1. Lecture 9 : • Phase-space Lagrangian : Define Lph(q, q̇, p, t) ≡ p·q̇ − H(q, p, t) , (1) = p·[q̇ − u(q, p, t)] + L(q, u(q, p, t), t) . with Lph(q, q̇, p, t) = L(q, q̇, t) iff q̇ = u(q, p, t). • Modified Hamiltons principle : Sph stationary iff δLph ∂Lph d ∂Lph ∂H = − = − − ṗ = 0 , δq ∂q dt ∂ q̇ ∂q δLph ∂Lph ∂H = = q̇ − =0. δp ∂p ∂p (2) • Gauge Trans.: Introduce L2ph ≡ L1ph + Ṁ & M = −q·p. Then L1ph ≡ p·q̇ − H(q, p, t) . L2ph = −q·ṗ − H(q, p, t) . produce same equations of motion.•First (3) (4) •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit • Canonical Transformations : A transformation (q, p) 7→ (Q, P ) that obeys Hamilton’s equations of motion, with new Hamiltonian K(Q, P ). 0(1) Lph (Q, Q̇, P , t) ≡ P ·Q̇ − K(Q, P , t) . (5) 0 • Generating Functions : Sph[q, p] and Sph [Q, P ] must be the same, as they describe the same dynamics. Requires existence of F such that Lph(q, q̇, p, ṗ, t) = L0ph(Q, Q̇, P , Ṗ , t) + dF , dt (6) F can be chosen to be a combination of old (q, p) and new (Q, P ) coordinates F1(q, Q, t), F2(q, P , t), F3(p, Q, t), F4(p, P , t) . (7) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit • Generating Functions : (cont.) 0(1) (1) Type 1: F1(q, Q, t), Lph = Lph , L0ph = Lph p= ∂F1 , ∂q P =− ∂F1 , ∂Q K=H+ ∂F1 ∂t (8) 0(2) (1) Type 2: F1(q, P , t), Lph = Lph , L0ph = Lph p= ∂F2 , ∂q Q= ∂F2 , ∂P 0(2) K=H+ ∂F2 ∂t (9) 0(1) Type 3: F1(q, P , t), Lph = Lph , L0ph = Lph q=− ∂F3 , ∂q P =− ∂F3 , ∂Q 0(2) K=H+ ∂F3 ∂t (10) 0(2) Type 4: F1(q, P , t), Lph = Lph , L0ph = Lph q=− ∂F4 , ∂p Q= ∂F4 , ∂P K=H+ ∂F4 ∂t (11) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 2. Identity transformation The identity transformation is defined by Q = q, P =p. (12) Type 1 transformations, with generating functions F1(q, Q, t), do not include the identity because they assume Q̇ is functionally independent of q̇, which is manifestly false. Consider type 2 generating functions F2(q, P , t): Q= ∂F2 , ∂P p= ∂F2 , ∂q K=H+ ∂F2 . ∂t (13) Try F2 = q·P , (14) in eq. (13). This gives Q = ∂F2/∂P = q and p = ∂F2/∂q = P , which is the same as eq. (12). That is, eq. (14) generates the identity transformation. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 3. Example : Harmonic Oscillator Problem : Consider the harmonic oscillator with p2 H= + mω 2q 2/2 2m 1 L = m(q̇ 2 − ω 2q 2), 2 (15) with ω fixed. Idea : H is the sum of two squares → suggests canonical transformation f (P ) sin Q (16) p = f (P ) cos Q, q = mω for which K = H = f 2(P )/(2m). Solution : Trial F1 = 12 mωq 2 cot Q (17) Substitute into Eqs. (8), providing p = mωq cot Q, P = 12 mωq 2 cosec2Q (18) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit which can be solved, producing p = (2mωP )1/2 cos Q, q= Compare to Eqs. (16), yields f (P ) = √ 2P mω 1/2 sin Q (19) 2mωP , and new Hamiltonian p2 mω 2q 2 K= + = ωP 2m 2 (20) Equations of motion are thus ∂K =ω ∂P ∂K =0. Ṗ = − ∂Q Q̇ = (21) (22) If = 0, then Q̇ = ω, with solution Q = ωt + α, P = K/ω. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit Interpretation : Solutions for new and old coordinates: q √ 2H q = mω2 sin(ωt + α), p = 2mH cos(ωt + α) Q = ωt + α, P = K/ω (23) (24) (25) Relationship to Quantum mechanics : Replace K ↔ E and P ↔ N ~, with N the number of photons. Hence (Einstein, 1911), • E = N ~ω, the energy of N photons at frequency ω. • P = N ~ is a constant of the motion. That is, the number of quanta is conserved in the system. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 4. Identity-connected transformations Suppose we move continuously away from the identity among a family of canonical transformations parameterized by , say, such that = 0 is the identity. The generating function can be written in the form F2 = q·P + σ(q, P , t) + O(2) , (26) where the notation O(2) means a term scaling like 2 in the limit → 0, and thus negligibly small compared with the O() term. The term σ is called the infinitesimal generator of the family of transformations. Inserting eq. (26) in eq. (13) we have ∂σ(q, P , t) ∂F2 = q+ + O(2) , ∂P ∂P ∂F2 ∂σ(q, P , t) = P+ + O(2) . p= ∂q ∂q Q= (27) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 5. Infinitesimal canonical transformations Solve eq. (27) by iteration to give, up to first order in , ∂σ(q, p, t) + O(2) , ∂p ∂σ(q, p, t) P (q, p, t, ) = p − + O(2) . ∂q Q(q, p, t, ) = q + (28) Also, from eq. (13), K(Q, P , t, ) = H(q, p, t) + ∂σ(q, p, t) + O(2) . ∂t (29) This is again a mixed expression in the perturbed and unperturbed variables so we use eq. (28) to get an explicit expression ∂σ(q, p, t) ∂H ∂σ(q, p, t) ∂H · − · K(q, p, t, ) = H(q, p, t) + ∂q ∂p ∂p ∂q ∂σ(q, p, t) (30) + + O(2) . ∂t •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 6. Time evolution Take = δt. Now consider the choice σ = H in eq. (28). To O(δt), ∂H δt = q(t) + q̇(t)δt , ∂p ∂H P (q, p, t, δt) = p − δt = p(t) + ṗ(t)δt . ∂q Q(q, p, t, δt) = q + i.e. Q(q, p, t, δt) = q(t + δt) , P (q, p, t, δt) = p(t + δt) . (31) (32) Hence, the Hamiltonian is the infinitesimal generator for dynamical evolution in time. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit 7. Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Canonical transformations can be used to provide a general procedure to solve problems. Two possibilities are: • If H is conserved, then transform to a new canonical coordinates that are all cyclic → equations of motion with trivial solutions. • Seek a canonical transformation from coordinates and momenta (q, p) at time t to a set of new quantities, which can be initial values (q0, p0) at t = 0. That is, we want q = q(q0, p0, t), p = p(q0, p0, t) (33) Procedure : Insist that the transformed Hamiltonian, K = 0. Then ∂K ∂K = Q̇ = 0, − = Ṗ = 0 (34) ∂P ∂Q K is related to H and generating function via K = H(q, p, t) + ∂F =0 ∂t (35) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit Hamilton-Jacobi : (cont.) Using a type 2 generating function F(q, P, t), then p = ∂F2/∂q, and so ∂F2 ∂F2 H q, ,t + =0 (36) ∂q ∂t which is known as the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The solution of F2 is often referred to as Hamilton’s principal function, and labeled S. Equation (36) is a 1st order PDE in n + 1 variables. Suppose there exists a solution of form S = S(q1, ..., qn, α1, ..., αn, t) (37) where the α1, ..., αn are independent constants of integration. We are free to choose these to be the new constant momenta, Pi = αi. The F2 transformation equations (9) give ∂S(q, α, t) ∂qi ∂S(q, α, t) Qi = βi = ∂αi pi = (38) (39) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit Hamilton-Jacobi : (cont.) The constant βi values can be obtained by the initial conditions, by computing the RHS of Eq. (39) at t = t0 with known values of qi. Eq. (39) can be inverted to give q in terms of α, β and t. Differentiating the RHS of Eq. (38) and substituting gives p in terms of α, β and t. That is q = q(α, β, t) p = p(α, β, t) (40) (41) Hamilton’s principal function is thus the generator of a canonical transformation to constant coordinates and momenta. When solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equations, we are at the same time obtaining a solution to the mechanical problem. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit Hamilton-Jacobi : (cont.) We also note that and so dS = p · q̇ − H = L dt Z S = Ldt + constant (42) (43) If the Hamiltonian does not depend explicitly on time, Hamilton’s principal function can be written: S(q, α, t) = W (q, α) − at (44) where W (q, α) is Hamilton’s characteristic function. The physical significance can be understood by writing ∂W dW q̇i = dt ∂qi (45) •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit Finally, substituting Eq. (44) into (38) gives pi = ∂W/∂qi, and so Z dW = p · q̇ → W = p · q̇dt (46) dt which is an abbreviated action integral. 8. Lecture 9 : Summary • Identity transformation • Example application of generating functions to solve problems. • Identity connection transformation • Infinitesimal canonical transformations and time evolution • Hamilton-Jacobi theory next lecture : Example use of Hamilton-Jacobi theory. •First •Prev •Next •Last •Go Back •Full Screen •Close •Quit