The Glenville Mercury 1 AJID IWoiii<D YOU o T'll•n ll ..,w,_ Official Weekly Student Publication of Glenville State Teachera CoUege Helen Hearo? r ruBE ACTIVITY CENTER fo~th Regi.atration to be: Held ;. In Lobby of Adminia.tration Hall, Friday Aaaual E,...t to be N.....,d Du..U.. Nest Few Dap ls PLANNED WNCHEON '1'WrtJ Sis. St~- T•• Sclaoohw_..a.,...........t Platta lor . ~tee-nc.h d(: lfD m('(.t,. l T o M1!'.&' Belen Heater of Weston goes the honor o! being the only g~rl tc quo.hfy !or th e c _,llege debating t c<lm this year M1rs ·Heater part1c. ~p~tcd roccntly 1n <"ontesu mth V. ay nE"Sbu rg Collejfe, here, and Salem College, at Salem. JOHN WEST DIES AT HOME. FEB. 21 Re;pstralion , s.cbeou ie d for Prid•J :n.ornmg Apnl 1 Wlll Utlce place in :he lobb~ of Adm;nl.stratlon Hall. arwl C.he aud1tonum wtll be U!t.'d for all I genera l ~I!SSJons. Thl.s however, will not mter!ere ~lth College ae~ lntJes and clas.sea Will be In session 'lS sch,eduled Earl R. Boggs, seeretary of the Roundtable, est:, natu that more ~tan 1000 teachen~, achool admini.stn.tora, and othet'$ will be here for the meet- Ri~es I ;r~::;,.~·says The new Gnll', A?other cam~ hono r ~~ to W1lha Tal~~n. of Reedy. "t~o" ho hu quAlified lor a por.t 10n on the Co lle;re de batinc te~. Lan !'n~l, Tat· t t-n~on was r;l~ed "P•onee. •"Ct prnidl'd over lhe annual bomf'~omlng festav1tle.s. He I$ a bratber of Eb.Je Tattenr.on, 110phomore, al\d n Tattenoo, A 8 '37 • ae n~l, PIJ'St..plau honnn the p3st yeRr in -1\ Beall, of Harris,;Ue, oration ; Berman Cueto, o f Victory, exten1p. .aneous SJ1eaking; Virginia Weaver, et Parker.;.burg, poetry interpretat. 1011; t'.ml William Lockhat, of Victory, .....e. &hools represent.t'd were Parkers· 'Dl'-g, Victory, Roo&e-\'t'lt.Wilson, ~ille, Unidis of West MiUord, Jrlanaville, £Lizabeth, Sand Fork, y and Glm,-ille. in Pearl Picken.!, principal of Bith Schoo), is Chairman- of dist.1·ict contest, which is held order to pkk contest:~.nt 9 wh~ WID compete in the Mate festi va l at Jlorcantown on Saturday, April 9. DE 8 AT 1 N c T R 1 p PLANNED C.U.ce Tea.n Ma,. Meet Morri•· Ha"eJ', Concord Student. Trips to Charle!ton :snd Athens aretplanned for the Colle.;e debat ing t..m U present an:angements r.Jaten:t.l1H De-nzel GI\J'!'ett Vork} Re x ~d and Helen He:\t~r •cco1npamed .,. lih» Kathleen Rohutson, mstntodor, Will go to Charleston, Thun-lia7, aDd at 8 p m, the College te:~m wil oppose the M? ms..H:trvey OJ!· fOlloent.!. The f.ollowing day, C.he .,eakers representing tl)! affinnative trill continue to Athens ~or a m eet wWl the Concord Colle:e debaters. r h loa - ~&.ncar- tn•om~•. ac~nl· 00 .... """ ""' ... ~ f'anners t!luto haTe no a~r1a l nam .. f or it, mint. but 1"0hJldter h a p~ 1t:a ftavo r b u ft110. latahle to livut.oc.k. ll....u.• I laO B.aJMu,. ........_...... n.,..... r•• ..,._. • f 5t.._t a ... , . C.•t -- BULL£T1 N I. -NOMINATIONS II.ADE. ~n.lll 11\L- e !M"tion ~ Ct! \ 'ori.,)" ft ,....,.....d, W t11W Till....._. an4 C~di n• C<~.n nl nc ...... )i......_ no'". ~tf'Ol UlA' r .-Uo• WlD I( ~ for (\tfk** on the ~ludrnl Co1lJWU. l"'n.!Jhh :a t., ("lllford Ga.rr• tt aft& Rk"· day tSpeeial lo the Mf! rcu ry 1 Salem. MU'C'h I.- An l nur~"l · S or:oe - The (oa n h ann ua l , .. borg under the auap•cr• of Alpha Student t.!.m n,tJ o !lku-. •ill ... Beta S~• "fl fnW!mll)' of Salt'm l~ol- h•ld April 12, a n l\oun·l &. 1....... in Clarbbu....,, Tuuday • ••ht, Ga rnn. pre~.ldt-tU o f Uie r ounr\L -~ -.. T be I«Uon \ Itt PJK \ft~ Karch 8, followinll' th t' collf';;'~ tt"<·; r. b;,· ~ r t'Carrt u.C'\nt7udln~ ~.,.aJd~N namcnt. Cu.notor,ham, Yilll it Tattuwli a.M lc~te danu will Me Mid in Clat\o;t ~eakers ;~·~::;.~:::;.~~;.~·:~. 7.:~:~· ;:; w~l. IJ t•'""' GARRETT ATTENDS PEACE MEETING Ill~• year. Oixus.zion of the J)l:in occuPied ntt.entitln of the Coul\C'il at a v-· ard Dr•r: ?lt-e Pfollide nt. Ka.lpt~Jica . dt-nb.tll and J oh:1 Rolll"n, t K1"f':Sa'7.,.rn c:r-6dud. a nd Su• n Sa.. IDOl'S ; J -' r\hn lhlldarfd E..rneW H WiD Spoa••r lo to,...CC>II•I"iato ,• . _: _ "-•ln•>I • O""on uoooldn•,•n<d""u~-,,, ~ ·- ___ ~;. ';~; ;:~"::~~;. :~~ ~~,~~~ ~EL~~:~:~~;.::':::::£~; :~:~·!, ;:~~~·, ~::~~;: :~~'£i J:lVC'I J'R&t tp:C•,,•, ,,~In < · Hl• "l\r~:e:tno•·h~h•b ~~~ COUNCIL SEEKS YEAR-BOOK FUND afte r an illness o f ten mo.nths. Dr. E. J . Wo.cfter, a nevhew, asaisted by ! ystem. ct.. .,_ inw to Dr. Bur'.. u a podlblto l.n'&t· "' ""t fo r ~uch •Jun di~.a at a d1 lrto'.s l oot. rlnlf 'fllonn flto'OMa~t a M imp e ti~to . The M tL plie b '"ad" 1 ..,h of the fou r e \'en ts \9ent rt.o lo nam e ~t. bli o betn c.rtd b)' Or J . 8 Bun. chalr mu of t.h~r St:bruka Unlft,..l J .,ha~r) dt"pa nme.nt. ing. ·Lut year, Mr. Bogys •aid, , Will Preaent Propou.l to Preai-e b a t e , extemporaneous there were 15 00 pen~ons who . atd ent E. C- Rohrbouah poetry interpre:t&tio'n and tendE."d on.e o'f l he .general St.UIOnll m Neat Few Da1 • will be name<l soon. Final Held Wedn':"day; at loud pro-The put year thil"ly-six st udents Bunal at Otterbein bably wll be insta lled i n several The Stu.dent Council btrlleving tD-. ko high achool~ panicipated in Cemetery that 8 C llr n. 1 1. class-rooms near the auditorium in :mt as :hor:z:..:.·.~."., ~,~., .,'m , .. ..," ,~ . . feeti\-•1 here. This y<!ar \':"ere F unera l se i"'Y ice-: were held Ja~t order to take care o! an overftow ._... "''' n ~t. are expecte d to send contest.-- W edn esday afternoo n :tt 2 o'clock audience at an)· of the genrral ses· a~ a thl etice and L)·ceum featu res, --- cuaaa.- FIVE ELECTIVE OFnct.U DC'• ~:~n~ A~:T p~&~"!e!k tt wu an- _., • ~. "'~ ' ., • N. . . . . . . . . . ham on Cornaa.ittee L.~ ln. :S E- b. , ! AlP l -A a.n. tiW!p-.if: dt:r : d frotn • "'"'C'..t ' '" lr ,..e.lem S ('b n._o ka farmc-n. d <:o rw 1 G/en,;Jie Sts. ~ TeAclleD Collt"'l:e will be hudqu:\rters foro t he Ce.n-• tr.!J vll"~Dlll RGundtable .. C..""'t roed, T•ttrrtOft., Neln·••U u ...... ._,.,l7'' • Dr B•rt MU. · AUDITORIUM aMuall Jic.rarJ" <rcmt.est. to be JseJd . . . on Saturday, March 19, weat. the pht week under ._ J(iu Kat.,leeen Ro· _ _Iiiii.... by !lin E. G Rolrr· 1 hiarh ..raoo1 NE W ANTIS £YTIC DI5COVE:R £.D P'rorsidtmt Public Acldreu Syue.,. M•J' Be I•· .tailed; Socia.! Acti•iti.,. Plaaned Hi•h ..... Lui: y..,. FOURTH ANNUAL STIJDOO BODY ELECTION WILL BE HFlD APRIL 12; TO MAKE NOMINATIONS MARCH I Willis Tarrerson FOR ROUNDTABLE SPEECH CONTEST ......" I ICOLLEGE WILL BE HOST TO ANNUAL a....,. B ,t 8d'a .._.... u... ,...... a t 10 L a - -- •ltl ottlC'enl, are rt!lltlf' ~ aeuctary, I"U• lh'a urwr, ~e ~~:~e:-c~~!:l~:d a~hde ~e,.::~ ~~ ye~ig!!:f'::: ::dr~':esm~t~~!te ~~~ ~~e~~;gr!:~~~:t !~!d:: t:e:l;; Col~::nc!e~r'::a~il' De- ~::lr:~::=~~~-·a:::a~d~·';~:~: o: the West home, .::~nd ~:~~~~~,.e':-n:rt ~:hl:s:.,_ ~::~;~~~ burin! \\'liS made :~i!~ea~~~~~~;.,.ill:~n1etery, dormitor y. Mr. West was born M:i)' II, 1856, ~::i:~e =·~Jist~:Y~~:r~e~~:alp~=~::t~: on Du~k Creek, in Harriso n county. Most of his life was spent in annual message; a ,p-~: ", :n '.ml'll Harrison and Gilmer Counties breakft&sl SatuJ'day mornll\g', ar:.d a witlh the exception of the period band -conce r ( Saturday aftern oon. ',,."'.,m • 1 8_7T9•~aa.t885 when his family wi~h,enn'~~i:ta~sit!:'c!':~ t~~';:;. 6 00 • His wife, Elizabeth Woofter, died ~n 1925: and was buried in the family !ol at Otterbein . There were si.x children, all of whom are lh-ing: W. C. West, student here in 1904, of Ha,wthome, Nev.; A. N. W est. of Glen-ville: Mrs. Ne\'3 Bin-s. S. N. 1908, of Parkersburg; R. R. West, of Chnleston; I rma L. W~t. A, 1906, •., r Gler;!e, o.nd Lye! T. Wut, a 1909, of CharleHon. Mr. West is also sunri\'ed by ten gnndchJ!dren One of these, Mary Leone West, IS a ~emor '" the Col· lege this year Virg'lma W est. • freshman I!' a mece I Two New Es.hllnh for ChemlllrJ' Day TI\O new exh1b1h for Chem1stry D a.y, to be ob~r.·ed he re April 8 :t.nd 9, v.·ere contributed the past week. They indut!e a testa coil, made by John R. Wagner. in-Structor in ph)•sic! and •-; atMmatics in the College, • · CZ...k'• Homo Noarl,. Complated and an exh:bit in glasA by t he West Oontn.cton~ e~ct to r:omplet.e Virgini:l Glus .Spec.iahy Com pany, .-ork on Mr. R . Y. Clark's i1ome this of Weston . wee\. Work ret to be c-Ompleted in.. - - - - < l -- ....._the ibP&IIing of ele-ctric light& · "Nothing can seem £ool Ito those ~the ~I' of ftoon. that win.'' S ma 1 II A d ' PI d W' h u •ecc:e eaae rt COI'lf~da.~v~ig~;"e on (Cy L M and E H ) Playmg ~election s from Baeb Hnn del, M o~:art, Niemann , and Lawrence James Robe rt Gillette and his Cham ber Ort"hestra appeared In the Col leg-e auditOrium Friday evcmng 81 8 15 o'dock as the second fe:Jture o f the Artlrts' Cour~e Lh!S senK"ster. The fit'S' half of the pro~am opened with SE.'lections, "Si'fon ia in B ftat m'ljor." and trio tor two violins :lnd viola; a ftute solo, Allezro from Concerto No. 2": aod "Q,,erture.' With the p]e,';~. " I will no t • o.p. port the seovemft'K'nt of tht' Un ltt:d S ta te.s i n anr war wh ich ft ' Mi}' un· d ert.ake o uui~e the n i t c d States and ~~ po!tlel!iion•. " W .-<~t Vi~n.~a collea-e atude nt1 cloM>d th•lr lnte.r-c:o llqiatt' peace ~onfel'd~e •t F"'oirmont, S.::J t urda)·. All •but two of th o~e pret.e nt at'• ?pted tbe pie~. and fiv e woted for the "Ox ford Pl t dKV' - " I will not upport tht' ,JOl t'rnmrnl of thP Unit· cd States in a ny war wh1ch it may undertak:c " Denz~l Garre-tt, roJJn.:Jtt nlAtlYe from!l' State T~ac hu.a o l lege, returned Sunda)· aJ t4tm OOn fm.,. t~ c:onf~rence and upon hi• •r· rival made thi! s - .. nt - "Ou t Wrst \'ir-ginia colleJe '< tUd"nq •n· fa.r more co nce rn ed about Jnt4:rna tiona! peatc tban 1 l':ver - u,!pect.ed It il my ho(>t' that ~och eoncem W~ll be ruid t'd sanrly t.o• .. rd!!o nfrl u •l np t~ cause! of war_" Contin uinC", hto declared "I did not, an d ne-ve-r will l!il lnl t.he ' Orl<> rd Pl~ r ~.' I am UN proud o f A· r~ m·a an d 'he f rt'edom enJO) ht'l't' t o sa y thaJ. I would not help dt f t' nd m)• own tf>u ntry• w"'-.:n du ty cal ls !IW'. " , The princ 1pal a ped:er at tht' con· feren c:e- W1l.! Dr. J e!l:'e Holmes. prof· enor of hi!llOry and re-llr:won a t Swa-rtbmo re Colle-xe-, "'' ho <'~"ed that a erpirit o f coope_rat.., n b duh· ution's eurut ~ean , o'f WI'V'IV1lL IWILL ENTER STATE I ---o--- SPEECH CONTEST CHAMBER MUSIC SCORES TRIUMPH I nour d ud nc • a:tudcnt liMit m('.t...- (By St.erl inQ" Cun.n incha m i E. G. Rah rf.ough :lnd ask thnt 11. per cen!. of tM lltudeat o.eth'iles fees be !'"et aside nnd earmarked for ye& pu~ No aetion can be taken on the mli.ttl!r until President Rohrboull'h retums from Atlantic Cit.'}', whU"e fie :1nd Mrs. Rohrbough n ro attending the sixty-eight 11nnu:~l meeting oof the Ame.r 1can As30el:t.tion of Sehoul Ad· nun 1 ~trators.. Denzel Garrett 1a prt'S'1dent o r tht> Coune1l and R E Freed IS the faculty ad•'Uier ·~ d::ly afternoon, April 1 • frcn: 4 until 6 o'clock. ~noC.h er so~ ial f~neti'on to be ht'ld m connec.tton With the meeting will be a C.lVIC club luncheon at the \Vhltmg Houst', Frtd:ly noon The .speaker "", 11 ~ Dr R. C Me· Kown, formerly of the educaton de partment of the Um\ersJty of Pitts-burgh. At State Meelin 1 theA~oc::~~lg ~~~ ;:ebe~::c;'!i:~:~ three panel discussions on the new state "Ho•pita ble Fancy" Will be Given b y Colleee in OneAct Play Croup. Glen ville State T eaehe ~ College l\,11 be 1 eprel:lented 1n the We-"t V1r gln 1u Inter-IColleg'late S!ieech feati \~ t:o be held 10 f s i1· --ont Mareh 3 1 a nd r\pnl 1 nnd !. announces MLM Kathl lcen RoMnson St uden ts from heh· vnll pa rt 1c1pate m the one-act pia) , extempon neou! !'J)eakJn; an!\ debate conuats. ~iss Ro be rtson W aelec.ted "llo~ pit.sble Fnncy", • dramatiz.ation o f R....bcrt Lo ui ~ Ste .., en~on'llo short story, "Sir~ de M-alE:trolt'!i Door," h the eollege's pl~y t>ntry. F or a cast she ~hh:~o~; ~~~ctef :hc:!::~.:n -::sl ~~: 1c~:s:~ ·~7.1::~: ;era~~~=~ro~t~~ ~ ~~~c~i:~th-Wl~~ b~•t:n•;.:::~;": r ~.t..... prelldu u, U!.,..~ of ..-&G• _ . be t l lofd tht. llflr+JII'. ""'" au~ ica lly h«-col'-. m•tnl·e n. .,f tlu• eo-. dl T IM t ruhm._n wi ll I«L • PN'I• d~ n t n•Jet taiL P,....-e.nt o fti corn IAf'l u\1 P,...d..t.. l)t-.el~oGan t t-; \ icf-'prt' lidL. Barnl!LL; nf'R'U r ), C•m•t ...... ttea-.u r~r. DI"QQU Sh"l'J."''ord i .,..._ ll'Unt -at-ann.\. CHf t.o n Hotr mu , ,..,.. ull y ad • uo~r. Ra,-mo nrt F; r,...; Hilh• C ottl~. •ton ,qr cl p ,.,.-~ ,.._: Ral ph )!U d ~t~n hall, Ju nklr r:la p,... ldt"n t , J am• Md t lllf' n "'lll., '"liON da.u pre WC!nt : ('Ja ~k Wol ff' , , ,_._ mmn du.• tJr..,.lrl rll t. Th 111 pnmary t'lo•<'l on o f t lw- ,... rear wu hf'fd .)l •rch 1 ~. a · ..,~a~& t 1me !50 ba Ua t• .-~ r~ ""•' Th~ t.narnwef!ll for ea.e't o m?~ PraL. Jdt nt. Dettt«l G.n"'i'IA. a nd N~ CaHaah•n; 'lc -Prhtdtont. J ol\n ...... ort t ~tnd :\t arjorit:: n d lod& ; ...n.tAl'). G anu1U fl•~ and H.«aort\'e , treUg'""'r, BroOioi..'\ S hop.JWi rd a nd Ru.-,..11 Pot"~"rll•ld ; .,..... tt" nt.-a t-ar-;"ru, ( U'' '•n lt " lf oan ... Lou1e•no In ! he r .r:ne n l Pie~ lon the . - , J" U :180 ballo t• "'P~n.tlrte ~ founh.J of lhe "-U.d ttnt 1W'J d1, .-nw cuL The pa-t l'louncll Pft'lrid•nt. aN: U ct>•d )t e t .,.ny , "J6-"36 : 8anh W. Cra.d doxk. J r • '38-'1'7 J.- I II SUb$Cribe for the Mereury w...- ChariN llubhrrd .I&J!td, nou-d ,.,.. :~o:=~~::nu~~d:;t~":at'~i= R . E . Fued Urges Preservation of Ideals tht' German «JmpoS'E.'r. M~nn. :.SUit,. John Bo~n~ky a'S " Sire de Mal,. of Washington and Other Great Americans :;::o~o:~;:~ a~~;~a:e:;~;;o~~: e~; ~::t~·;~e!~~n a:damNe:~~ "6::~; !: Electric O~an May Replace Piano, Says BJ".Iohn W lloWT"ey, h and unbending VIrtue. But t4 bu,ld :~~l~m dt' Lune" and "Poem Elq-~~~~~l:;n, Paal Collin• Will bt the Mr. Robert Gillette ; Costs Only $)60() 0 •Until time shall btl boO mon!, • their state amid the angry Contliet AJI the !!otl ections were rec.ei\'ed IlK of tbe 1U'Og'r'Hs that our race hu of ~ion and prtoju.dice, to peace· enthusiastically b~ m~ re 200 h k~d were the. .bed ~ t.he veneration· to isfact ory go,·emment-thia is the fllute by Eleanor ~ i tt he! and ~he ... Immortal name of Washin~on , " very J'f't'atest. ser.-iee that a man can org-a~ !!'Oios .by Mr. G11lette. Lorra1nt> ,.ned Prof. Raymond E. f'Tt'ed In !"e'nder ma.n kind. But this also is IMan.J n.eau 1s t o be cc::rr:tnen~~td ! or . . .mbiJ add-ess We-dnesda)•, the glory of \Vashingt.on.'" bt'r excellent performanct' wtth tho -de in wisdom and viftue will be fully inaugurate a complete 3.nd sat· persons. Espec&llJY •••-'='-~~-···. juat on:f I John W. l! ov.-rey, Jr.. will repr-e· «:nt tht' Co~leg e in th~ er.emp.o r.~ (BJ 1.. W. and E. H.) -neons speak1ng contest. Contestan.t.!l ' 'Co m ~ on in C~rb, l '•r nothi nr t.g in d;obate will _b., D_.,nu\ Garrelt., be o f ," ..aid Jamet R ob<tr~ "':ft.len Reate r, \i orley Re~:~M ad, WI!·, o f t he Chambf:r Ope-rw Com hs Tatte r30n, .:~.nd Predenck Bell. pan y, when hr • • t wo repo ru-ra • P· proa.c:hior h·,,.., bnlu.tlnl'lr. prul'ii· d:~·e •!~;h ':~ Ge~;;e ~~::hi;:'~d~n "!~:~edde;:S o:: ~:~h \i:!~:~st ~eit o:~e:~r;po':: out. count1')• will s tand as e~erlss ti ng :~~;~ t;us~:e~ud~t~t:~la:~~ Ia ._.,.,. 110 th.e question "Of ,.._ don the cratnt'.ss of W' ash- ~~~ ~naist!" llr. Fn:ed pointe-d at <&hat '"mofrt pe.ople: think ftn:t oi. Ill .pablie M:rriee.--as c:onlmande r11111 ddef of oar army itt the Re volu · .......,. War, u ulftcer of . . Constitutional CoMention, ZLS ftnt 'Ptes:ident aad u the author . . t.ia.J' addrftll. But in th i$ WWda of .Georp William Curti'5 con~ this senift: 'To l•d a peo. Ia hTOhlitioa wiaely and SI)Cce. wh:la...t ..WUO. and without . . _ . bMhed lef ty ~e-_Diua .... . i~,;~?:.m:<:,:~a~rt,' .:.·:,:,. ~~7 ·y~v,",:::,".~_l ·"-•_'_'_•_________ •• ... ~ C W J:w. :u;:: ; : ~= am pus eat r : : ELI,o\S H. F_IS_H_E_R_o_l£5 5UNDA Y •.. {ou r me n and se\'t'n .-o men ~ all of Bod,. Found Ia Lillie K-....t... lli-r .,..; wbt •l! w~h·t> and young. I, Wroe.k Near c.& vision." DE 8 A T E. R S CO TO SALEM The body or Eli&s Ha!'Oid PUM r. Wa•tlia1toa' • Crtatae•• Teoted 41 yea.- , old, 10<'11 t ruc k dn\·er and Stnting that tht're wer e \'~ OU:S Helea Heater Oell.I•I C..rnott 'W orld War :q •_ten.n, 'W1! !oond about tests of greatnes.s to which th e gre~tRepreocn l Collere 1 :30 p.. m. }"'Htf'da:; in tht' Lrt"'J e ness of WUhlngton had been subK;ona wha Rj-.-er, nur G1lmu, abou~ jected Yr. Fr~e.d d~ l are d . ··J care Hele n Bea ter and De:nz:.t'l Carnt-t 150 feet belo•· t.he spo t he no t which 'o r these or an)• c:o th N acid w embers of th e affirmative dt!be.ting a.nd two o t.he.r pei"SSna ra, o~ r the te£t!l y"o u a pply to the ~rr e.::u n e ss o f tea.m, de baterl .u Salem Colle£t' the hill ! at~ Sgnday! Th t body .,.. "'"'a_••hington, b ite a r re< i ou~ diamond pMt T b ul"!.da)· e\·e niD jt at i :30 brought to :he M t G t'~ f'u At'Tal Parit ~- ill ~letgt' un blen11s htd fl lld un- ,'dock on the subjec"".., '' Rt'30h•ed'. lo r wher~ 1t will r emau1 u n.t 1l fant.arni s h ~d. " T ~ t t ht' Xa tional Labor ko ru; t:>: ra l a r1'1lngL• nts ..n> c~ p!-t"ad .Mr In closing hi$ retn3rk.! :U t. F'rcoed BNlrd llhould bi>. empowt'~d to em· F1• ht'r, who IS • nn·hed by bJ:J pa rS! " Ma)· we re-.d e<IH•:t tt- l\tlr:<el\'t':!l forte '\"OI IlDUr;.· a:-bittation " • Mr and Mro- G C F ~t.n. b i.• to th E.' W. y -to-d:ay pre!>erVIHit'n of ('!arence Edman, lfel~l n H olli nn-- l ~ f~. Jeanet!.e w ~:J.A!J r lShe-r. and thoAt' c h ara cte rist1~ :t. n.d idl'ab of 11.-or .h and Dona ld F ergusen repre~ ::hac- child rt''1, KErnu t. KenDeU. an d g-ood America nism so n ~blr e.xto mp li· entP-i Sal u r. Bett)'. u; a b ro: he.r o! Ru«l Fu ht.r, fit'd by ~ O Tg't' Wuhi ng ton . If Wl! ~h>~.S Kathlt't D RolK'r-..son .u tO'ft:- A B '3 i . do lhis--('OJUt' -.·hat m a )-- Amnka'!: pa n:ert lhs Heate-_r &nd and )lr. --~--tontinul!'d grt";atnt'M ti S!!::!.:l:-ed. " GafTt' t o Sal«111. Subkn"bt' for T b.t' lf t"Tr'_rr , Mercury-380301-1.jpg Jd r GtHcu e M id thal tJw: T.-7, r hkh u t.M: fti'Oit for tho C'b.&rabu Orelle!lolca. .h,a , tJ \ ' til lo boo a ~ IN CCt'..,.fu l on f' Tb. n"'poAJ ka• a.,.. pear...i 1n t •..-nt7•tYo ,.._.tea .._ tr .. u: booh d froM 0<-....,..r 10 e a&a ~'O~d ; . . : :. h: oU.J poeraonah t·r T he !nt« r'Vlt'- .. wa., UDtered U"O~JOd I ~:: e!~: :~~~.~..::::,n .:.~:~ J ~ oo!y two }'Un a h)' La ttnlU Ha mrr.o ::.d.. "Th1~ 1.6 t he 6ft! chao"!'be.r otthetlt"'l O"t' an dt:t:tri.C on:an. b a! u h n., ... "-«o~tunif P"P'Ola: 111 Philaddpl\a. .and 8-..a Jlll· phony Ore ' .t'll'-" •.a"td \f r G1Jie !.1• \\.,......, ~ •d •M· r r n"t 1-1• t hc:u~.rh' t, !:.• .-~;zld t!'"~ Tom«n>w , ,.,...,_,, c-;.;..z: -=~~ . ~ I T •u• J i-.&Jl T - .or.- o • <..lP" p..a ., c !'l ~ 111.-, ~ f't'-~ Fc '>ru ~ ry !Q ··nw rot a .. r: M~r · 1 F'eob'r.l.a-ry '::1 It ..~ "'rt,. J lr.·, r. vrlikh I r: <" t an)'~ ..,. U..u a rraJ"'d'lo, a od U eot &DJ' ,,.. Yebf"8.tJ711 4 d.t.ftk-oh &G pl.IJT ~ a.~~ ,. t.~ "'· ru nr.,. 15 .:.r"'Jmr.J L,. ~!6 u: •.n tl"...r 0:;:2' ~ !' rJi f"ltt'.n.o...7 ! \ It o ~ Ll t«.! a lWS - ta a! ~ C't ·~ pi ~ . •in.,- . ~ ~t.. \4' ~ • • 6; llf•n d • 7• !I a '; " '· r. ~ .••. " .." ...,.. •• ., ·'·" .• "' ::, ll u THE GLENVILLE MERCURY THE GLENVILLE MERCURY PubliMed enry Tue~ay by t."te Classes i~:~ Journalism of Gle nV'itle ~ : each.rn Coli~. E nt e-red at t!le post office at Gleaville, Wee$ Subscription price fo r 1938 M cent&. AU commu nicaticns should ba addressed to Tbe Editors Th~ '91rrm• •· u s6Cond chasro m!liJ ma.tter. «<IMYille M erC UTJ'. ' iiai;.."'A..;'~~~,;,;: C.IUto l'dii.Mn R.,.uuiMit>f C2 0 N " Ot.ON A \111:, N r;w YOII~ N , Y , I:OI I... IO · ....... • · LOI UUUJ•,•OO r . uclfCO THE STAFF IIIAN::::=A=G --:I-N G_E_n_r_To_R_s_ __ _ Jo~ w. cmtEF OF EDITORIAL STAFF SOCIETY EDITO RS . . . ~2~~s~ J'~~-: .... 1 Mowrey, J r., a nd J 'Ohn Ro,cren ........ Ma.ry Leone Wost . • Leah St:l.lna ker, Mary Alle n B~ J ame Woot:ter, ·Ernestine ADVERTISING MANAGER . . . . . HarTl$~;.;:: J;;:: :. Noel Bush Mercury-380301-2.jpg Paaen..n.e Much I, 1938. I SUBDUE STRONGST. VINCENT SUMMER'S TEAM HOLDS LEAD P IONEERS TAKE TRI -STATE HONOR COLLEGE TEAM HERE SATURDAY NIGHT TO. GIVE THEM THEIR 23RD STRAIGHT VI(lORY I Fr~ J eu Ca rver Prai£~s Locals in Sunda y luu_e of Pitbbur1b Sun-TelegTaph Stu-en, Hl•h P ola~ Ma. t .. traDl<u"l C..t.•.s Paul Collrrur.' lt:llm • on the put j •~ lc 0,-~, Mae~·· l.ef1#l.. U--24.. . Already wmner of Uto Wen \'iT·· Bore Mky'.a Ccate.t ia Nip and Tuck Af. fair Durin• Firat Half; Albert Lilley fini.A Lilley Hip Scorer SUBS GET INTO CU.a•ill•'• "B'~ WI•• T••r CU.but's Nort- " Y" Ca•e"' M to 31 Playing a next-to-last pmo of the .-.on, coll.-lll f&· iq' bukdball ~- o ne of the nation'• few f,e&ma, 11um· bled a llhlbbom St. ViDeellt Bearc:at ~ ,, before .n over . Jlow crowd. SacurdaT night. Tile tl'kulplt. tit6 Pioneen' 23rd eo....... wiD of , he r ear, w &! Gl_..,, ..ooad 'fidory o f .t he sea- Gle~ille an~ ~ ~ ..... . . - • Twck A•arr ........ the ftnt balf the cont.est ,.. a . . .ad-tuck daiT, the count - - - - - - - - - -......1111fnl' bands twi.oe b~re the .._... pulled away tbe T OURNAMENT, DRAWINGS ........ About m idwar in the period ....-me bad o btained fll 28-10 ad· Drnv.rif1;56 !or the state tou rna~. but the lba'Otlinr •Qata o•e:r· ment a.... announced a.rc· GlenY111c llaaled the W hlte W.ave, a nd went vs. !>lew Rwer, Shc~rd, bye; ,ia&o • temporsry 28-22 lead. J ust Salem \ "S Flllrmont; Con cord, b)·e ; tMifore the half ended, •however, the Jpper bracket. Pioneers turned on the heat and Dn vis-Elkins \ 'S West Libe.rty, were leading 32-25 at intermission. • Bethany ,n Pot o • 'i' u c State, Starting the final chapter fast, Alde:rso n-BToaddus, b~e ; Morrts.Gimtville &Oon incrc:u;ed its margin Harve}·, bye. to 39-27, a nd !~;th&t t ime on .t here - - - - __ fr~ ~tnhoo p 00.,•nboto: ~::1.~ boutooLilm ·, ~!~ 0 1 1 g~~~:il~e &d.van~'"'lt, • T he lineups: •.., ~- .. ~ ....... 10 Coaeh • mused a 6 1-43 (GG) llohrbough kept a string d substit.tea rumring into the tray, and it Daries · f wae against. this troupe tlnt the Ed- ~~~;:'n fc 'Ward• dan v•as able to eut down :;::~~": ~ Donos ·••m•• '" """" ...... """· ==~~~: ~ ~ G ' · '' ' ' 0 • 6 ···· 1 ••· 2 ·, • e careers apinll'l the Bi!ons. T his enti~ quintet j.oiaed the Pioneers in the Fall of 1934 and tULve contributed mueh to the c-! Glen\'illtl"s u n usually good c-a.;re r.:cord during thoat. t~re. Mar.tino and 1 Cottle h ar-e rtnde~ yocman SU\,CII: ~ ~s regular performers and 1n the capacity o{ reserves 'M = Wolfe and Bennett haH a l~ gl\C~ excellcnt su pport to the Piof'l,fer cause 1 Russell Hardman, loca.l sport mogul and veteran Pioneer t •mekeepcr wdl agam keep t1me for the Ltttle 'Ka n- Olea~ 1!1tournament w ha Valley to 8 8 - 22 10 G6 G. !F. T . · · · 6 3 16 ··· • • " PIONEERS BOOST SEASON'S SCORES D uring last week's t:hroee pmes, the P ioneers ec:Oftd 184 pointa to l>oost their se:&SOr:'s tally to •1434. Lilley was ~igh for the week 'with 57pointe.,increasing ~istotal to339. &o mano placed &eeorr.d, p m ering 38 marke n to extend his total to 171 for the .season. ·Martino aad ~;es were thi rd. a n.d foart.h, eolloc:ting 3~ a,n d 28 _po mts, respectivety. Individua\ acoru~,g~T~tste rc:,no~ : ~e IC : . .. 1ft perse-cution of .Chnst1ana 1t was nee- Marra e.ssary for t hem t o oper:lte secretly. Scott ~2' 1 3~ F. 71 fou~rhl ·~: ;: ~~~ !! 13 !! 16 38 16 wm tbe - - - - - - - - - - - F~~~~~N~~~N~C~:~,L~f:~,:~nit~yp~in~w~ao~a~fiah~.~~i LAD(~' SWEATERS Aaaorted Chocolates The New No Fancy Bos.ea SPRING STYLES No Paper Cupa · JUST . ..• , ~ure Delicioua RQ Candy Packed in a Plaib ~ JYe boa, aDd ao 1110d.teratel 7 priced. :J5c lb. THOMPSON'S REXAU STOlE DIAL 2101 Gleaville MidlaJld Compaay SPRING TIME Is Energy Time Allen-A Sale' FIRST QUALITY HOSIERY Save 20 Per Cent Saturday Last Day of Sale 69c - 79c - $1.09 ___"_u_a___:C:::L::O:.:T::H:..:I::N:G:..:C:.::O!::M:P_AHY Gte..rille, Wat VirgU.ia _ _ _ :.. · "" " " """ · • · · ~~ Mowrey , , . . . , 1t gftme of the Mulle.ns .,....... .. . 9 Hick. ? !! 2 SO 2 tO T E. A Ill UNDEFEAT I!D aa 41 --Pi•-""•• S•-"-r C••rt F- . n.n ..7 As a re!ult of <their .vld.oritf' ... .,. opponenl.s tlle pan WHk, the Rkb ul\d t he Pioneerdtt.s remain un~ feated in 1he Round Robin oa..~"t· hall circles. ln a pnae:t zce period Thnndlly ~·· ~ n ·nr cbe H1eks defeated the- G1'fen H••TM, l !J t<l 3, and the Pion~rtUI'a •:~.n poll InCl. c.\·er tlle Yellow J rH .. • et.A to win, 28 to 18. Thursday C\'tml ng or thi.a week tbe [ Nngy f'loorman , scored 18 to H icks and the P ioneerettes will mea g"'\'1!1 Collins one ._, ,ctory .a~;&m st to unh.i t~h t he unde feated tie-~ !three de feats Although. n ot w ell Stud~n ta tt nd facuky are if attended, the 1ntramura l l ~e atte nd . No ado'n'iasion will be Cb. games at-e ra;P'Idly becol.:UDg "big events of the e\·enin~· . P OOT attendance at the b0)'5 ca.mCI'J, how- : ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ toum~.l!ent-Riehwood p(unts Do YOU Know WILSOfl MOTOR CO. tramura.b. wateh next we e k' 'I MorcuTY . . Until then, goodbye and "ttlirty '' ... . Norman & Lamb CLEAPUNG It PRESSIJIC AL T E RINC It R£PA.lAINC aoealledaftert'be name of .the ! . - - - - - - - - - - - : butcher wbo " in\·ent.ed"' and popu-1 larized them throughout -Gennanr · ye.ars ago, one F rankfurter. They were introdu.eed into America by 1 ib>mig113llt.s who brought : with t hem ~eir eravinll' fo r this 1 Eat Meat Service Store . ... e~ _JI_ RUDD£LL ADV ERTISED SHOES FOR. MEN i count to students I, . are low every day in the week. Buy here and save the difference Moore's Food Store A. H. MOORE, Owaer PaulS. Moyers Ja actioo Route• S aaol 36 SHO P A T THE Bargain Spot G.le.rille, W , Va. of The Town Marc .. 3 , 4 ..... 5 Tbursd ay, Erlll.,y, S.- y Two Sbo•• Sat....... F, 2 A I •· - YOU CAN BUY 2\lz HOURS OF COMFORTABLE READING IN BED , With this I. E. 3. piD-it·•P uao, o..- RALSTON"Q 'NATIONAlLY I 10 per cent dis- OUR PRICES lemp for only I. G.A. STORE CO. We welcome your patronage l The Home T . 11moked favonte. 1 389 " 1n persons grafted in a serious 14 . COURT ST. ~.:::;;• (By Suton Wright) In •the baNMt :~~ !: ;~: ~~;~h;o,k;t, ;n;o;gl;~~;n;o;o;is;a;o;ri;m;o.;"-~ II has letters IXT U.S 1n Greek f?" n- Rco-=:ano . . ted ~bove a h!ue fish. The pa1nter MeMlille No F a.nci Ribbon 1 lntramurals toum1:~ent has given students there t he &t.ory ot P1a7u !i;y.first seeret Greek letter fra.ter- Lill~ . tbe fu-st Greek letter SO<:iet}·, d~=~tle'm~~~!~·al~:::n. n27~ . so t ha d Col message: "It's all rigdlot to get lbeat, ular Round· Robm pmes played by near a n ' • but don't bea.t )"''Urself."- Dem· the gir111. Y! ' . lS 1ege offioals Cllli.«Jicd the Al- p&e)·Un.til T uesday, its ''thirty." For further psrtieulars on the in- ~~:;:u ";;l•~o~iny~J:~'~..,~:: IX~~~L::,:~~·~h~; ~~~.:~.;:~.~ ;~:::t .! 1 ~ ;~ Wiloon of ~: :~':h,'" .~;::~: ~~~.~:: •;;::.:}Otho"' .. .... . ;~ ••n. ;:::._~re Go~.~·~· .' .:,:;•:; Chriroan• Tot•I. --;;;;; ~ ~ =:~~n !:',~:. ~~Ia~ nn.d all ---20 eon~erence 0 G -6 1 S1 0 2 Lilley Leada Quin~et With Total of 339 ; Davies ia Sec. 0 S 8 Ollld With 279 like in down t.ea'M, Tel~gnph an t:be paper's february TH E STANDINGS 27 ISSUe. . Tu.en w 1. Pet.. AJthou&"b the P•onee~ h.:we alwsys Summel'tl • . 3 0 1000 1 3 lK-en strong ~n~t'nc!e:rs for ~he CO\'• Bid.:d ... , . 'l&O 15 600 et ed honor, this tM fii"St Ume. Bohtmsk.r 600 t.h~y have a.ctually . b~~ a~rded it. K e~(' r . . . . 600 West. VU'glna Ka.mel . • ~ 0 v.:' ts the fif't~ that Glen,'11le ha.s , G iblon , • , • , ,. 1 !lSS v.on •n -the past SlX yu.n. Collin~ , . , . , , . , . , , 1 3 260 Mace , . , . ..,. 0 2 000 • THE IUC FIVE P l.,..,. c .. F .. T F. Shnve . .. , , •.... , , 18 39 ··· 3 ·· ·· ·· r"'d h.·o~~ Sectional ba!ketJball pendent cage be held at Spencor Mercbont.s, • portul.lg' tb.Noe ex-P1on- ~~cha~d· ~~ce:r explame~ that t~e _days_ of Roma n Whetsel~ · .· .. :. E ll,..eth. r::. 111'1:nt ~~IJit' ~~>enin~ ·~.,the rtl" 0 !5\nd ~e:r, 20 J e!llli sector. An alert PhHadelphUL Tribunal week, 27-22. So well did Summ.era' ca.mer.a:man &PJ:>eSrcd on the Beene af. tum play that it was nut t.o immoatcr the game, and snapped Rohr- sib\e to a 'v.lrd-lndi\'idut l ihonon entire aggregation. Robert Butch er led the attack, V1gnette of Sport : Here's a rec- ever, with niM poi nta . .. The viet.ord .fo r sb.te eolleges :to shoot at-- OT)" gave Summers a dean Tecord of Durmz the past eight f't'US Glenville\ thr~ WIM and no losses . Fred has won 91 conference games, 108lllC Shreve, t he fru hma n who bum NI n ine---Albert ("Abe") Lilley, we&r- llP the cou rt. recently to acore 2 7 mg No 27 Jersey, tallied exactly potnU, o&tlll le:t.ds " The Bt:r Fivt!" 27 ~mts agamsl St Vnu:ent--Gien· With 89 points ville s departing .e.en1ors, Cottlo, Pa ced by W1lham Whetsell, ColMutmo, Ma n-a, Wolfe, and Bennett, hns' team btioke mto the W!nrung plan to enter the Clarksburg mde- co lumn the paat week Wh~tsell, Glenv:~lle 0 tum t!; • tho:~".. ~ceeas Dou~h·a =~~~~·~~~;.~ ~.:::::: •Y~~:,;;.:is .:~;~h~~~ ·~~~~ t?.~ Tl'uslow Waldo, of .Eiiz.a.beth· Mr aDd Mrs. T . J . A . ld f ' : G&ra &nd Gn.ntavi\le; Paul F\Jiks of Weston · Winifrf!d White o I Bridgeport : ~~= Earl V..:ol!e a~d Guy Bennett will clenre~ away, e\·~ryoc.e apeed that eea.son, a n inspired Summenf team also fi nish their collegiate baskrib&ll GlenVille was eas1\! th& .c~ ~f the edced out Bicker:i five the r-st C I R L 5' ~: G a • Tri-6'0~ !This y~r'.s T Mueh and 12 Hardman, 6 forme-r ('Crs, reached the semi·f•na ls of the 11 0 eourt wu.a.rd unde r BIZ Gazette state cowt cannval, but 0 "'T - (56) :~~!: See ~ ~o·ell-de- tiUe:, und~feated c~ b;'a ltdm won <""er Ke:W.. 9 15 of the Pittsburyh Sun- er'a lht!, :! • , !:por'U edrtoT captains, Frank .Martino, guard.; and tuUt the Pioneers, but alter tb e Hillis Cottle, forw ard. :.rohn M, 417a ,. . ~ 1oke of • hectic cage batt!& bad Jn a preliminary game t.lie PionH'.J' Strosser f · · "B" tea~ smothered Tony Chabut~ I Bruner f , . . 4 1 9 Norto n "Y" ea.gers bY' a G4-3 1 .t ally. - - Wolfe, with. 24 points, and Musser, T otals 22 12 66 Jldtinr: 16 tallif'lllt, were the spar k· plDo lor t he ~ onde, while Sylvest.- GIVES CREEK LETTER STORY •• eollectin.g J 3 points, was o fo1;_ No~n. Ru niaa Paiater Sa • F int Frater7 During <their two-day invasio'J) of •it,. PI• Wa. • F'...J.. c the norlhem par. of the di~ric:t last week. the PionHTS trippe-d Bethany , Beloit Wi!.- (ACP ) - A R . .and smashN WayneSburg, painter 'who is doing murnb r emodeled· .c hapel of B eloit College A • • • i 1 tate's ·'~(! ~~ I r=~~.~,. :.·::.,. _:::.n ~.!,/';::':!· .··u~:...:'~:~:: ::::n; ;;;::~~:.:~:' ::,':.,',~;: I T otals · i~e:;n;ent .. 7 gam e, ten t3.t 1vely !K"heduled for this ~·eek. Altu the BE>th11ny pme o n W cdm!1day, the Pioneers h.a. \·e but four daya remainin;: before L he tournament during whieh t ime they can get 3 sen.·ed rest. The PioD~r"$ will open the q;-eet this )' e&r, o pposing Steve ~arrick's Golden Burs o! New Ri~r ::,t.ate /Coll e:e. Gler...-ille's recent 5 7-44 conquest ~~ Waynesburg to have ~wt !&nfl in the P.itt!lburgh area g-aga . Prior to the 'Jacket skirmish, mon o f them 3 i3 1Dawson, 'h.aa -been timing menville'e dropped a d•sheal"t.emng 24-22 battle 0 2 j borne eontesta for the past tweft t.o M~ntgomery-l'llote to intramural 2 61 d . ualified r: be eaptams !-lf you n eed a bi«h-seor· 11 4 . lent floor games, while Nath,, Brown It · -....-.Bruqer played best f'or St. Vin.- ~n!sg f.·.· Ma • J~bn del'$0n-dlroadd~ ~:.:!''::'G;::,~~;s ~::.~;,f, ~ t~~:',.:~~ ;:::.;::!'~~-::.~~ at:raJ.aobt W ' GJe.,;n.~u':;'~ "-"'• tell: copped the nesd:~y I Albert ("Abe") .Lilley too)t hlgh.::orin,e hon ors, 21 points oa ele•en b uckets and five f-ouls. !Jvans, Be.arcat fonrard, placed sec· ond an d was high for the losers with 16 marken. Rc:lomlno, llartino, and Ne w R iver S tate Y&. G len v ille.. The mighty P1oneEr ca;e dan. a!ler •bowling o ver 23 st.ra jzht t'oes in one of the most :rruelling court campaigns ever att.empt.ed by a Glenville team will c:losG it3 sr!Ason here Wedevening, ente.rta;;Knight's Bethan y Bi..;;ons. U the Pion· eer.s can scale this hurdle, the y 'Will g:i7t' Glenville. &n undef~ed sea:tOn - a rare a.chieVeT.tent m collegiate basketball society . The Bethany setto '111.1 \1 not only be the final contest !or the tum, but also the la.!-t se3sonnl garne for -::.s:.~ -'~""..: .... DOW woe 83 Glenville- gon.alon. snnoonecs I GAME eonf~rt'n<:~ basi:t't.~l Five Senior • to Finia.b Careers l.- tB MONONGAHELA SYSTEM Mercury-380301-3.jpg STRADER'S P ictureland T he.atw ar~-... KANAWHA UNION BANK Glenville, W ett Virl'lo'- w. v.. _P_~~e~F~u:u:r;::;:;;;;;;;~~~::;:::::::::::~~~;;;;:;:;::::::·r=H~E~G~L=E~NVILLE ISOCI flY~ CLU BSij)PmsoNALS] I I COLLEG E TEA PLA NN E D F OR V IS ITI NG TEAC HERS Club Preside n r I Plans for a t-~::a and rect>pt1on t~ be ~riven here on Fri ci3y, April 1, in honor or \ islting tc3chers who will be tte re for tbe Centul \\'t·sl \' u ...; n ::~. l Roundtable were. :~.nn ounced .his werk. T h<: U>3 will!)(' heiJ tn tl1e rt':rea· l ion. room of the ne w t'~rm1t" ry rr~m 4 un til 5 o · ~lock f~ llovdn! th e :~.fte r-~ noon ~reneral scss10n uf the Roundt.ab!c, Mhs l•.y Le f:' \Jyen and i\li Bess-~ ie Hnyd Bdl. or the Colle_;te facu!tl)' , are in cha.rgt' of 11rr.1ng-ement.s. the CaDterbury Clu:, at :. meeting 1 ;~:d;;~~~r ;_\'~i~n: L:;ra~~m at Stories told we re " The Lady or t he T iger," Frank R. Stockto n. by 1 3 Jo h.n Roa:er:s, and " A Ga la Dress," by Ge rald- C. R:~~-:;~u~: ---o--- I"d Aoppn',.','k~m odt--: 1yn ld3n0n~rso,·n"' P • r • on • 'Atte nd D a n c: e 10 0 0 c" .',', ,"., d"' .. " .... jeymnasil· ~. fro m 9:3 0 to 12 o'clock Saturday nig ht foll owi n'Z" th e Glen · villc~S~. Vi ncent bask ctb:~.11 ga me. Mr . e nd ~I rs. J ohn R. W aJPl e r were !'. E . chaperones. ... - -- •- - MRS. BOGG S A ND MRS . N. E : RYMER E NTERTAIN GUEST S J\.l r~. Ru ly rom, A. 9 . '36, A tea..cbu in the Gr:a. :to n s..~~,l~ . ·,\"'D"' 2 week1.u m L:il': 11lc. I 1 6~;' c~~l~er;;~~~: ~~:r~~~~~;lda::~~~ Dimmick~.-•.,- c -1.-b Pro•r•m Ohun::h and man)' of t he Ve ro n.l Mapel Hall gi rls at 1\ p3 rty t he ~ t Tu esday ni,th l, a t the home of ~l n. Boggs in Brooklyn . A fte r piny in:;- games the gToup enjoyed a $hnrt de\·otional p rogram . Ref reshments were se r.·ed to fifty g:u esu. WILL ADDR ESS P .·T . A . ME E TING, TH U RSDAY P.:T· A., 8 p. m., H igh School ~uditor1un 1. Marc hi, 8: College to urna me nt at Cla 1·ksburg. . March 14; Wo man 's Clu b meeting ...., 1th Dr. Charles A•:-rbler o f Wee~~:. V i rgi n ~.\ U niverl! it y as tbe spes ker. April 1; College T ea, rec reation r oo m o f ~he new dormito ry . April 1. 2 ; Cent ral West Virginia Round t! 1ble . Apri l I ~mist ry Dny. ter made up o r contributions of all membe r6 of the facu lty for u.;.e in ~nn eetion wit h Pioneer \;sits and In ot~-2-r wa y~. He:lrd th at 1n the fi l'!t :~emestcr_ out of ' oro t han 1800 _:rrade.!l gw e n the re w e re 72 F 's 20 I'll an d 8 E '.!l; . htt 170_ dass-change cards we re ~s ~u ed wh 1lc o~ ly te n hru.·c bee n wr 1t.' c '!, 50 :ar thi.!l seme!te r. ' . ~ns 1 dered plans, ~ouT:~es. :~.nd rae- ~~t~u~o: 6~e summer "Public instr.1ctio n shod.:l be the Crca\·cr Dimmick g&\'e a demons tra t ion lecture ~n " F ir e in WateT" a.t a meeting oi the Chemis t ry Club the pl-o-t T ui!"'Ei:l.y even in:;- in. ·,;he ph)'!'ics laboratory. Other nu "1bers on t he rrogTam in.zlu dcd 3 talk by J ames S:~.tlcrfic.:d 3nd a. de nl)nstr:ttion on " F ire" by Mr . .John R. Wa.gner, instru~to r on phy::ics an ti ma themati:-s. ~~;n~bjcct of govcm ment.''-Nap- 1cd: T: :r tenn to begi n - o- - - 5 Sa~~:~;iani;~~~on Eloise Thorne s pent the week-e.nd he r home in PalMti ne. Olive T 't=~ rne \·isitcd her parent!! in ELizabeth over the week-end. 1 Ro)• Mace SJH!fll the. week ~ n d a t I l'.·Lkt.r : . ._ lack, !lbove, a m!m- I Elz.a'b~th. W:!,n~-. ~~~:r!:~ School in Wide n for ma ny :,rears. Un· 111.n d _M rs. Ra ymon d E •. Freed . de r him ele ven te u hers who h.ave i\llst El ea nor C. Wh1te wa., a Sat.. bee n trained in the College. F cu·me r u r day dsitor in Clarksburg. G. S. T . C. studcnrts te.schi ng l l t he present :~. re: ) f n. Evelyn Elde r E l-. NEWLY EQUIPPED Jiot, s. N. ' 36, Lloyd Ell iot, A. B. ' 37, Mrs. Ru by Wc!lt fall Belt , A . B. ~!6~n ~~;a!.:~~ 4S. ~~~~·. ~;"NTr:!!~ ie B :~. ilt>.!, S. ;o.l . '27, M i Orela Hoi- Pool Room Opened • on Bridge Street NOTTINGHAM A FURR t~~; :!t:~s:~~"~i::::. ti ll- ~:::~:::~t_:.·~~~:::~-_.:~~·u~~~~·~a::::'~~:~_.: : ~~::':'~i:r::_B_•_;'_"J..::===="=~=..=·::"===~ T he Sta tr Educati'ln A!llt~ciatio n 1nec t in ~ wilt be hcl•l this ~ nr on October 26, 27 nnd 28. a week car- ~ ~ i e~· thnn t he C l ~r k sb u rg con ve nt ion, 1t. 1 announced tn t he cufTCIIl i1:1sae of t he Sc~oo l J ou m al. The Delegate A ~e mbly wi ll meet in Charll'"Ston, Wedne.!ldll)' e.1eni ng, Oct. 2 G, a nd the fo llowing forenoo n , Oct. 2i . The re = ; ; : = = = = = = = = = : : : 1 will be no S.t:t rday afternoon ee.'! :sion of the S. E. A. this yeAr. College Students! Let U 1 Ore as You Up W ith One of Ou" HAIRCUTS Fred Miller a.nd John Stalnake-r, Barbers Main Stre et Mc:'s Place Pool and 8i:l1iar.d• l - -·> Stores in All Soh O r mlu, Candy, Tobacco, Billiard., Pool - Principal Cities ' ----- IT'S ALWAYS TIME TO SAVE THIS BANK IS READY TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU S..nlri-1 Hol!l'a 9 A . M. lo 3 P . M . GLENVILLE BANKING 8 TRUST COMPANY ·, - c . u •• "' RA DI O HEADQU ARTE RS" For Rad io SERVICE TUBES BATTERIES AERIALS " I f lt ' a Ra dio W e H ave It" . ..gouJ/find MORE PLEASURE J O HN G I LBERT C AIN Di• l 237 1 . Clcui\1 ~ . was shopping in bl'a' of the Jlrog-ra~ .ct~ ·:nittee for Marjorie Ba rne tt s pent t he week~ the cl';"ltral Wut Vn·;m11 Rou n d· l'r..d :~.t her home i n Wh ee-lin:. table to be held here April 1 and 2. , MN. J F isher 1$ ill a t the ho me has bee n prinei pnl o f Widen High of her dau~ht e r and so n-in-la w, Mr. S. E. A . to Mee t Oc:t . 26, 27 , 28 GARRETT & GARRETT was in Glenville j t .:J t -~-- M rt. E:u·l Arbuckle o f Gle n\•il!c, and MiM Leb Wri 6ht, B st ude nt in the College, ~;11 be the .!lpenkeTs on the P.-T . A. J•ro!l" r!lm in the hi:;h aehool auditorium , Thursday night at 8 o'cle<:k. The:.• will m a ke s peeches on ·; ~due.ati on fo1' Spiritual Value:" Ot her n unfbc1-s on the progr:.m wtll be a .!O TI ':" , "~ l y T rib ut.e"; invoc3tion; a nd talk-5 on "Past. and Prese nt ~o iews o n RecrC!ation.'' 0 Butcher is teach1ng rnusic in the \\'irt Ce unty £~'tool:; Ru <~e ll Hog ue o r H nrTi s\· ill ~ wu a \•isitor he re C•\Cr the week-end, ~: ==~~::·n~ins~~i~': ::;~oU:~ !l::~o~ ~~nc:~~=~~'gio~~;; du~:~~n ~h~rne~~tr;o!l~em~:~~~iet- \\n·'~-cn d ~~ itor 1:1 Gl e n\i ~l(', • . .lllc J'.l C:.; " nt :h· wee.k('rc! he~l' wit h he r parQnt '· :\1 r. and )frs. Li!e J:~. : k . ll:'ry l B~;tche!r, of Elitabet.h, I ~~~:. ~. ":.~ks:ni~h 6:r" ~lc :, ;;~~- ~~~ But, u nlike the furme r j))an, no provisions v,;tl be m.lde f .)T mult1ole !l':· As.sembly 10 .:t. m .. Miss Be:r.:;ie B. tion!l. T he modified plan ....;u make BeJ J, £peaker; Ghm\;tle \'S. Beth&ny, possible the.l:o:dine- o r dl fin!! I ex;·:-· S Jl. 01 ·· gymnasiu;n. inat ions within four days. T h... nda,. Reported six new coursu 10 be i n- Jtut.h Ann:!hel Hull a nd Ern~stme Harri."<!n ....,ere voted , •e mb<:n hi:J in M.n.. E 1u·l R. Bogg.!l und Minutes of the facultj• meetin_l in Ro'" 101 tt 4 p. m. the pss~ T ues· d ay, enir.~: 1 he marria&e of l liss 8 ealr1ce A.5.'!LStont County Sup.erin tendcr.•. Cochran, S. K. '36, o! S utton, and l\hrvin Cooper and Princi~H!.I Earl F'ntnk Wol fe, forn1cr student, of R. Boggs of GJ('n\;!le Hi;;O S:-holJl Glenville. ha" been annour.ced , The \P ·•·nL.d /)la m, and mndc request.~ cNcm'lnr was performed at Oak-~ lf!r co-operation of· th(.> ColleJ,!:I' F3cl:~nd, ) let. , July 24 . '''·: i:- I'C' nncctilr. wi t~ tl1 e Central l\lr!!.. Wul fc is tea ching at M:~.p\c- \ Vut \'1r ginia Round Ta h](> mt•clmJ ton, Br!:-:ton C;;~unl:,-, :! r: I Mr. \Va lfc ILOt.e hcht here .>\pril land 2. i~ an ernplo}·e of the st at~ road co m. Ado pte d a modified plan or ~.old· n~·:oJsion in Gihnc:- Cou nt-y. Mr. nnd l'ng linn! ex:.minntions in. th {' College . :\Irs. Wol!e pla n to live in Glenville. l nauMI of u sing final recil.ntion r:~riods 3 1'. wns done at the el o~e of the P arker C. Black Tomorrow TWO NEW MEMBE RS · ,','~c o\nVnil•· 'n~."h'•mF.recman, "', Minu~:c~~t~~eetingl FRANK WOLF E. BEAT RICE COCH RAN ARE MAR RIE D Social Calendar ---·--CANTE RBU RY CLI... a ELEC T S Tuesday, March 1, 1938. MERCURY i'n Chesterfields mtlder beller taste W. Va. Mercury-380301-4.jpg