlin I 1 I ,11"ll: I' !\,H I, and I\lr:; -Ni, \\! 'I ' III P III II ~ ~1r :11~1,~I.lII;l ~'il(/P Th' 11'1'11]('1' IWlghlJOl's , , pili Immcnuel I ~ ,'i, 'll \11,11 I [loes tlav-to-dP,I!f meal Si(impil1~ leave you "I' ! :~~':~ .1 I· MPM capsule a day THE VITAMIN,S BE MISSING! y~~:.~ll'la_Yl,t:'I~tnec~t'll~h,~'e,,= "'-. d" Vitamins-gives you 10 important ~itamints ••• and in generous quanti.:. ties! Made to sell at a lll'ice millions can afford .. ° as low as 98(. . Anoth'1l'cxcellentfol'_ lUula.is McKesson Bexel ,":\{PM""':"for more ac_ tive people-",Mainte_ nunce Plus Vitamins and Minerals gives you large amounts of 10 im- , tdtiollS(l11C'als €t'cry day _ in the year! If Y'OlrkcpIt a,ret'oru of evel'\"thiri~' Y!Du ate OVifl' a pe'riOd"t time rOll "wo).lltln't P lieve it! • Yitaolins are indLf: pel~snble and are th pl'e(,j~U,s'('\(>jn{'nts ",hic 1 chan)!e food into enel"g., help build :rnuscles, boI1~ I :;: ~£ej\~1~?~:~(' s;~~~tih can ! I ( f· :~~t:it\~~t:l~i~:n1Ii~i "vitnmin h mgoer" ... tely on de ... pend<'l b1e vitamin in ur<)nce! B,c:xel "lIP"-Mnintc% nee Plus ~tnee! N:lone 'backifnotsatisfied! C ~ I IRON ll1inerals~ At tremendous vaIu.e.as low as $1.1~ a bottle! Don't risk cause trouble! I H Take one IVlCKessonr'MP or 'j'MPI'II" cnpsille a da for de.. pendable exel vitamin insur. Produt1$ by@JMrn FE~~!~l Re~~~i~ 'se~CY 216 Main 'Two.'Regist~red Ph:a~macists'to Serve yo~ 400 c~unt I 14-0%. tan ~ ~ I~ ~ , t.'" , '1 • , • I • . ·1·1·. ~' . .. 1'HI "'Ion, It,ll, HUlI!'II' n, .~lItl'·lm· .1'1"10 Inl'~ 1\:('lth Ht't'/I, HI 1'1' wndt !>l[llnl'~·. ii (.:;;}·I~~),~,\r ::: '~1~i III(~~·Y ... : .-.. I'. Hpwul'1l I . , .. · .. 'I':.:!~ :2i'I.n , . . . ,.,., 28·Ui9 \V' I. Sltl! IV .,. ~~!:~~ ·ILnG' II. nll"I,ltillel '\''':-1<1('., J<]'ugllwor'llg . . . , IViw 11(0\']<11 SOI'I'IIL' > • • • • • Ivnn 111"1'\1:" I il-nll 1 '" "IJOW 1"lnH :-l'1It10 H\l .\).;: 'rH'Y, InH.Ulnn,·'> ., ... '. > Ilnl ('",p .. IHbhfi"H . . . . h: ".~' I ,II C "t ' (; ~lHI lin". "1 {'. :'.1110 ll,,)~tl ~1l0W~'I"Il"V(d NHI·qll\\·cRt,· 'n Hell T~l. Co., .. >>., •.. '.,. C' , Parler ('''"pl'>f< N.,ttll·al i;"I'I, t:flll JIl~tallufloll f~O (1f(1~'" , H~'Hl(>mf< :':~i:;': '~: 1:'~: :': :': ~:'I.:I,:;:::,,>, ""'\'1'<' R,,,,!- ~l< \'1', n "''" :-:" III I'~ H II 1",'/:: I; (.,~:ng(:~",~\.::,:,),\~:. i~';'H"II] PUBLIC NOTICES' I 1 \1",,, ",.",.,,',,", ',"," ',',~,':,',t.t·~·'·m",',·vUUI"",.,. Everv governmen officio I or 1"'11 : ~ • 0, board that handles public mon· b\' IItiV rl'!'Ildent of the ,illl age eys, should publi&h at re9Ularili "'I", l",r"'I' ,\1/\ "'11g 1:-,. J!lti:t. In II,,· .intervals an accounting of it "I'fl,'f' of thf' V111Ju ,. herll.; that in showing where ~nd how each tli,. ('\'Pllt Pl'oIPI,(H un> fllpil II, til)'''" d II I 11, m(),l' HUI'" rH I'Kon,~, IH'llring Will b: :r f~n~~~'n~le ~~i~ci~~: ~~ democratic government, --, ,l 10,Hl1i,[;0 fl"]' . 1 ,,, l\/'IoCII;.o by 'Ii. 1.'110.01' 11.011 lO·1.fJO f'hi],], "I'C(H);lI,(] hy r"lIllwlllJ.f ,11H'Ul'all('" tr)1" ~~~!~]Cl;!: 1:,\IIIII"J'~:::~.:: :::~" ~'thi in. \1,,,(p1O'l\l r ',;.: ~~"\Fl:\1 /ll~;.fl!/l~I(:~:111 ~'I \',~:~~" I';ng I 11I'!' 1Ill,~ 23.lill '\~"'r,,'. H", Iii II II<I 18.. ~i~;":.'l~ I I I-! 1'a'~'I!l g- :'Wl'f)r~led 1 ,Jen:<t'il, VI tl(;\'''~';I:l~ I(;~L\' ,. ;>:;;;;I~'l ~~: ;I:~:::':~}':" la(I~~H:'- b~ 1 Hnblll·tH thlll till' hilla' tot lin/.;' 7110.7r, ,11(\ lilllow{'d RUlJJ.'{'l tci,'con* HUItIIlIlI 011 tltw(' of ful'] oll bllh., 'tnd <lnl", t"] ",I h~' -till' :-let·] t'\~I!>J.. :"I\>· KIlIl' nil "llll{' 1 'IOn .1,,1, 'll~~~\\::::'.:I·!'P(('l ~tlHII"vlnll\'l'rI. 'I :, ;\lot 1.1111 Co.. Ill .... """"'1 ". "11 ,'r.'.," "' .. "I:jJ!tll(~nlJl Ranl( ,\g'("H'~', 1"ll,,,t 1~lrl)' .v ."" "<'flit!. ,I . . $l,.HjL~fi ,~~h:~:1 :~lt,~tfll'r:llJ. !'IIII'I 11,'''' I' . .., 1'h,· \Y" \11,· I I,·,." 1<1. 1111':" .I 1';,1 \J,' ,11'1, ~ . 1.7.1 p~uct'(",l_ In:~';:~~';N,~ 11,11l !-·;"hnll! t ':\111f>!e Imnd ('n., ·~I;,~i(.· ('f) \\"11'l1,1"i7~"~: F,,,'li~I't' ("()" \\,1,;\:1,7;:' lilo;lt~~·;t:;:~:'n\~!I'~~;;~~i~" hand > tex (. 1o""I!.... ,'1 '/;,I",I:il~>I)'1 :~ \ll;"'~: ,'.~ II \\ ,,\ Ill' r"~:::::~;1::(>1~i~~';:\)1~"'·' ! "",]( ~ :-:1 Il]' j' ll,~~~;'k .~ . l"I\"IIPI' I "fJl "'1'1";' It''llIlif,f.cJ J'uh. ('Clrp., tt>u,'hel' .~\I jJ >I II 'f!. H"COII .• . .• J \'[~II:' Ed U:,' II t 1 "n ""H'i~6.21i t"n(,lill'~I\ 11 ~\~ITI if'~\"I~I~;7;,I~'eJ: (,f' . . . . . 1. iHlllll;.. hmllP {,P. f!1l~- . 'I:;; 1.17 :::0:' LEGAL! PUB\ICAfJ'!Or-- $~50 1.01\0 CITY ('Ot"NC1t, PR01JtFiDJNG!>4 Warnt'l Nebraak:t, Jalnun!ry :l'1, 1~1r..1 I miss this opporhIRity to I,. ride like ne I, I'Ollrtt'n +et In regulal' II,,, !Irrl<'!' , of 111f' ('ltv tI~f' r()lldwirjg prf'!'If'II1. j~rn 11 d"tPtt'lr, ('nurwl1 ~ 1-: n sm,?:{. j. I' Elwing-. Kent \1;'I'r~ I'l: ~~. d ;';. ~ II~y;~(I;~;~~) r"t' ~ n~i l:~t.;t~'lfl I~;~,~·n.l'],.'lellt. ('OUIl- llhf' 101111",1 :"ld),O' ,1)0 ,"')o(k fli mpf'ting' to ]. In. lll'1l\\t", "r II,€,- lHRt reglliln W,',,' ~, HJ1l>!"nv('d. 1'11<' fnlI11wl)f:!,' m,'!'! Illg "'e,,' ]",\,] II1Id {XIII\\Il,rll \\'lfl(hl. I , 0kl'l I )J' '-',1111\ nlUggo"I, Sll'll~ H 1~;';~'~:'~:(~;~:\'!";'::" :~,;~,~:.:. \Vllhllm i'lia,l<llll f'al rv Iv. IllJam l'olplI( 1 Rtht ~ PAil] Teigl en v I Salary I Ott .. Vlr\nr ,ailtrv I Hermnn \-\-H' I (01 "alttr, 0 ~l:~:': :~:~': j~" "~,"':, ~~:: elc "," nuttoll·LalnH n Tral)Hfor- E~:~JlIIRe I~l' I t:H-mblE''' .. Cn \ 19l tlllg- liflOllIH.j .... hay 011 (0 lAll1g~mel"r fu~l '" ' Norrllwl'g" ~H rt'ntal '" John OstE'1 .Pr:G';PLUS! tio . • It gives a lift to ho~s fol owing disease. • Pig~Plus co ditions pigs for shows and sales. , Ask us to fo-rti.fy your hog rations with Pig::Plus next time you order Chows•. .Wayne Phone & f·eed· " ~ )ips"i 11\11'. .1 Meyer Oil Cil l. .. , ... ,Tool Y. t . " t ('''. I •• !'up· ~~~~~~~~~~~;\;·i;J~\~;:~~~JG~H: . ~'I~~;;~ (:<~ 1;;~ ~~,ic)'f' ~ ~ p~~.~~: Sltl! ('O)'p .• ~ ppllE'1l l' .'I L' " 5ltandnr,1 Oil, Pi.PHPi If\lE'1 Tllor rowel' 'nlll ro" R\l[l- i.i~;;U~l~(;:·1 (t,~). : ~~;~~lje~:c. 'YPfltlng·holl.'l1'j . ;e~~i;l D:lnif'1 Howarrl ,,'it, N""",,·,',,,"" " ~O Elf'C'1 Sup . .JI'~\:iJ~·('· SRI!tj·Y T~el'l :T:41' , to start", run rough , , stall Try! i , ONLY' I *1 , NT DEADLINE .IFriday, March 1 'I . \ I' W~yne County taxpayers ar~ again .cautioned . J asseS$ment s~ edules' ~ust be fij~d by March 1 taxpayer to see ~~~t he lis " •. pl~ase l~tit ~. point' yo~r'preciincf'!a~!·ies,.S.',o,r':ncf'Jher~; is,a ~()%" filing .t~~j,s~hedu'~ be~rr.~ t~, Marc~ . ,/' .H~RY· :',n' - :Co~~~, Ass~~ssor a." ! .;"!r~ Lavl'rtw J ily Wl'rt, . TII('~d;lY ..,upper, nln;} p., Lorcnzcnl,'Gm'y. S. Ir. ;111(1· 1\11'5. ClarClll'd ,Pcar~ the .lllll Clal'k.'lOIi IIOI1W.! j;on, 1\,11' and ~~.rs. h~ck nllst~d_c, dnd l\lt's :I,:\a;..: lIoldorf \V('n'll\ll', ud 1tl'l:i. (~Icn Hlce, .£1,.11'. und ('\'l'lIl11l: ~:\lt· ... I .... In Ih;> .I,lel\ i I\lh;. Wilbur Baker, Mr. and Mrs. IIOIlW . . I '\.lvi ltastl~(l(~. Mr. !lnd l\lrp. Mar.1~Hl Ih.-'hrtt f'lnrh:snn ~p('nt rl~ Rpstcdc and famlly, Mr. and 'lllt'~d.l\ with Owu' IIM"s t:1arcnl'c Rastedc and fain. ,I"""""".""" J\lJ Iwci 1\11 '. lim 1\11" and Mrs. Harvey Rastedc tll(']1 { 010 11\ II).md l'I rWI CAts Rr(' om my and Mr. nnd Mrs. r(~lIjll n grwlO and falnll~. ~ bH' :'tIl"'> Henry Has Jl M~~J: Wymore Wal1m. Ml'S MIl Sii1l1ldn" ,1/tNfl(IOn to /1(' i~ Ison lind Mrs. CeCll Clark (~ I:~~:ll .1 ~(; ,[ /~I~'!, ~~~~Id~? ~~J~I'(l ~!{)n'~!I~~Il1~~:e~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~ In I, Il'l1m, ,\Irs. ('l'nl Cllll'k. . rNlr~ and Mrs. Pat Evert, Fre. 'Irt!l:l RCllh, l'.!I""'. T~lOlll'\S ~ mo~t, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy . :'111".'\ FI\('d S;Jimon. :'IlrS' ClaHhon' and girls, Scribner, Clark. rv~ls \'prd<·j I!:nvin wc~e weekElnd guests in the Jim Brud.'--Mi's t)lllllti't1 En\i.in Clarkson home . .Jnllj :l?d :'ll"~ IHlldrriJlh;SW!lll Suhd;i y uftc;'f/.oon lunch~'~n EVI'l1l1lt.( "III~~I~ \~I'I'(' '\11'. i f!.tU!sts in the Ilenry ;10I1n::;00 home ·J\ll'~ ...\1\ I'll I "1""n/l'l1, !'d!" . ng Dcnnll, Forsht'l'g on his Golden Rule Club Golden Rule Clup met wedffiS' day afternoon with Mrel Le oy Koch. Mrs. Elray Hank dem nI strated on decorating cake$. Prizes were won by Mrs. Eric lNelsfn. Mrs. Marvin Stolle will be Ma cb hostess. I I 1 , . i ,: , ' Washinglqn's Birthday . I ' · I Ge@,r~e W~~~~inglon Could Not Tell'~ IL~e . . . an d we can , t . elt h et. have so",e items left oyer end sale! that need to 'move. So ped the prices down". So shop get an "honest" bargain. , , ,nk~y l I we yJar hj,palnd I ~~N!oE~el:/~~~~~jl!! Eve';? 'with' the long cold winter (and the~e:'s 'r0re to come) we still have some winter iackets lei' Group 1 - voluest~ $19.95 2-vallles to $9.95 .. .. i Vi: C. T. U: ,I Speech Cont~st I W. C. T. q. speech contfSt held TuesdaYI' evening at tb-e fO. gan Center lJ-hurch, Regg Swan· Wayne, ,Twon the bt(;rize e· and Cin.uy Gilliland, .ILau el, the silver medal. AI so ial followed after the prefic ta tas . HI, Pleasant Dale Club 1- Ji~le~~:~~n~al~o~~UbFr~d~~ i~f :r~ :ppon. The dub .members Igav a farewell par,o/ for the hos-tess, who will be moting soon. The' qlub voted to dO~lilte $5 to th~ heart fund, a'nd t serve lu.nch at the l Jim Kirchn r farm sal~. !\frs, Matt Stapleton"l- and Mrs. Martin Hanson were guests. Mprch h st~ be Loyd Ro,eber'l rrs. Mr. and (Mrs. Arvid :peterson and Mr. aqd Mrs, Ted IJohnson were Mond4y evening guests' in the IvaI' Antlerson home. I .. I Mrs, Geo~g~ Vollers spent ,trL day in the IMike Rewinkcil home. Men's All teat~er C~~ts BOVS' It's Georg.~sb"t~d.y but you get t e presents. Reg. $ ~.9S I $) 9 , I I Dis~""Uerf colotts Group 2_ value~ with real "cherry pie" flavors. I to $16.95 $999 Reg, $9.95 ! f ,I , . ~th all.trav.e.t OU~ USED CAR . I I' BOYS; Ivy Pants. n;O:'-':inq~f A "cher..-v ~;r'-'''i''. ", , SPRIN~ . I Juckets· , Reg. $24.75· $1,39 1} Reg. $3.98 BOYS' Honest GeorCleH I M38B-1958 FORD 4v-~, stick,otor rome,lel'e i N8S-510LDSMOBILE88i Automatic, ~odio, ""01"'.'·'11<.·" r , Th~ Way~o. I Nebr,) Hor i" ., .layover '~;!·ght '. (Continued (rom page 3) i~ I ~sts 1 Pen~erlcl ~ ~r...s. B~b .w~: y ~a~rei hO~:onnc r p .nkf~mijy l . Pi!er~j' .~ _" ~" ~, "' ~. ,..~~. ...ll'l !,..~ r d lIer ~:iJ h~~:ts Can:o~, in the Arvid Peter, Mr . f ~olne,Ibe tb~~l~± C~~,M~~~?:Si:~:~~~~i. ~r e a oiile, S'OU. M .' oDald Pe e J 1 ay suppe or e Eickhoff e. G.ns~ < 1'. r,ir. and lJ.avonne.1 ISundaY' in Johnson b mI February fa Mr. and Mrs and Mrs: ily, Mr. and fami Mr. and sons were Su the Hen brate De . irl Merle Mr. and and fami! visitors in t ,Mr. and Wednesda 1 J es.,- t ered, ',Qr$~'., Ponti'a~ M~lIe eve~.lhg Ra~~ ho~e. ;:0 el1 ... i"'. W~dnesday what IAK·SAri-BEN racin_ has d.,ne !for N,ebraska, I mer, Co. a·rrison, ayne P.P.D ..ayne, Wayne,1l!.ICFord Tr cll: I ames F q ;;'-:, Hosltin.s, yolksw en ,arry Carlson, Wak~flCld, Ribler II 1 ilham I W. Utecht, PI mouth S ' eorge D. herry, Chev B IICrkwID, W.• Hasebroock, Wayne, q'l Wa.k~fleld, 1 }ternation~l HarV~SH!l S&les 'ce Intern""0nal Pickup & rry' Reeg Wayne Chev I .rbert H'lll,enlann', Ran~olph, ru C vrolet ~962 i Nqll'thrup King Co., Wayne, i ~layton W~!yne, Chev , W.B9hta l la' l were Sat· Brindley, Oodg(! urday overnight and Sunday yIe 'cleveland, Wayhe Cadillac gu.". '.ts ~n t'he Ivan Clark home. I . '. arry Bartels, Winside, Chcv. ,.M.rs. eS~le Isom -spent Fl'lday 1960 afternoo m, the Harold Burns.. d 'd aVid L Ahlman, Wmsi e, For h9tne. guests were Mr larence W Boss, Wayne Chcv and M s .. Bill 'HoIle,nbeak ~n ~ 1959 I faqd!ya d Mil'. a.nd Mrs. Bob Bier • schenk nd family ans H 13urmester, Randolph. Mr a d Mrs L'awrence LangE! F~d and fam'l , Ha~ti~gton, and H. G. uane R !Cooper, Wayne, Ply Ammon, assett, 'were Sund'ay af, ~nelle J 'Bendmj HoskinS, FOld ternoon ests in the Norman Ani Cialres Vogel. W.ryne, Olds der on ~ome 1958 ~nd y ov~rnight gu~sts in th Walter TLlman, Wayne, Mer. Norman Anderson hprn€ were Mr Bedz' a.nd M1r Ben Ammon ·BasscLt. Buddl Bor~hoft. waync. Ford Mrs . lmer Kncrpp' and Reth " 1957 Were Wdnesday afternoon guests Joe Dorcqy. Wayne, Buick , 1 ~venlI~g g I Westinghouse (6 or 12-volt); SEAL BEAM HE~LAMPS; I I ~OULTRY FONT ". $5.39 ; (We n~ed the room) ",GO" Mr. an Mrs. Vern Carlson and Ki Maas , Hoskms, Olds, 1956 Randall J~ Milnes, Carroll, Ford Theodore L. Kai, Pender. Chev . Ted Lue'dh, Wayne, Ford 1955 Otto EoUolison, Wayne, Oids. 'George D .• Otto, Winside. Ford I . Orville Raa.be, Hoskins, Mr. Mrs.Fdday~, Vern ~ V E' n i and family were n guests in the Clay to And~rson home. Mrs. iverl Car~son a d family and Mike R~wink 1 and farn· ily we~e Wednesday afternoon ~~:~ lin, the Herman Kraemer Sfor Driver's Side (AR MAT, I ., .. 89c Iifeavy Duty , TRIKE", , .. , .... ,,$19.95 " (One is all) ,All Fancy r POTTERY i ~What a ~uy!) I' I ALL ~IRES IN STQCK " % .DISCOUN~ 1( From O:Ur Low Regular' Price I i ,~ . I • I: SHqP OUR STORE FOR. MANy ADD ItION.A~ MONEY-SAVING VAL~ES . Coast P'hone 85 to Coast: St()res , I I r cllwe=v~.._JI.'==========::;:===~~-::'===:;':::':t=====~=:;:=;::~==: ChRev.- ,_Ray LOberg'Bwayn,_" I .. . , . , , , , ,each 39c (,t'5 still winter) j Harold $2.09 5-9 a ,llon Double Wall GASOLINE ANTIFREEZE 1 G Dale Wayne Olds S, .), rtlURsDA Y- FRIDAY I- I ~erle Sielter'19~tyne,\ Ply~~outh ."Ii tit~ E~:~;r£rnir.,Agn~:S::onW:~:., ,a~d ~arlson $6,042,169 Is th~ amount Nebtaska license fer:tural, and in voluntary cO;~J~~~i~~~~ for-agricu charitable and ing was I galized; II But that's not ranchers sell a lot of hay and feed ticipate in .Nebraska race meetings. feed costs are over $100,000 each ing of thoroughbreds in Nebraska increasing number of breeding . cultural wealth and of voluntary! program for agJdcuItural, projects has benefited every I J J guest~ in the eorge Arlderson h.o~e.. A Th rsday afternooij. VISitor III the Geqrge. Anderson home was Mrs. ROy Johnson. . sUndtY. di-:aner guests in the_ Orville Rice \home honoring the birthda s of 'Jthe' hostess, Darrel Rice ar Donald AndE1'r5on were .w.t of a Series Tt' U#f<. $ cord CO· ' r~. mn~ guest~ rt~=f:;:::::;:::=3:==;;;~~~~~~~~::~;;:l+:::::;::::=~::~~:::m:;;~ III Ihe, M<lgnu$on, Johnson were Stfn ay evening visitors 10 tile 1\ r and MIls) Kennetb phon and JtU,lICS K vanaugh home, BelpeD. da met ~lel WlU Schmidt at Mr. d Mrs Dick I Chambe.-s SI x City Tuesday l'ommg: from were F)ri ay afternoon VIsItors in Ft LeWIS, Wash. where he Is the Ray Chamber~ home, Dakota I st~honcd MClrwln remaJnied at the City. Os: ar Johnsdn home un' II ~atur~ W~dn" day evening gre')ts in the I dal'. . Clayton tingley hpme to cel~ .. bl'ate Lyell's birthday were 1\1r.' I and Mrs Clarenc~ McCaw and - ... Glori~ a d Mr. arid Mrs. Elwood Pehrson nd Regg. ThtJrsd y afternpon visitors in the. Clar nee Nelson home were l .. Ml';' a~d Mrs. Marvin Nelson andl Debbi. -4~--"':"':i--~--4__ I .1963 tto Field I' Winside Chev eith Reed" I H" Wayne: W B . k red Matt.IS and (Co ~lnued from page 7) er gil.eats in . the Milo • llalurel, tQ. observe Mlr. an Mrs. Wallace M12gnuSon ilY\ birthdays were and fafl ilY were Friday evemng Clair.~nce Nelso.D, Mr. guests the Oscar Johnson home ynl N~lson and fam· Mrs. Neil Kluver and girls and Marvin Nion Mrs. Nelson were Friday D~bur Gobdma. aft.rno n guests Un the Cecil 'alt,Jo~tl50n and Clark h me. day; afternf?qn g sts Timm Finn, Norfolk, spent Sat. oh on hom~.to dele· i urday n the Virgil Pearson home, , MrS'lrgtl Pears6n was a TueS dAf ove nlgbt guest In the Jo • Piper h me, Norfplk d Mrs Raymond Enck U~rry ~u berst~dit sodMr.jRnda ~r and Mrs Gereon All~ ere;i.$unday:.:. vin were dmner Va.pdal home. in, the Albert Anderson homej ~. n,d Jo~o~ ~er~ Wayne. . In the :·:M.r. and Mrs. Charles Clark Mattes was li Tuesday in. the Elmer Sun· Earl Pete so ho e . . , h overnight gqes( III the Willis Mrs., W·lliis IOchultz and Victor Mr·land S'd"' rele .~tvvaln.,,~~ P were ast a. eveIUul!ii Schult~ hortlt.~. PO!i1ca. . weIle, Tuesday Wnner guests in the ilJ the av naugh bOhle. S Mr. and Mr~. Rollen .IDun$ an~ r'red IMattes home. ~Mrs. raemer;' l.oaurel, family were Fnday ev('n~ng viSitors as a y. i"ltor 1'. tbe AI~ Mr.. and Mrs. Myron.pirks and in the Stcrlipg Borg ho e., family were stday dlnMr guests in A Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. in the Bill Cia sen homel Crystal Mr. and rs. arion QUilit were E. C. tehner visited Mrl' Tea BalFriday e ng iiSltOI'S in the J. lard at the Wayn~ hospi 81. Lake. . ~ Mrs. Alden Serlven \\I, s a Tues· Mr. and Ivlrs. Vincent Kavanaugh d. McCa h me. ' day guest III the 1\1. P. Kavanaugh and Vineie were Friday callers in Mr. a . rl. l~eRoy (reah'ler home. the M. P. Kavanaugh hoine. '_. and were ,Monday dlnrae. r Sunday dinner guest s~n the Earl Mr. and M;rs. Harold George land guest I the Harry Calhoun Mason home wel'e Mr.' and Mrs. family were Sund~y flinner, gUf:sts hom, Lui. , . BlII Bermel and flamily. . in the Robert Erwin. home. CarrolL Mindy. dersd~ was i~ Thurs· Mr. and Mrs. Ernest -Kno{'ll '1'erL' Mr., and Mrs. Marvin Hartman day ?ver Ig t .gU~st of A Ice Frear· Sunday dinner guests in the ('arol and family were Thursday sl~pper Slon In t e Vlrg~l Pearson hpme. Hirchert home. guest." in the. Ellis Hartm'~n h·)me. Mr. an , Mrs. Verneal PeterSon Mrs. Sadie Briney was a T~~:~__~~~~~_~~~~~~~~_i~~~~~~ls and MrQ.,Bnd Mrs. Iner N'tO·.AD Olf ,!. i.i ALU'E·S-.' ,.', Mrf Mr, ahd Mrs. Dick Ristede wer~ Ftjtlay I~vening guests n the Mar· tha Ret· h home. Mr. nd Mrs. VerI Carlson wer(' T~ursd y afternoon visitors in. the M:Z:~. Henry Holmb~rg home, Wakefi ld. , Tam,TY Clarkson spent Thurs· ~~~ll~Jo~~~e~UeSday in tw Clif~ 1n agj~~~:~~;~h"d~l~~~~~~~l~~I~~~;~~~:;~~~~ community. state's county- fairs paint-up, and ! thpusands ),jlttndt'eds of Mrs. Eric Nelson sijent Friday afternopn in the CI1ff ::5tailmg home .. 1 t: HA, NEBRASKA NDED FOR LIC $ERVICIi FORi FlROFIT t9 .l1li,,: MaylDJh~"dulj 4th N .wn'!ed Mr and Mrs, Nobbe and f mll~' 10lned a g OUp In the Earll Mattes heme 5 nday eve· ning 0 help celebrate the birth. ~~I'l!3~':~8!!. o F P I I ~~~~;~E~1' :;;'I~:~~;b:~~~~: Stolle orne. Afternoon 'guests were Mr. a d M1'S. Harry Lempke. Mr. and Mrs. Hcr~an Stolle, Mr. 'ld M'fS. Marviq Stolie and son, rs. Anna Stolle Iand Gladys 1'5. Anna Sta]!ing helped and Mrs. mil Stalling eeleQrate her birthdlY Tuesday ev9mng. 'Mr. and Mrs. Miltlm Johnson and amily, Winside, were Sunday afternoon luncheon guests in the Rudolph Swanson home. da~r~6:ni!~e~a~~~~: ~:es :u~~~' l and "'n" lIIelvin lIIagnuso" SQ Hcnningse 'si ,d Elm~rl N~l&OD and Soren' a Be at the Sioux City Methodist 0 it 1. I Donna K y P ters was q. Friday overnight u¢ t ~f Darlene Noe in the Oliver . q~ h~me. ~ . Sunday' ev nl~ g.••, ] I~ the Earl Ma 8$ home to biserv. Fred Ma e a ~ Earl Mlttes birthct!aY5 r Mr. a Mrs. F.ranllis as.. f .. m~', Watw erbufS-, r.' M s. 1 lor and f m y, ;Allen; M $. Nob. bel Marti Ii ur~. Mr. a d Mrs. Willis Sf 'ul a familY. ,Ponca-; Mr. and. r R ndel Be end family, a tal City, M. and d Notb 0 II nd I ns a nd. Mrs. Wil e.., ~!;'Fand •• ts ho , ." famUYj 1\Ir.. In'~rl Peterson t. n IIIrs, Dick D'IlI'I>h and 8$ Mrs 1101 ton W811ln, C!y. f.liIlIy re Tuesday sup.,per guesls ' anda 01 on and M b r win e and in'the j Kirchner home. S(' midt ~r~ at the OJ;¢,.I~' John~ests Mood Mr. and Mrs. Elmer s~' Tnc da evemng "'hey also Sulld,,11 lslted Soren Hansen al VIS tcd an a's grand,moth e r, r " larl 'P n a ''!lOOn viii • iII ~~!n'W:~:e~' 1~~~Iu7t~e,::,n~.sn;~~d~~ ~:~~li~~rr ~ J ~er vlslto In Tuesday M. nd Mrs. Clal'euC!e Thursday aft<lJ'nopn Mr .• ndJMrs, Frank Tomason ... i~itcd Jim uffy Jf:IllH and Amanda S,chutte joincd at the Osmond hot;plt,d. ~ the group for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. E~uss~1l An en), Mrs. Vincent Kayanaugh and were FrJdny visitors In the Wal.. Vine Ie were Thursday afternoon dron Bull home, Wayne. . I. Ivisltors in the LaWrence Qulr:m Mrs. Maynard Hansen and K~vln,: home, Waterbury. ' I Sioux pty, were Thur~day 'l'ver~i Mr. and Mrs. Logan Efner, Sioux night apd Friday guests In tile ,Earl City, were Tuesday 'visitors i~ the Evers home. . 'kl' Merle Sherman home. Mrs. Efner Mr. and 1\'11'5 .. tG1CI.I. Ma~ emil stayed until Thursday when Mr. were Friday evcOIng, Visitors w the ~nd Mrs. Sherman took her to Bill Gilfert hOlne, 1,.. I11('I'SOli.. ioux City. MI's. Agn-es LCOoal'd, Mrs. Kenneth Olson was a Friday was a Tuesday aft~r,oon a d sup I &fternoon visitor in the Osc~r John· Iper guest ,~~the E~rllEckCl't hpme" s'On home. Mr. and ~rs. Drlr~'bl Rahn, :NtJ:" Friday eVening Mr'. and Mrs. follt, wcrs,'$u.nday Idmnel' andRsu:" Hans Johnson visited Mrs.. Nels per m thle Max a 11 ijjorklund. ,\ home. MI'. and Mrs. vlsl·!ors Garold JeWell were Mr, a nd Mrs. 'Tom Park .and Sunduy ev"nlng in the Felix l daughters Sioux City, wer~' I a~t If'atefield '-'home, Coleridge. Saturday afternooln visitors In the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Sherman Elmer Sundell home. . pnd family we're Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. ,Wllha~n El'kcr 'guests in the Alfred Bakken home. were Friday evenIng viSitors in the I Mr. and Mris.; Wilmer Hertel Ernest Swift borne, ~Uen. " and Bonnie, M,~s. Allee Herf~1 Mr. and Mrs. William and Mr. and Dempster .,were Sunday .{'venlng guests 1n. th ,were Sunday guests In the Larry LeRoy Penlenck hIome to celebrat .Herfel home, If.awton. Mr, and Mt$. Oscar Johnson Linda's third birtthday. Mqnda, evening guests were Mr. an~ Mrs. were Friday afternoon guests in Ronald Pen\el'lck and Kayiene, Ow Lawrence Backstrom home, k f Id \ I: nd Mrs. Lloyd Wonde!1 W;J;IC· and MI13 Alwin Anderson and Kathy were ~"ri~d~YJ afternoon, were· wednesdt' evening visitors . . [Ill' A . .c.. TI' ~llll ley horra: • in the Albert L nn home, Laurel. viSltorsm Laurel. . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were Tuesday callers in the Mrs. and 80~S we~e last Satu day .eve? Joreta Miner, borne, Wakefield. ing visitors In the ,John Thomsen George Wintz, was a: Fri· w~~efJCld:: \ I d.ilbom I Mr. a guest th." Don ..,.er. Frl Lichtenber home, l\Iorlolk, the Tom , VerdeJ Noc Lineal", was a week· Mr. and qlld gucs~ in the'Le~lie No~ hO'~e. family we Mr. and Mrs. Robort Smith. LIn- in the G DI"xon r. /' II,II~, We~sday, Febr~ol'Y 20, 1963 Swanson home. John Swanson was an afternoon caller. I ' Mr. and MTS. Clayton Anderson I and daughter spent Tuesday in the Art Anderson home, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Koch and family were Wednesday evening guests in the Art Anq.erson home for homema'de ice cre~m. 'Earl . Anderson Vfa.~ dismissed fr~m the Wayne Hosp~tal 1II1onday. Last . Sun~a'y dinnfr guest) In the ·Kenneth Klausen home Were I Mr, and Mrs. Harold Johnson and boysl Sac'City, la., Mr. and IMrs. DeWayne Klausen, Omaha I and Mrs. E. G:' Middleton. Mr ,and Mrs. KenJ;leth . and Roger were supper guests i~ the Adolph Klausen home, Nor· folk, Mr. and IMrs. Arthur Schmitlt, David Richard, Pam and Ann, Mr aud I\frs. Jerry Schmidt, Mrs. " €~~ol :·J9hns~n and Tera .and' Paull .':.J:~_. :'Yetro.t Lakes, Mmn., ~nd Me1')wio' Schmidt. Ft. Lew 1 S,r \v~sh" ,wer~ supper guests lasl Frlday' in the Kenneth Olson home, Mter weddibg the .'following joined above '~or r~eshments home. Nancy Paul, son Gooi!ar•.,'8 rear",~'I bre. ~~~ deed lower $ ~:i~v;~~d 289 5' during this event only} l 24 size I size 8.3/B- able tire . 4. pi)', ptus lox ond recapp We're j~ml11 d t. ' harve~t vallJes~ l e o the ceiling SENSATIONAL r . TORQu~l Try it' ,. SUPER Buy it! I , • I T~e ' ange_ .G ugS on this In oodYear rear tract I W make it the longest or, .hIghest traction tire in ' :today' We h ' . braced ave your size. ,I TRIP~E RIB· FJUiNTS ~'NOW JUST· $ln95 ~. I 'I rot gwy I _ <00. '4.". plus and fOK rourotd IIr• _'n'tod. a harvest. t::ne uy, ,ut a g~eat anytime buy. ~