To prepare and issue such publications as may be necessary for the if to arrange, and at sea efficient conduct of meteorological work daily for of available the making and publication practicable, weather charts for the information of departing ships. (iv) To arrange for selected ships to be equipped with tested instruments (such as a barometer, a barograph, a psychrometer, and suitable in for for this service, and temperature) use measuring sea apparatus for times main standard to take meteorological observations at daily, least four (at times whenever surface synoptic observations circumstances permit) and to encourage other ships to take in form, in areas where when particularly a modified observations by is their to transmit these observations ships sparse; shipping radio for the benefit of the various official meteorological services, repeating the information for the benefit of ships in the vicinity. When in the vicinity of a tropical storm, or of a suspected tropical storm, ships should be encouraged to take and transmit their observations at more frequent intervals whenever practicable, bearing in mind navigational pre-occupations of ships' officers during storm conditions. (v) To arrange for the reception and transmission by coast radio stations of weather messages from and to ships. Ships which are unable to communicate direct with shore shall be encouraged to relay their weather messages through ocean weather ships or through other ships which are in contact with shore. (vi) To encourage all masters to inform ships in the vicinity and also shore stations whenever they experience a wind speed of 50 knots or more (force 10 on the Beaufort scale). (vii) To endeavour to obtain a uniform procedure in regard to the international meteorolqgical services already specified, and, as far as is practicable, to conform to the Technical Regulations and recommendations made by the World Meteorological Organization, to which the Contracting Governments may refer for study and advice any meteorological question which may arise in carrying out the present Convention. (c) The information provided for in this Regulation shall be furnished in form for transmission and transmitted in the order of priority prescribed by the Radio Regulations, and during transmission `to all stations' of meteorological information, forecasts and warnings, all ship stations must conform to the provisions of the Radio Regulations. (d) Forecasts, warnings, synoptic and other meteorological reports intended for ships shall be issued and disseminated by the national service in the best position to serve various zones and areas, in accordance with mutual arrangements made by the Contracting Governments concerned. Tables (iii) 202 1 Correction of millibar barometers to mean sea level 2 Correction to be applied to the observed pressure for diurnal variation 205 ................................................................................................................... 3 Average values of the barometric change in an hour, due to the diurnal variation 205 .................................................................................................................... 4 Dew-point, °C (for use with marine screen) 204 ................................. .................... 206 5 Dew-point, °C (for use with aspirated psychrometer) 6 Relative humidity, per cent (for use with marine screen) 210 ........................ 208 ................................ 7 Conversion of temperatures from Celsius scale to Fahrenheit and kelvin scales 212 ........................................................................................................... 8 Conversion of nautical miles to kilometres 9 Conversion of feet to metres 10 Conversion of apparent %N ind to true 213 .................................................... 213 ................................................................................ facing ................................................. 214 TABLE 1- Correction These corrections of millibar barometers are to be added to the barometer Temperature THE DIURNAL VARIATION OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE IN THE ZONES OF LATITUDE 0-10° AND 10-20°, N OR S to mean sea level readings TABLE 2- Correction to be applied to the observed pressure for diurnal of Air (°C) TABLE 3- Average values of barometric change in an hour due to diurnal variation variation (Dry bulb in screen) Height -15 -10 -5 10 05 15 20 25 30 35 40 Local Time 0-10` N or S 10-20= N or S mb mb 0 -0.6 -0.5 -0.1 -0.1 +0.3 +0.7 +0.8 +0.6 +0.2 0.6 millibars 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.2 25 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.7 30 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 35 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 40 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.4 45 6.0 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.9 50 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tetres 5 0.7 0.6 0.6 10 1.3 1.3 15 2.0 20 0.6 0.5 Local Time 0-10°NorS 10-20° N or S mb mb -0.4 -0.9 -1.3 -1.4 -0.3 -0.7 -0.8 -0.6 -0.2 -0.3 -0.8 -1.1 -1.2 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 -0.5 -0.4 -0.4 -0.1 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.1 -0.4 -0.4 -0.4 -0.1 +0.2 +0.4 +0.5 +0.5 +0.3 +0.1 11 -0.3 -1.1 -1.0 11-12 -0.2 -0.5 -0.5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -0.6 +0.1 +0.7 +1.3 +1.5 +1.4 +1.0 +0.5 -0.5 -0.1 -0.7 -1.1 -1.3 +1.2 +0.9 +0.3 -0.1 -0.6 -0.9 -0.9 -0.6 -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -0.5 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 -0.7 -0.6 -0.6 -0.2 +0.1 +0.4 +0.5 +0.6 +0.5 +0.3 0 -0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 +0.1 +0.3 +0.6 +0.5 +0.4 +0.2 0 -0.3 -0.3 These tables are based on observations made in British ships, at the hours 0000,0400,0800,1200,1600,2000 local time, between the years 1919-1938. In the tropics, should the barometer, after correction for diurnal variation (Table 2), be as much as 3 millibars below the monthly normal for the locality, as shown on meteorological charts, the mariner should be on the alert, as there is a distinct possibility that a tropical storm has formed, or is forming. A comparision of subsequent hourly changes in his barometer with the corresponding figures in Table 3 will show whether these changes indicate a real further fall in pressure and, if so, its amount. Caution. diurnal '1()4 When entering variation mi;;! a barometric e-ess.., e the log the correction for z1-i, It Cl) Cl) cm mmm L-+Co 1° ö 11 1, ., 1, OD N. 01 KMN1 OD tý (D NNNNN CY)00 N NNNW c+] N ý-O nýýnýna . -..... 04 U to N---- rnmnco)nor)N, o M mý Oý ýýýN7 n NUl MýOCOI' V (D c 0äý NvMNýO r2 ýý 0 LO NNNNNN Ny _ ci (D in LO Iq N0 NNN acl) ýý MNNNN - ö yn cc m m O ^_ONN (D Lf) Cl) ID Lr)IT arrn00 NýT NNNNNNNF. -0 0NM ON1n1IIIIIIII COr- Nmr 8 L... to n3 am MNm Gor- C) LO NN mc7NNNNW 10 N M OD t- NN0 0) CD 10 f2 N0 0V IIIII (O -ýrcr) tý) N OO)fý NC OOn Ö r)NNNNNNNN 00 Na(D -0 NN oCOCD ä ýC) 3ý GI E N NN C) Co (0 f+)f0+) N NNN McNý) oaam ýo2aaýo om Nýýýýýý N_ n NOMmn<OLnMNý NN------ NNNNNN C) a to O1- co C? 04 -0 ý ýý aä 3 I OD ON)n wa I L6 A (» CO 'ý)N NNN )cN+)P)f cý+ ö co N (1)fhNN C(Dl)[ýý)AN KO ýn NN C7NýO0f N( NN 0) a0 (0 ý '7 NN NN m V Cý)N ý ýý NNNNý OT001ý(O ýýýý fC nO to Q ý wJ O E NN CV 0) a0 fý <0 V N- V (7Ný01CDf-tO Ö /hN A(CI)+) c+) f0+) NNNN in (N') (n m Iýý nm CDmý2 Cw d ,n ný cO in ýýýý ýrn OýrýQmrýmoNQ O =ým Omý ýJN O>ý NOýNQ)n NNO -CC aoD GN ýýý ýI1ý C`ý g, C71nm _m v3 W J ýN N ') C') (7 CM ýMCN ')A mLn f0X)af')NýOýG0 NNNNNNNýýý OO10Dfý N NN V f7Nf7f+)(')f7C) COhN c'ý(7P) =o r- a ý rn00 r-. (D o M-0 P)NýONr) II ý (2 u)nrn N fD mm Ld3 N Q iý Ulvf")NýOýao0Df0 NNNNNN NN 0 N ") C` (7) GO r- aNý0 (D Ö O Qf')N co OýC7)nfý f7QNn ýE> ýCO N rNOMN NNNNNNNýý Cl) ýmMNN M P- MMA ý u) f0 Oý MN V nt0 01OD - V )nQC7ýOýNC') ýýn wU L. 0O m ö rn co I L tEd L. 3Öý 3 aMao Ea wo ', CO -0 ýýR .f) vmaorn NNNNN. yý GO mOf Q c`ý)n1ý0)o 7 ýR :1 NN NNý N mOU I (ý) V ODný Výýýýý 0 b)- ýOaDfýfD? ri H Q2 JO m LO V c7 Ný0 C)c7c+)P)C)c")N Ö 0 I N ýl It _. a) Cm Lt rO 02 iU U, : m <DCD -0NV vcl) n(D Oo)aomu)cmýOrn Ný-ý. ý ýýý -ý 001ODfýfOý(`')N ý) y öE ýýL1 hT ONa CÖ m(N +) Cý)N fvý)0 Ö 0 Nd Lý cl) 0i ýQ) OD(OLf)Q Ocri cV NNNý c7 c7 NNNN ý ý ö (0 ý ý Q) (V )f1 0) CM to fIIIIII7 C) ýO (OLO NýO)CD Iý(O(ACO Ný NNNNNNN Üý O 10 In CD 0NQ)n1ýOf ý10L" mc ?m° A MMfý')CN') n'D NN C) CJ ý CD)()ý U) RMN0NNNNNNNN 00)ODn ZO (ý')cN')f')M )nQMN - ON C70 ýn tm. . C')QCDmO) CDm(1)ý: öäm ciÖ ÖrNN ý )v°)NN fhcn")otD)ou))ACCw)ncrN); 0ý22 r- 'D U) vMN cm NNNNNN N N N NNNNNNNN rýtotnv[')Ný00)C c CD )L)ýCU ý00)CD P) CV Z h1DfAO n m u) QM-O-N OOfm f V m)nQ C')N - O- f7 Q tD n CIJQ Lnmcc O) O' ýrU m py3~ö « mö _ý P) ýn tD m Ch ONC'))nh nN ONÖö 0 Cl) cr)fn') M 6 6 N)Cýl)Acm'l)CN ýC71ý) N l)O)(ý+) Cý9ACý+)CN9f') mn<D ul am cu NNNNNNý N C'ý) 9N 0) (7 ý) P) Pý) Cý ý) (+) Cý9CN Cý) cy) V Cý')c°iMCý')CJCm')CN') Cc7)N N ornm aon co n(D U) vNNorn 04 NNNNNNN 04 OD r, 0NNN0 Ný NN U) NNNNN (V NNNNN ý: e 131 10 fn vMNZ9 a' M 12 U)Q 11(D 00 f. NM O- )nQN- (D inQe')N- QmPCO O- N O)nm1,0 O- N f7QW) nm OýN)c) ;Nm =m Dö UN6 v)nm oýý')Q O Ný aon<oýt)Qr)Ný00) ( O aontpu)Qr)NýOO) ml- m)nQN- mPm)nQCON - QfD1ým ý. PmO)ONP) 0- NQV)CD -- Nl7IV nm(D ^N mý4EN mO _ OQtD1ý N C7 (n f'9 fýýp)(1 Cý) C'ý) (0 N) ') CO NN 00 NNN LO VNNNNN0 rnmnIF t2aý2 o a7 f V O 0 Ö z,03 i�l' - V Cý')ýC')C')C'ý)ý ýýý TCl) 7O)C0 C') CCM ýýýý 'CO) ') Cl) OD n(D NNNN Omr co NNNNNNNNN 206 LO VMN0 04 NNNNN NVMNRIOm O>mn fOU7O ý)CV ý :O O)mhm)nQ@')Cy O)co 1,0 nQC7N- 0 - OCD n(2)Oý NC7LnmPmO)O Nf")QmPmOf ý. -ý I N0ý1m1ýmOl ^^ III n/D NYNNýO Z' m 0)co f- m)nQC7N- O - Nl7Q)nmrmOf om 10- m ý n m qý « miY 10y O V CC A O^NP)Q _ )mmý ý^_ Cb g Dö LLY Oz« E io 00)co co U m M f` co (D co Lo co V co 0)tDnto NNNNNNNNNN O MN MMMM MN LO V O 0 O)aDnO(OMNý ý N O r- M(OtDý IIIIII m U M ö v (D C) CO f- (0 CO Q CO N'- 0 CD nON7co NNNNNNNNýr 0 tO V r NO)COh r' MýOtAn r' (00 nNN oi 01 aT N 0)(O1ý(OLO ý NNNNNNNNN NONd(Dco (! )a O(Otý Omlý 00)(Ol, CO NNNNNNNNN to r(DtOMNý Icl)O O)tD(ON (+)NN ý ^ p)ppf , N 0 0)(O N M MN M N N N M N ' N N NNN fý NN tDn . Om N 0 V 0)a0(OtO MNOO)tD(O V2 V NON (OtOCo 0 0) Iý (D tn V N- I- 00 Ný 0 (O03 (D a Cl) -ONO III MN MNO W tDlý(O(O MMMNNNNNNNN ý 00)c0n N *- (D V tDr (OtOMNýO M-ONMtO (O m N MNO)dOfM Cl) MNNNNNNN ý E CU o (O (A VN NN (D V 00)c+01ý Q 7 NNC I n(OQ NNO N MýONM (! ) O)701ý MNý OýQQCD I O CD III 0 ') NNC I (D (D NC7Q c,4 r) 00 ý tO fý (') OCO (000) O n II N (') I CO 1 I OCOIT NNN co I OM V(DtD toMNON ý- (7) Co (D U) VMN N0 MMNNNNNNNN ý (D I °O II (p( N() ýN N fý CO Q NN Cl) 17 m a(OtDOM(O MNON co ý N IIII tý O MIý ý N N M II m Cj Qä 3m Ö_m Ln co J H (D Ö 3 0 y m a N (D LO V A MN 00)tD (`ý MMMMNNNNNN Cl) N NNN 00)cOOIOa ý"- 7 co f- Om MN ý tn V m ON M- I ý (') fDOýý(00N CON O CONQ NMQ ýN CO O ý V MN NN OO)aDf-(O(OC Cl) NNNNNN tOMN Cl) Cl) MM M O10ý r- MCOh C O O ýOOtDIýtOMýý NC")LO (O ý M 6 aN NNNN MN OMtD1ý(D(O M Cl) M Cl) NNNNN A CD to V M Cl) MN 0(0 MMM f- Cl) NNNN (Oto MN 0C)00 rCl) Cl) M CO NNNN vMN NNNNN c0 r. (D to MM Mý 0) co fl Cl) N0 Cl) Cl) MMNNN n(DtA MMMM ý V 00)ODntD tO V MN NNNNNN OO)fý (D tn vM0 NNNNNN M"-OO)a0tco M Cl) NNN C ý 00) 0)CO n(Dto MMMMM co NN 0) CD fý (O tO VMNO M c7 M ('ý Cl) MM O °O MN MN (")aMN M MMMN OO)pph(DtOpMN RMO Cl) MMVM O) ý- O)Iý(OtOO MN '- tO VMN ý OO) n 11) tO VMN NNNNNNNNýý n O l C)M NNNNNNNNNý ONQ co Iý0CO (D0 NNP)C) Q cc CDON ' (D0 ý mCnnO Qco NO NN(')IT O aD n 0(O o O C7- iO QO-0- 0- C) "T (n(DOD 0 0ý NQ0(OCD NQ NNNC O ") (O0OC7CO . NNN 0 c') mN COI, NC7(7Q N (DtnvMNý00)m1ý NNNNNNN OD n(DtOV (O o) (DtnvMNOO)COIý t)D h (D Na NNNNNNNNN C7Q M (O . N Cpn(DtA (")MMMýMMMM ON (DtORM MN700)I, (2 tO , 0) a0 r0 0 N Zr, C7 N Ný00)tD(OtOaM 00)(Dfý(OtoQ M ý Q0(D m co to M Cl) :3 Cl NN a O O (DCD 00)GD O) Cl) NO O0) MN Ný00)(Oh c0 tO0 fý (O tO VM Ný ' 0 CV LO Qc. ) - i0 CO COO o O O O) OD CO(OQ CDC. (DtOOMN^OO) tDh n O- N(') (O h0ONC7Ntý0 N ý- C!)NO (7 CO t- -NQ ýC70 ,ý tDf+ I OCOCDm00NMQ N-ON (D (O Q C-)N CDO NQ -O- COCD PmO ý 0)001, (OtOKMN NNNNNNNNNN 0)n (O (p to OMN ýO 0 (') lOr` O)NN . -NNNNCNVC7C7 '} 1I! ý tOfý00NQCAn ýýNNNNN N C)COCOfý O 0 C7COCD 000 Ncm NP)P)It iII i ° O Oco r, V OCDPCOCOOP)N CD(OOP)cm -O NCOIn CDnCO -O- NC7OCOCOhOD O !. CD0 NN I, ll OýNC7OCO(Dt` ^Iii- D ý 7 co ý, U0 0)a0Pý VMMM (Dtn'IT Cl) MM MNýO O)MntOtna Cl) MMNNNNNNNNNN IIIX MNýO !D ýtOtnOMNýO m (3) O, N(7QCO(Of- N O) 'IT co `UO 0 (0 M (D U) MMM r co VMNO co 0) m r(0 NNNNNNNNNN MMM U) Q) Cl) N0 V 00 r (0(n VMNO co ý m Z %,C r V SO OO m 00 1ý(0 u) a v a a 0 0 0) ý chco ýýt N U) O0)0)00r(0 V U) 11--lo MNNN M0 (0LO MN O)co VVVMMMMMMN V VVV 7. U)M 0) 00(0 M MM MM 0 I M N a a M 00 NN ý U ° MN u)IT to 0 0 (0u) O C6 00 V Vý f-U)NOrý a7 VV ttu)ttU)U)u)ef MMMMM m(0 MNNNNý MýOm(0 V M 0)m(07 VVV U) n I - -- NNNN N -ONMV U) ým0) (0MO(0c') N 00 OO00n MN 11) 'IT nM 00(0N0)U) V L n m ýr, 0000r(0tu)KMNýO U)( n( ONLnt n( n U) LL) LO) 0)00r- (0 V VVVVVaaVMM NOmcOMO1- M co ý 1v: MNNNN r 00)m00n(0 MMN (0(0(0(0(0(0u)u)(AU) in V) (0 (n Cl) NO VVVVV C. u)v Nh u)t 0 0) 0) 00 n (D co U77M (0(0U)U)U)u)(n(n)AU)u) C O U)U7N n r` ö (`2 0) 00 MM (0 N aC 000r-U)v VVVV U)vMN u)(AU)(A(n ý ý N000(nN0)(0 MMNNN mLn co co co Co ° O tD O)r-cnNOrý(nN MMMMMNNN C_ VmVNOmý L NNý (0 00 O 00) N (D U)u)vMco (0(0(0(0(OCOm(O(O(OU) 0)00 00f` (D LO V MN U)U)U)U)U)U)U)U)vý (O(AM aOa ý O) r\ u)NO1ý MMMMMN V L (mo(mO(nOCno(m0(tOCtOCýOC°O(Mom vä öä c(°o(°c(On(mn(rnuO)uý)(Mn(n (°nv O U) v°rm)rý)cMý) Ui Ö .0 N U) cO ý) OnCNmO)P) MNNNN"-ý O(O)o(Ö(mO(mo(n0cn0(motto rl- r- rO co cv) (tn(Mn(Nn(°noäääv (to(ýCMOm(ý(0om(mn(nn((0n ý n MC M 7MNNN O(D m< NOnN VVMMNNN a) ON . l0 C U) ý 'C NL t ý) (D O v ý) p OO rýiýnr-(0(0 MMMNN nt`nArl (0(0 t ttR MO)cm V nrýnnnrýr0)O)000000 nf`r`nr`f`r`nf`rr` 0) m N rýnnr(0 tt rýr`(D 000) O MN 0)00 (D (n aa 00mf- r`nn(0(0(0(0(0(0(O 3 (0c LOvvv NO U) nU ) u) 000rMN (O(o(0(0U)(nU)( .0 m vMMNOO)m rýr- r- r` r`r`(0(O N O)mmMO) mmv V Cl) Cl) MMNN VVVV (D VV NOOD NNVVV ýnM VMM Ný ý7 O co N aý Ný O)U)ým-)f) NN E" o ONOU) M M OU)rNrLM MMNNý rNMýO)O)U)M )AýD)ffVVVV waýäý c o rn'o c )D ö, ö C ö m ä ým NN mm 0000)0)00 äD äD ý mmmrýrl 00rýr- r- VV U)v 000000 MCo M(n (0(0tU)OMM n rýnnnr- r- M U) nj t0 W o O V MNýO)00(0 r`(0U) (O (0(0(0(0(0(0U)U)(r) 0 "ý (0U)MN000 U)LO U)tU)Lo * Cl) c 00 n (0 (0 t m(Om(O(0ý(o(O(Ot0 NN 000000 00 000000 00 N nnr l 0 COU)MN rl nn(0(0(0(0(0(0(0 V) Zr) N ö N °O 00hr, m00m00 r, t`r`(0(0(0(0t 0000mm00 00 m N MMNNý U)LO aacf mm00 m00 m0000 00 00 mmcDmm U) U) U) U) U) 0)U)NmV O)[)OU) VVVMM Cl) NN C7 O Lm ON a2 c0 > L 0) 0) ý LL J m Q rmppMýO)nmU)N 00f`(0ta 000)00 äo00 mr-nnnrýnn m mmMO)(DNO)U)O VVý MN7OO)rm U)kn noV nnrnmmmmmm (DIn r rnrrrrmmm N 0) N C) (0(0tRMNýOO)m r\r`nr`r`r`f`n(0(0 00r` 000)0)00 mm000000r`rr`t`r` r, 0rn00 - mýU)O)M NNý VMMM O) C. U) 010. 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(0(0(D (0tt CO00 00 00 CO00ý 0)mrmu)V MN- O, ýNMV U)mrmO) OýNM V U)mn - Lý Ci Conversion TABLE 7of temperature Fahrenheit and kelvin scales °C °F K -13.0 248.15 -24.5 -12.1 248.65 -24.0 -23.5 -11.2 -10.3 -25.0 -23.0 -22.5 -9.4 -8.5 -22.0 °C 0.0 readings on the Celsius scale to the TABLE 8- °F K °C °F K +32.0 273.15 +25.0 +77.0 298.15 2 30 56 3 5.6 40 74 4 7.4 50 93 5 9.3 60 111 6 11.1 70 130 7 13.0 80 148 8 14.8 90 167 306.65 9 16.7 100 185 10 18.5 298.65 249.15 249.65 1.0 1.5 33.8 34.7 274.15 274.65 26.0 26.5 78.8 79.7 299.15 299.65 250.15 250.65 2.0 2.5 35.6 36.5 275.15 275.65 27.0 27.5 80.6 81.5 3(X).15 300.65 -7.6 251.15 3.0 37.4 276.15 28.0 82.4 -21.5 -6.7 251.65 3.5 38.3 276.65 28.5 83.3 301.65 -21.0 -20.5 -5.8 -4.9 252.15 252.65 4.0 4.5 39.2 40.1 277.15 277.65 29.0 29.5 84.2 85.1 302.15 302.65 -20.0 -19.5 -19.0 - 18.5 -4.0 -3.1 -2.2 -1.3 253.15 253.65 254.15 254.65 41.0 41.9 42.8 43.7 278.15 278.65 279.15 279.65 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 86.0 86.9 87.8 88.7 303.15 303.65 304.15 304.65 44.6 280.15 32.0 89.6 305.15 45.5 280.65 32.5 90.5 305.65 46.4 281.15 33.0 91.4 306.15 255.65 256.15 8.0 1.4 16.5 2.3 256.65 8.5 16.0 15.5 3.2 4.1 257.15 257.65 9.0 9.5 49.1 282.15 282.65 15.0 5.0 258.15 10.0 50.0 145 5.9 258.65 10.5 11.0 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.0 11.5 6.8 7.7 8.6 259.15 259.65 260.15 9.5 10.4 33.5 34.0 92.3 93.2 34.5 94.1 307.15 307.65 283.15 35.0 95.0 308.15 50.9 283.65 35.5 95.9 308.65 11.0 11.5 12.0 51.8 52.7 53.6 284.15 284.65 285.15 36.0 36.5 37.0 96.8 97.7 98.6 309.15 309.65 310.15 260.65 261.15 12.5 13.0 54.5 55.4 285.65 286.15 37.5 38.0 99.5 100.4 310.65 311.15 11.3 261.65 13.5 56.3 286.65 38.5 101.3 311.65 11.2 12.2 262.15 14.0 57.2 287.15 39.0 102.2 312.15 10.5 13.1 262.65 14.5 58.1 287.65 39.5 103.1 312.65 M .o 9.5 47.3 48.2 9.0 8.5 14.0 14.9 15.8 16.7 263.15 263.65 264.15 264.65 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 59.9 60.8 61.7 81) 17.6 265.15 17.0 62.6 59.0 7.5 18.5 265.65 17.5 63.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 19.4 20.3 21.2 266.15 266.65 267.15 180 18.5 19.0 64.4 65.3 66.2 5.5 22.1 267.65 19.5 281.65 288.15 288.65 289.15 289.65 40.0 40.5 41.0 41.5 104.0 104.9 105.8 106.7 313.15 313.65 314.15 314.65 290.15 290.65 291.15 291.65 292.15 42.0 107.6 108.5 109.4 110.3 111.2 315.15 42.5 43.0 43.5 44.0 315.65 316.15 316.65 317.15 67.1 292.65 44.5 112.1 317.65 23.0 23.9 268.15 268.65 20.0 20.5 68.0 68.9 113.0 113.9 -4.0 269.15 45.0 45.5 318.15 318.65 24.8 293.15 293.65 21.0 69.8 294.15 46.0 114.9 319.15 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 25.7 26.6 27.5 28.4 29.3 30.2 269.65 270.15 270.65 271.15 271.65 272.15 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.0 70.7 71.6 72.5 73.4 74.3 75.2 294.65 295.15 295.65 296.15 296.65 297.15 46.5 47.0 47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 115.7 116.6 117.5 118.4 119.3 120.2 319.65 320.15 320.65 321.15 321.65 322.15 -5.0 -4.5 -0.5 ý 31.1 272.65 +24.5 +76.1 212 297.65 +49.5 +121.1 Kilometres 3.7 77.9 +0.5 Nautical Miles 1 25.5 255.15 Nautical Miles jj 37 273.65 -0.4 Kilometres 20 32.9 301.15 18.0 17.5 17.0 of nautical miles to kilometres 1.9 +0.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 Conversion 1852 Mile m. Nautical of Internat oval the Based on TABLE 9Feet Metres I Feet 1 2 3 0.30 0.61 30 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 50 60 2.44 2.74 90 0.91 70 80 100 of feet to metres Conversion Metres 6.1 9.1 12.2 15.2 18.3 21.3 24.4 27.4 30.5 Feet 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 3.05 322.65 213 Metres 61 91 122 152 183 213 244 274 305 II reef 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000 8 000 9 000 10 000 Metres 610 910 1 220 1 520 1 830 2 130 2440 2 740 3 050 TABLE 10 To obtain approximately Apparent force of wind , Beaufort scale Apparent direction of wind, in degrees off the bow the true force and direction 0° Speed of vessel in knots ...................... 5 10 15 of the wind, from its apparent force and direction, 100 20 25 30 5 10 15 Toface page 214 (i) W. 20° 20 25 30 5 10 on the deck of a moving vessel 20 15 5 30 25 10 15 40° 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 50° Apparent force of 15 wind, Beaufort 20 25 30 scale 1 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 2 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 3 180 180 180 1 3 4 180 180 5 6 180 7 180 180 0 2 3 180 180 4 5 180 6 96 171 175 177 177 3 2 1 4 5 178 6 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 180 180 2 1 2 180 180 4 5 180 5 24 126 167 172 175 3 1 2 4 5 176 6 44 2 4 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 3 0 180 1 1 180 180 3 4 180 5 15 3 32 2 116 159 169 1 3 4 172 5 30 3 5 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 4 0 3 0 180 180 1 1 2 180 4 13 4 21 3 43 2 112 152 2 3 164 4 6 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 180 2 1 180 2 13 5 17 4 25 3 49 102 2 2 7 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 - 15 5 20 0 12 6 4 28 4 47 3 8 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 7 0 6 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 12 7 14 6 17 6 21 5 9 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 8 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 11 8 13 8 15 7 10 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 9 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 0 6 11 9 12 9 11 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 10 0 10 0 9 0 8 0 8 0 7 11 10 12 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 0 11 0 11 0 19 0 9 0 9 0 8 11 11 - Beaufort Wind Scale ........ Average Velocity in Knots 177 178 178 179 7 56 4 163 1 174 176 3 4 177 5 177 178 6 7 161 172 175 177 5 4 3 2 177 6 177 7 158 171 2 3 175 176 4 5 176 177 6 7 1 100 163 171 174 175 176 6 3 45 2 1 105 1 157 168 2 3 171 4 173 174 5 6 110 154 165 169 171 5 5 4 3 1 173 6 115 152 2 3 163 168 4 5 170 172 6 6 2 116 156 166 170 172 6 3 45 2 62 2 116 150 2 3 161 4 166 169 5 6 75 2 118 146 157 163 4 5 4 3 167 6 86 3 121 3 145 155 4 4 162 165 5 6 3 56 2 110 145 159 166 5 34 2 45 3 73 112 138 3 3 3 153 160 4 5 59 3 85 3 116 138 3 4 150 5 156 6 70 4 97 3 121 138 4 4 148 155 5 6 4 27 4 40 3 68 108 137 152 4 33 3 39 4 56 4 82 3 110 130 144 3 4 4 52 4 70 4 93 115 131 4 4 4 142 5 64 4 82 4 102 119 131 141 4 5 5 6 5 144 3 25 5 33 4 47 4 71 103 130 4 33 37 5 48 4 63 4 85 4 49 5 61 5 77 5 95 4 112 125 5 5 60 6 73 5 88 103 5 5 117 127 5 6 6 83 2 24 6 29 5 38 5 51 71 44 97 4 36 6 43 6 54 5 68 4 8 1103 4 4 47 6 56 6 68 5 80 5 95 5 109 5 58 6 68 6 79 6 91 6 103 114 6 6 7 30 4 45 3 23 7 27 7 33 6 41 53 54 69 4 34 7 40 7 47 6 57 6 69 5 84 5 45 7 53 7 61 6 71 6 82 6 94 6 56 8 64 7 73 7 82 7 93 102 7 7 8 18 6 22 5 30 4 2 8 25 8 30 7 35 43 66 53 5 33 8 38 8 44 7 51 7 59 6 70 6 45 9 50 8 57 8 65 7 73 7 82 7 56 9 62 8 69 8 76 8 84 8 93 8 9 14 8 16 7 19 6 23 6 22 9 24 9 28 8 32 37 77 44 6 33 9 37 9 41 8 47 8 53 7 60 7 44 10 49 9 53 9 60 8 66 8 74 8 54 10 60 9 66 9 72 9 78 9 85 8 10 12 10 13 9 15 8 17 8 20 7 22 10 26 24 9 10 29 33 98 38 7 33 10 36 10 39 9 43 9 48 8 54 8 44 11 47 10 51 10 56 9 62 9 68 9 54 11 58 10 63 10 68 10 73 10 79 9 11 12 11 13 10 14 10 25 10 31 9 35 9 32 11 35 11 38 10 41 10 45 10 49 9 43 12 46 11 50 11 54 10 58 10 63 10 54 12 57 11 61 11 66 11 70 10 75 10 12 174 178 179 179 179 1791 3 4 1 5 6 7 0 02 1 16 9 2 5g 167 176 3 1 18 8 22 11 3 23 11 28 10 107 125 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 19 24 30 37 44 52 60 12 >68 When the apparent force of the wind is zero, it is obvious that the speed of the wind is just equal to the speed of the ship and the d,rectlon of direction the wind diametrically opposite to the in which the ship is proceeding. Beaufort 12 was formerly defined as 'any wind above 65 knots', no matter how much it exceeded this Mnit In 1946 tas decided. for the much greater wind speeds internationally, to extend the Beaufort scale to force 17 (109-119 knots) in order to make provision ebseNed'n 11 64-71 force taken was 12 as knots for force the upper air. The upper limit were altered from 65 to 63, and the limits for 214 As it is unlikely that manners will be able to estimate wind exceeding force 12, the table above is not extended hither than force 12 for apparent 71 knots. from over the force, computed shp, is it is shown as the apparent wind and the speed of wind and if the true wind, than greater force 12 ( . 12) Toface page 214 (ii) Apparent force of wind, Beaufort TABLE 10 (contd) Apparent direction of wind, in degrees off the bow Speed of vessel in knots ...................... 60° 70` 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 154 145 160 96 125 33456 82 75 5 92 85 76 79 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 67 75 87 73 66 988888 65 10 109 123 96 147 133 80 71 77 9999 ia 10 fa 10 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force. Beaufort Scale .................... 65 69 11 10 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 64 68 72 77 12 11 11 11 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 158 2 170 173 4 3 175 5 175 176 6 7 159 2 171 3 174 175 5 4 175 6 176 7 162 171 2 4 174 175 4 5 176 176 7 6 1 125 152 161 166 169 171 2345 6 7 130 2 153 3 162 166 169 171 7 4 5 6 135 3 154 162 4 4 167 5 169 171 6 7 139 3 156 4 163 167 5 5 169 6 171 7 145 159 3 4 164 168 6 5 170 172 6 7 2 164 7 112 133 3 4 146 155 160 164 7 4 5 6 121 3 139 150 5 4 157 6 161 164 6 7 128 3 143 4 153 158 6 5 162 7 165 7 134 148 4 4 156 160 5 6 164 166 7 8 3 101 4 134 143 150 155 5 6 7 6 111 126 138 146 6 4 5 5 152 156 7 7 119 132 4 5 143 149 6 6 154 7 158 8 127 139 4 5 147 153 6 7 157 160 7 8 4 6 154 7 116 128 136 6 143 7 95 5 110 122 132 139 145 5 6 6 7 7 105 5 118 129 137 6 6 5 143 148 7 8 114 126 5 6 135 142 6 7 147 8 151 8 123 133 5 6 141 146 8 7 150 154 8 8 5 133 7 92 6 104 6 114 123 131 137 6 7 7 8 102 6 112 122 129 7 7 6 136 141 8 8 111 121 6 7 129 135 7 8 140 8 145 9 120 129 6 7 136 141 7 8 145 149 9 9 6 124 8 89 7 99 7 108 116 132 129 7 8 8 8 99 7 108 116 123 8 8 7 129 134 8 9 109 7 117 124 130 8 8 8 135 9 139 9 118 126 7 8 132 136 8 9 141 145 9 10 7 116 8 88 8 96 103 110 117 123 8 8 8 9 9 98 8 105 112 118 9 9 8 124 129 9 9 107 8 114 120 126 8 9 9 131 10 135 10 117 123 8 9 128 133 9 10 137 140 10 11 8 97 104 9 110 9 87 9 93 9 97 9 102 109 9 g 114 10 119 124 10 10 106 9 112 9 117 122 10 10 127 10 131 11 116 121 9 10 126 130 10 10 134 137 11 12 9 93 10 99 104 86 91 10 97 102 108 112 96 111 116 120 10 105 110 115 119 123 127 10 101 106 115 119 124 128 131 134 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 95 100 11 11 85 11 90 11 95 11 99 104 108 11 11 11 95 11 92 11 84 12 88 12 93 12 97 101 106 12 12 12 94 12 105 129 92 64455 113 119 94 85 96 9 91 10 81 79 7ý7 102 89 82 94 6666 10 86 11 11 89 7 77 86 888A 76 83 999a 75 10 75 11 74 11 81 10 80 144 154 160 6 129 106 141 148 117 126 7 99 108 77 94 102 109 8 90 87 10 85 90 11 11 11 79 83 87 12 117 7 12 11 96 11 120 4 100 106 112 116 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 100 104 109 11 11 11 11 11 113 116 12 12 98 103 106 110 114 12 >12 >12 12 12 11 0 1 In Knots 0 2 2 3 4 5 9 13 s67g9 19 See footnotes overleaf. 24 30 37 44 11 11 12 104 109 113 117 121 11 11 12 12 12 125 12 114 119 11 12 123 126 129 132 12 12 >12 >12 11 104 12 121 12 114 118 121 124 127 130 12 '12 >12 >12 >12 =>12 12 108 12 112 115 118 -12 >12 >12 Beaufort Wind Scale Average Veloci ---------- -- 20 173 175 175 176 4 6 7 5 153 93 102 109 778 83 25 170 3 116 126 130 ö7 20 wind, Beaufort 157 2 141 85 102 65556 90 100 110 6 84 7 15 110° 176 7 63345 5556 69 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 139 157 170 174 175 175 2345 6 164 44456 True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... 176 167 162 169 171 120 151 234567 125 10 100° scale 176 176 174 171 156 234567 104 90 , 80° Apparent force of 10 11 52 60 12 >68 10 11 11 11 12 12 TABLE 10 (contd) pparent force of wind, aufort scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Apparent direction of wind, in degrees off the bow Speed of vessel in knots ...................... 130° 120° 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 150° 140° _ 30 25 To /ace page 214 (iii) 5 10 15 20 30 25 5 15 10 170° 160° 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 160° Apparent force of 15 wind, Beaufort 20 25 30 scale True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction, degrees off the bow...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction degrees off the bow...... , True force, Beaufort Scale .................... True direction degrees off the bow , ...... True force, Beaufort Scale .................... T rue di rect ion, rees offth e bow.,.. Tmeforce, Beaufort Scale . .................. 167 173 4 3 175 176 177 6 5 5 177 7 169 174 176 177 177 178 3 4 7 456 172 3 176 177 45 178 6 178 178 6 7 174 3 177 178 178 178 179 45 7 6 6 177 179 4 3 179 179 56 179 6 179 7 180 180 3 4 180 180 56 180 180 6 7 1 155 164 4 3 169 171 172 7 6 5 174 7 160 167 171 173 174 174 3 4 567 8 165 3 170 173 45 174 6 175 176 7 8 170 3 174 175 176 176 177 45 8 6 7 175 177 4 3 178 178 56 178 7 178 8 180 180 3 4 180 180 56 180 180 7 8 2 148 157 5 4 162 165 168 7 6 6 170 8 155 161 166 168 170 172 4 5 677 8 160 4 166 169 56 171 7 172 174 7 8 168 4 171 173 174 175 176 56 8 7 7 173 4 175 5 176 177 67 177 7 177 8 180 180 4 5 180 180 180 180 67 8 8 3 142 151 6 5 156 160 164 8 7 6 165 8 150 157 161 164 166 168 5 6 9 678 158 5 163 166 67 168 7 170 171 8 9 166 5 169 171 172 173 174 67 9 7 8 173 5 174 6 175 176 176 8 77 177 9 180 180 5 6 180 180 77 180 180 8 9 4 140 146 6 6 152 156 158 8 8 7 161 9 148 154 158 161 163 165 6 6 9 789 156 6 160 163 77 166 8 167 168 9 10 164 6 167 169 170 172 172 77 8 9 10 172 6 173 7 174 175 78 175 9 176 10 180 180 6 7 180 180 78 180 180 9 10 5 138 144 7 7 149 152 156 9 8 8 158 10 147 151 155 158 160 162 7 7 899 10 155 7 159 161 8B 163 9 166 167 9 10 164 7 166 168 169 170 171 88 9 10 10 172 173 8 7 174 175 89 175 175 10 10 180 180 7 8 180 180 180 180 89 10 10 6 137 142 8 8 146 150 152 10 9 9 155 10 146 150 153 156 158 160 8 8 11 9 10 10 154 8 157 160 89 162 10 163 165 10 11 163 8 165 167 168 169 170 89 10 10 11 171 172 8 8 174 174 9 10 174 175 10 11 180 180 8 8 180 180 9 10 7 135 140 9 9 144 147 150 11 10 10 153 11 145 148 151 154 157 158 9 9 10 10 11 11 154 9 156 159 9 10 160 10 162 164 11 12 162 9 164 166 167 168 169 9 10 11 11 12 171 9 172 9 173 174 174 174 11 12 10 11 180 180 9 9 180 180 180 180 10 11 11 12 8 135 138 10 9 150 148 145 142 11 11 10 144 147 150 152 155 156 10 10 12 11 11 12 154 10 155 157 159 161 163 11 12 12 10 11 162 10 164 165 166 166 168 10 11 11 12 >12 171 10 172 173 173 174 174 11 11 12 >12 10 180 180 10 10 180 180 180 180 11 11 12 >12 9 149 144 146 149 151 154 156 146 143 141 136 134 124 128 132 135 138 141 12 > 10 12 11 11 12>12 >12 12 11 10 11 10 11 11 12 12 >12 153 10 155 156 158 160 162 12 >12 >12 11 12 162 163 164 165 17 168 11 11 12 12 >12 >12 173 174 173 173 172 171 11 12 12 >12 >12 11 180 180 11 11 180 180 180 180 12 >12 >12 >12 10 147 143 146 148 150 152 154 145 142 140 137 134 123 128 131 134 137 139 >12 12 11 12 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 12 12 11 11 12 12 >12 >12 >12 153 11 155 156 158 160 161 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 162 12 163 164 165 12 >12 >12 173 174 173 172 171 171 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 12 180 180 180 180 180 180 12 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 11 153 154 156 157 159 160 162 180 180 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 12 '12 163 164 165 166 167 164 172 175 24 4 150 162 166 34 5 142 152 159 45 6 135 145 152 55 6 131 140 146 66 7 129 136 142 67 8 128 134 139 78 8 126 132 136 89 9 125 129 134 9 10 10 176 176 56 170 171 67 163 166 67 156 159 78 151 154 88 147 150 89 143 147 99 140 143 10 10 138 141 11 11 177 7 172 7 168 8 162 8 157 9 153 9 150 10 146 11 144 12 138 141 143 145 123 127 130 133 135 137 134 136 >12 >12 >12 12 >12 >12 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 Beaufort Wind Scale ...... Average Velocity in Knots 0 143 145 147 149 150 152 12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 1 2 3 0259 4 13 See footnotes 5 19 6 24 on first page of this Table 7 30 8 37 9 44 112 167 >12 171 171 172 172 173 173 180 180 180 180 10 11 180 180 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 >12 > 12 >12 -12 >12 >12 10 11 12 52 60 -68