F "fHL NAZ" A rl 1"3T1"3 .ic,,,Ro :I'AVLO, C'o_tll'ibtlli_l!_ EACHER - l' rJ JuIA'. Etli/o.r,_ " i ": ' - '" . . "• " rJ l!!7tl " ing Line Ei_w;_rd L;twh}r l.:u_, n_.W, t.. st,,w_, Orville, dE,liking; (_•llt*t:_ll St I]H,Eltlll_zl_ .By• General Superintendent . Young. - . [t.llq_ APOSTLEPAtJL descrihes himsclf' as a runner both as a Chris JL tian as a minister of the gospel His i:lassicalreference was addressed to the'Ephe,sian eldc_rs as tic left. them for the last,time -, with imprisonment and eventual death' staring him in the fai:e. Note his courage and coznmitment: '_Howcver. I am not concerned about _lnything: neither is my life deaz':to myself except.to {inish my course and tl_e ministry which I _wcepted from. lhe Lord Jesd_ to bear wit- tess. to the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24. Berkeley Version). Evex'. now there are-too many dropouts in tile Christiatz ministry. Deraihnents of- b_cpaths are too numerous' and" often subtle• How easy tilei_ to blame someone else' when wb-lag behind or d_'op nut! But*stE'ength and renb_,'¢al are still afforded the manor God X,)IE(). TIlE r-- • , , i i . -• • CONTI.:NTS .. lht Fm_slm_u Line, C,_,_t_,_.l ,_,l_,,r_t,,_tl,,_Jf Thc:Messen'_cr (If Ilia Mt'_s_lee. l,:_bitoriiH . "_"_,J,H . " I "2 " The R,_le ,)f V_tesley's Sl.lCt:esstlr:.; inltllt • M_tlt.l']l I.V t,[ [ ,I.('1; I",_rt( _,Vt"Mtlsl. NI)I Tame-D_w_l _1_ "_is ¢_1_l_t_t .......... . lht, l_t,xt,l'ci_cl Mr. M_C,'or (_tl!'lt_s 1t. ,qlltmL's . - ....... " " J*)HI_ Wesley .l*,_es. DD...l})bl_ W _I:IH ................... -1 -7 !l L Pt:nlp t Dace 'tm •%• Rt _1 _ol_ I.C, l(r,f :t;_: ................. An Ap(ih_45' Thai MadE. n_, Dift'cre.ad(,. l_r,('tic, I I)oi_,ts Pz'_,ye" for the StliaOlt!al;y, ]_l_.rit_i, (:ltlrl; " :'l_o-cz'o_lio_f'--'? lllr:_ 13.Etlf/;_}" .l,)hl'lsl_ .................. A.Cht_rch" in the Ht_use..lo_*lt, s F _all(,ll, . - . . Dries Map Hax'e _ Nalt_rt,'? Ross Price .............. |-ll_t, Related "1(I 12 " . .... 15 lli, '" L, :15 " . . longs to finish his course It_ "tb_. Old h'J;o];" • "_.... " ' ": ...... : ' _'"........... ' " Gleat_itaes fron_ tile Greeh, Rolph E_rl_.. ................ '.. ,I_l Saints ;aid Clllzeos. ]'. Crttchtol*. _l_tc.h¢,ll .... " .... ' ". ..... II The PoX_*erof Unit,v ¢ldea). H. I(. 13(,d_.(,ll .......... , . : .... -IJ . _ '" • , _ " Qttt,(,o Adtnin£';tr_tioll. p. 12 • P;_st(_r's Sttl]l)lcmcnl• I)P.1 -,__ of the P_u'so_aaae.'p. 33 • In:_tile Studs', p. :15 • D_ct]'in;d Slildies. " " p. :18, • Gl_'ailings fr_)m the Clreel¢. 1)...10 • 'l'imely'Outliwes. p.. 41 • Ideas That _,VOl'l¢.p.- 4-1 • 13tdletio Barrel ]. -I-I y llt, re ;rod There Among I]t)()ks. p. 41; • Calendar Divest." p.•,18 • Preachers' Exchanue, p..18 • Alnoag Oui'selk'es. inside back. cover: Published mOnlhly Dy tne NAZARENE PURLISUING ROUSE, 1923:TrooU Ave.', Kansas price: $2.00 a y0af Second.class oslage p31d ill Karl%as Cily, _dO. Addr_s 5ubscrlp i0ns 0 _azareflo Publ a ; fig .L_t/_O. P,O, _Ox 527. _anbJs CtY, _rlo, f,lldJ City, MR. 64109. "Suhsl'r2Ptton _l ¢o11(_s_ ¢oncelnln_ CBANG[ OF )n_'nco ADDIIISS Send us ,1 rerenl cop, tile Olfi address and enclose.a _abel f_or_ S_ltlllflll_ tT_O to" Richal'd S. Taylor, N_Tarene "Th('olo_'iral larlRted _tl tl S A has reminded " a certab_ woman, "Edith w,as a little country, bounded on north anti , east and south and west ny._,o_t . Pe]'haps each.of Us could subsEt.. lute his own fiameforEdlth? Endm'ani:e. is indispensable to victory. Surely the commar_ds el God in service also imply His e'nabling'power, It is in tile pathway of obedience that God's servant finds the true rhythm Of this ]'ace. Fadar wrote, "Only .one real, failure in life is p0ssible: that is not to be true to the best one knows. . The ultimate reward of out" serwce is in_'vard before it becomes :outward. That mhkes our crown indestructible. But we must be more , , DEPARqMENIS Munro (IScanab°titface Elijah's:kings; whenCaSe: Iae'Whenforgetsheit,realizeShe is weaker.the prc'sencetiaan erawoman.'G°d" .h_ But'i, here aredisciplines tc out" race, too. They often revealour sense of values. He' who scorns the poverty of the min stry . * too loudly :may be rating material pro_;perity too high. One novelisl wrote, about ' " - - '.ls your newSfiould aodre_;s R_clufl*n_ allicl_s 'ZIP" and code,corTe_oondence as wel _ls Aqthors adOtess','lll E, Meyer Blvd. Kansas CU, hl0 64131 with joy.. Deafi Bertha " " II than su/len men wi_h.a grim message. The true• messenger of re" carries something of joy on his,dountenance as:well as in Dennis Macarthy wrote confidently. Whc does God's work well"get God's pay, However long may,scent the day, However weary be the.way. " Who wouldn't run a Little:harder to hear God's welcome at the demotion ".his heart. , " end of the course? . _ . " " . . i • H,,.. • :ii:'E D ITOR ' • - • ' - . - . . . . " " . .: " " ' - "" The /Vtessen_e r o_ • " (_ee June [or Par(]) e i..l e _...e..saue " th . ." liar(ever, while It is certaiuly "impos_.il)le to .lustily ntii llemiminatbnlal llrcseltce _vithout:(!prse_lves being "hicssabie,'" It must be allmilted that even gqilitI men sometimes accomplish liitle. Nelther .qooll hltentluns nor generous hullgets wlil gnnrantee restllts commensurate with eiflier the need or the mrssage. Metholls are important also. The supreme metliod must be prayer, in the (.oilvictilln thai file weapons of our warfare 'are not carnal• bid mlgbty through God to tile pulling dowu o[ stl'onghohls. Then we must lie willing to learn tbe arts (if prc]mlltioll. Clever promotion wilhuut prayer may gatller n nf peuple, hUtwltbuu(it will not'transfurm tllem into Splrit-filledreieaseSaint_, On flte ,.b.',',b.tld. p oye, pr,,moti,,,,, .,,,IUFgaU=Z m.y t",,, Sliir.,,.I in revival movements, hat will liar-channel Ihe zle_qly releilsed splritunI " • grnup puwer " euergies tile ,mast prnducllvely, nor nnd iiromution sbmdll nol be viewed • . . The all in kind, ils A xvh(; a gtlal;illlteed If the (it)the. skim(y,, in ()f a ]tiossuge messengel.s. those power. " sell SLij)ot'lorJt-y olAgh[ message adverli_it'=g stai'ving weight-builder] huckster's to |)o •demol]stl'[ite(_ is advedised shodl_J be 1 t very first of • exhibits convincing of frying its we to " - " : tlS. then. Inolll al oui•selves l)u we justify the III;esenel{, n[ the. CImrell Niizarenl..'. ' The answer is not' Itl•I)e fonnd [)y assessing ()ill' Ilealleniie acbieil.nleiil_ ill" etlliVliiiOilfil" let'¢.l. Tile qttestbllt is. IVilall klnll nl+nien tllltl wnlnen lll'e wc'._ IVo'wIio in'each hilllness, are it'e.lllll3<'. _ IVe whl)"preaeb vielllry. lll'e wi. viclorhlusT-Whill khill el an_weF wlluhl nllr ehlhlron give Ill flies{. Illll_'_lillilS'. # nur t'l'ellllors'. _ nur lax lig#lltS_._ (tilt li(lar(I iill'ulllevs'? ¢llIF .llislrll'l Silliel+inlenllelits'. _ II, lie,pie _el2 Jesll_ in II_i--_llliie nteasui.e ill llls'{.ilnillhskhlll, Ilis zeal [UF the bill. llis eunllllele uuselflshness. Ills luinl freedllin frilin ulleriiu" niulives'? It is lluihhlkahle Ihal we ._holfllI expeel lit lie.fruitful wlfliullt .Ihe. • nn61nting ill [be.lluly Splril illnln lit "m nlstrv, bill it is equally niiililukalile "" . ¢_ tu expeel the (ouch nf Gud npon iltlr thinisll_y tlUleSs thai Iouell is on our OWlt souls. If (10ll eanliul Illess what we life out (if tbe•lnlipil, lie eauuiil hb.ss whirl we Ibqk'er ill flle'pulllil. IlU Illii|ier hilw eloquenl or orihtldol, live. IllllSt lieinell lit failh, n[ Iira.ver. ()[ Bihio slli .t' ! ._ er fee n[ llevullou, and of piilienee. Our llocJrilll2 niust llt_ nlatehell lly uur lleplh. Tilere mnsl be _no eFedihilily" I_{ill betWeeu nllr preaehhig lind uur peF[urtilaueo. _irlilig olilnliin_ niusl lie halancell by del.p'bunl|lliy. Our M_irii musl bP riglli its wlql iis our ereell. %Ve must lie asdeaeli_fllle as we expect nilr people lu be. llnll.! injgllt add. {is biyal " and l'lllillerilli%'e and wlildehearlell. !n ns our pelillle" lnust, see fllal Irue New Tes|ilineu( Ii|eliding ut low 'and Iol't_.-neltlier'llill/ It;itliollt love /ior Illl'e ll'illl(llil hiw.' If.we life Ill lie kuown a_i'Spiril-tillell•lneh. %%;eInus| lleUllillgil'zile iL uul - only in our tilltliiy Io +_lielik i oul'sek'es in llSil[Ui_i iiild hymns, siiighig, and iunlilng mebl(ly in nnr liearts Ill Ihe Lorli. hut hi that eqllally tellt:lle allllliy "to slllinlli ourselves one Io almlher iu ilie lear of |be L(n.d (Eiib. 5:18.21). DI[- . • i, • ." ' . 2 As holiness preacherswe must Inake sure there is'no gap between effort and eiJlJes, It is not enough In be.harllw/Irking ministers, meu uf greal commilmenl, of bmlnllless drive und energy,-. Our methods must lie Chrlsflan Ilia, We must _uard'coos an 13' agi nsl lhe very subtle delusion fluit the elld jusli|ies the mealls:.fliat bee,ause it.e_=ire boilness preachers we can disregard file eommun eourtesles, or flie civil ollllgaflons n[ good eltlzens. 'lllilher. IlecatlsU•we are holiness preltcbers we should lie in(ire exemplary lIs hiisllilnlls lind fafllers and . neigbh0rs_ a d, yes even .as eAr drivers and taxpayers, than anyolle else. ]_e should not be noted for our' cleverness ill evadiilg /lie hiw, hut for (lur'carefulness in observing it. " Tho Naz_ronc Preacher " " . " . .•' uu.,ul•..., aue phase .of our do nl).l preach in pimlyer well and _'isely. we will not llevehql Ii stroag'nnd . stahle flelds. " iliuneer eongregaihln will !{11o%%;exactly ll'llllt i1'_ belle%'e. ° ._o fllul, fliey are el nile tel either to reject, unll withdraw nr beeilme inlloclrlnalell--but in'tire, Ill lieeoute enthusiilslie allvnFntes, so that they.lleVer agailt I%ill lie conleui to lit. iE ali3'lblng h's_ fllan a bllllness ebtlrehWand (3} with thai kln(I (if bili_lneell Pmplilisis whli'h lleveJop% informed nlill yalc rl'll iuemhers. ".Vile nra_iiTe New TeMlllneut 'siewardshil I, whu llii{_e ii llrlgld lesihliilny, who live "well . lle[ure lheii- lleighbilrs.: who have. li W(IFlll V|sion. who know bow lit .eilt_ry organi_lilbinlii.re._piinsilll]ille_; ill Ihe' i'bureli ubinl_ Nlizarene. lines, and wlni i'll v tl lit s "?s of llie wlinle lirul_l'am riilher Ihan jusl li [avllrile segnlenl, null .%vbu- gladly i'linsille_" fllenlstdve_ inenlllel% .el 11%l'nrlll niovenlupl h!stend nf plil.(isans (it (lilt lIFe ai'lit_F OF lille hlcal ellngregaihin. slalemnle (is. llllil if ellngFegaflnns lil'e galllerell "lit nil. file memhers ".viii lie fill lli[fereni. (real all)" nou-ho[iness cliiireli, linil will.eke OliL'll [ul_re exlslenee. will( little Ioyidly. no eiilllusllism 'el .heroic sal.rlflce, Inlrllly I¢lfowing wby - llu'y are I%lliZiirenes. aud llol Lillherlins (it nliplisls, exrepling lhal lullyhe tbe.Y llke Ibe liille fllilruses we sing. And ales( n[ fllese little wurks will • "" ferns if o!lr. preneblng is the- llfnll Ilia( can zlecumplish Illest. ub_eetives. _uplih'nlentell by C_T;' Suullu.v si'h(hll, linll el'er3' olher lilixillliFy, we will in. ereaslhgfy jusilfy uur llreseilee in any enmniunily or 'hind. nlfd pl_tise Gli_l, we _;iII lie fllere wheli Jesus i'onies. Iliii any .ntber kili(I (if lire.'iehin_ will "" " - work narru%l . . . . [. %(*lsii tu It We Ii'rl_ to _llt'cl'e(I Ii'e lilUSl it'aril lu Ilrellcli .(1) "iib Slleli 11 wily as IU lil.eeillilale splrltuM crisis, in t i f lversilins alill eleltr t;xllerielitel el eli"tli'e ._iincliflt'alioli; (2) wiih sueb llUeiFhuil shaplleiiy and elarlty flial ally " fereGces o[ opiniou Ihere niay be, even earaesl llls_lissiou tiul t g y i sp Ys [ passiOli ur llilierness, ne-v#2i., if we Cllrry nn our w(Irk in the Spirit..we elin llispeosl_ forever wiili tlie_iuols o[ double-lleilling linll iotrigue, The Spirit can use sirou_ luen. bul nol men l%.lil_ COlt[USe slreugih wlfll etther rlghlily" ur lluplleily. "' of meflmll ['=:ayer . . Ati({ "strllnee as it may ._othl(|. it (likes hi(ire fllan good I)reaehlug ill a: gener*|l sort uf %vat' to aceulupllsb nut inissann, ][emenliler thllt uur missinn . i_4 n()l jdsl m win nten to C rist, aug t ( s (bat. tlrst: it is also lu estal_]lsh them ill Cltrist to lead thent ill|it full saIvalinn, lind to lead thrill- ()tit lute service uud slewIIrllsllill. I'_veu preaehlnl_'wbieb frnm tile stitndlnllnt ill homiletics and !. " Jlnivi'ug I;lollueute intly lit. eallell "great" Inay ullerly fall Ill aei.llmpllsh fliese Slli.eifle ends. " " . -.Let •t[ the • area gained. ministry which ran easily lie neglected in the.praCtical press(ires of n pmneer work. 1 refer m hilt" llreilchiag. There is u kind of Iireaching wbiFh will ca"feelde (lilt' %,t'or]l rather than e i1: t'ge 'il N0 matter what e|se we do •well: if ha good Col" alan- prime tile genera] preserve what has beeu _ls euL'mles, but its allies. qiiietly evaporale whell flit" hullgel "SllllpOrl+runs hill. I,¢;t the'preaebersbe righl, and Ihe Draying lie right, and-Ibe preaebhlg lie righL a i t lere will lie evldene%.t el G II s hlesslng. There )liny lie per|oils nf setback liiid greiil lllsei/uragelnent. "There nl v lie Ihe nt'casitinlil failure i.,imlilelely Io "strike [ire" ill tilts m" lhal lllaee. Ilut llU tile wbllle, the work • will grnw. Mally lit os are exaniples n[ (Jul|'s milrveloos llroi'ille!wes by wliieh hilngry llearis tan lie reilebed 3' vc eburebes, There ilre millinns .Jlllll.e oul lhere just like us. l[ (:hll CllU .Irusl us. lie will nse us Io i'eaeh sonic u[ flieuL Let ns then I)e "sled[as(. ullmtivelilih., a[wllys llhounllinff |u flie work lit Ihe I.tli'll. blril'snuli'ii ilk ye lllniw Ihal )'UlIF hilnlUF iS "not ill %'11111 III tlil..f.llril" (| {'lit< 1¢_:511). "." July, 1970 : 0 ." But let "role" us beware asa of interpreting pant 'played and the by actors ": ' . .. The :, Wesliy's Successors Modern .. World . .. ., By Jack" Ford* " Part + . . . I. " , - .- In Theology " , " ; you " WiLL _noDanLy ACnE_ that to perfeetionl and.it certainly has coroladdress a very well fed audience laries, which :Wesley find insight : in a hdated room, sitting ili comfortenough to see. able chairs, is not -the easiest of asOur conference has been concerned signments. Frankly, I do not knowwith "Holiness inLearning and Life: which is the more. difficult: to give Contemporary Issues in ,Wesleyan a speech after dinner; or to listen "to Theology." My suggestions will like- . one. Maybe.the lot has fallen on me wise relate-first to the doctrine and because it is thought that. I may be then to Ihe practical outworking In more successful in the folzner'than life and service, the latter. For although I have turned - drowsy giving ,5 Greek tutorial after' Doctrinal fidelity dinner, I have never actually fallen ." We have already seen how lmporasleep 0`5 my feet-r-yet, tan! orb Wesley's general presupposi. The subject • I:have chosen for tlm tious for the doctrine which is _the j4 final address m The.Role of'Wesley s grand depositum 'lodged, i not onl_ Successors in the Modern World?' It - with the people called Methodists• is intended to he:provocative rather but ialsowith the Nazarenes. Lef. the tham outtmritative. You may not theological found;it otis, be destr//yed agree with my suggestions. And we and the validity.of ou.r raison d'etre are. of course, nrider no compulsion ceases, to take Wesley as our guide in every .In his. Theological Transition in detail• But we do" e/aim t6 be WesAmerican Methodism, Robert E. leyan in our teoeliing of Christip.n Chiles'indicateshow a departure fro m •" - •Wesley's doctrines of divine revelation. human d/_prayity, and tree grace "President, British Isles Nazarene by" Methodist theologmns ariel' hisper was the final event in the Nazarene College, Manchester. England• This padeath entailed the eclipse of such Theological Conference held recently vital doctrines as regeneration and at Ovt, rland P_rk, Kans. Itt slightly entire sanctification, abridged form, the paper is being pob_ • " lishcd in two parts: tim doctrinal disWesley and the Bible eussion thi_; month, mad'tl.tb t,lhieal nbxt Of..these, Wesley s' athtude to the 'month. .Bible as the Word of - God is bast/:, . 4 • Tho Nazatono Ptoaehet successors of Wesley must. here hecause we have overcome the like him,book), be heroines nn.ius libri . oEone" and equally believe(men "in temptation, This teaching'is relevant and vital • .it .as infallibly.revealing tile mind of "in+the modern context.. If we fail to God. maintain it, God will.raise up other Wesley approached thc Bible with -successors 6f Wesley. Not only is an enlightened as well as.a reverent there the interest manifested in it as • - Role of in .the - • - " mind. Dr, Eal'le h-:is ti0inted out how' in advance of his times be was in textual _:riticism. Superstitlun "is not reverence, and we must not cla{m'fiJr t:he Bible. and particularly versions of it, whet'it does nol claim fro" it.self, But as Nazarenes we must. hold a high view oftim Bible nr cease to be shown by.Dr. Gi'eathouse. but surely the cbarism,'tlicmovement isevidence of a m:avigl_ for a deeper expermnee of God. We.must he in a position to offer a deep sp ritual.righteousness v)hich hlone can satisfy• 'It would be a tragedy if a Spirit-inspired hunger were to.sputter out in an expermncq Wesleyans of ecslasy.rather_than az_d .Nazarenes rightly so- find its fulfill- called• . .mere in .h deep, abidi'nl_ moi'al transGenerally speaking there is a disformation. tinctly conservative trend in biblical Ileor Wesley say, "Love is the scholarship. Thm'e ore schoiars of highest gift of God--there is nothing : stature in both America find Britain higher in religion..., if you look for .who'are maklug their prescpce felt anything but more love. you are in the field of biblicfil studi#s mad in looking wide of the mark." In his , university faculties• In'the most re- "doctrine of perfect love, Wesley. excent issue of Peake's commentary my posed the heart of religion: Sa'ngster friL'nd Prof. F. F. Bruce-wi'ites oil admitted this, and qven. Methodists the Pauline Episile._ nod manages to who have not Sangstel:'s.relish for - irlclude even Lhe pastorals in the Wesley's teaching follow their foundPSuline corpus! or here. . ' " -" . , . . Christian-pcrfectimf Sanctlfica'tlonJly faith Obvi0u:ily. Wesleys successors will " There is .fi tendency, too, among follow liim in'the teaching of ChrisMethodist,scholars to recognize that tian perfection. This is no easy Weslc:y did teach to the end of his achievement. Even while the founder days instantaneous-sanctification by was alive, there Were Methodists who faith. In the ;most recent history of buried this talent in the napkin of Methodism, piablished in England in - neglect, and- some who even spoke 1965. I'_upert Davies makes this abun- against it. It is a doctrine tl_at'm,skes dantly clear. demands not only on the intellect. In my thesis on the'Church of the but also on. the life. It is possible to NaZarene: in Brita n,.I drew up the defend some doctrines, on a purely following summary of what Davies intellectual level_sueh as, say the states about Wesley s teach • ag, on this hypostatic union of the t_vo" natures subject: -in Christ--but no man can defend. "i, Justificatlon end sanclification are perfect love witlmut feeling tile chaltwo distinct things which must not be lenge to his own life, Even Wesley in confused: lint ti_e latter invori_fl)ly fola moment of depression was tempted lows the former, "quietly to drop it." .Most'bf' us have "2. Entire sanctification is 'an fastenfelt the same temptation and we are taocmts change which eradicates all sin.' I • " July, 1970 5 .. I "3 Smlctification. of cnursc, is ti_e gift Of God: it is received, like justification, by faith alone, ")t. The one [justification] implies what God does for us through His Son: the other what He works in us by His Spirit; and when God Ires done the one thing, His Spirit is at once-at wm'k to do the ethel-. .. "5. It is aceompanit, d hy the witness of tee Spirit tO itself. 'But how do yotr know that you are sanctified, saved from inbi'ed cerrnption? . _ . We know it by. the wiloess and .tire trait of the Spirit.' " "6..'Of "the-perfect Chrislim_ Wesley says: . .. he is' 'pure-in heart.' 'Ltwe has purified his benrt from envy. rilalice, wrath, aml every unkind temper' . . ." "7. Tim fruit of "the Spirit .is the necessary mark t)f sbnctification, tbentiL:'Wesleyan leaching. I ant' not claiming that we have ahvays reproduced all the facets of 3Vesley's te,'ic lizfg with equal.emphasis, but there'is certait]'lly nothing in the selections wbicb I have made to which we dan-. not say,."Amen " . " Again, I do anti,think .we should slavislily i'ollow We_;ley in every detail. While:Wesley insists that he'" - i i . duty of a research scholai' who de- -e/are. . ,,In the, wm'ds, of.the, p0iaular livers up the'evidence, whether' he idiom. We ca a say It age n. agr:ees with it or not, Wlmt I.think ' is nnportant is that a Methodist Tim" nnfinislmd task schohu" of his standing slmnld so 'I think ihe mosl tlifficult field in frankly, state,tirol what tbb holiness which to define the' experience of movement so long has taught-is auClwislian holiness is "the psyehologi6 . . Tho'N'azmene Proacher upon the human, sprit, rhb great danger here is that' we can excuse almost ariy. kind of behavior on . . . " . " We " will,' unless " we : " . dare xve contract out ofthe responsibility ?re havetaken'up?. (Continued _iext moathx " '. " :. " " . . ' • resolve not to " " . . • We -. Must Not "' ' Tan_o ;. " i. . . Down!. - "- . " " " _ - - - Some definitions complicale" rather than define. Tim classic definition of a net.,by' Dr SmnueL Johtason.ifl his dictionary comes to mind:."Anytbing reticulated or deeussated at" equal distances, wile the .interstices be- . tween' th_ zitei'sect m_s." I iprefer the boy's descriptibn. ""A net is a.lot of holes held togetlter by bits of sti'ing." We nmst.never assume'tliat our peppie know it all. and, branch out to fall"12"andTheyperisb:"wh° are sanctified, ),vt may nim'e novel truths. Tee latte'c we " I hope tlmse selectiems from .Wes- -sh°uld do, hut not neglect to state ICy per Davies stir" the hi._arl. Davies and restate dm fundfimental tdutlis .is. of course, here performing tim whleh God" has raised us tip to'de- " . substantiall3; maintained the same. teaching Over ltie years, in his :A Plah_ Accou_t Ol Christia:q PerjcetiOit he admits ]hat he learned from ex-_ perience _that some of his "earlier statements neededqt/alifyir_g. We must retain the same fr:eedom, anti' give'tee same freedom, to out" teacher's." Neyerthelbss, there is a point where even second-blessing holiness "'8. Christian Perfection is. above all. ceases to be W.esleyan, and we "cease • loving God with-all.bur befirt mad mind 't0 be Wesley's snccessm's if we qualify • and soul and. strength, and pur neighaway lhe beart'of his teacbing, bour as onrselves .... The best possibleConstanlly Wesley defined it i s description of it, therefore, is .Perfect terms, and we musl do the satire.. W:e Love• • " ' nius__ strive to be clear and expliciL "9. '1o,me view-Ipe,:fectien] is purity that oar pet,pie may have a luci'd of dedicating life to: and coherent grasp of our leabbing. God.intention, It is giving God allairthetheheart: it is one design ruling our tempers• It is devoting, nol apart, but fill. mrr soul. body,.mad stlbstance to God." "10. . . It is clear tbat Wesley here and always teaches a 'relative' perfectieS. The'perfect,.be says, grow in grace, to all eternity, "11. "The •perfect' man as not i'i'ee front errors . He isnot exempL from infirmities . Not' is he free fi'om temptation. :" . . cal. It is certainly the field where we psychological grounds, But _e must are likely to run into Ihe most conadvance isle the tangled undergrowth troversy, Maybe we'lmve been wise of the lmman personality and map to .proceed cautiously-here, but il_- .out some kind of-tt;ack which concreasingly we shall need to say in forms 16 .the \pay of holiness. 'What iJsychological terms what tee crisis _f is needed .is a sincere belief" ihat entire sanctificaUgn does anti What it tltere,is a gefiuine experience "bf endoes not. We fire becunxing more.told ljte sant_tification Which -transcends. more aware tbat some. nnattracti,ve fill the problems of deftsing it, and"a m¢_dds of behavior" are due It) tim -tletermination to define it as fro" as is psychosomatic and not the spiritu'al humanly possible with both. candor" part of man. Wesley readily conceded and'compassion.. It is no easy task to -thai. the mnrlal body pi'essed down be ,'i successor of John Wesley,. but "_ • " .... By Morris • . " "_To roan C0Ul:O be crc!lited .with J-_ /'idelil_ by boaslh_g thai be was : lt_yal tb his wife 98 percent 0f.the ". tiroc. No soldier via the field i)f bai_fle could be credited with berqism if lie . were tff confess tliat he collaborated Cholfant* .. No bfficer m a bank could long:. remain in a position of trus[ if he were to"admit that he mishandled the.aceoufits of his, customers" only once each yeai;'and during'the other 364-days he was hil'honest, careful banker. " wil[h the enemy 0tily oec_,sionally,. ', " .", ' 'tireTherewith aiSslown° suchleak.. thing as :a safe No Christian.can De erectlteta xwtn . devotion to his Master by'saying, "I Serious-minded people ;:annot rebelieve eve!'ything in the Bible exspeet a woman who is.almbst vu'tu- '- " cept tee portion which declares 'the deity and lordship of Jesus" Cht'st'. Such a person might say, "I accept His teachingson morality aiad ethics, but I cammt accept His divinity." .: : *Paslor,lelrst Church,New Castle,lr,d.. ]ul F.1970 pus. or virtuous most of tim time. Why these elementary similes? Why have I. listed these axiomatic viewpoints? Because the big word m statesmanship and internatioffal diplomacy today is"compromise." In the field of.. w0rld, diplomacy, 7 compromise is often very necessat'y. Give-and-take is tile t'oad to harmony in all social relationships. But in tile field of religion where funditmental imperatives are at stake there can be no compromise.. For the righteous soul to eompronnse is to surrender .the whole field• Satan and liis'hests cat) affoi'd to go halfway, but the Cb:ristiancam'tot. 6ollege, wherethey. preached .and taught eradicmion. Neither would a man wile was _l pronounced secondblessing:holifiesg man. and believed that salvation is for everybody" hnd i a man backslid he wonld grj to hell, feel at home among our Calvinislic fl_iends." . The army of pronmters of our" beloved The Church of. tile Nazareneis a holiness church. Our church is distinct_ive, definite, and dynamic about holiness. It is our solemn responst- Zion. were predotr}inantly obsessedand motiwded by the spirit of evengelism.. Tlmspirit'of evangelism-still is the best way to promote tim Church This "tablet," taken with .the one immediately following, will make good medicine " earlyfounders and"the 'eat' I l [ " " " l arene in Chicago in 1913, "'A preacher .I -" " -. in gi'aee, br eternal who Who preaches once secut'ity, ill grace and always believes that "sin can never be eradteated, would not feel at home in a red-hot holiness meeting or holiness the Early ChUrch's compromising. " . . , -'* t , . . " " " " " producedholyis otirliving flaming witPentecost only and I_ope. Pentecost nessing, 'Holiness,forevermore--let. us possess it,. li_'e, it, and proclaim it..We must not tared dolce!. " " . " : " " " But watch thott in oil things_ c_tdure affli¢.tions_ an evangelist, make full proof of thy mln(slrg. -. • , . " do the work 11 Tim, : By Carlos H" Sparks* of _ 4:5 .-The i'/aza_tmoPr0ache_' • • . . " • " -. tian-political- realm. I slmre it because. wlfile it was laded with honor and a. certain prestige; it was also ftTeighted with il pot6ntial to ruin n _ood preaclmr in a burry. We taear it said. "Tbere is politics.in tim church." One "must _be in pdlitics to see tim error of this statement. "Their ways are not our ways," and unless you are strong _nougb.to make your way theirs. you had bettee leave it alone. There might I)6 a ti6ket to tear up. If you ,refuse• you*!los6 n friend: If you eon_ent, you lose God out of ypur heart. By tim grace Of God "I kept the faith" With whom" will yon serve? My coand won friends too. . worko¢s, the city _/ouncil, were a group of fine Christian men with high ideals. not unlike my plea. What would I ha_e done. I asked myself time and again, - all'means all things save to allsome?' men, and tb'at proceeded I might by [o if aserve to bunchalong of r_cals with me? ha_.l As beensurely elected ments of on Life." .Tbey were need. "preach" dm _ubject "The cony Compart: It wits all. right. For me to have the job. "Mr Trv ss HitL'president'of the FarmI_ er's National B'ai_k. said..That w,stq the finest we ever heard in our meet ngs," . .Mr. ti: Louis Scott. superintc_ndent of schools, said, "You .answered o q'hes- council I. would received I received did, credit for the ba_,e fine things our blaind.had we an ungodly group. Did it help the chOreh God called me to p_tor?-.Direetly, no." Indirectly, yes. God and our good council helped us .to reorganize "virtually every department in :the city. Persfnnel changes were t on that ann plagued n)e for years regarding my" job and my cimrch." Yet time perhaps would fell if the mayor-, preaclmr had conk,inced himself. .The two years that followed hold one of the most unique, experiences in tlae Chris- necessary in some cases. We were instrumental in establishing a new municipal building with an expandedlibrary. The city was publicized in "tile. press every we o.k..The image, according to leading citizens, was greatly improved across the state. We were successful an lull, 1970 o " or. then a Cbristian eammt be a mayor. larians, "if a preacimr cannot be ii mayIf n Christian cafinot he a mayor, th0n -'we are r saying; -'Leave politics to the nderv, orld. Soanded good! I took I Cor..9:22 as my.text, "... I am made oP_sior,Johnso_ City. Tone, II Reverend Mr. Mayor" _ltoar_,_" ^rTElt taking office.as mayor,, 1:-31of tllecitY of Cowan. Tcnn•, it was my,honor to speak before, the Winches_ter (Temi.t Rotary Chd). There-bad . been no boated .charges or counter"- . cllrgea in tbe earlier campaign, but it was often suggested that a preacher and politics (lid hot nfix. There was no notion #p. my- part tilat it. was politics . just another way .to serve my cornmunityand make a contribution of ideas anti service. Eight:y-six percent of those voting expressed. 0_eir confi"donee in my behalf. : ' • .. , Defensively, pefltaps; I told the Re-:. " -: "Th . . .' of holiness .in order "to have -wider pay l:h6 pric'e 1o lnake it work. " " "" We.dare not tame down tile message evangelists, and administrators--will" " fellowship among tbose who diffe'" We have e_e'ythiug to. promote with us doctrinally, the gost')el except enough burning, .. In tile Words0f Dr. C..J. Fowlel:, ,consuming passion of the first'Peelespeaking at First Chui'0h of. the N'az- . cost. Pentecost was the answer to i ' .... bility to see that we do not tmne our of the Nazarene. 'I would say holiness message down and make ourselves so evaogelismTif you please---fie'st-andcommonplace, and so cool that"we seco/ad:blessing holioess, evangelism toleratq and take in about everything, thht eradicates the",'eld man." Beginnilig in out" great .headqt ariel% " John W6sley s.'tid, "Wll'en Christian our seminary, Bibl_ College,'colleges, perfectionis preached, aU the work districts, local clturches_ and to out" of God pl'o.'!'pers." That is what P.F. mission fields m'ound the, 3vor d, we Bresee preached When he organized cannot he.invertcbrated in l'eg_u'd to out" first Nazarene church in Califorholiness as a doctriuc experience, n h 1 a board tabf'rnacle. It worked • • and a life to,be lived, over 60 years ago; it worked over. We cannot tame down the message 2,000 yedrs ago on tile Day of Penteof holiness to.sUit the pride and the cost; it Will work ill 1970 if. we as weakness and godlessness'of this age. Nazarencs--teachers, layr(/en, pastors, : - , getting a new city charter . . passed 'by " " tl'_e Tennessee General Assembly, Waing, Your Honor["--a practice he conter and sewer systems were -expanded;. tinued each day I saw.him. Yet most a new ['ire, ahtrm was installed, and a of tbe time i! see:,ned a dayt]reai_ lbat new fire engine purchased: . April of I was really mayor. 1966. a grateful e6mmuni[y--the factoi'.- Would I do it again? No! God need ies, tile man in the street, rich and _enly sho'w us a thing once. Our council poorl colored and white--ra!sed-enough as we] ns civic and. business leaders money to send its to Scoila'lid h3_ jet Io wore disnppoiJiled flint I did not seek .preach in eight of our Nazarglie t3l]t/rchreelection. At tile farewell service "(upes But out' people w'ere often more on leaving the city for a new pastorate), impressed by a rash of speeding tickets in which folh from every eommunon• huntiltg trip. Ills sideburns were of eonvenlinual.length. Muvlng to a mirror. he saw they extended a half inch Imlow the earpieces'of Ills glasses. "Need a haircut--must take bare of it bef_'lr¢ SIIIId*lyt" he muttered. Dr. J, W. J. shuuped back into his cllalr. Ibinkinl_ how nnlike tim modernpreacher image he wag. 'Pwll ser|non_; on Sunday. a prt_ver meetingmessage, studying.weekduy Inorninas. ealliog in the afternoons, presiding at necessary business mi_elings, doiltg his best IO keell the church machinery oiled and tn_{'itlg--tbi_ t_'a_-tile slot3 of ills lilt• It wa_. not ghimq_rous-- than by the far stronger goodwill, • Did it' hurt tlm preaeber-mayor? No. Primai'ily because I- asl_ed God eaola da3;. for guidance in civic its well as church affairs, No council m6eting was ever begun .without the invocation of God's Dlessing upou us_ Bed6tlse of ibis good start, we never beard a profane word from _.he council• At?cording .to thi2 record, this was quite _a change in atmosphere. ] believe I was lo_ed-." Not because I -.'_,as. preacher or mayoi', but because I was God's. My first and most. embarrassing encbunter with honor was in front of the post office whbn:a kindly and sincere old colored gentleman., bowed very low and said. ."Good morn• • . " done for tile worhl? "J. W. was not a.crllsader., and he kn_w it. Ily. no slreieh of the imagination couhl he he.said to resemhle one in his conservative suit, with its sldny elbows, knee_,, and'scat, llave 1 missed tile boat? Ire ponderetl almost out Itmd. surely not worth a headline ill the Enqlzivel'. What is'the sense of all ibis? he asked took part, H6v. David Brown pastor of the Cumberlnhd Presbytm'iau church, said, "He belongs to the Nazarenes and we would not.for a.monient deny that fa_t. i'of he is a.lVazarone: but in a greal sense he. helongs to us all Beimusq he })as giP_,n hilhself to: all of us." Y,_t tod tv I st 1 wonder what would have happened in my cbureb if those hours -of toil in tile bebalf of a cty bad been shifted more directly to the interest of rite lost.• .. Do "l have atlvi;:e? 'Yes! PreAcher friend, if you seek public office as a ministerial sideline, be sure to pray to Goc "'first, nud whatever you do, "don't answer your own prayer. ' " " - : • lhe World oF] I • j • . W_'(=le _,'_,_. . Jone s-! D.D. " - - - . : , . • " . . - By John W. May* ".'. - : . i " "" " J; _,_.'.J. had In do it. lie had.never • ]0 - i • Paslor, , - Nash'/iUe. " growll a beard, excepting Ollee on a . • r£en_. . his Iour tff duty.. " " " nnd daddy; and Jolmny; just entei'iilg his teens. i)er_d his.mgther tile revival had whenJoluut)' at the was altar under and gave his heartbut Illhadn't God Soon come alsil, knelt Ills daddy eonvictiou, yielded yet..A prayer fur his saP.'alitm was _ou J. W. J.'s llps _qs he broke his reverie. • . . . . • "• _ . • John Wesley ffoneswas.feeling left out of things, fle hid d_lwn his ' newspaper with. 0re •news of local clergymen engaged in the.latest fad t [ sOCiAl evangelism. ,I.W. had never been invited to sit as nn arbiter in a labor-management dispute, lie lind never stood up ill city Indl and made an impassioned speech on atoeal issue• ,Tile uearest he had ever. come t leading a march downtown was file Fourth of July:whenl Brother Brawn . didn't show up to drive" the float tim .youth had built for-file parade, and -- - . " "" came again to chureh.dtnd brlpl)ines_; as, he rementonce lie thrilleda smile as lie creased r,.,ailed Ills the face first with Sunday that:p_'ospect [ami!y " = • " " " "" " lie finished bul" ti hbart-hun_rymolher ' It'eally . Ills Iloll miud snpervisor. jumped hnck.a few years to a call he ba'd Cradle Mrs. Ileal had ['_)und a nell, baby i'ecei_:ed to enroll,from and tile' a prospect famiiy. Win|hi Dr. J. W, J. call? Ilehad found.not only tile baby_ - "• John. have evangelistic, more materiallstlv. .titan. sldritunl? If so. In" had (erininly been .wrongln his approach. l,_or some feaster., the face of a ylmng man le_lped before him..Jnst IV.'o weeks ago he htld I_#ougbI Jobnll2) tO tile frant of tile eitureh aud presellte_l him w tit a farewell gill asqme left [or rite service, lie had hoped thal.tl!e "young lad.would feel a call to" preach, but nomehuw fl!a! didn't seeln to be, tile will of tile Lord. Rtither, hls interests ran in J le _lireetigo of business administratiou. Preparation for Ibis. hmvever, w_mld now have m be de_ hlyed uniil " • " What J, V¢,'.J.. began tl) rtilll)nist'e in an cfforf to recall if he ball ever:really fit into tile life of tile contulunlty. Oh. Ire had prayed lit council meetings and civic gatheriags; be had delivered baccahutreate, addressesl he: bad served his turn as hospihd chaplaili. Ilut dill he fit inlo the real life of.the community? Was the true process _Jf et'angellsm more _ecalar ,Ihan " • ' , himselL . " _ " Pnsl0r Jolm Wesley dunes reached fur his calling lisl, Musl vail m_ them tomorrow, he mused, l!nd wrote their name at the boitom of. t list of foz/r "oz_five other families. Inadvertently te 'sighed again--thls time a saJis[icd little gasp. If s v._orld might be limited and confined, find.hls activities' might not be as spectacular a_ tile preachers ill'tile news story, but he v.,ouldn't trade places'with tbem. Nor would he sell.the work of v'tai evangehs n shortl Whil_ there is'a-place for other types of work, Iliere is no greater ,thrill,.nor could a gre'alet: sense of aebiet'ement be aequH'ed, lima in leading souls to Jesus, Tile draum migltt nol be as earflt-shattering as to be news. tw ribs! for publicathm, but tile di_'idends Ihe way that Dr. J. W. J. felt al_out it. ',..'ere greatt_r. At leil_l lilts was . . _The Nrtznreno P_oachor .' luly. 1970 .• II - ] " "-- _'-v'_'d"" " • _" ' " T'h e " " Mec h anics of the Mi nistry . to the order of tile servtce, so that be could have appearedcalm' when he cimm to platform? chair to go to the pulpit should lie a matter of thbught[ul cou:sideration, It inlorest, fortbrighil_ess, : _-Totile a_i)roaeb t]._,r, phdform ma dil:twt arid pleasiog mauner, perhaps kneebng for a _;ord of prayer, -o/',_t least sitting -with ;! hewed luiad, for a moment or shouldan itzdicate ahd ,},gcrncss to announce the next part of tl{e service. When tile Bible is z:ead, it.should be done v,,ith accuracy. Ev/2]] tile way the. Bible is beld should ,,,.o. b_an' poe. Mnny week many. By Raymond C: Kratzer _' " . : . . " ' . Part VI. Pulpit Decorum • • ' " " m'MaJOn OnsTION of a" preacher's Books bare beefi written upon the ministry is don;_ from the pulpit, subject of winnings,friends and projectHe is ondisplsy from fi_)e to six hours ing laadersbip impressions. Sales o/'_ week. to a discriminating congregation _gauizations bare long ago, recognized who are. avm'age in their curiosity and tbe wdue of the maturer and deportment" • judgments, flow he dresses, tile way of their salesmeu. Yes, and tile Word he sits or-stands, tile expression, on his of God ha.s n/uch to say about one's face, the tone of his voice,.aud his total attitudes _nd" relationships, especially manner etch an unforgettablb im_ige thbse"of tbe minister, in order to more upon tile min_ and hearts of. b s he r-,_) . adequate, y "sell". . the greatest. .produce -_) ers. Consequgntly, .every facet of. his m the world--the gospel of our blessed deportment should be continuously God, . . -- watched lest he fail to ado;rn the gospel which he so earnestly seeks to :portray and present. . I find niyself evaluating a man's useftdness:or the impac_ has upon importance.by me wbeu he is}on display,be Either consciously• or uhconsciously; the aura of a ml_s personality affects our', relationship with lm-_ Aside from tile But to' be spccifie_ let us ldok. at several tblngs of whidl every pi'eaehcr should be continually conscious i_ order to do the best job passihle in represent.ing the _'aried aspects oLGod's message to man. " Plalform pea;tare ' _ normal rapport, betweeu two similar -personohties.. which elicits ,friendships and ease of communication, there are many people to'whom we,,react favorably because of their/)leasing personalities, Wbcn we bbserv'e these types in the pulpit, we are prone to listen to what they have to say and feel that it m of importance. Another less gracious .Tile way tbe pastor comes,to the platform crux be; exceediugly meaningful in ' setting a proper tone for tile service. If he rusl-es onto" tbe pin[form ,_vith a handful of notes nnd a worried look, flie "whole sm'vice-may suffer spii'itual dyspeps a. Jnvoluntari!y tile people will •feel .their pastor is unprepared. They will wonder if be might forget some . individual may say good things, lJut we are not impressed by him because of the window tbrough which we observe him.. other it seems, evident important that he tbing, only since collected ,his thotights at the last minute. Some methodical persons will wonder what he • Superintendent. Was_, has'been doing'all week and what they are paying him foi', anyway} Couldn't 12 Norlhwest District, Yaklma, • - Tho Nazarene Preacher ' ,, . . omelio,'ative on pephard come fromeffect 0 hn'rrowiug ill which frustrations have beau Just to look at tbeit be au illustration.to.the is God's Hook. spiritual shel_berd and to see the calm look on bisface gives them strength trod "cour._ age. The faeial expressions of-.the preaeber_ - as he sits on the phqtform are so ira. portant,. To look over his audience with eyes • of., friendship nh_ warmth me;:ms /_o mucb._When the son'g leader is coladucting tile song service, the pastor should enter into it, When a special s/Seaker is iu his puli)lt, he should sit with rapt _lttentiop watching the spdak'at and"rirspbnding to his mare points with firm "'amens•" lIow can be expect his eongrega0on to- get.excited ubout missions wben a missionary m speakiug ff be looks bored., m' is cbec]_ing bis .(late book to see what happens new week?' Not ofily sbould a l_reacher be-con,si:ibns of wbere he looks as he sits on" the platform, ,and.of bis facial expres. sion, btlt also '_,vbether bis mouth is . open or closed. I recall ohe very fine Voice . ehihlren'that " " it levels Tile voice is tbe mast marvelous in.slrtmlent with x_;hich file. minister may control his audience. I recall .vividly my first _ pastor's report to a district assembly many years ago. Dr. James B. Chapman was t}le presiding gezieral superil)tendent. I bad been pastoring m a small church where tile ,farthest pro'son was only about 25 feetfrom me. Consequently I was unaware that my voice level might not penetrate, the large fiudltoritma iu wbich the district assambly was being beld; I began my. report witb stars inmy eyes, because I felt it was a good report for tile year--budgets paid, gains m every:way--but I hada mute on my trumpet. ' Dr. Cbapman stopped me dOad iu my tracks before . f had two sentencesout and asked laconically: "Are you a preacber?" 1 turned red mad replied iu tile affirmarive. He theu'cotmselled: "Well,' tbe'n, speak up so that you can be beard." It was a rough lesson, but I" never - • forgot 'pastor ,/vho had an unsightly habit of it. . "letting his mouth droop open when n -The. Bible says, "Lift'up your voice special song x;¢as sung by someone, or like a trumpet." Now tile trumpet never wben another speaker was.talkihg. AIneeds to aOologi_:6 when it speaks. It thougb he was a sbarp young man, he . Outs through tim entire band by its looked dumb with his moutli draped positive.note. Tile flute may apologize " • " - ball open, f6r its intrusion, but never tile trumpet: The manner in wbich a preacber Ministers. need not scream, but they' ci'osses hi:_ legs can be unsightly. He sbould speak up! Since that far-Jr day should ask his wife to report on him. or of my firstassembly report, I have.tried rake's camera sliot,_vhtm he looks like to speak loudly enough so that a person a frog with a bad ease of rlieumatism, bard of beai'ing could get If ministers wouldmds'.be of.my conAnd what • is more unsightly than to see. message, a pastor's trousers halfway to bis knees scious " of their "voice-impact," " tbey with a shock of white skiu_sparsely could ew,n make tbeir announcements decked with curly" .hair.. When he more impressive.. preaches on modesty, like a lead balloon, July. 1970 it will go over Moreover, to the, lone ..... attention must be of the voice..Even given wheu :- " 13 . • " God's Word. there slionld be a kindness nd tenderness underlying the rebulq: preaching npon says, tile ster_cr of to sin. Peter "Finally aspects .,.. be re'el enlhal'rassed to ask them for _,l ev 1,'ergot iC II m _ privilege It, visitors a choreh because give to mGod. I recall sittinghe seetn[.tt on tile who participate and those who sh,are in other ways. Some folk have a talertt for each to those public servtce prayer, enriching attd otbers both do not. Just cou/'teous..;" (IPet. 3:8). . . . Avoiding Wordiness Excesslvt, verbiage tends to dull n service and certuinl3_ blunk'; ihe t:dge of ninny ml maportent .statement. I hill in my hand. The usher never come near me, _And you may have guessed_, platform m onewas'church a SlO.O0 it. the pastor always with complaining that I)Vol)le w_,rvn't giving Pnollgh Io pay the bills " .-, " If the pastbr wouhl give a two-tutti- sing a special song m ehoreh, even though the3/ Imve. a melody _ their _ts you just.so wouldn't yc;u ask some not.aM( persons soim' to heat:Is, should pbople tovoice a t.ongreg_i ion'S needs io pr;lyeli,, although they may be nto_t faithful prhyer warriors. have heard preachers ammuncement • they I I : I l " oa every ute :mecdote fi:oot . the , just before on blessings on of Sunday tithing the theoffering Sunday bullefm: It st,eros to 1no that: morning, ;rod then call his ushers only brief attention should be drawn tO forwaM with dispatch, offer, a well.announcements tlmt ale printed :and in thought-out prayer, and be the first to the people's hands." Likewise, when the place his tithing envelope in tile plate, congregation is asked to stand on the things would" hegin to change m the pro:prayer song, tile public prayer area of finmlces in his church, " ;should IJcgin imrhe0iately thereafter, with the.exception of'a brief listing-_f " subjects for'slmcmI prayer. A spirit Of Public pr lyer . prt!yer can he largely dissipated if Ummlly it is best for th6 poster to the pastor, followingthe prayer song, pray tile. puhlie prayer on Sunday mornspends.five minutes talldng to the l)eoigg. If he asks the oudibnce 1o kneel, pie about (he need ,of prayer for thLq he shouhl kneel on one side of the puland that. A stupor.settles down wheit" ptt, always feting ,the peep|e, porimps this is done. 0dd it takes half"the with his hand on the pulpit..It s a prayei" time to'recoup tile atmosphere" breach,of decorum to go to tlie pulpit of prayer which wfis acltieved witli the chair and kneel with his }_ock to the prayer song, people. There are _itnes when it is advisahle • to ask a "visiting minister or • some laynian in the church to pray the Collections * • ' morning prayer. It is good to contact The public offering is. anothee part of any service.: The minister's preach failure, - exhort ml_(le to vital ap- to this can mak_ it a success'or it bothersome adjunct to tile service or Tile ushers to tile front form at tile usually best People will the offering rhtlmr than an expermnce of worship. _hould be trained to.-walk of 'the church ill splendid ctdl of file minister. It !s to. use mefi, in this pos!tion, give more confidently _vhen plate Is passed by adults by children. It lends dignity and- importance to this part of the service. . . Those wlm take the offering sbould have some _guidanee from the pastor-p,3rhops a book t6-study which can be obtained fi'om" the Publishing House. They sliould'be alert to pass the',lflates to every0nemlO0 percent of the people, l.have wotched a timid usher pass up 14 • . this and person ahead of time; if possible, then when the ,-iudience' is asked [o stand for praym' to have him come to • tile- altar .andlead the prayer. : _ The paslor should watch thai he does .not do .100 percent of?lhe praying, l haye been in some services'where the pastor pr yed t m trivet:alien, the offertory ln'ayer, tile morning praY, or, a • prayer for dedication of babies, nnd the benediction, .:Hc could certainly • be called a"pl'a3_ing, preaidtor." It is good to use 6tlmr, people to "pray also. How-ever, a pastor should be wise in calling on peopl_2"af0r p.dblie prayer. Some folk are .so timid that they come to church terrified lest they be called upon to pray in.p;ublie. They may be the most devoted people on earth, but,have a tintid disp0sltion. A thOughtfnl pastor _ill adjudge his folk and seek tosnake The NdzarenoPrectchor ' " _hs_ _l:a k¢ I . ieally a .few" week_4 and relate you hisforimpl:essions." Beware. however!to Someone said that his Worst enemy was his once-trusted friend to whom he said'. "I wont you to be real frank with me andtell me my faults," But remember ato sign of intelliggnce is a ehonge for the better. the kingdom Of God, we.should eager to adorntim .Gospel to of our ahility. ". IulF, 1970 . 'An npol0g¥ thnt made eks most of the time. thns loweriag the Offectiveness of the set'nloa. ] have beei't disconcerted hy some preochers who 6onstantly,rattled some change in their pockets_ or fingered tbeir glasses, or toyed with " other objects. Some ministers detract becausb they. are elways nervously twitching their fingers, Others have azl annoying inflection in their voices.which gives aft-echo at tile end of every sentence.' Ask'some friend -:--or perlmps'it had better beyour wife or teen-age child--:to exantme you erR,- that hess I a differencel_ . W tel) ng tile little things " The adnmnition of the Scripltu'es to :"make full use of thy- ministry . . . watching in ALL TII1NGS." involves every aspect'of tile pc'so utllty qf the preacher, eSl t d t ly when lie stands behiml tilt, sacred desk m" sits oo the plalflwm as the man of G¢_d. Tim to,athess'offits dress, the shine on his shoes_ tile. cleanliness of his .fete and hands at_d fingeraails, the grooming of his hair, the pleasantness of bis breath, mad the absc, nce of hody otl)'s'. I flay ml important pa['l hecanse he isthe "yessol" througl_ whi'ch the Water of Life ispoured. . . I have watched st_me !non Ilreatql witli their hand of lnmds" in their pock- " " _ wAnd lling-in be most tile bcsI_ difference no Dear Smu , Our pastm" apologized to his eongregalicit| lids morning[l appreciated hisspiril: htnl eouhI md ultderstand his htck of preparIllion, You st.el he Me.red up all Saturday night with a very slek neighbor and dhln't have time to.prepare Ills sermon, Now lie was dohlg whr/t a fallhful pastor might do. bnl why wasn't that message prepared hefare. S/tturdny, ntght? Didn't he kmm; what he was goi'ng to preach almul? " " I am only a "h,y observer" ahouI preachJill,. Iml praying, 1 want relldilu_, my. pastor meditnllni/, inandhis.preparsludy ing in a way that ! can never prepare. When I come lo ehureh. I wnnt Io listen io a heart which has .digested truth tmtil it emmnunh'ates with warntth Io my own heart--and I klmw Ihat takes; llme. " Son. don't disallpbinl year people Sunday nmrnlng! Give a.me,ssage from your • heart.which lakes the best of your'lilind. tile best of your "discipline. and places il simply and u/:g_nlly before a hungry poe" pie. " . . " " " " ' " ." " Love_, f_ . . " . .. " " 15 [ ,- . . . l . - l -- " .. . . _ , Prayer for the Sanctuary The S eoooeeoeeelel By McJxine Clark. /)ear God: . - invite Fill "this Help US Thee to house not lu dwell with ill Thy mistake be the essence ollr . • " tile and ht, litlty (If it de(li(,aled each fer t(; one Tit)' Tl|y who use. enters presence, .f ils'beauty. T: s hut . - 1rare. re/ • " and seal it with ". Thy Ch'_l, Sllpf: ltlflli_f" _:Chllirlmn] tl. Dale Mitchell IL T. Jtiv_] ,h_lnl Knl_llt Wil_ml I,allphl'r Ih, mwtl Dudm._ W, '1', Pt=tkiser M, Lltntl o It, T, V,'• Witlhllthanl ,h_e O]sot] W. Illltn . to " emewoQ*el-,e Dr. V_illisSnowbarger, Editor, Dr,all VCe_sels " A. _', tI_trll{'r . I_tlu] Skllt,_ Ke]xn_'m Elite _ liot/se ' LE : M E N T Committee M_,=bcr,_ M;A, Lun]t ,tlphll _t(Ickt ill Mary _C{)It .IL I,:(itmr *hlhnsoll presence . . . COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (r_ADIO) • " it .he let snothielg seat wherehaJ]d we im can thL'ir,hrow._ can, rot ,,e winil I Tee.J e r(frt_;I a full sul;reltder to Thy will. . flalluw this house'with Thy peace I._hillL P P The Genera/Stewardship Willis .'4n(_whalrwl".St.cretftrl/ 'rhy We ha;,'e made it attractive because we love '_kee. and want Thy he tt pleasant place !n which to followship will! Th_'e. Let us not sail il with gossiping or unnecessary visiting, hut rather -f,eI nZi,,,, tile wcar._ a,,,I feel ,, mercy Thy [,_lwll_t_ U r eoo,ooBeloeeeooo*oaaooeeeaeeoeelo,eow,leoe,e GENERA[ STEWARDSHIP'COMMITTEE .... I':(Iwmd _anrttlary _pirit. Qeeo Compiledby . We '. , PASTOB'S : . i ed. . ,'. • . AReminded , : love. Give " us tears at the altar and tears in tile pew, and may-we.be-compelled by Thy love to go out into tile htghw'ays and byways/and bring others I_IayLetLetLet this "thetkethisSOrrnwingWeakl|ousetle tile place heavy'hiof renewedoffindprayerCemforiWlthmotivaleStrength.here, lea IFave pence and their 'strength hurden_ sinners to find hereThee. It) with repentance, Tllee: nndand fiml Cln'istin rest" us Let our'faith rise to Time as Thy Spirit'kovers. Let us he so saluraled with prayer that o'lhers and to Thee. " [= = Fill us with Thy love and help us to he better sert-ants have met Thee here. and TIiou hast met with us, As. we view how AS we _" Word root inproclaimed guod gr_*undfrom .... tile pulpit, help - Give us each a new heart and' help us tu rededlcate:0dr Bless each person wl m had a part in malting this wlmt giving, or .prayer. t • 1 ; Our hearts swell wilh praise to Thee f r oar ffelp us to keep ig'sa_red and fit for Tily use. - Ma3 _ Ihe mnsie; songs, pray_'rs, glorify Thee. our Ileaveoly Ii, JesllS' ,vnnderful ,,ante. sermons, ,Falher, marvelous and nil Wllo'ga'/e _ of""" the us to open lives Io Thy it iy;--whether hecans_ Submitted hy Joseph _ . ? ,.. ,!" JULYOFFERING for•SPANISH RADIO {_llr ,Shills. World. • our hearts service. in work. "LA HORA NAZARENA" St)ondingOut " ." "" • .. the Gospel to Many All Spanish-speaking . in " " • . Countiies . . . . - . " " - . done. here house of Fillmore;, " .we "" y OUR OFFERING " IS E. Thontas, i".!i" .'" I" sancluary. " Ihllt i:_ said and .ItS Ollr heloved " Tne . 'Am_,,. ,'" to Thy house nf Thine in Spirit peace to Light us. tile prayer, ]ighL% let lelp Thy as- in think speak of Jesus--tilt As -and we hear.Gott's let it take - be magnctized Leltheymlngand ohl. thericlian,l'lmor feel weIe,lme here. As we walk on tile carpel, help us Io know Ihat God will tmdergird AS W_ sit in tile pews. let Its.feel Thy presence heside us. ; ! " will to to O UR TOTAL SUPPORT.: -- Caiif: : . " • .." • A Magnificent. Project of the NAZARENE WORLD MISSIONARY SOCIETY • 16" . .. . " . • • .. _ , -" • .t The Nazarene P_eachor " . , uly, 1970 "17 , . - NAZARENE INFORMATION SERVICE . . . , . , . . . .. " "Besf" Church News Sfory I_OR MORE THAN 40 3,ears, John 1. T. Stewart. all ordained miniis(br. •" editbl: church of the• nmv._. St. Lo21is " ',vil_ ,.,o{c rp]iglon: and edited He Post-D'islmtch when he retired a few w,,.. f,,,..o.. of gospel ti'uth in"the pu p t _n( a smmg church.new_ editor.' In a book entitled'flow Io Gel" Your Church Neecsb_ Pri.u|, Stewal't declarecl thai. dtll'lllg l/IS C;.11(2e1' [10. ',V.[IS alndzed b_, to buy acmv. .funds touched The campaign t_) rinse 1116entire church. Par- Let me=- ,.,1o .,,.m,,, ,,given n....,',,r name. and. then hnuled i,, to,,.u.k. the tell -Slorv [}_ed {'.1|;1_1 Io.(:q_;.i._l _ IIt%VSWOI'Ihv Of (:ontinuing ll|llJorlat|¢(' "Roll,glen and church iife reach every age and condi'ti0n of-man-they arc the only con;Jel'ns that c[Irl'y throug 1 fronl the cradle to the gl _ve. ' However, he said'that'about 90 per_ - " . . _ (:h.ul'ch "StOl'y. _]'he ln[iirL persons ih theevent were children and tile mainspring of the story was t}lbi[' zmlt|ra] tenderness, Who nlill{ COVe"WIll] }l(2r tls/2ftl]hes{ and gentleness was anothei' appealing factor. • . . was {old by dren in'an nity who had "Th_ wise sermon--just children were " - "They 18 volunteered . to raise "money " are entitled to receive " _ " ':':': ""::...... _................. :" :,i_:_.'!:7:7:.-;'_'_:'""'=""........... " , !_ :.':_: • ".'!':i: "" : :.. " ". ..... " h CST AWARD ..,72:_=.. .. :: .... , " .' ; 6,I01 the The N_zazeneP=eczcher /" i i "" ,__,i ",. ',- --'-'" " . _. -. . " _"i -- Free upon . , ..' . . " 'a::.':_,'" ..... ..,j,_. let as all "effectiv,a tool" fro" pastors.. A Californta newspaper editor recently termed the brochure "the finest advice I lu, ve ever seen .for pastors and .their pt"ess relations." O. JOE OLSON courses "" " " by Stew- ' Dr..Hugh C. Benner..retired gefischool in oral. superintehdent who tlx¢linta|illod good press relalions.as a pastor and and girls administrator, has praised tlm:bodk- the teacher about- chil_solated Ozark communever tasted fresh mill 5. teacher didn't preach, a told her'.storyF-and .the moved. church However, these are not sent aLitomatically when the required are completed. They must be .retluestecl on the form aelow. -- . . "N,I.S. Me. in-your or DIPLOMA_ agailable freo-from: Paseu. Kansas City, church n_'.vs story handled art came from a _unday North St. Louis. A "el'_{ss of junior boys "" - trivial." Tim most • read " Many workers . . , Nazarene paslm:s are reminded of ...... II'_e, awlilabilily ot_ the folder. Press widely ' .... " Seek Wider [ifl_-rt!_l ,' "i "Much of the church news sen! t_ the press gives',the impression that a ]_wge part of what the chhr/:h and and ' .. . cent of church news submitted zo, The "incidenl was almi.her illusH'anewspapers ends .in the wastebasket .lion" in the old. (*ld slory of Christian IJecause it is not news, "These items ,eonlpass]on. It..ivas a "'siury _)f faith belong in tile church bulletil/ m: the in actioll and thai is what'makes ;,veekiy parish new_etter, but nol ill _lex_.,s, ]h fact. °°thing disc makes the news columns of a newspaper.'_ good church news--m_ any other kind popular yOU village .... e scope f c mrc 1 tieXvs its heighf . ll_e st0r X,m plcqu'e.an(_ word was :'rod dep|h.'" " "" " pullhshed wLdeL,,;'I)ecause:11 contallied alm()st every.,,eldmenl i'hquirud of a -" SERWCE TRAINING : paled. enls. leache,'s, and friends pavticix "rEhe mmley was raised and a cmv. Ozark CHRISTIAN " ']uly," ]_970 " request .... -"" ' ......... " " " .... " ] from. CHRISTIAN SERVICE 6401 The Paseo TRAINING Kansas CitY, Me. 64131 19, T I STEWARDSHIP . . • NAZARENES! •- .Stewar dship Edu cation: Mat erial " " ' IS Available for " " " rl':l'J"en_.,,ur an_T"ensl, i /l_, •" • .... You can help the Church Of the Nazarene keep in touch With:its merribers and friends who find it necessaryto relocate, by : " " TEEN.AGERS supplying essential information Names_of Moving Use the following . '. -ofEvangelism • I CAN HELP GOD. is a _20-page. . TAKE CARE. MAN! by Millard Reed• booklet, for children ages 6:8, (NZ) is a stewardship stuOy.for tee0s. BL516 25c Or5 for:$1.OO (NZ) . .. $1.50 report form or write to th'e Department for additional report cards: . " • .m......p..... moveo to a new community: The following : (allpro;_male BELONGS TO MI_? is a:16::oage Watch'.for stewardsh p pro'Crams in booklet )'.or ages 25c 9-11.or(NZ) BL51$ 5 for $1,00 the TEEN GUIDE. ' " " " Name Address. '" " --four All Available filmstrips -at two records --four " VA-2255 Clly Additional info marion: - . . Sl,_IO .SS Z_D Friends " • : ' all for $22,50 Pastor • " Street, : gs..,theTwigIsBent • "22 ' .Their rela!ionship, to our church is: Member NaZarene " of IilovOI • Publlshlnq HOuse guides.(NZ) date Name and new address are as follows: SIr_I CHILDREN'S STEWARDSHIPKIT Naz- arenes 'are usually processed the. same day they are i'eceived in the office• . , CHILDREN ' "Tile m Nazazono • P[o_chor • District July, 1970 " " '" . 23 NAZARENE WORLD'MISSIoNAR'Y"SOCIETY i,, i ii 5:50RADIOS TATIONS Make .,LA HOR.A NAZARENA" The Largest Evangelical - " " " " • \\.. ::_s_ _% Radio.Broadcast in Spanish, f- ProdUction, Station Time, and Service Costs Continue toRise " BUT-DARE WE DOLESS: ..... . " " -When We Consider.the Timein WhicilWe Live?• -When We'Consider ,Our.Placein.History:an.d in God's.Plan? , " -WhenWe ConSider the.HungryMultitude? $65000 ' y "i" . • ... .THE1970"rGOAL... .: , ! JULY OFFERING FOR SPANISH RADIO m The Nazazone Preache_ Iuiy, 1970 ,4 Project of Your NAZARENE WORLD MISSIONARY SOCIETY 25 "" •• BOARD•OF "smlp ! FENSIONS "t :_ . Illqllltill_," e_l,rJ('_ . • oJ" - (jll('_|i(ll[_ , . lind lin_5_l,r'_,-- .. . . "Q..On various occasions, ministers on my district who are approaching age 65 have asked me questions concerning the present Medicare program. Could you give some light on the two parts of the present Medicare program,? A. Plan A of Medicare is the .hospitalization portion of Medicare. Enrollment in this is automatic for persons entitled .to Soci_il Security benefits at age65. No part,ofmonthly Social Security benefits 'is "deducted.for this service. Plan B of Medicare is the medical portiere. And you .must enroll for this if you want to be covered. We strongly recommend that those persons eligible for this take advantage of it: SCENERY • GREAT FOOD • CROWDS • SPEAKERS • SRAI]PMUSIC, Be sure to enrollin Medicare Plan E3 during the sevenmonth eligibility, period from three months before and three . months after the month you reach your sixty-fifth birthday. " Each year there is•an open' enrollment period from January 1 through March ,31,. IF YOU DO NOT ENROLL.WlTH!N THREE YEARS AFTER THE END OF YOUR ORIGINAL ENROLLMENT pERIOD, YOU ARE FOREVER EXCLUDED THEREAFTER. As of July 1. 1970, $5,30 is deducted"each month fromyour Social Security benefit check FABULOUS " for. this Plan B coverage,.The .premium coverage, each monthforth.i:s.very Excellent medical government..matches this: with $5.30 making up insurance a $10.60 If you do not receive Social Security benefits, but wish to local Plan Social Security insurance, office, Provision can-be made for have,/our medical then youEvery should contact. you. tothesend in Bthe premium.each quarter. person ap. proaching age 65 would bew se tO ook at the total Medicare . program very carefully. • 28 " " _ The' Nazarene Prodcher (, ' _,_" =-J_'_..l" . " .. __" "i, " need_ ' " " "' . 1970 :' "f_ PRAYER <tip .PORT-July'14u, . . July. _"'r__ 20 . F " 1970 29 " " • • _ , I VACATON gIBLE SCHOOL " • ,_- . SUMMER IS HERE WHY 'o* Home MJssJ!1S? 0 .. We are:really thrilled'with this year's VACA" ' TION BIBLEscHool. The booksare-soColorful the study materials so goad---_heprogramso functionaJ. .. : r GRAB THE CHANCE! Don't allow today's pressuresto force you to waste such a wonderful - - _ opportunity! • . " .CHURCH SCHOOLS ' MELTON•WIENEC4E " '' " ' " YOU'LL BE ,GLAD YOU BIrD "" ' "have.... had " Sunday schdof "clinic" seminar ' " ' Nearly 60 district_ tr,'iilling, Teams of trained pasto]'-eonsultants are conducting ¢)linics in churches abross their " " district. :_' to seetheir scil()()Iinlpro',_e. " . _, _ * ,mount. _l_ "" . From Texas a consultant "temn wrote: "This clinic was mast"successful witha glorious altat:.serxuce at tile chlse."and tile pastor informed us thai it was just a real l:evival ,or them. All his worl(ers and teaehers"were pres:enl for the servicb, and all expressed tba/ it was tile best tiling that ever happened to their church, to have a clinic like that one," How al)tiut ,y.our church? Had'a clinic yet? - " An ncreased . missionary outceachatbornewill affect _1_ A 3 percent budget is within the reach of all districts now,,:with5 percent a possibility soon. _ .... 1,000cities " " " exist in the U.S.A. and Canada, of 10,000 population, without one Nazarene church. Our opportunity is great. • Wily hal call your district" church schools chairman now and schedule one? You'll be glad you•did! " 3_ bud- .total growth and missionary incentives worldwide. A cons'Jltailt team train Florida reported a eliniel_just completed, "We literally had a ball "wilh them. And tile,,, were tile inost enthusiasfic.cyowd district, Home Missions :_. The h gh cost of.multiplying churches continues to . that we have.seen." starved" get-curtails aggressiveaction _ l_eports arc arriving daily telling of thrilling expei'mncos ,:Is tile Sunday school elit(ic approach LSshared*with h)calstaff, members and ()tilers eager A" '!financially The Nazarene Preacher '.SUPPORT, 5o/0 FOB DISTRICT HOME IN1970! MISSIONS, BUDGET . • • • . . . , ' ' een • .... :_ MASTERINGMATTHEW "VASO0 • . _ C) LOCALQUIZ CERTIFICA'rE , •1,,, QUESTIONS O_ FOR _._i[ [+_o,wh MATTHEW _ : .' _*l tyn, JlO,qlp_ I.nn_l•,xiI PAD _,,,,, r_ ,, " " '"" _'t' .......... _tfiOwm l_.................... .,_.r .,_,,,, TE.53QM I "z;.i_, ,_li,z,,z,z. ,_,_ .,a,_d,, _,,.,...,,,.,,r,,l I',,ir,.d.s'_.- _¢_ _ ' " _?,_ '-..:- ". • (_) (_) f; Q , - ' ...."'_'_' ...-;_" " "" #''e'_ r. ' • ' ' SUPPLIES TODAY./ , (': . t_ ^ lie 'VV ellildren ABOUT MID W_" i ni O wh call '!suamier • OH r at vacation"-- that frenzied period ,between Out'busy springtime and all the plans we. are making for the" busy fall• Seems like " there sh0vld be. time for a little leisure. " Modern _;cience has provided us with th cy Ila d al most .. the family. • "." ""'" ........ . " .wash and' w_/ar We are SUl_posed to to beiustnnt, autematie, prefobricated, .have much more time for. leisure but - camps, vacation Bible schools, camp " it is often find one fi'ee alonedifficult two conmeetings, ete,,week--let to ' ""'''" ' '*'+ "" "' " " • L " " _' "** " r' NAZAR_Nlt ' * PUBL I_IHINB I_0U$1_ _1, _mas ©lTv,_l.ml= 14lit _¢oU th e c hild ten fr am -- " " Children need some rime'that is i_n_cheduled and free. ,Timy need- time foi" dreaming, for wondering, and exploring, The speaker " group put who addressed it this _way: ouralumni "Weneed time reational" activities :that, far from "reo,vn games. We organize so many "reccJ:eating" us. they- leave us more spent * **,.,.•.,,.....,.=.=,,,._,,t. In our ' tight progr,'uns and schedules, can't we find a little time for "re-ereaqualities? Must we always the tion" to awaken.and to build head theseforinner sc;eutive weeks_for the pastor's'family pork, _tt_e ball game_ the shore the to. plan a bona fid/_ vacation• HOwever m nlaturc golf col_rse. These have their this is not really the type of leisure I'm " place, but'is there no time left for' regd_ • ing, for eonver_ing, for discovbringi for ' •thinking of, :We need some dren 'highly ..,.,......... .. ,t_sr0_h_.eox ta . to us from the -slavery devices to the • develop inner,to resources " Children so rescue many wonderful, mech,'inieal to 'starc_'our time catch up,. time to daylight.hours which our paren_ and need tih_d to observe bugs, to dig in grandparentS knew. Everything seems dirt, 't6 watch•clouds, to organize their .I !:::.! _"'"*_"_" " * oRnnrOaR ':. ..\' '_1 " " .. . " : " ::;:;:._: : : _ : .; r_' ";; _"r_'r-'r ,,,., ., ..... I ...... .... ' ' (_) " . . , (_ " -" "'- . the increase. We ore seldom rested. What ;,vith boys' and •girls'..and youth "" " ' ' _'n="*_ ._-.5,. I.!' [__ • . . . --_/_'/_ _/u_-,t, _,_'.._eo_n ................. ., ,* ...... : :':::._!!::._t* ...................... ,': ("_'-".................... .. : =t';'' "Re creation"--? • , ' " * ' ,; • .,,,, *.. ':*', ' ":._'*"_='""_"_''-,-.-_ ;" "remit._': _ " "_ " " ,m'. 6¢;12Ior6SC . . . _:_k_"_". ,_,:_.. . " "' - (_). ' ," _, 4': _.......... • • [acf:pat/,SOc r_" "lttJf( M•dth,,w ........ . " . (_ FROMFISRERMENTO DISCIPLES ............... 32 " SHEET LU-IS02 4oc h,_ ....................... ,.,,, _, : [_ iil_ IOL =)i['fli_t( I_ L_'H • _?H r.J. .........n. ,,..,,,t,,,.,,_ U.lSl4 . 121oe40c;1001or$3.00 SCORE LOCALQUIZZING _,,r_,illlr ,,f[ M.29 - . $7.5G '"*'_"" .......... '_""..................... "*_'" '"""""'::"" " .hO parsonage •, • • • ears.B.emARJOHNSON Of C) "DENAIRFINDSTHEKEY." FILMSTRIP • _ LEADER'S GUIDEFOR "MASTERI.NG-MATTHEW*' I,,vfh_ . : Irr.ht II,l_,._k_,,_,_ the leisure, need qeisure programmed organized ten carrias and and too. at our chil- They •are so school--so over-scheduled. •over into the over- also," I was impressed with this Statement recently, "Can all leisure-time prqfitably in dolug? be This of- church thinking? spent coming?"n°t some, most Must at'least, be reserved for he- t_ c_oA., ss_z el_ su_t: w.tt. ronmt__; o.,_,_ One parenL romarked merecently childhood that there were so manytochurch aetiv- , andThink recall back someofouyn.ro,_n the,most meaningful " ities planned Tho Nctzmono Pzeczchez fuly. 1970 . for each , age-group that memories--pcrl_ttps, sitting alone under 33 activity of anell anthill, watchin_ "falling" stars, summer for a favorite oak atree.warm brooding overnight., the One man suggested that pwI of tile difficulty wh.ii:h our young people are • exper enc 1,_ today eoultl stem f,rom tilt, alnmst lotal lack of an earlier sefise of communion with God in_ th6 wi}rld of • [ nntnre. • - . • . . . . feathered the_.c e;'ords: This is nl!l Fqther._ world, A,_}l to 7 ! listenint 'ars A I n resiT qs and ronnd me ,'_m}s The mash" oJ Ill(, spheres, . . • : .... " _':v .'. Vnlh,y,an[1 m,rrated that John g,'eat'-woodsmare, l_oetie" by Writer MOil'. I truly, felt re-created, attd as if I had beenin the very-preseuce of God. When we.live in noisy; smoggy, crowded cities. sometimes we have to enjoy God's great open .gountry by vicarious expermnee "I')Hs is ,,T! Faflwr's mdrhl: th, shim's in nil lhaPs hdr thrmlgl I)ooks. pletnres, or imagination. fltW.even then (here is st} much.to ex- till' Ire Lasl their their l"llsllill¢l . !lrtJss l hettr ,g/}PtlkS IO }tIP e rl'r!] week friends, were llim Wu;s; D0ri{'llet! • ne of camlhngdhoghter. experimlce--the first fat" small These parents.had "There which Mways trmd Io introduce her to'_ tile wonders of God s x_urkl. Site _ould go abont exclaiming in. awed or excited' ' tones. "Isn't it good' of Jesus to make this nice tivbr!" _'I think it was wonderfu! ff G()d 1o make these mountains for us." Tile blue jays , the:pbmcones, tile cmnpfirt}--all were important. All hellmd to relatc tile child to God's worhl. . " It is disappointing to .sec how m_iny. natural wilderness spots--and even some national parks--have felt they must add golf coursds, swiminlng pool_ and-.all sorts of concessions to satisfy, the jadedappetites 'of leisure seekm's. One letpropelled youth leader remarked pityingly, afler spending a brief vacation with his parenks. "My. poor father neyer learned t0 'p ay'--his idea of recreation is to take a "long walk ahmg the seashore." . • .. .. Shoulti our time for planned vacation " be our only recreation? Do we - have to 11o away froth home to be re-created? Is it distance, or tile unfamiliar, or tile "organized'? SlJorf'.that constitutes ree- I reatlon? _houldn'f new dedicidlon ',,4{. ttll'n to bi.,}toldlng llg;lin t(} . t, IJOy is a beauty people n)illly III o/11" I}v.4"_ . ..... E_ TUDY SERMON (}F T|IE'/_IIINTil-- . ". , " :h - in' homely have never • - , I the F. T_:k_: Pifilcinoa 1-5 . [t is u wi_e maa who eucireles himself with good people;, who reinforces his life with men of righteousness, who tnake obedience Io.God the .easier ahd disobedience the mine .diffictdt, Apm't flom the " Apostle Paul. there are thlee people make tip tile east of persoaalitles - " . House Ba_lew* : " who who " " " Tht,re _s in the third,instance the man to whom Ihe letter was written--Philemon, _! fellow laborei'. One. commentator ha_ suggeMed tht{l Philemon was a businessnmn dealiag ill" cloth, for Colosse was fmnous fm',produen_li a cloth of quality; and during thelhree year,_ tim" Apostle Pall was ill Ephestl_; he was a tcllllnaker. It.is altegether possible that here he. may inure in the scene that Paul el'elites• They are persons of us by might have had'come met Philemon, who, like eenturiwith profit. whom Oat s eahh a woman the know nffme on. to k m_v"God andthewhom tim af Apphia, wife of Pliilemon.. Theft'is the ApoMle Paul led in the more. rigld*_*ohs son. of Philenmn. a man I)y the n:ime.of way, and "Introduced to Jesus Cbrist. Arehippus,. idbntified as a" ]cllomsoldier, Philealozt had heeome a heliever ip the One of these two makes up half' of lbe'. God of Israel and now had come to know disregarded,class of the first eentOry. His Son, Jesus Christ. In this period of lime, slaves and win!lIt is likely that the Apodtle Paul was en were treated as common property to be ,a frequo;4t guest, in the borne'of Philemon. owned, sold, treated well, or inistreated It was quite natural that fills home, for at the whim of'whoever was the" ruler of "its place in time md space, became the the home. It is a point not to he forgotten 6ecl6sia.. the place of.the called-out ones. in this age that the gospel _always identiThe apostle speaks of the church in his fits /m_ons as persons. We are not part h6use. I'm aware that good l}ibleexegesis' of a.mass. We ai'e not" ia anE final analwoidd demand that we reeogmzelthat real- - -. . . :,,sis We2 hopes, are persons dreams,steUsties aspirat ons, defeats, with m/d promises that rise and fall, only.so m-. times with .the victory that we, would .claim' for them. But we are people: men and women who having once b_en created _hhll live for all Uam; into whom. there hasbeen, breathed the breath of life, hind no powerGodm treats earth usor :llke heaven it off that, shall Thereclose in here a silent witness that this inferior status'sltall be corrected, fer Paul speak'-;, luApt)hia as 0n6 beloved. + " ,AlllllOf UllklloWD, in By .Jame_ things seen. "For.insthnce.. do you know Sunlight through a" jar at- peach. plum jelly, A raiilbow in seal}suds itl dishwalor. All egg yoll_ in a bhie bawl "While rtlffletl curtains slfti/ig mr}onLight, " The colotlr of cr_lnberry glass, A little cottage with bhm shutters. : Crimson rom,s in ;m old "stone crock " The smell of _l&vly baked bread," Candle light on old, brass, The soft brown Of a coeker's eyes?"" Church . -*DeeeaseO: nerlnon l_reathed IIIItllllely dealh with cancer, s]m]ll2,' buff,It, hb; ly he is. ahout a congregaUon of people thaitalking met in Philemon'_ house and sang-hymns and remembered the ResuN reefion and witnessed to the power of.God in their li',;es daily. I'm sure that this is the haste heart-meaning of this passage of Scripture. But. it does. no violence to it to recognize.that tim core of this calledout people was this Christian •family. is refreshing to remember ttiat file ApostleIt Paul is writing to the church in Ph'ilemen's house, declaring that our homes ++lay he places of worship in ndniature, and that God would speak to us at this petal. ,lull(, 1970 35 . . / . . '" htlmes Tho Nazarene Preacher - ' : N ITH oaf evening :with botd,: of. Yosemil, e This sort of pleasure" can constitute real leisure ' an.d re-creation[ There's quite n bit 0f summer left yet, Take time to stale,' ' t .obserxe.' to savor the" small wonders .<_ your x_,orld, and to build .this,appreciation into the sotils of your children Let's not exchange ou/" God-given op.portunities for perfect peace for the "'petty pncq." .. 3,1 • ['spent pictorial ii tile -things . . "slid backyards..In some of Peter Marsliali's wrilings he q _oted Iht*se words which.express.this so i:,erfectly: Ollf!rt', lellim! _tll(| 11[ for granted! .L_astwinter a ftdl-eolor ... . creation OUI" July ;Ilynm .f tilt' blonth" (includedelsewlfere in this i_,sue_ contains Ill . difficult our. great urban areas, so we willhand? nee_ int6 etdtivateif... at True. such an attitude is more Our whole family has learndd a new appreeiationand delight iu birds since living" neighlmr to Ifelen Temple-_-an avid bird" watdger lh}w much enjoymeat we had missed in taldng God's I " " " The sense of relevance declaration is the more recognize that not all of worship. The Word with illuMrations where gre,'_t sorrow for content becauue tel tiffs kind of pressin_ when we home:_ ale places of God is replete" tlmve was some parent.% and of .name" evil great dispervadittg f_/ar him." W.e ._ee the love of God through the life of a fatber. We come to this point anti ask . ourselves whether "_those persons who Jive'in our homes may reeogniz6 the nature 6f God's love, be- • It is most unusual that so many ,thit{gs. of crisis happened in one family in such repeated fashion as it, did Jo his family, He folks about llis falher "and mother, and the responsibilities as pastor of a new holding it in the member_ of the family, Again: "/ks one whom his mother cam- cbureh to pastor the home..This is to be for us _ not only a .cause for rejoicing, "if. our ho_nvs at_,places of wor_hip jn miniature. Ira1 cause for alarm." The rampant disregard for forteth. _o will I comfort you" (Isa. 66:13). Out of this p0._sage of Scripture there comes to us the keen. t_ecognition thdt God is" intending, out of the, normal r_;la- Io pastor th_ church. Erich bf them _at'on, :worn dO. a heath waiting for action to come. They * It is generally recognized that. in this were, all intimately and purposefully inurban area at least, one of tile problems volvdd in what was going on. Surely the. that families have is .the inability to share righteousness.in homes is _o wideM)read., thrit it is causing cancel'n, no't nnly [tl religious circles, but among men and tionships of the.home and out of the;sure a Id deep-rooted love of mothers, toward their children and toward tile member_ of Apostle Paul. writing to the memtiers of the family of Philemor _i'a_ saying that there w,'Is in their home a church b_cause expelJences. Tile father: often works in.an office or a-plant. His family are neither invited nor wanted there. He works m a this was it family "if ther6 is _i church in the home, It is a pla_e o1 toorship, CharlesKohler, a very outstandir_g Saplist minister, says that there are two things every Christian family ought to [lave." One is a family altar and the _ihev is n family pew.: Re_;ognizing t lat"servl ig ehurchL*s grow out ,of worshipping churcbca, end that serving families serve effeclively because they learn to worsblp, it is' world so foreign and aloof from them that they are unable,except in very -general mrms. to even.say What he does. Thereis a tendency in our culture, in 6taler to meet thb social demands of underprivileged children, to fracture or fragment the social life of did. family so that, either gathering around the school, church, or some other significant social group, young people rind mothers and fathers have sepat'ate social contdcLs. It is a rather uncommon experience for .whole families to important -go women who are interested in just. the the family, to inustrate God's kind of normal "balance" of homelife, Ther_ is the love, that does not wear out. It doesn't -story in the Old Teatatnent of David, close iLself off like water from a spigot who_e son Absalom plotted tim overthrow whose handle has been closed off, until . of his father's kingdom. In the home of _omeone turns it on,' God is saying, My . Jacob there was such. dissension that his" love is not like _at When men run as sons sold one. of tlelr number into slav_ far ,as men play rl_n, they find yet there cry. There were in the'case of a minister . the love of God expresMng iLsplf in conoy the name of. Eli sons w,ith such discorn. He is saying, I have placed a window regard for their father's ministry that m men_s Lives to permit the light of. tiffs they embarrassed :the .church and" detruth to .shine in; and' file name of _.hat "strayed their fath_.,r'sinflnenqe, window is motherhood . Unless mothers PersOnally i we have desired. with m[my and homes one idle them teousness, and acquainted would that leave, hunger nmehto are thrust to .be" a bit of the. leaven of 'righthai they migllt be transformed changed, that there homes it could such.'consecration be declared church in the home. : become might be Let me identify for you some eharacteristics of a church' in a house..Not so much that I may ]udge_ for I'm neither ships tutors ] ofwindows truth, bearing a young . and" makes of ttis own them the character" us to .recognize its it is bffused *It is a matter testify, . " - of patte'ras nature of God. There is file notice in Ps. 103:13 that, "like as a lather pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that the deUghlfulbooklet flint Paul Martin, an evangelist in rite Church "of the Nazarene, has printed, about, the story of his life. The Nazarene Preacher see al ' true school whether or the activ we churdlam ty together Tt s is ortalking whatever about it the m. " There is a growing inability to share common exI_erlenees. for families 'This pie- sents -an increasingly more significant reason for families to worship ibgethhr. There L_ someddpg good about-families " common experiences at churc]l does somqv. thing for a family that is vitally and earnestly .needed in our time andin out" place. To be with a group of people"whom . you all know, to have listened" to words which, are meaningful "to all file family, to be able to have shared experiences that are uplifting and helpful, that you may talk about openly and quickly and easily, does something for a family that it des- disposition of God. IL If there is u church is a place el servipe. " a a worshipping church, I remeniber reading of an incident" in tile autobiographical'work of-the,late Roy. Ira Dumas, in Which he told about visiting a home where there was a family altar. Though it was not his own home, and he' was benefiting from it soinewhat second-' handed, yet there wan an impact in the,, sight of .a family gatherecl around its common place of worship that mhved and get a feel "" to .ordbr to make it'on time (as frantic as that must often seem}, is wholesome. After the tom-up and often fractured experiences of _ week, to be able to share Notice ft'om the Word of God somd of the phrases that.are tied at one end to the home and tied at the other end to .the in" Ire home, it " You'll remember is when we seek to perform the rituals of service out of sheer obedience, with none of file oil of God's presence.about_ us to help us. A serving church grows _ttt of and disposition, and there hurrying around on Sunday morning and getting dressed .for Sunday sehooh Just the .common effort to get 'things :d0rie in strengthened him as seems _mportant that character that vlsltors in our homes as well. There needs to be the common experience of with a _ense • of. tile We creak' along like wheels are ur_gre_xsed tirol, if there is a church in the is n pl_ce where men begill to and "" by .th3t presence'of,'.God. of great consequence that. . souls. are bathed .presence of God. :some wagon whose during all of this period of ume. though she would have shouted'denial of it. her spirit troubled h_;r, for she knew that she nature' '. from time to time; these people wile serve most intensely find places where the_ tn_/ be quite alone until their hearLs and that.there -had shebeen in her life when hhd a leftperiod God of and time spirit_" ual filings rather out of it. She said that die se12,'ed. aLain saclament tlie aura to oflife.meaning We are to able service t_ main'only that " lady for bei: then home,..it 3_ of the home and teachers " light, are " saying which went 'v)ent_ III. Not .only so,'but to- express qualified nor apt at that--I simpl_, do it " was not:.doing the "right" tiring. For her that each of us may jhdge his own home. the term "right'_ fixing gained meaning by and meo.sure it' by these scriptural, disits definition' in hctr home. If' you go to tinctions of a church in a home. any small youngster'who" ia not able to " " talk in terms:of theory or principle, and I. It is fair _t_o say that if out" homes ask him whrit ls "t:igllt, he will refer to are plae_ of righteousness, if they are • the. anthority ,of his" paret3ts and sa_, Christian homes, our Ito_hes are places :;M_/ m o the r saysit is so." or.. "My o1 learnine. Lee)is Evans indicates that father says it is _o.? He needs no finer the home is God's theological senfinary; i'( authority thnil that. He would not name is Glod'_ place.of, teacl!ing : Here in this king or parliament or president or governsmallest' of social groupd God fittingly ment. fro' his parents have said .it, and declares himself. He takes rite" "relationthat is quite enough, We need to remora- ! ; effort are closed. Gadis a place 01 learning. I rementher was{hati_ earnest dirtied, that kindand "ofthoselove.avenues, those and beauty . the b0mels in these Christ that to there ,'ible by some He used to say. wlten they a church, thG whole [airily " open l_ible, if we place in less prominent view tile Christian literature which we and out" children read; '.we shall not only disregard tile cleat _ commands of God. hut we shall do violence, to those who are of our a young man. we not change worship tosatisfy It thi." either perately needs. The .German I-Ioffman . chemist came "to by Glasgow. the on name a of Sunday who :convenience tile visit in our homes, or the for hnl_i'ts we pay of those them groat compliment and indeed respect whenwe assume that they -_,in-not be offended knocked morning toandsee the Sir maid Williamopened Thompson the door. He Mr. Hoffman inquired, "Where is Sir WiN " liana Thompson?" Looking at. him rather by 9u_ patterns' of worship, ff we lay aside our family devotion, If we lay in some more secret place .odr".commonly "intently. she said, "Sir, lie's at" church, where you .ought to be." I don't know that that's.protoeol, ]Jut I do kn6w that thet_- July,.1070 37 t was 1 one place yell could count on Sir where-wokship ls_ so real and so normal does William Thompson being-on' Sunday mainrag, and that was rl el'lurch. "It xva_ _n d_seriptlon, not only of the kind of God he served, but of bimself as,well. - that they are made to c,nter life bigger Ihau Ihdy are. Our lleavenly Falher. tt is a commoll Iridk _o)t the e_te_ff!l to _ltlke _ts believe that 'the +l_orld is _:larlietl by its stark Each of us needs a cht}rcb in hi,_ borne, We. need a family altar, and a fondly pew. We need a worship-that is so God-cen-tered tbat all of the expersences of life reallsyll by. its practicalness and that the church is a rat er _, 9 treal, [anci]ul sort I hinf] lJltt _IL sltch tla!ts Its this, and olzt o]" such trltjh_ ins this, tjrows tht. dt'vp "COIll_le[IOII th(fl [_ltll CtlrlCatllre i_ llOt a rt,]lcclion o[ J_'l,ll r_,all, is. We believe (*aura iis "experiences our |o pray, tin'Ill oat el ire we entCl: into nurmal those .desires of lives. - - that I "think it is ]3ishop Kennedy wh'o tells, of v little boy who w_s trying to explaill why he liked to _it in a church wber. tie.. prayed, lie said. "It makes me feel b_gudr than I am." In a world that presses _.lS into a mold. that moves i_s like a piece of putty, often x,)hlleed desperately to be il is the, .world Ilia[ [ t,es frotlt tea bigger 'than we are.._,lnto such a world as tbat. we who bring children wouhl accoxnpany tliem• with a t,l_ttrcb in tile llolne _n, l_hose homes fhere is male I]li_, _ ..... ,. :, _:::_:,_,_,:-;_,:;?e_,,._ .... ,_,._._-_•-,,_.._z2_:_,_,_] ....... _'__ " _ _ _i _:_:_'i_)_ _,'_ _o, . It is this " it_ decisions. process personal of Ihis _[ in" the world " activity It" was. [10w Is It Related to "the 01d Man"? 6 _f a. series) " , While none _argued that we may ha(re . - man than specifically, make bursel(,es fiaet,'iphysics. clear, even man's is the lack the rudiments of these disciplines. Inrfiodern thinking about man any ontological stattis for buman nature or the indlvidutd-self is ruled out. Most phenomenologists, along with the positi_/tsts and humanists, reduce the self to no more than a stream of consciousness witb its attendant activities• tuu'e becoliles only HenCe tile human an aetivi(y and the • Pr_ft, ssor ,_f tlleoh_ y "lege. Kankakce. ll| " ; Olivt,t Nazarene 38 nasoul Col. It exists in timi_ and act_" phenomenal a_d i|oumi2nal makes decisions and adopts ° in last will. i)aek el lht ttct. " t . . to _ evil and all entrance into goodness," tile laying off of the old man and the putling on: of the new. since the.man I._taints dead "to ._in ;.. i_l order to become alive unto rl_b_ousness. TM E Stenle3z ddlles is stlre]y right in insi_tirig (in one\ of his greatest that "lluman N/irate Can Be Lel" us slid rejoice that man can sermons) Changed. ''v' by re-credited cleansed! in Ihis glound in ex- della Mirai_dola. ill his Oratio_ oil thePicaDi[/llity of Man, proclaimed that th6 di'_i'ne gift to man was not a _ixed nature• perience tin _he carlie_.t youth as f_lr" back as [fir/hi and is lhps .conceived of as present ill man at' birth--though birth _.t, ct not be the .cause'of il. ''_ like that of other stict'ies, but fbe freedom m whi_'h man coukl make of hi_lself what he chose to be.' llowt, vor we must not forgel that Ibe basic effect of sin is bond- furlher pt'ov_nl_llt di_co_nrses of. ibe. _.ransfo_ting . abont n_dure , ¢propen,sio') Ill_ human_ This I prohe tinder- age, Quite rlghtly" does Kant cbntend that the misuse Freedom of our freedona sult_ irrational in impotence. is of a trot.re that to" disobvy the moral resnch law a of his pl'_CtlCeS luly, .IBT0 of his but. east ratber in Niebuhr." who" affirms that personality "is cha' by botb structure. a basic structure aildLet _cterized free(Ion', beyond u_ therefore ]lear again.the ''t_ exhorration.of tbe apostle: "If true knowledge Jesus. you will have Ihat sell self you must, whas/_ way that wasted There mUst is to learndd" be found, in ill his ,school be, quit, now. of the old ofits.aim life youon' remember, the false drealns. be _l renewal in tile tuner life df your minds; you mu._t be clothed .m the new self. "whteb is created in Godrs ntnaue, Justified and' sanctified ,it)rough the truth" (Eph. 4:21b-24 Ronald,-Knox Versionl. q,et. me colnmend to the reader Alburey Cos[ell'SMacmlllan,monogram1965) The. Sell i_ Phi{osoldny iN.Y, :See eslecally C ap er 4.of Caslell'_ volume. _e • T_e S_ f _s :For a lille dlscussllln of I I s pnll_hasls In Kant nlind, and " consult John R. Sllbur'_ "lntrnductiow" to Kant's • llelloIon With n Ire Limits tl! Reason Alone in tbe grotmding of a chat',aeter: though (N.Y,: I arper. 10Of} pp. cxiv |l and notes custolhariiy man goes about tile matter 'Cf. II.Armlnlan Orlon Wiley. class May lect_re. Pasadena College Theolngy, 9; 1957. " otlierw_._e and fights-against vices one by _Kant ReHoIon Withilt the Lin ts of. Reason one. leaving undisturbed their common :.lone, p. 17. "" _Ib[d.. pp. 2:].24. root "_ . r//_d., p, 26, Kant is cluite certain thai "'_,vhat is "Sllbtnr. op. e/t.. p. cxv., note. opposed to lbe moral law is evil it_ itself. _l_;anl. op. elf., pp, 41-44 " _?lbid.. 11 51. absolutely completely/ "NOW a 1 of tile cbnraeter. The acL_ of the moral individual • are determined by wbat tile "itidi_;idual himself is. For tile unregenerate there is a certain in_idiousness: of the huma0 heart Tilts i_ whal St Paul specifies a_ "the old.man," " " ' Reiln'nim_'to Kant. he says: "From this it follc/ws that man's ino_al • gt:owtb of ileccssit3_ begins not in tile ira- • l_elagianism Ptoclchoi" acloptioll i'cference It wtnlld ._,¢'m that. one must. agree' with the Kantiaz_ position that the underlying " inic,_ttional grottnd of _d] ou_'speclfie ack_ [s"xvltat 'we under._itmd to be a man's • hath the xi.'oL'lds. It maxims of Tho Nuzctteno the with tllti- dlspositio_l according to Kant mvol'¢es "cban_e of he' t. not mc'_,, y. a "change '" pi'aetices."' disposition and character. I[ere Kimt is " in agreement witb the Atminions. who lllways insi_ibd on ill, trine (p0.dting) cltaracter Illaxilll ga_ tlte . in. human .naturcq."_,_ " I-h, nce. Silbur, in h_s iniroduelion lo this _ work of Kant: ob_;erves that a change of " behavior It is the, choosing will. 'Now this disposition and rational will has a definite moral quality. And back of the free exercise of choice stands the moral ." . will (Wilkiir)._ This or '• self,determining man from We must also' agree v:itb Tillieh that ontology man nature is under prior the to operations ethics: t_- and of grace. "with , aa well ,as avl empirical, ego, That is to say.':thht.man as _vcll as ntatter.' "is spirit Tb,_tbe i._ O_.,_onas, well ,s'animal I think we ln_,lst admit. Thi_ nomnnterial 'elective cboosing the of.{be will ,which precedes :all :_cm and derst;md a subjective determining ground w,hicb. therefore, is'it._elf not at_ act . . . We can furtlter call it a radical inn;_le evil Kant • bas- a" t_o;_taeiaal ego Pei'haps there i_ anothcr(questten which is also vitally related to our. topic for thi_ articlei "Ix .man only an activity, or is be an agenl?"' Here we are confessedly moving in tl_e area of philosophy, arid. more' hope whoto those of invtilves tile lossof of liberating" one's freedom) the necessity grace _ i/enee whicb "m_ikcs .free from tile blw of sii_ and d_.ath" IRom. 8:2), I_ this" connection let u_ tbal_k. God for the lnalleabili_y 6f hu- Immanuel ego Kant calli_d the'."oatologiedl _clf" or l]te "transcehdental ego;" Also for Kant lhis nonmaterial sel'f is characterized by _ disposition (Gesi_nlt_itd) the chief element of wbich is its own normative rational nature (Wille) or "rational will"" It is the source in man of a. strong and ever present inventive, which lies• back of We to back sland Ihe of the cl'aving, po_i:' hility of ansubjective inclination _round (habitltal _.one_lliseenliat _s far as mankind ili gendv'al ia liable to it." , . "By the .conctrpt of a pr0penoit',' we un- mere mechanical worhl, andin back the we ave activity, stands Ihe perstmal agent." olbcr, character ground_ol thai pensity in exl_lains toas evil follow_: "By propensity writer's "_1 _ wbo , does. process, of an actiyity, but a self-directive eonttmtion that the self is hot.a mereatl_;,t w l_ a c_ar eter that lies back of" _=,_,_¢. Does MtinHavea N010te?I[ "SO , it '1 By Ross E.. Price _" (._rllele what _llhjective or Kimt 'the • only a molal d-inn_lte _s old_; s¢,nse, law)is that it lermt, is [_osited the anteeedt, nt to every- _n_t. of fn'eedom - presel!ee and .ble_sn_g o] God. We _co_dd pray that /'qr each o! oltr. _amilten. Ill JeSllS' _tame. Alne_t is have Ht,ncc I'(_mt _ays: , "I'hc good or evil in _1 " " alad [tides its ht, ad ,n I/le shad t_nd pretei_ds that thinffs are tzs mea Ivanl thegn Io be. It is oal_ •I lelaen i_'e (o1116 into lellowM_ipwtih God that we ]int_ trttth bared. and _nadc plabt. [nslzeh a world as lhis thereis an earnest, despert£te, need [or "'[a*nilies not action. Pelagius argued tbat there was no orluinal' 5in. _ Pelagianism bas human naturc with innoceni_e l|lone, but witb no predisposition i11 any direction II woukl not Itohl their ma_l.is depr_'ett.' of and he must e reprehensible, _dleate L Agaill affirms:be " ' " is a departure change of heart "" '" ' • " ,.Ibid.. t_ 6_.. _:Sermon preached at F/r,sl I_lethodist _hurch. Glendale. _GlovannlCallf. Pica della ?,lirando_a Oration on the 3,q "'. " OSMan, inc., tr. I_5). by Chas. G. Wallis IBobbs. tqCf. Kant. op, ell,, P. t49. Cf. Also Kant's llfetaphuat¢ of 31torala Sectioncxxxl, Three. Silbur, op. cU., pp cxxvlU-lx, note,CI. : _lso t_Paul T llleh The Courage _o Be. The Self anti Ihe Dramas o] I'Reinhold IlL*tory, p. Niebuhr. 65, "Dicnltll M_rrlllCo.. t)" . _. . _rOITI _. alO Gr_ol3k _-'" Ry Relish I Xint, Laodicea abolished this' institutior_, or so " the metaphor of _alt counteracting putremodified it that'widows no longer held ,'_n faction, and light pusbing back darkness. official relation to the church." tli_ very saintliness will f4"equently make Somewhat different is the opinion of a rebel of the saint. There are tinms when Moffatt. He says (EGT, IV, 130): "In even v Daniel--the best citizen that any the references to widows in the earliest city ever bed--n/ust throw down the gauntChristian literature outside the H,T. (with -let to the slate• up, taree except on. ofas _Ignatius.. menhoned objects Smyrn..13) of charlty.a . they, o g with oi.pbans, etc. None of these ,Oe.l.te, or ,.eft lo.o' ,dac GLEANINGS " noun amothe {only -herd--ih-_l_)iwhich means a "return" or '_recompenze." Arndt and Gingricb (p. 46) translate the passage: "Make " a return to those who brought them up." The idea is that children and grandchildren should repay the care that was given them when they were growing, _e ..re-__ ,_vt-- _ It Greek has memononzene ._ Eclrle* "leave alone." "left alone." Tbe best renderlng'lmm 5:i-9 .... Rehuke , The verb ,piplesso is a strofig .'campound (of. NASB, ':sharply. rebuke"), oc_ eurring" only here in the New Testament. Literally it means "strike at" or "L_at • upon."- Paul wat_ young Timothy not to strike at an older mare Women" in the inchurch• (The reference fo "elder verse 2in suggests "elder" .here:is an official thai sens&). Incidentally, i" we muss not think used of t_is , "youth" (el. 4:12) as a teen-ager, or dven a young man in his twenties• Probably he was around 20 years old when Paul,!at Lystra on his second missionary j6ur• 'ney, took at on least Timothy. as anbefore associate, Tbat "was 15 years this Epistle "xas- written. By now Timothy would have been in .his upper thirties, But in the l_man Empire one was referred to as a "young .man" until he was 45. • . : •"Nephews" ..... "." not The word or t'Grandchildrcn"? is ekgona (v,;4), found only here in the ,New Testament. All lexicons nre agrend that the proper translation is "grandcbildren," which .also fits the context better. • • "Reqmie 'I, or "Repay"? The one word in English represents two in Greek. The first is a,verb which literally means "return." "render what is due," or simply "pay.", " • Professor. Greek New At any rate. we know that widows, es- the churchelderiy (Acts ones. 6:IL were But they pecially cared must for be by widows in' real need is The second, ls the " Testament. Nazarene 411 Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Me. " " "Infidel" or-"Onheliever'? The Greek has the adjective, apistos (v. 83, which.simply means "unbelief, ins." It is used frequently in tile Corinthian letters for _:unbelievers," as 6pposed to Christians. What Paul is.saying here ,is that a professing Christian who. does not toke care of his family is worse than a non-Christian. and the" KJV gives us "suinnit." where rbndm:ed "creatian" (e.g., Mark 13: Tile Word ren_Jq,'cd "institation" is else19] and .'!ereainre".lII Cor. 5:17). Therefore men." A. SubjecV to WIIAT ,alul to WHOM?. To ek,ery "divine institution among men." I. To _he head of- state.• When Peter '.",'_ spoke the of baiter the emperor, that Nero, of Christians. -" • SIi|nfSand'CitiZens • " By T. Crichtoil . rJ:xr: . - ' "Taken into the . Number!' or"Enrolled"? .. Let be .taken into the number" zs ' : all one wordt_n Greek, katelegestlio (v. 9). This verb (only here in I/T)- is Used I_y ancient writers foi" enrolling _0ldiers. The correct.translation here is "enrolled:' There has been: a great cleal of discuSston as to whether there was an official '.'order" of widows in the New Testament church. Vincent (Word Studies IV, 257) writes: 'The Fathers', from the end 'of the second century to the fourth, recogwomen nized a (Titus class known it. 3), wire as presbytldes, had oversight aged of thefemale ehtireh-member_ and a separate " l .The Nazarene" Preashol the congregation. The council of ] _oat in "obey" . this phrase migbt bet_r be understood as reading "every'i:livine institution an_ong or "lntlul'_ence"? • Lock (ICC) suggests that th_ word spatafosa (v. 6) -is ."probably akin to spao, to suck down, boner to li;,'e luxuriously, self-indulgently." Moffatt (EGT," IV_ 129) writes: '_rhe modern term [.ast, in which the notion of prodigality and wastefulness is more prominent than that of sensual indulgence, exactly expressers the signffieance of this word." But in. his translation . of the 1'low Testament Im has: "The widow who plunges into dissipation."'" :* bin.t,.,orderof suhjeei.:.. 0• Phillip :preI id . "Pleasure" I - (v." 5), the here in NT), This comes of from rite (only ad2 perfect°passive participle ,nonoo " jeetive . moans, "alone.'' and" so means Which raises •the matter ,of • II. Tim CITIZEN-SAII_T: his subjectio_l' .. - Mitchell* I Pet. 2:13-17. RSV fat:reduction: Wlten- George F. Wilson wrote his enthralling history of the Plymouth colony hc gave it the title Saints and Strangers. It's an'intriguing title• No doubt tunny saints are .strangers-to the world around them; no doubt thole is a vital sen_ in which this ought to be so (el. vv. 11-12). But saints and ,citizetxs, or "saint_.as citizbns."is close)" to the New Testament ldea. emperor - was 2. To the properly accredited upboldors of law and order _uch ,as the magistrates, ji_dges, and administrators of tile . law, ever remembering that worthy Inagistrates commend coodenm the evil. the good as fuly, 197fl _&land, • . B. Subject f.or WHAt' reason.? "" "'... for the. Lord's sake." The .LoreJ was himself subject to .proper authority. To f!dthfully represent the Lord. Who set us such a. glorious" example in this "re- . , speck For the human.irmtitutions spring.. from tile Lord's initiative and providence (el. Rom..13:l), For.the Lord'_ sake: that we bray" commend the Gospel of grace. C Subject in WIIt[T spirit?" Does all of thi,_ therefore mean transforms a stibmissive Christian •- Well " as that I. Till: C|TIZ£N-SAIiq'_: lds'sMtiness every state and/or law, regulation "its representative command must ,of the be There runs through all truly Chr, istian obeyed without question by tim Chrlstian? living a principle of contrariety-_a holy It canrtot possibly -mean that, The very inconsistency: The' new convert soon feels man who wrote these words himself acted it. He is counted in and yet counted Out otherwise on tat least "one occasion (ef. 6I the world. His is "the "different life," Acts 5: 29)."And the Al_ostle Paul felt 'he "A. Different tr0m l'ds own past . could not expect justice in bis ease .from B. Different from that of his own family "the magistrate at Caesarea; therefore he C. Diffqmht from the society around him miide his appeal fat. trial at a higher court Tim citizen-saint is basically." opposed (cf. Aets-25i9-12), to the principles of a godless world. In Peter hei'e sees the very state as itself Christian elich6, he is "in it but not of "under this higher, law of God, Only God is g.eat and only God is absolute and " it." Jesas pressed that fact home under perhaps there will be times when _:espect - Nazarene for • social 'sanctity and _ghteoB_ness *Facu'_t , Brltlah Isles" College, Man- chester, " 41 Into a ' t e righteous rebel. Nevertheless the true spirit is here: "Live as servant,_ of God, Honor...love... fear." . III. TIlE ClTIZEN-SAINI¢: his rraedolll z_ subjcctio_ (v: 16) ately raise memories bf Abraham. How distinctive A}]l'ahaln 'k_.'a_--alld Israel too at her best! Christian living is distinctive --in' many things Lt is, offbeat.. Dionetus put it thtls: Cbristlatl of tl_e Gospel . . tim W,_d made flesl_ amtin In an aliensociety. Eves1 Voltaire wa_ nnpres_ed; todd he:, "1 once met Fletcher of Madeley.'" T. CRICnTON_IlTCIIELI, "" . .. they live ill their own country, but as sojourners . . every country is • a fatherland to .tJtem.anll every fatherland is foreign." " " He alone is really free. "Ife is made free from SIN by tim S6n of God 'of. John 8:36). And he i_ free to _erve as servant. by God, • *" - " ell.. THr: ALLENCITIZ_:NIS DISClI'IaN_U. He "ab:_tai,s." "resists". (Knox). "holds himself- back fron:t" Wuest) the p_sions of- the flesh ("llesl_ly desires"--Wesley), The Alien Citizen ,. " f.._ :. . I. ']'lIE ALIEN CITIZEN_Is'DISTINCTIVE. Perhaps Peter has two great examples " " . - - here he suggests the _ame tiring. Live faithfully' to Christ. maintainifig true Christian cofiduct, and two things will" happez_: you will :come in. for criticism. "strangers 42 .and your IK,TV) immedi- life will become.the ver_ seed The N_zareno Ih_ocher |he • "Spread the IV. Thus uidted, milled, we " will po_sesded., and comCm:A'rE . h CIIALLEN6IN6 Glad neSs] ^roans and .by. every means it must _sound/_d odt" (.I Tbbss: 1:81. " What. . tl'm secret of sbaring our faith? .., " . " ] : MY FA!TII MUST POSSKSSMr: - We will not transmit .what we bavc absorbed We cannot spread wits[ we be .is not db not possess, but we will spread what rt'a]ly possesses us. A n is possessions are fret all-impost tt it s wbat possesses hint timt matters. T'ri.ltbcan-be taught but fall _ can be caught, What we hokt on sufferance will not,start a' fire in the heart,s of 'others. To "spread tim " . _lailness" 1 nmst he 'ob'¢iously in love with Jesus Christ. We are ztol simf.ly _preading a truth we are commendin_ the Savlmlr ofall the world. And that's wily our Spanish Broadcast offering will be the best ever., . . b6t_anse we love the Lord more than ever before. Don't we? 11: Tbus possessed. 1 sil^tL" UNITI: WITIt ? 0"rn_lis SoPoss_:ss_:D. . Itav'e you ever .se_:n and heard fishermen t'ogether?, Or golfers? Or cooks? - Tbey are together ,shhring new: secrets. recipes, moves: timy are telling of battles .I In 3:1-3.. Peter ._ays sueb _ dynamic 'llfe may result i_i thethat conversion of even _ pagan busbam] "withoi_t a word.'! And in mind h,.h'e. 'The words-"Ileshly lusts" and "war" suggest: the pilgrimage of the Israelites and their settlement iri Canaan surrounded by p!agan l_oples. The words What job? of COtll'Se _. . STRATr:GV SP|IIIT. TIZAT Lt:^vEs RooT4 roe TIlE HOLY We will vigorously evamzelize 'i.vhere we 'I't:XT Itev.'22:IT. RSV " are; and we win fully and readily carry latroduellon. Our, missionary" task i_ to out "and 'qmlp otimrs to carry out those :,hare our faith, We Imv.e the truth of tile . strategies God's serwmts prayerfully Gospel" in-.trust for.transmb, siotl By all hatch) It may, he, ff Spanish Broadcast pro- ! i_.a ._,.',,e,'.l sort or .,..,otdfor ,.,,_- ,(vv.peals--when'9-10). HebeCause' might" Wecommand.are lliSln peoplethese-'selfMet.nl3,over.in lmad'.t°CIn b,t and take: yourseff verses Peter makes a most positive and , . practical application of vv. 0-10. He.paints IV. TIlE ALIEN CITIZENJa DYNAI_ItCIV. 12), a verbal picture" of the Christian citizen Here ts the power of. evangelical living-in a pagan environment " the evangelist e power of z_ h01y character. pilgrims'! Spread erything that breaks oz" mar_ Christian life and fellowship. Sex is not the only tiling involved, although.it Is involved; but man_¢ things ate packed lute" the term; e.g., short-temperedness. ,;yntcism, hostile , criticism [cf. Gel: 5!10=21). Too much of " a good thizig is' an much lu._t-, as even a little of a had thipg, From inhred: _i]_ tht_re' ts compl/_le de, liverance through tim grace of Christ and tim pewee of tim Holy Ghost lee. 4:1-2; II Pet. 1:,11 But the squeeze • of tim hostile environment calls for incessant spirit_aal ffarfare, discipline, vigilance. Hd,_d your- T_XT: I Pgt. 2 11-12, RSV Introduction: J. H. Jowett long ago'des_ribed these words as "'.. an apostolic entreaty to . consider" the immeasurable" momentum of a beautiful life . .. a glorification" of the sties:it witness of saintliness..." In" these verses the Big Fisberman speaks in 'his own persoia for ttm very first time in tlzis Epistliz: ""Dearly beloved. I beseech you ...." And it :tbese words of Peter's the Lord o[ heaveia ap 7 and . we]lid, of pent re. ................. and we do the job. _[_ldness." sol simplyOur of freedom the state, liesbut in of iJis God /_rand first " " of all. II. "l'lli:'Ai:if:N CITIZl;N IS "Dt:'r^CIlt:l_,'" dontrol. It will not be abused, but used Peter means that the Christians. have --without ,self-lndulgem:e, without selfa little'while _ettled down _tiongside.pagan _eeking for office or "gain or personal faneighbors, and Lare .a hit of a ptlzzle to v.ors. ,,The citizen-saint. 'gives his ,ev,)ry them. Peihaps he might he taken to meafi faculty.in the selfless service of God for .a congregatmn iil a hostil6 environment tbe world around him. He adopts tim "fl_e Christian citizen dwells alongside. .p!'oper and respectful attitude to,yard evpeople ruled by other vahles, controlled by cry other citizer., whatever that oti_br's otimr motives, dominatbd,by otimr ambicondition or estate he loves, and express-, tions. Uhristians .loosely hold to "things." e:_ Iris love for the whole tinnily of God. By the simplicity of timir living they follow whatever tile paine by whicb, it nlay 111 One who made himself of no .reputation. parts be called; he prostrates bimself wl_o scornedcomfort and embraced" odebefore God alone, but respectfuny obeys "_quaey who fowne upon. 11)_ ,ry in a men ordained influence, our prayers. OUl money--well throw in evei'y.po'._er we possess. Stands' ' 9 to reason.- does a t t. We are people pea-sessed; we are people possessed and l/ltflel_: therefore We pool our commitment t" : i ] |i:" gram. or an Alalastqr program but we'll do it. and better than ever before. For.we cannot do less witimut retreating; we carlnot do the same as hefore. for in. the . scah_ of wdues thi_ is to retract: we cap only do more--pray more give mom'_if we areSb: to we'll advance.at all. That's true keep open house trite for but the Sp" :t and _e 1 do' _Oml' we "c told. Won t we? We have beard .... let us. spread[ "Let him t mt'_ear.eth say, Cone. " T. C_ucnron Mrrclt_LZ. . • . " : . • : . " " " The follmvlng poem was Written hy a'lZyear-old glrl in.Boston. Mass.. Where prliylng is agaillst tile rtzlt_" Now I sh tile lown in school, For tlti_i great ^allen staler God Finals puhllc mentlotf of Him odd, Any prayer a class recites Now violates the Bill of Rights. Anylime my head I how • 'S Becomes a- [e_tleral mallet now. The w ts spee f_e. tl e law zs pree e-Praying out hind is no hmger nice• foughtThe ,Avorldand wontsfulli_theoffieklSsuch o[_ocieliesendeavOr.o[Praying aloud in a pul I e hall people' united'in and gathered, around one .Upsets beiievers in nothiizg at nil. common cause, We art, the Cl*,rist-cenmred In silence ahme can we !nedliate. . This rule, llas'a g mm c t in i ; one_i. And th.'it's why ,,vt_'ll dc hetter sow A t I if GodImwever. slmuhl get tlmercdit--great_ than ever before--_e "e ,.;,_rking together with many more Chrb, t-centered ones who you've in less than a minute. So a t gl_t mt Itoasfihish ¢ is amlnute of quiet; each. love Christ more tilan they ever " , , try " If IJ[ecl like - praying, I ell mayl e III loved Ilim before, it. And now. O Lord. lids plenl make: ' llI. Thus united, Wr: Sitar.t, HannF:ss Evr:tw Shmtid I die in sclto.I, my stud You'll INFLUENCE^ND Mz^r_s foz, il_e task, lake. " And thai goes for our cash as for orC|earview Newsletter erything else. luly, 1070 Our work, out' homes, r_u_ J. IC. i:ltENCll, liaSh_r43 I v In t"_:. k&_a,la_ _ y Ill.At = =,,, =-ra,=w THAT WO,RK i - as In my early a membc_ days of evangelistic.work of a team. I recall so vividly• one partii_ular campaign in a small town in England. For several days we preached to large congregations, but nothing happened. Then one night our leader called the cbureh to prayer. God broke through, and one after another got up and moved around. the church to ask this one and that one forgiveness for harsh and spiteful'xvords . spoken for malicious gossip and slander. At one church was one seething mass of moving time it seemed to watched us .that the wholepeople. sat ,-irid down theWebarriers that divided•Godandbt;eak •heal the "wounds" that had festered, .lqevival came to tlaat church from that Among many of those "_vbo were vcrted of the [" ._ ".... Some -. " I, WouldGather - . -- This { i Is My.Father's World 'No, 84, Praise and Worshtr, ltymfial . The author. Maltbie D. Babcock graduated {1858~1901), from was born Syracuse in Syracuse,.N;Y., University snd Auhurl_. Theological Seminary. During his student days.he was a leader in athletics. He was described hs a tall, handsome h_an. attd an Incurable opt(mist. HELP for two WAH'PED: -weeks of ouldaors, parlance Crowded man's i Children • • iho,,ghts IVhile;find__.otherswatch, tiresome were ,,lain is to what woldd then .An lmnest,'pure, and Christi(Ice mind? Or weald you have to hang. the sip '( O] network trouble all tile time? " Pralter what' _e beco.!in(t versation completes Education begins One proo/ el a ChristiaT_, spirit :. -, withes( be able io disa'_3ree being i him, a gentlemati; • . . . - Prayer ofthe con- Aged " lie who,.kizdw,_" old: . 1_1_,7 thooghts are not so'clear as. once; I Walk with [eehle steps and slo_;, AT ONCE! been so sweet, always sad. rm hmth go away! have !I'rom all toto 'which " long, But 1 would not stay alway. been anti close' so " tells i .CHURCH . • /,Forajoyride in thecar. Arid sometimes, too, in spring [ take'a:Sunday " " ForOnsoul earth.will and hodyloose both its.hold, are tired; my heart Be prurient wiih me for a little while, For I'm just(growling old. . G. Terrlll ' ' "" " . Cleart, lew News J.. K. FRENCII ! soon ., - Like others set---: we do.Attend churela?in out' Of course E.xcepi'on days.lbat seem too cold " Or yh'y. or hot. or'wet. • . " "". . And (lien. of course, in summer, And Many hazardstemperatures, sweltering Jnv01ved. No rain,timegales. off for meals, cofferbreaks, cbats Applicants must agree to pa_, all• expenses. What is thiS? A slave-labor job? Maybe, "but ii.'s commonly called a.'.'.vacation." . . litlle On one oppressed with years. - " Just to keep up to psi', Life's care and sorrows bear' so heavily . . We take the ki'ds on Sundays Life-has not . sometimes Millions pebple, har d labor,df .mostly. • ; ATTENDING . . Nor give-yea cause toannoy fret, I n.oah( not ,Xillingly . . My faults are these that oflen come with age. I sir/lie at yo ! th#'ough relics;. 1 . " " - • F.rgivc me---I so Mien make mistakes: I'm given to [orgel. .I is to disa- greeahle. . tie patlenl with me now:' I'm growing Life's sands are - running low. cJ slu. 12 to 16 hours per day gxis helpful, but not necessary. working conditions: sunshine, is 7iot an. easy way oI 9etkno want, but the only tony .of. m/tat "God tl,ants us to be. . . * There is a q let co tr fie that is unm i one who is e'er(sin he is led stakab!,t o/God. .. l " [ .. playing on the Iiarp: in laying tbe hands _The_ happiest conversation /s wbere there is no competition, no vanity, but a calm," quiet interchange of sent(taunts, " The Nazarene Preacho_ your oh- . 46 Where all to see? "oz_ the strings to stop their vibration as ia the twanging ,them to,hring out tbelr nlusic, _Oliver Wendell tlolines .. . ,_ • • APPLY I_eing Talking is like there .is as much . -_ of con- --Voltaire For A_c_a mpndll freckled, cannot enter . toothless grin lft that land oi endless gall. Freeport. Ill,, Newsletter HERALD DERRYBERRy, pastor of S, Africa What i]9our ali_!d were likeTV. lot conversation . - " Erdm among the thorns I would seek a golden curl, " Hofublie BARREl woald.uat,lernzoacrd _alonff the.path.o] liSe; 8ome toottld gather roses,, And.rest Irom worldly strifei But,I would gather children . . and the world knew and bdlieved, when the bcemne resist church the power, of a one. unitedNothing church .can on . fire for God. Tbe very gat'es 0f Hades cannot prevail against it. - • BULLEIJN spirit The secret tell everything. beard to, say, '.'l:am roy"Father's wnrld.'_ "-'-------------JL_._ true sLsts in building pn another servation, notoverturning it. Many of our best tunes are evolved from traditional folk songs. This tune(" "Terra Beata." meaning "happy land" or "earth." is from an old English melody_ It we-s arranged by Franklin L.-Shepp,_rd in 1915.. . " hour. con- H. K. BEBWELL for lie was often "going out. to see .. whs rite most notorious prostitute neighborhood. God was glorified _VIissionary, The Lake .Ontario in the distance. Many varieties of birds "were to be. seefi and beard in that ravine. Perhaps it was here he penned the.lines of fl'sis.fiymn, The Power elc Unity CONVERSAI'ION ON his first pastorate at Lockport "Presbyterian cburcb, theyoung,pastor would frequently rise early and.run two miles to the brow of a hill overlooklng a beautiful, wooded section, with ,July. 1970 , . burry . . and fall - off " to rite Country ButTo allhave.a the other ga/ne Sundays of golf; Club " Youwe will find go us to in church our pew, For always When . we've nothing "" else to do. Selected , • -. 45 , " . . . Old Testament. I flbds of and the, Clmrel! her hish_vt " in various adjeelives,,ol " WILL^It. II. 'l'^',•t,Ol_ '';_1_.''1_'I_'_ ....... ' ...... • - ; Rell|ellll)rlltlEcs 1_ . Conducted by Willard H. Taylor* . DamnEd, . Throtlgh file Bit John Warwick Mmatgomery Its. Minn.: Bethanv"Fell6wslfip, o ' 96 pp.. c ot L S-,95.) - The Cht/reh in our hard da_,,s Everyone 'i . ChhrEh (MinneapoInc.. 1970 time has hillen upou is_ready not only to, , _ •" .. (lay, naiionalism--se the Wortl of God - the Church. day, is tg.warn politicism--blendine, the Cbureli Ihe state aml allowinff tlie .cuhttre pl tile time to swallow up the gospel of Christ tpp. 65-66) In tlm,twEnt eth.centut_y_Mont_ t_ornery sees four ways ill .which people Stanley High on Why he goes to ch0rch as a spriu_hoard .for. asserti.ng that unieis a man 'attends church for God-'centered and not self-Eentered reasons'he is bound to b(_/ hurt. "The church can he a place of aetolerated salvatio_ but it can also be- a nllsconsh'ue the nature -of the" namely, activmm. _ubjectivisnL ness. and ecunteniealistn: " MontEonmry.concludes thisbriEf askinu the.question, "What must I saved.?" Ills answer, in effect, is One. Epochs proclaim IIis say- chapter is in Chtlreh devoted IIislory," to "Damnable by whieb'he _l'_,f, _z_l *,1 bHdlc;d 4fi Iht.r,[,,gy.t_';l:;ttt,_h. The• has in readily mind. apparent And he Clmrch. together-. " . book ]_y do ,to be that one what is " Mrnmt..iit of lion. • Witness tales of boobs and duds'and damnation rathel fl_'e people of • thlln ls{•ae_ , _ . " " The Nazaren9 B]I John" credo, too. college i in t_'u_4beck'of fro' thai. Time John is.cledr- "" of.the she it been b]azihg. _ ' , Our is a tru(J that laces leader long Educated, compassionate, luly_ 1970 ors .friend •among I{av-: ago that she aggressive--these 'el ganizadiov and an was has path_ imaginative, hecame of Sel'l'tlo!ls lie ill- literaturE, Theology the of Christ's followingthemes: REturn.' Science. Christ," "So"Philosophy _111(1the Coming Christ." "Politics alld the ,.. (2olfiing Christ." and "Preparation for Ilis . • " " , • . Ctnntnlb" These ate not typical sermons While hased utmn the Seriptut_es, they c_sEfiiially I Ifave . And ill a.sol'los "Technology,. and the Coruing ClQly, anti the Coining Christ.' with- Ndr Lord t:mporary "Tlie (and entEagh reader. dedicated, Grahant evmmelist ill dly delivered in Ihd famed . People's Church ill Toronto. Clllla(hL [{L, discusses in poptdar style, b'ut wi4h extensive and almost overwhelmi_tg references to con- al.'am, ENC's--'the them. an associate 16d pp., ot ollr and (and Billy Rapids: 1970. faith tv,,o are inseparable _ would not be put aside until the Iinal 'sEntencE was read. I was missed the pleasure meeting Miss Mupro meeting my spiritual of, and pedagogi(nd an- " eestos. the story Wesley • White, Grand Itouse. O×ford '1lector: of P}(ilosophy, tackles the teaching of the Bibh',,on. the second coming There is positive deligltf in a new challen_4e disebrned and accepted. Watchinp her climli rmimales, One must do seine r]Jmbing ]]inf- hcr sl e y White [hd_lishing elleettu h'. dffeetive-- . But We Zoudervan e]oth:,$3.95.) As and new wtlys of scaling m:e called to _.'rvice. arid al'/,'_iys tile direi_'tioti'is npwm,d. " personally:' in P[eacher out--the is somul.lling Reentry her aspn'atlo]l then-fledgling And this oh- self, both spirituall 7 a_'_d intellectually wonder why atlyone aver i_i foolish " to believe the two n_ay be _eparated out creating a monstrosity), ,ENC is not my alnm matcr.'And " " _tlva- ill turned Jn he- • ly excellent and her'o:wn life anti spirithally so remarkahly lot ,exploration ,the right truth." truer inrt I_ecome sight,. Nut that Miss hItlnl'o would ° ever perlnit h_rself oz' ENC to rest '.c_mtent..She has too.much'respect for tile dvnan c u 'c of _ruth.and leo much itch " principle. UnlEss the Cbnreh is. poriodidally rdnewed.and correcteil by /he ministry r_f the Holy Spii'it sire will heeolno all in- • . ,dultit.al SI,I11E]_ily; it ,heeomes author other's genuine each clarion el accomplishment resounds, " But.she hears it resou'nd/ng of( the e/iris of some new height tot be..se_iled., New vigor" lers. and of InlsgtL[tled with energy. which we while. a'.\'ay G (I scharacters lilac and our --PAUL MEIIRITT BASSETT Be_icoil 359 pp.. the Christ S_ivionr . . 'l'hc_c popular lccttircs to a preachers' . eonlerenee in. Canadd are hald-hitting in true Montgomery style, .Tt'm title el.the hook is e'xprEs_ly intended tc shock us. Cbnreh when s}_o faitbful]y After reading through thEse'four.follows brief Christ.,. chap- to ottmrs." , '., " church off a mnn=centered organization indistinguishable-from "a social club: to" be saved through, th6 church we must see it as the one God-given agency on earth actually imperil our souls if wb to vie';vknow the througb 'which wc _an come our CmlSe of the Ihele place _[f accolernted damnation" tp, 24). must" ur/derstand rmhlly what the Church .After characterizine the New Testamenrs _s: andif so;.he will be conlronted with the - views of the Church as a separated• hody, Gospel fo v_;hich he must resI?ond. Damnsas God-c6ntered, as a community of saints, lion thl'outfll the Church is possible only and as the place where tl_9 Gospel is..when one is in(lilferettt to or rcj;,cts tim preached. Montgomery concludes that "'we. grace of ,God which is offered through the inlt love in scholarship, two in b(dance, Ihing_; have " with us th_it "a self-satisfied _3hurch LL;a dannwd church and that ohly those who lose their I'(Es f r CI "st s sake ".wll ever f nd hem.' .The, atlthbr uses a magazine article hy Genuihe ,elieion--the SO Bertha Mmu,o states a_ul. guiding pl-inciple" for l,:astern Nazarene College. _ vim]sly t:t'fleets her personal " and turning the Churelf into n rational institutmn. like a college of matlmnmiieians_ m Kierkegaard'sday, orthodoxisrfi--substitut_ tnt_ formal 2:oi'rEctness of doctrine and th% possession bf .Bibles for a living, personal encounter witb Jesus Cbrlst; and in Hitler's his r'eal concern p.enuhm. . criticize'line. hut also to instruct her.as .to how she mitdlt set her house in order• John Warwick MontgomEry, professor of cburcb history a n d Christian.thout_ht at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield IlL has some agonizing •things to .say about hut "'. means periods in whiEb false vlexvs" of tile Church developed.. _'our of thEsE .dre*{dfu misconeeplions of the natnre of the Chnrch and of the' nature of Christiafi[ty are from the past. In Luther's day. it was sacra-. mvnt_dism--makin_ the "Cbureh an end in itself: in Napol6on:s tinl! reason -abdve htnuhetls that offor tlle 'If we E,)uld,_otbe 1.,'go,we would l,,. " . ]}lt, ss I]h Bertha Munro K ns;_; ' Ci y: ,llil] 'P]o_ t)[ Kansas City, 1970. vloth. $3,95,) ! "' : to y and added .cational adventure. Here i9 a hook tel _ more than a(leqnate recompense The Years _Teadl, r as l rnet_Miss Mun- anot'ller (limenston [o my tulderstandhlg of _he eh 'lice ys of our church and Its edu- • ........... celebrallon io by ,way of her autohiot_r_p hying hum together quotations all phases of eurreet and' illustrations life- which sup,"" port the doctrine of Christ's eorhing _ontained here..is _i,a anmzing compendiuin, of illustrations of what possibly n_ight ,happen the tiinc of thc.retur_ of our Lord.. White " sees in many events 6f our times indisputable signsol the Second Advent. Preach" p0]itically, ors who aremorally, interestedcosmically m the t;efore meaning ar at of the existenc_ doctrine titled will "Politics White has of the Second of 1he state appreciate and. the the cn- Christ." ]mart. is e_it'e for. (:hapter Coming a preacber's Advent of Israel the The inhls truth bones•" 47. . - . noted symposium, wllidi has. the subtitk_ "The best way into Bloch, MTlltmann, Pannenherg and tim n_w talk of ill_ future, Iiope tind eschalology." ]Vlarly iiml Peerman ]lave written an inlroducioryai,ti_Ie whielr must lie I_eeded if 011e is to pick his way sucee_Mhlly lhrough these studies. This material is not for lightweights the.ologically..But it.is immensely'helpful for those who" are trylng to keep abreast of, current th6ught. Not all the theological reactions to .Bultmann are _ratifying. butthat'o[ the :'new hopers" who focus upon t]m resurrection as basle for standing of the Chlqstian.faittl.is garded as a v able corrective. the underlo he re'- Marry and Peerman have .produced New - Theology Nos. 1-4. 6. too, Take a look at them if yoti are interested in other phases of current theology.. . t Wn, Lm[_ Ib T,_YLOn 48 JULY--: NWMS Spanish ilig 14-20 Inlernailmlal > u.'-:ilt'l Hllllilllll Cqllnt* Ill lht*in in 'a t't'_+@tla,ys. Ln lheir dh'e t)ovorl) > they Mated ;it. iI Tht*y net*lit, d. hliid.' The ho$ needed c]o/ho._ Jl_'nt,¢,cl_,d slioe_ 131il wilili_lll" he_ilalioli Ihev ._mil il Io iillSt4iOltS Ill ti Ilazinl4 but ( iv lit*lS;.eredilllt' tvfivs thi_ silnp[12 tit'l (if ()hedi_ - (,alto sol II1 lll¢illlill _1chai'n {if OVt*lllS wllich k,d'lheln _'iCl'O._sIilo llrlill(IcIISl - Offer- - .nt'_l to NOW ,h,r_t*y lhelI .1o Ptn'tland. Ore lht*n into the First Ohtlrch of tim Nazart.llO. Jh{.i_ -lilt' I)lix Ihrough Ptlsml¢3na Colle._.e then back hi Eit _e. wht*rt, lie now p:.lsiors Ih('. lai'_OSl N_lZill't*lTV church ilt. CoillJiTC'llia] Etlrlil)t& Pal'mttsv..ho domollstralt* sto-. Inslilfiie AUGUST-NWMS National Bible School i8.23 Intern_iti,mal U:eat " " 30 Promotion Workers Laymen's and ,. .. wardshil) twice--in st?t"¢tw.% Re- eyes of tht*h" gel youlhfiil the rc.l:mund livt*s..:inrl in children.wilt Ihe lives of• lhe •oh. . • Day SEPTEMBER-- befm'e thb llleir own 2 '. . ." " Unlil -. • - . . . .. " _ " :'-_ ..... ._ ,. NWMS Alabaster Offering 6 Cradle Rol] Sunday 27 Chr[slimt Education Week begins . . The Nazarene Preacher - nt*xf'olonth, " . " " : "._ • " I?ICHARD .,r,,,r, ,'4. ')'AYJ_OH C'¢m tr//)lalU.z ' " • " . " " . • • _ "rl AUGI_SI. ,Vo!mtte . Yolll_ • " . • • By General .>. • - Gt,orue Coultt,r Edw;u"d'l,awh, 1971f .13 - " 8 , " • " "" . Resptmsihility, The Emo i(inal ' "" "" Ci]sL.ol {_ the 0x(:ellem.v ¢,f minisI(wing w)u desire: mell finles._ you are willing4 and )rt,l)itL'ed ,.... . ...... .... . ....... Youth's Final COLIrl (1( Al)pei_l, .Edm)rm ............ The Role r)f _Vesley's Successors in tim Modern Win'ld ('Par! I11. ,htclc Ford _) ............ :, .....,......... The linageof Ihb Naznr(_,nt, Preacher. Tom N,,('s ..... They Critici_ed Ilim. but Couldn / Touch llim! Pi'acticnl lh)i)hs.., "You Do Undersh!nd?" •1 Mel 6 TI¢ i _'s ........ ; ....... Prei_ehing Program, Rtt)! )zo l C K)'alzer • ....... "....... Minister.s" and Their Ih)using, .Domdd R. White .. . _ - ... I • DoesGod Always Answer Prayer? l_e(,eht,r l'_zl!ll.'(,)_d.ll 'lurningDefeat into Vict(d'V, IGnu_th L. Dodffe.......... ntn'e Sanghf!eatum--a "' ' • " Second ' Cms_s Experiem'e.'AllnN. . • ., a ._ • ! , W. Miller - :_ mOnl[i y by tile _IAZARENE PUDLISHING liCU$£. " 12 " 15 " ' . Traosl Ave., KanSa_ City, Mo 64109. '" it an awesome resl)onsil)ility.'? "F()r (,Xalllple. if 3'oft [mot)h,. undersland Ihem well enough h) reali2ze lheil _ characternshes; and as far as 1),,ssible kn,)w wheth(w they.:are saved ai_d Ill"'_, means work. and I do me,an.work, lime-consuming work-sanctd'ied. " the lm'sti)ra/-eallihg work. ,sermon-preparing work. i_dministrative work. l)rogram-l)humil'lR w¢)rk, evanRelism-()Uireaeh "worl{ lisleliint_Io-lrotll)]es work., hospital wo)k; e( lint t_,' wo "k2-find with each I ". and every "wb,'lC' a e(mnnensurate resp ms I1 it>' " I('s-n responslI)ilil3' Io tim dcnlmlinhiio_t..Io Ihe dish'iel (o the .vhurch. to 1he cliureh l)oard, h) Ihe SuJiday school. NYPS. NWMS: Io tile souls Of tllel_ ;.aid at)_)x,e till to God, In fact. if ;1. man will enlarge his. ,acceptance ()f l'espt,nsihility, s_ ) any asslgnment mi./lht be, l 'Re' witl tt !let' tbre of movn[ 4. A man's l)o{ential into:eases ".along with his ire'teaser ecepled resp(msil_)ilit3 and lit.4 response to it. So when that "call" eonms, eonsidm" tile respdnsihilily carefully, make up.your mind to accept the increased work h')hd it (lemands. ,. [ ". Sub'sc_ allon • pl'a_ pr,ce: $2,00 •_ year, SccOr]d.Oassposlage paid at KansasC)tY NO, .Addressall corres ondence concer,_mg subscr_tionslo NazarenePuhltshinK.llouse,PO Box 527 KansasC y, Mo 64141 -C dNGCO_.ACORfSS:Send.u_ your _ewsi_ould address Jflcludinga)ticles "Z_P" and code. _ well tho IooldRiO;aid addrcss,S. Ta_lor.NazareneTl,eoloRica[ and dnclose a 1be flora a emina)y, _ecent copy .Aot_o[s addressall corlesuondence S I?00 E.. Meyer Dlvd_,•KansasCity, Mo. 6413] " Printed,n U,SA wi|h t,_; l ('olllllltled: I e .(ur for, md ';thew _y" I l)urgtmd it) m.')' ll)ou,q])'ts. ManyButareas anxious large pastorale '/lie-/1latter with i/s int'ret_sed ]inherits w,flmfil being ful]_, aware of Iho mull plied responsibility lluil ('omes' t onR ivith it, Doul)le the size of Ihe church anti the re- • -Ill -)2 -12 carries vt,t•y_el'iOtlS aecep! an assignfull re_ponsi-" l¢)_;lcvel._l [ " i . ,t 7 i) 1(} [;1('( • was C_(i]lieVe _ . • 2923 ['6r il. The mimslry Nevm; (-:m nre ,asmvmg. a churrh w,ith 50 and receive il c:dl h) a church-xvit!a 100 menibers, doal't take 'it ililh.ss \',m art; ,_i]ling '1_, mm'e than (h,ul)le your resp, msibililv! Think h(,w awful it wmdd' be far.you.. t.h(- pasl.)'. ;a lhe jfn(l_m¢.m lu see .one ¢)f y_)ur former mbmbers sent away ), ¢ le.r _ i1 l)(,,fi:4hlnent v,.llel'_ all the I tn/_ v()u 1hough( the ])L' 'S( I xA' _ t'l_ I . with Ch)d, Past(wing, preachinR, minis(ermt_ are /'eslmnsil/ililies.f,)r which we must'answe,' to God," "I lhink I unileesla _d, Si , he said, •.. DEPARTMENTS . ._, , . . AdministratioiL p. 25 . • Paslors Supl)lement. pp. 17:.32 • The Preacher's Wife. p; aa. • In the Study, p. 35 • Gleaning frolll:the Greek. p. a7 • Doctrinal Studies. p. 39 .• Timely,'Oullines, p. • 40 • Ideas Thai Work. p. 44 e Hymn.of lhe Month p. 4,1 e Bulletin Barrel, p.4,1 • Here mad There Among Bboks, p..16 • Preaehers'. Exchange, p. ,18 • Calendar Digest. p. 48 • A:mmg Ourselves. ii_side back cocci; PuDlished hility 1Its ..... " ; ..... _ ...... . ) - My' Quiel 'l'imt_. C_e)te),aThee:" M¢'Cidlongh : ..... ..... 33 "Thy Speech 13etr_/\,eth F'ra)dcie ......... Rol.)id . 34 Ans:'Load. Any/im(',. Any Distance,;J}zmes F'. Bd}l'i_ii"" • ...... :" .'35 Glemnngs,fromlheGred_; Ralph Earle'. ..... ... .:.... " ...... " 37 g '.'YEN.Sir/' })t, l'epli 'd. "flml's l} ,. ki I(1I Want to be. !' [ spok( •" fur|he=. NL,.t ['orth'I ()lit, IhinR, ;rod .you : .• .... • leen_agm' ;wl 0. had jus|, nformed he. Ihat I.. phmned Io be a minisler. I Io()ked him in ft.. eye as [ s.uL "II y_!u are g¢)ing Io be ;1 minister: theli be an ex('t:lh•iH (me.'" - " - " Sulwrittlend,e_tt l.,v..m lnlogrilv, • HditoriNI . . Lewis I)ICTIONARY I)EFINI,iS IT: "Thai lot' whi('h olle ]_ illlSVtpl'_t_)II,: dulv m" Irusi." . That was _,xaellv '.vhal I had in mind as I spuke to a young ] .: . Superintendent ' " Tin.:a " " (;.........l s ,,,,.,...,..,. • ('htl'Vl .Ol11,"N,I.'ill,"lt'. "" CONTFNT_ General - I. Stow•. •, l_,um'm Orvilh, ' V,'..denkins Nmnber . [ Responsibility V. [I. Lewis ' . _;m_tlt'l • .._. l"*(Itfors al)oLLt it SillCel'ely) alld if it isGod's (5'di ll[so take i[! ." [ • " - [ I • "oeletl • • i!:.ED|TO R • " _ T h Emotional Cost e No, when real _in I_ pl-e_enl, aslvvdlel+_ ill (he _i(uatiotL. the ('c_zlll_l'lel' shi_Hid he di_.turl(ed ILItd the eollll_ehw _hoUh| hP vexed. '|'11 coltMde by a MtoW jljb in" erlnlinnl ahdlealion o[ ale's renll ns hi i y. " . llut all iili_ i_ emotionally eosll._', l)_wtors art, of'fen puz_Jed i!y file amount o] illnes_ amoilg I)reac|lers and their v.'ix'c:+. Ilei'e are ilprlght llel)ple who _ervt. oilier.,+ _md .llve rh,an lives, free fr.n; Ihe delil)illtatimz vicP,_ .f tile aloe. Why I of / _ "' - -'. integrity - sh.uld,tl Inany nerv,,lts andenlothma| pl:oblems'.' hi some cases IIh'ly be dileey h.ve-++o to [_'r+Hil_ _l|tJtUlleS, l|t'(illess ]ells]oil. llllql '_,ilnihw nlilljsterla| formsit o] i|i++++Jplllion. ||11 "re 'v ibften i is not. due,|o wrnng living Ira( rilzh| living. T it.y +e s lip v p v ._ Ihe vrh'e f_r thepr_'_el'+,'ation o] the]]'. |lltegrlty. Therefore, hefilre we Mlpt)o_,e we _ire sutwr]or (o.l.ot. I]erllap_ we had'heifer ask ourselves. Are we e%'ell _ln rifflltcolis? J[+ + we. lilt' ill Illlltle='n Stldonl.+ _md in4)dcrn +(;omorl-ilh'+. L_d llevel ' got ii_,ed Io +his Socl!ml; |l_lx'c we'. + .While ||'.'tile there.'he never alhlwed So,hal (o Mlueeze _l[[ll iilt(i ||N I)=o]d (liom. 12:2. Philllps), _lliive v.<e? Are we eonifortable ill Ihifi llgc? Are we so bilsy etmrt|lig If a pri;,e were ff[_en "hi Ihe leant |HJptdar'Ohl TenfameIH naint. Ahl'alllllll+>, nephew Lot would ire d(_uhl will il elixir.. +M'.sl ..I _ alm,;_t resent the erahar+:i s_ l ;Z tr i' thai |l)_, llJble _':lJls him' !'ri_hteoll_." We remend_er only .hi_ nel[ishnes_ in1 elmlising the I)[,_t land. "aiHI hl'n din;inln'oll_, IliiMal'+t, ill pilehin_ +'JlJP+tell|' |(l%;';ll-(| S_l(|Ortl." _'('vOcl|lclPs_ II [ll,tl :'t|H':)l)ilJII Jl)leycelled+ it was .ill llehal[, n(d o[, tilt' _%i('ke(I. h = t_[ Ihe ri_[hlemln--anil l+ol was ileliveretl heratine hequ;dified. " + • ._|l e Eixcn I ___ lll(l_| (]'])Ill 1o us IIl('lll[_ P*_ldelleO • J[;(l( MHilldlles_ (1[ '_*_11_ ++texe(I ehlll+lle|er tile t_.'i|ll i_1 ||)p ]'ill|it, _ll'l.•Of "tleet+lllill.t_'" +.MljOlll+ft 111 _o(]lilll. v.'e lntlSl IlL+ they +I llllll'II [leOl)le |till :ll'e_ Ileal't" ill,aCt, %%iih evil. • • he Wllllh| hilx'e _IHl|-ilesJl+o)'ill_ if pay We WI)IIIt[ I I P_ ]l|'lhis hild.-ti (llie•tlll+. II -,'+ililli+t+hi. ]lldiffel'enl (i nlilt•h |:oi - ne+llr;jl " 11oi [i+2 ('(In((t+lllllelt. w4)rhl. .Nn matte' 'J'll_s how ,,,..|,,.,,,,,+,+,,,,e [s V,'|I_" he rat .,r r 'j ;I Yo th' U C|II•|_|J;III 't, |lllik ' " . - MiIlill•e|y IlLt %_.'llll||llJ_ (o "all Ihings "='++|ll t|lfl( %_,'p eellNp |o till mell." hill not |1) ])_* =_l Ihe (Jollll lleeilllSe %'1_ =-ii,i + lllll 15:19:;i]_17 l.John • hi lhe ])rllelice i__I'alid, in w|llcli 3:l:iL . . . ihere liilll_,,|f +' i_ a kliid li[ "li(,celliilliee" hi Ihe I'Olili_;elee .wiih which wilrliilh lind _;.%'iiillillll3". ll_ Ill II ft,lhiw iii a 1. i i il_ who iieell_ li_lll Ilu| lhe li('¢eplillll'e 11111_;[|le kL,pl re<leiilil|il,e , or i| <|l,gl, llPi,/lllt_; illlll il illi,l'l_ Plil]lll,$1_lllelll i)[ "lhe _lllltl_ qllli, li lill'lM llllt lie the lie('elillilil,i, whh'h reiliforee..Iht, eOllli_,elee'_ illlenilil_i ill self-jilMiflelrl|on. . Oflen, 111o,lhe liilll o[ li elllliiM_llil, io llel Ihe i'lillll_i.lel, lli -ilet,t, pi hhnsel[" |,i ilPellllilUl'e, Ill sliy lhe [ellsl, Why I ile_i e Ii ( tl't'e|l| h.ilu_!'lf7 I IIl_ill,l i?llse_ iti_ lie_llll_i_, lie ]{nllws ihe fill'is lihl)lll.|iililnl, l[. lli_ in h % iii iit,l.l+lll hhnself llllllll[ hlnl." II shows 1111iieli%'_ elili_l'|l_lll, e, ff 1"1_(llll lhi4 eallllh, Ill Ihe Llll, l| i_ lliinglhlg The Nozc£rello "" • + • " "" " " li_Ji)ll_; .liililil'll lilllilil.l_lllnPii!_(';ill Iil<ellhood of AI the I" h_ ve "*_ii'll .re I_llt linll,hlL II _illile.M, llki,, elillflrlii_llt'l't'_' |lie Ill(ire lllll| I)llil'll| I'lllllllllllldJll_ While Silitl ill ' it, lnplallori, ,le_iil_i 'l{liell " he+'slilll)lirl hllnllili iillllire+ iv|ii, n lie pill lhe i.(iiil'lil_illii hi hell) "If ihey hear illll . " : - , • , . , " • -" - lllliSl, SIlch eleltleli|,71"y whieh Illti,%" lit,'had [l'lilll Nowherl_ i_ Ills lhe Miclal M'|eliee_, we Lel I1_ ii(il MIiip(i_ie we t'all (lllr .lilil)elll i'ronl the lliMe ilil|li'e_ked hy lhe li|llleili •l;il_e Jill' niore Ihlin Hlis hi llo|ll l|ienl irl ihe. hea( i)f hl_ilflil ' •-• ill<tl'l_ llr_lfllllilil . i|l;in in lhe nil'illih o[ Abraharil (l_ilkhilz lo lhe,+rleh ill.'in l%l£if4e_; ilni| Ihe prol)h¢(s, "nci|her i%'111|l!t,y !i_. lil,l'- slllllll.ll, illiill_h (ilie i'liM _ [rlllii lhe,ll¢,ld." If the)' rejet'r lh{ + l)rlnilll'y lilithoi+il)', • ]11,%,will lllil ill.l,i,p[ I]le _P' I ,)" An d if lllOllel'll ,'l'lilllll_ peil|l[e fire iio| |n|er(_|t'd ill Ihe relJlfllJll_ al)lleal (Whni (hle_ Glill _a)",_), ihey will hot I)e ivePly I e 'ene I t, Isv_'ll ,_llllelil '(Whlll i_ I_Ollll.for lily heillih?), • '[hey . • + ihlgh'al . . lli Jr'Ill Ill |_lkl' I+l'Jl_ ll'l|ll ihl-' pl_Mlile t'nlllllllnlll dltllllil_e, JIIM ll_i lht'y _lnli_C hi sliile ._f Ihe lills_illh • i'iliil'_l'. l'llllll_ lilill Ihal ii (iltd. ( "l %'o i i w _Lll]Ubt, to keell frolll re- IIIWS. need |o iivi)i_|iiail'e I';ii||l ill lit, r I I'l•MlliSk'l_lle_• Kel ftli•lhel" xl;ilh.ollr•,vtiillh lly "s fl g lie li;isi_i ll[ Ill _oClil| _i,lelfl'e, i'Olilil_ iit'Oil]e lll;i3' ,lit' _llllel•lli'i;lll.y iiliCe of heilll_ |nlelleelila| lili(I ,_l.lenli[ic, hill it will I_ix'o lheni Ml'(ilil_ ller_lilllil elmv|r(|ons w|li¢'ii "luill |Pop |lie indeed. 1)ioochor l[le,._ll[y INN|It" %+,';S _, ;I, |I/'|[)}'I/] _II'| . (']6+ +,'.J IIL'N Jilllllee+y OlI rite "Psych|lAr_unlenl Alzahl_t 1 re ll_¢' H_. II was a wt.ll-wriltt.n =w|icle. it++ "reaP_tilllll[ 1111(| [[_, ('=t++t ' |lib|or|t% rllO',Jlv/_. ])¢_I/J)l!t+_;_; IJ)Js ||11_ O] =il+J_Umelll be ktulwnl h.v lhe preacher: and lit gOll1(_ eoun_eLlin_ sensilms wotdd hP 'l'hi_ jl_-,,lifies Im(h ]Is ".;'I'll]IlK and its p.|,l/ea||<m. - Ilowexer. I)r..,launt:e3 Would ht_ Ihe firm 1o al:ree tim( allempls _outh ill Ihe. "siraighl and naPrl+w" hi,' psyeiu)h)gical appeals ;lil:lrl "• ihaf Ihe worhlIhe lit'eelli_ The)' wlillld-hive liave f(irl_o|leillli_ yo were,ill wiirhl, Iheitl! ihe wlirhl iif tlie "l=.'llr|ll , . . lllel'e[lire Ihe _Ivi)i•|li halt, lh "l'litl +" " _l[ ll_l_illii'lil Cllllli_elln_ |lie rl)llli_,e]lll, !,claims is the Inllst" htllleful I|lill_ !'llllll_e]lir Ill begin -I %,_i " Final Court Of Appeal S Ill I.t_ir/d M)ll|Itl_ should u_e[ul. " Lot lieVer just "lifcell(ell" Ihe _(ll|i)llliiP_. hll|lill_I Ihlil llt, q+;illSt+ ll7 was lllll jlldgnlen li] lhey )v i I s led 3• li¢('ept li|_ elllln_i,]. _l'lle)• kilew exlil•|ly %%•[i;1[ li!2 lhOllght of Iheni, "l'hl, i•efll "e I el" lll,%'e, re_ ] y l'l'el Itd |iilii. 1%'oo lle.lo ('hri_- I1%%•111 h111 2 tO him+self (_.d lhi, ,|eMln. fillh.armmtl ]i(_ t'tlnn4H, him.. if he The i_ =I delay re_poll_,[ble 0(" mm'a]l)el'Mm_i| _landard_,III|. the lit, iillll_i who _ll Ihe world i]ll_ worll_' ill lict'epl Ihi, lr Llird: "1[ . |)l•(l[l_!?N made " this cl.es ItOl i.+_ll[ol•lll I_* llll*lh,rii ;)th'ii'i,.'w|ll.l,h ]_ tl) gel ;|'l_+£1y whlch i_ liliSttlliiig+ lii Ihilll_ iiitk' lllell_linl 'lhlilil_]ll_.. ;illll, I'e[il_t. I1| llll, n.rdhl +•e;lli|it,n <li"life. W<' ii+tll d ll' |llll_pl" if I!*re IIII)]t ilii_ adx:ice, vegelille .[i)r iiiiin), . yelii-_i." lii/I we {vlillhl iilll ile Chri_llan IllellWelilli[i,+ifihl Wlillli,halflii!y ll, " ,_,t, Paul ' . Admi||ed|y fi'_llli ever.vlhilil_ til = I_ %%'h(llii sin_'! • +: " vi_|Ide ll[:_t]rnte+[r;it[Oll o] fridndn wlm onct. t_en'e _,, l)r.!nismg, lhe sill++ tlf o110'_ +_wn h_ved one_., will caus 9 ex('r11(']li[ifig p;l]ll. 'Llle l'i_[l|elill_ lll;m ',+.'[]l hl, shtwked tlVel'•alld o'.er: IlL' %_,'ill nevor "qu]le heclmle shm'k-ln'm/f, lie will'.he disturhlld, /_l'iev,,d. _,'+m)eli+llL,s an_'v +_.t far from his halleh=jah_ will he sighs, t-;halhAv is Ihe IIi1111_.vh41 leV..% E N-_ I=dlke hi_ I,ord' i Ihose . .o+,,,.,,+ ,+:,,,,,,,+,,,,... ,t +. ¢*al v ¢)r l_ee l) h]_ hlind c.mpletely eye_'OllI. i [1[ well|<| be easier andIo indulgent m.dify .imr htlslilily I]ll( (o mild disalqfrnval, m'. heifereel| yehis glmll-IHInl4)r_t[ tolerance, lit, who +i_ tepid t,+ward |t'p[d also |,l_zh'd if+].el. +._lld jilst as ]e/lid toward tile ('lens and tilt' One xx'ho' died Ihere.tl. - - ('ItllllOl he | flP.'(}l" '*rl'xed I)y their sight ex' is till3" lit'J" and dil',*' indispenMdde *.," het.ani,_ mark |llh, ralde Io I,l_l. Ih. lleVer I+) JL ofThis +_ne ";sure ._[ tilt, i•ilzhlelltlS mall, gel used I[ Li)( had Pc|flip Ill lt'l'lllS "_vJlh. 11],4 wieki.d l+llVil'l)lilllelll+ Ill](| ilad heeome _pr+md of |l _ | I%" 1o "llve ;ll_tl "|el ]i_e." if he had h, arm,d the mu¢'h coxeted price, • _+_%%ell|la] cos( of |_s integrity, lie llovel' |,eased ht,[tlg irr!tated by+ lint| all irri|011l |o, tile wh.kt.d_M_ IIIIll'|t so tim[ in Ih_ elld lit! hlst_his h6ad. Le( lit+ P+oTore lhl • good that wt+ ha_e an allh.wrellt*e of (hal wMch is evil--even he ig emo ionll 13" i( l'J_llleousness ('ailllqpI Inake witholtt de_h',)ying iint, l[.. + hl_, ill4 |ll;it t:ollvernali._n (If Ill+., %licked•" Tilt.it t'llme_ the p;lrelllhelical explanation: "F._" that righleotn_+, nlall d%vellhlg ;llll(lllff them. ill _eeLn£z allc[ hearJl _ _.exel| hi,, rightel)us _ou [r.m _fit_" o ( _' %%ilh ]heir unla_vful dt'edn'" (I l'el. 2:7-8). The lllOdel-ll l)_Pti_+llilPl + of bY I+elel ", who I'l+'lll||llfs 1970 lieOllle lilll_| hel. |li:ll lll'elil_ll'illll _l':_ i_ %%l'lillj_+ illil nlerel'$' iiiiwi_;01 i_ Wiiiilh r lii'l, iiii_e Ihl, ri, iirl' inlirill iili_ll|lllek ilel,|iirell I)y ti +llel'_lliilil I[ll-• felll' ill (11111Ill" |lie hive of If'ill wl)l. 'ff '• iv ' I ill %' |e illiillerll i" C iiMian lie|ill% ilil', "_l'lie _li'lll'llll't < i1[ ClirlMian lil+ll'll]_ el . lit i Ii1_ "3 + "' Th( salills I ft,¢.t ;llI1 not ( q}art from lnaelnl2 God. All thes_ ity today II1 only a w(mden Ilia( mi!kes lgl}_.of y Jur t])e own) .. Wor( of have a validIllodorll setii0g. It IS intorprclation'of them Ahem appear . but (if lifo tiloro iriorl_ rv' ,riel'ilill)S Ihilll {illO .tiIln' • "thai /16vii rOvision?. Tilt, ,co(lrsc (if., o "¢ o li t s }Ills al)l.lnt|antiy jtlstific(]" otlr stall[] on smoking, and I am hold 1o say tim( alcohol,has place ill modorn no real wortliwhile soci_ly So orion t|l. past the I't,Ja_<in_ o.r. rti](:_ n sign of spiritull] docay.Nol ,, I. gralit that. Btit {')ften stire. if it fdlls Io Otll" wllat |fas ,.;i.i'vod us'wul[ IW, thai we do it wid! " ": I and apuloh,, " rl. " " lilly to Wosiey " nlilll wns We must bd lid tO •modify nl diiy_ Koiap "c']c>;iil hmlds, • alp tho in ill. truths |lori;-;onl- )oi)r," ty fical hi,_ Jonrnal. we i | "_ - justice umla]]y, in ii[!rr{incy!): conL, ills. iff which "is I]l(_ JanuDry 4.{ ]7H5, distribuh:" Otll" |rid his,."Thou!_hls |lls•cohiH'n cmfL_ for tho i_n[l'y w|loll nnd lic |n'eild imlong, ll_e' poor (if the society, But [ lt,';l_; fill old .mlin they of 82:wan(ell "AI this s£,;isoi] now..consklerod clothes, as w_,ll ;is fond. So on lhis, and Ihe folir fol ow nl_ c ays 1 walked lilr(iligh the Io%vn alld i_els.ged two hlnldrt.,d pounds, in order 'to clot|lo thorn thli •noeded il I "l|lo "llo%v lriol'nllll2 ,lil {V_llillg," Cllllnot ,,r.d id II. ('onlltCL 01, , "12Ol}finod StI:ool. "all thal'c]hllat;lic nl(qic{l[ously lind |hat 5i11c(,1'¢;. En;41_lnd lll{,n tlw In Iho \k'lll) fib]nzo liinn lit! iilth COllld Ill ill lip "ill(ire c6ul(l . Wt, lll. t[i.,alh. _ " " . , . lit it we could of rt_deml)tion In'a3'vr bt' t|mt God and villlt But. s instrumenis in a lost work|. (if Clmrlo_i Wt's Lc, t our or: iv]lo cfiint._I IHir_" celestial It.ore'above Dre to "_)pilrl, T/'aoft The ]:.indh'd flora(' .... , lel t . (i_ _fl('r(,t'l_l()l_(. Oi, rite meal "lf'l. eltllr'ol m!t heart. i'o"Tt!_'gdory burn! ' " .." of the " " " Till: " IlikA ; ." /if ii " ' llihli_tl,i"b; " ililll_t_ " .f " : st*l I }_ r ncc• II t imilgo" '_; diffichli l o[ to.(iis- )f dlsd.iIt [)l'Pl¢,i1st!. lli!t'iil!_t' t'll1_i • Tilt. _,Xlt,lll hl|cl•l,sIcd ii] i'evealing I e Ill _,v;is (,×],lln't,d. f lislry's x_']li('|l AIllt,I'it'ill'lS p:(ijt,cIlItg I)$ Xrliilco sludyof faVOl';ibly .: (h.lliinlinaliOll .Naz_il•t,llt ,, t, hlir}.,li, hi, - " . c ii go(it| illlllgL Packard lttl.lll)O' hi l_is It) otlll-_rs. In, hls allll|ysis, lit'Pros. ilII])Ol'li!Ilt |o _ lilllny [i.,i{st' llllt_ a tll't_S, Wilhol]t is hi Miilus "gO(K| ._ioiIs. 1 kn(Jw il dot2tor who ill (till2 l)oinl ill [S llroplil_nlicnl filr l{ie(|ic_l|, prlic(ice _Pastoi ]{nldlwtmd CInn_h, I); Viral Phi. • _tl¢Jli_l, 197(] " " " "" " Dot _._ritc, r, Ihhlks imlntnlo Io thnt tllos9 inour tile I)res- Llolo lo _Je('onlt II Bishop rtehiq lgeliqiou,_, Charles MoryOLllli_ peol)h' I)Ut the pro- clergy nt_ilr tilt) bottom of ri|l tl,'FIIoS; i'_lll'l,l.,_+,s show that tho Smith list..of o{2(,lip;lllOllS they wotl|d |ilto to onu2r, rililkill_ ii ill dc'sira|lillty. ]liSt " i fcsslon' wi2 il Js A b;IJClt'IV. nllIllbilry AmoriCiill illl;'igt_ This inlilgt', t';Irt'¢q% t._.,i.i! fil flit" ¢'xpt'nst. (if persolla[ il,14rity, i_: all" ll¢'t'c,],ti.!d' 1)rnvtico of "y.Aiileri- ilro.all affected hy Iho•(Iosil't' for ilild very c(insciotlS i)[ ¢)tli" '*iltlilgO," It iS ZiP ._OCl'lfl tllllt crLIiitlllg pre_tigious Ihall thc" Cllurch' (if Ihb Mc, mhorvhi I) in tile . right was iold_ ,wi){i!d. |il,ll) crellll, TlTo ad\'it'e was ii()t folh)v.,i,d. rl 14(ill(l, hn;ig_ _ [orhls nil,(|toni • klnd, of I)l'l'SS/ll'0: to devl'iop .tin _ll•t ' C/ill lifo; Piickm'(] l]llC{It.'c_I'S tile w iyS lit'st The ._'l(llll8 ._t,cl'Ti, l'g. [11 rids Ileo]}leseller. _iltt'lll])t to ]_n:t}jot't tllcnlsolves . • " " ', .wits coun,_ek, d it) _oln 11liloro has fill('(," Ol" *'l'ilt;l't(h'," "hllilgC-Illililillg" _ls. 'mid "iil_itgc ,'_ I)¢,C(llill,V; _iill "iitlpt;arIill,ll Dot'l)tlll..?i ;ill ;illl,llill{ lo ilntll'OSs, willl a It rod" ,,•"l/tin(st'trial •" " Preacher " : Nazarene . 1 c_,i'l;lln llt'giilive (,phil(it:(DOllS, A _dnl I)lc (h,finitlon lJf _lll "llllillLt'" i_ "thai . which i_ st, t.ll.'" A _liuhi shift, of (,liill|l'll- Clll+lll'll| - revivalim By Tom Nees* _+'OIllS -unlll Ptl_ochcl (+.teat . with : _, " Vi, ry - Tho Nozoleno thc W(.s- defhwd t]och'Jne rlllcs il]'ld IlO rl2h, ills. of out" age. .51'i' " Image • • io, the ltomnns. About iI qIillrD21 • befoit lli/le, while |It, w_L_ (le_clil)ir_l_ tim i'htinl_l_ wllidi God worRs hi tho ht,;Irt llnot;gh. _lll illill 'of of ii "wo Ill'I, Ol'ily I.9H _m The " I mark WithmH " unwillilllily lllir]t_lL]7)llt,rs (]t,ol•tLiil, ill AllC, l'__qllt. ill_h'ot, I whlh'e And (iliC l,tllht.r'_ Pl_2face Io the.Epistl, eVellillE _luth('ntie c/irJt.llttirt, O "Who ' b;ct, n t,vils il AIdt;i'sgale nlilll, Ill'l't'ist ' ffdl. fire llis ii Illll!lly -Ii_ soi,iciy was realhlil_ 'c¢lllld Illl)nl('lll dl'CSSt;d the o1 a sinl_h' lhttt • is stlt't't,ss(H'.q, widt a carefully '. :_ pathetic list (If pltlllIct'il .for tile v.'i|]" h_' mnoth- SlmCC . Oil Mily 2.1. I'/:18] the fir?' fi,ll }llll'Ilvl wit]l ]ovo f(IL'.(;(_d 'and for ii- c.lifcfu[ly l)t'_ pnrt,d a[llir, IV{lit I,lit. B'ut Cllll hlllli;lll -']" The hllrliiill_ hear| FinallY,, _Vt, sl{,yall rolil4illn ,i_ [iw i•c|i_hm of l]ll2 hlirning h(.iil't, ;i -hoarl clnx, and. (_vl,r hml bt'l,l_ Imili, Ill)l" lllo ,a ny I)DI'DS il spft,ads: (llh-" t'o.tho [ovs Trhd_ I t t the world .'tight [/l._ll ' rl'lt([ Tit(, ri_ih.s o[ ttis !Irac('! Tho arms of. Iol,e that ('mttp(tss my Wmdd idl _nanleind vJ)lhrltce. iiltt.l'- v,'it|l God. Nor-('iln As This bocatno lov('. it "thUS( Ill' it Ihl, hecom!. h4Im't world to'witn_,ss.'t,r cc(nDi)lny full Hal- illlll(o with assailed. [lIHqlch il. Slll'#,ll(t ha¢i Wc_slov iil)]ilzt, (llov¢'ll mid servant Mill _ o111"1t.ontllln lile mind. lnt'at v,,iis " liw nil oppoMtion fli,ld>; "C|lris- ho of (If ;i s{)i_. _lnd -%'illt'l'S ie;lrninR f_lilil ill Chrisl.:l lily inho_lll Mranl4t.ly most,. Bnl ittvll_i hiird Woi-]q (is nltisl of wai'lned. [ fe]L.i didIell(lust Chi•iid. Child Ihe strt'oIs iv(,rl.,fiilod wil|l ,_l)olv w]lie|l ;(lone for _alvali(ni And g/ll _l_$111-gtllt'l'w;l. often lily tin]do. I.it:L' L _ll Ihlit Iny feol IHven lilO Ihal lip ha t lakl'n i_t,'il7 ..... sill!; were sleei)ed Jn sill)w wIill,l, ilL'iIrly . •L%'t'll MHW, :liUl _'hVl'd Ille lllnn•lht ' law o] froni " " " scrtll)llh)u.s, Ib_. _dhn" his siixv f;filh fhilh ,olnllmn.hu,4h - - bilities In "A Ca|Ill Address io _Inerictl_l Co]oilios" (| _llll stro._;tng [](Jl ,,_,'ho er churches _vitimut cv pituli!{ing illo;I <ff ;i.l}_anoJilllh' world churl!h: • i socla] lo i r('ili[7,1' Cltll III1(] ve.riic_tlly I_ G.d. deeply {.(m_clous, (if his S|hvory"(. Ldtiv. ChriMianily-is o I relii;ious which "i._o nliln." whi{'h upim for Kingsof Jlt _ i :(is ii'gl:hlqll'tt(| towards of difl'orent ix_rsuasions frdm- man's physical need_ in his "ElemenThis was r('v¢,a]ed ill his collo(,rn fDr tary PI ysic' : for his polilical responsi- CODCOI'I1 tlpO1 ,t.. tile htirnhlg ho;{rt mhld. Olit! lilt'; _,dhl diPt which;ht_ I to odu- .h im so l l', ;is ',vitnoss hls Si'l'nlOll {Ill "Q itholi.'ilv" mid his h'liPi; 1o li Roii _ll (.ilh li_. I lit.lh-vl! that Wosh,v'_; suc ..... ct.._soi's _hlmld n._o tim {riondly "cllm- - idonlily _;itll the ']l/imari rilt_¢, while hol(hlginl4 t. the Ileal" I'IICO I .C VlSt t|ll•ougil rolTonorlil}ofl. tern o[ preted l()vinl_ God with. all IIis m[Hivo was tslm(I if thl" sh;°l_ll!! " " i : his [Ahl'ilry "ciilion. bolil Wosh,yau for Chrisfhln." Chrislimls " Dillies lo society Porf&'t love oper_R(,s l, I ill " for Wvsley was dPeply eon_ci_ms dmt ther(! v,*a_ ii(i sttcII tlliIlg till it solitary }los ]lc'(,tl lll',vays;-- " il61im,_s. prcscl'i_lcd t%vo c(nll ern and his writin.t4 I[(,l'e s (in(_ " ilCt)!lSiStt'nt I)(;ttv;.'en the .Christianity of • _llntl tin+ onlighlened ot v to'thhd¢ of thl' so. Ol- his (,sta])lishllhqlL. t]l(_ nothing alll_l wa_ School _rllInllIilI'S, iib_.;llrd, recess thonl iii wood Do we nved to ._cvuiinlzo svme of o r rulos In tills li)!|lt? TJoos /lit+ hdVPllt bf telt, vishm, make a .4vcond hmk at sonic tboro ¢';ittoFi command.q _1 Then " Of t|lP .a Ctll lihove, llnt]ortllkin_ ,lind Ii s/n;tll inisc.Ullally t}f olher dtlbiO/ls ulll!h'_gv; . . the ln-cvliiling Dul)|ie imago Of the t'lt'l•gv In;ill is not i_uo|i.as hl.illake our Anl¢.riclil_ yotlng llt_oi)|_ wlnlt to |)o Pile . . Wlllll is I|liS ilTl_lgt" WhiCh fit(Is to attl'acL tho .[agorilbli. consi(IorittJon o[ 7 7 [f we would we musf be share the burdens willing • . to . share of others, our limes-and must rt,el ' own ' . . " ' '"You " . .Understand?" Do : • i - " • By, J. Melton ThQmas k' " . , I sr,tcl i_:sm_: a llospil;i bed m my Iowtl ministering as l'mi_hl. 1.0 ;t tillS ill till advall('t,d st;lie (if cancer. II was _asler Sunday, nnd -while his .wife was out'of Ihe r.m.n . speakil)g .t6"departing visitors, i had shared _itfi hinl _sgmtelJ_itlg of+ Ivll],l tile _aster servn'es h d bee.{ at ()ltr • church. " "I We "talked u[. life. and of .death and of resum'eelion We talked _)f tile world thai is 1o be. of the lif¢_ that is to.eonie. Ilis faith was a! [irm and heartening fMth as'l I'evidwed with him Paul's ", ,_o •ds " . ' F • we know lhat. if our earthly h,mse of •' ° tliis qabernaele were diss61ved, we: I have a building ef G6tl. an hoi_se not made with hands, 6t&'nal ill Ute heavens" {II Car. 5: 1). This assuranee was its mueh.hm as _tdaad !lees Paul's befor_ him. for he knew Ihe had reel a younl4 reli,,[ wh.m she _/(Jw detel'mined l_) marry. [h. was t/oI (rely opposec m ;IH thai Ihe family had'alwi_ys cherished._ind be: lieved, bul was ;ils_) quih, cyliie:,l aboul Ihe _9lmlematlel; " "They were troubled." and I shared Iheir ct)Itt'('l'll. And I lrit_d I_ help. slmk/,+i.n generalilies. I said _he alm.m,,,,_,,_ n_t own •lives thl t was qllito alSliliealJh;.< m Iheh's. Irlappor_ wa._ imlnediale,, l'he .Irotlbled real let" gl; he,( quiekly at me, m_.d IhOn siai'll0d i}m,wi(h Ibis; query, "You do midersland. *'simd __ " + filings we ush/dly say. I laid Ihem 1 . would pray wilh _hem 'al)_ul lhe .dau._hh,r..I lalked .I -i+ri_)l.lph,s. bttl their hearts weren'l bein_ helped , much. Then suddenly I deehh.d to share wilh Ihem my. iAvn hearq . For my wife alld I hnclexl)evieneed" _i .gre_u hearibreal¢ il_ &ll aYea ill • our same resurrected Lord. then?" . Presently his wife. retuened attd I was in ;, somber mood qis :I lefl stood across his bed frmn me. Then lhat Imspital. I realized wilh _ new as we talked. I discovered that what • c[ariD,, h son'mhow v/_. m/sisters would ]ik0Jy be lerminal ".dise;{se tn must idenli'f;,,wit I OL ' pealS16. TIwy the husband was sol lira only lhing musl. Ieel that me do _fi(h,rstand. troubling the two. Added-. [o all'a|Slalle|illles _,',,e ll)ay h;Ivo 10 lel the ready leo heavy load was a pending barriers d6wu. and "pull the eurlains probleJn with a daughter. 8Ii._. was a _ a._ide: and lel lhenv know din( we i'ine girl, a third-yem_ sludent at too are verv hulrl;lll lad very vuli'_6r-: the unversity, a place where she able. V,,re rollS! eluer isle thbir joys " ntld Iheir sorrows, inhs lhei'r success"•t',_t,,, "l.'i,_t Ch.,_h -10 ' + tie i' f ilf(r'es, isle Iheh" ]_ve." times One of these thin_s is a someas o lls n:nem a Iheir stale. "'I ,,ali whore 'h¢._j ,_t imd remained t!ere Jm_ g_hem IEzek.i_l:lS,I,Thd as a pas!,or shmdd be. l l'yin_2 hi .ten/-. f,,:.t. &fine Who1 hi, ,;,,uld L,, ,:dnisler _raee. Then. ;mother .nmiher came we G,,d pass the I'tl(llll HIId did 111qJl'(" "ill _l blll'(_]cqt':-; of stone of _;ur pec:ple are ashmishing burdmm[ Ezekiel saw alm_ lhal lhrou.qh such identification opell dlallllds lhrouIzh "¢¢hieh can operale. "iX/,,,,, it era'he' 1o m tile thirtieth year. in tile fotlrlh month'.-.. ,s! u2.¢tsanion 9 Ihe d'aDlitms by the river Chebar. that the heavens were-_qmned, and/ s¢lto vt.sto_ls oJ God" .(Ezek. b:l). All of us.who h:ive lived l(mg" m pastoralUs have had Ihis s;ltlle experience. This is n_l m sav,lhid we mnM We have found that as we have experience evm'ythil)g lh;d pverv .mi)ved among the llelqile, idel_tifie d . }ltq'soll o.'g[)el'iell_:'os m i)llder Ill Ire _ ;vilh.l!le people, |)ollred ou'r Jove tipa}_le h_'hellJ'hi_n II is 1¢_ Say, how:: on Ihe lmople.".thill we t(u) have ever. Ihal we mast hart. sm'h feel"seen '¢isi(ms 91"-God.'_ yes and .of nl_4 mr. aud s,vmpalhv with. people whal lie wou (_.do through us i'm' tl_;tt thOy will kn_w _,e;' C;lll (h'aw .die people!_ fl'oltl tlS (,veil Ihotl._h we Ilave llOl ht lhe hmg run. our l_rpple apI)ee_ _ver I.he waters Ilmmeh whh:h preeiate us ntore, lad gain nlore . : 'riley reid nmmpnl: ..vilh jusl a word, thall he II_L(Ibeen able n, do Ult. to Ibis l_lai:,, Said sh(.. I undersland. I hu_ lusl one ,_f mils,.: 1 have be(m wherb yl,u are" ' " rn(mmnts_ in a very _t.: ,,e. are like. IIlel_,_: that w,,. are • "m all pmnts tesled " " as tile,,' m'e l_r. C|ox's. G. Chap,oell lells of visilinu _1 molhee who had h_sl a Wile t'hild ill death. ]Iv ,.vas lhere, Illll) . Iheii" low [hat we. " . Ihey are passing, The' guide'w,ord here ,s ,,mp¢¢lll,,. which isdefined ;is 'Hhe py(_jeeth>n of one'.':; own pet'+ s.nalily inlo Iho l_ersmla[ily M'. ,m+ .lhel' in order ttt underslgmd him betle/"' (W6bsler'k New Wm'hl.Die_ tiou((rq) • 1.Vo minisler grace whbn we flies slrenglh from us, ill l|mse runes lhan I in any olher. We may be "'gogellers': we may h;i_,'e our names in the papers [rgm speeeh'e_ .m'acle al_ tile service dubs: we may be "makiag n tea| slj6wit{g, " sta(istieally. I wbuld venture, l/Owever, lhat -ll{b greatest sittisfabtion.s will ecnne .idei_li[y. Indeedit ts its •we thus idenlify tha[ grace, is ,operative. Ezekiel experienced l'hls. Ills Iwo leslimonies of it express two lliings Iha( h-:ipl_en whell _'¢¢e "Rm lhrough w]letl ill tlle qt:liel, ,:]etlianding, ll_ibu|lled 'limeg sam6 par]shi0ner looks • across a hospifal be/l, or across a eouhselling labl% or _Ap from n prayer ahar and .says thrlmgh tears. m people, when we . gel where/they .' YOU d_ .Utldel'S[a " " ld. then?" : . . . . . - " . Those o[ you who eau read Scripture well, lmt:oratoricully--that is hatefnl--bl_t s _.p|y. reverenlly, feeling it yoitrselves, los{ iu it. ca, be q_lite sm'e Ihat .vol WIll .alvOays re'_ch some hearls. " Frotp l.,Uh_isl's ,glead, hy Al'lh,r Johu (?,essip " " h.igh The NozololtO p_cuchor Augu_l. 1970 - " : 11 l - Mechanics of the Ministry p. ,,.n)y.,d.'..,-. ,.',,,,d . Jt',_g_ • ill a W'u c)_('(] By Raymond C. Kratzer• Part VII, Preaching Program • IO _'l'('('_())n (if " T GOES J[ W ;1" OUT "'creattll'(,_ • i•cliro of ;in(1 I|)c most _|f{(_l Ing *.'Ol ilis Thc )re I('SS Variety il }oCOnl( shouhl nlossago hilt ii Js ID Dl'Ogl'alll ellCOl}lpils_ pt_oplL!-con!o or-_cu_l)tl'e,r].. problems •. miss . ]li._; jt,Vl• t I*)t IZ wah,hword fi)" |lit t}llll _)lft,cl- lilll¢,s oil Ilk. )('. will: ('hi)Limb _)f his agc._. It Ii) iht.' nl:lrk.. he is lln,h, ' f_.w, )f . "OIl rostitn|ion, coining on of hl_ilVl_ll, Ch:i!'l. el" on or ell or (.m jll(l_tnent, hell." th(_ on Th¢,n s sin. ee6:ld I N(llno of Ihe. chln,ch Ills It is hi_]l)ful ocvaS:Lmal]y It) run a c]lo¢,k ell ._,Ol;ll.S(_]f |o _;.)," LI)W el)|hi)F(',• _ll Was 12 )ol:illtl31111_'fll, I* t'll..I,IW(,SI l]l:,llLl:l y;I](]lllll (;od ave v( s jot, l)rv))hfin|\,d [ isnol 3o lo'A'ill'd hsL in only I[ a.parlial hecl)zn(, i,_ Eo_)d (.]m]:) I list ()[ yqmr ¢oursl, ill'l'illl_Ill_]l ;m elllll•i or Ihr(,c plans wit _(" 5_ L'OIII'NU• mJdLv(,ck a]nlogl: IV,'IC(' tin Io \voultl ' st, rlos list c¢)Ldd SOlllO of IS (inlo_i for. I'1)(1111 lht'lll¢'s o1" I111 'A'II I i) With lho II t' . Of ]_'ll(I 5t,i'lllC)llS. i)f lilt' stll)jt'ct of. a lllllllbOl, lif involve of vivid, (If till as _l't'ill qllill'[/'lb;, hi,, tlSt'(] s_ich |IS The 1i111¢' t, nclo_ud _ulno yell list ilnd [IF, lO- so_L¢iI)n SllggOsl the" to a._ Sundays. ()[()• I)l;o;i, two which for tile lit'x/ ov(u'y ser\,- r(,adi]y ])y I() [Ol • or i.ii well 111_41 il'ali_)ll n_'_, hour enll)hilso_ lilt' evl:n till'ell|J:) ) "bt.' will I)VL'I • yl)u l)aMm', SlJOll eild Ihe to Pl'tlgl'illll' will 'And d a thotht)s at h,¢_st. List spt, ahead,'_ yvars in th(; poiat _,L'FIIIOII }'('ill' _)()11(! "fill for TIll((' vol]c_(, Iht' plan Iwsic'h, i as yl'in'. .these; lh(,tll{,_• inlnlbol' const.iou,s hi' SOlllO)ilne S(q'\'lct':-; stlbj¢.clS. IlI('SP Ii cut st(,Will'dshill lilt'F(, in;lll}' O1" . I})_,nl•_t,IvP._; ¢'itl('ltot'tt's ilchinM. M,rvnccs. IIlII!I.V _,vhit'h m;d(,rial• Ill't, "_111 " ili- inil_Ot'lal)CL _" ;lllcl "Prq,llt'hint-'. ice •-Wcdm,_dayk (if this _Iltldily ,,, _llc}l _Lqll10|l more di_uil)]in(' Biu l)llsil=(._s tlttllt,.. It .)., tlnSl)ii'ilua] lilt' ',q[]ue, It hm|d. ll)'won:It to c'vv¢'_" all for ._i dill'ill_ chan)_- Io•lifl plaice, o[ _t't'_Cl('l" pV_)l)h-wHl LlS the Sl).irll. o[ I'O_.lllill' !1(,_- In'lilly and ;I [_,ik_,,.vi:-;(,. ht:']p ,vcar stlh-." lllily Ih(' Inhnslol'.' will F'_in Sl)ln_ •. d_re{;.mont])s -,aid Ih*C)ll tll_, moliv_Itin_ to (tl ;llld 'tel in ,.\-t, i,h'_pha_is tliu nlHily subjL, c)_.tl{at e.ry "or :_,rmoniZing• But there shoukl I/e .ulnt' in .:_ io Ira, l)roii0]l ov(,n_.s InK ¢'ilsl_il(|Os 'wlli_h Ihonghls nl0dillln o[ il m e'ss of of nFgos of the lll]lliSlol•• A_ahl we, are trnth (4I will Tim. 2: " |5), lhl2 ill Woilld The Nazarene .LhaL SOIIIO a old needs It might [IIIVO yell -will blessillg ils (,f l|m s('(i)l(_ gospel. )hat -L_ • m cer- Preacher like "you Iheh: I}le . (|O\Vll _;;l;.o yell -difficult Spi)'it. "_\.11_._ I,v('ll sl)IIl( th t'il]t,iI and with ill(li- [:4 tllWily._ ileal' .iI II/Ol'e "Llgg(,d |hi-! ")Vi)l'd (){ of vi('h)ry ill'UibN vJh¢'l'L' solnoJinl(_ I-o l)oll August, not 1970 dose our wol,k will minds |is lib lilt, _.Vt, (..ild (_'.'L'I" of .n|(ll.(- ciln of lJml nltisi Llild _.ou ]]ring ii ines- too tillht "de_, from. t l Cor. nl]nigtors I)[ tile aWal'_, I)('" of .1) ). Gospel. Ill{' iln- ._olvcd. 'n'mre light given, men' lif.tt, d. nmro idt, aJisni generat_,d. _voi'k o[ L)toI'lnil COll_l_qLlt_IlCl_ ill]lialcd tlirOllgh tht_ )i'¢[ichillg [[lllll ill an individual curtainly skills ill a(]vol))a,c. to ] 1Ht)l'e problems %vl_ olin " age i)f can illnlglln_. " collnsol-itis- be c¢)'.lllSt211ng. Ministe!•s iil(,nlboF_ lilt.ascii [)l,l,acl_]I|_ he]'ev(_' prca_'iling, I)Voi'd ]i\'e "'il of 'St)- i_.}')rl,:(,rs, ps3;cllo]ogJ.sls, II•I:-;IS• I ( Itll|V scum to think lhal )t IOl' all grotips el' the the will to live (lint of tht, ir ps,ychhlofpl'oblems ])eople solved find- A.*_k lh(,nl I,)c:illg slrplHI]y molivah<,d they _,:'ouM )IWI_ counsel-z:atio with: sa_.e along that litle• I I#,nl)w.v,'e ¢,ann(it open the door leo wide for i)eol)h" m tell |Is wh'llt h] prelich .al)ouL ))Ill W(' (|iI1"_ ,w, o[ lh', [i))' idens. l|lpnle you onl' us _(]t)lishllOg_ t}wm t,i i'_ lie l>urd(,l{s yoil L[) pI'OiIC}l OIl., hldicatc lhat v;'ilt give prayerfuI ath!n(ioli lo suggesLions, andif you art' h!d of Holy hi the o11(., tim_, in which re_lJtntion. Go(] ? Sill|ill wanted S()lilO lit'el- as h.ll_ Ilihh' by l)Ol.lilnco lnessilgo lie I)yll)ful God which dily, rl']lo )}ill'- gristmill y(ltll • SlJl•rllOlliC _ ('()lll[llnOI•S ill rOh,vilnt.nlatcl•ild It) I }'l'- t•[Lil col)gi'e/4_d]¢))l _.vritl_ AIId fruit 8aints:wtu'e of'the lie. ltl(?Sl: soft-pedal' till(| • tO -igtlort Ihost' Eh)d "1o I• nlosL ¢)11 nol intlsl Of lhe _.v(indt, l'tl_go(ln(,sFi ItiC basic m adznonlsh_.d, hpv d_Lv 1)I•('iI¢ll inlly, (.'Ol|gr()gIlllol dcltl' ll[,ttl_,ctl,d Io .yol.ll' ,qoHl){,] l)l.L)ile))od cared lhiIt th('y lo .I_cL LIS It) - nt,ed. God Jill) ,_.qll hear of the 3,(itlr i)f This lind _)n yell c_ll prv;ichin_4 on sin I c,si_,c lly'cn)p])n.sized .:o1" sllldy |o show (hli•solve_i "al)pl•lw(,d tillLO GI)f" _l Wot'knl;in tJl'al neede)h lie| to lie ash_imed, righlly dividing tile word iI of 10 •_.illll{_ Go(] Ill)ell onji_'v. _,ihjocls . "lhe" ] IF .V IhiIt Lik('.wis('. h;We, SOlllt i)osil etc. chvckql) helI)• yi)l.I ,qLll)jecLs ._L'lll¢;d )hi, initrvdh, llts (if l-,ol•(L l)*m r('d m_'et wil.l tll('II|t'._i cl .. ltwin(,s, _.'gLI]ill" nonle c)f ""preach d_c word: _' J(>:_Li,_ |)rayed Ills pel)l)h_,.mighl ,b_.. s_u)clificd.through " th(' tl'Lll]l lie sIlid•, "TJly word Irn)h." , need._ , rc.ud-: lllo /?l/l/i th(.'lnsoJves Of pl'¢'ciolz_;Oll]S. Paul -, di- "lllld ]lnaglnillion lo , n Ihmdreds san(:lifk,d tllldOl..,_t,L)l-(?iili.V lhc throngh- I):U'_ o/, 1he 11}4o fu()m Ih_, the C('F= I'L'fI:OS]liliK,-idt.iIs tel expression lho SOI'nlOll Ii(,¢it'l impinge il (if A Io :4()]v(_ tholll Personal Dcvoli_m sorties; ,Iikuwi_<l...includin_ Inily('l=) ;itonotnt,n|. m a Col))iJ),_. lilt' l)n:-Eastor [11 "silLliltiollS' i/) try sh()_._'¢lH cl'y g/'l'lnOl/H . Sl'(.'_.)l}kI• tin;. ))r(',pilF;l|iOli Pl[)J)i¢ colol _ lib; _ illinis[l'y a[Olll_ 12Lipl;l_nl )n.t!pill•;ll]llil f()l'lllill_ Ul)_)l| iris I)_'_l)h' through" his prt'_/chint_ _,woke .sernloll secede. sense . 5HIIl(, l)ossil)ly SQl'llltllIS•. rect /I.is a In.roger on th{, part of thi_ ]_ymHl. fo." -[_ more 1)ahmced diiat of spil:ilual food -which involves _very facet o[ G6d's Word. t*_; power ]0] dilt(_," :iJlnillll, ] lltld, calling The lhl.oLn_h a sornlotl of imSCl,iplnrid- tip- pl'OtZl'illlllllilit£ us-even ;1 "I)li)l) lh.'dlLc loc)k Ihe u inthu,m,o nloti_.,a|t,(] since has'pre[ich.'d ,_ il]1% lid, )lJLll" pl'uiit'ht,d. Illl)llthsclilJll. lho /ii/n(t _llld ot]let' s|]IllLI]i t'(I J)eco:Lm :_ he ,i fill/l_ i)Ih(H' hllv(, dh't, line. of )lt'l's()llill " n :lay c'haHetlge him 'in b(, Find ])IlSI Ill (:)lie, [illll "]]lt,Hv]l- )illlU_; th(, lilt' Veil n SlI'ilII_' ag;uhs will which Many IhinRs II i{rcacJlt, r.,.In of con- nln<l Illlll mini,_ter OIl _uiding }llo.'o Wlli(.,]l bih]icaI Iislint_ ', lJltlr work_,d h) them vo of _})il'JI the..,,f,,;'"*h"f"'" ',v]lOtll aru" 1:3 flu. l'll/ l{ovl_. )lroach- n,,¢,'ds F_*ll]l(,i; thb firld to Ills ])l'oa(] "_ViIl'lL" on(_ hart, I)e.he]pful you m't,:_s W]lt, of* 65 stll)jecls ._ ](.ctrnln i)l: Ilr_,;i('h('d " tl) '' ho M;lny of " " " i on check d_)llh- I)l" )Iv, )list yell No sIolt'l)-", his ' (if It'ch'd [)r(,ach- l)]aying might and th(43. ,say s¢)m('lhin_ llke lhls: "Our In Lalkinl4 it,) ]il_),lllOll. uccaSlOlla!Iy l)qSh)y is a w(mdl'rful l)ruacln,r lint) %VI, J_)\'c. him• l_;u/ iL Ires I)een a long l inlt, OI" - _,v]l/)ll lnlly outlet in ' voicing lh(,ir ramificalions )hrou_h a Sun_ _y moylnnt_ sorm(m. It lnily find II COLlnIorl)ilFt il_ a [(,w o1" his. I'l)l}_J'Li_i)|]OI1, }nil on t]'l¢' whole" it will " l lind s_'rmons t(+'ll(] ;,vhich _ln¢[iOl't'd c.d ! tile nlillist(,,l' )ht,••lin)c)s. s]muld and | UV(!I" Ileal .1111_)f the E_l'ugl|lion It lhcln ))t'/'lJlllt" ( Ss Ill be his t]nl| '_gc._lt,/.,tl ing trulh. Lik('wi._e. ii uh(,(,klist a l)r()ad l'amilh,s• Iltl, '" IVU I]l't, is. mu(,h..COIlSt)(ILIL)I chal'iwl:- tht) lt,hing • i hiIvo lOll most COIII'SUN /]ill'('-lll)l hi_ in Y(m - lnJZlislt'/" IV ]o( wP lille s)leecI1 Z libel)its I)Ff)gl'tlln; T;;II Inlllislry rallL W(,bc,li(wt, il'u', c)f c)m" i)r("v(mc('ived l)rograt_, On lhe olhc'r - _•o111" in. of [:lill sltll]},' awak(', of till|tel'liP; follow h(msi,vc oni a cc)v(,r illdJvJf]llil]_ h0)I gilt ill•(, we (';II f_)l' lift' kfor dilllWt' has a i•l (.,xl)rossions . t,)'iae to -food ;rod W(" Tht"limc, we aboul Cel'taill tillit haiJi{.',' tim(- a I_:illt'l'll• The fast. for lunch. similari)y SAYINC, wbl-k l)iL' t,f proL, ))rcacht.r_ sli,r¢,olvi)¢,d 1 church _tl • T pro;l_..hil|g N_IZIII'{'III: ,,I" our us and " voar's a:-; through themselves the IO .ini_rel)sl., (|i.gtur|md congregation: And a wise wilt Use have 'themsGnicto )his area pastor and will ]Jl)) he l}ll)Si ilo'¢t,r ']t,I thi._ me|lied of.h_'ll)ing ,nlin_,nc(.}" ovul, • i Go)ltimu, paople gitin tilt, lal-t_- . i)l'eachJng - hey ;i I)y. d on pa_e ')5) 13 the church from ister ildx;aliee the mmley':' the banker'? l,]x:ell il Ihe fhlds the (IIIV¢ll paynlenl, payn.lellts, iI1S/lrallCO, taxes, millthe "lltailltO- it is equal.ly true that The OI)l)r)rl'utlily. ul_qla the "pm'ish.. ilia a'rea with The a buyers' f_r profit depends If tile parlsll is in [J[ iltt'l'oashl_valile._, it as ._tltl( iltVeshltellt: ltan(I, tile pal;i_qh"is If ill()Itall.the itreat_lhevof t]ot,l'eltsh|p, re:Jl-i.,slall • v_.tltl[2, the nllll- nanciM the islet' L'(il2l' " aFfor(i - It1_.l_iiStQl" ]ive. t'6col_nllett(ls I}ll a]ess of tl'_e eomntuiliiy, t_l" tile house will proporLi(mate income The locality • l)itl'l tltat affiLlellt so that the t'.st ll(_t tal_.:' a dis(If lilt _ p;Isbw's ]*;se Till, t_,mey DIVllll1_ O[ he a can hollS(= .. _" II Ii 41oiI ii ii ii¢ _. o 41iI ii*t 4. iI ql tl 41¢ * t o* ill .Compiled (j),_l'- . fachll" i[ tunney, may 1;o lost. by -lllay bo('_mle Illo (]eei(lin_ • whic'h parl "_flawn g,:egation:iS besf norwaiti'ng should until he a l_O_d real estate"lJu;¢." Second. if a tninister i I has t', findn- acquired a itouse in his last parish, it is probablehe will be temptetl to _'emain in /,h;lE parish ill retirement, Most Ministerial Relat,inns Cdmmittees will agree tidal itris not a g¢_od I i koeI, ]_e cana .. FI . L F . F M • b t ¢ * • I * • • • • • I I t I t I • 0 I * * _ ttII Committee . _; T . ...... |*°¢°¢_ Or. WitlisSnowbargor.Edttor - tlelc in ;i now or .eqtl_ly i)l'o['ital_le hlining_,whelhev "call." tTlwFe tax'estnlelllF; .that its nlosl lmu:4ing to are tic- E.S. _H]I-. al'o whk'lt Willis Phillips, Chairman Sliowbarger, as a " Seerelorll W.T..Purklser Wilson M Lunn Lanpher R.W. T. _,V, XVlllingham ister It ,sto ust,ally move ;dv_uatt_4eougly diffiuult F,,r , after ,Utl,a_ze 55. There is a real iPnal)tati01L. arid|' a few yea,'s fro'. tlie-mitiister _I r_a. "I II[_J :.m,==--w Olson " I_ _._._. . . , Social benefits lllce Ilurn nmnlhly /I _.,_ m"ff_ _ series j_ \,_ - -]_EAN of que_,lions Security Administration to its recipients in April, _. _. v WESS_L_, nntl N CE gave 1970; " .I_IU 7 Execufii,eSecretary answers-'" " ' a .blanket 'increase in Does this mean that the amount which a retired Nazarene mlnlster-orwldow . BENEVOLE _..... ' T-_-:F_, ..... I r_--_:t_,lt. Lt I "_'I_.<7. i _ • , _......... L _ ...... __t =m. _e&. .-'a"_|IIL_. __A Kelnleth Johnson Dt_dneY. .._.._-._.__...!:1 L-t_-!--_--:t: " Q. The monthly B. _"_gar eennett MINISTERIAL - u_;lalem_H'ket. to decide thal.tlwrP'is real mei'it in a [atat_ pastor:jr%, s_ he dedides to remain, until, ret'h*enleill .evel] though the cor=gt'egali_m may not. be ent'hlts z iastie about the# l_rospect. If a mij1- H. DMeMitchcll It. T, Knlgltt neza John . " - DeanWessels A, F, Sklles llarper Paul O. 300 . "'" M.A. Lunn John Mar Stockton Scott is presently recelv: . rernalll it'= his last pari.@i." If.he-was conmluaitv " tile .tenlpt,ttiitm te stay" policy fat" the retirinl_ • n'dtt_szer "to islet owns his. own ]zezqe"in: the beloved, it will be very difficult is.evon stre0ger. • for tile mew nlinister to .establish While Ill6 ma'nSe may not be all himseJf. Even if Aht2. oldet: mitiistbr tll_it tile lnilli.sler veal]iS or.feels ills is a -sa nt. h. w fe may not le, and . wife d_serVes..ii comes as part: of his Childre I living in tile area may the "call" which he van -accept ot" .be "unreslrailed' in thei,: ecru"eject \Vhenthe clmrt'h finds t]lat metals. If tile 'mini.':;ter was i s] ked 'ahd Vit't_.zally ft)rced to retire, his _.ontinued' presence is. so}droll an .as. set. .. • " Third. _hen a minister _wns own bo£1se he has an invesltnent = o o/o* by, The GeneraLStewardshlp . GENERAL STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE gdward Lnwlor. Gem.Supt. "Adulser " tb-e minister's ability to find ado'milfister--is likel,/ to bt v. _ The old,quate "h tsilp, at.'e sonable c_ _1'. bilily ,)[a ministry _,}louldneve_ bt, And ti_e minister is not in a '-',,_,d dt,l_endont rll,,,,_ chanat's in the reali)ositiont_ know .p _.U Members tit'ld:H'ly st,llint_l cept call to SOl'Vl¢'o in,a ])artieltlar shouhl not be di-'l;endant .n will • a Ilallee, an-d Ul_keep t_t _dlyfor ex¢'eod W[ltlLis I_Ol'lllaliy.. bttdgetetl J_ollSing 'roe often " tht_...J)anker or fiadvisor ,0 his Io protect. Advoc0tes for 1he minister buying flis O TM h()!ne point to the cqltity he can accrtte This is lrtte if the conditions are yight. In rocem years, wilh vising' prices, many can point tt_ real and enft)i'cetl savings thr0ugfi .ownet'sl_ip of a liome, .Bui 16 tile hu.al.ity of,. the. ndnisler .-" . .Ing ?' NO. It has - ed by the Department When there In fact. the General Board ,s oxcep- 1970, amount "' to increase ' amount -' " allo.wable allowable'for ±-- was a raise for per . of income month a widow a in Social Security voted in itS; annualmeeting the maximum.amount t_riai couple from'S225 " ".fan!ily Its well "its llie. l)arishioners) and to file-benefit of ftiture pastors The Nazcffono Proachor A. of M nlsterlal will be reduced due Security benefit?Benevolence Social " "" been a,long-standing.policy Of the Department ofMinis- terial Benevolence n6t:to reduce the amount of monthly assistance grant- fi_)ilally g_}od.'.the elanse ts ofton ,,apprl_prialely Utll/_'oved-_n3 u c h to the joy ()f the .minister..and his hr) thai congreg/llion. S h o u ] (1 ltie "c}turch t)r{)vide _l manse? Yes. r,,,, I]tere is. far mere dane, or, hol]_ for the minister and .the t,htu'e}t, if Ihe l_a.,¢hw is gtvttt :lhe._ptiofi .f an allowance Io select and ltttrc]lasehis owa.hmne. - fropl theDepartment tO thislncreaseln is to $250_ per $160 per a Iowab month, month and benefits. in January e for a.minisThe maximum the maximum .. single minister is $175 per month. ,- . .. "-_ The Iniormation contameo on this page each month is a means of information for the Nazarene minister and his family. If you have questions, please send --them to Dean Wessels. Department of Mlbisterial Benevolence, 6401 The. Paseo. K_insas City, Me, 64131,an_ wewill Iryto answer your. questions, in. this. moothly_eature, " • " " . _ • I 17 Augusl, 1970 '. -- HOME M_SS_ONS , . LA, Docating • ' N AnOther II D i Sl - " ':etc." is the last wo_d in a.feature magazine. "etc.". is th.e new " NazareneDevelopment Site) " - [:orty (40) $5,000. Sl_ecialsor $200.000 matching grants _o be awarded districts " for new church sites. -_..... : .... YOU_m COMINGNEXfMONTH ]ON MISSIONARY • . . • " . , , cellege students and other young adults. This two-color ,Nazarerle monthly magazine for monthly magazine sells for $2.50 . - per year ta individual subscribers, Local churches may Order -. . - quantities of five or more on theChurch literature order blank for 50ceach I_er(_uarter. • - _ OVERSEAS:HOME MISSIONS DISTRII;TS . GUAM - i_ew Church BUilding MIDDLE EUROPEAN .. . Berlin Parsonage Berlin.Parsonage Hanau Hanpver Building Church tlanover -" Down Payment -Now Proc am BuiNling .. Parsonage--New " $]5,000 " " ' " " Denmark New • " $ 2,500 " 1.200 ' 9 -. 10.()00 lO.OOO • . O-. 1,200 PrmtshopEquipmenT NORTHWEST. EUROPEAN New'Chthcl_ " H;)aTJem Holland Mosede ' " Chu/ch " "1.500 ' $25,Q00 25.0(]0 " " _' ' ".. "' ' "'"" ." "" "" . . ' " . • : " i - " "" - i :, SAMOA Nu'LLuhChurCh-_ Parsonage -Tools • " Sur_d_lvSchooIRo_ms $ 1.000 Equlpmenl Western Samaa--Rast6r's Wester_ Samoa Truck "" : " Res*_JenCe . 1,000 800 " 850 t,080 " " " ' " " " " - .u0.o,, HOME MISSIONS i8 The Nazai'cllc Prcach¢l Augusl, 1970 - " " lg" i NAZARENE WORLD MISSIONARY . WILLS Have You Cbnsidered " FASTING SUNDAY PRAYERAND I}rief "emplm_;is "" l_nli.st., me.nlbers, take Prayer ciul prayer Im" mission needs. Mormng Wor.shJp Spedii, l SOng: I"aslin_4 "o[l(,rin_,, (i' " " ; aml.\\'orsl & \VL"ll_iek. - '" tlw " " cessm"" .. Voice of ]qsus 11:22-26 ' { \N )-I':\NIIN(; •- " \ I'l{\'fl.:ll I N( q)] ]_\_,l \NI) ,') i.' • ° • - " . Ccneral . Ctim.ch. '>.- ' . " ..... " " 2. lhe pooled investments ': 3. ' . . • . t.OAN " . FOR AGREEMENT--In return for money invested of the general churcn, Any the " : "write for the brocl_ure "Life forfui'the_lnformation: ] \NI)'I,'_Y,I'IX(;- church. or all of your mvestmenl in case of an. emergency. amount not With'drawn during your lifetime oecomes property .' of the geheral with the General Board. you receive generous interest payments (currently 5 percent) and may _withdraw part ()1"1"1';1_,1\(; PII\'JI' LIFE " " ' • I"\.'-,l'lX(; LIFE INCOME,AGREEMEN'I:--Inreturn for a gift of cash, securities, or property, you receive income for life determined .by the average yield (currently 5_,_ percent), from .t° "' :Nlis_ ' '" return for a gift to the Gena fixed income for life at a " rate determinedby your age at the time of the contract. Agreements are Written to dover one or two lives. Income from annuity gills is.largely tax-free .... In.come Plan': and reture . ., . the req'uest . CI:_()('PS J,dm Stilckt.n Coil_ultant. Wilb, \mttm.,:, a .",l),'cml (;ills INSPIRATION" .ch,,..h I_,tI ",It", Itolmrt C_/au " " . Ihc N:l/att:ll'. I'?,..achci- Atlguhl, ,,t th,. x.._...,.,' 6101 Th,.' l);l_.CI).Kans;t'_ (;it',. _t*_la_t_tt 20 ofTtlt; GIE.T ANNUITY AGREEMENT--In . er,hl.Board you are guaranteed - " \II':\IIH':F,b \ ',';l()N',()l, "INNOVATE " " " ' \ [ I \ I I Z I" "' i'_l"l.'l'_(:.'rL' \ I." l.'l,3l\ I.,NT. l'l('\.'l "" " -' i . " (:all- ::!-I':--,.l!ra._t'r . _1( I ! " • ".: " _,'38. 1, )'=1-1. I leallJi_'Nulioris' " II Thdssalimians" ,'3:.I--"A " siormrv's Call.ti)I_ra',•cr - _ l'll_ / .. Acts l_:a-,,\ Praying Church .... Daniel ,q::l--"l)anie[[" th(;-.Inter- 1 ",.I l',I:, " . spe- . " '" ., " ("Praise in,_,',' vv. I. ;}. & -I Scripture R_;adirt,e,:.,,\i_fs .12:1-11 or Mark . , Message on Prayer and IZaslin_4 SugE, ested' Texts: I1 (, tr( cl£s "" " .... dCl)urlmeld. " " ' AND'ANNUITIES " I" Serwee: Sngl_ested llyrnns: #.102, or #40_ " and ineach the- " LIFE. '_ ,,h!Jrclialf:m .. -. .. .. . . " . . . ()pcll forall, hut espt'cially all church leaders :rod Sum!a.v schoolteachers. _" Chhrch School flour= " . \ II 1..._ '' " . SOCIETY Ill.hi..._ I'. - 1970 **sttt_ttetltSl_*Itll ttl_tt_ . \h) (i1131 etllll#ltlltlt|_t . 21 I I CHRISTIAN SERVICE TRAINING _Z_S-...,_. m >" "' > DOUBLE CHURCH For I w_ i CHURCH IN FIVE-YEARS., " z -" YOUR COM.MUN!CATIONS ",-1, O " it::3 "I- .O GOD'S WILL . to repent and,_lccep_ Jesus Christ persons as Saviour and Lard, . 2... Getllng them into the membership the church. " • .: of • ° t/on in the denomination-wide ¢) _ Q 22 . " " " in _ =J " 1971 _ Z -rl. "in .the SePtember issue. I'll _ ,r--_ ----_ - . KEEP THE GOSPEL - Q O study: PLANNING FOR CHURCH GROWTH :_ = ;M 1,1[I,, :_ •"r" information . . -< rt} :" CHRISTIAN. CONVERSION. M_/vis will help you prepare to lead your congrega- Watch for further n6' m ._'_ Z . Marbh. a.nd April. i_.,1_... -n r" I'rl -< O _ . February. ... • "T" _ Z Kenr_edy ...... HOW CHURCHES GF_OW. Doqald McGavran " THE WHOLE CHURCH EVANGELIZING Department of Evangelism PERSONAL RENEWAl THROUGH •• _ _ O " -rC r¢ < >. u.I _' ._" :" .o . _]_. _ . - THE:INCENDIARYFELLOWSHIP E. Trueblood NEW TESTAMENT FOLLOW-UP• Waylon B. Moore• EVANGELISM EXPLOSION• O ..,, _ HetlEing them become part of the soulwinning force of the church. BOOKS C gl r-m In{luencing THESE ._1 rn " it means: 3. >-,O GROWTH'IS _ COMMISS4ON < _ _. . . TheNaza_nt,Preacher o GOING OUT OVER THE AIR GET " • " " "SHO'WERS ON .... " Help _ OF IN YOUR " - BLESSING"' AREA "" Us Get 700 " OUTLETS " ' for This Nazarene . " " Gospel"Broadcast . "" _-..._.r_ W_ - . • NAZARENE RADIO ,",ugu_(_ 1970 ..... . a,_Z,_,_, _. LEAGUE--_Communications ,, " "... Commission 23 NAZARENE INFORMATION SERVICE WORLD 'God Squad" .,_,(;II()UI) ()1" X.\7.?llil':Nl'_ past(m_ provi(Ic(I iul illtl.'rl.'_iillE t'(llUlllll ;l [(:V_ [n(nlth_; a!,_() " ,I}zdhJ Mqil part"'|,:v(,rv tl)r (;(lhnilni_,l (:h_lrl(,+ Jl(,V:Sl)tll){,r. .tloll(iw_in(trllill£ M(qida) _i littil' . LII t_ kll()'l%ll "rhl,ll lhuri, .llh,(.liimah+lx ;irl,. lilt, like [(i ;ll] . Ilil'ill %otllhK;lllil- ( :hllrch (ll Ih(, Xa;qU'(,li(. Sull..snielT "'l:ir_,i Izhuic(' w(ili](I l)llil,r (Ihl(,r_ .I} r(,_;(,lll _,ilh,klnl,ll. "l'h(,', ha'l(! I " thi'ln iilliillh,. it'll hill I lit . an_ ,ll" Ihl ,• IIn_. " arl' [lilik abl)llt _l,ll'-a:;,:_url,(I. Iziiii{t- liiihir('d. _{!ll-I#.r()(;ili('l] anti " lll)_,ril)nsl) (>llj(lli/ILZtll('Sll'l,l>if_lll(llll)l'_llt'('(>_. "'llul Ilial • h.lililil illll)rl _it'curul(, "l'lll'_(' th('ir _,sil)li$ ;Irl' . i1 Iht,_,l., {la',_. (it all lliil t,h,rlL','llli,n illl(I Milll(la_ i_ ¢l=l_o1[. il ._(=[= cilii _,;iv. a¢iv. lilini_,- (lilill!Z. rliililh:_ I iiii • h(iui" till' last I_ I._t'l " I{)_(,tlit, ill tim r li('{';ili_t' '.v(;('[ 'wh(,n it'_ [Uli. Ihu'_' Call (,11- as'the, I:[(,'_'. I I_lroh] :t_lll< sh(ll)," . I']. Rllll'_ili. One Dressed lti[(}(l [i'rt' (_'h,rl.()nl(,n trlllll thl. or lllt"l'_uxurt'lit,, qll h('i_l,_,;i "Th(,.,,(, ' E ! t ri']ilh7 .I _ill)\l Iliit ('.']lllr(.'h _10anti -I.3 )('_ir_ (it :ll_(_,'rh{, I{(,v M(Irl(nl ]':stl'l). (;[ilircli..iml (Ir(';,_('s ]7 _()o&" II_,has j • the''(;()(I ._(lllli(]" I)lll il ;.l()(&ll't con|(' (lill v,'ilh s]i._ht{,st ll)llchI I("_q}]_ ()1 irrt'%'t,r('llL.i.. hi;ill) t]lc mini_it('r. _llliSS. Ihl' _zr4)u]) I}chin(I his sin|It" is (l('allh' si_riiillSll(,_;_; ai)(iut his r('liEion . . . "For I}ieir a_i h()lJr "ili" ()1 with )'_)lllll l%loli(la) that / +' , " /_ '." , •_1_ • • ", " " .... hal.- •- " -- . {_% _ 1 " _ ". ' " " IliitIi'l lirr!l)_, ill A real.live happening is coming attend. Everyone is invited. your way. . ' If one of these . r_] es s in your area, ' - try to "hl)lillhlll. lllllllll. I ](|i.,a_i' ali(] "."_lUlil',tinll_ sur_ ic'(,s ti'(;lil ;ill.(.ll(i;tllt.(, illt, lnhl.rtl {'h;llll_l' i(h,_{s all(I ihlilllZh. (;ach %%r t ' talk th(, (lu_ ()lhi'r's ,', ltt,/lllillilljfj. hl)%% lhl, r,,:_,<i t'(nn(, It)Ill|ilk a _;ort. !-,(_rlll(ill Dr. E. S.'Phillips, execullve secretory el the Depllrlmem. of World Misslorls . . . _llll(hl'_L llli,S_[llz(_ and 18. Friday Akror alu-. 71 Monday Syracuse..N,Y 23 Wednesday WqllasIon. 24 26 Thilrf(/a7 Saturday 29 Tuesday Lansda le,'pla, Columbia. S,C Chattanooga, Term 30 1 Wednesday Thursday Nashville. Tenn Little Rock, Ark Friday Salurday Tuesday Bethany. Okla Dallas, Tex Albuquerque N.M. ill i)r(,;l(.li - lluZt'thl'r |']_l_il(,r. Iht,'_ hurl, (ll l.ll(. (_liri_,ll;ill)(,ar ,uolnlmenl " " " " ] basF;e bali player, raider io Brazil Bey.. Wallace Whitel.lield supermlendenl, ". " ill . . tim ' " Or. Mary Scott, executive NWMS . " • " _lllllr .it;s a " in II';lli_" tl_i_ _.()hmiz__a_ - " "]'11¢N_lza[cnl: I_rcacll_r in 'lew Guinea ;ili_.l () J()I':()I,_()X ' ' ." ol the Oct Rov. Franklin Coo_. admtnistratlVO asslslam el ine Denarlment el Woild Missions 2 3 6 A STUDENTMISSION CORPSrepresenfa. 8 Thtil;sday r_ve At .,,)ch .,;c/lt!(ll//o_ ,)r-,i._ h)/#ows;. " secrmury sloe. ftle:t_f_)_r<'2[ll wz/I Misslona[yCounCilOinner 6:00-7:15p.m rlamL}urger Banquet IYoung Peep|e) _D]slrlct & Local Cotincils 6:00_6:45 p,m Teen Cboif PraCllOe 6:50-7:30 GlanlRally 7:45'+9:00q.m • . , • . . . l.iass Phbenix,Ariz, . 10 12 13 Salurday Monday• Tuesday _asadena. Ca ' Lor_gBeach. Calif :resno Calil 15 x 14 Thursday Wednesday Sacramenlo_Calif _an-Jose, Calif Mqnday Wednesday Saturday Thursday Friday Eugene, Ore Walla Walla. Medford, Ore Wash. Sp¢lKano, Wash, KelsQ, Wash. Saturday Seallle, Wash 19 21 17 22 23 .24 " ' AU_tl_l. 1{)70 " p.m. " " Ohio . MI-American alid jl I_iiv(' inuli)"ill Ihc sl"¢'ullll lluhlk ;iiz()()(I tl{,W It%'it.%%*l)llllll ()11 _;Iziirt'llt' [la_,t()r_ w;ls r(,Izllr(l(,(I _ls inll,r¢,_lnil_ "rh(, I)riil!t ,\lrli/ !lll_l ;ihlllll .300.1)(11) rt'u(l(.p.. . [r, llow- la .arising. Mlch FIInt..Mic/L Rev. Jim Bond, general NYPS president thu'_' ;ire, £ail.Niil(,l.i _() - Des Molnos. . . I'lij_)). .. r('actim Tue?day 16 Wednes_]av 17. Thursday _.liIst; I(i "'11lil_Ldil n()l I){, a I)il(I i(h'a hi (Iroll hi |{cadl'r 15 lolling. . [ SCHEDULE u(' #., iu_t _,(.(. <i I)illl('h ()t c', Sent lil(' I1('.'¢_ Ul(!, \V(, (,\- _ ill) ('l)lllj)illl) Ill _, _t,,lt li ' ........... " h=.l,)r(., h(_ Ih(, ','*i" i+(. lhi'ri' . ':ll':_:l_()(itl 'Tlii_" i_rl..alt._.l _osl'li. II it.,,,7. sllill), i_ h(ll(lin'l_, lilt. i)1 till, c'hurt'hl,< .. • . " 26 _ '_lllii,rillll,ll- .1 ._()llth (:harlcsITlli l"il:st anti ,h(,ar il ulzaill+ "i'l)tl iniEht _t $ i_, tit(, )'(llln_(!:41. [1('..r('rllll% but [I Jiu_ll+t I_)_1 nlu('li hit In()(I anti Oll hill'l il I(llll;_; I:ilhln i)v(,r.th(,J_i_l 2.1)l)(),vi,ar_.',' -I ".- " " Ihat (li_,triul joy £a_.'hI)lh(,i-':., c,i)lll )ai!y and. (_(,,..'i- i'r:_ havinl_ .u lz()_)(I liili(, si(inallv, (':_i)]llillS. : " l_ (l('nt. "11 Iiar_ ') . Ih,liih,r,,hill. ('all ll_ huZ_qlli'r, ailill)lnzil ill' I',] . . -Thl,y • sl_ •lllr S(ml('lhi_ |']_Jhalll_l ;ir(' L_l't'(' I)('('ll iil_l ' _ lil+llt'(l_ ' t"tlllailil'(I Xlr Illllit;:ili [I;Ihtiu el _(iillh (,I ; ll,_l iil'_, (_1";1('(, ,'_';IZllr('ll(. (:hlir{.h."l ('llll'l i{,(.llll ll(),,i il qarl('(] t'hqll_l,, ti'r trill)' Jl;i_, a d[l_ (4f "rh(,_ _(.t ill_.('tiil'r ('vi'r% ,_lilliil;l) J(ir .Itilll.'h ;ili(I _: ""ll'_ .-". 7 Izin tu fill q luhh: ill Ill(' I:_.!st;[uraldof tl., l':lk I:li_,',.,r'[';ImJ't.h )1tilt, ,_qzarun(,• (:ha,:h,_,ion Ih)us{'. 'rhl,_ ("_{'hanl-',_; Put I.al"(m i)l Ihl,"V,dh,_' (;rm_, (:hur_'l, Ert'('(ill!Z;,•;ill(I ji)lq's _lli(I .k'i(I .lhu v,ililll| IIn(, ._l'[iZ;ll_(.ll(.,()ll[':lk r_._ll ;%Ill(,. anll L*)(4_ ..- I1(._.._11. I) J.i'k)(]llurcll Suth{'rlll,li(I. l)ll',l{_r (;t (,ast ()1 th(,'_;iz;ir(,ll(, I I :::l()all :=r(,t)rusunt. .. ship. aH is light Imm(ir ;m(I hili. TIH, I{("_ ()v;ll I,. _;lOlll'• ".f (:h:lrh";hm I'•irsl (]hlll;t.h. altur . MISSIO_IS 27 " - • CHURCH SCHOOLS _ _. . 9 .. BOARD OF PENSIONS ._ " _H,''I'(HH'_I_ •" _W I .'_ i_" I _ 1 ,_,'Ii_._'H, I 'lq'l,J_l_. I _ _,'1':Hltl I I,; . . . __ _1_: . . ".. . D "OI YOU PAY LOTS •OF FEOERAL "DISTRICTS COMPETITION.BETWEEN , INCOME .. ................ DO YOU KNOW-YOUR : How_about. " Parag?aph Is it operative " Have. you considered 159. 12?_? • Our iamilies desperately " " The • " need this valu- " • , plan we know available ly retirement income.for yearg? (tax-sheltered annuity) is because it guarantees month into tin annuity "" you file your federal for you and it is not co.unted as incomewhen income tax. .': 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. 64131 : .. - • :. . for a fiee kit of helps for your 30 a month- fife after retirement. DirectOr of Christian Family' Life . .Iocat director . _ - - Nazarene Betirement',Program _t Pthebest you have to. Your employei" (the local ".church)can contribuie an amount each V . able help. Write:the cutting down on 1he am0i.mtoftax . pay and also benefitting yourself for your retirement .... Hope so! " '" _ in, your church? ' .TOO? "MANUAL"??? - •TAX " Forfurther. ..'. : " " • • . . of Christian Family kife._ _-:. . . ... . 'rh_ NazzLn:n¢ I i rmlch_r • " . - . . . .... . . , .• August,.1970. . . IDean • Wessels Fnformation IBoard OfPensions " " write: 16401ThePaseo. .. p ... IiKansasCIty,Mo..64131 31 tinuing source of spiritual This qLtiet ttme is usmdly s t r e n g t h. belweeu the ah,,u,'sof l(mg tmle. but it passes l:'J/Innd330, l,'sse so swiftly! s like I fool flow Ill; t'l c(mhln'l live withe] t t I • (( 't - ¢1 w ow i_1( c _1 give counsel to" alia]hey if ha husn+_ spent. time ahme in priwer, Our cljurch-mtqnbers are well of my tltuet time ;rod respect aware it.. h_ _ i { Godlwym'egladforit. has g yen rne l Ils fact, . qt_iet time ' "jusl suited to my l)llcsent necds_ but I knotv that He wil 'he ) , mly()_e--with . ";my schedule-qo ffild jdst the-_'right lime" if he really wimts it. . . - - . ." . SI']RMON , ' , " " • • " [" . "[__,. . " • , . " [' . . " J, OF TIlE MONTI[-- . i Any Load, Anytime, Any Distance ;'Thy Speech Betrayeth Th:ee;' syJ ames By Frankie Roland*. " • * ." • " l "What part of the South are "v_)t f'_a /iottey?,_ " ' ' ' There it got, s.again. I to t m_,,self It wai; eve •, "Art, yt_tl fronf the _Ollfh_ ', " but.alw;_.,,_, "What plu't bT tile Stluth " are you from, 1Io ley._", • : When I tell people .I've lived "'up J I _1 • NorLh" for over 12 yem\%.tl',ey• raise, " ' their eyebi;_lws,' .."I know. I kut_w." I . I reply. "I'll not,or lose it|!' I doia't eveu realize ] pr(inotlnE(_ "hdlp," "htdb." or "pie_' differenlly tmlil son]cone smiles. : I usually don'l catch _m maul 'someone has h_icl'me pronounctr "nindtebn" three times tlmt it's jam :it,hear.. me say il. Afttq .the room was cleaned and tlie • lady lind to tvm_der of \vhat wife .bird y.ear. She . " - - left "with her map..' I hegiut about ny:._'Slaeech." Ithought our general[ supcrl _te _de'tt s said at Pas]or_"Helre;_t last said we allspeak willl an . . *Pits{el"5 Will'. M_mndL'il) ]_|iJ• 34 • . . _ . • [ " ccc lt.' if td,'e tl_l_,_e She _111 tlpot_ us Impn'e.qsed _IL'CL'/_t I)f love pk. will know it. , Tllen I ]bought nf Feler. lived s. ch_se to th[_ Master _;peecb had. actuhlly belrayed pea- It ifi habitual " As I look,edhehvel_ward I/asl 1he-957, roses on Ih!, walls and ceiling .(a[lt,r 29.days in Ihat r(mm f knew the exact nmnbtq'l, l- })eR;lll 10 pray, "lOath_-q_, l lilt]ill my speech to betray me. I want bthers m know. not truly by the w_y ] livv. but -by the thillg._ -I s iv, that .1 st, i've Christ.. I wm_t my speeeli always. [o betray the f_ict that I am Your, disdiple. And last of all. if You can do nnylhing wi|h. thi._ s<)tdhert_ brogue, , d(?ase aucelll it a,t,'ith Ytltll' hlvi,. A|nI,IL" The N(azuron(_ Pteuchm . . . lie had that his him.. I w<mdei'ed thon"if we-..i2ould really -live" close to the _[aster and not have otll. speech aeEented. , -" . " Do?s my speechzbeh'ay hi*2 ill regard 1o Christian]Iv.? Do I talk "tlifferentbecause I'J'n ctms_amiy "practicing the i)resetice of Christ" ill my life? Do. I have a joyftll,, hapl)y cotmtetlatlce ]hal woukt ,cause people=to give ;I second look ns I smile nnd pass? Do I practice pra_si_g or eumplail_ing? eith'er;-way. . . " " " .- , .•. _,aved tilt) dike _" F; Ballew* • othy al_d Epal)t I t s /-le _een).s to say, " Look at Ihem. They be;iv tilL' sehl of Little peop/e often play a /avge p;trt.hl God's trutl_ Ihat it doL,s pa.v to ._0z've God Iht, hi_|ory of the ",v_r andin the t,avinl_ (,ffectivt.,ly alld hlJl)oftdlv , howpvel' _ecroted of it. (IIhls.: the Dutch lioy , llans.who may bo.o • place of._erviee. " . that O1.117 • T_:XT: "PJd]._:25 !,. TIIE CLEANING LADY sill]led _!s she .IL _nopl)ed _&l.Otll_(l lily [l()_pital _)ed I was very. homesick for my husband and ififuntsim some ,15 miles away, mill "i"xva._ I+ni'tliJlg off ++})out a mile a minute, • Leaning a_.ainst, her mop., sht; a!_kt,(-, - . ) _lull . 'd,.host2 deva .Oil Io God prevent_ the erodifig of values thai . are ._igl fic_ t .un il they make our at- tentioz_ and devotiml Easier'may oftentimes "in.,_eeular or Bible one ll)te_or none at all.history tCf. earn Pnnl's _ilher roll call of tim faithful in Hebrews 113 'Twice ht tiffs Phil l)piall letter there is reference to suclf a man. and Ili_ name comes with.some diffidultv--Epipt "o fft:_ lie wa_ t_ little m,rl _;]io by bi_ dovotimL.t6 God in his lddden place, made Paul'g obedience tn "(7,o(1 rite ea._ier and more signific nt "Let me ask you to moeV him. It beelns to llle that his very place. in the sequel_ce' 6f events is of Mgnificanoe., The Apostl'c lkntl has been ._etting ti,i. fort_ u.s Lhe neces,_tty of-Christian humilz Jty, Ch_'i.sti;m character, and sacrifice. IIe. is 5h'awing to our attention the fact that our Lord himself is our best Exmi/ple-in this nlatiel, and saying to u_, iu- ell'eel, that k,/2 ought to shinff a.s ]igbt._ Jn a dark-: cued world amidst n Erooked and perverse generation. There comes immediately to our minds, the pressing, perplexing qqeslion, Does ii. work?. Does it really pay¢ to IN'e tlmt Idnd Of life in h dm'kened worhl? Paul point._ us to two men--Tim"Nazar(,ne elder Lt{'L¢t';l!*t'll August,, 1970 I_l lay pltlt2nlw' heine wbell I was I_Fow- i_g up there,wa_ an eight-day clock' with a great rotllld, face :rod yellow n'umerals filled with. phosphorescent paint. They faced tile WJIIt]O_Vwhere the sun carrie m all of tile day; and at night they shone _o. one could ,_ee file pa_singof the bour.s, So wmi Ei_aphrodilus. : In all of life's dark pl;Jcos he kq_t. hi_ fa_x_ toward tim Sun df llightebllsne._s, unlil._qen passing by.coud see in his countdnanee'zometldng t_dflected of tile 1ovelines_ of.the God he _erved. the Lord he claimed, aml the Master who owned bina. Measure high if you will. He wa._ a man of MacEdonia. We do not know when he n saving fellowship with first God came througlx into Christ. It. may lmve been • -_ome l0 years earlidr when P,_ul was in Philii)pi. In any event the ellurE]l .at Philil/pi ]anti sent Epaphroditus to Paul, who was theft in prison, to bdcome a love slave tff the apostle--to care re- hint. p.rovide practical help and sustenance for this valiant zo!di_r of rite Cross. [Writing now to file Pbilippian church, Paul e_;.ns him "your messenger." So Im beeomes in this event the servant'of the Apostle Paul This servmxt had been seriously ill and there is rea_on to believe, on the basis of the Sel_iptures. ]bat his illness had come as a direct l'est_ll af his _UI'viEe. _bis 35 says to u_ that illness is not necessarily may mean for lhe-sncial ten,ions of om lhe provid_iwe s_i'_ ,mc, allowed evidence of _in.of God and the thai illm,._o,,,e s ili to rim its coutse• ;is il. ,_t,(,nls [o have done in the llie of Epaphroditu_. 'rlte news of his ilhle_s hdd _'e,'whed Philippi and the Io. v _ thai. inau_ teeo:mizedI'do _omu,,ime.'I make lift,,row ,,,, had I'efere,,¢'e. _av thine }m_ie and _iunificanl The hil_he:.l leve of fe ow_h p fro y u is lht. h,v_l 6f eohu{lon faith in Gad mul common fel- Christians him lie lowship through it. Ore, day whell dt:,t_, I e I" 6need wele in turn COIICe" I deeply concerned was 'anxiou:_:bedau,_e ]2* ld N_I$'S tlt I,P. afh!t_ you all. and was full ness. bet:ause lh:.d, ye had had l)_2el__iek." h_u'd about bf 2t_ *']rll' of. hvavilhat and unlikely the Church llw l_t. I draw thi_ to yotlr attellllOll Io llolt" tl_at in- this unhnppy t,ituation a pit,on "with all iLL; rhncov and ill spir.it, thele.i_ in " flmelife of the_e two lllpll • a.'deep wdil of eompa,_ion that i_ PXlll:es_t'd to lhode whonl Ihey .cannot reach or talk Io. This is chffracteristie of lhb Christian lk, a_t---that however tl|_to',t.:ard etlm'stance.% wherever ,_o/io the cirof Jesus jll_o vdee ]t)_,,l), o[ ;1 _.t,,D/ll_lj} lhe wvl t,ay)) L- illl{1 nnd Io l lira \Vhen the di_cilllcs {ve_e ,mlazed---fivsl that IIo a , Wonltlll al, all: rlud _ , s had d isciph, ba._OOll[l, _a I i_eenn Io hok,?'" •. roll under the Iit, t.atl_O he disapproL'a] had failed el I alld lall_" a lvllolo recently are i1ol. lie, own tpil;iK ntte but ura] say, t,he hole Prbacher [I[, iL and ][ _•'L'IIlL; om':elvt_. 1liar. I0 _,ve GLEANINGS ._I'0F/] aheild! If we v,et2nl at I_lO Gl'o0_ _ll_y Ralph Earle* al'e 71"lw naj- wat'lion .i:_ ,_,h_roll w.'el. Io lhe-!id "Lt s q _ Bu here ,_ a _oldie_ I._._t.Illight v.'olldt, l: how l",paldnoditu_ h.ll II iti Rmu6. anolllet_ man" in" l{otne f]onl : . worker, I telnvnlber reading jtt:d" that F, B. Meyer .wns 8_ years of The Naza;ene "About times _ and wa el to lie J Thlt. . , ". . ., ;1"]0-[h " " .. harvly hohlint! o_n" own. it is be'canoe we ."Afflieied" ot_ "llisire_sed '''' mp fe]lo',u wdrkt.r_; undt, t God In v. 'I0 %he have brmmht up ehi'ldren" ", . and "she have lo:lged sh'ant_erf' are'each : Ill. Pa_d :tth]_ otn, t_lhl.q' dt,_t_tiplive phrase i- ont_ word in Gleek--twg•compmlnd ver]).s aboi_('El_,i_hmdihts Ih, c;dl:,.hiin a fellow fouml n!fl_; 'here in the Nt_w Teslamenl. of _o hnd a i!rpat preacher but still ha(! one ambition and" tha't- Wa4 to be the , . ours(2]ves ._onle' _nawln_. ILrowing bringer Lo i s c a 1 I_b _,. _V]lether. we put:it quile (o I)C lfke him. "Own we shall have _aid like lhis or not. wo'n0ed to Teeognize that less than tl e Wore of God call_ Io besaid, a llteltstl re of life stren_lh of Epaphroditus! " - •llfe comes because he ",,,'as a fello_.q worker, The ehin'ch L'; alw'nvs in need of peoph; I. The 4pt ; t, Paul e_dled hi_ _ brothwho simply.will not quit _he,i it seems er _l'o tie .a brother Io a lnalt in Cl_.id i_ Ihe nattn'al Ihii_ to qu!t. • fellowship nt i[_i hiuhi'sl level I redid of Yell ttl_O' }la'*'o rt,;n] Dguglas _*$1_eArlhl(l"s a man--a new.colwert Io the Christian biot_rallhy, D. y, Honor. nud Coltntrll, |[e faith in e f rst'centu'v--a n_an of _reat includes an aceotmt floli_ his llfe that " . post(ion nnd Slattlre ill his colnn_tlnitv, tlc _lleaks'of lhi:_ matlc, r of qllitlt/l_ IIi Ms" ea le to a Christian service and looked for early yeal;s "e was ,,, i i ed "on' the Ameri"a place lo'be tented. The lender _aid Io t';!n :ldains. n kind of inconspicuous, tilthim. "Come. my brolhc.r, and bu seated mpl y. place to he. with no honor, in it. h_re." He saw'file vneant place and "lle served there with a mnn whom he pau.sett.. The leader, lhinkin_ he had not. identifies as l_'ir:;t Sergeant. Ripley . As• heard, repeated. "Come. tny brother• and -, this sergeant was Ieadillg a .group of lllell be teated ,here." The ne_ eonverl, still marehing, hlon,tt ih tlie. American desert, waiting, exp|ained his hesit;uwy witll a ga_;pinl_ for water. they came ripen all kind of chagrin; through clenched leeth, isolaled hoyaosleader. The sergeant asked "I' calmer, lot2 1 Will nol ._it beskle Itly "llow fal" to 1he next water hole?" The slave." The leadei" vail| attain, m_w i_;it|l homeMender snkl, "It's about 10.mik, s." different motive. "Coma _i_y In'other, _tnd On .they [rudged Ihrou_h the billows of be sealed here." The stalely t m waited, heal. and their fet;t snnk in the quagmires teeterin_ on the edge of .decision ;rod of hot sand foF al>otlt three I]o_r,_. '_ley finaliy ,stepped with firm tread,and took came to anbther hometteader and Ripley rite seat beside ]ds _;lave. Whhtever it stopped Io ask, "IIow fat' .to the next water 36. _, t..' we do _ioh,nce to our Unless .we _,hail awaken in %volk on v kt, ejm1_ "ap wilh . Christ nearly kiml;msociahql the miserably undershmil-lhat'von¢'vl'i_lhp. all:re;febhear(beat is most ¢,f God.',_ of ]ovp.withil e,'-;illg, all" tq)vl)ll:i)as._b)ll of Gt_d prep:ms 'this ltind of conll)as_,itm. It cares.' rc, a'l,hv_ to _¢avt, al!. nmukind vvt'rdwhete. It seeks to do somethhlg. . Ih;r: Ihd Sael/ql and I)et.lllia'r lie t. d I)v_ The Apostle Paul" oxlltt'_,_ lit vee Isritel wtm "t pl,co IH'ittlarilM of re:_pon51"quallti6s" ahout Elmphrodihls whi_,lf eveal " •bilily :h lflat'o of Ide_,ine always is. the reason for his l_ellffulnesg. It i_ "iraportant that we fin.d this reason, for if'we only weakly, sentimentalize -almut it. ,.re -ll '_]W ,tpo_tlu nol only identified lumd_Imve done no _zood for ourselves. Ill we roditus a_ n Intflhpr; he idl'mljiPt him os place Emfllr'oditus on a _;_iriiual pede_laq " " ': and _ny, lie Is IIn, kind of 111.111,but we replied• thi_ bllt/uless t/f "reaehinl,' men lhele ave limes wht,_l wt, worh at it, "and. work at iE wa_ a Samar_lan. " -Itt the story of Jonah _._.'e heeonlc _o engrb_sed "ill the Illlllstt;d fish that" oftt, n we f:fil to relnenll)t,l" Ihat Ihe Imrr on "'which d6nah waq bunt_ was'the de:,ire'lliat. whik,Goll miahl III0:_, l_rael, lit' m_t bless Nineyeit, lie God plimnilv fellow m "es. tmu l{il,]ey to hi, simply nwn imd _ay, "lt't ahi_ht, l,a,,-_d Io,,u ,'no,,,h wv've sta _,' Hp'v¢ith oul_,c_Iv_,s.'' I don't know wJ{ether wc have thaL kind of c'ouraue Hr 11oi•" but I ¢In know lllat in lelulned they wa_ lalkint'. Io beL'atlso "]'he '- The _e_olld, is. more aecuraleiy._ rendered "shown h6spilglilytostlangers.' ""Affliele$l" ts h _ pa "tieiple of _ tile verb tldibo• which tnean_, "to press." It includes imm hy tile ii_lrllt, of (_ne_ilnu_;_ lie wa- a limlp.vay _,[l_vt". I1 may well he limt he. ]lad Clllne to know .le_;ll_ (?llli',l hy tile v.'orll and infhlt,lwe (_f l';l_Zqdlt.d_lus, It may" h0 .llmt "in, hi_ effm'l to le;lt, lY One-mmn with the genital, he had'fouzld hi_u_,clf ill dirty hovels, and, elindfint, lip and d._,n-iI;_i_k :dairs.'and out of thil had come hb, illnt',s, rl'hete i_ no waon for our nil tho,c who are stlffering from the vanou,_ t)roSsllres of life. Today "afflictod'" _teuerally _,tlgl_estvl one who is ill. The Icqttl flew ha;" h widt.v _q)pllealion. Ibobnbly "di',t_,:ssv. " _r "_ll "(ssel" .given. the i_ e I t, e /aiIll Io lie lmvlnic or weak. help of CI_ i,t l( ('all be stlonl_ - " Thv ve/'k, tv. II) i',: katastrenlno here :i/I NT]i, It "lilerally means There is m Ellen abotlt the eompan., " it v.,as Ihat S|'hel_.. wa; Philiiqfi. :_. Wilh lilt, Tru'ehlood's comment of the eomm, it,d, the followinl_ comnlent: "I[ we'll Inke _eliotlsb'e h'ansfolnlalim_:of lile church as we Jcnow it. il_(O a genuine o_der we lnttst vohmlarily at'eepl all at_t'eed dlwipliim." Then he.talks about thedi_ciplin6 that tim church i_ lo nccept.. As thi_ betdn_ m _l'ip our heal'tS _.*.'e._hall fiml a ueasure of the dis_ iplilm as._ociated, with men who weat lhe ttntforln of Iht:iv.country, thee" disposit.ion Io I_o where tht,y .are coztt? Ii]illltlt,d. their requi_t,munt To .n,tume po_ifions however .tti'vial, in older 'that batties may be won and lialion'; defende/I, So thetl from file Word of Gbd comes lhe appeal foi'tg; lobe fetlow_oldiers, There is iilllOl|l_'the moving companies ;lhis motto on the backs and _ides of their urea_ wins: :"At Yotlv "sel'vice--Ally. Load. _'stl_.y -Time. Any Distance. Allywh_re. '_ It seems to me tlial if I .',hould want lo hok| up a ballnev, if 1 should want Io make a wihless, .if 1 should want Io exphdn an affimmthm of n{y .faith, if .I shotfld tell God how I feel about it. ] would want to say, "At Yotlr Service, Any Load, Any_ tmte. Any Distance, Anywlmrel" May the Lord bless youl' hearts, August, 1970 " "Wax _VlllltOll" or "Feel Desire"? (o/lly " o feel Ihe inllmlses" tlf _,b×ual desire" (Thayelq. Aindt ;rid G g'c transhde lhe clat,_c 'x_ • a ey fee' selJstiOtlS llr*ptllses' t lilt alien:de thenl l!'om Christ.". Leek ICC) s_lggests lh;lt.the ineal'fing here is "to:gt:ow physik'ally .re_t e_s t d so resliv_ against Iht, limilafi0ns of Christian widowhood.r' Burnnrd (CGT) says, "The meia'phor is that of a young animal Iryill_ Io free iLsblf from Ilt¢ .yoke." In KiUel'._ Th'_olotlietzl Didllot ary of the _rele Ti.Mament.(llI. 631) Sc t, e" say,,; Ilie InejInin_ is that "they become ];l_ej_.,iolls a/_;lJl)_l C|lrJs[" or limt "lhey. bttrll wilh ,',ensual de._ire in opi_osi- : tion'i.oCt_ i_t." ttendvik_en (l_p. 175-:7/;) thinks ihat evil degire i_: .ilot neeestarily 'indicated here It is natural, fo :. young wido_:s to ,,vi.sh to remarry. For: that very i-dason (hey _ho 1 ¢ not b6 put oll the official list bf wklows lest.they be ltlOl'e,eOllCerlledwlth findinll a hushand .than serving the [,ord .in the t'hurch. ]Ieildriksen suggests "grow l'L_slless with desire." Unfoytunately we have no secular example of Ihis verb--this is the only passage ci]ied in the two-volume • " " • l_iofesscn ' t_f NeW " Itngeal 5(,111111111"3'. Tt'?;liltlWlll. NIIZIIIL'II( : " I *l')ltql. 37 . , "." , 2. Irospi[ality we IL_ve the invitahon Bt y of the I iment that the mayu t bg'dothe(_; for Ihe otluw we have tile command. white a ] 'Put 'on the Lo_-d Jesus Christ; anal make not , lllrl in'owe;ion fol the flesh, " "There must be a puttine [ffi in ruder to mid nceon)panying t le.p Ltl nt_ on Strip yoorselves of yo r_elves arid lhen you 'simll not he found naked.' ''_ I'T_I_ Ille_ _iVt'n .to'IIS • ixldee(l: _ llatUl'ff _lceoFflillff l'uit also bf our faith tie elotims filth with • " i_ ;Ill(1 it is o%%'11 fllh_t'_s to Cr. A[I,_;II (i _'[,qcl_llt,ll'. I._ii_l_¢ll_rl8 ScriDtrcxt,. EId_l'._llll_: i)l ). 233-1;I tl_e nlo:_SUl'e nopalL', earthly so withlooms, alitl_eir"A_; children stove. 'the' _rd Gml nl'ade" them' tile cOVel'ing which they C_IIII10[ rlLi_e [(11 Ilmins01ves. ":_ Thus Ihe "pulling off of tile ohi. fi_dn" ;lilt] [hd !'puttitlff grief the I_6w. Ill&if' fiL'6 hilt the neealive 'and Ilositi;'d aSl)eCL_; o[ |hc.()lle ;itl(I the ,'_illllL*expeliellce of ([ivill_ t'lCOIl_ill_ _111_1 CJI)tlLilLff. _ "']'hP "okl Ill_ltl" Stllely UI - repl L'_L'III5 LIIIIL . . midni-llL "" ..: %Vel'L" ill'l't%'e : .i . i[ kV;I_ itl. Ibis; there toms ILOI" llll(ISIlitl" hertz" of .lilt'fLight " why: " • ". " . _ • " " [ . " . • " • . __/_'7_ - • ' _: _ : -I" , ; _%_.. .' • m " _ "_ : kl ql - \ i-- Ikk. "lII *//I o • _. s tilt' ,arable e, ....... " " " t f e _" ca: •of' C} j n| ,nidniglg. of file friend '2. Jo]ln Ihe 13ai)tigt'llad been l'fi'_ .followt'rs h?w to .l)rd_v." Tl_( Jf Je. > t'vtt _V lea I" _ II &V(.y(* . _ " swe" [h. - |)l'f)H('hed f i _t, ,,[ , J{';Li_;,' till' wh,dt_e I'Lol(] hliLe. ]il.',lhz, ii1 Does.G0dAlwaysAnswerPrayer? I ' . "• ' .. • SC_IVTUn_:: Luke 11:1-13 'I'_:XT: Luke 11:13 " " " " for humm_s Lo follow, but The P[0ach_r ]JIL'_ld "td tim _.,lved. IO but iu. _.vIl.i IlL co LILL_(IllIV baking nnd door " PiIINUII'II_'S A. IN_ ATI*_%INING Tw. Lesso._Irom _*_NS_VEIII!D the Parable i. "G(_(I will alwab'_ coin- pl'L'pinL'cd tiledoor PllAY|:II a. IlM rt'lne • man Thele lx_polu]. i_; no _u¢'h thing " lib,tens to as un- tl_e cites of . t,hll(h_ll_ " _. If 3re "IL'iIIICSt t IIV call, ILOI }it' I})e (16_ire. with settlll hou_t_ . . . ()lit' the' vi>itor went i, 3. I]et'ausu man, tile nt, ighhtu .;_ Ine lieedetl• ' . • 1 - i,_ now..'.huL me m bed: _il" Lilt"" l'_ii_ti'lil r°QIII- [°w_-II' ;IHd sh,lJt to_t.lilt,r _l_ nlat_; ;,ILinlals and'holted thmr ll'. Tiit, in_,_,ilabilily ,_f ili_lulbii_ the ho_is_,hohl. tlllpt, . .God' (viii gl'itlllU(I, " an_.we_ bill till.' . rcqut,_t b. No t,a_;ual Pen's[sit, liCe 'i,,, m_ll)t, ks thee."dodr ,l: is perfected. is deepened. (:1) Purpo_cs ate clarified ]=.lrlloses'_lte '_ "- ". " . _vill suffi,'(_. tile key timt ,,,,,>o,. ,.os,,lt i,, It Patien('e foul' things: f2) Ifumility (,|) .; ptll'_e(I of (] "osv; ll;ll'lS: of'l[n; t)l r>i,dt,nt'e {_ave him a_ nialiy <,f th*' hl:lvt, 11. CIInLIST'S z_tPI'LICA'IIONO] TIlE }'AnnAIH•E " .'A. The.Parnbh. Is a Sior_! "It ,_ldt_ O ll!l Trl , ])r Her Will io I. God'_ Pr,lycwSpirit. is •a m t?rayer is, it voiee_ ,our decpesL with Gqd's ',','ill. (l) Trivial prayer_ are ,[2) Insincere [)l'Ityel's :piti|_ /t[tlLill ){e- mov,>nu, lLI of our an_wereil only whc, n nee_ls' in keeping . . never answel:ed. ale i|eVel' answeri_d, You chimer ban_min with God. b. I_Tankind mtlst )lOVe .to God I. As ;| btol'y iL i}hl_tlalos Christ'_ " 'll_at his pL'ayt_r 'in tile i!ea of tiai_; fill. controlling desfre, '2. 'l'ltc parable CalltlOt he allegof (11 Tlmte is no gl';Lt*t.,I)eMov,;ud Inl)oll cheap , devotio[L ,3 God i_; not like the neit_ldlor who (2) We must eaLLI OUt" reward it_ honest ...• prom. izt,tl • The Naz(_reno _ L'thOtl and . will l_L,c_i_t,ll4,(l t6 hinn . 5 "If ye then. I)oinb_ ek, il, know how to uiv,, eood uif[s unto your children, lmw InUC}_ mOL'_ :,lmil your e w(nl'; "Father _l(_e I!w lhdy SI) Io Iht,m li_al ask hin£?" • b: 'God II. Thl' + _r,,_'en' Following.* [his.(;xa!hph,, rle '.p,,ke: : " . a parable unto. then" and" it is fu'onl tllis" pan'ahle that we draw Ihe :lnb_vel 't 16 tlie - . qtleslit3n. ' 3 We will amdyze lho parable, kt,qping " in mind l.hat it i: a story illustratim! the, tI' imint, which Jesu_ is tl'ying'lp put acl'oss Then we wilt set down" Ihe I)rineildos al|cl . " " " law_. Which lie was encieavoi'int2 to _et .ills' ,li_,['_p]t,s to follow il). 1Its" day, and which' Mill'remain Irue for Imtay. • In sc_ doing, wt, 3vii1 _('e that" God. does 0hl,tlqs answer i)rayer. " ." . I, *] IlL' }.AFIAInlI: • (IF' TILE." FIllENO AT _[IILNI6111_ , ." A. A Ma_t in +t Predi<'amdnt ]. (._'vimm. in his' book on lhe " I)Iickgl'OlnLl(] and selling of'tiLe parnh]t,:,, gives its _(Jii}e v i ab e ilLf(wnl_,tioL1 as Io the ctl,qton_ts of Je_t|s d y. ii xiLla _, v;'had target' taken liD- Io fie has given them lhe choice God Im,_ I._lven ' Chrislians the principles to follow m prayer and the assurance of their prayers beings answered, hut still the old question keeps popping up, _'Does Go(l n|ways nnswut' pL'*Ly(-'l"? '' Olle of the II}aOy pl_l('es ill Ihe Sc('ipture whvre we e[nL1 find 'the an4fl US hc "Tl_ndlle m. rim: Ihe du(n' ;rod my chihhcn me with I vanlmt rise and give thee." |hi,If 1 INTIIODUCTION." 1. I[un_an beings :_l'c. perhap_.|he most //)y.slel'Jolls 0f hll of God's erealian. Ewq,3: olller ]ivln_•thing is confilmd Io a cour_,e . of "fife hy .certain God-given Iaws'or illstincls Timy have" no choice .of (]oint_ on' not delhi.'. God has sot down laws _md principles I1_ mu_t [(;l' to a a-kinu_ ill mhln)r'_ h[)u_e loaves and Imundcd dtn)v for thlue of bread, on file 2. 'l'lle nciuhlml ansx_.eL't,tl ;tlul _i,i,l disclph,_ Ill'+ or pray, l_t h s. .lest s place of pl'iiyc ". an exm_.pl6 _f. (('IL(']I in_ J,)l_n :nl,o hunn-'ht i s had jllst come flcnl Ihe hinl,,elf, and gave Ihei|_ - ,+,L,,,,,,,, - DI';IV ?1' t}ley long knr,¢,kin._, glll_xA'ele([_)FilYt_w' . 1.. l.I • •:t oli.a on he opened. .I. Everyone that a,k:_. _ct'ks, Kn._'ks x¢'i[I reveivc, fiud 6n(1 the C. On Friday, tht' I_eol_k' _ad to bake t?l_Otb;_x |o last trcer tilt, S;d_hath prayer '&'ill lie annwei'ed'-_-Pat.Ll :tnd ILls " ihl)lit ill [he []e:_h. "I'o bLny Iln';nyev JS not tl The" llnilLI X('HS eLI[ el blt';Ltl V. Iu'II Ill:; f i('ll(I ._ll'l'i_-'t'll _t/Itl l]tl'lO V.'IL._ alLb_Vi_led is oILe 111ilI1_: IO, S_ly _A't%L[(L LLO( " HI'| vchIIt _,L'e_I,:_IIL[is iLllt!{ht'l'. i_'(i bl t';hl ill lilt _lnotl_e. 2 'rho vithle of p01%i,,[cLwo "" " 2_fLII LN (I Prv(licam(.nlt _t. l_.epeating ti_e request It.'M_ l_. "A _: _hl'i" . " ", , " been 3 "l_;ikel'_ ]LonL_ and hou:_o-" • f_iend _. 'l'l_e "lll_llll( tl... • had 2. Keep -h.II was no b_rad in the lxou_.'. 'l'l_e eusof tl_e day will cxphiin the _eason tt_ _525t " " Ih_'._lllt lt',tll_*ll IH'_v.f,t ". "" "'" ", man b. Travel was re1 y uLWentain ill t}lo Earl mld';nl_o uncolnfo]tabltL . v. Condi[i,ms beint_ ti_t, way they """ lh_d . 2.',I-5.; ,11,,I _ '2:,3 Ibld 25G ' |l)ld "ll_id Ibld. 'lllld [!:_7. N_i' r,I Wtlllts t ut._'_ Ibill . i_ _SN" . ,_tbhl , I_P. LL_/4-S!II ,.van [.ulney,- . "'lbhl . p. 231 . I. Ibm • :ll_ia ,, 2:,1 "Ibid.. _'lllHl, lbid,, - " 4. TlSs _'lbld peopi,: m which tln,y hived Io excel :l A eeniain lll_tll--_tiLb' /LLiLtt had a fli .ly[ v,'hi.,h had atlived at ili_ hou!,o at. : ". to Eastern :, duty HI,I. ql,ld.. _ 217. I_hl,p. 2i_. 'Ibid. u,i,1, Ibid. I, :-I.L . . ", The garment with which our nakedness ned hide:, our is woven in Ihe first sinful came to us fFolll S;II_LII ihrou_t ! tile "new man" is the Lord Jt,._u_ our Wedding Garinent of h-ud'imli- ile_-s Lel us never forget _1! 'lSlel0 ts no -hollne_s apart from Chri_U. I_ is our Sam'[ification:.fIe i_ our New Ihmmni[y; lie alone uni[ef_ us in himself with G.tl'_, . new race of redeemed and ¢,h,annod. per sonali[ie!_. . . gift _o(|'s tO llis aceordint! .whi,'h Adam: Christ. had Io he hotmcied l_. (ThH_t's ]. t!tven : he l.'ave ill. AppJied" " " Keep on aski_lg and it will be -. + . , . 2. Keej) Oil .,_eeking: and ye shall "fitld. Augtmt until Poiat' 1970 (3) ttfil of'spirit and hart(i, C. Pra[l('r Trlze Is Seekinff Comm_ _- ion .;i!h God .1. "Seek ye first the kiI_gdon) of God, ILILd |lig righleoust_ess; and rill thff_e [hiLlt!s shall I)e'[L(l(le(| unto you." 41 . . 2. If '+;.'d ]]av_, romnluilion He plomi_c_ i1_ ow,r w_: ew,n thillk -. and wLth Gild ah.v4, ih.t 1 whirl" The C_IIIlIII " Prayer i_ the rentral and 12OO(J _.¢H I t,iOil_.nl " .' 15:8:!( ii ) /ill deh.lmitfinl! "Wllat i:; tht: x_,olk dliVe a xw __,_.betWeell i,tl!! ]_11111 " " 'lllC(.+-[Jl¢llll!('d IllllII _'OI ntotc...nhaJl L[i_l'_ 3olw Falher " ch[l(ll_;ii" t_lVC t!ood IIlillI_ to how _'vhirh th('lll lll|lt'h /_l'l'tlll_ 1I A, i; "JJ('l'l'_¢ I'll t/) ¢_r hoh_ll_'_, rblht_,lm_lm:_s, A I Pvl: I.:22 IIl:(_ll illlll I' ' hele .uJrlh,r_:_ _anh.d [:II:F:('III'l_ }( IS;'I_I;'_I),ILI, _ • al til)ll_. . '2. a eh;it i4 the e_ ida.fit _' (led Iowfiid awag. fl.., " • • ".Hbd ('om,lns;._:. hill it i . .. 10. _;¢111 • - C. ;,r,i'iific,i- ,,[. Ar.t.,_ W. 1X|ll.i vii filud_h,n,...O_ At.l:. [9: l-f; : ' "" "' " • " "' " . Matemenl on t, ntlre tirol ill 1. Dc_ _ancti- nec;itlSe we l,t, lie_'e thi•: dot'(Ihl, tile _f(lllUa[ St/lieS it? Turning De at into Victory _-" o • Bxftwhy a _:et'(lll(l'cli'i_ C_Xl)L'rit'llcb'?' " 'l'llt':(' :thl't•e tltln ,_'hi-.(.;hli-t _.' 9. to lake %'erse._ t'illlte itw¢ly /]eclll/_e _t I.II,l_l,x irltild sMrath)ll A. Salvalion I_ rel)dn(alfi•o, t_udly _urrow tel' being, out o Gols._CII alld i ril v 8. (lo_tloyilH_ _11 1hal v. III '._'e _ "B. Saiwdion (2." SalValio_l uivene:_s. x_:_);i/I. [ is- a new heart. " i_ jus f I_ --Go ' I). Salvatio/i Chtistial_wayo[li[o. • " l_; a eeo l_k. Th[It one away.from _. Tit|{es illll.lll'e God L;;il@ whit'h 42 the rllrl!.L ., L011(I_ to (Ronl; 7:2_-251.. of the ll;iLHrce* that caused tMalk u._ 7:21-231 Co sin ChH_thm_ • liE. I of_ the . ". 1I. l_ecal_,e it d_,_r|s j_ith !ltre illtd ira! 61zfw_zr(f sills " [_ufole' /Jc,t,(lllse it re,suits il_ diHerent A It lll]S_V_l'_ lhe cry for ii we n_l. tlllt%v Illlt _.l(q) levrl The [lntil qmltItudh ['_ " wt,_e el_lls lille heart, n hel-e ( (lll(I nol.i. , 111 _;t)llll_ of I.'e_-i Inrite., Ill leh_lli(lll. tlraI_lSllt 2 ill)llh.' Some(inle.'. 1.,,._l/, pldilil!AI alld _-ill "l'h_' sl" (irh, the wink:, nt:_:;.. " .... :dllmdalll 3 til_ I}lc dr_'il ": w- litddbotisly" in thi_ ". " rlqhtclllcshi. , • (('.'1(I), (|inCOlll'ilIZelllellt_;• tb[I;lttwt;l" S;dan! ]Le baL(lu |';Ill. ,r',,,l: ,,] P',(' " " , d,','j' _in land " : " • Ille t'll(_lT)y " 1'hi) Ntlzolono !,',![o_ I "_..' whu_c.vrr i,_ c?me the (1_ lift, . "i.lr f.I " ;it!reenlent o_ Ihe Holy IO redemptive.cleansing. The' ('h,d.H_10 bhi'[J new SIImholiz_'il'_-vv. .,),llif_.' eovemlnt,"C "eollforltll.¢l olll: l_lhld.. and life F')"" every 2-3 '_V'._!'Ur'(IC" i_ l_cqit;ver of a ,, t lie iS , Paid lie lell_:llioll with " I_ ;i 3 e.t'_" I/izl ('ourhlHoll: . The, bat(h, to Livb i i_htd*nlnlv i_s alway_ a .Io_ill_ I_;dth,,breau_e of IIle _t_k Ill tilt.' ,_lev]l. bni dt,_tll; d._Mloy_; (he Work of the devil by tak n_.aw iy your r,in. t_:I:NNF:TIIL, [)oi_l;r: _3 ral'll_l'. N.Y." putq - ll_e" llntlt!e it in Rohf, 1o 8:29. of his _oll." . .. .'File (?olreqlleltt "The tile e_tdt litzhteotir.nu:_s." jiowpr of Serl,ire of. cleansint_ :File F(lllCti_iciltioll offclin_ btrlie'¢e[:*piit,st, cilll ill ptesellt hill tola] I_t,ill_ and livint_ a_ an arrt,j)tahle _-acl'ifit'e. "Ple.'.ent ytill'r bod'ies a livint_ .sacrifice. holy, acreptable unlo'G6d which ts yotlr Ib;l_olllll)lc service" J.lhml• 12: l. . Tile •1_;1•(I rnmes to thqe wile "..t:e]C' llim and who "tlelilfllt iW'• Him, i.e_ |o men yle(led <(I I/i_; plllllo-c's • ,311d "i)/:ayJl/g f_n' "lli'_. pur_ln/4.. I[ ymi would expvtience Lilts cove ant elt, fin._in_, seek Hi]n. today, _eek Ilittl v)ith all your ))t'ar(. and_eel_ llinl ih,obedient . faifll! W. 15. McCu,",lill;ll . CovenantCleansing P[eclcheI Christian chal'arler earh itldil;idual.n|llM " MaI•3_l_.l '1 ill "lie ,ii•d •,t. let" el-_ I%'7 (%'. ;ll Au_just, 1970' i/ V'¢. ',l.:,_ i_ "'an fllV¢ilys Slllll.llli_l': I ;IS tl.e_ " "t lllt)l_" ilnd'wht.!lever tllell alh)w Cini_t inlo Iheir ileart_;. _:ill (li_alqlrars . I '(etnl)le : liuhl conqtler_ , .•F[ tile • " ' " . ., ,oyal ptit.sthood" tI P_'I. 2:9)t i.0., ;I kin[4dgm of i_rit'M_. " The. method of (']eallsinl_ i_; illustrated f'o (mY ; Ilm'gv "Ele shall sit as.a refiner aml purifler of silver." Hy .file fiery hap-. li_ln with tile lIo|y Si)ilit tile. earthy admixtui'e of" zifi i_ removed. 1caving tile literal-natulo pure. On this pm'e lmtule" .tl_e t{e"fifier's mmt_tr "i_; _'eflebled We _u'e ill [[ i_ per_gnalilv.. at Cotmlh. (. - tvl'..u elVt,S Ihr ] OdV It'lll_lP el htllll;lll Io he ch'urch " " Satan II. "For fhlstllltt'poce:fhe _llli•ol (;i)llwll_ _ll(lllijeste[t. th'¢tt /it, " lit|[//It (ll.stro!l ihe ll_orlcsof tlii, dt, riF' fv. 8), { away ule. is wilh ll'tl| _hl '_ollr lI, hive. darkness of this world" (Eph. 6:12_. A. Whi0h means |hal our IJaitle i_ llol I " ('llt•un._tallre_;. . . xvifh.t;thei pt?O lie. [i(Ivt, l'_e coll(Ji(ions. lit, 2, .lie " • I _ of o[ lil;Hlifc._tlllhHI iy: the wrote i_ He " • t --th,.r_,b!_ the IL ,h<:_ll•, takt,_ \ comes Paul _olelnn . ,,1,. _llr[ol/r--'.'.-]' "jlle_('lll_el _ (If tile _'qVOIl_lllI"" Christ The "{enlple _' Io whieil let|fief[- . ,I,..<_/Y,,l,_ _ollliltff Pllle Je_tlb; Gh ink I Cos•. . 6: 19) :" "Ye ate the "lelllplt _ of the living/ God" /lI CoL 6:16) The 'covenant" which lIe admillistel's is a . lle¢o_,ilize (he" soltrl'e dl tht. rlmflir(: ". . . we wreMle ngt at!ain4t flt._ll and bhlod. I)i'lL . . . lig:lln_,t the ult;r_, of" tile 11. Otlr _vilhill ' rollilllll olll* ('tql _li lil lilke ;l%%iIV _,hl: l's for- p t a n re Q SrluP]IlIIr': I .Iohil .,:l-Ill.• U le I \volfl "manifes(".iu vv, 5,8. and 10. " ' " " " " Iit[)'odlletiol_ - • • . Nil 2. l]t, CatlSe the Bit)E6 rlteacht's "it? Yes "" " .q, Becallstr -expeliellct, proves it? Yes, Mmiy peoille who are Chli_tian'; hiIve lht. e×perlenre. It i'.; i. tile 3lal/ltal'ilt,czllls_, it is I)iI)liral _lil(t tl'rle Ill t,x[it.i it, lie'|', plaice L'D "l: _i, fe fi,3ation. prol_helie .,_as:,age 1_; rap;ible, of Je:" ftdfiHment. What it de_,clibe_ I.ilke " di_,- " A 'iq_,, manil_,:.ta(l,,n _,l _il_ i_ :t,,m Ilia(: . " . Mall i_ dcccive¢l and .blinded by in, " c • •" 2. _,l[tn i'_ dead ill Sill: 3. _/[all Ila_ it,helical m!ainst God:, _:,_ ";llld love. " . bttrod_zrzl(m Read Malntal Dtl('_; hit, ht,:,t 'l- l ieh vl_ttng rulel ........ nlan'helieve joy. etc.. I)lUlr_['lt_ I, .Nonletili/e_ _ofi. . ;,'/(1,,1 A Sec0nd Crisis Experience .. , _leil_l)l' 1-, BI,Vill._ \vith ual deatlt . C Vs'ifll thi_ (le_ln_h _." e._," b:l. chat_lll'['.lo :.'rv_ C;,(id." Nn lohi_rl _.I)t';,kL,,L_ . " _LIIII'II,I_ H - col.lld yo Dt.ceil--htakc, ih • 'with Tiffs eqrring _llllo_'_: .t,llllllllolt.,. a k" ]lim'_" tlli_ '1'o and °he3 [1_ t_lo(I th(lll ill °[*_OYilll'r Him B, By hrhllzinl_ death in Ilk, w;die. i_ ill Iwavon that []OI2_ o " " "" - of tile de,vii? (_od and mtm th' • " " ]V' fvllow_hil,, IIt'_()(ly " wazlt /fhfi In ._'l'¢c. .h,_u_;:_ahJ, "If [] Wi[hllul (hi:¢rClC;lll_it_ -. itl IIn, II.ll, being _:vil. know how to i_iv_l . of Ml't'!,_. Lll:Valll "W;ll'f¢ll:_'_.vill _' ell ill Un- Matt. 7:lD " Art'. _q: 1-19 force Ln';tlllan's lift., but'it is only".this when it is true COllllnlllliOII WItll _Od.> 11'we per,_i_te]lt|y a._k. and knock: we' _ha]l ICct'l;'e anll find. Gnd w:mtn Io l_lve mole tllan lye ye flwn. 51:5-1(I 2, The an.wet It hit _, i,_'.-'r 13 _ON('I'II_ION rry--P_. - . . 'l>l!lllil•l i,il,I [,t, ,- i_ not ;ul inheritam'c h.ihl il for hhn,,elf. ..... Nit Iil'e is' ,,,,'illilllil ils illfhlelll'e: _lil'd_ Ihflll el • i•/1_1_ II shilllOw. ". " _" it cith{'r 4_ . . . ii " " ]Mn_ ORK +. •"Herald" Miss Patllint! J ._ e{. ( souls till(| limil'ess }%VIM " 'Leavitl and t +)o is--- and put .his stranger her heart ','a_ ill fill,,l• }tome 01112 to God, back O[ ,, ,it}, togt'tht, r. ,ll L. I'[()]+t/ .... ..' ":" ' l_rofil " "+ - ,z tfer_tld " _j_', , |I -" " O Zion, Haste The hymn Tht)lll:.;(_tt +44 died + l_i}Jl'a in 'y 1923. of Ih:tl city+ lie "l.it(|t= wht'fi O{w •tie not " " zt tilers t/zil_(,J ('itlt,_ f|'o,,l twet'n (Ifty_ft'U(!,io,'_. is _•M.. leOVE • good '" "" """' to see same . CtlOit_tl ' ' _,¢ iit'ilr ut Ihat (dd A a hlll'q, h,ml_. ik I)tll ;I to {,¢_ tlM.fll| "'"'" ill r,'m=r helptul ;Ill/{ tile real all to Ihe things ,ff . anxious fears [ll|tll'e I1.1 _,lltll _.'+'11,1 ¢','111 Iw Ill! its can ,cad likt' IG'. Tho Nozareno you _+'qltll'_t,}f i/I Ptetachor t,f are hqlw i)|h+21's? August, ')L','L_I,li,,_ man kllt't's i'd partition hi,~ his fat'|s," lit, j[l_'';,l_ OlI(lil,_ (vho does ;ill his pr0.ving llOt pl'ay onottt.'h. . . _ati+stied }';Ill i't'qllire Ills .disciph,_ t. wilnesses a)[ II}s savint_ ". • " tConzit_ued /'rom paOe. 131 • latter is God's'. main Iool The wh•it'h it} Fure .';hotl}d:bt' liwl_', '+'t_ I + with th+lll_llld lit}h, II1LLt'h l'l)l" you to .prohh'ms "to a.';stlrc', _ x;.'ill _,'etll relate a_ +, n|(jn You lh._l|, Jf youl: s_ervices: rt-4ufind ,ff the'Word. n ,+vi(}l tilt; .ills 'of mankind: _t|)le they ministry Tht'll h _JD" +thrott_}l th0 '/el{ them. to trya++k God to ]ielp Gott's answer you uncovt.,r "to theh" l}m marQ/ facets el + //is t+otlnscrl. Aml 1el youl in't, at'}llng }it, Ynut ,_'illl ¢'nti¢'ing word_ ,,f man's wi_do_tl "{_u+t in tlemonMrati,ff_ ot 2:•t 1970 on dot,.s "" il :_" f¢'ll.x_ ill (hllll_t'l" Christ dlJt,_.llr( be. a llorn_.v_--jusl gracc, . If l'vIrs kI'('DS a imagl•natituv._ln(l his The SaldaAna+CaliL. Midz*.e_,lcMe._senger It.hert Scott, pos|or Ni) el,el v ¢'t IS IIt_;ll'el'. " . " " /I);ll) they. will literal con¢'erllillg " t,a) and whom I Pre achingProgram I"AITll't, noutdl Io. make (;o_1 . IIOPE ehough Io remo;'e St'lt'clt'd . . . capac- my +icy {in.t-. /h_lh,tln .others plttce. " UnJes_; ;I his is accomplished CIIAIHTY cnough . in- - of •" iic{l_hhor .hi conscit.=diqus . within _.VOl'}<:. 1 ,,'ill" entleavor dif[iculllt;++ t'.OLnldl" al_d [orsake tht, m _:'itll your STREN(;TII Io hatlle - (;l_ACE,tqt(mgh Io cotlft,_s yt)ur sin++ nnld warki+,!l r._;-dw., <+rM_':' " It'rz.'¢ills! a'li[tlt, wa._ Ga}itee+" Nttz+lroth Alld.st) 11111 tO ,,,c,',',,m,.th,',,, spoke, herlrt th+tl ] And " P_ine Requisites for Contented Living IIEALTll'enou_h m make work n pleasure WEAI,TII enough Io SUl)l'mrt your noetls me tel,derl!_: .s('0Y(Jh " , "" and ' .. I .W0 rk Today? n,) be faithfttl _+f 5lt,jlth rags." , • answered Aro-,.I.It .where she spt, lll fit,, I't,st of her }ift_J _llo ,+%qlyj iiul_'l_[i,(I. Ill Ji)hn 31 (I SOIL who ;vSs a n_entbtn"of the Malt of th,. _l'L+t * +I_tl}di+ Ills _mh'c. ,,el ste):il.. Ru _,still P,h., it, chains has expanllt, cl tilt,• galt*s assutmed + dist, as_'s.- °disl)etled ,'t,_4c[,t+(1 " all+ Ihinu,_ :it'}, [)lll't'. n_; sat'red th(' _t't)nfiih'nt_'t i }iv otht'l'_., + eXl_t,}h.d +,.v,.,l 11,,..,.,: tht,"r()ot m uf'a it+ ,.,,.,'•+,..•. th<+ttsand ,, hless++.,,,t. " l a+lswt, rt,d ¢ll¢iel¢ly, "Oh. Phc,*'o: Not th+li litth_ lll.cl!.f " t'J' ./ira/ • t,}l,nl¢'nts, fuuntaih, A,_d IIQ/ lolq* _lo•to(,d learnt +(171.(/!re(,. • +Ma,,rer. where d ._hrdl /|lffl l[e.dJoitltt, ottt._i 1tin!lwork. plol, z(l(hz{l? And ._Md. "7'(,11(/ _/mt [or Me:" (! 868) ill 183,1 Whi}e to Phl}ade}phia, st_tl:tht })tzz'st. "Pr;l_'el: [leaven. fl._tll(}S. in ---Seh'c . deml>ns. " " " N,L I(ll[. Pr+£ist_tzt_dWorMtIH Ilxmnal "•. attlh_:_r of-t]fi.'+_great I+nissii)nary is Mary Ann Thonisoll. _A, ho '+'+';is born m London yolll_[g _he mo;,'ed I ti,dwd p!e_}_e Ihat said: ?Tht' ptm,ntyy IIj,' tl) inct,t , sift" tu++_l,phv._ has btll)([tl_'(] tht" strt'nh'th,• of t_l_+llltioI1;I} 'nv0ds'•of thoso for hfi_; • hrid_t,d tilt+ tngt, of-'litms. " cat'fit' ;ll_;ll't'lly • m re_t.'r t,xt•in:4uiH_t,d _;'l,rs. ,appe IJl+t " of Chr._+'sosI<nn . woz'kors less? thin,_s art. hmft'::_t. r Ihiilg.'+.are )tirol, I,Vh;Itsl_t:v<,l' tilt) rt'enYd i,ntrtl'-;lt,d, t) ;lilt't" PRAYER [)t'llyeI" fir_+: by Ann the l'mrfot:=zmnce ofiny duties. To respect those -under .,+,++host, guitl- - C16vi& Shall What_ot,ver What_,ut,vt, + _---------:+---- I_aste'r, Where a STI'I'PIN(;- . ...... (_r lloliness or Tb _._+_ ......+j...._._+_ written "'i do _olt, nmly p]t,d'_e Ihin_;.r Will .,_tl'[,.'_J_o (IO--- . - p]bd_e, Each is giten a lml_ of t.ifls. t_" _JI;I/.'='J|'_S"IllaSS. a Jff_Oh O[ rliJP_,: And tq[t,h nItl_t make, e,_+, life i_ flltX_ll (IP..L. Shnlll(,) • PPl•rv. Okla.. II¢,x+,_,,+llel,i It. (;+mliw++' h) 0_, pu.+/m, " f,i]/l_wJn_ teac'hei•s and church tlwmsel,..e_ to an3,thing , 1{io wri{i+; _ beautiful BARREL The And c.mn_on foll_s liki_ YOU aml ME. Are. IIUII.I)ERS OF ETI,;IINITY: Ih(' ' B LLETiN I+,_] ' : . tht,.setting o1_ ]ait'l' "i'plact,d U Hymn0fe_+m-(in " I sht' ,llt_nnt'd " ,l,:l( , a'})mtt min- - ...... u l . OF TOOLS A STUMIII,ING-I|I.OCK " Wi'ONE. . - mt'mber.,dlip of 52, a tlish'it,t quma of way Io'.shan+tr C} '+st.. ofThis with a 7,5. nnd h local'/_oa| 20n, yt,t})_,' chm'¢h reat_h6d 390 ku}_scripmms. "- . G . "tittle. lhu'k,.My grad! Anm, lic Are Swi'Jlht_," on¢' o[ _[+'s. Them- into attrd;,mnam,- _ over l'tlnl " of +" " ttol+h and. our own church people have •found/1 w;ly ill witllk.,ss." The rhurt'h, feeJs i)lo 1h'r.!d +is"a el_od " " il +_.vtls lht,t'l llenryl Smart _+t,l,t.,t.d ;is hi'l: [It'+_w. ' }';+'FL('..This _as • })3,' 'Tidill'_s. .+ A S)i,.[, f r . vision rt, ac!f('d far f ht,r s¢)n s sit.l<- the factories +_ave A l_aptist prt_at,htq . nnothtq" drove ,15 milt, s to_'talk ,tP_e second blessing. A Mt, thodisl Jster.came _4rat:e, her the _b:_dt;ws A BAG _Olt ' s "favorites " '" 1 : "o I .... t S ( lltl do Iht ' • + i'trt,olvt'd sh't,ntHh an(l }uq')e for rids + ni_.tl+t f t " I.. I I t, mime c(,mpoy;t by. they outreach • • ' i),_.tol .. Clnffoud Chew: Jr,. of Church in WiIlhur, sl),ff.tJ l)a.. " List 2,'ell', [)t'cattse t)f the ore, })twtt+Ddt'l" +_()]d his still}ill Herald. .qrt, ltt nc't,rn r ' " " . ;I stl 11_ f_t t I 1 il _tltd "hymn Sol]_'a off.. .Tht,ir CaI(,ary W t} stanzas of "O Zion. lIasw." . An il)+lmt'tant infJu(-nct, in of rid::;' hymn was Fabdi"s 225 suhscriptions "+;'tq't. Last year thcPy were r(,- waiting. sht; e',j,)yed ,+Vhich . were . rill)in. Between In+ld+.+ /his paid for <ff art: tlslntz l'eat'h liD- l_vanu(,}iMs.'" llolim,ss m them year. .eft an×iou_; MI'_;. _llna Moot+( ,, -"ll(.)'ald I|)e .Herald of chLh'ched homes, sponsi!)le for 137. subscril_ti-I_s.'and found tim} tht, ir niethoil of • p Eyqnge[ism ilour_ A,m Thomsun. [_ymns • some .writim_ i night Iht. _l)uril :(rid ,if p,_w*,r (I Ceil" }. " 45 " " finlshed "" ....... "**'_X_ll*_r._._".*_l*_._*_" ' " " ' .............. "" " " "" "" • . { " ." illld file "By Alan f_.. TipIl_tt (Gralld .Win. B Eordmans Puhllshing ],Vllrd ill God l/apids. Mich.: Coll_llany 82 . " " " Theological. Seminary" ill lh s tertl l i hliunti_i_ reality for it! ehurcluilen, " " among Its Thank" God ' " . . " Thine Is (lie - Killgdolll |i.. -'. [.Imrch.!' Ile draw/_ utmn Ille promist_s of God vlvotl to [Si'_OI ill tile'.Old Tuslamenl upon the nmltiphasic and conunissim_ rues- In this Imr;l_ Stewat:t seeks Io answer tile ¢_ltesli(m. "Wh;H is _llt. moss;l_Ie of tile Chnrch ill our thne?-" _Men _nd woinen who sa_d of Jestis. and u pen Ihe aposlolie understandlnl_ Of :the nattll'o of tlie Chttrch'_ mission to denlonstratt,* the pi'ineililes " of ehureh t!rowth. Tippetl hardly misses ;_ ele'¢all! scriimlre ill successree fhap|els Inay.."Thku, ifi" the']_h_dlm_."' musl e;!lize the 'lnirnillg 'rt,;ility cff lhc,se wortls ,'rod take Slept;. laward fulfillment. Bul in order Io tie s_. as SleWart asserts "we ne(_d coil- ' - _" " with "The "Church Dynamics Growth as a Biblic_il l_lefi." of Church GrowthY "Prob-. " - I | . The pe6Dle who hdk "Church Growth" _ive th/_ impression that a churt:ll that does not grow hardly has a riRhl lo vail hersell, a church. For thezll, it is of Ihe nahzre of a church to be Ul'owinu For. tills l't.ilSOl'.. ot:.stacles Io ,qrowth nLtlst |le'sl)t t,dily ulinlilmted Ily lhe lielp of the llolv Spirit. New It)tins .of ChriMian: missi(m must he. deVt,]ol)e( ] fol; {1111 • ¢,hanulnt t wml41 Tl.,'li_•kl the necmnDlishe I" troll af Go 1.' Thei:e ar_ 14 .brief chapters or sermont, ttes in'.this'tmok, h|tt eai'h erie is ,'_ tzotfi. radiatizi_ wifl_ fl_shintr brillkmce one aspect ¢)[ the lb01110. Stewarl discusses.the motive Iff inlssi_m pL'rson_l[ ro[iilitm and the .world • nli'_i_dlat v t;llh.l-plise, the limitatiems of set'_ _qdllS tht, ii;tllll'e of n(,donq_tion, the lllOall- _ n- ._ hNt,_,v Ih_ t via mtt.}ltllhet'o.;_.*,ll_ _ _, "t'l,_lt'_,H Ill Iltbllcal tdt_gle;ll sPminury. worhl chinch mul Ihe local parish." Illlinmlp _:,J;ti of God's x_ot'k, antl Ih(' 46 Thu Nclza_en_ flu, tin- Preacher exsole . .lwountl of nlissionary endeavor is Chi'is't." he qu_les Jatjles I)elllly, who once Ill,oral ct distingldshed i21is_ionnry s_lv. "Some per)* " life "do nol l;elit,','t, h'_ nlissioils. Tilt,'," have no riehtrto believe in missions;" they do not : believe in Christ." . : _ddresstnt_ himst'lf lo "lh¢ Drpsent Drosl)t't'ls" of inisslons. Dr. St(.wart. ncknowledees theft tile Chtlreh is in "l tinhe of crlsls arm " those in their zutnemcnt shokvs the inHmrlunec' yea]_:, The _mthor of. commllnlcatio_l h,, k'allu "diulo-"ue", lift' streluzth of the hook ii_hapte_s Ix'. "The 4,5, Parent dis- in MI phases is to be of found h, 7. which are. lt'spectiveof tile" Teffn-at!er.'" "The Family Tot_t,ther.'" "The Plodu(,live .Years:" aqd "The La er Years.' The._e a "e valuabk • c#l_*l)lers bei,auhe they _leal _lttelligel}tly leith snhlcrts that are" not receivhlt_.as much at- " lerlllotl frolll'Chrislillll scholars as is needed. Dr. _Bc,ll believes that t?stablisllin_ n Chl-isliall home ts impogsible when only human resources ore coil)loved lhat this " grcDt enterprise calls for God as a Portlier. churcll. ;g_d 31 ;Is a source book for recotllnlttlth,_l rcadinu fqr his Ih*lishtoners.. ilpon Chrislemhm_ has • lvfl Ilndolie: fro- all "IIow- t•vel ". "tilt, twophetit ' woi'd is Mso ihercv .and hope, "Thus. he writes. oi:e el !'If lilt, . t't_llral_utltlsly z:ememht, t:inR n[wavs Ihat we ;ill, faiiillg It tk..fe;dvi.1 enemy, _VILLAtlDII. TAYLOR , " Flllll[ly ill - . ' "" Dia|ogtte, • Bu /t• Dunald Bell (Gran(I Rat)kl_, l%|ich.: Zondt.rVall PublL4tfine llouse.1968. 168 pp. cloth, $3.95.) - an excellent jtldgnlent of God Ihal Christelldonl The • wilh The Nazarene -thi_; h6ok in d_e toe: fol ,:building m his ov,';1 honle. for, L,milv-life : ' ;rod eonbludlnts E, thl6;dened by it. With Irtlu prophtqic I1ltt'_Flly he relninds Its Ihat the eurrt•lll situaii[hl ill which Christihn'misbton.is _'hal'_ ]t, nggd l)y the dal:k forces 'that h_,sttlde tile wm'M with their ldol:_try mieht wt,]J be the sla|al]v ti_ rrmlnd otlrselves thai the im'peralivu,of Ihe Church's mlsskm ,al e wa'( "" to,lay rests S_ v. unan the intl_ieative" 'of Ihe mi_hly acts of lhe In(,ffrnation. the Cross-'and the Ilesttrreelion, ;_'_itl thai .lhe iJvI)_nlic, for our unaccomplished task is N,l,'atPl_e 'rhp- " - Aems of Non-Rrowlh." "Church Growlh and I the Current Si|uation." "Churcla Growth nt_d lhe Christian Hope." Ihe,,I,,l:', mont pastor could l_enefi_ from following a. ways: {1) as a I)etter f:lmily relationships 12) as re_our_ce matelial . edtteali_m clnsses m Iris Ja_,trs D. It,_r.m,a'ox" ltiblh'al •foadint_ of l[istorv has any i'ele" " 2 , V:lnCe today, it lilOilllS tlultthis present cola. elySmie .hou.r is aJ ire with Spil'itlJa] Obadiah. pott, ntialities. God's i tltlgnlents are in fact x " lh, It I). 1,V. l,l'tltls (Gral_d Ilapkls. Mich'.: God's "merby . . . Never before has theft' hi,'(ql such h elmm,e of I)l'inRin_ millions Wm B Ecrdmans Publishklt_.tlouse, 19g_. "to Christ . , . [Iox_, lo)lg the r)pportunity . 78"p11.. cloth $3.95.'1 . , ,. may remnin We cannot tell. It may be If a scholar were asked to write a'comfrit_hleningly short. But for the' moment ' inell .ary _m one 'of tim books ot the Old the door is wide open." Tt,slanlt, nt. and the rhoice tff 1_o6k wL,_e . " " For "the M_)rt, w.'er, if we ])elievd that.in the C _ss -flu, decisive Imtlle has h_'t,n.won, xvesllotfld "uo f_il'th It) assault t e-IlOWe "s,of t arknt._;s I.i . I -" [- : _-- . , . - " Bu .lames S. Stewart ¢New York: Chnrh's .qelibner's Sonff. 7.t PD.. cloth. 95c./ Nat too kmR ;_tzo a friend sent me this well, hie'and exeitin_s voltll|lc,." Beit|_ a f_ltl . of J;llnes S,SWwart. the erainent professor off'New Testament long,raiSe, lit_q'ahlr_., and theology of tile Uni',_elsl_y (ff E(lin()tlrl2h, [ read it with relish anti stlbst rltlblltly fell col'n'pelh,d to call it m tile altelltion 'of our readers. • , . |[uwever. no ilhil_e o( church aeth'it_; possesses ]et!ithnacy if it is lint l)iblieally l)ased. Alan Tipj)ett, a co-worker with Dr. blcGa'vr n n a _ ssio a rv il _d Fij Is-' " • nds for 20 years tackles the t s._ of spell~ intt out Ike Mblieal foundation,s'for the concept" of rhtlrch l!rowlh. The zhlthor seeks Io shdw that "the chu'rch eslablislied by Jeslls Christ :tRd talked about ill the*Bibl_, is and m/ist t:ontinue to lie a Rrowitll, I " 'is ripe unh) har'ct,st.and'"the Chut ell "tliRst possess her harvest . . i'" Thls is _ood i•v_Ming. Il's _bod prP;ic)lin_ " l_)tl: Pastors who "l_ei_l a need fin" a freslv., lip:. paper. $1.95.) . apl)roarh Io this "whole htlslness o[ t/iv Everybody is'intolested ill ehureh t_owthl " _httl'l, ll*:q.otl/rt,a_*h will"find, themselves reThat is. ministers are: church leaders totflrnint_ tn this lmok agmn and again for deed are. Dr. Donald McGavran and solllt.* sernlonit' lnsllil'atioll of his' colleagues.at the ]nMittlte o[ ,Church I,Vll,I,ARII If. TAYLOR Growth at Fuller. Pasadenn'haye:n)ado n:_tile clearly stated at the beeach ease Stewart lets in divines-whleh clinch the thought, mnple, in making tl'_e polo| that • • Growth t'vaneellz:ttion_-to us know where lie is goitlg witlx ,,is thouRlds..which The w[,ll-furnished mind of the author Onfamily ames hhn,to introdncequoudions of el'eat The Conducted by Willord H. Taylor • Church of - centralproposition _illninR. Also• • " " "'" lask The author.of this fi'ne b6ok is professor .of psychology end hllnlart relations .at'the Nmllhwestern Baptist '/'heologieal ,qemin;wy. lie has hccn,, a eons_dtafit it; the, Uni_er.'itv' s of Texas in the niental health of the .filmily. a fainily counselor (or 17 years, and a wriler .,in .the fields of marriage cOttllse]illt_ un(I. 1tinily e_luealioll_ Dr Bell euvers the full range el family life I)t/ginllilll! with cOtll'[sllip _ t',nl_ go_.tlqtlsl, 1970 "" " " , 1_s. flu' rhances wmlhl Lc vm'y, sliul'd that. he would choose Ohadiah. fol seveI?al rea- . !;_ms-.t|ol l(,;lst, of which wollhl, be the difficnll heart ihL,olot!icat issut,- xxhich el this 21-'_'erse nle_'_atar lies at thd' But. John Wat|_, _l:eskleiR of the B_ _tisl .Theolo'-'ira] Setllirlaly in Switzerland. has not b_'en inmid ed" by thbse prot_lelns and has writIt'll ;1 Stlperb conlnlt.nlll v. olle that in my judgment: _al_e its'plhqo among " will the eclassicaI S co_nlnenlari;_s on the Joiner Droph" " " " " Theauthoi; demonstfale_ an excellence in inlrodlletoi'v.sdudies and t,xet_csis, q'hc. Book of Otmdiah needsto he approached along _1 palhw;@ of'exactil!,' uxmriination of the preliminhry qtlestions 6f w|uJ. whnt When. • and _vltcre. Watts's ifitroduction h'ws out lhis Dath with the Skill of all engineer, After re'¢ ew ng b" efly earller siudi_)s of Obadiah, he lnoves oil to _!ive his ore of Edom ithe nation" to whom the book is addres,_ed), " f)badiah's positio'n el ¢ 1 in' Israel's m biblical prophecy. worshiil'j and a resume 47 " ol,,,o text I t ,,,,okoro,,,,,, o, Preh Excha'ge uf Ob:ldiah und then'offt'rs _iven to the Ihe!dogy of ()lmdiail l_u,s the occ;ision of t t. feldival Ill ])re- l"t)l{ SALE"-()nt: D c 'C I; cd," rulv ofOoll Ihe heel. finds .... ,t(JS; 'Flort.ncv, SC " "."'.. I'll lito•l'eCt,l)! •• I " -• WAN'rED 11t118i'hur¢lr -• • . . llte'kind,. - • ",vliieil to eolnpl_ie lls e\"eil Tht _ s ( c e lsi'lllt.] E• 1/. llilil:_toli• i17855. ' KilllS il_; _i "!4hot'k, tile jud_llltql{ "nli_lreallilont • of Edoln is llU'ilindill_ of Jildtih hi lht, Iiiilcs polili_Td ;ill(l eeonon}h, disll'cs_ c;lllcd for thc divine jtitnl_nlelil, reslmnsibilily IOO. In pl'olo2t hcl'. While Iler, Jailweh "|'on; tlmt. till|its.to jlldl_o olber ll_ltioils Iilude t_wai•d Israel. evetl in cif her ]ltlinilialion." Isl'ael' in h thlal a'ole of. both sa]wl|iOll possible d_sceild_ Ill)on b)' Ibe |htls judginu Ih_2nl wheil Watts's offers thesis sonic Isruel I]leir _it; inomcnls ftint, lhnl_ lhey ]l_is profolind book This is a sehohir's • for aiinck in lhq 'n'_,lil llie provlde:_ which task. the ininisiu'r " thn bed rock needs foe " • R •Ig.23 hilei•niilhinnl (i 27 . woul_l tilidt_rs.l_lndhll4 his lioenih!tic_d\i linll [,iiylillql_ lh'- ()leering Week . Clliiill ll','_ l)raeiicint! _ehth, l't,miltder gt',_lltl_ "The rit!(l our lie- _llii- the llul_idc ..l);ishH'tilo. _ ('qiillliilillb)ll t'tlil.lllllt. _. 1 -, . , u . iliit!_ ];ds ers petlple,.. .- preac'llers ,..., _._. le. cu]iegg', lilt)y;| (if •s}le {_xl+l]_iill$: ltt•[S_qltllt_, "- a t) _g lids nt,×l (if llu)so biil]ica]. _iltd Ttleso tire [if.nlodesl llloSl holnc.s we .kinl_s!) - • work- need the' Aft01..Stll_- " "Thij gels |is all -• _,re hll ill_lr- jtlsI wit;{( we ;il't._ s--]iTil_e_,'¢ou like it, lltOlt[h. - " " • " " . _ , " _. SIIItdily ThiinksglvJng " IS • Bible College Offering n S ii %' 7,5 Clirllv l y I)tly " In ills lille" " - " . " " " .] . _" . _VILLAIt_H. TAVi•oil 4(I" " " ciiillltil[ili()ll 16ad.er_ttip, tl_i |live tSein_l Ihere Un|il ' " c) (l_ei, iiaps al'O'i:t_l 33i. Tex_l_, bt (t.t_els wl_ile 'Well. ht_lius. , (P. %.Vh_il is Qtll_eit_; limited (ill the re- [ nhotild \t.'lll'lh, ]illie homes, shepherd? we , tl t)re_icher, lind prt,;it)hel•'_; wife," o[ 'l'hon Wife. willt•l]ze.lix't,s life CiilllO_ I_()llft':4sillll Sl)et'i_!i_i)al4e lul_ (;lit[ ntihd _;tlb_ilnst'l¢)tit_', ...... (ill 3" cxln'es_ %%•07 Ol_lOeitS'7 thai . " . iite bt, tld Ihe Fdrt %%'IlY, _ ) " -" I ,,v{, _ll'e'lli lheli .of lit _ itlr _Ol'V_illt o\.,angelisnt, . [(AI' her _t_tlOt, il' leads t'_irll_ll l)i'ea_'lier'._ Rell{'!4til' I)t,{,n ill elf lilt, rollltikilig. otlr_hu_lmnd_) le p "_ipo Preac] _l[ lilt' Ol_ll ' htlsl)itnds ill't_ wilh C(llllC., - J)et,ll I " t p" is l_il'12t'i)" Spirii;s lind W_llliS Of sliiril" ' intlSl wurd (if l]tis . . It_l+_ n()l il , xt:ift, _he illl)\-tL" wm'k IiHinlltW the Ih_il Pssellt"e lhal headinu -•'The "iVJlai. " f_lcl Watilea tteai'ls Illg*;'_iltd livin_ # hy _e_iltislel'," witlltnit lilt_ disclivel_%] " • " 1o. lhe lleW the rcacl I,in'd'_ : IllIIIiSIIW'S ,every } e very _l_t';tkiil_ %vrllt's; ill deseripliee.: . . _1 _Vlil'hlwhle dily 13 ]_ I)a_ OCTOIIEI_'-- Lilynlt, Sill, ItlOS| cases " WoHit, i,_ Crlil|]l, Ihlll. Slllll|;ly C]iriMian l-]duelillnn gins 1L wh() . NTIV._il'_ A|llbllpi|12r illt,]tlsioil I lilt' "'wit_ll ' lilt' hel • teller Shepherd. . SEI"I'E31BEIL-- I'ol • iL • " . Ireat I'ronl_lloil 30 ' "v W_iS stit.'!2eslcd IoXl'lJt)l for iJliWOl" IAchniily DIGEST' NIl'MS - llillh, Nillbilili[ _L'holl] Is- OallOlL bi_ok,imleed,,'It ' Jiidl!lnl.*nl be hlghl_" valuable for the pastor "who. .g preaehlng his way lhl'6Ul4b the eh.'illcnl_ill_ [Wt • Ve " Pt•o]l|ll_ " I ,The autbor's t?Oll('!_e ' staleIilen| o[ I|le Is,l|leol(Igy.o[ lhi's pro/lhelib word " I1 ll" AI!(IUST-- ll't these tv.,(i roles." justlficalion of rids.strange " tit (hid 3'ieidint.'-_lheh _illt, nlii)li lino, CALENI)A _intl in_ik|ll_ LO the' nati¢lns• stm_s " ' rael, but accepLaiice with God accrues when ]si'nel truly sel've.q the nations. The i3bok of Obadlah vail 116 cc_tht,s i_) _h_. llllOli Bill _lt4(iltlZill_ "leIihiu ltiidsi is Wilt'no tl v(itlllg. Slie'ciInfos_ed i(i (,qldWs st'liVe le_tb4o _ilid Wil ihl_.ilw_,,_ ,,. ,Na,a_en_: lhildi_hll_ ll.i_e tt'e _li 14nti I,i ll,ilihu Ilin,. Ill,t, _¢,l_-'lt'eclil llil,_l" i,' .,', '. is di_lHl_o¢l jlid/_lllelil eorlcludes anti" <win-, i,,i thl l.;xch,in.m lllliv m, eilhi,r WAN'rEII I,'OR _AI,I,; rill, iliil_l lie. t'tlnlinl'li Ill IHII i_t,lh_dw.b, mid ,nn-.i-_imt All _htl ill ill, rliil,t•l v %1lh I it* I.,_ks (1f1%.•1_1[ l_l,i> ,<'_l,,,,,_,' (till| Illil .lit'l• her so, it is ,_ sidle of the divine WalL_ 2..]ohll_(lli• . iil_ fiiliv lsl,acl h_i_ _ocl wbt)nevcr nf llh'. ii lilt' deadliness elite. II•;l[li ,. Jr.. lit.on (if, Iit, ndint'_ lily t'ollcction._ Slide *c_lndilion and l/;ll,i, _,l'/,i-il] o]dt..i. Jlf;llll#l/,_ Io $_'1] el llUl(l |siqlt>|':_ kinl...'.'lsl•;it, l olijt,l:iifit,b; • . 1t is precisely _lt 'ibis lloin£" tluil wltlill$'• %vhll :had inslc'_id Maiil]a'l cl_ino,.2,t,-l-eVivills, : x('onderffilly,sant,tiiied '. t'xl)r_s_illn " " . • " ii_ history tbrotll_h Isl•lic[. TbtlS olhc, r 11_1 ,_ tiolls )viii I)v jtltll4ed by Ihe.h" illlitudli-tow,illl Ylill_e] " lt_lc. ,I. flex " of jildl_nicnt. " • mid _i7o Nllillstiliu, 29501 of {11_'l:uh. of Godis The. soveroil!n i_ ch;_rl. "Rt,vt, latitin ir; eolor_, le_'ture dial and the possibility . . (,l × 12 fct,t'olldllllln t 'by Ihc']_il{" Clnlclicc 1.nlllhl. i'xcellent $50,1)0, S. Ellswolih ilssertion . . elail'll the docllillc Yabv.,t, li'_iIncluded domilliOll•iiI tbe r-'enll•n] ihu.sis oftit I)rophecy. (ff salvation - b'()I1 •SALE Over 200 liSL_d Telimotts book_;. _4CVt, rlLI Ottl ol [)rilll. Also st, l o| [Jl't, li¢'lll,.x II_mdl_'th'¢ll'i('omlm'utarii's Wrih" for puic,e li_t." Rev, Stexvm'd Reed. 202' W. Ill|h. Ca-. i'lHht, rsviHt,. _,[o. t;38311 . . . , . The date eslablJsh('d hn" flit', writiul[_ of Obndiah is the qal:ly [_6slt, xilic period .the end of die sixth or thb.firfft half tit till' fi|lh century I1,('. Ob_diah tile .Ne\v Ye s coven AMONG OURSELVES" 9 n pt,rscma] translation of the b[_ok. T _' co a)i i_, -y Jlse]l" is not len_dly.but adequ,de'.mzd tn-_ siuhtfuI. -The'c(mchttlilu.' three Imties of flu; ..... I1oo1_ me I_ Tho"Nozarene Pret_cher .. " "• " - "Herald of Holiness '_ SubscriptionCampaign-Fall, 19Y0 ,,,, • .. " " SEPTEMBER Nebraska " " Hew--' "_gzano. : _ . Idah6-O(egon. Illinois Joplin Maine H " • OCTOOER _ . • Michican . - Akron. . "Nodhwest*L ' Ariz_ona. _ . "' ' OregonPactic, CanadaAtlantic . .Philadelphia. _HeshinEton NOVEMBER CanadaPacific--. _" : ' '