Neiv Zealand~ PATENTS, 1) ~NS,ANt) TRADE-MARKS.

Patents, flesIqn.s, and Trade-marks.
[No. 140.
Neiv Zeala nd~
1908, No. 140k
AN ACT to consobdate C&t5m Eiiactnients of the U entthii Aa~~emnbl~
relating tt Patents (or Inventions, and P egistranon of Dc— igits
and of ~Lntd.e-rnarics.
BE IT ENACTEI) by the General Assembly ox New Zealand in
Parliament assembler!, and by the authority of ~fhcsame, as tollows
I I ) The short I ~tIe ot ii is ti t ~ ftc P in nn~ I )& ‘naps mc! ~ ma
Trade,maths Act. 1908.”
(2.) This Act is a eonsohdanon o~the onsetments mentioned ~n rue Enaettsenn
First Schedule hereto, and wit h respec~ o~those cuac~ tCU(S~ he bdh ~w—
provisions shall apply
(a.) All Orders iii Con neil, orders, othces, a ppni ni nienis, regisi ~rs,
wgLst.ratlons, rules, regulations, patents, licenses, records,
instruments, and gene’raliy all acts sri authority which
originated under any of the said enacimenEs n~ any enact
ment thereby repealed, and are sul isisting or in force on rite
eonung 111W oflention of th~sAct, a ball &rrntre br ,the pu~
poses of this Act as fully and effectually as if they had
or:ginated under the corresponding provIsions of this Act.
and aceordingl v sI tall, where necessary, be deemed to have
so originated:
Provided that every patent granted before the coming iss~.N~.12.
into operation of this Act shall be subject onk to the pay- 52 (2)
meat of such fees and at such times as are prescribed by the
law in force at the times respectively when such patents
were granted.
(b.) All applications, matters, and proceedings commenced unoer
an such enactment, and pending Or itt progress on the
coming into operation of this Act, may be continued, eoni—
piered. and enforced nuder this Act,
ConsolIdated Statnte~.
(:3.) This Act. is divided into Parts. as follows
I Pam
~‘‘uk~ n~ H tO
Pa:vr IL—industrial Designs. tSectiuns $7 to IlL)
I ~nr III
I i P u~nh~
k HUU b
th k}7
Pant Pt. Ititernatlotial and I trcoionial Arrangements. (Sce~
t:ions 03 and OIL)
PAnt V. —a. enerab (Sceth ma 100 to 1iLi,
2 In tide Act. if .no~ inronStafrut. ~v0ThI hi’ context,—
I IU’Jt pu\~ ~-U~aO1 nW liP’ IU\ 1 elfltOl t
at Im e ~n I
d rmnma. amid not being or toniung part ~f the
United Kingdi.en, or of the Channel labmnds, or of the Isle
cd Mart and oh territ&.lries and places under one Lagislutu re
as hereinafter defined are denied H he (OW Br t%Sh t)I ~SSPiO
don for the purposes of this Act
in t
n m in’, Cu ~duam k ughi to anpk t d ‘or ii n
any article of itanu factore ur to any art ihekd or natural. or
partly artilic~aiand i.mrdr’ natural, substance in the class
or ehisses ~n which the design is registered
“ Cou:rt means the Supreme Court
It anon of summary urrsdict.ton means ann two or more Jus~
ides err a Magistrate art ing under The Just ie~smel time Peace
and summary conviction means a e•onv~et.ion
omelet that Act
“ Design
means any design applicable to any article of manntacture, mIt to ann si.thstanee, artificial or natural, or partly
artifir.ial and pa~rIv naturaL w hether the design is apphr~tl)Lt’ lot tln~pattern, or ha tim shu pe it eotltigunFtson, or
for the ornament t: hereof, or for any two ma i:nore of such
purposes, and Lv whatever means it is applicable, whether
by printing1 paintnnr1 e.tnbro;deong, weaving, sewing, modeL
IP1L t’—flli~ embo’~ong engr Uing ‘1 uning or tnt other
means what ever. manual, mechanical, or chemical, separate
or combined, not being a design ~or a sculpture or otner
thing within the ~~rotec~~omt
The Sculpture COpyright
Act, isl 4 (hftv—hn-irth George the Third. chapter fIfty—six).
or ot•hmrr Act in sidrstitut.ion thereol fur the time being in
mice uui Nc~wZici.liirtd
Invention ‘~ nemimo ny rmi tuner of new manufacture the
suhject ol letters patent and ~‘grant of privilege wit.hi.n six of the Statute of Monopolies (meaning theteby
the Ut 01 1 tit 10110 \ tin4 Sm ii ot I In n igi ot lying
Jaun~uthe. First, chapter three, intituied
An Act concern ing AL anmpohes Dispensatious with 1\’ Laws
and I: he JO irfeiture thereof’’i. and includes an alleged
~nelndes any person or persons exercising legis—
ladve author~tyin the British possession ; and, where there
are local Le isiatures as well as a central Legislature, mrtcans
rite central Legislature only
“ Parent
means letters patan r for air macnt ion:
Patentee means the person for the time being entitled to the
benefit of a patent;
iDsions, and Torrde-nuarles.
Prescribed means preserihed by this Act or by general rules
under this Act
Registrar means the Registrar of Patents, Designs, and Trade‘‘
means a trade-mark registered in the Register
of Trade-nuirks kept under this Act; and includes any tradeunark which, either with or unnont recistratiom is protected
Lv law in ~1t%V H l’i t:ish ut.ersessirmn or foreign. State to wI icli
the prowsictnr~ of section ninety-one of the. Imperial Act
intituled The Patents and Designs. Act. 1007.” mire, under
His Majesi ‘s Order in Council. for the inie being applicable:
“ True
and iirst invcntor means the person wh~is the actual
inventor of an invention, iw ins nonunee or assignee ; but
does not. include the unauthorised importer of an
from any place outside New Zealand
I nited Kingdom in miudu fbi Cm~mood N InIl~ intl I tim Nm
of Man.
3, (1.) The flovenian’ ma frimmn time to f:~rneappuinta t:t lersor. Ptm~u
to hi Hogts~mmu ~mt
Putt ntr Di an~ ord Ii tde in t’~ md tim hku n unmtmr Ni ~
nra’s lpponrt a pIne to he th
P itt 1~ (tfltec
(tL) 931 Governor ma” ir’un time to u mum atupot nt a fit. person tim be bepamy tti’~nrat.
Deputy legistrar, to act in ease of the death, iiiness~ or absence of the um~etmoe $
Registrar and such Deputy shall, while so acting, have all the powers
and pririiegt’s, and shall perfmmruu all the duties, and ho subject to the
respons; bilities of the Registrar,
(3.) Whenever the Reiristrar mites, the Deputy Registrar shall act
as such front the day of such death, and, in the ease of illness or absence,
1 1 tnt N sot
bout the tin I ho R gwi u m 91 hum m1d& m ln~n u’d to
the Deputy Registrar that he: is ill mind tunable to perform his ditties or
that he is. about. tim he absent: and such ileputv Resist tar shall cease
to act as such on the dan on which he receines front the Registrar a
certificate tinder his hand to the ciltIct. that hue line rr’sn rued luis duties.
4, (1,) TIme Governor nut v frouu tinisu to fume, lot’ all such ptmrposeus etieme omui,~,;
lc I’m deem’ ne e~rs ‘tppt rut lot ii Pitent 1W a n I Pitent (fl m e ~tt;i0i
,Agcnts in such pla~e~s
as he tinnims hf, and may alter or revoke the ple, ‘eu. S
a ppoint:nnentt of sue:h ofhees and agent:.s .respeetivein.
(2.) Such agents sluall not demand or receive from arty appheant
for a patent. mum’ from ann one on his behalf, any fees or chin rge—s other
than such as are from tune to time rmas’able under this Act,
Application Jot’ and Grant gf Patent.
5. (I..) A ‘iv perset. whether a trit.isi:m sun~ect.or runt, may’ make
apoheationt for a patent.
(2.) Two or more persons man make joint application for a patent,
~un,la patent may be granted tim them jintmtlv_
(3.).A patent man also be~grantedto”ses’e.ral persons jointly, some
or orte of whom only are or is the true and first inventors or inventor,
tartun~m’ntttir~i It’
~‘o’115’ patetit..
111th. “a
Pstt-tu on
,t1&It t,m
renrementmttve a~
itisS, N’a. 1$,
me,’, 7
i~qm m~j
Laid, ~ t’
Stat atm’s.
6. (1.) If a person possessed of an invention dies without making
mplum mtn’n ~u’ m pan at for the rn\ ‘iii inn mophm anon n,a\ hm nmadm hi
and a Patotmt for toe invention granted to, his legal representative.
(9.) Every such application shall he roacie within six unonths of time
death of sneh person, and shall contain a declaration by the legal repre—
senitative that he believes such person to have been the true and first
in vent:or of the inventiorr.
for a pates t nh all be made in the form tin in—
bared‘7,(i.)(L)in An
the appileatlimni
Second ~ehedule
hereto or to time like efl’eet. and shall
lie heft at or sent by post to the Patent Office or Left at a local Patent.
12.) An anmpheatiori shall contain a declaration attested by a witness to the effect that tIme applicant is in possession of an invention
whereof lie, ox’ in tiue east ui a ioint application one or more of time applicants, chains or claim to be time true, and first inventor or inventors.
arid for which lme or they desires or desire to obtain a patent, and shall
he aeconu pa nied liv ei timer a coin film’ te speei hie.atio.n in the
fornns numbered (2) anml (3) in the Second Schedule hereto or to the
like effect, writ teti in a plain legible hmrnd or printed in fair legible. type
uporr parolunmmmnt or paper. and signed bin the a pjml ivant,
(3.) A provisional spemnheation shall describe the mature of tire
imveittion, and lie aceon m panied imy mlra wings if required.
(4.) A complete specification. whether loft on application or subsequently, shall particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the
imu vetttton, a rid in wia:m t ina.nnmmr it. is tmm be perfornued. and shall be
aeeompanted by drass-ings if required. cur a reference to the drawings.
if any, which accompanied the prmuvis~ouial specification.
(13.) A copy of the complete specificatim:mn and of the drawings
aeeornfma.mmying it or referred to in it shah be deposited in the Patent
t.he mnexne Li msie, and together with tlmm:’ emunolete speeiiieation.
(IL) A specification. whether provisional or complete. shall cotnmneneo
wit. hi the Ii He, shall he Ii tinted to one invention, and, in the ease of a emily—
plete specihm’ation, shad end with a distinct statement of flue invert t ion
C)flhtmm at:
t7~) It such
~ ,mt
mpumhicat.iouu is made at ann local .f’mat:e.nt 001cc, time
Patent Qihee Agent shall give to the applicant or
agent. a receipt
‘thcrefor in t:.iu.e form mutt mmueirerl (4) hi the Second Sehedttie immireto or to
time hike t—’fl:eet, and shall fturt,lmwinlm transmmuii:. thn doen nm”ni:s and, a copy
of Ins receipt to the ,Patent Office,
8 (1 liii
Ri stat ii ~hiii is in lot ~smmm ipplu mOon in pnoinm
’ph t ~
o’ t u taut ii
mm a n t o t,ed itt ~ P mu mit 0 ~e mmrlo ml
sj’ P itt ef Lim let a tin
e “mat he ni order to t tent tin it herner the t’ ituim
tf the invention, bias been ‘fairly described, and i:.he :~mmpIteation,semi flea—
tuni, and ‘Is’s a inas (if ann) lie ‘cc been i mreparem i in the prescribed
nianmer, and the title en Iheient lv indicates time smtbjt:met’ matter of the
invent ~on.
Pawn,’ to refute,
f2~)If he ducts that the nature of the imvm’tm’tioit is not fairly de—
‘~mmbid on mh it tin pidnat ~tn spe tin imnom or mtm nung’~i ism not beet
pt’epmmi’omt in the pro menubied nuanner, or thai the title does not~sntliementbs’
indicate the subject- num.ttmrr o’f the invention, he tmnms- rmmfusmm to accept the
apphiea.tion~or repuire that the application, speeificnttcmn, mit drawings
be umurtentieml before he proceeds wit,h~ the appnea.tion ; and in the latter
t’a~et(s. [lesions’, and I rode—marts,
ease the Implication shall. if the .Rog’istra.r so mhirmtcte, hear date as fs-ow
time time ishcn the requirement is eoummpliecl. with.
I It ftc mu H t o pptmm uu~o’ o I 5~tm H m lou , , H o
with this Act and the prescribe b regulat.imme, he shah! accept the semite
hi nmduu o~ntT on he noum, o 0 i a mm a I
\ ic in
tune. and the enact tiume of accm’, and shall (‘ease rho said
time of acceptance to be recorded in time Patent Office.
(4,) ft’ here aim atmplieatiomi has l’meoa m’mcueeptcud, t.imo Registrar
gim-e notice the.reot to the al’mpiimant..
9, F’ after application f’.n a im~m.tommt line been made, hmmt. i.mefore the aiu’ao’un ist
ptmm mu I him it on h ms 0mm u ~m mtm
no hi
mnnbm ~ Om~ H’ i p “o N 10 a’
0 1 ii it
ztecoimtpa~mtted i’,ms’ a speeuice’tmon b.en’mmmg time same or a sutmmtar tttme, tl’m~’ tc,5m a, ~s ~n. 1mm
Registrar, if he t.hiumi:’s fit, o:n. mite n’qni’~’t of the second anphiea mit:. or of
his legal rmmprmmsentai.ive, may, within twit nnac~.i~sof m lie ‘scant of a
patent on the. first appheation, either mieehmte to roeeed nvitim tlme second
anplica m’ ion or alIcia-the smurren.”her of t:he nat”.nc. if rmuw, mini mit:t’ttf thereon.
1.0. If the applicant
does rmot he.:mvmu a complete speeificati’mmm witim ruse lar iaevmmu
tin mppmmi mtmomm um man It ma mm a ‘n, ‘010 k mnmnt to
m tO ‘n in’ ‘
nnan m— Ito n I itm’ it itt mit th~ ,m’ ~itt ill m ‘1 am p~amt 00
ma I nob
a eomnplmmte specification is iei’t within that time time a~ppIieationshall be
ibeemmmei’I to lie a bmm.nmh’mned.
11. (Ij W here a m’’re speribHatiimmm me kfi. a fter a p.u’os’isimmnal cs~tumtnle.mrtam
spmenmemtmon the itm’an mm it id as m man’ i mth pet mfmm muon mon ibm it’
t’ ttnm a iS
~tii’pm’m5Omit ase,mrm,a tutu mmg a-netmuem’ t: he eonmpl t”t:mu speem 0 mist’.cmii has been amtt’ocetotum.
lmr’o’red in
a- p a--~mthcI tnt mIme,
md a e m ‘r ttmmo am~’ni mm ~
p~mrtuaularmydeseribme’d hi. time is smubsra.ntially time
samm me as i.hai mlmmseri bed i mm the pt’ot.’ isionai spmmei fim’’mmm,
id I Ti be trod U’ it ~
mmmdm ‘ em hum’ nb ° mu ti’ ‘timmed ha~ not
I’m n m mop mu’ t ma’ h1 ‘mm IX & tiNt ‘11
‘mImi t
t’ ‘ii a
~“ t mom aiim, anal tmme same is amuiemummemu so t’mms :-atmeac~mmmli
aim:: any sn”h
refusal shall he suhieet t.~’ appeal to tIme (Hmmrt.
(3.) The (court shall hear the, applicant: arid the Rogi~t,r,:un, or ant’ one
mu ml on h1 hi1m ot
bme’ ot si, ii mad
t em ‘
n ‘n tmm m ii’ mit
nGming ii-lmet.her axn.I subject tmm whir conditions (if ant’) time e.ouupkt.\
sfmoeibit’~.ttmmmmi shall be accepted.
12, Umth’ss a m.~onmm mh’t:mt speeiiicat i mum i~’m.’d wit.lm in twa’ I n’e .sm,st’ime’smm’~m, vaid mm
1mmommtum’~ t1om 11mm ml ttm ot 1tim’ mpplmi mtu”mi ‘hm”m a-a ~~ ma mum mu ampm
t it ~ t t~
iw,tL,a u’c’tmt.flm’.
hat it ho 1gm a a” un”m m
u n~ml mo mm e1’, mi~ ibuimi 1 mon —0 ~f mm thm ~ ma ~e U
c.xpirmmtion of timosm.u twelve nioimt]ms, beeomne
13. Whore aim application for a ia-ta-u: lame lmecmm or s~mm~
ti.i,lnmk to,
he to”ie n otd m’t pmon on I -p~m itmn 010mm u’ol I ~ m’ ‘— mm tin ‘ mm’ o mm tK
U 1
1°’ itt
unka., art’mtou.iau
panvnmg mit felt. in conneeuomm with sucim application sham] not at. attn ta-ne ai”mtt”mL’
be mmpemm tim a Plum imusi.ior’tiomm or be pmil.uhislmomi i.’y time R.e~istnam’,
mae. se~_1.1
1$. On the,mmmce of the eotmmptote. speeificat.iomm mime Regxs’:.rar ,tdvmtrO’lefltm’ut 011
H ill mdm~rtmm mhm ~m’e’nmnmm’
tin it°I ‘I’m ,eid mhm tm’pmt mimu minI It
tO I
en mtmon a mtht m mm dm mit mij’1 tit mms t ~-1h1t n ,au, m to pol~l tm—pm ml
15. (1 Ant’ pom’son mima.y, at army tinmo ss’it.himm ta-mm frmomu 1.he Oppeuat’n to
d itt iii mitt tdnm mm mse’miemmm ot thu ‘mm ~
mu ‘ tim ill till im ‘i mu ‘ 0 eni
gin’ it’ ame tim nit mmna in d ‘ph’ no a~ ~ moot Oun ‘ es 0
tO t to ~
-, .
the gm’aimt of time patent, and shall stmm.te in such imm.mtim’me the part icuim r
grotttm~hs01 his ofoeetaomt.
1908 ,J
solida ted ,Statvtes.
(20 \Vhene notice of opposition is given, the Registrar sbmall appoint
a day for !me.ari.mng time oppm.isitiomm, amid s.h~digive notice of the Imoaring smm
a..ppointod amn’i of tIme oppomsitiom’m t”m the a’ppiiaa.nt. and, mnfter heanimmg
time applicant and the pe.rso.mi so gim’rug notice, ii desirous of being heard,
decide on the case.
(34 The doeisioim of tIme Registrar shall in’ sub~eetto appeal to time
C’ommrt., which may human time apphiea.mmt amid ammy pe.rsmmn imo givimmg umot.iee
and, being, in the opim’maori of time Cia-met., entitled t’m }mmm heard iii opposmtion
tim time want., amid simai~ dete.rmninte whether tine grunt ought or ought not
to lie m.namie,
to at
1.6. 0mm the expin:m’aion
01 ta-mm mnoi’mthm’ f’ronm time miate of the accept—
~ ‘~o~. °
tnt m mm’ ‘a m1molmm
mon mt ~ ie t m’ m mppo mummmm m,~ m m -a ot mmppom,tilti~mt t,.t it,1
s,mt,ummm’t, m’1 the dmu’i:.emuiumma.t’ Ia cone of the gm n-I u,mI a pm’mtm~m’mt,
~h~t~t ml 3
‘5 ecu as he d~ ~mmmi mu imm’da mit grmm”i
pmtenm tn,tm bm gmaimted
mas’u S iS hit 17
im d m
nit ,mmnm Ilmi mm mimi i lmetmmme t n ‘ aiim thom of ttm& ii mm of
imrmmvisiomma.l pmmmtem’t.immmm, omm appl.iea.teorm iu:m
riting by the applicant
or Ida agent, with p~ivtnm’.unt. of the fee thereon, the Registrmmr shall
cause m pm~i.m’nl:. to 1* j:mm’mmpa med iou’ sucim in venl:immn, a.n.m.l time Clmmvmmm-nor
man direet~ such patent. to be seabed with tlme Puhlimm )emml of NOw
Zea iammd.
S’t’0iiti! ill m’att~tit~
17. A patmmnt. shall he sealed ~mssimon as may’ be. and m’mm’it after time.
taut. tt’e. is
oxpf-ratiomm ot fiftmmm’n tuont.lms front m:.hc date of the appheationm. except mm
t5’mT ‘SO S
m mme cases .mm,’remne’
mmmcmi 1jmmmmemj m,mam is so sa,————
fa4 Wime,re tlmmm sealing is delayed hi mitt appeal tim the Ccmtmrt,, time
patent nmav b~tscaled at such timmmo as the Count directs.
lb.) \V’lienm the. cmt9:m] for ,socthmmg is u’nade. hmeI’mmme time ex~
“~ftIme tmmrmmm of pm-o’.’~siotta1 protection, but time. semmhing is
dole ye.m,i tiurmiugim mmceideut and imot. trout the wiifm.d default
of i Immm apmmliea 1d. thmm patent n:mav lie sealed mit. stab time as
time. Governor directs,
a ) \\ him’ mit a d nm is di Hi md 1mm plot mm limit-, 1mm m Ic Pits mO I flhms
mmmi oIl) ect.iomme filed, 1 lie ‘patcimi~ mmmav l,mmm sea femI at such tim ott
as tine Governor directs,
(ml.) if time pem’somu ummahirmg time *mpplivatnmmm miff’s before time
oxpiratmon of tint l’il’t.em’um ummmmuiis cdm.mresaid, mime patemmt
titan be gmem.nt’ctd to his legal represent.ative~, mmm:md sealed
at mmmmv t.i me wit.imiu i.mreive_ m mmmmnths mm free tJte of the
tmii,v tNt tim,
18, ls’ot.’witlmsi..aumdium a.imthmin itt seetiomis temm, twelve, amid seven~inm~m,~so~ tmen limit o m m ommmph tm spm m ito it moe ut a- tim hit mmmd mutt pmm ml minimum
stmeh extended tim mice, not exceeding one nmommtlm and three nmoimths
mss’t. No. ma. itme. iS respuectively the mmimme mmml t,wblve nmoimths respcet ively oment ii med iii
thmm sections tmmn and twelvmm, as t.i.m.e Registrar, on payment of
time prescribed fee, aIit’mws mind where. such extension mmf time is allowed,
m tm’rtlmer 1~m’rm~dot hint atom It-, mitt t the them m it omhs mm’ennmmmmid tim
section seventeen, he. ailomm’ed im.m.r time sealing of time patemmt..
Oato of
tbkL Ru. ‘tmm
~ ~
1$. (I..) Exert’ pat.ent~shall he de,emmmemi tmm take effect as and frmmrmm
time da
of the acceptance mmf the~a.pp.hea.timmn..
($4 .I:in’t. no prmmeeedings shall be takemm in re.spe.tmt of an infrimmge.umuermt
edmmnmnitted before time publication umf time specitieatiom
Pa.tmints, !)esi~tiis,unit! l’rmmde-mnmz’rks,
iNo. 140
m 3$ 1’.m ease of moore t,lman mull ‘>wp~mhemm-tiotm for a pat.mtmmt. lime the smtrm’me
inventmon, time sealing md a pate.nt on mmne of thmmse a.pplimumtimmns shall rimmi
time sealim,v of mm pmmtm’mmt omm an earlier ‘topiieat.;mtn_
‘4,) Even’ patent whemm sealeml mmimmdi have effect t;’hmmut l.Tew
Zemmlanti ammmi its miepmmndemmcics.
~t, limit t.ermmm hinmited in every patent for the mlmmmatimmmm thereof
he f~mmmrt:.m’men v~marsf.rm.mmmm time. m.i~.mSm’ fm-time -mvlmich it:. t:at<es ciiem:t,
(H.) Bitt em-cry patemmt shall, notwitlmstaimding mmmmvtlmimmg tlmereimm or
imm this Act, cease if tue patentee fails to mmmalde t~’me presem-il.ied paytmmeuts
wmt.imtn time prescnhed t.mmnmms,
(7.) Evmmm’v patent. shall be granted fmmt i’mmm irmvmtntimmmm mmlv,
i nit mmmay imiom’e l.lman one chum
and it mutt. lim’ emmrn—
petent tot any persoim in amm action or mmtimer proceeding to take any to a pitt’mimt mum time ground ‘tlma.t it em’ mtmdmrmt than
m nvm”n I mm’m’mmf$,) iEvm’rv lnmt.emmt shall he ui the formim nmommi’ered. (~i)ut time See.ommd
m~’ hedmu ‘ mm it m mit 1mm the lmht ehmet aiim! su mit mm nm its ‘ ub mtl to tin
prmsvisimmns md this Act and to the mionditioums ammmi rest nim:tioits that nmay hminsertemi in simS-h patent Imy time.remth
20. (14 Ii in imny ease. by imemmimient. mmmiatake., or inamlv’em-t’en em”,, an
apphcant lot’ a patent. mm a- pateumtee i~;milsa1.o make any prescribed pay’mmnt mvulmlm.m ‘time. ptescrikme.mi tmme. ime. titan impplv. on paymrmemmt of atm
application fee iii one pound. to time Re ist:nar for amm enia.nge.mmmemmt. of time
ti mmmc for nmahinmg I him pre.smmril”mmmd ima,ymmmemmt_
(2) Timerenpmmmm time. rteg’istrmm.r slmmmii. if satisfied timat time fa.ihm no less
tiriton fromn arty 1’d time nmbove— rrmentimirumtd causes, ma-i receipt. mmf 11mm0
it i mim, d let emmhtmgm’ t tim’ time tmm om hitch suhjem m to I ae to itmmt tim L
m’m ttim Ii tn’mnsm—
ta.) Time time for nmaldnmr army paynmmmmmt shall nmmt in any ease lie
enlarged fmu’ more ti’man thre.e nmont.ims
(b. ) if any pmoc-.eed immg is taken itt respm-et~mtt atm in h’ingm’nmemm’t mif t.hme
mmateot conmmnittem’l mitten a mailmmrmm to umake any pa.ynme.nt
vithin the im.rescrihed time and before. time. enlargement
theremmf, thm’ Court nmam”, if it u,hinhs lit’, refuse 1mm an-am-mi or
give ant’ damages imm respect mf smmch infritmgenment,
Pm-mmrma’ionm.d P’rotem’t’mmmn.
2-i. After the acceptance of mmmi applk.-;ttimnm fmn’ a patent in respect
oh tim mm a- mumon the ntvemmtimmn met tin mn4 lit ps mmcml l’enms ill 1m dmtm
of the application rmnd the date of sealirmn’ such ateni, he. used amid pithLmshed wit:htommt prejudice tmm the patent to Lie grammted for time. same. and i.mrm.~~metiormtromn time eotmseqummnemms of. use and paolieatimmmm is in tIns
Act refen-ed to as pemivisimmimal pnmmtemtimmrm.”
22. Daring time afmmrmtsaid tm.mrmmm of ptmmv~siormai protection the.
tpp’mm tnt am mm hi noum e in mm u ml tag smaumm I hi hen mm d i’m I’m m red em
sent by’ post to time. Registrar, abandon his impimflmmat~imam, and tiumnta
smith pm’om.eet.immn simail cease.
2.3. A ( time acceptance mu it comnplete spmmmiitieat.ion, and until
tnt dame of ~mdmnc t pntemmt mu i’ ~peetC ueot or 1m, expmm mUon mi( thm
mine tim a’ mlmne, ttme appmm’ mint ~mill
m h tie the like pro mleges atm’! a- rhms
as if a patent for time inve.ntimmn imad been sealed on the date muf the
acceptance of the mmonnpiete spe.maticatiomt
IV 33,
!Hu~titol !i.%mct~m
mat”~No. ma
mor’, ‘,t m’tsmttMt.
iivotmm:-”., qomiu’.
mmd, S’Oi>. a,
I-”om,, ‘o,mt emmmmmmmtmema
,tt mu mo imm
1551, Nss
of timit*i.
m~ m
Itod, Rho.
iioo. ‘ec
mamorm ci
1 ¶‘tQS,i
‘ m tmit
,tmmmotmdmmmt”,e ot
m t
net. mom. .it~
th “mmmi
lU ~
tm~em ‘~eu.~tm
Pnmmm’ i’ It’d that. an mmp~ii is-emit shall nut he tutu titlem’i tmm institmml m’ mmmiv
prm.mmmeedimtg fun immftingernent. urdesim ammd m.mntil a patent the immvemmtimmnm
has been sealed.
24, In any cast- where the detenmnimmatimmmm of time Registrar is limit
imm to cut oi the em mmml tO m p itt mit th1 no enlimmn Im mm mm itmm m1 sum tm p dent
t~’sont~at0 ‘It mum menhim in ,mm imptin 1 hm m et’l’mnmmtmon mt sm’mlm dm ‘m imana
I imnm if a~.mpeaieml ftoitm, ceasm tu i lie pn’mmmecmm’d,
A’mnmemmimnmnnt of Spm”eifkat’immn_
25. t, t C An a.pplim.tant tin mm pam.emmtee nmay front mime to ‘time, by
meminesm mn tmttmmmmtg left , t mm e P mmcm Ii mime ~e’k l~tie Imi mma~immi hm~
spem-im’at im,mm, immm:Immmlimmu dnamm’immgs fumm’nmmine’ part tlmetuof, hi’ mm’mm~’ of diechm.inmer, emi.rreetmon, mn exni;mna.tiomm, stat impm tIme mmatare m.if snelm a mm.menmlmmmcmii anti his reasons fmmm t.lmmu sante.
(tiC ‘Flue rm-mhmmm’st. anti t 1mm’- en m mmr~— of sitclm pnipmmmmm’d atmmm’-tidim tent.
‘Cm ill ~i’ tiE instil hi mitt’ Use ctnum in thm t’~ra-ts
mmmd mt cm’ tmnmm
witlmimm ommmm mnmmntlm from its amivertisemmts’nt ammy pertain team’ give notice
at 4mm’ Jut mtnt Oti’i”e om, tm.m time am.nmm-mmml tt.memit,
tmitie t~ atm cmi ,he Pc-inst en ~$m
1,1 1 \\ 1mm mm ~mmmtm’t
mU gts mmcm 1mm ot
the m.$pfmm.isi t:im.mmt 1cm time applicant’ or patentee, mmnml sImalI lme~mr anti dm.meide
the casmu sutm~eel:. tmm aim appeal to i:lme Cmmmmr’t, mm’lmim’tm i:mmav hm-a.m’ t.hmmm apj.Ji—
cant tsr ~matenitee
and time persmmmm so giving mmmmt.icm’ amid i:.’seimmg, mm tlme opinimmrm
ol t,’ommm-t., m-.rmm.itlm’ml 1mm lit- 1mm-mm nd in mmpimm.msim~imum 1mm 1,1mm’ rettmmmist, mind sImall
m’im.’teriaine whether and smmhjm’me: tim what eomiditimimms, if mmimv, timmi ;.m nmemmml—
nme.nt mmmmght to immm mmllmmts’mmd.
(44 Wlmem.-e no mu tm1pmusitimmn is given, ma’ timm’’mmmmt’m so inn
notim-e mimic-s nmmt’. appear, t.hmm Registrmmm’ s.habl. dm’termmmine ivlmethem’ ammml subject.
to mm imimt emmnmIitimmnmm, if mmliv, time amm.memmdnim’nt ommglmt.. tmm he ailm:aved.
(Ti,) \V’imei’e leave to’ ammim’nml is nefmmsed hi” time Regiatnmm, lime j:meesmmn
minIm ins: t hmmu remim.mest m.m’mav appeal’mi his dem’i’mimmmm 1mm the (“mint., wimichm
mmmliv lmear tIme peimmemi mmmakimmg tlmmt rmmm’~nm5st and I )mmt itemmist.mar miT any penstam
a rmJm”animug mimi hi”. lme.hmai (. amtd mmtay aol-ic atm onIm-r mh’m:ermmminmmmg whmm’m:imt’n
a mmmi m-uhj’:mm’t t., i iv lest c.mmndit.immmis, if any, time aummmtmm’,lm.mme.nt mmug’ht 5s’l be
mmli omv cml,
to,) N mum~mimemmdmmmmimmt simatl 1mm’ alIt twcmi timam ‘i’m mimIC immake t.tmm, Sllttmti—
tieation as amimenitled elamm mm.m.m iaventimmn snhstmmmtt.ialiv km.rgem Unit or
smnhvt.ammtialiy diff’em’t-mmt frommm time iimvemmUon m’laimmmed in’ time spm’eifim’mmtimmmm
~ ii; st.ot.tml huh mre, ammmemmmfmmment,
(7,) Lea ic to mnmme.nmi shall he’e as to tin might of the ~marts’
t.m.m mmmaime the >mmremmdnment. mm] hmn’m-.d, except ui east’ ml (nm.mmml
and the
aniemmdmnmmmtt shall in ali Commits mm.mmd fmmr all purposes be demmnted tmm term
part cmf time spem’ihm’mm.timm.
(8,) ‘Flits mmcm’;t.immmi shall mmmii apply mm’hcmm ;.mnml 5mm (wig as any action for
itmfminmm’mavmmemt. or otlmer lmmgal proceeding revmmeatim.mmt of a patent is.
26. in mitt action for infrimtgennemmt of a pa.tertt, anti ~a a. prmmceed—
mom, hut mmmcm muon mit 1
c-nm m hm I mmu” mit I ,Indg’ Ibm a-mit mtnmm ml ani
t immme ‘mailer tlmmmt t Imm~ pmmtmtimtm’mm shall, suh1eel. to suelm t.ernms aim tim eost.s
mmmmd mmthemwitmmt as time Court. or 3 edge immmpm.tse.s.
he itt Iii.menmiy tm a fipt)’ at
the !mmm.tmmmtt Office fmim’ leave to antenmi his spmueitlttatimmn hv way mmf
dismmia.itnm’r, mmntd mean diremmt Ilmat in tIme mmtea.mmtimmme t.lme trial or lmeanimtg
mmf t:l’mm- m m-tismi’m or mmm’oeem’dnig shall he pmmstpormed
ft. Desians, and Tm’mmdc~marks.
[No. 140
27. \Vhmtrmm aim antumnmimm’nmt in’ wet of miimmmtim.m inmm-t’, emmmrm’et.iomm, em kt-,’imts-m-am”sm, on
ipl imi ttmon N dltnmemi unds m lImes km I nmm 4 mum tee’s sit mu tim’ gin mm mit tnt
mm It mu tmt mmmspem I mit 11mm’ mm e m’t time mitt emmtmon hetmmtm’ the tim-s m mmumtei ~ m \ ci mm’,
mmormemmtiotm. mit explanatton, unless’ thmm immttemmtemm esta-hiishe.s to time satisimmmtt’it’mtm mm( time Court that imis original eiainn was fran’temi in uommd faith
anti whim reasonable, skill and ktmomvledse,
28. If on time lmmmtitimmn of mmity pei’son mmimtermmsted ~t is pmoveml to the
Cot mm ma r th ml 1mm m~a-mimi mml thm det mmdl ol a p’mtm Ott m’ 1mm gnmnt imemn ic-s
omm t-mmas’,mtmmmhte ternts——(a.) Timmm patent is ti”mt being worked in New Zmmaiammd
(hi Time reasmim’ta.hle rem’lnirmmmmtents mmf time pmmhlie mm-itim m’espeet to the
inventicmu he supplied ; om(c,) Aim y’’person is pm’evente.d ircun woridn’ emr using to the hest
mmdva.nlmtgtm.a.n i’m.mvmmmmtion of whelm Ime is pmtssmtssemi,_
t lie &fmmvm’rnor meat’ order the patentee to grant him~emmses ott sum’lm terms
as tim the mmmuommnt cii royalties, oem’.mmrit for paynment. mit mttlmemu-ise as time
i’tyenmmm,mm— imavjmmg regarml 1mm the. mmatnrmm mit’ time ‘mventaon mttmmi time mt-c:mtmn—
stanmees of time emtsmm deems just, and any’ such ormier mmmv b.c enfmmrm’ed by
E;’im.ttimi’ti o/ 2’er,rmi~ ‘,mf ,Potent,
29. (1.) A patentee may, after advertising imm time Gmne.Umm Ins
limit n, aitmt to Fm S,m pit ~emmt petition to I 1mm (‘mu mt 11mmtm P’ ~ mimS mh ml his
pa.temmt may he extenmie,mi for a tum-ther ternt ; hut st,melm petrtiomm sic-nil he
imrmvm’mtteml mmt least six mmmnths l:mefemre time tunic linmited for mAte expima.tmmmmm
ttt tIme patmnmt’.
(tiC A.mmv persmmu mummy enter a caveat., admhietisemi tm’ time ()ovt.rmumm,
mmgaimtit time mmxtension.
(:.L) Ii t:hmm’m Om.mve.t’rein is’d tum rmmft”r immo’ smmelm pet.itis tim and caveat’.
to t’ he Cmmurt, thu Cmmmmrt sha.l 1 pmmmmmueml. t:m eoi’msidmmr tint’ smm mmmc. a mmd 1:1 mu peti
m,ionem amid any eaveat.mam shall lam entitle’] to he lteam-d by lmiimmsm-lf or by
comm mmsmmb mm the pel~Jtiidmmm,
(4.) The Commm’t itt emmsidmmring its miemtmsi n shall [nave negarml to time.
mtatmmne mm,mmul mmtm’rits of tImmt uttm’emttrdmm in rtdatit’mn to tlmmm puhiie. to time
prcmhts ummt.mie by time I’mats’metee mitt smmm’dm, ammml tom all time ei rm~mmmm:ms,t:a.mmees m.d
the easmm.
(44 if tIme Cmmmu-t m epmmri.’m that time pmm~temmtmmmm has imemmim, mmmm’mmimmqimmmtelv
rmmntnmmeratmmd by his jmettenl., tIme (.fovertmor ,um~mv extemmd time tmmrmmm. of mime
patent for a fmmi’thmmr tei’nt not m:mrcmeedhtg seven or, in exee.ptimmna.I ea.seme
iou,rteerm years
mar may order the pant of a mmcmv patent for the
term therein mue.mmt.iomted, amid eomttammng any re,stm’im’.timmns, e mmmmmlmtiomts, amid
pb-mis’isitmrms l:Ima’m time Cm’mmmm’t. t.Imumlms tit~_
tuna, tmmm.
‘ ‘
ii ci
temmms’mnsn itt t”rm’tm
tot om0lim’m,,
(1,,) Re’m’mmemmt.immmm of a patmtm’mt mmmv he m’mh’mimmnemi pmmt.itmmmmt
1:.m’m ~
tilt mm Commrt.
‘d I lam em m gm mmmmm~tl omm mm Immm F m mm itt mu might horm’tmdome mm’ mope mIt 4
sIm,m’mIi he a,va,ilmmhhmt imy war mmf defenmtmm t,mm mmmn mmm-t’immn mif infnimnmiemmmmtmmt, and
shall alsmm him mm gm’mammmml mmf rtmm’mmcatimimm,
(34 A petition for iievocatmmnt of mm ptmtmmmmt unity be pmesmmnted by
(mm.) ‘limit A.ttmmnm’v -Ommnm’ral me’ ammv lmtmrsmtmt mtmmtlmmmriseml hy imimmm
, -
(.‘mmsoim’/utm”m’i .Stmitmetm’a
(it,) Ant’ pt’m’somt mmiimmgirmg ‘kfmlt m lam pmmtemmt.
mdtm’mairmemt mit named mml
his i-ights mit mu the rights mY’ any person umtder or tlmm’mmuglm
mm’Im.mmmmm Ime maih’mimmms
(m’.) Aiim’ fmersmtn mmllm’mnm.ig m’bmam:. ime, or m:mrmv Pci-stun mmmnder m’mr thtromm,gbm
mvlmmmmm’t Immm eiaimmms, tymmo: thmm tr’tme inve,ntom- of aiim’ invemmt’immmm
him.’] mmdt.mml I m:m. t’hm.’ u-ia it mm ‘time i.mmmlm’mmtee
(mi4 Any pm-i-amen alhmgirtg timat itt’, or aamv pmmm’smmrm mmrmde,m’ dir thronglt
wim’tmmm ime eia,~mmmc amm interest. imm mmliv trade, hmmsimmess, mmm’ mtmamm’mm—
‘fam’tmmm mm, hmmm’( pnmhheiv m.mmmmmmttfmme’j’,”mI, mmsm,md, m.m.n ammiti itt New
Zmrmimtmmd, lmm’fore time dmmte of tite’mmt, ammvthtimt,g ehm.immtm’mi in’
time a-mi emmi em:’ as lmt.s mmmvemmtmm’mim,
(4.) TIme mmlaimmtiff ahm.mmii mlelivm’r witim his petitimmmm pm.uttmmulartm of tIme
ohjmmetitmmms mitt n’him’lt lmmt mmmemm.mms to rein, mmnd tmm’ ev’idemtm’e sbma,hl, except. bin
mite lmtmnvmm m if tIme Cmtmmrt mit a Jmmt.lge timem’mmmmf, lie mmml mmmitl.em I in muf mm mmm’
cmbj eet:.icmn of’im pam’tiemmimmm’smmrmm item: tm’) de.iivem’m’ml,
(54 ‘Pa.m-tiemmlam’s deiinereml mmmmmv hmm im”oimm i-into tmm tinme ammmemmcled hi”
leave iii tIme Cmtmmnn’t or- a Jmmmlgm’ m Imm’mrmmmmf.
(0.) Time def~nmmlammt mmlmmmll be out it,lmmd tm,m begin ,mmmd give evicImmmmee ui
smmpi.mmmi’I mum mitt’ I~tm-mit, ammmi if lime piaimmtihi gim’ea em’idmnmm’e immmmmemmmmimi mme lime
vabidima’ of t 1mm’ pa-t.ermt 1: lie mle’t’m’mmmla,mmt’ shall 1,m’, emil: iCed 1mm reply.
(7,) tin mmmiv sneit imetiti’ mmm the Court mmmay mmmamkmm wmielt mmrmlo.r hum’
cx 1umm m:mgitmg~ vat-mm ‘.11mg, m’arynmg amt~’ enl.rv iii tIme reital em-, and as tmm
costs, as it tlmimmks fit,
($4 WImermt mm. patemmt hits bmeemt rmmvmiked met the grmmumtd of fm’mm’mit’L time.
U.egmst.rar rmmay. mum t.imm’ ;.mpplimtmmdm.mmt mif Ilmmm tome inm’eni.mmm’ mmmauimm in acm-ned—
a.nee ivitlm tImmm pm’tivisitmmts of tltisA~et,grant to hum a pmmt.emmt itt lieu mmf mmud
al-dug s:’tfeel. Irmmmmm he >,‘tmmme dt’rk’ tm5 mimmm datmm mmf :mevommat,kmn of time paia.tmmt
smi revel-med. lmmmt the imatm’mmt. Smi gr_ttnl:em’.l s,imaii emtase omm tIne’mn tuE
lime tmmt-mmm fmmr mvimleim the revmmiteml patmmmtt wmms gmmmmmmtcml.
i’m/mm, (Commam.
lIt~\l lm~4mx
is m
‘ptmmemtt. simali imavo tim all imttmmtmt.s the like effect mis agaimmsl.
mgmmmm-st m
but the m~ttieers or ant heCtic-s amlmniniste ring ma mm
I mm ~m‘5 c-m mmt iii ( ton n mit m It’ (a mom atm t mit mu Nemm /t ii ma mm ii
hm’ themmweives, I heir tmti,mmnts, c”mmmt.i-a m.:t.ors, a mmd em imem.s, at. a mit ti nme a ft~r
the tmppbicat.i n. mmse t.lmmi imtveutiott for tine services mmf time (.trmtwn or time.
hi m.mve’nm’m mmmc mmt. simm ‘t emma mis 1mm hmt mute, mum- a fl.m’n the mmxc- t]mmmm-m,mmf agreed
mutt mmmih the tpmmimtt ml me the \Immmms ci Im mm umg Cm m mm mmml m’ sumim Pep mu
mm emit’, bet ta-en’ tht’mse em’ au’thoritdms atmmb time. lmatummte.e, or, in
miefa ink mit smmmmlm mmg’.m’emam’mmmet, mom sec-hi. t.m’ as mmmav but, setil ied. i,ty suc:im
Mimmister after hnoarimmg all parties imttm’re,m-tem].
.Lm~m:JcIi Prnrm’ed’Cmq,m
html, ‘mm,,’.,
32k. (L) irm mmn aetimmmm me’ procmmmmmlimme for infrimmgemmmemmt cmi’ ret’mmemmtim.,mmm
pmmem’m m 1mm (‘mmmli m mm’ i’m ‘1 mm t nmh-~In mtml sit ill mull mbmo mm gut ‘m mmtm
emtmner mmt the pmtm’ item ti-i tue prmteeedmmmgs, mam,li mm mIme. mmmm.I oh aim mmssessmmr
s’pec-imd’ i~mt;mlittetl, m’.mmml tm mmmd itmma.r timmm mm-hmllv mum pmmt’timmlly with
his mmmix lime ammt.immmn x1nd I lie ‘t.m-immml wIt.immmut mm jury, ummiess I.]mmm Comu’t’
otherwise directs,
(2,) TIme remmttmmteration, ii mmmiv, I-mm he immmid to an assmmssor mmmmmlmmr this
section shall he tletmm.nnmtirmmtd by time (kmmm.m’m. ammml he pimiml in tue sammme mmma.rmm’mmmr
as tlte mmtlmer expenses of the exeenmtimmn of tlnis Act.
/-hrtm’nts, Vax/nat, mmnmiimvvl,’--umamvi’m-.
No. 14(1.
3& (1..) Imi mmmi mm.mtt.immmi for imilrintermmemmt. mmi mm pmm.tmmmmt tlme rb.mintitt ti,’mfl-m:-tR
mmm] mI’hmmt mmCn lis~ smtmimmetm mmt mimm,m, m’n 1mm cc-dam mit ttme ( ‘mUm mut m
be Ito mm tilt ~utu5 mmm ‘~ iimmmm mum ,mmtlmt’immt time h~,tmimms mmmii tub no d mu t~5~~ 12 te~ 35
(thi ‘Fime mlefem:mmlmm.m’um. alma]! m.ieiiver with lies sf’a:t:ermmemmt: mmf defence, mit’
mmf the Cm.mmtrt or a Jmmdgmm tmt: mm.mrt’ tmmiimseqmmermt tinte, immmmadmmmmbars
of mmmt’m.- m’ui-mjeetiomts omm mOult-lu hm’m relies iti smmppmum’t t.lmene”uf.
bE) If the dmt’fe-uml:mmtt dispmmtes the validity of time patient, time
b.mmmt’tietmltmtli miehiverem’h b himn shall st-mmte omm. Wlmmtt: em’mmmmmmtls bme dmspmmi cc
mm m,md ml ama it 1 lmou g’ imnnmb m~mm mm( mc- ties ~ha- smm dl ~ ~t
mom m
,nmmmI place of tIme previous pmmhlimmatimun or nmser mm.Ileged by lime.
(4.) At time immmam-immg mmmi evimietmemm shall, ex—em’g:mt by leave of time Ummmmm’m..
mmr a Jmmdgmm, I,mmm ad.mmm.ittem! in prcmmu f of mmmi aI leg’emi fri mmge tmm”m ml’ or
o’h~~-cConm~t tvitieht’ ansi are mmot- so dc-liven-C.
(54 i’Fmm’tieuhmrs mit’ livmmm-mmd mmtay fr’mmmmt tinme tim mit- be ammme.ndmmd hi
lee Vm~ m mf time Ccmnnm-t. or a .Jmmdgmm,
(mh) On taxation of costs- regard sim:mli he had I-mm time pmm.rtiemmiars
midlivm.’nmmmt. hy ‘rime pimmimtl: 1ff mmmmd isv mime ml mm fmmrtm]mm nit., mind i:bmev m’m’tom’mem-’t:.i vm,lv
abm,nll not. he tmlimmim’ed attn rtmsttm 1mm respect mu unit’ pam-i i”-mnlmmr mlmmhm’m’rem] by
,lme,tm emm ~ t o mum m sennmt,iml In mmu (‘mmcli or a Jude’ ‘i hmmm,
been imrm’mve’l tin t”m have heetm reasmummaimle amid lurmmfmtmm’ witlm,’m’m’;t neg’trml to
time gemmerai costs of time ease.
34:, itt an mmmttimmmt for imm±’rimiaemmmmmmmt mit mm pmmtemtt 1:1mm itmmmmm-r mm? mm ,i’udttmm tic-sr tim,- in’mmm,,,m kmmi
m’m mm mom m tmm tppimm mtmomm mml m tnimt m p it’ m mum km nmli so
‘mmm m mm mmmlnmts \
m ‘mtmum
timmmm, inspection, en account, and imitra u5e simclt termmts amid umm’e such 1.’mct, ~m”s“hinem-I:io’mus respeet.i rig t.btmm samm:mmm amid tbme fmm’mueeemi iris, m:imerm.-mmmm, itti mimim Ccsm’mrt
“in ‘the 3 mmmlgm’ mc, mist
3E,in an action fmmr .itt:frmntzemtment. mit a. pnm.memmt mime Cmmmmrt mit’ mm. Jtmdgmm ‘m5-~m~u-is-u-,’ vati’tmmy
ems m~mtm m ilium thm ‘m mImdmm m hi mtnm ~um ~m~’ m mn’m mmm m1,mm ‘-t mmmli
mm”! ml ~mmm
Im &“~m ~ m ~ m~
certificate is given, t.hmmim imt ammi’ smmhsmm.qmmemmm: action f’sr in(rimtgemnent ibmil, ‘m’s,-, mm’
Ote p1airmt~i1l’ iii that mm.etimmmm, mutt obtaimmimtg mm finmm] or’mler m’n jmmdtnmtemmt itt
1micfm’mvtmnn, aim all mis fm ml! cmisi.s, mmln-’mI’gmms, imm’mm’i expanses as lmmml’.we,’rmt
smmhmdt.or timid client, unmbess time Cent-i, or time. ;lmmdgmm cc-i-rifles rica- he mmmmght
mmmmi. tt’u imave thmm sarmtmm.
3$. Wimere any persmuim ebmmimmmirmg ‘(mm be thu patemntmmm-m mu mum imnvem’c- ttm-”msm’c-v Sm ems’-’- sm’
mmmumm hi m nemdar
imj\eimms mm’ ‘it-, ‘a mOi’ t e’sO th~ t~mm mit o’mher s 55511
1 0 m.’mm na
I om~ ‘i mlii mint In. gtE Imm mmt emi’mme’- tim 1mm hmtmms tim mm -~pmmm mit
mis mike, m
mmtammmmfam-t.nrmm, muse, sale, cur purehasmu mmf ‘mime imnvmmrmtitmmm, mmmm perx-omm
aggrieve’] t;hercimy may bring inn mm.ettcurm amzmm.imtst lmmmut. mmcd. mmmv
mmbtainm an tujumit.: i ion against the etmntimmuance oh’ ~“-,mch
tlmm’ea (.s, timid nmtay
rcmmmmver smmcim dma mmmmmge (if any) mis rm’tav hmnvmu bmuemr simstmminmed timer-elm)’, if
i Ito. allege’] nm a.mmmu fahtmmm’e, m:mse~ smile, dr pureimase to mm’him’im rh.- rhremmtc
related st’,’ms mmcmi in feet ixmfrbmtgemmmemmt of ann’ legal rmgmmt.s of m lmc’niumm
m’mmsmhimnu sm.melm threats
hmmt thin. ,meerimmmt :mitall immit minnie if tine ncr-sort
ummmlcmg mmmcii threats witim dnne dibigemmm’c maummmmmmtmnmmex amid pnosiem’m.nt.mts ;mrm
,mctimimm fmmmm’ imtfm-inmrm’mnmemmt. suf mtis pmntmtmmt.,
I?mp m.sUr of rmm.tfrmm/s
37, (1,) Ther’e lie ke.1mt.tmt.. the i’mmi.emmi. Otlim-e mm bmum’sk t:mmitmmt] I lie ,si i’smmemamm.
llm’~stcrof Patemmt.s, wherein slmail be tmmtterem:l time mmaimme-m and mmmimit-est-’es maid, u” -12
mf g’m’mmm’mtemsmm of pa’~.emmts. rmmmtii’mc,mt.immmms of mnscimtmnmmmemmts mmmmmh of trartsnmjssimnms
of pmm.t.m’t’jt.s, mmf licenses mnmmder immmtents. amid of a.nmermmitnmemmtx, ext.emmsbomms,
amid revoeat.ions of patents, ammd mimmelm otlmer matters aiTectirtg tire
Cart-au 1-1mm-ted mStatv.tes.
validity mit’ proprietcmrslnp mu pittents a.s are fronm ti mite to time
(24 Time Register of Patents alma-il he ‘prima fade emvidermmme t,mf any
mnatters by this Act mlirmm-eted mmr amit~Immmrmsmmd to him im-mserbmml therein.
(3.) Cmmpie-s m’mf deeds, lim,’mmmses, and any ma-item docnmmmetmts afleetimig
thmm prmmpnimmtorshijm in any letters patent. nun in mt-ny licensmm them’eummder alma-il
be srmppi led ‘I mm tbtm’m Registrar imm the iu’eserilmed mnnmnner for filing imt tlte
Patent Oiiim’e-,
tSSC, Nmi, 12, smut,
nail, in of apphicatimmits amid grartta of
4~ patents amid otimer mmtnttters minCer this Part of timis Act, the fees rnen~
ticurmed imm Part, I’ mA time Third Schedule hereto, or such other fees
mm-s rita-v he ironm timmme to time prescribed Imy tI:me Uove.:n.rmom’ irm Cmmnrmmcil
mt-nd suelt tees shall ime paid into tire Public Acemmunt arid forum part of tine
Commscmi idateci Print-i,
fnmmml mu tsmmm-m,
‘m’mt- ‘i-i
39, A patent gnmu.m.tted tmu time ta-mtmi- mm-nm! first invemmton shall mmmut him
nnrahmtmteml hr mu rpphm atmmmrm mmt lnmnmmd cmi hmnm mit’ hr prttrnsmmunrl pro
tmtmmt-immit oimtrnit;eml t-lme.remmmm, mum imy ,‘tmty use om- imublicmmtimmit ~mfthmm in.vemitiimmt
stmbsemiuemmt to frmm,um.ltdent apjml immmt,timmmm dnmnimmg time, pc-rued of
‘nsemummsssmt tmur
pmmrmmmumm’r pt-u~
sm’rm~ -tim
40. A l:mmm-tktnttktmm mtmav assigmm his lmmm-t~mmt, cur grant iimmeimsmms ‘fmmr tIme
use mit tim” mmm’mn mntmmmxm lmrmmtmmm ted tlmm’im’luy, in flit sslntmlmm ‘ml \mmm ?m ‘ml ted
mum irm mm-ny specified part theremut.
1,-muss m’m~mlm’smrmmmsm.mstmm
4iL if a lmmni~mnt~is html, or miestm’miv cml, mum’ its mmomm—prmmm’iuetimmmt is
nicmtmmmmtetl him tmm th° m-m-lmm-stmmtm’mtm mu time Rmmgn’—lr-ni ibm’ flo’smmmnor mm mm
nit a-ny timne mmausmm a. dmmplicate tlmmmrmmmmf to he sCmlmmcl.
~ ma~,
38. Timere simmdi he
rmmie, s~. -mmm
na-mmtmc-mmmum mit:- mimCmsmm’
42. TIme ex.l.miimit,ion oi’ mmmi inve-tmtlott at any mmoiomai, immt..tmrenlom.mial.
<is’ is-mtmsnn.tiomat or internmm.tiommmnl exhilmitimmn Imeid at any place eit-lter lit mit out of New
mmmmt 1mm
pm’ejmmdmets pmmmmssmi
tm-nd mbechmm.remb by tine (-tovertmcmr imy nmmttee cm time (mmmamm’ttmm tmm 1mmrightS
mr-n “ irmdmmstnimmi exlmil,mitimmrt “ fm,mr tine pnrposvs itt t.lmia Act-, or t.immm pmmhhea’
lbS. smut. 4,
thin ml any mieseriptiou of thmm invention during the period nut th.e itmmldittg
cr1 time mmxlmilmitimTmmm, mit’ time mit-se mmf time immventimmn for the pitrpmmse of the
exhibition in time pit-tee wimere tine- eximibit.inmn is iteld, m,mr time mnse cm-f tinm’
invention during time imericumi mit’ thmm inmmiding of time exhibition by tiny’
jmersomm elsewhere, withont the pr-mr-ny Or etimiseni- cmt timmu inmvermtmmr, simahl limit
i’mreinnmikme time nigimt of the- i_tm veutcmr or .l’mis Iegmnl rmmpre.smmtttmmtive
to apply -fmmr and ohtainm imrmmm”isiona.l lmrmmtection ant a.. patent in re.spcet mmf
the, immvemmt-immm.m, mur the ‘vmm.himi~ty of mmny’ patem:mt grmm~rmtecl ,m t’ime mmpphcat-ioim.
subject mm-s fmuliow-s, imarmnei
(mm.) in the ease mit mtmm mmxhmiimition lmmmh’l at- mummy imlmm~emm itt Nmmw Zealammd—-fi.) Pl:me exhibit-cur shall, befmmre exhibiting tine imrvemntimmn,
give tine Registrar notice of’ his mtentiomn to do scm
(ii.) Time mmpphicatiomm fmmr mm ~mmmtent
shall him mmmimmlm’m lmctmmm-e
mmr withmht six mnmum.mths frmmmrm the dmmt,e cml time opemninmg of tine
cx In! bit-hut.
(6.) :1mm tIme mtmmstm of aim mmxl.mihit.lomm heimi at- aim)’ i.mlmm.ce omit. mmf Now
The formmgmmhtg cmmnmciitions shall mm-iso apply
lint time
({nmrm’m’mmor mrmay ex’erm:m pt, mmitimer a. imumolutelv cur cum:m mmm,ieh t’mmnrmmms
mmmi cmmuditimmmms as he thinks fit, any e.xlmihitor frcumn the
miami lea le~m.arks,
.Ncm, 140
m’mmmnmmiitimmtn of giving previous imotice to time Registrar of Inma
intemntiorn to exlrihut,
43, ‘The Registrar n-na-v at any timmue require a patmmntemm tmm ‘fmmrm’nislm £‘ower im’ rm-qaurms
fmtmmm mm ~Umm- mmmdcl id hh mmnemttmtmn on pit mmmemm4 tm-u ~ pdentt e mmf ibm nmsmtml
mm~t om thi nmammnhmcrnre of the ntodel
the amount to Ime settled mu case m~ei \o ~I smss iS
muf dis1mmmte, Ire time- flmmntroiler amid Armmht.or—Generat
44. (Id A. pmm-temmt shill rmmmt prevent -f-he- mmse of an itmve~nnt-immu for F’csmidemu i’tSieis its
the pmnrpore~oi Itme mm-ins mgi tm-eu mm! a tomeign s essel ii nthmn the j mu r diction ~m71 0 mid
mit time tmupremne Court-, or tIme misc- of an mitventnmmn in a. foreign vessel
witlnu,mm that jnmrismhctiomm~ provimiemi it is not used tlnmmreimn for cur in
emunrneetIou with the manufacture or prepa.rmrttom’n of anything intended
to immu smmim.I iii mmr mmxported frmmnm New Zeaiaim.d.
(t) ‘Ibis seetiomn shall not exteimmi to vessels of any icureigmn Stnrt-e
of whelm- time laws amnthorise snnb-jeets of such -foreignm- State., having
imatents or like prnniegmms for tiue exm’lmmsive mist-’ t’uf tie exercise- of
ummveutnons wilmirn its terra-ones, to prevent or interfere witir time misc of
smnmmb inverttious in Britislm vessels wltiim’s in the pmirtn’ of summit fmmrmmigrm
State. or 1mm the waters witlmimr time jrmrisdietimmn mmf its Ccmmmrts, where snich
urnvemmtions are not smm used ‘tmmr the rmta.ummfaeture mur lmre,pmmrati mmmi of armytim! rig int.eudeml to bmm sold in or m-mxporteml frmmmmi tine te.rriton’imus mu F smrmmin
fore,ign State.
45. (1.) Where application is made for a patent fm-mr any inmmprovmm. lmeme.nsmi<o to
mmmcmi mnm mntmrr’mmnntcnts mmr mnnnmm~tmtmmns ot mm mr ‘mud it mppi an 1mm tIm’ (limit mmmmmr
that inn ttne inure-it of time public sen ice the p utmm iii mn of time ins erntnon mmmii st-son
mmrtd of tIne nnmtn,mm,e-r in wimiciin it is to lmmm imerformnned slmomnlmi he km-mpt semmret mmcml, ~5’o,ann
a- m’e’fmmrenmce to His Majesty’s Prineipmml Seere.tary of Statmm for tine
\\Tmmr Oepmnn-muertt, time (iovernmmr ntay, with time consent mm! time iii ye rmtor,
direct time Registrar tcm piacc tine application for smmclm pmmtmmits, witim
-tIme- spmmmmifIe-mrtimma an”I t-!me drawirmgs (if arty-), and arms- an.mencimneimt muf
time spec’itlcmmt.icumn5 and army cmmupnes mit such micmcmmmrne,uts arid drmmwrmmgs, ut, mm
paeket sealed by anntltority of time Governor, atm-mi thermmupomm all proceed’
lags mu reiatmmm tmm time gt’ammt-immg of a pmmtmmnt -tm-mr time smnid Invetuticmnt shall be
(2.) At the, expiration of nine months f,rmummt time semuliitg of the said
packet, cmr army tumid-u before arm-elm ti mite, time Gmmverrmcmr rmmmny diremmt tine,
(mm,,) Tm-i deli ve~rsummit seaimmd paektmt tcm mrnny persomn m-nuthorised imy
the Governor in writing to receive it Otm- helmit-If of the
Secretary of State: or
(Ii,) To opemm iC in order that- proceedings fmur t:~negrim nt of a patent
in respect thereof may he resnm-med and timeremmpon snneh
imm’mmceeditmi~ sImall be m esummmem’I nms if i-inure itmnml been nm-i
I nnterrniptmorn tImereirm, and tire interval during which time
aforesaid packet was sealed shall not hue re,n-kotmed as any
imara ol t-ine timmme hetwemmu the umpphimmatimmmr for ii -patent mmmd
tine grantiu~~
(3.) TIme mmonmnmmm-nicmmtion of a-nv inmvenmtion for mi-UV in.m:~mi’mmvemmueut
imu ittetrmmmmmenmt-s or mmmmnitttnimms of war tmm time See-retary cml, or tmm mm-try
peraomm antInorisemi by’ Iminmn to imnvestigmnte the san-ne or time mmm er-its time.recmf,
shall nt’mt, nor shall artything done for the purposes of’ time investigation,
be deemed rrse mum’ pnnl’mhcaticmn of such ‘invention -so mt-s to prejumliee time
grant of any patent for the seine,
Couso/imiatmud Stat-ales,
(t) No persmmn- sit-all he cut-irk ml tmi cia.inn or to receive army conmper
sation imn’respmuet- mmf thmm grummnting cut mm pa.tsmnt ime-i.m-mg mlebayed hi’ re.:nsnmm-t of
the s-emmhnir-mmp timmsremuf fnur mm time imm t,ime im’mteresmt of tlu’m ~um:mh~~mm
mmonamo nsatenmi
46- Every pmmtentt grarmted under “‘Line Pmnte-nts, iiesigntsm, and Tram-Icdsommie4 pmne a
nnmrk’, \m t InmYt, Ii, torm the m m,thrnmntim ml my of Iheenm)mum onn tlmmuw mu I
Lion nd ‘mown eight hundred mmmd mmmmn$th -is men ~i he ml rt~o~1mm- m smmmsmm g mmml mm mmper ~tnontmi
°‘ °~
Tmme p mtmmmmt$, Desmg’mn-, ~iflml
Tm ‘in rim 5mks %mt \nm5ermmtnmmemnr Ant 1&C
rsu’ ~
~ slnsmii so bar i-i mt~salmmhim dm-pemrmls on ii e -iemimng 5mnd -ims natwe tbm-meof
hmm cut -time memmmme fmmrmmc and m-~ahditvmrs if it, ima,mh Imeemm scaled awl sigmmeml mmm-m
tine day mmpcmmn w,imielm it pmrrpnmrts tmm imave bmmemt semtied and dated ; end
it alma-i I mmot be imeccasar cmm’ mmmtc’rimml tmi inquire wbmether armch patent
wmms imn immet- sealed and sigmmed aim aforesaid.
IN ocmmcrmmran 0mm-ste mms,
sumsm~ms,ssms-ism mssm
47. (1.) Time Re, applie-ationm liv mn’ cmn bmmhmmif of mm-my jmersmmn
eltmmttmmn& to iue time imropmtetor nut ‘us mmcii or ormyrn ii de-ingmm minim limes mmmmnsh
~ pitbmm-Jtemi tim Xn is Zi mt unml tim-mw register the nbe~gmmunmler i It”. P mrm nut
this Act.
(2.) The afmpiicatiou ishall Ime mm-ta-dc in time fcnrmnm- mnummnluered (0) imm
the Se-cmmd Se.Iuemlmm!mu imerelim or -to time hen-u effect, am-md sitimli Ime left mmt: m,mr
scm-nt imy bmmmst tm-i the Patermt Office.
Ci) The applieatimumm sImall c-ontai im mm statement of time. mmatnnm’e. of t,he
mi.esig;m:n mind the ehmss mt-c mmhms’m-mnms cmi’ gm-mm-mm-Is iii ts limit ‘time apphcant dmmsii-es
thmmt the designm- be reusteremb.
(4.) The sammmnm desIrer mnav hmm registered imu n-more than mmmme class.
(5.1 1mm case of dmumnirt- mns tm the class iii which mm clmai.gmm ougint tmu he
registered time Registrar nra v deeidmm the question.
id a iu~~
48 11mm Regm-itrm-r mmm ~ if mne tlmmim-kis tmt n-fri-se to mcs~m-itcrmum mme’ogn
mu I\O t*B
fists sos-, to ~jm~
s-tim, mym
lNsm Stats of
tssmwn Ii o
i’mreseuted to inmmmm for cm gist m ml mm bitt amnm pet -isum mggm mom ed hr ins
sac-br refnm-sal any appeal therefr-mmnr to tine Court, mvbm-ic-hi may Imea.r tine
aptmlicammt and time Reistrar, amid mummy nm-ak,c air order dmmt.mmrmnnimmimng
wljetimer, aim-mi smmbject to nm-lmat muomnmlitiomns (if a-nv), re,gistra-tshrm is tm-i tue
49, (1.) 0mm a p~m1imm:mtim-a’m- for registration of mm desigmm the mn~ipIicmnnmt
shall I mmrnm-ib to tine Rn- gt-itrur mhe pvcsm-rmlmed nnmmnher of cm-upnemi ot dm ‘a
mgs, pimmut-ogrimplms. mar tracings of time design sm-m-flic.ienm-t-, tim- time o~mimnmoit
mu tine Ue,m4mvfm’mmr, im’m’r ermmuhh-mmg bun to imiemm’tify thin dc-sin ; or tine mmppii-
c’armt may, insteami of sum-elm copies. fririmisim exact reprc.summta.timmnm’ or spe.cirrmen,s muf time desm-gmm.
(9) ‘1 hm Rn- gn-~tmmm inns ml lie mimmmnks Itt mn’hmc’~ mmmi clrmmmtmng ~mbmotmu
graplm. tracing, rcprcsemmta-tiomm, cur s~meeintme-nsm’hm-icim km Imis cmpmnicmn is trot
scm-nimble ±mur time official recmmrmls.
bO ~1 I lime Regmstrar -shmlI mr-rant m mcrtm-hn nrc of regmmtrttron to
the prmuprm-etor of time den,igmt when registered.
(9.) Time Rcg’istrmtr rainy, 1mm case mit buss cit tim~mum’igimmmmi cen’tifimate,
or in mmny other case iii svlmicbm he de.enm-ts it expediermt, granm-t a copy or
cobmtes mit the- certifrcmm-te.
51. (1) \~lmmme .m- mlesmgmn mc registered time ‘regmsiem ed prmmprmetmur of
time tin -‘maim -ih-mlI ~mmhjnml t° time pros nmomvi ml tin-i ~\mC h ni e copvrm-glnt
in time desIgn dmmring five years from the date of registration.
Pa-tents, Designs, and J’rade-marks-
[Nm-u. 140.
(2.) Be-lore deliver on sate- of any art-ieEe-s tm-u which mn registered
design him-ms i:meen applied, time prmmprimmtor shall, if exact representatiorms or
sjmeeimrmens were itcut f;mrrtished onm- t,htm- appfieatimumm- for regist.raticmn, fmrnm-isim
to time 1-tegistra r tIn-u pi-ese-ribed mmmmnm-mtmer of exam~t representations or
speeirm-m-ens of tim-c- design. a-nm-I ii he fails tmm do so the R.cgistra.r mm-may era-se
his mtami-u frn’nm time rmsgister, mn-mid ttmerennpcmmm ins copvnaht in time descgn
small cease-.
52. Before delivery on s-ale at am-mv articles to wlmieh a regist,ei’ed ~tamtmmmig
ds-’sign has been applied time proprietor of the- designt shall cam-mse each soch mleisgoss
artieic -to be .nm-m-arkmmd witim the. ~um-’ese.ribcd
mark, ‘or witim time prescribed ms~mm, mat. mc, ,,ms~s. itS
smoid or in ord mmr mngumm dmnotmrtg Cm mu hi mEn ‘.nnrm-m- is- rm-’gi-.terenl intl if
he fm,m.iis to mb so time- copyright in time. design shall cease., armless tim-c pro.
prietmur sltows tim-at he took all pnuper ste-ps to insmm-re tim-c- mnarking cmi the
53. (1.) Dnmring the existence of copyright in a design the design ~
slum-li itot he open tm-i irmspmmmmt;immn exc.e’pt~ by the jrm’m’rpr’netsm’mr, 1-mr mm- ~mm-u~somr
m-ec,ismtsred da~mmns.
authimnissid imr writ-lag by tim-c proprietor, or a perscmmr anntbmorissd by time ibid5 semm. 59
Rcgistrmtr or by tine Court-, mm-nm-i f.urmm.isitirntm stmeim intforntm-atimm as may enable
f-lie Registrar to imhntiiy time- dm-umiignt, rmor except itt the presemmee mmf time
Regisrrm-m r or of inn officer acting nnder him, nor except on payment of
time- prescribed imme ; aiim-b time person nm-a-king tim-c imm-spmmeticmn sims-li rim-mt be
emm-titleml to take army copy of time design or of army part thereof,
t1) But where rcgist4ra-tion of a design is refused on the gronnd of with a design mm-h-early
reg-ist-crmud. time mm-ppl icant -fm-mr retmistration
shall be mm-titled to inspect time design so registered.
(3.) Whmmre tim-c. emupvright in mm- dcsigrm.,imas ceased, the desigmm alma-il he
open tmu immsjmem’t-iomm. am-mn-i copies tincremif imnmmy be- smmpphemi to army person
mum- payment of time prescribed fee.
54. On the rerjnmest cmi’ ammy pet-sm-mn prmmmhimming mm partiemm Imm-r dc-sign. imaimm-smmmuon as
togetlmem’ with it-s immark of’ rmm-gistratimun, cmi’ prodneimmg mmmm-hy its nm-ark a]- no exkmsomm-oe of
0 gNtm mtmon or immrnm-~bmnrrsue it mniortn’m-tm-mmn i in us ~mr’nbie
the Registrar 1rr4tm
teidemutify the design. arid on pa~nrentof the presc’ribem-b fee, the i-tegis. am
Gmtm-ar shall int’ormnm sm-aIm pe-rsnmim whmetlmer the registration still exists in
nespect of smmelm design, and, if so, in respect of wimat class or classes of
gmmods. mm-mid st~a-timtg also tIme date of registration am-rd the mmamne a-nd
address of time registered proprietor.
55, If a registered dcsigmm- is used in rnammmmhnctnnrc in any foreign Ce~s,of oops-tilgimt
coantm s mu I ms mm-cut u~e3, mu Nm-mm /emlarmd mm tim-mm six rmm-omm-tlns of mn-i regis us cm rtsums evn-mmt’.
trmntion jim- New Zealammd, the copyright in tim-c designs sim-ali cease,
TWit see.
55 (1 1 Timm rc shall be kn-pn at tine P tm-emit Office a book called the f’-m-s-sccr a’ Dos-a’
Rea-ister of Dcsignm-s, wherein shah he entered tine names and addresses ins, s-st s-s
of proprietors of registered designs, mm-mmtifteations of assignmtm-ents mm-nd of
transmmm-issir nm-s muf m’egistered desigrms. aim-mi a-nm-c-hi other mm-matters as may ‘(i’m-n-nmti nine to tune be prescribed,
(2..~) Time Register of Designs shall be pm-tutu fade evimienee of any
mmtattem’s liv tlmis Act dire-ct-em-I or mm-mmtlm-orised to he entered therein.
57, Im-ere shall be paid hr respect of applications amm-d registration n,~on registi-anion,
arm-mi oilier nmmntters mmrmm-ier tim-is Pamt ml tim-is Act the fees nummrmt,im-mned in ~
Part Ii cmi’ the Timird Sche-dmm-le hereto, or snuck mmt)ner fees mm-s nm-mm>’ be h’murn ibid, soc. 05
time tm-i tirm-te preacnimemi by time Governor hr Council ; amid. sm-wit fees small
be pm-mid im-mto tIme Pmnlulie Aeem’mmnnt am-iml form-mm part- cml the Consolidated
Sximibitiosu mmm iii mIss,,mi ce ma s-r4nm-monsm
mn,hmbmfmmmmm helmi mi- ‘mm-ms imi’m-m
58. TIm-c exhibition at mm-mm-v coioniai. intercoiormiat or intermm-atiommai
mmm at out mit Nesn 7cm-I’m-mid, anmb den- la-rem-b hi
ma-event, ma- invalislat.e the ttcuvernor, liv nmm-mtmimcat-momm3 in time C em-e#e, to be a-mt
mm-mn-bnm-st-na-i ex~
n m- s’ntmomm
hml m-tm-on ton the plmm-pcwe~of t m-ms tmst t n’r the exhmbntmom-m elsems here cburnmmsr
mssu, ~
~**~m-~ -time ~mertod.
cmi’ tine lmcmldim-g cmi’ time ekhiluitimumm, winimumm-t nlme prim-’it’ or cmi—
sent of time prcmpnetor, of mm- desigmm, or of a.mmy mmrtiele to whim-tim a- desigmm is
applied, or tim-mm mm-bheation dmmrhmg the hoiding of mm-ny smm-ch exhibition
of a description of a- dc-sign, simall mmcmi’ prevent the design from-mm being
registered, or km-validate time regist-ratiomm thereof, snmbjen-mi- as follows,
(a.) 1mm tine- ease cmi’ a-rn exhibition imeld at. army via-ce in New Zealand—
fi.) The eximibit-or shalt, before eximibiting time desigmm or
a-rtieic, cmi’ pmmluhslmtmmg a- ciesermpt~ionmof time desigmm. give tim-c
Registrar notice of tm-is immterntiomm to do so ; amid
(ii.) TIme application far registration shall he nm-ade before
on mntlm-nm six nmcmnmtims fm-cnn-nm- the date~of time ccpermimmg of time
(b~)1mm time. ease of an exhilmitiom-s held a-t am-my’ 1daee om-it-’ of New
Time foregoing conditions shall also apply ; bmm-t time
Goverimor nm-may- exempt. eit}me-n absm-mim-m-telv or upon such termm-m-s
and corm-dit im-mmm-s as he tim-in ks fit, mm-m-m-y cxliiimitmum’ froiim- time
condition of giving pnevhmus notice tn-~m the Registrar of tm-is
intentiomm- to exhimm-t.
,txtmmtauosm i~om-to
Isa-salt’, m~
of regisneremi datgrm.
.m-ct1ma-~for damsuems.
ibid. mm,a-s, usm-
,, ,
Legal Proeeeci’immqs.
59 (I I During I In mm-is-tn- mmmi mmi ojmm rmghm me mnm- mis ‘sign mm ~.hm11
not be lawl’m-m-l for a-nv person,--—
(mu) Witlmommt timm’ bleemmse or written e-onsem-mm- of time registered 1mm-uprietor, to mm~mply n-mr ca-nm-se- to be mmpphecb such desigmm or a-nv
frmnm-m-n-bm-m-tcm-m-t or ohviomms immmitation tlmerecu-f, km time cia-as or classes
mit gm-mom-is nm- which mmcli cbesign is registered, In-mr purposes n-ui
sale to mm-my article of’ nmanmmiacture or to am-my snhstm-m-m-mce, mm-rbfm-ciab or mm-atm-ink or partly artm-iicmiai and partly- natmmra.i tm-or
(6,) Tm-u palm-fish cmr expose for safe amy article. n-il mnaimafmn-ctune mm-i’ am-my
snbstanee to which such design or any framm-du1cm-mt or obvious
um-mitatiomm thereof is so -appimecL kmmm-mwhmg 1.1mm-ut time same imas
been so applied without tim-c consent of time registered primpnietor.
(2.) }vm-m-ry personm- wIm-n-m acts in breach mm’ this section its liable ion
every offence to forfeit a- sum-n not exceeding fifty pounds to tb--c registiered propniet-or of time design. who may necmmvcr smm-eh snnmmm iii a sum- mm-m-nmar
way’ a-s mm- simple contract detut by act-icmri in any Comm-mt nil conm-petent
jurisd ~cticmn
Provided that time total sum forfeited in m-cspect mm-f army one design
simali mm-ot exceed curie bittndred pcmum-nds.
60. Ncutwitlmsta-mmding tIme remedy givenm by tim-is Act for the recovery
m-mf sm-m.clm- pmm-mm-mmity as a-foresaid, tim-c registmcrmmcb ~mnmmi’mr
tsmr cmi’ mn-my mbesigrm .rnm.mny-,
if hmc elects to do a-mm, bmrirm-g an actiorm for time recovery of a-mm-)’ danm-mm-ges
anisimmg ‘(i’m-mm time apphe.atiom-m of airy such design, cmi’ of mm-nv franmcbmmlem-mt or
olmvionns mtmm-t-icmmm- tIm-emn-mof in-mr the lmmmrlmose cuf sale, tcm mmuy mmrtim-tie m-mf rim-minim—
facture or substance, or from the publication~,,sale, or exposure for sale
Paterns, Desiq-.m-ms, a-n-mt Trade—marks.
Lu)’ mm-ny perscmri of mm-ny’ article cur smmlmstance tm-u whimmin sn-main army
fraudulent or obvious im-mmitat-ion thereof is so applied, sucim person k-nomm’ing
tlmat tIme proprietor Iimmd not gin-mm his ccnrmsem-mt tm-u such appliem-m-tiom-m.
61. The mm-nm-tim-n-mr n-mi mm-nv mm-ew or orm-mnnaI design shall be ccmnsidered Vnmprmmmmor
time pncupnietom tim-ereof, umm-less lie executed tim-c- work on beimali of mmmmotlm-em detm,meml.
1559 No 1’-’
Emerson hr a- good or valn-m-aimie enmnmm,ndex-mm-t.m-onm-, mm wliieh ease such 1mersn-mmm
shall lme- ccmnsidered the prcmrmm--rcton ; a--m-md every permmom-m acqnm-iming for agood or vaim-mable com-msidm~nation a m-m-ew mm-nd. original desigm-m-, cmr the riglmt
to apply the sarmme to am-ny munch article or snn’lmsta mm-ce a-s, citinen
exclusively of any other person or otherwise, and a-iso every- person on
whom the prn-m~mertykm such design mr such riglmt tm’u ti-ic ai-mimiicaticnm tlm-emcof
de-voives, simm-ti! be com-m-sidered the proprietor of time design km time respect
im-m- whiein time sm-m-mm-me nmmm-y have been so acquired. am-md to tim-at extent, bm-m-t
nut oth.ctrwismt.
am-ma-mm-a-a si-s.
Re-gist--rrm-t-km--rn o/ Tradmm-ma-t-ks,
62. (1.) ‘Pine Regmslrmmr nm-may, cam a.ppiieatimmn by cur con behmmlf mmf army Am-srlioatksn fmmm’
person cia-inning to he time proprietor of a trade-nm-mark, register tim-c trade- nsm-r&Immmm.
(2.) The appbieatiom-m shall be inn tim-c icmmrn nmmnm-m-bered (7) in tim-c
Seeommd S-eimedm-m-ic- Imemeto, or in sum-elm- otim-er form-n as is from tim-ne to tinm-e
preserilmed, am-md simali ime left mmt cm-v scm-mt Ims’- pmmst to time Patermt Office,
(34 Time a-jmplication sbmmll be- mmcconmpa-nied by not less tim-am-i km-mr
represe-nta-f-im-m-ns muf time trade--m-mmark, or sum-elm otimer mm-nm-mm-her as is from-mm tim-mm-c
to tim-m-me prescribed, arm-n-i slit-ill state the i~ma-mtsem-m1mnr goods or classes cmi
goods in connection with which the applicant desires the trade-nm-ark to
be- registered.
(44 Time }t-egistmm-nm may, if he timinks fit, .refm,m,se to register a tmadennark, but sum-elm reimm-sa-i shall he subject to appe-a-i to time Gourt, wlm-Ich
mm-may lm-ear the applica-mnt anml the Registrar, and mnay make an order
determim-ming whether, am-md sm-m-hject tn-i what commmlitiom-ms (if mummy), registration
is to he permitted.
(5.) Wimem-e a-mm applicant for time re-gistratiom-m of a trmm-de-mm-mamk is nm-nt
of New Zealand at tIne tim-ne of .nmalcing the application, lie aim-all give the
Registrar am-m- address for service imm- New Zealand, am-md if be faiis to do so
-tine apphemm-tion shall rm-cmt bus proceeded wit}m n-m-ntii the acidress is given.
63. Where registration of a trade- mm-mark is not completed within LinUm of trne icr
twelve inn-mm-mm-ins iromm-m time date of the application, lmy reason u-f mlelam-mlt cam Xm~5Ymut-1t
tine part of the a-ppiiemmmmt, the Registrar s.ha-ll give notice of the non-’ Pa-C.
conm-pletimmm-m to the agent em-npioyeci on belmaif of time- applicant and, if
at time expima-ticum-m- of lomi.rteenm days from-nm tim-m-mt mm-otiee the megistraticum- is
riot crmmpl.eted, a-ha.-Il give the bk-c notice to the applicant; and, ii a-t time
expiratiom-m of tine batter fmmurtecnm days, or such fm-ittItem’ time as the Registar may hi special eases pemnm-it, the registration is no-t co.nm-pleten-I, tine
applicatiom-m simail be deem-mm-em-i to be a’bandom-m-ed.
$4. (1.) Fmmr time purposes of this Act mm trade—mm-mark shall ccmm-msist Conditba--ma el
m)1 or en-nm-ta-inn mt least cmnm-e cmi tim-c following e-ssentimm-l partiennlmmrs
(cm-.) ‘Pine m-ma--mm-m-e of mci inch victim-al or fimmnm- 1mrinted, im-mm-pressed, n-mr woven Ilmid, eov~‘70
in sm-mimic pmnm’ticnnlar mmnm-mi distinctive nm-aim-nm-er ; or
Co-n-so/ida-ted Statutes.
(6.) A written sigmma-tnnre or ccmpy cmi a- writtem-m signma-tnne cmi time
ci modern~m-rken-tb good”-
nsa-nm xc.
im-mdivmcim-mm-ml or firm-mm appiyinm-g fcmr registration tinereof as a
trade-mm-mark ; or
(c.) A distim-m-etivcm- device, mm-ma-rh, brmmnd, Inca-dim-mg, labeL m-mr ticket- ; n-mr
(m/) Arm im-mvermtemi word mm-r words ; cmr
(cm-.) A worn-i ma-vim-mg m-mo ret’ercmmmce to the m-timmm-ra-ctter n-mn qmm-mmlity of the
goods, am-md m-m-ot beim-m-g a geogrmmplm-iea-i nm-am-mm-c.
(2,) Tim rmm m-mm-a-y lmn-u added -to army n-mm-me mum--’ mm-morn-u mmf tIme essential par—
tiem-nla-rs m-nm-cntiom-med mm- this sccticmm-m a-nv letters, words, cmr fignmre-s. m-mr comm-u-’
imimma-ticmmm of icm--tt-ersi, words, or figmmmcis, n-mr cm-f mm-ny of tlnemn bm-m-t time mmppllemmnt
(or registra-t:in-mm-m cmf a--nv sun-tin mm-dn-titin-mnmmi nm-matter shall stat-c im-m his appliea—
tiom-m the essem-mtial imarticnm-ia-rs of time trmncic— nm-mark, ,m\nd n-dma-ti disclaim-mm im-m
Imis mqmplm-catiom-m am-my right tn-u time exe-im-m-sive mm-se mm-f time added nm-matter n-mm-md a
copy~cmi time a-tn-mt-em-mm-em-nt- and n-ha-claim-mm-er shall be added n-mmm- tim-c register.
(3.) A personm- m-m-eed mm-cut nm-mde.m tim-is section disclaim-mm- mis ownm m-m-a-me
n-mm the icmreigrm emiumivaienmt, t-herecmf, cm-v Imis place n-mf hnmsimm-css, 1mm-mt m-m-m’m emmtry
of am-mv sum-mit m-mmmm-m-ne a-mail mm-fleet tine rigimt of am-my cmwnncmr n-mi the smnm-m-me> nm-mm-m-m:ne
-tcm use- that mm-arm-me or time t’cum-’n-uigm-m eqmmi’valent tim-cm-men-ui.
(4,) Am-u-’ spr-cimil am-md dmstnmmem--ive word. m’m-r worn-Jim-, lettc-r, figure, on
en-mm-nm-him-mat-ion cm-f letters cur figum-rn-m-s or cmi letters a-nm-cl figures~used ,ms mm- tradenm-nm-rIm- be-fore I lie- first dm-uy n-~lJam-mm-many’, cm-mm-c timom-msann-l eight lmmmnmdrcd mm-nd
m-minn-mty (being tine n-immte n-d tine mim.’mm-nimug im-mtn-m opera-iion of Time Pam-n-n-mm-ta,
Designs, am-md Trade—marks Act, 1889”), m-m-m-imv bum-- registered a-s a-- trademm-mark mm-mm-den ibm-ia Part- of this, An-mt.
$5. A tram-Ic-mn-na-rh sim-ail ime rn-m-gist-n-mred tn-mr pmmrtiemm-lmmr goon-is or cia-a-semi
of goods.
bb. (i.) A- tracln-m--m-nnmm-m-’k En-mr a-rtmhema-l mnaammmnes mm-m-am-mm.nhnctm-mm-’ed mmm New
Zealand simmmil not he registcm-recl unless mmceom-mmpanied by mm elm-em-mm-ica-i
am-malysis aei,t-im-mg in-mm-tIm- -time eom-mmjmn-mm-mem-mt pamts n-u-f time suhsm-mm-mmee cml smmcim-
by analnnm.
mm -m- ~1,
(2) Every mum-oh ,mna-lvsm-c shall he m-n u rntm-na mm-macfe by a onm-petc’nt
<mm-nob 1mm si elm-em-mm-mat, inn-I <mm-gm-med 1mm- 1mm-mm ct’m-tnm-g miter I m’-. sm-gm-ma-tim-me 1mm-s
qnm-allfications a-s sucim chemist, am-mci mis sigm-m-atn-mre tim-emeto sim-ab be mmttcnsted
by at least one witness.
(3.) A ccr~imy n-if sun-ui mmm-nahysia shall, before sale or exim-ortmmtin-mm-m, be
a-e<-ot,emmot, am- ,,
~euin of t~rmm-t,
bmdorsed om-m or aflIxeci to every hag, box, or otiner pa~rceiof tine nm-am-mute
to which smm- elm trmmd.e.m-mmamk. is mm-tn-tim-elm-em-i, mm-nd aim-all be cIcucnmcd to form-mm
pmmrt of sn-neh tm-an-Ic- nm-mark.
67. (1.) Wlmere mm- person damming to lie the lmrcmiur~etorcuf several
t-rmm-n-ie-m-mmmmrks which, while mesermmbiim-mg each otimcr km time mrimm-teriai tm-artm-cnmiars t im-erecul s em- n-biter m-n re’qm-en-.t cml—
(n-n) ‘Time stcm-iienmem-mt of tim-c- goods fn-mr wimicim timey am-mn-u respn-uctiveiy
n-in-med or prn-mposen-i tm’ lie ca-en-I ; cur
(6.) Statenments of nm-trim-hers; or
(e$ Statem-mm-ents cmf iurm-ee ; or
(d.) S-tatem-oem-mt-s of quality- ; or
(n-t) Statenme-nts of miam-mm-es of places,—-seeks tn-m rn-m-gistem smm-eim- trade—m-m-mmmrks, timey mm-mm-ny he rem--sistered as a smum--ies im-m
om-me registration.
(2-.) A series of trade-—nm-marks small he assignable am-mn-] tram-u sm-nm-isa-i hieom-miy as a wimole, Imo t for all other pmm-m-’poses each of the trade-mn-marks en-mum-posing a series shall be deem-ned and treated as registered separately.
L/n-m-siozus, a--nd Trade—marks-
[No. 140
68. A. trade-mm-irk may be registn-mrmun-l jim mm-nm)’ e-olonn-r n-mr ecmion-nrs, a-mm-n-I ‘r m-m,-~mz~m-ms~c&y he
snncin registration simall, smmhject to time provisiomms of tim-is Act, eom-m-fer on ,w~a-m-m’red ia
tim-c- iegintcmren-1 owm-mem the ex-elnisiv-c niglmt to mm-se time sm-mm-mm-c fm-u tim-at n-mr am-my ~
v’ e” <acm-timer colon-mr n-mr ecmtom-m-rn-m,
69~Every am-m-piieation in-mr registrm-m-tin-mn of mm- trade-mm-mark aim-mm-il, a-s ~mcmcormme,,,m,,,,t
m’~ m-mmmn hm mttem mis n’umpm-. lit <mm-1meiti~edhi the Pm m~Ntr,n-rmmm thm sm~mimc~n--m-’~ul
Gaz-e-tte, utile-a-s time Registrar refm-mses to em-m-tcrt-ain the mm-pplicmation.
m-b~mm-, ~m’<.
70- (1.) Wit-him-m two m-mmom-mths, or a-nm-elm fnnrtimer tim-mm-c a-s the Registrmmm OppoOmin~ito
allows, oftime an-lvertisem-m-me-m-m-t cml tim-c- applicat in-mm-n, am-my’ persn-mnn m-m-m-mm-y give mm-cmtie-e tog,M-tation.
im-m- dmmplic-ate at time Patent Office of opposition to time registration of time ~ ~ ‘78
trmmn-ie-mmmark, am-mn-I time Registrar shall seim-d n-mm-me copy of such m-mo-tiecm- to the
(2.) Withinm two nmontbs after receipt of a-nm-elm notice, or sm-m-eim- fnmrtlmer
tim-mm-n-u a-s time Registrmm-r mmiIn-mws, time applieamnt rnmm-y send to time ‘Rcgistrmmm’
a- en-uun-ntn--m-m-statcm-n-mem-m-t in dnm iuhn-a-mtc cm-f tim-c gron-m-m-m-ds n-un wlmieim- Inc relies in-mr
his mm~mplieation,mm-mm-cl ii inc does not do so simall be deem-mm-ed tn-u im-ave mmiuam-mdom-men-i tm-is applicatin-m-rm.
(3.) If tine applicant sends such eonmnte-r-statenm-ent, the Registrar
shall fmmrnmisin a- doily timeren-ul tn-i time pcrsom-m mvimcm- gavn-u notice of oppn-msitiom-m,
a-tm-ti simmm-il~. aft-em lmeamimmg time appliemm-mmt arm-n-i the oppom-m-em-m-t if so meqmmircd,
decide wimetber tim-c tm--a-dc- n-na-rim- is to he registered; but his decision shall
he sn-mim-jeet tn-m mmppn-mal tn-u tim-c Comm-nt, wimo slm-aii imca-r tim-c appeal, am-md after
Imearing time mnppim-n-ta-mmt am-mn-i tim-c oppom-mcm-m- t, am-md tim-c Registmmtr, m-nmay mm-make
a-n omn-ler deterniim-ming wimetlm-er, mm-nd subject to what conditions (if am-my).
regisima-tin-mm-i is to be 1mtm-rm-m-mitted.
(4.) if time applicant aham-m-dom-m-s his application alter m-motice of
oympmmsition mm pm-mm-sm-mm-mm-mn-me of tim-is see-tin-mm-m-, im-e- aim-all be liable to pm-my to the
(mimpomment a-nm-elm- mxma-tsmn resimen-mt of time cm ppositiom-m as time Registrar
detemn-mim-mes to he reasonable.
(Fm.) Where tine opponent is out of Nn-m-w Zcualmm-nml, lm-e aim-all give the
Registrar a-n address for service- in )4e-w Zn-u-a-lam-mn-i.
71,- A trade-m-mmark wlmen registered small he assigm-men-l am-nd tram-ma-- a-,,~ir,in,,mt‘c’0
nm-mitt-en-i cmm-miy in eonmmcctiom-m witim the gon-mm-lwili n-mi tine boa-fm-mess com-meerned_ t-ramm-mmsim-coo onin the pa-nm-mn- n-n-lint gon-mds or m lasma~mon goods fom- a inn--h mt is rn-ugm-stcred and Oc’
aim nlI he dn-’tennm-nm-mabm-e aith tlmmmt gn-modms nil
72, \-V he-re emm-ebm cm-f scm-tm-ma-I imersons claim-mm-s n--cm be register—un-i as pro- Coitftmcm-itmg em-tm-n-mB to
prietom of time sam-ne tmmm-n-le-m-m-ma-rk, time Registrar tm-nay refuse to register ammy rca-ten-ram--manof tim-em-nm until tim-em rights lmmnve bn-n-emm min-m-termniiimed um-ccmmm-dimmg to law, mmd ~ en. 75
tim-c iegistra-r m-mm-mny im-in-n-m-se.i I’ a-mm-him-mm-mt n-mr rn-mqm-mire tim-n-u claim-mm-am-its to submit
their rights to the Conm-rt.
73. (1.) Except maim-crc time Ccmnmrt immm-s n-hem-mm-den-I that two or m-nore Ree,-m,,tio~
persons are entitled to be registered a-s proprietors of the sam-mm-c trade- rovietn~ioa.
nnark, the Registrar ama-li not register in reapeet- of tim-c samm-mc goon-Is or m-ta-m-~ ~m’o.
de-scmipt.iomm- tm-f goon-Is mm trmm-de-m-mm-mnrk in-lenm-tieal witim n-mm-me already om-m -time
register iv inn respect to sm-n-c-li gon-un-ls n-mm n-Icuscm-mipticum-m cut gm-mn-ida-.
(2.) Except as a--iore-~-~-+mid, the Registrar simall not register with
mespeet tm-u tim-tm- a-mm-mm-me goon-Is n-mr n-lesm-mriimtioxm- of goods mm- trmmde-imm-anlu
lm-a-vimmg, a-nm-elm rca-c nm-niulamm-cn-m- to mm tmade—m-m-nark already om-m tim-c register
witin rcsimcot tn-u suelm goon-Is or deseniptmn-m-m-m- of goods as to be ca-km-nm-Ia-ten-I
to deceive.
,74. It shall not be ia-wfmnl to regm-ster as part of or in combination sum-sr re~trietm-on
with. a trade-mark a-ny -words time use of which would, by reasom-i of their °~
Cn-rn-sn-u M a ted Stat mites.
bcim-mg vaicmnlmmtcd to deceive n-mr otIm-erwise~be deem-mm-em-I m--hscn-mtitie-n-l tn-u pro~
tectin-mn im-m mm On-murt of jn-n-a-tie; n-mr any semmm-n-daln-um-ms de-sigrm-.
Eon-ny atm- regifler mm-m75. (1.) Notimimmg irm tim-ia- Act shall prevent time Registrar cmmtcrimmg
r’nut,mon morn-c ~
n-mm-i tim-n-u memsister in time prescribed mm-ma-mm-mm-er, mm-mm-n-i snm-hject tn-i tim-c- pmescmihecl
addim-JoaB to m-racmn~,:
n-tom-m-n-Im-tmonm-s, as mm-n m-mdn-imtmn-um-m to mm-ny- trade-nm-ark,----isa-c, mo.. em-. en. am
(cm-.) 1mm- tim-tm- ca-sc cm-f an appiieatiom-m in-mr rn-ug-is+ratiom-m n-mi mm tradmm-m-mm-a-rk
used before the first day of January, one thom-ma-a-nd eight
hundred a-mm-n-i mm-immen-y (bm’immg tim-c- n-late of tim-c cm-ou:m-imm-g mm-tn-i
operatiomm- of “Time Pat-cm-mis, Desigus~and Trade.-m-mm-arks Act,
1889 “),—
Am-my d~stm-netiven-la-vice, m-rm-a-rk, bra-nm-n-i, imn-m-a-n-hm-m-g, lmmbel, ticket,
letter, wn-mrd, or fign-mre, n-mr en-m-m-mm-birma-tiom-m of letters, words, cit
Iigmmrc-s, t:imn-m-u.gim time sam-mm-c is en-mm-mm mm-mon to time tmmm-dn-u imm- time wun-mds
witIm- respect> tn-m wimicim time &mpplme-atmn-mn-m- is tm-macic
(b.) mm time- case. cm-f s-nm mmpphcation fur registraticum-m- of a trade—nm-ark
m-mot mm-a-cd be-fume tim-c date a-lmm-mesamd,—
Am-my distim-mctive word n-mr eonmbinm-mtin-umm of words, timougim
tim-c a-arm-ne is’ comm-mm-norm- to t-lm-n-t trade 1mm tim-n-u gn-m-n-m-da witlm- m’m-uspen-:t
to which tin-c appiicat-iom-m- is m-mm-an-le.
(2.) The- applicant ton’ megia-tmatiomm- n-if army ammcim adn-iition aim-all sta-tm-min his applmca-tiom-n- tim-c cssen-ntimml pa-rtkuhm--ns n-mi time trade-mark, a--nm-n-i simmmi.i
disdain-mm mm-n Im-is a-pplicatiom-m a-ny- rigimt to the cxclm-m-sive use of time a-n-In-led
m-m-m-a-tter, and a- en-m-py n-mi the atmmtemmmemmt mm-mm-n-i ci isciaim-mmn-mm simm-nil Ime em-mt-em-md ommthe register.
(3.) Em-mt a- pemsoim n-nec-n-I mmot mm-nm-den tim-ia- section discin-im-mm- im-is m-ma-immc or
time foreigm-m cqn-mivmmlcmmt tim-era-n-mi, n-mr imis im-laes mm-f busimmess, 1mm-mt mmcm- em-m-try tm-f
mmm-my sm-wIn mm-am-mm-c aim-all affect time rigimt of am-my owm-m-cr of tim-c-m smm-nm-c na-mime to
use tim-at nm-aim-me or’ time -fn-mreigm-m equivalent timer-un-if.
(4.) Any device, mark, tm-tam-mn-I, imeadimig, label, ticket, letter, word,
figure, cm-n comm-thin-nation of letters, words, n-mm figmmm-cs wlmieim- we-re bc-fore tim-c
n-late ain-m-resain-I publicly mm-stun-I by mm-mn-ire thmmm-m tIm-rect im-crsn-~m-m-m-s omm- tine a-amm-me or
mm sinm-ila-r dcscniptiom-m n-ut gn-uon-ls aim-a-Il, fm-mr time. Tm-mm-rim-n-ma-es n-mi tim-is seetin-m-m-m-. lie
n-Ieen-m-med cn-mmmm-m-nn-mn-m to time trmm-de imm such gn-m-n-m-n-1a.
-. -
- -
- - -
B/lea o/ Ren-jjsn-rmm-t-iomn-,
76. Applimm-m-mticm-mm, -fcur rn-ugisttmm-tin-m-m-m- of a tma-de~m-mma--rk aim-a-Il bim- n-Ieem-mm-ed
remm-et~ratienocm-m-tic~ tn-i be eqmmmvalen-m--t tn-u immibhc mm-se of time tm-an-Ic-nm-mm-rh.
77 i’lnc m-cgmomrmm-m-tm-mm tm-I mm- pn-rst’m-n- ‘n-’- prn-m-pm-u tm-mr ol t mr’nd mm-m- mmli
- -
m-ae of tnde-rnark.
Ibid, tm-ac. 53
n-mi—mm-Il lie pm--a--mm-u: /acm-i-e n-uvm-cleimec 0-i 1mm-s mmgim-t tn-m rim-c n-m-xcmlmm-mm-m-vc use n-mt the
mrk, a-nil sh nil
mitcr tin-c m- cvidem-m-ce
\pmm-ai mn-mm-I of01 his
Iii m- tea-ms tmonm tt,e date
of mdc
be conclusive
right to the exclusive
mm-se of time tmacle-n-mm-arin-, smmbject to tine pmn-m-visions of this An-mt.
78. (1.) A pemsn-m-mm sIma-ll m-mn-ut be em-mtitied tn-m im-m-stitmn-tn-m- any proceed
ecm--ions for tan-nna-e- in-mg to pm-tn-rem-mt n-mr to tcecuvet dam-mm-ages for time imm-iringcnm-c-m-mt of a maderertama creamflea-, ear. 8$
~ m-mmmm-rk unless, mm-n tIme cmnsa of mm trade-- m-nm-amk cmmpabln-m- tm-i beim-mg mm-mgi stern-md
umm-d n-un tim-is Act-, it 1mm-ms iueemm- register-mn-I imm- pn-mrsuann-m-e mm-f tim-ia-Act n-mr cm-f
swim-me remuca-len-I Act 1mm-rn-mm-mn-ny im-m 1cm-roe for like pn-mrpases. or, in-u time cmm-sc of
army other trmmde-mmmmm-r.k hm use bn-ufiurcu time. on-minim-mg am-I-n-u opermm-m ion-n mm-f -tim-is.
Act, megist-ratiom-m there-of n-n-m-m-der tIn-is Part- of tim-is Act n-mr of sn-mcmim rtupemmlen-I
Act Tm-as Im-eem-m mefn-msed.
(2.) The Registmam nm-may onm meqmmest, am-md cm-mm- payn-m-meimt n-if tim-mm- pm-c
semiiumm-n-i fe-c, gram-mt mm eertilieimtcm tin-at mum-n-tim registrat-in-mm-m tm-mm-a becm-m- refmmsen-i,
pmm-tents, i)es-ig-u-s, a--rut Tradcm—-rnarks.
[No. i4:O-
(3.~mm- mi~m-m mn-ctin-um-m in-mm im-mirimm-genmem-m-t of mm tegisteten-I t-tm;n-in-m-m-mm-mmnk thn-m- n->mrmmm-flata
(‘aim-ri n-mr mm in lm~ethem-n-cm-I mu im m emmmh timat tim-i m- mglm-t to tm-mn-b m- \n- imm-’~m-m-n-’ mm~e
of tin-c trade--mm-mark em-mm-mm-c tim- qmmmustin-umm-, mm-mm-n-I if sm-nm-n-Am ee-m-tifieate- is givenm, tlimem-min-n mmmm-y si-i iummcmm-jm-n-’m-mt mmctioim- fun-’ im-m-imimm-geim-m-em-mt tim-ct im-ia--inm-tiff im-m- tIm-at an-mtionm,
tm-mm a 11mm-a-i order or jn-n-n-ign-m-me-mm-t ut his favour, mAma-il }nmn-vn-u imis fm-ill
c-oats, elma--rges, mmm-m-d exim-cmm-scs mm-s Im-etwcn-mmn- solicitor am-mn-I cm-Iiemmt, nm-mm-lea-a tim-c
Comm-mt n-cr Judge cemtifin-ms tim-at 1mm-u ought mmot to tm-ave tim-c sm-mm-mm-cm.
as to
Register n-if Trmm-de--m-mumrks.
79. (1.) Timn-ure shall bmt kept at tim-cu Pa-tn-mm-mt Office mm book em-n-fled m-n-ogOn-er of
time Register n-mi Tra-de-m-m-m-arks, whereimm- aim-a-li tue mum-mteme.d time m-mam-m-mcs mmm-md ‘mntde-ntarm-~’~
addmess~n-s of proprietors of register-un-i trade-mm-marks, mm-otifm-eations of m-a-’m-m-m- No. nm-, era- n-tm-’.
mm--ssignmm-m-emmts mm-n-md of tra--im-snm-issin-mm-ma- of tmmmdn-m-- n-nm-mm-tin-a, mmrmd smm-cim otim-er
m-mmmmttem’s as mime tim-mm-c -tn-m tim-mm-u- im-rescrilm-en-I,
~I lime Rcgm-etr m-r a-limit grm-m-n-r m n-ertn-tim itt’ n-mt m-egi’ctratncm-m-m- tn-m tb-u n-mrm-~m-, at, ama-p1m-lica-nm-n in-mr the- registmatin-m-m-m- of mm trade—n-nm-ark, wim-enm- regia-tcrcn-i, witim-n-mmmt ragman-macon.
hm-mtlm-em hum-i tim-a-mm time registtmmtin-m-nm l.a-n-u.
(3.) A en-upy n-mr cln-n-piic-ate n-if m-m-n-n-y ma-ma-n-Am certificate rn-n-mm- lu-u issn-n-emi by
tim-c- Registrar frn-um-mm tim-m-n-c tn-u tim-mm--u to am-my jm-e-msm-im-m- a-ppi5 mm-mg in-it tim-u sam-n-mc’~ ommpa-vim-ma-nt n-uI. time ptescti.hen-i fm-me.
80. (IS) At a tim-mm-c mm-cit less tim-mm-nm two m-nm-n-umm-tin-a- mn-n-mr m-m-m- ore tim-mm-mm- three m-n-erm-m-m-wam- m-,m- n-roaram-cm-mm-tim-s Imein-ure-- tim-n-u expimmmtin-m-m-m of fcm-m-m-rteemm- vemm-rs from-mm tlm-.i-m n-tat-c of t-im-e
m-om-m- pam-d.
rn-’gtstr mtm-n-mn-m n-mt i tram-la- mm-mark time Rn-’gm-etr mr
m-m-n-m-tmm- e tn-m- time reg~s thOm- at Sm-,
term-md proprietor tl-mmmt the trade- n-mm-ark will im-e rem-mm-n-item--I frn-m-mmm- time megiatmum
tn-mm-less tim-tm pm’m-m-ptietn-m-r tm-mmr to time Rn-m-gistrmm-n before tim-tm n-mi sun-Am
fommrtmm-en yennra (mm-am-mm-in-mg the datn-m at wIm-ieim tim--u sam-mm-c wilt expire) tim--u
pmccseriinud fm-me ; mm-n-mn-I if smm-mmim in-ic is mm-n-ut pmevin-m-m-m-sly im-aid ime sim-ail, at the
expi:ratimin-n- of mm-n-n-c mn-n-cm-nm-tim- frn-m-im-n- tim-tm n-late cm-f the givim-mg of the first mm-otin-me.
send a seen-inn-i nmn-utiee tn-u tin-c a-mm-n-mm-c eii’n-met.
(2.) Ii a-mm-ohm- km-tm- is mm-n-ut 1mmmid im-efom’mm- time expirmm-tin-m-mm n-ui a-nm-cit fn-m-m-m-ttsemmycmm-:m-’a-, tIm-c Rmugtstrnmr m-:n-n-ay, after time em-md mu tin-tee n-mm-mm-mm-tim-a- horn-n- tin--u n-m-xpita-tiomm of mm-mmeim- 1om-m-rteemm- yea--ta, tea-move tim-mm mm-m-mmrk from-mm tim-mu register, mm-mm-n-i so
from-mm tim-mm-c tn-u tim-mm-c at tin-c exi.m-immmtiomm nm-i evr-m-ry- pn-mrin-m-n-i n-ti In-murteem-’.
(IL) It before time expimatiomm n-if time said tim-me-c mm-mn-m-m-mtims timmm regista-men-i propmietor pays -tine sm-mm-n-i ice tcmgetin-m-mm-m witim- time additin-mnmml jutesn-mriiuect k-mu, tIm-n-i Registrar mm-may, wit-Im- n-u n-mt remmmn-m-vim-m-g smm-eim tran-le-m-nmm-rinfm-’n-m-m-m m- time register, mmecclmt tim--u sm-n-in-I 1mm-mm as if it Ins-n-I lm-eemm immmid lum-min-mrn-m tim-mm
expirmm.bu.on-n- mif time a-a-in-I fmumm-rtccn-n- ye-mn-ta-.
(4.) Where after the said tim-me-u nmom-m-thn-m a- tran-ic— mm-n-ark is ma-mm-noted
ironm time register iot imoim-paynm-em-mt of the pr-useribed ice, time Registrar
may, if satisfied that it is just so to do, restore such trade--mm-mark to the
register cm-mm ~inmymmmm-m-rmt
of tim-c prescribeml an-in-I itmn-m-mm-al fee,
(5.) Win-crc a tmrade-mm-ma:k is mem-n-n-oven-l from-n-n time register br mm-onpa-.ym-mmmm-m-m-t n-mi the ice or otim-etwise, a-mm-elm trade-mm-mark aim-all m-m-evcrtim-cless,
1mm-i tim-c itmmrIm-m-m-Sm~ mut a-nm ‘mpplmm 3m-tm-tm-mm tn-mr rt’qm-<mttn-tmom-m- n-in-nm-mm-mu mm-n-mn-’ mn-’a-r n-n-ext
a--lter timmm date n-mi sm-mn-n-in remmmo va-i, be n-leemm-med tn-u lie mm- ttm-mmic-m-mma-tk already
rmm-~istercd,mtn-mieas it is simon-vim tn-i time sm-m-tisfmm-etiom-m- n-mi time- R-egistmmm-t tlmm;i;
tim-u nmn-mm-m_immm-srmmm-emm-t n-n-f the femm- nm-rises ftn-m-m-m-m tim-c d.cmmtim n-mr bam-n-krm-mptn-n-y n-ut time
reisteren-i proprin-mtom, n-it from-nm his havimmg ceased tn-u carry om-m bmm-simm-ess,
am-mn-i m-mm~ person elain-mm-imm-g mm-im-der tim-at -proprietor or mum-n-In-mr his imam-n-krm-mptmn-y
iii mmmminn-~ time tea-c-ic-mm-mark,
rOn-ia n-or4~
mm, sa~n-ma
Cozmaohdatn-n-d Sum-ta-tn.
81. TIm-mm-rn-i shm-m-li ime tim-mid in re-spcm-et n-ui re-pisttatiom-m
am-md rem-mewais
m-~3 ma-mm-s
n-ui tra-mic-mmm-m-mrks mn-n-mn-I n-un-hem mm-m-m-nt,tm-mma- mm-nm-icr mica I-art
,mi tim-ms Act tim-n-u
m-mmm-mm-mtin-m-mmn-md im-m- Part III n-n-f time Thirn-1 Sn-then-tm-n-Ic Ineteto, or en-nn-$m n-ut-lair
ices mm-s a-re imim-nm tin-nm-mu tn-u tim-mm-mu iurn-m-scmiluen-i by timmm- On-m-vm-m-rmmn-ur mm- Coum-mcil
a-mm-n-i a-mm-elm- fmmcs aim-a-il tm-cm pm-n-id in-mt-tm- tim-n-n- tm-imbue Aectn-m-mm-m-m-t a-inn-i im-urm-m-m- part n-mi
tim-n-n- Comm-solin-laten-i Fun-mn-I.
OtJemnmn-c.n-m mm--mmm! 1cm-pa-/ !~m-m-nmn-mn-cmii~mm-qs.
Om-m-om-m-,,’~m-r, to mn-do82. (1.) Snmiujn-m-et tn-u tim-mm imm-om-’zm-miom-m-a of tim-is An--~t,mm-mm-n-i mm-mm-less in-n-n- prn-mves
rnark~and n-rode
tI-mmm-t ime acm-ted witimommt- im-mtmm-imt tn-u dciran-md, every pc-tm-am-mm is un-milt-v oi a-mm
oticmnee mm~mm-nst timma- Part ot tim-ms Act wino—
(mn) In- n-urges mm-m-my tm’adc—mmm-ark n-m-r
(h4 Falsely applies 1mm gn-mn-mdmm- a-mm-mm- trmmde-mm-mark or mm-n-mv mm-mark mmcmnemmriy rea-em-mm-blimmg a trmmn-In-m-m-m-n-mmmk a-s to lu-u n-:-alen-n-iated to n-Iccn-eive mit
(c,) Mmmkmm-s mm-mn-v dimm-, block, mmma--etmmm-mn-m--~ n-mr otlm-c-r im-mstrmmm-mmem-mt in-mr time
pn-n-rpose n-ut in-m-rginmg or n-if being mm-sen-I tom fn-urgim-mg a tmaden-nm-ark mm-mm
(n-ti Applies am-my false trm-n-n-ie- desemiim-tiom-m- to goon-is ; or
(m-n) Dim-n-1m-n-m-m-m-n-n-a n-mi n-it immm-s mm fm-is jun-usa-cia-in-mm-n mmm-m-y n-lie, bin-mole, m-mmnmelmim-me,
n-m-r cm-tim-n-mr irn-stmmm-m-m-n-em-m-t in-mr time jm-m-mmpn-msmm n-mi tn-mrgimm-g- mm-- tn-mm-tiemm-mark ; or
(/~)Falsely r-u~m-resn-n-mmts tlm-mmt tim-n-n- gomuds n-m-in-m-mcd fmur sale wcme mm-mmmmmnm—
fm-mn-n-tn-n-men-i rum mm-made in-n- New Zm’mmimm-n-m-n-I ~ n-mm
(q.) Applies n-ur mm-s-us tim-mm worn-i comm-n-ia--i,” or mmm-m-y aim-mm-jim-mr worn-I or
words, tn-m an-u-~- gn-m-muds mm-n-ut mmma,mm-mmiaetm-mrcn-i imm- New Zn-n-ala-mm-n-i
(A.) tTsm-m-s am-my word, mm-mark, n-ut sign tcm-mdim-mg tn-u mmmislemm-d mmmm-y persn-m-n
as tn-u tim-tm ma-mm-I n-ut mm-n-n-tm-ma-i m-mma-mmmn-m-imm-n-’~tn-m-rmmm n-mr mmmmmkn-n-m n-mi gm-m-n-mds.
cur time place wim-n-m-me a-nm-elm gmxmds were m-rn-mmdm-m n-mm mm-mm-n-n-n-n-immn-m-tnm-mn-n-d
(-L) Cm-mm-n-sea- an-my of tine timimm-gs mmim-n-uvm-u in-n tim-is sn-n-n-n-tin-mm-i m-mmen-mt-in-mn-meml tn-u
lu-u dn-mnmn-n-.
(9.) Every pcrstumm- is m-zn-uitv n-A mum ofkm-m-en-n- against tim-is Part ci tim-is
Act wimn-m- sells, or expn-us-c-s or In-mm-s imm his Iun-mssea-m-m-iomm- in-ut~ ~~m-mle-~
n-ur am-ny Iummmpose n-A tram-Ic n-mm mmmm-mm1mmmfan-n-tm-mme, amw un-m-ods mum tin-immes tn-m- whin-mh a-n-my 1n-umgcd
tm-mn-n-ic-mn-mark n-mm 1mm-ia-cm t-rmn--n-Itm n-mn-m-semiptiom-m- is a-ppli’m-d. n-mr tn-u wimieim a-nm tn-mn-n-in-u—
nm-ark om mmm-a--mk sn-u m-mcn-a-mly rea-emmmim-limm-g mm t-madn-m-m-nark a-s to he n-n-a-iemmla-ted
tn-m n-ien-n-cive is immlscm-iy mmpjuim-en-l, a-s tim-n-n- n-ma-scm- n-mm-mn-v be.. mm-nm-less ime ~mmovn-m-s—
(mm,) That, immmvim-mg ta-In-a-n mn-Il reason-n-mn-bin-u pmen-n-a--mmt ion-n-s mn-gm-mi—nm-at n-n-n-mm-mn-mmmittimmg a-mm- offcmm-ee a--gmm-immst tim-is Act, tm--u Inan-I at time tim-mm-c n-uf
time cn-mumnmmmisn-m-in-m-mm n-u-I tim--u m-m-tin-n-gn-ud mufl’em-men-m n-mci mem-msn-umm tn-u smm-speet
tIm-c gem-m-m-m-immemmn-mss n-mi tin-c- 1-mm-nd-u-mm-mark, mm-mark, n-mm t-mm-m-n-ie n-lescriim~
tiomm- ; tn-mm-n-i
(6,) Tim-mmt, on-n- dcm-n-mammd mn-mm-mn-in-n- inn- n-mm n-mn tm-elm-mm-If n-u-I time pmn-usmm-rm-mtn-m-m, inc
gave a-il the immformnm-a-ticumm- imm Imia- tuower witin mespeet -to 1-Inc
jmersn-mms imn-umm-m- mm-’tmom-m-m tm--u oim-taimmmm-n-i ammeim- gn-m-n-m-ds n-mm timim-m-gs ; or
(mmj Tim-at cm-tIm-mm-mw isn-m- ime- 1mm-mn-i an-n-tn-md inn-nn-m-n-n-n-n-m-mtiv,
(3,) Every persom-m- gmnilty cm-f a-mm olimm-non-m against this Pm-i~~rtof tim-is
A--ut is lummlmic,—
Patents, Des/gn-s. and Trade-marks-
(a,) On conviction on Indictment, to imprisonment with or witlm-~
n-n-ut ha-rd laiuom-mr for a term-mm- not even-n-n-n-dim-mg twe years, or to
fine, or to both inm-priscmnmemmmt and fine; and
(be) On smmna-ma-r eonvIe-tiozm, tn-u immmprisommmnent with or witimont
mar—I ia-hon-nm for a- term-mm mmot mmxen-mmmn-limmg tn-mn-mr m-mnummtlms, n-ut to
a fine not exeen-n-n-iing twenty pounds, mm-mm-mi in tIme a-mn-se cm-i a
sn-n-n-mom-mn-i or sn-tim-sequent- en-m-mmvin-n--tiomm- tn-m imprisorn-rnemm-t witlm- or
witim-on-mt Immm-td lmmiuommr for a term m-mot m-n-xn-mmmn-m-ding six mm-mn-m-m-m-tius,
or to a- fine not exceeding fifty ponmmds; and
(mm,) 1mm ‘am-my c-a-se to fn-mm-fcit to film-s Mmn-jc~sty every cimattel, article,
im-m-st-rummmcm-mt, or thing by n-nc-a-na- of or in relation to ivim-in-mim
time offence wa-s en-m-mmm-mm-m-itted,
(&) ‘TIm-n-n- Cn-mm mmt tm-dorm-i mm--’homn mm-ny pin-ta-mm-mm- is on-mn-mvictn-n-d mm-ada-v tim-is
section n-na-v order any forfeited articles to be- destroyed or otim-mm-rwismm
disposed o(a-s tb-u Colrtt tim in-n-ks fit; am-mm-i, if sn-mId., tim-c pr~m-n-m-ces1s of tim-u sale
shall he mm-ppiien-i in-n- time 1~ke ma-mm-net a-s if time procmn-n-n-mis weme mm fin-n-c
incurred under -this Act.
(5.) Ii a-ny jucrsn-mn-n- feels a-ggm-ievmm-ril. by any conviction made by a
C’ommrt cm-f sn-mm-mm-n-n-n-amy jmmmisdin-n-tiom-m, he may appeal ttmerefromn iii tim-n-u mn-na-mm-mm-cr
provided in cases of appeals from-mm- Justices.
(6.) Any pci-sn-mm-i ci-n-a-rgm-n-d wmtln- mn-mm olltmnoc n-n-mm-n-icr this sn-n-c-tin-mmm- before
a Court of sn-n-mnmary jurisdiction shall, on appearing before the (2n-m-umt
and before the charge is gone into, be informed of his right to be tried
on indictnm-m-u nt, amid, if Inc tequircs~be so tn-len-i accordingly,
83, (14 For time pmmrpos~n-sn-uI tim-is Part of tim-is Act—
False trade descrijmtiom-m- “ mm-n-ca-mm-s a iran-Ic n-Iescmiptiomm which is
1mm-la-c in a nm-mmtemial respect as regards ttme goods to which dan-inS.
it is applied; and inchmdn-ms every aiteration of a trade de- ma-a-nm-. No. mn-i,
scriptin-mmi, wimetimer by way of additiomm-, n-mffaeemm-m-ent, or otime,r—
wism-n-, where that alteration makes the description false in
a nmaterial respect; and the fact that a trade description
is a tradc-mna-rk or part of a trade-mark shall mmmm-t prevent
suclm trade description being a false trade description witlu in
the nm-caning cm-f ti-mis Act:
“Goods” nm-cam-ms anything which is the smmhjeet of trade, manufacture, or merchandise:
“Na-nm-c” inn-n-lndes any abbreviation of a name:
Person-mm-” “ mmm-m-nn-n-facturcr,” “ dc-a--icr “ or “ trader,” and “ proprietor” inein-mdc any body of persons corporate or unincorporate, am-md any servant or em-nployce ~
Trade description” nm-cans any description, st-m-m-tenmcnt, or other
indication, direct or indirect,—
(mm-,) As to the number, qm-n-antity, measure, gauge, or
weig}mt of any goods; or
(6.) As to the place or countr— (or. if a colony or other
British or foreigmm- possession, the mm-am-ne- of tim-c particmmiar
pcnssessiun) in which any goods, and the material or substance thereof, were mm-made or produced; or
(n-n-.) As to time mode of manufacturing or prodn-um-in(any
goods; or
(ci) As to the material or substance of which any goods
are composed; or
Cn-umm-msohda-ted Statutes.
(4 As to any- goods being tim-c subject of an existing
patemmt~privilege-, omm en-m-pyrm-gimt
The n-n-sc of an- fm-jure, woM, ~r mark which according to the
emma-tn-mn-nm of time ttadc is comn-mnm-ommiv taken tm-u he an indicaticm-mmof any- of tie- above matters sinai). be deemed to be a trade
dcscri ptiomm- witimim-m- time mn-n-canimm-g of tim-is Act,
(2.) The pnm-m-—isiomms n-ui tim-is Act relating to time mmppiiemmtiomm- of a faise
trade dm-mscripticm-mm to goods simmm-iI extemm-d tn-m- tin-c application-n- to goods cm-f
any such figures, words, or nm-a-tin-s. or arrangement ol combination there.
of, whether immeimid imm-g a tran-ln-u—mmm-arlc: n-mm.- mm-n-mi;, as are remm-somm-almiy calcmm—
la-ted to lean-i persons to believe tim-at time gmuods a-re tin-c mnam-m-n-m-fa-ctn-mre or
nm-cmm-mbandisc of som-mmn-n- person other tim-an tim-c i~ersomm- wim-ose nm-am-m-ufaeturc
or mm-mern-n-in-am-mmlisc they mcaily are.
(a) The provisions of this Act reiatin.g to the application of a
false i-ran-Ic n-icscrn-ptiomm to goods, or rcspectim-m-g wm-omis to wimisim a fmmise
trade descm-ipt-iomn is applied, simmmii. cstesmci to the m-m-~m-i-m-lin-n-a-tin-mm-n- to goon-is
of any 1mm-la-c mm-am-ne or initials n-ui a pc-ran-un, tn-mm-n-f to goon-is witim time false
nanm-c cur im-mitiais nm-f a rm-tmrsn-um-m applied, imm like nm-ann-mn-mr n-ms if sm-m-cim- nan-mm-mm n-mr
initials were a trade n-iescriptiom-m am-md for time purpose of tin-is em-na-ctmcnt the expression “false na-nm-c or ini-tiah “ nm-cans, as applied to any
goods, any mm-am-mm-n-’ or mmm-itmais’ of a pcrson-m m-lmmmmim—
(cm-.) Arc not a tm-mm-dc-nm-ark or part of a trade-nm-ark; and
(6.) Are identical -m-vitim n-mr a coiom-mraiuln-n- imitation of time mm-a-mm-me or
immitials of mn- person carryimmg cm-mm- i:mn-mm-cinm-n-ss in cn-m-m-mrn-cctiom-m Wi tImgoods of the a-a-mm-me description~and not im-aving a-ut mona-ed’
tim-c mmsmm- of such name or initials; ann-I
(c.) Are cit tm-er tIn-os-c- of a- fictitious pcrsomn- or cm-f sn-n-n-n-me pin-ma-mm-mm- not
ba-mm-n-m fin-Is carrying on business in connection witim such
84, (I.) A iuersom-m- simsil be n-ieemum-ed to In-urge a trade-mm-mark wimcm-,—
(a.) Witimout the assent of the proprietor ~oftime tmade-ina-rk, nm-a-In-c-s
ma-a-n. \. n-a,
tim-at trade-nm-ark or a mnark so nearly resem-mm-blm-ng tim-at trade.
rn-mark as to be cmmicn-m-Im-mtcd to n-len-n--dye ; n-mr
(6.) Falsifies any- genuine trade-mark, wimether by alteration, adn-litin-m-mm-, effacemm-m-ent, or otimerwise :
am-md am-my trade-rn-mark n-mr mark so nman-Ie or falsified is imm- this A-ct referred
to as a forged tma-dc-nmark.
(94 1mm a-mm-)’ prmua-eem-m-tiomm- for forgimmg mm tran-le-m-mmmmrk tim-c 1mm-mn-den of
proving the assent o-f the proprietor shall lie on the defendant.
Apm-~iym-ng markm tam-i
85, CL) A pn-n-rsm-m-mn- simm-n-Il 1mm-n- deem-mm-cd to m-npply mm tmmmde--nmark. or n-mm-ark,
or tm-mm-dc dcscri ptin-umm to gn-uods w1mm-u—
ma-a, ~OV-~a-n-(n-n) Applies it to the goods them-mm-seives; or
(In) Applies it tn-i any coven-mg, lai-mmml, reel, n-mr ott-er tin-in-mg in n-mr with
which. time gon-uds n-n-re sold or e-n-cim-n-m-scd em-’ im-a-d imm pos-sesshm-n
for an-my pm-impose of sale, trade, or m-m-manm-mf.actm-m-me; or
(4 P1mm-emma-, emm-mn-loscs, or a-nm-men-ce-s am-my gn-m-ods whicim arc sn-n-in-i or cxpn-msemi n-mr ima-d 1mm- ~uosm-scssin-m-mn
In-mr n-mm-my- pm-mrpn-use of sale, tm-a-n-ic,
or m-mm-am-mm-i-~factim-re in, witim-, or to any covemimmg, ia--be-I, reel, or
other thing to which a tnmmdc-nmark or tyadc description ha-s
ben-n-mm apiulied ; or
(cit) Uses a-- trade- nm-ark, or nma-mk, or trade description in a-ny mn-n-am-n-ncr
calculated to lead to the belief that the goods in conncctio~m-
Patents, Designs, a-nd Trade-marks.
[No. 140.
witlm which it is used are designated or describen-i by tin-at
tm-a-din--mm-mark, or m-nark, n-un t-nmmdc dea-criptiomm-_
(2,) “ Con--mn-ring “ hmcimmdcs nm-n-my a-tn-upper, n-n-mm-ak, im-m-:mttle,, vm-n-ssel, iuon-cmcover, n-n-mn-psn-mie. ease, frmm-nmc, n-mr wrapper ; ann-i “ 1mm-be-i “ immclun-ies any
band or ticket.
(3.) 4 1-made--mm-mn-n-rh, mu-v mnnmnlc, or Ira-dc doscniptin-mmn- alma-H be deem-n-med
to be apphen-i wimether it is woven, mm-pressed, em’ otherwise wonkcn-I im-mto,
or snmm-exem-i or affixen-l tn-m tin-c goods, n-u’ to am-my cn-mvcrimm-g, 1mm-b-el, reel, or
cmtin-er tin-immg.
(44 A person aim-all be deem-mm-en-i to falsely apply to goods a traden-mm-n-mm-k n-mr mn-marl— win-n-n- wit-im-n-mut time assent of tin-mm- prn-m-prin-m-tn-mr n-mi mm- trade- m-n-nank
a-piubea- such trade--nm-ark, or a mark so nearly ncscm-mmbling it as to be
calem-mIn-m-ten-l to n-len-n-n-n-irs ; and in am-my pmn-osecmmtin-mmm- fm-Dr falsely applyim-m-g mm
tradm-n--m-nmn-rk or mn-mark to gn-mods tine tmm-mrdemm- of provin-n-g time mm-a-scm-nt of the
proprietor shall lie on tim-c dcfemmdanm-t.
86. Win-n-mm-c a n-im-:n-knn-n-lamm-t is cim-m-mrgen-1 witim m-mmakin-m-g am-my n-iimm-, lmlomn-k, Ezemn-m-U~m-iommum-mm-n-in-in-n-c-, or other im-mstrn-mn-mmcnt for time pm-mm-n-jun-usc of form-n-in-mg
e-~. cur tm-eimm-g mm-a-ed cerm-sim-i
mm-Sm-wa- am-jenhnm-s
br fongn-mm-g a tn-an-ic-mm-mark, or wmth ialscly applying to goods any ~
m-,n- m,m-m-~m-m-m-m-m-~~~
trm-m-dm-n--n-m-mn-nrk, n-mr any mark so m-mcmmrly rcsen-m-mhlim-mg a tn-a-n-k -mm-mark as tn-u be 1555, N0. 12, aeo
ca-km-mm-ia-tn-md to deceive, or with applying to goods any false trade
description, or causing any of the things 1mm- this section mnentioncd to
he n-km-ne, am-mn-I pr—mn-nm-a-—
(a,) That in tim-mm ordinary comm-na-c of his business he is e-mnpioyed
$4umm- imclm-mmtf n-uf otim-cr pen-n-sn-mm-ms to mm-mice n-lies, im-In-meks, mn-mchim-mes,
cur cm-tim-er immst-nn-mmmem-mta- for’ ma--kim-mg or beimmg used im-n- n-mm-a-kim-mg
trade-mm-marks, or, as the case nm-ay be, to apply marks or
n-1m-mse-rijmtin-in-m-s to goods, n-n-n-md tim-at in-n- tim-c case wimim-n-im i_s the
a-uLm-jcct of the charge he wa-s so emnployen-i bysom-ne person
resident 1mm- New Zeaiand, and wa-s mmot interested in the
goods by way of profit or com-mm-n-m-m-ission dependent on the
a-mmte of sn-n-cit goods ; am-mn-I
(lu.)iThat he took reasonable precautions against eonm-nm-itting the
olin-n-nec n-timam-n-god; am-md
(mn-.) Tim-at Ime im-a-d a-t tin-c tim-ne of time conm-nm-ia-siomm cml tim-c alleged a-item-me-tm
no reason to suspect the gemmm-m-ineness of the trade-nm-ark,
mm-mark, or tm--ado dcsn-mnmptm-om-m ; an-mn-i
(n-h) That Imc gave to the prosecutor all the Inform-nation in his power
witin- respect to time persons on whoa-c behalf the trade-mnark,
n-mm-ark, or dcscx-iptiom-m- was a-iuim-bemi,—
in-c aim-all be discharged fronm- the prosecution~~,but sim-all be liable to pay
time costs incurred by time prosecutor, unless 1m-c has given due not-icc to
in-in-mm- tim-at in-c will rely on-m the above defence.
87. Where a watch-case has thereon any words or nm-arks which Appbeatian on- Ac~
cona-titmmte, or a-re by comm-non repn-te considmn-reci as eomm-stituting, a dc- m-n-> wan-that
sern-ptmmma of tin-n-n- comnmtmy hr wlmieh time watch was n-na-do, a-rn-n-i tin-c watch. n-bid,
bears n-mo description of tim-c country where it was nm-ado, those words
or mnarin-a alma-li jmthumn-m fn-n-eie be. doom-non-i to be a dca-n-n-niptiom-m- of that country
witlmirm time m-nea-mm-ing of this Act, and the provisions of this Act with
respect to goods to which a false trade description has been applied,
mn-n-id. with rca-peel to so-i Un-mg or exposimmg fn-mr or ima-vmmmg mn poasemmamon for
sale, or any pmrrpose of trade or manm-m-factn-mre, goods with a- false trade
desm-n-riptin-m-n-n-, s~nllapply accordingly, and for time pm-mm-poses of this seotio~
Consolidated Stat-elsa-.
time crprcssiomm “watcim” means all that pmm-rtiomm of a watch wimich is not
tin-c wm-n-tcin--ca-sc,
Trade- marm-c,
88. 1m-m- any fm-idiet nm-cnt, pleadimm-g, proommedim-m-g, or document in
bow cm-e~crm-b~d~m-’ wIm-im-’lm m-n-m-m-y tra--n-le~-mm-mmmm-min- em-- forged trade-mm-mark is immtemm-n-lon-i to bin- mn-mn-n-mm-n-n-n-, ~ ~ tiom-med it sin-;n-il be suffm-ciern-t, witl-n-ommt forum-er n-lesn-n-niptiomm a-n-n-n-i withom-nt
any copy or ia-c--simm-rile, tn-m- state that trade-m-nark or forged trade-nm-ark
to be mm- trmmdmm-n-m-mark or fon--gen-l tm-an-ic-mm-mark.
Rum-es es to esidenm-m-e.
89. In a-ny jurosec-utIon for am-m otton-n-cm-n- a-ga-inst this Part n-ui tin-is
mn-n-i, aeo~90
(n-n) A defemmdmm-mmt, am-mn-I in-is wife mm-n imer un-n-nm-band, as the ease nm-a
be, mm-may, if the dcfendn-m-nt thinks fit, be called a-s a witness,
am-md, if c-ailed, small be swormm- am-md examined, am-mn-I nm-ay he
em’n-ma-m-ocxnn-nmm-in-n-on-l am-mm-i re—exam-mm-mm-med. in In-icc mm-n-arm-mm-cm- mm-mm any
other witness
(h.) In the case of mm-ported goods, evidence of the port- of shipmm-men-mt simm-n-il be p-ri-mn-n- /n-n-e-ie evidemm-ce mm-f the place or comm-mm-try
mm- wlm-in-n-h time gn-m-n-mds were m-na--dmm- or prodm-n-mm-emL
in-uuiebrnet,t a
90. Evm-n-ry pcrsomm- wim-o being imm New Zoalam-m-d procmm-res, counsels,
a-im-Js, abm-m-ts, or is nm-c-n-n-c-a-sn-mm-v tn-n- time Cn-mm-m-m-flnssiOm-r mm-rn-t of Nmn-w Zcsinmm-n-n-1 n-mf
mm-n-I. ~
any act m-vin-icin-, if comm-n-n-mm-it-ted im-m- New Zealmn-n-md, wn-mm-mld n-mmm-der tim-is
m~~1 ~5
Act he aim muffin-nec pmmm-m-ishnmhic omm indietmm-mcnt simmmll be- guilty n-m-f that
mm-item-moe mm-s nn- fmrumn-n-m-pmm-l, n-mm-md be liaiuln--m- tcm be- immn-1iotcn-1, prn-mcecn-icn-i a-gm-him-at,
tried, and convicted in any place- in New Zea-land 1mm whom be n-nay be
as if tim-c n-mite-mm-co had Imccmm- mn-omum-mitten-I tim-cm-n-n-.
91. (14 When-rn-, n-mm-n- inform-mm-a-tin-mm-n- mm-f n-mn oiler—n-n-c agai.n-m-st tim-is Part
of this Act, a Just-ice has issued either a sm-m-nm-muons roquirim-mg the dtm-fem-m-n-inmmmt elm-argo-n-i im-y sm-me-h in-mform-m-matiom-m to appear to amm-swer the sam-inc
or a wn-m-rra-m-mt for time n-m-rre-st of such defem-m-da--nt, am-md. either the a-a-in-i Jm-msticc
on or after issuing the- m-munm-nm-ons or warrant, or am-my other Justice, is
sa-tia-fie-d by im-mfn-m-rmm-mation n-mm-m- n-ma-tim tlmmm-t tim-em-c is rca-scm-mm-able c-am-msc to sm-n-speet
tin-at n-n-n-my gmm-on-ls or tim’n-m-m-gs by n-ne-n-n-mm-s of or in-n- rela-timmmm- tn-u m--vimieh a-mm-ohm- olin-n-n-nm-n-c
wan-u con-mm-mm-mitten-I n-nrc in am-ny mouse or pm-em-mm-ia-cs of the defemm-dam-m-t, or otlm-crwise in-n his pn-msa-essin-mm-m- n-mm- m-m.nn-dtn-m- im-is en-mm-mn-n-mI 1mm- am-my plmmcc, smicim Jn-n-stice
nm-mm-v issue mm- wa-mm-am-m-t m-mm-m-der his imn-n-m-nd.
(2.) Any constable- nan-ned or referred to in tine- wa-na-nt mnay enter
sm-me-h imon-mse, prcmnm-ses, em- place n-mt am-my reason-n-able tim-mm-c by day, am-mn-i se-nm-reinthere for a-nd seize and take- away those- goods or tmn-inga
($4 Am-my gn-m-ods or thimm-gs smn-ized um-mder any such warm-ant simmmil Im-c
brn-mo.gmn-t before a Com-:mm-t cmi sn-un-tim-nary jurismiimn-tiom-m in-mm- tine jm-um-pn-mse n-mi its
being dete-rnnincd wire-them- the a-ann-c arc or a-re n-rot liable to forfeitmm-m-e
mm-mm-n-Icr tim-is Act.
(-14 ii tim-mn- n-mwn-ner of n-n-n-my gmm-omls mum- thim-ngs which, i:f time n-mn-cm-nor tim-erem,f
bad been convicted, would be liable to forfeiture under tim-is Act- is
unknown or ca-nm-met ho found, an infernm-a-tion or complaint may beIn-mimi fn-mm-n- the pn-n-m-m-mn-mse n-mm-fly mm-f em-mfn-mreim-n-g sm-mn-n-it forteitn-nm-e, an-n-n-I a Cn-m-n-mrt n-mi
sum-rn-n-nary j un--ia-diction mm-may cause notice to be advertised stating that,
unless cam-mae is show-mm- to the eontm-am-y at the tim-me and place na-mm-mod in
time mm-cmtiec, sn-nn-n-im gm-mn-m-n-Is n-mr tin-km-ga sr-ill befn-m-m-fm-n-itcn-l, mn-n-n-n-I n-mt sm-n-oh ibm-me a-n-md
place- tin-c a-n-n-id Con-itt, unless the muwrn-er om- am-my pe-rsom-m omm In-is helm-a-If, or
otmn-n-n-m- pen-n-smum-n- im-m-tom-cstn-n-d in tim-c gon-m-n-Is n-mm- tim-ings, shows cm-n-n-n-sc to tin-c
contm-a-m-y, mm-ray order sue-b goods n-mm- tinings or any of tim-cm-mm- to be
Patents, Designs, and Trade--marks.
iNo. 140-
(&) Any gommn-Is n-mr tbimn-gs forfeited tm-mn-n-Icr timis scm-n-tin-mmm-, or n-n-mm-mim-n-m-nany n-mtim-cr n-mm-mm-wa-in-mn-n n-mi tim_is Part mm-I tim-is Am-mt. mm-nay be dcstm-oymn-d or mm-tIn-cr‘wismm dim-n-nm-mm-scm-n-I n-mi imn- sn-n-c-in- mn-mn-mn-n-mn-em- mm-s tIn-mm fm-mm-fe-dim-mg Cm-mmmrt m-iirocn-tsm- mm-n-n-n-I
tim-c an-n--id On-m-nn-rt n--n-may, mm-n-nt of a-mm-v pm-n-moe-en-is m-n-n--mm-lised by tin-c dia-pn-m-sitin-mm-m- of
a-mn-elm gn-mmm-ds (n-n-li tm-an-In-n--mm-mm-mm-ks an-nd tm-an-ic n-ie-scm-iptiomns imn-n-m-mng first n-mimlitemn-mntcd), a-warn-i to n-mm-my in-n-mm-mm-cent pmm-m-t~y mn-m-m-y in-ma-s In-c mmn-a-y hmm-ve- in-n-m-mn-mn-n-emn-tiy’
sua-tmn-inen-i 1mm- dealing witbm sue-In- goon-is.
99. 0mm- ammy promn-cen-n-tiomn m-mm-m-dem- this Pa-ct mm-f tin-is An-mt tine- On-mn-n-mt c~an-n-n-e
mm-mn-my mum-den-- costs to be imaid tmm- tine n-Ic-fem-mn-lmmmm-t by time pn-’m-m-secn-mtmmm-, or to p Nm-n-km-n.
tim fm-rn-m-secm-n-tmmr imy time n-lcfcnn-ia-m-n-t, ha vim-mg rn-n-ga-rn-i tn-i tin-c in-n-in-mr-mm- a-tin-mm-n- ms-sm-i,,
give-mm- by and tim-c comm-dm-met of time defendant and proseen-n-tor m-en-m~m-n-n-c-
ti n-rely,
93, No ~mrcmsecn-mtin-mn
for mn-mm n-mile-mn-n-n-c again-n-st tim-is Part n-mi tim-is Act
USn-athm-ti en-
sin-a-il ime- comm-m-mm-men-re-ed after tine cxlmim-atin-mmm mm-f timroe ye-am-s mm-cat aitn-n-m- tine- m-,n,m-m-m-m-eumm-u~m-~
tcm-m-ummm-m-’~smomm- of tim-c oIln-~m,m-c on-- n-mime in- mm mn-n-mt n-Item- tin 1m-m--~1 mIm-mm- m-m’m-m- my ms4m, m-~mm-ntIn-ore-of by the prosecutor, win-ic-In-ever first In-a-pp en-ms.
94, 0mm time- a-a-ic Om- im-n- tim-c comm-tract in-mm- tim-c a-mn-Ic cm-f an-my gmmmmmls to Implied nm-nat, en
wln-iehn- a- tn-mm-dmm-mnmmrlc, n-mr n-n-n-am-ic, or tm-a-dc ml n-seriptin-mm-n- bmmm--s fm-n-me-mm- mmppbn-n-d.m- sm-mm-c n-an- um-m-mrked geedstine vendn-m-r a-In-a-Il tm-c dee-mm-me-n-I tn-u wa-mrs-n-it tin-n-mt tine- mn-n-am-k is mm gemnn-m-mn-n-e tm-n-n-n-Ic- m-i~a,n-m-m-n-~. n-n-me
mn-mn-nm-k an-md mm-n-mt fn-n-rgn-n-d or faisn--nly applitn-dm- n-mr tin-at time tm-mn-n-Ic miesn-n-m’i Im-tin-mm-m
Is n-mn-mt n-n- false tm-mm-n-ic desmn-riptin-m-mm witbmin-n- tine nn-nm-n--a-mn-im-n-g n-mi tim-is Act, n-n-mm-tm-n-a-s
t-inc en-mimtn--mmm-y is cximmn-e-m-msod n-mm son-mm-c wn-n-itim-m-g a-igmmc-d by n-mm- cm-mm- ime-inn-n-Ii mm-f tim-c
vein-mn-in-mm- n-mn-n-n-i dn-m-imvn-n-m-ed n-mt the tim-mn-c of the sn-n-ic em- en-mn-n-tm-n-mm-mt fm-u an-mci n--n-e-en-n-pte-d
by time pn-n-rchaser
95. (14 1-YIn-em-c on-n- tine- coining into operation of “ Time- Patents. Pnwm-sm-em-a a n--n-i
De-sigmms, a-mm-n-I TLmn-mde-mn-mam-ks Act, 1889,” mm tm-a-dc ml n-sem-iim-tiomn- wn-m-S lawfully
n-n-mm-n-i gem-morally apphe-d to gon-mn-Is of n-n- pn-n-rtiemmlmmr class or nn-nn-n-mmn-mfn-n-etm-m-m-ed caem-m-.’
imy a pam-tic-mn-In-mr tn-ne-tin-n-md, tn-i im-nn-iictntc the- pmm-rtkn-m-n-Iam- eiass n-mn-n- n-mn-mn-tin-n-md of n--maa, ~ n-n-man-n-na-mn-mm- ia-etn-nre of sin-elm gn-mn-mds, tIne fmm-n-mvisin-mn-n-s n-mi timis Act- with respect tim
false tm-n-n-n-ic description-ms shall mm-ot apply to such tm-an-Ic dcsn-n-ript1on wbcmm
so ap~n-mlnod~
(24 Bn-n-t s-c hem-mm sn-n-elm trade deseriptiomn- in-n-c-in-mn-lea- time mm-a-n-ne- cmi aplace om- country, a-mm-mi is ca-len-n-la-ted tim n-mm-ia-loan-i as to the piaee or
cmn-mn-mmmtr where time gomm-n-ls to which it is mm-implIed were- aetm-m-n-n-Iiy mm-mn-n-de
n-mm- pm-mmn-im-m-n-mn-m-d, and tine gommds were mmot actn-n-n-m-lly n-in-an-ic or pm-n-mn-In-me-ed in-n
tIm-at pin-n-cc- on-n- en-mn-n-mm-try, tin-is section sin-all mm-n-mt apply n-mn-mica-s tin-ore is
mmdn-icml tn-i tIne tm-n--n-dim n-lesm-n-riptin-mm-n- i in-mn-mm-ed lately be-f-mr—n- or after tim-n-n- n-nan-mm-c
of tin-n-n-t place or comm-mm-try, 1mm a-mm equally comm-simien-m-on-ms mm-mn-n-mn-mn-cr witim tlmn-n-t
nan-mm-c, tine- mm-n-mn-no of tim-c pin-men-n- or n-m-n-mmm:n-ntry (n-mm’, if mm- en-mln-m-mn-y n-mm- mm-themElm-i iish mn-r -foreign-n- pn-m-Sae-ssin-mmm, tine n-mn-n-mm-me- of tin-c lmn-n-m’tie-mm-imm-r imn-mssessiomm-)
imm which the goods amm-d the mn-material or a-nba-ta-mn-ce tine-re-of were se-tn-n-ally
mm-n-n-n-n-In-n- n-mr 1mrn-mdn-n-oed, witin- n-n- st-n-n-ten-n-n-en-it -tin-at tim-c)? n-vein-a n-mm-mm-dc n-mm- prn-mn-Im-mccci
9(3. (1.) Au goods which if sold. would be liable to forfeiture under In-mm-penn en- goea-~
tIm-ms P n-rI n-mi tin-ms An-tm- am-md n-mko all goon-is of ln-mrcn-gn-n mmm-am-n-mml -mn-I ‘mm-c be tm-mn-mg ~~m-[~’
any na-inc cm- trade--nra-mn-k being or purporting to be the- na-mm-ne or trade- sm-men-Us n-en-tm-mn-em- cnn-n-n-ark of mn-mn- mmmanufn-n-n-jmn-rer, dm-’ mien-n- n-mr trader nm-n- tim-c 1’n-m-mtn--d Km-mn-gm-ln-mm-m-n-n-, or e ~mm-n
New Zealand, n-mr any otin-er British ~mn-mssea-simmm-m-,
n-mn-n-less sn-n-cit ham-n-me- or fm-nm-n-,
trade-mm-ma-rIm is ac-c-on-npanied by a defm-m-iite inn-heat 1mm-mm- tm-f tin-c c-mm-mmmm-try in
wim im-mim tin-c- gn-mmmds we-re rn-na-n-Ic or imrn-mdn-me-en-I, a-re- Imercimy pmmmimibite n-I tn-m be
im-m-m-jmorte-d imm-t-o New Zen-n-in-n-mn-mi, n-n-n-mn-i sin-n-n-U be den-n-n-n-n-en-I tn-u Ime ineln-m-n-Im-n-d anmmong
goods prohibited to be inmporte-d under section mm-inety-one of “The
Consolidated Statutes.
C~-ustormns Law Act, 1908,” subject to the following provisions, that is
Whc-m-e the-re- is on any goods a na-nm-c identical with or a colour.
able im-mn-itcmt:in-mmm- of tim-c -n-n-ann-c of a in-lace in-m- time- Ummitm-md Kingn-in-mnm-,
or New Zealand, or n-nm-my other British possession-n-, tIn-n-nt na-nmm-n-,
un-n-loss aceonm-panie-d by tine nan-mm-c o-f tim-c eon-n-ntry imm- wmn-ich
a-mn-c-h place is situate, shall lmc treated ft-mr tin-c pn-nrjm-mma-cs cm-f tim-is
section as if it were- the na-mn-me- of a- place in the lJnited Kim-mg.
don-n-n-, or i~csvZealand, or other Britismn- jmossc-ssiomm, as the case
may be.
(b,) Be-lore detaining any- sue-h goods, or ta-kin-mg any further pro.
ceedin-n-gs witim- n-n- view to tim-_n-i forfeit-mire tin-mn-rn-n-of mm-mm-dn-n-r “ Tine
Cn-n-stonis Law Act, 1908,” tine Minister of Cnn-a-tows may
re-cjmmirc tin-c- m-egm-mln-n-tumn-m-s n-mmm-dcr tim-is sn-n-ct-in-mn-n-, win-n-n-tim-cm- as tm-m
im-n-fn-mrmmm-ation-n-, see-n-mm--n-tv, comn-ditions, n-mm- n-mt In-er mn-n-nn-tters, Lm 1mm-neonn-plie-d with, and may satisfy himself, irn- accordance with
tlnose regmm-latimmns, tim-at tim-c gn-mn-mds mm-re sn-n-elm n-ms n-mn--c mmn--olnibitod
by this section to be import-cd.
(e4 Tim-c said Min-m-iste-r mm-n-a from-mm- time to time n-n-make re-n-n-latiomn-s,
cit-Jim-mm- gem-n-em-n-n-I n-mr s~meein-n-i, rm-n-sjmeetim-mg time deten-n-tin-mmm- n-nm-md imr~
ie-itnm-o of goods the- inn-porta-tion of whicln is prohibited by
Umis sec-tin-mn, an-n-~~d tim-c eon-m-ditin-mmn-s, if mn-n-my, tim tm-n-n- in-n-hilled
be-for—n- sn-n-elm de-ten-ntin-mm-m a-n-n-n-i fom- ic-itn-ire, a-n-nd rn-n-n-n-)’ by sn-ne-Inn-n-m-n-gniatm-omms dote-rn-mm-in-ne time inform-mma-tion, mmn-mticea, a-n-md n-n-mn-c-n-mm-n-tv
tn-n- he givm-n-n-m, a-Tm-ti time ovidemmee m--m-mqn-nn-sitc- in-mr an-my cm-i tmn-m-npurposes of this section, and tine mode of vorifyin,~a-nv sn-ne-b
(L) Sn-me-h regn-mla-tin-mn-m-s rn-nay n-n-~m-pIy t:n-m a-il gon-mcIs jmrmmimibit en-i by? n-his
section-m- to be imnported, om- different regulations nn-ay be nm-a-dc
m-n-n-spem-n-Iim-m-g di fe-rn-mm-mt c-lasses n-mf sm-mn-n-in ge-m-odn-m n-mr of n-mile-n-me-es in-nrelation to sn-ne-In- goods.
(n-n-.) Tin-c- rogmn-1n-n-tion-n-s n-n-may pm-ovin-le tim-at time inform-rn-ant sin-all n-n-n-n-in-ubmn-rse
the Min-nistem- n-n-i Cn-m-stcmn-n-n-mn- n-mU em-pm-n-n-n-sea- a-n-mn-I danman-~es im-m-en-nm-ren-i
in respect of a-ny- n-Ietcntion nm-an-Ic on his im-mformm-m-n-n-tion, ann-I of
a-n-my proc--c-c-clings en-mn-ma-mn-pm-c-nt n-mn sn-me-in- cle~ren-n-tin-mm-n-.
(/4 All regulation-n-s n-nun-Icr 1km is semmtmon shall be published in the
fbi This sec-tiom-m sin-all in-ave effect an-n- if it were part of “‘[lie Cm-ma-ton-n-n-mnLaw Act, 1908.”
97. (1.) Tin-is Act sin-n-n-U n-mm-n-mt exe-n-mn-lmt any pc-nm-n-mm-n- fm-tm-nm in-ny mm-tn-tin-mm-n-,
1859, Mo. n-2, an-, n-es sn-nit, or otmn-er pm-n-me-ce-dim-mg win-in-n--In- n-n-might, 1mm-mt ft-mr tin-_i ~mnn-mvlstorns of tIn-is
Act, be bron-mgim-t a-ga-n-rn-n-mt 1mm-mn-n-.
(2.) i\Tm-n-mtln-flmct in-n- tim-is Act s1n-all c-n-mtitln-n- any Emerson-n- tmm refmm-se to
m-na-kc a complete discovery or to nm-answer a-ny qn-n-e-n-tiorn or imntexm-ogan-ory
in-n- any actiom-m-, bn-n-t sn-n-elm discovery or answer shall n-rot imn--adn-n-m-issilm-Ie
in-n- evidemn-emm agn-n-imn-st sn-me-in- person-n- in-n- an)? prose-en-n-tin-mm-n br n-n-n-n n-diem-n-ce- again-n-st
this Act,
(3.) Not-him-mg in this Act shall be construed, so as to re-mm-mica’ Jim-mimic
to a-ny’ prose-en-n-tim-mm-n or mmn-n-n-m-is1nn-mn-~mm-t an-my-- servant of a- mn-ma-stem- reside-n-mt in
Ne-w Zealand who bonn-a fin-Ic acts in-i obedience to the- in-ma-tmuc-tiona of such
n-n-n-n-n-stem-, am-nd, n-mn-n- den-n-n-n-n-n-mci made- imy n-mm- on-m- beln-mmif of tin-n-i pn-rrm-se-rn-mtn-mmn-, in-as
given full information as to his n-na-stem-.
Pate-mmts, Desians, a-nd Tradmn--nma-rks,
[No. 140.
Iwm-EnNAnown AND imrm-nn-tcoLon-cn-AL ARUANOEMENTn-3.
98. CL) fI His Ma-j e-sty is imie-ase-d by C)rdm-’m- in-n- Con-n- n-n-n-mit to apply n-nn--oraatn-ommanthe imrovn-smn-mn-t~ n-mt see-tm-on-n- un-n-n-ct m one n-mt the in-n-m~men-n-n-al An- t e n-lied I In-c pm-atm-mom-on
Ufl m-n-~~m-t’t km-\ m-~
of inYn-ilPate-n-n-ta- am-mci Desn-gns Act, 19~m7,>- tmm Ne i-n-- Zen-n-in-n-un-i, tln-en-m n-mn-my In-em-sn-mn n-loan-, Seam-mm-os, nm-tmwho lmn-n-s n-n imphed in-mr a-n-my In-irotce-tin-mim ion-n- a-n-my im-mvc-mn-t-in-mnm, design-n-, n-m-n-n- trade-works.
tm-an-ic-n-na-rh iim En-n-~lam-n-n-L om- in-n- an-my’ foreign-n-n Sta-te with the Gimvern.- n-S-n-mu, No. n-e-, ~m-m-m-~,
n-ne-n-mt mf wimich Ills Majesty in-as n-nm-n-dc n-n-n-n- arma-mm-gen-n-me- n-n-t n-n-n-nn-icr time,-main-i sm-n-c--tim-mm-n- finn- n-n-n-n-n-tn-n-n-mi prn-mt-cet.mon-m- mf mn-vein-lion-n-sm- n-ie-sign-n-s, n-mm- tm-n-n-den-n-n-am-ks, n-mr any’ of then-mm, sin-all be eimtitlcd to a pa-ten-mt for in-is inve-n~
tion-n-, n-mr to m-e-gistratin-mn-n- of In-is design n-mm- tm-a-dc--n-n-n-n-n-ic, n-n-S tIn-c- ca-se n--in-n-my tn-c,
tn-n-mn-icr n--in-is Act in-n- in-ri—mm-it)’ to mm-then-n- n-nppiicn-n-n-nts ; n-n-mn-mi sn-me-h pate-n-mt n-mr re-is—
tration-m sbnn-ll ta-Ice c-fleet Iron-n-n- tin-c san-tn-c date as tin-c n-late of the- a~mpIication
in En-n-gin-mn-md n-mr smn-e--lm- in-n-reign-n- Stn-n-tc, n-n-s tine ca-sc n-n-n-n-n-y’ be
Pm-mmvimn-Ien-t tin-at imis a-jmptic-at-iou is n-n--a-dc, in time mn-a-se of a jmn-n-ten-n-t, within
twelve- n-non-n-tim-s. an-tn-i, in tine ease- cmi~adesign-n- or tm-a-dc--n-n-n-am-k, witlmin-n- a-bc
n-non-n-tins, fm-tm~mm-n im-is a-p jmlying for jmrotee-tin-mn-n- in-n- En-n-gin-n-n-n-n-i n-mr time foreign-n- State
with win-n- id tIne arrange-n-ne-nt is in force.
(2.) Nn-m-tIn-ing in-n- n--in-is se-c-tin-mn-n- sims-il c-n-n-title- thu imate-mmtc-e- on-- in-tom—nc-ton-’
n-mb tine n-iesign-m n-mr tm-an-Ic- n-nnark tn-m m-ee-ove-m-’ n-Ia-n-na-ge-s for in-nt-n-in-n-ge-n-rn-c-n-n-ta h.n-n-jmpen-n-im-n-g in-n-mr to tin-c date mn-f tin-c actn-mai acceptance of his specification-i n-mm- time
ac-tm-mn-n-I re-gistrn-n-timmnm of in-is design-i n-mn-n- tmn-n--de--m-n-n-am-k in-n- New Zen--n-lan-n-n-i, n-n-s the
c-n-n-se n-n-may be-.
(3,) Tin-c imm-n-hhcation-n- in-n- New Zen-n-ian-md n-in-mm-in-mg tine- respective- 1me-niods
a-fore-n-main-i n-n-f a-n-n-y dc-scrip-tin-mn-n of tine- imn-ve.m-ntion-m, or tin-c n-n-se- tIm-en-re-in-n- n-in-nm-in-mg
sn-n-c-in- tm-em-in-xis of time in-mven-mtion, n-mr tin-c cxIn-ibiticmn-n- n-mr n-n-se- therein-n- n-mn-n-nin-n-n-g
sue-in- ime-nin-n-ds mm-f tin-c- dc-sign-n-. n-mr tin-c- pm-n-in-bcatimmn-m the-rein-n- cimn-m-mn-n-g inn-ne-In- in-crin-n-cia
cmi a- desn-n-ri1mtimmn-n- or represen-n-tn-mtion-m n-n-f time design-n-, n-mr tine- mm-se time-rein-n- n-in-n n--in-n-g
sn-me-In- imcriocls of time tra-dmn--n-n-n-am-n-k, sin-a-il tn-ct in-n-vahn-iate- tin-c pa--ten-mt win-id-n
n-n-n-n-my tm-c- gran-n-tm-mn-l fn-mr tin-n-n- in-n-vc-n-n-ticmn-m n-mr tim-c registm-n-atin-m-n-n- n-mi tin-c- n-Ic-sign-n- cn-r tm-a-dc—
(4.) Tine- a-pphe-a-tiom-n- for tin-c g-ran-n-t of n-n- patent, n-mr tin-c m-egistn-ration-nn-mba n-immsign-m-~ or the n--egistrn-mtin-mn-m cmf n-n- tm-n-n-dc— n-n-n-n-tm-ic n-mn-n-n-In-mr tim-is sc-n-tion-m sln-n-n-ll
he n-na--n-Ic in the san-ne mm-manner as an-n- ordinary’ application un-n-n-icr this Act;
imm-n-t, in-n- tin-mn- c-n-n-sc- n-n-f tran-imn-.n-n-mmm-rks, an-n-v tn--a-tie-- n-na-nc tic rc-gistm-n-mtin-mn-n- tn-f win-ic-h
in-as be-en-n- dnnly n-n-p plied for in-n- the comm-try of origin-i n-nay be- registered n-n-n-n-den
t-his Act.
(5.) The- pmn-n-iv-isin-m-n-n-s n-mf this sec-tin-mn-n sin-aiim- in-n- tine- ease cm-f foreign-n- States,
apply n-mn-n-iy in-n- the case of those foreign States witlm resfn-cc-t to which I-Xis
Majesty -fin-on-mn- tin-tn-c- tn-n- tin-n-n-c imy Urn-kr in Con-n-n-n-c-u cimm-c-iam-es tin-c a-foresaid
provision-n-s mn-i tI~esaid ln-n-n-pen--iai Act to be a-jmplica-bie, n-n-mn-n-I sn-n- in-mn-mg on-n-ly in-nthe c-a-se of each State as the Order in Coaneil continue-s in force with
respect to that State,
(6.) Eve-ny Order in-n- Con-rn-n-c-il ben-re-toPic-c nm-a-dc by’ His Majesty’ for tin-c- sacm-nc of boporisi
purposes aforesaid, a-nd in fore-c on the con-n-tin-mg in-n-to operatiomn- of this ~m-~n-min Conan-iL
Act, a-in-a-li apply to this Act-.
99. (1.) Where- it appears to tine- 0cm-vet-nor in Con-n-n-n-cit tim-at tine a-nmvm-e-ons n-or
Legn--,hn-n-n-n-m-m-. km-i an-n kim-n-n-n-sin- poseessn-on-n- on-n-in-c-n-n- tin-aim- Xe-ms Zc-aian-mcl Inn-s n-nade n-IrS n-b pos eatoos
saüsfac-tory in-rn-n-vision ftn-m- time- in-m-otec-tion-n-of inn-vent-in-mn-n-a-, n-ic-sign-n-a-, am-n-n-i n-mM. en-. n-or
trade--n-na-n-rIca, n-mr a-ny of -tin-en-nm- patented or registered in-n- New Zen-n-lan-n-mi, tim-n
Consolidated Statutes,
Governor may from tin-ne- to time by Order in Con-n-neil apply all or’a-n-n-n-y of
the In-novisions of tin-c- ia--st preceding section-n- relating to time protection-nof inventions, designs, a-nd tm-a-dc-nm-at-ks patented or registered in-nEn-n-gian-n-d, with sn-n-c-in- variations or additions (If a-ny) as In-c sec-s fit, to
in-n-ven-n-tin-mn-n-sm- designs, a-n-md trade-n-na-nks, or a-ny of tim n-n-n-n-n-, pa-ten-n-tn-n-n-i n-mr
registered in such British possession-.
(9) An Ondcr in Council under this section shall, fronn- a date to be
mn-n-en-m- tin-n-n-n-ta-I In-mr tine pn-mrpmn-se- in-n tim-c Ondcn, n-in-n-n-i win-ilat Un-c On--n-in-mr ron-n-tinmm-c--s
in-n fore-c, take effect a-s if its provisions were contained in tin-is Act; In-ut
the Governor in Con-n-nc-il nn-a-y revoke any such Om-de-n-’ in-n- Con-n-n-n-c-il
Simon- of Foment Oftn-ce.
100. Time-re sIn-a-il he a sc-al for tin-c Pate-nt Office, and in-n-mpn-’c-ssin--mm-n-s
~sss,~o, m-~m-~m-o. nc-s the-ne-of shall be- judicially noticed a-nd admitted im-n evidn-n-n-n-ce,
-m~n-not to ho
101. TIn-an-c- shall n-iot he entered in any register Icc-pt under tin-is
eon-en-tm-mn- itt rn-gm-sn-era Act, or be-- receivable by the Re-gistranm- a-n-my n-notion-’ of a-n-my tn--n-nst, expressed
implied, om- c-on-n-stm-nn-c-tive.
to groan--
102. Tine Registrar n-n-may nc-In-n-se to n--c-ccin-’c- n-n-n application for n-mn tn-m
grant a pate-nt for a-n in-n-ve-n-n-tion-m, or to register a- dc’-signm- or tm-a-dc-n-na-rh,
mn-s atm-a. imm-nof win-ic-in- the n-n-sc- wcmn-n-Id in-n- in-is tm-pinion in-c c-on-n-tm-mn-ny to law or nmorality,
on Lif in-c kn-n-ows tin-at tine alleged in-n- s’-e-n-n-tion-n-, dc-sign, n-n-I- trade-un-ark is n-n-n-mnnew; and on such refusal any provisional protection-n which may ha-vein-c-en give-mn- on mbtan-n-n-ed sin-all c-c-n-n-ac-.
Eon-rn-’ on103. (1,) \—Vimere a- person-n- in-cc-n-mn-n-ne-s en-n-ti tlmn-d tm-yr a-a-ala-nun-ne-ut, tran-n-st~~tm-m-~i? mission, om- other operation on-f la-mv to a pate-nt, or to the e-opyriglnt in a
nc-gist-em-ed n-In-n-sign, or to a rc-gmstem-ed trade-n-na-rh, the R-n-m-gnstnar sin-a-li. on
n-n-nnc-n-in-nest-, an-nd -on-n proof of title- to in-is satisfn-n--c-tin-mn. c-n-n-n-n-sc- t-in-e- nn-n-nn-n-e cml sn-me-inperson to be entered as proprietor of tin-mn- pate-n-it, c-opym-igmn-t in-n- the design.
on tnade-n-nank, in time Rc-gister n-n-f Patents, Designs, om- Trade--nm-am-ks, as
the ease nm-may be.
(2.) TIn-c- pc-non for time time being entered in the Register of Pat-c-n-n-ta,
Design-n-s. or Tn-n-a--dc-un-am-ks as tmnolmm-ictom- of a pat-c-nt, eopy’niglnt in a dc-sigin-,
on tm-an-ic—nm-am-k, a-s the en-n-se n-n-may he--, shall, snnbjec-t -to time in-novision-ns c-f this
Act an-mn-I to an-my rigints appearing fron-in- sn-n-c-h register to be vested in any
other person, have- power absolutely to assign-n-, gm-ant lice-n-n-sc-s as to, on
otln-em-wise- deal wit-h £he a-a-me, and to give c-flee-tn-n-al receipts for any
ccmn-n-sin-ien-n-ationm- for an-ic-in- assignn-n-mcn-n-t, lie-c-n-n-sc, or deahn-n-g.
~ (3,) Bnm-t any eqnnities im-n respect of sm-n-c-h pate-in-tm- design, on trade-nm-irk nn-ay be enforced ian- like n-n-manner a-s in respect of any other personal
n-Mm-n-en-ion on- n-m-~a
104. Every register kept nm-nden this Act shall at a-il eon-mven-mient
tim-mn-es he open-n- to time in-n-spc-c-tion of time public-, subject to the provisions
of tin-is Act a-n-nd to sue-In- ne-gn-n-ia-tin-mns as nmn-ay’ In-c- pre-sc-niimecl ; ann-mi c-cnn-ti fled
copies, sc-a-led with time seal of the Pate-n-mt Ofllc-e-, of any en-mtny ian- an-my such
nc-h n-stem- shall he given to any person requiring the san-ne on payn-non-n-t of
the- prescribed fee.
Sn-on-ed tom-to to nm-n105- Printed or written copies or extracts, pum-pontin-n-g to be c-er,
rn-Sven-1 em esmderm-cr tm-ftmtl 1mm-, tine Em- gin-n-ti n-n-n- ann-i sen-n-ic n-i wntIn- tn-n-c sea-I of tin-c En-ten-nt Office,
ibm-S. aeo n-n-O
of or fronm patents, specificationsm- disclaim-n-me-na, and other documents in
Patents, Design-sm- and Trade-nt-ar/cs.
[No. 140
tin-c- Pa-ten-mt Office, n-n-n-n-n-i n-mi cm-n from-mn negisters an-n-n-I otimmmn hon-n-ks kept i-here,
a-In-all be adn-n-n-itted in-n- eviden-n-ce in-n- n-mu Courts n-mi jn-n-st-n-ce-, an-mn-i In-cfore n-m-ll
Jn-n-st-iec-s, Com n-n-missionens, mn-n-mn-I c-tIn-er person-n-s en-c-tin-n-g in-n- n-nn-n-y jn-nd ~emn-nl
an-Inn-n-i n-nstratn-ve- capacity, an-nd in-n- n-n-il pnn-mce-e-dmn-ngs, wit-lmon-n-t tn-mm-tin-en pm-n-mn-mt
or pm-c-duet-ion of the originals.
106. A certificate pn-n-rportmn-n-g t-m--m be inn-n-tier tin-c- imn-n-n-n-n-l n-n-f ti-me Regis- e-m-~rm:m-n-iente on- a-on-n-am-tn n-n n-— to an-n- cut-nv, n-n-in-ne; n-mr tIn-nn-n-g n-s hn-cmn- In-c n-a- mn-n-tlmon-’n-sn- ml imn mlnn’~ \n- t n-Mr ~obe a-e,dm-’-mtes.
n-n-n any gem-n-era-I rules n-n-n-n-n-dc- tin-crc-n-mn-n-n-in-in-n-, tn-n- n-mn-a-he n-mr do sin-all in-c prima-c- /ac-ic- nm-n-se, No, Ut. an- 114
n-widen-n-man- n-mi tine en-ntn in-n-n-v-in-mg In-ce-n-n- n-n-n-a-dc, an-n-n-i of the- c-on-n-tcnmts tin-m-m-ne-n-mf,
and of tine nn-atter or~thinghaving bee-n don-me or left unn-lcn-n-c-~
107. (1.) Every appeal tm-on-n-n- an-ny action n-mr decision-n- of the Re-gis- a-pm-n-ama ogoinat
tn-n-ax a-in-all be- in-c-a-rn-I am-n-n-i n-ictern-nnnn-n-ed b-n- time Cm-mm-n-nt ~nttn-ng
at It n-’lhnn-gtn-n-n-n~
(2,) Notice of c-very appeal fm-n-inn- a-ny action or dc-c-ia-ion of time- Regis- n-ni-S on- Wellington.
tm-ar a-In-n-n-li be givcmn- in-n- writ-in-mg tn-n- sn-n-c-In- Re-gist-rn-n-n or sen-n-t sn-n- as to non-n-c-h n-n-ea, n-na
kin-n-n- wit-in-in-n se-~endn-n-ys of tin-c Ttmn-n-n-e when the san-n-n-c wa-s tn-n-ken-n- n-n-F given-n-.
n-se No. K, sec. 3
108. (1.) On-n- the- mnppiication-n- of an-my person aggrieved hy time- on-nia-- Boon-n-n-ic-on-Ion of
sn-en-n, n-snthout sn-mn-hencnn-t m n-u-an- ot time mn-anne ut ann-n- pc-na-cnn- tn-F mn-f ‘men-n- tn-then rma-mttkr’ len- (aim-rnpa-nt-ic-tm-In-n-na fm-n-n-n-n-n- ann-y register kept n-n-n-mn-Icr tin-is Act, or by an-ny n-n-n-n-try n-n-n-n-n-dc-, n-sn-m-t n--.o n-t, mm-cc. n-n-s
wit-In-n-n-n-nt a-mm fUc-ic-nt c-n-n-n-n-so, in tn-n-mv sn-n-c-in- register, tin-mn- On-n-n-n-nt in-nay in-n-n-n-icc sn-nc--inn-mn—ic-n -in-mn n-n-na kim-ng, expun--mgin-n-g. n-n-n va-nyin-n-g the- en-n-I-ny a-s it~t-mn-inn-ks fit ; n-mn it
ma-v re-fn-n-sc- tIn-c- application-n-.
(2.) On-n- the petit-in-mn-n- n-mt an-ny penstmn-m by way of appeal fm-cnn-n- an-my n-lee-lain-mm-n n-mt tin-c- Registrar, ~vmn-e-rcsn-n-c-h appeal is gm-an-mt-en-i n-n- rn-den n-n--ny jn-novision-n-s
of tin-ia Ant, tin-c On-n-n-n-nt n-n-n-n-ny in-c-mn-n the n-n-n-at-ten n-mt sn-n-c-h petit-in-mn-mm- n-n-n-md n-n-n-a--y
con-n-finn-n-n-, vn-mny, n-mr nevn-mke any dec-n-sin-mn-n n-n-f tine- Registrar, n-mn n-n-make sm-n-elm
other c-rn-ic-n in the nmatter as it sc-es fit.
(3.) Tn-n- a-mn-y ~n-nn-mc-e-c-dimmg
n-mn-n-den-’ tin-is section-n- tin-c On-n-n-n-nt- nn-n-n-n-y dc-c-idea-n-ny qn-n-estion-n- tin-n-nt- is n-nec-essn-n-m-y on-n- e-x:pen-lien-nt to be n-Ic-n-tided Ion tin-tn- rectification of a rc-gistn-n-r, and n-nay dim-c-ct an-n- issue to he-- tried ton time
n-ice-inn-in-n-n-n- of an-n-y qn-n-e-stion-n- of in-nc-tm- and n-n-may n-n-ward n-In-n-mm-n-ages tn-n- the In-arty
(4.) An-my order of time- Court rectifying a nc-gist-en shall direct that
n-in-Ic n-n-cm-tie-c- n-mi time -nec-ti
lie-n-n-tic-n in-c given-n- to tin-c- Re-gin-n-n-rn-mr. an-nd on-npnn-mdn-n-etion-n tn-n- In-in-n-n- of n-n--ny sn-n-c-h order tine- Registrar shn-n-ll ne-ct-ify’ tin-cmregister in n-n-c-cn-n-rn-hnn-n-c-c- wit-In- tin-c- sn-mimI n-mnder,
109. (1) Army tIn-nc-c- n-mr n-n-n-n-mn-n-n ofthe .Jn-n-dge-s n-mi the Smipnem-n-mm-n- Coin-nt, n-mf Jemmn-ges of Sempreawe
n-yin-on-n-n- time- Chief m-J n-na-tie-c sin-all i-mo one, n-n-may Iron-n-n- tin-n-n-c to tin-n-n-n-n n-n-n-ahe- rn-n-lea- Coon-yam-si
c-f proc-e-n-In-n-re n-mn-n-n-I pm-ac-tic--c in-mn-n- n-c-gin-latin-mg proc-c-c-n-In-n-n-ga- ian- On-n-n-n-nt n-mn n-n-in-in-li— m-mnder a-cL
en-n-tin-mn-n-s n-n-n-nd petit-in-n-n-ms mn-n-n-n-Icr tin-is Act, ann-mi sn-n-bje-c-t- time-ne-to sn-nc-in- prn-mc-e-edi rigs n-bed. ~ m- n-I
a-hail be- re-guiat-ed ac-c-cm-ding to the- existing pnoc-ednmn-’e and pm-n-net-lee- of n-emma, Ne. Sn-n-, ~mmn-m-.
tine On-mn-n-nt in-n- like m-mmn-n--ttmn-rs.
(2.) All sue-in- nn-n-les a-ba-li In-s subject to the- apprn-mvn-mi n-n-f time
Governor in Con-n-nc-il.
(3.) Time c-oats of a-Il In-n-n-nt-ic-s n-mt n-n-n-n-n-I in-nc-ide-n-nt tom an-n-c-In ~n-nrmc-cc-n-Iin-mgs
a-hall ho n-mn- tIn-c dma-cnn-n-tn-n-n-n mn-I tin-c Con-n-nt and tin-c n-n-nm-lens n-n-i tine I. n-n-art n-son- a-o me m-m~ n-n
rc-sjn-ec-tinmg c-oats a-bali Imc- en-n-force-able in-n- tIne a-mn-mn-n-c n-nan-n-n-ne-n a-a- otln-cr orders
of tine Court.
110. The- Registrar nn-ay, on-n- reqn-uma-t in wnitimn-g accompanied by Power n-nc- RegIon-rmmr
time rn-re-~mn-rflme-ri feeto
cairn-ct en-n-nc-itt
(a.) Cone--ct an-n- clerical error in or inn connect-ion wit-in- n-n-n a-ppli- n-mad, sn-. mn-s
c-ation-i for a paten-n-t, on for registration-n- of a n-Ic-sign n-n-n trade-ma-rh: or
Consolidated Statutes,
(b.) Correct an-ny c-ic-rica-i error in-n- tin-s n-n-an-n-ne, st-yie,m- or a-n-ldnsss of
tine nc-gist-c-red pm-c-pric-ton of a pate-nt, dea-ign, or tnade-nn-ank n
(e-.) Canoe-i tine on-n-try or pa-nt of the en-n-try of a trade-n-na-rh on the
iron—n-n-lcd tin-at tine- n-n-p~n-iic-n-n-nn-t n-ncconmmln-n-m-n-nies In-is ne-n-in-n-c-st
by n-n statn-n-tcmry dc-c-in-n-rat-ion-n n-n-n-n-n-dc Imy In-in-n-n-soil, st-n-nt-in-mg In-ia- n-n-a-mn-nc-,
n-n-ddmn-e--a-s, n-n-n-nd c-n-n-li n-n-g, an-md finn-nt Inc is tine Imersn-mn-n- winn-mse nn-a n-n-n-cappeana- on-n- the register as tine- pnopnic--ton of time- said traden-n-nn-n-ric : n-mr
(d.) Pc-rn-n-nit an-n- a-pjmlicn-n-nnt fn-n-n ne-gist-nat-ion-n- ci a dc-sign on tm-an-ic--mn-n-ark
tn-m n-n-mn-n-en-n-n-i in-is mnppiicn-n-t-ion-m by on-n-mittmn-n-g an-ny goods
or c-lasses of goods in-n- c-n-mn-n-n-n-c-ct-ion-n- wit-in wIn-icIn- in-c- in-a-a- desired
tin-c- den-sign-n- on I~r~~~n-ic--n-n-n-n-mm-ic
to In-c-- ne-giste--ne-d.
kn-n-eran--ktm- ~nIl
(I.) Tin-c- registe-red jmrn-mpric-tmmn’ of an-ny regin-terod tm-n-n-ic--n-n-n-am-h
region-n-mn-n-mn- mmmc-n-o.
n-n-n-a-y n-n-ppiy tn-n- tine- Connnt for leave- tn-n- add to or alter a-n-n-c-in n-mn-ark in-n an-nv
n-’cn-en- Nm-. P M n- ~4 p n-rtmn-n-ml n-n- n-not Un- n-mmg mn-n- ea--~emn-tmn-I In- mm-ta c-lam- n-n-n-tmn-mmn- tlmn- mn-me n-mmmng n-mm this
Act, an-md tIme- Con-n-nt n-nay grin-n-nt on re-fuse-le-ave c-in sue in t-c-mn-n-n-s as it
tJn-inks fit,
(2.) Nn-mticc- of n-n-n-ny in-n-I-en-n-tied n-mjmplien-mtion-n- tn-n- tine- Un-mn-n-nt n-n-n-n-n-icr tin-is
se-c-tn-n-n-n-n- simn-nll in-c give--n-n- tn-m tine -Re-gistrar
by tin-c- applie-an-n-t. n-n-nd tin-c- Rogistrar sin-a-il he tn-mn-titled tn-m be in-tn-a-rn-in-mn-n- tin-tn- apt-mi in-n-n-n-tic-nm,
(3.) if tine Con-n-nt gna-n-n-t-s leave- tine-- Re--gin-tram- sin-a-li, n-in-n proof tIn-one-of
an-n-n-I n-n-n-n- paymnn-e-n-n-t of tin-c pne--sc-nilmmed fe-c--, c-an-n-a-c- tin-c- re-gist-c--n tn-n- be alien-n-cd
ian- en-mn-n-in-mn-n-mn-it- witln- tin-c- n-mrdn-n-n gra-nn--tn-nn-g ie-n-n-Ve-,
n-m-’an-mn-n-k rn-n-oem- onj~]~
2. Eve-ny person-n- win-n-n- inn-in-ice--s ~mrc-a n-na-oa- tn-n- he n-n-n-ado n-n false- e-n-n-try
;n-Urmkt tim- fltflm-i ~
n-n-n- -inn-n- negn-a-t cm- kept n-n-n-n-de-n I In-n-a- In-i, c-n- ‘m n-n-n- n-I mn-mg t nlieis pmn-n’pmmn-I mmmg to
n-n-mm ~ em)
~ be- a c-n-n-pm ot n-n-n- on-n-Irs n-mn- n-rn-n a-n-n-n- in- n-n-’n-rm—tc-r n-n-r In-ron-n-n-mn- em- n-mr ten-n-de-n-a- n-n-n
c-n-n-n-n-sos tn-n- In-n-n- pnodn-n-c-en-I n-n-n t-en-nde-ne-d in-n- e-vidn-n-n-n-c-e -a-n-ny
sn-n-c-in- writ-in-mg, kin-ow—
in-ny tin-n-n e-n-n-try n-mr writ-in-my to be- faIn-n-n-, is gnn.iity n-mi n-n-n-n- n-mffe-nn-cn-m- ~n-n-n-mn-~sln-aWe
on-n- in-n-die-tn-ne-nt by in-n-n-prison-n-n-n-ne-ant wit-in n-n-n wit-in-n-mn-nt- in-arn-I Iabc-n-mn for an-ny term
n-n-n-mt ca--c-ce--din-n-a- two ye-a-na. or a F n-ne n-not en-ccoc-dinn-g fifty mn-on-n-nmia-.
C-oem-on-tm. m-a- mn-n-Mn-n-113. Win-crc n-n- n-n n-han-n-n--c-tin-mn-n-n-n-my jmn-mwe-mn- is by tin-is Act given-n- tn-n- tin-cn-io~n-~ry
power by
Rc-n-n-istn-’n-nn he a-tn-a-il n-not- c-xe-re-iso tin-n--nt powe-n adve-rsoiy tn-n- tine- apjmlic-n-nnt
n~n\ -m-. mm- ~n--.un- tn-mn- n- jn- n-ten-nt, m-n-n Ion -n-mn-men-n-n-mn-n-mm-n-nt n-mt a ~pc-nmime .n-lnomm n-n-n mn-mr ne-gm-a n-nt mmmmm n-n-I
n-n trade-n-n-n-n-nm-ic or dc-sig n-n, wit~n-n-mut (if sn-m men-in-n-inc-n-i witini n-n- tin-s in-nc-scribe-n-i
tin-n-ne imy tIn-n-n appiic-ann-t) givmn-n-g tine -mn-pphc-n-n-nn-t
a-n-n- oppomn-tn-n-n-n-it-y n-if in-n-n-in-mg
in-earn-I jme-rson-n-n-n-liy n-mr in-ym- In-ms mm-ge-n-nt.
Pown-m- of nn-emn-n-on-rmm-n11.4- (id Tin-c- Re-gistnn-ir at n-n-a-ny tin-n-n-em- for tin-c- purpn-n-a-ea- of tin-ia- Act,—
i-em- con-n- mm-nmi am-mmm-cm-iam-i
(a,) in-ia-v nn-n-qn-mine tin-tn-- ~~t:te--nn-~ia-~n-ce
of n-n-mn-v pc-n--sn-mn-mn-n- n-n-s wit-n-nc-sac-a, an-n-n-i
-Wm-mnm’ntt, n-i1p5n-m-m-_
amm-mn- mn-c-oemmm--mn-mm-n-mm, mmd
t-mn-o pmon-In-n-cn-n-on-n- n-mi books, n-in-men-ni—n-en-nt-s. n-n- n-n-n-I pn-n--pe--ns, n-n-n-n-n-i n-n-nay
n--u n-djn-xm- cem-ecs.
ca-ann-n inne- wit-n-ne-a-a-es on oath, n-n-n-nd ad n-n-n-i n-n-ia-tn-n-n on-nt-ins in--mn time
n-n-aa, ,m-m~. men-n
ma-n-mn-. n-n-ce K, cm-em-c. a- n-s~
in-n-mm porn n(6,) Mn-my, n-I in-c tIn-n-n-n-ks tnt-, n-nhtamn-n tIn-c- in-sn-n-n-st-n-n-n-n-ce of n-n-ny a-c-ne-nt-n-tn-c,
expert, on other person:
(c) May rmn-q n-n-inn-n- tin-c- sc-vera-i panties to mn-mn-v c-n-n-ac- on n-n-n-at-tn-mr lie-in-n-rein-inn- tn-n- de-posita-n-nc-In- a-un--n-n-a- a--s he thinks fit, to n-nnoet the c-n-ma-taof or inn-c-in-len-nt to he-n-n-ring sue-h ca-sc- on n-n-matte-n
(ci.) May~by nnnit-mmn-g n-n-n-mn-icr In-Ia han-n-n-I, n-n-rn-in-n-n t-m~m be In-n-n-in-i tn-n- an-ny person-nin-c- n-n-nay’ c-all to in-Ia- am—i as aionesaid son-n-nc- ne-n-n-n-n-n-n-nc-na-tin-n-n-n- in-mn-nIn-is n-nt-ten-n-din-n-n-ce- n- mn-n-n-n-i n-mn-n-ny in-n- like- mn-man-n-n-n-c-n cnn-let tin-n-nt tin-s
costs of any bc-a-rUng upon any objections. on the protection
- -,
- -
- -~
a-nd Trade--n-n-n-anm-ins.
[No. 140
mn-c-n-jmn-irc-n-i by tin-c- n-n-in-in-lie-an-nt nn-n-n-der tin-ia- An-mt, sin-all lie In-n-n- in-i ;
n-n-nd, in-n- n-n-nd by sn-n-c-h writ-in-n-gm- a-Inn-n-li fix tine- n-n- n-n-n-n-mn-n-in-i of sn-n-c-Innen-nnnn-n-nenn-ntionn- on n-mosts, n-n-nn-i by or tn-n- win-n-n-n-n-n tin-c n-can-n-me- mesjme-n-mti-c-ely a-Inn-n-Il he- pn-n-in-i
cc.) Mn-ny n-n-djn-mn-n-mn-n- tine in-c-n-n-n—mg n-mf n-n-n-n- n-n-ppl.icn-n-tiomn-, n-n-n n-mt-In-er n-mn-mitten
fin-n tine- tin-mn-c- in-c-inn-a- n-n-n-n-dc-n in-ia- c-n-n-na-ide-ration-n. Inn-mn-mn tin-n-ne-- to
t-i rn-n-c on-’ n-n-inn-n- ti-ic
([4 in-n- oppcn-se-d ca-a-c-a-, sin-all inca--n a--n-nd c-a-a-n-n-n-in-n-c- tine n-n-En-in-Iicn-mn-n-Im- tine
ohjn-mc-tn-n-nsn-, an-n-n-i time-in nc-sjmcct-ive witn-n-esa-n-na-. (if an-my), an-n-n-I c-n-mn-n-a-ide-n the-in e-vin-In--n-n-n-c-e a-epn-n-nately an-n-n-i n-n-part- frmmmmn- a-n-id in-n I-in-n-n-n-mba-c-nc-c- n-if tin-c- ct-In-er, in-is witnnc-sa-ea- an-n-n-i evidc-n-nc-n-’- n-n-n-n-less it- is
n-n-tIn-erwin-tm- rn-mn-n-tn-un-I ~ya-gre-ed in-y tine -a-jmplin-n-n-n-n-n-t
n-n-n-nd tin-c- n-mhjc’ctora-.
(2.) Eve-ny’ order n-mi tin-c- Re-gist-n-an n-tn-ide-n jaragra~n-mn-(ci) in-c-re-of a-in-all
he-- in-n tine in-mn~n-n-n- n-mn-n-nm he-n-cd (S) in-n- tine See-on-nd Se-inc-n-In-n-Ic in-c-nc-to on-’ tn-n- tinelike- c-tin-n-n-ct, a-n-nd n-n-may in-n-c n-n-n-an-ic- n-n rn-n-Ic- of Un-en-nt.
115. (LI An-ny n-n-pplic-zntin-mn, n-nc-tic-n-n-, n-mr c-tin-c-n n-In-me-n-n-mn-men-mt n-n-n-n-thom-in-ne-d a-pm-n-n-can-n-on-mm- aim-mm
n-mn mm- m pm mm en-I t mm- immm- In- It, in-n- n-dc- on- gm-n- mn-n- at the P<ntn-’n-nt thin-n- n-n- or tn-n- tine -mm-em-n-mr-tn
n-n n-m-~~nRe-gist-nan-. on tmm n-n--mn-v mther fmerson-n- nnmn-dn-n-n t~mn-is Act, n-in-n-my- in-c- sc-mit in-v a n-a-a-sm- No. n-em- m-n-c- m~a
premmn-nin-l lette-r tin-ron-n-gin- the post a--n-nd, if n-un- a-en-nt, sin-n-nil he dec-n-n-ne-n-I to
Imave- tn-mn-mn-n-n- left, n-n-n-a-Un-c, n-mr given-i nn-n-spn-n-n-n-tively n-nt tin-mn tin-n-n-n-n win-n-n-n-n- tin-n-n- in-ct-ten
con-nta-mn-nin-ng time- san-n-ne won-n-hi tn-c dc-live-re-n-i in-n- tin-n-n- n-mn-li-n-amy eonn-rsn-m of Inn-n-st~
(2.) in proving a-nn-c-h service- on a-ending, it sin-a-li be- sn-n-tile-ic-n-nt to prove
tin-n-nt- tin-mn ic-Urn win-n-n-n- t-mrcmpe-n--Iy n-nm-in-inca-mn-c-n-I n--n-in-n-i h—nt in-n-tn-n- tin-n-n ptma-t.
116. Wn-hc-ne the last day fixed by- tIn-is Ac-tm- on imy an-n-n-n-- mn-Ic n--m-n-cm-vLtmm- am tn-nfor tin-c- tin-n-nc- being in-n in-n-nec-, ion Ien-nvimn-g any dc-cnn-n-n-n-en-nt on paying a-ny
In-c at tine- P,n-tn-n-n-n-t Olin-ce I ills on-n- C In-mn-a-tn-n-n-a-, Dan- (in-mn-md Ii n-n-dan- n-mn n-n-n-n ~n-n-n-m-n-m- n- Mn- n-at
Saturday or Sunday, on bank holiday, or an-ny day observed a-a- a day
n-mt in-n-ntmFn-e ia-st n-n-r timmn-n-n-ksgivirmg, in-crc-ian- nefn-nnned to n-na- n-n-xe-in-n-tie-n-i days,
it a-in-a-U he lawfn-n-i to len-we sn-n-c-b dn-mcn-n-nn-en-nt on tn-n- ~n-n-n-y
a-mn-cit fee (n-n-n- time day
next followin-n-g sun-n-in- exciun-ied n-lay’, on- days if two on mn-n-n-n-me of linen-n-n occur
117. fin-n-n-ny penn-un-n-n-, In-v nc-n-n-Sn-n-n-n-n-n-f n-nnmn-n-on-it~In-n-n-n-n-n-n-ny, on oilier in-n-ability Declamnim.n-m mm-p
n-s n-n-n-en-n-pm-mimic- n-mi n-n-n-akn-n-n-g ann dm’eim-n-natnon-n- n-mr don-n-n-g an-n-n- tin-n-ny rmmqn-n-nmcn-l mm mm-mr n-mm-mn-em- &~
n-mn imn-n-nn-n-mtttc-d in- Iimn.s Act n-n-n-: by n-n-n-my nnn-ie-a- n-c-n-n-dc- n-n-n-n-den tine n-n-n-n-tmn-c-mnity n-n-f lime-, n-cc. n-tm
this Act, tin-en-n tine gn-nardian-n- n-mr c-n-mn-n-n-n-nit-tee (if tn-n-ny) n-n-f n--n-me-in- in-n-c-at-n-n-mimicpc-na-n-mn-n, c-mn, if the-ne- is n-n on-n-c, an-ny- pc-na-on-n appoinmte-d Imy an-ny Con-n-nt- or Judgeposse-a-sin-mg jnmnisn-iict’non-n- in-n respect of tine ~mnn-mpe-nt-y
of in-n-c-n-qmn-n-imle -penson-ma-,
on the petition of any pc-na-on c-n be-In-alt of sue-in- inc-a-pa his person, or of
a-ny c-tine-n pe-n-a-n-mn-n in-nt-cne-a-ten-i in-n tin-c nn-n-akin-n-ng a-nc-in n-icc-lan-n-n-tin--mn-n n-n-n din-in-mg
sn-n-ch tin-in-n-gm- n-nay un-n-n-ice sacIn- dec-larn-n-tin-mn or a dec-in--nra-tin-mn n-na- n-nearly mn-n-mn—
n-ea-pon-nding tine-net-c- as einc-mn-n-n-na-tn-n-n-mc-es pc-mn-it, an-cl do sue-In tin-In-mg in-n- then-n-n--n-n-n-n-c n-n-n-nd on-n- lmelnalf cmi a-n-n-eli mn-nc-apn-n--lmie fme-ra-n-n-nn- ; n-nn-n-n-l a-il n-net-a- n-ion-n-c- imy a-n-ne-insn-n-bstitn-n--tc- sin-all, ton tine pn-n-n-i?oa-c-s of tin-ia- Act-, be as c-fleet-un-n-I as if don-n-cby time pc-na-on-n- ion-n- whon-n-n inc n-a- sn-ni-st-it-n-nt-cd.
118. (1.) A pen-sn-mn-n sin-n-n-li n-n-n-mt be- entitieci tn-n- describe inin-mnsn--Uf as a Rn-n-n-c-mn-mm-non at
pat-en-nt- agent, whether by advert-ia-c-n-nc-nt, by description on in-is place n-n-on-n-mn-n- oa-n-mn-s.
of bn-n-a-inea-a-, in-y an-ny’ n-loc-n-nn-n-n-en-n-t issue-n-i Imy in-in-n-n, on ot-Inerwise, n-n-n-n-lea-a- be is n-n-n-md, mm-n-n- n-n-n-mregistered a-s a pate-nt agent under this Ae.t.
(24 Eve-ny in-c-na-on who knowingly describes bin-n-n-a-elf a-a- a patent- s--gent
in brc-acmn- of tin-ia- sect-in-n-n-n is liable to a fine not en-cn-ce-en-iinng tn-ve-n-nty 1mon-n-nmda-.
-$-~(34 In this section-n- “patent age-nt” un-can-n-s exc-lusiveiy an-n- agent
for obtaininn-g pat-en-n-ta in New Zealand,
ConsumNdated Stat-n-nn-en-~
119. (1.) Tinc On-n-vennor n-n-nay’ inc-en-n tin-n-ne tn-m time-, by Or-ic-n in-nn-c-’n- Cm-n-n-n-n-c-il gazette--mi, n-n-make-- a-n-n-elm e--n-nen-’n-ni ne-a-n-n-In-n-tin-n-n-na- inn-md tin-n- sn-ic-in- tininngaas- in-c- tin-in-n-ks e-xpedic-n-n-t, sn-n-imjec-t to tin-c in-rn-n-visions of this Ac-tm- tn-mn—
(n-n-.) lTtc-guln-n-t-in-ng tin-c- pnn-ne-tkn-m n-mi registnn-ntimn-n-n n-n-ndc-n tin-ia- Act(to) (In-na-slim-mn-In-mg gn-nmn-nla- in-n-n’ tin-n-n- 1mnnrpcn-s&n- of n-Ic-sign-na- n-n-n-nd trn-nde—
n-n-n-n-nnlca(a.) Making on n-’c-qn-n-ininn-g n-inn-in-lie-ate-s tn-f specific-at-ions. an-n-n-c-nUn-ne-nt-a-mn-Inn-n- n--vie a-a-., n-n-n-n-n-i ot~1ne--ndn-mc-n-n-n-nn-e-n-nt-s
(n-L) 8n-n-en-mnmn-n-g an-n-n-I rc-nn-in-n--t-in-n- tine puimiisin-in-ng an-nd sn-n-Ri—ny of copies
of specific-a-tin-n-na-, dna-wings, an-n-ne-ndn-n-nen-n-ts, n-nnn-i other n-bc-n-n-—
(e.) Se-c-un—mg ann-i ne--gn-n-fn-n-t-in-n-g the-- jmn-n-imi isinin-n-g a-n-nd selling of indexes
t-o an-n-n-I abnidgmnne-nts of a-pc-c-ide-at-in-mn-n-s a-nd c-the--n dc-en-un-n-c-n-nt-s
in-n- time-- fm-n-mt-n--ant Chile-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-i prcn-vid in-n-g in-mn-n- tin-n-n- in-n-a-pc--c-tic-n-n
n-n-f in-n-n-ic-xe-a-, n-n-n-n-n-i n-nbnin-ige-n-n-ne-nts, an-n-n-i n-mt-in-n-sr n-in-men-n-n-nc-nt-s
(/4 Re-gn-nlnntmn-n-g. tIne ~n-n-escnta-tin-mn-n
of en-mimics n-n-f Pat-en-nt Office jmn-n-imIi—
n-n-at-in-n-na- tn-n- n-n-n-±-cn-n-te-es in-n-mn-i I-n-n- public- n-n-n-n-tin-n-mnitic-n-n-n-, bn-n-n-lies, &nn-l
in-n-st-it-n-nt-in-mn-na- n-nt in-n-mn-n-n-c n-n-n-n-n-I a-inn-on-nd
(q~)Re-a-n-n-in-nt-in-n-a- -tine nc-trial nat-in-mn-n n-mi pate-n-nt n-n-gent-a-, a~-nn-n-I tine tern-n-n-n-m
n-n-n-n-n-I n-n-n-mn-ndition-n-s n-n-f sn-n-oh re-gistran-in-nn-n- : n-mn-nd
(Jo) lien-n-c-mn-n-fly’ nm-c-a-n-n-in-mt-in-na- the- imn-n-smn-n-e-ss of time-- Pn-n-tenn-t Office, an-nd
mdl tin-in-nrc-s by tin-is~~ inline-en-I n-n-mn-mien tine n-lire-ct-in-n-n-n- n-mn cnn-n-nt-rn-mi
of tin-c- Re-gist-ran.
(2-4 An-ny’ n-mf tin-c fn-nnn-n-n-a- in tine Se--en-n-n-n-n-i Sc-In-e-n-In-n-ic- In-crc-to n-n-nay In-c- a-It-c-ned.
on an-nc-n-n-n-ten-i in-a- negn-n-ln-n-~tin-n-mns n-n-n-n-n-n-ic- n-n-a- n-nfn-mne-sn-n-in-I.
(3.) AR ~cgn-n-ln-n-t-in-n-namn-n-n-ic n-nude-n tin-is se-ct-ion-n small, sn-n-bjc-ct a-s
ine-re-in-n-a-ft--n-mr men-nt-ic-mn-n-ed, Ic of tin-c- sn-n-n-inn-c ellen-mt inn-n- if tin-en-n-- were c-n-mn-n-ta-in-nc-n-i
in-n t-inis Act, an-n-n-i a-inn-nfl in-c- jn-n-n-Iin-cin-nlly n-mn-mt-ken-i
(4.) Any rc-gn-n-la-tionn-s n-nan-ic n-n-n-n-den tin-is a-c-c-tin-mn shall fn-mrtinwitmn- be
iain-i me-In-n-re Pnnn--Iian-nme-nt- ii a-itt-in-na-, n-n-nd ii n-not, tin-c-n n--na- soon-n- a-a- pnac-tiea-bln-nafter tin-c in-c-gin-n-n-n-lag of tine tin-c-n-n- n-nn-n-xt c-n-na-n-n-in-mg se-ssin-n- n-n.
(5.) If c-it-hen Hon-n-se- of Pa-n-han-n-n-en-nt, within the n-next- forty days
after a-n-ny rmn-gnn-in-n-tin-mn-na- In-ave in-ce-n-n a-n-n- ia-in-I beic-nc- a-n-n-c-in Rn-mn-n-se-a- ne-a-ohm-cs
tin-at- such ne-gnniatin-mn-n-a- n-nv a-n-ny n-mt tin-c-n-n-n- n-n-nm a-mt to be an-n-n n-nile--n-I, the- a-a-me
a-In-n-nil. a-it-c-n tine- n-in-nt-c- of sn-n-c-In nc-a-olin-tin-mn-n-, in-c- n-n-f n-n-a c-tic-ct, wit-Inn-n-n-nt- prejn-n-n-lie-n-n- tn-n- tin-c vn-n-hd ity’ of n-nnm IIn-inn-a- n-in-n-n-n-c in-n tin-c- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-rn-tin-n-n-mn- n-n-n-n-n-icr a-n-n-c-inrca-n-n- In-nt-ion-n-a-, on to the- n-n-f n-n-n-n-yr n-ne-nv ne-n-n-in-ntnon-na.
Am-mammal m--opmm-rn---mm mm-n120. Tine Regis-Ira-n- sin-a-Il in-n e-vn-m-ny yea-n n-man-n-a-c- a- re-pont-- ne-a-pc-ctRn-me-n-nm-mm-n-c
in.g tine -c-xe-cnn-tin-n-un
by n-mn nn- n-n-n-icr inin-n-n- n-n-f tin-is Act- to he laid ime-fone -fm-n-n-nba-n-tm-mm-., n-n-a. n-An-mn-n-n-c-nt, a-n-nml the-ne-in-n a-hall in-n-elude Ion the ye-an to which c-ac-h ne-pont- ne-ia-tean-a-n-c-n-, No. n-Cm- mmm-.r-.
n-n-li ge-rn-n-n-rn-n-i ne-a-n-n-ia-tin-mn-na- n-nna-n-ie- in-n- tin-n-nt y-e-n-nr n-n-n-n-n-in-mr n-n-n ic-mr tine pin- n-tn-n-na-e-s n-mi
tinis Act-, a-nd an ac-c-on-n-n-nt- of all fee-s. salaries, and allowances, a-nc-i other
n-nnn-nn-ncy receive-U n-n-n-n-n-i inn-n-in-i n-n-n-ndc-n tin-is Act.
121 m-1m-1m -c-n-mv
n--,n >m-mn--m -n-nI
m- fm-In-e- Sm-i n-n-n-np On-n-tn-es tn--I tm--n-OS ‘ sin-m-n-il n-not
apply in-n nespe-c-tn-mt n-ioc-nn n-n-n-n-n-n-nt-s n-icimn-ma-itc-n-i n-n-n- tine- Pate-n-nt Olilee,
‘-n-am-mm-n- n-Ym- mm-i
nm--m-n-- no mm-n-em-n-mm-.
n-n-n-mm-n-, n-ma. n-mnn-sn-nm- nn-n-m -a-.
n-n-n-~~aoflc-ncraFan-n-sn-v rn-pan-n-mm-mm-mn-inn122. CL) An-ny pc-na-on-n- who re-pre-a-e-nt-s that any antic-Ic- sold by bin-mn
on-n-~oksn-mn- n-n-nis a- pa-ten-n-te-d mn-nt-ic-ic- wine-n-n n-no in-a-tent- in-a-a- in-c-c-n-n grin n-nt-ed tn-n-n the -sn-n-me
\m-~12 n-sm
- -
/n-al n-n-mn-I, n-n-n- n-Ic-sm n- n-lmn-. ~ an-mn- dc—n-a-n-n- n-n-n- In n-n-In- n-nm-n-n-k m-n-imimln-n-d tn-n an-n-m
a-mt-ic-ic- a-n-n-in-b imy In-inn n-n-s nc-a-ia-te-n-c-n-i win- in-n-in is not sn-n-, is liable-- in-mn n-n-very’ ofle-n-n-n-.Tn-c-,
on-n sn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-any convict-in-mn, tn-n- a fin-ne nn-mt- c-xe-c-c-ding fifty pounds.
12m-m- )sn- n-n-
Pat-en-is, Dc-sigin-a-, and Trade-mn-irks.
[No. 140.
(2.) A. me-na-on sin-all he- dec-me-cl, ton tine- pnn-n-n-~nn-n-ses of tin-is se-ct-ion-n,
to nekmnesn-n-nt that n-n-n-n antic-fe is pate-n-n-ted, n-mn a design-n- n-mn a t-nan-mn-’--rn-n-ank
is nc-gn-a-tc-rn-n-n-l, ii in-c- sells tine ant-ic-Ic- n-cit-b t-mn-c- word m-m- pa-ten-nt,” m-n- in-at-c-nt-ed,”
m-m -regia-te-rm-mdm-”
on n-n-rn-v word n-mr wn-n-n--n-in-n- n-mr let-ten--s c-xfmrn-n-a-n-n-inn-g n-mr in-n-tpiyin-tng
that- a pa-tent c-n registration-n ha-a- be-c-n obtained In-mn- the antic-Ic- stamped,
c-na-nave-c-i, n-n-n in-nnpnn-msse-d n-mn-n n-mn c-tin-n-mn-wise n-npjmlied to tine ant-ic-Ic-.
123. An-my’ in-era-on-n wino in-n-Isciy rein-re-sen-n-ta i-h-at- n-mn-ny gn-mn-mds n-nrc n-n-nan-ic n-n-mm-n-n-m-m rm-m-n-m-rsn-n-m-n-n-m-m-nn-nm-mby a person-n inn-mIn-Iin-n-g a- ftc-va-I wann-~an-nt,on Ic-n tine sc-rvim-n-$mf f-Ha- Maj est-v, n-n-n- tn-n- n-n-n-n-’n-n- -mm--n-n-rem-n-n-.
on a-ny of tine Ln-my~aI in- a-mn-la-, n-n-n tine- tm-n-nvenn-n-n-mn of N en-; Lea-la-ann-I, n-mn an-ny
De-pn-n-rtn-n-n-e-n-nt n-n-I i-I is Mn-n-je-st’s se-nv ic~n-m in-n tine Un-njim-n-n-i K in-mgdn-un-n- c-n New
Zealand, is liable on-n a-n-n-n-nnn-a-ny convict-ion-n- to a fin-n-c- n-n-n-mt exceeding twenty
124. (1.) Sn-n-inject tm-n- tin-tn- prn-n-visin-n-n-n-s n-n-I tin-is Ac-I nc-la-tin-mg to n-n-ftc-n-n-en-n-a- Rn-oem-a-rn- m-mF n-n-n-n-m-m-m-~
punishable -on indic-tnne-nt, any fine under tIn-is Act n-nay be- nc-covered n-n-n-n-a, n-m-~m-m-m-. n-n-n-nin-n a a-n-n-mn-n-mn-n-nj’ way bc-lore n-in-my twin- n-n-n n-inn-nrc- Jn-n-st-iee-a-m- c-nm- a Mn-na-in-n-ira-I-c-,
n-unde-r “The Just-ices of tine Peace Act-, 1908.”
(2-.) Any in-n-format-in-n-n-n in-n nesjm c--ct- n-mf an-ny’ n-n-n-n-nt-ten n-nnisin-n-g un-n-n-I~~e-rtin-is
Act- n-nn-n-n-y’ in-c- in-n-ad wit-in-in-n- six n-n-n-n-mn-n- tins iron-n-n- tin-n-n- I-in-n-n-c- win-c-n-n a-n-nc-in- n-n-n-n-titers
can-n-ne- to tine kn-n-owIc-dge- of tin-n-n- in-nfc-n--n-n-n-a-nt.
125. Not-In-n-n-n-a- un this Act a-in-n-n-li tn-n-in-n-n- awn-nv, abridge-, on prc-jn-n-n-Iin-mia-Iiy Pm-m-m-n-cm-n-n-dim-m-m- at tn-n-na-lIe-ct tin-c- pn--n-n-rn-n-gn-n-tive n-ni tin-n-n- Crown-n- in-n- ne-latin-mn-n - In-n- time a-na-n-n-tin-na- c-f n-n-n-ny’- ,n-n-L
letters pa-te-nton to the wn-t-hIn-oldn-ng c-f a- grant tin-c-ne-of.
Enemnn’-rs c-oasoon-aamn-mn-o
No. fl-----” The Un-m-t-n-mn-n-tom- Dm-n-n-n-ign-n-s,
1897, No. 8.
n-n--n-nd Trade-n-n-n-n-n--n--in-n-n- An-n-I, 1889?’
an-n-n-I Trade -mn-n-n-irks Act- An-nn-cadn-n-men-n-t-
m-m- The In-mn-ten-n-n-sm- Dean-gm-n-sm-
(L) Anm-n-’Ln-n-;s-rn-oN n-n-n-rn Pa-rn-mn-n--n-.
Sn-an-ion 7 (1).
I. [line in-n-sn-fl -n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-, n-zddnss, a-n-nd c-m-n-I-limn-q of in-n-n-un-mn-or m-nr n-n-n-Arm- £4-n- pen--sn-n-n -n-n-na-An--ne- dn-n-d’n-r’n-!-innn-], n-bmn-i, Fin-mm-t San-n-am-n-n-n-In-.
declare than- [A. Rm- of
m- an-n-m-i] I n-in-n-n [or -n--re] i’m pen-ae~ssin-mn-nc-f n-n-n-n- in-mm-cc-n-mt-ion-n for
[m-m -n-mnngamvmmnn-n-mmntmmin-n- sn-mwing-n-n-mac}mirn-e-n-n- m-m-] tin-n-n-n- I [or the n-n-n-in-i n-t n-n.j n-n-n--mn- [or is] tin-n-n- tn-n-n-c
an-n-n-I hr-n-n- in-men-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-mm-n-rn-n-n-n-f ; ann-I that tin-n-n- san-n-mn-n- in- n-n-on-n- in. n-n-sm-n- by mn-n-ny n-n-tin-n-mr person-n- n-mr
pa-son-n-n-n- to n--ha n-neat- n-mt n-mn->’ known-n-n-n-n-gm-n- an-n-n-i imm-m-n-in-mI n-n-n-mn-i I tn-mn-n-nmn-mIy n-n-rn-ny n-tn-n-nt m-n- n-n-at-mn-ut n-n-mn-ny
be grin-n-tn-md to n-n-nm-in- [or n-n-a) in-mr tn-mm-n- said in-n-en-mm-n-tin-n-n-mm- an-n- dn-n-acrihn-n-d in-n- n-in-n-n- n-n-pn-tm-n-n-itim-man-ic-nn- he-n-n-withRn-n-ted n-n-n-is
n-lay of
m- n-cmn-m-m-n to n-ign-nn-n-wre.)
[-S-fe-n-n-n-n-turn-n- of in-n-van-n-n-or, on-’ am the em-n-sm-n- n-n-may tn--]
Sn-an-ion-n- 7
-in-n-cnn- mn-anne, adn-Irn-n-ss, a-n-nd cm-n-/Ain-mg of -inn-n-en-ton-- or n-n-tin-er the ps-non-n n-na-king
n-lsn-n-im-n-ration]m- do in-n-n-tm-n-by’ misc-in-nra n-tn-a n-n-an-n-n-n-n-n- s-mt n-n-n- n-n-n-ve-n-n-ticm-n-n in-- n--he rn-n-n-n-en-n-tin-mn-n mn-i it n-tmn-n-f
n-) In-n-n-n- m-m- in-n-n-mn-rovn-n-rn-n-nn-n--s in-n- sn-n-win-mg-n-n-n-n-n-chin-n-es flj tn-n be n-mn-n- tn-mUm-mn-n-n-n-
[liars in-n-sm-mn-n- then--n- description n-n-f in-n-ten-n-n- in-m-n]
, 1$
[Sign-n-on-n-n-re of ia-n-n-en-n-n-on--,
On-’ n-is Mn-n- c-n-ne n-n-n-cry tm-n-n-.]
Ben-tn-an 7
Cn-n-n.m-n-c-iIdatn-n-d m-Stttin-tte&
[litre in-n-scat n--Ide, n-n-n- i-n-dn-an-inn-rn-ntien.)
in [here in-sn-un- non-ne, n-n-d-drenm- n-n-n-n-n-I calling of in-n-n-an-n--n-n-or n-mr oth-n-r n-he person-n- . n-n-n-n-n-king
n-h-en-n-n-n--n-n-tin-mn], n-tn-n- In-even-n-v deemn-mrn-n- tine n-n-mn-n-un-c n-n-I mn-ne in-n-yen-n-tim-n-n-n- [v-n- n-In-c mn-nn-’m--nn-n-iion-n n-n-f A. B,, n-mn,] in-n-c [m-m -inn-n-proven-n-n-en-n-tn-nin-n- sewimn-g-nmnnnehmn-nes “], n-n-n-n-n-i in-n win-n-nt n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-er n-Inn-n- sn-n-n-n-ne
n-n- n-n-n- tn-c n-~n-n-m-rfn-n-rn-nn-ed, tn-n- lime n-n-n-nrn-memn-lmn-ily deen-n-n-iben-n- n-m-n-n-U n-n-seen-tn-n-in-ned in-n rn-n-n-ni by n-In-c in-mn-in-n-win-mg
[lien-c in-n--n-en--n- fm-n-il n-ie,n-n-n-r-i-pt--iomn- n-n-f in-n-n-mention-n]
i-ian-m-in-n-.g n-n-n-mw pan--n-ic-n-n-tan-In-- n-len-n-n-n-tin-n-en-I n-n-n-n-U ascertain-n-en-i the n-n-attn-re of tine said in-n-n-n-m-n-n-n-in-n-n-n-man-nd inn- win-an- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-en-- n-in-c n-n-n-n-n-n-n-c- is to In-c pn-nr(n-n-mn-n-n-en-l, I n-ic-elan-c n-n-mat win-n-n-n- I damn-n- in-n- [Here
sn-on-cr din--n--in-n-n-mt/-n- n-An- (en-n-tn-n-rn-n-s n-n-f n-n-on-n-n-n-ity den-in-n-n-en-h]
Dated thin-ndan-- c-f
19 [Sip-n-n-n-n-turn-n- n-n-f inn-cnn-or, mn-r n-n-s n-he cone -n-n-n-n-ny in-c]
&m-n-tion 7 (7).
(-1) Rn-n-cnn-n-nm-m-r n-n-on-n- Sn-n-n-men- n-n-n-n-n-amen-on-n-.
imn-n-cn-nn-vn-mn ten-mn-n-n- n-I - FL, tn-n-n-- tn-an-n-sn-n-n-ian-ion-n- tn-n n-b.c B.n-n-gistmn-n-r n-n-f Pin-tn-mn-n-n-a, apn-m-n-n-ilmn-mation-n- Ion-nmn-n-n in-n-n-n-an-n-n-in-mn-n- fm-mr [i-n-n-sn-n-rn- n-As n-in-/n-n-), at- the n-n-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-f [In-n-sn-n-ri Mn-n- tin-n-me], n-n-n-n- tn-n-ia
,n-9 hoc-n-n-Tn- Tm-n-n-tent OlIn-ce,
0. A., Pan-n--n-nt De-n-c-n-n- Agen-nt~.
Sn-a-tin-m-n-n- In-n- n-a-n-.
(5.) tm-s-n-n-tn
Sn-n-cnn-mn-tn--n-. by the Grace- c-f On-n-S. c-f the JJn-n-itn-m-n-i Kin-n-gn-In-n-n-n-n n-n-f G-n-m-en-m-t
Un-it-n-n-in-n an-n-n-i In--en-an-nd n-n-n-nd n-n-f tin-c n-Inn-na In Don-n-n-in-n-in-n-n-n-s in-n-n-on-n-S tine See-sn- Kin-n-gmDefender n-n-f tin-c Fain-In m-n-m-n-n- all to din-m-n-n-n-n-linen-ne- rn-rn-sen-n-fr n-ba-U n-n-c-n-n-n-c, Greeting.
n-In-n-n-n-nan-m-n-s [lien--a in-n-sen--n- -n-n--n-n-n-mn-n-, address, an-md eon-inn-mg of in-n-vc-n-n--n-c-n-~ as in-n-- n-ien--iorn-n-tion-n-] has n-n--pn--n-n-sn-rn-n-en-I n-n-n-n-to n-n-s tn-nat be is in-n- n-mn-n-sn-n-n-sn-n-in-n-n n-n-f an-n- in-n-n-en-mn-n-tin-n-n-n- tn-n-n- [We-rn-n- in-n-tern- tin-/n- n--n-f inn-n-mm--n-n-n-n-n-n-nv,
n-n--s in-n- n/ac/n-n-ran-n-in-n-n-f. than- lie is the tn-n-n-c- an-nd (in-st inn-n-mn-n-ton- then-c-c-f, and that the n-ann-n-n- n-s nc-t
in n-n-se by an-n>’ c-tin-er n-mon-n-c-n-n-~n-c- tn-n-a n-most of bin-n- kn-n-c-win-nn-n-gm-n- and In-c-km-n-f
An-mn-i when-en-n-s tine
said in-n-n--enter (who, with bin- heirs, n-n-n-n-n-n-n-mnn-torn-, adn-nn-mn-n-ist-nn-tn-n-n-t and assigns, is heroin-n-after
n-n-toned n-c- a-s m-m- tin-m-n- pan-n-n-n-n-too “) in-as rn-n-pan-sc-n-n-ted n-hat he is Sn-n-sin-n-n-n-n-s c-f oln-tamn-n-ing len-ten-s
n-nan-en-nt ic-n-’ n-emn-n-nrin-n-g n-n-n-n-n-c- bn-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-n- spec-n-al lic-en-n-ae for tn-n-n-n- said in-n-n-n-antic-n-n. an-n-n-n- by an n-n-n-stn-’nn--
En-mwannn-m n-n-tn-n-
in-n- writing -n-n-n-n-Sn-n-n- his han-n-dm- deposited in the Tm-atc-n-n-t Office n-n-n-n-den- n-hn-n- mn-n-c-visin-n-n-n-s of
m-m- The I’m-n-tents, Oen-ngna. an-nd Tn-ads-n-n’man-ka Ac-n-, usmn-n-.’m- n-ho patentn-n-e has pan-n-.ienn-n-atn-y n-fen-nc-n’ibed ann-n-i an-can’t-n-n-in-n-sd tin-n-n- nan-n-n-rn-n- of tn-n-n-n- said in-n-i’m-n-n-n-n-ion-n-, an-n-n-i. in-n- win-at nn-anner thm-n- n-anne
is to he pen-Ic-n-n-n-n-ad
Nc-n-cr, therefore. know ya that n-en-n- han--n-n- gin-en-n an-n-n-I granted, an-n-S by
ttnesn-m n-n-n-can-n-n-n-tn-. In-n-n- n-n-a, c-n-in- heirs an-n-n-i sn-n-n-n-censors, do gin-n-n-n- and grin-n-n-tm- n-n-n-n-to the n-n-an-en-n-tee
on-nr special n-ic-en-n-an-n- and an-n-thorin-y tin-at the n-n--n-n-ten-n-tn-em- n-my bin-n-n-self, n-mr n-n-is sn-rn-an-n-n-a or agn-n-n-nts,
on-’ n-mn-en-n- n-n-tIn-en-n-n n-n-a hn-m n-nt an-n n-in-n-n-n-n- agn’n-n-n-a -with n-In-n-n-in-mg tin-n- n-n-n-n-n-n-n- hn-n-remn-n- ex;n-n-n-n-aaen-i, shall
an-n-n-I ln-n-n-vfnn-ily nn-ay nn-akn-n-, n-n-sn-n-, and en-n-n-nd bin-n- sam-I in-n-n--en-n-tic-rn- within-n- New Zn-an-an-n-n-I an-nd.
its n-len-nenmlan-n-c-iea, in-n- sn-n-n-n-h n-n-n-ann-n-er as to bin-n-n- n-n-en-n-n-n-s n-n-n-cot Tn-n- han-n-n-, hen-in-I, an-nd en--n-jon-nthn-n- said iin-n-onan-n-, privilege, an-nd n-n-n-n-van-n-t-agn- n-tn-n-to an-mn-I by the pan-en-n-tee for an-nd dn-n-n-mn-n-g thn-n
tn-n-rn-n-n- n-n-f fan-n-n-tn--n-n--n-n-n- n-In-nn-n-ay of
m -[Date
c-f n-n-eeepian-n-n-mn-n- n-n-f n-nppiiea--
tion-n-], an-n-d n-hat- he sn-n-all an-n-n-i n-awln-n-In-v n-n-nay n-n-n-n-n--c ann-n-i n-n-nnjn-n-y tine win-n-n-In- profit, n-n-enefit, an-n-n-I
an-Ivan-n-tan-n-n- tn-n-n-n-n-n- tin-n-n-a n-n-n- tin-n-n-c c-n-n-n-n-n-in-n-gm- mnn-nemn-nmn-n-g, an-n-n-I n-mrisin-n-g by n-en-nan-n-n-n- of n-tn-c said
in-n-vn-n-ntmn-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-n-in-mg n-Inn- mn-ni-I n-en-n-n-n
Smnbjeen-n- n-n-oweven-, in-n- all tIn-mn-n-gs n-n-n- tin-c n-n-n-n-n-n--n-in-ni-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-f
the said An-mt n-n-n-n-n-I to the en-n-n-n-n-tin-ion-n-s mn-inn-I-n-n-n-s-In-in-n-tin-n-n-n-s tn-n-en-ein-y in-n-n-n-~n-osn,m-d
K5 .Pron-n-in-Inn-n-I n-In--at n-hn-n-sm-n- n-n-n-n-n- letters In-an-en-nt are n-n-n-n this eon-n-n-tin-in-n-a tn-n-at if n-nt an-n-n- tithe
n-Inn-n-in-mg the sn-n-in-n- ten-n-n-n- it n-n-e-n-n-n-mn-n-n-s than- tn-n-is on-n-n- gran-n-t is con-n-tn-ary tn-n- law, n-n-n- pn-ejn-nn-iin-n-ial n-n-nin-mn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-en-n-in-n-n-nt n-n-n- n-n-n-n-n- sn-n-b jeen-s in-n- gm-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-I, or n-Inn-n-I tn-ne sn-n-in-I inn-i—cnn-tic-n-n- in-n-n-n-n-tan-n-n-n-ny in-n-yen-n-n-in-n-n-n
n-n-s tn-n- n-In-n-n- n-n-n-n-in-lie n-n-se an-nd cnn-n-n-n-cisc tn-nc-n-en-n-f win-In-in-n- New Zn-men-mn-n-nd an-n-n-I in-n-n- n-n-n-n-pc-rn-n-n-en-n-c-in-n-n-, n-n-ntin-an- tn-n-mm sn-n-in-I patcnntee is n-not n-be first ann-i tn--n-n-c in-nm-—en-n-tn-n-n- tin-arc-c-f within-n- Non-a Zealan-n-d ann-d
in-m-s n-lepn-n-nden-n-n-miee as aforesaid, tn-non-n-n- c-un- letters n-n-atm-n-n-nt shall fm-n-n-n-bin-n-in-h n-lctcn-n-n-n-mn-n-e an-nd bn-nn-c-id n-n-n- an-I in-n-ten-n-is an-n-n-i n-n-mn-n-n-nc-n-cs, n-n-otwitlnstn-n-n-nn-iirng an-n-yn-lning In-en-n-n-in-n-before on-n-n-mn-amen-nPn-ovidcn-i an-s---n- n-In-at if n-n-ne said paten-n-tee dc-es nc-n- pay all fees by n-an-n-- n-en-n-n-n-in-ed to be
paid in-n respect of tn-nc gn-an-n-tm -c-fthese letters pan-c-in-n-, c-n- n-n n-c-spec-n- of ann-p n-rn-n-n-n-ten-’ n-eiatmn-n-g
tmn-en-en-n-n-_ n-n-n- n-n-ne n-in-n-n-c-cnn-n-n-i in-i tin-c n-n-n-an-n-n-n-en-n- In-n-n- tn-n-n- n--n-n-no in-n-n-in-mg pr—n-n-n-in-Ic-n-I tn-y lain-- in-n-n--I an-n-c
if n-Inn-n- n-aid pan-on-n-tee does n-n-ot supply or c-ann-a to be- sn-n-pplin-n-d ton- ont sen-n-n-ice all n-n-ueb
~rtien-en-of n-he said invent-ic-a an- are ten-a-n-in-ed by the c-in-ic-n-n-n-s adn-n-n-n-an-alcn-in-g an-my
Patent sn- Designs. a-nd T-rade-nn-arks’.
[No. 140.
Dopan-tn-n-nonn- of on-n-n- an-n-vice, in ann-c-In- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-en-, at sue1— n-mn-n-n-n-n-s, an-n-n-I at mn-n-n-n-I n-n-In-n-n-n sn-n-c-b
roan-c-n-n-an-n-ic n-n-n-in-n-es n-n-n-n-n-I tn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- a-s sn-n-an-I n-n-c- sn-n-tn-n-en-n- in-n nn-nn-n-n-n-n-n-r in-n-n- n-tn-n-n- tin-n-n-c n-n-m-n-in-ny by In-n-n-n-n-nrn-nvidenl n-in-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-m-i in-n- an-n-n-’ n-n-f tn-n-n-n-n saint c-an-es n-In-can-n- our letters n-n-n-ton-nt. an-nd mn-it
pn-ivn-iin-n-gcs n-n-n-n-n-n- nnn-Ivan-n-tagn-’n- In-n-n-n-n-in-v gm-mn-n-tn-n-n-I, n-n-in-n-n-li n-In-n-ten-n-n-n-in-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-i In-en-n-n-m-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-n-in-I, n-n-ot-n-n--itln-—
stan-n-n-n-in-n-n- n-n-n-n-sn-tin-in-n-n- inn-n-n-c-in-n-In-n-n-fn-n-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nn-n-n-~n-,in-n-n-in-i nn-Imn-m-n- tin-n-nt n-n-n-mn-In-in-mg hn-n-rein-n- en-n-n-n-tn--in-n-en-n- sn-n-n-n-Il n-n-rn-n-n-’en-n-t tn-me yn-n-n-n-n-n-n-mn-ng n-n-f iicen-n-n-c-nin-n- n-n-ac-h n-n-n-n-in-n-n-n-en- n-mn-n-n-n- in-n-n- n-n-n-n-n-in n-n-n-n-n-n-n-in-n-en-n-n-tin-n-n-n-s n-n- n-n- n-n-mn-n-v n-n-n-n-n-mn- by- n-n-n-m-n- In-n-n- gm-n-n-n-tn-n-n-I.
In-n- n-n-in-n-n-n-n-sn- win-en-en-n-f we n-n-an-n-c- eann-soml tin-cnn-n- n-n-n-mn- in-n-tn-n-n-n’s n-n-n- bn-n- n-n-nn-nn-lc e-n-n-n--on-nt, an-n-n-I n-In-c
pnn-blic an-n-al mn-f Non-v Ze&an-n-n-I tn-n- he n-n-on-c-n-mn-n-n-n-n- n-n-fin-sen-n-, this
day n-n-f
, IS
mn-n-in-lie Sn-n-n-mn- n-n-f New Zen-n-lm-nn-nn-I.1
ti-on--on-n-n-on- n-n-f Nc-n-n-n- Z-m-nn-In-n-n-n-n-i
(6.) An-n-c-on-n-ma-n--n-n-n-n-n- n-n-n-nm han-n-n-s-n-awn-n-s n-n-v Dn-n-smn-nn-,
Sn-n-n-in-n-n-n- 47n-lay of
Yn-n-mn- an-c hen-n-tn-p n-n-n-quested n-n-n- ~
-en- n-n-n-n-n-in-n-n- m-m -The n-n-an-cnn-s. Dc-nn-ign-n-n-, an-n-ml Trade-n-n-man-ks
Ac-n-, n-e-on-in-” tine aeemn-n-npmmn-nn-dn-n-g
n-n-n-sign-n, in-n Class
- in-n n-ho n-n-an-n-nc- n-n-f [fin--n-c
-Mn-en-n- n-se-n-Un-n- n-he mn-en-n-n-n-n- n-n-mn-il n-nUn--n-n-n-sn-n-f n-he in-n-n-fin-in-Inn-n-n-I n-n-n- fin-n-si, n-A
n-n-bc- elan-n-n-n-n- to
be n-Inc n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-ic-n--m-n-n- then-c-of, ann-n-n- n-n-n- n-n-n-tn-n-rn-n- tn-n-c- sn-n-mn-n-c- tn-nSn-an-c-n-n-n-en-n-n- n-n-f n-n-n-n-n-un-c n-n-f dc-sign-nBc-gist—atm-n-n fn-n-n-n-s cnn-n-Ic-sod, £
Tn-n- n-he Rn-n-gisn-n-n-n-n-n- Pan-n-n-nt 0 tn-ic-c-, Wen-Imn-n-gtn-n-n-n.
(7) An-n-ron-am-n-nc-a n-n-na Rn--,’nn-n-n-’n-nn-m-vn-nn-nn-n- c-n-’ Tn-n-a-n-n-n-n--n-n-an-n-n-c vn-m-’nvn-n m-m -Tn-n-n-i
Pm-yr-n-n-n-n--sn- Un-n-n-mn-ass, Sn-n-cnn-n-n-n-n- (n-n-an-n-n-Tn--n-an-n-n-n--nm-tn-an-n-n-n- An-mt n-e-n-mn-:’
(On-n-c repn-n-n-son-n-n-atiomn- to be finn-c-n-I n-n-in-in-in-n- tn-n-is mn-e-n-n-arc, an-n-n-n- tin-n-n-c-c n-n-tn-n-en-s
n-n-n-n- ac-n-n-mn-n-n-n-ta an-noon-s n-n-f fn-n-n-n-isen-m-n-p n-n-I sn-n-n-n-n-a aiae)
(Repn-en-c-n-n-tatin-nn-n-a n-n-f a n-n-n-en- n-n-i n-n-n- n-n-n-a.y n-ne fn-n-idc-d. hn-n-t- mn-nnnn-nt be mn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-mn-S
mn-In-n-mn-n In-n-n-en-n- n-n-n-mn-I n-n-In-inn--ed In-en-n-n-tn-n-~)
Ynn-n-n- are n-n-on-n-n-In-p n-c-mn-n-n-eaten-i n-n-n- n-mn-gisn-en- n-n-n-n-dan- n-n- TIme In-n-mn-c-n-n-tn-n-, Design-n-sm- an-n-S n-n-n-radn-n--n-n-n-n-n-n-ks
Ac-tn- fe-c-Sn-” n-In-mn- n-nn-n-en-n-n-n--n-n-n-an-n--n-’in-n-g tn-n-n-n-in-n—n-n-n-n-n-n-k [in-n- On-n-n-na
in-n-n-n-i in-n- bars, n-Inn-n-en-a, mn-n-n-n-npn-n-n-tn-na; inn (lass
- sn-c-c-n-n-n- en-n-gin-n-es an-n-n-I In-n-n-in-c-n-a
n-n-n-n-n-fin-n (n-In-n-n-mm
n-n-an-rn-n-inn-nn-n-n-n-in-a-n-n-n-n-tn-n-aim -in-ntn-n-c- n-n-an-n-n-n-n n-n-f (I n-n-re -in-mn-sri n-spin-n-b; tAn-n- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-em -n-n-n-tn-in-n-m-n-sn-’,
ann-f in-mn-n-’in-n-n--sa c-f t/ns
n--n-n-S n-n-n-n-n-n-tn-n-I n-n-n- fmn-’mn-n-Jm- n-n-in-n-n- c-la-in-n-n-s t-o In-m-n tn-me n-n-rn-n-in-n-in-n-tn-n-n- tIn-n-n-n-en-n-f.
Rc-n-n-mn-n-tman-ion-n- fees en-mn--~ien-en-n-, £
Tn-n- ~he Rn-n-gin-n-n-ran-, Pan-cnn- COn-c-c-, Wellington-n-.
-n-nn-tm-n-n- n--rn-n-n-In-n--n-n-n-sn-in- In-sn- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- n-mn- n-man-n- n-m-n-n-fn-n-rm-n- n-n-n-mn- m-ienm-n- n-m-t tn-mn-n- m-n-n-n-n-n-mn-n-n-n- n-n-n-tn-n- n-n-pn--rsn-ion-n- of n-n-nia
An-nt, sn-sn-n-n- length n-n-f un-c.
(S.) On-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-n- En-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n--s.
Sn-n-n-tin-n-n-nOn-n- bean-in-mg n-he n-n-in-jean-in-n-n-n of A. IL tn-n- the gn-n-n-n-n-t to C. U. c-flatten-n- pn-n-n--n-nnt fnm-n- fin-n-sn-n-rn- t/n-s
tin-Is, n-n-s -in-n tine sjn-n-n-c--ifien--n-n-in-nn-), I dn-n-, In-p tn-n-is n-n--n-in-in-n-n- n-n-n-n-n-n-en- n-n-ny tn-an-nd, on-n-Ion- tn-nan- nine samn-I
shall jn-nn-y’ to the saM
n-he an-n-n-n-n n-mt
for tin-c costs of sn-n-oh
n-mean-in-n-n-n- (or n-n-n Fn-~ P. tine sun-n n-n-f
n-ms a n-cnn-n-n-n-n-c-ration-n fm-n-n- his attn-n-ndnn-n-n-mn-o. an- sun-n-n-nhn-mmmn-in-n-gi.
Given-n- in-union- n-ny In-an-n-Sm -n-his
n-In-ny n-n-i
P. 0.,
Begin-n-ian- n-n-I Paten-n-tn-.
n-n- n-
Consolidated Statn-n-tee.
Sc-on-n-n-rn Sn-f.
Pan-n--n-n- I.
-Rn-m-n-n-nin-n- rsspen-n-n- n-n-n-f Pun-c-n-n-ta n-n-n-n-n-I
Sc-n-end n-m-n-n-In-n-n-n-In-n-n-n-n-.
0n-n-n-n-n-tn-m-, rsuo, n-n-. n-n-n-n-. tin-n- in-n-n-n-ping n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-en-nt-n-un-n- wn-th n-n-n-n-ran-anon-n-an- n-n-pc-c-n-In-c-an-n-n-n-n-nlS-m-$n-\ tin-n-
. -
£ a- n-f,
0 tn-n- U
-0 10 4)
On fin-in-n-p en-n-n-n-n-plc-n-c- apn-’eifin-n-an-in-n-n-nm
On-n -filing en-n-n-nn-plc-n-o- an-n-c-c-in-c-atm-n-n-n- in-n- En-n-n-st in-n-an-an-nc-c0
On-n n-n-c-pn-n-n-n-itin-n-g ann-en-n-n-len-i sn-n-c-c-iOn-n-n-n-tin-n-n-n-, n-n-n- application-n- for sn-n-n-on-n-n-in-n-n-en-nt- to n-n-pm-nc-iin-c-n-n-n-ic-a
On n-n-btn-n-mn-n-in-n-g ion--n-n-m-n-n-n- patent, or any n-In-n-plieatc thereof
An- n-n-n- in-c-in-n-n-c- tin-c c-n-n-pin-n-n-tin-n-n-n- n-n-f tin-c fn-n-n-n-n-n--h yen-ni
At n-n-n- In-c-in-n-n-c- tin-c on-n-piratioa n-n-f the n-n-n-vend-h year
On-n- lmnmigmn-n-g pan-tn-en-n-in-n-rn- n-n-I n-n-In-jecn-mn-nn-n-s
On-n- n-nc-sn-in-n-p n-n-tn-in-n-c-tin-n-n-n (In-n-n- n-in-c n-n-lnjoctn-ir)
On-n- apn-n-iin-:an-mn-n-n-n- in-n-n- n-n-n-ny- n-n-n-n-lan-n-n-c-n-n-nc-tnt or c-n-n-tm-cnn-ion-n- of n-in-n-n-c
tin-n- n-n-In-n-n-n-in-n-in-ny en-n-c-n-n omn-ln-n-rgn-n-n-nnon-nt- n-m-n- c-zn-cnn-n-ion-n, in-n an-in-n-in-ion-n- to in-n-n-n- n-n-tin-n-n-n-win-cpn-n-yabim-~n.,
. .
. .
, .
. .
. -
- -
- .
. .
- .
. -
- .
- -
. .
- .
. -
. .
. -
. .
. .
- -
. -
. .
. .
- -
. .
On-n- in-n-en-c-n-n-n-in-n-n- fn-n-n-n-itimn-n-n- for c-in-cnn-sin-n-n of n-en-n-n-n-n- .
On-n n-n-n-n-tic-n-n- n-n-n- Bc-gin-n-rn-n-n- n-n-i in-n-tn-n-n-n-n-in-n-S enn-mn-iin-ition-n- n-n-f n-n-n-n-n-c-n-n-n- un-n-Sc-n- sen-n-n-ian-n.
. -
10 0
cn- 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
10 0
0 1)
10 n-i
n-n- 0
0 0
in-) 0
n-) 0
10 0
10 0
10 0
10 0
On-n- not-in-n-c- m-n-fapp-n-mn-I tn-n- Sn-n-n-n-mn-n-n-n-n-n- Con-n-n-I- an-n-n-in-rat an-n-p action on- niacin-in-n-n-n- of Bc-gin-tn-n-nEn-n-tn-p n-n-f n-n-n-n-nign-n-nn-c-n-nt. or license
-Cm-n-n-tific-n-n-tn-n- n-n-I n-n-n-sign-n-n-n-n-en-n-n- on- [in-n-m-n-n-n-sn-n- .Fin-in-ny n-n-f n-n-n-c-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-In-n-n-n-n- n-ni an-ten-n-n-n-ion-n- n-n-n- disc-lain-nc-n.,
En-n-tcn-mn-n-g ac-p c-n-n-n--en-n-n- .
-On-n-ps’ n-n-f an-np- Sn-n-n-win-ny n- Cost am-n-con-din-n-n- n-n-n- agn-n-n-m-cnnn-c-n-nt.
On-n- n-n-n-n-n-n-n-c-n-n-n- to Bc-gist-n-n-n-n- to c-on-n-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-inn-n-ion-n-I anon0 5
On-n rcgmsn-n-ation-n- as n-n-n pn-n-ten-n-n- agent
m1 1
Fn-n-n- en-nc-h n-nc-n-nrc-h n-in- in-n-sn-n-n-n-n-n-tin-n-n-n- n-not c-sc-c-c-n-n-Inn-n- on-ne n-n-n-n-un0 1
Fan- each n-n-n-n-n-nan- e-n-tn--n-nt n-n-on-nm n-n-n- in-n-n-c-tin-n-n-n- of hn-n-n-n-r
0 1
Fn-n-n-’ eon-n-in-na n-m-n- n--attn-n-c-tan- of an-n” wn-n-tn-n-n-g, pc-n- folio of ac-sn-cnn-p-two won-n-Is
*0 0
P-n-n- n-n-c-rn-n-fiesta of in-c gimn-tm-mn-nn0 5
Fan-’ c-en-n-ifynn-n-g n-n-fin-c-c copies, in-n-n-n- c-an-n-In c-n-n-pp
0 1
n-n-n-m-t. n-n-n-n-n-en- In-sn-n- mn-n-n-n-n-n- on-n-n-n- akIn-n-leg.
. .
. -
- -
. -
. .
- -
. -
, -
- .
- -
- -
- .
- -
- .
- -
P&n U.
-in-n-n n-vsjnn-n-n-n-n- n-n-f m-t-n-n-man-n-nc-I Dc-sign-n-s~
On-n- an-n-n-n-tic-an-n-n-n-a n--o n-c-n-ian-n-n-n- one dc-sign-n- to he applied te siugic- articles in-n- c-ac-b
c-lass, n-n-n-c-apt- in c-In-n-n-san- next ben-c-in-n-sin-on- cnn-n-mn-n-en-mn-ted
On-n- spn-n-n-ic-n-n-n-ion-n- to rn-n-gin-ten- one design-n- to ho spn-n-n-in-n-S to n-mingle articles in-n- classes of
n-n-n-in-n-n-a-S or woven design-n-n-n- in-n- textile pin-n--n-n-c--goon-lam -on-on-n handkc-n-c-hiefs and
On-n- n-npplimn- an-in-n-n-n to n-n’gin-ten- one dc-sign- to be applied n-n-n- a sett of art-ic-Ic-sm- for c-an-n-h
c-In-n-sn- n-n-f n-c-gin-n-n-an-ion
On-n n-n-c-tic-c- of n-n-n-n-pc-al no Sn-n-n-n-n-en-rn-c- Con-n-n-n- again-n-st rn-n-fun-n-n-n-i of Rogian--n-an- to n-c-goner
On-n-pa c-f certificate n-n-f mon-in-tn-an--in-n-n-nm- each cc-pp
On-n- renn-n-n-n’n-n- ion- c-c-rn-iticatc- of Rn-n-gin-tn-an-, for n-c-gal pn-oc-en-n-n-iin-n-gs or ethos sln-c-c-ial
On n-c-e-n-n-c-n-n- to cnn-c-n- nan-n-ne of n-n-n-hseqnant n-n-in-optic-ton- n- San-n-n-c- n-ms n-n-n-gin-tn-sn-ion-n- loin-.
On-n- nan-icc to Bc-gin-n-n-an- of in-n-tan-n-n-led c-n-n-hibin-in-n-n-n- of an-n- n-n-n-n-rn-ngisn-c-n-c-n-I n-Ic-sign
inn-n-n-pc-c-n-ion-n- n-n-i design n-n-f win-ic-tn- the copyright has en-pin-on-i. for each qn-n-an-tor of sn-n-hon-In, m
Copy of any sn-n-c-h Sc-sign n- Con-tm -sn-n-cn-n-rdin-n-g
tn-mn sn-n-cc-n-n-n-en-nt
On-n n-aqn-n-en-t n--c- c-on-n-ac-n- c-len-ic-al c-n-n-or
On-n- n-c-qn-n-en-n- ion-’ n-n-n-n-mn-n-n-h under soc-tic-n 53
On-n n-c-quest to cnn-on- n-n-an-v sSdn-en-n-n-nFun- copy n-n-n- c-rn-n-ac-n- n-n-f any writing, pc-n- folio of n-n-even-n-tn-p-two words
Fan- cen-tifying oUnce c-epic-n-, Mn-S. on- prin-n-n-c-n-1
‘m -m-n-m-n-m-e
n-n-n-rn-n-n- m- n-n-n-n-n-m-m- n-mm -n-n-in-n-n-n-n-n-n-cn-m-n-m-yn-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- n- n-n-f m-n-n--mn-m-n-Ic-s mn-rdin-n-an-n-n-iy m-n-n n-mn-Is n-n-n-n-n-n-mn-n-en-,
in-n-n-n-n-n-n-nc-m-n-n-in-c- of n-In-c n--sn-ic-n-nan-a of she sn-nd an-n-n-sn-n-n-tn-n-n-sn-n-n- in-n- wIn-In--b n-In-n-n- n-n-arnien-n-n-ar n-n-n-n-n-n-in-n-n-mn-n-n-n-ny n-n-c- an-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- en c-n-nm-n-b son-n-nun-n-n-n- amid-n-,
t En-n-n- n-en-en- less n-In-an c-se sin-in-n-inn-.
. -
- -
- -
- -
. -
- -
. -
- -
- -
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
. -
- .
. -
0 5 0
. -
0 5 0
0 i
. -
. -
0 10
Patnn--tsL’es-in,s’, (n-Id 7’-nm-td -marks.
rNa 140.
sn-n-n-n-m-kn n--n-n-.
ac-span-n-n- n-nf Tn-an-in-n--n-n-n-n-n-n--ksOn-n- applic-sn--ion-n- tn-n- n-c-gin-n-n-n-n- a n--rn-dc--n-n-sn-k Ion-’ one on- n-n-on-c- ann-ic-ic-a in-n-c-in-n-Sn-n-n-i in-n- on-n-a
On nc-tic-a of an-n-pc-a! to Supn-n-n-n-nc- Con-n-n-n- n-n-n-n-in-n-st n-c-fun-n-n-i of Rn-n-gisn--n--an- to nc-pin-n-s-nin-m-an- n-c-gin-n--n-n-n-n-ion-n- n-n-I n-n- n-n-an-ia-n-n-nan-In- for n-n-n-n-c- on- nn-n-n-n-c- mn-n-n-ic-las inc-In-n-n-ic-n-I in-n on-n-c- n-n-In-nanm-n-on- n-c-gin-toning a sc-n-ic-n- of n-n-n-n-Sc--un-n-n-n-ks, ion- ovary adn-Iition-nn-ni n-c-n-n-n-c-sen-n-tn-n-n-ion-n
n-n-ftc-n- the fin-st in en-n-c-h c-loan-nRn-m-n-n-n-n- -ni_n-
- -
. m
-- -
£ n-n-. n-n-,
1 0 0
1 0 0
5 1)
Fm-n-n-r c-n-n-n-c-n-in-n-p n-n-c-tmn-’.c- n-n-f n-n-n--n-pc-n-n-in-in-n-n-n-. for an-nc-h tn-n-n-Sn-n-—n-n-n-ark, win-on-Inn-n-n- inn- rn-n-n-c- n-n-T
in-n-c-nm c-in-n-n-n-sc-n-.
i 0 0
On-n aNn-n-in-n-an-in-n-n-n- to n-n-n-gisn-n-n-n- n-n sn-n-hn-n-aqn-n-c-n-n-t prom—n-in-n-tn-n-n- in-n- c-n-sonn- n-n-f n-an-n-ign-n-nn-c-n-n-t onn-n-n-n-nsn-n-n-n-sn-n-n-n-n., n-in-c- tIn-sn- n-n-n-n-n-n-k
-1 0 n-nn-eon- on-n-n-n-n-v n-n-n-in-n-in-ion-n-at n-n-n-n--n-n-k assign-n-on-I n-n-n-n- tn-mn-n-sn-n-n-in-n-n-n-n-I n-n-t- n-he n-m-an-n-n-a n--in-n-n-c0 $ 0
Fun- c-c-n-tim-c-n-n-n-n-n- n-n-f n-c-fn-n-n-ai to n-c-gist-on- a n-n-n-n-Sc--n-n-nan-In n-n-n-n-Son- soc-n-ion 7$
1 0 0
Fun- c-c-n-n-tm-n-n-m-an-c- n-n-f n-c-fn-n-aal n-n-tm -tine n-n-n-n-n-n-c- tin-n-c- fn-n-n- n-n-en-c- n-In-an an-n-c- n-n-n-n-Sn-n--n-n-n-an-kmIon- on-nc-In- aSn-uin-in-n-n-n-n-n-I tn-an-ic-m-n-n-n-n-n-n-k n-n-ftc-n- n-In-c- fin-n-n-n0 10 0
Fun- c-on-n-n-in-n-n-n-n-n-nc-c- of n-n-n-an-k n-n-n- c-n-qn-in-atin-n-n n-n-i fun-n-rn-n-n-n-n-n-n- pc-an-s
n- 0 0
m-n-tn-iSitin-n-naifec- n-n-hero ic-C n-n- in-n-n-in-i within-n- three n-n--n-n-n-n-n-n-in-n- after an-m-n-n-n-in-an-ion-n- n-f fan-n-n-n-c-on cc-n-n-n-n-,
0 n-o a
ASSin-in-n-nn-n-1 ic-c- fun- n-en-nc-rn-mn-n-in-n-n n-n-f n-rn-n-n-Ic--n-n-n-n-n-n-k ni-in- an-c- n-n-an-n-n-n-n-an-n-S fin-n- non-n.m—an-un-n-en-n-tnn-n-lien-n
-1 0 0
For nn-itc-n-in-n-g an--In-in-en-s n-n-n n-he n-c-gisn-c-n-m -for c--n-en-y n-n-an-Ic-m-n-n-n-ark
0 5
- .
m -m
-- m
-- -
- -
- -
- -
m --
m --
. -
. -
- -
- .
m --
m --
- .
Fan- c-very c-n-n-tn-v in the ron-ian-en- n-n-I s n-c-c-tim-c-an-ion then-c-n-n-f, n-n-n- an-n- m-’nitc-n-atic-n-n
n-bc-re-in-n-. in-on- on-hen-win-c c-han-pc-n-I
on- pan-n- n-n-n-f n-ho c-n-n-n-n-p of a n-rn-n-n-Ic--rn-n-n-n-n-k n-n-pon the rn-n-gin-n-n-er,
-0 10
n-n-a n-tn-c n-mpplion-n-n-ion-n- of n-In-c- own-n-er c-I sn-n-c-h tn-n-n--Sc--n-n-n-sn-k
0 5
. -
Fan- c--ann-n-n-c-hi-n-p tIn-c- en-n-tn-
Oa n-oqn-n-c-st to Bc-gin-n-n-ar n-n-n- c-on-n-n-n-c-n- a c-in-n-n-ion-nt en-rn-n-n-
0 5 0
-0 1Cm -0
-0 ii 0
Fan- c-en-n-ific-n-n-to n-n-i rn-n-gin-tn-mn-nt in-n-a to In-c- n-n-n-n-n-n-S in legal proc-cc-din-n-ps
Fm-n-n- c-c-n-m-n-un-c-an-c- n-n-i n-n-n-gin-n-n-sn-ion-n- n-c- hn-n- n-n-sn-n-S fm-n-n- n-In-c n-n-n-n-n-pan-c- of obtain-n-in-n-p n-c-gin-tn-n-mn-ion-n- in foreign c-on-n-a-n--n-ic-s
For copy n-n-f n-n-n-n-tin-ic-sn-ion-n- of rn-n-gin-n-n-n-an-ion-nFn-n-n- in-n-spec-n-in-n-p rn-n-gin-n-c-rn- fan- c-very qn-n-n-mrn-n-’m-n- of n-n-n hon-n-n.m
For n-n-n-akin-mg n-n- n-mean-m-en-n- sn-n-n-an-n-nm-mn-n-m-n- n-ho c-in-n-n-n-skieS n-opn-esen-n-tnn-n-ion-n-s of n-n-mn-n-In- -n-n-n-n-n-n-ks, for
m -m
c-n-m-n-n-n-p qn-n-sn-n-n-m-n- of sn in-on-n-n-
Pm-n-n-n c-c-n-n-in-in-n-ste of Ron-ian-rn-n- n-n-adam sn-n-ctm-ion-n iOn-m-m
-- m
0 $ 0
-0 1 0
0 1
Con-n-p of sn-n-p n-m-n-m-ade-n-n-n-n-n-n-k Con-n- sc-c-on-n-n-tin-n-n- to an-n-n-n-c-an-n-n-on-n-tmFan- cop-n-’ c-n- c-rn-n-act of sup n--n-n-in-n-n-n-n-, pc-n- fn-hn-:o n-n-i sc-von-n-n--v-m-n-n-m-n-m-on-von-n-is
Fm-n-n- certify-in-n- c-tn-ice cm-n-n-n-ic-a, Mn-Sm -onprinted
0 $
0 1 0
0 5 0
Ta c-n-sc-a when-c- a n-rn-Sc-n-n-n-ark n-cnn-n-n-in-os n-n- n-n-c--an-ar n-n-pac-a n-In-n-na n-wo in-n-c-inn-n-s of tin-n-nSc-pn-b of tn-n-c pan-c- of n--ha (Mn-c-n-to, fan- c-n-c-n-n- n-Sn-li—in-n-n-n-al in-nc-h orpan-n- of an in-n-c-In- 0 2 0
* Un-n-n-
n-n-n-rn-n- n-c-as n-n-n-n-m-n c-ne sin-in-n-n-n-n-n-.